translate japanese strings: # game/screens.rpy:251 old "Back" new "ロールバック" # game/screens.rpy:252 old "History" new "ヒストリー" # game/screens.rpy:253 old "Skip" new "スキップ" # game/screens.rpy:254 old "Auto" new "オート" # game/screens.rpy:255 old "Save" new "セーブ" # game/screens.rpy:256 old "Q.Save" new "Q.セーブ" # game/screens.rpy:257 old "Q.Load" new "Q.ロード" # game/screens.rpy:258 old "Prefs" new "設定" # game/screens.rpy:299 old "Start" new "スタート" # game/screens.rpy:307 old "Load" new "ロード" # game/screens.rpy:309 old "Preferences" new "環境設定" # game/screens.rpy:313 old "End Replay" new "リプレイ終了" # game/screens.rpy:317 old "Main Menu" new "メインメニュー" # game/screens.rpy:319 old "About" new "バージョン情報" # game/screens.rpy:324 old "Help" new "ヘルプ" # game/screens.rpy:329 old "Quit" new "終了" # game/screens.rpy:469 old "Return" new "戻る" # game/screens.rpy:553 old "[config.version!t]\n" new "[config.version!t]\n" # game/screens.rpy:557 old "Updated Character Art" new "Updated Character Art" # game/screens.rpy:558 old "Deji" new "Deji" # game/screens.rpy:562 old "Original Character Art" new "Original Character Art" # game/screens.rpy:563 old "Derik" new "Derik" # game/screens.rpy:569 old "Updated Background Art" new "Updated Background Art" # game/screens.rpy:570 old "Mugenjohncel" new "Mugenjohncel" # game/screens.rpy:574 old "Original Background Art" new "Original Background Art" # game/screens.rpy:575 old "DaFool" new "DaFool" # game/screens.rpy:581 old "Music By" new "Music By" # game/screens.rpy:582 old "Alessio" new "Alessio" # game/screens.rpy:588 old "Update Written By" new "Update Written By" # game/screens.rpy:589 old "Lore" new "Lore" # game/screens.rpy:593 old "Originally Written By " new "Originally Written By " # game/screens.rpy:594 old "mikey (ATP Projects)" new "mikey (ATP Projects)" # game/screens.rpy:597 old "\nMade with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only]" new "\nMade with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only]" # game/screens.rpy:599 old "[renpy.license!t]" new "[renpy.license!t]" # game/screens.rpy:645 old "Page {}" new "ページ {}" # game/screens.rpy:645 old "Automatic saves" new "オートセーブ" # game/screens.rpy:645 old "Quick saves" new "クイックセーブ" # game/screens.rpy:687 old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" new "{#file_time}%Y年%m月%d日(%a) %H時%M分" # game/screens.rpy:687 old "empty slot" new "空のスロット" # game/screens.rpy:704 old "<" new "<" # game/screens.rpy:707 old "{#auto_page}A" new "{#auto_page}A" # game/screens.rpy:710 old "{#quick_page}Q" new "{#quick_page}Q" # game/screens.rpy:716 old ">" new ">" # game/screens.rpy:778 old "Display" new "ディスプレイ" # game/screens.rpy:779 old "Window" new "ウィンドウ" # game/screens.rpy:780 old "Fullscreen" new "フルスクリーン" # game/screens.rpy:784 old "Rollback Side" new "ロールバック\nサイド" # game/screens.rpy:785 old "Disable" new "無効" # game/screens.rpy:786 old "Left" new "レフト" # game/screens.rpy:787 old "Right" new "ライト" # game/screens.rpy:792 old "Unseen Text" new "未読テキストも\nスキップ" # game/screens.rpy:793 old "After Choices" new "選択肢後も\nスキップ継続" # game/screens.rpy:794 old "Transitions" new "トランジションを\nスキップ" # game/screens.rpy:802 old "Language" new "言語" # game/screens.rpy:823 old "Text Speed" new "文字表示速度" # game/screens.rpy:827 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "オート待ち時間" # game/screens.rpy:834 old "Music Volume" new "音楽の音量" # game/screens.rpy:841 old "Sound Volume" new "効果音の音量" # game/screens.rpy:847 old "Test" new "テスト" # game/screens.rpy:851 old "Voice Volume" new "ボイスの音量" # game/screens.rpy:862 old "Mute All" new "全てミュート" # game/screens.rpy:981 old "The dialogue history is empty." new "ヒストリーはありません。" # game/screens.rpy:1047 old "Keyboard" new "キーボード" # game/screens.rpy:1048 old "Mouse" new "マウス" # game/screens.rpy:1051 old "Gamepad" new "ゲームパッド" # game/screens.rpy:1064 old "Enter" new "Enter" # game/screens.rpy:1065 old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." new "台詞を読み進める。またはボタンを選択する。" # game/screens.rpy:1068 old "Space" new "Space" # game/screens.rpy:1069 old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." new "台詞を読み進める。ただしボタンは選択しない。" # game/screens.rpy:1072 old "Arrow Keys" new "方向キー" # game/screens.rpy:1073 old "Navigate the interface." new "インターフェースを移動する。" # game/screens.rpy:1076 old "Escape" new "Escape" # game/screens.rpy:1077 old "Accesses the game menu." new "ゲームメニューを開く。" # game/screens.rpy:1080 old "Ctrl" new "Ctrl" # game/screens.rpy:1081 old "Skips dialogue while held down." new "押し続けている間スキップする。" # game/screens.rpy:1084 old "Tab" new "Tab" # game/screens.rpy:1085 old "Toggles dialogue skipping." new "スキップモードに切り替える。" # game/screens.rpy:1088 old "Page Up" new "Page Up" # game/screens.rpy:1089 old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." new "前の台詞に戻る。" # game/screens.rpy:1092 old "Page Down" new "Page Down" # game/screens.rpy:1093 old "Rolls forward to later dialogue." new "ロールバック中、次の台詞に進む。" # game/screens.rpy:1097 old "Hides the user interface." new "インターフェースを隠す。" # game/screens.rpy:1101 old "Takes a screenshot." new "スクリーンショットを撮る。" # game/screens.rpy:1105 old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." new "{a=}セルフボイシング{/a}を有効化する。" # game/screens.rpy:1111 old "Left Click" new "左クリック" # game/screens.rpy:1115 old "Middle Click" new "中クリック" # game/screens.rpy:1119 old "Right Click" new "右クリック" # game/screens.rpy:1123 old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" new "マウスホイール上回転\n画面サイドをタッチ" # game/screens.rpy:1127 old "Mouse Wheel Down" new "マウスホイール下回転" # game/screens.rpy:1134 old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" new "Rトリガー\nA/下ボタン" # game/screens.rpy:1138 old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" new "Lトリガー\nLボタン" # game/screens.rpy:1142 old "Right Shoulder" new "Rボタン" # game/screens.rpy:1146 old "D-Pad, Sticks" new "方向パッド\n左右スティック" # game/screens.rpy:1150 old "Start, Guide" new "スタート、ガイド" # game/screens.rpy:1154 old "Y/Top Button" new "Y/上ボタン" # game/screens.rpy:1157 old "Calibrate" new "キャリブレート" # game/screens.rpy:1222 old "Yes" new "はい" # game/screens.rpy:1223 old "No" new "いいえ" # game/screens.rpy:1269 old "Skipping" new "スキップ中" # game/screens.rpy:1490 old "Menu" new "メニュー" # game/screens.rpy:799 old " " new " " # game/screens.rpy:1103 old "Opens the accessibility menu." new "アクセス性メニューを開きます。"