#! /usr/bin/env python3 import curses import socket import time import subprocess from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(0) try: # doesn't even have to be reachable s.connect(('', 1)) IP = s.getsockname()[0] except Exception: IP = '' finally: s.close() iptext = f"IP address: {IP}" mclogpath = '/home/minecraft/server/logs/latest.log' def readlog(): with open(mclogpath, 'r') as f: log = [] line = f.readline() while line != "": log.append(line) line = f.readline() line = line.rstrip() return log def print_log(win2, log, halfheight): win2.clear() win2w = width-2 linei = 0 linex = halfheight-1 for line in log[-linex:]: try: win2.addnstr(linei, 0, line, win2w) except Exception: pass linei += 1 win2.refresh() readlog() class LogEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, win2, halfheight): self.win2 = win2 self.halfheight = halfheight def on_modified(self, event): super(LogEventHandler, self).on_modified(event) log = readlog() print_log(self.win2, log, self.halfheight) def on_deleted(self, event): super(LogEventHandler, self).on_deleted(event) pass def on_moved(self, event): super(LogEventHandler, self).on_moved(event) pass def on_created(self, event): super(LogEventHandler, self).on_created(event) pass ## init stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx() halfheight = height // 2 halfwidth = width // 2 stdscr.clear() stdscr.border() stdscr.addch(halfheight-1, 0, curses.ACS_LTEE) stdscr.addch(halfheight-1, width-1, curses.ACS_RTEE) for i in range(1, width-1): stdscr.addch(halfheight-1, i, curses.ACS_HLINE) stdscr.addstr(0, 5, " log ") stdscr.addstr(halfheight-1, 5, " console ") stdscr.refresh() ## win2 win2w = width-2 win2 = curses.newwin(halfheight-2, win2w, 1, 1) log = readlog() print_log(win2, log, halfheight) event_handler = LogEventHandler(win2, halfheight) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, mclogpath) observer.start() ## win3 win3 = curses.newwin(halfheight-1, width-2, halfheight, 1) win3height, win3width = win3.getmaxyx() ## main def print_help(): #win3.addstr(win3height-2, 2, "exit: exit the program") output.append("exit:\t\t\texit the program") output.append("") output.append("service {subcommand}:\tcommands for the minecraft systemd service") output.append(" status:\t\tget the status of the server (active = running)") output.append(" start:\t\tstart the minecraft server") output.append(" restart:\t\tstop and start the minecraft server") output.append(" stop:\t\tstop the minecraft server") print_output() def print_output(): win3.clear() linei = 2 linex = win3height-2 reverseoutput = list(reversed(output)) for line in reverseoutput: win3.addstr(win3height-linei, 2, line) linei += 1 win3.refresh() output = [] while True: win3.addch(win3height-1, 1, '>') for i in range(3, win3width-1): win3.addch(win3height-1, i, ' ') l = 3 mystr = "" while True: win3.addch(win3height-1, l, curses.ACS_VLINE) k = win3.getch(win3height-1, 3) if k == ord('\n'): break elif k == 127: if l > 3: mystr = mystr[:-1] win3.addch(win3height-1, l, ' ') l -= 1 win3.addch(win3height-1, l, ' ') win3.refresh() elif k == -1: continue else: mystr = mystr + chr(k) win3.addch(win3height-1, l, k) win3.refresh() l += 1 #.decode(encoding="utf-8") if mystr == "quit" or mystr == "exit": break elif mystr[:7] == "service": mysplit = mystr.split() if mysplit[1] == "status": mcstatus = subprocess.run(["sudo", "systemctl", "is-active", "minecraft"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') output.append(f"minecraft.service status: {mcstatus}") print_output() #win3.addstr(win3height-2, 2, f"minecraft.service status: {mcstatus}") elif mysplit[1] == "start": output.append(f"starting minecraft.service...") print_output() subprocess.run(["sudo", "systemctl", "start", "minecraft"]) observer.stop() observer.join() time.sleep(5) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, mclogpath) observer.start() output.append(f"started minecraft.service") print_output() elif mysplit[1] == "restart": output.append("restarting minecraft.service...") print_output() subprocess.run(["sudo", "systemctl", "restart", "minecraft"]) output.append("restarted minecraft.service") print_output() elif mysplit[1] == "stop": output.append("stopping minecraft.service...") print_output() subprocess.run(["sudo", "systemctl", "stop", "minecraft"]) output.append("stopped minecraft.service") print_output() elif mystr == "help": print_help() elif mystr == "clear": output.clear() print_output() observer.stop() curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.curs_set(1) observer.join() curses.endwin()