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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00

# game/script.rpy:156
translate japanese start_0e6a5bb4:
# e "Hi! My name is Eileen, and I'd like to welcome you to the Ren'Py tutorial."
e "こんにちは私の名前はエイリーンです。Ren'Pyのチュートリアルに歓迎したいと思います。"
# game/script.rpy:160
translate japanese start_d3abb53c:
# e "In this tutorial, we'll teach you the basics of Ren'Py, so you can make games of your own. We'll also demonstrate many features, so you can see what Ren'Py is capable of."
e "このチュートリアルでRen'Pyの基本的な部分について教えて、あなたが自身のゲームを作れるようにします。私たちはたくさんのデモを見せるので、Ren'Pyでできることを見ていって下さい。"
# game/script.rpy:205
translate japanese end_b2482727:
# e "Thank you for viewing this tutorial."
e "このチュートリアルをご覧いただきありがとうございました。"
# game/script.rpy:207
translate japanese end_38362e36:
# e "If you'd like to see a full Ren'Py game, select \"The Question\" in the launcher."
e "Ren'Pyの完成したゲームを見たい場合は、ランチャーで、\"The Question\" を選んでください。"
# game/script.rpy:209
translate japanese end_02527d05:
# e "You can download new versions of Ren'Py from {a=}{/a}. For help and discussion, check out the {a=}Lemma Soft Forums{/a}."
e "Ren'Pyの新しいバージョンは {a=}{/a} からダウンロードできます。ヘルプや相談は {a=}Lemma Soft Forums{/a} を参照して下さい。"
# game/script.rpy:211
translate japanese end_c9d03136:
# e "We'd like to thank Piroshki for contributing my sprites; Mugenjohncel for Lucy, the band, and drawn backgrounds; and Jake for the magic circle."
e "私のスプライトを描いてくれたPiroshki、ルーシーとバンドを描いてくれたMugenjohncel、魔方陣を描いてくれたJakeに感謝します。"
# game/script.rpy:213
translate japanese end_762dc07a:
# e "The background music is \"Sunflower Slow Drag\", by Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden, performed by the United States Marine Band. The concert music is by Alessio."
e "バックグラウンドミュージックは Scott Joplin と Scott Hayden による \"Sunflower Slow Drag\" です。"
# game/script.rpy:217
translate japanese end_a634d396:
# e "We look forward to seeing what you create with Ren'Py. Have fun!"
e "Ren'Pyでの制作物を楽しみにしています。'"
translate japanese strings:
# game/script.rpy:11
old "Eileen"
new "エイリーン"
# game/script.rpy:56
old "Quickstart"
new "クイックスタート"
# game/script.rpy:58
old "Player Experience"
new "プレイヤー体験"
# game/script.rpy:59
old "Creating a New Game"
new "新規ゲーム作成"
# game/script.rpy:60
old "Writing Dialogue"
new "会話の書き方"
# game/script.rpy:61
old "Adding Images"
new "画像の追加"
# game/script.rpy:62
old "Positioning Images"
new "画像の配置"
# game/script.rpy:63
old "Transitions"
new "トランジション"
# game/script.rpy:64
old "Music and Sound Effects"
new "音楽と効果音"
# game/script.rpy:65
old "Choices and Python"
new "選択肢とPython"
# game/script.rpy:66
old "Input and Interpolation"
new "入力と補完"
# game/script.rpy:67
old "Video Playback"
new "ビデオ再生"
# game/script.rpy:68
old "NVL Mode"
new "NVLモード"
# game/script.rpy:69
old "Tools and the Interactive Director"
new "開発ツールと対話ディレクター"
# game/script.rpy:70
old "Building Distributions"
new "配布物のビルド"
# game/script.rpy:72
old "In Depth"
new "より深い機能"
# game/script.rpy:74
old "Text Tags, Escapes, and Interpolation"
new "テキストタグ、エスケープと補間"
# game/script.rpy:75
old "Character Objects"
new "キャラクターオブジェクト"
# game/script.rpy:76
old "Simple Displayables"
new "簡単なDisplayable"
# game/script.rpy:77
old "Transition Gallery"
new "トランジションギャラリー"
# game/script.rpy:80
old "Position Properties"
new "位置プロパティー"
# game/script.rpy:83
old "Transforms and Animation"
new "Transformとアニメーション"
# game/script.rpy:84
old "Transform Properties"
new "Transformプロパティー"
# game/script.rpy:86
old "GUI Customization"
new "GUIカスタマイズ"
# game/script.rpy:87
old "Styles and Style Properties"
new "スタイルとスタイルプロパティー"
# game/script.rpy:88
old "Screen Basics"
new "スクリーンの基本"
# game/script.rpy:89
old "Screen Displayables"
new "スクリーンDisplayable"
# game/script.rpy:91
old "Minigames and CDDs"
new "ミニゲームとCDD"
# game/script.rpy:92
old "Translations"
new "飜訳"
# game/script.rpy:129
old "That's enough for now."
new "今は十分です。"
# game/script.rpy:168
old "What would you like to see?"
new "なにを見たいですか?"
# game/script.rpy:170
old "Is there anything else you'd like to see?"
new "他になにか見たいものはありますか?"