from zipfile import ZipFile from pathlib import Path import os, sys, time, re, shutil, subprocess file_name = sys.argv[1] files_to_work_on = [] files_to_zip = [] def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60, out=sys.stdout): # Python3.6+ count = len(it) start = time.time() def show(j): x = int(size*j/count) print(f"{prefix}[{u'█'*x}{('.'*(size-x))}] {j}/{count}", end='\r', file=out, flush=True) for i, item in enumerate(it): yield item show(i+1) print("\n", flush=True, file=out) class NoStdStreams(object): def __init__(self,stdout = None, stderr = None): self.devnull = open(os.devnull,'w') self._stdout = stdout or self.devnull or sys.stdout self._stderr = stderr or self.devnull or sys.stderr def __enter__(self): self.old_stdout, self.old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr self.old_stdout.flush(); self.old_stderr.flush() sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self._stdout, self._stderr def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._stdout.flush(); self._stderr.flush() sys.stdout = self.old_stdout sys.stderr = self.old_stderr self.devnull.close() with ZipFile(file_name, 'r') as zip: for filename in zip.namelist(): if'.x?html?', filename): zip.extract(filename) files_to_work_on.append(filename) Path("work").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(f"work/{files_to_work_on[0].split('/')[0]}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print(f"Cooking on {file_name}, with {len(files_to_work_on)} files in it") for file in progressbar(files_to_work_on, "", 40): with open(file, 'r') as epub_file: text = test = re.findall('id="toc"', text) if test: continue matches = re.findall('', text) if matches: for match in matches: if match[0] != '': for dd in files_to_work_on: if".*?{match[0]}.*?", dd): with open(dd, 'r') as source: source_match ="


", # VHS: Change hanging1 if source_match: source_match_fixed = re.sub('[\.\s ]*(.*?)<\/p>', rf'\2

', source_match_fixed = re.sub('

', r'

', source_match_fixed) fixed_text = re.sub(f"", f"", text) text = re.sub(f"\n\s*", f"\n{source_match_fixed}\n", fixed_text) with open(f"work/{file}", 'w') as output: output.write(text) files_to_zip.append(file) shutil.copy(file_name, "output.epub") with ZipFile("output.epub", 'a') as zip: with NoStdStreams(): # ZipFile.write will throw a warning about duplicate files, we don't care, we just want it to overwrite those already in the epub. for file in files_to_zip: zip.write(f"work/{file}", file) # shutil.rmtree("work")