translate ukrainian strings: # game/screens.rpy:248 old "Back" new "Назад" # game/screens.rpy:249 old "History" new "Історія" # game/screens.rpy:250 old "Skip" new "Пропустити" # game/screens.rpy:251 old "Auto" new "Авто" # game/screens.rpy:252 old "Save" new "Зберегти" # game/screens.rpy:253 old "Q.Save" new "Ш.Збреження" # game/screens.rpy:254 old "Q.Load" new "Ш.Завантаження" # game/screens.rpy:255 old "Prefs" new "Опції" # game/screens.rpy:296 old "Start" new "Почати" # game/screens.rpy:304 old "Load" new "Завантажити" # game/screens.rpy:306 old "Preferences" new "Налаштування" # game/screens.rpy:310 old "End Replay" new "Кінець повтору" # game/screens.rpy:314 old "Main Menu" new "Головне меню" # game/screens.rpy:316 old "About" new "Про гру" # game/screens.rpy:321 old "Help" new "Довідка" # game/screens.rpy:326 old "Quit" new "Вийти" # game/screens.rpy:369 old "Ren'Py 7+ Edition" new "Ren'Py 7+ Edition" # game/screens.rpy:466 old "Return" new "Повернутися" # game/screens.rpy:550 old "[config.version!t]\n" new "[config.version!t]\n" # game/screens.rpy:554 old "Updated Character Art" new "Оновлений персонаж" # game/screens.rpy:555 old "Deji" new "Deji" # game/screens.rpy:559 old "Original Character Art" new "Мистецтво оригінального персонажа" # game/screens.rpy:560 old "Derik" new "Derik" # game/screens.rpy:566 old "Updated Background Art" new "Оновлене тло" # game/screens.rpy:567 old "Mugenjohncel" new "Mugenjohncel" # game/screens.rpy:571 old "Original Background Art" new "Оригінальне тло мистецтва" # game/screens.rpy:572 old "DaFool" new "DaFool" # game/screens.rpy:578 old "Music By" new "Автор музики" # game/screens.rpy:579 old "Alessio" new "Alessio" # game/screens.rpy:585 old "Update Written By" new "Автор оновлення" # game/screens.rpy:586 old "Lore" new "Lore" # game/screens.rpy:590 old "Originally Written By " new "Оригінальний автор " # game/screens.rpy:591 old "mikey (ATP Projects)" new "mikey (ATP проєкти)" # game/screens.rpy:594 old "\nMade with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only]" new "\nСтворено за допомогою {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only]" # game/screens.rpy:596 old "[renpy.license!t]" new "[renpy.license!t]" # game/screens.rpy:638 old "Page {}" new "Сторінка {}" # game/screens.rpy:638 old "Automatic saves" new "Автоматичне збереження" # game/screens.rpy:638 old "Quick saves" new "Швидке збереження" # game/screens.rpy:680 old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" new "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" # game/screens.rpy:680 old "empty slot" new "порожній слот" # game/screens.rpy:697 old "<" new "<" # game/screens.rpy:700 old "{#auto_page}A" new "{#auto_page}А" # game/screens.rpy:703 old "{#quick_page}Q" new "{#quick_page}Ш" # game/screens.rpy:709 old ">" new ">" # game/screens.rpy:771 old "Display" new "Дисплей" # game/screens.rpy:772 old "Window" new "Вікно" # game/screens.rpy:773 old "Fullscreen" new "Повноекранний" # game/screens.rpy:778 old "Unseen Text" new "Невидимий текст" # game/screens.rpy:779 old "After Choices" new "Після вибору" # game/screens.rpy:780 old "Transitions" new "Переходи" # game/screens.rpy:789 old "Language" new "Мова" # game/screens.rpy:799 old " " new " " # game/screens.rpy:817 old "Text Speed" new "Швидкість тексту" # game/screens.rpy:821 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "Швидкість авто-пропуску" # game/screens.rpy:828 old "Music Volume" new "Гучність музики" # game/screens.rpy:835 old "Sound Volume" new "Гучність звуку" # game/screens.rpy:841 old "Test" new "Тест" # game/screens.rpy:845 old "Voice Volume" new "Гучність голосу" # game/screens.rpy:856 old "Mute All" new "Без звуку" # game/screens.rpy:975 old "The dialogue history is empty." new "Історія діалогу порожня." # game/screens.rpy:1041 old "Keyboard" new "Keyboard" # game/screens.rpy:1042 old "Mouse" new "Миша" # game/screens.rpy:1045 old "Gamepad" new "Геймпад" # game/screens.rpy:1058 old "Enter" new "Enter" # game/screens.rpy:1059 old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." new "Розвиває діалог і активує інтерфейс." # game/screens.rpy:1062 old "Space" new "Space" # game/screens.rpy:1063 old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." new "Просуває діалог без вибору варіантів." # game/screens.rpy:1066 old "Arrow Keys" new "Клавіші зі стрілками" # game/screens.rpy:1067 old "Navigate the interface." new "Навігація по інтерфейсу." # game/screens.rpy:1070 old "Escape" new "Escape" # game/screens.rpy:1071 old "Accesses the game menu." new "Доступ до меню гри." # game/screens.rpy:1074 old "Ctrl" new "Ctrl" # game/screens.rpy:1075 old "Skips dialogue while held down." new "Пропускає діалог при утриманні." # game/screens.rpy:1078 old "Tab" new "Tab" # game/screens.rpy:1079 old "Toggles dialogue skipping." new "Вмикає пропуск діалогу." # game/screens.rpy:1082 old "Page Up" new "Page Up" # game/screens.rpy:1083 old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." new "Відкат до попереднього діалогу." # game/screens.rpy:1086 old "Page Down" new "Page Down" # game/screens.rpy:1087 old "Rolls forward to later dialogue." new "Перехід до наступного діалогу." # game/screens.rpy:1091 old "Hides the user interface." new "Приховує інтерфейс користувача." # game/screens.rpy:1095 old "Takes a screenshot." new "Робить скріншот." # game/screens.rpy:1099 old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." new "Вмикає допоміжне {a=}самоозвучення{/a}." # game/screens.rpy:1103 old "Opens the accessibility menu." new "Відкриває меню спеціальних можливостей." # game/screens.rpy:1109 old "Left Click" new "Лівий клік" # game/screens.rpy:1113 old "Middle Click" new "Середній клік" # game/screens.rpy:1117 old "Right Click" new "Правий клік" # game/screens.rpy:1121 old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" new "Колесо миші вгору\nбік повернення назад" # game/screens.rpy:1125 old "Mouse Wheel Down" new "Колесо миші вниз" # game/screens.rpy:1132 old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" new "Правий тригер\nA/нижня кнопка" # game/screens.rpy:1136 old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" new "Лівий тригер\nЛіве плече" # game/screens.rpy:1140 old "Right Shoulder" new "Праве плече" # game/screens.rpy:1144 old "D-Pad, Sticks" new "D-Pad, стіки" # game/screens.rpy:1148 old "Start, Guide" new "Початок, Гайд" # game/screens.rpy:1152 old "Y/Top Button" new "Кнопка Y/Top" # game/screens.rpy:1155 old "Calibrate" new "Калібрувати" # game/screens.rpy:1220 old "Yes" new "Так" # game/screens.rpy:1221 old "No" new "Ні" # game/screens.rpy:1267 old "Skipping" new "Пропуск" # game/screens.rpy:1488 old "Menu" new "Меню"