2023-09-13 00:16:10 +02:00

240 lines
8.6 KiB

translate piglatin strings:
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:38
old "Developer Menu"
new "Eveloperday Enumay"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:43
old "Interactive Director (D)"
new "Nteractiveiay Irectorday (Day)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:45
old "Reload Game (Shift+R)"
new "Eloadray Amegay (Hiftsay+Ray)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:47
old "Console (Shift+O)"
new "Onsolecay (Hiftsay+Oay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:49
old "Variable Viewer"
new "Ariablevay Iewervay"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:51
old "Persistent Viewer"
new "Ersistentpay Iewervay"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:53
old "Image Location Picker"
new "Mageiay Ocationlay Ickerpay"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:55
old "Filename List"
new "Ilenamefay Istlay"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:59
old "Show Image Load Log (F4)"
new "Howsay Mageiay Oadlay Oglay (4fay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:62
old "Hide Image Load Log (F4)"
new "Idehay Mageiay Oadlay Oglay (4fay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:65
old "Image Attributes"
new "Mageiay Ttributesaay"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:70
old "Speech Bubble Editor (Shift+B)"
new "Peechsay Ubblebay Ditoreay (Hiftsay+Bay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:97
old "[name] [attributes] (hidden)"
new "[name] [attributes] (iddenhay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:101
old "[name] [attributes]"
new "[name] [attributes]"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:151
old "Nothing to inspect."
new "Othingnay otay inspectay."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:162
old "Hide deleted"
new "Idehay eletedday"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:162
old "Show deleted"
new "Howsay eletedday"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:318
old "Rectangle copied to clipboard."
new "Ectangleray opiedcay otay ipboardclay."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:321
old "Position copied to clipboard."
new "Ositionpay opiedcay otay ipboardclay."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:333
old "Rectangle: %r"
new "Ectangleray: %ray"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:336
old "Mouse position: %r"
new "Ousemay ositionpay: %ray"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:341
old "Right-click or escape to quit."
new "Ightray-ickclay oray escapeay otay uitqay."
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:389
old "Type to filter: "
new "Ypetay otay ilterfay: "
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:507
old "Textures: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)"
new "Exturestay: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] Bmay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:511
old "Image cache: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)"
new "Mageiay achecay: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] Bmay)"
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:521
old "✔ "
new "✔ "
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:524
old "✘ "
new "✘ "
# renpy/common/_developer/developer.rpym:529
old "\n{color=#cfc}✔ predicted image (good){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ unpredicted image (bad){/color}\n{color=#fff}Drag to move.{/color}"
new "\n{color=#cfc}✔ redictedpay imageay (oodgay){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ unpredicteday imageay (adbay){/color}\n{color=#fff}Ragday otay ovemay.{/color}"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:38
old "Displayable Inspector"
new "Isplayableday Nspectoriay"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:61
old "Size"
new "Izesay"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:65
old "Style"
new "Tylesay"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:71
old "Location"
new "Ocationlay"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:122
old "Inspecting Styles of [displayable_name!q]"
new "Nspectingiay Tylessay ofay [displayable_name!q]"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:139
old "displayable:"
new "isplayableday:"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:145
old " (no properties affect the displayable)"
new " (onay ropertiespay affectay hetay isplayableday)"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:147
old " (default properties omitted)"
new " (efaultday ropertiespay omitteday)"
# renpy/common/_developer/inspector.rpym:185
old "<repr() failed>"
new "<eprray() ailedfay>"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:533
old "Press <esc> to exit console. Type help for help.\n"
new "Resspay <escay> otay exitay onsolecay. Ypetay elphay orfay elphay.\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:537
old "Ren'Py script enabled."
new "Enray'Ypay criptsay enableday."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:539
old "Ren'Py script disabled."
new "Enray'Ypay criptsay isabledday."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:789
old "help: show this help\n help <expr>: show signature and documentation of <expr>"
new "elphay: owshay histay elphay\n elphay <expray>: owshay ignaturesay anday ocumentationday ofay <expray>"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:813
old "Help may display undocumented functions. Please check that the function or\nclass you want to use is documented.\n\n"
new "Elphay aymay isplayday undocumenteday unctionsfay. Leasepay eckchay hattay hetay unctionfay oray\nassclay ouyay antway otay useay isay ocumentedday.\n\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:822
old "commands:\n"
new "ommandscay:\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:832
old " <renpy script statement>: run the statement\n"
new " <enpyray criptsay atementstay>: unray hetay atementstay\n"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:834
old " <python expression or statement>: run the expression or statement"
new " <ythonpay expressionay oray atementstay>: unray hetay expressionay oray atementstay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:842
old "clear: clear the console history"
new "earclay: earclay hetay onsolecay istoryhay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:846
old "exit: exit the console"
new "exitay: exitay hetay onsolecay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:854
old "stack: print the return stack"
new "ackstay: rintpay hetay eturnray ackstay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:876
old "load <slot>: loads the game from slot"
new "oadlay <otslay>: oadslay hetay amegay omfray otslay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:889
old "save <slot>: saves the game in slot"
new "avesay <otslay>: avessay hetay amegay inay otslay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:900
old "reload: reloads the game, refreshing the scripts"
new "eloadray: eloadsray hetay amegay, efreshingray hetay criptssay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:908
old "watch <expression>: watch a python expression\n watch short: makes the representation of traced expressions short (default)\n watch long: makes the representation of traced expressions as is"
new "atchway <expressionay>: atchway aay ythonpay expressionay\n atchway ortshay: akesmay hetay epresentationray ofay acedtray expressionsay ortshay (efaultday)\n atchway onglay: akesmay hetay epresentationray ofay acedtray expressionsay asay isay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:945
old "unwatch <expression>: stop watching an expression"
new "unwatchay <expressionay>: opstay atchingway anay expressionay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:991
old "unwatchall: stop watching all expressions"
new "unwatchallay: opstay atchingway allay expressionsay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:1012
old "jump <label>: jumps to label"
new "umpjay <abellay>: umpsjay otay abellay"
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:1028
old "short: Shorten the representation of objects on the console (default)."
new "ortshay: Hortensay hetay epresentationray ofay objectsay onay hetay onsolecay (efaultday)."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:1032
old "long: Print the full representation of objects on the console."
new "onglay: Rintpay hetay ullfay epresentationray ofay objectsay onay hetay onsolecay."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:1036
old "escape: Enables escaping of unicode symbols in unicode strings."
new "escapeay: Nableseay escapingay ofay unicodeay ymbolssay inay unicodeay ringsstay."
# renpy/common/00console.rpy:1040
old "unescape: Disables escaping of unicode symbols in unicode strings and print it as is (default)."
new "unescapeay: Isablesday escapingay ofay unicodeay ymbolssay inay unicodeay ringsstay anday rintpay itay asay isay (efaultday)."