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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
translate schinese strings:
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:492
old "Press <esc> to exit console. Type help for help.\n"
new "按 Esc 来退出控制台。输入 help 来查看帮助。\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:496
old "Ren'Py script enabled."
new "Ren'Py 脚本已启用。"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:498
old "Ren'Py script disabled."
new "Ren'Py 脚本已禁用。"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:747
old "help: show this help"
new "help显示此帮助信息"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:752
old "commands:\n"
new "命令:\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:762
old " <renpy script statement>: run the statement\n"
new " <renpy 脚本语句>:运行此语句\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:764
old " <python expression or statement>: run the expression or statement"
new " <python 表达式或语句>:运行此表达式或语句"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:772
old "clear: clear the console history"
new "clear清除控制台历史记录"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:776
old "exit: exit the console"
new "exit退出控制台"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:784
old "stack: print the return stack"
new "stack打印返回栈"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:806
old "load <slot>: loads the game from slot"
new "load <档位>:读取该档位的存档"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:819
old "save <slot>: saves the game in slot"
new "save <档位>:存储存档到该档位"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:830
old "reload: reloads the game, refreshing the scripts"
new "reload重新加载游戏并刷新脚本"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:838
old "watch <expression>: watch a python expression\n watch short: makes the representation of traced expressions short (default)\n watch long: makes the representation of traced expressions as is"
new "watch <表达式>:监视该 python 表达式\n watch short简短表征所跟踪的表达式默认\n watch long按原样表征所跟踪的表达式"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:875
old "unwatch <expression>: stop watching an expression"
new "unwatch <表达式>:停止监视该表达式"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:918
old "unwatchall: stop watching all expressions"
new "unwatchall停止监视所有表达式"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:939
old "jump <label>: jumps to label"
new "jump <标签>:跳转到此标签"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:955
old "short: Shorten the representation of objects on the console (default)."
new "short在控制台中缩短对象的表征默认。"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:959
old "long: Print the full representation of objects on the console."
new "long在控制台中打印出对象的完整表征。"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:963
old "escape: Enables escaping of unicode symbols in unicode strings."
new "escape启用转义 Unicode 字符串中的 Unicode 符号。"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:967
old "unescape: Disables escaping of unicode symbols in unicode strings and print it as is (default)."
new "unescape禁止转义 Unicode 字符串中的 Unicode 符号,并按原样打印(默认)。"