translate korean strings: # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Monday" new "{#weekday}월요일" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Tuesday" new "{#weekday}화요일" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Wednesday" new "{#weekday}수요일" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Thursday" new "{#weekday}목요일" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Friday" new "{#weekday}금요일" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Saturday" new "{#weekday}토요일" # 00action_file.rpy:26 old "{#weekday}Sunday" new "{#weekday}일요일" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Mon" new "{#weekday_short}월" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Tue" new "{#weekday_short}화" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Wed" new "{#weekday_short}수" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Thu" new "{#weekday_short}목" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Fri" new "{#weekday_short}금" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Sat" new "{#weekday_short}토" # 00action_file.rpy:37 old "{#weekday_short}Sun" new "{#weekday_short}일" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}January" new "{#month}1월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}February" new "{#month}2월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}March" new "{#month}3월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}April" new "{#month}4월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}May" new "{#month}5월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}June" new "{#month}6월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}July" new "{#month}7월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}August" new "{#month}8월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}September" new "{#month}9월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}October" new "{#month}10월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}November" new "{#month}11월" # 00action_file.rpy:47 old "{#month}December" new "{#month}12월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Jan" new "{#month_short}1월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Feb" new "{#month_short}2월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Mar" new "{#month_short}3월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Apr" new "{#month_short}4월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}May" new "{#month_short}5월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Jun" new "{#month_short}6월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Jul" new "{#month_short}7월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Aug" new "{#month_short}8월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Sep" new "{#month_short}9월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Oct" new "{#month_short}10월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Nov" new "{#month_short}11월" # 00action_file.rpy:63 old "{#month_short}Dec" new "{#month_short}12월" # 00action_file.rpy:235 old "%b %d, %H:%M" new "%b %d %H:%M" # 00action_file.rpy:353 old "Save slot %s: [text]" new "%s 슬롯에 저장: [text]" # 00action_file.rpy:434 old "Load slot %s: [text]" new "%s 슬롯 불러오기: [text]" # 00action_file.rpy:487 old "Delete slot [text]" new "[text] 슬롯 삭제" # 00action_file.rpy:569 old "File page auto" new "자동 파일 페이지" # 00action_file.rpy:571 old "File page quick" new "빠른 파일 페이지" # 00action_file.rpy:573 old "File page [text]" new "[text] 파일 페이지" # 00action_file.rpy:763 old "Next file page." new "다음 파일 페이지." # 00action_file.rpy:827 old "Previous file page." new "이전 파일 페이지." # 00action_file.rpy:889 old "Quick save complete." new "빠른 저장 완료." # 00action_file.rpy:907 old "Quick save." new "빠른 저장." # 00action_file.rpy:926 old "Quick load." new "빠른 불러오기." # 00action_other.rpy:355 old "Language [text]" new "[text] 언어" # 00director.rpy:708 old "The interactive director is not enabled here." new "인터렉티브 디렉터는 여기에서 사용할 수 없습니다." # 00director.rpy:1481 old "⬆" new "⬆" # 00director.rpy:1487 old "⬇" new "⬇" # 00director.rpy:1551 old "Done" new "완료" # 00director.rpy:1561 old "(statement)" new "(명령문)" # 00director.rpy:1562 old "(tag)" new "(태그)" # 00director.rpy:1563 old "(attributes)" new "(속성)" # 00director.rpy:1564 old "(transform)" new "(변형)" # 00director.rpy:1589 old "(transition)" new "(전환)" # 00director.rpy:1601 old "(channel)" new "(채널)" # 00director.rpy:1602 old "(filename)" new "(파일이름)" # 00director.rpy:1631 old "Change" new "교체" # 00director.rpy:1633 old "Add" new "추가" # 00director.rpy:1636 old "Cancel" new "취소" # 00director.rpy:1639 old "Remove" new "제거" # 00director.rpy:1674 old "Statement:" new "명령문:" # 00director.rpy:1695 old "Tag:" new "태그:" # 00director.rpy:1711 old "Attributes:" new "속성:" # 00director.rpy:1729 old "Transforms:" new "변형:" # 00director.rpy:1748 old "Behind:" new "뒤에:" # 00director.rpy:1767 old "Transition:" new "전환:" # 00director.rpy:1785 old "Channel:" new "채널:" # 00director.rpy:1803 old "Audio Filename:" new "오디오 파일이름:" # 00gui.rpy:227 old "Are you sure?" new "정말입니까?" # 00gui.rpy:228 old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" new "이 세이브 파일을 지우겠습니까?" # 00gui.rpy:229 old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" new "이 세이브 파일에 덮어쓰겠습니까?" # 00gui.rpy:230 old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" new "불러오기를 하면 저장하지 않은 데이터를 잃게 됩니다.\n파일을 불러올까요?" # 00gui.rpy:231 old "Are you sure you want to quit?" new "종료하겠습니까?" # 00gui.rpy:232 old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." new "메인 메뉴로 돌아가겠습니까?\n저장하지 않은 데이터는 잃게 됩니다." # 00gui.rpy:233 old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" new "리플레이를 종료하겠습니까?" # 00gui.rpy:234 old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" new "스킵을 시작하겠습니까?" # 00gui.rpy:235 old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" new "다음 선택지가 나타날 때까지 스킵하겠습니까?" # 00gui.rpy:236 old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" new "다음 선택지가 나타날 때까지 본 적이 없는 대사까지 모두 스킵하겠습니까?" # 00keymap.rpy:258 old "Failed to save screenshot as %s." new "%s 에 스크린샷 저장을 실패했습니다." # 00keymap.rpy:270 old "Saved screenshot as %s." new "스크린샷을 %s 에 저장했습니다." # 00library.rpy:142 old "Self-voicing disabled." new "대사 읽기를 끕니다." # 00library.rpy:143 old "Clipboard voicing enabled. " new "대사 복사하기를 켭니다. " # 00library.rpy:144 old "Self-voicing enabled. " new "대사 읽기를 켭니다. " # 00library.rpy:150 old "bar" new "바" # 00library.rpy:151 old "selected" new "선택된" # 00library.rpy:152 old "viewport" new "뷰포트" # 00library.rpy:153 old "horizontal scroll" new "수평 스크롤" # 00library.rpy:154 old "vertical scroll" new "수직 스크롤" # 00library.rpy:155 old "activate" new "활성화" # 00library.rpy:156 old "deactivate" new "비활성화" # 00library.rpy:157 old "increase" new "증가" # 00library.rpy:158 old "decrease" new "감소" # 00library.rpy:179 old "Skip Mode" new "스킵 모드" # 00library.rpy:262 old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=}here{/a}." new "이 프로그램은 MIT 라이선스와 GNU 라이선스를 포함한 여러 가지 라이선스의 적용을 받는 오픈소스 소프트웨어를 포함하고 있습니다. 포함된 모든 소프트웨어와 소스코드는 {a=}여기{/a}에서 확인할 수 있습니다." # 00preferences.rpy:207 old "display" new "화면 모드" # 00preferences.rpy:219 old "transitions" new "화면 전환" # 00preferences.rpy:228 old "skip transitions" new "화면 전환 스킵" # 00preferences.rpy:230 old "video sprites" new "비디오 스프라이트" # 00preferences.rpy:239 old "show empty window" new "빈 창 보이기" # 00preferences.rpy:248 old "text speed" new "텍스트 속도" # 00preferences.rpy:256 old "joystick" new "조이스틱" # 00preferences.rpy:256 old "joystick..." new "조이스틱..." # 00preferences.rpy:263 old "skip" new "스킵" # 00preferences.rpy:266 old "skip unseen [text]" new "읽지 않은 [text] 스킵" # 00preferences.rpy:271 old "skip unseen text" new "읽지 않은 텍스트까지 모두 스킵" # 00preferences.rpy:273 old "begin skipping" new "스킵 시작" # 00preferences.rpy:277 old "after choices" new "선택지 이후에도 스킵" # 00preferences.rpy:284 old "skip after choices" new "선택후 스킵" # 00preferences.rpy:286 old "auto-forward time" new "자동 진행 시간" # 00preferences.rpy:300 old "auto-forward" new "자동 진행" # 00preferences.rpy:307 old "Auto forward" new "자동 진행" # 00preferences.rpy:310 old "auto-forward after click" new "클릭후 자동 진행" # 00preferences.rpy:319 old "automatic move" new "자동 이동" # 00preferences.rpy:328 old "wait for voice" new "음성 기다리기" # 00preferences.rpy:337 old "voice sustain" new "음성 지속" # 00preferences.rpy:346 old "self voicing" new "대사 읽기" # 00preferences.rpy:355 old "clipboard voicing" new "대사 복사하기" # 00preferences.rpy:364 old "debug voicing" new "음성 디버그" # 00preferences.rpy:373 old "emphasize audio" new "오디오 강조" # 00preferences.rpy:382 old "rollback side" new "롤백 클릭 옵션" # 00preferences.rpy:392 old "gl powersave" new "GL 절전" # 00preferences.rpy:398 old "gl framerate" new "GL 프레임레이트" # 00preferences.rpy:401 old "gl tearing" new "GL 티어링" # 00preferences.rpy:413 old "music volume" new "배경음악 크기" # 00preferences.rpy:414 old "sound volume" new "효과음 크기" # 00preferences.rpy:415 old "voice volume" new "음성 크기" # 00preferences.rpy:416 old "mute music" new "배경음악 크기" # 00preferences.rpy:417 old "mute sound" new "효과음 끄기" # 00preferences.rpy:418 old "mute voice" new "음성 끄기" # 00preferences.rpy:419 old "mute all" new "모두 음소거" # 00preferences.rpy:422 old "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." new "대사 복사하기 기능을 실행했습니다. 'Shift+C'로 종료합니다." # 00preferences.rpy:424 old "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable." new "대사 읽기 기능이 \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\" 를(을) 말할 것입니다. 'alt+shift+V'를 누르면 비활성화됩니다." # 00preferences.rpy:426 old "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." new "대사 읽기 기능을 실행했습니다. 'v' 키를 눌러 종료합니다." # _compat\gamemenu.rpym:198 old "Empty Slot." new "빈 슬롯" # _compat\gamemenu.rpym:355 old "Previous" new "이전" # _compat\gamemenu.rpym:362 old "Next" new "다음" # _compat\preferences.rpym:428 old "Joystick Mapping" new "조이스틱 매핑" # _developer\developer.rpym:38 old "Developer Menu" new "개발자 메뉴" # _developer\developer.rpym:43 old "Interactive Director (D)" new "인터렉티브 디렉터 (D)" # _developer\developer.rpym:45 old "Reload Game (Shift+R)" new "게임 재시작 (Shift+R)" # _developer\developer.rpym:47 old "Console (Shift+O)" new "콘솔 (Shift+O)" # _developer\developer.rpym:49 old "Variable Viewer" new "변수 확인" # _developer\developer.rpym:51 old "Image Location Picker" new "이미지 위치 확인" # _developer\developer.rpym:53 old "Filename List" new "파일이름 목록" # _developer\developer.rpym:57 old "Show Image Load Log (F4)" new "이미지 불러오기 목록을 표시하기 (F4)" # _developer\developer.rpym:60 old "Hide Image Load Log (F4)" new "이미지 불러오기 목록을 숨기기 (F4)" # _developer\developer.rpym:63 old "Image Attributes" new "이미지 속성" # _developer\developer.rpym:90 old "[name] [attributes] (hidden)" new "[name] [attributes] (hidden)" # _developer\developer.rpym:94 old "[name] [attributes]" new "[name] [attributes]" # _developer\developer.rpym:137 old "Nothing to inspect." new "조사할 것이 없습니다." # _developer\developer.rpym:265 old "Return to the developer menu" new "개발자 메뉴로 돌아가기" # _developer\developer.rpym:425 old "Rectangle: %r" new "사각 영역 좌표: %r" # _developer\developer.rpym:430 old "Mouse position: %r" new "마우스 포인터 좌표: %r" # _developer\developer.rpym:435 old "Right-click or escape to quit." new "우클릭 및 Esc 키로 종료하기." # _developer\developer.rpym:467 old "Rectangle copied to clipboard." new "선택 영역 좌표가 복사되었습니다." # _developer\developer.rpym:470 old "Position copied to clipboard." new "좌표가 복사되었습니다." # _developer\developer.rpym:489 old "Type to filter: " new "필터: " # _developer\developer.rpym:617 old "Textures: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)" new "텍스쳐: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)" # _developer\developer.rpym:621 old "Image cache: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)" new "이미지 캐시: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)" # _developer\developer.rpym:631 old "✔ " new "✔ " # _developer\developer.rpym:634 old "✘ " new "✘ " # _developer\developer.rpym:639 old "\n{color=#cfc}✔ predicted image (good){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ unpredicted image (bad){/color}\n{color=#fff}Drag to move.{/color}" new "\n{color=#cfc}✔ 예측된 이미지 (좋은){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ 예측하지 못한 이미지 (나쁜){/color}\n{color=#fff}드래그로 이동.{/color}" # _developer\inspector.rpym:38 old "Displayable Inspector" new "디스플레이어블 조사" # _developer\inspector.rpym:61 old "Size" new "크기" # _developer\inspector.rpym:65 old "Style" new "스타일" # _developer\inspector.rpym:71 old "Location" new "위치" # _developer\inspector.rpym:122 old "Inspecting Styles of [displayable_name!q]" new "[displayable_name!q]의 스타일 조사 중" # _developer\inspector.rpym:139 old "displayable:" new "디스플레이어블:" # _developer\inspector.rpym:145 old " (no properties affect the displayable)" new "(디스플레이어블에 적용되는 속성이 없습니다)" # _developer\inspector.rpym:147 old " (default properties omitted)" new " (기본 속성이 빠져있습니다)" # _developer\inspector.rpym:185 old "" new "" # _layout\classic_load_save.rpym:170 old "a" new "a" # _layout\classic_load_save.rpym:179 old "q" new "q" # 00iap.rpy:217 old "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..." new "앱스토어와 통신 중\n잠시만 기다려주십시오..." # 00updater.rpy:367 old "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." new "렌파이 업데이터는 모바일 기기에서 작동하지 않습니다." # 00updater.rpy:486 old "An error is being simulated." new "오류가 발생했습니다." # 00updater.rpy:662 old "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted." new "이 프로젝트는 업데이트 기능을 지원하지 않거나, 이 프로젝트의 업데이트 상태 파일이 제거되었습니다." # 00updater.rpy:676 old "This account does not have permission to perform an update." new "이 계정은 업데이트를 실행할 권한이 없습니다." # 00updater.rpy:679 old "This account does not have permission to write the update log." new "이 계정은 업데이트 로그를 작성할 권한이 없습니다." # 00updater.rpy:704 old "Could not verify update signature." new "업데이트 서명을 확인할 수 없습니다." # 00updater.rpy:975 old "The update file was not downloaded." new "업데이트 파일이 다운로드되지 않았습니다." # 00updater.rpy:993 old "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted." new "업데이트 파일에 올바른 개요가 없습니다. 파일이 손상되었을 수 있습니다." # 00updater.rpy:1049 old "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." new "{} 압축 해제 중, {}는 알 수 없는 타입입니다." # 00updater.rpy:1393 old "Updater" new "업데이터" # 00updater.rpy:1446 old "An error has occured:" new "에러가 발생했습니다:" # 00updater.rpy:1448 old "Checking for updates." new "업데이트를 체크하는 중." # 00updater.rpy:1404 old "This program is up to date." new "이 프로그램은 최신 버전입니다" # 00updater.rpy:1406 old "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" new "[u.version]을 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 설치하겠습니까?" # 00updater.rpy:1408 old "Preparing to download the updates." new "업데이트 파일 다운로드 준비 중." # 00updater.rpy:1410 old "Downloading the updates." new "업데이트 파일 다운로드 중." # 00updater.rpy:1412 old "Unpacking the updates." new "업데이트 파일 압축해제 중." # 00updater.rpy:1460 old "Finishing up." new "완료하는 중." # 00updater.rpy:1416 old "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." new "업데이트를 설치했습니다. 프로그램을 재시작합니다." # 00updater.rpy:1418 old "The updates have been installed." new "업데이트를 설치했습니다." # 00updater.rpy:1420 old "The updates were cancelled." new "업데이트가 취소되었습니다." # 00updater.rpy:1481 old "Proceed" new "다음으로" # 00gallery.rpy:563 old "Image [index] of [count] locked." new "[count]의 [index]번째 그림은 잠겨있습니다." # 00gallery.rpy:583 old "prev" new "뒤로" # 00gallery.rpy:584 old "next" new "앞으로" # 00gallery.rpy:585 old "slideshow" new "슬라이드쇼" # 00gallery.rpy:586 old "return" new "돌아가기" # 00gltest.rpy:70 old "Renderer" new "렌더러" # 00gltest.rpy:74 old "Automatically Choose" new "자동으로 선택한다" # 00gltest.rpy:79 old "Force Angle/DirectX Renderer" new "앵글/다이렉트X 렌더러를 강제한다" # 00gltest.rpy:83 old "Force OpenGL Renderer" new "오픈GL 렌더러를 강제한다" # 00gltest.rpy:87 old "Force Software Renderer" new "소프트웨어 렌더러를 강제한다" # 00gltest.rpy:93 old "NPOT" new "NPOT" # 00gltest.rpy:97 old "Enable" new "활성" # 00gltest.rpy:101 old "Disable" new "비활성" # 00gltest.rpy:131 old "Powersave" new "절전" # 00gltest.rpy:145 old "Framerate" new "프레임레이트" # 00gltest.rpy:149 old "Screen" new "스크린" # 00gltest.rpy:153 old "60" new "60" # 00gltest.rpy:157 old "30" new "30" # 00gltest.rpy:163 old "Tearing" new "티어링" # 00gltest.rpy:179 old "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run." new "변경사항은 프로그램을 재시작하면 적용됩니다." # 00gltest.rpy:213 old "Performance Warning" new "성능 경고" # 00gltest.rpy:218 old "This computer is using software rendering." new "이 컴퓨터에서는 소프트웨어 렌더링을 사용하고 있습니다." # 00gltest.rpy:220 old "This computer is not using shaders." new "이 컴퓨터에서는 쉐이더를 사용하지 않습니다." # 00gltest.rpy:222 old "This computer is displaying graphics slowly." new "이 컴퓨터에서는 그래픽을 느리게 표시합니다." # 00gltest.rpy:224 old "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]." new "이 컴퓨터에는 그래픽 표시에 문제가 있습니다. [problem]." # 00gltest.rpy:229 old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display. Updating DirectX could fix this problem." new "컴퓨터의 그래픽 드라비어가 구버전이거나 제대로 작동하지 않습니다. 그래픽을 느리게 표시하거나 제대로 표시하지 못할 수 있습니다. 다이렉트X를 업데이트하면 이 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다." # 00gltest.rpy:231 old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." new "컴퓨터의 그래픽 드라비어가 구버전이거나 제대로 작동하지 않습니다. 그래픽을 느리게 표시하거나 제대로 표시하지 못할 수 있습니다." # 00gltest.rpy:236 old "Update DirectX" new "다이렉트X 업데이트하기" # 00gltest.rpy:242 old "Continue, Show this warning again" new "계속한다. 이 경고를 다시 표시한다." # 00gltest.rpy:246 old "Continue, Don't show warning again" new "계속한다. 이 경고를 다시 표시하지 않는다." # 00gltest.rpy:264 old "Updating DirectX." new "다이렉트X를 업데이트하고 있습니다." # 00gltest.rpy:268 old "DirectX web setup has been started. It may start minimized in the taskbar. Please follow the prompts to install DirectX." new "다이렉트X 웹 설치를 시작했습니다. 작업표시줄에 최소화 상태로 시작되었을 수도 있습니다. 설치 안내창에 따라 다이렉트X를 설치하세요." # 00gltest.rpy:272 old "{b}Note:{/b} Microsoft's DirectX web setup program will, by default, install the Bing toolbar. If you do not want this toolbar, uncheck the appropriate box." new "{b}* 주의{/b}/n 마이크로소프트의 다이렉트X 웹 설치 프로그램은 기본적으로 Bing 툴바를 설치합니다. 이 툴바를 설치하고 싶지 않다면 체크 박스의 체크 표시를 해제하세요." # 00gltest.rpy:276 old "When setup finishes, please click below to restart this program." new "설치가 완료되면 아래 버튼을 눌러 프로그램을 다시 시작하세요." # 00gltest.rpy:278 old "Restart" new "다시 시작" # 00gamepad.rpy:32 old "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" new "보정할 게임패드 선택" # 00gamepad.rpy:35 old "No Gamepads Available" new "사용 가능한 게임패드가 없습니다." # 00gamepad.rpy:54 old "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" new "[name]를 보정 중입니다. ([i]/[total])" # 00gamepad.rpy:58 old "Press or move the [control!s] [kind]." new "[control!s] [kind]를 누르거나 이동합니다." # 00gamepad.rpy:66 old "Skip (A)" new "스킵 (A)" # 00gamepad.rpy:69 old "Back (B)" new "뒤로 (B)" # _errorhandling.rpym:529 old "Open" new "열기" # _errorhandling.rpym:531 old "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor." new "traceback.txt 파일을 텍스트 에디터로 엽니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:533 old "Copy" new "복사" # _errorhandling.rpym:535 old "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard." new "traceback.txt 파일을 클립보드로 복사합니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:562 old "An exception has occurred." new "예외가 발생했습니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:582 old "Rollback" new "롤백" # _errorhandling.rpym:584 old "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice." new "게임을 저장하거나 다른 선택지를 선택할 수 있도록 이전으로 롤백합니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:587 old "Ignore" new "무시" # _errorhandling.rpym:591 old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue." new "예외를 무시하고 게임을 계속합니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:593 old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors." new "예외를 무시하고 게임을 계속합니다. 간혹 오류가 추가 발생할 수 있습니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:597 old "Reload" new "다시 불러오기" # _errorhandling.rpym:599 old "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." new "현재 상태를 저장한 뒤 복원하여 게임을 디스크에서 다시 불러옵니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:602 old "Console" new "콘솔" # _errorhandling.rpym:604 old "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem." new "콘솔을 열어 문제를 디버깅합니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:614 old "Quits the game." new "게임을 종료합니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:638 old "Parsing the script failed." new "스크립트 해석 실패." # _errorhandling.rpym:664 old "Opens the errors.txt file in a text editor." new "errors.txt 파일을 텍스트 에디터로 엽니다." # _errorhandling.rpym:668 old "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard." new "errors.txt 파일을 클립보드로 복사합니다." # 00accessibility.rpy:76 old "Font Override" new "글꼴 덮어쓰기" # 00accessibility.rpy:80 old "Default" new "기본" # 00accessibility.rpy:84 old "DejaVu Sans" new "DejaVu Sans" # 00accessibility.rpy:88 old "Opendyslexic" new "Opendyslexic" # 00accessibility.rpy:94 old "Text Size Scaling" new "글자 크기 조절" # 00accessibility.rpy:100 old "Reset" new "초기화" # 00accessibility.rpy:105 old "Line Spacing Scaling" new "줄 간격 조절" # 00accessibility.rpy:117 old "Self-Voicing" new "대사 읽기" # 00accessibility.rpy:121 old "Off" new "끄기" # 00accessibility.rpy:125 old "Text-to-speech" new "텍스트 음성 변환" # 00accessibility.rpy:129 old "Clipboard" new "클립보드" # 00accessibility.rpy:146 old "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was." new "이 메뉴의 옵션은 접근성을 향상시키기 위한 것입니다. 모든 게임에서 작동하지 않을 수 있고 일부 옵션 조합은 게임을 플레이할 수 없게 만들 수 있으며 이러한 경우 게임이나 엔진의 문제가 아닙니다. 글꼴을 변경할 때 최상의 결과를 얻으려면 글자 크기를 원래대로 유지하십시오."