
1441 lines
43 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
#translation: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:124
old "%b %d, %H:%M"
new "%d %b, %H:%M"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:587
old "Quick save complete."
new "Quick save completo"
#translation: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:521
old "Image [index] of [count] locked."
new "Imagem [index] de [count] bloqueada."
# renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:539
old "prev"
2023-09-12 22:16:10 +00:00
# Automatic translation.
new "anterior"
2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
# renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:540
old "next"
new "seguinte"
# renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:541
old "slideshow"
new "apresentação"
# renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:542
old "return"
new "voltar"
#translation: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:50
old "Graphics Acceleration"
new "Aceleração Gráfica"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:54
old "Automatically Choose"
new "Escolher automaticamente"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:59
old "Force Angle/DirectX Renderer"
new "Forçar Angle/DirectX Renderer"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:63
old "Force OpenGL Renderer"
new "Forçar OpenGL Renderer"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:67
old "Force Software Renderer"
new "Forçar renderização por software"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:73
old "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run."
new "As mudanças teram efeito na proxima vez que o programa for executado"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:77
old "Quit"
new "Sair"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:82
old "Return"
new "Voltar"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:112
old "Performance Warning"
new "Advertência de rendimento"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:117
old "This computer is using software rendering."
new "Este computador usa renderização por software."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:119
old "This computer is not using shaders."
new "Este computador não usa shaders."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:121
old "This computer is displaying graphics slowly."
new "Este computador está mostrando gráficos lentamente."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:123
old "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]."
new "Este computador possui um problema mostrando gráficos: [problem]."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:128
old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display. Updating DirectX could fix this problem."
new "Seus drivers gráficos podem estar desatualizados ou não funcionar corretamente. Isso pode causar lentidão ou erros nos graficos. Atualizar o DirectX pode solucionar este problema."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:130
old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display."
new "Seus drivers gráficos podem estar desatualizados ou não funcionar corretamente. Isso pode causar lentidão ou erros nos graficos."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:135
old "Update DirectX"
new "Atualizar DirectX"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:141
old "Continue, Show this warning again"
new "Continuar, Mostrar este aviso outra vez"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:145
old "Continue, Don't show warning again"
new "Continuar, Não mostrar este aviso outra vez"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:171
old "Updating DirectX."
new "Atualizando DirectX."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:175
old "DirectX web setup has been started. It may start minimized in the taskbar. Please follow the prompts to install DirectX."
new "DirectX web setup foi iniciado. Ele pode iniciar minimizado na barra de tareas. Por favor siga as instruções para instalar DirectX."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:179
old "{b}Note:{/b} Microsoft's DirectX web setup program will, by default, install the Bing toolbar. If you do not want this toolbar, uncheck the appropriate box."
new "{b}Nota:{/b} Programa de instalação web do Microsoft DirectX, por padrão, instala a barra de ferramentas do Bing. Se não quer que instale a barra, desative a opção correspondente."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:183
old "When setup finishes, please click below to restart this program."
new "Quando terminar a instalação, por favor clique abaixo para reiniciar o programa."
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:185
old "Restart"
new "Reiniciar"
#translation: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:168
old "Saved screenshot as %s."
new "Screenshot guardada como %s."
#translation: renpy/common/00layout.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:421
old "Are you sure?"
new "Tem certeza?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:422
old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?"
new "Certeza que deseja deletar este jogo salvo?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:423
old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?"
new "Certeza que deseja substituir o jogo salvo?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:424
old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"
new "Carregando, perderá o jogo não salvo. \nCerteza que deseja fazer isso?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:425
old "Are you sure you want to quit?"
new "Certeza que deseja sair ?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:426
old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress."
new "Certeza que deseja voltar para o menu principal?\nPerderá todo jogo não salvo."
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:427
old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?"
new "Certeza que deseja começar a pular os dialogos?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:428
old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?"
new "Certeza que deseja pular para a próxima escolha?"
# renpy/common/00layout.rpy:429
old "Are you sure you want to skip to unseen dialogue or the next choice?"
new "Certeza que deseja pular para o próximo diálogo não visto ou a próxima escolha?"
#translation: renpy/common/00library.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00library.rpy:77
old "Skip Mode"
new "Modo skip"
# renpy/common/00library.rpy:80
old "Fast Skip Mode"
new "Modo de fast skip"
#translation: renpy/common/00updater.rpy
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1258
old "Updater"
new "Atualizador"
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1267
old "This program is up to date."
new "Este programa está atualizado."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1269
old "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?"
new "[u.version] está disponível. Quer instalá-la?"
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1271
old "Preparing to download the updates."
new "Preparando para baixar as atualizações."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1273
old "Downloading the updates."
new "Baixando as atualizações."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1275
old "Unpacking the updates."
new "Extraindo as atualizações."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1279
old "The updates have been installed. The program will restart."
new "As atualizações foram instaladas. O programa irá reiniciar."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1281
old "The updates have been installed."
new "As atualizações foram instaladas."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1283
old "The updates were cancelled."
new "As atualizaçoes foram canceladas."
#translation: renpy/common/_compat/gamemenu.rpym
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/_compat/gamemenu.rpym:180
old "Empty Slot."
new "Espaço vazio"
# renpy/common/_compat/gamemenu.rpym:337
old "Previous"
new "Anterior"
# renpy/common/_compat/gamemenu.rpym:344
old "Next"
new "Seguinte"
#translation: renpy/common/_compat/preferences.rpym
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/_compat/preferences.rpym:411
old "Joystick Mapping"
new "Mapear Joystick"
#translation: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:408
old "An exception has occurred."
new "Uma exceção ocorreu"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:434
old "Rollback"
new "Regressar"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:436
old "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice."
new "Regressa, permitindo você salvar ou selecionar um escolha diferente."
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:439
old "Ignore"
new "Ignorar"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:441
old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors."
new "Ignorar a exceção, permitindo continuar. Isso pode ocasionar erros adicionais."
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:444
old "Reload"
new "Recarregar"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:446
old "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible."
new "Recarrega o jogo do disco, salvando e restaurando o estado do jogo, se possível."
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:448
old "Open Traceback"
new "Abrir Traceback"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:450
old "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor."
new "Abre o arquivo traceback.txt em um editor de texto."
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:456
old "Quits the game."
new "Sair do jogo."
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:483
old "Parsing the script failed."
new "Analisando os scripts falhos."
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:510
old "Open Parse Errors"
new "Abrir Análise de erros"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:512
old "Opens the errors.txt file in a text editor."
new "Abre o arquivo errors.txt em um editor de texto."
#translation: renpy/common/_layout/classic_load_save.rpym
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/_layout/classic_load_save.rpym:152
old "a"
new "a"
# renpy/common/_layout/classic_load_save.rpym:161
old "q"
new "q"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:25
old "Displayable Inspector"
2023-09-12 22:16:10 +00:00
# Automatic translation.
new "Inspetor exibível"
2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:31
old "Nothing to inspect."
new "Nada para inspecionar."
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:40
old "Size"
new "Tamanho"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:45
old "Style"
new "Estilo"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:105
old "Inspecting Styles of [displayable_name!q]"
new "Inspecionando estilos de [displayable_name!q]"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:117
old "displayable:"
new "exibível:"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:124
old " (no properties affect the displayable)"
new " (não há propriedades que afetem a visualização)"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:126
old " (default properties omitted)"
new " (propriedades padrão omitidas)"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:156
old "<repr() failed>"
new "<repr() falhou>"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:46
old "Reload Game (Shift+R)"
new "Reiniciar Jogo (Shift+R)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:49
old "Variable Viewer"
new "Visualizador de Variáveis"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:52
old "Theme Test"
new "Testar Tema"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:58
old "Image Location Picker"
new "Image Location PIcker"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:61
old "Filename List"
new "Lista de Arquivos"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:307
old "Undefined Images"
new "Imagens não definidas"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:410
old "Mouse position: %r"
new "Posição do mouse: %r"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:412
old "Right-click or escape to quit."
new "Click com o botão direito do mouse ou escape para sair."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:465
old "Done"
new "Feito"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:44
old "Developer Menu"
new "Menu do Desenvolvedor"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:405
old "Rectangle: %r"
new "Retângulo: %r"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:69
old "Console (Shift+O)"
new "Console (Shift.+O)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:81
old "Show Image Load Log"
new "Mostrar registros do carregamento de imagens"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:84
old "Hide Image Load Log"
new "Esconder registros do carregamento de imagens"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:149
old "No variables have changed since the game started."
new "Nenhuma variavel mudou desde o ínicio do jogo."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:152
old "Return to the developer menu"
new "Voltar ao menu de desenvolvedor"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:179
old "%(version)s console, originally by Shiz, C, and delta.\n"
new "Console %(version)s, original por Shiz, C, e delta.\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:180
old "Press <esc> to exit console. Type help for help.\n"
new "Pressione <esc> para sair do console. Escreva 'help' para ajuda.\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:184
old "Ren'Py script enabled."
new "Script Ren'Py habilitado."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:186
old "Ren'Py script disabled."
new "Script Ren'Py desabilitado."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:392
old "help: show this help"
new "help: mostra essa ajuda"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:397
old "commands:\n"
new "comandos:\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:407
old " <renpy script statement>: run the statement\n"
new " <declarção renpy script>: executa a declaração\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:409
old " <python expression or statement>: run the expression or statement"
new " <expressão ou declaração python>: executa a expressão ou a declaração"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:417
old "clear: clear the console history"
new "clear: limpa o histórico do console"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:421
old "exit: exit the console"
new "exit: sair do console"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:429
old "load <slot>: loads the game from slot"
new "load <slot>: carrega o jogo do 'slot'"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:442
old "save <slot>: saves the game in slot"
new "save <slot>: salva o jogo no 'slot'"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:453
old "reload: reloads the game, refreshing the scripts"
new "reload: recarrega o jogo, atualizando os scripts"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:461
old "watch <expression>: watch a python expression"
new "watch <expresión>: observa uma expressão python"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:470
old "unwatch <expression>: stop watching an expression"
new "unwatch <expresión>: para de observar uma expressão"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:478
old "unwatchall: stop watching all expressions"
new "unwatchall: deixa de observar todas as expressões"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:484
old "jump <label>: jumps to label"
new "jump <label>: pula para a label"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:272
old "{b}Missing Images{/b}"
new "{b}Imagens ausentes{/b}"
# renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:332
old "Autoreload"
new "Autocarregamento"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:80
old "Location"
new "Local"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:373
old "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable."
new "Self-voicing ativado. Pressione 'v' para desativa-lo."
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:387
old "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable."
new "'Clipboard por voz' ativado. Aperte 'Shift+C' para desativa-lo."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:362
old "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices."
new "O atualizador do Ren'Py não é compatível com dispositivos móveis."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:478
old "An error is being simulated."
new "Um erro foi simulado."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:654
old "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted."
new "Ou o projeto não suporta atualizações, ou o arquivo de update status foi deletado."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:668
old "This account does not have permission to perform an update."
new "Essa conta não possui permissão para realizar uma atualização."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:671
old "This account does not have permission to write the update log."
new "Essa conta não possui permissão para escrever no registro de atualizações."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:696
old "Could not verify update signature."
new "Não se pode verificar a assinatura da atualização."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:956
old "The update file was not downloaded."
new "O arquivo da atualização não foi baixado."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:974
old "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted."
new "O arquivo da atualizaçao não possui o 'digest' correto - é possível que esteja danificado."
# renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1030
old "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}."
new "Tipo desconhecido {1} ao extrair {0}."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:437
old "Rectangle copied to clipboard."
new "Retângulo copiado para o clipboard."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:440
old "Position copied to clipboard."
new "Posição copiada para o clipboard."
2023-09-12 22:16:10 +00:00
translate portuguese strings:
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:28
old "Self-voicing disabled."
# Automatic translation.
new "Auto-voz desativada."
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:29
old "Clipboard voicing enabled. "
# Automatic translation.
new "Voz da área de transferência ativada. "
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:30
old "Self-voicing enabled. "
# Automatic translation.
new "Auto-voz ativada. "
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:32
old "bar"
new "bar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:33
old "selected"
# Automatic translation.
new "selecionado"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:34
old "viewport"
# Automatic translation.
new "janela de visualização"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:35
old "horizontal scroll"
# Automatic translation.
new "rolagem horizontal"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:36
old "vertical scroll"
# Automatic translation.
new "rolagem vertical"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:37
old "activate"
# Automatic translation.
new "ativar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:38
old "deactivate"
# Automatic translation.
new "desativar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:39
old "increase"
# Automatic translation.
new "aumentar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:40
old "decrease"
# Automatic translation.
new "diminuir"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:138
old "Font Override"
# Automatic translation.
new "Substituição de fonte"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:142
old "Default"
# Automatic translation.
new "Padrão"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146
old "DejaVu Sans"
new "DejaVu Sans"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:150
old "Opendyslexic"
new "Opendyslexic"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:156
old "Text Size Scaling"
# Automatic translation.
new "Dimensionamento do tamanho do texto"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:162
old "Reset"
# Automatic translation.
new "Redefinir"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:168
old "Line Spacing Scaling"
# Automatic translation.
new "Escala de espaçamento de linha"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:180
old "High Contrast Text"
# Automatic translation.
new "Texto com alto contraste"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:182
old "Enable"
# Automatic translation.
new "Ativar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:186
old "Disable"
# Automatic translation.
new "Desativar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:193
old "Self-Voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "Autoexpressão"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:197
old "Off"
# Automatic translation.
new "Desligado"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:201
old "Text-to-speech"
# Automatic translation.
new "Conversão de texto em fala"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:205
old "Clipboard"
# Automatic translation.
new "Área de transferência"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:209
old "Debug"
# Automatic translation.
new "Depurar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:223
old "Self-Voicing Volume Drop"
# Automatic translation.
new "Queda de volume por auto-envio de voz"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:234
old "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was."
# Automatic translation.
new "As opções deste menu têm o objetivo de melhorar a acessibilidade. Elas podem não funcionar com todos os jogos, e algumas combinações de opções podem tornar o jogo impossível de ser jogado. Isso não é um problema com o jogo ou com o mecanismo. Para obter os melhores resultados ao alterar as fontes, tente manter o tamanho do texto igual ao original."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Monday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Segunda-feira"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Tuesday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Terça-feira"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Wednesday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Quarta-feira"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Thursday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Quinta-feira"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Friday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Sexta-feira"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Saturday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Sábado"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Sunday"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday}Domingo"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Mon"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Mês"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Tue"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Terça-feira"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Wed"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Quarta"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Thu"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Assim"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Fri"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Sex"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Sat"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Sábado"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Sun"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#weekday_short}Sol"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}January"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Janeiro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}February"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Fevereiro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}March"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Março"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}April"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Abril"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}May"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Maio"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}June"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Junho"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}July"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Julho"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}August"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Agosto"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}September"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Setembro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}October"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Outubro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}November"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Novembro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}December"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month}Dezembro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jan"
new "{#month_short}Jan"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Feb"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}fevereiro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Mar"
new "{#month_short}Mar"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Apr"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Abril"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}May"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Maio"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jun"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Junho"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jul"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Julho"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Aug"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Ago"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Sep"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Setembro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Oct"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Outubro"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Nov"
new "{#month_short}Nov"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Dec"
# Automatic translation.
new "{#month_short}Dez"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:378
old "Save slot %s: [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Salvar slot %s: [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:461
old "Load slot %s: [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Carregar slot %s: [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:514
old "Delete slot [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Excluir slot [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:593
old "File page auto"
# Automatic translation.
new "Página de arquivo automática"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:595
old "File page quick"
# Automatic translation.
new "Página de arquivo rápida"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:597
old "File page [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Página de arquivo [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:796
old "Next file page."
# Automatic translation.
new "Próxima página de arquivo."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:868
old "Previous file page."
# Automatic translation.
new "Página anterior do arquivo."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:944
old "Quick save."
# Automatic translation.
new "Salvamento rápido."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:963
old "Quick load."
# Automatic translation.
new "Carregamento rápido."
# renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:381
old "Language [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Idioma [text]"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:705
old "The interactive director is not enabled here."
# Automatic translation.
new "O diretor interativo não está habilitado aqui."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1504
old "⬆"
new "⬆"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1510
old "⬇"
new "⬇"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1584
old "(statement)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(declaração)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1585
old "(tag)"
new "(tag)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1586
old "(attributes)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(atributos)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1587
old "(transform)"
new "(transform)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1612
old "(transition)"
new "(transition)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1624
old "(channel)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(canal)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1625
old "(filename)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(nome do arquivo)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1654
old "Change"
# Automatic translation.
new "Mudança"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1656
old "Add"
# Automatic translation.
new "Adicionar"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1662
old "Remove"
# Automatic translation.
new "Remover"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1697
old "Statement:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Declaração:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1718
old "Tag:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Etiqueta:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1734
old "Attributes:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Atributos:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1745
old "Click to toggle attribute, right click to toggle negative attribute."
# Automatic translation.
new "Clique para alternar o atributo, clique com o botão direito para alternar o atributo negativo."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1757
old "Transforms:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Transformações:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1768
old "Click to set transform, right click to add to transform list."
# Automatic translation.
new "Clique para definir a transformação, clique com o botão direito do mouse para adicionar à lista de transformação."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1780
old "Behind:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Atrás:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1789
old "Click to set, right click to add to behind list."
# Automatic translation.
new "Clique para definir, clique com o botão direito do mouse para adicionar à lista de pendências."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1801
old "Transition:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Transição:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1819
old "Channel:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Canal:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1837
old "Audio Filename:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Nome do arquivo de áudio:"
# renpy/common/00gui.rpy:452
old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?"
# Automatic translation.
new "Tem certeza de que deseja encerrar o replay?"
# renpy/common/00gui.rpy:455
old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?"
# Automatic translation.
new "Tem certeza de que deseja pular o diálogo não visto para a próxima opção?"
# renpy/common/00gui.rpy:456
old "This save was created on a different device. Maliciously constructed save files can harm your computer. Do you trust this save's creator and everyone who could have changed the file?"
# Automatic translation.
new "Esse arquivo salvo foi criado em um dispositivo diferente. Arquivos salvos criados de forma maliciosa podem danificar seu computador. Você confia no criador desse arquivo salvo e em todas as pessoas que poderiam ter alterado o arquivo?"
# renpy/common/00gui.rpy:457
old "Do you trust the device the save was created on? You should only choose yes if you are the device's sole user."
# Automatic translation.
new "Você confia no dispositivo em que o salvamento foi criado? Você só deve escolher sim se for o único usuário do dispositivo."
# renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:322
old "Failed to save screenshot as %s."
# Automatic translation.
new "Falha ao salvar a captura de tela como %s."
# renpy/common/00library.rpy:353
old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=}here{/a}."
# Automatic translation.
new "Este programa contém software livre sob várias licenças, incluindo a Licença MIT e a Licença Pública Geral Menor GNU. Uma lista completa de softwares, incluindo links para o código-fonte completo, pode ser encontrada em {a=}aqui{/a}."
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:271
old "display"
# Automatic translation.
new "exibição"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:283
old "transitions"
# Automatic translation.
new "transições"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:292
old "skip transitions"
# Automatic translation.
new "pular transições"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:294
old "video sprites"
# Automatic translation.
new "sprites de vídeo"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:303
old "show empty window"
# Automatic translation.
new "mostrar janela vazia"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:312
old "text speed"
# Automatic translation.
new "velocidade do texto"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:320
old "joystick"
new "joystick"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:320
old "joystick..."
new "joystick..."
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:327
old "skip"
# Automatic translation.
new "pular"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:330
old "skip unseen [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "pular sem ser visto [text]"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:335
old "skip unseen text"
# Automatic translation.
new "pular texto não visto"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:337
old "begin skipping"
# Automatic translation.
new "começar a pular"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:341
old "after choices"
# Automatic translation.
new "após as escolhas"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:348
old "skip after choices"
# Automatic translation.
new "pular após as escolhas"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:350
old "auto-forward time"
# Automatic translation.
new "tempo de encaminhamento automático"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:364
old "auto-forward"
# Automatic translation.
new "encaminhamento automático"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:371
old "Auto forward"
# Automatic translation.
new "Avanço automático"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:374
old "auto-forward after click"
# Automatic translation.
new "encaminhamento automático após o clique"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:383
old "automatic move"
# Automatic translation.
new "movimento automático"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:392
old "wait for voice"
# Automatic translation.
new "aguardar a voz"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:401
old "voice sustain"
# Automatic translation.
new "sustentação de voz"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:410
old "self voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "autoexpressão"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:419
old "self voicing volume drop"
# Automatic translation.
new "queda de volume de voz automática"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:427
old "clipboard voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "Voz da prancheta"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:436
old "debug voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "depurar voz"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:445
old "emphasize audio"
# Automatic translation.
new "enfatizar o áudio"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:454
old "rollback side"
# Automatic translation.
new "lado da reversão"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:464
old "gl powersave"
new "gl powersave"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:470
old "gl framerate"
# Automatic translation.
new "taxa de quadros do gl"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:473
old "gl tearing"
new "gl tearing"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:476
old "font transform"
# Automatic translation.
new "transformação de fonte"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:479
old "font size"
# Automatic translation.
new "tamanho da fonte"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:487
old "font line spacing"
# Automatic translation.
new "espaçamento entre linhas da fonte"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:495
old "system cursor"
# Automatic translation.
new "cursor do sistema"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:504
old "renderer menu"
# Automatic translation.
new "menu do renderizador"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:507
old "accessibility menu"
# Automatic translation.
new "menu de acessibilidade"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:510
old "high contrast text"
# Automatic translation.
new "texto com alto contraste"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:519
old "audio when minimized"
# Automatic translation.
new "áudio quando minimizado"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:528
old "audio when unfocused"
# Automatic translation.
new "áudio quando fora de foco"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:537
old "web cache preload"
# Automatic translation.
new "pré-carregamento do cache da web"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:552
old "voice after game menu"
# Automatic translation.
new "voz após o menu do jogo"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:571
old "main volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume principal"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:572
old "music volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume da música"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:573
old "sound volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume do som"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:574
old "voice volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume de voz"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:575
old "mute main"
# Automatic translation.
new "silenciar principal"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:576
old "mute music"
# Automatic translation.
new "música sem som"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:577
old "mute sound"
# Automatic translation.
new "silenciar o som"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:578
old "mute voice"
# Automatic translation.
new "voz muda"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:579
old "mute all"
# Automatic translation.
new "silenciar tudo"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:655
old "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable."
# Automatic translation.
new "A voz autônoma diria \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Pressione \"alt+shift+V\" para desativar."
# renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:344
old "Speech Bubble Editor"
# Automatic translation.
new "Editor de balão de fala"
# renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:349
old "(hide)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(ocultar)"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:70
old "Sync downloaded."
# Automatic translation.
new "Sincronização baixada."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:190
old "Could not connect to the Ren'Py Sync server."
# Automatic translation.
new "Não foi possível conectar-se ao servidor Ren'Py Sync."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:192
old "The Ren'Py Sync server timed out."
# Automatic translation.
new "O servidor Ren'Py Sync atingiu o tempo limite."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:194
old "An unknown error occurred while connecting to the Ren'Py Sync server."
# Automatic translation.
new "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido durante a conexão com o servidor Ren'Py Sync."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:267
old "The Ren'Py Sync server does not have a copy of this sync. The sync ID may be invalid, or it may have timed out."
# Automatic translation.
new "O servidor Ren'Py Sync não tem uma cópia dessa sincronização. O ID da sincronização pode ser inválido ou pode ter atingido o tempo limite."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:409
old "Please enter the sync ID you generated.\nNever enter a sync ID you didn't create yourself."
# Automatic translation.
new "Digite a ID de sincronização que você gerou.\nNunca insira uma ID de sincronização que não tenha sido criada por você."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:428
old "The sync ID is not in the correct format."
# Automatic translation.
new "A ID de sincronização não está no formato correto."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:448
old "The sync could not be decrypted."
# Automatic translation.
new "A sincronização não pôde ser descriptografada."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:471
old "The sync belongs to a different game."
# Automatic translation.
new "A sincronização pertence a um jogo diferente."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:476
old "The sync contains a file with an invalid name."
# Automatic translation.
new "A sincronização contém um arquivo com um nome inválido."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:529
old "This will upload your saves to the {a=}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}.\nDo you want to continue?"
# Automatic translation.
new "Isso fará o upload de seus salvamentos para o {a=}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}.\nVocê quer continuar?"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:558
old "Enter Sync ID"
# Automatic translation.
new "Inserir ID de sincronização"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:569
old "This will contact the {a=}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}."
# Automatic translation.
new "Isso entrará em contato com o {a=}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:596
old "Sync Success"
# Automatic translation.
new "Sucesso na sincronização"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:599
old "The Sync ID is:"
# Automatic translation.
new "A ID de sincronização é:"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:605
old "You can use this ID to download your save on another device.\nThis sync will expire in an hour.\nRen'Py Sync is supported by {a=}Ren'Py's Sponsors{/a}."
# Automatic translation.
new "Você pode usar essa ID para fazer o download do seu salvamento em outro dispositivo.\nEssa sincronização expirará em uma hora.\nO Ren'Py Sync é apoiado por {a=}Patrocinadores do Ren'Py{/a}."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:631
old "Sync Error"
# Automatic translation.
new "Erro de sincronização"
# renpy/common/00iap.rpy:219
old "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..."
# Automatic translation.
new "Como entrar em contato com a App Store\nAguarde..."