init -2 python: # The color of non-interactive text. custom_text = "#545454" # Colors for buttons in various states. custom_idle = "#42637b" custom_hover = "#d86b45" custom_disable = "#808080" # Colors for reversed text buttons (selected list entries). custom_reverse_idle = "#78a5c5" reverse_hover = "#d86b45" custom_reverse_text = "#ffffff" # Colors for the scrollbar thumb. custom_scrollbar_idle = "#dfdfdf" custom_scrollbar_hover = "#d86b45" # An image used as a separator pattern. custom_pattern = "images/pattern.png" # A displayable used for the background of everything. custom_background = "skin/skin_background.jpg" # A displayable used for the background of the projects list. custom_projects_window = Null() # A displayable used the background of information boxes. custom_info_window = "#f9f9f9c0" # Colors for the titles of information boxes. custom_error_color = "#d15353" custom_info_color = "#545454" custom_interaction_color = "#d19753" custom_question_color = "#d19753" # The color of input text. custom_input_color = "#d86b45" # A displayable used for the background of windows # containing commands, preferences, and navigation info. # custom_window = Frame(Fixed(Solid(custom_reverse_idle, xsize=4, xalign=0), Solid(custom_info_window, xsize=794, xalign=1.0), xsize=800, ysize=600), 0, 0, tile=True) custom_window = Null()