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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
define director.show_tags = { "eileen", "lucy" }
label director:
e "There are a few tools you can access by pressing the right commands on the keyboard."
e "Typing Shift+R turns on autoreload mode. When it's enabled, your game will automatically reload when you edit a script file."
e "Shift+O brings you to the console, which lets you enter Ren'Py and Python commands to try them out."
e "Shift+D pops up a developer menu with access to these and other functions."
e "The most powerful tool is the interactive director that lets you add images, music, and voice lines to your game from inside Ren'Py."
e "The idea is that you can use an editor to write the script and logic of your visual novel, and then interactively add images in the right places."
if director_readonly:
show eileen concerned
e "It looks like Ren'Py is installed read-only on your system, so you won't be able to try out the interactive director now."
e "You'll need to make your own project, and try it out there. But I can tell you how to use it."
show eileen happy
e "You can try the interactive director out right now, by using it to change this tutorial game."
e "Be sure to click my dialogue at the bottom of the screen to advance the tutorial."
e "If something goes wrong, don't worry. Quitting and restarting this tutorial will remove your changes and bring everything back to normal."
stop music fadeout 1.0
with dissolve
$ director.enable = not director_readonly
e "To get started, let's go back to a blank slate, with no images on the screen."
e "You can show the director at any time by pressing the 'D' key on your keyboard. Ren'Py will reload, and you'll come back here. Try it now."
e "Let's add a background. Click the '+' to pick where to add it, then the 'scene' statement and 'washington' for the image. Finally, click 'Add' to add it."
e "Next, add a sprite. Click '+', then 'show', 'eileen', 'happy', and 'Add'. Once you've added it, dissolve it in by clicking the second '+', then 'with', 'dissolve', and 'Add'."
show eileen happy
e "You can edit or remove statements with the pencil icon. You can move me to the right by editing the show statement, then clicking '(transform)', 'right', and 'Change'."
e "Finally, you can use the play, queue, stop, and voice statements to manage audio. Try adding 'play', 'music', 'sunflower-slow-drag.ogg'."
$ director.state.show_director = False
$ director.enable = False
if renpy.showing("lucy"):
l "Finally, I get some more screen time!"
queue music "sunflower-slow-drag.ogg"
scene bg washington
show eileen happy
with dissolve
e "The changes you make with the director are permanent. They're saved to the script, and you can rollback or repeat this section to see them."
e "However, we reset this tutorial when the game restarts, so you can try again from a clean slate. That won't happen with your own visual novel."
e "I hope these tools make developing your visual novel that much easier."