translate indonesian strings: # screens.rpy:9 old "## Styles" new "## Gaya" # screens.rpy:87 old "## In-game screens" new "## Layar In-game" # screens.rpy:91 old "## Say screen" new "## Layar Say" # screens.rpy:93 old "## The say screen is used to display dialogue to the player. It takes two parameters, who and what, which are the name of the speaking character and the text to be displayed, respectively. (The who parameter can be None if no name is given.)" new "## Layar say di gunakan untuk menampilkan dialog kepada pemain. Ini menggunakan dua parameter, who dan what, yang merupakan nama karakter yang berbicara dan text yang akan di tampilkan, masing-masing. (Kedua parameter dapat berisi None jika tidak ada nama yang di berikan." # screens.rpy:98 old "## This screen must create a text displayable with id \"what\", as Ren'Py uses this to manage text display. It can also create displayables with id \"who\" and id \"window\" to apply style properties." new "## Layar ini harus membuat text yang dapat di tampilkan dengan id \"what\", yang di mana Ren'Py menggunakan ini untuk mengatur tampilan text. Ini juga dapat membuat sesuatu yang dapat di tampilkan dengan id \"who\" dan id \"window\" untuk mengaplikasikan properti gaya." # screens.rpy:102 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:169 old "## Input screen" new "## Layar masukkan/input" # screens.rpy:171 old "## This screen is used to display renpy.input. The prompt parameter is used to pass a text prompt in." new "## Layar ini di gunakan untuk menampilkan renpy.input. Parameter prompt digunakan untuk meneruskan text yang di prompt/minta." # screens.rpy:174 old "## This screen must create an input displayable with id \"input\" to accept the various input parameters." new "## Layar ini harus membuat input yang dapat di tampilkan dengan id \"input\" untuk menerima berbagai parameter masukan." # screens.rpy:177 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:205 old "## Choice screen" new "## Layar Pilihan" # screens.rpy:207 old "## This screen is used to display the in-game choices presented by the menu statement. The one parameter, items, is a list of objects, each with caption and action fields." new "## Layar ini digunakan untuk menampilkan pilihan dalam game yang disajikan oleh menu statement. Satu parameter, item, adalah daftar objek, masing-masing dengan bidang keterangan dan tindakan." # screens.rpy:211 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:221 old "## When this is true, menu captions will be spoken by the narrator. When false, menu captions will be displayed as empty buttons." new "## Bila ini benar, caption menu akan diucapkan oleh narator. Bila salah, caption menu akan ditampilkan sebagai tombol kosong." # screens.rpy:244 old "## Quick Menu screen" new "## Layar Menu Cepat/Quick Menu" # screens.rpy:246 old "## The quick menu is displayed in-game to provide easy access to the out-of-game menus." new "## Menu cepat ditampilkan dalam game untuk memudahkan akses ke menu di luar game." # screens.rpy:261 old "Back" new "Kembali" # screens.rpy:262 old "History" new "Riwayat" # screens.rpy:263 old "Skip" new "Lompati" # screens.rpy:264 old "Auto" new "Otomatis" # screens.rpy:265 old "Save" new "Simpan" # screens.rpy:266 old "Q.Save" new "Simpan.C" # screens.rpy:267 old "Q.Load" new "Muat.C" # screens.rpy:268 old "Prefs" new "Setting" # screens.rpy:271 old "## This code ensures that the quick_menu screen is displayed in-game, whenever the player has not explicitly hidden the interface." new "## Kode ini memastikan layar quick_menu di tampilkan di dalam permainan, kapanpun player tidak secaralangsung menyembunyikan antarmuka." # screens.rpy:291 old "## Navigation screen" new "## Layar navigasi" # screens.rpy:293 old "## This screen is included in the main and game menus, and provides navigation to other menus, and to start the game." new "## Layar ini di ikutsertakan di menu utama dan permainan, dan menyediakan navigasi ke menu lainnya, dan untuk memulai permainan." # screens.rpy:308 old "Start" new "Mulai" # screens.rpy:316 old "Load" new "Muat" # screens.rpy:318 old "Preferences" new "Setting" # screens.rpy:322 old "End Replay" new "Akhiri Replay" # screens.rpy:326 old "Main Menu" new "Menu Utama" # screens.rpy:328 old "About" new "Tentang" # screens.rpy:332 old "## Help isn't necessary or relevant to mobile devices." new "## Bantuan tidak perlu atau relevan dengan perangkat mobile." # screens.rpy:333 old "Help" new "Bantuan" # screens.rpy:335 old "## The quit button is banned on iOS and unnecessary on Android." new "## Tombol keluar di banned di iOS dan tidak diperlukan di Android." # screens.rpy:336 old "Quit" new "Keluar" # screens.rpy:350 old "## Main Menu screen" new "## Layar Menu utama" # screens.rpy:352 old "## Used to display the main menu when Ren'Py starts." new "## Digunakan untuk menampilkan menu utama ketika Ren'Py dimulai." # screens.rpy:354 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:369 old "## The use statement includes another screen inside this one. The actual contents of the main menu are in the navigation screen." new "## Pernyataan 'use' mengikutsertakan layar lain ke layar ini. Isi sebenarnya dari menu utama adalah layar navigasi." # screens.rpy:413 old "## Game Menu screen" new "## layar Menu Permainan" # screens.rpy:415 old "## This lays out the basic common structure of a game menu screen. It's called with the screen title, and displays the background, title, and navigation." new "## Ini menjalaskan struktur dasar yang paling sering di gunakan di layar menu permainan, ini ditampilkan beserta layar judul, dan menampilkan latar belakang,judul,dan navigasi." # screens.rpy:418 old "## The scroll parameter can be None, or one of \"viewport\" or \"vpgrid\". This screen is intended to be used with one or more children, which are transcluded (placed) inside it." new "## Parameter scroll dapat berisi 'None', atau \"viewport\" dan \"vpgrid\". Layar ini di maksudkan untuk di gunakan dengan cabang satu atau lebih, yang di tempatkan di dalamnya." # screens.rpy:476 old "Return" new "Kembali" # screens.rpy:539 old "## About screen" new "## Layar About" # screens.rpy:541 old "## This screen gives credit and copyright information about the game and Ren'Py." new "## Layar ini menampilkan credit dan informasi copyright tentang game dan Ren.Py." # screens.rpy:544 old "## There's nothing special about this screen, and hence it also serves as an example of how to make a custom screen." new "## Tidak ada yang spesial dengan layar ini, semenjak ini juga berperan sebagai contoh bagaimana membuat layar custom." # screens.rpy:551 old "## This use statement includes the game_menu screen inside this one. The vbox child is then included inside the viewport inside the game_menu screen." new "## Pernyataan 'use' ini mengikutsertakan layar game_menu ke dalam layar ini. Percabangan vbox lalu di ikutsertakan kedalam viewport di dalam layar game_menu." # screens.rpy:561 old "Version [config.version!t]\n" new "Versi [config.version!t]\n" # screens.rpy:563 old "## gui.about is usually set in options.rpy." new "## gui.about biasanya di set di options.rpy." # screens.rpy:567 old "Made with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" new "Dibuat Dengan {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" # screens.rpy:570 old "## This is redefined in options.rpy to add text to the about screen." new "## Ini di definisikan kembali di options.rpy untuk menambahkan text ke layar About." # screens.rpy:582 old "## Load and Save screens" new "## Layar Load and Save" # screens.rpy:584 old "## These screens are responsible for letting the player save the game and load it again. Since they share nearly everything in common, both are implemented in terms of a third screen, file_slots." new "## Layar ini bertanggungjawab untuk mengijinkan pemain menyimpan dan meload lagi. Semenjak mereke hampir memiliki hal yang sama, keduanya di implementasinan di percabangan layar ketiga, file_slots." # screens.rpy:588 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:607 old "Page {}" new "Halaman {}" # screens.rpy:607 old "Automatic saves" new "Otomatis save" # screens.rpy:607 old "Quick saves" new "Save cepat" # screens.rpy:613 old "## This ensures the input will get the enter event before any of the buttons do." new "## Ini memastikan input akan mendapat event masuk sebelum tombol lainnya." # screens.rpy:629 old "## The grid of file slots." new "## Kolom slot file." # screens.rpy:649 old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" new "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" # screens.rpy:649 old "empty slot" new "Slot Kosong" # screens.rpy:657 old "## Buttons to access other pages." new "## Tombol untuk mengakses halaman lain." # screens.rpy:666 old "<" new "<" # screens.rpy:668 old "{#auto_page}A" new "{#auto_page}O" # screens.rpy:670 old "{#quick_page}Q" new "{#quick_page}C" # screens.rpy:676 old ">" new ">" # screens.rpy:711 old "## Preferences screen" new "## Layar preferensi/opsi" # screens.rpy:713 old "## The preferences screen allows the player to configure the game to better suit themselves." new "## Layar preferensi mengijinkan pemain untuk mengkonfigurasi permainan untuk menyesuaikan gaya bermain masing masing individu." # screens.rpy:716 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:738 old "Display" new "Tampilan" # screens.rpy:739 old "Window" # Automatic translation. new "Jendela" # screens.rpy:740 old "Fullscreen" new "Layar Penuh" # screens.rpy:744 old "Rollback Side" new "Arah Rollback" # screens.rpy:745 old "Disable" new "Matikan" # screens.rpy:746 old "Left" new "Kiri" # screens.rpy:747 old "Right" new "Kanan" # screens.rpy:752 old "Unseen Text" new "Belum Terlihat" # screens.rpy:753 old "After Choices" new "Setelah Pilihan" # screens.rpy:754 old "Transitions" new "Transisi" # screens.rpy:756 old "## Additional vboxes of type \"radio_pref\" or \"check_pref\" can be added here, to add additional creator-defined preferences." new "## Tipe tambahan vboxes \"radio_pref\" atau \"check_pref\" dapat di tambahkan disini, untuk menambahkan tambahan preferensi yang dibuat creator." # screens.rpy:767 old "Text Speed" new "Kecepatan Text" # screens.rpy:771 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "Waktu Otomatis-Maju" # screens.rpy:778 old "Music Volume" new "Volume Musik" # screens.rpy:785 old "Sound Volume" new "Volume Suara" # screens.rpy:791 old "Test" new "Tes" # screens.rpy:795 old "Voice Volume" new "Volume Vokal" # screens.rpy:806 old "Mute All" new "Senyapkan Semua" # screens.rpy:882 old "## History screen" new "## Layar Riwayat" # screens.rpy:884 old "## This is a screen that displays the dialogue history to the player. While there isn't anything special about this screen, it does have to access the dialogue history stored in _history_list." new "## Layar yang menampilkan History dialog kepada pemain. Semenjak tidak ada yang spesial tentang layar ini, ini memiliki akses ke history dialog yang di simpan di _history_list." # screens.rpy:888 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:894 old "## Avoid predicting this screen, as it can be very large." new "## Hindari mempredisi layar ini, ini dapat berukuran sangat besar." # screens.rpy:905 old "## This lays things out properly if history_height is None." new "## Ini menampilkan layar secara semestinya jika history_height memiliki value None." # screens.rpy:914 old "## Take the color of the who text from the Character, if set." new "## Mengambil warna dari text 'who' dari karakter, jika di set." # screens.rpy:921 old "The dialogue history is empty." new "Riwayat dialog kosong." # screens.rpy:965 old "## Help screen" new "## Layar Bantuan" # screens.rpy:967 old "## A screen that gives information about key and mouse bindings. It uses other screens (keyboard_help, mouse_help, and gamepad_help) to display the actual help." new "## Layar yang memberikan informasi tentang keyboard dan mouse binding. Ini menggunakan layar lain (keyboard_help, mouse_help, and gamepad_help) untuk menampilkan bantuan yang sebenarnya." # screens.rpy:986 old "Keyboard" new "Papanketik" # screens.rpy:987 old "Mouse" new "Tetikus" # screens.rpy:990 old "Gamepad" new "Gamepad" # screens.rpy:1003 old "Enter" # Automatic translation. new "Masukkan" # screens.rpy:1004 old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." new "Dialog tingkat lanjut dan mengaktifkan antarmuka." # screens.rpy:1007 old "Space" new "Spasi" # screens.rpy:1008 old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." new "Dialog tingkat lanjut tanpa memilih pilihan." # screens.rpy:1011 old "Arrow Keys" new "Tombol Panah" # screens.rpy:1012 old "Navigate the interface." new "Navigasi di antarmuka" # screens.rpy:1015 old "Escape" # Automatic translation. new "Melarikan diri" # screens.rpy:1016 old "Accesses the game menu." new "Akses menu permainan." # screens.rpy:1019 old "Ctrl" new "Ctrl" # screens.rpy:1020 old "Skips dialogue while held down." new "Lompati dialog ketika di tahan." # screens.rpy:1023 old "Tab" new "Tab" # screens.rpy:1024 old "Toggles dialogue skipping." new "Nyala/Matikan lompati dialog." # screens.rpy:1027 old "Page Up" # Automatic translation. new "Halaman Atas" # screens.rpy:1028 old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." new "Putar mundur ke dialog sebelumnya." # screens.rpy:1031 old "Page Down" new "Page Down" # screens.rpy:1032 old "Rolls forward to later dialogue." new "Putar maju ke dialog berikut." # screens.rpy:1036 old "Hides the user interface." new "Sembunyikan antarmuka." # screens.rpy:1040 old "Takes a screenshot." new "Ambiil tangkapan layar." # screens.rpy:1044 old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." new "Nyalakan assisten {a=}suara-sendiri{/a}" # screens.rpy:1050 old "Left Click" new "Klik Kiri" # screens.rpy:1054 old "Middle Click" new "Klik Tengah" # screens.rpy:1058 old "Right Click" new "Klik Kanan" # screens.rpy:1062 old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" new "Roda Mouse Atas\nKlik Arah Rollback" # screens.rpy:1066 old "Mouse Wheel Down" new "Roda Mouse Bawah" # screens.rpy:1073 old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" new "Trigger Kanan\nA/Tombol Bawah" # screens.rpy:1074 old "Advance dialogue and activates the interface." new "Dialog tingkat lanjut dan mengaktifkan antarmuka." # screens.rpy:1078 old "Roll back to earlier dialogue." new "Putar mundur ke dialog sebelumnya" # screens.rpy:1081 old "Right Shoulder" new "Pundak Kanan" # screens.rpy:1082 old "Roll forward to later dialogue." new "Putar maju ke dialog berikut" # screens.rpy:1085 old "D-Pad, Sticks" new "D-Pad, Stick" # screens.rpy:1089 old "Start, Guide" new "Mulai, Panduan" # screens.rpy:1090 old "Access the game menu." new "Akses menu permainan." # screens.rpy:1093 old "Y/Top Button" new "Y/Tombol Atas" # screens.rpy:1096 old "Calibrate" new "Kalibrasi" # screens.rpy:1124 old "## Additional screens" new "## Layar Tambahan" # screens.rpy:1128 old "## Confirm screen" new "## Layar konfirmasi" # screens.rpy:1130 old "## The confirm screen is called when Ren'Py wants to ask the player a yes or no question." new "## Layar konfirmasi di panggil ketika Ren'Py mau menanyakan ke pemain pertanyaan ya atau tidak." # screens.rpy:1133 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1137 old "## Ensure other screens do not get input while this screen is displayed." new "## Memastikan layar lain tidak mendapatkan input ketika layar ini di panggil." # screens.rpy:1161 old "Yes" new "Ya" # screens.rpy:1162 old "No" new "Tidak" # screens.rpy:1164 old "## Right-click and escape answer \"no\"." new "## Klik kanan dan jawaban escape \"Tidak\"." # screens.rpy:1191 old "## Skip indicator screen" new "## Lompati indikator layar" # screens.rpy:1193 old "## The skip_indicator screen is displayed to indicate that skipping is in progress." new "## layar skip_indicator di tampilkan untuk mengindikasian proses skipping sedang dalam proses." # screens.rpy:1196 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1208 old "Skipping" new "Melompati" # screens.rpy:1215 old "## This transform is used to blink the arrows one after another." new "## transform digunakan untuk mengkedipkan panah setelah yang lain." # screens.rpy:1247 old "## Notify screen" new "## Layar pemberitahuan" # screens.rpy:1249 old "## The notify screen is used to show the player a message. (For example, when the game is quicksaved or a screenshot has been taken.)" new "## layar notify digunakan untuk menampilkan pesan kepada pemain. (Seperti, ketika game di simpan cepat atau screenshot di ambil.)" # screens.rpy:1252 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1286 old "## NVL screen" new "## Layar NVL" # screens.rpy:1288 old "## This screen is used for NVL-mode dialogue and menus." new "## Layar ini digunakan untuk dialog dan menu mode-NVL." # screens.rpy:1290 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1301 old "## Displays dialogue in either a vpgrid or the vbox." new "## Menampilkan dialog pada vpgrid atau vbox." # screens.rpy:1314 old "## Displays the menu, if given. The menu may be displayed incorrectly if config.narrator_menu is set to True, as it is above." new "## Menampilkan menu, jika di berikan. Menu mungkin akan di tampilkan secara tidak benar jika config.narrator_menu di set ke True, seperti di atas." # screens.rpy:1344 old "## This controls the maximum number of NVL-mode entries that can be displayed at once." new "## Ini mengendalikan angka maksimum entri mode-NVL yang dapat di tampilkan sekaligus." # screens.rpy:1406 old "## Mobile Variants" new "## Versi Mobile(HP/Handphone/Android)" # screens.rpy:1413 old "## Since a mouse may not be present, we replace the quick menu with a version that uses fewer and bigger buttons that are easier to touch." new "## Semenjak mouse tidak ada, kami mengganti menu cepat dengan yang menggunakan tombol yang lebih besar dan sedikit, yang memudahkan untuk di sentuh." # screens.rpy:1429 old "Menu" new "Menu" translate indonesian strings: # screens.rpy:120 old "## If there's a side image, display it above the text. Do not display on the phone variant - there's no room." new "## Jika ada gambar di sisi, tampilkan di atas text. Jangan tampilkan di versi HP[Handphone)(Android) - Karena tidak ada ruang." # screens.rpy:252 old "## Ensure this appears on top of other screens." new "## Memastikan ini muncul di atas layar yang lain." # screens.rpy:291 old "## Main and Game Menu Screens" new "## Layar Menu Utama dan Menu Permainan" # screens.rpy:361 old "## This ensures that any other menu screen is replaced." new "## Ini Memastikan Layar Menu Yang Lain Telah Di Timpa" # screens.rpy:368 old "## This empty frame darkens the main menu." new "## Frame kosong ini menggelap di menu utama." # screens.rpy:439 old "## Reserve space for the navigation section." new "## Memesan tempat untuk bagian navigasi." # screens.rpy:619 old "## The page name, which can be edited by clicking on a button." new "## Nama halaman, yang dapat di edit dengan mengklik tombol." # screens.rpy:674 old "## range(1, 10) gives the numbers from 1 to 9." new "## antara(1,10) beri nomor antara 1 sampai 9." # screens.rpy:1079 old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" new "Trigger Kiri\nBahu Kiri" translate indonesian strings: # screens.rpy:1233 old "## We have to use a font that has the BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE glyph in it." new "## Kami harus menggunakan font yang mempunyai glyph BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE didalamnya." translate indonesian strings: # screens.rpy:120 old "## Make the namebox available for styling through the Character object." new "## Buat namebox tersedia untuk mengatur gaya melalui objek karakter." # screens.rpy:172 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:205 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:350 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:917 old "## This determines what tags are allowed to be displayed on the history screen." new "## Ini menentukan tag apa yang diizinkan ditampilkan di layar sejarah/catatan." # screens.rpy:1133 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1290 old "##" new "##" translate indonesian strings: # gui/game/screens.rpy:329 old "## The quit button is banned on iOS and unnecessary on Android and Web." # Automatic translation. new "## Tombol keluar dilarang di iOS dan tidak diperlukan di Android dan Web." # gui/game/screens.rpy:676 old "Upload Sync" # Automatic translation. new "Sinkronisasi Unggah" # gui/game/screens.rpy:680 old "Download Sync" # Automatic translation. new "Unduh Sinkronisasi" # gui/game/screens.rpy:1049 old "Opens the accessibility menu." # Automatic translation. new "Membuka menu aksesibilitas." # gui/game/screens.rpy:1320 old "## Displays the menu, if given. The menu may be displayed incorrectly if config.narrator_menu is set to True." # Automatic translation. new "## Menampilkan menu, jika diberikan. Menu dapat ditampilkan dengan tidak benar jika config.narrator_menu diatur ke True." # gui/game/screens.rpy:1410 old "## Bubble screen" # Automatic translation. new "## Layar gelembung" # gui/game/screens.rpy:1412 old "## The bubble screen is used to display dialogue to the player when using speech bubbles. The bubble screen takes the same parameters as the say screen, must create a displayable with the id of \"what\", and can create displayables with the \"namebox\", \"who\", and \"window\" ids." # Automatic translation. new "## Layar gelembung digunakan untuk menampilkan dialog kepada pemain saat menggunakan gelembung ucapan. Layar gelembung mengambil parameter yang sama dengan layar ucapkan, harus membuat tampilan dengan id \"apa\", dan dapat membuat tampilan dengan id \"kotak nama\", \"siapa\", dan \"jendela\"." # gui/game/screens.rpy:1417 old "##" new "##"