translate malay strings: # screens.rpy:9 old "## Styles" new "## Gaya" # screens.rpy:81 old "## In-game screens" new "## Skrin dalam permainan" # screens.rpy:85 old "## Say screen" new "## Skrin sebutan" # screens.rpy:87 old "## The say screen is used to display dialogue to the player. It takes two parameters, who and what, which are the name of the speaking character and the text to be displayed, respectively. (The who parameter can be None if no name is given.)" new "## Skrin sebutan digunakan untuk memaparkan dialog kepada pemain. Ia mengambil dua parameter, who ialah nama watak yang bercakap, dan what ialah tulisan untuk dipaparkan. (Parameter who boleh ditetapkan kepada None jika tiada nama diberikan.)" # screens.rpy:92 old "## This screen must create a text displayable with id \"what\", as Ren'Py uses this to manage text display. It can also create displayables with id \"who\" and id \"window\" to apply style properties." new "## Skrin ini mesti mencipta tulisan yang boleh dipaparkan dengan id \"what\", kerana Ren'Py menggunakan ini untuk mengurus paparan tulisan. Ia juga boleh mencipta paparan dengan id \"who\" dan id \"window\" untuk menggunakan sifat gaya." # screens.rpy:96 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:114 old "## If there's a side image, display it above the text. Do not display on the phone variant - there's no room." new "## Jika ada imej sampingan, paparkan ia di atas tulisan. Jangan paparkan ia pada varian telefon - ia tidak cukup ruang." # screens.rpy:120 old "## Make the namebox available for styling through the Character object." new "## Buatkan kotak nama boleh digayakan melalui objek watak (Character)." # screens.rpy:164 old "## Input screen" new "## Skrin input" # screens.rpy:166 old "## This screen is used to display renpy.input. The prompt parameter is used to pass a text prompt in." new "## Skrin ini digunakan untuk memaparkan renpy.input. Parameter prompt digunakan untuk memberikan prom tulisan." # screens.rpy:169 old "## This screen must create an input displayable with id \"input\" to accept the various input parameters." new "## Skrin ini mesti mencipta input yang boleh dipaparkan dengan id \"input\" untuk menerima pelbagai parameter input." # screens.rpy:172 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:199 old "## Choice screen" new "## Skrin pilihan" # screens.rpy:201 old "## This screen is used to display the in-game choices presented by the menu statement. The one parameter, items, is a list of objects, each with caption and action fields." new "## Skrin ini digunakan untuk memaparkan pilihan dalam permainan yang dipersembahkan melalui kenyataan menu. Satu-satunya parameter, items, ialah senarai objek, setiap satunya dengan medan keterangan dan medan perbuatan." # screens.rpy:205 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:215 old "## When this is true, menu captions will be spoken by the narrator. When false, menu captions will be displayed as empty buttons." new "## Apabila ini ditetapkan kepada true, keterangan menu akan disebut oleh tukang cerita. Apabila false, keterangan menu akan dipaparkan sebagai butang kosong." # screens.rpy:238 old "## Quick Menu screen" new "## Skrin Menu Cepat" # screens.rpy:240 old "## The quick menu is displayed in-game to provide easy access to the out-of-game menus." new "## Menu cepat dipaparkan dalam permainan untuk menyediakan capaian mudah ke menu luar permainan." # screens.rpy:245 old "## Ensure this appears on top of other screens." new "## Pastikan ini muncuk di atas skrin-skrin lain." # screens.rpy:256 old "Back" new "Kembali" # screens.rpy:257 old "History" new "Sejarah" # screens.rpy:258 old "Skip" new "Langkau" # screens.rpy:259 old "Auto" new "Auto" # screens.rpy:260 old "Save" new "Simpan" # screens.rpy:261 old "Q.Save" new "C.Simpan" # screens.rpy:262 old "Q.Load" new "C.Muat" # screens.rpy:263 old "Prefs" new "Keutamaan" # screens.rpy:266 old "## This code ensures that the quick_menu screen is displayed in-game, whenever the player has not explicitly hidden the interface." new "## Kod ini memastikan skrin quick_menu dipaparkan dalam permainan, apabila pemain tidak menyembunyikan antara muka secara khusus." # screens.rpy:284 old "## Main and Game Menu Screens" new "## Skrin Menu Utama dan Permainan" # screens.rpy:287 old "## Navigation screen" new "## Skrin Navigasi" # screens.rpy:289 old "## This screen is included in the main and game menus, and provides navigation to other menus, and to start the game." new "## Skrin ini disertakan dalam menu utama dan permainan, dan menyediakan navigasi ke menu lain, dan untuk memulakan permainan." # screens.rpy:304 old "Start" new "Mula" # screens.rpy:312 old "Load" new "Muat" # screens.rpy:314 old "Preferences" new "Keutamaan" # screens.rpy:318 old "End Replay" new "Tamatkan Ulang Tayang" # screens.rpy:322 old "Main Menu" new "Menu Utama" # screens.rpy:324 old "About" new "Perihal" # screens.rpy:328 old "## Help isn't necessary or relevant to mobile devices." new "## Bantuan tidak diperlukan atau sesuai untuk peranti mudah alih." # screens.rpy:329 old "Help" new "Bantuan" # screens.rpy:331 old "## The quit button is banned on iOS and unnecessary on Android." new "## Butang keluar tidak dibenarkan di iOS dan tidak diperlukan di Android." # screens.rpy:332 old "Quit" new "Keluar" # screens.rpy:346 old "## Main Menu screen" new "## Skrin Menu Utama" # screens.rpy:348 old "## Used to display the main menu when Ren'Py starts." new "## Digunakan untuk memaparkan menu utama apabila Ren'Py dimulakan." # screens.rpy:350 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:354 old "## This ensures that any other menu screen is replaced." new "## Ini memastikan sebarang skrin menu lain digantikan." # screens.rpy:361 old "## This empty frame darkens the main menu." new "## Bingkai kosong ini menggelapkan menu utama." # screens.rpy:365 old "## The use statement includes another screen inside this one. The actual contents of the main menu are in the navigation screen." new "## Kenyataan use memasukkan skrin lain ke dalam skrin ini. Kandungan sebenar menu utama ada dalam skrin navigasi." # screens.rpy:408 old "## Game Menu screen" new "## Skrin Menu Permainan" # screens.rpy:410 old "## This lays out the basic common structure of a game menu screen. It's called with the screen title, and displays the background, title, and navigation." new "## Ini meletakkan struktur biasa asas untuk skrin menu permainan. Ia dipanggil dengan tajuk skrin, dan memaparkan latar belakang, tajuk, dan navigasi." # screens.rpy:413 old "## The scroll parameter can be None, or one of \"viewport\" or \"vpgrid\". When this screen is intended to be used with one or more children, which are transcluded (placed) inside it." new "## Parameter tatal boleh jadi None, atau salah satu dari \"viewport\" atau \"vpgrid\". Apabila skrin ini bertujuan untuk digunakan dengan satu atau lebih anak, yang mana mereka ditransklusikan (diletakkan) ke dalamnya." # screens.rpy:431 old "## Reserve space for the navigation section." new "## Menyimpan ruang untuk bahagian navigasi." # screens.rpy:473 old "Return" new "Kembali" # screens.rpy:536 old "## About screen" new "## Skrin perihal" # screens.rpy:538 old "## This screen gives credit and copyright information about the game and Ren'Py." new "## Skrin ini memberi penghargaan dan maklumat hak cipta berkaitan permainan dan Ren'Py." # screens.rpy:541 old "## There's nothing special about this screen, and hence it also serves as an example of how to make a custom screen." new "## Tiada apa istimewa dengan skrin ini, dan sebab itu ia dikekalkan sebagai contoh cara membuat skrin sendiri." # screens.rpy:548 old "## This use statement includes the game_menu screen inside this one. The vbox child is then included inside the viewport inside the game_menu screen." new "## Kenyataan use ini memasukkan skrin game_menu ke dalam skrin ini. Anak vbox kemudiannya dimasukkan ke dalam port pandang dalam skrin game_menu." # screens.rpy:558 old "Version [config.version!t]\n" new "Versi [config.version!t]\n" # screens.rpy:560 old "## gui.about is usually set in options.rpy." new "## gui.about selalunya ditetapkan di options.rpy." # screens.rpy:564 old "Made with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" new "Dibuat menggunakan {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" # screens.rpy:567 old "## This is redefined in options.rpy to add text to the about screen." new "## Benda ini ditakrifkan semula di options.rpy untuk menambah tulisan ke skrin perihalan." # screens.rpy:579 old "## Load and Save screens" new "## Muat dan Simpan skrin" # screens.rpy:581 old "## These screens are responsible for letting the player save the game and load it again. Since they share nearly everything in common, both are implemented in terms of a third screen, file_slots." new "## Skrin-skrin ini bertanggungjawab untuk membolehkan pemain menyimpan dan memuatkan permainan. Memandangkan mereka berkongsi hampir semua benda, kedua-duanya dilaksanakan dengan cara skrin ketiga, file_slots." # screens.rpy:585 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:604 old "Page {}" new "Halaman {}" # screens.rpy:604 old "Automatic saves" new "Simpan automatik" # screens.rpy:604 old "Quick saves" new "Simpan cepat" # screens.rpy:610 old "## This ensures the input will get the enter event before any of the buttons do." new "## Ini memastikan input mendapat acara masuk sebelum sebarang butang lain." # screens.rpy:614 old "## The page name, which can be edited by clicking on a button." new "## Nama halaman, yang boleh disunting dengan menekan butang." # screens.rpy:626 old "## The grid of file slots." new "## Grid slot fail." # screens.rpy:646 old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" new "{#file_time}%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M" # screens.rpy:646 old "empty slot" new "slot kosong" # screens.rpy:654 old "## Buttons to access other pages." new "## Butang untuk mencapai halaman lain." # screens.rpy:663 old "<" new "<" # screens.rpy:666 old "{#auto_page}A" new "{#auto_page}A" # screens.rpy:669 old "{#quick_page}Q" new "{#quick_page}Q" # screens.rpy:671 old "## range(1, 10) gives the numbers from 1 to 9." new "## range(1, 10) memberikan nombor dari 1 hingga 9." # screens.rpy:675 old ">" new ">" # screens.rpy:710 old "## Preferences screen" new "## Skrin keutamaan" # screens.rpy:712 old "## The preferences screen allows the player to configure the game to better suit themselves." new "## Skrin keutamaan membolehkan pemain untuk menatarajah permainan agar lebih selesa dengan diri mereka." # screens.rpy:715 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:732 old "Display" new "Paparan" # screens.rpy:733 old "Window" new "Tetingkap" # screens.rpy:734 old "Fullscreen" new "Skrin Penuh" # screens.rpy:738 old "Rollback Side" new "Bahagian Undur" # screens.rpy:739 old "Disable" new "Lumpuhkan" # screens.rpy:740 old "Left" new "Kiri" # screens.rpy:741 old "Right" new "Kanan" # screens.rpy:746 old "Unseen Text" new "Teks Belum Lihat" # screens.rpy:747 old "After Choices" new "Lepas Pilihan" # screens.rpy:748 old "Transitions" new "Lepas Peralihan" # screens.rpy:750 old "## Additional vboxes of type \"radio_pref\" or \"check_pref\" can be added here, to add additional creator-defined preferences." new "## Vbox tambahan jenis \"radio_pref\" atau \"check_pref\" boleh ditambah di sini, untuk menambah keutamaan ditakrifkan oleh pencipta permainan." # screens.rpy:761 old "Text Speed" new "Kelajuan Tulisan" # screens.rpy:765 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "Masa untuk Gerak Sendiri" # screens.rpy:772 old "Music Volume" new "Kekuatan Muzik" # screens.rpy:779 old "Sound Volume" new "Kekuatan Bunyi" # screens.rpy:785 old "Test" new "Cuba" # screens.rpy:789 old "Voice Volume" new "Kekuatan Suara" # screens.rpy:800 old "Mute All" new "Bisukan SEMUA" # screens.rpy:876 old "## History screen" new "## Skrin Sejarah" # screens.rpy:878 old "## This is a screen that displays the dialogue history to the player. While there isn't anything special about this screen, it does have to access the dialogue history stored in _history_list." new "## Ini skrin yang memaparkan sejarah dialog kepada pemain. Walaupun tiada apa yang istimewa dengan skrin ini, ia mempunyai capaian ke sejarah dialog dalam _history_list." # screens.rpy:882 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:888 old "## Avoid predicting this screen, as it can be very large." new "## Mengelakkan ramalan skrin ini, kerana ia boleh jadi sangat besar." # screens.rpy:899 old "## This lays things out properly if history_height is None." new "## Ini meletakkan semua benda dengan elok jika history_height ditetapkan ke None." # screens.rpy:908 old "## Take the color of the who text from the Character, if set." new "## Mengambil warna tulisan 'who' dari objek watak (Character), jika ia ditetapkan." # screens.rpy:916 old "The dialogue history is empty." new "Sejarah dialog kosong." # screens.rpy:919 old "## This determines what tags are allowed to be displayed on the history screen." new "## Ini menentukan tag apa yang dibenarkan untuk dipaparkan di skrin sejarah." # screens.rpy:966 old "## Help screen" new "## Skrin Bantuan" # screens.rpy:968 old "## A screen that gives information about key and mouse bindings. It uses other screens (keyboard_help, mouse_help, and gamepad_help) to display the actual help." new "## Skrin yang memberikan maklumat berkaitan pengikatan kekunci dan tetikus. Ia menggunakan skrin lain (keyboard_help, mouse_help, dan gamepad_help) untuk memaparkan bantuan sebenar." # screens.rpy:987 old "Keyboard" new "Papan Kekunci" # screens.rpy:988 old "Mouse" new "Tetikus" # screens.rpy:991 old "Gamepad" new "Pad Permainan" # screens.rpy:1004 old "Enter" new "Enter" # screens.rpy:1005 old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." new "Menggerakkan dialog dan mengaktifkan antara muka." # screens.rpy:1008 old "Space" new "Space" # screens.rpy:1009 old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." new "Menggerakkan dialog tanpa memilih pilihan." # screens.rpy:1012 old "Arrow Keys" new "Kekunci Anak Panah" # screens.rpy:1013 old "Navigate the interface." new "Melayar antara muka." # screens.rpy:1016 old "Escape" new "Escape" # screens.rpy:1017 old "Accesses the game menu." new "Mencapai menu permainan." # screens.rpy:1020 old "Ctrl" new "Ctrl" # screens.rpy:1021 old "Skips dialogue while held down." new "Langkau dialog apabila ditekan." # screens.rpy:1024 old "Tab" new "Tab" # screens.rpy:1025 old "Toggles dialogue skipping." new "Menogol langkauan dialog." # screens.rpy:1028 old "Page Up" new "Page Up" # screens.rpy:1029 old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." new "Bergerak ke dialog sebelumnya." # screens.rpy:1032 old "Page Down" new "Page Down" # screens.rpy:1033 old "Rolls forward to later dialogue." new "Bergerak ke dialog seterusnya." # screens.rpy:1037 old "Hides the user interface." new "Menyembunyikan antara muka pengguna." # screens.rpy:1041 old "Takes a screenshot." new "Mengambil tangkap skrin." # screens.rpy:1045 old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." new "Menogol {a=}penyuaraan sendiri{/a} yang membantu." # screens.rpy:1051 old "Left Click" new "Klik Kiri" # screens.rpy:1055 old "Middle Click" new "Klik Tengah" # screens.rpy:1059 old "Right Click" new "Klik Kanan" # screens.rpy:1063 old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" new "Tatal Ke Atas\nKlik Sisi Undur" # screens.rpy:1067 old "Mouse Wheel Down" new "Tatal Ke Bawah" # screens.rpy:1074 old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" new "Picu Kanan\nA/Butang Bawah" # screens.rpy:1078 old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" new "Picu Kiri\nBahu Kiri (L1)" # screens.rpy:1082 old "Right Shoulder" new "Bahu Kanan (R1)" # screens.rpy:1087 old "D-Pad, Sticks" new "D-Pad (Butang Arah), Kayu Bedik" # screens.rpy:1091 old "Start, Guide" new "Butang Start, Guide" # screens.rpy:1095 old "Y/Top Button" new "Y/Butang Atas" # screens.rpy:1098 old "Calibrate" new "Tentuukur" # screens.rpy:1126 old "## Additional screens" new "## Skrin tambahan" # screens.rpy:1130 old "## Confirm screen" new "## Skrin pengesahan" # screens.rpy:1132 old "## The confirm screen is called when Ren'Py wants to ask the player a yes or no question." new "## Skrin pengesahan dipanggil apabila Ren'Py ingin bertanya pemain soalan ya atau tidak." # screens.rpy:1135 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1139 old "## Ensure other screens do not get input while this screen is displayed." new "## Memastikan skrin-skrin lain tidak mendapat input apabila skrin ini dipaparkan." # screens.rpy:1163 old "Yes" new "Ya" # screens.rpy:1164 old "No" new "Tidak" # screens.rpy:1166 old "## Right-click and escape answer \"no\"." new "## Klik-kanan dan keluar menjawab \"tidak\"." # screens.rpy:1193 old "## Skip indicator screen" new "## Skrin Penunjuk Langkau" # screens.rpy:1195 old "## The skip_indicator screen is displayed to indicate that skipping is in progress." new "## Skrin skip_indicator dipaparkan untuk menandakan pelangkauan sedang dilakukan." # screens.rpy:1198 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1210 old "Skipping" new "Melangkau" # screens.rpy:1217 old "## This transform is used to blink the arrows one after another." new "## Peralihan ini digunakan untuk mengerdipkan anak panah satu selepas satu." # screens.rpy:1244 old "## We have to use a font that has the BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE glyph in it." new "## Kami perlu menggunakan fon yang mempunyai glif bernama BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE (segi tiga kecil hitam menunjuk ke kanan) di dalamnya." # screens.rpy:1249 old "## Notify screen" new "## Skrin Pemberitahuan" # screens.rpy:1251 old "## The notify screen is used to show the player a message. (For example, when the game is quicksaved or a screenshot has been taken.)" new "## Skrin pemberitahuan digunakan untuk menunjukkan mesej kepada pemain. (Contohnya, apabila permainan disimpan cepat atau tangkap skrin telah diambil.)" # screens.rpy:1254 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1288 old "## NVL screen" new "## Skrin NVL" # screens.rpy:1290 old "## This screen is used for NVL-mode dialogue and menus." new "## Skrin ini digunakan untuk dialog dan menu mod NVL." # screens.rpy:1292 old "##" new "##" # screens.rpy:1303 old "## Displays dialogue in either a vpgrid or the vbox." new "## Memaparkan dialog sama ada dalam vpgrid atau vbox." # screens.rpy:1316 old "## Displays the menu, if given. The menu may be displayed incorrectly if config.narrator_menu is set to True, as it is above." new "## Memaparkan menu, sekiranya diberi. Menu mungkin dipaparkan dengan salah jika config.narrator_menu ditetapkan ke True, seperti di atas." # screens.rpy:1346 old "## This controls the maximum number of NVL-mode entries that can be displayed at once." new "## Ini mengawal jumlah maksimum entri mod NVL yang boleh dipaparkan dalam sesuatu masa." # screens.rpy:1408 old "## Mobile Variants" new "## Varian Mudah Alih" # screens.rpy:1415 old "## Since a mouse may not be present, we replace the quick menu with a version that uses fewer and bigger buttons that are easier to touch." new "## Memandangkan tetikus tidak semestinya ada, kami menggantikan menu cepat dengan versi yang menggunakan sedikit butang dan butang lebih besar agar lebih mudah disentuh." # screens.rpy:1431 old "Menu" new "Menu"