translate italian strings: # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Monday" new "{#weekday}Lunedì" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Tuesday" new "{#weekday}Martedì" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Wednesday" new "{#weekday}Mercoledì" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Thursday" new "{#weekday}Giovedì" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Friday" new "{#weekday}Venerdì" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Saturday" new "{#weekday}Sabato" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Sunday" new "{#weekday}Domenica" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Mon" new "{#weekday_short}Lun" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Tue" new "{#weekday_short}Mar" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Wed" new "{#weekday_short}Mer" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Thu" new "{#weekday_short}Gio" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Fri" new "{#weekday_short}Ven" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Sat" new "{#weekday_short}Sab" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Sun" new "{#weekday_short}Dom" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}January" new "{#month}Gennaio" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}February" new "{#month}Febbraio" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}March" new "{#month}Marzo" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}April" new "{#month}Aprile" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}May" new "{#month}Maggio" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}June" new "{#month}Giugno" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}July" new "{#month}Luglio" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}August" new "{#month}Agosto" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}September" new "{#month}Settembre" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}October" new "{#month}Ottobre" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}November" new "{#month}Novembre" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}December" new "{#month}Dicembre" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Jan" new "{#month_short}Gen" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Feb" new "{#month_short}Feb" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Mar" new "{#month_short}Mar" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Apr" new "{#month_short}Apr" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}May" new "{#month_short}Mag" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Jun" new "{#month_short}Giu" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Jul" new "{#month_short}Lug" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Aug" new "{#month_short}Ago" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Sep" new "{#month_short}Set" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Oct" new "{#month_short}Ott" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Nov" new "{#month_short}Nov" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Dec" new "{#month_short}Dic" # 00action_file.rpy:235 old "%b %d, %H:%M" new "%d %b, %H:%M" # 00action_file.rpy:820 old "Quick save complete." new "Salvataggio rapido completato." # 00gui.rpy:227 old "Are you sure?" new "Confermi?" # 00gui.rpy:228 old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" new "Confermi di voler cancellare questo salvataggio?" # 00gui.rpy:229 old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" new "Confermi di voler sovrascrivere questo salvataggio?" # 00gui.rpy:230 old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" new "Caricare causerà la perdita di progressi non salvati.\nConfermi?" # 00gui.rpy:231 old "Are you sure you want to quit?" new "Confermi di voler uscire?" # 00gui.rpy:232 old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." new "Confermi di voler tornare al menù principale?\nQuesto causerà la perdita di progressi non salvati." # 00gui.rpy:233 old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" new "Confermi di voler terminare il replay?" # 00gui.rpy:234 old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" new "Confermi di voler iniziare a saltare?" # 00gui.rpy:235 old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" new "Confermi di voler saltare alla prossima scelta?" # 00gui.rpy:236 old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" new "Confermi di voler saltare il testo non letto fino alla prossima scelta?" # 00keymap.rpy:250 old "Saved screenshot as %s." new "Screenshot salvato come %s." # 00library.rpy:142 old "Self-voicing disabled." new "Assistente Vocale disabilitato." # 00library.rpy:143 old "Clipboard voicing enabled. " new "Vocalizza Appunti abilitato. " # 00library.rpy:144 old "Self-voicing enabled. " new "Assistente Vocale abilitato. " # 00library.rpy:179 old "Skip Mode" new "Modalità Salto" # 00library.rpy:262 old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=}here{/a}." new "Questo programma contiene software libero rilasciato sotto una quantità di licenze, che includono la MIT License e la GNU Lesser General Public License. Una lista completa dei software, inclusi link al codice sorgente completo, si può trovare {a=}qui{/a}." # 00preferences.rpy:422 old "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." new "Vocalizza Appunti abilitato. Premi 'shift+C' per disabilitarlo." # 00preferences.rpy:424 old "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable." new "L'Assistente Vocale tenta di dire \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Premi 'alt+shift+V' per disabilitare." # 00preferences.rpy:426 old "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." new "Assistente Vocale abilitato. Premi 'v' per disabilitarlo." # 00iap.rpy:217 old "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..." new "Contatto App Store\nAttendere prego..." # 00updater.rpy:367 old "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." new "L'aggiornamento di Ren'Py non è supportato nei dispositivi mobili." # 00updater.rpy:486 old "An error is being simulated." new "Viene simulato un errore." # 00updater.rpy:662 old "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted." new "O questo progetto non supporta l'aggiornamento, o è stato cancellato il file col suo stato." # 00updater.rpy:676 old "This account does not have permission to perform an update." new "Questo account non ha i permessi per effettuare un aggiornamento." # 00updater.rpy:679 old "This account does not have permission to write the update log." new "Questo account non ha i permessi per scrivere il log degli aggiornamenti." # 00updater.rpy:704 old "Could not verify update signature." new "La firma per l'aggiornamento non può essere verificata." # 00updater.rpy:975 old "The update file was not downloaded." new "Il file di aggiornamento non è stato scaricato." # 00updater.rpy:993 old "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted." new "Il file di aggiornamento non ha il digest corretto - potrebbe essere corrotto." # 00updater.rpy:1049 old "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." new "Durante lo spacchettamento di {}, tipo sconosciuto {}." # 00updater.rpy:1393 old "Updater" new "Aggiornamenti" # 00updater.rpy:1404 old "This program is up to date." new "Questo programma è aggiornato." # 00updater.rpy:1406 old "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" new "[u.version] è disponibile. Vuoi installarla?" # 00updater.rpy:1408 old "Preparing to download the updates." new "Preparazione allo scaricamento degli aggiornamenti." # 00updater.rpy:1410 old "Downloading the updates." new "Scaricamento degli aggiornamenti." # 00updater.rpy:1412 old "Unpacking the updates." new "Estrazione degli aggiornamenti." # 00updater.rpy:1416 old "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." new "L'aggiornamento è stato installato. Il programma verrà riavviato." # 00updater.rpy:1418 old "The updates have been installed." new "L'aggiornamento è stato installato." # 00updater.rpy:1420 old "The updates were cancelled." new "L'aggiornamento è stato annullato." # 00gallery.rpy:563 old "Image [index] of [count] locked." new "Immagine [index] di [count] bloccata." # 00gallery.rpy:583 old "prev" new "prec" # 00gallery.rpy:584 old "next" new "succ" # 00gallery.rpy:585 old "slideshow" new "presentazione" # 00gallery.rpy:586 old "return" new "chiudi"