# game/indepth_transitions.rpy:56 translate french demo_transitions_5bbc72fe: # e "Ren'Py ships with a large number of built-in transitions, and also includes classes that let you define your own." e "Ren’Py est fourni avec une grande quantité de transitions et peut également être enrichi de classes que vous définirez vous-même." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:58 translate french demo_transitions_menu_3caf78d3: # e "What kind of transitions would you like demonstrated?" nointeract e "Quel type de transitions voulez-vous voir ?" nointeract # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:95 translate french demo_simple_transitions_2b4fbae3: # e "Okay, I can tell you about simple transitions. We call them simple because they don't take much in the way of configuration." e "OK, je peux vous parler des transitions simples. Nous les qualifions de simple parce qu’il est facile de les configurer." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:97 translate french demo_simple_transitions_4b235ac2: # e "But don't let that get you down, since they're the transitions you'll probably use the most in a game." e "Mais ne déprimez pas, ce sont probablement ces transitions que vous utiliserez le plus dans un jeu." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:103 translate french demo_simple_transitions_af0431ac: # e "The 'dissolve' transition is probably the most useful, blending one scene into another." e "La transition 'dissolve' (dissolution) est la plus utile pour passer d’une scène à l’autre." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:109 translate french demo_simple_transitions_5b9f711f: # e "The 'Dissolve' function lets you create your own dissolves, taking a different amount of time." e "La fonction 'Dissolve' vous laisse créer votre propre dissolution en prenant en paramètre une valeur de temps." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:116 translate french demo_simple_transitions_79816523: # e "The 'fade' transition fades to black, and then fades back in to the new scene." e "La transition 'fade' (fondu) permet un fondu au noir avant de passer à la scène suivante." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:118 translate french demo_simple_transitions_141bb95d: # e "If you're going to stay at a black screen, you'll probably want to use 'dissolve' rather than 'fade'." e "Si vous souhaitez passer à un écran noir, vous allez sans doute vouloir utiliser la transformation 'dissolve' plutôt que 'fade'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:123 translate french demo_simple_transitions_f059f4ae: # e "You can use 'Fade' to define your own fades. By changing the timing and the color faded to, you can use this for special effects, like flashbulbs." e "Vous pouvez utiliser 'Fade' pour définir vos propres fondus. En changeant la taille et la couleur, vous pouvez personnaliser des effets visuels, comme des flashs d’appareil photo." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:129 translate french demo_simple_transitions_e948905b: # e "The 'pixellate' transition pixellates out the old scene, switches to the new scene, and then unpixellates that." e "La transition 'pixellate' pixellise l’ancienne scène, passe à la nouvelle et la dépixellise." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:131 translate french demo_simple_transitions_6a1ae05f: # e "It's probably not appropriate for most games, but we think it's kind of neat." e "Ce n’est pas forcément la plus appropriée à tous les jeux, mais nous pensons qu’elle a quand même de l’intérêt." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:134 translate french demo_simple_transitions_bdfcd85a: # e "You can use 'Pixellate' to change the details of the pixellation." e "Vous pouvez utilisez la classe 'Pixellate' pour changer les détails de la pixellisation." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:136 translate french demo_simple_transitions_432f7224: # e "Motions can also be used as transitions." e "Les Motions peuvent également être utilisés comme transitions." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:138 translate french demo_simple_transitions_a20cefa7: # "..." "..." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:140 translate french demo_simple_transitions_0fd4d656: # "......" "......" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:146 translate french demo_simple_transitions_fbf11906: # e "Hey! Pay attention." e "Eh ! Faites attention !" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:148 translate french demo_simple_transitions_51c1c5b8: # e "I was about to demonstrate 'vpunch'... well, I guess I just did." e "J’étais sur le point de vous présenter 'vpunch'… Bon, je crois que c’est fait." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:154 translate french demo_simple_transitions_57f19473: # e "We can also shake the screen horizontally, with 'hpunch'. These were defined using the 'Move' function." e "Nous pouvons également secouer l’écran horizontalement, avec 'hpunch'. Celles-ci sont définis en utilisant la fonction 'Move'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:156 translate french demo_simple_transitions_fce83e12: # e "There's also the 'move' transition, which is confusingly enough defined using the 'MoveTransition' function." e "Il y a également la transition 'move' qui est définie par la fonction 'MoveTransition'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:164 translate french demo_simple_transitions_1050b6a4: # e "The 'move' transition finds images that have changed placement, and slides them to their new place. It's an easy way to get motion in your game." e "La transition 'move' trouve les images qui ont changé d’emplacement et les fait glisser vers leur nouvelle position. C’est un moyen facile de donner du mouvement dans votre jeu." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:168 translate french demo_simple_transitions_dc776e59: # e "That's it for the simple transitions." e "Voilà pour les transitions dites simples." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:175 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_2db67018: # e "Perhaps the most flexible kind of transition is the ImageDissolve, which lets you use an image to control a dissolve." e "Sans doute la plus flexible des transitions, 'ImageDissolve' utilise une image pour contrôler la dissolution." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:177 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_429f8d03: # e "This lets us specify very complex transitions, fairly simply. Let's try some, and then I'll show you how they work." e "Cela permet de spécifier des transitions particulièrement complexes ou très simples. Essayons quelques exemples et vous verrez comment cela fonctionne." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:179 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_1ce501b0: # e "There are two ImageDissolve transitions built into Ren'Py." e "Il y a deux 'ImageDissolve' déjà définis dans Ren’Py." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:191 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_ea0413be: # e "The 'blinds' transition opens and closes what looks like vertical blinds." e "La transition 'blinds' ouvre et ferme ce qui ressemble à des volets verticaux." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:201 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_12e2e0d0: # e "The 'squares' transition uses these squares to show things." e "La transition 'squares' utilise ses carrés pour afficher les choses." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:203 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_bbf73d1c: # e "I'm not sure why anyone would want to use it, but it was used in some translated games, so we added it." e "Je ne suis pas sûr que tout le monde veuille l’utiliser, mais elle est utilisée dans quelques jeux traduits, alors nous l’avons ajoutée." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:207 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_0ab2902d: # e "The most interesting transitions aren't in the standard library." e "Les plus intéressantes transitions ne sont pas dans la librairie standard." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:209 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_54aa9bf9: # e "These ones require an image the size of the screen, and so we couldn't include them as the size of the screen can change from game to game." e "L’une d’entre elle nécessite une image à la taille exacte de l’écran, alors nous n’avons pas pu l’inclure, car la taille d’écran peut changer d’un jeu à l’autre." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:215 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_ca316184: # e "We can hide things with a 'circleirisin'..." e "Nous pouvons cacher les scènes avec 'circleirisin'…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:221 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_b8fdf2b6: # e "... and show them again with a 'circleirisout'." e "… et nous pouvons les réafficher avec 'circleirisout'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:227 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_ee427486: # e "The 'circlewipe' transitions changes screens using a circular wipe effect." e "La transition 'circlewipe' change l’écran de jeu en utilisant un effet circulaire." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:233 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_6f089276: # e "The 'dream' transition does this weird wavy dissolve, and does it relatively slowly." e "La transition 'dream'" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:239 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_c0b9d74d: # e "The 'teleport' transition reveals the new scene one line at a time." e "La transition 'teleport' révèle une nouvelle scène une ligne après l’autre." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:246 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_72ba11d4: # e "This is the background picture used with the circleirisout transition." e "C’est l’image d’arrière plan qui est utilisée avec la transition 'circleirisout'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:248 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_fc3b3339: # e "When we use an ImageDissolve, the white will dissolve in first, followed by progressively darker colors. Let's try it." e "Quand nous utilisons une 'ImageDissolve', le blanc sera dissout en premier, suivi progressivement par les couleurs les plus sombres. Essayons !" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:255 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_4327dca2: # e "If we give ImageDissolve the 'reverse' parameter, black areas will dissolve in first." e "Si nous fournissons le paramètre 'reverse' à ImageDissolve, ce seront les noirs qui seront dissous en premier." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:260 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_3a401ee7: # e "This lets circleirisin and circleirisout use the same image." e "Cela permet à 'circleirisin' et 'circleirisout' d’utiliser la même image." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:267 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_20d9cf6c: # e "The teleport transition uses a different image, one that dissolves things in one line at a time." e "La transition 'teleport' utilise une image différente qui dissous les choses une ligne après l’autre." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:272 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_906f7800: # e "A dissolve only seems to affect parts of the scene that have changed..." e "La dissolution semble n’affecter que les parties de la scène qui ont changées…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:277 translate french demo_imagedissolve_transitions_4b557a29: # e "... which is how we apply the teleport effect to a single character." e "… c’est ainsi que nous appliquons l’effet de téléportation uniquement sur le personnage." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:285 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_1711a91e: # e "The CropMove transition class provides a wide range of transition effects. It's not used very much in practice, though." e "La classe de transition 'CropMove' fournit un large panel d’effets transitoires, mais elle n’est pourtant pas beaucoup utilisée." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:290 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_6d82cfd7: # e "I'll stand offscreen, so you can see some of its modes. I'll read out the mode name after each transition." e "Je vais me tenir hors de l’écran comme cela vous pourrez en voir les différents modes. Je donnerai le nom du mode utilisé après chaque transition." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:296 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_4427c78c: # e "We first have wiperight..." e "Nous avons en premier 'wiperight'…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:302 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_6d1810a1: # e "...followed by wipeleft... " e "… suivi de 'wipeleft'…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:308 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_1dd1c6a1: # e "...wipeup..." e "… 'wipeup' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:314 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_0ea0fa83: # e "...and wipedown." e "… et 'wipedown'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:316 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_c7cb4c16: # e "Next, the slides." e "Maintenant, les mouvements latéraux." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:322 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_462a442f: # e "Slideright..." e "'slideright'…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:328 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_f9a2e523: # e "...slideleft..." e "… 'slideleft' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:334 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_20ce3e9c: # e "...slideup..." e "… 'slideup' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:340 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_9e00a7a6: # e "and slidedown." e "et 'slidedown'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:342 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_b8a710c1: # e "While the slide transitions slide in the new scene, the slideaways slide out the old scene." e "Alors que les transitions de type 'slide' font entrer la nouvelle scène, les transitions 'slideaways' font sortir l’ancienne scène." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:349 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_1efb4cd0: # e "Slideawayright..." e "'slideawayright…'" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:355 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_bfb5dfd7: # e "...slideawayleft..." e "… 'slideawayleft' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:361 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_6c1a4a6f: # e "...slideawayup..." e "… 'slideawayup' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:367 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_1f994a7b: # e "and slideawaydown." e "et … 'slideawaydown'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:369 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_025ef723: # e "We also have a couple of transitions that use a rectangular iris." e "Nous avons également un couple de transition qui utilise un iris rectangulaire." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:376 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_d00d505e: # e "There's irisout..." e "Voici 'irisout'…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:383 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_016a1e0a: # e "... and irisin." e "… et 'irisin'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:387 translate french demo_cropmove_transitions_08d753ed: # e "It's enough to make you feel a bit dizzy." e "C’est suffisant pour vous donner le vertige, non ?" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:393 translate french demo_pushmove_transitions_003e506d: # e "The PushMove transitions use the new scene to push the old one out. Let's take a look." e "Les transitions 'PushMove' utilise la nouvelle scène pour pousser l’ancienne. Jetons un coup d’oeil." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:401 translate french demo_pushmove_transitions_124f375d: # "There's pushright..." "Voici 'pushright'…" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:408 translate french demo_pushmove_transitions_ce380ccb: # "...pushleft..." "… 'pushleft' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:416 translate french demo_pushmove_transitions_77629638: # "...pushdown..." "… 'pushdown' …" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:424 translate french demo_pushmove_transitions_b7f33c95: # "... and pushup. And that's it the for the PushMove-based transitions." "… et 'pushup'. Et voilà pour les transitions 'PushMove' !" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:434 translate french demo_movetransition_14df0e34: # e "The most common MoveTransition is move, which slides around images that have changed position on the screen." e "La plus commune des 'MoveTransition' est 'move' qui déplace une image qui a changé de position à l’écran." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:442 translate french demo_movetransition_84e40422: # e "Just like that." e "De cette façon !" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:446 translate french demo_movetransition_098ee9f1: # e "There are also the moveout and movein transitions." e "Il y a également les transitions 'moveout' et 'movein'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:448 translate french demo_movetransition_09748f81: # e "The moveout transitions (moveoutleft, moveoutright, moveouttop, and moveoutbottom) slide hidden images off the appropriate side of the screen." e "Les transitions 'moveout' ('moveoutleft', 'moveoutright', 'moveouttop' et 'moveoutbottom') glissent une image cachée depuis le côté correspondant de l’écran." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:450 translate french demo_movetransition_5edf6007: # e "The movein transitions (moveinleft, moveinright, moveintop, and moveinbottom) slide in new images." e "Les transitions 'movein' ('moveinleft', 'moveinright', 'moveintop' et 'moveinbottom') glissent vers les nouvelles images." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:452 translate french demo_movetransition_20946d36: # e "Let's see them all in action." e "Observons-les en action !" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:487 translate french demo_movetransition_569952e3: # e "That's it for the moveins and moveouts." e "Voilà pour 'movein' et 'moveout'." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:489 translate french demo_movetransition_bbb75540: # e "Finally, there are the zoomin and zoomout transitions, which show and hide things using a zoom." e "Enfin, il y a les transitions 'zoomin' et 'zoomout' qui affichent ou cachent les images en utilisant un zoom." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:499 translate french demo_movetransition_dc5ccd54: # e "And that's all there is." e "Et voilà tout ce qu’il y a !" # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:508 translate french demo_alphadissolve_51613c02: # e "The AlphaDissolve transition lets you use one displayable to combine two others. Click, and I'll show you an example." e "Les transitions 'AlphaDissolve' vous permettent d’utiliser un élément affichable pour le combiner à deux autres. Cliquez et je vais vous montrer un exemple." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:518 translate french demo_alphadissolve_7c08cf8b: # e "The AlphaDissolve displayable takes a control displayable, usually an ATL transform." e "L’affichable 'AlphaDissolve' reçoit le contrôle d’un affichable, usuellement une transformation ATL." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:523 translate french demo_alphadissolve_068e3e98: # e "To be useful, the control displayable should be partially transparent." e "Pour être utilisable, l’affichage de contrôle doit être partiellement transparent." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:525 translate french demo_alphadissolve_6a1b6203: # e "During an AlphaDissolve, the old screen is used to fill the transparent areas of the image, while the new screen fills the opaque areas." e "Durant une 'AlphaDissolve, l’ancien écran est utilisé pour remplir les zones transparentes de l’image, tandis que le nouvel écran remplit les zones opaques." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:529 translate french demo_alphadissolve_80a728b6: # e "For our spotlight example, the old screen is this all-black image." e "Pour notre exemple de projecteur, l’ancien écran est une image toute noire." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:534 translate french demo_alphadissolve_ce4380eb: # e "The new screen is me just standing here." e "Le nouvel écran, c’est juste moi, me tenant ici." # game/indepth_transitions.rpy:542 translate french demo_alphadissolve_2e95917b: # e "By combining them using AlphaDissolve, we can build a complicated effect out of simpler parts." e "En les combinant avec un AlphaDissolve, nous pouvons construire une combinaison d’effets." translate french strings: # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "Simple Transitions" new "Les transitions simples" # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "ImageDissolve Transitions" new "La dissolution d’image (ImageDissolve)" # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "MoveTransition Transitions" new "Les transitions de mouvement (MoveTransition)" # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "CropMove Transitions" new "Les transitions de découpe (CropMove)" # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "PushMove Transitions" new "Les transitions violentes (PushMove)" # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "AlphaDissolve Transitions" new "Les transitions par dissolution transparente (AlphaDissolve)" # indepth_transitions.rpy:58 old "How about something else?" new "Que diriez-vous de quelque chose d’autre ?"