# Copyright 2004-2023 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # Editor Support. # # This contains code for scanning for editors, and for allowing the user to # select an editor. init 1 python in editor: from store import Action, renpy, config, persistent import store.project as project import store.updater as updater import store.interface as interface import store.util as util import store import glob import re import traceback import os import os.path # Should we set up the editor? set_editor = "RENPY_EDIT_PY" not in os.environ # A map from editor name to EditorInfo object. editors = { } class EditorInfo(object): def __init__(self, filename): # The path to the editor info file. self.filename = filename # The name of the editor. self.name = os.path.basename(filename)[:-len(".edit.py")] # The time the editor file was last modified. We use this # to decide if we should update the editors mat when we # have multiple versions of an editor in contention. self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename) def scan_editor(filename): """ Inserts an editor into editors if there isn't a newer editor there already. """ ei = EditorInfo(filename) if ei.name in editors: if editors[ei.name].mtime >= ei.mtime: return editors[ei.name] = ei def scan_all(): """ Finds all *.edit.py files, and uses them to populate the list of editors. """ editors.clear() for d in [ config.renpy_base, persistent.projects_directory ]: if d is None: continue if not os.path.isdir(d): continue for i in util.listdir(d): i = os.path.join(d, i) if not os.path.isdir(d): continue for j in util.listdir(i): j = os.path.join(i, j) if j.endswith(".edit.py"): scan_editor(j) ######################################################################## # A list of fancy_editor_info objects. fancy_editors = [ ] # The error message to display if an editor failed to start. error_message = None class FancyEditorInfo(object): """ Represents an editor in the selection screen. A FEI knows if the editor is installed or not. """ def __init__(self, priority, name, description=None, dlc=None, dldescription=None, error_message=None): # The priority of the editor. Lower priorities will come later # in the list. self.priority = priority # The name of the editor. self.name = name # Is the editor installed? self.installed = name in editors # The dlc needed to install the editor. self.dlc = dlc # A description of the editor. self.description = description # A description of the download. self.dldescription = dldescription # An error message to display if the editor failed to start. self.error_message = error_message def fancy_scan_editors(): """ Creates the list of FancyEditorInfo objects. """ import platform global fancy_editors scan_all() fei = fancy_editors = [ ] # Visual Studio Code AD1 = _("A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration.") AD2 = _("A modern editor with many extensions including advanced Ren'Py integration.\n{a=jump:reinstall_vscode}Upgrade Visual Studio Code to the latest version.{/a}") if renpy.windows: installed = os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "vscode/VSCode-win32-x64")) elif renpy.macintosh: installed = os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "vscode/Visual Studio Code.app")) else: if renpy.arch == "aarch64": arch = "arm64" elif renpy.arch == "armv7l": arch = "arm" else: arch = "x64" installed = os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "vscode/VSCode-linux-" + arch)) e = FancyEditorInfo( 0, _("Visual Studio Code"), AD2 if installed else AD2, "extension:vscode", _("Up to 110 MB download required."), None) e.installed = e.installed and installed fei.append(e) # Atom. AD = _("A modern and approachable text editor.") if renpy.windows: dlc = "atom-windows" installed = os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "atom/atom-windows")) elif renpy.macintosh: dlc = "atom-mac" installed = os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "atom/Atom.app")) else: dlc = "atom-linux" installed = os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "atom/atom-linux-" + platform.machine())) if not (renpy.arch in [ "aarch64", "armv7l" ]): e = FancyEditorInfo( 1, _("Atom"), AD, "extension:atom", _("Up to 150 MB download required."), None) e.installed = e.installed and (installed or 'RENPY_ATOM' in os.environ) fei.append(e) # jEdit - Only present if it exists on system. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.renpy_base, "jedit")): fei.append(FancyEditorInfo( 2, _("jEdit"), _("A mature editor that requires Java."), "jedit", _("1.8 MB download required."), _("This may have occured because Java is not installed on this system."), )) fei.append(FancyEditorInfo( 3, _("Visual Studio Code (System)"), _("Uses a copy of Visual Studio Code that you have installed outside of Ren'Py. It's recommended you install the language-renpy extension to add support for Ren'Py files."), )) fei.append(FancyEditorInfo( 3, _("System Editor"), _("Invokes the editor your operating system has associated with .rpy files."), None)) for k in editors: if k in [ "Visual Studio Code", "Visual Studio Code (System)", "Atom", "jEdit", "System Editor", "None" ]: continue fei.append(FancyEditorInfo( 4, k, None, None)) fei.append(FancyEditorInfo( 5, _("None"), _("Prevents Ren'Py from opening a text editor."), None)) fei.sort(key=lambda e : (e.priority, e.name.lower())) # If we're in a linux distro or something, assume all editors work. if not updater.can_update(): for i in fei: if i.dlc and not i.dlc.startswith("extension:"): i.installed = True def fancy_activate_editor(default=False): """ Activates the editor in persistent.editor, if it's installed. `default` """ global error_message fancy_scan_editors() if default and not set_editor: renpy.editor.init() return for i in fancy_editors: if i.name == persistent.editor: if i.installed and i.name in editors: ei = editors[i.name] os.environ["RENPY_EDIT_PY"] = renpy.fsencode(os.path.abspath(ei.filename)) error_message = i.error_message break else: persistent.editor = None os.environ.pop("RENPY_EDIT_PY", None) renpy.editor.init() def fancy_select_editor(name): """ Selects the editor with the given name, installing it if it doesn't already exist. """ for fe in fancy_editors: if fe.name == name: break else: return if not fe.installed: if fe.dlc.startswith("extension:"): import installer manifest = fe.dlc.partition(":")[2] renpy.invoke_in_new_context(installer.manifest, "https://www.renpy.org/extensions/{}/{}.py".format(manifest, manifest), renpy=True) else: store.add_dlc(fe.dlc) persistent.editor = fe.name fancy_activate_editor() return persistent.editor is not None # Call fancy_activate_editor on startup. fancy_activate_editor(True) class SelectEditor(Action): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def get_selected(self): return persistent.editor == self.name def __call__(self): return fancy_select_editor(self.name) def check_editor(): """ Checks to see if an editor is set. If one isn't asks the user to select one. Returns True if the editor is set and editing can proceed, and False otherwise. """ if not set_editor: return True if persistent.editor and persistent.editor != "None": return True return renpy.invoke_in_new_context(renpy.call_screen, "editor") ########################################################################## # Editing actions. class Edit(Action): alt = _("Edit [text].") def __init__(self, filename, line=None, check=False): """ An action that opens the given line of the given file in a text editor. `filename` The filename to open. `line` The line in the file to jump to. `check` If true, we will check to see if the file exists, and gray out the box if it does not. """ self.filename = filename self.line = line self.check = check def get_sensitive(self): if not self.check: return True fn = project.current.unelide_filename(self.filename) return os.path.exists(renpy.fsencode(fn)) def __call__(self): if not self.get_sensitive(): return if not check_editor(): return fn = project.current.unelide_filename(self.filename) try: e = renpy.editor.editor e.begin() e.open(fn, line=self.line) e.end() except Exception as e: exception = traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1][:-1] renpy.invoke_in_new_context(interface.error, _("An exception occured while launching the text editor:\n[exception!q]"), error_message, exception=exception) class EditAbsolute(Action): def __init__(self, filename, line=None, check=False): """ An action that lets us edit an absolutely-specified filename. `filename` The filename to open. `line` The line in the file to jump to. `check` If true, we will check to see if the file exists, and gray out the box if it does not. """ self.filename = filename self.line = line self.check = check def get_sensitive(self): if not self.check: return True return os.path.exists(renpy.fsencode(self.filename)) def __call__(self): if not self.get_sensitive(): return if not check_editor(): return try: e = renpy.editor.editor e.begin() e.open(self.filename, line=self.line) e.end() except Exception as e: exception = traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1][:-1] renpy.invoke_in_new_context(interface.error, _("An exception occured while launching the text editor:\n[exception!q]"), error_message, exception=exception) class EditAll(Action): """ Opens all scripts that are part of the current project in a web browser. """ def __init__(self): return def __call__(self): if not check_editor(): return scripts = project.current.script_files() scripts = [ i for i in scripts if not i.startswith("game/tl/") ] scripts.sort(key=lambda fn : fn.lower()) for fn in [ "game/screens.rpy", "game/options.rpy", "game/script.rpy" ]: if fn in scripts: scripts.remove(fn) scripts.insert(0, fn) try: e = renpy.editor.editor e.begin() for fn in scripts: fn = project.current.unelide_filename(fn) e.open(fn) e.end() except Exception as e: exception = traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1][:-1] renpy.invoke_in_new_context(interface.error, _("An exception occured while launching the text editor:\n[exception!q]"), error_message, exception=exception) class EditProject(Action): """ Opens the project's base directory in an editor. """ def __call__(self): if not check_editor(): return try: e = renpy.editor.editor e.begin() e.open_project(project.current.path) e.end() except Exception as e: exception = traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1][:-1] renpy.invoke_in_new_context(interface.error, _("An exception occured while launching the text editor:\n[exception!q]"), error_message, exception=exception) def CanEditProject(): """ Returns True if EditProject can be used. """ try: e = renpy.editor.editor return e.has_projects except Exception: return False screen editor: frame: style_group "l" style "l_root" window: has vbox label _("Select Editor") add HALF_SPACER hbox: frame: style "l_indent" xfill True viewport: scrollbars "vertical" mousewheel True has vbox text _("A text editor is the program you'll use to edit Ren'Py script files. Here, you can select the editor Ren'Py will use. If not already present, the editor will be automatically downloaded and installed.") style "l_small_text" for fe in editor.fancy_editors: add SPACER textbutton fe.name action editor.SelectEditor(fe.name) add HALF_SPACER frame: style "l_indent" has vbox if fe.description: text fe.description style "l_small_text" if not fe.installed: add HALF_SPACER text fe.dldescription style "l_small_text" textbutton _("Cancel") action Return(False) style "l_left_button" label reinstall_vscode: python hide: manifest = "vscode" renpy.invoke_in_new_context(installer.manifest, "https://www.renpy.org/extensions/{}/{}.py".format(manifest, manifest), renpy=True) jump editor_preference label editor_preference: call screen editor jump preferences