
1936 lines
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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
translate german strings:
# game/new_project.rpy:77
old "{#language name and font}"
new "Deutsch"
# about.rpy:39
old "[version!q]"
new "[version!q]"
# about.rpy:43
old "View license"
new "Lizenz anzeigen"
# add_file.rpy:28
# add_file.rpy:28
old "Enter the name of the script file to create."
new "Geben Sie den Namen der zu erstellenden Script-Datei ein."
# add_file.rpy:31
old "The filename must have the .rpy extension."
new "Der Dateiname muss die Endung .rpy haben."
# add_file.rpy:39
old "The file already exists."
new "Die Datei existiert bereits."
# add_file.rpy:42
old "# Ren'Py automatically loads all script files ending with .rpy. To use this\n# file, define a label and jump to it from another file.\n"
new "# RenPy lädt automatisch alle Skript-Dateien, die auf .rpy enden. Um diese\n# Datei zu verwenden, setzen sie ein Label und springen sie aus einer anderen Datei dorthin.\n"
# android.rpy:30
old "To build Android packages, please download RAPT, unzip it, and place it into the Ren'Py directory. Then restart the Ren'Py launcher."
new "Um eine Android-Datei zu erstellen, laden Sie bitte RAPT herunter, entpacken Sie es und platzieren Sie es im RenPy Verzeichnis. Starten Sie dann bitte RenPy neu."
# android.rpy:31
old "An x86 Java Development Kit is required to build Android packages on Windows. The JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK.\n\nPlease {a=}download and install the JDK{/a}, then restart the Ren'Py launcher."
new "Ein x86 Java-Development-Kit wird benötigt, um Android-Packages auf Windows zu erstellen. Das JDK unterscheidet sich vom JRE, daher ist es möglich, dass Sie Java ohne das JDK installiert haben.\n\nBitte {a=}laden Sie das JDK herunter und installieren Sie es{/a}, dann starten Sie den RenPy-Launcher neu."
# android.rpy:32
old "RAPT has been installed, but you'll need to install the Android SDK before you can build Android packages. Choose Install SDK to do this."
new "RAPT wurde installiert, aber Sie müssen das Android-SDK installieren, bevor Sie Android-Dateien erstellen können. Wählen Sie „SDK Installieren“, um dies zu tun."
# android.rpy:33
old "RAPT has been installed, but a key hasn't been configured. Please create a new key, or restore android.keystore."
new "RAPT wurde installiert, aber ein Key wurde nicht eingestellt. Bitte erstellen Sie einen neuen Key oder stellen Sie android.keystore wieder her."
# android.rpy:34
old "The current project has not been configured. Use \"Configure\" to configure it before building."
new "Das aktuelle Projekt wurde nicht eingestellt. Verwenden Sie „Einstellen“, um es vor der Erstellung anzupassen."
# android.rpy:35
old "Choose \"Build\" to build the current project, or attach an Android device and choose \"Build & Install\" to build and install it on the device."
new "Wählen Sie „Erstellen“, um das aktuelle Projekt zu erstellen oder schließen Sie ein Android-Gerät an und wählen Sie „Erstellen und installieren“, um es zu erstellen und auf dem Gerät zu installieren."
# android.rpy:37
old "Attempts to emulate an Android phone.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down. Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button."
new "Emuliert ein Android-Handy.\n\nDie Berührungseingabe wird mithilfe der Maus emuliert, aber nur, wenn die Schaltfläche gedrückt wird. „Escape“ fungiert als Menüschaltfläche und „Bild rauf“ als „Zurück-Schaltfläche“."
# android.rpy:38
old "Attempts to emulate an Android tablet.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down. Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button."
new "Emuliert ein Android-Tablet.\n\nDie Berührungseingabe wird mithilfe der Maus emuliert, aber nur, wenn die Schaltfläche gedrückt wird. „Escape“ fungiert als Menüschaltfläche und „Bild rauf“ als „Zurück-Schaltfläche“."
# android.rpy:39
old "Attempts to emulate a televison-based Android console, like the OUYA or Fire TV.\n\nController input is mapped to the arrow keys, Enter is mapped to the select button, Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button."
new "Emuliert eine Fernseher-Android-Konsole wie die OUYA oder Fire TV.\n\nDie Contollereingabe wird mithilfe der Pfeiltasten emuliert, „Enter“ fungiert als Auswahlschaltfläche, „Escape“ als Menüschaltfläche und „Bild rauf“ als „Zurück-Schaltfläche“."
# android.rpy:41
old "Downloads and installs the Android SDK and supporting packages. Optionally, generates the keys required to sign the package."
new "Lädt das Android SDK herunter und installiert es. Generiert optional die Keys, die für die Authentifizierung der Datei benötigt werden."
# android.rpy:42
old "Configures the package name, version, and other information about this project."
new "Stellt Dateinamen, Version und andere Informationen über dieses Projekt ein."
# android.rpy:43
old "Opens the file containing the Google Play keys in the editor.\n\nThis is only needed if the application is using an expansion APK. Read the documentation for more details."
new "Öffnet die Datei mit den Google-Play-Keys im Editor.\n\nDies ist nur nötig, wenn die Anwendung ein Expansion-APK verwendet. Lesen Sie die Dokumentation für weitere Details."
# android.rpy:44
old "Builds the Android package."
new "Erstellt die Android-Datei."
# android.rpy:45
old "Builds the Android package, and installs it on an Android device connected to your computer."
new "Erstellt die Android-Datei und installiert es auf ein Android-Gerät, das mit Ihrem Computer verbunden ist."
# android.rpy:46
old "Builds the Android package, installs it on an Android device connected to your computer, then launches the app on your device."
new "Builds the Android package, installs it on an Android device connected to your computer, then launches the app on your device."
# android.rpy:48
old "Connects to an Android device running ADB in TCP/IP mode."
new "Verbindet mit einem Android-Gerät, das auf ADB im TCP/IP-Modus läuft."
# android.rpy:49
old "Disconnects from an Android device running ADB in TCP/IP mode."
new "Trennt Verbindung von einem Android-Gerät, das auf ADB im TCP/IP-Modus läuft."
# android.rpy:50
old "Retrieves the log from the Android device and writes it to a file."
new "Retrieves the log from the Android device and writes it to a file."
# android.rpy:240
old "Copying Android files to distributions directory."
new "Copying Android files to distributions directory."
# android.rpy:304
old "Android: [!q]"
new "Android: [!q]"
# android.rpy:324
old "Emulation:"
new "Emulation:"
# android.rpy:333
old "Phone"
new "Handy"
# android.rpy:337
old "Tablet"
new "Tablet"
# android.rpy:341
old "Television"
new "Television"
# android.rpy:353
old "Build:"
new "Erstellen:"
# android.rpy:361
old "Install SDK & Create Keys"
new "SDK installieren und Keys erstellen"
# android.rpy:365
old "Configure"
new "Einstellen"
# android.rpy:369
old "Build Package"
new "Datei erstellen"
# android.rpy:373
old "Build & Install"
new "Erstellen und installieren"
# android.rpy:377
old "Build, Install & Launch"
new "Build, Install & Launch"
# android.rpy:388
old "Other:"
new "Anderes:"
# android.rpy:396
old "Remote ADB Connect"
new "Remote-ADB verbinden"
# android.rpy:400
old "Remote ADB Disconnect"
new "Remote-ADB trennen"
# android.rpy:404
old "Logcat"
new "Logcat"
# android.rpy:437
old "Before packaging Android apps, you'll need to download RAPT, the Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool. Would you like to download RAPT now?"
new "Bevor Sie Android-Apps erstellen können, müssen Sie RAPT herunterladen, das RenPy-Android-Packaging-Tool. Möchten Sie RAPT jetzt herunterladen?"
# android.rpy:496
old "Remote ADB Address"
new "Remote-ADB-Adresse"
# android.rpy:496
old "Please enter the IP address and port number to connect to, in the form \"\". Consult your device's documentation to determine if it supports remote ADB, and if so, the address and port to use."
new "Bitte geben Sie die IP-Adresse und die Port-Nummer zum Verbinden ein, Beispiel: „“. Schauen Sie im Handbuch ihres Geräts nach, um festzustellen, ob es Remote-ADB unterstützt, und wenn ja, schauen Sie die Adresse und den Port nach."
# android.rpy:508
old "Invalid remote ADB address"
new "Ungültige Remote-ADB-Adresse"
# android.rpy:508
old "The address must contain one exactly one ':'."
new "Die Adresse muss exakt ein „:“ beinhalten."
# android.rpy:512
old "The host may not contain whitespace."
new "Der Host darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten."
# android.rpy:518
old "The port must be a number."
new "Der Port muss eine Nummer sein."
# android.rpy:544
old "Retrieving logcat information from device."
new "Retrieving logcat information from device."
# choose_directory.rpy:73
old "Ren'Py was unable to run python with tkinter to choose the directory. Please install the python-tk or tkinter package."
new "Ren'Py was unable to run python with tkinter to choose the directory. Please install the python-tk or tkinter package."
# choose_theme.rpy:303
old "Could not change the theme. Perhaps options.rpy was changed too much."
new "Konnte Theme nicht ändern. Vielleicht wurde options.rpy zu stark verändert."
# choose_theme.rpy:370
old "Planetarium"
new "Planetarium"
# choose_theme.rpy:425
old "Choose Theme"
new "Design auswählen"
# choose_theme.rpy:438
old "Theme"
new "Design"
# choose_theme.rpy:463
old "Color Scheme"
new "Farbschema"
# choose_theme.rpy:495
old "Continue"
new "Weiter"
# consolecommand.rpy:84
# consolecommand.rpy:84
old "The command is being run in a new operating system console window."
new "The command is being run in a new operating system console window."
# distribute.rpy:443
old "Scanning project files..."
new "Projektdateien werden geprüft..."
# distribute.rpy:459
old "Building distributions failed:\n\nThe build.directory_name variable may not include the space, colon, or semicolon characters."
new "Erstellen von Veröffentlichungen gescheiter:\n\nDie build.directory_name Variable darf keine Leerzeichen, Doppelpunkte oder Semikolons enthalten."
# distribute.rpy:504
old "No packages are selected, so there's nothing to do."
new "Keine Packages wurden ausgewählt."
# distribute.rpy:516
old "Scanning Ren'Py files..."
new "RenPy-Dateien werden geprüft..."
# distribute.rpy:569
old "All packages have been built.\n\nDue to the presence of permission information, unpacking and repacking the Linux and Macintosh distributions on Windows is not supported."
new "Alle Packages wurden erstellt.\n\nAufgrund von Zugriffsinformationen ist das Entpacken und Neupacken der Linux und Macintosh Veröffentlichungen unter Windows nicht unterstützt."
# distribute.rpy:752
old "Archiving files..."
new "Dateien werden archiviert..."
# distribute.rpy:1050
old "Unpacking the Macintosh application for signing..."
new "Unpacking the Macintosh application for signing..."
# distribute.rpy:1060
old "Signing the Macintosh application..."
new "Signing the Macintosh application..."
# distribute.rpy:1082
old "Creating the Macintosh DMG..."
new "Creating the Macintosh DMG..."
# distribute.rpy:1091
old "Signing the Macintosh DMG..."
new "Signing the Macintosh DMG..."
# distribute.rpy:1248
old "Writing the [variant] [format] package."
new "Das [variant] [format] Package wird erstellt."
# distribute.rpy:1261
old "Making the [variant] update zsync file."
new "Die [variant] Update-zsync-Datei wird erstellt."
# distribute.rpy:1404
old "Processed {b}[complete]{/b} of {b}[total]{/b} files."
new "{b}[complete]{/b} von {b}[total]{/b} Dateien verarbeitet."
# distribute_gui.rpy:157
old "Build Distributions: [!q]"
new "Erstellt Veröffentlichung: [!q]"
# distribute_gui.rpy:171
old "Directory Name:"
new "Verzeichnisname:"
# distribute_gui.rpy:175
old "Executable Name:"
new "Programmdateiname:"
# distribute_gui.rpy:185
old "Actions:"
new "Aktionen:"
# distribute_gui.rpy:193
old "Edit options.rpy"
new "options.rpy bearbeiten"
# distribute_gui.rpy:194
old "Add from clauses to calls, once"
new "Add from clauses to calls, once"
# distribute_gui.rpy:195
old "Refresh"
new "Aktualisieren"
# distribute_gui.rpy:199
old "Upload to"
new "Upload to"
# distribute_gui.rpy:215
old "Build Packages:"
new "Packages erstellen:"
# distribute_gui.rpy:234
old "Options:"
new "Optionen:"
# distribute_gui.rpy:239
old "Build Updates"
new "Aktualisierungen erstellen"
# distribute_gui.rpy:241
old "Add from clauses to calls"
new "Add from clauses to calls"
# distribute_gui.rpy:242
old "Force Recompile"
new "Neu kompilieren"
# distribute_gui.rpy:246
old "Build"
new "Erstellen"
# distribute_gui.rpy:250
old "Adding from clauses to call statements that do not have them."
new "Adding from clauses to call statements that do not have them."
# distribute_gui.rpy:271
old "Errors were detected when running the project. Please ensure the project runs without errors before building distributions."
new "Fehler wurden beim Starten des Projekts gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass das Projekt ohne Fehler läuft, bevor Sie Veröffentlichungen erstellen."
# distribute_gui.rpy:288
old "Your project does not contain build information. Would you like to add build information to the end of options.rpy?"
new "Ihr Projekt enthält keine Erstellinformationen. Würden Sie gerne Erstellinformationen am Ende der options.rpy-Datei einfügen?"
# editor.rpy:150
old "{b}Recommended.{/b} A beta editor with an easy to use interface and features that aid in development, such as spell-checking. Editra currently lacks the IME support required for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text input."
new "{b}Empfohlen.{/b} Ein Betaeditor mit einer leichten Benutzeroberfläche und Funktionen, die bei der Entwicklung helfen, wie eine Rechtschreibprüfung. Editra fehlt derzeit die Eingabemethode, die für Chinesisch, Japanisch und Koreanisch benötigt wird."
# editor.rpy:151
old "{b}Recommended.{/b} A beta editor with an easy to use interface and features that aid in development, such as spell-checking. Editra currently lacks the IME support required for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text input. On Linux, Editra requires wxPython."
new "{b}Empfohlen.{/b} Ein Betaeditor mit einer leichten Benutzeroberfläche und Funktionen, die bei der Entwicklung helfen, wie eine Rechtschreibprüfung. Editra fehlt derzeit die Eingabemethode, die für Chinesisch, Japanisch und Koreanisch benötigt wird. Unter Linux benötigt Editra wxPython."
# editor.rpy:167
old "This may have occured because wxPython is not installed on this system."
new "Dies ist vermutlich passiert, weil wxPython nicht auf Ihrem System installiert ist."
# editor.rpy:169
old "Up to 22 MB download required."
new "Etwa 22 MB benötigt."
# editor.rpy:182
old "A mature editor that requires Java."
new "Ein fortgeschrittener Editor, der Java benötigt."
# editor.rpy:182
old "1.8 MB download required."
new "1,8 MB benötigt."
# editor.rpy:182
old "This may have occured because Java is not installed on this system."
new "Dies ist vermutlich passiert, weil Java nicht auf Ihrem System installiert ist."
# editor.rpy:191
old "Invokes the editor your operating system has associated with .rpy files."
new "Startet den Editor, den dein Betriebssystem mit .rpy-Dateien assoziiert."
# editor.rpy:207
old "Prevents Ren'Py from opening a text editor."
new "Verhindert, dass RenPy einen Texteditor öffnet."
# editor.rpy:359
old "An exception occured while launching the text editor:\n[exception!q]"
new "Ein Fehler ist beim Starten des Texteditors aufgetreten:\n[exception!q]"
# editor.rpy:457
old "Select Editor"
new "Editor auswählen"
# editor.rpy:472
old "A text editor is the program you'll use to edit Ren'Py script files. Here, you can select the editor Ren'Py will use. If not already present, the editor will be automatically downloaded and installed."
new "Ein Texeditor ist ein Programm, das verwendet wird, um RenPy Skript-Dateien zu bearbeiten. Hier können Sie den Editor auswählen, den RenPy verwenden soll. Wenn dieser noch nicht installiert ist, wird er automatisch heruntergeladen und installiert."
# editor.rpy:494
old "Cancel"
new "Abbrechen"
# front_page.rpy:35
old "Open [text] directory."
new "Open [text] directory."
# front_page.rpy:91
# front_page.rpy:93
old "refresh"
new "Aktualisieren"
# front_page.rpy:120
old "+ Create New Project"
new "+ Neues Projekt erstellen"
# front_page.rpy:130
old "Launch Project"
new "Projekt starten"
# front_page.rpy:147
old "[!q] (template)"
new "[!q] (Vorlage)"
# front_page.rpy:149
old "Select project [text]."
new "Select project [text]."
# front_page.rpy:165
old "Tutorial"
new "Tutorial"
# front_page.rpy:166
old "The Question"
new "The Question"
# front_page.rpy:182
old "Active Project"
new "Aktives Projekt"
# front_page.rpy:190
old "Open Directory"
new "Verzeichnis öffnen"
# front_page.rpy:195
old "game"
new "Spielverzeichnis"
# front_page.rpy:196
old "base"
new "Hauptverzeichnis"
# front_page.rpy:197
old "images"
new "images"
# front_page.rpy:198
old "gui"
new "gui"
# front_page.rpy:204
old "Edit File"
new "Dateien bearbeiten"
# front_page.rpy:214
old "All script files"
new "Alle Dateien"
# front_page.rpy:221
old "Actions"
new "Aktionen"
# front_page.rpy:223
old "Navigate Script"
new "Skript navigieren"
# front_page.rpy:234
old "Check Script (Lint)"
new "Skript überprüfen (Lint)"
# front_page.rpy:237
old "Change/Update GUI"
new "GUI anpassen/aktualisieren"
# front_page.rpy:239
old "Change Theme"
new "Design ändern"
# front_page.rpy:242
old "Delete Persistent"
new "Persistente Daten löschen"
# front_page.rpy:251
old "Build Distributions"
new "Applikation erstellen"
# front_page.rpy:253
old "Android"
new "Android"
# front_page.rpy:254
old "iOS"
new "iOS"
# front_page.rpy:255
old "Generate Translations"
new "Übersetzungen generieren"
# front_page.rpy:256
old "Extract Dialogue"
new "Dialoge extrahieren"
# front_page.rpy:272
old "Checking script for potential problems..."
new "Überprüfe Script auf potentielle Probleme..."
# front_page.rpy:287
old "Deleting persistent data..."
new "Lösche Persistent-Dateien..."
# front_page.rpy:295
old "Recompiling all rpy files into rpyc files..."
new "Recompiling all rpy files into rpyc files..."
# gui7.rpy:236
old "Select Accent and Background Colors"
new "Akzent- und Hintergrundfarben auswählen"
# gui7.rpy:250
old "Please click on the color scheme you wish to use, then click Continue. These colors can be changed and customized later."
new "Bitte wählen Sie das Farbschema, dass Sie benutzen möchten und klicken Sie dann auf \"Weiter\". Diese Farben können später wieder geändert werden."
# gui7.rpy:294
old "{b}Warning{/b}\nContinuing will overwrite customized bar, button, save slot, scrollbar, and slider images.\n\nWhat would you like to do?"
new "{b}Warning{/b}\nContinuing will overwrite customized bar, button, save slot, scrollbar, and slider images.\n\nWhat would you like to do?"
# gui7.rpy:294
old "Choose new colors, then regenerate image files."
new "Choose new colors, then regenerate image files."
# gui7.rpy:294
old "Regenerate the image files using the colors in gui.rpy."
new "Regenerate the image files using the colors in gui.rpy."
# gui7.rpy:314
# gui7.rpy:314
old "Please enter the name of your project:"
new "Bitte geben Sie den Namen Ihres Projekts ein:"
# gui7.rpy:322
old "The project name may not be empty."
new "Der Projektname kann nicht leer sein."
# gui7.rpy:327
old "[project_name!q] already exists. Please choose a different project name."
new "[project_name!q] existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Projektnamen."
# gui7.rpy:330
old "[project_dir!q] already exists. Please choose a different project name."
new "[project_dir!q] existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Projektnamen."
# gui7.rpy:341
old "What resolution should the project use? Although Ren'Py can scale the window up and down, this is the initial size of the window, the size at which assets should be drawn, and the size at which the assets will be at their sharpest.\n\nThe default of [default_size[0]]x[default_size[1]] is a reasonable compromise."
new "Welche Auflösung soll das Projekt benutzen? Ren'Py kann Fenster vergössern oder verkleinern, aber dies wäre die anfängliche Größe eines Fensters und die Größe, in der Grafiken am schärfsten aussehen.\n\nDie Standardgröße [default_size[0]]x[default_size[1]] ist ein guter Kompromiss."
# gui7.rpy:389
old "Creating the new project..."
new "Erstellt neues Projekt..."
# gui7.rpy:391
old "Updating the project..."
new "Aktualisiert das Projekt..."
# interface.rpy:107
old "Documentation"
new "Dokumentation"
# interface.rpy:108
old "Ren'Py Website"
new "RenPy Webseite"
# interface.rpy:109
old "Ren'Py Games List"
new "RenPy Spieleliste"
# interface.rpy:117
old "update"
new "Aktualisieren"
# interface.rpy:119
old "preferences"
new "Einstellungen"
# interface.rpy:120
old "quit"
new "Beenden"
# interface.rpy:232
old "Due to package format limitations, non-ASCII file and directory names are not allowed."
new "Aufgrund von Formateinschränkungen sind nicht-ASCII Datei- und Verzeichnisnamen nicht erlaubt."
# interface.rpy:327
old "ERROR"
new "FEHLER"
# interface.rpy:356
old "While [what!qt], an error occured:"
new "Während [what!qt] ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"
# interface.rpy:356
old "[exception!q]"
new "[exception!q]"
# interface.rpy:375
old "Text input may not contain the {{ or [[ characters."
new "Die Texteingabe darf keine {{ oder [[ enthalten."
# interface.rpy:380
old "File and directory names may not contain / or \\."
new "Datei- und Verzeichnisnamen dürfen keine / oder \\ enthalten."
# interface.rpy:386
old "File and directory names must consist of ASCII characters."
new "Datei- und Verzeichnisnamen müssen aus ASCII-Buchstaben bestehen."
# interface.rpy:454
# interface.rpy:471
new "FRAGE"
# interface.rpy:484
old "CHOICE"
# ios.rpy:28
old "To build iOS packages, please download renios, unzip it, and place it into the Ren'Py directory. Then restart the Ren'Py launcher."
new "To build iOS packages, please download renios, unzip it, and place it into the Ren'Py directory. Then restart the Ren'Py launcher."
# ios.rpy:29
old "The directory in where Xcode projects will be placed has not been selected. Choose 'Select Directory' to select it."
new "The directory in where Xcode projects will be placed has not been selected. Choose 'Select Directory' to select it."
# ios.rpy:30
old "There is no Xcode project corresponding to the current Ren'Py project. Choose 'Create Xcode Project' to create one."
new "There is no Xcode project corresponding to the current Ren'Py project. Choose 'Create Xcode Project' to create one."
# ios.rpy:31
old "An Xcode project exists. Choose 'Update Xcode Project' to update it with the latest game files, or use Xcode to build and install it."
new "An Xcode project exists. Choose 'Update Xcode Project' to update it with the latest game files, or use Xcode to build and install it."
# ios.rpy:33
old "Attempts to emulate an iPhone.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down."
new "Attempts to emulate an iPhone.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down."
# ios.rpy:34
old "Attempts to emulate an iPad.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down."
new "Attempts to emulate an iPad.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down."
# ios.rpy:36
old "Selects the directory where Xcode projects will be placed."
new "Selects the directory where Xcode projects will be placed."
# ios.rpy:37
old "Creates an Xcode project corresponding to the current Ren'Py project."
new "Creates an Xcode project corresponding to the current Ren'Py project."
# ios.rpy:38
old "Updates the Xcode project with the latest game files. This must be done each time the Ren'Py project changes."
new "Updates the Xcode project with the latest game files. This must be done each time the Ren'Py project changes."
# ios.rpy:39
old "Opens the Xcode project in Xcode."
new "Opens the Xcode project in Xcode."
# ios.rpy:41
old "Opens the directory containing Xcode projects."
new "Opens the directory containing Xcode projects."
# ios.rpy:126
old "The Xcode project already exists. Would you like to rename the old project, and replace it with a new one?"
new "The Xcode project already exists. Would you like to rename the old project, and replace it with a new one?"
# ios.rpy:211
old "iOS: [!q]"
new "iOS: [!q]"
# ios.rpy:240
old "iPhone"
new "iPhone"
# ios.rpy:244
old "iPad"
new "iPad"
# ios.rpy:264
old "Select Xcode Projects Directory"
new "Select Xcode Projects Directory"
# ios.rpy:268
old "Create Xcode Project"
new "Create Xcode Project"
# ios.rpy:272
old "Update Xcode Project"
new "Update Xcode Project"
# ios.rpy:277
old "Launch Xcode"
new "Launch Xcode"
# ios.rpy:312
old "Open Xcode Projects Directory"
new "Open Xcode Projects Directory"
# ios.rpy:345
old "Before packaging iOS apps, you'll need to download renios, Ren'Py's iOS support. Would you like to download renios now?"
new "Before packaging iOS apps, you'll need to download renios, Ren'Py's iOS support. Would you like to download renios now?"
# ios.rpy:354
# ios.rpy:354
old "Please choose the Xcode Projects Directory using the directory chooser.\n{b}The directory chooser may have opened behind this window.{/b}"
new "Please choose the Xcode Projects Directory using the directory chooser.\n{b}The directory chooser may have opened behind this window.{/b}"
# ios.rpy:359
old "Ren'Py has set the Xcode Projects Directory to:"
new "Ren'Py has set the Xcode Projects Directory to:"
# itch.rpy:60
old "The built distributions could not be found. Please choose 'Build' and try again."
new "The built distributions could not be found. Please choose 'Build' and try again."
# itch.rpy:91
old "No uploadable files were found. Please choose 'Build' and try again."
new "No uploadable files were found. Please choose 'Build' and try again."
# itch.rpy:99
old "The butler program was not found."
new "The butler program was not found."
# itch.rpy:99
old "Please install the app, which includes butler, and try again."
new "Please install the app, which includes butler, and try again."
# itch.rpy:108
old "The name of the itch project has not been set."
new "The name of the itch project has not been set."
# itch.rpy:108
old "Please {a=}create your project{/a}, then add a line like \n{vspace=5}define build.itch_project = \"user-name/game-name\"\n{vspace=5} to options.rpy."
new "Please {a=}create your project{/a}, then add a line like \n{vspace=5}define build.itch_project = \"user-name/game-name\"\n{vspace=5} to options.rpy."
# mobilebuild.rpy:109
old "{a=%s}%s{/a}"
new "{a=%s}%s{/a}"
# navigation.rpy:168
old "Navigate: []"
new "Navigieren: []"
# navigation.rpy:177
old "Order: "
new "Reihenfolge:"
# navigation.rpy:178
old "alphabetical"
new "Alphabetisch"
# navigation.rpy:180
old "by-file"
new "Nach Datei"
# navigation.rpy:182
old "natural"
new "Natürlich"
# navigation.rpy:194
old "Category:"
new "Kategorie"
# navigation.rpy:196
old "files"
new "Dateien"
# navigation.rpy:197
old "labels"
new "Labels"
# navigation.rpy:198
old "defines"
new "Defines"
# navigation.rpy:199
old "transforms"
new "Transforms"
# navigation.rpy:200
old "screens"
new "Screens"
# navigation.rpy:201
old "callables"
new "Callables"
# navigation.rpy:202
old "TODOs"
new "TODOs"
# navigation.rpy:241
old "+ Add script file"
new "+ Script-Datei hinzufügen"
# navigation.rpy:249
old "No TODO comments found.\n\nTo create one, include \"# TODO\" in your script."
new "Keine TODO-Kommentare gefunden.\n\nUm einen zu erstellen, bauen Sie „# TODO“ in Ihr Script ein."
# navigation.rpy:256
old "The list of names is empty."
new "Die Namensliste ist leer."
# new_project.rpy:38
old "New GUI Interface"
new "New GUI Interface"
# new_project.rpy:48
old "Both interfaces have been translated to your language."
new "Both interfaces have been translated to your language."
# new_project.rpy:50
old "Only the new GUI has been translated to your language."
new "Only the new GUI has been translated to your language."
# new_project.rpy:52
old "Only the legacy theme interface has been translated to your language."
new "Only the legacy theme interface has been translated to your language."
# new_project.rpy:54
old "Neither interface has been translated to your language."
new "Neither interface has been translated to your language."
# new_project.rpy:63
old "The projects directory could not be set. Giving up."
new "Das Projektverzeichnis konnte nicht festgelegt werden."
# new_project.rpy:69
old "Which interface would you like to use? The new GUI has a modern look, supports wide screens and mobile devices, and is easier to customize. Legacy themes might be necessary to work with older example code.\n\n[language_support!t]\n\nIf in doubt, choose the new GUI, then click Continue on the bottom-right."
new "Which interface would you like to use? The new GUI has a modern look, supports wide screens and mobile devices, and is easier to customize. Legacy themes might be necessary to work with older example code.\n\n[language_support!t]\n\nIf in doubt, choose the new GUI, then click Continue on the bottom-right."
# new_project.rpy:69
old "Legacy Theme Interface"
new "Legacy Theme Interface"
# new_project.rpy:90
old "Choose Project Template"
new "Projektvorlage auswählen"
# new_project.rpy:108
old "Please select a template to use for your new project. The template sets the default font and the user interface language. If your language is not supported, choose 'english'."
new "Bitte wählen Sie eine Vorlage für Ihr neues Projekt. Die Vorlage legt die Standard-Schriftart fest und die Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche. Wenn Ihre Sprache nicht verfügbar ist, wählen Sie bitte 'english'."
# preferences.rpy:64
old "Launcher Preferences"
new "Launcher Einstellungen"
# preferences.rpy:85
old "Projects Directory:"
new "Projektverzeichnis:"
# preferences.rpy:92
old "[persistent.projects_directory!q]"
new "[persistent.projects_directory!q]"
# preferences.rpy:94
old "Projects directory: [text]"
new "Projektverzeichnis: [text]"
# preferences.rpy:96
old "Not Set"
new "Nicht eingestellt"
# preferences.rpy:111
old "Text Editor:"
new "Texteditor:"
# preferences.rpy:117
old "Text editor: [text]"
new "Texteditor: [text]"
# preferences.rpy:133
old "Update Channel:"
new "Aktualisierungskanal:"
# preferences.rpy:153
old "Navigation Options:"
new "Navigationsoptionen:"
# preferences.rpy:157
old "Include private names"
new "Vertrauliche Namen einschließen"
# preferences.rpy:158
old "Include library names"
new "Programmnamen einschließen"
# preferences.rpy:168
old "Launcher Options:"
new "Launcher Optionen:"
# preferences.rpy:172
old "Hardware rendering"
new "Hardware Wiedergabe"
# preferences.rpy:173
old "Show templates"
new "Vorlagen anzeigen"
# preferences.rpy:174
old "Show edit file section"
new "'Dateien bearbeiten' anzeigen"
# preferences.rpy:175
old "Large fonts"
new "Große Schriftarten"
# preferences.rpy:182
old "Sponsor message"
new "Sponsoren-Hinweis"
# preferences.rpy:178
old "Console output"
new "Konsolenausgabe"
# preferences.rpy:199
old "Open launcher project"
new "Launcherprojekt öffnen"
# preferences.rpy:213
old "Language:"
new "Sprache:"
# project.rpy:47
old "After making changes to the script, press shift+R to reload your game."
new "Nachdem Sie das Skript verändert haben, drücken Sie Shift + R, um Ihr Spiel neuzustarten."
# project.rpy:47
old "Press shift+O (the letter) to access the console."
new "Drücken Sie Shift + O, um die Konsole aufzurufen."
# project.rpy:47
old "Press shift+D to access the developer menu."
new "Drücken Sie Shift + D, um das Entwicklermenü aufzurufen."
# project.rpy:47
old "Have you backed up your projects recently?"
new "Have you backed up your projects recently?"
# project.rpy:229
old "Launching the project failed."
new "Starten des Projekts gescheitert."
# project.rpy:229
old "Please ensure that your project launches normally before running this command."
new "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Projekt normal startet, bevor Sie diesen Befehl ausführen."
# project.rpy:242
old "Ren'Py is scanning the project..."
new "RenPy scannt das Projekt..."
# project.rpy:568
old "Launching"
new "Startet"
# project.rpy:597
# project.rpy:597
old "Please choose the projects directory using the directory chooser.\n{b}The directory chooser may have opened behind this window.{/b}"
new "Bitte wählen Sie das Projektverzeichnis mit dem Verzeichnisauswähler.\n{b}Der Verzeichnisauswähler könnte hinter diesem Fenster geöffnet sein.{/b}"
# project.rpy:597
old "This launcher will scan for projects in this directory, will create new projects in this directory, and will place built projects into this directory."
new "Dieser Launcher scannt nach Projekten in diesem Verzeichnis, erstellt neue Projekte und platziert erstellte Projekte dort."
# project.rpy:602
old "Ren'Py has set the projects directory to:"
new "RenPy hat das Projektverzeichnis verschoben in:"
# translations.rpy:63
old "Translations: [!q]"
new "Translations: [!q]"
# translations.rpy:104
old "The language to work with. This should only contain lower-case ASCII characters and underscores."
new "The language to work with. This should only contain lower-case ASCII characters and underscores."
# translations.rpy:130
old "Generate empty strings for translations"
new "Generate empty strings for translations"
# translations.rpy:148
old "Generates or updates translation files. The files will be placed in game/tl/[persistent.translate_language!q]."
new "Generates or updates translation files. The files will be placed in game/tl/[persistent.translate_language!q]."
# translations.rpy:168
old "Extract String Translations"
new "Extract String Translations"
# translations.rpy:170
old "Merge String Translations"
new "Merge String Translations"
# translations.rpy:175
old "Replace existing translations"
new "Replace existing translations"
# translations.rpy:176
old "Reverse languages"
new "Reverse languages"
# translations.rpy:180
old "Update Default Interface Translations"
new "Update Default Interface Translations"
# translations.rpy:200
old "The extract command allows you to extract string translations from an existing project into a temporary file.\n\nThe merge command merges extracted translations into another project."
new "The extract command allows you to extract string translations from an existing project into a temporary file.\n\nThe merge command merges extracted translations into another project."
# translations.rpy:224
old "Ren'Py is generating translations...."
new "RenPy erstellt Übersetzungen..."
# translations.rpy:235
old "Ren'Py has finished generating [language] translations."
new "RenPy hat die Übersetzungen für [language] erstellt."
# translations.rpy:248
old "Ren'Py is extracting string translations..."
new "Ren'Py is extracting string translations..."
# translations.rpy:251
old "Ren'Py has finished extracting [language] string translations."
new "Ren'Py has finished extracting [language] string translations."
# translations.rpy:271
old "Ren'Py is merging string translations..."
new "Ren'Py is merging string translations..."
# translations.rpy:274
old "Ren'Py has finished merging [language] string translations."
new "Ren'Py has finished merging [language] string translations."
# translations.rpy:282
old "Updating default interface translations..."
new "Aktualisiert Übersetzungen der Benutzeroberfläche..."
# translations.rpy:306
old "Extract Dialogue: [!q]"
new "Extract Dialogue: [!q]"
# translations.rpy:322
old "Format:"
new "Format:"
# translations.rpy:330
old "Tab-delimited Spreadsheet ("
new "Tab-delimited Spreadsheet ("
# translations.rpy:331
old "Dialogue Text Only (dialogue.txt)"
new "Dialogue Text Only (dialogue.txt)"
# translations.rpy:344
old "Strip text tags from the dialogue."
new "Strip text tags from the dialogue."
# translations.rpy:345
old "Escape quotes and other special characters."
new "Escape quotes and other special characters."
# translations.rpy:346
old "Extract all translatable strings, not just dialogue."
new "Extract all translatable strings, not just dialogue."
# translations.rpy:374
old "Ren'Py is extracting dialogue...."
new "RenPy extrahiert Dialoge..."
# translations.rpy:378
old "Ren'Py has finished extracting dialogue. The extracted dialogue can be found in dialogue.[persistent.dialogue_format] in the base directory."
new "Ren'Py has finished extracting dialogue. The extracted dialogue can be found in dialogue.[persistent.dialogue_format] in the base directory."
# updater.rpy:75
old "Select Update Channel"
new "Aktualisierungskanal auswählen"
# updater.rpy:86
old "The update channel controls the version of Ren'Py the updater will download. Please select an update channel:"
new "Der Aktualisierungskanal kontrolliert die Version, die Renpy herunterlädt. Bitte wählen Sie einen Aktualisierungskanal:"
# updater.rpy:91
old "Release"
new "Veröffentlichungen"
# updater.rpy:97
old "{b}Recommended.{/b} The version of Ren'Py that should be used in all newly-released games."
new "{b}Empfohlen.{/b} Die Version von RenPy, die für alle neuen Spielveröffentlichungen verwendet werden sollte."
# updater.rpy:102
old "Prerelease"
new "Vorveröffentlichungen"
# updater.rpy:108
old "A preview of the next version of Ren'Py that can be used for testing and taking advantage of new features, but not for final releases of games."
new "Eine Vorschau auf die nächste Version von RenPy, die zu Testzwecken und mit neuen Funktionen verwendet werden kann, jedoch nicht für Veröffentlichung von Spielen geeignet ist."
# updater.rpy:114
old "Experimental"
new "Experimentell"
# updater.rpy:120
old "Experimental versions of Ren'Py. You shouldn't select this channel unless asked by a Ren'Py developer."
new "Experimentelle Versionen von RenPy. Sie sollten diesen Kanal nur auswählen, wenn Sie von einem RenPy-Entwickler dazu aufgefordert werden."
# updater.rpy:126
old "Nightly"
new "Nightly"
# updater.rpy:132
old "The bleeding edge of Ren'Py development. This may have the latest features, or might not run at all."
new "Die allerneuste RenPy Version. Diese enthält die neusten Funktionen, könnte aber auch überhaupt nicht funktionieren."
# updater.rpy:152
old "An error has occured:"
new "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten:"
# updater.rpy:154
old "Checking for updates."
new "Auf Aktualisierungen prüfen."
# updater.rpy:156
old "Ren'Py is up to date."
new "RenPy ist aktuell"
# updater.rpy:158
old "[u.version] is now available. Do you want to install it?"
new "[u.version] ist nun verfügbar. Möchten Sie sie installieren?"
# updater.rpy:160
old "Preparing to download the update."
new "Vorbereiten, um die Aktualisierungen herunterzuladen."
# updater.rpy:162
old "Downloading the update."
new "Aktualisierungen werden heruntergeladen."
# updater.rpy:164
old "Unpacking the update."
new "Aktualisierungen werden entpackt."
# updater.rpy:166
old "Finishing up."
new "Abschließen."
# updater.rpy:168
old "The update has been installed. Ren'Py will restart."
new "Die Aktualisierungen wurden installiert. RenPy startet neu."
# updater.rpy:170
old "The update has been installed."
new "Die Aktualisierungen wurden installiert."
# updater.rpy:172
old "The update was cancelled."
new "Die Aktualisierungen wurde abgebrochen."
# updater.rpy:189
old "Ren'Py Update"
new "RenPy aktualisieren"
# updater.rpy:195
old "Proceed"
new "Fortsetzen"
translate german strings:
# game/add_file.rpy:37
old "The file name may not be empty."
new "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein."
# game/android.rpy:35
old "A 64-bit/x64 Java 8 Development Kit is required to build Android packages on Windows. The JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK.\n\nPlease {a=}download and install the JDK{/a}, then restart the Ren'Py launcher."
new "A 64-bit/x64 Java 8 Development Kit is required to build Android packages on Windows. The JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK.\n\nPlease {a=}download and install the JDK{/a}, then restart the Ren'Py launcher."
# game/android.rpy:38
old "RAPT has been installed, but a bundle key hasn't been configured. Please create a new key, or restore bundle.keystore."
new "RAPT has been installed, but a bundle key hasn't been configured. Please create a new key, or restore bundle.keystore."
# game/android.rpy:40
old "Please select if you want a Play Bundle (for Google Play), or a Universal APK (for sideloading and other app stores)."
new "Please select if you want a Play Bundle (for Google Play), or a Universal APK (for sideloading and other app stores)."
# game/android.rpy:55
old "Lists the connected devices."
new "Lists the connected devices."
# game/android.rpy:56
old "Pairs with a device over Wi-Fi, on Android 11+."
new "Pairs with a device over Wi-Fi, on Android 11+."
# game/android.rpy:57
old "Connects to a device over Wi-Fi, on Android 11+."
new "Connects to a device over Wi-Fi, on Android 11+."
# game/android.rpy:58
old "Disconnects a device connected over Wi-Fi."
new "Disconnects a device connected over Wi-Fi."
# game/android.rpy:60
old "Removes Android temporary files."
new "Removes Android temporary files."
# game/android.rpy:62
old "Builds an Android App Bundle (ABB), intended to be uploaded to Google Play. This can include up to 2GB of data."
new "Builds an Android App Bundle (ABB), intended to be uploaded to Google Play. This can include up to 2GB of data."
# game/android.rpy:63
old "Builds a Universal APK package, intended for sideloading and stores other than Google Play. This can include up to 2GB of data."
new "Builds a Universal APK package, intended for sideloading and stores other than Google Play. This can include up to 2GB of data."
# game/android.rpy:335
old "Android: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "Android: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/android.rpy:401
old "Play Bundle"
new "Play Bundle"
# game/android.rpy:406
old "Universal APK"
new "Universal APK"
# game/android.rpy:456
old "List Devices"
new "List Devices"
# game/android.rpy:460
old "Wi-Fi Debugging Pair"
new "Wi-Fi Debugging Pair"
# game/android.rpy:464
old "Wi-Fi Debugging Connect"
new "Wi-Fi Debugging Connect"
# game/android.rpy:468
old "Wi-Fi Debugging Disconnect"
new "Wi-Fi Debugging Disconnect"
# game/android.rpy:472
old "Clean"
new "Clean"
# game/android.rpy:569
old "Wi-Fi Pairing Code"
new "Wi-Fi Pairing Code"
# game/android.rpy:569
old "If supported, this can be found in 'Developer options', 'Wireless debugging', 'Pair device with pairing code'."
new "If supported, this can be found in 'Developer options', 'Wireless debugging', 'Pair device with pairing code'."
# game/android.rpy:576
old "Pairing Host & Port"
new "Pairing Host & Port"
# game/android.rpy:592
old "IP Address & Port"
new "IP Address & Port"
# game/android.rpy:592
old "If supported, this can be found in 'Developer options', 'Wireless debugging'."
new "If supported, this can be found in 'Developer options', 'Wireless debugging'."
# game/android.rpy:608
old "This can be found in 'List Devices'."
new "This can be found in 'List Devices'."
# game/android.rpy:628
old "Cleaning up Android project."
new "Cleaning up Android project."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:7
old "{} is not a directory."
new "{} ist kein Verzeichnis."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:8
old "{} does not contain a Ren'Py game."
new "{} enthält kein Ren'Py Projekt."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:10
old "Run configure before attempting to build the app."
new "Run configure before attempting to build the app."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:11
old "Updating project."
new "Aktualisiert Projekt."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:12
old "Creating assets directory."
new "Erstellt Asset-Verzeichnis."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:13
old "Packaging internal data."
new "Verpackt interne Daten."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:14
old "I'm using Gradle to build the package."
new "Ich benutze Gradle, um das Paket zu generieren."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:15
old "The build seems to have failed."
new "Generierung ist fehlgeschlagen."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:16
old "I'm installing the bundle."
new "Ich installiere das Bundle."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:17
old "Installing the bundle appears to have failed."
new "Installation des Bundles ist fehlgeschlagen."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:18
old "Launching app."
new "Startet App."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:19
old "Launching the app appears to have failed."
new "Starten der App ist fehlgeschlagen."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:20
old "The build seems to have succeeded."
new "Paket-Generierung war erfolgreich."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:21
old "What is the full name of your application? This name will appear in the list of installed applications."
new "Was ist der vollständige Name Ihrer Applikation? Dieser Name wird in der Liste von installierten Anwendungen erscheinen."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:22
old "What is the short name of your application? This name will be used in the launcher, and for application shortcuts."
new "Was ist der Kurzname Ihrer Applikation? Dieser Name wird im Launcher und für Anwendungsverknüpfungen verwendet."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:23
old "What is the name of the package?\n\nThis is usually of the form com.domain.program or It may only contain ASCII letters and dots. It must contain at least one dot."
new "What is the name of the package?\n\nThis is usually of the form com.domain.program or It may only contain ASCII letters and dots. It must contain at least one dot."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:24
old "The package name may not be empty."
new "The package name may not be empty."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:25
old "The package name may not contain spaces."
new "The package name may not contain spaces."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:26
old "The package name must contain at least one dot."
new "The package name must contain at least one dot."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:27
old "The package name may not contain two dots in a row, or begin or end with a dot."
new "The package name may not contain two dots in a row, or begin or end with a dot."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:28
old "Each part of the package name must start with a letter, and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores."
new "Each part of the package name must start with a letter, and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:29
old "{} is a Java keyword, and can't be used as part of a package name."
new "{} is a Java keyword, and can't be used as part of a package name."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:30
old "What is the application's version?\n\nThis should be the human-readable version that you would present to a person. It must contain only numbers and dots."
new "What is the application's version?\n\nThis should be the human-readable version that you would present to a person. It must contain only numbers and dots."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:31
old "The version number must contain only numbers and dots."
new "The version number must contain only numbers and dots."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:32
old "How much RAM do you want to allocate to Gradle?\n\nThis must be a positive integer number."
new "How much RAM do you want to allocate to Gradle?\n\nThis must be a positive integer number."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:33
old "The RAM size must contain only numbers."
new "The RAM size must contain only numbers."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:34
old "How would you like your application to be displayed?"
new "How would you like your application to be displayed?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:35
old "In landscape orientation."
new "In landscape orientation."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:36
old "In portrait orientation."
new "In portrait orientation."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:37
old "In the user's preferred orientation."
new "In the user's preferred orientation."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:38
old "Do you want to automatically update the Java source code?"
new "Do you want to automatically update the Java source code?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:39
old "Yes. This is the best choice for most projects."
new "Yes. This is the best choice for most projects."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:40
old "No. This may require manual updates when Ren'Py or the project configuration changes."
new "No. This may require manual updates when Ren'Py or the project configuration changes."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:41
old "Unknown configuration variable: {}"
new "Unknown configuration variable: {}"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:42
old "I'm compiling a short test program, to see if you have a working JDK on your system."
new "I'm compiling a short test program, to see if you have a working JDK on your system."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:43
old "I was unable to use javac to compile a test file. If you haven't installed the Java Development Kit yet, please download it from:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nThe JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK. Please make sure you installed the 'JavaSoft (Oracle) registry keys'.\n\nWithout a working JDK, I can't continue."
new "I was unable to use javac to compile a test file. If you haven't installed the Java Development Kit yet, please download it from:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nThe JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK. Please make sure you installed the 'JavaSoft (Oracle) registry keys'.\n\nWithout a working JDK, I can't continue."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:44
old "The version of Java on your computer does not appear to be JDK 8, which is the only version supported by the Android SDK. If you need to install JDK 8, you can download it from:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nYou can also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to use a different version of Java."
new "The version of Java on your computer does not appear to be JDK 8, which is the only version supported by the Android SDK. If you need to install JDK 8, you can download it from:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nYou can also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to use a different version of Java."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:45
old "The JDK is present and working. Good!"
new "The JDK is present and working. Good!"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:46
old "The Android SDK has already been unpacked."
new "The Android SDK has already been unpacked."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:47
old "Do you accept the Android SDK Terms and Conditions?"
new "Do you accept the Android SDK Terms and Conditions?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:48
old "I'm downloading the Android SDK. This might take a while."
new "I'm downloading the Android SDK. This might take a while."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:49
old "I'm extracting the Android SDK."
new "I'm extracting the Android SDK."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:50
old "I've finished unpacking the Android SDK."
new "I've finished unpacking the Android SDK."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:51
old "I'm about to download and install the required Android packages. This might take a while."
new "I'm about to download and install the required Android packages. This might take a while."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:52
old "I was unable to accept the Android licenses."
new "I was unable to accept the Android licenses."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:54
old "I was unable to install the required Android packages."
new "I was unable to install the required Android packages."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:55
old "I've finished installing the required Android packages."
new "I've finished installing the required Android packages."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:56
old "Please enter your name or the name of your organization."
new "Please enter your name or the name of your organization."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:57
old "I can create an application signing key for you. This key is required to create Universal APK for sideloading and stores other than Google Play.\n\nDo you want to create a key?"
new "I can create an application signing key for you. This key is required to create Universal APK for sideloading and stores other than Google Play.\n\nDo you want to create a key?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:58
old "I will create the key in the android.keystore file.\n\nYou need to back this file up. If you lose it, you will not be able to upgrade your application.\n\nYou also need to keep the key safe. If evil people get this file, they could make fake versions of your application, and potentially steal your users' data.\n\nWill you make a backup of android.keystore, and keep it in a safe place?"
new "I will create the key in the android.keystore file.\n\nYou need to back this file up. If you lose it, you will not be able to upgrade your application.\n\nYou also need to keep the key safe. If evil people get this file, they could make fake versions of your application, and potentially steal your users' data.\n\nWill you make a backup of android.keystore, and keep it in a safe place?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:59
old "Could not create android.keystore. Is keytool in your path?"
new "Could not create android.keystore. Is keytool in your path?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:60
old "I've finished creating android.keystore. Please back it up, and keep it in a safe place."
new "I've finished creating android.keystore. Please back it up, and keep it in a safe place."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:61
old "I can create a bundle signing key for you. This key is required to build an Android App Bundle (AAB) for upload to Google Play.\n\nDo you want to create a key?"
new "I can create a bundle signing key for you. This key is required to build an Android App Bundle (AAB) for upload to Google Play.\n\nDo you want to create a key?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:62
old "I will create the key in the bundle.keystore file.\n\nYou need to back this file up. If you lose it, you will not be able to upgrade your application.\n\nYou also need to keep the key safe. If evil people get this file, they could make fake versions of your application, and potentially steal your users' data.\n\nWill you make a backup of bundle.keystore, and keep it in a safe place?"
new "I will create the key in the bundle.keystore file.\n\nYou need to back this file up. If you lose it, you will not be able to upgrade your application.\n\nYou also need to keep the key safe. If evil people get this file, they could make fake versions of your application, and potentially steal your users' data.\n\nWill you make a backup of bundle.keystore, and keep it in a safe place?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:63
old "Could not create bundle.keystore. Is keytool in your path?"
new "Could not create bundle.keystore. Is keytool in your path?"
# game/androidstrings.rpy:64
old "I've opened the directory containing android.keystore and bundle.keystore. Please back them up, and keep them in a safe place."
new "I've opened the directory containing android.keystore and bundle.keystore. Please back them up, and keep them in a safe place."
# game/androidstrings.rpy:65
old "It looks like you're ready to start packaging games."
new "It looks like you're ready to start packaging games."
# game/choose_directory.rpy:67
old "Select Projects Directory"
new "Select Projects Directory"
# game/choose_directory.rpy:79
old "The selected projects directory is not writable."
new "The selected projects directory is not writable."
# game/choose_theme.rpy:508
old "changing the theme"
new "changing the theme"
# game/distribute.rpy:1217
old "Signing the Macintosh application...\n(This may take a long time.)"
new "Signing the Macintosh application...\n(This may take a long time.)"
# game/distribute.rpy:1674
old "Copying files..."
new "Copying files..."
# game/distribute_gui.rpy:157
old "Build Distributions: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "Applikation erstellen: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/distribute_gui.rpy:195
old "Update old-game"
new "Update old-game"
# game/dmgcheck.rpy:50
old "Ren'Py is running from a read only folder. Some functionality will not work."
new "Ren'Py is running from a read only folder. Some functionality will not work."
# game/dmgcheck.rpy:50
old "This is probably because Ren'Py is running directly from a Macintosh drive image. To fix this, quit this launcher, copy the entire %s folder somewhere else on your computer, and run Ren'Py again."
new "This is probably because Ren'Py is running directly from a Macintosh drive image. To fix this, quit this launcher, copy the entire %s folder somewhere else on your computer, and run Ren'Py again."
# game/editor.rpy:152
old "A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration."
new "A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration."
# game/editor.rpy:153
old "A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration.\n{a=jump:reinstall_vscode}Upgrade Visual Studio Code to the latest version.{/a}"
new "Ein moderner Editor mit vielen Erweiterungen für fortgeschrittene Ren'Py-Integration.\n{a=jump:reinstall_vscode}Visual Studio Code auf die neueste Version aktualisieren.{/a}"
# game/editor.rpy:162
old "Visual Studio Code"
new "Visual Studio Code"
# game/editor.rpy:162
old "Up to 110 MB download required."
new "Erfordert herunterladen von bis zu 110 MB."
# game/editor.rpy:175
old "A modern and approachable text editor."
new "Ein moderner und zugänglicher Texteditor."
# game/editor.rpy:187
old "Atom"
new "Atom"
# game/editor.rpy:187
old "Up to 150 MB download required."
new "Erfordert herunterladen von bis zu 150 MB."
# game/editor.rpy:200
old "jEdit"
new "jEdit"
# game/editor.rpy:209
old "Visual Studio Code (System)"
new "Visual Studio Code (System)"
# game/editor.rpy:209
old "Uses a copy of Visual Studio Code that you have installed outside of Ren'Py. It's recommended you install the language-renpy extension to add support for Ren'Py files."
new "Benutzt eine Kopie von Visual Studio Code, welche Sie ausserhalb von Ren'Py installiert haben. Installation der language-renpy Extension für den Support von Ren'Py-Dateien ist empfohlen."
# game/editor.rpy:215
old "System Editor"
new "System-Editor"
# game/editor.rpy:234
old "None"
new "Keiner"
# game/editor.rpy:341
old "Edit [text]."
new "[text] bearbeiten."
# game/front_page.rpy:165
old "audio"
new "audio"
# game/front_page.rpy:182
old "Open project"
new "Projekt öffnen"
# game/front_page.rpy:219
old "Web"
new "Web"
# game/front_page.rpy:219
old "(Beta)"
new "(Beta)"
# game/gui7.rpy:302
old "{size=-4}\n\nThis will not overwrite gui/main_menu.png, gui/game_menu.png, and gui/window_icon.png, but will create files that do not exist.{/size}"
new "{size=-4}\n\nThis will not overwrite gui/main_menu.png, gui/game_menu.png, and gui/window_icon.png, but will create files that do not exist.{/size}"
# game/gui7.rpy:333
old "Custom. The GUI is optimized for a 16:9 aspect ratio."
new "Benutzerdefiniert. Die GUI ist für ein 16:9 Seitenverhältnis optimiert."
# game/gui7.rpy:350
old "WIDTH"
new "BREITE"
# game/gui7.rpy:350
old "Please enter the width of your game, in pixels."
new "Bitte tragen Sie die Breite des Spiels (in Pixel) ein."
# game/gui7.rpy:360
old "The width must be a number."
new "Die Breite muss eine Zahl sein."
# game/gui7.rpy:366
old "HEIGHT"
new "HÖHE"
# game/gui7.rpy:366
old "Please enter the height of your game, in pixels."
new "Bitte tragen Sie die Höhe des Spiels (in Pixel) ein."
# game/gui7.rpy:376
old "The height must be a number."
new "Die Höhe muss eine Zahl sein."
# game/gui7.rpy:424
old "creating a new project"
new "creating a new project"
# game/gui7.rpy:428
old "activating the new project"
new "activating the new project"
# game/install.rpy:33
old "Could not install [name!t], as a file matching [zipglob] was not found in the Ren'Py SDK directory."
new "Konnte [name!t] nicht installieren, weil keine Datei im Ren'Py SDK-Verzeichnis mit [zipglob] übereinstimmt."
# game/install.rpy:79
old "Successfully installed [name!t]."
new "[name!t] erfolgreich installiert."
# game/install.rpy:114
old "This screen allows you to install libraries that can't be distributed with Ren'Py. Some of these libraries may require you to agree to a third-party license before being used or distributed."
new "Dieses Menü ermöglicht die Installation von Libraries, welche mit Ren'Py verteilt werden können. Manche davon benötigen die Zustimmung zu Drittanbieter-Lizenzen, um benutzt oder verteilt werden zu können."
# game/install.rpy:120
old "Install Steam Support"
new "Steam-Support installieren"
# game/install.rpy:129
old "Before installing Steam support, please make sure you are a {a=}Steam partner{/a}."
new "Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie ein {a=}Steam Partner{/a} sind, bevor Sie Steam-Support installieren."
# game/install.rpy:141
old "Steam support has already been installed."
new "Steam-Support wurde bereits installiert."
# game/install.rpy:145
old "Install Live2D Cubism SDK for Native"
new "Live2D Cubism SDK for Native installieren"
# game/install.rpy:159
old "Install Libraries"
new "Libraries installieren"
# game/install.rpy:185
old "The {a=}Cubism SDK for Native{/a} adds support for displaying Live2D models. Place CubismSdkForNative-4-{i}version{/i}.zip in the Ren'Py SDK directory, and then click Install. Distributing a game with Live2D requires you to accept a license from Live2D, Inc."
new "Die {a=}Cubism SDK for Native{/a} fügt Support für Live2D-Modelle hinzu. Platzieren Sie CubismSdkForNative-4-{i}version{/i}.zip in das Ren'Py SDK-Verzeichnis, und klicken Sie auf \"Install\". Ein game mit Live2D zu veröffentlichen erfordert das Akzeptieren einer Lizenz von Live2D, Inc."
# game/install.rpy:189
old "Live2D in Ren'Py doesn't support the Web, Android x86_64 (including emulators and Chrome OS), and must be added to iOS projects manually. Live2D must be reinstalled after upgrading Ren'Py or installing Android support."
new "Live2D in Ren'Py unterstützt keine Web oder Android x86_64 (inklusive Emulatoren und Chrome OS) Projekte und muss manuell zu iOS Projekten hinzugefügt werden. Es muss nach einem Ren'Py-Update oder nach der Installation vom Android-Support reinstalliert werden."
# game/install.rpy:194
old "Open Ren'Py SDK Directory"
new "Ren'Py SDK-Verzeichnis öffnen"
# game/installer.rpy:10
old "Downloading [extension.download_file]."
new "[extension.download_file] wird heruntergeladen."
# game/installer.rpy:11
old "Could not download [extension.download_file] from [extension.download_url]:\n{b}[extension.download_error]"
new "Konnte [extension.download_file] nicht von [extension.download_url] herunterladen:\n{b}[extension.download_error]"
# game/installer.rpy:12
old "The downloaded file [extension.download_file] from [extension.download_url] is not correct."
new "Die heruntergeladene Datei [extension.download_file] von [extension.download_url] ist nicht korrekt."
# game/interface.rpy:124
old "[interface.version]"
new "[interface.version]"
# game/interface.rpy:141
old "Ren'Py Sponsor Information"
new "Ren'Py Sponsoren-Information"
# game/interface.rpy:377
old "opening the log file"
new "opening the log file"
# game/ios.rpy:269
old "iOS: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "iOS: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/ios.rpy:379
old "There are known issues with the iOS simulator on Apple Silicon. Please test on x86_64 or iOS devices."
new "There are known issues with the iOS simulator on Apple Silicon. Please test on x86_64 or iOS devices."
# game/itch.rpy:43
old "Downloading the butler."
new "Lädt den herunter."
# game/navigation.rpy:168
old "Navigate: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "Navigieren: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/new_project.rpy:81
old "You will be creating an [new_project_language]{#this substitution may be localized} language project. Change the launcher language in preferences to create a project in another language."
new "Sie werden ein Projekt auf [new_project_language]{#this substitution may be localized} erstellen. Ändern Sie die Sprache des Launchers in den Einstellungen, um Projekte in einer anderen Sprache zu erstellen."
# game/preferences.rpy:106
old "General"
new "Generell"
# game/preferences.rpy:107
old "Options"
new "Optionen"
# game/preferences.rpy:227
old "Daily check for update"
new "Täglich nach Updates schauen"
# game/preferences.rpy:246
old "Launcher Theme:"
new "Launcher-Design:"
# game/preferences.rpy:250
old "Default theme"
new "Standard-Design"
# game/preferences.rpy:251
old "Dark theme"
new "Dunkles Design"
# game/preferences.rpy:252
old "Custom theme"
new "Benutzerdefiniertes Design"
# game/preferences.rpy:256
old "Information about creating a custom theme can be found {a=}in the Ren'Py Documentation{/a}."
new "Informationen über benutzerdefinierte Designs können {a=}in der Ren'Py-Dokumentation{/a} gefunden werden."
# game/preferences.rpy:273
old "Install Libraries:"
new "Libraries installieren:"
# game/preferences.rpy:300
old "Reset window size"
new "Fenstergröße zurücksetzen"
# game/preferences.rpy:301
old "Clean temporary files"
new "Temporäre Dateien säubern"
# game/preferences.rpy:308
old "Cleaning temporary files..."
new "Säubert Temporäre Dateien..."
# game/preferences.rpy:338
old "{#in language font}Welcome! Please choose a language"
new "{#in language font}Willkommen! Bitte wählen Sie eine Sprache"
# game/preferences.rpy:373
old "{#in language font}Start using Ren'Py in [lang_name]"
new "{#in language font}Beginnen, Ren'Py auf [lang_name] zu benutzen"
# game/project.rpy:280
old "This may be because the project is not writeable."
new "This may be because the project is not writeable."
# game/translations.rpy:91
old "Translations: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "Übersetzungen: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/translations.rpy:342
old "Extract Dialogue: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "Dialog extrahieren: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/translations.rpy:391
old "Language (or None for the default language):"
new "Sprache (oder None für die Standard-Sprache):"
# game/updater.rpy:64
old "Release (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)"
new "Release (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)"
# game/updater.rpy:65
old "Release (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)"
new "Release (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)"
# game/updater.rpy:69
old "Prerelease (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)"
new "Prerelease (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)"
# game/updater.rpy:70
old "Prerelease (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)"
new "Prerelease (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)"
# game/updater.rpy:77
old "Nightly (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)"
new "Nightly (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)"
# game/updater.rpy:78
old "Nightly (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)"
new "Nightly (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)"
# game/updater.rpy:107
old "The update channel controls the version of Ren'Py the updater will download."
new "The update channel controls the version of Ren'Py the updater will download."
# game/updater.rpy:115
old "• {a=}View change log{/a}"
new "• {a=}View change log{/a}"
# game/updater.rpy:117
old "• {a=}View change log{/a}"
new "• {a=}View change log{/a}"
# game/updater.rpy:123
old "• This version is installed and up-to-date."
new "• Diese Version ist installiert und aktuell."
# game/updater.rpy:135
old "%B %d, %Y"
new "%B %d, %Y"
# game/updater.rpy:214
old "Fetching the list of update channels"
new "Fetching the list of update channels"
# game/updater.rpy:219
old "downloading the list of update channels"
new "downloading the list of update channels"
# game/web.rpy:242
old "Preparing progressive download"
new "Preparing progressive download"
# game/web.rpy:277
old "Web: [project.current.display_name!q]"
new "Web: [project.current.display_name!q]"
# game/web.rpy:307
old "Build Web Application"
new "Web-Applikation erstellen"
# game/web.rpy:308
old "Build and Open in Browser"
new "Erstellen und in Browser öffnen"
# game/web.rpy:309
old "Open in Browser"
new "In Browser öffnen"
# game/web.rpy:310
old "Open build directory"
new "Applikations-Verzeichnis öffnen"
# game/web.rpy:332
old "Images and music can be downloaded while playing. A 'progressive_download.txt' file will be created so you can configure this behavior."
new "Images and music can be downloaded while playing. A 'progressive_download.txt' file will be created so you can configure this behavior."
# game/web.rpy:336
old "Current limitations in the web platform mean that loading large images may cause audio or framerate glitches, and lower performance in general. Movies aren't supported."
new "Current limitations in the web platform mean that loading large images may cause audio or framerate glitches, and lower performance in general. Movies aren't supported."
# game/web.rpy:344
old "This feature is not supported in Ren'Py 8."
new "Diese Funktion wird in Ren'Py 8 nicht unterstützt."
# game/web.rpy:344
old "We will restore support in a future release of Ren'Py 8. Until then, please use Ren'Py 7 for web support."
new "Wir werden Support in einer zukünftigen Version von Ren'Py 8 wiederherstellen. Bitte benutzen Sie Ren'Py 7 für Web-Applikationen bis dann."
# game/web.rpy:348
old "Before packaging web apps, you'll need to download RenPyWeb, Ren'Py's web support. Would you like to download RenPyWeb now?"
new "Before packaging web apps, you'll need to download RenPyWeb, Ren'Py's web support. Would you like to download RenPyWeb now?"