# game/script.rpy:156 translate korean start_0e6a5bb4: # e "Hi! My name is Eileen, and I'd like to welcome you to the Ren'Py tutorial." e "안녕! 나는 아일린이야. 렌파이 길라잡이에 온 걸 환영해." # game/script.rpy:160 translate korean start_d3abb53c: # e "In this tutorial, we'll teach you the basics of Ren'Py, so you can make games of your own. We'll also demonstrate many features, so you can see what Ren'Py is capable of." e "이 길라잡이는 네가 너만의 게임을 만들 수 있도록, 렌파이의 기본을 알려줄 거야. 또한 렌파이가 어떤 기능을 제공하는지 알 수 있도록 많은 기능을 선보일 거야." # game/script.rpy:205 translate korean end_b2482727: # e "Thank you for viewing this tutorial." e "이 길라잡이를 봐줘서 고마워." # game/script.rpy:207 translate korean end_38362e36: # e "If you'd like to see a full Ren'Py game, select \"The Question\" in the launcher." e "완성된 렌파이 게임을 보고 싶다면, 런처에서 \"물음(The Question)\"을 선택해 봐." # game/script.rpy:209 translate korean end_02527d05: # e "You can download new versions of Ren'Py from {a=https://www.renpy.org/}https://www.renpy.org/{/a}. For help and discussion, check out the {a=https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/}Lemma Soft Forums{/a}." e "너는 {a=https://www.renpy.org/}https://www.renpy.org/{/a}에서 렌파이의 새 버전을 내려받을 수 있어. 도움을 받거나 토론을 하려면, {a=https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/}렘마 소프트 포럼{/a}을 방문해 줘." # game/script.rpy:211 translate korean end_c9d03136: # e "We'd like to thank Piroshki for contributing my sprites; Mugenjohncel for Lucy, the band, and drawn backgrounds; and Jake for the magic circle." e "내 스프라이트를 만들어준 피로스키(Piroshki)와; 루시, 밴드, 배경을 그려준 무겐존셀(Mugenjohncel); 매직 서클을 만들어준 제이크(Jake)에게 감사를 전하고 싶어." # game/script.rpy:213 translate korean end_762dc07a: # e "The background music is \"Sunflower Slow Drag\", by Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden, performed by the United States Marine Band. The concert music is by Alessio." e "배경음악은 미국 해병 밴드의 스캇 조플린(Scott Joplin)과 스캇 헤이든(Scott Hayden)의 \"해바라기 댄스 파티\"야. 콘서트는 알레시오(Alessio)의 음악이야." # game/script.rpy:217 translate korean end_a634d396: # e "We look forward to seeing what you create with Ren'Py. Have fun!" e "네가 렌파이로 뭘 만드는지 보고 싶어. 즐겨봐!" translate korean strings: # script.rpy:11 old "Eileen" new "아일린" # script.rpy:56 old "Quickstart" new "학습하기" # script.rpy:58 old "Player Experience" new "플레이어 경험" # script.rpy:59 old "Creating a New Game" new "새 게임 만들기" # script.rpy:60 old "Writing Dialogue" new "지문 작성하기" # script.rpy:61 old "Adding Images" new "이미지 추가하기" # script.rpy:62 old "Positioning Images" new "이미지 위치 정하기" # script.rpy:64 old "Music and Sound Effects" new "음악과 효과음" # script.rpy:65 old "Choices and Python" new "선택지와 파이썬" # script.rpy:66 old "Input and Interpolation" new "입력 및 보간" # script.rpy:67 old "Video Playback" new "비디오 플레이백" # script.rpy:68 old "NVL Mode" new "NVL 모드" # script.rpy:69 old "Tools and the Interactive Director" new "도구와 인터렉티브 디렉터" # script.rpy:70 old "Building Distributions" new "배포판 작성하기" # script.rpy:72 old "In Depth" new "보강하기" # script.rpy:74 old "Text Tags, Escapes, and Interpolation" new "텍스트 태그, 보간" # script.rpy:75 old "Character Objects" new "캐릭터 오브젝트" # script.rpy:76 old "Simple Displayables" new "간편 디스플레이어블" # script.rpy:77 old "Transition Gallery" new "전환 모음" # script.rpy:80 old "Position Properties" new "위치 속성" # script.rpy:83 old "Transforms and Animation" new "변형과 애니메이션" # script.rpy:84 old "Transform Properties" new "변형 속성" # script.rpy:86 old "GUI Customization" new "GUI 사용자 정의" # script.rpy:87 old "Styles and Style Properties" new "스타일과 스타일 속성" # script.rpy:88 old "Screen Basics" new "스크린 기초" # script.rpy:89 old "Screen Displayables" new "스크린 디스플레이어블" # script.rpy:91 old "Minigames and CDDs" new "미니게임과 창작자-정의 디스플레이어블" # script.rpy:92 old "Translations" new "번역" # script.rpy:129 old "That's enough for now." new "이제 충분해." # script.rpy:168 old "What would you like to see?" new "뭘 알고 싶어?" # script.rpy:170 old "Is there anything else you'd like to see?" new "더 궁금한 게 있어?"