# Copyright 2004-2023 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. init python: # This can be one of None, "available", "not-available", or "error". # # It must be None for a release. UPDATE_SIMULATE = os.environ.get("RENPY_UPDATE_SIMULATE", None) PUBLIC_KEY = "renpy_public.pem" CHANNELS_URL = "https://www.renpy.org/channels.json" version_tuple = renpy.version(tuple=True) def check_dlc(name): """ Returns true if the named dlc package is present. """ return name in updater.get_installed_packages() def add_dlc(name, restart=False): """ Adds the DLC package, if it doesn't already exist. Returns True if the DLC is installed, False otherwise. """ dlc_url = "http://update.renpy.org/{}/updates.json".format(".".join(str(i) for i in version_tuple[:-1])) state = updater.get_installed_state() if state is not None: base_name = state.get("sdk", {}).get('base_name', '') if "+nightly" in base_name: dlc_url = "http://nightly.renpy.org/{}/updates.json".format(base_name[6:]) return renpy.invoke_in_new_context(updater.update, dlc_url, add=[name], public_key=PUBLIC_KEY, simulate=UPDATE_SIMULATE, restart=restart) # Strings so they can be translated. _("Release") _("Release (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)") _("Release (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)") _("{b}Recommended.{/b} The version of Ren'Py that should be used in all newly-released games.") _("Prerelease") _("Prerelease (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)") _("Prerelease (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)") _("A preview of the next version of Ren'Py that can be used for testing and taking advantage of new features, but not for final releases of games.") _("Experimental") _("Experimental versions of Ren'Py. You shouldn't select this channel unless asked by a Ren'Py developer.") _("Nightly Fix") _("Nightly Fix (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)") _("Nightly Fix (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)") _("A nightly build of fixes to the release version of Ren'Py.") _("Nightly") _("Nightly (Ren'Py 8, Python 3)") _("Nightly (Ren'Py 7, Python 2)") _("The bleeding edge of Ren'Py development. This may have the latest features, or might not run at all.") default allow_repair_update = False screen update_channel(channels): frame: style_group "l" style "l_root" window: has viewport: scrollbars "vertical" mousewheel True has vbox label _("Select Update Channel") add HALF_SPACER hbox: frame: style "l_indent" xfill True has vbox text _("The update channel controls the version of Ren'Py the updater will download.") for c in channels: if c["split_version"] != list(renpy.version_tuple) or allow_repair_update: $ action = [SetField(persistent, "has_update", None), SetField(persistent, "last_update_check", None), updater.Update(c["url"], simulate=UPDATE_SIMULATE, public_key=PUBLIC_KEY, confirm=False, force=allow_repair_update)] if c["channel"].startswith("Release"): $ current = _("• {a=https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/changelog.html}View change log{/a}") elif c["channel"].startswith("Prerelease"): $ current = _("• {a=https://www.renpy.org/dev-doc/html/changelog.html}View change log{/a}") else: $ current = "" else: $ action = None $ current = _("• This version is installed and up-to-date.") add SPACER hbox: spacing 7 textbutton c["channel"] action action add HALF_SPACER $ date = _strftime(__("%B %d, %Y"), time.localtime(c["timestamp"])) text "[date] • [c[pretty_version]] [current!t]" style "l_small_text" add HALF_SPACER text c["description"] style "l_small_text" textbutton _("Cancel") action Jump("front_page") style "l_left_button" screen updater: frame: style "l_root" frame: style_group "l_info" has vbox if u.state == u.ERROR: text _("An error has occured:") elif u.state == u.CHECKING: text _("Checking for updates.") elif u.state == u.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE: text _("Ren'Py is up to date.") elif u.state == u.UPDATE_AVAILABLE: text _("[u.version] is now available. Do you want to install it?") elif u.state == u.PREPARING: text _("Preparing to download the update.") elif u.state == u.DOWNLOADING: text _("Downloading the update.") elif u.state == u.UNPACKING: text _("Unpacking the update.") elif u.state == u.FINISHING: text _("Finishing up.") elif u.state == u.DONE: text _("The update has been installed. Ren'Py will restart.") elif u.state == u.DONE_NO_RESTART: text _("The update has been installed.") elif u.state == u.CANCELLED: text _("The update was cancelled.") if u.message is not None: add SPACER text "[u.message!q]" if u.progress is not None: add SPACER frame: style "l_progress_frame" bar: range 1.0 value (u.progress or 0.0) style "l_progress_bar" label _("Ren'Py Update") style "l_info_label" if u.can_cancel: textbutton _("Cancel") action u.cancel style "l_left_button" if u.can_proceed: textbutton _("Proceed") action u.proceed style "l_right_button" label update: $ update_channels = fetch_update_channels(quiet=False) call screen update_channel(update_channels) nopredict jump front_page init python: def fetch_update_channels(quiet=True): if not quiet: interface.processing(_("Fetching the list of update channels")) import requests if not quiet: with interface.error_handling(_("downloading the list of update channels")): channels = requests.get(CHANNELS_URL).json()["releases"] else: channels = requests.get(CHANNELS_URL).json()["releases"] persistent.has_update = False for chan in channels: if chan["channel"] == "Release": if chan["split_version"] > list(renpy.version_tuple): persistent.has_update = True break return channels