# game/script.rpy:19 translate japanese start_915cb944: # "It's only when I hear the sounds of shuffling feet and supplies being put away that I realize that the lecture's over." "脚を引き摺る音と資料を片付ける音で、始めて講義が終ったことに気付いた。" # game/script.rpy:21 translate japanese start_d48fb984: # "Professor Eileen's lectures are usually interesting, but today I just couldn't concentrate on it." "さて、エイリーン教授の授業は面白い。でも正直、全然集中できなかった。" # game/script.rpy:23 translate japanese start_622654e3: # "I've had a lot of other thoughts on my mind...thoughts that culminate in a question." "考え事で頭がいっぱいになった。そしてそれらは最終的に一つの質問へと収束した。" # game/script.rpy:25 translate japanese start_5aee3489: # "It's a question that I've been meaning to ask a certain someone." "それはある人に問い掛けたい質問だった。" # game/script.rpy:30 translate japanese start_66c6d238: # "When we come out of the university, I spot her right away." "大学から出ると、そこに彼女がいた。" # game/script.rpy:35 translate japanese start_1d44d9d7: # "I've known Sylvie since we were kids. She's got a big heart and she's always been a good friend to me." "彼女は素晴しい子だった。僕は彼女の全てを子供の頃から知っていた。そしていつもいい友だちだった" # game/script.rpy:37 translate japanese start_1c8af99f: # "But recently... I've felt that I want something more." "しかし最近僕は思う…もっと求めたいものがあると。" # game/script.rpy:39 translate japanese start_17a1771f: # "More than just talking, more than just walking home together when our classes end." "もっと話したい…。そして、授業が終わったら家までもっと一緒に歩きたいと。" # game/script.rpy:58 translate japanese rightaway_cf214f74: # s "Hi there! How was class?" s "こんにちは、授業は?" # game/script.rpy:60 translate japanese rightaway_f5f51c33: # m "Good..." m "う、うん……" # game/script.rpy:62 translate japanese rightaway_027fd9f0: # "I can't bring myself to admit that it all went in one ear and out the other." "そう言った僕の声はすでに震えていた。" # game/script.rpy:64 translate japanese rightaway_1e626e6b: # m "Are you going home now? Wanna walk back with me?" m "今帰るところ?一緒に帰らない?" # game/script.rpy:66 translate japanese rightaway_ed1dfb9d: # s "Sure!" s "もちろんよ!" # game/script.rpy:71 translate japanese rightaway_03faae39: # "After a short while, we reach the meadows just outside the neighborhood where we both live." "少しして、僕達は近所から離れた原っぱに着いた。" # game/script.rpy:73 translate japanese rightaway_b3b54d3c: # "It's a scenic view I've grown used to. Autumn is especially beautiful here." "馴染のあるよい景色だ。ここはとくに秋にきれいになる。" # game/script.rpy:75 translate japanese rightaway_8f173bb5: # "When we were children, we played in these meadows a lot, so they're full of memories." "子供のころは、この辺りの原っぱでよく遊んだから、思い出で一杯だ。" # game/script.rpy:77 translate japanese rightaway_aa84c954: # m "Hey... Umm..." m "ねぇ……えっと" # game/script.rpy:82 translate japanese rightaway_79becbf8: # "She turns to me and smiles. She looks so welcoming that I feel my nervousness melt away." "彼女が僕を見て笑ったのを見て、緊張が解けた。" # game/script.rpy:84 translate japanese rightaway_6a5d032c: # "I'll ask her...!" "彼女に尋ねるんだ!" # game/script.rpy:86 translate japanese rightaway_29e68260: # m "Ummm... Will you..." m "えっと……君は……" # game/script.rpy:88 translate japanese rightaway_6c267868: # m "Will you be my artist for a visual novel?" m "ビジュアルノベルのイラストを担当しない?" # game/script.rpy:92 translate japanese rightaway_16b8cb94: # "Silence." "沈黙" # game/script.rpy:94 translate japanese rightaway_289664f3: # "She looks so shocked that I begin to fear the worst. But then..." "彼女はとても驚いて見えて、最悪の事態を心配した。しかし……" # game/script.rpy:98 translate japanese rightaway_8cb5deeb: # s "Sure, but what's a \"visual novel?\"" nointeract s "いいよ、けど\"ビジュアルノベル\"て何?" nointeract # game/script.rpy:111 translate japanese game_65cca574: # m "It's a kind of videogame you can play on your computer or a console." m "PCやコンソールでできるビデオゲームの一種だよ。" # game/script.rpy:113 translate japanese game_da120cd2: # m "Visual novels tell a story with pictures and music." m "ビジュアルノベルは絵と音楽のついた物語だよ。" # game/script.rpy:115 translate japanese game_0157c4d2: # m "Sometimes, you also get to make choices that affect the outcome of the story." m "物語の途中で、結末に影響する選択肢を選べるんだ。" # game/script.rpy:117 translate japanese game_68b33461: # s "So it's like those choose-your-adventure books?" s "それって、「きみならどうする?」みたいなもの?" # game/script.rpy:119 translate japanese game_fa834128: # m "Exactly! I've got lots of different ideas that I think would work." m "そうだね!たくさんのアイデアがあるんだ。" # game/script.rpy:121 translate japanese game_d9b28ade: # m "And I thought maybe you could help me...since I know how you like to draw." m "君なら手伝えると思うんだ… 君が絵を書くのが好きなことは知ってるから。" # game/script.rpy:123 translate japanese game_eaa56bc9: # m "It'd be hard for me to make a visual novel alone." m "ビジュアルノベルを僕一人で作るのは難しいんだ。" # game/script.rpy:127 translate japanese game_9befd1bf: # s "Well, sure! I can try. I just hope I don't disappoint you." s "ええ、やってみるわ。がっかりさせないものを作ってみせるわ。" # game/script.rpy:129 translate japanese game_c788ae90: # m "You know you could never disappoint me, Sylvie." m "僕が君にがっかりしないことは、君が知ってのとおりだよ。" # game/script.rpy:138 translate japanese book_4221b3bd: # m "It's like an interactive book that you can read on a computer or a console." m "PCやコンソールで読める対話的な本みたいなものだよ" # game/script.rpy:142 translate japanese book_4cfd8044: # s "Interactive?" s "対話的(Interactive)?" # game/script.rpy:144 translate japanese book_b9c732c8: # m "You can make choices that lead to different events and endings in the story." m "物語で選択肢を選んで違ったイベントやエンディングに進めるんだ。" # game/script.rpy:146 translate japanese book_1c7ac61a: # s "So where does the \"visual\" part come in?" s "なら\"ヴィジュアル\"はどこからきたの?" # game/script.rpy:148 translate japanese book_763f25a8: # m "Visual novels have pictures and even music, sound effects, and sometimes voice acting to go along with the text." m "ビジュアルノベルでは写真や音楽、効果音、声をテキストと一緒にできるんだ。" # game/script.rpy:152 translate japanese book_2277f2aa: # s "I see! That certainly sounds like fun. I actually used to make webcomics way back when, so I've got lots of story ideas." s "分かったわ!楽しそう。前にウェブコミックを作っていたからアイデアが沢山あるわ。" # game/script.rpy:154 translate japanese book_ccd3e9b0: # m "That's great! So...would you be interested in working with me as an artist?" m "それはいい!えっと、アーティストとして一緒に活動しない?" # game/script.rpy:156 translate japanese book_e325967b: # s "I'd love to!" s "喜んで!" # game/script.rpy:165 translate japanese marry_4509e340: # "And so, we become a visual novel creating duo." "そして僕達は二人でビジュアルノベル作成のチームとなった。" # game/script.rpy:170 translate japanese marry_0f82ff7f: # "Over the years, we make lots of games and have a lot of fun making them." "何年にも渡ってたくさんのゲームを作り、多くのファンにも恵まれた。" # game/script.rpy:174 translate japanese marry_08e24a18: # "Our first game is based on one of Sylvie's ideas, but afterwards I get to come up with stories of my own, too." "最初のゲームはシルビーのアイデアを元にしたけど、自分でもストーリーを作った。" # game/script.rpy:176 translate japanese marry_285256a1: # "We take turns coming up with stories and characters and support each other to make some great games!" "僕達は物語とキャラクターを作り、互いによいゲームを作れるよう協力した。" # game/script.rpy:178 translate japanese marry_27260f18: # "And one day..." "そしてある日のこと" # game/script.rpy:183 translate japanese marry_bf690666: # s "Hey..." s "あのさ…" # game/script.rpy:185 translate japanese marry_7a5c1899: # m "Yes?" m "はい?" # game/script.rpy:189 translate japanese marry_3c154e68: # s "Will you marry me?" s "結婚しない?" # game/script.rpy:191 translate japanese marry_8bcbc4b9: # m "What? Where did this come from?" m "なんだって???" # game/script.rpy:195 translate japanese marry_f913278c: # s "Come on, how long have we been dating?" s "えっと、かなりの間一緒にいたよね?" # game/script.rpy:197 translate japanese marry_4ba892a0: # m "A while..." m "そうだね。" # game/script.rpy:201 translate japanese marry_39d7f0df: # s "These last few years we've been making visual novels together, spending time together, helping each other..." s "ここ数年は一緒にヴィジュアルノベルを作って、何時間も話し会って、互いに助けあってきたじゃない。" # game/script.rpy:203 translate japanese marry_1516df50: # s "I've gotten to know you and care about you better than anyone else. And I think the same goes for you, right?" s "あなたのことは他のだれよりもよく知っているわ。あなたも同じだと思うけど違うの?" # game/script.rpy:205 translate japanese marry_3234b0ab: # m "Sylvie..." m "シルビー..." # game/script.rpy:209 translate japanese marry_8179b35b: # s "But I know you're the indecisive type. If I held back, who knows when you'd propose?" s "あなたの優柔不断は知っているから。私から言わないといつまでもプロポーズしないでしょ?" # game/script.rpy:213 translate japanese marry_373937d9: # s "So will you marry me?" s "だから、私と結婚してくれない?" # game/script.rpy:215 translate japanese marry_857958dc: # m "Of course I will! I've actually been meaning to propose, honest!" m "もちろんさ!本当はずっとプロポーズしたかった。" # game/script.rpy:217 translate japanese marry_81ed468b: # s "I know, I know." s "分かっているわ" # game/script.rpy:219 translate japanese marry_1c4ae954: # m "I guess... I was too worried about timing. I wanted to ask the right question at the right time." m "そうか…タイミングを気にしすぎたんだ。適切な質問を「適切なときに」投げかけるに限るね。" # game/script.rpy:223 translate japanese marry_0db38565: # s "You worry too much. If only this were a visual novel and I could pick an option to give you more courage!" s "心配しすぎよ。これがビジュアルノベルなら、あなたに勇気を与えるオプションを付けるわ。" # game/script.rpy:228 translate japanese marry_ca27786f: # "We get married shortly after that." "それからまもなく、僕達は結婚したのだった。" # game/script.rpy:230 translate japanese marry_621ed4fc: # "Our visual novel duo lives on even after we're married...and I try my best to be more decisive." "そして、一緒にたくさんのビジュアルノベルを制作し、" # game/script.rpy:232 translate japanese marry_3c7f0bf0: # "Together, we live happily ever after even now." "生涯にわたって楽しい生活を送った。" # game/script.rpy:234 translate japanese marry_2ad49007: # "{b}Good Ending{/b}." "{b}グッドエンド{/b}" # game/script.rpy:240 translate japanese later_3c679c17: # "I can't get up the nerve to ask right now. With a gulp, I decide to ask her later." "今尋ねる勇気を出せず、後で彼女に聞くことにした。" # game/script.rpy:245 translate japanese later_a77741b6: # "But I'm an indecisive person." "でも、僕はなかなか言い出すことができなかった。" # game/script.rpy:247 translate japanese later_982e14b6: # "I couldn't ask her that day and I end up never being able to ask her." "結局その日は彼女に聞くことができなかった。その次の日も、またその次の日も。" # game/script.rpy:249 translate japanese later_f0f9a061: # "I guess I'll never know the answer to my question now..." "多分、永遠に聞くことができないのだろう。" # game/script.rpy:251 translate japanese later_f5219ac2: # "{b}Bad Ending{/b}." "{b}バッドエンド{/b}" translate japanese strings: # game/script.rpy:2 old "Sylvie" new "シルビー" # game/script.rpy:3 old "Me" new "僕" # game/script.rpy:41 old "As soon as she catches my eye, I decide..." new "" # game/script.rpy:41 old "To ask her right away." new "今すぐ彼女に聞いてみよう" # game/script.rpy:41 old "To ask her later." new "あとで彼女に聞いてみよう" # game/script.rpy:98 old "It's a videogame." new "ゲームだよ。" # game/script.rpy:98 old "It's an interactive book." new "絵の付いた物語だよ。"