title: Help --- body: The book titles on the home page are links to book pages! It may not be clear, since they are coloured red and don't have any underline, but having them blue with all the other links on the same line became too much. On each book page, there are up to 3 parts: - Download EPUB - Source used to create EPUB - Read online Download EPUB contains links to places where you can download the EPUB that I have created, for most of them it will just be "Comrades Library", this website. Source used to create EPUB, should be quite self-explanatory, it contains a link to where I got the text I used to create the EPUB from. Read online contains links to places where you can read the text in your web browser. This is quite useful for shorter texts, but I recommend reading on a tablet or ebook reader for longer texts. Sometimes it will contain "Comrades Library", in which case I used Calibre to convert to HTML. It may also contain links to Prolewiki and/or marxists.org. These two places may have slightly different texts, since we may have used different sources. If the source used to create the EPUB is either of these two, there will be no link to them under "Read online", it will instead be in "Source used to create EPUB". Further, a book page may contain "Length:". This is an attempt by me to categorise each text, short texts are defined as texts that could be read in one sitting, and can therefore be read online in your browser. Medium and long are whatever I feel like, of course for being at least so long that it would be better to read it through the EPUB and not online.   I added the Read online section to make this website a repository, such that one could link to a book here, and people got multiple options for how to read a book: EPUB, usually the source would be a PDF (although unfortunately not always), and online in browser.