translate korean strings: # screens.rpy:261 old "Back" new "되감기" # screens.rpy:262 old "History" new "대사록" # screens.rpy:263 old "Skip" new "넘기기" # screens.rpy:264 old "Auto" new "자동진행" # screens.rpy:265 old "Save" new "저장하기" # screens.rpy:266 old "Q.Save" new "Q.저장" # screens.rpy:267 old "Q.Load" new "Q.불러오기" # screens.rpy:268 old "Prefs" new "설정" # screens.rpy:299 old "Start" new "시작하기" # screens.rpy:307 old "Load" new "불러오기" # screens.rpy:318 old "Preferences" new "환경설정" # screens.rpy:322 old "End Replay" new "리플레이 끝내기" # screens.rpy:326 old "Main Menu" new "대문으로" # screens.rpy:328 old "About" new "작품정보" # screens.rpy:333 old "Help" new "조작방법" # screens.rpy:327 old "Quit" new "종료하기" # screens.rpy:467 old "Return" new "돌아가기" # screens.rpy:551 old "[config.version!t]\n" new "[config.version!t]\n" # screens.rpy:570 old "Made with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" new "{a=}렌파이{/a} [renpy.version_only]로 창작됐습니다.\n\n[renpy.license!t]" # screens.rpy:610 old "Page {}" new "{} 쪽" # screens.rpy:607 old "Automatic saves" new "자동 저장" # screens.rpy:607 old "Quick saves" new "빠른 저장" # screens.rpy:685 old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" new "{#file_time}%Y년 %B %d일 %A, %H시 %M분" # screens.rpy:685 old "empty slot" new "빈 칸" # screens.rpy:702 old "<" new "<" # screens.rpy:668 old "{#auto_page}A" new "{#auto_page}자동" # screens.rpy:670 old "{#quick_page}Q" new "{#quick_page}빠른" # screens.rpy:676 old ">" new ">" # screens.rpy:738 old "Display" new "화면 모드" # screens.rpy:739 old "Window" new "창 화면" # screens.rpy:740 old "Fullscreen" new "전체 화면" # screens.rpy:757 old "Unseen Text" new "읽지 않은 지문" # screens.rpy:753 old "After Choices" new "선택지 이후" # screens.rpy:754 old "Transitions" new "화면 전환 효과" # screens.rpy:800 old "Language" new "언어" # screens.rpy:767 old "Text Speed" new "텍스트 속도" # screens.rpy:771 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "자동 진행 시간" # screens.rpy:828 old "Music Volume" new "배경음 음량" # screens.rpy:835 old "Sound Volume" new "효과음 음량" # screens.rpy:841 old "Test" new "테스트" # screens.rpy:845 old "Voice Volume" new "음성 음량" # screens.rpy:856 old "Mute All" new "모두 음소거" # screens.rpy:975 old "The dialogue history is empty." new "대사가 없습니다." # screens.rpy:1041 old "Keyboard" new "키보드" # screens.rpy:1042 old "Mouse" new "마우스" # screens.rpy:1045 old "Gamepad" new "게임패드" # screens.rpy:1058 old "Enter" new "엔터(Enter)" # screens.rpy:1059 old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." new "대사 진행 및 UI (선택지 포함) 선택." # screens.rpy:1062 old "Space" new "스페이스(Space)" # screens.rpy:1063 old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." new "대사를 진행하되 선택지는 선택하지 않음." # screens.rpy:1066 old "Arrow Keys" new "화살표 키" # screens.rpy:1067 old "Navigate the interface." new "UI 이동." # screens.rpy:1070 old "Escape" new "이스케이프(Esc)" # screens.rpy:1071 old "Accesses the game menu." new "게임 메뉴 불러옴." # screens.rpy:1074 old "Ctrl" new "컨트롤(Ctrl)" # screens.rpy:1075 old "Skips dialogue while held down." new "누르고 있는 동안 대사를 넘기기." # screens.rpy:1078 old "Tab" new "탭(Tab)" # screens.rpy:1079 old "Toggles dialogue skipping." new "대사 넘기기를 토글." # screens.rpy:1082 old "Page Up" new "페이지 업(Page Up)" # screens.rpy:1083 old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." new "이전 대사로 롤백." # screens.rpy:1086 old "Page Down" new "페이지 다운(Page Down)" # screens.rpy:1087 old "Rolls forward to later dialogue." new "이후 대사로 롤포워드." # screens.rpy:1091 old "Hides the user interface." new "UI를 숨김." # screens.rpy:1095 old "Takes a screenshot." new "스크린샷 저장." # screens.rpy:1099 old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." new "{a=}대사 읽어주기 기능{/a} 토글." # screens.rpy:1105 old "Left Click" new "클릭" # screens.rpy:1109 old "Middle Click" new "휠버튼 클릭" # screens.rpy:1113 old "Right Click" new "우클릭" # screens.rpy:1117 old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" new "휠 위로\n롤백 클릭" # screens.rpy:1121 old "Mouse Wheel Down" new "휠 아래로" # screens.rpy:1128 old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" new "오른쪽 트리거(RT)\nA버튼/아래 버튼" # screens.rpy:1132 old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" new "왼쪽 트리거(LT)\n왼쪽 범퍼(LB)" # screens.rpy:1136 old "Right Shoulder" new "오른쪽 범퍼(RB)" # screens.rpy:1140 old "D-Pad, Sticks" new "D-Pad, 아날로그 스틱" # screens.rpy:1144 old "Start, Guide" new "스타트 버튼/가이드 버튼" # screens.rpy:1148 old "Y/Top Button" new "Y버튼/위 버튼" # screens.rpy:1151 old "Calibrate" new "조정" # screens.rpy:1216 old "Yes" new "네" # screens.rpy:1217 old "No" new "아니오" # screens.rpy:1263 old "Skipping" new "넘기는 중" # screens.rpy:1484 old "Menu" new "메뉴"