diff --git a/translations-french.po b/translations-french.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0346c3e --- /dev/null +++ b/translations-french.po @@ -0,0 +1,24256 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:64 +msgid "Min, are you ready to go?" +msgstr "Min, t'es prête à partir ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:66 +msgctxt "min1_a17a3158" +msgid "Heck no." +msgstr "Putain non." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:67 +msgid "I still gotta do my hair." +msgstr "Faut encore que je me coiffe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:70 +msgid "Slowpoke." +msgstr "Trainarde." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:72 +msgid "Not my fault." +msgstr "Pas ma faute." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:73 +msgid "Do you have any idea how long this takes to dry?" +msgstr "T'as une idée du temps que ça met à sécher ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:76 +msgid "Oh, come on. It's like 5 minutes." +msgstr "Oh, allez. Ça prend genre 5 minutes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:78 +msgid "But it builds up! Combined over my lifetime, it adds up to..." +msgstr "Mais ça s'accumule ! Si je compte depuis le début de ma vie ça monte jusqu'à..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:79 +msgid "Uh.........." +msgstr "Euh........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:80 +msgid "Infinity." +msgstr "L'infini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:83 +msgid "If you don't know the answer, just admit it." +msgstr "Tu peux le dire si tu ne connais pas la réponse." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:93 +msgid "I read something interesting in the news this morning." +msgstr "J'ai lu quelque chose d’intéressant dans le journal ce matin. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:95 +msgid "Wait, what?" +msgstr "Attends, quoi?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:96 +msgid "I thought you have that thing where you can't read. Dystopia." +msgstr "Je croyais que t'avais ce truc qui t'empêche de lire. La dystopie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:99 +msgctxt "america_00c7e6ca" +msgid "Dyslexia." +msgstr "La dyslexie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:101 +msgctxt "america_42f5162f" +msgid "Dyslexia." +msgstr "Dyslexie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:104 +msgid "And I CAN read. It just takes me longer." +msgstr "Et je PEUX lire. Ça me prend juste plus de temps." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:106 +msgid "So what's the thing you read?" +msgstr "Du coup qu'est-ce que tu as lu ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:108 +msgid "What percent of America do you think is Asian-American?" +msgstr "Selon vous, quel pourcentage de la population américaine est d'origine asiatique ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:112 +msgid "Maybe like half?" +msgstr "Peut-être genre la moitié ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:115 +msgid "Probably more. Like 80%%." +msgstr "Sans doute plus. Comme 80%%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:118 +msgid "Maybe like 80%%?" +msgstr "Peut-être genre 80%% ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:123 +msgid "100%%." +msgstr "100%%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:127 +msgid "What am I, then?!" +msgstr "Je suis quoi, alors ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:128 +msgid "Your imaginary friend??" +msgstr "Ton ami imaginaire ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:130 +msgid "Oh. I forgot about you." +msgstr "Oh j'avais zappé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:133 +msgid "That's even worse! I'm standing right in front of you!" +msgstr "C'est encore pire ! Je suis juste en face de toi !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:136 +msgid "What's the actual answer?" +msgstr "Quelle est la vraie réponse ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:138 +msgid "4%%." +msgstr "4%%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:141 +msgid "4%%?!" +msgstr "4%% ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:143 +msgid "I knew it. He can't read." +msgstr "Je le savais. Il peut pas lire." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:146 +msgid "I can read! That's what it really said!" +msgstr "Je peux lire ! C'est vraiment ce qui était marqué !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:148 +msgid "Yeah, right. That's impossible." +msgstr "Ouais c'est ça. C'est pas possible." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:151 +msgid "Are you sure you read it correctly?" +msgstr "Tu es sûr de l'avoir lu correctement ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:152 +msgid "Sometimes you read things wrong." +msgstr "Parfois tu ne lis pas très bien." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:154 +msgid "I didn't read it wrong. It said right there, 4%%." +msgstr "Je l'ai très bien lu. C'était bien marqué 4%%." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:156 +msgid "Then it must've been a misprint." +msgstr "Alors ça doit être une faute de frappe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:157 +msgid "Like, they forgot the zero." +msgstr "Genre, ils ont oublié un zéro." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:158 +msgid "And thought the 9 was a 4, so it's really 90%%." +msgstr "Et ils pensaient que le 9 était un 4, donc c'est vraiment 90%%." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:160 +msgid "Oh, wait, I know! They forgot to include the Indians." +msgstr "Oh, attends, je sais ! Ils ont oublié d'inclure les Indiens." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:163 +msgid "It was including Indians." +msgstr "Ils incluaient les Indiens." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:165 +msgid "Why don't you guys believe me? It's really 4%%!" +msgstr "Pourquoi vous ne me croyez pas les potos ? C'est vraiment 4%%. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:167 +msgid "Because it's not. Hayden, look around you." +msgstr "Parce que c'est pas possible. Hayden, regarde autour de toi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:168 +msgid "Do you see any white people?" +msgstr "Tu vois des blanches ici ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:170 +msgid "Min gestures at all the other kids on the playground. Indeed, everyone is Asian." +msgstr "Min montre du doigt tous les autres enfants sur le terrain de jeu. En effet, tout le monde est asiatique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:172 +msgid "You're like an endangered species." +msgstr "Vous êtes comme une espèce en voie de disparition." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:175 +msgid "But that's just here. The rest of the country isn't like this." +msgstr "Mais c'est juste ici. Le reste du pays n'est pas comme ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:176 +msgid "Don't you wonder why everyone is white on TV?" +msgstr "Tu ne te demandes jamais pourquoi tout le monde est blanc à la télé ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:178 +msgid "That's easy. Because their parents won't let them become actors." +msgstr "Facile. Parce que leurs parents ne les laissent pas devenir des acteurs." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:179 +msgid "It's too risky. Only white parents are that dumb." +msgstr "C'est trop risqué. Il n'y a que les parents blancs qui sont aussi débiles." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:181 +msgid "Okay, but what about sports? There aren't Asians there, either." +msgstr "D'accord, mais qu'en est-il du sport ? Il n'y a pas d'asiatique dans ce domaine non plus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:183 +msgid "That's the same thing. Being an athlete is too risky for Asian parents to approve of it." +msgstr "C'est la même chose. Être un athlète c'est trop risqué pour que des parents asiatiques soient d'accord avec ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:185 +msgid "The difference can't be that big! I'm going to cut out the newspaper article and show it to you guys." +msgstr "La différence ne peut pas être aussi énorme! Je vais découper l'article du journal et vous le montrer. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:187 +msgctxt "america_59f12888" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:189 +msgctxt "america_cc159e1e" +msgid "............" +msgstr ".........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:192 +msgid "Stop looking at me all concerned like that!" +msgstr "Arrêtez de me regarder comme ça avec votre air penaud. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:194 +msgid "I can't believe it. Hayden's gone mad..." +msgstr "J'y crois pas. Hayden est devenu taré..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:196 +msgid "I'm not mad!" +msgstr "Je suis pas taré ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:198 +msgctxt "america_4b625d1c" +msgid "Gone mad..." +msgstr "Complètement taré..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:201 +msgid "Hayden, are you feeling lonely or something?" +msgstr "Hayden, tu te sens seul ou autre chose ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:202 +msgid "It's okay. We still like you even though you're different." +msgstr "Ça va aller. On continue de t'aimer même si tu es différent. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:204 +msgid "Yeah. Every year they show us that video where they go back in time to racism!" +msgstr "Ouais. Tous les ans ils nous montrent cette vidéo où ils reviennent à l'époque du racisme ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:205 +msgid "Racism is over." +msgstr "Le racisme c'est fini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:208 +msgid "I give up........forget it................" +msgstr "J'abandonne...... Oubliez ça ........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:213 +msgid "The playground structure rattles as a bunch of boys climb aboard." +msgstr "La structure du terrain de jeu s'agite alors qu'un groupe de garçons y grimpe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:214 +msgid "Hey, Hayden! Jun!" +msgstr "Hey, Hayden ! Jun ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:215 +msgid "Wanna play baseball?" +msgstr "On joue au baseball ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:218 +msgid "Oh. Uh........" +msgstr "Oh. Euh....." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:219 +msgid "He looks like he really doesn't want to." +msgstr "Il a l'air de ne pas du tout avoir envie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:222 +msgid "Uneasily, he turns to Hayden, who just shrugs." +msgstr "Gêné, il se tourne vers Hayden, qui hausse juste des épaules." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:223 +msgid "Aren't you both in Little League?" +msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas en ligue junior tous les deux ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:225 +msgid "Yeah...but..." +msgstr "Ouais... mais..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:227 +msgid "What about me?" +msgstr "Et moi alors ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:228 +msgid "Can I play?" +msgstr "Je peux jouer ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:230 +msgid "You??" +msgstr "Toi ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:232 +msgid "Yeah, why not?" +msgstr "Ouais, pourquoi pas ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:235 +msgid "There's an uncomfortable silence." +msgstr "Un silence gênant s'installe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:236 +msgid "The group is nervously exchanging glances amongst themselves. This is clearly the first time a girl has asked to join their ranks." +msgstr "Le groupe s'échange entre eux des regards inquiets. C'est clairement la première fois qu'une fille demande de rejoindre leurs rangs. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:238 +msgid "I'm not like other girls. I'm way, way worse." +msgstr "Je suis pas comme les autres filles. Je suis pire, bien pire." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:242 +msgid "The others look at Min skeptically." +msgstr "Les autres regardent Min de manière sceptique. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:244 +msgid "What, are you scared you'll lose to a girl?" +msgstr "Quoi, vous avez peur de perdre contre une fille ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:245 +msgctxt "america_61eb2473" +msgid "What?! No!" +msgstr "Hein ?! Non ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:247 +msgid "Wow, you ARE scared." +msgstr "Wow, vous AVEZ les pétoches. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:248 +msgid "You little bitch." +msgstr "Petites salopes" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:251 +msgid "A hush falls over the group." +msgstr "Un silence pèse sur le groupe" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:252 +msgid "She said the b-word..." +msgstr "Elle a dit le mot en s..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:254 +msgid "She plays video games, too." +msgstr "Elle joue aux jeux vidéos aussi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:255 +msgid "Oh yeah? Like what?" +msgstr "Ah ouais ? Comme quoi ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:257 +msgid "Like Sonic Adventure 2." +msgstr "Comme Sonic Adventure 2." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:259 +msgid "This instantly wins everyone over!" +msgstr "Tout le monde est instantanément conquis ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:278 +msgid "The group has made their way to the field." +msgstr "Le groupe se met en route vers le terrain. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:279 +msgid "Jun, your shirt's so girly." +msgstr "Jun, ton haut est tellement girly. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:281 +msgid "How's it girly? It's Arthur." +msgstr "Comment ça girly ? C'est Arthur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:282 +msgid "Everyone is scrutinizing Jun's shirt now." +msgstr "Tout le monde scrute le haut de Jun maintenant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:283 +msgid "Wearing Arthur on your shirt looks gay." +msgstr "Porter Arthur sur ton haut ça fait tellement gay." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:285 +msgid "I'm not gay!" +msgstr "Je suis pas gay ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:286 +msgid "Then why're you wearing that shirt? Haha!" +msgstr "Alors pourquoi tu portes ce haut ? Haha ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:288 +msgid "Min takes out a box cutter!" +msgstr "Min sort un cutter ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:291 +msgctxt "america_6b041b89" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Hey ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:292 +msgid "What's so funny? You wanna go?" +msgstr "C'est quoi qu'est drôle ? Tu veux te battre ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:294 +msgid "The blade glints in the sunlight as she stabs the air in front of the jeering boys." +msgstr "La lame brille dans la lumière du soleil, alors qu'elle transperce l'air en face des garçons sarcastiques." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:295 +msgid "Frightened, everyone abruptly stops laughing." +msgstr "Effrayés, tout le monde s'arrête brusquement de rire. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:296 +msgid "...You...you can't do that!" +msgstr "... Tu... Tu peux pas faire ça ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:298 +msgid "Says who? You? Fight me." +msgstr "D'après qui ? Toi ? Viens te battre. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:300 +msgid "The boy shrinks back on the bench as she nears him." +msgstr "Le garçon se ratatine sur le banc alors qu'elle s'approche." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:302 +msgid "That's what I thought." +msgstr "C'est bien ce que je pensais. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:304 +msgid "Min successfully asserted dominance over the leader of the group!" +msgstr "Min assure sa domination sur le chef du groupe ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:305 +msgid "She clicks the blade back in and sits down." +msgstr "Elle rétracte la lame et s'assoit." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:306 +msgid "...Thanks..." +msgstr "... Merci..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:308 +msgid "Anytime. It's your noona's job to protect you." +msgstr "Quand tu veux. C'est le boulot de ta noona de te protéger." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:314 +msgid "It's Min's turn at bat now." +msgstr "C'est le tour de Min à la batte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:317 +msgid "She swings ferociously at the incoming pitch!" +msgstr "Elle balance la batte férocement face au lancer adverse !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:319 +msgid "DIEEEE!!!!!!" +msgstr "CREEEEEEEVE !!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:323 +msgid "Min hits the ball toward the mound!" +msgstr "Min frappe la balle vers le monticule ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:325 +msgid "The pitcher ducks to avoid getting beaned. Min reaches the bag with time to spare." +msgstr "Le lanceur se penche pour éviter de se faire percuter. Min atteint la base sans tarder. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:328 +msgid "I made it to first." +msgstr "J'ai atteint la première." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:330 +msgid "It's Jun's turn at bat." +msgstr "C'est au tour de Jun à la batte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:333 +msgid "Jun bunted it into the dirt!" +msgstr "Jun fait un amorti au sol ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:335 +msgid "He's sacrificing himself so I can make it to second." +msgstr "Il se sacrifie pour que j'atteigne la seconde." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:338 +msgid "Min dashes for second base. She slides feet first into the bag." +msgstr "Min se rue sur la seconde base. Elle glisse les pieds devant jusque l'atteindre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:341 +msgid "Hahaha!!!" +msgstr "Hahaha !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:342 +msgid "Suddenly, everyone's laughing at her." +msgstr "Soudain, tout le monde se moque d'elle." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:344 +msgid "Huh?" +msgstr "Euh ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:349 +msgid "Min, your skirt..." +msgstr "Min, ta jupe..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:351 +msgid "He's pointing down at it." +msgstr "Il la pointe du doigt." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:352 +msgid "Min's skirt has flipped up so everyone can see her underwear." +msgstr "La jupe de Min s'est retournée au point où tout le monde peut voir sa culotte. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:364 +msgid "I hate skirts!" +msgstr "Je déteste les jupes ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:365 +msgid "They're stupid." +msgstr "Elles sont débiles." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:367 +msgid "What?? Don't be silly." +msgstr "Quoi ?? Ne sois pas bête." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:368 +msgid "You look so cute in them." +msgstr "Tu es tellement mignonne avec." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:370 +msgid "I don't wanna look cute!" +msgstr "Je veux pas être mignonne ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:371 +msgid "I wanna look cool!" +msgstr "Je veux être cool." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:373 +msgid "Well, we already bought them. So you have to wear them." +msgstr "Oui et bien, elles sont déjà achetées. Alors tu vas devoir les porter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:375 +msgid "I always say I don't like them but you keep buying them anyway!" +msgstr "J'ai toujours dis que je ne les aimais pas mais tu continues d'en acheter ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:376 +msgid "I'd rather die than wear one." +msgstr "Je préférerais crever qu'en porter une. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:377 +msgid "It's embarrassing." +msgstr "C'est embarrassant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:378 +msgid "How come I have to when Jun doesn't?" +msgstr "Pourquoi moi je suis obligée alors que Jun non ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:380 +msgid "That'd be crazy! Jun's a boy." +msgstr "Ce serait n'importe quoi ! Jun est un garçon." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:381 +msgid "Boys don't wear skirts." +msgstr "Les garçons ne mettent pas de jupes. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:383 +msgid "That's not fair! Then I won't wear skirts either, then." +msgstr "C'est pas juste ! Dans ce cas je porterai pas de jupes non plus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:389 +msgid "Also, Mom..." +msgstr "D'ailleurs maman..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:390 +msgid "I don't like this shirt anymore." +msgstr "Je n'aime plus cette chemise." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:392 +msgid "What're you talking about? That's your favorite shirt." +msgstr "Mais qu'est ce que tu racontes ? C'est ta chemise préférée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:394 +msgid "I changed my mind." +msgstr "J'ai changé d'avis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:396 +msgid "Why? It's a perfectly good shirt." +msgstr "Pourquoi ? Elle est très bien cette chemise." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:398 +msgid "I just did, alright?" +msgstr "J'ai juste changé d'avis d'accord ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:399 +msgid "I'm not allowed to not like a shirt?" +msgstr "J'ai pas le droit de pas aimer une chemise ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:401 +msgid "Both of you are being ridiculous. You're wearing the clothes we bought you, and that's final." +msgstr "Vous êtes ridicules tous les deux. Vous porterez les habits qu'on vous achète, point final." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:402 +msgid "So spoiled. What kind of kids are you?" +msgstr "Tellement gâtés. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ces gosses ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:404 +msgctxt "gameboy_6e6159b3" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:407 +msgctxt "gameboy_8eabd16d" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:409 +msgid "The car glides up the ramp to the freeway." +msgstr "La voiture remonte la rampe jusqu'à l'autoroute. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:411 +msgid "Jun-seo is mashing the buttons on his Game Boy Advance like his life depends on it." +msgstr "Jun-seo broie les boutons de sa Game Boy Advance comme si sa vie en dépendait. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:413 +msgid "You've been playing that the entire day." +msgstr "Tu joues depuis ce matin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:414 +msgid "It's my turn." +msgstr "C'est mon tour." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:417 +msgid "Wait. Just 5 more minutes." +msgstr "Attends. Encore 5 minutes. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:420 +msgid "You said that 20 minutes ago." +msgstr "T'as dis ça y'a 20 minutes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:423 +msgid "I have to beat this level." +msgstr "Faut que je réussisse ce niveau." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:426 +msgid "Mom! Jun won't let me play on the Game Boy even though he said he would!" +msgstr "Maman ! Jun me laisse pas jouer à la Game Boy alors qu'il a dit qu'il le ferait ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:429 +msgid "Why don't you look outside at all the trees?" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu ne regardes pas les arbres dehors ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:432 +msgid "Why do I have to do that when Jun gets to play Sonic? That's not fair!" +msgstr "Pourquoi je ferais ça alors que Jun peut jouer à Sonic ? C'est pas juste ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:435 +msgid "It's not normal for a girl to like video games that much." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas normal pour une fille d'aimer autant les jeux vidéos. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:436 +msgid "None of our friends' daughters play games." +msgstr "Aucune des filles de nos amis ne jouent aux jeux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:437 +msgid "There must be something wrong with your hormones. We should go see a doctor." +msgstr "Il doit y avoir un problème avec tes hormones. On devrait aller voir un docteur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:440 +msgid "I don't need to see a doctor! There's nothing wrong with liking games!" +msgstr "J'ai pas besoin d'un docteur ! Y'a rien de mal à aimer les jeux ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:443 +msgid "Yes, there is. It's not natural for a girl. " +msgstr "Bien sûr que si. C'est contre nature pour une fille. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:445 +msgid "It's called a Game Boy, not a Game Girl!" +msgstr "On dit une Game Boy, pas une Game Girl ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:446 +msgid "Hahaha!" +msgstr "Hahaha ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:448 +msgid "Haha! Good one!" +msgstr "Haha ! Bien trouvé ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:451 +msgid "That's not funny. This isn't fair!" +msgstr "C'est pas drôle, et pas juste ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:454 +msgid "It's just a game. Take it easy." +msgstr "C'est juste un jeu. Calme toi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:457 +msgid "Min wrenches the Game Boy out of Jun's hands!" +msgstr "Min arrache la Game Boy des mains de Jun ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:458 +msgid "Before he can stop her, she rolls down the window and chucks it as hard as she can onto the freeway." +msgstr "Avant qu'il ne puisse l’arrêter, elle baisse la vitre et balance la Game Boy aussi loin qu'elle le peut sur l'autoroute. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:461 +msgid "MOM!!!!!!" +msgstr "MAMAAAAN !!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:462 +msgid "LOOK WHAT MIN DID!!!!" +msgstr "REGARDE CE QUE MIN A FAIT !!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:474 +msgid "You did WHAT?!" +msgstr "T'as fais QUOI ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:475 +msgid "Did you get the Game Boy back?" +msgstr "Vous avez récupéré la Game Boy ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:477 +msgid "We turned around and got it. The screen was busted, though." +msgstr "On a fait demi tour oui, l'écran était défoncé par contre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:478 +msgid "Once you turned it on, it'd show all this rainbow shit. You couldn't use it at all." +msgstr "Quand on l'a allumée, ça montrait c'te merde d'arc en ciel là. On pouvait plus du tout l'utiliser." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:481 +msgid "Nooo.........." +msgstr "Nooooooon........" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:482 +msgid "Why're you so angry all the time? Always breaking stuff..." +msgstr "Pourquoi t'es tout le temps énervée? Tu bousilles toujours tout. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:484 +msgid "Because people are stupid all the time!" +msgstr "Parce que les gens sont tout le temps débiles ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:486 +msgid "Just, like, calm down. Try not getting angry." +msgstr "Essaye, genre, de te calmer. Arrêter de t'énerver." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:488 +msgid "I AM trying!" +msgstr "J'ESSAIE ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:491 +msgid "Try harder. You didn't have to do that! Now neither of you can play it." +msgstr "Essaie plus. T'étais pas obligée de faire ça ! Maintenant aucun de vous deux peut jouer. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:493 +msgid "Exactly! Now it's fair." +msgstr "Justement ! Là on est quitte. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:494 +msgid "Why should he get to be happy when I can't?" +msgstr "Pourquoi il devrait être heureux alors que moi je peux pas ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:497 +msgid "That's...one way to think about it..." +msgstr "C'est... une façon de voir les choses... " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:499 +msgid "Jun returns to the table with their Happy Meals." +msgstr "Jun revient à leur table avec les Happy Meals." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:501 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_35df4f98" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "Merci ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:502 +msgid "Hayden digs into his box and pulls out his plastic-wrapped toy." +msgstr "Hayden fouille dans son carton et sort son jouet emballé dans du plastique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:503 +msgid "Ooh! Look what I got!" +msgstr "Oooh ! Regardez ce que j'ai eu ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:504 +msgid "It's a futuristic looking Hot Wheels car sporting translucent ice blue windows." +msgstr "C'est une voiture de sport Hot Wheels à l'air futuriste avec des fenêtres translucides de couleur bleu glacier." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:506 +msgid "Whoa!" +msgstr "Waouh ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:509 +msgid "Jun unwraps his toy, too. His is a monster truck." +msgstr "Jun déballe aussi son jouet. C'est un monster truck. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:511 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_a541b6b5" +msgid "Whoa!!!" +msgstr "Waouh !!!! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:512 +msgid "That's not bad, either!" +msgstr "C'est pas mal non plus ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:515 +msgid "Uh...I guess?" +msgstr "Euh... J'imagine ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:516 +msgid "I don't really get why these things are popular." +msgstr "Je comprend pas pourquoi ces trucs sont aussi populaires. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:519 +msgid "Hayden, are you up to trading for yours?" +msgstr "Hayden, t'es chaud pour échanger le tien ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:522 +msgid "Depends. Whatchu got?" +msgstr "Ça dépend. T'as eu quoi ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:524 +msgid "Min takes her toy out of her Happy Meal." +msgstr "Min sort le jouet de son Happy Meal. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:525 +msgid "It's a...Barbie doll." +msgstr "C'est... une poupée Barbie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:527 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_cd2045ac" +msgid "............." +msgstr "......." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:529 +msgid "I don't want this." +msgstr "Je veux pas de ça. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:530 +msgid "I'm gonna ask for a replacement." +msgstr "Je vais demander autre chose. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:593 +msgid "Imagine a world where love is ILLEGAL..." +msgstr "Imaginez un monde où l'amour est ILLÉGAL... " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:595 +msgid "The screen shows a man and woman bumping into each other and making eye contact." +msgstr "L'écran affiche un homme et une femme qui se rentrent dedans. Leurs regards se croisent. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:596 +msgid "Breathtakingly original..." +msgstr "D'une originalité à couper le souffle... " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:597 +msgid "The man and woman are passionately making out." +msgstr "L'homme et la femme s'embrassent passionnément. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:599 +msgctxt "lookAtTV_3e52293c" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "Beurk." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:601 +msgid "A forbidden romance like you've NEVER seen before..." +msgstr "Un amour interdit comme vous n'en avez JAMAIS vu avant... " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:602 +msgid "For some reason, the entire cast is comprised of brown haired white people. They look similar enough that they could be siblings." +msgstr "Pour une raison ou une autre, le casting est entièrement constitué de personnes blanches aux cheveux bruns. Ils se ressemblent tellement qu'ils pourraient faire partie de la même famille. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:604 +msgid "What the heck..." +msgstr "C'est quoi ce bordel..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:607 +msgid "See? It's all white people on TV." +msgstr "Tu vois ? C'est que des personnes blanches à la télé. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:611 +msgid "We've already gone over this." +msgstr "On en a déjà parlé. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:612 +msgid "It's because Asian people's parents don't let them become actors." +msgstr "C'est parce que les parents asiatiques laissent pas leurs enfants devenir acteurs." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:615 +msgid "That's can't be it. The difference is way too extreme." +msgstr "C'est pas possible. La différence est beaucoup trop importante." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:617 +msgid "Min sadly shakes her head at him." +msgstr "Min hoche tristement la tête vers lui." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:619 +msgctxt "lookAtTV_4b625d1c" +msgid "Gone mad..." +msgstr "Complètement taré..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:622 +msgid "I haven't gone mad!" +msgstr "Je suis pas devenu taré ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:634 +msgid "Hayden is trying to cheer Jun up." +msgstr "Hayden essaie de réconforter Jun. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:637 +msgid "I just came up with a great joke! Wanna hear it?" +msgstr "Je viens de trouver une bonne blague ! Tu veux l'entendre ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:638 +msgid "If Sherlock Holmes owned all the houses in a neighborhood, what would the neighborhood be called? " +msgstr "Que fait une fraise sur un cheval ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:641 +msgid "A small, patient smile forms on Jun's face." +msgstr "Un sourire patient se dessine sur le visage de Jun. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:642 +msgid "Sherlock Homes." +msgstr "Tagada Tagada. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:644 +msgid "What! How did you know?" +msgstr "Genre ! Comment tu la connais ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:646 +msgid "You've already told me this joke before." +msgstr "Tu me l'as déjà faite." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:648 +msgid "No way? I came up with it just now!" +msgstr "Pas possible ? Je viens juste de l'inventer ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:650 +msgid "But also you told it to me last year. You forgot your own joke and came up with it all over again." +msgstr "C'est aussi ce que tu m'as dis l'année dernière. T'avais oublié ta propre blague et tu me l'as refaite encore une fois." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:652 +msgid "What...I seriously don't remember, though?" +msgstr "Quoi... mais je m'en souviens vraiment pas pourtant ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:654 +msgid "Jun covers his face when he laughs." +msgstr "Jun couvre son visage pendant qu'il rit. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:656 +msgid "But you did! It was exactly the same!" +msgstr "Mais c'est le cas ! C'est exactement la même blague ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:657 +msgid "It's not even that funny, but you were so proud of it both times!" +msgstr "Elle est même pas drôle, mais t'étais tellement fier à chaque fois ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:658 +msgid "Exhaling, he appears to regain his composure, but it's only a moment before he doubles over again. " +msgstr "En soufflant, il semble retrouver son sang-froid, mais seulement pour un moment avant qu'il ne se remette à rire. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:659 +msgid "Why were you so proud?" +msgstr "Pourquoi t'étais si fier ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:661 +msgid "Hey, it's a great joke, okay?" +msgstr "Hey, c'est une super blague, d'accord ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:666 +msgid "Hey, wanna hear another joke?" +msgstr "Tiens, tu veux en entendre une autre ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:669 +msgid "Sure!" +msgstr "Allez ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:671 +msgid "Why couldn't Cinderella play baseball?" +msgstr "Pourquoi Mickey Mouse ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:673 +msgid "Why?" +msgstr "Pourquoi ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:675 +msgid "Because her s, stepmother—" +msgstr "Parce que Mario --" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:676 +msgid "Hayden can't keep a straight face! He's stifling his laugh so it sounds like a garbage disposal." +msgstr "Hayden n'arrive pas à garder son calme ! Il étouffe son rire, ce qui lui donne l'air d'une machine à laver." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:678 +msgid "—kkkkkKK......kggghh!!!!" +msgstr "rrrrrRR... trrrrrrr !!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:679 +msgid "Jun waits patiently as he takes deep, calming breaths to recollect himself." +msgstr "Jun attend patiemment alors qu'il inspire profondément pour retrouver son calme." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:680 +msgid "Because her stepmother wouldn't let her go to the....go to the— " +msgstr "Parce que Mario... Mario Bro--" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:681 +msgid "Hayden is laughing so hard at his own joke that he can't even finish it!" +msgstr "Hayden rigole tellement à sa propre blague qu'il ne peut même pas la finir ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:683 +msgid "You're hopeless..." +msgstr "T'es désespérant... " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:693 +msgid "Looking aghast, Jun pulls a wrapped burger out of his Happy Meal." +msgstr "Atterré, Jun sort un hamburger de son Happy Meal. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:696 +msgid "What's wrong?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qui y'a ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:699 +msgid "They gave me a cheeseburger instead of chicken nuggets." +msgstr "Ils m'ont donné un cheeseburger au lieu de nuggets." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:701 +msgid "Then go complain." +msgstr "Va te plaindre alors." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:703 +msgid "No, it's okay!" +msgstr "Non, c'est bon ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:704 +msgid "I don't wanna bother the workers." +msgstr "Je veux pas déranger les employés." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:706 +msgid "Suit yourself..." +msgstr "Comme tu veux..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:709 +msgid "Jun-seo is sadly eating the burger he doesn't want." +msgstr "Jun-seo mange tristement l'hamburger qu'il ne voulait pas. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:759 +msgid "Min approaches the counter." +msgstr "Min s'approche du comptoir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:762 +msgid "Hey, you!" +msgstr "Hey, toi ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:763 +msgid "I want a different toy." +msgstr "Je veux un autre jouet." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:765 +msgid "Sorry, we can't do that." +msgstr "Pardon mais nous ne pouvons pas faire ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:767 +msgid "No, I don't mean I'm trying to get a specific one. I want a boy one, but they gave me a girl toy by mistake." +msgstr "Non, je veux dire j'en veux pas un en particulier. J'en veux un pour garçon, mais ils m'en ont donné un pour fille par erreur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:769 +msgid "But you're such a pretty girl! You don't want Hot Wheels." +msgstr "Mais tu es une fille si mignonne ! Tu ne veux pas d'une voiture Hot Wheels." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:771 +msgid "Yeah, I do!" +msgstr "Si, j'en veux une ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:772 +msgid "Hand it over or you're getting it." +msgstr "File-m'en une ou tu vas le regretter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:774 +msgid "Haha! You're a funny little girl." +msgstr "Haha ! Tu es une drôle de petite fille." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:784 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:786 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_1" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:787 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_2" +msgid ".................." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:798 +msgid "What were you thinking?! Why did you ruin your hair like that?!" +msgstr "Tu pensais à quoi ? Pourquoi tu as ruiné ta coiffure comme ça ?! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:800 +msgid "That's what you get!" +msgstr "Tu l'as bien cherché ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:801 +msgid "And it's not ruined! It's better like this!" +msgstr "Et c'est pas ruiné ! Elle est mieux comme ça ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:804 +msgid "What's gotten into you?!" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qui t'as pris ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:805 +msgid "If you continue like this, no man is ever going to marry you!" +msgstr "Si tu continues comme ça, aucun homme ne voudra se marier avec toi ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:807 +msgctxt "mirror_8bac71d0" +msgid "Who cares!" +msgstr "On s'en fout ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:808 +msgid "If I have to have long hair to get married, I don't wanna get married!" +msgstr "Si je dois avoir les cheveux longs pour me marier, j'ai pas envie de me marier ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:809 +msgid "I don't ever want kids!" +msgstr "Je veux même pas d'enfants ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:811 +msgid "Her parents furrow their brows in concern." +msgstr "Ses parents froncent les sourcils, soucieux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:812 +msgid "You have to have at least two or three." +msgstr "Tu dois en avoir au moins deux ou trois." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:814 +msgid "I don't think I'd make a good parent. I don't want my kids to end up hating me." +msgstr "Je pense pas que je ferais une bonne mère. Je veux pas que mes gosses finissent par me détester. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:817 +msgid "You won't be happy if you don't have kids." +msgstr "Tu ne seras pas heureuse si tu n'as pas d'enfants. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:818 +msgid "You'll get it when you grow up." +msgstr "Tu comprendras quand tu seras plus grande." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:820 +msgid "What's there to get?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qu'il y a à comprendre ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:821 +msgid "I'll never wanna kiss a guy anyway. They're smelly and have gross skin like Dad." +msgstr "Je veux jamais embrasser un gars de toute façon. Ils puent et ont une peau dégueulasse, comme papa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:823 +msgid "Well, nobody's perfect." +msgstr "Et bien, personne n'est parfait." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:824 +msgid "You have to have realistic expectations." +msgstr "Il faut que tu sois réaliste sur tes attentes dans la vie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:826 +msgid "I am being realistic!" +msgstr "Je suis réaliste ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:827 +msgid "I don't want someone who's nothing special." +msgstr "Je veux pas de quelqu'un qui n'a rien de spécial." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:828 +msgid "I'm pretty awesome, so I should get someone who's awesome, too." +msgstr "Je suis assez incroyable, alors je devrais me trouver quelqu'un d'incroyable aussi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:830 +msgid "Prince Charming doesn't exist in real life." +msgstr "Le prince charmant n'existe pas dans la réalité." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:831 +msgid "If you think like that, you'll never find anyone." +msgstr "Si tu penses comme ça, tu ne trouveras jamais personne." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:833 +msgid "Then I'll just stay alone!" +msgstr "Alors je resterai seule ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:835 +msgid "You can't do that!" +msgstr "Tu ne peux pas faire ça ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:837 +msgid "Why do you get to decide what happens to me?!" +msgstr "Pourquoi c'est toi qui décides de ce qu'il va m'arriver ?! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:839 +msgid "We're your parents! You have to do what we say!" +msgstr "Nous sommes tes parents ! Tu dois faire ce qu'on te dit de faire ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:841 +msgid "No! It's my life, not yours!" +msgstr "Non ! C'est ma vie, pas la vôtre ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:843 +msgid "What's wrong with you?!" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qui ne va pas chez toi ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:844 +msgid "What did we ever deserve to get a horrible child like this?!" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qu'on a fait pour mériter un enfant horrible comme ça ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:846 +msgid "There's something wrong with her brain. She's so disobedient." +msgstr "Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec son cerveau. Elle est tellement désobéissante." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:847 +msgid "She's still playing baseball with all those boys." +msgstr "Elle continue de jouer au baseball avec tous ces garçons." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:849 +msgid "What's wrong with that?!" +msgstr "C'est quoi le problème avec ça ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:851 +msgid "Do you see any other girls doing that?" +msgstr "Tu as déjà vu d'autres filles faire ça ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:852 +msgid "Do you want to be some kind of weirdo?" +msgstr "Tu veux être une espèce de dérangée ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:854 +msgid "But Jun gets to! How come I don't get to?!" +msgstr "Mais Jun peut faire ça ! Pourquoi pas moi ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:856 +msgid "Jun is a boy! You're a girl!" +msgstr "Jun est un garçon ! Tu es une fille ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:859 +msgid "What part of that don't you understand?! Are you brain damaged?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce que tu ne comprends pas avec ça ?! Tu t'es faite une entorse au cerveau ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:862 +msgid "THAT'S STUPID! IT'S NOT FAIR!!" +msgstr "C'EST DÉBILE ! C'EST INJUSTE !! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:864 +msgid "That's reality! The world's not fair!" +msgstr "C'est la réalité ! Le monde est injuste ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:865 +msgid "This isn't some fairy tale! You have to accept it, or you're stupid!" +msgstr "On n'est pas dans un conte de fée ! Il faut que tu l'acceptes, ou tu es stupide ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:869 +msgid "I WON'T ACCEPT IT!" +msgstr "JE NE L'ACCEPTERAI PAS ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:870 +msgid "I WON'T EVER ACCEPT IT!!" +msgstr "JE NE L'ACCEPTERAI JAMAIS !!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:874 +msgid "{big=20}SO STUPID! WE REALLY DO HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO A DOCTOR NOW!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}TELLEMENT STUPIDE ! ON VA VRAIMENT DEVOIR T'EMMENER VOIR UN DOCTEUR MAINTENANT !{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:875 +msgid "{big=20}YOU HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS! BRAIN DAMAGED!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}TU ES COMPLÈTEMENT DÉTRAQUÉE DU CERVEAU ! {/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:876 +msgid "{big=20}RETARDED!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20} ABRUTIE ! {/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:880 +msgid "{big=20}YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S RETARDED!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20} C'EST TOI L'ABRUTI !{/big} " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:881 +msgid "{big=20}I HATE YOU! GO TO HELL!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}JE TE HAIS ! VA POURRIR EN ENFER !!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:884 +msgid "There is a small statue sitting on the living room shelf." +msgstr "Une petite statue trône sur une étagère du salon. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:885 +msgid "Min's dad picks it up and hurls it at her." +msgstr "Le père de Min l'attrape et lui jette à la figure." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:889 +msgctxt "mirror_11d2098a" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:892 +msgid "Min dodges. The statue strikes the glass coffee table behind her, shattering the glass into a thousand pieces on the floor." +msgstr "Min esquive. La statue frappe de plein fouet la table basse en verre derrière elle, brisant la glace en mille morceaux sur le sol. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:893 +msgid "Min was expecting the shards to be all sharp and jagged, but instead, they look like Icee slush." +msgstr "Min s'attendait à ce que les fragments soient pointus et acérés mais à la place, ils ressemblent à de la glace pilée. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:898 +msgid "You were asking for it." +msgstr "Tu l'as cherché." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:900 +msgid "Jun-seo has started crying." +msgstr "Jun-seo commence à pleurer." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:902 +msgid "Stop it! She's sorry!" +msgstr "Arrêtez ! Elle est désolée ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:903 +msgid "She's sorry, stop!" +msgstr "Elle est désolée, arrête ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:905 +msgctxt "mirror_51f3578d" +msgid "Shut up!" +msgstr "Ferme-la ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:906 +msgid "He grabs Jun's arm." +msgstr "Il attrape le bras de Jun." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:909 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:912 +msgid "Min lunges at her dad and bites down on his wrist." +msgstr "Min s'élance sur son père et mord son poignet." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:913 +msgid "AUGH!!!" +msgstr "AÏE !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:914 +msgid "He lets go of Jun!" +msgstr "Il lâche Jun ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:920 +msgid "Min throws a punch, but he catches it with his hand." +msgstr "Min lui balance un coup de poing, mais il l'attrape avec sa main." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:922 +msgid "He's so strong!" +msgstr "Il est tellement fort ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:923 +msgid "I hate this! I hate this!" +msgstr "Je déteste ça ! Je déteste ça ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:924 +msgid "I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do!" +msgstr "Je le buterai même si c'est la dernière chose que je dois faire ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:936 +msgid "I'll kill him. I'll save all of us." +msgstr "Je vais le tuer. Je vais tous nous sauver." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:938 +msgid "I'll wait until he's asleep and slit his throat." +msgstr "Je vais attendre et l'égorger dans son sommeil." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:939 +msgid "You can't. You'll go to jail." +msgstr "Tu peux pas. T'irais en prison." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:940 +msgid "I don't have a choice." +msgstr "J'ai pas le choix." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:941 +msgid "I don't want to hurt anyone, but I want to be happy, too." +msgstr "Je veux blesser personne, mais je veux aussi être heureuse." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:942 +msgid "If Dad dies, we won't have enough money to live." +msgstr "Si papa meurt, on aura plus assez d'argent pour vivre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:943 +msgid "Then Mom'll get a new husband." +msgstr "Alors maman se trouvera un nouveau mari." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:944 +msgid "Maybe this time, we'll get a normal one who doesn't go crazy and break everything." +msgstr "Peut-être que cette fois, on en aura un normal qui pète pas des câbles et défonce tout." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:945 +msgid "Dad only does that when he's mad. You knew he'd lose his temper if you kept saying things like that." +msgstr "Papa fait ça seulement quand il est fâché. Tu savais qu'il se mettrait en colère en continuant de dire des trucs comme ça. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:946 +msgid "You should've just apologized and said you were wrong." +msgstr "T'aurais dû t'excuser et dire que t'avais tort." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:947 +msgid "But I wasn't wrong." +msgstr "Mais je l'étais pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:948 +msgid "It doesn't matter." +msgstr "On s'en fiche." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:949 +msgid "Yeah it does! I'm not gonna say I was wrong when I wasn't." +msgstr "Non on s'en fiche pas ! Je vais pas dire que je me trompe si c'est pas le cas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:950 +msgid "You're so stubborn!" +msgstr "Une vraie tête de mule ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:951 +msgid "Don't you get it? There's no way to win against him." +msgstr "Tu comprends pas ? On peut pas gagner contre lui." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:952 +msgid "The more you argue, the worse you're making things." +msgstr "Plus tu le contredis et plus t'empires les choses." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:953 +msgid "You have to learn how to pick your battles like me and Mom." +msgstr "Faut que t'apprennes à te mettre en retrait des fois, comme moi et maman." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:954 +msgid "Why do I have to be the one who has to be mature?" +msgstr "Pourquoi c'est moi qui devrait être mature ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:955 +msgid "That's not fair! I'm a kid! He's supposed to be the adult!" +msgstr "C'est pas juste ! Je suis une enfant ! C'est lui qui doit être adulte ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:956 +msgid "I don't deserve to be treated like that!" +msgstr "Je mérite pas d'être traitée comme ça ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:957 +msgid "If he can't control himself, he shouldn't be allowed to have kids." +msgstr "S'il peut pas se contrôler, il devrait pas être autorisé à avoir des gosses." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:958 +msgid "You can think about some other time when he's not about to blow up!" +msgstr "Pense aux moments où il est pas sur le point d'exploser." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:959 +msgid "Just act like you're sorry." +msgstr "Fais juste semblant d'être désolée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:960 +msgid "I'd rather die!" +msgstr "Je préfère crever ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:961 +msgid "Look, this is just common sense! Why don't you get it?" +msgstr "C'est juste du bon sens ! Pourquoi tu comprends pas ça ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:962 +msgid "Just keep your head down and act normal until we're old enough to get out." +msgstr "Fais profil bas et agis normalement jusqu'à qu'on soit assez vieux pour se barrer d'ici." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:963 +msgid "Screw that!" +msgstr "C'est mort ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:964 +msgid "I shouldn't have to worry about any of this in the first place!" +msgstr "Je devrais même pas avoir à m'inquiéter de tout ça à la base." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm not letting him treat me that way, like some wimpy sissy." +msgstr "Je le laisserai pas me traiter comme ça, comme une petite pisseuse." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:967 +msgid "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity." +msgstr "Entre le courage et la stupidité, il n'y a qu'un pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:968 +msgid "I'll walk that line." +msgstr "Je franchirai ce pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:969 +msgid "No! You have to learn!" +msgstr "Non ! Tu dois apprendre ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:970 +msgid "{i}I{/i} have to learn?" +msgstr "{i}Je{/i} dois apprendre ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:971 +msgid "I didn't do anything wrong! He's the one who should learn!" +msgstr "J'ai rien fais de mal ! C'est lui qui devrait apprendre ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:972 +msgid "We already went over this." +msgstr "On en a déjà parlé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:973 +msgid "You're a coward." +msgstr "T'es un lâche. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:974 +msgid "You're an idiot." +msgstr "Et toi une idiote." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:975 +msgid "I don't understand you." +msgstr "Je te comprends pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:976 +msgid "Good. I don't understand you either." +msgstr "Tant mieux. Moi non plus je te comprends pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:988 +msgid "Min sulks on the bleachers as Jun and Hayden's team goes on defense." +msgstr "Min rumine sur les gradins pendant que l'équipe de Jun et Hayden vont en défense." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:990 +msgid "I hate everyone." +msgstr "Je déteste tout le monde. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:991 +msgid "How can they stand how unfair everything is? It's so obvious." +msgstr "Comment ils peuvent supporter à quel point tout est injuste ? Ça se voit pourtant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:992 +msgid "Are they just dumb? There's something wrong with the world." +msgstr "Est-ce qu'ils sont juste débiles ? Y'a un truc pourri avec ce monde." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:993 +msgid "God! I'm so mad." +msgstr "Merde ! Je suis tellement énervée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:995 +msgid "She takes out a pack of seaweed sheets and aggressively chomps on them as she thinks edgy, rebellious thoughts." +msgstr "Elle sort un paquet d'algues qu'elle mâchonne agressivement en ruminant ses pensées noires et rebelles." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:997 +msgid "I don't need anyone. I'll do everything all by myself." +msgstr "J'ai besoin de personne. Je vais tout faire par moi-même ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:998 +msgid "I'll never fall in love. I'll be like a lone wolf." +msgstr "Je tomberai jamais amoureuse. Je serai un loup solitaire." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:999 +msgid "I'll become so happy and successful that everyone who was ever bad to me has to beg on their hands and knees for me to forgive them." +msgstr "Je deviendrai tellement heureuse et talentueuse que tout ceux qui ont été mauvais avec moi me supplieront à genoux de leur pardonner." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1001 +msgid "That'll show them. They'll regret being so stupid and wrong, while I was right." +msgstr "Ça leur apprendra. Ils regretteront d'être débiles et de se tromper, alors que moi j'avais raison. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1005 +msgid "An enemy batter comes up to the plate." +msgstr "Un batteur ennemi arrive sur le terrain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1011 +msgid "OH MY GOD???????? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "OH MERDE ????? PUTAIN !!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1014 +msgid "It's a girl with eyes the color of desert camouflage." +msgstr "C'est une fille avec des yeux couleur \"camouflage du désert\"." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1015 +msgid "The boys seated next to Min are murmuring and pointing at the batter." +msgstr "Les garçons assis à côté de Min murmurent et pointent le batteur du doigt." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1019 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_ce41ef83" +msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" +msgstr "Hey, regardez ! C'est une fille à la batte ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1020 +msgid "Yes! Our team got lucky!" +msgstr "Ouais ! Notre équipe a de la chance ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1024 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_74edb3c7" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1025 +msgid "The pretty girl is shaking like a leaf as she settles into her batting stance. She looks terrified." +msgstr "La jolie fille tremble comme une feuille alors qu'elle assume sa pose de batteur. Elle a l'air terrifiée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1029 +msgid "DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "ABANDONNE PAS !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1030 +msgid "YOU'RE COOL!!!" +msgstr "T'ES COOL !!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1031 +msgid "DO YOU HEAR ME? DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "TU M'ENTENDS ! ABANDONNE PAS ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1032 +msgid "I WON'T GIVE UP IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "J'ABANDONNERAI PAS SI TU N'ABANDONNES PAS ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1036 +msgid "................!" +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1037 +msgid "At the sound of Min's voice, the batter whirls around to face the stands, her eyes searching the crowd." +msgstr "Au son de la voix de Min, le batteur se tourne face aux gradins, ses yeux parcourant la foule. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1042 +msgid "For some reason, she can't seem to discern what direction it came from. Eventually she gives up and turns back to the diamond." +msgstr "Pour une raison ou une autre, elle n'a pas l'air de pouvoir discerner d'où venait la voix. Elle finit par abandonner et se tourne à nouveau vers le terrain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1044 +msgid "The pitcher winds up and sends a fastball straight down the middle." +msgstr "Le lanceur s'avance et lance une balle rapide droite directement vers le centre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1049 +msgid "The batter swings at it with terrifying power." +msgstr "Le batteur balance sa batte avec une force terrifiante." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1050 +msgid "The ball rockets off the bat and flies over the fence on the far end of the field." +msgstr "La balle fuse et s'envole loin derrière la grille au fond du terrain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1055 +msgid "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "OH PUTAIN !!!!!!!!!!! WAOUW !!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1056 +msgid "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "DIEU BÉNISSE L'AMERIQUE !!!!!!!! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1057 +msgid "A NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!" +msgstr "UN TRÉSOR NATIONAL !!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1060 +msgid "The batter hit a walk-off. The game is over because she scored." +msgstr "Le batteur fait un but sur balle. Le match est terminé parce qu'elle a marqué un point. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1061 +msgid "Everyone comes in from the field. Her teammates have come bounding over, giddy off their victory." +msgstr "Tout le monde débarque sur le terrain. Ses coéquipiers l'ont encerclée, encore étourdis de leur victoire. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1062 +msgid "They're laughing and chatting amongst themselves." +msgstr "Ils rient et discutent entre eux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1064 +msgid "The girl is nervously nodding at them instead of speaking." +msgstr "La fille hoche nerveusement la tête au lieu de parler." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1066 +msgid "She's so shy! That's so cute!" +msgstr "Elle est tellement timide ! C'est trop mignon !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1067 +msgid "I wonder what her voice sounds like." +msgstr "Je me demande à quoi ressemble sa voix." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1068 +msgid "Maybe she can't talk? Like Ariel in the Little Mermaid." +msgstr "Peut-être qu'elle peut pas parler ? Comme Ariel dans La Petite Sirène." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1070 +msgid "Min's heart is pounding so fast!" +msgstr "Le coeur de Min bat très vite ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1073 +msgid "Holy shit...Okay...okay!!" +msgstr "Merde... Ok... ok..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1074 +msgid "Min, calm down." +msgstr "Calme-toi, Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1075 +msgid "Play it cool. Be smooth." +msgstr "Sois cool, détends-toi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1079 +msgid "Panic flashes in the girl's eyes when Min runs up to her." +msgstr "Un sursaut de panique apparaît dans les yeux de la fille alors que Min déboule sur elle. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1081 +msgid "Hey! Um, you're really cool." +msgstr "Hé ! Euh, t'étais vraiment cool." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1082 +msgid "What's your name? I'm Min." +msgstr "C'est quoi ton nom ? Moi c'est Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1085 +msgid "The girl's face lights up when she recognizes Min's voice." +msgstr "Le visage de la fille s'illumine alors qu'elle reconnait la voix de Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1086 +msgid "It was you, earlier." +msgstr "C'était toi tout à l'heure." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1087 +msgid "You cheered for me." +msgstr "Tu m'as encouragée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1089 +msgid "Of course I did. You were badass." +msgstr "Bien sûr que je l'ai fait ! T'étais trop badass." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1093 +msgid "The girl startles. Min said a swear word!" +msgstr "La fille sursaute. Min a dit un gros mot ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1095 +msgid "I mean, you were awesome! " +msgstr "Je veux dire, t'étais incroyable ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1099 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_cafd7987" +msgid "I'm Diya." +msgstr "Je suis Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1102 +msgid "That's so pretty! It sounds like you." +msgstr "C'est trop mignon ! Comme toi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1105 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1107 +msgid "I have seaweed. Do you want some?" +msgstr "J'ai des algues. T'en veux ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1110 +msgid "Diya looks at Min all wide-eyed, like she can't believe her luck." +msgstr "Diya regarde Min avec des yeux tout ronds, comme si elle n'en croyait pas ses yeux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1111 +msgid "Min actually spends a fraction of a second trying to think of a way she can casually give her the seaweed and somehow touch her hand in the process." +msgstr "Min réfléchit pendant une fraction de seconde à comment elle pourrait lui donner les algues et lui toucher la main en même temps. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1112 +msgid "In the end, she just holds the sheet out normally." +msgstr "Finalement, elle lui tend juste les algues normalement." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1113 +msgid "Diya's fingertips brush Min's as she takes it." +msgstr "Le bout des doigts de Diya effleure ceux de Min quand elle les prend." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1114 +msgid "A bizzare tingling feeling, impossible to identify, prickles across Min's palms. It feels like being tickled with soda bubbles." +msgstr "Une sensation de picotement bizarre, impossible à identifier, parcourent les paumes de Min. C'est comme si elle était chatouillée par des bulles de soda. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1116 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_46384388" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1118 +msgid "You're welcome!!!" +msgstr "Avec plaisir !!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1120 +msgid "Min stands there with an idiotic smile on her face as Diya eats it." +msgstr "Min reste plantée là avec un sourire idiot sur son visage pendant que Diya mange." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1122 +msgid "Do you wanna be friends?" +msgstr "Tu veux qu'on soit potes ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1145 +msgctxt "min2_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1146 +msgctxt "min2_fa529f12" +msgid "Min" +msgstr "Min" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1147 +msgid "Help me" +msgstr "Aide-moi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1148 +msgid ";;" +msgstr ";;" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1149 +msgid "whats wrong??? WHO HURT YOU" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ??? QUI T'A FAIT DU MAL" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1150 +msgid "ill kill them! ill smash their heads in" +msgstr "Je vais les buter ! Je vais défoncer leur gueule !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1151 +msgid "I don't know how to talk to the baseball team" +msgstr "Je ne sais pas comment parler à l'équipe de baseball" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1152 +msgid "They're being" +msgstr "Ils sont" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1153 +msgid ".......weird" +msgstr "........ bizarres." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1167 +msgctxt "furry_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1169 +msgid "*pets you*" +msgstr "*te câline*" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1170 +msgid "nya :3" +msgstr "miaou :3" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1171 +msgid "*purrs and rolls over*" +msgstr "*ronronne et se roule par terre*" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1172 +msgctxt "furry_f1a4dee5" +msgid "WTF" +msgstr "WTF" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1173 +msgid "ohayou gozaimorning" +msgstr "ohayou gozaibonjour" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1174 +msgid "join our rp group" +msgstr "rejoint notre groupe de roleplay" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1175 +msgid "*rubs againt min*" +msgstr "*se frotte contre Min*" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1176 +msgid "KICKS YOU OVER A FENCE" +msgstr "TE BOTTE LE CUL PAR DESSUS LA CLÔTURE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1177 +msgid "BE A FURRY FREAK HO SOMEWHERE ELSE" +msgstr "VA FAIRE LA FURRY SALOPE AILLEURS" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1178 +msgid "SAD NYA" +msgstr "MIAOU TRISTE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1179 +msgid "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" +msgstr "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1181 +msgid "Chryssa has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "Chryssa est entrée dans le salon du tchat" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1182 +msgid "Hey Chryssa!" +msgstr "Hey Chryssa ! " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1183 +msgid "yo" +msgstr "yo" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1184 +msgid "We should do something to celebrate our win" +msgstr "On devrait faire quelque chose pour célébrer notre victoire" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1185 +msgid "how about going out for lunch?" +msgstr "et si on mangeait dehors ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1186 +msgid "!!!! :D! !! " +msgstr "!!!!! :D! !!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1187 +msgid "That sounds good" +msgstr "Ça me va" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1188 +msgid "Any suggestions for where?" +msgstr "Une idée d'où ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1189 +msgid "Buffet" +msgstr "Un buffet" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1190 +msgid "Perfect, I have a coupon for Bombay Garden" +msgstr "Parfait, j'ai une réduction chez Bombay Garden" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1191 +msgid "It's an Indian buffet in the mall" +msgstr "C'est un buffet indien dans le centre commercial" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1192 +msgid "if we're really being frugal" +msgstr "Si on a pas très faim" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1193 +msgid "I bet Min could pass off as under 12 for the Kids price" +msgstr "Je parie que Min pourrait se faire passer pour une enfant de moins de 12 ans pour le tarif réduit" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1196 +msgid "Why stop there?" +msgstr "Pourquoi s'arrêter là ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1197 +msgid "Infants eat for free." +msgstr "C'est gratuit pour les nourissons." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1198 +msgid "DAMN" +msgstr "WAOUH" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1199 +msgid "HEY" +msgstr "HEY" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1200 +msgid "more realistically, Min could actually fit in our equipment bag" +msgstr "plus sérieusement, Min pourrait réellement tenir dans notre sac de sport" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1201 +msgid "the giant 3 ft long one" +msgstr "le géant d'un mètre de long" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1202 +msgid "we can straight up smuggle her inside and not pay for her at all" +msgstr "on peut la faire passer en douce et ne pas payer pour son repas" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1206 +msgid "Won't the waiters find it odd that a tiny Asian kid suddenly materialized at our table?" +msgstr "Les serveurs ne vont pas se douter de quelque chose quand un petit enfant asiatique va soudainement se matérialiser à notre table ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1207 +msgid "No, they won't see her" +msgstr "Non, ils la verront pas" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1208 +msgid "She'll stay in the bag" +msgstr "Elle restera dans le sac" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1209 +msgid "When no one's looking, we can quickly slip the food inside." +msgstr "Quand personne ne regardera, on pourra glisser rapidement la nourriture à l'intérieur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1210 +msgid "what kind of demented fantasy even is this" +msgstr "dans quel délire est-ce qu'on est rentré?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1211 +msgid "I'm getting scared for your future children, you weirdo" +msgstr "J'ai peur pour tes futurs enfants, t'es chelou." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1212 +msgid "that sounds kinda fun actually" +msgstr "Ça a l'air marrant en vrai" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1213 +msgid "ill do it" +msgstr "Je vais le faire" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1214 +msgctxt "furry_e7c6863a" +msgid "WHAT" +msgstr "QUOI" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1215 +msgid "ill be like" +msgstr "je serai genre" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1216 +msgid "illegal" +msgstr "dans l'illégalité" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1217 +msgid "Alright, let's meet up there at noon tomorrow" +msgstr "D'accord, on se rejoint demain à midi'" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1218 +msgid "Be there or be square :)" +msgstr "Soit tu viens, soit tu vaux rien :)" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1220 +msgid "Tomorrow? I won't be able to go. " +msgstr "Demain ? Je ne pourrais pas être là." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1221 +msgid ":c" +msgstr ":c" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1222 +msgid "Why not? " +msgstr "Pourquoi ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1223 +msgid "I just had fun 3 months ago. My parents will complain I'm wasting time." +msgstr "J'ai déjà pris du bon temps il y a 3 mois. Mes parents vont se plaindre que je gaspille mon temps." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1224 +msgid "i cant go either" +msgstr "Je pourrai pas non plus" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1225 +msgid "im still grounded for getting ecxpelled from niles" +msgstr "Je suis toujours punie pour m'être fait exclure de Niles" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1226 +msgid "How are you coming to practice, then?" +msgstr "Comment tu vas aller à l'entrainement alors ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1227 +msgid "i told them i'm going to a tutering group" +msgstr "Je leur ai dit que je rejoignais un groupe de soutien scolaire" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1228 +msgid "can't u say ur going to a special additional session?" +msgstr "tu peux pas dire que tu participe à une séance spéciale demain ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1229 +msgid "bc ur extra dumb and need the help" +msgstr "psk t super bête et que t'as besoin d'aide" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1230 +msgid "fuck yuo" +msgstr "va te faire fuotre" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1231 +msgid "and thats not gonna work" +msgstr "et ça marchera pas" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1232 +msgid "they wont be convinced that easily" +msgstr "ils se feront pas avoir aussi facilement" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1233 +msgid "Wait, listen. " +msgstr "Attends, écoute." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1234 +msgid "I have an idea." +msgstr "J'ai une idée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1247 +msgid "Min's mom accompanies her to the library." +msgstr "La mère de Min l’emmène à la bibliothèque." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1249 +msgid "Noelle is seated inside with her mom." +msgstr "Noelle est assise à l'intérieur avec sa mère." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1250 +msgid "Min gestures at her, wrinkling her nose with disgust. " +msgstr "Min lui fait un signe, plissant son nez de dégout." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1252 +msgid "This is my private tutor or whatever." +msgstr "C'est ma prof' privée ou un truc du genre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1255 +msgid "Yes. I am receiving extra credit for this." +msgstr "Oui. Je reçois des points bonus pour ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1256 +msgid "Min's mom eyes the clearly nerdy girl Min would never be friends with. " +msgstr "La mère de Min dévisage la fille clairement intello que Min n'aurait jamais pu avoir comme amie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1257 +msgid "Noelle's mom eyes the clearly stupid girl Noelle would never be friends with." +msgstr "La mère de Noelle dévisage la fille clairement stupide que Noelle n'aurait jamais pu avoir comme amie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1259 +msgid "Show us your latest math test." +msgstr "Montre-nous ta dernière interro de math." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1260 +msgid "Min takes a crumpled ball of paper out of her pocket. When she smoothes it out, it's marked all over, red with failure." +msgstr "Min sort de sa poche une boule de papier froissée. Lorsqu'elle la déplie, il y a des marques et des rayures partout du rouge de l'échec." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1262 +msgid "WHAT HAPPENED??" +msgstr "QU'EST CE QU'IL S'EST PASSÉ ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1264 +msgid "I got unlucky. There were so many where I narrowed it down to 2 choices, and guessed wrong." +msgstr "J'ai pas eu de chance. Y'avait trop de choix, j'ai réussi à les réduire à 2, et j'ai mal deviné." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1267 +msgid "THERE'S ONLY 4 CHOICES. EVEN IF YOU CHOSE EVERY SINGLE ANSWER AT RANDOM, ON AVERAGE YOU WOULD'VE SCORED HIGHER THAN THIS!" +msgstr "IL N'Y A QUE 4 CHOIX. MÊME EN CHOISISSANT TOUTES LES RÉPONSES AU HASARD, EN MOYENNE TU AURAIS EU UNE MEILLEURE NOTE !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1269 +msgid "Yeah?? Says who?" +msgstr "Ah ouais ?? D'après qui ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1272 +msgid "...What? Says probability. " +msgstr "... Quoi ? D'après les probabilités." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1273 +msgid "Noelle teaches Min the concept of probability..." +msgstr "Noelle enseigne à Min le principe des probabilités..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1275 +msgid "Sounds fake." +msgstr "Ça a l'air truqué." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1278 +msgid "IT'S NOT FAKE." +msgstr "CE N'EST PAS TRUQUÉ." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1279 +msgid "Do you at least understand it now?" +msgstr "Est-ce qu'au moins tu comprends maintenant ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1281 +msgctxt "furry_b61fd423" +msgid "I guess." +msgstr "J'imagine." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1283 +msgid "Finally convinced that Noelle is legitimately tutoring Min, their moms head home." +msgstr "Enfin convaincues que Noelle enseigne véritablement à Min, leurs mères rentrent chez elles." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1285 +msgid "We fooled them!" +msgstr "On les a eues !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1288 +msgid "All we need to do now is walk to the buffet, and remember to come back here later to get picked up." +msgstr "Maintenant, on a juste à aller au buffet et se rappeler de revenir ici plus tard pour qu'elles viennent nous récupérer." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1294 +msgid "It's so messed up that we even have to do this, just for really basic things. We're not even doing anything bad." +msgstr "C'est débile qu'on doivent faire ça, juste pour des trucs aussi basiques. On fait même pas quelque chose de mal." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1297 +msgid "I can't comprehend a situation where you don't have to hide most of your life from your parents." +msgstr "Je n'arrive pas à imaginer une situation où tu dois pas cacher le plus gros de ta vie à tes parents." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1300 +msgid "Right? A healthy relationship with your parents? What's that?" +msgstr "Pas vrai ? Une relation saine avec tes vieux ? C'est quoi ça ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1303 +msgid "It sucks that due to societal pressures, practically everyone has kids, whether they're well suited for parenting or not." +msgstr "C'est nul que tout le monde se sente obligé d'avoir des enfants à cause des pressions sociétales, peu importe qu'ils soient faits pour être parents ou non." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1304 +msgid "It took me a long time to accept that my mom and dad are decent people who just happen to make horrible parents." +msgstr "J'ai mis beaucoup de temps pour accepter que mon père et ma mère sont des gens décents qui font d'horribles parents. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1307 +msgid "I bet mine are worse." +msgstr "Je suis sûre que les miens sont pires." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1310 +msgid "My dad taped the times table up to 12x12 to the wall at eye level, and made me stand facing it until I memorized the whole thing in one go." +msgstr "Mon père a scotché les tables de multiplications jusqu'à 12 sur le mur à hauteur des yeux et m'a fait rester devant jusqu'à que je les connaisse par coeur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1311 +msgid "I was only 5, but I remember it clearly because I was there for hours and hours." +msgstr "Je n'avais que 5 ans, mais je m'en souviens clairement parce que ça m'a pris des heures et des heures." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1314 +msgid "...I still don't know the 11 and 12 ones." +msgstr "...Je connais toujours pas les tables de 11 et 12." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1316 +msgid "Oh yeah? My dad once threw a porcelain toilet seat at me from upstairs." +msgstr "Ah ouais ? Mon père m'a déjà balancé à la gueule un siège de toilette en porcelaine du haut des escaliers." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1319 +msgid "Why a toilet seat?" +msgstr "Pourquoi un siège de toilette ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1322 +msgid "My dad went to pee in the middle of an argument and suddenly remembered how mad he was at me." +msgstr "Mon père est parti pissé en plein milieu d'une engueulade et s'est soudainement rappelé à quel point il avait les boules contre moi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1323 +msgid "So he stormed out of the bathroom with the thing in hand and hurled it at me on sight." +msgstr "Du coup il s'est rué hors de la salle de bain avec le truc dans les mains et me l'a balancé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1326 +msgid "Wow. That explains a lot about you." +msgstr "Wow. Ça explique beaucoup de chose à ton propos. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1329 +msgid "Parents should be required to take a test before they can have kids." +msgstr "Les parents devraient passer un test avant de pouvoir avoir des enfants." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1332 +msgid "I wish that were viable. Maybe in an ideal world, where all vehicle turn signals sync up and blink the same speed." +msgstr "Si seulement c'était possible. Peut-être dans un monde idéal, où tous les clignotants de véhicules se synchroniseraient pour clignoter à la même vitesse. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1333 +msgid "I'd want the test to ask them to explain their motivation for being a parent. Do you want a kid just to elevate your own status?" +msgstr "J'aimerais un test pour leur demander d'expliquer leur motivation pour devenir parents. Est-ce qu'ils veulent un enfant juste pour s'élever dans la société ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1334 +msgid "What if your kids don't turn out the way you expected?" +msgstr "Et si tes enfants ne deviennent pas ce que tu attendais d'eux ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1339 +msgid "A bunch of white guys holler at them as they pass by the intersection." +msgstr "Un groupe de mecs blancs les interpelle en passant l'intersection." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1341 +msgid "Konnichiwa!" +msgstr "Konnichiwa !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1342 +msgid "Min makes an obscene hand gesture at him." +msgstr "Min fait un geste obscène dans sa direction." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1345 +msgid "This is America! SPEAK ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" +msgstr "On est en Amérique ici ! PARLE NOTRE LANGUE, CONNARD !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1348 +msgid "That's...not the correct way to think of it." +msgstr "C'est... pas la bonne façon de voir les choses." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1352 +msgid "It's kinda funny, he had two chances to get it right and got it wrong for both of us." +msgstr "C'est marrant, il avait deux chances que ce soit correct, mais il s'est quand même planté pour nous deux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1355 +msgid "Like you and your math test." +msgstr "Comme toi avec ton interro de math." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1358 +msgid "Oh, shut up." +msgstr "Oh, la ferme." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1367 +msgid "We're here!" +msgstr "On est là !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1369 +msgid "Diya and Akarsha are already waiting by the fountain." +msgstr "Diya et Akarsha sont déjà en train d'attendre près de la fontaine." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1374 +msgctxt "furry_e2b62e10" +msgid "Diya!" +msgstr "Diya !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1377 +msgid "........!" +msgstr "........!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1380 +msgctxt "furry_a293139f" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1383 +msgctxt "furry_0dc258b4" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1386 +msgctxt "furry_ae21a3c4" +msgid "......!!!" +msgstr "......!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1389 +msgctxt "furry_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1393 +msgid "This just added 5 years to my lifespan!!!" +msgstr "Mon espérance de vie vient de se rallonger de 5 ans !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1399 +msgid "Diya has moved so that she's standing directly beneath the air conditioning vent. She closes her eyes contentedly as the cool draft blows over her face." +msgstr "Diya s'est déplacée pour se tenir juste en dessous de la climatisation. Elle ferme les yeux en appréciant la douce brise sur son visage." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1401 +msgid "You're sweating buckets. Were you exercising or something?" +msgstr "Tu transpires beaucoup. T'as fait du sport ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1403 +msgid "Ran 5 miles to here from my house." +msgstr "J'ai couru 8 km de ma maison jusqu'ici." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1405 +msgid "But your house is only 1 mile away." +msgstr "Mais ta maison n'est même pas à 2 km." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1407 +msgid "I know. I just can't read maps." +msgstr "Je sais. Je sais juste pas lire une carte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1409 +msgid "You should cool off in the fountain." +msgstr "Tu devrais te rafraichir dans la fontaine." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1411 +msgctxt "furry_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "Non." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1413 +msgid "It doesn't matter that you're not wearing a swimsuit. If you take off your clothes, your bra and underwear will basically be like a bikini." +msgstr "C'est pas grave si tu portes pas de maillot. Si tu te déshabilles, tes sous-vêtements serviront de bikini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1416 +msgid "You think the swimsuit is the only issue here??" +msgstr "Tu penses que c'est le maillot le seul problème ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1418 +msgid "It's called having fun, Frenchman. You should try it sometime." +msgstr "C'est ce qui s'appelle s'amuser. Tu devrais essayer un jour." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1420 +msgid "Really? Then why don't YOU jump into the fountain?" +msgstr "Vraiment ? Alors pourquoi ce n'est pas TOI qui sautes dans la fontaine ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1422 +msgid "........Great question!" +msgstr "........Bonne question !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1424 +msgctxt "furry_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1426 +msgid "It's filled with money people threw in there. It's like a swimming pool but better." +msgstr "Elle est remplie de pièces que les gens ont jetées dedans. C'est comme une piscine, mais en mieux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1430 +msgid "She's right! There's nothing stopping us from taking it." +msgstr "Mais ouais ! Rien ne nous empêche de les prendre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1433 +msgid "You can't be serious. Stop. Stop!" +msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas sérieuses. Arrêtez. Stop !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1441 +msgid "How much money have you got so far?" +msgstr "T'as combien pour l'instant ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1443 +msgid "Min examines the fistful of dirty coins in her hand." +msgstr "Min examine la poignée de pièces sales dans sa main." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1445 +msgid "Uh......." +msgstr "Euh......." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1446 +msgid "A lot." +msgstr "Beaucoup." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1448 +msgid "Min holds it out for Akarsha to see." +msgstr "Min tend la main vers Akarsha pour lui montrer." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1450 +msgid "You've got like $1.88." +msgstr "T'as genre 1,88$." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1451 +msgid "If we find 392 more cents, we can buy Mario Party at GameStop." +msgstr "Si on trouve encore 392 cents, on pourra acheter Mario Party au GameStop." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1457 +msgid "Hey! What're you doing in there?? Get out!" +msgstr "Hé ! Qu'est-ce que vous faites là-dedans ?? Sortez !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1459 +msgid "Chryssa is powerwalking toward them." +msgstr "Chryssa avance rapidement dans leur direction." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1461 +msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c" +msgid "Shit." +msgstr "Merde." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1468 +msgid "Akarsha and Min reluctantly climb out of the mall fountain." +msgstr "Akarsha et Min sortent de la fontaine à contrecoeur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1470 +msgid "Why are you two like this???" +msgstr "Mais pourquoi vous êtes comme ça vous deux ???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1471 +msgid "Have you never gone outside before??" +msgstr "Vous êtes jamais sorties avant ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1473 +msgid "How dare you. Just last week, I went to Safeway with my mom." +msgstr "Comment ose-tu. Je suis allée à Safeway avec ma mère pas plus tard que la semaine dernière." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1475 +msgid "Chryssa points at Noelle, who's smugly watching them get scolded from a safe distance." +msgstr "Noelle reste à l'écart et les regarde se faire réprimander avec un air satisfait. Chryssa la montre du doigt." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1477 +msgid "And you!" +msgstr "Et toi !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1479 +msgid "What! I didn't do anything." +msgstr "Quoi ? Je n'ai rien fait." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1481 +msgid "Exactly. You should've stopped them." +msgstr "Exactement. Tu aurais dû les arrêter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1482 +msgid "Are you the responsible one or not??" +msgstr "C'est toi la personne responsable ici, non ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1484 +msgid "Alright, I think they get it. Let's just go into the restaurant now." +msgstr "D'accord, je pense qu'elles ont compris. Entrons juste dans le restaurant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1489 +msgid "Get in the bag, Min!" +msgstr "Rentre dans le sac, Min !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1492 +msgid "Liz places the empty equipment bag on the floor and unzips it." +msgstr "Liz pose le sac de sport vide sur le sol et l'ouvre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1493 +msgid "Min climbs in and lies on her side in fetal position. There's actually some room to spare." +msgstr "Min rentre dedans et se couche en position fétale. Il y a même plus d'espace que prévu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1497 +msgid "You okay in there?" +msgstr "Ca va là-dedans ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1499 +msgid "It's kinda like being in sleeping bag, except not padded and shitty." +msgstr "C'est un peu comme un sac de couchage, mais en plus merdique et sans rembourage." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1503 +msgid "I'm doing a crime. If I stay undercover like this, I'll basically be stealing from the restaurant." +msgstr "C'est un crime ce que je fais là. Si je reste cachée comme ça, ce sera comme si je volais de la nourriture au restaurant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1506 +msgid "That's right, homie. Fight the system." +msgstr "J'avoue. Fight the system." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1509 +msgid "We need to zip this up now, so no one sees you." +msgstr "Il faut qu'on ferme le sac maintenant, pour que personne ne te voie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1511 +msgid "Everyone wave goodbye to Min." +msgstr "Tout le monde dit au revoir à Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1513 +msgid "Bye, Min!" +msgstr "Au revoir Min !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1519 +msgid "I can't see a thing now that it's zipped shut." +msgstr "Je vois plus rien maintenant que le sac est fermé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1521 +msgid "Min feels a tug on the top of the bag." +msgstr "Min sent quelqu'un tirer le sac." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1522 +msgid "Ugh, I didn't think about carrying the bag in." +msgstr "Rah, j'avais pas pensé qu'il faudrait porter le sac." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1523 +msgid "It's like, a hundred pounds." +msgstr "Il pèse genre 50 kg." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1524 +msgid "Diya can lift it. She's the strongest." +msgstr "Diya peut le porter. C'est la plus forte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1525 +msgid "No, Diya won't work." +msgstr "Non, ça n'ira pas avec Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1526 +msgid "She'd look too guilty. You can see it on her face." +msgstr "Elle aura l'air trop coupable. On peut le lire sur son visage." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1527 +msgid "See, Mom! She's already uncomfortable." +msgstr "Regarde, maman ! Elle est déjà mal à l'aise." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1528 +msgid "...Did you just call me Mom?" +msgstr "...Tu viens de m'appeler maman ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1529 +msgid "What?! I did not." +msgstr "Quoi ?! Non." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1530 +msgid "You totally did." +msgstr "Si, tu l'as dit." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1532 +msgid "I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT." +msgstr "ABSOLUMENT PAS." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1533 +msgid "Alright, I'll carry the bag." +msgstr "D'accord, je vais porter le sac." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1535 +msgid "Whoa. She's lifting the bag off the ground." +msgstr "Waouh. Elle soulève le sac." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1536 +msgid "I'm suddenly really worried about being dropped." +msgstr "J'ai très peur qu'elle me lâche, d'un coup." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1537 +msgid "If you drop me, I'll kill you." +msgstr "Si tu me lâches, j'te bute." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1541 +msgid "They've halted inside the restaurant." +msgstr "Elles s'arrêtent à l'intérieur du restaurant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1543 +msgid "How many?" +msgstr "Combien ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1544 +msgid "Nine. I mean, eight." +msgstr "Neuf. Je veux dire, huit." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1545 +msgid "We don't have any large tables left. Is two separate ones fine?" +msgstr "Nous n'avons plus de grandes tables. Est-ce que ça irait avec deux tables séparées ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1546 +msgctxt "furry_3ff12095" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "Bien sûr." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1547 +msgid "Come this way." +msgstr "Suivez-moi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1548 +msgid "The bag shifts with Chryssa's movements as she follows the waiter." +msgstr "Le sac balance au bout du bras du Chryssa alors qu'elle suit le serveur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1550 +msgid "These tables are pretty tall." +msgstr "Ces tables sont vachement hautes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1551 +msgid "If Min were sitting at it, she'd need a booster seat." +msgstr "Min aurait besoin d'un siège enfant pour s'y asseoir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1553 +msgid "{big=+20}I'M NOT THAT SHORT, YOU BITCH!{/big}" +msgstr "JE SUIS PAS SI PETITE QUE ÇA, SALOPE !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1557 +msgctxt "furry_63981d3d" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1558 +msgctxt "furry_8e650fe7" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1559 +msgctxt "furry_fcca59f3" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1560 +msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c_1" +msgid "Shit." +msgstr "Merde." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1566 +msgid "Min's life as a fugitive has ended." +msgstr "La carrière de fugitive de Min vient de prendre fin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1568 +msgid "At least now that you've blown your cover, you can eat normally with us." +msgstr "Au moins tu peux manger avec nous normalement, maintenant que t'es cramée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1570 +msgctxt "furry_1fb00b78" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Ouais." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1572 +msgid "Min crawls out of the bag and takes a seat with Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya." +msgstr "Min émerge du sac et s’assoit avec Akarsha, Noelle et Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1574 +msgid "We can get our drinks and food now." +msgstr "On peut enfin commander quelque chose." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1576 +msgid "As Akarsha reaches for her empty glass, Noelle grabs her arm." +msgstr "Akarsha tend la main pour attraper son verre vide, mais Noelle l'en empêche." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1578 +msgid "Wait. I'll get your water along with mine." +msgstr "Attends. Je vais remplir ton verre en même temps que le mien." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1579 +msgid "You go ahead and get your food." +msgstr "Tu peux déjà aller choisir un plat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1581 +msgid "Thanks...?" +msgstr "Merci...?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1583 +msgid "Don't mention it." +msgstr "Pas de quoi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1585 +msgid "Do you have a fever or something?" +msgstr "T'as de la fièvre ou quoi ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1586 +msgid "You're really docile all of a sudden." +msgstr "T'es devenue très docile d'un coup." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1588 +msgid "I don't have the energy to deal with both you and Min-seo at the same time. " +msgstr "Je n'ai pas l'énergie pour vous gérer en même temps toi et Min-seo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1589 +msgid "I'll get you back for this later." +msgstr "Tu me devras un service." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1591 +msgid "I like how getting her water is something you have to get her back for." +msgstr "J'aime bien comment elle te doit un service juste pour lui avoir apporter de l'eau." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1594 +msgid "Diya pauses, then turns to look at Min. The restaurant is noisy enough that she likely didn't catch what Min said, but she heard her tone of approval." +msgstr "Diya s'arrête et se tourne vers Min. Le restaurant est si bruyant qu'elle n'a probablement pas entendu ses mots exacts, mais elle a pu discerner son approbation." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1596 +msgid "You like Noelle now?" +msgstr "Tu t'entends bien avec Noelle maintenant ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1597 +msgid "Her face is shining with hope. Min is struck with the conviction that saying no would be a crime punishable by death." +msgstr "L'espoir se lit sur son visage. Min est soudain convaincue qu'une réponse négative serait un crime passible de la peine de mort." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1599 +msgid "...She's okay, I guess." +msgstr "...Ouais, ça peut aller." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1601 +msgid "Diya beams at her. The blinding exposure temporarily lowers Min's IQ by 50 points." +msgstr "Les traits de Diya s'illuminent. La lumière aveuglante fait temporairement perdre 50 points de QI à Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1603 +msgid "Yeah!! That was so worth it!" +msgstr "Yes !! Ça valait trop le coup !!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1612 +msgid "I don't know what anything is." +msgstr "Je connais aucun de ces plats." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1615 +msgid "Surely you at least recognize Tandoori chicken." +msgstr "Tu devrais au moins reconnaitre le poulet tandoori." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1617 +msgid "You're saying it wrong." +msgstr "Tu le prononces mal." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1620 +msgid "Wait, really? Tandoori?" +msgstr "Sérieux ? Tandoori ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1623 +msgid "Tan-due-ri." +msgstr "Tan-dou-ri." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1624 +msgid "The \"doo\" isn't like in \"door\". It's like..doo-doo head." +msgstr "Pas le \"do\" de \"dormir\". C'est plutôt comme dans... grosse andouille." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1626 +msgid "Are you 5 years old? You could've just said, like the \"due\" in \"due date.\"" +msgstr "Quel âge tu as ? Tu aurais juste pu dire \"dou\" comme dans \"doué.\"" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1629 +msgctxt "furry_1080092c" +msgid "Tan-due-ri..." +msgstr "Tan-dou-ri..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1632 +msgctxt "furry_46fd130d" +msgid "Tan-due-ri..." +msgstr "Tan-dou-ri..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1639 +msgid "I ended up taking a bit of everything." +msgstr "Finalement, j'ai pris un peu de tout." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1641 +msgid "Maybe this will make Diya think I'm cool for trying all of it." +msgstr "Peut-être que Diya pensera que j'suis cool parce que j'ai gouté à tous les plats." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1644 +msgid "The Tando...Tan-due-ri chicken is too salty." +msgstr "Le poulet tando... tan-dou-ri est trop salé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1645 +msgid "Noelle dumps it on Diya's plate. Diya eagerly stuffs the extra food into her mouth." +msgstr "Noelle le jette dans l'assiette de Diya. Diya s'empresse de fourrer la nourriture supplémentaire dans sa bouche." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1647 +msgid "What is she, your garbage disposal?" +msgstr "Elle est quoi, ton broyeur d'ordures ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1649 +msgid "Min jitters her leg so the table is rattling like there's a small earthquake." +msgstr "Min secoue sa jambe pour que la table s'agite comme s'il y avait un petit tremblement de terre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1651 +msgctxt "furry_e603c6b2" +msgid "Stop that." +msgstr "Arrête ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1652 +msgid "Akarsha joins in at the same frequency, so it resonates." +msgstr "Akarsha se joint à la même fréquence, entrant en résonance." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1654 +msgid "Knowledge is power." +msgstr "La connaissance est le pouvoir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1656 +msgid "Akarsha sips her water. She's downed about half the glass now." +msgstr "Akarsha boit son eau à petites gorgées. Elle a descendu la moitié du verre maintenant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1657 +msgid "Clearly waiting for this moment to arrive, Noelle smugly flips open her cell phone and shows it to her." +msgstr "Alors qu'elle attendait manifestement ce moment, Noëlle ouvre son téléphone portable d'un air suffisant et le lui montre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1659 +msgid "Akarsha, look at this photo." +msgstr "Akarsha, regarde cette photo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1660 +msgid "It's a picture of the restaurant's bathroom stall. In the center of the frame, Noelle is holding a water glass to the toilet." +msgstr "C'est une photo des toilettes du restaurant. Au centre du cadre, Noelle tient un verre d'eau dans les toilettes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1665 +msgid "Is that...You filled my cup with toilet water?!" +msgstr "Est-ce que... Tu as rempli ma tasse avec de l'eau des toilettes ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1667 +msgid "What do you think?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu en penses ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1669 +msgid "Seriously?!" +msgstr "Sérieusement ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1670 +msgid "Akarsha stands. Noelle has a perversely happy look on her face, like a child burning ants with a magnifying glass." +msgstr "Akarsha se lève. Noëlle a un regard perversement heureux, comme un enfant qui brûle des fourmis avec une loupe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1672 +msgid "Seriously now, are you serious? Come on man, seriously now really are you serious come on man." +msgstr "Sérieux, genre, t'es sérieuse ? Nan mais meuf, sérieux, genre, vraiment, t'es vraiment sérieuse, nan mais meuf." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1674 +msgid "Now we're even." +msgstr "Maintenant nous sommes quittes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1677 +msgid "Ew!! Ew!!!" +msgstr "Beurk !! Beurk !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1678 +msgid "I can't believe you! You meanie!!" +msgstr "Je ne peux pas te croire ! Méchante !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1679 +msgid "My stomach hurts now!" +msgstr "J'ai mal au bide maintenant !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1681 +msgid "You're being overdramatic. The bacteria wouldn't affect it that fast." +msgstr "Tu es trop dramatique. La bactérie ne t'affecterait pas si vite." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1683 +msgid "I'm gonna wash my mouth out!" +msgstr "Je vais me laver la bouche !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1686 +msgid "Akarsha disappears into the bathroom." +msgstr "Akarsha disparaît dans les cabinets." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1689 +msgid "Jesus Christ..." +msgstr "Doux Jésus..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1693 +msgctxt "furry_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1697 +msgid "Worried, Diya goes after Akarsha, leaving Min alone with Noelle at the table." +msgstr "Inquiète, Diya va chercher Akarsha, laissant Min seule avec Noelle à la table." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1700 +msgid "Noelle is in a particularly good mood now." +msgstr "Noelle est de particulièrement bonne humeur en ce moment." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1744 +msgid "Min gets up and hovers awkwardly outside the women's restroom." +msgstr "Min se lève et se tient maladroitement devant les toilettes des femmes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1745 +msgid "Peering through the open door from the hallway, she can see Akarsha and Diya at the sink." +msgstr "En regardant à travers la porte ouverte du couloir, elle peut voir Akarsha et Diya près du lavabo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1746 +msgid "Akarsha cups her hand under the running faucet, gargles the tap water, and spits it back out." +msgstr "Akarsha passe sa main sous le robinet, se gargarise avec l'eau et la recrache." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1748 +msgid "Oh my god! People pooped in the toilet water! And I drank it!" +msgstr "Oh mon dieu ! Des gens ont chié dans l'eau des toilettes ! Et je l'ai bu !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1750 +msgctxt "check_9cbab985" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Ouaip." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1752 +msgid "This WOULD happen to me. Classic." +msgstr "ÇA m'arriverait à moi. Classique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1753 +msgid "What did I ever do to deserve this?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour mériter ça ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1755 +msgid "You tied Noelle's braid to a tree." +msgstr "Tu as attaché la tresse de Noelle à un arbre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1757 +msgid "Besides that. That's so minor!" +msgstr "Non mais, à part ça. C'est un détail !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1759 +msgid "And \"accidentally\" dropped a worm we were dissecting down her shirt." +msgstr "Et \"accidentellement\", fait tomber un ver qu'on disséquait dans sa chemise." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1761 +msgid "Besides that. That was weeks ago!" +msgstr "Non mais, à part ça. C'était y'a une semaine !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1763 +msgid "Yesterday you picked her up, replied \"Okay!\" when she demanded you put her down, and threw her into the school swimming pool." +msgstr "Hier, tu l'as prise dans tes bras, t'as répondu \"OK !\" quand elle t'a demandé de la poser, et tu l'as jetée dans la piscine de l'école." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1764 +msgid "And when she screeched, \"Now I'm all wet,\" you yelled, \"That's what she said.\"" +msgstr "Et quand elle a crié : \"Maintenant je suis toute mouillée\", tu as hurlé : \"C'est elle qui l'a dit.\"" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1766 +msgid "Besides that! None of these count!" +msgstr "Non mais, à part ça. Aucun d'entre eux ne compte !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1768 +msgctxt "check_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1770 +msgid "Such a cruel world we live in." +msgstr "Nous vivons dans un monde si cruel." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1772 +msgctxt "check_195e0304" +msgid "...Right." +msgstr "...C'est vrai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1774 +msgid "Diya clearly has no idea what to say." +msgstr "Diya ne sait clairement pas quoi dire." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1775 +msgid "Even though she's mostly just standing there listening, though, Akarsha seems to appreciate her presence." +msgstr "Même si elle reste le plus souvent à écouter, Akarsha semble apprécier sa présence." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1777 +msgid "It looks like they're doing okay." +msgstr "On dirait qu'elles s'en sortent bien." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1783 +msgid "Min returns to the table." +msgstr "Min revient à table." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1785 +msgid "They're taking a long time in there." +msgstr "Elles prennent beaucoup de temps là-dedans." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1786 +msgid "She's not crying, is she?" +msgstr "Elle ne pleure pas, n'est-ce pas ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1788 +msgid "No, she's just being a drama queen like usual." +msgstr "Non, elle fait juste sa drama queen comme d'habitude." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1789 +msgid "What, are you worried?" +msgstr "Quoi, tu es inquiète ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1792 +msgid "What?? No." +msgstr "Quoi ?? Non." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1793 +msgid "I was just curious." +msgstr "J'étais juste curieuse." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1795 +msgid "Whatever you say, Satan." +msgstr "Si tu le dis, Satan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1803 +msgid "Was it really toilet water?" +msgstr "C'était vraiment l'eau des toilettes ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1806 +msgid "What? Of course not. That would've been unsanitary." +msgstr "Quoi ? Bien sûr que non. Ça n'aurait pas été hygiénique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1807 +msgid "What kind of person do you think I am?" +msgstr "Quelle genre de personne penses-tu que je suis ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1809 +msgid "What the fuck...That somehow makes it even worse." +msgstr "C'est quoi ce bordel... Ça rend les choses encore pires." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1810 +msgid "You lied to her." +msgstr "Tu lui as menti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1813 +msgid "I never lied." +msgstr "Je ne mens jamais." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1814 +msgid "I purposefully led her to the wrong conclusion, that's all." +msgstr "Je l'ai volontairement conduite à la mauvaise conclusion, c'est tout." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1819 +msgid "Um...It pisses me off to admit it, but you're less boring than I originally thought." +msgstr "Hum... Ça me fait chier de l'admettre, mais tu es moins ennuyeuse que je ne le pensais." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1820 +msgid "I used to think you were the bland goody-two-shoes type." +msgstr "Je pensais que tu étais la meuf cul-béni." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1821 +msgid "But you're actually this sadistic, manipulative weirdo." +msgstr "Mais en fait, tu es une sadique, une manipulatrice bizarre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1822 +msgid "I can respect that." +msgstr "Je peux respecter cela." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1825 +msgid "...Thanks...?" +msgstr "... Merci...?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1827 +msgid "Sorry I've been a jerk to you." +msgstr "Désolée d'avoir été une abrutie avec toi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1828 +msgid "If I'd given you a chance, we might've gotten along." +msgstr "Si je t'avais donné une chance, on aurait pu s'entendre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1831 +msgctxt "talkNoelle_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Quoi ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1833 +msgid "J-just kidding! I hate you." +msgstr "J- Je plaisante ! Je te déteste." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1836 +msgid "Noelle nods with relief." +msgstr "Noëlle acquiesce avec soulagement." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1838 +msgid "Good. I hate you, too." +msgstr "Bien. Je te déteste, moi aussi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1840 +msgid "None of this Disney shit." +msgstr "Pas de cette merde de Disney." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1842 +msgctxt "talkNoelle_4d256c73" +msgid "Right." +msgstr "C'est ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1849 +msgid "The workers are refilling the iced tea keg now." +msgstr "Les ouvriers sont en train de remplir le tonneau de thé glacé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1851 +msgid "That looks good." +msgstr "Ça a l'air bon." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1854 +msgid "Min fetches a glass of iced tea and returns to the table." +msgstr "Min va chercher un verre de thé glacé et retourne à la table." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1856 +msgid "What is that?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que c'est ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1858 +msgid "Iced tea." +msgstr "Du thé glacé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1861 +msgid "What? Where was it?" +msgstr "Quoi ? Où était-il ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1862 +msgid "Min points at the glass keg in the corner of the buffet." +msgstr "Min désigne le tonneau en verre sur le coin du buffet." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1864 +msgid "Why is it all by itself, away from the other beverages?" +msgstr "Pourquoi est-il tout seul, loin des autres boissons ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1866 +msgid "Uh...Maybe they didn't have room by the soda machine?" +msgstr "Euh... Peut-être qu'ils n'avaient pas de place près de la machine à soda ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1868 +msgid "Now that she looks, though, there is room by the soda machine." +msgstr "Maintenant qu'elle regarde, en fait, il y a de la place près de la machine à soda." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1870 +msgid "Shit. You're right." +msgstr "Merde. T'as raison." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1871 +msgid "What the hell is this then?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que c'est, alors ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1874 +msgid "How should I know?" +msgstr "Comment le saurais-je ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1875 +msgid "Min sniffs it." +msgstr "Min le renifle." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1877 +msgid "I can't tell what it is." +msgstr "Je peux pas dire ce que c'est." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1878 +msgid "You try." +msgstr "Essaye." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1880 +msgid "Noelle brings the bowl to her face and inhales." +msgstr "Noelle approche le bol de son visage et inhale." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1881 +msgid "I don't know. It doesn't smell like a tea." +msgstr "Je ne suis pas sûre. Ca ne sent pas vraiment le thé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1882 +msgid "Min pours half of it into another glass and slides it over to Noelle." +msgstr "Min verse la moitié dans un autre verre et le glisse à Noelle." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1884 +msgid "I don't want this!" +msgstr "Je n'en veux pas!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1886 +msgid "It's a symbol of our not being enemies anymore." +msgstr "C'est le symbole de la fin de l'époque où nous étions ennemies." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1889 +msgid "I don't even know what it is!" +msgstr "Je ne sais même pas ce que c'est!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1891 +msgid "Then try it." +msgstr "Goûte alors." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1894 +msgid "YOU try it." +msgstr "TU goûtes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1896 +msgid "What, are you scared it'll taste bad?" +msgstr "Quoi, t'as peur que ce soit dégueu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1899 +msgid "What if it's a condiment? Or a sauce? " +msgstr "Et s'il s'avère que c'est de l'assaisonnement? Ou une sauce?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1900 +msgid "It would be like eating mustard." +msgstr "Ben ça serait comme manger de la moutarde." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1901 +msgid "We should just wait for Diya and Akarsha to come back and ask them. " +msgstr "Nous devrions attendre Diya et Akarsha et leur demander." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1903 +msgid "I don't want to be sitting here with matching cups with you!" +msgstr "J'ai pas envie de poireauter ici avec une tasse assortie à la tienne!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1904 +msgid "It'll look stupid!" +msgstr "On aura l'air connes!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1907 +msgid "You should've thought about that before taking a glass of mystery liquid! " +msgstr "Tu aurais dû penser à ça avant de pendre un verre de ce mystérieux liquide!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1909 +msgid "I thought I knew what it was!" +msgstr "Je pensais savoir ce que c'était!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1912 +msgid "Noelle glares down at her glass of orangey-yellow liquid. After a long moment, takes a sip of it." +msgstr "Noelle regarde d'un oeil mauvais le contenu jaune-orangé de son verre. Après un long moment, elle en prend une gorgée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1914 +msgid "Well? What is it?" +msgstr "Alors? C'est comment ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1917 +msgid "It's spicy, not sweet." +msgstr "C'est épicé et non sucré." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1919 +msgid "It's...weird for a beverage. I don't like it." +msgstr "C'est... bizarre comme boisson. Je n'aime pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1921 +msgid "What're you, racist?" +msgstr "T'es raciste ou quoi?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1924 +msgid "I'm not racist!" +msgstr "Je ne suis pas raciste!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1926 +msgid "You're like one of those wimps who're afraid of durian." +msgstr "T'es comme ces mauviettes qui veulent pas essayer le durian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1927 +msgid "Closed-minded." +msgstr "Obtus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1930 +msgid "I'm not! Look, I'll finish it!" +msgstr "Je ne suis pas obtus! Regarde, je le finis!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1932 +msgid "It's probably an acquired taste, like durian." +msgstr "Si ça se trouves on finit par aimer ça, comme le durian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1934 +msgid "Min begins drinking her glass of the liquid too." +msgstr "Min commence à boire le contenu de son verre." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1936 +msgid "...It does taste weird for a drink." +msgstr "...C'est un peu space comme boisson." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1937 +msgid "I don't like it. But I'm better than her! I'll never admit it!" +msgstr "C'est dégueu. Mais pas moyen que je lui dise! Je vaux mieux qu'elle!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1941 +msgid "Grimacing, they continue drinking the mystery liquid in silence." +msgstr "Tout en grimaçant, elles continuent de boire leur liquide mystère en silence. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1943 +msgid "...Hey, you're like a Diya expert, right?" +msgstr "... Dis, t'es une sorte d'experte de Diya non?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1946 +msgid "More or less." +msgstr "Plus ou moins." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1948 +msgid "Can I ask for your opinion on something, then?" +msgstr "J'peux te demander ton avis sur un truc alors?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1950 +msgid "Yes?" +msgstr "Oui?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1952 +msgid "Where would be the best possible place to take Diya on a date?" +msgstr "Ca serait quoi le lieu idéal où amener Diya pour une rencard? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1956 +msgid "A dog park." +msgstr "Un parc à chiens." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1958 +msgid "I already-" +msgstr "J'ai déjà-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1959 +msgid "I mean, besides a dog park." +msgstr "Je veux dire à part le parc à chiens." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1961 +msgid "Then the Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios." +msgstr "Le parc Harry Potter à Universal Studios." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1963 +msgid "But I don't have the money to-" +msgstr "Mais j'ai pas l'argent pour-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1964 +msgid "I mean, the budget in this situation is small." +msgstr "On va dire qu'on est sur un budget serré." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1967 +msgid "...In this hypothetical situation." +msgstr "...Dans cette situation tout à fait hypothétique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1969 +msgid "Right. In this hypothetical situation." +msgstr "Mais bien sûr. On parle d'une situation hypothétique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1970 +msgid "I'm testing your Diya knowledge." +msgstr "Je vérifie juste que tu connais bien Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1974 +msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr "................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1976 +msgctxt "dessert_c38327a8" +msgid "................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1980 +msgid "She also likes eating." +msgstr "Elle aime aussi manger." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1981 +msgid "Why don't you take her to a dessert place instead?" +msgstr "Pourquoi ne pas l'emmener dans un salon thé?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1982 +msgid "There's one she wants to try called Snowcastle. They have shaved ice and boba." +msgstr "Je sais qu'elle aimerait essayer le Snowcastle. Ils font du buble-tea avec de la glace pillée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1983 +msgid "It's within walking distance from school. Students often visit it during the lunch hour." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas très loin de notre lycée. Les élèves y vont souvent durant la pause déjeuner." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1985 +msgid "Perfect! Thanks." +msgstr "Parfait! Merci." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1987 +msgid "...I mean, you pass." +msgstr "....J'veux dire, t'as réussi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1989 +msgid "Because I was testing you." +msgstr "T'as réussi le test que je te faisais passé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1992 +msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d_1" +msgid "................." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1994 +msgid "Just as a reminder, I hate you." +msgstr "Pour ta gouverne, je te hais toujours." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1995 +msgid "I'm only helping you to make sure Diya doesn't have a terrible time." +msgstr "Je t'aide simplement parce que je veux m'assurer que Diya ne passera pas un mauvais moment." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1997 +msgid "Yeah, of course. I hate you, too." +msgstr "Je sais. Je te hais aussi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2000 +msgid "Akarsha and Diya have returned from the bathroom." +msgstr "Akarsha et Diya reviennent des toilettes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2001 +msgid "Akarsha's eyes widen as she sees Min gulp another mouthful of the mystery liquid." +msgstr "Akarasha a les yeux qui sortent de leurs orbites quand elle voit Min prendre une nouvelle gorgée du mystérieux liquide." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2003 +msgid "Are you guys drinking pani?!" +msgstr "Vous buvez du pani?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2005 +msgid "Diya, look! Look, they're drinking pani!!" +msgstr "Diya, regarde! Elles sont en train de boire du pani!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2008 +msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2010 +msgid "What?? What's pani?" +msgstr "Quoi?? C'est quoi du pani" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2012 +msgid "You're supposed to use it to fill puri, the fried dough ball things." +msgstr "T'es censée l'utiliser pour remplir le puri, les trucs de boule de pâte frite là." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2013 +msgid "You don't drink it all by itself." +msgstr "Tu le bois pas tout entier tout seul." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2015 +msgid "Noelle glares at Min." +msgstr "Noelle jette un regard méchant à Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2016 +msgid "I told you it wasn't a beverage! I was right!" +msgstr "Je t'avais dit que c'était pas une boisson ! J'avais raison !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2018 +msgid "Don't pin it on me!" +msgstr "Wesh, j'ai rien dit !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2019 +msgid "You drank it all on your own!" +msgstr "T'as bu ça toute seule comme une grande !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2022 +msgid "Do you guys squirt ketchup directly into your mouths too??" +msgstr "Les meufs, vous aspergez vos bouches de ketchup aussi, ou quoi ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2024 +msgctxt "dessert_bfcfdeac" +msgid "Shut up." +msgstr "Ta gueule." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2026 +msgid "Ketchup Man..." +msgstr "Ketchup Man..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2027 +msgid "Both Diya and Akarsha are gleefully taking out their phones." +msgstr "Diya et Akarsha sortent toutes les deux leurs téléphones avec un sourire machiavélique." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2033 +msgid "DON'T TAKE PHOTOS!" +msgstr "PAS DE PHOTOS !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2035 +msgid "Look what I got!!!" +msgstr "Regarde ce que j'ai !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2036 +msgid "It's a photo of a blurred, scowling Noelle trying to shove the shameful cup away from her." +msgstr "C'est une photo d'une Noelle toute floue et maussade essayant de repousser le gobelet loin d'elle." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2039 +msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f_1" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2040 +msgid "Send it to me." +msgstr "Envoie-la moi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2042 +msgid "You're never gonna let us live this down, are you?" +msgstr "Tu vas jamais nous lâcher avec ça, hein ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2045 +msgid "You guessed it, Ketchup Man 2." +msgstr "Bien deviné, Ketchup Man 2." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2047 +msgid "Whatever, Pee Girl." +msgstr "Va te faire foutre, Pisse-Girl." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2051 +msgid "Noelle storms off to the buffet area to escape Akarsha's photos." +msgstr "Noelle se barre vers le buffet pour échapper à l'appareil photo d'Akarsha." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2052 +msgid "Akarsha gets up and chases after her." +msgstr "Akarsha se lève et lui court après." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2054 +msgid "...Noelle's making things even worse. There's gonna be action shots of her running around the salad bar now." +msgstr "... Noelle arrange pas les choses. On va avoir un film d'action avec elle qui court partout autour du bar à salade." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2057 +msgid "And of her tripping." +msgstr "Et avec elle qui se casse la gueule." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2059 +msgid "Huh? But she hasn't tripped." +msgstr "Hein ? Mais elle est pas tombée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2066 +msgid "As if on cue, Noelle stumbles over nothing and trips." +msgstr "Comme si elle avait reçu un signal, Noelle trébuche et tombe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2068 +msgid "Hey! This isn't a jungle gym!" +msgstr "Hey ! C'est pas la jungle ici !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2071 +msgctxt "dessert_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2073 +msgid "Wow, you're good." +msgstr "Waouh, t'es trop forte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2077 +msgid "We're alone at the table now..." +msgstr "On est seules à table maintenant..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2078 +msgid "Here's my chance to ask her out!!!" +msgstr "C'est l'moment d'lui demander de sortir avec moi !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2082 +msgid "We should go out and eat sometime." +msgstr "On devrait sortir un coup et manger ensemble." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2085 +msgid "We're...already eating right now." +msgstr "On... est déjà en train de manger là." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2087 +msgid "I mean, some other time. Just the two of us." +msgstr "Euh, j'veux dire, une autre fois. Juste nous deux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2110 +msgid "We're here!!! On a date!!!" +msgstr "On y est !!! Un date !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2112 +msgid "It's lunchtime at school right now. We ate really fast and sprinted here." +msgstr "C'est l'heure du repas au bahut, là. On a mangé super vite et sprinté ici." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2115 +msgid "How much time do we have?" +msgstr "Combien de temps on a ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2117 +msgid "About 30 minutes before we gotta run back to campus." +msgstr "Genre 30 minutes avant qu'on doive courir vers le campus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2121 +msgid "Thanks for bringing me here." +msgstr "C'est sympa de m'avoir amenée ici, merci." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2122 +msgid "I've always wanted to try their shaved ice." +msgstr "J'ai toujours voulu essayer leur glace pilée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2124 +msgid "I'm the one who should be thankful! Don't mention it!!" +msgstr "C'est moi qui devrait te dire merci ! C'est rien !!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2128 +msgid "Min receives a chat message. She quickly checks her phone." +msgstr "Min reçoit un message. Elle regarde rapidement son téléphone." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2130 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2131 +msgid "I have prepared a Diya cheat sheet for your reference." +msgstr "Pour ton information, j'ai préparé une feuille de triche Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2133 +msgid "Top desserts/drinks Diya likes:\n - Any food artificially colored to look blue. The flavor is irrelevant (e.g. Blue Raspberry, Baja Blast, etc.). Diya cannot tell the difference and will refer to it as \"blue flavor\". \n- Peanut butter. She is neutral toward actual peanuts. \n- Mango. \n- Food with a circle in the center (e.g. bagels, bundt cakes, peach gummy rings)." +msgstr "Les meilleurs desserts et boissons que Diya aime :\n - Tout aliment coloré artificiellement pour paraître bleu. La saveur n'a pas d'importance (e.g. framboises bleues, Powerade bleu, etc.). Diya ne sait pas faire la différence et s'y référera simplement à \"saveur bleue\". \n- Beurre de cacahuète. Elle est indifférente aux véritables cacahuètes. \n- Mangue. \n- La nourriture avec un cercle à l'intérieur (e.g. beignets, kouglofs, beignets de calmar)." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2138 +msgid "If you are in a situation where multiple food items have these features (e.g. both a blue colored cake and a mango mousse cake are available), the hierarchy is as follows: \n\"Blue flavor\" > Peanut butter > Mango > Circle in the center" +msgstr "Si vous êtes dans une situation où plusieurs aliments ont ces caractéristiques (e.g. sont disponibles, à la fois un gâteau de couleur bleue, et une gâteau-mousse à la mangue), la hiérarchie est la suivante : \n\"Saveur bleue\" > Beurre de cacahuète > Mangue > Cercle à l'intérieur" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2140 +msgid "Suggested conversation topics\n - Owl City \n- Dogs who have different colored fur above their eyes so it looks like they have eyebrows \n- The Most Extreme (Animal Planet series)" +msgstr "Sujets de conversation suggérés\n - Le Château Ambulant \n- Les chiens qui ont une couleur de poils différente au-dessus de leurs yeux, que l'on dirait qu'ils ont des sourcils \n- 30 Millions d'Amis, l'émission" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2144 +msgid "k" +msgstr "k" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2145 +msgid "ill text you if i run into trouble" +msgstr "jte fais un sms si j'ai des ennuis" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2146 +msgid "Understood." +msgstr "Entendu" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2150 +msgid "Min and Diya take their place in line and gaze up at the menu." +msgstr "Min et Diya se mettent dans la file d'attente, et regardent le menu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2153 +msgid "These shaved ice desserts look massive." +msgstr "Ces desserts à la glace pilée ont l'air oufissimes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2154 +msgid "Maybe we can share one." +msgstr "On pourrait partager." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2157 +msgctxt "date_9ee5e3fd" +msgid "Diya nods eagerly." +msgstr "Diya hoche la tête avec grand entrain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2158 +msgid "It's on purpose. They're made for couples to eat togeth-" +msgstr "C'est fait exprès. Ils ont fait en sorte que les couples mangent ensem-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2161 +msgid "{big=+20}WE'RE SHARING ONE.{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}ON VA EN PARTAGER UN.{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2164 +msgid "It's Diya and Min's turn in line now. " +msgstr "C'est maintenant au tour de Diya et de Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2166 +msgid "Welcome to Snowcastle. Can I take your order?" +msgstr "Bienvenue à Snowcastle. Puis-je prendre votre commande ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2167 +msgid "Diya looks anxiously at Min. Min's heart skips a beat seeing the helplessness in her eyes." +msgstr "Diya regarde Min anxieusement. Le cœur de Min s'arrête un coup en voyant l'impuissance dans ses yeux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2169 +msgid "She's relying on me!" +msgstr "Elle se repose sur moi !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2170 +msgid "I've got you!" +msgstr "Je gère !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2172 +msgid "We'll have the Mt. Fuji." +msgstr "On va prendre le Mont Fuji." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2173 +msgid "That one is blue." +msgstr "Ce truc est bleu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2175 +msgid "One Mt. Fuji, coming right up!" +msgstr "Et un Mont Fuji en cours !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2178 +msgid "Diya and Min find a table and wait for their order." +msgstr "Diya et Min s'assoient à une table et attendent leur commande." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2180 +msgid "I'll pay you back." +msgstr "Je te rembourserai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2182 +msgid "No, it's on me! Don't worry about it." +msgstr "Nan, je paie ! T'en fais pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2183 +msgid "I still have the money from the mall fountain." +msgstr "Il me reste de l'argent de la fontaine du centre commercial." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2186 +msgid "...Thanks." +msgstr "... Merci" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2188 +msgid "You're welcome. I'd kill someone if you asked me to." +msgstr "Au plaisir. J'tuerais n'importe qui si tu me le demandais." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2191 +msgid "I'm pretty sure you'd kill someone even if I didn't ask you to." +msgstr "Sans même te le demander, j'suis quasi sûre que tu tuerais n'importe qui." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2192 +msgid "The orders are being prepared on the counter. An employee is drizzling syrup atop another customer's mountain of shaved ice." +msgstr "Les commandes sont en train d'être préparées au comptoir. Un employé recouvre de sirop la montagne de glace pilée d'un autre client." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2194 +msgid "Hey, we can watch them making it." +msgstr "Hé, on peut les regarder faire." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2197 +msgid "Don't wanna see." +msgstr "Je veux pas voir ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2198 +msgid "Food tastes better if you don't know what's in it." +msgstr "La bouffe c'est meilleur quand tu sais pas ce qu'il y a dedans." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2199 +msgid "That way it's like magic." +msgstr "Comme ça, c'est comme de la magie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2201 +msgid "Huh. Never thought of it like that." +msgstr "Euh. J'y ai jamais pensé comme ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2203 +msgid "Do you know how to cook?" +msgstr "Tu sais cuisiner ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2205 +msgid "I can make microwaved popcorn." +msgstr "Je peux faire du popcorn au micro-ondes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2207 +msgid "That's not cooking." +msgstr "C'est pas cuisiner ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2209 +msgid "What, can {i}you{/i} cook?" +msgstr "Quoi, tu peux cuisiner, {i}toi{/i} ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2212 +msgid "...Not really." +msgstr ".. Pas vraiment." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2213 +msgid "Once, I tried to make a pancake. When I was nine." +msgstr "Un coup, j'ai essayé de faire un pancake. Quand j'avais neuf ans." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2214 +msgid "But it burned to a total crisp. Like a rock." +msgstr "Mais ça a brûlé au point de se changer en carbone. Genre un caillou en carbone." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2215 +msgid "Couldn't even scrape it out of the pan." +msgstr "J'arrivais même pas à gratter la poêle pour le sortir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2216 +msgid "I was so embarrassed that I dug a big hole in the backyard and buried it." +msgstr "J'étais génée que j'ai creusé un grand trou dans le jardin et je l'ai enterré" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2218 +msgid "Including the pan?!" +msgstr "Dont la poelle ?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2221 +msgid "I was desperate. Didn't know what else to do." +msgstr "J'étais désespéré. Je ne savais pas quoi faire d'autre " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2223 +msgid "That's so cute. Like a little puppy." +msgstr "C'est si mignon. Comme un chiot" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2226 +msgid "Are you making fun of me?" +msgstr "Tu te fous de moi ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2228 +msgid "No! It's a good thing." +msgstr "Non ! Ce n'est pas une bonne chose. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2230 +msgid "You're so cute sometimes that I almost can't stand it." +msgstr "Tu es si mignone que parfois je ne peux presque pas le supporter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2233 +msgctxt "date_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2234 +msgid "I-I have to go to the bathroom." +msgstr "J-Je dois aller au cabinet" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2236 +msgid "Diya staggers to her feet and makes for the restroom." +msgstr "Diya se lève en titubant et se dirige vers les toilettes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2238 +msgid "She misses the door and slams straight into the wall." +msgstr "Elle loupe la porte et se cogne conter le mur" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2240 +msgctxt "date_4962ac78" +msgid "Diya!" +msgstr "Diya !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2242 +msgid "Min rushes to her side as she staggers back and grabs ahold of her, worried she might fall." +msgstr "Min se précipite à ses cotés alors qu'elle vacille et l'agrippe, inquiète qu'elle ne chusse " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2244 +msgid "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qui ne vas pas ? Tu t'es fait mal ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2247 +msgid "Diya just shakes her head, face red. She seems to be struggling with the limits of spoken language." +msgstr "Diya secoue sa tête, le visage rouge. Elle semble avoir du mal à s'exprimer. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2249 +msgid "You sure?" +msgstr "Tu es sur ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2251 +msgid "Diya nods frantically." +msgstr "Diya acquiesce rapidement" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2253 +msgid "Min tentatively lets her go. She watches Diya scramble into the restroom (correctly this time)." +msgstr "Min la laisse doucement partir. Diya se précipiter dans les toilettes (correctement cette fois) " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2256 +msgid "As Min returns to the table, her phone screen lights up with a message." +msgstr "Alors que Min retourne à la table, l'écran de son téléphone s'allume avec un message." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2257 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_1" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "nw" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2259 +msgid "IM GDSO FDUCKING DFONE" +msgstr "OH PUTDIEUX J'EN AI RAS LE CUL" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2260 +msgid "THE WAY U GRABED HER I THOIUGHT U WERE GONNNA START DRY HUMPGIN HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RESTAURNAT" +msgstr "LA FAÇON DONT TU L'AS ATTRAPÉE, J'AI CRU QUE TU ALLAIS COMMENCER À LA BAISER AU MILIEU DU RESTAURANT" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2261 +msgid "Akarsha, I'm convinced those sunglasses are actually impeding your mental processes." +msgstr "Akarsha, je suis convaincu que ses lunettes de soleil entrave ta reflexion" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2262 +msgid "I am embarrassed to be seen with you." +msgstr "Je suis gênée d'être vu avec toi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2263 +msgid "well i cant take them off" +msgstr "Et bien, je ne peux pas les enlever" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2264 +msgid "my coverll be blown" +msgstr "Ma couverture sera détruite" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2265 +msgid "YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN A BETTER DISGUISE IN THE FIRST PLACE, THEN." +msgstr "TU AURAIS DU CHOISIR UN MEILLEUR DEGUISEMENT EN PREMIER LIEU, tac " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2268 +msgid "what" +msgstr "Quoi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2269 +msgid "turn around" +msgstr "retourne toi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2279 +msgctxt "date_bda8889e" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2282 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_2" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2283 +msgctxt "date_f1a4dee5" +msgid "WTF" +msgstr "CQCB" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2284 +msgid "diya's been texting me for advice on u" +msgstr "Diya ma demander des conseils par messages" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2285 +msgid "thats why she went to the bathroom" +msgstr "C'est pour ça qu'elle est partie au cabinet" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2286 +msgctxt "date_47de0e2b" +msgid "WHAT" +msgstr "QUOI" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2287 +msgid "Honestly, I'm annoyed she goes to you and not me." +msgstr "Honnêtement, je suis ennuyer qu'elle aille vers toi et non vers moi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2288 +msgid "why would she go to u? u never talk about feelings and gay stuff" +msgstr "Pourquoi est-ce qu'elle se confie à toi ? Tu ne parle jamais de tes sentiments et de trucs gay" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2289 +msgid "and i also have master seduction skills" +msgstr "Et j'ai aussi une master en séduction" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2290 +msgid "What master seduction skills?" +msgstr "Quel master en séduction ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2291 +msgid "my Tactics" +msgstr "mes tactiques" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2292 +msgid "If you're so knowledgable on these matters, why are you single?" +msgstr "Si tu en sais autan sur ces sujets, pourquoi es tu célib ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2293 +msgid "excuse u im single bc i want to be??" +msgstr "Je te merde, je suis célib parce que je le veux" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2294 +msgid "some people like being sad and alone" +msgstr "Y a des gens qui aiment être triste et seule" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2295 +msgid "on purpose" +msgstr "A dessein" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2296 +msgid "On purpose." +msgstr "A dessein." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2297 +msgid "rigHT, ON PURPOSE" +msgstr "biEN, A desssein." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2298 +msgid "not bc no one ever likes me back or anything" +msgstr "et pas car personne ne m'aime en retour ou qqch comme ça" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2299 +msgid "dont attack me like this wtf???" +msgstr " pourquoi ce tacke à la jugulaire " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2300 +msgid "wait guys hold on" +msgstr "attendez les meufs" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2301 +msgid "how long has this been going on????" +msgstr "ça dure depuis combien de temps ?????" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2302 +msgid "was the whole thing at the buffet a setup?? when yuo two left the table??" +msgstr "Est-ce que tout ce truc au buffet était un coup monté ?? quand vous avez toutes deux quittées la table ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2303 +msgid "Take a wild guess, Sherlock." +msgstr "Essaie de deviner Sherlock." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2304 +msgid "you know nolle im starting to realize you do have a sense of humor" +msgstr "Tu sais quoi, Nolle je commence à me rendre compte que tu as un sens de l'humour " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2305 +msgid "but your so emotionally constipated that youre style of humor is just being extremely mean" +msgstr "mais tu es tellement constipé émotionnellement que ton style d'humour est juste extrêmement méchant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2306 +msgid "omg wait??" +msgstr "Oh mon dieux quoi ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2307 +msgid "do u and noelle get along now??" +msgstr "Est-ce que Noelle et toi vous vous entendez bien maintenant? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2308 +msgid "We don't get along." +msgstr "On ne s'entend pas" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2309 +msgid "but we used to not get along much worse" +msgstr "mais nous ne nous entendions pas beaucoup plus" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2314 +msgid "Diya returns to the table." +msgstr "Diya reviens à table" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2316 +msgid "Are you feeling better?" +msgstr "Tu te sens mieux" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2319 +msgid "Diya nods sheepishly, and then stiffens up in fear as a waitress approaches with their dessert on a tray." +msgstr "Diya acquiesce d'un air penaud, puis se raidit de peur lorsqu'une serveuse s'approche avec leur dessert sur un plateau." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2321 +msgid "One Mt. Fuji?" +msgstr "Un Mont blanc?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2322 +msgid "Diya responds with frenzied nodding as the waitress slides the dessert onto the table." +msgstr "Diya répond par un hochement de tête frénétique tandis que la serveuse fait glisser le dessert sur la table." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2326 +msgid "It's a mound of shaved ice, sculpted and saturated with blue raspberry syrup and condensed milk to look like a mountain." +msgstr "c'est un monticule de glace pilée, sculpté et saturé de sirop de framboise bleue et de lait concentré pour ressembler à une montagne." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2328 +msgid "...!!!!!!!" +msgstr "..!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2329 +msgid "The blue flavor looks good." +msgstr "La saveur bleu a l'air bonne" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2332 +msgid "Noelle was spot on!" +msgstr "Noelle a été parfaite !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2335 +msgid "What're the pink things?" +msgstr "Quel sont les trucs rose" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2338 +msgid "It's mochi. They're supposed to look like cherry blossoms." +msgstr "C'est du mochi. Ils sont sensé resemblé à des feuille de cerisié" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2340 +msgid "Min stabs her spoon into the shaved ice and shovels it into her mouth." +msgstr "Min plante sa cuillère dans la glace pilée et la met dans sa bouche." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2341 +msgid "The shaved ice is so cold that her gums are growing numb." +msgstr "La glace pilée est si froide que ses gencives s'engourdissent." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2346 +msgid "I think I'm getting brainfreeze." +msgstr "J'ai mal à la tête à cause du froid" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2349 +msgctxt "date_4047d783" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "Moi aussi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2350 +msgid "A drop of cream is trickling down Diya's finger. She quickly licks it clean before it can reach her palm." +msgstr "Une goutte de crème coule sur le doigt de Diya. Elle la lèche rapidement avant qu'elle n'atteigne sa paume." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2351 +msgid "Min is so focused watching, she doesn't realize her own mouth is hanging open until she feels a trail of spit about to drop down from it." +msgstr "Min est tellement concentrée à regarder qu'elle ne se rend pas compte que sa propre bouche est ouverte jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente une traînée de salive sur le point d'en sortir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2352 +msgid "Min accidentally drooled onto the table." +msgstr "Min a bavé accidentellement sur la table " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2354 +msgid "FUCK!! SHIT!!!!" +msgstr "PUTAIN !! MERDE !!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2358 +msgctxt "date_5db23ed9" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2360 +msgctxt "date_6a61dc07" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2363 +msgid "Diya is staring determinedly into the Mt. Fuji. She's probably pretending not to have seen. " +msgstr "Diya regarde fixement le mont Fuji. Elle fait certainement comme si elle ne l'avait pas vu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2367 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_3" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2369 +msgid "HELP ME" +msgstr "AIDE-MOI" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2370 +msgid "pretend to drown so she has to give you mouth-to-mouth" +msgstr "fais semblant de te noyer, alors elle va devoir te faire du bouche-à-bouche" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2371 +msgid "wtf kind of plan is that" +msgstr "c kel genre de plan sa ptdr" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2372 +msgid "what would i even be drowning on??" +msgstr "Et dans quoi est-ce que je me noierais ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2374 +msgid "the shaved ice" +msgstr "dans de la glace pilée" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2375 +msgid "no" +msgstr "nope" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2377 +msgid "the toilet" +msgstr "les chiottes" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2378 +msgid "NO" +msgstr "NAN" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2380 +msgid "trust me im a love expert" +msgstr "fais-moi confiance, j'suis une experte de l'amour" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2381 +msgid "there's no way this could possibly go wrong" +msgstr "y a aucun moyen que ça puisse mal tourner" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2382 +msgid "Rather than potentially causing confusion like that, why don't you be open and tell her how you feel?" +msgstr "Au lieu de potentiellement générer de la confusion comme ça, pourquoi ne pas t'ouvrir un peu, et lui dire ce que tu ressens ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2383 +msgid "your the LAST person on the planet qualified to tell me to be open" +msgstr "t la DERNIERE personne qualifiée sur cette planète à me dire que j'dois m'ouvrir" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2384 +msgid "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly open about my feelings." +msgstr "J'vois absolument pas de quoi tu parles. Je suis parfaitement à l'aise sur mes sentiments." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2385 +msgid "SINCE WHEN XD" +msgstr "DEPUIS QUAND XD" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2386 +msgid "hey frenchman u enjoy our company right?" +msgstr "Hé, la 2nde, tu kiffes notre présence hein ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2387 +msgid "I'm not sure how you deluded yourself into believing that." +msgstr "Je me demande bien comment tu as pu te leurrer en pensant ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2388 +msgid "SEE" +msgstr "TU VOIS" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2389 +msgctxt "date_754eade2" +msgid "LMAO" +msgstr "MDR" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2390 +msgid "proved us right" +msgstr "Ca prouve qu'on avait raison" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2391 +msgid "you cant even argue it" +msgstr "tu n'as même pas de contre-argument" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2392 +msgctxt "date_95272ec7" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2393 +msgid "SHES TRAPPED" +msgstr "ELLE EST COINCEE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2394 +msgid "SHE HATES BEING WRONG BUT CANT ADMIT SHE LIKES US" +msgstr "ELLE DETESTE AVOIR TORT MAIS PEUT PAS AVOUER QU'ELLE NOUS KIFFE." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2395 +msgid "I like you." +msgstr "Je t'apprécie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2396 +msgid "O__O" +msgstr "O__O" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2397 +msgid "HOWEVER, you're immature and relentlessly annoying. Everything about you fills me with indescribable rage. From the way you wear a windbreaker with flip-flops, to your idiotic looking hairstyle, to how you're smart yet do things like call forks \"food rakes\", etc." +msgstr "CEPENDANT, tu es immature et d'un ennui incessant. Tout ce qu'il y a en toi me remplit d'une rage indescriptible. Depuis la façon dont tu as à porter un coupe-vent avec des tongs, à ta coiffure tellement idiote, ou encore au fait que, bien que tu sois rusée, tu arrives toujours à faire des trucs stupides, tel que nommer les fourchettes des \"râteaux à nourriture\", et ainsi de suite." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2398 +msgid "And Min, you're volatile and stupid. I already hardly tolerate you, so if you hurt Diya in any way, I won't hesitate to destroy you." +msgstr "Et Min, t'es super instable et stupide. Déjà que je te supporte à peine, alors si tu fais quoique ce soit de mal à Diya, je n'hésiterai pas à te buter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2399 +msgid "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO IMMEDIATLY DRAG US TO DEFUSE THE SITUATION??" +msgstr "PUTAIN, MAIS POURQUOI TU NOUS EMBARQUES TOUJOURS DANS DES SITUATIONS PAREILLES ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2400 +msgid "baby steps, frenchman! very good" +msgstr "à petits pas, belle gosse de seconde ! bravo" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2401 +msgid "SHUT UP." +msgstr "LA FERME." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2402 +msgid "Now that I'm right, as always, about being open, Min has no valid excuse." +msgstr "Comme toujours, j'ai raison d'être ouverte d'esprit. Min n'a aucune excuse valable." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2403 +msgid "what if diya rejects me??" +msgstr "et si diya m'rejette ???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2404 +msgid "then that's her own personal problem for having bad taste" +msgstr "alors c'est son problème d'avoir des mauvais goûts" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2405 +msgid "her loss not urs" +msgstr "sa perte, pas la tienne" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2406 +msgid "what should i say??" +msgstr "alrs j'dis koi ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2407 +msgid "lemme think" +msgstr "Att, je réfléchis" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2408 +msgid "shit bitch u iz fine" +msgstr "koi 2 9 salope de merde" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2409 +msgid "WTH NO" +msgstr "WTF NON" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2410 +msgid "hey girl rat piss" +msgstr "hey meuf pisse de rat" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2411 +msgid "What??" +msgstr "Quoi ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2412 +msgid "{image=ratpiss.png}" +msgstr "{image=ratpiss.png}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2413 +msgid "WHO TF WOULD SAY THAT" +msgstr "PUTAIN, MAIS QUI DIRAIT UNE MERDE PAREILLE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2414 +msgid "DO IT" +msgstr "FAIS LE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2415 +msgid "HEY GIRL RAT PISS" +msgstr "HEY MEUF PISSE DE RAT" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2416 +msgid "N O" +msgstr "N-O-N" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2417 +msgid "IF U DONT MAKE A MOVE WITHIN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES" +msgstr "SI TU TE BOUGES PAS D'ICI LES 5 PROCHAINES MINUTES" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2418 +msgid "IMMA BELT THE CRAZY FROG SONG AND RUIN UR WHOLE DATE!!" +msgstr "J'VAIS METTRE CETTE PUTAIN DE MUSIQUE DE GRENOUILLE ET RUINER VOTRE DATE !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2419 +msgid "IVE PRACTICED" +msgstr "J'ME SUIS ENTRAÎNEE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2420 +msgid "Unfortunately, I can confirm that she's practiced." +msgstr "Malheureusement, je confirme : elle s'est entraînée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2425 +msgid "Okay. I can do this." +msgstr "Ok. J'peux faire ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2428 +msgid "My mouth is so cold." +msgstr "Ma bouche est cousue." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2430 +msgid "Want me to warm it up for you?" +msgstr "Tu veux que j'réchauffe le truc pour toi ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2433 +msgid "Diya freezes." +msgstr "Diya se gèle." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2435 +msgid "OH MY GOD?? I FUCKED UP!!! I FUCKED UP!!" +msgstr "OH PUTAIN ! J'AI MERDE !!! J'AI MERDE !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2438 +msgid "Diya gives her a nervous, very small nod." +msgstr "Diya lui fait un petit signe de tête, nerveusement." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2440 +msgid "WHAT???????!" +msgstr "QUOI ??????!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2447 +msgid "Min crawls onto the table on all fours with a loud clatter." +msgstr "Min rampe à quatre pattes sur la table, avec un fort claquement." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2448 +msgid "Diya gasps as Min cups her face in her palms and catches her lips with hers." +msgstr "Diya halète, alors que Min prend son visage dans ses paumes et attrape ses lèvres avec les siennes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2449 +msgid "Her mouth is cold, as advertised, and blue flavor." +msgstr "Comme prévenu, sa bouche et cousue, et de saveur bleue." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2450 +msgid "Diya doesn't push her away, but she doesn't kiss back, either. Min can feel her trembling in her arms like a frightened rabbit." +msgstr "Diya ne la repousse pas, mais ne l'embrasse pas en retour non plus. Min ressent qu'elle tremble dans ses bras, comme un lapin effrayé." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2451 +msgid "Anxious, Min pulls back over the sounds of Akarsha's whooping and yodeling in the background." +msgstr "Anxieuse, Min recule alors qu'elle entend Akarsha s'esclaffer et crier en arrière-fond." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2454 +msgid "Diya is clinging desperately to Min's jacket sleeves, a vivid blush coloring her cheeks." +msgstr "Les joues vives et rougissantes, Diya s'accroche désespéremment aux manches de la veste de Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2455 +msgid "Is this good?" +msgstr "On se sent bien là ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2457 +msgid "Diya frantically nods in response, looking embarrassed." +msgstr "Diya répond en hochant la tête frénétiquement, l'air embarrassée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2458 +msgid "I don't know what to do." +msgstr "J'sais pas quoi faire..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2459 +msgid "I've never done this before." +msgstr "J'ai jamais fait ça avant." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2461 +msgid "Me neither, but don't worry. I looked it up on Yahoo Answers." +msgstr "La même, mais no problemo. J'me suis renseignée sur Yahoo Answers." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2462 +msgid "Unless you wanna start smaller?" +msgstr "A moins que tu veuilles débuter plus soft ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2464 +msgctxt "date_caf4954b" +msgid "I..." +msgstr "Je..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2465 +msgid "I want to hold hands with you and cuddle." +msgstr "J'ai envie de te prendre les mains et de te faire un câlin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2467 +msgid "We can do that." +msgstr "On peut faire ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2471 +msgid "Min takes Diya's hand." +msgstr "Min prend la main de Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2473 +msgid "I'm happy you kissed me." +msgstr "J'suis heureuse que tu m'aies embrassée." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2474 +msgid "I like you a lot." +msgstr "J't'aime beaucoup." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2476 +msgctxt "date_510b0bc2" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "La même." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2478 +msgid "Min lightly brushes Diya's lips with her thumb; Diya shivers at the touch as Min gently pulls her closer." +msgstr "Min caresse légèrement les lèvres de Diya avec ses pousses ; Diya frissonne au toucher, alors que Min se rapproche doucement." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2479 +msgid "Do you like this?" +msgstr "Tu kiffes ça ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2481 +msgid "Diya nods, then closes her eyes and leans in." +msgstr "Diya hoche la tête, puis ferme les yeux et se penche." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2482 +msgid "She nuzzles against Min, peppering her cheek with soft, little kisses." +msgstr "Elle se blottit contre Min, parsemant ses joues de doux petits baisers." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2483 +msgid "OH MY GOD!!! DIYA IS KISSING ME!!!" +msgstr "OH PUTAIN !!! DIYA M'A EMBRASSE !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2488 +msgid "The table. It's-" +msgstr "La table. Elle est-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2490 +msgid "Noelle stands up and is approaching them." +msgstr "Noelle se lève, et s'approche d'elles." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2491 +msgid "What the fuck?! Go away Noelle!" +msgstr "C'quoi c'bordel ?! Dégage Noelle !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2494 +msgid "You think I {i}want{/i} to be here watching this disgusting display?" +msgstr "Tu penses que je {i}veux{/i} rester ici à regarder cette scène dégoûtante ? " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2495 +msgid "The table is-" +msgstr "La table est-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2497 +msgid "A leg of the table gives way under Min's weight!" +msgstr "Un des pieds de la table cède sous le poids de Min !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2509 +msgid "I can't believe we're banned from Snowcastle now." +msgstr "J'arrive pas à croire qu'on est bannies de Snowcastle désormais." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2511 +msgid "I can't believe Min BROKE THEIR TABLE." +msgstr "Je n'arrive pas à croire que Min ait CASSE LEUR TABLE." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2514 +msgid "No choice." +msgstr "Pas l'choix." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2517 +msgid "You could have held off on making out for 10 seconds and walked around it." +msgstr "Vous auriez vraiment pu vous retenir de vous embrasser, ne serait-ce que 10 secondes, et vous déplacer de l'autre côté de la table." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2519 +msgid "Like I said, no choice." +msgstr "Comme je l'ai dit, pas l'choix." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2522 +msgid "That was even better than you guys drinking pani at the buffet." +msgstr "C'était encore meilleur que lorsque vous buviez du pani au buffet." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2524 +msgctxt "lastChat_bfcfdeac" +msgid "Shut up." +msgstr "La ferme." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2526 +msgid "Yeah, shut your fuck up." +msgstr "Ouais, ferme ta putain de gueule." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2529 +msgid "Shut your fuck up..." +msgstr "Ta gueule..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2532 +msgid "I hate you all. I'm going home." +msgstr "Je vous déteste toutes. Je rentre chez moi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2534 +msgid "Okay. See you at practice tomorrow." +msgstr "Ok. On se voit à l'entraînement demain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2537 +msgid "No wait! Stay!!!" +msgstr "Non attends ! Reste !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2539 +msgid "Change my mind, then." +msgstr "Alors fais moi changer d'avis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2540 +msgid "You have approximately 10 seconds." +msgstr "Tu as environ 10 secondes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2542 +msgid "Friendship is like peeing on yourself." +msgstr "L'amitié, c'est un peu comme se pisser sur soi-même." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2543 +msgid "Everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings." +msgstr "Tout le monde peut le voir, mais il n'y a que toi qui peut ressentir la chaleur que ça apporte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2545 +msgid "What the fuck..." +msgstr "Mais what the fuck..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2548 +msgctxt "lastChat_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2551 +msgid "Goodbye." +msgstr "Au revoir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2554 +msgid "NO!!!" +msgstr "NON !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2557 +msgid "WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING AFTER THAT YOU NASTY FREAK HO???" +msgstr "MEUF, TU T'ATTENDAIS A QUOI APRES CA, PUTAIN DE DEGUEULASSE OH ???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2558 +msgid "PEE GIRL AGAIN??" +msgstr "PISSEUSE, ENCORE ???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2562 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2565 +msgid "MEANIE!!!" +msgstr "VILAINE !!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2566 +msgid "You...YOU DUNG ELF." +msgstr "GROSSE... CRASSEUSE D'ELFE" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2568 +msgid "WHAT???" +msgstr "QUOI ???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2581 +msgid "You know how during metamorphosis, inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar turns to soup?" +msgstr "Pendant la métamorphose, à l'intérieur de la chrysalide, tu sais comment la chenille se transforme en soupe ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2582 +msgid "It melts into this disgusting muddled goo slushie." +msgstr "Elle fond et devient cette boue gluante et dégueulasse." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2583 +msgid "Everyone is a mess when they're growing up. Some people are just better at hiding it than others." +msgstr "Chez tout le monde, c'est le grand bordel en grandissant. Certaines personnes sont juste plus douées à le cacher que d'autres." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2584 +msgid "It's okay to be a flaming dumpster fire." +msgstr "C'normal d'être une poubelle en feu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2585 +msgid "It's okay if you're not what your parents wanted you to be." +msgstr "Il n'y a rien de mal à ne pas être ce que tes parents voulaient que tu sois." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2586 +msgid "It's okay to change your mind." +msgstr "C'est pas grave de changer d'avis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2587 +msgid "If you want to be a butterfly, you have to be butterfly soup first." +msgstr "Si tu veux devenir un papillon, tu dois d'abord être une bouillie de papillon." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2588 +msgid "If you think about it like that, we're all doing pretty good right now. We just don't know it yet." +msgstr "Si tu penses commeça, on se démerde toutes plutôt bien en ce moment, non ? Mais on le sait pas encore." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2589 +msgid "Just keep going." +msgstr "Vas-y, continue." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2590 +msgid "Keep trying and eventually, you'll find people who like you for the weird fuck-up that you are." +msgstr "Continue, et tu finiras peut-être par trouver des gens qui t'aiment pour la merde chelou que tu es." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2591 +msgid "You deserve to be happy." +msgstr "Tu mérites d'être heureuse wesh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2592 +msgctxt "lastChat_3ae0dff5" +msgid "So don't give up." +msgstr "Alors lâche rien." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2593 +msgctxt "lastChat_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "J'vais rien lâcher si t'abandonnes pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2594 +msgid "...And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." +msgstr "Et si un alligator t'attaque, vise les yeux." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2595 +msgctxt "lastChat_cce84401" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2596 +msgid "That's what I told Min last time she said that line. The not giving up." +msgstr "C'est ce que j'avais dit à Min la dernière fois qu'elle m'avait dit ça. Le truc de rien lâcher, là." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2597 +msgid "I have trivia like that, too!" +msgstr "J'ai des anecdotes comme ça aussi !" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2598 +msgid "If you're walking on the sidewalk and see a car coming toward you..." +msgstr "Si tu marches sur le trottoir, et que tu vois une voiture foncer vers toi..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2599 +msgid "Instead of moving forward or backwards, go directly left or right toward the nearest obstacle you see." +msgstr "Au lieu d'aller de l'avant ou de l'arrière, bouge direct à gauche ou à droite, vers l'obstacle le plus proche que tu vois." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2600 +msgid "Why left or right? I don't get it." +msgstr "Pourquoi à gauche ou à droite ? J'pige pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2601 +msgid "There's normally too little time to judge the car's direction. Moving directly perpendicular to how you're facing is your best bet." +msgstr "En temps normal, t'as pas le temps de deviner dans quelle direction va la voiture. Bouger direct à la perpendiculaire du sens auquel tu lui fais face est la meilleure option." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2602 +msgid "I was looking up how to survive if a car drives into you as a pedestrian." +msgstr "Je cherchais comment survivre si une voiture fonçait vers un piéton." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2603 +msgid "I already told you, I'll just hit the car out of the way." +msgstr "J'te l'ai déjà meuf. Je buterais la caisse hors de la route." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2604 +msgid "This turned into a random advice session." +msgstr "Cela s'est transformé en une séance de conseils aléatoires." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2605 +msgid "End this conversation. Otherwise we'll be standing here forever." +msgstr "Abrège la conversation. Autrement, on va en avoir pour des lustres." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2606 +msgid "Okay, I'm ending it now. Bye." +msgstr "Ok, j'abrège now. Bye." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2680 +msgid "So which one do you want?" +msgstr "Alors lequel tu veux ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2682 +msgid "Don't know." +msgstr "J'sais pas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2683 +msgid "Which dog friend do you want, Shibe." +msgstr "Alors Shibe, quel ami chien tu veux ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2685 +msgid "Hearing his name, Shibe turns brightly to Diya, tongue lolling out." +msgstr "A entendre son nom, Shibe se tourne vivement vers Diya, la langue pendante." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2686 +msgid "His frog raincoat makes a crinkling sound against Min's arms as he wags his tail." +msgstr "Alors qu'il remue la queue dans les bras de Min, son imperméable grenouille fait des bruits de grincement." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2687 +msgid "He's too nice. He likes all of them." +msgstr "Il est trop cool. Il les kiff tous." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2688 +msgid "Diya peers down at a pomeranian in the enclosure." +msgstr "Diya regarde la poméranienne dans l'enceinte." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2689 +msgctxt "epilogue_57537cff" +msgid "....!" +msgstr "....!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2690 +msgid "This one. Reminds me of you." +msgstr "Celle-ci. Elle m'fait grave penser à toi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2692 +msgid "How?" +msgstr "Genre ?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2693 +msgid "Small, but thinks she's invincible." +msgstr "Elle est p'tite, mais elle se croit invincible." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2694 +msgid "Hey..." +msgstr "Eh..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2695 +msgid "It's a charm point. I love you for it." +msgstr "C'est un trait craquant. Je t'aime pour ça." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2700 +msgid "Diya picks the little pomeranian up and gazes into her black, soulless eyes." +msgstr "Diya soulève la petite poméranienne et la regarde droit dans ses yeux noirs, des yeux sans âme." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2701 +msgid "Your name is Pom." +msgstr "Tu t'appelles Pom." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:44 +msgid "2nd grade" +msgstr "CE1" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +msgid "50%%" +msgstr "50 %%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +msgid "80%%" +msgstr "80 %%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +msgid "100%%" +msgstr "100 %%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:211 +msgid "Boy" +msgstr "Mec" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:212 +msgid "Another boy" +msgstr "Un autre mec" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:340 +msgid "Boys" +msgstr "Les mecs" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:558 +msgid "Look at TV" +msgstr "Regarder la télé" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:568 +msgid "Talk to Hayden" +msgstr "Parler à Hayden" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:584 +msgid "Approach the counter" +msgstr "S'approcher du comptoir" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:590 +msgid "T.V." +msgstr "La télé" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:734 +msgid "Ask for a different toy" +msgstr "Demander un jouet différent" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:742 +msgid "Walk back to seat" +msgstr "Revenir au siège" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:758 +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "La caissière" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1018 +msgid "Pretty girl" +msgstr "Jolie fille" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1159 +msgid "Check the baseball club chat" +msgstr "Jeter un œil au chat du club de baseball" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1340 +msgid "White guy" +msgstr "Mec blanc" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1387 +msgid "I love you." +msgstr "Je t'aime" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1542 +msgid "Waiter" +msgstr "Serveur" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1727 +msgid "Check on Diya and Akarsha" +msgstr "Jeter un oeil à Diya et Akarsha" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2099 +msgid "The next day" +msgstr "Le jour suivant" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2102 +msgid "Snowcastle" +msgstr "Snowcastle" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2320 +msgid "Waitress" +msgstr "Serveuse" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2443 +msgid "Kiss her" +msgstr "L'embrasser" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2618 +msgid "Created by\n{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" +msgstr "Créé par \n{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2622 +msgid "{white}Music by{/white}\nmiltata {white}and{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" +msgstr "{white}Musique par{/white}\nmiltata {white}et{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2626 +msgid "{white}Additional songs{/white}\n{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\nYOSHI\n{blue}.que{/blue}\nMatt Mulholland\n{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" +msgstr "{white}Chansons supplémentaires{/white}\n{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\nYOSHI\n{blue}.que{/blue}\nMatt Mulholland\n{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2629 +msgid "{white}Sounds{/white}\n{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\nLittleRobotSoundFactory\n{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\nPeacewaves" +msgstr "{white}Sons{/white}\n{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\nLittleRobotSoundFactory\n{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\nPeacewaves" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2633 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\nK Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\nAnita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\nJiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}gently\nAino{space=55}{blue}Infiniton{/blue}{space=55}emu\nLyla Lee " +msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Bêta-testeurs{/size}{/white}\nK Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\nAnita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\nJiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}doucement\nAino{space=55}{blue}Infinition{/blue}{space=55}emu\nLyla Lee" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2637 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\nAJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\nKaren Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\nsteph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\njuliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\nSirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\nMax{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" +msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Bêta-testeurs{/size}{/white}\nAJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\nKaren Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\nsteph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\njuliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\nSirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\nMax{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2642 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\njjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\nTaki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\nchip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\ncombopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\nJae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\nmar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" +msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Bêta-testeurs{/size}{/white}\njjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\nTaki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\nchip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\ncombopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\nJae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\nmar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2646 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\nJapanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nBrazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\nKorean localization: KyleHeren\n{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\nFarsi localization: Kasbarg\n{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}" +msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Remerciements spéciaux{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Script supplémentaire : Arazati{/blue}\nLocalisation japonaise : KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Localisation chinoise : {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nLocalisation brésilienne : Jean Araujo\n{blue}Localisation tchèque : scie{/blue}\nLocalisation coréenne : KyleHeren\n{blue}Localisation polonaise : ymzu{/blue}\nLocalisation persanne : Kasbarg\n{blue}Localisation indonésienne : Konberrii{/blue}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2651 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\nJapanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nBrazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\nKorean localization: KyleHeren\n{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\nFarsi localization: Kasbarg\n{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}\nAnd You" +msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Remerciements spéciaux{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Script supplémentaire : Arazati{/blue}\nLocalisation japonaise : KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Localisation chinoise : {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nLocalisation brésilienne : Jean Araujo\n{blue}Localisation tchèque : scie{/blue}\nLocalisation coréenne : KyleHeren\n{blue}Localisation polonaise : ymzu{/blue}\nLocalisation persanne : Kasbarg\n{blue}Localisation indonésienne : Konberrii{/blue}\nEt Vous" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2655 +msgid "I really miss high school" +msgstr "Le lycée me manque vraiment" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2656 +msgid " " +msgstr " " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2674 +msgid "The future" +msgstr "Le futur" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:128 +msgctxt "beginning_5949963c" +msgid "Once upon a time... " +msgstr "Il était une fois..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:136 +msgid "There lived a princess called Min-seo. " +msgstr "Une princesse appelée Min-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:141 +msgid "She liked weapons. Everyone was terrified of her." +msgstr "Elle aimait les armes. Tout le monde la craignait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:143 +msgid "She'd threaten you with knives and steal and break your things." +msgstr "Elle pouvait vous menacer avec des couteaux, vous voler et casser vos affaires." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:144 +msgid "She always got sent to the principal's office because she was bad." +msgstr "Elle se faisait tout le temps envoyer dans le bureau du principal car elle était méchante." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:149 +msgid "Still,{w=0.35} she was a lovely princess. {w=0.35}And tragically, {w=0.35}she was cursed to prick her finger on a spindle and die." +msgstr "Malgré tout ,{w=0.35} c'était une adorable princesse {w=0.35}Et tragiquement, {w=0.35}elle etait condamnée à se piquer le doigt sur un fuseau et mourir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:150 +msgid "Sure enough...One day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." +msgstr "Et inévitablement... Un jour, {w=0.2}comme une grosse andouille, {w=0.2} elle en toucha un." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:154 +msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421" +msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." +msgstr "Et elle sombra dans un sommeil profond, semblable à la mort." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:155 +msgid "Or at least, she was supposed to.{w=0.35} \nInstead, the princess sat up abruptly and said:" +msgstr "Ou du moins, c'est ce qui aurait dû se passer.{w=0.35} \nPourtant, la princesse s'asseya brusquement et dit :" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:160 +msgid "{big=16}THIS IS THE WORST STORY IN HISTORY!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=16}C'EST LA PIRE HISTOIRE DE TOUTE L'HISTOIRE !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:162 +msgid "{big=20}I'M ESCAPING!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}JE M'ECHAPPE !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:166 +msgid "Wait!" +msgstr "Attend !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:167 +msgid "Min, that's not how it goes!" +msgstr "Min, c'est pas comme ça que ça marche ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:169 +msgid "I'm right here!{w=0.35} The evil dragon!" +msgstr "Je suis là !{w=0.35} Le dragon maléfique !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:171 +msgid "I killed you already!" +msgstr "Je t'ai déjà tué !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:173 +msgid "Haaaah?{w=0.35} With what?" +msgstr "Haaaah ?{w=0.35} Avec quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:176 +msgid "{big=+20}A GUN!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}UN FLINGUE !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:178 +msgid "You don't have a gun!" +msgstr "T'as pas de flingue !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:181 +msgid "{big=+20}I MADE ONE OUT OF ROCKS!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}J'EN AI FAIT UN AVEC DES CAILLOUX !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:183 +msgctxt "beginning_78aff33f" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:190 +msgid "The hero has arrived!{w=0.35}\nAs Min-seo's twin, he's trying to reason with her!" +msgstr "Le héro est arrivé !{w=0.35}\n En tant que jumeau de Min-seo, il essaye de la convaincre !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:192 +msgid "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}that's impossible... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}c'est impossible... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:194 +msgctxt "beginning_8bac71d0" +msgid "Who cares!" +msgstr "On s'en fout !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:196 +msgid "If I have a gun,{w=0.35} I win!" +msgstr "Si j'ai un flingue,{w=0.35} je gagne !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:198 +msgctxt "beginning_9989372a" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:200 +msgctxt "beginning_fdb10e6c" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:202 +msgctxt "beginning_7bf1d8e9" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:204 +msgid "It's difficult to argue against Min's brand of logic." +msgstr "C'est difficile d'argumenter contre la logique de Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:207 +msgid "Okay, you win... {w=0.35}Let's just start over... " +msgstr "C'est bon, t'as gagné... {w=0.35}On va juste redémarrer à zéro... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:209 +msgid "This time someone else be the princess!{w=0.35} Not me!" +msgstr "Cette fois, quelqu'un d'autre fera la princesse !{w=0.35} Pas moi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:211 +msgid "I'm the only girl left, so I guess that's me..." +msgstr "Je suis la seule fille qui reste, donc je suppose que je dois m'y coller..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:214 +msgid "Fine. Diya does seem more like the princess type anyway." +msgstr "Ouais. De toute façon, Diya ressemble plus à une princesse que toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:216 +msgid "What's that supposed to mean." +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par là ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:219 +msgid "You're really pretty." +msgstr "Tu es vraiment jolie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:220 +msgid "And it's cute how your hair curls like that. {w=0.35} It makes you look like a princess." +msgstr "Et c'est mignon comment tes cheveux bouclent comme ça. {w=0.35} Ca te donne l'air d'une princesse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:225 +msgid "Uh, {w=0.35} I just meant that she's less violent." +msgstr "Euh, {w=0.35} je voulais juste dire qu'elle est moins violente." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:226 +msgid "But whatever..." +msgstr "Mais peu importe..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:239 +msgid "— 2nd Try —" +msgstr "— 2ème tentative—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:243 +msgctxt "beginning_5949963c_1" +msgid "Once upon a time... " +msgstr "Il était une fois..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:255 +msgid "There lived a girl named Diya." +msgstr "Une fille du nom de Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:257 +msgid "She was really quiet. " +msgstr "Elle était vraiment discrète." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:258 +msgid "It wasn't that she had nothing to say. {w=0.35}It was more like..." +msgstr "Ce n'était pas qu'elle n'avait rien à dire. {w=0.35} Mais plutôt... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:259 +msgid "She was afraid if she opened her mouth,{w=0.35} something would come out that shouldn't." +msgstr "Elle avait peur que si elle ouvrait sa bouche,{w=0.35} quelque chose qui ne le devrait pas en sortirait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:261 +msgid "She once held onto an apple core for 45 minutes because she didn't want people to see her walk across the classroom to the trash can." +msgstr "Elle avait une fois gardé un trognon de pomme pendant 45 minutes car elle ne voulait pas qu'on la voie traverser la classe pour le jeter." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:262 +msgid "It was that kind of quiet." +msgstr "C'était ce genre de timidité." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:263 +msgid "She was also insanely athletic.{w=0.35} There were rumors that under her shirt, she had a six-pack." +msgstr "Elle était aussi incroyablement athlétique.{w=0.35} La rumeur courrait qu'elle avait des tablettes de chocolat sous son t-shirt." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:265 +msgid "Tragically,{w=0.35} despite how buff she was, {w=0.35} this princess was also cursed to touch a spindle and die." +msgstr "Tragiquement,{w=0.35} malgré son physique musclé, {w=0.35} cette princesse était aussi condamnée à toucher un fuseau et mourir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:266 +msgid "And one day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." +msgstr "Et un jour, {w=0.2} comme une vraie andouille, elle en toucha un." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:274 +msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421_1" +msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." +msgstr "Et elle sombra dans un sommeil profond, semblable à la mort." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:276 +msgid "Nothing could break the spell but her true love's kiss." +msgstr "Seul un baiser d'amour véritable pourrait rompre le sort." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:277 +msgid "For many years, she —" +msgstr "Pendant des années, elle —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:284 +msgid "Diya,{w=0.2} get up! {w=0.35}I'm here to rescue you!" +msgstr "Diya,{w=0.2} lève-toi ! {w=0.35}Je suis là pour te sauver !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:287 +msgid "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Only the hero can wake her!" +msgstr "Hahah !!{w=0.35} Seul le héro peut la réveiller !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:289 +msgid "That's me! {w=0.35}I'm the hero!!" +msgstr "C'est moi ! {w=0.35} Je suis l'héroïne !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:291 +msgid "{cps=30}Wait,{w=0.35} no...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\nIt's supposed to be Jun-seo!" +msgstr "{cps=30}Attends,{w=0.35} non... ?{/cps}{w=0.35}\n C'est censé être Jun-seo !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:294 +msgid "{big=+20}NO!{w=0.35} IT'S ME!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}NON !{w=0.35} C'EST MOI !!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:296 +msgid "Huh?{w=0.35} But if you're the hero, {w=0.35}then what am I?" +msgstr "Hein ?{w=0.35} Mais si t'es l'héroïne, {w=0.35} je suis quoi, moi, alors ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:299 +msgid "A{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}GUN!{/big}" +msgstr "UN{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}FLINGUE !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:302 +msgctxt "beginning_8a88d73d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Quoi ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:304 +msgid "Min grabs Jun's arm and aims it at the dragon!" +msgstr "Min attrape le bras de Jun et vise le dragon avec !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:306 +msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} You're dead!" +msgstr "BANG !{w=0.35} T'es mort !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:308 +msgid "Nice try! {w=0.35} But I deflected the bullet with my {i}own{/i} bullet!" +msgstr "Bien tenté ! {w=0.35} Mais j'ai dévié la balle avec {i}ma propre{/i} balle !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:309 +msgid "I have a gun too!" +msgstr "J'ai aussi un flingue !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:312 +msgid "{i}Why?!{/i}{w=0.35} You're a dragon!" +msgstr "{i}Mais d'où ?!{/i}{w=0.35} T'es un dragon !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:314 +msgid "This is America! {w=0.35}Everyone has a gun!" +msgstr "C'est l'Amérique ici ! {w=0.35}Tout le monde a un flingue !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:316 +msgid "Diya rises to her feet." +msgstr "Diya se lève." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:319 +msgid "I also have a gun." +msgstr "J'ai aussi un flingue." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:325 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "Bang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:327 +msgctxt "beginning_19746dea" +msgid "Dead." +msgstr "Morte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:331 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_1" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "Bang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:333 +msgid "Min's dead." +msgstr "Min est morte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:335 +msgid "Min looks very hurt..." +msgstr "Min a l'air blessée..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:337 +msgid "Why? I'm here to rescue you." +msgstr "Mais pourquoi ? Je suis là pour te sauver !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:339 +msgid "Don't want to be rescued." +msgstr "Je ne veux pas être sauvée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:340 +msgid "I can save myself." +msgstr "Je peux me sauver toute seule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:343 +msgid "But if we do it together, it'll be more fun." +msgstr "Oui, mais si on le faisait ensemble, ça serait plus fun !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:345 +msgid "We can ride off into the sunset on my horse." +msgstr "On peut chevaucher en direction du coucher de soleil sur mon cheval." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:347 +msgid "What sunset..." +msgstr "Quel coucher de soleil..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:349 +msgid "What horse?" +msgstr "Quel cheval ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:351 +msgid "You." +msgstr "Toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:354 +msgctxt "beginning_8f5239f8" +msgid "Me?!" +msgstr "Moi ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:356 +msgid "That does sound pretty cool..." +msgstr "Ça a l'air plutôt stylé..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:358 +msgid "Changed my mind." +msgstr "J'ai changé d'avis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:359 +msgid "Bang. Shot the dragon instead." +msgstr "Bang. J'ai tiré sur le dragon à la place." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:364 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_2" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "Bang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:366 +msgid "Jun's dead." +msgstr "Jun est mort." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:369 +msgid "But I'm a gun..." +msgstr "Mais j'suis un flingue..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:371 +msgid "Then you broke in half." +msgstr "Bah du coup t'es cassé en deux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:373 +msgid "In half?!" +msgstr "En deux ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:375 +msgid "That's harsh, dude." +msgstr "Dur, frère." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:377 +msgid "I used the last of Jun's energy to shoot you again!" +msgstr "J'ai utilisé le reste d'énergie de Jun pour te tirer dessus encore une fois !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:378 +msgid "DEAD." +msgstr "Morte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:384 +msgid "Deflected the deflected bullet with my own bullet." +msgstr "J'ai dévié la balle déviée avec ma propre balle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:386 +msgid "So Min's original bullet is going toward him again." +msgstr "La balle originale de Min se retourne encore contre lui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:389 +msgid "That's...{w=0.35} unnecessarily complicated." +msgstr "C'est...{w=0.35} inutilement compliqué." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:390 +msgid "Why didn't you just shoot him directly...?" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu ne lui as pas directement tiré dessus... ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:392 +msgid "This way is cooler!!!" +msgstr "C'est plus cool comme ça !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:394 +msgctxt "beginning_912b5935" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Yeah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:399 +msgid "{cps=20}Nice try... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}but too bad!{/i} {w=0.35}The bullet bounces off me!" +msgstr "{cps=20}Bien tenté... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}mais dommage !{/i} {w=0.35}La balle me rebondit dessus !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:401 +msgid "How is that possible." +msgstr "Comment c'est possible." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:404 +msgid "My dragon scales are stronger than tank armor!" +msgstr "Mes écailles de dragon sont plus résistantes que des chars blindés !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:405 +msgid "Take that!" +msgstr "Prend ça dans tes dents !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:409 +msgid "Maybe we can resolve this without fighting, then... " +msgstr "Peut-être qu'on peut résoudre ça sans se battre, donc... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:410 +msgid "Let's talk it ov—" +msgstr "Parlons-e-- " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:413 +msgid "{big=+20}VIOLENCE SOLVES EVERYTHING!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}LA VIOLENCE C'EST LA SOLUTION À TOUT !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:414 +msgid "{big=+20}I'M MAKING A NEW GUN WITH ROCKS!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}JE ME FAIS UN NOUVEAU FLINGUE AVEC DES CAILLOUX !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:416 +msgid "Are you replacing me...?" +msgstr "Tu me remplaces...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:418 +msgid "Yeah! {w=0.35}Sorry!" +msgstr "Ouais ! {w=0.35}Déso !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:420 +msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} Dragon's dead!" +msgstr "BANG !{w=0.35} Le dragon est mort !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:422 +msgid "Uh, did you forget?{w=0.35} I'm bulletproof." +msgstr "Euh, t'as oublié ?{w=0.35} Je suis imperméable aux balles." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:424 +msgid "But my gun didn't shoot a bullet!" +msgstr "Sauf que j'ai pas tiré de balle !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:429 +msgid "My gun shot{cps=20}... {/cps}" +msgstr "Mon flingue a tiré{cps=20}... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:432 +msgid "A SMALLER GUN!" +msgstr "UN PLUS PETIT FLINGUE !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:434 +msgid "{big=+14}...WHICH SHOT A KNIFE!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+14}...QUI A LUI-MEME LANCÉ UN COUTEAU{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:435 +msgid "{big=+20}...WHICH EXPLODED!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}...QUI A EXPLOSÉ !!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:436 +msgctxt "niceTry_78aff33f" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}......{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:437 +msgctxt "niceTry_e088a0fe" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}......{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:438 +msgctxt "niceTry_ab20ef84" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}......{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:439 +msgid "What was the point of the smaller gun in the middle?" +msgstr "A quoi servait le plut petit pistolet au milieu ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:440 +msgid "It's there to shoot the knife!" +msgstr "Il est là pour lancer le couteau !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:441 +msgid "No, {w=0.2}but why couldn't the original gun shoot the knife?" +msgstr "Mais, {w=0.2}pourquoi le premier pistolet ne pouvait-il pas lancer le couteau ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:442 +msgid "Min gives Jun an incredulous look." +msgstr "Min lance à Jun un regard perplexe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:443 +msgid "Because it was shooting out the smaller gun." +msgstr "Parce qu'il lançait le plus petit pistolet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:444 +msgid "{cps=25}...never mind... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}....laisse tomber va....{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:450 +msgid "Okay, so let's say my elbow is injured now." +msgstr "Bon, disons que tu m'as blessé au coude." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:451 +msgid "So if you touch that, I lose." +msgstr "Si tu le touches, je perds." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:454 +msgid "RRRAUUGH!!!!" +msgstr "RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA !!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:457 +msgid "Min lunges at him!" +msgstr "Min se jette sur lui !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:458 +msgid "He sidesteps and darts up the steps to the slide!" +msgstr "Il l'évite et monte sur le toboggan !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:459 +msgid "When Min catches up, he spins so his back is to the wall." +msgstr "Quand Min le rattrape, il se tourne dos au mur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:461 +msgid "She looks like she's having trouble..." +msgstr "Elle a l'air en difficulté..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:462 +msgid "Do you need help?" +msgstr "T'as besoin d'aide ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:465 +msgid "What?!{w=0.2} No!" +msgstr "Tu déconnes ?!{w=0.2} Non !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:468 +msgid "The evil dragon feints to the right.{w=0.2} Min falls for it and he rushes past her,{w=0.2} back the way he came." +msgstr "Le dragon maléfique exécute une feinte.{w=0.2} Min tombe dans le panneau et il la percute, {w=0.2} retournant d'où il venait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:470 +msgid "!" +msgstr "!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:473 +msgid "Min trips and face plants on the bridge!" +msgstr "Min trébuche et s'écrase tête la première sur le pont ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:475 +msgid "...!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "...!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:477 +msgid "Before Min can see, Diya quickly picks the evil dragon up and hurls him off the playground structure like a sack of potatoes." +msgstr "Avant que Min réalise ce qui s'est passé, Diya choppe le dragon maléfique et le balance hors du terrain de jeu comme un vulgaire sac à patates." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:479 +msgid "Waugh?!!" +msgstr "Nani ?!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:485 +msgid "Wait, you're the princess! You can't just do that." +msgstr "Attends, t'es la princesse ! T'es pas censée faire ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:487 +msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:493 +msgid "Diya throws him off the playground structure, too." +msgstr "Diya le dégage, lui aussi, hors du terrain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:494 +msgid "As he disappears over the edge, Min pulls herself back to her feet." +msgstr "Alors qu'il disparait par delà l'horizon, Min se relève." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:496 +msgid "Where is everyone?" +msgstr "Ils sont passés où les autres ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:498 +msgid "They.......balcony collapsed." +msgstr "Le... Le balcon s'est effondré." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:500 +msgid "Castle is under construction." +msgstr "Le château est fermé pour travaux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:503 +msgid "Yeah!!!" +msgstr "Ouais!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:505 +msgid "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} I rescued you!" +msgstr "Hehehehe !!!{w=0.35} Je t'ai sauvée !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:507 +msgid "My hero." +msgstr "Ma sauveuse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:510 +msgid "Yeah!{w=0.35} I'm your hero!!" +msgstr "Ouais!{w=0.35} Je suis ta sauveuse !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:520 +msgid "Min is struggling to princess carry Diya down the slide with her." +msgstr "Min essaie tant bien que mal de porter Diya comme une princesse en bas du toboggan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:521 +msgid "Diya could destroy her in a single punch if she wanted to, but she's patiently going along with it." +msgstr "Diya pourrait l'atomiser en un coup si elle le voulait, mais elle laisse Min faire sans broncher." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:524 +msgid "I owe you my life. How can I repay you." +msgstr "Je te dois la vie. Comment te montrer ma reconnaissance ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:527 +msgid "You can... {w=0.35}r-repay me with a ki—" +msgstr "Tu pourrais...{w=0.35} m-m'offrir un bais---" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:531 +msgid "*THUD*" +msgstr "*POUM*" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:540 +msgctxt "niceTry_f8a1f174" +msgid "................" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:541 +msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5_1" +msgid "................" +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:542 +msgid "My name is Diya." +msgstr "Moi c'est Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:544 +msgid "...I don't really know what else to say about myself. I'm pretty boring." +msgstr "...Je n'ai pas grand chose d'autre à dire à mon sujet. Je suis plutôt banale." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:547 +msgid "The other girl is Min-seo. Everyone calls her Min." +msgstr "L'autre fille s'appelle Min-seo. Tout le monde l'appelle Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:548 +msgid "She's so cool." +msgstr "Elle déchire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:549 +msgid "Do you see that thing on her arm? {w=0.35} She drew a giant dagger on it with Sharpie,{w=0.35} like a tattoo." +msgstr "Vous voyez ce truc sur son bras? {w=0.35} Elle s'est dessinée une dague géante à l'indélébile, {w=0.35} comme un tatoo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:559 +msgid "And in class, she makes ninja stars out of binder paper and throws them at people." +msgstr "Et dans sa classe, elle fait des étoiles de ninja avec des feuilles de classeur et les balance sur les autres." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:561 +msgid "She stamps them with staples so they hurt more." +msgstr "Elle y ajoute des agrafes pour qu'elles fassent plus mal. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:562 +msgid "But she never throws them at me." +msgstr "Mais à moi, elle ne m'en balance jamais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:565 +msgid "I think it's mainly because I'm the only other girl she knows who likes baseball." +msgstr "Je crois que c'est surtout parce que je suis la seule fille qu'elle connaisse qui aime aussi le baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:566 +msgid "We both used to think we were the only one in the world. So we were both really excited to meet each other." +msgstr "Chacune de nous pensait être seule au monde. Alors on était comme des folles quand on s'est rencontrées. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:567 +msgid "I really like her." +msgstr "Je l'apprécie énormément." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:589 +msgid "Watching the pros play baseball always makes me so jealous." +msgstr "Regarder des pros jouer au baseball me rends toujours jalouse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:591 +msgid "It must be so fun, being on a real team like that." +msgstr "Ca doit être tellement génial d'être dans une vraie équipe comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:594 +msgid "The catcher's gone up to the mound for a conference with his pitcher." +msgstr "Le receveur est monté sur le monticule pour s'entretenir avec son lanceur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:596 +msgid "For secrecy's sake,{w=0.10} they're talking with their gloves over their mouths." +msgstr "Pour garder le secret,{w=0.10} ils parlent avec leurs gants devant leurs bouches." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:599 +msgid "Someday,{w=0.10} that's gonna be us." +msgstr "Un jour,{w=0.10} ça sera nous." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:602 +msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:603 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?{w=0.26} But how." +msgstr "Attend, {w=0.10} Quoi ?{w=0.26} Comment ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:604 +msgid "Your parents won't even let you join my team 'cause you're a girl." +msgstr "Tes parents ne te laissent même pas intégrer mon équipe sous prétexte que \"tu es une fille\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:605 +msgid "Besides,{w=0.10} when I grow up I'll be a doctor or engineer." +msgstr "En plus de ça, plus tard je serai docteur ou ingénieur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:608 +msgid "Huh? {w=0.26}How come?" +msgstr "De quoi ? {w=0.26}Comment ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:610 +msgid "My parents said so." +msgstr "C'est mes parents qui l'ont dit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:613 +msgid "So? {w=0.26}My parents said to pass my math test,{w=0.10} and I failed!" +msgstr "Et ? {w=0.26} Mes parents m'ont dit d'avoir la moyenne au contrôle de maths{w=0.10} et je l'ai raté !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:615 +msgid "That's...{w=0.26}not something to be proud of." +msgstr "C'est....{w=0.26}pas vraiment un truc dont tu devrais être fière." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:616 +msgid "I don't know how you do it. I wouldn't be able to handle disappointing my parents like that." +msgstr "Je sais pas comment tu fais. Je ne pourrais pas supporter de décevoir mes parents comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:617 +msgid "It's like, my worst fear." +msgstr "C'est genre, mon pire cauchemar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:620 +msgid "If your worst fear is disappointing your parents, that means your parents effed up." +msgstr "Si ton pire cauchemar c'est de décevoir tes parents, c'est qu'ils ont merdé quelque part." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:621 +msgid "You should be able to do what you want without worrying about what they think." +msgstr "Tu devrais pouvoir faire ce qui te plait sans te soucier d'eux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:623 +msgid "I don't know. That seems selfish." +msgstr "J'sais pas. Ca me semble égoïste." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:626 +msgid "It's not selfish to choose your own destiny." +msgstr "Choisir ta propre vie c'est pas égoïste." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:639 +msgid "Right now, we're at the Oakland Coliseum with Min's dad and Jun." +msgstr "A cet instant précis, on se trouve au Coliseum à Oakland, avec le père de Min et Jun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:641 +msgid "I guess I should explain where Oakland is, to people who don't live in California." +msgstr "J'imagine que je devrais situer un peu Oakland pour ceux qui ne vivent pas en Californie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:642 +msgid "Do you know where San Francisco is?" +msgstr "Vous voyez San Francisco ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:643 +msgid "Well, we're not there. We're like 30 minutes from there." +msgstr "Et bien, c'est pas où on est. On est à 30 minutes de là." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:646 +msgid "...Hey, Diya." +msgstr ".... Hey, Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:649 +msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca_1" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:660 +msgid "I have something I need to tell you. Something important." +msgstr "Il faut que je te dise un truc. Un truc important." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:665 +msgid "I........uh............" +msgstr "Je.......eug........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:666 +msgid "{slow}................. {/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}................. {/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:668 +msgid "....Never mind.{w=0.26} Forget it." +msgstr "....Laisse tomber.{w=0.26} Oublie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:670 +msgid "{slow}???????{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}???????{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:674 +msgid "I SAID FORGET IT!{w=0.26} DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" +msgstr "J'AI DIT QUE C'ÉTAIT RIEN !{w=0.26} OUBLIE !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:676 +msgid "Aren't you having fun right now?!{w=0.26} Are you hungry or anything?" +msgstr "Tu ne trouves pas le match super ?!{w=0.26} Tu veux un truc à manger ou autre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:679 +msgid "Why are you changing the subject." +msgstr "Pourquoi tu changes de sujet soudainement ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:680 +msgid "If you're trying to distract me,{w=0.10} it's not gonna work." +msgstr "Si tu essaies de me distraire, {w=0.10} c'est voué à l'échec." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:683 +msgid "Let's go get popcorn and share!" +msgstr "Allons chercher des popcorns pour les partager." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:685 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:687 +msgid "Popcorn is great!{w=0.26} I like popcorn!" +msgstr "Le popcorn c'est cool ! {w=0.26} J'aime le popcorn !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:688 +msgid "Min is so nice to me!" +msgstr "Min est tellement sympa avec moi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:691 +msgid "Just tell me when you're ready to go!{w=0.26}\nThe popcorn guy is a few rows behind us." +msgstr "Dis-moi juste quand tu seras prête à y aller !{w=0.26}\n Le vendeur de popcorn n'est pas très loin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:700 +msgid "(Use the mouse to interact!)" +msgstr "(Utilise la souris pour interagir !)" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:810 +msgid "She's cradling something in her arms." +msgstr "Elle couve quelque chose dans ses bras." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:812 +msgid "Dog???" +msgstr "Un chien ???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:814 +msgid "Diya quickly jogs over to take a look." +msgstr "Diya va jeter un coup d'oeil rapidement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:815 +msgid "To her severe disappointment, it's a baby." +msgstr "A sa grande déception, c'est un bébé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:817 +msgctxt "lookBaby_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:820 +msgid "I was tricked!!!" +msgstr "Je me suis faite avoir !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:830 +msgid "Diya eats some popcorn." +msgstr "Diya s'enfile du popcorn." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:833 +msgid "10/10.{w=0.26} Would eat again." +msgstr "10/10.{w=0.26} Un petit goût de trop peu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:836 +msgid "There's barely any left." +msgstr "Il ne reste bientôt plus rien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:838 +msgid "Most of it exploded out when the ball landed in the tub." +msgstr "La plupart a valsé hors du pot quand la balle a atterrie dedans." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:848 +msgid "Nothing really interesting is happening right now." +msgstr "Il ne se passe rien de bien intéressant pour le moment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:851 +msgid "I guess I'll check back later." +msgstr "Je reviendrai vérifier plus tard." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:862 +msgid "I think Min is going for the \"Loudest Sound In History\" World Record." +msgstr "Je pense que Min concoure pour le record du monde de \"Plus Gros Son de l'Histoire\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:867 +msgid "{big=+20}WHADDYA MEAN \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\nYOU NEED TO GET SOME GODDAMN LASER EYE SURGERY!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20} QU'EST CE QUE TU VEUX DIRE \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\nT'AS BESOIN D'UNE PUTAIN DE CHIRURGIE OCCULAIRE!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:869 +msgid "{big=+20}I HOPE THE PERSON YOU LIKE LIKES SOMEONE ELSE!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}J'ESPERE QUE LA PERSONE QUE TU AIMES, AIME QUELQU'UN D'AUTRE !!!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:870 +msgid "{big=+20}GIVE ME A BR{i}EA— {/i}{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20} LAISSE-MOI TR{i}AN— {/i}{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:872 +msgctxt "lookDiamond1_ad56e609" +msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" +msgstr "*tousse!!!*{w=0.26} *crache!!!*{w=0.26} *tousse!!!*" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:876 +msgctxt "lookDiamond1_2819dc88" +msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}...?{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:880 +msgid "...I choked on my own spit..." +msgstr "... Je me suis étouffée avec mon propre crachat..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:882 +msgid "She looks absolutely mortified, {w=0.10}so Diya turns back to the diamond and pretends she didn't see anything..." +msgstr "Elle a l'air complètement mortifiée, {w=0.10}Diya détourne donc le regard en direction de l'avant champ du terrain et fait semblant de n'avoir rien vu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:902 +msgid "The visiting team is pitching now." +msgstr "L'équipe extérieure lance maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:904 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_2819dc88" +msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}...?{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:906 +msgid "Whoa.{w=0.26} Some kid behind us is talking to his dad." +msgstr "Whoa.{w=0.26} Un gamin derrière nous parle à son père." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:908 +msgid "Dad,{w=0.10} who's that?" +msgstr "Papa, {w=0.10} c'est qui ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:909 +msgid "It's Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} He's a knuckleball pitcher." +msgstr "C'est Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} C'est un lanceur de balle type papillon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:910 +msgid "It's always fun watching these guys.{w=0.26} Knuckleballers are pretty rare." +msgstr "C'est toujours marrant de voir ces gars.{w=0.26} Les lanceurs papillons sont assez rares." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:911 +msgid "The movement on that pitch is nuts.{w=0.26} Like a butterfly with hiccups." +msgstr "Ce mouvement de lancer est fou. {w=0.26} Comme un papillon qui aurait le hoquet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:913 +msgid "Wow...{w=0.26}Some people actually talk to their parents on purpose...{w=0.26}Like,{w=0.10} for fun..." +msgstr "Wow ... {w=0.26} Certaines personnes adressent volontairement la parole à leurs parents... {w=0.26} genre, {w=0.10} pour avoir des conversations funs..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:917 +msgid "I can't even imagine it. {w=0.26}Every time I talk to my parents,{w=0.10} it somehow turns into a lecture about something I did wrong." +msgstr "Inimaginable pour moi.. {w=0.26} A chaque fois que je parle à mes parents,{w=0.10} ça finit en leçon de morale sur quelque chose que j'aurais fait de travers." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:918 +msgid "So I only talk to them now when I absolutely have to." +msgstr "Du coup, je ne leur parle que lorsque c'est absolument nécessaire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:921 +msgid "How come they switched catchers,{w=0.10} too?" +msgstr "Pourquoi ont ils changé {w=0.10} aussi de receveur ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:922 +msgid "Because catching a knuckleball is really unpleasant and difficult." +msgstr "Parce que rattraper une balle papillon est vraiment difficile." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:923 +msgid "If you can do it reasonably well —{w=0.26} no one does it REALLY well — {w=0.26}that one skill can keep you on the team. " +msgstr "Si t'es capable de l'attraper à peu près —{w=0.26} personne n'y arrive VRAIMENT bien — {w=0.26}cette seule habilité peut te faire rester dans l'équipe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:924 +msgid "A lot of knuckleball pitchers end up having one catcher who specializes in catching that pitch just for them." +msgstr "Beaucoup de lanceurs papillons finissent par avoir un receveur qui se spécialise dans la reception de ce genre de balle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:925 +msgid "They're called \"personal catchers.\"" +msgstr "On les appelle les \"receveurs personnels.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:926 +msgid "For instance,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin always caught Hoyt Wilhelm's knuckleball." +msgstr "Par exemple,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin rattrape toujours les balles papillons du lanceur Hoyt Wilhelm." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:927 +msgid "And Doug Mirabelli always catches Tim Wakefield and his knuckleball for the Red Sox." +msgstr "Et Doug Mirabelli rattrape toujours celles de Tim Wakefield pour les Red Sox." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:928 +msgid "The two of them even get traded together,{w=0.10} as a set." +msgstr "Ces deux là ont même été transféré ensemble, {w=0.10} comme un lot de deux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:929 +msgid "It's like a weird baseball marriage." +msgstr "C'est comme un speudo mariage de baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:931 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_5d8d9189" +msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}..............{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:934 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_76136d66" +msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}..............{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:937 +msgid "DIYA!!!! I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!!!!" +msgstr "DIYA!!!! J'AI UNE IDEE DE OUF!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:939 +msgid "I should learn to throw knuckleball, {w=0.26} and you can catch it for me." +msgstr "Je devrais apprendre à lancer les balles papillons, {w=0.26} et tu pourrais les atrapper pour moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:942 +msgid "Wait. {w=0.26}But didn't they just say it's really hard to catch." +msgstr "Attends. {w=0.26}Mais ils viennent pas juste de dire que c'était dur à rattraper ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:945 +msgid "So what? {w=0.26}You're like a baseball goddess!" +msgstr "Et alors? {w=0.26}T'es genre une déesse du baseball ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:948 +msgid "You're overestimating me." +msgstr "Tu me surestimes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:949 +msgid "I'm not that great." +msgstr "Je suis pas si balèze." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:950 +msgid "I just got lucky that one time." +msgstr "J'ai juste eu de la chance la dernière fois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:953 +msgid "You've \"gotten lucky\" so many times I don't even know which one you're talking about." +msgstr "Tu as \"eu de la chance\" tellement de fois que je vois même pas de quand tu parles." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:956 +msgid "No, you don't understand. All those were flukes." +msgstr "Nan, tu comprends pas. A chaque fois j'ai du bol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:957 +msgid "They just happened by chance. I don't have a special technique or anything." +msgstr "Ca arrive comme ça. Je n'ai pas de technique speciale ou quoi que ce soit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:960 +msgid "Your special technique is being you." +msgstr "Ta technique spéciale c'est d'être toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:961 +msgid "You're the best." +msgstr "T'es la meilleure." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:964 +msgid "You're putting too much faith in me." +msgstr "Tu mets trop d'espoir en moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm not that good." +msgstr "Je ne suis pas si forte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:966 +msgid "When you see what I'm really like, you'll be like, \"That's it?\"" +msgstr "Quand tu vas voir ce que je vaux vraiment, tu vas être en mode, \"C'est tout ?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:969 +msgid "I'll never think that!" +msgstr "Je ne me dirai jamais ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:979 +msgid "Even if I could catch it, are you really willing to be a pitcher?" +msgstr "Même si je la rattrape, tu te vois vraiment en lanceur ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:982 +msgid "Why not? {w=0.26}The pitcher is the coolest." +msgstr "Pourquoi pas? {w=0.26} Le lanceur c'est le plus cool." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:985 +msgid "You're so brave. {w=0.26}I hate pitching." +msgstr "Je suis impressionnée. {w=0.26} Je déteste lancer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:988 +msgid "Why? {w=0.26}You get to stand on the mound and kick ass in front of everyone." +msgstr "Pourquoi? {w=0.26}T'as le droit de monter sur la petite butte, et t'es grave cool devant tout le monde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:991 +msgid "But that's exactly why." +msgstr "Bah c'est exactement pour ca." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:992 +msgid "I don't want people watching every move I make." +msgstr "Je ne veux pas que les gens regarde tout ce que je fais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:993 +msgid "Especially if I'm the only girl. {w=0.26}If I mess up, {w=0.26}it'll look like all girls suck at baseball." +msgstr "Surtout si je suis la seule fille. {w=0.26} Si je me foire, {w=0.26}c'est la réputation de toute les filles qui font du baseball qui prendra." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:997 +msgid "Then don't mess up." +msgstr "Bah te foire pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1000 +msgid "That's hard." +msgstr "C'est dur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1001 +msgid "It's a situation where you can't help but be scared." +msgstr "C'est une situation où tu peux pas t'empêcher d'avoir peur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1004 +msgid "Anyway, {w=0.26}I'll be there with you." +msgstr "Bref, {w=0.26} Je serai là avec toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1005 +msgid "If there's two of us,{w=0.26} we {i}both{/i} have to mess up for them to think that." +msgstr "Si on est deux, {w=0.26} alors il faudra qu'on foire {i}toutes les deux{/i} pour qu'ils pensent ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1008 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "....!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1011 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_3ae0dff5" +msgid "So don't give up." +msgstr "Alors abandonne pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1012 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "Je n'abandonnerai pas si toi non plus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1015 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1016 +msgid "That's kind of comforting." +msgstr "C'est plutôt rassurant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1017 +msgid "I've always been alone out there." +msgstr "J'ai toujours été seule dans ma passion." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1020 +msgid "It'll be you and me against the world!" +msgstr "Ce sera toi et moi contre le monde !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1023 +msgid "Okay.{w=0.26} Let's do it." +msgstr "Ok. {w=0.26} Faisons ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1030 +msgid "The batter hit the ball!{nw}" +msgstr "Le frappeur touche la balle !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1032 +msgid "{w=0.26} It pops up foul!" +msgstr "{w=0.26} Je le sens mal !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1040 +msgid "It's coming toward us!" +msgstr "Ca vient vers nous !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1051 +msgid "Diya catches the ball in the popcorn bucket!" +msgstr "Diya attrape la balle avec son seau à popcorn !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1053 +msgid "Whoa!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Wouaahhhhh !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1054 +msgid "I got so lucky!" +msgstr "J'ai trop de chance ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1057 +msgid "{big=+20}YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20} OUAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSS !!!!!!!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1059 +msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} that was— " +msgstr "Ouah ! {w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} c'était — " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1061 +msgid "{big=+20}SO COOL!!{w=0.26} YOU'RE SO COOL!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}TROP OUF !! {w=0.26} T'ES TROP OUF !!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1067 +msgid "Diya fishes the ball out of the half-emptied tub." +msgstr "Diya sort la balle de son seau à moitié vide." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1069 +msgid "I better give this to Jun or Min. " +msgstr "Je ferai mieux de donner ca à Jun ou Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1070 +msgid "My parents think I went to study at Noelle's house. {w=0.26}It'd be too suspicious to bring a baseball back." +msgstr "Mes parents pensent que j'étudie chez Noelle. {w=0.26}Ce serait un peu louche de rapporter une balle de baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1072 +msgid "Min sits back down. {w=0.26}Apparently she had gotten up at some point to jump around and scream." +msgstr "Min se rassoie. {w=0.26}Elle s'était apparemment levée à un moment pour crier et sauter." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1073 +msgid "She still looks really awed." +msgstr "Elle semble encore sous le choc." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1076 +msgctxt "lookDiamond3_bf452795" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1078 +msgctxt "lookDiamond3_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1079 +msgid "For what?" +msgstr "Pour quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1082 +msgid "Existing." +msgstr "D'être là." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1091 +msgid "Diya holds the ball out to Jun-seo." +msgstr "Diya tend la ball à Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1094 +msgid "Wow,{w=0.10} thanks!" +msgstr "Wow,{w=0.10} merci !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1095 +msgid "I don't like baseball that much,{w=0.10} but now I'll always have something to remember you by." +msgstr "Je n'aime pas tant que ça le baseball,{w=0.10} mais maintenant j'aurai toujours de quoi me souvenir de toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1103 +msgid "Diya holds the baseball out to Min." +msgstr "Diya tend la balle de baseball à Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1108 +msgid "Can I really have it?!" +msgstr "Je peux vraiment l'avoir ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1110 +msgid "I'll treasure it forever.{w=0.26} If anyone else touches it, I'll kill them." +msgstr "Je le chérirai pour toujours. {w=0.26} Si quelqu'un d'autre y touche, je le tue..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1113 +msgid "That's way too extreme." +msgstr "C'est beaucoup trop extrême." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1116 +msgid "It's a big deal,{w=0.10} though!{w=0.26} Now we'll always have something to remember you by." +msgstr "Mais c'est une grosse affaire {w=0.10} ! Maintenant, {w=0.26} nous aurons toujours quelque chose pour nous souvenir de toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1120 +msgctxt "rememberBy_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1121 +msgid "What do you mean,{w=0.10} remember me by." +msgstr "Comment ça, se souvenir de moi {w=0.10} ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1122 +msgid "That makes it sound like I'm going to die or something. " +msgstr "Ça me donne l'impression que je vais mourir. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1127 +msgid "Jun-seo looks alarmed by Diya's response!" +msgstr "Jun-seo semble alarmé par la réaction de Diya !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1128 +msgid "Did... {w=0.26}did Min not tell you!?" +msgstr "Est-ce que... {w=0.26}Est-ce que Min ne tel'a pas dit ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1133 +msgid "???? ?? ??????????????" +msgstr "???? ?? ??????????????" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1134 +msgid "Tell me what?" +msgstr "Me dire quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1136 +msgid "We're—{w=0.26}{nw}" +msgstr "On est—{w=0.26}{nw}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1140 +msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}SHUT THE HELL YOUR MOUTH!{/big}{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=+60}{big=+20}FERME-LA !{/big}{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1142 +msgid "What............. {w=0.26}what the heck........" +msgstr "Quoi............. {w=0.26} merde........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1150 +msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}IT'S NOTHING!!!{w=0.07} FUCK THE SHUT UP!!!{/big}{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=+60}{big=+20} C'EST RIEN!!!{w=0.07} PUTAIN, LA FERME ! !! {/big}{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1154 +msgid "Min gets up and runs for it!" +msgstr "Min se lève et se met à courir !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1156 +msgctxt "rememberBy_11d2098a" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1158 +msgid "I've got to go after her!" +msgstr "Je dois aller la chercher...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1174 +msgid "Diya chases Min up the steps and down the concourse they arrived through!" +msgstr "Diya poursuit Min en montant les marches et en descendant le hall par lequel elles sont arrivées !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1187 +msgctxt "confession_0bc34ca6" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1199 +msgid "Diya grabs the back of Min's hoodie!" +msgstr "Diya saisit l'arrière du sweat à capuche de Min !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1206 +msgid "Min loses her balance and face plants onto the carpet!" +msgstr "Min perd son équilibre et tombe face contre sol sur le tapis !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1211 +msgctxt "confession_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1213 +msgid "Are you oka—" +msgstr "Est-ce que ça va...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1218 +msgid "We're moving away." +msgstr "On s'en va." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1221 +msgid "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1222 +msgctxt "confession_1b5cafe6" +msgid "Where?" +msgstr "Où ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1225 +msgid "To Florida. Tomorrow." +msgstr "En Floride. Demain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1227 +msgid "Tomorrow?!" +msgstr "Demain ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1228 +msgid "So sudden." +msgstr "C'est si soudain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1231 +msgid "It wasn't sudden. I've known for a long time." +msgstr "C'était pas soudain. Je le sais depuis longtemps." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1232 +msgid "I tried everything to stop it. {w=0.26}I even threatened Dad with a knife." +msgstr "J'ai tout essayé pour l'empêcher. {w=0.26}J'ai même menacé papa avec un couteau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1235 +msgid "I can't believe it failed!{w=0.26} Violence is always the answer!" +msgstr "Je ne peux pas croire que ça ait raté !{w=0.26} La violence est toujours la réponse !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1237 +msgid "{slow}.......{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}.......{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1238 +msgid "Florida...That's all the way across the country." +msgstr "La Floride... C'est à l'autre bout du pays." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1241 +msgid "There's nothing there except old people." +msgstr "Il n'y a rien d'autre que des personnes âgées." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1243 +msgid "No, alligators live there, too. I saw on Animal Planet." +msgstr "Non, les alligators aussi y vivent. J'ai vu ça sur Animal Planet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1245 +msgid "So this is it?" +msgstr "Alors, c'est comme ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1248 +msgid "This is it. Sorry." +msgstr "Ouaip. Désolée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1250 +msgid "But that's not fair." +msgstr "Mais c'est pas juste" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1251 +msgid "We can't even send letters because my parents hate you so much." +msgstr "On peut même pas s'envoyer de lettres tellement mes parents te détestent ." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1252 +msgid "I won't see you the rest of my life." +msgstr "Je ne te verrai plus jamais de ma vie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1256 +msgid "Hey, just because I'm moving doesn't mean we'll never meet again." +msgstr "Eh, c'est pas parce que je déménage qu'on se reverra jamais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1257 +msgid "If I want to see you and you want to see me, eventually it'll end up happening again, right?" +msgstr "Si je veux te voir et que tu veux me voir, ca arrivera forcement au bout d'un moment hein." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1260 +msgid "How do you know?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que t'en sais ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1263 +msgid "I just know!" +msgstr "Je le sais, c'est tout." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1265 +msgid "That's not a reason." +msgstr "C'est pas un argument." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1268 +msgid "Then... {w=0.26}because..." +msgstr "Ok... {w=0.26}alors parce que..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1270 +msgid "{slow}.......... {/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}.......... {/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1273 +msgid "Suddenly,{w=0.10} Min seizes Diya's arm!{w=0.26} She looks like she's had an epiphany!" +msgstr "Soudain, {w=0.10} Min saisit le bras de Diya ! On dirait qu'elle a eu une révélation !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1274 +msgid "If you say our names together,{w=0.10} it sounds like \"diamond\"!" +msgstr "Si on dit nos noms ensemble, ça ressemble à \"Diamant\" !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1276 +msgid "What..." +msgstr "Hein..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1278 +msgid "Like Diya-Min!" +msgstr "Genre Diya-Min !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1279 +msgid "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamond... {w=0.26}see?" +msgstr "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamant... {w=0.26}tu vois ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1280 +msgid "It's even more like it if you say your name wrong,{w=0.2} like DIE-ya instead of Dee-ya." +msgstr "C'est encore plus vrai si on prononce mal ton nom {w=0.2}, comme Di-a au lieu de Daï-a." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1282 +msgid "I'm not saying my name wrong just to make it sound like diamond." +msgstr "Je dis pas mon nom de travers juste pour le faire sonner comme un diamant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1285 +msgid "But it's more equal like that! {w=0.26}My name got cut in half to make it work,{w=0.2} so I had to sacrifice something, too." +msgstr "Mais c'est plus égalitaire comme ça ! Mon nom a été coupé en deux pour que ça marche, alors j'ai dû sacrifier quelque chose aussi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1287 +msgid "I already call you Min.{w=0.26} No one says DIE-ya." +msgstr "Je t'appelle déjà Min {w=0.26}. Personne ne dit Di-a." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1290 +msgid "The substitute teacher does." +msgstr "Le prof remplaçant le fait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1292 +msgid "The substitute teacher sucks." +msgstr "Le remplaçant craint." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1293 +msgid "How did you even think of this?" +msgstr "Comment t'as pu penser à ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1296 +msgid "I was checking if our names sounded like anything good together,{w=0.10} like \"baseball.\"" +msgstr "Je vérifiais si nos noms ressemblaient à quelque chose de bien ensemble, {w=0.10}comme \"baseball.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1298 +msgid "How could it possibly sound like baseball?{w=0.26}\nOur parents would've had to name us \"Base\" and \"Ball\". " +msgstr "Comment ça pourrait ressembler à baseball ?{w=0.26}\n Nos parents auraient dû nous appeler \"Base\" et \"Ball\". " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1301 +msgid "I know,{w=0.10} I know!" +msgstr "Je sais,{w=0.10} Je sais !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1303 +msgid "But still,{w=0.10} it's pretty cool that we match at all,{w=0.10} right?!" +msgstr "Mais quand même,{w=0.10} c'est plutôt cool que nous soyons compatibles,{w=0.10} non ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1304 +msgid "And it's even baseball related!" +msgstr "Et c'est même lié au baseball !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1306 +msgid "{big=+20}THE UNIVERSE IS SAYING WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}L'UNIVERS NOUS DIT QUE NOUS SOMMES FAITES POUR ETRE ENSEMBLE !{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1308 +msgid "Whoa!! {w=0.26}I guess she's right!!!" +msgstr "Wouaou!! {w=0.26}Je crois qu'elle a raison !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1312 +msgid "We'll meet again no matter what!" +msgstr "Nous nous retrouverons quoi qu'il arrive !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1314 +msgid "I'll bet you $100!!" +msgstr "Je te parie 100 dollars !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1316 +msgid "Wait. But how are you going to give me the $100 if you lose?" +msgstr "Attend, mais comment tu vas me filer 100 dollars si tu perds ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1319 +msgid "Huh? I just will." +msgstr "Hein ? Je le ferais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1321 +msgid "No, but if you're able to meet me, that means you won the bet." +msgstr "Non, mais si tu es en mesure de me rencontrer, cela signifie que tu as gagné le pari." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1324 +msgid "..........What...?" +msgstr "..........Quoi... ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1325 +msgctxt "confession_8425f177" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1328 +msgid "Technically, I guess?" +msgstr "Techniquement, tu veux dire ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1330 +msgid "There's nothing technical about it. You just straight up wouldn't pay me." +msgstr "Il n'y a rien de technique là-dedans. Tu ne me payeras." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1333 +msgctxt "confession_8425f177_1" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1334 +msgid "There's a long silence..." +msgstr "Il y a un long silence..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1336 +msgid "She still doesn't get it..." +msgstr "Elle ne comprend toujours pas..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1339 +msgid "Never mind. It's okay." +msgstr "Laisse tomber, c'est bon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1344 +msgid "{big=+20}YEAH, WHATEVER!{w=0.26} YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}OUAI, PEU IMPORTE !{w=0.26} TU VOIS CE QUE JE VEUX DIRE !!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1346 +msgid "The point is,{w=0.10} this isn't the end!" +msgstr "Le fait est que{w=0.10} ce n'est pas la fin !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1348 +msgctxt "confession_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "Je n'abandonnerai pas si tu n'abandonnes pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1349 +msgid "Okay?" +msgstr "Ok ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1351 +msgctxt "confession_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "D'accord." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1352 +msgctxt "confession_aa02bf34" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "Je n'abandonnerai pas si tu n'abandonnes pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1354 +msgid "And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." +msgstr "Et si un alligator t'attaque, vise les yeux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1357 +msgctxt "confession_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "Ok !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1375 +msgid "This is Jun-seo's seat." +msgstr "C'est le siège de Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1379 +msgid "He went to the bathroom with Dad." +msgstr "Il est allé aux toilettes avec Papa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1384 +msgid "He's been gone for a while now." +msgstr "Il est parti depuis un moment maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1388 +msgid "I hope he didn't get lost." +msgstr "J'espère qu'il ne s'est pas perdu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1391 +msgid "Maybe he's taking a dump." +msgstr "Peut-être qu'il est en train de chier." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1402 +msgctxt "saySomething_ce237f07" +msgid "Min." +msgstr "Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1406 +msgid "Yeah?" +msgstr "Ouep ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1435 +msgid "You know, I've been wondering for a while..." +msgstr "Tu sais, je me demande depuis un moment..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1437 +msgid "If your parents won't let you play baseball, why don't you just play softball instead?" +msgstr "Si tes parents ne te laissent pas jouer au base-ball, pourquoi ne pas jouer au softball à la place ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1440 +msgid "Give me your hand. I'll show you." +msgstr "Donne moi ta main. Je vais te montrer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1442 +msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1444 +msgid "Diya offers Min her hand." +msgstr "Diya offre sa main à Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1445 +msgid "Min presses their palms together, so their hands line up." +msgstr "Min presse sa paume contre la sienne, alignant leurs mains." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1446 +msgid "Her fingertips end a whole inch below Diya's." +msgstr "Le bout de ses doigts est à plusieurs centimètres de ceux de Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1448 +msgid "Her hands are tiny!" +msgstr "Ses mains sont super petites !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1450 +msgid "I guess that makes sense, since her name's Min." +msgstr "Je suppose que c'est logique, vu que son nom c'est Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1451 +msgid "The rest of her is mini, too." +msgstr "Tout est minuscule chez elle, en fait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1454 +msgid "My hand is too small to grip a softball correctly." +msgstr "Ma main est trop petite pour tenir comme il faut une balle de softball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1455 +msgid "I can't even pitch them. They always slip out halfway through the wind-up." +msgstr "J'arrive même pas à les lancer. Elles se barrent toujours au milieu du mouvement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1457 +msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca_1" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1458 +msgid "Are softballs that much bigger than baseballs?" +msgstr "Les balles de softball sont vraiment plus grandes que celles de baseball ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1461 +msgctxt "softball_1fb00b78" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Ouais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1463 +msgid "But that makes no sense. Shouldn't guys play softball and girls play baseball then?" +msgstr "Mais ça n'a aucun sens. Dans ce cas, les gars devraient jouer au softball et les filles au baseball, non ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1464 +msgid "Since guys usually have bigger hands." +msgstr "Puisque les mecs ont généralement des plus grosses mains." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1465 +msgid "It's backwards. Why is it designed like that?" +msgstr "C'est à l'envers. Pourquoi c'est conçu comme ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1469 +msgctxt "softball_bac6a63f" +msgid "Beats me." +msgstr "J'en sais rien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1478 +msgid "I hope we're in the same class next year." +msgstr "J'espère qu'on sera dans la même classe l'an prochain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1484 +msgid ".......... {w=0.26}Ye... {w=0.26}yeah..." +msgstr ".......... {w=0.26}O... {w=0.26}ouais..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1485 +msgid "Actually,{w=0.10} about that........ {w=0.26}uh..." +msgstr "En fait,{w=0.10} à propos........ {w=0.26}euh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1488 +msgctxt "iWannaPlay_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1492 +msgid "Never mind! Everything is fine!" +msgstr "En s'en fout ! Tout va très bien !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1494 +msgid "This is really suspicious?){w=0.26}\n(She's acting weird again,{w=0.10} like earlier..." +msgstr "C'est vraiment suspect ?){w=0.26}\n(Elle se comporte bizarrement,{w=0.10} comme avant..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1496 +msgid "What is it?{w=0.26} Do you not want to be in the same class as me?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?{w=0.26} T'as pas envie d'être dans la même classe que moi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1500 +msgid "No! {w=0.26}That's not it!" +msgstr "Non ! {w=0.26}C'est pas ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1501 +msgid "It's just that I won't be....... {w=0.26}Uh........" +msgstr "C'est juste que je vais....... {w=0.26}Euh........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1503 +msgid "Um......." +msgstr "Hum......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1505 +msgid "Forget it......." +msgstr "Oublie......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1507 +msgid "Is this related to what she couldn't tell me before?" +msgstr "Ça a un lien avec ce qu'elle ne pouvait pas me dire avant ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1509 +msgid "I bet Jun-seo will know what this is about..." +msgstr "Je parie que Jun-seo saura ce qu'il en retourne..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1518 +msgid "Are you sure everything is okay?" +msgstr "Es-tu sûre que tout va bien ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1523 +msgid "Y-yeah! {w=0.26}Stop worrying!" +msgstr "O-ouais! {w=0.26}T'inquiète pas !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1525 +msgid "I don't think I'm getting anywhere questioning her like this." +msgstr "Je pense que je ne vais arriver à rien en la questionnant comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1535 +msgctxt "offerPopcorn_866f89c7" +msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." +msgstr "Diya tend le pot à popcorn." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1538 +msgctxt "offerPopcorn_d3954095" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "Merci !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1539 +msgid "Min happily grabs a fistful of popcorn and stuffs it into her mouth." +msgstr "Min chipe joyeusement une grosse poignée de popcorn et s'en remplit la bouche." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1546 +msgctxt "walk1_969e5b10" +msgid "Let's go." +msgstr "Allons-y." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1550 +msgctxt "walk1_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "Ok !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1553 +msgid "Diya and Min got up!" +msgstr "Diya et Min se sont levées !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1561 +msgid "I saw the popcorn guy past these people." +msgstr "J'ai vu le gars du popcorn après ces gens." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1564 +msgid "Min is gawking excitedly at all the baseball fans milling about..." +msgstr "Min observe bouche bée toute la foule de fans de baseball fourmiller..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1566 +msgid "Look!!{w=0.26} There's so many white people here!!!" +msgstr "Regarde !!{w=0.26} Il y a tellement de blancs ici !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1567 +msgid "It's just like on TV!" +msgstr "C'est comme à la télé !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1570 +msgid "It really is..." +msgstr "Ça l'est vraiment..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1571 +msgid "The neighborhood we live in is so Asian that I used to think white people were really rare." +msgstr "Le quartier où on habite est tellement asiatique que je pensais que les blancs étaient super rares." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1574 +msgid "Too bad all these people are in our way right now,{w=0.10} though." +msgstr "Dommage que tout ce peuple nous bloque le chemin, là, maintenant,{w=0.10} en fait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1575 +msgid "We can't get through." +msgstr "On arrive pas à passer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1576 +msgid "I'm going to ask them to move." +msgstr "Je vais leur demander de bouger." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1578 +msgid "Excuse me." +msgstr "Excusez-moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1581 +msgid "No one seems to hear her..." +msgstr "Personne ne semble l'entendre..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1583 +msgctxt "walk1_a9db357b" +msgid ".........." +msgstr ".........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1584 +msgid "That was the worst." +msgstr "C'était naze." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1585 +msgid "I'm never speaking again. Time to become a mime." +msgstr "Je parle plus jamais. Temps de devenir une mime." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1589 +msgid "Don't worry, Diya! I'll take care of it." +msgstr "T'inquiète, Diya ! J'm'en occupe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1592 +msgctxt "walk1_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1594 +msgid "Min grabs someone's baseball bat off the ground and starts hitting people with it!" +msgstr "Min ramasse par terre une qui traînait, et commence à taper des gens avec!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1612 +msgid "{big=+20}HEY,{w=0.10} YOU DUMMIES!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}HÉ,{w=0.10} LES CONNARDS !!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1613 +msgid "{big=+20}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}BOUGEZ-VOUS OU JE VOUS BUTE !!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1618 +msgid "Startled, people are moving aside..." +msgstr "Surpris, les gens se bougent sur le côté..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1622 +msgid "......" +msgstr "......" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1659 +msgid "The strangers glance over in Diya's direction as she walks by." +msgstr "Les gens jettent un regard en direction de Diya tandis qu'elle passe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1661 +msgid "One whispers something to the other. They both burst out laughing." +msgstr "Quelqu'un chuchote quelque chose à un autre. Ils éclatent de rire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1663 +msgid "Are they laughing at me?" +msgstr "Ils se moquent de moi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1664 +msgid "I hope not..." +msgstr "J'espère pas..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1667 +msgid "I can't make out what they're saying." +msgstr "J'arrive pas à comprendre ce qu'ils se disent." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1669 +msgid "I hope they're not saying bad stuff about me." +msgstr "J'espère qu'ils ne disent pas des trucs trash sur moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1682 +msgid "Min continues to forge a path, leaving a trail of destruction behind her..." +msgstr "Min continue de créer un chemin, laissant une traînée de chaos derrière elle..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1699 +msgid "{big=+15}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}BOUGEZ-VOUS OU JE BUTE TOUTE VOTRE FAMILLE!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1701 +msgid "{big=+15}EVEN YOUR DANG {i}FISH{/i} WON'T SURVIVE!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}MÊME VOTRE PUTAIN DE {i}POISSON ROUGE{/i} VA CREVER !!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1704 +msgid "{big=+15}I'LL THROW ALL YOUR FISH OUT INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET SO CARS WILL RUN OVER THEM!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}JE VAIS BALANCER TOUS VOS POISSONS AU MILIEU DE LA ROUTE POUR QU'ILS SE FASSENT ROULER DESSUS PAR DES BAGNOLES !!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1709 +msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1711 +msgid "I know this looks bad, but Min really isn't a bad person." +msgstr "Je sais que ça a l'air terrible, mais Min n'est pas vraiment méchante." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1712 +msgid "She always lets me be Luigi in Mario Kart." +msgstr "Elle me laisse toujours prendre Luigi à Mario Kart." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1713 +msgid "And whenever I land on her space in Monopoly, she says I don't need to pay her." +msgstr "Et à chaque fois que j'atteris chez elle au Monopoly, elle me dit que j'ai pas besoin de raquer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1716 +msgid "{big=+15}DIEEEEEEEE!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}CRÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈVE!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1724 +msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2_1" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1725 +msgid "We're almost there now." +msgstr "On y est presque." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1768 +msgid "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn!" +msgstr "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1770 +msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1771 +msgid "He looks busy." +msgstr "Il a l'air bien occupé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1772 +msgid "I give up.{w=0.26} Time to walk away." +msgstr "J'abandonne.{w=0.26} C'est le moment de partir.." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1776 +msgid "HEY GRANDPA!! {w=0.26}GIVE US POPCORN OR ELSE!!" +msgstr "HÉ PAPY !! {w=0.26}FILE-NOUS DU POPCORN, SINON !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1779 +msgid "...! {w=0.26}Min is so brave." +msgstr "...! {w=0.26}Min est trop courageuse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1781 +msgid "Then you better pay up! {w=0.26}These are $10 a bucket!" +msgstr "Ben t'as intérêt à payer ! {w=0.26}C'est 10 dollars le pot !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1785 +msgid "$10?!" +msgstr "10 DOLLARS ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1789 +msgid "What a rip-off!!" +msgstr "Quelle arnaque !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1796 +msgid "Min hit the man in the groin with her bat!" +msgstr "Min tape l'homme dans le pif avec sa batte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1798 +msgid "Oof!" +msgstr "Oof!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1803 +msgid "The man sinks to the ground as if he's been shot!" +msgstr "L'homme s'effondre par terre comme s'il s'était pris une balle!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1807 +msgid "Min grabs a popcorn bucket out of his tray!" +msgstr "Min chipe un pot à popcorn de son plateau!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1809 +msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1812 +msgid "I got it!{w=0.26} Let's go!!" +msgstr "Je l'ai !{w=0.26} On y va !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1865 +msgid "He's still curled up in pain." +msgstr "Il est encore en plié de douleur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1867 +msgid "We better go before he recovers and comes after us." +msgstr "On a intérêt à se barrer avant qu'il récupère et nous courre après." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1876 +msgid "What a cute dog." +msgstr "Qu'il est mignon ce chien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1878 +msgid "I want 5 dogs when I grow up.{w=0.26} It'll be like having 5 friends." +msgstr "Je veux 5 chiens plus tard.{w=0.26} Ce sera comme avoir 5 amis.." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1880 +msgid "Min will probably train them all into attack dogs,{w=0.10} though." +msgstr "Min va sûrement tous les entraîner comme des chiens d'attaque,{w=0.10} ouais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1888 +msgid "Whenever I see a \"Dog missing\" flyer somewhere I worry so much." +msgstr "À chaque fois que je vois un flyer \"Chien disparu\" quelque part, ça m'inquiète tellement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1889 +msgid "Is the dog okay?? I hope it's just digging a hole somewhere." +msgstr "Est-ce-que le chien va bien ?? J'espère qu'il est juste en train de creuser un trou quelque part." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1897 +msgctxt "lookDog_1ffdc7ed" +msgid "!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1898 +msgid "It's a dog! Cute dog!" +msgstr "C'est un chien ! Chien mignon !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1903 +msgid "It doesn't look very strong.{w=0.26} I bet I could kill it in one hit." +msgstr "Il a pas l'air très costaud.{w=0.26} J'parie que je pourrais le tuer en un coup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1906 +msgid "Don't do that.{w=0.26} I'm going to pet it." +msgstr "Fais pas ça.{w=0.26} Je vais le caresser." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1919 +msgctxt "lookDog_7d7b582b" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1921 +msgid "All I have to do is ask,{w=0.10} \"Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?\"" +msgstr "J'ai juste à demander,{w=0.10} \"Excusez-moi,{w=0.10} est-ce qu'on peut caresser votre chien ?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1922 +msgid "I better practice a few times so I don't mess up when I really say it." +msgstr "J'ai intérêt à répéter un peu pour pas me louper quand je vais le dire vraiment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1923 +msgid "Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?" +msgstr "Excusez-moi,{w=0.10} est-ce qu'on peut caresser votre chien ?)\n{w=0.26}(Excusez-moi,{w=0.10} est-ce qu'on peut caresser votre chien ?)\n{w=0.26}(Excusez-moi,{w=0.10} est-ce qu'on peut caresser votre chien ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1925 +msgid "Alright.{w=0.26} I got this." +msgstr "Allez.{w=0.26} Ça va le faire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1929 +msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0" +msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" +msgstr "Laisse-nous caresser ton chien, sinon !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1932 +msgid "...That works too." +msgstr "... Ça marche aussi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1937 +msgid "Diya does nothing..." +msgstr "Diya ne réagit pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1940 +msgid "I don't wanna embarrass myself." +msgstr "Je n'ai pas envie d'être ridicule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1942 +msgid "Min threateningly approaches the dog's owner!" +msgstr "Min approche le propriétaire du chien d'un air menaçant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1945 +msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0_1" +msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" +msgstr "Laisse-nous caresser ton chien, sinon !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1949 +msgid "Go ahead!{w=0.26} She won't bite." +msgstr "Allez-y !{w=0.26} Elle ne mord pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1952 +msgid "I'll fight y—" +msgstr "Je vais te frap—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1957 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} He already agreed." +msgstr "Attends,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} Il a déjà dit oui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1960 +msgid "...Oh.{w=0.26} Right." +msgstr "...Oh.{w=0.26} Ah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1964 +msgid "Diya pets the dog." +msgstr "Diya caresse le chien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1965 +msgid "The dog closes its eyes and smiles!!!" +msgstr "Le chien ferme ses yeux et a l'air heureux !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1967 +msgctxt "petDogChoice_0aef34d8" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1968 +msgid "Diya is almost in tears..." +msgstr "Diya est émue aux larmes..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1969 +msgid "She's like a living rug." +msgstr "Elle est comme une carpettte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1977 +msgid "If you had a dog,{w=0.10} what would you name it?" +msgstr "Si t'avais un chien,{w=0.10} tu l'appellerais comment ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1980 +msgid "Good question." +msgstr "Bonne question." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1985 +msgid "Pom." +msgstr "Pom." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1988 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c" +msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce nom ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1991 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0" +msgid "Cool name." +msgstr "Un nom cool." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1992 +msgid "It's short for \"Pomeranian\"." +msgstr "C'est un diminutif pour \"Pomeranian\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1996 +msgid "That's way too simple!" +msgstr "C'est vraiment trop simple !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1999 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a" +msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" +msgstr "Alors tu l'appelerais comment ton chien,{w=0.10} Min ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2004 +msgid "Shibe." +msgstr "Shibe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2007 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c_1" +msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" +msgstr "Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ce nom ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2010 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0_1" +msgid "Cool name." +msgstr "Un nom cool." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2011 +msgid "It's short for \"Shiba Inu.\"" +msgstr "C'est un diminutif pour \"Shiba Inu\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2014 +msgid "Sounds dumb..." +msgstr "Ça a l'air bête..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2017 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a_1" +msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" +msgstr "Alors tu l'appelerais comment ton chien,{w=0.10} Min ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2025 +msgid "Me?{w=0.26} Hm..." +msgstr "Moi ?{w=0.26} Hum..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2027 +msgid "Min is thinking with an intense look on her face..." +msgstr "Min réfléchit avec un visage intense..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2029 +msgid "Skull Crusher." +msgstr "Brise-Crânes" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2033 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2035 +msgid "Diya is silently laughing at her!" +msgstr "Diya se moque d'elle silencieusement !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2037 +msgid "Of course you'd choose a name like that." +msgstr "C'était évident que tu choisirais un nom comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2040 +msgid "What!{w=0.26} It's better than [dogName!t]!" +msgstr "Quoi !{w=0.26} C'est mieux que [dogName!t]" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2043 +msgid "What's wrong with [dogName!t]?" +msgstr "Quel est le problème avec [dogName!t] ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2052 +msgid "Okay, I think we're good to go now." +msgstr "Ça y est, je pense qu'on peut partir maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2062 +msgid "Wait. Why would I leave when there's a dog here." +msgstr "Attend. Pourquoi est-ce que je partirais alors qu'il y a un chien ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2064 +msgid "I have to pet it. " +msgstr "Il faut que je le caresse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2090 +msgid "Oh, it's my dad. Yuck." +msgstr "Oh, c'est mon père. Argh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2094 +msgid "Min's dad is really mad at her for cutting her hair like that." +msgstr "Le père de Min est furieux qu'elle se soit coupé les cheveux comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2095 +msgid "He's speaking Korean on the phone. I wonder what he's talking about." +msgstr "Il parle en coréen au téléphone. Je me demande ce dont ils parlent." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2096 +msgid "Min only taught me 1 through 4 so far." +msgstr "Min m'a juste appris à compter de 1 à 4 pour le moment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2098 +msgid "Diya must've been frowning without knowing it, because Min speaks up." +msgstr "Diya a du froncer les sourcils sans s'en rendre compte, car Min le remarque." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2100 +msgid "Do you wanna learn more?" +msgstr "Tu veux en apprendre plus ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2103 +msgctxt "dogHere_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2104 +msgctxt "dogHere_b6399d89" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "Ouais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2105 +msgid "How do you say \"Hi\" in Korean?" +msgstr "Comment est-ce que tu dis \"Salut\" en Coréen ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2108 +msgid "\"Hi\"?{w=0.26} Easy,{w=0.10} it's..." +msgstr "\"Salut\" ?{w=0.26} Facile,{w=0.10} c'est..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2110 +msgid "Uh..............{w=0.26}hm." +msgstr "Euh..............{w=0.26}hum." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2113 +msgid "....?" +msgstr "....?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2114 +msgid "Does she not know how to say it?" +msgstr "Elle ne sait pas comment le dire ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2117 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2121 +msgid "\"Sarang eh...?\"" +msgstr "\"Sarang eh...?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2124 +msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2127 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2130 +msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2133 +msgctxt "dogHere_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2136 +msgid "Min is staring at Diya with a really complicated expression on her face..." +msgstr "Min regarde Diya avec une expression vraiment compliquée sur son visage..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2138 +msgid "What.{w=0.26} Am I saying it right?" +msgstr "Quoi.{w=0.26} Je le dis pas correctement ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2141 +msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} That was good!" +msgstr "O-ouais !{w=0.26} C'était bien !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2144 +msgid "Cool.{w=0.26} Now I can greet you and Jun-seo like this." +msgstr "Cool.{w=0.26} Maintenant je peux te dire bonjour comme ça, et Jun-seo aussi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2147 +msgid "N-no,{w=0.10} wait!{w=0.26} You can't say that to Jun. " +msgstr "N-non,{w=0.10} attend !{w=0.26} Tu ne peux pas dire ça à Jun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2150 +msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} Why not?" +msgstr "Heh.{w=0.26} Pourquoi pas ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2153 +msgid "Because...{w=0.26}uh...{w=0.26}It's a special kind of hello." +msgstr "Parc'que...{w=0.26}euh...{w=0.26}C'est un genre spécial de bonjour." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2155 +msgid "You can only say it to........{w=0.26}certain people.{w=0.26} Like me." +msgstr "Tu peux juste le dire à........{w=0.26}certaines personnes.{w=0.26} Comme moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2158 +msgid "Oh.{w=0.26} Is it one of those things where if you use the wrong one,{w=0.10} it's really bad?" +msgstr "Oh.{w=0.26} Est-ce que c'est un de ces trucs où tu utilises le mauvais,{w=0.10} ça tourne très mal ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2161 +msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} Something like that.{w=0.26} It's tough to explain." +msgstr "O-ouais !{w=0.26} Un truc comme ça.{w=0.26} C'est compliqué." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2164 +msgid "But it's correct when I say it to you." +msgstr "Mais c'est bon quand je te le dis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2167 +msgctxt "dogHere_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "Ouais !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2169 +msgid "So only say it to me.{w=0.26} Got it?" +msgstr "Donc ne le dis qu'à moi.{w=0.26} Kapiche ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2172 +msgid "Got it." +msgstr "J'ai compris." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2174 +msgid "Wow.{w=0.26} Korean is really complicated." +msgstr "Wow.{w=0.26} Le coréen c'est vraiment compliqué." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2177 +msgid "What about you?{w=0.26} How do you say \"Hi\"?" +msgstr "Et toi alors? {w=0.26} Comment tu dis \"Bonjour\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "{cps=0}What about you? How do you say \"Hi\"?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0} Et toi alors? Comment tu dis \"Bonjour\"?{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2187 +msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2192 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2196 +msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a_1" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2200 +msgctxt "dogHere_677f9015" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2209 +msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2215 +msgid "What the...? That's so long!" +msgstr "De quoi..., Mais c'est tellement long ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2218 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font}uh..." +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font} heu...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2223 +msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e_1" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2227 +msgctxt "dogHere_0f158bd8" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2232 +msgctxt "dogHere_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2235 +msgid "What's so funny?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qu'il y a de si drôle?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2238 +msgid "Nothing. Your pronunciation is great." +msgstr "Rien du tout. Ta prononciation est parfaite." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2247 +msgid "He's still talking on the phone." +msgstr "Il est toujours au téléphone." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2249 +msgid "Doesn't sound like he's using the phrase Min just taught me." +msgstr "Ca ne ressemble pas à la phrase que Min m'a apprise." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2250 +msgid "I guess there's not a lot of opportunities to say \"Hi\" in the middle of a conversation." +msgstr "Je pense qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de possibilité pour dire \"Bonjour\" en pleine conversation." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2253 +msgid "Hey, let's hurry up and sit down." +msgstr "Hey, on se magne et on va s'assoir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2255 +msgid "Jun-seo is probably wondering where we are." +msgstr "Jun-seo doit se demander où on est." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2258 +msgid "She's right. Poor Jun-seo." +msgstr "Elle a raison. Pauvre Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2325 +msgid "There you guys are!" +msgstr "Vous êtes là!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2326 +msgid "Where'd you guys go?" +msgstr "Vous étiez parties où?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2329 +msgid "The dog." +msgstr "Le chien" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2332 +msgid "Diya,{w=0.10} that's... {w=0.26}really cryptic." +msgstr "Diya, {w=0.10} je... {w=0.26} C'est un secret." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2334 +msgid "Is it?" +msgstr "Vraiment?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2338 +msgid "Here,{w=0.10} take this!" +msgstr "Tiens, {w=0.10} prends ca ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2339 +msgid "Min gives Diya the popcorn bucket!" +msgstr "Min donne le sot de popcorn à Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2341 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2344 +msgid "Min, where'd you get that bat...?" +msgstr "Min, où as tu eu cette batte...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2345 +msgid "Please don't tell me you did something bad..." +msgstr "Allez, ne me dis pas que tu n'as jamais rien fait de mal...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2347 +msgid "Yeah! It was fun!" +msgstr "Ouais !! C'était cool ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2349 +msgid "No! You have to stop stealing and threatening people!" +msgstr "Non ! Il faut que t'arrètes de voler et de faire peur aux gens!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2350 +msgid "It's dangerous! What if someone came after you?" +msgstr "C'est dangeureux! Et si quelqu'un te poursuit?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2352 +msgid "I'd beat them!" +msgstr "Je le frappe!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2353 +msgid "Even if there was a bear, I'd kill it with my bare hands." +msgstr "Meme si c'était un ours, je le défoncerai à mains nues." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2355 +msgid "Min, that's impossible." +msgstr "Min, ce n'est pas possible." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2357 +msgid "I'll punch it real hard in the head like {i}WHAM!!!{/i}" +msgstr "Je lui mets une bonne droite dans la tête en mode {i} BIM!!!!{/i}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2359 +msgctxt "sitBackDown_79937b81" +msgid "Dead." +msgstr "Mort" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2361 +msgid "It's not that easy. You'll just get mauled." +msgstr "C'est pas si simple. Tu te ferai juste écraser." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2363 +msgid "Yeah, right. I'll dodge." +msgstr "Ouais, bin, ESQUIVE ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2364 +msgid "I bet I can kill two different bears at once." +msgstr "J'te parie que je peux tuer deux ours en une seule fois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2366 +msgid "Min, no..." +msgstr "Non Min...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2368 +msgid "It's useless. I don't think Min's brain even knows what fear is." +msgstr "Tu perds ton temps. Je pense que le cerveau de Min ne sait même pas ce qu'est la peur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2371 +msgid "Geez,{w=0.10} Jun. You really sound like Noelle sometimes." +msgstr "La vache, {w=0.10} Jun. Des fois tu parles vraiment comme Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2373 +msgid "Noelle is my best friend." +msgstr "C'est ma meilleure pote." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2374 +msgid "She's the kid in class who goes,{w=0.10} \"But wait,{w=0.10} you forgot to collect our homework!\"" +msgstr "C'est celle qui quitte le cours, {w=0.10} \"Mais, {w=0.10} qui oublie de noter les devoirs!\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2375 +msgid "I introduced Min to her a while back, but it was like hate at first sight." +msgstr "Je lui avais présentée Min il y a quelque temps, mais elles se sont détestées au premier regard." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2376 +msgid "I think Min wants to kill her." +msgstr "Je pense que Min veut la tuer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2380 +msgid "Someday when Diya decides she doesn't like Noelle anymore, I'll kill her." +msgstr "Un jour, quand Diya décidera de ne plus être son amie, je la tuerai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2382 +msgid "I'll kill her to death." +msgstr "Je la tuerai jusque la mort." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2385 +msgid "Don't do that." +msgstr "Ne fais pas ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2388 +msgid "Even though Noelle is taller than you,{w=0.10} someday I'll be the tallest!" +msgstr "Et même si Noelle est plus grande que toi, {w=0.10} je finirai par être la plus grande ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2389 +msgid "I won't lose to her!" +msgstr "Je ne perdrai pas face à elle ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2391 +msgid "What does that have to do with anything?" +msgstr "C'est quoi le rapport?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2394 +msgid "Also,{w=0.10} if I was peeling an orange for you,{w=0.10} I'd make sure to get all the white stringy stuff off,{w=0.10} too." +msgstr "Dailleurs, {w=0.10} si je devais éplucher une orange pour toi, {w=0.10} j'enleverai chaque petite peau blanche dessus, {w=0.10} aussi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2395 +msgid "I bet Noelle wouldn't do that." +msgstr "Je parie que Noelle ne ferait pas ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2399 +msgid "What the heck kind of scenario is this?" +msgstr "Mais d'où ça sort ça?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2400 +msgid "Why would you guys even be peeling oranges for me." +msgstr "Pourquoi vous m'éplucheriez des oranges?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2403 +msgid "Just because.{w=0.26} Forget it." +msgstr "Parceque, {w=0.26} Laisse tomber." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2420 +msgid "Jun-seo." +msgstr "Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2439 +msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_866f89c7" +msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." +msgstr "Diya tend le sot de popcorn." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2442 +msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_f09ff667" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "Merci !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2443 +msgid "Jun-seo took a single piece of popcorn!" +msgstr "Jun-seo prend UN popcorn ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2445 +msgid "You can take more than that." +msgstr "Tu peux en prendre plus que ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2447 +msgid "Really?{w=0.26} You're so nice!" +msgstr "Vraiment? {w=0.26} T'es trop sympa ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2448 +msgid "Jun-seo took another single piece of popcorn!" +msgstr "Jun-seo prends UN autre popcorn!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2455 +msgctxt "havingFun_5043e3e2" +msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgstr "Il y a un problème avec Min?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2457 +msgid "Like,{w=0.10} did she do a felony?{w=0.26} Are the police after her?" +msgstr "Genre, {w=0.10} elle aurait pas fait une connerie? {w=0.26} La police lui court après?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2460 +msgid "Uh... {w=0.26}not that I know of?{w=0.26} Why?" +msgstr "Heu... {w=0.26} Pas que je sache? {w=0.26} Pourquoi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2462 +msgid "She's been acting kinda weird all day. {w=0.26}It's like she's hiding something." +msgstr "Elle a été louche tout la journée. {w=0.26} On dirait qu'elle cache quelque chose." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2465 +msgid "Really?{w=0.26} I haven't noticed anything odd..." +msgstr "Vraiment? {w=0.26} J'ai rien trouvé de bizarre..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2467 +msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} I guess if even Jun-seo isn't concerned,{w=0.10} everything is fine." +msgstr "Ah, {w=0.26} J'imagine que si même la grande Jun-seo n'a rien vu alors, {w=0.10} tout va bien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2468 +msgid "Phew. I can just enjoy the game without worrying now." +msgstr "Bon, je peux apprécier le match sans me prendre la tête alors." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2572 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2574 +msgid "I have to get ready for school!" +msgstr "Faut que je me prépare pour l'école." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2581 +msgctxt "ch2_aaf68681" +msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." +msgstr "Diya eteint son alarme et cache sa tête dans l'oreiller." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2585 +msgid "Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " +msgstr "Le matin, Diya passe toujours 10min dans son lit à se dire qu'elle est fatiguée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2590 +msgid "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." +msgstr "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2591 +msgid "I only got 2 hours of sleep..." +msgstr "J'ai seulement dormis 2h..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2592 +msgid "Nnnnooooooooooooo......I don't wanna get up..." +msgstr "Nooooooon.... Je veux pas me lever..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2593 +msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." +msgstr "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2594 +msgid "10 minutes pass like this." +msgstr "10 minutes passent comm ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2595 +msgid "Once the allotted time is up, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands." +msgstr "Une fois que ce temps est terminé, Diya se décolle difficilement de son matelas et se met debout." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2599 +msgid "After stretching for a few moments, she starts getting ready for school." +msgstr "Après s'être étirée rapidement, elle commence à être prête pour l'école." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2606 +msgctxt "ch2_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "....." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2607 +msgctxt "ch2_c66f35de" +msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." +msgstr "Ma camarade de classe Akarsha m'a envoyé un message" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2632 +msgctxt "ay_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2634 +msgctxt "ay_5de121ba" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "salut" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2635 +msgctxt "ay_9266357c" +msgid "ay diya" +msgstr "salut diya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2636 +msgctxt "ay_076b730f" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "salut" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2638 +msgctxt "ay_b771df90" +msgid "ayy" +msgstr "salut" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2639 +msgid ":)))))))))))))))))" +msgstr ":)))))))))))))))))" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2640 +msgctxt "ay_1acbd9bd" +msgid "What" +msgstr "Quoi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2641 +msgid "diya u like pringles, right?" +msgstr "diya, tu aimes les pringles, pas vrai ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2642 +msgid ":o" +msgstr ":o" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2650 +msgid "Yeah, why" +msgstr "ouais, pourquoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2651 +msgctxt "ay_c07c5669" +msgid "?" +msgstr "?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2653 +msgid "go outside" +msgstr "va dehors" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2654 +msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c" +msgid "xD" +msgstr "xD" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2655 +msgctxt "ay_8642d046" +msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." +msgstr "YAOI SEME s'est déconnecté" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2660 +msgctxt "ay_cf977472" +msgid "???" +msgstr "???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2665 +msgid "No, why" +msgstr "Non, pourquoi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2667 +msgctxt "ay_c07c5669_1" +msgid "?" +msgstr "?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2669 +msgctxt "ay_e2a1e065" +msgid "darn" +msgstr "mince" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2670 +msgid "nvm then" +msgstr "laisse tomber alors" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2671 +msgid "just being random" +msgstr "c'est bizarre" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2672 +msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c_1" +msgid "xD" +msgstr "xD" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2674 +msgctxt "ay_8642d046_1" +msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." +msgstr "YAOI SEME s'est déconnecté" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2683 +msgctxt "ay_cf977472_1" +msgid "???" +msgstr "???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2685 +msgid "I wonder what that was about." +msgstr "Je me demande de quoi il s'agit" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2697 +msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "Dia va dehors" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2700 +msgid "There's a lone Pringle sitting on the ground." +msgstr "Il y a un Pringle seul assis sur le sol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2703 +msgctxt "ay_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2710 +msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a_1" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "Diya va dehors" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2713 +msgid "Ayyy!" +msgstr "Saluuut !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2722 +msgid "Sup, homie." +msgstr "comment ça va, mon pote" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2724 +msgid "This is Akarsha." +msgstr "C'est Akarsha" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2726 +msgid "She's the kind of person who doesn't give pencils back." +msgstr "C'est le genre de personne qui ne rend pas les crayons" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2727 +msgid "You know when you become friends with someone just because you have to see them so much?" +msgstr "Tu sais quand tu deviens ami avec quelqu'un juste parce que tu dois le voir souvent ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2728 +msgid "Yeah.{w=0.26} That's us." +msgstr "C'est nous" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2729 +msgid "My parents are always saying I should be more outgoing like her, like that's something I can just change." +msgstr "Mes parents me disent toujours que je devrais être plus extraverti comme elle, comme si c'était quelque chose que je pouvais changer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2732 +msgid "Hey Diya,{w=0.10} you know what's the best weed?" +msgstr "Salut Diya,{w=0.10} tu sais quelle est la meilleure herbe ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2734 +msgid "It's when.... {w=0.26}I'm WEED you........" +msgstr "C'est quand... {w=0.26} je te désherbe " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2736 +msgctxt "ay_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2740 +msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her..." +msgstr "Diya commence à marcher rapidement sans elle..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2742 +msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} you're no fun." +msgstr "oh ! {w=0.10} tu n'es pas fun" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2744 +msgid "Have it your way. {w=0.26}Burger King." +msgstr "Faites comme bon vous semble. {w=0.26} Burger King" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2754 +msgid "Akarsha is half-jogging to keep up with Diya." +msgstr "Akarsha fait un demi-jogging pour suivre Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2756 +msgid "Hey Diya..." +msgstr "Salut Diya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2758 +msgid "Did you know that your eye has something called \"immune privilege\"?" +msgstr "La saviez-tu que ton oeil possède ce qu'on appelle un \"privilège immunitaire\" ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2759 +msgid "This basically means that the outside of your eye prevents your immune system from knowing about the inside of your eye." +msgstr "Cela signifie essentiellement que l'extérieur de ton œil empêche ton système immunitaire de connaître l'intérieur de ton oeil" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2760 +msgid "If it didn't, your immune system would destroy your eyes." +msgstr "Si ce n'était pas le cas, ton système immunitaire détruirait tes yeux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2763 +msgid "That doesn't sound right." +msgstr "ça ne semble pas correct" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2764 +msgid "I don't believe you." +msgstr "Je ne te crois pas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2767 +msgid "Why not?" +msgstr "pourquoi pas ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2770 +msgid "Because you lie to me all the time." +msgstr "Parce que tu me mens tout le temps" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2771 +msgid "Noelle said not to trust you no matter what." +msgstr "Noelle a dit de ne pas te faire confiance, quoi qu'il arrive." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2775 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?!{w=0.26} When?" +msgstr "Attends,{w=0.10} quoi ?!{w=0.26} Quand ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2778 +msgid "When we first met you this year.{w=0.26} After you accused her of being a robot with artificially implanted human emotions." +msgstr "Quand nous t'avons rencontré pour la première fois cette année.{w=0.26} Après l'avoir accusée d'être un robot avec des émotions humaines artificiellement implantées." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2781 +msgid "Hey,{w=0.10} she got annoyed when I pressed a magnet to her head." +msgstr "hé,{w=0.10} elle s'est énervée quand j'ai appuyé un aimant sur sa tête." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2782 +msgid "That means she's a Replicant and it was messing with her circuits." +msgstr "Ça veut dire qu'elle est une Androïde et que ça a perturbé ses circuits." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2783 +msgid "Checkmate." +msgstr "échec et mat" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2786 +msgid "No.{w=0.26} She was annoyed because you pressed a magnet to her head." +msgstr "No.{w=0.26} Elle était ennuyée parce que tu avais appuyé un aimant sur sa tête." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2789 +msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} come ooonnnnnn!{w=0.26} I was just trying to make a good first impression!" +msgstr "Oh,{w=0.10} Alleeeeeez !{w=0.26} J'essayais juste de faire une bonne première impression !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2791 +msgid "What's a girl to do?" +msgstr "Que doit faire une fille ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2794 +msgid "Not that." +msgstr "Pas ça" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2797 +msgid "Poor me..." +msgstr "Pauvre de moi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2800 +msgid "No one feels sorry for you!" +msgstr "Personne ne se sent désolé pour toi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2810 +msgid "There's a bunch of adults dressed in yellow at the intersection, waving signs." +msgstr "Il y a un groupe d'adultes habillés en jaune à l'intersection, brandissant des pancartes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2812 +msgid "...What is that?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce que c'est que ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2815 +msgid "They're trying to take away gay marriage." +msgstr "Ils essayent d'enlever le mariage gay" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2818 +msgid "Gay marriage is allowed?" +msgstr "le mariage gay est permis ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2821 +msgid "Dude, it's been legal for a few years now." +msgstr "Mec, c'est légal depuis quelques années maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2824 +msgid "Oh. Wasn't paying attention." +msgstr "Oh. J'vais pas fait attention" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2829 +msgid "Protect marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" +msgstr "Protéger le marriage ! Oui à la proposition 8 !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2830 +msgid "Marriage equals 1 man and 1 woman!" +msgstr "Le mariage c'est 1 homme et 1 femme " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2831 +msgid "A smiling woman with a baby strapped to her back brandishes her sign as Diya and Akarsha walk past. " +msgstr "Une femme souriante, portant un bébé dans son dos, brandit sa pancarte au moment où Diya et Akarsha passent devant elle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2832 +msgid "It says:\nI <3 my Gay brother\nStill YES on 8!" +msgstr "ça dit:\nI <3 mon frère Gay \nToujours OUI à la Proposition 8" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2834 +msgid "What kind of cognitive dissonance..." +msgstr "Quel genre de dissonance cognitive" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2847 +msgctxt "ay_df3f6405" +msgid "Hey, Diya..." +msgstr "Hé, Diya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2849 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?" +msgstr "Pour 100 million de dollars, tu mangerais une petite personne de 5 cm ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "{cps=0}Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Pour 100 million de dollars, tu mangerais une petite personne de 5 cm ?{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2863 +msgid "Diya nods!" +msgstr "Diya hoche la tête" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2867 +msgid "Dang. {w=0.26}You wouldn't feel bad at all?" +msgstr "Purée. {w=0.26} Tu ne te sentirais pas mal du tout ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2868 +msgid "You realize he dies?" +msgstr "Tu réalises qu'il meurt ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2872 +msgid "But he tastes like Cheetos." +msgstr "Mais il a le goût des Cheetos" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2875 +msgid "So? He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!" +msgstr "Et alors ? C'est toujours un vrai mec ,{w=0.10} meuf !," + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2878 +msgid "Why would they make him taste like Cheetos if you're not supposed to eat him?" +msgstr "Pourquoi lui donner le goût de Cheetos si on n'est pas censé le manger ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2881 +msgid "But he's only 2 inches tall." +msgstr "Mais il ne mesure que 5 cm." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2884 +msgid "He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!{w=0.26} What are you,{w=0.10} some kinda short people hater?!" +msgstr "C'est toujours un vrai mec ,{w=0.10} meuf !{w=0.26}, Qui es tu, {w=0.10} une sorte de détracteur des personnes de petite taille ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2887 +msgid "This is on a whole other level from \"short\"!){w=0.26}\n(His brain must be the size of a pea!" +msgstr "C'est un tout autre niveau \"short\"!){w=0.26}\n( Son cerveau doit avoir la taille d'un petit pois" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2890 +msgid "Dude, imagine... {w=0.26}What if you were the tiny guy?" +msgstr "Meuf, imagine... . {w=0.26} Et si tu étais le petit gars ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2891 +msgid "If I were him,{w=0.10} I'd go into a total panic." +msgstr "Si j'étais lui, {w=0.10} je serais en panique totale" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2893 +msgid "I would scream and squirm. {w=0.26}I wouldn't wanna get eaten." +msgstr "Je crirais et me tortillerais. {w=0.26} Je ne voudrais pas être mangé" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2901 +msgctxt "wouldntEat_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "Non" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2903 +msgid "He'd probably taste horrible." +msgstr "Il aurait probablement un goût horrible" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2905 +msgid "People have so many bones. {w=0.26}It'd be like eating a fish." +msgstr "Les gens ont trop d'os. {w=0.26} Ce serait comme manger un poisson" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2908 +msgid "That's the only reason you wouldn't do it?" +msgstr "C'est la seule raison pour laquelle tu ne le ferais pas ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2909 +msgid "Are you sayin' you'd eat him if he was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} a Cheeto?" +msgstr "Es-tu en train de dire que tu le mangerais s'il était,{w=0.10} comme,{w=0.10} un Cheeto?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2912 +msgid "What do you mean. {w=0.26}Like a talking Cheeto with human intelligence." +msgstr "Que veux tu dire ? {w=0.26} Comme un Cheeto qui parle et qui a une intelligence humaine" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2915 +msgid "No,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} he's still a human dude but he somehow has the taste and texture of a Cheeto." +msgstr "Non,{w=0.10} comme,{w=0.10} c'est toujours un humain, mais il a le goût et la texture d'un Cheeto. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2918 +msgid "What the heck... {w=0.26}This is getting pretty abstract." +msgstr "Mais qu'est ce que... {w=0.26} ça devient assez abstrait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2927 +msgctxt "wouldntEat2_57e599f4" +msgid "Diya shakes her head." +msgstr "Diya secoue sa tête" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2930 +msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Now I know you're a true homie." +msgstr "whoah !{w=0.26} Maintenant je sais que tu es une vraie pote" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2934 +msgid "Great..." +msgstr "Bien" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2939 +msgid "Why are we even talking about this..." +msgstr "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on se prend la tête là dessus..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2957 +msgid "We made it to school." +msgstr "On est arrivé à l'école." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2959 +msgid "I should go to my locker first before going to class." +msgstr "Je devrais faire un détour par mon casier avant d'aller en cours." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2962 +msgid "Suddenly, Akarsha takes off running." +msgstr "Tout à coup, Akarsha tappe un sprint." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2965 +msgctxt "chapter3_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "....?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2966 +msgid "Where are you going?" +msgstr "Tu vas où comme ça?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2971 +msgid "Huh? It's pee-pee time." +msgstr "Hein? C'est l'heure d'aller poser ma pêche." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2973 +msgid "Can you...not say things like that?" +msgstr "T'as pas trouvé plus élégant comment façon de le dire?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2979 +msgctxt "chapter3_2ed201c8" +msgid "Akarsha left..." +msgstr "Akarsha s'éloigne..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2984 +msgctxt "chapter3_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2985 +msgid "She never takes a day off from being weird." +msgstr "Chaque jour plus bizarre cette fille." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3045 +msgctxt "lookBush_bbb27231" +msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" +msgstr "Ô LA VACHE!!!! J'Y CROIS PAS!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3048 +msgctxt "lookBush_f2fff244" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3051 +msgctxt "lookBush_2a42d072" +msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "C'EST....C'EST UN BUISSON!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3052 +msgctxt "lookBush_588540e7" +msgid "I never would've guessed!" +msgstr "Tu m'en diras tant!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3055 +msgctxt "lookBush_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3059 +msgctxt "lookBush_f5a3cd1f" +msgid "FASCINATING!!!" +msgstr "HALLUCINANT" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3060 +msgctxt "lookBush_beb8360c" +msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" +msgstr "Je propose de passer les prochaines minutes à le contempler!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3069 +msgid "Did you know these things are connected to the school's computer network?" +msgstr "Est-ce que tu savais que ces choses étaient reliées au network de l'école?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3071 +msgid "There's a cat 5 coming out of it." +msgstr "Y'a a câble ethernet qui dépasse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3078 +msgid "Yeah, right." +msgstr "Mais bien sûr." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3080 +msgid "Too scary." +msgstr "Flippant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3088 +msgctxt "lookPoster_656a56ba" +msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" +msgstr "Sur le poster on peut lire \"Relaxez vous!\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3092 +msgctxt "lookPoster_1eeb501c" +msgid "HahaHAH!!" +msgstr "HahaHAH!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3093 +msgctxt "lookPoster_af616955" +msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" +msgstr "Comment ils veulent qu'on fasse ça au juste?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3095 +msgctxt "lookPoster_b73af55a" +msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" +msgstr "En séchant les cours?{w=0.26} En se débarrassant de nos parents?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3109 +msgid "Diya opens her locker." +msgstr "Diya ouvre son casier." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3113 +msgid "This is technically both me and Noelle's locker." +msgstr "Pour être exacte, c'est un casier que je partage avec Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3114 +msgid "The school doesn't have enough lockers for everyone,{w=0.10} so freshmen share." +msgstr "L'école n'a pas assez de casier pour tout le monde, {w=0.10} alors les petits nouveaux partagent." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3115 +msgid "And they're tiny.{w=0.10} I'm always surprised when high schoolers in movies have lockers big enough to fit people inside." +msgstr "En plus ils sont riquiquis.{w=0.10} " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3175 +msgid "Diya hefts her books and binders into her backpack." +msgstr "Diya fourres ses livres et classeurs dans son sac." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3178 +msgid "Alright. {w=0.26}I can go to class now." +msgstr "J'ai tout. {w=0.26} En avant pour les cours." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3185 +msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c" +msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." +msgstr "Diya ouvre sa boîte repas et jette un oeil à l'intérieur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3186 +msgid "There's a steel thermos and a plastic baggy of grapes." +msgstr "Elle contient une boîte en alu et un sachet de raisin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3188 +msgid "Grapes...!" +msgstr "Du raisin....!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3190 +msgid "Diya shovels half the grapes into her mouth before putting the lunchbox back." +msgstr "Diya fourre la moitié du raisin dans sa bouche avant de reposer son repas sur la table." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3192 +msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c_1" +msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." +msgstr "Diya ouvre la boîte repas et regarde son contenu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3193 +msgid "There's bittermelon in Noelle's stir-fry today." +msgstr "Noelle's a de la margose dans son riz sauté aujourd'hui. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3194 +msgid "Diya and Noelle both hate bittermelon. " +msgstr "Diya et Noelle détestent toutes les deux la margose." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3196 +msgctxt "lunchbox_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3203 +msgid "This is rosin for string instruments." +msgstr "C'est un colophane pour les instruments à cordes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3205 +msgid "The first time Noelle showed it to me,{w=0.10} I tried to eat it." +msgstr "La première fois que Noelle me l'a montrée,{w=0.10} j'ai essayé de la manger." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3209 +msgid "The rosin's a nice amber color." +msgstr "La colophane est d'une belle couleur ambrée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3211 +msgid "It looks like you can eat it,{w=0.10} but you can't." +msgstr "On dirait qu'on peut le manger,{w=0.10} mais en fait non." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3222 +msgid "I don't have all the stuff I need for class." +msgstr "J'ai pas toutes les affaires dont j'ai besoin pour le cours." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3224 +msgid "I need to visit me and Noelle's locker first." +msgstr "J'ai besoin d'aller à mon casier et celui de Noelle avant. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3240 +msgctxt "p1_32d61905" +msgid "Diya! Help me!" +msgstr "Diya ! Aide moi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3245 +msgctxt "p1_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3246 +msgid "It's Noelle." +msgstr "C'est Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3247 +msgid "What is it?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3250 +msgid "I can't open this water bottle." +msgstr "Je peux pas ouvrir cette bouteille d'eau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3252 +msgid "Noelle basically has noodles for arms." +msgstr "En gros Noelle a des nouilles à la place des bras. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3256 +msgid "Diya takes the bottle out of Noelle's hands and twists the plastic sealed cap open." +msgstr "Diya, prends la bouteille des mains de Noelle et tourne le bouchon pour l'ouvrir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3258 +msgctxt "p1_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3260 +msgid "How are you so weak? It's scary." +msgstr "Comment peux-tu être si faible ? Ça fait peur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3263 +msgid "It's the manufacturer's fault for making these seals so strong." +msgstr "C'est la faute du fabricant qui les avoir serrés si forts. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3265 +msgid "What if you get lost in a desert and find a bottle of water?" +msgstr "Et si tu te perds dans le désert et trouve une bouteille d'eau ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3266 +msgid "You'll die because you can't open it." +msgstr "Tu mourras parce que tu ne pourras pas l'ouvrir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3269 +msgid "No, I won't. You can open it for me." +msgstr "Non, je ne mourrai pas. Tu l'ouvriras pour moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3271 +msgid "That's assuming I'm there in the desert with you." +msgstr "En supposant que je sois dans le désert avec toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3273 +msgid "I should start charging you a service fee. 25 cents." +msgstr "Je devrais commencer à te le facturer. 25 centimes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3276 +msgid "You wouldn't do that." +msgstr "Tu ne ferais pas ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3278 +msgid "I'd make $1.25 per week. Can buy Cup Noodles from the student store." +msgstr "Je me ferais 1,25 $ par semaine. Je peux acheter des nouilles instantanées à la cafète." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3283 +msgid "Noelle sneezes violently!" +msgstr "Noelle éternue violemment !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3288 +msgid "Don't get too close to me. {w=0.26}I probably have the flu." +msgstr "T'approche pas trop de moi. {w=0.26}J'ai probablement la grippe. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3290 +msgctxt "p1_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "...?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3291 +msgid "Did you catch what I had last week?" +msgstr "T'as choppé ce que j'avais la semaine dernière ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3294 +msgid "Probably." +msgstr "Possible." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3296 +msgctxt "p1_6ce568f5" +msgid "Sorry." +msgstr "Désolée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3297 +msgid "This happens a lot because we spend so much time together. And I eat her food." +msgstr "Ça arrive souvent parce qu'on passe beaucoup de temps ensemble. Et je mange sa bouffe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3298 +msgid "It doesn't help that our immune systems are perpetually weakened from sleep deprivation, either." +msgstr "Ce qui n'aide pas non plus, c'est que notre système immunitaire est affaibli à cause du manque de sommeil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3300 +msgid "At least you don't have to worry about me being contagious." +msgstr "Au moins, t'as pas à t'inquiéter que je sois contagieuse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3302 +msgid "Are you okay though?{w=0.26} Shouldn't you go home?" +msgstr "Mais tu vas bien ?{w=0.26} Tu ne devrais pas rentrer ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3305 +msgid "And what,{w=0.10} miss school?!" +msgstr "Et donc,{w=0.10} manquer l'école ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3307 +msgid "I guess that's out of the question..." +msgstr "Je suppose que c'est hors de question..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3309 +msgid "Even when Noelle had the stomach flu in middle school,{w=0.10} her parents made her come just for her math and science classes." +msgstr "Même quand Noelle avait eu la grippe intestinale au collège,{w=0.10} ses parents l'ont fait venir juste pour les cours de maths et sciences." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3310 +msgid "She was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} barely conscious. {w=0.26}I had to carry her around because she couldn't get up from her desk." +msgstr "Elle était,{w=0.10} genre,{w=0.10} à peine consciente. {w=0.26}J'ai dû la porter parce qu'elle pouvait pas bouger de son bureau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3311 +msgid "I think she ended up infecting half the school." +msgstr "Je crois qu'elle a fini par contaminer la moitié de l'école." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3314 +msgid "Where's Akarsha?" +msgstr "Où est Akarsha ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3318 +msgid "She..." +msgstr "Elle..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3325 +msgid "It's pee-pee time." +msgstr "C'est pause pipi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3330 +msgid "I am NOT saying that." +msgstr "C'est PAS ce que je dis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3331 +msgctxt "p1_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3335 +msgctxt "p1_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3338 +msgid "...Okay, never mind." +msgstr "...Ok, laisse tomber." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3340 +msgid "Why do you ask?" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu demandes ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3343 +msgid "I secretly sewed a library book security tag into the inside of Akarsha's backpack." +msgstr "J'ai secrètement collé un antivol dans le sac d'Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3344 +msgid "So from now on, every time she leaves the library, she'll set off the alarm and have her backpack searched." +msgstr "Donc à partir de maintenant, à chaque fois qu'elle quittera la bibliothèque, elle fera sonner l'alarme et on fouillera son sac." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3346 +msgid "That's...wow." +msgstr "C'est... waouh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3349 +msgid "Well, whatever. We'll have plenty of chances to see." +msgstr "Et bien, peu importe. On aura bien des occasions de le voir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3351 +msgctxt "p1_68920cd7" +msgid "Let's go." +msgstr "Allons-y." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3358 +msgid "A huge mob of kids is packed outside the classroom. They're all looking at a grid of test scores posted on the wall." +msgstr "Une grosse foule d'élèves est entassée devant la salle de classe. Ils regardent tous le tableau des résultats des tests sur le mur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3359 +msgid "It's complete chaos. People are pushing and angling their way to the list with the fervor of Beliebers trying to touch Justin's hand." +msgstr "C'est le bordel total. Les gens te poussent pour atteindre le tableau avec la même ferveur qu'un Belieber qu'essaye de toucher la main de Justin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3362 +msgid "If I get a B, my parents are throwing away my GameCube." +msgstr "Si j'ai un 12, mes parents jettent mon GameCube." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3363 +msgid "Yikes...That's gotta be an empty threat, right?" +msgstr "Oups... C'est peut-être une menace en l'air, non ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3364 +msgid "I {i}wish{/i}. They already threw away my cellphone." +msgstr "Je {i}l'espère{/i}. Ils ont déjà jeté mon téléphone." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3366 +msgctxt "p1_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3367 +msgid "...I'm scared to see what I got on this." +msgstr "... J'ai peur de voir combien j'ai eu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3368 +msgid "Think I failed." +msgstr "J'pense que j'ai merdé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3371 +msgid "Asian failed? Or actually failed?" +msgstr "Les asiatiques échouent ? Vraiment ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3374 +msgid "Asian failed. C'mon, I'm not {i}that{/i} dumb." +msgstr "Une asiatique qui échoue ? Allez, je suis pas bête {i}à ce point{/i}." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3422 +msgid "This is a list of the top 10 scores across all periods." +msgstr "C'est la liste du top 10 de tous les semestres." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3423 +msgid "Noelle aced it. Classic." +msgstr "Noelle a tout défoncé. Comme d'hab'." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3424 +msgid "She used to call me on the phone crying every Christmas because her parents got her math workbooks instead of what she really wanted." +msgstr "Elle m'appelait en pleurs chaque Noël parce que ses parents lui offraient des livres de math au lieu de ce qu'elle voulait vraiment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3425 +msgid "By now, she's unbeatable. It's like her tragic superhero origin story." +msgstr "Maintenant, elle est imbattable. C'est sa genèse de super-héroïne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3426 +msgid "Except instead of a superhero, she's every Asian parent's dream child." +msgstr "Sauf qu'au lieu d'être une super-héroïne, elle est l'enfant rêvé de tous les parents asiatiques." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3427 +msgid "No clue how Akarsha managed to get the second highest score, though." +msgstr "Par contre, je sais pas comment Akarsha a réussi à avoir le deuxième meilleur score." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3428 +msgid "General consensus is that she's cheating, but the teachers have never been able to catch her doing anything." +msgstr "Tout le monde sait qu'elle triche, mais les profs ont jamais pu l'attraper en flag'." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3429 +msgid "So I'll give her the benefit of the doubt." +msgstr "Donc je lui donnerai le bénéfice du doute." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3433 +msgid "Diya, I've located your ID number. Here." +msgstr "Diya, j'ai trouvé ton numéro étudiant. Ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3435 +msgid "You got a 91.22%%." +msgstr "T'as eu 91,22%%." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3438 +msgid "Phew. Almost failed." +msgstr "Pfiou. Presque raté." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3441 +msgid "Actually, you could've missed one more and still scraped an A-." +msgstr "En fait, tu pouvais en rater un de plus et avoir quand même un 14." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3444 +msgid "Considering how many I guessed on, that's still cutting it pretty close." +msgstr "Sachant combien j'en ai deviné au pif, ça reste juste." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3445 +msgid "That's scary. I really studied as hard as I could, but even my best almost wasn't good enough." +msgstr "C'est flippant. J'ai étudié autant que j'ai pu, mais même en donnant le meilleur de moi-même, c'était pas assez bien. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3446 +msgid "I wonder if I can really get into Stanford or Berkeley like this..." +msgstr "Je me demande si je peux vraiment entrer à Stanford ou Berkeley avec ça..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3455 +msgid "Wait. I should look at the test results, first." +msgstr "Attends. Je devrais regarder les résultats en premier." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3471 +msgid "As Diya and Noelle enter the classroom, something bursts out of the cabinet!" +msgstr "Au moment où Diya et Noelle entrent dans la salle, quelque chose sort en trombe de l'armoire ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3472 +msgid "HOO!!!!!" +msgstr "HO !!! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3474 +msgid "AAAUUGH!!!" +msgstr "ARRRRG!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3478 +msgid "Noelle staggers backwards onto an X marked on the floor with duct tape..." +msgstr "Noelle titube en arrière sur un X marqué au sol avec du ruban adhésif..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3481 +msgid "A garbage can drops from the ceiling!" +msgstr "Une poubelle tombe du plafond" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3483 +msgid "NO!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "NON!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3486 +msgid "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" +msgstr "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3490 +msgid "Noelle and Akarsha go through some variation of this every single day." +msgstr "Noelle et Akarsha vivent une variation de ça tous les jours." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3491 +msgid "It's their roundabout way of being friends." +msgstr "C'est leur façon détournée d'être amis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3497 +msgid "Well, well, well." +msgstr "Eh bien, eh bien, eh bien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3498 +msgid "If it isn't my favorite Frenchman, Noelle." +msgstr "Si ce n'est pas ma française de service préférée, Noelle..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3500 +msgid "Please stop calling me that." +msgstr "S'il te plaît, arrête de m'appeler comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3503 +msgid "Why're you speaking English, Noelle??" +msgstr "Pourquoi parlez-vous anglais, Noëlle ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3504 +msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you??" +msgstr "Mais quel genre de Française faites-vous ?? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3506 +msgid "JUST BECAUSE MY NAME IS FRENCH DOESN'T MEAN I'M FRENCH." +msgstr "CE N'EST PAS PARCE QUE MON NOM EST FRANÇAIS QUE JE SUIS FRANÇAISE." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3510 +msgid "Honhonhon." +msgstr "Honhonhon" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3511 +msgid "Baguette." +msgstr "Baguette." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3514 +msgid "See, this is the problem." +msgstr "Tu vois, c'est ça le problème." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3515 +msgid "Whenever Noelle hears something stupid, she can't just let it slide." +msgstr "Quand Noelle entend quelque chose de stupide, elle ne peut pas laisser passer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3516 +msgid "She always has to correct it." +msgstr "Elle doit toujours le corriger." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3517 +msgid "So Akarsha just keeps acting dumber and dumber on purpose into infinity." +msgstr "Donc Akarsha continue d'agir de plus en plus bêtement et volontairement à l'infini. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3521 +msgid "Noelle does an impressive worm-like dance to wriggle out of the garbage bin." +msgstr "Noelle fait une impressionnante danse vermiforme pour s'extirper de la poubelle. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3523 +msgid "I can't believe you've done this. What happened to our truce?" +msgstr "Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu aies fait ça. Qu'est-il arrivé à notre trêve ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3525 +msgid "Truce?" +msgstr "Une trêve ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3527 +msgid "From yesterday! You agreed to this!" +msgstr "D'hier ! Vous étiez d'accord avec ça ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3529 +msgid "Noelle pulls a sheet of binder paper from her book bag and brandishes it in front of Akarsha's face." +msgstr "Noëlle sort une feuille de papier de son cartable et la brandit devant le visage d'Akarsha. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3532 +msgid "Look! This is your own signature at the bottom." +msgstr "Regardez ! C'est ta propre signature en bas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3534 +msgctxt "enterClass_2df16a64" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3536 +msgid "...Suddenly, I can't read." +msgstr "Soudain, je sais plus lire ." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3539 +msgid "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" +msgstr "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3540 +msgid "Noelle's scream sounds very weird and hoarse from her cold." +msgstr "Le son du cri de Noelle était bizarre et enroué a cause de sa maladie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3542 +msgid "...What's wrong with your voice today?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec votre voix aujourd'hui ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3543 +msgid "That was a weaker yell than normal." +msgstr "C'était un cri plus faible que la normale." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3545 +msgid "I'm ill. I am losing my voice." +msgstr "Je suis malade. Je perds ma voix." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3547 +msgid "How about I punch you in the throat? It'll displace the mucus." +msgstr "Et si je vous frappais à la gorge ? Ça déplacera le mucus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3549 +msgid "NO, IT WON'T." +msgstr "NON, ÇA NE LE SERA PAS." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3551 +msgid "How do you know? Anything is possible." +msgstr "Comment le savez-vous ? Tout est possible." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3552 +msgid "Trust me." +msgstr "Fais-moi confiance." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3553 +msgid "{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} I'm here! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... {i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" +msgstr "{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} Je suis là ! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... {i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3555 +msgid "YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE LAST PERSON I WOULD TRUST." +msgstr "TU ES LA DERNIÈRE PERSONNE À QUI JE FERAIS CONFIANCE." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3556 +msgid "You worthless scammer." +msgstr "Espèce d'escroc sans valeur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3558 +msgid "Leave all your problems to me. {w=0.26}I'll solve them in a heartbeat." +msgstr "Laisse-moi m'occuper de tous tes problèmes{w=0.26}. Je les resoudrai en un clin d'oeil. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3560 +msgid "That is unrealistic and accelerating that fast would destroy you even past your bone structure." +msgstr "C'est irréaliste et une accélération aussi rapide vous détruirait même au-delà de votre structure osseuse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3562 +msgid "Why're you being so mean? {w=0.26}I'm just trying to help you!" +msgstr "Pourquoi es-tu si méchante ?{w=0.26}J'essaie juste de t'aider !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3564 +msgid "HITTING ME ISN'T HELPING ME!!" +msgstr "ME FRAPPER NE M'AIDE PAS !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3567 +msgid "Wooooooooooow,{w=0.10} someone has anger management problems!" +msgstr "Whooooooooooow,{w=0.10} quelqu'un a des problèmes de gestion de la colère ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3569 +msgid "You gotta slow down and smell the flowers... {w=0.26}\nAppreciate life's miracles." +msgstr "Tu dois ralentir et sentir les fleurs...{w=0.26}\nAppréciez les miracles de la vie. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3572 +msgid "Like me. {w=0.26}I'm life's greatest miracle." +msgstr "Comme moi. {w=0.26}Je suis le plus grand miracle de la vie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3576 +msgid "ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. I FEEL NAUSEATED JUST LOOKING AT YOU." +msgstr "ABSOLUMENT DÉGOÛTANT. J'AI LA NAUSÉE RIEN QU'EN TE REGARDANT." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3579 +msgid "I just don't understand...\nWhy is there so much hate in the world...?" +msgstr "Je ne comprends pas... Pourquoi y a-t-il tant de haine dans le monde... ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3581 +msgid "If only we could open our hearts to love, there would be no wars..." +msgstr "Si seulement nous pouvions ouvrir nos cœurs à l'amour, il n'y aurait pas de guerres... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3583 +msgid "\"Peace begins with a smile.\" -Mother Theresa." +msgstr "La paix commence par un sourire..\" -Mère Theresa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3585 +msgid "Noelle is struggling not to break character by laughing!" +msgstr "Noelle s'efforce de ne pas briser son personnage en riant !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3590 +msgid "The bell rings!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream fest." +msgstr "La cloche sonne !{w=0.26}Ceci conclut le festival quotidien de Noëlle et Akarsha. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3595 +msgid "The rest of the morning is relatively uneventful..." +msgstr "Le reste de la matinée est relativement calme..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3607 +msgid "Guess what?" +msgstr "Devinez quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3609 +msgctxt "enterClass_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3611 +msgid "No, no. You gotta guess." +msgstr "Non, non. Tu dois deviner." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3613 +msgid "You were arrested." +msgstr "Vous avez été arrêté." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3615 +msgid "What! No! " +msgstr "Quoi ! Non ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3617 +msgid "You have a year left to live." +msgstr "Il vous reste un an à vivre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3619 +msgid "What the?? Dude, why'd you always gotta jump to the worst possible conclusion? " +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que... ? Mec, pourquoi tu dois toujours sauter à la pire conclusion possible ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3621 +msgid "It guarantees that I'm either right or pleasantly surprised. " +msgstr "Cela me garantit d'avoir raison ou d'être agréablement surpris. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3623 +msgid "You're a real piece of work, you know that? " +msgstr "Tu es un vrai morceau de travail, tu sais ça ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3624 +msgid "Whatever, I'll just tell you." +msgstr "Peu importe, je vais juste te le dire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3626 +msgid "Did you guys hear about the new girl who transferred here?" +msgstr "Vous avez entendu parler de la nouvelle fille qui a été transférée" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3628 +msgid "Apparently she's like,{w=0.10} a delinquent!{w=0.26} I heard she knifed someone." +msgstr "Apparemment, elle est comme,{w=0.10} un délinquant !{w=0.26} j'ai entendu dire qu'elle avait poignardé quelqu'un. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3630 +msgid "She must not be very intelligent." +msgstr "Elle ne doit pas être très intelligente." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3632 +msgid "Isn't that exciting?{w=0.26} We never get that type around here." +msgstr "N'est-ce pas excitant ?{w=0.26} On n'a jamais ce genre de choses par ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3635 +msgid "That's true. Everyone here's kinda forced to become a nerd by default." +msgstr "C'est vrai. Tout le monde ici est un peu forcé de devenir un nerd par défaut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3638 +msgid "I can't wait to meet her." +msgstr "Je suis impatient de la rencontrer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3640 +msgid "What for?{w=0.26} Do you want to get stabbed too?" +msgstr "Pour quoi faire ?{w=0.26} Tu veux être poignardé aussi ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3642 +msgid "Sure, why not? Saves me the trouble of doing it myself." +msgstr "Bien sûr, pourquoi pas ? Ça m'évite d'avoir à le faire moi-même." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3644 +msgid "Noelle rolls her eyes and goes back to organizing her fried rice. She's picking all the sausage bits out so Diya can eat her leftovers." +msgstr "Noelle roule les yeux et retourne organiser son riz frit. Elle enlève tous les morceaux de saucisses pour que Diya puisse manger ses restes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3646 +msgid "Don't do that. I like being alive the same time as you." +msgstr "Ne fais pas ça. J'aime être en vie en même temps que toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3648 +msgid "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me!" +msgstr "C'est la chose la plus gentille que tu m'aies jamais dite !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3650 +msgid "Really? Then I take it back." +msgstr "Vraiment ? Alors je retire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3652 +msgid "WOW." +msgstr "WOW" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3654 +msgid "Noelle slides her thermos across the table at Diya." +msgstr "Noelle fait glisser sur la table son bento vers Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3656 +msgid "Fried rice!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Riz frit !!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3659 +msgctxt "enterClass_d5c5af2c" +msgid "Hey, Diya." +msgstr "Hey, Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3661 +msgid "How many 2nd graders do you think you could beat up if they came at you in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?" +msgstr "Combien d'élèves de CE1 pensez-vous pouvoir battre s'ils vous attaquent par vagues de 10, avec un boss de CM2 toutes les 5 vagues ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "{cps=0}How many 2nd graders you think you could beat up if they came at you in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Combien d'élèves de CE1 pensez-vous pouvoir battre s'ils vous attaquent par vagues de 10, avec un boss de CM2 toutes les 5 vagues ?{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3669 +msgctxt "enterClass_6ccd5ff9" +msgid "Zero." +msgstr "Zéro." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3670 +msgid "Don't want to punch kids." +msgstr "Je ne veux pas frapper les enfants." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3673 +msgid "But it's kill or be killed, man!" +msgstr "Mais c'est tuer ou être tué, mec !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3675 +msgid "You'd just let them beat you??" +msgstr "Tu vas les laisser te frapper ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3676 +msgid "Your gravestone's gonna be like, \"Here lies Diya. Killed by 2nd graders.\"" +msgstr "Ta pierre tombale sera du genre : \"Ci-gît Diya. Tuée par des élèves de CE1.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3679 +msgid "I'm not going to put that on my gravestone." +msgstr "Je ne vais pas mettre ça sur ma pierre tombale." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3685 +msgid "Maybe like 15." +msgstr "Peut-être genre 15." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3688 +msgid "What! You're underestimating yourself, man." +msgstr "Quoi ! Tu te sous-estimes, mec." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3690 +msgid "I'm not invincible. This isn't a kung-fu movie." +msgstr "Je ne suis pas invincible. Ce n'est pas un film de kung-fu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3693 +msgid "But they're little. It's so easy to mess them up." +msgstr "Mais ils sont petits. C'est si facile de les blesser." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3694 +msgid "You could just tell them they laugh weird and they'll be self conscious about it for the rest of their lives." +msgstr "Tu pourrais simplement leur dire que leur rire est bizarre qu'ils en seront traumatisés pour le reste de leur vie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3700 +msgid "At least a few dozen." +msgstr "Au moins quelques dizaines." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3703 +msgid "SAVAGE..." +msgstr "SAUVAGE..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3705 +msgid "You don't feel bad hitting little kids?" +msgstr "Vous ne vous sentez pas mal de frapper des petits enfants ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3708 +msgid "Well, they started it." +msgstr "C'est eux qui ont commencé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3709 +msgid "If they don't want to get hit, they shouldn't attack me." +msgstr "S'ils ne veulent pas être touchés, ils devraient pas m'attaquer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3712 +msgid "Noelle looks a bit left out by this conversation." +msgstr "Noëlle semble un peu laissée de côté par cette conversation." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3714 +msgid "Why just Diya? How come you're not asking me?" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu demandes qu'à Diya ? Pourquoi tu ne me demandes pas à moi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3716 +msgid "Because I already know the answer for you." +msgstr "Parce que je connais déjà ta réponse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3718 +msgctxt "enterClass_36a1ed13" +msgid "Zero." +msgstr "Zéro." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3721 +msgid "...It's true. You're a weakling." +msgstr "...C'est vrai. Tu es une mauviette." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3724 +msgid "How rude!" +msgstr "Quelle impolitesse !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3729 +msgid "Noelle, let's arm wrestle." +msgstr "Noelle, faisons un bras de fer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3730 +msgid "I want to show Akarsha. She hasn't seen this." +msgstr "Je veux montrer à Akarsha. Elle n'a rien vu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3733 +msgid "I don't want to." +msgstr "J'en ai pas envie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3734 +msgid "I always lose." +msgstr "Je perds toujours." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3737 +msgid "I'll let you use both hands this time." +msgstr "Je vous laisse utiliser vos deux mains cette fois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3739 +msgid "Noelle makes a face." +msgstr "Noelle fait une grimace." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3740 +msgid "Reluctantly, she clasps both her hands on Diya's, so it's sandwiched in between hers." +msgstr "A contrecœur, elle pose ses deux mains sur celle de Diya, de façon à ce qu'elle soit prise en sandwich entre les siennes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3742 +msgid "3. 2. 1." +msgstr "3. 2. 1." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3744 +msgid "Noelle strains against Diya's grip with all her might!" +msgstr "Noelle se débat de toutes ses forces contre la prise de Diya !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3746 +msgid "Nrgh..." +msgstr "Gnnnn..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3748 +msgid "Ha...Rrrrggghhh!!!" +msgstr "Ha... Rrrrggghhh !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3750 +msgid "Diya's arm still hasn't budged an inch." +msgstr "Le bras de Diya n'a toujours pas bougé d'un pouce." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3751 +msgid "With her free hand, Diya casually continues to eat fried rice." +msgstr "Avec sa main libre, Diya continue à manger du riz frit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3753 +msgid "You...Stop that!" +msgstr "Toi... Arrête ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3756 +msgid "Akarsha. What do you think of the weather today?" +msgstr "Akarsha. Que penses-tu du temps qu'il fait aujourd'hui ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3759 +msgid "Stop toying with me!" +msgstr "Arrête de jouer avec moi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3762 +msgid "If I did that, I'd break your wrist." +msgstr "Si je faisais ça, je te casserais le poignet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3765 +msgid "You know what I mean." +msgstr "Tu vois ce que je veux dire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3767 +msgid "Diya pins Noelle's arm to the table as gently as possible." +msgstr "Diya abaisse le bras de Noelle sur la table aussi délicatement que possible." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3769 +msgid "Dang...This is like, some Fox and the Hound shit." +msgstr "Bang... C'est un peu comme la merde de \"Rox et Rouky\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3771 +msgid "Normally the scrawny nerds herd together so jocks like Diya don't stuff them into trashcans." +msgstr "Normalement, les nerds maigrichons se regroupent pour que les sportifs comme Diya ne les mettent pas dans les poubelles." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3772 +msgid "How did you two even end up friends?" +msgstr "Comment avez-vous fini par être amies toutes les deux ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3775 +msgid "...Don't remember." +msgstr "... Me souviens plus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3778 +msgid "You don't remember?!" +msgstr "Tu ne te souviens pas ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3781 +msgid "You were always just there by default." +msgstr "Tu étais juste toujours là, par défaut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3784 +msgid "That is NOT what happened." +msgstr "Ce n'est PAS ce qui s'est passé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3785 +msgid "You had one bad ear, so you had a lot of trouble making sense of what anyone was saying." +msgstr "Tu entendais mal, donc tu avais beaucoup de mal à comprendre ce que les gens disaient." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3786 +msgid "You'd just play wall ball against yourself or run laps on the track. " +msgstr "Tu jouais au wall ball contre toi-même ou tu faisais des tours de piste." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3789 +msgid "That sounds about right. " +msgstr "C'est à peu près ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3792 +msgid "One day, someone brought in Krispy Kreme donuts for their birthday. " +msgstr "Un jour, quelqu'un a apporté des donuts pour son anniversaire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3793 +msgid "I didn't like donuts, so I—" +msgstr "Je n'aimais pas les donuts, alors je..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3795 +msgid "You don't like donuts??" +msgstr "Tu n'aimes pas les donuts ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3797 +msgid "I don't like donuts. They're disgusting." +msgstr "J'aime pas les donuts. C'est dégoûtants." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3800 +msgid "Disagree. Her tastebuds are broken. " +msgstr "Pas d'accord. Ses papilles gustatives sont foutues." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3803 +msgid "Anyway, I gave mine to you, and in exchange, I received your undying and completly unwanted loyalty." +msgstr "Quoi qu'il en soit, je t'ai donné le mien, et en échange, j'ai reçu ton indéfectible et indésirable loyauté." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3804 +msgid "You followed me around everywhere." +msgstr "Tu me suivais partout." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3805 +msgid "You were a major inconvenience." +msgstr "Tu as été un désagrément majeur" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3808 +msgid "I don't remember any of this." +msgstr "Je me rapelle pas de ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3811 +msgid "How do you not remember? You were so extreme. Whenever the teachers tried to separate us, you'd start crying." +msgstr "Comment se fait-il que tu ne te souviennes pas ? Tu étais si extrême. Chaque fois que les professeurs essayaient de nous séparer, tu te mettais à pleurer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3814 +msgid "I seriously don't remember any of this." +msgstr "Sérieusement, je me souviens de rien de tout ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3817 +msgid "It's probably because your birthday's in November. You were almost a full year younger than me." +msgstr "C'est probablement parce que ton anniversaire est en novembre. Tu avais presque une année entière de moins que moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3818 +msgid "A year is a big gap when you're 5." +msgstr "Un an, c'est un grand écart quand on a 5 ans." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3821 +msgid "True. I was probably like a toddler." +msgstr "C'est vrai. J'étais probablement comme un bambin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3823 +msgctxt "enterClass_6ce568f5" +msgid "Sorry." +msgstr "Désolée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3826 +msgid "I forgive you." +msgstr "Je te pardonne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3828 +msgid "That's hella kawaii." +msgstr "C'est super kawaii." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3830 +msgid "Never use that phrase ever again. " +msgstr "N'utilise plus jamais cette phrase. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3832 +msgid "What phrase?" +msgstr "Quelle phrase ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3834 +msgid "You know what phrase." +msgstr "Tu sais quelle phrase." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3854 +msgid "Excuse me!" +msgstr "Excuse moi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3858 +msgid "????!!" +msgstr "????!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3859 +msgid "She's talking to me!!" +msgstr "C'est à moi qu'elle parle !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3860 +msgid "No!! Go away!!" +msgstr "Non !! Va-t'en !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3862 +msgid "Diya looks wildly around for Noelle or Akarsha to help her, but they've both already gone ahead into the classroom." +msgstr "Diya regarde frénétiquement autour d'elle à la recherche de Noelle ou d'Akarsha pour l'aider, mais elles sont toutes deux déjà entrées dans la salle de classe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3864 +msgid "I remember you! You were {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" +msgstr "Je me souviens de toi ! Tu étais {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3866 +msgid "What is she saying?? I've never met her in my life!" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'elle dit ? Je ne l'ai jamais rencontrée de ma vie !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3868 +msgid " — new clubs are {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} interest {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" +msgstr "— nouveaux clubs sont {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} intérêt {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3870 +msgid "Crap. {w=0.26}I can't really make out the words." +msgstr "Putain. {w=0.26}Je comprends vraiment rien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3871 +msgid "I'll just nod at appropriate times." +msgstr "Je vais juste hocher la tête aux de temps en temps." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3873 +msgid "We're collecting signatures to {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} approved!" +msgstr "Nous collectons des signatures pour {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} approuvé !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3875 +msgid "The stranger hands Diya a clipboard with the signature sheet on it! " +msgstr "L'étrangère tend à Diya un porte-formulaire sur lequel figure la pétition ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3877 +msgid "Uh??{w=0.26} What is this??" +msgstr "Heu ??{w=0.26} Qu'est-ce que c'est ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3883 +msgid "Diya signs the paper!" +msgstr "Diya signe le papier !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3886 +msgid "Thank you very much!{w=0.26} Look forward {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}!" +msgstr "Merci beaucoup !{w=0.26} J'attends avec impatience {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3892 +msgid "Bye!!!" +msgstr "Salut !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3898 +msgid "Diya walks away in the middle of the conversation!" +msgstr "Diya s'en va au milieu de la conversation !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3899 +msgid "She quickly enters the classroom before the girl can stop her." +msgstr "Elle entre rapidement dans la classe avant que la fille ne puisse l'arrêter." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3905 +msgid "The stranger left..." +msgstr "L'étranger est parti..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3907 +msgid "Phew. {w=0.26}Glad that's over." +msgstr "Ouf. {w=0.26}Content que ce soit terminé. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3915 +msgid "Diya quickly enters the classroom before anyone else can try to talk to her." +msgstr "Diya entre rapidement dans la classe avant que quiconque puisse essayer de lui parler." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3935 +msgid "Inside, Akarsha and Noelle are playing cards." +msgstr "À l'intérieur, Akarsha et Noelle jouent aux cartes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3939 +msgid "Time to reveal your hand in 3...2...1..." +msgstr "Il est temps de révéler votre main dans 3...2...1..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3941 +msgid "Noelle and Akarsha flip their cards over!" +msgstr "Noëlle et Akarsha retournent leurs cartes !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3943 +msgid "Why is there a Yu-Gi-Oh card?!" +msgstr "Pourquoi y a-t-il une carte Yu-Gi-Oh ? !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3945 +msgid "Akarsha taps it with her index finger." +msgstr "Akarsha le tapote avec son index." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3947 +msgid "This is Exodia, the Forbidden One." +msgstr "C'est Exodia, l'Interdit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3949 +msgid "Think outside the box. Taco Bell." +msgstr "Sortez des sentiers battus. Taco Bell." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3951 +msgid "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" +msgstr "VOUS NE POUVEZ PAS FAIRE ÇA !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3953 +msgid "Akarsha reaches across the desk and takes one of Noelle's cards." +msgstr "Akarsha traverse le bureau et prend une des cartes de Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3955 +msgctxt "p6_b4f18a79" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3957 +msgid "You said you were going to play this normally!" +msgstr "Vous avez dit que vous alliez jouer normalement !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3959 +msgid "There's no rule in Yu-Gi-Oh saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." +msgstr "Il n'y a pas de règle dans Yu-Gi-Oh disant qu'on ne peut pas manger les cartes de l'ennemi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3961 +msgid "WE'RE PLAYING POKER." +msgstr "ON JOUE AU POKER." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3963 +msgid "There's no rule in poker saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." +msgstr "Il n'y aucune régle au poker qui dit qu'on ne peut pas manger les cartes de l'ennemi. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3969 +msgid "Class starts!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily afternoon struggle." +msgstr "La classe commence !{w=0.26} Ceci conclut la lutte quotidienne de Noëlle et Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3986 +msgid "Alright. Just one more period before the day's over." +msgstr "Très bien. Encore une période avant la fin de la journée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3988 +msgid "Looking flushed, Noelle wipes sweat off her brow." +msgstr "Rougissante, Noëlle essuie la sueur sur son front." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3990 +msgid "Why is it so hot?" +msgstr "Pourquoi fait-il si chaud ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3992 +msgid "Because I'm he—" +msgstr "Parce que je suis..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3994 +msgid "You shut up!" +msgstr "Tu la fermes ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3997 +msgid "*loud, hurt gasp*" +msgstr "*souffle fort et douloureux*" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3998 +msgid "My heart is exploding, my lungs are without air, my blood is boiling, my body is shaking, and tears are running down my face," +msgstr "Mon cœur explose, mes poumons n'ont plus d'air, mon sang est en ébullition, mon corps tremble et des larmes coulent sur mon visage" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4004 +msgctxt "noelleSick_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4006 +msgid "Noelle is unsteadily grasping the side of a bench for support." +msgstr "Noelle s'agrippe de manière instable à un banc pour se soutenir. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4008 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7084459b" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4011 +msgid "I feel...extremely dizzy all of a sudden." +msgstr "Je me sens... extrêmement étourdi tout d'un coup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4012 +msgid "As a precaution, I will remain stationary until the symptoms—" +msgstr "Par précaution, je vais rester immobile jusqu'à ce que les symptômes... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4016 +msgid "Diya grabs her as she collapses!" +msgstr "Diya l'attrape alors qu'elle s'effondre !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4018 +msgid "Her entire body is burning up!" +msgstr "Son corps entier est en train de brûler ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4019 +msgid "She must have a fever." +msgstr "Elle doit avoir de la fièvre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4022 +msgid "We'll take you to the nurse's office, dude." +msgstr "On va t'emmener à l'infirmerie, mec. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4024 +msgid "NO!" +msgstr "NON !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4025 +msgid "Don't you dare. I need to go to next period!" +msgstr "N'ose pas. Je dois aller à la prochaine période !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4026 +msgid "Attendance is 20 percent of my grade in Gym class." +msgstr "L'assiduité compte pour 20 pourcent de ma note en cours de gymanastique" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4029 +msgid "Missing one day can't hurt. Gym is like a freebie anyway." +msgstr "Manquer un jour ne peut pas faire de mal. La gym, c'est gratuit de toute façon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4031 +msgid "No, you don't understand...It's my worst subject..." +msgstr "Non, tu ne comprends pas... C'est mon pire sujet..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4032 +msgid "I can't afford to lose any more points when my mile time is 18 minutes every week..." +msgstr "Je ne peux pas me permettre de perdre d'autres points quand mon temps au kilomètre est de 18 minutes chaque semaine..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4035 +msgid "??????????????!!!!?!" +msgstr "??????????????!!!!?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4036 +msgid "So slow?!!!!! What the? ?? ? ? " +msgstr "Si lent ? ! !!!! Qu'est-ce que le ? ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4039 +msgid "Don't make that face at me. I'm not you, Diy—" +msgstr "Ne me faites pas cette tête. Je ne suis pas toi, Diy..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4044 +msgid "Noelle launches into a sneezing fit!" +msgstr "Noelle se lance dans une crise d'éternuement !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4046 +msgid "Gym's not even math or science. Is it that big of a deal?" +msgstr "La gym, c'est même pas des maths ou des sciences. C'est si important que ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4048 +msgid "It'll still ruin her GPA and valedictorian status. Her parents will yell at her and be really mean." +msgstr "Ça va quand même ruiner sa moyenne et son statut de major de promotion. Ses parents vont lui crier dessus et être vraiment méchants." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4050 +msgid "What do we do?! If she gets a B because we took her to the nurse's office, it'll destroy her!" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?! Si elle a un 14 parce qu'on l'a amenée à l'infirmerie ca va la " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4051 +msgid "But she's in no condition be working out, either! She can't even stand without me holding her up!" +msgstr "Mais elle n'est pas en état de faire de la musculation non plus ! Elle ne peut même pas se tenir debout sans que je la soutienne !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4054 +msgid "Let's use our heads. There's gotta be way out of this." +msgstr "Utilisons nos têtes. Il doit y avoir un moyen de s'en sortir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4056 +msgid "Like what?" +msgstr "Comme quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4058 +msgid "Like..." +msgstr "Comme..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4059 +msgid "If a meteor hits Earth right now, no one will mind if Noelle skips Gym class." +msgstr "Si un météore frappe la Terre en ce moment, personne ne s'opposera à ce que Noelle sèche le cours de gym." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4061 +msgid "Brilliant. If the world ends, we're saved." +msgstr "Brillant. Si c'est la fin du monde, nous sommes sauvés." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4063 +msgid "Even cancelling school would be easier." +msgstr "Même annuler l'école serait plus facile." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4066 +msgid "Hold that thought!" +msgstr "Retenez cette pensée !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4068 +msgid "If school is cancelled...If school is cancelled {i}right now{/i}..." +msgstr "Si l'école est annulée... Si l'école est annulée {i}maintenant{/i}..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4070 +msgid "Snow day? But there's no snow." +msgstr "Un jour de neige ? Mais il n'y a pas de neige." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4071 +msgid "Then how? As long as we make it so that no one goes to class, we win." +msgstr "Alors comment ? Tant qu'on fait en sorte que personne n'aille en cours, on gagne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4074 +msgctxt "noelleSick_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4076 +msgid "Akarsha is clearly going down some weird line of reasoning..." +msgstr "Akarsha est clairement en train de suivre un raisonnement bizarre..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4078 +msgid "...Dude!! I've got it!" +msgstr "Mec ! Je l'ai eu !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4083 +msgid "[diyaHomieName], you stay with Noelle while I...uh..." +msgstr "[diyaHomieName],you stay with Noelle while I...Euh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4085 +msgid "...Do some stuff." +msgstr "Faites des choses." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4087 +msgid "What stuff?" +msgstr "Quels trucs ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4090 +msgid "Uh..." +msgstr "EUH" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4091 +msgid "You're not gonna like it." +msgstr "Tu ne vas pas aimer ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4093 +msgid "Before I tell you, you gotta promise not to get mad." +msgstr "Avant que je te le dise ,tu dois me promettre de ne pas t'énerver." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4095 +msgctxt "noelleSick_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Quoi ? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4098 +msgid "Well? Promise?" +msgstr "Alors ? Promis ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4102 +msgctxt "noelleSick_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4105 +msgid "Diya?! But what if it's something insane?!" +msgstr "Diya ? ! Mais que faire si c'est quelque chose de fou ? !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4108 +msgid "Then I'll just be annoyed internally." +msgstr "Alors je serai juste ennuyé intérieurement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4111 +msgid "I knew I could count on you! A true homie!!" +msgstr "Je savais que je pouvais compter sur toi ! Un vrai homie !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4113 +msgid "What about you, Frenchman?" +msgstr "Et toi, le Français ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4115 +msgid "I can't promise not to get mad! Just tell us already!" +msgstr "Je ne peux pas promettre de ne pas m'énerver ! Dis-nous juste ce qu'il en est !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4118 +msgid "Nope! I'm not telling you, then." +msgstr "Non ! Je ne te le dirai pas, alors." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4120 +msgid "But what about me? I agreed." +msgstr "Mais qu'en est-il de moi ? J'ai accepté " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4123 +msgid "Heck no. I know how it is with you two." +msgstr "Oh non. Je sais comment c'est avec vous deux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4124 +msgid "If I tell you, you'll tell Noelle as soon as I'm gone." +msgstr "Si je te le dis, tu le diras à Noelle dès que je serai parti." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4126 +msgid "...Damn. That's true." +msgstr "Bon sang. C'est vrai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4132 +msgctxt "noelleSick_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "Non " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4135 +msgid "That's right! How can we promise when we don't even know what it is yet?!" +msgstr "C'est vrai ! Comment pouvons-nous promettre alors que nous ne savons même pas encore ce que c'est ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4136 +msgid "Just tell us already!" +msgstr "Dites-le-nous !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4139 +msgid "Too bad! I'm not telling you, then." +msgstr "Dommage ! Je ne te le dirai pas, alors" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4143 +msgid "Adios, amigos!" +msgstr "Adieu amicaux!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4145 +msgid "Wait! Where are you going?" +msgstr "Attends ! Où vas-tu ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4148 +msgid "Shrek's swamp." +msgstr "Le marais de Shrek" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4151 +msgctxt "noelleSick_2ed201c8" +msgid "Akarsha left..." +msgstr "Akarsha est parti.." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4153 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4156 +msgctxt "noelleSick_6201b9b7" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4159 +msgid "I have a bad feeling about this." +msgstr "J'ai un mauvais pressentiment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4162 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7c44bd42" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "Moi aussi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4165 +msgid "Why does everything have to be some kind of weird mind game with her? It's exhausting." +msgstr "Pourquoi tout doit-il être une sorte de jeu d'esprit bizarre avec elle ? C'est épuisant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4176 +msgid "She sounds so weak. She should rest on the bench." +msgstr "Elle a l'air si faible. Elle devrait se reposer sur le banc" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4178 +msgid "Diya sits, then lays Noelle down so her head is resting on her lap." +msgstr "Diya s'assied, puis allonge Noelle de façon à ce que sa tête repose sur ses genoux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4180 +msgid "Nothing we can do now but wait..." +msgstr "On ne peut rien faire maintenant à part attendre..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4183 +msgid "Do we really have to do this?" +msgstr "Devons-nous vraiment faire ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4184 +msgid "This is embarrassing." +msgstr "C'est embarrassant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4187 +msgid "Oh, come on." +msgstr "Oh, allez." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4188 +msgid "I've seen you throw up in a trash can at Happy Fish Swim School because you were so bad at swimming that you inhaled half a gallon of water." +msgstr "Je t'ai vu vomir dans une poubelle à l'école de natation Happy Fish parce que tu étais si mauvais en natation que tu as inhalé un demi gallon d'eau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4189 +msgid "Compared to that, this is like a 3." +msgstr "Par rapport à cela, c'est comme un 3." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4192 +msgid "But this is different. This right now is unnecessary." +msgstr "Mais c'est différent. Ce qui se passe en ce moment est inutile." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4193 +msgid "Your thighs are so muscular that I feel like I'm resting my head on a rock." +msgstr "Tes cuisses sont si musclées que j'ai l'impression de poser ma tête sur un rocher." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4196 +msgid "Thanks for the compliment." +msgstr "Merci pour le compliment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4199 +msgid "It wasn't a compliment." +msgstr "Ce n'était pas un compliment." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4202 +msgid "How mean." +msgstr "Comme c'est méchant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4203 +msgid "Now we definitely have to do this." +msgstr "Maintenant, nous devons absolument le faire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4233 +msgid "Diya presses her hand to Noelle's forehead." +msgstr "Diya appuie sa main sur le front de Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4236 +msgid "It's hot. Hotter than my own forehead?" +msgstr "C'est chaud. Plus chaud que mon propre front ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4239 +msgid "Studies show that people who try to diagnose fever by touch significantly overestimate the incidence of fever, sometimes by as much as 40%%." +msgstr "Des études montrent que les personnes qui essaient de diagnostiquer la fièvre par le toucher surestiment considérablement l'incidence de la fièvre, parfois jusqu'à 40 %%." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4242 +msgid "Oh. Never mind, then." +msgstr "Oh. Peu importe, alors." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4253 +msgid "Get into shape." +msgstr "Mettez-vous en forme." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4255 +msgid "Even ignoring your Gym class grade, the way you are right now is just bad." +msgstr "Même en ignorant ta note en classe de Gym, ta façon d'être en ce moment est juste mauvaise." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 +msgid "You're like that Life Alert commercial. \nI've fallen and I can't get up." +msgstr "Tu es comme cette pub pour Life Alert. \nJe suis tombé et je n'arrive pas à me relever." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4260 +msgid "I know, I know..." +msgstr "Je sais, je sais..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4263 +msgid "Then why don't you do something?" +msgstr "Alors pourquoi ne faites-vous pas quelque chose ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4265 +msgid "What if there's a zombie apocalypse and I get bitten first. \nHow are you going to survive?" +msgstr "Et s'il y a une apocalypse de zombies et que je suis mordu en premier. \nComment vas-tu survivre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4268 +msgid "I can't help it! I don't have any time to work out." +msgstr "Je ne peux pas m'en empêcher ! Je n'ai pas le temps de faire de la musculation." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4269 +msgid "I can barely even keep up with my schedule as is." +msgstr "J'arrive à peine à suivre mon emploi du temps tel qu'il est." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4272 +msgid "That's just an excuse." +msgstr "C'est juste une excuse." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4273 +msgid "She'd be able to figure something out if her heart was in it." +msgstr "Elle serait capable de trouver quelque chose si elle y mettait tout son cœur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4274 +msgid "If only there was a way to get Noelle to enjoy exercising..." +msgstr "Si seulement il y avait un moyen de faire en sorte que Noelle aime faire de l'exercice..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4280 +msgid "Did you know that in ancient China, they slept on rock pillows?" +msgstr "Saviez-vous que dans la Chine ancienne, on dormait sur des oreillers en pierre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4282 +msgid "I saw on Discovery Channel." +msgstr "Je l'ai vu sur Discovery Channel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4285 +msgid "This isn't making me feel any better!" +msgstr "Je ne me sens pas mieux !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4288 +msgid "You're going back to your ancient roots." +msgstr "Tu retournes à tes anciennes racines." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4291 +msgid "I don't want to go back to my ancient roots!" +msgstr "Je ne veux pas retourner à mes anciennes racines !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4298 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2-inch tall man for 100 million dollars?" +msgstr "Tu mangerais un petit homme de 2 pouces pour 100 millions de dollars ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4300 +msgid "I bet she's gonna say, \"Of course not. That's illegal.\"" +msgstr "Je parie qu'elle va dire, \"Bien sûr que non. C'est illégal.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4303 +msgid "Of course not. That's homicide, which is illegal." +msgstr "Bien sûr que non. C'est un homicide, ce qui est illégal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4306 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_e629b0d2" +msgid "........" +msgstr "......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4309 +msgid "What is this? Some dumb Akarsha question?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Une question stupide d'Akarsha ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4312 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_9cbab985" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Oui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4319 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_fba0b286" +msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgstr "Combien de temps avons-nous avant que le cours ne commence ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4322 +msgid "About 2 minutes." +msgstr "Environ 2 minutes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4323 +msgid "Maybe you should head to class. You'll be tardy." +msgstr "Tu devrais peut-être aller en cours. Tu vas être en retard." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4326 +msgid "No, it's fine. I run fast." +msgstr "Non, c'est bon. Je cours vite." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4337 +msgid "Suddenly, Noelle tries to sit up!" +msgstr "Soudain, Noëlle essaie de s'asseoir !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4339 +msgid "Her abs are too weak, though, so she fails and flops back down." +msgstr "Mais ses abdominaux sont trop faibles, alors elle échoue et retombe par terre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4341 +msgid "What're you doing." +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4342 +msgid "Becoming a fish?" +msgstr "Devenir un poisson ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4345 +msgid "I just had a great idea!" +msgstr "Je viens d'avoir une idée géniale !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4346 +msgid "You know how on Valentine's Day, you can pay the school to deliver roses to someone?" +msgstr "Tu sais que le jour de la Saint Valentin, tu peux payer l'école pour livrer des roses à quelqu'un." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4349 +msgid "Oh, like in middle school." +msgstr "Oh, comme au collège." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4350 +msgid "You could have them secretly send your crush candy grams for $5." +msgstr "Tu pourrais leur demander d'envoyer secrètement à ton coup de foudre des grammes de bonbons pour 5 $." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4353 +msgid "Yes, like that." +msgstr "Oui, comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4354 +msgid "Except here, we're more mature, so it's flowers." +msgstr "Sauf qu'ici, nous sommes plus matures, donc ce sont des fleurs." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4355 +msgid "We should send Akarsha one, with the message \"From your secret admirer.\"" +msgstr "On devrait en envoyer un à Akarsha, avec le message \"De la part de ton admirateur secret.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4357 +msgid "Imagine how confused she'll be!" +msgstr "Imaginez la confusion qu'elle va avoir !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4358 +msgid "And we can tease her relentlessly about it." +msgstr "Et nous pouvons la taquiner sans relâche à ce sujet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4359 +msgid "It'll be hilarious!" +msgstr "Ce sera hilarant !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4362 +msgid "Okay, that IS pretty funny." +msgstr "Okay, that IS pretty funny." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4363 +msgid "It's not even that mean because she'll get free flowers out of it." +msgstr "Ce n'est même pas si méchant, car elle aura des fleurs gratuites." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4364 +msgid "The secret admirer part is the best." +msgstr "La partie de l'admirateur secret est la meilleure." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4365 +msgid "She'll drive herself nuts trying to figure out who it is." +msgstr "Elle va se rendre folle en essayant de trouver qui c'est." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4368 +msgid "Alternatively, we can sign it with really common initials, like K.C." +msgstr "On peut aussi le signer avec des initiales vraiment communes, comme K.C." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4369 +msgid "She'll look up every guy with those initials at this school." +msgstr "Elle va chercher tous les gars avec ces initiales dans cette école." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4372 +msgid "That's good too..." +msgstr "C'est bien aussi..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4375 +msgid "I can't decide if it's funnier to have her conclude it's a random person, or for her to be constantly suspicious of everyone." +msgstr "Je n'arrive pas à décider si c'est plus drôle qu'elle conclue qu'il s'agit d'un inconnu, ou qu'elle se méfie constamment de tout le monde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4378 +msgid "Maybe we can do this every year." +msgstr "Peut-être qu'on peut faire ça tous les ans." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4379 +msgid "Like a tradition." +msgstr "Comme une tradition." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4382 +msgid "Oh my god." +msgstr "Oh mon dieu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4383 +msgid "You're a genius!" +msgstr "Tu es un génie !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4385 +msgid "The first two years we don't give her any clues." +msgstr "Les deux premières années, on ne lui donne aucun indice." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4386 +msgid "And then junior year, add the initials and encourage her to jump to the wrong conclusions." +msgstr "Et puis en première année, ajoutez les initiales et encouragez-la à tirer de mauvaises conclusions." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4387 +msgid "That way we'll get to see both." +msgstr "Comme ça, on pourra voir les deux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4389 +msgid "Noelle is in such a good mood that she lets out a creepy, evil laugh." +msgstr "Noelle est tellement de bonne humeur qu'elle laisse échapper un rire diabolique et effrayant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4391 +msgid "We can also make the message a cipher. So she has to solve it." +msgstr "On peut aussi faire du message un code. Donc elle doit le résoudre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4394 +msgid "If you put too much math on it, she'll know it's you." +msgstr "Si tu mets trop de maths dessus, elle saura que c'est toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4397 +msgid "Ciphers aren't math." +msgstr "Les codes ne sont pas des maths." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4400 +msgid "If you have to explain to me what it is, she'll know it's you." +msgstr "Si tu dois m'expliquer ce que c'est, elle saura que c'est toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4403 +msgid "Fair enough." +msgstr "C'est suffisant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4406 +msgid "How much do the roses cost?" +msgstr "Combien coûtent les roses ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4409 +msgid "Probably around $12." +msgstr "Probablement autour de 12 $." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4412 +msgid "$12..." +msgstr "$12" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4413 +msgid "That's $6 per person." +msgstr "C'est 6 dollars par personne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4414 +msgid "Don't really want to spend that much on a joke." +msgstr "Je n'ai pas vraiment envie de dépenser autant pour une blague." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4415 +msgid "Especially if it's annual. It'd be $48 in all." +msgstr "Surtout si c'est annuel. Ce serait 48 $ en tout" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4418 +msgid "We could split the cost between more people, so it's more reasonable." +msgstr "Nous pourrions répartir le coût entre plusieurs personnes, ce qui serait plus raisonnable." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4421 +msgid "But we don't have any other friends who would appreciate it." +msgstr "Mais nous n'avons pas d'autres amis qui pourraient l'apprécier." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4424 +msgctxt "hackedAlarms_320efa19" +msgid "........" +msgstr "......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4425 +msgid "You're right." +msgstr "Tu as raison." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4426 +msgid "Nevermind. Just forget it, then." +msgstr "Oublie ça. Oublie ça, alors." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4428 +msgid "Noelle looks immensely disappointed..." +msgstr "Noelle semble immensément déçue..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4444 +msgid "?!??!!" +msgstr "?!??!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4446 +msgid "Someone hacked the fire alarms to play the Super Mario Bros. theme!" +msgstr "Quelqu'un a piraté les alarmes incendie pour jouer le thème de Super Mario Bros. !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4450 +msgid "Almost gave me a heart attack..." +msgstr "J'ai failli avoir une crise cardiaque..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4453 +msgctxt "hackedAlarms_9899a6c1" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4455 +msgid "Students come flooding out of the classrooms." +msgstr "Les étudiants sortent en masse des salles de classe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4456 +msgid "They all look really glad for an excuse to leave." +msgstr "Ils ont tous l'air très heureux d'avoir une excuse pour partir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4458 +msgid "Everyone is evacuating to the field, like we're supposed to." +msgstr "Tout le monde évacue vers le terrain, comme on est censé le faire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4459 +msgid "Can you walk?" +msgstr "Pouvez-vous marcher ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4462 +msgid "Ye—" +msgstr "Oui..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4464 +msgid "Diya catches Noelle as she pitches forward again." +msgstr "Diya attrape Noelle alors qu'elle se lance à nouveau en avant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4466 +msgid "Nope." +msgstr "Non" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4483 +msgid "Diya gives Noelle a piggyback ride to the field." +msgstr "Diya donne à Noelle un tour sur son dos jusqu'au terrain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4485 +msgid "The entire school is out here now." +msgstr "L'école entière est ici maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4491 +msgid "Sup, homies." +msgstr "Comment ça vas " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4495 +msgid "You!" +msgstr "Toi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4496 +msgid "I can't believe you've done this!" +msgstr "Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu aies fait ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4498 +msgid "I ought to report you to the authorities." +msgstr "Je devrais vous dénoncer aux autorités." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4500 +msgid "But you won't." +msgstr "Mais vous ne le ferez pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4507 +msgid "What, you think I won't just because we're fr...f...fellow acquaintances?" +msgstr "Quoi, vous pensez que je ne le ferai pas juste parce qu'on est des français camarades de connaissance ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4510 +msgid "FELLOW ACQUAINTANCES??" +msgstr "DES COLLÈGUES DE TRAVAIL ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4512 +msgid "She was totally about to say \"friends\"." +msgstr "Elle était sur le point de dire \"amis\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4515 +msgid "I was not!" +msgstr "Je ne l'étais pas !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4518 +msgid "Admit it! Friends! Friends! Friends!" +msgstr "Avouez-le ! Les amis ! Les amis ! Les amis !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4521 +msgid "I hate you more than is physically possible right now!" +msgstr "Je te déteste plus que ce qui est physiquement possible en ce moment !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4525 +msgid "Oh, come on. What did you want me to do?" +msgstr "Oh, allez. Que voulais-tu que je fasse ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4526 +msgid "Travel back in time and change Chinese culture to not see academic achievement as a moral virtue?" +msgstr "Remonter dans le temps et changer la culture chinoise pour qu'elle ne considère pas la réussite scolaire comme une vertu morale ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4530 +msgid "The one who's getting saved doesn't get to complain." +msgstr "Celui qui est sauvé n'a pas à se plaindre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4532 +msgid "You broke the law! How can I not complain?!" +msgstr "Vous avez enfreint la loi ! Comment je ne peux pas me plaindre ? !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4535 +msgid "Is anyone on this earth truly innocent?" +msgstr "Y a-t-il quelqu'un sur cette terre qui soit vraiment innocent ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4537 +msgid "YOU CAN'T DISTRACT ME WITH FAKE DEEP STATEMENTS!" +msgstr "TU NE M'AURAS PAS AVEC DES FAUSSES PHRASES PROFONDES !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4540 +msgid "You don't appreciate anything I do!" +msgstr "Tu n'apprécies rien de ce que je fais !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4541 +msgid "Where's my Nobel Peace Prize? Where's my \"Thank you Akarsha, you're awesome\"?" +msgstr "Où est mon prix Nobel de la paix ? Où est mon \"Merci Akarsha, tu es géniale\" ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4545 +msgid "I'm not thanking you for this illicit \"help\" that I NEVER asked for." +msgstr "Je ne vous remercie pas pour cette aide illicite que je n'ai JAMAIS demandée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4546 +msgid "Were you seriously expecting to be praised? Never have I ever been more embarrased for my fellow man." +msgstr "Vous vous attendiez sérieusement à être félicité ? Je n'ai jamais été aussi embarrassé par mon prochain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4549 +msgid "I'm a hero!" +msgstr "Je suis un héros !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4551 +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO!!!" +msgstr "TU N'ES PAS UN HÉRO !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4552 +msgid "YOU SCUMBAG!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!" +msgstr " SALE ENFOIRE !!!!! DEGUEULASSE !!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4555 +msgid "Fine! Be that way!" +msgstr "Bien ! Soyez comme ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4557 +msgid "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" +msgstr "Je suis désolé. Pardonner ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4559 +msgid "You don't look even remotely sorry." +msgstr "Tu n'as pas l'air du tout désolé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4561 +msgid "I can't help it if I think you're funny when you're mad." +msgstr "Je n'y peux rien si je te trouve drôle quand tu es en colère." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4563 +msgid "Just don't tell on me and we'll call it even. Deal?" +msgstr "Me dénonce pas et on dira qu'on est quite. Marché conclu ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4565 +msgid "Akarsha offers her a handshake. Noelle regards it with obvious suspicion." +msgstr "Akarsha lui offre une poignée de main. Noëlle le considère avec une suspicion évidente." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4566 +msgid "She cautiously releases her grip on Diya's shoulder and reaches out to shake it." +msgstr "Elle relâche prudemment sa prise sur l'épaule de Diya et tend la main pour la secouer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4574 +msgid "Instead of grasping her hand, Akarsha grabs Noelle's wrist. She starts hitting Noelle with her own hand!!" +msgstr "Au lieu de saisir sa main, Akarsha attrape le poignet de Noelle. Elle commence à frapper Noelle avec sa propre main !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4576 +msgid "Why're you hitting yourself? Why're you hitting yoursel— " +msgstr "Pourquoi tu te frappes ? Pourquoi tu te frappes... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4578 +msgid "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" +msgstr "JE VOUS DÉTESTE !!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4579 +msgid "YOU...STUPID!!!!" +msgstr "VOUS...STUPID !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4582 +msgid "You should've killed me when you had the chance." +msgstr "Tu aurais dû me tuer quand tu en avais l'occasion." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4584 +msgid "Next time, I won't let you off so easy. This is your last warning." +msgstr "La prochaine fois, je ne vous laisserai pas partir si facilement. C'est votre dernier avertissement" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4587 +msgid "She said that last time. And the time before that." +msgstr "Elle a dit ça la dernière fois. Et la fois d'avant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4590 +msgid "Power of friendship!" +msgstr "Le pouvoir de l'amitié" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4591 +msgid "A stranger brushes past Akarsha in the crowd. Akarsha gawks after her, placing her hand on her heart." +msgstr "Une inconnue frôle Akarsha dans la foule. Akarsha la suit, bouche bée, en mettant la main sur son cœur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4593 +msgid "What are we..." +msgstr "Que sommes-nous..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4610 +msgid "Wait, that looks like...?!" +msgstr "Attends, ça ressemble à... ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4611 +msgid "??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4614 +msgid "Diya chases after the person." +msgstr "Diya court après la personne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4616 +msgid "Diya?!" +msgstr "Diya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4617 +msgid "Where are we going?" +msgstr "Où allons-nous ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4620 +msgid "The person." +msgstr "La personne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4622 +msgid "The person is so short that Diya loses sight of her in crowd." +msgstr "La personne est si petite que Diya la perd de vue dans la foule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4624 +msgid "????????? ???" +msgstr "? ???????? ? ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4626 +msgid "I lost her!" +msgstr "Je l'ai perdue !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4628 +msgctxt "ch3_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4630 +msgid "Great. I'm so sleep-deprived that I'm literally hallucinating." +msgstr "Super. Je manque tellement de sommeil que j'ai littéralement des hallucinations." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4646 +msgid "That night, Diya dreams of the past." +msgstr "Cette nuit-là, Diya rêve du passé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4691 +msgid "Whoa!! I'm up to bat!!" +msgstr "Whoa !! Je suis à la hauteur !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4692 +msgid "Yeah!!!!!" +msgstr "Ouiii !!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4693 +msgid "I get to hit the ball!! This is so fun!!!" +msgstr "Je vais frapper la balle ! C'est tellement amusant ! !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4697 +msgctxt "battingStart_ce41ef83" +msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" +msgstr "Hé, regardez ! C'est une fille qui bat !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4698 +msgid "Phew! Our team got lucky!" +msgstr "Ouf ! Notre équipe a eu de la chance !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4700 +msgctxt "battingStart_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4704 +msgid "SHUT UP YOU DUMB...DUMB POO-POO HEAD!!!" +msgstr "FERMEZ-LA, ESPÈCE DE TRONCHE DE CAKE... STUPIDE !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4705 +msgid "SAY ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL KILL YOU!!" +msgstr "DIS UN MOT DE PLUS ET JE TE TUE !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4707 +msgctxt "battingStart_25e3c19d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4708 +msgid "\"What?!\" is a word!" +msgstr "\"Quoi ?\" est un mot !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4710 +msgid "DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" +msgstr "DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4712 +msgid "A fight broke out in the stands!" +msgstr "Une bagarre a éclaté dans les tribunes" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4715 +msgid "?????!!!" +msgstr "?????!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4723 +msgid "Min is beating the crap out of an old grandpa!" +msgstr "Min est en train de battre la merde d'un vieux grand-père !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4725 +msgid "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! I'M A GREEN BELT!" +msgstr "TU FERAIS MIEUX DE FAIRE ATTENTION ! JE SUIS CEINTURE VERTE !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4728 +msgid "Green belt..." +msgstr "ceinture verte..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4730 +msgid "The other adults are rushing to pull her off him." +msgstr "Les autres adultes se précipitent pour la retirer de lui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4732 +msgctxt "battingStart_db030cf8" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4738 +msgid "Min scrambles down the rafters with everyone chasing after her." +msgstr "Min se précipite en bas des chevrons avec tout le monde qui la poursuit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4739 +msgid "I'm taking you with me!!" +msgstr "Je t'emmène avec moi ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4741 +msgid "She grabs Diya's wrist and sprints off with her in tow." +msgstr "Elle attrape le poignet de Diya et s'en va en courant avec elle en remorque." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4743 +msgctxt "battingStart_a768a9ea" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "... !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4745 +msgid "Wait! Stop!" +msgstr "Attendez ! Arrêtez !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4758 +msgid "We got away." +msgstr "On s'est échappé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4761 +msgid "Heheheh!!! I kidnapped you!!" +msgstr "Heheheh !!! Je t'ai kidnappé !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4763 +msgctxt "battingStart_b6399d89" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "Bien sûr." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4766 +msgid "Now we can do whatever we want." +msgstr "Maintenant, nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4767 +msgid "Come on! I brought Jun's bike!" +msgstr "Allez ! J'ai apporté le vélo de Jun-seo!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4769 +msgid "Min pulls Jun-seo's bike out from the bushes." +msgstr "Min sort le vélo de Jun-seo des buissons." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4770 +msgid "She mounts the bike and looks at Diya expectantly." +msgstr "Elle monte sur le vélo et regarde Diya avec impatience." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4772 +msgid "You sit on the rear rack." +msgstr "Vous vous asseyez sur le porte-bagages arrière." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4774 +msgid "Shouldn't I be the one pedaling? I'm bigger than you. " +msgstr "Ce n'est pas moi qui devrais pédaler ? Je suis plus grand que toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4777 +msgid "I'm training for when I get taller than you!" +msgstr "Je m'entraîne pour le jour où je serai plus grand que toi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4779 +msgid "That's never gonna happen. You'll be short forever." +msgstr "Ça n'arrivera jamais. Tu seras toujours petit" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4782 +msgid "How do you know?! Just you watch!" +msgstr "Comment le savez-vous ? ! Tu n'as qu'à regarder !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4783 +msgid "Are you getting on or not?" +msgstr "Vous montez ou pas ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4785 +msgid "Diya tentatively lowers herself onto the bike rack." +msgstr "Diya s'abaisse timidement sur le porte-vélo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4788 +msgid "So where do you wanna go next?" +msgstr "Alors, où voulez-vous aller ensuite ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4803 +msgid "My house." +msgstr "Ma maison." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4806 +msgid "You wanna go home already?!" +msgstr "Tu veux déjà rentrer chez toi ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4808 +msgid "No, that's not what I meant. You're invited too." +msgstr "Non, ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire. Tu es aussi invité." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 +msgid "We can play tag and eat ice cream." +msgstr "On peut jouer au chat et manger de la glace." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4812 +msgid "But aren't your parents there? You'll get in trouble if they see me with you." +msgstr "Mais tes parents ne sont pas là ? Tu vas avoir des problèmes s'ils me voient avec toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4814 +msgid "Oh, right...darn." +msgstr "Oh, c'est vrai... zut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4815 +msgid "My parents are really unreasonable about Min.)\n(I'm actually not even allowed to talk to her." +msgstr "Mes parents ne sont vraiment pas raisonnables à propos de Min.) Je n'ai même pas le droit de lui parler." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4817 +msgid "It's so stupid. They don't know anything about her, but just because she has short hair and wears boy clothes they hate her." +msgstr "C'est tellement stupide. Ils ne savent rien d'elle, mais juste parce qu'elle a les cheveux courts et porte des vêtements de garçon, ils la détestent." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4818 +msgid "They always call her a freak." +msgstr "Ils l'appellent toujours un monstre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4823 +msgid "Your house." +msgstr "Votre maison." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4826 +msgid "We won't be able to get in. My parents came out with me, and I don't have the keys." +msgstr "Nous ne pourrons pas entrer. Mes parents sont sortis avec moi, et je n'ai pas les clés." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4828 +msgid "Oh, right. You're basically a fugitive right now." +msgstr "Oh, c'est vrai. Vous êtes essentiellement un fugitif maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4831 +msgid "Why do you wanna go to my house, anyway? You've already been there a bunch of times." +msgstr "Pourquoi tu veux aller chez moi, de toute façon ? Tu y es déjà allé un paquet de fois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4833 +msgid "It's fun seeing where you live." +msgstr "C'est amusant de voir où tu vis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4834 +msgid "I feel like I learn something new every time I go." +msgstr "J'ai l'impression d'apprendre quelque chose de nouveau à chaque fois que j'y vais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4837 +msgid "Really? Like what?" +msgstr "Vraiment ? Comme quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4839 +msgid "Like, you have to sleep in a girly pink blanket while Jun gets the Hot Wheels one." +msgstr "Par exemple, tu dois dormir dans une couverture rose et Jun dans une couverture Hot Wheels." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4840 +msgid "And there's a treadmill in the living room." +msgstr "Et il y a un tapis de course dans le salon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4841 +msgid "Remember the time you tried to run on it at 10 Speed to impress me, fell off, and broke your arm?" +msgstr "Tu te souviens de la fois où tu as essayé de courir dessus à 10 Speed pour m'impressionner, que tu es tombé et que tu t'es cassé le bras ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4844 +msgid "I, I don't remember that! You must've remembered wrong." +msgstr "Je, je ne me souviens pas de ça ! Tu as dû mal te souvenir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4847 +msgid "And you brush your teeth too hard, so your toothbrush bristles look hilarious." +msgstr "Et tu te brosses les dents trop fort, alors les poils de ta brosse à dents sont hilarants." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4848 +msgid "They're all flattened." +msgstr "Ils sont tous aplatis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4851 +msgid "What's so funny about that?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si drôle ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4852 +msgid "I have to make sure I kill the germs!" +msgstr "Je dois m'assurer que je tue les germes" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4854 +msgid "Of course you do." +msgstr "Bien sûr que oui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4860 +msgid "Noelle's house. We can say hi to Noelle." +msgstr "La maison de Noelle. On pourra dire bonjour à Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4863 +msgid "What?! Why?!" +msgstr "Quoi ? Pourquoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4867 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832" +msgid "I miss her." +msgstr "Elle me manque." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4870 +msgid "You just saw her yesterday." +msgstr "Tu l'as vue hier." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4872 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832_1" +msgid "I miss her." +msgstr "Elle me manque." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4875 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_41b50903" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "Beurk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4877 +msgid "Oh, come on. You should give her a chance." +msgstr "Oh, allez. Tu devrais lui donner une chance." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4878 +msgid "She's so funny. She looks at every individual grape before she eats it." +msgstr "Elle est si drôle. Elle regarde chaque grain de raisin avant de le manger." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4879 +msgid "I know she's kinda aloof, but it'd be so cool if you were friends." +msgstr "Je sais qu'elle est un peu distante, mais ce serait vraiment cool si vous étiez amies." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4882 +msgid "What's \"aloof\" mean?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire \"aloof\" ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4884 +msgid "It's like...cold. She always tries to hide how much she likes you. Like a cat." +msgstr "Elle est comme... froide. Elle essaie toujours de cacher à quel point elle t'aime. Comme un chat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4885 +msgid "Once you get used to it, it's sorta cute." +msgstr "Une fois que tu t'y es habitué, c'est plutôt mignon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4888 +msgid "At this, Min's expression dramatically sours." +msgstr "À ce moment-là, l'expression de Min s'assombrit dramatiquement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4890 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4892 +msgid "If you hate it that much, we can go somewhere else." +msgstr "Si tu détestes tant que ça, on peut aller ailleurs." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4898 +msgid "Home Depot lights section." +msgstr "Section lumières de Home Depot." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4901 +msgid "What's so great about that?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si génial là-dedans ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4903 +msgid "There's so many different lamps in one place. The designs are cool, and it's really bright." +msgstr "Il y a tellement de lampes différentes en un seul endroit. Les designs sont cool, et c'est vraiment lumineux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4904 +msgid "The rest of the store is ordinary, but that one aisle feels like a special place in another world." +msgstr "Le reste du magasin est ordinaire, mais cette allée est comme un endroit spécial dans un autre monde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4905 +msgid "I like to pretend I'm furnishing a house and pick my favorites." +msgstr "J'aime faire comme si je meublais une maison et choisir mes préférés." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4907 +msgid "Hm." +msgstr "Hum." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4909 +msgid "I know it sounds bland. You don't have to." +msgstr "Je sais que ça semble fade. Vous n'êtes pas obligé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4912 +msgid "No, let's go. It sounds like a place that'd be boring if I went with my parents, but fun if I go with you." +msgstr "Non, allons-y. Ça a l'air d'un endroit qui serait ennuyeux si j'y allais avec mes parents, mais amusant si j'y allais avec toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4914 +msgid "I know what you mean. If you're with someone you like, everywhere is interesting." +msgstr "Je sais ce que tu veux dire. Si tu es avec quelqu'un que tu aimes, tout est intéressant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4917 +msgid "Which way to Home Depot?" +msgstr "Quel chemin pour aller à Home Depot ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4919 +msgid "...Not sure. I haven't been there in years." +msgstr "Pas sûr. Je n'y suis pas allé depuis des années." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4921 +msgid "Too bad..." +msgstr "Dommage..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4927 +msgid "Where should we go instead, then?" +msgstr "Où devrions-nous aller à la place, alors ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4933 +msgid "Min, you decide." +msgstr "Min, tu décides." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4938 +msgid "Are you sure? The place I want to take you is pretty far." +msgstr "Tu es sûr ? L'endroit où je veux t'emmener est assez loin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4939 +msgid "So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that outta the way first." +msgstr "Donc si tu veux aller ailleurs, on devrait probablement s'en débarrasser en premier." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "{cps=0}So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that outta the way first.{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Donc si tu veux aller ailleurs, on devrait probablement s'en débarrasser en premier{/cps}." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4944 +msgid "On second thought, let's go somewhere else first." +msgstr "En y réfléchissant, allons d'abord ailleurs." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4947 +msgid "Okay! Where?" +msgstr "Oui ! Où ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4950 +msgctxt "dangerous_57e599f4" +msgid "Diya shakes her head." +msgstr "Diya secoue la tête." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4952 +msgctxt "dangerous_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "Oui" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4954 +msgid "Then hold on tight." +msgstr "Alors, accrochez-vous bien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4956 +msgid "You're not telling me where we're going?" +msgstr "Tu ne me dis pas où on va ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4959 +msgid "It's a surprise." +msgstr "C'est une surprise." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4979 +msgid "After an extreme amount of effort on Min's part, they arrive at a ravine." +msgstr "Après un effort extrême de la part de Min, ils arrivent à un ravin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4981 +msgid "We....we...here!!!!" +msgstr "Nous....nous...ici!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4985 +msgid "That wasn't even a coherent sentence..." +msgstr "Ce n'était même pas une phrase cohérente..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4986 +msgid "Are you okay." +msgstr "Vous allez bien ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4989 +msgid "Y-yeah! What kinda weakling do you think I am?!" +msgstr "Y-yeah ! Quel genre de mauviette penses-tu que je suis ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4992 +msgid "Her legs must feel like jelly right now, but there's no way she'd ever admit it." +msgstr "Ses jambes doivent être comme de la gelée en ce moment, mais elle ne l'admettra jamais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4994 +msgid "Thanks for the ride." +msgstr "Merci pour la balade." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4997 +msgid "You're welcome! Anytime!!" +msgstr "Vous êtes les bienvenus ! N'importe quand !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4999 +msgid "The place is down this hill and through the tunnel." +msgstr "L'endroit est en bas de cette colline et dans le tunnel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5002 +msgid "Should I get off? It's too steep to bike down." +msgstr "Je dois descendre ? C'est trop raide pour descendre en vélo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5005 +msgid "Yeah!! Let's run down!" +msgstr "Ouais ! Allons-y !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5010 +msgid "Min enthusiastically leaps off the bike and sprints down the hill!" +msgstr "Min saute avec enthousiasme du vélo et saute en bas de la colline !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5012 +msgid "The bike is just lying there in the grass..." +msgstr "Le vélo est juste étendue là dans l'herbe..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5015 +msgid "Wait. We can't leave this." +msgstr "Attendez. On ne peut pas laisser ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5016 +msgctxt "dangerous_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5018 +msgid "Diya picks up the bike and runs after her. " +msgstr "Diya ramasse le vélo et court après elle. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5020 +msgid "Min is waiting at the mouth of the tunnel." +msgstr "Min attend à l'entrée du tunnel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5023 +msgid "I wanna show you something on the other side. Let's walk through." +msgstr "Je veux vous montrer quelque chose de l'autre côté. Allons-y." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5024 +msgid "She peers into the darkness with a hopeful look on her face." +msgstr "Elle regarde dans l'obscurité avec un regard plein d'espoir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5027 +msgid "What're you looking for?" +msgstr "Que cherchez-vous ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5030 +msgid "Skeletons." +msgstr "Squelettes" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5031 +msgid "Are you scared?" +msgstr "Tu as peur ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5033 +msgid "Don't worry. I'll protect you." +msgstr "Ne t'inquiète pas. Je te protégerai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5035 +msgctxt "dangerous_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5036 +msgctxt "dangerous_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oui" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5037 +msgid "I'm counting on you, then." +msgstr "Je compte sur vous, alors." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5040 +msgctxt "dangerous_cbdfc056" +msgid "Yeah!!" +msgstr "Ouais !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5041 +msgid "I'll protect you with my life!!!" +msgstr "Je te protégerai avec ma vie ! !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5042 +msgid "Min grabs Diya's hand." +msgstr "Min saisit la main de Diya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5044 +msgid "There's water on the ground. Hold on to me so you don't slip." +msgstr "Il y a de l'eau sur le sol. Accroche-toi à moi pour ne pas glisser." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5046 +msgid "...If I slip like this, you'll just get dragged down with me." +msgstr "Si je glisse comme ça, tu seras entraîné dans ma chute." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5049 +msgid "No, I won't! Trust me!" +msgstr "Non, je ne le ferai pas ! Fais-moi confiance !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5089 +msgid "There's a squirrel scampering up the tree." +msgstr "Il y a un écureuil qui grimpe dans l'arbre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5090 +msgid "When it sees Diya staring, it lifts one paw." +msgstr "Quand il voit Diya qui le fixe, il lève une patte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5092 +msgid "Whoa!! It waved at us!" +msgstr "Whoa ! Il nous a fait signe !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5094 +msgid "Min. It's waving. Min, look." +msgstr "Min. Il fait des signes. Min, regarde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5095 +msgid "That squirrel just waved at us." +msgstr "Cet écureuil nous a juste fait signe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5098 +msgid "You're way too excited about this." +msgstr "Tu es bien trop excité par tout ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5101 +msgid "Then why are you smiling?" +msgstr "Alors pourquoi tu souris ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5104 +msgid "Because it's cute." +msgstr "Parce que c'est mignon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5106 +msgctxt "lookSquirrel_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "... ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5107 +msgid "Really. I didn't know you liked squirrels." +msgstr "Vraiment. Je ne savais pas que tu aimais les écureuils." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5110 +msgid "I was talking about you." +msgstr "Je parlais de toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5113 +msgctxt "lookSquirrel_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5115 +msgid "Diya's face feels strangely hot..." +msgstr "Le visage de Diya est étrangement chaud..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5127 +msgid "It's pitch black inside the tunnel." +msgstr "Il fait nuit noire à l'intérieur du tunnel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5129 +msgid "If it weren't for Min, Diya actually would be a bit scared now." +msgstr "Si ce n'était pas pour Min, Diya serait en fait un peu effrayée maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5131 +msgid "Don't worry, Diya. I got this." +msgstr "Ne t'inquiète pas, Diya. J'ai eu ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5132 +msgid "She stomps her foot. Her Skechers light up." +msgstr "Elle tape du pied. Ses Skechers s'illuminent." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5133 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_1856bd91" +msgid "Whoa!!!" +msgstr "Whoa !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5135 +msgid "Diya is really impressed!" +msgstr "Diya est vraiment impressionnée !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5137 +msgid "Teach me how to count to ten!" +msgstr "Apprends-moi à compter jusqu'à dix !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5139 +msgid "Okay. {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" +msgstr "Oui {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5142 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5144 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5147 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5149 +msgid "After a minute, Min has learned the numbers up to 10." +msgstr "Après une minute, Min a appris les chiffres jusqu'à 10." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5151 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5153 +msgid "I'm probably gonna forget it all over again in a few days." +msgstr "Je vais probablement tout oublier à nouveau dans quelques jours." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5154 +msgid "Then I'll teach it to you again, when it happens." +msgstr "Puis je te l'enseignerai à nouveau, quand ça arrivera." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5155 +msgid "I'll do it over and over forever if you want. I don't mind." +msgstr "Je le ferai encore et encore pour toujours si tu veux. Ça ne me dérange pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5157 +msgid "Okay. My turn to teach you." +msgstr "Oui. A mon tour de t'apprendre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5158 +msgid "I still remember some from last time." +msgstr "Je me souviens encore de certains de la dernière fois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5160 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5162 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5164 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5165 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5167 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5168 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5169 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5171 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5172 +msgid "I forgot it again." +msgstr "J'ai encore oublié." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5175 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font} How come you can never remember five?" +msgstr "Vas y, comment tu fais pour jamais réussir à te souvenir du chiffre 5 ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5177 +msgid "It sounds off." +msgstr "Il sonne chelou." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5179 +msgid "Off?! Does not." +msgstr "Chelou ? Euh nan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5180 +msgid "Does too. It doesn't feel like a five." +msgstr "Bah si. Ca colle pas avec un 5." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5183 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_832167b5" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5185 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5191 +msgid "....????????????" +msgstr "...????????????" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5192 +msgid "Dogs?" +msgstr "Chiens ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5198 +msgid "It takes a moment for Diya's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight." +msgstr "Les yeux de Diya mettent un certain temps à s'adapter à la lumière du soleil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5203 +msgid "Do you like it?" +msgstr "T'aimes ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5207 +msgid "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5208 +msgid "It's a dog park!" +msgstr "C'est un parc pour chiens !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5209 +msgid "Can we go in even though we don't have a dog?" +msgstr "Tu penses qu'on peut y entrer même si on a pas de chien ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5212 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "Bah ouais !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5213 +msgid "I found this place by accident back when I ran away from home." +msgstr "J'ai trouvé cet endroit par hasard, quand je me suis enfuie de chez moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5215 +msgid "A few weeks ago, Min ran away from home because she didn't want to eat a tomato." +msgstr "Il y a quelques semaines, Min s'est enfuie de chez elle, parce qu'elle ne voulait pas manger une tomate." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5218 +msgid "The park is divided into two sides." +msgstr "Le parc est divisé en deux parties." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5219 +msgid "There's a sign above one of the gates. It reads:" +msgstr "Il y a un panneau au dessus d'un des portails. Il y est écrit :" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5220 +msgid "{u}Small dogs only{/u}\nUnder 30 pounds" +msgstr "{u}Entrée réservée aux petits chiens{/u}\nMoins de 13 Kg" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5222 +msgid "Oh my god!! They have it separated by weight!" +msgstr "Purée !! Ils les ont séparé par poids !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5223 +msgid "Under 30 pounds! That's so cute!" +msgstr "Moins de 13 Kg ! C'est trop choux !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5226 +msgid "Which side do you wanna see?" +msgstr "Tu veux commencer par quel côté ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5236 +msgid "Min swings the gate open and gestures for Diya to go ahead." +msgstr "Min ouvre le portail et fait signe à Diya de passer devant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5239 +msgid "Ladies first." +msgstr "Les femmes d'abord." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5241 +msgctxt "enclosure_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5253 +msgid "There's so many dogs!!" +msgstr "Des chiens partout !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5254 +msgid "They're all friends with each other!!! Dog friends!!!" +msgstr "Regarde les ils sont tous potos ! Des toutous'potos !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5255 +msgid "I've died and gone to heaven!!!" +msgstr "Me voilà au paradis !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5259 +msgid "A husky trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." +msgstr "Un husky avance vers Diya avec un frisbee dans la gueule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5263 +msgid "A chihuahua trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." +msgstr "Un chihuahua avance à son tour vers Diya avec un frisbee dans la gueule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5265 +msgid "He drops it at Diya's feet and looks up at her expectantly." +msgstr "L'animal dépose son jouet aux pieds de Diya et la regarde plein d'espoir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5267 +msgid "He wants me to throw it!!!" +msgstr "Il veut que je lui lance !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5269 +msgid "Diya sets down the bike and hurls the frisbee as hard as she can." +msgstr "Diya pose son vélo et jette le frisbee aussi fort que possible." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5270 +msgid "The dog gallops after it!" +msgstr "Le chien lui court après !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5271 +msgid "He catches it with a running leap, zooms straight back to her, and drops it at Diya's feet again." +msgstr "Il l'attrape d'un bond, retourne aussi vite qu'il était parti auprès de Diya et lui redépose le jouet à ses pieds." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5272 +msgid "He's wagging his tail so hard that his butt shakes." +msgstr "Il remue la queue tellement fort que son popotin tremble." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5274 +msgid "What a good dog!!!!" +msgstr "Quel bon pépère !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5275 +msgid "He's so talented!!!" +msgstr "Il est tellement doué !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5278 +msgid "Diya is almost crying..." +msgstr "Diya est au bord des larmes...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5280 +msgid "Are you happy?" +msgstr "Ca te plait ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5283 +msgid "This is the best day of my life." +msgstr "C'est le plus beau jour de ma vie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5284 +msgid "Thank you, Min." +msgstr "Min, merci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5287 +msgid "You're welcome!" +msgstr "J't'en prie !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5290 +msgid "Do you wanna try throwing the frisbee?" +msgstr "Tu veux essayer de lancer le frisbee ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5293 +msgid "No, it's fine. I like watching you do it." +msgstr "Ca va aller. J'aime bien te regarder le lancer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5296 +msgctxt "enclosure_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5299 +msgid "Diya throws the frisbee again. The dog tears off after it with such gusto that grass goes flying behind him." +msgstr "Diya relance le frisbee. Le chien fonce comme une fusée après le jouet en soulevant des mottes de terre derrière lui." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5301 +msgctxt "enclosure_8683854e" +msgid "..........." +msgstr ".........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5302 +msgctxt "enclosure_e66a3853" +msgid "Hey, Diya." +msgstr "Dis, Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5305 +msgctxt "enclosure_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "... ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5308 +msgid "If you want, you can live in my house when we grow up. I'll buy you all the dogs you want." +msgstr "Si tu veux, tu pourras vivre chez moi quand on sera grandes. Je t'achèterai tous les chiens que tu veux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5311 +msgid "All the dogs...!" +msgstr "Tous les chiens... !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5314 +msgid "And I'll get to see you every day. I'll drive you around in my Corvette and make everyone jealous." +msgstr "Et je viendrai te voir tous les jours. Je t'emmènerai faire un tour dans ma Corvette et tout le monde sera jaloux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5317 +msgid "Drive the dogs around too. They can wear goggles so the wind doesn't sting their eyes." +msgstr "Emmène les chiens aussi. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5320 +msgid "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want." +msgstr "Ouais, ok. Tout ce que tu veux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5322 +msgid "We'll be so far from our parents that we never have to see them again." +msgstr "On sera si loin de nos parents, qu'on aura plus à les revoir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5323 +msgid "And if we go somewhere with snow, you can throw snowballs towards me and I'll punch them all out of the air. It'll look pretty cool." +msgstr "Et si on part dans un endroit enneigé, tu pourras me jeter des boules de neige et je les éclaterai en l'air. Ca sera putain de bien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5326 +msgid "Wow!!! Great plan!!!" +msgstr "Waouh !!! Trop cool comme plan !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5327 +msgid "Okay. Let's do it." +msgstr "Ok on fait ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5330 +msgid "Really?! Are you sure?" +msgstr "Vraiment ? T'es sure ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5333 +msgid "Min reaches out and gently cups Diya's face with her palms." +msgstr "Min tend ses mains vers le visage de Diya et le prend doucement dans ses paumes. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5336 +msgid "GGFFKKKKGKJ??!! FGFJHFJ!!!!!" +msgstr "GGFFKKKKGKJ ??!! FGFJHFJ !!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5337 +msgid "What's happening?? This is great!! Wow!!!!!!" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?? C'est géant !! Waouh !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5344 +msgctxt "enclosure_06530a49" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5354 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5358 +msgctxt "ch5_aaf68681" +msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." +msgstr "Diya règle son réveil et tombe tête la première sur son lit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5361 +msgid "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " +msgstr "Sa routine matinale consiste à rester allongée dans le lit pendant 10 minutes, et à réfléchir à quel point elle est fatiguée. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5366 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_1" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5367 +msgid "I didn't realize it back then, but now that I think about it, that was really..." +msgstr "Je l'avais pas réalisé à l'époque, mais maintenant que j'y pense, c'était vraiment..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5368 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_2" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5371 +msgid "Could it be that I'm...I'm a..." +msgstr "Est-ce que je pourrais être... être..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5372 +msgid "Les....................lesb............." +msgstr "Les....................lesb............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5373 +msgid "....biab...." +msgstr "....bieb...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5374 +msgid "Les...............biam......" +msgstr "Les...............biem......" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5375 +msgid "........Girls........." +msgstr "........Les filles........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5376 +msgctxt "ch5_c50f2165" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5377 +msgid "No, that's impossible. I don't feel that way about other girls at all." +msgstr "Non, c'est impossible. Je ne ressens rien de ça à propos des autres filles." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5378 +msgid "Because Min looked and acted like that, my heart must've confused her with a guy." +msgstr "Juste parce que Min m'a regardé et a agi comme ça, mon coeur a dû la confondre avec un mec." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5379 +msgid "Any girl would've felt something even if they were straight." +msgstr "N'importe quelle fille aurait ressenti un truc pareil, même si elle était hétéro." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5380 +msgid "And it was just her. Min was special, so she was an exception." +msgstr "Et c'était juste elle. Min était particulière, alors c'était une exception." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5381 +msgid "Plus, nothing ever came out of it. It's in the past now." +msgstr "En plus, rien n'a jamais abouti de ça. C'est tout du passé maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5382 +msgid "Something like that'll never happen again." +msgstr "Un truc pareil n'arrivera plus jamais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5383 +msgid "So it doesn't count, right?" +msgstr "Alors ça compte pas, pas vrai ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5384 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_3" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5385 +msgid "If Min hadn't moved away, what would've happened?" +msgstr "Si Min n'avait pas déménagé, qu'est-ce qui se serait passé ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5388 +msgid "After 10 minutes, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands." +msgstr "Au bout de 10 minutes, Diya se lève de son matelas sans enthousiasme et reste debout." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5394 +msgctxt "ch5_c66f35de" +msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." +msgstr "Ma pote de classe Akarsha vient de m'écrire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5406 +msgctxt "ay2_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5409 +msgctxt "ay2_6ffc76d4" +msgid "ay diya" +msgstr "hey diya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5410 +msgctxt "ay2_076b730f" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "hey" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5411 +msgctxt "ay2_b771df90" +msgid "ayy" +msgstr "heyy" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5412 +msgctxt "ay2_1acbd9bd" +msgid "What" +msgstr "Quoi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5413 +msgid "what do u call a lesbian w long nails??" +msgstr "cmt t'appelle une lesbienne ak de grands ongles ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5414 +msgid "single xD" +msgstr "celib xD" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5415 +msgid "Diya has gone offline." +msgstr "Diya vient de passer hors-ligne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5420 +msgctxt "ay2_a9db357b" +msgid ".........." +msgstr ".........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5430 +msgctxt "ay2_fdd5289a" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "Diya sort à l'extérieur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5433 +msgid "Hey Diya!" +msgstr "Salut Diya !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5436 +msgid "If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes." +msgstr "Si j’étais une enzyme, je serai une hélicase, pour te désaper sans gêne." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5438 +msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5441 +msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her." +msgstr "Diya se met à s'éloigner vivement sans elle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5443 +msgid "Man, you're not even trying!" +msgstr "Meuf, tu fais zéro effort !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5444 +msgid "The optimal counterflirt would be, \"Then I’ll be your topoisomerase to help you relieve your tension.\"" +msgstr "Le contre-flirt optimal serait, \"Alors, je serai ta topoisomérase pour soulager toutes tes tensions.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5446 +msgid "No one in the right mind would respond with that!" +msgstr "Personne de sensé répondrait un truc pareil !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5456 +msgid "Hey, you know I'm just kidding, right?" +msgstr "Hey, tu sais que je rigole, hein ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5458 +msgid "When there's no one around to flirt with, I flirt with you just to practice." +msgstr "Quand il y a personne avec qui flirter autour de moi, je m'entraîne en te draguant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5462 +msgid "It's not funny." +msgstr "C'est pas drôle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5466 +msgid "In her haste to catch up with Diya, Akarsha trips over a crack in the sidewalk." +msgstr "En se hâtant pour rattraper Diya, Akarsha trébuche sur une fissure du trottoir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5469 +msgid "Parkour." +msgstr "Parkour." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5472 +msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b_1" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5484 +msgid "The Prop 8 supporters are back at it again." +msgstr "Les supporters contre le mariage gay sont de retour." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5486 +msgid "Defend marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" +msgstr "Protégez le mariage ! Non au mariage gay !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5487 +msgid "Protect the children! Gay sex is sin!" +msgstr "Protégez les enfants ! Le sexe gay est un péché !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5501 +msgctxt "ay2_df3f6405" +msgid "Hey, Diya..." +msgstr "Hey Diya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5502 +msgid "Imagine biting into a Gusher the size of your hand." +msgstr "Imagine toi mordre dans un Dragibus de la taille de ta main." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5504 +msgid "Diya imagines it." +msgstr "Diya est en train d'imaginer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5509 +msgid "Cool." +msgstr "Sympa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5510 +msgid "I want one." +msgstr "J'en veux un." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5513 +msgid "Right??" +msgstr "Allez ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5518 +msgctxt "ay2_27ffda17" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "Berk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5521 +msgid "Yuck?!" +msgstr "Berk ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5524 +msgid "Too big." +msgstr "Trop gros." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5536 +msgid "We're here." +msgstr "On est ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5553 +msgctxt "p12_32d61905" +msgid "Diya! Help me!" +msgstr "Diya ! Aide moi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5555 +msgid "Bonjour," +msgstr "Salutations," + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5562 +msgid "Noelle smacks Akarsha really hard!" +msgstr "Noelle frappe Akarsha très fort !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5564 +msgid "OW!! How mean!!!" +msgstr "Aïe ! Quelle méchanceté !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5566 +msgid "Noelle hands Diya the water bottle as though nothing happened." +msgstr "Noelle tend une bouteille d'eau à Diya, comme si de rien n'était." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5569 +msgid "Diya twists the plastic sealed cap open and returns the bottle to Noelle." +msgstr "Diya ouvre le bouchon scellé en plastique, et redonne la bouteille à Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5571 +msgctxt "p12_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5572 +msgid "Are you alright? You seem off." +msgstr "Tu vas bien ? Tu m'as l'air bizarre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5574 +msgid "Think about that before you hit me??" +msgstr "Penses-y avant de m'avoir frappé ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5576 +msgid "Not everything is about you. I was talking to Diya." +msgstr "Tout ne te concerne pas nécessiarement. Je m'adressais à Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5578 +msgctxt "p12_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "... ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5581 +msgid "What? But there's nothing wrong with her." +msgstr "Quoi ? Mais y a rien qui cloche avec elle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5583 +msgid "Are you blind? She looks like a dog who just ate a Christmas ornament." +msgstr "T'es aveugle ? Elle ressemble à un chien qui vient de bouffer une déco de Noël." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5585 +msgid "Crap! That obvious??" +msgstr "Merde ! Ca se voit tant que ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5589 +msgid "Are you devastated about tiger sharks again?" +msgstr "Es-tu encore dévastée par les requins-tigres ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5591 +msgctxt "p12_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5593 +msgid "Diya found a picture of what tiger sharks look like the other day and was so disappointed that she had to go lie down." +msgstr "Diya a trouvé une photo montrant à quoi ressemblent les requins-tigres, et elle était tellement déçue qu'elle a dû aller s'allonger." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5594 +msgid "I don't even know what she was expecting." +msgstr "Je sais même pas à quoi elle s'attendait." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5596 +msgid "Okay, I seriously doubt that's the issue right now." +msgstr "D'ac, mais je pense sérieusement que c'est pas le sujet maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5598 +msgid "Diya, let me rephrase." +msgstr "Diya, je reformule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5599 +msgid "You are secretly worried about something and you can tell me what it is." +msgstr "Quelque chose te tracasse secrètement, et tu peux me dire ce que c'est." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5601 +msgctxt "p12_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5602 +msgid "I can't tell her. That I'm......" +msgstr "Je peux pas lui dire. Que je suis....." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5603 +msgctxt "p12_c3a1ef6e" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5606 +msgid "I knew it. She's becoming emo." +msgstr "Je le savais. Elle devient emo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5608 +msgid "All the warning signs were there. The black hair, the—" +msgstr "Tous les signes avant-coureurs étaient là. Les cheveux noirs, les—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5610 +msgid "We {i}ALL{/i} have black hair." +msgstr "On a {i}TOUTES{/i} les cheveux noirs." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5612 +msgid "Diya, you know you can tell me anything, right?" +msgstr "Diya, tu sais que tu peux tout me dire, pas vrai ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5613 +msgid "Let me know if you change your mind." +msgstr "Tiens moi au jus, si tu changes d'avis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5615 +msgctxt "p12_7d7b582b" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5642 +msgid "The flier says:\nJoin the new Baseball Club!!\nBeginners welcome!" +msgstr "Le dépliant dit :\n Rejoignez le nouveau Club de Baseball !!\nDébutants bienvenus !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5644 +msgctxt "baseballPoster_ee717027" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5645 +msgid "It's a baseball club!!!" +msgstr "C'est un club de baseball !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5646 +msgid "Baseball club!!!!!" +msgstr "Un club de baseball !!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5649 +msgid "It'll probably be all guys." +msgstr "Y'a probablement que des mecs." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5651 +msgid "What? Don't girls play baseball, too?" +msgstr "Quoi ? Les filles jouent également au baseball non ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5652 +msgid "I saw on TV before." +msgstr "Je l'ai déjà vu à la TV." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5654 +msgid "You're thinking of softball. Not baseball." +msgstr "Tu dois parler du softball. Pas du baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5657 +msgid "What's the difference?" +msgstr "C'est quoi la différence ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5659 +msgid "Softball is like baseball put through Google Translate and back." +msgstr "Le softball c'est du baseball genre copier-coller dans Google Traduction." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5660 +msgid "Everything's off by a few degrees." +msgstr "Avec un léger décalage au rendu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5664 +msgid "Diya takes a closer look at the flyer. The first meeting is this Friday." +msgstr "Diya, jette un oeil sur le tract. La première réunion est ce vendredi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5666 +msgid "It'll be scary going all by myself. But I made a promise, back then." +msgstr "Ça va être effrayant d'y aller seule. Mais j'ai une promesse à l'époque." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5667 +msgid "She would've been disappointed if I didn't go." +msgstr "Elle serait déçue si je n'y allais pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5704 +msgid "Are you going to be okay on your own with a bunch of strangers?" +msgstr "Ça va aller, toute seule avec un groupe d'inconnus ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5707 +msgctxt "meeting_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5709 +msgid "I thought so." +msgstr "C'est ce que je pensais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5710 +msgid "If you're going, I'm going with you." +msgstr "Si t'y vas, j'y vais avec toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5712 +msgctxt "meeting_1c63452a" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5713 +msgid "But don't you hate sports?" +msgstr "Mais, tu détestes pas le sport ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5716 +msgid "Of course I won't participate. I'll just utilize the time to do homework." +msgstr "Évidemment, je n'y participerai pas. Je ferai mes devoirs là-bas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5718 +msgctxt "meeting_46384388" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5719 +msgid "Phew. I feel a bit better now." +msgstr "Ouf. Je me sens un peu mieux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5722 +msgid "Back by unpopular demand: me." +msgstr "De retour alors que personne ne la demandait : moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5724 +msgid "Why are you here?" +msgstr "Pourquoi t'es là ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5726 +msgid "I'm bored. There's not enough drama around here for my taste." +msgstr "Je m'ennuie. Y'a pas assez de drama par ici à mon goût." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5727 +msgid "I'll be the idea man." +msgstr "Je serai la boîte à idée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5729 +msgid "We don't need an \"idea man\"!" +msgstr "On a pas besoin d'une \"boîte à idée\"!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5731 +msgid "New baseball rule: Everyone gets a brick. What you do with it is up to you." +msgstr "Nouvelles règles du baseball : tout le monde reçoit une brique. Ce que vous en faites ne tient qu'à vous." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5733 +msgid "Baseball without limits." +msgstr "Un baseball sans limite." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5735 +msgid "JUST GO HOME ALREADY!!" +msgstr "MAIS RENTRE CHEZ TOI !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5742 +msgid "There's a stranger over there." +msgstr "Y'a quelqu'un là-bas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5743 +msgid "Wow, she's taller than me." +msgstr "Waouh, elle est plus grande que moi. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5746 +msgctxt "meeting_501f1550" +msgid "........." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5750 +msgid "Diya accidentally makes eye contact with her!" +msgstr "Diya l'a accidentellement croisée du regard !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5751 +msgid "...Hey!" +msgstr "... Hé !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5753 +msgid ".......!" +msgstr ".......!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5756 +msgid "The stranger starts walking over!" +msgstr "Elle vient par ici !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5758 +msgid "Crap. She's coming this way." +msgstr "Merde. Elle vient vers nous." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5760 +msgid "She looks intimidating! If I say the wrong thing she'll think I'm weird." +msgstr "Elle a l'air intimidante ! Si je dis un truc de travers, elle pensera que je suis bizarre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5761 +msgid "Maybe if I lie motionless on the ground she'll think I'm asleep or dead." +msgstr "Peut-être que si je reste allongée sur le sol sans bouger, elle pensera que je suis endormie ou morte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5762 +msgid "Yeah. Good plan." +msgstr "Ouais. Bon plan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5767 +msgid "Diya plays dead!" +msgstr "Diya, fais la morte !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5768 +msgid "No! Diya, don't do this!" +msgstr "Non ! Diya, fais pas ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5769 +msgid "Hey! You guys are here to join the baseball club, right?" +msgstr "Hé ! Les meufs, vous êtes là pour rejoindre le club de baseball non ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5771 +msgid "I'm Chryssa!" +msgstr "Je suis Chryssa !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5772 +msgid "They call me...Ookoobshoob." +msgstr "On m'appelle... Ookoobshoob" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5773 +msgid "NO, THEY DON'T." +msgstr "NON, ON NE FAIT PAS CA." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5774 +msgid "It's Welsh." +msgstr "C'est gallois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5775 +msgid "IT'S NOT Welsh." +msgstr "C'EST PAS gallois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5776 +msgid "Her name is Akarsha." +msgstr "Son nom est Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5777 +msgid "I'm so sorry. She's always like this." +msgstr "Je suis vraiment désolée. Elle est toujours comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5778 +msgid "And this is Diya. Get up!" +msgstr "Et elle, c'est Diya. Lève toi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5779 +msgid "Noelle is trying to pull an unresponsive Diya back into upright position." +msgstr "Noelle essaye de relever Diya toujours inerte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5780 +msgid "Really???" +msgstr "Vraiment ???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5781 +msgid "Uh...is she okay?" +msgstr "Euh... Elle va bien ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5782 +msgid "She's fine. She just takes a while to warm up to people." +msgstr "Elle va bien. Elle a juste besoin d'un peu de temps avant de s'habituer aux gens." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5783 +msgid "No kidding. She did this to me for the entire month of September." +msgstr "C'est pas une blague. Elle a été comme ça avec moi durant tout le mois de septembre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5784 +msgctxt "meeting_e629b0d2" +msgid "........" +msgstr "........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5787 +msgid "Diya has finally given up on faking her death..." +msgstr "Diya renonce finalement à feindre sa mort..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5789 +msgid "Quiet kid, huh?" +msgstr "Une gosse timide, hein ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5791 +msgid "Why does everyone always say that? I'm not that quiet." +msgstr "Pourquoi tout le monde dit toujours ça ? Je suis pas si timide." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5794 +msgid "She's not much of a talker, but she's SHREDDED." +msgstr "Elle est pas bien bavarde mais elle est BARAQUE." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5795 +msgid "Look how ripped her abs are." +msgstr "Regarde comme ses abdos sont bien dessinés." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5797 +msgid "Akarsha tries to lift up Diya's shirt to expose her stomach." +msgstr "Akarsha essaye de soulever le haut de Diya pour montrer son ventre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5798 +msgid "Calmly, Diya catches Akarsha's wrist and twists it behind her back." +msgstr "Doucement, Diya attrape le poignet d'Akarsha et le retourne vers son dos." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5800 +msgid "Augh!! Okay!! Mercy!!" +msgstr "Arg !! Ok !! Pitié !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5802 +msgid "Diya played a lot of baseball back in elementary school." +msgstr "Diya a beaucoup joué au baseball en primaire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5804 +msgid "That's great! What position did she play?" +msgstr "C'est super ! Quel rôle avait-elle ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5806 +msgid "Uh........" +msgstr "Euh........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5808 +msgid "She's the person standing behind the.....the swinging place." +msgstr "Elle était celle qui restait derrière... l'endroit où tu frappes la balle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5810 +msgid "You mean the batter's box. I'm a catcher." +msgstr "Tu veux dire la boîte du frappeur. Je suis un receveur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5813 +msgid "The {i}swinging place?{/i} Really, man?" +msgstr "L'endroit {i}où tu frappes la balle ?{/i} Vraiment, meuf ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5815 +msgid "Shut up! How was I supposed to know?!" +msgstr "Ferme là ! Comment je pouvais le savoir ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5817 +msgid "What do you call the bat, then? \"The baseball stick\"?" +msgstr "Comment t'appelles la batte alors ?\"Le bâton de baseball\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5819 +msgid "I said shut up!!!" +msgstr "J'ai dit la ferme !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5821 +msgid "What about you, Akarsha?" +msgstr "Et toi Akarsha ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5823 +msgid "I can bench press over six million and ninety-two nanograms." +msgstr "Je peux soulever plus de six millions quatre-vingt-douze nanogrammes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5825 +msgid "...That's barely 2 pounds." +msgstr "C'est à peine 900 grammes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5827 +msgid "It sounded better the way I said it." +msgstr "Ça passait mieux quand je le disais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5829 +msgid "Chryssa turns to Noelle and points at her." +msgstr "Chryssa se tourne vers Noelle et la montre du doigt." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5831 +msgid "What about you? You haven't introduced yourself yet." +msgstr "Et toi ? Tu t'es pas encore présentée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5833 +msgid "Oh, I'm not here to join. We probably won't meet again." +msgstr "Oh, je ne suis pas là pour m'inscrire. On se reverra probablement pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5835 +msgid "That's a shame. I should try to change your mind. " +msgstr "Quel dommage. Je devrais essayer de te faire changer d'avis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5837 +msgid "I strongly advise against it. Your efforts will prove futile." +msgstr "Je te le déconseille fortement. Tes efforts seront vains." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5839 +msgctxt "meeting_77ca933f" +msgid "If you say so..." +msgstr "Si tu le dis..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5842 +msgid "In any case, we're glad you all came. We'll be starting the meeting in a bit." +msgstr "Dans tous les cas, on est contente que vous soyez toutes venues. On va commencer la réunion sous peu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5843 +msgid "In the meantime, you guys can get your paperwork from Liz first." +msgstr "Pendant ce temps, les filles vous pouvez d'abord récupérer les papiers à remplir chez Liz." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5845 +msgid "Gotcha." +msgstr "J'ai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5849 +msgid "Chryssa goes off to greet some other girls who showed up." +msgstr "Chryssa va saluer les autres filles qui viennent d'arriver." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5851 +msgid "I guess she isn't too scary after all." +msgstr "J'imagine qu'elle n'est pas si effrayante finalement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5852 +msgid "She seems like the kind of person who'd walk into a pizza restaurant she ate at one time 6 years ago and yell, \"Remember us??\"" +msgstr "Elle a l'air d'être le genre de personne à rentrer dans une pizzeria dans laquelle elle a été mangé il y a 6 ans et te sortir, \"Tu te souviens de nous ??\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5858 +msgid "......!" +msgstr "......!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5861 +msgid "Hello! Can I help you?" +msgstr "Salut ! Je peux vous aider ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5863 +msgid "You must be Liz." +msgstr "Tu dois être Liz." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5865 +msgid "Yup!" +msgstr "Ouaip !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5867 +msgid "She hands them their forms." +msgstr "Elle leur remet leurs formulaires." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5869 +msgid "I don't need one. I'm not here to join." +msgstr "J'en ai pas besoin. Je suis pas là pour m'inscrire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5871 +msgid "Aw, are you sure?" +msgstr "Oh, t'es sûre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5872 +msgid "We'd love to have you!" +msgstr "On adorerait t'avoir !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5874 +msgid "No, you really don't. I'm not the athletic type." +msgstr "Non, tu ne veux pas. Je suis pas sportive." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5876 +msgid "Then joining us would do you some good, don't you think?" +msgstr "Du coup, nous rejoindre te ferait du bien, tu crois pas ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5877 +msgid "We need all the players we can get, so don't be afraid we'll reject you or anything like that." +msgstr "On a besoin de toutes les joueuses qu'on peut avoir, alors n'aie pas peur qu'on te rejette ou quelque chose comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5878 +msgid "We'll accept you no matter what. Whether you're good, bad, dumb, weird, unathletic..." +msgstr "On t'accepte quoiqu'il arrive. Que tu sois bonne, mauvaise, stupide, bizarre, pas sportive..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5880 +msgid "What's with all those insults mixed in??" +msgstr "C'est quoi toutes ces insultes en vrac ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5881 +msgid "And no, I'm genuinely not interested. I hate sports." +msgstr "Et non, je suis sincèrement pas intéressée. Je déteste le sport." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5882 +msgid "I'm just here for Diya." +msgstr "Je suis juste là pour Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5884 +msgid "That's so sweet of you." +msgstr "C'est tellement mignon de ta part." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5886 +msgid "It's not as though it takes a lot of effort to sit here and do nothing." +msgstr "C'est pas comme si c'était un réel effort de s'assoir ici et de rien faire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5887 +msgid "I coincidentally happened to be free today, anyway." +msgstr "Il se trouve que je suis libre aujourd'hui, de toute façon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5889 +msgid "Awww! You don't have to get all embarrassed about it." +msgstr "Ahhh ! T'as pas à être gênée pour ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5891 +msgid "I'm not getting embarrassed!" +msgstr "Je ne le suis pas !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5893 +msgid "Liz smiles at Diya, who shrinks back in fear." +msgstr "Liz sourit à Diya qui recule de peur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5895 +msgid "I'm so glad you came!" +msgstr "Je suis contente que tu sois venue !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5897 +msgid "I had a feeling you would." +msgstr "Je sentais que tu viendrais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5899 +msgid "Changed your mind about the club, have you?" +msgstr "T'as changé d'avis sur le club, non ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5900 +msgid "I knew you'd come around." +msgstr "Je savais que tu viendrais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5902 +msgid "I was at one of your games when you were little." +msgstr "J'étais à un de tes match quand tu étais petite." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5903 +msgid "You were so scary! Everyone would back up whenever you came up to bat." +msgstr "Tu étais si effrayante ! Tout le monde reculait à chaque fois que tu venais pour frapper à la batte." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5905 +msgid "By the way, why is everyone in this club a girl?" +msgstr "Au fait, pourquoi il n'y a que des filles dans le club ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5908 +msgctxt "lookLiz_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5910 +msgid "They are?!" +msgstr "Des filles ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5913 +msgid "Look. There's us four, Chryssa, and then some other random girls over there." +msgstr "Regarde. Y'a nous quatre, Chryssa, et quelques meufs quelconques là-bas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5918 +msgid "That's so odd." +msgstr "C'est trop chelou." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5920 +msgid "So it isn't on purpose?" +msgstr "Donc c'est pas fait exprès ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5922 +msgid "Nope. I don't know why those other girls joined." +msgstr "Nan. Je sais pas pourquoi ces autres filles sont venues." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5924 +msgid "What a strange coincidence." +msgstr "Quelle drôle de coïncidence." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5926 +msgid "Are you SURE you guys didn't, like, subconsciously do it?" +msgstr "Vous êtes SÛRES que vous avez pas, genre, subconsciemment causé ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5928 +msgid "Why would we subconsciously want a group of girls?" +msgstr "Pourquoi on voudrait subconsciemment un groupe de filles ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5930 +msgid "'Cause guys are like communism." +msgstr "Parce que les mecs c'est comme le communisme." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5931 +msgid "They're good in concept, but in reality they suck." +msgstr "Ils sont bien sur le papier, mais en vrai ils sont nuls." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5933 +msgid "When you gather enough guys into a group, they suddenly become a bunch of douchebags." +msgstr "Quand tu rassembles assez de mecs dans un groupe, ils deviennent soudainement un tas de trous d'uc !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5934 +msgid "It's like magic." +msgstr "C'est comme de la magie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5936 +msgid "What kind of overgeneralization is that?" +msgstr "Mais c'est quoi cette généralisation ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5938 +msgid "It's not racist if it's true!" +msgstr "C'est pas raciste si c'est vrai !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5940 +msgid "Do you ever stand in a circle of people talking and not say anything the entire time?" +msgstr "Ça vous arrive de rester debout dans un cercle de gens qui parlent, et de rien dire tout du long ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5941 +msgid "There's no reason for me to be here. I wonder how it's so easy for them to just talk." +msgstr "J'ai pas de raison d'être là. J'me demande comment elles arrivent à parler aussi facilement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5944 +msgid "Diya stares off into space." +msgstr "Diya regarde dans le vide." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5945 +msgid "Eventually, the conversation draws to a close and Liz goes off to attend to other club members." +msgstr "Au bout d'un moment, la conversation se termine, et Liz va s'occuper des autres membres du club." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5948 +msgid "Finally." +msgstr "Enfin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5951 +msgid "*whispering* Dude, I just can't get over how weird her name is." +msgstr "*chuchote* Meuf, j'arrive vraiment pas à me à son nom." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5953 +msgid "The heck kind of name is \"Liz\"?" +msgstr "\"Liz\", c'est quoi c'te nom ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5956 +msgid "It's probably short for something." +msgstr "C'est sûrement un diminutif." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5958 +msgid "Like what? Liz...bian? Lesbian?" +msgstr "De quoi ? Liz...bienne ? Lesbienne ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5960 +msgid "THAT'S NOT A NAME." +msgstr "C'EST PAS UN NOM ÇA !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5962 +msgid "Liz...ard Man?" +msgstr "Liz...ard Man ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5964 +msgid "That'd be a thousand times weirder than \"Liz\" in the first place!" +msgstr "Ce serait mille fois plus bizarre que \"Liz\" en plus !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5966 +msgid "No, wait. I've got it." +msgstr "Nan, attend. J'ai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5967 +msgid "Her parents met at a Petco when the lizards went on sale, \nbut there was only one left." +msgstr "Ses parents se sont rencontrés à l'animalerie quand y'avait des soldes sur les lézarts, \n mais il n'y en avait plus qu'un." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5968 +msgid "So then they were like, \"Darn. We gotta get married and share it.\"" +msgstr "Donc ils étaient genre, \"Oh. Il faut qu'on se marrie et qu'on se le partage.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5970 +msgid "No one would get married over that!" +msgstr "Mais personne se marierait pour ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5972 +msgid "You'd be surprised, man. Some people are hella desperate." +msgstr "Meuf, tu serais surprise. Y'a des gens vraiment désespérés." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5974 +msgid "Nobody is {i}that{/i} desperate!" +msgstr "Personne est désespéré {i}à ce point{/i} !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5976 +msgid "And then Lizard Man was born." +msgstr "Et c'est ainsi que Lizard Man est née." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5977 +msgid "They gave their kid a name that paid homage to her lizard origins, but in a low-key way." +msgstr "Ils ont donné un nom à leur enfant en hommage à ses origines de lézardesques, mais discrètement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5979 +msgid "Totally plausible. Myth {i}confirmed{/i}." +msgstr "Totallement plausible. Mythe {i}confirmé{/i}." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5980 +msgid "Noelle is trying really hard not to smile." +msgstr "Noelle essaye très fort de ne pas sourire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5982 +msgid "Myth NOT confirmed. Her name could just be \"Liz\" by itself!" +msgstr "Mythe PAS confirmé. Son nom pourrait juste être \"Liz\" tout seul !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5984 +msgid "Nawwww, that's boring. My beautiful romance is way better." +msgstr "Naaaaan, c'est nul. Ma belle histoire romantique est tellement mieux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5986 +msgid "Your \"beautiful romance\" was set in Petco!" +msgstr "Ta \"belle histoire romantique\" se passait à l'animalerie !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5988 +msgid "So picky, man!" +msgstr "T'es vraiment difficile, meuf !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5989 +msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you?" +msgstr "Mais quelle genre de Française es-tu ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5990 +msgid "Weird name...no mustache...no romance..." +msgstr "Un nom bizarre... pas de moustache... pas de romance..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5992 +msgid "Look, how is my name weird?" +msgstr "Eh, comment ça mon nom est bizarre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5993 +msgid "All names have to originate from somewhere." +msgstr "Tous les noms doivent bien venir de quelque part." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5994 +msgid "I don't get why you're so fixated on it." +msgstr "Je comprends pas pourquoi tu fais une fixette dessus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5996 +msgid "Because it's strange?" +msgstr "Parce qu'il est chelou ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5997 +msgid "Isn't Noelle normally a name you give to kids born in December?" +msgstr "Noelle c'est pas normalement un nom qu'on donne aux enfants nés en décembre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5999 +msgid "My parents are Asian. They don't know that." +msgstr "Mes parents sont asiatiques. Ils sont pas au courant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6000 +msgid "It's like how there's a guy in our class named Skye because his parents didn't know it's a girl name." +msgstr "C'est le gars dans notre classe qui s'appelle Skye parce que ses parents ne savaient pas que c'était un nom de fille." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6002 +msgid "There's also a Chinese guy in the grade above us named Stone." +msgstr "Il y a aussi un chinois dans la classe au-dessus qui s'appelle Stone." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6005 +msgid "STONE..." +msgstr "STONE..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6007 +msgid "I'm pretty sure my parents stole my name from a random girl who lived down the street." +msgstr "Je suis quasiment sûre que mes parents ont piqué le nom d'une fille quelconque qui vivait dans la rue." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6008 +msgid "They probably didn't know a lot of Western names and just thought it sounded good." +msgstr "Ils ne connaissaient probablement pas beaucoup de noms occidentaux, et ils ont juste du penser que ça sonnait pas mal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6010 +msgid "But still, what kind of Chinese parents would name their kid Noelle?" +msgstr "Mais quand même, quelle genre de parents chinois appelleraient leur gamin Noelle ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6011 +msgid "It doesn't match up at all. It's like if I had a kid and named him Naruto." +msgstr "Ça colle pas du tout. C'est comme si j'avais un fils et que je l'appelais Naruto." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6012 +msgid "Noelle looks really taken aback." +msgstr "Noelle a l'air choquée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6014 +msgid "That...that would be weird." +msgstr "Ça... ça serait bizarre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6016 +msgid "Literally all your ancestors going back for CENTURIES had names like Wong Kar-wai or Mulan or whatever." +msgstr "Tes ancêtres depuis des SIÈCLES avaient des noms comme Wong Kar-wai ou Mulan, des trucs du genre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6017 +msgid "And then there's you! Combo breaker." +msgstr "Et puis y'a toi ! La destructrice de combos." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6019 +msgid "Also, do you ever think about how crazy it is that we're friends." +msgstr "Aussi, tu as déjà pensé à quelle point c'était dingue qu'on soit potes ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6020 +msgid "In any part of history up until now, we never would've met." +msgstr "Dans toute l'histoire du monde jusqu'à aujourd'hui, on ne se serait jamais rencontrées." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6021 +msgid "And even if we did by some miracle, we wouldn't speak the same language." +msgstr "Et même si par miracle c'était le cas, on ne parlerait pas la même langue." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6022 +msgid "We wouldn't even be able to communicate." +msgstr "On arriverait même pas à communiquer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6025 +msgid "Well, you and Akarsha could." +msgstr "Enfin, toi et Akarsha pourraient." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6027 +msgid "Naw, we wouldn't." +msgstr "Nan, on pourrait pas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6029 +msgid "They don't speak Hindi in Tamil Nadu. Right, Madrasi?" +msgstr "Ils ne parlent pas Hindi au Tamil Nadu. N'est-ce pas, Madrasi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6031 +msgid "Don't call me that." +msgstr "Ne m'appelle pas comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6034 +msgid "What's wrong with calling you Madrasi when you're from Madras?" +msgstr "C'est quoi le problème de t'appeler Madrasi si tu viens de Madras ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6036 +msgid "What's wrong with calling you an idiot when you are one?" +msgstr "Et c'est quoi le problème de t'appeler une idiote quand tu en es une ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6039 +msgid "It's sad imagining Noelle all by herself on a little island in Taiwan." +msgstr "C'est triste d'imaginer Noelle toute seule sur une petite île à Taiwan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6041 +msgid "What do you mean \"all by herself\"?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire, \"toute seule\" ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6042 +msgid "It's not like I'd be completely alone without you two." +msgstr "C'est pas comme si je serais complètement seule sans vous deux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6044 +msgctxt "lookLiz_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6047 +msgctxt "lookLiz_5db23ed9" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6049 +msgid "STOP LOOKING SKEPTICAL." +msgstr "ARRÊTEZ CE PETIT AIR SCEPTIQUE." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6050 +msgid "I would be able to make different friends." +msgstr "Je serais capable de me faire d'autres amis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6052 +msgid ".......Sure........." +msgstr ".......Oui tout à fait........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6053 +msgctxt "lookLiz_790fe684" +msgid "If you say so..." +msgstr "Si tu le dis..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6056 +msgid "YOU'RE THE WORST! I HATE YOU!!!!" +msgstr "MAIS VOUS ÊTES LES PIRES DU PIRE ! JE VOUS HAIS !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6058 +msgid "Chryssa brings her fingers to her lips and lets out a sharp whistle to get their attention." +msgstr "Chryssa siffle un grand coup avec ses doigts pour attirer leur attention." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6060 +msgid "Alright guys!! Meeting's starting!" +msgstr "Allez tout le monde !! L'assemblée commence !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6068 +msgid "Everyone gathers in front of Chryssa and Liz." +msgstr "Tout le monde se rassemble devant Chryssa et Liz." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6070 +msgid "Welcome to the Baseball Club!" +msgstr "Bienvenue au club de Baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6071 +msgid "As you're probably aware, our school doesn't have an official baseball program anymore. So we made one ourselves." +msgstr "Comme vous le savez déjà, notre école n'a plus de baseball dans le programme officiel. Alors on en fait nous-mêmes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6073 +msgid "You guys can think of it as a baseball team, Lite edition." +msgstr "Vous pouvez voir ça comme une équipe de baseball, mais Lite." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6075 +msgid "Or a cheap budget edition. Since we can't afford to hire managers and stuff." +msgstr "Ou une version pas chère. Puisqu'on a pas de quoi payer des managers et ce genre de choses." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6077 +msgid "Lite edition sounds less scrappy. Like Coke Zero." +msgstr "Version Lite ça sonne moins fait à l'arrache. Un peu comme le Coca Zero." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6079 +msgid "Anyhow, you can read up on the details in your club membership forms! It's pretty self explanatory." +msgstr "Dans tous les cas, vous pourrez lire les détails dans votre formulaire d'inscription ! C'est assez clair en soi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6080 +msgid "This is just a recreational club for fun, not an official school sports team, so the paperwork is really simple." +msgstr "C'est juste un club pour le fun, pas une équipe officielle, donc la paperasse est vraiment simple." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6081 +msgid "There's just a membership fee and a sheet your parents have to sign." +msgstr "Il y a juste une cotisation et la feuille d'inscription à faire signer par vos parents." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6083 +msgid "Basically, the sheet says if you get hurt or whatever while you're here, you can't sue us." +msgstr "En deux mots, la feuille d'inscription sert à éviter les problèmes judiciaires si jamais vous vous blessez ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6084 +msgid "Oh, and our practice schedule's in there, too. Though we're still negotiating our game dates." +msgstr "Oh, et notre planning est là, aussi. Enfin, on est encore en train de négocier nos dates de match." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6086 +msgid "A girl standing in front of Diya raises her hand." +msgstr "Une fille devant Diya lève sa main." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6087 +msgid "Game dates? Who are we playing against?" +msgstr "Dates de matchs ? On va jouer contre qui ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6089 +msgid "Whoever we can get. Mostly teams from other schools." +msgstr "N'importe qui voulant bien jouer avec nous. Principalement des équipes d'autres écoles." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6090 +msgid "But don't worry, it'll be pretty casual." +msgstr "Mais vous inquiétez pas, ça sera plutôt tranquille." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6091 +msgid "Hopefully we'll have enough members to at least fill the roster by then." +msgstr "Avec un peu de chance, on aura assez de membres pour au moins compléter l'équipe d'ici là." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6092 +msgid "Any other questions?" +msgstr "D'autres questions ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6094 +msgid "If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, would it visibly change color?" +msgstr "Si chaque personne sur Terre dirigeait un pointeur laser vers la Lune en même temps, est-ce qu'elle changerait de couleur ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6096 +msgid "Any {i}relevant{/i} questions?" +msgstr "Des questions {i}pertinentes{/i} ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6097 +msgid "Silence..." +msgstr "Silence..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6099 +msgid "Then let's all introduce ourselves with a cheesy icebreaker activity!" +msgstr "Bon, nous allons tous nous présenter avec une activité brise-glace !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6101 +msgid "Say your name, grade, and one fun fact about yourself." +msgstr "Dites votre nom, votre classe et un fait amusant sur vous." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6102 +msgid "Diya immediately wants to go home!" +msgstr "Diya veut immédiatement rentrer à la maison !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6104 +msgid "No!!!! I hate these!!!!!" +msgstr " Oh non ! Je déteste ça !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6105 +msgid "I can never think of any fun facts! I'm boring!!" +msgstr "Je n'ai pas de fait amusant ! Je suis ennuyeuse !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6107 +msgid "I'll start! I'm Chryssa, and I'm a senior." +msgstr "Je vais commencer ! Je m'appelle Chryssa et je suis en terminale." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6108 +msgid "Fun fact. Uh..." +msgstr "Fait amusant. Heu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6110 +msgid "I have one." +msgstr "J'en ai un" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6111 +msgid "She reads cryptid articles at night and scares herself, and then is afraid to get up and use the bathroom." +msgstr "Elle lit des articles sur le paranormal la nuit et se fait peur elle même, puis elle a peur de se lever et d'aller aux toilettes." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6113 +msgid "If you're going to choose a fact for me, at least choose a flattering one!" +msgstr "Si tu dois choisir un fait pour moi, choisis-en au moins un flatteur !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6115 +msgid "My turn now! I'm Liz, and I'm a senior too." +msgstr "À mon tour maintenant ! Je m'appelle Liz et je suis en terminale aussi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6117 +msgid "Her fun fact is that she can lick her elbow." +msgstr "Son fait amusant est qu'elle peut lécher son coude." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6119 +msgid "I thought that was supposed to be impossible?" +msgstr "Je croyais que c'était impossible ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6122 +msgctxt "lookLiz_1c3038ba" +msgid "Do it!" +msgstr "Fais-le !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6124 +msgid "Liz does it." +msgstr "Liz fais-le." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6126 +msgid "WHAT THE..." +msgstr "QU'EST-CE QUE..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6128 +msgid "What is she, a clown??" +msgstr "Elle est quoi, un clown ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6130 +msgid "Diya has gone back to being afraid of Liz again!" +msgstr "Diya a recommencé à avoir peur de Liz !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6131 +msgid "Liz gestures at another girl to go next." +msgstr "Liz fait signe à une autre fille de passer après elle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6134 +msgid "Watashi wa Sakura desu." +msgstr "Watashi wa Sakura desu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6137 +msgid "And I'm Yuki." +msgstr "Et je m'appelle Yuki" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6141 +msgid "THERE'S NO WAY THOSE ARE YOUR REAL NAMES." +msgstr "IL N'Y A AUCUNE CHANCE QUE CE SOIT VOS VRAIS NOMS." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6143 +msgid "Hey, it doesn't hurt to humor them! Support their interests!" +msgstr "Hé, L'humour ne fait pas de mal ! Soutenez leurs intérêts !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6145 +msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade." +msgstr "Watashi wa suis en seconde" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6147 +msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade too." +msgstr "Watashi wa suis en seconde aussi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6149 +msgid "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT." +msgstr "ARRÊTEZ DE PARLER COMME ÇA" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6151 +msgid "I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE..." +msgstr "J'AI TROUVÉ MON PEUPLE" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6153 +msgid "The next girl up looks more normal." +msgstr "La fille suivante semble plus normale." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6157 +msgid "I'm Ester —" +msgstr "Je m'appelle Ester —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6159 +msgid "Wait. Why are you here??" +msgstr "Attends. Pourquoi es-tu là ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6160 +msgid "I tried to recruit you before. You said you weren't interested in baseball." +msgstr "J'ai essayé de te recruter avant. Tu as dit que tu n'étais pas intéressé par le baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6162 +msgid "I'll give it a chance." +msgstr "Je vais lui donner une chance" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6164 +msgid "Alright, which anime has baseball in it?" +msgstr "Bon, quel anime a du baseball dedans ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6166 +msgid "What? I never said it was because of —" +msgstr "Quoi ? Je n'ai jamais dit que c'était à cause de —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6168 +msgid "Which anime has baseball in it?" +msgstr "Quel anime a du baseball dedans ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6170 +msgid "It's Oofuri." +msgstr "C'est Oofuri" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6172 +msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6174 +msgid "Don't tell me that's why Sakura and Yuki are here, too..." +msgstr "Ne me dis pas que c'est pour ça que Sakura et Yuki sont là aussi..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6177 +msgctxt "lookLiz_06ad80a3" +msgid "Heck no." +msgstr "Ça non" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6178 +msgid "I'm here because of Daiya no Ace." +msgstr "Je suis ici grâce à Daiya no Ace." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6180 +msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6182 +msgctxt "lookLiz_af831f3f" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6184 +msgid "What, is it a crime to like anime?" +msgstr "Bah quoi, c'est un crime d'aimer un anime ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6186 +msgctxt "lookLiz_97a7b20d" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Oui" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6188 +msgid "Okay, let's move on." +msgstr "Ok, passons à autre chose." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6190 +msgid "Diya watches the icebreaker's progress with mounting terror." +msgstr "Diya regarde la progression de l'activité avec une terreur croissante." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6191 +msgid "Her palms have grown clammy, like when she's getting ready to say \"Here\" during roll call." +msgstr "Ses paumes sont devenues moites, comme lorsqu'elle se prépare à dire \"ici\" pendant l'appel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6195 +msgid "Crap. It's almost my turn and I still can't think of any cool facts." +msgstr "Merde. C'est presque mon tour et je n'arrive toujours pas à penser à des choses cool." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6196 +msgid "\"I like crunching on ice cubes?\"" +msgstr "\"J'aime croquer des glaçons ?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6197 +msgid "\"When I go to people's houses, {w=0.35}I'm too scared to ask where the cups are, {w=0.35}so I go to the bathroom and drink from the faucet instead?\"" +msgstr "\"Quand je vais chez des gens, {w=0.35}J'ai trop peur de demander où sont les tasses, {w=0.35}alors je vais aux toilettes et je bois au robinet à la place ?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6198 +msgid "\"Whenever an assembly is over and we're supposed to help carry the folding chairs back,{w=0.35} I secretly hope people notice how many I'm holding?\"" +msgstr "\"Quand une assemblée est terminée et qu'on doit aider à porter les chaises pliantes,{w=0.35} J'espère secrètement que les gens remarqueront combien j'en ai en main ?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6201 +msgid "These are all so bad!{w=0.35} What the???" +msgstr "Ils sont tous si mauvais !{w=0.35} Qu'est-ce que c'est ???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6203 +msgid "By now, three other people have gone.{w=0.35} It's Akarsha's turn..." +msgstr "A présent, trois autres personnes sont parties.{w=0.35} C'est le tour d'Akarsha" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6205 +msgid "What up ding dongs!{w=0.35} I'm a freshman." +msgstr "Quoi de neuf les idiots !{w=0.35} Je suis en seconde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6207 +msgid "Ding dongs..." +msgstr "Les idiots..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6210 +msgid "My name is...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." +msgstr "Mon nom est...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6212 +msgctxt "lookLiz_6a61dc07" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6215 +msgid "Fun fact:{w=0.35} I once found 2 mutant tater tots that were fused together and sold them on eBay for $40." +msgstr "Fait amusant:{w=0.35} Une fois, j'ai trouvé deux croquettes de patates frites mutantes qui avaient fusionné ensemble et je les ai vendus sur eBay pour 40 $." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6217 +msgid "Selling things sounds stressful. " +msgstr "Vendre des choses semble stressant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6218 +msgid "I would've just eaten them." +msgstr "Je les aurais juste mangés." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6222 +msgid "Noelle is the next one over,{w=0.35} so everyone looks at her expectantly." +msgstr "Noelle est la prochaine à passer,{w=0.35} alors tout le monde la regarde en attendant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6223 +msgid "Skip me.{w=0.35} I'm not here to join." +msgstr "Sautez-moi.{w=0.35} Je ne suis pas ici pour rejoindre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6225 +msgid "Let's move on to Diya, shall we?" +msgstr "Passons à Diya, d'accord ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6229 +msgid "All eyes are on Diya now..." +msgstr "Tous les regards sont sur Diya maintenant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6232 +msgid "Okay!!!{w=0.35} Calm down, me!!" +msgstr "Ok !!!{w=0.35} Calme toi !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6233 +msgid "All I have to do is say \"I'm Diya.\"" +msgstr "Tout ce que j'ai à dire c'est \"Je m'appelle Diya.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6234 +msgid "But wait...{w=0.35} Didn't she just say my name?" +msgstr "Mais attends...{w=0.35} Ne vient-elle pas de dire mon nom ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6235 +msgid "Does it seem redundant if I repeat it?" +msgstr "Est-ce que c'est redondant si je le répète ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6236 +msgid "No, I'm overthinking this.{w=0.35} I should just say it like everyone else." +msgstr "Non, je réfléchis trop. {w=0.35} Je devrais juste le dire comme tout le monde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6238 +msgctxt "lookLiz_cafd7987" +msgid "I'm Diya." +msgstr "Je m'appelle Diya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6239 +msgid "Yeah.{w=0.35} So far, so good." +msgstr "Ouais.{w=0.35} Jusqu'ici tout va bien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6240 +msgctxt "lookLiz_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6244 +msgid "What else was I supposed to say?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que j'étais censé dire d'autre ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6245 +msgid "??????????" +msgstr "??????????" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6248 +msgid "Panic is rising in Diya's chest!" +msgstr "La panique monte dans la poitrine de Diya !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6250 +msgid "I've already messed up! I'm embarrassing myself in front of everyone!" +msgstr "J'ai déjà tout gâché ! Je m'embarrasse devant tout le monde !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6251 +msgid "This is the worst! Even worse than reading a passage out loud in class!" +msgstr "C'est le pire ! Encore pire que de lire un passage à haute voix en classe !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6252 +msgid "I shouldn't have come here!" +msgstr "Je n'aurais pas dû venir ici !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6258 +msgid "Diya bolts from the meeting!" +msgstr "Diya s'enfuit de la réunion !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6259 +msgid "Distantly, she can hear Noelle calling out after her." +msgstr "De loin, elle peut entendre Noelle l'appeler." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6261 +msgid "Diya! Wait!" +msgstr "Diya, attends !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6264 +msgid "I can't go back now!" +msgstr "Je ne peux pas revenir en arrière maintenant !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6272 +msgid "Powered by nervous energy, Diya barrels into the locker room." +msgstr "Propulsée par son énergie nerveuse, Diya fonce vers les vestiaires." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6273 +msgid "Her plan now is basically to run as far as her legs will carry her." +msgstr "Son plan consiste maintenant à courir aussi loin que ses jambes le lui permettent." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6275 +msgid "I suddenly feel like running 3 or 4 miles!!!" +msgstr "J'ai soudainement envie de courir 5 ou 6 km !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6309 +msgid "Diya crashes into someone!" +msgstr "Diya percute quelqu'un !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6313 +msgid "????!" +msgstr "????!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6314 +msgid "Ow?? I landed on my butt..." +msgstr "Ouille?? Je suis tombé sur les fesses..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6318 +msgid "Someone is lying on top of her. They roughly grab the front of Diya's shirt." +msgstr "Quelqu'un est tombée sur elle. La personne attrape le col du T-Shirt de Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6320 +msgid "Watch where you're going, motherfu—" +msgstr "Regarde où tu vas, espèce de—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6324 +msgid "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6328 +msgid "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6329 +msgid "IT'S YOU!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "C'EST TOI !!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6334 +msgid "Min hugs her!" +msgstr "Min la serre dans ses bras !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6337 +msgid "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" +msgstr "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6338 +msgid "Wow!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Waouh !!!!!!! C'est génial !!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6342 +msgid "I promised I'd come back, didn't I?" +msgstr "J'avais promis que j'reviendrais, non ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6344 +msgid "I'm never letting go of you again!!" +msgstr "Je te laisserais plus jamais !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6347 +msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6350 +msgctxt "ch6_f35ccb75" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6353 +msgctxt "ch6_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6354 +msgid "I'M GAY. I'M GAY. I'M GAY!" +msgstr "CHUIS GAY. CHUIS GAY. CHUIS GAY!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6357 +msgid "I need to get up." +msgstr "Il faut que je me relève." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6360 +msgid "Um." +msgstr "Hum." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6361 +msgid "Actually, this ground is really gross and dirty." +msgstr "En fait, ce sol est vraiment moche et sale." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6362 +msgid "I can see other people's hair on it." +msgstr "Je peux voir des cheveux d'autres gens par terre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6365 +msgid "Oh. Okay, I'll let you up." +msgstr "Oh. Ok. Je te laisse te relever." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6372 +msgid "Min gets off and looks Diya up and down as she staggers to her feet." +msgstr "Min se dégage et dévisage Diya de haut en bas, tandis qu'elle se relève." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6374 +msgid "Wow...I almost forgot how pretty you are." +msgstr "Wow, j'avais presque oublié à quelle point tu étais belle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6376 +msgid "You could be a model." +msgstr "Tu pourrais être une top-modèle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6378 +msgctxt "ch6_c50f2165" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6379 +msgid "I almost forgot she did this all the time..." +msgstr "J'ai presque oublié qu'elle faisait ça tout le temps..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6381 +msgid "You didn't get taller than me." +msgstr "T'es toujours pas plus grande que moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6384 +msgid "Hey, I'm still growing." +msgstr "Hé, je suis encore en pleine croissance !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6386 +msgid "You're off by almost a foot." +msgstr "Il te manque encore une bonne tête." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6389 +msgid "There's still hope!" +msgstr "J'ai encore espoir !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6391 +msgid "You really never give up, do you." +msgstr "Tu n'abandonnes vraiment jamais, hein." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6394 +msgid "Of course not." +msgstr "Bien sûr que non." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6396 +msgid "I'll work hard so I can take you!" +msgstr "Je vais bosser dur pour te prendre !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6398 +msgid "O-OVERTAKE! I MEAN OVERTAKE YOU!" +msgstr "SU-SURPRENDRE ! JE VOULAIS DIRE TE SURPRENDRE !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6400 +msgid "In an attempt to hide her embarrassment, Min turns her head to the side and points to her ear." +msgstr "Pour essayer de cacher son embarras, Min tourne la tête pour pointer son oreille du doigt." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6402 +msgid "Look! I have piercings now!" +msgstr "Regarde ! J'ai des piercings maintenant !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6403 +msgid "Don't I look cool??" +msgstr "J'ai l'air cool, hein ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6405 +msgid "You look cool." +msgstr "T'as l'air cool, ouais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6408 +msgid "And I got a butterfly knife!!!" +msgstr "Et j'ai acheté un couteau pliable !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6409 +msgid "Min pulls a knife out!!" +msgstr "Min sort le couteau !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6410 +msgid "Watch this!!!" +msgstr "Regarde ça !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6411 +msgid "Min flips the knife open and does a trick! It looks really dangerous!" +msgstr "Min déplie le couteau et joue avec ! Ça a l'air très dangereux !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6413 +msgid "Whoa!! Min is so brave!!" +msgstr "Whoa !! Min est tellement courageuse !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6415 +msgid "I missed you." +msgstr "Tu m'as manquée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6418 +msgid "I missed you too!" +msgstr "Tu m'as aussi manquée !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6420 +msgctxt "ch6_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6423 +msgctxt "ch6_f8a1f174" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6427 +msgctxt "ch6_677f9015" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6433 +msgctxt "ch6_0f158bd8" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6437 +msgctxt "ch6_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6442 +msgid "Someone runs into the locker room! She's wheezing so hard for breath that Diya knows who it is before looking." +msgstr "Quelqu'un déboule dans les vestiaires ! Elle est tellement essouflée que Diya devinne qui c'ést avant même de regarder." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6445 +msgid "Diya, there you are!" +msgstr "Diya, enfin te voilà !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6446 +msgid "Everyone is looking for y—" +msgstr "Tout le monde est après t—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6451 +msgid "{i}You!{/i}" +msgstr "{i}Toi !{/i}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6455 +msgctxt "ch6_46e87e05" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6457 +msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6461 +msgid "How...you...Why are you here?" +msgstr "Comment... toi... Pourquoi es-tu là ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6466 +msgid "That's my line." +msgstr "C'est ma réplique." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6468 +msgid "I can't believe Diya still lets a weakling like you hang out with her." +msgstr "Je n'arrive pas à croire que Diya continue de laisser une faiblarde comme toi être pote avec elle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6469 +msgid "You...you Empire State Building." +msgstr "Espèce de... espèce d'Empire State Building." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6470 +msgid "Min does a trick with her butterfly knife!" +msgstr "Min fait jouer son couteau !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6472 +msgid "Why do you have a knife?!" +msgstr "Pourquoi as-tu un couteau ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6473 +msgid "Put that away." +msgstr "Range ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6476 +msgid "I'll put it away...in your heart!!!" +msgstr "Je vais le ranger... dans ton coeur !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6478 +msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1_1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6481 +msgctxt "ch6_93192951" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6484 +msgctxt "ch6_cc159e1e" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6486 +msgid "Shut up!!!!! It sounded cooler in my head!!!!" +msgstr "Oh, vos gueules !!!!! Ça sonnait beaucoup mieux dans ma tête !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6488 +msgid "No one even said anything." +msgstr "Personne n'a rien dit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6489 +msgid "Anyway, aren't knives like that illegal in California?" +msgstr "Et puis, les couteaux de ce genre sont pas illégaux en Californie ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6490 +msgid "If I wanted to, I could report you to the police." +msgstr "Si je le voulais, je pourrais te dénoncer à la police." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6493 +msgctxt "ch6_b131889b" +msgid "........." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6494 +msgid "Min reluctantly puts the knife away." +msgstr "Min range le couteau à contrecoeur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6495 +msgid "Fuck you." +msgstr "Va te faire foutre." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6499 +msgid "Min threateningly draws in closer to Noelle and whispers into her ear, voice low." +msgstr "Min se rapproche dangereusement de Noelle et chuchote dans son oreille, tout bas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6500 +msgid "The dramatic effect is slightly ruined by the fact that Min has to step on top of a storage bin to be taller." +msgstr "L'effet dramatique est légèrement ruiné par le fait que Min doit s'appuyer sur le haut du bac de stockage pour être assez grande." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6502 +msgid "I hate you. I hate you more than the stringy things on bananas." +msgstr "Je te déteste. Je te déteste plus que les fils de banane." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6504 +msgid "Why?! I didn't even do anything!" +msgstr "Mais pourquoi ?! Je rien fait !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6507 +msgctxt "ch6_07d32b7c" +msgid "Shut up!" +msgstr "Ta gueule !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6508 +msgid "I won't lose to you!!!" +msgstr "Je ne perdrai pas face à toi !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6510 +msgid "What are you even talking about?" +msgstr "Mais de quoi tu parles enfin ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6514 +msgid "Someday, Diya is gonna realize she's out of your league." +msgstr "Un jour, Diya se rendra compte qu'elle ne joue plus dans la même cour que toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6516 +msgid "You're not even taller than her anymore, so all your advantages are gone." +msgstr "Tu n'est même plus plus grande qu'elle, donc tous tes atouts ont disparu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6518 +msgid "I don't...what???" +msgstr "Hein, mais quoi ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6521 +msgid "When she doesn't like you anymore, I'll gut you and feed you to her dog." +msgstr "Et quand elle ne t'aimera plus, je t'éventrerai et te donnerai à son chien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6523 +msgid "She doesn't even have a dog." +msgstr "Elle n'a même pas de chien." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6526 +msgid "I'll buy her a dog and train it to eat you." +msgstr "Je lui achèterai un chien et l'entraînerai à te manger." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6530 +msgid "Someone else ran into the locker room!" +msgstr "Quelqu'un d'autre déboule dans les vestiaires !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6531 +msgid "It only takes a second for Diya and Noelle to recognize the sound of Akarsha's flip-flops." +msgstr "Il n'aura fallu qu'une seconde pour que Diya et Noelle reconnaissent le son des claquettes d'Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6533 +msgid "Ayyy! Chryssa and Liz are looking for you tw—" +msgstr "Hey ! Chryssa et Liz vous cherchent toutes les de—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6535 +msgctxt "ch6_1386c66b" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6537 +msgctxt "ch6_390a1bfb" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6539 +msgctxt "ch6_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6542 +msgctxt "ch6_8683854e" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6544 +msgid "Uh...Have I missed something here?" +msgstr "Hum... J'ai manqué un truc là ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6546 +msgid "Who the fuck are you?" +msgstr "T'es qui bordel ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6548 +msgid "Who the fuck are {i}you{/i}?" +msgstr "T'es {i}qui{/i} bordel ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6550 +msgid "I asked first, jackass." +msgstr "J'ai demandé avant, abrutie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6552 +msgid "Wao!! Almost cut myself on this EDGE!!!" +msgstr "Waouh !! Failli me couper sur ce ton tranchant !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6566 +msgid "Before Akarsha can react, Min grabs the front of her jacket and slams her back to the wall." +msgstr "Avant qu'Akarsha ne puisse réagir, Min saisit le devant de sa veste et la plaque contre le mur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6568 +msgid "You want a piece of me?" +msgstr "Tu me cherches ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6570 +msgid "Uh...whoa." +msgstr "Euh... Waouh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6571 +msgid "Not gonna lie, if you were taller this would be pretty hot." +msgstr "Vais pas te mentir, si tu étais plus grande, ça serait plutôt sexy." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6578 +msgid "Min punches Akarsha in the face!" +msgstr "Min frappe Akarsha au visage !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6580 +msgid "Oh no!" +msgstr "Oh non !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6583 +msgid "Stop it!" +msgstr "Arrête ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6587 +msgid "Diya picks Min up and throws her several feet across the room." +msgstr "Diya soulève Min et la balance sur plusieurs mètres à travers la pièce." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6589 +msgid "Min—" +msgstr "Min—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6592 +msgid "You stay back! I'll handle this!" +msgstr "Reste derrière ! Je m'en occupe !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6594 +msgid "No, but—" +msgstr "Non, mais —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6597 +msgid "Is anyone gonna explain to me what's going on here?!" +msgstr "Est-ce que quelqu'un va m'expliquer ce qui se passe ici ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6598 +msgid "Who's this emo shortie??" +msgstr "C'est qui cette mini émo ??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6600 +msgid "Who're you calling short?!" +msgstr "Qui t'appelles mini ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6602 +msgid "But you are short..." +msgstr "Mais tu es petite..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6604 +msgid "Min charges at Akarsha!" +msgstr "Min rentre dans Akarsha !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6606 +msgid "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" +msgstr "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6607 +msgid "Akarsha kicks her foot out so that the flip-flop flies off!" +msgstr "Akarsha donne un coup de pied pour faire valser sa claquette !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6615 +msgid "It hits Min's face with a loud slap!" +msgstr "Ça frappe le visage de Min comme une lourde gifle !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6616 +msgid "Mmph?!" +msgstr "Mmph ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6617 +msgid "Min tackles Akarsha to the ground!" +msgstr "Min plaque Akarsha au sol !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6619 +msgid "You think you're so smart, huh?!" +msgstr "Tu te crois intelligente, hein ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6620 +msgid "WELL, GUESS WHAT!!! I HATE SMART PEOPLE!!!" +msgstr "ET TU SAIS QUOI !!! JE DETESTE LES GENS INTELLIGENTS !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6622 +msgid "Her hands close around Akarsha's neck. In a panic, Akarsha scrabbles at Min's wrists, but it's no use!" +msgstr "Ses mains se referment autour du cou d'Akarsha. Dans la panique, Akarsha s'aggrippe aux poignets de Min, en vain !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6624 +msgid "USE YOUR HEAD, YOU STUPID CLOWN!!!!!!" +msgstr "UTILISE TA TETE, ESPECE DE GUIGNOL !!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6626 +msgid "IF YOU DIE I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!" +msgstr "SI TU MEURS, JE TE TUE!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6628 +msgid "Akarsha sticks a hand down her own leggings!" +msgstr "Akarsha fourre sa main dans son legging !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6630 +msgid "What the fuck?" +msgstr "C'est quoi ce bordel ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6631 +msgid "This better not be your kink or somethi—" +msgstr "Ça a intérêt à pas être ton trip ou un truc du genre—" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6633 +msgid "Akarsha smears her period blood-caked hand across Min's face." +msgstr "Akarsha étale sa main maculée de sang sur le visage de Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6635 +msgid "URRGHKK!!?????!" +msgstr "ARG!!?????!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6638 +msgid "Min let go!" +msgstr "Min lâche prise !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6640 +msgid "PFF!! PPFBT!!" +msgstr "PFF!! PPFBT!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6641 +msgid "EW!!! YUCK!!!" +msgstr "EW!!! BEURK!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6643 +msgid "In the confusion, Akarsha staggers to her feet, gasping for breath." +msgstr "Dans la confusion, Akarsha se relève en titubant, le souffle coupé." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6644 +msgid "Noelle rushes to support her." +msgstr "Noelle se précipite pour la soutenir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6645 +msgid "When Akarsha slings her arm over Noelle's shoulders, she accidentally brushes Noelle with her bloody hand." +msgstr "Quand Akarsha passe son bras sur les épaules de Noelle, elle la frôle accidentellement avec sa main ensanglantée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6649 +msgid "YOU CONTAMINATED ME TOO!!!!" +msgstr "TU ME CONTAMINES AUSSI !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6651 +msgid "Noelle shoves Akarsha away, leaving her to fend for herself." +msgstr "Noelle repousse Akarsha, la laissant se débrouiller toute seule." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6652 +msgid "Akarsha menacingly holds out her dirty hand in Min's direction, like a weapon." +msgstr "Akarsha tend d'un air menaçant sa main sale en direction de Min, comme une arme." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6653 +msgid "Min backs away, desperately avoiding being touched by the period blood hand." +msgstr "Min recule, évitant désespérément d'être touchée par la main pleine de règles." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6655 +msgid "Stay away! Can't touch this!!" +msgstr "T'approche pas ! Je peux pas toucher ça !!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6657 +msgid "You...you nasty ass hoe...!" +msgstr "T'es... t'es qu'une sale pute...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6660 +msgid "That's me! If I can't win by being a kung-fu master..." +msgstr "C'est tout moi ! Si je peux pas gagner comme un maître de kung-fu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6661 +msgid "I'll win by being a piece of garbage!" +msgstr "Je gagnerai comme une sale ordure !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6665 +msgid "Min looks weirdly moved by Akarsha's words!" +msgstr "Min semble étrangement émue par les paroles d'Akarsha !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6667 +msgid "You crazy bitch..." +msgstr "Espèce de folle..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6668 +msgid "Who ARE you?" +msgstr "T'es QUI?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6670 +msgid "They call me...Rail Tracer." +msgstr "On m'appelle... Rail Tracer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6672 +msgid "Literally NO ONE calls you that." +msgstr "Absolument PERSONNE t'appelle comme ça." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6675 +msgid "Quiet, you!" +msgstr "Tais-toi !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6678 +msgid "Min has stopped attacking completely now. In fact, she looks kind of impressed." +msgstr "Min cesse complètement d'attaquer maintenant. En fait, elle semble plutôt impressionnée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6679 +msgid "You're the worst scum ever." +msgstr "T'es la pire ordure au monde." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6680 +msgid "Let's be friends." +msgstr "Soyons amies." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6682 +msgid "...Really?" +msgstr "Vraiment ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6687 +msgid "So we cool?" +msgstr "Donc on est ok ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6689 +msgctxt "ch6_b61fd423" +msgid "I guess." +msgstr "J'imagine." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6691 +msgid "More importantly, that was really gross just now, so I never want to fight you again." +msgstr "Plus important, c'était vraiment dégueulasse là donc je ne veux plus jamais me battre à nouveau avec toi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6692 +msgid "Let's start over." +msgstr "Recommençons depuis le début." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6694 +msgid "I'm Min." +msgstr "Je suis Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6696 +msgid "Min???" +msgstr "Min ???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6697 +msgid "As in, the delinquent kid? The one who knifed someone?" +msgstr "Comme la délinquante ? Celle qui a poignardé quelqu'un ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6699 +msgid "Yeah? Got a problem with that?" +msgstr "Ouais ? Un problème avec ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6701 +msgid "Are you kidding me? I've been looking for you." +msgstr "Tu plaisantes ? Je te cherchais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6702 +msgid "I need a dumb rebel friend to enable me to make bad decisions." +msgstr "J'ai besoin d'une amie rebelle et stupide qui me laisse prendre de mauvaises décisions." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6704 +msgid "They're...getting along?!" +msgstr "Elles... s'entendent bien ?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6705 +msgid "What's happening???? I don't like this!" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ???? Je n'aime pas ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6707 +msgid "With her clean hand, Akarsha makes a fist and offers it out to Min." +msgstr "Akarsha tend son poing propre vers Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6709 +msgid "Bros?" +msgstr "Frères ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6711 +msgid "Bros." +msgstr "Frères." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6712 +msgid "They fist bump." +msgstr "Elles tapent leur poing." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6714 +msgid "Be the yee to my haw..." +msgstr "Sois mon Hiii, je serai ton Haaa..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6715 +msgid "The knuckles to my enchilada...." +msgstr "Le Knuckels de mon enchilada..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6716 +msgid "The human to my centipede..." +msgstr "L'humain de mon centipède..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6718 +msgid "I don't like this!" +msgstr "J'aime pas ça !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6721 +msgid "We can annoy Noelle...together...!" +msgstr "On peut emmerder Noelle... ensemble !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6723 +msgid "I have a terrible feeling about this!" +msgstr "J'ai un mauvais pressentiment à ce sujet !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6726 +msgid "Min is quickly taking the opportunity to wipe her face on Akarsha's windbreaker." +msgstr "Min en profite pour s'essuyer le visage sur le coupe-vent d'Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6728 +msgid "Ew, no! Stop!" +msgstr "Euh, non ! Stop !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6730 +msgid "It's your own damn blood!" +msgstr "C'est ton putain de sang !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6732 +msgid "I don't want it either, man!" +msgstr "J'ai pas envie non plus, meuf !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6734 +msgid "Noelle tries to wipe her contaminated arm on Akarsha, too. Akarsha dodges to avoid it." +msgstr "Noelle essaye d'essuyer son bras sale sur Akarsha également. Akarsha esquive pour l'éviter." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6736 +msgid "Augh!" +msgstr "Argh !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6738 +msgid "Diya! Hold her down!" +msgstr "Diya ! Tiens-là en bas !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6741 +msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d_1" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6744 +msgid "No! No, please, Diya, homie, listen," +msgstr "Non Non, s'il te plait, Diya, Ma pote, écoute," + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6746 +msgid "With brutal efficiency, Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist, covers the bloody hand with a plastic bag, and ties it shut." +msgstr "Avec une efficacité brutale, Diya saisit le poignet d'Akarsha, recouvre la main ensanglantée d'un sac en plastique et l'attache." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6747 +msgid "Then, she pins Akarsha to the ground, thrashing and screaming." +msgstr "Puis, elle plaque Akarsha au sol, en se débattant et en criant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6754 +msgid "Chryssa and Liz come through the door with the rest of the team following after them!" +msgstr "Chryssa et Liz passent la porte avec le reste de l'équipe qui les suit !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6757 +msgid "Akarsha, Diya, Noelle, and Min freeze mid-scuffle, still covered in blood." +msgstr "Akarsha, Diya, Noelle et Min se figent à mi-chemin, toujours couvertes de sang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6759 +msgid "Good, you're all he—" +msgstr "Bien, tu es tout ce qu'il —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6761 +msgid "What the?!" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6767 +msgid "Noelle points accusingly at Min." +msgstr "Noelle pointe Min d'un doigt accusateur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6769 +msgid "It's all her fault! Diya did nothing wrong!" +msgstr "Tout est de sa faute ! Diya n'a rien fait de mal !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6771 +msgid "What?! It's your fault for being annoying!" +msgstr "Quoi ? ! C'est ta faute si tu es ennuyeuse !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6773 +msgid "You started it! You called me names first!" +msgstr "C'est toi qui as commencé ! Tu m'as traité de tous les noms en premier !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6775 +msgid "Okay, we don't care who started it! " +msgstr "Ok, on se fiche de qui a commencé ! " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6778 +msgid "Liz stumbles over Akarsha's fallen flip-flop on the ground." +msgstr "Liz trébuche sur la tong d'Akarsha tombée sur le sol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6780 +msgid "Whose shoe is this?" +msgstr "A qui est cette chaussure ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6782 +msgid "Oh. Mine." +msgstr "Oh. À moi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6784 +msgid "Why isn't it on your foot?" +msgstr "Pourquoi c'est pas sur ton pied ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6786 +msgid "I kicked it off." +msgstr "J'ai donné un coup de pied." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6788 +msgid ".........Why.........." +msgstr ".........Pourquoi.........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6790 +msgid "She hit me!" +msgstr "Elle m'a frappé !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6791 +msgid "Akarsha points at Min." +msgstr "Akarsha montre du doigt Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6793 +msgid "How old are you guys?! Five?!" +msgstr "Quel âge avez-vous les meufs ?! Cinq ans ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6794 +msgid "Exasperated, Chryssa turns to Min." +msgstr "Exaspérée, Chryssa se tourne vers Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6796 +msgid "And you're Min? You here to play baseball, too?" +msgstr "Et toi, tu es Min ? Tu es ici pour jouer au baseball, aussi ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6798 +msgid "Yeah. I got here late." +msgstr "Oui. Je suis arrivée tard." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6800 +msgid "Well Min, I'm Chryssa." +msgstr "Bien Min, Je suis Chryssa" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6802 +msgid "She has a knife!" +msgstr "Elle a un couteau" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6805 +msgid "You damn snitch!" +msgstr "Sale mouchard !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6807 +msgid "Hand the knife over." +msgstr "Donne le couteau" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6809 +msgid "Why should I?" +msgstr "Pourquoi je le ferais ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6811 +msgid "Because if you don't, I won't let you play baseball." +msgstr "Parce que si tu ne le fais pas, je ne te laisserai pas jouer au baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6813 +msgid "You...You can do that?" +msgstr "Tu...Tu ferais ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6815 +msgid "I can do that." +msgstr "Je peux faire ça" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6816 +msgid "Min looks very shocked..." +msgstr "Min a l'air très choqué..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6817 +msgid "You can have it back when we're done." +msgstr "Tu pouras le récupérer quand nous aurons fini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6818 +msgid "But you don't need it here." +msgstr "Mais tu n'en as pas besoin ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6820 +msgid "Min pulls the knife from her pocket and gives it to Chryssa." +msgstr "Min sort le couteau de sa poche et le donne à Chryssa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6822 +msgid "All of them." +msgstr "Tous" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6823 +msgid "Come on. We don't have all day." +msgstr "Allez. On n'a pas toute la journée." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6825 +msgid "Reluctantly, Min shakes her jacket out. Several more knives clatter to the ground." +msgstr "A contrecœur, Min secoue sa veste. Plusieurs autres couteaux tombent sur le sol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6826 +msgid "Chryssa puts them all on top of a cabinet in the corner of the room." +msgstr "Chryssa les dépose tous sur une armoire dans le coin de la pièce." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6827 +msgid "It's too tall for Min to reach. She sadly looks up at them." +msgstr "C'est trop haut pour que Min puisse l'atteindre. Elle les regarde tristement." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6829 +msgid "Let's go to the field and actually play some baseball now." +msgstr "Allons sur le terrain et jouons au baseball maintenant." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6830 +msgid "We're going to lock this place up, so you can leave your backpacks here." +msgstr "Nous allons fermer cet endroit, donc vous pouvez laisser vos sacs à dos ici." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6832 +msgid "Well, I need mine. I'm going to do my homework." +msgstr "Eh bien, j'ai besoin du mien. Je vais faire mes devoirs." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6834 +msgid "Sorry! If you're here, you're playing." +msgstr "Désolé ! Si tu es ici, tu joues." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6836 +msgid "I refuse." +msgstr "Je refuse" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6839 +msgid "So you want to do this the hard way? Good, because I love the hard way. " +msgstr "Alors, tu veux faire ça à la dure ? Bien, parce que j'adore quand c'est dur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6841 +msgid "Then I have no obligation to stay here and argue with you. Diya's fine now; I'm going home." +msgstr "Alors je n'ai plus aucune obligatoire de rester ici et de débattre avec toi. Diya va bien maintenant ; je rentre à la maison." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6843 +msgid "Really? Then where're your house keys?" +msgstr "Vraiment ? Et où sont tes clés ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6845 +msgid "What kind of question is that?" +msgstr "C'est quel genre de question ça ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6846 +msgid "They're right here in my...." +msgstr "Elles sont ici, juste dans ma..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6849 +msgid "Noelle whirls to the spot where she put down her bookbag earlier." +msgstr "Noelle retourne là où elle avait posé son cartable plus tôt." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6850 +msgid "It's gone." +msgstr "Il est plus là." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6851 +msgid "Chryssa adds Noelle's bookbag to the top of the cabinet." +msgstr "Chryssa pose le cartable de Noelle tout en haut de l'armoire." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6854 +msgid "NoOOO!!!!" +msgstr "NOoOon !!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6857 +msgid "Come on! Suffering builds character!" +msgstr "Allez ! La souffrance forge le caractère !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6859 +msgid "I don't want character!" +msgstr "J'en veux pas de caractère !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6861 +msgid "I guess we're all playing baseball now?" +msgstr "Du coup, j'suppose qu'on joue tous au baseball maintenant ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:7 +msgid "Min-seo" +msgstr "Min-seo" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:9 +msgid "Jun-seo" +msgstr "Jun-seo" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:11 +msgid "Akarsha" +msgstr "Akarsha" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:16 +msgid "Dog" +msgstr "Chien" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:18 +msgid "npc" +msgstr "pnj" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:19 +msgid "npc2" +msgstr "pnj2" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:119 +msgid "The summer between\n3rd and 4th grade" +msgstr "L'été entre\n le CE2 et le CM1 " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:126 +msgid "Evil Dragon" +msgstr "Dragon maléfique" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:300 +msgid "Gun(?)" +msgstr "Pistolet(?)" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:310 +msgid "Gun" +msgstr "Pistolet" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot the dragon" +msgstr "Tirer sur le dragon" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot Min" +msgstr "Tirer sur Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot Jun" +msgstr "Tirer sur Jun" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot the deflected bullet" +msgstr "Tirer sur la balle déviée" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:352 +msgid "Gun Horse" +msgstr "Pistolet Cheval" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:732 +msgid "Look at woman" +msgstr "Regarder la femme" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:741 +msgid "Eat popcorn" +msgstr "Manger du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:750 +msgid "Look at the diamond" +msgstr "Regarder le diamant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:783 +msgid "Look at empty seat" +msgstr "Regarder le siège libre" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:792 +msgid "Talk to Jun" +msgstr "Parler à Jun" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:801 +msgid "Talk to Min" +msgstr "Parler à Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:896 +msgid "Dad" +msgstr "Papa" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:897 +msgid "Kid" +msgstr "Enfant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Let's go get popcorn" +msgstr "Allons chercher du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Offer her popcorn" +msgstr "Lui offrir du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Talk about school" +msgstr "Discuter de l'école" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Talk about baseball" +msgstr "Discuter du baseball" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" +msgstr "T'es sure que rien ne va pas ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Give her the baseball" +msgstr "Lui donner la balle de baseball" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Never mind" +msgstr "Peu importe" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1641 +msgid "Look at strangers" +msgstr "Regarder les étrangers" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1649 +msgid "Keep walking toward popcorn guy" +msgstr "Continuer à marcher vers le gars du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1749 +msgid "Look at dog" +msgstr "Regarder le chien" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1758 +msgid "Approach the popcorn guy" +msgstr "S'approcher du gars du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1767 +msgid "Popcorn Vendor" +msgstr "Vendeur du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1849 +msgid "Look at popcorn guy" +msgstr "Regarder le gars du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1857 +msgid "Walk back to seats" +msgstr "Revenir aux sièges" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1913 +msgid "Owner" +msgstr "Propriétaire" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 +msgid "Ask the owner if you can pet it" +msgstr "Demander au propriétaire si vous pouvez le caresser" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 +msgid "Let Min ask" +msgstr "Laisser Min demander" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1962 +msgid "Pet dog" +msgstr "Caresser le chien" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1982 +msgid "Pom" +msgstr "Pom" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1982 +msgid "Shibe" +msgstr "Shibe" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "Teach her \"Hi\"" +msgstr "Lui apprendre \"Salut\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "Teach her \"I like to fart\"" +msgstr "Lui apprendre \"J'aime péter\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2185 +msgid "Hi." +msgstr "Salut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2189 +msgid "Hi?" +msgstr "Salut ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2198 +msgid "Hi!" +msgstr "Salut !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2208 +msgid "I like to fart." +msgstr "J'aime péter." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2216 +msgid "I...uh..." +msgstr "Je... euh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2226 +msgid "I like to fart!" +msgstr "J'aime péter !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2295 +msgid "Look at Jun and Min's dad" +msgstr "Regarder Jun et le père de Min " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgid "Offer him popcorn" +msgstr "Lui offrir du pop-corn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2427" +msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgstr "Il se passe quelque chose avec Min ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgid "Give him the baseball" +msgstr "Lui donner la balle de baseball" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2516 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2516" +msgid "???" +msgstr "???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2535 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2535" +msgid "dude" +msgstr "mec" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2555 +msgid "5 Years Later" +msgstr "5 années plus tard" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2559 +msgid "9th grade" +msgstr "Seconde" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2587 +msgid "{cps=0}Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Sa routine matinale consiste à rester allongée dans le lit pendant 10 minutes, et à réfléchir à quel point elle est fatiguée. {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2587 +msgid "Do it" +msgstr "Le faire" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2625 +msgid "Check your computer" +msgstr "Vérifier ton ordinateur" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 +msgid ">Yeah" +msgstr "Ouais" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 +msgid ">No" +msgstr "Non" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2828 +msgid "Sign-toting man" +msgstr "Homme de signe" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "I'd eat him" +msgstr "Je le mangerais" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "I wouldn't eat him" +msgstr "Je ne le mangerais pas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2931 +msgid "Homie G Biscuit Skillet Dawg" +msgstr "Meilleure amie pour la vie de toujours" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3009 +msgid "Use locker" +msgstr "Utiliser un casier" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3018 +msgid "Go to class" +msgstr "Aller en classe" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3135 +msgid "Get your stuff" +msgstr "Prendre tes affaires" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3145 +msgid "Look in Noelle's lunchbox" +msgstr "Regarder dans le panier-repas de Noëlle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3154 +msgid "Look at rosin" +msgstr "Regarder la colophane" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3166 +msgid "Close locker door" +msgstr "Fermer la porte du casier" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3254 +msgid "Open the water bottle" +msgstr "Ouvrir la bouteille d'eau" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3360 +msgid "Male student" +msgstr "Etudiant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3361 +msgid "Female student" +msgstr "Etudiante" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3394 +msgid "Look at scores" +msgstr "Regarder les scores" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3403 +msgid "Talk to classmates" +msgstr "Parler aux élèves" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3412 +msgid "Enter classroom" +msgstr "Entrer en classe" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "Zero" +msgstr "Zéro" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "Maybe like 15" +msgstr "Peut-être comme 15" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "At least a few dozen" +msgstr "Au moins quelques dizaines" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3850 +msgid "Stranger" +msgstr "Etranger" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 +msgid "Sign the paper" +msgstr "Signer le papier" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 +msgid "Don't sign the paper" +msgstr "Ne pas signer le papier" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3927 +msgid "Teacher" +msgstr "Prof" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4080 +msgid "Homie G" +msgstr "Pote lesbo" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4099 +msgid "Promise not to get mad" +msgstr "Promettre de ne pas s'énerver" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4099 +msgid "Don't promise" +msgstr "Ne pas promettre" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4223 +msgid "Feel Noelle's forehead" +msgstr "Ressentir le front de Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4223 +msgid "Talk to Noelle" +msgstr "Parler à Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Tell Noelle to get into shape" +msgstr "Dire à Noelle de se remettre en forme" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Talk about ancient Chinese rock pillows" +msgstr "Parler des anciens oreillers de roche chinois" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny man for $100 million?" +msgstr "Mangerais-tu un petit homme pour 100 millions de dollars ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:4247" +msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgstr "Combien de temps avons-nous avant le début des cours ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4649 +msgid "3rd grade" +msgstr "CE2" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4684 +msgid "Enemy catcher" +msgstr "Attrape ennemi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4685 +msgid "Umpire" +msgstr "Arbitre" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4695 +msgid "Spectators" +msgstr "Spectateurs" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "My house" +msgstr "Ma maison" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Your house" +msgstr "Ta maison" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Noelle's house" +msgstr "La maison de Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Home Depot lights section" +msgstr "Section des lumières de Mr Bricolage" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Ask Min to decide" +msgstr "Demander à Min de décider" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "There's still somewhere I wanna go" +msgstr "Il y a encore un endroit où je veux aller" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "Nah, I'm good" +msgstr "Nan, ca va" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5072 +msgid "Look at trees" +msgstr "Regarder les arbres." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5083 +msgid "Enter the tunnel" +msgstr "Entrer dans le tunnel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5138 +msgid "Okay. One." +msgstr "Ok. Un." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5141 +msgid "One!" +msgstr "Un !" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5143 +msgid "Two." +msgstr "Deux." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5146 +msgid "Two!!!" +msgstr "Deux !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5150 +msgid "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten!!!" +msgstr "Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix !!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5227 +msgid "Big dogs" +msgstr "Gros chiens" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5227 +msgid "Small dogs" +msgstr "Petits chiens" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5363 +msgid "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Sa routine matinale consiste à rester allongée dans le lit pendant 10 minutes, et à réfléchir à quel point elle est fatiguée. {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5506 +msgid "Cool" +msgstr "Cool" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5506 +msgid "Yuck" +msgstr "Berk" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5636 +msgid "Look at flier" +msgstr "Regarder le dépliant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5676 +msgid "Tall girl" +msgstr "Grande fille" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5678 +msgid "Club member" +msgstr "Membre du club" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5688 +msgid "Mom" +msgstr "Maman" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5697 +msgid "At the meeting" +msgstr "Lors de la réunion" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5856 +msgid "Girl from before" +msgstr "Fille d'avant" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6138 +msgid "\"Sakura\"" +msgstr "\"Sakura\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6139 +msgid "\"Yuki\"" +msgstr "\"Yuki\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6155 +msgid "Ester" +msgstr "Ester" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:28 +msgid "Self-voicing disabled." +msgstr "L'assistance vocale est désactivée." + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:29 +msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. " +msgstr "L'assistance vocale pour le presse-papier est activée." + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:30 +msgid "Self-voicing enabled. " +msgstr "L'assistance vocale est activée." + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:32 +msgid "bar" +msgstr "barre" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:33 +msgid "selected" +msgstr "sélectionné" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:34 +msgid "viewport" +msgstr "fenêtre d'affichage" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:35 +msgid "horizontal scroll" +msgstr "défiler à l'horizontale" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:36 +msgid "vertical scroll" +msgstr "défiler à la verticale" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:37 +msgid "activate" +msgstr "activer" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:38 +msgid "deactivate" +msgstr "désactiver" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:39 +msgid "increase" +msgstr "augmenter" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:40 +msgid "decrease" +msgstr "diminuer" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:128 +msgid "Font Override" +msgstr "Remplacement de la police" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:132 +msgid "Default" +msgstr "Défaut" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:136 +msgid "DejaVu Sans" +msgstr "DejaVu Sans" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:140 +msgid "Opendyslexic" +msgstr "Opendyslexic" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146 +msgid "Text Size Scaling" +msgstr "Mise à l'échelle de la taille du texte" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:152 +msgid "Reset" +msgstr "Réinitialisation" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:158 +msgid "Line Spacing Scaling" +msgstr "Mise à l'echelle de l'espacement interligne" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:171 +msgid "Self-Voicing" +msgstr "Synthèse vocale intégrée" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:175 +msgid "Off" +msgstr "Éteint" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:179 +msgid "Text-to-speech" +msgstr "Synthèse vocale" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:183 +msgid "Clipboard" +msgstr "Presse-papiers" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:187 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Débugger" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:193 +msgid "Self-Voicing Volume Drop" +msgstr "Baisser le volume de la synthèse vocale" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:202 +msgid "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was." +msgstr "Les options dans ce menu sont destinées à améliorer l'accessibilité. Il se peut qu'elles ne soient pas compatibles avec tous les jeux, et certaines combinaisons d'options pourraient rendre le jeu illisible. Ceci n'est pas un problème qui concerne le jeu ou le moteur de jeu. Pour de meilleurs résultats, essayez de garder la même taille de texte que celle par défaut." + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Monday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Lundi" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Tuesday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Mardi" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Wednesday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Mercredi" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Thursday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Jeudi" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Friday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Vendredi" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Saturday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Samedi" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Sunday" +msgstr "{#weekday}Dimanche" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Mon" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Lun" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Tue" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Mar" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Wed" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Mer" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Thu" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Jeu" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Fri" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Ven" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Sat" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Sam" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Sun" +msgstr "{#weekday_short}Dim" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}January" +msgstr "{#month}Janvier" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}February" +msgstr "{#month}Février" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}March" +msgstr "{#month}Mars" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}April" +msgstr "{#month}Avril" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}May" +msgstr "{#month}Mai" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}June" +msgstr "{#month}Juin" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}July" +msgstr "{#month}Juillet" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}August" +msgstr "Août" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}September" +msgstr "{#month}Septembre" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}October" +msgstr "{#month}Octobre" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}November" +msgstr "{#month}Novembre" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}December" +msgstr "{#month}Décembre" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Jan" +msgstr "{#month_short}Jan" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Feb" +msgstr "{#month_short}Fév" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Mar" +msgstr "{#month_short}Mars" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Apr" +msgstr "{#month_short}Avril" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}May" +msgstr "{#month_short}Mai" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Jun" +msgstr "{#month_short}Juin" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Jul" +msgstr "{#month_short}Juil" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Aug" +msgstr "{#month_short}Août" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Sep" +msgstr "{#month_short}Sept" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Oct" +msgstr "{#month_short}Oct" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Nov" +msgstr "{#month_short}Nov" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Dec" +msgstr "{#month_short}Déc" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:240 +msgid "%b %d, %H:%M" +msgstr "%b %d, %H:%M" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:353 +msgid "Save slot %s: [text]" +msgstr "Sauvegarder les données %s: [text]" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:434 +msgid "Load slot %s: [text]" +msgstr "Charger les données %s: [text]" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:487 +msgid "Delete slot [text]" +msgstr "Supprimer les données [text]" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:566 +msgid "File page auto" +msgstr "Fichier page auto" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:568 +msgid "File page quick" +msgstr "Fichier page Quick" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:570 +msgid "File page [text]" +msgstr "Fichier page [text]" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:769 +msgid "Next file page." +msgstr "Prochain fichier page" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:841 +msgid "Previous file page." +msgstr "Fichier page précédent" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:902 +msgid "Quick save complete." +msgstr "Sauvegarde rapide effectuée." + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:920 +msgid "Quick save." +msgstr "Sauvegarde rapide" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:939 +msgid "Quick load." +msgstr "Chargement rapide" + +#: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:375 +msgid "Language [text]" +msgstr "Langue [text]" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:708 +msgid "The interactive director is not enabled here." +msgstr "Le réalisateur interactif n'est pas activé ici." + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1481 +msgid "⬆" +msgstr "⬆" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1487 +msgid "⬇" +msgstr "⬇" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1551 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Terminé" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1561 +msgid "(statement)" +msgstr "(statement)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1562 +msgid "(tag)" +msgstr "(tag)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1563 +msgid "(attributes)" +msgstr "(attributes)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1564 +msgid "(transform)" +msgstr "(transform)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1589 +msgid "(transition)" +msgstr "(transition)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1601 +msgid "(channel)" +msgstr "(channel)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1602 +msgid "(filename)" +msgstr "(filename)" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1631 +msgid "Change" +msgstr "Changer" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1633 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "Ajouter" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1636 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuler" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1639 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Supprimer" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1674 +msgid "Statement:" +msgstr "Déclaration :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1695 +msgid "Tag:" +msgstr "Balise :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1711 +msgid "Attributes:" +msgstr "Attributs :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1729 +msgid "Transforms:" +msgstr "Se transforme :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1748 +msgid "Behind:" +msgstr "Derrière :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1767 +msgid "Transition:" +msgstr "Transition :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1785 +msgid "Channel:" +msgstr "Canal :" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1803 +msgid "Audio Filename:" +msgstr "Nom du fichier audio :" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:374 +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:375 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir effacer cette sauvegarde ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:376 +msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir remplacer votre sauvegarde ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:377 +msgid "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" +msgstr "Charger une partie vous fait perdre le progrès non sauvegardé.\n Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir faire ça ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:378 +msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir quitter ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:379 +msgid "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir revenir au menu principal ?\nLe progrès non sauvegardé sera perdu." + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:380 +msgid "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir arrêter le replay ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:381 +msgid "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir commencer l'avance rapide ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:382 +msgid "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir passer jusqu'au prochain choix ?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:383 +msgid "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir sauter tous les dialogues non lus jusqu'au prochain choix ?" + +#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:300 +msgid "Failed to save screenshot as %s." +msgstr "Échec de l'enregistrement de la capture d'écran en tant que %s." + +#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:312 +msgid "Saved screenshot as %s." +msgstr "Capture d'écran enregistrer en tant que %s." + +#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:195 +msgid "Skip Mode" +msgstr "Avance rapide" + +#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:281 +msgid "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}." +msgstr "Ce programme contient des logiciels libres sous un certain nombre de licences, notamment la licence MIT et la licence GNU. Une liste complète des logiciels, y compris des liens vers le code source complet, se trouve {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}ici{/a}." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:240 +msgid "display" +msgstr "afficher" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:252 +msgid "transitions" +msgstr "transitions" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:261 +msgid "skip transitions" +msgstr "passer les transitions" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:263 +msgid "video sprites" +msgstr "symboles graphiques de la vidéo" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:272 +msgid "show empty window" +msgstr "afficher la fenêtre vide" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:281 +msgid "text speed" +msgstr "vitesse du texte" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:289 +msgid "joystick" +msgstr "joystick" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:289 +msgid "joystick..." +msgstr "joystick..." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:296 +msgid "skip" +msgstr "passer" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:299 +msgid "skip unseen [text]" +msgstr "passer [text] non vu" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:304 +msgid "skip unseen text" +msgstr "passer le texte non lu" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:306 +msgid "begin skipping" +msgstr "commencer à passer" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:310 +msgid "after choices" +msgstr "choix d'après" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:317 +msgid "skip after choices" +msgstr "passer après avoir fait les choix" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:319 +msgid "auto-forward time" +msgstr "durée du transfert automatique" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:333 +msgid "auto-forward" +msgstr "transfert automatique" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:340 +msgid "Auto forward" +msgstr "Transfert automatique" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:343 +msgid "auto-forward after click" +msgstr "transférer automatiquement après le clic" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:352 +msgid "automatic move" +msgstr "déplacer automatiquement" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:361 +msgid "wait for voice" +msgstr "attendre commande vocale" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:370 +msgid "voice sustain" +msgstr "suspendre l'enregistrement de la la voix" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:379 +msgid "self voicing" +msgstr "synthèse vocale intégrée" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:388 +msgid "self voicing volume drop" +msgstr "baisser le volume de la synthèse vocale" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:396 +msgid "clipboard voicing" +msgstr "Synthèse vocale du presse-papiers" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:405 +msgid "debug voicing" +msgstr "Synthèse vocale du debug" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:414 +msgid "emphasize audio" +msgstr "augmenter l'audio" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:423 +msgid "rollback side" +msgstr "côté de rollback" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:433 +msgid "gl powersave" +msgstr "powersave gl" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:439 +msgid "gl framerate" +msgstr "framerate gl" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:442 +msgid "gl tearing" +msgstr "déchirement gl" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:445 +msgid "font transform" +msgstr "transformation de la police" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:448 +msgid "font size" +msgstr "taille des caractères" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:456 +msgid "font line spacing" +msgstr "espacement des lignes et des caractères" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:464 +msgid "system cursor" +msgstr "curseur système" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:484 +msgid "music volume" +msgstr "volume de la musique" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:485 +msgid "sound volume" +msgstr "volume du son" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:486 +msgid "voice volume" +msgstr "volume de la voix" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:487 +msgid "mute music" +msgstr "mettre la musique en sourdine" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:488 +msgid "mute sound" +msgstr "mettre le son en sourdine" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:489 +msgid "mute voice" +msgstr "mettre la voix en sourdine" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:490 +msgid "mute all" +msgstr "tout mettre en sourdine" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:571 +msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." +msgstr "L'assistance vocale pour le presse-papier est activée. Appuyer sur 'Shift+C' pour la désactiver." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:573 +msgid "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable." +msgstr "L'assistance vocale dirait \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Appuyer sur 'Alt+Shift+V' pour la désactiver." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:575 +msgid "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." +msgstr "L'assistance vocale est activée. Appuyer sur 'v' pour la désactiver." + +#: renpy/common/00iap.rpy:219 +msgid "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..." +msgstr "Mise en relation avec l'App Store\nVeuillez Patienter..." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:374 +msgid "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." +msgstr "La mise à jour Ren'Py n'est pas disponible sur mobile." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:493 +msgid "An error is being simulated." +msgstr "Une erreur est en cours de simulation." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:677 +msgid "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted." +msgstr "Soit ce projet n'est pas compatible avec la mise à jour, soit le fichier d'état de mise à jour a été supprimé." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:691 +msgid "This account does not have permission to perform an update." +msgstr "Ce compte n'est pas autorisé à faire de mise à jour." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:694 +msgid "This account does not have permission to write the update log." +msgstr "Ce compte n'est pas autorisé à rédiger le journal de mise à jour." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:721 +msgid "Could not verify update signature." +msgstr "Vérification de la signature (pour mise à jour) impossible." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:992 +msgid "The update file was not downloaded." +msgstr "Echec du téléchargement de la mise à jour." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1010 +msgid "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted." +msgstr "Le contenu du fichier de mise à jour est incorrect, il se peut qu'il soit endommagé." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1064 +msgid "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." +msgstr "Au cours du déballage {}, type inconnu {}." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1430 +msgid "Updater" +msgstr "Mise à jour" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1437 +msgid "An error has occured:" +msgstr "Une erreur est survenue:" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1439 +msgid "Checking for updates." +msgstr "Recherche de mises à jour en cours." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1441 +msgid "This program is up to date." +msgstr "Ce programme est à jour." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1443 +msgid "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" +msgstr "La [u.version] est disponible. Voulez-vous l'installer?" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1445 +msgid "Preparing to download the updates." +msgstr "Préparation du téléchargement des mises à jours." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1447 +msgid "Downloading the updates." +msgstr "Téléchargement des mises à jour en cours." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1449 +msgid "Unpacking the updates." +msgstr "Installation des mises à jour en cours." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1451 +msgid "Finishing up." +msgstr "Bientôt terminé !" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1453 +msgid "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." +msgstr "Les mises à jour ont été installées. Le programme va redémarrer." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1455 +msgid "The updates have been installed." +msgstr "Les mises à jour ont été installées." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1457 +msgid "The updates were cancelled." +msgstr "Les mises à jour ont été annulées." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1472 +msgid "Proceed" +msgstr "Poursuivre" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:590 +msgid "Image [index] of [count] locked." +msgstr "L'image [index] de [compte] est verrouillée." + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:610 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "précédent" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:611 +msgid "next" +msgstr "suivant" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:612 +msgid "slideshow" +msgstr "diaporama" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:613 +msgid "return" +msgstr "retour" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:89 +msgid "Renderer" +msgstr "Moteur de rendu" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:93 +msgid "Automatically Choose" +msgstr "Choisir automatiquement" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:100 +msgid "Force GL Renderer" +msgstr "Forcer l'utilisation du moteur de rendu GL" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:105 +msgid "Force ANGLE Renderer" +msgstr "Forcer l'utilisation du moteur de rendu ANGLE" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:110 +msgid "Force GLES Renderer" +msgstr "Forcer l'utilisation du moteur de rendu GLES" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:116 +msgid "Force GL2 Renderer" +msgstr "Forcer l'utilisation du moteur de rendu GL2" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:121 +msgid "Force ANGLE2 Renderer" +msgstr "Forcer l'utilisation du moteur de rendu ANGLE2" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:126 +msgid "Force GLES2 Renderer" +msgstr "Forcer l'utilisation du moteur de rendu GLES2" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:136 +msgid "Enable (No Blocklist)" +msgstr "Autoriser (pas de liste noire)" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:140 +msgid "Enable" +msgstr "Activer" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:144 +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "Désactiver" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:159 +msgid "Powersave" +msgstr "Powersave" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:173 +msgid "Framerate" +msgstr "Framerate" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:177 +msgid "Screen" +msgstr "Ecran" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:181 +msgid "60" +msgstr "60" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:185 +msgid "30" +msgstr "30" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:191 +msgid "Tearing" +msgstr "Déchirement" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:207 +msgid "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run." +msgstr "Les modifications seront appliquées la prochaine fois que le programme sera exécuté." + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:242 +msgid "Performance Warning" +msgstr "Alerte performances" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:247 +msgid "This computer is using software rendering." +msgstr "Cet ordinateur utilise le rendu logiciel" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:249 +msgid "This game requires use of GL2 that can't be initialised." +msgstr "Cet ordinateur n'utilise pas de shaders." + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:251 +msgid "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]." +msgstr "Cet ordinateur a un problème d'affichage graphique : [problème]." + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:255 +msgid "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." +msgstr "Il se peut que les pilotes graphiques soient obsolètes ou dysfonctionnels. Par conséquent l'affichage peut être lent ou inexact. Une mise à jour de DirectX pourrait résoudre ce problème." + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:259 +msgid "The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you determine what is wrong with your computer." +msgstr "Le fichier {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} peut contenir des informations qui peuvent vous aider à déterminer quel est le problème." + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:264 +msgid "More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/a}." +msgstr "La {a=[url]}documentation{/a} contient plus de détails quant à la manière de résoudre ce problème." + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:269 +msgid "Continue, Show this warning again" +msgstr "Poursuivre, me remontrer cet avertissement plus tard" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:273 +msgid "Continue, Don't show warning again" +msgstr "Poursuivre, ne plus afficher" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:281 +msgid "Change render options" +msgstr "Changer les options du moteur de rendu" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32 +msgid "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" +msgstr "Changer les options du moteur de rendu" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35 +msgid "No Gamepads Available" +msgstr "Aucune manette disponible" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54 +msgid "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" +msgstr " [nom] en cours de calibration ([i]/[total])" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58 +msgid "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]." +msgstr "Appuyez ou bougez la [control!r] [kind]." + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68 +msgid "Skip (A)" +msgstr "Passer (A)" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71 +msgid "Back (B)" +msgstr "Retour (B)" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:542 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Ouvrir" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:544 +msgid "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor." +msgstr "Ouvre le fichier traceback.txt dans un éditeur de texte." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:546 +msgid "Copy BBCode" +msgstr "Copier BBCode" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:548 +msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." +msgstr "Copie le fichier traceback.txt dans le presse-papier en format BBCode pour des forums du type https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:550 +msgid "Copy Markdown" +msgstr "Copier le Markdown" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:552 +msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." +msgstr "Copie le fichier traceback.txt dans le presse-papiers en format Markdown pour Discord." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:581 +msgid "An exception has occurred." +msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:604 +msgid "Rollback" +msgstr "Retour en arrière" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:606 +msgid "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice." +msgstr "Essaye de retourner en arrière à un moment antérieur, vous permettant de sauvegarder ou faire un autre choix." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:609 +msgid "Ignore" +msgstr "Ignorer" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:613 +msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue." +msgstr "Ignore l'exception, vous permettant de poursuivre." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:615 +msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors." +msgstr "Ignore l'exception, vous permettant de poursuivre. Ceci mène souvent à des erreurs supplémentaires." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:619 +msgid "Reload" +msgstr "Recharger" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:621 +msgid "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." +msgstr "Recharge le jeu à partir du disque, tout en sauvegardant et restaurant l'état du jeu si possible." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:624 +msgid "Console" +msgstr "Console" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:626 +msgid "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem." +msgstr "Ouvre une console afin de résoudre le bug." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:639 +msgid "Quits the game." +msgstr "Quitte le jeu." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:660 +msgid "Parsing the script failed." +msgstr "Echec lors de la lecture du script." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:686 +msgid "Opens the errors.txt file in a text editor." +msgstr "Ouvre le fichier errors.txt dans un éditeur de texte." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:690 +msgid "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." +msgstr "Copie le fichier errors.txt dans le presse-papiers en format BBCode pour des forums du type https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:694 +msgid "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." +msgstr "Copie le fichier errors.txt dans le presse-papiers en format Markdown pour Discord." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:51 +msgctxt "akarsha1_66517db0" +msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." +msgstr "Heyyyyyy ! Je suis là." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:53 +msgctxt "akarsha1_e3e731e4" +msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" +msgstr "Salut ? Diya ? Homie ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:55 +msgid "Diya is crawling on her hands and knees in the bushes." +msgstr "Diya rampe dans les buissons a quatre pattes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:57 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3a3d3b85" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:60 +msgid "Caught him." +msgstr "Je l'ai eu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:63 +msgid "Diya emerges from the brush with a caterpillar in her hands." +msgstr "Diya sort des buissons avec une chenille dans les mains. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:64 +msgid "It's fat and striped." +msgstr "Elle est grosse et rayées." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:66 +msgid "Ew!!!" +msgstr "Ew!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:69 +msgid "Diya turns to face her." +msgstr "Diya se tourne vers elle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:70 +msgid "Because she's deaf in one ear, when she stands up \"straight\" she actually faces slightly to the right." +msgstr "A cause de sa surdité à une oreille, quand elle se tient \"droite\", elle est en fait légèrement tournée vers la droite." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:72 +msgid "Don't be rude." +msgstr "Ne soit pas méchante." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:73 +msgid "We should give him a name." +msgstr "On devrait lui donner un nom." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:80 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:83 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "...C'est quel genre de nom ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:85 +msgid "It's a joke about a character from the Zero Escape games." +msgstr "C'est une blague à propos d'un personnage de la série de jeu Zero Escape." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:86 +msgid "Someone asked the director if he could be paired with a girl character, and he responded, \"Does Aoi even like girls? I have to start considering from that.\"" +msgstr "Une personne a demandé au créateur du jeu si le personnage pouvait être avec un personnage féminin. Il a répondu ; \"Est-ce que Aoi aime les filles ? Je devrais commencer a considérer ça.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:87 +msgid "Like, that wasn't even the question! He could've just answered no." +msgstr "Genre, c'était même pas la question ! Il aurait juste pu dire non." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:88 +msgid "It's awesome that he went out of his way to say you can't assume that character's straight." +msgstr "C'est génial qu'il ait fait tout son possible pour qu'on puisse pas supposer que le personnage est hétéro." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:94 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_1" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:97 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_1" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "...C'est quel genre de nom ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:99 +msgid "It's a character from the manga Nabari no Ou." +msgstr "C'est un personnage du manga Nabari no Ou." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:100 +msgid "It's hella gay, you should read it." +msgstr "C'est super gay, tu devrais le lire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:102 +msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad" +msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." +msgstr "...Tu dis ça comme si je serais intéressée juste parce que c'est gay." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:104 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78" +msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." +msgstr "T'es pas intéressée ? Les bons trucs gay sont difficile à trouver." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:110 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_2" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:113 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_2" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "...C'est quel genre de nom ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:115 +msgid "It's a character from the Ace Attorney games." +msgstr "C'est le nom d'un personnage des jeux Pheonix Wright." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:116 +msgid "It's hella gay, you should play it." +msgstr "C'est super gay, tu devrais y jouer." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:118 +msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad_1" +msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." +msgstr "...Tu dis ça comme si je serais intéressée juste parce que c'est gay." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:120 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78_1" +msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." +msgstr "T'es pas intéressée ? Les bons trucs gay sont difficile à trouver." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:123 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:124 +msgid "Diya scrutinizes [caterpillar!t] as he inches across her palm." +msgstr "Diya examine [caterpillar!t] en train de marcher dans sa paume." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:127 +msgid "You're so invested in these kinds of things. Video games and stuff." +msgstr "Tu es tellement invertie dans toutes ces choses. Les jeux vidéos et trucs du genre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:130 +msgid "They're a form of escapism. I need obsessions to distract me from the crushing emptiness and hopelessness of life." +msgstr "C'est un moyen de s’échapper. J'ai besoin d'une obsession pour me distraire du vide désespérant de ma vie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:132 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_1" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:134 +msgid "...Just kidding. Haha!" +msgstr "... Je déconne. Haha !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:137 +msgid "Diya scoops the caterpillar into her other hand." +msgstr "Diya récupère la chenille dans son autre main." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:139 +msgid "Did you hear the news? Obama won." +msgstr "D'ailleurs t'as vu les infos ? Obama a gagné." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:141 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4" +msgid "Yes we can." +msgstr "Yes we can." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:144 +msgid "Yeah, but they outlawed gay marriage." +msgstr "Oui mais ils ont rendu le mariage gay illégal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:147 +msgid "They did?" +msgstr "Ils ont fait ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:149 +msgid "Prop 8 passed." +msgstr "La proposition 8 est passée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:150 +msgid "I thought we were better than that." +msgstr "Je pensais qu'on était meilleur que ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:153 +msgid "You shoudn't be surprised. There were a lot of yellow wearing guys." +msgstr "Tu devrais pas être surprise, il y avait beaucoup de gens en jaune." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:154 +msgid "Don't even have to ask my parents what they voted. I know." +msgstr "J'ai même pas besoin de demande à mes parents pour qui ils ont votés. Je le sais." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:156 +msgid "But the thing is, it used to be legal. We USED to be better." +msgstr "Ça a déjà été légal. On ÉTAIT meilleur sur ce point par le passé." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:157 +msgid "It's not just that the world sucks. The world sucks, and it's getting worse." +msgstr "C'est pas que le monde va mal. Le monde va mal et c'est de pire en pire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:160 +msgid "...Obama, though." +msgstr "... Obama quand même." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:162 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4_1" +msgid "Yes we can." +msgstr "Yes we can." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:164 +msgid "Yes we can..." +msgstr "Yes we can..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:166 +msgid "[caterpillar!t] is crawling up Diya's arm now. " +msgstr "[caterpillar!t] est maintenant en train de ramper le long du bras de Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:168 +msgid "Gross." +msgstr "Dégueu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:170 +msgid "That's so shallow. He has a good heart." +msgstr "C'est tellement superficiel. Il a un bon cœur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:172 +msgid "Don't yellow and black stripes normally mean it's poisonous?" +msgstr "Les rayures jaune et noir ça veut pas dire que c'est venimeux ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:175 +msgid "Caterpillars are only poisonous if you eat them." +msgstr "Les chenilles sont seulement venimeuse si tu les mangent." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:176 +msgid "Not dangerous if you're nice." +msgstr "Elles sont pas dangereuses si t'es gentille." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:179 +msgid "Diya carefully returns the caterpillar to a tree branch." +msgstr "Diya repose délicatement la chenille sur une branche d'arbre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:181 +msgid "Ready to go?" +msgstr "Prête à partir ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:183 +msgid "Diya nods." +msgstr "Diya hoche la tête." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:194 +msgctxt "akarsha1_da7667f7" +msgid "Akarsha." +msgstr "Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:197 +msgctxt "akarsha1_ea9e118e" +msgid "Ya?" +msgstr "Ouais ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:201 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_2" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:202 +msgid "...Never mind." +msgstr "... Rien, oublie ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:205 +msgctxt "akarsha1_efb5ed1c" +msgid "What the..." +msgstr "C'est quoi ce..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:219 +msgid "We went ahead and got changed. It feels like we're a real team now, wearing the same uniform!" +msgstr "On est allé se changer. J'ai l'impression de vraiment faire partie de l'équipe maintenant qu'on porte tous le même uniforme !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:220 +msgid "We've still got some time to kill before the meeting starts." +msgstr "On a encore du temps à tuer avant le début de la rencontre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:242 +msgid "Diya is on the bench, resting her head on Min's shoulder." +msgstr "Diya est sur un banc, sa tête posé sur l'épaule de Min-seo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:243 +msgid "She's showing Min a picture of a seagull her cellphone. One side of the photo is blurry brown from Diya's thumb partially obscuring the camera lens." +msgstr "Elle montre à Min des photos de mouettes sur son téléphone. Un côté de la photo est flou, le doigt de Diya bloquant partiellement l'objectif de l'appareil photo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:245 +msgid "Look how close I got to this seagull." +msgstr "Regarde comment j'étais près de ces mouettes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:247 +msgid "That's pretty close." +msgstr "En effet, c'est proche." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:253 +msgid "Life is so hard..." +msgstr "La vie est dure..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:254 +msgid "Any words of wisdom, Diya?" +msgstr "Quelques mots de sagesse Diya ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:257 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:259 +msgid "Snowflakes are actually really, really small." +msgstr "Les flocons de neiges sont minuscules en vrai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:260 +msgid "Not like you would think from Christmas decorations." +msgstr "Pas comme on pourrait le croire quand on voit des décorations de Noël." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:262 +msgid "Uh...How big did you think they were??" +msgstr "Heu... Tu croyais qu'ils étaient grand comment ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:264 +msgid "Like the size of a plate." +msgstr "Bah la taille d'une assiette." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:266 +msgid "Wow...you must've been crazy disappointed when you discovered the truth." +msgstr "Wow... Tu devais être vraiment déçue quand tu as découvert la vérité." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:268 +msgid "Any other advice?" +msgstr "D'autres conseils ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:271 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:273 +msgid "You can make nutella sandwiches and eat them." +msgstr "Tu peux faire des sandwich au Nutella et les manger." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:274 +msgid "If you do this three times a day you'll have three meals for like $1.50." +msgstr "Si tu fais ça trois fois par jour, tu auras trois repas pour genre 2€" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:276 +msgid "Thanks..." +msgstr "Merci..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:282 +msgid "I come seeking more knowledge, wise one." +msgstr "Je viens chercher la sagesse, oh ancien sage." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:285 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:287 +msgid "Putting whipped cream on rice is a bad idea." +msgstr "Mettre de la crème chantilly sur du riz est une mauvaise idée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:289 +msgid "...Are you speaking from personal experience?" +msgstr "... Tu parles d'expérience ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:291 +msgid "Tried it once." +msgstr "J'ai essayé une fois." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:293 +msgid "Why?!" +msgstr "Pourquoi ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:295 +msgid "Thought it'd taste like sticky rice." +msgstr "Je pensais que ça aurait le goût du riz collant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:296 +msgid "But it was bad." +msgstr "Mais c'était pas bon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:298 +msgid "Amazing..." +msgstr "Incroyable..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:308 +msgid "Min has a textbook in her lap. She's flipping it to a chapter review page." +msgstr "Min a son manuel sur ses genoux. Elle tourne les pages et arrive sur une page d'évaluation de chapitre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:310 +msgid "Are you doing your homework?!" +msgstr "Tu fais tes devoirs ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:311 +msgid "That's weirdly studious of you." +msgstr "C'est bizarrement sérieux de ta part." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:314 +msgid "I told my parents I joined a tutoring club." +msgstr "J'ai dis a mes parents que je faisais du tutorat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:316 +msgid "Oh. Lol." +msgstr "Oh. Mdr." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:319 +msgid "Funny, so did I." +msgstr "Marrant, moi aussi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:321 +msgid "Wha? What do you need tutoring for?" +msgstr "Quoi ? Pourquoi tu as besoin de tutorat ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:323 +msgid "I told them I was the tutor." +msgstr "Je leur ait dit que j'étais la tutrice." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:325 +msgid "That's perfect! You can tutor Min, then." +msgstr "C'est parfait ! Tu vas pouvoir être la tutrice de Min du coup." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:326 +msgid "Match made in heaven." +msgstr "La paire parfaite." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:329 +msgid "MATCH MADE IN HELL. I don't want her help." +msgstr "LA PAIRE DE L'ENFER. Je veux pas de son aide." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:332 +msgid "As she says it, though, she's staring down at the page with a desolate expression." +msgstr "En disant ça elle regarde la page de son manuel avec une expression de désespoir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:334 +msgid "Math should just...die." +msgstr "Les math ça devrait juste... crever." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:336 +msgid "Why? It's a discipline full of beautiful and complex patterns." +msgstr "Pourquoi ? C'est une matière pleine de beauté de complexité." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:337 +msgid "There's absolutely nothing inherently bad or oppressive about it, yet people treat it like it's evil and malicious." +msgstr "Il rien de mauvais ou d'opprimant dans les maths mais les gens traitent ça comme si c'était mauvais et malveillant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:338 +msgid "A lot of pure math lacks any kind of practical application, and merely exists for the sake of stimulating people's minds and pushing the limits of the medium as far as is possible." +msgstr "Il y a plein de choses dans les mathématiques qui n'ont pas d'applications pratiques et qui existe juste pour stimuler le cerveau des gens et les faire repousser les limites de la matière le plus loin possible." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:339 +msgid "It's much like a form of art." +msgstr "C'est un peu comme une forme d'art." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:341 +msgid "Can't relate. Shut the fuck up." +msgstr "Ca me dit rien. Ferme la." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:343 +msgid "Dude, let me see it. I'll help you." +msgstr "Nan mais laisse moi regarder, je vais t'aider." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:344 +msgid "Problem 1: Bill can paint a house in five hours, and Mary can paint a house in three hours. How long will it take for them to paint a house together?" +msgstr "Problème 1 : Bill peut peindre une maison en cinq heures et Mary peut peindre une maison en 3 heures. Combien de temps les deux ensemble prendraient pour peindre une maison ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:347 +msgid "8 hours. 5 + 3 is 8." +msgstr "8 heures. 5 + 3 = 8" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:349 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_2df16a64" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:352 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:354 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_46e87e05" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:357 +msgid "...Are you gonna be okay at this school?" +msgstr "... Tu penses que ça va aller dans ce lycée ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:364 +msgid "Would you kiss a girl for 1 million dollars?" +msgstr "Est-ce que tu embrasserais une fille pour 1 million d'euros ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:368 +msgid "I guess? I don't have that kind of money, though." +msgstr "Je crois ? J'ai pas ce genre d'argent par contre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:371 +msgid "Wha....?" +msgstr "Quoi...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:373 +msgid "No, I'm saying you get PAID." +msgstr "No, je dis que tu es PAYÉE." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:377 +msgid "Huh??" +msgstr "Hein ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:380 +msgid "Never mind." +msgstr "Laisse tomber." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:391 +msgid "Noelle is solving a Professor's Cube. Unlike a regular Rubik's Cube, it's 5x5x5 instead of 3x3x3." +msgstr "Noelle est en train de résoudre un Professor's Cube. C'est comme un Rubik's Cube mais a la place d'être 3x3x3 c'est 5x5x5." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:393 +msgid "Diya's face lights up when she spots it." +msgstr "Le visage de Diya s'illumine a la vue du cube." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:394 +msgid "I solved one side for you already." +msgstr "J'ai déjà résolu une des faces pour toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:395 +msgid "Took me 2 hours." +msgstr "Ça m'a pris 2 heures." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:396 +msgid "Diya proudly points to the cube." +msgstr "Diya pointe le cube avec fierté." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:397 +msgid "Indeed, one face is solid red." +msgstr "En effet, une des faces est complètement rouge." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:399 +msgid "...I see." +msgstr "... Je vois." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:401 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that doesn't help at all." +msgstr "Je suis quasi sûre que ça aide pas du tout." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:403 +msgid "Sure enough, Noelle completely obliterates Diya's work in order to solve the cube correctly." +msgstr "Évidemment, Noelle détruit complètement l’œuvre de Diya afin de résoudre le cube correctement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:405 +msgid "Wow. You make it look easy." +msgstr "Wow. Tu donnes l'impression que c'est facile." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:408 +msgid "Did I help?" +msgstr "Est-ce que j'ai aidé ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:410 +msgid "...Of course. I appreciate it." +msgstr "... Bien sur. J'apprécie ton aide." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:414 +msgid "Noelle peels a banana and takes a bite out of it." +msgstr "Noelle épluche une banane et prend une bouchée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:416 +msgid "What the hell are you doing? Aren't you taking the banana sticker off?" +msgstr "Mais qu'est-ce que tu fous ? Tu enlèves pas l'autocollant de la banane ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:418 +msgid "Why would I? It comes off with the peel anyway. " +msgstr "Pourquoi je ferais ça ? Ça part avec la peau de toute façon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:419 +msgid "Taking the sticker off first would be completely pointless." +msgstr "Enlever l'autocollant en premier serait complètement inutile." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:421 +msgid "So you just eat it with the sticker still on??" +msgstr "Alors tu la manges avec l'autocollant encore dessus ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:423 +msgid "Yes? It doesn't have any effect on the inside of the banana." +msgstr "Oui ? Ca change rien à ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur de la peau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:425 +msgid "The fuck's wrong with you?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qui va pas chez toi bordel ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:426 +msgid "You...you're not human." +msgstr "T'es... T'es pas humaine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:428 +msgid "HOW AM I NOT HUMAN?!" +msgstr "COMMENT CA JE SUIS PAS HUMAINE ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:444 +msgid "The locker room door creaks open." +msgstr "La porte du vestiaire d'ouvre avec un grincement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:445 +msgid "When Noelle sees Chryssa and Liz come through, she lifts her hand to wave but aborts halfway through the motion." +msgstr "Quand Noelle voit Chryssa et Liz passer la porte, elle lève la main pour les saluer mais elle d'arrête en plein milieu de son mouvement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:446 +msgid "Scowling, she jerks the offending appendage back down, like her hand had gone and betrayed the rest of her body." +msgstr "Elle baisse d'un coup sec le membre incriminé comme si sa main avait trahie le reste de son corps avec un air renfrogné." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:449 +msgctxt "meetingStart_e47d28aa" +msgid "........." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:452 +msgctxt "meetingStart_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:454 +msgid "Nothing." +msgstr "Rien." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:461 +msgid "Hey guys! We have a few announcements to make." +msgstr "Hey les gens ! Nous avons quelques annonces à faire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:462 +msgid "First of all, Min-seo..." +msgstr "Premièrement, Min-Seo..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:464 +msgid "You need to resubmit your parental permission form for the club." +msgstr "Tu dois refaire un formulaire d'autorisation parentale pour ton inscription au club." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:466 +msgid "And this time, please have a real parental guardian sign it." +msgstr "Et cette fois fait le signer par un vrai responsable légal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:468 +msgid "I don't know what you're talking about." +msgstr "Je vois pas de quoi tu parles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:470 +msgid "She forged it? How can you tell?" +msgstr "Il a forgé la signature ? Comment tu peux le savoir ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:472 +msgid "The signature...was just the word \"Mom\" in cursive." +msgstr "La signature... c'est juste le mot \"Maman\" écrit en attaché." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:474 +msgid "...Fuck." +msgstr "... Merde." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:477 +msgid "Min is running away!" +msgstr "Min s'enfuit !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:479 +msgid "Chryssa gets up and chases after her!" +msgstr "Chryssa se lève et part à sa poursuite !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:481 +msgid "There's nowhere to run!" +msgstr "Tu as nul part où fuir !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:482 +msgid "You dumb kid!" +msgstr "Espèce de gosse idiot !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:488 +msgid "...It sounds an awful lot like Min ran into the door again." +msgstr "... On dirait que Min a encore foncé dans la porte vu le vacarme." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:490 +msgid "Everyone else's forms look fine, though!" +msgstr "Le formulaire de tout les autres m’ont l'air bon !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:491 +msgid "So good job, guys. If you forged it too, I couldn't tell." +msgstr "Alors bravo, si vous avez forgé la signature, j'ai pas pu le deviner." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:493 +msgid "Phew." +msgstr "Ouf." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:496 +msgid "Chryssa has returned, dragging a defeated Min behind her." +msgstr "Chryssa est de retour en trainant dèrrière elle un Min vaincu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:498 +msgid "Next up..." +msgstr "Ensuite..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:499 +msgid "We're playing against an actual team today!" +msgstr "Aujourd’hui nous allons jouer contre une craie équipe !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:501 +msgid "What?! Who?" +msgstr "QUOI ?! Qui ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:503 +msgid "We invited the team at Niles over." +msgstr "On a invité l'équipe de l'université de Niles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:504 +msgid "They should be here soon." +msgstr "Ils devraient arriver bientôt." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:508 +msgid "Are we going to be okay? Our team is made up of 4 baseball players, 2 nerds, and 3 weebs." +msgstr "Tu penses qu'on va s'en sortir ? Notre équipe est composée de 4 joueurs de baseball, 2 intello et 3 weebs." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:510 +msgid "Wait, did you count me as a nerd? I'm a hybrid, I'm a weeb too." +msgstr "Attends, tu m'as compté comme une intello ? Je suis une hybreide, je suis aussi une weeb." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:513 +msgid "Guys, we'll be fine." +msgstr "Les amies, calmez-vous, ca va aller." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:514 +msgid "...Maybe." +msgstr "... Peut-être." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:516 +msgid "The \"maybe\" was too honest." +msgstr "Le \"peut-être\" était un peu trop honnête." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:519 +msgid "Don't worry, it's seriously super casual." +msgstr "Ne vous inquiétez pas, c'est vraiment un match super amical." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:520 +msgid "They aren't bringing their coaches or anything. It's just nine of them driving over in their cars." +msgstr "Ils ne viennent pas avec leurs entraîneurs ou autres. Ils sont que neufs à se ramener en voiture." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:521 +msgid "Just relax and have fun." +msgstr "Détends-toi, et amuse-toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:523 +msgid "This isn't really important, but they have a cool mascot. It's Killer Whales." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas très important, mais ils ont une mascotte super cool. Ce sont les Orques." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:525 +msgid "What's our team name? Do we get a mascot too?" +msgstr "C'est quoi le nom de notre équipe ? On a pas une mascotte aussi ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:527 +msgid "Read your damn shirt. It's Monarchs." +msgstr "Lis ton putain de t-shirt. Nous sommes les Monarques." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:529 +msgid "That's so bland..." +msgstr "Ca craint..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:532 +msgid "But we're not really an official school team. So we can make a name up ourselves." +msgstr "Mais on est pas vraiment une équipe officielle du lycée. Alors on peut créer notre propre nom." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:534 +msgid "Ooooh!!" +msgstr "Ooooh !!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:537 +msgid "Any suggestions?" +msgstr "Des suggestions ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:539 +msgid "Bagels." +msgstr "Beignets." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:542 +msgid "The way you think is so damn cute." +msgstr "La manière dont tu l'as dit est tellement mimi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:544 +msgid "Chicken Nuggets." +msgstr "Chicken Nuggets." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:546 +msgid "Bagels is so simple, I kind of like it." +msgstr "Bagels est simple, ça me plaît bien." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:548 +msgid "Yeah, I'd honestly be okay if it ended up like that." +msgstr "Ouais, honnêtement, ça me conviendrait bien si on s'appelait comme ça. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:550 +msgid "Any other suggestions?" +msgstr "D'autres suggestions ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:552 +msgid "We should be something stronger than killer whales to assert our dominance." +msgstr "On devrait être quelque chose de plus puissant que les orques, pour affirmer notre domination." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:554 +msgid "Monarchs are already more powerful than killer whales, though." +msgstr "Les monarques sont déjà plus forts que les orques, hein." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:555 +msgid "Humans keep killer whales in captivity." +msgstr "Les Humains gardent les orques en captivité." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:557 +msgid "But if it was, like, 1 v 1, a killer whale would tear a guy to shreds." +msgstr "Mais en 1 contre 1, une orque déchirerait un mec en lambeaux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:558 +msgid "We should be something bigger and more dangerous." +msgstr "Faut qu'on soit un truc plus gros, plus dangereux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:560 +msgid "Like what? Global warming?" +msgstr "Comme quoi ? Réchauffement climatique ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:562 +msgid "Oh my god?? That's actually a hilarious name." +msgstr "Mon Dieu ! Mais c'est super marrant comme nom en fait !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:563 +msgid "No matter who we're up against, they'll pretty much just automatically lose." +msgstr "Peu importe qui nous affrontons, ils sont quasi sûrs de perdre automatiquement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:565 +msgid "Like, Tigers vs. Global Warming. Who do you think's gonna win?" +msgstr "Comme : les Tigres contre Réchauffement Climatique. Qui gagne, selon vous ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:568 +msgid "Our motto can be \"Underestimate us and the world will be destroyed.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:570 +msgid "That's not a very positive motto..." +msgstr "C'est pas un slogan très positif ça..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:572 +msgid "I'm still kind of impressed Noelle came up that." +msgstr "Je suis assez impressionnée que Noelle ait trouvé un truc pareil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:575 +msgid "What kind of name did you think I'd come up with?" +msgstr "Et quel genre de nom tu pensais que j'allais trouver hein ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:577 +msgid "I dunno..." +msgstr "J'sais pas..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:579 +msgid "Something nerdy that you thought sounded cool, but was actually really cringy." +msgstr "Un truc d'intello qui sonne cool, mais qui est en fait hyper malaisant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:580 +msgid "Like \"The Algorithms\"." +msgstr "Comme\"Les Algorithmes\"." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:583 +msgid "Yuck!" +msgstr "Beurk !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:585 +msgid "I feel like throwing up..." +msgstr "J'ai envie de vomir..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:587 +msgid "SHUT UP!! I NEVER SUGGESTED THAT!" +msgstr "LA FERME !! J'AI JAMAIS SUGGERE CA !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:589 +msgid "And I don't like \"Global Warming.\" It's not threatening enough." +msgstr "Et j'aime pas \"Réchauffement Climatique.\" C'est pas assez menaçant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:591 +msgid "How is it not threatening enough? It's irreversible and will devastate generations to come." +msgstr "Comment ça, pas assez menaçant ? C'est irréversible, et ça dévastera les générations futures !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:593 +msgid "But it's not a...thing! Like a real thing!" +msgstr "Mais c'est même pas un...truc ! Enfin, un vrai truc." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:595 +msgid "Are you saying you don't believe in global warming?!" +msgstr "Tu dis que tu ne crois pas au réchauffement climatique ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:597 +msgid "She means it's like an abstract concept." +msgstr "Elle veut dire que c'est un concept abstrait." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:599 +msgctxt "meetingStart_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "Ouais !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:600 +msgid "We should be something that sounds like it could rip our enemies from limb to limb." +msgstr "On devrait être un truc qui donne l'impression de déchirer le corps des ennemis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:602 +msgid "Like...Death Machine." +msgstr "Comme... Machine de la mort ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:604 +msgid "Are we forming a heavy metal band?" +msgstr "Parce qu'on crée un groupe de heavy metal ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:607 +msgid "Death Bagels." +msgstr "Les beignets de la mort." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:609 +msgid "That's...better? I think?" +msgstr "C'est .. Mieux ? J'imagine ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:610 +msgid "Death Bagels is dramatically cuter, but Min is too pleased that Diya combined their suggestions to complain." +msgstr "Les beignets de la mort c'est tellement plus mignon, mais Min est bien trop contente que Diya ait mixé leur proposition pour râler." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:614 +msgid "Wait! I just thought of a name too." +msgstr "Attends ! J'ai une idée aussi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:616 +msgid "\"Semes\"." +msgstr "\"Semes\"." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:619 +msgctxt "meetingStart_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "Non" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:621 +msgid "Wh...what is that?" +msgstr "Heu... Qu'est ce que c'est?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:623 +msgid "In yaoi, the seme is the dominant guy in the couple." +msgstr "Dans les Yaoi, le seme est le dominant du couple." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:625 +msgid "What is \"yaoi\"?" +msgstr "What is \"yaoi\"?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:627 +msgid "You don't want to know!" +msgstr "Tu veux pas savoir!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:631 +msgid "Usually only teen girls who like anime know what it means, so maybe that's good?" +msgstr "Habituellement, seules les filles ados qui aiment les animés savent ce que ca veut dire, du coup ca vous va?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:632 +msgid "Most normal people will be totally oblivious." +msgstr "La plupart des gens ne comprendront pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:634 +msgid "Yeah. The only reason Noelle knows is because I corrupted her." +msgstr "Ouais. Noelle sait ce que ca veut dire uniquement parce que je l'ai corrompue." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:637 +msgid "Let me reiterate that this is a bad idea." +msgstr "Laissez moi vous répéter que c'est une mauvaise idée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:638 +msgid "We're going to have to make up a fake definition when our parents ask what it means." +msgstr "Il va falloir qu'on invente une fausse définition quand nos parents nous demanderons ce que ca veut dire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:640 +msgid "Worth." +msgstr "Ca me va." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:642 +msgid "How is that worth it?" +msgstr "Comment ça peut valoir le coup?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:644 +msgid "Okay, we'll settle this the fair way, which is a vote." +msgstr "OK, on va regler ca d'une manière civilisée : un vote." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:645 +msgid "Everyone, write your vote down on a piece of paper." +msgstr "Ecrivez tous votre vote sur un bout de papier." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:649 +msgid "Akarsha votes for..." +msgstr "Akarsha vote pour..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:668 +msgid "Chryssa tallies up all the votes." +msgstr "Chryssa fait le décompte des votes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:671 +msgid "The winner is..." +msgstr "Le vainqueur est..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:673 +msgid "[teamName!t]!" +msgstr "[teamName!t] !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:676 +msgctxt "meetingStart_79a02449" +msgid "Yeah!!" +msgstr "Ouais !!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:678 +msgid "Name status: Sick!!!" +msgstr "Statut du nom : Génial !!! " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:683 +msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:685 +msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about bagels?" +msgstr "Je comprends pas. Qu'est ce qu'il y a de bien avec les beignets?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:686 +msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e" +msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." +msgstr "Diya la regarde mal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:688 +msgid "It's bread in a circle." +msgstr "C'est un cercle de pain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:690 +msgid "That...didn't explain anything." +msgstr "Ca... n'explique rien du tout" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:693 +msgid "Diya would probably eat an entire bakery if she had the chance." +msgstr "Diya mangerait probablement une boulangerie entière si elle en avait l'occasion." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:697 +msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255_1" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:699 +msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about chicken nuggets?" +msgstr "Je ne comprends pas. Qu'est ce qu'il y a de si génial avec les nuggets de poulet?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:700 +msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e_1" +msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." +msgstr "Diya la regarde mal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:702 +msgid "They're on sale at McDonald's. You can buy 20 for $4.99." +msgstr "Ca se vent au Mcdo. Tu peux en acheter 20 pour 5€." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:704 +msgid "What are you, a walking McDonald's advertisement?" +msgstr "Qu'es tu? Une pub ambulante de Mcdonald?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:708 +msgid "Nice." +msgstr "Super." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:711 +msgid "I guess the one downside is, we only sound threatening to people who believe in it." +msgstr "Le problème, c'est qu'on va faire peur seulement à ceux qui y croient." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:713 +msgid "That's fine." +msgstr "Ca me va." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:714 +msgid "Even if they're too ignorant to accept scientific fact, that doesn't erase the reality that we'll annihilate them." +msgstr "Même si ils sont trop ignorants pour accepter les faits scientifiques, ça n'enlève pas le fait que nous allons les annihiler." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:716 +msgid "Big words for someone who couldn't catch a ball if it had Elmer's glue on it." +msgstr "Ca en fait des mots savants pour quelqu'un qui n'est pas capable d'attraper une balle quand elle est remplie de colle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:718 +msgid "You shut up." +msgstr "Tais-toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:720 +msgid "Alright guys, be nice..." +msgstr "Sois sympa..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:724 +msgctxt "meetingStart_27c49944" +msgid "No!" +msgstr "Non !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:726 +msgid "Yes!" +msgstr "Oui !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:729 +msgid "Have you guys no shame at all?!" +msgstr "Vous n'avez vraiment aucune honte?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:731 +msgid "Come on. Don't pretend you didn't vote for it." +msgstr "Allez. Fais pas comme si tu n'avais pas voté pour ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:733 +msgid "I didn't vote for it!" +msgstr "Je n'ai pas voté pour ça !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:748 +msgid "The [teamName!t] head out to the field." +msgstr "[teamName!t] arrive sur le terrain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:751 +msgid "The other team is on their way. They're parking right now." +msgstr "L'autre équipe est en route. Ils sont sur le parking là." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:752 +msgid "Let's stretch and warm up first." +msgstr "On s'étire et on s'échauffe d'abord." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:754 +msgid "They arrange in a huge circle and begin stretching like usual." +msgstr "Elles se mettent en cercle et commencent à s'étirer comme d'habitude." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:758 +msgid "Focus on your breathing and calm your mind." +msgstr "Concentrez vous sur votre respiration et calmez vos esprits." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:760 +msgid "Suddenly, Noelle whirls around, looking frantic. " +msgstr "Tout à coups, Noelle se retourne, l'air frénétique." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:762 +msgid "Noelle, get with the program. Be a Zen master." +msgstr "Noelle, reste avec nous. Sois un Maitre Zen." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:764 +msgid "Where's Diya?" +msgstr "Où est Diya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:766 +msgid "Huh? She didn't follow us out?" +msgstr "Heu? Elle nous a pas suivie?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:768 +msgid "Indeed, Diya is nowhere in sight..." +msgstr "Effectivement, je ne la vois pas..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:770 +msgid "Holy shit. She's so quiet I didn't even notice she was gone." +msgstr "Et merde. Elle est tellement discrète que j'avais pas remarqué qu'elle était partie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:772 +msgid "Min-seo is missing, too." +msgstr "Min-seo n'est pas là non plus." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:774 +msgid "OH MY GOD..." +msgstr "HO PUTAIN...." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:775 +msgid "THEY'RE DOING IT..." +msgstr "ELLES SONT EN TRAIN DE..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:778 +msgid "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE." +msgstr "CE N'EST PAS POSSIBLE." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:780 +msgid "Min told me she was going to the bathroom on the way out." +msgstr "Min m'a dit qu'il allait aux toilettes en sortant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:782 +msgid "But that was, like, 15 minutes ago. She should be back by now." +msgstr "Mais c'était genre, il y a 15min. Elle devrait être revenue." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:784 +msgid "Maybe they got left behind in the locker room." +msgstr "Peut être qu'on les a oubliées dans les vestiaires." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:793 +msgid "AUGGGHHH!!!" +msgstr "HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:797 +msgctxt "diyaMissing_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Quoi?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:799 +msgid "Nothing. I was just randomly screaming." +msgstr "Rien. Je voulais juste crier." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:804 +msgid "Looks like Diya and Min aren't here." +msgstr "Il semblerait que Diya et Min ne sont pas là." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:805 +msgid "And the girls' bathroom is empty." +msgstr "Les toilettes des filles sont vides." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:807 +msgid "We should split up and search for them." +msgstr "On devrait se séparer et les chercher." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:809 +msgid "No. I've watched enough TV to know where this is going." +msgstr "Non. J'ai regardé assez de séries TV pour savoir ce qui se passe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:810 +msgid "We'll get picked off one by one." +msgstr "On va disparaitre une par une." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:812 +msgid "What is this, a horror movie?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce que c'est? Un film d'horreur?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:814 +msgid "The Killer Whales will be here any minute. We don't have time to comb the school slowly together." +msgstr "Les Tueurs de Balaines seront la d'une minute à l'autre. On a pas le temps de ratisser l'école toutes ensemble." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:815 +msgid "Besides, we already lost the main problem children. The rest of them aren't the type to just randomly wander off like this." +msgstr "De plus, on a deja passé le probleme des enfants. Elles ne sont pas du genre à s'égarer au hasard. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:817 +msgid "That's true." +msgstr "C'est vrai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:818 +msgid "Fine. Disperse, [teamName!t]!" +msgstr "Bien. Dispersion, [teamName!t] !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:819 +msgid "Meet back at the field in 10 minutes, whether you find them or not." +msgstr "On se retrouve sur le terrain dans 10min, qu'on les trouve ou pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:821 +msgid "Roger that!" +msgstr "Bien reçu!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:825 +msgid "Semes..." +msgstr "Semes..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:827 +msgid "I still don't want to be called that!" +msgstr "Je ne veux toujours pas qu'on s'appelle comme ca!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:829 +msgid "Don't be a sore loser." +msgstr "Fais pas ta rageuse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:846 +msgid "Noelle is holding the door open for people as they exit the locker room." +msgstr "Noelle tient la porte pendant qu'elles sortent des vestiaires." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:847 +msgid "She smiles as Akarsha comes closer." +msgstr "Elle souris quand Akarsha s'approche." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:849 +msgid "I can't stand here all day, you're cut off." +msgstr "Je ne vais pas rester là toute la journée, t'abuses." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:852 +msgid "Noelle lets the door close in Akarsha's face." +msgstr "Noelle laisse la porte se refermer sur la tête d'Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:854 +msgid "Oh my god????" +msgstr "Ho mon dieu???" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:863 +msgid "Noelle is waiting for Akarsha outside." +msgstr "Noelle attend Akarsha dehors." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:865 +msgid "Meanie." +msgstr "Vilaine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:866 +msgid "Where should we look?" +msgstr "On cherche où?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:869 +msgctxt "diyaMissing_88bdc1aa" +msgid "I don't know." +msgstr "Je ne sais pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:870 +msgid "If it was just Diya, I'd have guesses, but it's likely Min-seo forced her to go somewhere." +msgstr "Si ca avait été juste Diya, j'aurai pu deviner, mais c'est comme si Min-seo l'avait forcer à aller quelque part." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:872 +msgid "...You realize Diya is like, a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than Min, right?" +msgstr "... Tu te rends compte que Diya est une armoire par rapport à Min quand même?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:873 +msgid "Min can't \"force\" Diya to do anything. If she took her somewhere, it's because Diya let her." +msgstr "Min ne peux pas \"forcer\" Diya à faire quoi que ce soit. Si elle l'a emmenée quelque part, c'est que Diya l'a bien voulu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:876 +msgid "Fine, forced was too strong of a word. Coerced." +msgstr "Bien, forcé etait un mot trop fort. Obligé alors." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:883 +msgid "Dude, chill. You're so neurotic when it comes to Diya." +msgstr "Calmes toi ma grande. Tu deviens tellement hystérique quand on parle de Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:884 +msgid "Can't you just trust her judgment?" +msgstr "Tu peux pas juste te fier à son jugement?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:889 +msgid "In kindergarten, I asked Diya what she wanted to be when she grew up and she answered \"A police dog.\"" +msgstr "Au jardin d'enfants, j'ai demandé à Diya ce qu'elle voudrait faire plus grande et elle m'a repondue \"Chien de police.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:891 +msgid "Well, it WAS kindergarten." +msgstr "Bah, c'était au jardin d'ENFANTS." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:893 +msgid "Even in kindergarten I understood that becoming another species wasn't an option..." +msgstr "Même au jardin d'enfants, j'ai compris que devenir une autre espece était une necessité..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:967 +msgid "Akarsha looks inside the girls' bathroom. Just as Chryssa said, it's empty." +msgstr "Akarsha regarde dans les toilettes des filles. Comme dit Chryssa, c'est vide." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:969 +msgid "Darn. I thought Min might be having a diarrhea catastrophe or something." +msgstr "Merde. J' imaginais bien Min avoir une diarrhée de l'espace ou quelque chose comme ca. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:972 +msgid "Are you trying to make me throw up?" +msgstr "T'essaie de me faire vomir?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:975 +msgid "Ya. It's my hobby." +msgstr "Ouais. C'est ma passion." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:978 +msgid "You know, sometimes I wonder why I bother with you." +msgstr "Tu sais, des fois je me demande pourquoi je m’embête avec toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:981 +msgid "Because you love me." +msgstr "Parce que tu m'aime." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:984 +msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e" +msgid "No, I don't." +msgstr "Non, c'est faux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:987 +msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd" +msgid "Yes, you do." +msgstr "Si c'est vrai" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:990 +msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e_1" +msgid "No, I don't." +msgstr "Non c'est faux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:993 +msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd_1" +msgid "Yes, you do." +msgstr "Oui c'est vrai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:996 +msgid "This is stupid. Knock it off." +msgstr "C'est stupide. Arrête ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:999 +msgid "You didn't deny it that time! CONFIRMED." +msgstr "Tu n'as pas dit non cette fois ! CONFIRMÉ" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1002 +msgid "NOT CONFIRMED. That's not how it works." +msgstr "PAS CONFIRMÉ. C'est pas comme ça que ça marche." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1123 +msgid "Hey, that's...!" +msgstr "Hé, c'est... !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1127 +msgid "Diya is sprinting around the track at top speed!" +msgstr "Diya court autour de la piste à toute vitesse !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1129 +msgid "Yo! Diya!" +msgstr "Yo ! Diya !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1132 +msgid "She can't hear us from here." +msgstr "Elle peut pas nous entendre d'ici." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1135 +msgid "Once Diya rounds a bend, Noelle and Akarsha flag her down." +msgstr "Après que Diya ait passée le virage, Noelle et Akarsha lui font signe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1137 +msgid "She's completely drenched in sweat." +msgstr "Elle est couverte de sueur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1141 +msgctxt "track_b4f18a79" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1145 +msgid "I got nervous, so I ran 3 miles." +msgstr "J'étais nerveuse alors j'ai couru 5km." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1146 +msgid "Feel better now." +msgstr "Je me sens mieux là." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1148 +msgid "Uh...Okay?" +msgstr "Heu... Ok ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1149 +msgid "Why didn't you say anything?" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu nous a rien dit ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1153 +msgid "Diya looks at her as though she's crazy." +msgstr "Diya la regarde comme si elle était folle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1154 +msgid "Stressful. I don't like to bother people." +msgstr "Le stress. J'aime pas déranger les gens." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1156 +msgid "Dude, you know that not communicating just makes most situations even MORE stressful, right??" +msgstr "Tu sais que ne rien dire rend la plupart des situations encore PLUS stressante hein ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1161 +msgid "Where's Min?" +msgstr "Où est Min ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1164 +msgctxt "track_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "... ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1165 +msgctxt "track_b08fe291" +msgid "What do you mean?" +msgstr "De quoi tu parles ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1167 +msgid "Huh. I guess you went missing separately." +msgstr "Ah. J'en déduis que vous avez pas disparus ensemble." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1168 +msgid "Never mind. Just go back to the diamond then." +msgstr "Laisse tomber. Retourne sur le terrain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1170 +msgid "You should go back to the diamond." +msgstr "Tu devrais retourner sur le terrain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1171 +msgid "That way Chryssa and Liz will know where you are." +msgstr "Comme ca Chryssa et Liz savent où tu es." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1175 +msgid "Diya nods and trots off." +msgstr "Diya acquiesce et part en trotinant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1180 +msgctxt "track_2336aed8" +msgid "We found both of them." +msgstr "On à trouvé les deux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1183 +msgctxt "track_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Oui." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1185 +msgctxt "track_4bb6904f" +msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" +msgstr "Encore une fois je suis un héro." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1188 +msgctxt "track_5a0fec90" +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." +msgstr "TU N'ES PAS UN HÉROS." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1190 +msgctxt "track_a0fce640" +msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." +msgstr "Retournons sur le terrain nous aussi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1254 +msgid "Bad memories looking at this now." +msgstr "J'ai des mauvais souvenirs qui remontent en voyant ca." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1256 +msgid "I was an idiot." +msgstr "J'étais idiote." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1259 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1262 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1265 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1268 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1271 +msgid "If you're waiting for me to disagree, we're going to be here all day." +msgstr "Si tu attends que je dise que tu as tort, on va pouvoir attendre longtemps." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1280 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_656a56ba" +msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" +msgstr "Le poster dit \"Réduis le stress !\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1284 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_655a1055" +msgid "HahaHAH!!" +msgstr "HahaHAH !!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1285 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_0aceba5d" +msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" +msgstr "Comment ils veulent qu'on fasse ca exactement ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1286 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_81cbde51" +msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" +msgstr "Ne pas aller à l'école ? {w=0.26} Se débarasser de nos parents ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1296 +msgctxt "lookBush2_bbb27231" +msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" +msgstr "OH MON DIEU !!!! J'Y CROIS PAS !!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1299 +msgctxt "lookBush2_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1302 +msgctxt "lookBush2_2a42d072" +msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "C'EST... C'EST UN BUISSON !!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1303 +msgctxt "lookBush2_588540e7" +msgid "I never would've guessed!" +msgstr "J'aurais jamais deviné !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1308 +msgctxt "lookBush2_f5a3cd1f" +msgid "FASCINATING!!!" +msgstr "FASCINANT !!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1309 +msgctxt "lookBush2_beb8360c" +msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" +msgstr "Continuons de regarder ca plutôt que de faire quelque chose de productif." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1320 +msgid "Noelle looks incredibly amused." +msgstr "Noelle a l'air très amusée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1322 +msgid "Why the library?" +msgstr "Pourquoi la librairie ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1324 +msgid "You think Min-seo is going to read a book?" +msgstr "Tu penses que Min-Seo est allée lire un livre ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1327 +msgid "Doesn't hurt to be thorough, right?" +msgstr "Ca fait pas de mal d'être rigoureux, non ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1331 +msgid "Akarsha squeaks the door open." +msgstr "Akarsha fait grincer la porte." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1334 +msgid "The book scanner alarms go off!" +msgstr "Les alarmes du scanner de livre s'arrêtent!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1335 +msgid "Everyone in the library turns to look at her!" +msgstr "Tous les yeux se tournent vers elle!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1338 +msgid "OH SHIT???!!!!" +msgstr "OH MERDE???!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1339 +msgid "*weird shriek*" +msgstr "crie étrangement" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1341 +msgid "Akarsha panics and bolts back out the door!" +msgstr "Akarsha panique et referme la porte." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1356 +msgid "Hoo!!! Good thing no one chased after us." +msgstr "Hooo!!! Heureusement que personne ne nous poursuit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1357 +msgid "What even just happened?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qu'il vient de se passer?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1360 +msgid "I don't know. How odd." +msgstr "Je ne sais pas. C'était malaisant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1362 +msgid "I don't even have any books in my backpack. Why did it go off???" +msgstr "J'ai même pas de livre dans mon sac. Pourquoi ca s'est arrêté???" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1364 +msgid "Maybe it was a fluke. You should try again." +msgstr "C'était peut etre un hasard. Tu devrais réessayer." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1366 +msgid "No thanks..." +msgstr "Non merci..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1426 +msgid "Akarsha admires her own reflection in the window." +msgstr "Akarsha admire son reflet dans la vitre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1429 +msgid "I hate myself, but in a fun way where I'll still check myself out." +msgstr "Je me déteste, mais d'une certaine façon, je m'en sors toujours." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1432 +msgid "Dat me." +msgstr "Moi quoi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1436 +msgid "It's the 21st century. Why is acne still a thing?" +msgstr "On est au 21e siècle. Pourquoi l'acné est toujours d'actualité?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1439 +msgid "Technology has literally advanced to the point where we can shoot LASER BEAMS at your eyes to improve your vision. " +msgstr "Je veux dire, la technologie a tellement évolué qu'on peut te foutre un rayon laser dans les yeux pour améliorer ta vision." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1440 +msgid "You'd think we would've found a cure for bad skin by now." +msgstr "J'pensais qu'on aurait trouvé un remède pour les problèmes de peau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1441 +msgid "Like, dude, I don't even want to be pretty. I just want to look average, and not gross all the time." +msgstr "Genre, je demande même pas à être jolie. Je veux juste être dans la moyenne, et pas dégueu tout le temps." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1442 +msgid "It's hard being a weird goblin that no one has a crush on." +msgstr "C'est dur d'être un gobelin chelou qui n'attire personne." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1446 +msgid "I wonder what it's like to be attractive." +msgstr "Je me demande ce que ca fait d'être attirante." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1449 +msgid "Like, Diya could be wearing a garbage bag and still look better than I ever will in my entire life." +msgstr "Diya par exemple, elle pourrait porter qu'un sac poubelle quelle serait toujours plus sexy que je le serai de toute ma vie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1451 +msgid "I asked her what she washes her face with, and she said she just splashes water on it. Can you imagine being blessed with genes that good?" +msgstr "Je lui ai demandé avec quoi elle lave son visage, elle m'a juste repondu de balancer de l'eau dessus. T'imagines si j'avais pu avoir les mêmes gènes parfaits?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1454 +msgid "It's okay, though. I'm over it." +msgstr "Mais bon, c'est pas grave. Je me suis habituée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1455 +msgid "Being ugly builds character." +msgstr "Etre moche ca forge le caractère." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1469 +msgid "It's dead quiet in here." +msgstr "C'est le calme plat là dedans." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1471 +msgid "If I farted, you could hear it from a mile away." +msgstr "Si je pétais, tu pourrais l'entendre à 1km." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1474 +msgid "Please don't." +msgstr "S'il te plait non." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1484 +msgid "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" +msgstr "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1486 +msgid "Akarsha's shrieking echoes in the empty hall for several seconds." +msgstr "Akarsha écoute l'echo de son cri pendant plusieurs secondes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1488 +msgid "...Wow, the acoustics in here are great." +msgstr "...Wow, l'accoustique est super bonne ici." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1490 +msgid "I realize there's nothing I can do to prevent you from doing this, so I will wait outside and pretend not to know you." +msgstr "Je réalise que je ne peux rien faire pour t'empêcher de faire ça, donc je vais t'attendre dehors et faire comme si je ne te connaissais pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1492 +msgid "Noelle leaves the auditorium." +msgstr "Noelle quitte la salle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1497 +msgid "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" +msgstr "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1506 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stressed out!" +msgstr "*beatbox* Arrête de stresser!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1507 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about college!" +msgstr "*beatbox* Arrête de poser des questions sur l'université!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1508 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about majors and my career! Stop asking about my future!" +msgstr "*beatbox* Arrête de poser des questions sur les intellos, sur ma carrière. Arrête de me parler de mon futur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1511 +msgid "I DON'T KNOW OKAY!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!" +msgstr "JE NE SAIS PAS D'ACCORD. JE NE SAIS PAS !!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1512 +msgid "I'M NOT GOOD AT ANYTHING!" +msgstr "JE NE SUIS BONNE EN RIEN!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1513 +msgid "I'M A FRAUD! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! I'M NOT THAT SMART!" +msgstr "JE FAIS SEMBLANT! JE NE SAIS PAS CE QUE JE FAIS!!! JE NE SUIS PAS SI INTELLIGENTE!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1514 +msgid "I'M SO AFRAID OF FAILURE THAT EVERYTHING I DO HAS TO BE FUNNY! BECAUSE IF I'M NOT SERIOUS, IT'S NOT LIKE I WAS REALLY TRYING!" +msgstr "J'AI TELLEMENT PEUR DE TOUT FOIRER QUE JE SUIS OBLIGEE D'EN RIRE! PARCE QUE SI JE NE SUIS PAS SERIEUSE, C'EST COMME SI JE N'ESSAYAIS PAS VRAIMENT." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1515 +msgid "I'M SO UNHAPPY!! GOOD THING I DISGUISE IT AS A SERIES OF JOKES SO NO ONE NOTICES THE GAPING CHASM OF DARKNESS I LIVE ON THE EDGE OF!!!" +msgstr "JE SUIS TELLEMENT MALHEUREUSE!! JE CACHE CA AVEC DES BLAGUES COMME CA PERSONNE NE VOIT LE COTE SOMBRE AVEC LEQUEL JE FLIRTE" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1516 +msgid "I WANNA DIE!!! KILL ME!!!!!" +msgstr "JE VEUX MOURIR !!! TUEZ MOI!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1521 +msgid "What're you doing?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce que tu fous?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1524 +msgid "WaauUGHH!!!!" +msgstr "WaauUGHH!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1525 +msgid "Why're you here?! Weren't you supposed to be going to the bathroom?" +msgstr "Mais pourquoi t'es là? T'étais pas censée aller aux chiottes?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1528 +msgid "I was. There's a family bathroom over there." +msgstr "Si si, il y a des chiottes \"famille\" par là bas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1529 +msgid "She points to a door at the far end of the auditorium." +msgstr "Elle montre du doigt le fin fond de la salle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1531 +msgid "Okay...?" +msgstr "Ok...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1534 +msgid "Anyone can use it. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl." +msgstr "Tout le monde peut les utiliser. On s'en tape que tu sois un garçon ou une fille." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1536 +msgctxt "beatbox_7db5b18b" +msgid "...Right." +msgstr ".... Bien." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1538 +msgctxt "beatbox_dc547d3a" +msgid "Right." +msgstr "Bien." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1540 +msgctxt "beatbox_79c251c2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1543 +msgid "Min looks relieved that Akarsha let the topic drop." +msgstr "Min à l'air soulagée qu'Akarsha laisse tomber le sujet." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1546 +msgid "So where's Diya?" +msgstr "Et où est Diya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1549 +msgid "How should I know? Isn't she with the rest of you guys?" +msgstr "Pourquoi je saurais? Elle est pas avec tout le monde?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1551 +msgid "Huh. Never mind, then." +msgstr "Hum. Laisse tomber." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1555 +msgid "Were you serious about that dying stuff?" +msgstr "T'étais sérieuse sur le truc de mourir, là ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1557 +msgid "Naw man, I'd never actively try to off myself." +msgstr "Nope meuf, jamais j'essaierai de me débarrasser de moi volontairement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1558 +msgid "It's more like...if I was crossing the street and a car came barreling toward me, I'm not sure I'd get out of the way." +msgstr "C'était plutôt du style... Si je traversais la route, et qu'une voiture fonçait vers moi, je ne suis pas certaine de m'en sortir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1561 +msgid "Then I'll hit the car out of the way." +msgstr "Alors je buterai la bagnole hors de la route." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1563 +msgid "You'll...hit it? What?" +msgstr "Tu la... buteras ? Quoi ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1566 +msgid "With my own car. I'll ram into the one driving toward you." +msgstr "Avec ma propre caisse. Je percuterai le mec qui fonce vers toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1568 +msgid "Your car'll get crushed." +msgstr "Ta voiture sera défoncée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1571 +msgid "No, it won't. My car will be stronger." +msgstr "Nope, elle ne le sera pas. Ma caisse sera plus forte." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1573 +msgid "You think I'm gonna own some weak shrimpy-ass car?" +msgstr "Tu pensais que j'allais avoir une faiblarde crevette de caisse ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1575 +msgid "That other car is as good as dead." +msgstr "Cette autre bagnole est aussi bonne que morte." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1578 +msgid "kKKhfffft??!!" +msgstr "kKKhfffft ??!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1579 +msgid "She's serious! She'd deadass try to save me by crashing into another car!" +msgstr "Elle est sérieuse là ! Elle essaierait de me sauver en percutant une autre voiture !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1581 +msgid "Min looks relieved that she made Akarsha laugh." +msgstr "Min semble soulagée d'avoir fait rire Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1582 +msgid "She's holding an emo Linkin Park skateboard under one arm." +msgstr "Elle tient un skate Linkin Park emo sous son bras." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1584 +msgid "Wanna learn how to skateboard?" +msgstr "Tu veux apprendre à faire du skate ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1586 +msgid "Those aren't allowed at school, you know." +msgstr "C'est pas permis au lycée, tu sais." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1589 +msgid "Rules are made to be broken." +msgstr "Les règles sont faites pour être enfreintes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1590 +msgid "Are you a square or a triangle?" +msgstr "T'es un carré ou un triangle ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1592 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes." +msgstr "Je suis quasi sure que ça ne se dit pas comme ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1595 +msgid "Min places her skateboard on the floor." +msgstr "Min pose son skate au sol." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1597 +msgid "Here, I'll show you something cool." +msgstr "Là, j'vais te montrer un truc cool." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1611 +msgid "Hold on to me." +msgstr "Accroche-toi à moi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1615 +msgid "I got you." +msgstr "J'te tiens." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1616 +msgid "But don't make this weird." +msgstr "Mais rends pas le truc chelou." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1617 +msgid "Don't make this weird." +msgstr "Rends pas le truc chelou." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1621 +msgid "*weird shriek* AAAAUGH!!! YAA!" +msgstr "*cri bizarre* AAAAUGH !!! YAA !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1625 +msgid "WHAT DID I JUST SAY YOU USELESS HOE?!" +msgstr "QU'EST-CE QUE JE VIENS DE DIRE CRETINE DE SALOPE !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1628 +msgid "Min manages to stand on the skateboard with Akarsha on her shoulders!" +msgstr "Min parvient à se tenir debout sur le skate, avec Akarsha sur ses épaules !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1631 +msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "ON S'ELEVE... ON VOLE..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1632 +msgid "Something something...breaking free..." +msgstr "Quelque chose... mmh... un truc se libère... " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1633 +msgid "I haven't watched High School Musical. I don't know the rest of the lyrics." +msgstr "J'ai pas vu cette comédie musicale, j'connais pas les autres paroles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1634 +msgid "It's okay. Let's just keep repeating that one line." +msgstr "Pas grave. On peut juste répéter cette phrase alors." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1635 +msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625_1" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "ON S'ELEVE... ON VOLE..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1636 +msgctxt "beatbox_21e01727" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "ON S'ELEVE... ON VOLE..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1645 +msgid "Feel better now?" +msgstr "Ca va mieux là ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1649 +msgid "Yeah, I'm fine." +msgstr "Ouais, je vais bien." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1650 +msgid "I needed that." +msgstr "J'en avais besoin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1652 +msgid "Akarsha's eyes are filling up with tears." +msgstr "Les yeux d'Akarsha se remplissent de larmes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1654 +msgid "Time to make a joke." +msgstr "Il est temps de faire une blague." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1656 +msgid "You know what the economy needs?" +msgstr "Tu sais de quoi l'économie a besoin ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1658 +msgid "$3 bills. They should put my face on it." +msgstr "Des billets de 3 dollars. Ils devraient mettre mon visage dessus." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1669 +msgid "Min ribs her in the arm." +msgstr "Min la frappe doucement dans son bras." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1671 +msgid "You suck." +msgstr "Tu crains." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1675 +msgid "Mean!" +msgstr "Vache !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1683 +msgid "Akarsha ribs her back." +msgstr "Akarsha la frappe délicatement en retour." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1685 +msgctxt "beatbox_9bdd17ec" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Eh !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1687 +msgid "Oops, that was a bit harder than I expected." +msgstr "Oups, c'était un peu plus fort que ce à quoi je m'attendais !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1697 +msgid "Min hits her back, harder!" +msgstr "Min frappe son dos, plus fort !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1698 +msgid "Akarsha retaliates by spitting on her own knuckles!" +msgstr "Akarsha réplique en crachant sur ses doigts !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1700 +msgid "My punches inflict poison damage now!!!" +msgstr "Mes coups de poing infligent des dégâts de poison maintenant !!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1710 +msgid "It turned into a fist fight!" +msgstr "Ca s'est transformé en combat de poings !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1711 +msgid "Hearing signs of violence, Noelle has run back into the auditorium." +msgstr "Entendant des signes de violence, Noelle est revenue dans l'auditorium en courant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1714 +msgid "Chryssa! Look what they're doing!!!" +msgstr "Chryssa ! Regarde ce qu'elles sont en train de faire !!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1718 +msgid "Min, come back to the field with me." +msgstr "Min, reviens sur le terrain avec moi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1721 +msgid "Chryssa drags Min off, leaving Akarsha and Noelle behind." +msgstr "Chryssa entraîne Min, laissant Akarsha et Noelle derrière." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1731 +msgctxt "beatbox_2336aed8" +msgid "We found both of them." +msgstr "Nous avons trouvé les deux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1734 +msgctxt "beatbox_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Oui." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1736 +msgctxt "beatbox_4bb6904f" +msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" +msgstr "Une fois de plus, je suis une héroïne !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1739 +msgctxt "beatbox_5a0fec90" +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." +msgstr "TU N'ES PAS UNE HEROÏNE." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1741 +msgctxt "beatbox_a0fce640" +msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." +msgstr "Retournons aussi sur le terrain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1788 +msgid "Akarsha goes into the family bathroom." +msgstr "Akarsha va dans les toilettes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1789 +msgid "Unlike the regular ones, there's only one stall." +msgstr "A l'inverse des toilettes ordinaires, il n'y a qu'une seule cabine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1791 +msgid "It's so clean?!" +msgstr "C'est tellement propre ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1793 +msgid "Where's the pee on the toilet seat?? Where's the poo and blood stains like in the girls bathroom?" +msgstr "Où est la pisse sur la lunette des toilettes ? Où est la merde et les taches de sang comme dans les toilettes des filles ? " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1794 +msgid "It must be this pristine because no one else knows about it." +msgstr "Personne d'autre ne doit connaître cet endroit, pour qu'il soit si immaculé." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1795 +msgid "This is heaven! No wonder Min uses it." +msgstr "C'est le paradis ! Ca m'étonne pas que Min les utilise !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1805 +msgid "Finally! Everyone's here." +msgstr "Enfin ! Tout le monde est ici." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1808 +msgid "And no one fell victim to a serial killer...what a relief." +msgstr "Et personne n'a été la victime d'un tueur en série... quel soulagement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1809 +msgid "[teamName!t], assemble!" +msgstr "[teamName!t], regroupez-vous !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1811 +msgid "The other team is warming up on the field." +msgstr "L'autre équipe se chauffe sur le terrain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1816 +msgid "Two of them break from the rest of the group and rush up to Diya." +msgstr "Deux d'entre eux se séparent du reste du groupe, et se précipitent sur Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1817 +msgid "Diya rears back in fear and hides behind Noelle for a moment before she appears to recognize them." +msgstr "Diya se cabre de peur, et se cache derrière Noelle pendant un instant, avant qu'elle ne semble les reconnaître." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1819 +msgid " Diya! It's us!" +msgstr "Diya ! C'est nous !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1821 +msgctxt "akarsha2_8356b4b2" +msgid "......!!!" +msgstr ".....!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1829 +msgid "Diya high fives him with a brutally excessive amount of force. Their palms meet with a deafening clap." +msgstr "Diya en tape cinq avec une force brutalement excessive. Leurs paumes se rencontrent avec un claquement assourdissant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1831 +msgid "The victim swears and flaps the affected hand, as if to shake off the stinging." +msgstr "La victime jure et secoue sa main affectée, comme pour se débarasser d'une piqûre. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1832 +msgid "He's trying valiantly to smile, but there are tears of pain in his eyes." +msgstr "Il essaie vaillamment de sourire, mais des larmes de douleur coulent de ses yeux. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1834 +msgid "We made our team accept the match when we heard you were here." +msgstr "Nous avons fait accepter le match à notre équipe, lorsque nous avions appris que vous étiez ici." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1836 +msgid "You look different from Min now. Can't believe this." +msgstr "T'as l'air différent de Min là. J'arrive pas à y croire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1838 +msgid "Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if we still looked the same after all this time?" +msgstr "Est-ce que ça ne serait pas plus incroyable si nous étions encore pareils, après tout ce temps ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1839 +msgid "Diya raises her hand for another high five." +msgstr "Diya lève sa main pour en taper une autre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1841 +msgid "No! No no I don't want it!" +msgstr "Non ! Non non, je ne veux pas !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1843 +msgid "Diya, you know them?" +msgstr "Diya, tu les connais ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1847 +msgid "We know Hayden from elementary school, and Jun's my twin." +msgstr "On connaît Hayden depuis l'école primaire, et Jun est mon frère jumeau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1848 +msgid "Jun jolts at the sound of Min's voice, visibly shocked." +msgstr "Jun sursaute au son de la voix de Min, apparemment choqué." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1851 +msgid "Min?!" +msgstr "Min ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1852 +msgid "What're you doing here??" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais là ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1854 +msgid "Same thing as you. Baseball." +msgstr "La même chose que toi. Baseball." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1856 +msgid "Do Mom and Dad know you're doing this?" +msgstr "Maman et papa savent que t'en fais ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1858 +msgid "Do you even need to ask?" +msgstr "T'as vraiment besoin de demander ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1860 +msgid "Jun sighs. He seems really used to this." +msgstr "Jun soupire. Il a l'air bien habitué à ces répliques." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1864 +msgid "Now that everyone's here, let's get started." +msgstr "Maintenant que tout le monde est là, nous pouvons commencer." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1882 +msgid "Since we're the home team, we're defending first." +msgstr "Puisque nous sommes l'équipe d'accueil, nous défendrons les premiers." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1886 +msgid "Liz hands Min what looks like a tiny white pouch filled with powder." +msgstr "Liz tend à Min quelque chose qui ressemble à un petit sachet rempli de poudre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1887 +msgid "A cloud of dust puffs out when she grabs it." +msgstr "Un nuage de poussière en sort quand elle l'attrape." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1889 +msgid "We have rosin! To help improve your grip." +msgstr "Nous avons de la colophane ! Pour vous aider à améliorer votre adhérence." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1891 +msgid "Wow! Real rosin!!" +msgstr "Waouh ! D'la colophane !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1892 +msgid "Min is so excited that she accidentally inhales a bunch of the powder." +msgstr "Min est tellement excitée, qu'elle inhale accidentellement de la poudre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1894 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ad56e609" +msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" +msgstr "*éternue !!!*{w=0.26} *tousse sans arrêt !!!*{w=0.26} *respire bruyamment !!!*" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1896 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1386c66b" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1899 +msgctxt "akarsha2_c006af61" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1901 +msgctxt "akarsha2_849468c3" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1907 +msgid "Hayden is the lead-off hitter." +msgstr "Hayden est le premier frappeur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1908 +msgid "Min spits on the ground for dramatic effect." +msgstr "Min crache sur le sol, pour un effet dramatique." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1910 +msgid "Ew!" +msgstr "Beurk !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1912 +msgid "Min, that's gross. Don't do that again." +msgstr "Min, c'est dégoûtant. Ne fais plus jamais ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1916 +msgid "Diya crouches into position." +msgstr "Diya s'accroupit et se met en position." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1917 +msgid "As an afterthought, she points her index finger down at the ground. Min smugly nods back and straightens up on the mound." +msgstr "Après coup, elle pointe son index vers le sol. Min secoue la tête en arrière, et se redresse sur le monticule." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1919 +msgid "Since when do you two have signs?" +msgstr "Depuis quand avez-vous vos propres signaux, vous deux ? " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1921 +msgid "Oh, they don't mean anything." +msgstr "Oh, ils ne veulent rien dire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1923 +msgid "We're just doing it because it looks cool." +msgstr "On fait ça, juste parce que c'est cool." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1930 +msgid "Min winds up and throws." +msgstr "Min s'enroule et jette la balle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1931 +msgid "The ball comes in chest high, perfectly spinless. If someone had written a message on it, you could read it." +msgstr "La balle arrive à hauteur de poitrine, parfaitement, sans rotation. Si quelqu'un avait écrit un message sur elle, il serait tout à fait possible de le lire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1934 +msgid "Then it does what looks like a double dip and and drops into Diya's glove." +msgstr "La balle tombe ensuite comme un double plongeon et tombe dans le gant de Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1935 +msgid "Hayden swings at it, but he's way off." +msgstr "Hayden se lance, mais il est très loin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1940 +msgid "Gyaaah!" +msgstr "Gyaaah !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1942 +msgid "Was the scream really necessary?" +msgstr "Est-ce que le cri était vraiment nécessaire ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1950 +msgid "Hayden manages to skim the next pitch. It bounces up about an inch above the bat and plops down in front of the plate." +msgstr "Hayden parvient à réaliser le lancer suivant. La balle bondit quelques centimètres au dessus du bâton, et atterrit devant le marbre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1951 +msgid "Diya pounces on it and throws him out." +msgstr "Diya se jette dessus, et l'éjecte dehors." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1953 +msgid "Nooooo...What was that?" +msgstr "Nooooon... C'était quoi ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1955 +msgid "A knuckleball. It's like a trick pitch." +msgstr "Une balle papillon. C'est comme lancer astucieux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1957 +msgid "I don't trust it." +msgstr "Je n'y crois pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1958 +msgid "Cursed." +msgstr "Maudit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1960 +msgid "It's not cursed. It's like that because of physics." +msgstr "C'est pas de la malédiction. C'est comme ça, à cause de la physique." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1962 +msgid "...Cursed." +msgstr "... Maudit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1966 +msgid "Chryssa yells out to [teamName!t] triumphantly." +msgstr "Chryssa s'exclame aux [teamName!t] de manière triomphante." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1968 +msgid "Chryssa yells out to the [teamName!t] triumphantly." +msgstr "Chryssa s'exclame aux [teamName!t] de manière triomphante." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1970 +msgid "See! I told you I wasn't making it up!" +msgstr "Tu vois ! Je vous ai dit que je n'inventais pas !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1971 +msgid "Sakura and Yuki exchange a look, then turn to Chryssa with skeptical faces." +msgstr "Sakura et Yuki échangent un regard, puis se tournent vers Chryssa avec des visages sceptiques." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1973 +msgid "Come on!" +msgstr "Voyons !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1976 +msgid "The next batter swings helplessly at three knucklers and sits down." +msgstr "Le lanceur suivant frappe, impuissant, les trois balles papillon, puis s'assoit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1980 +msgid "Jun-seo is up against his twin now." +msgstr "Jun-seo affronte sa jumelle maintenant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1985 +msgid "Min winds up and lets another knuckler go." +msgstr "Min s'enroule et envoie une autre balle papillon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1988 +msgid "He hit a line drive straight at Akarsha." +msgstr "Il la frappe et l'envoie directement vers Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1995 +msgid "It's coming toward me!" +msgstr "Elle vient vers moi !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1996 +msgid "I can't reach it with my hand!" +msgstr "Je ne peux pas l'atteindre avec ma main !'" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2011 +msgid "Akarsha kicked the ball!" +msgstr "Akarsha frappe la balle !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2013 +msgid "She's now hopping around on one foot in pain." +msgstr "Elle sautille à cloche-pied de douleur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2015 +msgid "Ow!! Ow!! " +msgstr "Aïe !! Aïe !!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2018 +msgid "You fucking dumbass!! Why didn't you just catch it?!" +msgstr "Putain de conne !! Pourquoi tu l'as pas attrapé ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2020 +msgid "Don't mind!" +msgstr "Ne fais pas gaffe !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2022 +msgctxt "akarsha2_3bc705ee" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2024 +msgid "Don't mind. They say that in sport anime when someone screws up." +msgstr "Fais pas gaffe. Ils disent ça quand quelqu'un chie dans la colle, dans les anime sportifs." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2026 +msgid "I'm literally going to throw up. You even said it with a fake Japanese accent." +msgstr "J'vais littéralement vomir là. Tu l'as même dit avec un fake accent japonais." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2028 +msgid "Wait, I think it's a good idea, though. It helps boost morale." +msgstr "Attends, j'pense que c'est une bonne idée. Ca aide à booster le moral." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2031 +msgid "We're already called Semes! How much more are we gonna embarrass ourselves?!" +msgstr "On s'appelle déjà les Semes ! A quel point allons-nous nous embarrasser davantage ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2033 +msgid "Don't be rude. We should support our teammates' interests." +msgstr "Ne sois pas insolente. On devrait soutenir les intérêts de l'équipe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2035 +msgid "At what cost?!" +msgstr "A quel coût ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2039 +msgid "The ball bounces back toward home plate. Diya scoops up the ball and hurls it to first." +msgstr "La balle rebondit vers le marbre. Diya ramasse la basse, et la lance au premier." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2041 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "RETRAIT !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2043 +msgid "What the! That actually worked!" +msgstr "Mais non! Ca a vraiment marché!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2045 +msgid "Yes!! I'm a certified genius!" +msgstr "Oui !! Je suis définitivement un génie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2046 +msgid "My Nobel Prize..." +msgstr "Mon prix Nobel..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2049 +msgid "You're not getting a Nobel Prize for kicking a ball instead of catching it the right way." +msgstr "Tu ne vas pas avoir de prix Nobel pour avoir tapé une balle plutôt que de la rattraper normalement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2062 +msgid "Aw, we don't have real dugouts? There's just a little bench for each side." +msgstr "Ho, on a pas de vrai abris de touche ? Il y a juste un petit banc pour chaque équipe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2064 +msgid "What were you expecting? The school doesn't have an official baseball team, so we're lucky to even have this." +msgstr "Qu'est ce que tu t'imaginais? L'école n'a pas d'équipe de baseball officielle, donc on a même de la chance d'avoir des bancs déjà." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2066 +msgid "I never got why dugouts need to be half underground like that." +msgstr "Je n'ai jamais su pourquoi les abris avant besoin d'être en contrebas comme ca." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2067 +msgid "Like, it's not a freakin' bomb shelter. Stop being so dramatic." +msgstr "C'est pas un abri anti atomique non plus. Arrêtes d'être aussi dramatique." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2070 +msgid "The team takes a seat on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the catcher's gear." +msgstr "L'équipe s'installe sur le banc, sauf Diya, qui était encore en train de retirer son équipement de receveur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2072 +msgid "The [teamName!t] take their seats on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the catcher's gear." +msgstr "[teamName!t] s'installe sur le banc, sauf Diya, qui était encore en train de retirer son équipement de receveur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2075 +msgid "There's not quite enough space for everyone." +msgstr "Il n'y a pas assez de place pour tout le monde." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2077 +msgid "Left standing, Diya hovers uncertainly beside them." +msgstr "Restée debout, Diya se tient de manière incertaine avec elle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2078 +msgid "There's not enough room." +msgstr "Il n'y a pas assez de pièces." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2080 +msgid "Then you can sit in my lap." +msgstr "Tu peux t'assoir sur mes genoux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2082 +msgctxt "akarsha2_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "............" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2085 +msgid "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" +msgstr "Ca devrait être plutôt l'inverse?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2088 +msgid "Why the hell would it be the other way around?" +msgstr "Et pourquoi putain de merde?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2090 +msgid "You're the smaller one??" +msgstr "Parce que t'es la plus petite??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2098 +msgid "OW??!" +msgstr "OH??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2100 +msgid "Min kicked Akarsha really hard under the bench!" +msgstr "Min frappe Akarsha très fort sous le banc!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2101 +msgid "Diya and Noelle both startle at Akarsha's yelp. Neither of them saw the kick." +msgstr "Diya et Noelle sursautent toutes les deux au cri d'Akarsha. Aucun d'eux n'a vu le coup de pied." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2103 +msgid "......?" +msgstr "......?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2105 +msgid "What's wrong with you?" +msgstr "C'est quoi ton problème?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2107 +msgctxt "akarsha2_cd2045ac" +msgid "............." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2109 +msgid "She's glaring at me with a murderous look in her eyes..." +msgstr "Elle me regarde avec un regard meurtrier..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2111 +msgid "I, uh...farted." +msgstr "J'ai, heu...pété." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2112 +msgid "I was trying to cover up the sound." +msgstr "J'essayais de couvrir le son." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2115 +msgctxt "akarsha2_bb188d77" +msgid "What...?" +msgstr "De quoi...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2117 +msgid "Crap. I don't think she buys it." +msgstr "Merde. Je pense qu'elle va pas y croire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2119 +msgid "That's inconsistent with your past behavior." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas très cohérent avec tes précédents agissements." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2120 +msgid "Last week you told me the disgusting and unwanted fact that you had three consecutive farts that formed a D major triad." +msgstr "La semaine dernière, tu t'es vantée, de manière dégoûtante et indésirable, que t'avais fait trois pets consécutifs qui formaient une triade en ré majeur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2121 +msgid "Why go through such lengths to mask a single fart now?" +msgstr "Ducoup, pourquoi passer autant de temps à cacher un simple pet maintenant?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2122 +msgid "You're hiding something." +msgstr "Tu caches quelque chose." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2124 +msgid "I should scream now, as a distraction." +msgstr "Je devrais crier maintenant, pour faire diversion." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2127 +msgid "*bloodcurdling scream*" +msgstr "*cri sanglant*" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2131 +msgid "SHUT UP!!! STOP SCREAMING!!!" +msgstr "LA FERME!!!! ARRETE DE CRIER!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2133 +msgid "You're screaming too." +msgstr "Tu cries aussi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2135 +msgid "The bench creaks a bit as Diya nervously lowers herself in Min's lap." +msgstr "Le banc craque un peu quand Diya s'accroupie nerveusement sur les genoux de Min." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2136 +msgid "Min immediately wraps an arm around Diya's waist." +msgstr "Min tends immédiatement le bras autour de Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2138 +msgctxt "akarsha2_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2140 +msgid "I have to do this so we don't lose our balance!" +msgstr "Je suis obligée de faire ca sinon on va perdre notre équilibre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2141 +msgid "Yeah!!!!!!" +msgstr "Ouais!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2144 +msgid "Better watch out, Diya. Min's probably thinking about doing bad things to you." +msgstr "Fais gaffe, Diya. Min songe probablement à te faire de mauvaises choses." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2147 +msgid "I wanna do bad things to you, Akarsha." +msgstr "Je vais te faire du mal à toi, Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2149 +msgid "Really?? Like what?" +msgstr "Vraiment ?? Comme quoi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2152 +msgid "Like snap your fucking neck." +msgstr "Comme claquer ta nuque." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2154 +msgid "How mean!!!" +msgstr "Tellement méchante!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2162 +msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against [teamName!t]." +msgstr "Jun-seo est en train de lancer contre [teamName!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2164 +msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against the [teamName!t]." +msgstr "Jun-seo est en train de lancer contre [teamName!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2165 +msgid "His throws look a lot faster than Min's. He strikes Ester out with ease." +msgstr "Ses lancers semblent beaucoup plus rapides que ceux de Min. Il élimine Ester avec facilité." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2167 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_1" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "Out!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2170 +msgid "Liz is keeping score with a pencil and paper. She dutifully marks the strikeout with a \"K.\"" +msgstr "Liz marque le score avec un papier et un crayon. Elle note consciencieusement l'élimination par un \"B\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2172 +msgid "Why isn't a strikeout S or SO? Why K?" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu ne mets pas un E ? Pourquoi un B?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2174 +msgid "K is for Killed." +msgstr "B pour Buté." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2176 +msgid "That can't be it." +msgstr "Ca ne peut pas être ca." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2178 +msgid "It's because S is already used for sacrifice." +msgstr "Le E est déjà utilisé pour Envoi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2179 +msgid "The K from the the last letter of \"struck.\"" +msgstr "Le B c'est pour dire Battu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2181 +msgid "That's a lame reason." +msgstr "C'est une raison boiteuse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2183 +msgid "Agreed. I like Min's reason better." +msgstr "C'est vrai. Je préfère l'explication de Min." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2189 +msgid "\"Sakura\" is up to bat now." +msgstr "\"Sakura\" se positionne à la batte maintenant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2193 +msgid "She whiffs the first pitch, but pops the second one up." +msgstr "Elle loupe le premier lancer, mais renvoie le deuxième." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2195 +msgid " I got it!" +msgstr "Je l'ai!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2197 +msgid "He chases the ball into foul territory and dives for it." +msgstr "il poursuit la balle en territoire ennemie et plonge pour l'avoir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2200 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_2" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "Out!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2202 +msgid "This situation sucks. If we were even able to get to first base, we could steal or do some weird shit, but nope..." +msgstr "Cette situation pue du cul. Si on arrive à atteindre la première base, on pourrait tenter un but volé, ou faitre un truc chelou, mais non..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2205 +msgid "Actually, I did some research on that. In most cases, attempting to steal has a much higher chance of having a negative result than a positive one." +msgstr "En fait, j'ai fait quelques recherches là dessus. Dans la plupart des cas, essayer de faire un but volé a plus de probabilité d'avoir un impact négatif que positif." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2206 +msgid "Since most of us aren't that confident in our stealing skills, it would be better for us not to try it." +msgstr "Et puisque la plupart d'entre nous n'est pas à l'aise avec ce coup, il serait préférable d'éviter d'essayer." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2208 +msgid "What the hell are you saying? Stealing is important." +msgstr "Putain mais qu'est ce que tu racontes? Voler c'est super important." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2210 +msgid "No, it objectively has little value and is often actually detrimental." +msgstr "Non, cela a objectivement peu de valeur et est souvent, en fait, préjudiciable." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2211 +msgid "For steal attempts to be NOT detrimental, you have to succeed around 70 percent of the time. That's the point where you break even." +msgstr "Pour que les tentatives de vol ne soit PAS préjudiciable, tu dois réussir plus de 70%% du temps. C'est à ce moment la que tu atteints le seuil de rentabilité." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2212 +msgid "The exact number depends on the situation, but it's always around that range." +msgstr "Le chiffre exact dépend de chaque situation, mais c'est toujours autour de ce chiffre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2213 +msgid "For instance, for a runner on first with no outs, getting caught stealing will lose a team two-thirds of a run, on average, and a successful steal gains a third of a run." +msgstr "Par exemple, pour un coureur à la première base sans Out, se faire prendre en train de voler fera perdre à l'équipe les deux tiers d'un tour, en moyenne, et un vol réussi en gagnera un tiers." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2214 +msgid "So for every three steal attempts, you need to convert at least two, or the only thing you're stealing is runs from your team." +msgstr "Donc pour chaque essai de vol, tu as besoin d'en convertir au moins deux, sinon, la seule chose que tu vas voler, c'est des tours à ton équipe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2215 +msgid "Do you succeed that often? If not, you are actually hurting the team's chances." +msgstr "Tu reussis aussi souvent? Si non, tu viens entraver les chances de ton équipe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2217 +msgid "Min looks like she understood none of that." +msgstr "Min donne l'impression de n'avoir rien compris." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2219 +msgid "Shut your hell up, you...lamp post!" +msgstr "Fermez vos gueules bande de... lampadaires!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2221 +msgid "Shut your hell up..." +msgstr "Fermez vos gueules bande de... " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2224 +msgid "Lamp post..." +msgstr "Lampadaires...." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2226 +msgid "You can't reduce things down to numbers." +msgstr "Tu peux pas réduire les choses à des nombres." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2228 +msgid "Yes, I can." +msgstr "Si, je peux." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2229 +msgid "She uses a stick to scratch a formula into the dirt:\nSBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" +msgstr "Elle utilise un baton pour dessiner une formule dans la poussière: \nSBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2232 +msgid "Min quickly stomps out the formula." +msgstr "Min efface rapidement la formule" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2233 +msgid "The evil is defeated." +msgstr "Le diable est vaincu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2235 +msgid "Those equations are just a bunch of word games. They're not real." +msgstr "Ces equations sont juste un tas de jeux de mots. C'est pas du vrai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2237 +msgid "Look, this isn't even a matter of opinion. I'm right." +msgstr "Ecoute, ce n'est même pas un problème d'opinion. J'ai raison." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2238 +msgid "Numbers don't lie." +msgstr "Les nombres de mentent pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2240 +msgid "There are things you can't see!" +msgstr "Il y des choses que tu ne peux pas voir!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2242 +msgid "Like what? Your feelings? The power of friendship?" +msgstr "Comme quoi? Tes sentiments? Le pouvoir de l'amitié?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2243 +msgid "Does it not occur to you that perhaps your enemies have those things too?" +msgstr "Tu ne te dis pas que, peut être, tes ennemis pourraient avoir ces choses la aussi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2244 +msgid "They're on both sides of the equation, so they cancel each other out." +msgstr "Ils sont de chaque coté de l'équation, ducoup ils s'annulent." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2246 +msgid "Oh my god! This is baseball, not rocket science." +msgstr "N'importe quoi ! C'est du baseball, pas de la science spatiale." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2248 +msgid "But this isn't rocket science. This is basic algebra." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas de la science spatiale. C'est de l'algèbre de base." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2250 +msgid "Bro, give it up. Noelle hates being wrong." +msgstr "Abandonne Frère. Noelle déteste avoir tord." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2253 +msgid "Actually, I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation." +msgstr "En fait, je sais pas. Je ne suis pas habituée à cette sensation. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2255 +msgid "Liz comes up and taps Akarsha on the shoulder." +msgstr "Liz arrive et tapote l'épaule d'Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2257 +msgid "Hey! You're up to bat now." +msgstr "C'est ton tour à la batte." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2259 +msgid "Akarsha lets out a prolonged croaking sound that lasts for 30 seconds." +msgstr "Akarsha émet un croassement prolongé qui dure 30 secondes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2261 +msgid "We're down two outs, so I better not screw this up." +msgstr "On a déjà deux OUT, j'ai intérêt à pas merder." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2264 +msgid "Akarsha picks a bat and heads to the plate." +msgstr "Akarsha attrape une batte et se dirige avec l'emplacement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2274 +msgid "Akarsha slowly does a taichi pose while maintaining eye contact with Jun-seo." +msgstr "Akarsha effectue lentement une posture taichi en maintenant une contact visuel avec Jun-seo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2276 +msgid "This is the form, \"Grasp the bird's tail.\"" +msgstr "C'est la forme, \"Attrape la queue de l'oiseau.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2278 +msgid "Akarsha lies on her back and tries to jump onto her feet without using her hands." +msgstr "Akarsha se met sur le dos et essaie de sauter sur ses pieds sans utiliser ses mains." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2280 +msgid "There's not enough momentum. She just flops back down." +msgstr "Elle n'a pas assez d'élan. Elle s'effondre simplement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2282 +msgid "Wait for it. I got this." +msgstr "Attends, je vais y arriver." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2285 +msgid "She tries it again. This time she manages to land on the balls of her feet, but doesn't have muscle to pull herself up." +msgstr "Elle essaie une deuxieme fois. Cette fois ci, elle arrive sur ses pieds, mais n'a pas les muscles pour se relever." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2287 +msgid "Defeated, she lands back on her butt." +msgstr "Vaincue, elle s'écroule sur le cul." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2289 +msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d" +msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." +msgstr "Akarsha, vas y." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2291 +msgid "Jun-seo doesn't look intimidated at all. He winds up and throws the ball." +msgstr "Jun-seo n'a pas l'air intimidé du tout. Il se redresse et lance la balle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2297 +msgid "You're not invited to my birthday party anymore." +msgstr "T'es plus invité à mes anniversaires." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2300 +msgctxt "akarsha2_433a0f52" +msgid "...What...?" +msgstr "...De quoi... ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2303 +msgid "This is my special technique: Verbal Smoke Bomb." +msgstr "C'est ma technique : Bombe de fumée verbale." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2304 +msgid "My remark brought up so many questions that he's been thrown into confusion." +msgstr "Ma remarque a soulevé tellement de questions qu'il a plongé dans la confusion." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2307 +msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d_1" +msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." +msgstr "Akarsha, vas y." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2310 +msgid "Still looking perplexed, Jun-seo pitches the ball." +msgstr "Toujours perplexe, Jun-Seo lance la balle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2312 +msgid "Akarsha isn't experienced enough to distinguish balls from strikes, so she randomly decides whether or not to swing." +msgstr "Akarsha n'est pas assez expérimentée pour distinguer le type de lancer, elle décide aléatoirement d'effectuer un swing ou pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2313 +msgid "Unsurprisingly, she racks up three strikes in an instant." +msgstr "Sans surprise, elle enchaine trois frappes en un instant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2315 +msgid "No...my special technique..." +msgstr "Non... ma technique spéciale..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2318 +msgid "How about you practice more instead of using your special technique?" +msgstr "Et si tu t'entrainais plus plutôt que d'utiliser ta technique spéciale?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2320 +msgid "It's time to switch sides now." +msgstr "C'est le moment de changer de coté." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2330 +msgid "The batter hits the ball towards Akarsha again." +msgstr "Le batteur renvoie la balle une fois de plus vers Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2331 +msgid "Akarsha fumbles the ball, allowing the runner to safely reach the bag." +msgstr "Akarsha manque à moitié la balle, permettant au coureur d'atteindre sa cible tranquillement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2333 +msgid "Thanks for screwing up." +msgstr "Merci d'avoir merdé." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2335 +msgid "I didn't screw up. That was on purpose." +msgstr "J'ai pas merdé. C'était fait exprès." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2336 +msgid "The truth is, I'm a double agent." +msgstr "La vérité, c'est que je suis un agent double." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2339 +msgid "JUST ADMIT YOU MESSED UP ALREADY." +msgstr "ADMET JUSTE QUE TU T'ES FOIREE." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2345 +msgid "The Killer Whales have one out and a runner on first. The runner takes off as Jun-seo bunts the ball." +msgstr "Les Tueurs de Balaines ont un Out et un coureur d'avance. Le coureur s'élance alors que Jun-seo frappe la balle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2347 +msgid "It rolls slowly all the way down the left foul line; Diya follows it closely, hovering over it like a hawk." +msgstr "Elle roule lentement tout le long de la ligne de faute gauche; Diya la suit de près, planant dessus comme un faucon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2349 +msgid "What's she doing?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qu'elle fout?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2352 +msgid "If Diya can grab it when it's on the left side of the line, it'll count as foul." +msgstr "Si Diya l'attrape du coté gauche de la ligne, ca compterait comme une faute." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2353 +msgid "You can't run on foul balls, so the runner will have to return to first." +msgstr "Les coureurs ne peuvent pas courir quand la balle est fausse. Le coureur devra revenir à la premiere base." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2355 +msgid "The ball is still rolling almost exactly down the line." +msgstr "La balle continue de rouler exactement le long de la ligne." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2357 +msgid "Akarsha runs ahead of the ball and drags her foot in the dirt to make a path curving to the right." +msgstr "Akarsha cours à l'avant de la balle et trace un trait dans la poussière pour dévier la balle vers la droite." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2359 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ceb307ab" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Hey!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2361 +msgid "The ball hits the path and rolls foul! Diya quickly grabs it." +msgstr "La balle s'engouffre dans le chemin et devient faute. Diya l'attrape rapidement." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2363 +msgid "I'm a triple agent." +msgstr "Je suis un agent triple." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2366 +msgid "You can't just change allegiances to match whether or not you messed up." +msgstr "Tu ne peux pas changer d'équipe pour corroborer avec tes loupés." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2374 +msgid "Min throws the next pitch for a strike." +msgstr "Min fait le prochain lancer pour une prise" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2377 +msgid "Nice work! Time to switch sides again." +msgstr "Beau travail ! Il est temps de changer de côté à nouveau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2379 +msgid "That was fast." +msgstr "C'était rapide." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2382 +msgid "That's good. It means Min's knuckleball is working." +msgstr "C'est une bonne chose. Ça veut dire que la balle papillon de Min fonctionne." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2385 +msgid "We should give it a special name." +msgstr "Nous devrions lui donner un nom spécial." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2386 +msgid "Like...Knuckles." +msgstr "Like...Knuckles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2389 +msgid "I'm not calling it a damn Sonic character." +msgstr "Je n'appelle pas ça un putain de personnage de Sonic." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2391 +msgid "It can be butterfly related, since they flutter." +msgstr "Cela peut être lié aux papillons, puisqu'ils volent." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2393 +msgid "Butterfly...butterfly thingy." +msgstr "Papillon... truc de papillon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2394 +msgid "Butterfly from Hell's Anus." +msgstr "Papillon de l'anus de l'enfer" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2397 +msgid "The \"anus\" part wasn't necessary." +msgstr "Le \"anus\" n'était pas nécessaire" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2411 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e7bfb3b0" +msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" +msgstr "Noelle, t'es prête à te battre !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2415 +msgid "Akarsha catcalls Noelle as she walks up to the plate." +msgstr "Akarsha interpelle Noelle alors qu'elle s'approche de la base." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2417 +msgid "WAOWW!! IT'S NOELLE!! YOW-WEE-MAMA!!!" +msgstr "WAOUHH !! C'EST NOELLE !! YOW-WEE-MAMA !!! " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2420 +msgid "SHUT UP!!!!!" +msgstr "TA GUEULE !!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2422 +msgid "How mean!" +msgstr "Quelle méchanceté !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2429 +msgid "A swing and a miss." +msgstr "Un swing et un raté" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2432 +msgid "I wonder if Noelle enjoys this?" +msgstr "Je me demande si Noëlle aime ça ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2435 +msgid "She's having fun." +msgstr "Elle s'amuse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2437 +msgid "She's scowling as she swings the bat." +msgstr "Elle se renfrogne en balançant la batte." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2440 +msgid "That's just her personality. If she disliked it, she would've quit by now." +msgstr "C'est juste sa personnalité. Si elle n'aimait pas ça, elle aurait déjà démissionné." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2446 +msgid "Noelle strikes out." +msgstr "Noelle est éliminée" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2450 +msgid "Diya, you're next." +msgstr "Diya, tu es la prochaine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2458 +msgid "The catcher gets up and stands far off to the side, away from Diya." +msgstr "Le receveur se lève et se tient loin sur le côté, loin de Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2459 +msgid "Jun throws it into his mitt." +msgstr "Jun le jette dans sa mitaine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2463 +msgid "It's an intentional walk." +msgstr "C'est une marche intentionnelle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2465 +msgid "Right off the bat? They haven't even seen her hit yet." +msgstr "Dès le départ ? Ils ne l'ont même pas encore vue frapper." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2467 +msgid "They're scared of her. Hayden knows how strong she is, from when we were little." +msgstr "Ils ont peur d'elle. Hayden sait combien elle est forte, depuis qu'on est petite." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2468 +msgid "They probably figure it's fine to let her have first since no one else on the team can get a hit." +msgstr "Ils se disent probablement que c'est bien de lui laisser la première place puisque personne d'autre dans l'équipe ne peut obtenir un coup sûr." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2471 +msgid "That's smart. It'll be hard for us to score without her." +msgstr "C'est intelligent. Ça va être dur pour nous de marquer sans elle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2476 +msgid "Once they've thrown four balls, Diya throws the bat to the side and trots to first." +msgstr "Une fois qu'ils ont lancé quatre balles, Diya jette la batte sur le côté et trotte vers la première." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2479 +msgid "It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the team accumulates two more outs in an instant." +msgstr "Il semble qu'il ait fait le bon choix, car après la marche de Diya, l'équipe accumule deux sorties supplémentaires en un instant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2482 +msgid "It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the [teamName!t] accumulate two more outs in an instant." +msgstr "Il semble qu'il ait fait le bon choix, car après la marche de Diya, [teamName!t] accumule deux sorties supplémentaires en un instant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2483 +msgid "Diya is stranded there until they switch sides." +msgstr "Diya est bloquée là jusqu'à ce qu'ils changent de côté." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2491 +msgid "Neither team manages to score for the next few innings." +msgstr "Aucune des deux équipes ne parvient à marquer pendant les quelques manches suivantes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2493 +msgid "Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the others aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." +msgstr "Diya se fait toujours marcher dessus à chaque coup, et les autres ne sont pas assez habiles pour frapper de manière fiable les lancers de l'ennemi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2495 +msgid "Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the other [teamName!t] aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." +msgstr "Diya se fait toujours marcher dessus à chaque coup, et les autres de [teamName!t] ne sont pas assez habiles pour frapper de manière fiable les lancers de l'ennemi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2497 +msgid "A few people manage to get hits off Min's knuckleball by chance, but no one's made it home yet." +msgstr "Quelques personnes parviennent par hasard à tirer des coups sur la balle papillon de Min, mais personne n'est encore parvenu à rentrer chez lui." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2498 +msgid "By the 7th inning, though, some of Min's luck starts to run out." +msgstr "A la 7ème manche, cependant, la chance de Min commence à s'épuiser." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2503 +msgid "Min's next pitch comes in high and inside, but instead of dropping, it soars up into the air." +msgstr "Le prochain lancer de Min est haut et intérieur, mais au lieu de tomber, il s'élève dans les airs." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2506 +msgid "Diya has to jump to catch it." +msgstr "Diya doit sauter pour l'attraper." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2510 +msgid "That's the fourth ball; the batter throws his bat aside and jogs to first base. The bases are loaded with no outs." +msgstr "C'est la quatrième balle ; le frappeur jette sa batte de côté et se dirige en courant vers la première base. Les bases sont remplies et il n'y a aucune sortie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2513 +msgid "This is terrible. They're probably going to score at least one goal." +msgstr "C'est terrible. Ils vont probablement marquer au moins un but." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2515 +msgid "Did you just say \"goal\"??" +msgstr "Est-ce que tu viens de dire \"but\" ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2519 +msgid "The next batter is a buff looking fellow." +msgstr "Le batteur suivant est un type qui a l'air costaud." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2524 +msgid "He smashes the pitch straight into right field, where Noelle is." +msgstr "Il envoie le ballon directement dans le champ droit, où se trouve Noelle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2526 +msgid "No! That's the worst possible person he could've hit it to!" +msgstr "Non ! C'est la pire personne à qui il aurait pu le frapper !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2529 +msgid "It's so far out that the ball is like a speck in the clouds." +msgstr "C'est tellement loin que la balle est comme une tache dans les nuages." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2530 +msgid "Noelle is apprehensively backing up with her glove out, squinting up at sky." +msgstr "Noëlle recule avec appréhension, le gant sorti, en plissant les yeux vers le ciel." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2531 +msgid "She plants her feet firmly shoulders' width apart, reaches up, and claps her free hand decisively over the glove." +msgstr "Elle place fermement ses pieds à la largeur des épaules, tend le bras et frappe sa main libre sur le gant de manière décisive." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2535 +msgid "She caught it?!" +msgstr "Elle l'a attrapé ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2538 +msgid "She caught it!" +msgstr "Elle l'a attrapé !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2541 +msgid "How is that possible?!" +msgstr "Comment c'est possible ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2543 +msgid "The runners all skid and scramble to reverse direction. They all need to tag up on their former bases now or they're out." +msgstr "Les coureurs dérapent et s'efforcent d'inverser la direction. Ils doivent tous rejoindre leur ancienne base maintenant ou ils sont éliminés." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2545 +msgid "No one thought she would catch it! Here's our chance!" +msgstr "Personne ne pensait qu'elle l'attraperait ! C'est notre chance !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2548 +msgid "Noelle throws to Liz at second base." +msgstr "Noelle lance à Liz qui est à la deuxième base." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2552 +msgid "There's a loud slap noise as Liz covers her glove with her hand, preventing the ball from bouncing out." +msgstr "Il y a un grand bruit de claquement lorsque Liz couvre son gant avec sa main, empêchant la balle de rebondir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2553 +msgid "She easily tags the bag before Hayden can return to it." +msgstr "Elle marque facilement le sac avant que Hayden puisse y retourner." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2555 +msgid "That's two outs! Just one more!" +msgstr "ça fait 2 sorties ! Plus qu'une !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2557 +msgid "Liz rears up and throws to Akarsha, who's manning first base." +msgstr "Liz se cabre et lance à Akarsha, qui s'occupe de la première base." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2559 +msgid "...What the hell?" +msgstr "...C'est quoi ce bordel ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2561 +msgid "There's nothing in Liz's hand. She's throwing nothing at Akarsha." +msgstr "Il n'y a rien dans la main de Liz. Elle ne lance rien à Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2563 +msgid "Akarsha pretends to catch it in her glove and tags first base before Jun reaches it." +msgstr "Akarsha prétend de l'attraper dans son gant et marque le premier but avant que Jun ne l'atteigne." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2564 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_3" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "RETRAIT !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2566 +msgid "The runners are dejectedly returning to their defensive positions." +msgstr "Les coureurs reviennent avec tristesse à leurs positions défensives." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2567 +msgid " A triple play?!" +msgstr "Un triple-jeu ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2569 +msgid "Jun is looking at Akarsha suspiciously." +msgstr "Jun regarde Akarsha de manière suspicieuse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2571 +msgid "Wait a minute! She's not holding anything." +msgstr "Attendez une minute ! Elle n'a rien dans sa main !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2573 +msgid "He saw!" +msgstr "Il a vu !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2576 +msgid " What?? Where's the ball, then?" +msgstr "Quoi ?? Où est la balle alors ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2578 +msgid "Heck if I know." +msgstr "Zut, si je savais." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2581 +msgid "How do you guys not know??" +msgstr "Comment ça, vous ne savez pas ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2585 +msgid "I got it." +msgstr "Je l'ai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2586 +msgid "Chryssa plucks the missing ball from the grass in right field, where it's been this entire time." +msgstr "Chryssa récupère la balle perdue dans l'herbe du terrain de droite, où elle était resté durant tout ce temps." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2587 +msgid "Noelle didn't even catch it in the first place." +msgstr "Noelle ne l'avait même pas attrapé dès le départ." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2589 +msgid "I knew it!" +msgstr "Je le savais !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2592 +msgid " So we're not out after all!" +msgstr "Alors nous ne sommes pas exclus après tout !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2594 +msgid "No, you're all still out." +msgstr "Non, vous êtes toujours sur le banc." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2595 +msgid "The rulebook states that if a runner abandons his effort to run the bases, he's out." +msgstr "Les règles stipulent que si le coureur abandonne ses efforts en courant vers les buts, il est exclu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2596 +msgid "You all clearly gave up." +msgstr "Vous avez tous clairement abandonné." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2597 +msgid "So it's still a triple play." +msgstr "Alors c'est toujours un triple-jeu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2599 +msgid "You son of a bitch..." +msgstr "Quelle pétasse..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2601 +msgctxt "akarsha2_7626e124" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Eh !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2603 +msgid "That was actually a compliment. I think." +msgstr "Je pense que c'était un compliment là, en fait." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2605 +msgid "It was a compliment." +msgstr "C'était un compliment." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2607 +msgid "This feels kind of like an asshole move, though." +msgstr "Ca ressemble quand même à une saloperie là." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2609 +msgid "On what planet do you guys live on where Noelle isn't an asshole?" +msgstr "Sur quelle planète tu vis, où Noelle n'est pas une salope ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2612 +msgid "Is it okay to trick them like that? Isn't it cheating?" +msgstr "C'est normal de les tromper comme ça ? C'est pas de la triche ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2614 +msgid "It's not cheating. You guys deserve a freakin' Academy Award for that performance just now." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas de la triche. Vous méritez tous un putain d'Oscar pour la performance que vous venez de nous offrir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2615 +msgid "Especially Noelle. Good job!" +msgstr "En particulier Noelle. Beau travail !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2617 +msgid "Shut up. Don't praise me like I'm a little kid." +msgstr "La ferme. Ne me récompense pas comme une petite fille." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2619 +msgid "Are you crying?!" +msgstr "Tu pleures ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2622 +msgid "Ib nob cryig!" +msgstr "J'bleure bas !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2625 +msgid "By the way, when you act like the ball is somewhere it's not, that's called a deke— short for \"decoy.\"" +msgstr "Au fait, quand tu prétends que la balle est quelque part, alors qu'elle n'y est pas, ça s'appelle du bluff." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2626 +msgid "Dekes an important part of infield play, like a feint." +msgstr "Les bluffs sont une part importante du jeu de terrain, comme les feintes." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2627 +msgid "They're rarely as elaborate as the three-way deke we just pulled off, but it's the same idea." +msgstr "Ils sont rarement autant élaborés que les bluffs de triple-jeu que nous venons de relever, mais ils sont de la même trempe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2629 +msgid "WE THE DEKE SQUAD." +msgstr "NOUS SOMMES L'EQUIPE DES BLUFFS." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2630 +msgid "Get it?" +msgstr "Tu comprends ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2633 +msgid "Oh my god. It's like Dick Squad, but Deke." +msgstr "Mon dieu. Bluff, c'est comme l'équipe des bites." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2635 +msgctxt "akarsha2_75840b17" +msgid "Deke Squad." +msgstr "L'équipe des bluffs." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2637 +msgctxt "akarsha2_003e0e2a" +msgid "Deke Squad." +msgstr "L'équipe des bluffs." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2640 +msgid "*chanting* DEKE SQUAD! DEKE SQUAD!" +msgstr "*scandant* L'EQUIPE DES BLUFFS ! L'EQUIPE DES BLUFFS !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2643 +msgid "I bet the teachers always separate you two in class." +msgstr "Je parie que les profs vous placent toujours dans deux classes séparées." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2645 +msgid "You bring out the worst in each other." +msgstr "Vous faîtes ressortir le pire l'un de l'autre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2655 +msgid "It's Akarsha's turn to bat again. There's already two outs and no one on base." +msgstr "C'est à nouveau au tour d'Akarsha de frapper. Il y en a déjà deux out, et personne sur le but." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2658 +msgid "The Killer Whales are still winning, [enemyScore!t] to [teamScore!t]." +msgstr "Les Orques sont encore en train de gagner, [enemyScore!t] à [teamScore!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2661 +msgid "The game is still tied, 0 - 0." +msgstr "Le jeu est toujorus à égalité, 0 - 0." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2663 +msgid "Suddenly, Jun cries out from the mound." +msgstr "Soudainement, Jun crie depuis le monticule." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2665 +msgid "Wait, time out! My contact hurts!" +msgstr "Attendez, temps mort ! Ma lentille me fait mal !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2666 +msgid "Everyone pauses." +msgstr "Tout le monde s'arrête." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2668 +msgid " What's wrong with it?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qui cloche ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2670 +msgid "I think I got dust under the lens." +msgstr "Je crois que j'ai de la poussière en dessous." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2672 +msgid "Face screwed up in pain, he takes out what appears to be a tiny plunger." +msgstr "Le visage tordu de douleur, il sort ce qui semble être une petite ventouse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2674 +msgid " What is that??" +msgstr "C'est quoi ça ??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2676 +msgid "It's for taking out contact lens." +msgstr "C'est pour retirer la lentille de contact." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2679 +msgid " You're going to play without it on?? You can't pitch like that." +msgstr "Tu vas jouer sans lentille ? Tu peux pas lancer comme ça." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2681 +msgid "Hayden, didn't you say you wanted to try pitching?" +msgstr "Hayden, tu n'as pas dit que tu voudrais t'essayer au lancer ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2683 +msgid " Right now?? I've literally never pitched a ball in my life." +msgstr "Là, maintenant ?? J'ai littéralement jamais lancé une seule balle de ma vie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2685 +msgid "Why not? There's a first time for everything." +msgstr "Pourquoi pas ? Il y a une première fois à tout." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2687 +msgid "Jun-seo takes out the offending contact. He's now effectively blind in one eye." +msgstr "Jun-seo retire la lentille douloureuse. Il est désormais aveugle d'un oeil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2689 +msgid " Okay. Here goes nothing!" +msgstr "D'accord. Plus rien ne va ici !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2695 +msgid "I go to baseball games." +msgstr "Je vais aux matchs de baseball." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2696 +msgid "I eat the baseballs." +msgstr "Je mange les balles de baseball." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2699 +msgctxt "akarsha2_99bf1f31" +msgid "................." +msgstr "................." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2702 +msgid "Akarsha takes one step forward and collapses dramatically across the plate." +msgstr "Akarsha fait un pas en avant, et s'effondre de façon spectaculaire sur le marbre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2705 +msgid "My ankle!" +msgstr "Ma cheville !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2707 +msgid "Everyone is so used to her antics by now that no one reacts." +msgstr "Tout le monde est tellement habitué à ses singeries, que personne ne réagit maintenant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2709 +msgid "Akarsha, stop screwing around and get up." +msgstr "Akarsha, arrête de déconner et lève-toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2711 +msgid "Akarsha clutches her heart and gasps for breath." +msgstr "Akarsha serre son coeur, le souffle coupé." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2713 +msgid "That's so mean! The shock put me into cardiac arrest!" +msgstr "C'est tellement méchant ! Le choc m'a mis en arrêt cardiaque !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2717 +msgid "AKARSHA!" +msgstr "AKARSHA !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2719 +msgid "Akarsha winces and puts a hand on her stomach." +msgstr "Akarsha grimace et met une main sur son ventre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2721 +msgid "My appendix burst from the pressure!" +msgstr "Mon appendice a éclaté sous la pression !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2725 +msgid "Fine. Die then." +msgstr "Tant mieux. Bah crève, alors." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2730 +msgid "Hayden pitches the ball. Akarsha gets up just in time to take a wild swing at it." +msgstr "Hayden lance la balle. Akarsha se lève juste à temps pour se lancer dans la course." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2732 +msgid "I somehow hit it!" +msgstr "Je l'ai frappé, d'une certaine façon !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2737 +msgid "Through sheer luck, it's heading toward Jun, who's squinting up at it with his good eye." +msgstr "Par pure chance, la balle se dirige droit sur Jun, qui plisse les yeux pour voir avec son bon oeil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2739 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e449a898" +msgid "I got it!" +msgstr "Je l'ai !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2747 +msgid "The ball hits him in the face!" +msgstr "La balle le frappe dans le visage !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2750 +msgid "Akarsha makes it to second base in the confusion." +msgstr "Akarsha arrive sur le deuxième but, confuse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2753 +msgid "Nice batting!" +msgstr "Belle frappe !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2758 +msgid "Finally...for the first time this entire game, someone's on already on base when Diya is up." +msgstr "Enfin... pour la première fois de toute la partie, quelqu'un est déjà sur le but, quand Diya est debout." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2765 +msgid "Even though Hayden is just walking Diya, he looks really scared to be pitching against her." +msgstr "Même si Hayden ne fait que de marcher vers Diya, il a l'air d'être vraiment terrorisé à l'idée de lui lancer la balle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2767 +msgid "He throws the next pitch." +msgstr "Il lance la prochaine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2770 +msgid "Everyone watches as the ball soars almost straight up into the sky in a high arc." +msgstr "Tout le monde regarde la balle monter droit dans le ciel, suivant une haute trajectoire arquée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2771 +msgid "It drops back down about halfway to the plate." +msgstr "Elle retombe à peu près à mi-chemin du marbre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2774 +msgid "HE DID A NOELLE..." +msgstr "IL A FAIT UNE NOELLE..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2777 +msgid "Don't name errors after me!" +msgstr "Ne nomme pas les erreurs d'après moi !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2779 +msgid "HAYDEN WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!" +msgstr "HAYDEN QU'EST-CE QUE TU FOUS ??!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2782 +msgid " SHUT UP! IT SLIPPED OUT OF MY HAND!" +msgstr "TA GUEULE ! ELLE A GLISSE DE MA MAIN !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2786 +msgid "Hayden picks up the ball and tries again." +msgstr "Hayden ramasse la balle et réessaie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2788 +msgid "He accidentally throws it straight at Diya's head." +msgstr "Il la jette accidentellement droit dans la tête de Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2791 +msgid "Diya ducks." +msgstr "Diya se baisse." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2793 +msgid " Ack! Sorry!" +msgstr "Argh ! Désolé !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2795 +msgid "What the fuck is your problem?!" +msgstr "C'est quoi ton problème mec ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2797 +msgid "How dare you! Diya could've been killed!" +msgstr "Comment oses-tu ! Diya aurait pu être tuée !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2801 +msgid "Min and Noelle have stormed to the mound and are now bashing Hayden together." +msgstr "Min et Noelle ont pris d'assaut le monticule et attaquent maintenant Hayden ensemble." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2803 +msgid "I'm calling the police." +msgstr "J'appelle la police." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2805 +msgid " What? No one got hurt." +msgstr "Quoi ? Personne n'a été blessé." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2807 +msgid "It doesn't matter. That was criminal negligence." +msgstr "Peu importe. C'est de la négligence criminelle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2809 +msgid "I will personally make sure your entire life is ruined." +msgstr "Je m'assurerai personnellement que ta vie entière soit ruinée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2811 +msgid "He should be executed." +msgstr "Il devrait être exécuté." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2813 +msgid "Executed?!" +msgstr "Exécuté ?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2815 +msgid "Hey! Get back on the bench!" +msgstr "Eh ! Retournez sur le banc !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2817 +msgid "Noelle, put the phone down! No one's getting arrested!" +msgstr "Noelle, raccroche ce téléphone ! Personne ne va être arrêté !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2818 +msgid "MIN, WHERE DID YOU GET MORE KNIVES?" +msgstr "MIN, OÙ AS-TU RECUPERE DAVANTAGE DE COUTEAUX ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2829 +msgid "Diya steps back up to the plate as Min and Noelle are dragged back to the bench." +msgstr "Diya revient sur le marbre, alors que Min et Noelle sont forcées de revenir sur le banc." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2830 +msgid "They're both glowering in the corner, darkly muttering to one another..." +msgstr "Elles rayonnent toutes les deux dans leur coin, marmonnant sombrement des choses l'une à l'autre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2832 +msgid "There is no justice in the world." +msgstr "Il n'y a aucune justice dans ce monde." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2834 +msgid "Both of you, knock it off!" +msgstr "Vous deux, la ferme !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2838 +msgid "Hayden winds up and throws the ball." +msgstr "Hayden s'enroule et lance la balle." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2843 +msgid "It's not far enough outside! Diya lunged out at it and made contact. " +msgstr "Elle n'est pas partie assez loin à l'extérieur ! Diya s'est précipitée dessus et a fait contact." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2846 +msgid "She got a hit off the intentional walk attempt!" +msgstr "Elle a eu un succès grâce à la tentative de marche intentionnelle !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2850 +msgid "She hammers it straight into right field, right at Jun-seo again." +msgstr "Elle le martèle directement dans le champ droit, à nouveau sur Jun-seo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2852 +msgid "I got this! I got this!" +msgstr "Je l'ai ! Je l'ai !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2854 +msgid "The ball rolls through his legs." +msgstr "La balle roule entre ses jambes " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2858 +msgid "Diya and Akarsha cross home plate to win the game." +msgstr "Diya and Akarsha ont croisé le marbre pour gagner la partie." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2861 +msgid "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!" +msgstr "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2865 +msgid "I can't believe it! We won!" +msgstr "J'arrive pas à le croire ! On a gagné !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2867 +msgid "You don't have to look so blatantly shocked." +msgstr "Tu n'es pas obligé d'être aussi choquée que ça;" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2874 +msgid "The Niles team is departing." +msgstr "La team Niles s'apprête à partir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2875 +msgid "Min and Noelle glare at Hayden as he goes into the van they arrived in." +msgstr "Min and Noelle observent Hayden rentrant dans le même car dans lequel elles sont arrivées" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2878 +msgid "Are you guys still plotting revenge?" +msgstr "Vous cherchez toujours vous venger ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2879 +msgid "I'll help. I love drama." +msgstr "Je vais vous aider. J'adore le drama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2882 +msgid "Are you still on your period?" +msgstr "Tu es toujours dans la période de tes règles ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2883 +msgid "Maybe you can touch him with your cursed period blood hand again." +msgstr "Tu peux tenter de le toucher avec ta main couverte de tes règles maudites encore." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2885 +msgid "Too late, man. The blood's brown now. They might think it's mud. " +msgstr "Trop tard Min. Le sang a viré au marron maintenant. On va pense que c'est de la boue" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2887 +msgid "There's 9 of us, though, so there's probably 2.25 other girls on their periods." +msgstr "On est 9 donc il y a probablement 2.25 filles qui ont leurs règles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2888 +msgid "What if we got all of them to run at the boys' team from different directions? That'd be like a nightmare." +msgstr "Et si nous nous servons d'elles pour poursuivre les garçons dans toute les directions ? Ça serait comme un cauchemar" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2891 +msgid "I doubt anyone but you would agree to that plan." +msgstr "A part toi, ça m'étonnerait que ton idée intéresse les autres. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2892 +msgid "Honestly, the guys would probably freak out even if you just threw a clean pad at them." +msgstr "A mon avis, les garçons vont surement flipper même si tu leur jettes un serviette propre" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2896 +msgid "Oh my gosh...You're right!" +msgstr "Putain... tu as tellement raison!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2897 +msgid "Thanks for the idea." +msgstr "Merci pour l'idée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2900 +msgid "No. No!" +msgstr "Non. Non !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2901 +msgid "Don't do this. I refuse to be involved in this." +msgstr "Ne faites pas ça ! Je ne veux pas être impliquée dedans." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2904 +msgid "This is friendship goals, Frenchman. If we go down, we all go down together." +msgstr "C'est le principe de lamitié la Française. Si on se foire, on se foire tous ensemble." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2907 +msgid "THAT'S JUST A ROUNDABOUT WAY OF SAYING YOU'RE DRAGGING ME DOWN WITH YOU." +msgstr "TOUT CE QUE JE COMPRENDS, C'EST QUE VOUS M'IMPLIQUEZ POUR FOIRER AVEC VOUS." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2909 +msgid "Akarsha pulls a pad from her backpack and rips the wrapper open with a loud crinkle." +msgstr "Akarsha sort un tampon de son sac à dos et déchire l'emballage avec un pli bruyant." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2911 +msgid "I don't get why they make the sound so conspicuous." +msgstr "Je comprends pas pourquoi ils font un son si remarquable." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2915 +msgid "I know, right? The only way they could make it more obvious is if they added firecrackers." +msgstr "Mais trop! Ils devraient ajouter des feux d'artifices pour que tout le monde sache bien." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2917 +msgid "Chryssa is power walking over to them. She has developed a sixth sense when some stupid shit is about to go down." +msgstr "Chryssa marche énergiquement vers elles. Elle a développé une sorte de 6e sens pour voir arriver les conneries." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2920 +msgid "Who's opening a pad out here?" +msgstr "Qui est ce qui ouvre un tampon?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2923 +msgctxt "akarsha2_57537cff" +msgid "....!" +msgstr "......!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2924 +msgid "Noelle quickly moves about 15 feet away and pretends not to know them." +msgstr "Noelle se déplace rapidement pour prétendre qu'elle ne les connait pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2926 +msgid "We gotta make this quick!" +msgstr "On va faire ça vite." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2929 +msgid "We should soak it with something to make it more unknown." +msgstr "On devrait le foutre dans quelque chose pour qu'il soit plus discret." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2931 +msgid "I have Gatorade." +msgstr "J'ai du Powerade." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2933 +msgid "What flavor?" +msgstr "Quel gout?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2935 +msgid "Yellow one. Yellow flavor." +msgstr "Le jaune. Saveur jaune." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2937 +msgid "YES..." +msgstr "OUI...." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2940 +msgid "I hate that I know you well enough to discern that you want it to look like pee." +msgstr "Je déteste le fait que je te connais assez pour savoir que tu voudrais que ca ressemble à du pipi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2943 +msgid "Pee girl." +msgstr "De la pisse de fille." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2944 +msgid "Akarsha pours a splash of the Gatorade on it." +msgstr "Akarsha met du Powerade sur le tampon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2946 +msgid "I feel like I'm doing one of those absorbency demonstrations in commercials." +msgstr "J'ai l'impression de faire une démonstration commerciale d'absorption." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2949 +msgid "Our liquid is the wrong color, though. It's always blue." +msgstr "Notre liquide n'est pas de la bonne couleur pour ça. C'est toujours bleu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2951 +msgid "Those cowards. They should use red like blood." +msgstr "Ces ptites bites. Ils devraient utiliser du rouge comme du sang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2952 +msgid "Akarsha holds up their finished creation." +msgstr "Akarsha brandit sa création terminée." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2954 +msgid "I'm gonna throw it now." +msgstr "Je vais le jeter." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2955 +msgid "Should I?" +msgstr "Non?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2958 +msgctxt "akarsha2_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "NON." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2961 +msgctxt "akarsha2_2f93b5b4" +msgid "Do it!" +msgstr "Fais le !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2964 +msgid "Akarsha flings the pad like a frisbee into the van!" +msgstr "Akarsha lance le tampon comme un frisbee dans le van!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2972 +msgid "It hits Jun-seo in the shoulder." +msgstr "Ca touche l'épaule de Jun-seo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2975 +msgid " WHAT IS THAT??!" +msgstr "MAIS QU'EST CE QUE C'EST QUE CA?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2978 +msgid "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" +msgstr "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2980 +msgid "Jun goes down!" +msgstr "Jun tombe dans les pommes!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2981 +msgid "Screams fill the van as though a grenade was thrown in." +msgstr "Les cris provenant du van laisse penser qu'une grenade vient d'y atterrir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2982 +msgid "The team desperately scatters away from the deadly object." +msgstr "L'équipe s'écarte rapidement de cet objet mort." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2983 +msgid "Someone is climbing out of the window." +msgstr "Quelqu'un escalade la fenêtre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2988 +msgid "HAHAHAHA!!!!" +msgstr "HAHAHAHA!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2993 +msgid "WHAT DID YOU BRATS DO THIS TIME?!" +msgstr "QU'AVEZ VOUS FAIT ENCORE?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2995 +msgctxt "akarsha2_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "....!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2997 +msgid "Run. Run!" +msgstr "Courez. Courez !" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3001 +msgid "GET BACK HERE!" +msgstr "REVENEZ ICI ! " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3008 +msgid "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3024 +msgctxt "akarsha2_66517db0" +msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." +msgstr "Heyyyy ! Je suis là." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3026 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e3e731e4" +msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" +msgstr "Y'a quelqu'un ? Diya ? Les copines ?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3029 +msgid "Diya is examining something on a tree branch." +msgstr "Diya examine quelque chose sur la branche d'arbre." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3030 +msgid "[caterpillar!t] made a cocoon." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t] a fait un cocon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3031 +msgid "She points at the chrysalis." +msgstr "Elle montre la chrysalide du doigt." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3032 +msgid "He's soup now, inside." +msgstr "Il fait sa soupe maintenant là dedans." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3034 +msgid "Isn't it crazy? Their whole body liquifies and has to rebuild itself." +msgstr "C'est fou non? Son corps complet se liquéfie pour se reconstruire complétement. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3035 +msgid "Imagine if growing up was that bad for us." +msgstr "T'imagine si grandir était aussi horrible pour nous." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3038 +msgid "It must be a complicated process." +msgstr "Ca doit être un processus super compliqué." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3039 +msgid "I always worry something will go wrong in there, and they won't ever wake up." +msgstr "J'ai toujours peur que quelque chose parte en sucette et qu'il ne se réveille jamais." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3040 +msgid "What if someone shakes it really hard? It'll stir the soup." +msgstr "Qu'est ce qui se passerait si quelqu'un secouait ca super fort? Ca mélangerait toute la soupe." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3042 +msgid "Naw man, they're pretty resilient." +msgstr "Mais nan t'inquiètes, ils sont plutôt résistants." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3043 +msgid "Did you know its memory survives that?" +msgstr "Tu savais que leur mémoire survivait à tous ça? " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3044 +msgid "If you teach a caterpillar something, like to fear a certain smell or whatever, after it comes out of its cocoon as a butterfly it'll still remember." +msgstr "Si tu apprends un tour à une chenille, comme avoir peur d'une certaine odeur. Le papillon qu'elle devient en aura toujours peur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3046 +msgid "Even though the outside's different, it's still the same Caterpilly on the inside, from beginning to end." +msgstr "Même si sa forme change, c'est toujours la même chenille à l'intérieur, du début à la fin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3050 +msgid "Will he remember me?" +msgstr "Il se rappellera de moi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3052 +msgid "Sure, as much as an eating machine can." +msgstr "Bien sur, autant qu'une machine sur patte le peut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3053 +msgid "Believe in [caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "Crois en [caterpillar!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3063 +msgctxt "akarsha2_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3066 +msgctxt "akarsha2_da7667f7" +msgid "Akarsha." +msgstr "Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3069 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ea9e118e" +msgid "Ya?" +msgstr "Ouaip?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3072 +msgid "I need to tell you something. Noelle wouldn't understand." +msgstr "Faut que je te raconte un truc. Noelle ne capterait pas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3074 +msgctxt "akarsha2_caf4954b" +msgid "I..." +msgstr "Je...." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3076 +msgid "....................less......." +msgstr "........les......." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3077 +msgid ".............bean. " +msgstr ".....bin......" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3079 +msgid "I like a girl. " +msgstr "J'aime les filles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3081 +msgid "Oh. Nice." +msgstr "Oh. Cool." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3084 +msgid "........You're not surprised." +msgstr "..... T'es pas surprise?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3086 +msgid "I mean, I can tell. " +msgstr "Bin, pour tout te dire." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3087 +msgid "I'm bi." +msgstr "Je suis bi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3090 +msgid "??????????????????" +msgstr "?????????????????" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3092 +msgid "It's not a secret? I've literally hit on girls in front of you?" +msgstr "C'est pas un secret tu sais. Je suis toujours en train de faire du rentre dedans avec les filles devant toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3093 +msgid "I've literally hit on you? " +msgstr "Même avec toi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3095 +msgid "You...What. " +msgstr "Tu.... De quoi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3096 +msgid "But those were all jokes. I thought you were kidding. " +msgstr "Mais c'était pour rigoler. Je pensais que tu blaguais." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3098 +msgid "The kinds of jokes you decide to tell are indicative of your character." +msgstr "Les blagues que tu décides de faire sont toujours révélatrices de ton caractère." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3100 +msgid "I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke." +msgstr "Je raconte des blagues gay, parce que je suis une blague gay." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3102 +msgid "Also, you should tell Min. She likes you back. " +msgstr "D'ailleurs, tu devrais en parler avec Min. Elle t'apprécie aussi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3104 +msgid "I'll help you. " +msgstr "Je vais t'aider." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:39 +msgid "Diya's house" +msgstr "La maison de Diya" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Yaoi Kurashiki" +msgstr "Yaoi Kurashiki" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Yoite" +msgstr "Yoite" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Miles \"Tails\" Edgeworth" +msgstr "Miles Edgeworth" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:237 +msgid "Talk to Diya" +msgstr "Parler à Diya" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Bagels" +msgstr "Beignets" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Chicken Nuggets" +msgstr "Nuggets de Poulet" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Global Warming" +msgstr "Réchauffement Climatique" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Death Bagels" +msgstr "Les beignets de la mort." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Semes" +msgstr "Semes" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:927 +msgid "Search the locker room" +msgstr "Chercher les vestiaires" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:935 +msgid "Go to the locker room" +msgstr "Retourner aux vestiaires" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:943 +msgid "Search the bathroom" +msgstr "Chercher les toilettes" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:950 +msgid "Search the courtyard" +msgstr "Chercher la cour" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:959 +msgid "Go to the school library" +msgstr "Aller au CDI" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1028 +msgid "Search the field" +msgstr "Chercher le terrain" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1036 +msgid "Search outside the locker room" +msgstr "Chercher à l'extérieur des vestiaires" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1044 +msgid "Meet up at the field" +msgstr "Se rencontrer sur le terrain" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1052 +msgid "Go outside the locker room" +msgstr "Aller à l'extérieur des vestiaires" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1080 +msgid "Search the track" +msgstr "Rechercher la piste" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1088 +msgid "Return to locker room" +msgstr "Revenir aux vestiaires" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1114 +msgid "Return to the baseball diamond" +msgstr "Revenir au terrain de baseball" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1219 +msgid "Look at poster" +msgstr "Regarder le poster" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1228 +msgid "Go to classrooms" +msgstr "Aller en classe" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1237 +msgid "Look at bush" +msgstr "Regarder le buisson" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1245 +msgid "Go to locker room entrance" +msgstr "Aller à l'entrée des vestiaires" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1393 +msgid "Look at your reflection" +msgstr "Regarder ton reflet" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1400 +msgid "Return to the courtyard" +msgstr "Retourner dans la cour" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1409 +msgid "Search the auditorium" +msgstr "Chercher l'auditorium" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1479 +msgid "Yell something" +msgstr "Crier quelque chose" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1763 +msgid "Leave the auditorium" +msgstr "Quitter l'auditorium" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1772 +msgid "Look at fire alarm" +msgstr "Chercher l'alarme incendie" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1780 +msgid "Check out family bathroom" +msgstr "Chercher les toilettes" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1813 +msgid "Killer Whale player" +msgstr "Joueur de l'équipe des Orques" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1846 +msgid "Hayden" +msgstr "Hayden" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2001 +msgid "Kick it" +msgstr "Le frapper" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 +msgid "Intimidate the enemy with an impressive entrance" +msgstr "Intimider l'ennemie avec une entrée impressionnante." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 +msgid "Use psychological warfare" +msgstr "Utiliser la guerre psycologique" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 +msgid "Intimidate him with your baseball expertise" +msgstr "L'intimider avec ton expertise de baseball" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 +msgid "Act weak so he goes easy on you" +msgstr "Agir faiblement pour qu'il y aille doucement avec toi" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2985 +msgid "Akarsha and Min" +msgstr "Akarsha et Min" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=YunusH.ttf}{size=36}English{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" +msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" +msgstr "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" +msgstr "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=times.ttf}فارسی{/font}" +msgstr "{font=times.ttf}فارسی{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}bahasa Indonesia{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}bahasa Indonesia{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=YunusH.ttf}{size=36}Français{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=YunusH.ttf}{size=36}Français{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2822 +msgid "Diya" +msgstr "Diya" + +#: game/script.rpy:2823 +msgctxt "game/script.rpy:2823" +msgid "Min" +msgstr "Min" + +#: game/script.rpy:2824 +msgid "Noelle" +msgstr "Noelle" + +#: game/script.rpy:2825 +msgid "YAOI SEME" +msgstr "YAOI SEME" + +#: game/script.rpy:2826 +msgid "NOELLEFUCKER69" +msgstr "NOELLEFUCKER69" + +#: game/script.rpy:2827 +msgid "albret einstong" +msgstr "albret einstong" + +#: game/script.rpy:2828 +msgid "Yuki" +msgstr "Yuki" + +#: game/script.rpy:2829 +msgid "Sakura" +msgstr "Sakura" + +#: game/script.rpy:2830 +msgid "Chryssa" +msgstr "Chryssa" + +#: game/script.rpy:2831 +msgid "Liz" +msgstr "Liz" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:9 +msgid "Greetings. We have a special announcement." +msgstr "Bienvenue. Nous avons une annonce spéciale à vous faire." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:10 +msgid "The official Butterfly Soup online shop is open for business." +msgstr "La boutique en ligne Butterfly Soup est ouverte !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:19 +msgid "What the fuck are these..." +msgstr "Putain c'est quoi ces..." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:22 +msgid "These are double-sided acrylic charms." +msgstr "Ce sont des charmes double face en acrylique." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:29 +msgid "And not the cheap sort from China." +msgstr "Et c'est pas les trucs cheap venant de Chine." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:30 +msgid "Ours are professionally crafted, will never scratch off or fade, and are even waterproof." +msgstr "Les notres sont fait par des professionnels, ne vont jamais rayer ou disparaitre, et ils sont waterproof." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:33 +msgid "Seriously, they're legit!" +msgstr "Sérieusement, ils sont géniaux." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:35 +msgid "If you hold it in your hand and compare it with the Vograce-made one I got at Yaoi Con, you can actually feel the difference." +msgstr "Si tu l'as en main et que tu le compare avec celui que j'ai eu à la Yaoi Con, on peut vraiment sentir la différence." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:38 +msgid "That was slightly too much information." +msgstr "C'est un peu trop d'information." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:45 +msgid "Also, these are pretty decently sized. They're not tiny 1.5 inch ones!" +msgstr "En plus ils ont une bonne taille, c'est pas les petits de 5 centimètres !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:48 +msgid "Min's are the same size as mine. I bet she's happy with that." +msgstr "Ceux de Min font la même taille que le miens. Je suis sûre qu'elle doit être contente." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:51 +msgid "Wouldn't it be funny if all our charms were normal sized, except only Min's was the dinky 1.5 inch size?" +msgstr "Ca serait pas drole que tout nos charmes soit à la bonne taille sauf celui de Min qui fait 5 centimètres ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:54 +msgid "Wouldn't it be funny if mine had a blade that came out and stabbed yours?" +msgstr "Ca serait pas drôle si le miens avait un couteau et qu'il poignarde le tiens ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:57 +msgid "Just to clarify to our viewers, all the charms are the same size and none of them have blades that come out and stab the others." +msgstr "Juste pour clarifier à nos spectateurs, tous les charmes font al même taille et aucun n'a de lame pour poignarder des autres." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:59 +msgid "There's also a discount if you buy all four as a set." +msgstr "Il y aussi une promo si vous achetez les 4 ennsemble." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:62 +msgid "That sounds like a scam." +msgstr "On dirait une arnaque." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:66 +msgid "How is it a scam?!" +msgstr "Comment ca pourrait être une arnaque ?!" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:95 +msgid "Diya, is the camera on?" +msgstr "Diya, la caméra est allumée ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:97 +msgid "Camera's on." +msgstr "Elle est allumée." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:99 +msgid "Take 27.{w=0.35} Action." +msgstr "Prise 27. {w=0.35} Action." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:103 +msgid "The game Butterfly Soup—" +msgstr "Le jeu Butterfly Soup-" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:108 +msgid "Sucks." +msgstr "c'est de la merde." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:112 +msgid "Sucks?!" +msgstr "De la merde ?!" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:114 +msgid "You can't kill anyone!" +msgstr "Tu peux buter personne !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:118 +msgid "How about we kill YOU?! Stop interrupting me!" +msgstr "Et si on te tuait TOI ?! Arrête de m'interrompre !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:120 +msgid "We could have been finished an HOUR ago!{w=0.35} Just follow the script!" +msgstr "On aurait pu avoir fini il y a UNE HEURE ! {w=0.35} Suis le script !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:122 +msgid "Your script is boring.{w=0.35} No one's gonna play the game." +msgstr "Votre script est a chier.{w0.35} Personne va y jouer a ce jeu." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:124 +msgid "We gotta appeal to the Gamers to sell our Good Content." +msgstr "On doit attirer les gamers pour votre notre contenu." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:127 +msgctxt "trailer_3e5b3b3a" +msgid "What do you mean?" +msgstr "Tu veux dire quoi par ca ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:130 +msgid "Like this:" +msgstr "Regarde :" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:133 +msgid "HEWWO???!!?" +msgstr "HEYYYYYYY ??!!??!" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:135 +msgid "WHAT'S UP GAMERS, WELCOME TO MY MINECRAFT VIDEO." +msgstr "COMMENT CA VA LES G@MERS? ON SE RETROUVE POUR UNE VIDÉO SUR MINECRAFT." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:137 +msgid "\"This game is like Overwatch meets Undertale.\" —Yoko Taro." +msgstr "\"Ce jeu est comme Overwatch rencontre Undertale.\" -Yoko Taro." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:140 +msgid "THAT'S JUST FALSE ADVERTISING." +msgstr "C'EST JUSTE DE LA PUBLICITÉ MENSONGERE." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:144 +msgid "How about this?" +msgstr "Et pourquoi pas ca ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:146 +msgid "Hey, gamers.{w=0.35} Play this game or else I'll kill your entire family!!" +msgstr "Hey g@mers. {w=0.35} Jouez à ce jeu ou sinon je tue TOUTE TA FAMILLE !!" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:148 +msgid "DON'T THREATEN THE AUDIENCE!" +msgstr "NE MENACE PAS LES SPECTATEURS !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:151 +msgid "One of the game's main selling points is that it's gay.{w=0.35} How about I kiss Diya on camera?" +msgstr "L'un des principal argument de vente pour ce jeu c'est que c'est lesbien. {w=0.35} Et si j'embrassais Diya devant la caméra ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:153 +msgid "Don't wanna go on camera." +msgstr "Je veux pas aller devant la caméra." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:155 +msgid "I'll kiss you later." +msgstr "Je t'embrasserais plus tard." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:159 +msgid "We're left with no choice, then.{w=0.35} Noelle, we gotta kiss." +msgstr "Bon on a plus le choix. {w=0.35} Noelle, il faut qu'on s'embrasse." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:161 +msgctxt "trailer_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "NON." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:164 +msgid "Playing hard to get, are we?" +msgstr "On essaye de jouer la dure à avoir ?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:166 +msgid "I'M NOT PLAYING HARD TO GET." +msgstr "JE JOUE PAS LA DURE A AVOIR !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:170 +msgid "This is biphobia!" +msgstr "C'est de la biphobie !" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:173 +msgid "How—{w=0.35} What—{w=0.35} HOW IS THIS BIPHOBIA??" +msgstr "Com-{w=0.35} Quel-{w=0.35} COMMENT C'EST DE LA BIPHOBIE ??" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:177 +msgid "You know what?!{w=0.35} Forget this!{w=0.35} I give up." +msgstr "Tu sais quoi ?!{w=0.35} Oubliez ca !{w=0.35} J'abondonne." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:178 +msgid "We're done!{w=0.35} Turn off the camera, Diya." +msgstr "On arrête !{w=0.35} Éteint la caméra Diya." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:180 +msgctxt "trailer_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Ok." + +#: game/options.rpy:15 +msgid "Butterfly Soup" +msgstr "Butterfly Soup" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:38 +msgid "Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?" +msgstr "Problème 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:40 +msgid "What is this?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce que c'est que ça ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:41 +msgid "I can't read the test paper." +msgstr "Je ne peux pas lire l'examen." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:55 +msgid "Problem 2) ₫₅—₎⁷6544³¹¿˘‰2 - 3◊ℓ34?" +msgstr "Problème 2) ₫₅—₎⁷6544³¹¿˘‰2 - 3◊ℓ34?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:57 +msgid "I don't know anything! I don't understand any of this!" +msgstr "Je sais rien ! Je comprends rien de tout ça !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:59 +msgid "I'm going to fail. All my hard work up until now was for nothing!" +msgstr "Je vais rater. Tout ce boulot jusqu'ici pour rien !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:62 +msgctxt "wakeUp_1c9e82b1" +msgid "Wake up." +msgstr "Réveille-toi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:65 +msgctxt "wakeUp_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:68 +msgctxt "wakeUp_1c9e82b1_1" +msgid "Wake up." +msgstr "Réveille-toi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:80 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:81 +msgid "Diya looks very concerned..." +msgstr "Diya semble très inquiète" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:83 +msgid "I had a nightmare." +msgstr "J'ai fait un cauchemar" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:84 +msgid "Ugh...That was silly. It wasn't even real." +msgstr "Ugh... C'était stupide. C'était même pas réel." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:87 +msgid "Sorry. Feel better." +msgstr "Désolée. Reprends-toi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:89 +msgid "She presents Noelle with a poorly wrapped, lumpy gift almost as big as she is." +msgstr "Elle offre à Noelle un cadeau bossu, piteusement emballé presque aussi grand qu'elle" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:92 +msgid "Happy birthday." +msgstr "Bon anniveraire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:93 +msgid "Despite Diya's best efforts, several spots of the gift aren't properly covered with the wrapping paper and Noelle can see clearly what's inside." +msgstr "Malgré les meilleurs efforts de Diya, plusieurs endroits du cadeaux ne sont pas correctement recouverts avec le papier-cadeau et Noelle peut clairement voir ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:95 +msgid "I appreciate your kindness." +msgstr "J'apprécie ta gentillesse." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:96 +msgid "May I open it here?" +msgstr "Je dois l'ouvrir ici ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:99 +msgctxt "wakeUp_9ee5e3fd" +msgid "Diya nods eagerly." +msgstr "Diya acquiesce vivement" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:100 +msgid "Noelle unwraps the present and pretends to be shocked by its contents." +msgstr "Noelle déballe le cadeau et fait semblant d'être choqué du contenu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:101 +msgid "It's a giant bright green snake plush." +msgstr "C'est une peluche de de serpent géante !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:103 +msgid "His name is Snakey." +msgstr "Il s'appelle Snakey." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:104 +msgid "Look at how he's striped." +msgstr "Regarde comme il est rayé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:105 +msgid "Noelle looks. Indeed, he's striped." +msgstr "Noelle regarde. En effet, il est rayé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:107 +msgid "He's the youngest. He has two older brothers and a sister." +msgstr "C'est le plus jeune. Il est deux grand frères et une grande soeur" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:110 +msgid "You bought this for me?" +msgstr "Tu as acheté ça pour moi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:113 +msgid "I won him from the hammer game at the fair." +msgstr "Je l'ai gagné au jeu du marteau à la foire" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:114 +msgid "Hit the hammer really hard." +msgstr "Frappe le marteau très fort" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:115 +msgid "I chose him because he reminds me of you." +msgstr "Je l'ai choisi car il me fait penser à toi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:117 +msgid "He reminds her of me, how??" +msgstr "Il lui fait penser à moi ? Comment ça ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:118 +msgid "I don't even like snakes. And stuffed animals are a useless waste of space." +msgstr "Je n'aime même pas les serpents. Et les peluches sont un gachis inutile d'espace" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:120 +msgid "Yet against all logic, a lump forms in Noelle's throat, impossible to swallow." +msgstr "Pourtant contre toute logique, une boule se forme dans la gorge de Noelle, il lui est impossible de déglutir." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:121 +msgid "Noelle quickly stamps down all stupid emotions and focuses on organizing her thoughts." +msgstr "Noelle efface tout de suite toutes ces stupides émotions et se focalise pour organiser ses pensées." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:124 +msgctxt "wakeUp_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:125 +msgid "He is green, soft, and at least 5 feet long." +msgstr "Il est vert, doux, et fait au moins un mètre et demi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:126 +msgid "I will place him in my bedroom and preserve him in mint condition for as long as possible." +msgstr "Je vais le placer dans ma chambre et le conserver en parfait état le plus longtemps possible." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:130 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_1" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:131 +msgid "She looks happy." +msgstr "Elle semble heureuse." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:132 +msgid "A warm and fuzzy feeling swells in Noelle's chest." +msgstr "Un sentiment chaud et flou grandi dans la poitrine de Noelle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:133 +msgid "You're my favorite person." +msgstr "Tu es la personne que je préfère." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:135 +msgid "I think I may have developed some kind of attachment to you, too." +msgstr "Je pense que j'ai dévelloppé une sorte d'attachement envers toi, moi aussi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:138 +msgid "We should go on vacation together someday. When we grow up." +msgstr "On devrait partir en vacances toutes les deux un jour. quand on sera plus grandes" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:139 +msgid "Would be fun." +msgstr "Ce serait amusant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:141 +msgid "That WOULD be fun..." +msgstr "Ce SERAIT amusant..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:142 +msgid "I would accompany you with only mild complaining." +msgstr "Je t'accompagnerais en me plaignant un peu" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:143 +msgctxt "wakeUp_19c11467" +msgid "Where?" +msgstr "Où ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:145 +msgid "Maybe England." +msgstr "Peut-être l'Angleterre" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:146 +msgid "Can go to Diagon Al—" +msgstr "On pourrait aller au Chemin de Trav..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:148 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_2" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:149 +msgid "Noelle watches Diya's face drop as she silently goes through the 5 stages of grief remembering most of the locations in Harry Potter aren't real." +msgstr "Noelle regarde Diya se décomposer alors qu'elle traverse les 5 étapes du deuil en se rappelant que la plupart des lieux dans Harry Potter n'existent pas" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:151 +msgid "We can at least see Platform 9 3/4. They put a plaque of it at King's Cross." +msgstr "On peut au moins aller voir le quais 9 3/4. Il ont affiché une plaque pour ce quais à la station King''s Cross" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:154 +msgctxt "wakeUp_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "D'accord" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:156 +msgid "What else do you want to see in England?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu veux voir d'autre en Angleterre ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:158 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_3" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:160 +msgid "All-you-can-eat buffet." +msgstr "des Buffets à volonté" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:162 +msgid "They have those here, too." +msgstr "Ils ont ça aussi, ici" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:164 +msgid "It's so simple to make you happy." +msgstr "C'est si simple de te rendre heureuse." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:165 +msgid "If everyone thought like you, there would be no wars." +msgstr "Si tout le monde pensait comme toi, il n'y aurait pas de guerres." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:168 +msgid "Diya doesn't appear to know how to respond to this, so she just looks away and smiles shyly." +msgstr "Diya ne semble pas savoir comment répondre à ça, elle détourne juste le regard et sourit timidement." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:169 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_4" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:171 +msgid "If we run out of things to do in England, we can always watch TV in our hotel room." +msgstr "Si on tombe à cours de trucs à faire en Angleterre, on peut toujours regarder la télévision dans notre chambre d'hôtel." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:174 +msgid "No. You complain too much when things aren't scientifically correct." +msgstr "Non. Tu te plains tout le temps quand les choses ne sont pas scientifiquement correctes." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:175 +msgid "Like, when radioactive things cause super powers." +msgstr "Comme quand la les trucs radioactifs causent des super-pouvoirs." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:176 +msgid "You get so hung up on it. It's distracting." +msgstr "Tu te fixes trop dessus. C'est distrayant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:178 +msgid "Distracting how?" +msgstr "Comment ça distrayant ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:181 +msgid "Distracting like..." +msgstr "Distrayant comme..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:199 +msgid "{big=16}SHUT UP!{w=0.2} SHUT UP!! {w=0.2}SHUT UP!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=16}TAIS-TOI !{w=0.2} TAIS-TOI !! {w=0.2} TAIS-TOI !!!!{/big}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:201 +msgid "{big=16}THIS IS NOT SCIENTIFIC!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=16}C'EST PAS SCIENTIFIQUE !!!{/big}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:202 +msgid "{big=16}HE CAN'T DO THAT! {w=0.2}THAT'S NOT HOW NUCLEAR PHYSICS WORKS!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=16}IL PEUT PAS FAIRE ÇA ! {w=0.2}C'EST PAS COMME ÇA QUE LA PHYSIQUE NUCLÉAIRE FONCTIONNE !!{/big}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:203 +msgid "{big=16}NO!!!! {w=0.2}SHUT UP!!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=16}NON !!!! {w=0.2}TAIS-TOI !!!!!{/big}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:213 +msgid "...We can watch an educational nature documentary, then. Like Planet Earth." +msgstr "...On peut regarder un documentaire éducatif sur la nature, sinon. Comme Planète Terre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:217 +msgid "I don't like the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the wrong way." +msgstr "Je n'aime pas la partie où le bébé éléphant suit les traces de sa maman dans le mauvais sens." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:219 +msgid "We can skip the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the wrong way." +msgstr "On peut passer la partie où le bébé éléphant suit les traces de sa maman dans le mauvais sens." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:222 +msgid "Suddenly, Diya starts climbing off the playground structure." +msgstr "Soudainement, Diya commence à grimper la structure du terrain de jeu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:223 +msgid "Just remembered." +msgstr "Je viens juste e me souvenir." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:224 +msgid "Actually, Diya had been preparing to say this for the past 15 minutes." +msgstr "En fait, Diya se préparait à dire ça depuis les 15 dernières minutes." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:226 +msgid "Want you to meet someone." +msgstr "Je veux que tu rencontres quelqu'un." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:228 +msgid "I made a new friend yesterday." +msgstr "Je me suis fait un nouvel ami hier" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:230 +msgid "Really? Who?" +msgstr "Vraiment ? Qui ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:232 +msgctxt "wakeUp_ce237f07" +msgid "Min." +msgstr "Min." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:234 +msgid "...\"Min\"? Is that a boy or a girl?" +msgstr "...\"Min\" ? C'est un garçon ou une fille ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:237 +msgctxt "wakeUp_74edb3c7" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:239 +msgid "...Not sure." +msgstr "...Pas sûr." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:241 +msgid "How can you not be sure?! Didn't you meet?" +msgstr "Comment tu peux ne pas être sûre ? Tu l'as pas rencontré ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:243 +msgid "It was hard to tell." +msgstr "C'était dur à dire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:244 +msgid "You'll see what I mean." +msgstr "Tu verras ce que je veux dire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:246 +msgid "I will?" +msgstr "Je verrai ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:249 +msgid "When you become friends." +msgstr "Quand vous serez amis." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:251 +msgid "Min is really nice." +msgstr "Min est vraiment gentil." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:252 +msgid "Gave me a seaweed sheet." +msgstr "M'a donné des feuilles d'algues." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:254 +msgid "I've never seen you this excited over someone before." +msgstr "Je t'ai jamais vue aussi excitée à propos de quelqu'un avant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:255 +msgid "They must really be something." +msgstr "Min doit vraiment être spécial." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:257 +msgid "Diya looks like she agrees." +msgstr "Diya semble acquiescer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:268 +msgid "This must be him...her." +msgstr "Ça doit être lui... elle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:271 +msgctxt "wakeUp_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:272 +msgid "Instead of introducing them, Diya is just happily standing there in silence." +msgstr "Au lieu de présenter Min, Diya se tient debout toute contente en silence." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:274 +msgctxt "wakeUp_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:278 +msgid "The other girl(?) circles around Noelle, sizing her up." +msgstr "L'autre fille(?) tourne autour de Noëlle, comme pour la jauger." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:279 +msgid "Her face darkens when she sees the snake plushie Diya gave her." +msgstr "Son visage s'assombrit quand elle remarque la peluche serpent que Diya lui a offert." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:281 +msgctxt "wakeUp_88c51795" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:282 +msgid "So you're Diya's best friend." +msgstr "Tu es donc la meilleure amie de Diya." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:283 +msgid "You...you giraffe." +msgstr "Sale... Sale girafe." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:285 +msgctxt "wakeUp_bb188d77" +msgid "What...?" +msgstr "Quoi... ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:289 +msgid "{big=+20}I'LL FIGHT YOU!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}JE VAIS TE MARAVE !!!!{/big}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:291 +msgid "Excuse me?!" +msgstr "Pardon ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:293 +msgid "There can only be one of us." +msgstr "Il peut y en avoir qu'une seule d'entre nous." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:294 +msgid "So we have to duel." +msgstr "Donc on doit se battre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:295 +msgid "I'll beat you in hand to hand combat." +msgstr "J'vais te défoncer à mains nues." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:297 +msgctxt "wakeUp_201ff599" +msgid "What?! No!" +msgstr "Quoi ?! Non !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:299 +msgid "Starting in 3!!! 2!!!! 1!!!!" +msgstr "Dans 3 !!! 2 !!!! 1 !!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:302 +msgid "I ALREADY SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "J'AI DIT NON !!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:315 +msgid "What was that all about? What an idiot..." +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ? Quelle idiote..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:316 +msgid "What does Diya see in someone that dumb?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que Diya trouve à quelqu'un si stupide ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:317 +msgid "I don't understand." +msgstr "Je comprends pas" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:321 +msgctxt "wakeUp_9d48d641" +msgid "I'm home." +msgstr "Je suis rentré." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:324 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6a3d80f6" +msgid "What did you get on the math test?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu as eu comme note en maths ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:326 +msgid "An A-." +msgstr "Un 16" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:328 +msgid "A-? Why not A?" +msgstr "16 ? Pourquoi pas un 18 ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:329 +msgctxt "wakeUp_4b7f6a27" +msgid "Noelle's mom is cutting a column out of the Chinese newspaper." +msgstr "La mère de Noëlle coupe une colonne d'un journal chinois." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:330 +msgctxt "wakeUp_7b0a96e5" +msgid "Look at this article." +msgstr "Regarde cet article." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:331 +msgid "This boy was accepted into every single Ivy League college. He lives in Pleasanton." +msgstr "Ce garçon a été accepté dans toutes les université de l'Ivy League. Il vit à Pleasanton" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:332 +msgctxt "wakeUp_2ee13495" +msgid "If he can do it, why can't you?" +msgstr "S'il peut le faire, pourquoi pas toi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:333 +msgctxt "wakeUp_2341c4b7" +msgid "I'm putting this on your wall. To inspire you." +msgstr "Je vais accrocher ça à ton mur. Pour t'inspirer" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:334 +msgid "She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to a poem her dad printed out, \"There is no Success without Hardship\"." +msgstr "Elle se lève et le colle dans la chambre de Noëlle à côté d'un poème imprimé par son père \"Il n'y a pas de succès sans travail \"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:336 +msgid "Can I go to the park with Diya this Saturday?" +msgstr "Est-ce que je peux aller au parc avec Diya samedi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:338 +msgid "What for?" +msgstr "Pour faire quoi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:340 +msgid "We're taking a walk around the lake." +msgstr "On va se promener autour du lac." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:341 +msgid "There's also a Petco nearby. She wants to look at the fish and hamsters." +msgstr "Il y a aussi un Petco pas loin. Elle veut aller voir les poissons et hamsters." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:343 +msgid "Will Diya still be your friend if you say no?" +msgstr "Est-ce que Diya sera toujours ton amie si tu dis non ? " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:345 +msgid "Yes, but I want to—" +msgstr "Oui, mais je veux—" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:347 +msgid "Then there's no point." +msgstr "Donc il n'y a aucun intérêt" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:348 +msgid "Now that you've already established your friendship, you should be expending the minimum amount of energy to maintain it." +msgstr "à présent que tu as établi une amitié, tu devrais utiliser le minimum d'énergie nécessaire afin de la maintenir." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:349 +msgid "Otherwise you're just wasting your limited time. Fun is an illusion." +msgstr "Sinon tu perds juste ton temps limité. La plaisanterie est une illusion." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:350 +msgid "Don't be controlled by your emotions." +msgstr "Ne sois pas contrôlée par tes émotions." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:352 +msgid "But I'm free that Saturday! Chinese School is on break." +msgstr "Mais je suis libre samedi ! Mon cours de chinois est en pause." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:354 +msgid "You can use it to study for your tests at school." +msgstr "Tu peux utiliser ton temps pour étudier pour tes examens de cours." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:356 +msgid "I already studied for them." +msgstr "J'ai déjà étudié." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:358 +msgid "All of them?" +msgstr "Pour tous ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:360 +msgid "I finished reading all my textbooks already. Twice." +msgstr "J'ai déjà fini de lire tous mes manuels. Deux fois." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:362 +msgid "Did you do all the practice problems?" +msgstr "As-tu fais tous les exercices pratiques ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:364 +msgid "I did all the practice problems." +msgstr "J'ai fait tous les exercices pratiques." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:367 +msgid "Haha! Take that!" +msgstr "Haha ! Prends-ça !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:368 +msgid "There's nothing that could possibly be left for me to do!" +msgstr "Il n'y a rien de plus que je pourrais faire !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:370 +msgid "I'll buy next year's textbooks so you can get started on those, then." +msgstr "Je vais acheter les manuels de l'année prochaine pour que tu puisses les commencer, alors." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:377 +msgctxt "wakeUp_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:379 +msgctxt "wakeUp_653359cb" +msgid "Upset, Noelle curls up in bed angrily hugging her giant snake plushie." +msgstr "Contrariée, Noëlle se recroqueville dans son lit en serrant férocement sa peluche de serpent" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:382 +msgid "— The Fox and the Grapes —" +msgstr "— Le renard et les raisins —" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:383 +msgid "A hungry Fox saw a fine bunch of Grapes hanging from a vine." +msgstr "Un renard affamé, voyant des grappes de raisin pendre à une treille," + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:384 +msgid "He did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air." +msgstr "voulut les attraper." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:385 +msgid "But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach." +msgstr "Mais ne pouvant y parvenir," + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:386 +msgid "So he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking," +msgstr "il s’éloigna en se disant à lui-même," + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:387 +msgid "\"I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.\"" +msgstr "« C’est du verjus. »" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:388 +msgid "Reading Comprehension Questions:" +msgstr "Questions de compréhension écrite :" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:389 +msgid "1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?" +msgstr "1) Pourquoi le renard ne mange-t-il pas les raisins ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:403 +msgid "Through the window, Noelle can hear someone whiffing a badminton racket outside." +msgstr "À travers la fenêtre, Noëlle peut entendre le sifflement d'une raquette de badminton à l'éxtérieur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:405 +msgid "Sorry!" +msgstr "Désolé !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:407 +msgid "It's okay!" +msgstr "C'est rien !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:409 +msgid "It sounds like they're playing badminton in the driveway without a net." +msgstr "Il semblerait qu'ils sont en train de jouer au badminton dans l'allée sans filet." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:411 +msgid "They're probably in the dumb kids class." +msgstr "Ils sont sûrement dans la classe de l'enfant stupide." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:413 +msgid "2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?" +msgstr "2) Qu'est-ce que \"Mais ne pouvant y parvenir\" veut dire" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:425 +msgid "Noooo!!!" +msgstr "Noooon !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:427 +msgid "Oh my god! Did you see that?" +msgstr "Oh mon dieu ! T'as vu ça ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:429 +msgid "They're both laughing." +msgstr "Ils rient tous les deux." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:431 +msgid "Stupid hooligans wasting their time." +msgstr "Stupide hooligans qui perdent leur temps." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:432 +msgid "Having fun?? HA! I'm above such petty unnecessities." +msgstr "Vous vous amusez?? HA! Ces petites mesquineries me dépassent." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:433 +msgid "They'll regret it when they're working at McDonald's someday." +msgstr "Ils le regretteront le jour où ils travailleront à McDonald's." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:434 +msgid "I hate sports anyway. I'm the real winner here!" +msgstr "Je déteste le sport de toute manière. Le vrai vainqueur ici c'est moi!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:436 +msgid "3) What's the message of the story?" +msgstr "3) Quel est le message de l'histoire?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:462 +msgctxt "atMeeting_e7bfb3b0" +msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" +msgstr "Noelle, prochaine à la batte!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:467 +msgid "Noelle grudgingly steps up to the plate." +msgstr "Noelle assume ses responsabilités à contrecoeur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:469 +msgid "I hate sports!! Why am I here?!" +msgstr "Je déteste le sport!! Pourquoi je suis là?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:473 +msgid "Akarsha is pitching. She raises her eyebrows at Noelle as she winds up." +msgstr "Akarsha est en train de tanguer. Elle lève ses sourcils en regardant Noelle alors qu'elle s'échauffe. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:474 +msgctxt "atMeeting_bdb2098a" +msgid "Wake up." +msgstr "Réveille-toi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:476 +msgctxt "atMeeting_f0dcbbb0" +msgid "...What...?" +msgstr "...Quoi...?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:479 +msgid "Wake up, Frenchman. You're in a coma." +msgstr "Réveille-toi, la française. Tu es dans le coma." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:481 +msgid "I AM NOT. YOU ARE TRYING TO CONFUSE ME, AND FAILING." +msgstr "C'EST FAUX. TU ESSAYES DE M'EMBROUILLER LES IDEES ET SANS SUCCES!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:486 +msgid "Akarsha pitches the ball!" +msgstr "Akarsha lance la balle!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:492 +msgid "Through sheer luck, Noelle manages to hit the ball!" +msgstr "Par pure chance, Noelle parvient à frapper la balle!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:496 +msgid "It pops straight up! Noelle runs for first base with the agility of an old man with two broken legs." +msgstr "Elle monte en flèche! Noelle court à la première base avec l'agilité d'un vieil homme avec deux jambes cassées." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:499 +msgctxt "atMeeting_fafbead7" +msgid "I got it!" +msgstr "Je l'ai!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:500 +msgid "Chryssa catches it in her mitt." +msgstr "Chryssa l'attrape dans son gant" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:502 +msgid "The runner already on first base gives Noelle a strange look when she runs up to it." +msgstr "Le courreur déjà en première base lance un regard étrange à Noelle alors qu'elle y court." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:505 +msgid "Noelle, you're out!" +msgstr "Noelle, dehors!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:507 +msgid "Stop running. It's embarrassing." +msgstr "Arrête de courir. C'est gênant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:510 +msgid "What? Why?" +msgstr "Quoi? Pourquoi?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:513 +msgid "She caught it, genius." +msgstr "Elle l'a eue, génie ça!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:517 +msgid "But...so? Why can't I run? How come the runner on first isn't out??" +msgstr "Et.. alors? Pourquoi je ne peux pas courir? Pourquoi le coureur en première base ne sort pas lui?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:519 +msgid "The rules of this game are really incomprehensible." +msgstr "Les règles de ce jeu sont vraiment incompréhensibles." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:522 +msgid "It's okay, nice try." +msgstr "C'est pas grave, bien essayé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:524 +msgid "I don't need praise for failing. I'm not stupid." +msgstr "J'ai pas besoin qu'on félicite mes échecs. Je ne suis pas stupide." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:532 +msgid "Noelle grabs a mitt and joins Diya and the others on the field." +msgstr "Noelle prend un gant et se joint à Diya et les autres sur le terrain." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:534 +msgid "We're taking turns batting. Everyone who isn't a batter or runner is defending on the field." +msgstr "Les batteurs se relayent. Tous ceux qui ne sont ni batteur ni coureur doivent défendre sur le terrain." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:535 +msgid "It feels so odd to be doing this. I keep half-expecting someone to holler at me to get off." +msgstr "Ca me semble tellement étrange de faire ça. Je m'attends à moitié que quelqu'un me mette dehors en hurlant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:537 +msgid "Suddenly, Diya swerves back to avoid a bee flying at her face." +msgstr "Soudain, Diya se balance en arrière pour éviter qu'une abeille ne lui vole dans le visage." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:539 +msgid "Did that bee just try to sting you?! COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH BEE COWARD I’M GONNA FUCK YOU UP!!!" +msgstr "Est-ce que cette abeille vient d'essayer de te piquer? REVIENS ICI CONNASSE D'ABEILLE LACHE JE VAIS T'ECLATER!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:541 +msgid "Min moves indignantly between Diya and the bee." +msgstr "Min, indigné se met entre Diya et l'abeille." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:543 +msgctxt "atMeeting_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:544 +msgid "She's trying to protect Diya from the bee." +msgstr "Elle essaye de protéger DIya de l'abeille." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:546 +msgid "Min throws a punch at the offending bee." +msgstr "Min met un coup de poing à l'abeille qui attaque." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:548 +msgid "After silently watching a few fruitless swings, Diya takes off her hat and strikes the bee in mid-air with the bill of her cap." +msgstr "Après avoir observé quelques tentatives d'attaque sans succès, Diya retire son chapeau et atteint l'abeille avec la visière de sa casquette en plein air." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:550 +msgid "It falls to the ground, dead." +msgstr "Elle tombe au sol, morte." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:551 +msgid "Min beams at her with pure adoration in her eyes." +msgstr "Min la fixe, ses yeux pleins d'adoration." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:553 +msgid "When did you move back?" +msgstr "Quand est-ce que tu es revenue?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:555 +msgid "About two weeks ago." +msgstr "Il y a environ deux semaines." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:557 +msgid "Wow, if we had any classes together we'd have crossed paths way sooner." +msgstr "Waouh, si on avait eu des cours en commun nos chemins se seraient croisés bien plus tôt!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:559 +msgid "Does Jun-seo go here now too?" +msgstr "Est-ce que Jun-seo va aussi là maintenant ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:561 +msgid "No, he's at a different school. He goes to Niles." +msgstr "Non, il est dans une autre école. Il va à Niles." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:563 +msgid "That's an easier, less Asian school." +msgstr "C'est une école plus simple, moins asiatique." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:566 +msgid "Why would your parents put you in different schools?" +msgstr "Mais pourquoi vos parents vous mettent dans des écoles différentes ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:568 +msgid "They didn't. I originally went to there too, but I got expelled." +msgstr "C'était pas leur intention. À la base, j'allais aussi à là-bas, mais je me suis fait virer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:570 +msgid "Expelled?!" +msgstr "Virer ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:573 +msgid "How was Florida?" +msgstr "C'était comment la Floride ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:575 +msgid "You're not going to ask about the \"expelled\" part???" +msgstr "Tu ne vas rien demander sur le fait qu'elle se soit faite \"virer\" ???" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:578 +msgid "Horrible!" +msgstr "Horrible !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:580 +msgid "They don't have boba places there! I had to drink milkshakes!!!" +msgstr "Ils ont pas de boba là-bas ! J'étais obligée de boire des milkshakes !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:582 +msgid "What the...that's crazy..." +msgstr "Mais... c'est dingue..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:585 +msgid "And everyone was white!" +msgstr "Et tout le monde était blanc !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:587 +msgid "Are white people that bad?" +msgstr "Est-ce que les blancs sont si méchants ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:589 +msgid "They do shit like pull their eyes into slits and go \"Ching chong ting tong!\"" +msgstr "Ils font des trucs comme plisser les yeux et dire \"Ching chong ting tong !\"" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:590 +msgid "Or \"Go back to China!\" I'm not even Chinese!!" +msgstr "Ou \"Retourne en Chine !\" Mais chuis même pas chinoise !!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:592 +msgid "I had to get so good at beating people up!" +msgstr "J'ai été obligée de devenir super forte à leur casser la gueule !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:594 +msgid "What the heck. That sounds like a cartoon." +msgstr "Truc de ouf. On dirait un cartoon." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:595 +msgid "I thought racism was over." +msgstr "Moi qui pensait que le racisme, c'était du passé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:597 +msgid "Me too!" +msgstr "Moi aussi !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:599 +msgid "But they showed us that cartoon every year in class. Where they time travel to when there's segregation." +msgstr "Mais il nous montraient ce cartoon chaque année en cours. Genre ils retournaient dans le passé à l'époque de la ségrégation." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:600 +msgid "What happened?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce qu'il s'est passé ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:602 +msgctxt "atMeeting_bac6a63f" +msgid "Beats me." +msgstr "J'en sais rien." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:605 +msgid "The next batter strikes out." +msgstr "Le batteur suivant frappe." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:607 +msgid "Liz, who's acting as the catcher, returns the ball to Akarsha." +msgstr "Liz, qui fait le receveur, renvoie la balle à Akarsha." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:609 +msgid "Akarsha fumbles it and drops it on the mound. Everyone watches disapprovingly as she scrambles to pick it back up." +msgstr "Akarsha se loupe et la fait tomber sur le monticule. Tout le monde regarde d'un air désapprobateur tandis qu'elle tente désespérément de la ramasser." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:611 +msgid "...That was an illusion." +msgstr "... C'était une illusion." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:612 +msgid "A trick of the light." +msgstr "Un effet de lumière." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:614 +msgid "No, we clearly saw you mess up." +msgstr "Non, mais, on t'a clairement vu foirer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:620 +msgid "It's Diya's turn at bat now." +msgstr "C'est maintenant au tour de Diya de battre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:624 +msgid "Diya hits the pitch with a downright scary amount of force." +msgstr "Diya frappe la balle avec une force absolument terrifiante." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:627 +msgid "The ball shoots over everyone's heads and lands in a tree in the distance, causing several startled crows to flap out. " +msgstr "La balle vole au-dessus de la tête de tout le monde et atterri dans un arbre au loin, faisant fuir quelques corbeaux effrayés." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:631 +msgid "YEAH!!!!!!" +msgstr "OUAIIIIIS !!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:633 +msgid "Whose side are you on?! We're supposed to be on defense!" +msgstr "Mais dans quel camp tu es ?! On joue la défense !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:636 +msgid "Okay, but you have to admit that was sick." +msgstr "Ok, mais tu dois bien admettre que c'était un truc de ouf." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:639 +msgid "Nice one, Diya!" +msgstr "Bien joué, Diya !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:642 +msgctxt "atMeeting_55f97255" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:647 +msgid "It's Min's turn at the plate now." +msgstr "C'est au tour de Min de passer au marbre maintenant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:648 +msgid "She immediately grabs the heaviest bat they have." +msgstr "Elle attrape immédiatement la batte la plus lourde." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:650 +msgid "Min-seo, are you sure you want to use that?\n We have other bats that are closer to your—" +msgstr "Min-seo, tu es sûr de vouloir utiliser ça ?\n On a d'autres battes plus adaptées à to—" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:652 +msgid "This one is fine." +msgstr "Celle-ci est très bien." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:654 +msgid "She hasn't even tried the other ones..." +msgstr "Elle n'a même pas essayé les autres..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:657 +msgid "But in general, people your size should use the 31 inch—" +msgstr "Mais en général, les personnes de ta taille devraient utiliser la batte de 80 centi—" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:659 +msgid "No!!! I'm not some weakling!!" +msgstr "Non !!! Je suis pas une faiblarde !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:665 +msgid "On the mound, Akarsha paces back and forth as Min squares up in the batter's box." +msgstr "Sur le monticule, Akarsha va-et-vient tandis que Min se place dans la zone du batteur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:669 +msgid "Are you trying to psyche me out?" +msgstr "T'essaye de me provoquer ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:672 +msgid "I bet you can't eat five crayons." +msgstr "Je parie que tu peux pas manger cinq crayons." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:675 +msgid "Oh yeah?! I bet I CAN." +msgstr "Ah ouais ?! Je paris que J'PEUX." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:678 +msgid "No eating crayons while the club is in session, please..." +msgstr "Pas de mangeage de crayons pendant un entraînement du club, siouplaît..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:684 +msgid "Actually, Noelle, how about you try pitching now? It's been a while since we switched." +msgstr "En fait, Noelle, ça te dirait pas de pitcher maintenant ? Ça fait un moment qu'on a pas échangé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:687 +msgctxt "atMeeting_219543a9" +msgid "Me?!" +msgstr "Moi ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:697 +msgid "Noelle switches places with Akarsha on the mound." +msgstr "Noelle change de place avec Akarsha sur le monticule." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:699 +msgid "Bring it, you weak bitch!!" +msgstr "Vazy, petite pute !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:701 +msgid "What're you insulting me for? We're on the same side now!" +msgstr "Mais pourquoi tu m'insultes ? On est dans la même équipe maintenant !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:704 +msgid "No, we're not?" +msgstr "Non, pas du tout ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:705 +msgid "What the heck are you talking about?" +msgstr "Qu'est ce que tu racontes ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:707 +msgid "Don't baseball pitchers pitch to their own team?" +msgstr "Mais au baseball, les pitcheurs pitchent pour leur propre équipe, non ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:710 +msgid "No???" +msgstr "Mais, non ???" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:712 +msgid "Everyone is shooting Noelle appalled looks..." +msgstr "Tout le monde regarde Noelle avec un air abasourdi..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:715 +msgid "No, you pitch against the enemy. It's the pitcher's goal not to let the batter get on base." +msgstr "Non, tu pitches contre l'adversaire. C'est le but du pitcheur de ne pas laisser le batteur l'intercepter." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:718 +msgid "Oh, I see. So that's why they pitch at such high velocity— so it's harder for the batter to hit a touchdown." +msgstr "Oh, je vois. C'est donc pour ça qu'ils pitchent à une telle vitesse— pour que ce soit plus difficile pour le batteur de la renvoyer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:722 +msgid "Noelle, have you never watched a baseball game before?" +msgstr "Noelle, t'as jamais regardé un match de baseball avant ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:723 +msgid "Can you even name a single baseball team?" +msgstr "Peux-tu seulement nommer une seule équipe de baseball ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:728 +msgid "The Sharks." +msgstr "Les Requins." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:732 +msgctxt "atMeeting_7ca094fd" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:734 +msgctxt "atMeeting_ee0c4ca8" +msgid "Chryssa looks like she's about to cry..." +msgstr "Chryssa a l'air d'avoir les larmes aux yeux..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:737 +msgid "Noelle...That's a hockey team..." +msgstr "Noelle... C'est une équipe de Hockey..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:740 +msgctxt "atMeeting_4b0e7562" +msgid "...Is it?" +msgstr "...Ah vraiment ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:741 +msgctxt "atMeeting_0ed7d138" +msgid "Well, how was I supposed to know? They're all pretty much the same." +msgstr "Bah, comment j'étais sensée savoir ? C'est tout pareil." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:745 +msgid "The 49ers." +msgstr "Les 49." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:749 +msgctxt "atMeeting_7ca094fd_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:751 +msgctxt "atMeeting_ee0c4ca8_1" +msgid "Chryssa looks like she's about to cry..." +msgstr "Chryssa a l'air d'avoir les larmes aux yeux..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:754 +msgid "Noelle...That's a football team..." +msgstr "Noelle... C'est une équipe de foot..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:757 +msgctxt "atMeeting_4b0e7562_1" +msgid "...Is it?" +msgstr "...Ah vraiment ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:758 +msgctxt "atMeeting_0ed7d138_1" +msgid "Well, how was I supposed to know? They're all pretty much the same." +msgstr "Bah, comment j'étais sensée savoir ? C'est tout pareil." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:762 +msgid "The A's." +msgstr "Les As." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:764 +msgid "Chryssa looks immensely relieved." +msgstr "Chryssa a l'air immensément rassurée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:767 +msgid "Bravo. If you'd failed that, I probably would've started crying." +msgstr "Bravo. Si tu avais loupé ça, je me serais probablement mise à pleurer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:771 +msgid "Min squares up in the batter's box." +msgstr "Min se place dans la zone du batteur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:775 +msgid "Noelle throws the ball with all her might!" +msgstr "Noelle lance la balle de toutes ses forces !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:777 +msgid "...It plops back down into the grass not even halfway to Min." +msgstr "...La balle tombe bêtement dans l'herbe, même pas à mi-chemin de Min." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:779 +msgid "The hell was that!? That throw was so soft!" +msgstr "Mais c'était quoi ce bordel !? Ce lancer était faiblard !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:782 +msgid "Nobody ordered ice cream, Noelle! Get it together!" +msgstr "Personne a commandé de la crème glacée, Noelle ! Bouge-toi !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:785 +msgid "Alright! I get it!" +msgstr "C'est bon ! J'ai compris !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:789 +msgid "I guess we'll count that as a ball." +msgstr "J'imagine qu'on va compter ça comme une balle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:792 +msgctxt "atMeeting_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:796 +msgid "You didn't throw it through the strike zone. If you miss, it's a ball. " +msgstr "Tu n'as pas atteint la zone de frappe. Si tu loupes, c'est une balle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:797 +msgid "If you throw 4 balls before the batter strikes out, the batter goes to first base for free." +msgstr "Si tu fais 4 balles avant que le batteur en frappe une, il va à la première base gratos." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:801 +msgid "Where is the strike zone, exactly?" +msgstr "Et elle est où la zone de frappe, exactement ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:806 +msgid "It starts at the midpoint between the top of the batter's shoulders and the top of their pants." +msgstr "Elle commence au milieu entre le haut des épaules du batteur, et le haut de leur pantalon." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:807 +msgid "The bottom is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap." +msgstr "Le bas c'est la ligne au niveau du creux de la rotule." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:809 +msgid "What happens if you're wearing a skirt?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qui se passe si tu portes une jupe ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:810 +msgid "Does it default to the nearest pair of pants you own?" +msgstr "Est-ce que la référence passe par défaut à ton pantalon le plus proche ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:812 +msgid "You have to be wearing proper uniform pants to play official games." +msgstr "Tu dois porter un uniforme correct pour jouer dans les matchs officiels." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:813 +msgid "There's rules about that." +msgstr "C'est dans les règles." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:815 +msgid "If we wanna throw the game but in a subtle way, all we have to do is pull our pants up really high." +msgstr "Si on veut niquer le game discrètement, il suffit de tirer notre pantalon très haut " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:816 +msgid "Like, up to our armpits." +msgstr "Genre, jusqu'aux aisselles." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:819 +msgid "THAT'S NOT SUBTLE AT ALL." +msgstr "MAIS C'EST PAS DU TOUT DISCRET !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:822 +msgid "Assuming we play this the regular way, don't short people just naturally have smaller batting zones?" +msgstr "En assumant que l'on joue normalement, les gens un peu courts sur patte ont pas juste naturellement des zones de frappe plus petites ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:823 +msgid "Since their bodies are smaller." +msgstr "Puisque leurs corps sont plus petits." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:825 +msgid "Yeah, it takes more precision to strike them out." +msgstr "Oui, il faut plus de précision pour les faire sortir." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:826 +msgid "By the way, the measurements are based on the batter's stance, not while they're standing straight up." +msgstr "En passant, les mesures sont basées sur la posture du batteur, pas quand ils se tiennent droit." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:829 +msgid "Knowing that, can't we just reduce the batting zone's volume to zero by squatting down?" +msgstr "Sachant cela, ne peut-on pas réduire le volume de la zone de frappe à zéro en s'accroupissant ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:830 +msgid "That way any pitch they throw becomes a ball." +msgstr "Ainsi, tous les lancers qu'ils effectuent deviennent des fautes." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:833 +msgid "I dunno if there's a rule against that, but if you do anything too weird, it'll be considered poor sportsmanship." +msgstr "Je sais pas s'il y a une règle contre ça, mais si vous faites quelque chose de trop bizarre, ce sera considéré comme un mauvais esprit sportif." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:834 +msgid "If it feels like the other people aren't playing fair, it won't be fun anymore." +msgstr "Si ça donne l'impression que les autres personnes ne jouent pas fairplay, ce ne sera plus amusant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:837 +msgid "The umpire will probably stop you, too." +msgstr "L'arbitre vous arrêtera probablement aussi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:838 +msgid "Whenever something's not explicitly outlined in the rules, it's his call." +msgstr "Quand quelque chose n'est pas explicitement décrit dans les règles, c'est lui qui décide." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:843 +msgid "Okay, are we done explaining now? Can we play baseball? " +msgstr "Ok, on a fini d'expliquer maintenant ? On peut jouer au baseball ? " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:846 +msgid "Sure. I think we...\"covered all the bases.\"" +msgstr "Bien sûr. Je pense que nous avons... \"couvert toutes les bases.\"" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:850 +msgid "Get it??" +msgstr "Compris ??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:853 +msgid "Urgh!" +msgstr "Hum..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:859 +msgid "Ha...ha..." +msgstr "Ha...ha..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:861 +msgid "Chryssa seems delighted that Noelle is laughing at her joke!" +msgstr "Chryssa semble ravie que Noelle rie de sa blague !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:863 +msgid "We had to make it....Chryssa-tal clear." +msgstr "Il fallait que ce soit clair.... Chryssa-tal." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:866 +msgid "Noelle doesn't laugh!" +msgstr "Noelle ne rie pas !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:868 +msgid "That was horrible." +msgstr "C'était épouvantable." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:870 +msgid "Chryssa looks disappointed by Noelle's cold reception to her joke!" +msgstr "Chryssa a l'air déçue par la froideur de Noelle face à sa blague !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:873 +msgid "My joke was a...swing and a miss." +msgstr "Ma blague a swingué... et loupé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:878 +msgid "I better pitch the ball before she says more." +msgstr "Je ferais mieux de lancer la balle avant qu'elle n'en dise plus." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:883 +msgid "Noelle hurls the ball with all her might!" +msgstr "Noelle lance la balle de toutes ses forces !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:884 +msgid "...It plops down in the grass in the exact same spot as last time." +msgstr "...qui se pose dans l'herbe exactement au même endroit que la dernière fois." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:886 +msgid "Diya raises her hand and looks at Chryssa expectantly, like she's waiting to be called on." +msgstr "Diya lève la main et regarde Chryssa avec impatience, comme si elle attendait d'être appelée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:889 +msgid "Yes? You can just talk, you don't have to do that." +msgstr "Oui ? Tu peux juste parler, tu n'as pas besoin de faire ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:892 +msgid "Noelle doesn't have enough upper body strength to throw it that far." +msgstr "Noelle n'a pas assez de force dans le haut du corps pour la lancer aussi loin." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:895 +msgid "That's a problem...No matter what position she plays, she's gonna have to throw it that far at some point." +msgstr "C'est un problème... Peu importe la position à laquelle elle joue, elle devra lancer la balle aussi loin à un moment donné." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:898 +msgid "Well, good thing I'm not joining this stupid club then." +msgstr "Eh bien, c'est une bonne chose que je ne rejoigne pas ce stupide club alors." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:899 +msgid "Problem solved." +msgstr "Problème résolu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:903 +msgid "Alright, whatever. I'll pitch for now." +msgstr "D'accord, peu importe. Je vais lancer pour le moment." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:910 +msgid "Noelle hands the ball over to Chryssa and joins Akarsha and Diya back on the field." +msgstr "Noelle passe la balle à Chryssa et rejoint Akarsha et Diya sur le terrain." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:911 +msgid "As Noelle jogs up to them, Akarsha plucks a dandelion from the grass and presents it to her." +msgstr "Alors que Noelle court jusqu'à elles, Akarsha cueille un pissenlit dans l'herbe et le lui présente." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:913 +msgid "If you were a flower, you'd be a DAMNdelion." +msgstr "Si tu étais une fleur, tu serais un Pisse EN LIT." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:915 +msgid "This is literally a weed." +msgstr "C'est littéralement une mauvaise herbe." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:918 +msgid "Akarsha tries to blow the dandelion seeds into Noelle's eyes." +msgstr "Akarsha essaie de souffler les graines de pissenlit dans les yeux de Noelle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:920 +msgctxt "atMeeting_173ce977" +msgid "Stop that." +msgstr "Arrête ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:926 +msgid "Min smacks Chryssa's pitch into the ground and takes off running." +msgstr "Min écrase le lancer de Chryssa sur le sol et part en courant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:928 +msgid "Diya tears after it with the look of a dog chasing a squirrel. She scoops it up and throws it to Akarsha, who's manning first base now." +msgstr "Diya la poursuit avec le regard d'un chien qui poursuit un écureuil. Elle l'attrape et la lance à Akarsha, qui s'occupe de la première base maintenant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:930 +msgid "I got it! I got it!" +msgstr "Je l'ai ! Je l'ai !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:931 +msgid "Akarsha tries to catch it, but ends up knocking the ball away with the tip of her glove." +msgstr "Akarsha tente de l'attraper, mais finit par la faire tomber du bout de son gant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:933 +msgid "Akarsha, you need to work on your catches." +msgstr "Akarsha, tu dois travailler sur tes rattrapages." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:935 +msgid "Huh? Why?" +msgstr "Hein ? Pourquoi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:937 +msgid "You dropped the ball." +msgstr "Tu as laissé tomber la balle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:940 +msgid "What? That wasn't me." +msgstr "Quoi ? C'était pas moi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:942 +msgid "That was totally you. Everyone saw." +msgstr "C'était absolument toi. Tout le monde a vu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:945 +msgid "Incredible. That must be...my lookalike from another dimension." +msgstr "Incroyable. Ça doit être... mon sosie d'une autre dimension." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:946 +msgid "You briefly glimpsed a parallel universe when Akarsha didn't catch the ball." +msgstr "Vous avez brièvement entrevu un univers parallèle quand Akarsha n'a pas attrapé la balle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:947 +msgid "But now you've crossed back over to the reality where I did catch it." +msgstr "Mais maintenant tu es revenue à la réalité où je l'ai attrapée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:949 +msgid "That explains the memory discrepancy." +msgstr "Cela explique la différence de mémoire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:950 +msgid "It's the only logical explanation." +msgstr "C'est la seule explication logique." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:952 +msgid "OR, YOU MESSED UP AND JUST WON'T ADMIT IT." +msgstr "OU, TU AS FAIT UNE ERREUR ET TU NE VEUX PAS L'ADMETTRE." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:956 +msgid "Min manages to round the bases and score thanks to Akarsha's mistake." +msgstr "Min parvient à contourner les bases et à marquer grâce à l'erreur d'Akarsha." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:960 +msgid "Akarsha! You're up to bat!" +msgstr "Akarsha ! C'est ton tour à la batte !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm ready!!" +msgstr "Je suis prête !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:967 +msgid "Akarsha twirls the bat behind her back, squats down for no reason, and hops several times like a frog before springing back up in a dramatic pose." +msgstr "Akarsha fait tourner la batte derrière son dos, s'accroupit sans raison, et sautille plusieurs fois comme une grenouille avant de se relever dans une pose dramatique." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:969 +msgid "Is she going to do that every single time she goes up to bat?" +msgstr "Est-ce qu'elle va faire ça à chaque fois qu'elle ira à la batte ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:972 +msgid "Knowing her? Yes." +msgstr "La connaissant ? Oui." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:975 +msgid "My signature." +msgstr "Ma marque." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:977 +msgid "You don't need a signature." +msgstr "Tu n'as pas besoin de marque." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:989 +msgid "Watch out!" +msgstr "Attention !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:993 +msgctxt "atMeeting_9eb7f0d7" +msgid "Huh?!" +msgstr "Hein ? !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1000 +msgid "Akarsha batted a ball straight at Noelle!" +msgstr "Akarsha a frappé une balle directement sur Noelle !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1005 +msgid "Noelle flails her arm in a panicked attempt to catch the ball!" +msgstr "Noelle agite son bras dans une tentative paniquée d'attraper la balle !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1007 +msgid "She misses it!" +msgstr "Elle l'a raté !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1011 +msgid "Chryssa does nothing. She's still sulking because Noelle didn't laugh at her joke." +msgstr "Chryssa ne fait rien. Elle est toujours en train de bouder parce que Noelle n'a pas ri à sa blague." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1024 +msgid "OW!!!" +msgstr "Ho !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1038 +msgid "Chryssa rushes in front of Noelle and catches the ball!" +msgstr "Chryssa se précipite devant Noelle et attrape la balle !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1040 +msgid "Um...Thanks." +msgstr "Hum... Merci." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1043 +msgid "No problem!" +msgstr "Pas de problème !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1050 +msgid "Oops." +msgstr "Oups." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1052 +msgid "That was............." +msgstr "C'était............" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1054 +msgid "........ghost." +msgstr "......... fantôme." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1056 +msgid "IT WASN'T A GHOST." +msgstr "CE N’ÉTAIT PAS UN FANTÔME." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1063 +msgid "It's Min's turn to pitch now." +msgstr "C'est au tour de Min de lancer maintenant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1065 +msgid "Chryssa hands the ball over to her and heads over to the plate to bat." +msgstr "Chryssa lui remet la balle et se dirige vers le marbre pour frapper." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1068 +msgid "Whenever you're ready!" +msgstr "Dès que t'es prête !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1070 +msgid "The fielders are all backing up. Chryssa's even taller than Diya, so she looks like she could hit it pretty far." +msgstr "Les défenseures reculent toutes. Chryssa est encore plus grande que Diya, donc on dirait qu'elle pourrait la renvoyer assez loin." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1075 +msgid "Min clutches the ball in a claw-like grip." +msgstr "Min agrippe la balle comme un aigle avec ses serres." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1076 +msgid "She brings her arm back and then forward, hard, over the top, and lets go." +msgstr "Elle ramène son bras vers l'arrière puis vers l'avant, fort, par-dessus le sommet, et elle le lâche." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1079 +msgid "As the ball approaches the plate it does a little hop, like a hiccup. " +msgstr "Quand la balle s'approche de la plaque, elle fait un petit saut, comme un hoquet." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1080 +msgid "Chryssa looks weirded out. She doesn't swing." +msgstr "Quand la balle s'approche du marbre, elle a un petit sursaut comme si elle avait le hoquet." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1081 +msgid "The flutter is just enough to throw Liz off— the ball glances off the side of her glove and bounces off her kneecap." +msgstr "Le flottement est juste suffisant pour déstabiliser Liz - la balle glisse sur le côté de son gant et rebondit sur sa rotule." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1087 +msgctxt "minPitching_99297e8a" +msgid "What the..." +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1089 +msgid "It's kind of creepy, isn't it? Seeing the ball coming at you without spinning." +msgstr "C'est un peu effrayant, n'est-ce pas ? Voir la balle venir vers vous sans tourner." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1091 +msgid "Yeah! It was, like, just floating at me..." +msgstr "Ouais ! C'était, comme si ça flottait vers moi..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1093 +msgid "Er...I couldn't tell the difference." +msgstr "Euh... je n'ai pas pu faire la différence." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1094 +msgid "It looked normal to me." +msgstr "Ça m'a paru normal." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1097 +msgid "Liz returns the ball to Min." +msgstr "Liz renvoie la balle à Min." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1102 +msgid "Min clutches it in the same messed up looking grip, rears up, and lets another pitch go." +msgstr "Min l'agrippe de la même façon, se cabre et laisse partir un autre lancer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1110 +msgid "Chryssa misses it by a foot. It's a pitch you couldn't hit with a tennis racket. " +msgstr "Chryssa la rate de 30 cm. C'est un lancer que tu ne pourrais pas frapper avec une raquette de tennis." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1111 +msgid "Liz has to twist into a weird angle to stop the ball in the dirt." +msgstr "Liz doit se tordre dans un angle bizarre pour arrêter la balle dans la terre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1113 +msgid "A knuckleball, huh!" +msgstr "Une balle papillon, hein ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1115 +msgid "What's that?" +msgstr "C'est quoi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1117 +msgid "It's a rare pitch thrown with nearly no spin, so its path is unpredictable." +msgstr "Il s'agit d'un lancer rare, lancé avec une rotation quasi nulle, ce qui rend sa trajectoire imprévisible." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1120 +msgid "Oh. I get it! You're making this up as an excuse for why you missed." +msgstr "Oh. J'ai compris ! T'inventes une excuse pour justifier que tu l'aies manquée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1123 +msgid "I'm not making it up!" +msgstr "Je l'ai pas inventée !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1125 +msgid "It operates on the same principle as a float serve in volleyball." +msgstr "Ça fonctionne sur le même principe qu'un service flottant au volleyball." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1126 +msgid "Or a knuckleball in soccer, if you know that." +msgstr "Ou au foot, si tu connais." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1129 +msgid "Uh, no. I don't know either of those." +msgstr "Euh, non. Je ne connais aucun des 2." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1131 +msgid "Okay, so when you pitch a ball normally, it spins like crazy — somewhere around 10 times on the way to the plate. " +msgstr "Ok, donc quand tu lances une balle normalement, ça tourne de ouf - genre 10 fois vers le marbre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1132 +msgid "Spin is what gives a ball stability as it moves." +msgstr "L'effet de rotation est ce qui donne de la stabilité à la balle quand elle bouge." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1133 +msgid "If you can learn to throw a ball with minimal spin, its instability will give it an unpredictable trajectory." +msgstr "Si vous pouvez apprendre à lancer une balle avec un minimum de rotation, son instabilité rendra sa trajectoire imprévisible." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1134 +msgid "It starts behaving like a chaotic system, like the weather." +msgstr "Ça commence à bouger de manière chaotique, comme le temps." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1135 +msgid "And that's great, because a lot of sports mastery is just recognizing situations." +msgstr "Et c'est super, car une grande partie de la maîtrise du sport consiste à reconnaître les situations." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1136 +msgid "Everyone says to \"keep your eye on the ball\", but it's actually impossible to do that due to the limitations of human reaction. " +msgstr "Tout le monde dit de \"garder un œil sur la balle\", mais en fait, c'est impossible à faire à cause des limitations humaines." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1137 +msgid "What good hitters actually do is anticipate the ball's flight path based on cues they recognize, from being in similar situations before in the past." +msgstr "Ce que font les bons frappeurs, c'est anticiper la trajectoire de la balle en se basant sur des indices qu'ils reconnaissent, vu qu'ils l'ont expérimentée par le passé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1138 +msgid "In other words, they don't see the ball. They just guess its trajectory." +msgstr "En d'autres termes, ils ne voient pas la balle. Ils devinent juste sa trajectoire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1140 +msgid "Ah. But they can't do that against a knuckleball. " +msgstr "Ah. Mais ils ne peuvent pas le faire contre une balle papillon." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1143 +msgid "That's right. A knuckler's trajectory is drastically different each time it's pitched." +msgstr "C'est vrai. La trajectoire d'une papillon est radicalement différente à chaque fois qu'elle est lancée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1144 +msgid "So no matter how good you are, there's no way to reliably hit it." +msgstr "Donc peu importe à quel point tu es bon, y a aucun moyen de la toucher de manière sûre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1145 +msgid "Thrown correctly, it moves so erratically that it's impossible to hit except through sheer luck." +msgstr "Lancée correctement, ça bouge de manière si instable qu'il est impossible de la toucher sauf par chance." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1148 +msgid "...I still can't tell if you're making this all up as an excuse for why you suck." +msgstr "... Je ne sais toujours pas si t'inventes tout ça pour expliquer pourquoi t'es nulle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1151 +msgid "No, it's real." +msgstr "Non, c'est vrai." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1154 +msgid "But you couldn't catch it, so it's also a convenient excuse for you." +msgstr "Mais tu pouvais pas l'attraper, donc c'est aussi une excuse pratique pour toi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1157 +msgid "And if it IS real, then why doesn't everyone use it? It sounds practically game-breaking. " +msgstr "Et si C'EST vrai, alors pourquoi personne l'utilise ? Ca à l'air de quasiment bousiller le jeu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1160 +msgid "Well, for one..." +msgstr "Eh bien, d'une part..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1161 +msgid "Knuckleball's one of the hardest pitches to throw in baseball. If not {i}the{/i} hardest." +msgstr "La balle papillon est l'un des lancers les plus difficiles du baseball. Si ce n'est pas {i}LE{/i} plus difficile." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1162 +msgid "Put a little too much spin on the ball or throw it just a little too fast, and you're basically serving up a meaty practice pitch that'll get hit out of the park." +msgstr "Donne un peu trop d'effet à la balle ou lance-la un peu trop vite, et tu vas te retrouver avec une balle lourde et facile à toucher qui va sortir du terrain. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1163 +msgid "And even at its best, a knuckler is a double-edged sword." +msgstr "Et même au top, une papillon est à double tranchant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1165 +msgid "Batters can't hit it, but that also means pitchers can't control it, and catchers can't catch it." +msgstr "Les batteurs peuvent pas la frapper, mais ça veut dire aussi que la balle peut pas être contrôlée par les lanceurs, ni être attrapée par les receveurs." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1166 +msgid "When thrown right, even Min has no idea where it's going." +msgstr "Même bien lancée, même Min pourra pas deviner sa direction." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1168 +msgid "They say throwing a knuckleball for a strike is like throwing a butterfly into a mailbox across the street." +msgstr "On dit que lancer une balle papillon pour une prise, c'est comme lancer un papillon à travers la rue vers une boite à lettre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1170 +msgid "Even in the big leagues, catchers hate it." +msgstr "Même dans grandes ligues, les receveur détestent ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1171 +msgid "And if I let it get past me, it could lead to the batter or a runner on base advancing." +msgstr "Et si je la laisse passer, elle peut faire avancer le batteur ou le coureur vers la base." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1172 +msgid "With a knuckleballer pitching, the catcher has to focus so hard on stopping it that runners on base will have an easier time stealing." +msgstr "Avec un lancer papillon, le receveur doit tellement se focaliser dessus pour l'arrêter que les coureurs auront plus de temps pour piquer la base." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1173 +msgid "It's a big pain." +msgstr "Et ça fait très mal." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1175 +msgid "So basically...it's hard to throw right, it's hard to control even when you do throw it right, and it's punishing if you miss." +msgstr "Donc en gros... c'est dur de lancer correctement cette balle, c'est dur de la contrôler même quand elle est bien lancée et c'est punitif si tu la manques." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1178 +msgid "Pretty much! No one trusts it." +msgstr "C'est un peu ça ! C'est pas fiable." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1180 +msgid "Knuckleball is the pitch of someone with nothing left to lose." +msgstr "La balle papillon est le lancer d'une personne qu'a rien à perdre." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1184 +msgid "And that's us." +msgstr "Et c'est nous." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1186 +msgid "We can try things that no coach in their right mind would ever risk. Because no one expects anything from us." +msgstr "On peut essayer des trucs qu'aucun coach sain d'esprit ferait. Parce que personne n'attend rien de nous." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1188 +msgid "So we might as well take advantage of that, right?" +msgstr "Donc on pourrait aussi en profiter, non ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1189 +msgid "Even if we don't win a single game, at least we'll have fun." +msgstr "Même si on gagne pas un seul match, au moins on s'amusera." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1191 +msgid "Fun?? What kind of nonsense is this???" +msgstr "S'amuser ? C'est quoi cette absurdité ???" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1202 +msgid "Chryssa strikes out!" +msgstr "Chryssa fait un retrait sur trois prises !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1203 +msgid "The ball ricochets off Liz's mitt and catches her bare hand, striking her thumb at a painful looking angle." +msgstr "La balle ricoche sur le gant de Liz et touche sa main, en frappant son pouce de manière douloureuse." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1205 +msgid "Ow!!" +msgstr "Oh !!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1206 +msgid "Okay, time-out!" +msgstr "Ok, temps mort !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1208 +msgid "That looked pretty painful..." +msgstr "Ca a l'air assez douloureux..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1211 +msgid "Liz's thumb has turned a swollen purple." +msgstr "Le pouce de Liz est devenu violet et gonflé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1213 +msgid "Are you okay?" +msgstr "Tu vas bien ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1215 +msgid "I'll live..." +msgstr "Je suis en vie..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1221 +msgid "Min, is this all you know how to throw?" +msgstr "Min, c'est tout ce que tu peux faire ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1224 +msgid "I can throw fastballs too, but they're not that fast." +msgstr "Je peux lancer des balles rapides aussi, mais c'est pas aussi rapide." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1225 +msgid "So knuckleball is kind of my specialty." +msgstr "Donc la balle papillon est un peu ma spécialité." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1227 +msgid "I used to watch video tapes of Tim Wakefield pitching on TV over and over again, and copied that." +msgstr "J'avais l'habitude de mater en continue des vidéos de Tim Wakfield en train de lancer à la TV, et je l'ai copié. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1228 +msgid "It's the only pitch I really practiced." +msgstr "C'est le seul lancer que j'ai vraiment répété." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1230 +msgid "That's so smart! Honing all your skill on an off-speed pitch, knowing that you don't have the muscle to throw fast." +msgstr "C'est tellement malin ! Affûter tes capacités sur un lancer lent, sachant que t'as pas les muscles pour les rapides." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1231 +msgid "Did your coach suggest it?" +msgstr "Est-ce que le coach te l'avait suggéré ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1234 +msgid "Uh, no. I didn't have one." +msgstr "Ah, non, j'en avais pas." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1235 +msgid "No one taught me anything. I taught myself." +msgstr "Non, personne ne m'a rien appris. J'ai appris seule." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1237 +msgid "Huh? Then what made you decide to specialize as a knuckler?" +msgstr "Hein ? Du coup qu'est-ce qu'a fait que t'as voulu te spécialiser dans le lancer papillon ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1240 +msgid "I chose it because...uh...it's...hard to catch..." +msgstr "J'ai choisi ça parce que... euh... c'est dur à attraper..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1242 +msgid "So Diya has to be the one to catch it. Since it'll hurt everyone else." +msgstr "Donc Diya doit être celle qui l'attrape. Puisque ça va blesser tous les autres." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1244 +msgid "What kind of reason is that?!" +msgstr "Pour quelle raison ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1247 +msgid "She's so stupid, she unknowingly ended up doing something smart!" +msgstr "Elle est tellement bête qu'elle a fini par sortir un truc intelligent sans le savoir !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1249 +msgid "Min, what do you mean by Diya having to catch it?" +msgstr "Min, pourquoi Diya devrait l'attraper ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1251 +msgid "Diya's immune to it because she's special." +msgstr "Diya ne craint rien car elle est spéciale." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1253 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works..." +msgstr "Je suis à peu près certaine que ça marche pas comme ça..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1255 +msgid "Diya has been standing by hopefully for 5 minutes now, looking like she wants to say something." +msgstr "Diya patiente depuis 5 minutes, comme si elle voulait dire quelque chose." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1257 +msgid "Diya, would you like to try catching in my place?" +msgstr "Diya, tu voudrais essayer d'attraper à ma place ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1259 +msgctxt "minPitching_017df041" +msgid "!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1260 +msgid "Diya nods furiously." +msgstr "Diya acquièsce brusquement." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1263 +msgid "Then that settles it! Let's switch!" +msgstr "Alors c'est réglé ! On échange !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1274 +msgid "Once Diya has strapped on all the gear, Min throws it again." +msgstr "Une fois Diya équipée, Min la lance à nouveau." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1287 +msgid "Diya caught it!" +msgstr "Diya l'a attrapée !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1289 +msgid "What!" +msgstr "Quoi ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1291 +msgid "She sounds like Fox falling off the stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee." +msgstr "Elle ressemble à Fox qui tombe d'un stage dans Super smash Bros. Melee." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1293 +msgid "I knew it. Chryssa WAS making it up." +msgstr "Je le savais ! Chryssa AVAIT tout inventé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1295 +msgid "I'm never believing your lies again." +msgstr "Je croirai plus à tes mensonges." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1297 +msgid "We weren't lying!" +msgstr "On mentait pas !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1309 +msgid "Diya just caught it again." +msgstr "Diya l'attrape à nouveau." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1311 +msgid "See? Diya is amazing!" +msgstr "Voyez ? Diya est incroyable !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1313 +msgid "Okay, that has to be a fluke! Calm down!" +msgstr "Ok, ça doit être un coup de bol ! Calmez-vous !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1316 +msgid "You're the one who needs to calm down!" +msgstr "C'est toi qui devrait te calmer !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1322 +msgid "They've managed to relieve another hitter together. Akarsha is up next." +msgstr "Elles ont réussi à soulager un autre frappeur. Akarsha est la prochaine." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1325 +msgid "On her way to the plate, she tries to do the splits, fails, and sheepishly crawls back to her feet." +msgstr "En direction vers le marbre, elle tente un grand écart, le loupe et rampe maladroitement vers sa place." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1327 +msgid "That was my plan all along. I'm playing 4 dimensional chess." +msgstr "C'était mon plan à la base. Je joue aux échecs en 4 dimensions." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1329 +msgid "God!! I can't stand her!" +msgstr "Bon sang !! J'en peux plus d'elle !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1330 +msgid "I want to push her off a cliff." +msgstr "Je veux la pousser d'une falaise." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1332 +msgid "...But a shallow one, so she doesn't get hurt. Just to scare her." +msgstr "... Mais pour de faux, pas pour qu'elle soit blessée. Juste pour l'effrayer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1340 +msgid "Min winds up and throws another knuckler." +msgstr "Min tournoie et lance un autre papillon." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1344 +msgid "It veers wildly up to the sky. Without hesitation, Diya rises out of her crouch and gloves it." +msgstr "Il s'élance sauvagement vers le ciel. Sans hésiter, Diya se relève et l'attrape." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1349 +msgid "WHAT!!!" +msgstr "QUOI ???" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1350 +msgid "That would've been a ball, but still!" +msgstr "C'était un coup d'essai, mais même !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1353 +msgid "Is it really that surprising? Diya's always been good at sports." +msgstr "Est-ce si surprenant ? Diya a toujours bonne en sport." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1354 +msgid "I'd be more shocked if she failed." +msgstr "J'aurais été plus choquée si elle avait échoué." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1357 +msgid "No, but you don't understand! This goes beyond being \"good at sports\"!" +msgstr "Non, mais vous comprenez pas ! Ca va au delà d'être \"bonne en sport\" !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1358 +msgid "It's literally impossible!" +msgstr "C'est littéralement impossible !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1366 +msgid "Akarsha swings and misses for the third time. She's struck out." +msgstr "Akarsha frappe et rate pour la troisième fois. Elle est hors jeu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1369 +msgid "Uhhhhh..............." +msgstr "Euh..............." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1371 +msgid "That was performance art." +msgstr "C'était du grand art." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1373 +msgid "YOU CAN'T MAKE THESE EXCUSES EVERY TIME YOU MESS UP." +msgstr "ARRETE TES EXCUSES A CHAQUE FOIS QUE TU TE LOUPES." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1379 +msgid "Once Diya and Min have relieved the entire roster, Liz claps her hands together to get their attention." +msgstr "Une fois que Diya et Min ont relevé toute la liste, Liz tape dans ses mains pour attirer leur attention." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1381 +msgid "Alright, everyone! Let's end the meeting for today." +msgstr "Très bien, tout le monde ! Mettons fin à la réunion d'aujourd'hui." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1383 +msgid "...What? Already?" +msgstr "... Quoi ? Déjà ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1386 +msgid "Yeah? It's been, like, two hours." +msgstr "Ouais ? Ça fait, genre, deux heures." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1388 +msgctxt "minPitching_fd95726e" +msgid "Huh?!" +msgstr "Hein ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1390 +msgid "They say time flies when you're having fun." +msgstr "On dit que le temps passe vite quand on s'amuse." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1392 +msgid "But I wasn't having fun!" +msgstr "Mais je ne m'amusais pas !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1393 +msgid "I...I must've been so miserable that my mind wiped parts of my memory out." +msgstr "Je... je devais être si malheureuse que mon esprit a effacé une partie de ma mémoire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1396 +msgid "Let's head back inside." +msgstr "Retournons à l'intérieur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1398 +msgid "Diya!! I'll race you!!!" +msgstr "Diya ! Je vais faire la course avec toi !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1401 +msgctxt "minPitching_06530a49" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1404 +msgid "Diya and Min tear off at top speed!!!" +msgstr "Diya et Min s’élancent à toute vitesse !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1405 +msgid "After a beat, the others begin heading uphill as well, at a deliberately more reasonable pace." +msgstr "Après un moment, les autres commencent à monter aussi, à un rythme délibérément plus raisonnable." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1411 +msgid "I haven't seen Diya this happy since the time the vending machine malfunctioned and gave her two Kit Kat bars instead of one." +msgstr "Je n'ai pas vu Diya aussi heureuse depuis la fois où le distributeur automatique a mal fonctionné et lui a donné deux barres Kit Kat au lieu d'une." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1413 +msgid "Noelle subtly tries to regulate her breathing rate so no one knows she's getting winded walking uphill." +msgstr "Noelle essaie subtilement de réguler son rythme respiratoire pour que personne ne sache qu'elle s'essouffle en montant une côte." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1416 +msgid "Hey, Noelle." +msgstr "Hé, Noelle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1418 +msgid "Uh...thanks for putting up with us today." +msgstr "Euh... merci de nous avoir supportés aujourd'hui." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1419 +msgid "Sorry we sorta forced you to play." +msgstr "Désolée de t'avoir un peu forcée à jouer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1422 +msgid ".....It wasn't the worst. I may find it in me to forgive you someday." +msgstr "..... Ce n'était pas le pire. Je trouverai peut-être en moi la force de te pardonner un jour." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1426 +msgid "Yeah! You did good." +msgstr "Ouais ! T'as bien joué." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1428 +msgid "I did terrible." +msgstr "J'étais nulle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1430 +msgid "Okay, you did terrible. " +msgstr "Ok, tu étais nulle." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1431 +msgid "But you tried your best and that's what matters." +msgstr "Mais tu as fait de ton mieux et c'est ce qui compte." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1433 +msgid "It's not like everyone can be Diya." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas comme si tout le monde pouvait être Diya." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1434 +msgid "Don't worry so much and just have fun." +msgstr "Ne t’inquiète pas trop et amuse-toi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1435 +msgid "It's not a competition." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas une compétition." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1437 +msgid "Right..." +msgstr "C'est vrai..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1442 +msgid "Chryssa pats Noelle on the head." +msgstr "Chryssa tapote Noelle sur la tête." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1444 +msgid "Don't touch me." +msgstr "Ne me touche pas." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1447 +msgid "We really appreciate you...PITCHING in." +msgstr "Nous apprécions vraiment que tu... te LANCES." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1450 +msgid "Yuck!!!" +msgstr "Beurk !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1453 +msgid "Noelle tries to escape!" +msgstr "Noelle essaie de s'échapper !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1454 +msgid "She takes one step, slips on the muddy grass, and falls on her butt." +msgstr "Elle fait un pas, glisse sur l'herbe boueuse et tombe sur ses fesses." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1456 +msgctxt "noelle2_3a434404" +msgid "Noelle!" +msgstr "Noelle !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1458 +msgid "What're you doing, Noelle?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que tu fais, Noëlle ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1459 +msgid "Trying to win America's Funniest Home Video?" +msgstr "Tu essayes de gagner l'émission Vidéo Gag ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1461 +msgid "Rrgh!!!" +msgstr "Grrrr !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1464 +msgid "Chryssa, you pull her up! My hands are full." +msgstr "Chryssa, relève-la ! J'ai les mains pleines." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1467 +msgid "No!!" +msgstr "Non !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1472 +msgid "Noelle scrambles to her feet and follows the others up the bank as quickly as she can. (Not very quick)" +msgstr "Noëlle se relève et suit les autres sur la berge aussi vite qu'elle le peut. (Pas très vite)" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1475 +msgid "Hey! Wait!" +msgstr "Hé ! Attends !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1476 +msgctxt "noelle2_015e3d7f" +msgid "Noelle!" +msgstr "Noelle !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1479 +msgid "They're being nice to me to trick me into joining the club!" +msgstr "Elles sont gentilles avec moi pour m'inciter à rejoindre le club !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1481 +msgid "I won't fall for it. Unlike some people, I have control over my emotions!" +msgstr "Je ne tomberai pas dans le panneau. Contrairement à certaines personnes, j'ai le contrôle de mes émotions !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1482 +msgid "I'll just ignore her." +msgstr "Je vais juste l'ignorer." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1491 +msgid "FUCK!!!" +msgstr "MERDE !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1494 +msgid "What was that..." +msgstr "Qu'est-ce que c'était..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1497 +msgid "Min is picking herself off the ground. There a Min-shaped dust imprint on the door now." +msgstr "Min se ramasse sur le sol. Il y a une empreinte de poussière en forme de Min sur la porte maintenant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1499 +msgid "...Are you okay?" +msgstr "... Est-ce que ça va ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1501 +msgid "THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!!!" +msgstr "LA PORTE ÉTAIT VERROUILLÉE !!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1503 +msgid "You probably should've checked before ramming straight into it." +msgstr "Tu aurais probablement dû vérifier avant de foncer dedans." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1506 +msgid "Don't tell me what to do." +msgstr "Ne me dis pas quoi faire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1508 +msgid "Looks like we'll have to wait for Chryssa and Liz to unlock it." +msgstr "On dirait qu'on va devoir attendre que Chryssa et Liz la débloquent." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1512 +msgid "Min pulls a lighter out of her pocket and lights a cigarette." +msgstr "Min sort un briquet de sa poche et allume une cigarette." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1514 +msgid "Are you serious??!" +msgstr "Tu es sérieuse ??!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1515 +msgid "That's illegal!" +msgstr "C'est illégal !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1519 +msgid "What the god damn hell is your damage?!" +msgstr "C'est quoi ton problème, bon sang ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1520 +msgid "I can't do ANYTHING without you calling it illegal!" +msgstr "Je ne peux RIEN faire sans que tu dises que c'est illégal !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1522 +msgid "Because it IS illegal!" +msgstr "Parce que C'EST illégal !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1524 +msgid "Even if it wasn't, what kind of idiot are you?" +msgstr "Même si ça ne l'était pas, quel genre d'idiote es-tu ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1525 +msgid "Didn't you learn about the health effects of tobacco in school?" +msgstr "N'as-tu pas appris les effets du tabac sur la santé à l'école ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1528 +msgid "It's just a bunch of statistics. Plenty of people smoke and don't die." +msgstr "C'est juste un tas de statistiques. Beaucoup de gens fument et ne meurent pas." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1530 +msgid "What, you think you're better than the laws of probability?" +msgstr "Quoi, tu penses que tu es meilleure que les lois de la probabilité ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1533 +msgid "Yeah, I am!" +msgstr "Ouaip, je le suis !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1535 +msgid "Go ahead and remove yourself from the gene pool then. I don't care." +msgstr "Vas-y et retire-toi du pool génétique alors. Je m'en fiche." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1539 +msgid "Hey Min, can I try smoking it?" +msgstr "Hé Min, je peux essayer de fumer ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1541 +msgctxt "noelle2_665af99d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Quoi ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1543 +msgid "Have you lost your mind?!" +msgstr "Tu as perdu la tête ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1546 +msgid "Come on, aren't you curious?" +msgstr "Aller quoi, t'es pas curieuse ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1547 +msgid "It's not like I'll get addicted just from one smoke." +msgstr "Ce n'est pas comme si j'allais devenir dépendante d'une seule cigarette." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1549 +msgid "Min holds out the cigarette for Akarsha." +msgstr "Min tend la cigarette à Akarsha." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1550 +msgid "Here." +msgstr "Tiens." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1552 +msgid "Don't mind if I do!" +msgstr "Je vais pas gêner." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1555 +msgid "NO!!!!" +msgstr "NON !!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1563 +msgid "Noelle bats the cigarette out of Akarsha's hands!" +msgstr "Noelle arrache la cigarette des mains d'Akarsha !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1566 +msgid "It lands in some dry pine needles and bursts into flames!" +msgstr "Elle atterrit dans des aiguilles de pin sèches et s'enflamme !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1570 +msgid "....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1578 +msgid "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" +msgstr "AAAAAAAAAAAh !!!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1582 +msgid "FRENCHMAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!" +msgstr "QU'EST-CE T'AS FOUTU LA FRANÇAISE !!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1584 +msgid "SHUT UP!!! " +msgstr "LA FERME !!! " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1586 +msgid "Smokey the Bear is cryin right now!!" +msgstr "Smokey Bear pleure en ce moment !!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1587 +msgid "Only you can prevent forest fires!!" +msgstr "Toi seule peut prévenir les incendies de forêt !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1590 +msgid "Well shit." +msgstr "Eh bien, merde." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1591 +msgid "What do we do now?" +msgstr "Qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1593 +msgid "PEE ON IT." +msgstr "PISSER DESSUS." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1595 +msgid "ARE YOU STUPID??????" +msgstr "VOUS ÊTES IDIOTES ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1598 +msgid "STOP DROP AND ROLL!!" +msgstr "S'ARRÊTER, SE JETER ET SE ROULER !!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1600 +msgid "YOU DON'T DO THAT UNLESS YOU'RE ALREADY ON FIRE." +msgstr "TU NE FAIS PAS ÇA À MOINS QUE TU NE SOIS DÉJÀ EN FEU." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1603 +msgid "HEAD ON. APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD." +msgstr "SUR LA TÊTE. APPLIQUER DIRECTEMENT SUR LE FRONT." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1606 +msgid "THIS ISN'T HELPING." +msgstr "ÇA N'AIDE PAS." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1610 +msgid "Silence falls over the group as they hear approaching footsteps on the other side of the wood divider." +msgstr "Le silence s'installe dans le groupe lorsqu'elles entendent des bruits de pas se rapprochant de l'autre côté de la cloison en bois." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1611 +msgid "It sounds like Chryssa and Liz are slowly getting closer to the locker room." +msgstr "On dirait que Chryssa et Liz se rapprochent lentement des vestiaires." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1613 +msgid "Hey! What're you guys screaming about?" +msgstr "Hé ! Pourquoi vous criez ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1616 +msgid "Nothing's wrong, so DON'T COME IN HERE!" +msgstr "Tout va bien, alors N'ENTREZ PAS ICI !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1618 +msgid "...Is everything ok?" +msgstr "... Tout va bien ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1621 +msgid "EVERYTHING IS FINE...Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?" +msgstr "TOUT VA BIEN... Où est l'extincteur le plus proche ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1624 +msgid "The footsteps pause for a brief stunned moment before resuming with dramatically increased speed and urgency." +msgstr "Les bruits de pas marquent une pause pendant un bref moment de stupeur avant de reprendre avec une vitesse et une urgence considérablement accrues." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1626 +msgid "CRAP. We need to fix this." +msgstr "MERDE. Faut arranger ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1628 +msgid "We should smother it. Someone use their jacket." +msgstr "On devrait l'étouffer. Que quelqu'un utilise sa veste." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1631 +msgid "What if the jacket gets burnt?" +msgstr "Et si la veste est brûlée ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1632 +msgid "This is my favorite jacket, man!" +msgstr "C'est ma veste préférée mec !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1634 +msgid "Same..." +msgstr "Pareil..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1636 +msgid "Okay, who likes her jacket the least?" +msgstr "Bon, qui kiff sa veste le moins?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1638 +msgid "Me." +msgstr "Moi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1641 +msgid "Diya strips off her hoodie. Min watches with extreme interest, but looks incredibly disappointed when she sees Diya is wearing a shirt underneath." +msgstr "Diya enlève son sweat à capuche. Min regarde la scène pleine d'espoir mais est fort déçue en découvrant que Diya porte un t-shirt en dessous." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1643 +msgid "Akarsha throws the jacket over the fire and stomps on it." +msgstr "Akarsha jète sa veste sur le feu et saute dessus à pieds joints." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1645 +msgid "Okay. I think we extinguished it." +msgstr "C'est bon. Je pense qu'on l'a étouffé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1646 +msgid "Teamwork." +msgstr "Travail d'équipe." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1648 +msgid "Diya picks her jacket up and shakes it out." +msgstr "Diya ramasse sa veste et la secoue." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1649 +msgid "Other than mud prints from Akarsha flip-flops, it looks no worse for wear. " +msgstr "Mis à part les traces de godasse d'Akarsha, elle est pas pire qu'avant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1651 +msgid "I can't believe Frenchman snapped and tried to commit arson." +msgstr "J'en reviens pas que la française de service ait pété un câble et ait essayé de foutre de feu." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1653 +msgid "THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED." +msgstr "C'EST PAS CE QUI S'EST PASSÉ." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1656 +msgid "Chryssa and Liz are here." +msgstr "Chryssa et Liz sont là." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1658 +msgid "...What's that burnt smell?" +msgstr "...C'est quoi cette odeur de cramé?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1660 +msgctxt "noelle2_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1664 +msgctxt "noelle2_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1666 +msgctxt "noelle2_c38327a8" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1668 +msgctxt "noelle2_52abf6db" +msgid "................." +msgstr "................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1673 +msgid "Who did it?" +msgstr "Qui a fait ça?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1675 +msgid "It was................." +msgstr "C'est........" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1677 +msgid "Jerry." +msgstr "Jerry." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1679 +msgid "We're inventing a person now??" +msgstr "On invente des gens maintenant?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1682 +msgid "Who the hell is Jerry?" +msgstr "C'est qui ce Jerry?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1684 +msgid "He's...a guy. Black hair." +msgstr "C'est.... un mec. Aux cheveux noirs." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1686 +msgid "Right, we all saw him. He did it." +msgstr "On l'a tous vu. C'est lui qu'a fait ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1689 +msgid "Diya nods helpfully." +msgstr "Diya hoche la tête pleine d'espoir." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1691 +msgctxt "noelle2_d09a6beb" +msgid "................." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1693 +msgctxt "noelle2_e8ca9133" +msgid "................." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1711 +msgid "What a day..." +msgstr "Sacrée journée...." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1712 +msgid "I somehow ended up playing baseball, got patted by some random upperclassman, and was interrogated over arson..." +msgstr "On m'a trainée dans un match de baseball, une seconde année m'a tapotée l'épaule pour m'encourager et on a fini par m'interroger au sujet d'un incendie...." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1713 +msgid "They questioned us all separately and our accounts of Jerry fell apart." +msgstr "Ils nous ont interrogées séparément et notre histoire de Jerry n'a pas tenue bien longtemps. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1714 +msgid "In the end they made us do push-ups as punishment." +msgstr "Au final on a dû faire des pompes comme punition." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1715 +msgid "I'm exhausted." +msgstr "J'suis au bout de ma vie." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1718 +msgctxt "home_9d48d641" +msgid "I'm home." +msgstr "Je suis rentrée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1721 +msgctxt "home_6a3d80f6" +msgid "What did you get on the math test?" +msgstr "Quelle note as tu eu en maths?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1723 +msgid "An A." +msgstr "18." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1725 +msgid "A? Why not A+?" +msgstr "18? Pourquoi pas 20?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1726 +msgctxt "home_4b7f6a27" +msgid "Noelle's mom is cutting a column out of the Chinese newspaper." +msgstr "La mère de Noelle est en train de découper un article dans un journal chinois." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1727 +msgctxt "home_7b0a96e5" +msgid "Look at this article." +msgstr "Regarde cet article." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1728 +msgid "A CEO sold his company for over a billion dollars and donated $200 million to UC Berkeley." +msgstr "Un PDG a vendu sa société pour 1 milliard et a donné 200 millions à l'Université de Berkeley." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1729 +msgid "There's a building at Berkeley named after him now." +msgstr "Une des facultés de Berkley porte son nom maintenant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1730 +msgid "He's American born Chinese, just like you!" +msgstr "Il est américain d'origine chinoise, tout comme toi!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1731 +msgctxt "home_2ee13495" +msgid "If he can do it, why can't you?" +msgstr "S'il a pu accomplir ça, pourquoi pas toi?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1732 +msgctxt "home_2341c4b7" +msgid "I'm putting this on your wall. To inspire you." +msgstr "Je vais accrocher ça à ton mur, pour te motiver." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1734 +msgctxt "home_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1736 +msgid "She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to the shelf gleaming with Noelle's math competition trophies." +msgstr "Elle quitte la pièce et va accrocher la coupure à côté d'une étagère où luisent les trophées qu'elle a obtenus lors de concours de mathématiques. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1748 +msgctxt "nemesis_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1749 +msgid "dude wtf did i miss in elementary school??" +msgstr "putain mais j'ai raté quoi au primaire??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1750 +msgid "according to min" +msgstr "d'après Min" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1751 +msgid "basically shes ur childhood archnemesis" +msgstr "elle serait ton ennemie jurée" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1752 +msgid "AND diya's ex??" +msgstr "ET l'ex de Diya??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1753 +msgid "The archnemesis part is accurate, but she's not Diya's ex. That's ridiculous." +msgstr "D'accord sur le fait que c'est mon ennemie jurée, mais c'est certainement pas l'ex de Diya." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1754 +msgid "ok she didnt use those exact words but pretty much?" +msgstr "elle a peut-être pas utilisé ce terme là mais quasi. Nan?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1755 +msgid "That's impossible. They're both girls." +msgstr "Impossible. C'est toutes les deux des filles.." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1756 +msgid "so??" +msgstr "et??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1757 +msgid "What do you mean, \"so??\"?" +msgstr "Quoi, \"quoi??\"?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1758 +msgid "i cant believe u have an archnemesis?? i didnt even know ppl had those in real life" +msgstr "j'en reviens pas que t'ais une ennemie jurée!? je pensais même pas que ça existait dans la vraie vie" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1760 +msgid "how is this going to work?? o_0" +msgstr "comment c'est supposé fonctionner du coup ?? o_0" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1761 +msgid "I don't understand what you're asking. Please reword the question." +msgstr "Je ne comprends pas ta question. Reformule." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1762 +msgid "what ru going to do about min?" +msgstr "qu'est-ce que tu vas faire de min ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1763 +msgid "Nothing. She doesn't pose me any threat." +msgstr "Rien. Elle ne représente aucun danger." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1764 +msgid "Diya made her promise not to hurt me before, so she's strictly limited to insulting and threatening me." +msgstr "Diya lui a fait promettre de ne pas me toucher, elle doit donc de se contenter d'insultes et de menaces." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1765 +msgid "All bark and no bite, so to speak." +msgstr "Elle aboie mais ne mordra pas en somme." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1766 +msgid "I'm probably actually the safest person in the school, as the only one with this kind of immunity." +msgstr "A bien y réfléchir, je suis celle qui est la moins en danger dans cette école, je suis la seule immunisée contre elle. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1767 +msgid "I'll just try my best to avoid her." +msgstr "Je ferai de mon mieux pour l'éviter." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1768 +msgid "???????? what" +msgstr "???????? quoi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1769 +msgid "shes friends with both diya and me now" +msgstr "Diya et moi on est amies avec elle maintenant" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1770 +msgid "u gotta figure out how to deal with her sooner or later" +msgstr "va falloir que t'apprenne à faire avec elle d'une façon ou d'une autre" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1771 +msgid "No, I don't. My strategy has worked flawlessly all the way through elementary school." +msgstr "Pas besoin. Mon plan a fonctionné à la perfection tout le temps du primaire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1772 +msgid "There's no reason to change it now." +msgstr "Aucune raison de changer de façon de faire maintenant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1773 +msgid "ur strategy??" +msgstr "ton plan??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1774 +msgid "the \"maybe if i ignore the problem it'll go away\" strategy??" +msgstr "le plan type \"si j'ignore le problème il va disparaitre\"??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1775 +msgid "I don't have a choice! You don't understand how stupid she really is." +msgstr "Je n'ai pas le choix ! Tu n'as pas idée d'à quel point elle est bête." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1776 +msgid "She's not just pretending to be dumb like you." +msgstr "Elle ne fait pas juste semblant d'être cruche comme toi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1777 +msgid "She's dumb for {i}real.{/i}" +msgstr "Elle est {i} vraiment{/i} attardée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1778 +msgid "She once carved her name into a desk and couldn't figure out how they caught her." +msgstr "Elle jour elle a gravé son propre nom sur un bureau et elle ne comprenait pas comment le prof avait su que c'était elle qui avait fait ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1779 +msgid "o_o" +msgstr "o_o" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1780 +msgid "WAI T HOLD UP" +msgstr "OH LA VACHE" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1781 +msgid "WAIT I GOT IT" +msgstr "JE SAIS" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1782 +msgid "JOIN THE BASEBALL CLUB" +msgstr "REJOINS LE CLUB DE BASEBALL" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1783 +msgid "Why??" +msgstr "Pourquoi??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1784 +msgid "How does that solve anything?!" +msgstr "Comment est-ce que ça va régler mes soucis?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1785 +msgid "IT DOESNT" +msgstr "CA REGLERA RIEN" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1786 +msgid "BUT TRUST ME IT ALWAYS WORKS IN THE MOVIES" +msgstr "MAIS CA MARCHE TOUJOURS DANS LES FILMS" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1787 +msgid "WHenever 2 characters hate each other" +msgstr "Quand 2 personnages se détestent" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1788 +msgid "if they end up in a situation where theyre forced to work together" +msgstr "s'ils sont dans une situation où ils doivent s'entraider" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1789 +msgid "they come out of it as bffs" +msgstr "ils finissent meilleurs potes" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1790 +msgid "More realistically, they'd go from enemies to worse enemies." +msgstr "Alors que dans le monde réel, ils se détesteraient encore plus. " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1791 +msgid "no im calling it right now" +msgstr "je te mets ma main à couper que non" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1792 +msgid "we're going to miraculously set our differences aside and work as a team" +msgstr "on va tous mettre nos différends de côté et travailler en équipe" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1793 +msgid "also, we win by one" +msgstr "et puis, on sera en superiorité numérique " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1794 +msgid "come on frenchman" +msgstr "allez ma petite française" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1795 +msgctxt "nemesis_7cae96ff" +msgid "ONE OF US" +msgstr "ELLE EST DES NOOOOTRES" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1796 +msgctxt "nemesis_7cae96ff_1" +msgid "ONE OF US" +msgstr "ELLE EST DES NOOOOTRES" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1797 +msgctxt "nemesis_5d94cf3a" +msgid "No!" +msgstr "Non!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1798 +msgid "YES" +msgstr "SI" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1799 +msgid "LEAVE THE EIFFEL TOWER BEHIND" +msgstr "SORS DE TA TOUR EIFFEL" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1800 +msgid "STOP TELLING EVERYONE I LIVE INSIDE THE EIFFEL TOWER." +msgstr "ARRETE DE RACONTER QUE JE VIS DANS LA TOUR EIFFEL" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1801 +msgid "MAKE UR DREAMS INTO REALITY" +msgstr "REALISE TES REVES" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1802 +msgid "THIS ISN'T MY DREAM!" +msgstr "C'EST PAS MON REVE!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1803 +msgid "then what is????" +msgstr "alors c'est quoi ton rêve???" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1804 +msgid "doesnt it bother u that everyone else our age gets to have fun??" +msgstr "tu trouves pas ça frustrant d'être les seules filles de notre âge à pas s'amuser??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1805 +msgid "like bruh wheres my complicated relationship drama??" +msgstr "meuf, où sont nos histoires de coeur et les dramas qui vont avec??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1806 +msgid "wheres my reckless teen adventures??" +msgstr "où sont nos aventures palpitantes??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1807 +msgid "dont u feel like ur missing out sitting at home alone all the time??" +msgstr "t'as pas l'impression de rater quelquechose à passer ta vie cloitrée dans ta chambre, seule??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1808 +msgid "No, because it'll pay off in the future." +msgstr "Non, parce que ça paiera plus tard." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1809 +msgid "but ur youth is irreplaceable" +msgstr "mais tu ne seras jeune qu'une fois." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1813 +msgid "Noelle was invited to the baseball club group chat." +msgstr "Noelle fût invitée dans le chat du club de baseball." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1815 +msgctxt "nemesis_9ec3f8f5" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1816 +msgid "I'll just take a quick look, and then quit. That's it." +msgstr "Je vais regarder vite fait et quitter. C'est tout." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1825 +msgctxt "loophole_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1827 +msgctxt "loophole_180f31e7" +msgid "Noelle has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "Noelle a rejoint le groupe de discussion." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1828 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1829 +msgid ":D" +msgstr ":D" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1830 +msgid "Hello." +msgstr "Salut." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1831 +msgctxt "loophole_f57a085c" +msgid "wtf" +msgstr "wtf" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1832 +msgid "why are yu o here" +msgstr "k'est qe u tu fiches là toi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1833 +msgid "whatre you gonna do, use a peraberla to calculate how to throw the ball?" +msgstr "tu vas nous sortir une patlabore pour calculer la trajectoire des balles?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1834 +msgid "*parabola" +msgstr "parabole" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1835 +msgid "shut the fuck out" +msgstr "mais ferme la bordel" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1836 +msgid "you long green bean" +msgstr "espèce de grand haricot vert" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1837 +msgid "Green bean?!" +msgstr "haricot vert?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1838 +msgid "SHUT THE FUCK OUT" +msgstr "MAIS FERME LA" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1839 +msgid "you stupid overacheiving Asian fob loser stereotype" +msgstr "sale cliché d'asiat à deux balles qui surclace tout le monde" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1840 +msgid "*overachieving" +msgstr "*surclasse" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1841 +msgid "Big words for someone who'll be attending community college and working at McDonald's." +msgstr "Voilà de bien grands mots pour quelqu'un qui finira dans une fac de seconde zone et travaillera chez MacDo." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1842 +msgid "guys cmon" +msgstr "calmez vous" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1843 +msgid "dont b like this" +msgstr "allez les filles" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1844 +msgid "become bffs!!" +msgstr "devenez meilleures potes!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1845 +msgid "look how much u have in common!!!" +msgstr "vous êtes pareilles!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1846 +msgid "asian" +msgstr "asiatiques" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1847 +msgid "full of anger" +msgstr "râgeuses" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1848 +msgid "and u both like diya" +msgstr "et vous craquez sur diya" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1849 +msgctxt "loophole_2bf64fa7" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1850 +msgid "lets all sing the barney song" +msgstr "chantons toutes ensemble" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1851 +msgid "i love u...." +msgstr "Tu es arrivé de Chine un matin..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1852 +msgid "u love me..." +msgstr "À Paris Pandi-Panda tu te souviens..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1853 +msgid "we;re a happy family..." +msgstr "Avec deux taches autour des yeux, tu fis battre mon cœur..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1856 +msgctxt "loophole_be6a146f" +msgid "Min has changed the group chat name to \"fuck you noelle\"." +msgstr "Min a changé le nom du groupe de discussion en \"j't'emmerde noelle\"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1857 +msgid "I DON'T LIKE THIS GROUP CHAT NAME." +msgstr "TU VAS ME CHANGER CE NOM DE GROUPE DE SUITE." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1858 +msgid "suck it" +msgstr "va te brosser" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1860 +msgctxt "loophole_d8a4fb2c" +msgid "Noelle has changed the group chat name to \"Baseball Club\"." +msgstr "Noelle a changé le nom du groupe en \"Club de baseball\"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1862 +msgctxt "loophole_be6a146f_1" +msgid "Min has changed the group chat name to \"fuck you noelle\"." +msgstr "Min a changé le nom du groupe en \"j't'emmerde noelle\"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1863 +msgid "Stop this." +msgstr "Arrête ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1865 +msgctxt "loophole_d8a4fb2c_1" +msgid "Noelle has changed the group chat name to \"Baseball Club\"." +msgstr "Noelle a changé le nom du groupe en \"Club de baseball\"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1867 +msgctxt "loophole_be6a146f_2" +msgid "Min has changed the group chat name to \"fuck you noelle\"." +msgstr "Min a changé le nom du groupe en \"j't'emmerde noelle\"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1868 +msgid "guyss" +msgstr "les fiiilles" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1869 +msgid "guyssss this is so immature :((((((((((((" +msgstr "les fiiiiiiilles arrêtez de faire les gamines :(((((((((((" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1870 +msgid "how bout a compromise??? ? ?" +msgstr "et si on trouvait un compromis????? ? ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1871 +msgctxt "loophole_10de64ae" +msgid "?" +msgstr "?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1872 +msgid "What sort of compromise?" +msgstr "Quelle sorte de compromis?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1874 +msgid "YAOI SEME has changed the group chat name to \"Baseball Club\"." +msgstr "SEME YAOI a changé le nom du groupe en \"Club de Baseball\"." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1875 +msgctxt "loophole_9c9b3288" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "Merci." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1876 +msgctxt "loophole_f57a085c_1" +msgid "wtf" +msgstr "wtf" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1877 +msgid "hows this a compromis i didnt get anything" +msgstr "il est où le compromis? j'y gagne rien là" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1878 +msgid "YAOI SEME has changed her name to NOELLEFUCKER69." +msgstr "SEME YAOI a changé le nom du groupe en NOELLEFUCKER69." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1880 +msgid "NICE" +msgstr "PARFAIT" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1881 +msgid "o/" +msgstr "o/" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1882 +msgid "\\o" +msgstr "\\o" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1883 +msgid "I TAKE IT BACK. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE." +msgstr "CA NE VA PAS DU TOUT. JE M'INSURGE" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1884 +msgid "CHANGE IT BACK." +msgstr "CHANGEZ MOI CA." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1885 +msgid "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only truth." +msgstr "L'humanité ne peut rien obtenir sans donner quelque chose en retour. Pour chaque chose reçue, il faut en abandonner une autre de même valeur. En alchimie, c'est la loi fondamentale de l'échange équivalent. A cette époque, nous pensions que c'était la seule et unique vérité du monde." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1886 +msgid "I HATE YOU." +msgstr "JE TE HAIS." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1887 +msgid "*starts crying*" +msgstr "*se met à pleurer*" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1888 +msgid "i;m crying,,,,,u made me CRY" +msgstr "je pleure.... tu m'as fait PLEURER" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1889 +msgid "IF YOU DON'T CHANGE IT, I'M NOT GOING TO BE YOUR PARTNER FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS ANYMORE." +msgstr "SI TU NE CHANGES PAS LE NOM DE SUITE JE NE FERAI PLUS LES PROJETS DE GROUPE AVEC TOI" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1890 +msgid ";_;" +msgstr ";_;" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1891 +msgid "NOELLEFUCKER69 has changed her name to YAOI SEME." +msgstr "NOELLEFUCKER69 a changé son nom en SEME YAOI." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1893 +msgctxt "loophole_716af941" +msgid "darn" +msgstr "merde" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1894 +msgid "it was good while it lasted" +msgstr "c'était bien le temps que ça a duré" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1895 +msgid "i wonder if theres anything else left to figure out about baseball" +msgstr "je me demande s'il reste encore quelque chose à découvrir sur le baseball" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1896 +msgid "that no one else has yet" +msgstr "que personne d'autre n'a encore" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1897 +msgid "Like other strategies that'd make us statisticaly more likely to win?" +msgstr "Comme d'autres stratégies qui nous donneraient statistiquement plus de chances de gagner ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1898 +msgid "or weird other loopholes" +msgstr "ou d'autres étranges échappatoires" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1899 +msgid "can we release multiple balls into the air to confuse our opponents" +msgstr "peut-on lancer plusieurs balles en l'air pour perturber nos adversaires" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1900 +msgid "I think that would just confuse us too" +msgstr "je pense que ça ne ferait que nous embrouiller aussi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1901 +msgid "what about advantages for batting?" +msgstr "quels sont les avantages pour le batteur ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1902 +msgid "what if instead of bats we brought those yaoi paddles" +msgstr "Et si à la place des battes, on apportait ces yaoi paddles" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1903 +msgid "wtfs a yaoi paddle" +msgstr "wtfs un yaoi paddle" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1904 +msgid "google it" +msgstr "cherche sur google" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1905 +msgid "In any case, they have rules about what kinds of bats you can use" +msgstr "Dans tous les cas, ils ont des règles à propos de la manière d'utiliser ces battes" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1906 +msgctxt "loophole_218d473d" +msgid "dude" +msgstr "les gars" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1907 +msgid "this just gave me a great idea" +msgstr "ça me donne juste une super idée" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1908 +msgid "im albret einstong" +msgstr "je suis Albret Einstong" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1911 +msgid "YAOI SEME changed her name to albret einstong." +msgstr "SEME YAOI a changé de nom en Albret Einstong." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1913 +msgctxt "loophole_2bf64fa7_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1914 +msgid "Was" +msgstr "Etait" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1915 +msgid "Was that your idea" +msgstr "c'était ton idée ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1916 +msgid "no that's not it" +msgstr "non ça l'était pas" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1917 +msgid "it was just my reward for being a genius" +msgstr "c'était juste ma récompense pour avoir été un génie" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1919 +msgid "what if u break a bat in half and dual wield one half in each hand" +msgstr "et si on cassait une batte en deux pour en avoir une dans chaque main" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1920 +msgid "I don't think there would be any advantage doing this." +msgstr "je ne pense pas qu'il y aurait un avantage à faire ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1921 +msgid "we gotta try it to know for sure" +msgstr "on doit l'essayer pour le savoir" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1922 +msgid "for science" +msgstr "pour la science" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1923 +msgid "There's rules about damaged bats" +msgstr "Il y a des règles à propos d'abimer les battes" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1924 +msgid "If they break they're removed from play without penalty" +msgstr "Si ça se casse, c'est retiré du jeu sans pénalité" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1925 +msgid "nO" +msgstr "nOn" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1926 +msgid "M,,m,,,Y PLAN IS CRUMBLING TO PIECES" +msgstr "Hum... TON PLAN EST EN TRAIN TOMBER EN MIETTE" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1927 +msgid "your plan was in pieces from the start" +msgstr "ton plan était en nul dès le début" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1928 +msgid "RUDE" +msgstr "DUR" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1929 +msgid "my backup plan is" +msgstr "mon plan b est" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1930 +msgid "we could secretly replace diyas bones w/ synthetic ones" +msgstr "on peut secrètement remplacer les os de Diya par / des os synthétiques" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1931 +msgid "I don't like this plan" +msgstr "j'aime pas ce plan" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1932 +msgid "what about NANOMACHINES" +msgstr "et les NANOMACHINES ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1933 +msgid "I don't want nanomachines" +msgstr "je veux pas de nanomachines" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1934 +msgid "Nanomachines are not even at a level where we can use them yet." +msgstr "Les nanomachines sont même pas encore à un niveau exploitable" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1935 +msgid "It's still a theoretical field." +msgstr "C'est encore que de la théorie." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1936 +msgid "what??" +msgstr "Quoi ??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1937 +msgid "i thought they made nanocars already" +msgstr "je croyais qu'ils avaient déjà fait des nanoautos." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1938 +msgid "with wheels and everything" +msgstr "avec des roues et tout" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1939 +msgid "Just a moment. I'm Googling it." +msgstr "Attends. Je cherche sur Google." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1940 +msgid "I don't want nanocars" +msgstr "Je veux pas de nanoauto" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1941 +msgid "The Wikipedia page says the nanocars don't even have motors." +msgstr "La page Wikipédia dit que les nanoautos ont même pas de moteur." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1942 +msgid "They just have four wheels attached to an empty frame." +msgstr "Ils ont juste quatre roues fixées à un cadre vide." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1943 +msgid "They don't do anything." +msgstr "Ca ne fait rien." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1944 +msgid "{image=nanocar.png}" +msgstr "{image=nanocar.png}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1945 +msgid "then why the hell did they even create them " +msgstr "alors pourquoi bon sang ils les ont créés" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1946 +msgctxt "loophole_59fe4608" +msgid "I don't know." +msgstr "je sais pas" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1947 +msgid "They would just be floating around pointlessly inside Diya." +msgstr "Ca flotterait juste sans but dans le corps de Diya." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1950 +msgid "For our purposes, gene therapy would be more practical." +msgstr "Pour nos besoins, la thérapie génique serait plus pratique." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1951 +msgid "The technology is already used to treat muscle-wasting disorders." +msgstr "Cette technologie est déjà utilisée pour traiter les troubles de la fonte musculaire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1952 +msgid "We could use it to change Diya's gene expression, and increase production of proteins to make her stronger." +msgstr "Nous pourrions l'utiliser pour modifier l'expression génétique de Diya, et augmenter la production de protéines pour la rendre plus forte." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1953 +msgid "It would be totally undetectable by drug tests." +msgstr "Il serait totalement indétectable par les tests de dépistage des drogues." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1954 +msgctxt "loophole_c7d64119" +msgid "omfg" +msgstr "omfg" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1955 +msgid "I don't want gene therapy" +msgstr "Je ne veux pas de thérapie génique" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1956 +msgid "itd be like doping but w ur genes" +msgstr "C'est comme le dopage mais avec tes gènes." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1957 +msgid "gene doping" +msgstr "dopage génétique" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1958 +msgid "has anyone done this yet?" +msgstr "Quelqu'un l'a-t-il déjà fait ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1959 +msgid "I wouldn't know." +msgstr "Je ne saurais pas dire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1960 +msgid "im looking it up and dude" +msgstr "je suis en train de regarder et punaise" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1961 +msgid "no ones ever done it" +msgstr "personne ne l'a jamais fait" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1962 +msgid "there arent any regulations on it yet" +msgstr "il n'y a pas encore de réglementation en la matière" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1963 +msgid "i bet all the baseball ppl dont even know what it is" +msgstr "Je parie que tous les joueurs de baseball ne savent même pas ce que c'est." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1964 +msgid "u could be a gene doping pioneer" +msgstr "tu pourrais être un pionnier du dopage génétique" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1965 +msgid "u havent even been here 10 minutes yet and ur already destroying baseball" +msgstr "Tu n'es même pas là depuis 10 minutes et tu détruis déjà le baseball." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1966 +msgid "I don't think this is the way we're supposed to do it" +msgstr "Je ne pense pas que ce soit la façon dont nous sommes censés le faire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1968 +msgid "GUYS" +msgstr "Les meufs" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1969 +msgid "OMG" +msgstr "OMG" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1970 +msgid "I LOOKED UP \"CYBORG\" ON WIKIPEDIA AND I F O U ND" +msgstr "J'AI CHERCHÉ \"CYBORG\" SUR WIKIPEDIA ET J'AI TROUVÉ" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1971 +msgid "THERES A MA N" +msgstr "IL Y A UN HOMME" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1972 +msgid "HE" +msgstr "IL" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1973 +msgctxt "loophole_b6375598" +msgid "{image=cyborg.jpg}" +msgstr "{image=cyborg.jpg}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1974 +msgctxt "loophole_f57a085c_2" +msgid "wtf" +msgstr "wtf" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1975 +msgid "\"Since 2004, British artist Neil Harbisson, has a cyborg antenna implanted in his head that allows him to extend his perception of colors beyond the human visual spectrum through vibrations in his skull.\"" +msgstr "\"Depuis 2004, l'artiste britannique Neil Harbisson a une antenne cyborg implantée dans sa tête qui lui permet d'étendre sa perception des couleurs au-delà du spectre visuel humain grâce à des vibrations dans son crâne.\"" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1976 +msgid "????????" +msgstr "????????" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1977 +msgctxt "loophole_754eade2" +msgid "LMAO" +msgstr "MDR" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1978 +msgid "\"His antenna was included within his 2004 passport photograph which has been claimed to confirm his cyborg status.\"" +msgstr "\"Son antenne a été incluse dans la photo de son passeport de 2004, ce qui a été revendiqué pour confirmer son statut de cyborg.\"" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1979 +msgid "This is great." +msgstr "C'est génial." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1980 +msgid "The \"claimed to confirm his cyborg status\" bit makes him sound so desperate." +msgstr "Le \"fait de vouloir confirmer son statut de cyborg\" le rend si désespéré." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1981 +msgid "right????" +msgstr "pas vrai ???" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1982 +msgid "Plus the design is ridiculously unfashionable." +msgstr "En plus, le design est ridiculement démodé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1983 +msgid "You normally expect cyborgs to look cool and futuristic..." +msgstr "Tu t'attends normalement à ce que les cyborgs aent un look cool et futuriste..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1984 +msgid "BUT INSTEAD" +msgstr "MAIS ENCORE" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1985 +msgctxt "loophole_b6375598_1" +msgid "{image=cyborg.jpg}" +msgstr "{image=cyborg.jpg}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1986 +msgid "ffFDSKJJKSDFDdSSDS" +msgstr "ffFDSKJJKSDFDdSSDS" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1987 +msgid "It's even better when you remember this is from 2004." +msgstr "C'est encore mieux quand on se rappelle que ça date de 2004." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1988 +msgctxt "loophole_7d436f5e" +msgid "omfg" +msgstr "omfg" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1989 +msgid "the black and white makes you think" +msgstr "le noir et blanc vous fait réfléchir" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1990 +msgid "this is from the great depresion or smth" +msgstr "Cela vient de la grande dépression ou quelque chose comme ça." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1991 +msgid "but its actually just some weirdo with a rly lame haircut" +msgstr "mais en fait, c'est juste une personne bizarre avec une coupe de cheveux qui craint." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1992 +msgid "He looks like he's planning to dangle a carrot on a string from the front" +msgstr "On dirait qu'il a l'intention de faire pendre une carotte sur une ficelle par devant." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1993 +msgid "Like a donkey" +msgstr "Comme un âne" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1994 +msgid "sssSHUT UP IM LOSING IT" +msgstr "tttTA GUEULE JE PERDS LA TÊTE" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1995 +msgid "It's only been four years. Not only is he still alive, but his current appearance is probably relatively unchanged." +msgstr "Cela ne fait que quatre ans. Non seulement il est toujours en vie, mais son apparence actuelle est probablement relativement inchangée." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1996 +msgid "This man is still out there, existing in the same world we do, looking like this as we speak." +msgstr "Cet homme est toujours là, dans le même monde que nous, et il ressemble à ça en ce moment même." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1997 +msgid "Good" +msgstr "Bien" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1998 +msgid "Whenever you're feeling down about your looks" +msgstr "Quand vous vous sentez mal dans votre peau." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1999 +msgid "Remember" +msgstr "Souviens-toi" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2000 +msgctxt "loophole_b6375598_2" +msgid "{image=cyborg.jpg}" +msgstr "{image=cyborg.jpg}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2001 +msgid "STTOPP" +msgstr "STTOPP" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2007 +msgid "Why are you smiling?!" +msgstr "Pourquoi tu souris ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2008 +msgid "Are you talking to a boy?" +msgstr "Tu parles à un garçon ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2009 +msgid "No boyfriend until college!" +msgstr "Pas de petit ami avant l'université !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2010 +msgid "Noelle almost falls out of her chair in shock." +msgstr "Noelle a failli tomber de sa chaise sous le choc." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2012 +msgid "I didn't hear her come in!" +msgstr "Je ne l'ai pas entendue entrer !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2014 +msgid "Noelle switches to a more academic tab she kept open, but not before her mom sees." +msgstr "Noelle passe à un onglet plus académique qu'elle a gardé ouvert, mais pas avant que sa mère ne le voie." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2015 +msgid "You always change the screen when I come in!" +msgstr "Tu changes toujours l'écran quand je viens !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2016 +msgid "What are you hiding?" +msgstr "Que caches-tu ? " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2017 +msgid "Her mom grabs the mouse and clicks on the incriminating tab." +msgstr "Sa mère attrape la souris et clique sur l'onglet incriminé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2018 +msgid "You're wasting time! Do your homework!" +msgstr "Tu perds ton temps ! Fais tes devoirs !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2020 +msgid "Her mother scans the names on the screen and jabs a finger at \"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" +msgstr "Her mother scans the names on the screen and jabs a finger at \"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2021 +msgid "Who's that?" +msgstr "C'est qui ça ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2023 +msgid "That's Akarsha. She's the other smart girl in my grade." +msgstr "C'est Akarsha. C'est l'autre fille intelligente de ma classe." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2025 +msgid "The one who almost beat you on the midterm?" +msgstr "Celle qui a failli te battre à l'examen de mi-parcours ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2027 +msgctxt "loophole_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Oui" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2029 +msgid "Don't forget that everyone is your competition. She's tricking you into thinking she doesn't study, when really, she does." +msgstr "N'oublie pas que tout le monde est ton adversaire. Elle te fait croire qu'elle n'étudie pas, alors qu'en fait, elle étudie." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2030 +msgid "Every minute you spend doing useless things is a minute she's beating you." +msgstr "Chaque minute que tu passes à faire des choses inutiles est une minute où elle te bat." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2032 +msgid "She's not tricking me. We're friends." +msgstr "Elle ne me piège pas. Nous sommes amies." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2034 +msgid "\"Friends\"? Don't be naive." +msgstr "\"Amies\"? Ne sois pas naive." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2035 +msgid "When she gets into MIT and you don't, you think she'll care?" +msgstr "Quand elle entrera au MIT et pas toi, tu crois qu'elle s'en souciera ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2036 +msgid "If you were really in trouble, would she do anything to help you? Of course not." +msgstr "Si vous étiez vraiment en difficulté, ferait-elle quelque chose pour vous aider ? Bien sûr que non." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2037 +msgid "When it comes down to it, nobody will look out for you." +msgstr "Quand on en arrive là, personne ne s'occupera de vous." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2038 +msgid "The only people you can really trust are your family." +msgstr "Les seules personnes en qui tu peux avoir confiance est ta famille." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2042 +msgid "You don't know anything!" +msgstr "Tu ne sais rien du tout !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2044 +msgid "Don't talk about my friends like they mean nothing." +msgstr "Ne parle pas de mes amis comme s'ils n'étaient rien." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2045 +msgid "Do you know {i}anything{/i} about me? What's my worst fear? What's my favorite documentary series?" +msgstr "Sais-tu {i}quelque chose{/i} sur moi ? Quelle est ma pire peur ? Quelle est ma série documentaire préférée ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2046 +msgid "You would know these things if you had any care for me beyond how good I make you look to our relatives." +msgstr "Tu saurais ces choses si tu te souciais de moi au-delà de la façon dont je te fais paraître aux yeux de nos proches." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2049 +msgid "You ungrateful child!" +msgstr "Enfant ingrat !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2050 +msgid "The whole reason we came to America is so you could live a better life. We made so many sacrifices for you!" +msgstr "La raison pour laquelle nous sommes venus en Amérique est que vous puissiez vivre une meilleure vie. Nous avons fait tellement de sacrifices pour toi !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2051 +msgid "How dare you say we don't care about you?!" +msgstr "Comment oses-tu dire que nous ne nous soucions pas de toi ?!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2052 +msgid "You've been spoiled rotten! You have an attitude problem!" +msgstr "Tu as été gâté pourri ! Tu as un problème d'attitude !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2053 +msgid "Kids these days!" +msgstr "Les enfants de nos jours !" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2054 +msgid "When your dad comes home, we're going to have a long talk about this." +msgstr "Quand ton père rentrera à la maison, nous aurons une longue discussion à ce sujet." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2056 +msgid "Noelle's mom closes the tab." +msgstr "La mère de Noelle ferme l'onglet" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2057 +msgid "She hovers over her shoulder for a few more minutes to verify that Noelle is doing work." +msgstr "Elle survole son épaule pendant quelques minutes de plus pour vérifier que Noelle fait son travail." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2059 +msgid "Don't you have anything better to do??" +msgstr "Tu n'as rien de mieux à faire ??" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2060 +msgid "Oh, that's right, you don't." +msgstr "Oh, c'est vrai, tu n'as pas..." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2061 +msgid "Because you have no friends or hobbies and live vicariously through me." +msgstr "Parce que tu n'as pas d'amis ou de hobbies et que tu vis par procuration à travers moi." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2065 +msgid "Still looking sour, her mom finally leaves." +msgstr "Toujours l'air aigri, sa mère part finalement" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2069 +msgctxt "loophole_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr "................." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2073 +msgctxt "loophole_653359cb" +msgid "Upset, Noelle curls up in bed angrily hugging her giant snake plushie." +msgstr "Bouleversée, Noëlle se recroqueville dans son lit en serrant rageusement sa peluche serpent géante." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2081 +msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2083 +msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_180f31e7" +msgid "Noelle has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "Noelle est entrée dans le salon de discussion" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2084 +msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_a7e448eb" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2085 +msgid ":D :D!" +msgstr ":D :D!" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2086 +msgid "yuck whyd yuo come back" +msgstr "Beurk, pourquoi es-tu revenu ?" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2087 +msgid "are you still deciding whether to join or something" +msgstr "Tu es toujours en train de réflechir si tu nous rejoint ou pas." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2088 +msgid "No, I have decided." +msgstr "Non, j'ai décidé." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2089 +msgid "I'm in." +msgstr "J'en suis." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "{cps=0}Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Problème 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "12" +msgstr "12" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "-3" +msgstr "-3" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "3565" +msgstr "3565" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "Infinity" +msgstr "Infini" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:190 +msgid "Noelle, watching a \nmovie in class\nlast week" +msgstr "Noelle, regardant un \nfilm en classe\nla semaine dernière." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:380 +msgid "Read next year's textbook" +msgstr "Lire le manuel de l'année prochaine" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "{cps=0}1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}1) Pourquoi le renard ne mange-t-il pas les raisins ?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "They were sour" +msgstr "Ils étaient aigris" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "He couldn't reach them" +msgstr "Il ne pouvait pas les atteindre" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "He wasn't hungry" +msgstr "Il n'avait pas faim." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:400 +msgid "Kid playing outside" +msgstr "Enfant jouant dehors" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "{cps=0}2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}2) Que signifie \"C'était en vain\" ?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was useless" +msgstr "C'était inutile." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was very close" +msgstr "C'était très proche" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was a great success" +msgstr "C'était un grand succès" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "{cps=0}3) What's the message of the story?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}3) Quel est le message de l'histoire ?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "Appearances are deceptive" +msgstr "Les apparences sont trompeuses" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "Look before you leap" +msgstr "Regardez avant de vous lancer" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "It's easy to despise what you cannot have" +msgstr "C'est facile de mépriser ce que vous ne pouvez pas avoir." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:490 +msgid "Swing at the ball" +msgstr "Balancer la balle" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The San Jose Sharks" +msgstr "Les Sharks de San José" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The San Francisco 49ers" +msgstr "Les 49ers de San Francisco " + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The Oakland A's" +msgstr "Les Athletics d'Oakland" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:772 +msgid "Throw the ball" +msgstr "Lancer la balle" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 +msgid "Laugh politely" +msgstr "Rire poliment" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 +msgid "Don't laugh" +msgstr "Ne pas rire." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1571 +msgid "Min, Akarsha, & Noelle" +msgstr "Min, Akarsha, et Noelle" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1819 +msgid "Join the chat" +msgstr "Rejoindre le chat" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2076 +msgid "Open the chatroom again" +msgstr "Ouvrir à nouveau le salon de discussion" + +#: game/screens.rpy:647 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Sauvegarder" + +#: game/screens.rpy:649 +msgid "Skip" +msgstr "Passer" + +#: game/screens.rpy:651 +msgid "Prefs" +msgstr "Prefs" + +#: game/screens.rpy:718 +msgid "New Game" +msgstr "Nouvelle partie" + +#: game/screens.rpy:723 +msgid "History" +msgstr "Historique" + +#: game/screens.rpy:731 +msgid "Load Game" +msgstr "Charger" + +#: game/screens.rpy:735 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres" + +#: game/screens.rpy:739 +msgid "About" +msgstr "À propos" + +#: game/screens.rpy:744 +msgid "End Replay" +msgstr "Arrêter le replay" + +#: game/screens.rpy:750 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Menu principal" + +#: game/screens.rpy:760 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Quitter" + +#: game/screens.rpy:994 +msgid "Return" +msgstr "Retour arrière" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1115 +msgid "[config.name!t] Version [config.version!t]\n" +msgstr "[config.name!t] Version [config.version!t]\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1122 +msgid "Game by {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n\nMade with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" +msgstr "Jeu créé par {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n\nFait avec {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1124 +msgid "\n\nMusic:" +msgstr "\n\nMusique :" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1125 +msgid "Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, and Thoughts of You by {a=http://ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\nare licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" +msgstr "Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, et Thoughts of You de {a=http://ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\nsous licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1126 +msgid "Romaras, Blooming, and Side by Side by Miltata are licensed\nunder CC BY-NC 3.0" +msgstr "Romaras, Blooming, et Side by Side de Miltata sous licence \nCC BY-NC 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1127 +msgid "{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}This artist has songs available for purchase! Please support him here!{/a}\n" +msgstr "{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}Cet artiste a des musiques disponibles à la vente !\nMerci de lui apporter votre soutien !{/a}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1128 +msgid "{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/a} by {b}Bloodgod{/b} is licensed under\nCC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" +msgstr "{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/a} de {b}Bloodgod{/b} sous licence\nCC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1129 +msgid "{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} by {b}YOSHI{/b} is licensed under CC\n" +msgstr "{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} de {b}YOSHI{/b} sous licence CC\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1130 +msgid "Overflowing by {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" +msgstr "Overflowing de {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1131 +msgid "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" +msgstr "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight de {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1132 +msgid "{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}This song is available for purchase! Please support the artist!{/a}\n" +msgstr "{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}Cette chanson est disponible à l'achat !\nMerci d'apporter votre soutien à l'artiste !{/a}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1134 +msgid "Title song: Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) by {b}Miltata{/b}" +msgstr "Thème : Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) de {b}Miltata{/b}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1135 +msgid "Credits song: Calling Project 2 by {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" +msgstr "Musique des crédits : Calling Project 2 de {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1138 +msgid "\n\nSound:" +msgstr "\n\nSons :" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1139 +msgid "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1140 +msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric Sound Effects Library{/a} by LittleRobotSoundFactory is licensed\nunder CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric Sound Effects Library{/a} de LittleRobotSoundFactory\nsous licence CC BY 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1141 +msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/a} by CGEffex is licensed\nunder CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/a} de CGEffex \nsous licence CC BY 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1142 +msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} by Peacewaves is licensed under CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} de Peacewaves sous licence CC BY 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1144 +msgid "\n\nAdditional scripting help:" +msgstr "\n\nAide additionnelle pour la programmation :" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1145 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1147 +msgid "\n\nChinese localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation chinoise par : " + +#: game/screens.rpy:1148 +msgid "{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1150 +msgid "\n\nJapanese localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation japonaise par :" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1151 +msgid "KINSHA Co., Ltd." +msgstr "KINSHA Co., Ltd." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1153 +msgid "\n\nBrazilian Portuguese localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation en portugais du Brésil par : " + +#: game/screens.rpy:1154 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1156 +msgid "\n\nKorean localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation coréenne par : " + +#: game/screens.rpy:1157 +msgid "KyleHeren" +msgstr "KyleHeren" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1159 +msgid "\n\nCzech localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation tchèque par : " + +#: game/screens.rpy:1160 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1162 +msgid "\n\nPolish localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation polonaise par : " + +#: game/screens.rpy:1163 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1165 +msgid "\n\nFarsi localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation persanne par : " + +#: game/screens.rpy:1166 +msgid "Kasbarg" +msgstr "Kasbarg" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1168 +msgid "\n\nIndonesian localization by:" +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation indonésienne par :" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1169 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/strawberiisodaa}Konberrii{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/strawberiisodaa}Konberrii{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1171 +msgid "\n\nFrench localization by : " +msgstr "\n\nLocalisation française par :" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1172 +msgid "Queerscriptors from {a=https://nextgaymer.com/}Next Gaymer{/a}" +msgstr "Les Queerscriptors de {a=https://nextgaymer.com/}Next Gaymer{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1173 +msgid "(Phoross, L'Unix Benoit, Ven, Brom, Seb_Ash, Torli, MandyLane, Tashousse\nDestryl, Giovanni, Batwoman, NinaDelPepito, Blaxis & IannaFOX)" +msgstr "(Phoross, L'Unix Benoit, Ven, Brom, Seb_Ash, Torli, MandyLane, Tashousse\nDestryl, Giovanni, Batwoman, NinaDelPepito, Blaxis & IannaFOX)" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1251 +msgid "Page {}" +msgstr "Page {}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1251 +msgid "Automatic saves" +msgstr "Sauvegardes automatiques" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1251 +msgid "Quick saves" +msgstr "Sauvegardes rapides" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1297 +msgid "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" +msgstr "%d %B %Y, %H:%M" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1297 +msgid "empty slot" +msgstr "Emplacement vide" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1314 +msgid "<" +msgstr "<" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1317 +msgid "{#auto_page}A" +msgstr "{#auto_page}A" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1320 +msgid "{#quick_page}Q" +msgstr "{#quick_page}R" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1326 +msgid ">" +msgstr ">" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1440 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Affichage" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1441 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Fenêtré" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1442 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Plein écran" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1448 +msgid "Unseen Text" +msgstr "Texte non-lu" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1449 +msgid "After Choices" +msgstr "Après les choix" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1454 +msgid "Screen Motion" +msgstr "Mouvement d’écran" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1455 +msgid "Background Pan" +msgstr "Effet panorama du fond" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1456 +msgid "Screenshake" +msgstr "Tremblement d’écran" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1468 +msgid "Music Volume" +msgstr "Volume de la musique" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1475 +msgid "Sound Volume" +msgstr "Volume des sons" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1481 +msgid "Test" +msgstr "Test" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1485 +msgid "Voice Volume" +msgstr "Volume des voix" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1496 +msgid "Mute All" +msgstr "Tout muet" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1500 +msgid "Text Speed" +msgstr "Vitesse du texte" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1509 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Langue" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1510 +msgid "English" +msgstr "English" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1511 +msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=20}中文{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1512 +msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=30}日本語{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=20}日本語{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1513 +msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=30}한국어{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=20}한국어{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1514 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=20}Português{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1515 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Česky{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=20}Česky{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1516 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Polski{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=20}Polski{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1517 +msgid "{font=times.ttf}{size=30}فارسی{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=times.ttf}{size=25}فارسی{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1518 +msgid "bahasa Indonesia" +msgstr "bahasa Indonesia" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1519 +msgid "Français" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1668 +msgid "The dialogue history is empty." +msgstr "L'historique de dialogue est vide." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1780 +msgid "Help" +msgstr "Aide" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1789 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Clavier" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1790 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Souris" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1793 +msgid "Gamepad" +msgstr "Manette" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1806 +msgid "Enter" +msgstr "Entrée" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1807 +msgid "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." +msgstr "Avance le dialogue et active l'interface" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1810 +msgid "Space" +msgstr "Espace" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1811 +msgid "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." +msgstr "Avance le dialogue sans faire de choix." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1814 +msgid "Arrow Keys" +msgstr "Flèches du clavier" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1815 +msgid "Navigate the interface." +msgstr "Parcourir l'interface." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1818 +msgid "Escape" +msgstr "Échap" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1819 +msgid "Accesses the game menu." +msgstr "Accéder au menu du jeu." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1822 +msgid "Ctrl" +msgstr "Ctrl" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1823 +msgid "Skips dialogue while held down." +msgstr "Passe les dialogues quand la touche est maintenue." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1826 +msgid "Tab" +msgstr "Tab" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1827 +msgid "Toggles dialogue skipping." +msgstr "Active le passage des dialogues." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1830 +msgid "Page Up" +msgstr "Page haut" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1831 +msgid "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." +msgstr "Ramène au dialogue précédent." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1834 +msgid "Page Down" +msgstr "Page bas" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1835 +msgid "Rolls forward to later dialogue." +msgstr "Avance au dialogue suivant." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1843 +msgid "Takes a screenshot." +msgstr "Prendre une capture d'écran." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1847 +msgid "Toggles assistive {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}self-voicing{/a}." +msgstr "Active/Désactive {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}l'assistant vocal{/a}." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1853 +msgid "Left Click" +msgstr "Clic gauche" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1857 +msgid "Middle Click" +msgstr "Clic milieu" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1858 +msgid "Hides the user interface." +msgstr "Cache l'interface utilisateur." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1861 +msgid "Right Click" +msgstr "Cache l'interface utilisateur." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1865 +msgid "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" +msgstr "Molette souris vers le haut\nClic sur zone de retour arrière" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1869 +msgid "Mouse Wheel Down" +msgstr "Molette souris vers le bas" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1876 +msgid "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" +msgstr "Gâchette droite\nA/Bouton du bas" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1880 +msgid "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" +msgstr "Gâchette gauche\nBouton latéral gauche" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1884 +msgid "Right Shoulder" +msgstr "Bouton latéral droit" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1888 +msgid "D-Pad, Sticks" +msgstr "D-pad, Sticks" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1892 +msgid "Start, Guide" +msgstr "Start, Guide" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1896 +msgid "Y/Top Button" +msgstr "Y/Bouton du haut" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1899 +msgid "Calibrate" +msgstr "Calibrer" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1964 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Oui" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1965 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Non" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2011 +msgid "Skipping. To stop skipping, press the CTRL key on your keyboard!" +msgstr "Avance rapide. Pour arrêter, appuyez sur la touche Ctrl de votre clavier !" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2410 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Retour" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2412 +msgid "Auto" +msgstr "Auto" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2413 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menu" + diff --git a/translations.pot b/translations.pot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab1e6b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/translations.pot @@ -0,0 +1,24256 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:7 +msgid "Min-seo" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:9 +msgid "Jun-seo" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:11 +msgid "Akarsha" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:16 +msgid "Dog" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:18 +msgid "npc" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:19 +msgid "npc2" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:119 +msgid "The summer between\n3rd and 4th grade" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:126 +msgid "Evil Dragon" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:128 +msgctxt "beginning_5949963c" +msgid "Once upon a time... " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:136 +msgid "There lived a princess called Min-seo. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:141 +msgid "She liked weapons. Everyone was terrified of her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:143 +msgid "She'd threaten you with knives and steal and break your things." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:144 +msgid "She always got sent to the principal's office because she was bad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:149 +msgid "Still,{w=0.35} she was a lovely princess. {w=0.35}And tragically, {w=0.35}she was cursed to prick her finger on a spindle and die." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:150 +msgid "Sure enough...One day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:154 +msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421" +msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:155 +msgid "Or at least, she was supposed to.{w=0.35} \nInstead, the princess sat up abruptly and said:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:160 +msgid "{big=16}THIS IS THE WORST STORY IN HISTORY!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:162 +msgid "{big=20}I'M ESCAPING!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:166 +msgid "Wait!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:167 +msgid "Min, that's not how it goes!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:169 +msgid "I'm right here!{w=0.35} The evil dragon!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:171 +msgid "I killed you already!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:173 +msgid "Haaaah?{w=0.35} With what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:176 +msgid "{big=+20}A GUN!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:178 +msgid "You don't have a gun!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:181 +msgid "{big=+20}I MADE ONE OUT OF ROCKS!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:183 +msgctxt "beginning_78aff33f" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:190 +msgid "The hero has arrived!{w=0.35}\nAs Min-seo's twin, he's trying to reason with her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:192 +msgid "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}that's impossible... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:194 +msgctxt "beginning_8bac71d0" +msgid "Who cares!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:196 +msgid "If I have a gun,{w=0.35} I win!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:198 +msgctxt "beginning_9989372a" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:200 +msgctxt "beginning_fdb10e6c" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:202 +msgctxt "beginning_7bf1d8e9" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:204 +msgid "It's difficult to argue against Min's brand of logic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:207 +msgid "Okay, you win... {w=0.35}Let's just start over... " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:209 +msgid "This time someone else be the princess!{w=0.35} Not me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:211 +msgid "I'm the only girl left, so I guess that's me..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:214 +msgid "Fine. Diya does seem more like the princess type anyway." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:216 +msgid "What's that supposed to mean." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:219 +msgid "You're really pretty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:220 +msgid "And it's cute how your hair curls like that. {w=0.35} It makes you look like a princess." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:225 +msgid "Uh, {w=0.35} I just meant that she's less violent." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:226 +msgid "But whatever..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:239 +msgid "— 2nd Try —" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:243 +msgctxt "beginning_5949963c_1" +msgid "Once upon a time... " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:255 +msgid "There lived a girl named Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:257 +msgid "She was really quiet. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:258 +msgid "It wasn't that she had nothing to say. {w=0.35}It was more like..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:259 +msgid "She was afraid if she opened her mouth,{w=0.35} something would come out that shouldn't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:261 +msgid "She once held onto an apple core for 45 minutes because she didn't want people to see her walk across the classroom to the trash can." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:262 +msgid "It was that kind of quiet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:263 +msgid "She was also insanely athletic.{w=0.35} There were rumors that under her shirt, she had a six-pack." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:265 +msgid "Tragically,{w=0.35} despite how buff she was, {w=0.35} this princess was also cursed to touch a spindle and die." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:266 +msgid "And one day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:274 +msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421_1" +msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:276 +msgid "Nothing could break the spell but her true love's kiss." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:277 +msgid "For many years, she —" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:284 +msgid "Diya,{w=0.2} get up! {w=0.35}I'm here to rescue you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:287 +msgid "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Only the hero can wake her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:289 +msgid "That's me! {w=0.35}I'm the hero!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:291 +msgid "{cps=30}Wait,{w=0.35} no...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\nIt's supposed to be Jun-seo!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:294 +msgid "{big=+20}NO!{w=0.35} IT'S ME!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:296 +msgid "Huh?{w=0.35} But if you're the hero, {w=0.35}then what am I?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:299 +msgid "A{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}GUN!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:300 +msgid "Gun(?)" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:302 +msgctxt "beginning_8a88d73d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:304 +msgid "Min grabs Jun's arm and aims it at the dragon!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:306 +msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} You're dead!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:308 +msgid "Nice try! {w=0.35} But I deflected the bullet with my {i}own{/i} bullet!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:309 +msgid "I have a gun too!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:310 +msgid "Gun" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:312 +msgid "{i}Why?!{/i}{w=0.35} You're a dragon!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:314 +msgid "This is America! {w=0.35}Everyone has a gun!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:316 +msgid "Diya rises to her feet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:319 +msgid "I also have a gun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot the dragon" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot Min" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot Jun" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot the deflected bullet" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:325 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:327 +msgctxt "beginning_19746dea" +msgid "Dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:331 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_1" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:333 +msgid "Min's dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:335 +msgid "Min looks very hurt..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:337 +msgid "Why? I'm here to rescue you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:339 +msgid "Don't want to be rescued." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:340 +msgid "I can save myself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:343 +msgid "But if we do it together, it'll be more fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:345 +msgid "We can ride off into the sunset on my horse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:347 +msgid "What sunset..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:349 +msgid "What horse?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:351 +msgid "You." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:352 +msgid "Gun Horse" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:354 +msgctxt "beginning_8f5239f8" +msgid "Me?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:356 +msgid "That does sound pretty cool..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:358 +msgid "Changed my mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:359 +msgid "Bang. Shot the dragon instead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:364 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_2" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:366 +msgid "Jun's dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:369 +msgid "But I'm a gun..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:371 +msgid "Then you broke in half." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:373 +msgid "In half?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:375 +msgid "That's harsh, dude." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:377 +msgid "I used the last of Jun's energy to shoot you again!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:378 +msgid "DEAD." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:384 +msgid "Deflected the deflected bullet with my own bullet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:386 +msgid "So Min's original bullet is going toward him again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:389 +msgid "That's...{w=0.35} unnecessarily complicated." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:390 +msgid "Why didn't you just shoot him directly...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:392 +msgid "This way is cooler!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:394 +msgctxt "beginning_912b5935" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:399 +msgid "{cps=20}Nice try... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}but too bad!{/i} {w=0.35}The bullet bounces off me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:401 +msgid "How is that possible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:404 +msgid "My dragon scales are stronger than tank armor!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:405 +msgid "Take that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:409 +msgid "Maybe we can resolve this without fighting, then... " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:410 +msgid "Let's talk it ov—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:413 +msgid "{big=+20}VIOLENCE SOLVES EVERYTHING!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:414 +msgid "{big=+20}I'M MAKING A NEW GUN WITH ROCKS!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:416 +msgid "Are you replacing me...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:418 +msgid "Yeah! {w=0.35}Sorry!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:420 +msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} Dragon's dead!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:422 +msgid "Uh, did you forget?{w=0.35} I'm bulletproof." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:424 +msgid "But my gun didn't shoot a bullet!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:429 +msgid "My gun shot{cps=20}... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:432 +msgid "A SMALLER GUN!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:434 +msgid "{big=+14}...WHICH SHOT A KNIFE!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:435 +msgid "{big=+20}...WHICH EXPLODED!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:436 +msgctxt "niceTry_78aff33f" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:437 +msgctxt "niceTry_e088a0fe" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:438 +msgctxt "niceTry_ab20ef84" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:439 +msgid "What was the point of the smaller gun in the middle?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:440 +msgid "It's there to shoot the knife!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:441 +msgid "No, {w=0.2}but why couldn't the original gun shoot the knife?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:442 +msgid "Min gives Jun an incredulous look." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:443 +msgid "Because it was shooting out the smaller gun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:444 +msgid "{cps=25}...never mind... {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:450 +msgid "Okay, so let's say my elbow is injured now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:451 +msgid "So if you touch that, I lose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:454 +msgid "RRRAUUGH!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:457 +msgid "Min lunges at him!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:458 +msgid "He sidesteps and darts up the steps to the slide!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:459 +msgid "When Min catches up, he spins so his back is to the wall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:461 +msgid "She looks like she's having trouble..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:462 +msgid "Do you need help?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:465 +msgid "What?!{w=0.2} No!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:468 +msgid "The evil dragon feints to the right.{w=0.2} Min falls for it and he rushes past her,{w=0.2} back the way he came." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:470 +msgid "!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:473 +msgid "Min trips and face plants on the bridge!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:475 +msgid "...!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:477 +msgid "Before Min can see, Diya quickly picks the evil dragon up and hurls him off the playground structure like a sack of potatoes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:479 +msgid "Waugh?!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:485 +msgid "Wait, you're the princess! You can't just do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:487 +msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:493 +msgid "Diya throws him off the playground structure, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:494 +msgid "As he disappears over the edge, Min pulls herself back to her feet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:496 +msgid "Where is everyone?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:498 +msgid "They.......balcony collapsed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:500 +msgid "Castle is under construction." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:503 +msgid "Yeah!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:505 +msgid "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} I rescued you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:507 +msgid "My hero." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:510 +msgid "Yeah!{w=0.35} I'm your hero!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:520 +msgid "Min is struggling to princess carry Diya down the slide with her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:521 +msgid "Diya could destroy her in a single punch if she wanted to, but she's patiently going along with it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:524 +msgid "I owe you my life. How can I repay you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:527 +msgid "You can... {w=0.35}r-repay me with a ki—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:531 +msgid "*THUD*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:540 +msgctxt "niceTry_f8a1f174" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:541 +msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5_1" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:542 +msgid "My name is Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:544 +msgid "...I don't really know what else to say about myself. I'm pretty boring." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:547 +msgid "The other girl is Min-seo. Everyone calls her Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:548 +msgid "She's so cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:549 +msgid "Do you see that thing on her arm? {w=0.35} She drew a giant dagger on it with Sharpie,{w=0.35} like a tattoo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:559 +msgid "And in class, she makes ninja stars out of binder paper and throws them at people." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:561 +msgid "She stamps them with staples so they hurt more." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:562 +msgid "But she never throws them at me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:565 +msgid "I think it's mainly because I'm the only other girl she knows who likes baseball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:566 +msgid "We both used to think we were the only one in the world. So we were both really excited to meet each other." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:567 +msgid "I really like her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:589 +msgid "Watching the pros play baseball always makes me so jealous." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:591 +msgid "It must be so fun, being on a real team like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:594 +msgid "The catcher's gone up to the mound for a conference with his pitcher." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:596 +msgid "For secrecy's sake,{w=0.10} they're talking with their gloves over their mouths." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:599 +msgid "Someday,{w=0.10} that's gonna be us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:602 +msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:603 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?{w=0.26} But how." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:604 +msgid "Your parents won't even let you join my team 'cause you're a girl." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:605 +msgid "Besides,{w=0.10} when I grow up I'll be a doctor or engineer." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:608 +msgid "Huh? {w=0.26}How come?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:610 +msgid "My parents said so." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:613 +msgid "So? {w=0.26}My parents said to pass my math test,{w=0.10} and I failed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:615 +msgid "That's...{w=0.26}not something to be proud of." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:616 +msgid "I don't know how you do it. I wouldn't be able to handle disappointing my parents like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:617 +msgid "It's like, my worst fear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:620 +msgid "If your worst fear is disappointing your parents, that means your parents effed up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:621 +msgid "You should be able to do what you want without worrying about what they think." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:623 +msgid "I don't know. That seems selfish." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:626 +msgid "It's not selfish to choose your own destiny." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:639 +msgid "Right now, we're at the Oakland Coliseum with Min's dad and Jun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:641 +msgid "I guess I should explain where Oakland is, to people who don't live in California." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:642 +msgid "Do you know where San Francisco is?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:643 +msgid "Well, we're not there. We're like 30 minutes from there." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:646 +msgid "...Hey, Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:649 +msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca_1" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:660 +msgid "I have something I need to tell you. Something important." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:665 +msgid "I........uh............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:666 +msgid "{slow}................. {/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:668 +msgid "....Never mind.{w=0.26} Forget it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:670 +msgid "{slow}???????{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:674 +msgid "I SAID FORGET IT!{w=0.26} DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:676 +msgid "Aren't you having fun right now?!{w=0.26} Are you hungry or anything?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:679 +msgid "Why are you changing the subject." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:680 +msgid "If you're trying to distract me,{w=0.10} it's not gonna work." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:683 +msgid "Let's go get popcorn and share!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:685 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:687 +msgid "Popcorn is great!{w=0.26} I like popcorn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:688 +msgid "Min is so nice to me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:691 +msgid "Just tell me when you're ready to go!{w=0.26}\nThe popcorn guy is a few rows behind us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:700 +msgid "(Use the mouse to interact!)" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:732 +msgid "Look at woman" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:741 +msgid "Eat popcorn" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:750 +msgid "Look at the diamond" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:783 +msgid "Look at empty seat" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:792 +msgid "Talk to Jun" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:801 +msgid "Talk to Min" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:810 +msgid "She's cradling something in her arms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:812 +msgid "Dog???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:814 +msgid "Diya quickly jogs over to take a look." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:815 +msgid "To her severe disappointment, it's a baby." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:817 +msgctxt "lookBaby_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:820 +msgid "I was tricked!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:830 +msgid "Diya eats some popcorn." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:833 +msgid "10/10.{w=0.26} Would eat again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:836 +msgid "There's barely any left." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:838 +msgid "Most of it exploded out when the ball landed in the tub." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:848 +msgid "Nothing really interesting is happening right now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:851 +msgid "I guess I'll check back later." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:862 +msgid "I think Min is going for the \"Loudest Sound In History\" World Record." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:867 +msgid "{big=+20}WHADDYA MEAN \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\nYOU NEED TO GET SOME GODDAMN LASER EYE SURGERY!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:869 +msgid "{big=+20}I HOPE THE PERSON YOU LIKE LIKES SOMEONE ELSE!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:870 +msgid "{big=+20}GIVE ME A BR{i}EA— {/i}{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:872 +msgctxt "lookDiamond1_ad56e609" +msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:876 +msgctxt "lookDiamond1_2819dc88" +msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:880 +msgid "...I choked on my own spit..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:882 +msgid "She looks absolutely mortified, {w=0.10}so Diya turns back to the diamond and pretends she didn't see anything..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:896 +msgid "Dad" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:897 +msgid "Kid" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:902 +msgid "The visiting team is pitching now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:904 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_2819dc88" +msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:906 +msgid "Whoa.{w=0.26} Some kid behind us is talking to his dad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:908 +msgid "Dad,{w=0.10} who's that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:909 +msgid "It's Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} He's a knuckleball pitcher." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:910 +msgid "It's always fun watching these guys.{w=0.26} Knuckleballers are pretty rare." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:911 +msgid "The movement on that pitch is nuts.{w=0.26} Like a butterfly with hiccups." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:913 +msgid "Wow...{w=0.26}Some people actually talk to their parents on purpose...{w=0.26}Like,{w=0.10} for fun..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:917 +msgid "I can't even imagine it. {w=0.26}Every time I talk to my parents,{w=0.10} it somehow turns into a lecture about something I did wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:918 +msgid "So I only talk to them now when I absolutely have to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:921 +msgid "How come they switched catchers,{w=0.10} too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:922 +msgid "Because catching a knuckleball is really unpleasant and difficult." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:923 +msgid "If you can do it reasonably well —{w=0.26} no one does it REALLY well — {w=0.26}that one skill can keep you on the team. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:924 +msgid "A lot of knuckleball pitchers end up having one catcher who specializes in catching that pitch just for them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:925 +msgid "They're called \"personal catchers.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:926 +msgid "For instance,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin always caught Hoyt Wilhelm's knuckleball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:927 +msgid "And Doug Mirabelli always catches Tim Wakefield and his knuckleball for the Red Sox." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:928 +msgid "The two of them even get traded together,{w=0.10} as a set." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:929 +msgid "It's like a weird baseball marriage." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:931 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_5d8d9189" +msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:934 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_76136d66" +msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:937 +msgid "DIYA!!!! I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:939 +msgid "I should learn to throw knuckleball, {w=0.26} and you can catch it for me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:942 +msgid "Wait. {w=0.26}But didn't they just say it's really hard to catch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:945 +msgid "So what? {w=0.26}You're like a baseball goddess!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:948 +msgid "You're overestimating me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:949 +msgid "I'm not that great." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:950 +msgid "I just got lucky that one time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:953 +msgid "You've \"gotten lucky\" so many times I don't even know which one you're talking about." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:956 +msgid "No, you don't understand. All those were flukes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:957 +msgid "They just happened by chance. I don't have a special technique or anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:960 +msgid "Your special technique is being you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:961 +msgid "You're the best." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:964 +msgid "You're putting too much faith in me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm not that good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:966 +msgid "When you see what I'm really like, you'll be like, \"That's it?\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:969 +msgid "I'll never think that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:979 +msgid "Even if I could catch it, are you really willing to be a pitcher?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:982 +msgid "Why not? {w=0.26}The pitcher is the coolest." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:985 +msgid "You're so brave. {w=0.26}I hate pitching." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:988 +msgid "Why? {w=0.26}You get to stand on the mound and kick ass in front of everyone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:991 +msgid "But that's exactly why." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:992 +msgid "I don't want people watching every move I make." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:993 +msgid "Especially if I'm the only girl. {w=0.26}If I mess up, {w=0.26}it'll look like all girls suck at baseball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:997 +msgid "Then don't mess up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1000 +msgid "That's hard." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1001 +msgid "It's a situation where you can't help but be scared." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1004 +msgid "Anyway, {w=0.26}I'll be there with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1005 +msgid "If there's two of us,{w=0.26} we {i}both{/i} have to mess up for them to think that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1008 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1011 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_3ae0dff5" +msgid "So don't give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1012 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1015 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1016 +msgid "That's kind of comforting." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1017 +msgid "I've always been alone out there." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1020 +msgid "It'll be you and me against the world!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1023 +msgid "Okay.{w=0.26} Let's do it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1030 +msgid "The batter hit the ball!{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1032 +msgid "{w=0.26} It pops up foul!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1040 +msgid "It's coming toward us!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1051 +msgid "Diya catches the ball in the popcorn bucket!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1053 +msgid "Whoa!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1054 +msgid "I got so lucky!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1057 +msgid "{big=+20}YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1059 +msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} that was— " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1061 +msgid "{big=+20}SO COOL!!{w=0.26} YOU'RE SO COOL!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1067 +msgid "Diya fishes the ball out of the half-emptied tub." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1069 +msgid "I better give this to Jun or Min. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1070 +msgid "My parents think I went to study at Noelle's house. {w=0.26}It'd be too suspicious to bring a baseball back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1072 +msgid "Min sits back down. {w=0.26}Apparently she had gotten up at some point to jump around and scream." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1073 +msgid "She still looks really awed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1076 +msgctxt "lookDiamond3_bf452795" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1078 +msgctxt "lookDiamond3_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1079 +msgid "For what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1082 +msgid "Existing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1091 +msgid "Diya holds the ball out to Jun-seo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1094 +msgid "Wow,{w=0.10} thanks!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1095 +msgid "I don't like baseball that much,{w=0.10} but now I'll always have something to remember you by." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1103 +msgid "Diya holds the baseball out to Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1108 +msgid "Can I really have it?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1110 +msgid "I'll treasure it forever.{w=0.26} If anyone else touches it, I'll kill them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1113 +msgid "That's way too extreme." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1116 +msgid "It's a big deal,{w=0.10} though!{w=0.26} Now we'll always have something to remember you by." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1120 +msgctxt "rememberBy_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1121 +msgid "What do you mean,{w=0.10} remember me by." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1122 +msgid "That makes it sound like I'm going to die or something. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1127 +msgid "Jun-seo looks alarmed by Diya's response!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1128 +msgid "Did... {w=0.26}did Min not tell you!?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1133 +msgid "???? ?? ??????????????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1134 +msgid "Tell me what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1136 +msgid "We're—{w=0.26}{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1140 +msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}SHUT THE HELL YOUR MOUTH!{/big}{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1142 +msgid "What............. {w=0.26}what the heck........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1150 +msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}IT'S NOTHING!!!{w=0.07} FUCK THE SHUT UP!!!{/big}{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1154 +msgid "Min gets up and runs for it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1156 +msgctxt "rememberBy_11d2098a" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1158 +msgid "I've got to go after her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1174 +msgid "Diya chases Min up the steps and down the concourse they arrived through!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1187 +msgctxt "confession_0bc34ca6" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1199 +msgid "Diya grabs the back of Min's hoodie!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1206 +msgid "Min loses her balance and face plants onto the carpet!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1211 +msgctxt "confession_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1213 +msgid "Are you oka—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1218 +msgid "We're moving away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1221 +msgid "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1222 +msgctxt "confession_1b5cafe6" +msgid "Where?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1225 +msgid "To Florida. Tomorrow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1227 +msgid "Tomorrow?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1228 +msgid "So sudden." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1231 +msgid "It wasn't sudden. I've known for a long time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1232 +msgid "I tried everything to stop it. {w=0.26}I even threatened Dad with a knife." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1235 +msgid "I can't believe it failed!{w=0.26} Violence is always the answer!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1237 +msgid "{slow}.......{/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1238 +msgid "Florida...That's all the way across the country." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1241 +msgid "There's nothing there except old people." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1243 +msgid "No, alligators live there, too. I saw on Animal Planet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1245 +msgid "So this is it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1248 +msgid "This is it. Sorry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1250 +msgid "But that's not fair." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1251 +msgid "We can't even send letters because my parents hate you so much." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1252 +msgid "I won't see you the rest of my life." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1256 +msgid "Hey, just because I'm moving doesn't mean we'll never meet again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1257 +msgid "If I want to see you and you want to see me, eventually it'll end up happening again, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1260 +msgid "How do you know?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1263 +msgid "I just know!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1265 +msgid "That's not a reason." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1268 +msgid "Then... {w=0.26}because..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1270 +msgid "{slow}.......... {/slow}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1273 +msgid "Suddenly,{w=0.10} Min seizes Diya's arm!{w=0.26} She looks like she's had an epiphany!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1274 +msgid "If you say our names together,{w=0.10} it sounds like \"diamond\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1276 +msgid "What..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1278 +msgid "Like Diya-Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1279 +msgid "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamond... {w=0.26}see?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1280 +msgid "It's even more like it if you say your name wrong,{w=0.2} like DIE-ya instead of Dee-ya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1282 +msgid "I'm not saying my name wrong just to make it sound like diamond." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1285 +msgid "But it's more equal like that! {w=0.26}My name got cut in half to make it work,{w=0.2} so I had to sacrifice something, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1287 +msgid "I already call you Min.{w=0.26} No one says DIE-ya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1290 +msgid "The substitute teacher does." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1292 +msgid "The substitute teacher sucks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1293 +msgid "How did you even think of this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1296 +msgid "I was checking if our names sounded like anything good together,{w=0.10} like \"baseball.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1298 +msgid "How could it possibly sound like baseball?{w=0.26}\nOur parents would've had to name us \"Base\" and \"Ball\". " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1301 +msgid "I know,{w=0.10} I know!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1303 +msgid "But still,{w=0.10} it's pretty cool that we match at all,{w=0.10} right?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1304 +msgid "And it's even baseball related!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1306 +msgid "{big=+20}THE UNIVERSE IS SAYING WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1308 +msgid "Whoa!! {w=0.26}I guess she's right!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1312 +msgid "We'll meet again no matter what!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1314 +msgid "I'll bet you $100!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1316 +msgid "Wait. But how are you going to give me the $100 if you lose?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1319 +msgid "Huh? I just will." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1321 +msgid "No, but if you're able to meet me, that means you won the bet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1324 +msgid "..........What...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1325 +msgctxt "confession_8425f177" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1328 +msgid "Technically, I guess?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1330 +msgid "There's nothing technical about it. You just straight up wouldn't pay me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1333 +msgctxt "confession_8425f177_1" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1334 +msgid "There's a long silence..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1336 +msgid "She still doesn't get it..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1339 +msgid "Never mind. It's okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1344 +msgid "{big=+20}YEAH, WHATEVER!{w=0.26} YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1346 +msgid "The point is,{w=0.10} this isn't the end!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1348 +msgctxt "confession_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1349 +msgid "Okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1351 +msgctxt "confession_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1352 +msgctxt "confession_aa02bf34" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1354 +msgid "And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1357 +msgctxt "confession_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1375 +msgid "This is Jun-seo's seat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1379 +msgid "He went to the bathroom with Dad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1384 +msgid "He's been gone for a while now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1388 +msgid "I hope he didn't get lost." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1391 +msgid "Maybe he's taking a dump." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1402 +msgctxt "saySomething_ce237f07" +msgid "Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1406 +msgid "Yeah?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Let's go get popcorn" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Offer her popcorn" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Talk about school" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Talk about baseball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Give her the baseball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Never mind" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1435 +msgid "You know, I've been wondering for a while..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1437 +msgid "If your parents won't let you play baseball, why don't you just play softball instead?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1440 +msgid "Give me your hand. I'll show you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1442 +msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1444 +msgid "Diya offers Min her hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1445 +msgid "Min presses their palms together, so their hands line up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1446 +msgid "Her fingertips end a whole inch below Diya's." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1448 +msgid "Her hands are tiny!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1450 +msgid "I guess that makes sense, since her name's Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1451 +msgid "The rest of her is mini, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1454 +msgid "My hand is too small to grip a softball correctly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1455 +msgid "I can't even pitch them. They always slip out halfway through the wind-up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1457 +msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca_1" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1458 +msgid "Are softballs that much bigger than baseballs?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1461 +msgctxt "softball_1fb00b78" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1463 +msgid "But that makes no sense. Shouldn't guys play softball and girls play baseball then?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1464 +msgid "Since guys usually have bigger hands." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1465 +msgid "It's backwards. Why is it designed like that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1469 +msgctxt "softball_bac6a63f" +msgid "Beats me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1478 +msgid "I hope we're in the same class next year." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1484 +msgid ".......... {w=0.26}Ye... {w=0.26}yeah..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1485 +msgid "Actually,{w=0.10} about that........ {w=0.26}uh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1488 +msgctxt "iWannaPlay_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1492 +msgid "Never mind! Everything is fine!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1494 +msgid "This is really suspicious?){w=0.26}\n(She's acting weird again,{w=0.10} like earlier..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1496 +msgid "What is it?{w=0.26} Do you not want to be in the same class as me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1500 +msgid "No! {w=0.26}That's not it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1501 +msgid "It's just that I won't be....... {w=0.26}Uh........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1503 +msgid "Um......." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1505 +msgid "Forget it......." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1507 +msgid "Is this related to what she couldn't tell me before?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1509 +msgid "I bet Jun-seo will know what this is about..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1518 +msgid "Are you sure everything is okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1523 +msgid "Y-yeah! {w=0.26}Stop worrying!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1525 +msgid "I don't think I'm getting anywhere questioning her like this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1535 +msgctxt "offerPopcorn_866f89c7" +msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1538 +msgctxt "offerPopcorn_d3954095" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1539 +msgid "Min happily grabs a fistful of popcorn and stuffs it into her mouth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1546 +msgctxt "walk1_969e5b10" +msgid "Let's go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1550 +msgctxt "walk1_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1553 +msgid "Diya and Min got up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1561 +msgid "I saw the popcorn guy past these people." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1564 +msgid "Min is gawking excitedly at all the baseball fans milling about..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1566 +msgid "Look!!{w=0.26} There's so many white people here!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1567 +msgid "It's just like on TV!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1570 +msgid "It really is..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1571 +msgid "The neighborhood we live in is so Asian that I used to think white people were really rare." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1574 +msgid "Too bad all these people are in our way right now,{w=0.10} though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1575 +msgid "We can't get through." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1576 +msgid "I'm going to ask them to move." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1578 +msgid "Excuse me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1581 +msgid "No one seems to hear her..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1583 +msgctxt "walk1_a9db357b" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1584 +msgid "That was the worst." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1585 +msgid "I'm never speaking again. Time to become a mime." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1589 +msgid "Don't worry, Diya! I'll take care of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1592 +msgctxt "walk1_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1594 +msgid "Min grabs someone's baseball bat off the ground and starts hitting people with it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1612 +msgid "{big=+20}HEY,{w=0.10} YOU DUMMIES!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1613 +msgid "{big=+20}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1618 +msgid "Startled, people are moving aside..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1622 +msgid "......" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1641 +msgid "Look at strangers" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1649 +msgid "Keep walking toward popcorn guy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1659 +msgid "The strangers glance over in Diya's direction as she walks by." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1661 +msgid "One whispers something to the other. They both burst out laughing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1663 +msgid "Are they laughing at me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1664 +msgid "I hope not..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1667 +msgid "I can't make out what they're saying." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1669 +msgid "I hope they're not saying bad stuff about me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1682 +msgid "Min continues to forge a path, leaving a trail of destruction behind her..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1699 +msgid "{big=+15}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1701 +msgid "{big=+15}EVEN YOUR DANG {i}FISH{/i} WON'T SURVIVE!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1704 +msgid "{big=+15}I'LL THROW ALL YOUR FISH OUT INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET SO CARS WILL RUN OVER THEM!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1709 +msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1711 +msgid "I know this looks bad, but Min really isn't a bad person." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1712 +msgid "She always lets me be Luigi in Mario Kart." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1713 +msgid "And whenever I land on her space in Monopoly, she says I don't need to pay her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1716 +msgid "{big=+15}DIEEEEEEEE!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1724 +msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2_1" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1725 +msgid "We're almost there now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1749 +msgid "Look at dog" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1758 +msgid "Approach the popcorn guy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1767 +msgid "Popcorn Vendor" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1768 +msgid "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1770 +msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1771 +msgid "He looks busy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1772 +msgid "I give up.{w=0.26} Time to walk away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1776 +msgid "HEY GRANDPA!! {w=0.26}GIVE US POPCORN OR ELSE!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1779 +msgid "...! {w=0.26}Min is so brave." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1781 +msgid "Then you better pay up! {w=0.26}These are $10 a bucket!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1785 +msgid "$10?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1789 +msgid "What a rip-off!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1796 +msgid "Min hit the man in the groin with her bat!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1798 +msgid "Oof!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1803 +msgid "The man sinks to the ground as if he's been shot!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1807 +msgid "Min grabs a popcorn bucket out of his tray!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1809 +msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1812 +msgid "I got it!{w=0.26} Let's go!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1849 +msgid "Look at popcorn guy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1857 +msgid "Walk back to seats" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1865 +msgid "He's still curled up in pain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1867 +msgid "We better go before he recovers and comes after us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1876 +msgid "What a cute dog." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1878 +msgid "I want 5 dogs when I grow up.{w=0.26} It'll be like having 5 friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1880 +msgid "Min will probably train them all into attack dogs,{w=0.10} though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1888 +msgid "Whenever I see a \"Dog missing\" flyer somewhere I worry so much." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1889 +msgid "Is the dog okay?? I hope it's just digging a hole somewhere." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1897 +msgctxt "lookDog_1ffdc7ed" +msgid "!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1898 +msgid "It's a dog! Cute dog!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1903 +msgid "It doesn't look very strong.{w=0.26} I bet I could kill it in one hit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1906 +msgid "Don't do that.{w=0.26} I'm going to pet it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1913 +msgid "Owner" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 +msgid "Ask the owner if you can pet it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 +msgid "Let Min ask" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1919 +msgctxt "lookDog_7d7b582b" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1921 +msgid "All I have to do is ask,{w=0.10} \"Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1922 +msgid "I better practice a few times so I don't mess up when I really say it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1923 +msgid "Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1925 +msgid "Alright.{w=0.26} I got this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1929 +msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0" +msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1932 +msgid "...That works too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1937 +msgid "Diya does nothing..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1940 +msgid "I don't wanna embarrass myself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1942 +msgid "Min threateningly approaches the dog's owner!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1945 +msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0_1" +msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1949 +msgid "Go ahead!{w=0.26} She won't bite." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1952 +msgid "I'll fight y—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1957 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} He already agreed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1960 +msgid "...Oh.{w=0.26} Right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1962 +msgid "Pet dog" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1964 +msgid "Diya pets the dog." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1965 +msgid "The dog closes its eyes and smiles!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1967 +msgctxt "petDogChoice_0aef34d8" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1968 +msgid "Diya is almost in tears..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1969 +msgid "She's like a living rug." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1977 +msgid "If you had a dog,{w=0.10} what would you name it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1980 +msgid "Good question." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1982 +msgid "Pom" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1982 +msgid "Shibe" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1985 +msgid "Pom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1988 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c" +msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1991 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0" +msgid "Cool name." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1992 +msgid "It's short for \"Pomeranian\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1996 +msgid "That's way too simple!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1999 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a" +msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2004 +msgid "Shibe." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2007 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c_1" +msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2010 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0_1" +msgid "Cool name." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2011 +msgid "It's short for \"Shiba Inu.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2014 +msgid "Sounds dumb..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2017 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a_1" +msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2025 +msgid "Me?{w=0.26} Hm..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2027 +msgid "Min is thinking with an intense look on her face..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2029 +msgid "Skull Crusher." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2033 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2035 +msgid "Diya is silently laughing at her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2037 +msgid "Of course you'd choose a name like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2040 +msgid "What!{w=0.26} It's better than [dogName!t]!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2043 +msgid "What's wrong with [dogName!t]?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2052 +msgid "Okay, I think we're good to go now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2062 +msgid "Wait. Why would I leave when there's a dog here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2064 +msgid "I have to pet it. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2090 +msgid "Oh, it's my dad. Yuck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2094 +msgid "Min's dad is really mad at her for cutting her hair like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2095 +msgid "He's speaking Korean on the phone. I wonder what he's talking about." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2096 +msgid "Min only taught me 1 through 4 so far." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2098 +msgid "Diya must've been frowning without knowing it, because Min speaks up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2100 +msgid "Do you wanna learn more?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2103 +msgctxt "dogHere_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2104 +msgctxt "dogHere_b6399d89" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2105 +msgid "How do you say \"Hi\" in Korean?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2108 +msgid "\"Hi\"?{w=0.26} Easy,{w=0.10} it's..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2110 +msgid "Uh..............{w=0.26}hm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2113 +msgid "....?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2114 +msgid "Does she not know how to say it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2117 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2121 +msgid "\"Sarang eh...?\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2124 +msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2127 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2130 +msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2133 +msgctxt "dogHere_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2136 +msgid "Min is staring at Diya with a really complicated expression on her face..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2138 +msgid "What.{w=0.26} Am I saying it right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2141 +msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} That was good!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2144 +msgid "Cool.{w=0.26} Now I can greet you and Jun-seo like this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2147 +msgid "N-no,{w=0.10} wait!{w=0.26} You can't say that to Jun. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2150 +msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} Why not?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2153 +msgid "Because...{w=0.26}uh...{w=0.26}It's a special kind of hello." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2155 +msgid "You can only say it to........{w=0.26}certain people.{w=0.26} Like me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2158 +msgid "Oh.{w=0.26} Is it one of those things where if you use the wrong one,{w=0.10} it's really bad?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2161 +msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} Something like that.{w=0.26} It's tough to explain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2164 +msgid "But it's correct when I say it to you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2167 +msgctxt "dogHere_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2169 +msgid "So only say it to me.{w=0.26} Got it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2172 +msgid "Got it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2174 +msgid "Wow.{w=0.26} Korean is really complicated." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2177 +msgid "What about you?{w=0.26} How do you say \"Hi\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "{cps=0}What about you? How do you say \"Hi\"?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "Teach her \"Hi\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "Teach her \"I like to fart\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2185 +msgid "Hi." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2187 +msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2189 +msgid "Hi?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2192 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2196 +msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a_1" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2198 +msgid "Hi!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2200 +msgctxt "dogHere_677f9015" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2208 +msgid "I like to fart." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2209 +msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2215 +msgid "What the...? That's so long!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2216 +msgid "I...uh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2218 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font}uh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2223 +msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e_1" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2226 +msgid "I like to fart!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2227 +msgctxt "dogHere_0f158bd8" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2232 +msgctxt "dogHere_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2235 +msgid "What's so funny?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2238 +msgid "Nothing. Your pronunciation is great." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2247 +msgid "He's still talking on the phone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2249 +msgid "Doesn't sound like he's using the phrase Min just taught me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2250 +msgid "I guess there's not a lot of opportunities to say \"Hi\" in the middle of a conversation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2253 +msgid "Hey, let's hurry up and sit down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2255 +msgid "Jun-seo is probably wondering where we are." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2258 +msgid "She's right. Poor Jun-seo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2295 +msgid "Look at Jun and Min's dad" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2325 +msgid "There you guys are!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2326 +msgid "Where'd you guys go?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2329 +msgid "The dog." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2332 +msgid "Diya,{w=0.10} that's... {w=0.26}really cryptic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2334 +msgid "Is it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2338 +msgid "Here,{w=0.10} take this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2339 +msgid "Min gives Diya the popcorn bucket!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2341 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2344 +msgid "Min, where'd you get that bat...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2345 +msgid "Please don't tell me you did something bad..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2347 +msgid "Yeah! It was fun!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2349 +msgid "No! You have to stop stealing and threatening people!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2350 +msgid "It's dangerous! What if someone came after you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2352 +msgid "I'd beat them!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2353 +msgid "Even if there was a bear, I'd kill it with my bare hands." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2355 +msgid "Min, that's impossible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2357 +msgid "I'll punch it real hard in the head like {i}WHAM!!!{/i}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2359 +msgctxt "sitBackDown_79937b81" +msgid "Dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2361 +msgid "It's not that easy. You'll just get mauled." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2363 +msgid "Yeah, right. I'll dodge." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2364 +msgid "I bet I can kill two different bears at once." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2366 +msgid "Min, no..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2368 +msgid "It's useless. I don't think Min's brain even knows what fear is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2371 +msgid "Geez,{w=0.10} Jun. You really sound like Noelle sometimes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2373 +msgid "Noelle is my best friend." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2374 +msgid "She's the kid in class who goes,{w=0.10} \"But wait,{w=0.10} you forgot to collect our homework!\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2375 +msgid "I introduced Min to her a while back, but it was like hate at first sight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2376 +msgid "I think Min wants to kill her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2380 +msgid "Someday when Diya decides she doesn't like Noelle anymore, I'll kill her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2382 +msgid "I'll kill her to death." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2385 +msgid "Don't do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2388 +msgid "Even though Noelle is taller than you,{w=0.10} someday I'll be the tallest!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2389 +msgid "I won't lose to her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2391 +msgid "What does that have to do with anything?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2394 +msgid "Also,{w=0.10} if I was peeling an orange for you,{w=0.10} I'd make sure to get all the white stringy stuff off,{w=0.10} too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2395 +msgid "I bet Noelle wouldn't do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2399 +msgid "What the heck kind of scenario is this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2400 +msgid "Why would you guys even be peeling oranges for me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2403 +msgid "Just because.{w=0.26} Forget it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2420 +msgid "Jun-seo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgid "Offer him popcorn" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2427" +msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgid "Give him the baseball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2439 +msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_866f89c7" +msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2442 +msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_f09ff667" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2443 +msgid "Jun-seo took a single piece of popcorn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2445 +msgid "You can take more than that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2447 +msgid "Really?{w=0.26} You're so nice!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2448 +msgid "Jun-seo took another single piece of popcorn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2455 +msgctxt "havingFun_5043e3e2" +msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2457 +msgid "Like,{w=0.10} did she do a felony?{w=0.26} Are the police after her?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2460 +msgid "Uh... {w=0.26}not that I know of?{w=0.26} Why?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2462 +msgid "She's been acting kinda weird all day. {w=0.26}It's like she's hiding something." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2465 +msgid "Really?{w=0.26} I haven't noticed anything odd..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2467 +msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} I guess if even Jun-seo isn't concerned,{w=0.10} everything is fine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2468 +msgid "Phew. I can just enjoy the game without worrying now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2516 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2516" +msgid "???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2535 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2535" +msgid "dude" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2555 +msgid "5 Years Later" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2559 +msgid "9th grade" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2572 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2574 +msgid "I have to get ready for school!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2581 +msgctxt "ch2_aaf68681" +msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2585 +msgid "Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2587 +msgid "{cps=0}Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2587 +msgid "Do it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2590 +msgid "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2591 +msgid "I only got 2 hours of sleep..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2592 +msgid "Nnnnooooooooooooo......I don't wanna get up..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2593 +msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2594 +msgid "10 minutes pass like this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2595 +msgid "Once the allotted time is up, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2599 +msgid "After stretching for a few moments, she starts getting ready for school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2606 +msgctxt "ch2_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2607 +msgctxt "ch2_c66f35de" +msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2625 +msgid "Check your computer" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2632 +msgctxt "ay_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2634 +msgctxt "ay_5de121ba" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2635 +msgctxt "ay_9266357c" +msgid "ay diya" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2636 +msgctxt "ay_076b730f" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2638 +msgctxt "ay_b771df90" +msgid "ayy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2639 +msgid ":)))))))))))))))))" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2640 +msgctxt "ay_1acbd9bd" +msgid "What" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2641 +msgid "diya u like pringles, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2642 +msgid ":o" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 +msgid ">Yeah" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 +msgid ">No" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2650 +msgid "Yeah, why" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2651 +msgctxt "ay_c07c5669" +msgid "?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2653 +msgid "go outside" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2654 +msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c" +msgid "xD" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2655 +msgctxt "ay_8642d046" +msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2660 +msgctxt "ay_cf977472" +msgid "???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2665 +msgid "No, why" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2667 +msgctxt "ay_c07c5669_1" +msgid "?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2669 +msgctxt "ay_e2a1e065" +msgid "darn" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2670 +msgid "nvm then" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2671 +msgid "just being random" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2672 +msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c_1" +msgid "xD" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2674 +msgctxt "ay_8642d046_1" +msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2683 +msgctxt "ay_cf977472_1" +msgid "???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2685 +msgid "I wonder what that was about." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2697 +msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2700 +msgid "There's a lone Pringle sitting on the ground." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2703 +msgctxt "ay_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2710 +msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a_1" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2713 +msgid "Ayyy!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2722 +msgid "Sup, homie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2724 +msgid "This is Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2726 +msgid "She's the kind of person who doesn't give pencils back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2727 +msgid "You know when you become friends with someone just because you have to see them so much?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2728 +msgid "Yeah.{w=0.26} That's us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2729 +msgid "My parents are always saying I should be more outgoing like her, like that's something I can just change." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2732 +msgid "Hey Diya,{w=0.10} you know what's the best weed?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2734 +msgid "It's when.... {w=0.26}I'm WEED you........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2736 +msgctxt "ay_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2740 +msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2742 +msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} you're no fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2744 +msgid "Have it your way. {w=0.26}Burger King." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2754 +msgid "Akarsha is half-jogging to keep up with Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2756 +msgid "Hey Diya..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2758 +msgid "Did you know that your eye has something called \"immune privilege\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2759 +msgid "This basically means that the outside of your eye prevents your immune system from knowing about the inside of your eye." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2760 +msgid "If it didn't, your immune system would destroy your eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2763 +msgid "That doesn't sound right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2764 +msgid "I don't believe you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2767 +msgid "Why not?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2770 +msgid "Because you lie to me all the time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2771 +msgid "Noelle said not to trust you no matter what." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2775 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?!{w=0.26} When?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2778 +msgid "When we first met you this year.{w=0.26} After you accused her of being a robot with artificially implanted human emotions." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2781 +msgid "Hey,{w=0.10} she got annoyed when I pressed a magnet to her head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2782 +msgid "That means she's a Replicant and it was messing with her circuits." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2783 +msgid "Checkmate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2786 +msgid "No.{w=0.26} She was annoyed because you pressed a magnet to her head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2789 +msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} come ooonnnnnn!{w=0.26} I was just trying to make a good first impression!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2791 +msgid "What's a girl to do?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2794 +msgid "Not that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2797 +msgid "Poor me..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2800 +msgid "No one feels sorry for you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2810 +msgid "There's a bunch of adults dressed in yellow at the intersection, waving signs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2812 +msgid "...What is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2815 +msgid "They're trying to take away gay marriage." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2818 +msgid "Gay marriage is allowed?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2821 +msgid "Dude, it's been legal for a few years now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2824 +msgid "Oh. Wasn't paying attention." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2828 +msgid "Sign-toting man" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2829 +msgid "Protect marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2830 +msgid "Marriage equals 1 man and 1 woman!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2831 +msgid "A smiling woman with a baby strapped to her back brandishes her sign as Diya and Akarsha walk past. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2832 +msgid "It says:\nI <3 my Gay brother\nStill YES on 8!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2834 +msgid "What kind of cognitive dissonance..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2847 +msgctxt "ay_df3f6405" +msgid "Hey, Diya..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2849 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "{cps=0}Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "I'd eat him" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "I wouldn't eat him" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2863 +msgid "Diya nods!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2867 +msgid "Dang. {w=0.26}You wouldn't feel bad at all?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2868 +msgid "You realize he dies?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2872 +msgid "But he tastes like Cheetos." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2875 +msgid "So? He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2878 +msgid "Why would they make him taste like Cheetos if you're not supposed to eat him?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2881 +msgid "But he's only 2 inches tall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2884 +msgid "He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!{w=0.26} What are you,{w=0.10} some kinda short people hater?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2887 +msgid "This is on a whole other level from \"short\"!){w=0.26}\n(His brain must be the size of a pea!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2890 +msgid "Dude, imagine... {w=0.26}What if you were the tiny guy?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2891 +msgid "If I were him,{w=0.10} I'd go into a total panic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2893 +msgid "I would scream and squirm. {w=0.26}I wouldn't wanna get eaten." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2901 +msgctxt "wouldntEat_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2903 +msgid "He'd probably taste horrible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2905 +msgid "People have so many bones. {w=0.26}It'd be like eating a fish." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2908 +msgid "That's the only reason you wouldn't do it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2909 +msgid "Are you sayin' you'd eat him if he was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} a Cheeto?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2912 +msgid "What do you mean. {w=0.26}Like a talking Cheeto with human intelligence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2915 +msgid "No,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} he's still a human dude but he somehow has the taste and texture of a Cheeto." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2918 +msgid "What the heck... {w=0.26}This is getting pretty abstract." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2927 +msgctxt "wouldntEat2_57e599f4" +msgid "Diya shakes her head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2930 +msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Now I know you're a true homie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2931 +msgid "Homie G Biscuit Skillet Dawg" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2934 +msgid "Great..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2939 +msgid "Why are we even talking about this..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2957 +msgid "We made it to school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2959 +msgid "I should go to my locker first before going to class." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2962 +msgid "Suddenly, Akarsha takes off running." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2965 +msgctxt "chapter3_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2966 +msgid "Where are you going?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2971 +msgid "Huh? It's pee-pee time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2973 +msgid "Can you...not say things like that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2979 +msgctxt "chapter3_2ed201c8" +msgid "Akarsha left..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2984 +msgctxt "chapter3_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2985 +msgid "She never takes a day off from being weird." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3009 +msgid "Use locker" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3018 +msgid "Go to class" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3045 +msgctxt "lookBush_bbb27231" +msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3048 +msgctxt "lookBush_f2fff244" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3051 +msgctxt "lookBush_2a42d072" +msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3052 +msgctxt "lookBush_588540e7" +msgid "I never would've guessed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3055 +msgctxt "lookBush_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3059 +msgctxt "lookBush_f5a3cd1f" +msgid "FASCINATING!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3060 +msgctxt "lookBush_beb8360c" +msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3069 +msgid "Did you know these things are connected to the school's computer network?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3071 +msgid "There's a cat 5 coming out of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3078 +msgid "Yeah, right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3080 +msgid "Too scary." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3088 +msgctxt "lookPoster_656a56ba" +msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3092 +msgctxt "lookPoster_1eeb501c" +msgid "HahaHAH!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3093 +msgctxt "lookPoster_af616955" +msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3095 +msgctxt "lookPoster_b73af55a" +msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3109 +msgid "Diya opens her locker." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3113 +msgid "This is technically both me and Noelle's locker." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3114 +msgid "The school doesn't have enough lockers for everyone,{w=0.10} so freshmen share." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3115 +msgid "And they're tiny.{w=0.10} I'm always surprised when high schoolers in movies have lockers big enough to fit people inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3135 +msgid "Get your stuff" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3145 +msgid "Look in Noelle's lunchbox" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3154 +msgid "Look at rosin" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3166 +msgid "Close locker door" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3175 +msgid "Diya hefts her books and binders into her backpack." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3178 +msgid "Alright. {w=0.26}I can go to class now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3185 +msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c" +msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3186 +msgid "There's a steel thermos and a plastic baggy of grapes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3188 +msgid "Grapes...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3190 +msgid "Diya shovels half the grapes into her mouth before putting the lunchbox back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3192 +msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c_1" +msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3193 +msgid "There's bittermelon in Noelle's stir-fry today." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3194 +msgid "Diya and Noelle both hate bittermelon. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3196 +msgctxt "lunchbox_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3203 +msgid "This is rosin for string instruments." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3205 +msgid "The first time Noelle showed it to me,{w=0.10} I tried to eat it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3209 +msgid "The rosin's a nice amber color." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3211 +msgid "It looks like you can eat it,{w=0.10} but you can't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3222 +msgid "I don't have all the stuff I need for class." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3224 +msgid "I need to visit me and Noelle's locker first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3240 +msgctxt "p1_32d61905" +msgid "Diya! Help me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3245 +msgctxt "p1_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3246 +msgid "It's Noelle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3247 +msgid "What is it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3250 +msgid "I can't open this water bottle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3252 +msgid "Noelle basically has noodles for arms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3254 +msgid "Open the water bottle" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3256 +msgid "Diya takes the bottle out of Noelle's hands and twists the plastic sealed cap open." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3258 +msgctxt "p1_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3260 +msgid "How are you so weak? It's scary." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3263 +msgid "It's the manufacturer's fault for making these seals so strong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3265 +msgid "What if you get lost in a desert and find a bottle of water?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3266 +msgid "You'll die because you can't open it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3269 +msgid "No, I won't. You can open it for me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3271 +msgid "That's assuming I'm there in the desert with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3273 +msgid "I should start charging you a service fee. 25 cents." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3276 +msgid "You wouldn't do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3278 +msgid "I'd make $1.25 per week. Can buy Cup Noodles from the student store." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3283 +msgid "Noelle sneezes violently!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3288 +msgid "Don't get too close to me. {w=0.26}I probably have the flu." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3290 +msgctxt "p1_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3291 +msgid "Did you catch what I had last week?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3294 +msgid "Probably." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3296 +msgctxt "p1_6ce568f5" +msgid "Sorry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3297 +msgid "This happens a lot because we spend so much time together. And I eat her food." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3298 +msgid "It doesn't help that our immune systems are perpetually weakened from sleep deprivation, either." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3300 +msgid "At least you don't have to worry about me being contagious." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3302 +msgid "Are you okay though?{w=0.26} Shouldn't you go home?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3305 +msgid "And what,{w=0.10} miss school?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3307 +msgid "I guess that's out of the question..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3309 +msgid "Even when Noelle had the stomach flu in middle school,{w=0.10} her parents made her come just for her math and science classes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3310 +msgid "She was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} barely conscious. {w=0.26}I had to carry her around because she couldn't get up from her desk." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3311 +msgid "I think she ended up infecting half the school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3314 +msgid "Where's Akarsha?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3318 +msgid "She..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3325 +msgid "It's pee-pee time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3330 +msgid "I am NOT saying that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3331 +msgctxt "p1_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3335 +msgctxt "p1_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3338 +msgid "...Okay, never mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3340 +msgid "Why do you ask?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3343 +msgid "I secretly sewed a library book security tag into the inside of Akarsha's backpack." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3344 +msgid "So from now on, every time she leaves the library, she'll set off the alarm and have her backpack searched." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3346 +msgid "That's...wow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3349 +msgid "Well, whatever. We'll have plenty of chances to see." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3351 +msgctxt "p1_68920cd7" +msgid "Let's go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3358 +msgid "A huge mob of kids is packed outside the classroom. They're all looking at a grid of test scores posted on the wall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3359 +msgid "It's complete chaos. People are pushing and angling their way to the list with the fervor of Beliebers trying to touch Justin's hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3360 +msgid "Male student" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3361 +msgid "Female student" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3362 +msgid "If I get a B, my parents are throwing away my GameCube." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3363 +msgid "Yikes...That's gotta be an empty threat, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3364 +msgid "I {i}wish{/i}. They already threw away my cellphone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3366 +msgctxt "p1_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3367 +msgid "...I'm scared to see what I got on this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3368 +msgid "Think I failed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3371 +msgid "Asian failed? Or actually failed?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3374 +msgid "Asian failed. C'mon, I'm not {i}that{/i} dumb." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3394 +msgid "Look at scores" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3403 +msgid "Talk to classmates" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3412 +msgid "Enter classroom" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3422 +msgid "This is a list of the top 10 scores across all periods." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3423 +msgid "Noelle aced it. Classic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3424 +msgid "She used to call me on the phone crying every Christmas because her parents got her math workbooks instead of what she really wanted." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3425 +msgid "By now, she's unbeatable. It's like her tragic superhero origin story." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3426 +msgid "Except instead of a superhero, she's every Asian parent's dream child." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3427 +msgid "No clue how Akarsha managed to get the second highest score, though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3428 +msgid "General consensus is that she's cheating, but the teachers have never been able to catch her doing anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3429 +msgid "So I'll give her the benefit of the doubt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3433 +msgid "Diya, I've located your ID number. Here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3435 +msgid "You got a 91.22%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3438 +msgid "Phew. Almost failed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3441 +msgid "Actually, you could've missed one more and still scraped an A-." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3444 +msgid "Considering how many I guessed on, that's still cutting it pretty close." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3445 +msgid "That's scary. I really studied as hard as I could, but even my best almost wasn't good enough." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3446 +msgid "I wonder if I can really get into Stanford or Berkeley like this..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3455 +msgid "Wait. I should look at the test results, first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3471 +msgid "As Diya and Noelle enter the classroom, something bursts out of the cabinet!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3472 +msgid "HOO!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3474 +msgid "AAAUUGH!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3478 +msgid "Noelle staggers backwards onto an X marked on the floor with duct tape..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3481 +msgid "A garbage can drops from the ceiling!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3483 +msgid "NO!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3486 +msgid "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3490 +msgid "Noelle and Akarsha go through some variation of this every single day." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3491 +msgid "It's their roundabout way of being friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3497 +msgid "Well, well, well." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3498 +msgid "If it isn't my favorite Frenchman, Noelle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3500 +msgid "Please stop calling me that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3503 +msgid "Why're you speaking English, Noelle??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3504 +msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3506 +msgid "JUST BECAUSE MY NAME IS FRENCH DOESN'T MEAN I'M FRENCH." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3510 +msgid "Honhonhon." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3511 +msgid "Baguette." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3514 +msgid "See, this is the problem." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3515 +msgid "Whenever Noelle hears something stupid, she can't just let it slide." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3516 +msgid "She always has to correct it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3517 +msgid "So Akarsha just keeps acting dumber and dumber on purpose into infinity." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3521 +msgid "Noelle does an impressive worm-like dance to wriggle out of the garbage bin." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3523 +msgid "I can't believe you've done this. What happened to our truce?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3525 +msgid "Truce?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3527 +msgid "From yesterday! You agreed to this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3529 +msgid "Noelle pulls a sheet of binder paper from her book bag and brandishes it in front of Akarsha's face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3532 +msgid "Look! This is your own signature at the bottom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3534 +msgctxt "enterClass_2df16a64" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3536 +msgid "...Suddenly, I can't read." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3539 +msgid "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3540 +msgid "Noelle's scream sounds very weird and hoarse from her cold." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3542 +msgid "...What's wrong with your voice today?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3543 +msgid "That was a weaker yell than normal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3545 +msgid "I'm ill. I am losing my voice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3547 +msgid "How about I punch you in the throat? It'll displace the mucus." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3549 +msgid "NO, IT WON'T." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3551 +msgid "How do you know? Anything is possible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3552 +msgid "Trust me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3553 +msgid "{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} I'm here! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... {i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3555 +msgid "YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE LAST PERSON I WOULD TRUST." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3556 +msgid "You worthless scammer." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3558 +msgid "Leave all your problems to me. {w=0.26}I'll solve them in a heartbeat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3560 +msgid "That is unrealistic and accelerating that fast would destroy you even past your bone structure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3562 +msgid "Why're you being so mean? {w=0.26}I'm just trying to help you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3564 +msgid "HITTING ME ISN'T HELPING ME!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3567 +msgid "Wooooooooooow,{w=0.10} someone has anger management problems!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3569 +msgid "You gotta slow down and smell the flowers... {w=0.26}\nAppreciate life's miracles." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3572 +msgid "Like me. {w=0.26}I'm life's greatest miracle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3576 +msgid "ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. I FEEL NAUSEATED JUST LOOKING AT YOU." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3579 +msgid "I just don't understand...\nWhy is there so much hate in the world...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3581 +msgid "If only we could open our hearts to love, there would be no wars..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3583 +msgid "\"Peace begins with a smile.\" -Mother Theresa." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3585 +msgid "Noelle is struggling not to break character by laughing!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3590 +msgid "The bell rings!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream fest." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3595 +msgid "The rest of the morning is relatively uneventful..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3607 +msgid "Guess what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3609 +msgctxt "enterClass_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3611 +msgid "No, no. You gotta guess." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3613 +msgid "You were arrested." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3615 +msgid "What! No! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3617 +msgid "You have a year left to live." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3619 +msgid "What the?? Dude, why'd you always gotta jump to the worst possible conclusion? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3621 +msgid "It guarantees that I'm either right or pleasantly surprised. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3623 +msgid "You're a real piece of work, you know that? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3624 +msgid "Whatever, I'll just tell you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3626 +msgid "Did you guys hear about the new girl who transferred here?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3628 +msgid "Apparently she's like,{w=0.10} a delinquent!{w=0.26} I heard she knifed someone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3630 +msgid "She must not be very intelligent." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3632 +msgid "Isn't that exciting?{w=0.26} We never get that type around here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3635 +msgid "That's true. Everyone here's kinda forced to become a nerd by default." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3638 +msgid "I can't wait to meet her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3640 +msgid "What for?{w=0.26} Do you want to get stabbed too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3642 +msgid "Sure, why not? Saves me the trouble of doing it myself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3644 +msgid "Noelle rolls her eyes and goes back to organizing her fried rice. She's picking all the sausage bits out so Diya can eat her leftovers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3646 +msgid "Don't do that. I like being alive the same time as you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3648 +msgid "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3650 +msgid "Really? Then I take it back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3652 +msgid "WOW." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3654 +msgid "Noelle slides her thermos across the table at Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3656 +msgid "Fried rice!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3659 +msgctxt "enterClass_d5c5af2c" +msgid "Hey, Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3661 +msgid "How many 2nd graders do you think you could beat up if they came at you in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "{cps=0}How many 2nd graders you think you could beat up if they came at you in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "Zero" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "Maybe like 15" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "At least a few dozen" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3669 +msgctxt "enterClass_6ccd5ff9" +msgid "Zero." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3670 +msgid "Don't want to punch kids." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3673 +msgid "But it's kill or be killed, man!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3675 +msgid "You'd just let them beat you??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3676 +msgid "Your gravestone's gonna be like, \"Here lies Diya. Killed by 2nd graders.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3679 +msgid "I'm not going to put that on my gravestone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3685 +msgid "Maybe like 15." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3688 +msgid "What! You're underestimating yourself, man." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3690 +msgid "I'm not invincible. This isn't a kung-fu movie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3693 +msgid "But they're little. It's so easy to mess them up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3694 +msgid "You could just tell them they laugh weird and they'll be self conscious about it for the rest of their lives." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3700 +msgid "At least a few dozen." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3703 +msgid "SAVAGE..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3705 +msgid "You don't feel bad hitting little kids?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3708 +msgid "Well, they started it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3709 +msgid "If they don't want to get hit, they shouldn't attack me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3712 +msgid "Noelle looks a bit left out by this conversation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3714 +msgid "Why just Diya? How come you're not asking me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3716 +msgid "Because I already know the answer for you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3718 +msgctxt "enterClass_36a1ed13" +msgid "Zero." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3721 +msgid "...It's true. You're a weakling." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3724 +msgid "How rude!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3729 +msgid "Noelle, let's arm wrestle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3730 +msgid "I want to show Akarsha. She hasn't seen this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3733 +msgid "I don't want to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3734 +msgid "I always lose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3737 +msgid "I'll let you use both hands this time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3739 +msgid "Noelle makes a face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3740 +msgid "Reluctantly, she clasps both her hands on Diya's, so it's sandwiched in between hers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3742 +msgid "3. 2. 1." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3744 +msgid "Noelle strains against Diya's grip with all her might!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3746 +msgid "Nrgh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3748 +msgid "Ha...Rrrrggghhh!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3750 +msgid "Diya's arm still hasn't budged an inch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3751 +msgid "With her free hand, Diya casually continues to eat fried rice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3753 +msgid "You...Stop that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3756 +msgid "Akarsha. What do you think of the weather today?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3759 +msgid "Stop toying with me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3762 +msgid "If I did that, I'd break your wrist." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3765 +msgid "You know what I mean." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3767 +msgid "Diya pins Noelle's arm to the table as gently as possible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3769 +msgid "Dang...This is like, some Fox and the Hound shit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3771 +msgid "Normally the scrawny nerds herd together so jocks like Diya don't stuff them into trashcans." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3772 +msgid "How did you two even end up friends?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3775 +msgid "...Don't remember." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3778 +msgid "You don't remember?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3781 +msgid "You were always just there by default." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3784 +msgid "That is NOT what happened." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3785 +msgid "You had one bad ear, so you had a lot of trouble making sense of what anyone was saying." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3786 +msgid "You'd just play wall ball against yourself or run laps on the track. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3789 +msgid "That sounds about right. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3792 +msgid "One day, someone brought in Krispy Kreme donuts for their birthday. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3793 +msgid "I didn't like donuts, so I—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3795 +msgid "You don't like donuts??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3797 +msgid "I don't like donuts. They're disgusting." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3800 +msgid "Disagree. Her tastebuds are broken. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3803 +msgid "Anyway, I gave mine to you, and in exchange, I received your undying and completly unwanted loyalty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3804 +msgid "You followed me around everywhere." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3805 +msgid "You were a major inconvenience." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3808 +msgid "I don't remember any of this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3811 +msgid "How do you not remember? You were so extreme. Whenever the teachers tried to separate us, you'd start crying." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3814 +msgid "I seriously don't remember any of this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3817 +msgid "It's probably because your birthday's in November. You were almost a full year younger than me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3818 +msgid "A year is a big gap when you're 5." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3821 +msgid "True. I was probably like a toddler." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3823 +msgctxt "enterClass_6ce568f5" +msgid "Sorry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3826 +msgid "I forgive you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3828 +msgid "That's hella kawaii." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3830 +msgid "Never use that phrase ever again. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3832 +msgid "What phrase?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3834 +msgid "You know what phrase." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3850 +msgid "Stranger" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3854 +msgid "Excuse me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3858 +msgid "????!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3859 +msgid "She's talking to me!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3860 +msgid "No!! Go away!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3862 +msgid "Diya looks wildly around for Noelle or Akarsha to help her, but they've both already gone ahead into the classroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3864 +msgid "I remember you! You were {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3866 +msgid "What is she saying?? I've never met her in my life!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3868 +msgid " — new clubs are {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} interest {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3870 +msgid "Crap. {w=0.26}I can't really make out the words." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3871 +msgid "I'll just nod at appropriate times." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3873 +msgid "We're collecting signatures to {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} approved!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3875 +msgid "The stranger hands Diya a clipboard with the signature sheet on it! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3877 +msgid "Uh??{w=0.26} What is this??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 +msgid "Sign the paper" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 +msgid "Don't sign the paper" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3883 +msgid "Diya signs the paper!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3886 +msgid "Thank you very much!{w=0.26} Look forward {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3892 +msgid "Bye!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3898 +msgid "Diya walks away in the middle of the conversation!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3899 +msgid "She quickly enters the classroom before the girl can stop her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3905 +msgid "The stranger left..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3907 +msgid "Phew. {w=0.26}Glad that's over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3915 +msgid "Diya quickly enters the classroom before anyone else can try to talk to her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3927 +msgid "Teacher" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3935 +msgid "Inside, Akarsha and Noelle are playing cards." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3939 +msgid "Time to reveal your hand in 3...2...1..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3941 +msgid "Noelle and Akarsha flip their cards over!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3943 +msgid "Why is there a Yu-Gi-Oh card?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3945 +msgid "Akarsha taps it with her index finger." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3947 +msgid "This is Exodia, the Forbidden One." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3949 +msgid "Think outside the box. Taco Bell." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3951 +msgid "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3953 +msgid "Akarsha reaches across the desk and takes one of Noelle's cards." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3955 +msgctxt "p6_b4f18a79" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3957 +msgid "You said you were going to play this normally!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3959 +msgid "There's no rule in Yu-Gi-Oh saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3961 +msgid "WE'RE PLAYING POKER." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3963 +msgid "There's no rule in poker saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3969 +msgid "Class starts!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily afternoon struggle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3986 +msgid "Alright. Just one more period before the day's over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3988 +msgid "Looking flushed, Noelle wipes sweat off her brow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3990 +msgid "Why is it so hot?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3992 +msgid "Because I'm he—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3994 +msgid "You shut up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3997 +msgid "*loud, hurt gasp*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3998 +msgid "My heart is exploding, my lungs are without air, my blood is boiling, my body is shaking, and tears are running down my face," +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4004 +msgctxt "noelleSick_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4006 +msgid "Noelle is unsteadily grasping the side of a bench for support." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4008 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7084459b" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4011 +msgid "I feel...extremely dizzy all of a sudden." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4012 +msgid "As a precaution, I will remain stationary until the symptoms—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4016 +msgid "Diya grabs her as she collapses!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4018 +msgid "Her entire body is burning up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4019 +msgid "She must have a fever." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4022 +msgid "We'll take you to the nurse's office, dude." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4024 +msgid "NO!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4025 +msgid "Don't you dare. I need to go to next period!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4026 +msgid "Attendance is 20 percent of my grade in Gym class." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4029 +msgid "Missing one day can't hurt. Gym is like a freebie anyway." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4031 +msgid "No, you don't understand...It's my worst subject..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4032 +msgid "I can't afford to lose any more points when my mile time is 18 minutes every week..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4035 +msgid "??????????????!!!!?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4036 +msgid "So slow?!!!!! What the? ?? ? ? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4039 +msgid "Don't make that face at me. I'm not you, Diy—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4044 +msgid "Noelle launches into a sneezing fit!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4046 +msgid "Gym's not even math or science. Is it that big of a deal?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4048 +msgid "It'll still ruin her GPA and valedictorian status. Her parents will yell at her and be really mean." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4050 +msgid "What do we do?! If she gets a B because we took her to the nurse's office, it'll destroy her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4051 +msgid "But she's in no condition be working out, either! She can't even stand without me holding her up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4054 +msgid "Let's use our heads. There's gotta be way out of this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4056 +msgid "Like what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4058 +msgid "Like..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4059 +msgid "If a meteor hits Earth right now, no one will mind if Noelle skips Gym class." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4061 +msgid "Brilliant. If the world ends, we're saved." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4063 +msgid "Even cancelling school would be easier." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4066 +msgid "Hold that thought!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4068 +msgid "If school is cancelled...If school is cancelled {i}right now{/i}..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4070 +msgid "Snow day? But there's no snow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4071 +msgid "Then how? As long as we make it so that no one goes to class, we win." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4074 +msgctxt "noelleSick_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4076 +msgid "Akarsha is clearly going down some weird line of reasoning..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4078 +msgid "...Dude!! I've got it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4080 +msgid "Homie G" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4083 +msgid "[diyaHomieName], you stay with Noelle while I...uh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4085 +msgid "...Do some stuff." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4087 +msgid "What stuff?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4090 +msgid "Uh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4091 +msgid "You're not gonna like it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4093 +msgid "Before I tell you, you gotta promise not to get mad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4095 +msgctxt "noelleSick_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4098 +msgid "Well? Promise?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4099 +msgid "Promise not to get mad" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4099 +msgid "Don't promise" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4102 +msgctxt "noelleSick_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4105 +msgid "Diya?! But what if it's something insane?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4108 +msgid "Then I'll just be annoyed internally." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4111 +msgid "I knew I could count on you! A true homie!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4113 +msgid "What about you, Frenchman?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4115 +msgid "I can't promise not to get mad! Just tell us already!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4118 +msgid "Nope! I'm not telling you, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4120 +msgid "But what about me? I agreed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4123 +msgid "Heck no. I know how it is with you two." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4124 +msgid "If I tell you, you'll tell Noelle as soon as I'm gone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4126 +msgid "...Damn. That's true." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4132 +msgctxt "noelleSick_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4135 +msgid "That's right! How can we promise when we don't even know what it is yet?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4136 +msgid "Just tell us already!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4139 +msgid "Too bad! I'm not telling you, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4143 +msgid "Adios, amigos!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4145 +msgid "Wait! Where are you going?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4148 +msgid "Shrek's swamp." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4151 +msgctxt "noelleSick_2ed201c8" +msgid "Akarsha left..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4153 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4156 +msgctxt "noelleSick_6201b9b7" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4159 +msgid "I have a bad feeling about this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4162 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7c44bd42" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4165 +msgid "Why does everything have to be some kind of weird mind game with her? It's exhausting." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4176 +msgid "She sounds so weak. She should rest on the bench." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4178 +msgid "Diya sits, then lays Noelle down so her head is resting on her lap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4180 +msgid "Nothing we can do now but wait..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4183 +msgid "Do we really have to do this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4184 +msgid "This is embarrassing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4187 +msgid "Oh, come on." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4188 +msgid "I've seen you throw up in a trash can at Happy Fish Swim School because you were so bad at swimming that you inhaled half a gallon of water." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4189 +msgid "Compared to that, this is like a 3." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4192 +msgid "But this is different. This right now is unnecessary." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4193 +msgid "Your thighs are so muscular that I feel like I'm resting my head on a rock." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4196 +msgid "Thanks for the compliment." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4199 +msgid "It wasn't a compliment." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4202 +msgid "How mean." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4203 +msgid "Now we definitely have to do this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4223 +msgid "Feel Noelle's forehead" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4223 +msgid "Talk to Noelle" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4233 +msgid "Diya presses her hand to Noelle's forehead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4236 +msgid "It's hot. Hotter than my own forehead?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4239 +msgid "Studies show that people who try to diagnose fever by touch significantly overestimate the incidence of fever, sometimes by as much as 40%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4242 +msgid "Oh. Never mind, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Tell Noelle to get into shape" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Talk about ancient Chinese rock pillows" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny man for $100 million?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:4247" +msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4253 +msgid "Get into shape." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4255 +msgid "Even ignoring your Gym class grade, the way you are right now is just bad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 +msgid "You're like that Life Alert commercial. \nI've fallen and I can't get up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4260 +msgid "I know, I know..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4263 +msgid "Then why don't you do something?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4265 +msgid "What if there's a zombie apocalypse and I get bitten first. \nHow are you going to survive?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4268 +msgid "I can't help it! I don't have any time to work out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4269 +msgid "I can barely even keep up with my schedule as is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4272 +msgid "That's just an excuse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4273 +msgid "She'd be able to figure something out if her heart was in it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4274 +msgid "If only there was a way to get Noelle to enjoy exercising..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4280 +msgid "Did you know that in ancient China, they slept on rock pillows?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4282 +msgid "I saw on Discovery Channel." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4285 +msgid "This isn't making me feel any better!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4288 +msgid "You're going back to your ancient roots." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4291 +msgid "I don't want to go back to my ancient roots!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4298 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2-inch tall man for 100 million dollars?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4300 +msgid "I bet she's gonna say, \"Of course not. That's illegal.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4303 +msgid "Of course not. That's homicide, which is illegal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4306 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_e629b0d2" +msgid "........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4309 +msgid "What is this? Some dumb Akarsha question?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4312 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_9cbab985" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4319 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_fba0b286" +msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4322 +msgid "About 2 minutes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4323 +msgid "Maybe you should head to class. You'll be tardy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4326 +msgid "No, it's fine. I run fast." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4337 +msgid "Suddenly, Noelle tries to sit up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4339 +msgid "Her abs are too weak, though, so she fails and flops back down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4341 +msgid "What're you doing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4342 +msgid "Becoming a fish?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4345 +msgid "I just had a great idea!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4346 +msgid "You know how on Valentine's Day, you can pay the school to deliver roses to someone?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4349 +msgid "Oh, like in middle school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4350 +msgid "You could have them secretly send your crush candy grams for $5." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4353 +msgid "Yes, like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4354 +msgid "Except here, we're more mature, so it's flowers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4355 +msgid "We should send Akarsha one, with the message \"From your secret admirer.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4357 +msgid "Imagine how confused she'll be!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4358 +msgid "And we can tease her relentlessly about it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4359 +msgid "It'll be hilarious!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4362 +msgid "Okay, that IS pretty funny." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4363 +msgid "It's not even that mean because she'll get free flowers out of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4364 +msgid "The secret admirer part is the best." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4365 +msgid "She'll drive herself nuts trying to figure out who it is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4368 +msgid "Alternatively, we can sign it with really common initials, like K.C." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4369 +msgid "She'll look up every guy with those initials at this school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4372 +msgid "That's good too..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4375 +msgid "I can't decide if it's funnier to have her conclude it's a random person, or for her to be constantly suspicious of everyone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4378 +msgid "Maybe we can do this every year." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4379 +msgid "Like a tradition." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4382 +msgid "Oh my god." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4383 +msgid "You're a genius!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4385 +msgid "The first two years we don't give her any clues." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4386 +msgid "And then junior year, add the initials and encourage her to jump to the wrong conclusions." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4387 +msgid "That way we'll get to see both." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4389 +msgid "Noelle is in such a good mood that she lets out a creepy, evil laugh." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4391 +msgid "We can also make the message a cipher. So she has to solve it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4394 +msgid "If you put too much math on it, she'll know it's you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4397 +msgid "Ciphers aren't math." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4400 +msgid "If you have to explain to me what it is, she'll know it's you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4403 +msgid "Fair enough." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4406 +msgid "How much do the roses cost?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4409 +msgid "Probably around $12." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4412 +msgid "$12..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4413 +msgid "That's $6 per person." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4414 +msgid "Don't really want to spend that much on a joke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4415 +msgid "Especially if it's annual. It'd be $48 in all." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4418 +msgid "We could split the cost between more people, so it's more reasonable." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4421 +msgid "But we don't have any other friends who would appreciate it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4424 +msgctxt "hackedAlarms_320efa19" +msgid "........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4425 +msgid "You're right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4426 +msgid "Nevermind. Just forget it, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4428 +msgid "Noelle looks immensely disappointed..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4444 +msgid "?!??!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4446 +msgid "Someone hacked the fire alarms to play the Super Mario Bros. theme!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4450 +msgid "Almost gave me a heart attack..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4453 +msgctxt "hackedAlarms_9899a6c1" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4455 +msgid "Students come flooding out of the classrooms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4456 +msgid "They all look really glad for an excuse to leave." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4458 +msgid "Everyone is evacuating to the field, like we're supposed to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4459 +msgid "Can you walk?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4462 +msgid "Ye—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4464 +msgid "Diya catches Noelle as she pitches forward again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4466 +msgid "Nope." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4483 +msgid "Diya gives Noelle a piggyback ride to the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4485 +msgid "The entire school is out here now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4491 +msgid "Sup, homies." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4495 +msgid "You!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4496 +msgid "I can't believe you've done this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4498 +msgid "I ought to report you to the authorities." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4500 +msgid "But you won't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4507 +msgid "What, you think I won't just because we're fr...f...fellow acquaintances?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4510 +msgid "FELLOW ACQUAINTANCES??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4512 +msgid "She was totally about to say \"friends\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4515 +msgid "I was not!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4518 +msgid "Admit it! Friends! Friends! Friends!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4521 +msgid "I hate you more than is physically possible right now!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4525 +msgid "Oh, come on. What did you want me to do?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4526 +msgid "Travel back in time and change Chinese culture to not see academic achievement as a moral virtue?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4530 +msgid "The one who's getting saved doesn't get to complain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4532 +msgid "You broke the law! How can I not complain?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4535 +msgid "Is anyone on this earth truly innocent?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4537 +msgid "YOU CAN'T DISTRACT ME WITH FAKE DEEP STATEMENTS!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4540 +msgid "You don't appreciate anything I do!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4541 +msgid "Where's my Nobel Peace Prize? Where's my \"Thank you Akarsha, you're awesome\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4545 +msgid "I'm not thanking you for this illicit \"help\" that I NEVER asked for." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4546 +msgid "Were you seriously expecting to be praised? Never have I ever been more embarrased for my fellow man." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4549 +msgid "I'm a hero!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4551 +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4552 +msgid "YOU SCUMBAG!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4555 +msgid "Fine! Be that way!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4557 +msgid "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4559 +msgid "You don't look even remotely sorry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4561 +msgid "I can't help it if I think you're funny when you're mad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4563 +msgid "Just don't tell on me and we'll call it even. Deal?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4565 +msgid "Akarsha offers her a handshake. Noelle regards it with obvious suspicion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4566 +msgid "She cautiously releases her grip on Diya's shoulder and reaches out to shake it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4574 +msgid "Instead of grasping her hand, Akarsha grabs Noelle's wrist. She starts hitting Noelle with her own hand!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4576 +msgid "Why're you hitting yourself? Why're you hitting yoursel— " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4578 +msgid "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4579 +msgid "YOU...STUPID!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4582 +msgid "You should've killed me when you had the chance." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4584 +msgid "Next time, I won't let you off so easy. This is your last warning." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4587 +msgid "She said that last time. And the time before that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4590 +msgid "Power of friendship!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4591 +msgid "A stranger brushes past Akarsha in the crowd. Akarsha gawks after her, placing her hand on her heart." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4593 +msgid "What are we..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4610 +msgid "Wait, that looks like...?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4611 +msgid "??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4614 +msgid "Diya chases after the person." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4616 +msgid "Diya?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4617 +msgid "Where are we going?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4620 +msgid "The person." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4622 +msgid "The person is so short that Diya loses sight of her in crowd." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4624 +msgid "????????? ???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4626 +msgid "I lost her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4628 +msgctxt "ch3_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4630 +msgid "Great. I'm so sleep-deprived that I'm literally hallucinating." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4646 +msgid "That night, Diya dreams of the past." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4649 +msgid "3rd grade" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4684 +msgid "Enemy catcher" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4685 +msgid "Umpire" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4691 +msgid "Whoa!! I'm up to bat!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4692 +msgid "Yeah!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4693 +msgid "I get to hit the ball!! This is so fun!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4695 +msgid "Spectators" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4697 +msgctxt "battingStart_ce41ef83" +msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4698 +msgid "Phew! Our team got lucky!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4700 +msgctxt "battingStart_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4704 +msgid "SHUT UP YOU DUMB...DUMB POO-POO HEAD!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4705 +msgid "SAY ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL KILL YOU!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4707 +msgctxt "battingStart_25e3c19d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4708 +msgid "\"What?!\" is a word!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4710 +msgid "DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4712 +msgid "A fight broke out in the stands!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4715 +msgid "?????!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4723 +msgid "Min is beating the crap out of an old grandpa!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4725 +msgid "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! I'M A GREEN BELT!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4728 +msgid "Green belt..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4730 +msgid "The other adults are rushing to pull her off him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4732 +msgctxt "battingStart_db030cf8" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4738 +msgid "Min scrambles down the rafters with everyone chasing after her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4739 +msgid "I'm taking you with me!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4741 +msgid "She grabs Diya's wrist and sprints off with her in tow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4743 +msgctxt "battingStart_a768a9ea" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4745 +msgid "Wait! Stop!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4758 +msgid "We got away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4761 +msgid "Heheheh!!! I kidnapped you!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4763 +msgctxt "battingStart_b6399d89" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4766 +msgid "Now we can do whatever we want." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4767 +msgid "Come on! I brought Jun's bike!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4769 +msgid "Min pulls Jun-seo's bike out from the bushes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4770 +msgid "She mounts the bike and looks at Diya expectantly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4772 +msgid "You sit on the rear rack." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4774 +msgid "Shouldn't I be the one pedaling? I'm bigger than you. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4777 +msgid "I'm training for when I get taller than you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4779 +msgid "That's never gonna happen. You'll be short forever." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4782 +msgid "How do you know?! Just you watch!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4783 +msgid "Are you getting on or not?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4785 +msgid "Diya tentatively lowers herself onto the bike rack." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4788 +msgid "So where do you wanna go next?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "My house" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Your house" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Noelle's house" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Home Depot lights section" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Ask Min to decide" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4803 +msgid "My house." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4806 +msgid "You wanna go home already?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4808 +msgid "No, that's not what I meant. You're invited too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 +msgid "We can play tag and eat ice cream." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4812 +msgid "But aren't your parents there? You'll get in trouble if they see me with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4814 +msgid "Oh, right...darn." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4815 +msgid "My parents are really unreasonable about Min.)\n(I'm actually not even allowed to talk to her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4817 +msgid "It's so stupid. They don't know anything about her, but just because she has short hair and wears boy clothes they hate her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4818 +msgid "They always call her a freak." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4823 +msgid "Your house." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4826 +msgid "We won't be able to get in. My parents came out with me, and I don't have the keys." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4828 +msgid "Oh, right. You're basically a fugitive right now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4831 +msgid "Why do you wanna go to my house, anyway? You've already been there a bunch of times." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4833 +msgid "It's fun seeing where you live." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4834 +msgid "I feel like I learn something new every time I go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4837 +msgid "Really? Like what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4839 +msgid "Like, you have to sleep in a girly pink blanket while Jun gets the Hot Wheels one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4840 +msgid "And there's a treadmill in the living room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4841 +msgid "Remember the time you tried to run on it at 10 Speed to impress me, fell off, and broke your arm?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4844 +msgid "I, I don't remember that! You must've remembered wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4847 +msgid "And you brush your teeth too hard, so your toothbrush bristles look hilarious." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4848 +msgid "They're all flattened." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4851 +msgid "What's so funny about that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4852 +msgid "I have to make sure I kill the germs!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4854 +msgid "Of course you do." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4860 +msgid "Noelle's house. We can say hi to Noelle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4863 +msgid "What?! Why?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4867 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832" +msgid "I miss her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4870 +msgid "You just saw her yesterday." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4872 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832_1" +msgid "I miss her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4875 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_41b50903" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4877 +msgid "Oh, come on. You should give her a chance." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4878 +msgid "She's so funny. She looks at every individual grape before she eats it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4879 +msgid "I know she's kinda aloof, but it'd be so cool if you were friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4882 +msgid "What's \"aloof\" mean?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4884 +msgid "It's like...cold. She always tries to hide how much she likes you. Like a cat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4885 +msgid "Once you get used to it, it's sorta cute." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4888 +msgid "At this, Min's expression dramatically sours." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4890 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4892 +msgid "If you hate it that much, we can go somewhere else." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4898 +msgid "Home Depot lights section." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4901 +msgid "What's so great about that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4903 +msgid "There's so many different lamps in one place. The designs are cool, and it's really bright." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4904 +msgid "The rest of the store is ordinary, but that one aisle feels like a special place in another world." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4905 +msgid "I like to pretend I'm furnishing a house and pick my favorites." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4907 +msgid "Hm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4909 +msgid "I know it sounds bland. You don't have to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4912 +msgid "No, let's go. It sounds like a place that'd be boring if I went with my parents, but fun if I go with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4914 +msgid "I know what you mean. If you're with someone you like, everywhere is interesting." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4917 +msgid "Which way to Home Depot?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4919 +msgid "...Not sure. I haven't been there in years." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4921 +msgid "Too bad..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4927 +msgid "Where should we go instead, then?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4933 +msgid "Min, you decide." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4938 +msgid "Are you sure? The place I want to take you is pretty far." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4939 +msgid "So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that outta the way first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "{cps=0}So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that outta the way first.{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "There's still somewhere I wanna go" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "Nah, I'm good" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4944 +msgid "On second thought, let's go somewhere else first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4947 +msgid "Okay! Where?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4950 +msgctxt "dangerous_57e599f4" +msgid "Diya shakes her head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4952 +msgctxt "dangerous_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4954 +msgid "Then hold on tight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4956 +msgid "You're not telling me where we're going?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4959 +msgid "It's a surprise." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4979 +msgid "After an extreme amount of effort on Min's part, they arrive at a ravine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4981 +msgid "We....we...here!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4985 +msgid "That wasn't even a coherent sentence..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4986 +msgid "Are you okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4989 +msgid "Y-yeah! What kinda weakling do you think I am?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4992 +msgid "Her legs must feel like jelly right now, but there's no way she'd ever admit it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4994 +msgid "Thanks for the ride." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4997 +msgid "You're welcome! Anytime!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4999 +msgid "The place is down this hill and through the tunnel." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5002 +msgid "Should I get off? It's too steep to bike down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5005 +msgid "Yeah!! Let's run down!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5010 +msgid "Min enthusiastically leaps off the bike and sprints down the hill!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5012 +msgid "The bike is just lying there in the grass..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5015 +msgid "Wait. We can't leave this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5016 +msgctxt "dangerous_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5018 +msgid "Diya picks up the bike and runs after her. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5020 +msgid "Min is waiting at the mouth of the tunnel." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5023 +msgid "I wanna show you something on the other side. Let's walk through." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5024 +msgid "She peers into the darkness with a hopeful look on her face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5027 +msgid "What're you looking for?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5030 +msgid "Skeletons." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5031 +msgid "Are you scared?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5033 +msgid "Don't worry. I'll protect you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5035 +msgctxt "dangerous_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5036 +msgctxt "dangerous_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5037 +msgid "I'm counting on you, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5040 +msgctxt "dangerous_cbdfc056" +msgid "Yeah!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5041 +msgid "I'll protect you with my life!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5042 +msgid "Min grabs Diya's hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5044 +msgid "There's water on the ground. Hold on to me so you don't slip." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5046 +msgid "...If I slip like this, you'll just get dragged down with me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5049 +msgid "No, I won't! Trust me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5072 +msgid "Look at trees" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5083 +msgid "Enter the tunnel" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5089 +msgid "There's a squirrel scampering up the tree." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5090 +msgid "When it sees Diya staring, it lifts one paw." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5092 +msgid "Whoa!! It waved at us!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5094 +msgid "Min. It's waving. Min, look." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5095 +msgid "That squirrel just waved at us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5098 +msgid "You're way too excited about this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5101 +msgid "Then why are you smiling?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5104 +msgid "Because it's cute." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5106 +msgctxt "lookSquirrel_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5107 +msgid "Really. I didn't know you liked squirrels." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5110 +msgid "I was talking about you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5113 +msgctxt "lookSquirrel_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5115 +msgid "Diya's face feels strangely hot..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5127 +msgid "It's pitch black inside the tunnel." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5129 +msgid "If it weren't for Min, Diya actually would be a bit scared now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5131 +msgid "Don't worry, Diya. I got this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5132 +msgid "She stomps her foot. Her Skechers light up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5133 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_1856bd91" +msgid "Whoa!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5135 +msgid "Diya is really impressed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5137 +msgid "Teach me how to count to ten!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5138 +msgid "Okay. One." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5139 +msgid "Okay. {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5141 +msgid "One!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5142 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5143 +msgid "Two." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5144 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5146 +msgid "Two!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5147 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5149 +msgid "After a minute, Min has learned the numbers up to 10." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5150 +msgid "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5151 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5153 +msgid "I'm probably gonna forget it all over again in a few days." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5154 +msgid "Then I'll teach it to you again, when it happens." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5155 +msgid "I'll do it over and over forever if you want. I don't mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5157 +msgid "Okay. My turn to teach you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5158 +msgid "I still remember some from last time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5160 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5162 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5164 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5165 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5167 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5168 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5169 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5171 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5172 +msgid "I forgot it again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5175 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font} How come you can never remember five?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5177 +msgid "It sounds off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5179 +msgid "Off?! Does not." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5180 +msgid "Does too. It doesn't feel like a five." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5183 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_832167b5" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5185 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5191 +msgid "....????????????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5192 +msgid "Dogs?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5198 +msgid "It takes a moment for Diya's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5203 +msgid "Do you like it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5207 +msgid "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5208 +msgid "It's a dog park!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5209 +msgid "Can we go in even though we don't have a dog?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5212 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5213 +msgid "I found this place by accident back when I ran away from home." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5215 +msgid "A few weeks ago, Min ran away from home because she didn't want to eat a tomato." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5218 +msgid "The park is divided into two sides." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5219 +msgid "There's a sign above one of the gates. It reads:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5220 +msgid "{u}Small dogs only{/u}\nUnder 30 pounds" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5222 +msgid "Oh my god!! They have it separated by weight!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5223 +msgid "Under 30 pounds! That's so cute!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5226 +msgid "Which side do you wanna see?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5227 +msgid "Big dogs" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5227 +msgid "Small dogs" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5236 +msgid "Min swings the gate open and gestures for Diya to go ahead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5239 +msgid "Ladies first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5241 +msgctxt "enclosure_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5253 +msgid "There's so many dogs!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5254 +msgid "They're all friends with each other!!! Dog friends!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5255 +msgid "I've died and gone to heaven!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5259 +msgid "A husky trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5263 +msgid "A chihuahua trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5265 +msgid "He drops it at Diya's feet and looks up at her expectantly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5267 +msgid "He wants me to throw it!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5269 +msgid "Diya sets down the bike and hurls the frisbee as hard as she can." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5270 +msgid "The dog gallops after it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5271 +msgid "He catches it with a running leap, zooms straight back to her, and drops it at Diya's feet again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5272 +msgid "He's wagging his tail so hard that his butt shakes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5274 +msgid "What a good dog!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5275 +msgid "He's so talented!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5278 +msgid "Diya is almost crying..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5280 +msgid "Are you happy?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5283 +msgid "This is the best day of my life." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5284 +msgid "Thank you, Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5287 +msgid "You're welcome!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5290 +msgid "Do you wanna try throwing the frisbee?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5293 +msgid "No, it's fine. I like watching you do it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5296 +msgctxt "enclosure_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5299 +msgid "Diya throws the frisbee again. The dog tears off after it with such gusto that grass goes flying behind him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5301 +msgctxt "enclosure_8683854e" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5302 +msgctxt "enclosure_e66a3853" +msgid "Hey, Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5305 +msgctxt "enclosure_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5308 +msgid "If you want, you can live in my house when we grow up. I'll buy you all the dogs you want." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5311 +msgid "All the dogs...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5314 +msgid "And I'll get to see you every day. I'll drive you around in my Corvette and make everyone jealous." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5317 +msgid "Drive the dogs around too. They can wear goggles so the wind doesn't sting their eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5320 +msgid "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5322 +msgid "We'll be so far from our parents that we never have to see them again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5323 +msgid "And if we go somewhere with snow, you can throw snowballs towards me and I'll punch them all out of the air. It'll look pretty cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5326 +msgid "Wow!!! Great plan!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5327 +msgid "Okay. Let's do it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5330 +msgid "Really?! Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5333 +msgid "Min reaches out and gently cups Diya's face with her palms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5336 +msgid "GGFFKKKKGKJ??!! FGFJHFJ!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5337 +msgid "What's happening?? This is great!! Wow!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5344 +msgctxt "enclosure_06530a49" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5354 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5358 +msgctxt "ch5_aaf68681" +msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5361 +msgid "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5363 +msgid "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5366 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_1" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5367 +msgid "I didn't realize it back then, but now that I think about it, that was really..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5368 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_2" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5371 +msgid "Could it be that I'm...I'm a..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5372 +msgid "Les....................lesb............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5373 +msgid "....biab...." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5374 +msgid "Les...............biam......" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5375 +msgid "........Girls........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5376 +msgctxt "ch5_c50f2165" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5377 +msgid "No, that's impossible. I don't feel that way about other girls at all." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5378 +msgid "Because Min looked and acted like that, my heart must've confused her with a guy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5379 +msgid "Any girl would've felt something even if they were straight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5380 +msgid "And it was just her. Min was special, so she was an exception." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5381 +msgid "Plus, nothing ever came out of it. It's in the past now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5382 +msgid "Something like that'll never happen again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5383 +msgid "So it doesn't count, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5384 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_3" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5385 +msgid "If Min hadn't moved away, what would've happened?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5388 +msgid "After 10 minutes, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5394 +msgctxt "ch5_c66f35de" +msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5406 +msgctxt "ay2_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5409 +msgctxt "ay2_6ffc76d4" +msgid "ay diya" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5410 +msgctxt "ay2_076b730f" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5411 +msgctxt "ay2_b771df90" +msgid "ayy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5412 +msgctxt "ay2_1acbd9bd" +msgid "What" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5413 +msgid "what do u call a lesbian w long nails??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5414 +msgid "single xD" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5415 +msgid "Diya has gone offline." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5420 +msgctxt "ay2_a9db357b" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5430 +msgctxt "ay2_fdd5289a" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5433 +msgid "Hey Diya!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5436 +msgid "If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5438 +msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5441 +msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5443 +msgid "Man, you're not even trying!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5444 +msgid "The optimal counterflirt would be, \"Then I’ll be your topoisomerase to help you relieve your tension.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5446 +msgid "No one in the right mind would respond with that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5456 +msgid "Hey, you know I'm just kidding, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5458 +msgid "When there's no one around to flirt with, I flirt with you just to practice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5462 +msgid "It's not funny." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5466 +msgid "In her haste to catch up with Diya, Akarsha trips over a crack in the sidewalk." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5469 +msgid "Parkour." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5472 +msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b_1" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5484 +msgid "The Prop 8 supporters are back at it again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5486 +msgid "Defend marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5487 +msgid "Protect the children! Gay sex is sin!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5501 +msgctxt "ay2_df3f6405" +msgid "Hey, Diya..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5502 +msgid "Imagine biting into a Gusher the size of your hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5504 +msgid "Diya imagines it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5506 +msgid "Cool" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5506 +msgid "Yuck" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5509 +msgid "Cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5510 +msgid "I want one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5513 +msgid "Right??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5518 +msgctxt "ay2_27ffda17" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5521 +msgid "Yuck?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5524 +msgid "Too big." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5536 +msgid "We're here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5553 +msgctxt "p12_32d61905" +msgid "Diya! Help me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5555 +msgid "Bonjour," +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5562 +msgid "Noelle smacks Akarsha really hard!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5564 +msgid "OW!! How mean!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5566 +msgid "Noelle hands Diya the water bottle as though nothing happened." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5569 +msgid "Diya twists the plastic sealed cap open and returns the bottle to Noelle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5571 +msgctxt "p12_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5572 +msgid "Are you alright? You seem off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5574 +msgid "Think about that before you hit me??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5576 +msgid "Not everything is about you. I was talking to Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5578 +msgctxt "p12_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5581 +msgid "What? But there's nothing wrong with her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5583 +msgid "Are you blind? She looks like a dog who just ate a Christmas ornament." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5585 +msgid "Crap! That obvious??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5589 +msgid "Are you devastated about tiger sharks again?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5591 +msgctxt "p12_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5593 +msgid "Diya found a picture of what tiger sharks look like the other day and was so disappointed that she had to go lie down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5594 +msgid "I don't even know what she was expecting." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5596 +msgid "Okay, I seriously doubt that's the issue right now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5598 +msgid "Diya, let me rephrase." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5599 +msgid "You are secretly worried about something and you can tell me what it is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5601 +msgctxt "p12_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5602 +msgid "I can't tell her. That I'm......" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5603 +msgctxt "p12_c3a1ef6e" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5606 +msgid "I knew it. She's becoming emo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5608 +msgid "All the warning signs were there. The black hair, the—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5610 +msgid "We {i}ALL{/i} have black hair." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5612 +msgid "Diya, you know you can tell me anything, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5613 +msgid "Let me know if you change your mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5615 +msgctxt "p12_7d7b582b" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5636 +msgid "Look at flier" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5642 +msgid "The flier says:\nJoin the new Baseball Club!!\nBeginners welcome!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5644 +msgctxt "baseballPoster_ee717027" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5645 +msgid "It's a baseball club!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5646 +msgid "Baseball club!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5649 +msgid "It'll probably be all guys." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5651 +msgid "What? Don't girls play baseball, too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5652 +msgid "I saw on TV before." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5654 +msgid "You're thinking of softball. Not baseball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5657 +msgid "What's the difference?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5659 +msgid "Softball is like baseball put through Google Translate and back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5660 +msgid "Everything's off by a few degrees." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5664 +msgid "Diya takes a closer look at the flyer. The first meeting is this Friday." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5666 +msgid "It'll be scary going all by myself. But I made a promise, back then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5667 +msgid "She would've been disappointed if I didn't go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5676 +msgid "Tall girl" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5678 +msgid "Club member" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5688 +msgid "Mom" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5697 +msgid "At the meeting" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5704 +msgid "Are you going to be okay on your own with a bunch of strangers?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5707 +msgctxt "meeting_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5709 +msgid "I thought so." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5710 +msgid "If you're going, I'm going with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5712 +msgctxt "meeting_1c63452a" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5713 +msgid "But don't you hate sports?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5716 +msgid "Of course I won't participate. I'll just utilize the time to do homework." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5718 +msgctxt "meeting_46384388" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5719 +msgid "Phew. I feel a bit better now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5722 +msgid "Back by unpopular demand: me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5724 +msgid "Why are you here?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5726 +msgid "I'm bored. There's not enough drama around here for my taste." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5727 +msgid "I'll be the idea man." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5729 +msgid "We don't need an \"idea man\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5731 +msgid "New baseball rule: Everyone gets a brick. What you do with it is up to you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5733 +msgid "Baseball without limits." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5735 +msgid "JUST GO HOME ALREADY!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5742 +msgid "There's a stranger over there." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5743 +msgid "Wow, she's taller than me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5746 +msgctxt "meeting_501f1550" +msgid "........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5750 +msgid "Diya accidentally makes eye contact with her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5751 +msgid "...Hey!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5753 +msgid ".......!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5756 +msgid "The stranger starts walking over!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5758 +msgid "Crap. She's coming this way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5760 +msgid "She looks intimidating! If I say the wrong thing she'll think I'm weird." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5761 +msgid "Maybe if I lie motionless on the ground she'll think I'm asleep or dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5762 +msgid "Yeah. Good plan." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5767 +msgid "Diya plays dead!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5768 +msgid "No! Diya, don't do this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5769 +msgid "Hey! You guys are here to join the baseball club, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5771 +msgid "I'm Chryssa!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5772 +msgid "They call me...Ookoobshoob." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5773 +msgid "NO, THEY DON'T." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5774 +msgid "It's Welsh." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5775 +msgid "IT'S NOT Welsh." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5776 +msgid "Her name is Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5777 +msgid "I'm so sorry. She's always like this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5778 +msgid "And this is Diya. Get up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5779 +msgid "Noelle is trying to pull an unresponsive Diya back into upright position." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5780 +msgid "Really???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5781 +msgid "Uh...is she okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5782 +msgid "She's fine. She just takes a while to warm up to people." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5783 +msgid "No kidding. She did this to me for the entire month of September." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5784 +msgctxt "meeting_e629b0d2" +msgid "........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5787 +msgid "Diya has finally given up on faking her death..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5789 +msgid "Quiet kid, huh?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5791 +msgid "Why does everyone always say that? I'm not that quiet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5794 +msgid "She's not much of a talker, but she's SHREDDED." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5795 +msgid "Look how ripped her abs are." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5797 +msgid "Akarsha tries to lift up Diya's shirt to expose her stomach." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5798 +msgid "Calmly, Diya catches Akarsha's wrist and twists it behind her back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5800 +msgid "Augh!! Okay!! Mercy!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5802 +msgid "Diya played a lot of baseball back in elementary school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5804 +msgid "That's great! What position did she play?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5806 +msgid "Uh........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5808 +msgid "She's the person standing behind the.....the swinging place." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5810 +msgid "You mean the batter's box. I'm a catcher." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5813 +msgid "The {i}swinging place?{/i} Really, man?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5815 +msgid "Shut up! How was I supposed to know?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5817 +msgid "What do you call the bat, then? \"The baseball stick\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5819 +msgid "I said shut up!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5821 +msgid "What about you, Akarsha?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5823 +msgid "I can bench press over six million and ninety-two nanograms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5825 +msgid "...That's barely 2 pounds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5827 +msgid "It sounded better the way I said it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5829 +msgid "Chryssa turns to Noelle and points at her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5831 +msgid "What about you? You haven't introduced yourself yet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5833 +msgid "Oh, I'm not here to join. We probably won't meet again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5835 +msgid "That's a shame. I should try to change your mind. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5837 +msgid "I strongly advise against it. Your efforts will prove futile." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5839 +msgctxt "meeting_77ca933f" +msgid "If you say so..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5842 +msgid "In any case, we're glad you all came. We'll be starting the meeting in a bit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5843 +msgid "In the meantime, you guys can get your paperwork from Liz first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5845 +msgid "Gotcha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5849 +msgid "Chryssa goes off to greet some other girls who showed up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5851 +msgid "I guess she isn't too scary after all." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5852 +msgid "She seems like the kind of person who'd walk into a pizza restaurant she ate at one time 6 years ago and yell, \"Remember us??\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5856 +msgid "Girl from before" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5858 +msgid "......!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5861 +msgid "Hello! Can I help you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5863 +msgid "You must be Liz." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5865 +msgid "Yup!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5867 +msgid "She hands them their forms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5869 +msgid "I don't need one. I'm not here to join." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5871 +msgid "Aw, are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5872 +msgid "We'd love to have you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5874 +msgid "No, you really don't. I'm not the athletic type." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5876 +msgid "Then joining us would do you some good, don't you think?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5877 +msgid "We need all the players we can get, so don't be afraid we'll reject you or anything like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5878 +msgid "We'll accept you no matter what. Whether you're good, bad, dumb, weird, unathletic..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5880 +msgid "What's with all those insults mixed in??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5881 +msgid "And no, I'm genuinely not interested. I hate sports." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5882 +msgid "I'm just here for Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5884 +msgid "That's so sweet of you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5886 +msgid "It's not as though it takes a lot of effort to sit here and do nothing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5887 +msgid "I coincidentally happened to be free today, anyway." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5889 +msgid "Awww! You don't have to get all embarrassed about it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5891 +msgid "I'm not getting embarrassed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5893 +msgid "Liz smiles at Diya, who shrinks back in fear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5895 +msgid "I'm so glad you came!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5897 +msgid "I had a feeling you would." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5899 +msgid "Changed your mind about the club, have you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5900 +msgid "I knew you'd come around." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5902 +msgid "I was at one of your games when you were little." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5903 +msgid "You were so scary! Everyone would back up whenever you came up to bat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5905 +msgid "By the way, why is everyone in this club a girl?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5908 +msgctxt "lookLiz_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5910 +msgid "They are?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5913 +msgid "Look. There's us four, Chryssa, and then some other random girls over there." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5918 +msgid "That's so odd." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5920 +msgid "So it isn't on purpose?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5922 +msgid "Nope. I don't know why those other girls joined." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5924 +msgid "What a strange coincidence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5926 +msgid "Are you SURE you guys didn't, like, subconsciously do it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5928 +msgid "Why would we subconsciously want a group of girls?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5930 +msgid "'Cause guys are like communism." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5931 +msgid "They're good in concept, but in reality they suck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5933 +msgid "When you gather enough guys into a group, they suddenly become a bunch of douchebags." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5934 +msgid "It's like magic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5936 +msgid "What kind of overgeneralization is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5938 +msgid "It's not racist if it's true!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5940 +msgid "Do you ever stand in a circle of people talking and not say anything the entire time?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5941 +msgid "There's no reason for me to be here. I wonder how it's so easy for them to just talk." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5944 +msgid "Diya stares off into space." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5945 +msgid "Eventually, the conversation draws to a close and Liz goes off to attend to other club members." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5948 +msgid "Finally." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5951 +msgid "*whispering* Dude, I just can't get over how weird her name is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5953 +msgid "The heck kind of name is \"Liz\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5956 +msgid "It's probably short for something." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5958 +msgid "Like what? Liz...bian? Lesbian?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5960 +msgid "THAT'S NOT A NAME." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5962 +msgid "Liz...ard Man?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5964 +msgid "That'd be a thousand times weirder than \"Liz\" in the first place!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5966 +msgid "No, wait. I've got it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5967 +msgid "Her parents met at a Petco when the lizards went on sale, \nbut there was only one left." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5968 +msgid "So then they were like, \"Darn. We gotta get married and share it.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5970 +msgid "No one would get married over that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5972 +msgid "You'd be surprised, man. Some people are hella desperate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5974 +msgid "Nobody is {i}that{/i} desperate!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5976 +msgid "And then Lizard Man was born." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5977 +msgid "They gave their kid a name that paid homage to her lizard origins, but in a low-key way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5979 +msgid "Totally plausible. Myth {i}confirmed{/i}." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5980 +msgid "Noelle is trying really hard not to smile." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5982 +msgid "Myth NOT confirmed. Her name could just be \"Liz\" by itself!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5984 +msgid "Nawwww, that's boring. My beautiful romance is way better." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5986 +msgid "Your \"beautiful romance\" was set in Petco!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5988 +msgid "So picky, man!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5989 +msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5990 +msgid "Weird name...no mustache...no romance..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5992 +msgid "Look, how is my name weird?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5993 +msgid "All names have to originate from somewhere." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5994 +msgid "I don't get why you're so fixated on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5996 +msgid "Because it's strange?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5997 +msgid "Isn't Noelle normally a name you give to kids born in December?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5999 +msgid "My parents are Asian. They don't know that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6000 +msgid "It's like how there's a guy in our class named Skye because his parents didn't know it's a girl name." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6002 +msgid "There's also a Chinese guy in the grade above us named Stone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6005 +msgid "STONE..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6007 +msgid "I'm pretty sure my parents stole my name from a random girl who lived down the street." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6008 +msgid "They probably didn't know a lot of Western names and just thought it sounded good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6010 +msgid "But still, what kind of Chinese parents would name their kid Noelle?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6011 +msgid "It doesn't match up at all. It's like if I had a kid and named him Naruto." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6012 +msgid "Noelle looks really taken aback." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6014 +msgid "That...that would be weird." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6016 +msgid "Literally all your ancestors going back for CENTURIES had names like Wong Kar-wai or Mulan or whatever." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6017 +msgid "And then there's you! Combo breaker." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6019 +msgid "Also, do you ever think about how crazy it is that we're friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6020 +msgid "In any part of history up until now, we never would've met." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6021 +msgid "And even if we did by some miracle, we wouldn't speak the same language." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6022 +msgid "We wouldn't even be able to communicate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6025 +msgid "Well, you and Akarsha could." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6027 +msgid "Naw, we wouldn't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6029 +msgid "They don't speak Hindi in Tamil Nadu. Right, Madrasi?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6031 +msgid "Don't call me that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6034 +msgid "What's wrong with calling you Madrasi when you're from Madras?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6036 +msgid "What's wrong with calling you an idiot when you are one?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6039 +msgid "It's sad imagining Noelle all by herself on a little island in Taiwan." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6041 +msgid "What do you mean \"all by herself\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6042 +msgid "It's not like I'd be completely alone without you two." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6044 +msgctxt "lookLiz_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6047 +msgctxt "lookLiz_5db23ed9" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6049 +msgid "STOP LOOKING SKEPTICAL." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6050 +msgid "I would be able to make different friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6052 +msgid ".......Sure........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6053 +msgctxt "lookLiz_790fe684" +msgid "If you say so..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6056 +msgid "YOU'RE THE WORST! I HATE YOU!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6058 +msgid "Chryssa brings her fingers to her lips and lets out a sharp whistle to get their attention." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6060 +msgid "Alright guys!! Meeting's starting!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6068 +msgid "Everyone gathers in front of Chryssa and Liz." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6070 +msgid "Welcome to the Baseball Club!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6071 +msgid "As you're probably aware, our school doesn't have an official baseball program anymore. So we made one ourselves." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6073 +msgid "You guys can think of it as a baseball team, Lite edition." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6075 +msgid "Or a cheap budget edition. Since we can't afford to hire managers and stuff." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6077 +msgid "Lite edition sounds less scrappy. Like Coke Zero." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6079 +msgid "Anyhow, you can read up on the details in your club membership forms! It's pretty self explanatory." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6080 +msgid "This is just a recreational club for fun, not an official school sports team, so the paperwork is really simple." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6081 +msgid "There's just a membership fee and a sheet your parents have to sign." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6083 +msgid "Basically, the sheet says if you get hurt or whatever while you're here, you can't sue us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6084 +msgid "Oh, and our practice schedule's in there, too. Though we're still negotiating our game dates." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6086 +msgid "A girl standing in front of Diya raises her hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6087 +msgid "Game dates? Who are we playing against?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6089 +msgid "Whoever we can get. Mostly teams from other schools." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6090 +msgid "But don't worry, it'll be pretty casual." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6091 +msgid "Hopefully we'll have enough members to at least fill the roster by then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6092 +msgid "Any other questions?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6094 +msgid "If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, would it visibly change color?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6096 +msgid "Any {i}relevant{/i} questions?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6097 +msgid "Silence..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6099 +msgid "Then let's all introduce ourselves with a cheesy icebreaker activity!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6101 +msgid "Say your name, grade, and one fun fact about yourself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6102 +msgid "Diya immediately wants to go home!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6104 +msgid "No!!!! I hate these!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6105 +msgid "I can never think of any fun facts! I'm boring!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6107 +msgid "I'll start! I'm Chryssa, and I'm a senior." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6108 +msgid "Fun fact. Uh..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6110 +msgid "I have one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6111 +msgid "She reads cryptid articles at night and scares herself, and then is afraid to get up and use the bathroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6113 +msgid "If you're going to choose a fact for me, at least choose a flattering one!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6115 +msgid "My turn now! I'm Liz, and I'm a senior too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6117 +msgid "Her fun fact is that she can lick her elbow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6119 +msgid "I thought that was supposed to be impossible?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6122 +msgctxt "lookLiz_1c3038ba" +msgid "Do it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6124 +msgid "Liz does it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6126 +msgid "WHAT THE..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6128 +msgid "What is she, a clown??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6130 +msgid "Diya has gone back to being afraid of Liz again!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6131 +msgid "Liz gestures at another girl to go next." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6134 +msgid "Watashi wa Sakura desu." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6137 +msgid "And I'm Yuki." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6138 +msgid "\"Sakura\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6139 +msgid "\"Yuki\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6141 +msgid "THERE'S NO WAY THOSE ARE YOUR REAL NAMES." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6143 +msgid "Hey, it doesn't hurt to humor them! Support their interests!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6145 +msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6147 +msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6149 +msgid "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6151 +msgid "I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6153 +msgid "The next girl up looks more normal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6155 +msgid "Ester" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6157 +msgid "I'm Ester —" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6159 +msgid "Wait. Why are you here??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6160 +msgid "I tried to recruit you before. You said you weren't interested in baseball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6162 +msgid "I'll give it a chance." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6164 +msgid "Alright, which anime has baseball in it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6166 +msgid "What? I never said it was because of —" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6168 +msgid "Which anime has baseball in it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6170 +msgid "It's Oofuri." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6172 +msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6174 +msgid "Don't tell me that's why Sakura and Yuki are here, too..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6177 +msgctxt "lookLiz_06ad80a3" +msgid "Heck no." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6178 +msgid "I'm here because of Daiya no Ace." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6180 +msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6182 +msgctxt "lookLiz_af831f3f" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6184 +msgid "What, is it a crime to like anime?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6186 +msgctxt "lookLiz_97a7b20d" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6188 +msgid "Okay, let's move on." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6190 +msgid "Diya watches the icebreaker's progress with mounting terror." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6191 +msgid "Her palms have grown clammy, like when she's getting ready to say \"Here\" during roll call." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6195 +msgid "Crap. It's almost my turn and I still can't think of any cool facts." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6196 +msgid "\"I like crunching on ice cubes?\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6197 +msgid "\"When I go to people's houses, {w=0.35}I'm too scared to ask where the cups are, {w=0.35}so I go to the bathroom and drink from the faucet instead?\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6198 +msgid "\"Whenever an assembly is over and we're supposed to help carry the folding chairs back,{w=0.35} I secretly hope people notice how many I'm holding?\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6201 +msgid "These are all so bad!{w=0.35} What the???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6203 +msgid "By now, three other people have gone.{w=0.35} It's Akarsha's turn..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6205 +msgid "What up ding dongs!{w=0.35} I'm a freshman." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6207 +msgid "Ding dongs..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6210 +msgid "My name is...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6212 +msgctxt "lookLiz_6a61dc07" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6215 +msgid "Fun fact:{w=0.35} I once found 2 mutant tater tots that were fused together and sold them on eBay for $40." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6217 +msgid "Selling things sounds stressful. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6218 +msgid "I would've just eaten them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6222 +msgid "Noelle is the next one over,{w=0.35} so everyone looks at her expectantly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6223 +msgid "Skip me.{w=0.35} I'm not here to join." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6225 +msgid "Let's move on to Diya, shall we?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6229 +msgid "All eyes are on Diya now..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6232 +msgid "Okay!!!{w=0.35} Calm down, me!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6233 +msgid "All I have to do is say \"I'm Diya.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6234 +msgid "But wait...{w=0.35} Didn't she just say my name?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6235 +msgid "Does it seem redundant if I repeat it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6236 +msgid "No, I'm overthinking this.{w=0.35} I should just say it like everyone else." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6238 +msgctxt "lookLiz_cafd7987" +msgid "I'm Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6239 +msgid "Yeah.{w=0.35} So far, so good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6240 +msgctxt "lookLiz_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6244 +msgid "What else was I supposed to say?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6245 +msgid "??????????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6248 +msgid "Panic is rising in Diya's chest!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6250 +msgid "I've already messed up! I'm embarrassing myself in front of everyone!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6251 +msgid "This is the worst! Even worse than reading a passage out loud in class!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6252 +msgid "I shouldn't have come here!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6258 +msgid "Diya bolts from the meeting!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6259 +msgid "Distantly, she can hear Noelle calling out after her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6261 +msgid "Diya! Wait!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6264 +msgid "I can't go back now!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6272 +msgid "Powered by nervous energy, Diya barrels into the locker room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6273 +msgid "Her plan now is basically to run as far as her legs will carry her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6275 +msgid "I suddenly feel like running 3 or 4 miles!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6309 +msgid "Diya crashes into someone!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6313 +msgid "????!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6314 +msgid "Ow?? I landed on my butt..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6318 +msgid "Someone is lying on top of her. They roughly grab the front of Diya's shirt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6320 +msgid "Watch where you're going, motherfu—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6324 +msgid "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6328 +msgid "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6329 +msgid "IT'S YOU!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6334 +msgid "Min hugs her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6337 +msgid "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6338 +msgid "Wow!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6342 +msgid "I promised I'd come back, didn't I?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6344 +msgid "I'm never letting go of you again!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6347 +msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6350 +msgctxt "ch6_f35ccb75" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6353 +msgctxt "ch6_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6354 +msgid "I'M GAY. I'M GAY. I'M GAY!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6357 +msgid "I need to get up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6360 +msgid "Um." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6361 +msgid "Actually, this ground is really gross and dirty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6362 +msgid "I can see other people's hair on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6365 +msgid "Oh. Okay, I'll let you up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6372 +msgid "Min gets off and looks Diya up and down as she staggers to her feet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6374 +msgid "Wow...I almost forgot how pretty you are." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6376 +msgid "You could be a model." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6378 +msgctxt "ch6_c50f2165" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6379 +msgid "I almost forgot she did this all the time..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6381 +msgid "You didn't get taller than me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6384 +msgid "Hey, I'm still growing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6386 +msgid "You're off by almost a foot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6389 +msgid "There's still hope!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6391 +msgid "You really never give up, do you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6394 +msgid "Of course not." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6396 +msgid "I'll work hard so I can take you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6398 +msgid "O-OVERTAKE! I MEAN OVERTAKE YOU!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6400 +msgid "In an attempt to hide her embarrassment, Min turns her head to the side and points to her ear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6402 +msgid "Look! I have piercings now!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6403 +msgid "Don't I look cool??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6405 +msgid "You look cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6408 +msgid "And I got a butterfly knife!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6409 +msgid "Min pulls a knife out!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6410 +msgid "Watch this!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6411 +msgid "Min flips the knife open and does a trick! It looks really dangerous!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6413 +msgid "Whoa!! Min is so brave!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6415 +msgid "I missed you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6418 +msgid "I missed you too!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6420 +msgctxt "ch6_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6423 +msgctxt "ch6_f8a1f174" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6427 +msgctxt "ch6_677f9015" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6433 +msgctxt "ch6_0f158bd8" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6437 +msgctxt "ch6_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6442 +msgid "Someone runs into the locker room! She's wheezing so hard for breath that Diya knows who it is before looking." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6445 +msgid "Diya, there you are!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6446 +msgid "Everyone is looking for y—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6451 +msgid "{i}You!{/i}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6455 +msgctxt "ch6_46e87e05" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6457 +msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6461 +msgid "How...you...Why are you here?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6466 +msgid "That's my line." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6468 +msgid "I can't believe Diya still lets a weakling like you hang out with her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6469 +msgid "You...you Empire State Building." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6470 +msgid "Min does a trick with her butterfly knife!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6472 +msgid "Why do you have a knife?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6473 +msgid "Put that away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6476 +msgid "I'll put it away...in your heart!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6478 +msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1_1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6481 +msgctxt "ch6_93192951" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6484 +msgctxt "ch6_cc159e1e" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6486 +msgid "Shut up!!!!! It sounded cooler in my head!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6488 +msgid "No one even said anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6489 +msgid "Anyway, aren't knives like that illegal in California?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6490 +msgid "If I wanted to, I could report you to the police." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6493 +msgctxt "ch6_b131889b" +msgid "........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6494 +msgid "Min reluctantly puts the knife away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6495 +msgid "Fuck you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6499 +msgid "Min threateningly draws in closer to Noelle and whispers into her ear, voice low." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6500 +msgid "The dramatic effect is slightly ruined by the fact that Min has to step on top of a storage bin to be taller." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6502 +msgid "I hate you. I hate you more than the stringy things on bananas." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6504 +msgid "Why?! I didn't even do anything!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6507 +msgctxt "ch6_07d32b7c" +msgid "Shut up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6508 +msgid "I won't lose to you!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6510 +msgid "What are you even talking about?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6514 +msgid "Someday, Diya is gonna realize she's out of your league." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6516 +msgid "You're not even taller than her anymore, so all your advantages are gone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6518 +msgid "I don't...what???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6521 +msgid "When she doesn't like you anymore, I'll gut you and feed you to her dog." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6523 +msgid "She doesn't even have a dog." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6526 +msgid "I'll buy her a dog and train it to eat you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6530 +msgid "Someone else ran into the locker room!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6531 +msgid "It only takes a second for Diya and Noelle to recognize the sound of Akarsha's flip-flops." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6533 +msgid "Ayyy! Chryssa and Liz are looking for you tw—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6535 +msgctxt "ch6_1386c66b" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6537 +msgctxt "ch6_390a1bfb" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6539 +msgctxt "ch6_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6542 +msgctxt "ch6_8683854e" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6544 +msgid "Uh...Have I missed something here?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6546 +msgid "Who the fuck are you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6548 +msgid "Who the fuck are {i}you{/i}?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6550 +msgid "I asked first, jackass." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6552 +msgid "Wao!! Almost cut myself on this EDGE!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6566 +msgid "Before Akarsha can react, Min grabs the front of her jacket and slams her back to the wall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6568 +msgid "You want a piece of me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6570 +msgid "Uh...whoa." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6571 +msgid "Not gonna lie, if you were taller this would be pretty hot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6578 +msgid "Min punches Akarsha in the face!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6580 +msgid "Oh no!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6583 +msgid "Stop it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6587 +msgid "Diya picks Min up and throws her several feet across the room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6589 +msgid "Min—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6592 +msgid "You stay back! I'll handle this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6594 +msgid "No, but—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6597 +msgid "Is anyone gonna explain to me what's going on here?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6598 +msgid "Who's this emo shortie??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6600 +msgid "Who're you calling short?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6602 +msgid "But you are short..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6604 +msgid "Min charges at Akarsha!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6606 +msgid "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6607 +msgid "Akarsha kicks her foot out so that the flip-flop flies off!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6615 +msgid "It hits Min's face with a loud slap!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6616 +msgid "Mmph?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6617 +msgid "Min tackles Akarsha to the ground!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6619 +msgid "You think you're so smart, huh?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6620 +msgid "WELL, GUESS WHAT!!! I HATE SMART PEOPLE!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6622 +msgid "Her hands close around Akarsha's neck. In a panic, Akarsha scrabbles at Min's wrists, but it's no use!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6624 +msgid "USE YOUR HEAD, YOU STUPID CLOWN!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6626 +msgid "IF YOU DIE I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6628 +msgid "Akarsha sticks a hand down her own leggings!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6630 +msgid "What the fuck?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6631 +msgid "This better not be your kink or somethi—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6633 +msgid "Akarsha smears her period blood-caked hand across Min's face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6635 +msgid "URRGHKK!!?????!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6638 +msgid "Min let go!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6640 +msgid "PFF!! PPFBT!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6641 +msgid "EW!!! YUCK!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6643 +msgid "In the confusion, Akarsha staggers to her feet, gasping for breath." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6644 +msgid "Noelle rushes to support her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6645 +msgid "When Akarsha slings her arm over Noelle's shoulders, she accidentally brushes Noelle with her bloody hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6649 +msgid "YOU CONTAMINATED ME TOO!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6651 +msgid "Noelle shoves Akarsha away, leaving her to fend for herself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6652 +msgid "Akarsha menacingly holds out her dirty hand in Min's direction, like a weapon." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6653 +msgid "Min backs away, desperately avoiding being touched by the period blood hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6655 +msgid "Stay away! Can't touch this!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6657 +msgid "You...you nasty ass hoe...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6660 +msgid "That's me! If I can't win by being a kung-fu master..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6661 +msgid "I'll win by being a piece of garbage!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6665 +msgid "Min looks weirdly moved by Akarsha's words!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6667 +msgid "You crazy bitch..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6668 +msgid "Who ARE you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6670 +msgid "They call me...Rail Tracer." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6672 +msgid "Literally NO ONE calls you that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6675 +msgid "Quiet, you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6678 +msgid "Min has stopped attacking completely now. In fact, she looks kind of impressed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6679 +msgid "You're the worst scum ever." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6680 +msgid "Let's be friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6682 +msgid "...Really?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6687 +msgid "So we cool?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6689 +msgctxt "ch6_b61fd423" +msgid "I guess." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6691 +msgid "More importantly, that was really gross just now, so I never want to fight you again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6692 +msgid "Let's start over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6694 +msgid "I'm Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6696 +msgid "Min???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6697 +msgid "As in, the delinquent kid? The one who knifed someone?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6699 +msgid "Yeah? Got a problem with that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6701 +msgid "Are you kidding me? I've been looking for you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6702 +msgid "I need a dumb rebel friend to enable me to make bad decisions." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6704 +msgid "They're...getting along?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6705 +msgid "What's happening???? I don't like this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6707 +msgid "With her clean hand, Akarsha makes a fist and offers it out to Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6709 +msgid "Bros?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6711 +msgid "Bros." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6712 +msgid "They fist bump." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6714 +msgid "Be the yee to my haw..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6715 +msgid "The knuckles to my enchilada...." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6716 +msgid "The human to my centipede..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6718 +msgid "I don't like this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6721 +msgid "We can annoy Noelle...together...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6723 +msgid "I have a terrible feeling about this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6726 +msgid "Min is quickly taking the opportunity to wipe her face on Akarsha's windbreaker." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6728 +msgid "Ew, no! Stop!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6730 +msgid "It's your own damn blood!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6732 +msgid "I don't want it either, man!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6734 +msgid "Noelle tries to wipe her contaminated arm on Akarsha, too. Akarsha dodges to avoid it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6736 +msgid "Augh!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6738 +msgid "Diya! Hold her down!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6741 +msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d_1" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6744 +msgid "No! No, please, Diya, homie, listen," +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6746 +msgid "With brutal efficiency, Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist, covers the bloody hand with a plastic bag, and ties it shut." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6747 +msgid "Then, she pins Akarsha to the ground, thrashing and screaming." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6754 +msgid "Chryssa and Liz come through the door with the rest of the team following after them!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6757 +msgid "Akarsha, Diya, Noelle, and Min freeze mid-scuffle, still covered in blood." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6759 +msgid "Good, you're all he—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6761 +msgid "What the?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6767 +msgid "Noelle points accusingly at Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6769 +msgid "It's all her fault! Diya did nothing wrong!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6771 +msgid "What?! It's your fault for being annoying!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6773 +msgid "You started it! You called me names first!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6775 +msgid "Okay, we don't care who started it! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6778 +msgid "Liz stumbles over Akarsha's fallen flip-flop on the ground." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6780 +msgid "Whose shoe is this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6782 +msgid "Oh. Mine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6784 +msgid "Why isn't it on your foot?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6786 +msgid "I kicked it off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6788 +msgid ".........Why.........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6790 +msgid "She hit me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6791 +msgid "Akarsha points at Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6793 +msgid "How old are you guys?! Five?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6794 +msgid "Exasperated, Chryssa turns to Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6796 +msgid "And you're Min? You here to play baseball, too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6798 +msgid "Yeah. I got here late." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6800 +msgid "Well Min, I'm Chryssa." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6802 +msgid "She has a knife!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6805 +msgid "You damn snitch!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6807 +msgid "Hand the knife over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6809 +msgid "Why should I?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6811 +msgid "Because if you don't, I won't let you play baseball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6813 +msgid "You...You can do that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6815 +msgid "I can do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6816 +msgid "Min looks very shocked..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6817 +msgid "You can have it back when we're done." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6818 +msgid "But you don't need it here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6820 +msgid "Min pulls the knife from her pocket and gives it to Chryssa." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6822 +msgid "All of them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6823 +msgid "Come on. We don't have all day." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6825 +msgid "Reluctantly, Min shakes her jacket out. Several more knives clatter to the ground." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6826 +msgid "Chryssa puts them all on top of a cabinet in the corner of the room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6827 +msgid "It's too tall for Min to reach. She sadly looks up at them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6829 +msgid "Let's go to the field and actually play some baseball now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6830 +msgid "We're going to lock this place up, so you can leave your backpacks here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6832 +msgid "Well, I need mine. I'm going to do my homework." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6834 +msgid "Sorry! If you're here, you're playing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6836 +msgid "I refuse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6839 +msgid "So you want to do this the hard way? Good, because I love the hard way. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6841 +msgid "Then I have no obligation to stay here and argue with you. Diya's fine now; I'm going home." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6843 +msgid "Really? Then where're your house keys?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6845 +msgid "What kind of question is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6846 +msgid "They're right here in my...." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6849 +msgid "Noelle whirls to the spot where she put down her bookbag earlier." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6850 +msgid "It's gone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6851 +msgid "Chryssa adds Noelle's bookbag to the top of the cabinet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6854 +msgid "NoOOO!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6857 +msgid "Come on! Suffering builds character!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6859 +msgid "I don't want character!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6861 +msgid "I guess we're all playing baseball now?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:38 +msgid "Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:40 +msgid "What is this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:41 +msgid "I can't read the test paper." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "{cps=0}Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "12" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "-3" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "3565" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "Infinity" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:55 +msgid "Problem 2) ₫₅—₎⁷6544³¹¿˘‰2 - 3◊ℓ34?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:57 +msgid "I don't know anything! I don't understand any of this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:59 +msgid "I'm going to fail. All my hard work up until now was for nothing!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:62 +msgctxt "wakeUp_1c9e82b1" +msgid "Wake up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:65 +msgctxt "wakeUp_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:68 +msgctxt "wakeUp_1c9e82b1_1" +msgid "Wake up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:80 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:81 +msgid "Diya looks very concerned..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:83 +msgid "I had a nightmare." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:84 +msgid "Ugh...That was silly. It wasn't even real." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:87 +msgid "Sorry. Feel better." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:89 +msgid "She presents Noelle with a poorly wrapped, lumpy gift almost as big as she is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:92 +msgid "Happy birthday." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:93 +msgid "Despite Diya's best efforts, several spots of the gift aren't properly covered with the wrapping paper and Noelle can see clearly what's inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:95 +msgid "I appreciate your kindness." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:96 +msgid "May I open it here?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:99 +msgctxt "wakeUp_9ee5e3fd" +msgid "Diya nods eagerly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:100 +msgid "Noelle unwraps the present and pretends to be shocked by its contents." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:101 +msgid "It's a giant bright green snake plush." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:103 +msgid "His name is Snakey." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:104 +msgid "Look at how he's striped." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:105 +msgid "Noelle looks. Indeed, he's striped." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:107 +msgid "He's the youngest. He has two older brothers and a sister." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:110 +msgid "You bought this for me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:113 +msgid "I won him from the hammer game at the fair." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:114 +msgid "Hit the hammer really hard." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:115 +msgid "I chose him because he reminds me of you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:117 +msgid "He reminds her of me, how??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:118 +msgid "I don't even like snakes. And stuffed animals are a useless waste of space." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:120 +msgid "Yet against all logic, a lump forms in Noelle's throat, impossible to swallow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:121 +msgid "Noelle quickly stamps down all stupid emotions and focuses on organizing her thoughts." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:124 +msgctxt "wakeUp_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:125 +msgid "He is green, soft, and at least 5 feet long." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:126 +msgid "I will place him in my bedroom and preserve him in mint condition for as long as possible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:130 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_1" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:131 +msgid "She looks happy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:132 +msgid "A warm and fuzzy feeling swells in Noelle's chest." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:133 +msgid "You're my favorite person." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:135 +msgid "I think I may have developed some kind of attachment to you, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:138 +msgid "We should go on vacation together someday. When we grow up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:139 +msgid "Would be fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:141 +msgid "That WOULD be fun..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:142 +msgid "I would accompany you with only mild complaining." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:143 +msgctxt "wakeUp_19c11467" +msgid "Where?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:145 +msgid "Maybe England." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:146 +msgid "Can go to Diagon Al—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:148 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_2" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:149 +msgid "Noelle watches Diya's face drop as she silently goes through the 5 stages of grief remembering most of the locations in Harry Potter aren't real." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:151 +msgid "We can at least see Platform 9 3/4. They put a plaque of it at King's Cross." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:154 +msgctxt "wakeUp_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:156 +msgid "What else do you want to see in England?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:158 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_3" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:160 +msgid "All-you-can-eat buffet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:162 +msgid "They have those here, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:164 +msgid "It's so simple to make you happy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:165 +msgid "If everyone thought like you, there would be no wars." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:168 +msgid "Diya doesn't appear to know how to respond to this, so she just looks away and smiles shyly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:169 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_4" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:171 +msgid "If we run out of things to do in England, we can always watch TV in our hotel room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:174 +msgid "No. You complain too much when things aren't scientifically correct." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:175 +msgid "Like, when radioactive things cause super powers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:176 +msgid "You get so hung up on it. It's distracting." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:178 +msgid "Distracting how?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:181 +msgid "Distracting like..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:190 +msgid "Noelle, watching a \nmovie in class\nlast week" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:199 +msgid "{big=16}SHUT UP!{w=0.2} SHUT UP!! {w=0.2}SHUT UP!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:201 +msgid "{big=16}THIS IS NOT SCIENTIFIC!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:202 +msgid "{big=16}HE CAN'T DO THAT! {w=0.2}THAT'S NOT HOW NUCLEAR PHYSICS WORKS!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:203 +msgid "{big=16}NO!!!! {w=0.2}SHUT UP!!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:213 +msgid "...We can watch an educational nature documentary, then. Like Planet Earth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:217 +msgid "I don't like the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the wrong way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:219 +msgid "We can skip the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the wrong way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:222 +msgid "Suddenly, Diya starts climbing off the playground structure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:223 +msgid "Just remembered." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:224 +msgid "Actually, Diya had been preparing to say this for the past 15 minutes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:226 +msgid "Want you to meet someone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:228 +msgid "I made a new friend yesterday." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:230 +msgid "Really? Who?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:232 +msgctxt "wakeUp_ce237f07" +msgid "Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:234 +msgid "...\"Min\"? Is that a boy or a girl?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:237 +msgctxt "wakeUp_74edb3c7" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:239 +msgid "...Not sure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:241 +msgid "How can you not be sure?! Didn't you meet?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:243 +msgid "It was hard to tell." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:244 +msgid "You'll see what I mean." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:246 +msgid "I will?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:249 +msgid "When you become friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:251 +msgid "Min is really nice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:252 +msgid "Gave me a seaweed sheet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:254 +msgid "I've never seen you this excited over someone before." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:255 +msgid "They must really be something." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:257 +msgid "Diya looks like she agrees." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:268 +msgid "This must be him...her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:271 +msgctxt "wakeUp_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:272 +msgid "Instead of introducing them, Diya is just happily standing there in silence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:274 +msgctxt "wakeUp_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:278 +msgid "The other girl(?) circles around Noelle, sizing her up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:279 +msgid "Her face darkens when she sees the snake plushie Diya gave her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:281 +msgctxt "wakeUp_88c51795" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:282 +msgid "So you're Diya's best friend." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:283 +msgid "You...you giraffe." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:285 +msgctxt "wakeUp_bb188d77" +msgid "What...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:289 +msgid "{big=+20}I'LL FIGHT YOU!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:291 +msgid "Excuse me?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:293 +msgid "There can only be one of us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:294 +msgid "So we have to duel." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:295 +msgid "I'll beat you in hand to hand combat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:297 +msgctxt "wakeUp_201ff599" +msgid "What?! No!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:299 +msgid "Starting in 3!!! 2!!!! 1!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:302 +msgid "I ALREADY SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:315 +msgid "What was that all about? What an idiot..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:316 +msgid "What does Diya see in someone that dumb?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:317 +msgid "I don't understand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:321 +msgctxt "wakeUp_9d48d641" +msgid "I'm home." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:324 +msgctxt "wakeUp_6a3d80f6" +msgid "What did you get on the math test?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:326 +msgid "An A-." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:328 +msgid "A-? Why not A?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:329 +msgctxt "wakeUp_4b7f6a27" +msgid "Noelle's mom is cutting a column out of the Chinese newspaper." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:330 +msgctxt "wakeUp_7b0a96e5" +msgid "Look at this article." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:331 +msgid "This boy was accepted into every single Ivy League college. He lives in Pleasanton." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:332 +msgctxt "wakeUp_2ee13495" +msgid "If he can do it, why can't you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:333 +msgctxt "wakeUp_2341c4b7" +msgid "I'm putting this on your wall. To inspire you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:334 +msgid "She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to a poem her dad printed out, \"There is no Success without Hardship\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:336 +msgid "Can I go to the park with Diya this Saturday?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:338 +msgid "What for?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:340 +msgid "We're taking a walk around the lake." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:341 +msgid "There's also a Petco nearby. She wants to look at the fish and hamsters." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:343 +msgid "Will Diya still be your friend if you say no?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:345 +msgid "Yes, but I want to—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:347 +msgid "Then there's no point." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:348 +msgid "Now that you've already established your friendship, you should be expending the minimum amount of energy to maintain it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:349 +msgid "Otherwise you're just wasting your limited time. Fun is an illusion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:350 +msgid "Don't be controlled by your emotions." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:352 +msgid "But I'm free that Saturday! Chinese School is on break." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:354 +msgid "You can use it to study for your tests at school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:356 +msgid "I already studied for them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:358 +msgid "All of them?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:360 +msgid "I finished reading all my textbooks already. Twice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:362 +msgid "Did you do all the practice problems?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:364 +msgid "I did all the practice problems." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:367 +msgid "Haha! Take that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:368 +msgid "There's nothing that could possibly be left for me to do!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:370 +msgid "I'll buy next year's textbooks so you can get started on those, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:377 +msgctxt "wakeUp_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:379 +msgctxt "wakeUp_653359cb" +msgid "Upset, Noelle curls up in bed angrily hugging her giant snake plushie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:380 +msgid "Read next year's textbook" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:382 +msgid "— The Fox and the Grapes —" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:383 +msgid "A hungry Fox saw a fine bunch of Grapes hanging from a vine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:384 +msgid "He did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:385 +msgid "But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:386 +msgid "So he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking," +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:387 +msgid "\"I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:388 +msgid "Reading Comprehension Questions:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:389 +msgid "1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "{cps=0}1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "They were sour" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "He couldn't reach them" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "He wasn't hungry" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:400 +msgid "Kid playing outside" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:403 +msgid "Through the window, Noelle can hear someone whiffing a badminton racket outside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:405 +msgid "Sorry!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:407 +msgid "It's okay!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:409 +msgid "It sounds like they're playing badminton in the driveway without a net." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:411 +msgid "They're probably in the dumb kids class." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:413 +msgid "2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "{cps=0}2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was useless" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was very close" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was a great success" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:425 +msgid "Noooo!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:427 +msgid "Oh my god! Did you see that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:429 +msgid "They're both laughing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:431 +msgid "Stupid hooligans wasting their time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:432 +msgid "Having fun?? HA! I'm above such petty unnecessities." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:433 +msgid "They'll regret it when they're working at McDonald's someday." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:434 +msgid "I hate sports anyway. I'm the real winner here!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:436 +msgid "3) What's the message of the story?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "{cps=0}3) What's the message of the story?{/cps}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "Appearances are deceptive" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "Look before you leap" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "It's easy to despise what you cannot have" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:462 +msgctxt "atMeeting_e7bfb3b0" +msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:467 +msgid "Noelle grudgingly steps up to the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:469 +msgid "I hate sports!! Why am I here?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:473 +msgid "Akarsha is pitching. She raises her eyebrows at Noelle as she winds up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:474 +msgctxt "atMeeting_bdb2098a" +msgid "Wake up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:476 +msgctxt "atMeeting_f0dcbbb0" +msgid "...What...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:479 +msgid "Wake up, Frenchman. You're in a coma." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:481 +msgid "I AM NOT. YOU ARE TRYING TO CONFUSE ME, AND FAILING." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:486 +msgid "Akarsha pitches the ball!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:490 +msgid "Swing at the ball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:492 +msgid "Through sheer luck, Noelle manages to hit the ball!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:496 +msgid "It pops straight up! Noelle runs for first base with the agility of an old man with two broken legs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:499 +msgctxt "atMeeting_fafbead7" +msgid "I got it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:500 +msgid "Chryssa catches it in her mitt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:502 +msgid "The runner already on first base gives Noelle a strange look when she runs up to it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:505 +msgid "Noelle, you're out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:507 +msgid "Stop running. It's embarrassing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:510 +msgid "What? Why?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:513 +msgid "She caught it, genius." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:517 +msgid "But...so? Why can't I run? How come the runner on first isn't out??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:519 +msgid "The rules of this game are really incomprehensible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:522 +msgid "It's okay, nice try." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:524 +msgid "I don't need praise for failing. I'm not stupid." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:532 +msgid "Noelle grabs a mitt and joins Diya and the others on the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:534 +msgid "We're taking turns batting. Everyone who isn't a batter or runner is defending on the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:535 +msgid "It feels so odd to be doing this. I keep half-expecting someone to holler at me to get off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:537 +msgid "Suddenly, Diya swerves back to avoid a bee flying at her face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:539 +msgid "Did that bee just try to sting you?! COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH BEE COWARD I’M GONNA FUCK YOU UP!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:541 +msgid "Min moves indignantly between Diya and the bee." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:543 +msgctxt "atMeeting_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:544 +msgid "She's trying to protect Diya from the bee." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:546 +msgid "Min throws a punch at the offending bee." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:548 +msgid "After silently watching a few fruitless swings, Diya takes off her hat and strikes the bee in mid-air with the bill of her cap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:550 +msgid "It falls to the ground, dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:551 +msgid "Min beams at her with pure adoration in her eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:553 +msgid "When did you move back?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:555 +msgid "About two weeks ago." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:557 +msgid "Wow, if we had any classes together we'd have crossed paths way sooner." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:559 +msgid "Does Jun-seo go here now too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:561 +msgid "No, he's at a different school. He goes to Niles." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:563 +msgid "That's an easier, less Asian school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:566 +msgid "Why would your parents put you in different schools?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:568 +msgid "They didn't. I originally went to there too, but I got expelled." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:570 +msgid "Expelled?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:573 +msgid "How was Florida?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:575 +msgid "You're not going to ask about the \"expelled\" part???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:578 +msgid "Horrible!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:580 +msgid "They don't have boba places there! I had to drink milkshakes!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:582 +msgid "What the...that's crazy..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:585 +msgid "And everyone was white!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:587 +msgid "Are white people that bad?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:589 +msgid "They do shit like pull their eyes into slits and go \"Ching chong ting tong!\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:590 +msgid "Or \"Go back to China!\" I'm not even Chinese!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:592 +msgid "I had to get so good at beating people up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:594 +msgid "What the heck. That sounds like a cartoon." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:595 +msgid "I thought racism was over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:597 +msgid "Me too!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:599 +msgid "But they showed us that cartoon every year in class. Where they time travel to when there's segregation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:600 +msgid "What happened?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:602 +msgctxt "atMeeting_bac6a63f" +msgid "Beats me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:605 +msgid "The next batter strikes out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:607 +msgid "Liz, who's acting as the catcher, returns the ball to Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:609 +msgid "Akarsha fumbles it and drops it on the mound. Everyone watches disapprovingly as she scrambles to pick it back up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:611 +msgid "...That was an illusion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:612 +msgid "A trick of the light." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:614 +msgid "No, we clearly saw you mess up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:620 +msgid "It's Diya's turn at bat now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:624 +msgid "Diya hits the pitch with a downright scary amount of force." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:627 +msgid "The ball shoots over everyone's heads and lands in a tree in the distance, causing several startled crows to flap out. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:631 +msgid "YEAH!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:633 +msgid "Whose side are you on?! We're supposed to be on defense!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:636 +msgid "Okay, but you have to admit that was sick." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:639 +msgid "Nice one, Diya!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:642 +msgctxt "atMeeting_55f97255" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:647 +msgid "It's Min's turn at the plate now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:648 +msgid "She immediately grabs the heaviest bat they have." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:650 +msgid "Min-seo, are you sure you want to use that?\n We have other bats that are closer to your—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:652 +msgid "This one is fine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:654 +msgid "She hasn't even tried the other ones..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:657 +msgid "But in general, people your size should use the 31 inch—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:659 +msgid "No!!! I'm not some weakling!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:665 +msgid "On the mound, Akarsha paces back and forth as Min squares up in the batter's box." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:669 +msgid "Are you trying to psyche me out?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:672 +msgid "I bet you can't eat five crayons." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:675 +msgid "Oh yeah?! I bet I CAN." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:678 +msgid "No eating crayons while the club is in session, please..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:684 +msgid "Actually, Noelle, how about you try pitching now? It's been a while since we switched." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:687 +msgctxt "atMeeting_219543a9" +msgid "Me?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:697 +msgid "Noelle switches places with Akarsha on the mound." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:699 +msgid "Bring it, you weak bitch!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:701 +msgid "What're you insulting me for? We're on the same side now!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:704 +msgid "No, we're not?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:705 +msgid "What the heck are you talking about?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:707 +msgid "Don't baseball pitchers pitch to their own team?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:710 +msgid "No???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:712 +msgid "Everyone is shooting Noelle appalled looks..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:715 +msgid "No, you pitch against the enemy. It's the pitcher's goal not to let the batter get on base." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:718 +msgid "Oh, I see. So that's why they pitch at such high velocity— so it's harder for the batter to hit a touchdown." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:722 +msgid "Noelle, have you never watched a baseball game before?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:723 +msgid "Can you even name a single baseball team?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The San Jose Sharks" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The San Francisco 49ers" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The Oakland A's" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:728 +msgid "The Sharks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:732 +msgctxt "atMeeting_7ca094fd" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:734 +msgctxt "atMeeting_ee0c4ca8" +msgid "Chryssa looks like she's about to cry..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:737 +msgid "Noelle...That's a hockey team..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:740 +msgctxt "atMeeting_4b0e7562" +msgid "...Is it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:741 +msgctxt "atMeeting_0ed7d138" +msgid "Well, how was I supposed to know? They're all pretty much the same." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:745 +msgid "The 49ers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:749 +msgctxt "atMeeting_7ca094fd_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:751 +msgctxt "atMeeting_ee0c4ca8_1" +msgid "Chryssa looks like she's about to cry..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:754 +msgid "Noelle...That's a football team..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:757 +msgctxt "atMeeting_4b0e7562_1" +msgid "...Is it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:758 +msgctxt "atMeeting_0ed7d138_1" +msgid "Well, how was I supposed to know? They're all pretty much the same." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:762 +msgid "The A's." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:764 +msgid "Chryssa looks immensely relieved." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:767 +msgid "Bravo. If you'd failed that, I probably would've started crying." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:771 +msgid "Min squares up in the batter's box." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:772 +msgid "Throw the ball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:775 +msgid "Noelle throws the ball with all her might!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:777 +msgid "...It plops back down into the grass not even halfway to Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:779 +msgid "The hell was that!? That throw was so soft!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:782 +msgid "Nobody ordered ice cream, Noelle! Get it together!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:785 +msgid "Alright! I get it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:789 +msgid "I guess we'll count that as a ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:792 +msgctxt "atMeeting_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:796 +msgid "You didn't throw it through the strike zone. If you miss, it's a ball. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:797 +msgid "If you throw 4 balls before the batter strikes out, the batter goes to first base for free." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:801 +msgid "Where is the strike zone, exactly?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:806 +msgid "It starts at the midpoint between the top of the batter's shoulders and the top of their pants." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:807 +msgid "The bottom is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:809 +msgid "What happens if you're wearing a skirt?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:810 +msgid "Does it default to the nearest pair of pants you own?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:812 +msgid "You have to be wearing proper uniform pants to play official games." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:813 +msgid "There's rules about that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:815 +msgid "If we wanna throw the game but in a subtle way, all we have to do is pull our pants up really high." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:816 +msgid "Like, up to our armpits." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:819 +msgid "THAT'S NOT SUBTLE AT ALL." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:822 +msgid "Assuming we play this the regular way, don't short people just naturally have smaller batting zones?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:823 +msgid "Since their bodies are smaller." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:825 +msgid "Yeah, it takes more precision to strike them out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:826 +msgid "By the way, the measurements are based on the batter's stance, not while they're standing straight up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:829 +msgid "Knowing that, can't we just reduce the batting zone's volume to zero by squatting down?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:830 +msgid "That way any pitch they throw becomes a ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:833 +msgid "I dunno if there's a rule against that, but if you do anything too weird, it'll be considered poor sportsmanship." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:834 +msgid "If it feels like the other people aren't playing fair, it won't be fun anymore." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:837 +msgid "The umpire will probably stop you, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:838 +msgid "Whenever something's not explicitly outlined in the rules, it's his call." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:843 +msgid "Okay, are we done explaining now? Can we play baseball? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:846 +msgid "Sure. I think we...\"covered all the bases.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:850 +msgid "Get it??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:853 +msgid "Urgh!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 +msgid "Laugh politely" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 +msgid "Don't laugh" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:859 +msgid "Ha...ha..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:861 +msgid "Chryssa seems delighted that Noelle is laughing at her joke!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:863 +msgid "We had to make it....Chryssa-tal clear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:866 +msgid "Noelle doesn't laugh!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:868 +msgid "That was horrible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:870 +msgid "Chryssa looks disappointed by Noelle's cold reception to her joke!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:873 +msgid "My joke was a...swing and a miss." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:878 +msgid "I better pitch the ball before she says more." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:883 +msgid "Noelle hurls the ball with all her might!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:884 +msgid "...It plops down in the grass in the exact same spot as last time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:886 +msgid "Diya raises her hand and looks at Chryssa expectantly, like she's waiting to be called on." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:889 +msgid "Yes? You can just talk, you don't have to do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:892 +msgid "Noelle doesn't have enough upper body strength to throw it that far." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:895 +msgid "That's a problem...No matter what position she plays, she's gonna have to throw it that far at some point." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:898 +msgid "Well, good thing I'm not joining this stupid club then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:899 +msgid "Problem solved." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:903 +msgid "Alright, whatever. I'll pitch for now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:910 +msgid "Noelle hands the ball over to Chryssa and joins Akarsha and Diya back on the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:911 +msgid "As Noelle jogs up to them, Akarsha plucks a dandelion from the grass and presents it to her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:913 +msgid "If you were a flower, you'd be a DAMNdelion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:915 +msgid "This is literally a weed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:918 +msgid "Akarsha tries to blow the dandelion seeds into Noelle's eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:920 +msgctxt "atMeeting_173ce977" +msgid "Stop that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:926 +msgid "Min smacks Chryssa's pitch into the ground and takes off running." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:928 +msgid "Diya tears after it with the look of a dog chasing a squirrel. She scoops it up and throws it to Akarsha, who's manning first base now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:930 +msgid "I got it! I got it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:931 +msgid "Akarsha tries to catch it, but ends up knocking the ball away with the tip of her glove." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:933 +msgid "Akarsha, you need to work on your catches." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:935 +msgid "Huh? Why?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:937 +msgid "You dropped the ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:940 +msgid "What? That wasn't me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:942 +msgid "That was totally you. Everyone saw." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:945 +msgid "Incredible. That must be...my lookalike from another dimension." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:946 +msgid "You briefly glimpsed a parallel universe when Akarsha didn't catch the ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:947 +msgid "But now you've crossed back over to the reality where I did catch it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:949 +msgid "That explains the memory discrepancy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:950 +msgid "It's the only logical explanation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:952 +msgid "OR, YOU MESSED UP AND JUST WON'T ADMIT IT." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:956 +msgid "Min manages to round the bases and score thanks to Akarsha's mistake." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:960 +msgid "Akarsha! You're up to bat!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm ready!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:967 +msgid "Akarsha twirls the bat behind her back, squats down for no reason, and hops several times like a frog before springing back up in a dramatic pose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:969 +msgid "Is she going to do that every single time she goes up to bat?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:972 +msgid "Knowing her? Yes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:975 +msgid "My signature." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:977 +msgid "You don't need a signature." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:989 +msgid "Watch out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:993 +msgctxt "atMeeting_9eb7f0d7" +msgid "Huh?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1000 +msgid "Akarsha batted a ball straight at Noelle!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1005 +msgid "Noelle flails her arm in a panicked attempt to catch the ball!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1007 +msgid "She misses it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1011 +msgid "Chryssa does nothing. She's still sulking because Noelle didn't laugh at her joke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1024 +msgid "OW!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1038 +msgid "Chryssa rushes in front of Noelle and catches the ball!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1040 +msgid "Um...Thanks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1043 +msgid "No problem!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1050 +msgid "Oops." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1052 +msgid "That was............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1054 +msgid "........ghost." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1056 +msgid "IT WASN'T A GHOST." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1063 +msgid "It's Min's turn to pitch now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1065 +msgid "Chryssa hands the ball over to her and heads over to the plate to bat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1068 +msgid "Whenever you're ready!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1070 +msgid "The fielders are all backing up. Chryssa's even taller than Diya, so she looks like she could hit it pretty far." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1075 +msgid "Min clutches the ball in a claw-like grip." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1076 +msgid "She brings her arm back and then forward, hard, over the top, and lets go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1079 +msgid "As the ball approaches the plate it does a little hop, like a hiccup. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1080 +msgid "Chryssa looks weirded out. She doesn't swing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1081 +msgid "The flutter is just enough to throw Liz off— the ball glances off the side of her glove and bounces off her kneecap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1087 +msgctxt "minPitching_99297e8a" +msgid "What the..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1089 +msgid "It's kind of creepy, isn't it? Seeing the ball coming at you without spinning." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1091 +msgid "Yeah! It was, like, just floating at me..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1093 +msgid "Er...I couldn't tell the difference." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1094 +msgid "It looked normal to me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1097 +msgid "Liz returns the ball to Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1102 +msgid "Min clutches it in the same messed up looking grip, rears up, and lets another pitch go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1110 +msgid "Chryssa misses it by a foot. It's a pitch you couldn't hit with a tennis racket. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1111 +msgid "Liz has to twist into a weird angle to stop the ball in the dirt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1113 +msgid "A knuckleball, huh!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1115 +msgid "What's that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1117 +msgid "It's a rare pitch thrown with nearly no spin, so its path is unpredictable." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1120 +msgid "Oh. I get it! You're making this up as an excuse for why you missed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1123 +msgid "I'm not making it up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1125 +msgid "It operates on the same principle as a float serve in volleyball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1126 +msgid "Or a knuckleball in soccer, if you know that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1129 +msgid "Uh, no. I don't know either of those." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1131 +msgid "Okay, so when you pitch a ball normally, it spins like crazy — somewhere around 10 times on the way to the plate. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1132 +msgid "Spin is what gives a ball stability as it moves." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1133 +msgid "If you can learn to throw a ball with minimal spin, its instability will give it an unpredictable trajectory." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1134 +msgid "It starts behaving like a chaotic system, like the weather." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1135 +msgid "And that's great, because a lot of sports mastery is just recognizing situations." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1136 +msgid "Everyone says to \"keep your eye on the ball\", but it's actually impossible to do that due to the limitations of human reaction. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1137 +msgid "What good hitters actually do is anticipate the ball's flight path based on cues they recognize, from being in similar situations before in the past." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1138 +msgid "In other words, they don't see the ball. They just guess its trajectory." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1140 +msgid "Ah. But they can't do that against a knuckleball. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1143 +msgid "That's right. A knuckler's trajectory is drastically different each time it's pitched." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1144 +msgid "So no matter how good you are, there's no way to reliably hit it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1145 +msgid "Thrown correctly, it moves so erratically that it's impossible to hit except through sheer luck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1148 +msgid "...I still can't tell if you're making this all up as an excuse for why you suck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1151 +msgid "No, it's real." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1154 +msgid "But you couldn't catch it, so it's also a convenient excuse for you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1157 +msgid "And if it IS real, then why doesn't everyone use it? It sounds practically game-breaking. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1160 +msgid "Well, for one..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1161 +msgid "Knuckleball's one of the hardest pitches to throw in baseball. If not {i}the{/i} hardest." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1162 +msgid "Put a little too much spin on the ball or throw it just a little too fast, and you're basically serving up a meaty practice pitch that'll get hit out of the park." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1163 +msgid "And even at its best, a knuckler is a double-edged sword." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1165 +msgid "Batters can't hit it, but that also means pitchers can't control it, and catchers can't catch it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1166 +msgid "When thrown right, even Min has no idea where it's going." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1168 +msgid "They say throwing a knuckleball for a strike is like throwing a butterfly into a mailbox across the street." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1170 +msgid "Even in the big leagues, catchers hate it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1171 +msgid "And if I let it get past me, it could lead to the batter or a runner on base advancing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1172 +msgid "With a knuckleballer pitching, the catcher has to focus so hard on stopping it that runners on base will have an easier time stealing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1173 +msgid "It's a big pain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1175 +msgid "So basically...it's hard to throw right, it's hard to control even when you do throw it right, and it's punishing if you miss." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1178 +msgid "Pretty much! No one trusts it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1180 +msgid "Knuckleball is the pitch of someone with nothing left to lose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1184 +msgid "And that's us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1186 +msgid "We can try things that no coach in their right mind would ever risk. Because no one expects anything from us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1188 +msgid "So we might as well take advantage of that, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1189 +msgid "Even if we don't win a single game, at least we'll have fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1191 +msgid "Fun?? What kind of nonsense is this???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1202 +msgid "Chryssa strikes out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1203 +msgid "The ball ricochets off Liz's mitt and catches her bare hand, striking her thumb at a painful looking angle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1205 +msgid "Ow!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1206 +msgid "Okay, time-out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1208 +msgid "That looked pretty painful..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1211 +msgid "Liz's thumb has turned a swollen purple." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1213 +msgid "Are you okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1215 +msgid "I'll live..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1221 +msgid "Min, is this all you know how to throw?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1224 +msgid "I can throw fastballs too, but they're not that fast." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1225 +msgid "So knuckleball is kind of my specialty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1227 +msgid "I used to watch video tapes of Tim Wakefield pitching on TV over and over again, and copied that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1228 +msgid "It's the only pitch I really practiced." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1230 +msgid "That's so smart! Honing all your skill on an off-speed pitch, knowing that you don't have the muscle to throw fast." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1231 +msgid "Did your coach suggest it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1234 +msgid "Uh, no. I didn't have one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1235 +msgid "No one taught me anything. I taught myself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1237 +msgid "Huh? Then what made you decide to specialize as a knuckler?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1240 +msgid "I chose it because...uh...it's...hard to catch..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1242 +msgid "So Diya has to be the one to catch it. Since it'll hurt everyone else." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1244 +msgid "What kind of reason is that?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1247 +msgid "She's so stupid, she unknowingly ended up doing something smart!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1249 +msgid "Min, what do you mean by Diya having to catch it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1251 +msgid "Diya's immune to it because she's special." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1253 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1255 +msgid "Diya has been standing by hopefully for 5 minutes now, looking like she wants to say something." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1257 +msgid "Diya, would you like to try catching in my place?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1259 +msgctxt "minPitching_017df041" +msgid "!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1260 +msgid "Diya nods furiously." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1263 +msgid "Then that settles it! Let's switch!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1274 +msgid "Once Diya has strapped on all the gear, Min throws it again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1287 +msgid "Diya caught it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1289 +msgid "What!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1291 +msgid "She sounds like Fox falling off the stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1293 +msgid "I knew it. Chryssa WAS making it up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1295 +msgid "I'm never believing your lies again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1297 +msgid "We weren't lying!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1309 +msgid "Diya just caught it again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1311 +msgid "See? Diya is amazing!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1313 +msgid "Okay, that has to be a fluke! Calm down!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1316 +msgid "You're the one who needs to calm down!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1322 +msgid "They've managed to relieve another hitter together. Akarsha is up next." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1325 +msgid "On her way to the plate, she tries to do the splits, fails, and sheepishly crawls back to her feet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1327 +msgid "That was my plan all along. I'm playing 4 dimensional chess." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1329 +msgid "God!! I can't stand her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1330 +msgid "I want to push her off a cliff." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1332 +msgid "...But a shallow one, so she doesn't get hurt. Just to scare her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1340 +msgid "Min winds up and throws another knuckler." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1344 +msgid "It veers wildly up to the sky. Without hesitation, Diya rises out of her crouch and gloves it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1349 +msgid "WHAT!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1350 +msgid "That would've been a ball, but still!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1353 +msgid "Is it really that surprising? Diya's always been good at sports." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1354 +msgid "I'd be more shocked if she failed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1357 +msgid "No, but you don't understand! This goes beyond being \"good at sports\"!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1358 +msgid "It's literally impossible!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1366 +msgid "Akarsha swings and misses for the third time. She's struck out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1369 +msgid "Uhhhhh..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1371 +msgid "That was performance art." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1373 +msgid "YOU CAN'T MAKE THESE EXCUSES EVERY TIME YOU MESS UP." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1379 +msgid "Once Diya and Min have relieved the entire roster, Liz claps her hands together to get their attention." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1381 +msgid "Alright, everyone! Let's end the meeting for today." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1383 +msgid "...What? Already?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1386 +msgid "Yeah? It's been, like, two hours." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1388 +msgctxt "minPitching_fd95726e" +msgid "Huh?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1390 +msgid "They say time flies when you're having fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1392 +msgid "But I wasn't having fun!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1393 +msgid "I...I must've been so miserable that my mind wiped parts of my memory out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1396 +msgid "Let's head back inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1398 +msgid "Diya!! I'll race you!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1401 +msgctxt "minPitching_06530a49" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1404 +msgid "Diya and Min tear off at top speed!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1405 +msgid "After a beat, the others begin heading uphill as well, at a deliberately more reasonable pace." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1411 +msgid "I haven't seen Diya this happy since the time the vending machine malfunctioned and gave her two Kit Kat bars instead of one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1413 +msgid "Noelle subtly tries to regulate her breathing rate so no one knows she's getting winded walking uphill." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1416 +msgid "Hey, Noelle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1418 +msgid "Uh...thanks for putting up with us today." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1419 +msgid "Sorry we sorta forced you to play." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1422 +msgid ".....It wasn't the worst. I may find it in me to forgive you someday." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1426 +msgid "Yeah! You did good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1428 +msgid "I did terrible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1430 +msgid "Okay, you did terrible. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1431 +msgid "But you tried your best and that's what matters." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1433 +msgid "It's not like everyone can be Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1434 +msgid "Don't worry so much and just have fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1435 +msgid "It's not a competition." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1437 +msgid "Right..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1442 +msgid "Chryssa pats Noelle on the head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1444 +msgid "Don't touch me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1447 +msgid "We really appreciate you...PITCHING in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1450 +msgid "Yuck!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1453 +msgid "Noelle tries to escape!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1454 +msgid "She takes one step, slips on the muddy grass, and falls on her butt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1456 +msgctxt "noelle2_3a434404" +msgid "Noelle!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1458 +msgid "What're you doing, Noelle?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1459 +msgid "Trying to win America's Funniest Home Video?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1461 +msgid "Rrgh!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1464 +msgid "Chryssa, you pull her up! My hands are full." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1467 +msgid "No!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1472 +msgid "Noelle scrambles to her feet and follows the others up the bank as quickly as she can. (Not very quick)" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1475 +msgid "Hey! Wait!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1476 +msgctxt "noelle2_015e3d7f" +msgid "Noelle!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1479 +msgid "They're being nice to me to trick me into joining the club!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1481 +msgid "I won't fall for it. Unlike some people, I have control over my emotions!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1482 +msgid "I'll just ignore her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1491 +msgid "FUCK!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1494 +msgid "What was that..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1497 +msgid "Min is picking herself off the ground. There a Min-shaped dust imprint on the door now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1499 +msgid "...Are you okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1501 +msgid "THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1503 +msgid "You probably should've checked before ramming straight into it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1506 +msgid "Don't tell me what to do." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1508 +msgid "Looks like we'll have to wait for Chryssa and Liz to unlock it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1512 +msgid "Min pulls a lighter out of her pocket and lights a cigarette." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1514 +msgid "Are you serious??!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1515 +msgid "That's illegal!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1519 +msgid "What the god damn hell is your damage?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1520 +msgid "I can't do ANYTHING without you calling it illegal!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1522 +msgid "Because it IS illegal!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1524 +msgid "Even if it wasn't, what kind of idiot are you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1525 +msgid "Didn't you learn about the health effects of tobacco in school?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1528 +msgid "It's just a bunch of statistics. Plenty of people smoke and don't die." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1530 +msgid "What, you think you're better than the laws of probability?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1533 +msgid "Yeah, I am!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1535 +msgid "Go ahead and remove yourself from the gene pool then. I don't care." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1539 +msgid "Hey Min, can I try smoking it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1541 +msgctxt "noelle2_665af99d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1543 +msgid "Have you lost your mind?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1546 +msgid "Come on, aren't you curious?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1547 +msgid "It's not like I'll get addicted just from one smoke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1549 +msgid "Min holds out the cigarette for Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1550 +msgid "Here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1552 +msgid "Don't mind if I do!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1555 +msgid "NO!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1563 +msgid "Noelle bats the cigarette out of Akarsha's hands!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1566 +msgid "It lands in some dry pine needles and bursts into flames!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1570 +msgid "....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1571 +msgid "Min, Akarsha, & Noelle" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1578 +msgid "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1582 +msgid "FRENCHMAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1584 +msgid "SHUT UP!!! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1586 +msgid "Smokey the Bear is cryin right now!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1587 +msgid "Only you can prevent forest fires!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1590 +msgid "Well shit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1591 +msgid "What do we do now?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1593 +msgid "PEE ON IT." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1595 +msgid "ARE YOU STUPID??????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1598 +msgid "STOP DROP AND ROLL!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1600 +msgid "YOU DON'T DO THAT UNLESS YOU'RE ALREADY ON FIRE." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1603 +msgid "HEAD ON. APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1606 +msgid "THIS ISN'T HELPING." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1610 +msgid "Silence falls over the group as they hear approaching footsteps on the other side of the wood divider." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1611 +msgid "It sounds like Chryssa and Liz are slowly getting closer to the locker room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1613 +msgid "Hey! What're you guys screaming about?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1616 +msgid "Nothing's wrong, so DON'T COME IN HERE!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1618 +msgid "...Is everything ok?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1621 +msgid "EVERYTHING IS FINE...Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1624 +msgid "The footsteps pause for a brief stunned moment before resuming with dramatically increased speed and urgency." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1626 +msgid "CRAP. We need to fix this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1628 +msgid "We should smother it. Someone use their jacket." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1631 +msgid "What if the jacket gets burnt?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1632 +msgid "This is my favorite jacket, man!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1634 +msgid "Same..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1636 +msgid "Okay, who likes her jacket the least?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1638 +msgid "Me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1641 +msgid "Diya strips off her hoodie. Min watches with extreme interest, but looks incredibly disappointed when she sees Diya is wearing a shirt underneath." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1643 +msgid "Akarsha throws the jacket over the fire and stomps on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1645 +msgid "Okay. I think we extinguished it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1646 +msgid "Teamwork." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1648 +msgid "Diya picks her jacket up and shakes it out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1649 +msgid "Other than mud prints from Akarsha flip-flops, it looks no worse for wear. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1651 +msgid "I can't believe Frenchman snapped and tried to commit arson." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1653 +msgid "THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1656 +msgid "Chryssa and Liz are here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1658 +msgid "...What's that burnt smell?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1660 +msgctxt "noelle2_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1664 +msgctxt "noelle2_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1666 +msgctxt "noelle2_c38327a8" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1668 +msgctxt "noelle2_52abf6db" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1673 +msgid "Who did it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1675 +msgid "It was................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1677 +msgid "Jerry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1679 +msgid "We're inventing a person now??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1682 +msgid "Who the hell is Jerry?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1684 +msgid "He's...a guy. Black hair." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1686 +msgid "Right, we all saw him. He did it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1689 +msgid "Diya nods helpfully." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1691 +msgctxt "noelle2_d09a6beb" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1693 +msgctxt "noelle2_e8ca9133" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1711 +msgid "What a day..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1712 +msgid "I somehow ended up playing baseball, got patted by some random upperclassman, and was interrogated over arson..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1713 +msgid "They questioned us all separately and our accounts of Jerry fell apart." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1714 +msgid "In the end they made us do push-ups as punishment." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1715 +msgid "I'm exhausted." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1718 +msgctxt "home_9d48d641" +msgid "I'm home." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1721 +msgctxt "home_6a3d80f6" +msgid "What did you get on the math test?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1723 +msgid "An A." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1725 +msgid "A? Why not A+?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1726 +msgctxt "home_4b7f6a27" +msgid "Noelle's mom is cutting a column out of the Chinese newspaper." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1727 +msgctxt "home_7b0a96e5" +msgid "Look at this article." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1728 +msgid "A CEO sold his company for over a billion dollars and donated $200 million to UC Berkeley." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1729 +msgid "There's a building at Berkeley named after him now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1730 +msgid "He's American born Chinese, just like you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1731 +msgctxt "home_2ee13495" +msgid "If he can do it, why can't you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1732 +msgctxt "home_2341c4b7" +msgid "I'm putting this on your wall. To inspire you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1734 +msgctxt "home_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1736 +msgid "She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to the shelf gleaming with Noelle's math competition trophies." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1748 +msgctxt "nemesis_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1749 +msgid "dude wtf did i miss in elementary school??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1750 +msgid "according to min" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1751 +msgid "basically shes ur childhood archnemesis" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1752 +msgid "AND diya's ex??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1753 +msgid "The archnemesis part is accurate, but she's not Diya's ex. That's ridiculous." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1754 +msgid "ok she didnt use those exact words but pretty much?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1755 +msgid "That's impossible. They're both girls." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1756 +msgid "so??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1757 +msgid "What do you mean, \"so??\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1758 +msgid "i cant believe u have an archnemesis?? i didnt even know ppl had those in real life" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1760 +msgid "how is this going to work?? o_0" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1761 +msgid "I don't understand what you're asking. Please reword the question." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1762 +msgid "what ru going to do about min?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1763 +msgid "Nothing. She doesn't pose me any threat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1764 +msgid "Diya made her promise not to hurt me before, so she's strictly limited to insulting and threatening me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1765 +msgid "All bark and no bite, so to speak." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1766 +msgid "I'm probably actually the safest person in the school, as the only one with this kind of immunity." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1767 +msgid "I'll just try my best to avoid her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1768 +msgid "???????? what" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1769 +msgid "shes friends with both diya and me now" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1770 +msgid "u gotta figure out how to deal with her sooner or later" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1771 +msgid "No, I don't. My strategy has worked flawlessly all the way through elementary school." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1772 +msgid "There's no reason to change it now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1773 +msgid "ur strategy??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1774 +msgid "the \"maybe if i ignore the problem it'll go away\" strategy??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1775 +msgid "I don't have a choice! You don't understand how stupid she really is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1776 +msgid "She's not just pretending to be dumb like you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1777 +msgid "She's dumb for {i}real.{/i}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1778 +msgid "She once carved her name into a desk and couldn't figure out how they caught her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1779 +msgid "o_o" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1780 +msgid "WAI T HOLD UP" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1781 +msgid "WAIT I GOT IT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1782 +msgid "JOIN THE BASEBALL CLUB" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1783 +msgid "Why??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1784 +msgid "How does that solve anything?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1785 +msgid "IT DOESNT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1786 +msgid "BUT TRUST ME IT ALWAYS WORKS IN THE MOVIES" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1787 +msgid "WHenever 2 characters hate each other" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1788 +msgid "if they end up in a situation where theyre forced to work together" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1789 +msgid "they come out of it as bffs" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1790 +msgid "More realistically, they'd go from enemies to worse enemies." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1791 +msgid "no im calling it right now" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1792 +msgid "we're going to miraculously set our differences aside and work as a team" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1793 +msgid "also, we win by one" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1794 +msgid "come on frenchman" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1795 +msgctxt "nemesis_7cae96ff" +msgid "ONE OF US" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1796 +msgctxt "nemesis_7cae96ff_1" +msgid "ONE OF US" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1797 +msgctxt "nemesis_5d94cf3a" +msgid "No!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1798 +msgid "YES" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1799 +msgid "LEAVE THE EIFFEL TOWER BEHIND" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1800 +msgid "STOP TELLING EVERYONE I LIVE INSIDE THE EIFFEL TOWER." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1801 +msgid "MAKE UR DREAMS INTO REALITY" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1802 +msgid "THIS ISN'T MY DREAM!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1803 +msgid "then what is????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1804 +msgid "doesnt it bother u that everyone else our age gets to have fun??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1805 +msgid "like bruh wheres my complicated relationship drama??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1806 +msgid "wheres my reckless teen adventures??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1807 +msgid "dont u feel like ur missing out sitting at home alone all the time??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1808 +msgid "No, because it'll pay off in the future." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1809 +msgid "but ur youth is irreplaceable" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1813 +msgid "Noelle was invited to the baseball club group chat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1815 +msgctxt "nemesis_9ec3f8f5" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1816 +msgid "I'll just take a quick look, and then quit. That's it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1819 +msgid "Join the chat" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1825 +msgctxt "loophole_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1827 +msgctxt "loophole_180f31e7" +msgid "Noelle has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1828 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1829 +msgid ":D" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1830 +msgid "Hello." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1831 +msgctxt "loophole_f57a085c" +msgid "wtf" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1832 +msgid "why are yu o here" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1833 +msgid "whatre you gonna do, use a peraberla to calculate how to throw the ball?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1834 +msgid "*parabola" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1835 +msgid "shut the fuck out" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1836 +msgid "you long green bean" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1837 +msgid "Green bean?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1838 +msgid "SHUT THE FUCK OUT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1839 +msgid "you stupid overacheiving Asian fob loser stereotype" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1840 +msgid "*overachieving" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1841 +msgid "Big words for someone who'll be attending community college and working at McDonald's." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1842 +msgid "guys cmon" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1843 +msgid "dont b like this" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1844 +msgid "become bffs!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1845 +msgid "look how much u have in common!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1846 +msgid "asian" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1847 +msgid "full of anger" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1848 +msgid "and u both like diya" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1849 +msgctxt "loophole_2bf64fa7" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1850 +msgid "lets all sing the barney song" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1851 +msgid "i love u...." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1852 +msgid "u love me..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1853 +msgid "we;re a happy family..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1856 +msgctxt "loophole_be6a146f" +msgid "Min has changed the group chat name to \"fuck you noelle\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1857 +msgid "I DON'T LIKE THIS GROUP CHAT NAME." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1858 +msgid "suck it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1860 +msgctxt "loophole_d8a4fb2c" +msgid "Noelle has changed the group chat name to \"Baseball Club\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1862 +msgctxt "loophole_be6a146f_1" +msgid "Min has changed the group chat name to \"fuck you noelle\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1863 +msgid "Stop this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1865 +msgctxt "loophole_d8a4fb2c_1" +msgid "Noelle has changed the group chat name to \"Baseball Club\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1867 +msgctxt "loophole_be6a146f_2" +msgid "Min has changed the group chat name to \"fuck you noelle\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1868 +msgid "guyss" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1869 +msgid "guyssss this is so immature :((((((((((((" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1870 +msgid "how bout a compromise??? ? ?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1871 +msgctxt "loophole_10de64ae" +msgid "?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1872 +msgid "What sort of compromise?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1874 +msgid "YAOI SEME has changed the group chat name to \"Baseball Club\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1875 +msgctxt "loophole_9c9b3288" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1876 +msgctxt "loophole_f57a085c_1" +msgid "wtf" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1877 +msgid "hows this a compromis i didnt get anything" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1878 +msgid "YAOI SEME has changed her name to NOELLEFUCKER69." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1880 +msgid "NICE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1881 +msgid "o/" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1882 +msgid "\\o" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1883 +msgid "I TAKE IT BACK. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1884 +msgid "CHANGE IT BACK." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1885 +msgid "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only truth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1886 +msgid "I HATE YOU." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1887 +msgid "*starts crying*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1888 +msgid "i;m crying,,,,,u made me CRY" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1889 +msgid "IF YOU DON'T CHANGE IT, I'M NOT GOING TO BE YOUR PARTNER FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS ANYMORE." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1890 +msgid ";_;" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1891 +msgid "NOELLEFUCKER69 has changed her name to YAOI SEME." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1893 +msgctxt "loophole_716af941" +msgid "darn" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1894 +msgid "it was good while it lasted" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1895 +msgid "i wonder if theres anything else left to figure out about baseball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1896 +msgid "that no one else has yet" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1897 +msgid "Like other strategies that'd make us statisticaly more likely to win?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1898 +msgid "or weird other loopholes" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1899 +msgid "can we release multiple balls into the air to confuse our opponents" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1900 +msgid "I think that would just confuse us too" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1901 +msgid "what about advantages for batting?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1902 +msgid "what if instead of bats we brought those yaoi paddles" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1903 +msgid "wtfs a yaoi paddle" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1904 +msgid "google it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1905 +msgid "In any case, they have rules about what kinds of bats you can use" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1906 +msgctxt "loophole_218d473d" +msgid "dude" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1907 +msgid "this just gave me a great idea" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1908 +msgid "im albret einstong" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1911 +msgid "YAOI SEME changed her name to albret einstong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1913 +msgctxt "loophole_2bf64fa7_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1914 +msgid "Was" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1915 +msgid "Was that your idea" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1916 +msgid "no that's not it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1917 +msgid "it was just my reward for being a genius" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1919 +msgid "what if u break a bat in half and dual wield one half in each hand" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1920 +msgid "I don't think there would be any advantage doing this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1921 +msgid "we gotta try it to know for sure" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1922 +msgid "for science" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1923 +msgid "There's rules about damaged bats" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1924 +msgid "If they break they're removed from play without penalty" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1925 +msgid "nO" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1926 +msgid "M,,m,,,Y PLAN IS CRUMBLING TO PIECES" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1927 +msgid "your plan was in pieces from the start" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1928 +msgid "RUDE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1929 +msgid "my backup plan is" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1930 +msgid "we could secretly replace diyas bones w/ synthetic ones" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1931 +msgid "I don't like this plan" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1932 +msgid "what about NANOMACHINES" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1933 +msgid "I don't want nanomachines" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1934 +msgid "Nanomachines are not even at a level where we can use them yet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1935 +msgid "It's still a theoretical field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1936 +msgid "what??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1937 +msgid "i thought they made nanocars already" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1938 +msgid "with wheels and everything" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1939 +msgid "Just a moment. I'm Googling it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1940 +msgid "I don't want nanocars" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1941 +msgid "The Wikipedia page says the nanocars don't even have motors." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1942 +msgid "They just have four wheels attached to an empty frame." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1943 +msgid "They don't do anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1944 +msgid "{image=nanocar.png}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1945 +msgid "then why the hell did they even create them " +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1946 +msgctxt "loophole_59fe4608" +msgid "I don't know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1947 +msgid "They would just be floating around pointlessly inside Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1950 +msgid "For our purposes, gene therapy would be more practical." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1951 +msgid "The technology is already used to treat muscle-wasting disorders." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1952 +msgid "We could use it to change Diya's gene expression, and increase production of proteins to make her stronger." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1953 +msgid "It would be totally undetectable by drug tests." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1954 +msgctxt "loophole_c7d64119" +msgid "omfg" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1955 +msgid "I don't want gene therapy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1956 +msgid "itd be like doping but w ur genes" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1957 +msgid "gene doping" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1958 +msgid "has anyone done this yet?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1959 +msgid "I wouldn't know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1960 +msgid "im looking it up and dude" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1961 +msgid "no ones ever done it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1962 +msgid "there arent any regulations on it yet" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1963 +msgid "i bet all the baseball ppl dont even know what it is" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1964 +msgid "u could be a gene doping pioneer" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1965 +msgid "u havent even been here 10 minutes yet and ur already destroying baseball" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1966 +msgid "I don't think this is the way we're supposed to do it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1968 +msgid "GUYS" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1969 +msgid "OMG" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1970 +msgid "I LOOKED UP \"CYBORG\" ON WIKIPEDIA AND I F O U ND" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1971 +msgid "THERES A MA N" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1972 +msgid "HE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1973 +msgctxt "loophole_b6375598" +msgid "{image=cyborg.jpg}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1974 +msgctxt "loophole_f57a085c_2" +msgid "wtf" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1975 +msgid "\"Since 2004, British artist Neil Harbisson, has a cyborg antenna implanted in his head that allows him to extend his perception of colors beyond the human visual spectrum through vibrations in his skull.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1976 +msgid "????????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1977 +msgctxt "loophole_754eade2" +msgid "LMAO" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1978 +msgid "\"His antenna was included within his 2004 passport photograph which has been claimed to confirm his cyborg status.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1979 +msgid "This is great." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1980 +msgid "The \"claimed to confirm his cyborg status\" bit makes him sound so desperate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1981 +msgid "right????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1982 +msgid "Plus the design is ridiculously unfashionable." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1983 +msgid "You normally expect cyborgs to look cool and futuristic..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1984 +msgid "BUT INSTEAD" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1985 +msgctxt "loophole_b6375598_1" +msgid "{image=cyborg.jpg}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1986 +msgid "ffFDSKJJKSDFDdSSDS" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1987 +msgid "It's even better when you remember this is from 2004." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1988 +msgctxt "loophole_7d436f5e" +msgid "omfg" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1989 +msgid "the black and white makes you think" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1990 +msgid "this is from the great depresion or smth" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1991 +msgid "but its actually just some weirdo with a rly lame haircut" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1992 +msgid "He looks like he's planning to dangle a carrot on a string from the front" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1993 +msgid "Like a donkey" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1994 +msgid "sssSHUT UP IM LOSING IT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1995 +msgid "It's only been four years. Not only is he still alive, but his current appearance is probably relatively unchanged." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1996 +msgid "This man is still out there, existing in the same world we do, looking like this as we speak." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1997 +msgid "Good" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1998 +msgid "Whenever you're feeling down about your looks" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1999 +msgid "Remember" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2000 +msgctxt "loophole_b6375598_2" +msgid "{image=cyborg.jpg}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2001 +msgid "STTOPP" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2007 +msgid "Why are you smiling?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2008 +msgid "Are you talking to a boy?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2009 +msgid "No boyfriend until college!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2010 +msgid "Noelle almost falls out of her chair in shock." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2012 +msgid "I didn't hear her come in!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2014 +msgid "Noelle switches to a more academic tab she kept open, but not before her mom sees." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2015 +msgid "You always change the screen when I come in!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2016 +msgid "What are you hiding?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2017 +msgid "Her mom grabs the mouse and clicks on the incriminating tab." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2018 +msgid "You're wasting time! Do your homework!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2020 +msgid "Her mother scans the names on the screen and jabs a finger at \"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2021 +msgid "Who's that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2023 +msgid "That's Akarsha. She's the other smart girl in my grade." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2025 +msgid "The one who almost beat you on the midterm?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2027 +msgctxt "loophole_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2029 +msgid "Don't forget that everyone is your competition. She's tricking you into thinking she doesn't study, when really, she does." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2030 +msgid "Every minute you spend doing useless things is a minute she's beating you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2032 +msgid "She's not tricking me. We're friends." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2034 +msgid "\"Friends\"? Don't be naive." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2035 +msgid "When she gets into MIT and you don't, you think she'll care?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2036 +msgid "If you were really in trouble, would she do anything to help you? Of course not." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2037 +msgid "When it comes down to it, nobody will look out for you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2038 +msgid "The only people you can really trust are your family." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2042 +msgid "You don't know anything!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2044 +msgid "Don't talk about my friends like they mean nothing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2045 +msgid "Do you know {i}anything{/i} about me? What's my worst fear? What's my favorite documentary series?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2046 +msgid "You would know these things if you had any care for me beyond how good I make you look to our relatives." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2049 +msgid "You ungrateful child!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2050 +msgid "The whole reason we came to America is so you could live a better life. We made so many sacrifices for you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2051 +msgid "How dare you say we don't care about you?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2052 +msgid "You've been spoiled rotten! You have an attitude problem!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2053 +msgid "Kids these days!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2054 +msgid "When your dad comes home, we're going to have a long talk about this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2056 +msgid "Noelle's mom closes the tab." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2057 +msgid "She hovers over her shoulder for a few more minutes to verify that Noelle is doing work." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2059 +msgid "Don't you have anything better to do??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2060 +msgid "Oh, that's right, you don't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2061 +msgid "Because you have no friends or hobbies and live vicariously through me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2065 +msgid "Still looking sour, her mom finally leaves." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2069 +msgctxt "loophole_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2073 +msgctxt "loophole_653359cb" +msgid "Upset, Noelle curls up in bed angrily hugging her giant snake plushie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2076 +msgid "Open the chatroom again" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2081 +msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2083 +msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_180f31e7" +msgid "Noelle has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2084 +msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_a7e448eb" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2085 +msgid ":D :D!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2086 +msgid "yuck whyd yuo come back" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2087 +msgid "are you still deciding whether to join or something" +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2088 +msgid "No, I have decided." +msgstr "" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2089 +msgid "I'm in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:39 +msgid "Diya's house" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:51 +msgctxt "akarsha1_66517db0" +msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:53 +msgctxt "akarsha1_e3e731e4" +msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:55 +msgid "Diya is crawling on her hands and knees in the bushes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:57 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3a3d3b85" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:60 +msgid "Caught him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:63 +msgid "Diya emerges from the brush with a caterpillar in her hands." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:64 +msgid "It's fat and striped." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:66 +msgid "Ew!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:69 +msgid "Diya turns to face her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:70 +msgid "Because she's deaf in one ear, when she stands up \"straight\" she actually faces slightly to the right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:72 +msgid "Don't be rude." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:73 +msgid "We should give him a name." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Yaoi Kurashiki" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Yoite" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Miles \"Tails\" Edgeworth" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:80 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:83 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:85 +msgid "It's a joke about a character from the Zero Escape games." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:86 +msgid "Someone asked the director if he could be paired with a girl character, and he responded, \"Does Aoi even like girls? I have to start considering from that.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:87 +msgid "Like, that wasn't even the question! He could've just answered no." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:88 +msgid "It's awesome that he went out of his way to say you can't assume that character's straight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:94 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_1" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:97 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_1" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:99 +msgid "It's a character from the manga Nabari no Ou." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:100 +msgid "It's hella gay, you should read it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:102 +msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad" +msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:104 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78" +msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:110 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_2" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:113 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_2" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:115 +msgid "It's a character from the Ace Attorney games." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:116 +msgid "It's hella gay, you should play it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:118 +msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad_1" +msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:120 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78_1" +msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:123 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:124 +msgid "Diya scrutinizes [caterpillar!t] as he inches across her palm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:127 +msgid "You're so invested in these kinds of things. Video games and stuff." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:130 +msgid "They're a form of escapism. I need obsessions to distract me from the crushing emptiness and hopelessness of life." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:132 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_1" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:134 +msgid "...Just kidding. Haha!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:137 +msgid "Diya scoops the caterpillar into her other hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:139 +msgid "Did you hear the news? Obama won." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:141 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4" +msgid "Yes we can." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:144 +msgid "Yeah, but they outlawed gay marriage." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:147 +msgid "They did?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:149 +msgid "Prop 8 passed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:150 +msgid "I thought we were better than that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:153 +msgid "You shoudn't be surprised. There were a lot of yellow wearing guys." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:154 +msgid "Don't even have to ask my parents what they voted. I know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:156 +msgid "But the thing is, it used to be legal. We USED to be better." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:157 +msgid "It's not just that the world sucks. The world sucks, and it's getting worse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:160 +msgid "...Obama, though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:162 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4_1" +msgid "Yes we can." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:164 +msgid "Yes we can..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:166 +msgid "[caterpillar!t] is crawling up Diya's arm now. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:168 +msgid "Gross." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:170 +msgid "That's so shallow. He has a good heart." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:172 +msgid "Don't yellow and black stripes normally mean it's poisonous?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:175 +msgid "Caterpillars are only poisonous if you eat them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:176 +msgid "Not dangerous if you're nice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:179 +msgid "Diya carefully returns the caterpillar to a tree branch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:181 +msgid "Ready to go?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:183 +msgid "Diya nods." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:194 +msgctxt "akarsha1_da7667f7" +msgid "Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:197 +msgctxt "akarsha1_ea9e118e" +msgid "Ya?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:201 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_2" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:202 +msgid "...Never mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:205 +msgctxt "akarsha1_efb5ed1c" +msgid "What the..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:219 +msgid "We went ahead and got changed. It feels like we're a real team now, wearing the same uniform!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:220 +msgid "We've still got some time to kill before the meeting starts." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:237 +msgid "Talk to Diya" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:242 +msgid "Diya is on the bench, resting her head on Min's shoulder." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:243 +msgid "She's showing Min a picture of a seagull her cellphone. One side of the photo is blurry brown from Diya's thumb partially obscuring the camera lens." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:245 +msgid "Look how close I got to this seagull." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:247 +msgid "That's pretty close." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:253 +msgid "Life is so hard..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:254 +msgid "Any words of wisdom, Diya?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:257 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:259 +msgid "Snowflakes are actually really, really small." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:260 +msgid "Not like you would think from Christmas decorations." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:262 +msgid "Uh...How big did you think they were??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:264 +msgid "Like the size of a plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:266 +msgid "Wow...you must've been crazy disappointed when you discovered the truth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:268 +msgid "Any other advice?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:271 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:273 +msgid "You can make nutella sandwiches and eat them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:274 +msgid "If you do this three times a day you'll have three meals for like $1.50." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:276 +msgid "Thanks..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:282 +msgid "I come seeking more knowledge, wise one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:285 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:287 +msgid "Putting whipped cream on rice is a bad idea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:289 +msgid "...Are you speaking from personal experience?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:291 +msgid "Tried it once." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:293 +msgid "Why?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:295 +msgid "Thought it'd taste like sticky rice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:296 +msgid "But it was bad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:298 +msgid "Amazing..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:308 +msgid "Min has a textbook in her lap. She's flipping it to a chapter review page." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:310 +msgid "Are you doing your homework?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:311 +msgid "That's weirdly studious of you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:314 +msgid "I told my parents I joined a tutoring club." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:316 +msgid "Oh. Lol." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:319 +msgid "Funny, so did I." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:321 +msgid "Wha? What do you need tutoring for?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:323 +msgid "I told them I was the tutor." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:325 +msgid "That's perfect! You can tutor Min, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:326 +msgid "Match made in heaven." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:329 +msgid "MATCH MADE IN HELL. I don't want her help." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:332 +msgid "As she says it, though, she's staring down at the page with a desolate expression." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:334 +msgid "Math should just...die." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:336 +msgid "Why? It's a discipline full of beautiful and complex patterns." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:337 +msgid "There's absolutely nothing inherently bad or oppressive about it, yet people treat it like it's evil and malicious." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:338 +msgid "A lot of pure math lacks any kind of practical application, and merely exists for the sake of stimulating people's minds and pushing the limits of the medium as far as is possible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:339 +msgid "It's much like a form of art." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:341 +msgid "Can't relate. Shut the fuck up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:343 +msgid "Dude, let me see it. I'll help you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:344 +msgid "Problem 1: Bill can paint a house in five hours, and Mary can paint a house in three hours. How long will it take for them to paint a house together?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:347 +msgid "8 hours. 5 + 3 is 8." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:349 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_2df16a64" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:352 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:354 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_46e87e05" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:357 +msgid "...Are you gonna be okay at this school?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:364 +msgid "Would you kiss a girl for 1 million dollars?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:368 +msgid "I guess? I don't have that kind of money, though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:371 +msgid "Wha....?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:373 +msgid "No, I'm saying you get PAID." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:377 +msgid "Huh??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:380 +msgid "Never mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:391 +msgid "Noelle is solving a Professor's Cube. Unlike a regular Rubik's Cube, it's 5x5x5 instead of 3x3x3." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:393 +msgid "Diya's face lights up when she spots it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:394 +msgid "I solved one side for you already." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:395 +msgid "Took me 2 hours." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:396 +msgid "Diya proudly points to the cube." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:397 +msgid "Indeed, one face is solid red." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:399 +msgid "...I see." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:401 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that doesn't help at all." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:403 +msgid "Sure enough, Noelle completely obliterates Diya's work in order to solve the cube correctly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:405 +msgid "Wow. You make it look easy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:408 +msgid "Did I help?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:410 +msgid "...Of course. I appreciate it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:414 +msgid "Noelle peels a banana and takes a bite out of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:416 +msgid "What the hell are you doing? Aren't you taking the banana sticker off?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:418 +msgid "Why would I? It comes off with the peel anyway. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:419 +msgid "Taking the sticker off first would be completely pointless." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:421 +msgid "So you just eat it with the sticker still on??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:423 +msgid "Yes? It doesn't have any effect on the inside of the banana." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:425 +msgid "The fuck's wrong with you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:426 +msgid "You...you're not human." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:428 +msgid "HOW AM I NOT HUMAN?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:444 +msgid "The locker room door creaks open." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:445 +msgid "When Noelle sees Chryssa and Liz come through, she lifts her hand to wave but aborts halfway through the motion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:446 +msgid "Scowling, she jerks the offending appendage back down, like her hand had gone and betrayed the rest of her body." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:449 +msgctxt "meetingStart_e47d28aa" +msgid "........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:452 +msgctxt "meetingStart_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:454 +msgid "Nothing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:461 +msgid "Hey guys! We have a few announcements to make." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:462 +msgid "First of all, Min-seo..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:464 +msgid "You need to resubmit your parental permission form for the club." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:466 +msgid "And this time, please have a real parental guardian sign it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:468 +msgid "I don't know what you're talking about." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:470 +msgid "She forged it? How can you tell?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:472 +msgid "The signature...was just the word \"Mom\" in cursive." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:474 +msgid "...Fuck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:477 +msgid "Min is running away!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:479 +msgid "Chryssa gets up and chases after her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:481 +msgid "There's nowhere to run!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:482 +msgid "You dumb kid!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:488 +msgid "...It sounds an awful lot like Min ran into the door again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:490 +msgid "Everyone else's forms look fine, though!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:491 +msgid "So good job, guys. If you forged it too, I couldn't tell." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:493 +msgid "Phew." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:496 +msgid "Chryssa has returned, dragging a defeated Min behind her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:498 +msgid "Next up..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:499 +msgid "We're playing against an actual team today!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:501 +msgid "What?! Who?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:503 +msgid "We invited the team at Niles over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:504 +msgid "They should be here soon." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:508 +msgid "Are we going to be okay? Our team is made up of 4 baseball players, 2 nerds, and 3 weebs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:510 +msgid "Wait, did you count me as a nerd? I'm a hybrid, I'm a weeb too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:513 +msgid "Guys, we'll be fine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:514 +msgid "...Maybe." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:516 +msgid "The \"maybe\" was too honest." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:519 +msgid "Don't worry, it's seriously super casual." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:520 +msgid "They aren't bringing their coaches or anything. It's just nine of them driving over in their cars." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:521 +msgid "Just relax and have fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:523 +msgid "This isn't really important, but they have a cool mascot. It's Killer Whales." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:525 +msgid "What's our team name? Do we get a mascot too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:527 +msgid "Read your damn shirt. It's Monarchs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:529 +msgid "That's so bland..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:532 +msgid "But we're not really an official school team. So we can make a name up ourselves." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:534 +msgid "Ooooh!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:537 +msgid "Any suggestions?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:539 +msgid "Bagels." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:542 +msgid "The way you think is so damn cute." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:544 +msgid "Chicken Nuggets." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:546 +msgid "Bagels is so simple, I kind of like it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:548 +msgid "Yeah, I'd honestly be okay if it ended up like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:550 +msgid "Any other suggestions?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:552 +msgid "We should be something stronger than killer whales to assert our dominance." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:554 +msgid "Monarchs are already more powerful than killer whales, though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:555 +msgid "Humans keep killer whales in captivity." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:557 +msgid "But if it was, like, 1 v 1, a killer whale would tear a guy to shreds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:558 +msgid "We should be something bigger and more dangerous." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:560 +msgid "Like what? Global warming?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:562 +msgid "Oh my god?? That's actually a hilarious name." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:563 +msgid "No matter who we're up against, they'll pretty much just automatically lose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:565 +msgid "Like, Tigers vs. Global Warming. Who do you think's gonna win?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:568 +msgid "Our motto can be \"Underestimate us and the world will be destroyed.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:570 +msgid "That's not a very positive motto..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:572 +msgid "I'm still kind of impressed Noelle came up that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:575 +msgid "What kind of name did you think I'd come up with?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:577 +msgid "I dunno..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:579 +msgid "Something nerdy that you thought sounded cool, but was actually really cringy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:580 +msgid "Like \"The Algorithms\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:583 +msgid "Yuck!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:585 +msgid "I feel like throwing up..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:587 +msgid "SHUT UP!! I NEVER SUGGESTED THAT!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:589 +msgid "And I don't like \"Global Warming.\" It's not threatening enough." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:591 +msgid "How is it not threatening enough? It's irreversible and will devastate generations to come." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:593 +msgid "But it's not a...thing! Like a real thing!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:595 +msgid "Are you saying you don't believe in global warming?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:597 +msgid "She means it's like an abstract concept." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:599 +msgctxt "meetingStart_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:600 +msgid "We should be something that sounds like it could rip our enemies from limb to limb." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:602 +msgid "Like...Death Machine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:604 +msgid "Are we forming a heavy metal band?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:607 +msgid "Death Bagels." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:609 +msgid "That's...better? I think?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:610 +msgid "Death Bagels is dramatically cuter, but Min is too pleased that Diya combined their suggestions to complain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:614 +msgid "Wait! I just thought of a name too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:616 +msgid "\"Semes\"." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:619 +msgctxt "meetingStart_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:621 +msgid "Wh...what is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:623 +msgid "In yaoi, the seme is the dominant guy in the couple." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:625 +msgid "What is \"yaoi\"?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:627 +msgid "You don't want to know!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:631 +msgid "Usually only teen girls who like anime know what it means, so maybe that's good?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:632 +msgid "Most normal people will be totally oblivious." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:634 +msgid "Yeah. The only reason Noelle knows is because I corrupted her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:637 +msgid "Let me reiterate that this is a bad idea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:638 +msgid "We're going to have to make up a fake definition when our parents ask what it means." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:640 +msgid "Worth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:642 +msgid "How is that worth it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:644 +msgid "Okay, we'll settle this the fair way, which is a vote." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:645 +msgid "Everyone, write your vote down on a piece of paper." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:649 +msgid "Akarsha votes for..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Bagels" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Chicken Nuggets" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Global Warming" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Death Bagels" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Semes" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:668 +msgid "Chryssa tallies up all the votes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:671 +msgid "The winner is..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:673 +msgid "[teamName!t]!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:676 +msgctxt "meetingStart_79a02449" +msgid "Yeah!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:678 +msgid "Name status: Sick!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:683 +msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:685 +msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about bagels?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:686 +msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e" +msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:688 +msgid "It's bread in a circle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:690 +msgid "That...didn't explain anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:693 +msgid "Diya would probably eat an entire bakery if she had the chance." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:697 +msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255_1" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:699 +msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about chicken nuggets?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:700 +msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e_1" +msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:702 +msgid "They're on sale at McDonald's. You can buy 20 for $4.99." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:704 +msgid "What are you, a walking McDonald's advertisement?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:708 +msgid "Nice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:711 +msgid "I guess the one downside is, we only sound threatening to people who believe in it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:713 +msgid "That's fine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:714 +msgid "Even if they're too ignorant to accept scientific fact, that doesn't erase the reality that we'll annihilate them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:716 +msgid "Big words for someone who couldn't catch a ball if it had Elmer's glue on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:718 +msgid "You shut up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:720 +msgid "Alright guys, be nice..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:724 +msgctxt "meetingStart_27c49944" +msgid "No!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:726 +msgid "Yes!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:729 +msgid "Have you guys no shame at all?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:731 +msgid "Come on. Don't pretend you didn't vote for it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:733 +msgid "I didn't vote for it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:748 +msgid "The [teamName!t] head out to the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:751 +msgid "The other team is on their way. They're parking right now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:752 +msgid "Let's stretch and warm up first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:754 +msgid "They arrange in a huge circle and begin stretching like usual." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:758 +msgid "Focus on your breathing and calm your mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:760 +msgid "Suddenly, Noelle whirls around, looking frantic. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:762 +msgid "Noelle, get with the program. Be a Zen master." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:764 +msgid "Where's Diya?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:766 +msgid "Huh? She didn't follow us out?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:768 +msgid "Indeed, Diya is nowhere in sight..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:770 +msgid "Holy shit. She's so quiet I didn't even notice she was gone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:772 +msgid "Min-seo is missing, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:774 +msgid "OH MY GOD..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:775 +msgid "THEY'RE DOING IT..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:778 +msgid "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:780 +msgid "Min told me she was going to the bathroom on the way out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:782 +msgid "But that was, like, 15 minutes ago. She should be back by now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:784 +msgid "Maybe they got left behind in the locker room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:793 +msgid "AUGGGHHH!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:797 +msgctxt "diyaMissing_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:799 +msgid "Nothing. I was just randomly screaming." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:804 +msgid "Looks like Diya and Min aren't here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:805 +msgid "And the girls' bathroom is empty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:807 +msgid "We should split up and search for them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:809 +msgid "No. I've watched enough TV to know where this is going." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:810 +msgid "We'll get picked off one by one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:812 +msgid "What is this, a horror movie?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:814 +msgid "The Killer Whales will be here any minute. We don't have time to comb the school slowly together." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:815 +msgid "Besides, we already lost the main problem children. The rest of them aren't the type to just randomly wander off like this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:817 +msgid "That's true." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:818 +msgid "Fine. Disperse, [teamName!t]!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:819 +msgid "Meet back at the field in 10 minutes, whether you find them or not." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:821 +msgid "Roger that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:825 +msgid "Semes..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:827 +msgid "I still don't want to be called that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:829 +msgid "Don't be a sore loser." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:846 +msgid "Noelle is holding the door open for people as they exit the locker room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:847 +msgid "She smiles as Akarsha comes closer." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:849 +msgid "I can't stand here all day, you're cut off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:852 +msgid "Noelle lets the door close in Akarsha's face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:854 +msgid "Oh my god????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:863 +msgid "Noelle is waiting for Akarsha outside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:865 +msgid "Meanie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:866 +msgid "Where should we look?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:869 +msgctxt "diyaMissing_88bdc1aa" +msgid "I don't know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:870 +msgid "If it was just Diya, I'd have guesses, but it's likely Min-seo forced her to go somewhere." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:872 +msgid "...You realize Diya is like, a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than Min, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:873 +msgid "Min can't \"force\" Diya to do anything. If she took her somewhere, it's because Diya let her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:876 +msgid "Fine, forced was too strong of a word. Coerced." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:883 +msgid "Dude, chill. You're so neurotic when it comes to Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:884 +msgid "Can't you just trust her judgment?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:889 +msgid "In kindergarten, I asked Diya what she wanted to be when she grew up and she answered \"A police dog.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:891 +msgid "Well, it WAS kindergarten." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:893 +msgid "Even in kindergarten I understood that becoming another species wasn't an option..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:927 +msgid "Search the locker room" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:935 +msgid "Go to the locker room" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:943 +msgid "Search the bathroom" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:950 +msgid "Search the courtyard" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:959 +msgid "Go to the school library" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:967 +msgid "Akarsha looks inside the girls' bathroom. Just as Chryssa said, it's empty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:969 +msgid "Darn. I thought Min might be having a diarrhea catastrophe or something." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:972 +msgid "Are you trying to make me throw up?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:975 +msgid "Ya. It's my hobby." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:978 +msgid "You know, sometimes I wonder why I bother with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:981 +msgid "Because you love me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:984 +msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e" +msgid "No, I don't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:987 +msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd" +msgid "Yes, you do." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:990 +msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e_1" +msgid "No, I don't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:993 +msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd_1" +msgid "Yes, you do." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:996 +msgid "This is stupid. Knock it off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:999 +msgid "You didn't deny it that time! CONFIRMED." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1002 +msgid "NOT CONFIRMED. That's not how it works." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1028 +msgid "Search the field" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1036 +msgid "Search outside the locker room" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1044 +msgid "Meet up at the field" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1052 +msgid "Go outside the locker room" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1080 +msgid "Search the track" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1088 +msgid "Return to locker room" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1114 +msgid "Return to the baseball diamond" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1123 +msgid "Hey, that's...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1127 +msgid "Diya is sprinting around the track at top speed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1129 +msgid "Yo! Diya!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1132 +msgid "She can't hear us from here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1135 +msgid "Once Diya rounds a bend, Noelle and Akarsha flag her down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1137 +msgid "She's completely drenched in sweat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1141 +msgctxt "track_b4f18a79" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1145 +msgid "I got nervous, so I ran 3 miles." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1146 +msgid "Feel better now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1148 +msgid "Uh...Okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1149 +msgid "Why didn't you say anything?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1153 +msgid "Diya looks at her as though she's crazy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1154 +msgid "Stressful. I don't like to bother people." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1156 +msgid "Dude, you know that not communicating just makes most situations even MORE stressful, right??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1161 +msgid "Where's Min?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1164 +msgctxt "track_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1165 +msgctxt "track_b08fe291" +msgid "What do you mean?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1167 +msgid "Huh. I guess you went missing separately." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1168 +msgid "Never mind. Just go back to the diamond then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1170 +msgid "You should go back to the diamond." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1171 +msgid "That way Chryssa and Liz will know where you are." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1175 +msgid "Diya nods and trots off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1180 +msgctxt "track_2336aed8" +msgid "We found both of them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1183 +msgctxt "track_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1185 +msgctxt "track_4bb6904f" +msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1188 +msgctxt "track_5a0fec90" +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1190 +msgctxt "track_a0fce640" +msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1219 +msgid "Look at poster" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1228 +msgid "Go to classrooms" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1237 +msgid "Look at bush" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1245 +msgid "Go to locker room entrance" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1254 +msgid "Bad memories looking at this now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1256 +msgid "I was an idiot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1259 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1262 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1265 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1268 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1271 +msgid "If you're waiting for me to disagree, we're going to be here all day." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1280 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_656a56ba" +msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1284 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_655a1055" +msgid "HahaHAH!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1285 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_0aceba5d" +msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1286 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_81cbde51" +msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1296 +msgctxt "lookBush2_bbb27231" +msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1299 +msgctxt "lookBush2_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1302 +msgctxt "lookBush2_2a42d072" +msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1303 +msgctxt "lookBush2_588540e7" +msgid "I never would've guessed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1308 +msgctxt "lookBush2_f5a3cd1f" +msgid "FASCINATING!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1309 +msgctxt "lookBush2_beb8360c" +msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1320 +msgid "Noelle looks incredibly amused." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1322 +msgid "Why the library?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1324 +msgid "You think Min-seo is going to read a book?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1327 +msgid "Doesn't hurt to be thorough, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1331 +msgid "Akarsha squeaks the door open." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1334 +msgid "The book scanner alarms go off!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1335 +msgid "Everyone in the library turns to look at her!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1338 +msgid "OH SHIT???!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1339 +msgid "*weird shriek*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1341 +msgid "Akarsha panics and bolts back out the door!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1356 +msgid "Hoo!!! Good thing no one chased after us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1357 +msgid "What even just happened?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1360 +msgid "I don't know. How odd." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1362 +msgid "I don't even have any books in my backpack. Why did it go off???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1364 +msgid "Maybe it was a fluke. You should try again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1366 +msgid "No thanks..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1393 +msgid "Look at your reflection" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1400 +msgid "Return to the courtyard" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1409 +msgid "Search the auditorium" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1426 +msgid "Akarsha admires her own reflection in the window." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1429 +msgid "I hate myself, but in a fun way where I'll still check myself out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1432 +msgid "Dat me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1436 +msgid "It's the 21st century. Why is acne still a thing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1439 +msgid "Technology has literally advanced to the point where we can shoot LASER BEAMS at your eyes to improve your vision. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1440 +msgid "You'd think we would've found a cure for bad skin by now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1441 +msgid "Like, dude, I don't even want to be pretty. I just want to look average, and not gross all the time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1442 +msgid "It's hard being a weird goblin that no one has a crush on." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1446 +msgid "I wonder what it's like to be attractive." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1449 +msgid "Like, Diya could be wearing a garbage bag and still look better than I ever will in my entire life." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1451 +msgid "I asked her what she washes her face with, and she said she just splashes water on it. Can you imagine being blessed with genes that good?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1454 +msgid "It's okay, though. I'm over it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1455 +msgid "Being ugly builds character." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1469 +msgid "It's dead quiet in here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1471 +msgid "If I farted, you could hear it from a mile away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1474 +msgid "Please don't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1479 +msgid "Yell something" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1484 +msgid "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1486 +msgid "Akarsha's shrieking echoes in the empty hall for several seconds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1488 +msgid "...Wow, the acoustics in here are great." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1490 +msgid "I realize there's nothing I can do to prevent you from doing this, so I will wait outside and pretend not to know you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1492 +msgid "Noelle leaves the auditorium." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1497 +msgid "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1506 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stressed out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1507 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about college!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1508 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about majors and my career! Stop asking about my future!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1511 +msgid "I DON'T KNOW OKAY!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1512 +msgid "I'M NOT GOOD AT ANYTHING!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1513 +msgid "I'M A FRAUD! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! I'M NOT THAT SMART!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1514 +msgid "I'M SO AFRAID OF FAILURE THAT EVERYTHING I DO HAS TO BE FUNNY! BECAUSE IF I'M NOT SERIOUS, IT'S NOT LIKE I WAS REALLY TRYING!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1515 +msgid "I'M SO UNHAPPY!! GOOD THING I DISGUISE IT AS A SERIES OF JOKES SO NO ONE NOTICES THE GAPING CHASM OF DARKNESS I LIVE ON THE EDGE OF!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1516 +msgid "I WANNA DIE!!! KILL ME!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1521 +msgid "What're you doing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1524 +msgid "WaauUGHH!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1525 +msgid "Why're you here?! Weren't you supposed to be going to the bathroom?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1528 +msgid "I was. There's a family bathroom over there." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1529 +msgid "She points to a door at the far end of the auditorium." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1531 +msgid "Okay...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1534 +msgid "Anyone can use it. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1536 +msgctxt "beatbox_7db5b18b" +msgid "...Right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1538 +msgctxt "beatbox_dc547d3a" +msgid "Right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1540 +msgctxt "beatbox_79c251c2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1543 +msgid "Min looks relieved that Akarsha let the topic drop." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1546 +msgid "So where's Diya?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1549 +msgid "How should I know? Isn't she with the rest of you guys?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1551 +msgid "Huh. Never mind, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1555 +msgid "Were you serious about that dying stuff?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1557 +msgid "Naw man, I'd never actively try to off myself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1558 +msgid "It's more like...if I was crossing the street and a car came barreling toward me, I'm not sure I'd get out of the way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1561 +msgid "Then I'll hit the car out of the way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1563 +msgid "You'll...hit it? What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1566 +msgid "With my own car. I'll ram into the one driving toward you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1568 +msgid "Your car'll get crushed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1571 +msgid "No, it won't. My car will be stronger." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1573 +msgid "You think I'm gonna own some weak shrimpy-ass car?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1575 +msgid "That other car is as good as dead." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1578 +msgid "kKKhfffft??!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1579 +msgid "She's serious! She'd deadass try to save me by crashing into another car!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1581 +msgid "Min looks relieved that she made Akarsha laugh." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1582 +msgid "She's holding an emo Linkin Park skateboard under one arm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1584 +msgid "Wanna learn how to skateboard?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1586 +msgid "Those aren't allowed at school, you know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1589 +msgid "Rules are made to be broken." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1590 +msgid "Are you a square or a triangle?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1592 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1595 +msgid "Min places her skateboard on the floor." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1597 +msgid "Here, I'll show you something cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1611 +msgid "Hold on to me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1615 +msgid "I got you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1616 +msgid "But don't make this weird." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1617 +msgid "Don't make this weird." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1621 +msgid "*weird shriek* AAAAUGH!!! YAA!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1625 +msgid "WHAT DID I JUST SAY YOU USELESS HOE?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1628 +msgid "Min manages to stand on the skateboard with Akarsha on her shoulders!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1631 +msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1632 +msgid "Something something...breaking free..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1633 +msgid "I haven't watched High School Musical. I don't know the rest of the lyrics." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1634 +msgid "It's okay. Let's just keep repeating that one line." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1635 +msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625_1" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1636 +msgctxt "beatbox_21e01727" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1645 +msgid "Feel better now?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1649 +msgid "Yeah, I'm fine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1650 +msgid "I needed that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1652 +msgid "Akarsha's eyes are filling up with tears." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1654 +msgid "Time to make a joke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1656 +msgid "You know what the economy needs?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1658 +msgid "$3 bills. They should put my face on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1669 +msgid "Min ribs her in the arm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1671 +msgid "You suck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1675 +msgid "Mean!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1683 +msgid "Akarsha ribs her back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1685 +msgctxt "beatbox_9bdd17ec" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1687 +msgid "Oops, that was a bit harder than I expected." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1697 +msgid "Min hits her back, harder!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1698 +msgid "Akarsha retaliates by spitting on her own knuckles!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1700 +msgid "My punches inflict poison damage now!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1710 +msgid "It turned into a fist fight!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1711 +msgid "Hearing signs of violence, Noelle has run back into the auditorium." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1714 +msgid "Chryssa! Look what they're doing!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1718 +msgid "Min, come back to the field with me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1721 +msgid "Chryssa drags Min off, leaving Akarsha and Noelle behind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1731 +msgctxt "beatbox_2336aed8" +msgid "We found both of them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1734 +msgctxt "beatbox_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1736 +msgctxt "beatbox_4bb6904f" +msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1739 +msgctxt "beatbox_5a0fec90" +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1741 +msgctxt "beatbox_a0fce640" +msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1763 +msgid "Leave the auditorium" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1772 +msgid "Look at fire alarm" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1780 +msgid "Check out family bathroom" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1788 +msgid "Akarsha goes into the family bathroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1789 +msgid "Unlike the regular ones, there's only one stall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1791 +msgid "It's so clean?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1793 +msgid "Where's the pee on the toilet seat?? Where's the poo and blood stains like in the girls bathroom?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1794 +msgid "It must be this pristine because no one else knows about it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1795 +msgid "This is heaven! No wonder Min uses it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1805 +msgid "Finally! Everyone's here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1808 +msgid "And no one fell victim to a serial killer...what a relief." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1809 +msgid "[teamName!t], assemble!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1811 +msgid "The other team is warming up on the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1813 +msgid "Killer Whale player" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1816 +msgid "Two of them break from the rest of the group and rush up to Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1817 +msgid "Diya rears back in fear and hides behind Noelle for a moment before she appears to recognize them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1819 +msgid " Diya! It's us!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1821 +msgctxt "akarsha2_8356b4b2" +msgid "......!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1829 +msgid "Diya high fives him with a brutally excessive amount of force. Their palms meet with a deafening clap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1831 +msgid "The victim swears and flaps the affected hand, as if to shake off the stinging." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1832 +msgid "He's trying valiantly to smile, but there are tears of pain in his eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1834 +msgid "We made our team accept the match when we heard you were here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1836 +msgid "You look different from Min now. Can't believe this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1838 +msgid "Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if we still looked the same after all this time?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1839 +msgid "Diya raises her hand for another high five." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1841 +msgid "No! No no I don't want it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1843 +msgid "Diya, you know them?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1846 +msgid "Hayden" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1847 +msgid "We know Hayden from elementary school, and Jun's my twin." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1848 +msgid "Jun jolts at the sound of Min's voice, visibly shocked." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1851 +msgid "Min?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1852 +msgid "What're you doing here??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1854 +msgid "Same thing as you. Baseball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1856 +msgid "Do Mom and Dad know you're doing this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1858 +msgid "Do you even need to ask?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1860 +msgid "Jun sighs. He seems really used to this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1864 +msgid "Now that everyone's here, let's get started." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1882 +msgid "Since we're the home team, we're defending first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1886 +msgid "Liz hands Min what looks like a tiny white pouch filled with powder." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1887 +msgid "A cloud of dust puffs out when she grabs it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1889 +msgid "We have rosin! To help improve your grip." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1891 +msgid "Wow! Real rosin!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1892 +msgid "Min is so excited that she accidentally inhales a bunch of the powder." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1894 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ad56e609" +msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1896 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1386c66b" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1899 +msgctxt "akarsha2_c006af61" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1901 +msgctxt "akarsha2_849468c3" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1907 +msgid "Hayden is the lead-off hitter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1908 +msgid "Min spits on the ground for dramatic effect." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1910 +msgid "Ew!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1912 +msgid "Min, that's gross. Don't do that again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1916 +msgid "Diya crouches into position." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1917 +msgid "As an afterthought, she points her index finger down at the ground. Min smugly nods back and straightens up on the mound." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1919 +msgid "Since when do you two have signs?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1921 +msgid "Oh, they don't mean anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1923 +msgid "We're just doing it because it looks cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1930 +msgid "Min winds up and throws." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1931 +msgid "The ball comes in chest high, perfectly spinless. If someone had written a message on it, you could read it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1934 +msgid "Then it does what looks like a double dip and and drops into Diya's glove." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1935 +msgid "Hayden swings at it, but he's way off." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1940 +msgid "Gyaaah!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1942 +msgid "Was the scream really necessary?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1950 +msgid "Hayden manages to skim the next pitch. It bounces up about an inch above the bat and plops down in front of the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1951 +msgid "Diya pounces on it and throws him out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1953 +msgid "Nooooo...What was that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1955 +msgid "A knuckleball. It's like a trick pitch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1957 +msgid "I don't trust it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1958 +msgid "Cursed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1960 +msgid "It's not cursed. It's like that because of physics." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1962 +msgid "...Cursed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1966 +msgid "Chryssa yells out to [teamName!t] triumphantly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1968 +msgid "Chryssa yells out to the [teamName!t] triumphantly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1970 +msgid "See! I told you I wasn't making it up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1971 +msgid "Sakura and Yuki exchange a look, then turn to Chryssa with skeptical faces." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1973 +msgid "Come on!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1976 +msgid "The next batter swings helplessly at three knucklers and sits down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1980 +msgid "Jun-seo is up against his twin now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1985 +msgid "Min winds up and lets another knuckler go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1988 +msgid "He hit a line drive straight at Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1995 +msgid "It's coming toward me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1996 +msgid "I can't reach it with my hand!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2001 +msgid "Kick it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2011 +msgid "Akarsha kicked the ball!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2013 +msgid "She's now hopping around on one foot in pain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2015 +msgid "Ow!! Ow!! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2018 +msgid "You fucking dumbass!! Why didn't you just catch it?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2020 +msgid "Don't mind!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2022 +msgctxt "akarsha2_3bc705ee" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2024 +msgid "Don't mind. They say that in sport anime when someone screws up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2026 +msgid "I'm literally going to throw up. You even said it with a fake Japanese accent." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2028 +msgid "Wait, I think it's a good idea, though. It helps boost morale." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2031 +msgid "We're already called Semes! How much more are we gonna embarrass ourselves?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2033 +msgid "Don't be rude. We should support our teammates' interests." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2035 +msgid "At what cost?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2039 +msgid "The ball bounces back toward home plate. Diya scoops up the ball and hurls it to first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2041 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2043 +msgid "What the! That actually worked!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2045 +msgid "Yes!! I'm a certified genius!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2046 +msgid "My Nobel Prize..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2049 +msgid "You're not getting a Nobel Prize for kicking a ball instead of catching it the right way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2062 +msgid "Aw, we don't have real dugouts? There's just a little bench for each side." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2064 +msgid "What were you expecting? The school doesn't have an official baseball team, so we're lucky to even have this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2066 +msgid "I never got why dugouts need to be half underground like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2067 +msgid "Like, it's not a freakin' bomb shelter. Stop being so dramatic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2070 +msgid "The team takes a seat on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the catcher's gear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2072 +msgid "The [teamName!t] take their seats on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the catcher's gear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2075 +msgid "There's not quite enough space for everyone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2077 +msgid "Left standing, Diya hovers uncertainly beside them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2078 +msgid "There's not enough room." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2080 +msgid "Then you can sit in my lap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2082 +msgctxt "akarsha2_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2085 +msgid "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2088 +msgid "Why the hell would it be the other way around?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2090 +msgid "You're the smaller one??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2098 +msgid "OW??!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2100 +msgid "Min kicked Akarsha really hard under the bench!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2101 +msgid "Diya and Noelle both startle at Akarsha's yelp. Neither of them saw the kick." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2103 +msgid "......?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2105 +msgid "What's wrong with you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2107 +msgctxt "akarsha2_cd2045ac" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2109 +msgid "She's glaring at me with a murderous look in her eyes..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2111 +msgid "I, uh...farted." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2112 +msgid "I was trying to cover up the sound." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2115 +msgctxt "akarsha2_bb188d77" +msgid "What...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2117 +msgid "Crap. I don't think she buys it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2119 +msgid "That's inconsistent with your past behavior." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2120 +msgid "Last week you told me the disgusting and unwanted fact that you had three consecutive farts that formed a D major triad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2121 +msgid "Why go through such lengths to mask a single fart now?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2122 +msgid "You're hiding something." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2124 +msgid "I should scream now, as a distraction." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2127 +msgid "*bloodcurdling scream*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2131 +msgid "SHUT UP!!! STOP SCREAMING!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2133 +msgid "You're screaming too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2135 +msgid "The bench creaks a bit as Diya nervously lowers herself in Min's lap." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2136 +msgid "Min immediately wraps an arm around Diya's waist." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2138 +msgctxt "akarsha2_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2140 +msgid "I have to do this so we don't lose our balance!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2141 +msgid "Yeah!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2144 +msgid "Better watch out, Diya. Min's probably thinking about doing bad things to you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2147 +msgid "I wanna do bad things to you, Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2149 +msgid "Really?? Like what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2152 +msgid "Like snap your fucking neck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2154 +msgid "How mean!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2162 +msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against [teamName!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2164 +msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against the [teamName!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2165 +msgid "His throws look a lot faster than Min's. He strikes Ester out with ease." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2167 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_1" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2170 +msgid "Liz is keeping score with a pencil and paper. She dutifully marks the strikeout with a \"K.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2172 +msgid "Why isn't a strikeout S or SO? Why K?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2174 +msgid "K is for Killed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2176 +msgid "That can't be it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2178 +msgid "It's because S is already used for sacrifice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2179 +msgid "The K from the the last letter of \"struck.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2181 +msgid "That's a lame reason." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2183 +msgid "Agreed. I like Min's reason better." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2189 +msgid "\"Sakura\" is up to bat now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2193 +msgid "She whiffs the first pitch, but pops the second one up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2195 +msgid " I got it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2197 +msgid "He chases the ball into foul territory and dives for it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2200 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_2" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2202 +msgid "This situation sucks. If we were even able to get to first base, we could steal or do some weird shit, but nope..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2205 +msgid "Actually, I did some research on that. In most cases, attempting to steal has a much higher chance of having a negative result than a positive one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2206 +msgid "Since most of us aren't that confident in our stealing skills, it would be better for us not to try it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2208 +msgid "What the hell are you saying? Stealing is important." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2210 +msgid "No, it objectively has little value and is often actually detrimental." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2211 +msgid "For steal attempts to be NOT detrimental, you have to succeed around 70 percent of the time. That's the point where you break even." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2212 +msgid "The exact number depends on the situation, but it's always around that range." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2213 +msgid "For instance, for a runner on first with no outs, getting caught stealing will lose a team two-thirds of a run, on average, and a successful steal gains a third of a run." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2214 +msgid "So for every three steal attempts, you need to convert at least two, or the only thing you're stealing is runs from your team." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2215 +msgid "Do you succeed that often? If not, you are actually hurting the team's chances." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2217 +msgid "Min looks like she understood none of that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2219 +msgid "Shut your hell up, you...lamp post!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2221 +msgid "Shut your hell up..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2224 +msgid "Lamp post..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2226 +msgid "You can't reduce things down to numbers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2228 +msgid "Yes, I can." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2229 +msgid "She uses a stick to scratch a formula into the dirt:\nSBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2232 +msgid "Min quickly stomps out the formula." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2233 +msgid "The evil is defeated." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2235 +msgid "Those equations are just a bunch of word games. They're not real." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2237 +msgid "Look, this isn't even a matter of opinion. I'm right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2238 +msgid "Numbers don't lie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2240 +msgid "There are things you can't see!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2242 +msgid "Like what? Your feelings? The power of friendship?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2243 +msgid "Does it not occur to you that perhaps your enemies have those things too?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2244 +msgid "They're on both sides of the equation, so they cancel each other out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2246 +msgid "Oh my god! This is baseball, not rocket science." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2248 +msgid "But this isn't rocket science. This is basic algebra." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2250 +msgid "Bro, give it up. Noelle hates being wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2253 +msgid "Actually, I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2255 +msgid "Liz comes up and taps Akarsha on the shoulder." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2257 +msgid "Hey! You're up to bat now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2259 +msgid "Akarsha lets out a prolonged croaking sound that lasts for 30 seconds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2261 +msgid "We're down two outs, so I better not screw this up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2264 +msgid "Akarsha picks a bat and heads to the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 +msgid "Intimidate the enemy with an impressive entrance" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 +msgid "Use psychological warfare" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2274 +msgid "Akarsha slowly does a taichi pose while maintaining eye contact with Jun-seo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2276 +msgid "This is the form, \"Grasp the bird's tail.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2278 +msgid "Akarsha lies on her back and tries to jump onto her feet without using her hands." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2280 +msgid "There's not enough momentum. She just flops back down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2282 +msgid "Wait for it. I got this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2285 +msgid "She tries it again. This time she manages to land on the balls of her feet, but doesn't have muscle to pull herself up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2287 +msgid "Defeated, she lands back on her butt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2289 +msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d" +msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2291 +msgid "Jun-seo doesn't look intimidated at all. He winds up and throws the ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2297 +msgid "You're not invited to my birthday party anymore." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2300 +msgctxt "akarsha2_433a0f52" +msgid "...What...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2303 +msgid "This is my special technique: Verbal Smoke Bomb." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2304 +msgid "My remark brought up so many questions that he's been thrown into confusion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2307 +msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d_1" +msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2310 +msgid "Still looking perplexed, Jun-seo pitches the ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2312 +msgid "Akarsha isn't experienced enough to distinguish balls from strikes, so she randomly decides whether or not to swing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2313 +msgid "Unsurprisingly, she racks up three strikes in an instant." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2315 +msgid "No...my special technique..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2318 +msgid "How about you practice more instead of using your special technique?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2320 +msgid "It's time to switch sides now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2330 +msgid "The batter hits the ball towards Akarsha again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2331 +msgid "Akarsha fumbles the ball, allowing the runner to safely reach the bag." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2333 +msgid "Thanks for screwing up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2335 +msgid "I didn't screw up. That was on purpose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2336 +msgid "The truth is, I'm a double agent." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2339 +msgid "JUST ADMIT YOU MESSED UP ALREADY." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2345 +msgid "The Killer Whales have one out and a runner on first. The runner takes off as Jun-seo bunts the ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2347 +msgid "It rolls slowly all the way down the left foul line; Diya follows it closely, hovering over it like a hawk." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2349 +msgid "What's she doing?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2352 +msgid "If Diya can grab it when it's on the left side of the line, it'll count as foul." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2353 +msgid "You can't run on foul balls, so the runner will have to return to first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2355 +msgid "The ball is still rolling almost exactly down the line." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2357 +msgid "Akarsha runs ahead of the ball and drags her foot in the dirt to make a path curving to the right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2359 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ceb307ab" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2361 +msgid "The ball hits the path and rolls foul! Diya quickly grabs it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2363 +msgid "I'm a triple agent." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2366 +msgid "You can't just change allegiances to match whether or not you messed up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2374 +msgid "Min throws the next pitch for a strike." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2377 +msgid "Nice work! Time to switch sides again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2379 +msgid "That was fast." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2382 +msgid "That's good. It means Min's knuckleball is working." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2385 +msgid "We should give it a special name." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2386 +msgid "Like...Knuckles." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2389 +msgid "I'm not calling it a damn Sonic character." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2391 +msgid "It can be butterfly related, since they flutter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2393 +msgid "Butterfly...butterfly thingy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2394 +msgid "Butterfly from Hell's Anus." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2397 +msgid "The \"anus\" part wasn't necessary." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2411 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e7bfb3b0" +msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2415 +msgid "Akarsha catcalls Noelle as she walks up to the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2417 +msgid "WAOWW!! IT'S NOELLE!! YOW-WEE-MAMA!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2420 +msgid "SHUT UP!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2422 +msgid "How mean!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2429 +msgid "A swing and a miss." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2432 +msgid "I wonder if Noelle enjoys this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2435 +msgid "She's having fun." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2437 +msgid "She's scowling as she swings the bat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2440 +msgid "That's just her personality. If she disliked it, she would've quit by now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2446 +msgid "Noelle strikes out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2450 +msgid "Diya, you're next." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2458 +msgid "The catcher gets up and stands far off to the side, away from Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2459 +msgid "Jun throws it into his mitt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2463 +msgid "It's an intentional walk." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2465 +msgid "Right off the bat? They haven't even seen her hit yet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2467 +msgid "They're scared of her. Hayden knows how strong she is, from when we were little." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2468 +msgid "They probably figure it's fine to let her have first since no one else on the team can get a hit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2471 +msgid "That's smart. It'll be hard for us to score without her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2476 +msgid "Once they've thrown four balls, Diya throws the bat to the side and trots to first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2479 +msgid "It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the team accumulates two more outs in an instant." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2482 +msgid "It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the [teamName!t] accumulate two more outs in an instant." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2483 +msgid "Diya is stranded there until they switch sides." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2491 +msgid "Neither team manages to score for the next few innings." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2493 +msgid "Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the others aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2495 +msgid "Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the other [teamName!t] aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2497 +msgid "A few people manage to get hits off Min's knuckleball by chance, but no one's made it home yet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2498 +msgid "By the 7th inning, though, some of Min's luck starts to run out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2503 +msgid "Min's next pitch comes in high and inside, but instead of dropping, it soars up into the air." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2506 +msgid "Diya has to jump to catch it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2510 +msgid "That's the fourth ball; the batter throws his bat aside and jogs to first base. The bases are loaded with no outs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2513 +msgid "This is terrible. They're probably going to score at least one goal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2515 +msgid "Did you just say \"goal\"??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2519 +msgid "The next batter is a buff looking fellow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2524 +msgid "He smashes the pitch straight into right field, where Noelle is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2526 +msgid "No! That's the worst possible person he could've hit it to!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2529 +msgid "It's so far out that the ball is like a speck in the clouds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2530 +msgid "Noelle is apprehensively backing up with her glove out, squinting up at sky." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2531 +msgid "She plants her feet firmly shoulders' width apart, reaches up, and claps her free hand decisively over the glove." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2535 +msgid "She caught it?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2538 +msgid "She caught it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2541 +msgid "How is that possible?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2543 +msgid "The runners all skid and scramble to reverse direction. They all need to tag up on their former bases now or they're out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2545 +msgid "No one thought she would catch it! Here's our chance!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2548 +msgid "Noelle throws to Liz at second base." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2552 +msgid "There's a loud slap noise as Liz covers her glove with her hand, preventing the ball from bouncing out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2553 +msgid "She easily tags the bag before Hayden can return to it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2555 +msgid "That's two outs! Just one more!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2557 +msgid "Liz rears up and throws to Akarsha, who's manning first base." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2559 +msgid "...What the hell?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2561 +msgid "There's nothing in Liz's hand. She's throwing nothing at Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2563 +msgid "Akarsha pretends to catch it in her glove and tags first base before Jun reaches it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2564 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_3" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2566 +msgid "The runners are dejectedly returning to their defensive positions." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2567 +msgid " A triple play?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2569 +msgid "Jun is looking at Akarsha suspiciously." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2571 +msgid "Wait a minute! She's not holding anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2573 +msgid "He saw!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2576 +msgid " What?? Where's the ball, then?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2578 +msgid "Heck if I know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2581 +msgid "How do you guys not know??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2585 +msgid "I got it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2586 +msgid "Chryssa plucks the missing ball from the grass in right field, where it's been this entire time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2587 +msgid "Noelle didn't even catch it in the first place." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2589 +msgid "I knew it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2592 +msgid " So we're not out after all!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2594 +msgid "No, you're all still out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2595 +msgid "The rulebook states that if a runner abandons his effort to run the bases, he's out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2596 +msgid "You all clearly gave up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2597 +msgid "So it's still a triple play." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2599 +msgid "You son of a bitch..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2601 +msgctxt "akarsha2_7626e124" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2603 +msgid "That was actually a compliment. I think." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2605 +msgid "It was a compliment." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2607 +msgid "This feels kind of like an asshole move, though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2609 +msgid "On what planet do you guys live on where Noelle isn't an asshole?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2612 +msgid "Is it okay to trick them like that? Isn't it cheating?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2614 +msgid "It's not cheating. You guys deserve a freakin' Academy Award for that performance just now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2615 +msgid "Especially Noelle. Good job!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2617 +msgid "Shut up. Don't praise me like I'm a little kid." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2619 +msgid "Are you crying?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2622 +msgid "Ib nob cryig!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2625 +msgid "By the way, when you act like the ball is somewhere it's not, that's called a deke— short for \"decoy.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2626 +msgid "Dekes an important part of infield play, like a feint." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2627 +msgid "They're rarely as elaborate as the three-way deke we just pulled off, but it's the same idea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2629 +msgid "WE THE DEKE SQUAD." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2630 +msgid "Get it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2633 +msgid "Oh my god. It's like Dick Squad, but Deke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2635 +msgctxt "akarsha2_75840b17" +msgid "Deke Squad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2637 +msgctxt "akarsha2_003e0e2a" +msgid "Deke Squad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2640 +msgid "*chanting* DEKE SQUAD! DEKE SQUAD!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2643 +msgid "I bet the teachers always separate you two in class." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2645 +msgid "You bring out the worst in each other." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2655 +msgid "It's Akarsha's turn to bat again. There's already two outs and no one on base." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2658 +msgid "The Killer Whales are still winning, [enemyScore!t] to [teamScore!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2661 +msgid "The game is still tied, 0 - 0." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2663 +msgid "Suddenly, Jun cries out from the mound." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2665 +msgid "Wait, time out! My contact hurts!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2666 +msgid "Everyone pauses." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2668 +msgid " What's wrong with it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2670 +msgid "I think I got dust under the lens." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2672 +msgid "Face screwed up in pain, he takes out what appears to be a tiny plunger." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2674 +msgid " What is that??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2676 +msgid "It's for taking out contact lens." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2679 +msgid " You're going to play without it on?? You can't pitch like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2681 +msgid "Hayden, didn't you say you wanted to try pitching?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2683 +msgid " Right now?? I've literally never pitched a ball in my life." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2685 +msgid "Why not? There's a first time for everything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2687 +msgid "Jun-seo takes out the offending contact. He's now effectively blind in one eye." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2689 +msgid " Okay. Here goes nothing!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 +msgid "Intimidate him with your baseball expertise" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 +msgid "Act weak so he goes easy on you" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2695 +msgid "I go to baseball games." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2696 +msgid "I eat the baseballs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2699 +msgctxt "akarsha2_99bf1f31" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2702 +msgid "Akarsha takes one step forward and collapses dramatically across the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2705 +msgid "My ankle!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2707 +msgid "Everyone is so used to her antics by now that no one reacts." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2709 +msgid "Akarsha, stop screwing around and get up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2711 +msgid "Akarsha clutches her heart and gasps for breath." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2713 +msgid "That's so mean! The shock put me into cardiac arrest!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2717 +msgid "AKARSHA!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2719 +msgid "Akarsha winces and puts a hand on her stomach." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2721 +msgid "My appendix burst from the pressure!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2725 +msgid "Fine. Die then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2730 +msgid "Hayden pitches the ball. Akarsha gets up just in time to take a wild swing at it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2732 +msgid "I somehow hit it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2737 +msgid "Through sheer luck, it's heading toward Jun, who's squinting up at it with his good eye." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2739 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e449a898" +msgid "I got it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2747 +msgid "The ball hits him in the face!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2750 +msgid "Akarsha makes it to second base in the confusion." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2753 +msgid "Nice batting!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2758 +msgid "Finally...for the first time this entire game, someone's on already on base when Diya is up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2765 +msgid "Even though Hayden is just walking Diya, he looks really scared to be pitching against her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2767 +msgid "He throws the next pitch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2770 +msgid "Everyone watches as the ball soars almost straight up into the sky in a high arc." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2771 +msgid "It drops back down about halfway to the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2774 +msgid "HE DID A NOELLE..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2777 +msgid "Don't name errors after me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2779 +msgid "HAYDEN WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2782 +msgid " SHUT UP! IT SLIPPED OUT OF MY HAND!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2786 +msgid "Hayden picks up the ball and tries again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2788 +msgid "He accidentally throws it straight at Diya's head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2791 +msgid "Diya ducks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2793 +msgid " Ack! Sorry!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2795 +msgid "What the fuck is your problem?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2797 +msgid "How dare you! Diya could've been killed!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2801 +msgid "Min and Noelle have stormed to the mound and are now bashing Hayden together." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2803 +msgid "I'm calling the police." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2805 +msgid " What? No one got hurt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2807 +msgid "It doesn't matter. That was criminal negligence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2809 +msgid "I will personally make sure your entire life is ruined." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2811 +msgid "He should be executed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2813 +msgid "Executed?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2815 +msgid "Hey! Get back on the bench!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2817 +msgid "Noelle, put the phone down! No one's getting arrested!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2818 +msgid "MIN, WHERE DID YOU GET MORE KNIVES?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2829 +msgid "Diya steps back up to the plate as Min and Noelle are dragged back to the bench." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2830 +msgid "They're both glowering in the corner, darkly muttering to one another..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2832 +msgid "There is no justice in the world." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2834 +msgid "Both of you, knock it off!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2838 +msgid "Hayden winds up and throws the ball." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2843 +msgid "It's not far enough outside! Diya lunged out at it and made contact. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2846 +msgid "She got a hit off the intentional walk attempt!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2850 +msgid "She hammers it straight into right field, right at Jun-seo again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2852 +msgid "I got this! I got this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2854 +msgid "The ball rolls through his legs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2858 +msgid "Diya and Akarsha cross home plate to win the game." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2861 +msgid "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2865 +msgid "I can't believe it! We won!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2867 +msgid "You don't have to look so blatantly shocked." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2874 +msgid "The Niles team is departing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2875 +msgid "Min and Noelle glare at Hayden as he goes into the van they arrived in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2878 +msgid "Are you guys still plotting revenge?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2879 +msgid "I'll help. I love drama." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2882 +msgid "Are you still on your period?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2883 +msgid "Maybe you can touch him with your cursed period blood hand again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2885 +msgid "Too late, man. The blood's brown now. They might think it's mud. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2887 +msgid "There's 9 of us, though, so there's probably 2.25 other girls on their periods." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2888 +msgid "What if we got all of them to run at the boys' team from different directions? That'd be like a nightmare." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2891 +msgid "I doubt anyone but you would agree to that plan." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2892 +msgid "Honestly, the guys would probably freak out even if you just threw a clean pad at them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2896 +msgid "Oh my gosh...You're right!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2897 +msgid "Thanks for the idea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2900 +msgid "No. No!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2901 +msgid "Don't do this. I refuse to be involved in this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2904 +msgid "This is friendship goals, Frenchman. If we go down, we all go down together." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2907 +msgid "THAT'S JUST A ROUNDABOUT WAY OF SAYING YOU'RE DRAGGING ME DOWN WITH YOU." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2909 +msgid "Akarsha pulls a pad from her backpack and rips the wrapper open with a loud crinkle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2911 +msgid "I don't get why they make the sound so conspicuous." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2915 +msgid "I know, right? The only way they could make it more obvious is if they added firecrackers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2917 +msgid "Chryssa is power walking over to them. She has developed a sixth sense when some stupid shit is about to go down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2920 +msgid "Who's opening a pad out here?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2923 +msgctxt "akarsha2_57537cff" +msgid "....!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2924 +msgid "Noelle quickly moves about 15 feet away and pretends not to know them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2926 +msgid "We gotta make this quick!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2929 +msgid "We should soak it with something to make it more unknown." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2931 +msgid "I have Gatorade." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2933 +msgid "What flavor?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2935 +msgid "Yellow one. Yellow flavor." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2937 +msgid "YES..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2940 +msgid "I hate that I know you well enough to discern that you want it to look like pee." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2943 +msgid "Pee girl." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2944 +msgid "Akarsha pours a splash of the Gatorade on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2946 +msgid "I feel like I'm doing one of those absorbency demonstrations in commercials." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2949 +msgid "Our liquid is the wrong color, though. It's always blue." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2951 +msgid "Those cowards. They should use red like blood." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2952 +msgid "Akarsha holds up their finished creation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2954 +msgid "I'm gonna throw it now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2955 +msgid "Should I?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2958 +msgctxt "akarsha2_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2961 +msgctxt "akarsha2_2f93b5b4" +msgid "Do it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2964 +msgid "Akarsha flings the pad like a frisbee into the van!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2972 +msgid "It hits Jun-seo in the shoulder." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2975 +msgid " WHAT IS THAT??!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2978 +msgid "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2980 +msgid "Jun goes down!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2981 +msgid "Screams fill the van as though a grenade was thrown in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2982 +msgid "The team desperately scatters away from the deadly object." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2983 +msgid "Someone is climbing out of the window." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2985 +msgid "Akarsha and Min" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2988 +msgid "HAHAHAHA!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2993 +msgid "WHAT DID YOU BRATS DO THIS TIME?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2995 +msgctxt "akarsha2_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2997 +msgid "Run. Run!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3001 +msgid "GET BACK HERE!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3008 +msgid "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3024 +msgctxt "akarsha2_66517db0" +msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3026 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e3e731e4" +msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3029 +msgid "Diya is examining something on a tree branch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3030 +msgid "[caterpillar!t] made a cocoon." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3031 +msgid "She points at the chrysalis." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3032 +msgid "He's soup now, inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3034 +msgid "Isn't it crazy? Their whole body liquifies and has to rebuild itself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3035 +msgid "Imagine if growing up was that bad for us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3038 +msgid "It must be a complicated process." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3039 +msgid "I always worry something will go wrong in there, and they won't ever wake up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3040 +msgid "What if someone shakes it really hard? It'll stir the soup." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3042 +msgid "Naw man, they're pretty resilient." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3043 +msgid "Did you know its memory survives that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3044 +msgid "If you teach a caterpillar something, like to fear a certain smell or whatever, after it comes out of its cocoon as a butterfly it'll still remember." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3046 +msgid "Even though the outside's different, it's still the same Caterpilly on the inside, from beginning to end." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3050 +msgid "Will he remember me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3052 +msgid "Sure, as much as an eating machine can." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3053 +msgid "Believe in [caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3063 +msgctxt "akarsha2_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3066 +msgctxt "akarsha2_da7667f7" +msgid "Akarsha." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3069 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ea9e118e" +msgid "Ya?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3072 +msgid "I need to tell you something. Noelle wouldn't understand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3074 +msgctxt "akarsha2_caf4954b" +msgid "I..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3076 +msgid "....................less......." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3077 +msgid ".............bean. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3079 +msgid "I like a girl. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3081 +msgid "Oh. Nice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3084 +msgid "........You're not surprised." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3086 +msgid "I mean, I can tell. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3087 +msgid "I'm bi." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3090 +msgid "??????????????????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3092 +msgid "It's not a secret? I've literally hit on girls in front of you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3093 +msgid "I've literally hit on you? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3095 +msgid "You...What. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3096 +msgid "But those were all jokes. I thought you were kidding. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3098 +msgid "The kinds of jokes you decide to tell are indicative of your character." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3100 +msgid "I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3102 +msgid "Also, you should tell Min. She likes you back. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3104 +msgid "I'll help you. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:44 +msgid "2nd grade" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:64 +msgid "Min, are you ready to go?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:66 +msgctxt "min1_a17a3158" +msgid "Heck no." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:67 +msgid "I still gotta do my hair." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:70 +msgid "Slowpoke." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:72 +msgid "Not my fault." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:73 +msgid "Do you have any idea how long this takes to dry?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:76 +msgid "Oh, come on. It's like 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:78 +msgid "But it builds up! Combined over my lifetime, it adds up to..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:79 +msgid "Uh.........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:80 +msgid "Infinity." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:83 +msgid "If you don't know the answer, just admit it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:93 +msgid "I read something interesting in the news this morning." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:95 +msgid "Wait, what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:96 +msgid "I thought you have that thing where you can't read. Dystopia." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:99 +msgctxt "america_00c7e6ca" +msgid "Dyslexia." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:101 +msgctxt "america_42f5162f" +msgid "Dyslexia." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:104 +msgid "And I CAN read. It just takes me longer." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:106 +msgid "So what's the thing you read?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:108 +msgid "What percent of America do you think is Asian-American?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +msgid "50%%" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +msgid "80%%" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +msgid "100%%" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:112 +msgid "Maybe like half?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:115 +msgid "Probably more. Like 80%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:118 +msgid "Maybe like 80%%?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:123 +msgid "100%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:127 +msgid "What am I, then?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:128 +msgid "Your imaginary friend??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:130 +msgid "Oh. I forgot about you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:133 +msgid "That's even worse! I'm standing right in front of you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:136 +msgid "What's the actual answer?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:138 +msgid "4%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:141 +msgid "4%%?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:143 +msgid "I knew it. He can't read." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:146 +msgid "I can read! That's what it really said!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:148 +msgid "Yeah, right. That's impossible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:151 +msgid "Are you sure you read it correctly?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:152 +msgid "Sometimes you read things wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:154 +msgid "I didn't read it wrong. It said right there, 4%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:156 +msgid "Then it must've been a misprint." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:157 +msgid "Like, they forgot the zero." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:158 +msgid "And thought the 9 was a 4, so it's really 90%%." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:160 +msgid "Oh, wait, I know! They forgot to include the Indians." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:163 +msgid "It was including Indians." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:165 +msgid "Why don't you guys believe me? It's really 4%%!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:167 +msgid "Because it's not. Hayden, look around you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:168 +msgid "Do you see any white people?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:170 +msgid "Min gestures at all the other kids on the playground. Indeed, everyone is Asian." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:172 +msgid "You're like an endangered species." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:175 +msgid "But that's just here. The rest of the country isn't like this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:176 +msgid "Don't you wonder why everyone is white on TV?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:178 +msgid "That's easy. Because their parents won't let them become actors." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:179 +msgid "It's too risky. Only white parents are that dumb." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:181 +msgid "Okay, but what about sports? There aren't Asians there, either." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:183 +msgid "That's the same thing. Being an athlete is too risky for Asian parents to approve of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:185 +msgid "The difference can't be that big! I'm going to cut out the newspaper article and show it to you guys." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:187 +msgctxt "america_59f12888" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:189 +msgctxt "america_cc159e1e" +msgid "............" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:192 +msgid "Stop looking at me all concerned like that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:194 +msgid "I can't believe it. Hayden's gone mad..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:196 +msgid "I'm not mad!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:198 +msgctxt "america_4b625d1c" +msgid "Gone mad..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:201 +msgid "Hayden, are you feeling lonely or something?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:202 +msgid "It's okay. We still like you even though you're different." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:204 +msgid "Yeah. Every year they show us that video where they go back in time to racism!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:205 +msgid "Racism is over." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:208 +msgid "I give up........forget it................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:211 +msgid "Boy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:212 +msgid "Another boy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:213 +msgid "The playground structure rattles as a bunch of boys climb aboard." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:214 +msgid "Hey, Hayden! Jun!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:215 +msgid "Wanna play baseball?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:218 +msgid "Oh. Uh........" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:219 +msgid "He looks like he really doesn't want to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:222 +msgid "Uneasily, he turns to Hayden, who just shrugs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:223 +msgid "Aren't you both in Little League?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:225 +msgid "Yeah...but..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:227 +msgid "What about me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:228 +msgid "Can I play?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:230 +msgid "You??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:232 +msgid "Yeah, why not?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:235 +msgid "There's an uncomfortable silence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:236 +msgid "The group is nervously exchanging glances amongst themselves. This is clearly the first time a girl has asked to join their ranks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:238 +msgid "I'm not like other girls. I'm way, way worse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:242 +msgid "The others look at Min skeptically." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:244 +msgid "What, are you scared you'll lose to a girl?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:245 +msgctxt "america_61eb2473" +msgid "What?! No!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:247 +msgid "Wow, you ARE scared." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:248 +msgid "You little bitch." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:251 +msgid "A hush falls over the group." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:252 +msgid "She said the b-word..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:254 +msgid "She plays video games, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:255 +msgid "Oh yeah? Like what?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:257 +msgid "Like Sonic Adventure 2." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:259 +msgid "This instantly wins everyone over!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:278 +msgid "The group has made their way to the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:279 +msgid "Jun, your shirt's so girly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:281 +msgid "How's it girly? It's Arthur." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:282 +msgid "Everyone is scrutinizing Jun's shirt now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:283 +msgid "Wearing Arthur on your shirt looks gay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:285 +msgid "I'm not gay!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:286 +msgid "Then why're you wearing that shirt? Haha!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:288 +msgid "Min takes out a box cutter!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:291 +msgctxt "america_6b041b89" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:292 +msgid "What's so funny? You wanna go?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:294 +msgid "The blade glints in the sunlight as she stabs the air in front of the jeering boys." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:295 +msgid "Frightened, everyone abruptly stops laughing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:296 +msgid "...You...you can't do that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:298 +msgid "Says who? You? Fight me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:300 +msgid "The boy shrinks back on the bench as she nears him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:302 +msgid "That's what I thought." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:304 +msgid "Min successfully asserted dominance over the leader of the group!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:305 +msgid "She clicks the blade back in and sits down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:306 +msgid "...Thanks..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:308 +msgid "Anytime. It's your noona's job to protect you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:314 +msgid "It's Min's turn at bat now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:317 +msgid "She swings ferociously at the incoming pitch!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:319 +msgid "DIEEEE!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:323 +msgid "Min hits the ball toward the mound!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:325 +msgid "The pitcher ducks to avoid getting beaned. Min reaches the bag with time to spare." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:328 +msgid "I made it to first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:330 +msgid "It's Jun's turn at bat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:333 +msgid "Jun bunted it into the dirt!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:335 +msgid "He's sacrificing himself so I can make it to second." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:338 +msgid "Min dashes for second base. She slides feet first into the bag." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:340 +msgid "Boys" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:341 +msgid "Hahaha!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:342 +msgid "Suddenly, everyone's laughing at her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:344 +msgid "Huh?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:349 +msgid "Min, your skirt..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:351 +msgid "He's pointing down at it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:352 +msgid "Min's skirt has flipped up so everyone can see her underwear." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:364 +msgid "I hate skirts!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:365 +msgid "They're stupid." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:367 +msgid "What?? Don't be silly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:368 +msgid "You look so cute in them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:370 +msgid "I don't wanna look cute!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:371 +msgid "I wanna look cool!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:373 +msgid "Well, we already bought them. So you have to wear them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:375 +msgid "I always say I don't like them but you keep buying them anyway!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:376 +msgid "I'd rather die than wear one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:377 +msgid "It's embarrassing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:378 +msgid "How come I have to when Jun doesn't?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:380 +msgid "That'd be crazy! Jun's a boy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:381 +msgid "Boys don't wear skirts." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:383 +msgid "That's not fair! Then I won't wear skirts either, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:389 +msgid "Also, Mom..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:390 +msgid "I don't like this shirt anymore." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:392 +msgid "What're you talking about? That's your favorite shirt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:394 +msgid "I changed my mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:396 +msgid "Why? It's a perfectly good shirt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:398 +msgid "I just did, alright?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:399 +msgid "I'm not allowed to not like a shirt?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:401 +msgid "Both of you are being ridiculous. You're wearing the clothes we bought you, and that's final." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:402 +msgid "So spoiled. What kind of kids are you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:404 +msgctxt "gameboy_6e6159b3" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:407 +msgctxt "gameboy_8eabd16d" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:409 +msgid "The car glides up the ramp to the freeway." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:411 +msgid "Jun-seo is mashing the buttons on his Game Boy Advance like his life depends on it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:413 +msgid "You've been playing that the entire day." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:414 +msgid "It's my turn." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:417 +msgid "Wait. Just 5 more minutes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:420 +msgid "You said that 20 minutes ago." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:423 +msgid "I have to beat this level." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:426 +msgid "Mom! Jun won't let me play on the Game Boy even though he said he would!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:429 +msgid "Why don't you look outside at all the trees?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:432 +msgid "Why do I have to do that when Jun gets to play Sonic? That's not fair!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:435 +msgid "It's not normal for a girl to like video games that much." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:436 +msgid "None of our friends' daughters play games." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:437 +msgid "There must be something wrong with your hormones. We should go see a doctor." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:440 +msgid "I don't need to see a doctor! There's nothing wrong with liking games!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:443 +msgid "Yes, there is. It's not natural for a girl. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:445 +msgid "It's called a Game Boy, not a Game Girl!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:446 +msgid "Hahaha!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:448 +msgid "Haha! Good one!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:451 +msgid "That's not funny. This isn't fair!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:454 +msgid "It's just a game. Take it easy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:457 +msgid "Min wrenches the Game Boy out of Jun's hands!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:458 +msgid "Before he can stop her, she rolls down the window and chucks it as hard as she can onto the freeway." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:461 +msgid "MOM!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:462 +msgid "LOOK WHAT MIN DID!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:474 +msgid "You did WHAT?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:475 +msgid "Did you get the Game Boy back?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:477 +msgid "We turned around and got it. The screen was busted, though." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:478 +msgid "Once you turned it on, it'd show all this rainbow shit. You couldn't use it at all." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:481 +msgid "Nooo.........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:482 +msgid "Why're you so angry all the time? Always breaking stuff..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:484 +msgid "Because people are stupid all the time!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:486 +msgid "Just, like, calm down. Try not getting angry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:488 +msgid "I AM trying!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:491 +msgid "Try harder. You didn't have to do that! Now neither of you can play it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:493 +msgid "Exactly! Now it's fair." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:494 +msgid "Why should he get to be happy when I can't?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:497 +msgid "That's...one way to think about it..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:499 +msgid "Jun returns to the table with their Happy Meals." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:501 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_35df4f98" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:502 +msgid "Hayden digs into his box and pulls out his plastic-wrapped toy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:503 +msgid "Ooh! Look what I got!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:504 +msgid "It's a futuristic looking Hot Wheels car sporting translucent ice blue windows." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:506 +msgid "Whoa!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:509 +msgid "Jun unwraps his toy, too. His is a monster truck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:511 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_a541b6b5" +msgid "Whoa!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:512 +msgid "That's not bad, either!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:515 +msgid "Uh...I guess?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:516 +msgid "I don't really get why these things are popular." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:519 +msgid "Hayden, are you up to trading for yours?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:522 +msgid "Depends. Whatchu got?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:524 +msgid "Min takes her toy out of her Happy Meal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:525 +msgid "It's a...Barbie doll." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:527 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_cd2045ac" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:529 +msgid "I don't want this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:530 +msgid "I'm gonna ask for a replacement." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:558 +msgid "Look at TV" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:568 +msgid "Talk to Hayden" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:584 +msgid "Approach the counter" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:590 +msgid "T.V." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:593 +msgid "Imagine a world where love is ILLEGAL..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:595 +msgid "The screen shows a man and woman bumping into each other and making eye contact." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:596 +msgid "Breathtakingly original..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:597 +msgid "The man and woman are passionately making out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:599 +msgctxt "lookAtTV_3e52293c" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:601 +msgid "A forbidden romance like you've NEVER seen before..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:602 +msgid "For some reason, the entire cast is comprised of brown haired white people. They look similar enough that they could be siblings." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:604 +msgid "What the heck..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:607 +msgid "See? It's all white people on TV." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:611 +msgid "We've already gone over this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:612 +msgid "It's because Asian people's parents don't let them become actors." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:615 +msgid "That's can't be it. The difference is way too extreme." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:617 +msgid "Min sadly shakes her head at him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:619 +msgctxt "lookAtTV_4b625d1c" +msgid "Gone mad..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:622 +msgid "I haven't gone mad!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:634 +msgid "Hayden is trying to cheer Jun up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:637 +msgid "I just came up with a great joke! Wanna hear it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:638 +msgid "If Sherlock Holmes owned all the houses in a neighborhood, what would the neighborhood be called? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:641 +msgid "A small, patient smile forms on Jun's face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:642 +msgid "Sherlock Homes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:644 +msgid "What! How did you know?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:646 +msgid "You've already told me this joke before." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:648 +msgid "No way? I came up with it just now!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:650 +msgid "But also you told it to me last year. You forgot your own joke and came up with it all over again." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:652 +msgid "What...I seriously don't remember, though?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:654 +msgid "Jun covers his face when he laughs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:656 +msgid "But you did! It was exactly the same!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:657 +msgid "It's not even that funny, but you were so proud of it both times!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:658 +msgid "Exhaling, he appears to regain his composure, but it's only a moment before he doubles over again. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:659 +msgid "Why were you so proud?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:661 +msgid "Hey, it's a great joke, okay?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:666 +msgid "Hey, wanna hear another joke?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:669 +msgid "Sure!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:671 +msgid "Why couldn't Cinderella play baseball?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:673 +msgid "Why?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:675 +msgid "Because her s, stepmother—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:676 +msgid "Hayden can't keep a straight face! He's stifling his laugh so it sounds like a garbage disposal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:678 +msgid "—kkkkkKK......kggghh!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:679 +msgid "Jun waits patiently as he takes deep, calming breaths to recollect himself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:680 +msgid "Because her stepmother wouldn't let her go to the....go to the— " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:681 +msgid "Hayden is laughing so hard at his own joke that he can't even finish it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:683 +msgid "You're hopeless..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:693 +msgid "Looking aghast, Jun pulls a wrapped burger out of his Happy Meal." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:696 +msgid "What's wrong?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:699 +msgid "They gave me a cheeseburger instead of chicken nuggets." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:701 +msgid "Then go complain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:703 +msgid "No, it's okay!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:704 +msgid "I don't wanna bother the workers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:706 +msgid "Suit yourself..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:709 +msgid "Jun-seo is sadly eating the burger he doesn't want." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:734 +msgid "Ask for a different toy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:742 +msgid "Walk back to seat" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:758 +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:759 +msgid "Min approaches the counter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:762 +msgid "Hey, you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:763 +msgid "I want a different toy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:765 +msgid "Sorry, we can't do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:767 +msgid "No, I don't mean I'm trying to get a specific one. I want a boy one, but they gave me a girl toy by mistake." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:769 +msgid "But you're such a pretty girl! You don't want Hot Wheels." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:771 +msgid "Yeah, I do!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:772 +msgid "Hand it over or you're getting it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:774 +msgid "Haha! You're a funny little girl." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:784 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:786 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_1" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:787 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_2" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:798 +msgid "What were you thinking?! Why did you ruin your hair like that?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:800 +msgid "That's what you get!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:801 +msgid "And it's not ruined! It's better like this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:804 +msgid "What's gotten into you?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:805 +msgid "If you continue like this, no man is ever going to marry you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:807 +msgctxt "mirror_8bac71d0" +msgid "Who cares!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:808 +msgid "If I have to have long hair to get married, I don't wanna get married!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:809 +msgid "I don't ever want kids!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:811 +msgid "Her parents furrow their brows in concern." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:812 +msgid "You have to have at least two or three." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:814 +msgid "I don't think I'd make a good parent. I don't want my kids to end up hating me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:817 +msgid "You won't be happy if you don't have kids." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:818 +msgid "You'll get it when you grow up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:820 +msgid "What's there to get?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:821 +msgid "I'll never wanna kiss a guy anyway. They're smelly and have gross skin like Dad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:823 +msgid "Well, nobody's perfect." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:824 +msgid "You have to have realistic expectations." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:826 +msgid "I am being realistic!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:827 +msgid "I don't want someone who's nothing special." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:828 +msgid "I'm pretty awesome, so I should get someone who's awesome, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:830 +msgid "Prince Charming doesn't exist in real life." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:831 +msgid "If you think like that, you'll never find anyone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:833 +msgid "Then I'll just stay alone!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:835 +msgid "You can't do that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:837 +msgid "Why do you get to decide what happens to me?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:839 +msgid "We're your parents! You have to do what we say!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:841 +msgid "No! It's my life, not yours!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:843 +msgid "What's wrong with you?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:844 +msgid "What did we ever deserve to get a horrible child like this?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:846 +msgid "There's something wrong with her brain. She's so disobedient." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:847 +msgid "She's still playing baseball with all those boys." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:849 +msgid "What's wrong with that?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:851 +msgid "Do you see any other girls doing that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:852 +msgid "Do you want to be some kind of weirdo?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:854 +msgid "But Jun gets to! How come I don't get to?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:856 +msgid "Jun is a boy! You're a girl!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:859 +msgid "What part of that don't you understand?! Are you brain damaged?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:862 +msgid "THAT'S STUPID! IT'S NOT FAIR!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:864 +msgid "That's reality! The world's not fair!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:865 +msgid "This isn't some fairy tale! You have to accept it, or you're stupid!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:869 +msgid "I WON'T ACCEPT IT!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:870 +msgid "I WON'T EVER ACCEPT IT!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:874 +msgid "{big=20}SO STUPID! WE REALLY DO HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO A DOCTOR NOW!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:875 +msgid "{big=20}YOU HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS! BRAIN DAMAGED!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:876 +msgid "{big=20}RETARDED!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:880 +msgid "{big=20}YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S RETARDED!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:881 +msgid "{big=20}I HATE YOU! GO TO HELL!!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:884 +msgid "There is a small statue sitting on the living room shelf." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:885 +msgid "Min's dad picks it up and hurls it at her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:889 +msgctxt "mirror_11d2098a" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:892 +msgid "Min dodges. The statue strikes the glass coffee table behind her, shattering the glass into a thousand pieces on the floor." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:893 +msgid "Min was expecting the shards to be all sharp and jagged, but instead, they look like Icee slush." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:898 +msgid "You were asking for it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:900 +msgid "Jun-seo has started crying." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:902 +msgid "Stop it! She's sorry!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:903 +msgid "She's sorry, stop!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:905 +msgctxt "mirror_51f3578d" +msgid "Shut up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:906 +msgid "He grabs Jun's arm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:909 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:912 +msgid "Min lunges at her dad and bites down on his wrist." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:913 +msgid "AUGH!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:914 +msgid "He lets go of Jun!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:920 +msgid "Min throws a punch, but he catches it with his hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:922 +msgid "He's so strong!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:923 +msgid "I hate this! I hate this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:924 +msgid "I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:936 +msgid "I'll kill him. I'll save all of us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:938 +msgid "I'll wait until he's asleep and slit his throat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:939 +msgid "You can't. You'll go to jail." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:940 +msgid "I don't have a choice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:941 +msgid "I don't want to hurt anyone, but I want to be happy, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:942 +msgid "If Dad dies, we won't have enough money to live." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:943 +msgid "Then Mom'll get a new husband." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:944 +msgid "Maybe this time, we'll get a normal one who doesn't go crazy and break everything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:945 +msgid "Dad only does that when he's mad. You knew he'd lose his temper if you kept saying things like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:946 +msgid "You should've just apologized and said you were wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:947 +msgid "But I wasn't wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:948 +msgid "It doesn't matter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:949 +msgid "Yeah it does! I'm not gonna say I was wrong when I wasn't." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:950 +msgid "You're so stubborn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:951 +msgid "Don't you get it? There's no way to win against him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:952 +msgid "The more you argue, the worse you're making things." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:953 +msgid "You have to learn how to pick your battles like me and Mom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:954 +msgid "Why do I have to be the one who has to be mature?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:955 +msgid "That's not fair! I'm a kid! He's supposed to be the adult!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:956 +msgid "I don't deserve to be treated like that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:957 +msgid "If he can't control himself, he shouldn't be allowed to have kids." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:958 +msgid "You can think about some other time when he's not about to blow up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:959 +msgid "Just act like you're sorry." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:960 +msgid "I'd rather die!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:961 +msgid "Look, this is just common sense! Why don't you get it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:962 +msgid "Just keep your head down and act normal until we're old enough to get out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:963 +msgid "Screw that!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:964 +msgid "I shouldn't have to worry about any of this in the first place!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm not letting him treat me that way, like some wimpy sissy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:967 +msgid "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:968 +msgid "I'll walk that line." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:969 +msgid "No! You have to learn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:970 +msgid "{i}I{/i} have to learn?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:971 +msgid "I didn't do anything wrong! He's the one who should learn!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:972 +msgid "We already went over this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:973 +msgid "You're a coward." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:974 +msgid "You're an idiot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:975 +msgid "I don't understand you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:976 +msgid "Good. I don't understand you either." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:988 +msgid "Min sulks on the bleachers as Jun and Hayden's team goes on defense." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:990 +msgid "I hate everyone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:991 +msgid "How can they stand how unfair everything is? It's so obvious." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:992 +msgid "Are they just dumb? There's something wrong with the world." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:993 +msgid "God! I'm so mad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:995 +msgid "She takes out a pack of seaweed sheets and aggressively chomps on them as she thinks edgy, rebellious thoughts." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:997 +msgid "I don't need anyone. I'll do everything all by myself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:998 +msgid "I'll never fall in love. I'll be like a lone wolf." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:999 +msgid "I'll become so happy and successful that everyone who was ever bad to me has to beg on their hands and knees for me to forgive them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1001 +msgid "That'll show them. They'll regret being so stupid and wrong, while I was right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1005 +msgid "An enemy batter comes up to the plate." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1011 +msgid "OH MY GOD???????? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1014 +msgid "It's a girl with eyes the color of desert camouflage." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1015 +msgid "The boys seated next to Min are murmuring and pointing at the batter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1018 +msgid "Pretty girl" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1019 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_ce41ef83" +msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1020 +msgid "Yes! Our team got lucky!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1024 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_74edb3c7" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1025 +msgid "The pretty girl is shaking like a leaf as she settles into her batting stance. She looks terrified." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1029 +msgid "DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1030 +msgid "YOU'RE COOL!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1031 +msgid "DO YOU HEAR ME? DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1032 +msgid "I WON'T GIVE UP IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1036 +msgid "................!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1037 +msgid "At the sound of Min's voice, the batter whirls around to face the stands, her eyes searching the crowd." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1042 +msgid "For some reason, she can't seem to discern what direction it came from. Eventually she gives up and turns back to the diamond." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1044 +msgid "The pitcher winds up and sends a fastball straight down the middle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1049 +msgid "The batter swings at it with terrifying power." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1050 +msgid "The ball rockets off the bat and flies over the fence on the far end of the field." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1055 +msgid "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1056 +msgid "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1057 +msgid "A NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1060 +msgid "The batter hit a walk-off. The game is over because she scored." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1061 +msgid "Everyone comes in from the field. Her teammates have come bounding over, giddy off their victory." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1062 +msgid "They're laughing and chatting amongst themselves." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1064 +msgid "The girl is nervously nodding at them instead of speaking." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1066 +msgid "She's so shy! That's so cute!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1067 +msgid "I wonder what her voice sounds like." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1068 +msgid "Maybe she can't talk? Like Ariel in the Little Mermaid." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1070 +msgid "Min's heart is pounding so fast!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1073 +msgid "Holy shit...Okay...okay!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1074 +msgid "Min, calm down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1075 +msgid "Play it cool. Be smooth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1079 +msgid "Panic flashes in the girl's eyes when Min runs up to her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1081 +msgid "Hey! Um, you're really cool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1082 +msgid "What's your name? I'm Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1085 +msgid "The girl's face lights up when she recognizes Min's voice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1086 +msgid "It was you, earlier." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1087 +msgid "You cheered for me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1089 +msgid "Of course I did. You were badass." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1093 +msgid "The girl startles. Min said a swear word!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1095 +msgid "I mean, you were awesome! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1099 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_cafd7987" +msgid "I'm Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1102 +msgid "That's so pretty! It sounds like you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1105 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1107 +msgid "I have seaweed. Do you want some?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1110 +msgid "Diya looks at Min all wide-eyed, like she can't believe her luck." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1111 +msgid "Min actually spends a fraction of a second trying to think of a way she can casually give her the seaweed and somehow touch her hand in the process." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1112 +msgid "In the end, she just holds the sheet out normally." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1113 +msgid "Diya's fingertips brush Min's as she takes it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1114 +msgid "A bizzare tingling feeling, impossible to identify, prickles across Min's palms. It feels like being tickled with soda bubbles." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1116 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_46384388" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1118 +msgid "You're welcome!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1120 +msgid "Min stands there with an idiotic smile on her face as Diya eats it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1122 +msgid "Do you wanna be friends?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1145 +msgctxt "min2_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1146 +msgctxt "min2_fa529f12" +msgid "Min" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1147 +msgid "Help me" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1148 +msgid ";;" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1149 +msgid "whats wrong??? WHO HURT YOU" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1150 +msgid "ill kill them! ill smash their heads in" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1151 +msgid "I don't know how to talk to the baseball team" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1152 +msgid "They're being" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1153 +msgid ".......weird" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1159 +msgid "Check the baseball club chat" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1167 +msgctxt "furry_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1169 +msgid "*pets you*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1170 +msgid "nya :3" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1171 +msgid "*purrs and rolls over*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1172 +msgctxt "furry_f1a4dee5" +msgid "WTF" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1173 +msgid "ohayou gozaimorning" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1174 +msgid "join our rp group" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1175 +msgid "*rubs againt min*" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1176 +msgid "KICKS YOU OVER A FENCE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1177 +msgid "BE A FURRY FREAK HO SOMEWHERE ELSE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1178 +msgid "SAD NYA" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1179 +msgid "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1181 +msgid "Chryssa has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1182 +msgid "Hey Chryssa!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1183 +msgid "yo" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1184 +msgid "We should do something to celebrate our win" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1185 +msgid "how about going out for lunch?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1186 +msgid "!!!! :D! !! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1187 +msgid "That sounds good" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1188 +msgid "Any suggestions for where?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1189 +msgid "Buffet" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1190 +msgid "Perfect, I have a coupon for Bombay Garden" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1191 +msgid "It's an Indian buffet in the mall" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1192 +msgid "if we're really being frugal" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1193 +msgid "I bet Min could pass off as under 12 for the Kids price" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1196 +msgid "Why stop there?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1197 +msgid "Infants eat for free." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1198 +msgid "DAMN" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1199 +msgid "HEY" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1200 +msgid "more realistically, Min could actually fit in our equipment bag" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1201 +msgid "the giant 3 ft long one" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1202 +msgid "we can straight up smuggle her inside and not pay for her at all" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1206 +msgid "Won't the waiters find it odd that a tiny Asian kid suddenly materialized at our table?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1207 +msgid "No, they won't see her" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1208 +msgid "She'll stay in the bag" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1209 +msgid "When no one's looking, we can quickly slip the food inside." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1210 +msgid "what kind of demented fantasy even is this" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1211 +msgid "I'm getting scared for your future children, you weirdo" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1212 +msgid "that sounds kinda fun actually" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1213 +msgid "ill do it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1214 +msgctxt "furry_e7c6863a" +msgid "WHAT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1215 +msgid "ill be like" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1216 +msgid "illegal" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1217 +msgid "Alright, let's meet up there at noon tomorrow" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1218 +msgid "Be there or be square :)" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1220 +msgid "Tomorrow? I won't be able to go. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1221 +msgid ":c" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1222 +msgid "Why not? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1223 +msgid "I just had fun 3 months ago. My parents will complain I'm wasting time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1224 +msgid "i cant go either" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1225 +msgid "im still grounded for getting ecxpelled from niles" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1226 +msgid "How are you coming to practice, then?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1227 +msgid "i told them i'm going to a tutering group" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1228 +msgid "can't u say ur going to a special additional session?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1229 +msgid "bc ur extra dumb and need the help" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1230 +msgid "fuck yuo" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1231 +msgid "and thats not gonna work" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1232 +msgid "they wont be convinced that easily" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1233 +msgid "Wait, listen. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1234 +msgid "I have an idea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1247 +msgid "Min's mom accompanies her to the library." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1249 +msgid "Noelle is seated inside with her mom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1250 +msgid "Min gestures at her, wrinkling her nose with disgust. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1252 +msgid "This is my private tutor or whatever." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1255 +msgid "Yes. I am receiving extra credit for this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1256 +msgid "Min's mom eyes the clearly nerdy girl Min would never be friends with. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1257 +msgid "Noelle's mom eyes the clearly stupid girl Noelle would never be friends with." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1259 +msgid "Show us your latest math test." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1260 +msgid "Min takes a crumpled ball of paper out of her pocket. When she smoothes it out, it's marked all over, red with failure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1262 +msgid "WHAT HAPPENED??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1264 +msgid "I got unlucky. There were so many where I narrowed it down to 2 choices, and guessed wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1267 +msgid "THERE'S ONLY 4 CHOICES. EVEN IF YOU CHOSE EVERY SINGLE ANSWER AT RANDOM, ON AVERAGE YOU WOULD'VE SCORED HIGHER THAN THIS!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1269 +msgid "Yeah?? Says who?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1272 +msgid "...What? Says probability. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1273 +msgid "Noelle teaches Min the concept of probability..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1275 +msgid "Sounds fake." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1278 +msgid "IT'S NOT FAKE." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1279 +msgid "Do you at least understand it now?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1281 +msgctxt "furry_b61fd423" +msgid "I guess." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1283 +msgid "Finally convinced that Noelle is legitimately tutoring Min, their moms head home." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1285 +msgid "We fooled them!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1288 +msgid "All we need to do now is walk to the buffet, and remember to come back here later to get picked up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1294 +msgid "It's so messed up that we even have to do this, just for really basic things. We're not even doing anything bad." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1297 +msgid "I can't comprehend a situation where you don't have to hide most of your life from your parents." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1300 +msgid "Right? A healthy relationship with your parents? What's that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1303 +msgid "It sucks that due to societal pressures, practically everyone has kids, whether they're well suited for parenting or not." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1304 +msgid "It took me a long time to accept that my mom and dad are decent people who just happen to make horrible parents." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1307 +msgid "I bet mine are worse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1310 +msgid "My dad taped the times table up to 12x12 to the wall at eye level, and made me stand facing it until I memorized the whole thing in one go." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1311 +msgid "I was only 5, but I remember it clearly because I was there for hours and hours." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1314 +msgid "...I still don't know the 11 and 12 ones." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1316 +msgid "Oh yeah? My dad once threw a porcelain toilet seat at me from upstairs." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1319 +msgid "Why a toilet seat?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1322 +msgid "My dad went to pee in the middle of an argument and suddenly remembered how mad he was at me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1323 +msgid "So he stormed out of the bathroom with the thing in hand and hurled it at me on sight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1326 +msgid "Wow. That explains a lot about you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1329 +msgid "Parents should be required to take a test before they can have kids." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1332 +msgid "I wish that were viable. Maybe in an ideal world, where all vehicle turn signals sync up and blink the same speed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1333 +msgid "I'd want the test to ask them to explain their motivation for being a parent. Do you want a kid just to elevate your own status?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1334 +msgid "What if your kids don't turn out the way you expected?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1339 +msgid "A bunch of white guys holler at them as they pass by the intersection." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1340 +msgid "White guy" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1341 +msgid "Konnichiwa!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1342 +msgid "Min makes an obscene hand gesture at him." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1345 +msgid "This is America! SPEAK ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1348 +msgid "That's...not the correct way to think of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1352 +msgid "It's kinda funny, he had two chances to get it right and got it wrong for both of us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1355 +msgid "Like you and your math test." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1358 +msgid "Oh, shut up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1367 +msgid "We're here!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1369 +msgid "Diya and Akarsha are already waiting by the fountain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1374 +msgctxt "furry_e2b62e10" +msgid "Diya!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1377 +msgid "........!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1380 +msgctxt "furry_a293139f" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1383 +msgctxt "furry_0dc258b4" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1386 +msgctxt "furry_ae21a3c4" +msgid "......!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1387 +msgid "I love you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1389 +msgctxt "furry_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1393 +msgid "This just added 5 years to my lifespan!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1399 +msgid "Diya has moved so that she's standing directly beneath the air conditioning vent. She closes her eyes contentedly as the cool draft blows over her face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1401 +msgid "You're sweating buckets. Were you exercising or something?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1403 +msgid "Ran 5 miles to here from my house." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1405 +msgid "But your house is only 1 mile away." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1407 +msgid "I know. I just can't read maps." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1409 +msgid "You should cool off in the fountain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1411 +msgctxt "furry_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1413 +msgid "It doesn't matter that you're not wearing a swimsuit. If you take off your clothes, your bra and underwear will basically be like a bikini." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1416 +msgid "You think the swimsuit is the only issue here??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1418 +msgid "It's called having fun, Frenchman. You should try it sometime." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1420 +msgid "Really? Then why don't YOU jump into the fountain?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1422 +msgid "........Great question!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1424 +msgctxt "furry_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1426 +msgid "It's filled with money people threw in there. It's like a swimming pool but better." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1430 +msgid "She's right! There's nothing stopping us from taking it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1433 +msgid "You can't be serious. Stop. Stop!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1441 +msgid "How much money have you got so far?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1443 +msgid "Min examines the fistful of dirty coins in her hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1445 +msgid "Uh......." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1446 +msgid "A lot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1448 +msgid "Min holds it out for Akarsha to see." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1450 +msgid "You've got like $1.88." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1451 +msgid "If we find 392 more cents, we can buy Mario Party at GameStop." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1457 +msgid "Hey! What're you doing in there?? Get out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1459 +msgid "Chryssa is powerwalking toward them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1461 +msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c" +msgid "Shit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1468 +msgid "Akarsha and Min reluctantly climb out of the mall fountain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1470 +msgid "Why are you two like this???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1471 +msgid "Have you never gone outside before??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1473 +msgid "How dare you. Just last week, I went to Safeway with my mom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1475 +msgid "Chryssa points at Noelle, who's smugly watching them get scolded from a safe distance." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1477 +msgid "And you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1479 +msgid "What! I didn't do anything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1481 +msgid "Exactly. You should've stopped them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1482 +msgid "Are you the responsible one or not??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1484 +msgid "Alright, I think they get it. Let's just go into the restaurant now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1489 +msgid "Get in the bag, Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1492 +msgid "Liz places the empty equipment bag on the floor and unzips it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1493 +msgid "Min climbs in and lies on her side in fetal position. There's actually some room to spare." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1497 +msgid "You okay in there?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1499 +msgid "It's kinda like being in sleeping bag, except not padded and shitty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1503 +msgid "I'm doing a crime. If I stay undercover like this, I'll basically be stealing from the restaurant." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1506 +msgid "That's right, homie. Fight the system." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1509 +msgid "We need to zip this up now, so no one sees you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1511 +msgid "Everyone wave goodbye to Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1513 +msgid "Bye, Min!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1519 +msgid "I can't see a thing now that it's zipped shut." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1521 +msgid "Min feels a tug on the top of the bag." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1522 +msgid "Ugh, I didn't think about carrying the bag in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1523 +msgid "It's like, a hundred pounds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1524 +msgid "Diya can lift it. She's the strongest." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1525 +msgid "No, Diya won't work." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1526 +msgid "She'd look too guilty. You can see it on her face." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1527 +msgid "See, Mom! She's already uncomfortable." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1528 +msgid "...Did you just call me Mom?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1529 +msgid "What?! I did not." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1530 +msgid "You totally did." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1532 +msgid "I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1533 +msgid "Alright, I'll carry the bag." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1535 +msgid "Whoa. She's lifting the bag off the ground." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1536 +msgid "I'm suddenly really worried about being dropped." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1537 +msgid "If you drop me, I'll kill you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1541 +msgid "They've halted inside the restaurant." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1542 +msgid "Waiter" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1543 +msgid "How many?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1544 +msgid "Nine. I mean, eight." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1545 +msgid "We don't have any large tables left. Is two separate ones fine?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1546 +msgctxt "furry_3ff12095" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1547 +msgid "Come this way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1548 +msgid "The bag shifts with Chryssa's movements as she follows the waiter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1550 +msgid "These tables are pretty tall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1551 +msgid "If Min were sitting at it, she'd need a booster seat." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1553 +msgid "{big=+20}I'M NOT THAT SHORT, YOU BITCH!{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1557 +msgctxt "furry_63981d3d" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1558 +msgctxt "furry_8e650fe7" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1559 +msgctxt "furry_fcca59f3" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1560 +msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c_1" +msgid "Shit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1566 +msgid "Min's life as a fugitive has ended." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1568 +msgid "At least now that you've blown your cover, you can eat normally with us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1570 +msgctxt "furry_1fb00b78" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1572 +msgid "Min crawls out of the bag and takes a seat with Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1574 +msgid "We can get our drinks and food now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1576 +msgid "As Akarsha reaches for her empty glass, Noelle grabs her arm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1578 +msgid "Wait. I'll get your water along with mine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1579 +msgid "You go ahead and get your food." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1581 +msgid "Thanks...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1583 +msgid "Don't mention it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1585 +msgid "Do you have a fever or something?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1586 +msgid "You're really docile all of a sudden." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1588 +msgid "I don't have the energy to deal with both you and Min-seo at the same time. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1589 +msgid "I'll get you back for this later." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1591 +msgid "I like how getting her water is something you have to get her back for." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1594 +msgid "Diya pauses, then turns to look at Min. The restaurant is noisy enough that she likely didn't catch what Min said, but she heard her tone of approval." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1596 +msgid "You like Noelle now?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1597 +msgid "Her face is shining with hope. Min is struck with the conviction that saying no would be a crime punishable by death." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1599 +msgid "...She's okay, I guess." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1601 +msgid "Diya beams at her. The blinding exposure temporarily lowers Min's IQ by 50 points." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1603 +msgid "Yeah!! That was so worth it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1612 +msgid "I don't know what anything is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1615 +msgid "Surely you at least recognize Tandoori chicken." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1617 +msgid "You're saying it wrong." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1620 +msgid "Wait, really? Tandoori?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1623 +msgid "Tan-due-ri." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1624 +msgid "The \"doo\" isn't like in \"door\". It's like..doo-doo head." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1626 +msgid "Are you 5 years old? You could've just said, like the \"due\" in \"due date.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1629 +msgctxt "furry_1080092c" +msgid "Tan-due-ri..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1632 +msgctxt "furry_46fd130d" +msgid "Tan-due-ri..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1639 +msgid "I ended up taking a bit of everything." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1641 +msgid "Maybe this will make Diya think I'm cool for trying all of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1644 +msgid "The Tando...Tan-due-ri chicken is too salty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1645 +msgid "Noelle dumps it on Diya's plate. Diya eagerly stuffs the extra food into her mouth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1647 +msgid "What is she, your garbage disposal?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1649 +msgid "Min jitters her leg so the table is rattling like there's a small earthquake." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1651 +msgctxt "furry_e603c6b2" +msgid "Stop that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1652 +msgid "Akarsha joins in at the same frequency, so it resonates." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1654 +msgid "Knowledge is power." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1656 +msgid "Akarsha sips her water. She's downed about half the glass now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1657 +msgid "Clearly waiting for this moment to arrive, Noelle smugly flips open her cell phone and shows it to her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1659 +msgid "Akarsha, look at this photo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1660 +msgid "It's a picture of the restaurant's bathroom stall. In the center of the frame, Noelle is holding a water glass to the toilet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1665 +msgid "Is that...You filled my cup with toilet water?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1667 +msgid "What do you think?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1669 +msgid "Seriously?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1670 +msgid "Akarsha stands. Noelle has a perversely happy look on her face, like a child burning ants with a magnifying glass." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1672 +msgid "Seriously now, are you serious? Come on man, seriously now really are you serious come on man." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1674 +msgid "Now we're even." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1677 +msgid "Ew!! Ew!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1678 +msgid "I can't believe you! You meanie!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1679 +msgid "My stomach hurts now!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1681 +msgid "You're being overdramatic. The bacteria wouldn't affect it that fast." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1683 +msgid "I'm gonna wash my mouth out!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1686 +msgid "Akarsha disappears into the bathroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1689 +msgid "Jesus Christ..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1693 +msgctxt "furry_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1697 +msgid "Worried, Diya goes after Akarsha, leaving Min alone with Noelle at the table." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1700 +msgid "Noelle is in a particularly good mood now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1727 +msgid "Check on Diya and Akarsha" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1744 +msgid "Min gets up and hovers awkwardly outside the women's restroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1745 +msgid "Peering through the open door from the hallway, she can see Akarsha and Diya at the sink." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1746 +msgid "Akarsha cups her hand under the running faucet, gargles the tap water, and spits it back out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1748 +msgid "Oh my god! People pooped in the toilet water! And I drank it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1750 +msgctxt "check_9cbab985" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1752 +msgid "This WOULD happen to me. Classic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1753 +msgid "What did I ever do to deserve this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1755 +msgid "You tied Noelle's braid to a tree." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1757 +msgid "Besides that. That's so minor!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1759 +msgid "And \"accidentally\" dropped a worm we were dissecting down her shirt." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1761 +msgid "Besides that. That was weeks ago!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1763 +msgid "Yesterday you picked her up, replied \"Okay!\" when she demanded you put her down, and threw her into the school swimming pool." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1764 +msgid "And when she screeched, \"Now I'm all wet,\" you yelled, \"That's what she said.\"" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1766 +msgid "Besides that! None of these count!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1768 +msgctxt "check_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1770 +msgid "Such a cruel world we live in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1772 +msgctxt "check_195e0304" +msgid "...Right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1774 +msgid "Diya clearly has no idea what to say." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1775 +msgid "Even though she's mostly just standing there listening, though, Akarsha seems to appreciate her presence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1777 +msgid "It looks like they're doing okay." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1783 +msgid "Min returns to the table." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1785 +msgid "They're taking a long time in there." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1786 +msgid "She's not crying, is she?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1788 +msgid "No, she's just being a drama queen like usual." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1789 +msgid "What, are you worried?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1792 +msgid "What?? No." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1793 +msgid "I was just curious." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1795 +msgid "Whatever you say, Satan." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1803 +msgid "Was it really toilet water?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1806 +msgid "What? Of course not. That would've been unsanitary." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1807 +msgid "What kind of person do you think I am?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1809 +msgid "What the fuck...That somehow makes it even worse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1810 +msgid "You lied to her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1813 +msgid "I never lied." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1814 +msgid "I purposefully led her to the wrong conclusion, that's all." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1819 +msgid "Um...It pisses me off to admit it, but you're less boring than I originally thought." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1820 +msgid "I used to think you were the bland goody-two-shoes type." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1821 +msgid "But you're actually this sadistic, manipulative weirdo." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1822 +msgid "I can respect that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1825 +msgid "...Thanks...?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1827 +msgid "Sorry I've been a jerk to you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1828 +msgid "If I'd given you a chance, we might've gotten along." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1831 +msgctxt "talkNoelle_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1833 +msgid "J-just kidding! I hate you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1836 +msgid "Noelle nods with relief." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1838 +msgid "Good. I hate you, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1840 +msgid "None of this Disney shit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1842 +msgctxt "talkNoelle_4d256c73" +msgid "Right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1849 +msgid "The workers are refilling the iced tea keg now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1851 +msgid "That looks good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1854 +msgid "Min fetches a glass of iced tea and returns to the table." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1856 +msgid "What is that?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1858 +msgid "Iced tea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1861 +msgid "What? Where was it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1862 +msgid "Min points at the glass keg in the corner of the buffet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1864 +msgid "Why is it all by itself, away from the other beverages?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1866 +msgid "Uh...Maybe they didn't have room by the soda machine?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1868 +msgid "Now that she looks, though, there is room by the soda machine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1870 +msgid "Shit. You're right." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1871 +msgid "What the hell is this then?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1874 +msgid "How should I know?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1875 +msgid "Min sniffs it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1877 +msgid "I can't tell what it is." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1878 +msgid "You try." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1880 +msgid "Noelle brings the bowl to her face and inhales." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1881 +msgid "I don't know. It doesn't smell like a tea." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1882 +msgid "Min pours half of it into another glass and slides it over to Noelle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1884 +msgid "I don't want this!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1886 +msgid "It's a symbol of our not being enemies anymore." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1889 +msgid "I don't even know what it is!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1891 +msgid "Then try it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1894 +msgid "YOU try it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1896 +msgid "What, are you scared it'll taste bad?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1899 +msgid "What if it's a condiment? Or a sauce? " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1900 +msgid "It would be like eating mustard." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1901 +msgid "We should just wait for Diya and Akarsha to come back and ask them. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1903 +msgid "I don't want to be sitting here with matching cups with you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1904 +msgid "It'll look stupid!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1907 +msgid "You should've thought about that before taking a glass of mystery liquid! " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1909 +msgid "I thought I knew what it was!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1912 +msgid "Noelle glares down at her glass of orangey-yellow liquid. After a long moment, takes a sip of it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1914 +msgid "Well? What is it?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1917 +msgid "It's spicy, not sweet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1919 +msgid "It's...weird for a beverage. I don't like it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1921 +msgid "What're you, racist?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1924 +msgid "I'm not racist!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1926 +msgid "You're like one of those wimps who're afraid of durian." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1927 +msgid "Closed-minded." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1930 +msgid "I'm not! Look, I'll finish it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1932 +msgid "It's probably an acquired taste, like durian." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1934 +msgid "Min begins drinking her glass of the liquid too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1936 +msgid "...It does taste weird for a drink." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1937 +msgid "I don't like it. But I'm better than her! I'll never admit it!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1941 +msgid "Grimacing, they continue drinking the mystery liquid in silence." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1943 +msgid "...Hey, you're like a Diya expert, right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1946 +msgid "More or less." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1948 +msgid "Can I ask for your opinion on something, then?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1950 +msgid "Yes?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1952 +msgid "Where would be the best possible place to take Diya on a date?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1956 +msgid "A dog park." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1958 +msgid "I already-" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1959 +msgid "I mean, besides a dog park." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1961 +msgid "Then the Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1963 +msgid "But I don't have the money to-" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1964 +msgid "I mean, the budget in this situation is small." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1967 +msgid "...In this hypothetical situation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1969 +msgid "Right. In this hypothetical situation." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1970 +msgid "I'm testing your Diya knowledge." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1974 +msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1976 +msgctxt "dessert_c38327a8" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1980 +msgid "She also likes eating." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1981 +msgid "Why don't you take her to a dessert place instead?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1982 +msgid "There's one she wants to try called Snowcastle. They have shaved ice and boba." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1983 +msgid "It's within walking distance from school. Students often visit it during the lunch hour." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1985 +msgid "Perfect! Thanks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1987 +msgid "...I mean, you pass." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1989 +msgid "Because I was testing you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1992 +msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d_1" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1994 +msgid "Just as a reminder, I hate you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1995 +msgid "I'm only helping you to make sure Diya doesn't have a terrible time." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1997 +msgid "Yeah, of course. I hate you, too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2000 +msgid "Akarsha and Diya have returned from the bathroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2001 +msgid "Akarsha's eyes widen as she sees Min gulp another mouthful of the mystery liquid." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2003 +msgid "Are you guys drinking pani?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2005 +msgid "Diya, look! Look, they're drinking pani!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2008 +msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2010 +msgid "What?? What's pani?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2012 +msgid "You're supposed to use it to fill puri, the fried dough ball things." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2013 +msgid "You don't drink it all by itself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2015 +msgid "Noelle glares at Min." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2016 +msgid "I told you it wasn't a beverage! I was right!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2018 +msgid "Don't pin it on me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2019 +msgid "You drank it all on your own!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2022 +msgid "Do you guys squirt ketchup directly into your mouths too??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2024 +msgctxt "dessert_bfcfdeac" +msgid "Shut up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2026 +msgid "Ketchup Man..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2027 +msgid "Both Diya and Akarsha are gleefully taking out their phones." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2033 +msgid "DON'T TAKE PHOTOS!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2035 +msgid "Look what I got!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2036 +msgid "It's a photo of a blurred, scowling Noelle trying to shove the shameful cup away from her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2039 +msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f_1" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2040 +msgid "Send it to me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2042 +msgid "You're never gonna let us live this down, are you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2045 +msgid "You guessed it, Ketchup Man 2." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2047 +msgid "Whatever, Pee Girl." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2051 +msgid "Noelle storms off to the buffet area to escape Akarsha's photos." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2052 +msgid "Akarsha gets up and chases after her." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2054 +msgid "...Noelle's making things even worse. There's gonna be action shots of her running around the salad bar now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2057 +msgid "And of her tripping." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2059 +msgid "Huh? But she hasn't tripped." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2066 +msgid "As if on cue, Noelle stumbles over nothing and trips." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2068 +msgid "Hey! This isn't a jungle gym!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2071 +msgctxt "dessert_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2073 +msgid "Wow, you're good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2077 +msgid "We're alone at the table now..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2078 +msgid "Here's my chance to ask her out!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2082 +msgid "We should go out and eat sometime." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2085 +msgid "We're...already eating right now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2087 +msgid "I mean, some other time. Just the two of us." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2099 +msgid "The next day" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2102 +msgid "Snowcastle" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2110 +msgid "We're here!!! On a date!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2112 +msgid "It's lunchtime at school right now. We ate really fast and sprinted here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2115 +msgid "How much time do we have?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2117 +msgid "About 30 minutes before we gotta run back to campus." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2121 +msgid "Thanks for bringing me here." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2122 +msgid "I've always wanted to try their shaved ice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2124 +msgid "I'm the one who should be thankful! Don't mention it!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2128 +msgid "Min receives a chat message. She quickly checks her phone." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2130 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2131 +msgid "I have prepared a Diya cheat sheet for your reference." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2133 +msgid "Top desserts/drinks Diya likes:\n - Any food artificially colored to look blue. The flavor is irrelevant (e.g. Blue Raspberry, Baja Blast, etc.). Diya cannot tell the difference and will refer to it as \"blue flavor\". \n- Peanut butter. She is neutral toward actual peanuts. \n- Mango. \n- Food with a circle in the center (e.g. bagels, bundt cakes, peach gummy rings)." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2138 +msgid "If you are in a situation where multiple food items have these features (e.g. both a blue colored cake and a mango mousse cake are available), the hierarchy is as follows: \n\"Blue flavor\" > Peanut butter > Mango > Circle in the center" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2140 +msgid "Suggested conversation topics\n - Owl City \n- Dogs who have different colored fur above their eyes so it looks like they have eyebrows \n- The Most Extreme (Animal Planet series)" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2144 +msgid "k" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2145 +msgid "ill text you if i run into trouble" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2146 +msgid "Understood." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2150 +msgid "Min and Diya take their place in line and gaze up at the menu." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2153 +msgid "These shaved ice desserts look massive." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2154 +msgid "Maybe we can share one." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2157 +msgctxt "date_9ee5e3fd" +msgid "Diya nods eagerly." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2158 +msgid "It's on purpose. They're made for couples to eat togeth-" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2161 +msgid "{big=+20}WE'RE SHARING ONE.{/big}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2164 +msgid "It's Diya and Min's turn in line now. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2166 +msgid "Welcome to Snowcastle. Can I take your order?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2167 +msgid "Diya looks anxiously at Min. Min's heart skips a beat seeing the helplessness in her eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2169 +msgid "She's relying on me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2170 +msgid "I've got you!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2172 +msgid "We'll have the Mt. Fuji." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2173 +msgid "That one is blue." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2175 +msgid "One Mt. Fuji, coming right up!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2178 +msgid "Diya and Min find a table and wait for their order." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2180 +msgid "I'll pay you back." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2182 +msgid "No, it's on me! Don't worry about it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2183 +msgid "I still have the money from the mall fountain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2186 +msgid "...Thanks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2188 +msgid "You're welcome. I'd kill someone if you asked me to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2191 +msgid "I'm pretty sure you'd kill someone even if I didn't ask you to." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2192 +msgid "The orders are being prepared on the counter. An employee is drizzling syrup atop another customer's mountain of shaved ice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2194 +msgid "Hey, we can watch them making it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2197 +msgid "Don't wanna see." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2198 +msgid "Food tastes better if you don't know what's in it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2199 +msgid "That way it's like magic." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2201 +msgid "Huh. Never thought of it like that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2203 +msgid "Do you know how to cook?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2205 +msgid "I can make microwaved popcorn." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2207 +msgid "That's not cooking." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2209 +msgid "What, can {i}you{/i} cook?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2212 +msgid "...Not really." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2213 +msgid "Once, I tried to make a pancake. When I was nine." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2214 +msgid "But it burned to a total crisp. Like a rock." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2215 +msgid "Couldn't even scrape it out of the pan." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2216 +msgid "I was so embarrassed that I dug a big hole in the backyard and buried it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2218 +msgid "Including the pan?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2221 +msgid "I was desperate. Didn't know what else to do." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2223 +msgid "That's so cute. Like a little puppy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2226 +msgid "Are you making fun of me?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2228 +msgid "No! It's a good thing." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2230 +msgid "You're so cute sometimes that I almost can't stand it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2233 +msgctxt "date_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2234 +msgid "I-I have to go to the bathroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2236 +msgid "Diya staggers to her feet and makes for the restroom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2238 +msgid "She misses the door and slams straight into the wall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2240 +msgctxt "date_4962ac78" +msgid "Diya!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2242 +msgid "Min rushes to her side as she staggers back and grabs ahold of her, worried she might fall." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2244 +msgid "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2247 +msgid "Diya just shakes her head, face red. She seems to be struggling with the limits of spoken language." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2249 +msgid "You sure?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2251 +msgid "Diya nods frantically." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2253 +msgid "Min tentatively lets her go. She watches Diya scramble into the restroom (correctly this time)." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2256 +msgid "As Min returns to the table, her phone screen lights up with a message." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2257 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_1" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2259 +msgid "IM GDSO FDUCKING DFONE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2260 +msgid "THE WAY U GRABED HER I THOIUGHT U WERE GONNNA START DRY HUMPGIN HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RESTAURNAT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2261 +msgid "Akarsha, I'm convinced those sunglasses are actually impeding your mental processes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2262 +msgid "I am embarrassed to be seen with you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2263 +msgid "well i cant take them off" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2264 +msgid "my coverll be blown" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2265 +msgid "YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN A BETTER DISGUISE IN THE FIRST PLACE, THEN." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2268 +msgid "what" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2269 +msgid "turn around" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2279 +msgctxt "date_bda8889e" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2282 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_2" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2283 +msgctxt "date_f1a4dee5" +msgid "WTF" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2284 +msgid "diya's been texting me for advice on u" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2285 +msgid "thats why she went to the bathroom" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2286 +msgctxt "date_47de0e2b" +msgid "WHAT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2287 +msgid "Honestly, I'm annoyed she goes to you and not me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2288 +msgid "why would she go to u? u never talk about feelings and gay stuff" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2289 +msgid "and i also have master seduction skills" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2290 +msgid "What master seduction skills?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2291 +msgid "my Tactics" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2292 +msgid "If you're so knowledgable on these matters, why are you single?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2293 +msgid "excuse u im single bc i want to be??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2294 +msgid "some people like being sad and alone" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2295 +msgid "on purpose" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2296 +msgid "On purpose." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2297 +msgid "rigHT, ON PURPOSE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2298 +msgid "not bc no one ever likes me back or anything" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2299 +msgid "dont attack me like this wtf???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2300 +msgid "wait guys hold on" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2301 +msgid "how long has this been going on????" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2302 +msgid "was the whole thing at the buffet a setup?? when yuo two left the table??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2303 +msgid "Take a wild guess, Sherlock." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2304 +msgid "you know nolle im starting to realize you do have a sense of humor" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2305 +msgid "but your so emotionally constipated that youre style of humor is just being extremely mean" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2306 +msgid "omg wait??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2307 +msgid "do u and noelle get along now??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2308 +msgid "We don't get along." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2309 +msgid "but we used to not get along much worse" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2314 +msgid "Diya returns to the table." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2316 +msgid "Are you feeling better?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2319 +msgid "Diya nods sheepishly, and then stiffens up in fear as a waitress approaches with their dessert on a tray." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2320 +msgid "Waitress" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2321 +msgid "One Mt. Fuji?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2322 +msgid "Diya responds with frenzied nodding as the waitress slides the dessert onto the table." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2326 +msgid "It's a mound of shaved ice, sculpted and saturated with blue raspberry syrup and condensed milk to look like a mountain." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2328 +msgid "...!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2329 +msgid "The blue flavor looks good." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2332 +msgid "Noelle was spot on!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2335 +msgid "What're the pink things?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2338 +msgid "It's mochi. They're supposed to look like cherry blossoms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2340 +msgid "Min stabs her spoon into the shaved ice and shovels it into her mouth." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2341 +msgid "The shaved ice is so cold that her gums are growing numb." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2346 +msgid "I think I'm getting brainfreeze." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2349 +msgctxt "date_4047d783" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2350 +msgid "A drop of cream is trickling down Diya's finger. She quickly licks it clean before it can reach her palm." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2351 +msgid "Min is so focused watching, she doesn't realize her own mouth is hanging open until she feels a trail of spit about to drop down from it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2352 +msgid "Min accidentally drooled onto the table." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2354 +msgid "FUCK!! SHIT!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2358 +msgctxt "date_5db23ed9" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2360 +msgctxt "date_6a61dc07" +msgid "................" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2363 +msgid "Diya is staring determinedly into the Mt. Fuji. She's probably pretending not to have seen. " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2367 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_3" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2369 +msgid "HELP ME" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2370 +msgid "pretend to drown so she has to give you mouth-to-mouth" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2371 +msgid "wtf kind of plan is that" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2372 +msgid "what would i even be drowning on??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2374 +msgid "the shaved ice" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2375 +msgid "no" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2377 +msgid "the toilet" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2378 +msgid "NO" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2380 +msgid "trust me im a love expert" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2381 +msgid "there's no way this could possibly go wrong" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2382 +msgid "Rather than potentially causing confusion like that, why don't you be open and tell her how you feel?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2383 +msgid "your the LAST person on the planet qualified to tell me to be open" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2384 +msgid "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly open about my feelings." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2385 +msgid "SINCE WHEN XD" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2386 +msgid "hey frenchman u enjoy our company right?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2387 +msgid "I'm not sure how you deluded yourself into believing that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2388 +msgid "SEE" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2389 +msgctxt "date_754eade2" +msgid "LMAO" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2390 +msgid "proved us right" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2391 +msgid "you cant even argue it" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2392 +msgctxt "date_95272ec7" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2393 +msgid "SHES TRAPPED" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2394 +msgid "SHE HATES BEING WRONG BUT CANT ADMIT SHE LIKES US" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2395 +msgid "I like you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2396 +msgid "O__O" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2397 +msgid "HOWEVER, you're immature and relentlessly annoying. Everything about you fills me with indescribable rage. From the way you wear a windbreaker with flip-flops, to your idiotic looking hairstyle, to how you're smart yet do things like call forks \"food rakes\", etc." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2398 +msgid "And Min, you're volatile and stupid. I already hardly tolerate you, so if you hurt Diya in any way, I won't hesitate to destroy you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2399 +msgid "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO IMMEDIATLY DRAG US TO DEFUSE THE SITUATION??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2400 +msgid "baby steps, frenchman! very good" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2401 +msgid "SHUT UP." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2402 +msgid "Now that I'm right, as always, about being open, Min has no valid excuse." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2403 +msgid "what if diya rejects me??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2404 +msgid "then that's her own personal problem for having bad taste" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2405 +msgid "her loss not urs" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2406 +msgid "what should i say??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2407 +msgid "lemme think" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2408 +msgid "shit bitch u iz fine" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2409 +msgid "WTH NO" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2410 +msgid "hey girl rat piss" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2411 +msgid "What??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2412 +msgid "{image=ratpiss.png}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2413 +msgid "WHO TF WOULD SAY THAT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2414 +msgid "DO IT" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2415 +msgid "HEY GIRL RAT PISS" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2416 +msgid "N O" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2417 +msgid "IF U DONT MAKE A MOVE WITHIN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2418 +msgid "IMMA BELT THE CRAZY FROG SONG AND RUIN UR WHOLE DATE!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2419 +msgid "IVE PRACTICED" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2420 +msgid "Unfortunately, I can confirm that she's practiced." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2425 +msgid "Okay. I can do this." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2428 +msgid "My mouth is so cold." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2430 +msgid "Want me to warm it up for you?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2433 +msgid "Diya freezes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2435 +msgid "OH MY GOD?? I FUCKED UP!!! I FUCKED UP!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2438 +msgid "Diya gives her a nervous, very small nod." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2440 +msgid "WHAT???????!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2443 +msgid "Kiss her" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2447 +msgid "Min crawls onto the table on all fours with a loud clatter." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2448 +msgid "Diya gasps as Min cups her face in her palms and catches her lips with hers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2449 +msgid "Her mouth is cold, as advertised, and blue flavor." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2450 +msgid "Diya doesn't push her away, but she doesn't kiss back, either. Min can feel her trembling in her arms like a frightened rabbit." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2451 +msgid "Anxious, Min pulls back over the sounds of Akarsha's whooping and yodeling in the background." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2454 +msgid "Diya is clinging desperately to Min's jacket sleeves, a vivid blush coloring her cheeks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2455 +msgid "Is this good?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2457 +msgid "Diya frantically nods in response, looking embarrassed." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2458 +msgid "I don't know what to do." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2459 +msgid "I've never done this before." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2461 +msgid "Me neither, but don't worry. I looked it up on Yahoo Answers." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2462 +msgid "Unless you wanna start smaller?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2464 +msgctxt "date_caf4954b" +msgid "I..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2465 +msgid "I want to hold hands with you and cuddle." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2467 +msgid "We can do that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2471 +msgid "Min takes Diya's hand." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2473 +msgid "I'm happy you kissed me." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2474 +msgid "I like you a lot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2476 +msgctxt "date_510b0bc2" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2478 +msgid "Min lightly brushes Diya's lips with her thumb; Diya shivers at the touch as Min gently pulls her closer." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2479 +msgid "Do you like this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2481 +msgid "Diya nods, then closes her eyes and leans in." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2482 +msgid "She nuzzles against Min, peppering her cheek with soft, little kisses." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2483 +msgid "OH MY GOD!!! DIYA IS KISSING ME!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2488 +msgid "The table. It's-" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2490 +msgid "Noelle stands up and is approaching them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2491 +msgid "What the fuck?! Go away Noelle!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2494 +msgid "You think I {i}want{/i} to be here watching this disgusting display?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2495 +msgid "The table is-" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2497 +msgid "A leg of the table gives way under Min's weight!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2509 +msgid "I can't believe we're banned from Snowcastle now." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2511 +msgid "I can't believe Min BROKE THEIR TABLE." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2514 +msgid "No choice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2517 +msgid "You could have held off on making out for 10 seconds and walked around it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2519 +msgid "Like I said, no choice." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2522 +msgid "That was even better than you guys drinking pani at the buffet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2524 +msgctxt "lastChat_bfcfdeac" +msgid "Shut up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2526 +msgid "Yeah, shut your fuck up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2529 +msgid "Shut your fuck up..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2532 +msgid "I hate you all. I'm going home." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2534 +msgid "Okay. See you at practice tomorrow." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2537 +msgid "No wait! Stay!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2539 +msgid "Change my mind, then." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2540 +msgid "You have approximately 10 seconds." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2542 +msgid "Friendship is like peeing on yourself." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2543 +msgid "Everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2545 +msgid "What the fuck..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2548 +msgctxt "lastChat_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2551 +msgid "Goodbye." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2554 +msgid "NO!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2557 +msgid "WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING AFTER THAT YOU NASTY FREAK HO???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2558 +msgid "PEE GIRL AGAIN??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2562 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2565 +msgid "MEANIE!!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2566 +msgid "You...YOU DUNG ELF." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2568 +msgid "WHAT???" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2581 +msgid "You know how during metamorphosis, inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar turns to soup?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2582 +msgid "It melts into this disgusting muddled goo slushie." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2583 +msgid "Everyone is a mess when they're growing up. Some people are just better at hiding it than others." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2584 +msgid "It's okay to be a flaming dumpster fire." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2585 +msgid "It's okay if you're not what your parents wanted you to be." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2586 +msgid "It's okay to change your mind." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2587 +msgid "If you want to be a butterfly, you have to be butterfly soup first." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2588 +msgid "If you think about it like that, we're all doing pretty good right now. We just don't know it yet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2589 +msgid "Just keep going." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2590 +msgid "Keep trying and eventually, you'll find people who like you for the weird fuck-up that you are." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2591 +msgid "You deserve to be happy." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2592 +msgctxt "lastChat_3ae0dff5" +msgid "So don't give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2593 +msgctxt "lastChat_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2594 +msgid "...And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2595 +msgctxt "lastChat_cce84401" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2596 +msgid "That's what I told Min last time she said that line. The not giving up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2597 +msgid "I have trivia like that, too!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2598 +msgid "If you're walking on the sidewalk and see a car coming toward you..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2599 +msgid "Instead of moving forward or backwards, go directly left or right toward the nearest obstacle you see." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2600 +msgid "Why left or right? I don't get it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2601 +msgid "There's normally too little time to judge the car's direction. Moving directly perpendicular to how you're facing is your best bet." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2602 +msgid "I was looking up how to survive if a car drives into you as a pedestrian." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2603 +msgid "I already told you, I'll just hit the car out of the way." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2604 +msgid "This turned into a random advice session." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2605 +msgid "End this conversation. Otherwise we'll be standing here forever." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2606 +msgid "Okay, I'm ending it now. Bye." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2618 +msgid "Created by\n{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2622 +msgid "{white}Music by{/white}\nmiltata {white}and{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2626 +msgid "{white}Additional songs{/white}\n{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\nYOSHI\n{blue}.que{/blue}\nMatt Mulholland\n{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2629 +msgid "{white}Sounds{/white}\n{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\nLittleRobotSoundFactory\n{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\nPeacewaves" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2633 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\nK Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\nAnita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\nJiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}gently\nAino{space=55}{blue}Infiniton{/blue}{space=55}emu\nLyla Lee " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2637 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\nAJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\nKaren Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\nsteph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\njuliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\nSirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\nMax{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2642 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\njjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\nTaki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\nchip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\ncombopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\nJae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\nmar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2646 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\nJapanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nBrazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\nKorean localization: KyleHeren\n{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\nFarsi localization: Kasbarg\n{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2651 +msgid "{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\nJapanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nBrazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\nKorean localization: KyleHeren\n{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\nFarsi localization: Kasbarg\n{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}\nAnd You" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2655 +msgid "I really miss high school" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2656 +msgid " " +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2674 +msgid "The future" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2680 +msgid "So which one do you want?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2682 +msgid "Don't know." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2683 +msgid "Which dog friend do you want, Shibe." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2685 +msgid "Hearing his name, Shibe turns brightly to Diya, tongue lolling out." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2686 +msgid "His frog raincoat makes a crinkling sound against Min's arms as he wags his tail." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2687 +msgid "He's too nice. He likes all of them." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2688 +msgid "Diya peers down at a pomeranian in the enclosure." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2689 +msgctxt "epilogue_57537cff" +msgid "....!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2690 +msgid "This one. Reminds me of you." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2692 +msgid "How?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2693 +msgid "Small, but thinks she's invincible." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2694 +msgid "Hey..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2695 +msgid "It's a charm point. I love you for it." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2700 +msgid "Diya picks the little pomeranian up and gazes into her black, soulless eyes." +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2701 +msgid "Your name is Pom." +msgstr "" + +#: game/options.rpy:15 +msgid "Butterfly Soup" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:647 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:649 +msgid "Skip" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:651 +msgid "Prefs" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:718 +msgid "New Game" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:723 +msgid "History" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:731 +msgid "Load Game" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:735 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:739 +msgid "About" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:744 +msgid "End Replay" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:750 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:760 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:994 +msgid "Return" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1115 +msgid "[config.name!t] Version [config.version!t]\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1122 +msgid "Game by {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n\nMade with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1124 +msgid "\n\nMusic:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1125 +msgid "Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, and Thoughts of You by {a=http://ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\nare licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1126 +msgid "Romaras, Blooming, and Side by Side by Miltata are licensed\nunder CC BY-NC 3.0" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1127 +msgid "{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}This artist has songs available for purchase! Please support him here!{/a}\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1128 +msgid "{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/a} by {b}Bloodgod{/b} is licensed under\nCC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1129 +msgid "{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} by {b}YOSHI{/b} is licensed under CC\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1130 +msgid "Overflowing by {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1131 +msgid "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1132 +msgid "{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}This song is available for purchase! Please support the artist!{/a}\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1134 +msgid "Title song: Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) by {b}Miltata{/b}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1135 +msgid "Credits song: Calling Project 2 by {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1138 +msgid "\n\nSound:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1139 +msgid "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1140 +msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric Sound Effects Library{/a} by LittleRobotSoundFactory is licensed\nunder CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1141 +msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/a} by CGEffex is licensed\nunder CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1142 +msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} by Peacewaves is licensed under CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1144 +msgid "\n\nAdditional scripting help:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1145 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1147 +msgid "\n\nChinese localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1148 +msgid "{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1150 +msgid "\n\nJapanese localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1151 +msgid "KINSHA Co., Ltd." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1153 +msgid "\n\nBrazilian Portuguese localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1154 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1156 +msgid "\n\nKorean localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1157 +msgid "KyleHeren" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1159 +msgid "\n\nCzech localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1160 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1162 +msgid "\n\nPolish localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1163 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1165 +msgid "\n\nFarsi localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1166 +msgid "Kasbarg" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1168 +msgid "\n\nIndonesian localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1169 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/strawberiisodaa}Konberrii{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1171 +msgid "\n\nFrench localization by : " +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1172 +msgid "Queerscriptors from {a=https://nextgaymer.com/}Next Gaymer{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1173 +msgid "(Phoross, L'Unix Benoit, Ven, Brom, Seb_Ash, Torli, MandyLane, Tashousse\nDestryl, Giovanni, Batwoman, NinaDelPepito, Blaxis & IannaFOX)" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1251 +msgid "Page {}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1251 +msgid "Automatic saves" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1251 +msgid "Quick saves" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1297 +msgid "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1297 +msgid "empty slot" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1314 +msgid "<" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1317 +msgid "{#auto_page}A" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1320 +msgid "{#quick_page}Q" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1326 +msgid ">" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1440 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1441 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1442 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1448 +msgid "Unseen Text" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1449 +msgid "After Choices" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1454 +msgid "Screen Motion" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1455 +msgid "Background Pan" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1456 +msgid "Screenshake" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1468 +msgid "Music Volume" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1475 +msgid "Sound Volume" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1481 +msgid "Test" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1485 +msgid "Voice Volume" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1496 +msgid "Mute All" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1500 +msgid "Text Speed" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1509 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1510 +msgid "English" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1511 +msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1512 +msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=30}日本語{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1513 +msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=30}한국어{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1514 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1515 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Česky{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1516 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Polski{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1517 +msgid "{font=times.ttf}{size=30}فارسی{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1518 +msgid "bahasa Indonesia" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1519 +msgid "Français" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1668 +msgid "The dialogue history is empty." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1780 +msgid "Help" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1789 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1790 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1793 +msgid "Gamepad" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1806 +msgid "Enter" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1807 +msgid "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1810 +msgid "Space" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1811 +msgid "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1814 +msgid "Arrow Keys" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1815 +msgid "Navigate the interface." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1818 +msgid "Escape" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1819 +msgid "Accesses the game menu." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1822 +msgid "Ctrl" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1823 +msgid "Skips dialogue while held down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1826 +msgid "Tab" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1827 +msgid "Toggles dialogue skipping." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1830 +msgid "Page Up" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1831 +msgid "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1834 +msgid "Page Down" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1835 +msgid "Rolls forward to later dialogue." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1843 +msgid "Takes a screenshot." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1847 +msgid "Toggles assistive {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}self-voicing{/a}." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1853 +msgid "Left Click" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1857 +msgid "Middle Click" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1858 +msgid "Hides the user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1861 +msgid "Right Click" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1865 +msgid "Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1869 +msgid "Mouse Wheel Down" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1876 +msgid "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1880 +msgid "Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1884 +msgid "Right Shoulder" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1888 +msgid "D-Pad, Sticks" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1892 +msgid "Start, Guide" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1896 +msgid "Y/Top Button" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1899 +msgid "Calibrate" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1964 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1965 +msgid "No" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2011 +msgid "Skipping. To stop skipping, press the CTRL key on your keyboard!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2410 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2412 +msgid "Auto" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2413 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=YunusH.ttf}{size=36}English{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=times.ttf}فارسی{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}bahasa Indonesia{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=YunusH.ttf}{size=36}Français{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2822 +msgid "Diya" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2823 +msgctxt "game/script.rpy:2823" +msgid "Min" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2824 +msgid "Noelle" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2825 +msgid "YAOI SEME" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2826 +msgid "NOELLEFUCKER69" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2827 +msgid "albret einstong" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2828 +msgid "Yuki" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2829 +msgid "Sakura" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2830 +msgid "Chryssa" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2831 +msgid "Liz" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:9 +msgid "Greetings. We have a special announcement." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:10 +msgid "The official Butterfly Soup online shop is open for business." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:19 +msgid "What the fuck are these..." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:22 +msgid "These are double-sided acrylic charms." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:29 +msgid "And not the cheap sort from China." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:30 +msgid "Ours are professionally crafted, will never scratch off or fade, and are even waterproof." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:33 +msgid "Seriously, they're legit!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:35 +msgid "If you hold it in your hand and compare it with the Vograce-made one I got at Yaoi Con, you can actually feel the difference." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:38 +msgid "That was slightly too much information." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:45 +msgid "Also, these are pretty decently sized. They're not tiny 1.5 inch ones!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:48 +msgid "Min's are the same size as mine. I bet she's happy with that." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:51 +msgid "Wouldn't it be funny if all our charms were normal sized, except only Min's was the dinky 1.5 inch size?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:54 +msgid "Wouldn't it be funny if mine had a blade that came out and stabbed yours?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:57 +msgid "Just to clarify to our viewers, all the charms are the same size and none of them have blades that come out and stab the others." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:59 +msgid "There's also a discount if you buy all four as a set." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:62 +msgid "That sounds like a scam." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:66 +msgid "How is it a scam?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:95 +msgid "Diya, is the camera on?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:97 +msgid "Camera's on." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:99 +msgid "Take 27.{w=0.35} Action." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:103 +msgid "The game Butterfly Soup—" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:108 +msgid "Sucks." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:112 +msgid "Sucks?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:114 +msgid "You can't kill anyone!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:118 +msgid "How about we kill YOU?! Stop interrupting me!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:120 +msgid "We could have been finished an HOUR ago!{w=0.35} Just follow the script!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:122 +msgid "Your script is boring.{w=0.35} No one's gonna play the game." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:124 +msgid "We gotta appeal to the Gamers to sell our Good Content." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:127 +msgctxt "trailer_3e5b3b3a" +msgid "What do you mean?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:130 +msgid "Like this:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:133 +msgid "HEWWO???!!?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:135 +msgid "WHAT'S UP GAMERS, WELCOME TO MY MINECRAFT VIDEO." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:137 +msgid "\"This game is like Overwatch meets Undertale.\" —Yoko Taro." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:140 +msgid "THAT'S JUST FALSE ADVERTISING." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:144 +msgid "How about this?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:146 +msgid "Hey, gamers.{w=0.35} Play this game or else I'll kill your entire family!!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:148 +msgid "DON'T THREATEN THE AUDIENCE!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:151 +msgid "One of the game's main selling points is that it's gay.{w=0.35} How about I kiss Diya on camera?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:153 +msgid "Don't wanna go on camera." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:155 +msgid "I'll kiss you later." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:159 +msgid "We're left with no choice, then.{w=0.35} Noelle, we gotta kiss." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:161 +msgctxt "trailer_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:164 +msgid "Playing hard to get, are we?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:166 +msgid "I'M NOT PLAYING HARD TO GET." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:170 +msgid "This is biphobia!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:173 +msgid "How—{w=0.35} What—{w=0.35} HOW IS THIS BIPHOBIA??" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:177 +msgid "You know what?!{w=0.35} Forget this!{w=0.35} I give up." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:178 +msgid "We're done!{w=0.35} Turn off the camera, Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:180 +msgctxt "trailer_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:28 +msgid "Self-voicing disabled." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:29 +msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. " +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:30 +msgid "Self-voicing enabled. " +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:32 +msgid "bar" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:33 +msgid "selected" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:34 +msgid "viewport" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:35 +msgid "horizontal scroll" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:36 +msgid "vertical scroll" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:37 +msgid "activate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:38 +msgid "deactivate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:39 +msgid "increase" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:40 +msgid "decrease" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:128 +msgid "Font Override" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:132 +msgid "Default" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:136 +msgid "DejaVu Sans" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:140 +msgid "Opendyslexic" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146 +msgid "Text Size Scaling" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:152 +msgid "Reset" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:158 +msgid "Line Spacing Scaling" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:171 +msgid "Self-Voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:175 +msgid "Off" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:179 +msgid "Text-to-speech" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:183 +msgid "Clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:187 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:193 +msgid "Self-Voicing Volume Drop" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:202 +msgid "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 +msgid "{#weekday}Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Mon" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Tue" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Wed" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Thu" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Fri" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Sat" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 +msgid "{#weekday_short}Sun" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}January" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}February" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}March" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}April" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}May" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}June" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}July" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}August" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}September" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}October" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}November" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 +msgid "{#month}December" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Jan" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Feb" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Mar" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Apr" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}May" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Jun" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Jul" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Aug" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Sep" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Oct" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Nov" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 +msgid "{#month_short}Dec" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:240 +msgid "%b %d, %H:%M" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:353 +msgid "Save slot %s: [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:434 +msgid "Load slot %s: [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:487 +msgid "Delete slot [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:566 +msgid "File page auto" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:568 +msgid "File page quick" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:570 +msgid "File page [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:769 +msgid "Next file page." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:841 +msgid "Previous file page." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:902 +msgid "Quick save complete." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:920 +msgid "Quick save." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:939 +msgid "Quick load." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:375 +msgid "Language [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:708 +msgid "The interactive director is not enabled here." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1481 +msgid "⬆" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1487 +msgid "⬇" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1551 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1561 +msgid "(statement)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1562 +msgid "(tag)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1563 +msgid "(attributes)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1564 +msgid "(transform)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1589 +msgid "(transition)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1601 +msgid "(channel)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1602 +msgid "(filename)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1631 +msgid "Change" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1633 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1636 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1639 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1674 +msgid "Statement:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1695 +msgid "Tag:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1711 +msgid "Attributes:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1729 +msgid "Transforms:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1748 +msgid "Behind:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1767 +msgid "Transition:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1785 +msgid "Channel:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1803 +msgid "Audio Filename:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:590 +msgid "Image [index] of [count] locked." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:610 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:611 +msgid "next" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:612 +msgid "slideshow" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:613 +msgid "return" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32 +msgid "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35 +msgid "No Gamepads Available" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54 +msgid "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58 +msgid "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68 +msgid "Skip (A)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71 +msgid "Back (B)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:89 +msgid "Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:93 +msgid "Automatically Choose" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:100 +msgid "Force GL Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:105 +msgid "Force ANGLE Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:110 +msgid "Force GLES Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:116 +msgid "Force GL2 Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:121 +msgid "Force ANGLE2 Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:126 +msgid "Force GLES2 Renderer" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:136 +msgid "Enable (No Blocklist)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:140 +msgid "Enable" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:144 +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:159 +msgid "Powersave" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:173 +msgid "Framerate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:177 +msgid "Screen" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:181 +msgid "60" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:185 +msgid "30" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:191 +msgid "Tearing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:207 +msgid "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:242 +msgid "Performance Warning" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:247 +msgid "This computer is using software rendering." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:249 +msgid "This game requires use of GL2 that can't be initialised." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:251 +msgid "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:255 +msgid "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:259 +msgid "The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you determine what is wrong with your computer." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:264 +msgid "More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/a}." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:269 +msgid "Continue, Show this warning again" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:273 +msgid "Continue, Don't show warning again" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:281 +msgid "Change render options" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:374 +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:375 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:376 +msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:377 +msgid "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:378 +msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:379 +msgid "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:380 +msgid "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:381 +msgid "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:382 +msgid "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:383 +msgid "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00iap.rpy:219 +msgid "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:300 +msgid "Failed to save screenshot as %s." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:312 +msgid "Saved screenshot as %s." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:195 +msgid "Skip Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:281 +msgid "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:240 +msgid "display" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:252 +msgid "transitions" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:261 +msgid "skip transitions" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:263 +msgid "video sprites" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:272 +msgid "show empty window" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:281 +msgid "text speed" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:289 +msgid "joystick" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:289 +msgid "joystick..." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:296 +msgid "skip" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:299 +msgid "skip unseen [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:304 +msgid "skip unseen text" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:306 +msgid "begin skipping" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:310 +msgid "after choices" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:317 +msgid "skip after choices" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:319 +msgid "auto-forward time" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:333 +msgid "auto-forward" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:340 +msgid "Auto forward" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:343 +msgid "auto-forward after click" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:352 +msgid "automatic move" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:361 +msgid "wait for voice" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:370 +msgid "voice sustain" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:379 +msgid "self voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:388 +msgid "self voicing volume drop" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:396 +msgid "clipboard voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:405 +msgid "debug voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:414 +msgid "emphasize audio" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:423 +msgid "rollback side" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:433 +msgid "gl powersave" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:439 +msgid "gl framerate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:442 +msgid "gl tearing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:445 +msgid "font transform" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:448 +msgid "font size" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:456 +msgid "font line spacing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:464 +msgid "system cursor" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:484 +msgid "music volume" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:485 +msgid "sound volume" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:486 +msgid "voice volume" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:487 +msgid "mute music" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:488 +msgid "mute sound" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:489 +msgid "mute voice" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:490 +msgid "mute all" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:571 +msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:573 +msgid "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:575 +msgid "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:374 +msgid "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:493 +msgid "An error is being simulated." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:677 +msgid "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:691 +msgid "This account does not have permission to perform an update." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:694 +msgid "This account does not have permission to write the update log." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:721 +msgid "Could not verify update signature." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:992 +msgid "The update file was not downloaded." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1010 +msgid "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1064 +msgid "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1430 +msgid "Updater" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1437 +msgid "An error has occured:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1439 +msgid "Checking for updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1441 +msgid "This program is up to date." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1443 +msgid "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1445 +msgid "Preparing to download the updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1447 +msgid "Downloading the updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1449 +msgid "Unpacking the updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1451 +msgid "Finishing up." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1453 +msgid "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1455 +msgid "The updates have been installed." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1457 +msgid "The updates were cancelled." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1472 +msgid "Proceed" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:542 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:544 +msgid "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:546 +msgid "Copy BBCode" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:548 +msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:550 +msgid "Copy Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:552 +msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:581 +msgid "An exception has occurred." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:604 +msgid "Rollback" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:606 +msgid "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:609 +msgid "Ignore" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:613 +msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:615 +msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:619 +msgid "Reload" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:621 +msgid "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:624 +msgid "Console" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:626 +msgid "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:639 +msgid "Quits the game." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:660 +msgid "Parsing the script failed." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:686 +msgid "Opens the errors.txt file in a text editor." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:690 +msgid "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:694 +msgid "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." +msgstr "" +