translate indonesian strings: # game/new_project.rpy:77 old "{#language name and font}" new "Bahasa Indonesia" # about.rpy:39 old "[version!q]" new "[version!q]" # about.rpy:43 old "View license" new "Lihat Lisensi" # add_file.rpy:28 old "FILENAME" new "NAMAFILE" # add_file.rpy:28 old "Enter the name of the script file to create." new "Masukkan nama script file yang akan di buat" # add_file.rpy:31 old "The filename must have the .rpy extension." new "Nama file harus memlikili extensi .rpy" # add_file.rpy:39 old "The file already exists." new "File sudah ada" # add_file.rpy:42 old "# Ren'Py automatically loads all script files ending with .rpy. To use this\n# file, define a label and jump to it from another file.\n" new "# Ren'py secara otomatis meload semua script dengan akhiran .rpy. Untuk menggunakan\n# file ini, silahkan define label dan jump ke file itu dari file lain.\n" # android.rpy:30 old "To build Android packages, please download RAPT, unzip it, and place it into the Ren'Py directory. Then restart the Ren'Py launcher." new "Untuk membangun(package) ke versi Android, silahkan unduh RAPT, unzip/ekstrak, dan taruh di direktori Ren,Py. Dan muat ulang launcher Ren'Py." # android.rpy:31 old "An x86 Java Development Kit is required to build Android packages on Windows. The JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK.\n\nPlease {a=}download and install the JDK{/a}, then restart the Ren'Py launcher." new "x86 Java Development Kit diperlukan untuk membangun(package) ke versi Android di Windows, JDK berbeda dengan JRE, jadi sangat mungkin kamu memiliki java tanpa JDK\n\nTolong {a=}Unduh dan pasang JDK{/a}, lalu muat ulang launcher Ren'Py " # android.rpy:32 old "RAPT has been installed, but you'll need to install the Android SDK before you can build Android packages. Choose Install SDK to do this." new "RAPT sudah terpasang, tapi kamu harus memasang Android SDK sebelum kamu dapat membangun package Android. Untuk Melakukan Ini Pilih Install SDK" # android.rpy:33 old "RAPT has been installed, but a key hasn't been configured. Please create a new key, or restore android.keystore." new "RAPT sudah terpasang, tapi kunci/key belum di konfigurasi. Silahkan buat kunci/key baru, atau restore android.keystore" # android.rpy:34 old "The current project has not been configured. Use \"Configure\" to configure it before building." new "Projek ini belum dikonfigurasi. Gunakan \"Konfigurasi\" untuk mengkonfigurasi sebelum membuat build." # android.rpy:35 old "Choose \"Build\" to build the current project, or attach an Android device and choose \"Build & Install\" to build and install it on the device." new "Pilih \"Build\" untuk membuild projek ini, atau koneksikan perangkat Android dan pilih \"Buat & Install\" untuk membuild dan install pada perangkat." # android.rpy:37 old "Attempts to emulate an Android phone.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down. Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button." new "Uji coba pada perangkat Android.\n\nInput sentuhan di emulasikan melalui mouse, tapi hanya ketika tombol ditahan. Escape di mapped ke tombol menu, dan PageUp di mapped ke tombol back." # android.rpy:38 old "Attempts to emulate an Android tablet.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down. Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button." new "Mencoba untuk mengemulasi tablet Android.\n\nInput sentuhan di emulasikan melalui mouse, tapi hanya ketika tombol di tahan. Escape di mapped ke tombol menu, dan PageUp di mapped ke tombol back." # android.rpy:39 old "Attempts to emulate a televison-based Android console, like the OUYA or Fire TV.\n\nController input is mapped to the arrow keys, Enter is mapped to the select button, Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button." new "Mencoba mengemulasi konsol televisi Android, Seperti OUYA atau Fire TV.\n\nInput kontroller di map ke tombol panah, Enter di map ke tombol select, Escape di map ke tombol menu, dan PageUp di map ke tombol back" # android.rpy:41 old "Downloads and installs the Android SDK and supporting packages. Optionally, generates the keys required to sign the package." new "Unduh dan pasang Android SDK dan paket pendukung. Opsional, mengenerate key/kunci yang dibutuhkan untuk menandatangani paket." # android.rpy:42 old "Configures the package name, version, and other information about this project." new "Konfigurasi nama package, versi, dan informasi lainnya mengenai project ini." # android.rpy:43 old "Opens the file containing the Google Play keys in the editor.\n\nThis is only needed if the application is using an expansion APK. Read the documentation for more details." new "Buka file yang berisi Google Play keys di editor. \n\n Ini hanya di butuhkan juka aplikasi menggunakan expansi APK. Baca dokumentasi untuk detail lebih lanjut" # android.rpy:44 old "Builds the Android package." new "Bangun package Android." # android.rpy:45 old "Builds the Android package, and installs it on an Android device connected to your computer." new "Build package Android, dan install di perangkat Android yang terkoneksi ke komputer mu." # android.rpy:46 old "Builds the Android package, installs it on an Android device connected to your computer, then launches the app on your device." new "Buat package Android, Install di perangkat Android yang terkoneksi ke komputer, dan menjalankan aplikasi pada perangkat mu." # android.rpy:48 old "Connects to an Android device running ADB in TCP/IP mode." new "Sambungkan ke perangkat Android yang memiliki ADB berjalan di mode TCP/IP" # android.rpy:49 old "Disconnects from an Android device running ADB in TCP/IP mode." new "Putuskan hubungan dari perangkat Android yang menjalankan ADB di mode TCP/IP" # android.rpy:50 old "Retrieves the log from the Android device and writes it to a file." new "Ambil log dari perangkat Android dan menulist nya ke file." # android.rpy:240 old "Copying Android files to distributions directory." new "Mengcopy file Android ke direktori distribusi." # android.rpy:304 old "Android: [!q]" new "Android: [!q]" # android.rpy:324 old "Emulation:" new "Emulasi:" # android.rpy:333 old "Phone" new "Telepon" # android.rpy:337 old "Tablet" new "Tablet" # android.rpy:341 old "Television" new "Televisi" # android.rpy:353 old "Build:" # Automatic translation. new "Bangun:" # android.rpy:361 old "Install SDK & Create Keys" new "Install SDK & Buat Keys" # android.rpy:365 old "Configure" new "Konfigurasi" # android.rpy:369 old "Build Package" new "Buat package" # android.rpy:373 old "Build & Install" new "Buat & Install" # android.rpy:377 old "Build, Install & Launch" new "Buat, Install & Jalankan" # android.rpy:388 old "Other:" new "Lainnya:" # android.rpy:396 old "Remote ADB Connect" new "Koneksi remote ADB" # android.rpy:400 old "Remote ADB Disconnect" new "Putus remote ADB" # android.rpy:404 old "Logcat" new "Logcat" # android.rpy:437 old "Before packaging Android apps, you'll need to download RAPT, the Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool. Would you like to download RAPT now?" new "Sebelum membangun(package) ke aplikasi Android, kamu harus mengunduh RAPT, Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool. unduh RAPT sekarang?" # android.rpy:496 old "Remote ADB Address" new "Alamat remote ADB" # android.rpy:496 old "Please enter the IP address and port number to connect to, in the form \"\". Consult your device's documentation to determine if it supports remote ADB, and if so, the address and port to use." new "Tolong masukkan alamat IP dan nomor port untuk menyambung, dalam bentuk \"\". Silahkan lihat dokumentasi perangkat anda untuk memastikan apakah mendukung remote ADB, dan jika mendukung, alamat dan port untuk menggunakan." # android.rpy:508 old "Invalid remote ADB address" new "Alamat remote ADB invalid" # android.rpy:508 old "The address must contain one exactly one ':'." new "Alamat hanya boleh mengandung 1 ':'." # android.rpy:512 old "The host may not contain whitespace." new "Host seharus nya tidak mengandung spasi." # android.rpy:518 old "The port must be a number." new "Port harus berisi angka." # android.rpy:544 old "Retrieving logcat information from device." new "Mendapatkan informasi logcat dari perangkat." # choose_directory.rpy:73 old "Ren'Py was unable to run python with tkinter to choose the directory. Please install the python-tk or tkinter package." new "Ren'Py tidak bisa menjalankan python dengan tkinter untuk memilih direktori. Tolong install python-tk atau tkinter package." # choose_theme.rpy:303 old "Could not change the theme. Perhaps options.rpy was changed too much." new "Tidak bisa mengganti tema. Mungkin options.rpy di ubah terlalu banyak." # choose_theme.rpy:370 old "Planetarium" new "Planetarium" # choose_theme.rpy:425 old "Choose Theme" new "Pilih Tema" # choose_theme.rpy:438 old "Theme" new "Tema" # choose_theme.rpy:463 old "Color Scheme" new "Pilih Skema" # choose_theme.rpy:495 old "Continue" new "Lanjutkan" # consolecommand.rpy:84 old "INFORMATION" new "INFORMASI" # consolecommand.rpy:84 old "The command is being run in a new operating system console window." new "Perintah sedang di jalankan di konsol windows sistem operasi baru." # distribute.rpy:443 old "Scanning project files..." new "Scanning file projek..." # distribute.rpy:459 old "Building distributions failed:\n\nThe build.directory_name variable may not include the space, colon, or semicolon characters." new "Membangun distribusi gagal:\n\nVariabel build.directory_name mungkin tidak memasukan(include) spasi ,tanda kutip ,atau titik koma." # distribute.rpy:504 old "No packages are selected, so there's nothing to do." new "Tidak ada package yang di pilih, jadi sistem Nganggur." # distribute.rpy:516 old "Scanning Ren'Py files..." new "Memindai file Ren'Py..." # distribute.rpy:569 old "All packages have been built.\n\nDue to the presence of permission information, unpacking and repacking the Linux and Macintosh distributions on Windows is not supported." new "Semua package telah di buat.\n\nKarena masalah ijin, unpack dan repack file distribusi linux dan mac di windows tidak di dukung." # distribute.rpy:752 old "Archiving files..." new "Mengarsipkan file..." # distribute.rpy:1050 old "Unpacking the Macintosh application for signing..." new "Mengunpack aplikasi Macintosh untuk tandatangan..." # distribute.rpy:1060 old "Signing the Macintosh application..." new "Menandatangani aplikasi Macintosh..." # distribute.rpy:1082 old "Creating the Macintosh DMG..." new "Membuat Macintosh DMG..." # distribute.rpy:1091 old "Signing the Macintosh DMG..." new "Menandatangani Macintosh DMG..." # distribute.rpy:1248 old "Writing the [variant] [format] package." new "Menulis [variant] [format]" # distribute.rpy:1261 old "Making the [variant] update zsync file." new "Membuat file update zsync : [variant] ." # distribute.rpy:1404 old "Processed {b}[complete]{/b} of {b}[total]{/b} files." new "Memproses {b}[complete]{/b} Dari {b}[total]{/b} file." # distribute_gui.rpy:157 old "Build Distributions: [!q]" new "Bangun Distribusi: [!q]" # distribute_gui.rpy:171 old "Directory Name:" new "Nama Direktori:" # distribute_gui.rpy:175 old "Executable Name:" new "Nama Executable:" # distribute_gui.rpy:185 old "Actions:" new "Aksi:" # distribute_gui.rpy:193 old "Edit options.rpy" # Automatic translation. new "Edit opsi.rpy" # distribute_gui.rpy:194 old "Add from clauses to calls, once" new "Tambah dari klausa panggilan, sekali" # distribute_gui.rpy:195 old "Refresh" new "Segarkan" # distribute_gui.rpy:199 old "Upload to" new "Upload ke" # distribute_gui.rpy:215 old "Build Packages:" new "Bangun Package:" # distribute_gui.rpy:234 old "Options:" new "Opsi:" # distribute_gui.rpy:239 old "Build Updates" new "Bangun Update:" # distribute_gui.rpy:241 old "Add from clauses to calls" new "Tambah dari klausa panggilan" # distribute_gui.rpy:242 old "Force Recompile" new "Paksa Recompile" # distribute_gui.rpy:246 old "Build" new "Bangun" # distribute_gui.rpy:250 old "Adding from clauses to call statements that do not have them." new "Menambahkan dari klausul untuk memanggil pernyataan yang tidak memiliki mereka." # distribute_gui.rpy:271 old "Errors were detected when running the project. Please ensure the project runs without errors before building distributions." new "Error di deteksi saat menjalankan proyek. Tolong pastikan proyek berjalan tanpa error sebelum membangun distribusi" # distribute_gui.rpy:288 old "Your project does not contain build information. Would you like to add build information to the end of options.rpy?" new "Proyek mu tidak mengandung informasi build. Maukah kamu menambahkan informasi build di akhir pada options.rpy?" # editor.rpy:150 old "{b}Recommended.{/b} A beta editor with an easy to use interface and features that aid in development, such as spell-checking. Editra currently lacks the IME support required for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text input." new "{b}Di Rekomendasikan.{/b} Editor dengan interface yang mudah untuk di gunakan dan fitur yang sesuai dengan development . Saat ini Editra belum mendukung text input IME yang di butuhkan untuk bahasa Cina,Jepang Dan Korea." # editor.rpy:151 old "{b}Recommended.{/b} A beta editor with an easy to use interface and features that aid in development, such as spell-checking. Editra currently lacks the IME support required for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text input. On Linux, Editra requires wxPython." new "{b}Di Rekomendasikan.{/b} Editor dengan interface yang mudah untuk di gunakan dan fitur yang sesuai dengan development . Saat ini Editra belum mendukung text input IME yang di butuhkan untuk bahasa Cina,Jepang Dan Korea. Pada Linux, Editra memerlikan wxPython." # editor.rpy:167 old "This may have occured because wxPython is not installed on this system." new "Ini mungkin terjadi karena wxPython tidak terpasang di sistem ini." # editor.rpy:169 old "Up to 22 MB download required." new "Download sampai dengan 22 mb di butuhkan." # editor.rpy:182 old "A mature editor that requires Java." new "Editor bagus yang memerlukan Java" # editor.rpy:182 old "1.8 MB download required." new "1.8 MB download di butuhkan." # editor.rpy:182 old "This may have occured because Java is not installed on this system." new "Ini mungkin terjadi karena Java tidak terpasang di sistem ini." # editor.rpy:191 old "Invokes the editor your operating system has associated with .rpy files." new "Editor telah di asosiasikan dengan file .rpy" # editor.rpy:207 old "Prevents Ren'Py from opening a text editor." new "Larang Ren''Py untuk membuka editor text." # editor.rpy:359 old "An exception occured while launching the text editor:\n[exception!q]" new "Kesalahan terjadi ketika menjalankan editor text: \n[exception!q]" # editor.rpy:457 old "Select Editor" new "Pilih Editor" # editor.rpy:472 old "A text editor is the program you'll use to edit Ren'Py script files. Here, you can select the editor Ren'Py will use. If not already present, the editor will be automatically downloaded and installed." new "Text editor adalah program yang akan kamu gunakan untuk mengedit file script Ren'Py, Kamu dapat memilih editor Ren'Py yang akan kamu pakai. Jika belum ada, editor akan otomatis di download dan di pasang." # editor.rpy:494 old "Cancel" new "Batal" # front_page.rpy:35 old "Open [text] directory." new "Buka direktori [text]" # front_page.rpy:93 old "refresh" new "Segarkan" # front_page.rpy:120 old "+ Create New Project" new "+ Buat Proyek Baru" # front_page.rpy:130 old "Launch Project" new "Jalankan Proyek" # front_page.rpy:147 old "[!q] (template)" new "[!q] (template)" # front_page.rpy:149 old "Select project [text]." new "Pilih proyek [text]" # front_page.rpy:165 old "Tutorial" new "Tutorial" # front_page.rpy:166 old "The Question" # Automatic translation. new "Pertanyaan" # front_page.rpy:182 old "Active Project" new "Proyek Aktif" # front_page.rpy:190 old "Open Directory" new "Buka Direktori" # front_page.rpy:195 old "game" new "Game" # front_page.rpy:196 old "base" new "Base" # front_page.rpy:197 old "images" new "Gambar" # front_page.rpy:198 old "gui" new "Gui" # front_page.rpy:204 old "Edit File" new "Edit File" # front_page.rpy:214 old "All script files" new "Seluruh file script" # front_page.rpy:223 old "Navigate Script" new "Navigasi Script" # front_page.rpy:234 old "Check Script (Lint)" new "Cek Script (Lint)" # front_page.rpy:237 old "Change/Update GUI" new "Ubah/Perbaharui GUI" # front_page.rpy:239 old "Change Theme" new "Ganti Tema" # front_page.rpy:242 old "Delete Persistent" new "Hapus Presistent" # front_page.rpy:251 old "Build Distributions" new "Bangun Distribusi" # front_page.rpy:253 old "Android" new "Android" # front_page.rpy:254 old "iOS" new "iOS" # front_page.rpy:255 old "Generate Translations" new "Hasilkan Terjemahan" # front_page.rpy:256 old "Extract Dialogue" new "Ekstrak Dialog" # front_page.rpy:272 old "Checking script for potential problems..." new "Mencek script untuk masalah yang berpotensial..." # front_page.rpy:287 old "Deleting persistent data..." new "Menghapus data presistent" # front_page.rpy:295 old "Recompiling all rpy files into rpyc files..." new "Mengcompile ulang semua file rpy ke rpyc..." # gui7.rpy:236 old "Select Accent and Background Colors" new "Pilih Accent Dan Warna Background" # gui7.rpy:250 old "Please click on the color scheme you wish to use, then click Continue. These colors can be changed and customized later." new "Tolong klik skema warna yang ingin kamu pakai, lalu klik continue. Warna ini dapat di ubah dan di kostumisasi lagi nanti." # gui7.rpy:294 old "{b}Warning{/b}\nContinuing will overwrite customized bar, button, save slot, scrollbar, and slider images.\n\nWhat would you like to do?" new "{b}Peringatan{/b}\nMelanjutkan akan menimpa bar ,tombol ,slot save ,barscroll ,dan foto slider.\n\nApa yang ingin kamu lakukan?" # gui7.rpy:294 old "Choose new colors, then regenerate image files." new "Pilih warna baru, dan regenerasi file gambar." # gui7.rpy:294 old "Regenerate the image files using the colors in gui.rpy." new "Regenerasi file gambar menggunakan warna di gui.rpy." # gui7.rpy:314 old "PROJECT NAME" new "NAMA PROYEK" # gui7.rpy:314 old "Please enter the name of your project:" new "Tolong masukan nama proyek mu:" # gui7.rpy:322 old "The project name may not be empty." new "Nama proyek tidak boleh kosong" # gui7.rpy:327 old "[project_name!q] already exists. Please choose a different project name." new "Nama proyek [project_name!q] sudah tersedia, silahkan buat nama proyek yang berbeda." # gui7.rpy:330 old "[project_dir!q] already exists. Please choose a different project name." new "[project_dir!q] sudah tersedia, silahkan buat nama proyek yang berbeda." # gui7.rpy:341 old "What resolution should the project use? Although Ren'Py can scale the window up and down, this is the initial size of the window, the size at which assets should be drawn, and the size at which the assets will be at their sharpest.\n\nThe default of [default_size[0]]x[default_size[1]] is a reasonable compromise." new "Resolusi apa yang harus di gunakan proyek? Ren'Py dapat mengubah ukuran jendela naik dan turun, ini adalah ukuran inisial dari jendela, ukuran yang menentukan aset manya yang harus di gambar, dan ukuran dimana aset akan menjadi lebih tajamm.\n\nSetelan default [default_size[0]]x[default_size[1]] adalah ukuran yang paling bisa di kompromi." # gui7.rpy:389 old "Creating the new project..." new "Membuat proyek baru..." # gui7.rpy:391 old "Updating the project..." new "Mengupdate proyek..." # interface.rpy:107 old "Documentation" new "Dokumentasi" # interface.rpy:108 old "Ren'Py Website" new "Website Ren'Py" # interface.rpy:109 old "Ren'Py Games List" new "Daftar Game Ren'Py" # interface.rpy:117 old "update" new "Pembaharuan" # interface.rpy:119 old "preferences" new "Setting" # interface.rpy:120 old "quit" new "Keluar" # interface.rpy:232 old "Due to package format limitations, non-ASCII file and directory names are not allowed." new "Karena limitasi format package ,format nama file dan direktori non-ASCII tidak di perbolehkan." # interface.rpy:327 old "ERROR" # Automatic translation. new "KESALAHAN" # interface.rpy:356 old "While [what!qt], an error occured:" new "Kesalahan terjadi ketika : [what!qt] adalah :" # interface.rpy:356 old "[exception!q]" new "[exception!q]" # interface.rpy:375 old "Text input may not contain the {{ or [[ characters." new "Input text tidak boleh mengandung karakter {{ atau [[." # interface.rpy:380 old "File and directory names may not contain / or \\." new "Nama file dan direktori tidak boleh mengandung / atau \\." # interface.rpy:386 old "File and directory names must consist of ASCII characters." new "Nama file dan direktori harus terdiri dari karakter ASCII." # interface.rpy:454 old "PROCESSING" new "MEMPROSES" # interface.rpy:471 old "QUESTION" new "PERTANYAAN" # interface.rpy:484 old "CHOICE" new "PILIHAN" # ios.rpy:28 old "To build iOS packages, please download renios, unzip it, and place it into the Ren'Py directory. Then restart the Ren'Py launcher." new "Untuk membangun package iOS, tolong download renios, unzip, dan taruh di direktori Ren'Pu, Lalu restart launcher Ren'Py." # ios.rpy:29 old "The directory in where Xcode projects will be placed has not been selected. Choose 'Select Directory' to select it." new "Direktori dimana proyek Xcode akan di taruh belum di pilih, Silahkan 'Select Directory' untuk memilih." # ios.rpy:30 old "There is no Xcode project corresponding to the current Ren'Py project. Choose 'Create Xcode Project' to create one." new "Tidak ada proyek Xcode yang terkoresponding dengan proyek Ren'Py. Pilih 'Create Xcode Project' Untuk membuat satu." # ios.rpy:31 old "An Xcode project exists. Choose 'Update Xcode Project' to update it with the latest game files, or use Xcode to build and install it." new "Xcode projek tersedia. Pilih 'Update Xcode Project'. untuk mengupdate nya dengan game file terbaru, atau gunakan Xcode untuk mebangaun dan pasang." # ios.rpy:33 old "Attempts to emulate an iPhone.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down." new "Mencoba untuk mengemulasi iPhone.\n\nInput Sentuh di emulasikan melalui mouse, tapi hanya jika tombol di tahan." # ios.rpy:34 old "Attempts to emulate an iPad.\n\nTouch input is emulated through the mouse, but only when the button is held down." new "Mencoba untuk mengemulasi iPad.\n\nInput Sentuh di emulasikan melalui mouse, tapi hanya jika tombol di tahan." # ios.rpy:36 old "Selects the directory where Xcode projects will be placed." new "Pilih direktori dimana Xcode akan di simpan." # ios.rpy:37 old "Creates an Xcode project corresponding to the current Ren'Py project." new "Buat proyek Xcode yang berhubungan dengan proyek Ren'Py yang sekarang." # ios.rpy:38 old "Updates the Xcode project with the latest game files. This must be done each time the Ren'Py project changes." new "Update proyek Xcode dengan file game terbaru. Ini harus di lakukan setiap proyek Ren'Py berubah" # ios.rpy:39 old "Opens the Xcode project in Xcode." new "Buka proyek Xcode di Xcode." # ios.rpy:41 old "Opens the directory containing Xcode projects." new "Buka direktori yang berisi proyek Xcode." # ios.rpy:126 old "The Xcode project already exists. Would you like to rename the old project, and replace it with a new one?" new "Proyek Xcode sudah tersedia. Maukah kamu untuk menamai ulang proyek lama ,dan mengganti nya dengan yang baru?" # ios.rpy:211 old "iOS: [!q]" new "iOS: [!q]" # ios.rpy:240 old "iPhone" new "iPhone" # ios.rpy:244 old "iPad" new "iPad" # ios.rpy:264 old "Select Xcode Projects Directory" new "Pilih direktori proyek Xcode" # ios.rpy:268 old "Create Xcode Project" new "Buat proyek Xcode" # ios.rpy:272 old "Update Xcode Project" new "Update kode proyek Xcode" # ios.rpy:277 old "Launch Xcode" new "Jalankan Xcode" # ios.rpy:312 old "Open Xcode Projects Directory" new "Buka direktori proyek Xcode" # ios.rpy:345 old "Before packaging iOS apps, you'll need to download renios, Ren'Py's iOS support. Would you like to download renios now?" new "Sebelum membangun ke aplikasi iOS, Kamu harus mengunduh renios, Ren'Py iOS support.unduh renios sekarang?" # ios.rpy:354 old "XCODE PROJECTS DIRECTORY" new "DIREKTORI PROYEK XCODE" # ios.rpy:354 old "Please choose the Xcode Projects Directory using the directory chooser.\n{b}The directory chooser may have opened behind this window.{/b}" new "Tolong pilih direktori proyek Xcode menggunakan pemilih direktori.\n{b}Pemilih direktori mungkin terbuka di belakang window ini.{/b}" # ios.rpy:359 old "Ren'Py has set the Xcode Projects Directory to:" new "Ren'Py sudah menset direktori proyek Xcode ke:" # itch.rpy:60 old "The built distributions could not be found. Please choose 'Build' and try again." new "Distribusi built tidak dapat di temukan. Tolong pilih 'Build' dan coba lagi." # itch.rpy:91 old "No uploadable files were found. Please choose 'Build' and try again." new "Tidak di temukan file yang bisa di upload. Tolong pilih 'Build' dan coba lagi." # itch.rpy:99 old "The butler program was not found." new "Program butler tidak di temukan." # itch.rpy:99 old "Please install the app, which includes butler, and try again." new "Tolong pasang aplikasi, yang menginclude butler, dan coba lagi." # itch.rpy:108 old "The name of the itch project has not been set." new "Nama proyek itch belum di set." # itch.rpy:108 old "Please {a=}create your project{/a}, then add a line like \n{vspace=5}define build.itch_project = \"user-name/game-name\"\n{vspace=5} to options.rpy." new "Tolong {a=}buat proyek mu{/a}, dan masukan line seperti \n{vspace=5}define build.itch_project = \"user-name/game-name\"\n{vspace=5} ke options.rpy. " # mobilebuild.rpy:109 old "{a=%s}%s{/a}" new "{a=%s}%s{/a}" # navigation.rpy:168 old "Navigate: []" new "Navigasi: []" # navigation.rpy:177 old "Order: " new "Urutan:" # navigation.rpy:178 old "alphabetical" new "Alfabetical" # navigation.rpy:180 old "by-file" new "Berdasarkan-file" # navigation.rpy:182 old "natural" new "Natural" # navigation.rpy:194 old "Category:" new "Kategori:" # navigation.rpy:196 old "files" new "File" # navigation.rpy:197 old "labels" new "Label" # navigation.rpy:198 old "defines" new "Definisi" # navigation.rpy:199 old "transforms" new "Transform" # navigation.rpy:200 old "screens" new "Layar" # navigation.rpy:201 old "callables" new "Panggilan" # navigation.rpy:202 old "TODOs" # Automatic translation. new "TODO" # navigation.rpy:241 old "+ Add script file" new "+ Tambahkan file script" # navigation.rpy:249 old "No TODO comments found.\n\nTo create one, include \"# TODO\" in your script." new "Tidak ada komentar TODO di temukan.\n\nUntuk membuat nya,Masukan \"# TODO\" ke dalam script." # navigation.rpy:256 old "The list of names is empty." new "Daftar nama kosong." # new_project.rpy:38 old "New GUI Interface" new "Interface GUI Baru" # new_project.rpy:48 old "Both interfaces have been translated to your language." new "Kedua interface sudah di terjemahkan ke bahasa mu." # new_project.rpy:50 old "Only the new GUI has been translated to your language." new "Hanya gui baru yang sudah di terjemahkan ke bahasa mu." # new_project.rpy:52 old "Only the legacy theme interface has been translated to your language." new "Hanya tema legasi interface yang sudah di terjemahkan ke bahasa mu." # new_project.rpy:54 old "Neither interface has been translated to your language." new "Interface belum di terjemahkan ke bahsa mu." # new_project.rpy:63 old "The projects directory could not be set. Giving up." new "Direktori proyek tidak bisa di set." # new_project.rpy:69 old "Which interface would you like to use? The new GUI has a modern look, supports wide screens and mobile devices, and is easier to customize. Legacy themes might be necessary to work with older example code.\n\n[language_support!t]\n\nIf in doubt, choose the new GUI, then click Continue on the bottom-right." new "Interface mana yang ingin kamu gunakan? GUI baru memiliki tampilan moderen, mendukung layar lebar dan perangkat mobile, dan lebih mudah di kustomisasi. Tema legasi lebih di peruntukan untuk di gunakan dengan kode yang lama.\n\n[language_support!t]\n\nJika begitu, pilih GUI baru, dan klikk 'Lanjutkan' di pojok kanan bawah." # new_project.rpy:69 old "Legacy Theme Interface" new "Tema Interface Legacy" # new_project.rpy:90 old "Choose Project Template" new "Pilih template proyek" # new_project.rpy:108 old "Please select a template to use for your new project. The template sets the default font and the user interface language. If your language is not supported, choose 'english'." new "Silahkan pilih template baru untuk proyek baru mu. Template set font deafult dan bahasa user interface. Jika bahasa mu tidak di dukung ,silahkan pilih 'english'." # preferences.rpy:64 old "Launcher Preferences" new "Setting Launcher" # preferences.rpy:85 old "Projects Directory:" new "Direktori Proyek:" # preferences.rpy:92 old "[persistent.projects_directory!q]" new "[persistent.projects_directory!q]" # preferences.rpy:94 old "Projects directory: [text]" new "Direktori proyek: [text]" # preferences.rpy:96 old "Not Set" new "Belum diatur" # preferences.rpy:111 old "Text Editor:" new "Editor Text:" # preferences.rpy:117 old "Text editor: [text]" # Automatic translation. new "Editor teks: [text]" # preferences.rpy:133 old "Update Channel:" new "Channel Update:" # preferences.rpy:153 old "Navigation Options:" new "Opsi Navigasi:" # preferences.rpy:157 old "Include private names" new "Ikutsertakan Nama Privat" # preferences.rpy:158 old "Include library names" new "Ikutsertakan Nama Library" # preferences.rpy:168 old "Launcher Options:" new "Opsi Launcher:" # preferences.rpy:172 old "Hardware rendering" new "Rendering Hardware" # preferences.rpy:173 old "Show templates" new "Tunjukkan template" # preferences.rpy:174 old "Show edit file section" new "Tunjukan bagian edit file" # preferences.rpy:175 old "Large fonts" new "Font besar" # preferences.rpy:178 old "Console output" new "Output konsol" # preferences.rpy:199 old "Open launcher project" new "Buka proyek launcher" # preferences.rpy:213 old "Language:" new "Bahasa:" # project.rpy:47 old "After making changes to the script, press shift+R to reload your game." new "Setelah membuat perubahan pada script, tekan 'Shift+R' untuk mereload game." # project.rpy:47 old "Press shift+O (the letter) to access the console." new "Tekan 'Shift+O' (Tulisan) untuk mengakses konsol." # project.rpy:47 old "Press shift+D to access the developer menu." new "Tekan 'Shift+D' Untuk mengakses menu developer." # project.rpy:47 old "Have you backed up your projects recently?" new "Apakah kamu sudah membackup proyek kamu?" # project.rpy:229 old "Launching the project failed." new "Proyek gagal dijalankan." # project.rpy:229 old "Please ensure that your project launches normally before running this command." new "Tolong pastikan proyek mu berjalan normal sebelum menjalankan perintah ini." # project.rpy:242 old "Ren'Py is scanning the project..." new "Ren'Py sedang memindai proyek..." # project.rpy:568 old "Launching" new "Menjalankan" # project.rpy:597 old "PROJECTS DIRECTORY" new "DIREKTORI PROYEK" # project.rpy:597 old "Please choose the projects directory using the directory chooser.\n{b}The directory chooser may have opened behind this window.{/b}" new "Tolong pilih direktori proyek menggunakan pemilih direktori.\n{b}Pemilih direktori mungkin terbuka di blakang window ini.{/b}" # project.rpy:597 old "This launcher will scan for projects in this directory, will create new projects in this directory, and will place built projects into this directory." new "Launcher akan menscan proyek di direktori ini, akan membuat proyek baru di direktori ini, dan akan menaruh proyek yang telah di buat ke direktori ini." # project.rpy:602 old "Ren'Py has set the projects directory to:" new "Ren'Py telah menset direktori proyek ke:" # translations.rpy:63 old "Translations: [!q]" new "Terjemahan: [!q]" # translations.rpy:104 old "The language to work with. This should only contain lower-case ASCII characters and underscores." new "Bahasa yang akan di kerjakan. Hanya boleh bersisi huruf-kecil ASCII karakter dan garis bawah." # translations.rpy:130 old "Generate empty strings for translations" new "Buat string kosong untuk terjemahan" # translations.rpy:148 old "Generates or updates translation files. The files will be placed in game/tl/[persistent.translate_language!q]." new "Generate atau perebaharui file terjemahan. File akan di taruh di game/tl/[persistent.translate_language!q]" # translations.rpy:168 old "Extract String Translations" new "Ekstrak Terjemahan String" # translations.rpy:170 old "Merge String Translations" new "Satukan Terjemahan String" # translations.rpy:175 old "Replace existing translations" new "Timpa Terjemahan Yang Sudah Ada" # translations.rpy:176 old "Reverse languages" new "Bahasa terbalik" # translations.rpy:180 old "Update Default Interface Translations" # Automatic translation. new "Memperbarui Terjemahan Antarmuka Default" # translations.rpy:200 old "The extract command allows you to extract string translations from an existing project into a temporary file.\n\nThe merge command merges extracted translations into another project." new "Perintah ekstrak memungkinkan kamu untuk mengekstrak string terjemahan dari proyek ke file sementara.\n\nPerintah merge menyatukan terjemahan yang di ekstrak ke proyek lain." # translations.rpy:224 old "Ren'Py is generating translations...." new "Ren'Py sedang membuat terjemahan..." # translations.rpy:235 old "Ren'Py has finished generating [language] translations." new "Ren'Py telah selesai membuat terjemahan bahasa [language]." # translations.rpy:248 old "Ren'Py is extracting string translations..." new "Ren'Py sedang mengextrak string terjemahan..." # translations.rpy:251 old "Ren'Py has finished extracting [language] string translations." new "Ren'Py telah selesai mengextrak string terjemahan [language]." # translations.rpy:271 old "Ren'Py is merging string translations..." new "Ren'Py sedang menyatukan terjemahan string..." # translations.rpy:274 old "Ren'Py has finished merging [language] string translations." new "Ren'Py telah selesai menyatukan string terjemahan [language]" # translations.rpy:282 old "Updating default interface translations..." # Automatic translation. new "Memperbarui terjemahan antarmuka default..." # translations.rpy:306 old "Extract Dialogue: [!q]" new "Extrak Dialog: [!q]" # translations.rpy:322 old "Format:" new "Format:" # translations.rpy:330 old "Tab-delimited Spreadsheet (" new "Tab-terbatas Spreadsheet (" # translations.rpy:331 old "Dialogue Text Only (dialogue.txt)" new "Text Dialog Saja (dialogue.txt)" # translations.rpy:344 old "Strip text tags from the dialogue." new "Buang tag text dari dialog." # translations.rpy:345 old "Escape quotes and other special characters." new "tanda kutip dan karakter khusus lainnya" # translations.rpy:346 old "Extract all translatable strings, not just dialogue." new "Extrak semua string yang dapat di terjemahkan, bukan haya dialog." # translations.rpy:374 old "Ren'Py is extracting dialogue...." new "Ren'Py sedang mengextrak dialog..." # translations.rpy:378 old "Ren'Py has finished extracting dialogue. The extracted dialogue can be found in dialogue.[persistent.dialogue_format] in the base directory." new "Ren'Py sudah selesai mengextrak dialog. Dialog yang di extrak dapat di temukan di direktori dasar dialogue.[persistent.dialogue_format] ." # updater.rpy:75 old "Select Update Channel" new "Pilih Channel Update" # updater.rpy:86 old "The update channel controls the version of Ren'Py the updater will download. Please select an update channel:" new "Channel update mengkontrol versi yang akan di download oleh Ren'Py updater. Tolong pilih channel update:" # updater.rpy:91 old "Release" # Automatic translation. new "Lepaskan" # updater.rpy:97 old "{b}Recommended.{/b} The version of Ren'Py that should be used in all newly-released games." new "{b}Di Rekomendasikan.{/b} Versi Ren'Py yang seharus nya di gunakan oleh game yang baru di rilis." # updater.rpy:102 old "Prerelease" new "Prarilis" # updater.rpy:108 old "A preview of the next version of Ren'Py that can be used for testing and taking advantage of new features, but not for final releases of games." new "Cuplikan dari versi Ren'Py berikut nya yang dapaat di gunakan untuk testing dan mengambil keuntungan dari fitur baru, tapi bukan untuk rilis final game." # updater.rpy:114 old "Experimental" new "Percobaan" # updater.rpy:120 old "Experimental versions of Ren'Py. You shouldn't select this channel unless asked by a Ren'Py developer." new "Versi experimental dari Ren'Py. Kamu tidak seharusnya memilih channel ini, kecuali di minta oleh developer Ren'Py." # updater.rpy:126 old "Nightly" # Automatic translation. new "Setiap malam." # updater.rpy:132 old "The bleeding edge of Ren'Py development. This may have the latest features, or might not run at all." new "Update terbaru dari pengembangan Ren'Py. Ini mungikin mempunyai fitur terbaru. Bahkan tidak jalan sama sekali." # updater.rpy:152 old "An error has occured:" new "Kesalahan telah terjadi:" # updater.rpy:154 old "Checking for updates." new "Mencek pembaharuan." # updater.rpy:156 old "Ren'Py is up to date." new "Renpy sudah up to date (terbaru)." # updater.rpy:158 old "[u.version] is now available. Do you want to install it?" new "Versi [u.version] sekarang tersedia. Apakah kamu ingin memasang nya?" # updater.rpy:160 old "Preparing to download the update." new "Bersiap mengunduh pembaharuan." # updater.rpy:162 old "Downloading the update." new "Pengunduhan pembaharuan." # updater.rpy:164 old "Unpacking the update." new "Meng unpack pembaharuan." # updater.rpy:166 old "Finishing up." new "Finalisasi." # updater.rpy:168 old "The update has been installed. Ren'Py will restart." new "Pembaharuan telah terpasang. Ren'Py akan restart." # updater.rpy:170 old "The update has been installed." new "Pembaharuan telah di pasang." # updater.rpy:172 old "The update was cancelled." new "Pembaharuan telah di batalkan." # updater.rpy:189 old "Ren'Py Update" new "Perbaharui Ren'Py." # updater.rpy:195 old "Proceed" new "Lanjut." translate indonesian strings: # choose_directory.rpy:104 old "The selected projects directory is not writable." new "Direktori proyek terpilih tidak dapat di tulis (not writable)" # distribute.rpy:1061 old "Signing the Macintosh application...\n(This may take a long time.)" new "Menandatangani aplikasi Macintosh...\n(Ini mungkin memakan waktu lama.)" # front_page.rpy:91 old "PROJECTS:" new "PROYEK:" translate indonesian strings: # preferences.rpy:181 old "Legacy options" new "Opsi Legasi" translate indonesian strings: # android.rpy:304 old "Android: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "Android: [project.current.display_name!q]" # distribute_gui.rpy:157 old "Build Distributions: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "Distribusi Build: [project.current.display_name!q]" # gui7.rpy:372 old "WIDTH" new "LEBAR" # gui7.rpy:372 old "Please enter the width of your game, in pixels." new "Tolong masukkan lebar dari game mu, dalam pixel." # gui7.rpy:377 old "The width must be a number." new "Ukuran lebar harus dalam angka." # gui7.rpy:379 old "HEIGHT" new "TINGGI" # gui7.rpy:379 old "Please enter the height of your game, in pixels." new "Tolong masukkan tinggi dari game mu, dalam pixel." # gui7.rpy:384 old "The height must be a number." new "Ukuran tinggi harus dalam angka." # interface.rpy:136 old "Ren'Py Sponsor Information" new "Informasi Sponsor Ren'Py" # ios.rpy:211 old "iOS: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "iOS: [project.current.display_name!q]" # navigation.rpy:168 old "Navigate: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "Navigasi: [project.current.display_name!q]" # new_project.rpy:71 old "You will be creating an [new_project_language]{#this substitution may be localized} language project. Change the launcher language in preferences to create a project in another language." new "Kamu akan membuat bahasa proyek : [new_project_language]. Ganti bahasa launcher di pengaturan untuk membuat proyek dalam bahasa lain." # preferences.rpy:187 old "Force new tutorial" new "Paksa tutorial baru" # preferences.rpy:194 old "Sponsor message" new "Pesan sponsor" # translations.rpy:92 old "Translations: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "Penerjemah : [project.current.display_name!q]" # translations.rpy:343 old "Extract Dialogue: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "Extrak Dialog: [project.current.display_name!q]" # game/install.rpy:104 old "Install Libraries" new "Pasang Libraries" # game/install.rpy:119 old "This screen allows you to install libraries that can't be distributed with Ren'Py. Some of these libraries may require you to agree to a third-party license before being used or distributed." new "Bagian ini menuntunmu untuk memasang libraries yang mana tidak didistribusikan langsung oleh Ren'py.Beberapa libraris mungkin memerlukan izin pihak ketiga agar digunakan atau didistrubiskan." # game/install.rpy:131 old "Install Live2D Cubism SDK for Native" new "Pasang Live2D Cubism SDK untuk Native" # game/install.rpy:134 old "The {a=}Cubism SDK for Native{/a} adds support for displaying Live2D models. Place CubismSdkForNative-4-{i}version{/i}.zip in the Ren'Py SDK directory, and then click Install. Distributing a game with Live2D requires you to accept a license from Live2D, Inc." new "{a=}Cubism SDK for Native{/a} menambahkan dukungan untuk menampilkan Live2D. Letakkan CubismSdkForNative-4-{i}version{/i}.zip ke direktori SDK Ren'Py , dan klik Pasang. Mendistrubusikan game dengan menggunakan Live2D membutuhkan izin(license) yang kamu setujui dari Live2D,Inc mu." # game/install.rpy:138 old "Open Ren'Py SDK Directory" new "Buka Direktori SDK Ren'Py " # game/preferences.rpy:138 old "Install libraries" new "Pasang libraries" # game/preferences.rpy:140 old "Reset window size" new "Reset ukuran window" # game/install.rpy:144 old "Live2D in Ren'Py doesn't support the Web, Android x86_64 (including emulators and Chrome OS), and must be added to iOS projects manually. Live2D must be reinstalled after upgrading Ren'Py or installing Android support." new "Live2D di Ren'py tidak mendukung versi web, Android x86_64 (termsuk emulator dan Chrome OS), dan harus ditambahkan secara manual/terpisah pada iOS. Live2D harus dipasang ulang apabila melakukan pemuktahiran(upgrade) Ren'py atau pada dukungan tambahan pada Androidnya." # game/install.rpy:151 old "Install Steam Support" new "Pasang Dukungan untuk Steam" # game/install.rpy:160 old "Before installing Steam support, please make sure you are a {a=}Steam partner{/a}." new "Sebelum memasangkan dukungan untuk Steam,pastikan kamu adalah bagian dari Steam Partner {a=}{/a}." # game/install.rpy:172 old "Steam support has already been installed." new "Dukungan untuk Steam telah terpasang." # game/web.rpy:242 old "Preparing progressive download" new "Persiapan unduh" # web.rpy:194 old "Before packaging web apps, you'll need to download RenPyWeb, Ren'Py's web support. Would you like to download RenPyWeb now?" new "Sebelum membangun renpy ke versi web,kamu perlu mengunduh RenpyWeb (Ren'Py's web support),unduh sekarang?" translate indonesian strings: # game/add_file.rpy:37 old "The file name may not be empty." # Automatic translation. new "Nama file tidak boleh kosong." # game/android.rpy:37 old "A 64-bit/x64 Java [JDK_REQUIREMENT] Development Kit is required to build Android packages on Windows. The JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK.\n\nPlease {a=[JDK_REQUIREMENT]}download and install the JDK{/a}, then restart the Ren'Py launcher." # Automatic translation. new "Sebuah 64-bit/x64 Java [JDK_REQUIREMENT] Development Kit diperlukan untuk membuat paket Android di Windows. JDK berbeda dengan JRE, jadi mungkin saja Anda memiliki Java tanpa memiliki JDK.\n\nSilakan {a=[JDK_REQUIREMENT]}unduh dan instal JDK{/a}, lalu mulai ulang peluncur Ren'Py." # game/android.rpy:39 old "RAPT has been installed, but a key hasn't been configured. Please generate new keys, or copy android.keystore and bundle.keystore to the base directory." # Automatic translation. new "RAPT telah diinstal, tetapi kunci belum dikonfigurasi. Buatlah kunci baru, atau salin android.keystore dan bundle.keystore ke direktori dasar." # game/android.rpy:41 old "Please select if you want a Play Bundle (for Google Play), or a Universal APK (for sideloading and other app stores)." # Automatic translation. new "Pilihlah apakah Anda menginginkan Play Bundle (untuk Google Play), atau APK Universal (untuk sideload dan toko aplikasi lainnya)." # game/android.rpy:46 old "Attempts to emulate a televison-based Android console.\n\nController input is mapped to the arrow keys, Enter is mapped to the select button, Escape is mapped to the menu button, and PageUp is mapped to the back button." # Automatic translation. new "Mencoba meniru konsol Android berbasis televisi.\n\nInput pengontrol dipetakan ke tombol panah, Enter dipetakan ke tombol pilih, Escape dipetakan ke tombol menu, dan PageUp dipetakan ke tombol kembali." # game/android.rpy:48 old "Downloads and installs the Android SDK and supporting packages." # Automatic translation. new "Mengunduh dan menginstal Android SDK dan paket-paket pendukung." # game/android.rpy:49 old "Generates the keys required to sign the package." # Automatic translation. new "Menghasilkan kunci yang diperlukan untuk menandatangani paket." # game/android.rpy:56 old "Lists the connected devices." # Automatic translation. new "Mencantumkan daftar perangkat yang tersambung." # game/android.rpy:57 old "Pairs with a device over Wi-Fi, on Android 11+." # Automatic translation. new "Memasangkan dengan perangkat melalui Wi-Fi, pada Android 11+." # game/android.rpy:58 old "Connects to a device over Wi-Fi, on Android 11+." # Automatic translation. new "Menghubungkan ke perangkat melalui Wi-Fi, pada Android 11+." # game/android.rpy:59 old "Disconnects a device connected over Wi-Fi." # Automatic translation. new "Memutuskan sambungan perangkat yang tersambung melalui Wi-Fi." # game/android.rpy:61 old "Removes Android temporary files." # Automatic translation. new "Menghapus file sementara Android." # game/android.rpy:63 old "Builds an Android App Bundle (ABB), intended to be uploaded to Google Play. This can include up to 2GB of data." # Automatic translation. new "Membuat Android App Bundle (ABB), yang dimaksudkan untuk diunggah ke Google Play. Ini dapat mencakup hingga 2GB data." # game/android.rpy:64 old "Builds a Universal APK package, intended for sideloading and stores other than Google Play. This can include up to 2GB of data." # Automatic translation. new "Membuat paket APK Universal, yang ditujukan untuk sideload dan toko selain Google Play. Ini dapat mencakup hingga 2GB data." # game/android.rpy:383 old "Install SDK" # Automatic translation. new "Instal SDK" # game/android.rpy:387 old "Generate Keys" # Automatic translation. new "Hasilkan Kunci" # game/android.rpy:397 old "Play Bundle" new "Play Bundle" # game/android.rpy:402 old "Universal APK" new "Universal APK" # game/android.rpy:452 old "List Devices" # Automatic translation. new "Daftar Perangkat" # game/android.rpy:456 old "Wi-Fi Debugging Pair" # Automatic translation. new "Pasangan Debugging Wi-Fi" # game/android.rpy:460 old "Wi-Fi Debugging Connect" # Automatic translation. new "Menghubungkan Debugging Wi-Fi" # game/android.rpy:464 old "Wi-Fi Debugging Disconnect" # Automatic translation. new "Memutuskan sambungan debug Wi-Fi" # game/android.rpy:468 old "Clean" # Automatic translation. new "Bersih" # game/android.rpy:573 old "Wi-Fi Pairing Code" # Automatic translation. new "Kode Pemasangan Wi-Fi" # game/android.rpy:573 old "If supported, this can be found in 'Developer options', 'Wireless debugging', 'Pair device with pairing code'." # Automatic translation. new "Jika didukung, hal ini dapat ditemukan di 'Opsi pengembang', 'Debugging nirkabel', 'Pasangkan perangkat dengan kode pemasangan'." # game/android.rpy:580 old "Pairing Host & Port" # Automatic translation. new "Memasangkan Host & Port" # game/android.rpy:596 old "IP Address & Port" # Automatic translation. new "Alamat IP & Port" # game/android.rpy:596 old "If supported, this can be found in 'Developer options', 'Wireless debugging'." # Automatic translation. new "Jika didukung, hal ini dapat ditemukan di 'Opsi pengembang', 'Debugging nirkabel'." # game/android.rpy:612 old "This can be found in 'List Devices'." # Automatic translation. new "Ini dapat ditemukan di 'Daftar Perangkat'." # game/android.rpy:632 old "Cleaning up Android project." # Automatic translation. new "Membersihkan proyek Android." # game/androidstrings.rpy:7 old "{} is not a directory." # Automatic translation. new "{} bukanlah sebuah direktori." # game/androidstrings.rpy:8 old "{} does not contain a Ren'Py game." # Automatic translation. new "{} tidak mengandung permainan Ren'Py." # game/androidstrings.rpy:10 old "Run configure before attempting to build the app." # Automatic translation. new "Jalankan konfigurasi sebelum mencoba membangun aplikasi." # game/androidstrings.rpy:11 old "Updating project." # Automatic translation. new "Memperbarui proyek." # game/androidstrings.rpy:12 old "Creating assets directory." # Automatic translation. new "Membuat direktori aset." # game/androidstrings.rpy:13 old "Packaging internal data." # Automatic translation. new "Mengemas data internal." # game/androidstrings.rpy:14 old "I'm using Gradle to build the package." # Automatic translation. new "Saya menggunakan Gradle untuk membangun paket." # game/androidstrings.rpy:15 old "The build seems to have failed." # Automatic translation. new "Tampaknya pembangunannya gagal." # game/androidstrings.rpy:16 old "I'm installing the bundle." # Automatic translation. new "Saya sedang memasang bundelnya." # game/androidstrings.rpy:17 old "Installing the bundle appears to have failed." # Automatic translation. new "Pemasangan bundel tampaknya gagal." # game/androidstrings.rpy:18 old "Launching app." # Automatic translation. new "Meluncurkan aplikasi." # game/androidstrings.rpy:19 old "Launching the app appears to have failed." # Automatic translation. new "Peluncuran aplikasi tampaknya gagal." # game/androidstrings.rpy:20 old "The build seems to have succeeded." # Automatic translation. new "Tampaknya pembangunannya telah berhasil." # game/androidstrings.rpy:21 old "What is the full name of your application? This name will appear in the list of installed applications." # Automatic translation. new "Apa nama lengkap aplikasi Anda? Nama ini akan muncul di daftar aplikasi yang terinstal." # game/androidstrings.rpy:22 old "What is the short name of your application? This name will be used in the launcher, and for application shortcuts." # Automatic translation. new "Apa nama singkat aplikasi Anda? Nama ini akan digunakan di peluncur, dan untuk pintasan aplikasi." # game/androidstrings.rpy:23 old "What is the name of the package?\n\nThis is usually of the form com.domain.program or It may only contain ASCII letters and dots. It must contain at least one dot." # Automatic translation. new "Apa nama paketnya?\n\nBiasanya berbentuk com.domain.program atau Nama domain ini hanya boleh berisi huruf dan titik ASCII. Setidaknya harus mengandung satu titik." # game/androidstrings.rpy:24 old "The package name may not be empty." # Automatic translation. new "Nama paket tidak boleh kosong." # game/androidstrings.rpy:25 old "The package name may not contain spaces." # Automatic translation. new "Nama paket tidak boleh mengandung spasi." # game/androidstrings.rpy:26 old "The package name must contain at least one dot." # Automatic translation. new "Nama paket harus mengandung setidaknya satu titik." # game/androidstrings.rpy:27 old "The package name may not contain two dots in a row, or begin or end with a dot." # Automatic translation. new "Nama paket tidak boleh mengandung dua titik berturut-turut, atau diawali atau diakhiri dengan titik." # game/androidstrings.rpy:28 old "Each part of the package name must start with a letter, and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores." # Automatic translation. new "Setiap bagian dari nama paket harus dimulai dengan huruf, dan hanya terdiri dari huruf, angka, dan garis bawah." # game/androidstrings.rpy:29 old "{} is a Java keyword, and can't be used as part of a package name." # Automatic translation. new "{} adalah kata kunci Java, dan tidak dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari nama paket." # game/androidstrings.rpy:30 old "What is the application's version?\n\nThis should be the human-readable version that you would present to a person. It must contain only numbers and dots." # Automatic translation. new "Apa versi aplikasi ini?\n\nIni harus merupakan versi yang dapat dibaca manusia yang akan Anda tunjukkan kepada seseorang. Hanya berisi angka dan titik." # game/androidstrings.rpy:31 old "The version number must contain only numbers and dots." # Automatic translation. new "Nomor versi hanya boleh berisi angka dan titik." # game/androidstrings.rpy:32 old "How much RAM (in GB) do you want to allocate to Gradle?\nThis must be a positive integer number." # Automatic translation. new "Berapa banyak RAM (dalam GB) yang ingin Anda alokasikan untuk Gradle?\nIni harus berupa bilangan bulat positif." # game/androidstrings.rpy:33 old "The RAM size must contain only numbers and be positive." # Automatic translation. new "Ukuran RAM harus hanya berisi angka dan positif." # game/androidstrings.rpy:34 old "How would you like your application to be displayed?" # Automatic translation. new "Bagaimana Anda ingin aplikasi Anda ditampilkan?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:35 old "In landscape orientation." # Automatic translation. new "Dalam orientasi lanskap." # game/androidstrings.rpy:36 old "In portrait orientation." # Automatic translation. new "Dalam orientasi potret." # game/androidstrings.rpy:37 old "In the user's preferred orientation." # Automatic translation. new "Dalam orientasi pilihan pengguna." # game/androidstrings.rpy:38 old "Which app store would you like to support in-app purchasing through?" # Automatic translation. new "Toko aplikasi mana yang ingin Anda dukung untuk pembelian dalam aplikasi?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:39 old "Google Play." new "Google Play." # game/androidstrings.rpy:40 old "Amazon App Store." new "Amazon App Store." # game/androidstrings.rpy:41 old "Both, in one app." # Automatic translation. new "Keduanya, dalam satu aplikasi." # game/androidstrings.rpy:42 old "Neither." # Automatic translation. new "Tidak juga." # game/androidstrings.rpy:43 old "Do you want to automatically update the Java source code?" # Automatic translation. new "Apakah Anda ingin memperbarui kode sumber Java secara otomatis?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:44 old "Yes. This is the best choice for most projects." # Automatic translation. new "Ya, ini adalah pilihan terbaik untuk sebagian besar proyek." # game/androidstrings.rpy:45 old "No. This may require manual updates when Ren'Py or the project configuration changes." # Automatic translation. new "Tidak. Hal ini mungkin memerlukan pembaruan manual ketika Ren'Py atau konfigurasi proyek berubah." # game/androidstrings.rpy:46 old "Unknown configuration variable: {}" # Automatic translation. new "Variabel konfigurasi yang tidak diketahui: {}" # game/androidstrings.rpy:47 old "I'm compiling a short test program, to see if you have a working JDK on your system." # Automatic translation. new "Saya sedang menyusun sebuah program uji coba singkat, untuk melihat apakah Anda memiliki JDK yang berfungsi di sistem Anda." # game/androidstrings.rpy:48 old "I was unable to use javac to compile a test file. If you haven't installed the Java Development Kit yet, please download it from:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nThe JDK is different from the JRE, so it's possible you have Java without having the JDK. Please make sure you installed the 'JavaSoft (Oracle) registry keys'.\n\nWithout a working JDK, I can't continue." # Automatic translation. new "Saya tidak dapat menggunakan javac untuk mengkompilasi berkas uji coba. Jika Anda belum menginstal Java Development Kit, silakan unduh dari:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nJDK berbeda dengan JRE, jadi mungkin saja Anda memiliki Java tanpa memiliki JDK. Pastikan Anda telah menginstal 'JavaSoft (Oracle) registry keys'.\n\nTanpa JDK yang berfungsi, saya tidak bisa melanjutkan." # game/androidstrings.rpy:49 old "The version of Java on your computer does not appear to be JDK 8, which is the only version supported by the Android SDK. If you need to install JDK 8, you can download it from:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nYou can also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to use a different version of Java." # Automatic translation. new "Versi Java di komputer Anda tampaknya bukan JDK 8, yang merupakan satu-satunya versi yang didukung oleh Android SDK. Jika Anda perlu menginstal JDK 8, Anda dapat mengunduhnya dari:\n\n{a=}{/a}\n\nAnda juga dapat mengatur variabel lingkungan JAVA_HOME untuk menggunakan versi Java yang berbeda." # game/androidstrings.rpy:50 old "The JDK is present and working. Good!" # Automatic translation. new "JDK hadir dan berfungsi. Bagus!" # game/androidstrings.rpy:51 old "The Android SDK has already been unpacked." # Automatic translation. new "SDK Android telah dibongkar." # game/androidstrings.rpy:52 old "Do you accept the Android SDK Terms and Conditions?" # Automatic translation. new "Apakah Anda menerima Syarat dan Ketentuan Android SDK?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:53 old "I'm downloading the Android SDK. This might take a while." # Automatic translation. new "Saya sedang mengunduh Android SDK. Ini mungkin akan memakan waktu cukup lama." # game/androidstrings.rpy:54 old "I'm extracting the Android SDK." # Automatic translation. new "Saya mengekstrak SDK Android." # game/androidstrings.rpy:55 old "I've finished unpacking the Android SDK." # Automatic translation. new "Saya sudah selesai membongkar Android SDK." # game/androidstrings.rpy:56 old "I'm about to download and install the required Android packages. This might take a while." # Automatic translation. new "Saya akan mengunduh dan menginstal paket Android yang diperlukan. Ini mungkin akan memakan waktu cukup lama." # game/androidstrings.rpy:57 old "I was unable to accept the Android licenses." # Automatic translation. new "Saya tidak dapat menerima lisensi Android." # game/androidstrings.rpy:59 old "I was unable to install the required Android packages." # Automatic translation. new "Saya tidak dapat menginstal paket Android yang diperlukan." # game/androidstrings.rpy:60 old "I've finished installing the required Android packages." # Automatic translation. new "Saya sudah selesai menginstal paket Android yang diperlukan." # game/androidstrings.rpy:61 old "It looks like you're ready to start packaging games." # Automatic translation. new "Sepertinya Anda sudah siap untuk mulai mengemas game." # game/androidstrings.rpy:62 old "Please enter your name or the name of your organization." # Automatic translation. new "Masukkan nama Anda atau nama organisasi Anda." # game/androidstrings.rpy:63 old "I found an android.keystore file in the rapt directory. Do you want to use this file?" # Automatic translation. new "Saya menemukan file android.keystore di direktori rapt. Apakah Anda ingin menggunakan file ini?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:64 old "I can create an application signing key for you. This key is required to create Universal APK for sideloading and stores other than Google Play.\n\nDo you want to create a key?" # Automatic translation. new "Saya dapat membuat kunci penandatanganan aplikasi untuk Anda. Kunci ini diperlukan untuk membuat APK Universal untuk sideload dan toko selain Google Play.\n\nApakah Anda ingin membuat kunci?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:65 old "I will create the key in the android.keystore file.\n\nYou need to back this file up. If you lose it, you will not be able to upgrade your application.\n\nYou also need to keep the key safe. If evil people get this file, they could make fake versions of your application, and potentially steal your users' data.\n\nWill you make a backup of android.keystore, and keep it in a safe place?" # Automatic translation. new "Saya akan membuat kunci di file android.keystore.\n\nAnda perlu mencadangkan file ini. Jika Anda kehilangan file tersebut, Anda tidak akan dapat meningkatkan aplikasi Anda.\n\nAnda juga perlu menyimpan kunci dengan aman. Jika orang jahat mendapatkan file ini, mereka dapat membuat versi palsu dari aplikasi Anda, dan berpotensi mencuri data pengguna.\n\nApakah Anda akan membuat cadangan android.keystore, dan menyimpannya di tempat yang aman?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:66 old "\n\nSaying 'No' will prevent key creation." # Automatic translation. new "\n\nMengatakan 'Tidak' akan mencegah pembuatan kunci." # game/androidstrings.rpy:67 old "Could not create android.keystore. Is keytool in your path?" # Automatic translation. new "Tidak dapat membuat android.keystore. Apakah keytool ada di jalur Anda?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:68 old "I've finished creating android.keystore. Please back it up, and keep it in a safe place." # Automatic translation. new "Saya telah selesai membuat android.keystore. Silakan cadangkan, dan simpan di tempat yang aman." # game/androidstrings.rpy:69 old "I found a bundle.keystore file in the rapt directory. Do you want to use this file?" # Automatic translation. new "Saya menemukan file bundle.keystore di direktori rapt. Apakah Anda ingin menggunakan file ini?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:70 old "I can create a bundle signing key for you. This key is required to build an Android App Bundle (AAB) for upload to Google Play.\n\nDo you want to create a key?" # Automatic translation. new "Saya bisa membuatkan kunci penandatanganan bundel untuk Anda. Kunci ini diperlukan untuk membuat Android App Bundle (AAB) untuk diunggah ke Google Play.\n\nApakah Anda ingin membuat kunci?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:71 old "I will create the key in the bundle.keystore file.\n\nYou need to back this file up. If you lose it, you will not be able to upgrade your application.\n\nYou also need to keep the key safe. If evil people get this file, they could make fake versions of your application, and potentially steal your users' data.\n\nWill you make a backup of bundle.keystore, and keep it in a safe place?" # Automatic translation. new "Saya akan membuat kunci di file bundle.keystore.\n\nAnda perlu mencadangkan file ini. Jika Anda kehilangan file tersebut, Anda tidak akan dapat meningkatkan aplikasi Anda.\n\nAnda juga perlu menyimpan kunci dengan aman. Jika orang jahat mendapatkan file ini, mereka dapat membuat versi palsu dari aplikasi Anda, dan berpotensi mencuri data pengguna.\n\nApakah Anda akan membuat cadangan bundle.keystore, dan menyimpannya di tempat yang aman?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:73 old "Could not create bundle.keystore. Is keytool in your path?" # Automatic translation. new "Tidak dapat membuat bundle.keystore. Apakah keytool ada di jalur Anda?" # game/androidstrings.rpy:74 old "I've opened the directory containing android.keystore and bundle.keystore. Please back them up, and keep them in a safe place." # Automatic translation. new "Saya telah membuka direktori yang berisi android.keystore dan bundle.keystore. Silakan cadangkan, dan simpan di tempat yang aman." # game/choose_directory.rpy:67 old "Select Projects Directory" # Automatic translation. new "Pilih Direktori Proyek" # game/choose_theme.rpy:508 old "changing the theme" # Automatic translation. new "mengubah tema" # game/distribute.rpy:1745 old "Copying files..." # Automatic translation. new "Menyalin file..." # game/distribute_gui.rpy:195 old "Update old-game" # Automatic translation. new "Perbarui game lama" # game/distribute_gui.rpy:231 old "(DLC)" new "(DLC)" # game/dmgcheck.rpy:50 old "Ren'Py is running from a read only folder. Some functionality will not work." # Automatic translation. new "Ren'Py berjalan dari folder read only. Beberapa fungsionalitas tidak akan berfungsi." # game/dmgcheck.rpy:50 old "This is probably because Ren'Py is running directly from a Macintosh drive image. To fix this, quit this launcher, copy the entire %s folder somewhere else on your computer, and run Ren'Py again." # Automatic translation. new "Hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena Ren'Py berjalan langsung dari image drive Macintosh. Untuk memperbaikinya, keluar dari peluncur ini, salin seluruh folder %s di tempat lain pada komputer Anda, dan jalankan Ren'Py lagi." # game/editor.rpy:152 old "A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration." # Automatic translation. new "Editor modern dengan banyak ekstensi termasuk integrasi Ren'Py yang canggih." # game/editor.rpy:153 old "A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration.\n{a=jump:reinstall_vscode}Upgrade Visual Studio Code to the latest version.{/a}" # Automatic translation. new "Editor modern dengan banyak ekstensi termasuk integrasi Ren'Py yang canggih.\n{a=jump:reinstall_vscode}Tingkatkan Visual Studio Code ke versi terbaru.{/a}" # game/editor.rpy:169 old "Visual Studio Code" new "Visual Studio Code" # game/editor.rpy:169 old "Up to 110 MB download required." # Automatic translation. new "Diperlukan unduhan hingga 110 MB." # game/editor.rpy:182 old "A modern and approachable text editor." # Automatic translation. new "Editor teks yang modern dan mudah didekati." # game/editor.rpy:196 old "Atom" new "Atom" # game/editor.rpy:196 old "Up to 150 MB download required." # Automatic translation. new "Diperlukan unduhan hingga 150 MB." # game/editor.rpy:211 old "jEdit" new "jEdit" # game/editor.rpy:220 old "Visual Studio Code (System)" # Automatic translation. new "Kode Visual Studio (Sistem)" # game/editor.rpy:220 old "Uses a copy of Visual Studio Code that you have installed outside of Ren'Py. It's recommended you install the language-renpy extension to add support for Ren'Py files." # Automatic translation. new "Menggunakan salinan Kode Visual Studio yang telah Anda instal di luar Ren'Py. Anda disarankan untuk menginstal ekstensi language-renpy untuk menambahkan dukungan untuk file Ren'Py." # game/editor.rpy:226 old "System Editor" # Automatic translation. new "Editor Sistem" # game/editor.rpy:245 old "None" # Automatic translation. new "Tidak ada" # game/editor.rpy:352 old "Edit [text]." new "Edit [text]." # game/front_page.rpy:165 old "audio" new "audio" # game/front_page.rpy:182 old "Open project" # Automatic translation. new "Proyek terbuka" # game/front_page.rpy:188 old "Actions" # Automatic translation. new "Tindakan" # game/front_page.rpy:219 old "Web" new "Web" # game/front_page.rpy:219 old "(Beta)" new "(Beta)" # game/gui7.rpy:302 old "{size=-4}\n\nThis will not overwrite gui/main_menu.png, gui/game_menu.png, and gui/window_icon.png, but will create files that do not exist.{/size}" # Automatic translation. new "{size=-4}\n\nIni tidak akan menimpa gui/main_menu.png, gui/game_menu.png, dan gui/window_icon.png, tetapi akan membuat file yang tidak ada.{/size}" # game/gui7.rpy:333 old "Custom. The GUI is optimized for a 16:9 aspect ratio." # Automatic translation. new "Kustom. GUI dioptimalkan untuk rasio aspek 16:9." # game/gui7.rpy:424 old "creating a new project" # Automatic translation. new "membuat proyek baru" # game/gui7.rpy:428 old "activating the new project" # Automatic translation. new "mengaktifkan proyek baru" # game/install.rpy:33 old "Could not install [name!t], as a file matching [zipglob] was not found in the Ren'Py SDK directory." # Automatic translation. new "Tidak dapat menginstal [name!t], karena file yang cocok dengan [zipglob] tidak ditemukan di direktori Ren'Py SDK." # game/install.rpy:79 old "Successfully installed [name!t]." # Automatic translation. new "Berhasil diinstal [name!t]." # game/installer.rpy:10 old "Downloading [extension.download_file]." # Automatic translation. new "Mengunduh [extension.download_file]." # game/installer.rpy:11 old "Could not download [extension.download_file] from [extension.download_url]:\n{b}[extension.download_error]" # Automatic translation. new "Tidak dapat mengunduh [extension.download_file] dari [extension.download_url]:\n{b}[extension.download_error]" # game/installer.rpy:12 old "The downloaded file [extension.download_file] from [extension.download_url] is not correct." # Automatic translation. new "File yang diunduh [extension.download_file] dari [extension.download_url] tidak benar." # game/interface.rpy:124 old "[interface.version]" new "[interface.version]" # game/interface.rpy:385 old "opening the log file" # Automatic translation. new "membuka file log" # game/ios.rpy:379 old "There are known issues with the iOS simulator on Apple Silicon. Please test on x86_64 or iOS devices." # Automatic translation. new "Ada beberapa masalah yang diketahui dengan simulator iOS pada Apple Silicon. Silakan uji pada perangkat x86_64 atau iOS." # game/itch.rpy:45 old "Downloading the butler." # Automatic translation. new "Mengunduh butler" # game/preferences.rpy:106 old "General" # Automatic translation. new "Umum" # game/preferences.rpy:107 old "Options" # Automatic translation. new "Pilihan" # game/preferences.rpy:227 old "Daily check for update" # Automatic translation. new "Pemeriksaan harian untuk pembaruan" # game/preferences.rpy:246 old "Launcher Theme:" # Automatic translation. new "Tema Peluncur:" # game/preferences.rpy:250 old "Default theme" # Automatic translation. new "Tema default" # game/preferences.rpy:251 old "Dark theme" # Automatic translation. new "Tema gelap" # game/preferences.rpy:252 old "Custom theme" # Automatic translation. new "Tema khusus" # game/preferences.rpy:256 old "Information about creating a custom theme can be found {a=}in the Ren'Py Documentation{/a}." # Automatic translation. new "Informasi tentang membuat tema khusus dapat ditemukan di {a=}dalam Dokumentasi Ren'Py{/a}." # game/preferences.rpy:273 old "Install Libraries:" # Automatic translation. new "Instal Perpustakaan:" # game/preferences.rpy:301 old "Clean temporary files" # Automatic translation. new "Bersihkan file sementara" # game/preferences.rpy:308 old "Cleaning temporary files..." # Automatic translation. new "Membersihkan file sementara..." # game/preferences.rpy:338 old "{#in language font}Welcome! Please choose a language" # Automatic translation. new "{#in language font}Selamat datang! Silakan pilih bahasa" # game/preferences.rpy:373 old "{#in language font}Start using Ren'Py in [lang_name]" # Automatic translation. new "{#in language font}Mulai menggunakan Ren'Py di [lang_name]" # game/project.rpy:46 old "Lint checks your game for potential mistakes, and gives you statistics." # Automatic translation. new "Lint memeriksa permainan Anda untuk potensi kesalahan, dan memberi Anda statistik." # game/project.rpy:283 old "This may be because the project is not writeable." # Automatic translation. new "Hal ini mungkin karena proyek ini tidak dapat ditulis." # game/translations.rpy:391 old "Language (or None for the default language):" # Automatic translation. new "Bahasa (atau Tidak Ada untuk bahasa default):" # game/updater.rpy:64 old "Release (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)" # Automatic translation. new "Rilis (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)" # game/updater.rpy:65 old "Release (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)" # Automatic translation. new "Rilis (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)" # game/updater.rpy:69 old "Prerelease (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)" # Automatic translation. new "Prarilis (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)" # game/updater.rpy:70 old "Prerelease (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)" # Automatic translation. new "Prarilis (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)" # game/updater.rpy:77 old "Nightly (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)" # Automatic translation. new "Malam hari (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)" # game/updater.rpy:78 old "Nightly (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)" # Automatic translation. new "Malam hari (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)" # game/updater.rpy:108 old "The update channel controls the version of Ren'Py the updater will download." # Automatic translation. new "Saluran pembaruan mengontrol versi Ren'Py yang akan diunduh oleh pembaru." # game/updater.rpy:116 old "• {a=}View change log{/a}" # Automatic translation. new "- {a=}Lihat log perubahan{/a}" # game/updater.rpy:118 old "• {a=}View change log{/a}" # Automatic translation. new "- {a=}Lihat log perubahan{/a}" # game/updater.rpy:124 old "• This version is installed and up-to-date." # Automatic translation. new "- Versi ini sudah terinstal dan terbaru." # game/updater.rpy:136 old "%B %d, %Y" new "%B %d, %Y" # game/updater.rpy:215 old "Fetching the list of update channels" # Automatic translation. new "Mengambil daftar saluran pembaruan" # game/updater.rpy:220 old "downloading the list of update channels" # Automatic translation. new "mengunduh daftar saluran pembaruan" # game/web.rpy:485 old "Creating package..." # Automatic translation. new "Membuat paket..." # game/web.rpy:505 old "Web: [project.current.display_name!q]" new "Web: [project.current.display_name!q]" # game/web.rpy:535 old "Build Web Application" # Automatic translation. new "Membangun Aplikasi Web" # game/web.rpy:536 old "Build and Open in Browser" # Automatic translation. new "Membangun dan Membuka di Browser" # game/web.rpy:537 old "Open in Browser" # Automatic translation. new "Buka di Browser" # game/web.rpy:538 old "Open build directory" # Automatic translation. new "Buka direktori build" # game/web.rpy:560 old "Images and music can be downloaded while playing. A 'progressive_download.txt' file will be created so you can configure this behavior." # Automatic translation. new "Gambar dan musik dapat diunduh saat bermain. File 'progressive_download.txt' akan dibuat sehingga Anda dapat mengonfigurasi perilaku ini." translate indonesian strings: # game/updater.rpy:79 old "A nightly build of fixes to the release version of Ren'Py." # Automatic translation. new "Perbaikan versi malam hari untuk versi rilis Ren'Py."