translate indonesian strings: # 00gltest.rpy:64 old "Graphics Acceleration" new "Akselerasi Grafis" # 00gltest.rpy:70 old "Automatically Choose" new "Pilih Otomatis" # 00gltest.rpy:75 old "Force Angle/DirectX Renderer" new "Paksakan Renderer Angle/DirectX" # 00gltest.rpy:79 old "Force OpenGL Renderer" new "Paksakan Renderer OpenGL" # 00gltest.rpy:83 old "Force Software Renderer" new "Paksakan Renderer software" # 00gltest.rpy:93 old "Enable" new "Aktifkan" # 00gltest.rpy:109 old "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run." new "Perubahan akan memberikan efek, saat program di jalankan lagi nanti." # 00gltest.rpy:141 old "Performance Warning" new "Peringatan Performa" # 00gltest.rpy:146 old "This computer is using software rendering." new "Komputer ini menggunakan rendering software." # 00gltest.rpy:148 old "This computer is not using shaders." new "Komputer ini tidak menggunakan shaders." # 00gltest.rpy:150 old "This computer is displaying graphics slowly." new "Komputer ini menampilkan grafis dengan lambat." # 00gltest.rpy:152 old "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]." new "Komputer ini mengalami masalah saat menampilkan grafis: [problem]" # 00gltest.rpy:157 old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display. Updating DirectX could fix this problem." new "Driver grafis mungkin sudah ketinggalan jaman atau tidak berkerja dengan benar.\nIni dapat menyebabkan komputer lambat bahkan tidak akurat dalam menampilkan grafis,\nMengupdate DirectX dapat memperbaiki masalah ini." # 00gltest.rpy:159 old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." new "Driver grafis mungkin sudah ketinggalan jaman atau tidak berkerja dengan benar.\nIni dapat menyebabkan komputer lambat bahkan tidak akurat dalam menampilkan grafis." # 00gltest.rpy:164 old "Update DirectX" new "Perbaharui DirectX" # 00gltest.rpy:170 old "Continue, Show this warning again" new "Lanjutkan, Tampilkan peringatan ini lagi" # 00gltest.rpy:174 old "Continue, Don't show warning again" new "Lanjutkan, Jangan tampilkan peringatan ini lagi" # 00gltest.rpy:192 old "Updating DirectX." new "Memperbaharui DirectX." # 00gltest.rpy:196 old "DirectX web setup has been started. It may start minimized in the taskbar. Please follow the prompts to install DirectX." new "DirectX web setup telah di jalankan. Mungkin akan berjalan dengan mode minimized di taskbar.\nSilahkan ikuti instruksi untuk memasang DirectX." # 00gltest.rpy:200 old "{b}Note:{/b} Microsoft's DirectX web setup program will, by default, install the Bing toolbar. If you do not want this toolbar, uncheck the appropriate box." new "{b}Catatan:{/b} Program Microsoft's DirectX web setup, secara default akan memasang toolbar Bing.\nJika kamu tidak mengigini toolbar ini, silahkan uncheck box yang bersangkutan." # 00gltest.rpy:204 old "When setup finishes, please click below to restart this program." new "Ketik setup selesai, silahkan klik tombol di bawah untuk me restart program ini." # 00gltest.rpy:206 old "Restart" new "Muat Ulang" # 00gamepad.rpy:32 old "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" new "Pilih Gamepad untuk di Kalibrasi" # 00gamepad.rpy:35 old "No Gamepads Available" new "Tidak ada Gamepad yang Tersedia" # 00gamepad.rpy:54 old "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" new "Mengkalibrasi [nama] ([i]/[total])" # 00gamepad.rpy:58 old "Press or move the [control!s] [kind]." new "Tekan atau gerakan [control!s] [kind]." # 00gamepad.rpy:66 old "Skip (A)" new "Lompati (A)" # 00gamepad.rpy:69 old "Back (B)" new "Kembali (B)" # _errorhandling.rpym:495 old "Open Traceback" new "Buka Traceback" # _errorhandling.rpym:497 old "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor." new "Buka traceback.txt di text editor." # _errorhandling.rpym:499 old "Copy to Clipboard" new "Salin Ke Papan Klip" # _errorhandling.rpym:501 old "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard." new "Salin file traceback.txt ke Papan Klip." # _errorhandling.rpym:519 old "An exception has occurred." new "Terjadi Kesalahan." # _errorhandling.rpym:538 old "Rollback" new "Rollback" # _errorhandling.rpym:540 old "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice." new "Coba untuk roll back, memungkinkan kamu untuk bisa menyimpan atau memilih pilihan yang berbeda" # _errorhandling.rpym:543 old "Ignore" new "Abaikan" # _errorhandling.rpym:545 old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors." new "Abaikan kesalahan, Memungkinkan kamu untuk melanjutkan. Biasanya ini berujung pada error yang baru." # _errorhandling.rpym:548 old "Reload" new "Muat ulang" # _errorhandling.rpym:550 old "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." new "Muat ulang game dari harddisk, Menyimpan dan memulihkan state game jika mungkin." # _errorhandling.rpym:560 old "Quits the game." new "Keluar dari game." # _errorhandling.rpym:582 old "Parsing the script failed." new "Gagal mengcompile script." # _errorhandling.rpym:606 old "Open Parse Errors" new "Buka kesalahan compile" # _errorhandling.rpym:608 old "Opens the errors.txt file in a text editor." new "Membuka errors.txt di text editor." # _errorhandling.rpym:612 old "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard." new "Salin file errors.txt ke Papan Klip." translate indonesian strings: # _errorhandling.rpym:519 old "Open" new "Buka" # _errorhandling.rpym:523 old "Copy" new "Salin" # _errorhandling.rpym:576 old "Console" new "Konsol" # _errorhandling.rpym:578 old "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem." new "Buka konsol untuk mendebug masalah" translate indonesian strings: # 00gltest.rpy:89 old "NPOT" new "NPOT" # _errorhandling.rpym:585 old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue." new "Hiraukan Kesalahan, memperbolehkan kamu untuk melanjutkan."