2023-01-18 23:13:55 +01:00

408 lines
7.4 KiB

translate spanish strings:
# screens.rpy:251
old "Back"
new "Atrás"
# screens.rpy:252
old "History"
new "Historial"
# screens.rpy:253
old "Skip"
new "Saltar"
# screens.rpy:254
old "Auto"
new "Auto"
# screens.rpy:255
old "Save"
new "Guardar"
# screens.rpy:256
old "Q.Save"
new "Guardar R."
# screens.rpy:257
old "Q.Load"
new "Cargar R."
# screens.rpy:258
old "Prefs"
new "Prefs."
# screens.rpy:299
old "Start"
new "Comenzar"
# screens.rpy:307
old "Load"
new "Cargar"
# screens.rpy:309
old "Preferences"
new "Opciones"
# screens.rpy:313
old "End Replay"
new "Finaliza repetición"
# screens.rpy:317
old "Main Menu"
new "Menú principal"
# screens.rpy:319
old "About"
new "Acerca de"
# screens.rpy:324
old "Help"
new "Ayuda"
# screens.rpy:327
old "Quit"
new "Salir"
# screens.rpy:467
old "Return"
new "Volver"
# screens.rpy:551
old "[config.version!t]\n"
new "[config.version!t]\n"
# screens.rpy:555
old "Updated Character Art"
new "Nuevo Arte de Personajes"
# screens.rpy:556
old "Deji"
new "Deji"
# screens.rpy:560
old "Original Character Art"
new "Arte de Personajes Original"
# screens.rpy:561
old "Derik"
new "Derik"
# screens.rpy:567
old "Updated Background Art"
new "Nuevo Arte de Fondos"
# screens.rpy:568
old "Mugenjohncel"
new "Mugenjohncel"
# screens.rpy:572
old "Original Background Art"
new "Arte de Fondos Original"
# screens.rpy:573
old "DaFool"
new "DaFool"
# screens.rpy:579
old "Music By"
new "Música"
# screens.rpy:580
old "Alessio"
new "Alessio"
# screens.rpy:586
old "Update Written By"
new "Nuevo Guión"
# screens.rpy:587
old "Lore"
new "Lore"
# screens.rpy:591
old "Originally Written By "
new "Guión Original"
# screens.rpy:592
old "mikey (ATP Projects)"
new "mikey (ATP Projects)"
# screens.rpy:595
old "\nMade with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only]"
new "\nHecho con {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]"
# screens.rpy:597
old "[renpy.license!t]"
new "[renpy.license!t]"
# screens.rpy:643
old "Page {}"
new "Página {}"
# screens.rpy:643
old "Automatic saves"
new "Grabación automática"
# screens.rpy:643
old "Quick saves"
new "Grabación rápida"
# screens.rpy:685
old "{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"
new "{#file_time}%A, %d de %B %Y, %H:%M"
# screens.rpy:685
old "empty slot"
new "vacío"
# screens.rpy:702
old "<"
new "<"
# screens.rpy:705
old "{#auto_page}A"
new "{#auto_page}A"
# screens.rpy:708
old "{#quick_page}Q"
new "{#quick_page}R"
# screens.rpy:714
old ">"
new ">"
# screens.rpy:776
old "Display"
new "Pantalla"
# screens.rpy:777
old "Window"
new "Ventana"
# screens.rpy:778
old "Fullscreen"
new "Pant. completa"
# screens.rpy:782
old "Rollback Side"
new "Lado de retroceso"
# screens.rpy:783
old "Disable"
new "Desactivar"
# screens.rpy:784
old "Left"
new "Izquierda"
# screens.rpy:785
old "Right"
new "Derecha"
# screens.rpy:790
old "Unseen Text"
new "Texto no visto"
# screens.rpy:791
old "After Choices"
new "Tras opciones"
# screens.rpy:792
old "Transitions"
new "Transiciones"
# screens.rpy:800
old "Language"
new "Idioma"
# screens.rpy:820
old "Text Speed"
new "Veloc. texto"
# screens.rpy:824
old "Auto-Forward Time"
new "Veloc. auto-avance"
# screens.rpy:831
old "Music Volume"
new "Volumen música"
# screens.rpy:838
old "Sound Volume"
new "Volumen sonido"
# screens.rpy:844
old "Test"
new "Prueba"
# screens.rpy:848
old "Voice Volume"
new "Volumen voz"
# screens.rpy:859
old "Mute All"
new "Silencia todo"
# screens.rpy:978
old "The dialogue history is empty."
new "El historial está vacío."
# screens.rpy:1044
old "Keyboard"
new "Teclado"
# screens.rpy:1045
old "Mouse"
new "Ratón"
# screens.rpy:1048
old "Gamepad"
new "Mando"
# screens.rpy:1061
old "Enter"
new "Enter"
# screens.rpy:1062
old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface."
new "Avanza el diálogo y activa la interfaz."
# screens.rpy:1065
old "Space"
new "Espacio"
# screens.rpy:1066
old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices."
new "Avanza el diálogo sin seleccionar opciones."
# screens.rpy:1069
old "Arrow Keys"
new "Teclas de flecha"
# screens.rpy:1070
old "Navigate the interface."
new "Navega la interfaz."
# screens.rpy:1073
old "Escape"
new "Escape"
# screens.rpy:1074
old "Accesses the game menu."
new "Accede al menú del juego."
# screens.rpy:1077
old "Ctrl"
new "Ctrl"
# screens.rpy:1078
old "Skips dialogue while held down."
new "Salta el diálogo mientras se presiona."
# screens.rpy:1081
old "Tab"
new "Tabulador"
# screens.rpy:1082
old "Toggles dialogue skipping."
new "Activa/desactiva el salto de diálogo."
# screens.rpy:1085
old "Page Up"
new "Av. pág."
# screens.rpy:1086
old "Rolls back to earlier dialogue."
new "Retrocede al diálogo anterior."
# screens.rpy:1089
old "Page Down"
new "Re. pág."
# screens.rpy:1090
old "Rolls forward to later dialogue."
new "Avanza hacia el diálogo siguiente."
# screens.rpy:1094
old "Hides the user interface."
new "Oculta la interfaz."
# screens.rpy:1098
old "Takes a screenshot."
new "Captura la pantalla."
# screens.rpy:1102
old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}."
new "Activa/desactiva la asistencia por {a=}voz-automática{/a}."
# screens.rpy:1108
old "Left Click"
new "Clic izquierdo"
# screens.rpy:1112
old "Middle Click"
new "Clic medio"
# screens.rpy:1116
old "Right Click"
new "Clic derecho"
# screens.rpy:1120
old "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side"
new "Rueda del ratón arriba\nClic en lado de retroceso"
# screens.rpy:1124
old "Mouse Wheel Down"
new "Rueda del ratón abajo"
# screens.rpy:1131
old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button"
new "Gatillo derecho\nA/Botón inferior"
# screens.rpy:1135
old "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder"
new "Gatillo izquierdo\nBotón sup. frontal izq."
# screens.rpy:1139
old "Right Shoulder"
new "Botón sup. frontal der."
# screens.rpy:1143
old "D-Pad, Sticks"
new "D-Pad, Sticks"
# screens.rpy:1147
old "Start, Guide"
new "Comenzar, Guía"
# screens.rpy:1151
old "Y/Top Button"
new "Y/Botón superior"
# screens.rpy:1154
old "Calibrate"
new "Calibrar"
# screens.rpy:1219
old "Yes"
new "Sí"
# screens.rpy:1220
old "No"
new "No"
# screens.rpy:1266
old "Skipping"
new "Saltando"
# screens.rpy:1487
old "Menu"
new "Menú"
# game/screens.rpy:1108
old "Opens the accessibility menu."
new "Abre el menú de accesibilidad."