2023-01-18 23:13:55 +01:00

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# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:28
translate schinese tutorial_create_27048c11:
# e "When you're ready to use Ren'Py to create your visual novel, the first step is to create a new project."
e "当你准备好使用Ren'Py来创建你的视觉小说时第一步就是创建一个新的工程。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:30
translate schinese tutorial_create_bae6289c:
# e "You can create a new project by clicking 'Create New Project' on the front screen of the launcher."
e "您可以通过单击启动器头版界面上的“创建新工程”来创建新工程。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:32
translate schinese tutorial_create_45915fcb:
# e "If this is your first time using Ren'Py, it'll ask you for the place you want to keep your projects. The best place is always somewhere that's frequently backed up."
e "如果这是你第一次使用Ren'Py它会询问你保存工程的位置。最好是经常备份的地方。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:36
translate schinese tutorial_create_55e30cb5:
# e "After that, Ren'Py will ask for a name for your project. You'll have to stick to English letters and numbers, as zip files can't handle anything more than that."
e "之后Ren'Py会问你工程的名称只能使用英文字母和数字因为zip文件不能处理更多的东西。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:40
translate schinese tutorial_create_dea3e5c2:
# e "The next thing Ren'Py will ask for is the resolution the visual novel will run at. This controls how large or small you'll have to make your game's artwork."
e "接下来Ren'Py会询问视觉小说的分辨率。这将控制你的游戏艺术作品的大小。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:44
translate schinese tutorial_create_3289ea75:
# e "Finally, Ren'Py will ask you to select a color scheme. You can change this after the game has been created, so just pick a color that's pleasing."
e "最后Ren'Py会要求你选择一个配色方案。你可以在游戏创建后改变这个所以只需选择一个令人愉悦的颜色。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:48
translate schinese tutorial_create_6b9e3b96:
# e "Once that's done, Ren'Py will work for a bit and return you to the main menu with the new project selected. Now, when you click Launch, Ren'Py will start your new game."
e "完成后Ren'Py将工作一段时间并返回到主菜单选择新工程。现在当你点击启动工程时Ren'Py将开始你的新游戏。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:50
translate schinese tutorial_create_bdf94f9b:
# e "To get back here, you can choose 'Tutorial' to switch to this tutorial game."
e "要回到这里,你可以选择“教程”切换到这个教程游戏。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:52
translate schinese tutorial_create_22f516df:
# e "You'll also need to edit the games script to make changes. To do that, click 'script.rpy' on the front page of the launcher."
e "您还需要编辑游戏脚本来进行更改。要执行此操作请单击启动器头版上的“script.rpy”。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:54
translate schinese tutorial_create_18cd1d9d:
# e "If it's your first time doing so, Ren'Py will ask you to select a text editor. Editra might be a safe choice, but read the descriptions to be sure."
e "如果这是你第一次这么做Ren'Py会要求你选择一个文本编辑器。Editra可能是一个安全的选择但请阅读说明以确定。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:56
translate schinese tutorial_create_bfbd6220:
# e "After the text editor is downloaded, the script will open up and you can start to change what characters are saying."
e "文本编辑器下载完成后,脚本将打开,您可以开始更改角色所说的内容。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:69
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_112ff505:
# e "Probably the most common thing a creator does with Ren'Py is to write dialogue for the player to read."
e "也许一个创作者最常用Ren'Py做的事情就是编写对话供玩家阅读。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:71
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_be2be31a:
# e "But before I can show you how to write dialogue, let me show you how we present script examples."
e "但是在我教你如何写对话之前,让我先给你演示一下我们如何呈现脚本示例。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:74
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_7b6be28e:
# "Eileen" "Examples will show up in a window like the one above. You'll need to click outside of the example window in order to advance the tutorial."
"艾琳" "示例将显示在像上面这样的窗口中。您需要在示例窗口外单击,才能继续本教程。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:76
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_5269d005:
# "Eileen" "When an example is bigger than the screen, you can scroll around in it using the mouse wheel or by simply dragging the mouse."
"艾琳" "当一个示例比界面大时,你可以用鼠标滚轮或简单地拖动鼠标。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:78
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_241c0c74:
# "Eileen" "Script might seem scary at first, but if you look you'll see it's easy to match it up to what I'm saying."
"艾琳" "脚本一开始可能看起来很吓人,但如果你仔细看,你会发现它很容易与我说的相对应。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:82
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_f0d66410:
# e "Let's see the simplest possible Ren'Py game."
e "让我们看看可能是最简单的Ren'Py游戏。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:89
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_3e6b0068:
# "Wow, It's really really dark in here."
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:91
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_5072a404:
# "Lucy" "Better watch out. You don't want to be eaten by a Grue."
"露西" "最好小心点。你不想被咕噜吃掉译者注源于Zork最早的互动式小说游戏之一。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:99
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_d39d1b2b:
# e "I'll show you the script of that example."
e "我将向您展示该示例的脚本。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:101
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_f51ecf1f:
# e "This script demonstrates two kinds of Ren'Py statements, labels and say statements."
e "这个脚本演示了两种Ren'Py语句label和say。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:103
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_bc7ec147:
# e "The first line is a label statement. The label statement is used to give a name to a place in the program."
e "第一行是标签label语句。label语句用于为程序中的某个位置指定名称。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:105
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_b20db833:
# e "In this case, we're naming a place \"start\". The start label is special, as it marks the place a game begins running."
e "在本例中我们将一个地方命名为“start”。start标签很特别因为它标志着游戏开始运行的地方。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:107
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_b0afbe96:
# e "The next line is a simple say statement. It consists of a string beginning with a double-quote, and ending at the next double-quote."
e "下一行是一个简单的say语句。它由一个以双引号开头、在下一个双引号结束的字符串组成。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:109
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_628c9e4c:
# e "Special characters in strings can be escaped with a backslash. To include \" in a string, we have to write \\\"."
e "字符串中的特殊字符可以用反斜杠转义。要在字符串中包含\",我们必须写\\\"。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:116
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_3e6b0068_1:
# "Wow, It's really really dark in here."
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:125
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_d7f0b5b7:
# e "When Ren'Py sees a single string on a line by itself, it uses the narrator to say that string. So a single string can be used to express a character's thoughts."
e "当Ren'Py在一行中看到一个单独的字符串时它使用旁白来说出该字符串。所以单个字符串可以用来表达一个角色的思想。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:131
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_5072a404_1:
# "Lucy" "Better watch out. You don't want to be eaten by a Grue."
"露西" "最好小心点。你不想被咕噜吃掉译者注源于Zork最早的互动式小说游戏之一。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:139
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_9dd2d543:
# e "When we have two strings separated by a space, the first is used as the character's name, and the second is what the character is saying."
e "当我们有两个字符串、由空格隔开时,第一个字符串用作角色的名称,第二个字符串是角色说的内容。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:141
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_64ffe685:
# e "This two-argument form of the say statement is used for dialogue, where a character is speaking out loud."
e "say语句的这种双参数形式用于对话即角色大声说出来。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:143
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_97a33275:
# e "If you'd like, you can run this game yourself by erasing everything in your project's script.rpy file, and replacing it with the code in the box above."
e "如果你愿意的话你可以通过删除工程的script.rpy文件中的所有内容替换为上面框里的代码然后运行这个游戏。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:145
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_c5e70d7e:
# e "Be sure to preserve the spacing before lines. That's known as indentation, and it's used to help Ren'Py group lines of script into blocks."
e "一定要保留行前空间。这就是所谓的缩进用于帮助Ren'Py将脚本行组成块。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:149
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_90719f73:
# e "Using a string for a character's name is inconvenient, for two reasons."
e "使用字符串作为角色名是不方便的,有两个原因。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:151
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_910f286a:
# e "The first is that's it's a bit verbose. While typing \"Lucy\" isn't so bad, imagine if you had to type \"Eileen Richardson\" thousands of times."
e "首先是有点冗长。虽然输入“露西”不是很糟糕,但是想象一下,如果你不得不输入数千次“艾琳·理查森”。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:153
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_9c9d59c2:
# e "The second is that it doesn't leave any place to put styling, which can change the look of a character."
e "第二,它没有留下任何地方来放置样式,样式可以改变角色的外观。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:155
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_2a2d1e51:
# e "To solve these problems, Ren'Py lets you define Characters."
e "为了解决这些问题Ren'Py允许您定义角色Character。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:159
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_16e8c5fd:
# e "Here's an example Character definition. It begins with the word \"define\". That tells Ren'Py that we are defining something."
e "下面是一个Character定义的示例。它以单词“define”开头。这告诉Ren'Py我们正在定义一些东西。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:161
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_34fe5aa0:
# e "Define is followed by a short name for the character, like \"l\". We'll be able to use that short name when writing dialogue."
e "define后面跟角色的简称如“l”。我们在写对话的时候可以用这个简称。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:163
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_67f90201:
# e "This is followed by an equals sign, and the thing that we're defining. In this case, it's a Character."
e "后面跟着一个等号还有我们要定义的东西。在这种情况下它是Character。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:165
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_4e454a89:
# e "On the first line, the character's name is given to be \"Lucy\", and her name will be drawn a reddish color."
e "在第一行,角色的名字被指定为“露西”,她的名字将被画成红色。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:167
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_db11f026:
# e "These short names are case-sensitive. Capital L is a different name from lower-case l, so you'll need to be careful about that."
e "这些简称区分大小写。大写字母L与小写字母l不同你需要注意。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:171
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_1d161320:
# e "Now that we have a character defined, we can use it to say dialogue."
e "既然我们已经定义了一个角色,我们就可以用它进行对话。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:178
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_3710169c:
# l "Why are you trying to put words into my mouth? And who are you calling \"it\"?"
l "为什么你把话放到我的嘴里?你说的“它”是谁?"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:180
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_6d463776:
# l "What's more, what are you going to do about the Grue problem? Are you just going to leave me here?"
l "还有,你打算怎么解决咕噜问题?你要把我留在这里吗?"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:188
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_023bcd31:
# e "Here's the full game, including the two new lines of dialogue, both of which use the Character we defined to say dialogue."
e "这是完整的游戏包括两个新行新的对话它们都使用我们定义的Character来进行对话。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:190
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_48bb9547:
# e "The one-argument form of the say statement is unchanged, but in the two-argument form, instead of the first string we can use a short name."
e "say语句的单参数形式不变但在双参数形式中我们可以使用一个简称来代替第一个字符串。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:192
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_56a9936f:
# e "When this say statement is run, Ren'Py will look up the short name, which is really a Python variable. It will then use the associated Character to show the dialogue."
e "运行say语句时Ren'Py将查找简称它实际上是一个Python变量。然后它将使用关联的Character来显示对话。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:194
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_d5984a21:
# e "The Character object controls who is speaking, the color of their name, and many other properties of the dialogue."
e "Character对象控制说话者、他们姓名的颜色以及对话的许多其他属性。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:198
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_a5bcac8b:
# e "Since the bulk of a visual novel is dialogue, we've tried to make it as easy to write as possible."
e "因为视觉小说的主体是对话,所以我们尽量让它更容易写。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:200
translate schinese tutorial_dialogue_6b9a42d0:
# e "Hopefully, by allowing the use of short names for characters, we've succeeded."
e "希望通过允许角色使用简称,我们已经成功了。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:206
translate schinese tutorial_images_e09ac970:
# e "A visual novel isn't much without images. So let's add some images to our little game."
e "没有图像的视觉小说不多。所以让我们在我们的小游戏中添加一些图片。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:208
translate schinese tutorial_images_40140793:
# e "Before we can show images, we must first choose image names, then place the image files into the images directory."
e "在显示图像之前,必须先选择图像名,然后将图像文件放入 images 目录。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:210
translate schinese tutorial_images_d73388f8:
# e "An image name is something like 'bg cave' or 'lucy happy', with one or more parts separated by spaces."
e "图像名是“bg cave”或“lucy happy”之类其中一个或多个部分用空格隔开。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:212
translate schinese tutorial_images_2d5596d4:
# e "Each part should start with a lower-case letter, and then contain lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores."
e "每个部分应该以小写字母开头,后面包含小写字母、数字和下划线。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:214
translate schinese tutorial_images_e02c0c82:
# e "The first part of an image is called the tag. For 'bg cave' the tag is 'bg', while for 'lucy happy' the tag is 'lucy'."
e "图像的第一部分叫做标签。“bg cave”的标签是“bg”而“lucy happy”的标签是“lucy”。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:216
translate schinese tutorial_images_d5eafcf2:
# e "You can open the images directory by clicking the appropriate button in the Ren'Py launcher."
e "您可以通过单击Ren'Py启动器中的相应按钮打开 images 目录。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:218
translate schinese tutorial_images_e4b12fb6:
# e "The files in the images directory should have the same name as the image, followed by an extension like .jpg, .png, or .webp."
e "images 目录中的文件应该与图像同名,后面跟一个扩展名,比如 .jpg 、 .png 或 .webp 。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:220
translate schinese tutorial_images_a3bd89b2:
# e "Our example uses 'bg cave.jpg', 'lucy happy.png', and 'lucy mad.png'."
e "我们的示例使用“bg cave.jpg”、“lucy happy.png”和“lucy mad.png”。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:224
translate schinese tutorial_images_76b954de:
# e "Let's see what those look like in the game."
e "让我们看看这些在游戏中是什么样子。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:230
translate schinese tutorial_images_f04e72ea:
# l "Now that the lights are on, we don't have to worry about Grues anymore."
l "现在亮堂了,我们再也不用担心咕噜了。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:234
translate schinese tutorial_images_d77ffa1c:
# l "But what's the deal with me being in a cave? Eileen gets to be out in the sun, and I'm stuck here!"
l "但是为什么我在山洞里?艾琳在外面晒太阳,而我被困在这里了!"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:242
translate schinese tutorial_images_6c0c938b:
# e "Here's the script for that scene. Notice how it includes two new statements, the scene and show statement."
e "这是那个场景的脚本。请注意它包含的两个新语句scene和show。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:244
translate schinese tutorial_images_1a4660b9:
# e "The scene statement clears the screen, and then adds a background image."
e "scene语句清空界面然后添加背景图像。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:246
translate schinese tutorial_images_672c8cb8:
# e "The show statement adds a background image on top of all the other images on the screen."
e "show语句在界面上的所有其他图像顶层添加背景图像。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:248
translate schinese tutorial_images_2fc7baee:
# e "If there was already an image with the same tag, the new image is used to replace the old one."
e "如果已经有标签相同的图像,则新图像将替换旧图像。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:250
translate schinese tutorial_images_802825f2:
# e "Changes to the list of shown images take place instantly, so in the example, the user won't see the background by itself."
e "对所显示图像列表的更改会立即发生,因此在本例中,用户不会自己看到背景。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:252
translate schinese tutorial_images_b246dfdd:
# e "The second show statement has an at clause, which gives a location on the screen. Common locations are left, right, and center, but you can define many more."
e "第二个show语句有一个at从句它给出了界面上的位置。常见的位置有左left、右right和中center但您可以定义更多。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:257
translate schinese tutorial_images_82fceeb8:
# e "In this example, we show an image named logo base, and we show it at a creator-defined position, rightish."
e "在这个例子中我们展示了一个名为logo base的图像并将其显示在创建者定义的位置rightish。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:259
translate schinese tutorial_images_9defda43:
# e "We also specify that it should be shown behind another image, in this case eileen. That's me."
e "我们也指定它位于另一个图像后面behind本例中是eileen也就是我。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:264
translate schinese tutorial_images_73d331f7:
# e "Finally, there's the hide statement, which hides the image with the given tag."
e "最后还有hide语句它隐藏带有给定标签的图像。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:266
translate schinese tutorial_images_f34f62d5:
# e "Since the show statement replaces an image, and the scene statement clears the scene, it's pretty rare to hide an image."
e "由于show语句替换图像而scene语句则清空场景所以很少隐藏图像。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:268
translate schinese tutorial_images_e06fa53a:
# e "The main use is for when a character or prop leaves before the scene is over."
e "主要用于角色或道具在场景结束前离开。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:282
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_b492e793:
# e "When the standard positions that come with Ren'Py aren't enough for you, you can create your own. Here, I'll show you the easy way to do it."
e "当Ren'Py提供的标准位置对你来说还不够时你可以创建自己的位置。这里我会告诉你如何简单地做到。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:291
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_04e3bc44:
# e "The first way to do it is to show an image followed by a colon. Then indented on the next couple of lines are the xalign and yalign transform properties."
e "第一种方法是在显示图像后面加上英文冒号。后面缩进的几行是xalign和yalign变换属性。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:293
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_3ecad5f8:
# e "Each of the transform properties is a name followed by a value. For xalign and yalign, the values are numbers."
e "每个变换属性都是一个名称后跟一个值。对于xalign和yalign值是数字。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:295
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_61c1b124:
# e "The xalign transform property is the important one, as it controls where the image is placed horizontally on the screen."
e "xalign变换属性非常重要因为它控制图像在界面上水平放置的位置。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:305
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_67ebea97:
# e "An xalign of 0.0 is the left side."
e "xalign为0.0在左侧。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:315
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_bd4f56d8:
# e "0.5 is the center."
e "0.5在中间"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:324
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_fb2c48f2:
# e "And 1.0 is the right. The decimal place is important and has to be there. Just 1 by itself won't work the same."
e "1.0在右侧。小数位很重要必须在那里。只有1本身效果就不一样了。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:333
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_8eebc9a7:
# e "Of course, you can pick any position in between."
e "当然,你可以选择两者之间的任意位置。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:335
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_4cd917f6:
# e "The yalign property is the same way, with 0.0 being the top of the screen and 1.0 being the bottom. Since most sprites stick to the bottom, it's almost always 1.0."
e "yalign属性也是这样0.0是界面的顶部1.0是底部。因为大多数精灵都在底部所以它几乎总是1.0。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:341
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_fbd1a3eb:
# e "While being able to write positions like this is useful, having to repeatedly do so isn't. So Ren'Py lets you define a transform once, and reuse it."
e "虽然能够这样写位置是有用的但是必须重复这样做就不是了所以Ren'Py允许你定义变换然后重复使用它。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:345
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_2377e3b3:
# e "Usually transforms are defined at the top of a file, right after the characters. But it doesn't matter to Ren'Py where you define them."
e "通常变换定义在文件的开头角色之后。但对Ren'Py来说你在哪里定义它们并不重要。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:347
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_3ce7e367:
# e "The transform is given a name, slightleft, and then the xalign and yalign properties."
e "这个变换被命名为slimleft加上xalign和yalign属性。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:355
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_82d640d9:
# e "Once a transform has been defined, you can use it in the at clause of the show statement."
e "一旦变换被定义就可以在show语句的at从句中使用它。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:360
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_16b66785:
# e "Transforms are sticky. If you replace an image without using a transform, Ren'Py will keep the same transforms it had been using."
e "变换有粘性。如果在不使用变换的情况下替换图像Ren'Py将保持它一直使用的变换。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:364
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_5d5e0cfd:
# e "Of course, there's a lot more to transforms than this. If you want to learn more, you can read the sections on Position Properties, Transforms and Animation, and Transform Properties."
e "当然,还有比这多得多的变换。想更多信息,你可以阅读有关位置属性、变换和动画以及变换属性的部分。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:366
translate schinese tutorial_simple_positions_e65da9bf:
# e "But for many visual novels, xalign and yalign are the only properties that matter."
e "但是对于许多视觉小说来说xalign和yallign是唯一重要的属性。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:381
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_9b8c714c:
# e "It can be somewhat jarring for the game to jump from place to place."
e "游戏从一个地方跳到另一个地方可能令人烦躁。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:388
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_3e290ea8:
# e "To help take some of edge off a change in scene, Ren'Py supports the use of transitions. Let's try that scene change again, but this time we'll use transitions."
e "为了帮助消除场景变化中的一些边缘Ren'Py支持使用转场。让我们再次尝试改变场景但这次我们将使用转场。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:402
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_9c0a86c4:
# e "That's much smoother. Here's some example code showing how we include transitions in our game."
e "丝滑多了。下面是一些示例代码,演示如何在游戏中加入转场。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:404
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_3e490d40:
# e "It uses the with statement. The with statement causes the scene to transition from the last things shown to the things currently being shown."
e "使用with语句。with语句使场景从之前显示的内容过渡到当前显示的内容。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:406
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_a43847df:
# e "It takes a transition as an argument. In this case, we're using the Dissolve transition. This transition takes as an argument the amount of time the dissolve should take."
e "with使用转场作为参数。本例中我们用Dissolve转场。这个转场使用溶解需要的时长作为参数。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:408
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_6fcee414:
# e "In this case, each transition takes half a second."
e "本例中,每次转场需要半秒钟。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:412
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_033042cc:
# e "We can define a short name for a transition, using the define statement. Here, we're defining slowdissolve to be a dissolve that takes a whole second."
e "我们可以使用define语句为转场定义简称。这里我们将slowdissolve定义为需要一整秒的溶解。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:427
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_0ba82f00:
# e "Once a transition has been given a short name, we can use it in our game."
e "一旦一个转场被赋予了一个简称,我们就可以在我们的游戏中使用它。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:431
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_51ff9600:
# e "Ren'Py defines some transitions for you, like dissolve, fade, and move. For more complex or customized transitions, you'll have to define your own."
e "Ren'Py为您定义了一些转场如溶解dissolve、淡出淡入fade和移动move。更复杂或定制的转换您必须自己定义。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:433
translate schinese tutorial_transitions_1528f73f:
# e "If you're interested, check out the Transitions Gallery section of this tutorial."
e "如果您感兴趣,请查看本教程的转场画廊部分。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:439
translate schinese tutorial_music_8b92efb7:
# e "Another important part of a visual novel or simulation game is the soundtrack."
e "视觉小说或模拟游戏的另一个重要部分是配音。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:441
translate schinese tutorial_music_53910317:
# e "Ren'Py breaks sound up into channels. The channel a sound is played on determines if the sound loops, and if it is saved and restored with the game."
e "Ren'Py把声音分到不同频道。播放声音的频道决定声音是否循环以及是否在游戏中保存和恢复。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:443
translate schinese tutorial_music_a1e37712:
# e "When a sound is played on the music channel, it is looped, and it is saved when the game is saved."
e "当一个声音在音乐music频道上播放时它会循环播放当游戏被保存时它就会被保存。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:445
translate schinese tutorial_music_d9086d22:
# e "When the channel named sound is used, the sound is played once and then stopped. It isn't saved."
e "当使用音效sound频道时声音播放一次然后停止播放。它没有被保存。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:447
translate schinese tutorial_music_3555b640:
# e "The sounds themselves are stored in audio files. Ren'Py supports the Opus, Ogg Vorbis, and mp3 formats."
e "声音本身存储在音频文件中。Ren'Py支持Opus、Ogg Vorbis和mp3格式。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:449
translate schinese tutorial_music_a2ffbe9b:
# e "Let's check out some of the commands that can affect the music channel."
e "让我们来看看影响音乐频道的一些命令。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:454
translate schinese tutorial_music_8b606a55:
# e "The play music command replaces the currently playing music, and replaces it with the named filename."
e "play music命令将当前正在播放的音乐替换为命名的文件名。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:456
translate schinese tutorial_music_18650fe7:
# e "If you specify the currently-playing song, it will restart it."
e "如果指定当前正在播放的歌曲,它会从头播放。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:458
translate schinese tutorial_music_413d91fc:
# e "If the optional fadeout clause is given, it will fade out the currently playing music before starting the new music."
e "如果给出了可选的fadeout从句它将在开始新音乐之前使当前正在播放的音乐淡出。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:463
translate schinese tutorial_music_a282a0e3:
# e "The queue statement also adds music to the named channel, but it waits until the currently-playing song is finished before playing the new music."
e "queue语句将音乐添加到命名频道但等到当前歌曲播放完之后才播放新音乐。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:468
translate schinese tutorial_music_01ca6bad:
# e "The third statement is the stop statement. It stops the music playing on a channel. It too takes the fadeout clause."
e "第三个是stop语句。停止频道里播放的音乐也接受fadeout从句。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:473
translate schinese tutorial_music_384937da:
# e "Unlike the music channel, playing a sound on the sound channel causes it to play only once."
e "与音乐频道不同,在音效频道上播放的声音只播放一次。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:480
translate schinese tutorial_music_1d3e9fd2:
# e "You can queue up multiple sounds on the sound channel, but the sounds will only play one at a time."
e "您可以在音效频道上对多个声音进行排队,但一次只能播放一个声音。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:486
translate schinese tutorial_music_aa01c19d:
# e "Ren'Py has separate mixers for sound, music, and voices, so the player can adjust them as they like."
e "Ren'Py有单独的混音器用于音效、音乐和语音因此玩家可以根据需要进行调节。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:492
translate schinese tutorial_menus_0426904b:
# e "Many visual novels require the player to make choices from in-game menus. These choices can add some challenge to the game, or adjust it to the player's preferences."
e "许多视觉小说要求玩家在游戏菜单中做出选择。这些选择可以给游戏增加一些挑战,或者根据玩家的喜好进行调整。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:494
translate schinese tutorial_menus_431eeff0:
# e "Do you like to play visual novels with choices in them?"
e "你喜欢玩有选项的视觉小说吗?"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:509
translate schinese choice1_yes_f6d95df8:
# e "While creating a multi-path visual novel can be a bit more work, it can yield a unique experience."
e "虽然创作一部多路线的视觉小说可能需要更多的工作,但它可以产生一种独特的体验。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:517
translate schinese choice1_no_72958b50:
# e "Games without menus are called kinetic novels, and there are dozens of them available to play."
e "没有菜单的游戏被称为动态小说,有几十种可以玩。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:528
translate schinese choice1_done_acba9504:
# e "Here, you can see the code for that menu. If you scroll down, you can see the code we run after the menu."
e "这里,你可以看到那个菜单的代码。如果向下翻,你可以看到菜单之后运行的代码。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:530
translate schinese choice1_done_f9fa6889:
# e "Menus are introduced by the menu statement. The menu statement takes an indented block, in which there can be one line of dialogue and multiple choices."
e "菜单由menu语句引入。menu语句使用缩进块其中可以有一行对话和多个选择。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:532
translate schinese choice1_done_ebb2db38:
# e "Each choice must end with a colon, as each choice has its own block of Ren'Py code, that is run when that choice is selected."
e "每个选项必须以冒号结尾因为每个选项都有自己的Ren'Py代码块在选中该项时运行。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:534
translate schinese choice1_done_59cac95d:
# e "Here, each block jumps to a label. While you could put small amounts of Ren'Py code inside a menu label, it's probably good practice to usually jump to a bigger block of code."
e "这里每个块跳转到一个标签。虽然可以在菜单标签中放入少量的Ren'Py代码但通常跳转到更大的代码块可能是一个好的做法。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:536
translate schinese choice1_done_2851a313:
# e "Scrolling down past the menu, you can see the labels that the menu jumps to. There are three labels here, named choice1_yes, choice1_no, and choice1_done."
e "向下翻过菜单可以看到菜单跳转到的标签。这里有三个标签名为choice1_yes、choice1_no和choice1_done。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:538
translate schinese choice1_done_ff761b03:
# e "When the first menu choice is picked, we jump to the choice1_yes, which runs two lines of script before jumping to choice1_done."
e "当第一个菜单选项被选中时我们跳转到choice1_yes它在跳到choice1_done之前运行两行脚本。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:540
translate schinese choice1_done_664fe702:
# e "Similarly, picking the second choice jumps us to choice1_no, which also runs two lines of script."
e "类似的选择第二个选项会跳转到choice1_no它也运行两行脚本。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:542
translate schinese choice1_done_31d12b1e:
# e "The lines beginning with the dollar sign are lines of python code, which are used to set a flag based on the user's choice."
e "以美元符号开头的行是python代码行用于根据用户的选择设置标识flag。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:544
translate schinese choice1_done_88398d3e:
# e "The flag is named menu_flag, and it's set to True or False based on the user's choice. The if statement can be used to test a flag, so the game can remember the user's choices."
e "该标识名为menu_flag根据用户的选择将其设置为True或False。if语句可用于测试标识这样游戏可以记住用户的选择。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:549
translate schinese choice1_done_2828dbfc:
# e "For example, I remember that you plan to use menus in your game."
e "例如,我记得你计划在游戏中使用菜单。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:553
translate schinese choice1_done_503786e4:
# e "For example, I remember that you're planning to make a kinetic novel, without menus."
e "例如,我记得你打算写一部没有菜单的动态小说。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:555
translate schinese choice1_done_819e234a:
# e "Here's an example that shows how we can test a flag, and do different things if it is true or not."
e "下面是一个例子,展示了我们如何测试标识,并在真假两种情况下,我们可以做不同的事情。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:559
translate schinese choice1_done_461e6a59:
# e "Finally, this shows how you can show dialogue and menus at the same time. Understand?" nointeract
e "最后,这展示如何同时显示对话框和菜单。明白吗?" nointeract
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:564
translate schinese choice1_done_a32e30fd:
# e "Great."
e "好极了。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:568
translate schinese choice1_done_fbd1dbc1:
# e "If you look at the example, before the first choice, there's an indented say statement."
e "看这个例子在第一个选项之前有一个缩进的say语句。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:574
translate schinese menu3_done_47fa2268:
# e "Although we won't demonstrate it here, Ren'Py supports making decisions based on a combinations of points, flags, and other factors."
e "虽然我们没有演示但是Ren'Py支持基于点、标识和其他因素的组合来做出决策。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:576
translate schinese menu3_done_826a600b:
# e "One of Ren'Py's big advantages is the flexibility using a scripting language like Python provides us. It lets us easily scale from kinetic novels to complex simulation games."
e "Ren'Py的一大优势是Python之类的脚本语言提供的灵活性。这让我们很容易从动态小说扩展到复杂的模拟游戏。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:585
translate schinese tutorial_input_066611c5:
# e "Some games might prompt the player for input."
e "有些游戏可能会提示玩家输入。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:599
translate schinese tutorial_input_dc3b4560:
# e "That's done with Python, and especially the renpy.input function. The first line of this example prompts the player for some texts, and sticks it in the name variable."
e "这是用Python做的尤其是renpy.input函数。本例的第一行提示玩家输入一些文本并将其粘贴到name变量中。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:601
translate schinese tutorial_input_c88b3f4e:
# e "Often times, you'll want to clean the name up before you use it. The last line does that, by calling the strip method to remove whitespace, and replacing the name with a default if it's missing."
e "很多时候你想在使用之前把name清空。最后一行调用strip方法删除空白并在缺少名称时用默认值替换。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:605
translate schinese tutorial_input_1236e9da:
# e "To interpolate a variable, write it in square brackets. Isn't that right, [name]?"
e "要插入一个变量值,请将其写在方括号中。不对吗,[name]"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:609
translate schinese tutorial_input_c1f7a808:
# e "Variable names can also be shown in character names. To do that, just include the variable in square brackets in the character's name. Got it?"
e "变量名也可以在角色名中显示。为此,只需用在角色名中的方括号包含变量。明白了吗?"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:612
translate schinese tutorial_input_f7757a8e:
# g "I think I do."
g "我想我明白了。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:619
translate schinese tutorial_input_0548d3e2:
# e "Variable interpolation also works with other variables. Here, the answer is [answer] and the flag is [flag]."
e "变量插值也可以是其他变量。这里,答案是[answer],标识是[flag]。"
translate schinese strings:
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:2
old "Lucy"
new "露西"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:497
old "Yes, I do."
new "是的。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:497
old "No, I don't."
new "不。"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:589
old "What's your name?"
new "你的名字是什么?"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:591
old "Guy Shy"
new "害 羞 小 伙"
# game/tutorial_quickstart.rpy:54
translate schinese tutorial_create_9151025b:
# e "If it's your first time doing so, Ren'Py will ask you to select a text editor. Atom might be a safe choice, but read the descriptions to be sure."
e "如果这是你第一次这么做Ren'Py会要求你选择一个文本编辑器。Atom可能是一个安全的选择但请阅读描述以确定。"