translate spanish strings: # _developer/developer.rpym:38 old "Developer Menu" new "Menú de desarrollo" # _developer/developer.rpym:43 old "Interactive Director (D)" new "Director interactivo (D)" # _developer/developer.rpym:45 old "Reload Game (Shift+R)" new "Reiniciar juego (Shift+R)" # _developer/developer.rpym:47 old "Console (Shift+O)" new "Consola (Mayús.+O)" # _developer/developer.rpym:49 old "Variable Viewer" new "Visor de variables" # _developer/developer.rpym:51 old "Image Location Picker" new "Selector de posición en imágenes" # _developer/developer.rpym:53 old "Filename List" new "Lista de archivos" # _developer/developer.rpym:57 old "Show Image Load Log (F4)" new "Mostrar registro de carga de imagen (F4)" # _developer/developer.rpym:60 old "Hide Image Load Log (F4)" new "Ocultar registro de carga de imagen (F4)" # _developer/developer.rpym:95 old "Nothing to inspect." new "Nada para inspeccionar." # _developer/developer.rpym:223 old "Return to the developer menu" new "Volver al menú de desarrollo" # _developer/developer.rpym:383 old "Rectangle: %r" new "Rectángulo: %r" # _developer/developer.rpym:388 old "Mouse position: %r" new "Posición del ratón: %r" # _developer/developer.rpym:393 old "Right-click or escape to quit." new "Clic-derecho o escape para salir." # _developer/developer.rpym:425 old "Rectangle copied to clipboard." new "Rectángulo copiado al portapapeles." # _developer/developer.rpym:428 old "Position copied to clipboard." new "Posición copiada al portapapeles." # _developer/developer.rpym:447 old "Type to filter: " new "Tipo a filtrar: " # _developer/developer.rpym:575 old "Textures: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)" new "Texturas: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)" # _developer/developer.rpym:579 old "Image cache: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)" new "Caché de imagen: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)" # _developer/developer.rpym:589 old "✔ " new "✔ " # _developer/developer.rpym:592 old "✘ " new "✘ " # _developer/developer.rpym:597 old "\n{color=#cfc}✔ predicted image (good){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ unpredicted image (bad){/color}\n{color=#fff}Drag to move.{/color}" new "\n{color=#cfc}✔ imagen prevista (correcto){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ imagen no prevista (fallido){/color}\n{color=#fff}Arrastra para mover.{/color}" # _developer/inspector.rpym:38 old "Displayable Inspector" new "Inspector de visualizables" # _developer/inspector.rpym:61 old "Size" new "Tamaño" # _developer/inspector.rpym:65 old "Style" new "Estilo" # _developer/inspector.rpym:71 old "Location" new "Ubicación" # _developer/inspector.rpym:122 old "Inspecting Styles of [displayable_name!q]" new "Inspeccionando estilos de [displayable_name!q]" # _developer/inspector.rpym:139 old "displayable:" new "visualizable:" # _developer/inspector.rpym:145 old " (no properties affect the displayable)" new " (no hay propiedades que afecten la visualización)" # _developer/inspector.rpym:147 old " (default properties omitted)" new " (propiedades por defecto omitidas)" # _developer/inspector.rpym:185 old "" new "" # 00console.rpy:255 old "Press to exit console. Type help for help.\n" new "Presiona para salir de la consola. Escribe 'help' para obtener ayuda.\n" # 00console.rpy:259 old "Ren'Py script enabled." new "Script Ren'Py habilitado." # 00console.rpy:261 old "Ren'Py script disabled." new "Script Ren'Py deshabilitado." # 00console.rpy:496 old "help: show this help" new "help: muestra esta ayuda" # 00console.rpy:501 old "commands:\n" new "comandos:\n" # 00console.rpy:511 old " : run the statement\n" new " : ejecuta la sentencia\n" # 00console.rpy:513 old " : run the expression or statement" new " : ejecuta la expresión o sentencia" # 00console.rpy:521 old "clear: clear the console history" new "clear: limpia el historial de la consola" # 00console.rpy:525 old "exit: exit the console" new "exit: sale de la consola" # 00console.rpy:533 old "load : loads the game from slot" new "load : carga el juego desde la ranura" # 00console.rpy:546 old "save : saves the game in slot" new "save : guarda el juego en la ranura" # 00console.rpy:557 old "reload: reloads the game, refreshing the scripts" new "reload: recarga el juego, actualizando los 'scripts'" # 00console.rpy:565 old "watch : watch a python expression" new "watch : observa una expresión python" # 00console.rpy:591 old "unwatch : stop watching an expression" new "unwatch : deja de observar una expresión" # 00console.rpy:622 old "unwatchall: stop watching all expressions" new "unwatchall: deja de observar todas las expresiones" # 00console.rpy:639 old "jump