# game/tutorial_screens.rpy:165 translate schinese tutorial_screens_2faa22e5: # e "Screens are the most powerful part of Ren'Py. Screens let you customize the out-of-game interface, and create new in-game interface components." e "界面是Ren'Py最强大的部分。界面允许您自定义游戏外界面,并创建新的游戏内界面组件。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 translate schinese screens_menu_7f31d730: # e "What would you like to know about screens?" nointeract e "你想知道关于界面的什么?" nointeract # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:201 translate schinese screens_demo_115a4b8f: # e "Screens are how we create the user interface in Ren'Py. With the exception of images and transitions, everything you see comes from a screen." e "界面是我们在Ren'Py中创建用户界面的方式。除了图像和转场,你看到的一切都来自界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:203 translate schinese screens_demo_ce100e07: # e "When I'm speaking to you, I'm using the 'say' screen. It's responsible for taking dialogue and presenting it to the player." e "我对你说话时,正在使用“say”界面。它负责进行对话并将其呈现给玩家。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:205 translate schinese screens_demo_1bdfb4bd: # e "And when the menu statement displays an in-game choice, the 'choice' screen is used. Got it?" nointeract e "当菜单语句显示游戏中的选项时,将使用“选项”界面。懂?" nointeract # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:215 translate schinese screens_demo_31a20e24: # e "Text input uses the 'input' screen, NVL mode uses the 'nvl' screen, and so on." e "文本输入使用“输入”界面,NVL模式使用“NVL”界面,依此类推。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:217 translate schinese screens_demo_5a5aa2d5: # e "More than one screen can be displayed at once. For example, the buttons at the bottom - Back, History, Skip, and so on - are all displayed by a quick_menu screen that's shown all of the time." e "可同时显示多个界面。例如,底部的按钮——后退、历史记录、跳过等等——都是通过一直显示的快速菜单(quick_menu)界面显示的。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:219 translate schinese screens_demo_58d48fde: # e "There are a lot of special screens, like 'main_menu', 'load', 'save', and 'preferences'. Rather than list them all here, I'll {a=https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html}send you to the documentation{/a}." e "有很多特殊的界面,如“主菜单”、“读取”、“保存”和“首选项”。与其把它们都列在这里,我会给你{a=https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html}文档链接{/a}({a=https://renpy.cn/doc/screen_special.html}中文文档链接{/a})。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:221 translate schinese screens_demo_27476d11: # e "In a newly created project, all these screens live in screens.rpy. You can edit that file in order to change them." e "在一个新创建的工程中,所有这些界面都位于 screens.rpy 。您可以编辑该文件以更改它们。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:223 translate schinese screens_demo_a699b1cb: # e "You aren't limited to these screens either. In Ren'Py, you can make your own screens, and use them for your game's interface." e "你也不局限于这些界面。在Ren'Py中,你可以制作自己的界面,并将其用于游戏界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:230 translate schinese screens_demo_a136e191: # e "For example, in an RPG like visual novel, a screen can display the player's statistics." e "例如,在类似RPG的视觉小说中,界面可以显示玩家的统计信息。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:234 translate schinese screens_demo_1f50f3d3: # e "Which reminds me, I should probably heal you." e "这提醒我,我应该治疗你。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:241 translate schinese screens_demo_8a54de7a: # e "Complex screens can be the basis of whole game mechanics. A stats screen like this can be the basis of dating and life-sims." e "复杂的界面可以成为整个游戏机制的基础。像这样的统计界面可以作为约会和模拟人生的基础。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:246 translate schinese screens_demo_62c184f8: # e "While screens might be complex, they're really just the result of a lot of simple parts working together to make something larger than all of them." e "虽然界面可能很复杂,但它们实际上只是许多简单部分协同工作的结果,使得一些东西比所有部分都大。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:265 translate schinese screens_showing_1b51e9a4: # e "Here's an example of a very simple screen. The screen statement is used to tell Ren'Py this is a screen, and it's name is simple_screen." e "下面是一个非常简单的界面示例。screen语句用于告诉Ren'Py这是一个界面,它的名称是simple_screen。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:267 translate schinese screens_showing_5a6bbad0: # e "Inside the screen statement, lines introduces displayables such as frame, vbox, text, and textbutton; or properties like action, xalign, and ypos." e "在screen语句中,行引入可视组件,如frame、vbox、text和textbutton;或诸如action、xalign和ypos之类的属性。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:272 translate schinese screens_showing_ae40755c: # e "I'll work from the inside out to describe the statements. But first, I'll show the screen so you can see it in action." e "我将从内到外介绍这些语句。但首先,我将显示界面以便您可以看到它的实际操作。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:274 translate schinese screens_showing_bc320819: # e "The text statement is used to display the text provided." e "text语句用于显示提供的文本。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:276 translate schinese screens_showing_64f23380: # e "The textbutton statement introduces a button that can be clicked. When the button is clicked, the provided action is run." e "textbutton语句引入了一个可以单击的按钮。单击按钮时,提供的动作将运行。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:278 translate schinese screens_showing_e8f68c08: # e "Both are inside a vbox, which means vertical box, statement - that places the text on top of the button." e "两者都在一个垂直框(vbox)语句中,这意味着文本被放在按钮的上面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:280 translate schinese screens_showing_7e48fc22: # e "And that is inside a frame that provides the background and borders. The frame has an at property that takes a transform giving its position." e "以上都在提供背景和边框的frame内。frame有一个at属性,该属性接受一个给定其位置的变换。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:286 translate schinese screens_showing_80425bf3: # e "There are a trio of statements that are used to display screens." e "有三种语句用于显示界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:291 translate schinese screens_showing_7d2deb37: # e "The first is the show screen statement, which displays a screen and lets Ren'Py keep going." e "第一个是show screen语句,它显示一个界面并让Ren'Py继续运行。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:293 translate schinese screens_showing_7626dc8b: # e "The screen will stay shown until it is hidden." e "界面将一直显示直到隐藏。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:297 translate schinese screens_showing_c79038a4: # e "Hiding a screen is done with the hide screen statement." e "隐藏界面是用hide screen语句完成的。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:301 translate schinese screens_showing_8f78a97d: # e "The call screen statement stops Ren'Py from executing script until the screen either returns a value, or jumps the script somewhere else." e "call screen语句使Ren'Py中止执行脚本,直到界面返回值或将脚本跳转到其他位置。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:303 translate schinese screens_showing_b52e420c: # e "Since we can't display dialogue at the same time, you'll have to click 'Okay' to continue." e "由于无法同时显示对话,您必须单击“确定”继续。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:310 translate schinese screens_showing_c5ca730f: # e "When a call screen statement ends, the screen is automatically hidden." e "当call screen语句结束时,界面将自动隐藏。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:312 translate schinese screens_showing_a38d1702: # e "Generally, you use show screen to show overlays that are up all the time, and call screen to show screens the player interacts with for a little while." e "通常,您使用show screen来显示一直处于开启状态的覆盖,而用call screen来显示与玩家短暂交互的界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:335 translate schinese screens_parameters_0666043d: # e "Here's an example of a screen that takes three parameters. The message parameter is a message to show, while the okay and cancel actions are run when the appropriate button is chosen." e "下面是一个包含三个参数的界面示例。message参数是一条要显示的消息,而okay和cancel动作在按下对应按钮时运行。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:337 translate schinese screens_parameters_cf95b914: # e "While the message parameter always has to be supplied, the okay and cancel parameters have default values that are used if no argument is given." e "虽然必须始终提供message参数,但是okay和cancel参数具有默认值,如果没有给定参数,则使用这些值。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:339 translate schinese screens_parameters_4ce03111: # e "Each parameter is a variable that is defined inside the screen. Inside the screen, these variables take priority over those used in the rest of Ren'Py." e "每个参数都是在界面内定义的变量。在界面中,这些变量优先于那些在Ren'Py其他部分中使用的变量。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:343 translate schinese screens_parameters_106c2a04: # e "When a screen is shown, arguments can be supplied for each of the parameters. Arguments can be given by position or by name." e "当显示界面时,可以为每个形参提供实参。实参可以按位置或名称给定。(译者注:不必在意形参和实参的定义,都当成参数就好)" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:350 translate schinese screens_parameters_12ac92d4: # e "Parameters let us change what a screen displays, simply by re-showing it with different arguments." e "形参允许我们改变界面显示的内容,只需要改变实参、重新显示。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:357 translate schinese screens_parameters_d143a994: # e "The call screen statement can also take arguments, much like show screen does." e "call screen语句也可以接受参数,就像show screen一样。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:369 translate schinese screens_properties_423246a2: # e "There are a few properties that can be applied to a screen itself." e "有几个属性可以应用于界面本身。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:380 translate schinese screens_properties_4fde164e: # e "When the modal property is true, you can't interact with things beneath the screen. You'll have to click 'Close This Screen' before you can continue." e "当modal属性为true时,不能与界面下的内容交互。您必须单击“关闭此界面”才能继续。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:398 translate schinese screens_properties_550c0bea: # e "When a screen has the tag property, it's treated like the tag part of an image name. Here, I'm showing a_tag_screen." e "当界面具有tag属性时,它像图像名的标签部分一样处理。这里,我显示a_tag_screen界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:402 translate schinese screens_properties_4fcf8af8: # e "When I show b_tag_screen, it replaces a_tag_screen." e "当我显示b_tag_screen时,它会替换a_tag_screen。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:404 translate schinese screens_properties_7ed5a791: # e "This is useful in the game and main menus, where you want the load screen to replace the preferences screen. By default, all those screens have tag menu." e "这在游戏和主菜单中非常有用,您希望用读取界面替换首选项界面。默认情况下,所有这些界面都有标签menu。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:408 translate schinese screens_properties_5d51bd1e: # e "For some reason, tag takes a name, and not an expression. It's too late to change it." e "出于某种原因,tag使用一个名称,而不是一个表达式。现在改变已经太晚了。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:432 translate schinese screens_properties_6706e266: # e "The zorder property controls the order in which screens overlap each other. The larger the zorder number, the closer the screen is to the player." e "zorder属性控制界面彼此重叠的顺序。zorder数字越大,界面离玩家越近。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:434 translate schinese screens_properties_f7a2c73d: # e "By default, a screen has a zorder of 0. When two screens have the same zorder number, the screen that is shown second is closer to the player." e "默认情况下,界面的zorder为0。当两个界面具有相同的zorder编号时,第二个显示的界面更靠近玩家。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:454 translate schinese screens_properties_78433eb8: # e "The variant property selects a screen based on the properties of the device it's running on." e "variant属性根据正在运行的设备的属性选择界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:456 translate schinese screens_properties_e6db6d02: # e "In this example, the first screen will be used for small devices like telephones, and the other screen will be used for tablets and computers." e "在本例中,第一个界面将用于电话等小型设备,另一个界面将用于平板电脑和计算机。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:475 translate schinese screens_properties_d21b5500: # e "Finally, the style_prefix property specifies a prefix that's applied to the styles in the screen." e "最后,style_prefix属性指定应用于界面的样式的前缀。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:477 translate schinese screens_properties_560ca08a: # e "When the 'red' prefix is given, the frame gets the 'red_frame' style, and the text gets the 'red_text' style." e "当给定“red”前缀时,frame使用“red_frame”样式,而文本使用“red_text”样式。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:479 translate schinese screens_properties_c7ad3a8e: # e "This can save a lot of typing when styling screens with many displayables in them." e "这可以在设计包含许多可视组件的界面时节省大量的输入。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:491 translate schinese screens_control_4a1d8d7c: # e "The screen language has a few statements that do things other than show displayables. If you haven't seen the section on {a=jump:warp_screen_displayables}Screen Displayables{/a} yet, you might want to check it out, then come back here." e "界面语言有一些语句还可以做显示可视组件之外的事情。如果你还没有看{a=jump:warp_screen_displayables}界面可视组件{/a}部分,你可能想看一看,再回来这里。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:503 translate schinese screens_control_0e939050: # e "The python statement works just about the same way it does in the script. A single line of Python is introduced with a dollar sign. This line is run each time the screen updates." e "python语句的工作方式与脚本中的基本相同。单行Python用美元符号引入。每次界面更新时都会运行此行。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:518 translate schinese screens_control_6334650a: # e "Similarly, the python statement introduces an indented block of python statements. But there is one big difference in Python in screens and Python in scripts." e "类似地,python语句引入多行python的缩进块。但是界面里的Python和脚本中的Python有一个很大的区别。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:520 translate schinese screens_control_ba8f5f13: # e "The Python you use in screens isn't allowed to have side effects. That means that it can't do things like change the value of a variable." e "界面中使用的Python不允许有副作用。这意味着它不能改变变量的值。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:522 translate schinese screens_control_f75fa254: # e "The reason for this is that Ren'Py will run a screen, and the Python in it, during screen prediction." e "原因是Ren'Py会运行界面,和里面的Python,在界面预测期间。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:536 translate schinese screens_control_40c12afa: # e "The default statement lets you set the value of a screen variable the first time the screen runs. This value can be changed with the SetScreenVariable and ToggleScreenVariable actions." e "default语句允许您在界面第一次运行时设置界面变量的值。可以使用SetScreenVariable和ToggleScreenVariable动作更改此值。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:538 translate schinese screens_control_39e0f7e6: # e "The default statement differs from the Python statement in that it is only run once. Python runs each time the screen updates, and hence the variable would never change value." e "default语句与Python语句的不同之处在于它只运行一次。每次界面更新时Python都会运行,因此变量永远不会改变值。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:557 translate schinese screens_control_87a75fe7: # e "The if statement works like it does in script, running one block if the condition is true and another if the condition is false." e "if语句的工作方式与脚本中类似,如果条件为true,则运行一个块;如果条件为false,则运行另一个块。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:572 translate schinese screens_control_6a8c07f6: # e "The for statement takes a list of values, and iterates through them, running the block inside the for loop with the variable bound to each list item." e "for语句获取一个值列表,并遍历它们,在for循环中运行块,并将变量绑定到每个列表项。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:588 translate schinese screens_control_f7b755fa: # e "The on and key statements probably only make sense at the top level of the screen." e "on和key语句可能只在界面的顶层才有意义。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:590 translate schinese screens_control_328b0676: # e "The on statement makes the screen run an action when an event occurs. The 'show' event happens when the screen is first shown, and the 'hide' event happens when it is hidden." e "on语句使界面在事件发生时运行动作。“show”事件在界面第一次显示时发生,而“hide”事件在它被隐藏时发生。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:592 translate schinese screens_control_6768768b: # e "The key event runs an event when a key is pressed." e "key事件在按键时运行事件。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:600 translate schinese screen_use_c6a20a16: # e "The screen language use statement lets you include a screen inside another. This can be useful to prevent duplication inside screens." e "界面语言use语句允许您在另一个界面中包含一个界面。这有助于防止界面内的重复。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:616 translate schinese screen_use_95a34d3a: # e "Take for example this screen, which shows two stat entries. There's already a lot of duplication there, and if we had more stats, there would be more." e "以这个界面为例,它显示两个状态(stat)条目。那已经有很多重复,如果我们有更多的状态,重复会更多。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:633 translate schinese screen_use_e2c673d9: # e "Here, we moved the statements that show the text and bar into a second screen, and the use statement includes that screen in the first one." e "这里,我们将显示文本和条的语句移到第二个界面中,而use语句将该界面加入第一个界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:635 translate schinese screen_use_2efdd2ff: # e "The name and amount of the stat are passed in as arguments to the screen, just as is done in the call screen statement." e "状态的名称和数值作为参数传递给界面,就像在call screen语句中所做的那样。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:637 translate schinese screen_use_f8d1bf9d: # e "By doing it this way, we control the amount of duplication, and can change the stat in one place." e "通过这样做,我们可以控制重复的数量,并且可以在一个地方更改状态。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:653 translate schinese screen_use_4e22c25e: # e "The transclude statement goes one step further, by letting the use statement take a block of screen language statements." e "transclude语句更进一步,让use语句获取界面语言的语句块。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:655 translate schinese screen_use_c83b97e3: # e "When the included screen reaches the transclude statement it is replaced with the block from the use statement." e "当包含的界面到达transclude语句时,它将被来自use语句的块替换。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:657 translate schinese screen_use_1ad1f358: # e "The boilerplate screen is included in the first one, and the text from the first screen is transcluded into the boilerplate screen." e "boilerplate界面被包含在第一个界面中,来自第一个界面的文本被嵌入boilerplate界面中。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:659 translate schinese screen_use_f74fab6e: # e "Use and transclude are complex, but very powerful. If you think about it, 'use boilerplate' is only one step removed from writing your own Screen Language statement." e "use和transclude复杂,但非常强大。仔细想想,“使用样板”只是移除写你自己的界面语言语句的一步。" translate schinese strings: # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:26 old " Lv. [lv]" new " Lv. [lv]" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:29 old "HP" new "HP" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:58 old "Morning" new "早晨" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:58 old "Afternoon" new "下午" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:58 old "Evening" new "傍晚" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:61 old "Study" new "学习" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:61 old "Exercise" new "锻炼" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:61 old "Eat" new "吃" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:61 old "Drink" new "喝" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:61 old "Be Merry" new "开心" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:107 old "Strength" new "力量" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:111 old "Intelligence" new "智力" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:115 old "Moxie" new "勇气" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:119 old "Chutzpah" new "狂妄" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "What screens can do." new "界面能做什么。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "How to show screens." new "如何显示界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "Passing parameters to screens." new "传递参数给界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "Screen properties." new "界面属性。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "Special screen statements." new "特殊界面语句。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "Using other screens." new "使用其他界面。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:171 old "That's it." new "就这些。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:205 old "I do." new "我懂。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:331 old "Hello, world." new "Hello, world." # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:331 old "You can't cancel this." new "你不能取消这个。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:346 old "Shiro was here." new "西罗刚才在这里。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:362 old "Click either button to continue." new "单击任一按钮继续。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:377 old "Close This Screen" new "关闭此界面" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:388 old "A Tag Screen" new "A标签界面" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:395 old "B Tag Screen" new "B标签界面" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:447 old "You're on a small device." new "你在使用小型设备。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:452 old "You're not on a small device." new "你不在使用小型设备。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:466 old "This text is red." new "这段文字是红色。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:496 old "Hello, World." new "Hello, World." # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:510 old "It's good to meet you." new "很高兴认识你。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:534 old "Increase" new "增加" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:563 old "Earth" new "地球" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:563 old "Moon" new "月球" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:563 old "Mars" new "火星" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:581 old "Now press 'a'." new "现在按下“A”。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:583 old "The screen was just shown." new "界面刚才显示了。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:585 old "You pressed the 'a' key." new "你按了“A”键。" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:608 old "Health" new "体力" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:613 old "Magic" new "魔力" # game/tutorial_screens.rpy:644 old "There's not much left to see." new "没什么可看的了。"