2023-01-18 23:13:55 +01:00

179 lines
4.8 KiB

translate indonesian strings:
# _developer/developer.rpym:38
old "Developer Menu"
new "Menu Pengembang"
# _developer/developer.rpym:43
old "Reload Game (Shift+R)"
new "Muat Ulang Game (Shift+R)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:45
old "Console (Shift+O)"
new "Konsol (Shift+O)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:47
old "Variable Viewer"
new "Peneliti variabel"
# _developer/developer.rpym:49
old "Theme Test"
new "Coba Tema"
# _developer/developer.rpym:51
old "Image Location Picker"
new "Pemilih Lokasi Gambar"
# _developer/developer.rpym:53
old "Filename List"
new "Daftar Nama File"
# _developer/developer.rpym:57
old "Show Image Load Log"
new "Perlihatkan Log Load Gambar"
# _developer/developer.rpym:60
old "Hide Image Load Log"
new "Sembunyikan Load Log Gambar"
# _developer/developer.rpym:95
old "Nothing to inspect."
new "Tidak ada yang dapat di inspeksi"
# _developer/developer.rpym:217
old "Return to the developer menu"
new "Kembali ke menu pengembang"
# _developer/developer.rpym:373
old "Rectangle: %r"
new "Persegi Panjang: %r"
# _developer/developer.rpym:378
old "Mouse position: %r"
new "Posisi Mouse: %r"
# _developer/developer.rpym:383
old "Right-click or escape to quit."
new "Klik-Kanan atau escape untuk keluar."
# _developer/developer.rpym:412
old "Rectangle copied to clipboard."
new "Persegi di salin ke catatan."
# _developer/developer.rpym:415
old "Position copied to clipboard."
new "Posisi di salin ke catatan."
# _developer/developer.rpym:524
old "✔ "
new "✔ "
# _developer/developer.rpym:527
old "✘ "
new "✘ "
# _developer/developer.rpym:532
old "\n{color=#cfc}✔ predicted image (good){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ unpredicted image (bad){/color}\n{color=#fff}Drag to move.{/color}"
new "\n{color=#cfc}✔ gambar di prediksikan (baik){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ gambar tidak diprediksi (buruk){/color}\n{color=#fff}Drag untuk pindah.{/color}"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:38
old "Displayable Inspector"
new "Inspektur yang dapat di tampilkan"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:61
old "Size"
new "Ukuran"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:65
old "Style"
new "Gaya"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:71
old "Location"
new "Lokasi"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:122
old "Inspecting Styles of [displayable_name!q]"
new "Menginspeksi Gaya dari [displayable_name!q]"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:139
old "displayable:"
new "displayable:"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:145
old " (no properties affect the displayable)"
new " (tidak ada properti yang mempengaruhi displayable)"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:147
old " (default properties omitted)"
new " (properti default di ubah)"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:185
old "<repr() failed>"
new "<repr() failed>"
# 00console.rpy:182
old "Press <esc> to exit console. Type help for help.\n"
new "Tekan <esc> untuk keluar konsol. Ketik help untuk bantuan.\n"
# 00console.rpy:186
old "Ren'Py script enabled."
new "Script Ren'Py di aktifkan."
# 00console.rpy:188
old "Ren'Py script disabled."
new "Script Ren'Py di matikan."
# 00console.rpy:398
old "help: show this help"
new "help: tampilkan bantuan"
# 00console.rpy:403
old "commands:\n"
new "perintah:\n"
# 00console.rpy:413
old " <renpy script statement>: run the statement\n"
new " <renpy script statement>: Menjalankan pernyataan\n"
# 00console.rpy:415
old " <python expression or statement>: run the expression or statement"
new " <python expression or statement>: Menjalankan expresi atau pernyataan"
# 00console.rpy:423
old "clear: clear the console history"
new "clear: membersihkan histori konsol"
# 00console.rpy:427
old "exit: exit the console"
new "exit: keluar konsol"
# 00console.rpy:435
old "load <slot>: loads the game from slot"
new "load <slot>: load game dari slot"
# 00console.rpy:448
old "save <slot>: saves the game in slot"
new "save <slot>: simpan game di slot"
# 00console.rpy:459
old "reload: reloads the game, refreshing the scripts"
new "reload: reload game, memuat ulang script"
# 00console.rpy:467
old "watch <expression>: watch a python expression"
new "watch <expression>: lihat expresi python"
# 00console.rpy:493
old "unwatch <expression>: stop watching an expression"
new "unwatch <expression>: berhenti melihat expresi"
# 00console.rpy:519
old "unwatchall: stop watching all expressions"
new "unwatchall: berhenti melihat semua expresi"
# 00console.rpy:536
old "jump <label>: jumps to label"
new "jump <label>: lompat ke label"