translate tchinese strings: # options.rpy:1 old "## This file contains options that can be changed to customize your game." new "## This file contains options that can be changed to customize your game." # options.rpy:4 old "## Lines beginning with two '#' marks are comments, and you shouldn't uncomment them. Lines beginning with a single '#' mark are commented-out code, and you may want to uncomment them when appropriate." new "## Lines beginning with two '#' marks are comments, and you shouldn't uncomment them. Lines beginning with a single '#' mark are commented-out code, and you may want to uncomment them when appropriate." # options.rpy:10 old "## Basics" new "## Basics" # options.rpy:12 old "## A human-readable name of the game. This is used to set the default window title, and shows up in the interface and error reports." new "## A human-readable name of the game. This is used to set the default window title, and shows up in the interface and error reports." # options.rpy:15 old "## The _() surrounding the string marks it as eligible for translation." new "## The _() surrounding the string marks it as eligible for translation." # options.rpy:17 old "Ren'Py 7 Default GUI" new "Ren'Py 7 Default GUI" # options.rpy:20 old "## Determines if the title given above is shown on the main menu screen. Set this to False to hide the title." new "## Determines if the title given above is shown on the main menu screen. Set this to False to hide the title." # options.rpy:26 old "## The version of the game." new "## The version of the game." # options.rpy:31 old "## Text that is placed on the game's about screen. To insert a blank line between paragraphs, write \\n\\n." new "## Text that is placed on the game's about screen. To insert a blank line between paragraphs, write \\n\\n." # options.rpy:37 old "## A short name for the game used for executables and directories in the built distribution. This must be ASCII-only, and must not contain spaces, colons, or semicolons." new "## A short name for the game used for executables and directories in the built distribution. This must be ASCII-only, and must not contain spaces, colons, or semicolons." # options.rpy:44 old "## Sounds and music" new "## Sounds and music" # options.rpy:46 old "## These three variables control which mixers are shown to the player by default. Setting one of these to False will hide the appropriate mixer." new "## These three variables control which mixers are shown to the player by default. Setting one of these to False will hide the appropriate mixer." # options.rpy:55 old "## To allow the user to play a test sound on the sound or voice channel, uncomment a line below and use it to set a sample sound to play." new "## To allow the user to play a test sound on the sound or voice channel, uncomment a line below and use it to set a sample sound to play." # options.rpy:62 old "## Uncomment the following line to set an audio file that will be played while the player is at the main menu. This file will continue playing into the game, until it is stopped or another file is played." new "## Uncomment the following line to set an audio file that will be played while the player is at the main menu. This file will continue playing into the game, until it is stopped or another file is played." # options.rpy:69 old "## Transitions" new "## Transitions" # options.rpy:71 old "## These variables set transitions that are used when certain events occur. Each variable should be set to a transition, or None to indicate that no transition should be used." new "## These variables set transitions that are used when certain events occur. Each variable should be set to a transition, or None to indicate that no transition should be used." # options.rpy:75 old "## Entering or exiting the game menu." new "## Entering or exiting the game menu." # options.rpy:81 old "## A transition that is used after a game has been loaded." new "## A transition that is used after a game has been loaded." # options.rpy:86 old "## Used when entering the main menu after the game has ended." new "## Used when entering the main menu after the game has ended." # options.rpy:91 old "## A variable to set the transition used when the game starts does not exist. Instead, use a with statement after showing the initial scene." new "## A variable to set the transition used when the game starts does not exist. Instead, use a with statement after showing the initial scene." # options.rpy:96 old "## Window management" new "## Window management" # options.rpy:98 old "## This controls when the dialogue window is displayed. If \"show\", it is always displayed. If \"hide\", it is only displayed when dialogue is present. If \"auto\", the window is hidden before scene statements and shown again once dialogue is displayed." new "## This controls when the dialogue window is displayed. If \"show\", it is always displayed. If \"hide\", it is only displayed when dialogue is present. If \"auto\", the window is hidden before scene statements and shown again once dialogue is displayed." # options.rpy:103 old "## After the game has started, this can be changed with the \"window show\", \"window hide\", and \"window auto\" statements." new "## After the game has started, this can be changed with the \"window show\", \"window hide\", and \"window auto\" statements." # options.rpy:109 old "## Transitions used to show and hide the dialogue window" new "## Transitions used to show and hide the dialogue window" # options.rpy:115 old "## Preference defaults" new "## Preference defaults" # options.rpy:117 old "## Controls the default text speed. The default, 0, is infinite, while any other number is the number of characters per second to type out." new "## Controls the default text speed. The default, 0, is infinite, while any other number is the number of characters per second to type out." # options.rpy:123 old "## The default auto-forward delay. Larger numbers lead to longer waits, with 0 to 30 being the valid range." new "## The default auto-forward delay. Larger numbers lead to longer waits, with 0 to 30 being the valid range." # options.rpy:129 old "## Save directory" new "## Save directory" # options.rpy:131 old "## Controls the platform-specific place Ren'Py will place the save files for this game. The save files will be placed in:" new "## Controls the platform-specific place Ren'Py will place the save files for this game. The save files will be placed in:" # options.rpy:134 old "## Windows: %APPDATA\\RenPy\\" new "## Windows: %APPDATA\\RenPy\\" # options.rpy:136 old "## Macintosh: $HOME/Library/RenPy/" new "## Macintosh: $HOME/Library/RenPy/" # options.rpy:138 old "## Linux: $HOME/.renpy/" new "## Linux: $HOME/.renpy/" # options.rpy:140 old "## This generally should not be changed, and if it is, should always be a literal string, not an expression." new "## This generally should not be changed, and if it is, should always be a literal string, not an expression." # options.rpy:146 old "## Icon ########################################################################'" new "## Icon ########################################################################'" # options.rpy:148 old "## The icon displayed on the taskbar or dock." new "## The icon displayed on the taskbar or dock." # options.rpy:153 old "## Build configuration" new "## Build configuration" # options.rpy:155 old "## This section controls how Ren'Py turns your project into distribution files." new "## This section controls how Ren'Py turns your project into distribution files." # options.rpy:160 old "## The following functions take file patterns. File patterns are case- insensitive, and matched against the path relative to the base directory, with and without a leading /. If multiple patterns match, the first is used." new "## The following functions take file patterns. File patterns are case- insensitive, and matched against the path relative to the base directory, with and without a leading /. If multiple patterns match, the first is used." # options.rpy:165 old "## In a pattern:" new "## In a pattern:" # options.rpy:167 old "## / is the directory separator." new "## / is the directory separator." # options.rpy:169 old "## * matches all characters, except the directory separator." new "## * matches all characters, except the directory separator." # options.rpy:171 old "## ** matches all characters, including the directory separator." new "## ** matches all characters, including the directory separator." # options.rpy:173 old "## For example, \"*.txt\" matches txt files in the base directory, \"game/**.ogg\" matches ogg files in the game directory or any of its subdirectories, and \"**.psd\" matches psd files anywhere in the project." new "## For example, \"*.txt\" matches txt files in the base directory, \"game/**.ogg\" matches ogg files in the game directory or any of its subdirectories, and \"**.psd\" matches psd files anywhere in the project." # options.rpy:177 old "## Classify files as None to exclude them from the built distributions." new "## Classify files as None to exclude them from the built distributions." # options.rpy:185 old "## To archive files, classify them as 'archive'." new "## To archive files, classify them as 'archive'." # options.rpy:190 old "## Files matching documentation patterns are duplicated in a mac app build, so they appear in both the app and the zip file." new "## Files matching documentation patterns are duplicated in a mac app build, so they appear in both the app and the zip file." # options.rpy:196 old "## A Google Play license key is required to download expansion files and perform in-app purchases. It can be found on the \"Services & APIs\" page of the Google Play developer console." new "## A Google Play license key is required to download expansion files and perform in-app purchases. It can be found on the \"Services & APIs\" page of the Google Play developer console." # options.rpy:203 old "## The username and project name associated with an project, separated by a slash." new "## The username and project name associated with an project, separated by a slash."