init -1 python: if import EasyDialogsWin as EasyDialogs else: EasyDialogs = None import subprocess import glob import os outdir = os.path.join(config.basedir,'out') if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) def open_directory(directory): try: directory = renpy.fsencode(directory) if os.startfile(directory) elif renpy.macintosh: subprocess.Popen([ "open", directory ]) else: subprocess.Popen([ "xdg-open", directory ]) except Exception, e: print(e) def projects_directory(): f = os.path.join(renpy.config.savedir,'..','launcher-4/persistent') p = renpy.persistent.load(f) return p and p.projects_directory def projects_list(): import glob dirs = [] projects_dir = projects_directory() if projects_dir and projects_dir != config.renpy_base: dirs += sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(projects_dir,'*'))) dirs += sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.renpy_base,'*'))) return [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d,'game'))] def languages_list(): if store.projectpath is None: return [] dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(projectpath,'game','tl','*')) return [os.path.basename(d) for d in sorted(dirs) if os.path.isdir(d)] # The color of non-interactive text. TEXT = "#545454" # Colors for buttons in various states. IDLE = "#42637b" HOVER = "#d86b45" DISABLED = "#808080" # Colors for reversed text buttons (selected list entries). REVERSE_IDLE = "#78a5c5" REVERSE_HOVER = "#d86b45" REVERSE_TEXT = "#ffffff" # Colors for the scrollbar thumb. SCROLLBAR_IDLE = "#dfdfdf" SCROLLBAR_HOVER = "#d86b45" INDENT = 20 define projectpath = None define language = None # Recover from Python exception on "Ignore" label start: call screen main_menu return # label to create new context so Ren'Py doesn't complain label ltest_error: $ interface.error("blah") # Doesn't create a new context: # init python: # class test_error(Action): # def __call__(self): # interface.error("blah") # #call ltest_error # #jump start # Action labels # - labels rather than Action classes to create new contexts and have a chance to update the interface # - Jump() rather than Call() because Call() doesn't Return to the calling screen (Ren'Py launcher does the same) label TL2POT: if store.projectpath: show screen progress pause 0 python hide: renpy.not_infinite_loop(30) import tl2pot tl2pot.tl2pot(store.projectpath, os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(store.projectpath) + '.pot')) open_directory(outdir) hide screen progress call screen main_menu label TL2PO: if store.projectpath and store.language: show screen progress pause 0 python hide: renpy.not_infinite_loop(30) import tl2po tl2po.tl2po(store.projectpath, store.language, os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(store.projectpath) + '-' + store.language + '.po')) open_directory(outdir) hide screen progress call screen main_menu label MO2TL: if store.projectpath and store.language: $ mofile = choose_file(outdir) if mofile: show screen progress pause 0 python: renpy.not_infinite_loop(30) import mo2tl mo2tl.mo2tl(store.projectpath, mofile, store.language) open_directory(os.path.join(store.projectpath,'game','tl',store.language)) hide screen progress call screen main_menu screen progress: add "#ffffff" text _("Calling Ren'Py to extract latest translations, please wait..."): align 0.5, 0.5 color "#ff0000" screen main_menu(): style_prefix "main_menu" add gui.main_menu_background ## This empty frame darkens the main menu. hbox: null width 10 vbox: text _("PROJECTS") style "l_label_text" size 36 yoffset 10 null height 20 for p in projects_list(): textbutton os.path.basename(p) action SetVariable('projectpath',p),SetVariable('language',None) null width 40 vbox: null height 10 textbutton "tl2pot: generate POT template for your game" action Jump("TL2POT") textbutton "tl2po: extract existing Ren'Py translations to PO catalog" action Jump("TL2PO") textbutton "mo2tl: inject PO/MO catalog into Ren'Py translations" action Jump("MO2TL") #textbutton "Test" action Jump("ltest_error") null height 20 if projectpath: text "Set language:" else: text "< Select project" for l in languages_list(): textbutton l action SetVariable('language',l) vbox: xalign 1.0 xoffset -20 xmaximum 800 yalign 1.0 yoffset -20 text "Project path: [projectpath]" text "Selected language: [language]" text "[!t]": style "main_menu_title" hbox: xalign 1.0 text "v[config.version]": style "main_menu_version" text " {a=}by Beuc{/a}": style "main_menu_version" style main_menu_frame is empty style main_menu_vbox is vbox style main_menu_text is gui_text style main_menu_title is main_menu_text style main_menu_version is main_menu_text style main_menu_text: properties gui.text_properties("main_menu", accent=True) style main_menu_title: properties gui.text_properties("title") style main_menu_version: properties gui.text_properties("version") xalign 1.0 style game_menu_label_text: size gui.title_text_size color gui.accent_color yalign 0.5 style l_default is default: color TEXT idle_color IDLE hover_color HOVER size 18 style l_label_text is l_default: size 24 xpos INDENT yoffset 6 style l_root is l_default: background "#ffffff" xpadding 10 top_padding 64 bottom_padding 128 style l_info_frame is l_default: ypadding 21 xfill True yminimum 180 ypos 75 style l_info_label is l_default: xalign 0.5 ypos 75 yanchor 1.0 yoffset 12 style l_right_button is l_default: xalign 1.0 ypos 600 - 128 + 12 left_margin 8 + INDENT right_margin 10 + INDENT style l_right_button_text is l_default: size 30 screen common: default complete = None default total = None default yes = None default no = None default choices = None default cancel = None default bar_value = None frame: style "l_root" frame: style_group "l_info" has vbox text message: text_align 0.5 xalign 0.5 color "#000000" if complete is not None: add SPACER frame: style "l_progress_frame" bar: range total value complete style "l_progress_bar" if bar_value is not None: add SPACER frame: style "l_progress_frame" bar: value bar_value style "l_progress_bar" if choices: add SPACER for v, l in choices: textbutton l action SetScreenVariable("selected", v) if selected is not None: $ continue_ = Return(selected) else: $ continue_ = None if submessage: add SPACER text submessage: text_align 0.5 xalign 0.5 layout "subtitle" if yes: add SPACER hbox: xalign 0.5 textbutton _("Yes") style "l_button" action yes null width 160 textbutton _("No") style "l_button" action no label title text_color title_color style "l_info_label" textbutton _("Continue") action continue_ style "l_right_button" key "input_enter" action continue_ init python in interface: from store import Return, Jump def error(message, submessage=None, label="start", **kwargs): if label is None: action = Return(False) else: action = Jump(label) return renpy.call_screen("common", title=_("ERROR"), title_color='#FF0000', message=message, submessage=submessage, continue_=action, **kwargs)