translate piglatin strings: # game/screens.rpy:257 old "Back" new "Ackbay" # game/screens.rpy:258 old "History" new "Istoryhay" # game/screens.rpy:259 old "Skip" new "Kipsay" # game/screens.rpy:260 old "Auto" new "Utoaay" # game/screens.rpy:261 old "Save" new "Avesay" # game/screens.rpy:262 old "Q.Save" new "Qay.Avesay" # game/screens.rpy:263 old "Q.Load" new "Qay.Oadlay" # game/screens.rpy:264 old "Prefs" new "Refspay" # game/screens.rpy:305 old "Start" new "Tartsay" # game/screens.rpy:313 old "Load" new "Oadlay" # game/screens.rpy:315 old "Preferences" new "Referencespay" # game/screens.rpy:319 old "End Replay" new "Ndeay Eplayray" # game/screens.rpy:323 old "Main Menu" new "Ainmay Enumay" # game/screens.rpy:325 old "About" new "Boutaay" # game/screens.rpy:330 old "Help" new "Elphay" # game/screens.rpy:335 old "Quit" new "Uitqay" # game/screens.rpy:478 old "Return" new "Eturnray" # game/screens.rpy:562 old "Version [config.version!t]\n" new "Ersionvay [config.version!t]\n" # game/screens.rpy:568 old "Made with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" new "Ademay ithway {a=}Enray'Ypay{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]" # game/screens.rpy:606 old "Page {}" new "Agepay {}" # game/screens.rpy:606 old "Automatic saves" new "Utomaticaay avessay" # game/screens.rpy:606 old "Quick saves" new "Uickqay avessay" # game/screens.rpy:648 old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M" new "{#file_time}%Aay, %Bay %day %Yay, %Hay:%May" # game/screens.rpy:648 old "empty slot" new "emptyay otslay" # game/screens.rpy:665 old "<" new "<" # game/screens.rpy:668 old "{#auto_page}A" new "{#auto_page}Aay" # game/screens.rpy:671 old "{#quick_page}Q" new "{#quick_page}Qay" # game/screens.rpy:677 old ">" new ">" # game/screens.rpy:742 old "Display" new "Isplayday" # game/screens.rpy:743 old "Window" new "Indowway" # game/screens.rpy:744 old "Fullscreen" new "Ullscreenfay" # game/screens.rpy:749 old "Examples" new "Xampleseay" # game/screens.rpy:756 old "Unseen Text" new "Nseenuay Exttay" # game/screens.rpy:757 old "After Choices" new "Fteraay Hoicescay" # game/screens.rpy:767 old "Language" new "Anguagelay" # game/screens.rpy:777 old " " new " " # game/screens.rpy:797 old "Text Speed" new "Exttay Peedsay" # game/screens.rpy:801 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "Utoaay-Orwardfay Imetay" # game/screens.rpy:808 old "Music Volume" new "Usicmay Olumevay" # game/screens.rpy:815 old "Sound Volume" new "Oundsay Olumevay" # game/screens.rpy:821 old "Test" new "Esttay" # game/screens.rpy:825 old "Voice Volume" new "Oicevay Olumevay" # game/screens.rpy:836 old "Mute All" new "Utemay Llaay" # game/screens.rpy:955 old "The dialogue history is empty." new "Hetay ialogueday istoryhay isay emptyay." # game/screens.rpy:1021 old "Keyboard" new "Eyboardkay" # game/screens.rpy:1022 old "Mouse" new "Ousemay" # game/screens.rpy:1025 old "Gamepad" new "Amepadgay" # game/screens.rpy:1038 old "Enter" new "Ntereay" # game/screens.rpy:1039 old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." new "Dvancesaay ialogueday anday activatesay hetay interfaceay." # game/screens.rpy:1042 old "Space" new "Pacesay" # game/screens.rpy:1043 old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." new "Dvancesaay ialogueday ithoutway electingsay oiceschay." # game/screens.rpy:1046 old "Arrow Keys" new "Rrowaay Eyskay" # game/screens.rpy:1047 old "Navigate the interface." new "Avigatenay hetay interfaceay." # game/screens.rpy:1050 old "Escape" new "Scapeeay" # game/screens.rpy:1051 old "Accesses the game menu." new "Ccessesaay hetay amegay enumay." # game/screens.rpy:1054 old "Ctrl" new "Trlcay" # game/screens.rpy:1055 old "Skips dialogue while held down." new "Kipssay ialogueday hileway eldhay ownday." # game/screens.rpy:1058 old "Tab" new "Abtay" # game/screens.rpy:1059 old "Toggles dialogue skipping." new "Ogglestay ialogueday kippingsay." # game/screens.rpy:1062 old "Page Up" new "Agepay Puay" # game/screens.rpy:1063 old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." new "Ollsray ackbay otay earlieray ialogueday." # game/screens.rpy:1066 old "Page Down" new "Agepay Ownday" # game/screens.rpy:1067 old "Rolls forward to later dialogue." new "Ollsray orwardfay otay aterlay ialogueday." # game/screens.rpy:1071 old "Hides the user interface." new "Ideshay hetay useray interfaceay." # game/screens.rpy:1075 old "Takes a screenshot." new "Akestay aay creenshotsay." # game/screens.rpy:1079 old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." new "Ogglestay assistiveay {a=}elfsay-oicingvay{/a}." # game/screens.rpy:1083 old "Opens the accessibility menu." new "Pensoay hetay accessibilityay enumay." # game/screens.rpy:1089 old "Left Click" new "Eftlay Lickcay" # game/screens.rpy:1093 old "Middle Click" new "Iddlemay Lickcay" # game/screens.rpy:1097 old "Right Click" new "Ightray Lickcay" # game/screens.rpy:1101 old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" new "Ousemay Heelway Puay\nLickcay Ollbackray Idesay" # game/screens.rpy:1105 old "Mouse Wheel Down" new "Ousemay Heelway Ownday" # game/screens.rpy:1112 old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" new "Ightray Riggertay\nAay/Ottombay Uttonbay" # game/screens.rpy:1116 old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" new "Eftlay Riggertay\nEftlay Houldersay" # game/screens.rpy:1120 old "Right Shoulder" new "Ightray Houldersay" # game/screens.rpy:1124 old "D-Pad, Sticks" new "Day-Adpay, Tickssay" # game/screens.rpy:1128 old "Start, Guide" new "Tartsay, Uidegay" # game/screens.rpy:1132 old "Y/Top Button" new "Yay/Optay Uttonbay" # game/screens.rpy:1135 old "Calibrate" new "Alibratecay" # game/screens.rpy:1200 old "Yes" new "Esyay" # game/screens.rpy:1201 old "No" new "Onay" # game/screens.rpy:1247 old "Skipping" new "Kippingsay" # game/screens.rpy:1468 old "Menu" new "Enumay"