# game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:19 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_76b2fe88: # nvl clear nvl clear # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:22 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_ac125210: # nvle "NVL-style games are games that cover the full screen with text, rather then placing it in a window at the bottom of the screen. Like this." nvle "Vlnay-ylestay amesgay areay amesgay hattay overcay hetay ullfay creensay ithway exttay, atherray hentay acingplay itay inay aay indowway atay hetay ottombay ofay hetay creensay. Ikelay histay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:26 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_e7030787: # nvle "To use NVL-mode, you need to define Characters with a kind=nvl." nvle "Otay useay Vlnay-odemay, ouyay eednay otay efineday Haracterscay ithway aay indkay=vlnay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:30 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_c9a35125: # nvle "Then just use that character in a say statement." nvle "Hentay ustjay useay hattay aracterchay inay aay aysay atementstay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:32 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_130610c2: # nvl clear # nvle "You use 'nvl clear' to clear the screen when that becomes necessary." nvl clear nvle "Ouyay useay 'vlnay earclay' otay earclay hetay creensay henway hattay ecomesbay ecessarynay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:39 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_390a4eb1: # nvle "The 'nvl show' and 'nvl hide' statements use transitions to show and hide the NVL window." nvle "Hetay 'vlnay owshay' anday 'vlnay idehay' atementsstay useay ansitionstray otay owshay anday idehay hetay Vlnay indowway." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:52 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_05956e33: # nvle "NVL-mode also supports showing menus to the player, providing it's the last thing on the screen. Understand?" nointeract nvle "Vlnay-odemay alsoay upportssay owingshay enusmay otay hetay ayerplay, rovidingpay itay'say hetay astlay hingtay onay hetay creensay. Nderstanduay?" nointeract # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:56 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_0f2b7d59: # nvl clear # nvle "Good!" nvl clear nvle "Oodgay!" # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:62 translate piglatin tutorial_nvlmode_f3a79c09: # nvl clear # nvle "Well, hopefully the code below makes it a little more clear." nvl clear nvle "Ellway, opefullyhay hetay odecay elowbay akesmay itay aay ittlelay oremay earclay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:71 translate piglatin after_nvl_menu_cb560cd2: # nvle "Games can mix NVL-mode and the normal ADV-mode by having some characters that have kind=nvl, and some that do not." nvle "Amesgay ancay ixmay Vlnay-odemay anday hetay ormalnay Dvaay-odemay ybay avinghay omesay aracterschay hattay avehay indkay=vlnay, anday omesay hattay oday otnay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:73 translate piglatin after_nvl_menu_10a6e85a: # e "You can specify transitions that occur when going from NVL-mode to ADV-mode." e "Ouyay ancay pecifysay ansitionstray hattay occuray henway oinggay omfray Vlnay-odemay otay Dvaay-odemay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:75 translate piglatin after_nvl_menu_d43b28d1: # nvle "As well as when going from ADV-mode to NVL-mode." nvle "Saay ellway asay henway oinggay omfray Dvaay-odemay otay Vlnay-odemay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:77 translate piglatin after_nvl_menu_f056c7ad: # nvle "Text tags like {{w}{w} work in NVL-mode." nvle "Exttay agstay ikelay {{}way{w} orkway inay Vlnay-odemay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:79 translate piglatin after_nvl_menu_750cd9a1: # extend " As does the \"extend\" special character." extend " Saay oesday hetay \"extenday\" pecialsay aracterchay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:81 translate piglatin after_nvl_menu_146d840b: # nvle "And that's it for NVL-mode." nvle "Ndaay hattay'say itay orfay Vlnay-odemay." translate piglatin strings: # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:50 old "Yes." new "Esyay." # game/tutorial_nvlmode.rpy:50 old "No." new "Onay."