diff --git a/translations-id.po b/translations-id.po index 41093c3..98c1c08 100644 --- a/translations-id.po +++ b/translations-id.po @@ -4,9024 +4,6 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: game/1_diya.rpy:138 -msgctxt "beginning_5949963c" -msgid "Once upon a time... " -msgstr "Pada suatu hari..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:146 -msgid "There lived a princess called Min-seo. " -msgstr "Hiduplah seorang putri bernama Min-seo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:151 -msgid "She liked weapons. Everyone was terrified of her." -msgstr "Ia menyukai senjata. Semua orang takut padanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:153 -msgid "She'd threaten you with knives and steal and break your things." -msgstr "Dia akan mengancammu dengan pisau dan mencuri dan menghancurkan barangmu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:154 -msgid "She always got sent to the principal's office because she was bad." -msgstr "Dia selalu dikirim ke kantor kepala sekolah karena dia nakal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:159 -msgid "Still,{w=0.35} she was a lovely princess. {w=0.35}And tragically, {w=0.35}she was cursed to prick her finger on a spindle and die." -msgstr "Tetap,{w=0.35} dia putri yang menawan. {w=0.35}Dan tragisnya, {w=0.35}dia dikutuk untuk menusukkan jarinya ke alat pemintal dan mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:160 -msgid "Sure enough...One day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." -msgstr "Tentunya...Suatu hari, {w=0.2}seperti seorang idiot,{w=0.2} dia menyentuhnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:164 -msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421" -msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." -msgstr "Dan dia tertidur dengan sangat nyenyak, bagaikan mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:165 -msgid "Or at least, she was supposed to.{w=0.35} \nInstead, the princess sat up abruptly and said:" -msgstr "Atau setidaknya, seharusnya.{w=0.35} \nMalahan, putri itu duduk secara tiba-tiba dan berkata:" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:170 -msgid "{big=16}THIS IS THE WORST STORY IN HISTORY!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=16}INI CERITA PALING PARAH DALAM SEJARAH!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:172 -msgid "{big=20}I'M ESCAPING!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=20}AKU MAU KABUR!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:176 -msgid "Wait!" -msgstr "Bentar!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:177 -msgid "Min, that's not how it goes!" -msgstr "Min, bukan kayak gitu caranya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:179 -msgid "I'm right here!{w=0.35} The evil dragon!" -msgstr "Aku disini!{w=0.35} Naga jahatnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:181 -msgid "I killed you already!" -msgstr "Aku udah bunuh kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:183 -msgid "Haaaah?{w=0.35} With what?" -msgstr "Haaaah?{w=0.35} Pake apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:186 -msgid "{big=+20}A GUN!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}PISTOL!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:188 -msgid "You don't have a gun!" -msgstr "Kamu enggak punya pistol!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:191 -msgid "{big=+20}I MADE ONE OUT OF ROCKS!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}AKU BIKIN DARI BATU!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:193 -msgctxt "beginning_78aff33f" -msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:200 -msgid "The hero has arrived!{w=0.35}\nAs Min-seo's twin, he's trying to reason with her!" -msgstr "Pahlawannya telah tiba!{w=0.35}\nSebagai kembaran Min-seo, dia mencoba untuk berbicara dengannya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:202 -msgid "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}that's impossible... {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}itu enggak mungkin... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:204 -msgctxt "beginning_8bac71d0" -msgid "Who cares!" -msgstr "Siapa yang peduli!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:206 -msgid "If I have a gun,{w=0.35} I win!" -msgstr "Kalau aku punya pistol,{w=0.35} aku menang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:208 -msgctxt "beginning_9989372a" -msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" -msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:210 -msgctxt "beginning_fdb10e6c" -msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" -msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:212 -msgctxt "beginning_7bf1d8e9" -msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" -msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:214 -msgid "It's difficult to argue against Min's brand of logic." -msgstr "Susah debat sama logika Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:217 -msgid "Okay, you win... {w=0.35}Let's just start over... " -msgstr "Oke, kamu menang... {w=0.35}Ayo ulang aja..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:219 -msgid "This time someone else be the princess!{w=0.35} Not me!" -msgstr "Kali ini yang lain jadi putrinya!{w=0.35} Jangan aku!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:221 -msgid "I'm the only girl left, so I guess that's me..." -msgstr "Aku satu-satunya cewek terakhir, berarti aku..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:224 -msgid "Fine. Diya does seem more like the princess type anyway." -msgstr "Yasudah. Lagian Diya lebih mirip tipe putri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:226 -msgid "What's that supposed to mean." -msgstr "Maksudnya apa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:229 -msgid "You're really pretty." -msgstr "Kamu cantik banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:230 -msgid "And it's cute how your hair curls like that. {w=0.35} It makes you look like a princess." -msgstr "Dan lucu tau rambut kamu ikal gitu. {w=0.35} Kayak putri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:235 -msgid "Uh, {w=0.35} I just meant that she's less violent." -msgstr "Uh, {w=0.35} Maksud aku dia lebih kurang kasar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:236 -msgid "But whatever..." -msgstr "Tapi terserah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:249 -msgid "— 2nd Try —" -msgstr "— Percobaan Kedua —" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:253 -msgctxt "beginning_5949963c_1" -msgid "Once upon a time... " -msgstr "Pada suatu hari..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:265 -msgid "There lived a girl named Diya." -msgstr "Hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:267 -msgid "She was really quiet. " -msgstr "Dia sangat pendiam. " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:268 -msgid "It wasn't that she had nothing to say. {w=0.35}It was more like..." -msgstr "Bukan karena dia tidak punya sesuatu untuk dikatakan. {w=0.35}Lebih seperti..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:269 -msgid "She was afraid if she opened her mouth,{w=0.35} something would come out that shouldn't." -msgstr "Dia takut kalau dia membuka mulutnya,{w=0.35} sesuatu yang tidak seharusnya akan keluar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:271 -msgid "She once held onto an apple core for 45 minutes because she didn't want people to see her walk across the classroom to the trash can." -msgstr "Dia pernah memegang inti apel selama 45 menit karena dia tidak ingin orang-orang melihatnya berjalan ke seberang kelas ke tempat sampah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:272 -msgid "It was that kind of quiet." -msgstr "Pendiam yang seperti itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:273 -msgid "She was also insanely athletic.{w=0.35} There were rumors that under her shirt, she had a six-pack." -msgstr "Dia juga sangat atletis.{w=0.35} Ada rumor kalau dibawah kaosnya, dia punya six-pack." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:275 -msgid "Tragically,{w=0.35} despite how buff she was, {w=0.35} this princess was also cursed to touch a spindle and die." -msgstr "Tragisnya,{w=0.35} walaupun dia kuat, {w=0.35}putri ini juga dikutuk untuk menyentuh alat pemintal dan mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:276 -msgid "And one day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." -msgstr "Dan suatu hari, {w=0.2}seperti seorang idiot,{w=0.2} dia menyentuh satu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:284 -msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421_1" -msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." -msgstr "Dan dia tertidur dengan sangat nyenyak bagaikan mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:286 -msgid "Nothing could break the spell but her true love's kiss." -msgstr "Tidak ada yang bisa mematahkan mantera itu kecuali ciuman cinta senjati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:287 -msgid "For many years, she —" -msgstr "Bertahun-tahun, dia —" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:294 -msgid "Diya,{w=0.2} get up! {w=0.35}I'm here to rescue you!" -msgstr "Diya,{w=0.2} bangun! {w=0.35}Aku disini buat nyelamatin kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:297 -msgid "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Only the hero can wake her!" -msgstr "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Hanya si pahlawan yang bisa membangunkannya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:299 -msgid "That's me! {w=0.35}I'm the hero!!" -msgstr "Itu aku! {w=0.35}Aku pahlawannya!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:301 -msgid "{cps=30}Wait,{w=0.35} no...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\nIt's supposed to be Jun-seo!" -msgstr "{cps=30}Tunggu,{w=0.35} enggak...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\nHarusnya kan Jun-seo!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:304 -msgid "{big=+20}NO!{w=0.35} IT'S ME!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}ENGGAK!{w=0.35} AKU!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:306 -msgid "Huh?{w=0.35} But if you're the hero, {w=0.35}then what am I?" -msgstr "Hah?{w=0.35} Tapi kalau kamu pahlawannya, {w=0.35}aku apa dong?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:309 -msgid "A{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}GUN!{/big}" -msgstr "Kamu{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}PISTOL!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:312 -msgctxt "beginning_8a88d73d" -msgid "What?!" -msgstr "Hah?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:314 -msgid "Min grabs Jun's arm and aims it at the dragon!" -msgstr "Min memegang lengan Jun dan mengarahkannya pada si naga!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:316 -msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} You're dead!" -msgstr "DOR!{w=0.35} Kamu mati!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:318 -msgid "Nice try! {w=0.35} But I deflected the bullet with my {i}own{/i} bullet!" -msgstr "Usaha bagus! {w=0.35} Tapi aku nangkis pelurunya pake peluru aku {i}sendiri{/i}!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:319 -msgid "I have a gun too!" -msgstr "Aku juga punya pistol!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 -msgid "{i}Why?!{/i}{w=0.35} You're a dragon!" -msgstr "{i}Kenapa?!{/i}{w=0.35} Kamu kan naga!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:324 -msgid "This is America! {w=0.35}Everyone has a gun!" -msgstr "Ini Amerika! {w=0.35}Semuanya punya pistol!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:326 -msgid "Diya rises to her feet." -msgstr "Diya berdiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:329 -msgid "I also have a gun." -msgstr "Aku juga punya pistol." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:335 -msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4" -msgid "Bang." -msgstr "Dor." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:337 -msgctxt "beginning_19746dea" -msgid "Dead." -msgstr "Mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:341 -msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_1" -msgid "Bang." -msgstr "Dor." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:343 -msgid "Min's dead." -msgstr "Min mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:345 -msgid "Min looks very hurt..." -msgstr "Min terlihat sangat tersakiti..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:347 -msgid "Why? I'm here to rescue you." -msgstr "Kenapa? Aku kan disini buat nyelamatin kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:349 -msgid "Don't want to be rescued." -msgstr "Enggak mau diselamatin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:350 -msgid "I can save myself." -msgstr "Aku bisa sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:353 -msgid "But if we do it together, it'll be more fun." -msgstr "Tapi kalau kita bareng, bakal lebih menyenangkan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:355 -msgid "We can ride off into the sunset on my horse." -msgstr "Kita bisa jalan pake kuda aku ke matahari terbenam." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:357 -msgid "What sunset..." -msgstr "Matahari terbenam apaan..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:359 -msgid "What horse?" -msgstr "Kuda apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:361 -msgid "You." -msgstr "Kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:364 -msgctxt "beginning_8f5239f8" -msgid "Me?!" -msgstr "Aku?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:366 -msgid "That does sound pretty cool..." -msgstr "Itu kedengeran keren..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:368 -msgid "Changed my mind." -msgstr "Aku berubah pikiran." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:369 -msgid "Bang. Shot the dragon instead." -msgstr "Dor. Gantinya aku tembak naganya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:374 -msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_2" -msgid "Bang." -msgstr "Dor." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:376 -msgid "Jun's dead." -msgstr "Jun mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:379 -msgid "But I'm a gun..." -msgstr "Tapi aku pistol..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:381 -msgid "Then you broke in half." -msgstr "Kalau gitu kamu patah jadi dua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:383 -msgid "In half?!" -msgstr "Jadi dua?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:385 -msgid "That's harsh, dude." -msgstr "Kasar banget, woi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:387 -msgid "I used the last of Jun's energy to shoot you again!" -msgstr "Aku pake tenaga Jun yang terakhir buat tembak kamu lagi!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:388 -msgid "DEAD." -msgstr "MATI." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:394 -msgid "Deflected the deflected bullet with my own bullet." -msgstr "Ngebelokkin peluru yang dibelokin pake peluru aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:396 -msgid "So Min's original bullet is going toward him again." -msgstr "Jadi pelurunya Min ke dia lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:399 -msgid "That's...{w=0.35} unnecessarily complicated." -msgstr "Itu...{w=0.35} rumit banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:400 -msgid "Why didn't you just shoot him directly...?" -msgstr "Kenapa kamu nggak tembak langsung aja...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:402 -msgid "This way is cooler!!!" -msgstr "Gini lebih keren!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:404 -msgctxt "beginning_912b5935" -msgid "Yeah." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:409 -msgid "{cps=20}Nice try... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}but too bad!{/i} {w=0.35}The bullet bounces off me!" -msgstr "{cps=20}Usaha bagus... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}tapi sayang banget!{/i} {w=0.35}Pelurunya mantul!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:411 -msgid "How is that possible." -msgstr "Bagaimana mungkin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:414 -msgid "My dragon scales are stronger than tank armor!" -msgstr "Sisik naga aku lebih kuat dari tank!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:415 -msgid "Take that!" -msgstr "Ambil itu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:419 -msgid "Maybe we can resolve this without fighting, then... " -msgstr "Kayaknya kita bisa selesain ini tanpa berantem, terus... " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:420 -msgid "Let's talk it ov—" -msgstr "Ayo kita bica-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:423 -msgid "{big=+20}VIOLENCE SOLVES EVERYTHING!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}KEKERASAN MEMECAHKAN SEMUANYA!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:424 -msgid "{big=+20}I'M MAKING A NEW GUN WITH ROCKS!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}AKU BIKIN PISTOL BARU DARI BATU!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:426 -msgid "Are you replacing me...?" -msgstr "Kamu gantiin aku...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:428 -msgid "Yeah! {w=0.35}Sorry!" -msgstr "Iya! {w=0.35}Sori!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:430 -msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} Dragon's dead!" -msgstr "DOR!{w=0.35} Naganya mati!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:432 -msgid "Uh, did you forget?{w=0.35} I'm bulletproof." -msgstr "Eh, kamu lupa?{w=0.35} Aku kebal peluru." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:434 -msgid "But my gun didn't shoot a bullet!" -msgstr "Tapi pistol aku ga nembakin peluru!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:439 -msgid "My gun shot{cps=20}... {/cps}" -msgstr "Pistol aku nembakin{cps=20}... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:442 -msgid "A SMALLER GUN!" -msgstr "PISTOL YANG LEBIH KECIL!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:444 -msgid "{big=+14}...WHICH SHOT A KNIFE!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+14}...YANG NEMBAKIN PISAU!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:445 -msgid "{big=+20}...WHICH EXPLODED!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+14}...YANG MELEDAK!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:446 -msgctxt "niceTry_78aff33f" -msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:447 -msgctxt "niceTry_e088a0fe" -msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:448 -msgctxt "niceTry_ab20ef84" -msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:449 -msgid "What was the point of the smaller gun in the middle?" -msgstr "Buat apa pistol yang lebih kecilnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:450 -msgid "It's there to shoot the knife!" -msgstr "Itu ada buat nembakin pisau!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:451 -msgid "No, {w=0.2}but why couldn't the original gun shoot the knife?" -msgstr "Enggak, {w=0.2} tapi kenapa pistol aslinya enggak tembakin pisau?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:452 -msgid "Min gives Jun an incredulous look." -msgstr "Min menatap Jun seperti tidak percaya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:453 -msgid "Because it was shooting out the smaller gun." -msgstr "Soalnya itu nembakin pistol yang lebih kecil." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:454 -msgid "{cps=25}...never mind... {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=25}...enggak jadi... {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:460 -msgid "Okay, so let's say my elbow is injured now." -msgstr "Oke, anggap aja sikut aku sekarang luka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:461 -msgid "So if you touch that, I lose." -msgstr "Jadi kalau kamu pegang, aku kalah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:464 -msgid "RRRAUUGH!!!!" -msgstr "RRRAUUGH!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:467 -msgid "Min lunges at him!" -msgstr "Min menerjangnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:468 -msgid "He sidesteps and darts up the steps to the slide!" -msgstr "Dia menghindar dan berlari menaiki anak tangga ke perosotan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:469 -msgid "When Min catches up, he spins so his back is to the wall." -msgstr "Saat Min menyusulnya, dia berputar sehingga punggungnya menempel ke dinding." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:471 -msgid "She looks like she's having trouble..." -msgstr "Dia terlihat seperti sedang dalam masalah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:472 -msgid "Do you need help?" -msgstr "Mau dibantu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:475 -msgid "What?!{w=0.2} No!" -msgstr "Apa?!{w=0.2} Enggak!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:478 -msgid "The evil dragon feints to the right.{w=0.2} Min falls for it and he rushes past her,{w=0.2} back the way he came." -msgstr "Naga jahat itu melakukan gerakan tipuan ke arah kanan.{w=0.2} Min tertipu dan naga itu bergegas melewati dia,{w=0.2} kembali ke arah dia datang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:480 -msgid "!" -msgstr "!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:483 -msgid "Min trips and face plants on the bridge!" -msgstr "Min tersandung dan terjatuh di jembatan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:485 -msgid "...!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "...!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:487 -msgid "Before Min can see, Diya quickly picks the evil dragon up and hurls him off the playground structure like a sack of potatoes." -msgstr "Sebelum Min dapat melihat, Diya dengan cepat mengangkat naga jahat itu dan melemparnya keluar dari struktur taman bermain seperti sekarung kentang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:489 -msgid "Waugh?!!" -msgstr "Waugh?!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:495 -msgid "Wait, you're the princess! You can't just do that." -msgstr "Tunggu, kamu kan putrinya! Kamu enggak bisa gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:497 -msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:503 -msgid "Diya throws him off the playground structure, too." -msgstr "Diya melemparkan dia dari struktur taman bermain juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:504 -msgid "As he disappears over the edge, Min pulls herself back to her feet." -msgstr "Saat dia menghilang di tepian, Min kembali berdiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:506 -msgid "Where is everyone?" -msgstr "Mana yang lain?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:508 -msgid "They.......balcony collapsed." -msgstr "Mereka......balkoninya runtuh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:510 -msgid "Castle is under construction." -msgstr "Istana lagi renovasi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:513 -msgid "Yeah!!!" -msgstr "Yaaaa!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:515 -msgid "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} I rescued you!" -msgstr "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} Aku nyelamatin kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:517 -msgid "My hero." -msgstr "Pahlawanku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:520 -msgid "Yeah!{w=0.35} I'm your hero!!" -msgstr "Yaaa!{w=0.35} Aku pahlawanmu!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:530 -msgid "Min is struggling to princess carry Diya down the slide with her." -msgstr "Min susah payah membawa Diya seperti tuan putri menuruni perosotan dengannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:531 -msgid "Diya could destroy her in a single punch if she wanted to, but she's patiently going along with it." -msgstr "Diya bisa saja menghancurkan dia dengan sekali tinju kalau dia mau, tapi dia dengan sabar mengikutinya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:534 -msgid "I owe you my life. How can I repay you." -msgstr "Aku berhutang hidup sama kamu. Gimana aku bisa balas kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:537 -msgid "You can... {w=0.35}r-repay me with a ki—" -msgstr "Kamu bisa... {w=0.35}b-bayar aku dengan ciu-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:541 -msgid "*THUD*" -msgstr "*BRUK*" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:550 -msgctxt "niceTry_f8a1f174" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:551 -msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5_1" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:552 -msgid "My name is Diya." -msgstr "Namaku Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:554 -msgid "...I don't really know what else to say about myself. I'm pretty boring." -msgstr "...Aku tidak tahu mau mengatakan apa lagi tentang diriku. Aku cukup membosankan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:557 -msgid "The other girl is Min-seo. Everyone calls her Min." -msgstr "Anak cewek yang lainnya itu Min-seo. Semuanya panggil dia Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:558 -msgid "She's so cool." -msgstr "Dia keren banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:559 -msgid "Do you see that thing on her arm? {w=0.35} She drew a giant dagger on it with Sharpie,{w=0.35} like a tattoo." -msgstr "Kamu lihat yang ada di lengannya? {w=0.35} Dia gambar belati pakai Sharpie,{w=0.35} kayak tato." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:569 -msgid "And in class, she makes ninja stars out of binder paper and throws them at people." -msgstr "Dan di kelas, dia buat bintang-bintangan ninja dari kertas binder dan melemparnya ke orang-orang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:571 -msgid "She stamps them with staples so they hurt more." -msgstr "Dia pakein staples biar lebih sakit." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:572 -msgid "But she never throws them at me." -msgstr "Tapi dia enggak pernah lempar ke aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:575 -msgid "I think it's mainly because I'm the only other girl she knows who likes baseball." -msgstr "Aku pikir itu karena aku satu-satunya cewek lain yang dia kenal yang suka baseball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:576 -msgid "We both used to think we were the only one in the world. So we were both really excited to meet each other." -msgstr "Kita berdua dulu pikir kita satu-satunya di dunia. Jadi kita berdua semangat banget buat saling ketemu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:577 -msgid "I really like her." -msgstr "Aku sangat menyukainya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:599 -msgid "Watching the pros play baseball always makes me so jealous." -msgstr "Nonton yang pro main baseball selalu bikin aku iri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:601 -msgid "It must be so fun, being on a real team like that." -msgstr "Pasti rame banget, ada di tim asli kayak gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:604 -msgid "The catcher's gone up to the mound for a conference with his pitcher." -msgstr "Sang catcher pergi ke gundukan untuk mengobrol dengan pitchernya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:606 -msgid "For secrecy's sake,{w=0.10} they're talking with their gloves over their mouths." -msgstr "Untuk menjaga rahasia,{w=0.10} mereka bicara dengan sarung tangan menutupi mulut mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:609 -msgid "Someday,{w=0.10} that's gonna be us." -msgstr "Nanti,{w=0.10} itu bakalan jadi kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:612 -msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:613 -msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?{w=0.26} But how." -msgstr "Tunggu,{w=0.10} apa?{w=0.26} Tapi gimana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:614 -msgid "Your parents won't even let you join my team 'cause you're a girl." -msgstr "Orangtua kamu bahkan enggak bolehin kamu ikut tim aku soalnya kamu cewek." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:615 -msgid "Besides,{w=0.10} when I grow up I'll be a doctor or engineer." -msgstr "Lagian,{w=0.10} pas aku sudah besar aku bakalan jadi dokter atau insinyur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:618 -msgid "Huh? {w=0.26}How come?" -msgstr "Hah? {w=0.26}Kenapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:620 -msgid "My parents said so." -msgstr "Orang tua aku bilang begitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:623 -msgid "So? {w=0.26}My parents said to pass my math test,{w=0.10} and I failed!" -msgstr "Terus? {w=0.26}Orang tua aku bilang biar ulangan mat aku tuntas,{w=0.10} terus aku gagal!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:625 -msgid "That's...{w=0.26}not something to be proud of." -msgstr "Itu...{w=0.26}bukan sesuatu yang bisa dibanggain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:626 -msgid "I don't know how you do it. I wouldn't be able to handle disappointing my parents like that." -msgstr "Aku enggak tahu gimana kamu bisa kayak gitu. Aku ga bakal bisa tahan ngecewain orangtua aku kayak gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:627 -msgid "It's like, my worst fear." -msgstr "Itu kayak, ketakutan terbesar aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:630 -msgid "If your worst fear is disappointing your parents, that means your parents effed up." -msgstr "Kalau ketakutan terbesar kamu ngecewain orangtua kamu, berarti ortu kamu ngacau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:631 -msgid "You should be able to do what you want without worrying about what they think." -msgstr "Kamu harusnya bisa lakuin apa yang kamu pingin tanpa khawatirin apa yang mereka pikir." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:633 -msgid "I don't know. That seems selfish." -msgstr "Aku enggak tahu. Kedengarannya egois." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:636 -msgid "It's not selfish to choose your own destiny." -msgstr "Enggak egois buat pilih takdir kamu sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:649 -msgid "Right now, we're at the Oakland Coliseum with Min's dad and Jun." -msgstr "Sekarang, kita di Stadion Oakland sama ayah Min dan Jun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:651 -msgid "I guess I should explain where Oakland is, to people who don't live in California." -msgstr "Kayaknya aku harus menjelaskan dimana Oakland, pada orang-orang yang tidak tinggal di California." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:652 -msgid "Do you know where San Francisco is?" -msgstr "Kamu tahu dimana San Fransisco?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:653 -msgid "Well, we're not there. We're like 30 minutes from there." -msgstr "Yah, kita enggak disana. Kita sekitar 30 menit dari sana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:656 -msgid "...Hey, Diya." -msgstr "...Hei, Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:659 -msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca_1" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:670 -msgid "I have something I need to tell you. Something important." -msgstr "Ada sesuatu yang harus aku omongin. Penting." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:675 -msgid "I........uh............" -msgstr "Aku........anu............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:676 -msgid "{slow}................. {/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}.................. {/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:678 -msgid "....Never mind.{w=0.26} Forget it." -msgstr "Enggak jadi.{w=0.26} Lupain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:680 -msgid "{slow}???????{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}???????{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:684 -msgid "I SAID FORGET IT!{w=0.26} DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" -msgstr "AKU BILANG LUPAIN!{w=0.26} GA USAH KHAWATIR!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:686 -msgid "Aren't you having fun right now?!{w=0.26} Are you hungry or anything?" -msgstr "Kamu ga seneng sekarang?!{w=0.26} Kamu laper gak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:689 -msgid "Why are you changing the subject." -msgstr "Kenapa kamu ganti subjeknya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:690 -msgid "If you're trying to distract me,{w=0.10} it's not gonna work." -msgstr "Kalau kamu coba ganggu aku,{w=0.10} ga bakal bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:693 -msgid "Let's go get popcorn and share!" -msgstr "Ayo beli popcorn dan bagi-bagi bareng!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:695 -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:697 -msgid "Popcorn is great!{w=0.26} I like popcorn!" -msgstr "Popcorn bagus!{w=0.26} Aku suka popcorn!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:698 -msgid "Min is so nice to me!" -msgstr "Min baik banget sama aku!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:701 -msgid "Just tell me when you're ready to go!{w=0.26}\nThe popcorn guy is a few rows behind us." -msgstr "Bilang aja kalau udah siap!{w=0.26}\nTukang popcornnya ada di belakang kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:710 -msgid "(Use the mouse to interact!)" -msgstr "(Gunakan mouse untuk berinteraksi!)" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:820 -msgid "She's cradling something in her arms." -msgstr "Dia menggendong sesuatu di tangannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:822 -msgid "Dog???" -msgstr "Anjing???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:824 -msgid "Diya quickly jogs over to take a look." -msgstr "Diya dengan cepat berlari kecil untuk melihatnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:825 -msgid "To her severe disappointment, it's a baby." -msgstr "Kecewa, ternyata seorang bayi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:827 -msgctxt "lookBaby_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:830 -msgid "I was tricked!!!" -msgstr "Aku ketipu!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:840 -msgid "Diya eats some popcorn." -msgstr "Diya makan beberapa popcorn." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:843 -msgid "10/10.{w=0.26} Would eat again." -msgstr "10/10.{w=0.26} Bakal makan lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:846 -msgid "There's barely any left." -msgstr "Nyaris enggak ada yang tersisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:848 -msgid "Most of it exploded out when the ball landed in the tub." -msgstr "Kebanyakan tumpah keluar waktu bolanya masuk ke ember." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:858 -msgid "Nothing really interesting is happening right now." -msgstr "Nggak ada sesuatu yang menarik yang lagi terjadi sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:861 -msgid "I guess I'll check back later." -msgstr "Aku cek lagi nanti." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:872 -msgid "I think Min is going for the \"Loudest Sound In History\" World Record." -msgstr "Kayaknya Min mau jadi Rekor Dunia \"Suara Paling Keras Dalam Sejarah\"." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:877 -msgid "{big=+20}WHADDYA MEAN \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\nYOU NEED TO GET SOME GODDAMN LASER EYE SURGERY!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}MAKSUDNYA APA \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\nKAMU HARUS OPERASI LASER MATA!!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:879 -msgid "{big=+20}I HOPE THE PERSON YOU LIKE LIKES SOMEONE ELSE!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}SEMOGA ORANG YANG KAMU SUKA SUKA SAMA YANG LAIN!!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:880 -msgid "{big=+20}GIVE ME A BR{i}EA— {/i}{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}AYOLA— {/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:882 -msgctxt "lookDiamond1_ad56e609" -msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" -msgstr "*uhuk!!!*{w=0.26} *huek!!!*{w=0.26} *huing!!!*" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:886 -msgctxt "lookDiamond1_2819dc88" -msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}...?{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:890 -msgid "...I choked on my own spit..." -msgstr "...Aku kesedek ludah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:892 -msgid "She looks absolutely mortified, {w=0.10}so Diya turns back to the diamond and pretends she didn't see anything..." -msgstr "Dia tampak sangat malu, {w=0.10}jadi Diya berbalik ke arah diamond dan pura-pura tidak melihat apa-apa..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:912 -msgid "The visiting team is pitching now." -msgstr "Tim pendatang yang melempar sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:914 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_2819dc88" -msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}...?{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:916 -msgid "Whoa.{w=0.26} Some kid behind us is talking to his dad." -msgstr "Wah.{w=0.26} Anak di belakang kita ngobrol sama ayahnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:918 -msgid "Dad,{w=0.10} who's that?" -msgstr "Pah,{w=0.10} siapa itu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:919 -msgid "It's Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} He's a knuckleball pitcher." -msgstr "Itu Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} Dia pitcher knuckleball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:920 -msgid "It's always fun watching these guys.{w=0.26} Knuckleballers are pretty rare." -msgstr "Selalu menyenangkan menonton mereka.{w=0.26} Knuckleballer lumayan langka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:921 -msgid "The movement on that pitch is nuts.{w=0.26} Like a butterfly with hiccups." -msgstr "Gerakan di lemparan itu gila.{w=0.26} Kayak kupu-kupu cegukan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:923 -msgid "Wow...{w=0.26}Some people actually talk to their parents on purpose...{w=0.26}Like,{w=0.10} for fun..." -msgstr "Wow...{w=0.16}Beberapa orang benar-benar sengaja ngobrol sama orangtua mereka...{w=0.16}Kayak,{w=0.10} buat hiburan..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:927 -msgid "I can't even imagine it. {w=0.26}Every time I talk to my parents,{w=0.10} it somehow turns into a lecture about something I did wrong." -msgstr "Aku enggak bisa bayangin. {w=0.16}Setiapa kali aku ngobrol sama orangtua aku,{w=0.10} entah gimana malah jadi ceramah tentang kesalahan aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:928 -msgid "So I only talk to them now when I absolutely have to." -msgstr "Jadi aku hanya ngobrol sama mereka kalau benar-benar butuh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:931 -msgid "How come they switched catchers,{w=0.10} too?" -msgstr "Kenapa mereka ganti catchernya {w=0.10}juga?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:932 -msgid "Because catching a knuckleball is really unpleasant and difficult." -msgstr "Karena menangkap knuckleball benar-benar gak enak dan susah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:933 -msgid "If you can do it reasonably well —{w=0.26} no one does it REALLY well — {w=0.26}that one skill can keep you on the team. " -msgstr "Kalau kamu bisa melakukannya dengan cukup baik —{w=0.26} tidak ada yang melakukannya dengan SANGAT baik — {w=0.26}satu keterampilan itu bisa buat kamu tetap di tim." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:934 -msgid "A lot of knuckleball pitchers end up having one catcher who specializes in catching that pitch just for them." -msgstr "Banyak pelempar knuckleball punya satu catcher yang berspesialisasi dalam menangkap lemparan itu hanya untuk mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:935 -msgid "They're called \"personal catchers.\"" -msgstr "Disebut \"catcher pribadi.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:936 -msgid "For instance,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin always caught Hoyt Wilhelm's knuckleball." -msgstr "Misalnya,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin selalu menangkap knuckleball Hoyt Wilhelm." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:937 -msgid "And Doug Mirabelli always catches Tim Wakefield and his knuckleball for the Red Sox." -msgstr "Dan Doug Mirabellli selalu menangkap Tim Wakefield dan knuckleball dia untuk Red Sox." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:938 -msgid "The two of them even get traded together,{w=0.10} as a set." -msgstr "Mereka berdua bahkan ditukar bersama,{w=0.10} sebagai satu set." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:939 -msgid "It's like a weird baseball marriage." -msgstr "Seperti pernikahan baseball yang aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:941 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_5d8d9189" -msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}..............{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:944 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_76136d66" -msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}..............{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:947 -msgid "DIYA!!!! I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!!!!" -msgstr "DIYA!!!! AKU ADA IDE BAGUS!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:949 -msgid "I should learn to throw knuckleball, {w=0.26} and you can catch it for me." -msgstr "Aku harus belajar lempar knuckleball, {w=0.26} terus kamu bisa nangkepin buat aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:952 -msgid "Wait. {w=0.26}But didn't they just say it's really hard to catch." -msgstr "Tunggu. {w=0.26}Bukannya mereka barusan bilang kalau itu susah ditangkep." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:955 -msgid "So what? {w=0.26}You're like a baseball goddess!" -msgstr "Terus? {w=0.26}Kamu kan kayak dewi baseball!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:958 -msgid "You're overestimating me." -msgstr "Kamu ngelebih-lebihin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:959 -msgid "I'm not that great." -msgstr "Aku gak sejago itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:960 -msgid "I just got lucky that one time." -msgstr "Aku cuman hoki pas itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:963 -msgid "You've \"gotten lucky\" so many times I don't even know which one you're talking about." -msgstr "Kamu sering banget \"hoki\" sampe aku bahkan gak tau maksud kamu yang mana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:966 -msgid "No, you don't understand. All those were flukes." -msgstr "Enggak, kamu ga ngerti. Itu kebetulan aja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:967 -msgid "They just happened by chance. I don't have a special technique or anything." -msgstr "Itu kebetulan. Aku enggak punya teknik spesial atau apalah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:970 -msgid "Your special technique is being you." -msgstr "Teknik spesial kamu itu jadi diri kamu sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:971 -msgid "You're the best." -msgstr "Kamu yang terbaik." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:974 -msgid "You're putting too much faith in me." -msgstr "Kamu terlalu percaya sama aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:975 -msgid "I'm not that good." -msgstr "Aku gak sejago itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:976 -msgid "When you see what I'm really like, you'll be like, \"That's it?\"" -msgstr "Pas kamu lihat aku sebenarnya gimana, kamu pasti bakalan kayak, \"Itu aja?\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:979 -msgid "I'll never think that!" -msgstr "Aku enggak bakal mikir kayak gitu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:989 -msgid "Even if I could catch it, are you really willing to be a pitcher?" -msgstr "Bahkan kalau aku bisa nangkep, emang kamu mau jadi pitcher?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:992 -msgid "Why not? {w=0.26}The pitcher is the coolest." -msgstr "Kenapa enggak? {w=0.26}Pitcher paling keren." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:995 -msgid "You're so brave. {w=0.26}I hate pitching." -msgstr "Kamu berani banget. {w=0.26}Aku benci pitching." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:998 -msgid "Why? {w=0.26}You get to stand on the mound and kick ass in front of everyone." -msgstr "Kenapa? {w=0.25}Kamu bisa berdiri di undakan dan jadi keren di depan semuanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1001 -msgid "But that's exactly why." -msgstr "Tapi ya itu sebabnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1002 -msgid "I don't want people watching every move I make." -msgstr "Aku enggak mau orang nonton setiap gerakan yang aku buat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1003 -msgid "Especially if I'm the only girl. {w=0.26}If I mess up, {w=0.26}it'll look like all girls suck at baseball." -msgstr "Apalagi kalau aku satu-satunya cewek. {w=0.26}Kalau aku ngacau, {w=0.26}itu bakal bikin kayak semua cewek ga jago baseball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1007 -msgid "Then don't mess up." -msgstr "Kalau gitu jangan ngacau" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1010 -msgid "That's hard." -msgstr "Susah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1011 -msgid "It's a situation where you can't help but be scared." -msgstr "Ini situasi dimana kamu enggak bisa enggak takut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1014 -msgid "Anyway, {w=0.26}I'll be there with you." -msgstr "Oh ya, {w=0.26}aku bakal disana sama kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1015 -msgid "If there's two of us,{w=0.26} we {i}both{/i} have to mess up for them to think that." -msgstr "Kalau ada kita berdua,{w=0.26}{i} kita{/i} harus hancurin mereka kalau mereka mikir kayak gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1018 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_56bfc018" -msgid "...!" -msgstr "...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1021 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_3ae0dff5" -msgid "So don't give up." -msgstr "Jadi jangan nyerah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1022 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_7b63ab9f" -msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." -msgstr "Aku gak akan nyerah kalau kamu gak nyerah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1025 -msgctxt "lookDiamond2_93212e9d" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1026 -msgid "That's kind of comforting." -msgstr "Itu lumayan ngehibur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1027 -msgid "I've always been alone out there." -msgstr "Aku sendirian terus di luar sana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1030 -msgid "It'll be you and me against the world!" -msgstr "Bakalan aku sama kamu lawan dunia!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1033 -msgid "Okay.{w=0.26} Let's do it." -msgstr "Oke.{w=0.26} Ayo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1040 -msgid "The batter hit the ball!{nw}" -msgstr "Batter memukul bolanya!{nw}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1042 -msgid "{w=0.26} It pops up foul!" -msgstr "{w=0.26} Bolanya foul!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1050 -msgid "It's coming toward us!" -msgstr "Bolanya mengarah kesini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1061 -msgid "Diya catches the ball in the popcorn bucket!" -msgstr "Diya menangkap bolanya dengan ember popcorn!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1063 -msgid "Whoa!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "Waah!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1064 -msgid "I got so lucky!" -msgstr "Aku hoki!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1067 -msgid "{big=+20}YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1069 -msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} that was— " -msgstr "Wow!{w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} itu— " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1071 -msgid "{big=+20}SO COOL!!{w=0.26} YOU'RE SO COOL!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}KEREN!!{w=0.26} KAMU KEREN BANGET!!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1077 -msgid "Diya fishes the ball out of the half-emptied tub." -msgstr "Diya mengambil bolanya dari ember yang setengah kosong." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1079 -msgid "I better give this to Jun or Min. " -msgstr "Lebih baik aku kasih Jun atau Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1080 -msgid "My parents think I went to study at Noelle's house. {w=0.26}It'd be too suspicious to bring a baseball back." -msgstr "Orangtua aku pikir aku pergi ke rumah Noelle buat belajar. {w=0.26}Bakal terlalu mencurigakan buat pulang bawa baseball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1082 -msgid "Min sits back down. {w=0.26}Apparently she had gotten up at some point to jump around and scream." -msgstr "Min duduk kembali. {w=0.26}Rupanya dia berdiri untuk melompat-lompat dan berteriak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1083 -msgid "She still looks really awed." -msgstr "Dia masih terlihat sangat kagum." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1086 -msgctxt "lookDiamond3_bf452795" -msgid "Thanks." -msgstr "Makasih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1088 -msgctxt "lookDiamond3_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1089 -msgid "For what?" -msgstr "Buat apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1092 -msgid "Existing." -msgstr "Hidup." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1101 -msgid "Diya holds the ball out to Jun-seo." -msgstr "Diya memberikan bolanya pada Jun-seo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1104 -msgid "Wow,{w=0.10} thanks!" -msgstr "Wow,{w=0.10} makasih!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1105 -msgid "I don't like baseball that much,{w=0.10} but now I'll always have something to remember you by." -msgstr "Aku enggak terlalu suka baseball,{w=0.10} tapi sekarang aku punya sesuatu buat ingat kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1113 -msgid "Diya holds the baseball out to Min." -msgstr "Diya memberikan bolanya pada Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1118 -msgid "Can I really have it?!" -msgstr "Aku boleh ambil?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1120 -msgid "I'll treasure it forever.{w=0.26} If anyone else touches it, I'll kill them." -msgstr "Bakal aku jaga selamanya.{w=0.26} Dan kalau ada yang pegang, bakal aku bunuh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1123 -msgid "That's way too extreme." -msgstr "Itu terlalu ekstrim." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1126 -msgid "It's a big deal,{w=0.10} though!{w=0.26} Now we'll always have something to remember you by." -msgstr "Ini sesuatu yang{w=0.10} penting!{w=0.26} Sekarang kita bakal punya sesuatu buat inget kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1130 -msgctxt "rememberBy_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1131 -msgid "What do you mean,{w=0.10} remember me by." -msgstr "Maksud kamu apa,{w=0.10} inget aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1132 -msgid "That makes it sound like I'm going to die or something. " -msgstr "Itu kedengarannya kayak aku mau mati atau apalah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1137 -msgid "Jun-seo looks alarmed by Diya's response!" -msgstr "Jun-seo terlihat kaget mendengar jawaban Diya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1138 -msgid "Did... {w=0.26}did Min not tell you!?" -msgstr "Emang... {w=0.26}emang Min enggak kasih tahu!?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1143 -msgid "???? ?? ??????????????" -msgstr "???? ?? ??????????????" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1144 -msgid "Tell me what?" -msgstr "Kasih tahu apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1146 -msgid "We're—{w=0.26}{nw}" -msgstr "Kita-{w=0.26}{nw}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1150 -msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}SHUT THE HELL YOUR MOUTH!{/big}{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=+60}{big=+20}TUTUP MULUT KAMU!{/big}{/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1152 -msgid "What............. {w=0.26}what the heck........" -msgstr "Apa............. {w=0.26}apaan sih........" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1160 -msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}IT'S NOTHING!!!{w=0.07} FUCK THE SHUT UP!!!{/big}{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=+60}{big=+20}GAPAPA!!!{w=0.07} UDAH BACOT!!!{/big}{/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1164 -msgid "Min gets up and runs for it!" -msgstr "Min berdiri dan kabur!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1166 -msgctxt "rememberBy_11d2098a" -msgid "Min!" -msgstr "Min!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1168 -msgid "I've got to go after her!" -msgstr "Aku harus mengejarnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1184 -msgid "Diya chases Min up the steps and down the concourse they arrived through!" -msgstr "Diya mengejar Min ke atas tangga dan ke bawah tempat mereka tiba!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1197 -msgctxt "confession_0bc34ca6" -msgid "Min!" -msgstr "Min!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1209 -msgid "Diya grabs the back of Min's hoodie!" -msgstr "Diya meraih bagian belakang tudung Min!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1216 -msgid "Min loses her balance and face plants onto the carpet!" -msgstr "Min kehilangan keseimbangan dan terjerembab ke karpet!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1221 -msgctxt "confession_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1223 -msgid "Are you oka—" -msgstr "Kamu gak apa-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1228 -msgid "We're moving away." -msgstr "Kita bakalan pindah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1231 -msgid "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1232 -msgctxt "confession_1b5cafe6" -msgid "Where?" -msgstr "Kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1235 -msgid "To Florida. Tomorrow." -msgstr "Ke Florida. Besok." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1237 -msgid "Tomorrow?!" -msgstr "Besok?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1238 -msgid "So sudden." -msgstr "Tiba-tiba banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1241 -msgid "It wasn't sudden. I've known for a long time." -msgstr "Gak tiba-tiba. Aku udah tau dari lama." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1242 -msgid "I tried everything to stop it. {w=0.26}I even threatened Dad with a knife." -msgstr "Aku udah coba semuanya biar gak jadi. {w=0.26}Aku bahkan ngancam Papa pake pisau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1245 -msgid "I can't believe it failed!{w=0.26} Violence is always the answer!" -msgstr "Aku enggak percaya aku gagal!{w=0.26} Kekerasan selalu jadi solusinya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1247 -msgid "{slow}.......{/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}.......{/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1248 -msgid "Florida...That's all the way across the country." -msgstr "Florida...Itu di ujung sana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1251 -msgid "There's nothing there except old people." -msgstr "Disana enggak ada apa-apa kecuali orang tua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1253 -msgid "No, alligators live there, too. I saw on Animal Planet." -msgstr "Enggak, buaya juga tinggal disana. Aku lihat di Animal Planet." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1255 -msgid "So this is it?" -msgstr "Jadi ini akhirnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1258 -msgid "This is it. Sorry." -msgstr "Ini akhirnya. Maaf." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1260 -msgid "But that's not fair." -msgstr "Tapi itu gak adil." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1261 -msgid "We can't even send letters because my parents hate you so much." -msgstr "Kita bahkan enggak bisa kirim surat soalnya orangtua aku benci banget sama kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1262 -msgid "I won't see you the rest of my life." -msgstr "Aku enggak bakal lihat kamu seumur hidup." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1266 -msgid "Hey, just because I'm moving doesn't mean we'll never meet again." -msgstr "Hei, cuman gara-gara aku pindah bukan berarti kita enggak bakalan pernah ketemu lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1267 -msgid "If I want to see you and you want to see me, eventually it'll end up happening again, right?" -msgstr "Kalau aku mau ketemu kamu dan kamu mau ketemu aku, ujung-ujungnya itu bakalan terjadi lagi kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1270 -msgid "How do you know?" -msgstr "Gimana kamu tahu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1273 -msgid "I just know!" -msgstr "Ya tahu aja!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1275 -msgid "That's not a reason." -msgstr "Itu bukan alasan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1278 -msgid "Then... {w=0.26}because..." -msgstr "Kalau gitu...{w=0.26}soalnya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1280 -msgid "{slow}.......... {/slow}" -msgstr "{slow}.......... {/slow}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1283 -msgid "Suddenly,{w=0.10} Min seizes Diya's arm!{w=0.26} She looks like she's had an epiphany!" -msgstr "Tiba-tiba,{w=0.10} Min memegang tangan Diya!{w=0.26} Dia terlihat seperti baru saja mendapatkan pencerahan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1284 -msgid "If you say our names together,{w=0.10} it sounds like \"diamond\"!" -msgstr "Kalau kamu sebut nama kita barengan,{w=0.10} bakal kedengeran kayak \"diamond\"!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1286 -msgid "What..." -msgstr "Hah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1288 -msgid "Like Diya-Min!" -msgstr "Kayak Diya-Min!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1289 -msgid "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamond... {w=0.26}see?" -msgstr "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamond... {w=0.26}tuh kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1290 -msgid "It's even more like it if you say your name wrong,{w=0.2} like DIE-ya instead of Dee-ya." -msgstr "Bakal makin mirip kalau kamu salah sebut nama kamu,{w=0.2} kayak DIE-ya bukannya Dee-ya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1292 -msgid "I'm not saying my name wrong just to make it sound like diamond." -msgstr "Aku ga bakal salah sebut nama aku hanya biar kedengaran kayak diamond." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1295 -msgid "But it's more equal like that! {w=0.26}My name got cut in half to make it work,{w=0.2} so I had to sacrifice something, too." -msgstr "Tapi lebih adil kayak gitu! {w=0.26}Nama aku dipotong setengah biar bisa,{w=0.2} jadi aku harus korbanin sesuatu juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1297 -msgid "I already call you Min.{w=0.26} No one says DIE-ya." -msgstr "Aku udah panggil kamu Min.{w=0.26} Ga ada yang bilang DAI-ya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1300 -msgid "The substitute teacher does." -msgstr "Guru pengganti." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1302 -msgid "The substitute teacher sucks." -msgstr "Guru penggantinya payah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1303 -msgid "How did you even think of this?" -msgstr "Kamu kok bisa kepikiran sih?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1306 -msgid "I was checking if our names sounded like anything good together,{w=0.10} like \"baseball.\"" -msgstr "Aku hanya ngecek kalau nama kita kedengaran cocok barengan,{w=0.10} kayak \"baseball.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1308 -msgid "How could it possibly sound like baseball?{w=0.26}\nOur parents would've had to name us \"Base\" and \"Ball\". " -msgstr "Mana bisa kedengaran kayak baseball?{w=0.26}\nOrangtua kita harus namain kita \"Base\" atau \"Ball\". " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1311 -msgid "I know,{w=0.10} I know!" -msgstr "Aku tahu,{w=0.10} aku tahu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1313 -msgid "But still,{w=0.10} it's pretty cool that we match at all,{w=0.10} right?!" -msgstr "Tapi tetap,{w=0.10} keren nama kita cocok,{w=0.10} kan?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1314 -msgid "And it's even baseball related!" -msgstr "Dan itu bahkan ada hubungannya sama baseball!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1316 -msgid "{big=+20}THE UNIVERSE IS SAYING WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}SEMESTA BILANG KITA DITAKDIRKAN BERSAMA!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1318 -msgid "Whoa!! {w=0.26}I guess she's right!!!" -msgstr "Wah!! {w=0.26}Dia bener juga!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1322 -msgid "We'll meet again no matter what!" -msgstr "Kita pasti bakalan ketemu lagi!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1324 -msgid "I'll bet you $100!!" -msgstr "Taruhan $100!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1326 -msgid "Wait. But how are you going to give me the $100 if you lose?" -msgstr "Tunggu. Tapi gimana kamu kasih aku $100 kalau kamu kalah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1329 -msgid "Huh? I just will." -msgstr "Hah? Ya aku bakalan aja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1331 -msgid "No, but if you're able to meet me, that means you won the bet." -msgstr "Nggak, tapi kalau kamu bisa ketemu aku, berarti kamu menang taruhan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1334 -msgid "..........What...?" -msgstr "..........Hah...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1335 -msgctxt "confession_8425f177" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1338 -msgid "Technically, I guess?" -msgstr "Secara teknis, mungkin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1340 -msgid "There's nothing technical about it. You just straight up wouldn't pay me." -msgstr "Enggak ada yang teknis dari itu. Kamu hanya bilang kamu enggak bakalan bayar aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1343 -msgctxt "confession_8425f177_1" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1344 -msgid "There's a long silence..." -msgstr "Ada keheningan yang lama..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1346 -msgid "She still doesn't get it..." -msgstr "Dia masih nggak ngerti..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1349 -msgid "Never mind. It's okay." -msgstr "Abaikan. Gapapa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1354 -msgid "{big=+20}YEAH, WHATEVER!{w=0.26} YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}YA, YA UDAH!{w=0.26} KAMU TAHU MAKSUD AKU APA!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1356 -msgid "The point is,{w=0.10} this isn't the end!" -msgstr "Intinya,{w=0.10} ini bukan yang terakhir!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1358 -msgctxt "confession_7b63ab9f" -msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." -msgstr "Aku enggak akan menyerah kalau kamu enggak nyerah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1359 -msgid "Okay?" -msgstr "Oke?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1361 -msgctxt "confession_fd841d5d" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1362 -msgctxt "confession_aa02bf34" -msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." -msgstr "Aku enggak akan menyerah kalau kamu enggak nyerah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1364 -msgid "And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." -msgstr "Dan kalau ada buaya nyerang kamu, serang matanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1367 -msgctxt "confession_9abc2e50" -msgid "Okay!" -msgstr "Oke!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1385 -msgid "This is Jun-seo's seat." -msgstr "Ini tempat duduk Jun-seo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1389 -msgid "He went to the bathroom with Dad." -msgstr "Dia ke kamar mandi sama Papa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1394 -msgid "He's been gone for a while now." -msgstr "Dia udah lama pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1398 -msgid "I hope he didn't get lost." -msgstr "Semoga dia enggak hilang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1401 -msgid "Maybe he's taking a dump." -msgstr "Mungkin dia boker." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1412 -msgctxt "saySomething_ce237f07" -msgid "Min." -msgstr "Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1416 -msgid "Yeah?" -msgstr "Ya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1445 -msgid "You know, I've been wondering for a while..." -msgstr "Anu, aku udah lama penasaran..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1447 -msgid "If your parents won't let you play baseball, why don't you just play softball instead?" -msgstr "Kalau orang tua kamu ga bolehin kamu main baseball, kenapa kamu enggak main softball aja?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1450 -msgid "Give me your hand. I'll show you." -msgstr "Minta tangan kamu. Aku tunjukkin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1452 -msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1454 -msgid "Diya offers Min her hand." -msgstr "Diya memberikan tangannya pada Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1455 -msgid "Min presses their palms together, so their hands line up." -msgstr "Min menempelkan kedua telapak tangan mereka, sehingga tangan mereka sejajar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1456 -msgid "Her fingertips end a whole inch below Diya's." -msgstr "Ujung jarinya berakhir satu inci di bawah Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1458 -msgid "Her hands are tiny!" -msgstr "Tangannya kecil banget!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1460 -msgid "I guess that makes sense, since her name's Min." -msgstr "Masuk akal, soalnya namanya Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1461 -msgid "The rest of her is mini, too." -msgstr "Dia juga mini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1464 -msgid "My hand is too small to grip a softball correctly." -msgstr "Tangan aku terlalu kecil buat pegang softball dengan benar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1465 -msgid "I can't even pitch them. They always slip out halfway through the wind-up." -msgstr "Aku bahkan enggak bisa lempar. Bolanya selalu lepas setengah jalan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1467 -msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca_1" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1468 -msgid "Are softballs that much bigger than baseballs?" -msgstr "Softball lebih besar dari baseball kah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1471 -msgctxt "softball_1fb00b78" -msgid "Yeah." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1473 -msgid "But that makes no sense. Shouldn't guys play softball and girls play baseball then?" -msgstr "Tapi itu enggak masuk akal. Bukannya kalau gitu harusnya cowok main softball dan cewek main baseball?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1474 -msgid "Since guys usually have bigger hands." -msgstr "Soalnya cowok tangannya lebih besar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1475 -msgid "It's backwards. Why is it designed like that?" -msgstr "Kebalik. Kenapa didesain kayak gitu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1479 -msgctxt "softball_bac6a63f" -msgid "Beats me." -msgstr "Enggak tahu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1488 -msgid "I hope we're in the same class next year." -msgstr "Semoga kita di kelas yang sama tahun depan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1494 -msgid ".......... {w=0.26}Ye... {w=0.26}yeah..." -msgstr ".......... {w=0.26}I... {w=0.26}iya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1495 -msgid "Actually,{w=0.10} about that........ {w=0.26}uh..." -msgstr "Sebenarnya,{w=0.10} itu........ {w=0.26}uh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1498 -msgctxt "iWannaPlay_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1502 -msgid "Never mind! Everything is fine!" -msgstr "Enggak jadi! Gapapa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1504 -msgid "This is really suspicious?){w=0.26}\n(She's acting weird again,{w=0.10} like earlier..." -msgstr "Ini mencurigakan banget?){w=0.26}\n(Dia bertingkah aneh lagi,{w=0.10} kayak tadi..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1506 -msgid "What is it?{w=0.26} Do you not want to be in the same class as me?" -msgstr "Kenapa?{w=0.26} Kamu enggak mau sekelas sama aku?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1510 -msgid "No! {w=0.26}That's not it!" -msgstr "Bukan! {w=0.26}Bukan itu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1511 -msgid "It's just that I won't be....... {w=0.26}Uh........" -msgstr "Hanya aja aku enggak bakalan....... {w=0.26}Uh........" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1513 -msgid "Um......." -msgstr "Anu......." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1515 -msgid "Forget it......." -msgstr "Enggak jadi......." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1517 -msgid "Is this related to what she couldn't tell me before?" -msgstr "Ini ada hubungannya sama apa yang dia enggak bisa kasih tahu tadi kah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1519 -msgid "I bet Jun-seo will know what this is about..." -msgstr "Aku yakin Jun-seo tahu ini maksudnya apa..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1528 -msgid "Are you sure everything is okay?" -msgstr "Kamu yakin semuanya gapapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1533 -msgid "Y-yeah! {w=0.26}Stop worrying!" -msgstr "I-iya! {w=0.26}Ga usah khawatir!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1535 -msgid "I don't think I'm getting anywhere questioning her like this." -msgstr "Kayaknya aku enggak bakalan kemana-mana kalau nanya dia kayak gini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1545 -msgctxt "offerPopcorn_866f89c7" -msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." -msgstr "Diya mengulurkan ember popcornnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1548 -msgctxt "offerPopcorn_d3954095" -msgid "Thanks!" -msgstr "Makasih!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1549 -msgid "Min happily grabs a fistful of popcorn and stuffs it into her mouth." -msgstr "Min dengan senang mengambil segenggam popcorn dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulutnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1556 -msgctxt "walk1_969e5b10" -msgid "Let's go." -msgstr "Ayo pergi" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1560 -msgctxt "walk1_9abc2e50" -msgid "Okay!" -msgstr "Oke!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1563 -msgid "Diya and Min got up!" -msgstr "Diya dan Min berdiri!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1571 -msgid "I saw the popcorn guy past these people." -msgstr "Aku lihat tukang popcornnya di antara orang-orang ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1574 -msgid "Min is gawking excitedly at all the baseball fans milling about..." -msgstr "Min melongo dengan penuh semangat pada semua penggemar baseball yang berseliweran ..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1576 -msgid "Look!!{w=0.26} There's so many white people here!!!" -msgstr "Lihat!!{w=0.26} Ada banyak orang kulit putih disini!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1577 -msgid "It's just like on TV!" -msgstr "Kayak di TV!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1580 -msgid "It really is..." -msgstr "Iya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1581 -msgid "The neighborhood we live in is so Asian that I used to think white people were really rare." -msgstr "Lingkungan tempat kita tinggal Asia banget sampai aku tadinya pikir orang kulit putih itu langka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1584 -msgid "Too bad all these people are in our way right now,{w=0.10} though." -msgstr "Sayang semua orang ini ngehalangin jalan kita sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1585 -msgid "We can't get through." -msgstr "Kita enggak bisa lewat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1586 -msgid "I'm going to ask them to move." -msgstr "Aku bakal minta mereka pindah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1588 -msgid "Excuse me." -msgstr "Permisi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1591 -msgid "No one seems to hear her..." -msgstr "Sepertinya tidak ada yang mendengarnya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1593 -msgctxt "walk1_a9db357b" -msgid ".........." -msgstr "..........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1594 -msgid "That was the worst." -msgstr "Itu parah banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1595 -msgid "I'm never speaking again. Time to become a mime." -msgstr "Aku enggak akan bicara lagi. Waktunya jadi badut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1599 -msgid "Don't worry, Diya! I'll take care of it." -msgstr "Gapapa, Diya! Aku yang urus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1602 -msgctxt "walk1_fd841d5d" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1604 -msgid "Min grabs someone's baseball bat off the ground and starts hitting people with it!" -msgstr "Min mengambil tongkat baseball seseorang dari lantai dan mulai memukul-mukul orang-orang dengannya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1622 -msgid "{big=+20}HEY,{w=0.10} YOU DUMMIES!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}HEI,{w=0.10} BODOH!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1623 -msgid "{big=+20}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}MINGGIR ATAU AKU BUNUH!!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1628 -msgid "Startled, people are moving aside..." -msgstr "Terkejut, orang-orang mulai minggir..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1632 -msgid "......" -msgstr "......." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1669 -msgid "The strangers glance over in Diya's direction as she walks by." -msgstr "Orang-orang asing itu melirik ke arah Diya saat dia berjalan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1671 -msgid "One whispers something to the other. They both burst out laughing." -msgstr "Ada satu yang membisikkan sesuatu ke yang lain. Mereka berdua tertawa terbahak-bahak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1673 -msgid "Are they laughing at me?" -msgstr "Mereka ketawain aku?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1674 -msgid "I hope not..." -msgstr "Semoga enggak..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1677 -msgid "I can't make out what they're saying." -msgstr "Aku enggak bisa ngerti mereka ngomong apa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1679 -msgid "I hope they're not saying bad stuff about me." -msgstr "Semoga mereka enggak ngomong yang jelek tentang aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1692 -msgid "Min continues to forge a path, leaving a trail of destruction behind her..." -msgstr "Min terus membuat jalan, meninggalkan jejak kehancuran di belakangnya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1709 -msgid "{big=+15}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+15}PINDAH ATAU AKU BUNUH KELUARGA KAMU!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1711 -msgid "{big=+15}EVEN YOUR DANG {i}FISH{/i} WON'T SURVIVE!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+15}BAHKAN {i}IKAN{/i} KAMU GA BAKAL SELAMAT!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1714 -msgid "{big=+15}I'LL THROW ALL YOUR FISH OUT INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET SO CARS WILL RUN OVER THEM!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+15}BAKAL AKU LEMPAR SEMUA IKAN KAMU KE TENGAH JALAN BIAR DILINDES MOBIL!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1719 -msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1721 -msgid "I know this looks bad, but Min really isn't a bad person." -msgstr "Aku tahu ini terlihat buruk, tapi Min bukan orang jahat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1722 -msgid "She always lets me be Luigi in Mario Kart." -msgstr "Dia selalu biarin aku jadi Luigi di Mario Kart." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1723 -msgid "And whenever I land on her space in Monopoly, she says I don't need to pay her." -msgstr "Dan setiap kali aku mendarat di tempatnya dia di Monopoli, dia bilang aku enggak usah bayar dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1726 -msgid "{big=+15}DIEEEEEEEE!!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+15}MATIIIIIII!!!{/big}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1734 -msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2_1" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1735 -msgid "We're almost there now." -msgstr "Kita hampir sampai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1778 -msgid "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn!" -msgstr "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1780 -msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0" -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1781 -msgid "He looks busy." -msgstr "Dia terlihat sibuk." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1782 -msgid "I give up.{w=0.26} Time to walk away." -msgstr "Aku menyerah.{w=0.26} Waktunya pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1786 -msgid "HEY GRANDPA!! {w=0.26}GIVE US POPCORN OR ELSE!!" -msgstr "WOI KAKEK!! {w=0.26}KASIH KITA POPCORN!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1789 -msgid "...! {w=0.26}Min is so brave." -msgstr "...! {w=0.26}Min berani banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1791 -msgid "Then you better pay up! {w=0.26}These are $10 a bucket!" -msgstr "Kalau begitu bayar! {w=0.26}$10 per ember!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1795 -msgid "$10?!" -msgstr "$10?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1799 -msgid "What a rip-off!!" -msgstr "Mahal banget dih!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1806 -msgid "Min hit the man in the groin with her bat!" -msgstr "Min memukul pria itu di selangkangan dengan tongkatnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1808 -msgid "Oof!" -msgstr "Aduh!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1813 -msgid "The man sinks to the ground as if he's been shot!" -msgstr "Pria itu jatuh ke tanah seolah-olah dia telah tertembak!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1817 -msgid "Min grabs a popcorn bucket out of his tray!" -msgstr "Min mengambil seember popcorn dari nampan miliknya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1819 -msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0_1" -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1822 -msgid "I got it!{w=0.26} Let's go!!" -msgstr "Aku dapet!{w=0.26} Ayo pergi!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1875 -msgid "He's still curled up in pain." -msgstr "Dia masih kesakitan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1877 -msgid "We better go before he recovers and comes after us." -msgstr "Sebaiknya kita pergi sebelum dia sembuh dan ngejar kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1886 -msgid "What a cute dog." -msgstr "Anjingnya imut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1888 -msgid "I want 5 dogs when I grow up.{w=0.26} It'll be like having 5 friends." -msgstr "Aku pingin 5 anjing nanti.{w=0.26} Bakal kayak punya 5 temen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1890 -msgid "Min will probably train them all into attack dogs,{w=0.10} though." -msgstr "Min{w=0.10} kemungkinan bakal ngelatih mereka jadi anjing penyerang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1898 -msgid "Whenever I see a \"Dog missing\" flyer somewhere I worry so much." -msgstr "Setiap kali aku lihat pamflet \"Anjing hilang\" di suatu tempat aku khawatir banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1899 -msgid "Is the dog okay?? I hope it's just digging a hole somewhere." -msgstr "Anjingnya gapapa?? Aku harap dia hanya lagi gali lubang di suatu tempat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1907 -msgctxt "lookDog_1ffdc7ed" -msgid "!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1908 -msgid "It's a dog! Cute dog!" -msgstr "Anjing! Anjing lucu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1913 -msgid "It doesn't look very strong.{w=0.26} I bet I could kill it in one hit." -msgstr "Enggak kelihatan kuat banget.{w=0.26} Aku yakin aku bisa bunuh dia dalam satu pukulan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 -msgid "Don't do that.{w=0.26} I'm going to pet it." -msgstr "Jangan gitu.{w=0.26} Aku mau elus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1929 -msgctxt "lookDog_7d7b582b" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1931 -msgid "All I have to do is ask,{w=0.10} \"Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?\"" -msgstr "Yang harus aku lakuin hanya tanya,{w=0.10} \"Permisi,{w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu?\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1932 -msgid "I better practice a few times so I don't mess up when I really say it." -msgstr "Aku sebaiknya latihan beberapa kali biar ga ngacau pas ngomong." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1933 -msgid "Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?" -msgstr "Permisi, {w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu kah?)\n{w=0.26}(Permisi,{w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu kah?)\n{w=0.26}(Permisi,{w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu kah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1935 -msgid "Alright.{w=0.26} I got this." -msgstr "Oke.{w=0.26} Aku bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1939 -msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0" -msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" -msgstr "Biarin kita elus anjing kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1942 -msgid "...That works too." -msgstr "...Itu juga bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1947 -msgid "Diya does nothing..." -msgstr "Diya tidak melakukan apa-apa..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1950 -msgid "I don't wanna embarrass myself." -msgstr "Aku enggak mau malu-maluin diri aku sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1952 -msgid "Min threateningly approaches the dog's owner!" -msgstr "Min dengan penuh ancaman mendekati pemilik anjing itu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1955 -msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0_1" -msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" -msgstr "Biarin kita elus anjing kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1959 -msgid "Go ahead!{w=0.26} She won't bite." -msgstr "Silahkan!{w=0.26} Dia tidak gigit." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1962 -msgid "I'll fight y—" -msgstr "Aku bakal berantem sama ka-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1967 -msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} He already agreed." -msgstr "Tunggu,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} Dia setuju." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1970 -msgid "...Oh.{w=0.26} Right." -msgstr "...Oh.{w=0.26} Iya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1974 -msgid "Diya pets the dog." -msgstr "Diya mengelus anjingnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1975 -msgid "The dog closes its eyes and smiles!!!" -msgstr "Anjing itu menutup matanya dan tersenyum!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1977 -msgctxt "petDogChoice_0aef34d8" -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1978 -msgid "Diya is almost in tears..." -msgstr "Diya hampir menangis..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1979 -msgid "She's like a living rug." -msgstr "Dia kayak karpet hidup." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1987 -msgid "If you had a dog,{w=0.10} what would you name it?" -msgstr "Kalau kamu punya anjing,{w=0.10} mau namain apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1990 -msgid "Good question." -msgstr "Pertanyaan yang bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1995 -msgid "Pom." -msgstr "Pom" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1998 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c" -msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" -msgstr "Nama apaan tuh?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2001 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0" -msgid "Cool name." -msgstr "Namanya keren." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2002 -msgid "It's short for \"Pomeranian\"." -msgstr "Singkatan \"Pomeranian\"." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2006 -msgid "That's way too simple!" -msgstr "Simpel banget!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2009 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a" -msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu kamu mau namain apa,{w=0.10} Min?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2014 -msgid "Shibe." -msgstr "Shibe." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2017 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c_1" -msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" -msgstr "Nama apaan tuh?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2020 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0_1" -msgid "Cool name." -msgstr "Namanya keren." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2021 -msgid "It's short for \"Shiba Inu.\"" -msgstr "Singkatan \"Shiba Inu.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2024 -msgid "Sounds dumb..." -msgstr "Kedengaran bodoh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2027 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a_1" -msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu kamu namain apa,{w=0.10} Min?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2035 -msgid "Me?{w=0.26} Hm..." -msgstr "Aku?{w=0.26} Hm..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2037 -msgid "Min is thinking with an intense look on her face..." -msgstr "Min sedang berpikir dengan ekspresi serius di wajahnya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2039 -msgid "Skull Crusher." -msgstr "Skull Crusher." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2043 -msgctxt "dogNameChoice_1d74dd58" -msgid "!!!" -msgstr "!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2045 -msgid "Diya is silently laughing at her!" -msgstr "Diya diam-diam menertawainya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2047 -msgid "Of course you'd choose a name like that." -msgstr "Udah pasti kamu pilih nama kayak gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2050 -msgid "What!{w=0.26} It's better than [dogName!t]!" -msgstr "Apa!{w=0.26} Itu lebih bagus dari [dogName!t]!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2053 -msgid "What's wrong with [dogName!t]?" -msgstr "Apa yang salah sama [dogName!t]?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2062 -msgid "Okay, I think we're good to go now." -msgstr "Oke, kayaknya kita bisa pergi sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2072 -msgid "Wait. Why would I leave when there's a dog here." -msgstr "Tunggu. Kenapa aku pergi kalau ada anjing disana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2074 -msgid "I have to pet it. " -msgstr "Aku harus elus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2100 -msgid "Oh, it's my dad. Yuck." -msgstr "Oh, itu papa aku. Ih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2104 -msgid "Min's dad is really mad at her for cutting her hair like that." -msgstr "Ayah Min marah banget soalnya dia potong rambut kayak gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2105 -msgid "He's speaking Korean on the phone. I wonder what he's talking about." -msgstr "Dia bicara pakai bahasa Korea di ponselnya. Aku penasaran dia bicara apa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2106 -msgid "Min only taught me 1 through 4 so far." -msgstr "Min hanya ngajarin aku 1 sampai 4 sejauh ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2108 -msgid "Diya must've been frowning without knowing it, because Min speaks up." -msgstr "Diya pasti cemberut tanpa dia sendiri mengetahuinya, karena Min bersuara." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2110 -msgid "Do you wanna learn more?" -msgstr "Mau belajar lagi?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2113 -msgctxt "dogHere_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2114 -msgctxt "dogHere_b6399d89" -msgid "Sure." -msgstr "Mau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2115 -msgid "How do you say \"Hi\" in Korean?" -msgstr "Gimana cara bilang \"Hai\" dalam bahasa Korea?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2118 -msgid "\"Hi\"?{w=0.26} Easy,{w=0.10} it's..." -msgstr "\"Hai\"?{w=0.26} Gampang,{w=0.10} itu..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2120 -msgid "Uh..............{w=0.26}hm." -msgstr "Uh..............{w=0.26}hm." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2123 -msgid "....?" -msgstr "....?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2124 -msgid "Does she not know how to say it?" -msgstr "Dia enggak tahu cara ngomongnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2127 -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2131 -msgid "\"Sarang eh...?\"" -msgstr "\"Sarang eh...?\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2134 -msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2137 -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2140 -msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0_1" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2143 -msgctxt "dogHere_3a2190bc" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2146 -msgid "Min is staring at Diya with a really complicated expression on her face..." -msgstr "Min menatap Diya dengan ekspresi yang sangat rumit di wajahnya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2148 -msgid "What.{w=0.26} Am I saying it right?" -msgstr "Apa.{w=0.26} Aku benar ngomongnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2151 -msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} That was good!" -msgstr "I-iya!{w=0.26} Itu bagus!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2154 -msgid "Cool.{w=0.26} Now I can greet you and Jun-seo like this." -msgstr "Keren.{w=0.26} Sekarang aku bisa nyapa kamu sama Jun-seo kayak gini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2157 -msgid "N-no,{w=0.10} wait!{w=0.26} You can't say that to Jun. " -msgstr "Eng-enggak,{w=0.10} bentar!{w=0.26} Kamu ga bisa bilang itu ke Jun. " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2160 -msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} Why not?" -msgstr "Hah.{w=0.36} Kenapa enggak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2163 -msgid "Because...{w=0.26}uh...{w=0.26}It's a special kind of hello." -msgstr "Soalnya...{w=0.26}uh...{w=0.26}Itu halo yang spesial." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2165 -msgid "You can only say it to........{w=0.26}certain people.{w=0.26} Like me." -msgstr "Kamu cuman bisa bilang itu ke........{w=0.26}orang tertentu.{w=0.26} Kayak aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2168 -msgid "Oh.{w=0.26} Is it one of those things where if you use the wrong one,{w=0.10} it's really bad?" -msgstr "Oh.{w=0.26} Emang itu kayak dimana kalau kamu pake yang salah, {w=0.10} itu parah banget?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2171 -msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} Something like that.{w=0.26} It's tough to explain." -msgstr "I-iya!{w=0.26} Kayak gitu.{w=0.26} Susah jelasinnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2174 -msgid "But it's correct when I say it to you." -msgstr "Tapi benar kalau aku ngomong ke kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2177 -msgctxt "dogHere_b29651b9" -msgid "Yeah!" -msgstr "Iya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 -msgid "So only say it to me.{w=0.26} Got it?" -msgstr "Jadi bilang ke aku aja.{w=0.26} Ngerti?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2182 -msgid "Got it." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2184 -msgid "Wow.{w=0.26} Korean is really complicated." -msgstr "Wow.{w=0.26} Bahasa Korea rumit banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2187 -msgid "What about you?{w=0.26} How do you say \"Hi\"?" -msgstr "Kalau kamu?{w=0.26} Gimana cara ngomong \"Hai\"?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2189 -msgid "{cps=0}What about you? How do you say \"Hi\"?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Kalau kamu? Gimana cara ngomong \"Hai\"?{/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2197 -msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2202 -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2206 -msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a_1" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2210 -msgctxt "dogHere_677f9015" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2219 -msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2225 -msgid "What the...? That's so long!" -msgstr "Hah...? Panjang amat!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2228 -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font}uh..." -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font}uh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2233 -msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e_1" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2237 -msgctxt "dogHere_0f158bd8" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2242 -msgctxt "dogHere_1d74dd58" -msgid "!!!" -msgstr "!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2245 -msgid "What's so funny?" -msgstr "Apa yang lucu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2248 -msgid "Nothing. Your pronunciation is great." -msgstr "Enggak. Pelafalan kamu bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2257 -msgid "He's still talking on the phone." -msgstr "Dia masih ngobrol di telepon." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2259 -msgid "Doesn't sound like he's using the phrase Min just taught me." -msgstr "Enggak kedengaran kayak dia pake frasa yang baru aja Min ajarin ke aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2260 -msgid "I guess there's not a lot of opportunities to say \"Hi\" in the middle of a conversation." -msgstr "Kayaknya enggak ada banyak kesempatan buat bilang \"Hai\" di tengah-tengah obrolan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2263 -msgid "Hey, let's hurry up and sit down." -msgstr "Hei, ayo cepetan terus duduk." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2265 -msgid "Jun-seo is probably wondering where we are." -msgstr "Jun-seo mungkin penasaran kita dimana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2268 -msgid "She's right. Poor Jun-seo." -msgstr "Dia benar. Kasihan Jun-seo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2335 -msgid "There you guys are!" -msgstr "Kalian disitu toh!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2336 -msgid "Where'd you guys go?" -msgstr "Kalian kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2339 -msgid "The dog." -msgstr "Anjing." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2342 -msgid "Diya,{w=0.10} that's... {w=0.26}really cryptic." -msgstr "Diya,{w=0.10} itu...{w=0.26}ambigu banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2344 -msgid "Is it?" -msgstr "Oh iya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2348 -msgid "Here,{w=0.10} take this!" -msgstr "Nih,{w=0.10} ambil!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2349 -msgid "Min gives Diya the popcorn bucket!" -msgstr "Min memberikan Diya ember popcornnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2351 -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2354 -msgid "Min, where'd you get that bat...?" -msgstr "Min, dapet tongkatnya dari mana...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2355 -msgid "Please don't tell me you did something bad..." -msgstr "Tolong jangan bilang kamu macem-macem..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2357 -msgid "Yeah! It was fun!" -msgstr "Iya! Seru banget!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2359 -msgid "No! You have to stop stealing and threatening people!" -msgstr "Enggak! Kamu harus berhenti nyuri dan ngancam orang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2360 -msgid "It's dangerous! What if someone came after you?" -msgstr "Bahaya! Gimana kalau ada yang kejar kamu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2362 -msgid "I'd beat them!" -msgstr "Bakal aku pukulin!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2363 -msgid "Even if there was a bear, I'd kill it with my bare hands." -msgstr "Bahkan kalau ada beruang, aku bakal bunuh pakai tangan kosong." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2365 -msgid "Min, that's impossible." -msgstr "Min, itu enggak mungkin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2367 -msgid "I'll punch it real hard in the head like {i}WHAM!!!{/i}" -msgstr "Aku bakal pukul kepalanya keras banget kayak {i}HIAT!!!{/i}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2369 -msgctxt "sitBackDown_79937b81" -msgid "Dead." -msgstr "Mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2371 -msgid "It's not that easy. You'll just get mauled." -msgstr "Enggak segampang itu. Kamu hanya bakalan diterkam." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2373 -msgid "Yeah, right. I'll dodge." -msgstr "Enggak lah. Aku bakal ngehindar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2374 -msgid "I bet I can kill two different bears at once." -msgstr "Aku yakin aku bisa bunuh dua beruang berbeda sekaligus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2376 -msgid "Min, no..." -msgstr "Min, jangan..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2378 -msgid "It's useless. I don't think Min's brain even knows what fear is." -msgstr "Enggak berguna. Kayaknya otak Min bahkan enggak kenal takut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2381 -msgid "Geez,{w=0.10} Jun. You really sound like Noelle sometimes." -msgstr "Yaelah,{w=0.10} Jun. Kadang kamu kedengaran kayak Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2383 -msgid "Noelle is my best friend." -msgstr "Noelle sahabat aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2384 -msgid "She's the kid in class who goes,{w=0.10} \"But wait,{w=0.10} you forgot to collect our homework!\"" -msgstr "Dia anak di kelas yang ngomong,{w=0.10} \"Tapi tunggu,{w=0.10} kamu lupa ngumpulin PR kita!\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2385 -msgid "I introduced Min to her a while back, but it was like hate at first sight." -msgstr "Aku kenalin dia ke Min, tapi mereka kayak benci dalam pandangan pertama." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2386 -msgid "I think Min wants to kill her." -msgstr "Aku kira Min mau bunuh dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2390 -msgid "Someday when Diya decides she doesn't like Noelle anymore, I'll kill her." -msgstr "Nanti waktu Diya mutusin dia enggak suka Noelle lagi, aku bakal bunuh dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2392 -msgid "I'll kill her to death." -msgstr "Aku bakal bunuh dia sampe mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2395 -msgid "Don't do that." -msgstr "Jangan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2398 -msgid "Even though Noelle is taller than you,{w=0.10} someday I'll be the tallest!" -msgstr "Meski Noelle lebih tinggi dari kamu, {w=0.10}nanti aku bakalan jadi yang paling tinggi!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2399 -msgid "I won't lose to her!" -msgstr "Aku enggak bakal kalah sama dia!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2401 -msgid "What does that have to do with anything?" -msgstr "Hubungannya apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2404 -msgid "Also,{w=0.10} if I was peeling an orange for you,{w=0.10} I'd make sure to get all the white stringy stuff off,{w=0.10} too." -msgstr "{w=0.10}Kalau aku lagi kupasin jeruk buat kamu,{w=0.10} Aku bakal pastiin aku buang serat putihnya{w=0.10} juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2405 -msgid "I bet Noelle wouldn't do that." -msgstr "Aku yakin Noelle nggak bakal gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2409 -msgid "What the heck kind of scenario is this?" -msgstr "Skenario macam apa ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2410 -msgid "Why would you guys even be peeling oranges for me." -msgstr "Kenapa kalian bahkan ngupasin aku jeruk." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2413 -msgid "Just because.{w=0.26} Forget it." -msgstr "Ya gapapa.{w=0.26}Lupain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2430 -msgid "Jun-seo." -msgstr "Jun-seo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2449 -msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_866f89c7" -msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." -msgstr "Diya mengulurkan ember popcornnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2452 -msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_f09ff667" -msgid "Thanks!" -msgstr "Makasih!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2453 -msgid "Jun-seo took a single piece of popcorn!" -msgstr "Jun-seo mengambil satu buah popcorn!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2455 -msgid "You can take more than that." -msgstr "Kamu bisa ambil lebih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2457 -msgid "Really?{w=0.26} You're so nice!" -msgstr "Beneran?{w=0.26} Kamu baik banget!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2458 -msgid "Jun-seo took another single piece of popcorn!" -msgstr "Jun-seo mengambil satu popcorn lagi!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2465 -msgctxt "havingFun_5043e3e2" -msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" -msgstr "Ada sesuatu sama Min?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2467 -msgid "Like,{w=0.10} did she do a felony?{w=0.26} Are the police after her?" -msgstr "Kayak, {w=0.10} dia ngelakuin kejahatan kah? {w=0.26} Polisi lagi ngejar dia?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2470 -msgid "Uh... {w=0.26}not that I know of?{w=0.26} Why?" -msgstr "Uh... {w=0.26}enggak sih setahu aku?{w=0.26} Kenapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2472 -msgid "She's been acting kinda weird all day. {w=0.26}It's like she's hiding something." -msgstr "Dia agak aneh seharian. {w=0.26} Kayaknya dia nyembunyiin sesuatu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2475 -msgid "Really?{w=0.26} I haven't noticed anything odd..." -msgstr "Oh ya?{w=0.26} Aku belum nyadar ada yang aneh sih..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2477 -msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} I guess if even Jun-seo isn't concerned,{w=0.10} everything is fine." -msgstr "Oh.{w=0.26} Kalau Jun-seo enggak khawatir,{w=0.10} semuanya baik-baik aja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2478 -msgid "Phew. I can just enjoy the game without worrying now." -msgstr "Fuh. Sekarang aku bisa nikmatin permainannya tanpa khawatir." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2582 -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2584 -msgid "I have to get ready for school!" -msgstr "Aku harus siap-siap ke sekolah!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2591 -msgctxt "ch2_aaf68681" -msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." -msgstr "Diya memukul alarmnya dan menjatuhkan dirinya ke tempat tidur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2595 -msgid "Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " -msgstr "Rutinitas pagi Diya termasuk terbaring di tempat tidur selama 10 menit memikirkan betapa capeknya dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2600 -msgid "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." -msgstr "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2601 -msgid "I only got 2 hours of sleep..." -msgstr "Aku cuman tidur dua jam..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2602 -msgid "Nnnnooooooooooooo......I don't wanna get up..." -msgstr "Ggggaaaaaaaaakkkk......Aku gak mau bangun..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2603 -msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." -msgstr "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2604 -msgid "10 minutes pass like this." -msgstr "10 menit berlalu seperti ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2605 -msgid "Once the allotted time is up, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands." -msgstr "Saat waktunya sudah habis, Diya tanpa semangat melepaskan diri dari kasur dan berdiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2609 -msgid "After stretching for a few moments, she starts getting ready for school." -msgstr "Setelah melakukan peregangan sebentar, dia bersiap untuk sekolah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2616 -msgctxt "ch2_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2617 -msgctxt "ch2_c66f35de" -msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." -msgstr "Temen sekelas aku Akarsha ngirimin aku pesan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2642 -msgctxt "ay_8e0ddc15" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2644 -msgctxt "ay_5de121ba" -msgid "ay" -msgstr "ei" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2645 -msgctxt "ay_9266357c" -msgid "ay diya" -msgstr "ey diya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 -msgctxt "ay_076b730f" -msgid "ay" -msgstr "ey" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2648 -msgctxt "ay_b771df90" -msgid "ayy" -msgstr "eyy" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2649 -msgid ":)))))))))))))))))" -msgstr ":))))))))))))))))))" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2650 -msgctxt "ay_1acbd9bd" -msgid "What" -msgstr "Apa" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2651 -msgid "diya u like pringles, right?" -msgstr "diya lw suka pringles kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2652 -msgid ":o" -msgstr ":o" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2660 -msgid "Yeah, why" -msgstr "Iya, kenapa" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2661 -msgctxt "ay_c07c5669" -msgid "?" -msgstr "?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2663 -msgid "go outside" -msgstr "pergi keluar" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2664 -msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c" -msgid "xD" -msgstr "xD" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2665 -msgctxt "ay_8642d046" -msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." -msgstr "YAOI SEME telah offline." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2670 -msgctxt "ay_cf977472" -msgid "???" -msgstr "???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2675 -msgid "No, why" -msgstr "Enggak, kenapa" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2677 -msgctxt "ay_c07c5669_1" -msgid "?" -msgstr "?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2679 -msgctxt "ay_e2a1e065" -msgid "darn" -msgstr "yah" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2680 -msgid "nvm then" -msgstr "gjd" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2681 -msgid "just being random" -msgstr "ngasal aja" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2682 -msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c_1" -msgid "xD" -msgstr "xD" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2684 -msgctxt "ay_8642d046_1" -msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." -msgstr "YAOI SEME telah offline." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2693 -msgctxt "ay_cf977472_1" -msgid "???" -msgstr "???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2695 -msgid "I wonder what that was about." -msgstr "Aku penasaran tadi apaan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2707 -msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a" -msgid "Diya goes outside." -msgstr "Diya pergi keluar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2710 -msgid "There's a lone Pringle sitting on the ground." -msgstr "Ada satu Pringle di tanah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2713 -msgctxt "ay_aba95152" -msgid "......................" -msgstr "......................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2720 -msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a_1" -msgid "Diya goes outside." -msgstr "Diya pergi keluar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2723 -msgid "Ayyy!" -msgstr "Ayyy!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2732 -msgid "Sup, homie." -msgstr "Wasap, bro." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2734 -msgid "This is Akarsha." -msgstr "Ini Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2736 -msgid "She's the kind of person who doesn't give pencils back." -msgstr "Dia tipe orang yang enggak balikin pensil." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2737 -msgid "You know when you become friends with someone just because you have to see them so much?" -msgstr "Kamu tahu waktu kamu temenan sama seseorang hanya gara-gara kamu harus sering lihat mereka?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2738 -msgid "Yeah.{w=0.26} That's us." -msgstr "Ya.{w=0.26} Itu kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2739 -msgid "My parents are always saying I should be more outgoing like her, like that's something I can just change." -msgstr "Orangtua aku selalu bilang aku harus lebih terbuka kayak dia, kayak itu sesuatu yang bisa aku ubah aja sih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2742 -msgid "Hey Diya,{w=0.10} you know what's the best weed?" -msgstr "Hei Diya,{w=0.10} lu tahu weed apa yang paling bagus?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2744 -msgid "It's when.... {w=0.26}I'm WEED you........" -msgstr "Itu... {w=0.26}when aim WEED yu........" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2746 -msgctxt "ay_73c5644b" -msgid "....................." -msgstr "......................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2750 -msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her..." -msgstr "Diya dengan cepat mulai berjalan pergi tanpa dia..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2752 -msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} you're no fun." -msgstr "Yah,{w=0.10} lu ga rame." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2754 -msgid "Have it your way. {w=0.26}Burger King." -msgstr "Terserah lu aja. {w=0.26}Burger King." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2764 -msgid "Akarsha is half-jogging to keep up with Diya." -msgstr "Akarsha setengah berlari mengejar Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2766 -msgid "Hey Diya..." -msgstr "Woi Diya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2768 -msgid "Did you know that your eye has something called \"immune privilege\"?" -msgstr "Lu tau gak kalau mata lu punya sesuatu yang namanya \"keuntungan imunitas\"?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2769 -msgid "This basically means that the outside of your eye prevents your immune system from knowing about the inside of your eye." -msgstr "Intinya bagian luar mata lu nyegah sistem imun lu dari tau tentang bagian dalam mata lu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2770 -msgid "If it didn't, your immune system would destroy your eyes." -msgstr "Kalau kagak, sistem imun lu bakal hancurin mata lu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2773 -msgid "That doesn't sound right." -msgstr "Itu enggak kedengaran benar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2774 -msgid "I don't believe you." -msgstr "Aku enggak percaya kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2777 -msgid "Why not?" -msgstr "Kenapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2780 -msgid "Because you lie to me all the time." -msgstr "Soalnya kamu bohong terus ke aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2781 -msgid "Noelle said not to trust you no matter what." -msgstr "Kata Noelle jangan percaya sama kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2785 -msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?!{w=0.26} When?" -msgstr "Bentar,{w=0.10} hah?!{w=0.26} Kapan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2788 -msgid "When we first met you this year.{w=0.26} After you accused her of being a robot with artificially implanted human emotions." -msgstr "Pas aku pertama kali ketemu kamu tahun ini.{w=0.26} Habis kamu nuduh dia robot dengan implan perasaan manusia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2791 -msgid "Hey,{w=0.10} she got annoyed when I pressed a magnet to her head." -msgstr "Hei,{w=0.10} dia kesel pas gua tempelin magnet ke kepalanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2792 -msgid "That means she's a Replicant and it was messing with her circuits." -msgstr "Itu berarti dia Replicant dan itu ngancurin sirkuit dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2793 -msgid "Checkmate." -msgstr "Skakmat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2796 -msgid "No.{w=0.26} She was annoyed because you pressed a magnet to her head." -msgstr "Enggak.{w=0.26} Dia kesal soalnya kamu nempelin magnet ke kepalanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2799 -msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} come ooonnnnnn!{w=0.26} I was just trying to make a good first impression!" -msgstr "Ih,{w=0.10} ayolaaaaaaahh!{w=0.26} Gua kan cuma berusaha bikin kesan pertama yang bagus!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2801 -msgid "What's a girl to do?" -msgstr "Cewek harus ngapain?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2804 -msgid "Not that." -msgstr "Bukan itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2807 -msgid "Poor me..." -msgstr "Kasihan gua...." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2810 -msgid "No one feels sorry for you!" -msgstr "Ga ada yang kasihan sama kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2820 -msgid "There's a bunch of adults dressed in yellow at the intersection, waving signs." -msgstr "Ada sekelompok orang dewasa berpakaian kuning di persimpangan, melambaikan papan tanda." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2822 -msgid "...What is that?" -msgstr "...Itu apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2825 -msgid "They're trying to take away gay marriage." -msgstr "Mereka nyoba ngilangin pernikahan sesama jenis." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2828 -msgid "Gay marriage is allowed?" -msgstr "Pernikahan sesama jenis dibolehin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2831 -msgid "Dude, it's been legal for a few years now." -msgstr "Bro, udah legal dari kapan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2834 -msgid "Oh. Wasn't paying attention." -msgstr "Oh. Enggak merhatiin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2839 -msgid "Protect marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" -msgstr "Lindungi pernikahan! Ya pada Prop 8!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2840 -msgid "Marriage equals 1 man and 1 woman!" -msgstr "Pernikahan sama dengan 1 pria dan 1 wanita!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2841 -msgid "A smiling woman with a baby strapped to her back brandishes her sign as Diya and Akarsha walk past. " -msgstr "Seorang wanita yang tersenyum dengan bayi terikat di punggungnya mengacungkan papan tandanya saat Diya dan Akarsha berjalan melewatinya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2842 -msgid "It says:\nI <3 my Gay brother\nStill YES on 8!" -msgstr "Tulisannya:\nAku <3 adikku yang Gay\nTetap YA untuk 8!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2844 -msgid "What kind of cognitive dissonance..." -msgstr "Disonansi kognitif macam apaan..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2857 -msgctxt "ay_df3f6405" -msgid "Hey, Diya..." -msgstr "Hei, Diya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2859 -msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?" -msgstr "Lu mau gak makan orang kerdil 2 inci hidup-hidup buat 100 juta dollar?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2861 -msgid "{cps=0}Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Lu mau gak makan orang kerdil 2 inci hidup-hidup buat 100 juta dollar?{/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2873 -msgid "Diya nods!" -msgstr "Diya mengangguk!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2877 -msgid "Dang. {w=0.26}You wouldn't feel bad at all?" -msgstr "Njir. {w=0.26}Lu engga ngerasa bersalah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2878 -msgid "You realize he dies?" -msgstr "Lu nyadar dia mati?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2882 -msgid "But he tastes like Cheetos." -msgstr "Tapi rasanya kayak Cheetos." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2885 -msgid "So? He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!" -msgstr "Terus? Dia masih orang beneran,{w=0.10} woi!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2888 -msgid "Why would they make him taste like Cheetos if you're not supposed to eat him?" -msgstr "Kenapa mereka buat dia rasanya kayak Cheetos kalau kamu ga boleh makan dia?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2891 -msgid "But he's only 2 inches tall." -msgstr "Tapi dia hanya 2 inci." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2894 -msgid "He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!{w=0.26} What are you,{w=0.10} some kinda short people hater?!" -msgstr "Dia masih orang beneran,{w=0.10} woi!{w=0.26} Lu apaan,{w=0.10}pembenci orang pendek?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2897 -msgid "This is on a whole other level from \"short\"!){w=0.26}\n(His brain must be the size of a pea!" -msgstr "Ini udah bukan \"pendek\" lagi!){w=0.26}\n(Otaknya harusnya sebesar kacang polong!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2900 -msgid "Dude, imagine... {w=0.26}What if you were the tiny guy?" -msgstr "Woi, bayangin... {w=0.26}Gimana kalau lu kerdilnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2901 -msgid "If I were him,{w=0.10} I'd go into a total panic." -msgstr "Kalau gua dia sih,{w=0.10} gua bakalan panik." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2903 -msgid "I would scream and squirm. {w=0.26}I wouldn't wanna get eaten." -msgstr "Gua bakalan teriak dan menggeliat.{w=0.26} Gua ga mau dimakan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2911 -msgctxt "wouldntEat_a2dbca39" -msgid "No." -msgstr "Enggak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2913 -msgid "He'd probably taste horrible." -msgstr "Paling rasanya ga enak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2915 -msgid "People have so many bones. {w=0.26}It'd be like eating a fish." -msgstr "Orang punya banyak tulang. {w=0.26}Itu bakalan kayak makan ikan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2918 -msgid "That's the only reason you wouldn't do it?" -msgstr "Itu satu-satunya alasan lu gak mau ngelakuin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2919 -msgid "Are you sayin' you'd eat him if he was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} a Cheeto?" -msgstr "Maksud lu, lu bakalan makan dia kalau dia,{w=0,10}kayak,{w=0,10} Cheeto?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2922 -msgid "What do you mean. {w=0.26}Like a talking Cheeto with human intelligence." -msgstr "Maksud kamu apa. {w=0.26}Kayak Cheeto ngomong dengan kecerdasan manusia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2925 -msgid "No,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} he's still a human dude but he somehow has the taste and texture of a Cheeto." -msgstr "Kagak, {w=0.10}kayak, {w=0.10} dia masih manusia tapi gimana caranya dia punya rasa sama tekstur Cheeto." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2928 -msgid "What the heck... {w=0.26}This is getting pretty abstract." -msgstr "Apaan sih.. {w=0.26}Ini jadi agak abstrak.." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2937 -msgctxt "wouldntEat2_57e599f4" -msgid "Diya shakes her head." -msgstr "Diya menggelengkan kepalanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2940 -msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Now I know you're a true homie." -msgstr "Wow! {w=0.26} Sekarang gua tau lu homie sejati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2944 -msgid "Great..." -msgstr "Bagus..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2949 -msgid "Why are we even talking about this..." -msgstr "Kenapa kita bahas ini..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2967 -msgid "We made it to school." -msgstr "Kita sampai di sekolah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2969 -msgid "I should go to my locker first before going to class." -msgstr "Aku sebaiknya pergi ke locker dulu sebelum ke kelas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2972 -msgid "Suddenly, Akarsha takes off running." -msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Akarsha berlari pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2975 -msgctxt "chapter3_d6b9f21f" -msgid "...?!" -msgstr "...?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2976 -msgid "Where are you going?" -msgstr "Mau kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2981 -msgid "Huh? It's pee-pee time." -msgstr "Hah? Mau pipis." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2983 -msgid "Can you...not say things like that?" -msgstr "Kamu bisa...engga ngomong kaya gitu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2989 -msgctxt "chapter3_2ed201c8" -msgid "Akarsha left..." -msgstr "Akarsha pergi..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2994 -msgctxt "chapter3_c47e75c1" -msgid ".............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2995 -msgid "She never takes a day off from being weird." -msgstr "Dia enggak pernah enggak aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3055 -msgctxt "lookBush_bbb27231" -msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" -msgstr "OH MY GOD!!!! GUA GA PERCAYA!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3058 -msgctxt "lookBush_f2fff244" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3061 -msgctxt "lookBush_2a42d072" -msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "INI...INI SEMAK-SEMAK!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3062 -msgctxt "lookBush_588540e7" -msgid "I never would've guessed!" -msgstr "Gua gak bakal bisa nebak!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3065 -msgctxt "lookBush_1612cdcc" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3069 -msgctxt "lookBush_f5a3cd1f" -msgid "FASCINATING!!!" -msgstr "HEBAT!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3070 -msgctxt "lookBush_beb8360c" -msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" -msgstr "Ayo kita pantengin terus daripada ngerjain sesuatu yang berguna!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3079 -msgid "Did you know these things are connected to the school's computer network?" -msgstr "Lu tau gak kalau ini tuh nyambung sama jaringan komputer sekolah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3081 -msgid "There's a cat 5 coming out of it." -msgstr "Ada 5 kucing keluar dari situ." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3088 -msgid "Yeah, right." -msgstr "Ya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3090 -msgid "Too scary." -msgstr "Ngeri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3098 -msgctxt "lookPoster_656a56ba" -msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" -msgstr "Posternya bertuliskan \"Kurangi stress!\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3102 -msgctxt "lookPoster_1eeb501c" -msgid "HahaHAH!!" -msgstr "HahaHAH!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3103 -msgctxt "lookPoster_af616955" -msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" -msgstr "Gimana mereka ngeharepin kita gitu coba?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3105 -msgctxt "lookPoster_b73af55a" -msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" -msgstr "Ga ke sekolah?{w=0.26} Nyingkirin ortu kita?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3119 -msgid "Diya opens her locker." -msgstr "Diya membuka lokernya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3123 -msgid "This is technically both me and Noelle's locker." -msgstr "Secara teknis ini loker aku dan Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3124 -msgid "The school doesn't have enough lockers for everyone,{w=0.10} so freshmen share." -msgstr "Sekolah enggak punya cukup loker buat semuanya,{w=0.10} jadi murid baru berbagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3125 -msgid "And they're tiny.{w=0.10} I'm always surprised when high schoolers in movies have lockers big enough to fit people inside." -msgstr "Dan mereka kecil banget. {w=0.10}Aku selalu kaget waktu anak SMA di film punya loker yang cukup besar buat masukin orang ke dalamnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3185 -msgid "Diya hefts her books and binders into her backpack." -msgstr "Diya memasukkan buku dan bindernya ke dalam tas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3188 -msgid "Alright. {w=0.26}I can go to class now." -msgstr "Sip. {w=0.26}Aku bisa ke kelas sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3195 -msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c" -msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." -msgstr "Diya membuka kotak bekalnya dan mengintip isinya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3196 -msgid "There's a steel thermos and a plastic baggy of grapes." -msgstr "Ada termos baja dan kantong plastik berisi anggur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3198 -msgid "Grapes...!" -msgstr "Anggur...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3200 -msgid "Diya shovels half the grapes into her mouth before putting the lunchbox back." -msgstr "Diya memasukkan separuh anggur itu ke dalam mulutnya sebelum menaruh kotak bekalnya kembali." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3202 -msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c_1" -msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." -msgstr "Diya membuka kotak bekalnya dan mengintip isinya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3203 -msgid "There's bittermelon in Noelle's stir-fry today." -msgstr "Ada pare di osengan Noelle hari ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3204 -msgid "Diya and Noelle both hate bittermelon. " -msgstr "Diya dan Noelle sama-sama benci pare." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3206 -msgctxt "lunchbox_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3213 -msgid "This is rosin for string instruments." -msgstr "Ini rosin buat instrumen dawai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3215 -msgid "The first time Noelle showed it to me,{w=0.10} I tried to eat it." -msgstr "Pertama kali Noelle tunjukkin rosinnya ke aku,{w=0.10} Aku coba makan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3219 -msgid "The rosin's a nice amber color." -msgstr "Rosinnya warna amber yang bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3221 -msgid "It looks like you can eat it,{w=0.10} but you can't." -msgstr "Kelihatannya kayak bisa dimakan,{w=0.10} tapi enggak bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3232 -msgid "I don't have all the stuff I need for class." -msgstr "Aku ga punya semua yang aku butuhin buat kelas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3234 -msgid "I need to visit me and Noelle's locker first." -msgstr "Aku harus ke loker aku dan Noelle dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3250 -msgctxt "p1_32d61905" -msgid "Diya! Help me!" -msgstr "Diya! Bantu aku!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3255 -msgctxt "p1_56bfc018" -msgid "...!" -msgstr "...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3256 -msgid "It's Noelle." -msgstr "Itu Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3257 -msgid "What is it?" -msgstr "Kenapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3260 -msgid "I can't open this water bottle." -msgstr "Aku tidak bisa buka botol minum ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3262 -msgid "Noelle basically has noodles for arms." -msgstr "Pada dasarnya lengan Noelle dari mie." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3266 -msgid "Diya takes the bottle out of Noelle's hands and twists the plastic sealed cap open." -msgstr "Diya mengambil botolnya dari tangan Noelle dan membuka tutup plastiknya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3268 -msgctxt "p1_c728b2c9" -msgid "Thank you." -msgstr "Terima kasih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3270 -msgid "How are you so weak? It's scary." -msgstr "Kamu kenapa lemah banget? Seram tau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3273 -msgid "It's the manufacturer's fault for making these seals so strong." -msgstr "Salah pabriknya karena buat segelnya sangat kuat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3275 -msgid "What if you get lost in a desert and find a bottle of water?" -msgstr "Gimana kalau kamu hilang di gurun dan nemu botol air minum?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3276 -msgid "You'll die because you can't open it." -msgstr "Kamu bakalan mati gara-gara kamu gak bisa buka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3279 -msgid "No, I won't. You can open it for me." -msgstr "Tidak akan. Kamu akan membukakannya untuk aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3281 -msgid "That's assuming I'm there in the desert with you." -msgstr "Itu asumsinya kalau aku ada di gurun sama kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3283 -msgid "I should start charging you a service fee. 25 cents." -msgstr "Aku harus mulai nagih kamu biaya servis. 25 sen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3286 -msgid "You wouldn't do that." -msgstr "Kamu tidak akan melakukan itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3288 -msgid "I'd make $1.25 per week. Can buy Cup Noodles from the student store." -msgstr "Aku bisa ngehasilin $1.25 per minggu. Bisa beli Pop Mie dari koperasi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3293 -msgid "Noelle sneezes violently!" -msgstr "Noelle bersin dengan kencang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3298 -msgid "Don't get too close to me. {w=0.26}I probably have the flu." -msgstr "Jangan dekat-dekat. {w=0.26}Aku kayaknya flu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3300 -msgctxt "p1_d6b9f21f" -msgid "...?!" -msgstr "...?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3301 -msgid "Did you catch what I had last week?" -msgstr "Kamu ketularan aku minggu lalu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3304 -msgid "Probably." -msgstr "Mungkin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3306 -msgctxt "p1_6ce568f5" -msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "Maaf." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3307 -msgid "This happens a lot because we spend so much time together. And I eat her food." -msgstr "Ini sering terjadi soalnya kita sering barengan. Dan aku makan makanannya dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3308 -msgid "It doesn't help that our immune systems are perpetually weakened from sleep deprivation, either." -msgstr "Enggak membantu juga kalau sistem imun kita melemah terus gara-gara kurang tidur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3310 -msgid "At least you don't have to worry about me being contagious." -msgstr "Setidaknya kamu tidak perlu khawatir aku menular." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3312 -msgid "Are you okay though?{w=0.26} Shouldn't you go home?" -msgstr "Tapi kamu gapapa?{w=0.26} Bukannya kamu harusnya pulang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3315 -msgid "And what,{w=0.10} miss school?!" -msgstr "Dan apa,{w=0.10} bolos sekolah?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3317 -msgid "I guess that's out of the question..." -msgstr "Kayaknya enggak mungkin..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3319 -msgid "Even when Noelle had the stomach flu in middle school,{w=0.10} her parents made her come just for her math and science classes." -msgstr "Bahkan waktu Noelle punya flu perut di SMP,{w=0.10} orangtua dia paksa dia datang hanya buat kelas mat dan IPA dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3320 -msgid "She was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} barely conscious. {w=0.26}I had to carry her around because she couldn't get up from her desk." -msgstr "Dia{w=0.10} kayak,{w=0.10} nyaris enggak sadar. {w=0.26}Aku harus bawa dia kemana-mana soalnya dia enggak bisa berdiri dari mejanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3321 -msgid "I think she ended up infecting half the school." -msgstr "Kalau enggak salah dia nginfeksi setengah sekolah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3324 -msgid "Where's Akarsha?" -msgstr "Akarsha mana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3328 -msgid "She..." -msgstr "Dia..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3335 -msgid "It's pee-pee time." -msgstr "Waktunya pipis." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3340 -msgid "I am NOT saying that." -msgstr "Aku GAK AKAN ngomong itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3341 -msgctxt "p1_93212e9d" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3345 -msgctxt "p1_a5a151e8" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3348 -msgid "...Okay, never mind." -msgstr "...Oke, tidak jadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3350 -msgid "Why do you ask?" -msgstr "Kenapa tanya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3353 -msgid "I secretly sewed a library book security tag into the inside of Akarsha's backpack." -msgstr "Aku diam-diam jahit kartu keamanan buku perpustakaan ke bagian dalam tas Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3354 -msgid "So from now on, every time she leaves the library, she'll set off the alarm and have her backpack searched." -msgstr "Jadi mulai dari sekarang, setiap kali dia keluar dari perpustakaan, dia akan mengaktifkan alarmnya dan tasnya akan dicek." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3356 -msgid "That's...wow." -msgstr "Itu...wow." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3359 -msgid "Well, whatever. We'll have plenty of chances to see." -msgstr "Yah, terserahlah. Kita bakalan punya banyak peluang untuk melihat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3361 -msgctxt "p1_68920cd7" -msgid "Let's go." -msgstr "Ayo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3368 -msgid "A huge mob of kids is packed outside the classroom. They're all looking at a grid of test scores posted on the wall." -msgstr "Ada segerombolan besar anak-anak di luar kelas. Mereka semua melihat nilai tes yang dipasang di dinding." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3369 -msgid "It's complete chaos. People are pushing and angling their way to the list with the fervor of Beliebers trying to touch Justin's hand." -msgstr "Kacau total. Orang-orang mendorong dan berusaha membuat jalan ke daftar dengan semangat Beliebers yang mencoba menyentuh tangan Justin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3372 -msgid "If I get a B, my parents are throwing away my GameCube." -msgstr "Kalau gua dapet B, ortu gua bakalan buang GameCube gua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3373 -msgid "Yikes...That's gotta be an empty threat, right?" -msgstr "Waduh...Itu ancaman doang kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3374 -msgid "I {i}wish{/i}. They already threw away my cellphone." -msgstr "{i}Pinginnya{/i} sih gitu. Mereka udah buang ponsel gua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3376 -msgctxt "p1_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3377 -msgid "...I'm scared to see what I got on this." -msgstr "...Aku takut lihat hasil aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3378 -msgid "Think I failed." -msgstr "Kayaknya aku gagal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3381 -msgid "Asian failed? Or actually failed?" -msgstr "Gagal Asia? Atau benar-benar gagal?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3384 -msgid "Asian failed. C'mon, I'm not {i}that{/i} dumb." -msgstr "Gagal Asia. Ayolah, aku enggak setolol {i}itu{/i}." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3432 -msgid "This is a list of the top 10 scores across all periods." -msgstr "Ini daftar 10 nilai teratas di seluruh pelajaran." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3433 -msgid "Noelle aced it. Classic." -msgstr "Noelle nilainya paling bagus. Klasik." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3434 -msgid "She used to call me on the phone crying every Christmas because her parents got her math workbooks instead of what she really wanted." -msgstr "Dia dulu nelpon aku sambil nangis tiap Natal soalnya orangtuanya kasih dia buku soal bukannya apa yang dia mau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3435 -msgid "By now, she's unbeatable. It's like her tragic superhero origin story." -msgstr "Sekarang, dia eggak bisa dikalahin. Kayak cerita asal muasal superhero tragisnya dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3436 -msgid "Except instead of a superhero, she's every Asian parent's dream child." -msgstr "Kecuali bukannya jadi superhero, dia anak impian tiap orangtua Asia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3437 -msgid "No clue how Akarsha managed to get the second highest score, though." -msgstr "Enggak tau gimana Akarsha bisa dapat nilai kedua tertinggi, sih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3438 -msgid "General consensus is that she's cheating, but the teachers have never been able to catch her doing anything." -msgstr "Kesepakatan umumnya dia nyontek, tapi guru-guru enggak pernah bisa nangkep dia ngapa-ngapain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3439 -msgid "So I'll give her the benefit of the doubt." -msgstr "Jadi aku percaya aja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3443 -msgid "Diya, I've located your ID number. Here." -msgstr "Diya, aku nemu nomor ID kamu. Nih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3445 -msgid "You got a 91.22%%." -msgstr "Kamu dapat 91.22%%" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3448 -msgid "Phew. Almost failed." -msgstr "Fuh. Hampir gagal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3451 -msgid "Actually, you could've missed one more and still scraped an A-." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, kamu bisa meleset satu lagi dan masih dapat A-." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3454 -msgid "Considering how many I guessed on, that's still cutting it pretty close." -msgstr "Kalau mikirin berapa banyak yang aku tebak, itu masih nyaris." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3455 -msgid "That's scary. I really studied as hard as I could, but even my best almost wasn't good enough." -msgstr "Seram banget. Aku beneran belajar sekeras yang aku bisa, tapi bahkan yang terbaik tuh engga cukup." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3456 -msgid "I wonder if I can really get into Stanford or Berkeley like this..." -msgstr "Aku penasaran kalau aku bisa masuk Stanford atau Berkeley kalau kayak gini..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3465 -msgid "Wait. I should look at the test results, first." -msgstr "Tunggu. Aku harus lihat hasil ulangan dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3481 -msgid "As Diya and Noelle enter the classroom, something bursts out of the cabinet!" -msgstr "Saat Diya dan Noelle masuk ke kelas, sesuatu keluar dari kabinet!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3482 -msgid "HOO!!!!!" -msgstr "HOO!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3484 -msgid "AAAUUGH!!!" -msgstr "AAAUUGH!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3488 -msgid "Noelle staggers backwards onto an X marked on the floor with duct tape..." -msgstr "Noelle tersentak ke belakang ke atas sebuah tanda X dari lakban di lantai..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3491 -msgid "A garbage can drops from the ceiling!" -msgstr "Sebuah tong sampah jatuh dari plafon!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3493 -msgid "NO!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "TIDAK!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3496 -msgid "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" -msgstr "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3500 -msgid "Noelle and Akarsha go through some variation of this every single day." -msgstr "Noelle dan Akarsha ngejalanin tiap hari kayak gini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3501 -msgid "It's their roundabout way of being friends." -msgstr "Ini cara mereka temenan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3507 -msgid "Well, well, well." -msgstr "Wah, wah, wah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3508 -msgid "If it isn't my favorite Frenchman, Noelle." -msgstr "Kalau bukan Frenchman favorit gua, Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3510 -msgid "Please stop calling me that." -msgstr "Tolong berhenti panggil aku itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3513 -msgid "Why're you speaking English, Noelle??" -msgstr "Kenapa lu ngomong Ingrris, Noelle??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3514 -msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you??" -msgstr "Frenchman macam apaan lu??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3516 -msgid "JUST BECAUSE MY NAME IS FRENCH DOESN'T MEAN I'M FRENCH." -msgstr "HANYA KARENA NAMAKU PRANCIS BUKAN BERARTI AKU ORANG PRANCIS." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3520 -msgid "Honhonhon." -msgstr "Honhonhon." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3521 -msgid "Baguette." -msgstr "Baguette." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3524 -msgid "See, this is the problem." -msgstr "Lihat, ini masalahnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3525 -msgid "Whenever Noelle hears something stupid, she can't just let it slide." -msgstr "Setiap kali Noelle mendengar sesuatu yang bodoh, dia enggak bisa cuekin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3526 -msgid "She always has to correct it." -msgstr "Dia harus selalu koreksi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3527 -msgid "So Akarsha just keeps acting dumber and dumber on purpose into infinity." -msgstr "Jadi Akarsha terus bertingkah semakin bodoh dengan sengaja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3531 -msgid "Noelle does an impressive worm-like dance to wriggle out of the garbage bin." -msgstr "Noelle melakukan suatu tarian seperti-cacing untuk keluar dari tong sampah itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3533 -msgid "I can't believe you've done this. What happened to our truce?" -msgstr "Aku tidak percaya kamu melakukan ini. Apa yang terjadi dengan perdamaian kita?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3535 -msgid "Truce?" -msgstr "Perdamaian?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3537 -msgid "From yesterday! You agreed to this!" -msgstr "Yang kemarin! Kamu setuju!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3539 -msgid "Noelle pulls a sheet of binder paper from her book bag and brandishes it in front of Akarsha's face." -msgstr "Noelle menarik keluar secarik kertas binder dari tas bukunya dan mengayunkannya di depan wajah Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3542 -msgid "Look! This is your own signature at the bottom." -msgstr "Lihat! Ini paraf kamu di bawah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3544 -msgctxt "enterClass_2df16a64" -msgid ".............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3546 -msgid "...Suddenly, I can't read." -msgstr "...Tiba-tiba, gua ga bisa baca." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3549 -msgid "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" -msgstr "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3550 -msgid "Noelle's scream sounds very weird and hoarse from her cold." -msgstr "Teriakan Noelle terdengar sangat aneh dan serak karena demamnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3552 -msgid "...What's wrong with your voice today?" -msgstr "...Suara lu kenapa hari ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3553 -msgid "That was a weaker yell than normal." -msgstr "Teriakannya lebih lemah dari biasanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3555 -msgid "I'm ill. I am losing my voice." -msgstr "Aku sakit. Suaraku mau hilang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3557 -msgid "How about I punch you in the throat? It'll displace the mucus." -msgstr "Gimana kalau gua tonjok lu di tenggorokan? Itu bakal mindahin lendirnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3559 -msgid "NO, IT WON'T." -msgstr "ITU TIDAK AKAN." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3561 -msgid "How do you know? Anything is possible." -msgstr "Gimana lu tau? Apapun mungkin kok." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3562 -msgid "Trust me." -msgstr "Percaya sama gua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3563 -msgid "{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} I'm here! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... {i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" -msgstr "{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} I'm here! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... {font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3565 -msgid "YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE LAST PERSON I WOULD TRUST." -msgstr "KAMU ORANG TERAKHIR YANG AKAN AKU PERCAYA." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3566 -msgid "You worthless scammer." -msgstr "Kamu penipu tidak berguna." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3568 -msgid "Leave all your problems to me. {w=0.26}I'll solve them in a heartbeat." -msgstr "Serahin semua masalah ke gua. {w=0.26}Bakal gua selesain dalam sekejap." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3570 -msgid "That is unrealistic and accelerating that fast would destroy you even past your bone structure." -msgstr "Itu tidak realistis dan melakukannya secepat itu akan menghancurkanmu bahkan sampai struktur tulangmu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3572 -msgid "Why're you being so mean? {w=0.26}I'm just trying to help you!" -msgstr "Lu kenapa jahat banget? {w=0.26}Gua kan cuman mau bantu lu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3574 -msgid "HITTING ME ISN'T HELPING ME!!" -msgstr "MEMUKULKU TIDAK MEMBANTU AKU!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3577 -msgid "Wooooooooooow,{w=0.10} someone has anger management problems!" -msgstr "Woooooooooooow,{w=0.10} ada yang baper!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3579 -msgid "You gotta slow down and smell the flowers... {w=0.26}\nAppreciate life's miracles." -msgstr "Lu harus pelan-pelan dan cium bunga-bunga... {w=0.26}\nHargai keajaiban hidup." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3582 -msgid "Like me. {w=0.26}I'm life's greatest miracle." -msgstr "Kayak gua. {w=0.26}Gua keajaiban terbesar kehidupan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3586 -msgid "ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. I FEEL NAUSEATED JUST LOOKING AT YOU." -msgstr "SANGAT MENJIJIKAN. AKU MUAL HANYA LIHAT KAMU." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3589 -msgid "I just don't understand...\nWhy is there so much hate in the world...?" -msgstr "Gua tuh benar-benar ga ngerti...\nKenapa ada banyak kebencian di dunia ini...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3591 -msgid "If only we could open our hearts to love, there would be no wars..." -msgstr "Kalau aja kita buka hati kita buat cinta, ga akan ada lagi perang..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3593 -msgid "\"Peace begins with a smile.\" -Mother Theresa." -msgstr "\"Perdamaian dimulai dengan senyuman.\" -Ibu Theresa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3595 -msgid "Noelle is struggling not to break character by laughing!" -msgstr "Noelle berusaha untuk tidak tertawa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3600 -msgid "The bell rings!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream fest." -msgstr "Bel berbunyi!{w=0.26} Ini mengakhiri keributan pagi hari Noelle dan Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3605 -msgid "The rest of the morning is relatively uneventful..." -msgstr "Sisa pagi itu relatif tidak banyak kejadian..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3617 -msgid "Guess what?" -msgstr "Coba tebak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3619 -msgctxt "enterClass_9d73f57c" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3621 -msgid "No, no. You gotta guess." -msgstr "Enggak, enggak. Lu harus tebak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3623 -msgid "You were arrested." -msgstr "Kamu ditahan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3625 -msgid "What! No! " -msgstr "Hah! Gak!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3627 -msgid "You have a year left to live." -msgstr "Kamu punya setahun lagi untuk hidup." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3629 -msgid "What the?? Dude, why'd you always gotta jump to the worst possible conclusion? " -msgstr "Hah?? Woi, lu kenapa sih selalu loncat ke kesimpulan yang paling parah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3631 -msgid "It guarantees that I'm either right or pleasantly surprised. " -msgstr "Itu menjamin kalau aku antara benar atau sedikit terkejut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3633 -msgid "You're a real piece of work, you know that? " -msgstr "Lu nyusahin banget, lu tau gak? " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3634 -msgid "Whatever, I'll just tell you." -msgstr "Terserah, gua kasih tau aja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3636 -msgid "Did you guys hear about the new girl who transferred here?" -msgstr "Kalian udah denger cewek yang baru transfer kesini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3638 -msgid "Apparently she's like,{w=0.10} a delinquent!{w=0.26} I heard she knifed someone." -msgstr "Katanya sih dia kayak,{w=0.10} berandalan!{w=0.26} Gua denger dia nusuk orang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3640 -msgid "She must not be very intelligent." -msgstr "Dia pasti tidak pintar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3642 -msgid "Isn't that exciting?{w=0.26} We never get that type around here." -msgstr "Bukannya asyik?{w=0.26} Kita enggak pernah dapat tipe kayak gitu disekitar sini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3645 -msgid "That's true. Everyone here's kinda forced to become a nerd by default." -msgstr "Itu benar. Semua orang disini agak kepaksa jadi kutu buku dari awal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3648 -msgid "I can't wait to meet her." -msgstr "Gua ga sabar pengen ketemu dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3650 -msgid "What for?{w=0.26} Do you want to get stabbed too?" -msgstr "Buat apa?{w=0.26} Kamu mau ditusuk juga?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3652 -msgid "Sure, why not? Saves me the trouble of doing it myself." -msgstr "Ya, kenapa enggak? Gua ga usah susah-susah lakuin sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3654 -msgid "Noelle rolls her eyes and goes back to organizing her fried rice. She's picking all the sausage bits out so Diya can eat her leftovers." -msgstr "Noelle memutar matanya dan kembali mengatur nasi gorengnya. Dia mengambil semua sosisnya agar Diya bisa makan sisanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3656 -msgid "Don't do that. I like being alive the same time as you." -msgstr "Jangan begitu. Aku suka hidup di waktu yang sama denganmu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3658 -msgid "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me!" -msgstr "Itu hal paling manis yang pernah lu bilang ke gua!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3660 -msgid "Really? Then I take it back." -msgstr "Iya? Kalau gitu tidak jadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3662 -msgid "WOW." -msgstr "WOW." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 -msgid "Noelle slides her thermos across the table at Diya." -msgstr "Noelle menggeser termosnya ke seberang meja pada Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3666 -msgid "Fried rice!!!!!!!" -msgstr "Nasi goreng!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3669 -msgctxt "enterClass_d5c5af2c" -msgid "Hey, Diya." -msgstr "Eh, Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3671 -msgid "How many 2nd graders do you think you could beat up if they came at you in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?" -msgstr "Berapa anak kelas 2 yang kira-kira bisa lu hajar kalau mereka nyerbu dalam 10 gelombang, kalau ada bos anak kelas 5 yang dateng setiap 5 gelombang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3674 -msgid "{cps=0}How many 2nd graders you think you could beat up if they came at you in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Berapa anak kelas 2 yang kira-kira bisa lu hajar kalau mereka nyerbu dalam 10 gelombang, kalau ada bos anak kelas 5 yang dateng setiap 5 gelombang?{/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3679 -msgctxt "enterClass_6ccd5ff9" -msgid "Zero." -msgstr "Nol." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3680 -msgid "Don't want to punch kids." -msgstr "Gak mau nonjok anak kecil." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3683 -msgid "But it's kill or be killed, man!" -msgstr "Tapi bunuh atau dibunuh, bray!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3685 -msgid "You'd just let them beat you??" -msgstr "Lu bakal biarin mereka mukulin lu??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3686 -msgid "Your gravestone's gonna be like, \"Here lies Diya. Killed by 2nd graders.\"" -msgstr "Nisan lu bakal kayak, \"Disini terbaring Diya. Dibunuh oleh anak kelas 2.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3689 -msgid "I'm not going to put that on my gravestone." -msgstr "Aku enggak akan taruh itu di nisanku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3695 -msgid "Maybe like 15." -msgstr "Kayaknya sekitar 15." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3698 -msgid "What! You're underestimating yourself, man." -msgstr "Apa! Lu ngeremehin diri lu sendiri, woi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3700 -msgid "I'm not invincible. This isn't a kung-fu movie." -msgstr "Aku enggak gak terkalahkan. Ini bukan film kung-fu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3703 -msgid "But they're little. It's so easy to mess them up." -msgstr "Tapi mereka kecil. Gampang buat ngacauin mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3704 -msgid "You could just tell them they laugh weird and they'll be self conscious about it for the rest of their lives." -msgstr "Lu bisa bilang ke mereka kalau mereka ketawanya aneh terus mereka bakal pikirin itu selama sisa hidup mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3710 -msgid "At least a few dozen." -msgstr "Seenggaknya beberapa lusin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3713 -msgid "SAVAGE..." -msgstr "BARBAR..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3715 -msgid "You don't feel bad hitting little kids?" -msgstr "Lu ga ngerasa ga enak mukulin bocah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3718 -msgid "Well, they started it." -msgstr "Yah, mereka yang mulai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3719 -msgid "If they don't want to get hit, they shouldn't attack me." -msgstr "Kalau ga mau dipukul, mereka harusnya jangan serang aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3722 -msgid "Noelle looks a bit left out by this conversation." -msgstr "Noelle terlihat sedikit diacuhkan oleh pembicaraan ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3724 -msgid "Why just Diya? How come you're not asking me?" -msgstr "Kenapa Diya saja? Kenapa tidak tanya aku?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3726 -msgid "Because I already know the answer for you." -msgstr "Soalnya gua tau jawaban lu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3728 -msgctxt "enterClass_36a1ed13" -msgid "Zero." -msgstr "Nol." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3731 -msgid "...It's true. You're a weakling." -msgstr "...Benar. Kamu lemah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3734 -msgid "How rude!" -msgstr "Jahat!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3739 -msgid "Noelle, let's arm wrestle." -msgstr "Noelle, ayo panco." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3740 -msgid "I want to show Akarsha. She hasn't seen this." -msgstr "Aku mau tunjukkin Akarsha. Dia belum lihat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3743 -msgid "I don't want to." -msgstr "Aku tidak mau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3744 -msgid "I always lose." -msgstr "Aku kalah terus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3747 -msgid "I'll let you use both hands this time." -msgstr "Kali ini boleh dua tangan deh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3749 -msgid "Noelle makes a face." -msgstr "Noelle merengut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3750 -msgid "Reluctantly, she clasps both her hands on Diya's, so it's sandwiched in between hers." -msgstr "Dengan enggan, dia mengatupkan kedua tangannya pada tangan Diya, jadi diapit diantara miliknya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3752 -msgid "3. 2. 1." -msgstr "3. 2. 1." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3754 -msgid "Noelle strains against Diya's grip with all her might!" -msgstr "Noelle bersusah payah melawan pegangan Diya dengan sekuat tenaga!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3756 -msgid "Nrgh..." -msgstr "Nrgh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3758 -msgid "Ha...Rrrrggghhh!!!" -msgstr "Ha...Rrrrrggghhh!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3760 -msgid "Diya's arm still hasn't budged an inch." -msgstr "Lengan Diya belum bergerak satu inci pun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3761 -msgid "With her free hand, Diya casually continues to eat fried rice." -msgstr "Dengan tangannya yang kosong, Diya dengan santai kembali makan nasi gorengnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3763 -msgid "You...Stop that!" -msgstr "Kamu...Berhenti!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3766 -msgid "Akarsha. What do you think of the weather today?" -msgstr "Akarsha. Cuacanya gimana hari ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3769 -msgid "Stop toying with me!" -msgstr "Jangan permainkan aku!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3772 -msgid "If I did that, I'd break your wrist." -msgstr "Kalau aku kayak gitu, aku bakal patahin pergelangan tangan kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3775 -msgid "You know what I mean." -msgstr "Kamu tahu maksud aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3777 -msgid "Diya pins Noelle's arm to the table as gently as possible." -msgstr "Diya meletakkan lengan Noelle ke meja sepelan mungkin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3779 -msgid "Dang...This is like, some Fox and the Hound shit." -msgstr "Njir...Ini kayak, Fox and the Hound." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3781 -msgid "Normally the scrawny nerds herd together so jocks like Diya don't stuff them into trashcans." -msgstr "Biasanya kutu buku culun ngumpul bareng biar atlet-atlet kayak Diya ga masukin mereka ke tong sampah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3782 -msgid "How did you two even end up friends?" -msgstr "Kalian gimana dah bisa temenan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3785 -msgid "...Don't remember." -msgstr "...Lupa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3788 -msgid "You don't remember?!" -msgstr "Kamu lupa?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3791 -msgid "You were always just there by default." -msgstr "Kamu udah dari sananya disitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3794 -msgid "That is NOT what happened." -msgstr "Itu BUKAN apa yang terjadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3795 -msgid "You had one bad ear, so you had a lot of trouble making sense of what anyone was saying." -msgstr "Kamu punya satu kuping cacat, jadi kamu susah untuk mengerti apa yang orang katakan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3796 -msgid "You'd just play wall ball against yourself or run laps on the track. " -msgstr "Kamu selalu main bola dinding lawan dirimu sendiri atau lari di lintasan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3799 -msgid "That sounds about right. " -msgstr "Kedengarannya benar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3802 -msgid "One day, someone brought in Krispy Kreme donuts for their birthday. " -msgstr "Waktu itu, ada yang bawa donat Krispy Kreme untuk ulangtahunnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3803 -msgid "I didn't like donuts, so I—" -msgstr "Aku tidak suka donat, jadi aku-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3805 -msgid "You don't like donuts??" -msgstr "Lu gak suka donat??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3807 -msgid "I don't like donuts. They're disgusting." -msgstr "Aku tidak suka donat. Menjijikan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3810 -msgid "Disagree. Her tastebuds are broken. " -msgstr "Enggak setuju. Dia engga punya selera." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3813 -msgid "Anyway, I gave mine to you, and in exchange, I received your undying and completly unwanted loyalty." -msgstr "Lanjut, aku beri punyaku padamu, dan sebagai gantinya, aku dapat kesetiaanmu yang abadi dan tidak diinginkan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3814 -msgid "You followed me around everywhere." -msgstr "Kamu mengekoriku kemana-mana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3815 -msgid "You were a major inconvenience." -msgstr "Kamu merepotkan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3818 -msgid "I don't remember any of this." -msgstr "Aku enggak ingat apa-apa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3821 -msgid "How do you not remember? You were so extreme. Whenever the teachers tried to separate us, you'd start crying." -msgstr "Bagaimana kamu tidak ingat? Kamu sangat ekstrim. Kapanpun guru-guru mencoba untuk memisahkan kita, kamu mulai nangis." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3824 -msgid "I seriously don't remember any of this." -msgstr "Aku beneran enggak ingat apa-apa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3827 -msgid "It's probably because your birthday's in November. You were almost a full year younger than me." -msgstr "Mungkin itu karena ulangtahunmu di November. Kamu hampir setahun lebih muda dariku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3828 -msgid "A year is a big gap when you're 5." -msgstr "Setahun itu perbedaan yang besar saat kamu umur 5." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3831 -msgid "True. I was probably like a toddler." -msgstr "Benar. Aku dulu mungkin kayak balita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3833 -msgctxt "enterClass_6ce568f5" -msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "Maaf." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3836 -msgid "I forgive you." -msgstr "Aku memaafkanmu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3838 -msgid "That's hella kawaii." -msgstr "Kawaii bingits." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3840 -msgid "Never use that phrase ever again. " -msgstr "Jangan gunakan kalimat itu lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3842 -msgid "What phrase?" -msgstr "Kalimat apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3844 -msgid "You know what phrase." -msgstr "Kau tahu yang mana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3864 -msgid "Excuse me!" -msgstr "Permisi!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3868 -msgid "????!!" -msgstr "????!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3869 -msgid "She's talking to me!!" -msgstr "Dia ngomong sama aku!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3870 -msgid "No!! Go away!!" -msgstr "Enggak!! Pergi!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3872 -msgid "Diya looks wildly around for Noelle or Akarsha to help her, but they've both already gone ahead into the classroom." -msgstr "Diya mencari-cari Noelle atau Akarsha untuk membantunya, tetapi mereka berdua sudah pergi dahulu ke ruang kelas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3874 -msgid "I remember you! You were {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" -msgstr "Aku inget kamu! Kamu kan {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3876 -msgid "What is she saying?? I've never met her in my life!" -msgstr "Dia ngomong apa?? Aku gak pernah ketemu dia!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3878 -msgid " — new clubs are {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} interest {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" -msgstr " — klub baru lagi {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} mau {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3880 -msgid "Crap. {w=0.26}I can't really make out the words." -msgstr "Njir. {w=0.26}Aku enggak bisa dengar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 -msgid "I'll just nod at appropriate times." -msgstr "Aku hanya bakalan ngangguk di waktu yang tepat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3883 -msgid "We're collecting signatures to {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} approved!" -msgstr "Kita lagi ngumpulin paraf buat {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} disetujui!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3885 -msgid "The stranger hands Diya a clipboard with the signature sheet on it! " -msgstr "Orang asing itu menyerahkan Diya sebuah papan klip dengan lembar tanda tangan di atasnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3887 -msgid "Uh??{w=0.26} What is this??" -msgstr "Hah??{w=0.26} Ini apa??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3893 -msgid "Diya signs the paper!" -msgstr "Diya menandatangani kertasnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3896 -msgid "Thank you very much!{w=0.26} Look forward {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}!" -msgstr "Makasih banyak!{w=0.26} Enggak sabar {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3902 -msgid "Bye!!!" -msgstr "Bye!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3908 -msgid "Diya walks away in the middle of the conversation!" -msgstr "Diya pergi di tengah percakapan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3909 -msgid "She quickly enters the classroom before the girl can stop her." -msgstr "Dia cepat-cepat masuk ke kelas sebelum gadis itu bisa menghentikannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3915 -msgid "The stranger left..." -msgstr "Orang asing itu pergi..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3917 -msgid "Phew. {w=0.26}Glad that's over." -msgstr "Fuh. {w=0.26}Untung selesai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3925 -msgid "Diya quickly enters the classroom before anyone else can try to talk to her." -msgstr "Dia cepat-cepat masuk ke kelas sebelum ada orang lain yang bisa mencoba untuk berbicara dengannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3945 -msgid "Inside, Akarsha and Noelle are playing cards." -msgstr "Di dalam, Akarsha dan Noelle sedang main kartu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3949 -msgid "Time to reveal your hand in 3...2...1..." -msgstr "Waktunya nunjukkin kartu lu dalam 3...2...1..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3951 -msgid "Noelle and Akarsha flip their cards over!" -msgstr "Noelle dan Akarsha membalikkan kartunya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3953 -msgid "Why is there a Yu-Gi-Oh card?!" -msgstr "Kenapa ada kartu Yu-Gi-Oh?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3955 -msgid "Akarsha taps it with her index finger." -msgstr "Akarsha mengetuknya dengan telunjuknya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3957 -msgid "This is Exodia, the Forbidden One." -msgstr "Ini Exodia, the Forbidden One." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3959 -msgid "Think outside the box. Taco Bell." -msgstr "Pikir di luar kotak. Taco Bell." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3961 -msgid "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" -msgstr "KAMU TIDAK BISA LAKUKAN INI!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3963 -msgid "Akarsha reaches across the desk and takes one of Noelle's cards." -msgstr "Akarsha menggapai ke seberang meja dan mengambil satu kartu Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3965 -msgctxt "p6_b4f18a79" -msgid "What are you doing?" -msgstr "Kamu ngapain?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3967 -msgid "You said you were going to play this normally!" -msgstr "Katanya kamu bakal main ini dengan normal!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3969 -msgid "There's no rule in Yu-Gi-Oh saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." -msgstr "Ga ada peraturan di Yu-Gi-Oh kalau kita ga bisa makan kartu lawan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3971 -msgid "WE'RE PLAYING POKER." -msgstr "KITA MAIN POKER." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3973 -msgid "There's no rule in poker saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." -msgstr "Ga ada peraturan di poker kalau kita ga bisa makan kartu lawan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3979 -msgid "Class starts!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily afternoon struggle." -msgstr "Kelas mulai!{w=0.26} Ini mengakhiri keributan sore setiap hari Noelle dan Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3996 -msgid "Alright. Just one more period before the day's over." -msgstr "Oke. Satu jam lagi sampai hari selesai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3998 -msgid "Looking flushed, Noelle wipes sweat off her brow." -msgstr "Terlihat memerah, Noelle mengelap keringat di alisnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4000 -msgid "Why is it so hot?" -msgstr "Kenapa panas banget?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4002 -msgid "Because I'm he—" -msgstr "Soalnya gua di-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4004 -msgid "You shut up!" -msgstr "Kamu diam!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4007 -msgid "*loud, hurt gasp*" -msgstr "*terkesiap*" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4008 -msgid "My heart is exploding, my lungs are without air, my blood is boiling, my body is shaking, and tears are running down my face," -msgstr "Hatiku meledak, paru-paruku tanpa udara, darahku bergejolak, tubuhku bergetar, dan air mata menitik dari wajahku," - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4014 -msgctxt "noelleSick_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4016 -msgid "Noelle is unsteadily grasping the side of a bench for support." -msgstr "Noelle dengan goyah meraih sisi bangku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4018 -msgctxt "noelleSick_7084459b" -msgid "What are you doing?" -msgstr "Kamu ngapain?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4021 -msgid "I feel...extremely dizzy all of a sudden." -msgstr "Aku...tiba-tiba pusing." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4022 -msgid "As a precaution, I will remain stationary until the symptoms—" -msgstr "Sebagai pencegahan, aku akan tetap diam sampai gejalanya-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4026 -msgid "Diya grabs her as she collapses!" -msgstr "Diya menangkapnya sebelum dia jatuh!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4028 -msgid "Her entire body is burning up!" -msgstr "Badannya panas!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4029 -msgid "She must have a fever." -msgstr "Dia kayaknya demam." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4032 -msgid "We'll take you to the nurse's office, dude." -msgstr "Kita bawa lu ke UKS, bro." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4034 -msgid "NO!" -msgstr "JANGAN!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4035 -msgid "Don't you dare. I need to go to next period!" -msgstr "Jangan berani. Aku harus ikut pelajaran habis ini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4036 -msgid "Attendance is 20 percent of my grade in Gym class." -msgstr "Kehadiran itu 20 persen dari nilaiku di kelas Olahraga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4039 -msgid "Missing one day can't hurt. Gym is like a freebie anyway." -msgstr "Bolos sehari ga bakal kenapa-napa. Olahraga kayak gratisan lagian." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4041 -msgid "No, you don't understand...It's my worst subject..." -msgstr "Tidak, kamu tidak mengerti...Itu pelajaranku yang paling parah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4042 -msgid "I can't afford to lose any more points when my mile time is 18 minutes every week..." -msgstr "Aku tidak bisa kehilangan poin lagi saat jarak tempuh aku 18 menit setiap minggu..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4045 -msgid "??????????????!!!!?!" -msgstr "??????????????!!!!?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4046 -msgid "So slow?!!!!! What the? ?? ? ? " -msgstr "Lambat banget?!!!!! Hah? ?? ? ?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4049 -msgid "Don't make that face at me. I'm not you, Diy—" -msgstr "Jangan buat muka itu padaku. Aku bukan kamu, Diy-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4054 -msgid "Noelle launches into a sneezing fit!" -msgstr "Noelle bersin-bersin!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4056 -msgid "Gym's not even math or science. Is it that big of a deal?" -msgstr "Olahraga bahkan bukan mat atau IPA. Emang masalah banget?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4058 -msgid "It'll still ruin her GPA and valedictorian status. Her parents will yell at her and be really mean." -msgstr "Itu masih bakalan ngerusak IPK sama status murid teladannya. Ortunya bakal teriakin dan ngejahatin dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4060 -msgid "What do we do?! If she gets a B because we took her to the nurse's office, it'll destroy her!" -msgstr "Kita harus ngapain?! Kalau dia dapat B gara-gara kita bawa dia ke UKS, itu bakal hancurin dia!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4061 -msgid "But she's in no condition be working out, either! She can't even stand without me holding her up!" -msgstr "Tapi dia juga enggak dalam kondisi buat olahraga juga! Dia bahkan enggak bisa berdiri tanpa aku angkat!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4064 -msgid "Let's use our heads. There's gotta be way out of this." -msgstr "Ayo pake otak kita. Pasti ada jalan keluar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4066 -msgid "Like what?" -msgstr "Kayak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4068 -msgid "Like..." -msgstr "Kayak..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4069 -msgid "If a meteor hits Earth right now, no one will mind if Noelle skips Gym class." -msgstr "Kalau ada meteor nabrak Bumi sekarang, enggak bakal ada yang peduli Noelle bolos kelas Olahraga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4071 -msgid "Brilliant. If the world ends, we're saved." -msgstr "Bagus. Kalau kiamat, kita selamat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4073 -msgid "Even cancelling school would be easier." -msgstr "Bahkan ngebatalin sekolah jauh lebih gampang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4076 -msgid "Hold that thought!" -msgstr "Bentar!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4078 -msgid "If school is cancelled...If school is cancelled {i}right now{/i}..." -msgstr "Kalau ga jadi sekolah...Kalau ga jadi sekolah {i}sekarang{/i}..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4080 -msgid "Snow day? But there's no snow." -msgstr "Salju? Tapi enggak ada salju." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4081 -msgid "Then how? As long as we make it so that no one goes to class, we win." -msgstr "Terus gimana? Yang penting kita buat semuanya enggak masuk kelas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4084 -msgctxt "noelleSick_93212e9d" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4086 -msgid "Akarsha is clearly going down some weird line of reasoning..." -msgstr "Akarsha dengan jelas sedang memikirkan suatu alasan yang aneh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4088 -msgid "...Dude!! I've got it!" -msgstr "...Woi!! Gua dapet!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4093 -msgid "[diyaHomieName], you stay with Noelle while I...uh..." -msgstr "[diyaHomieName], lu tinggal sama Noelle terus gua...uh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4095 -msgid "...Do some stuff." -msgstr "...Ngelakuin sesuatu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4097 -msgid "What stuff?" -msgstr "Sesuatu apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4100 -msgid "Uh..." -msgstr "Uh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4101 -msgid "You're not gonna like it." -msgstr "Lu enggak bakal suka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4103 -msgid "Before I tell you, you gotta promise not to get mad." -msgstr "Sebelum gua kasih tau, janji jangan marah lho." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4105 -msgctxt "noelleSick_6084cb07" -msgid "What?!" -msgstr "Hah?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4108 -msgid "Well? Promise?" -msgstr "Bener? Janji?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4112 -msgctxt "noelleSick_fd841d5d" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4115 -msgid "Diya?! But what if it's something insane?!" -msgstr "Diya?! Tapi kalau misalnya itu gila gimana?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4118 -msgid "Then I'll just be annoyed internally." -msgstr "Kalau gitu aku cuman bakalan kesal dalam hati aja." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4121 -msgid "I knew I could count on you! A true homie!!" -msgstr "Gua tau gua bisa percaya sama lu! Sohib sejati!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4123 -msgid "What about you, Frenchman?" -msgstr "Kalau lu, Frenchman?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4125 -msgid "I can't promise not to get mad! Just tell us already!" -msgstr "Aku tidak bisa janji tidak marah! Kasih tahu aja!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4128 -msgid "Nope! I'm not telling you, then." -msgstr "Gak! Gak bakal aku kasih tahu kalau gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4130 -msgid "But what about me? I agreed." -msgstr "Kalau aku gimana? Aku janji." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4133 -msgid "Heck no. I know how it is with you two." -msgstr "Gak. Gua tau kalian gimana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4134 -msgid "If I tell you, you'll tell Noelle as soon as I'm gone." -msgstr "Kalau gua kasih tau lu, lu bakal bilang Noelle pas gua pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4136 -msgid "...Damn. That's true." -msgstr "...Njir. Bener juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4142 -msgctxt "noelleSick_a2dbca39" -msgid "No." -msgstr "Enggak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4145 -msgid "That's right! How can we promise when we don't even know what it is yet?!" -msgstr "Itu betul! Bagaimana kita bisa janji saat kita bahkan tidak tahu itu apa?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4146 -msgid "Just tell us already!" -msgstr "Kasih tahu aja!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4149 -msgid "Too bad! I'm not telling you, then." -msgstr "Sayang banget! Enggak bakal aku kasih tahu kalau gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4153 -msgid "Adios, amigos!" -msgstr "Adios, amigos!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4155 -msgid "Wait! Where are you going?" -msgstr "Tunggu! Mau kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4158 -msgid "Shrek's swamp." -msgstr "Rawa Shrek." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4161 -msgctxt "noelleSick_2ed201c8" -msgid "Akarsha left..." -msgstr "Akarsha pergi..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4163 -msgctxt "noelleSick_7146bd51" -msgid ".................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4166 -msgctxt "noelleSick_6201b9b7" -msgid ".................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4169 -msgid "I have a bad feeling about this." -msgstr "Aku punya perasaan buruk tentang ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4172 -msgctxt "noelleSick_7c44bd42" -msgid "Me too." -msgstr "Aku juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4175 -msgid "Why does everything have to be some kind of weird mind game with her? It's exhausting." -msgstr "Kenapa semuanya harus jadi semacam permainan pikiran aneh sama dia? Capek banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4186 -msgid "She sounds so weak. She should rest on the bench." -msgstr "Dia kedengaran lemah banget. Dia harus istirahat di bangku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4188 -msgid "Diya sits, then lays Noelle down so her head is resting on her lap." -msgstr "Diya duduk, dan membaringkan Noelle agar kepalanya bersandar di pangkuannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4190 -msgid "Nothing we can do now but wait..." -msgstr "Enggak ada yang bisa kita lakuin sekarang kecuali nunggu..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4193 -msgid "Do we really have to do this?" -msgstr "Kita harus melakukan ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4194 -msgid "This is embarrassing." -msgstr "Memalukan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4197 -msgid "Oh, come on." -msgstr "Ayolah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4198 -msgid "I've seen you throw up in a trash can at Happy Fish Swim School because you were so bad at swimming that you inhaled half a gallon of water." -msgstr "Aku pernah lihat kamu muntah di tong sampah Sekolah Renang Happy Fish soalnya kamu benar-benar enggak bisa berenang sampai nelan setengah galon air." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4199 -msgid "Compared to that, this is like a 3." -msgstr "Dibanding itu, ini kayak 3." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4202 -msgid "But this is different. This right now is unnecessary." -msgstr "Tapi ini beda. Ini sekarang tidak penting." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4203 -msgid "Your thighs are so muscular that I feel like I'm resting my head on a rock." -msgstr "Paha kamu sangat berotot sampai aku merasa sedang istirahat di batu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4206 -msgid "Thanks for the compliment." -msgstr "Makasih pujiannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4209 -msgid "It wasn't a compliment." -msgstr "Itu bukan pujian." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4212 -msgid "How mean." -msgstr "Jahat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4213 -msgid "Now we definitely have to do this." -msgstr "Sekarang kita harus kayak gini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4243 -msgid "Diya presses her hand to Noelle's forehead." -msgstr "Diya menekan tangannya ke dahi Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4246 -msgid "It's hot. Hotter than my own forehead?" -msgstr "Panas. Lebih panas dari jidat aku?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4249 -msgid "Studies show that people who try to diagnose fever by touch significantly overestimate the incidence of fever, sometimes by as much as 40%%." -msgstr "Studi menunjukkan orang-orang yang mencoba untuk mendiagnosa demam dengan sentuhan secara signifikan membesar-besarkan insidensi demam, terkadang sampai 40%%" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4252 -msgid "Oh. Never mind, then." -msgstr "Oh. Yasudah, enggak jadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4263 -msgid "Get into shape." -msgstr "Ayo kuat-kuatin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4265 -msgid "Even ignoring your Gym class grade, the way you are right now is just bad." -msgstr "Bahkan nyampingin nilai kelas Olahraga kamu, kondisi kamu sekarang jelek banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4267 -msgid "You're like that Life Alert commercial. \nI've fallen and I can't get up." -msgstr "Kamu kayak iklan Life Alert itu. \nAku terjatuh dan tak bisa bangkit lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4270 -msgid "I know, I know..." -msgstr "Iya tahu, tahu..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4273 -msgid "Then why don't you do something?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu kenapa kamu enggak ngelakuin sesuatu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4275 -msgid "What if there's a zombie apocalypse and I get bitten first. \nHow are you going to survive?" -msgstr "Gimana kalau ada serangan zombie terus aku digigit duluan. \nGimana caranya kamu hidup?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4278 -msgid "I can't help it! I don't have any time to work out." -msgstr "Ya gimana! Aku tidak punya waktu untuk olahraga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4279 -msgid "I can barely even keep up with my schedule as is." -msgstr "Aku bahkan hampir tidak bisa bertahan dengan jadwalku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4282 -msgid "That's just an excuse." -msgstr "Itu cuman alasan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4283 -msgid "She'd be able to figure something out if her heart was in it." -msgstr "Dia bakal bisa bisa mikirin sesuatu kalau dia niat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4284 -msgid "If only there was a way to get Noelle to enjoy exercising..." -msgstr "Kalau aja ada cara biar Noelle senang olahraga..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4290 -msgid "Did you know that in ancient China, they slept on rock pillows?" -msgstr "Kamu tau kalau di Cina Kuno, mereka tidur di bantal batu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4292 -msgid "I saw on Discovery Channel." -msgstr "Aku nonton di Discovery Channel." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4295 -msgid "This isn't making me feel any better!" -msgstr "Ini tidak membuatku merasa lebih baik!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4298 -msgid "You're going back to your ancient roots." -msgstr "Kamu kembali ke asal-usul kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4301 -msgid "I don't want to go back to my ancient roots!" -msgstr "Aku tidak mau kembali ke asal-usulku!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4308 -msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2-inch tall man for 100 million dollars?" -msgstr "Kamu mau enggak makan manusia kerdil 2 inci buat 100 juta dollar?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4310 -msgid "I bet she's gonna say, \"Of course not. That's illegal.\"" -msgstr "Dia pasti bakalan bilang, \"Tidak. Itu ilegal.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4313 -msgid "Of course not. That's homicide, which is illegal." -msgstr "Tidak. Itu pembunuhan, itu ilegal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4316 -msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_e629b0d2" -msgid "........" -msgstr "........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4319 -msgid "What is this? Some dumb Akarsha question?" -msgstr "Apa ini? Pertanyaan bodoh Akarsha?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4322 -msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_9cbab985" -msgid "Yeah." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4329 -msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_fba0b286" -msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" -msgstr "Berapa lama lagi sampai kelas mulai?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4332 -msgid "About 2 minutes." -msgstr "Sekitar 2 menit." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4333 -msgid "Maybe you should head to class. You'll be tardy." -msgstr "Mungkin kamu harus ke kelas. Kamu bakal terlambat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4336 -msgid "No, it's fine. I run fast." -msgstr "Enggak, gapapa. Aku larinya cepat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4347 -msgid "Suddenly, Noelle tries to sit up!" -msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Noelle berusaha duduk!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4349 -msgid "Her abs are too weak, though, so she fails and flops back down." -msgstr "Tapi, perutnya terlalu lemah, maka dia gagal dan jatuh lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4351 -msgid "What're you doing." -msgstr "Kamu ngapain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4352 -msgid "Becoming a fish?" -msgstr "Jadi ikan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4355 -msgid "I just had a great idea!" -msgstr "Aku dapat ide bagus!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4356 -msgid "You know how on Valentine's Day, you can pay the school to deliver roses to someone?" -msgstr "Kamu tahu kalau saat Hari Valentine, kamu bayar sekolah untuk kirim mawar ke sesorang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4359 -msgid "Oh, like in middle school." -msgstr "Oh, kayak pas SMP." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4360 -msgid "You could have them secretly send your crush candy grams for $5." -msgstr "Kamu bisa diam-diam kasih gebetanmu permen dengan $5." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4363 -msgid "Yes, like that." -msgstr "Iya, seperti gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4364 -msgid "Except here, we're more mature, so it's flowers." -msgstr "Kecuali disini, kita lebih dewasa, jadi bunga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4365 -msgid "We should send Akarsha one, with the message \"From your secret admirer.\"" -msgstr "Kita harus kirim Akarsha satu, dengan pesan \"Dari pengagum rahasiamu.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4367 -msgid "Imagine how confused she'll be!" -msgstr "Bayangkan dia bakal sebingung apa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4368 -msgid "And we can tease her relentlessly about it." -msgstr "Dan kita bisa goda dia tanpa henti." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4369 -msgid "It'll be hilarious!" -msgstr "Bakal lucu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4372 -msgid "Okay, that IS pretty funny." -msgstr "Oke, ITU lumayan kocak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4373 -msgid "It's not even that mean because she'll get free flowers out of it." -msgstr "Itu bahkan enggak terlalu jahat soalnya dia bakalan dapat bunga gratis." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4374 -msgid "The secret admirer part is the best." -msgstr "Bagian pengagum rahasianya yang paling bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4375 -msgid "She'll drive herself nuts trying to figure out who it is." -msgstr "Dia bakalan gila coba cari tahu itu siapa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4378 -msgid "Alternatively, we can sign it with really common initials, like K.C." -msgstr "Kalau tidak, kita bisa menandatanganinya dengan inisal yang sangat umum, seperti K.C." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4379 -msgid "She'll look up every guy with those initials at this school." -msgstr "Dia akan cari setiap laki-laki dengan inisial itu di sekolah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4382 -msgid "That's good too..." -msgstr "Itu bagus juga..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4385 -msgid "I can't decide if it's funnier to have her conclude it's a random person, or for her to be constantly suspicious of everyone." -msgstr "Aku tidak bisa memutuskan kalau lebih lucu untuk buat dia menyimpulkan itu orang asing, atau buat dia terus-terusan curiga ke semua orang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4388 -msgid "Maybe we can do this every year." -msgstr "Mungkin kita bisa lakuin ini tiap tahun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4389 -msgid "Like a tradition." -msgstr "Kayak tradisi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4392 -msgid "Oh my god." -msgstr "Oh my god." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4393 -msgid "You're a genius!" -msgstr "Kamu jenius!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4395 -msgid "The first two years we don't give her any clues." -msgstr "Dua tahun pertama kita tidak akan beri dia petunjuk apapun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4396 -msgid "And then junior year, add the initials and encourage her to jump to the wrong conclusions." -msgstr "Dan saat kelas 11, tambahin inisial dan dukung dia biar loncat ke kesimpulan yang salah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4397 -msgid "That way we'll get to see both." -msgstr "Dengan begitu kita bisa lihat keduanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4399 -msgid "Noelle is in such a good mood that she lets out a creepy, evil laugh." -msgstr "Suasana hati Noelle sedang sangat bagus sampai-sampai dia tertawa dengan jahat dan menyeramkan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4401 -msgid "We can also make the message a cipher. So she has to solve it." -msgstr "Kita juga bisa buat pesannya sandi. Jadi dia harus memecahkannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4404 -msgid "If you put too much math on it, she'll know it's you." -msgstr "Kalau kamu masukin terlalu banyak mat, dia bakal tahu itu kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4407 -msgid "Ciphers aren't math." -msgstr "Sandi bukan mat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4410 -msgid "If you have to explain to me what it is, she'll know it's you." -msgstr "Kalau kamu harus jelasin ke aku, dia bakal tahu itu kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4413 -msgid "Fair enough." -msgstr "Yasudah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4416 -msgid "How much do the roses cost?" -msgstr "Mawarnya berapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4419 -msgid "Probably around $12." -msgstr "Mungkin sekitar $12." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4422 -msgid "$12..." -msgstr "$12..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4423 -msgid "That's $6 per person." -msgstr "Itu $6 per orang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4424 -msgid "Don't really want to spend that much on a joke." -msgstr "Enggak mau habisin sebanyak itu buat candaan. " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4425 -msgid "Especially if it's annual. It'd be $48 in all." -msgstr "Apalagi kalau itu tahunan. Bakalan $48 totalnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4428 -msgid "We could split the cost between more people, so it's more reasonable." -msgstr "Kita bisa patungan dengan lebih banyak orang, jadi lebih masuk akal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4431 -msgid "But we don't have any other friends who would appreciate it." -msgstr "Tapi kita enggak punya temen lain yang bakal ngehargain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4434 -msgctxt "hackedAlarms_320efa19" -msgid "........" -msgstr "........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4435 -msgid "You're right." -msgstr "Benar juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4436 -msgid "Nevermind. Just forget it, then." -msgstr "Tidak jadi. Lupakan, kalau begitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4438 -msgid "Noelle looks immensely disappointed..." -msgstr "Noelle terlihat sangat kecewa..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4454 -msgid "?!??!!" -msgstr "?!??!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4456 -msgid "Someone hacked the fire alarms to play the Super Mario Bros. theme!" -msgstr "Seseorang meretas alarm kebakaran untuk memutar tema Super Mario Bros.!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4460 -msgid "Almost gave me a heart attack..." -msgstr "Hampir serangan jantung..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4463 -msgctxt "hackedAlarms_9899a6c1" -msgid ".........." -msgstr "..........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4465 -msgid "Students come flooding out of the classrooms." -msgstr "Murid-murid keluar dari kelas mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4466 -msgid "They all look really glad for an excuse to leave." -msgstr "Mereka terlihat lega mempunyai alasan untuk pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4468 -msgid "Everyone is evacuating to the field, like we're supposed to." -msgstr "Semuanya evakuasi di lapangan, kayak yang seharusnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4469 -msgid "Can you walk?" -msgstr "Bisa jalan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4472 -msgid "Ye—" -msgstr "Bi-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4474 -msgid "Diya catches Noelle as she pitches forward again." -msgstr "Diya menangkap Noelle saat dia timpang lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4476 -msgid "Nope." -msgstr "Enggak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4493 -msgid "Diya gives Noelle a piggyback ride to the field." -msgstr "Diya menggendong Noelle ke lapangan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4495 -msgid "The entire school is out here now." -msgstr "Seluruh sekolah disini sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4501 -msgid "Sup, homies." -msgstr "Watsap, gais." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4505 -msgid "You!" -msgstr "Kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4506 -msgid "I can't believe you've done this!" -msgstr "Aku tidak percaya kamu melakukan ini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4508 -msgid "I ought to report you to the authorities." -msgstr "Aku seharusnya melaporkanmu ke yang berwenang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4510 -msgid "But you won't." -msgstr "Tapi kamu gak bakalan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4517 -msgid "What, you think I won't just because we're fr...f...fellow acquaintances?" -msgstr "Apa, kamu pikir aku tidak akan hanya karena kita te...t...kenalan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4520 -msgid "FELLOW ACQUAINTANCES??" -msgstr "KENALAN??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4522 -msgid "She was totally about to say \"friends\"." -msgstr "Dia beneran mau bilang \"temen\"." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4525 -msgid "I was not!" -msgstr "Aku tidak!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4528 -msgid "Admit it! Friends! Friends! Friends!" -msgstr "Ayo ngaku! Temen! Temen! Temen!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4531 -msgid "I hate you more than is physically possible right now!" -msgstr "Aku benci kamu lebih dari yang dapat dilakukan saat ini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4535 -msgid "Oh, come on. What did you want me to do?" -msgstr "Oh, ayolah. Lu mau gua ngapain?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4536 -msgid "Travel back in time and change Chinese culture to not see academic achievement as a moral virtue?" -msgstr "Pergi ke masa lalu dan ganti budaya Cina biar enggak lihat pencapaian akademis sebagai kebijaksanaan moral?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4540 -msgid "The one who's getting saved doesn't get to complain." -msgstr "Yang diselamatin enggak boleh ngomel." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4542 -msgid "You broke the law! How can I not complain?!" -msgstr "Kamu melanggar aturan! Bagaimana aku tidak mengeluh?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4545 -msgid "Is anyone on this earth truly innocent?" -msgstr "Emang ada orang di bumi yang benar-benar gak bersalah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4547 -msgid "YOU CAN'T DISTRACT ME WITH FAKE DEEP STATEMENTS!" -msgstr "KAMU TIDAK BISA MENGALIHKANKU DENGAN PERNYATAAN MENDALAM PALSU!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4550 -msgid "You don't appreciate anything I do!" -msgstr "Lu enggak ngehargain apapun yang gua lakuin!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4551 -msgid "Where's my Nobel Peace Prize? Where's my \"Thank you Akarsha, you're awesome\"?" -msgstr "Mana Penghargaan Perdamaian Nobel gua? Mana \"Terima kasih Akarsha, kamu keren\" gua?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4555 -msgid "I'm not thanking you for this illicit \"help\" that I NEVER asked for." -msgstr "Aku tidak berterimakasih padamu untuk \"bantuan\" haram ini yang TIDAK PERNAH aku minta." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4556 -msgid "Were you seriously expecting to be praised? Never have I ever been more embarrased for my fellow man." -msgstr "Kamu benar-benar serius berharap untuk dipuji? Aku tidak pernah semalu ini untuk sesamaku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4559 -msgid "I'm a hero!" -msgstr "Gua pahlawan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4561 -msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO!!!" -msgstr "KAMU BUKAN PAHLAWAN!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4562 -msgid "YOU SCUMBAG!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!" -msgstr "KAMU SAMPAH!!!!! MENJIJIKAN!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4565 -msgid "Fine! Be that way!" -msgstr "Okeh! Gitu aja!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4567 -msgid "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" -msgstr "Maaf. Maafin dong?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4569 -msgid "You don't look even remotely sorry." -msgstr "Kamu tidak terlihat menyesal sama sekali." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4571 -msgid "I can't help it if I think you're funny when you're mad." -msgstr "Gua ga tahan mikir kalau lu tuh lucu pas lagi marah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4573 -msgid "Just don't tell on me and we'll call it even. Deal?" -msgstr "Jangan cepuin gua dan gua anggap adil. Setuju?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4575 -msgid "Akarsha offers her a handshake. Noelle regards it with obvious suspicion." -msgstr "Akarsha menawarkan sebuah jabatan tangan. Noelle memandangnya dengan penuh curiga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4576 -msgid "She cautiously releases her grip on Diya's shoulder and reaches out to shake it." -msgstr "Dia dengan hati-hati melepaskan genggamannya di bahu Diya dan mengulurkan tangan untuk menjabatnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4584 -msgid "Instead of grasping her hand, Akarsha grabs Noelle's wrist. She starts hitting Noelle with her own hand!!" -msgstr "Alih-alih menggenggam tangannya, Akarsha memegang pergelangan tangan Noelle. Dia mulai memukuli Noelle dengan tangan Noelle sendiri!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4586 -msgid "Why're you hitting yourself? Why're you hitting yoursel— " -msgstr "Kenapa mukulin diri lu sendiri? Kenapa mukulin diri lu sendiri— " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4588 -msgid "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" -msgstr "AKU BENCI KAMU!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4589 -msgid "YOU...STUPID!!!!" -msgstr "KAMU...TOLOL!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4592 -msgid "You should've killed me when you had the chance." -msgstr "Lu harusnya bunuh gua waktu sempat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4594 -msgid "Next time, I won't let you off so easy. This is your last warning." -msgstr "Selanjutnya, aku tidak akan melepaskanmu begitu saja. Ini peringatan terakhir." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4597 -msgid "She said that last time. And the time before that." -msgstr "Dia bilang itu terakhir kali. Dan sebelumnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4600 -msgid "Power of friendship!" -msgstr "Kekuatan pertemanan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4601 -msgid "A stranger brushes past Akarsha in the crowd. Akarsha gawks after her, placing her hand on her heart." -msgstr "Seseorang menyenggol Akarsha di kerumunan. Akarsha melongo padanya, menaruh tangannya di dadanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4603 -msgid "What are we..." -msgstr "Apasih..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4620 -msgid "Wait, that looks like...?!" -msgstr "Tunggu, itu kayak...?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4621 -msgid "??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4624 -msgid "Diya chases after the person." -msgstr "Diya mengejar orang tersebut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4626 -msgid "Diya?!" -msgstr "Diya?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4627 -msgid "Where are we going?" -msgstr "Mau kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4630 -msgid "The person." -msgstr "Orang itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4632 -msgid "The person is so short that Diya loses sight of her in crowd." -msgstr "Orang itu sangat pendek sampai-sampai Diya kehilangan dia di kerumunan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4634 -msgid "????????? ???" -msgstr "?????????? ???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4636 -msgid "I lost her!" -msgstr "Aku kehilangan dia!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4638 -msgctxt "ch3_17cf63b0" -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4640 -msgid "Great. I'm so sleep-deprived that I'm literally hallucinating." -msgstr "Bagus. Aku benar-benar kekurangan tidur sampai halusinasi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4656 -msgid "That night, Diya dreams of the past." -msgstr "Malam itu, Diya bermimpi tentang masa lalunya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4701 -msgid "Whoa!! I'm up to bat!!" -msgstr "Wah!! Aku yang mukul!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4702 -msgid "Yeah!!!!!" -msgstr "Yeah!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4703 -msgid "I get to hit the ball!! This is so fun!!!" -msgstr "Aku yang mukul bolanya!! Seru banget!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4707 -msgctxt "battingStart_ce41ef83" -msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" -msgstr "Hei, lihat! Yang mukul cewek!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4708 -msgid "Phew! Our team got lucky!" -msgstr "Fuh! Tim kita hoki!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4710 -msgctxt "battingStart_6e8840cd" -msgid "............" -msgstr "............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4714 -msgid "SHUT UP YOU DUMB...DUMB POO-POO HEAD!!!" -msgstr "DIAM DASAR...DASAR KEPALA TAHI!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4715 -msgid "SAY ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL KILL YOU!!" -msgstr "NGOMONG SATU KATA LAGI DAN AKU BAKAL BUNUH KAMU!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4717 -msgctxt "battingStart_25e3c19d" -msgid "What?!" -msgstr "Apa?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4718 -msgid "\"What?!\" is a word!" -msgstr "\"Apa?!\" itu satu kata!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4720 -msgid "DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" -msgstr "MATIIIIIIIII!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4722 -msgid "A fight broke out in the stands!" -msgstr "Ada perkelahian muncul di tribun!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4725 -msgid "?????!!!" -msgstr "??????!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4733 -msgid "Min is beating the crap out of an old grandpa!" -msgstr "Min sedang menghajar seorang kakek tua!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4735 -msgid "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! I'M A GREEN BELT!" -msgstr "AWAS AJA! AKU SABUK HIJAU!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4738 -msgid "Green belt..." -msgstr "Sabuk hijau..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4740 -msgid "The other adults are rushing to pull her off him." -msgstr "Orang dewasa lainnya cepat-cepat menariknya dari kakek itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4742 -msgctxt "battingStart_db030cf8" -msgid "Min!" -msgstr "Min!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4748 -msgid "Min scrambles down the rafters with everyone chasing after her." -msgstr "Min bergegas menuruni tangga dengan semua orang mengejarnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4749 -msgid "I'm taking you with me!!" -msgstr "Aku bawa kamu sama aku!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4751 -msgid "She grabs Diya's wrist and sprints off with her in tow." -msgstr "Dia memegang pergelangan tangan Diya dan berlari dengannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4753 -msgctxt "battingStart_a768a9ea" -msgid "...!" -msgstr "...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4755 -msgid "Wait! Stop!" -msgstr "Tunggu! Berhenti!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4768 -msgid "We got away." -msgstr "Kita kabur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4771 -msgid "Heheheh!!! I kidnapped you!!" -msgstr "Heheheheh!!! Aku nyulik kamu!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4773 -msgctxt "battingStart_b6399d89" -msgid "Sure." -msgstr "Ya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4776 -msgid "Now we can do whatever we want." -msgstr "Sekarang kita bisa ngelakuin apapun yang kita pingin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4777 -msgid "Come on! I brought Jun's bike!" -msgstr "Ayo! Aku bawa sepedanya Jun!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4779 -msgid "Min pulls Jun-seo's bike out from the bushes." -msgstr "Min menarik keluar sepeda Jun-seo dari semak-semak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4780 -msgid "She mounts the bike and looks at Diya expectantly." -msgstr "Dia menaiki sepedanya dan melihat Diya dengan penuh harap." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4782 -msgid "You sit on the rear rack." -msgstr "Kamu duduk di belakang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4784 -msgid "Shouldn't I be the one pedaling? I'm bigger than you. " -msgstr "Bukannya aku yang harusnya gowes? Aku lebih besar dari kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4787 -msgid "I'm training for when I get taller than you!" -msgstr "Aku latihan buat nanti pas aku lebih tinggi dari kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4789 -msgid "That's never gonna happen. You'll be short forever." -msgstr "Enggak bakal. Kamu bakal kecil terus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4792 -msgid "How do you know?! Just you watch!" -msgstr "Gimana kamu tahu?! Tunggu aja!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4793 -msgid "Are you getting on or not?" -msgstr "Kamu mau naik atau enggak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4795 -msgid "Diya tentatively lowers herself onto the bike rack." -msgstr "Diya dengan ragu-ragu duduk di rak sepeda." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4798 -msgid "So where do you wanna go next?" -msgstr "Jadi mau kemana habis ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4813 -msgid "My house." -msgstr "Rumah aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4816 -msgid "You wanna go home already?!" -msgstr "Udah mau pulang?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4818 -msgid "No, that's not what I meant. You're invited too." -msgstr "Bukan, bukan gitu. Kamu diundang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4819 -msgid "We can play tag and eat ice cream." -msgstr "Kita bisa main kejar-kejaran dan makan es krim." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4822 -msgid "But aren't your parents there? You'll get in trouble if they see me with you." -msgstr "Bukannya orangtua kamu disana? Kamu bakalan dapet masalah kalau mereka lihat aku bareng kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4824 -msgid "Oh, right...darn." -msgstr "Oh, iya...yah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4825 -msgid "My parents are really unreasonable about Min.)\n(I'm actually not even allowed to talk to her." -msgstr "Orangtua aku benar-benar enggak masuk akal tentang Min.)\n(Aku sebenarnya bahkan enggak boleh ngobrol sama dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4827 -msgid "It's so stupid. They don't know anything about her, but just because she has short hair and wears boy clothes they hate her." -msgstr "Bodoh banget. Mereka enggak tahu apa-apa tentang mereka, tapi hanya gara-gara dia punya rambut pendek dan pakai baju cowok mereka benci dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4828 -msgid "They always call her a freak." -msgstr "Mereka selalu bilang dia aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4833 -msgid "Your house." -msgstr "Rumah kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4836 -msgid "We won't be able to get in. My parents came out with me, and I don't have the keys." -msgstr "Kita enggak bakal bisa masuk. Orangtua aku keluar bareng aku, dan aku enggak punya kunci." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4838 -msgid "Oh, right. You're basically a fugitive right now." -msgstr "Oh, iya. Kamu pada dasarnya pelarian sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4841 -msgid "Why do you wanna go to my house, anyway? You've already been there a bunch of times." -msgstr "Legian, kenapa kamu mau ke rumah aku? Kamu udah kesana berkali-kali." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4843 -msgid "It's fun seeing where you live." -msgstr "Seru lihat kamu tinggal dimana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4844 -msgid "I feel like I learn something new every time I go." -msgstr "Aku ngerasa kayak aku belajar sesuatu yang baru setiap kali aku pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4847 -msgid "Really? Like what?" -msgstr "Oh? Kayak apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4849 -msgid "Like, you have to sleep in a girly pink blanket while Jun gets the Hot Wheels one." -msgstr "Kayak, kamu harus harus tidur pakai selimut pink sementara Jun dapat yang Hot Wheels." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4850 -msgid "And there's a treadmill in the living room." -msgstr "Dan ada treadmill di ruang keluarga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4851 -msgid "Remember the time you tried to run on it at 10 Speed to impress me, fell off, and broke your arm?" -msgstr "Inget waktu kamu coba ngejalanin itu di Kecepatan 10 buat bikin aku terkesan, jatuh, terus matahin lengan kamu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4854 -msgid "I, I don't remember that! You must've remembered wrong." -msgstr "A, Aku enggak ingat! Kamu pasti salah ingat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4857 -msgid "And you brush your teeth too hard, so your toothbrush bristles look hilarious." -msgstr "Dan kamu nyikat gigi terlalu keras, jadi bulu sikat gigi kamu kelihatan lucu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4858 -msgid "They're all flattened." -msgstr "Rata semua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4861 -msgid "What's so funny about that?" -msgstr "Apa yang lucu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4862 -msgid "I have to make sure I kill the germs!" -msgstr "Aku harus matiin aku bunuh semua kumannya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4864 -msgid "Of course you do." -msgstr "Iya deh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4870 -msgid "Noelle's house. We can say hi to Noelle." -msgstr "Rumah Noelle. Kita bisa bilang hai ke Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4873 -msgid "What?! Why?!" -msgstr "Apa?! Kenapa?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4877 -msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832" -msgid "I miss her." -msgstr "Aku kangen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4880 -msgid "You just saw her yesterday." -msgstr "Kamu baru lihat dia kemarin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4882 -msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832_1" -msgid "I miss her." -msgstr "Aku kangen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4885 -msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_41b50903" -msgid "Yuck." -msgstr "Ih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4887 -msgid "Oh, come on. You should give her a chance." -msgstr "Oh, ayolah. Kamu harus kasih dia kesempatan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4888 -msgid "She's so funny. She looks at every individual grape before she eats it." -msgstr "Dia lucu banget. Dia lihatin tiap butir anggur sebelum dia makan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4889 -msgid "I know she's kinda aloof, but it'd be so cool if you were friends." -msgstr "Aku tahu dia agak terasing, tapi bakalan keren banget kalau kamu temenan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4892 -msgid "What's \"aloof\" mean?" -msgstr "\"Terasing\" artinya apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4894 -msgid "It's like...cold. She always tries to hide how much she likes you. Like a cat." -msgstr "Itu kayak...dingin. Dia selalu coba nyembunyiin kalau dia suka kamu. Kayak kucing." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4895 -msgid "Once you get used to it, it's sorta cute." -msgstr "Kalau kamu udah biasa, itu agak imut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4898 -msgid "At this, Min's expression dramatically sours." -msgstr "Mendengar ini, ekspresi Min memburuk." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4900 -msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_6e8840cd" -msgid "............" -msgstr "............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4902 -msgid "If you hate it that much, we can go somewhere else." -msgstr "Kalau kamu sebenci itu, kita bisa pergi ke tempat lain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4908 -msgid "Home Depot lights section." -msgstr "Bagian lampu Home Depot." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4911 -msgid "What's so great about that?" -msgstr "Apa yang bagus dari itu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4913 -msgid "There's so many different lamps in one place. The designs are cool, and it's really bright." -msgstr "Ada banyak lampu berbeda di satu tempat. Desainnya keren, dan cerah banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4914 -msgid "The rest of the store is ordinary, but that one aisle feels like a special place in another world." -msgstr "Sisa tokonya biasa aja, tapi bagian itu kerasa kayak tempat spesial di dunia lain.." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4915 -msgid "I like to pretend I'm furnishing a house and pick my favorites." -msgstr "Aku suka pura-pura lagi nyiapin rumah dan pilih favorit aku" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4917 -msgid "Hm." -msgstr "Hm." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4919 -msgid "I know it sounds bland. You don't have to." -msgstr "Aku tahu kedengaran membosankan. Kamu enggak harus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4922 -msgid "No, let's go. It sounds like a place that'd be boring if I went with my parents, but fun if I go with you." -msgstr "Enggak, ayo pergi. Kedengarannya kayak tempat yang ngebosenin kalau aku pergi sama orangtua aku, tapi seru kalau aku pergi sama kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4924 -msgid "I know what you mean. If you're with someone you like, everywhere is interesting." -msgstr "Aku tahu maksud kamu. Kalau kamu sama orang yang kamu suka, semuanya menarik." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4927 -msgid "Which way to Home Depot?" -msgstr "Home Depot kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4929 -msgid "...Not sure. I haven't been there in years." -msgstr "...Gak yakin. Udah lama enggak ke sana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4931 -msgid "Too bad..." -msgstr "Yah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4937 -msgid "Where should we go instead, then?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu, kita kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4943 -msgid "Min, you decide." -msgstr "Min, kamu yang putusin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4948 -msgid "Are you sure? The place I want to take you is pretty far." -msgstr "Yakin? Tempat yang aku pingin bawa kamu lumayan jauh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4949 -msgid "So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that outta the way first." -msgstr "Jadi kalau ada tempat lain yang pingin kamu datengin, mungkin kita harus kesana dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4950 -msgid "{cps=0}So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that outta the way first.{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Jadi kalau ada tempat lain yang pingin kamu datengin, mungkin kita harus kesana dulu.{/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4954 -msgid "On second thought, let's go somewhere else first." -msgstr "Setelah dipikir, ayo kita pergi ke tempat lain dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4957 -msgid "Okay! Where?" -msgstr "Oke! Kemana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4960 -msgctxt "dangerous_57e599f4" -msgid "Diya shakes her head." -msgstr "Diya menggelengkan kepalanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4962 -msgctxt "dangerous_9abc2e50" -msgid "Okay!" -msgstr "Oke!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4964 -msgid "Then hold on tight." -msgstr "Pegangan yang erat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4966 -msgid "You're not telling me where we're going?" -msgstr "Kamu enggak bilang kita ke mana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4969 -msgid "It's a surprise." -msgstr "Kejutan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4989 -msgid "After an extreme amount of effort on Min's part, they arrive at a ravine." -msgstr "Setelah usaha yang ekstrim dari Min, mereka sampai di sebuah jurang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4991 -msgid "We....we...here!!!!" -msgstr "Ki...kita...sampai!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4995 -msgid "That wasn't even a coherent sentence..." -msgstr "Itu bahkan bukan kalimat yang jelas..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4996 -msgid "Are you okay." -msgstr "Kamu gapapa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4999 -msgid "Y-yeah! What kinda weakling do you think I am?!" -msgstr "I-iya! Kamu pikir aku makhluk lemah macam apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5002 -msgid "Her legs must feel like jelly right now, but there's no way she'd ever admit it." -msgstr "Kaki dia pasti rasanya kayak jeli sekarang, tapi enggak mungkin dia bakal ngaku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5004 -msgid "Thanks for the ride." -msgstr "Makasih tumpangannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5007 -msgid "You're welcome! Anytime!!" -msgstr "Sama-sama! Kapanpun!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5009 -msgid "The place is down this hill and through the tunnel." -msgstr "Tempatnya di bawah bukit lewat terowongan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5012 -msgid "Should I get off? It's too steep to bike down." -msgstr "Aku harus turun? Terlalu curam buat naik sepeda." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5015 -msgid "Yeah!! Let's run down!" -msgstr "Iya!! Ayo lari kebawah!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5020 -msgid "Min enthusiastically leaps off the bike and sprints down the hill!" -msgstr "Min dengan antusian melompat dari sepeda dan berlari dengan cepat ke bawah bukit!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5022 -msgid "The bike is just lying there in the grass..." -msgstr "Sepedanya terbaring begitu saja di rumput..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5025 -msgid "Wait. We can't leave this." -msgstr "Tunggu. Kita enggak bisa biarin ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5026 -msgctxt "dangerous_6e8840cd" -msgid "............" -msgstr "............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5028 -msgid "Diya picks up the bike and runs after her. " -msgstr "Diya mengambil sepedanya dan lari mengejarnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5030 -msgid "Min is waiting at the mouth of the tunnel." -msgstr "Min sedang menunggu di mulut terowongan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5033 -msgid "I wanna show you something on the other side. Let's walk through." -msgstr "Aku mau tunjukkin kamu sesuatu di ujungnya. Ayo jalan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5034 -msgid "She peers into the darkness with a hopeful look on her face." -msgstr "Dia melihat ke kegelapan dengan penuh harapan di wajahnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5037 -msgid "What're you looking for?" -msgstr "Kamu cari apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5040 -msgid "Skeletons." -msgstr "Tengkorak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5041 -msgid "Are you scared?" -msgstr "Kamu takut?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5043 -msgid "Don't worry. I'll protect you." -msgstr "Ga usah khawatir. Aku bakal lindungin kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5045 -msgctxt "dangerous_d52b05c9" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5046 -msgctxt "dangerous_fd841d5d" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5047 -msgid "I'm counting on you, then." -msgstr "Kalau gitu, aku ngandelin kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5050 -msgctxt "dangerous_cbdfc056" -msgid "Yeah!!" -msgstr "Yeah!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5051 -msgid "I'll protect you with my life!!!" -msgstr "Aku bakal lindungin kamu!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5052 -msgid "Min grabs Diya's hand." -msgstr "Min memegang tangan Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5054 -msgid "There's water on the ground. Hold on to me so you don't slip." -msgstr "Ada air di tanah. Pegangan biar gak kepeleset." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5056 -msgid "...If I slip like this, you'll just get dragged down with me." -msgstr "...Kalau aku kepeleset kayak gini, kamu hanya bakal ikut jatuh bareng aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5059 -msgid "No, I won't! Trust me!" -msgstr "Enggak, gabakal! Percaya aja!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5099 -msgid "There's a squirrel scampering up the tree." -msgstr "Ada seekor tupai berlari di atas pohon." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5100 -msgid "When it sees Diya staring, it lifts one paw." -msgstr "Saat tupai itu melihat Diya menatapnya, tupai itu mengangkat satu tangannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5102 -msgid "Whoa!! It waved at us!" -msgstr "Wah!! Dia melambai ke kita!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5104 -msgid "Min. It's waving. Min, look." -msgstr "Min. Dia melambai. Min, lihat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5105 -msgid "That squirrel just waved at us." -msgstr "Tupai itu baru saja melambai ke kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5108 -msgid "You're way too excited about this." -msgstr "Kamu semangat banget tentang ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5111 -msgid "Then why are you smiling?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu kenapa kamu senyum?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5114 -msgid "Because it's cute." -msgstr "Soalnya imut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5116 -msgctxt "lookSquirrel_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5117 -msgid "Really. I didn't know you liked squirrels." -msgstr "Beneran. Aku enggak tahu kamu suka tupai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5120 -msgid "I was talking about you." -msgstr "Maksudnya kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5123 -msgctxt "lookSquirrel_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5125 -msgid "Diya's face feels strangely hot..." -msgstr "Wajah Diya terasa panas..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5137 -msgid "It's pitch black inside the tunnel." -msgstr "Gelap gulita di terowongan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5139 -msgid "If it weren't for Min, Diya actually would be a bit scared now." -msgstr "Kalau bukan karena Min, Diya sebenarnya akan sedikit ketakutan sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5141 -msgid "Don't worry, Diya. I got this." -msgstr "Gapapa, Diya. Aku bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5142 -msgid "She stomps her foot. Her Skechers light up." -msgstr "Dia menginjak-injak kakinya. Sketchersnya menyala." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5143 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_1856bd91" -msgid "Whoa!!!" -msgstr "Whoa!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5145 -msgid "Diya is really impressed!" -msgstr "Diya sangat terkesan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5147 -msgid "Teach me how to count to ten!" -msgstr "Ajarin aku cara menghitung sampai sepuluh!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5149 -msgid "Okay. {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" -msgstr "Oke. {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5152 -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5154 -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5157 -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5159 -msgid "After a minute, Min has learned the numbers up to 10." -msgstr "Setelah satu menit, Min telah belajar angka sampai 10." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5161 -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5163 -msgid "I'm probably gonna forget it all over again in a few days." -msgstr "Aku mungkin bakalan lupa lagi dalam beberapa hari." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5164 -msgid "Then I'll teach it to you again, when it happens." -msgstr "Kalau gitu aku bakal ngajarin kamu lagi, kalau itu terjadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5165 -msgid "I'll do it over and over forever if you want. I don't mind." -msgstr "Aku bakal ulang terus kalau kamu mau. Aku enggak keberatan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5167 -msgid "Okay. My turn to teach you." -msgstr "Oke. Giliran aku ajarin kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5168 -msgid "I still remember some from last time." -msgstr "Aku masih ingat dari yang terakhir kali." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5170 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5172 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0" -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5174 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5175 -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5177 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae_1" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5178 -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5179 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744_1" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5181 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0_1" -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5182 -msgid "I forgot it again." -msgstr "Aku lupa lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5185 -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font} How come you can never remember five?" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font} Gimana kamu gak pernah bisa ingat lima?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5187 -msgid "It sounds off." -msgstr "Kedengarannya aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5189 -msgid "Off?! Does not." -msgstr "Aneh?! Nggak tuh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5190 -msgid "Does too. It doesn't feel like a five." -msgstr "Iya. Kayak bukan lima." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5193 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_832167b5" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5195 -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5201 -msgid "....????????????" -msgstr "....?????????????" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5202 -msgid "Dogs?" -msgstr "Anjing?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5208 -msgid "It takes a moment for Diya's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight." -msgstr "Butuh beberapa saat untuk mata Diya untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan sinar matahari yang cerah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5213 -msgid "Do you like it?" -msgstr "Kamu suka?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5217 -msgid "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5218 -msgid "It's a dog park!" -msgstr "Taman anjing!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5219 -msgid "Can we go in even though we don't have a dog?" -msgstr "Kita boleh masuk meski ga punya anjing?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5222 -msgctxt "enterTunnel_b29651b9" -msgid "Yeah!" -msgstr "Iya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5223 -msgid "I found this place by accident back when I ran away from home." -msgstr "Aku ga sengaja nemuin tempat ini pas aku kabur dari dari rumah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5225 -msgid "A few weeks ago, Min ran away from home because she didn't want to eat a tomato." -msgstr "Beberapa minggu lalu, Min kabur dari rumah soalnya dia enggak mau makan tomat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5228 -msgid "The park is divided into two sides." -msgstr "Tamannya dibagi menjadi dua bagian." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5229 -msgid "There's a sign above one of the gates. It reads:" -msgstr "Ada tanda di atas salah satu pintu gerbang. Berbunyi:" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5230 -msgid "{u}Small dogs only{/u}\nUnder 30 pounds" -msgstr "{u}Hanya anjing kecil{/u}\nDibawah 30 pon." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5232 -msgid "Oh my god!! They have it separated by weight!" -msgstr "Oh my god!! Mereka dibagi dari berat!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5233 -msgid "Under 30 pounds! That's so cute!" -msgstr "Di bawah 30 pon! Lucu banget!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5236 -msgid "Which side do you wanna see?" -msgstr "Bagian mana yang kamu mau lihat?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5246 -msgid "Min swings the gate open and gestures for Diya to go ahead." -msgstr "Min membuka gerbangnya dan mempersilahkan Diya untuk pergi lebih dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5249 -msgid "Ladies first." -msgstr "Wanita dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5251 -msgctxt "enclosure_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5263 -msgid "There's so many dogs!!" -msgstr "Ada banyak anjing!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5264 -msgid "They're all friends with each other!!! Dog friends!!!" -msgstr "Mereka semua temenan!!! Temen anjing!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5265 -msgid "I've died and gone to heaven!!!" -msgstr "Aku mati dan pergi ke surga!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5269 -msgid "A husky trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." -msgstr "Seekor husky berlari ke arah Diya dengan sebuah frisbee di mulutnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5273 -msgid "A chihuahua trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." -msgstr "Seekor chihuahua berlari ke arah Diya dengan sebuah frisbee di mulutnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5275 -msgid "He drops it at Diya's feet and looks up at her expectantly." -msgstr "Dia menjatuhkannya di kaki Diya dan melihat padanya dengan penuh ekspektasi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5277 -msgid "He wants me to throw it!!!" -msgstr "Dia mau aku lempar frisbeenya!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5279 -msgid "Diya sets down the bike and hurls the frisbee as hard as she can." -msgstr "Diya menurunkan sepedanya dan melemparkan frisbeenya sekuat yang ia bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5280 -msgid "The dog gallops after it!" -msgstr "Anjing itu mengerjarnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5281 -msgid "He catches it with a running leap, zooms straight back to her, and drops it at Diya's feet again." -msgstr "Dia menangkapnya dengan larian lompatan, berlari kembali padanya, dan menjatuhkannya di kaki Diya lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5282 -msgid "He's wagging his tail so hard that his butt shakes." -msgstr "Dia menggoyangkan ekornya dengan sangat kencang sampai-sampai pantatnya bergoyang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5284 -msgid "What a good dog!!!!" -msgstr "Anjingnya baik banget!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5285 -msgid "He's so talented!!!" -msgstr "Dia pinter banget!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5288 -msgid "Diya is almost crying..." -msgstr "Diya hampir menangis..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5290 -msgid "Are you happy?" -msgstr "Senang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5293 -msgid "This is the best day of my life." -msgstr "Ini hari terbaik di hidup aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5294 -msgid "Thank you, Min." -msgstr "Makasih, Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5297 -msgid "You're welcome!" -msgstr "Sama-sama!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5300 -msgid "Do you wanna try throwing the frisbee?" -msgstr "Kamu mau coba lempar frisbeenya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5303 -msgid "No, it's fine. I like watching you do it." -msgstr "Enggak, gapapa. Aku suka nontonin kamu ngelempar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5306 -msgctxt "enclosure_fd841d5d" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5309 -msgid "Diya throws the frisbee again. The dog tears off after it with such gusto that grass goes flying behind him." -msgstr "Diya melempar frisbeenya lagi. Anjing itu mengejarnya dengan semangat sampai-sampai rumput terbang di belakangnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5311 -msgctxt "enclosure_8683854e" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5312 -msgctxt "enclosure_e66a3853" -msgid "Hey, Diya." -msgstr "Hei, Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5315 -msgctxt "enclosure_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5318 -msgid "If you want, you can live in my house when we grow up. I'll buy you all the dogs you want." -msgstr "Kalau kamu mau, kamu bisa tinggal di rumah aku pas sudah besar. Aku beliin kamu semua anjing yang kamu pingin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5321 -msgid "All the dogs...!" -msgstr "Semuanya...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5324 -msgid "And I'll get to see you every day. I'll drive you around in my Corvette and make everyone jealous." -msgstr "Dan aku bisa lihat kamu tiap hari. Aku bakal setirin kamu kemana-mana di Corvette aku dan buat semua orang iri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5327 -msgid "Drive the dogs around too. They can wear goggles so the wind doesn't sting their eyes." -msgstr "Bawa anjing-anjingnya juga. Mereka bisa pakai kacamata jadi angin enggak nyengat mata mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5330 -msgid "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want." -msgstr "Iya, boleh. Apapun yang kamu mau." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5332 -msgid "We'll be so far from our parents that we never have to see them again." -msgstr "Kita bakalan jauh banget dari orangtua kita sampe kita enggak perlu lihat mereka lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5333 -msgid "And if we go somewhere with snow, you can throw snowballs towards me and I'll punch them all out of the air. It'll look pretty cool." -msgstr "Dan kalau kita pergi ke tempat yang bersalju, kamu bisa lempar bola salju ke aku terus aku bakal pukul semuanya di udara. Itu bakal keliatan keren." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5336 -msgid "Wow!!! Great plan!!!" -msgstr "Wow!!! Rencana yang bagus!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5337 -msgid "Okay. Let's do it." -msgstr "Oke. Ayo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5340 -msgid "Really?! Are you sure?" -msgstr "Beneran?! Kamu yakin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5343 -msgid "Min reaches out and gently cups Diya's face with her palms." -msgstr "Min meraih dan dengan lembut menangkup wajah Diya dengan telapak tangannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5346 -msgid "GGFFKKKKGKJ??!! FGFJHFJ!!!!!" -msgstr "GGFFKKKKGKJ??!! FGFJHFJ!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5347 -msgid "What's happening?? This is great!! Wow!!!!!!" -msgstr "Ada apa?? Ini bagus!! Wow!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5354 -msgctxt "enclosure_06530a49" -msgid "!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5364 -msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5368 -msgctxt "ch5_aaf68681" -msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." -msgstr "Diya memukul alarmnya dan terjatuh di tempat tidur." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5371 -msgid "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " -msgstr "Rutinitas paginya termasuk terbaring di tempat tidur selama 10 menit memikirkan betapa capeknya dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5376 -msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_1" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5377 -msgid "I didn't realize it back then, but now that I think about it, that was really..." -msgstr "Aku dulu enggak sadar. tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir, itu bener-bener..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5378 -msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_2" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5381 -msgid "Could it be that I'm...I'm a..." -msgstr "Apa jangan-jangan aku...aku..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5382 -msgid "Les....................lesb............." -msgstr "Les....................lesb............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5383 -msgid "....biab...." -msgstr "....biab...." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5384 -msgid "Les...............biam......" -msgstr "Les...............biam......" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5385 -msgid "........Girls........." -msgstr "........Cewek........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5386 -msgctxt "ch5_c50f2165" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5387 -msgid "No, that's impossible. I don't feel that way about other girls at all." -msgstr "Gak, gak mungkin. Aku enggak ngerasa kayak gitu sama cewek lain sama sekali." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5388 -msgid "Because Min looked and acted like that, my heart must've confused her with a guy." -msgstr "Gara-gara Min kelihatan dan bertingkah kayak gitu, hati aku pasti ngebingungin dia sama cowok." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5389 -msgid "Any girl would've felt something even if they were straight." -msgstr "Cewek mana pun bakalan ngerasain sesuatu bahkan kalau mereka lurus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5390 -msgid "And it was just her. Min was special, so she was an exception." -msgstr "Dan cuman dia aja. Min spesial, jadi dia pengecualian." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5391 -msgid "Plus, nothing ever came out of it. It's in the past now." -msgstr "Plus, nggak ada hasilnya. Itu masa lalu sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5392 -msgid "Something like that'll never happen again." -msgstr "Sesuatu yang kayak gitu ga bakal terjadi lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5393 -msgid "So it doesn't count, right?" -msgstr "Jadi ga termasuk, kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5394 -msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_3" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5395 -msgid "If Min hadn't moved away, what would've happened?" -msgstr "Kalau Min gak pindah, bakalan gimana ya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5398 -msgid "After 10 minutes, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands." -msgstr "Setelah 10 menit, Diya tanpa semangat melepaskan diri dari kasur dan berdiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5404 -msgctxt "ch5_c66f35de" -msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." -msgstr "Temen sekelas aku Akarsha ngirimin aku pesan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5416 -msgctxt "ay2_8e0ddc15" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5419 -msgctxt "ay2_6ffc76d4" -msgid "ay diya" -msgstr "ey diya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5420 -msgctxt "ay2_076b730f" -msgid "ay" -msgstr "ey" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5421 -msgctxt "ay2_b771df90" -msgid "ayy" -msgstr "eyy" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5422 -msgctxt "ay2_1acbd9bd" -msgid "What" -msgstr "Apa" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5423 -msgid "what do u call a lesbian w long nails??" -msgstr "lesbian pk kuku panjang disebut apa?? " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5424 -msgid "single xD" -msgstr "jomblo xD" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5425 -msgid "Diya has gone offline." -msgstr "Diya sudah offline." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5430 -msgctxt "ay2_a9db357b" -msgid ".........." -msgstr "..........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5440 -msgctxt "ay2_fdd5289a" -msgid "Diya goes outside." -msgstr "Diya pergi keluar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5443 -msgid "Hey Diya!" -msgstr "Woi Diya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5446 -msgid "If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes." -msgstr "Kalau gua enzim, gua bakal jadi helikase DNA biar gua bisa buka gen lu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5448 -msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b" -msgid "....................." -msgstr "......................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5451 -msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her." -msgstr "Diya dengan cepat mulai berjalan pergi tanpa dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5453 -msgid "Man, you're not even trying!" -msgstr "Yah anjir, lu bahkan ga berusaha!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5454 -msgid "The optimal counterflirt would be, \"Then I’ll be your topoisomerase to help you relieve your tension.\"" -msgstr "Balasan yang optimal tuh, \"Jadi aku bakalan jadi topoisomerase kamu buat bantu kamu biar ga tegang.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5456 -msgid "No one in the right mind would respond with that!" -msgstr "Enggak ada orang waras yang mau jawab kayak gitu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5466 -msgid "Hey, you know I'm just kidding, right?" -msgstr "Woi, gua kan bercanda doang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5468 -msgid "When there's no one around to flirt with, I flirt with you just to practice." -msgstr "Kalau ga ada orang yang bisa gua godain, gua gombalin lu buat latihan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5472 -msgid "It's not funny." -msgstr "Enggak lucu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5476 -msgid "In her haste to catch up with Diya, Akarsha trips over a crack in the sidewalk." -msgstr "Dalam usahanya untuk mengejar Diya, Akarsha tersandung retakan di trotoar." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5479 -msgid "Parkour." -msgstr "Parkour." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5482 -msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b_1" -msgid "....................." -msgstr "......................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5494 -msgid "The Prop 8 supporters are back at it again." -msgstr "Pendukung Prop 8 kembali lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5496 -msgid "Defend marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" -msgstr "Lindungi pernikahan! Ya untuk Prop 8!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5497 -msgid "Protect the children! Gay sex is sin!" -msgstr "Lindungi anak kecil! Seks gay dosa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5511 -msgctxt "ay2_df3f6405" -msgid "Hey, Diya..." -msgstr "Hei, Diya..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5512 -msgid "Imagine biting into a Gusher the size of your hand." -msgstr "Bayangin ngegigit Gusher sebesar tangan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5514 -msgid "Diya imagines it." -msgstr "Diya membayangkannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5519 -msgid "Cool." -msgstr "Keren." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5520 -msgid "I want one." -msgstr "Aku pengen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5523 -msgid "Right??" -msgstr "Ya kan??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5528 -msgctxt "ay2_27ffda17" -msgid "Yuck." -msgstr "Ih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5531 -msgid "Yuck?!" -msgstr "Ih?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5534 -msgid "Too big." -msgstr "Kegedean." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5546 -msgid "We're here." -msgstr "Kita sampai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5563 -msgctxt "p12_32d61905" -msgid "Diya! Help me!" -msgstr "Diya! Bantu aku!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5565 -msgid "Bonjour," -msgstr "Bonjour," - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5572 -msgid "Noelle smacks Akarsha really hard!" -msgstr "Noelle memukul Akarsha dengan sangat keras!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5574 -msgid "OW!! How mean!!!" -msgstr "OW!! Jahat ih!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5576 -msgid "Noelle hands Diya the water bottle as though nothing happened." -msgstr "Noelle memberikan Diya botol air minumnya seolah tidak ada yang terjadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5579 -msgid "Diya twists the plastic sealed cap open and returns the bottle to Noelle." -msgstr "Diya membuka tutup plastiknya dan mengembalikan botolnya pada Noelle." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5581 -msgctxt "p12_c728b2c9" -msgid "Thank you." -msgstr "Terima kasih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5582 -msgid "Are you alright? You seem off." -msgstr "Kamu tidak apa-apa? Kamu terlihat aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5584 -msgid "Think about that before you hit me??" -msgstr "Pikir itu sebelum mukul gua??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5586 -msgid "Not everything is about you. I was talking to Diya." -msgstr "Tidak semuanya tentang kamu. Aku berbicara dengan Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5588 -msgctxt "p12_d6b9f21f" -msgid "...?!" -msgstr "...?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5591 -msgid "What? But there's nothing wrong with her." -msgstr "Kenapa? Ga ada yang salah sama dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5593 -msgid "Are you blind? She looks like a dog who just ate a Christmas ornament." -msgstr "Kamu buta? Dia seperti anjing yang habis makan ornamen Natal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5595 -msgid "Crap! That obvious??" -msgstr "Njir! Jelas banget??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5599 -msgid "Are you devastated about tiger sharks again?" -msgstr "Lu sedih gara-gara hiu macan lagi?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5601 -msgctxt "p12_9d73f57c" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5603 -msgid "Diya found a picture of what tiger sharks look like the other day and was so disappointed that she had to go lie down." -msgstr "Diya nemu foto hiu macan waktu itu dan kecewa banget sampe harus rebahan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5604 -msgid "I don't even know what she was expecting." -msgstr "Gua bahkan ga tau dia berekspektasi apa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5606 -msgid "Okay, I seriously doubt that's the issue right now." -msgstr "Oke, aku benar-benar ragu itu masalahnya sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5608 -msgid "Diya, let me rephrase." -msgstr "Diya, biarkan aku ulangi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5609 -msgid "You are secretly worried about something and you can tell me what it is." -msgstr "Kamu diam-diam khawatir tentang sesuatu dan kamu bisa beri tahu aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5611 -msgctxt "p12_aba95152" -msgid "......................" -msgstr "......................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5612 -msgid "I can't tell her. That I'm......" -msgstr "Aku enggak bisa bilang dia. Kalau aku......." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5613 -msgctxt "p12_c3a1ef6e" -msgid "....................." -msgstr "......................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5616 -msgid "I knew it. She's becoming emo." -msgstr "Tuh kan. Dia jadi emo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5618 -msgid "All the warning signs were there. The black hair, the—" -msgstr "Semua peringatannya ada. Rambut hitam, terus-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5620 -msgid "We {i}ALL{/i} have black hair." -msgstr "Kita {i}SEMUA{/i} rambutnya hitam." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5622 -msgid "Diya, you know you can tell me anything, right?" -msgstr "Diya, kamu tahu kamu bisa beri tahu aku apapun, kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5623 -msgid "Let me know if you change your mind." -msgstr "Beri tahu aku kalau kamu berubah pikiran." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5625 -msgctxt "p12_7d7b582b" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5652 -msgid "The flier says:\nJoin the new Baseball Club!!\nBeginners welcome!" -msgstr "Selebarannya bertuliskan:\nIkuti Klub Baseball yang baru!!\nPemula boleh masuk!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5654 -msgctxt "baseballPoster_ee717027" -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5655 -msgid "It's a baseball club!!!" -msgstr "Ada klub Baseball!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5656 -msgid "Baseball club!!!!!" -msgstr "Klub baseball!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5659 -msgid "It'll probably be all guys." -msgstr "Palingan semuanya cowok." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5661 -msgid "What? Don't girls play baseball, too?" -msgstr "Apa? Cewek juga main baseball, kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5662 -msgid "I saw on TV before." -msgstr "Aku lihat di TV." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5664 -msgid "You're thinking of softball. Not baseball." -msgstr "Kamu mikirnya softball. Bukan baseball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5667 -msgid "What's the difference?" -msgstr "Bedanya apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5669 -msgid "Softball is like baseball put through Google Translate and back." -msgstr "Softball kayak baseball masuk Google Translate dan balik." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5670 -msgid "Everything's off by a few degrees." -msgstr "Semuanya beda beberapa derajat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5674 -msgid "Diya takes a closer look at the flyer. The first meeting is this Friday." -msgstr "Diya melihat lebih dekat selabaran tersebut. Pertemuan pertamanya Jumat ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5676 -msgid "It'll be scary going all by myself. But I made a promise, back then." -msgstr "Bakalan serem pergi sendiri. Tapi aku dulu janji." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5677 -msgid "She would've been disappointed if I didn't go." -msgstr "Dia bakal kecewa kalau aku enggak pergi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5714 -msgid "Are you going to be okay on your own with a bunch of strangers?" -msgstr "Kamu akan tidak apa-apa sendiri di tengah orang asing?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5717 -msgctxt "meeting_1612cdcc" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "................" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5719 -msgid "I thought so." -msgstr "Tuh kan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5720 -msgid "If you're going, I'm going with you." -msgstr "Kalau kamu pergi, aku ikut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5722 -msgctxt "meeting_1c63452a" -msgid "!!!" -msgstr "!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5723 -msgid "But don't you hate sports?" -msgstr "Tapi bukannya kamu benci olahraga?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5726 -msgid "Of course I won't participate. I'll just utilize the time to do homework." -msgstr "Aku tidak akan ikut. Aku hanya akan manfaatkan waktunya untuk mengerjakan PR." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5728 -msgctxt "meeting_46384388" -msgid "Thanks." -msgstr "Makasih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5729 -msgid "Phew. I feel a bit better now." -msgstr "Fuh. Aku baikan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5732 -msgid "Back by unpopular demand: me." -msgstr "Kembali karena permintaan tidak populer: gua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5734 -msgid "Why are you here?" -msgstr "Kenapa kamu disini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5736 -msgid "I'm bored. There's not enough drama around here for my taste." -msgstr "Gua bosen. Ga ada cukup drama disini buat selera gua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5737 -msgid "I'll be the idea man." -msgstr "Gua jadi pembuat ide." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5739 -msgid "We don't need an \"idea man\"!" -msgstr "Kita tidak butuh seorang \"pembuat ide\"!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5741 -msgid "New baseball rule: Everyone gets a brick. What you do with it is up to you." -msgstr "Aturan baseball baru: Semua dapet batu bata. Terserah mau diapain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5743 -msgid "Baseball without limits." -msgstr "Baseball tanpa batas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5745 -msgid "JUST GO HOME ALREADY!!" -msgstr "PULANG SANA!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5752 -msgid "There's a stranger over there." -msgstr "Ada orang asing di sana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5753 -msgid "Wow, she's taller than me." -msgstr "Wow, dia lebih tinggi dari aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5756 -msgctxt "meeting_501f1550" -msgid "........." -msgstr "........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5760 -msgid "Diya accidentally makes eye contact with her!" -msgstr "Diya tidak sengaja melakukan kontak mata dengannya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5761 -msgid "...Hey!" -msgstr "...Hei!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5763 -msgid ".......!" -msgstr ".......!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5766 -msgid "The stranger starts walking over!" -msgstr "Orang asing itu berjalan kearahnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5768 -msgid "Crap. She's coming this way." -msgstr "Anjir. Dia datang kesini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5770 -msgid "She looks intimidating! If I say the wrong thing she'll think I'm weird." -msgstr "Dia kelihatan menakutkan! Kalau aku salah ngomong dia bakalan ngira aku aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5771 -msgid "Maybe if I lie motionless on the ground she'll think I'm asleep or dead." -msgstr "Mungkin kalau aku rebahan enggak gerak dia bakalan ngira aku tidur atau mati." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5772 -msgid "Yeah. Good plan." -msgstr "Ya. Rencana yang bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5777 -msgid "Diya plays dead!" -msgstr "Diya berpura-pura mati!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5778 -msgid "No! Diya, don't do this!" -msgstr "Woi! Diya, jangan begini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5779 -msgid "Hey! You guys are here to join the baseball club, right?" -msgstr "Hei! Kalian kesini buat ikut klub baseball, kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5781 -msgid "I'm Chryssa!" -msgstr "Aku Chryssa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5782 -msgid "They call me...Ookoobshoob." -msgstr "Mereka menyebutku...Ookoobshoob." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5783 -msgid "NO, THEY DON'T." -msgstr "TIDAK, MEREKA TIDAK." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5784 -msgid "It's Welsh." -msgstr "Itu Bahasa Welsh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5785 -msgid "IT'S NOT Welsh." -msgstr "ITU BUKAN Bahasa Welsh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5786 -msgid "Her name is Akarsha." -msgstr "Namanya Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5787 -msgid "I'm so sorry. She's always like this." -msgstr "Aku minta maaf, dia selalu seperti ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5788 -msgid "And this is Diya. Get up!" -msgstr "Dan ini Diya. Bangun!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5789 -msgid "Noelle is trying to pull an unresponsive Diya back into upright position." -msgstr "Noelle berusaha menarik Diya yang tidak bergerak kembali tegak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5790 -msgid "Really???" -msgstr "Sungguh???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5791 -msgid "Uh...is she okay?" -msgstr "Anu...dia gapapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5792 -msgid "She's fine. She just takes a while to warm up to people." -msgstr "Dia baik-baik saja. Dia hanya butuh waktu untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan orang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5793 -msgid "No kidding. She did this to me for the entire month of September." -msgstr "Beneran. Dia sebulan begini terus ke gua waktu September." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5794 -msgctxt "meeting_e629b0d2" -msgid "........" -msgstr "........" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5797 -msgid "Diya has finally given up on faking her death..." -msgstr "Diya akhirnya menyerah memalsukan kematiannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5799 -msgid "Quiet kid, huh?" -msgstr "Anaknya pendiam, ya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5801 -msgid "Why does everyone always say that? I'm not that quiet." -msgstr "Kenapa semuanya bilang begitu? Aku nggak sediam itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5804 -msgid "She's not much of a talker, but she's SHREDDED." -msgstr "Dia gak banyak omong, tapi dia OTOTAN." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5805 -msgid "Look how ripped her abs are." -msgstr "Liat nih absnya segimana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5807 -msgid "Akarsha tries to lift up Diya's shirt to expose her stomach." -msgstr "Akarsha mencoba mengangkat kaos Diya untuk memperlihatkan perutnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5808 -msgid "Calmly, Diya catches Akarsha's wrist and twists it behind her back." -msgstr "Dengan tenang, Diya menangkap pergelangan tangan Akarsha dan memutarnya ke belakang punggungnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5810 -msgid "Augh!! Okay!! Mercy!!" -msgstr "Agh!! Oke!! Ampun!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5812 -msgid "Diya played a lot of baseball back in elementary school." -msgstr "Diya sering main baseball waktu SD." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5814 -msgid "That's great! What position did she play?" -msgstr "Itu bagus! Posisi apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5816 -msgid "Uh........" -msgstr "Anu......." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5818 -msgid "She's the person standing behind the.....the swinging place." -msgstr "Dia orang yang berdiri di.....tempat ayunan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5820 -msgid "You mean the batter's box. I'm a catcher." -msgstr "Maksud kamu kotak batter. Aku catcher." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5823 -msgid "The {i}swinging place?{/i} Really, man?" -msgstr "{i}Tempat ayunan?{/i} Beneran, woi?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5825 -msgid "Shut up! How was I supposed to know?!" -msgstr "Diam! Bagaimana aku tahu?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5827 -msgid "What do you call the bat, then? \"The baseball stick\"?" -msgstr "Terus lu sebut tongkat pemukul apa? \"Batang baseball\"?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5829 -msgid "I said shut up!!!" -msgstr "Kubilang diam!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5831 -msgid "What about you, Akarsha?" -msgstr "Kalau kamu, Akarsha?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5833 -msgid "I can bench press over six million and ninety-two nanograms." -msgstr "Gua bisa bench press lebih dari enam miliar dan sembilan puluh dua nanogram." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5835 -msgid "...That's barely 2 pounds." -msgstr "...Itu nyaris 2 pon." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5837 -msgid "It sounded better the way I said it." -msgstr "Kedengarannya lebih bagus degan cara gua ngomongnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5839 -msgid "Chryssa turns to Noelle and points at her." -msgstr "Chryssa berbalik pada Noelle dan menunjuknya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5841 -msgid "What about you? You haven't introduced yourself yet." -msgstr "Kalau kamu? Kamu belum perkenalin diri kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5843 -msgid "Oh, I'm not here to join. We probably won't meet again." -msgstr "Oh, aku tidak disini untuk ikut. Kita kemungkinan tidak akan bertemu lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5845 -msgid "That's a shame. I should try to change your mind. " -msgstr "Sayang banget. Aku harus coba ubah pikiran kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5847 -msgid "I strongly advise against it. Your efforts will prove futile." -msgstr "Aku sangat tidak menyarankannya. Usahamu akan terbukti sia-sia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5849 -msgctxt "meeting_77ca933f" -msgid "If you say so..." -msgstr "Ya sudah..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5852 -msgid "In any case, we're glad you all came. We'll be starting the meeting in a bit." -msgstr "Gimana juga, kita senang kalian datang. Kita bakalan mulai pertemuannya sebentar lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5853 -msgid "In the meantime, you guys can get your paperwork from Liz first." -msgstr "Sementara waktu, kalian bisa ambil dokumen dari Liz dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5855 -msgid "Gotcha." -msgstr "Ashiyap." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5859 -msgid "Chryssa goes off to greet some other girls who showed up." -msgstr "Chryssa pergi untuk menyambut gadis-gadis lainnya yang muncul." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5861 -msgid "I guess she isn't too scary after all." -msgstr "Rasanya dia gak terlalu menakutkan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5862 -msgid "She seems like the kind of person who'd walk into a pizza restaurant she ate at one time 6 years ago and yell, \"Remember us??\"" -msgstr "Dia kelihatan kayak orang yang bakal masuk ke restoran pizza tempat dia makan sekali 6 tahun lalu dan teriak, \"Ingat kita??\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5868 -msgid "......!" -msgstr ".......!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5871 -msgid "Hello! Can I help you?" -msgstr "Halo! Ada yang bisa dibantu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5873 -msgid "You must be Liz." -msgstr "Kamu pasti Liz." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5875 -msgid "Yup!" -msgstr "Yap!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5877 -msgid "She hands them their forms." -msgstr "Dia menyerahkan formulir mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5879 -msgid "I don't need one. I'm not here to join." -msgstr "Aku tidak butuh. Aku tidak disini untuk ikut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5881 -msgid "Aw, are you sure?" -msgstr "Yah, kamu yakin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5882 -msgid "We'd love to have you!" -msgstr "Kita bakal seneng kalau ada kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5884 -msgid "No, you really don't. I'm not the athletic type." -msgstr "Tidak, kamu tidak akan senang. Aku bukan tipe yang atletis." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5886 -msgid "Then joining us would do you some good, don't you think?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu ikut kita itu sesuatu yang bagus buat kamu, ya gak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5887 -msgid "We need all the players we can get, so don't be afraid we'll reject you or anything like that." -msgstr "Kita butuh semua pemain yang bisa kita dapat, jadi jangan takut kita bakal nolak kamu atau semacamnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5888 -msgid "We'll accept you no matter what. Whether you're good, bad, dumb, weird, unathletic..." -msgstr "Kita bakal terima kamu apa adanya. Mau kamu bisa, ga bisa, tolol, aneh, gak atletis..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5890 -msgid "What's with all those insults mixed in??" -msgstr "Ada apa dengan semua sindiran itu??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5891 -msgid "And no, I'm genuinely not interested. I hate sports." -msgstr "Dan tidak, aku benar-benar tidak tertarik. Aku benci olahraga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5892 -msgid "I'm just here for Diya." -msgstr "Aku hanya disini untuk Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5894 -msgid "That's so sweet of you." -msgstr "Itu manis banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5896 -msgid "It's not as though it takes a lot of effort to sit here and do nothing." -msgstr "Tidak seperti butuh banyak tenaga untuk duduk disini dan tidak melakukan apapun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5897 -msgid "I coincidentally happened to be free today, anyway." -msgstr "Lagian, aku kebetulan kosong hari ini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5899 -msgid "Awww! You don't have to get all embarrassed about it." -msgstr "Awww! Kamu ga harus malu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5901 -msgid "I'm not getting embarrassed!" -msgstr "Aku tidak malu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5903 -msgid "Liz smiles at Diya, who shrinks back in fear." -msgstr "Liz tersenyum pada Diya, yang kembali ketakutan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5905 -msgid "I'm so glad you came!" -msgstr "Aku seneng kamu dateng!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5907 -msgid "I had a feeling you would." -msgstr "Aku punya firasat kamu bakalan dateng." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5909 -msgid "Changed your mind about the club, have you?" -msgstr "Berubah pikiran tentang klub, ya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5910 -msgid "I knew you'd come around." -msgstr "Aku tahu kamu bakalan dateng." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5912 -msgid "I was at one of your games when you were little." -msgstr "Aku ada di salah satu pertandingan kamu waktu kamu kecil." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5913 -msgid "You were so scary! Everyone would back up whenever you came up to bat." -msgstr "Kamu serem banget! Semuanya bakalan mundur setiap kali kamu mukul." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5915 -msgid "By the way, why is everyone in this club a girl?" -msgstr "Eh, kenapa disini semuanya cewek?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5918 -msgctxt "lookLiz_9d73f57c" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5920 -msgid "They are?!" -msgstr "Iya?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5923 -msgid "Look. There's us four, Chryssa, and then some other random girls over there." -msgstr "Tuh. Ada kita berempat, Chryssa, sama cewek-cewek lainnya disana." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5928 -msgid "That's so odd." -msgstr "Itu aneh banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5930 -msgid "So it isn't on purpose?" -msgstr "Jadi tidak disengaja?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5932 -msgid "Nope. I don't know why those other girls joined." -msgstr "Enggak. Aku enggak tahu kenapa mereka ikut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5934 -msgid "What a strange coincidence." -msgstr "Kebetulan yang aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5936 -msgid "Are you SURE you guys didn't, like, subconsciously do it?" -msgstr "Lu YAKIN kalian nggak, kayak, ga sadar ngelakuin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5938 -msgid "Why would we subconsciously want a group of girls?" -msgstr "Buat apa kita secara enggak sadar pengen sekelompok cewek?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5940 -msgid "'Cause guys are like communism." -msgstr "Soalnya cowok kayak komunisme." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5941 -msgid "They're good in concept, but in reality they suck." -msgstr "Bagus kalau konsep, tapi aslinya mereka payah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5943 -msgid "When you gather enough guys into a group, they suddenly become a bunch of douchebags." -msgstr "Kalau lu kumpulin cowok-cowok jadi satu grup, mereka tiba-tiba jadi bangsat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5944 -msgid "It's like magic." -msgstr "Kayak sihir." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5946 -msgid "What kind of overgeneralization is that?" -msgstr "Generalisasi berlebihan macam apa itu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5948 -msgid "It's not racist if it's true!" -msgstr "Gak rasis kalau bener!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5950 -msgid "Do you ever stand in a circle of people talking and not say anything the entire time?" -msgstr "Kamu pernah berdiri di tengah-tengah orang yang mengobrol dan gak ngomong apa-apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5951 -msgid "There's no reason for me to be here. I wonder how it's so easy for them to just talk." -msgstr "Ga ada alasan buat aku disini. Aku penasaran gimana caranya mereka gampang banget buat ngomong." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5954 -msgid "Diya stares off into space." -msgstr "Diya melamun ke angan-angan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5955 -msgid "Eventually, the conversation draws to a close and Liz goes off to attend to other club members." -msgstr "Pada akhirnya, percakapan berakhir dan Liz pergi untuk mengurusi anggota klub lainnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5958 -msgid "Finally." -msgstr "Akhirnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5961 -msgid "*whispering* Dude, I just can't get over how weird her name is." -msgstr "*berbisik* Bro, gua kepikiran terus kalau namanya aneh banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5963 -msgid "The heck kind of name is \"Liz\"?" -msgstr "Nama apaan tuh \"Liz\"?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5966 -msgid "It's probably short for something." -msgstr "Paling singkatan sesuatu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5968 -msgid "Like what? Liz...bian? Lesbian?" -msgstr "Kayak? Liz...bian? Lesbian?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5970 -msgid "THAT'S NOT A NAME." -msgstr "ITU BUKAN NAMA." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5972 -msgid "Liz...ard Man?" -msgstr "Liz...ard Man?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5974 -msgid "That'd be a thousand times weirder than \"Liz\" in the first place!" -msgstr "Itu akan seribu kali lebih aneh dari \"Liz\"!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5976 -msgid "No, wait. I've got it." -msgstr "Gak, tunggu. Gua dapet." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5977 -msgid "Her parents met at a Petco when the lizards went on sale, \nbut there was only one left." -msgstr "Orangtuanya ketemu di Petco pas kadalnya lagi diskon, \ntapi hanya tinggal satu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5978 -msgid "So then they were like, \"Darn. We gotta get married and share it.\"" -msgstr "Jadi mereka kayak, \"Yaah. Kita harus nikah terus bagi.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5980 -msgid "No one would get married over that!" -msgstr "Tidak akan ada yang menikah karena itu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5982 -msgid "You'd be surprised, man. Some people are hella desperate." -msgstr "Lu bakalan kaget, bro. Beberapa orang nekat banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5984 -msgid "Nobody is {i}that{/i} desperate!" -msgstr "Tidak ada yang senekat {i}itu{/i}!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5986 -msgid "And then Lizard Man was born." -msgstr "Terus Lizard Man lahir." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5987 -msgid "They gave their kid a name that paid homage to her lizard origins, but in a low-key way." -msgstr "Mereka kasih anak mereka nama yang kasih penghormatan ke asal usul kadalnya, tapi pake cara yang gak terlalu kentara." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5989 -msgid "Totally plausible. Myth {i}confirmed{/i}." -msgstr "Masuk akal banget. Mitos {i}terbukti{/i}." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5990 -msgid "Noelle is trying really hard not to smile." -msgstr "Noelle berusaha keras untuk tidak tersenyum." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5992 -msgid "Myth NOT confirmed. Her name could just be \"Liz\" by itself!" -msgstr "Mitos TIDAK terbukti. Namanya mungkin saja hanya \"Liz\" sendiri!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5994 -msgid "Nawwww, that's boring. My beautiful romance is way better." -msgstr "Nggaaak, itu ngebosenin. Roman indah gua jauh lebih bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5996 -msgid "Your \"beautiful romance\" was set in Petco!" -msgstr "\"Roman indah\"mu di Petco!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5998 -msgid "So picky, man!" -msgstr "Pilih-pilih banget sih, bro!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5999 -msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you?" -msgstr "Frenchman macam apa lu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6000 -msgid "Weird name...no mustache...no romance..." -msgstr "Nama aneh...tanpa kumis...tanpa percintaan..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6002 -msgid "Look, how is my name weird?" -msgstr "Begini, namaku aneh bagaimana?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6003 -msgid "All names have to originate from somewhere." -msgstr "Semua nama berasal dari suatu tempat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6004 -msgid "I don't get why you're so fixated on it." -msgstr "Aku tidak mengerti mengapa kamu sangat terpaku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6006 -msgid "Because it's strange?" -msgstr "Soalnya aneh?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6007 -msgid "Isn't Noelle normally a name you give to kids born in December?" -msgstr "Noelle bukannya nama yang dikasih buat anak yang lahir bulan Desember?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6009 -msgid "My parents are Asian. They don't know that." -msgstr "Orangtuaku orang Asia. Mereka tidak tahu itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6010 -msgid "It's like how there's a guy in our class named Skye because his parents didn't know it's a girl name." -msgstr "Itu seperti bagaimana ada seorang laki-laki di kelas bernama Skye karena orangtuanya tidak tahu kalau itu nama permpuan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6012 -msgid "There's also a Chinese guy in the grade above us named Stone." -msgstr "Ada orang Cina di angkatan atas namanya Stone." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6015 -msgid "STONE..." -msgstr "STONE..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6017 -msgid "I'm pretty sure my parents stole my name from a random girl who lived down the street." -msgstr "Aku yakin orangtuaku mencuri nama dari seorang perempuan yang tinggal di lingkungan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6018 -msgid "They probably didn't know a lot of Western names and just thought it sounded good." -msgstr "Mereka mungkin tidak tahu banyak nama Barat dan menganggap itu terdengar bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6020 -msgid "But still, what kind of Chinese parents would name their kid Noelle?" -msgstr "Tetep aja, orangtua Cina mana yang bakal kasih nama anak mereka Noelle?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6021 -msgid "It doesn't match up at all. It's like if I had a kid and named him Naruto." -msgstr "Nggak cocok. Itu kayak kalau misalnya gua punya anak dan gua kasih nama Naruto." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6022 -msgid "Noelle looks really taken aback." -msgstr "Noelle terlihat kaget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6024 -msgid "That...that would be weird." -msgstr "Itu...itu akan aneh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6026 -msgid "Literally all your ancestors going back for CENTURIES had names like Wong Kar-wai or Mulan or whatever." -msgstr "Semua leluhur lu punya nama kayak Wong Kar-wai atau Mulan atau apalah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6027 -msgid "And then there's you! Combo breaker." -msgstr "Terus ada lu! Pemecah kombo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6029 -msgid "Also, do you ever think about how crazy it is that we're friends." -msgstr "Eh, kalian pernah mikir enggak sih gila banget kalau kita tuh temenan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6030 -msgid "In any part of history up until now, we never would've met." -msgstr "Di bagian mana pun dari sejarah sampe sekarang, kita enggak bakalan ketemu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6031 -msgid "And even if we did by some miracle, we wouldn't speak the same language." -msgstr "Dan bahkan kalau kita bisa, kita enggak akan ngomong bahasa yang sama." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6032 -msgid "We wouldn't even be able to communicate." -msgstr "Kita bahkan enggak bakal bisa komunikasi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6035 -msgid "Well, you and Akarsha could." -msgstr "Yah, kamu dan Akarsha bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6037 -msgid "Naw, we wouldn't." -msgstr "Kagak, kita ga bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6039 -msgid "They don't speak Hindi in Tamil Nadu. Right, Madrasi?" -msgstr "Mereka ga ngomong Hindi di Tamil Nadu. Bener kan, Madrasi?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6041 -msgid "Don't call me that." -msgstr "Jangan panggil aku itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6044 -msgid "What's wrong with calling you Madrasi when you're from Madras?" -msgstr "Emang salah kalau gua panggil lu Madrasi padahal lu dari Madras?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6046 -msgid "What's wrong with calling you an idiot when you are one?" -msgstr "Emang salah kalau aku panggil kamu idiot padahal kamu memang idiot?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6049 -msgid "It's sad imagining Noelle all by herself on a little island in Taiwan." -msgstr "Sedih ngebayangin Noelle sendirian di pulau kecil di Taiwan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6051 -msgid "What do you mean \"all by herself\"?" -msgstr "Apa maksudmu \"sendirian\"?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6052 -msgid "It's not like I'd be completely alone without you two." -msgstr "Tidak seperti aku akan benar-benar sendirian tanpa kalian berdua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6054 -msgctxt "lookLiz_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6057 -msgctxt "lookLiz_5db23ed9" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6059 -msgid "STOP LOOKING SKEPTICAL." -msgstr "BERHENTI TERLIHAT SKEPTIS." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6060 -msgid "I would be able to make different friends." -msgstr "Aku bisa berteman dengan yang lain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6062 -msgid ".......Sure........." -msgstr "........Iya........" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6063 -msgctxt "lookLiz_790fe684" -msgid "If you say so..." -msgstr "Kalau lu bilang gitu..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6066 -msgid "YOU'RE THE WORST! I HATE YOU!!!!" -msgstr "KAMU YANG TERPARAH! AKU BENCI KAMU!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6068 -msgid "Chryssa brings her fingers to her lips and lets out a sharp whistle to get their attention." -msgstr "Chryssa mendekatkan jari-jarinya ke bibir dan bersiul untuk mendapatkan perhatian mereka." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6070 -msgid "Alright guys!! Meeting's starting!" -msgstr "Oke semuanya!! Pertemuan dimulai!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6078 -msgid "Everyone gathers in front of Chryssa and Liz." -msgstr "Semuanya berkumpul di depan Chryssa dan Liz." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6080 -msgid "Welcome to the Baseball Club!" -msgstr "Selamat datang di Klub Baseball!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6081 -msgid "As you're probably aware, our school doesn't have an official baseball program anymore. So we made one ourselves." -msgstr "Kayak yang kalian mungkin tahu, sekolah kita gak punya program baseball resmi lagi. Jadi kita buat sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6083 -msgid "You guys can think of it as a baseball team, Lite edition." -msgstr "Kalian bisa anggap tim baseball, edisi Lite." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6085 -msgid "Or a cheap budget edition. Since we can't afford to hire managers and stuff." -msgstr "Atau edisi murahannya. Soalnya kita gak mampu buat gaji manajer atau semacamnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6087 -msgid "Lite edition sounds less scrappy. Like Coke Zero." -msgstr "Edisi Lite terdengar lebih kurang jelek. Kayak Coke Zero." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6089 -msgid "Anyhow, you can read up on the details in your club membership forms! It's pretty self explanatory." -msgstr "Gimana juga, kalian bisa baca detailnya di formulir keanggotaan kalian! Lumayan jelas." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6090 -msgid "This is just a recreational club for fun, not an official school sports team, so the paperwork is really simple." -msgstr "Ini hanya klub rekreasi buat senang-senang, bukan tim olahraga resmi sekolah, jadi dokumennya sederhana banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6091 -msgid "There's just a membership fee and a sheet your parents have to sign." -msgstr "Ada biaya anggota dan kertas yang orangtua kalian harus paraf." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6093 -msgid "Basically, the sheet says if you get hurt or whatever while you're here, you can't sue us." -msgstr "Intinya, menurut formulirnya kalau kalian luka atau apa disini, kalian ga bisa nuntut kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6094 -msgid "Oh, and our practice schedule's in there, too. Though we're still negotiating our game dates." -msgstr "Oh, dan jadwal latihan kita ada disana juga. Meskipun kita masih negosiasiin tanggal tanding kita." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6096 -msgid "A girl standing in front of Diya raises her hand." -msgstr "Seorang gadis yang berdiri di depan Diya mengangkat tangannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6097 -msgid "Game dates? Who are we playing against?" -msgstr "Tanggal tanding? Kita main lawan siapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6099 -msgid "Whoever we can get. Mostly teams from other schools." -msgstr "Siapapun yang bisa kita dapat. Kebanyakan tim dari sekolah lain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6100 -msgid "But don't worry, it'll be pretty casual." -msgstr "Tapi enggak usah khawatir, bakal lumayan santai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6101 -msgid "Hopefully we'll have enough members to at least fill the roster by then." -msgstr "Semoga kita seenggaknya punya cukup anggota untuk isi daftar sampai saat itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6102 -msgid "Any other questions?" -msgstr "Ada pertanyaan lain?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6104 -msgid "If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, would it visibly change color?" -msgstr "Kalau setiap orang di Bumi ngarahin penunjuk laser ke Bulan bareng-bareng, Bulannya bakalan ganti warna nggak?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6106 -msgid "Any {i}relevant{/i} questions?" -msgstr "Ada pertanyaan yang {i}relevan{/i}?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6107 -msgid "Silence..." -msgstr "Hening..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6109 -msgid "Then let's all introduce ourselves with a cheesy icebreaker activity!" -msgstr "Kalau begitu ayo perkenalin diri kalian dengan kegiatan pembuka!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6111 -msgid "Say your name, grade, and one fun fact about yourself." -msgstr "Sebut nama kamu, kelas, dan satu fakta menarik tentang kamu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6112 -msgid "Diya immediately wants to go home!" -msgstr "Diya langsung ingin pulang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6114 -msgid "No!!!! I hate these!!!!!" -msgstr "Gak!!!! Aku benci ini!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6115 -msgid "I can never think of any fun facts! I'm boring!!" -msgstr "Aku enggak bisa mikirin fakta menarik apapun! Aku membosankan!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6117 -msgid "I'll start! I'm Chryssa, and I'm a senior." -msgstr "Aku mulai! Aku Chryssa, dan aku senior." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6118 -msgid "Fun fact. Uh..." -msgstr "Fakta menarik. Uh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6120 -msgid "I have one." -msgstr "Aku punya satu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6121 -msgid "She reads cryptid articles at night and scares herself, and then is afraid to get up and use the bathroom." -msgstr "Dia baca artikel aneh malam-malam dan dia parno sendiri, terus dia takut buat pergi ke kamar mandi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6123 -msgid "If you're going to choose a fact for me, at least choose a flattering one!" -msgstr "Kalau kamu mau milih satu fakta tentang aku, seenggaknya pilih yang bagus dong!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6125 -msgid "My turn now! I'm Liz, and I'm a senior too." -msgstr "Giliranku! Aku Liz, dan aku juga senior." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6127 -msgid "Her fun fact is that she can lick her elbow." -msgstr "Fakta menariknya dia adalah dia bisa jilat sikunya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6129 -msgid "I thought that was supposed to be impossible?" -msgstr "Aku pikir itu nggak mungkin?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6132 -msgctxt "lookLiz_1c3038ba" -msgid "Do it!" -msgstr "Coba!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6134 -msgid "Liz does it." -msgstr "Liz melakukannya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6136 -msgid "WHAT THE..." -msgstr "HAH..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6138 -msgid "What is she, a clown??" -msgstr "Apaan dia, badut??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6140 -msgid "Diya has gone back to being afraid of Liz again!" -msgstr "Diya kembali takut pada Liz!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6141 -msgid "Liz gestures at another girl to go next." -msgstr "Liz mengisyaratkan pada gadis selanjutnya untuk melanjutkan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6144 -msgid "Watashi wa Sakura desu." -msgstr "Watashi wa Sakura desu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6147 -msgid "And I'm Yuki." -msgstr "Dan aku Yuki." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6151 -msgid "THERE'S NO WAY THOSE ARE YOUR REAL NAMES." -msgstr "GAK MUNGKIN ITU NAMA ASLI KALIAN." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6153 -msgid "Hey, it doesn't hurt to humor them! Support their interests!" -msgstr "Hei, gak ada salahnya ngehibur mereka! Dukung kesukaan mereka!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6155 -msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade." -msgstr "Watashi kelas 10." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6157 -msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade too." -msgstr "Watashi wa kelas 10 juga." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6159 -msgid "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT." -msgstr "BERHENTI NGOMONG KAYA GITU." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6161 -msgid "I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE..." -msgstr "GUA NEMU SPESIES GUA..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6163 -msgid "The next girl up looks more normal." -msgstr "Gadis selanjutnya terlihat lebih normal." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6167 -msgid "I'm Ester —" -msgstr "Aku Ester —" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6169 -msgid "Wait. Why are you here??" -msgstr "Tunggu. Kamu ngapain disini??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6170 -msgid "I tried to recruit you before. You said you weren't interested in baseball." -msgstr "Aku coba ngerekrut kamu. Kamu bilang kamu ga tertarik baseball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6172 -msgid "I'll give it a chance." -msgstr "Aku coba dulu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6174 -msgid "Alright, which anime has baseball in it?" -msgstr "Oke, anime apa ada baseballnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6176 -msgid "What? I never said it was because of —" -msgstr "Apa? Aku enggak pernah bilang gara-ga-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6178 -msgid "Which anime has baseball in it?" -msgstr "Anime apa ada baseballnya?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6180 -msgid "It's Oofuri." -msgstr "Oofuri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6182 -msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6184 -msgid "Don't tell me that's why Sakura and Yuki are here, too..." -msgstr "Jangan bilang itu kenapa Sakura dan Yuki disini juga..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6187 -msgctxt "lookLiz_06ad80a3" -msgid "Heck no." -msgstr "Enggak lah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6188 -msgid "I'm here because of Daiya no Ace." -msgstr "Aku disini gara-gara Daiya no Ace." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6190 -msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3_1" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6192 -msgctxt "lookLiz_af831f3f" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6194 -msgid "What, is it a crime to like anime?" -msgstr "Apa, emang salah suka anime?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6196 -msgctxt "lookLiz_97a7b20d" -msgid "Yes." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6198 -msgid "Okay, let's move on." -msgstr "Oke, ayo lanjut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6200 -msgid "Diya watches the icebreaker's progress with mounting terror." -msgstr "Diya melihat kemajuan kegiatan dengan ketakutan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6201 -msgid "Her palms have grown clammy, like when she's getting ready to say \"Here\" during roll call." -msgstr "Telapak tangannya basah, seperti saat dia bersiap untuk berkata \"Hadir\" saat absen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6205 -msgid "Crap. It's almost my turn and I still can't think of any cool facts." -msgstr "Anjir. Hampir giliran aku dan aku masih ga bisa mikirin fakta yang bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6206 -msgid "\"I like crunching on ice cubes?\"" -msgstr "\"Aku suka ngunyah es batu?\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6207 -msgid "\"When I go to people's houses, {w=0.35}I'm too scared to ask where the cups are, {w=0.35}so I go to the bathroom and drink from the faucet instead?\"" -msgstr "\"Waktu aku ke rumah orang, {w=0.35}aku terlalu takut buat nanya dimana gelasnya, {w=0.35}jadi aku ke kamar mandi dan minum dari keran?\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6208 -msgid "\"Whenever an assembly is over and we're supposed to help carry the folding chairs back,{w=0.35} I secretly hope people notice how many I'm holding?\"" -msgstr "\"Setiap pertemuan selesai dan kita harus bantu bawa kursi lipatnya balik,{w=0.35} aku diam-diam berharap biar orang-orang sadar berapa banyak yang aku pegang?\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6211 -msgid "These are all so bad!{w=0.35} What the???" -msgstr "Itu semua jelek banget!{w=0.35} Apaan dah???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6213 -msgid "By now, three other people have gone.{w=0.35} It's Akarsha's turn..." -msgstr "Sekarang, sudah lewat tiga orang.{w=0.35} Giliran Akarsha..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6215 -msgid "What up ding dongs!{w=0.35} I'm a freshman." -msgstr "Watsap ding dong!{w=035} Gua anak tahun pertama." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6217 -msgid "Ding dongs..." -msgstr "Ding dong..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6220 -msgid "My name is...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." -msgstr "Nama gua...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6222 -msgctxt "lookLiz_6a61dc07" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6225 -msgid "Fun fact:{w=0.35} I once found 2 mutant tater tots that were fused together and sold them on eBay for $40." -msgstr "Fakta menarik:{w=0.35} Gua pernah nemu 2 tater tots mutan yang kegabung dan gua jual di eBay $40." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6227 -msgid "Selling things sounds stressful. " -msgstr "Menjual sesuatu terdengar bikin stres." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6228 -msgid "I would've just eaten them." -msgstr "Aku sih bakal makan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6232 -msgid "Noelle is the next one over,{w=0.35} so everyone looks at her expectantly." -msgstr "Noelle yang selanjutnya,{w=0.35} jadi semuanya melihat dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6233 -msgid "Skip me.{w=0.35} I'm not here to join." -msgstr "Lewati aku.{w=0.35} Aku tidak disini untuk ikut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6235 -msgid "Let's move on to Diya, shall we?" -msgstr "Lanjut ke Diya, kalau begitu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6239 -msgid "All eyes are on Diya now..." -msgstr "Semua mata tertuju pada Diya sekarang..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6242 -msgid "Okay!!!{w=0.35} Calm down, me!!" -msgstr "Oke!!!{w=0.35} Aku, ayo tenang!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6243 -msgid "All I have to do is say \"I'm Diya.\"" -msgstr "Aku tinggal bilang \"Aku Diya.\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6244 -msgid "But wait...{w=0.35} Didn't she just say my name?" -msgstr "Tapi tunggu...{w=0.35} Bukannya dia baru bilang namaku?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6245 -msgid "Does it seem redundant if I repeat it?" -msgstr "Kedengeran berlebihan ga sih kalau aku ulang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6246 -msgid "No, I'm overthinking this.{w=0.35} I should just say it like everyone else." -msgstr "Nggak, aku kebanyakan mikirin ini.{w=0.35} Aku bilang aja kayak yang lain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6248 -msgctxt "lookLiz_cafd7987" -msgid "I'm Diya." -msgstr "Aku Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6249 -msgid "Yeah.{w=0.35} So far, so good." -msgstr "Ya.{w=0.35} Sejauh ini bagus." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6250 -msgctxt "lookLiz_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6254 -msgid "What else was I supposed to say?" -msgstr "Aku harus ngomong apa lagi?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6255 -msgid "??????????" -msgstr "???????????" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6258 -msgid "Panic is rising in Diya's chest!" -msgstr "Rasa panik meningkat di dada Diya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6260 -msgid "I've already messed up! I'm embarrassing myself in front of everyone!" -msgstr "Aku udah ngacau! Aku malu-maluin diri aku sendiri di depan yang lain!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6261 -msgid "This is the worst! Even worse than reading a passage out loud in class!" -msgstr "Ini paling parah! Lebih parah dari baca tulisan di kelas!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6262 -msgid "I shouldn't have come here!" -msgstr "Aku harusnya nggak kesini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6268 -msgid "Diya bolts from the meeting!" -msgstr "Diya kabur dari pertemuan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6269 -msgid "Distantly, she can hear Noelle calling out after her." -msgstr "Dari jauh, dia bisa mendengar Noelle memanggilnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6271 -msgid "Diya! Wait!" -msgstr "Diya! Tunggu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6274 -msgid "I can't go back now!" -msgstr "Aku enggak bisa balik sekarang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6282 -msgid "Powered by nervous energy, Diya barrels into the locker room." -msgstr "Ditenagai oleh tenaga kegugupan, Diya mendobrak masuk ke ruang loker." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6283 -msgid "Her plan now is basically to run as far as her legs will carry her." -msgstr "Rencananya sekarang pada dasarnya adalah untuk lari sejauh kakinya bisa membawanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6285 -msgid "I suddenly feel like running 3 or 4 miles!!!" -msgstr "Tiba-tiba aku pingin lari 3 atau 4 mil!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6319 -msgid "Diya crashes into someone!" -msgstr "Diya menabrak seseorang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6323 -msgid "????!" -msgstr "????!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6324 -msgid "Ow?? I landed on my butt..." -msgstr "Ow?? Aku jatuh di pantat aku..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6328 -msgid "Someone is lying on top of her. They roughly grab the front of Diya's shirt." -msgstr "Seseorang berbaring di atasnya. Dia dengan kasar meraih bagian depan kaos Diya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6330 -msgid "Watch where you're going, motherfu—" -msgstr "Liat arah dong, bangsa-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6334 -msgid "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6338 -msgid "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6339 -msgid "IT'S YOU!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "INI KAMU!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6344 -msgid "Min hugs her!" -msgstr "Min memeluknya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6347 -msgid "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" -msgstr "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6348 -msgid "Wow!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "Wow!!!!!!!! Ini bagus banget!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6352 -msgid "I promised I'd come back, didn't I?" -msgstr "Aku janji aku bakal balik, kan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6354 -msgid "I'm never letting go of you again!!" -msgstr "Aku gak bakal lepasin kamu lagi!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6357 -msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6360 -msgctxt "ch6_f35ccb75" -msgid "....................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6363 -msgctxt "ch6_73c5644b" -msgid "....................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6364 -msgid "I'M GAY. I'M GAY. I'M GAY!" -msgstr "AKU GAY. AKU GAY. AKU GAY!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6367 -msgid "I need to get up." -msgstr "Aku harus bangun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6370 -msgid "Um." -msgstr "Anu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6371 -msgid "Actually, this ground is really gross and dirty." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, lantainya kotor banget dan menjijikan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6372 -msgid "I can see other people's hair on it." -msgstr "Aku bisa lihat rambut orang lain." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6375 -msgid "Oh. Okay, I'll let you up." -msgstr "Oh. Oke, aku biarin bangun." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6382 -msgid "Min gets off and looks Diya up and down as she staggers to her feet." -msgstr "Min turun dan menatap Diya dari atas ke bawah sembari saat dia terhuyung berdiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6384 -msgid "Wow...I almost forgot how pretty you are." -msgstr "Wow...Aku hampir lupa kamu cantik banget." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6386 -msgid "You could be a model." -msgstr "Kamu bisa jadi model." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6388 -msgctxt "ch6_c50f2165" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6389 -msgid "I almost forgot she did this all the time..." -msgstr "Aku hampir lupa dia selalu kayak gini..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6391 -msgid "You didn't get taller than me." -msgstr "Kamu enggak makin tinggi dari aku." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6394 -msgid "Hey, I'm still growing." -msgstr "Hei, Aku masih bertumbuh." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6396 -msgid "You're off by almost a foot." -msgstr "Kamu kurang satu kaki." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6399 -msgid "There's still hope!" -msgstr "Masih ada harapan!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6401 -msgid "You really never give up, do you." -msgstr "Kamu enggak pernah nyerah, ya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6404 -msgid "Of course not." -msgstr "Ya enggak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6406 -msgid "I'll work hard so I can take you!" -msgstr "Aku bakal usaha keras biar aku bisa ngena kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6408 -msgid "O-OVERTAKE! I MEAN OVERTAKE YOU!" -msgstr "N-NGEJAR! MAKSUD AKU NGEJAR KAMU!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6410 -msgid "In an attempt to hide her embarrassment, Min turns her head to the side and points to her ear." -msgstr "Dalam usaha untuk menyembunyikan rasa malunya, Min menengok ke samping dan menunjuk telinganya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6412 -msgid "Look! I have piercings now!" -msgstr "Liat! Aku punya tindikan sekarang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6413 -msgid "Don't I look cool??" -msgstr "Aku keren kan??" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6415 -msgid "You look cool." -msgstr "Kamu keren." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6418 -msgid "And I got a butterfly knife!!!" -msgstr "Terus aku punya pisau kupu-kupu!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6419 -msgid "Min pulls a knife out!!" -msgstr "Min mengeluarkan sebuah pisau!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6420 -msgid "Watch this!!!" -msgstr "Liat!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6421 -msgid "Min flips the knife open and does a trick! It looks really dangerous!" -msgstr "Min membuka pisaunya dan melakukan sebuah trik! Kelihatannya sangat berbahaya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6423 -msgid "Whoa!! Min is so brave!!" -msgstr "Whoa!! Min berani banget!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6425 -msgid "I missed you." -msgstr "Aku kangen." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6428 -msgid "I missed you too!" -msgstr "Aku juga kangen!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6430 -msgctxt "ch6_3a2190bc" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6433 -msgctxt "ch6_f8a1f174" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6437 -msgctxt "ch6_677f9015" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6443 -msgctxt "ch6_0f158bd8" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6447 -msgctxt "ch6_1d74dd58" -msgid "!!!" -msgstr "!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6452 -msgid "Someone runs into the locker room! She's wheezing so hard for breath that Diya knows who it is before looking." -msgstr "Seseorang berlari ke ruang loker! Dia sangat terengah-engah sampai Diya tahu siapa itu tanpa melihatnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6455 -msgid "Diya, there you are!" -msgstr "Diya, kamu disitu toh!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6456 -msgid "Everyone is looking for y—" -msgstr "Semuanya lagi cari ka-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6461 -msgid "{i}You!{/i}" -msgstr "{i}Lo!{/i}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6465 -msgctxt "ch6_46e87e05" -msgid ".............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6467 -msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1" -msgid ".............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6471 -msgid "How...you...Why are you here?" -msgstr "Gimana...kamu...Kamu kenapa disini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6476 -msgid "That's my line." -msgstr "Harusnya gue yang ngomong gitu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6478 -msgid "I can't believe Diya still lets a weakling like you hang out with her." -msgstr "Gue ga percaya Diya masih biarin orang lemah kayak lo nongkrong bareng dia." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6479 -msgid "You...you Empire State Building." -msgstr "Da...dasar Empire State Building." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6480 -msgid "Min does a trick with her butterfly knife!" -msgstr "Min melakukan sebuah trik dengan pisau kupu-kupunya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6482 -msgid "Why do you have a knife?!" -msgstr "Kenapa kamu punya pisau?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6483 -msgid "Put that away." -msgstr "Simpan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6486 -msgid "I'll put it away...in your heart!!!" -msgstr "Bakal gue simpen...di jantung lo!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6488 -msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1_1" -msgid ".............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6491 -msgctxt "ch6_93192951" -msgid "............" -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6494 -msgctxt "ch6_cc159e1e" -msgid "............" -msgstr "............." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6496 -msgid "Shut up!!!!! It sounded cooler in my head!!!!" -msgstr "Bacot!!!!! Kedengeran lebih keren di kepala gue!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6498 -msgid "No one even said anything." -msgstr "Tidak ada yang bicara." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6499 -msgid "Anyway, aren't knives like that illegal in California?" -msgstr "Lagian, bukannya pisau seperti itu ilegal di California?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6500 -msgid "If I wanted to, I could report you to the police." -msgstr "Kalau aku mau, aku bisa laporkan kamu ke polisi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6503 -msgctxt "ch6_b131889b" -msgid "........." -msgstr ".........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6504 -msgid "Min reluctantly puts the knife away." -msgstr "Min menyimpan pisaunya dengan keberatan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6505 -msgid "Fuck you." -msgstr "Anjing lo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6509 -msgid "Min threateningly draws in closer to Noelle and whispers into her ear, voice low." -msgstr "Min dengan penuh ancaman mendekat pada Noelle dan berbisik ke telinganya, dengan suara yang rendah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6510 -msgid "The dramatic effect is slightly ruined by the fact that Min has to step on top of a storage bin to be taller." -msgstr "Efek dramatisnya sedikit hancur oleh fakta bahwa Min harus berdiri di atas tempat penyimpanan agar lebih tinggi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6512 -msgid "I hate you. I hate you more than the stringy things on bananas." -msgstr "Gue benci sama lo. Gue benci lo lebih dari serat yang ada di pisang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6514 -msgid "Why?! I didn't even do anything!" -msgstr "Kenapa?! Aku tidak berbuat apa-apa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6517 -msgctxt "ch6_07d32b7c" -msgid "Shut up!" -msgstr "Bacot!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6518 -msgid "I won't lose to you!!!" -msgstr "Gue engga bakal kalah sama lo!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6520 -msgid "What are you even talking about?" -msgstr "Kamu ngomong apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6524 -msgid "Someday, Diya is gonna realize she's out of your league." -msgstr "Kapan-kapan, Diya bakal sadar dia terlalu baik buat lo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6526 -msgid "You're not even taller than her anymore, so all your advantages are gone." -msgstr "Lo bahkan enggak lebih tinggi dari dia sekarang, jadi keuntungan lo udah ilang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6528 -msgid "I don't...what???" -msgstr "Aku tidak...hah???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6531 -msgid "When she doesn't like you anymore, I'll gut you and feed you to her dog." -msgstr "Waktu dia gak suka lo lagi, gue bakal keluarin isi perut lo dan kasih ke anjingnya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6533 -msgid "She doesn't even have a dog." -msgstr "Dia bahkan tidak punya anjing." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6536 -msgid "I'll buy her a dog and train it to eat you." -msgstr "Gue beliin anjing dan gue latih buat makan lo." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6540 -msgid "Someone else ran into the locker room!" -msgstr "Ada orang lain yang lari ke ruang loker!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6541 -msgid "It only takes a second for Diya and Noelle to recognize the sound of Akarsha's flip-flops." -msgstr "Hanya butuh satu detik untuk Diya dan Noelle untuk mengenali suara sandal Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6543 -msgid "Ayyy! Chryssa and Liz are looking for you tw—" -msgstr "Ayyy! Chyssa sama Liz nyari kalian berdu-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6545 -msgctxt "ch6_1386c66b" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6547 -msgctxt "ch6_390a1bfb" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6549 -msgctxt "ch6_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6552 -msgctxt "ch6_8683854e" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6554 -msgid "Uh...Have I missed something here?" -msgstr "Anu...Gua ketinggalan apa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6556 -msgid "Who the fuck are you?" -msgstr "Lo siapa anjing?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6558 -msgid "Who the fuck are {i}you{/i}?" -msgstr "{i}Lu{/i} siapa anjing?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6560 -msgid "I asked first, jackass." -msgstr "Gue nanya duluan, bangsat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6562 -msgid "Wao!! Almost cut myself on this EDGE!!!" -msgstr "Wao!! KASAR BANGET!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6576 -msgid "Before Akarsha can react, Min grabs the front of her jacket and slams her back to the wall." -msgstr "Sebelum Akarsha bisa bereaksi, Min meraih bagian depan jaketnya dan menghantamnya ke dinding." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6578 -msgid "You want a piece of me?" -msgstr "Lo mau gelut sama gue?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6580 -msgid "Uh...whoa." -msgstr "Um...wow." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6581 -msgid "Not gonna lie, if you were taller this would be pretty hot." -msgstr "Jujur, kalau lu lebih tinggi ini bakal lumayan seksi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6588 -msgid "Min punches Akarsha in the face!" -msgstr "Min meninju Akarsha di wajahnya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6590 -msgid "Oh no!" -msgstr "Oh tidak!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6593 -msgid "Stop it!" -msgstr "Berhenti!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6597 -msgid "Diya picks Min up and throws her several feet across the room." -msgstr "Diya memungut Min dan melemparnya beberapa kaki ke seberang ruangan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6599 -msgid "Min—" -msgstr "Min-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6602 -msgid "You stay back! I'll handle this!" -msgstr "Kamu mundur! Aku bisa!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6604 -msgid "No, but—" -msgstr "Enggak, tapi-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6607 -msgid "Is anyone gonna explain to me what's going on here?!" -msgstr "Ada yang mau jelasin ini ada apaan?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6608 -msgid "Who's this emo shortie??" -msgstr "Siapa boncel emo ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6610 -msgid "Who're you calling short?!" -msgstr "Siapa yang lo bilang boncel hah?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6612 -msgid "But you are short..." -msgstr "Tapi kamu memang pendek..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6614 -msgid "Min charges at Akarsha!" -msgstr "Min menerjang Akarsha!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6616 -msgid "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" -msgstr "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6617 -msgid "Akarsha kicks her foot out so that the flip-flop flies off!" -msgstr "Akarsha menendang kakinya agar sandalnya terbang!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6625 -msgid "It hits Min's face with a loud slap!" -msgstr "Sandalnya mengenai wajah Min dengan tamparan keras!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6626 -msgid "Mmph?!" -msgstr "Mmph?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6627 -msgid "Min tackles Akarsha to the ground!" -msgstr "Min memukul Akarsha ke lantai!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6629 -msgid "You think you're so smart, huh?!" -msgstr "Lo pikir lo pinter, hah?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6630 -msgid "WELL, GUESS WHAT!!! I HATE SMART PEOPLE!!!" -msgstr "TEBAK!!! GUE BENCI ORANG PINTER!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6632 -msgid "Her hands close around Akarsha's neck. In a panic, Akarsha scrabbles at Min's wrists, but it's no use!" -msgstr "Tangannya memegang leher Akarsha. Panik, Akarsha berusaha menggapai pergelangan tangan Min, tapi sia-sia!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6634 -msgid "USE YOUR HEAD, YOU STUPID CLOWN!!!!!!" -msgstr "PAKAI OTAKMU, BADUT TOLOL!!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6636 -msgid "IF YOU DIE I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!" -msgstr "KALAU KAMU MATI AKU BUNUH KAMU!!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6638 -msgid "Akarsha sticks a hand down her own leggings!" -msgstr "Akarsha memasukkan tangannya kedalam celananya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6640 -msgid "What the fuck?" -msgstr "Apaan bangsat?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6641 -msgid "This better not be your kink or somethi—" -msgstr "Lebih baik ini bukan kink lo ato apa-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6643 -msgid "Akarsha smears her period blood-caked hand across Min's face." -msgstr "Akarsha memeperkan tangannya yang penuh darah menstruasi ke wajah Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6645 -msgid "URRGHKK!!?????!" -msgstr "URRGHKK!!?????!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6648 -msgid "Min let go!" -msgstr "Min melepaskannya!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6650 -msgid "PFF!! PPFBT!!" -msgstr "PFF!! PPFBT!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6651 -msgid "EW!!! YUCK!!!" -msgstr "NJIR!! JIJIK!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6653 -msgid "In the confusion, Akarsha staggers to her feet, gasping for breath." -msgstr "Dalam kebingungan, Akarsha terhuyung berdiri, terengah-engah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6654 -msgid "Noelle rushes to support her." -msgstr "Noelle bergegas untuk membantunya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6655 -msgid "When Akarsha slings her arm over Noelle's shoulders, she accidentally brushes Noelle with her bloody hand." -msgstr "Saat Akarsha mengayunkan lengannya ke pundak Noelle, dia tidak sengaja menyentuh Noelle dengan tangannya yang berdarah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6659 -msgid "YOU CONTAMINATED ME TOO!!!!" -msgstr "KAMU MENGKONTIMINASI AKU JUGA!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6661 -msgid "Noelle shoves Akarsha away, leaving her to fend for herself." -msgstr "Noelle mendorong Akarsha menjauh, membiarkan dia untuk membela dirinya sendiri." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6662 -msgid "Akarsha menacingly holds out her dirty hand in Min's direction, like a weapon." -msgstr "Akarsha mengulurkan tangan kotornya ke arah Min, seperti senjata." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6663 -msgid "Min backs away, desperately avoiding being touched by the period blood hand." -msgstr "Min mundur, mati-matian menghindari disentuh dengan tangan penuh darah menstruasi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6665 -msgid "Stay away! Can't touch this!!" -msgstr "Minggir! Ga bisa pegang ini!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6667 -msgid "You...you nasty ass hoe...!" -msgstr "Lo...lo kontol...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6670 -msgid "That's me! If I can't win by being a kung-fu master..." -msgstr "Itu gua! Kalau ga bisa menang jadi master kung-fu..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6671 -msgid "I'll win by being a piece of garbage!" -msgstr "Gua bakalan menang jadi bangsat!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6675 -msgid "Min looks weirdly moved by Akarsha's words!" -msgstr "Min terlihat tergerak oleh kata-kata Akarsha!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6677 -msgid "You crazy bitch..." -msgstr "Gila lo kampret..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6678 -msgid "Who ARE you?" -msgstr "SIAPA lo?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6680 -msgid "They call me...Rail Tracer." -msgstr "Mereka manggil gua...Rail Tracer." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6682 -msgid "Literally NO ONE calls you that." -msgstr "TIDAK ADA yang memanggilmu itu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6685 -msgid "Quiet, you!" -msgstr "Diam, kamu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6688 -msgid "Min has stopped attacking completely now. In fact, she looks kind of impressed." -msgstr "Min sudah berhenti menyerang sekarang. Bahkan, dia terlihat kagum." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6689 -msgid "You're the worst scum ever." -msgstr "Lo bajingan paling parah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6690 -msgid "Let's be friends." -msgstr "Ayo temenan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6692 -msgid "...Really?" -msgstr "...Beneran?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6697 -msgid "So we cool?" -msgstr "Jadi kita udahan?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6699 -msgctxt "ch6_b61fd423" -msgid "I guess." -msgstr "Mungkin." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6701 -msgid "More importantly, that was really gross just now, so I never want to fight you again." -msgstr "Lebih penting, tadi jijik parah, jadi gue ga mau berantem sama lo lagi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6702 -msgid "Let's start over." -msgstr "Ayo ulang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6704 -msgid "I'm Min." -msgstr "Gue Min" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6706 -msgid "Min???" -msgstr "Min???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6707 -msgid "As in, the delinquent kid? The one who knifed someone?" -msgstr "Maksudnya, yang berandalan itu? Yang nusuk orang?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6709 -msgid "Yeah? Got a problem with that?" -msgstr "Iya? Ada masalah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6711 -msgid "Are you kidding me? I've been looking for you." -msgstr "Lu bercanda? Gua nyariin lu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6712 -msgid "I need a dumb rebel friend to enable me to make bad decisions." -msgstr "Gua butuh temen berandalan yang tolol biar gua bisa bikin keputusan yang buruk." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6714 -msgid "They're...getting along?!" -msgstr "Mereka...berteman?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6715 -msgid "What's happening???? I don't like this!" -msgstr "Apa yang sedang terjadi???? Aku tidak suka ini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6717 -msgid "With her clean hand, Akarsha makes a fist and offers it out to Min." -msgstr "Dengan tangan yang bersih, Akarsha mengepalkan tangan dan menawarkannya pada Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6719 -msgid "Bros?" -msgstr "Bros?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6721 -msgid "Bros." -msgstr "Bros." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6722 -msgid "They fist bump." -msgstr "Mereka melakukan fist bump." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6724 -msgid "Be the yee to my haw..." -msgstr "Jadi yeenya haw gua..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6725 -msgid "The knuckles to my enchilada...." -msgstr "Jadi knucklesnya enchilada gua...." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6726 -msgid "The human to my centipede..." -msgstr "Jadi manusianya kelabang gua..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6728 -msgid "I don't like this!" -msgstr "Aku tidak suka ini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6731 -msgid "We can annoy Noelle...together...!" -msgstr "Kita bisa ganggu Noelle...barengan...!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6733 -msgid "I have a terrible feeling about this!" -msgstr "Aku punya perasaan buruk tentang ini!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6736 -msgid "Min is quickly taking the opportunity to wipe her face on Akarsha's windbreaker." -msgstr "Min dengan cepat memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk menyeka mukanya di windbreaker Akarsha." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6738 -msgid "Ew, no! Stop!" -msgstr "Ih, jangan! Berhenti!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6740 -msgid "It's your own damn blood!" -msgstr "Itu darah lo!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6742 -msgid "I don't want it either, man!" -msgstr "Gua juga kagak mau, anjir!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6744 -msgid "Noelle tries to wipe her contaminated arm on Akarsha, too. Akarsha dodges to avoid it." -msgstr "Noelle berusaha mengelap lengannya yang tekontaminasi pada Akarsha juga. Akarsha mengelaknya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6746 -msgid "Augh!" -msgstr "Augh!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6748 -msgid "Diya! Hold her down!" -msgstr "Diya! Pegangin!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6751 -msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d_1" -msgid "Okay." -msgstr "Oke." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6754 -msgid "No! No, please, Diya, homie, listen," -msgstr "Ga! Enggak, plis, Diya, bro, denger," - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6756 -msgid "With brutal efficiency, Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist, covers the bloody hand with a plastic bag, and ties it shut." -msgstr "Dengan keefesiensian yang brutal, Diya memegang pergelangan tangan Akarsha, membungkus tangannya yang berdarah dengan kantong plastik, dan mengikatnya rapat-rapat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6757 -msgid "Then, she pins Akarsha to the ground, thrashing and screaming." -msgstr "Lalu, dia menjepit Akarsha ke lantai, meronta-ronta dan berteriak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6764 -msgid "Chryssa and Liz come through the door with the rest of the team following after them!" -msgstr "Chryssa dan Liz datang dari pintu dengan sisa tim mengikuti mereka!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6767 -msgid "Akarsha, Diya, Noelle, and Min freeze mid-scuffle, still covered in blood." -msgstr "Akarsha, Diya, Noelle, dan Min diam ditengah baku hantam, masih berlumuran darah." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6769 -msgid "Good, you're all he—" -msgstr "Bagus, kalian semua disi-" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6771 -msgid "What the?!" -msgstr "Apa-apaan?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6777 -msgid "Noelle points accusingly at Min." -msgstr "Noelle menunjuk pada Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6779 -msgid "It's all her fault! Diya did nothing wrong!" -msgstr "Salah dia! Diya tidak salah!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6781 -msgid "What?! It's your fault for being annoying!" -msgstr "Apaan?! Salah lo jadi orang nyebelin!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6783 -msgid "You started it! You called me names first!" -msgstr "Kamu yang mulai! Kamu yang pertama mengejek!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6785 -msgid "Okay, we don't care who started it! " -msgstr "Oke, kita enggak peduli siapa yang mulai!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6788 -msgid "Liz stumbles over Akarsha's fallen flip-flop on the ground." -msgstr "Liz tersandung sandal Akarsha yang jatuh di lantai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6790 -msgid "Whose shoe is this?" -msgstr "Sepatu siapa ini?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6792 -msgid "Oh. Mine." -msgstr "Oh. Punya gua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6794 -msgid "Why isn't it on your foot?" -msgstr "Kenapa gak ada di kaki kamu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6796 -msgid "I kicked it off." -msgstr "Ketendang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6798 -msgid ".........Why.........." -msgstr ".........Kenapa.........." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6800 -msgid "She hit me!" -msgstr "Dia mukul gua!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6801 -msgid "Akarsha points at Min." -msgstr "Akarsha menunjuk Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6803 -msgid "How old are you guys?! Five?!" -msgstr "Kalian umur berapa sih?! Lima?!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6804 -msgid "Exasperated, Chryssa turns to Min." -msgstr "Jengkel, Chryssa menghadap pada Min." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6806 -msgid "And you're Min? You here to play baseball, too?" -msgstr "Terus kamu Min? Kamu disini juga mau main Baseball?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6808 -msgid "Yeah. I got here late." -msgstr "Iya. Gue telat." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6810 -msgid "Well Min, I'm Chryssa." -msgstr "Oke Min, aku Chryssa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6812 -msgid "She has a knife!" -msgstr "Dia punya pisau!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6815 -msgid "You damn snitch!" -msgstr "Lo cepu anjir!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6817 -msgid "Hand the knife over." -msgstr "Serahkan pisaumu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6819 -msgid "Why should I?" -msgstr "Kenapa?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6821 -msgid "Because if you don't, I won't let you play baseball." -msgstr "Soalnya kalau enggak, aku enggak akan ijinkan kamu main baseball." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6823 -msgid "You...You can do that?" -msgstr "Lo...Lo bisa gitu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6825 -msgid "I can do that." -msgstr "Bisa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6826 -msgid "Min looks very shocked..." -msgstr "Min terlihat kaget..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6827 -msgid "You can have it back when we're done." -msgstr "Kamu bisa ambil lagi pas pulang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6828 -msgid "But you don't need it here." -msgstr "Tapi kamu gak perlu itu disini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6830 -msgid "Min pulls the knife from her pocket and gives it to Chryssa." -msgstr "Min mengeluarkan pisaunya dari kantong dan memberikannya pada Chryssa." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6832 -msgid "All of them." -msgstr "Semuanya." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6833 -msgid "Come on. We don't have all day." -msgstr "Ayo. Kita gak punya waktu seharian." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6835 -msgid "Reluctantly, Min shakes her jacket out. Several more knives clatter to the ground." -msgstr "Dengan enggan, Min menggoyangkan jaketnya. Beberapa pisau lagi jatuh di lantai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6836 -msgid "Chryssa puts them all on top of a cabinet in the corner of the room." -msgstr "Chryssa menaruh semuanya di atas kabinet di pojok ruangan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6837 -msgid "It's too tall for Min to reach. She sadly looks up at them." -msgstr "Kabinetnya terlalu tinggi untuk Min mengambilnya. Dia melihatnya dengan sedih." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6839 -msgid "Let's go to the field and actually play some baseball now." -msgstr "Ayo pergi ke lapangan dan beneran main baseball sekarang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6840 -msgid "We're going to lock this place up, so you can leave your backpacks here." -msgstr "Kita bakal kunci tempat ini, jadi kalian bisa taruh tas kalian disini." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6842 -msgid "Well, I need mine. I'm going to do my homework." -msgstr "Aku butuh punyaku. Aku mau mengerjakan PR." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6844 -msgid "Sorry! If you're here, you're playing." -msgstr "Maaf! Kalau kamu disini, kamu ikut main." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6846 -msgid "I refuse." -msgstr "Aku menolak." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6849 -msgid "So you want to do this the hard way? Good, because I love the hard way. " -msgstr "Jadi kamu ingin ngelakuin ini dengan cara yang susah? Bagus, soalnya aku suka yang susah. " - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6851 -msgid "Then I have no obligation to stay here and argue with you. Diya's fine now; I'm going home." -msgstr "Kalau begitu aku tidak punya kewajiban untuk tinggal disini dan berdebat denganmu. Diya baik-baik saja sekarang; aku mau pulang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6853 -msgid "Really? Then where're your house keys?" -msgstr "Beneran? Kalau gitu mana kunci rumah kamu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6855 -msgid "What kind of question is that?" -msgstr "Pertanyaan macam apa itu?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6856 -msgid "They're right here in my...." -msgstr "Kunciku ada di...." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6859 -msgid "Noelle whirls to the spot where she put down her bookbag earlier." -msgstr "Noelle berputar ke tempat dia menaruh tas bukunya tadi." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6860 -msgid "It's gone." -msgstr "Hilang." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6861 -msgid "Chryssa adds Noelle's bookbag to the top of the cabinet." -msgstr "Chryssa menaruh tas Noelle ke atas kabinet." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6864 -msgid "NoOOO!!!!" -msgstr "TiDAAK!!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6867 -msgid "Come on! Suffering builds character!" -msgstr "Ayo! Penderitaan membangun karakter!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6869 -msgid "I don't want character!" -msgstr "Aku tidak mau karakter!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6871 -msgid "I guess we're all playing baseball now?" -msgstr "Jadi kita semua main baseball sekarang?" - #: game/1_diya.rpy:7 msgid "Min-seo" msgstr "Min-seo" @@ -9046,9580 +28,10571 @@ msgstr "npc" msgid "npc2" msgstr "npc2" -#: game/1_diya.rpy:129 -msgid "The summer between\n3rd and 4th grade" -msgstr "Musim panas diantara\nkelas 3 dan 4" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:119 +msgid "" +"The summer between\n" +"3rd and 4th grade" +msgstr "" +"Musim panas diantara\n" +"kelas 3 dan 4" -#: game/1_diya.rpy:136 +#: game/1_diya.rpy:126 msgid "Evil Dragon" msgstr "Naga Jahat" -#: game/1_diya.rpy:310 -msgid "Gun(?)" -msgstr "Pistol(?)" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:320 -msgid "Gun" -msgstr "Pistol" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:332 -msgid "Shoot the dragon" -msgstr "Tembak naganya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:332 -msgid "Shoot Min" -msgstr "Tembak Min" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:332 -msgid "Shoot Jun" -msgstr "Tembak Jun" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:332 -msgid "Shoot the deflected bullet" -msgstr "Tembak peluru" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:362 -msgid "Gun Horse" -msgstr "Kuda Pistol" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:742 -msgid "Look at woman" -msgstr "Lihat wanita" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:751 -msgid "Eat popcorn" -msgstr "Makan popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:760 -msgid "Look at the diamond" -msgstr "Lihat diamond" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:793 -msgid "Look at empty seat" -msgstr "Lihat tempat duduk kosong" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:802 -msgid "Talk to Jun" -msgstr "Bicara dengan Jun" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:811 -msgid "Talk to Min" -msgstr "Bicara dengan Min" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:906 -msgid "Dad" -msgstr "Ayah" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:907 -msgid "Kid" -msgstr "Anak kecil" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Let's go get popcorn" -msgstr "Ayo beli popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Offer her popcorn" -msgstr "Tawari dia popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Talk about school" -msgstr "Bicara tentang sekolah" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Talk about baseball" -msgstr "Bicara tentang baseball" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" -msgstr "Kamu yakin enggak ada yang salah?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Give her the baseball" -msgstr "Beri dia baseball" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1423 -msgid "Never mind" -msgstr "Tidak jadi" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1651 -msgid "Look at strangers" -msgstr "Lihat orang asing" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1659 -msgid "Keep walking toward popcorn guy" -msgstr "Jalan terus ke penjual popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1759 -msgid "Look at dog" -msgstr "Lihat anjing" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1768 -msgid "Approach the popcorn guy" -msgstr "Datangi penjual popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1777 -msgid "Popcorn Vendor" -msgstr "Penjual popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1859 -msgid "Look at popcorn guy" -msgstr "Lihat penjual popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1867 -msgid "Walk back to seats" -msgstr "Kembali ke tempat duduk" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1923 -msgid "Owner" -msgstr "Pemilik" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1926 -msgid "Ask the owner if you can pet it" -msgstr "Tanya pemiliknya kalau boleh mengelusnya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1926 -msgid "Let Min ask" -msgstr "Biarkan Min bertanya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1972 -msgid "Pet dog" -msgstr "Elus anjing" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1992 -msgid "Pom" -msgstr "Pom" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:1992 -msgid "Shibe" -msgstr "Shibe" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2189 -msgid "Teach her \"Hi\"" -msgstr "Ajari dia \"Hai\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2189 -msgid "Teach her \"I like to fart\"" -msgstr "Ajari dia \"Aku suka kentut\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2195 -msgid "Hi." -msgstr "Hai." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2199 -msgid "Hi?" -msgstr "Hai?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2208 -msgid "Hi!" -msgstr "Hai!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2218 -msgid "I like to fart." -msgstr "Aku suka kentut." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2226 -msgid "I...uh..." -msgstr "Aku...uh..." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2236 -msgid "I like to fart!" -msgstr "Aku suka kentut!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2305 -msgid "Look at Jun and Min's dad" -msgstr "Lihat ayah Jun dan Min" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2437 -msgid "Offer him popcorn" -msgstr "Tawari dia popcorn" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2437 -msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2437" -msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" -msgstr "Ada sesuatu dengan Min?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2437 -msgid "Give him the baseball" -msgstr "Beri dia baseball" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2526 -msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2526" -msgid "???" -msgstr "???" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2545 -msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2545" -msgid "dude" -msgstr "bro" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2565 -msgid "5 Years Later" -msgstr "5 Tahun Kemudian" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2569 -msgid "9th grade" -msgstr "Kelas 9" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2597 -msgid "{cps=0}Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Rutinitas pagi Diya termasuk terbaring di tempat tidur selama 10 menit memikirkan betapa capeknya dia. {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2597 -msgid "Do it" -msgstr "Lakukan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2635 -msgid "Check your computer" -msgstr "Lihat komputer" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2656 -msgid ">Yeah" -msgstr ">Ya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2656 -msgid ">No" -msgstr ">Tidak" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2838 -msgid "Sign-toting man" -msgstr "Pria pembawa penanda" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2861 -msgid "I'd eat him" -msgstr "Aku makan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2861 -msgid "I wouldn't eat him" -msgstr "Aku enggak akan makan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:2941 -msgid "Homie G Biscuit Skillet Dawg" -msgstr "Homie G Biscuit Skillet Dawg" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3019 -msgid "Use locker" -msgstr "Gunakan loker" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3028 -msgid "Go to class" -msgstr "Pergi ke kelas" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3145 -msgid "Get your stuff" -msgstr "Ambil barangmu" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3155 -msgid "Look in Noelle's lunchbox" -msgstr "Lihat kotak bekal Noelle" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3164 -msgid "Look at rosin" -msgstr "Lihat rosin" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3176 -msgid "Close locker door" -msgstr "Tutup pintu loker" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3264 -msgid "Open the water bottle" -msgstr "Buka botol minum" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3370 -msgid "Male student" -msgstr "Murid laki-laki" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3371 -msgid "Female student" -msgstr "Murid perempuan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3404 -msgid "Look at scores" -msgstr "Lihat nilai" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3413 -msgid "Talk to classmates" -msgstr "Bicara dengan teman sekelas" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3422 -msgid "Enter classroom" -msgstr "Masuk kelas" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3674 -msgid "Zero" -msgstr "Nol" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3674 -msgid "Maybe like 15" -msgstr "Kayaknya sekitar 15" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3674 -msgid "At least a few dozen" -msgstr "Kurang lebih beberapa lusin" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3860 -msgid "Stranger" -msgstr "Orang asing" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3891 -msgid "Sign the paper" -msgstr "Tanda tangani kertas" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3891 -msgid "Don't sign the paper" -msgstr "Jangan tanda tangani kertas" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:3937 -msgid "Teacher" -msgstr "Guru" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4090 -msgid "Homie G" -msgstr "Homie G" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4109 -msgid "Promise not to get mad" -msgstr "Berjanji tidak marah" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4109 -msgid "Don't promise" -msgstr "Jangan janji" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4233 -msgid "Feel Noelle's forehead" -msgstr "Rasakan dahi Noelle" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4233 -msgid "Talk to Noelle" -msgstr "Bicara dengan Noelle" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 -msgid "Tell Noelle to get into shape" -msgstr "Bilang Noelle untuk segera sehat" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 -msgid "Talk about ancient Chinese rock pillows" -msgstr "Bicara tentang bantal batu Cina kuno" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 -msgid "Would you eat a tiny man for $100 million?" -msgstr "Kamu mau makan orang kerdil buat $100 juta?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 -msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:4257" -msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" -msgstr "Berapa lama sampai kelas mulai?" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4659 -msgid "3rd grade" -msgstr "Kelas 3" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4694 -msgid "Enemy catcher" -msgstr "Catcher lawan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4695 -msgid "Umpire" -msgstr "Wasit" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4705 -msgid "Spectators" -msgstr "Penonton" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 -msgid "My house" -msgstr "Rumahku" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 -msgid "Your house" -msgstr "Rumahmu" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 -msgid "Noelle's house" -msgstr "Rumah Noelle" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 -msgid "Home Depot lights section" -msgstr "Home Depot bagian lampu" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 -msgid "Ask Min to decide" -msgstr "Biarkan Min memilih" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4950 -msgid "There's still somewhere I wanna go" -msgstr "Masih ada tempat yang mau aku kunjungi" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:4950 -msgid "Nah, I'm good" -msgstr "Enggak" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5082 -msgid "Look at trees" -msgstr "Lihat pepohonan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5093 -msgid "Enter the tunnel" -msgstr "Masuk ke terowongan." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5148 -msgid "Okay. One." -msgstr "Oke. Satu." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5151 -msgid "One!" -msgstr "Satu!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5153 -msgid "Two." -msgstr "Dua." - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5156 -msgid "Two!!!" -msgstr "Dua!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5160 -msgid "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten!!!" -msgstr "Satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh delapan sembilan sepuluh!!!" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5237 -msgid "Big dogs" -msgstr "Anjing besar" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5237 -msgid "Small dogs" -msgstr "Anjing kecil" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5373 -msgid "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Rutinitas paginya termasuk terbaring di kasur selama 10 menit memikirkan betapa capeknya dia. {/cps}" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5516 -msgid "Cool" -msgstr "Keren" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5516 -msgid "Yuck" -msgstr "Ih" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5646 -msgid "Look at flier" -msgstr "Lihat pamflet" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5686 -msgid "Tall girl" -msgstr "Gadis tinggi" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5688 -msgid "Club member" -msgstr "Anggota klub" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5698 -msgid "Mom" -msgstr "Ibu" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5707 -msgid "At the meeting" -msgstr "Saat pertemuan" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:5866 -msgid "Girl from before" -msgstr "Gadis dari sebelumnya" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6148 -msgid "\"Sakura\"" -msgstr "\"Sakura\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6149 -msgid "\"Yuki\"" -msgstr "\"Yuki\"" - -#: game/1_diya.rpy:6165 -msgid "Ester" -msgstr "Ester" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:51 -msgctxt "akarsha1_66517db0" -msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." -msgstr "Ayyyy! Gua disini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:53 -msgctxt "akarsha1_e3e731e4" -msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" -msgstr "Halo? Diya? Bro??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:55 -msgid "Diya is crawling on her hands and knees in the bushes." -msgstr "Diya sedang merangkak di semak-semak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:57 -msgctxt "akarsha1_3a3d3b85" -msgid "What are you doing?" -msgstr "Lu lagi ngapain?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:60 -msgid "Caught him." -msgstr "Nangkep ini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:63 -msgid "Diya emerges from the brush with a caterpillar in her hands." -msgstr "Diya muncul dari semak-semak dengan seekor ulat di tangannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:64 -msgid "It's fat and striped." -msgstr "Ulat itu gendut dan bergaris." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:66 -msgid "Ew!!!" -msgstr "Ih!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:69 -msgid "Diya turns to face her." -msgstr "Diya berputar untuk menghadapnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:70 -msgid "Because she's deaf in one ear, when she stands up \"straight\" she actually faces slightly to the right." -msgstr "Karena dia tuli di satu telinga, ketika dia berdiri \"tegak\" dia sebenarnya menghadap sedikit ke kanan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:72 -msgid "Don't be rude." -msgstr "Jangan kasar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:73 -msgid "We should give him a name." -msgstr "Ayo kita kasih dia nama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:80 -msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552" -msgid "[caterpillar!t]." -msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:83 -msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa" -msgid "...What kind of name is that?" -msgstr "...Nama apaan tuh?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:85 -msgid "It's a joke about a character from the Zero Escape games." -msgstr "Lawakan tentang karakter dari game Zero Escape." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:86 -msgid "Someone asked the director if he could be paired with a girl character, and he responded, \"Does Aoi even like girls? I have to start considering from that.\"" -msgstr "Ada yang tanya direkturnya kalau dia bisa gak dipasangin sama karakter cewek, terus dia jawab, \"Emang Aoi suka cewek? Aku harus pertimbangin itu.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:87 -msgid "Like, that wasn't even the question! He could've just answered no." -msgstr "Kayak, itu bahkan bukan pertanyaannya! Dia bisa aja jawab enggak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:88 -msgid "It's awesome that he went out of his way to say you can't assume that character's straight." -msgstr "Keren dia susah-susah bilang lu gak bisa nganggep karakter tuh lurus." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:94 -msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_1" -msgid "[caterpillar!t]." -msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:97 -msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_1" -msgid "...What kind of name is that?" -msgstr "...Nama apaan tuh?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:99 -msgid "It's a character from the manga Nabari no Ou." -msgstr "Itu karakter dari manga Nabari no Ou." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:100 -msgid "It's hella gay, you should read it." -msgstr "Gay banget, lu harus baca." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:102 -msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad" -msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." -msgstr "...Kamu bilangnya kayak aku bakal tertarik cuman karena itu gay." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:104 -msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78" -msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." -msgstr "Lu enggak? Barang gay yang bagus susah nyarinya lho." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:110 -msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_2" -msgid "[caterpillar!t]." -msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:113 -msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_2" -msgid "...What kind of name is that?" -msgstr "...Nama apaan tuh?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:115 -msgid "It's a character from the Ace Attorney games." -msgstr "Itu karakter dari game Ace Attorney." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:116 -msgid "It's hella gay, you should play it." -msgstr "Gay banget, lu harus main." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:118 -msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad_1" -msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." -msgstr "...Kamu bilangnya kaya aku bakal tertarik cuman karena itu gay." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:120 -msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78_1" -msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." -msgstr "Lu enggak? Barang gay yang bagus susah nyarinya lho." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:123 -msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "................" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:124 -msgid "Diya scrutinizes [caterpillar!t] as he inches across her palm." -msgstr "Diya menatap [caterpillar!t] saat ulat itu merayap di telapak tangannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:127 -msgid "You're so invested in these kinds of things. Video games and stuff." -msgstr "Kamu suka banget sama yang kayak gitu. Video game begituan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:130 -msgid "They're a form of escapism. I need obsessions to distract me from the crushing emptiness and hopelessness of life." -msgstr "Bentuk pelarian dari kenyataan. Gua butuh obsesi buat ngalihin gua dari kehidupan yang hampa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:132 -msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_1" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "................" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:134 -msgid "...Just kidding. Haha!" -msgstr "...Canda. Hehe!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:137 -msgid "Diya scoops the caterpillar into her other hand." -msgstr "Diya memindahkan ulat itu ke tangannya yang lain." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:139 -msgid "Did you hear the news? Obama won." -msgstr "Kamu dengar beritanya? Obama menang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:141 -msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4" -msgid "Yes we can." -msgstr "Ya kita bisa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:144 -msgid "Yeah, but they outlawed gay marriage." -msgstr "Iya, tapi mereka ngelarang pernikahan sesama jenis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:147 -msgid "They did?" -msgstr "Oh ya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:149 -msgid "Prop 8 passed." -msgstr "Prop 8 sah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:150 -msgid "I thought we were better than that." -msgstr "Gua kira kita lebih bagus dari itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:153 -msgid "You shoudn't be surprised. There were a lot of yellow wearing guys." -msgstr "Kamu jangan kaget. Ada banyak orang yang pake kuning." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:154 -msgid "Don't even have to ask my parents what they voted. I know." -msgstr "Gak usah tanya orangtua aku apa yang mereka pilih. Aku tahu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:156 -msgid "But the thing is, it used to be legal. We USED to be better." -msgstr "Masalahnya, tadinya legal. Kita TADINYA lebih bagus." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:157 -msgid "It's not just that the world sucks. The world sucks, and it's getting worse." -msgstr "Bukan cuman dunia tuh nyebelin. Dunia nyebelin, terus makin parah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:160 -msgid "...Obama, though." -msgstr "...Tapi Obama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:162 -msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4_1" -msgid "Yes we can." -msgstr "Ya kita bisa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:164 -msgid "Yes we can..." -msgstr "Ya kita bisa..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:166 -msgid "[caterpillar!t] is crawling up Diya's arm now. " -msgstr "[caterpillar!t] sedang merayapi lengan Diya sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:168 -msgid "Gross." -msgstr "Jijik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:170 -msgid "That's so shallow. He has a good heart." -msgstr "Jahat banget. Dia baik tau." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:172 -msgid "Don't yellow and black stripes normally mean it's poisonous?" -msgstr "Bukannya loreng kuning hitam biasanya artinya beracun ya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:175 -msgid "Caterpillars are only poisonous if you eat them." -msgstr "Ulat hanya beracun kalau kamu makan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:176 -msgid "Not dangerous if you're nice." -msgstr "Gak berbahaya kalau kamu baik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:179 -msgid "Diya carefully returns the caterpillar to a tree branch." -msgstr "Diya dengan hati-hati mengembalikan ulat itu ke dahan pohon." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:181 -msgid "Ready to go?" -msgstr "Udah siap?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:183 -msgid "Diya nods." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:194 -msgctxt "akarsha1_da7667f7" -msgid "Akarsha." -msgstr "Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:197 -msgctxt "akarsha1_ea9e118e" -msgid "Ya?" -msgstr "Ya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:201 -msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_2" -msgid "..............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:202 -msgid "...Never mind." -msgstr "...Enggak jadi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:205 -msgctxt "akarsha1_efb5ed1c" -msgid "What the..." -msgstr "Apaan..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:219 -msgid "We went ahead and got changed. It feels like we're a real team now, wearing the same uniform!" -msgstr "Kita pergi terus ganti baju. Berasa kayak tim beneran sekarang, pake seragam yang sama!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:220 -msgid "We've still got some time to kill before the meeting starts." -msgstr "Kita masih punya waktu sebelum pertemuannya mulai." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:242 -msgid "Diya is on the bench, resting her head on Min's shoulder." -msgstr "Diya ada di bangku, menyenderkan kepalanya di pundak Min." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:243 -msgid "She's showing Min a picture of a seagull her cellphone. One side of the photo is blurry brown from Diya's thumb partially obscuring the camera lens." -msgstr "Dia menunjukkan Min sebuah foto burung camar di ponselnya. Satu sisi dari foto itu buram karena ibu jari Diya setengah menutupi lensa kamera." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:245 -msgid "Look how close I got to this seagull." -msgstr "Liat aku sedeket apa sama burung camarnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:247 -msgid "That's pretty close." -msgstr "Itu lumayan deket." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:253 -msgid "Life is so hard..." -msgstr "Hidup susah banget..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:254 -msgid "Any words of wisdom, Diya?" -msgstr "Ada kata-kata bijak, Diya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:257 -msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:259 -msgid "Snowflakes are actually really, really small." -msgstr "Kepingan salju sebenarnya sangat, sangat kecil." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:260 -msgid "Not like you would think from Christmas decorations." -msgstr "Enggak kayak yang kamu bakal pikir dari hiasan Natal." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:262 -msgid "Uh...How big did you think they were??" -msgstr "Uh...Lu pikir sebesar apa??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:264 -msgid "Like the size of a plate." -msgstr "Sebesar piring." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:266 -msgid "Wow...you must've been crazy disappointed when you discovered the truth." -msgstr "Wow...lu pasti kecewa banget pas tahu kebenarannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:268 -msgid "Any other advice?" -msgstr "Ada nasehat lain?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:271 -msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_1" -msgid "............." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:273 -msgid "You can make nutella sandwiches and eat them." -msgstr "Kamu bisa buat dan makan roti lapis nutella." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:274 -msgid "If you do this three times a day you'll have three meals for like $1.50." -msgstr "Kalau kamu lakuin ini tiga kali sehari kamu bakal punya tiga makanan dengan $1.50." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:276 -msgid "Thanks..." -msgstr "Makasih..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:282 -msgid "I come seeking more knowledge, wise one." -msgstr "Aku datang untuk mencari ilmu, yang bijak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:285 -msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_2" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:287 -msgid "Putting whipped cream on rice is a bad idea." -msgstr "Pake krim kocok di nasi itu ide buruk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:289 -msgid "...Are you speaking from personal experience?" -msgstr "...Lu bicara dari pengalaman pribadi?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:291 -msgid "Tried it once." -msgstr "Pernah coba sekali." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:293 -msgid "Why?!" -msgstr "Kenapa?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:295 -msgid "Thought it'd taste like sticky rice." -msgstr "Aku kira rasanya bakal kayak sticky rice." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:296 -msgid "But it was bad." -msgstr "Tapi enggak enak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:298 -msgid "Amazing..." -msgstr "Keren..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:308 -msgid "Min has a textbook in her lap. She's flipping it to a chapter review page." -msgstr "Ada buku cetak di pangkuan Min. Dia sedang membalikkannya ke halaman ulasan bab." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:310 -msgid "Are you doing your homework?!" -msgstr "Lu ngerjain PR?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:311 -msgid "That's weirdly studious of you." -msgstr "Tumben banget lu belajar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:314 -msgid "I told my parents I joined a tutoring club." -msgstr "Gue bilang ke ortu gue ikut klub les." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:316 -msgid "Oh. Lol." -msgstr "Oh. Lol." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:319 -msgid "Funny, so did I." -msgstr "Lucu, aku juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:321 -msgid "Wha? What do you need tutoring for?" -msgstr "Hah? Lu ngapain butuh les?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:323 -msgid "I told them I was the tutor." -msgstr "Aku beri tahu mereka kalau aku jadi guru lesnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:325 -msgid "That's perfect! You can tutor Min, then." -msgstr "Bagus! Kamu bisa ngajarin Min." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:326 -msgid "Match made in heaven." -msgstr "Pasangan dari surga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:329 -msgid "MATCH MADE IN HELL. I don't want her help." -msgstr "PASANGAN DARI JAHANAM. Gue kagak perlu bantuan dia." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:332 -msgid "As she says it, though, she's staring down at the page with a desolate expression." -msgstr "Tapi, saat dia mengatakannya, dia mengamati halamannya dengan ekspresi muram." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:334 -msgid "Math should just...die." -msgstr "Mat mending...mati aja" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:336 -msgid "Why? It's a discipline full of beautiful and complex patterns." -msgstr "Kenapa? Itu disiplin ilmu penuh pola yang cantik dan kompleks." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:337 -msgid "There's absolutely nothing inherently bad or oppressive about it, yet people treat it like it's evil and malicious." -msgstr "Tidak ada yang benar-benar buruk atau menekan tentang itu, tapi orang-orang memperlakukannya seperti itu jahat dan kejam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:338 -msgid "A lot of pure math lacks any kind of practical application, and merely exists for the sake of stimulating people's minds and pushing the limits of the medium as far as is possible." -msgstr "Banyak matematika murni tidak punya aplikasi praktis, dan hanya ada untuk menstimulasi pikiran orang-orang dan mendorong batas mediumnya sejauh mungkin." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:339 -msgid "It's much like a form of art." -msgstr "Itu seperti sebuah bentuk seni." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:341 -msgid "Can't relate. Shut the fuck up." -msgstr "Ga ngerti. Bacot." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:343 -msgid "Dude, let me see it. I'll help you." -msgstr "Bro, coba lihat. Gua bantu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:344 -msgid "Problem 1: Bill can paint a house in five hours, and Mary can paint a house in three hours. How long will it take for them to paint a house together?" -msgstr "Soal 1: Bill bisa mengecat sebuah rumah dalam lima jam, dan Mary bisa mengecat sebuah rumah dalam tiga jam. Berapa waktu yang dibutuhkan mereka untuk mengecat sebuah rumah bersama?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:347 -msgid "8 hours. 5 + 3 is 8." -msgstr "8 jam. 5 + 3 kan 8." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:349 -msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_2df16a64" -msgid ".............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:352 -msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_c47e75c1" -msgid ".............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:354 -msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_46e87e05" -msgid ".............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:357 -msgid "...Are you gonna be okay at this school?" -msgstr "...Lu bakal gapapa di sekolah ini?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:364 -msgid "Would you kiss a girl for 1 million dollars?" -msgstr "Mau gak lu cium cewek buat 1 juta dollar?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:368 -msgid "I guess? I don't have that kind of money, though." -msgstr "Mungkin? Tapi, gue gak punya duit." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:371 -msgid "Wha....?" -msgstr "Hah....?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:373 -msgid "No, I'm saying you get PAID." -msgstr "Enggak, gua bilang lu DIBAYAR." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:377 -msgid "Huh??" -msgstr "Hah??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:380 -msgid "Never mind." -msgstr "Gak jadi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:391 -msgid "Noelle is solving a Professor's Cube. Unlike a regular Rubik's Cube, it's 5x5x5 instead of 3x3x3." -msgstr "Noelle sedang menyelesaikan sebuah Kubus Professor. Tidak seperti Kubus Rubik biasa, ini 5x5x5 bukan 3x3x3." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:393 -msgid "Diya's face lights up when she spots it." -msgstr "Wajah Diya berseri-seri saat melihatnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:394 -msgid "I solved one side for you already." -msgstr "Aku udah kerjain satu sisi buat kamu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:395 -msgid "Took me 2 hours." -msgstr "Butuh 2 jam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:396 -msgid "Diya proudly points to the cube." -msgstr "Diya menunjuk kubusnya dengan bangga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:397 -msgid "Indeed, one face is solid red." -msgstr "Dan benar, satu bagiannya merah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:399 -msgid "...I see." -msgstr "...Oh iya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:401 -msgid "I'm pretty sure that doesn't help at all." -msgstr "Gua yakin itu sama sekali enggak membantu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:403 -msgid "Sure enough, Noelle completely obliterates Diya's work in order to solve the cube correctly." -msgstr "Tentunya, Noelle benar-benar menghancurkan usaha Diya untuk memecahkan kubus itu dengan benar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:405 -msgid "Wow. You make it look easy." -msgstr "Wow. Lu buat itu kelihatan gampang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:408 -msgid "Did I help?" -msgstr "Aku bantu enggak?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:410 -msgid "...Of course. I appreciate it." -msgstr "...Ya. Aku menghargainya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:414 -msgid "Noelle peels a banana and takes a bite out of it." -msgstr "Noelle mengupas sebuah pisang dan menggigitnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:416 -msgid "What the hell are you doing? Aren't you taking the banana sticker off?" -msgstr "Lo ngapain dah? Lo gak ambil stikernya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:418 -msgid "Why would I? It comes off with the peel anyway. " -msgstr "Kenapa? Itu kan langsung ikut terkupas juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:419 -msgid "Taking the sticker off first would be completely pointless." -msgstr "Mencopot stikernya dulu tidak ada gunanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:421 -msgid "So you just eat it with the sticker still on??" -msgstr "Jadi lo makan waktu stikernya masih nempel??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:423 -msgid "Yes? It doesn't have any effect on the inside of the banana." -msgstr "Iya? Tidak berpengaruh dengan isi pisangnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:425 -msgid "The fuck's wrong with you?" -msgstr "Lo kenapa sih anjir?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:426 -msgid "You...you're not human." -msgstr "Lo...lo bukan orang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:428 -msgid "HOW AM I NOT HUMAN?!" -msgstr "GIMANA AKU BUKAN ORANG?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:444 -msgid "The locker room door creaks open." -msgstr "Pintu ruang loker berderit terbuka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:445 -msgid "When Noelle sees Chryssa and Liz come through, she lifts her hand to wave but aborts halfway through the motion." -msgstr "Ketika Noelle melihat Cryssa dan Liz keluar, dia mengangkat tangannya untuk melambai tapi berhenti setengah jalan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:446 -msgid "Scowling, she jerks the offending appendage back down, like her hand had gone and betrayed the rest of her body." -msgstr "Merengut, dia menariknya kembali, tangannya seperti telah mengkhianati seluruh tubuhnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:449 -msgctxt "meetingStart_e47d28aa" -msgid "........." -msgstr "........." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:452 -msgctxt "meetingStart_9d73f57c" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:454 -msgid "Nothing." -msgstr "Enggak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:461 -msgid "Hey guys! We have a few announcements to make." -msgstr "Hei guys! Kita ada beberapa pengumuman." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:462 -msgid "First of all, Min-seo..." -msgstr "Pertama, Min-seo..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:464 -msgid "You need to resubmit your parental permission form for the club." -msgstr "Kamu harus kirim ulang form izin orangtua buat klub." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:466 -msgid "And this time, please have a real parental guardian sign it." -msgstr "Dan kali ini, tolong wali orang tua asli yang tanda tanganin." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:468 -msgid "I don't know what you're talking about." -msgstr "Gue gak ngerti lo ngomong apa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:470 -msgid "She forged it? How can you tell?" -msgstr "Dia palsuin? Gimana kamu tau?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:472 -msgid "The signature...was just the word \"Mom\" in cursive." -msgstr "Tanda tangannya...cuman \"Mama\" dalam tulisan sambung." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:474 -msgid "...Fuck." -msgstr "...Anjrit." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:477 -msgid "Min is running away!" -msgstr "Min melarikan diri!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:479 -msgid "Chryssa gets up and chases after her!" -msgstr "Chryssa berdiri dan mengejarnya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:481 -msgid "There's nowhere to run!" -msgstr "Gak ada tempat buat lari!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:482 -msgid "You dumb kid!" -msgstr "Dasar bocah tolol!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:488 -msgid "...It sounds an awful lot like Min ran into the door again." -msgstr "....Sepertinya Min menabrak pintu lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:490 -msgid "Everyone else's forms look fine, though!" -msgstr "Tapi, formulir yang lain gak ada masalah!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:491 -msgid "So good job, guys. If you forged it too, I couldn't tell." -msgstr "Jadi kerja bagus, guys. Kalau kalian palsuin juga, aku gak bisa bedain." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:493 -msgid "Phew." -msgstr "Fuh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:496 -msgid "Chryssa has returned, dragging a defeated Min behind her." -msgstr "Chryssa telah kembali, sambil menyeret Min yang terkalahkan dibelakangnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:498 -msgid "Next up..." -msgstr "Setelah itu..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:499 -msgid "We're playing against an actual team today!" -msgstr "Hari ini kita main lawan tim beneran!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:501 -msgid "What?! Who?" -msgstr "Apa?! Siapa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:503 -msgid "We invited the team at Niles over." -msgstr "Kita ngundang tim dari Niles." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:504 -msgid "They should be here soon." -msgstr "Mereka sebentar lagi sampai." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:508 -msgid "Are we going to be okay? Our team is made up of 4 baseball players, 2 nerds, and 3 weebs." -msgstr "Kita bakalan gapapa? Tim kita tuh terdiri dari 4 pemain baseball, 2 kutu buku, sama 3 wibu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:510 -msgid "Wait, did you count me as a nerd? I'm a hybrid, I'm a weeb too." -msgstr "Tunggu, lu hitung gua kutu buku? Gua campuran, gua juga wibu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:513 -msgid "Guys, we'll be fine." -msgstr "Semuanya, kita bakalan gapapa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:514 -msgid "...Maybe." -msgstr "...Mungkin" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:516 -msgid "The \"maybe\" was too honest." -msgstr "\"Mungkin\"nya terlalu jujur." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:519 -msgid "Don't worry, it's seriously super casual." -msgstr "Jangan khawatir, ini beneran santai banget." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:520 -msgid "They aren't bringing their coaches or anything. It's just nine of them driving over in their cars." -msgstr "Mereka gak bawa pelatih atau apapun. Cuman mereka bersembilan naik mobil." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:521 -msgid "Just relax and have fun." -msgstr "Rileks saja terus bersenang-senanglah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:523 -msgid "This isn't really important, but they have a cool mascot. It's Killer Whales." -msgstr "Ini enggak terlalu penting, tapi mereka punya maskot keren. Killer Whales." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:525 -msgid "What's our team name? Do we get a mascot too?" -msgstr "Apa nama tim kita? Kita dapat maskot juga?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:527 -msgid "Read your damn shirt. It's Monarchs." -msgstr "Baca itu kaosmu. Namanya Monarchs." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:529 -msgid "That's so bland..." -msgstr "Itu biasa banget..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:532 -msgid "But we're not really an official school team. So we can make a name up ourselves." -msgstr "Tapi kita bukan klub resmi sekolah. Jadi kita bisa buat nama sendiri." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:534 -msgid "Ooooh!!" -msgstr "Ooooh!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:537 -msgid "Any suggestions?" -msgstr "Ada usulan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:539 -msgid "Bagels." -msgstr "Bagels" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:542 -msgid "The way you think is so damn cute." -msgstr "Cara mikir kamu imut banget." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:544 -msgid "Chicken Nuggets." -msgstr "Nugget Ayam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:546 -msgid "Bagels is so simple, I kind of like it." -msgstr "Bagels sederhana banget, aku lumayan suka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:548 -msgid "Yeah, I'd honestly be okay if it ended up like that." -msgstr "Iya, sejujurnya aku enggak keberatan kalau hasilnya itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:550 -msgid "Any other suggestions?" -msgstr "Ada usul lainnya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:552 -msgid "We should be something stronger than killer whales to assert our dominance." -msgstr "Kita harus jadi sesuatu yang lebih kuat dari paus pembunuh buat nyatain kekuasaan kita." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:554 -msgid "Monarchs are already more powerful than killer whales, though." -msgstr "Tapi, kupu-kupu monarch lebih kuat dari paus pembunuh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:555 -msgid "Humans keep killer whales in captivity." -msgstr "Manusia menyimpan paus pembunuh dalam kurungan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:557 -msgid "But if it was, like, 1 v 1, a killer whale would tear a guy to shreds." -msgstr "Tapi kalau, kayak, 1 v 1, paus pembunuh bakal nyabik orang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:558 -msgid "We should be something bigger and more dangerous." -msgstr "Kita harus lebih besar dan lebih berbahaya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:560 -msgid "Like what? Global warming?" -msgstr "Seperti apa? Pemanasan global?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:562 -msgid "Oh my god?? That's actually a hilarious name." -msgstr "Oh my god?? Itu sebenarnya nama yang kocak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:563 -msgid "No matter who we're up against, they'll pretty much just automatically lose." -msgstr "Siapa aja yang kita lawan, mereka otomatis kalah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:565 -msgid "Like, Tigers vs. Global Warming. Who do you think's gonna win?" -msgstr "Kayak, Harimau vs. Global Warming. Kata lu siapa yang bakal menang?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:568 -msgid "Our motto can be \"Underestimate us and the world will be destroyed.\"" -msgstr "Motto kita bisa jadi \"Remehkan kita dan dunia akan hancur.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:570 -msgid "That's not a very positive motto..." -msgstr "Itu bukan motto yang sangat positif..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:572 -msgid "I'm still kind of impressed Noelle came up that." -msgstr "Gua masih kagum Noelle bisa kepikiran." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:575 -msgid "What kind of name did you think I'd come up with?" -msgstr "Nama macam apa yang kamu pikir akan aku pikirkan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:577 -msgid "I dunno..." -msgstr "Gak tau..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:579 -msgid "Something nerdy that you thought sounded cool, but was actually really cringy." -msgstr "Sesuatu yang culun yang kata lu keren, tapi sebenernya cringe banget." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:580 -msgid "Like \"The Algorithms\"." -msgstr "Kayak \"The Algorithms\"." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:583 -msgid "Yuck!" -msgstr "Ih!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:585 -msgid "I feel like throwing up..." -msgstr "Aku ingin muntah..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:587 -msgid "SHUT UP!! I NEVER SUGGESTED THAT!" -msgstr "DIAM!! AKU TIDAK PERNAH MENGUSULKAN ITU!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:589 -msgid "And I don't like \"Global Warming.\" It's not threatening enough." -msgstr "Dan gue gak suka \"Pemanasan Global.\" Kurang mengancam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:591 -msgid "How is it not threatening enough? It's irreversible and will devastate generations to come." -msgstr "Kurang mengancam gimana? Itu tidak bisa diubah dan akan menghancurkan generasi selanjutnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:593 -msgid "But it's not a...thing! Like a real thing!" -msgstr "Tapi itu bukan...sesuatu! Kayak sesuatu yang nyata!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:595 -msgid "Are you saying you don't believe in global warming?!" -msgstr "Maksudnya kamu tidak percaya pemanasan global?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:597 -msgid "She means it's like an abstract concept." -msgstr "Maksud dia itu kayak konsep abstrak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:599 -msgctxt "meetingStart_b29651b9" -msgid "Yeah!" -msgstr "Iya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:600 -msgid "We should be something that sounds like it could rip our enemies from limb to limb." -msgstr "Kita harus jadi sesuatu yang kedengeran kayak yang bisa ngerobek-robek musuh kita." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:602 -msgid "Like...Death Machine." -msgstr "Kayak...Death Machine." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:604 -msgid "Are we forming a heavy metal band?" -msgstr "Kita mau jadi band heavy metal?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:607 -msgid "Death Bagels." -msgstr "Death Bagels." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:609 -msgid "That's...better? I think?" -msgstr "Itu...lebih bagus? Mungkin?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:610 -msgid "Death Bagels is dramatically cuter, but Min is too pleased that Diya combined their suggestions to complain." -msgstr "Death Bagels terdengar jauh lebih imut, tapi Min terlalu senang bahwa Diya menggabungkan usulan mereka berdua untuk mengeluh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:614 -msgid "Wait! I just thought of a name too." -msgstr "Tunggu! Aku baru kepikiran nama juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:616 -msgid "\"Semes\"." -msgstr "\"Semes\"." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:619 -msgctxt "meetingStart_9a53d3f8" -msgid "NO." -msgstr "TIDAK." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:621 -msgid "Wh...what is that?" -msgstr "It...Itu apa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:623 -msgid "In yaoi, the seme is the dominant guy in the couple." -msgstr "Di yaoi, seme itu cowok yang dominan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:625 -msgid "What is \"yaoi\"?" -msgstr "Apa itu \"yaoi\"?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:627 -msgid "You don't want to know!" -msgstr "Kamu nggak bakal mau tahu!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:631 -msgid "Usually only teen girls who like anime know what it means, so maybe that's good?" -msgstr "Biasanya hanya cewek yang suka anime yang mengerti, jadi mungkin itu bagus?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:632 -msgid "Most normal people will be totally oblivious." -msgstr "Kebanyakan orang biasa gak akan ngerti." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:634 -msgid "Yeah. The only reason Noelle knows is because I corrupted her." -msgstr "Iya. Satu-satunya alasan Noelle tahu soalnya gua ngotorin dia." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:637 -msgid "Let me reiterate that this is a bad idea." -msgstr "Izinkan aku mengulangi kalau ini ide yang buruk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:638 -msgid "We're going to have to make up a fake definition when our parents ask what it means." -msgstr "Kita harus buat definisi palsu saat orang tua kita tanya apa artinya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:640 -msgid "Worth." -msgstr "Sepadan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:642 -msgid "How is that worth it?" -msgstr "Bagaimana itu sepadan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:644 -msgid "Okay, we'll settle this the fair way, which is a vote." -msgstr "Oke, kita selesaikan dengan cara yang adil, yaitu lewat voting." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:645 -msgid "Everyone, write your vote down on a piece of paper." -msgstr "Semuanya, tulis pilihan kalian di kertas." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:649 -msgid "Akarsha votes for..." -msgstr "Akarsha memilih..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:668 -msgid "Chryssa tallies up all the votes." -msgstr "Chryssa menghitung seluruh suara." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:671 -msgid "The winner is..." -msgstr "Pemenangnya..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:673 -msgid "[teamName!t]!" -msgstr "[teamName!t]" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:676 -msgctxt "meetingStart_79a02449" -msgid "Yeah!!" -msgstr "Yaaa!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:678 -msgid "Name status: Sick!!!" -msgstr "Status nama: Keren!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:683 -msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255" -msgid "!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:685 -msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about bagels?" -msgstr "Aku gak ngerti. Apa yang bagus dari bagel?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:686 -msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e" -msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." -msgstr "Diya memberinya tatapan yang sangat menghakimi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:688 -msgid "It's bread in a circle." -msgstr "Itu roti dalam lingkaran." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:690 -msgid "That...didn't explain anything." -msgstr "Itu...gak menjelaskan apapun." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:693 -msgid "Diya would probably eat an entire bakery if she had the chance." -msgstr "Diya mungkin saja makan satu toko roti kalau dapat kesempatannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:697 -msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255_1" -msgid "!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:699 -msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about chicken nuggets?" -msgstr "Aku gak ngerti. Apa yang bagus dari nugget ayam?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:700 -msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e_1" -msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." -msgstr "Diya menatapnya dengan sangat menghakimi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:702 -msgid "They're on sale at McDonald's. You can buy 20 for $4.99." -msgstr "Itu lagi diskon di McDonald's. Kamu bisa beli 20 dengan $4.99." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:704 -msgid "What are you, a walking McDonald's advertisement?" -msgstr "Kamu itu apa, iklan McDonald's berjalan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:708 -msgid "Nice." -msgstr "Bagus" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:711 -msgid "I guess the one downside is, we only sound threatening to people who believe in it." -msgstr "Sepertinya kelemahannya itu, kita hanya kedengaran mengancam buat orang yang percaya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:713 -msgid "That's fine." -msgstr "Tidak apa-apa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:714 -msgid "Even if they're too ignorant to accept scientific fact, that doesn't erase the reality that we'll annihilate them." -msgstr "Kalaupun mereka terlalu bodoh untuk menerima fakta ilmiahnya, itu tidak menghapus kenyataan kalau kita akan menghancurkan mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:716 -msgid "Big words for someone who couldn't catch a ball if it had Elmer's glue on it." -msgstr "Banyak bacot buat orang yang gak bisa nangkep bola meski ada lem Elmer'snya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:718 -msgid "You shut up." -msgstr "Kamu diam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:720 -msgid "Alright guys, be nice..." -msgstr "Oke guys, yang rukun..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:724 -msgctxt "meetingStart_27c49944" -msgid "No!" -msgstr "Tidak!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:726 -msgid "Yes!" -msgstr "Ya!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:729 -msgid "Have you guys no shame at all?!" -msgstr "Kalian enggak punya malu?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:731 -msgid "Come on. Don't pretend you didn't vote for it." -msgstr "Ayolah. Kamu jangan pura-pura enggak milih." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:733 -msgid "I didn't vote for it!" -msgstr "Aku gak milih!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:748 -msgid "The [teamName!t] head out to the field." -msgstr "[teamName!t]pergi ke lapangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:751 -msgid "The other team is on their way. They're parking right now." -msgstr "Tim yang lain sedang di perjalanan. Mereka lagi parkir sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:752 -msgid "Let's stretch and warm up first." -msgstr "Ayo peregangan dan pemanasan dulu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:754 -msgid "They arrange in a huge circle and begin stretching like usual." -msgstr "Mereka membentuk lingkaran besar dan mulai peregangan seperti biasa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:758 -msgid "Focus on your breathing and calm your mind." -msgstr "Fokus dengan pernafasanmu dan tenangkan pikiranmu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:760 -msgid "Suddenly, Noelle whirls around, looking frantic. " -msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Noelle berputar, terlihat panik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:762 -msgid "Noelle, get with the program. Be a Zen master." -msgstr "Noelle, ikutin programnya. Jadi ahli Zen." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:764 -msgid "Where's Diya?" -msgstr "Diya mana?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:766 -msgid "Huh? She didn't follow us out?" -msgstr "Hah? Dia enggak ikut kita keluar?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:768 -msgid "Indeed, Diya is nowhere in sight..." -msgstr "Betul, Diya tidak terlihat..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:770 -msgid "Holy shit. She's so quiet I didn't even notice she was gone." -msgstr "Wah anjir. Dia diem banget sampe aku gak sadar dia hilang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:772 -msgid "Min-seo is missing, too." -msgstr "Min-seo juga tidak ada." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:774 -msgid "OH MY GOD..." -msgstr "OH MY GOD..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:775 -msgid "THEY'RE DOING IT..." -msgstr "MEREKA NGELAKUIN ITU..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:778 -msgid "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE." -msgstr "TIDAK MUNGKIN." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:780 -msgid "Min told me she was going to the bathroom on the way out." -msgstr "Min bilang dia mau ke kamar mandi saat keluar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:782 -msgid "But that was, like, 15 minutes ago. She should be back by now." -msgstr "Tapi itu, kayak, 15 menit yang lalu. Harusnya sudah balik sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:784 -msgid "Maybe they got left behind in the locker room." -msgstr "Mungkin mereka ketinggalan di ruang loker." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:793 -msgid "AUGGGHHH!!!" -msgstr "AUGGGHHH!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:797 -msgctxt "diyaMissing_6084cb07" -msgid "What?!" -msgstr "Apa?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:799 -msgid "Nothing. I was just randomly screaming." -msgstr "Enggak. Aku hanya teriak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:804 -msgid "Looks like Diya and Min aren't here." -msgstr "Sepertinya Diya dan Min tidak disini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:805 -msgid "And the girls' bathroom is empty." -msgstr "Dan toilet cewek juga kosong." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:807 -msgid "We should split up and search for them." -msgstr "Sebaiknya kita berpencar dan mencari mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:809 -msgid "No. I've watched enough TV to know where this is going." -msgstr "Tidak. Aku sudah nontoh cukup banyak TV buat tahu ini bakal mengarah kemana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:810 -msgid "We'll get picked off one by one." -msgstr "Kita bakal dihabisin satu-satu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:812 -msgid "What is this, a horror movie?" -msgstr "Apa ini, film horror?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:814 -msgid "The Killer Whales will be here any minute. We don't have time to comb the school slowly together." -msgstr "The Killer Whales sebentar lagi sampai. Kita enggak punya waktu buat pelan-pelan keliling sekolah bareng." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:815 -msgid "Besides, we already lost the main problem children. The rest of them aren't the type to just randomly wander off like this." -msgstr "Legian, kita udah ngilangin anak-anak yang bermasalah. Yang lainnya bukan tipe yang tiba-tiba ngilang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:817 -msgid "That's true." -msgstr "Itu benar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:818 -msgid "Fine. Disperse, [teamName!t]!" -msgstr "Yaudah. Menyebar, [teamName!t]" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:819 -msgid "Meet back at the field in 10 minutes, whether you find them or not." -msgstr "Kumpul lagi di lapangan dalam 10 menit, ketemu atau enggak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:821 -msgid "Roger that!" -msgstr "Roger!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:825 -msgid "Semes..." -msgstr "Semes..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:827 -msgid "I still don't want to be called that!" -msgstr "Aku masih tidak mau dipanggil itu!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:829 -msgid "Don't be a sore loser." -msgstr "Jangan jadi pecundang, ah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:846 -msgid "Noelle is holding the door open for people as they exit the locker room." -msgstr "Noelle menahan pintunya terbuka saat mereka pergi keluar ruang loker." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:847 -msgid "She smiles as Akarsha comes closer." -msgstr "Dia tersenyum ketika Akarsha semakin dekat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:849 -msgid "I can't stand here all day, you're cut off." -msgstr "Aku tidak bisa berdiri disini sepanjang hari, kamu dipisah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:852 -msgid "Noelle lets the door close in Akarsha's face." -msgstr "Noelle membiarkan pintunya tertutup di wajah Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:854 -msgid "Oh my god????" -msgstr "Oh my god????" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:863 -msgid "Noelle is waiting for Akarsha outside." -msgstr "Noelle sedang menunggu Akarsha di luar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:865 -msgid "Meanie." -msgstr "Jahat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:866 -msgid "Where should we look?" -msgstr "Kita harus cari di mana?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:869 -msgctxt "diyaMissing_88bdc1aa" -msgid "I don't know." -msgstr "Aku tidak tahu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:870 -msgid "If it was just Diya, I'd have guesses, but it's likely Min-seo forced her to go somewhere." -msgstr "Kalau hanya Diya, aku bisa menebak, tapi bisa saja Min-seo memaksa dia pergi ke suatu tempat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:872 -msgid "...You realize Diya is like, a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than Min, right?" -msgstr "...Lu nyadar kan kalau Diya tuh, kayak, sekaki lebih tinggi dan 100 pon lebih berat dari Min?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:873 -msgid "Min can't \"force\" Diya to do anything. If she took her somewhere, it's because Diya let her." -msgstr "Min enggak bisa \"maksa\" Diya buat ngapa-ngapain. Kalau dia bawa dia kemana, itu soalnya Diya biarin." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:876 -msgid "Fine, forced was too strong of a word. Coerced." -msgstr "Yasudah, terpaksa terlalu kuat. Dipaksa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:883 -msgid "Dude, chill. You're so neurotic when it comes to Diya." -msgstr "Bro, santuy. Lu khawatir banget kalau urusan Diya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:884 -msgid "Can't you just trust her judgment?" -msgstr "Kamu gak bisa percaya keputusannya dia?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:889 -msgid "In kindergarten, I asked Diya what she wanted to be when she grew up and she answered \"A police dog.\"" -msgstr "Waktu TK, aku tanya Diya mau jadi apa dia waktu sudah besar dan dia menjawab \"Anjing polisi.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:891 -msgid "Well, it WAS kindergarten." -msgstr "Ya, itu KAN TK." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:893 -msgid "Even in kindergarten I understood that becoming another species wasn't an option..." -msgstr "Bahkan saat TK aku mengerti kalau jadi spesies lain itu bukan pilihan..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:967 -msgid "Akarsha looks inside the girls' bathroom. Just as Chryssa said, it's empty." -msgstr "Akarsha melihat kedalam kamar mandi perempuan. Seperti yang Chryssa katakan, kosong." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:969 -msgid "Darn. I thought Min might be having a diarrhea catastrophe or something." -msgstr "Yah. Gua kira Min bisa aja lagi diare atau apalah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:972 -msgid "Are you trying to make me throw up?" -msgstr "Kamu mau buat aku muntah?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:975 -msgid "Ya. It's my hobby." -msgstr "Iye. Itu hobi gua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:978 -msgid "You know, sometimes I wonder why I bother with you." -msgstr "Kamu tahu, terkadang aku berpikir kenapa aku bersamamu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:981 -msgid "Because you love me." -msgstr "Soalnya lu sayang gua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:984 -msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e" -msgid "No, I don't." -msgstr "Tidak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:987 -msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd" -msgid "Yes, you do." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:990 -msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e_1" -msgid "No, I don't." -msgstr "Tidak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:993 -msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd_1" -msgid "Yes, you do." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:996 -msgid "This is stupid. Knock it off." -msgstr "Ini bodoh. Hentikan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:999 -msgid "You didn't deny it that time! CONFIRMED." -msgstr "Lu gak nolak kali ini! TERBUKTI." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1002 -msgid "NOT CONFIRMED. That's not how it works." -msgstr "TIDAK TERBUKTI. Itu bukan cara kerjanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1123 -msgid "Hey, that's...!" -msgstr "Hei, itu...!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1127 -msgid "Diya is sprinting around the track at top speed!" -msgstr "Diya sedang berlari dengan cepat di lintasan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1129 -msgid "Yo! Diya!" -msgstr "Yo! Diya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1132 -msgid "She can't hear us from here." -msgstr "Dia tidak bisa mendengar kita dari sini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1135 -msgid "Once Diya rounds a bend, Noelle and Akarsha flag her down." -msgstr "Saat Diya mengitari sebuah tikungan, Noelle dan Akarsha mengisyaratkannya untuk berhenti." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1137 -msgid "She's completely drenched in sweat." -msgstr "Dia bermandikan keringat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1141 -msgctxt "track_b4f18a79" -msgid "What are you doing?" -msgstr "Kamu ngapain?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1145 -msgid "I got nervous, so I ran 3 miles." -msgstr "Aku gugup, jadi aku lari 3 mil." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1146 -msgid "Feel better now." -msgstr "Baikan sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1148 -msgid "Uh...Okay?" -msgstr "Uh...Oke?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1149 -msgid "Why didn't you say anything?" -msgstr "Lu kenapa enggak bilang apa-apa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1153 -msgid "Diya looks at her as though she's crazy." -msgstr "Diya melihatnya seolah dia gila." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1154 -msgid "Stressful. I don't like to bother people." -msgstr "Bikin stres. Aku enggak suka gangguin orang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1156 -msgid "Dude, you know that not communicating just makes most situations even MORE stressful, right??" -msgstr "Bro, lu tau kan ga ngomong malah buat situasinya JAUH LEBIH bikin stres??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1161 -msgid "Where's Min?" -msgstr "Min dimana?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1164 -msgctxt "track_9fa2cfca" -msgid "...?" -msgstr "...?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1165 -msgid "What do you mean?" -msgstr "Maksud kamu apa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1167 -msgid "Huh. I guess you went missing separately." -msgstr "Hoh. Berarti kalian ilangnya misah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1168 -msgid "Never mind. Just go back to the diamond then." -msgstr "Ga jadi. Balik aja ke diamond kalau gitu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1170 -msgid "You should go back to the diamond." -msgstr "Kamu balik ke diamond sana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1171 -msgid "That way Chryssa and Liz will know where you are." -msgstr "Biar Chryssa sama Liz bakal tau kamu dimana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1175 -msgid "Diya nods and trots off." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk dan berlari pergi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1180 -msgctxt "track_2336aed8" -msgid "We found both of them." -msgstr "Kita nemuin mereka berdua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1183 -msgctxt "track_be8d0937" -msgid "Yes." -msgstr "Ya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1185 -msgctxt "track_4bb6904f" -msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" -msgstr "Sekali lagi, gua pahlawan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1188 -msgctxt "track_5a0fec90" -msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." -msgstr "KAMU BUKAN PAHLAWAN." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1190 -msgctxt "track_a0fce640" -msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." -msgstr "Ayo balik ke lapangan juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1254 -msgid "Bad memories looking at this now." -msgstr "Ingatan buruk liat ini sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1256 -msgid "I was an idiot." -msgstr "Aku tolol." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1259 -msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8" -msgid "............." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1262 -msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2" -msgid "............." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1265 -msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8_1" -msgid "............." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1268 -msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2_1" -msgid "............." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1271 -msgid "If you're waiting for me to disagree, we're going to be here all day." -msgstr "Kalau kamu tunggu aku tidak setuju, kita akan disini seharian." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1280 -msgctxt "lookPoster2_656a56ba" -msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" -msgstr "Posternya berkata \"Kurangi stress!\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1284 -msgctxt "lookPoster2_655a1055" -msgid "HahaHAH!!" -msgstr "HahaHAH!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1285 -msgctxt "lookPoster2_0aceba5d" -msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" -msgstr "Gimana mereka harap kita bisa kayak gitu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1286 -msgctxt "lookPoster2_81cbde51" -msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" -msgstr "Gak ke sekolah?{w=0.26} Nyingkirin orang tua kita?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1296 -msgctxt "lookBush2_bbb27231" -msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" -msgstr "OH MY GOD!!!! GUA GAK PERCAYA!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1299 -msgctxt "lookBush2_9d73f57c" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1302 -msgctxt "lookBush2_2a42d072" -msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "INI...INI SEMAK-SEMAK!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1303 -msgctxt "lookBush2_588540e7" -msgid "I never would've guessed!" -msgstr "Gua enggak akan bisa nebak!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1308 -msgctxt "lookBush2_f5a3cd1f" -msgid "FASCINATING!!!" -msgstr "MENGAGUMKAN!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1309 -msgctxt "lookBush2_beb8360c" -msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" -msgstr "Ayo kita lihat ini terus daripada ngelakuin sesuatu yang lebih berguna!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1320 -msgid "Noelle looks incredibly amused." -msgstr "Noelle terlihat sangat senang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1322 -msgid "Why the library?" -msgstr "Kenapa perpustakaan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1324 -msgid "You think Min-seo is going to read a book?" -msgstr "Kamu pikir Min-seo bakal membaca buku?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1327 -msgid "Doesn't hurt to be thorough, right?" -msgstr "Ga sakit kan kalau teliti?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1331 -msgid "Akarsha squeaks the door open." -msgstr "Akarsha membuka pintunya terbuka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1334 -msgid "The book scanner alarms go off!" -msgstr "Alarm pemindai buku berbunyi!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1335 -msgid "Everyone in the library turns to look at her!" -msgstr "Semua orang di perpustakaan melihat ke arahnya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1338 -msgid "OH SHIT???!!!!" -msgstr "WEH ANJIR???!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1339 -msgid "*weird shriek*" -msgstr "*menjerit aneh*" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1341 -msgid "Akarsha panics and bolts back out the door!" -msgstr "Akarsha panik dan melarikan diri!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1356 -msgid "Hoo!!! Good thing no one chased after us." -msgstr "Hoo!!! Baguslah tidak ada yang mengejar kita." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1357 -msgid "What even just happened?" -msgstr "Barusan apaan dah?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1360 -msgid "I don't know. How odd." -msgstr "Tidak tahu. Sangat aneh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1362 -msgid "I don't even have any books in my backpack. Why did it go off???" -msgstr "Aku bahkan enggak punya buku apapun di tasku. Kenapa bunyi???" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1364 -msgid "Maybe it was a fluke. You should try again." -msgstr "Mungkin kebetulan. Kamu harus mencobanya lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1366 -msgid "No thanks..." -msgstr "Enggak makasih..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1426 -msgid "Akarsha admires her own reflection in the window." -msgstr "Akarsha mengagumi pantulan dirinya sendiri di jendela." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1429 -msgid "I hate myself, but in a fun way where I'll still check myself out." -msgstr "Gua benci diri gua sendiri, tapi dalam cara yang menyenangkan dimana gua masih perhatiin diri gua sendiri." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1432 -msgid "Dat me." -msgstr "Ituw aku." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1436 -msgid "It's the 21st century. Why is acne still a thing?" -msgstr "Sekarang abad ke-21. Kenapa jerawat masih ada?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1439 -msgid "Technology has literally advanced to the point where we can shoot LASER BEAMS at your eyes to improve your vision. " -msgstr "Teknologi udah maju sampe lu bisa nembakin SINAR LASER ke mata lu buat ningkatin penglihatan lu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1440 -msgid "You'd think we would've found a cure for bad skin by now." -msgstr "Lu bakal mikir kita bakal udah nemu obat buat kulit jelek sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1441 -msgid "Like, dude, I don't even want to be pretty. I just want to look average, and not gross all the time." -msgstr "Kayak, bro, gue bahkan enggak pengen cantik. Gue cuman pengen kelihatan standar, dan enggak menjijikan terus." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1442 -msgid "It's hard being a weird goblin that no one has a crush on." -msgstr "Susah jadi jin aneh yang gak disukain orang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1446 -msgid "I wonder what it's like to be attractive." -msgstr "Gua penasaran rasanya jadi menarik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1449 -msgid "Like, Diya could be wearing a garbage bag and still look better than I ever will in my entire life." -msgstr "Kayak, Diya bisa pake kantong sampah dan masih kelihatan lebih bagus dari gua sepanjang hidup gua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1451 -msgid "I asked her what she washes her face with, and she said she just splashes water on it. Can you imagine being blessed with genes that good?" -msgstr "Gua tanya dia cuci muka pakai apa, terus dia bilang dia cuman pake air. Bisa bayangin ga sih diberkatin gen sebagus itu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1454 -msgid "It's okay, though. I'm over it." -msgstr "Gapapa, sih. Gua biasa aja." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1455 -msgid "Being ugly builds character." -msgstr "Jelek membangun karakter." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1469 -msgid "It's dead quiet in here." -msgstr "Sunyi banget disini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1471 -msgid "If I farted, you could hear it from a mile away." -msgstr "Kalau gua kentut, lu bisa dengar dari jauh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1474 -msgid "Please don't." -msgstr "Tolong jangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1484 -msgid "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" -msgstr "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1486 -msgid "Akarsha's shrieking echoes in the empty hall for several seconds." -msgstr "Jeritan Akarsha bergema di aula kosong selama beberapa detik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1488 -msgid "...Wow, the acoustics in here are great." -msgstr "...Wow, akustik di sini bagus." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1490 -msgid "I realize there's nothing I can do to prevent you from doing this, so I will wait outside and pretend not to know you." -msgstr "Aku sadar tidak ada yang bisa aku lakukan untuk mencegahmu melakukan ini, jadi aku akan tunggu di luar dan pura-pura tidak mengenalmu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1492 -msgid "Noelle leaves the auditorium." -msgstr "Noelle meninggalkan aula." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1497 -msgid "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" -msgstr "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1506 -msgid "*beatboxing* Stressed out!" -msgstr "*beatboxing* Stres!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1507 -msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about college!" -msgstr "*beatboxing* Berhenti nanya tentang kuliah!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1508 -msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about majors and my career! Stop asking about my future!" -msgstr "*beatboxing* Berhenti nanya jurusan dan karir gua! Berhenti nanya tentang masa depan gua!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1511 -msgid "I DON'T KNOW OKAY!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!" -msgstr "GUA GAK TAHU OKE!! GUA GAK TAHU!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1512 -msgid "I'M NOT GOOD AT ANYTHING!" -msgstr "GUA GAK JAGO APA-APA!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1513 -msgid "I'M A FRAUD! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! I'M NOT THAT SMART!" -msgstr "GUA PENIPU! GUA GAK TAHU GUA NGAPAIN! GUA GAK SEPINTAR ITU!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1514 -msgid "I'M SO AFRAID OF FAILURE THAT EVERYTHING I DO HAS TO BE FUNNY! BECAUSE IF I'M NOT SERIOUS, IT'S NOT LIKE I WAS REALLY TRYING!" -msgstr "GUA TAKUT BANGET GAGAL SAMPE SEMUA YANG GUA LAKUIN HARUS LUCU! SOALNYA KALAU GA SERIUS, ITU KAYAK GUA ENGGAK BERUSAHA!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1515 -msgid "I'M SO UNHAPPY!! GOOD THING I DISGUISE IT AS A SERIES OF JOKES SO NO ONE NOTICES THE GAPING CHASM OF DARKNESS I LIVE ON THE EDGE OF!!!" -msgstr "GUA BENER-BENER GA BAHAGIA!. BAGUSLAH GUA NUTUPIN JADI CANDAAN BIAR GA ADA YANG SADAR JURANG GELAP YANG GUA TINGGALIN!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1516 -msgid "I WANNA DIE!!! KILL ME!!!!!" -msgstr "GUA PENGEN MATI!!! BUNUH GUA!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1521 -msgid "What're you doing?" -msgstr "Lo ngapain?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1524 -msgid "WaauUGHH!!!!" -msgstr "WaauUGHH!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1525 -msgid "Why're you here?! Weren't you supposed to be going to the bathroom?" -msgstr "Lu ngapain di sini?! Bukannya lu mau ke kamar mandi?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1528 -msgid "I was. There's a family bathroom over there." -msgstr "Tadi. Ada kamar mandi bersama di sana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1529 -msgid "She points to a door at the far end of the auditorium." -msgstr "Dia menunjuk pintu di ujung aula." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1531 -msgid "Okay...?" -msgstr "Oke...?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1534 -msgid "Anyone can use it. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl." -msgstr "Semuanya bisa pake. Gak ada yang peduli lo cowok atau cewek." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1536 -msgctxt "beatbox_7db5b18b" -msgid "...Right." -msgstr "...Ya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1538 -msgctxt "beatbox_dc547d3a" -msgid "Right." -msgstr "Ya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1540 -msgctxt "beatbox_79c251c2" -msgid "............." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1543 -msgid "Min looks relieved that Akarsha let the topic drop." -msgstr "Min terlihat lega Akarsha membiarkan topiknya berhenti." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1546 -msgid "So where's Diya?" -msgstr "Jadi mana Diya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1549 -msgid "How should I know? Isn't she with the rest of you guys?" -msgstr "Gimana gue tau? Bukannya dia sama kalian?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1551 -msgid "Huh. Never mind, then." -msgstr "Oh. Lupain, kalau gitu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1555 -msgid "Were you serious about that dying stuff?" -msgstr "Lo serius tentang pengen mati itu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1557 -msgid "Naw man, I'd never actively try to off myself." -msgstr "Enggaklah, gua gak bakal coba langsung." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1558 -msgid "It's more like...if I was crossing the street and a car came barreling toward me, I'm not sure I'd get out of the way." -msgstr "Lebih kayak...kalau gua lagi nyebrang terus ada mobil yang dateng, gua gak yakin bakal nyingkir." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1561 -msgid "Then I'll hit the car out of the way." -msgstr "Kalau gitu gue bakal tabrak mobilnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1563 -msgid "You'll...hit it? What?" -msgstr "Lu bakal...tabrak? Hah?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1566 -msgid "With my own car. I'll ram into the one driving toward you." -msgstr "Pake mobil gue sendiri. Gue bakal hantam yang dateng ke arah lo." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1568 -msgid "Your car'll get crushed." -msgstr "Mobil lu bakalan hancur." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1571 -msgid "No, it won't. My car will be stronger." -msgstr "Enggak bakal. Mobil gue bakal lebih kuat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1573 -msgid "You think I'm gonna own some weak shrimpy-ass car?" -msgstr "Lo pikir gue bakal punya mobil letoy?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1575 -msgid "That other car is as good as dead." -msgstr "Mobil yang lainnya mati." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1578 -msgid "kKKhfffft??!!" -msgstr "kKKhfffft??!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1579 -msgid "She's serious! She'd deadass try to save me by crashing into another car!" -msgstr "Dia serius! Dia beneran bakalan coba nyelamatin gua dengan nabrakin mobil lain!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1581 -msgid "Min looks relieved that she made Akarsha laugh." -msgstr "Min terlihat lega dia membuat Akarsha tertawa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1582 -msgid "She's holding an emo Linkin Park skateboard under one arm." -msgstr "Dia memegang sebuah skateboard Linkin Park emo dengan satu tangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1584 -msgid "Wanna learn how to skateboard?" -msgstr "Mau belajar naik skateboard?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1586 -msgid "Those aren't allowed at school, you know." -msgstr "Itu gak boleh di sekolah, tau." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1589 -msgid "Rules are made to be broken." -msgstr "Peraturan dibuat buat dilanggar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1590 -msgid "Are you a square or a triangle?" -msgstr "Lo kotak atau segitiga?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1592 -msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes." -msgstr "Gua yakin ngomongnya bukan kayak gitu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1595 -msgid "Min places her skateboard on the floor." -msgstr "Min menaruh skaterboardnya di lantai." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1597 -msgid "Here, I'll show you something cool." -msgstr "Sini, gue tunjukkin sesuatu yang keren." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1611 -msgid "Hold on to me." -msgstr "Pegang gue." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1615 -msgid "I got you." -msgstr "Gue pegangin." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1616 -msgid "But don't make this weird." -msgstr "Tapi jangan aneh-aneh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1617 -msgid "Don't make this weird." -msgstr "Jangan aneh-aneh." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1621 -msgid "*weird shriek* AAAAUGH!!! YAA!" -msgstr "*pekikan aneh* AAAAUGH!!! YAA!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1625 -msgid "WHAT DID I JUST SAY YOU USELESS HOE?!" -msgstr "TADI GUE BILANG APA BANGSAT?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1628 -msgid "Min manages to stand on the skateboard with Akarsha on her shoulders!" -msgstr "Min berhasil berdiri di atas skateboard dengan Akarsha di pundaknya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1631 -msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625" -msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." -msgstr "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1632 -msgid "Something something...breaking free..." -msgstr "Sesuatu sesuatu...breaking free..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1633 -msgid "I haven't watched High School Musical. I don't know the rest of the lyrics." -msgstr "Gue belum nonton High School Musical. Gue kagak tahu sisanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1634 -msgid "It's okay. Let's just keep repeating that one line." -msgstr "Gapapa. Ayo ulang aja lirik yang itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1635 -msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625_1" -msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." -msgstr "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1636 -msgctxt "beatbox_21e01727" -msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." -msgstr "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1645 -msgid "Feel better now?" -msgstr "Baikan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1649 -msgid "Yeah, I'm fine." -msgstr "Iya, gua baikan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1650 -msgid "I needed that." -msgstr "Gua butuh itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1652 -msgid "Akarsha's eyes are filling up with tears." -msgstr "Mata Akarsha mulai berkaca-kaca." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1654 -msgid "Time to make a joke." -msgstr "Waktunya bercanda." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1656 -msgid "You know what the economy needs?" -msgstr "Lu tahu apa yang ekonomi butuhin?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1658 -msgid "$3 bills. They should put my face on it." -msgstr "Uang kertas $3. Mereka harus taruh muka gua disana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1669 -msgid "Min ribs her in the arm." -msgstr "Min menyikutinya di lengan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1671 -msgid "You suck." -msgstr "Lo payah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1675 -msgid "Mean!" -msgstr "Jahat!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1683 -msgid "Akarsha ribs her back." -msgstr "Akarsha menyikutinya balik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1685 -msgctxt "beatbox_9bdd17ec" -msgid "Hey!" -msgstr "Woi!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1687 -msgid "Oops, that was a bit harder than I expected." -msgstr "Waduh, itu lebih keras dari yang gua kira." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1697 -msgid "Min hits her back, harder!" -msgstr "Min memukulnya balik, lebih keras!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1698 -msgid "Akarsha retaliates by spitting on her own knuckles!" -msgstr "Akarsha membalasnya dengan meludahi kepalan tangannya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1700 -msgid "My punches inflict poison damage now!!!" -msgstr "Tinju gua sekarang beracun!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1710 -msgid "It turned into a fist fight!" -msgstr "Keadaan berubah menjadi baku hantam!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1711 -msgid "Hearing signs of violence, Noelle has run back into the auditorium." -msgstr "Mendengar tanda-tanda kekerasan, Noelle berlari kembali ke aula." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1714 -msgid "Chryssa! Look what they're doing!!!" -msgstr "Chryssa! Lihat mereka sedang apa!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1718 -msgid "Min, come back to the field with me." -msgstr "Min, balik ke lapangan denganku." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1721 -msgid "Chryssa drags Min off, leaving Akarsha and Noelle behind." -msgstr "Chryssa menyeret Min pergi, meninggalkan Akarsha dan Noelle dibelakang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1731 -msgctxt "beatbox_2336aed8" -msgid "We found both of them." -msgstr "Kita nemuin mereka berdua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1734 -msgctxt "beatbox_be8d0937" -msgid "Yes." -msgstr "Ya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1736 -msgctxt "beatbox_4bb6904f" -msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" -msgstr "Sekali lagi, gua pahlawan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1739 -msgctxt "beatbox_5a0fec90" -msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." -msgstr "KAMU BUKAN PAHLAWAN." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1741 -msgctxt "beatbox_a0fce640" -msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." -msgstr "Ayo kembali ke lapangan juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1788 -msgid "Akarsha goes into the family bathroom." -msgstr "Akarsha pergi ke kamar mandi bersama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1789 -msgid "Unlike the regular ones, there's only one stall." -msgstr "Tidak seperti yang biasa, yang ini hanya punya satu toilet." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1791 -msgid "It's so clean?!" -msgstr "Bersih banget?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1793 -msgid "Where's the pee on the toilet seat?? Where's the poo and blood stains like in the girls bathroom?" -msgstr "Mana pipis di dudukan toilet?? Mana kotoran sama noda darah kayak di kamar mandi cewek?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1794 -msgid "It must be this pristine because no one else knows about it." -msgstr "Ini pasti bersih banget soalnya enggak ada yang tahu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1795 -msgid "This is heaven! No wonder Min uses it." -msgstr "Ini surga! Pantes aja Min pake." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1805 -msgid "Finally! Everyone's here." -msgstr "Akhirnya! Semuanya disini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1808 -msgid "And no one fell victim to a serial killer...what a relief." -msgstr "Dan enggak ada yang jadi korban pembunuh berantai...syukurlah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1809 -msgid "[teamName!t], assemble!" -msgstr "[teamName!t], kumpul!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1811 -msgid "The other team is warming up on the field." -msgstr "Tim lainnya sedang pemanasan di lapangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1816 -msgid "Two of them break from the rest of the group and rush up to Diya." -msgstr "Dua orang berpisah dari kelompok itu dan berlari ke arah Diya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1817 -msgid "Diya rears back in fear and hides behind Noelle for a moment before she appears to recognize them." -msgstr "Diya mundur ketakutan dan bersembunyi di belakang Noelle untuk sesaat sebelum dia mengenali mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1819 -msgid " Diya! It's us!" -msgstr "Diya! Ini kita!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1821 -msgctxt "akarsha2_8356b4b2" -msgid "......!!!" -msgstr "......!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1829 -msgid "Diya high fives him with a brutally excessive amount of force. Their palms meet with a deafening clap." -msgstr "Diya bertos dengannya dengan kekuatan yang sangat besar. Telapak tangan mereka bertemu dengan tepukan yang memekakkan telinga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1831 -msgid "The victim swears and flaps the affected hand, as if to shake off the stinging." -msgstr "Korbannya mengumpat dan mengepakkan tangannya yang sakit, seolah ingin menghilangkan sengatannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1832 -msgid "He's trying valiantly to smile, but there are tears of pain in his eyes." -msgstr "Dia berusaha tersenyum dengan berani, tapi ada air mata di matanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1834 -msgid "We made our team accept the match when we heard you were here." -msgstr "Kita buat tim kita terima pertandingannya pas kita denger kamu disini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1836 -msgid "You look different from Min now. Can't believe this." -msgstr "Kamu beda banget sama Min sekarang. Aku enggak percaya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1838 -msgid "Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if we still looked the same after all this time?" -msgstr "Bukannya bakal lebih ga bisa dipercaya kalau kita masih kelihatan sama?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1839 -msgid "Diya raises her hand for another high five." -msgstr "Diya menaikkan tangannya untuk tos lain." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1841 -msgid "No! No no I don't want it!" -msgstr "Nggak! Nggak nggak ga mau!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1843 -msgid "Diya, you know them?" -msgstr "Diya, kamu kenal?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1847 -msgid "We know Hayden from elementary school, and Jun's my twin." -msgstr "Kita kenal Hayden dari SD, dan Jun kembaran gue." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1848 -msgid "Jun jolts at the sound of Min's voice, visibly shocked." -msgstr "Jun tersentak saat mendengar suara Min, jelas-jelas terkejut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1851 -msgid "Min?!" -msgstr "Min?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1852 -msgid "What're you doing here??" -msgstr "Lu ngapain disini??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1854 -msgid "Same thing as you. Baseball." -msgstr "Sama kayak lu. Baseball." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1856 -msgid "Do Mom and Dad know you're doing this?" -msgstr "Papa Mama tahu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1858 -msgid "Do you even need to ask?" -msgstr "Lu harus nanya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1860 -msgid "Jun sighs. He seems really used to this." -msgstr "Jun menghela nafas. Dia kelihatan terbiasa dengan ini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1864 -msgid "Now that everyone's here, let's get started." -msgstr "Karena semuanya disini, ayo kita mulai." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1882 -msgid "Since we're the home team, we're defending first." -msgstr "Karena kita tim tuan rumah, kita yang bertahan dulu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1886 -msgid "Liz hands Min what looks like a tiny white pouch filled with powder." -msgstr "Liz menyerahkan Min apa yang seperti sebuah kantung putih kecil yang penuh bubuk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1887 -msgid "A cloud of dust puffs out when she grabs it." -msgstr "Awan debu mengepul ketika dia mengambilnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1889 -msgid "We have rosin! To help improve your grip." -msgstr "Kita punya rosin! Buat bantu genggaman kamu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1891 -msgid "Wow! Real rosin!!" -msgstr "Wah! Rosin asli!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1892 -msgid "Min is so excited that she accidentally inhales a bunch of the powder." -msgstr "Min sangat bersemangat sampai tidak sengaja menghirup bubuk tersebut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1894 -msgctxt "akarsha2_ad56e609" -msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" -msgstr "*uhuk!!!*{w=0.26} *huek!!!*{w=0.26} *huing!!!*" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1896 -msgctxt "akarsha2_1386c66b" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1899 -msgctxt "akarsha2_c006af61" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1901 -msgctxt "akarsha2_849468c3" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1907 -msgid "Hayden is the lead-off hitter." -msgstr "Hayden pemukul pertama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1908 -msgid "Min spits on the ground for dramatic effect." -msgstr "Min meludah di tanah untuk efek dramatis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1910 -msgid "Ew!" -msgstr "Ih!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1912 -msgid "Min, that's gross. Don't do that again." -msgstr "Min, itu menjijikan. Jangan gitu lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1916 -msgid "Diya crouches into position." -msgstr "Diya meringkuk ke posisi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1917 -msgid "As an afterthought, she points her index finger down at the ground. Min smugly nods back and straightens up on the mound." -msgstr "Sebagai renungan, dia menunjukkan telunjuknya ke tanah. Min mengangguk dengan angkuh dan berdiri tegak di undakan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1919 -msgid "Since when do you two have signs?" -msgstr "Sejak kapan kalian punya sinyal?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1921 -msgid "Oh, they don't mean anything." -msgstr "Oh, itu enggak ada artinya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1923 -msgid "We're just doing it because it looks cool." -msgstr "Kita lakuin soalnya keren doang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1930 -msgid "Min winds up and throws." -msgstr "Min bersiap dan melempar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1931 -msgid "The ball comes in chest high, perfectly spinless. If someone had written a message on it, you could read it." -msgstr "Bolanya datang setinggi dada, tanpa putaran. Kalau seseorang menulis sebuah pesan di situ, kamu bisa membacanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1934 -msgid "Then it does what looks like a double dip and and drops into Diya's glove." -msgstr "Lalu bolanya melakukan apa yang kelihatan seperti tukikan ganda dan jatuh ke sarung tangan Diya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1935 -msgid "Hayden swings at it, but he's way off." -msgstr "Hayden mengayun pada bolanya, tapi dia meleset." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1940 -msgid "Gyaaah!" -msgstr "Gyaaah!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1942 -msgid "Was the scream really necessary?" -msgstr "Harus banget teriak?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1950 -msgid "Hayden manages to skim the next pitch. It bounces up about an inch above the bat and plops down in front of the plate." -msgstr "Hayden berhasil melewati lemparan berikutnya. Bolanya memantul sekitar satu inci di atas pemukulnya dan jatuh di depan plate." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1951 -msgid "Diya pounces on it and throws him out." -msgstr "Diya menyambarnya dan membuat dia keluar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1953 -msgid "Nooooo...What was that?" -msgstr "Yaaaaaah...Itu apaan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1955 -msgid "A knuckleball. It's like a trick pitch." -msgstr "Knuckleball. Itu kayak lemparan tipuan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1957 -msgid "I don't trust it." -msgstr "Gua enggak percaya itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1958 -msgid "Cursed." -msgstr "Terkutuk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1960 -msgid "It's not cursed. It's like that because of physics." -msgstr "Nggak terkutuk. Kayak gitu gara-gara fisika." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1962 -msgid "...Cursed." -msgstr "...Terkutuk" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1966 -msgid "Chryssa yells out to [teamName!t] triumphantly." -msgstr "Chryssa meneriakan [teamName!t] dengan penuh kemenangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1968 -msgid "Chryssa yells out to the [teamName!t] triumphantly." -msgstr "Chryssa meneriakan [teamName!t] dengan penuh kemenangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1970 -msgid "See! I told you I wasn't making it up!" -msgstr "Tuh! Aku bilangin aku ga bohong!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1971 -msgid "Sakura and Yuki exchange a look, then turn to Chryssa with skeptical faces." -msgstr "Sakura dan Yuki bertukar pandangan, dan menghadap Chryssa dengan wajah skeptis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1973 -msgid "Come on!" -msgstr "Ayolah!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1976 -msgid "The next batter swings helplessly at three knucklers and sits down." -msgstr "Batter selanjutnya mengayun tanpa daya pada tiga knuckler lalu duduk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1980 -msgid "Jun-seo is up against his twin now." -msgstr "Jun-seo melawan kembarannya sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1985 -msgid "Min winds up and lets another knuckler go." -msgstr "Min bersiap dan melemparkan knuckler lain." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1988 -msgid "He hit a line drive straight at Akarsha." -msgstr "Dia memukul line drive langsung ke Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1995 -msgid "It's coming toward me!" -msgstr "Bolanya dateng ke gua!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1996 -msgid "I can't reach it with my hand!" -msgstr "Gua ga bisa nangkep pakai tangan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2011 -msgid "Akarsha kicked the ball!" -msgstr "Akarsha menendang bolanya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2013 -msgid "She's now hopping around on one foot in pain." -msgstr "Dia sekarang melompat-lompat dengan satu kaki dalam kesakitan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2015 -msgid "Ow!! Ow!! " -msgstr "Ow!! Ow!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2018 -msgid "You fucking dumbass!! Why didn't you just catch it?!" -msgstr "Lo tolol anjing!! Kenapa gak tangkep aja?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2020 -msgid "Don't mind!" -msgstr "Don't mind!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2022 -msgctxt "akarsha2_3bc705ee" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Hah?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2024 -msgid "Don't mind. They say that in sport anime when someone screws up." -msgstr "Don't mind. Mereka ngomong itu di anime olahraga waktu ada yang ngacau." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2026 -msgid "I'm literally going to throw up. You even said it with a fake Japanese accent." -msgstr "Aku beneran mau muntah. Kamu bahkan ngomongnya pake aksen Jepang palsu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2028 -msgid "Wait, I think it's a good idea, though. It helps boost morale." -msgstr "Tunggu, tapi aku pikir itu ide yang bagus. Bantu nambah moral." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2031 -msgid "We're already called Semes! How much more are we gonna embarrass ourselves?!" -msgstr "Kita udah dipanggil Semes! Mau nambah malu-maluin gimana lagi?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2033 -msgid "Don't be rude. We should support our teammates' interests." -msgstr "Jangan kayak itu. Kita harus ngedukung kegemaran anggota tim kita." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2035 -msgid "At what cost?!" -msgstr "Buat apa?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2039 -msgid "The ball bounces back toward home plate. Diya scoops up the ball and hurls it to first." -msgstr "Bolanya memantul kembali ke home plate. Diya mengambil bolanya dan melemparnya ke base pertama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2041 -msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe" -msgid "Out!" -msgstr "Out!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2043 -msgid "What the! That actually worked!" -msgstr "Apa! Beneran bisa!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2045 -msgid "Yes!! I'm a certified genius!" -msgstr "Ya!! Gua jenius!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2046 -msgid "My Nobel Prize..." -msgstr "Hadiah Nobelku..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2049 -msgid "You're not getting a Nobel Prize for kicking a ball instead of catching it the right way." -msgstr "Kamu tidak akan mendapat Hadiah Nobel karena menendang bola bukannya menangkapnya dengan benar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2062 -msgid "Aw, we don't have real dugouts? There's just a little bench for each side." -msgstr "Aw, kita nggak punya tempat istirahat beneran? Hanya ada bangku kecil di tiap sisi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2064 -msgid "What were you expecting? The school doesn't have an official baseball team, so we're lucky to even have this." -msgstr "Apa yang kamu harapin? Sekolah nggak punya tim baseball resmi, jadi kita punya ini aja sudah beruntung." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2066 -msgid "I never got why dugouts need to be half underground like that." -msgstr "Aku gak pernah ngerti kenapa dugout harus setengah di bawah tanah kayak gitu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2067 -msgid "Like, it's not a freakin' bomb shelter. Stop being so dramatic." -msgstr "Kayak, itu bukan shelter bom. Enggak usah dramatis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2070 -msgid "The team takes a seat on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the catcher's gear." -msgstr "Seluruh tim duduk di bangku kecuali Diya, yang masih melepas perlengkapan catcher." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2072 -msgid "The [teamName!t] take their seats on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the catcher's gear." -msgstr "[teamName!t] duduh di bangku kecuali Diya, yang masih mencopot perlengkapan catcher." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2075 -msgid "There's not quite enough space for everyone." -msgstr "Tidak ada cukup tempat untuk semuanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2077 -msgid "Left standing, Diya hovers uncertainly beside them." -msgstr "Dibiarkan berdiri, Diya berdiri di samping mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2078 -msgid "There's not enough room." -msgstr "Tempatnya enggak cukup." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2080 -msgid "Then you can sit in my lap." -msgstr "Kalau gitu aku pangku kamu aja." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2082 -msgctxt "akarsha2_6276c5a5" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2085 -msgid "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" -msgstr "Bukannya kebalik ya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2088 -msgid "Why the hell would it be the other way around?" -msgstr "Kenapa kebalik anjir?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2090 -msgid "You're the smaller one??" -msgstr "Lu lebih kecil??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2098 -msgid "OW??!" -msgstr "OW??!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2100 -msgid "Min kicked Akarsha really hard under the bench!" -msgstr "Min menendang Akarsha dengan sangat keras di bawah bangku." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2101 -msgid "Diya and Noelle both startle at Akarsha's yelp. Neither of them saw the kick." -msgstr "Diya dan Noelle terkaget saat mendengar teriakan Akarsha. Tidak ada yang melihat tendangan itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2103 -msgid "......?" -msgstr ".......?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2105 -msgid "What's wrong with you?" -msgstr "Kamu kenapa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2107 -msgctxt "akarsha2_cd2045ac" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2109 -msgid "She's glaring at me with a murderous look in her eyes..." -msgstr "Dia ngeliatin gua pake tatapan yang membunuh..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2111 -msgid "I, uh...farted." -msgstr "Gua, anu...kentut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2112 -msgid "I was trying to cover up the sound." -msgstr "Gua berusaha nutupin suaranya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2115 -msgctxt "akarsha2_bb188d77" -msgid "What...?" -msgstr "Apa...?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2117 -msgid "Crap. I don't think she buys it." -msgstr "Anjir. Kayaknya dia enggak percaya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2119 -msgid "That's inconsistent with your past behavior." -msgstr "Itu tidak sesuai dengan perilaku masa lalumu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2120 -msgid "Last week you told me the disgusting and unwanted fact that you had three consecutive farts that formed a D major triad." -msgstr "Minggu lalu kamu memberi tahu aku fakta menjijikan dan tidak diinginkan kalau kamu kentut tiga kali berturut-turut yang membentuk rangkaian D major." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2121 -msgid "Why go through such lengths to mask a single fart now?" -msgstr "Kenapa susah-susah coba menutupi sebuah kentut sekarang?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2122 -msgid "You're hiding something." -msgstr "Kamu menyembunyikan sesuatu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2124 -msgid "I should scream now, as a distraction." -msgstr "Gua harus teriak sekarang, sebagai distraksi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2127 -msgid "*bloodcurdling scream*" -msgstr "*teriakan mengerikan*" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2131 -msgid "SHUT UP!!! STOP SCREAMING!!!" -msgstr "DIAM!! BERHENTI BERTERIAK!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2133 -msgid "You're screaming too." -msgstr "Lo teriak juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2135 -msgid "The bench creaks a bit as Diya nervously lowers herself in Min's lap." -msgstr "Bangku sedikit berderit ketika Diya dengan gugup duduk di pangkuan Min." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2136 -msgid "Min immediately wraps an arm around Diya's waist." -msgstr "Min dengan sigap merangkul pinggang Diya dengan satu tangan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2138 -msgctxt "akarsha2_93212e9d" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2140 -msgid "I have to do this so we don't lose our balance!" -msgstr "Aku harus ngelakuin ini biar kita enggak kehilangan keseimbangan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2141 -msgid "Yeah!!!!!!" -msgstr "Yaaa!!!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2144 -msgid "Better watch out, Diya. Min's probably thinking about doing bad things to you." -msgstr "Awas, Diya. Min kayaknya mau ngapa-ngapain lu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2147 -msgid "I wanna do bad things to you, Akarsha." -msgstr "Gue pengen ngapa-ngapain lo, Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2149 -msgid "Really?? Like what?" -msgstr "Bener?? Kayak gimana?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2152 -msgid "Like snap your fucking neck." -msgstr "Kayak matahin leher lo." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2154 -msgid "How mean!!!" -msgstr "Jahat banget!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2162 -msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against [teamName!t]." -msgstr "Jun-seo melempar melawan [teamName!t]" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2164 -msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against the [teamName!t]." -msgstr "Jun-seo melempar melawan [teamName!t]" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2165 -msgid "His throws look a lot faster than Min's. He strikes Ester out with ease." -msgstr "Lemparannya terlihat jauh lebih cepat dari Min. Dia memukul bola Ester dengan mudah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2167 -msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_1" -msgid "Out!" -msgstr "Out!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2170 -msgid "Liz is keeping score with a pencil and paper. She dutifully marks the strikeout with a \"K.\"" -msgstr "Liz mencatat skor dengan sebuah pensil dan kertas. Dia menandai strikeoutnya dengan sebuah \"K.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2172 -msgid "Why isn't a strikeout S or SO? Why K?" -msgstr "Kenapa strikeout bukan S atau SO? Kenapa K?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2174 -msgid "K is for Killed." -msgstr "K buat Killed." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2176 -msgid "That can't be it." -msgstr "Itu tidak mungkin." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2178 -msgid "It's because S is already used for sacrifice." -msgstr "Soalnya S udah dipakai buat sacrifice." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2179 -msgid "The K from the the last letter of \"struck.\"" -msgstr "K dari huruf terakhir \"struck.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2181 -msgid "That's a lame reason." -msgstr "Payah banget alasannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2183 -msgid "Agreed. I like Min's reason better." -msgstr "Setuju. Gua lebih suka alasannya Min." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2189 -msgid "\"Sakura\" is up to bat now." -msgstr "\"Sakura\" yang memukul sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2193 -msgid "She whiffs the first pitch, but pops the second one up." -msgstr "Dia melewati lemparan pertama, tapi berhasil memukul yang kedua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2195 -msgid " I got it!" -msgstr "Gua dapet!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2197 -msgid "He chases the ball into foul territory and dives for it." -msgstr "Dia mengejar bolanya ke daerah pelanggaran dan menangkapnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2200 -msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_2" -msgid "Out!" -msgstr "Out!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2202 -msgid "This situation sucks. If we were even able to get to first base, we could steal or do some weird shit, but nope..." -msgstr "Situasinya jelek. Kalau kita bahkan bisa sampe ke base pertama, kita bisa nyuri atau ngelakuin yang aneh-aneh, tetapi enggak..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2205 -msgid "Actually, I did some research on that. In most cases, attempting to steal has a much higher chance of having a negative result than a positive one." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, aku melakukan riset tentang itu. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, mencoba untuk mencuri punya kesempatan lebih tinggi untuk punya hasil negatif daripada hasil positif." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2206 -msgid "Since most of us aren't that confident in our stealing skills, it would be better for us not to try it." -msgstr "Karena kebanyakan dari kita tidak seyakin itu dengan kemampuan mencuri kita, akan lebih baik untuk kita untuk tidak mencobanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2208 -msgid "What the hell are you saying? Stealing is important." -msgstr "Lo ngomong apaan sih? Nyuri tuh penting." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2210 -msgid "No, it objectively has little value and is often actually detrimental." -msgstr "Tidak, itu secara obyektif punya nilai yang kecil dan seringkali justru merugikan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2211 -msgid "For steal attempts to be NOT detrimental, you have to succeed around 70 percent of the time. That's the point where you break even." -msgstr "Agar usaha mencuri TIDAK merugikan, kamu harus berhasil sekitar 70 persen tiap waktu. Itu titik di mana kamu mencapai titik impas." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2212 -msgid "The exact number depends on the situation, but it's always around that range." -msgstr "Angka pastinya tergantung dari situasi, tapi selalu di sekitar itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2213 -msgid "For instance, for a runner on first with no outs, getting caught stealing will lose a team two-thirds of a run, on average, and a successful steal gains a third of a run." -msgstr "Contohnya, untuk pelari pertama tanpa out, ketahuan mencuri akan membuat tim kehilangan dua pertiga dari sebuah run, rata-rata, dan pencurian yang sukses mendapat sepertiga dari run." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2214 -msgid "So for every three steal attempts, you need to convert at least two, or the only thing you're stealing is runs from your team." -msgstr "Jadi untuk setiap tiga usaha mencuri, kamu harus mengubah setidaknya dua, atau satu-satunya hal yang kamu curi adalah giliran tim kamu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2215 -msgid "Do you succeed that often? If not, you are actually hurting the team's chances." -msgstr "Apakah kamu sering sukses? Kalau tidak, kamu sebenarnya melukai kesempatan tim." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2217 -msgid "Min looks like she understood none of that." -msgstr "Min terlihat tidak mengerti apapun." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2219 -msgid "Shut your hell up, you...lamp post!" -msgstr "Bacot, dasar...tiang lampu!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2221 -msgid "Shut your hell up..." -msgstr "Bacot..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2224 -msgid "Lamp post..." -msgstr "Tiang lampu..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2226 -msgid "You can't reduce things down to numbers." -msgstr "Lu enggak bisa jadiin semuanya jadi angka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2228 -msgid "Yes, I can." -msgstr "Aku bisa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2229 -msgid "She uses a stick to scratch a formula into the dirt:\nSBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" -msgstr "Dia menggunakan sebuah batang untuk menulis sebuah formula di tanah:\nSBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2232 -msgid "Min quickly stomps out the formula." -msgstr "Min dengan cepat menginjak-injak formula tersebut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2233 -msgid "The evil is defeated." -msgstr "Kejahatan dikalahkan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2235 -msgid "Those equations are just a bunch of word games. They're not real." -msgstr "Persamaan itu cuman permainan kata doang. Ga nyata." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2237 -msgid "Look, this isn't even a matter of opinion. I'm right." -msgstr "Begini, ini bukan masalah pendapat. Aku benar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2238 -msgid "Numbers don't lie." -msgstr "Angka tidak berbohong." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2240 -msgid "There are things you can't see!" -msgstr "Ada hal yang enggak bisa lo lihat!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2242 -msgid "Like what? Your feelings? The power of friendship?" -msgstr "Seperti apa? Perasaanmu? Kekuatan pertemanan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2243 -msgid "Does it not occur to you that perhaps your enemies have those things too?" -msgstr "Apakah tidak terpikir olehmu kalau mungkin musuh kamu juga punya hal-hal itu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2244 -msgid "They're on both sides of the equation, so they cancel each other out." -msgstr "Mereka ada di kedua sisi persamaan, jadi mereka saling membatalkan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2246 -msgid "Oh my god! This is baseball, not rocket science." -msgstr "Ih! Ini baseball, bukan ilmu roket." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2248 -msgid "But this isn't rocket science. This is basic algebra." -msgstr "Tapi ini bukan ilmu roket. Ini aljabar dasar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2250 -msgid "Bro, give it up. Noelle hates being wrong." -msgstr "Bro, nyerah aja. Noelle benci banget salah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2253 -msgid "Actually, I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, aku tidak tahu. Aku tidak familiar dengan sensasinya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2255 -msgid "Liz comes up and taps Akarsha on the shoulder." -msgstr "Liz datang dan menepuk pundak Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2257 -msgid "Hey! You're up to bat now." -msgstr "Hei! Kamu yang pukul sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2259 -msgid "Akarsha lets out a prolonged croaking sound that lasts for 30 seconds." -msgstr "Akarsha mengeluarkan suara parau yang berlangsung selama 30 detik." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2261 -msgid "We're down two outs, so I better not screw this up." -msgstr "Kita kalah dua out, jadi gua lebih baik enggak ngacauin." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2264 -msgid "Akarsha picks a bat and heads to the plate." -msgstr "Akarsha mengambil sebuah tongkat pemukul dan pergi ke plate." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2274 -msgid "Akarsha slowly does a taichi pose while maintaining eye contact with Jun-seo." -msgstr "Akarsha perlahan-lahan melakukan gerakan taichi sambil mempertahankan kontak mata dengan Jun-Seo." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2276 -msgid "This is the form, \"Grasp the bird's tail.\"" -msgstr "Ini gaya, \"Ambil ekor burung.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2278 -msgid "Akarsha lies on her back and tries to jump onto her feet without using her hands." -msgstr "Akarsha berbaring telentang dan mencoba melompat tanpa menggunakan tangannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2280 -msgid "There's not enough momentum. She just flops back down." -msgstr "Tidak ada cukup momentum. Dia hanya jatuh kembali." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2282 -msgid "Wait for it. I got this." -msgstr "Tunggu. Gua bisa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2285 -msgid "She tries it again. This time she manages to land on the balls of her feet, but doesn't have muscle to pull herself up." -msgstr "Dia mencoba lagi. Kali ini dia berhasil mendarat di tumitnya, tapi tidak punya kekuatan untuk berdiri." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2287 -msgid "Defeated, she lands back on her butt." -msgstr "Terkalahkan, dia mendarat di pantatnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2289 -msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d" -msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." -msgstr "Akasha, cukup." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2291 -msgid "Jun-seo doesn't look intimidated at all. He winds up and throws the ball." -msgstr "Jun-seo tidak terlihat terintimidasi sama sekali. Dia bersiap dan melempar bolanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2297 -msgid "You're not invited to my birthday party anymore." -msgstr "Lu gak diundang ke pesta ulang tahun gua lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2300 -msgctxt "akarsha2_433a0f52" -msgid "...What...?" -msgstr "...Hah...?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2303 -msgid "This is my special technique: Verbal Smoke Bomb." -msgstr "Ini teknik spesial gua: Bom Asap Verbal." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2304 -msgid "My remark brought up so many questions that he's been thrown into confusion." -msgstr "Kata-kata gua bikin bingung sampe dia morat-marit." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2307 -msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d_1" -msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." -msgstr "Akarsha, cukup." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2310 -msgid "Still looking perplexed, Jun-seo pitches the ball." -msgstr "Masih terlihat bingung, Jun-seo melempar bola." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2312 -msgid "Akarsha isn't experienced enough to distinguish balls from strikes, so she randomly decides whether or not to swing." -msgstr "Akarsha tidak cukup berpengalaman untuk membedakan ball dengan strike, jadi dia secara acak memutuskan untuk mengayun atau tidak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2313 -msgid "Unsurprisingly, she racks up three strikes in an instant." -msgstr "Tidak mengagetkan, dia mengumpulkan tiga strike dalam sekejap." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2315 -msgid "No...my special technique..." -msgstr "Yahh...teknik spesial gua..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2318 -msgid "How about you practice more instead of using your special technique?" -msgstr "Gimana kalau kamu latihan lagi daripada pakai teknik spesialmu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2320 -msgid "It's time to switch sides now." -msgstr "Sekarang waktunya untuk bertukar sisi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2330 -msgid "The batter hits the ball towards Akarsha again." -msgstr "Batter memukul bola ke arah Akarsha lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2331 -msgid "Akarsha fumbles the ball, allowing the runner to safely reach the bag." -msgstr "Akarsha memainkannya bolanya, yang memungkinkan runner mencapai base dengan aman." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2333 -msgid "Thanks for screwing up." -msgstr "Makasih udah ngacau." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2335 -msgid "I didn't screw up. That was on purpose." -msgstr "Gua ga ngacau. Sengaja itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2336 -msgid "The truth is, I'm a double agent." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, gua agen ganda." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2339 -msgid "JUST ADMIT YOU MESSED UP ALREADY." -msgstr "MENGAKU SAJA KALAU KAMU MENGACAU." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2345 -msgid "The Killer Whales have one out and a runner on first. The runner takes off as Jun-seo bunts the ball." -msgstr "The Killer Whales punya satu out dan seorang runner di base pertama. Runnernya mulai berlari saat Jun-seo memukul bolanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2347 -msgid "It rolls slowly all the way down the left foul line; Diya follows it closely, hovering over it like a hawk." -msgstr "Bolanya menggelinding secara perlahan sampai ke garis pelanggaran kiri; Diya mengikutinya dengan cermat, mengawasinya seperti seekor elang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2349 -msgid "What's she doing?" -msgstr "Dia ngapain?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2352 -msgid "If Diya can grab it when it's on the left side of the line, it'll count as foul." -msgstr "Kalau Diya bisa ambil pas bolanya di sebelah kiri garisnya, itu bakal termasuk foul." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2353 -msgid "You can't run on foul balls, so the runner will have to return to first." -msgstr "Kamu enggak bisa lari gara-gara bola foul, jadi runnernya harus balik ke base pertama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2355 -msgid "The ball is still rolling almost exactly down the line." -msgstr "Bolanya masih menggelinding hampir tepat di garis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2357 -msgid "Akarsha runs ahead of the ball and drags her foot in the dirt to make a path curving to the right." -msgstr "Akarsha berlari mendahului bolanya dan menyeret kakinya di tanah untuk membuat jalan yang melengkung ke kanan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2359 -msgctxt "akarsha2_ceb307ab" -msgid "Hey!" -msgstr "Woi!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2361 -msgid "The ball hits the path and rolls foul! Diya quickly grabs it." -msgstr "Bolanya menyentuh jalannya dan menjadi foul! Diya dengan cepat menangkapnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2363 -msgid "I'm a triple agent." -msgstr "Gua agen rangkap tiga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2366 -msgid "You can't just change allegiances to match whether or not you messed up." -msgstr "Kamu tidak bisa ganti kesetiaan begitu saja untuk mencocokan kamu ngacau atau tidak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2374 -msgid "Min throws the next pitch for a strike." -msgstr "Min melempar lemparan berikutnya untuk strike." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2377 -msgid "Nice work! Time to switch sides again." -msgstr "Kerja bagus! Waktunya tukaran sisi lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2379 -msgid "That was fast." -msgstr "Cepet juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2382 -msgid "That's good. It means Min's knuckleball is working." -msgstr "Itu bagus. Berarti knuckleball Min berguna." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2385 -msgid "We should give it a special name." -msgstr "Kita harus kasih nama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2386 -msgid "Like...Knuckles." -msgstr "Kayak...Knuckles." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2389 -msgid "I'm not calling it a damn Sonic character." -msgstr "Gua enggak akan namain itu karakter Sonic." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2391 -msgid "It can be butterfly related, since they flutter." -msgstr "Bisa berhubungan sama kupu-kupu, soalnya mengepak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2393 -msgid "Butterfly...butterfly thingy." -msgstr "Kupu-kupu...kupu-kupu sesuatu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2394 -msgid "Butterfly from Hell's Anus." -msgstr "Kupu-kupu dari Anus Jahanam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2397 -msgid "The \"anus\" part wasn't necessary." -msgstr "Bagian \"anus\"nya tidak perlu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2411 -msgctxt "akarsha2_e7bfb3b0" -msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" -msgstr "Noelle, kamu yang pukul!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2415 -msgid "Akarsha catcalls Noelle as she walks up to the plate." -msgstr "Akarsha mengejek Noelle saat dia berjalan ke plate." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2417 -msgid "WAOWW!! IT'S NOELLE!! YOW-WEE-MAMA!!!" -msgstr "WAOWW!! ITU NOELLE!! YOW-WEE-MAMA!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2420 -msgid "SHUT UP!!!!!" -msgstr "DIAM!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2422 -msgid "How mean!" -msgstr "Jahat banget!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2429 -msgid "A swing and a miss." -msgstr "Sebuah ayunan dan meleset." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2432 -msgid "I wonder if Noelle enjoys this?" -msgstr "Gua penasaran kalau Noelle senang?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2435 -msgid "She's having fun." -msgstr "Dia bersenang-senang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2437 -msgid "She's scowling as she swings the bat." -msgstr "Dia merengut pas ngayunin tongkatnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2440 -msgid "That's just her personality. If she disliked it, she would've quit by now." -msgstr "Itu sifatnya aja. Kalu dia enggak suka, dia harusnya udah keluar dari tadi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2446 -msgid "Noelle strikes out." -msgstr "Noelle strike out." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2450 -msgid "Diya, you're next." -msgstr "Diya, kamu selanjutnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2458 -msgid "The catcher gets up and stands far off to the side, away from Diya." -msgstr "Catchernya berdiri dan berdiri di samping, jauh dari Diya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2459 -msgid "Jun throws it into his mitt." -msgstr "Jun melemparnya ke sarung tangannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2463 -msgid "It's an intentional walk." -msgstr "Itu disengaja." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2465 -msgid "Right off the bat? They haven't even seen her hit yet." -msgstr "Langsung? Mereka bahkan belum lihat dia mukul." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2467 -msgid "They're scared of her. Hayden knows how strong she is, from when we were little." -msgstr "Mereka takut dia. Hayden tahu dia sekuat apa, dari kita kecil." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2468 -msgid "They probably figure it's fine to let her have first since no one else on the team can get a hit." -msgstr "Mereka mungkin mikir gapapa buat ngebiarin dia dapet yang pertama soalnya enggak ada orang lain di tim yang bisa mukul." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2471 -msgid "That's smart. It'll be hard for us to score without her." -msgstr "Itu pintar. Susah buat kita buat ngeskor tanpa dia." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2476 -msgid "Once they've thrown four balls, Diya throws the bat to the side and trots to first." -msgstr "Ketika mereka telah melempar empat bola, Diya melempar tongkat pemukul ke samping dan berlari." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2479 -msgid "It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the team accumulates two more outs in an instant." -msgstr "Sepertinya dia melakukan hal yang benar, karena setelah Diya berjalan, tim mendapat dua out lagi dalam sekejap." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2482 -msgid "It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the [teamName!t] accumulate two more outs in an instant." -msgstr "Sepertinya dia melakukan hal yang benar, karena setelah Diya berjalan, [teamName!t] mendapat dua out lagi dalam sekejap." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2483 -msgid "Diya is stranded there until they switch sides." -msgstr "Diya terjebak disana sampai mereka berganti sisi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2491 -msgid "Neither team manages to score for the next few innings." -msgstr "Tidak ada tim yang berhasil mencetak gol untuk beberapa babak berikutnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2493 -msgid "Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the others aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." -msgstr "Diya masih dilewati di tiap at-bat, dan yang lainnya tidak cukup terampil untuk memukul lemparan musuh dengan handal." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2495 -msgid "Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the other [teamName!t] aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." -msgstr "Diya masih dilewati di tiap at-bat, dan [teamName!t] yang lainnya tidak cukup terampil untuk memukul lemparan musuh dengan handal." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2497 -msgid "A few people manage to get hits off Min's knuckleball by chance, but no one's made it home yet." -msgstr "Beberapa orang kebetulan dapat memukul knuckleball Min, tapi belum ada yang bisa pergi ke home." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2498 -msgid "By the 7th inning, though, some of Min's luck starts to run out." -msgstr "Namun, pada saat inning ke 7, keberuntungan Min mulai habis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2503 -msgid "Min's next pitch comes in high and inside, but instead of dropping, it soars up into the air." -msgstr "Lemparan Min yang selanjutnya datang dengan tinggi, tapi bukannya jatuh, bolanya melambung ke udara." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2506 -msgid "Diya has to jump to catch it." -msgstr "Diya harus melompat untuk menangkapnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2510 -msgid "That's the fourth ball; the batter throws his bat aside and jogs to first base. The bases are loaded with no outs." -msgstr "Itu ball keempat, batternya melemparkan pemukulnya dan berlari ke base pertama. Basenya sekarang penuh tanpa out." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2513 -msgid "This is terrible. They're probably going to score at least one goal." -msgstr "Ini buruk. Mereka mungkin akan mencetak setidaknya satu gol." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2515 -msgid "Did you just say \"goal\"??" -msgstr "Lu baru bilang \"gol\"??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2519 -msgid "The next batter is a buff looking fellow." -msgstr "Pemukul selanjutnya adalah seseorang yang terlihat berotot." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2524 -msgid "He smashes the pitch straight into right field, where Noelle is." -msgstr "Dia memukulnya lurus ke lapangan kanan, tempat Noelle berada." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2526 -msgid "No! That's the worst possible person he could've hit it to!" -msgstr "Jangan! Itu orang paling parah yang dia bisa pukul bolanya!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2529 -msgid "It's so far out that the ball is like a speck in the clouds." -msgstr "Bolanya sangat jauh sampai bolanya terlihat seperti sebuah titik di awan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2530 -msgid "Noelle is apprehensively backing up with her glove out, squinting up at sky." -msgstr "Noelle dengan khawatir mundur dengan sarung tangannya keluar, menyipitkan matanya untuk melihat langit." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2531 -msgid "She plants her feet firmly shoulders' width apart, reaches up, and claps her free hand decisively over the glove." -msgstr "Dia menanamkan kedua kakinya dengan kuat, selebar bahu, meraih ke atas, dan menepukkan tangan yang satunya di atas sarung tangannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2535 -msgid "She caught it?!" -msgstr "Dia nangkep?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2538 -msgid "She caught it!" -msgstr "Dia nangkep!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2541 -msgid "How is that possible?!" -msgstr "Gimana caranya?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2543 -msgid "The runners all skid and scramble to reverse direction. They all need to tag up on their former bases now or they're out." -msgstr "Para runner semuanya cepat-cepat berlari ke arah sebaliknya. Mereka perlu menandai base mereka sebelumnya sekarang atau mereka out." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2545 -msgid "No one thought she would catch it! Here's our chance!" -msgstr "Gak ada yang pikir dia bisa nangkep! Ini kesempatan kita!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2548 -msgid "Noelle throws to Liz at second base." -msgstr "Noelle melempar ke Liz di base kedua." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2552 -msgid "There's a loud slap noise as Liz covers her glove with her hand, preventing the ball from bouncing out." -msgstr "Ada suara tamparan keras saat Liz menutupi sarung tangannya dengan tangan yang satunya, mencegah bola memantul keluar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2553 -msgid "She easily tags the bag before Hayden can return to it." -msgstr "Dia dengan mudah menandai base sebelum Hayden bisa kembali ke sana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2555 -msgid "That's two outs! Just one more!" -msgstr "Dua out! Satu lagi!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2557 -msgid "Liz rears up and throws to Akarsha, who's manning first base." -msgstr "Liz bangkit dan melempar ke Akarsha, yang menjaga base pertama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2559 -msgid "...What the hell?" -msgstr "...Apaan?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2561 -msgid "There's nothing in Liz's hand. She's throwing nothing at Akarsha." -msgstr "Tidak ada apapun di tangan Liz. Dia tidak melemparkan apa-apa pada Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2563 -msgid "Akarsha pretends to catch it in her glove and tags first base before Jun reaches it." -msgstr "Akarsha berpura-pura menangkapnya dan menandai base pertama sebelum Jun sampai." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2564 -msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_3" -msgid "Out!" -msgstr "Out!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2566 -msgid "The runners are dejectedly returning to their defensive positions." -msgstr "Para runner dengan sedih kembali ke posisi bertahan mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2567 -msgid " A triple play?!" -msgstr "Triple play?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2569 -msgid "Jun is looking at Akarsha suspiciously." -msgstr "Jun melihat Akarsha dengan curiga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2571 -msgid "Wait a minute! She's not holding anything." -msgstr "Tunggu! Dia enggak pegang apa-apa!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2573 -msgid "He saw!" -msgstr "Dia liat!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2576 -msgid " What?? Where's the ball, then?" -msgstr "Apa? Bolanya dimana dong?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2578 -msgid "Heck if I know." -msgstr "Mana gua tahu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2581 -msgid "How do you guys not know??" -msgstr "Gimana ga tahu??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2585 -msgid "I got it." -msgstr "Aku dapat!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2586 -msgid "Chryssa plucks the missing ball from the grass in right field, where it's been this entire time." -msgstr "Chryssa memungut bolanya dari rumput di lapangan kanan, tempatnya selama ini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2587 -msgid "Noelle didn't even catch it in the first place." -msgstr "Noelle enggak nangkep dari awal." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2589 -msgid "I knew it!" -msgstr "Tuh kan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2592 -msgid " So we're not out after all!" -msgstr "Jadi kita gak out sama sekali!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2594 -msgid "No, you're all still out." -msgstr "Tidak, kalian semua masih out." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2595 -msgid "The rulebook states that if a runner abandons his effort to run the bases, he's out." -msgstr "Buku peraturannya bilang kalau ada pelari yang meninggalkan usahanya untuk menjaga base, dia out." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2596 -msgid "You all clearly gave up." -msgstr "Kalian semua dengan jelas menyerah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2597 -msgid "So it's still a triple play." -msgstr "Jadi masih triple play." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2599 -msgid "You son of a bitch..." -msgstr "Bangsat..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2601 -msgctxt "akarsha2_7626e124" -msgid "Hey!" -msgstr "Hei!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2603 -msgid "That was actually a compliment. I think." -msgstr "Itu pujian. Sepertinya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2605 -msgid "It was a compliment." -msgstr "Itu pujian." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2607 -msgid "This feels kind of like an asshole move, though." -msgstr "Tapi ini rasanya kayak sesuatu yang brengsek." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2609 -msgid "On what planet do you guys live on where Noelle isn't an asshole?" -msgstr "Kalian tinggal di planet apa dah dimana Noelle gak ngeselin?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2612 -msgid "Is it okay to trick them like that? Isn't it cheating?" -msgstr "Gapapa buat nipu mereka kayak gitu? Enggak curang?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2614 -msgid "It's not cheating. You guys deserve a freakin' Academy Award for that performance just now." -msgstr "Enggak curang. Kalian pantas ngedapetin Academy Award buat pertunjukan barusan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2615 -msgid "Especially Noelle. Good job!" -msgstr "Terutama Noelle. Kerja yang bagus!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2617 -msgid "Shut up. Don't praise me like I'm a little kid." -msgstr "Diam. Jangan puji aku seperti anak kecil." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2619 -msgid "Are you crying?!" -msgstr "Kamu nangis?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2622 -msgid "Ib nob cryig!" -msgstr "Ag didak menangi!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2625 -msgid "By the way, when you act like the ball is somewhere it's not, that's called a deke— short for \"decoy.\"" -msgstr "Oh ya, saat kamu akting kayak bolanya ada di tempat yang tidak seharusnya,itu disebut deke- kependekan dari \"decoy.\"" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2626 -msgid "Dekes an important part of infield play, like a feint." -msgstr "Deke bagian penting dari permainan tengah lapangan, kayak gerakan palsu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2627 -msgid "They're rarely as elaborate as the three-way deke we just pulled off, but it's the same idea." -msgstr "Itu jarang rumit kayak deke tiga arah yang baru saja kita lakuin, tapi sama aja." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2629 -msgid "WE THE DEKE SQUAD." -msgstr "KITA DEKE SQUAD." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2630 -msgid "Get it?" -msgstr "Ngerti?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2633 -msgid "Oh my god. It's like Dick Squad, but Deke." -msgstr "Oh my god. Kayak Dick Squad, tapi Deke." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2635 -msgctxt "akarsha2_75840b17" -msgid "Deke Squad." -msgstr "Deke Squad." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2637 -msgctxt "akarsha2_003e0e2a" -msgid "Deke Squad." -msgstr "Deke Squad." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2640 -msgid "*chanting* DEKE SQUAD! DEKE SQUAD!" -msgstr "*bernyanyi* DEKE SQUAD! DEKE SQUAD!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2643 -msgid "I bet the teachers always separate you two in class." -msgstr "Taruhan guru-guru selalu misahin kalian berdua di kelas." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2645 -msgid "You bring out the worst in each other." -msgstr "Kamu ngeluarin yang terburuk dari satu sama lain." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2655 -msgid "It's Akarsha's turn to bat again. There's already two outs and no one on base." -msgstr "Giliran Akarsha untuk memukul lagi. Sudah ada dua out dan tidak ada siapapun di base." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2658 -msgid "The Killer Whales are still winning, [enemyScore!t] to [teamScore!t]." -msgstr "Killer Whales masih unggul, [enemyScore!t] [teamScore!t]." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2661 -msgid "The game is still tied, 0 - 0." -msgstr "Gamenya masih seri, 0 - 0" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2663 -msgid "Suddenly, Jun cries out from the mound." -msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Jun berteriak dari gundukan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2665 -msgid "Wait, time out! My contact hurts!" -msgstr "Tunggu, time out! Lensa kontak gua sakit!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2666 -msgid "Everyone pauses." -msgstr "Semuanya berhenti." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2668 -msgid " What's wrong with it?" -msgstr "Ada yang salah?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2670 -msgid "I think I got dust under the lens." -msgstr "Kayanya ada debu masuk ke bawah lensa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2672 -msgid "Face screwed up in pain, he takes out what appears to be a tiny plunger." -msgstr "Sambil merengut kesakitan, dia mengeluarkan apa yang seperti penyedot kecil." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2674 -msgid " What is that??" -msgstr "Itu apaan??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2676 -msgid "It's for taking out contact lens." -msgstr "Buat ngeluarin lensa kontak." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2679 -msgid " You're going to play without it on?? You can't pitch like that." -msgstr " Lu bakal main ga pake itu?? Lu ga bisa ngelempar kaya gitu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2681 -msgid "Hayden, didn't you say you wanted to try pitching?" -msgstr "Hayden, bukannya lu bilang mau coba ngelempar?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2683 -msgid " Right now?? I've literally never pitched a ball in my life." -msgstr " Sekarang?? Gua bener-bener belom pernah ngelempar bola." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2685 -msgid "Why not? There's a first time for everything." -msgstr "Kenapa enggak? Selalu ada pertama kali buat semuanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2687 -msgid "Jun-seo takes out the offending contact. He's now effectively blind in one eye." -msgstr "Jun-seo mengeluarkan lensa kontaknya. Sekarang dia buta di satu mata." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2689 -msgid " Okay. Here goes nothing!" -msgstr " Oke. Gua coba!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2695 -msgid "I go to baseball games." -msgstr "Gua ke pertandingan baseball." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2696 -msgid "I eat the baseballs." -msgstr "Gua makan bola baseballnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2699 -msgctxt "akarsha2_99bf1f31" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2702 -msgid "Akarsha takes one step forward and collapses dramatically across the plate." -msgstr "Akarsha mengambil satu langkah ke depan dan jatuh secara dramatis di seberang plate." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2705 -msgid "My ankle!" -msgstr "Pergelangan kaki gua!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2707 -msgid "Everyone is so used to her antics by now that no one reacts." -msgstr "Semuanya sudah terbiasa dengan perilakunya sehingga tidak ada yang bereaksi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2709 -msgid "Akarsha, stop screwing around and get up." -msgstr "Akarsha, berhenti ngacau dan bangun." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2711 -msgid "Akarsha clutches her heart and gasps for breath." -msgstr "Akarsha mencengkram jantungnya dan terengah-engah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2713 -msgid "That's so mean! The shock put me into cardiac arrest!" -msgstr "Jahat banget! Syoknya bikin gua sakit jantung!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2717 -msgid "AKARSHA!" -msgstr "AKARSHA!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2719 -msgid "Akarsha winces and puts a hand on her stomach." -msgstr "Akarsha menggerenyet dan menaruh tangan di perutnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2721 -msgid "My appendix burst from the pressure!" -msgstr "Usus buntu gua meledak!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2725 -msgid "Fine. Die then." -msgstr "Yasudah. Mati sana." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2730 -msgid "Hayden pitches the ball. Akarsha gets up just in time to take a wild swing at it." -msgstr "Hayden melempar bolanya. Akarsha berdiri tepat waktu untuk mengayunkan pada bolanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2732 -msgid "I somehow hit it!" -msgstr "Entah gimana gua berhasil mukul!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2737 -msgid "Through sheer luck, it's heading toward Jun, who's squinting up at it with his good eye." -msgstr "Melalui keberuntungan semata, bolanya mengarah ke Jun, yang menyipitkan mata yang berfungsi pada bolanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2739 -msgctxt "akarsha2_e449a898" -msgid "I got it!" -msgstr "Dapet!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2747 -msgid "The ball hits him in the face!" -msgstr "Bolanya mengenainya di wajah!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2750 -msgid "Akarsha makes it to second base in the confusion." -msgstr "Akarsha sampai di base kedua dengan bingung." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2753 -msgid "Nice batting!" -msgstr "Batting yang bagus!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2758 -msgid "Finally...for the first time this entire game, someone's on already on base when Diya is up." -msgstr "Akhirnya...buat pertama kalinya di seluruh permainan, ada yang udah di base waktu giliran Diya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2765 -msgid "Even though Hayden is just walking Diya, he looks really scared to be pitching against her." -msgstr "Walaupun Hayden hanya berjalan melewati Diya, dia terlihat sangat ketakutan untuk melempar melawannya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2767 -msgid "He throws the next pitch." -msgstr "Dia melempar lemparan berikutnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2770 -msgid "Everyone watches as the ball soars almost straight up into the sky in a high arc." -msgstr "Semuanya menonton ketika bolanya terbang hampir lurus ke atas ke arah langit dalam lengkungan tinggi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2771 -msgid "It drops back down about halfway to the plate." -msgstr "Bolanya jatuh hampir setengah jalan ke plate." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2774 -msgid "HE DID A NOELLE..." -msgstr "DIA NGENOELLE..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2777 -msgid "Don't name errors after me!" -msgstr "Jangan namakan kesalahan dengan namaku!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2779 -msgid "HAYDEN WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!" -msgstr "HAYDEN LU NGAPAIN??!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2782 -msgid " SHUT UP! IT SLIPPED OUT OF MY HAND!" -msgstr " DIEM! KEPELESET DARI TANGAN GUA!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2786 -msgid "Hayden picks up the ball and tries again." -msgstr "Hayden mengambil bolanya dan mencoba lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2788 -msgid "He accidentally throws it straight at Diya's head." -msgstr "Dia tidak sengaja melemparnya ke arah kepala Diya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2791 -msgid "Diya ducks." -msgstr " Diya menunduk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2793 -msgid " Ack! Sorry!" -msgstr " Ack! Maaf!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2795 -msgid "What the fuck is your problem?!" -msgstr "Masalah lu apa sih bangsat?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2797 -msgid "How dare you! Diya could've been killed!" -msgstr "Beraninya! Diya bisa mati!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2801 -msgid "Min and Noelle have stormed to the mound and are now bashing Hayden together." -msgstr "Min dan Noelle berlari dari undakan dan sedang memukul Hayden bersama." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2803 -msgid "I'm calling the police." -msgstr "Aku akan telpon polisi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2805 -msgid " What? No one got hurt." -msgstr "Apa? Gak ada yang luka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2807 -msgid "It doesn't matter. That was criminal negligence." -msgstr "Tidak penting, Itu kejahatan kelalaian." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2809 -msgid "I will personally make sure your entire life is ruined." -msgstr "Aku akan memastikan seluruh hidupmu hancur." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2811 -msgid "He should be executed." -msgstr "Dia harus dieksekusi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2813 -msgid "Executed?!" -msgstr "Dieksekusi?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2815 -msgid "Hey! Get back on the bench!" -msgstr "Hei! Balik ke bangku!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2817 -msgid "Noelle, put the phone down! No one's getting arrested!" -msgstr "Noelle, taruh HPmu! Enggak ada yang bakalan ditahan!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2818 -msgid "MIN, WHERE DID YOU GET MORE KNIVES?" -msgstr "MIN, DARIMANA KAMU DAPAT PISAU LAGI?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2829 -msgid "Diya steps back up to the plate as Min and Noelle are dragged back to the bench." -msgstr "Diya kembali ke plate saat Min dan Noelle diseret kembali ke bangku." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2830 -msgid "They're both glowering in the corner, darkly muttering to one another..." -msgstr "Mereka berdua memelototi dari ujung, bergumam pada satu sama lain..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2832 -msgid "There is no justice in the world." -msgstr "Tidak ada keadilan di dunia." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2834 -msgid "Both of you, knock it off!" -msgstr "Kalian berdua, udah!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2838 -msgid "Hayden winds up and throws the ball." -msgstr "Hayden bersiap dan melempar bolanya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2843 -msgid "It's not far enough outside! Diya lunged out at it and made contact. " -msgstr "Bolanya tidak cukup jauh ke luar! Diya menerjangnya dan melakukan kontak. " - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2846 -msgid "She got a hit off the intentional walk attempt!" -msgstr "Dia dapet pukulan dari usaha jalan yang disengaja!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2850 -msgid "She hammers it straight into right field, right at Jun-seo again." -msgstr "Dia melemparkannya langsung ke lapangan kanan, langsung ke Jun-seo lagi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2852 -msgid "I got this! I got this!" -msgstr "Gua dapet! Gua dapet!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2854 -msgid "The ball rolls through his legs." -msgstr "Bolanya menggelinding melewati kakinya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2858 -msgid "Diya and Akarsha cross home plate to win the game." -msgstr "Diya dan Akarsha melewati home plate untuk memenangkan pertandingan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2861 -msgid "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2865 -msgid "I can't believe it! We won!" -msgstr "Aku gak percaya! Kita menang!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2867 -msgid "You don't have to look so blatantly shocked." -msgstr "Kamu enggak harus kelihatan kaget banget." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2874 -msgid "The Niles team is departing." -msgstr "Tim Niles sedang bersiap pergi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2875 -msgid "Min and Noelle glare at Hayden as he goes into the van they arrived in." -msgstr "Min dan Noelle memelototi Hayden saat dia masuk ke dalam van yang mereka kendarai." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2878 -msgid "Are you guys still plotting revenge?" -msgstr "Kalian mau balas dendam?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2879 -msgid "I'll help. I love drama." -msgstr "Gua ikut. Gua suka tubir." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2882 -msgid "Are you still on your period?" -msgstr "Lo masih mens?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2883 -msgid "Maybe you can touch him with your cursed period blood hand again." -msgstr "Mungkin lo bisa pegang dia pake tangan darah mens lo yang terkutuk itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2885 -msgid "Too late, man. The blood's brown now. They might think it's mud. " -msgstr "Telat. Darahnya coklat sekarang. Mereka bisa kira itu lumpur." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2887 -msgid "There's 9 of us, though, so there's probably 2.25 other girls on their periods." -msgstr "Kita ada 9 orang, jadi mungkin ada 2.25 cewek lain yang lagi mens." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2888 -msgid "What if we got all of them to run at the boys' team from different directions? That'd be like a nightmare." -msgstr "Gimana kalau kita lari ke tim cowok dari arah yang beda-beda? Itu bakal kayak mimpi buruk." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2891 -msgid "I doubt anyone but you would agree to that plan." -msgstr "Aku ragu ada yang lain selain kamu yang setuju dengan rencana itu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2892 -msgid "Honestly, the guys would probably freak out even if you just threw a clean pad at them." -msgstr "Sejujurnya, mereka sepertinya akan panik bahkan kalau kamu melempar pembalut bersih pada mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2896 -msgid "Oh my gosh...You're right!" -msgstr "Oh my gosh...Lu bener!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2897 -msgid "Thanks for the idea." -msgstr "Makasih idenya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2900 -msgid "No. No!" -msgstr "Tidak. Tidak!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2901 -msgid "Don't do this. I refuse to be involved in this." -msgstr "Jangan lakukan ini. Aku menolak untuk terlibat dengan ini." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2904 -msgid "This is friendship goals, Frenchman. If we go down, we all go down together." -msgstr "Ini tujuan pertemanan, Frenchman. Kalau kita turun, kita turun bareng." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2907 -msgid "THAT'S JUST A ROUNDABOUT WAY OF SAYING YOU'RE DRAGGING ME DOWN WITH YOU." -msgstr "ITU HANYA CARA TIDAK LANGSUNG UNTUK MENGATAKAN KAMU MENYERETKU DENGANMU." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2909 -msgid "Akarsha pulls a pad from her backpack and rips the wrapper open with a loud crinkle." -msgstr "Akarsha mengambil pembalut dari tasnya dan membuka bungkusnya dengan suara yang keras." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2911 -msgid "I don't get why they make the sound so conspicuous." -msgstr "Aku tidak mengerti kenapa mereka membuat suaranya begitu kentara." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2915 -msgid "I know, right? The only way they could make it more obvious is if they added firecrackers." -msgstr "Ya kan? Satu-satunya cara mereka buat lebih jelas ya kalau mereka tambah mercon." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2917 -msgid "Chryssa is power walking over to them. She has developed a sixth sense when some stupid shit is about to go down." -msgstr "Chryssa berjalan dengan ke arah mereka. Dia telah mengembangkan indra keenam ketika suatu kebodohan akan terjadi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2920 -msgid "Who's opening a pad out here?" -msgstr "Siapa yang buka pembalut disini?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2923 -msgctxt "akarsha2_57537cff" -msgid "....!" -msgstr "....!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2924 -msgid "Noelle quickly moves about 15 feet away and pretends not to know them." -msgstr "Noelle dengan cepat menghindar sekitar 15 kaki dan pura-pura tidak mengenal mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2926 -msgid "We gotta make this quick!" -msgstr "Kita harus gercep!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2929 -msgid "We should soak it with something to make it more unknown." -msgstr "Kita harus rendam pake sesuatu biar gak ketahuan ini apaan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2931 -msgid "I have Gatorade." -msgstr "Aku punya Gatorade." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2933 -msgid "What flavor?" -msgstr "Rasa apa?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2935 -msgid "Yellow one. Yellow flavor." -msgstr "Yang kuning. Rasa kuning." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2937 -msgid "YES..." -msgstr "YAA..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2940 -msgid "I hate that I know you well enough to discern that you want it to look like pee." -msgstr "Aku benci bahwa aku cukup mengenalmu untuk paham kalau kamu ingin itu terlihat seperti pipis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2943 -msgid "Pee girl." -msgstr "Cewek pipis." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2944 -msgid "Akarsha pours a splash of the Gatorade on it." -msgstr "Akarsha menuangkan Gatorade di pembalut tersebut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2946 -msgid "I feel like I'm doing one of those absorbency demonstrations in commercials." -msgstr "Gua ngerasa kaya lagi iklan demonstrasi penyerapan." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2949 -msgid "Our liquid is the wrong color, though. It's always blue." -msgstr "Cairan kita salah warna. Biasanya biru." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2951 -msgid "Those cowards. They should use red like blood." -msgstr "Cemen. Mereka harusnya pake merah kayak darah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2952 -msgid "Akarsha holds up their finished creation." -msgstr "Akarsha memegang ciptaan mereka." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2954 -msgid "I'm gonna throw it now." -msgstr "Gua bakal lempar sekarang." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2955 -msgid "Should I?" -msgstr "Sekarang?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2958 -msgctxt "akarsha2_9a53d3f8" -msgid "NO." -msgstr "TIDAK." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2961 -msgctxt "akarsha2_2f93b5b4" -msgid "Do it!" -msgstr "Ayo!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2964 -msgid "Akarsha flings the pad like a frisbee into the van!" -msgstr "Akarsha melempar pembalut itu seperti frisbee ke dalam van!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2972 -msgid "It hits Jun-seo in the shoulder." -msgstr "Pembalut itu mengenai Jun-seo di bahu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2975 -msgid " WHAT IS THAT??!" -msgstr " ITU APAAN??!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2978 -msgid "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" -msgstr "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2980 -msgid "Jun goes down!" -msgstr "Jun merunduk!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2981 -msgid "Screams fill the van as though a grenade was thrown in." -msgstr "Teriakan memenuhi van seperti sebuah granat dilempar kedalam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2982 -msgid "The team desperately scatters away from the deadly object." -msgstr "Tim itu mati-matian berhamburan kabur dari objek mematikan tersebut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2983 -msgid "Someone is climbing out of the window." -msgstr "Seseorang sedang memanjat keluar jendela." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2988 -msgid "HAHAHAHA!!!!" -msgstr "HAHAHAHA!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2993 -msgid "WHAT DID YOU BRATS DO THIS TIME?!" -msgstr "KALIAN BOCAH-BOCAH NGAPAIN SEKARANG?!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2995 -msgctxt "akarsha2_56bfc018" -msgid "...!" -msgstr "...!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2997 -msgid "Run. Run!" -msgstr "Kabur. Kabur!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3001 -msgid "GET BACK HERE!" -msgstr "BALIK SINI!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3008 -msgid "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3024 -msgctxt "akarsha2_66517db0" -msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." -msgstr "Ayyyy! Gua dateng." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3026 -msgctxt "akarsha2_e3e731e4" -msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" -msgstr "Halo?? Diya?? Bro??" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3029 -msgid "Diya is examining something on a tree branch." -msgstr "Diya sedang memeriksa sesuatu di dahan pohon." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3030 -msgid "[caterpillar!t] made a cocoon." -msgstr "[caterpillar!t] bikin kepompong." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3031 -msgid "She points at the chrysalis." -msgstr "Dia menunjuk pada kepompong tersebut." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3032 -msgid "He's soup now, inside." -msgstr "Dia sup sekarang, didalam." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3034 -msgid "Isn't it crazy? Their whole body liquifies and has to rebuild itself." -msgstr "Gila enggak? Badannya mencair terus dia harus buat lagi sendiri." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3035 -msgid "Imagine if growing up was that bad for us." -msgstr "Bayangin kalau bertumbuh tuh separah itu buat kita." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3038 -msgid "It must be a complicated process." -msgstr "Pasti prosesnya rumit." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3039 -msgid "I always worry something will go wrong in there, and they won't ever wake up." -msgstr "Aku selalu khawatir bakal ada yang sesuatu di dalam sana, dan mereka enggak bisa bangun." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3040 -msgid "What if someone shakes it really hard? It'll stir the soup." -msgstr "Gimana kalau ada yang guncangin keras banget? Itu bakal ngaduk supnya." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3042 -msgid "Naw man, they're pretty resilient." -msgstr "Nggak lah, mereka lumayan kuat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3043 -msgid "Did you know its memory survives that?" -msgstr "Lu tahu nggak kalau ingatannya selamat dari itu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3044 -msgid "If you teach a caterpillar something, like to fear a certain smell or whatever, after it comes out of its cocoon as a butterfly it'll still remember." -msgstr "Kalau kamu ngajarin ulat sesuatu, kayak buat takut bau tertentu atau apalah, dia bakal keluar dari kepompongnya jadi kupu-kupu dan masih ingat." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3046 -msgid "Even though the outside's different, it's still the same Caterpilly on the inside, from beginning to end." -msgstr "Walaupun luarnya beda, dia masih Ulat yang sama di dalamnya, dari awal sampai akhir." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3050 -msgid "Will he remember me?" -msgstr "Dia bakal ingat aku?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3052 -msgid "Sure, as much as an eating machine can." -msgstr "Iyalah, sebanyak yang mesin pemakan bisa." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3053 -msgid "Believe in [caterpillar!t]." -msgstr "Percaya sama [caterpillar!t]." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3063 -msgctxt "akarsha2_d52b05c9" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3066 -msgctxt "akarsha2_da7667f7" -msgid "Akarsha." -msgstr "Akarsha." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3069 -msgctxt "akarsha2_ea9e118e" -msgid "Ya?" -msgstr "Ya?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3072 -msgid "I need to tell you something. Noelle wouldn't understand." -msgstr "Aku harus kasih tahu kamu sesuatu. Noelle enggak bakal ngerti." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3074 -msgctxt "akarsha2_caf4954b" -msgid "I..." -msgstr "Aku..." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3076 -msgid "....................less......." -msgstr ".....................less......." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3077 -msgid ".............bean. " -msgstr "..............bean." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3079 -msgid "I like a girl. " -msgstr "Aku suka satu cewek." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3081 -msgid "Oh. Nice." -msgstr "Oh. Bagus." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3084 -msgid "........You're not surprised." -msgstr ".........Kamu enggak kaget." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3086 -msgid "I mean, I can tell. " -msgstr "Maksud gua, gua sadar." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3087 -msgid "I'm bi." -msgstr "Gua bi." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3090 -msgid "??????????????????" -msgstr "???????????????????" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3092 -msgid "It's not a secret? I've literally hit on girls in front of you?" -msgstr "Itu bukan rahasia? Gua pernah gombalin cewek depan lu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3093 -msgid "I've literally hit on you? " -msgstr "Gua pernah gombalin lu?" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3095 -msgid "You...What. " -msgstr "Kamu...Hah." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3096 -msgid "But those were all jokes. I thought you were kidding. " -msgstr "Tapi itu kan bercanda. Aku kira kamu bercanda." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3098 -msgid "The kinds of jokes you decide to tell are indicative of your character." -msgstr "Candaan yang lu putusin buat kasih tahu tuh nunjukin karakter lu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3100 -msgid "I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke." -msgstr "Gua kasih tahu lawakan homo soalnya gua emang lawakan homo." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3102 -msgid "Also, you should tell Min. She likes you back. " -msgstr "Dan, lu harus kasih tahu Min. Dia suka lu juga." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3104 -msgid "I'll help you. " -msgstr "Gua bantu." - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:39 -msgid "Diya's house" -msgstr "Rumah Diya" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 -msgid "Yaoi Kurashiki" -msgstr "Yaoi Kurashiki" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 -msgid "Yoite" -msgstr "Yoite" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 -msgid "Miles \"Tails\" Edgeworth" -msgstr "Miles \"Tails\" Edgeworth" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:237 -msgid "Talk to Diya" -msgstr "Bicara dengan Diya" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 -msgid "Bagels" -msgstr "Bagels" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 -msgid "Chicken Nuggets" -msgstr "Nugget Ayam" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 -msgid "Global Warming" -msgstr "Global Warming" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 -msgid "Death Bagels" -msgstr "Death Bagels" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 -msgid "Semes" -msgstr "Semes" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:927 -msgid "Search the locker room" -msgstr "Cari ruang loker" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:935 -msgid "Go to the locker room" -msgstr "Pergi ke ruang loker" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:943 -msgid "Search the bathroom" -msgstr "Pergi ke kamar mandi" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:950 -msgid "Search the courtyard" -msgstr "Pergi ke halaman" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:959 -msgid "Go to the school library" -msgstr "Pergi ke perpustakaan" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1028 -msgid "Search the field" -msgstr "Cari di lapangan" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1036 -msgid "Search outside the locker room" -msgstr "Cari di luar ruang loker" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1044 -msgid "Meet up at the field" -msgstr "Berkumpul di lapangan" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1052 -msgid "Go outside the locker room" -msgstr "Pergi ke luar ruang loker" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1080 -msgid "Search the track" -msgstr "Cari di lintasan" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1088 -msgid "Return to locker room" -msgstr "Kembali ke ruang loker" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1114 -msgid "Return to the baseball diamond" -msgstr "Kembali ke diamond baseball" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1219 -msgid "Look at poster" -msgstr "Lihat poster" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1228 -msgid "Go to classrooms" -msgstr "Pergi ke ruang kelas" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1237 -msgid "Look at bush" -msgstr "Lihat semak-semak" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1245 -msgid "Go to locker room entrance" -msgstr "Pergi ke pintu masuk ruang loker" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1393 -msgid "Look at your reflection" -msgstr "Lihat pantulan diri" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1400 -msgid "Return to the courtyard" -msgstr "Kembali ke halaman" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1409 -msgid "Search the auditorium" -msgstr "Cari di aula" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1479 -msgid "Yell something" -msgstr "Teriak sesuatu" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1763 -msgid "Leave the auditorium" -msgstr "Keluar dari aula" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1772 -msgid "Look at fire alarm" -msgstr "Lihat alarm kebakaran" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1780 -msgid "Check out family bathroom" -msgstr "Periksa kamar mandi bersama" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1813 -msgid "Killer Whale player" -msgstr "Pemain Killer Whale" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1846 -msgid "Hayden" -msgstr "Hayden" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2001 -msgid "Kick it" -msgstr "Tendang" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 -msgid "Intimidate the enemy with an impressive entrance" -msgstr "Intimidasi musuh dengan jalan masuk yang mengagumkan" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 -msgid "Use psychological warfare" -msgstr "Gunakan perang psikologis" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 -msgid "Intimidate him with your baseball expertise" -msgstr "Intimidasi dia dengan keahlian baseballmu" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 -msgid "Act weak so he goes easy on you" -msgstr "Pura-pura lemah agar dia santai padamu" - -#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2985 -msgid "Akarsha and Min" -msgstr "Akarsha dan Min" - -#: game/options.rpy:15 -msgid "Butterfly Soup" -msgstr "Butterfly Soup" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:64 -msgid "Min, are you ready to go?" -msgstr "Min, udah siap berangkat?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:66 -msgctxt "min1_a17a3158" -msgid "Heck no." -msgstr "Belom lah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:67 -msgid "I still gotta do my hair." -msgstr "Aku masih harus ngerapihin rambut." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:70 -msgid "Slowpoke." -msgstr "Lelet." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:72 -msgid "Not my fault." -msgstr "Bukan salah aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:73 -msgid "Do you have any idea how long this takes to dry?" -msgstr "Kamu tahu butuh berapa lama buat ngeringin ini?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:76 -msgid "Oh, come on. It's like 5 minutes." -msgstr "Ayolah. Kayak 5 menit." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:78 -msgid "But it builds up! Combined over my lifetime, it adds up to..." -msgstr "Tapi numpuk! Kalau digabungin, jadi..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:79 -msgid "Uh.........." -msgstr "Uh..........." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:80 -msgid "Infinity." -msgstr "Tak terhingga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:83 -msgid "If you don't know the answer, just admit it." -msgstr "Kalau enggak tahu jawabannya, bilang aja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:93 -msgid "I read something interesting in the news this morning." -msgstr "Aku baca sesuatu yang menarik di berita tadi pagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:95 -msgid "Wait, what?" -msgstr "Tunggu, apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:96 -msgid "I thought you have that thing where you can't read. Dystopia." -msgstr "Aku kira kamu punya itu yang kamu enggak bisa baca. Dystopia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:99 -msgctxt "america_00c7e6ca" -msgid "Dyslexia." -msgstr "Dyslexia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:101 -msgctxt "america_42f5162f" -msgid "Dyslexia." -msgstr "Dyslexia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:104 -msgid "And I CAN read. It just takes me longer." -msgstr "Dan aku BISA baca. Cuman lebih lama." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:106 -msgid "So what's the thing you read?" -msgstr "Jadi kamu baca apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:108 -msgid "What percent of America do you think is Asian-American?" -msgstr "Berapa persen dari Amerika yang menurut kamu orang Asia-Amerika?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:112 -msgid "Maybe like half?" -msgstr "Kayaknya setengah?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:115 -msgid "Probably more. Like 80%%." -msgstr "Mungkin lebih. Kayak 80%%." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:118 -msgid "Maybe like 80%%?" -msgstr "Kayaknya 80%%?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:123 -msgid "100%%." -msgstr "100%%" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:127 -msgid "What am I, then?!" -msgstr "Lah, aku apa dong?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:128 -msgid "Your imaginary friend??" -msgstr "Temen khayalan kamu??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:130 -msgid "Oh. I forgot about you." -msgstr "Oh. Aku lupa kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:133 -msgid "That's even worse! I'm standing right in front of you!" -msgstr "Itu lebih parah! Aku berdiri depan kamu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:136 -msgid "What's the actual answer?" -msgstr "Jawabannya apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:138 -msgid "4%%." -msgstr "4%%" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:141 -msgid "4%%?!" -msgstr "4%%?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:143 -msgid "I knew it. He can't read." -msgstr "Tuh kan. Dia enggak bisa baca." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:146 -msgid "I can read! That's what it really said!" -msgstr "Aku bisa baca! Itu yang ditulis!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:148 -msgid "Yeah, right. That's impossible." -msgstr "Cih. Enggak mungkin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:151 -msgid "Are you sure you read it correctly?" -msgstr "Kamu yakin kamu bener bacanya?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:152 -msgid "Sometimes you read things wrong." -msgstr "Kadang kamu salah baca." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:154 -msgid "I didn't read it wrong. It said right there, 4%%." -msgstr "Aku enggak salah baca. Itu ditulis disana, 4%%." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:156 -msgid "Then it must've been a misprint." -msgstr "Kalau gitu pasti salah cetak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:157 -msgid "Like, they forgot the zero." -msgstr "Kayak, mereka lupa nolnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:158 -msgid "And thought the 9 was a 4, so it's really 90%%." -msgstr "Dan kira 9 itu 4, jadi sebenarnya 90%%." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:160 -msgid "Oh, wait, I know! They forgot to include the Indians." -msgstr "Oh tunggu, aku tahu! Mereka lupa tambah orang Indian." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:163 -msgid "It was including Indians." -msgstr "Itu sudah termasuk orang Indian." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:165 -msgid "Why don't you guys believe me? It's really 4%%!" -msgstr "Kenapa kalian nggak percaya aku? Itu beneran 4%%!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:167 -msgid "Because it's not. Hayden, look around you." -msgstr "Soalnya enggak. Hayden, lihat sekitar kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:168 -msgid "Do you see any white people?" -msgstr "Kamu lihat orang kulit putih?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:170 -msgid "Min gestures at all the other kids on the playground. Indeed, everyone is Asian." -msgstr "Min menunjuk pada semua anak-anak lain di taman bermain. Benar, semuanya orang Asia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:172 -msgid "You're like an endangered species." -msgstr "Kamu kayak spesies terancam punah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:175 -msgid "But that's just here. The rest of the country isn't like this." -msgstr "Tapi itu cuman disini. Di daerah lain enggak kayak gini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:176 -msgid "Don't you wonder why everyone is white on TV?" -msgstr "Kalian enggak penasaran kenapa semuanya kulitnya putih di TV?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:178 -msgid "That's easy. Because their parents won't let them become actors." -msgstr "Gampang. Soalnya orang tua mereka enggak bolehin mereka jadi aktor." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:179 -msgid "It's too risky. Only white parents are that dumb." -msgstr "Terlalu beresiko. Cuman orang tua kulit putih yang sebodoh itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:181 -msgid "Okay, but what about sports? There aren't Asians there, either." -msgstr "Oke, tapi gimana dengan olahraga? Enggak ada orang Asia juga disana." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:183 -msgid "That's the same thing. Being an athlete is too risky for Asian parents to approve of it." -msgstr "Sama aja. Jadi atlet terlalu beresiko buat orang tua Asia buat setujuin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:185 -msgid "The difference can't be that big! I'm going to cut out the newspaper article and show it to you guys." -msgstr "Perbedaannya ga mungkin sebesar itu! Aku bakal gunting artikelnya terus aku tunjukin ke kalian." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:187 -msgctxt "america_59f12888" -msgid "............" -msgstr "............." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:189 -msgctxt "america_cc159e1e" -msgid "............" -msgstr "............." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:192 -msgid "Stop looking at me all concerned like that!" -msgstr "Berhenti lihat aku kayak yang khawatir gitu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:194 -msgid "I can't believe it. Hayden's gone mad..." -msgstr "Aku enggak percaya. Hayden sudah gila..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:196 -msgid "I'm not mad!" -msgstr "Aku enggak gila!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:198 -msgctxt "america_4b625d1c" -msgid "Gone mad..." -msgstr "Sudah gila..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:201 -msgid "Hayden, are you feeling lonely or something?" -msgstr "Hayden, kamu kesepian atau gimana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:202 -msgid "It's okay. We still like you even though you're different." -msgstr "Gapapa. Kita masih suka kamu walaupun kamu beda." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:204 -msgid "Yeah. Every year they show us that video where they go back in time to racism!" -msgstr "Iya. Setiap tahun mereka nunjukkin kita video pas mereka balik ke waktu rasisme!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:205 -msgid "Racism is over." -msgstr "Rasisme sudah selesai." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:208 -msgid "I give up........forget it................" -msgstr "Aku menyerah........lupakan................" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:213 -msgid "The playground structure rattles as a bunch of boys climb aboard." -msgstr "Struktur taman bermain bergetar ketika sekelompok anak laki-laki memanjatnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:214 -msgid "Hey, Hayden! Jun!" -msgstr "Hei, Hayden! Jun!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:215 -msgid "Wanna play baseball?" -msgstr "Mau main baseball?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:218 -msgid "Oh. Uh........" -msgstr "Oh. Uh........." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:219 -msgid "He looks like he really doesn't want to." -msgstr "Dia terlihat sangat tidak ingin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:222 -msgid "Uneasily, he turns to Hayden, who just shrugs." -msgstr "Dengan gelisah, dia berpaling pada Hayden, yang hanya mengangkat bahu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:223 -msgid "Aren't you both in Little League?" -msgstr "Bukannya kalian ada di Liga Kecil?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:225 -msgid "Yeah...but..." -msgstr "Iya...tapi..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:227 -msgid "What about me?" -msgstr "Kalau aku?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:228 -msgid "Can I play?" -msgstr "Boleh main?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:230 -msgid "You??" -msgstr "Kamu??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:232 -msgid "Yeah, why not?" -msgstr "Iya, kenapa enggak?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:235 -msgid "There's an uncomfortable silence." -msgstr "Ada keheningan yang tidak mengenakkan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:236 -msgid "The group is nervously exchanging glances amongst themselves. This is clearly the first time a girl has asked to join their ranks." -msgstr "Kelompok itu dengan gugup saling bertukar pandangan. Ini pertama kalinya seorang perempuan meminta untuk bergabung dengan mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:238 -msgid "I'm not like other girls. I'm way, way worse." -msgstr "Aku enggak kayak cewek yang lain. Aku jauh lebih parah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:242 -msgid "The others look at Min skeptically." -msgstr "Yang lain melihat Min dengan skeptis." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:244 -msgid "What, are you scared you'll lose to a girl?" -msgstr "Apa, kamu takut kalah sama cewek?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:245 -msgctxt "america_61eb2473" -msgid "What?! No!" -msgstr "Apa?! Enggak!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:247 -msgid "Wow, you ARE scared." -msgstr "Wow, kamu JELAS takut." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:248 -msgid "You little bitch." -msgstr "Dasar anjing." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:251 -msgid "A hush falls over the group." -msgstr "Keheningan menyelimuti kelompok itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:252 -msgid "She said the b-word..." -msgstr "Dia ngomong itu..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:254 -msgid "She plays video games, too." -msgstr "Dia main video game juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:255 -msgid "Oh yeah? Like what?" -msgstr "Oh ya? Kayak apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:257 -msgid "Like Sonic Adventure 2." -msgstr "Kayak Sonic Adventures 2." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:259 -msgid "This instantly wins everyone over!" -msgstr "Ini secara instan membuat semua orang menyetujuinya!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:278 -msgid "The group has made their way to the field." -msgstr "Kelompok itu pergi ke lapangan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:279 -msgid "Jun, your shirt's so girly." -msgstr "Jun, kaos kamu kayak punya cewek." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:281 -msgid "How's it girly? It's Arthur." -msgstr "Kayak punya cewek? Ini Arthur." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:282 -msgid "Everyone is scrutinizing Jun's shirt now." -msgstr "Semuanya menatap kaos Jun sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:283 -msgid "Wearing Arthur on your shirt looks gay." -msgstr "Pake Arthur di kaos kamu kelihatan gay." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:285 -msgid "I'm not gay!" -msgstr "Aku enggak gay!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:286 -msgid "Then why're you wearing that shirt? Haha!" -msgstr "Kalau gitu kenapa kamu pake kaos itu? Haha!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:288 -msgid "Min takes out a box cutter!" -msgstr "Min mengeluarkan sebuah pemotong kardus!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:291 -msgctxt "america_6b041b89" -msgid "Hey!" -msgstr "Hei!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:292 -msgid "What's so funny? You wanna go?" -msgstr "Apa yang lucu? Mau berantem?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:294 -msgid "The blade glints in the sunlight as she stabs the air in front of the jeering boys." -msgstr "Mata pisaunya berkilau dibawah sinar matahari saat dia menusuk udara di depan anak-anak yang mengolok." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:295 -msgid "Frightened, everyone abruptly stops laughing." -msgstr "Ketakutan, semuanya tiba-tiba berhenti tertawa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:296 -msgid "...You...you can't do that!" -msgstr "...Kamu...kamu enggak bisa gitu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:298 -msgid "Says who? You? Fight me." -msgstr "Kata siapa? Kamu? Lawan aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:300 -msgid "The boy shrinks back on the bench as she nears him." -msgstr "Anak laki-laki itu mundur di bangku saat dia mendekatinya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:302 -msgid "That's what I thought." -msgstr "Tuh kan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:304 -msgid "Min successfully asserted dominance over the leader of the group!" -msgstr "Min berhasil menunjukkan dominasi atas pemimpin kelompok itu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:305 -msgid "She clicks the blade back in and sits down." -msgstr "Dia mengklik kembali pisau itu lalu duduk." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:306 -msgid "...Thanks..." -msgstr "...Makasih..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:308 -msgid "Anytime. It's your noona's job to protect you." -msgstr "Kapanpun. Sudah tugas noona buat ngelindungin kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:314 -msgid "It's Min's turn at bat now." -msgstr "Giliran Min untuk memukul sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:317 -msgid "She swings ferociously at the incoming pitch!" -msgstr "Dia mengayunkan pemukulnya dengan garang pada lemparan yang datang!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:319 -msgid "DIEEEE!!!!!!" -msgstr "MATI!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:323 -msgid "Min hits the ball toward the mound!" -msgstr "Min memukul bolanya ke arah gundukan!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:325 -msgid "The pitcher ducks to avoid getting beaned. Min reaches the bag with time to spare." -msgstr "Pitchernya menunduk untuk menghindar. Min mencapai base dengan waktu sisa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:328 -msgid "I made it to first." -msgstr "Aku sampe ke base pertama." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:330 -msgid "It's Jun's turn at bat." -msgstr "Giliran Jun untuk memukul." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:333 -msgid "Jun bunted it into the dirt!" -msgstr "Jun memukulnya ke tanah!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:335 -msgid "He's sacrificing himself so I can make it to second." -msgstr "Dia ngorbanin dirinya sendiri biar aku bisa ke base kedua." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:338 -msgid "Min dashes for second base. She slides feet first into the bag." -msgstr "Min berlari ke base kedua. Dia meluncurkan kakinya ke base." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:341 -msgid "Hahaha!!!" -msgstr "Hahaha!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:342 -msgid "Suddenly, everyone's laughing at her." -msgstr "Tiba-tiba, semuanya menertawainya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:344 -msgid "Huh?" -msgstr "Hah?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:349 -msgid "Min, your skirt..." -msgstr "Min, rokmu..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:351 -msgid "He's pointing down at it." -msgstr "Dia menunjuk ke bawahnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:352 -msgid "Min's skirt has flipped up so everyone can see her underwear." -msgstr "Rok Min terlipat ke atas sehingga semua orang bisa melihat celana dalamnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:364 -msgid "I hate skirts!" -msgstr "Aku benci rok!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:365 -msgid "They're stupid." -msgstr "Rok tuh bodoh." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:367 -msgid "What?? Don't be silly." -msgstr "Apa?? Jangan konyol." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:368 -msgid "You look so cute in them." -msgstr "Kamu kelihatan lucu pakai rok." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:370 -msgid "I don't wanna look cute!" -msgstr "Aku enggak mau kelihatan lucu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:371 -msgid "I wanna look cool!" -msgstr "Aku mau kelihatan keren!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:373 -msgid "Well, we already bought them. So you have to wear them." -msgstr "Yah, kita sudah beli. Jadi kamu harus pakai." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:375 -msgid "I always say I don't like them but you keep buying them anyway!" -msgstr "Aku selalu bilang kalau aku gak suka tapi Mama selalu beli terus!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:376 -msgid "I'd rather die than wear one." -msgstr "Aku mending mati daripada pake satu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:377 -msgid "It's embarrassing." -msgstr "Malu-maluin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:378 -msgid "How come I have to when Jun doesn't?" -msgstr "Kenapa aku harus tapi Jun enggak?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:380 -msgid "That'd be crazy! Jun's a boy." -msgstr "Itu gila! Jun laki-laki." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:381 -msgid "Boys don't wear skirts." -msgstr "Laki-laki tidak pakai rok." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:383 -msgid "That's not fair! Then I won't wear skirts either, then." -msgstr "Itu enggak adil! Kalau gitu aku gak akan pake rok lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:389 -msgid "Also, Mom..." -msgstr "Oh ya, Ma..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:390 -msgid "I don't like this shirt anymore." -msgstr "Aku enggak suka kaos ini lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:392 -msgid "What're you talking about? That's your favorite shirt." -msgstr "Kamu ngomong apa? Itu kaos favoritmu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:394 -msgid "I changed my mind." -msgstr "Aku berubah pikiran." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:396 -msgid "Why? It's a perfectly good shirt." -msgstr "Kenapa? Itu kaos yang bagus." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:398 -msgid "I just did, alright?" -msgstr "Aku baru bilang kan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:399 -msgid "I'm not allowed to not like a shirt?" -msgstr "Aku enggak boleh ga suka kaos kah?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:401 -msgid "Both of you are being ridiculous. You're wearing the clothes we bought you, and that's final." -msgstr "Kalian berdua konyol. Kalian pakai baju yang kita belikan kalian, dan itu final." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:402 -msgid "So spoiled. What kind of kids are you?" -msgstr "Manja banget. Anak macam apa kalian?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:404 -msgctxt "gameboy_6e6159b3" -msgid "..................." -msgstr "...................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:407 -msgctxt "gameboy_8eabd16d" -msgid "..................." -msgstr "...................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:409 -msgid "The car glides up the ramp to the freeway." -msgstr "Mobil itu menanjak ke jalan bebas hambatan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:411 -msgid "Jun-seo is mashing the buttons on his Game Boy Advance like his life depends on it." -msgstr "Jun-seo menekan-nekan tombol di Game Boy Advancenya seperti kehidupannya bergantung padanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:413 -msgid "You've been playing that the entire day." -msgstr "Kamu udah main itu seharian." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:414 -msgid "It's my turn." -msgstr "Giliran aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:417 -msgid "Wait. Just 5 more minutes." -msgstr "Tunggu. Lima menit lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:420 -msgid "You said that 20 minutes ago." -msgstr "Kamu bilang itu 20 menit yang lalu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:423 -msgid "I have to beat this level." -msgstr "Aku harus ngalahin level ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:426 -msgid "Mom! Jun won't let me play on the Game Boy even though he said he would!" -msgstr "Ma! Jun enggak bolehin aku main di Game Boy padahal dia udah bilang bakal!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:429 -msgid "Why don't you look outside at all the trees?" -msgstr "Kenapa kamu enggak lihat ke luar lihat pohon?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:432 -msgid "Why do I have to do that when Jun gets to play Sonic? That's not fair!" -msgstr "Kenapa aku harus kayak gitu tapi Jun boleh main Sonic? Itu enggak adil!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:435 -msgid "It's not normal for a girl to like video games that much." -msgstr "Enggak normal untuk perempuan untuk sesuka itu dengan video game." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:436 -msgid "None of our friends' daughters play games." -msgstr "Anak perempuan teman-temannya Papa Mama enggak ada yang main game." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:437 -msgid "There must be something wrong with your hormones. We should go see a doctor." -msgstr "Pasti ada yang salah dengan hormon kamu. Kita harus ke dokter." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:440 -msgid "I don't need to see a doctor! There's nothing wrong with liking games!" -msgstr "Aku enggak butuh dokter! Enggak ada yang salah kalau suka game!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:443 -msgid "Yes, there is. It's not natural for a girl. " -msgstr "Ada. Enggak natural buat perempuan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:445 -msgid "It's called a Game Boy, not a Game Girl!" -msgstr "Itu kan Game Boy, bukan Game Girl!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:446 -msgid "Hahaha!" -msgstr "Hahaha!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:448 -msgid "Haha! Good one!" -msgstr "Haha! Bagus!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:451 -msgid "That's not funny. This isn't fair!" -msgstr "Itu enggak lucu. Ini enggak adil!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:454 -msgid "It's just a game. Take it easy." -msgstr "Hanya game kok. Santai saja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:457 -msgid "Min wrenches the Game Boy out of Jun's hands!" -msgstr "Min merebut Game Boynya dari tangan Jun!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:458 -msgid "Before he can stop her, she rolls down the window and chucks it as hard as she can onto the freeway." -msgstr "Sebelum dia bisa menghentikannya, dia menurunkan jendela dan melemparkannya sekeras mungkin ke jalan bebas hambatan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:461 -msgid "MOM!!!!!!" -msgstr "MAMA!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:462 -msgid "LOOK WHAT MIN DID!!!!" -msgstr "LIHAT MIN NGAPAIN!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:474 -msgid "You did WHAT?!" -msgstr "Kamu NGAPAIN?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:475 -msgid "Did you get the Game Boy back?" -msgstr "Kamu ambil Game Boynya balik?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:477 -msgid "We turned around and got it. The screen was busted, though." -msgstr "Kita putar balik terus ambil. Layarnya rusak sih." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:478 -msgid "Once you turned it on, it'd show all this rainbow shit. You couldn't use it at all." -msgstr "Pas kamu nyalain, itu bakal nunjukkin yang pelangi-pelangi itu. Kamu bener-bener enggak bisa pake." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:481 -msgid "Nooo.........." -msgstr "Yaaah........." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:482 -msgid "Why're you so angry all the time? Always breaking stuff..." -msgstr "Kenapa kamu marah-marah terus sih? Ngerusakin barang terus..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:484 -msgid "Because people are stupid all the time!" -msgstr "Soalnya orang-orang bego terus!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:486 -msgid "Just, like, calm down. Try not getting angry." -msgstr "Udah, kayak, tenang aja. Coba jangan marah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:488 -msgid "I AM trying!" -msgstr "Aku BERUSAHA!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:491 -msgid "Try harder. You didn't have to do that! Now neither of you can play it." -msgstr "Usaha lagi. Kamu enggak harus gitu! Sekarang kalian enggak bisa main." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:493 -msgid "Exactly! Now it's fair." -msgstr "Benar! Sekarang adil." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:494 -msgid "Why should he get to be happy when I can't?" -msgstr "Kenapa dia harus seneng kalau aku enggak bisa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:497 -msgid "That's...one way to think about it..." -msgstr "Itu...satu cara buat mikirin..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:499 -msgid "Jun returns to the table with their Happy Meals." -msgstr "Jun kembali ke meja dengan Happy Meal mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:501 -msgctxt "mcDonalds_35df4f98" -msgid "Thanks!" -msgstr "Makasih!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:502 -msgid "Hayden digs into his box and pulls out his plastic-wrapped toy." -msgstr "Hayden membuka kotaknya dan mengeluarkan sebuah mainan berbungkus plastik." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:503 -msgid "Ooh! Look what I got!" -msgstr "Ooh! Lihat aku dapet apa!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:504 -msgid "It's a futuristic looking Hot Wheels car sporting translucent ice blue windows." -msgstr "Sebuah mobil Hot Wheels yang terlihat futuristik dengan jendela biru tembus pandang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:506 -msgid "Whoa!" -msgstr "Wah!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:509 -msgid "Jun unwraps his toy, too. His is a monster truck." -msgstr "Jun membuka mainannya juga. Dia dapat truk monster." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:511 -msgctxt "mcDonalds_a541b6b5" -msgid "Whoa!!!" -msgstr "Wah!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:512 -msgid "That's not bad, either!" -msgstr "Itu bagus juga!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:515 -msgid "Uh...I guess?" -msgstr "Uh...mungkin?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:516 -msgid "I don't really get why these things are popular." -msgstr "Aku enggak terlalu ngerti kenapa ini populer." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:519 -msgid "Hayden, are you up to trading for yours?" -msgstr "Hayden, kamu mau tukaran?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:522 -msgid "Depends. Whatchu got?" -msgstr "Tergantung. Kamu dapet apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:524 -msgid "Min takes her toy out of her Happy Meal." -msgstr "Min mengambil bonekanya dari Happy Meal miliknya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:525 -msgid "It's a...Barbie doll." -msgstr "Dia dapat...boneka Barbie." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:527 -msgctxt "mcDonalds_cd2045ac" -msgid "............." -msgstr ".............." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:529 -msgid "I don't want this." -msgstr "Aku enggak mau ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:530 -msgid "I'm gonna ask for a replacement." -msgstr "Aku mau minta ganti." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:593 -msgid "Imagine a world where love is ILLEGAL..." -msgstr "Bayangkan dunia dimana cinta itu ILLEGAL..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:595 -msgid "The screen shows a man and woman bumping into each other and making eye contact." -msgstr "Layarnya menunjukkan seorang pria dan wanita saling bersinggungan dan membuat kontak mata." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:596 -msgid "Breathtakingly original..." -msgstr "Sangat orisinal..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:597 -msgid "The man and woman are passionately making out." -msgstr "Pria dan wanita tersebut sedang bercumbu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:599 -msgctxt "lookAtTV_3e52293c" -msgid "Yuck." -msgstr "Ih." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:601 -msgid "A forbidden romance like you've NEVER seen before..." -msgstr "Romansa terlarang seperti yang BELUM PERNAH kau lihat sebelumnya..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:602 -msgid "For some reason, the entire cast is comprised of brown haired white people. They look similar enough that they could be siblings." -msgstr "Entah kenapa, seluruh pemainnya terdiri dari orang kulit putih berambut coklat. Mereka terlihat cukup mirip sampai-sampai mereka bisa adi saudara kandung." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:604 -msgid "What the heck..." -msgstr "Apaan..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:607 -msgid "See? It's all white people on TV." -msgstr "Lihat? Semuanya orang kulit putih di TV." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:611 -msgid "We've already gone over this." -msgstr "Kita udah pernah bahas ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:612 -msgid "It's because Asian people's parents don't let them become actors." -msgstr "Itu soalnya orang tua orang Asia enggak biarin mereka jadi aktor." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:615 -msgid "That's can't be it. The difference is way too extreme." -msgstr "Pasti bukan itu. Perbedaannya terlalu ekstrim." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:617 -msgid "Min sadly shakes her head at him." -msgstr "Min dengan sedih menggelengkan kepalanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:619 -msgctxt "lookAtTV_4b625d1c" -msgid "Gone mad..." -msgstr "Sudah gila..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:622 -msgid "I haven't gone mad!" -msgstr "Aku belum gila!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:634 -msgid "Hayden is trying to cheer Jun up." -msgstr "Hayden mencoba menyemangati Jun." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:637 -msgid "I just came up with a great joke! Wanna hear it?" -msgstr "Aku baru aja bikin lawakan! Mau denger?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:638 -msgid "If Sherlock Holmes owned all the houses in a neighborhood, what would the neighborhood be called? " -msgstr "Kalau Sherlock Holmes punya semua rumah di lingkungan, apa nama lingkungan itu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:641 -msgid "A small, patient smile forms on Jun's face." -msgstr "Sebuah senyuman kecil terbentuk di wajah Jun." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:642 -msgid "Sherlock Homes." -msgstr "Sherlock Homes." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:644 -msgid "What! How did you know?" -msgstr "Hah! Gimana kamu tau?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:646 -msgid "You've already told me this joke before." -msgstr "Kamu udah kasih tau yang ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:648 -msgid "No way? I came up with it just now!" -msgstr "Ga mungkin? Aku baru bikin sekarang!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:650 -msgid "But also you told it to me last year. You forgot your own joke and came up with it all over again." -msgstr "Tapi kamu udah kasih tahu tahun lalu. Kamu lupa lawakan kamu sendiri terus bikin lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:652 -msgid "What...I seriously don't remember, though?" -msgstr "Apa...Aku beneran enggak inget, lho?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:654 -msgid "Jun covers his face when he laughs." -msgstr "Jun menutup wajahnya dan tertawa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:656 -msgid "But you did! It was exactly the same!" -msgstr "Tapi iya! Persis sama!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:657 -msgid "It's not even that funny, but you were so proud of it both times!" -msgstr "Itu bahkan enggak benar-benar lucu, tapi kamu bangga banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:658 -msgid "Exhaling, he appears to regain his composure, but it's only a moment before he doubles over again. " -msgstr "Menghela nafas, dia terlihat sudah tenang, tapi hanya untuk beberapa saat sebelum dia tertawa lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:659 -msgid "Why were you so proud?" -msgstr "Kenapa kamu bangga banget?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:661 -msgid "Hey, it's a great joke, okay?" -msgstr "Hei, lawakannya bagus, oke?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:666 -msgid "Hey, wanna hear another joke?" -msgstr "Hei, mau dengar yang lain?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:669 -msgid "Sure!" -msgstr "Boleh!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:671 -msgid "Why couldn't Cinderella play baseball?" -msgstr "Kenapa Cinderella enggak bisa main baseball?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:673 -msgid "Why?" -msgstr "Kenapa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:675 -msgid "Because her s, stepmother—" -msgstr "Soalnya ib, ibu tirinya-" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:676 -msgid "Hayden can't keep a straight face! He's stifling his laugh so it sounds like a garbage disposal." -msgstr "Hayden tidak bisa menahan wajahnya! Dia menahan tawanya sehingga kedengarannya seperti tempat pembuangan sampah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:678 -msgid "—kkkkkKK......kggghh!!!!" -msgstr "—kkkkkKK......kggghh!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:679 -msgid "Jun waits patiently as he takes deep, calming breaths to recollect himself." -msgstr "Jun menunggu dengan sabar sambil menarik nafas yang tenang dan dalam untuk menenangkan dirinya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:680 -msgid "Because her stepmother wouldn't let her go to the....go to the— " -msgstr "Soalnya ibu tirinya enggak biarin dia pergi ke....pergi ke-" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:681 -msgid "Hayden is laughing so hard at his own joke that he can't even finish it!" -msgstr "Hayden tertawa sangat keras karena lawakannya sendiri sampai-sampai dia tidak bisa menyelesaikannya!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:683 -msgid "You're hopeless..." -msgstr "Kamu enggak ada harapan..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:693 -msgid "Looking aghast, Jun pulls a wrapped burger out of his Happy Meal." -msgstr "Terlihat kaget, Jun mengeluarkan burger dari Happy Meal-nya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:696 -msgid "What's wrong?" -msgstr "Kenapa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:699 -msgid "They gave me a cheeseburger instead of chicken nuggets." -msgstr "Mereka kasih aku burger keju bukannya nugget ayam." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:701 -msgid "Then go complain." -msgstr "Kalau gitu protes." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:703 -msgid "No, it's okay!" -msgstr "Enggak, gapapa!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:704 -msgid "I don't wanna bother the workers." -msgstr "Aku enggak mau ganggu karyawannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:706 -msgid "Suit yourself..." -msgstr "Ya sudah..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:709 -msgid "Jun-seo is sadly eating the burger he doesn't want." -msgstr "Jun-seo dengan sedih memakan burger yang dia tidak inginkan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:759 -msgid "Min approaches the counter." -msgstr "Min mendatangi konter." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:762 -msgid "Hey, you!" -msgstr "Hei, kamu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:763 -msgid "I want a different toy." -msgstr "Aku mau mainan lain." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:765 -msgid "Sorry, we can't do that." -msgstr "Maaf, kita tidak bisa melakukan itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:767 -msgid "No, I don't mean I'm trying to get a specific one. I want a boy one, but they gave me a girl toy by mistake." -msgstr "Enggak, maksudnya aku bukan coba ngedapetin yang spesifik. Aku mau yang cowok, tapi mereka malah kasih aku mainan cewek." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:769 -msgid "But you're such a pretty girl! You don't want Hot Wheels." -msgstr "Tapi kamu anak perempuan yang cantik! Kamu tidak mau Hot Wheels." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:771 -msgid "Yeah, I do!" -msgstr "Iya, aku mau!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:772 -msgid "Hand it over or you're getting it." -msgstr "Serahin atau aku hajar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:774 -msgid "Haha! You're a funny little girl." -msgstr "Haha! Kamu anak perempuan yang lucu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:784 -msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e" -msgid ".................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:786 -msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_1" -msgid ".................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:787 -msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_2" -msgid ".................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:798 -msgid "What were you thinking?! Why did you ruin your hair like that?!" -msgstr "Apa yang kamu pikirkan?! Kenapa kamu hancurkan rambutmu seperti itu?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:800 -msgid "That's what you get!" -msgstr "Itu yang Mama dapet!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:801 -msgid "And it's not ruined! It's better like this!" -msgstr "Dan enggak hancur! Lebih bagus kayak gini!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:804 -msgid "What's gotten into you?!" -msgstr "Kamu kesurupan apa?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:805 -msgid "If you continue like this, no man is ever going to marry you!" -msgstr "Kalau kamu begini terus, tidak akan ada yang mau menikahi kamu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:807 -msgctxt "mirror_8bac71d0" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:128 +msgctxt "beginning_5949963c" +msgid "Once upon a time... " +msgstr "Pada suatu hari..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:136 +msgid "There lived a princess called Min-seo. " +msgstr "Hiduplah seorang putri bernama Min-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:141 +msgid "She liked weapons. Everyone was terrified of her." +msgstr "Ia menyukai senjata. Semua orang takut padanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:143 +msgid "She'd threaten you with knives and steal and break your things." +msgstr "" +"Dia akan mengancammu dengan pisau dan mencuri dan menghancurkan barangmu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:144 +msgid "She always got sent to the principal's office because she was bad." +msgstr "Dia selalu dikirim ke kantor kepala sekolah karena dia nakal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:149 +msgid "" +"Still,{w=0.35} she was a lovely princess. {w=0.35}And tragically, {w=0.35}" +"she was cursed to prick her finger on a spindle and die." +msgstr "" +"Tetap,{w=0.35} dia putri yang menawan. {w=0.35}Dan tragisnya, {w=0.35}dia " +"dikutuk untuk menusukkan jarinya ke alat pemintal dan mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:150 +msgid "" +"Sure enough...One day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." +msgstr "" +"Tentunya...Suatu hari, {w=0.2}seperti seorang idiot,{w=0.2} dia menyentuhnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:154 +msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421" +msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." +msgstr "Dan dia tertidur dengan sangat nyenyak, bagaikan mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:155 +msgid "" +"Or at least, she was supposed to.{w=0.35} \n" +"Instead, the princess sat up abruptly and said:" +msgstr "" +"Atau setidaknya, seharusnya.{w=0.35} \n" +"Malahan, putri itu duduk secara tiba-tiba dan berkata:" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:160 +msgid "{big=16}THIS IS THE WORST STORY IN HISTORY!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=16}INI CERITA PALING PARAH DALAM SEJARAH!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:162 +msgid "{big=20}I'M ESCAPING!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}AKU MAU KABUR!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:166 +msgid "Wait!" +msgstr "Bentar!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:167 +msgid "Min, that's not how it goes!" +msgstr "Min, bukan kayak gitu caranya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:169 +msgid "I'm right here!{w=0.35} The evil dragon!" +msgstr "Aku disini!{w=0.35} Naga jahatnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:171 +msgid "I killed you already!" +msgstr "Aku udah bunuh kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:173 +msgid "Haaaah?{w=0.35} With what?" +msgstr "Haaaah?{w=0.35} Pake apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:176 +msgid "{big=+20}A GUN!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}PISTOL!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:178 +msgid "You don't have a gun!" +msgstr "Kamu enggak punya pistol!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:181 +msgid "{big=+20}I MADE ONE OUT OF ROCKS!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}AKU BIKIN DARI BATU!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:183 +msgctxt "beginning_78aff33f" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:190 +msgid "" +"The hero has arrived!{w=0.35}\n" +"As Min-seo's twin, he's trying to reason with her!" +msgstr "" +"Pahlawannya telah tiba!{w=0.35}\n" +"Sebagai kembaran Min-seo, dia mencoba untuk berbicara dengannya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:192 +msgid "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}that's impossible... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}itu enggak mungkin... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:194 +msgctxt "beginning_8bac71d0" msgid "Who cares!" msgstr "Siapa yang peduli!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:808 -msgid "If I have to have long hair to get married, I don't wanna get married!" -msgstr "Kalau aku harus punya rambut panjang buat nikah, aku enggak mau menikah!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:809 -msgid "I don't ever want kids!" -msgstr "Aku enggak mau punya anak!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:811 -msgid "Her parents furrow their brows in concern." -msgstr "Orangtuanya mengerutkan alis mereka dalam kekhawatiran." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:812 -msgid "You have to have at least two or three." -msgstr "Kamu harus punya setidaknya dua atau tiga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:814 -msgid "I don't think I'd make a good parent. I don't want my kids to end up hating me." -msgstr "Aku enggak bakalan jadi orang tua yang baik. Aku enggak pingin anak-anak aku akhirnya benci aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:817 -msgid "You won't be happy if you don't have kids." -msgstr "Kamu tidak akan bahagia kalau tidak punya anak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:818 -msgid "You'll get it when you grow up." -msgstr "Kamu bakal ngerti nanti." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:820 -msgid "What's there to get?" -msgstr "Buat apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:821 -msgid "I'll never wanna kiss a guy anyway. They're smelly and have gross skin like Dad." -msgstr "Aku enggak mau cium cowok juga. Mereka bau dan kulitnya menjijikan kayak Papa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:823 -msgid "Well, nobody's perfect." -msgstr "Yah, tidak ada yang sempurna." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:824 -msgid "You have to have realistic expectations." -msgstr "Kamu harus punya ekspektasi realistis." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:826 -msgid "I am being realistic!" -msgstr "Aku realistis!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:827 -msgid "I don't want someone who's nothing special." -msgstr "Aku enggak mau sama orang yang enggak spesial." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:828 -msgid "I'm pretty awesome, so I should get someone who's awesome, too." -msgstr "Aku lumayan keren, jadi aku harus sama orang yang keren juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:830 -msgid "Prince Charming doesn't exist in real life." -msgstr "Pangeran Tampan tidak ada di dunia nyata." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:831 -msgid "If you think like that, you'll never find anyone." -msgstr "Kalau kamu mikirnya seperti itu, kamu enggak akan menemukan siapapun." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:833 -msgid "Then I'll just stay alone!" -msgstr "Kalau gitu aku sendiri aja!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:835 -msgid "You can't do that!" -msgstr "Kamu enggak bisa seperti itu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:837 -msgid "Why do you get to decide what happens to me?!" -msgstr "Kenapa Mama yang ngatur aku harus ngapain?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:839 -msgid "We're your parents! You have to do what we say!" -msgstr "Kita orangtua kamu! Kamu harus nurut!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:841 -msgid "No! It's my life, not yours!" -msgstr "Enggak! Ini hidup aku, bukan Mama!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:843 -msgid "What's wrong with you?!" -msgstr "Kamu kenapa sih?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:844 -msgid "What did we ever deserve to get a horrible child like this?!" -msgstr "Kita ngapain sampai kita dapat anak yang mengerikan seperti ini?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:846 -msgid "There's something wrong with her brain. She's so disobedient." -msgstr "Ada yang salah dengan otaknya. Dia nakal banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:847 -msgid "She's still playing baseball with all those boys." -msgstr "Dia masih main baseball dengan anak laki-laki lainnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:849 -msgid "What's wrong with that?!" -msgstr "Memang salah?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:851 -msgid "Do you see any other girls doing that?" -msgstr "Kamu lihat perempuan yang lain seperti itu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:852 -msgid "Do you want to be some kind of weirdo?" -msgstr "Kamu mau jadi orang aneh?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:854 -msgid "But Jun gets to! How come I don't get to?!" -msgstr "Tapi Jun boleh! Kenapa aku enggak boleh?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:856 -msgid "Jun is a boy! You're a girl!" -msgstr "Jun laki-laki! Kamu perempuan!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:859 -msgid "What part of that don't you understand?! Are you brain damaged?" -msgstr "Bagian mana yang kamu tidak ngerti?! Kamu goblok?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:862 -msgid "THAT'S STUPID! IT'S NOT FAIR!!" -msgstr "ITU BODOH! ENGGAK ADIL!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:864 -msgid "That's reality! The world's not fair!" -msgstr "Itu kenyataan! Dunia memang tidak adil!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:865 -msgid "This isn't some fairy tale! You have to accept it, or you're stupid!" -msgstr "Ini bukan cerita! Kamu harus terima, atau tidak kamu goblok!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:869 -msgid "I WON'T ACCEPT IT!" -msgstr "AKU ENGGAK AKAN TERIMA!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:870 -msgid "I WON'T EVER ACCEPT IT!!" -msgstr "AKU ENGGAK AKAN PERNAH TERIMA!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:874 -msgid "{big=20}SO STUPID! WE REALLY DO HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO A DOCTOR NOW!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=20}GOBLOK! KITA BENAR-BENAR HARUS BAWA KAMU KE DOKTER SEKARANG!{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:875 -msgid "{big=20}YOU HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS! BRAIN DAMAGED!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=20}KAMU PUNYA MASALAH MENTAL! OTAKNYA RUSAK!{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:876 -msgid "{big=20}RETARDED!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=20}GOBLOK!{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:880 -msgid "{big=20}YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S RETARDED!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=20}PAPA YANG GOBLOK!{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:881 -msgid "{big=20}I HATE YOU! GO TO HELL!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=20}AKU BENCI KAMU! PERGI KE NERAKA!!{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:884 -msgid "There is a small statue sitting on the living room shelf." -msgstr "Ada patung kecil di lemari ruang keluarga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:885 -msgid "Min's dad picks it up and hurls it at her." -msgstr "Ayah Min mengambilnya dan melemparkan itu padanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:889 -msgctxt "mirror_11d2098a" -msgid "Min!" -msgstr "Min!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:892 -msgid "Min dodges. The statue strikes the glass coffee table behind her, shattering the glass into a thousand pieces on the floor." -msgstr "Min mengelak. Patung itu mengenai kaca meja kopi dibelakangnya, menghancurkannya menjadi berkeping-keping di lantai." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:893 -msgid "Min was expecting the shards to be all sharp and jagged, but instead, they look like Icee slush." -msgstr "Min mengira pecahannya akan tajam dan bergerigi, tapi, pecahannya terlihat seperti Icee." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:898 -msgid "You were asking for it." -msgstr "Kamu yang minta." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:900 -msgid "Jun-seo has started crying." -msgstr "Jun-seo mulai menangis." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:902 -msgid "Stop it! She's sorry!" -msgstr "Berhenti! Dia menyesal!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:903 -msgid "She's sorry, stop!" -msgstr "Dia menyesal! Berhenti!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:905 -msgctxt "mirror_51f3578d" -msgid "Shut up!" -msgstr "Diam!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:906 -msgid "He grabs Jun's arm." -msgstr "Dia memegang lengan Jun dengan kasar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:909 -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:912 -msgid "Min lunges at her dad and bites down on his wrist." -msgstr "Min menerkam ayahnya dan menggigitnya di lengan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:913 -msgid "AUGH!!!" -msgstr "AUGH!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:914 -msgid "He lets go of Jun!" -msgstr "Dia melepaskan Jun!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:920 -msgid "Min throws a punch, but he catches it with his hand." -msgstr "Min mencoba memukulnya, tapi dia menangkapnya dengan tangannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:922 -msgid "He's so strong!" -msgstr "Dia kuat banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:923 -msgid "I hate this! I hate this!" -msgstr "Aku benci ini! Aku benci ini!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:924 -msgid "I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do!" -msgstr "Aku bunuh dia kalau harus!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:936 -msgid "I'll kill him. I'll save all of us." -msgstr "Aku bakal bunuh dia. Aku bakal nyelamatin kita semua." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:938 -msgid "I'll wait until he's asleep and slit his throat." -msgstr "Aku bakal tunggu sampe dia tidur dan gorok lehernya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:939 -msgid "You can't. You'll go to jail." -msgstr "Kamu enggak bisa. Kamu bakal dipenjara." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:940 -msgid "I don't have a choice." -msgstr "Aku gak punya pilihan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:941 -msgid "I don't want to hurt anyone, but I want to be happy, too." -msgstr "Aku gak mau ngelukain orang, tapi aku juga pengen bahagia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:942 -msgid "If Dad dies, we won't have enough money to live." -msgstr "Kalau Papa mati, kita enggak akan punya uang buat hidup." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:943 -msgid "Then Mom'll get a new husband." -msgstr "Kalau gitu Mama cari suami baru." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:944 -msgid "Maybe this time, we'll get a normal one who doesn't go crazy and break everything." -msgstr "Mungkin kali ini, kita bakalan dapet yang normal yang ga jadi gila dan ngancurin semuanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:945 -msgid "Dad only does that when he's mad. You knew he'd lose his temper if you kept saying things like that." -msgstr "Papa cuman begitu kalau marah. Kamu tau dia bakalan kehilangan kesabaran kalau kamu terus ngomong kayak gitu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:946 -msgid "You should've just apologized and said you were wrong." -msgstr "Kamu harusnya minta maaf aja dan ngaku salah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:947 -msgid "But I wasn't wrong." -msgstr "Tapi aku enggak salah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:948 -msgid "It doesn't matter." -msgstr "Enggak penting." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:949 -msgid "Yeah it does! I'm not gonna say I was wrong when I wasn't." -msgstr "Iyalah! Aku gak bakal bilang kalau aku salah kalau aku emang gak salah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:950 -msgid "You're so stubborn!" -msgstr "Kamu batu banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:951 -msgid "Don't you get it? There's no way to win against him." -msgstr "Kamu enggak ngerti? Ga mungkin bisa menang lawan Papa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:952 -msgid "The more you argue, the worse you're making things." -msgstr "Semakin kamu nantang, kamu malah bikin semakin parah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:953 -msgid "You have to learn how to pick your battles like me and Mom." -msgstr "Kamu harus belajar cara pilih pertempuran kayak aku sama Mama." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:954 -msgid "Why do I have to be the one who has to be mature?" -msgstr "Kenapa harus aku yang dewasa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:955 -msgid "That's not fair! I'm a kid! He's supposed to be the adult!" -msgstr "Itu ga adil! Aku anak kecil! Dia harusnya yang dewasa!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:956 -msgid "I don't deserve to be treated like that!" -msgstr "Aku enggak pantes digituin!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:957 -msgid "If he can't control himself, he shouldn't be allowed to have kids." -msgstr "Kalau dia gak bisa kontrol diri dia sendiri, dia harusnya gak boleh punya anak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:958 -msgid "You can think about some other time when he's not about to blow up!" -msgstr "Kamu bisa mikirin waktu lain pas dia enggak akan marah!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:959 -msgid "Just act like you're sorry." -msgstr "Pura-pura nyesal aja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:960 -msgid "I'd rather die!" -msgstr "Aku mending mati!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:961 -msgid "Look, this is just common sense! Why don't you get it?" -msgstr "Gini, ini cuman akal sehat! Kamu kenapa gak ngerti sih?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:962 -msgid "Just keep your head down and act normal until we're old enough to get out." -msgstr "Nurut aja terus pura-pura normal sampai kita udah bisa pindah keluar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:963 -msgid "Screw that!" -msgstr "Bodo amat!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:964 -msgid "I shouldn't have to worry about any of this in the first place!" -msgstr "Aku harusnya enggak usah khawatir tentang ini dari awal!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:965 -msgid "I'm not letting him treat me that way, like some wimpy sissy." -msgstr "Aku enggak akan biarin dia perlakuin aku kayak gitu, kayak yang lemah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:967 -msgid "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity." -msgstr "Ada garis tipis antara keberanian sama kebodohan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:968 -msgid "I'll walk that line." -msgstr "Aku lewatin garis itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:969 -msgid "No! You have to learn!" -msgstr "Enggak! Kamu harus belajar!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:970 -msgid "{i}I{/i} have to learn?" -msgstr "{i}Aku{/i} harus belajar?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:971 -msgid "I didn't do anything wrong! He's the one who should learn!" -msgstr "Aku gak ngapa-ngapain! Dia yang harusnya belajar!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:972 -msgid "We already went over this." -msgstr "Kita udah pernah bahas ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:973 -msgid "You're a coward." -msgstr "Kamu penakut." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:974 -msgid "You're an idiot." -msgstr "Kamu idiot." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:975 -msgid "I don't understand you." -msgstr "Aku nggak ngerti kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:976 -msgid "Good. I don't understand you either." -msgstr "Bagus. Aku nggak ngerti kamu juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:988 -msgid "Min sulks on the bleachers as Jun and Hayden's team goes on defense." -msgstr "Min merajuk di bangku saat tim Jun dan Hayden bertahan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:990 -msgid "I hate everyone." -msgstr "Aku benci semua orang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:991 -msgid "How can they stand how unfair everything is? It's so obvious." -msgstr "Kenapa mereka bisa tahan kalau semuanya enggak adil? Padahal jelas banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:992 -msgid "Are they just dumb? There's something wrong with the world." -msgstr "Mereka bodoh apa? Ada yang salah sama dunia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:993 -msgid "God! I'm so mad." -msgstr "Dih! Aku kesel banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:995 -msgid "She takes out a pack of seaweed sheets and aggressively chomps on them as she thinks edgy, rebellious thoughts." -msgstr "Dia mengeluarkan satu pak rumput laut dan mengunyahnya dengan agresif sambil berpikir." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:997 -msgid "I don't need anyone. I'll do everything all by myself." -msgstr "Aku enggak butuh siapapun. Aku lakuin semuanya sendiri aja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:998 -msgid "I'll never fall in love. I'll be like a lone wolf." -msgstr "Aku ga bakal jatuh cinta. Aku bakal jadi kayak serigala penyendiri." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:999 -msgid "I'll become so happy and successful that everyone who was ever bad to me has to beg on their hands and knees for me to forgive them." -msgstr "Aku bakal jadi bahagia dan sukses banget sampe semua orang yang pernah jahat ke aku harus minta-minta sambil berlutut buat ngemaafin mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1001 -msgid "That'll show them. They'll regret being so stupid and wrong, while I was right." -msgstr "Itu bakal tunjukkin ke mereka. Mereka bakal nyesal gara-gara bodoh dan salah, dan aku benar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1005 -msgid "An enemy batter comes up to the plate." -msgstr "Seorang batter lawan pergi ke plate." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1011 -msgid "OH MY GOD???????? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "OH MY GOD???????? ANJIR!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1014 -msgid "It's a girl with eyes the color of desert camouflage." -msgstr "Seorang gadis dengan mata berwarna kamuflase gurun muncul." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1015 -msgid "The boys seated next to Min are murmuring and pointing at the batter." -msgstr "Anak laki-laki yang duduk di sebelah Min berbisik dan menunjuk pada si batter." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1019 -msgctxt "meetingDiya_ce41ef83" -msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" -msgstr "Hei, lihat! Yang mukul cewek!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1020 -msgid "Yes! Our team got lucky!" -msgstr "Bagus! Tim kita lagi hoki!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1024 -msgctxt "meetingDiya_74edb3c7" -msgid "..................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1025 -msgid "The pretty girl is shaking like a leaf as she settles into her batting stance. She looks terrified." -msgstr "Gadis cantik itu gemetaran seperti daun saat dia berada dalam posisi memukul. Dia terlihat ketakutan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1029 -msgid "DON'T GIVE UP!" -msgstr "JANGAN MENYERAH!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1030 -msgid "YOU'RE COOL!!!" -msgstr "KAMU KEREN!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1031 -msgid "DO YOU HEAR ME? DON'T GIVE UP!" -msgstr "KAMU DENGAR? JANGAN MENYERAH!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1032 -msgid "I WON'T GIVE UP IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP!" -msgstr "AKU ENGGAK AKAN MENYERAH KALAU KAMU ENGGAK MENYERAH!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1036 -msgid "................!" -msgstr "................!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1037 -msgid "At the sound of Min's voice, the batter whirls around to face the stands, her eyes searching the crowd." -msgstr "Mendengar suara Min, batter itu berputar untuk menghadapi tribun, matanya mencari-cari di kerumunan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1042 -msgid "For some reason, she can't seem to discern what direction it came from. Eventually she gives up and turns back to the diamond." -msgstr "Untuk suatu hal, dia terlihat seperti tidak bisa membedakan dari arah mana asalnya. Akhirnya dia menyerah dan kembali ke diamond." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1044 -msgid "The pitcher winds up and sends a fastball straight down the middle." -msgstr "Pitchernya bersiap dan melempar sebuah fastball tepat ke tengah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1049 -msgid "The batter swings at it with terrifying power." -msgstr "Batter itu mengayun pada bolanya dengan kekuatan yang menakutkan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1050 -msgid "The ball rockets off the bat and flies over the fence on the far end of the field." -msgstr "Bola meluncur dari tongkat pemukul dan terbang melewati pagar di ujung lapangan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1055 -msgid "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "ANJIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1056 -msgid "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1057 -msgid "A NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!" -msgstr "HARTA KARUN NASIONAL!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1060 -msgid "The batter hit a walk-off. The game is over because she scored." -msgstr "Batter melakukan walk-off. Permainan berakhir karena dia mencetak skor." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1061 -msgid "Everyone comes in from the field. Her teammates have come bounding over, giddy off their victory." -msgstr "Semua orang datang dari lapangan. Rekan setimnya telah datang, senang karena kemenangan mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1062 -msgid "They're laughing and chatting amongst themselves." -msgstr "Mereka tertawa dan saling mengobrol satu sama lain." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1064 -msgid "The girl is nervously nodding at them instead of speaking." -msgstr "Gadis itu dengan gugup mengangguk pada mereka daripada berbicara." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1066 -msgid "She's so shy! That's so cute!" -msgstr "Dia pemalu banget! Gemes banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1067 -msgid "I wonder what her voice sounds like." -msgstr "Aku penasaran suaranya gimana." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1068 -msgid "Maybe she can't talk? Like Ariel in the Little Mermaid." -msgstr "Mungkin dia enggak bisa bicara? Kayak Ariel di Little Mermaid." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1070 -msgid "Min's heart is pounding so fast!" -msgstr "Hati Min berdetak dengan cepat!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1073 -msgid "Holy shit...Okay...okay!!" -msgstr "Anjir...Oke...oke!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1074 -msgid "Min, calm down." -msgstr "Min, tenang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1075 -msgid "Play it cool. Be smooth." -msgstr "Tenang aja. Santai." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1079 -msgid "Panic flashes in the girl's eyes when Min runs up to her." -msgstr "Rasa panik muncul di mata gadis itu ketika Min berlari mendekatinya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1081 -msgid "Hey! Um, you're really cool." -msgstr "Hei! Anu, kamu keren banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1082 -msgid "What's your name? I'm Min." -msgstr "Nama kamu siapa? Aku Min." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1085 -msgid "The girl's face lights up when she recognizes Min's voice." -msgstr "Wajah gadis itu berseri-seri ketika dia mengenali suara Min." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1086 -msgid "It was you, earlier." -msgstr "Itu kamu, tadi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1087 -msgid "You cheered for me." -msgstr "Kamu menyoraki aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1089 -msgid "Of course I did. You were badass." -msgstr "Iyalah. Kamu keren banget anjir tadi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1093 -msgid "The girl startles. Min said a swear word!" -msgstr "Gadis itu terkejut. Min mengatakan kata kasar!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1095 -msgid "I mean, you were awesome! " -msgstr "Maksud aku, kamu keren banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1099 -msgctxt "meetingDiya_cafd7987" -msgid "I'm Diya." -msgstr "Aku Diya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1102 -msgid "That's so pretty! It sounds like you." -msgstr "Cantik banget! Kayak kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1105 -msgctxt "meetingDiya_aba95152" -msgid "......................" -msgstr "......................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1107 -msgid "I have seaweed. Do you want some?" -msgstr "Aku punya rumput laut. Mau?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1110 -msgid "Diya looks at Min all wide-eyed, like she can't believe her luck." -msgstr "Diya terbelalak melihat Min, seperti tidak memercayai keberuntungannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1111 -msgid "Min actually spends a fraction of a second trying to think of a way she can casually give her the seaweed and somehow touch her hand in the process." -msgstr "Min sebenarnya menghabiskan sepersekian detik untuk memikirkan cara dia bisa memberikan dia rumput laut dan entah bagaimana menyentuh tangannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1112 -msgid "In the end, she just holds the sheet out normally." -msgstr "Pada akhirnya, dia hanya memberikannya dengan normal." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1113 -msgid "Diya's fingertips brush Min's as she takes it." -msgstr "Ujung jari Diya menyentuh Min saat ia mengambilnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1114 -msgid "A bizzare tingling feeling, impossible to identify, prickles across Min's palms. It feels like being tickled with soda bubbles." -msgstr "Sebuah perasaan geli yang aneh, sulit dikenali, menusuk telapak tangan Min. Rasanya seperti digelitik dengan gelembung soda." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1116 -msgctxt "meetingDiya_46384388" -msgid "Thanks." -msgstr "Makasih." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1118 -msgid "You're welcome!!!" -msgstr "Sama-sama!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1120 -msgid "Min stands there with an idiotic smile on her face as Diya eats it." -msgstr "Min berdiri di sana dengan senyuman bodoh di wajahnya saat Diya memakannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1122 -msgid "Do you wanna be friends?" -msgstr "Mau temenan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1145 -msgctxt "min2_8e0ddc15" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1146 -msgctxt "min2_fa529f12" -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1147 -msgid "Help me" -msgstr "Tolong aku" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1148 -msgid ";;" -msgstr ";;" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1149 -msgid "whats wrong??? WHO HURT YOU" -msgstr "kenapa??? SIAPA YANG NYAKITIN KAMU" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1150 -msgid "ill kill them! ill smash their heads in" -msgstr "bakal aku bunuh! bakal aku hancurin kepala mereka" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1151 -msgid "I don't know how to talk to the baseball team" -msgstr "Aku enggak tahu cara ngobrol sama tim baseball" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1152 -msgid "They're being" -msgstr "Mereka" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1153 -msgid ".......weird" -msgstr ".......aneh" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1167 -msgctxt "furry_8e0ddc15" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1169 -msgid "*pets you*" -msgstr "*ngelus*" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1170 -msgid "nya :3" -msgstr "nya :3" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1171 -msgid "*purrs and rolls over*" -msgstr "*mendengkur dan berguling*" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1172 -msgctxt "furry_f1a4dee5" -msgid "WTF" -msgstr "WTF" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1173 -msgid "ohayou gozaimorning" -msgstr "ohayou gozaimorning" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1174 -msgid "join our rp group" -msgstr "ayo join grup rp kita" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1175 -msgid "*rubs againt min*" -msgstr "*mengusap pd min*" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1176 -msgid "KICKS YOU OVER A FENCE" -msgstr "TENDANG LEWATIN PAGAR" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1177 -msgid "BE A FURRY FREAK HO SOMEWHERE ELSE" -msgstr "JADI FURRY ANEH DI TEMPAT LAIN BGSAT" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1178 -msgid "SAD NYA" -msgstr "SEDIH NYA" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1179 -msgid "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" -msgstr "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1181 -msgid "Chryssa has entered the chatroom." -msgstr "Chryssa masuk ke ruang obrolan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1182 -msgid "Hey Chryssa!" -msgstr "Hei Chyrssa!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1183 -msgid "yo" -msgstr "yo" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1184 -msgid "We should do something to celebrate our win" -msgstr "Kita sebaiknya ngelakuin sesuatu buat merayakan kemenangan kita." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1185 -msgid "how about going out for lunch?" -msgstr "gimana kalau makan-makan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1186 -msgid "!!!! :D! !! " -msgstr "!!!! :D! !!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1187 -msgid "That sounds good" -msgstr "Terdengar bagus" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1188 -msgid "Any suggestions for where?" -msgstr "Ada usul dimana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1189 -msgid "Buffet" -msgstr "Prasmanan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1190 -msgid "Perfect, I have a coupon for Bombay Garden" -msgstr "Bagus, aku punya kupon Bombay Garden" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1191 -msgid "It's an Indian buffet in the mall" -msgstr "Itu prasmanan India di mall" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1192 -msgid "if we're really being frugal" -msgstr "kalau kita mau irit" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1193 -msgid "I bet Min could pass off as under 12 for the Kids price" -msgstr "Aku yakin Min bisa lolos jadi bocah dibawah 12 tahun buat harga Anak-Anak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1196 -msgid "Why stop there?" -msgstr "Kenapa berhenti disana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1197 -msgid "Infants eat for free." -msgstr "Bayi makan gratis." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1198 -msgid "DAMN" -msgstr "ANJIR" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1199 -msgid "HEY" -msgstr "WOI" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1200 -msgid "more realistically, Min could actually fit in our equipment bag" -msgstr "lebih realistis, Min bisa muat di tas perlengkapan kita" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1201 -msgid "the giant 3 ft long one" -msgstr "yang 3 kaki itu" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1202 -msgid "we can straight up smuggle her inside and not pay for her at all" -msgstr "kita bisa nyelundupin dia kedalam dan gak bayar buat dia sama sekali" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1206 -msgid "Won't the waiters find it odd that a tiny Asian kid suddenly materialized at our table?" -msgstr "Bukannya pelayannya bakalan ngerasa aneh kalau ada bocah Asia tiba-tiba muncul di meja kita?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1207 -msgid "No, they won't see her" -msgstr "Enggak, mereka enggak akan lihat dia" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1208 -msgid "She'll stay in the bag" -msgstr "Dia tinggal di tas" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1209 -msgid "When no one's looking, we can quickly slip the food inside." -msgstr "Pas gak ada yang lihat, kita bisa cepat-cepat masukkin makanan kedalamnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1210 -msgid "what kind of demented fantasy even is this" -msgstr "khayalan gila macam apa ini" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1211 -msgid "I'm getting scared for your future children, you weirdo" -msgstr "Aku jadi takut dengan anak kamu di masa depan, dasar aneh" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1212 -msgid "that sounds kinda fun actually" -msgstr "kayaknya menyenangkan sih" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1213 -msgid "ill do it" -msgstr "gue ikut" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1214 -msgctxt "furry_e7c6863a" -msgid "WHAT" -msgstr "APA" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1215 -msgid "ill be like" -msgstr "gw bakalan ky" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1216 -msgid "illegal" -msgstr "ilegal" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1217 -msgid "Alright, let's meet up there at noon tomorrow" -msgstr "Oke, kita ketemu disana besok siang" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1218 -msgid "Be there or be square :)" -msgstr "Pergi atau kamu gak keren :)" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1220 -msgid "Tomorrow? I won't be able to go. " -msgstr "Besok? Aku tidak bisa ikut." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1221 -msgid ":c" -msgstr ":c" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1222 -msgid "Why not? " -msgstr "Kenapa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1223 -msgid "I just had fun 3 months ago. My parents will complain I'm wasting time." -msgstr "Aku baru bersenang-senang 3 bulan yang lalu. Orangtuaku akan mengeluh kalau aku membuang-buang waktu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1224 -msgid "i cant go either" -msgstr "gue jg ga bisa pergi" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1225 -msgid "im still grounded for getting ecxpelled from niles" -msgstr "masih dihukum grgr diklarn dr niles" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1226 -msgid "How are you coming to practice, then?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu gimana caranya kamu datang latihan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1227 -msgid "i told them i'm going to a tutering group" -msgstr "gue bilang mereka gue ikut grup les" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1228 -msgid "can't u say ur going to a special additional session?" -msgstr "lw g bisa bilang lu ke sesi tambahan khusus?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1229 -msgid "bc ur extra dumb and need the help" -msgstr "soalnya u tolol g kentara n hrs dibantuin" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1230 -msgid "fuck yuo" -msgstr "bangsat lo" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1231 -msgid "and thats not gonna work" -msgstr "dan itu ga bakal guna" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1232 -msgid "they wont be convinced that easily" -msgstr "mereka ga bakal segampang itu percaya" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1233 -msgid "Wait, listen. " -msgstr "Tunggu, dengar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1234 -msgid "I have an idea." -msgstr "Aku punya ide." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1247 -msgid "Min's mom accompanies her to the library." -msgstr "Ibu Min menemaninya ke perpustakaan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1249 -msgid "Noelle is seated inside with her mom." -msgstr "Noelle sedang duduk di dalam dengan ibunya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1250 -msgid "Min gestures at her, wrinkling her nose with disgust. " -msgstr "Min menunjuk padanya, merengut dengan jijik." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1252 -msgid "This is my private tutor or whatever." -msgstr "Ini guru lesku atau apalah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1255 -msgid "Yes. I am receiving extra credit for this." -msgstr "Ya. Aku mendapatkan nilai tambahan untuk ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1256 -msgid "Min's mom eyes the clearly nerdy girl Min would never be friends with. " -msgstr "Ibu Min melihat gadis kutu buku yang Min jelas-jelas tak akan jadikan teman." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1257 -msgid "Noelle's mom eyes the clearly stupid girl Noelle would never be friends with." -msgstr "Ibu Noelle melihat gadis bodoh yang Noelle jelas-jelas tak akan jadikan teman." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1259 -msgid "Show us your latest math test." -msgstr "Tunjukkan ulangan matematika terakhir kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1260 -msgid "Min takes a crumpled ball of paper out of her pocket. When she smoothes it out, it's marked all over, red with failure." -msgstr "Min mengeluarkan sebuah bola kertas dari kantungnya. Ketika dia merapikannya, semuanya ditandai, merah dengan kegagalan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1262 -msgid "WHAT HAPPENED??" -msgstr "APA YANG TERJADI??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1264 -msgid "I got unlucky. There were so many where I narrowed it down to 2 choices, and guessed wrong." -msgstr "Gue ga hoki. Ada banyak jadi gue persempit jadi 2 pilihan, terus salah tebak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1267 -msgid "THERE'S ONLY 4 CHOICES. EVEN IF YOU CHOSE EVERY SINGLE ANSWER AT RANDOM, ON AVERAGE YOU WOULD'VE SCORED HIGHER THAN THIS!" -msgstr "HANYA ADA 4 PILIHAN. BAHKAN KALAU KAMU PILIH SATU JAWABAN SECARA ACAK, RATA-RATA KAMU BAKAL DAPAT NILAI LEBIH TINGGI DARI INI!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1269 -msgid "Yeah?? Says who?" -msgstr "Iya?? Kata siapa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1272 -msgid "...What? Says probability. " -msgstr "...Apa? Menurut kemungkinan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1273 -msgid "Noelle teaches Min the concept of probability..." -msgstr "Noelle mengajari Min konsep kemungkinan..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1275 -msgid "Sounds fake." -msgstr "Kayaknya palsu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1278 -msgid "IT'S NOT FAKE." -msgstr "TIDAK PALSU." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1279 -msgid "Do you at least understand it now?" -msgstr "Kamu ngerti sekarang?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1281 -msgctxt "furry_b61fd423" -msgid "I guess." -msgstr "Kayaknya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1283 -msgid "Finally convinced that Noelle is legitimately tutoring Min, their moms head home." -msgstr "Akhirnya yakin Noelle sedang benar-benar mengajari Min, ibu mereka pulang ke rumah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1285 -msgid "We fooled them!" -msgstr "Kita menipu mereka!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1288 -msgid "All we need to do now is walk to the buffet, and remember to come back here later to get picked up." -msgstr "Sekarang yang kita tinggal lakukan hanya jalan ke prasmanan, dan kembali kesini nanti untuk dijemput." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1294 -msgid "It's so messed up that we even have to do this, just for really basic things. We're not even doing anything bad." -msgstr "Kacau banget buat kita bahkan harus ngelakuin ini, cuman buat hal-hal yang dasar banget. Kita bahkan ga ngelakuin yang aneh-aneh." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1297 -msgid "I can't comprehend a situation where you don't have to hide most of your life from your parents." -msgstr "Aku tidak dapat paham situasi di mana kamu tidak harus menyembunyikan sebagian besar hidup kamu dari orang tua kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1300 -msgid "Right? A healthy relationship with your parents? What's that?" -msgstr "Ya kan? Hubungan yang sehat sama ortu? Apaan tuh?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1303 -msgid "It sucks that due to societal pressures, practically everyone has kids, whether they're well suited for parenting or not." -msgstr "Menyebalkan hanya karena tekanan masyarakat, hampir setiap orang punya anak, entah mereka cocok untuk jadi orangtua atau tidak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1304 -msgid "It took me a long time to accept that my mom and dad are decent people who just happen to make horrible parents." -msgstr "Aku butuh waktu yang lama untuk menerima kalau ayah dan bundaku adalah orang baik yang kebetulan menjadi orang tua yang parah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1307 -msgid "I bet mine are worse." -msgstr "Gue yakin yang gue lebih parah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1310 -msgid "My dad taped the times table up to 12x12 to the wall at eye level, and made me stand facing it until I memorized the whole thing in one go." -msgstr "Ayahku merekatkan tabel perkalian sampai 12x12 setinggi mata di dinding, dan membuatku mengahadapnya sampai aku ingat semuanya dalam satu kali cobaan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1311 -msgid "I was only 5, but I remember it clearly because I was there for hours and hours." -msgstr "Aku hanya 5 tahun, tapi aku ingat dengan jelas karena aku disana selama berjam-jam." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1314 -msgid "...I still don't know the 11 and 12 ones." -msgstr "...Gue masih ga tau yang 11 sama 12." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1316 -msgid "Oh yeah? My dad once threw a porcelain toilet seat at me from upstairs." -msgstr "Oh ya? Bapak gue pernah lemparin gue dudukan toilet porselen dari lantai atas." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1319 -msgid "Why a toilet seat?" -msgstr "Kenapa dudukan toilet?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1322 -msgid "My dad went to pee in the middle of an argument and suddenly remembered how mad he was at me." -msgstr "Bapak gue kencing di tengah argumen terus tiba-tiba inget dia marah ke gue." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1323 -msgid "So he stormed out of the bathroom with the thing in hand and hurled it at me on sight." -msgstr "Jadi dia cepat-cepat keluar dari kamar mandi sambil pegang itu terus dilemparin ke gue." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1326 -msgid "Wow. That explains a lot about you." -msgstr "Wow. Menjelaskan dirimu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1329 -msgid "Parents should be required to take a test before they can have kids." -msgstr "Orangtua harusnya wajib ikut test sebelum boleh punya anak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1332 -msgid "I wish that were viable. Maybe in an ideal world, where all vehicle turn signals sync up and blink the same speed." -msgstr "Aku berharap itu bisa. Mungkin di dunia yang ideal, dimana semua kendaraan disinkronkan dan berkedip dengan kecepatan yang sama." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1333 -msgid "I'd want the test to ask them to explain their motivation for being a parent. Do you want a kid just to elevate your own status?" -msgstr "Aku ingin tes untuk minta mereka menjelaskan motivasi mereka jadi orang tua. Apa kamu pingin anak hanya untuk meningkatkan status kamu sendiri?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1334 -msgid "What if your kids don't turn out the way you expected?" -msgstr "Gimana kalau anakmu tidak jadi sesuai yang kamu harapkan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1339 -msgid "A bunch of white guys holler at them as they pass by the intersection." -msgstr "Beberapa pria kulit putih meneriaki mereka saat mereka melewati persimpangan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1341 -msgid "Konnichiwa!" -msgstr "Konnichiwa!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1342 -msgid "Min makes an obscene hand gesture at him." -msgstr "Min membuat gerakan tangan tidak senonoh padanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1345 -msgid "This is America! SPEAK ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" -msgstr "Ini Amerika! NGOMONG INGGRIS, BANGSAT!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1348 -msgid "That's...not the correct way to think of it." -msgstr "Itu...bukan cara yang benar untuk memikirkannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1352 -msgid "It's kinda funny, he had two chances to get it right and got it wrong for both of us." -msgstr "Agak kocak, dia punya dua kesempatan buat benar dan dia salah dua-duanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1355 -msgid "Like you and your math test." -msgstr "Seperti kamu dan ulangan matematikamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1358 -msgid "Oh, shut up." -msgstr "Ah, bacot." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1367 -msgid "We're here!" -msgstr "Kita sampai!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1369 -msgid "Diya and Akarsha are already waiting by the fountain." -msgstr "Diya dan Akarsha sudah menunggu di dekat air mancur." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1374 -msgctxt "furry_e2b62e10" -msgid "Diya!" -msgstr "Diya!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1377 -msgid "........!" -msgstr ".........!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1380 -msgctxt "furry_a293139f" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1383 -msgctxt "furry_0dc258b4" -msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1386 -msgctxt "furry_ae21a3c4" -msgid "......!!!" -msgstr ".......!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1389 -msgctxt "furry_3a2190bc" -msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" -msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1393 -msgid "This just added 5 years to my lifespan!!!" -msgstr "Ini nambah 5 tahun jangka hidup gue!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1399 -msgid "Diya has moved so that she's standing directly beneath the air conditioning vent. She closes her eyes contentedly as the cool draft blows over her face." -msgstr "Diya berpindah agar dia berdiri langsung dibawah ventilasi pendingin udara. Dia menutup matanya dengan puas sembari aliran udara dingin bertiup di wajahnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1401 -msgid "You're sweating buckets. Were you exercising or something?" -msgstr "Kamu mandi keringat. Kamu olahraga atau bagaimana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1403 -msgid "Ran 5 miles to here from my house." -msgstr "Lari 5 mil ke sini dari rumah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1405 -msgid "But your house is only 1 mile away." -msgstr "Tapi rumah kamu hanya 1 mil." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1407 -msgid "I know. I just can't read maps." -msgstr "Aku tau. Aku enggak bisa baca peta." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1409 -msgid "You should cool off in the fountain." -msgstr "Lu ngedinginin diri lu di pancuran sana." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1411 -msgctxt "furry_a2dbca39" -msgid "No." -msgstr "Enggak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1413 -msgid "It doesn't matter that you're not wearing a swimsuit. If you take off your clothes, your bra and underwear will basically be like a bikini." -msgstr "Ga ngaruh kalau lo ga pakai baju renang. Kalau lo copot baju, pada dasarnya BH sama CD lo jadi bikini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1416 -msgid "You think the swimsuit is the only issue here??" -msgstr "Kamu pikir baju renang satu-satunya masalah disini??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1418 -msgid "It's called having fun, Frenchman. You should try it sometime." -msgstr "Namanya bersenang-senang, Frenchman. Lu harus coba kapan-kapan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1420 -msgid "Really? Then why don't YOU jump into the fountain?" -msgstr "Iya? Kalau begitu kenapa KAMU tidak lompat ke air mancur?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1422 -msgid "........Great question!" -msgstr "........Pertanyaan bagus!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1424 -msgctxt "furry_9d73f57c" -msgid "What?" -msgstr "Apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1426 -msgid "It's filled with money people threw in there. It's like a swimming pool but better." -msgstr "Penuh uang yang orang lempar kedalem sana. Kayak kolam renang tapi lebih bagus." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1430 -msgid "She's right! There's nothing stopping us from taking it." -msgstr "Dia bener! Enggak ada yang berhentiin kita buat ambil." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1433 -msgid "You can't be serious. Stop. Stop!" -msgstr "Kamu pasti bercanda. Berhenti. Berhenti!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1441 -msgid "How much money have you got so far?" -msgstr "Udah dapet berapa lu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1443 -msgid "Min examines the fistful of dirty coins in her hand." -msgstr "Min memperhatikan tangannya yang penuh uang logam kotor." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1445 -msgid "Uh......." -msgstr "Uh........" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1446 -msgid "A lot." -msgstr "Banyak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1448 -msgid "Min holds it out for Akarsha to see." -msgstr "Min mengulurkannya agar Akarsha melihatnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1450 -msgid "You've got like $1.88." -msgstr "Lu dapet sekitar $1.88" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1451 -msgid "If we find 392 more cents, we can buy Mario Party at GameStop." -msgstr "Kalau kita dapet 392 sen lagi, kita bisa beli Mario Party di GameStop." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1457 -msgid "Hey! What're you doing in there?? Get out!" -msgstr "Woi! Kalian ngapain di sana?? Keluar!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1459 -msgid "Chryssa is powerwalking toward them." -msgstr "Chryssa berjalan dengan cepat ke arah mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1461 -msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c" -msgid "Shit." -msgstr "Anjing." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1468 -msgid "Akarsha and Min reluctantly climb out of the mall fountain." -msgstr "Akarsha dan Min keluar dari air mancur mall dengan enggan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1470 -msgid "Why are you two like this???" -msgstr "Kalian berdua kenapa kayak gini sih???" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1471 -msgid "Have you never gone outside before??" -msgstr "Kalian enggak pernah pergi keluar??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1473 -msgid "How dare you. Just last week, I went to Safeway with my mom." -msgstr "Enak aja. Minggu lalu, aku ke Safeway sama Ibu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1475 -msgid "Chryssa points at Noelle, who's smugly watching them get scolded from a safe distance." -msgstr "Chryssa menunjuk Noelle, yang tersenyum angkuh melihat mereka dimarahi dari jarak yang aman." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1477 -msgid "And you!" -msgstr "Kamu juga!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1479 -msgid "What! I didn't do anything." -msgstr "Apa! Aku tidak melakukan apa-apa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1481 -msgid "Exactly. You should've stopped them." -msgstr "Tepat. Kamu harusnya berhentikan mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1482 -msgid "Are you the responsible one or not??" -msgstr "Kamu yang bertanggung jawab atau bukan??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1484 -msgid "Alright, I think they get it. Let's just go into the restaurant now." -msgstr "Okeah, kayaknya mereka ngerti. Ayo kita pergi ke restoran sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1489 -msgid "Get in the bag, Min!" -msgstr "Masuk ke tas, Min!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1492 -msgid "Liz places the empty equipment bag on the floor and unzips it." -msgstr "Liz menaruh tas perlengkapan kosong di lantai dan membuka resletingnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1493 -msgid "Min climbs in and lies on her side in fetal position. There's actually some room to spare." -msgstr "Min memanjat masuk dan berbaring miring. Sebenarnya masih ada ruang kosong." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1497 -msgid "You okay in there?" -msgstr "Kamu gapapa disana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1499 -msgid "It's kinda like being in sleeping bag, except not padded and shitty." -msgstr "Kayak pake kantong tidur, tapi gak empuk dan gak enak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1503 -msgid "I'm doing a crime. If I stay undercover like this, I'll basically be stealing from the restaurant." -msgstr "Gue ngelakuin kejahatan. Kalau gue tetep nyamar kayak gini, pada dasarnya gue bakalan nyuri dari restoran." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1506 -msgid "That's right, homie. Fight the system." -msgstr "Bener, bro. Lawan sistemnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1509 -msgid "We need to zip this up now, so no one sees you." -msgstr "Kita harus resleting ini sekarang, biar ga ada yang lihat kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1511 -msgid "Everyone wave goodbye to Min." -msgstr "Semuanya bilang dadah ke Min." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1513 -msgid "Bye, Min!" -msgstr "Bye, Min!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1519 -msgid "I can't see a thing now that it's zipped shut." -msgstr "Gue gak bisa lihat apa-apa sekarang soalnya diresleting." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1521 -msgid "Min feels a tug on the top of the bag." -msgstr "Min merasakan tarikan di bagian atas tas" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1522 -msgid "Ugh, I didn't think about carrying the bag in." -msgstr "Ugh, kayaknya aku gak bisa bawa tasnya kedalam." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1523 -msgid "It's like, a hundred pounds." -msgstr "Ini kayak, seratus pon." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1524 -msgid "Diya can lift it. She's the strongest." -msgstr "Diya bisa angkat. Dia paling kuat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1525 -msgid "No, Diya won't work." -msgstr "Tidak, Diya tidak bisa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1526 -msgid "She'd look too guilty. You can see it on her face." -msgstr "Dia akan terlihat terlalu bersalah. Kamu bisa lihat di mukanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1527 -msgid "See, Mom! She's already uncomfortable." -msgstr "Tuh, Bun! Dia sudah tidak nyaman." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1528 -msgid "...Did you just call me Mom?" -msgstr "...Kamu baru panggil aku Bunda?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1529 -msgid "What?! I did not." -msgstr "Apa?! Aku tidak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1530 -msgid "You totally did." -msgstr "Lu beneran iya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1532 -msgid "I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT." -msgstr "AKU TIDAK SAMA SEKALI." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1533 -msgid "Alright, I'll carry the bag." -msgstr "Yasudah, aku yang akan bawa tasnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1535 -msgid "Whoa. She's lifting the bag off the ground." -msgstr "Woh. Dia ngangkat tasnya dari lantai." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1536 -msgid "I'm suddenly really worried about being dropped." -msgstr "Tiba-tiba gue takut dijatohin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1537 -msgid "If you drop me, I'll kill you." -msgstr "Kalau lo jatuhin, gue bunuh lo." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1541 -msgid "They've halted inside the restaurant." -msgstr "Mereka berhenti di dalam restoran." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1543 -msgid "How many?" -msgstr "Berapa orang?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1544 -msgid "Nine. I mean, eight." -msgstr "Sembilan. Maksudku, delapan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1545 -msgid "We don't have any large tables left. Is two separate ones fine?" -msgstr "Kami tidak punya meja besar lagi. Apakah dua meja terpisah tidak apa-apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1546 -msgctxt "furry_3ff12095" -msgid "Sure." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1547 -msgid "Come this way." -msgstr "Lewat sini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1548 -msgid "The bag shifts with Chryssa's movements as she follows the waiter." -msgstr "Tas itu bergeser dengan gerakan Chryssa saat dia mengikuti pelayan itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1550 -msgid "These tables are pretty tall." -msgstr "Mejanya lumayan tinggi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1551 -msgid "If Min were sitting at it, she'd need a booster seat." -msgstr "Kalau Min duduk, harus pake kursi bayi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1553 -msgid "{big=+20}I'M NOT THAT SHORT, YOU BITCH!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}GUE ENGGAK SEPENDEK ITU, JINGAN!{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1557 -msgctxt "furry_63981d3d" -msgid "................" -msgstr "................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1558 -msgctxt "furry_8e650fe7" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1559 -msgctxt "furry_fcca59f3" -msgid "...................." -msgstr "....................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1560 -msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c_1" -msgid "Shit." -msgstr "Njir." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1566 -msgid "Min's life as a fugitive has ended." -msgstr "Kehidupan Min sebagai pelarian telah selesai." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1568 -msgid "At least now that you've blown your cover, you can eat normally with us." -msgstr "Seenggaknya sekarang setelah lu ngancurin kedok lu, lu bisa makan normal bareng kita." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1570 -msgctxt "furry_1fb00b78" -msgid "Yeah." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1572 -msgid "Min crawls out of the bag and takes a seat with Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya." -msgstr "Min keluar dari tas dan duduk dengan Akarsha, Noelle, dan Diya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1574 -msgid "We can get our drinks and food now." -msgstr "Kita bisa ambil minum dan makan sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1576 -msgid "As Akarsha reaches for her empty glass, Noelle grabs her arm." -msgstr "Saat Akarsha meraih gelas kosongnya, Noelle memegang lengannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1578 -msgid "Wait. I'll get your water along with mine." -msgstr "Tunggu. Aku sekalian ambil minum kamu dengan punyaku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1579 -msgid "You go ahead and get your food." -msgstr "Kamu duluan dan ambil makananmu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1581 -msgid "Thanks...?" -msgstr "Makasih...?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1583 -msgid "Don't mention it." -msgstr "Sama-sama." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1585 -msgid "Do you have a fever or something?" -msgstr "Lu sakit atau gimana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1586 -msgid "You're really docile all of a sudden." -msgstr "Lu tiba-tiba jinak banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1588 -msgid "I don't have the energy to deal with both you and Min-seo at the same time. " -msgstr "Aku tidak punya energi untuk berurusan denganmu dan Min-seo di waktu yang sama." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1589 -msgid "I'll get you back for this later." -msgstr "Aku balas kamu nanti." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1591 -msgid "I like how getting her water is something you have to get her back for." -msgstr "Gue suka gimana ngambilin dia air tuh sesuatu yang harus lo bales." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1594 -msgid "Diya pauses, then turns to look at Min. The restaurant is noisy enough that she likely didn't catch what Min said, but she heard her tone of approval." -msgstr "Diya berhenti, lalu menengok untuk melihat Min. Restorannya cukup ramai sehingga dia mungkin tidak menangkap apa yang dikatakan Min, tapi dia mendengar nada persetujuannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1596 -msgid "You like Noelle now?" -msgstr "Kamu suka Noelle sekarang?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1597 -msgid "Her face is shining with hope. Min is struck with the conviction that saying no would be a crime punishable by death." -msgstr "Wajahnya berseri dengan harapan. Min diserang dengan keyakinan bahwa mengatakan tidak akan menjadi kejahatan yang pantas mendapat hukuman mati." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1599 -msgid "...She's okay, I guess." -msgstr "...Dia gapapa, kayaknya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1601 -msgid "Diya beams at her. The blinding exposure temporarily lowers Min's IQ by 50 points." -msgstr "Diya tersenyum senang padanya. Eksposur yang menyilaukan itu untuk sementara menurunkan IQ Min sebesar 50 poin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1603 -msgid "Yeah!! That was so worth it!" -msgstr "Yeah!! Tadi setimpal banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1612 -msgid "I don't know what anything is." -msgstr "Gue gak tahu apa-apa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1615 -msgid "Surely you at least recognize Tandoori chicken." -msgstr "Tentunya kamu tahu ayam Tandoori." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1617 -msgid "You're saying it wrong." -msgstr "Kamu salah cara ngomongnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1620 -msgid "Wait, really? Tandoori?" -msgstr "Tunggu, iya? Tandoori?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1623 -msgid "Tan-due-ri." -msgstr "Tan-due-ri." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1624 -msgid "The \"doo\" isn't like in \"door\". It's like..doo-doo head." -msgstr "\"Doo\"nya bukan kayak \"door\". Lebih kayak..doo-doo head. " - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1626 -msgid "Are you 5 years old? You could've just said, like the \"due\" in \"due date.\"" -msgstr "Kamu balita? Kamu bisa aja bilang, seperti \"due\" di \"due date.\"" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1629 -msgctxt "furry_1080092c" -msgid "Tan-due-ri..." -msgstr "Tan-due-ri..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1632 -msgctxt "furry_46fd130d" -msgid "Tan-due-ri..." -msgstr "Tan-due-ri..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1639 -msgid "I ended up taking a bit of everything." -msgstr "Ujung-ujungnya gue ambil semuanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1641 -msgid "Maybe this will make Diya think I'm cool for trying all of it." -msgstr "Mungkin ini bakal bikin Diya mikir kalau gue keren buat coba semuanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1644 -msgid "The Tando...Tan-due-ri chicken is too salty." -msgstr "Tando-...Ayam tan-due-rinya terlalu asin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1645 -msgid "Noelle dumps it on Diya's plate. Diya eagerly stuffs the extra food into her mouth." -msgstr "Nuelle membuangnya ke piring Diya. Diya dengan semangat memasukkan makanan ekstra itu ke mulutnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1647 -msgid "What is she, your garbage disposal?" -msgstr "Dia apaan, tong sampah lu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1649 -msgid "Min jitters her leg so the table is rattling like there's a small earthquake." -msgstr "Min menggerakkan kakinya sehingga mejanya bergetar seperti ada gempa kecil." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1651 -msgctxt "furry_e603c6b2" -msgid "Stop that." -msgstr "Berhenti." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1652 -msgid "Akarsha joins in at the same frequency, so it resonates." -msgstr "Akarsha ikut di frekuensi yang sama, jadi beresonansi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1654 -msgid "Knowledge is power." -msgstr "Pengetahuan adalah kekuatan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1656 -msgid "Akarsha sips her water. She's downed about half the glass now." -msgstr "Akarsha meminum airnya. Dia sudah menenggak sekitar setengah gelasnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1657 -msgid "Clearly waiting for this moment to arrive, Noelle smugly flips open her cell phone and shows it to her." -msgstr "Jelas menunggu saat ini tiba, Noelle membuka ponselnya dan menunjukkannya pada dia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1659 -msgid "Akarsha, look at this photo." -msgstr "Akarsha, coba lihat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1660 -msgid "It's a picture of the restaurant's bathroom stall. In the center of the frame, Noelle is holding a water glass to the toilet." -msgstr "Sebuah foto kamar mandi restoran. Di tengah foto, Noelle sedang memegang gelas ke arah toilet." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1665 -msgid "Is that...You filled my cup with toilet water?!" -msgstr "Itu...Lu isi gelas gua pakai air toilet?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1667 -msgid "What do you think?" -msgstr "Menurut kamu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1669 -msgid "Seriously?!" -msgstr "Seriusan?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1670 -msgid "Akarsha stands. Noelle has a perversely happy look on her face, like a child burning ants with a magnifying glass." -msgstr "Akarsha berdiri. Noelle seperti seorang anak kecil yang membakar semut dengan kaca pembesar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1672 -msgid "Seriously now, are you serious? Come on man, seriously now really are you serious come on man." -msgstr "Beneran, kamu beneran? Ayolah, beneran seriusan ayolah woi ayolah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1674 -msgid "Now we're even." -msgstr "Sekarang kita setara." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1677 -msgid "Ew!! Ew!!!" -msgstr "Ih!! Ih!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1678 -msgid "I can't believe you! You meanie!!" -msgstr "Gua ga percaya lu! Lu jahat!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1679 -msgid "My stomach hurts now!" -msgstr "Perut gua sakit sekarang!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1681 -msgid "You're being overdramatic. The bacteria wouldn't affect it that fast." -msgstr "Kamu terlalu dramatis. Bakterinya tidak akan menimbulkan efek secepat itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1683 -msgid "I'm gonna wash my mouth out!" -msgstr "Gua mau cuci mulut!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1686 -msgid "Akarsha disappears into the bathroom." -msgstr "Akarsha menghilang ke kamar mandi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1689 -msgid "Jesus Christ..." -msgstr "Tuhan..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1693 -msgctxt "furry_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1697 -msgid "Worried, Diya goes after Akarsha, leaving Min alone with Noelle at the table." -msgstr "Khawatir, Diya mengikuti Akarsha, meninggalkan Min dengan Noelle di meja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1700 -msgid "Noelle is in a particularly good mood now." -msgstr "Noelle sedang dalam suasana hati yang baik sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1744 -msgid "Min gets up and hovers awkwardly outside the women's restroom." -msgstr "Min berdiri dan pergi dengan canggung ke luar kamar mandi perempuan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1745 -msgid "Peering through the open door from the hallway, she can see Akarsha and Diya at the sink." -msgstr "Mengintip lewat pintu terbuka dari lorong, dia bisa melihat Akarsha dan Diya di wastafel." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1746 -msgid "Akarsha cups her hand under the running faucet, gargles the tap water, and spits it back out." -msgstr "Akarsha menangkupkan tangannya dibawah keran yang mengalir, berkumur dengan air keran, dan meludahkannya kembali." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1748 -msgid "Oh my god! People pooped in the toilet water! And I drank it!" -msgstr "Oh my god! Orang boker di air toilet! Dan gua minum!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1750 -msgctxt "check_9cbab985" -msgid "Yeah." -msgstr "Iya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1752 -msgid "This WOULD happen to me. Classic." -msgstr "Ini BAKALAN terjadi pada gua. Klasik." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1753 -msgid "What did I ever do to deserve this?" -msgstr "Gua ngapain sampe pantes ngedapetin ini?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1755 -msgid "You tied Noelle's braid to a tree." -msgstr "Kamu ngikat kepangannya Noelle ke pohon." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1757 -msgid "Besides that. That's so minor!" -msgstr "Selain itu. Itu remeh banget!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1759 -msgid "And \"accidentally\" dropped a worm we were dissecting down her shirt." -msgstr "Dan \"enggak sengaja\" jatuhin cacing yang lagi kita bedah ke kemejanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1761 -msgid "Besides that. That was weeks ago!" -msgstr "Selain itu. Itu berminggu-minggu yang lalu!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1763 -msgid "Yesterday you picked her up, replied \"Okay!\" when she demanded you put her down, and threw her into the school swimming pool." -msgstr "Kemarin kamu angkat dia, jawab \"Oke!\" pas dia minta kamu buat turunin dia, dan lempar dia ke kolam renang sekolah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1764 -msgid "And when she screeched, \"Now I'm all wet,\" you yelled, \"That's what she said.\"" -msgstr "Dan pas dia teriak, \"Sekarang aku basah,\" kamu teriak, \"Itu yang dia bilang.\"" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1766 -msgid "Besides that! None of these count!" -msgstr "Selain itu! Nggak ada yang termasuk!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1768 -msgctxt "check_c47e75c1" -msgid ".............." -msgstr "..............." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1770 -msgid "Such a cruel world we live in." -msgstr "Dunia ini jahat banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1772 -msgctxt "check_195e0304" -msgid "...Right." -msgstr "...Ya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1774 -msgid "Diya clearly has no idea what to say." -msgstr "Diya jelas-jelas tidak tahu harus mengatakan apa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1775 -msgid "Even though she's mostly just standing there listening, though, Akarsha seems to appreciate her presence." -msgstr "Meskipun dia hanya berdiri di sana sambil mendengarkan, Akarsha tampaknya menghargai kehadirannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1777 -msgid "It looks like they're doing okay." -msgstr "Kayanya mereka gapapa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1783 -msgid "Min returns to the table." -msgstr "Min kembali ke meja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1785 -msgid "They're taking a long time in there." -msgstr "Mereka butuh waktu yang lama disana." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1786 -msgid "She's not crying, is she?" -msgstr "Dia tidak nangis, kan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1788 -msgid "No, she's just being a drama queen like usual." -msgstr "Enggak, cuman alay kayak biasanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1789 -msgid "What, are you worried?" -msgstr "Kenapa, khawatir?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1792 -msgid "What?? No." -msgstr "Apa?? Tidak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1793 -msgid "I was just curious." -msgstr "Penasaran saja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1795 -msgid "Whatever you say, Satan." -msgstr "Terserah, Setan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1803 -msgid "Was it really toilet water?" -msgstr "Beneran air toilet?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1806 -msgid "What? Of course not. That would've been unsanitary." -msgstr "Apa? Tidak. Itu tidak higienis." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1807 -msgid "What kind of person do you think I am?" -msgstr "Kamu kira aku orang macam apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1809 -msgid "What the fuck...That somehow makes it even worse." -msgstr "Apaan anjir...Itu lebih parah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1810 -msgid "You lied to her." -msgstr "Lo bo'ong ke dia." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1813 -msgid "I never lied." -msgstr "Aku tidak pernah bohong." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1814 -msgid "I purposefully led her to the wrong conclusion, that's all." -msgstr "Aku dengan sengaja menuntun dia pada kesimpulan yang salah, itu saja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1819 -msgid "Um...It pisses me off to admit it, but you're less boring than I originally thought." -msgstr "Uh...Ini bikin gue kesel buat ngakuin, tapi lo kurang ngebosenin dari yang gue pikir awalnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1820 -msgid "I used to think you were the bland goody-two-shoes type." -msgstr "Gue tadinya mikir lo tuh tipe yang alim ngebosenin gitu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1821 -msgid "But you're actually this sadistic, manipulative weirdo." -msgstr "Tapi lo sebenernya orang aneh sadis manipulatif gitu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1822 -msgid "I can respect that." -msgstr "Gue bisa ngehormatin itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1825 -msgid "...Thanks...?" -msgstr "...Terima kasih...?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1827 -msgid "Sorry I've been a jerk to you." -msgstr "Sori pernah nyebelin ke lo." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1828 -msgid "If I'd given you a chance, we might've gotten along." -msgstr "Kalau gue kasih lo kesempatan, kita mungkin bakal akrab." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1831 -msgctxt "talkNoelle_6084cb07" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:196 +msgid "If I have a gun,{w=0.35} I win!" +msgstr "Kalau aku punya pistol,{w=0.35} aku menang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:198 +msgctxt "beginning_9989372a" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:200 +msgctxt "beginning_fdb10e6c" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:202 +msgctxt "beginning_7bf1d8e9" +msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}" +msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:204 +msgid "It's difficult to argue against Min's brand of logic." +msgstr "Susah debat sama logika Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:207 +msgid "Okay, you win... {w=0.35}Let's just start over... " +msgstr "Oke, kamu menang... {w=0.35}Ayo ulang aja..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:209 +msgid "This time someone else be the princess!{w=0.35} Not me!" +msgstr "Kali ini yang lain jadi putrinya!{w=0.35} Jangan aku!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:211 +msgid "I'm the only girl left, so I guess that's me..." +msgstr "Aku satu-satunya cewek terakhir, berarti aku..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:214 +msgid "Fine. Diya does seem more like the princess type anyway." +msgstr "Yasudah. Lagian Diya lebih mirip tipe putri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:216 +msgid "What's that supposed to mean." +msgstr "Maksudnya apa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:219 +msgid "You're really pretty." +msgstr "Kamu cantik banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:220 +msgid "" +"And it's cute how your hair curls like that. {w=0.35} It makes you look like " +"a princess." +msgstr "Dan lucu tau rambut kamu ikal gitu. {w=0.35} Kayak putri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:225 +msgid "Uh, {w=0.35} I just meant that she's less violent." +msgstr "Uh, {w=0.35} Maksud aku dia lebih kurang kasar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:226 +msgid "But whatever..." +msgstr "Tapi terserah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:239 +msgid "— 2nd Try —" +msgstr "— Percobaan Kedua —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:243 +msgctxt "beginning_5949963c_1" +msgid "Once upon a time... " +msgstr "Pada suatu hari..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:255 +msgid "There lived a girl named Diya." +msgstr "Hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:257 +msgid "She was really quiet. " +msgstr "Dia sangat pendiam. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:258 +msgid "It wasn't that she had nothing to say. {w=0.35}It was more like..." +msgstr "" +"Bukan karena dia tidak punya sesuatu untuk dikatakan. {w=0.35}Lebih " +"seperti..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:259 +msgid "" +"She was afraid if she opened her mouth,{w=0.35} something would come out " +"that shouldn't." +msgstr "" +"Dia takut kalau dia membuka mulutnya,{w=0.35} sesuatu yang tidak seharusnya " +"akan keluar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:261 +msgid "" +"She once held onto an apple core for 45 minutes because she didn't want " +"people to see her walk across the classroom to the trash can." +msgstr "" +"Dia pernah memegang inti apel selama 45 menit karena dia tidak ingin orang-" +"orang melihatnya berjalan ke seberang kelas ke tempat sampah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:262 +msgid "It was that kind of quiet." +msgstr "Pendiam yang seperti itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:263 +msgid "" +"She was also insanely athletic.{w=0.35} There were rumors that under her " +"shirt, she had a six-pack." +msgstr "" +"Dia juga sangat atletis.{w=0.35} Ada rumor kalau dibawah kaosnya, dia punya " +"six-pack." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:265 +msgid "" +"Tragically,{w=0.35} despite how buff she was, {w=0.35} this princess was " +"also cursed to touch a spindle and die." +msgstr "" +"Tragisnya,{w=0.35} walaupun dia kuat, {w=0.35}putri ini juga dikutuk untuk " +"menyentuh alat pemintal dan mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:266 +msgid "And one day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one." +msgstr "" +"Dan suatu hari, {w=0.2}seperti seorang idiot,{w=0.2} dia menyentuh satu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:274 +msgctxt "beginning_3cbf3421_1" +msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber." +msgstr "Dan dia tertidur dengan sangat nyenyak bagaikan mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:276 +msgid "Nothing could break the spell but her true love's kiss." +msgstr "" +"Tidak ada yang bisa mematahkan mantera itu kecuali ciuman cinta senjati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:277 +msgid "For many years, she —" +msgstr "Bertahun-tahun, dia —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:284 +msgid "Diya,{w=0.2} get up! {w=0.35}I'm here to rescue you!" +msgstr "Diya,{w=0.2} bangun! {w=0.35}Aku disini buat nyelamatin kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:287 +msgid "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Only the hero can wake her!" +msgstr "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Hanya si pahlawan yang bisa membangunkannya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:289 +msgid "That's me! {w=0.35}I'm the hero!!" +msgstr "Itu aku! {w=0.35}Aku pahlawannya!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:291 +msgid "" +"{cps=30}Wait,{w=0.35} no...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\n" +"It's supposed to be Jun-seo!" +msgstr "" +"{cps=30}Tunggu,{w=0.35} enggak...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\n" +"Harusnya kan Jun-seo!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:294 +msgid "{big=+20}NO!{w=0.35} IT'S ME!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}ENGGAK!{w=0.35} AKU!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:296 +msgid "Huh?{w=0.35} But if you're the hero, {w=0.35}then what am I?" +msgstr "Hah?{w=0.35} Tapi kalau kamu pahlawannya, {w=0.35}aku apa dong?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:299 +msgid "A{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}GUN!{/big}" +msgstr "Kamu{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}PISTOL!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:300 +msgid "Gun(?)" +msgstr "Pistol(?)" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:302 +msgctxt "beginning_8a88d73d" msgid "What?!" -msgstr "Apa?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1833 -msgid "J-just kidding! I hate you." -msgstr "B-Bercanda! Gua benci lo." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1836 -msgid "Noelle nods with relief." -msgstr "Noelle mengangguk dengan lega." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1838 -msgid "Good. I hate you, too." -msgstr "Bagus. Aku benci kamu, juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1840 -msgid "None of this Disney shit." -msgstr "Gak ada yang kaya gini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1842 -msgctxt "talkNoelle_4d256c73" -msgid "Right." -msgstr "Ya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1849 -msgid "The workers are refilling the iced tea keg now." -msgstr "Para karyawan sedang mengisi ulang tong es teh sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1851 -msgid "That looks good." -msgstr "Itu kayaknya enak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1854 -msgid "Min fetches a glass of iced tea and returns to the table." -msgstr "Min mengambil segelas es teh dan kembali ke meja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1856 -msgid "What is that?" -msgstr "Itu apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1858 -msgid "Iced tea." -msgstr "Es teh." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1861 -msgid "What? Where was it?" -msgstr "Apa? Darimana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1862 -msgid "Min points at the glass keg in the corner of the buffet." -msgstr "Min menunjuk tong kaca di ujung prasmanan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1864 -msgid "Why is it all by itself, away from the other beverages?" -msgstr "Kenapa itu sendiri, jauh dari minuman yang lain?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1866 -msgid "Uh...Maybe they didn't have room by the soda machine?" -msgstr "Uh...Mungkin enggak ada tempat dekat mesin soda?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1868 -msgid "Now that she looks, though, there is room by the soda machine." -msgstr "Namun saat dia melihat sekarang, ada ruang di dekat mesin soda." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1870 -msgid "Shit. You're right." -msgstr "Njir. Lo bener." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1871 -msgid "What the hell is this then?" -msgstr "Terus ini apaan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1874 -msgid "How should I know?" -msgstr "Gimana aku tahu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1875 -msgid "Min sniffs it." -msgstr "Min mengendusnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1877 -msgid "I can't tell what it is." -msgstr "Gue gak tahu ini apa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1878 -msgid "You try." -msgstr "Lo coba." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1880 -msgid "Noelle brings the bowl to her face and inhales." -msgstr "Noelle mendekatkan mangkuk tersebut ke mukanya dan menarik nafas." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1881 -msgid "I don't know. It doesn't smell like a tea." -msgstr "Aku tidak tahu. Baunya tidak seperti teh." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1882 -msgid "Min pours half of it into another glass and slides it over to Noelle." -msgstr "Min menuangkan setengahnya ke gelas lain dan memberikannya pada Noelle." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1884 -msgid "I don't want this!" -msgstr "Aku tidak mau!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1886 -msgid "It's a symbol of our not being enemies anymore." -msgstr "Ini simbol kita enggak musuhan lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1889 -msgid "I don't even know what it is!" -msgstr "Aku bahkan tidak tahu ini apa!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1891 -msgid "Then try it." -msgstr "Kalau gitu coba." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1894 -msgid "YOU try it." -msgstr "KAMU coba." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1896 -msgid "What, are you scared it'll taste bad?" -msgstr "Apaan, lo takut rasanya enggak enak?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1899 -msgid "What if it's a condiment? Or a sauce? " -msgstr "Gimana kalau itu bumbu? Atau saus?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1900 -msgid "It would be like eating mustard." -msgstr "Itu bakal seperti makan mustar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1901 -msgid "We should just wait for Diya and Akarsha to come back and ask them. " -msgstr "Kita sebaiknya tunggu Diya dan Akarsha kembali dan tanya mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1903 -msgid "I don't want to be sitting here with matching cups with you!" -msgstr "Gue gak mau duduk disini dengan gelas serasi sama lo!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1904 -msgid "It'll look stupid!" -msgstr "Kayak yang blo'on!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1907 -msgid "You should've thought about that before taking a glass of mystery liquid! " -msgstr "Kamu seharusnya memikirkan itu sebelum mengambil segelas cairan aneh!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1909 -msgid "I thought I knew what it was!" -msgstr "Gue kira gue tau itu apaan!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1912 -msgid "Noelle glares down at her glass of orangey-yellow liquid. After a long moment, takes a sip of it." -msgstr "Noelle memeloti gelas berisi cairan oranye-kuning miliknya. Setelah beberapa saat, meminumnya sedikit." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1914 -msgid "Well? What is it?" -msgstr "Terus? Itu apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1917 -msgid "It's spicy, not sweet." -msgstr "Pedas, tidak manis." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1919 -msgid "It's...weird for a beverage. I don't like it." -msgstr "Ini...aneh untuk sebuah minuman. Aku tidak suka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1921 -msgid "What're you, racist?" -msgstr "Lo apaan, rasis?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1924 -msgid "I'm not racist!" -msgstr "Aku tidak rasis!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1926 -msgid "You're like one of those wimps who're afraid of durian." -msgstr "Lo kayak orang cemen yang takut durian." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1927 -msgid "Closed-minded." -msgstr "Pikirannya sempit." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1930 -msgid "I'm not! Look, I'll finish it!" -msgstr "Aku tidak! Lihat, akan aku habiskan!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1932 -msgid "It's probably an acquired taste, like durian." -msgstr "Mungkin itu rasa yang didapat, seperti durian." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1934 -msgid "Min begins drinking her glass of the liquid too." -msgstr "Min mulai meminum gelas berisi cairan miliknya juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1936 -msgid "...It does taste weird for a drink." -msgstr "...Rasanya aneh buat minuman." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1937 -msgid "I don't like it. But I'm better than her! I'll never admit it!" -msgstr "Gue gak suka. Tapi gue lebih baik dari dia! Gue ga bakal terima!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1941 -msgid "Grimacing, they continue drinking the mystery liquid in silence." -msgstr "Meringis, mereka lanjut meminum cairan misterius itu dalam diam." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1943 -msgid "...Hey, you're like a Diya expert, right?" -msgstr "...Hei, lo kayak pakar Diya, kan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1946 -msgid "More or less." -msgstr "Kurang lebih." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1948 -msgid "Can I ask for your opinion on something, then?" -msgstr "Gue boleh tanya pendapat lo tentang sesuatu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1950 -msgid "Yes?" -msgstr "Ya?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1952 -msgid "Where would be the best possible place to take Diya on a date?" -msgstr "Paling bagus ajak Diya kemana buat kencan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1956 -msgid "A dog park." -msgstr "Taman anjing." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1958 -msgid "I already-" -msgstr "Gue udah-" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1959 -msgid "I mean, besides a dog park." -msgstr "Maksud gue, selain taman anjing." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1961 -msgid "Then the Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios." -msgstr "Kalau begitu taman hiburan Harry Potter di Universal Studios." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1963 -msgid "But I don't have the money to-" -msgstr "Tapi gue enggak punya duit buat-" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1964 -msgid "I mean, the budget in this situation is small." -msgstr "Maksud gue, situasi ini budgetnya kecil." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1967 -msgid "...In this hypothetical situation." -msgstr "...Dalam situasi hipotesa ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1969 -msgid "Right. In this hypothetical situation." -msgstr "Ya. Dalam situasi hipotesa ini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1970 -msgid "I'm testing your Diya knowledge." -msgstr "Gue lagi nguji pengetahuan Diya lu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1974 -msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1976 -msgctxt "dessert_c38327a8" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1980 -msgid "She also likes eating." -msgstr "Dia juga suka makan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1981 -msgid "Why don't you take her to a dessert place instead?" -msgstr "Kenapa kamu tidak ajak dia ke tempat makanan penutup saja?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1982 -msgid "There's one she wants to try called Snowcastle. They have shaved ice and boba." -msgstr "Ada satu yang ingin dia coba bernama Snowcastle. Mereka punya es serut dan boba." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1983 -msgid "It's within walking distance from school. Students often visit it during the lunch hour." -msgstr "Jaraknya dekat sekolah. Anak-anak sering datang saat jam makan siang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1985 -msgid "Perfect! Thanks." -msgstr "Bagus! Makasih." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1987 -msgid "...I mean, you pass." -msgstr "...Maksud gue, lo lulus." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1989 -msgid "Because I was testing you." -msgstr "Soalnya gue lagi nguji lo." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1992 -msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d_1" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1994 -msgid "Just as a reminder, I hate you." -msgstr "Sebagai pengingat, aku benci kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1995 -msgid "I'm only helping you to make sure Diya doesn't have a terrible time." -msgstr "Aku hanya membantumu untuk memastikan Diya tidak mengalami waktu yang buruk." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1997 -msgid "Yeah, of course. I hate you, too." -msgstr "Ya. Gue benci lo juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2000 -msgid "Akarsha and Diya have returned from the bathroom." -msgstr "Akarsha dan Diya kembali dari kamar mandi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2001 -msgid "Akarsha's eyes widen as she sees Min gulp another mouthful of the mystery liquid." -msgstr "Akarsha terbelalak melihat Min meneguk cairan misterius itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2003 -msgid "Are you guys drinking pani?!" -msgstr "Kalian minum pani?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2005 -msgid "Diya, look! Look, they're drinking pani!!" -msgstr "Diya, lihat! Lihat, mereka minum pani!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2008 -msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f" -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2010 -msgid "What?? What's pani?" -msgstr "Apa? Pani itu apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2012 -msgid "You're supposed to use it to fill puri, the fried dough ball things." -msgstr "Kamu harusnya pake buat isi puri, bola adonan gorengan yang itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2013 -msgid "You don't drink it all by itself." -msgstr "Kamu enggak minum itu sendiri." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2015 -msgid "Noelle glares at Min." -msgstr "Noelle menatap tajam pada Min." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2016 -msgid "I told you it wasn't a beverage! I was right!" -msgstr "Aku bilang itu bukan minuman! Aku benar!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2018 -msgid "Don't pin it on me!" -msgstr "Jangan salahin gue!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2019 -msgid "You drank it all on your own!" -msgstr "Lo minum semuanya sendiri!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2022 -msgid "Do you guys squirt ketchup directly into your mouths too??" -msgstr "Kalian nyemprotin saos langsung ke mulut kalian juga??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2024 -msgctxt "dessert_bfcfdeac" -msgid "Shut up." -msgstr "Diam." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2026 -msgid "Ketchup Man..." -msgstr "Manusia Saos..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2027 -msgid "Both Diya and Akarsha are gleefully taking out their phones." -msgstr "Baik Diya dan Akarsha dengan senang mengeluarkan ponsel mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2033 -msgid "DON'T TAKE PHOTOS!" -msgstr "JANGAN AMBIL FOTO!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2035 -msgid "Look what I got!!!" -msgstr "Lihat apa yang gue dapet!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2036 -msgid "It's a photo of a blurred, scowling Noelle trying to shove the shameful cup away from her." -msgstr "Sebuah foto Noelle yang cemberut dan buram, berusaha mendorong cangkir memalukan itu darinya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2039 -msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f_1" -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2040 -msgid "Send it to me." -msgstr "Kirim ke aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2042 -msgid "You're never gonna let us live this down, are you?" -msgstr "Lo gak bakalan pernah ngebiarin ini, kan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2045 -msgid "You guessed it, Ketchup Man 2." -msgstr "Tuh tau, Manusia Saos 2." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2047 -msgid "Whatever, Pee Girl." -msgstr "Terserah, Cewek Kencing." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2051 -msgid "Noelle storms off to the buffet area to escape Akarsha's photos." -msgstr "Noelle pergi ke area prasmanan untuk melarikan diri dari foto-foto Akarsha." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2052 -msgid "Akarsha gets up and chases after her." -msgstr "Akarsha berdiri dan mengejarnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2054 -msgid "...Noelle's making things even worse. There's gonna be action shots of her running around the salad bar now." -msgstr "...Noelle malah bikin lebih parah. Bakal ada foto dia lari keliling kedai salad sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2057 -msgid "And of her tripping." -msgstr "Dan dia kesandung." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2059 -msgid "Huh? But she hasn't tripped." -msgstr "Hah? Tapi dia belom kesandung." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2066 -msgid "As if on cue, Noelle stumbles over nothing and trips." -msgstr "Seolah sudah diatur, Noelle tidak terantuk apapun dan tersandung." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2068 -msgid "Hey! This isn't a jungle gym!" -msgstr "Woi! Ini bukan taman bermain!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2071 -msgctxt "dessert_136db9e2" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2073 -msgid "Wow, you're good." -msgstr "Wow, kamu hebat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2077 -msgid "We're alone at the table now..." -msgstr "Kita sendiri di meja sekarang..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2078 -msgid "Here's my chance to ask her out!!!" -msgstr "Kesempatan buat ngajak!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2082 -msgid "We should go out and eat sometime." -msgstr "Kita harus keluar dan makan bareng kapan-kapan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2085 -msgid "We're...already eating right now." -msgstr "Kita...lagi makan sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2087 -msgid "I mean, some other time. Just the two of us." -msgstr "Maksud aku, lain kali. Kita berdua." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2110 -msgid "We're here!!! On a date!!!" -msgstr "Kita disini!!! Kencan!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2112 -msgid "It's lunchtime at school right now. We ate really fast and sprinted here." -msgstr "Sekarang waktu makan siang di sekolah. Kita cepet-cepet makan dan lari kesini. " - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2115 -msgid "How much time do we have?" -msgstr "Kita masih ada berapa menit?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2117 -msgid "About 30 minutes before we gotta run back to campus." -msgstr "Sekitar 30 menit sebelum kita harus lari balik ke kampus." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2121 -msgid "Thanks for bringing me here." -msgstr "Makasih sudah ajak aku kesini" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2122 -msgid "I've always wanted to try their shaved ice." -msgstr "Aku selalu pingin coba es serut mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2124 -msgid "I'm the one who should be thankful! Don't mention it!!" -msgstr "Aku yang harusnya yang makasih! Gak usah disebutin!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2128 -msgid "Min receives a chat message. She quickly checks her phone." -msgstr "Min mendapatkan suatu pesan obrolan. Dia dengan cepat memeriksa ponselnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2130 -msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2131 -msgid "I have prepared a Diya cheat sheet for your reference." -msgstr "Aku sudah siapkan contekan Diya untuk referensimu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2133 -msgid "Top desserts/drinks Diya likes:\n - Any food artificially colored to look blue. The flavor is irrelevant (e.g. Blue Raspberry, Baja Blast, etc.). Diya cannot tell the difference and will refer to it as \"blue flavor\". \n- Peanut butter. She is neutral toward actual peanuts. \n- Mango. \n- Food with a circle in the center (e.g. bagels, bundt cakes, peach gummy rings)." -msgstr "Makanan penutup/minuman top yang Diya suka:\n - Makanan apapun yang diwarnai dengan pewarna buatan agar terlihat biru. Rasanya tidak relevan (e.g. Raspberi Biru, Baja Blast, etc.). Diya tidak bisa membedakannya dan akan selalu menyebutnya sebagai \"rasa biru\". \n- Selai kacang. Dia neutral terhadap kacang asli. \n- Mangga. \n- Makanan dengan lingkaran di tengahnya (e.g. bagel, kue bundt, cincin jeli persik)." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2138 -msgid "If you are in a situation where multiple food items have these features (e.g. both a blue colored cake and a mango mousse cake are available), the hierarchy is as follows: \n\"Blue flavor\" > Peanut butter > Mango > Circle in the center" -msgstr "Kalau kamu ada di situasi dimana di mana beberapa makanan punya ini ini (e.g. ada kue warna biru dan kue mousse mangga), hirarkinya seperti ini: \n\"Rasa biru\" > Selai kacang > Mangga > Lingkaran di tengah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2140 -msgid "Suggested conversation topics\n - Owl City \n- Dogs who have different colored fur above their eyes so it looks like they have eyebrows \n- The Most Extreme (Animal Planet series)" -msgstr "Saran topik percakapan\n - Owl City \n- Anjing yang punya warna bulu campuran di atas matanya sehingga terlihat seperti punya alis \n- The Most Extreme (serial Animal Planet)" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2144 -msgid "k" -msgstr "k" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2145 -msgid "ill text you if i run into trouble" -msgstr "gw chat kl ada masalah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2146 -msgid "Understood." -msgstr "Dimengerti." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2150 -msgid "Min and Diya take their place in line and gaze up at the menu." -msgstr "Min dan Diya ikut mengantre dan melihat ke menu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2153 -msgid "These shaved ice desserts look massive." -msgstr "Es serutnya kayaknya gede banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2154 -msgid "Maybe we can share one." -msgstr "Mungkin kita bisa bagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2157 -msgctxt "date_9ee5e3fd" -msgid "Diya nods eagerly." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk dengan penuh semangat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2158 -msgid "It's on purpose. They're made for couples to eat togeth-" -msgstr "Disengaja. Itu dibuat untuk pasangan buat dimakan bareng- " - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2161 -msgid "{big=+20}WE'RE SHARING ONE.{/big}" -msgstr "{big=+20}KITA BAGI SATU.{/big}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2164 -msgid "It's Diya and Min's turn in line now. " -msgstr "Sekarang giliran Diya dan Min di barisan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2166 -msgid "Welcome to Snowcastle. Can I take your order?" -msgstr "Selamat datang di Snowcastle. Mau pesan apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2167 -msgid "Diya looks anxiously at Min. Min's heart skips a beat seeing the helplessness in her eyes." -msgstr "Diya melihat Min dengan cemas. Jantung Min berdetak kencang melihat ketidakberdayaan di matanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2169 -msgid "She's relying on me!" -msgstr "Dia ngandelin gua!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2170 -msgid "I've got you!" -msgstr "Tenang aja!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2172 -msgid "We'll have the Mt. Fuji." -msgstr "Kita pesen Mt. Fuji." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2173 -msgid "That one is blue." -msgstr "Yang itu biru." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2175 -msgid "One Mt. Fuji, coming right up!" -msgstr "Satu Mt. Fuji, siap segera!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2178 -msgid "Diya and Min find a table and wait for their order." -msgstr "Diya dan Min mencari meja dan menunggu pesanannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2180 -msgid "I'll pay you back." -msgstr "Aku bayar kamu nanti." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2182 -msgid "No, it's on me! Don't worry about it." -msgstr "Nggak, aku traktir! Nggak usah khawatir." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2183 -msgid "I still have the money from the mall fountain." -msgstr "Gua masih punya uang dari air mancur mall." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2186 -msgid "...Thanks." -msgstr "...Makasih." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2188 -msgid "You're welcome. I'd kill someone if you asked me to." -msgstr "Sama-sama. Aku bakalan bunuh orang kalau kamu minta." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2191 -msgid "I'm pretty sure you'd kill someone even if I didn't ask you to." -msgstr "Aku yakin kamu bakal bunuh orang bahkan kalau aku enggak minta." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2192 -msgid "The orders are being prepared on the counter. An employee is drizzling syrup atop another customer's mountain of shaved ice." -msgstr "Pesanan-pesanan sedang disiapkan di konter. Seorang karyawan sedang menuang sirup di atas es serut pelanggan lain." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2194 -msgid "Hey, we can watch them making it." -msgstr "Hei, kita bisa liat mereka bikin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2197 -msgid "Don't wanna see." -msgstr "Enggak mau lihat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2198 -msgid "Food tastes better if you don't know what's in it." -msgstr "Makanan rasanya lebih enak kalau kamu enggak tahu isinya apa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2199 -msgid "That way it's like magic." -msgstr "Jadinya kayak sihir." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2201 -msgid "Huh. Never thought of it like that." -msgstr "Hoh. Ga pernah kepikiran kayak gitu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2203 -msgid "Do you know how to cook?" -msgstr "Kamu bisa masak?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2205 -msgid "I can make microwaved popcorn." -msgstr "Bisa bikin popcorn microwave." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2207 -msgid "That's not cooking." -msgstr "Itu bukan masak." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2209 -msgid "What, can {i}you{/i} cook?" -msgstr "Apa, emang {i}kamu{/i} bisa masak?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2212 -msgid "...Not really." -msgstr "...Enggak juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2213 -msgid "Once, I tried to make a pancake. When I was nine." -msgstr "Aku pernah coba buat pancake. Pas 9 tahun." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2214 -msgid "But it burned to a total crisp. Like a rock." -msgstr "Tapi gosong banget. Kayak batu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2215 -msgid "Couldn't even scrape it out of the pan." -msgstr "Bahkan enggak bisa dikorek dari wajan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2216 -msgid "I was so embarrassed that I dug a big hole in the backyard and buried it." -msgstr "Aku malu banget jadi aku gali lubang di kebun balakang terus aku kubur." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2218 -msgid "Including the pan?!" -msgstr "Termasuk pancinya?!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2221 -msgid "I was desperate. Didn't know what else to do." -msgstr "Aku putus asa. Enggak tahu harus ngapain lagi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2223 -msgid "That's so cute. Like a little puppy." -msgstr "Gemes banget. Kayak anak anjing." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2226 -msgid "Are you making fun of me?" -msgstr "Kamu ngejek aku?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2228 -msgid "No! It's a good thing." -msgstr "Enggak! Itu bagus." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2230 -msgid "You're so cute sometimes that I almost can't stand it." -msgstr "Kamu tuh imut banget sampe aku enggak tahan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2233 -msgctxt "date_d52b05c9" -msgid "................." -msgstr ".................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2234 -msgid "I-I have to go to the bathroom." -msgstr "A-Aku harus ke kamar mandi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2236 -msgid "Diya staggers to her feet and makes for the restroom." -msgstr "Diya terhuyung berdiri dan pergi ke kamar mandi." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2238 -msgid "She misses the door and slams straight into the wall." -msgstr "Dia melewati pintunya dan menabrak dinding dengan keras." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2240 -msgctxt "date_4962ac78" -msgid "Diya!" -msgstr "Diya!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2242 -msgid "Min rushes to her side as she staggers back and grabs ahold of her, worried she might fall." -msgstr "Min bergegas ke sisinya saat dia terhuyung mundur dan meraihnya, khawatir dia akan jatuh." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2244 -msgid "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" -msgstr "Kenapa? Sakit?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2247 -msgid "Diya just shakes her head, face red. She seems to be struggling with the limits of spoken language." -msgstr "Diya hanya menggelengkan kepalanya, wajahnya merah. Dia tampaknya berjuang untuk berbicara." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2249 -msgid "You sure?" -msgstr "Kamu yakin?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2251 -msgid "Diya nods frantically." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk cepat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2253 -msgid "Min tentatively lets her go. She watches Diya scramble into the restroom (correctly this time)." -msgstr "Min dengan ragu melepaskannya. Dia melihat Diya cepat-cepat ke kamar kecil (kali ini dengan benar)." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2256 -msgid "As Min returns to the table, her phone screen lights up with a message." -msgstr "Saat Min kembali ke mejanya, layar ponselnya menyala dengan sebuah pesan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2257 -msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_1" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2259 -msgid "IM GDSO FDUCKING DFONE" -msgstr "GW GEDEG ANJRIT" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2260 -msgid "THE WAY U GRABED HER I THOIUGHT U WERE GONNNA START DRY HUMPGIN HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RESTAURNAT" -msgstr "CARA U PEGANG DIA W KIRA U MAU NGENTOT DI TENGAH RESTROAN." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2261 -msgid "Akarsha, I'm convinced those sunglasses are actually impeding your mental processes." -msgstr "Akarsha, aku yakin kacamata itu sebenarnya menggganggu proses mentalmu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2262 -msgid "I am embarrassed to be seen with you." -msgstr "Aku malu kelihatan denganmu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2263 -msgid "well i cant take them off" -msgstr "ya gw g bisa copot" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2264 -msgid "my coverll be blown" -msgstr "samaran gw bakal ketauan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2265 -msgid "YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN A BETTER DISGUISE IN THE FIRST PLACE, THEN." -msgstr "KAMU SEHARUSNYA PILIH SAMARAN YANG LEBIH BAGUS DARI AWAL, KALAU BEGITU." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2268 -msgid "what" -msgstr "hah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2269 -msgid "turn around" -msgstr "balik badan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2279 -msgctxt "date_bda8889e" -msgid ".................." -msgstr "..................." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2282 -msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_2" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2283 -msgctxt "date_f1a4dee5" -msgid "WTF" -msgstr "WTF" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2284 -msgid "diya's been texting me for advice on u" -msgstr "diya mintain ke gua saran tentang u" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2285 -msgid "thats why she went to the bathroom" -msgstr "makanya dia ke kamar mandi" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2286 -msgctxt "date_47de0e2b" -msgid "WHAT" -msgstr "HAH" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2287 -msgid "Honestly, I'm annoyed she goes to you and not me." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, aku kesal dia pergi ke kamu dan bukan aku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2288 -msgid "why would she go to u? u never talk about feelings and gay stuff" -msgstr "kenapa dia pergi ke u? u ga pernah cerita tentang perasaan ato gay gituan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2289 -msgid "and i also have master seduction skills" -msgstr "dan gua juga punya kemampuan gombal yang mastah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2290 -msgid "What master seduction skills?" -msgstr "Kemampuan gombal apa?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2291 -msgid "my Tactics" -msgstr "Taktik w" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2292 -msgid "If you're so knowledgable on these matters, why are you single?" -msgstr "Kalau kamu sangat berpengetahuan dalam hal ini, kenapa kamu lajang?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2293 -msgid "excuse u im single bc i want to be??" -msgstr "permisi w jomblo soalnya w pengen??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2294 -msgid "some people like being sad and alone" -msgstr "bbrp orang suka sedih dan ngejomblo" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2295 -msgid "on purpose" -msgstr "dengan sengaja" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2296 -msgid "On purpose." -msgstr "Dengan sengaja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2297 -msgid "rigHT, ON PURPOSE" -msgstr "yhA, DENGAN SENGAJA" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2298 -msgid "not bc no one ever likes me back or anything" -msgstr "buka gr2 ga ada yang suka gua balik atau apa" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2299 -msgid "dont attack me like this wtf???" -msgstr "jangan nyerang w kaya gini wtf???" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2300 -msgid "wait guys hold on" -msgstr "tunggu gais bentar" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2301 -msgid "how long has this been going on????" -msgstr "ini udah berapa lama????" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2302 -msgid "was the whole thing at the buffet a setup?? when yuo two left the table??" -msgstr "ini semuanya yang di prasmanan tuh diatur?? pas kailan berdua ninggalin meja ??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2303 -msgid "Take a wild guess, Sherlock." -msgstr "Tebak, Sherlock." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2304 -msgid "you know nolle im starting to realize you do have a sense of humor" -msgstr "lo tau nolle w mulai mikir lo punya selera humor" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2305 -msgid "but your so emotionally constipated that youre style of humor is just being extremely mean" -msgstr "tapi perasaan lo numpuk banget sampe humor lo cuman jadi jahat parah." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2306 -msgid "omg wait??" -msgstr "omg bentar??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2307 -msgid "do u and noelle get along now??" -msgstr "lu sm noelle akrab sekarang??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2308 -msgid "We don't get along." -msgstr "Kita tidak akrab." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2309 -msgid "but we used to not get along much worse" -msgstr "tapi kita tadinya lebih parah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2314 -msgid "Diya returns to the table." -msgstr "Diya kembali ke meja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2316 -msgid "Are you feeling better?" -msgstr "Kamu udah baikan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2319 -msgid "Diya nods sheepishly, and then stiffens up in fear as a waitress approaches with their dessert on a tray." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk malu, dan kembali kaku saat seorang pramusaji datang dengan pencuci mulut mereka di atas nampan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2321 -msgid "One Mt. Fuji?" -msgstr "Satu Mt. Fuji?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2322 -msgid "Diya responds with frenzied nodding as the waitress slides the dessert onto the table." -msgstr "Diya membalasnya dengan anggukan bersemangat saat pramusaji tersebut menaruh pencuci mulut itu di meja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2326 -msgid "It's a mound of shaved ice, sculpted and saturated with blue raspberry syrup and condensed milk to look like a mountain." -msgstr "Pencuci mulut itu berupa gundukan es serut, dibentuk dan dipenuhi dengan sirop raspberi biru dan susu kental manis agar menyerupai sebuah gunung." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2328 -msgid "...!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Hah?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:304 +msgid "Min grabs Jun's arm and aims it at the dragon!" +msgstr "Min memegang lengan Jun dan mengarahkannya pada si naga!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:306 +msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} You're dead!" +msgstr "DOR!{w=0.35} Kamu mati!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:308 +msgid "" +"Nice try! {w=0.35} But I deflected the bullet with my {i}own{/i} bullet!" +msgstr "" +"Usaha bagus! {w=0.35} Tapi aku nangkis pelurunya pake peluru aku {i}sendiri{/" +"i}!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:309 +msgid "I have a gun too!" +msgstr "Aku juga punya pistol!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:310 +msgid "Gun" +msgstr "Pistol" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:312 +msgid "{i}Why?!{/i}{w=0.35} You're a dragon!" +msgstr "{i}Kenapa?!{/i}{w=0.35} Kamu kan naga!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:314 +msgid "This is America! {w=0.35}Everyone has a gun!" +msgstr "Ini Amerika! {w=0.35}Semuanya punya pistol!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:316 +msgid "Diya rises to her feet." +msgstr "Diya berdiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:319 +msgid "I also have a gun." +msgstr "Aku juga punya pistol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot the dragon" +msgstr "Tembak naganya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot Min" +msgstr "Tembak Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot Jun" +msgstr "Tembak Jun" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:322 +msgid "Shoot the deflected bullet" +msgstr "Tembak peluru" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:325 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "Dor." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:327 +msgctxt "beginning_19746dea" +msgid "Dead." +msgstr "Mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:331 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_1" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "Dor." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:333 +msgid "Min's dead." +msgstr "Min mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:335 +msgid "Min looks very hurt..." +msgstr "Min terlihat sangat tersakiti..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:337 +msgid "Why? I'm here to rescue you." +msgstr "Kenapa? Aku kan disini buat nyelamatin kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:339 +msgid "Don't want to be rescued." +msgstr "Enggak mau diselamatin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:340 +msgid "I can save myself." +msgstr "Aku bisa sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:343 +msgid "But if we do it together, it'll be more fun." +msgstr "Tapi kalau kita bareng, bakal lebih menyenangkan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:345 +msgid "We can ride off into the sunset on my horse." +msgstr "Kita bisa jalan pake kuda aku ke matahari terbenam." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:347 +msgid "What sunset..." +msgstr "Matahari terbenam apaan..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:349 +msgid "What horse?" +msgstr "Kuda apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:351 +msgid "You." +msgstr "Kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:352 +msgid "Gun Horse" +msgstr "Kuda Pistol" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:354 +msgctxt "beginning_8f5239f8" +msgid "Me?!" +msgstr "Aku?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:356 +msgid "That does sound pretty cool..." +msgstr "Itu kedengeran keren..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:358 +msgid "Changed my mind." +msgstr "Aku berubah pikiran." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:359 +msgid "Bang. Shot the dragon instead." +msgstr "Dor. Gantinya aku tembak naganya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:364 +msgctxt "beginning_0debc5b4_2" +msgid "Bang." +msgstr "Dor." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:366 +msgid "Jun's dead." +msgstr "Jun mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:369 +msgid "But I'm a gun..." +msgstr "Tapi aku pistol..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:371 +msgid "Then you broke in half." +msgstr "Kalau gitu kamu patah jadi dua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:373 +msgid "In half?!" +msgstr "Jadi dua?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:375 +msgid "That's harsh, dude." +msgstr "Kasar banget, woi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:377 +msgid "I used the last of Jun's energy to shoot you again!" +msgstr "Aku pake tenaga Jun yang terakhir buat tembak kamu lagi!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:378 +msgid "DEAD." +msgstr "MATI." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:384 +msgid "Deflected the deflected bullet with my own bullet." +msgstr "Ngebelokkin peluru yang dibelokin pake peluru aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:386 +msgid "So Min's original bullet is going toward him again." +msgstr "Jadi pelurunya Min ke dia lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:389 +msgid "That's...{w=0.35} unnecessarily complicated." +msgstr "Itu...{w=0.35} rumit banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:390 +msgid "Why didn't you just shoot him directly...?" +msgstr "Kenapa kamu nggak tembak langsung aja...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:392 +msgid "This way is cooler!!!" +msgstr "Gini lebih keren!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:394 +msgctxt "beginning_912b5935" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:399 +msgid "" +"{cps=20}Nice try... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}but too bad!{/i} {w=0.35}The bullet " +"bounces off me!" +msgstr "" +"{cps=20}Usaha bagus... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}tapi sayang banget!{/i} {w=0.35}" +"Pelurunya mantul!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:401 +msgid "How is that possible." +msgstr "Bagaimana mungkin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:404 +msgid "My dragon scales are stronger than tank armor!" +msgstr "Sisik naga aku lebih kuat dari tank!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:405 +msgid "Take that!" +msgstr "Ambil itu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:409 +msgid "Maybe we can resolve this without fighting, then... " +msgstr "Kayaknya kita bisa selesain ini tanpa berantem, terus... " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:410 +msgid "Let's talk it ov—" +msgstr "Ayo kita bica-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:413 +msgid "{big=+20}VIOLENCE SOLVES EVERYTHING!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}KEKERASAN MEMECAHKAN SEMUANYA!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:414 +msgid "{big=+20}I'M MAKING A NEW GUN WITH ROCKS!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}AKU BIKIN PISTOL BARU DARI BATU!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:416 +msgid "Are you replacing me...?" +msgstr "Kamu gantiin aku...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:418 +msgid "Yeah! {w=0.35}Sorry!" +msgstr "Iya! {w=0.35}Sori!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:420 +msgid "BANG!{w=0.35} Dragon's dead!" +msgstr "DOR!{w=0.35} Naganya mati!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:422 +msgid "Uh, did you forget?{w=0.35} I'm bulletproof." +msgstr "Eh, kamu lupa?{w=0.35} Aku kebal peluru." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:424 +msgid "But my gun didn't shoot a bullet!" +msgstr "Tapi pistol aku ga nembakin peluru!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:429 +msgid "My gun shot{cps=20}... {/cps}" +msgstr "Pistol aku nembakin{cps=20}... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:432 +msgid "A SMALLER GUN!" +msgstr "PISTOL YANG LEBIH KECIL!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:434 +msgid "{big=+14}...WHICH SHOT A KNIFE!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+14}...YANG NEMBAKIN PISAU!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:435 +msgid "{big=+20}...WHICH EXPLODED!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+14}...YANG MELEDAK!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:436 +msgctxt "niceTry_78aff33f" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:437 +msgctxt "niceTry_e088a0fe" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:438 +msgctxt "niceTry_ab20ef84" +msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:439 +msgid "What was the point of the smaller gun in the middle?" +msgstr "Buat apa pistol yang lebih kecilnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:440 +msgid "It's there to shoot the knife!" +msgstr "Itu ada buat nembakin pisau!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:441 +msgid "No, {w=0.2}but why couldn't the original gun shoot the knife?" +msgstr "Enggak, {w=0.2} tapi kenapa pistol aslinya enggak tembakin pisau?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:442 +msgid "Min gives Jun an incredulous look." +msgstr "Min menatap Jun seperti tidak percaya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:443 +msgid "Because it was shooting out the smaller gun." +msgstr "Soalnya itu nembakin pistol yang lebih kecil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:444 +msgid "{cps=25}...never mind... {/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=25}...enggak jadi... {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:450 +msgid "Okay, so let's say my elbow is injured now." +msgstr "Oke, anggap aja sikut aku sekarang luka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:451 +msgid "So if you touch that, I lose." +msgstr "Jadi kalau kamu pegang, aku kalah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:454 +msgid "RRRAUUGH!!!!" +msgstr "RRRAUUGH!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:457 +msgid "Min lunges at him!" +msgstr "Min menerjangnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:458 +msgid "He sidesteps and darts up the steps to the slide!" +msgstr "Dia menghindar dan berlari menaiki anak tangga ke perosotan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:459 +msgid "When Min catches up, he spins so his back is to the wall." +msgstr "" +"Saat Min menyusulnya, dia berputar sehingga punggungnya menempel ke dinding." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:461 +msgid "She looks like she's having trouble..." +msgstr "Dia terlihat seperti sedang dalam masalah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:462 +msgid "Do you need help?" +msgstr "Mau dibantu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:465 +msgid "What?!{w=0.2} No!" +msgstr "Apa?!{w=0.2} Enggak!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:468 +msgid "" +"The evil dragon feints to the right.{w=0.2} Min falls for it and he rushes " +"past her,{w=0.2} back the way he came." +msgstr "" +"Naga jahat itu melakukan gerakan tipuan ke arah kanan.{w=0.2} Min tertipu " +"dan naga itu bergegas melewati dia,{w=0.2} kembali ke arah dia datang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:470 +msgid "!" +msgstr "!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:473 +msgid "Min trips and face plants on the bridge!" +msgstr "Min tersandung dan terjatuh di jembatan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:475 +msgid "...!!!!!!!!" msgstr "...!!!!!!!!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2329 -msgid "The blue flavor looks good." -msgstr "Rasa biru kayaknya enak." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:477 +msgid "" +"Before Min can see, Diya quickly picks the evil dragon up and hurls him off " +"the playground structure like a sack of potatoes." +msgstr "" +"Sebelum Min dapat melihat, Diya dengan cepat mengangkat naga jahat itu dan " +"melemparnya keluar dari struktur taman bermain seperti sekarung kentang." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2332 -msgid "Noelle was spot on!" -msgstr "Noelle bener!" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:479 +msgid "Waugh?!!" +msgstr "Waugh?!!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2335 -msgid "What're the pink things?" -msgstr "Yang pink itu apa?" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:485 +msgid "Wait, you're the princess! You can't just do that." +msgstr "Tunggu, kamu kan putrinya! Kamu enggak bisa gitu." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2338 -msgid "It's mochi. They're supposed to look like cherry blossoms." -msgstr "Itu mochi. Harusnya kelihatan kayak bunga sakura." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2340 -msgid "Min stabs her spoon into the shaved ice and shovels it into her mouth." -msgstr "Min menusukkan sendoknya ke es serut itu dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulutnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2341 -msgid "The shaved ice is so cold that her gums are growing numb." -msgstr "Es serutnya sangat dingin sampai-sampai gusinya mati rasa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2346 -msgid "I think I'm getting brainfreeze." -msgstr "Kayanya otak aku beku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2349 -msgctxt "date_4047d783" -msgid "Me too." -msgstr "Aku juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2350 -msgid "A drop of cream is trickling down Diya's finger. She quickly licks it clean before it can reach her palm." -msgstr "Setetes krim menetes di jari Diya. Dia dengan cepat menjilatnya sampai bersih sebelum bisa sampai ke lengannya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2351 -msgid "Min is so focused watching, she doesn't realize her own mouth is hanging open until she feels a trail of spit about to drop down from it." -msgstr "Min sangat fokus menonton, dia tidak menyadari bahwa mulutnya terbuka sampai dia merasakan setetes air liur mau jatuh dari mulutnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2352 -msgid "Min accidentally drooled onto the table." -msgstr "Min tidak sengaja meneteskan air liurnya ke meja." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2354 -msgid "FUCK!! SHIT!!!!" -msgstr "FAK!! ANJING!!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2358 -msgctxt "date_5db23ed9" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:487 +msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5" msgid "................" msgstr "................." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2360 -msgctxt "date_6a61dc07" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:493 +msgid "Diya throws him off the playground structure, too." +msgstr "Diya melemparkan dia dari struktur taman bermain juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:494 +msgid "As he disappears over the edge, Min pulls herself back to her feet." +msgstr "Saat dia menghilang di tepian, Min kembali berdiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:496 +msgid "Where is everyone?" +msgstr "Mana yang lain?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:498 +msgid "They.......balcony collapsed." +msgstr "Mereka......balkoninya runtuh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:500 +msgid "Castle is under construction." +msgstr "Istana lagi renovasi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:503 +msgid "Yeah!!!" +msgstr "Yaaaa!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:505 +msgid "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} I rescued you!" +msgstr "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} Aku nyelamatin kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:507 +msgid "My hero." +msgstr "Pahlawanku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:510 +msgid "Yeah!{w=0.35} I'm your hero!!" +msgstr "Yaaa!{w=0.35} Aku pahlawanmu!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:520 +msgid "Min is struggling to princess carry Diya down the slide with her." +msgstr "" +"Min susah payah membawa Diya seperti tuan putri menuruni perosotan dengannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:521 +msgid "" +"Diya could destroy her in a single punch if she wanted to, but she's " +"patiently going along with it." +msgstr "" +"Diya bisa saja menghancurkan dia dengan sekali tinju kalau dia mau, tapi dia " +"dengan sabar mengikutinya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:524 +msgid "I owe you my life. How can I repay you." +msgstr "Aku berhutang hidup sama kamu. Gimana aku bisa balas kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:527 +msgid "You can... {w=0.35}r-repay me with a ki—" +msgstr "Kamu bisa... {w=0.35}b-bayar aku dengan ciu-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:531 +msgid "*THUD*" +msgstr "*BRUK*" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:540 +msgctxt "niceTry_f8a1f174" msgid "................" msgstr "................." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2363 -msgid "Diya is staring determinedly into the Mt. Fuji. She's probably pretending not to have seen. " -msgstr "Diya menatapi Mt. Fujinya. Dia mungkin pura-pura tidak melihat. " - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2367 -msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_3" -msgid "{nw}" -msgstr "{nw}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2369 -msgid "HELP ME" -msgstr "BANTUIN" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2370 -msgid "pretend to drown so she has to give you mouth-to-mouth" -msgstr "pura2 tenggelem jadi dia harus kasih lu pernafasan mulut ke mulut." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2371 -msgid "wtf kind of plan is that" -msgstr "rencana macem apa tu njir" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2372 -msgid "what would i even be drowning on??" -msgstr "gw tenggelam apaan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2374 -msgid "the shaved ice" -msgstr "es serutnya" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2375 -msgid "no" -msgstr "g" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2377 -msgid "the toilet" -msgstr "toilet" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2378 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "GA" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2380 -msgid "trust me im a love expert" -msgstr "percaya aja w ahli perbucinan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2381 -msgid "there's no way this could possibly go wrong" -msgstr "g mungkin ini bisa salah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2382 -msgid "Rather than potentially causing confusion like that, why don't you be open and tell her how you feel?" -msgstr "Daripada berpotensi menimbulkan kebingungan seperti gitu, kenapa kamu tidak terbuka dan bilang perasaan kamu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2383 -msgid "your the LAST person on the planet qualified to tell me to be open" -msgstr "lo org TERAKHIR yg pantes nyuruh gw buka2an" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2384 -msgid "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly open about my feelings." -msgstr "Aku tidak tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan. Aku sangat terbuka terhadap perasaanku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2385 -msgid "SINCE WHEN XD" -msgstr "SEJAK KAPAN XD" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2386 -msgid "hey frenchman u enjoy our company right?" -msgstr "woi frenchman u suka ada kita kan?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2387 -msgid "I'm not sure how you deluded yourself into believing that." -msgstr "Aku tidak yakin gimana kamu menipu diri sendiri untuk percaya itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2388 -msgid "SEE" -msgstr "TUH KAN" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2389 -msgctxt "date_754eade2" -msgid "LMAO" -msgstr "LMAO" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2390 -msgid "proved us right" -msgstr "bener berarti" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2391 -msgid "you cant even argue it" -msgstr "lo g bisa debat" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2392 -msgctxt "date_95272ec7" -msgid "..........." -msgstr "............" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2393 -msgid "SHES TRAPPED" -msgstr "DIA KEJEBAK" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2394 -msgid "SHE HATES BEING WRONG BUT CANT ADMIT SHE LIKES US" -msgstr "DIA BENCI SALAH TAPI GA BISA NGAKU DIA SUKA KITA" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2395 -msgid "I like you." -msgstr "Aku suka kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2396 -msgid "O__O" -msgstr "O__O" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2397 -msgid "HOWEVER, you're immature and relentlessly annoying. Everything about you fills me with indescribable rage. From the way you wear a windbreaker with flip-flops, to your idiotic looking hairstyle, to how you're smart yet do things like call forks \"food rakes\", etc." -msgstr "TAPI, kamu tidak dewasa dan selalu menyebalkan. Semua hal tentang kamu membuatku penuh amarah yang tidak bisa kujelaskan. Dari cara kamu memakai windbreaker dengan sandal, sampai gaya rambutmu yang bodoh, sampai bagaimana kamu pintar tapi kamu melakukan sesuatu seperti menyebut garpu \"garu makanan\", etc" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2398 -msgid "And Min, you're volatile and stupid. I already hardly tolerate you, so if you hurt Diya in any way, I won't hesitate to destroy you." -msgstr "Dan Min, kamu temperamental dan bodoh. Aku sudah susah menoleransi kamu, jadi kalau kamu melukai Diya dengan cara apapun, aku tidak akan ragu untuk menghancurkanmu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2399 -msgid "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO IMMEDIATLY DRAG US TO DEFUSE THE SITUATION??" -msgstr "KENAPA LO HARUS LANGSUNG MALU MALUIN KITA BUAT NENANGIN SITUASI??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2400 -msgid "baby steps, frenchman! very good" -msgstr "pelan-pelan, frenchman! bagus" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2401 -msgid "SHUT UP." -msgstr "DIAM." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2402 -msgid "Now that I'm right, as always, about being open, Min has no valid excuse." -msgstr "Sekarang karena aku benar, seperti biasa, tentang bersikap terbuka, Min tidak punya alasan yang valid." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2403 -msgid "what if diya rejects me??" -msgstr "gimana kalau diya nolak??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2404 -msgid "then that's her own personal problem for having bad taste" -msgstr "kalau gitu itu masalah dia sendiri" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2405 -msgid "her loss not urs" -msgstr "kesalahan dia bukan lu" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2406 -msgid "what should i say??" -msgstr "gw harus bilang apa??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2407 -msgid "lemme think" -msgstr "bentar mikir dulu" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2408 -msgid "shit bitch u iz fine" -msgstr "shit bitch u iz fine" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2409 -msgid "WTH NO" -msgstr "G BGSAT" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2410 -msgid "hey girl rat piss" -msgstr "hey girl rat piss" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2411 -msgid "What??" -msgstr "Hah??" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2412 -msgid "{image=ratpiss.png}" -msgstr "{image=ratpiss.png}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2413 -msgid "WHO TF WOULD SAY THAT" -msgstr "SIAPA YG BAKAL NGOMONG GT ANJG" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2414 -msgid "DO IT" -msgstr "AYO" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2415 -msgid "HEY GIRL RAT PISS" -msgstr "HY CEWEK RAT PISS" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2416 -msgid "N O" -msgstr "G A" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2417 -msgid "IF U DONT MAKE A MOVE WITHIN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES" -msgstr "KALAU LU GA NGAPA-NGAPAIN DLM 5 MENIT" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2418 -msgid "IMMA BELT THE CRAZY FROG SONG AND RUIN UR WHOLE DATE!!" -msgstr "GUA BAKALAN NYANYI LAGU CRAZY FROG DAN HANCURIN KENCAN LU!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2419 -msgid "IVE PRACTICED" -msgstr "GUA UDAH LATIHAN" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2420 -msgid "Unfortunately, I can confirm that she's practiced." -msgstr "Sayangnya, aku dapat mengkonfirmasi kalau dia sudah latihan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2425 -msgid "Okay. I can do this." -msgstr "Oke. Gue bisa." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2428 -msgid "My mouth is so cold." -msgstr "Mulut aku dingin banget." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2430 -msgid "Want me to warm it up for you?" -msgstr "Mau aku hangatin?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2433 -msgid "Diya freezes." -msgstr "Diya membeku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2435 -msgid "OH MY GOD?? I FUCKED UP!!! I FUCKED UP!!" -msgstr "OH MY GOD?? AMBYAR!!! AMBYAR!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2438 -msgid "Diya gives her a nervous, very small nod." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk kecil dengan gugup." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2440 -msgid "WHAT???????!" -msgstr "HAH????????!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2447 -msgid "Min crawls onto the table on all fours with a loud clatter." -msgstr "Min merangkak ke atas meja dengan berisik." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2448 -msgid "Diya gasps as Min cups her face in her palms and catches her lips with hers." -msgstr "Diya terengah ketika Min menangkupkan wajahnya di telapak tangannya dan mencium bibirnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2449 -msgid "Her mouth is cold, as advertised, and blue flavor." -msgstr "Mulutnya dingin, seperti yang ia bilang, dan rasanya biru." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2450 -msgid "Diya doesn't push her away, but she doesn't kiss back, either. Min can feel her trembling in her arms like a frightened rabbit." -msgstr "Diya tidak mendorongnya untuk menjauh, tapi dia tidak menciumnya kembali juga. Min bisa merasakannya gemetaran di tangannya seperti seekor kelinci yang ketakutan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2451 -msgid "Anxious, Min pulls back over the sounds of Akarsha's whooping and yodeling in the background." -msgstr "Gelisah, Min mundur karena suara Akarsha berteriak dan bernyayi yodel di belakang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2454 -msgid "Diya is clinging desperately to Min's jacket sleeves, a vivid blush coloring her cheeks." -msgstr "Diya berpegangan erat pada lengan jaket Min, rona merah mewarnai pipinya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2455 -msgid "Is this good?" -msgstr "Ini bagus?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2457 -msgid "Diya frantically nods in response, looking embarrassed." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk panik sebagai jawaban, terlihat malu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2458 -msgid "I don't know what to do." -msgstr "Aku gak tahu harus ngapain." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2459 -msgid "I've never done this before." -msgstr "Aku enggak pernah kayak gini." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2461 -msgid "Me neither, but don't worry. I looked it up on Yahoo Answers." -msgstr "Aku juga, tapi enggak usah khawatir. Aku nyari di Yahoo Answers." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2462 -msgid "Unless you wanna start smaller?" -msgstr "Kecuali mau mulai dari yang kecil dulu?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2464 -msgctxt "date_caf4954b" -msgid "I..." -msgstr "Aku..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2465 -msgid "I want to hold hands with you and cuddle." -msgstr "Aku pingin pegangan tangan dan pelukan sama kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2467 -msgid "We can do that." -msgstr "Kita bisa gitu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2471 -msgid "Min takes Diya's hand." -msgstr "Min memegang tangan Diya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2473 -msgid "I'm happy you kissed me." -msgstr "Aku senang kamu menciumku." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2474 -msgid "I like you a lot." -msgstr "Aku suka banget sama kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2476 -msgctxt "date_510b0bc2" -msgid "Me too." -msgstr "Aku juga." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2478 -msgid "Min lightly brushes Diya's lips with her thumb; Diya shivers at the touch as Min gently pulls her closer." -msgstr "Min dengan lembut menyentuh bibir Diya dengan ibu jarinya; Diya menggigil saat disentuh saat Min dengan lembut menariknya lebih dekat." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2479 -msgid "Do you like this?" -msgstr "Kamu suka?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2481 -msgid "Diya nods, then closes her eyes and leans in." -msgstr "Diya mengangguk, lalu menutup matanya dan bersandar." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2482 -msgid "She nuzzles against Min, peppering her cheek with soft, little kisses." -msgstr "Dia merapatkan dirinya pada Min, memberi pipinya ciuman kecil yang lembut." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2483 -msgid "OH MY GOD!!! DIYA IS KISSING ME!!!" -msgstr "OH MY GOD!!! DIYA NYIUM GUA!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2488 -msgid "The table. It's-" -msgstr "Mejanya. Itu-" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2490 -msgid "Noelle stands up and is approaching them." -msgstr "Noelle berdiri dan mendekati mereka." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2491 -msgid "What the fuck?! Go away Noelle!" -msgstr "Apaan sih bangsat?! Pergi Noelle!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2494 -msgid "You think I {i}want{/i} to be here watching this disgusting display?" -msgstr "Kamu pikir aku {i}mau{/i} disini menonton pertunjukan menjijikan ini?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2495 -msgid "The table is-" -msgstr "Mejanya-" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2497 -msgid "A leg of the table gives way under Min's weight!" -msgstr "Salah satu kaki meja runtuh karena berat Min!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2509 -msgid "I can't believe we're banned from Snowcastle now." -msgstr "Aku enggak percaya kita dilarang dari Snowcastle sekarang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2511 -msgid "I can't believe Min BROKE THEIR TABLE." -msgstr "Aku tidak percaya Min MERUSAK MEJANYA." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2514 -msgid "No choice." -msgstr "Ga ada pilihan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2517 -msgid "You could have held off on making out for 10 seconds and walked around it." -msgstr "Kamu bisa saja tahan ciuman 10 detik dan jalan memutari mejanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2519 -msgid "Like I said, no choice." -msgstr "Kaya gue bilang, ga ada pilihan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2522 -msgid "That was even better than you guys drinking pani at the buffet." -msgstr "Tadi jauh lebih bagus daripada pas kalian minum pani di prasmanan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2524 -msgctxt "lastChat_bfcfdeac" -msgid "Shut up." -msgstr "Diam." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2526 -msgid "Yeah, shut your fuck up." -msgstr "Ya, bacot." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2529 -msgid "Shut your fuck up..." -msgstr "Bacot..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2532 -msgid "I hate you all. I'm going home." -msgstr "Aku benci kalian semua. Aku mau pulang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2534 -msgid "Okay. See you at practice tomorrow." -msgstr "Oke. Sampai besok di latihan." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2537 -msgid "No wait! Stay!!!" -msgstr "Tunggu! Tinggal!!!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2539 -msgid "Change my mind, then." -msgstr "Tidak jadi deh." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2540 -msgid "You have approximately 10 seconds." -msgstr "Kalian punya sekitar 10 detik." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2542 -msgid "Friendship is like peeing on yourself." -msgstr "Pertemanan itu kayak ngompolin diri lu sendiri." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2543 -msgid "Everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings." -msgstr "Semuanya bisa lihat tapi cuman lu yang bisa ngerasain perasaan hangatnya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2545 -msgid "What the fuck..." -msgstr "Apaan sih anjir..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2548 -msgctxt "lastChat_93212e9d" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:541 +msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5_1" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:542 +msgid "My name is Diya." +msgstr "Namaku Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:544 +msgid "" +"...I don't really know what else to say about myself. I'm pretty boring." +msgstr "" +"...Aku tidak tahu mau mengatakan apa lagi tentang diriku. Aku cukup " +"membosankan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:547 +msgid "The other girl is Min-seo. Everyone calls her Min." +msgstr "Anak cewek yang lainnya itu Min-seo. Semuanya panggil dia Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:548 +msgid "She's so cool." +msgstr "Dia keren banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:549 +msgid "" +"Do you see that thing on her arm? {w=0.35} She drew a giant dagger on it " +"with Sharpie,{w=0.35} like a tattoo." +msgstr "" +"Kamu lihat yang ada di lengannya? {w=0.35} Dia gambar belati pakai Sharpie," +"{w=0.35} kayak tato." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:559 +msgid "" +"And in class, she makes ninja stars out of binder paper and throws them at " +"people." +msgstr "" +"Dan di kelas, dia buat bintang-bintangan ninja dari kertas binder dan " +"melemparnya ke orang-orang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:561 +msgid "She stamps them with staples so they hurt more." +msgstr "Dia pakein staples biar lebih sakit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:562 +msgid "But she never throws them at me." +msgstr "Tapi dia enggak pernah lempar ke aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:565 +msgid "" +"I think it's mainly because I'm the only other girl she knows who likes " +"baseball." +msgstr "" +"Aku pikir itu karena aku satu-satunya cewek lain yang dia kenal yang suka " +"baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:566 +msgid "" +"We both used to think we were the only one in the world. So we were both " +"really excited to meet each other." +msgstr "" +"Kita berdua dulu pikir kita satu-satunya di dunia. Jadi kita berdua semangat " +"banget buat saling ketemu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:567 +msgid "I really like her." +msgstr "Aku sangat menyukainya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:589 +msgid "Watching the pros play baseball always makes me so jealous." +msgstr "Nonton yang pro main baseball selalu bikin aku iri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:591 +msgid "It must be so fun, being on a real team like that." +msgstr "Pasti rame banget, ada di tim asli kayak gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:594 +msgid "The catcher's gone up to the mound for a conference with his pitcher." +msgstr "Sang catcher pergi ke gundukan untuk mengobrol dengan pitchernya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:596 +msgid "" +"For secrecy's sake,{w=0.10} they're talking with their gloves over their " +"mouths." +msgstr "" +"Untuk menjaga rahasia,{w=0.10} mereka bicara dengan sarung tangan menutupi " +"mulut mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:599 +msgid "Someday,{w=0.10} that's gonna be us." +msgstr "Nanti,{w=0.10} itu bakalan jadi kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:602 +msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:603 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?{w=0.26} But how." +msgstr "Tunggu,{w=0.10} apa?{w=0.26} Tapi gimana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:604 +msgid "Your parents won't even let you join my team 'cause you're a girl." +msgstr "" +"Orangtua kamu bahkan enggak bolehin kamu ikut tim aku soalnya kamu cewek." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:605 +msgid "Besides,{w=0.10} when I grow up I'll be a doctor or engineer." +msgstr "" +"Lagian,{w=0.10} pas aku sudah besar aku bakalan jadi dokter atau insinyur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:608 +msgid "Huh? {w=0.26}How come?" +msgstr "Hah? {w=0.26}Kenapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:610 +msgid "My parents said so." +msgstr "Orang tua aku bilang begitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:613 +msgid "So? {w=0.26}My parents said to pass my math test,{w=0.10} and I failed!" +msgstr "" +"Terus? {w=0.26}Orang tua aku bilang biar ulangan mat aku tuntas,{w=0.10} " +"terus aku gagal!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:615 +msgid "That's...{w=0.26}not something to be proud of." +msgstr "Itu...{w=0.26}bukan sesuatu yang bisa dibanggain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:616 +msgid "" +"I don't know how you do it. I wouldn't be able to handle disappointing my " +"parents like that." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak tahu gimana kamu bisa kayak gitu. Aku ga bakal bisa tahan " +"ngecewain orangtua aku kayak gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:617 +msgid "It's like, my worst fear." +msgstr "Itu kayak, ketakutan terbesar aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:620 +msgid "" +"If your worst fear is disappointing your parents, that means your parents " +"effed up." +msgstr "" +"Kalau ketakutan terbesar kamu ngecewain orangtua kamu, berarti ortu kamu " +"ngacau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:621 +msgid "" +"You should be able to do what you want without worrying about what they " +"think." +msgstr "" +"Kamu harusnya bisa lakuin apa yang kamu pingin tanpa khawatirin apa yang " +"mereka pikir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:623 +msgid "I don't know. That seems selfish." +msgstr "Aku enggak tahu. Kedengarannya egois." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:626 +msgid "It's not selfish to choose your own destiny." +msgstr "Enggak egois buat pilih takdir kamu sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:639 +msgid "Right now, we're at the Oakland Coliseum with Min's dad and Jun." +msgstr "Sekarang, kita di Stadion Oakland sama ayah Min dan Jun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:641 +msgid "" +"I guess I should explain where Oakland is, to people who don't live in " +"California." +msgstr "" +"Kayaknya aku harus menjelaskan dimana Oakland, pada orang-orang yang tidak " +"tinggal di California." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:642 +msgid "Do you know where San Francisco is?" +msgstr "Kamu tahu dimana San Fransisco?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:643 +msgid "Well, we're not there. We're like 30 minutes from there." +msgstr "Yah, kita enggak disana. Kita sekitar 30 menit dari sana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:646 +msgid "...Hey, Diya." +msgstr "...Hei, Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:649 +msgctxt "niceTry_9fa2cfca_1" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:660 +msgid "I have something I need to tell you. Something important." +msgstr "Ada sesuatu yang harus aku omongin. Penting." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:665 +msgid "I........uh............" +msgstr "Aku........anu............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:666 +msgid "{slow}................. {/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}.................. {/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:668 +msgid "....Never mind.{w=0.26} Forget it." +msgstr "Enggak jadi.{w=0.26} Lupain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:670 +msgid "{slow}???????{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}???????{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:674 +msgid "I SAID FORGET IT!{w=0.26} DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" +msgstr "AKU BILANG LUPAIN!{w=0.26} GA USAH KHAWATIR!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:676 +msgid "Aren't you having fun right now?!{w=0.26} Are you hungry or anything?" +msgstr "Kamu ga seneng sekarang?!{w=0.26} Kamu laper gak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:679 +msgid "Why are you changing the subject." +msgstr "Kenapa kamu ganti subjeknya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:680 +msgid "If you're trying to distract me,{w=0.10} it's not gonna work." +msgstr "Kalau kamu coba ganggu aku,{w=0.10} ga bakal bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:683 +msgid "Let's go get popcorn and share!" +msgstr "Ayo beli popcorn dan bagi-bagi bareng!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:685 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:687 +msgid "Popcorn is great!{w=0.26} I like popcorn!" +msgstr "Popcorn bagus!{w=0.26} Aku suka popcorn!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:688 +msgid "Min is so nice to me!" +msgstr "Min baik banget sama aku!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:691 +msgid "" +"Just tell me when you're ready to go!{w=0.26}\n" +"The popcorn guy is a few rows behind us." +msgstr "" +"Bilang aja kalau udah siap!{w=0.26}\n" +"Tukang popcornnya ada di belakang kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:700 +msgid "(Use the mouse to interact!)" +msgstr "(Gunakan mouse untuk berinteraksi!)" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:732 +msgid "Look at woman" +msgstr "Lihat wanita" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:741 +msgid "Eat popcorn" +msgstr "Makan popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:750 +msgid "Look at the diamond" +msgstr "Lihat diamond" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:783 +msgid "Look at empty seat" +msgstr "Lihat tempat duduk kosong" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:792 +msgid "Talk to Jun" +msgstr "Bicara dengan Jun" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:801 +msgid "Talk to Min" +msgstr "Bicara dengan Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:810 +msgid "She's cradling something in her arms." +msgstr "Dia menggendong sesuatu di tangannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:812 +msgid "Dog???" +msgstr "Anjing???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:814 +msgid "Diya quickly jogs over to take a look." +msgstr "Diya dengan cepat berlari kecil untuk melihatnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:815 +msgid "To her severe disappointment, it's a baby." +msgstr "Kecewa, ternyata seorang bayi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:817 +msgctxt "lookBaby_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:820 +msgid "I was tricked!!!" +msgstr "Aku ketipu!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:830 +msgid "Diya eats some popcorn." +msgstr "Diya makan beberapa popcorn." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:833 +msgid "10/10.{w=0.26} Would eat again." +msgstr "10/10.{w=0.26} Bakal makan lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:836 +msgid "There's barely any left." +msgstr "Nyaris enggak ada yang tersisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:838 +msgid "Most of it exploded out when the ball landed in the tub." +msgstr "Kebanyakan tumpah keluar waktu bolanya masuk ke ember." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:848 +msgid "Nothing really interesting is happening right now." +msgstr "Nggak ada sesuatu yang menarik yang lagi terjadi sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:851 +msgid "I guess I'll check back later." +msgstr "Aku cek lagi nanti." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:862 +msgid "I think Min is going for the \"Loudest Sound In History\" World Record." +msgstr "" +"Kayaknya Min mau jadi Rekor Dunia \"Suara Paling Keras Dalam Sejarah\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:867 +msgid "" +"{big=+20}WHADDYA MEAN \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\n" +"YOU NEED TO GET SOME GODDAMN LASER EYE SURGERY!!!{/big}" +msgstr "" +"{big=+20}MAKSUDNYA APA \"SAFE\"!!{w=0.26}\n" +"KAMU HARUS OPERASI LASER MATA!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:869 +msgid "{big=+20}I HOPE THE PERSON YOU LIKE LIKES SOMEONE ELSE!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}SEMOGA ORANG YANG KAMU SUKA SUKA SAMA YANG LAIN!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:870 +msgid "{big=+20}GIVE ME A BR{i}EA— {/i}{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}AYOLA— {/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:872 +msgctxt "lookDiamond1_ad56e609" +msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" +msgstr "*uhuk!!!*{w=0.26} *huek!!!*{w=0.26} *huing!!!*" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:876 +msgctxt "lookDiamond1_2819dc88" +msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}...?{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:880 +msgid "...I choked on my own spit..." +msgstr "...Aku kesedek ludah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:882 +msgid "" +"She looks absolutely mortified, {w=0.10}so Diya turns back to the diamond " +"and pretends she didn't see anything..." +msgstr "" +"Dia tampak sangat malu, {w=0.10}jadi Diya berbalik ke arah diamond dan pura-" +"pura tidak melihat apa-apa..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:896 +msgid "Dad" +msgstr "Ayah" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:897 +msgid "Kid" +msgstr "Anak kecil" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:902 +msgid "The visiting team is pitching now." +msgstr "Tim pendatang yang melempar sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:904 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_2819dc88" +msgid "{slow}...?{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}...?{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:906 +msgid "Whoa.{w=0.26} Some kid behind us is talking to his dad." +msgstr "Wah.{w=0.26} Anak di belakang kita ngobrol sama ayahnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:908 +msgid "Dad,{w=0.10} who's that?" +msgstr "Pah,{w=0.10} siapa itu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:909 +msgid "It's Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} He's a knuckleball pitcher." +msgstr "Itu Tim Wakefield!{w=0.26} Dia pitcher knuckleball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:910 +msgid "" +"It's always fun watching these guys.{w=0.26} Knuckleballers are pretty rare." +msgstr "" +"Selalu menyenangkan menonton mereka.{w=0.26} Knuckleballer lumayan langka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:911 +msgid "" +"The movement on that pitch is nuts.{w=0.26} Like a butterfly with hiccups." +msgstr "Gerakan di lemparan itu gila.{w=0.26} Kayak kupu-kupu cegukan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:913 +msgid "" +"Wow...{w=0.26}Some people actually talk to their parents on purpose..." +"{w=0.26}Like,{w=0.10} for fun..." +msgstr "" +"Wow...{w=0.16}Beberapa orang benar-benar sengaja ngobrol sama orangtua " +"mereka...{w=0.16}Kayak,{w=0.10} buat hiburan..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:917 +msgid "" +"I can't even imagine it. {w=0.26}Every time I talk to my parents,{w=0.10} it " +"somehow turns into a lecture about something I did wrong." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak bisa bayangin. {w=0.16}Setiapa kali aku ngobrol sama orangtua aku," +"{w=0.10} entah gimana malah jadi ceramah tentang kesalahan aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:918 +msgid "So I only talk to them now when I absolutely have to." +msgstr "Jadi aku hanya ngobrol sama mereka kalau benar-benar butuh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:921 +msgid "How come they switched catchers,{w=0.10} too?" +msgstr "Kenapa mereka ganti catchernya {w=0.10}juga?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:922 +msgid "Because catching a knuckleball is really unpleasant and difficult." +msgstr "Karena menangkap knuckleball benar-benar gak enak dan susah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:923 +msgid "" +"If you can do it reasonably well —{w=0.26} no one does it REALLY well — " +"{w=0.26}that one skill can keep you on the team. " +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu bisa melakukannya dengan cukup baik —{w=0.26} tidak ada yang " +"melakukannya dengan SANGAT baik — {w=0.26}satu keterampilan itu bisa buat " +"kamu tetap di tim." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:924 +msgid "" +"A lot of knuckleball pitchers end up having one catcher who specializes in " +"catching that pitch just for them." +msgstr "" +"Banyak pelempar knuckleball punya satu catcher yang berspesialisasi dalam " +"menangkap lemparan itu hanya untuk mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:925 +msgid "They're called \"personal catchers.\"" +msgstr "Disebut \"catcher pribadi.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:926 +msgid "" +"For instance,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin always caught Hoyt Wilhelm's knuckleball." +msgstr "" +"Misalnya,{w=0.10} J.C. Martin selalu menangkap knuckleball Hoyt Wilhelm." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:927 +msgid "" +"And Doug Mirabelli always catches Tim Wakefield and his knuckleball for the " +"Red Sox." +msgstr "" +"Dan Doug Mirabellli selalu menangkap Tim Wakefield dan knuckleball dia untuk " +"Red Sox." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:928 +msgid "The two of them even get traded together,{w=0.10} as a set." +msgstr "Mereka berdua bahkan ditukar bersama,{w=0.10} sebagai satu set." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:929 +msgid "It's like a weird baseball marriage." +msgstr "Seperti pernikahan baseball yang aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:931 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_5d8d9189" +msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}..............{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:934 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_76136d66" +msgid "{slow}..............{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}..............{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:937 +msgid "DIYA!!!! I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!!!!" +msgstr "DIYA!!!! AKU ADA IDE BAGUS!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:939 +msgid "" +"I should learn to throw knuckleball, {w=0.26} and you can catch it for me." +msgstr "" +"Aku harus belajar lempar knuckleball, {w=0.26} terus kamu bisa nangkepin " +"buat aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:942 +msgid "Wait. {w=0.26}But didn't they just say it's really hard to catch." +msgstr "" +"Tunggu. {w=0.26}Bukannya mereka barusan bilang kalau itu susah ditangkep." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:945 +msgid "So what? {w=0.26}You're like a baseball goddess!" +msgstr "Terus? {w=0.26}Kamu kan kayak dewi baseball!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:948 +msgid "You're overestimating me." +msgstr "Kamu ngelebih-lebihin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:949 +msgid "I'm not that great." +msgstr "Aku gak sejago itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:950 +msgid "I just got lucky that one time." +msgstr "Aku cuman hoki pas itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:953 +msgid "" +"You've \"gotten lucky\" so many times I don't even know which one you're " +"talking about." +msgstr "" +"Kamu sering banget \"hoki\" sampe aku bahkan gak tau maksud kamu yang mana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:956 +msgid "No, you don't understand. All those were flukes." +msgstr "Enggak, kamu ga ngerti. Itu kebetulan aja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:957 +msgid "" +"They just happened by chance. I don't have a special technique or anything." +msgstr "Itu kebetulan. Aku enggak punya teknik spesial atau apalah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:960 +msgid "Your special technique is being you." +msgstr "Teknik spesial kamu itu jadi diri kamu sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:961 +msgid "You're the best." +msgstr "Kamu yang terbaik." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:964 +msgid "You're putting too much faith in me." +msgstr "Kamu terlalu percaya sama aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm not that good." +msgstr "Aku gak sejago itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:966 +msgid "When you see what I'm really like, you'll be like, \"That's it?\"" +msgstr "" +"Pas kamu lihat aku sebenarnya gimana, kamu pasti bakalan kayak, \"Itu aja?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:969 +msgid "I'll never think that!" +msgstr "Aku enggak bakal mikir kayak gitu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:979 +msgid "Even if I could catch it, are you really willing to be a pitcher?" +msgstr "Bahkan kalau aku bisa nangkep, emang kamu mau jadi pitcher?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:982 +msgid "Why not? {w=0.26}The pitcher is the coolest." +msgstr "Kenapa enggak? {w=0.26}Pitcher paling keren." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:985 +msgid "You're so brave. {w=0.26}I hate pitching." +msgstr "Kamu berani banget. {w=0.26}Aku benci pitching." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:988 +msgid "" +"Why? {w=0.26}You get to stand on the mound and kick ass in front of everyone." +msgstr "" +"Kenapa? {w=0.25}Kamu bisa berdiri di undakan dan jadi keren di depan " +"semuanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:991 +msgid "But that's exactly why." +msgstr "Tapi ya itu sebabnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:992 +msgid "I don't want people watching every move I make." +msgstr "Aku enggak mau orang nonton setiap gerakan yang aku buat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:993 +msgid "" +"Especially if I'm the only girl. {w=0.26}If I mess up, {w=0.26}it'll look " +"like all girls suck at baseball." +msgstr "" +"Apalagi kalau aku satu-satunya cewek. {w=0.26}Kalau aku ngacau, {w=0.26}itu " +"bakal bikin kayak semua cewek ga jago baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:997 +msgid "Then don't mess up." +msgstr "Kalau gitu jangan ngacau" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1000 +msgid "That's hard." +msgstr "Susah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1001 +msgid "It's a situation where you can't help but be scared." +msgstr "Ini situasi dimana kamu enggak bisa enggak takut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1004 +msgid "Anyway, {w=0.26}I'll be there with you." +msgstr "Oh ya, {w=0.26}aku bakal disana sama kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1005 +msgid "" +"If there's two of us,{w=0.26} we {i}both{/i} have to mess up for them to " +"think that." +msgstr "" +"Kalau ada kita berdua,{w=0.26}{i} kita{/i} harus hancurin mereka kalau " +"mereka mikir kayak gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1008 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1011 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_3ae0dff5" +msgid "So don't give up." +msgstr "Jadi jangan nyerah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1012 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "Aku gak akan nyerah kalau kamu gak nyerah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1015 +msgctxt "lookDiamond2_93212e9d" msgid "............." msgstr ".............." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2551 -msgid "Goodbye." -msgstr "Selamat tinggal." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1016 +msgid "That's kind of comforting." +msgstr "Itu lumayan ngehibur." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2554 -msgid "NO!!!" -msgstr "JANGAN!!!" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1017 +msgid "I've always been alone out there." +msgstr "Aku sendirian terus di luar sana." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2557 -msgid "WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING AFTER THAT YOU NASTY FREAK HO???" -msgstr "APA YANG LO HARAPIN ABIS ITU KONTOL???" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1020 +msgid "It'll be you and me against the world!" +msgstr "Bakalan aku sama kamu lawan dunia!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2558 -msgid "PEE GIRL AGAIN??" -msgstr "SI CEWEK PIPIS LAGI??" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1023 +msgid "Okay.{w=0.26} Let's do it." +msgstr "Oke.{w=0.26} Ayo." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2562 -msgid "!!!!!!!!!!" -msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1030 +msgid "The batter hit the ball!{nw}" +msgstr "Batter memukul bolanya!{nw}" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2565 -msgid "MEANIE!!!" -msgstr "JAHAAD!!!" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1032 +msgid "{w=0.26} It pops up foul!" +msgstr "{w=0.26} Bolanya foul!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2566 -msgid "You...YOU DUNG ELF." -msgstr "Lu...KAMPRET LU." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1040 +msgid "It's coming toward us!" +msgstr "Bolanya mengarah kesini!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2568 -msgid "WHAT???" -msgstr "APAAN???" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1051 +msgid "Diya catches the ball in the popcorn bucket!" +msgstr "Diya menangkap bolanya dengan ember popcorn!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2581 -msgid "You know how during metamorphosis, inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar turns to soup?" -msgstr "Kamu tahu pas metamoforsa, di dalam kepompong, ulat berubah jadi sup?" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1053 +msgid "Whoa!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Waah!!!!!!!!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2582 -msgid "It melts into this disgusting muddled goo slushie." -msgstr "Ulatnya meleleh jadi lumpur pekat yang menjijikan." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1054 +msgid "I got so lucky!" +msgstr "Aku hoki!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2583 -msgid "Everyone is a mess when they're growing up. Some people are just better at hiding it than others." -msgstr "Semua orang jadi berantakan pas bertumbuh. Beberapa orang cuman lebih bisa nutupinnya daripada yang lain." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1057 +msgid "{big=+20}YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!{/big}" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2584 -msgid "It's okay to be a flaming dumpster fire." -msgstr "Gapapa jadi api tempat sampah." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1059 +msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} that was— " +msgstr "Wow!{w=0.26} Diya,{w=0.10} itu— " -#: game/4_min.rpy:2585 -msgid "It's okay if you're not what your parents wanted you to be." -msgstr "Tidak apa-apa kalau kamu bukan menjadi apa yang orangtuamu inginkan." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1061 +msgid "{big=+20}SO COOL!!{w=0.26} YOU'RE SO COOL!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}KEREN!!{w=0.26} KAMU KEREN BANGET!!!{/big}" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2586 -msgid "It's okay to change your mind." -msgstr "Enggak apa-apa buat berubah pikiran." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1067 +msgid "Diya fishes the ball out of the half-emptied tub." +msgstr "Diya mengambil bolanya dari ember yang setengah kosong." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2587 -msgid "If you want to be a butterfly, you have to be butterfly soup first." -msgstr "Kalau mau jadi kupu-kupu, kamu harus jadi sup kupu-kupu dulu." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1069 +msgid "I better give this to Jun or Min. " +msgstr "Lebih baik aku kasih Jun atau Min." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2588 -msgid "If you think about it like that, we're all doing pretty good right now. We just don't know it yet." -msgstr "Kalau kamu pikirnya kayak gitu, kita semua baik-baik aja sekarang. Kita cuman belum tahu itu." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1070 +msgid "" +"My parents think I went to study at Noelle's house. {w=0.26}It'd be too " +"suspicious to bring a baseball back." +msgstr "" +"Orangtua aku pikir aku pergi ke rumah Noelle buat belajar. {w=0.26}Bakal " +"terlalu mencurigakan buat pulang bawa baseball." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2589 -msgid "Just keep going." -msgstr "Maju terus." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1072 +msgid "" +"Min sits back down. {w=0.26}Apparently she had gotten up at some point to " +"jump around and scream." +msgstr "" +"Min duduk kembali. {w=0.26}Rupanya dia berdiri untuk melompat-lompat dan " +"berteriak." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2590 -msgid "Keep trying and eventually, you'll find people who like you for the weird fuck-up that you are." -msgstr "Terus coba dan nantinya, lu bakal ketemu orang-orang yang suka lu apa adanya." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1073 +msgid "She still looks really awed." +msgstr "Dia masih terlihat sangat kagum." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2591 -msgid "You deserve to be happy." -msgstr "Lo pantes bahagia." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1076 +msgctxt "lookDiamond3_bf452795" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "Makasih." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2592 -msgctxt "lastChat_3ae0dff5" -msgid "So don't give up." -msgstr "Jadi jangan menyerah." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1078 +msgctxt "lookDiamond3_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2593 -msgctxt "lastChat_7b63ab9f" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1079 +msgid "For what?" +msgstr "Buat apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1082 +msgid "Existing." +msgstr "Hidup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1091 +msgid "Diya holds the ball out to Jun-seo." +msgstr "Diya memberikan bolanya pada Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1094 +msgid "Wow,{w=0.10} thanks!" +msgstr "Wow,{w=0.10} makasih!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1095 +msgid "" +"I don't like baseball that much,{w=0.10} but now I'll always have something " +"to remember you by." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak terlalu suka baseball,{w=0.10} tapi sekarang aku punya sesuatu " +"buat ingat kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1103 +msgid "Diya holds the baseball out to Min." +msgstr "Diya memberikan bolanya pada Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1108 +msgid "Can I really have it?!" +msgstr "Aku boleh ambil?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1110 +msgid "" +"I'll treasure it forever.{w=0.26} If anyone else touches it, I'll kill them." +msgstr "" +"Bakal aku jaga selamanya.{w=0.26} Dan kalau ada yang pegang, bakal aku bunuh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1113 +msgid "That's way too extreme." +msgstr "Itu terlalu ekstrim." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1116 +msgid "" +"It's a big deal,{w=0.10} though!{w=0.26} Now we'll always have something to " +"remember you by." +msgstr "" +"Ini sesuatu yang{w=0.10} penting!{w=0.26} Sekarang kita bakal punya sesuatu " +"buat inget kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1120 +msgctxt "rememberBy_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1121 +msgid "What do you mean,{w=0.10} remember me by." +msgstr "Maksud kamu apa,{w=0.10} inget aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1122 +msgid "That makes it sound like I'm going to die or something. " +msgstr "Itu kedengarannya kayak aku mau mati atau apalah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1127 +msgid "Jun-seo looks alarmed by Diya's response!" +msgstr "Jun-seo terlihat kaget mendengar jawaban Diya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1128 +msgid "Did... {w=0.26}did Min not tell you!?" +msgstr "Emang... {w=0.26}emang Min enggak kasih tahu!?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1133 +msgid "???? ?? ??????????????" +msgstr "???? ?? ??????????????" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1134 +msgid "Tell me what?" +msgstr "Kasih tahu apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1136 +msgid "We're—{w=0.26}{nw}" +msgstr "Kita-{w=0.26}{nw}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1140 +msgid "{cps=+60}{big=+20}SHUT THE HELL YOUR MOUTH!{/big}{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=+60}{big=+20}TUTUP MULUT KAMU!{/big}{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1142 +msgid "What............. {w=0.26}what the heck........" +msgstr "Apa............. {w=0.26}apaan sih........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1150 +msgid "" +"{cps=+60}{big=+20}IT'S NOTHING!!!{w=0.07} FUCK THE SHUT UP!!!{/big}{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=+60}{big=+20}GAPAPA!!!{w=0.07} UDAH BACOT!!!{/big}{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1154 +msgid "Min gets up and runs for it!" +msgstr "Min berdiri dan kabur!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1156 +msgctxt "rememberBy_11d2098a" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1158 +msgid "I've got to go after her!" +msgstr "Aku harus mengejarnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1174 +msgid "" +"Diya chases Min up the steps and down the concourse they arrived through!" +msgstr "Diya mengejar Min ke atas tangga dan ke bawah tempat mereka tiba!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1187 +msgctxt "confession_0bc34ca6" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1199 +msgid "Diya grabs the back of Min's hoodie!" +msgstr "Diya meraih bagian belakang tudung Min!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1206 +msgid "Min loses her balance and face plants onto the carpet!" +msgstr "Min kehilangan keseimbangan dan terjerembab ke karpet!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1211 +msgctxt "confession_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1213 +msgid "Are you oka—" +msgstr "Kamu gak apa-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1218 +msgid "We're moving away." +msgstr "Kita bakalan pindah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1221 +msgid "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}????!?!?!{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1222 +msgctxt "confession_1b5cafe6" +msgid "Where?" +msgstr "Kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1225 +msgid "To Florida. Tomorrow." +msgstr "Ke Florida. Besok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1227 +msgid "Tomorrow?!" +msgstr "Besok?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1228 +msgid "So sudden." +msgstr "Tiba-tiba banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1231 +msgid "It wasn't sudden. I've known for a long time." +msgstr "Gak tiba-tiba. Aku udah tau dari lama." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1232 +msgid "" +"I tried everything to stop it. {w=0.26}I even threatened Dad with a knife." +msgstr "" +"Aku udah coba semuanya biar gak jadi. {w=0.26}Aku bahkan ngancam Papa pake " +"pisau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1235 +msgid "I can't believe it failed!{w=0.26} Violence is always the answer!" +msgstr "Aku enggak percaya aku gagal!{w=0.26} Kekerasan selalu jadi solusinya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1237 +msgid "{slow}.......{/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}.......{/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1238 +msgid "Florida...That's all the way across the country." +msgstr "Florida...Itu di ujung sana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1241 +msgid "There's nothing there except old people." +msgstr "Disana enggak ada apa-apa kecuali orang tua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1243 +msgid "No, alligators live there, too. I saw on Animal Planet." +msgstr "Enggak, buaya juga tinggal disana. Aku lihat di Animal Planet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1245 +msgid "So this is it?" +msgstr "Jadi ini akhirnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1248 +msgid "This is it. Sorry." +msgstr "Ini akhirnya. Maaf." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1250 +msgid "But that's not fair." +msgstr "Tapi itu gak adil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1251 +msgid "We can't even send letters because my parents hate you so much." +msgstr "" +"Kita bahkan enggak bisa kirim surat soalnya orangtua aku benci banget sama " +"kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1252 +msgid "I won't see you the rest of my life." +msgstr "Aku enggak bakal lihat kamu seumur hidup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1256 +msgid "Hey, just because I'm moving doesn't mean we'll never meet again." +msgstr "" +"Hei, cuman gara-gara aku pindah bukan berarti kita enggak bakalan pernah " +"ketemu lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1257 +msgid "" +"If I want to see you and you want to see me, eventually it'll end up " +"happening again, right?" +msgstr "" +"Kalau aku mau ketemu kamu dan kamu mau ketemu aku, ujung-ujungnya itu " +"bakalan terjadi lagi kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1260 +msgid "How do you know?" +msgstr "Gimana kamu tahu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1263 +msgid "I just know!" +msgstr "Ya tahu aja!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1265 +msgid "That's not a reason." +msgstr "Itu bukan alasan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1268 +msgid "Then... {w=0.26}because..." +msgstr "Kalau gitu...{w=0.26}soalnya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1270 +msgid "{slow}.......... {/slow}" +msgstr "{slow}.......... {/slow}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1273 +msgid "" +"Suddenly,{w=0.10} Min seizes Diya's arm!{w=0.26} She looks like she's had an " +"epiphany!" +msgstr "" +"Tiba-tiba,{w=0.10} Min memegang tangan Diya!{w=0.26} Dia terlihat seperti " +"baru saja mendapatkan pencerahan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1274 +msgid "If you say our names together,{w=0.10} it sounds like \"diamond\"!" +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu sebut nama kita barengan,{w=0.10} bakal kedengeran kayak \"diamond" +"\"!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1276 +msgid "What..." +msgstr "Hah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1278 +msgid "Like Diya-Min!" +msgstr "Kayak Diya-Min!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1279 +msgid "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamond... {w=0.26}see?" +msgstr "Diya-Min... {w=0.26}diamond... {w=0.26}tuh kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1280 +msgid "" +"It's even more like it if you say your name wrong,{w=0.2} like DIE-ya " +"instead of Dee-ya." +msgstr "" +"Bakal makin mirip kalau kamu salah sebut nama kamu,{w=0.2} kayak DIE-ya " +"bukannya Dee-ya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1282 +msgid "I'm not saying my name wrong just to make it sound like diamond." +msgstr "Aku ga bakal salah sebut nama aku hanya biar kedengaran kayak diamond." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1285 +msgid "" +"But it's more equal like that! {w=0.26}My name got cut in half to make it " +"work,{w=0.2} so I had to sacrifice something, too." +msgstr "" +"Tapi lebih adil kayak gitu! {w=0.26}Nama aku dipotong setengah biar bisa," +"{w=0.2} jadi aku harus korbanin sesuatu juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1287 +msgid "I already call you Min.{w=0.26} No one says DIE-ya." +msgstr "Aku udah panggil kamu Min.{w=0.26} Ga ada yang bilang DAI-ya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1290 +msgid "The substitute teacher does." +msgstr "Guru pengganti." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1292 +msgid "The substitute teacher sucks." +msgstr "Guru penggantinya payah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1293 +msgid "How did you even think of this?" +msgstr "Kamu kok bisa kepikiran sih?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1296 +msgid "" +"I was checking if our names sounded like anything good together,{w=0.10} " +"like \"baseball.\"" +msgstr "" +"Aku hanya ngecek kalau nama kita kedengaran cocok barengan,{w=0.10} kayak " +"\"baseball.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1298 +msgid "" +"How could it possibly sound like baseball?{w=0.26}\n" +"Our parents would've had to name us \"Base\" and \"Ball\". " +msgstr "" +"Mana bisa kedengaran kayak baseball?{w=0.26}\n" +"Orangtua kita harus namain kita \"Base\" atau \"Ball\". " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1301 +msgid "I know,{w=0.10} I know!" +msgstr "Aku tahu,{w=0.10} aku tahu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1303 +msgid "" +"But still,{w=0.10} it's pretty cool that we match at all,{w=0.10} right?!" +msgstr "Tapi tetap,{w=0.10} keren nama kita cocok,{w=0.10} kan?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1304 +msgid "And it's even baseball related!" +msgstr "Dan itu bahkan ada hubungannya sama baseball!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1306 +msgid "{big=+20}THE UNIVERSE IS SAYING WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}SEMESTA BILANG KITA DITAKDIRKAN BERSAMA!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1308 +msgid "Whoa!! {w=0.26}I guess she's right!!!" +msgstr "Wah!! {w=0.26}Dia bener juga!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1312 +msgid "We'll meet again no matter what!" +msgstr "Kita pasti bakalan ketemu lagi!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1314 +msgid "I'll bet you $100!!" +msgstr "Taruhan $100!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1316 +msgid "Wait. But how are you going to give me the $100 if you lose?" +msgstr "Tunggu. Tapi gimana kamu kasih aku $100 kalau kamu kalah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1319 +msgid "Huh? I just will." +msgstr "Hah? Ya aku bakalan aja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1321 +msgid "No, but if you're able to meet me, that means you won the bet." +msgstr "Nggak, tapi kalau kamu bisa ketemu aku, berarti kamu menang taruhan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1324 +msgid "..........What...?" +msgstr "..........Hah...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1325 +msgctxt "confession_8425f177" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1328 +msgid "Technically, I guess?" +msgstr "Secara teknis, mungkin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1330 +msgid "" +"There's nothing technical about it. You just straight up wouldn't pay me." +msgstr "" +"Enggak ada yang teknis dari itu. Kamu hanya bilang kamu enggak bakalan bayar " +"aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1333 +msgctxt "confession_8425f177_1" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1334 +msgid "There's a long silence..." +msgstr "Ada keheningan yang lama..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1336 +msgid "She still doesn't get it..." +msgstr "Dia masih nggak ngerti..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1339 +msgid "Never mind. It's okay." +msgstr "Abaikan. Gapapa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1344 +msgid "{big=+20}YEAH, WHATEVER!{w=0.26} YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}YA, YA UDAH!{w=0.26} KAMU TAHU MAKSUD AKU APA!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1346 +msgid "The point is,{w=0.10} this isn't the end!" +msgstr "Intinya,{w=0.10} ini bukan yang terakhir!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1348 +msgctxt "confession_7b63ab9f" msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." -msgstr "Gua ga bakal nyerah kalau lu ga nyerah." +msgstr "Aku enggak akan menyerah kalau kamu enggak nyerah." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2594 -msgid "...And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." -msgstr "...Dan kalau ada buaya menyerangmu, serang matanya." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1349 +msgid "Okay?" +msgstr "Oke?" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2595 -msgctxt "lastChat_cce84401" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1351 +msgctxt "confession_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1352 +msgctxt "confession_aa02bf34" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "Aku enggak akan menyerah kalau kamu enggak nyerah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1354 +msgid "And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." +msgstr "Dan kalau ada buaya nyerang kamu, serang matanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1357 +msgctxt "confession_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "Oke!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1375 +msgid "This is Jun-seo's seat." +msgstr "Ini tempat duduk Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1379 +msgid "He went to the bathroom with Dad." +msgstr "Dia ke kamar mandi sama Papa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1384 +msgid "He's been gone for a while now." +msgstr "Dia udah lama pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1388 +msgid "I hope he didn't get lost." +msgstr "Semoga dia enggak hilang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1391 +msgid "Maybe he's taking a dump." +msgstr "Mungkin dia boker." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1402 +msgctxt "saySomething_ce237f07" +msgid "Min." +msgstr "Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1406 +msgid "Yeah?" +msgstr "Ya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Let's go get popcorn" +msgstr "Ayo beli popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Offer her popcorn" +msgstr "Tawari dia popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Talk about school" +msgstr "Bicara tentang sekolah" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Talk about baseball" +msgstr "Bicara tentang baseball" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" +msgstr "Kamu yakin enggak ada yang salah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Give her the baseball" +msgstr "Beri dia baseball" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1413 +msgid "Never mind" +msgstr "Tidak jadi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1435 +msgid "You know, I've been wondering for a while..." +msgstr "Anu, aku udah lama penasaran..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1437 +msgid "" +"If your parents won't let you play baseball, why don't you just play " +"softball instead?" +msgstr "" +"Kalau orang tua kamu ga bolehin kamu main baseball, kenapa kamu enggak main " +"softball aja?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1440 +msgid "Give me your hand. I'll show you." +msgstr "Minta tangan kamu. Aku tunjukkin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1442 +msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1444 +msgid "Diya offers Min her hand." +msgstr "Diya memberikan tangannya pada Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1445 +msgid "Min presses their palms together, so their hands line up." +msgstr "" +"Min menempelkan kedua telapak tangan mereka, sehingga tangan mereka sejajar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1446 +msgid "Her fingertips end a whole inch below Diya's." +msgstr "Ujung jarinya berakhir satu inci di bawah Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1448 +msgid "Her hands are tiny!" +msgstr "Tangannya kecil banget!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1450 +msgid "I guess that makes sense, since her name's Min." +msgstr "Masuk akal, soalnya namanya Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1451 +msgid "The rest of her is mini, too." +msgstr "Dia juga mini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1454 +msgid "My hand is too small to grip a softball correctly." +msgstr "Tangan aku terlalu kecil buat pegang softball dengan benar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1455 +msgid "" +"I can't even pitch them. They always slip out halfway through the wind-up." +msgstr "Aku bahkan enggak bisa lempar. Bolanya selalu lepas setengah jalan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1457 +msgctxt "softball_9fa2cfca_1" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1458 +msgid "Are softballs that much bigger than baseballs?" +msgstr "Softball lebih besar dari baseball kah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1461 +msgctxt "softball_1fb00b78" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1463 +msgid "" +"But that makes no sense. Shouldn't guys play softball and girls play " +"baseball then?" +msgstr "" +"Tapi itu enggak masuk akal. Bukannya kalau gitu harusnya cowok main softball " +"dan cewek main baseball?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1464 +msgid "Since guys usually have bigger hands." +msgstr "Soalnya cowok tangannya lebih besar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1465 +msgid "It's backwards. Why is it designed like that?" +msgstr "Kebalik. Kenapa didesain kayak gitu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1469 +msgctxt "softball_bac6a63f" +msgid "Beats me." +msgstr "Enggak tahu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1478 +msgid "I hope we're in the same class next year." +msgstr "Semoga kita di kelas yang sama tahun depan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1484 +msgid ".......... {w=0.26}Ye... {w=0.26}yeah..." +msgstr ".......... {w=0.26}I... {w=0.26}iya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1485 +msgid "Actually,{w=0.10} about that........ {w=0.26}uh..." +msgstr "Sebenarnya,{w=0.10} itu........ {w=0.26}uh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1488 +msgctxt "iWannaPlay_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1492 +msgid "Never mind! Everything is fine!" +msgstr "Enggak jadi! Gapapa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1494 +msgid "" +"This is really suspicious?){w=0.26}\n" +"(She's acting weird again,{w=0.10} like earlier..." +msgstr "" +"Ini mencurigakan banget?){w=0.26}\n" +"(Dia bertingkah aneh lagi,{w=0.10} kayak tadi..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1496 +msgid "What is it?{w=0.26} Do you not want to be in the same class as me?" +msgstr "Kenapa?{w=0.26} Kamu enggak mau sekelas sama aku?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1500 +msgid "No! {w=0.26}That's not it!" +msgstr "Bukan! {w=0.26}Bukan itu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1501 +msgid "It's just that I won't be....... {w=0.26}Uh........" +msgstr "Hanya aja aku enggak bakalan....... {w=0.26}Uh........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1503 +msgid "Um......." +msgstr "Anu......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1505 +msgid "Forget it......." +msgstr "Enggak jadi......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1507 +msgid "Is this related to what she couldn't tell me before?" +msgstr "Ini ada hubungannya sama apa yang dia enggak bisa kasih tahu tadi kah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1509 +msgid "I bet Jun-seo will know what this is about..." +msgstr "Aku yakin Jun-seo tahu ini maksudnya apa..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1518 +msgid "Are you sure everything is okay?" +msgstr "Kamu yakin semuanya gapapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1523 +msgid "Y-yeah! {w=0.26}Stop worrying!" +msgstr "I-iya! {w=0.26}Ga usah khawatir!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1525 +msgid "I don't think I'm getting anywhere questioning her like this." +msgstr "Kayaknya aku enggak bakalan kemana-mana kalau nanya dia kayak gini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1535 +msgctxt "offerPopcorn_866f89c7" +msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." +msgstr "Diya mengulurkan ember popcornnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1538 +msgctxt "offerPopcorn_d3954095" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "Makasih!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1539 +msgid "Min happily grabs a fistful of popcorn and stuffs it into her mouth." +msgstr "" +"Min dengan senang mengambil segenggam popcorn dan memasukkannya ke dalam " +"mulutnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1546 +msgctxt "walk1_969e5b10" +msgid "Let's go." +msgstr "Ayo pergi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1550 +msgctxt "walk1_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "Oke!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1553 +msgid "Diya and Min got up!" +msgstr "Diya dan Min berdiri!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1561 +msgid "I saw the popcorn guy past these people." +msgstr "Aku lihat tukang popcornnya di antara orang-orang ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1564 +msgid "Min is gawking excitedly at all the baseball fans milling about..." +msgstr "" +"Min melongo dengan penuh semangat pada semua penggemar baseball yang " +"berseliweran ..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1566 +msgid "Look!!{w=0.26} There's so many white people here!!!" +msgstr "Lihat!!{w=0.26} Ada banyak orang kulit putih disini!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1567 +msgid "It's just like on TV!" +msgstr "Kayak di TV!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1570 +msgid "It really is..." +msgstr "Iya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1571 +msgid "" +"The neighborhood we live in is so Asian that I used to think white people " +"were really rare." +msgstr "" +"Lingkungan tempat kita tinggal Asia banget sampai aku tadinya pikir orang " +"kulit putih itu langka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1574 +msgid "Too bad all these people are in our way right now,{w=0.10} though." +msgstr "Sayang semua orang ini ngehalangin jalan kita sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1575 +msgid "We can't get through." +msgstr "Kita enggak bisa lewat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1576 +msgid "I'm going to ask them to move." +msgstr "Aku bakal minta mereka pindah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1578 +msgid "Excuse me." +msgstr "Permisi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1581 +msgid "No one seems to hear her..." +msgstr "Sepertinya tidak ada yang mendengarnya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1583 +msgctxt "walk1_a9db357b" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1584 +msgid "That was the worst." +msgstr "Itu parah banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1585 +msgid "I'm never speaking again. Time to become a mime." +msgstr "Aku enggak akan bicara lagi. Waktunya jadi badut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1589 +msgid "Don't worry, Diya! I'll take care of it." +msgstr "Gapapa, Diya! Aku yang urus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1592 +msgctxt "walk1_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1594 +msgid "" +"Min grabs someone's baseball bat off the ground and starts hitting people " +"with it!" +msgstr "" +"Min mengambil tongkat baseball seseorang dari lantai dan mulai memukul-mukul " +"orang-orang dengannya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1612 +msgid "{big=+20}HEY,{w=0.10} YOU DUMMIES!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}HEI,{w=0.10} BODOH!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1613 +msgid "{big=+20}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}MINGGIR ATAU AKU BUNUH!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1618 +msgid "Startled, people are moving aside..." +msgstr "Terkejut, orang-orang mulai minggir..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1622 +msgid "......" +msgstr "......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1641 +msgid "Look at strangers" +msgstr "Lihat orang asing" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1649 +msgid "Keep walking toward popcorn guy" +msgstr "Jalan terus ke penjual popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1659 +msgid "The strangers glance over in Diya's direction as she walks by." +msgstr "Orang-orang asing itu melirik ke arah Diya saat dia berjalan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1661 +msgid "One whispers something to the other. They both burst out laughing." +msgstr "" +"Ada satu yang membisikkan sesuatu ke yang lain. Mereka berdua tertawa " +"terbahak-bahak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1663 +msgid "Are they laughing at me?" +msgstr "Mereka ketawain aku?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1664 +msgid "I hope not..." +msgstr "Semoga enggak..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1667 +msgid "I can't make out what they're saying." +msgstr "Aku enggak bisa ngerti mereka ngomong apa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1669 +msgid "I hope they're not saying bad stuff about me." +msgstr "Semoga mereka enggak ngomong yang jelek tentang aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1682 +msgid "" +"Min continues to forge a path, leaving a trail of destruction behind her..." +msgstr "" +"Min terus membuat jalan, meninggalkan jejak kehancuran di belakangnya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1699 +msgid "{big=+15}MOVE OR I'LL KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}PINDAH ATAU AKU BUNUH KELUARGA KAMU!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1701 +msgid "{big=+15}EVEN YOUR DANG {i}FISH{/i} WON'T SURVIVE!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}BAHKAN {i}IKAN{/i} KAMU GA BAKAL SELAMAT!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1704 +msgid "" +"{big=+15}I'LL THROW ALL YOUR FISH OUT INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET SO CARS " +"WILL RUN OVER THEM!!{/big}" +msgstr "" +"{big=+15}BAKAL AKU LEMPAR SEMUA IKAN KAMU KE TENGAH JALAN BIAR DILINDES " +"MOBIL!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1709 +msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1711 +msgid "I know this looks bad, but Min really isn't a bad person." +msgstr "Aku tahu ini terlihat buruk, tapi Min bukan orang jahat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1712 +msgid "She always lets me be Luigi in Mario Kart." +msgstr "Dia selalu biarin aku jadi Luigi di Mario Kart." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1713 +msgid "" +"And whenever I land on her space in Monopoly, she says I don't need to pay " +"her." +msgstr "" +"Dan setiap kali aku mendarat di tempatnya dia di Monopoli, dia bilang aku " +"enggak usah bayar dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1716 +msgid "{big=+15}DIEEEEEEEE!!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+15}MATIIIIIII!!!{/big}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1724 +msgctxt "walk2_136db9e2_1" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1725 +msgid "We're almost there now." +msgstr "Kita hampir sampai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1749 +msgid "Look at dog" +msgstr "Lihat anjing" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1758 +msgid "Approach the popcorn guy" +msgstr "Datangi penjual popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1767 +msgid "Popcorn Vendor" +msgstr "Penjual popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1768 +msgid "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn!" +msgstr "Popcorn,{w=0.10} popcoooooorn!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1770 +msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1771 +msgid "He looks busy." +msgstr "Dia terlihat sibuk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1772 +msgid "I give up.{w=0.26} Time to walk away." +msgstr "Aku menyerah.{w=0.26} Waktunya pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1776 +msgid "HEY GRANDPA!! {w=0.26}GIVE US POPCORN OR ELSE!!" +msgstr "WOI KAKEK!! {w=0.26}KASIH KITA POPCORN!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1779 +msgid "...! {w=0.26}Min is so brave." +msgstr "...! {w=0.26}Min berani banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1781 +msgid "Then you better pay up! {w=0.26}These are $10 a bucket!" +msgstr "Kalau begitu bayar! {w=0.26}$10 per ember!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1785 +msgid "$10?!" +msgstr "$10?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1789 +msgid "What a rip-off!!" +msgstr "Mahal banget dih!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1796 +msgid "Min hit the man in the groin with her bat!" +msgstr "Min memukul pria itu di selangkangan dengan tongkatnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1798 +msgid "Oof!" +msgstr "Aduh!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1803 +msgid "The man sinks to the ground as if he's been shot!" +msgstr "Pria itu jatuh ke tanah seolah-olah dia telah tertembak!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1807 +msgid "Min grabs a popcorn bucket out of his tray!" +msgstr "Min mengambil seember popcorn dari nampan miliknya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1809 +msgctxt "approach_17cf63b0_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1812 +msgid "I got it!{w=0.26} Let's go!!" +msgstr "Aku dapet!{w=0.26} Ayo pergi!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1849 +msgid "Look at popcorn guy" +msgstr "Lihat penjual popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1857 +msgid "Walk back to seats" +msgstr "Kembali ke tempat duduk" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1865 +msgid "He's still curled up in pain." +msgstr "Dia masih kesakitan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1867 +msgid "We better go before he recovers and comes after us." +msgstr "Sebaiknya kita pergi sebelum dia sembuh dan ngejar kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1876 +msgid "What a cute dog." +msgstr "Anjingnya imut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1878 +msgid "I want 5 dogs when I grow up.{w=0.26} It'll be like having 5 friends." +msgstr "Aku pingin 5 anjing nanti.{w=0.26} Bakal kayak punya 5 temen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1880 +msgid "Min will probably train them all into attack dogs,{w=0.10} though." +msgstr "Min{w=0.10} kemungkinan bakal ngelatih mereka jadi anjing penyerang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1888 +msgid "Whenever I see a \"Dog missing\" flyer somewhere I worry so much." +msgstr "" +"Setiap kali aku lihat pamflet \"Anjing hilang\" di suatu tempat aku khawatir " +"banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1889 +msgid "Is the dog okay?? I hope it's just digging a hole somewhere." +msgstr "" +"Anjingnya gapapa?? Aku harap dia hanya lagi gali lubang di suatu tempat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1897 +msgctxt "lookDog_1ffdc7ed" +msgid "!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1898 +msgid "It's a dog! Cute dog!" +msgstr "Anjing! Anjing lucu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1903 +msgid "It doesn't look very strong.{w=0.26} I bet I could kill it in one hit." +msgstr "" +"Enggak kelihatan kuat banget.{w=0.26} Aku yakin aku bisa bunuh dia dalam " +"satu pukulan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1906 +msgid "Don't do that.{w=0.26} I'm going to pet it." +msgstr "Jangan gitu.{w=0.26} Aku mau elus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1913 +msgid "Owner" +msgstr "Pemilik" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 +msgid "Ask the owner if you can pet it" +msgstr "Tanya pemiliknya kalau boleh mengelusnya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1916 +msgid "Let Min ask" +msgstr "Biarkan Min bertanya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1919 +msgctxt "lookDog_7d7b582b" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1921 +msgid "" +"All I have to do is ask,{w=0.10} \"Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?\"" +msgstr "" +"Yang harus aku lakuin hanya tanya,{w=0.10} \"Permisi,{w=0.10} kita boleh " +"elus anjingmu?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1922 +msgid "I better practice a few times so I don't mess up when I really say it." +msgstr "Aku sebaiknya latihan beberapa kali biar ga ngacau pas ngomong." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1923 +msgid "" +"Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n" +"{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?)\n" +"{w=0.26}(Excuse me,{w=0.10} can we pet your dog?" +msgstr "" +"Permisi, {w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu kah?)\n" +"{w=0.26}(Permisi,{w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu kah?)\n" +"{w=0.26}(Permisi,{w=0.10} kita boleh elus anjingmu kah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1925 +msgid "Alright.{w=0.26} I got this." +msgstr "Oke.{w=0.26} Aku bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1929 +msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0" +msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" +msgstr "Biarin kita elus anjing kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1932 +msgid "...That works too." +msgstr "...Itu juga bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1937 +msgid "Diya does nothing..." +msgstr "Diya tidak melakukan apa-apa..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1940 +msgid "I don't wanna embarrass myself." +msgstr "Aku enggak mau malu-maluin diri aku sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1942 +msgid "Min threateningly approaches the dog's owner!" +msgstr "Min dengan penuh ancaman mendekati pemilik anjing itu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1945 +msgctxt "lookDog_78544ef0_1" +msgid "Let us pet your dog or else!" +msgstr "Biarin kita elus anjing kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1949 +msgid "Go ahead!{w=0.26} She won't bite." +msgstr "Silahkan!{w=0.26} Dia tidak gigit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1952 +msgid "I'll fight y—" +msgstr "Aku bakal berantem sama ka-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1957 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} He already agreed." +msgstr "Tunggu,{w=0.10} Min.{w=0.26} Dia setuju." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1960 +msgid "...Oh.{w=0.26} Right." +msgstr "...Oh.{w=0.26} Iya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1962 +msgid "Pet dog" +msgstr "Elus anjing" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1964 +msgid "Diya pets the dog." +msgstr "Diya mengelus anjingnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1965 +msgid "The dog closes its eyes and smiles!!!" +msgstr "Anjing itu menutup matanya dan tersenyum!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1967 +msgctxt "petDogChoice_0aef34d8" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1968 +msgid "Diya is almost in tears..." +msgstr "Diya hampir menangis..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1969 +msgid "She's like a living rug." +msgstr "Dia kayak karpet hidup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1977 +msgid "If you had a dog,{w=0.10} what would you name it?" +msgstr "Kalau kamu punya anjing,{w=0.10} mau namain apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1980 +msgid "Good question." +msgstr "Pertanyaan yang bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1982 +msgid "Pom" +msgstr "Pom" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1982 +msgid "Shibe" +msgstr "Shibe" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1985 +msgid "Pom." +msgstr "Pom" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1988 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c" +msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" +msgstr "Nama apaan tuh?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1991 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0" +msgid "Cool name." +msgstr "Namanya keren." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1992 +msgid "It's short for \"Pomeranian\"." +msgstr "Singkatan \"Pomeranian\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1996 +msgid "That's way too simple!" +msgstr "Simpel banget!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:1999 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a" +msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu kamu mau namain apa,{w=0.10} Min?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2004 +msgid "Shibe." +msgstr "Shibe." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2007 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_ad50214c_1" +msgid "What the heck kind of name is that?" +msgstr "Nama apaan tuh?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2010 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_94bacba0_1" +msgid "Cool name." +msgstr "Namanya keren." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2011 +msgid "It's short for \"Shiba Inu.\"" +msgstr "Singkatan \"Shiba Inu.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2014 +msgid "Sounds dumb..." +msgstr "Kedengaran bodoh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2017 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_9dce841a_1" +msgid "Then what would you name your dog,{w=0.10} Min?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu kamu namain apa,{w=0.10} Min?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2025 +msgid "Me?{w=0.26} Hm..." +msgstr "Aku?{w=0.26} Hm..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2027 +msgid "Min is thinking with an intense look on her face..." +msgstr "Min sedang berpikir dengan ekspresi serius di wajahnya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2029 +msgid "Skull Crusher." +msgstr "Skull Crusher." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2033 +msgctxt "dogNameChoice_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2035 +msgid "Diya is silently laughing at her!" +msgstr "Diya diam-diam menertawainya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2037 +msgid "Of course you'd choose a name like that." +msgstr "Udah pasti kamu pilih nama kayak gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2040 +msgid "What!{w=0.26} It's better than [dogName!t]!" +msgstr "Apa!{w=0.26} Itu lebih bagus dari [dogName!t]!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2043 +msgid "What's wrong with [dogName!t]?" +msgstr "Apa yang salah sama [dogName!t]?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2052 +msgid "Okay, I think we're good to go now." +msgstr "Oke, kayaknya kita bisa pergi sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2062 +msgid "Wait. Why would I leave when there's a dog here." +msgstr "Tunggu. Kenapa aku pergi kalau ada anjing disana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2064 +msgid "I have to pet it. " +msgstr "Aku harus elus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2090 +msgid "Oh, it's my dad. Yuck." +msgstr "Oh, itu papa aku. Ih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2094 +msgid "Min's dad is really mad at her for cutting her hair like that." +msgstr "Ayah Min marah banget soalnya dia potong rambut kayak gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2095 +msgid "He's speaking Korean on the phone. I wonder what he's talking about." +msgstr "" +"Dia bicara pakai bahasa Korea di ponselnya. Aku penasaran dia bicara apa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2096 +msgid "Min only taught me 1 through 4 so far." +msgstr "Min hanya ngajarin aku 1 sampai 4 sejauh ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2098 +msgid "Diya must've been frowning without knowing it, because Min speaks up." +msgstr "" +"Diya pasti cemberut tanpa dia sendiri mengetahuinya, karena Min bersuara." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2100 +msgid "Do you wanna learn more?" +msgstr "Mau belajar lagi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2103 +msgctxt "dogHere_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2104 +msgctxt "dogHere_b6399d89" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "Mau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2105 +msgid "How do you say \"Hi\" in Korean?" +msgstr "Gimana cara bilang \"Hai\" dalam bahasa Korea?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2108 +msgid "\"Hi\"?{w=0.26} Easy,{w=0.10} it's..." +msgstr "\"Hai\"?{w=0.26} Gampang,{w=0.10} itu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2110 +msgid "Uh..............{w=0.26}hm." +msgstr "Uh..............{w=0.26}hm." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2113 +msgid "....?" +msgstr "....?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2114 +msgid "Does she not know how to say it?" +msgstr "Dia enggak tahu cara ngomongnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2117 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}...사랑해!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2121 +msgid "\"Sarang eh...?\"" +msgstr "\"Sarang eh...?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2124 +msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2127 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해?{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2130 +msgctxt "dogHere_d465fcc0_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2133 +msgctxt "dogHere_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2136 +msgid "" +"Min is staring at Diya with a really complicated expression on her face..." +msgstr "Min menatap Diya dengan ekspresi yang sangat rumit di wajahnya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2138 +msgid "What.{w=0.26} Am I saying it right?" +msgstr "Apa.{w=0.26} Aku benar ngomongnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2141 +msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} That was good!" +msgstr "I-iya!{w=0.26} Itu bagus!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2144 +msgid "Cool.{w=0.26} Now I can greet you and Jun-seo like this." +msgstr "Keren.{w=0.26} Sekarang aku bisa nyapa kamu sama Jun-seo kayak gini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2147 +msgid "N-no,{w=0.10} wait!{w=0.26} You can't say that to Jun. " +msgstr "Eng-enggak,{w=0.10} bentar!{w=0.26} Kamu ga bisa bilang itu ke Jun. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2150 +msgid "Huh.{w=0.26} Why not?" +msgstr "Hah.{w=0.36} Kenapa enggak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2153 +msgid "Because...{w=0.26}uh...{w=0.26}It's a special kind of hello." +msgstr "Soalnya...{w=0.26}uh...{w=0.26}Itu halo yang spesial." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2155 +msgid "You can only say it to........{w=0.26}certain people.{w=0.26} Like me." +msgstr "" +"Kamu cuman bisa bilang itu ke........{w=0.26}orang tertentu.{w=0.26} Kayak " +"aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2158 +msgid "" +"Oh.{w=0.26} Is it one of those things where if you use the wrong one," +"{w=0.10} it's really bad?" +msgstr "" +"Oh.{w=0.26} Emang itu kayak dimana kalau kamu pake yang salah, {w=0.10} itu " +"parah banget?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2161 +msgid "Y-yeah!{w=0.26} Something like that.{w=0.26} It's tough to explain." +msgstr "I-iya!{w=0.26} Kayak gitu.{w=0.26} Susah jelasinnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2164 +msgid "But it's correct when I say it to you." +msgstr "Tapi benar kalau aku ngomong ke kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2167 +msgctxt "dogHere_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "Iya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2169 +msgid "So only say it to me.{w=0.26} Got it?" +msgstr "Jadi bilang ke aku aja.{w=0.26} Ngerti?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2172 +msgid "Got it." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2174 +msgid "Wow.{w=0.26} Korean is really complicated." +msgstr "Wow.{w=0.26} Bahasa Korea rumit banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2177 +msgid "What about you?{w=0.26} How do you say \"Hi\"?" +msgstr "Kalau kamu?{w=0.26} Gimana cara ngomong \"Hai\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "Teach her \"Hi\"" +msgstr "Ajari dia \"Hai\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2179 +msgid "Teach her \"I like to fart\"" +msgstr "Ajari dia \"Aku suka kentut\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2180 +msgid "{cps=0}What about you? How do you say \"Hi\"?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Kalau kamu? Gimana cara ngomong \"Hai\"?{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2185 +msgid "Hi." +msgstr "Hai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2187 +msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2189 +msgid "Hi?" +msgstr "Hai?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2192 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்?{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2196 +msgctxt "dogHere_3bc51b0a_1" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2198 +msgid "Hi!" +msgstr "Hai!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2200 +msgctxt "dogHere_677f9015" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2208 +msgid "I like to fart." +msgstr "Aku suka kentut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2209 +msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2215 +msgid "What the...? That's so long!" +msgstr "Hah...? Panjang amat!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2216 +msgid "I...uh..." +msgstr "Aku...uh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2218 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font}uh..." +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் ...{/font}uh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2223 +msgctxt "dogHere_5195693e_1" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2226 +msgid "I like to fart!" +msgstr "Aku suka kentut!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2227 +msgctxt "dogHere_0f158bd8" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2232 +msgctxt "dogHere_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2235 +msgid "What's so funny?" +msgstr "Apa yang lucu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2238 +msgid "Nothing. Your pronunciation is great." +msgstr "Enggak. Pelafalan kamu bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2247 +msgid "He's still talking on the phone." +msgstr "Dia masih ngobrol di telepon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2249 +msgid "Doesn't sound like he's using the phrase Min just taught me." +msgstr "" +"Enggak kedengaran kayak dia pake frasa yang baru aja Min ajarin ke aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2250 +msgid "" +"I guess there's not a lot of opportunities to say \"Hi\" in the middle of a " +"conversation." +msgstr "" +"Kayaknya enggak ada banyak kesempatan buat bilang \"Hai\" di tengah-tengah " +"obrolan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2253 +msgid "Hey, let's hurry up and sit down." +msgstr "Hei, ayo cepetan terus duduk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2255 +msgid "Jun-seo is probably wondering where we are." +msgstr "Jun-seo mungkin penasaran kita dimana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2258 +msgid "She's right. Poor Jun-seo." +msgstr "Dia benar. Kasihan Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2295 +msgid "Look at Jun and Min's dad" +msgstr "Lihat ayah Jun dan Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2325 +msgid "There you guys are!" +msgstr "Kalian disitu toh!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2326 +msgid "Where'd you guys go?" +msgstr "Kalian kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2329 +msgid "The dog." +msgstr "Anjing." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2332 +msgid "Diya,{w=0.10} that's... {w=0.26}really cryptic." +msgstr "Diya,{w=0.10} itu...{w=0.26}ambigu banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2334 +msgid "Is it?" +msgstr "Oh iya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2338 +msgid "Here,{w=0.10} take this!" +msgstr "Nih,{w=0.10} ambil!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2339 +msgid "Min gives Diya the popcorn bucket!" +msgstr "Min memberikan Diya ember popcornnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2341 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2344 +msgid "Min, where'd you get that bat...?" +msgstr "Min, dapet tongkatnya dari mana...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2345 +msgid "Please don't tell me you did something bad..." +msgstr "Tolong jangan bilang kamu macem-macem..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2347 +msgid "Yeah! It was fun!" +msgstr "Iya! Seru banget!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2349 +msgid "No! You have to stop stealing and threatening people!" +msgstr "Enggak! Kamu harus berhenti nyuri dan ngancam orang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2350 +msgid "It's dangerous! What if someone came after you?" +msgstr "Bahaya! Gimana kalau ada yang kejar kamu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2352 +msgid "I'd beat them!" +msgstr "Bakal aku pukulin!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2353 +msgid "Even if there was a bear, I'd kill it with my bare hands." +msgstr "Bahkan kalau ada beruang, aku bakal bunuh pakai tangan kosong." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2355 +msgid "Min, that's impossible." +msgstr "Min, itu enggak mungkin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2357 +msgid "I'll punch it real hard in the head like {i}WHAM!!!{/i}" +msgstr "Aku bakal pukul kepalanya keras banget kayak {i}HIAT!!!{/i}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2359 +msgctxt "sitBackDown_79937b81" +msgid "Dead." +msgstr "Mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2361 +msgid "It's not that easy. You'll just get mauled." +msgstr "Enggak segampang itu. Kamu hanya bakalan diterkam." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2363 +msgid "Yeah, right. I'll dodge." +msgstr "Enggak lah. Aku bakal ngehindar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2364 +msgid "I bet I can kill two different bears at once." +msgstr "Aku yakin aku bisa bunuh dua beruang berbeda sekaligus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2366 +msgid "Min, no..." +msgstr "Min, jangan..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2368 +msgid "It's useless. I don't think Min's brain even knows what fear is." +msgstr "Enggak berguna. Kayaknya otak Min bahkan enggak kenal takut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2371 +msgid "Geez,{w=0.10} Jun. You really sound like Noelle sometimes." +msgstr "Yaelah,{w=0.10} Jun. Kadang kamu kedengaran kayak Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2373 +msgid "Noelle is my best friend." +msgstr "Noelle sahabat aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2374 +msgid "" +"She's the kid in class who goes,{w=0.10} \"But wait,{w=0.10} you forgot to " +"collect our homework!\"" +msgstr "" +"Dia anak di kelas yang ngomong,{w=0.10} \"Tapi tunggu,{w=0.10} kamu lupa " +"ngumpulin PR kita!\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2375 +msgid "" +"I introduced Min to her a while back, but it was like hate at first sight." +msgstr "" +"Aku kenalin dia ke Min, tapi mereka kayak benci dalam pandangan pertama." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2376 +msgid "I think Min wants to kill her." +msgstr "Aku kira Min mau bunuh dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2380 +msgid "" +"Someday when Diya decides she doesn't like Noelle anymore, I'll kill her." +msgstr "" +"Nanti waktu Diya mutusin dia enggak suka Noelle lagi, aku bakal bunuh dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2382 +msgid "I'll kill her to death." +msgstr "Aku bakal bunuh dia sampe mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2385 +msgid "Don't do that." +msgstr "Jangan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2388 +msgid "" +"Even though Noelle is taller than you,{w=0.10} someday I'll be the tallest!" +msgstr "" +"Meski Noelle lebih tinggi dari kamu, {w=0.10}nanti aku bakalan jadi yang " +"paling tinggi!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2389 +msgid "I won't lose to her!" +msgstr "Aku enggak bakal kalah sama dia!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2391 +msgid "What does that have to do with anything?" +msgstr "Hubungannya apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2394 +msgid "" +"Also,{w=0.10} if I was peeling an orange for you,{w=0.10} I'd make sure to " +"get all the white stringy stuff off,{w=0.10} too." +msgstr "" +"{w=0.10}Kalau aku lagi kupasin jeruk buat kamu,{w=0.10} Aku bakal pastiin " +"aku buang serat putihnya{w=0.10} juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2395 +msgid "I bet Noelle wouldn't do that." +msgstr "Aku yakin Noelle nggak bakal gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2399 +msgid "What the heck kind of scenario is this?" +msgstr "Skenario macam apa ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2400 +msgid "Why would you guys even be peeling oranges for me." +msgstr "Kenapa kalian bahkan ngupasin aku jeruk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2403 +msgid "Just because.{w=0.26} Forget it." +msgstr "Ya gapapa.{w=0.26}Lupain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2420 +msgid "Jun-seo." +msgstr "Jun-seo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgid "Offer him popcorn" +msgstr "Tawari dia popcorn" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "havingFun_5043e3e2" +#| msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2427" +msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgstr "Ada sesuatu sama Min?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2427 +msgid "Give him the baseball" +msgstr "Beri dia baseball" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2439 +msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_866f89c7" +msgid "Diya holds out the popcorn bucket." +msgstr "Diya mengulurkan ember popcornnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2442 +msgctxt "offerJPopcorn_f09ff667" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "Makasih!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2443 +msgid "Jun-seo took a single piece of popcorn!" +msgstr "Jun-seo mengambil satu buah popcorn!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2445 +msgid "You can take more than that." +msgstr "Kamu bisa ambil lebih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2447 +msgid "Really?{w=0.26} You're so nice!" +msgstr "Beneran?{w=0.26} Kamu baik banget!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2448 +msgid "Jun-seo took another single piece of popcorn!" +msgstr "Jun-seo mengambil satu popcorn lagi!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2455 +msgctxt "havingFun_5043e3e2" +msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +msgstr "Ada sesuatu sama Min?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2457 +msgid "Like,{w=0.10} did she do a felony?{w=0.26} Are the police after her?" +msgstr "" +"Kayak, {w=0.10} dia ngelakuin kejahatan kah? {w=0.26} Polisi lagi ngejar dia?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2460 +msgid "Uh... {w=0.26}not that I know of?{w=0.26} Why?" +msgstr "Uh... {w=0.26}enggak sih setahu aku?{w=0.26} Kenapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2462 +msgid "" +"She's been acting kinda weird all day. {w=0.26}It's like she's hiding " +"something." +msgstr "Dia agak aneh seharian. {w=0.26} Kayaknya dia nyembunyiin sesuatu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2465 +msgid "Really?{w=0.26} I haven't noticed anything odd..." +msgstr "Oh ya?{w=0.26} Aku belum nyadar ada yang aneh sih..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2467 +msgid "" +"Huh.{w=0.26} I guess if even Jun-seo isn't concerned,{w=0.10} everything is " +"fine." +msgstr "" +"Oh.{w=0.26} Kalau Jun-seo enggak khawatir,{w=0.10} semuanya baik-baik aja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2468 +msgid "Phew. I can just enjoy the game without worrying now." +msgstr "Fuh. Sekarang aku bisa nikmatin permainannya tanpa khawatir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2516 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "ay_cf977472" +#| msgid "???" +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2516" +msgid "???" +msgstr "???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2535 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2545" +#| msgid "dude" +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2535" +msgid "dude" +msgstr "bro" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2555 +msgid "5 Years Later" +msgstr "5 Tahun Kemudian" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2559 +msgid "9th grade" +msgstr "Kelas 9" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2572 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2574 +msgid "I have to get ready for school!" +msgstr "Aku harus siap-siap ke sekolah!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2581 +msgctxt "ch2_aaf68681" +msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." +msgstr "Diya memukul alarmnya dan menjatuhkan dirinya ke tempat tidur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2585 +msgid "" +"Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about " +"how tired she is. " +msgstr "" +"Rutinitas pagi Diya termasuk terbaring di tempat tidur selama 10 menit " +"memikirkan betapa capeknya dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2587 +msgid "" +"{cps=0}Diya's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking " +"about how tired she is. {/cps}" +msgstr "" +"{cps=0}Rutinitas pagi Diya termasuk terbaring di tempat tidur selama 10 " +"menit memikirkan betapa capeknya dia. {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2587 +msgid "Do it" +msgstr "Lakukan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2590 +msgid "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." +msgstr "Ghhhhgghghhhh...kkkgghhhhhh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2591 +msgid "I only got 2 hours of sleep..." +msgstr "Aku cuman tidur dua jam..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2592 +msgid "Nnnnooooooooooooo......I don't wanna get up..." +msgstr "Ggggaaaaaaaaakkkk......Aku gak mau bangun..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2593 +msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." +msgstr "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2594 +msgid "10 minutes pass like this." +msgstr "10 menit berlalu seperti ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2595 +msgid "" +"Once the allotted time is up, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the " +"mattress and stands." +msgstr "" +"Saat waktunya sudah habis, Diya tanpa semangat melepaskan diri dari kasur " +"dan berdiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2599 +msgid "" +"After stretching for a few moments, she starts getting ready for school." +msgstr "Setelah melakukan peregangan sebentar, dia bersiap untuk sekolah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2606 +msgctxt "ch2_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2607 +msgctxt "ch2_c66f35de" +msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." +msgstr "Temen sekelas aku Akarsha ngirimin aku pesan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2625 +msgid "Check your computer" +msgstr "Lihat komputer" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2632 +msgctxt "ay_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2634 +msgctxt "ay_5de121ba" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "ei" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2635 +msgctxt "ay_9266357c" +msgid "ay diya" +msgstr "ey diya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2636 +msgctxt "ay_076b730f" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "ey" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2638 +msgctxt "ay_b771df90" +msgid "ayy" +msgstr "eyy" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2639 +msgid ":)))))))))))))))))" +msgstr ":))))))))))))))))))" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2640 +msgctxt "ay_1acbd9bd" +msgid "What" +msgstr "Apa" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2641 +msgid "diya u like pringles, right?" +msgstr "diya lw suka pringles kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2642 +msgid ":o" +msgstr ":o" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 +msgid ">Yeah" +msgstr ">Ya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2646 +msgid ">No" +msgstr ">Tidak" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2650 +msgid "Yeah, why" +msgstr "Iya, kenapa" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2651 +msgctxt "ay_c07c5669" +msgid "?" +msgstr "?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2653 +msgid "go outside" +msgstr "pergi keluar" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2654 +msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c" +msgid "xD" +msgstr "xD" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2655 +msgctxt "ay_8642d046" +msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." +msgstr "YAOI SEME telah offline." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2660 +msgctxt "ay_cf977472" +msgid "???" +msgstr "???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2665 +msgid "No, why" +msgstr "Enggak, kenapa" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2667 +msgctxt "ay_c07c5669_1" +msgid "?" +msgstr "?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2669 +msgctxt "ay_e2a1e065" +msgid "darn" +msgstr "yah" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2670 +msgid "nvm then" +msgstr "gjd" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2671 +msgid "just being random" +msgstr "ngasal aja" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2672 +msgctxt "ay_a2bbef2c_1" +msgid "xD" +msgstr "xD" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2674 +msgctxt "ay_8642d046_1" +msgid "YAOI SEME has gone offline." +msgstr "YAOI SEME telah offline." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2683 +msgctxt "ay_cf977472_1" +msgid "???" +msgstr "???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2685 +msgid "I wonder what that was about." +msgstr "Aku penasaran tadi apaan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2697 +msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "Diya pergi keluar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2700 +msgid "There's a lone Pringle sitting on the ground." +msgstr "Ada satu Pringle di tanah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2703 +msgctxt "ay_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "......................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2710 +msgctxt "ay_fdd5289a_1" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "Diya pergi keluar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2713 +msgid "Ayyy!" +msgstr "Ayyy!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2722 +msgid "Sup, homie." +msgstr "Wasap, bro." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2724 +msgid "This is Akarsha." +msgstr "Ini Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2726 +msgid "She's the kind of person who doesn't give pencils back." +msgstr "Dia tipe orang yang enggak balikin pensil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2727 +msgid "" +"You know when you become friends with someone just because you have to see " +"them so much?" +msgstr "" +"Kamu tahu waktu kamu temenan sama seseorang hanya gara-gara kamu harus " +"sering lihat mereka?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2728 +msgid "Yeah.{w=0.26} That's us." +msgstr "Ya.{w=0.26} Itu kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2729 +msgid "" +"My parents are always saying I should be more outgoing like her, like that's " +"something I can just change." +msgstr "" +"Orangtua aku selalu bilang aku harus lebih terbuka kayak dia, kayak itu " +"sesuatu yang bisa aku ubah aja sih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2732 +msgid "Hey Diya,{w=0.10} you know what's the best weed?" +msgstr "Hei Diya,{w=0.10} lu tahu weed apa yang paling bagus?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2734 +msgid "It's when.... {w=0.26}I'm WEED you........" +msgstr "Itu... {w=0.26}when aim WEED yu........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2736 +msgctxt "ay_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2740 +msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her..." +msgstr "Diya dengan cepat mulai berjalan pergi tanpa dia..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2742 +msgid "Aw,{w=0.10} you're no fun." +msgstr "Yah,{w=0.10} lu ga rame." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2744 +msgid "Have it your way. {w=0.26}Burger King." +msgstr "Terserah lu aja. {w=0.26}Burger King." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2754 +msgid "Akarsha is half-jogging to keep up with Diya." +msgstr "Akarsha setengah berlari mengejar Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2756 +msgid "Hey Diya..." +msgstr "Woi Diya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2758 +msgid "Did you know that your eye has something called \"immune privilege\"?" +msgstr "" +"Lu tau gak kalau mata lu punya sesuatu yang namanya \"keuntungan imunitas\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2759 +msgid "" +"This basically means that the outside of your eye prevents your immune " +"system from knowing about the inside of your eye." +msgstr "" +"Intinya bagian luar mata lu nyegah sistem imun lu dari tau tentang bagian " +"dalam mata lu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2760 +msgid "If it didn't, your immune system would destroy your eyes." +msgstr "Kalau kagak, sistem imun lu bakal hancurin mata lu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2763 +msgid "That doesn't sound right." +msgstr "Itu enggak kedengaran benar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2764 +msgid "I don't believe you." +msgstr "Aku enggak percaya kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2767 +msgid "Why not?" +msgstr "Kenapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2770 +msgid "Because you lie to me all the time." +msgstr "Soalnya kamu bohong terus ke aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2771 +msgid "Noelle said not to trust you no matter what." +msgstr "Kata Noelle jangan percaya sama kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2775 +msgid "Wait,{w=0.10} what?!{w=0.26} When?" +msgstr "Bentar,{w=0.10} hah?!{w=0.26} Kapan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2778 +msgid "" +"When we first met you this year.{w=0.26} After you accused her of being a " +"robot with artificially implanted human emotions." +msgstr "" +"Pas aku pertama kali ketemu kamu tahun ini.{w=0.26} Habis kamu nuduh dia " +"robot dengan implan perasaan manusia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2781 +msgid "Hey,{w=0.10} she got annoyed when I pressed a magnet to her head." +msgstr "Hei,{w=0.10} dia kesel pas gua tempelin magnet ke kepalanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2782 +msgid "That means she's a Replicant and it was messing with her circuits." +msgstr "Itu berarti dia Replicant dan itu ngancurin sirkuit dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2783 +msgid "Checkmate." +msgstr "Skakmat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2786 +msgid "No.{w=0.26} She was annoyed because you pressed a magnet to her head." +msgstr "Enggak.{w=0.26} Dia kesal soalnya kamu nempelin magnet ke kepalanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2789 +msgid "" +"Aw,{w=0.10} come ooonnnnnn!{w=0.26} I was just trying to make a good first " +"impression!" +msgstr "" +"Ih,{w=0.10} ayolaaaaaaahh!{w=0.26} Gua kan cuma berusaha bikin kesan pertama " +"yang bagus!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2791 +msgid "What's a girl to do?" +msgstr "Cewek harus ngapain?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2794 +msgid "Not that." +msgstr "Bukan itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2797 +msgid "Poor me..." +msgstr "Kasihan gua...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2800 +msgid "No one feels sorry for you!" +msgstr "Ga ada yang kasihan sama kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2810 +msgid "" +"There's a bunch of adults dressed in yellow at the intersection, waving " +"signs." +msgstr "" +"Ada sekelompok orang dewasa berpakaian kuning di persimpangan, melambaikan " +"papan tanda." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2812 +msgid "...What is that?" +msgstr "...Itu apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2815 +msgid "They're trying to take away gay marriage." +msgstr "Mereka nyoba ngilangin pernikahan sesama jenis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2818 +msgid "Gay marriage is allowed?" +msgstr "Pernikahan sesama jenis dibolehin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2821 +msgid "Dude, it's been legal for a few years now." +msgstr "Bro, udah legal dari kapan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2824 +msgid "Oh. Wasn't paying attention." +msgstr "Oh. Enggak merhatiin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2828 +msgid "Sign-toting man" +msgstr "Pria pembawa penanda" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2829 +msgid "Protect marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" +msgstr "Lindungi pernikahan! Ya pada Prop 8!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2830 +msgid "Marriage equals 1 man and 1 woman!" +msgstr "Pernikahan sama dengan 1 pria dan 1 wanita!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2831 +msgid "" +"A smiling woman with a baby strapped to her back brandishes her sign as Diya " +"and Akarsha walk past. " +msgstr "" +"Seorang wanita yang tersenyum dengan bayi terikat di punggungnya " +"mengacungkan papan tandanya saat Diya dan Akarsha berjalan melewatinya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2832 +msgid "" +"It says:\n" +"I <3 my Gay brother\n" +"Still YES on 8!" +msgstr "" +"Tulisannya:\n" +"Aku <3 adikku yang Gay\n" +"Tetap YA untuk 8!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2834 +msgid "What kind of cognitive dissonance..." +msgstr "Disonansi kognitif macam apaan..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2847 +msgctxt "ay_df3f6405" +msgid "Hey, Diya..." +msgstr "Hei, Diya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2849 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?" +msgstr "Lu mau gak makan orang kerdil 2 inci hidup-hidup buat 100 juta dollar?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "I'd eat him" +msgstr "Aku makan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2851 +msgid "I wouldn't eat him" +msgstr "Aku enggak akan makan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2852 +msgid "" +"{cps=0}Would you eat a tiny 2 inch person alive for 100 million dollars?{/" +"cps}" +msgstr "" +"{cps=0}Lu mau gak makan orang kerdil 2 inci hidup-hidup buat 100 juta dollar?" +"{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2863 +msgid "Diya nods!" +msgstr "Diya mengangguk!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2867 +msgid "Dang. {w=0.26}You wouldn't feel bad at all?" +msgstr "Njir. {w=0.26}Lu engga ngerasa bersalah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2868 +msgid "You realize he dies?" +msgstr "Lu nyadar dia mati?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2872 +msgid "But he tastes like Cheetos." +msgstr "Tapi rasanya kayak Cheetos." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2875 +msgid "So? He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!" +msgstr "Terus? Dia masih orang beneran,{w=0.10} woi!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2878 +msgid "" +"Why would they make him taste like Cheetos if you're not supposed to eat him?" +msgstr "" +"Kenapa mereka buat dia rasanya kayak Cheetos kalau kamu ga boleh makan dia?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2881 +msgid "But he's only 2 inches tall." +msgstr "Tapi dia hanya 2 inci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2884 +msgid "" +"He's still a real dude,{w=0.10} man!{w=0.26} What are you,{w=0.10} some " +"kinda short people hater?!" +msgstr "" +"Dia masih orang beneran,{w=0.10} woi!{w=0.26} Lu apaan,{w=0.10}pembenci " +"orang pendek?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2887 +msgid "" +"This is on a whole other level from \"short\"!){w=0.26}\n" +"(His brain must be the size of a pea!" +msgstr "" +"Ini udah bukan \"pendek\" lagi!){w=0.26}\n" +"(Otaknya harusnya sebesar kacang polong!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2890 +msgid "Dude, imagine... {w=0.26}What if you were the tiny guy?" +msgstr "Woi, bayangin... {w=0.26}Gimana kalau lu kerdilnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2891 +msgid "If I were him,{w=0.10} I'd go into a total panic." +msgstr "Kalau gua dia sih,{w=0.10} gua bakalan panik." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2893 +msgid "I would scream and squirm. {w=0.26}I wouldn't wanna get eaten." +msgstr "Gua bakalan teriak dan menggeliat.{w=0.26} Gua ga mau dimakan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2901 +msgctxt "wouldntEat_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "Enggak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2903 +msgid "He'd probably taste horrible." +msgstr "Paling rasanya ga enak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2905 +msgid "People have so many bones. {w=0.26}It'd be like eating a fish." +msgstr "Orang punya banyak tulang. {w=0.26}Itu bakalan kayak makan ikan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2908 +msgid "That's the only reason you wouldn't do it?" +msgstr "Itu satu-satunya alasan lu gak mau ngelakuin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2909 +msgid "Are you sayin' you'd eat him if he was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} a Cheeto?" +msgstr "" +"Maksud lu, lu bakalan makan dia kalau dia,{w=0,10}kayak,{w=0,10} Cheeto?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2912 +msgid "" +"What do you mean. {w=0.26}Like a talking Cheeto with human intelligence." +msgstr "" +"Maksud kamu apa. {w=0.26}Kayak Cheeto ngomong dengan kecerdasan manusia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2915 +msgid "" +"No,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} he's still a human dude but he somehow has the " +"taste and texture of a Cheeto." +msgstr "" +"Kagak, {w=0.10}kayak, {w=0.10} dia masih manusia tapi gimana caranya dia " +"punya rasa sama tekstur Cheeto." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2918 +msgid "What the heck... {w=0.26}This is getting pretty abstract." +msgstr "Apaan sih.. {w=0.26}Ini jadi agak abstrak.." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2927 +msgctxt "wouldntEat2_57e599f4" +msgid "Diya shakes her head." +msgstr "Diya menggelengkan kepalanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2930 +msgid "Wow!{w=0.26} Now I know you're a true homie." +msgstr "Wow! {w=0.26} Sekarang gua tau lu homie sejati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2931 +msgid "Homie G Biscuit Skillet Dawg" +msgstr "Homie G Biscuit Skillet Dawg" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2934 +msgid "Great..." +msgstr "Bagus..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2939 +msgid "Why are we even talking about this..." +msgstr "Kenapa kita bahas ini..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2957 +msgid "We made it to school." +msgstr "Kita sampai di sekolah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2959 +msgid "I should go to my locker first before going to class." +msgstr "Aku sebaiknya pergi ke locker dulu sebelum ke kelas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2962 +msgid "Suddenly, Akarsha takes off running." +msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Akarsha berlari pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2965 +msgctxt "chapter3_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "...?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2966 +msgid "Where are you going?" +msgstr "Mau kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2971 +msgid "Huh? It's pee-pee time." +msgstr "Hah? Mau pipis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2973 +msgid "Can you...not say things like that?" +msgstr "Kamu bisa...engga ngomong kaya gitu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2979 +msgctxt "chapter3_2ed201c8" +msgid "Akarsha left..." +msgstr "Akarsha pergi..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2984 +msgctxt "chapter3_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:2985 +msgid "She never takes a day off from being weird." +msgstr "Dia enggak pernah enggak aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3009 +msgid "Use locker" +msgstr "Gunakan loker" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3018 +msgid "Go to class" +msgstr "Pergi ke kelas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3045 +msgctxt "lookBush_bbb27231" +msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" +msgstr "OH MY GOD!!!! GUA GA PERCAYA!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3048 +msgctxt "lookBush_f2fff244" msgid "What?" msgstr "Apa?" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2596 -msgid "That's what I told Min last time she said that line. The not giving up." -msgstr "Itu apa yang aku kasih tahu Min terakhir kali dia ngomong itu. Bagian jangan menyerah." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3051 +msgctxt "lookBush_2a42d072" +msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "INI...INI SEMAK-SEMAK!!!!!!!!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2597 -msgid "I have trivia like that, too!" -msgstr "Gua punya trivia gitu juga!" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3052 +msgctxt "lookBush_588540e7" +msgid "I never would've guessed!" +msgstr "Gua gak bakal bisa nebak!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2598 -msgid "If you're walking on the sidewalk and see a car coming toward you..." -msgstr "Kalau lu jalan di trotoar dan lihat mobil datang ke arah lu..." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3055 +msgctxt "lookBush_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "................" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2599 -msgid "Instead of moving forward or backwards, go directly left or right toward the nearest obstacle you see." -msgstr "Daripada maju atau mundur, langsung pergi ke kanan atau kiri ke arah halangan paling dekat yang lu lihat." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3059 +msgctxt "lookBush_f5a3cd1f" +msgid "FASCINATING!!!" +msgstr "HEBAT!!!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2600 -msgid "Why left or right? I don't get it." -msgstr "Kenapa kanan atau kiri? Gue gak ngerti." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3060 +msgctxt "lookBush_beb8360c" +msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" +msgstr "Ayo kita pantengin terus daripada ngerjain sesuatu yang berguna!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2601 -msgid "There's normally too little time to judge the car's direction. Moving directly perpendicular to how you're facing is your best bet." -msgstr "Biasanya waktunya terlalu sedikit buat nebak arah mobil. Gerak langsung tegak lurus ke arah yang lu hadapin tuh taruhan terbaik lu." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3069 +msgid "" +"Did you know these things are connected to the school's computer network?" +msgstr "Lu tau gak kalau ini tuh nyambung sama jaringan komputer sekolah?" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2602 -msgid "I was looking up how to survive if a car drives into you as a pedestrian." -msgstr "Gua nyari cara selamat kalau ada mobil datang ke arah lu kalau jadi pejalan kaki." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3071 +msgid "There's a cat 5 coming out of it." +msgstr "Ada 5 kucing keluar dari situ." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2603 -msgid "I already told you, I'll just hit the car out of the way." -msgstr "Udah gue bilang, gue bakal hantam mobilnya." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3078 +msgid "Yeah, right." +msgstr "Ya." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2604 -msgid "This turned into a random advice session." -msgstr "Ini berubah jadi sesi nasihat tidak disengaja." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3080 +msgid "Too scary." +msgstr "Ngeri." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2605 -msgid "End this conversation. Otherwise we'll be standing here forever." -msgstr "Sudahi ini. Kalau tidak kita akan berdiri disini selamanya." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3088 +msgctxt "lookPoster_656a56ba" +msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" +msgstr "Posternya bertuliskan \"Kurangi stress!\"" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2606 -msgid "Okay, I'm ending it now. Bye." -msgstr "Oke, gue selesain sekarang. Bye." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3092 +msgctxt "lookPoster_1eeb501c" +msgid "HahaHAH!!" +msgstr "HahaHAH!!" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2685 -msgid "So which one do you want?" -msgstr "Jadi mau yang mana?" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3093 +msgctxt "lookPoster_af616955" +msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" +msgstr "Gimana mereka ngeharepin kita gitu coba?" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2687 -msgid "Don't know." -msgstr "Ga tahu." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3095 +msgctxt "lookPoster_b73af55a" +msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" +msgstr "Ga ke sekolah?{w=0.26} Nyingkirin ortu kita?" -#: game/4_min.rpy:2688 -msgid "Which dog friend do you want, Shibe." -msgstr "Mau anjing yang mana, Shibe." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3109 +msgid "Diya opens her locker." +msgstr "Diya membuka lokernya." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2690 -msgid "Hearing his name, Shibe turns brightly to Diya, tongue lolling out." -msgstr "Mendengar namanya, Shibe menengok dengan girang pada Diya, lidahnya menjulur keluar." +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3113 +msgid "This is technically both me and Noelle's locker." +msgstr "Secara teknis ini loker aku dan Noelle." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2691 -msgid "His frog raincoat makes a crinkling sound against Min's arms as he wags his tail." -msgstr "Jas hujan kataknya membuat suara kerutan di lengan Min saat dia mengibas-ngibaskan ekornya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2692 -msgid "He's too nice. He likes all of them." -msgstr "Dia terlalu baik. Dia suka semuanya." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2693 -msgid "Diya peers down at a pomeranian in the enclosure." -msgstr "Diya melihat ke seekor pomeranian di kandang." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2694 -msgctxt "epilogue_57537cff" -msgid "....!" -msgstr "....!" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2695 -msgid "This one. Reminds me of you." -msgstr "Yang ini. Mirip kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2697 -msgid "How?" -msgstr "Gimana?" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2698 -msgid "Small, but thinks she's invincible." -msgstr "Kecil, tapi dia pikir dia gak bisa dikalahin." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2699 -msgid "Hey..." -msgstr "Woi..." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2700 -msgid "It's a charm point. I love you for it." -msgstr "Aku sayang kamu gara-gara itu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2705 -msgid "Diya picks the little pomeranian up and gazes into her black, soulless eyes." -msgstr "Diya mengangkat seekor pomeranian kecil dan menatap matanya yang hitam dan kosong." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2706 -msgid "Your name is Pom." -msgstr "Nama kamu Pom." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:44 -msgid "2nd grade" -msgstr "Kelas 2" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:109 -msgid "50%%" -msgstr "50%" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:109 -msgid "80%%" -msgstr "80%" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:109 -msgid "100%%" -msgstr "100%%" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:211 -msgid "Boy" -msgstr "Anak laki-laki" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:212 -msgid "Another boy" -msgstr "Anak laki-laki lain" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:340 -msgid "Boys" -msgstr "Anak laki-laki" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:558 -msgid "Look at TV" -msgstr "Lihat TV" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:568 -msgid "Talk to Hayden" -msgstr "Bicara pada Hayden" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:584 -msgid "Approach the counter" -msgstr "Pergi ke konter" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:590 -msgid "T.V." -msgstr "T.V." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:734 -msgid "Ask for a different toy" -msgstr "Minta mainan lain" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:742 -msgid "Walk back to seat" -msgstr "Kembali ke tempat duduk" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:758 -msgid "Cashier" -msgstr "Kasir" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1018 -msgid "Pretty girl" -msgstr "Gadis cantik" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1159 -msgid "Check the baseball club chat" -msgstr "Cek obrolan klub baseball" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1340 -msgid "White guy" -msgstr "Pria kulit putih" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1387 -msgid "I love you." -msgstr "Aku cintai kamu." - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1542 -msgid "Waiter" -msgstr "Pelayan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:1727 -msgid "Check on Diya and Akarsha" -msgstr "Cek Diya dan Akarsha" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2099 -msgid "The next day" -msgstr "Esoknya" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2102 -msgid "Snowcastle" -msgstr "Snowcastle" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2320 -msgid "Waitress" -msgstr "Pelayan" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2443 -msgid "Kiss her" -msgstr "Cium dia" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2618 -msgid "Created by\n{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" -msgstr "Dibuat oleh\n{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2622 -msgid "{white}Music by{/white}\nmiltata {white}and{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" -msgstr "{white}Musik oleh{/white}\nmiltata {white}dan{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2626 -msgid "{white}Additional songs{/white}\n{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\nYOSHI\n{blue}.que{/blue}\nMatt Mulholland\n{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" -msgstr "{white}Lagu tambahan{/white}\n{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\nYOSHI\n{blue}.que{/blue}\nMatt Mulholland\n{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2629 -msgid "{white}Sounds{/white}\n{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\nLittleRobotSoundFactory\n{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\nPeacewaves" -msgstr "{white}Suara{/white}\n{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\nLittleRobotSoundFactory\n{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\nPeacewaves" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2633 -msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\nK Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\nAnita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\nJiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}gently\nAino{space=55}{blue}Infiniton{/blue}{space=55}emu\nLyla Lee " -msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Penguji beta{/size}{/white}\nK Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\nAnita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\nJiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}gently\nAino{space=55}{blue}Infiniton{/blue}{space=55}emu\nLyla Lee" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2637 -msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\nAJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\nKaren Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\nsteph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\njuliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\nSirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\nMax{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" -msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Penguji beta{/size}{/white}\nAJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\nKaren Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\nsteph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\njuliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\nSirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\nMax{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2642 -msgid "{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\njjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\nTaki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\nchip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\ncombopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\nJae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\nmar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" -msgstr "{white}{size=+25}Penguji beta{/size}{/white}\njjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\nTaki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\nchip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\ncombopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\nJae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\nmar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" - -#: game/4_min.rpy:2646 -msgid "{white}{size=+25}French localization{/size}{/white}\nQueerscriptors from {blue}Next Gaymer{/blue}\n\nPhoross{space=55}{blue}L'Unix Benoit{/blue}{space=55}Ven\nBrom{space=55}{blue}Tlaloc{/blue}{space=55}Seb_Ash\nTorli{space=55}{blue}MandyLane{/blue}{space=55}Tashousse\nDestryl{space=55}{blue}Giovanni{/blue}{space=55}Batwoman\nNinaDelPepito{space=55}{blue}Blaxis{/blue}{space=55}IannaFOX" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3114 +msgid "" +"The school doesn't have enough lockers for everyone,{w=0.10} so freshmen " +"share." msgstr "" +"Sekolah enggak punya cukup loker buat semuanya,{w=0.10} jadi murid baru " +"berbagi." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2651 -msgid "{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\nJapanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nBrazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\nKorean localization: KyleHeren\n{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\nFarsi localization: Kasbarg\n{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3115 +msgid "" +"And they're tiny.{w=0.10} I'm always surprised when high schoolers in movies " +"have lockers big enough to fit people inside." msgstr "" +"Dan mereka kecil banget. {w=0.10}Aku selalu kaget waktu anak SMA di film " +"punya loker yang cukup besar buat masukin orang ke dalamnya." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2656 -msgid "{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\nJapanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\nBrazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\nKorean localization: KyleHeren\n{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\nFarsi localization: Kasbarg\n{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}\nAnd You" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3135 +msgid "Get your stuff" +msgstr "Ambil barangmu" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3145 +msgid "Look in Noelle's lunchbox" +msgstr "Lihat kotak bekal Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3154 +msgid "Look at rosin" +msgstr "Lihat rosin" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3166 +msgid "Close locker door" +msgstr "Tutup pintu loker" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3175 +msgid "Diya hefts her books and binders into her backpack." +msgstr "Diya memasukkan buku dan bindernya ke dalam tas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3178 +msgid "Alright. {w=0.26}I can go to class now." +msgstr "Sip. {w=0.26}Aku bisa ke kelas sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3185 +msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c" +msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." +msgstr "Diya membuka kotak bekalnya dan mengintip isinya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3186 +msgid "There's a steel thermos and a plastic baggy of grapes." +msgstr "Ada termos baja dan kantong plastik berisi anggur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3188 +msgid "Grapes...!" +msgstr "Anggur...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3190 +msgid "" +"Diya shovels half the grapes into her mouth before putting the lunchbox back." msgstr "" +"Diya memasukkan separuh anggur itu ke dalam mulutnya sebelum menaruh kotak " +"bekalnya kembali." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2660 -msgid "I really miss high school" -msgstr "Aku sangat merindukan SMA" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3192 +msgctxt "lunchbox_458f5d4c_1" +msgid "Diya opens the lunchbox and peers inside." +msgstr "Diya membuka kotak bekalnya dan mengintip isinya." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2661 -msgid " " -msgstr " " +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3193 +msgid "There's bittermelon in Noelle's stir-fry today." +msgstr "Ada pare di osengan Noelle hari ini." -#: game/4_min.rpy:2679 -msgid "The future" -msgstr "Masa depan" +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3194 +msgid "Diya and Noelle both hate bittermelon. " +msgstr "Diya dan Noelle sama-sama benci pare." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3196 +msgctxt "lunchbox_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3203 +msgid "This is rosin for string instruments." +msgstr "Ini rosin buat instrumen dawai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3205 +msgid "The first time Noelle showed it to me,{w=0.10} I tried to eat it." +msgstr "Pertama kali Noelle tunjukkin rosinnya ke aku,{w=0.10} Aku coba makan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3209 +msgid "The rosin's a nice amber color." +msgstr "Rosinnya warna amber yang bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3211 +msgid "It looks like you can eat it,{w=0.10} but you can't." +msgstr "Kelihatannya kayak bisa dimakan,{w=0.10} tapi enggak bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3222 +msgid "I don't have all the stuff I need for class." +msgstr "Aku ga punya semua yang aku butuhin buat kelas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3224 +msgid "I need to visit me and Noelle's locker first." +msgstr "Aku harus ke loker aku dan Noelle dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3240 +msgctxt "p1_32d61905" +msgid "Diya! Help me!" +msgstr "Diya! Bantu aku!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3245 +msgctxt "p1_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3246 +msgid "It's Noelle." +msgstr "Itu Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3247 +msgid "What is it?" +msgstr "Kenapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3250 +msgid "I can't open this water bottle." +msgstr "Aku tidak bisa buka botol minum ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3252 +msgid "Noelle basically has noodles for arms." +msgstr "Pada dasarnya lengan Noelle dari mie." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3254 +msgid "Open the water bottle" +msgstr "Buka botol minum" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3256 +msgid "" +"Diya takes the bottle out of Noelle's hands and twists the plastic sealed " +"cap open." +msgstr "" +"Diya mengambil botolnya dari tangan Noelle dan membuka tutup plastiknya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3258 +msgctxt "p1_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "Terima kasih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3260 +msgid "How are you so weak? It's scary." +msgstr "Kamu kenapa lemah banget? Seram tau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3263 +msgid "It's the manufacturer's fault for making these seals so strong." +msgstr "Salah pabriknya karena buat segelnya sangat kuat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3265 +msgid "What if you get lost in a desert and find a bottle of water?" +msgstr "Gimana kalau kamu hilang di gurun dan nemu botol air minum?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3266 +msgid "You'll die because you can't open it." +msgstr "Kamu bakalan mati gara-gara kamu gak bisa buka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3269 +msgid "No, I won't. You can open it for me." +msgstr "Tidak akan. Kamu akan membukakannya untuk aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3271 +msgid "That's assuming I'm there in the desert with you." +msgstr "Itu asumsinya kalau aku ada di gurun sama kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3273 +msgid "I should start charging you a service fee. 25 cents." +msgstr "Aku harus mulai nagih kamu biaya servis. 25 sen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3276 +msgid "You wouldn't do that." +msgstr "Kamu tidak akan melakukan itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3278 +msgid "I'd make $1.25 per week. Can buy Cup Noodles from the student store." +msgstr "Aku bisa ngehasilin $1.25 per minggu. Bisa beli Pop Mie dari koperasi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3283 +msgid "Noelle sneezes violently!" +msgstr "Noelle bersin dengan kencang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3288 +msgid "Don't get too close to me. {w=0.26}I probably have the flu." +msgstr "Jangan dekat-dekat. {w=0.26}Aku kayaknya flu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3290 +msgctxt "p1_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "...?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3291 +msgid "Did you catch what I had last week?" +msgstr "Kamu ketularan aku minggu lalu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3294 +msgid "Probably." +msgstr "Mungkin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3296 +msgctxt "p1_6ce568f5" +msgid "Sorry." +msgstr "Maaf." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3297 +msgid "" +"This happens a lot because we spend so much time together. And I eat her " +"food." +msgstr "" +"Ini sering terjadi soalnya kita sering barengan. Dan aku makan makanannya " +"dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3298 +msgid "" +"It doesn't help that our immune systems are perpetually weakened from sleep " +"deprivation, either." +msgstr "" +"Enggak membantu juga kalau sistem imun kita melemah terus gara-gara kurang " +"tidur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3300 +msgid "At least you don't have to worry about me being contagious." +msgstr "Setidaknya kamu tidak perlu khawatir aku menular." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3302 +msgid "Are you okay though?{w=0.26} Shouldn't you go home?" +msgstr "Tapi kamu gapapa?{w=0.26} Bukannya kamu harusnya pulang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3305 +msgid "And what,{w=0.10} miss school?!" +msgstr "Dan apa,{w=0.10} bolos sekolah?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3307 +msgid "I guess that's out of the question..." +msgstr "Kayaknya enggak mungkin..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3309 +msgid "" +"Even when Noelle had the stomach flu in middle school,{w=0.10} her parents " +"made her come just for her math and science classes." +msgstr "" +"Bahkan waktu Noelle punya flu perut di SMP,{w=0.10} orangtua dia paksa dia " +"datang hanya buat kelas mat dan IPA dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3310 +msgid "" +"She was,{w=0.10} like,{w=0.10} barely conscious. {w=0.26}I had to carry her " +"around because she couldn't get up from her desk." +msgstr "" +"Dia{w=0.10} kayak,{w=0.10} nyaris enggak sadar. {w=0.26}Aku harus bawa dia " +"kemana-mana soalnya dia enggak bisa berdiri dari mejanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3311 +msgid "I think she ended up infecting half the school." +msgstr "Kalau enggak salah dia nginfeksi setengah sekolah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3314 +msgid "Where's Akarsha?" +msgstr "Akarsha mana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3318 +msgid "She..." +msgstr "Dia..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3325 +msgid "It's pee-pee time." +msgstr "Waktunya pipis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3330 +msgid "I am NOT saying that." +msgstr "Aku GAK AKAN ngomong itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3331 +msgctxt "p1_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3335 +msgctxt "p1_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3338 +msgid "...Okay, never mind." +msgstr "...Oke, tidak jadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3340 +msgid "Why do you ask?" +msgstr "Kenapa tanya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3343 +msgid "" +"I secretly sewed a library book security tag into the inside of Akarsha's " +"backpack." +msgstr "" +"Aku diam-diam jahit kartu keamanan buku perpustakaan ke bagian dalam tas " +"Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3344 +msgid "" +"So from now on, every time she leaves the library, she'll set off the alarm " +"and have her backpack searched." +msgstr "" +"Jadi mulai dari sekarang, setiap kali dia keluar dari perpustakaan, dia akan " +"mengaktifkan alarmnya dan tasnya akan dicek." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3346 +msgid "That's...wow." +msgstr "Itu...wow." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3349 +msgid "Well, whatever. We'll have plenty of chances to see." +msgstr "Yah, terserahlah. Kita bakalan punya banyak peluang untuk melihat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3351 +msgctxt "p1_68920cd7" +msgid "Let's go." +msgstr "Ayo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3358 +msgid "" +"A huge mob of kids is packed outside the classroom. They're all looking at a " +"grid of test scores posted on the wall." +msgstr "" +"Ada segerombolan besar anak-anak di luar kelas. Mereka semua melihat nilai " +"tes yang dipasang di dinding." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3359 +msgid "" +"It's complete chaos. People are pushing and angling their way to the list " +"with the fervor of Beliebers trying to touch Justin's hand." +msgstr "" +"Kacau total. Orang-orang mendorong dan berusaha membuat jalan ke daftar " +"dengan semangat Beliebers yang mencoba menyentuh tangan Justin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3360 +msgid "Male student" +msgstr "Murid laki-laki" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3361 +msgid "Female student" +msgstr "Murid perempuan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3362 +msgid "If I get a B, my parents are throwing away my GameCube." +msgstr "Kalau gua dapet B, ortu gua bakalan buang GameCube gua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3363 +msgid "Yikes...That's gotta be an empty threat, right?" +msgstr "Waduh...Itu ancaman doang kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3364 +msgid "I {i}wish{/i}. They already threw away my cellphone." +msgstr "{i}Pinginnya{/i} sih gitu. Mereka udah buang ponsel gua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3366 +msgctxt "p1_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3367 +msgid "...I'm scared to see what I got on this." +msgstr "...Aku takut lihat hasil aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3368 +msgid "Think I failed." +msgstr "Kayaknya aku gagal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3371 +msgid "Asian failed? Or actually failed?" +msgstr "Gagal Asia? Atau benar-benar gagal?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3374 +msgid "Asian failed. C'mon, I'm not {i}that{/i} dumb." +msgstr "Gagal Asia. Ayolah, aku enggak setolol {i}itu{/i}." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3394 +msgid "Look at scores" +msgstr "Lihat nilai" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3403 +msgid "Talk to classmates" +msgstr "Bicara dengan teman sekelas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3412 +msgid "Enter classroom" +msgstr "Masuk kelas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3422 +msgid "This is a list of the top 10 scores across all periods." +msgstr "Ini daftar 10 nilai teratas di seluruh pelajaran." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3423 +msgid "Noelle aced it. Classic." +msgstr "Noelle nilainya paling bagus. Klasik." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3424 +msgid "" +"She used to call me on the phone crying every Christmas because her parents " +"got her math workbooks instead of what she really wanted." +msgstr "" +"Dia dulu nelpon aku sambil nangis tiap Natal soalnya orangtuanya kasih dia " +"buku soal bukannya apa yang dia mau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3425 +msgid "By now, she's unbeatable. It's like her tragic superhero origin story." +msgstr "" +"Sekarang, dia eggak bisa dikalahin. Kayak cerita asal muasal superhero " +"tragisnya dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3426 +msgid "Except instead of a superhero, she's every Asian parent's dream child." +msgstr "Kecuali bukannya jadi superhero, dia anak impian tiap orangtua Asia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3427 +msgid "No clue how Akarsha managed to get the second highest score, though." +msgstr "Enggak tau gimana Akarsha bisa dapat nilai kedua tertinggi, sih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3428 +msgid "" +"General consensus is that she's cheating, but the teachers have never been " +"able to catch her doing anything." +msgstr "" +"Kesepakatan umumnya dia nyontek, tapi guru-guru enggak pernah bisa nangkep " +"dia ngapa-ngapain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3429 +msgid "So I'll give her the benefit of the doubt." +msgstr "Jadi aku percaya aja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3433 +msgid "Diya, I've located your ID number. Here." +msgstr "Diya, aku nemu nomor ID kamu. Nih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3435 +msgid "You got a 91.22%%." +msgstr "Kamu dapat 91.22%%" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3438 +msgid "Phew. Almost failed." +msgstr "Fuh. Hampir gagal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3441 +msgid "Actually, you could've missed one more and still scraped an A-." +msgstr "Sebenarnya, kamu bisa meleset satu lagi dan masih dapat A-." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3444 +msgid "" +"Considering how many I guessed on, that's still cutting it pretty close." +msgstr "Kalau mikirin berapa banyak yang aku tebak, itu masih nyaris." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3445 +msgid "" +"That's scary. I really studied as hard as I could, but even my best almost " +"wasn't good enough." +msgstr "" +"Seram banget. Aku beneran belajar sekeras yang aku bisa, tapi bahkan yang " +"terbaik tuh engga cukup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3446 +msgid "I wonder if I can really get into Stanford or Berkeley like this..." +msgstr "" +"Aku penasaran kalau aku bisa masuk Stanford atau Berkeley kalau kayak gini..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3455 +msgid "Wait. I should look at the test results, first." +msgstr "Tunggu. Aku harus lihat hasil ulangan dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3471 +msgid "" +"As Diya and Noelle enter the classroom, something bursts out of the cabinet!" +msgstr "Saat Diya dan Noelle masuk ke kelas, sesuatu keluar dari kabinet!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3472 +msgid "HOO!!!!!" +msgstr "HOO!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3474 +msgid "AAAUUGH!!!" +msgstr "AAAUUGH!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3478 +msgid "" +"Noelle staggers backwards onto an X marked on the floor with duct tape..." +msgstr "" +"Noelle tersentak ke belakang ke atas sebuah tanda X dari lakban di lantai..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3481 +msgid "A garbage can drops from the ceiling!" +msgstr "Sebuah tong sampah jatuh dari plafon!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3483 +msgid "NO!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "TIDAK!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3486 +msgid "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" +msgstr "HAHA {i}HAH!!!{/i}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3490 +msgid "Noelle and Akarsha go through some variation of this every single day." +msgstr "Noelle dan Akarsha ngejalanin tiap hari kayak gini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3491 +msgid "It's their roundabout way of being friends." +msgstr "Ini cara mereka temenan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3497 +msgid "Well, well, well." +msgstr "Wah, wah, wah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3498 +msgid "If it isn't my favorite Frenchman, Noelle." +msgstr "Kalau bukan Frenchman favorit gua, Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3500 +msgid "Please stop calling me that." +msgstr "Tolong berhenti panggil aku itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3503 +msgid "Why're you speaking English, Noelle??" +msgstr "Kenapa lu ngomong Ingrris, Noelle??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3504 +msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you??" +msgstr "Frenchman macam apaan lu??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3506 +msgid "JUST BECAUSE MY NAME IS FRENCH DOESN'T MEAN I'M FRENCH." +msgstr "HANYA KARENA NAMAKU PRANCIS BUKAN BERARTI AKU ORANG PRANCIS." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3510 +msgid "Honhonhon." +msgstr "Honhonhon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3511 +msgid "Baguette." +msgstr "Baguette." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3514 +msgid "See, this is the problem." +msgstr "Lihat, ini masalahnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3515 +msgid "Whenever Noelle hears something stupid, she can't just let it slide." +msgstr "" +"Setiap kali Noelle mendengar sesuatu yang bodoh, dia enggak bisa cuekin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3516 +msgid "She always has to correct it." +msgstr "Dia harus selalu koreksi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3517 +msgid "" +"So Akarsha just keeps acting dumber and dumber on purpose into infinity." +msgstr "Jadi Akarsha terus bertingkah semakin bodoh dengan sengaja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3521 +msgid "" +"Noelle does an impressive worm-like dance to wriggle out of the garbage bin." +msgstr "" +"Noelle melakukan suatu tarian seperti-cacing untuk keluar dari tong sampah " +"itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3523 +msgid "I can't believe you've done this. What happened to our truce?" +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak percaya kamu melakukan ini. Apa yang terjadi dengan perdamaian " +"kita?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3525 +msgid "Truce?" +msgstr "Perdamaian?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3527 +msgid "From yesterday! You agreed to this!" +msgstr "Yang kemarin! Kamu setuju!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3529 +msgid "" +"Noelle pulls a sheet of binder paper from her book bag and brandishes it in " +"front of Akarsha's face." +msgstr "" +"Noelle menarik keluar secarik kertas binder dari tas bukunya dan " +"mengayunkannya di depan wajah Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3532 +msgid "Look! This is your own signature at the bottom." +msgstr "Lihat! Ini paraf kamu di bawah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3534 +msgctxt "enterClass_2df16a64" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3536 +msgid "...Suddenly, I can't read." +msgstr "...Tiba-tiba, gua ga bisa baca." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3539 +msgid "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" +msgstr "AKARSHAAaaAAAAA!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3540 +msgid "Noelle's scream sounds very weird and hoarse from her cold." +msgstr "Teriakan Noelle terdengar sangat aneh dan serak karena demamnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3542 +msgid "...What's wrong with your voice today?" +msgstr "...Suara lu kenapa hari ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3543 +msgid "That was a weaker yell than normal." +msgstr "Teriakannya lebih lemah dari biasanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3545 +msgid "I'm ill. I am losing my voice." +msgstr "Aku sakit. Suaraku mau hilang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3547 +msgid "How about I punch you in the throat? It'll displace the mucus." +msgstr "" +"Gimana kalau gua tonjok lu di tenggorokan? Itu bakal mindahin lendirnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3549 +msgid "NO, IT WON'T." +msgstr "ITU TIDAK AKAN." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3551 +msgid "How do you know? Anything is possible." +msgstr "Gimana lu tau? Apapun mungkin kok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3552 +msgid "Trust me." +msgstr "Percaya sama gua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3553 +msgid "" +"{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} I'm here! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... {i}" +"{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" +msgstr "" +"{i}{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font} I'm here! {w=0.26}Soba ni iru kara... " +"{font=arial.ttf}♫{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3555 +msgid "YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE LAST PERSON I WOULD TRUST." +msgstr "KAMU ORANG TERAKHIR YANG AKAN AKU PERCAYA." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3556 +msgid "You worthless scammer." +msgstr "Kamu penipu tidak berguna." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3558 +msgid "Leave all your problems to me. {w=0.26}I'll solve them in a heartbeat." +msgstr "" +"Serahin semua masalah ke gua. {w=0.26}Bakal gua selesain dalam sekejap." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3560 +msgid "" +"That is unrealistic and accelerating that fast would destroy you even past " +"your bone structure." +msgstr "" +"Itu tidak realistis dan melakukannya secepat itu akan menghancurkanmu bahkan " +"sampai struktur tulangmu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3562 +msgid "Why're you being so mean? {w=0.26}I'm just trying to help you!" +msgstr "Lu kenapa jahat banget? {w=0.26}Gua kan cuman mau bantu lu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3564 +msgid "HITTING ME ISN'T HELPING ME!!" +msgstr "MEMUKULKU TIDAK MEMBANTU AKU!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3567 +msgid "Wooooooooooow,{w=0.10} someone has anger management problems!" +msgstr "Woooooooooooow,{w=0.10} ada yang baper!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3569 +msgid "" +"You gotta slow down and smell the flowers... {w=0.26}\n" +"Appreciate life's miracles." +msgstr "" +"Lu harus pelan-pelan dan cium bunga-bunga... {w=0.26}\n" +"Hargai keajaiban hidup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3572 +msgid "Like me. {w=0.26}I'm life's greatest miracle." +msgstr "Kayak gua. {w=0.26}Gua keajaiban terbesar kehidupan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3576 +msgid "ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. I FEEL NAUSEATED JUST LOOKING AT YOU." +msgstr "SANGAT MENJIJIKAN. AKU MUAL HANYA LIHAT KAMU." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3579 +msgid "" +"I just don't understand...\n" +"Why is there so much hate in the world...?" +msgstr "" +"Gua tuh benar-benar ga ngerti...\n" +"Kenapa ada banyak kebencian di dunia ini...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3581 +msgid "If only we could open our hearts to love, there would be no wars..." +msgstr "Kalau aja kita buka hati kita buat cinta, ga akan ada lagi perang..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3583 +msgid "\"Peace begins with a smile.\" -Mother Theresa." +msgstr "\"Perdamaian dimulai dengan senyuman.\" -Ibu Theresa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3585 +msgid "Noelle is struggling not to break character by laughing!" +msgstr "Noelle berusaha untuk tidak tertawa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3590 +msgid "" +"The bell rings!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning " +"scream fest." +msgstr "" +"Bel berbunyi!{w=0.26} Ini mengakhiri keributan pagi hari Noelle dan Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3595 +msgid "The rest of the morning is relatively uneventful..." +msgstr "Sisa pagi itu relatif tidak banyak kejadian..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3607 +msgid "Guess what?" +msgstr "Coba tebak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3609 +msgctxt "enterClass_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3611 +msgid "No, no. You gotta guess." +msgstr "Enggak, enggak. Lu harus tebak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3613 +msgid "You were arrested." +msgstr "Kamu ditahan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3615 +msgid "What! No! " +msgstr "Hah! Gak!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3617 +msgid "You have a year left to live." +msgstr "Kamu punya setahun lagi untuk hidup." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3619 +msgid "" +"What the?? Dude, why'd you always gotta jump to the worst possible " +"conclusion? " +msgstr "" +"Hah?? Woi, lu kenapa sih selalu loncat ke kesimpulan yang paling parah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3621 +msgid "It guarantees that I'm either right or pleasantly surprised. " +msgstr "Itu menjamin kalau aku antara benar atau sedikit terkejut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3623 +msgid "You're a real piece of work, you know that? " +msgstr "Lu nyusahin banget, lu tau gak? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3624 +msgid "Whatever, I'll just tell you." +msgstr "Terserah, gua kasih tau aja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3626 +msgid "Did you guys hear about the new girl who transferred here?" +msgstr "Kalian udah denger cewek yang baru transfer kesini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3628 +msgid "" +"Apparently she's like,{w=0.10} a delinquent!{w=0.26} I heard she knifed " +"someone." +msgstr "" +"Katanya sih dia kayak,{w=0.10} berandalan!{w=0.26} Gua denger dia nusuk " +"orang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3630 +msgid "She must not be very intelligent." +msgstr "Dia pasti tidak pintar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3632 +msgid "Isn't that exciting?{w=0.26} We never get that type around here." +msgstr "" +"Bukannya asyik?{w=0.26} Kita enggak pernah dapat tipe kayak gitu disekitar " +"sini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3635 +msgid "That's true. Everyone here's kinda forced to become a nerd by default." +msgstr "Itu benar. Semua orang disini agak kepaksa jadi kutu buku dari awal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3638 +msgid "I can't wait to meet her." +msgstr "Gua ga sabar pengen ketemu dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3640 +msgid "What for?{w=0.26} Do you want to get stabbed too?" +msgstr "Buat apa?{w=0.26} Kamu mau ditusuk juga?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3642 +msgid "Sure, why not? Saves me the trouble of doing it myself." +msgstr "Ya, kenapa enggak? Gua ga usah susah-susah lakuin sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3644 +msgid "" +"Noelle rolls her eyes and goes back to organizing her fried rice. She's " +"picking all the sausage bits out so Diya can eat her leftovers." +msgstr "" +"Noelle memutar matanya dan kembali mengatur nasi gorengnya. Dia mengambil " +"semua sosisnya agar Diya bisa makan sisanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3646 +msgid "Don't do that. I like being alive the same time as you." +msgstr "Jangan begitu. Aku suka hidup di waktu yang sama denganmu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3648 +msgid "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me!" +msgstr "Itu hal paling manis yang pernah lu bilang ke gua!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3650 +msgid "Really? Then I take it back." +msgstr "Iya? Kalau gitu tidak jadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3652 +msgid "WOW." +msgstr "WOW." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3654 +msgid "Noelle slides her thermos across the table at Diya." +msgstr "Noelle menggeser termosnya ke seberang meja pada Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3656 +msgid "Fried rice!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Nasi goreng!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3659 +msgctxt "enterClass_d5c5af2c" +msgid "Hey, Diya." +msgstr "Eh, Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3661 +msgid "" +"How many 2nd graders do you think you could beat up if they came at you in " +"waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?" +msgstr "" +"Berapa anak kelas 2 yang kira-kira bisa lu hajar kalau mereka nyerbu dalam " +"10 gelombang, kalau ada bos anak kelas 5 yang dateng setiap 5 gelombang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "Zero" +msgstr "Nol" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "Maybe like 15" +msgstr "Kayaknya sekitar 15" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3664 +msgid "At least a few dozen" +msgstr "Kurang lebih beberapa lusin" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3665 +msgid "" +"{cps=0}How many 2nd graders you think you could beat up if they came at you " +"in waves of 10, with a 5th grader boss coming every 5 waves?{/cps}" +msgstr "" +"{cps=0}Berapa anak kelas 2 yang kira-kira bisa lu hajar kalau mereka nyerbu " +"dalam 10 gelombang, kalau ada bos anak kelas 5 yang dateng setiap 5 " +"gelombang?{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3669 +msgctxt "enterClass_6ccd5ff9" +msgid "Zero." +msgstr "Nol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3670 +msgid "Don't want to punch kids." +msgstr "Gak mau nonjok anak kecil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3673 +msgid "But it's kill or be killed, man!" +msgstr "Tapi bunuh atau dibunuh, bray!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3675 +msgid "You'd just let them beat you??" +msgstr "Lu bakal biarin mereka mukulin lu??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3676 +msgid "" +"Your gravestone's gonna be like, \"Here lies Diya. Killed by 2nd graders.\"" +msgstr "" +"Nisan lu bakal kayak, \"Disini terbaring Diya. Dibunuh oleh anak kelas 2.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3679 +msgid "I'm not going to put that on my gravestone." +msgstr "Aku enggak akan taruh itu di nisanku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3685 +msgid "Maybe like 15." +msgstr "Kayaknya sekitar 15." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3688 +msgid "What! You're underestimating yourself, man." +msgstr "Apa! Lu ngeremehin diri lu sendiri, woi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3690 +msgid "I'm not invincible. This isn't a kung-fu movie." +msgstr "Aku enggak gak terkalahkan. Ini bukan film kung-fu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3693 +msgid "But they're little. It's so easy to mess them up." +msgstr "Tapi mereka kecil. Gampang buat ngacauin mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3694 +msgid "" +"You could just tell them they laugh weird and they'll be self conscious " +"about it for the rest of their lives." +msgstr "" +"Lu bisa bilang ke mereka kalau mereka ketawanya aneh terus mereka bakal " +"pikirin itu selama sisa hidup mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3700 +msgid "At least a few dozen." +msgstr "Seenggaknya beberapa lusin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3703 +msgid "SAVAGE..." +msgstr "BARBAR..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3705 +msgid "You don't feel bad hitting little kids?" +msgstr "Lu ga ngerasa ga enak mukulin bocah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3708 +msgid "Well, they started it." +msgstr "Yah, mereka yang mulai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3709 +msgid "If they don't want to get hit, they shouldn't attack me." +msgstr "Kalau ga mau dipukul, mereka harusnya jangan serang aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3712 +msgid "Noelle looks a bit left out by this conversation." +msgstr "Noelle terlihat sedikit diacuhkan oleh pembicaraan ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3714 +msgid "Why just Diya? How come you're not asking me?" +msgstr "Kenapa Diya saja? Kenapa tidak tanya aku?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3716 +msgid "Because I already know the answer for you." +msgstr "Soalnya gua tau jawaban lu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3718 +msgctxt "enterClass_36a1ed13" +msgid "Zero." +msgstr "Nol." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3721 +msgid "...It's true. You're a weakling." +msgstr "...Benar. Kamu lemah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3724 +msgid "How rude!" +msgstr "Jahat!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3729 +msgid "Noelle, let's arm wrestle." +msgstr "Noelle, ayo panco." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3730 +msgid "I want to show Akarsha. She hasn't seen this." +msgstr "Aku mau tunjukkin Akarsha. Dia belum lihat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3733 +msgid "I don't want to." +msgstr "Aku tidak mau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3734 +msgid "I always lose." +msgstr "Aku kalah terus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3737 +msgid "I'll let you use both hands this time." +msgstr "Kali ini boleh dua tangan deh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3739 +msgid "Noelle makes a face." +msgstr "Noelle merengut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3740 +msgid "" +"Reluctantly, she clasps both her hands on Diya's, so it's sandwiched in " +"between hers." +msgstr "" +"Dengan enggan, dia mengatupkan kedua tangannya pada tangan Diya, jadi diapit " +"diantara miliknya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3742 +msgid "3. 2. 1." +msgstr "3. 2. 1." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3744 +msgid "Noelle strains against Diya's grip with all her might!" +msgstr "Noelle bersusah payah melawan pegangan Diya dengan sekuat tenaga!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3746 +msgid "Nrgh..." +msgstr "Nrgh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3748 +msgid "Ha...Rrrrggghhh!!!" +msgstr "Ha...Rrrrrggghhh!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3750 +msgid "Diya's arm still hasn't budged an inch." +msgstr "Lengan Diya belum bergerak satu inci pun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3751 +msgid "With her free hand, Diya casually continues to eat fried rice." +msgstr "" +"Dengan tangannya yang kosong, Diya dengan santai kembali makan nasi " +"gorengnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3753 +msgid "You...Stop that!" +msgstr "Kamu...Berhenti!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3756 +msgid "Akarsha. What do you think of the weather today?" +msgstr "Akarsha. Cuacanya gimana hari ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3759 +msgid "Stop toying with me!" +msgstr "Jangan permainkan aku!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3762 +msgid "If I did that, I'd break your wrist." +msgstr "Kalau aku kayak gitu, aku bakal patahin pergelangan tangan kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3765 +msgid "You know what I mean." +msgstr "Kamu tahu maksud aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3767 +msgid "Diya pins Noelle's arm to the table as gently as possible." +msgstr "Diya meletakkan lengan Noelle ke meja sepelan mungkin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3769 +msgid "Dang...This is like, some Fox and the Hound shit." +msgstr "Njir...Ini kayak, Fox and the Hound." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3771 +msgid "" +"Normally the scrawny nerds herd together so jocks like Diya don't stuff them " +"into trashcans." +msgstr "" +"Biasanya kutu buku culun ngumpul bareng biar atlet-atlet kayak Diya ga " +"masukin mereka ke tong sampah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3772 +msgid "How did you two even end up friends?" +msgstr "Kalian gimana dah bisa temenan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3775 +msgid "...Don't remember." +msgstr "...Lupa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3778 +msgid "You don't remember?!" +msgstr "Kamu lupa?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3781 +msgid "You were always just there by default." +msgstr "Kamu udah dari sananya disitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3784 +msgid "That is NOT what happened." +msgstr "Itu BUKAN apa yang terjadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3785 +msgid "" +"You had one bad ear, so you had a lot of trouble making sense of what anyone " +"was saying." +msgstr "" +"Kamu punya satu kuping cacat, jadi kamu susah untuk mengerti apa yang orang " +"katakan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3786 +msgid "You'd just play wall ball against yourself or run laps on the track. " +msgstr "" +"Kamu selalu main bola dinding lawan dirimu sendiri atau lari di lintasan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3789 +msgid "That sounds about right. " +msgstr "Kedengarannya benar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3792 +msgid "One day, someone brought in Krispy Kreme donuts for their birthday. " +msgstr "Waktu itu, ada yang bawa donat Krispy Kreme untuk ulangtahunnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3793 +msgid "I didn't like donuts, so I—" +msgstr "Aku tidak suka donat, jadi aku-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3795 +msgid "You don't like donuts??" +msgstr "Lu gak suka donat??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3797 +msgid "I don't like donuts. They're disgusting." +msgstr "Aku tidak suka donat. Menjijikan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3800 +msgid "Disagree. Her tastebuds are broken. " +msgstr "Enggak setuju. Dia engga punya selera." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3803 +msgid "" +"Anyway, I gave mine to you, and in exchange, I received your undying and " +"completly unwanted loyalty." +msgstr "" +"Lanjut, aku beri punyaku padamu, dan sebagai gantinya, aku dapat kesetiaanmu " +"yang abadi dan tidak diinginkan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3804 +msgid "You followed me around everywhere." +msgstr "Kamu mengekoriku kemana-mana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3805 +msgid "You were a major inconvenience." +msgstr "Kamu merepotkan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3808 +msgid "I don't remember any of this." +msgstr "Aku enggak ingat apa-apa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3811 +msgid "" +"How do you not remember? You were so extreme. Whenever the teachers tried to " +"separate us, you'd start crying." +msgstr "" +"Bagaimana kamu tidak ingat? Kamu sangat ekstrim. Kapanpun guru-guru mencoba " +"untuk memisahkan kita, kamu mulai nangis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3814 +msgid "I seriously don't remember any of this." +msgstr "Aku beneran enggak ingat apa-apa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3817 +msgid "" +"It's probably because your birthday's in November. You were almost a full " +"year younger than me." +msgstr "" +"Mungkin itu karena ulangtahunmu di November. Kamu hampir setahun lebih muda " +"dariku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3818 +msgid "A year is a big gap when you're 5." +msgstr "Setahun itu perbedaan yang besar saat kamu umur 5." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3821 +msgid "True. I was probably like a toddler." +msgstr "Benar. Aku dulu mungkin kayak balita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3823 +msgctxt "enterClass_6ce568f5" +msgid "Sorry." +msgstr "Maaf." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3826 +msgid "I forgive you." +msgstr "Aku memaafkanmu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3828 +msgid "That's hella kawaii." +msgstr "Kawaii bingits." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3830 +msgid "Never use that phrase ever again. " +msgstr "Jangan gunakan kalimat itu lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3832 +msgid "What phrase?" +msgstr "Kalimat apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3834 +msgid "You know what phrase." +msgstr "Kau tahu yang mana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3850 +msgid "Stranger" +msgstr "Orang asing" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3854 +msgid "Excuse me!" +msgstr "Permisi!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3858 +msgid "????!!" +msgstr "????!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3859 +msgid "She's talking to me!!" +msgstr "Dia ngomong sama aku!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3860 +msgid "No!! Go away!!" +msgstr "Enggak!! Pergi!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3862 +msgid "" +"Diya looks wildly around for Noelle or Akarsha to help her, but they've both " +"already gone ahead into the classroom." +msgstr "" +"Diya mencari-cari Noelle atau Akarsha untuk membantunya, tetapi mereka " +"berdua sudah pergi dahulu ke ruang kelas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3864 +msgid "I remember you! You were {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" +msgstr "Aku inget kamu! Kamu kan {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3866 +msgid "What is she saying?? I've never met her in my life!" +msgstr "Dia ngomong apa?? Aku gak pernah ketemu dia!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3868 +msgid "" +" — new clubs are {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} interest {incoherent}" +"( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" +msgstr "" +" — klub baru lagi {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} mau {incoherent}" +"( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3870 +msgid "Crap. {w=0.26}I can't really make out the words." +msgstr "Njir. {w=0.26}Aku enggak bisa dengar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3871 +msgid "I'll just nod at appropriate times." +msgstr "Aku hanya bakalan ngangguk di waktu yang tepat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3873 +msgid "" +"We're collecting signatures to {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} approved!" +msgstr "" +"Kita lagi ngumpulin paraf buat {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} disetujui!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3875 +msgid "The stranger hands Diya a clipboard with the signature sheet on it! " +msgstr "" +"Orang asing itu menyerahkan Diya sebuah papan klip dengan lembar tanda " +"tangan di atasnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3877 +msgid "Uh??{w=0.26} What is this??" +msgstr "Hah??{w=0.26} Ini apa??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 +msgid "Sign the paper" +msgstr "Tanda tangani kertas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3881 +msgid "Don't sign the paper" +msgstr "Jangan tanda tangani kertas" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3883 +msgid "Diya signs the paper!" +msgstr "Diya menandatangani kertasnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3886 +msgid "" +"Thank you very much!{w=0.26} Look forward {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}!" +msgstr "" +"Makasih banyak!{w=0.26} Enggak sabar {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3892 +msgid "Bye!!!" +msgstr "Bye!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3898 +msgid "Diya walks away in the middle of the conversation!" +msgstr "Diya pergi di tengah percakapan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3899 +msgid "She quickly enters the classroom before the girl can stop her." +msgstr "Dia cepat-cepat masuk ke kelas sebelum gadis itu bisa menghentikannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3905 +msgid "The stranger left..." +msgstr "Orang asing itu pergi..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3907 +msgid "Phew. {w=0.26}Glad that's over." +msgstr "Fuh. {w=0.26}Untung selesai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3915 +msgid "" +"Diya quickly enters the classroom before anyone else can try to talk to her." +msgstr "" +"Dia cepat-cepat masuk ke kelas sebelum ada orang lain yang bisa mencoba " +"untuk berbicara dengannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3927 +msgid "Teacher" +msgstr "Guru" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3935 +msgid "Inside, Akarsha and Noelle are playing cards." +msgstr "Di dalam, Akarsha dan Noelle sedang main kartu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3939 +msgid "Time to reveal your hand in 3...2...1..." +msgstr "Waktunya nunjukkin kartu lu dalam 3...2...1..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3941 +msgid "Noelle and Akarsha flip their cards over!" +msgstr "Noelle dan Akarsha membalikkan kartunya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3943 +msgid "Why is there a Yu-Gi-Oh card?!" +msgstr "Kenapa ada kartu Yu-Gi-Oh?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3945 +msgid "Akarsha taps it with her index finger." +msgstr "Akarsha mengetuknya dengan telunjuknya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3947 +msgid "This is Exodia, the Forbidden One." +msgstr "Ini Exodia, the Forbidden One." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3949 +msgid "Think outside the box. Taco Bell." +msgstr "Pikir di luar kotak. Taco Bell." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3951 +msgid "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" +msgstr "KAMU TIDAK BISA LAKUKAN INI!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3953 +msgid "Akarsha reaches across the desk and takes one of Noelle's cards." +msgstr "Akarsha menggapai ke seberang meja dan mengambil satu kartu Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3955 +msgctxt "p6_b4f18a79" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Kamu ngapain?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3957 +msgid "You said you were going to play this normally!" +msgstr "Katanya kamu bakal main ini dengan normal!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3959 +msgid "There's no rule in Yu-Gi-Oh saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." +msgstr "Ga ada peraturan di Yu-Gi-Oh kalau kita ga bisa makan kartu lawan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3961 +msgid "WE'RE PLAYING POKER." +msgstr "KITA MAIN POKER." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3963 +msgid "There's no rule in poker saying you can't eat the enemy's cards." +msgstr "Ga ada peraturan di poker kalau kita ga bisa makan kartu lawan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3969 +msgid "" +"Class starts!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily afternoon " +"struggle." +msgstr "" +"Kelas mulai!{w=0.26} Ini mengakhiri keributan sore setiap hari Noelle dan " +"Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3986 +msgid "Alright. Just one more period before the day's over." +msgstr "Oke. Satu jam lagi sampai hari selesai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3988 +msgid "Looking flushed, Noelle wipes sweat off her brow." +msgstr "Terlihat memerah, Noelle mengelap keringat di alisnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3990 +msgid "Why is it so hot?" +msgstr "Kenapa panas banget?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3992 +msgid "Because I'm he—" +msgstr "Soalnya gua di-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3994 +msgid "You shut up!" +msgstr "Kamu diam!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3997 +msgid "*loud, hurt gasp*" +msgstr "*terkesiap*" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:3998 +msgid "" +"My heart is exploding, my lungs are without air, my blood is boiling, my " +"body is shaking, and tears are running down my face," +msgstr "" +"Hatiku meledak, paru-paruku tanpa udara, darahku bergejolak, tubuhku " +"bergetar, dan air mata menitik dari wajahku," + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4004 +msgctxt "noelleSick_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4006 +msgid "Noelle is unsteadily grasping the side of a bench for support." +msgstr "Noelle dengan goyah meraih sisi bangku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4008 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7084459b" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Kamu ngapain?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4011 +msgid "I feel...extremely dizzy all of a sudden." +msgstr "Aku...tiba-tiba pusing." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4012 +msgid "As a precaution, I will remain stationary until the symptoms—" +msgstr "Sebagai pencegahan, aku akan tetap diam sampai gejalanya-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4016 +msgid "Diya grabs her as she collapses!" +msgstr "Diya menangkapnya sebelum dia jatuh!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4018 +msgid "Her entire body is burning up!" +msgstr "Badannya panas!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4019 +msgid "She must have a fever." +msgstr "Dia kayaknya demam." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4022 +msgid "We'll take you to the nurse's office, dude." +msgstr "Kita bawa lu ke UKS, bro." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4024 +msgid "NO!" +msgstr "JANGAN!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4025 +msgid "Don't you dare. I need to go to next period!" +msgstr "Jangan berani. Aku harus ikut pelajaran habis ini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4026 +msgid "Attendance is 20 percent of my grade in Gym class." +msgstr "Kehadiran itu 20 persen dari nilaiku di kelas Olahraga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4029 +msgid "Missing one day can't hurt. Gym is like a freebie anyway." +msgstr "Bolos sehari ga bakal kenapa-napa. Olahraga kayak gratisan lagian." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4031 +msgid "No, you don't understand...It's my worst subject..." +msgstr "Tidak, kamu tidak mengerti...Itu pelajaranku yang paling parah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4032 +msgid "" +"I can't afford to lose any more points when my mile time is 18 minutes every " +"week..." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak bisa kehilangan poin lagi saat jarak tempuh aku 18 menit setiap " +"minggu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4035 +msgid "??????????????!!!!?!" +msgstr "??????????????!!!!?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4036 +msgid "So slow?!!!!! What the? ?? ? ? " +msgstr "Lambat banget?!!!!! Hah? ?? ? ?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4039 +msgid "Don't make that face at me. I'm not you, Diy—" +msgstr "Jangan buat muka itu padaku. Aku bukan kamu, Diy-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4044 +msgid "Noelle launches into a sneezing fit!" +msgstr "Noelle bersin-bersin!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4046 +msgid "Gym's not even math or science. Is it that big of a deal?" +msgstr "Olahraga bahkan bukan mat atau IPA. Emang masalah banget?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4048 +msgid "" +"It'll still ruin her GPA and valedictorian status. Her parents will yell at " +"her and be really mean." +msgstr "" +"Itu masih bakalan ngerusak IPK sama status murid teladannya. Ortunya bakal " +"teriakin dan ngejahatin dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4050 +msgid "" +"What do we do?! If she gets a B because we took her to the nurse's office, " +"it'll destroy her!" +msgstr "" +"Kita harus ngapain?! Kalau dia dapat B gara-gara kita bawa dia ke UKS, itu " +"bakal hancurin dia!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4051 +msgid "" +"But she's in no condition be working out, either! She can't even stand " +"without me holding her up!" +msgstr "" +"Tapi dia juga enggak dalam kondisi buat olahraga juga! Dia bahkan enggak " +"bisa berdiri tanpa aku angkat!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4054 +msgid "Let's use our heads. There's gotta be way out of this." +msgstr "Ayo pake otak kita. Pasti ada jalan keluar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4056 +msgid "Like what?" +msgstr "Kayak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4058 +msgid "Like..." +msgstr "Kayak..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4059 +msgid "" +"If a meteor hits Earth right now, no one will mind if Noelle skips Gym class." +msgstr "" +"Kalau ada meteor nabrak Bumi sekarang, enggak bakal ada yang peduli Noelle " +"bolos kelas Olahraga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4061 +msgid "Brilliant. If the world ends, we're saved." +msgstr "Bagus. Kalau kiamat, kita selamat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4063 +msgid "Even cancelling school would be easier." +msgstr "Bahkan ngebatalin sekolah jauh lebih gampang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4066 +msgid "Hold that thought!" +msgstr "Bentar!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4068 +msgid "If school is cancelled...If school is cancelled {i}right now{/i}..." +msgstr "Kalau ga jadi sekolah...Kalau ga jadi sekolah {i}sekarang{/i}..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4070 +msgid "Snow day? But there's no snow." +msgstr "Salju? Tapi enggak ada salju." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4071 +msgid "Then how? As long as we make it so that no one goes to class, we win." +msgstr "Terus gimana? Yang penting kita buat semuanya enggak masuk kelas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4074 +msgctxt "noelleSick_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4076 +msgid "Akarsha is clearly going down some weird line of reasoning..." +msgstr "Akarsha dengan jelas sedang memikirkan suatu alasan yang aneh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4078 +msgid "...Dude!! I've got it!" +msgstr "...Woi!! Gua dapet!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4080 +msgid "Homie G" +msgstr "Homie G" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4083 +msgid "[diyaHomieName], you stay with Noelle while I...uh..." +msgstr "[diyaHomieName], lu tinggal sama Noelle terus gua...uh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4085 +msgid "...Do some stuff." +msgstr "...Ngelakuin sesuatu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4087 +msgid "What stuff?" +msgstr "Sesuatu apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4090 +msgid "Uh..." +msgstr "Uh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4091 +msgid "You're not gonna like it." +msgstr "Lu enggak bakal suka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4093 +msgid "Before I tell you, you gotta promise not to get mad." +msgstr "Sebelum gua kasih tau, janji jangan marah lho." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4095 +msgctxt "noelleSick_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Hah?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4098 +msgid "Well? Promise?" +msgstr "Bener? Janji?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4099 +msgid "Promise not to get mad" +msgstr "Berjanji tidak marah" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4099 +msgid "Don't promise" +msgstr "Jangan janji" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4102 +msgctxt "noelleSick_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4105 +msgid "Diya?! But what if it's something insane?!" +msgstr "Diya?! Tapi kalau misalnya itu gila gimana?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4108 +msgid "Then I'll just be annoyed internally." +msgstr "Kalau gitu aku cuman bakalan kesal dalam hati aja." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4111 +msgid "I knew I could count on you! A true homie!!" +msgstr "Gua tau gua bisa percaya sama lu! Sohib sejati!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4113 +msgid "What about you, Frenchman?" +msgstr "Kalau lu, Frenchman?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4115 +msgid "I can't promise not to get mad! Just tell us already!" +msgstr "Aku tidak bisa janji tidak marah! Kasih tahu aja!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4118 +msgid "Nope! I'm not telling you, then." +msgstr "Gak! Gak bakal aku kasih tahu kalau gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4120 +msgid "But what about me? I agreed." +msgstr "Kalau aku gimana? Aku janji." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4123 +msgid "Heck no. I know how it is with you two." +msgstr "Gak. Gua tau kalian gimana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4124 +msgid "If I tell you, you'll tell Noelle as soon as I'm gone." +msgstr "Kalau gua kasih tau lu, lu bakal bilang Noelle pas gua pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4126 +msgid "...Damn. That's true." +msgstr "...Njir. Bener juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4132 +msgctxt "noelleSick_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "Enggak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4135 +msgid "" +"That's right! How can we promise when we don't even know what it is yet?!" +msgstr "" +"Itu betul! Bagaimana kita bisa janji saat kita bahkan tidak tahu itu apa?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4136 +msgid "Just tell us already!" +msgstr "Kasih tahu aja!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4139 +msgid "Too bad! I'm not telling you, then." +msgstr "Sayang banget! Enggak bakal aku kasih tahu kalau gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4143 +msgid "Adios, amigos!" +msgstr "Adios, amigos!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4145 +msgid "Wait! Where are you going?" +msgstr "Tunggu! Mau kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4148 +msgid "Shrek's swamp." +msgstr "Rawa Shrek." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4151 +msgctxt "noelleSick_2ed201c8" +msgid "Akarsha left..." +msgstr "Akarsha pergi..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4153 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7146bd51" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4156 +msgctxt "noelleSick_6201b9b7" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4159 +msgid "I have a bad feeling about this." +msgstr "Aku punya perasaan buruk tentang ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4162 +msgctxt "noelleSick_7c44bd42" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "Aku juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4165 +msgid "" +"Why does everything have to be some kind of weird mind game with her? It's " +"exhausting." +msgstr "" +"Kenapa semuanya harus jadi semacam permainan pikiran aneh sama dia? Capek " +"banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4176 +msgid "She sounds so weak. She should rest on the bench." +msgstr "Dia kedengaran lemah banget. Dia harus istirahat di bangku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4178 +msgid "Diya sits, then lays Noelle down so her head is resting on her lap." +msgstr "" +"Diya duduk, dan membaringkan Noelle agar kepalanya bersandar di pangkuannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4180 +msgid "Nothing we can do now but wait..." +msgstr "Enggak ada yang bisa kita lakuin sekarang kecuali nunggu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4183 +msgid "Do we really have to do this?" +msgstr "Kita harus melakukan ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4184 +msgid "This is embarrassing." +msgstr "Memalukan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4187 +msgid "Oh, come on." +msgstr "Ayolah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4188 +msgid "" +"I've seen you throw up in a trash can at Happy Fish Swim School because you " +"were so bad at swimming that you inhaled half a gallon of water." +msgstr "" +"Aku pernah lihat kamu muntah di tong sampah Sekolah Renang Happy Fish " +"soalnya kamu benar-benar enggak bisa berenang sampai nelan setengah galon " +"air." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4189 +msgid "Compared to that, this is like a 3." +msgstr "Dibanding itu, ini kayak 3." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4192 +msgid "But this is different. This right now is unnecessary." +msgstr "Tapi ini beda. Ini sekarang tidak penting." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4193 +msgid "" +"Your thighs are so muscular that I feel like I'm resting my head on a rock." +msgstr "Paha kamu sangat berotot sampai aku merasa sedang istirahat di batu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4196 +msgid "Thanks for the compliment." +msgstr "Makasih pujiannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4199 +msgid "It wasn't a compliment." +msgstr "Itu bukan pujian." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4202 +msgid "How mean." +msgstr "Jahat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4203 +msgid "Now we definitely have to do this." +msgstr "Sekarang kita harus kayak gini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4223 +msgid "Feel Noelle's forehead" +msgstr "Rasakan dahi Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4223 +msgid "Talk to Noelle" +msgstr "Bicara dengan Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4233 +msgid "Diya presses her hand to Noelle's forehead." +msgstr "Diya menekan tangannya ke dahi Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4236 +msgid "It's hot. Hotter than my own forehead?" +msgstr "Panas. Lebih panas dari jidat aku?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4239 +msgid "" +"Studies show that people who try to diagnose fever by touch significantly " +"overestimate the incidence of fever, sometimes by as much as 40%%." +msgstr "" +"Studi menunjukkan orang-orang yang mencoba untuk mendiagnosa demam dengan " +"sentuhan secara signifikan membesar-besarkan insidensi demam, terkadang " +"sampai 40%%" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4242 +msgid "Oh. Never mind, then." +msgstr "Oh. Yasudah, enggak jadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Tell Noelle to get into shape" +msgstr "Bilang Noelle untuk segera sehat" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Talk about ancient Chinese rock pillows" +msgstr "Bicara tentang bantal batu Cina kuno" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny man for $100 million?" +msgstr "Kamu mau makan orang kerdil buat $100 juta?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4247 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_fba0b286" +#| msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:4247" +msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgstr "Berapa lama lagi sampai kelas mulai?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4253 +msgid "Get into shape." +msgstr "Ayo kuat-kuatin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4255 +msgid "" +"Even ignoring your Gym class grade, the way you are right now is just bad." +msgstr "" +"Bahkan nyampingin nilai kelas Olahraga kamu, kondisi kamu sekarang jelek " +"banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4257 +msgid "" +"You're like that Life Alert commercial. \n" +"I've fallen and I can't get up." +msgstr "" +"Kamu kayak iklan Life Alert itu. \n" +"Aku terjatuh dan tak bisa bangkit lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4260 +msgid "I know, I know..." +msgstr "Iya tahu, tahu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4263 +msgid "Then why don't you do something?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu kenapa kamu enggak ngelakuin sesuatu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4265 +msgid "" +"What if there's a zombie apocalypse and I get bitten first. \n" +"How are you going to survive?" +msgstr "" +"Gimana kalau ada serangan zombie terus aku digigit duluan. \n" +"Gimana caranya kamu hidup?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4268 +msgid "I can't help it! I don't have any time to work out." +msgstr "Ya gimana! Aku tidak punya waktu untuk olahraga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4269 +msgid "I can barely even keep up with my schedule as is." +msgstr "Aku bahkan hampir tidak bisa bertahan dengan jadwalku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4272 +msgid "That's just an excuse." +msgstr "Itu cuman alasan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4273 +msgid "She'd be able to figure something out if her heart was in it." +msgstr "Dia bakal bisa bisa mikirin sesuatu kalau dia niat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4274 +msgid "If only there was a way to get Noelle to enjoy exercising..." +msgstr "Kalau aja ada cara biar Noelle senang olahraga..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4280 +msgid "Did you know that in ancient China, they slept on rock pillows?" +msgstr "Kamu tau kalau di Cina Kuno, mereka tidur di bantal batu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4282 +msgid "I saw on Discovery Channel." +msgstr "Aku nonton di Discovery Channel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4285 +msgid "This isn't making me feel any better!" +msgstr "Ini tidak membuatku merasa lebih baik!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4288 +msgid "You're going back to your ancient roots." +msgstr "Kamu kembali ke asal-usul kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4291 +msgid "I don't want to go back to my ancient roots!" +msgstr "Aku tidak mau kembali ke asal-usulku!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4298 +msgid "Would you eat a tiny 2-inch tall man for 100 million dollars?" +msgstr "Kamu mau enggak makan manusia kerdil 2 inci buat 100 juta dollar?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4300 +msgid "I bet she's gonna say, \"Of course not. That's illegal.\"" +msgstr "Dia pasti bakalan bilang, \"Tidak. Itu ilegal.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4303 +msgid "Of course not. That's homicide, which is illegal." +msgstr "Tidak. Itu pembunuhan, itu ilegal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4306 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_e629b0d2" +msgid "........" +msgstr "........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4309 +msgid "What is this? Some dumb Akarsha question?" +msgstr "Apa ini? Pertanyaan bodoh Akarsha?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4312 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_9cbab985" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4319 +msgctxt "talkNoelleFever_fba0b286" +msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +msgstr "Berapa lama lagi sampai kelas mulai?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4322 +msgid "About 2 minutes." +msgstr "Sekitar 2 menit." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4323 +msgid "Maybe you should head to class. You'll be tardy." +msgstr "Mungkin kamu harus ke kelas. Kamu bakal terlambat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4326 +msgid "No, it's fine. I run fast." +msgstr "Enggak, gapapa. Aku larinya cepat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4337 +msgid "Suddenly, Noelle tries to sit up!" +msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Noelle berusaha duduk!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4339 +msgid "Her abs are too weak, though, so she fails and flops back down." +msgstr "Tapi, perutnya terlalu lemah, maka dia gagal dan jatuh lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4341 +msgid "What're you doing." +msgstr "Kamu ngapain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4342 +msgid "Becoming a fish?" +msgstr "Jadi ikan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4345 +msgid "I just had a great idea!" +msgstr "Aku dapat ide bagus!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4346 +msgid "" +"You know how on Valentine's Day, you can pay the school to deliver roses to " +"someone?" +msgstr "" +"Kamu tahu kalau saat Hari Valentine, kamu bayar sekolah untuk kirim mawar ke " +"sesorang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4349 +msgid "Oh, like in middle school." +msgstr "Oh, kayak pas SMP." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4350 +msgid "You could have them secretly send your crush candy grams for $5." +msgstr "Kamu bisa diam-diam kasih gebetanmu permen dengan $5." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4353 +msgid "Yes, like that." +msgstr "Iya, seperti gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4354 +msgid "Except here, we're more mature, so it's flowers." +msgstr "Kecuali disini, kita lebih dewasa, jadi bunga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4355 +msgid "" +"We should send Akarsha one, with the message \"From your secret admirer.\"" +msgstr "" +"Kita harus kirim Akarsha satu, dengan pesan \"Dari pengagum rahasiamu.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4357 +msgid "Imagine how confused she'll be!" +msgstr "Bayangkan dia bakal sebingung apa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4358 +msgid "And we can tease her relentlessly about it." +msgstr "Dan kita bisa goda dia tanpa henti." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4359 +msgid "It'll be hilarious!" +msgstr "Bakal lucu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4362 +msgid "Okay, that IS pretty funny." +msgstr "Oke, ITU lumayan kocak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4363 +msgid "It's not even that mean because she'll get free flowers out of it." +msgstr "" +"Itu bahkan enggak terlalu jahat soalnya dia bakalan dapat bunga gratis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4364 +msgid "The secret admirer part is the best." +msgstr "Bagian pengagum rahasianya yang paling bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4365 +msgid "She'll drive herself nuts trying to figure out who it is." +msgstr "Dia bakalan gila coba cari tahu itu siapa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4368 +msgid "Alternatively, we can sign it with really common initials, like K.C." +msgstr "" +"Kalau tidak, kita bisa menandatanganinya dengan inisal yang sangat umum, " +"seperti K.C." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4369 +msgid "She'll look up every guy with those initials at this school." +msgstr "Dia akan cari setiap laki-laki dengan inisial itu di sekolah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4372 +msgid "That's good too..." +msgstr "Itu bagus juga..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4375 +msgid "" +"I can't decide if it's funnier to have her conclude it's a random person, or " +"for her to be constantly suspicious of everyone." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak bisa memutuskan kalau lebih lucu untuk buat dia menyimpulkan itu " +"orang asing, atau buat dia terus-terusan curiga ke semua orang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4378 +msgid "Maybe we can do this every year." +msgstr "Mungkin kita bisa lakuin ini tiap tahun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4379 +msgid "Like a tradition." +msgstr "Kayak tradisi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4382 +msgid "Oh my god." +msgstr "Oh my god." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4383 +msgid "You're a genius!" +msgstr "Kamu jenius!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4385 +msgid "The first two years we don't give her any clues." +msgstr "Dua tahun pertama kita tidak akan beri dia petunjuk apapun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4386 +msgid "" +"And then junior year, add the initials and encourage her to jump to the " +"wrong conclusions." +msgstr "" +"Dan saat kelas 11, tambahin inisial dan dukung dia biar loncat ke kesimpulan " +"yang salah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4387 +msgid "That way we'll get to see both." +msgstr "Dengan begitu kita bisa lihat keduanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4389 +msgid "Noelle is in such a good mood that she lets out a creepy, evil laugh." +msgstr "" +"Suasana hati Noelle sedang sangat bagus sampai-sampai dia tertawa dengan " +"jahat dan menyeramkan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4391 +msgid "We can also make the message a cipher. So she has to solve it." +msgstr "Kita juga bisa buat pesannya sandi. Jadi dia harus memecahkannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4394 +msgid "If you put too much math on it, she'll know it's you." +msgstr "Kalau kamu masukin terlalu banyak mat, dia bakal tahu itu kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4397 +msgid "Ciphers aren't math." +msgstr "Sandi bukan mat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4400 +msgid "If you have to explain to me what it is, she'll know it's you." +msgstr "Kalau kamu harus jelasin ke aku, dia bakal tahu itu kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4403 +msgid "Fair enough." +msgstr "Yasudah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4406 +msgid "How much do the roses cost?" +msgstr "Mawarnya berapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4409 +msgid "Probably around $12." +msgstr "Mungkin sekitar $12." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4412 +msgid "$12..." +msgstr "$12..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4413 +msgid "That's $6 per person." +msgstr "Itu $6 per orang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4414 +msgid "Don't really want to spend that much on a joke." +msgstr "Enggak mau habisin sebanyak itu buat candaan. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4415 +msgid "Especially if it's annual. It'd be $48 in all." +msgstr "Apalagi kalau itu tahunan. Bakalan $48 totalnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4418 +msgid "We could split the cost between more people, so it's more reasonable." +msgstr "Kita bisa patungan dengan lebih banyak orang, jadi lebih masuk akal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4421 +msgid "But we don't have any other friends who would appreciate it." +msgstr "Tapi kita enggak punya temen lain yang bakal ngehargain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4424 +msgctxt "hackedAlarms_320efa19" +msgid "........" +msgstr "........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4425 +msgid "You're right." +msgstr "Benar juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4426 +msgid "Nevermind. Just forget it, then." +msgstr "Tidak jadi. Lupakan, kalau begitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4428 +msgid "Noelle looks immensely disappointed..." +msgstr "Noelle terlihat sangat kecewa..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4444 +msgid "?!??!!" +msgstr "?!??!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4446 +msgid "Someone hacked the fire alarms to play the Super Mario Bros. theme!" +msgstr "" +"Seseorang meretas alarm kebakaran untuk memutar tema Super Mario Bros.!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4450 +msgid "Almost gave me a heart attack..." +msgstr "Hampir serangan jantung..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4453 +msgctxt "hackedAlarms_9899a6c1" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4455 +msgid "Students come flooding out of the classrooms." +msgstr "Murid-murid keluar dari kelas mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4456 +msgid "They all look really glad for an excuse to leave." +msgstr "Mereka terlihat lega mempunyai alasan untuk pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4458 +msgid "Everyone is evacuating to the field, like we're supposed to." +msgstr "Semuanya evakuasi di lapangan, kayak yang seharusnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4459 +msgid "Can you walk?" +msgstr "Bisa jalan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4462 +msgid "Ye—" +msgstr "Bi-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4464 +msgid "Diya catches Noelle as she pitches forward again." +msgstr "Diya menangkap Noelle saat dia timpang lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4466 +msgid "Nope." +msgstr "Enggak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4483 +msgid "Diya gives Noelle a piggyback ride to the field." +msgstr "Diya menggendong Noelle ke lapangan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4485 +msgid "The entire school is out here now." +msgstr "Seluruh sekolah disini sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4491 +msgid "Sup, homies." +msgstr "Watsap, gais." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4495 +msgid "You!" +msgstr "Kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4496 +msgid "I can't believe you've done this!" +msgstr "Aku tidak percaya kamu melakukan ini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4498 +msgid "I ought to report you to the authorities." +msgstr "Aku seharusnya melaporkanmu ke yang berwenang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4500 +msgid "But you won't." +msgstr "Tapi kamu gak bakalan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4507 +msgid "" +"What, you think I won't just because we're fr...f...fellow acquaintances?" +msgstr "Apa, kamu pikir aku tidak akan hanya karena kita te...t...kenalan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4510 +msgid "FELLOW ACQUAINTANCES??" +msgstr "KENALAN??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4512 +msgid "She was totally about to say \"friends\"." +msgstr "Dia beneran mau bilang \"temen\"." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4515 +msgid "I was not!" +msgstr "Aku tidak!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4518 +msgid "Admit it! Friends! Friends! Friends!" +msgstr "Ayo ngaku! Temen! Temen! Temen!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4521 +msgid "I hate you more than is physically possible right now!" +msgstr "Aku benci kamu lebih dari yang dapat dilakukan saat ini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4525 +msgid "Oh, come on. What did you want me to do?" +msgstr "Oh, ayolah. Lu mau gua ngapain?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4526 +msgid "" +"Travel back in time and change Chinese culture to not see academic " +"achievement as a moral virtue?" +msgstr "" +"Pergi ke masa lalu dan ganti budaya Cina biar enggak lihat pencapaian " +"akademis sebagai kebijaksanaan moral?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4530 +msgid "The one who's getting saved doesn't get to complain." +msgstr "Yang diselamatin enggak boleh ngomel." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4532 +msgid "You broke the law! How can I not complain?!" +msgstr "Kamu melanggar aturan! Bagaimana aku tidak mengeluh?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4535 +msgid "Is anyone on this earth truly innocent?" +msgstr "Emang ada orang di bumi yang benar-benar gak bersalah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4537 +msgid "YOU CAN'T DISTRACT ME WITH FAKE DEEP STATEMENTS!" +msgstr "KAMU TIDAK BISA MENGALIHKANKU DENGAN PERNYATAAN MENDALAM PALSU!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4540 +msgid "You don't appreciate anything I do!" +msgstr "Lu enggak ngehargain apapun yang gua lakuin!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4541 +msgid "" +"Where's my Nobel Peace Prize? Where's my \"Thank you Akarsha, you're awesome" +"\"?" +msgstr "" +"Mana Penghargaan Perdamaian Nobel gua? Mana \"Terima kasih Akarsha, kamu " +"keren\" gua?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4545 +msgid "I'm not thanking you for this illicit \"help\" that I NEVER asked for." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak berterimakasih padamu untuk \"bantuan\" haram ini yang TIDAK " +"PERNAH aku minta." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4546 +msgid "" +"Were you seriously expecting to be praised? Never have I ever been more " +"embarrased for my fellow man." +msgstr "" +"Kamu benar-benar serius berharap untuk dipuji? Aku tidak pernah semalu ini " +"untuk sesamaku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4549 +msgid "I'm a hero!" +msgstr "Gua pahlawan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4551 +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO!!!" +msgstr "KAMU BUKAN PAHLAWAN!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4552 +msgid "YOU SCUMBAG!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!" +msgstr "KAMU SAMPAH!!!!! MENJIJIKAN!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4555 +msgid "Fine! Be that way!" +msgstr "Okeh! Gitu aja!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4557 +msgid "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" +msgstr "Maaf. Maafin dong?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4559 +msgid "You don't look even remotely sorry." +msgstr "Kamu tidak terlihat menyesal sama sekali." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4561 +msgid "I can't help it if I think you're funny when you're mad." +msgstr "Gua ga tahan mikir kalau lu tuh lucu pas lagi marah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4563 +msgid "Just don't tell on me and we'll call it even. Deal?" +msgstr "Jangan cepuin gua dan gua anggap adil. Setuju?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4565 +msgid "" +"Akarsha offers her a handshake. Noelle regards it with obvious suspicion." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha menawarkan sebuah jabatan tangan. Noelle memandangnya dengan penuh " +"curiga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4566 +msgid "" +"She cautiously releases her grip on Diya's shoulder and reaches out to shake " +"it." +msgstr "" +"Dia dengan hati-hati melepaskan genggamannya di bahu Diya dan mengulurkan " +"tangan untuk menjabatnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4574 +msgid "" +"Instead of grasping her hand, Akarsha grabs Noelle's wrist. She starts " +"hitting Noelle with her own hand!!" +msgstr "" +"Alih-alih menggenggam tangannya, Akarsha memegang pergelangan tangan Noelle. " +"Dia mulai memukuli Noelle dengan tangan Noelle sendiri!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4576 +msgid "Why're you hitting yourself? Why're you hitting yoursel— " +msgstr "Kenapa mukulin diri lu sendiri? Kenapa mukulin diri lu sendiri— " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4578 +msgid "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" +msgstr "AKU BENCI KAMU!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4579 +msgid "YOU...STUPID!!!!" +msgstr "KAMU...TOLOL!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4582 +msgid "You should've killed me when you had the chance." +msgstr "Lu harusnya bunuh gua waktu sempat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4584 +msgid "Next time, I won't let you off so easy. This is your last warning." +msgstr "" +"Selanjutnya, aku tidak akan melepaskanmu begitu saja. Ini peringatan " +"terakhir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4587 +msgid "She said that last time. And the time before that." +msgstr "Dia bilang itu terakhir kali. Dan sebelumnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4590 +msgid "Power of friendship!" +msgstr "Kekuatan pertemanan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4591 +msgid "" +"A stranger brushes past Akarsha in the crowd. Akarsha gawks after her, " +"placing her hand on her heart." +msgstr "" +"Seseorang menyenggol Akarsha di kerumunan. Akarsha melongo padanya, menaruh " +"tangannya di dadanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4593 +msgid "What are we..." +msgstr "Apasih..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4610 +msgid "Wait, that looks like...?!" +msgstr "Tunggu, itu kayak...?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4611 +msgid "??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4614 +msgid "Diya chases after the person." +msgstr "Diya mengejar orang tersebut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4616 +msgid "Diya?!" +msgstr "Diya?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4617 +msgid "Where are we going?" +msgstr "Mau kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4620 +msgid "The person." +msgstr "Orang itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4622 +msgid "The person is so short that Diya loses sight of her in crowd." +msgstr "" +"Orang itu sangat pendek sampai-sampai Diya kehilangan dia di kerumunan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4624 +msgid "????????? ???" +msgstr "?????????? ???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4626 +msgid "I lost her!" +msgstr "Aku kehilangan dia!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4628 +msgctxt "ch3_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4630 +msgid "Great. I'm so sleep-deprived that I'm literally hallucinating." +msgstr "Bagus. Aku benar-benar kekurangan tidur sampai halusinasi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4646 +msgid "That night, Diya dreams of the past." +msgstr "Malam itu, Diya bermimpi tentang masa lalunya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4649 +msgid "3rd grade" +msgstr "Kelas 3" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4684 +msgid "Enemy catcher" +msgstr "Catcher lawan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4685 +msgid "Umpire" +msgstr "Wasit" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4691 +msgid "Whoa!! I'm up to bat!!" +msgstr "Wah!! Aku yang mukul!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4692 +msgid "Yeah!!!!!" +msgstr "Yeah!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4693 +msgid "I get to hit the ball!! This is so fun!!!" +msgstr "Aku yang mukul bolanya!! Seru banget!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4695 +msgid "Spectators" +msgstr "Penonton" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4697 +msgctxt "battingStart_ce41ef83" +msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" +msgstr "Hei, lihat! Yang mukul cewek!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4698 +msgid "Phew! Our team got lucky!" +msgstr "Fuh! Tim kita hoki!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4700 +msgctxt "battingStart_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4704 +msgid "SHUT UP YOU DUMB...DUMB POO-POO HEAD!!!" +msgstr "DIAM DASAR...DASAR KEPALA TAHI!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4705 +msgid "SAY ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL KILL YOU!!" +msgstr "NGOMONG SATU KATA LAGI DAN AKU BAKAL BUNUH KAMU!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4707 +msgctxt "battingStart_25e3c19d" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Apa?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4708 +msgid "\"What?!\" is a word!" +msgstr "\"Apa?!\" itu satu kata!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4710 +msgid "DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" +msgstr "MATIIIIIIIII!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4712 +msgid "A fight broke out in the stands!" +msgstr "Ada perkelahian muncul di tribun!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4715 +msgid "?????!!!" +msgstr "??????!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4723 +msgid "Min is beating the crap out of an old grandpa!" +msgstr "Min sedang menghajar seorang kakek tua!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4725 +msgid "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! I'M A GREEN BELT!" +msgstr "AWAS AJA! AKU SABUK HIJAU!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4728 +msgid "Green belt..." +msgstr "Sabuk hijau..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4730 +msgid "The other adults are rushing to pull her off him." +msgstr "Orang dewasa lainnya cepat-cepat menariknya dari kakek itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4732 +msgctxt "battingStart_db030cf8" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4738 +msgid "Min scrambles down the rafters with everyone chasing after her." +msgstr "Min bergegas menuruni tangga dengan semua orang mengejarnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4739 +msgid "I'm taking you with me!!" +msgstr "Aku bawa kamu sama aku!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4741 +msgid "She grabs Diya's wrist and sprints off with her in tow." +msgstr "Dia memegang pergelangan tangan Diya dan berlari dengannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4743 +msgctxt "battingStart_a768a9ea" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4745 +msgid "Wait! Stop!" +msgstr "Tunggu! Berhenti!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4758 +msgid "We got away." +msgstr "Kita kabur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4761 +msgid "Heheheh!!! I kidnapped you!!" +msgstr "Heheheheh!!! Aku nyulik kamu!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4763 +msgctxt "battingStart_b6399d89" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "Ya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4766 +msgid "Now we can do whatever we want." +msgstr "Sekarang kita bisa ngelakuin apapun yang kita pingin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4767 +msgid "Come on! I brought Jun's bike!" +msgstr "Ayo! Aku bawa sepedanya Jun!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4769 +msgid "Min pulls Jun-seo's bike out from the bushes." +msgstr "Min menarik keluar sepeda Jun-seo dari semak-semak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4770 +msgid "She mounts the bike and looks at Diya expectantly." +msgstr "Dia menaiki sepedanya dan melihat Diya dengan penuh harap." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4772 +msgid "You sit on the rear rack." +msgstr "Kamu duduk di belakang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4774 +msgid "Shouldn't I be the one pedaling? I'm bigger than you. " +msgstr "Bukannya aku yang harusnya gowes? Aku lebih besar dari kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4777 +msgid "I'm training for when I get taller than you!" +msgstr "Aku latihan buat nanti pas aku lebih tinggi dari kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4779 +msgid "That's never gonna happen. You'll be short forever." +msgstr "Enggak bakal. Kamu bakal kecil terus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4782 +msgid "How do you know?! Just you watch!" +msgstr "Gimana kamu tahu?! Tunggu aja!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4783 +msgid "Are you getting on or not?" +msgstr "Kamu mau naik atau enggak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4785 +msgid "Diya tentatively lowers herself onto the bike rack." +msgstr "Diya dengan ragu-ragu duduk di rak sepeda." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4788 +msgid "So where do you wanna go next?" +msgstr "Jadi mau kemana habis ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "My house" +msgstr "Rumahku" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Your house" +msgstr "Rumahmu" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Noelle's house" +msgstr "Rumah Noelle" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Home Depot lights section" +msgstr "Home Depot bagian lampu" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4799 +msgid "Ask Min to decide" +msgstr "Biarkan Min memilih" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4803 +msgid "My house." +msgstr "Rumah aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4806 +msgid "You wanna go home already?!" +msgstr "Udah mau pulang?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4808 +msgid "No, that's not what I meant. You're invited too." +msgstr "Bukan, bukan gitu. Kamu diundang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4809 +msgid "We can play tag and eat ice cream." +msgstr "Kita bisa main kejar-kejaran dan makan es krim." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4812 +msgid "" +"But aren't your parents there? You'll get in trouble if they see me with you." +msgstr "" +"Bukannya orangtua kamu disana? Kamu bakalan dapet masalah kalau mereka lihat " +"aku bareng kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4814 +msgid "Oh, right...darn." +msgstr "Oh, iya...yah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4815 +msgid "" +"My parents are really unreasonable about Min.)\n" +"(I'm actually not even allowed to talk to her." +msgstr "" +"Orangtua aku benar-benar enggak masuk akal tentang Min.)\n" +"(Aku sebenarnya bahkan enggak boleh ngobrol sama dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4817 +msgid "" +"It's so stupid. They don't know anything about her, but just because she has " +"short hair and wears boy clothes they hate her." +msgstr "" +"Bodoh banget. Mereka enggak tahu apa-apa tentang mereka, tapi hanya gara-" +"gara dia punya rambut pendek dan pakai baju cowok mereka benci dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4818 +msgid "They always call her a freak." +msgstr "Mereka selalu bilang dia aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4823 +msgid "Your house." +msgstr "Rumah kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4826 +msgid "" +"We won't be able to get in. My parents came out with me, and I don't have " +"the keys." +msgstr "" +"Kita enggak bakal bisa masuk. Orangtua aku keluar bareng aku, dan aku enggak " +"punya kunci." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4828 +msgid "Oh, right. You're basically a fugitive right now." +msgstr "Oh, iya. Kamu pada dasarnya pelarian sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4831 +msgid "" +"Why do you wanna go to my house, anyway? You've already been there a bunch " +"of times." +msgstr "Legian, kenapa kamu mau ke rumah aku? Kamu udah kesana berkali-kali." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4833 +msgid "It's fun seeing where you live." +msgstr "Seru lihat kamu tinggal dimana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4834 +msgid "I feel like I learn something new every time I go." +msgstr "Aku ngerasa kayak aku belajar sesuatu yang baru setiap kali aku pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4837 +msgid "Really? Like what?" +msgstr "Oh? Kayak apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4839 +msgid "" +"Like, you have to sleep in a girly pink blanket while Jun gets the Hot " +"Wheels one." +msgstr "" +"Kayak, kamu harus harus tidur pakai selimut pink sementara Jun dapat yang " +"Hot Wheels." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4840 +msgid "And there's a treadmill in the living room." +msgstr "Dan ada treadmill di ruang keluarga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4841 +msgid "" +"Remember the time you tried to run on it at 10 Speed to impress me, fell " +"off, and broke your arm?" +msgstr "" +"Inget waktu kamu coba ngejalanin itu di Kecepatan 10 buat bikin aku " +"terkesan, jatuh, terus matahin lengan kamu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4844 +msgid "I, I don't remember that! You must've remembered wrong." +msgstr "A, Aku enggak ingat! Kamu pasti salah ingat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4847 +msgid "" +"And you brush your teeth too hard, so your toothbrush bristles look " +"hilarious." +msgstr "" +"Dan kamu nyikat gigi terlalu keras, jadi bulu sikat gigi kamu kelihatan lucu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4848 +msgid "They're all flattened." +msgstr "Rata semua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4851 +msgid "What's so funny about that?" +msgstr "Apa yang lucu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4852 +msgid "I have to make sure I kill the germs!" +msgstr "Aku harus matiin aku bunuh semua kumannya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4854 +msgid "Of course you do." +msgstr "Iya deh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4860 +msgid "Noelle's house. We can say hi to Noelle." +msgstr "Rumah Noelle. Kita bisa bilang hai ke Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4863 +msgid "What?! Why?!" +msgstr "Apa?! Kenapa?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4867 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832" +msgid "I miss her." +msgstr "Aku kangen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4870 +msgid "You just saw her yesterday." +msgstr "Kamu baru lihat dia kemarin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4872 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_eea08832_1" +msgid "I miss her." +msgstr "Aku kangen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4875 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_41b50903" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "Ih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4877 +msgid "Oh, come on. You should give her a chance." +msgstr "Oh, ayolah. Kamu harus kasih dia kesempatan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4878 +msgid "She's so funny. She looks at every individual grape before she eats it." +msgstr "Dia lucu banget. Dia lihatin tiap butir anggur sebelum dia makan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4879 +msgid "I know she's kinda aloof, but it'd be so cool if you were friends." +msgstr "" +"Aku tahu dia agak terasing, tapi bakalan keren banget kalau kamu temenan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4882 +msgid "What's \"aloof\" mean?" +msgstr "\"Terasing\" artinya apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4884 +msgid "" +"It's like...cold. She always tries to hide how much she likes you. Like a " +"cat." +msgstr "" +"Itu kayak...dingin. Dia selalu coba nyembunyiin kalau dia suka kamu. Kayak " +"kucing." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4885 +msgid "Once you get used to it, it's sorta cute." +msgstr "Kalau kamu udah biasa, itu agak imut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4888 +msgid "At this, Min's expression dramatically sours." +msgstr "Mendengar ini, ekspresi Min memburuk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4890 +msgctxt "whereToGoChoice_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4892 +msgid "If you hate it that much, we can go somewhere else." +msgstr "Kalau kamu sebenci itu, kita bisa pergi ke tempat lain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4898 +msgid "Home Depot lights section." +msgstr "Bagian lampu Home Depot." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4901 +msgid "What's so great about that?" +msgstr "Apa yang bagus dari itu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4903 +msgid "" +"There's so many different lamps in one place. The designs are cool, and it's " +"really bright." +msgstr "" +"Ada banyak lampu berbeda di satu tempat. Desainnya keren, dan cerah banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4904 +msgid "" +"The rest of the store is ordinary, but that one aisle feels like a special " +"place in another world." +msgstr "" +"Sisa tokonya biasa aja, tapi bagian itu kerasa kayak tempat spesial di dunia " +"lain.." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4905 +msgid "I like to pretend I'm furnishing a house and pick my favorites." +msgstr "Aku suka pura-pura lagi nyiapin rumah dan pilih favorit aku" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4907 +msgid "Hm." +msgstr "Hm." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4909 +msgid "I know it sounds bland. You don't have to." +msgstr "Aku tahu kedengaran membosankan. Kamu enggak harus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4912 +msgid "" +"No, let's go. It sounds like a place that'd be boring if I went with my " +"parents, but fun if I go with you." +msgstr "" +"Enggak, ayo pergi. Kedengarannya kayak tempat yang ngebosenin kalau aku " +"pergi sama orangtua aku, tapi seru kalau aku pergi sama kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4914 +msgid "" +"I know what you mean. If you're with someone you like, everywhere is " +"interesting." +msgstr "" +"Aku tahu maksud kamu. Kalau kamu sama orang yang kamu suka, semuanya menarik." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4917 +msgid "Which way to Home Depot?" +msgstr "Home Depot kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4919 +msgid "...Not sure. I haven't been there in years." +msgstr "...Gak yakin. Udah lama enggak ke sana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4921 +msgid "Too bad..." +msgstr "Yah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4927 +msgid "Where should we go instead, then?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu, kita kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4933 +msgid "Min, you decide." +msgstr "Min, kamu yang putusin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4938 +msgid "Are you sure? The place I want to take you is pretty far." +msgstr "Yakin? Tempat yang aku pingin bawa kamu lumayan jauh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4939 +msgid "" +"So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock that " +"outta the way first." +msgstr "" +"Jadi kalau ada tempat lain yang pingin kamu datengin, mungkin kita harus " +"kesana dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "There's still somewhere I wanna go" +msgstr "Masih ada tempat yang mau aku kunjungi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4940 +msgid "Nah, I'm good" +msgstr "Enggak" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4941 +msgid "" +"{cps=0}So if there's anywhere else you wanna go, we should probably knock " +"that outta the way first.{/cps}" +msgstr "" +"{cps=0}Jadi kalau ada tempat lain yang pingin kamu datengin, mungkin kita " +"harus kesana dulu.{/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4944 +msgid "On second thought, let's go somewhere else first." +msgstr "Setelah dipikir, ayo kita pergi ke tempat lain dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4947 +msgid "Okay! Where?" +msgstr "Oke! Kemana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4950 +msgctxt "dangerous_57e599f4" +msgid "Diya shakes her head." +msgstr "Diya menggelengkan kepalanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4952 +msgctxt "dangerous_9abc2e50" +msgid "Okay!" +msgstr "Oke!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4954 +msgid "Then hold on tight." +msgstr "Pegangan yang erat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4956 +msgid "You're not telling me where we're going?" +msgstr "Kamu enggak bilang kita ke mana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4959 +msgid "It's a surprise." +msgstr "Kejutan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4979 +msgid "" +"After an extreme amount of effort on Min's part, they arrive at a ravine." +msgstr "Setelah usaha yang ekstrim dari Min, mereka sampai di sebuah jurang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4981 +msgid "We....we...here!!!!" +msgstr "Ki...kita...sampai!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4985 +msgid "That wasn't even a coherent sentence..." +msgstr "Itu bahkan bukan kalimat yang jelas..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4986 +msgid "Are you okay." +msgstr "Kamu gapapa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4989 +msgid "Y-yeah! What kinda weakling do you think I am?!" +msgstr "I-iya! Kamu pikir aku makhluk lemah macam apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4992 +msgid "" +"Her legs must feel like jelly right now, but there's no way she'd ever admit " +"it." +msgstr "" +"Kaki dia pasti rasanya kayak jeli sekarang, tapi enggak mungkin dia bakal " +"ngaku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4994 +msgid "Thanks for the ride." +msgstr "Makasih tumpangannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4997 +msgid "You're welcome! Anytime!!" +msgstr "Sama-sama! Kapanpun!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:4999 +msgid "The place is down this hill and through the tunnel." +msgstr "Tempatnya di bawah bukit lewat terowongan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5002 +msgid "Should I get off? It's too steep to bike down." +msgstr "Aku harus turun? Terlalu curam buat naik sepeda." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5005 +msgid "Yeah!! Let's run down!" +msgstr "Iya!! Ayo lari kebawah!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5010 +msgid "Min enthusiastically leaps off the bike and sprints down the hill!" +msgstr "" +"Min dengan antusian melompat dari sepeda dan berlari dengan cepat ke bawah " +"bukit!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5012 +msgid "The bike is just lying there in the grass..." +msgstr "Sepedanya terbaring begitu saja di rumput..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5015 +msgid "Wait. We can't leave this." +msgstr "Tunggu. Kita enggak bisa biarin ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5016 +msgctxt "dangerous_6e8840cd" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5018 +msgid "Diya picks up the bike and runs after her. " +msgstr "Diya mengambil sepedanya dan lari mengejarnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5020 +msgid "Min is waiting at the mouth of the tunnel." +msgstr "Min sedang menunggu di mulut terowongan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5023 +msgid "I wanna show you something on the other side. Let's walk through." +msgstr "Aku mau tunjukkin kamu sesuatu di ujungnya. Ayo jalan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5024 +msgid "She peers into the darkness with a hopeful look on her face." +msgstr "Dia melihat ke kegelapan dengan penuh harapan di wajahnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5027 +msgid "What're you looking for?" +msgstr "Kamu cari apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5030 +msgid "Skeletons." +msgstr "Tengkorak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5031 +msgid "Are you scared?" +msgstr "Kamu takut?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5033 +msgid "Don't worry. I'll protect you." +msgstr "Ga usah khawatir. Aku bakal lindungin kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5035 +msgctxt "dangerous_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5036 +msgctxt "dangerous_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5037 +msgid "I'm counting on you, then." +msgstr "Kalau gitu, aku ngandelin kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5040 +msgctxt "dangerous_cbdfc056" +msgid "Yeah!!" +msgstr "Yeah!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5041 +msgid "I'll protect you with my life!!!" +msgstr "Aku bakal lindungin kamu!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5042 +msgid "Min grabs Diya's hand." +msgstr "Min memegang tangan Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5044 +msgid "There's water on the ground. Hold on to me so you don't slip." +msgstr "Ada air di tanah. Pegangan biar gak kepeleset." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5046 +msgid "...If I slip like this, you'll just get dragged down with me." +msgstr "" +"...Kalau aku kepeleset kayak gini, kamu hanya bakal ikut jatuh bareng aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5049 +msgid "No, I won't! Trust me!" +msgstr "Enggak, gabakal! Percaya aja!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5072 +msgid "Look at trees" +msgstr "Lihat pepohonan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5083 +msgid "Enter the tunnel" +msgstr "Masuk ke terowongan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5089 +msgid "There's a squirrel scampering up the tree." +msgstr "Ada seekor tupai berlari di atas pohon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5090 +msgid "When it sees Diya staring, it lifts one paw." +msgstr "" +"Saat tupai itu melihat Diya menatapnya, tupai itu mengangkat satu tangannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5092 +msgid "Whoa!! It waved at us!" +msgstr "Wah!! Dia melambai ke kita!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5094 +msgid "Min. It's waving. Min, look." +msgstr "Min. Dia melambai. Min, lihat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5095 +msgid "That squirrel just waved at us." +msgstr "Tupai itu baru saja melambai ke kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5098 +msgid "You're way too excited about this." +msgstr "Kamu semangat banget tentang ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5101 +msgid "Then why are you smiling?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu kenapa kamu senyum?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5104 +msgid "Because it's cute." +msgstr "Soalnya imut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5106 +msgctxt "lookSquirrel_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5107 +msgid "Really. I didn't know you liked squirrels." +msgstr "Beneran. Aku enggak tahu kamu suka tupai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5110 +msgid "I was talking about you." +msgstr "Maksudnya kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5113 +msgctxt "lookSquirrel_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5115 +msgid "Diya's face feels strangely hot..." +msgstr "Wajah Diya terasa panas..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5127 +msgid "It's pitch black inside the tunnel." +msgstr "Gelap gulita di terowongan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5129 +msgid "If it weren't for Min, Diya actually would be a bit scared now." +msgstr "" +"Kalau bukan karena Min, Diya sebenarnya akan sedikit ketakutan sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5131 +msgid "Don't worry, Diya. I got this." +msgstr "Gapapa, Diya. Aku bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5132 +msgid "She stomps her foot. Her Skechers light up." +msgstr "Dia menginjak-injak kakinya. Sketchersnya menyala." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5133 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_1856bd91" +msgid "Whoa!!!" +msgstr "Whoa!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5135 +msgid "Diya is really impressed!" +msgstr "Diya sangat terkesan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5137 +msgid "Teach me how to count to ten!" +msgstr "Ajarin aku cara menghitung sampai sepuluh!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5138 +msgid "Okay. One." +msgstr "Oke. Satu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5139 +msgid "Okay. {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" +msgstr "Oke. {font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5141 +msgid "One!" +msgstr "Satu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5142 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5143 +msgid "Two." +msgstr "Dua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5144 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5146 +msgid "Two!!!" +msgstr "Dua!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5147 +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}இரண்டு!!!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5149 +msgid "After a minute, Min has learned the numbers up to 10." +msgstr "Setelah satu menit, Min telah belajar angka sampai 10." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5150 +msgid "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten!!!" +msgstr "Satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh delapan sembilan sepuluh!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5151 +msgid "" +"{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" +msgstr "" +"{font=tamil.ttf}ஒன்று இரண்டு மூன்று நான்கு ஐந்து ஆறு ஏழு எட்டு ஒன்பது பத்து!!!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5153 +msgid "I'm probably gonna forget it all over again in a few days." +msgstr "Aku mungkin bakalan lupa lagi dalam beberapa hari." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5154 +msgid "Then I'll teach it to you again, when it happens." +msgstr "Kalau gitu aku bakal ngajarin kamu lagi, kalau itu terjadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5155 +msgid "I'll do it over and over forever if you want. I don't mind." +msgstr "Aku bakal ulang terus kalau kamu mau. Aku enggak keberatan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5157 +msgid "Okay. My turn to teach you." +msgstr "Oke. Giliran aku ajarin kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5158 +msgid "I still remember some from last time." +msgstr "Aku masih ingat dari yang terakhir kali." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5160 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5162 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5164 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5165 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯?{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5167 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_5485c3ae_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5168 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯. 다섯. 다섯.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5169 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_8f055744_1" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}하나 둘 셋 넷............ {/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5171 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_17cf63b0_1" +msgid "..." +msgstr "..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5172 +msgid "I forgot it again." +msgstr "Aku lupa lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5175 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font} How come you can never remember five?" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font} Gimana kamu gak pernah bisa ingat lima?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5177 +msgid "It sounds off." +msgstr "Kedengarannya aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5179 +msgid "Off?! Does not." +msgstr "Aneh?! Nggak tuh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5180 +msgid "Does too. It doesn't feel like a five." +msgstr "Iya. Kayak bukan lima." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5183 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_832167b5" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5185 +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}다섯.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5191 +msgid "....????????????" +msgstr "....?????????????" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5192 +msgid "Dogs?" +msgstr "Anjing?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5198 +msgid "It takes a moment for Diya's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight." +msgstr "" +"Butuh beberapa saat untuk mata Diya untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan sinar " +"matahari yang cerah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5203 +msgid "Do you like it?" +msgstr "Kamu suka?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5207 +msgid "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!???!! ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5208 +msgid "It's a dog park!" +msgstr "Taman anjing!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5209 +msgid "Can we go in even though we don't have a dog?" +msgstr "Kita boleh masuk meski ga punya anjing?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5212 +msgctxt "enterTunnel_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "Iya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5213 +msgid "I found this place by accident back when I ran away from home." +msgstr "Aku ga sengaja nemuin tempat ini pas aku kabur dari dari rumah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5215 +msgid "" +"A few weeks ago, Min ran away from home because she didn't want to eat a " +"tomato." +msgstr "" +"Beberapa minggu lalu, Min kabur dari rumah soalnya dia enggak mau makan " +"tomat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5218 +msgid "The park is divided into two sides." +msgstr "Tamannya dibagi menjadi dua bagian." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5219 +msgid "There's a sign above one of the gates. It reads:" +msgstr "Ada tanda di atas salah satu pintu gerbang. Berbunyi:" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5220 +msgid "" +"{u}Small dogs only{/u}\n" +"Under 30 pounds" +msgstr "" +"{u}Hanya anjing kecil{/u}\n" +"Dibawah 30 pon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5222 +msgid "Oh my god!! They have it separated by weight!" +msgstr "Oh my god!! Mereka dibagi dari berat!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5223 +msgid "Under 30 pounds! That's so cute!" +msgstr "Di bawah 30 pon! Lucu banget!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5226 +msgid "Which side do you wanna see?" +msgstr "Bagian mana yang kamu mau lihat?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5227 +msgid "Big dogs" +msgstr "Anjing besar" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5227 +msgid "Small dogs" +msgstr "Anjing kecil" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5236 +msgid "Min swings the gate open and gestures for Diya to go ahead." +msgstr "Min membuka gerbangnya dan mempersilahkan Diya untuk pergi lebih dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5239 +msgid "Ladies first." +msgstr "Wanita dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5241 +msgctxt "enclosure_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5253 +msgid "There's so many dogs!!" +msgstr "Ada banyak anjing!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5254 +msgid "They're all friends with each other!!! Dog friends!!!" +msgstr "Mereka semua temenan!!! Temen anjing!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5255 +msgid "I've died and gone to heaven!!!" +msgstr "Aku mati dan pergi ke surga!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5259 +msgid "A husky trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." +msgstr "Seekor husky berlari ke arah Diya dengan sebuah frisbee di mulutnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5263 +msgid "A chihuahua trots up to Diya with a frisbee in his mouth." +msgstr "" +"Seekor chihuahua berlari ke arah Diya dengan sebuah frisbee di mulutnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5265 +msgid "He drops it at Diya's feet and looks up at her expectantly." +msgstr "" +"Dia menjatuhkannya di kaki Diya dan melihat padanya dengan penuh ekspektasi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5267 +msgid "He wants me to throw it!!!" +msgstr "Dia mau aku lempar frisbeenya!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5269 +msgid "Diya sets down the bike and hurls the frisbee as hard as she can." +msgstr "" +"Diya menurunkan sepedanya dan melemparkan frisbeenya sekuat yang ia bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5270 +msgid "The dog gallops after it!" +msgstr "Anjing itu mengerjarnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5271 +msgid "" +"He catches it with a running leap, zooms straight back to her, and drops it " +"at Diya's feet again." +msgstr "" +"Dia menangkapnya dengan larian lompatan, berlari kembali padanya, dan " +"menjatuhkannya di kaki Diya lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5272 +msgid "He's wagging his tail so hard that his butt shakes." +msgstr "" +"Dia menggoyangkan ekornya dengan sangat kencang sampai-sampai pantatnya " +"bergoyang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5274 +msgid "What a good dog!!!!" +msgstr "Anjingnya baik banget!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5275 +msgid "He's so talented!!!" +msgstr "Dia pinter banget!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5278 +msgid "Diya is almost crying..." +msgstr "Diya hampir menangis..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5280 +msgid "Are you happy?" +msgstr "Senang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5283 +msgid "This is the best day of my life." +msgstr "Ini hari terbaik di hidup aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5284 +msgid "Thank you, Min." +msgstr "Makasih, Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5287 +msgid "You're welcome!" +msgstr "Sama-sama!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5290 +msgid "Do you wanna try throwing the frisbee?" +msgstr "Kamu mau coba lempar frisbeenya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5293 +msgid "No, it's fine. I like watching you do it." +msgstr "Enggak, gapapa. Aku suka nontonin kamu ngelempar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5296 +msgctxt "enclosure_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5299 +msgid "" +"Diya throws the frisbee again. The dog tears off after it with such gusto " +"that grass goes flying behind him." +msgstr "" +"Diya melempar frisbeenya lagi. Anjing itu mengejarnya dengan semangat sampai-" +"sampai rumput terbang di belakangnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5301 +msgctxt "enclosure_8683854e" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5302 +msgctxt "enclosure_e66a3853" +msgid "Hey, Diya." +msgstr "Hei, Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5305 +msgctxt "enclosure_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5308 +msgid "" +"If you want, you can live in my house when we grow up. I'll buy you all the " +"dogs you want." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu mau, kamu bisa tinggal di rumah aku pas sudah besar. Aku beliin " +"kamu semua anjing yang kamu pingin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5311 +msgid "All the dogs...!" +msgstr "Semuanya...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5314 +msgid "" +"And I'll get to see you every day. I'll drive you around in my Corvette and " +"make everyone jealous." +msgstr "" +"Dan aku bisa lihat kamu tiap hari. Aku bakal setirin kamu kemana-mana di " +"Corvette aku dan buat semua orang iri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5317 +msgid "" +"Drive the dogs around too. They can wear goggles so the wind doesn't sting " +"their eyes." +msgstr "" +"Bawa anjing-anjingnya juga. Mereka bisa pakai kacamata jadi angin enggak " +"nyengat mata mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5320 +msgid "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want." +msgstr "Iya, boleh. Apapun yang kamu mau." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5322 +msgid "We'll be so far from our parents that we never have to see them again." +msgstr "" +"Kita bakalan jauh banget dari orangtua kita sampe kita enggak perlu lihat " +"mereka lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5323 +msgid "" +"And if we go somewhere with snow, you can throw snowballs towards me and " +"I'll punch them all out of the air. It'll look pretty cool." +msgstr "" +"Dan kalau kita pergi ke tempat yang bersalju, kamu bisa lempar bola salju ke " +"aku terus aku bakal pukul semuanya di udara. Itu bakal keliatan keren." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5326 +msgid "Wow!!! Great plan!!!" +msgstr "Wow!!! Rencana yang bagus!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5327 +msgid "Okay. Let's do it." +msgstr "Oke. Ayo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5330 +msgid "Really?! Are you sure?" +msgstr "Beneran?! Kamu yakin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5333 +msgid "Min reaches out and gently cups Diya's face with her palms." +msgstr "" +"Min meraih dan dengan lembut menangkup wajah Diya dengan telapak tangannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5336 +msgid "GGFFKKKKGKJ??!! FGFJHFJ!!!!!" +msgstr "GGFFKKKKGKJ??!! FGFJHFJ!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5337 +msgid "What's happening?? This is great!! Wow!!!!!!" +msgstr "Ada apa?? Ini bagus!! Wow!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5344 +msgctxt "enclosure_06530a49" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5354 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5358 +msgctxt "ch5_aaf68681" +msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops face-first into bed." +msgstr "Diya memukul alarmnya dan terjatuh di tempat tidur." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5361 +msgid "" +"Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how " +"tired she is. " +msgstr "" +"Rutinitas paginya termasuk terbaring di tempat tidur selama 10 menit " +"memikirkan betapa capeknya dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5363 +msgid "" +"{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking " +"about how tired she is. {/cps}" +msgstr "" +"{cps=0}Rutinitas paginya termasuk terbaring di kasur selama 10 menit " +"memikirkan betapa capeknya dia. {/cps}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5366 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_1" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5367 +msgid "" +"I didn't realize it back then, but now that I think about it, that was " +"really..." +msgstr "" +"Aku dulu enggak sadar. tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir, itu bener-bener..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5368 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_2" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5371 +msgid "Could it be that I'm...I'm a..." +msgstr "Apa jangan-jangan aku...aku..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5372 +msgid "Les....................lesb............." +msgstr "Les....................lesb............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5373 +msgid "....biab...." +msgstr "....biab...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5374 +msgid "Les...............biam......" +msgstr "Les...............biam......" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5375 +msgid "........Girls........." +msgstr "........Cewek........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5376 +msgctxt "ch5_c50f2165" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5377 +msgid "No, that's impossible. I don't feel that way about other girls at all." +msgstr "" +"Gak, gak mungkin. Aku enggak ngerasa kayak gitu sama cewek lain sama sekali." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5378 +msgid "" +"Because Min looked and acted like that, my heart must've confused her with a " +"guy." +msgstr "" +"Gara-gara Min kelihatan dan bertingkah kayak gitu, hati aku pasti " +"ngebingungin dia sama cowok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5379 +msgid "Any girl would've felt something even if they were straight." +msgstr "Cewek mana pun bakalan ngerasain sesuatu bahkan kalau mereka lurus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5380 +msgid "And it was just her. Min was special, so she was an exception." +msgstr "Dan cuman dia aja. Min spesial, jadi dia pengecualian." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5381 +msgid "Plus, nothing ever came out of it. It's in the past now." +msgstr "Plus, nggak ada hasilnya. Itu masa lalu sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5382 +msgid "Something like that'll never happen again." +msgstr "Sesuatu yang kayak gitu ga bakal terjadi lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5383 +msgid "So it doesn't count, right?" +msgstr "Jadi ga termasuk, kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5384 +msgctxt "ch5_b15a9f05_3" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5385 +msgid "If Min hadn't moved away, what would've happened?" +msgstr "Kalau Min gak pindah, bakalan gimana ya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5388 +msgid "" +"After 10 minutes, Diya unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and " +"stands." +msgstr "" +"Setelah 10 menit, Diya tanpa semangat melepaskan diri dari kasur dan berdiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5394 +msgctxt "ch5_c66f35de" +msgid "My classmate Akarsha messaged me." +msgstr "Temen sekelas aku Akarsha ngirimin aku pesan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5406 +msgctxt "ay2_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5409 +msgctxt "ay2_6ffc76d4" +msgid "ay diya" +msgstr "ey diya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5410 +msgctxt "ay2_076b730f" +msgid "ay" +msgstr "ey" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5411 +msgctxt "ay2_b771df90" +msgid "ayy" +msgstr "eyy" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5412 +msgctxt "ay2_1acbd9bd" +msgid "What" +msgstr "Apa" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5413 +msgid "what do u call a lesbian w long nails??" +msgstr "lesbian pk kuku panjang disebut apa?? " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5414 +msgid "single xD" +msgstr "jomblo xD" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5415 +msgid "Diya has gone offline." +msgstr "Diya sudah offline." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5420 +msgctxt "ay2_a9db357b" +msgid ".........." +msgstr "..........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5430 +msgctxt "ay2_fdd5289a" +msgid "Diya goes outside." +msgstr "Diya pergi keluar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5433 +msgid "Hey Diya!" +msgstr "Woi Diya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5436 +msgid "If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes." +msgstr "" +"Kalau gua enzim, gua bakal jadi helikase DNA biar gua bisa buka gen lu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5438 +msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5441 +msgid "Diya briskly begins walking away without her." +msgstr "Diya dengan cepat mulai berjalan pergi tanpa dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5443 +msgid "Man, you're not even trying!" +msgstr "Yah anjir, lu bahkan ga berusaha!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5444 +msgid "" +"The optimal counterflirt would be, \"Then I’ll be your topoisomerase to help " +"you relieve your tension.\"" +msgstr "" +"Balasan yang optimal tuh, \"Jadi aku bakalan jadi topoisomerase kamu buat " +"bantu kamu biar ga tegang.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5446 +msgid "No one in the right mind would respond with that!" +msgstr "Enggak ada orang waras yang mau jawab kayak gitu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5456 +msgid "Hey, you know I'm just kidding, right?" +msgstr "Woi, gua kan bercanda doang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5458 +msgid "" +"When there's no one around to flirt with, I flirt with you just to practice." +msgstr "Kalau ga ada orang yang bisa gua godain, gua gombalin lu buat latihan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5462 +msgid "It's not funny." +msgstr "Enggak lucu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5466 +msgid "" +"In her haste to catch up with Diya, Akarsha trips over a crack in the " +"sidewalk." +msgstr "" +"Dalam usahanya untuk mengejar Diya, Akarsha tersandung retakan di trotoar." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5469 +msgid "Parkour." +msgstr "Parkour." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5472 +msgctxt "ay2_73c5644b_1" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5484 +msgid "The Prop 8 supporters are back at it again." +msgstr "Pendukung Prop 8 kembali lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5486 +msgid "Defend marriage! Yes on Prop 8!" +msgstr "Lindungi pernikahan! Ya untuk Prop 8!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5487 +msgid "Protect the children! Gay sex is sin!" +msgstr "Lindungi anak kecil! Seks gay dosa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5501 +msgctxt "ay2_df3f6405" +msgid "Hey, Diya..." +msgstr "Hei, Diya..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5502 +msgid "Imagine biting into a Gusher the size of your hand." +msgstr "Bayangin ngegigit Gusher sebesar tangan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5504 +msgid "Diya imagines it." +msgstr "Diya membayangkannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5506 +msgid "Cool" +msgstr "Keren" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5506 +msgid "Yuck" +msgstr "Ih" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5509 +msgid "Cool." +msgstr "Keren." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5510 +msgid "I want one." +msgstr "Aku pengen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5513 +msgid "Right??" +msgstr "Ya kan??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5518 +msgctxt "ay2_27ffda17" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "Ih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5521 +msgid "Yuck?!" +msgstr "Ih?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5524 +msgid "Too big." +msgstr "Kegedean." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5536 +msgid "We're here." +msgstr "Kita sampai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5553 +msgctxt "p12_32d61905" +msgid "Diya! Help me!" +msgstr "Diya! Bantu aku!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5555 +msgid "Bonjour," +msgstr "Bonjour," + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5562 +msgid "Noelle smacks Akarsha really hard!" +msgstr "Noelle memukul Akarsha dengan sangat keras!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5564 +msgid "OW!! How mean!!!" +msgstr "OW!! Jahat ih!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5566 +msgid "Noelle hands Diya the water bottle as though nothing happened." +msgstr "" +"Noelle memberikan Diya botol air minumnya seolah tidak ada yang terjadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5569 +msgid "" +"Diya twists the plastic sealed cap open and returns the bottle to Noelle." +msgstr "Diya membuka tutup plastiknya dan mengembalikan botolnya pada Noelle." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5571 +msgctxt "p12_c728b2c9" +msgid "Thank you." +msgstr "Terima kasih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5572 +msgid "Are you alright? You seem off." +msgstr "Kamu tidak apa-apa? Kamu terlihat aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5574 +msgid "Think about that before you hit me??" +msgstr "Pikir itu sebelum mukul gua??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5576 +msgid "Not everything is about you. I was talking to Diya." +msgstr "Tidak semuanya tentang kamu. Aku berbicara dengan Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5578 +msgctxt "p12_d6b9f21f" +msgid "...?!" +msgstr "...?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5581 +msgid "What? But there's nothing wrong with her." +msgstr "Kenapa? Ga ada yang salah sama dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5583 +msgid "Are you blind? She looks like a dog who just ate a Christmas ornament." +msgstr "Kamu buta? Dia seperti anjing yang habis makan ornamen Natal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5585 +msgid "Crap! That obvious??" +msgstr "Njir! Jelas banget??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5589 +msgid "Are you devastated about tiger sharks again?" +msgstr "Lu sedih gara-gara hiu macan lagi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5591 +msgctxt "p12_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5593 +msgid "" +"Diya found a picture of what tiger sharks look like the other day and was so " +"disappointed that she had to go lie down." +msgstr "" +"Diya nemu foto hiu macan waktu itu dan kecewa banget sampe harus rebahan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5594 +msgid "I don't even know what she was expecting." +msgstr "Gua bahkan ga tau dia berekspektasi apa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5596 +msgid "Okay, I seriously doubt that's the issue right now." +msgstr "Oke, aku benar-benar ragu itu masalahnya sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5598 +msgid "Diya, let me rephrase." +msgstr "Diya, biarkan aku ulangi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5599 +msgid "" +"You are secretly worried about something and you can tell me what it is." +msgstr "Kamu diam-diam khawatir tentang sesuatu dan kamu bisa beri tahu aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5601 +msgctxt "p12_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5602 +msgid "I can't tell her. That I'm......" +msgstr "Aku enggak bisa bilang dia. Kalau aku......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5603 +msgctxt "p12_c3a1ef6e" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "......................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5606 +msgid "I knew it. She's becoming emo." +msgstr "Tuh kan. Dia jadi emo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5608 +msgid "All the warning signs were there. The black hair, the—" +msgstr "Semua peringatannya ada. Rambut hitam, terus-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5610 +msgid "We {i}ALL{/i} have black hair." +msgstr "Kita {i}SEMUA{/i} rambutnya hitam." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5612 +msgid "Diya, you know you can tell me anything, right?" +msgstr "Diya, kamu tahu kamu bisa beri tahu aku apapun, kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5613 +msgid "Let me know if you change your mind." +msgstr "Beri tahu aku kalau kamu berubah pikiran." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5615 +msgctxt "p12_7d7b582b" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5636 +msgid "Look at flier" +msgstr "Lihat pamflet" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5642 +msgid "" +"The flier says:\n" +"Join the new Baseball Club!!\n" +"Beginners welcome!" +msgstr "" +"Selebarannya bertuliskan:\n" +"Ikuti Klub Baseball yang baru!!\n" +"Pemula boleh masuk!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5644 +msgctxt "baseballPoster_ee717027" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5645 +msgid "It's a baseball club!!!" +msgstr "Ada klub Baseball!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5646 +msgid "Baseball club!!!!!" +msgstr "Klub baseball!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5649 +msgid "It'll probably be all guys." +msgstr "Palingan semuanya cowok." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5651 +msgid "What? Don't girls play baseball, too?" +msgstr "Apa? Cewek juga main baseball, kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5652 +msgid "I saw on TV before." +msgstr "Aku lihat di TV." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5654 +msgid "You're thinking of softball. Not baseball." +msgstr "Kamu mikirnya softball. Bukan baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5657 +msgid "What's the difference?" +msgstr "Bedanya apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5659 +msgid "Softball is like baseball put through Google Translate and back." +msgstr "Softball kayak baseball masuk Google Translate dan balik." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5660 +msgid "Everything's off by a few degrees." +msgstr "Semuanya beda beberapa derajat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5664 +msgid "" +"Diya takes a closer look at the flyer. The first meeting is this Friday." +msgstr "" +"Diya melihat lebih dekat selabaran tersebut. Pertemuan pertamanya Jumat ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5666 +msgid "It'll be scary going all by myself. But I made a promise, back then." +msgstr "Bakalan serem pergi sendiri. Tapi aku dulu janji." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5667 +msgid "She would've been disappointed if I didn't go." +msgstr "Dia bakal kecewa kalau aku enggak pergi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5676 +msgid "Tall girl" +msgstr "Gadis tinggi" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5678 +msgid "Club member" +msgstr "Anggota klub" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5688 +msgid "Mom" +msgstr "Ibu" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5697 +msgid "At the meeting" +msgstr "Saat pertemuan" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5704 +msgid "Are you going to be okay on your own with a bunch of strangers?" +msgstr "Kamu akan tidak apa-apa sendiri di tengah orang asing?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5707 +msgctxt "meeting_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5709 +msgid "I thought so." +msgstr "Tuh kan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5710 +msgid "If you're going, I'm going with you." +msgstr "Kalau kamu pergi, aku ikut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5712 +msgctxt "meeting_1c63452a" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5713 +msgid "But don't you hate sports?" +msgstr "Tapi bukannya kamu benci olahraga?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5716 +msgid "" +"Of course I won't participate. I'll just utilize the time to do homework." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak akan ikut. Aku hanya akan manfaatkan waktunya untuk mengerjakan PR." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5718 +msgctxt "meeting_46384388" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "Makasih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5719 +msgid "Phew. I feel a bit better now." +msgstr "Fuh. Aku baikan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5722 +msgid "Back by unpopular demand: me." +msgstr "Kembali karena permintaan tidak populer: gua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5724 +msgid "Why are you here?" +msgstr "Kenapa kamu disini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5726 +msgid "I'm bored. There's not enough drama around here for my taste." +msgstr "Gua bosen. Ga ada cukup drama disini buat selera gua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5727 +msgid "I'll be the idea man." +msgstr "Gua jadi pembuat ide." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5729 +msgid "We don't need an \"idea man\"!" +msgstr "Kita tidak butuh seorang \"pembuat ide\"!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5731 +msgid "" +"New baseball rule: Everyone gets a brick. What you do with it is up to you." +msgstr "Aturan baseball baru: Semua dapet batu bata. Terserah mau diapain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5733 +msgid "Baseball without limits." +msgstr "Baseball tanpa batas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5735 +msgid "JUST GO HOME ALREADY!!" +msgstr "PULANG SANA!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5742 +msgid "There's a stranger over there." +msgstr "Ada orang asing di sana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5743 +msgid "Wow, she's taller than me." +msgstr "Wow, dia lebih tinggi dari aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5746 +msgctxt "meeting_501f1550" +msgid "........." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5750 +msgid "Diya accidentally makes eye contact with her!" +msgstr "Diya tidak sengaja melakukan kontak mata dengannya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5751 +msgid "...Hey!" +msgstr "...Hei!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5753 +msgid ".......!" +msgstr ".......!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5756 +msgid "The stranger starts walking over!" +msgstr "Orang asing itu berjalan kearahnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5758 +msgid "Crap. She's coming this way." +msgstr "Anjir. Dia datang kesini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5760 +msgid "" +"She looks intimidating! If I say the wrong thing she'll think I'm weird." +msgstr "" +"Dia kelihatan menakutkan! Kalau aku salah ngomong dia bakalan ngira aku aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5761 +msgid "" +"Maybe if I lie motionless on the ground she'll think I'm asleep or dead." +msgstr "" +"Mungkin kalau aku rebahan enggak gerak dia bakalan ngira aku tidur atau mati." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5762 +msgid "Yeah. Good plan." +msgstr "Ya. Rencana yang bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5767 +msgid "Diya plays dead!" +msgstr "Diya berpura-pura mati!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5768 +msgid "No! Diya, don't do this!" +msgstr "Woi! Diya, jangan begini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5769 +msgid "Hey! You guys are here to join the baseball club, right?" +msgstr "Hei! Kalian kesini buat ikut klub baseball, kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5771 +msgid "I'm Chryssa!" +msgstr "Aku Chryssa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5772 +msgid "They call me...Ookoobshoob." +msgstr "Mereka menyebutku...Ookoobshoob." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5773 +msgid "NO, THEY DON'T." +msgstr "TIDAK, MEREKA TIDAK." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5774 +msgid "It's Welsh." +msgstr "Itu Bahasa Welsh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5775 +msgid "IT'S NOT Welsh." +msgstr "ITU BUKAN Bahasa Welsh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5776 +msgid "Her name is Akarsha." +msgstr "Namanya Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5777 +msgid "I'm so sorry. She's always like this." +msgstr "Aku minta maaf, dia selalu seperti ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5778 +msgid "And this is Diya. Get up!" +msgstr "Dan ini Diya. Bangun!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5779 +msgid "" +"Noelle is trying to pull an unresponsive Diya back into upright position." +msgstr "Noelle berusaha menarik Diya yang tidak bergerak kembali tegak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5780 +msgid "Really???" +msgstr "Sungguh???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5781 +msgid "Uh...is she okay?" +msgstr "Anu...dia gapapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5782 +msgid "She's fine. She just takes a while to warm up to people." +msgstr "" +"Dia baik-baik saja. Dia hanya butuh waktu untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan " +"orang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5783 +msgid "No kidding. She did this to me for the entire month of September." +msgstr "Beneran. Dia sebulan begini terus ke gua waktu September." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5784 +msgctxt "meeting_e629b0d2" +msgid "........" +msgstr "........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5787 +msgid "Diya has finally given up on faking her death..." +msgstr "Diya akhirnya menyerah memalsukan kematiannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5789 +msgid "Quiet kid, huh?" +msgstr "Anaknya pendiam, ya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5791 +msgid "Why does everyone always say that? I'm not that quiet." +msgstr "Kenapa semuanya bilang begitu? Aku nggak sediam itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5794 +msgid "She's not much of a talker, but she's SHREDDED." +msgstr "Dia gak banyak omong, tapi dia OTOTAN." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5795 +msgid "Look how ripped her abs are." +msgstr "Liat nih absnya segimana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5797 +msgid "Akarsha tries to lift up Diya's shirt to expose her stomach." +msgstr "Akarsha mencoba mengangkat kaos Diya untuk memperlihatkan perutnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5798 +msgid "Calmly, Diya catches Akarsha's wrist and twists it behind her back." +msgstr "" +"Dengan tenang, Diya menangkap pergelangan tangan Akarsha dan memutarnya ke " +"belakang punggungnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5800 +msgid "Augh!! Okay!! Mercy!!" +msgstr "Agh!! Oke!! Ampun!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5802 +msgid "Diya played a lot of baseball back in elementary school." +msgstr "Diya sering main baseball waktu SD." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5804 +msgid "That's great! What position did she play?" +msgstr "Itu bagus! Posisi apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5806 +msgid "Uh........" +msgstr "Anu......." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5808 +msgid "She's the person standing behind the.....the swinging place." +msgstr "Dia orang yang berdiri di.....tempat ayunan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5810 +msgid "You mean the batter's box. I'm a catcher." +msgstr "Maksud kamu kotak batter. Aku catcher." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5813 +msgid "The {i}swinging place?{/i} Really, man?" +msgstr "{i}Tempat ayunan?{/i} Beneran, woi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5815 +msgid "Shut up! How was I supposed to know?!" +msgstr "Diam! Bagaimana aku tahu?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5817 +msgid "What do you call the bat, then? \"The baseball stick\"?" +msgstr "Terus lu sebut tongkat pemukul apa? \"Batang baseball\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5819 +msgid "I said shut up!!!" +msgstr "Kubilang diam!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5821 +msgid "What about you, Akarsha?" +msgstr "Kalau kamu, Akarsha?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5823 +msgid "I can bench press over six million and ninety-two nanograms." +msgstr "" +"Gua bisa bench press lebih dari enam miliar dan sembilan puluh dua nanogram." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5825 +msgid "...That's barely 2 pounds." +msgstr "...Itu nyaris 2 pon." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5827 +msgid "It sounded better the way I said it." +msgstr "Kedengarannya lebih bagus degan cara gua ngomongnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5829 +msgid "Chryssa turns to Noelle and points at her." +msgstr "Chryssa berbalik pada Noelle dan menunjuknya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5831 +msgid "What about you? You haven't introduced yourself yet." +msgstr "Kalau kamu? Kamu belum perkenalin diri kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5833 +msgid "Oh, I'm not here to join. We probably won't meet again." +msgstr "" +"Oh, aku tidak disini untuk ikut. Kita kemungkinan tidak akan bertemu lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5835 +msgid "That's a shame. I should try to change your mind. " +msgstr "Sayang banget. Aku harus coba ubah pikiran kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5837 +msgid "I strongly advise against it. Your efforts will prove futile." +msgstr "Aku sangat tidak menyarankannya. Usahamu akan terbukti sia-sia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5839 +msgctxt "meeting_77ca933f" +msgid "If you say so..." +msgstr "Ya sudah..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5842 +msgid "" +"In any case, we're glad you all came. We'll be starting the meeting in a bit." +msgstr "" +"Gimana juga, kita senang kalian datang. Kita bakalan mulai pertemuannya " +"sebentar lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5843 +msgid "In the meantime, you guys can get your paperwork from Liz first." +msgstr "Sementara waktu, kalian bisa ambil dokumen dari Liz dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5845 +msgid "Gotcha." +msgstr "Ashiyap." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5849 +msgid "Chryssa goes off to greet some other girls who showed up." +msgstr "Chryssa pergi untuk menyambut gadis-gadis lainnya yang muncul." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5851 +msgid "I guess she isn't too scary after all." +msgstr "Rasanya dia gak terlalu menakutkan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5852 +msgid "" +"She seems like the kind of person who'd walk into a pizza restaurant she ate " +"at one time 6 years ago and yell, \"Remember us??\"" +msgstr "" +"Dia kelihatan kayak orang yang bakal masuk ke restoran pizza tempat dia " +"makan sekali 6 tahun lalu dan teriak, \"Ingat kita??\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5856 +msgid "Girl from before" +msgstr "Gadis dari sebelumnya" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5858 +msgid "......!" +msgstr ".......!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5861 +msgid "Hello! Can I help you?" +msgstr "Halo! Ada yang bisa dibantu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5863 +msgid "You must be Liz." +msgstr "Kamu pasti Liz." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5865 +msgid "Yup!" +msgstr "Yap!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5867 +msgid "She hands them their forms." +msgstr "Dia menyerahkan formulir mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5869 +msgid "I don't need one. I'm not here to join." +msgstr "Aku tidak butuh. Aku tidak disini untuk ikut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5871 +msgid "Aw, are you sure?" +msgstr "Yah, kamu yakin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5872 +msgid "We'd love to have you!" +msgstr "Kita bakal seneng kalau ada kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5874 +msgid "No, you really don't. I'm not the athletic type." +msgstr "Tidak, kamu tidak akan senang. Aku bukan tipe yang atletis." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5876 +msgid "Then joining us would do you some good, don't you think?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu ikut kita itu sesuatu yang bagus buat kamu, ya gak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5877 +msgid "" +"We need all the players we can get, so don't be afraid we'll reject you or " +"anything like that." +msgstr "" +"Kita butuh semua pemain yang bisa kita dapat, jadi jangan takut kita bakal " +"nolak kamu atau semacamnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5878 +msgid "" +"We'll accept you no matter what. Whether you're good, bad, dumb, weird, " +"unathletic..." +msgstr "" +"Kita bakal terima kamu apa adanya. Mau kamu bisa, ga bisa, tolol, aneh, gak " +"atletis..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5880 +msgid "What's with all those insults mixed in??" +msgstr "Ada apa dengan semua sindiran itu??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5881 +msgid "And no, I'm genuinely not interested. I hate sports." +msgstr "Dan tidak, aku benar-benar tidak tertarik. Aku benci olahraga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5882 +msgid "I'm just here for Diya." +msgstr "Aku hanya disini untuk Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5884 +msgid "That's so sweet of you." +msgstr "Itu manis banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5886 +msgid "It's not as though it takes a lot of effort to sit here and do nothing." +msgstr "" +"Tidak seperti butuh banyak tenaga untuk duduk disini dan tidak melakukan " +"apapun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5887 +msgid "I coincidentally happened to be free today, anyway." +msgstr "Lagian, aku kebetulan kosong hari ini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5889 +msgid "Awww! You don't have to get all embarrassed about it." +msgstr "Awww! Kamu ga harus malu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5891 +msgid "I'm not getting embarrassed!" +msgstr "Aku tidak malu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5893 +msgid "Liz smiles at Diya, who shrinks back in fear." +msgstr "Liz tersenyum pada Diya, yang kembali ketakutan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5895 +msgid "I'm so glad you came!" +msgstr "Aku seneng kamu dateng!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5897 +msgid "I had a feeling you would." +msgstr "Aku punya firasat kamu bakalan dateng." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5899 +msgid "Changed your mind about the club, have you?" +msgstr "Berubah pikiran tentang klub, ya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5900 +msgid "I knew you'd come around." +msgstr "Aku tahu kamu bakalan dateng." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5902 +msgid "I was at one of your games when you were little." +msgstr "Aku ada di salah satu pertandingan kamu waktu kamu kecil." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5903 +msgid "You were so scary! Everyone would back up whenever you came up to bat." +msgstr "Kamu serem banget! Semuanya bakalan mundur setiap kali kamu mukul." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5905 +msgid "By the way, why is everyone in this club a girl?" +msgstr "Eh, kenapa disini semuanya cewek?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5908 +msgctxt "lookLiz_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5910 +msgid "They are?!" +msgstr "Iya?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5913 +msgid "" +"Look. There's us four, Chryssa, and then some other random girls over there." +msgstr "Tuh. Ada kita berempat, Chryssa, sama cewek-cewek lainnya disana." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5918 +msgid "That's so odd." +msgstr "Itu aneh banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5920 +msgid "So it isn't on purpose?" +msgstr "Jadi tidak disengaja?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5922 +msgid "Nope. I don't know why those other girls joined." +msgstr "Enggak. Aku enggak tahu kenapa mereka ikut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5924 +msgid "What a strange coincidence." +msgstr "Kebetulan yang aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5926 +msgid "Are you SURE you guys didn't, like, subconsciously do it?" +msgstr "Lu YAKIN kalian nggak, kayak, ga sadar ngelakuin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5928 +msgid "Why would we subconsciously want a group of girls?" +msgstr "Buat apa kita secara enggak sadar pengen sekelompok cewek?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5930 +msgid "'Cause guys are like communism." +msgstr "Soalnya cowok kayak komunisme." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5931 +msgid "They're good in concept, but in reality they suck." +msgstr "Bagus kalau konsep, tapi aslinya mereka payah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5933 +msgid "" +"When you gather enough guys into a group, they suddenly become a bunch of " +"douchebags." +msgstr "" +"Kalau lu kumpulin cowok-cowok jadi satu grup, mereka tiba-tiba jadi bangsat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5934 +msgid "It's like magic." +msgstr "Kayak sihir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5936 +msgid "What kind of overgeneralization is that?" +msgstr "Generalisasi berlebihan macam apa itu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5938 +msgid "It's not racist if it's true!" +msgstr "Gak rasis kalau bener!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5940 +msgid "" +"Do you ever stand in a circle of people talking and not say anything the " +"entire time?" +msgstr "" +"Kamu pernah berdiri di tengah-tengah orang yang mengobrol dan gak ngomong " +"apa-apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5941 +msgid "" +"There's no reason for me to be here. I wonder how it's so easy for them to " +"just talk." +msgstr "" +"Ga ada alasan buat aku disini. Aku penasaran gimana caranya mereka gampang " +"banget buat ngomong." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5944 +msgid "Diya stares off into space." +msgstr "Diya melamun ke angan-angan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5945 +msgid "" +"Eventually, the conversation draws to a close and Liz goes off to attend to " +"other club members." +msgstr "" +"Pada akhirnya, percakapan berakhir dan Liz pergi untuk mengurusi anggota " +"klub lainnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5948 +msgid "Finally." +msgstr "Akhirnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5951 +msgid "*whispering* Dude, I just can't get over how weird her name is." +msgstr "*berbisik* Bro, gua kepikiran terus kalau namanya aneh banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5953 +msgid "The heck kind of name is \"Liz\"?" +msgstr "Nama apaan tuh \"Liz\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5956 +msgid "It's probably short for something." +msgstr "Paling singkatan sesuatu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5958 +msgid "Like what? Liz...bian? Lesbian?" +msgstr "Kayak? Liz...bian? Lesbian?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5960 +msgid "THAT'S NOT A NAME." +msgstr "ITU BUKAN NAMA." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5962 +msgid "Liz...ard Man?" +msgstr "Liz...ard Man?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5964 +msgid "That'd be a thousand times weirder than \"Liz\" in the first place!" +msgstr "Itu akan seribu kali lebih aneh dari \"Liz\"!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5966 +msgid "No, wait. I've got it." +msgstr "Gak, tunggu. Gua dapet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5967 +msgid "" +"Her parents met at a Petco when the lizards went on sale, \n" +"but there was only one left." +msgstr "" +"Orangtuanya ketemu di Petco pas kadalnya lagi diskon, \n" +"tapi hanya tinggal satu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5968 +msgid "So then they were like, \"Darn. We gotta get married and share it.\"" +msgstr "Jadi mereka kayak, \"Yaah. Kita harus nikah terus bagi.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5970 +msgid "No one would get married over that!" +msgstr "Tidak akan ada yang menikah karena itu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5972 +msgid "You'd be surprised, man. Some people are hella desperate." +msgstr "Lu bakalan kaget, bro. Beberapa orang nekat banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5974 +msgid "Nobody is {i}that{/i} desperate!" +msgstr "Tidak ada yang senekat {i}itu{/i}!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5976 +msgid "And then Lizard Man was born." +msgstr "Terus Lizard Man lahir." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5977 +msgid "" +"They gave their kid a name that paid homage to her lizard origins, but in a " +"low-key way." +msgstr "" +"Mereka kasih anak mereka nama yang kasih penghormatan ke asal usul kadalnya, " +"tapi pake cara yang gak terlalu kentara." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5979 +msgid "Totally plausible. Myth {i}confirmed{/i}." +msgstr "Masuk akal banget. Mitos {i}terbukti{/i}." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5980 +msgid "Noelle is trying really hard not to smile." +msgstr "Noelle berusaha keras untuk tidak tersenyum." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5982 +msgid "Myth NOT confirmed. Her name could just be \"Liz\" by itself!" +msgstr "Mitos TIDAK terbukti. Namanya mungkin saja hanya \"Liz\" sendiri!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5984 +msgid "Nawwww, that's boring. My beautiful romance is way better." +msgstr "Nggaaak, itu ngebosenin. Roman indah gua jauh lebih bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5986 +msgid "Your \"beautiful romance\" was set in Petco!" +msgstr "\"Roman indah\"mu di Petco!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5988 +msgid "So picky, man!" +msgstr "Pilih-pilih banget sih, bro!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5989 +msgid "What kind of Frenchman are you?" +msgstr "Frenchman macam apa lu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5990 +msgid "Weird name...no mustache...no romance..." +msgstr "Nama aneh...tanpa kumis...tanpa percintaan..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5992 +msgid "Look, how is my name weird?" +msgstr "Begini, namaku aneh bagaimana?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5993 +msgid "All names have to originate from somewhere." +msgstr "Semua nama berasal dari suatu tempat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5994 +msgid "I don't get why you're so fixated on it." +msgstr "Aku tidak mengerti mengapa kamu sangat terpaku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5996 +msgid "Because it's strange?" +msgstr "Soalnya aneh?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5997 +msgid "Isn't Noelle normally a name you give to kids born in December?" +msgstr "Noelle bukannya nama yang dikasih buat anak yang lahir bulan Desember?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:5999 +msgid "My parents are Asian. They don't know that." +msgstr "Orangtuaku orang Asia. Mereka tidak tahu itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6000 +msgid "" +"It's like how there's a guy in our class named Skye because his parents " +"didn't know it's a girl name." +msgstr "" +"Itu seperti bagaimana ada seorang laki-laki di kelas bernama Skye karena " +"orangtuanya tidak tahu kalau itu nama permpuan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6002 +msgid "There's also a Chinese guy in the grade above us named Stone." +msgstr "Ada orang Cina di angkatan atas namanya Stone." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6005 +msgid "STONE..." +msgstr "STONE..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6007 +msgid "" +"I'm pretty sure my parents stole my name from a random girl who lived down " +"the street." +msgstr "" +"Aku yakin orangtuaku mencuri nama dari seorang perempuan yang tinggal di " +"lingkungan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6008 +msgid "" +"They probably didn't know a lot of Western names and just thought it sounded " +"good." +msgstr "" +"Mereka mungkin tidak tahu banyak nama Barat dan menganggap itu terdengar " +"bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6010 +msgid "But still, what kind of Chinese parents would name their kid Noelle?" +msgstr "" +"Tetep aja, orangtua Cina mana yang bakal kasih nama anak mereka Noelle?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6011 +msgid "" +"It doesn't match up at all. It's like if I had a kid and named him Naruto." +msgstr "" +"Nggak cocok. Itu kayak kalau misalnya gua punya anak dan gua kasih nama " +"Naruto." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6012 +msgid "Noelle looks really taken aback." +msgstr "Noelle terlihat kaget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6014 +msgid "That...that would be weird." +msgstr "Itu...itu akan aneh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6016 +msgid "" +"Literally all your ancestors going back for CENTURIES had names like Wong " +"Kar-wai or Mulan or whatever." +msgstr "Semua leluhur lu punya nama kayak Wong Kar-wai atau Mulan atau apalah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6017 +msgid "And then there's you! Combo breaker." +msgstr "Terus ada lu! Pemecah kombo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6019 +msgid "Also, do you ever think about how crazy it is that we're friends." +msgstr "Eh, kalian pernah mikir enggak sih gila banget kalau kita tuh temenan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6020 +msgid "In any part of history up until now, we never would've met." +msgstr "" +"Di bagian mana pun dari sejarah sampe sekarang, kita enggak bakalan ketemu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6021 +msgid "" +"And even if we did by some miracle, we wouldn't speak the same language." +msgstr "Dan bahkan kalau kita bisa, kita enggak akan ngomong bahasa yang sama." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6022 +msgid "We wouldn't even be able to communicate." +msgstr "Kita bahkan enggak bakal bisa komunikasi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6025 +msgid "Well, you and Akarsha could." +msgstr "Yah, kamu dan Akarsha bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6027 +msgid "Naw, we wouldn't." +msgstr "Kagak, kita ga bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6029 +msgid "They don't speak Hindi in Tamil Nadu. Right, Madrasi?" +msgstr "Mereka ga ngomong Hindi di Tamil Nadu. Bener kan, Madrasi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6031 +msgid "Don't call me that." +msgstr "Jangan panggil aku itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6034 +msgid "What's wrong with calling you Madrasi when you're from Madras?" +msgstr "Emang salah kalau gua panggil lu Madrasi padahal lu dari Madras?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6036 +msgid "What's wrong with calling you an idiot when you are one?" +msgstr "Emang salah kalau aku panggil kamu idiot padahal kamu memang idiot?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6039 +msgid "It's sad imagining Noelle all by herself on a little island in Taiwan." +msgstr "Sedih ngebayangin Noelle sendirian di pulau kecil di Taiwan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6041 +msgid "What do you mean \"all by herself\"?" +msgstr "Apa maksudmu \"sendirian\"?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6042 +msgid "It's not like I'd be completely alone without you two." +msgstr "Tidak seperti aku akan benar-benar sendirian tanpa kalian berdua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6044 +msgctxt "lookLiz_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6047 +msgctxt "lookLiz_5db23ed9" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6049 +msgid "STOP LOOKING SKEPTICAL." +msgstr "BERHENTI TERLIHAT SKEPTIS." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6050 +msgid "I would be able to make different friends." +msgstr "Aku bisa berteman dengan yang lain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6052 +msgid ".......Sure........." +msgstr "........Iya........" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6053 +msgctxt "lookLiz_790fe684" +msgid "If you say so..." +msgstr "Kalau lu bilang gitu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6056 +msgid "YOU'RE THE WORST! I HATE YOU!!!!" +msgstr "KAMU YANG TERPARAH! AKU BENCI KAMU!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6058 +msgid "" +"Chryssa brings her fingers to her lips and lets out a sharp whistle to get " +"their attention." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa mendekatkan jari-jarinya ke bibir dan bersiul untuk mendapatkan " +"perhatian mereka." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6060 +msgid "Alright guys!! Meeting's starting!" +msgstr "Oke semuanya!! Pertemuan dimulai!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6068 +msgid "Everyone gathers in front of Chryssa and Liz." +msgstr "Semuanya berkumpul di depan Chryssa dan Liz." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6070 +msgid "Welcome to the Baseball Club!" +msgstr "Selamat datang di Klub Baseball!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6071 +msgid "" +"As you're probably aware, our school doesn't have an official baseball " +"program anymore. So we made one ourselves." +msgstr "" +"Kayak yang kalian mungkin tahu, sekolah kita gak punya program baseball " +"resmi lagi. Jadi kita buat sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6073 +msgid "You guys can think of it as a baseball team, Lite edition." +msgstr "Kalian bisa anggap tim baseball, edisi Lite." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6075 +msgid "" +"Or a cheap budget edition. Since we can't afford to hire managers and stuff." +msgstr "" +"Atau edisi murahannya. Soalnya kita gak mampu buat gaji manajer atau " +"semacamnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6077 +msgid "Lite edition sounds less scrappy. Like Coke Zero." +msgstr "Edisi Lite terdengar lebih kurang jelek. Kayak Coke Zero." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6079 +msgid "" +"Anyhow, you can read up on the details in your club membership forms! It's " +"pretty self explanatory." +msgstr "" +"Gimana juga, kalian bisa baca detailnya di formulir keanggotaan kalian! " +"Lumayan jelas." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6080 +msgid "" +"This is just a recreational club for fun, not an official school sports " +"team, so the paperwork is really simple." +msgstr "" +"Ini hanya klub rekreasi buat senang-senang, bukan tim olahraga resmi " +"sekolah, jadi dokumennya sederhana banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6081 +msgid "There's just a membership fee and a sheet your parents have to sign." +msgstr "Ada biaya anggota dan kertas yang orangtua kalian harus paraf." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6083 +msgid "" +"Basically, the sheet says if you get hurt or whatever while you're here, you " +"can't sue us." +msgstr "" +"Intinya, menurut formulirnya kalau kalian luka atau apa disini, kalian ga " +"bisa nuntut kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6084 +msgid "" +"Oh, and our practice schedule's in there, too. Though we're still " +"negotiating our game dates." +msgstr "" +"Oh, dan jadwal latihan kita ada disana juga. Meskipun kita masih negosiasiin " +"tanggal tanding kita." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6086 +msgid "A girl standing in front of Diya raises her hand." +msgstr "Seorang gadis yang berdiri di depan Diya mengangkat tangannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6087 +msgid "Game dates? Who are we playing against?" +msgstr "Tanggal tanding? Kita main lawan siapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6089 +msgid "Whoever we can get. Mostly teams from other schools." +msgstr "Siapapun yang bisa kita dapat. Kebanyakan tim dari sekolah lain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6090 +msgid "But don't worry, it'll be pretty casual." +msgstr "Tapi enggak usah khawatir, bakal lumayan santai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6091 +msgid "" +"Hopefully we'll have enough members to at least fill the roster by then." +msgstr "" +"Semoga kita seenggaknya punya cukup anggota untuk isi daftar sampai saat itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6092 +msgid "Any other questions?" +msgstr "Ada pertanyaan lain?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6094 +msgid "" +"If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, " +"would it visibly change color?" +msgstr "" +"Kalau setiap orang di Bumi ngarahin penunjuk laser ke Bulan bareng-bareng, " +"Bulannya bakalan ganti warna nggak?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6096 +msgid "Any {i}relevant{/i} questions?" +msgstr "Ada pertanyaan yang {i}relevan{/i}?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6097 +msgid "Silence..." +msgstr "Hening..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6099 +msgid "Then let's all introduce ourselves with a cheesy icebreaker activity!" +msgstr "Kalau begitu ayo perkenalin diri kalian dengan kegiatan pembuka!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6101 +msgid "Say your name, grade, and one fun fact about yourself." +msgstr "Sebut nama kamu, kelas, dan satu fakta menarik tentang kamu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6102 +msgid "Diya immediately wants to go home!" +msgstr "Diya langsung ingin pulang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6104 +msgid "No!!!! I hate these!!!!!" +msgstr "Gak!!!! Aku benci ini!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6105 +msgid "I can never think of any fun facts! I'm boring!!" +msgstr "Aku enggak bisa mikirin fakta menarik apapun! Aku membosankan!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6107 +msgid "I'll start! I'm Chryssa, and I'm a senior." +msgstr "Aku mulai! Aku Chryssa, dan aku senior." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6108 +msgid "Fun fact. Uh..." +msgstr "Fakta menarik. Uh..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6110 +msgid "I have one." +msgstr "Aku punya satu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6111 +msgid "" +"She reads cryptid articles at night and scares herself, and then is afraid " +"to get up and use the bathroom." +msgstr "" +"Dia baca artikel aneh malam-malam dan dia parno sendiri, terus dia takut " +"buat pergi ke kamar mandi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6113 +msgid "" +"If you're going to choose a fact for me, at least choose a flattering one!" +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu mau milih satu fakta tentang aku, seenggaknya pilih yang bagus " +"dong!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6115 +msgid "My turn now! I'm Liz, and I'm a senior too." +msgstr "Giliranku! Aku Liz, dan aku juga senior." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6117 +msgid "Her fun fact is that she can lick her elbow." +msgstr "Fakta menariknya dia adalah dia bisa jilat sikunya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6119 +msgid "I thought that was supposed to be impossible?" +msgstr "Aku pikir itu nggak mungkin?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6122 +msgctxt "lookLiz_1c3038ba" +msgid "Do it!" +msgstr "Coba!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6124 +msgid "Liz does it." +msgstr "Liz melakukannya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6126 +msgid "WHAT THE..." +msgstr "HAH..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6128 +msgid "What is she, a clown??" +msgstr "Apaan dia, badut??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6130 +msgid "Diya has gone back to being afraid of Liz again!" +msgstr "Diya kembali takut pada Liz!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6131 +msgid "Liz gestures at another girl to go next." +msgstr "Liz mengisyaratkan pada gadis selanjutnya untuk melanjutkan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6134 +msgid "Watashi wa Sakura desu." +msgstr "Watashi wa Sakura desu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6137 +msgid "And I'm Yuki." +msgstr "Dan aku Yuki." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6138 +msgid "\"Sakura\"" +msgstr "\"Sakura\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6139 +msgid "\"Yuki\"" +msgstr "\"Yuki\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6141 +msgid "THERE'S NO WAY THOSE ARE YOUR REAL NAMES." +msgstr "GAK MUNGKIN ITU NAMA ASLI KALIAN." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6143 +msgid "Hey, it doesn't hurt to humor them! Support their interests!" +msgstr "Hei, gak ada salahnya ngehibur mereka! Dukung kesukaan mereka!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6145 +msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade." +msgstr "Watashi kelas 10." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6147 +msgid "Watashi wa am in 10th grade too." +msgstr "Watashi wa kelas 10 juga." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6149 +msgid "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT." +msgstr "BERHENTI NGOMONG KAYA GITU." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6151 +msgid "I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE..." +msgstr "GUA NEMU SPESIES GUA..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6153 +msgid "The next girl up looks more normal." +msgstr "Gadis selanjutnya terlihat lebih normal." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6155 +msgid "Ester" +msgstr "Ester" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6157 +msgid "I'm Ester —" +msgstr "Aku Ester —" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6159 +msgid "Wait. Why are you here??" +msgstr "Tunggu. Kamu ngapain disini??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6160 +msgid "" +"I tried to recruit you before. You said you weren't interested in baseball." +msgstr "Aku coba ngerekrut kamu. Kamu bilang kamu ga tertarik baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6162 +msgid "I'll give it a chance." +msgstr "Aku coba dulu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6164 +msgid "Alright, which anime has baseball in it?" +msgstr "Oke, anime apa ada baseballnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6166 +msgid "What? I never said it was because of —" +msgstr "Apa? Aku enggak pernah bilang gara-ga-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6168 +msgid "Which anime has baseball in it?" +msgstr "Anime apa ada baseballnya?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6170 +msgid "It's Oofuri." +msgstr "Oofuri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6172 +msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6174 +msgid "Don't tell me that's why Sakura and Yuki are here, too..." +msgstr "Jangan bilang itu kenapa Sakura dan Yuki disini juga..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6177 +msgctxt "lookLiz_06ad80a3" +msgid "Heck no." +msgstr "Enggak lah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6178 +msgid "I'm here because of Daiya no Ace." +msgstr "Aku disini gara-gara Daiya no Ace." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6180 +msgctxt "lookLiz_39d2f6e3_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6182 +msgctxt "lookLiz_af831f3f" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6184 +msgid "What, is it a crime to like anime?" +msgstr "Apa, emang salah suka anime?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6186 +msgctxt "lookLiz_97a7b20d" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6188 +msgid "Okay, let's move on." +msgstr "Oke, ayo lanjut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6190 +msgid "Diya watches the icebreaker's progress with mounting terror." +msgstr "Diya melihat kemajuan kegiatan dengan ketakutan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6191 +msgid "" +"Her palms have grown clammy, like when she's getting ready to say \"Here\" " +"during roll call." +msgstr "" +"Telapak tangannya basah, seperti saat dia bersiap untuk berkata \"Hadir\" " +"saat absen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6195 +msgid "Crap. It's almost my turn and I still can't think of any cool facts." +msgstr "" +"Anjir. Hampir giliran aku dan aku masih ga bisa mikirin fakta yang bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6196 +msgid "\"I like crunching on ice cubes?\"" +msgstr "\"Aku suka ngunyah es batu?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6197 +msgid "" +"\"When I go to people's houses, {w=0.35}I'm too scared to ask where the cups " +"are, {w=0.35}so I go to the bathroom and drink from the faucet instead?\"" +msgstr "" +"\"Waktu aku ke rumah orang, {w=0.35}aku terlalu takut buat nanya dimana " +"gelasnya, {w=0.35}jadi aku ke kamar mandi dan minum dari keran?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6198 +msgid "" +"\"Whenever an assembly is over and we're supposed to help carry the folding " +"chairs back,{w=0.35} I secretly hope people notice how many I'm holding?\"" +msgstr "" +"\"Setiap pertemuan selesai dan kita harus bantu bawa kursi lipatnya balik," +"{w=0.35} aku diam-diam berharap biar orang-orang sadar berapa banyak yang " +"aku pegang?\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6201 +msgid "These are all so bad!{w=0.35} What the???" +msgstr "Itu semua jelek banget!{w=0.35} Apaan dah???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6203 +msgid "By now, three other people have gone.{w=0.35} It's Akarsha's turn..." +msgstr "Sekarang, sudah lewat tiga orang.{w=0.35} Giliran Akarsha..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6205 +msgid "What up ding dongs!{w=0.35} I'm a freshman." +msgstr "Watsap ding dong!{w=035} Gua anak tahun pertama." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6207 +msgid "Ding dongs..." +msgstr "Ding dong..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6210 +msgid "My name is...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." +msgstr "Nama gua...{w=0.35}Weekeeshee." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6212 +msgctxt "lookLiz_6a61dc07" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6215 +msgid "" +"Fun fact:{w=0.35} I once found 2 mutant tater tots that were fused together " +"and sold them on eBay for $40." +msgstr "" +"Fakta menarik:{w=0.35} Gua pernah nemu 2 tater tots mutan yang kegabung dan " +"gua jual di eBay $40." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6217 +msgid "Selling things sounds stressful. " +msgstr "Menjual sesuatu terdengar bikin stres." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6218 +msgid "I would've just eaten them." +msgstr "Aku sih bakal makan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6222 +msgid "" +"Noelle is the next one over,{w=0.35} so everyone looks at her expectantly." +msgstr "Noelle yang selanjutnya,{w=0.35} jadi semuanya melihat dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6223 +msgid "Skip me.{w=0.35} I'm not here to join." +msgstr "Lewati aku.{w=0.35} Aku tidak disini untuk ikut." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6225 +msgid "Let's move on to Diya, shall we?" +msgstr "Lanjut ke Diya, kalau begitu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6229 +msgid "All eyes are on Diya now..." +msgstr "Semua mata tertuju pada Diya sekarang..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6232 +msgid "Okay!!!{w=0.35} Calm down, me!!" +msgstr "Oke!!!{w=0.35} Aku, ayo tenang!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6233 +msgid "All I have to do is say \"I'm Diya.\"" +msgstr "Aku tinggal bilang \"Aku Diya.\"" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6234 +msgid "But wait...{w=0.35} Didn't she just say my name?" +msgstr "Tapi tunggu...{w=0.35} Bukannya dia baru bilang namaku?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6235 +msgid "Does it seem redundant if I repeat it?" +msgstr "Kedengeran berlebihan ga sih kalau aku ulang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6236 +msgid "" +"No, I'm overthinking this.{w=0.35} I should just say it like everyone else." +msgstr "" +"Nggak, aku kebanyakan mikirin ini.{w=0.35} Aku bilang aja kayak yang lain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6238 +msgctxt "lookLiz_cafd7987" +msgid "I'm Diya." +msgstr "Aku Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6239 +msgid "Yeah.{w=0.35} So far, so good." +msgstr "Ya.{w=0.35} Sejauh ini bagus." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6240 +msgctxt "lookLiz_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6244 +msgid "What else was I supposed to say?" +msgstr "Aku harus ngomong apa lagi?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6245 +msgid "??????????" +msgstr "???????????" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6248 +msgid "Panic is rising in Diya's chest!" +msgstr "Rasa panik meningkat di dada Diya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6250 +msgid "I've already messed up! I'm embarrassing myself in front of everyone!" +msgstr "Aku udah ngacau! Aku malu-maluin diri aku sendiri di depan yang lain!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6251 +msgid "This is the worst! Even worse than reading a passage out loud in class!" +msgstr "Ini paling parah! Lebih parah dari baca tulisan di kelas!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6252 +msgid "I shouldn't have come here!" +msgstr "Aku harusnya nggak kesini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6258 +msgid "Diya bolts from the meeting!" +msgstr "Diya kabur dari pertemuan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6259 +msgid "Distantly, she can hear Noelle calling out after her." +msgstr "Dari jauh, dia bisa mendengar Noelle memanggilnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6261 +msgid "Diya! Wait!" +msgstr "Diya! Tunggu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6264 +msgid "I can't go back now!" +msgstr "Aku enggak bisa balik sekarang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6272 +msgid "Powered by nervous energy, Diya barrels into the locker room." +msgstr "Ditenagai oleh tenaga kegugupan, Diya mendobrak masuk ke ruang loker." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6273 +msgid "Her plan now is basically to run as far as her legs will carry her." +msgstr "" +"Rencananya sekarang pada dasarnya adalah untuk lari sejauh kakinya bisa " +"membawanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6275 +msgid "I suddenly feel like running 3 or 4 miles!!!" +msgstr "Tiba-tiba aku pingin lari 3 atau 4 mil!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6309 +msgid "Diya crashes into someone!" +msgstr "Diya menabrak seseorang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6313 +msgid "????!" +msgstr "????!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6314 +msgid "Ow?? I landed on my butt..." +msgstr "Ow?? Aku jatuh di pantat aku..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6318 +msgid "" +"Someone is lying on top of her. They roughly grab the front of Diya's shirt." +msgstr "" +"Seseorang berbaring di atasnya. Dia dengan kasar meraih bagian depan kaos " +"Diya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6320 +msgid "Watch where you're going, motherfu—" +msgstr "Liat arah dong, bangsa-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6324 +msgid "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6328 +msgid "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "DIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6329 +msgid "IT'S YOU!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "INI KAMU!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6334 +msgid "Min hugs her!" +msgstr "Min memeluknya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6337 +msgid "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" +msgstr "KGJFGK!!! FDJFDSFDH!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6338 +msgid "Wow!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "Wow!!!!!!!! Ini bagus banget!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6342 +msgid "I promised I'd come back, didn't I?" +msgstr "Aku janji aku bakal balik, kan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6344 +msgid "I'm never letting go of you again!!" +msgstr "Aku gak bakal lepasin kamu lagi!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6347 +msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6350 +msgctxt "ch6_f35ccb75" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6353 +msgctxt "ch6_73c5644b" +msgid "....................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6354 +msgid "I'M GAY. I'M GAY. I'M GAY!" +msgstr "AKU GAY. AKU GAY. AKU GAY!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6357 +msgid "I need to get up." +msgstr "Aku harus bangun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6360 +msgid "Um." +msgstr "Anu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6361 +msgid "Actually, this ground is really gross and dirty." +msgstr "Sebenarnya, lantainya kotor banget dan menjijikan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6362 +msgid "I can see other people's hair on it." +msgstr "Aku bisa lihat rambut orang lain." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6365 +msgid "Oh. Okay, I'll let you up." +msgstr "Oh. Oke, aku biarin bangun." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6372 +msgid "Min gets off and looks Diya up and down as she staggers to her feet." +msgstr "" +"Min turun dan menatap Diya dari atas ke bawah sembari saat dia terhuyung " +"berdiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6374 +msgid "Wow...I almost forgot how pretty you are." +msgstr "Wow...Aku hampir lupa kamu cantik banget." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6376 +msgid "You could be a model." +msgstr "Kamu bisa jadi model." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6378 +msgctxt "ch6_c50f2165" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6379 +msgid "I almost forgot she did this all the time..." +msgstr "Aku hampir lupa dia selalu kayak gini..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6381 +msgid "You didn't get taller than me." +msgstr "Kamu enggak makin tinggi dari aku." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6384 +msgid "Hey, I'm still growing." +msgstr "Hei, Aku masih bertumbuh." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6386 +msgid "You're off by almost a foot." +msgstr "Kamu kurang satu kaki." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6389 +msgid "There's still hope!" +msgstr "Masih ada harapan!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6391 +msgid "You really never give up, do you." +msgstr "Kamu enggak pernah nyerah, ya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6394 +msgid "Of course not." +msgstr "Ya enggak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6396 +msgid "I'll work hard so I can take you!" +msgstr "Aku bakal usaha keras biar aku bisa ngena kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6398 +msgid "O-OVERTAKE! I MEAN OVERTAKE YOU!" +msgstr "N-NGEJAR! MAKSUD AKU NGEJAR KAMU!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6400 +msgid "" +"In an attempt to hide her embarrassment, Min turns her head to the side and " +"points to her ear." +msgstr "" +"Dalam usaha untuk menyembunyikan rasa malunya, Min menengok ke samping dan " +"menunjuk telinganya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6402 +msgid "Look! I have piercings now!" +msgstr "Liat! Aku punya tindikan sekarang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6403 +msgid "Don't I look cool??" +msgstr "Aku keren kan??" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6405 +msgid "You look cool." +msgstr "Kamu keren." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6408 +msgid "And I got a butterfly knife!!!" +msgstr "Terus aku punya pisau kupu-kupu!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6409 +msgid "Min pulls a knife out!!" +msgstr "Min mengeluarkan sebuah pisau!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6410 +msgid "Watch this!!!" +msgstr "Liat!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6411 +msgid "Min flips the knife open and does a trick! It looks really dangerous!" +msgstr "" +"Min membuka pisaunya dan melakukan sebuah trik! Kelihatannya sangat " +"berbahaya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6413 +msgid "Whoa!! Min is so brave!!" +msgstr "Whoa!! Min berani banget!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6415 +msgid "I missed you." +msgstr "Aku kangen." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6418 +msgid "I missed you too!" +msgstr "Aku juga kangen!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6420 +msgctxt "ch6_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6423 +msgctxt "ch6_f8a1f174" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6427 +msgctxt "ch6_677f9015" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6433 +msgctxt "ch6_0f158bd8" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்!{/font}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6437 +msgctxt "ch6_1d74dd58" +msgid "!!!" +msgstr "!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6442 +msgid "" +"Someone runs into the locker room! She's wheezing so hard for breath that " +"Diya knows who it is before looking." +msgstr "" +"Seseorang berlari ke ruang loker! Dia sangat terengah-engah sampai Diya tahu " +"siapa itu tanpa melihatnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6445 +msgid "Diya, there you are!" +msgstr "Diya, kamu disitu toh!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6446 +msgid "Everyone is looking for y—" +msgstr "Semuanya lagi cari ka-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6451 +msgid "{i}You!{/i}" +msgstr "{i}Lo!{/i}" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6455 +msgctxt "ch6_46e87e05" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6457 +msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6461 +msgid "How...you...Why are you here?" +msgstr "Gimana...kamu...Kamu kenapa disini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6466 +msgid "That's my line." +msgstr "Harusnya gue yang ngomong gitu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6468 +msgid "I can't believe Diya still lets a weakling like you hang out with her." +msgstr "" +"Gue ga percaya Diya masih biarin orang lemah kayak lo nongkrong bareng dia." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6469 +msgid "You...you Empire State Building." +msgstr "Da...dasar Empire State Building." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6470 +msgid "Min does a trick with her butterfly knife!" +msgstr "Min melakukan sebuah trik dengan pisau kupu-kupunya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6472 +msgid "Why do you have a knife?!" +msgstr "Kenapa kamu punya pisau?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6473 +msgid "Put that away." +msgstr "Simpan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6476 +msgid "I'll put it away...in your heart!!!" +msgstr "Bakal gue simpen...di jantung lo!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6478 +msgctxt "ch6_c47e75c1_1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6481 +msgctxt "ch6_93192951" +msgid "............" +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6484 +msgctxt "ch6_cc159e1e" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6486 +msgid "Shut up!!!!! It sounded cooler in my head!!!!" +msgstr "Bacot!!!!! Kedengeran lebih keren di kepala gue!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6488 +msgid "No one even said anything." +msgstr "Tidak ada yang bicara." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6489 +msgid "Anyway, aren't knives like that illegal in California?" +msgstr "Lagian, bukannya pisau seperti itu ilegal di California?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6490 +msgid "If I wanted to, I could report you to the police." +msgstr "Kalau aku mau, aku bisa laporkan kamu ke polisi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6493 +msgctxt "ch6_b131889b" +msgid "........." +msgstr ".........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6494 +msgid "Min reluctantly puts the knife away." +msgstr "Min menyimpan pisaunya dengan keberatan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6495 +msgid "Fuck you." +msgstr "Anjing lo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6499 +msgid "" +"Min threateningly draws in closer to Noelle and whispers into her ear, voice " +"low." +msgstr "" +"Min dengan penuh ancaman mendekat pada Noelle dan berbisik ke telinganya, " +"dengan suara yang rendah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6500 +msgid "" +"The dramatic effect is slightly ruined by the fact that Min has to step on " +"top of a storage bin to be taller." +msgstr "" +"Efek dramatisnya sedikit hancur oleh fakta bahwa Min harus berdiri di atas " +"tempat penyimpanan agar lebih tinggi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6502 +msgid "I hate you. I hate you more than the stringy things on bananas." +msgstr "Gue benci sama lo. Gue benci lo lebih dari serat yang ada di pisang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6504 +msgid "Why?! I didn't even do anything!" +msgstr "Kenapa?! Aku tidak berbuat apa-apa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6507 +msgctxt "ch6_07d32b7c" +msgid "Shut up!" +msgstr "Bacot!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6508 +msgid "I won't lose to you!!!" +msgstr "Gue engga bakal kalah sama lo!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6510 +msgid "What are you even talking about?" +msgstr "Kamu ngomong apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6514 +msgid "Someday, Diya is gonna realize she's out of your league." +msgstr "Kapan-kapan, Diya bakal sadar dia terlalu baik buat lo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6516 +msgid "" +"You're not even taller than her anymore, so all your advantages are gone." +msgstr "" +"Lo bahkan enggak lebih tinggi dari dia sekarang, jadi keuntungan lo udah " +"ilang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6518 +msgid "I don't...what???" +msgstr "Aku tidak...hah???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6521 +msgid "" +"When she doesn't like you anymore, I'll gut you and feed you to her dog." +msgstr "" +"Waktu dia gak suka lo lagi, gue bakal keluarin isi perut lo dan kasih ke " +"anjingnya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6523 +msgid "She doesn't even have a dog." +msgstr "Dia bahkan tidak punya anjing." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6526 +msgid "I'll buy her a dog and train it to eat you." +msgstr "Gue beliin anjing dan gue latih buat makan lo." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6530 +msgid "Someone else ran into the locker room!" +msgstr "Ada orang lain yang lari ke ruang loker!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6531 +msgid "" +"It only takes a second for Diya and Noelle to recognize the sound of " +"Akarsha's flip-flops." +msgstr "" +"Hanya butuh satu detik untuk Diya dan Noelle untuk mengenali suara sandal " +"Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6533 +msgid "Ayyy! Chryssa and Liz are looking for you tw—" +msgstr "Ayyy! Chyssa sama Liz nyari kalian berdu-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6535 +msgctxt "ch6_1386c66b" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6537 +msgctxt "ch6_390a1bfb" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6539 +msgctxt "ch6_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6542 +msgctxt "ch6_8683854e" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6544 +msgid "Uh...Have I missed something here?" +msgstr "Anu...Gua ketinggalan apa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6546 +msgid "Who the fuck are you?" +msgstr "Lo siapa anjing?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6548 +msgid "Who the fuck are {i}you{/i}?" +msgstr "{i}Lu{/i} siapa anjing?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6550 +msgid "I asked first, jackass." +msgstr "Gue nanya duluan, bangsat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6552 +msgid "Wao!! Almost cut myself on this EDGE!!!" +msgstr "Wao!! KASAR BANGET!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6566 +msgid "" +"Before Akarsha can react, Min grabs the front of her jacket and slams her " +"back to the wall." +msgstr "" +"Sebelum Akarsha bisa bereaksi, Min meraih bagian depan jaketnya dan " +"menghantamnya ke dinding." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6568 +msgid "You want a piece of me?" +msgstr "Lo mau gelut sama gue?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6570 +msgid "Uh...whoa." +msgstr "Um...wow." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6571 +msgid "Not gonna lie, if you were taller this would be pretty hot." +msgstr "Jujur, kalau lu lebih tinggi ini bakal lumayan seksi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6578 +msgid "Min punches Akarsha in the face!" +msgstr "Min meninju Akarsha di wajahnya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6580 +msgid "Oh no!" +msgstr "Oh tidak!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6583 +msgid "Stop it!" +msgstr "Berhenti!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6587 +msgid "Diya picks Min up and throws her several feet across the room." +msgstr "Diya memungut Min dan melemparnya beberapa kaki ke seberang ruangan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6589 +msgid "Min—" +msgstr "Min-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6592 +msgid "You stay back! I'll handle this!" +msgstr "Kamu mundur! Aku bisa!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6594 +msgid "No, but—" +msgstr "Enggak, tapi-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6597 +msgid "Is anyone gonna explain to me what's going on here?!" +msgstr "Ada yang mau jelasin ini ada apaan?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6598 +msgid "Who's this emo shortie??" +msgstr "Siapa boncel emo ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6600 +msgid "Who're you calling short?!" +msgstr "Siapa yang lo bilang boncel hah?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6602 +msgid "But you are short..." +msgstr "Tapi kamu memang pendek..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6604 +msgid "Min charges at Akarsha!" +msgstr "Min menerjang Akarsha!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6606 +msgid "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" +msgstr "YaaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6607 +msgid "Akarsha kicks her foot out so that the flip-flop flies off!" +msgstr "Akarsha menendang kakinya agar sandalnya terbang!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6615 +msgid "It hits Min's face with a loud slap!" +msgstr "Sandalnya mengenai wajah Min dengan tamparan keras!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6616 +msgid "Mmph?!" +msgstr "Mmph?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6617 +msgid "Min tackles Akarsha to the ground!" +msgstr "Min memukul Akarsha ke lantai!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6619 +msgid "You think you're so smart, huh?!" +msgstr "Lo pikir lo pinter, hah?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6620 +msgid "WELL, GUESS WHAT!!! I HATE SMART PEOPLE!!!" +msgstr "TEBAK!!! GUE BENCI ORANG PINTER!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6622 +msgid "" +"Her hands close around Akarsha's neck. In a panic, Akarsha scrabbles at " +"Min's wrists, but it's no use!" +msgstr "" +"Tangannya memegang leher Akarsha. Panik, Akarsha berusaha menggapai " +"pergelangan tangan Min, tapi sia-sia!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6624 +msgid "USE YOUR HEAD, YOU STUPID CLOWN!!!!!!" +msgstr "PAKAI OTAKMU, BADUT TOLOL!!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6626 +msgid "IF YOU DIE I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!" +msgstr "KALAU KAMU MATI AKU BUNUH KAMU!!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6628 +msgid "Akarsha sticks a hand down her own leggings!" +msgstr "Akarsha memasukkan tangannya kedalam celananya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6630 +msgid "What the fuck?" +msgstr "Apaan bangsat?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6631 +msgid "This better not be your kink or somethi—" +msgstr "Lebih baik ini bukan kink lo ato apa-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6633 +msgid "Akarsha smears her period blood-caked hand across Min's face." +msgstr "Akarsha memeperkan tangannya yang penuh darah menstruasi ke wajah Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6635 +msgid "URRGHKK!!?????!" +msgstr "URRGHKK!!?????!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6638 +msgid "Min let go!" +msgstr "Min melepaskannya!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6640 +msgid "PFF!! PPFBT!!" +msgstr "PFF!! PPFBT!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6641 +msgid "EW!!! YUCK!!!" +msgstr "NJIR!! JIJIK!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6643 +msgid "In the confusion, Akarsha staggers to her feet, gasping for breath." +msgstr "Dalam kebingungan, Akarsha terhuyung berdiri, terengah-engah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6644 +msgid "Noelle rushes to support her." +msgstr "Noelle bergegas untuk membantunya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6645 +msgid "" +"When Akarsha slings her arm over Noelle's shoulders, she accidentally " +"brushes Noelle with her bloody hand." +msgstr "" +"Saat Akarsha mengayunkan lengannya ke pundak Noelle, dia tidak sengaja " +"menyentuh Noelle dengan tangannya yang berdarah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6649 +msgid "YOU CONTAMINATED ME TOO!!!!" +msgstr "KAMU MENGKONTIMINASI AKU JUGA!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6651 +msgid "Noelle shoves Akarsha away, leaving her to fend for herself." +msgstr "" +"Noelle mendorong Akarsha menjauh, membiarkan dia untuk membela dirinya " +"sendiri." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6652 +msgid "" +"Akarsha menacingly holds out her dirty hand in Min's direction, like a " +"weapon." +msgstr "Akarsha mengulurkan tangan kotornya ke arah Min, seperti senjata." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6653 +msgid "" +"Min backs away, desperately avoiding being touched by the period blood hand." +msgstr "" +"Min mundur, mati-matian menghindari disentuh dengan tangan penuh darah " +"menstruasi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6655 +msgid "Stay away! Can't touch this!!" +msgstr "Minggir! Ga bisa pegang ini!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6657 +msgid "You...you nasty ass hoe...!" +msgstr "Lo...lo kontol...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6660 +msgid "That's me! If I can't win by being a kung-fu master..." +msgstr "Itu gua! Kalau ga bisa menang jadi master kung-fu..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6661 +msgid "I'll win by being a piece of garbage!" +msgstr "Gua bakalan menang jadi bangsat!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6665 +msgid "Min looks weirdly moved by Akarsha's words!" +msgstr "Min terlihat tergerak oleh kata-kata Akarsha!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6667 +msgid "You crazy bitch..." +msgstr "Gila lo kampret..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6668 +msgid "Who ARE you?" +msgstr "SIAPA lo?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6670 +msgid "They call me...Rail Tracer." +msgstr "Mereka manggil gua...Rail Tracer." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6672 +msgid "Literally NO ONE calls you that." +msgstr "TIDAK ADA yang memanggilmu itu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6675 +msgid "Quiet, you!" +msgstr "Diam, kamu!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6678 +msgid "" +"Min has stopped attacking completely now. In fact, she looks kind of " +"impressed." +msgstr "Min sudah berhenti menyerang sekarang. Bahkan, dia terlihat kagum." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6679 +msgid "You're the worst scum ever." +msgstr "Lo bajingan paling parah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6680 +msgid "Let's be friends." +msgstr "Ayo temenan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6682 +msgid "...Really?" +msgstr "...Beneran?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6687 +msgid "So we cool?" +msgstr "Jadi kita udahan?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6689 +msgctxt "ch6_b61fd423" +msgid "I guess." +msgstr "Mungkin." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6691 +msgid "" +"More importantly, that was really gross just now, so I never want to fight " +"you again." +msgstr "" +"Lebih penting, tadi jijik parah, jadi gue ga mau berantem sama lo lagi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6692 +msgid "Let's start over." +msgstr "Ayo ulang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6694 +msgid "I'm Min." +msgstr "Gue Min" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6696 +msgid "Min???" +msgstr "Min???" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6697 +msgid "As in, the delinquent kid? The one who knifed someone?" +msgstr "Maksudnya, yang berandalan itu? Yang nusuk orang?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6699 +msgid "Yeah? Got a problem with that?" +msgstr "Iya? Ada masalah?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6701 +msgid "Are you kidding me? I've been looking for you." +msgstr "Lu bercanda? Gua nyariin lu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6702 +msgid "I need a dumb rebel friend to enable me to make bad decisions." +msgstr "" +"Gua butuh temen berandalan yang tolol biar gua bisa bikin keputusan yang " +"buruk." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6704 +msgid "They're...getting along?!" +msgstr "Mereka...berteman?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6705 +msgid "What's happening???? I don't like this!" +msgstr "Apa yang sedang terjadi???? Aku tidak suka ini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6707 +msgid "With her clean hand, Akarsha makes a fist and offers it out to Min." +msgstr "" +"Dengan tangan yang bersih, Akarsha mengepalkan tangan dan menawarkannya pada " +"Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6709 +msgid "Bros?" +msgstr "Bros?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6711 +msgid "Bros." +msgstr "Bros." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6712 +msgid "They fist bump." +msgstr "Mereka melakukan fist bump." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6714 +msgid "Be the yee to my haw..." +msgstr "Jadi yeenya haw gua..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6715 +msgid "The knuckles to my enchilada...." +msgstr "Jadi knucklesnya enchilada gua...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6716 +msgid "The human to my centipede..." +msgstr "Jadi manusianya kelabang gua..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6718 +msgid "I don't like this!" +msgstr "Aku tidak suka ini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6721 +msgid "We can annoy Noelle...together...!" +msgstr "Kita bisa ganggu Noelle...barengan...!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6723 +msgid "I have a terrible feeling about this!" +msgstr "Aku punya perasaan buruk tentang ini!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6726 +msgid "" +"Min is quickly taking the opportunity to wipe her face on Akarsha's " +"windbreaker." +msgstr "" +"Min dengan cepat memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk menyeka mukanya di " +"windbreaker Akarsha." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6728 +msgid "Ew, no! Stop!" +msgstr "Ih, jangan! Berhenti!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6730 +msgid "It's your own damn blood!" +msgstr "Itu darah lo!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6732 +msgid "I don't want it either, man!" +msgstr "Gua juga kagak mau, anjir!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6734 +msgid "" +"Noelle tries to wipe her contaminated arm on Akarsha, too. Akarsha dodges to " +"avoid it." +msgstr "" +"Noelle berusaha mengelap lengannya yang tekontaminasi pada Akarsha juga. " +"Akarsha mengelaknya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6736 +msgid "Augh!" +msgstr "Augh!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6738 +msgid "Diya! Hold her down!" +msgstr "Diya! Pegangin!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6741 +msgctxt "ch6_fd841d5d_1" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6744 +msgid "No! No, please, Diya, homie, listen," +msgstr "Ga! Enggak, plis, Diya, bro, denger," + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6746 +msgid "" +"With brutal efficiency, Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist, covers the bloody hand " +"with a plastic bag, and ties it shut." +msgstr "" +"Dengan keefesiensian yang brutal, Diya memegang pergelangan tangan Akarsha, " +"membungkus tangannya yang berdarah dengan kantong plastik, dan mengikatnya " +"rapat-rapat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6747 +msgid "Then, she pins Akarsha to the ground, thrashing and screaming." +msgstr "Lalu, dia menjepit Akarsha ke lantai, meronta-ronta dan berteriak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6754 +msgid "" +"Chryssa and Liz come through the door with the rest of the team following " +"after them!" +msgstr "Chryssa dan Liz datang dari pintu dengan sisa tim mengikuti mereka!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6757 +msgid "" +"Akarsha, Diya, Noelle, and Min freeze mid-scuffle, still covered in blood." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha, Diya, Noelle, dan Min diam ditengah baku hantam, masih berlumuran " +"darah." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6759 +msgid "Good, you're all he—" +msgstr "Bagus, kalian semua disi-" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6761 +msgid "What the?!" +msgstr "Apa-apaan?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6767 +msgid "Noelle points accusingly at Min." +msgstr "Noelle menunjuk pada Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6769 +msgid "It's all her fault! Diya did nothing wrong!" +msgstr "Salah dia! Diya tidak salah!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6771 +msgid "What?! It's your fault for being annoying!" +msgstr "Apaan?! Salah lo jadi orang nyebelin!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6773 +msgid "You started it! You called me names first!" +msgstr "Kamu yang mulai! Kamu yang pertama mengejek!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6775 +msgid "Okay, we don't care who started it! " +msgstr "Oke, kita enggak peduli siapa yang mulai!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6778 +msgid "Liz stumbles over Akarsha's fallen flip-flop on the ground." +msgstr "Liz tersandung sandal Akarsha yang jatuh di lantai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6780 +msgid "Whose shoe is this?" +msgstr "Sepatu siapa ini?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6782 +msgid "Oh. Mine." +msgstr "Oh. Punya gua." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6784 +msgid "Why isn't it on your foot?" +msgstr "Kenapa gak ada di kaki kamu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6786 +msgid "I kicked it off." +msgstr "Ketendang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6788 +msgid ".........Why.........." +msgstr ".........Kenapa.........." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6790 +msgid "She hit me!" +msgstr "Dia mukul gua!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6791 +msgid "Akarsha points at Min." +msgstr "Akarsha menunjuk Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6793 +msgid "How old are you guys?! Five?!" +msgstr "Kalian umur berapa sih?! Lima?!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6794 +msgid "Exasperated, Chryssa turns to Min." +msgstr "Jengkel, Chryssa menghadap pada Min." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6796 +msgid "And you're Min? You here to play baseball, too?" +msgstr "Terus kamu Min? Kamu disini juga mau main Baseball?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6798 +msgid "Yeah. I got here late." +msgstr "Iya. Gue telat." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6800 +msgid "Well Min, I'm Chryssa." +msgstr "Oke Min, aku Chryssa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6802 +msgid "She has a knife!" +msgstr "Dia punya pisau!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6805 +msgid "You damn snitch!" +msgstr "Lo cepu anjir!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6807 +msgid "Hand the knife over." +msgstr "Serahkan pisaumu." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6809 +msgid "Why should I?" +msgstr "Kenapa?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6811 +msgid "Because if you don't, I won't let you play baseball." +msgstr "Soalnya kalau enggak, aku enggak akan ijinkan kamu main baseball." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6813 +msgid "You...You can do that?" +msgstr "Lo...Lo bisa gitu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6815 +msgid "I can do that." +msgstr "Bisa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6816 +msgid "Min looks very shocked..." +msgstr "Min terlihat kaget..." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6817 +msgid "You can have it back when we're done." +msgstr "Kamu bisa ambil lagi pas pulang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6818 +msgid "But you don't need it here." +msgstr "Tapi kamu gak perlu itu disini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6820 +msgid "Min pulls the knife from her pocket and gives it to Chryssa." +msgstr "Min mengeluarkan pisaunya dari kantong dan memberikannya pada Chryssa." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6822 +msgid "All of them." +msgstr "Semuanya." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6823 +msgid "Come on. We don't have all day." +msgstr "Ayo. Kita gak punya waktu seharian." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6825 +msgid "" +"Reluctantly, Min shakes her jacket out. Several more knives clatter to the " +"ground." +msgstr "" +"Dengan enggan, Min menggoyangkan jaketnya. Beberapa pisau lagi jatuh di " +"lantai." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6826 +msgid "Chryssa puts them all on top of a cabinet in the corner of the room." +msgstr "Chryssa menaruh semuanya di atas kabinet di pojok ruangan." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6827 +msgid "It's too tall for Min to reach. She sadly looks up at them." +msgstr "" +"Kabinetnya terlalu tinggi untuk Min mengambilnya. Dia melihatnya dengan " +"sedih." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6829 +msgid "Let's go to the field and actually play some baseball now." +msgstr "Ayo pergi ke lapangan dan beneran main baseball sekarang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6830 +msgid "" +"We're going to lock this place up, so you can leave your backpacks here." +msgstr "Kita bakal kunci tempat ini, jadi kalian bisa taruh tas kalian disini." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6832 +msgid "Well, I need mine. I'm going to do my homework." +msgstr "Aku butuh punyaku. Aku mau mengerjakan PR." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6834 +msgid "Sorry! If you're here, you're playing." +msgstr "Maaf! Kalau kamu disini, kamu ikut main." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6836 +msgid "I refuse." +msgstr "Aku menolak." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6839 +msgid "" +"So you want to do this the hard way? Good, because I love the hard way. " +msgstr "" +"Jadi kamu ingin ngelakuin ini dengan cara yang susah? Bagus, soalnya aku " +"suka yang susah. " + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6841 +msgid "" +"Then I have no obligation to stay here and argue with you. Diya's fine now; " +"I'm going home." +msgstr "" +"Kalau begitu aku tidak punya kewajiban untuk tinggal disini dan berdebat " +"denganmu. Diya baik-baik saja sekarang; aku mau pulang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6843 +msgid "Really? Then where're your house keys?" +msgstr "Beneran? Kalau gitu mana kunci rumah kamu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6845 +msgid "What kind of question is that?" +msgstr "Pertanyaan macam apa itu?" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6846 +msgid "They're right here in my...." +msgstr "Kunciku ada di...." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6849 +msgid "Noelle whirls to the spot where she put down her bookbag earlier." +msgstr "Noelle berputar ke tempat dia menaruh tas bukunya tadi." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6850 +msgid "It's gone." +msgstr "Hilang." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6851 +msgid "Chryssa adds Noelle's bookbag to the top of the cabinet." +msgstr "Chryssa menaruh tas Noelle ke atas kabinet." + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6854 +msgid "NoOOO!!!!" +msgstr "TiDAAK!!!!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6857 +msgid "Come on! Suffering builds character!" +msgstr "Ayo! Penderitaan membangun karakter!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6859 +msgid "I don't want character!" +msgstr "Aku tidak mau karakter!" + +#: game/1_diya.rpy:6861 +msgid "I guess we're all playing baseball now?" +msgstr "Jadi kita semua main baseball sekarang?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:38 msgid "Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?" @@ -18633,6 +10606,26 @@ msgstr "Apa ini?" msgid "I can't read the test paper." msgstr "Aku tidak bisa baca kertas soalnya." +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "{cps=0}Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}Soal 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "12" +msgstr "12" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "-3" +msgstr "-3" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "3565" +msgstr "3565" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 +msgid "Infinity" +msgstr "Tak terhingga" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:55 msgid "Problem 2) ₫₅—₎⁷6544³¹¿˘‰2 - 3◊ℓ34?" msgstr "Soal 2) ₫₅—₎⁷6544³¹¿˘‰2 - 3◊ℓ34?" @@ -18682,16 +10675,24 @@ msgid "Sorry. Feel better." msgstr "Maaf. Cepet baikan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:89 -msgid "She presents Noelle with a poorly wrapped, lumpy gift almost as big as she is." -msgstr "Dia memberikan Noelle sebuah hadiah sebesar dirinya sendiri yang bungkusnya berantakan." +msgid "" +"She presents Noelle with a poorly wrapped, lumpy gift almost as big as she " +"is." +msgstr "" +"Dia memberikan Noelle sebuah hadiah sebesar dirinya sendiri yang bungkusnya " +"berantakan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:92 msgid "Happy birthday." msgstr "Selamat ulang tahun." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:93 -msgid "Despite Diya's best efforts, several spots of the gift aren't properly covered with the wrapping paper and Noelle can see clearly what's inside." -msgstr "Meskipun Diya sudah berusaha, beberapa bagian dari hadiah tersebut tidak ditutupi kertas kado dengan benar dan Noelle melihat isinya dengan jelas." +msgid "" +"Despite Diya's best efforts, several spots of the gift aren't properly " +"covered with the wrapping paper and Noelle can see clearly what's inside." +msgstr "" +"Meskipun Diya sudah berusaha, beberapa bagian dari hadiah tersebut tidak " +"ditutupi kertas kado dengan benar dan Noelle melihat isinya dengan jelas." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:95 msgid "I appreciate your kindness." @@ -18751,16 +10752,23 @@ msgid "He reminds her of me, how??" msgstr "Dia mengingatkanmu tentang aku, gimana??" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:118 -msgid "I don't even like snakes. And stuffed animals are a useless waste of space." +msgid "" +"I don't even like snakes. And stuffed animals are a useless waste of space." msgstr "Aku bahkan tidak suka ular. Dan boneka itu buang-buang tempat." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:120 -msgid "Yet against all logic, a lump forms in Noelle's throat, impossible to swallow." +msgid "" +"Yet against all logic, a lump forms in Noelle's throat, impossible to " +"swallow." msgstr "Namun, sesuatu tertahan di tenggorokan Noelle, sulit untuk ditelan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:121 -msgid "Noelle quickly stamps down all stupid emotions and focuses on organizing her thoughts." -msgstr "Noelle dengan cepat mengabaikan semua perasaan bodohnya dan fokus mengatur pikirannya." +msgid "" +"Noelle quickly stamps down all stupid emotions and focuses on organizing her " +"thoughts." +msgstr "" +"Noelle dengan cepat mengabaikan semua perasaan bodohnya dan fokus mengatur " +"pikirannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:124 msgctxt "wakeUp_c728b2c9" @@ -18772,8 +10780,12 @@ msgid "He is green, soft, and at least 5 feet long." msgstr "Dia hijau, halus, dan kurang lebih panjangnya 5 kaki." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:126 -msgid "I will place him in my bedroom and preserve him in mint condition for as long as possible." -msgstr "Aku bakal taruh dia di kamarku dan kujaga dia dalam kondisi sempurna selama mungkin." +msgid "" +"I will place him in my bedroom and preserve him in mint condition for as " +"long as possible." +msgstr "" +"Aku bakal taruh dia di kamarku dan kujaga dia dalam kondisi sempurna selama " +"mungkin." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:130 msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_1" @@ -18831,12 +10843,19 @@ msgid "................" msgstr "................." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:149 -msgid "Noelle watches Diya's face drop as she silently goes through the 5 stages of grief remembering most of the locations in Harry Potter aren't real." -msgstr "Noelle melihat wajah Diya menjadi sedih ketika dia mengingat kebanyakan lokasi di Harry Potter tidak nyata." +msgid "" +"Noelle watches Diya's face drop as she silently goes through the 5 stages of " +"grief remembering most of the locations in Harry Potter aren't real." +msgstr "" +"Noelle melihat wajah Diya menjadi sedih ketika dia mengingat kebanyakan " +"lokasi di Harry Potter tidak nyata." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:151 -msgid "We can at least see Platform 9 3/4. They put a plaque of it at King's Cross." -msgstr "Setidaknya kita bisa lihat Peron 9 3/4. Mereka menempel plangnya di King's Cross." +msgid "" +"We can at least see Platform 9 3/4. They put a plaque of it at King's Cross." +msgstr "" +"Setidaknya kita bisa lihat Peron 9 3/4. Mereka menempel plangnya di King's " +"Cross." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:154 msgctxt "wakeUp_fd841d5d" @@ -18869,8 +10888,12 @@ msgid "If everyone thought like you, there would be no wars." msgstr "Kalau semua orang berpikir seperti kamu, tidak akan ada perang." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:168 -msgid "Diya doesn't appear to know how to respond to this, so she just looks away and smiles shyly." -msgstr "Diya sepertinya tidak tahu cara membalasnya, maka dia hanya mellihat ke arah lain dan tersenyum malu." +msgid "" +"Diya doesn't appear to know how to respond to this, so she just looks away " +"and smiles shyly." +msgstr "" +"Diya sepertinya tidak tahu cara membalasnya, maka dia hanya mellihat ke arah " +"lain dan tersenyum malu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:169 msgctxt "wakeUp_6276c5a5_4" @@ -18878,12 +10901,18 @@ msgid "................" msgstr "................." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:171 -msgid "If we run out of things to do in England, we can always watch TV in our hotel room." -msgstr "Kalau kita kehabisan hal yang bisa dilakukan di Inggris, kita bisa nonton TV di kamar hotel." +msgid "" +"If we run out of things to do in England, we can always watch TV in our " +"hotel room." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kita kehabisan hal yang bisa dilakukan di Inggris, kita bisa nonton TV " +"di kamar hotel." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:174 msgid "No. You complain too much when things aren't scientifically correct." -msgstr "Enggak. Kamu mengeluh terlalu banyak waktu sesuatu enggak benar secara ilmiah." +msgstr "" +"Enggak. Kamu mengeluh terlalu banyak waktu sesuatu enggak benar secara " +"ilmiah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:175 msgid "Like, when radioactive things cause super powers." @@ -18901,6 +10930,16 @@ msgstr "Mengganggu gimana?" msgid "Distracting like..." msgstr "Mengganggu kayak..." +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:190 +msgid "" +"Noelle, watching a \n" +"movie in class\n" +"last week" +msgstr "" +"Noelle, menonton sebuah \n" +"film di kelas\n" +"minggu lalu" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:199 msgid "{big=16}SHUT UP!{w=0.2} SHUT UP!! {w=0.2}SHUT UP!!!!{/big}" msgstr "{big=16}DIAM!{w=0.2} DIAM!! {w=0.2}DIAM!!!!{/big}" @@ -18910,24 +10949,36 @@ msgid "{big=16}THIS IS NOT SCIENTIFIC!!!{/big}" msgstr "{big=16}INI TIDAK ILMIAH!!!{/big}" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:202 -msgid "{big=16}HE CAN'T DO THAT! {w=0.2}THAT'S NOT HOW NUCLEAR PHYSICS WORKS!!{/big}" -msgstr "{big=16}DIA TIDAK BISA BEGITU! {w=0.2}ITU BUKAN BAGAIMANA FISIKA NUKLIR BEKERJA!!{/big}" +msgid "" +"{big=16}HE CAN'T DO THAT! {w=0.2}THAT'S NOT HOW NUCLEAR PHYSICS WORKS!!{/big}" +msgstr "" +"{big=16}DIA TIDAK BISA BEGITU! {w=0.2}ITU BUKAN BAGAIMANA FISIKA NUKLIR " +"BEKERJA!!{/big}" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:203 msgid "{big=16}NO!!!! {w=0.2}SHUT UP!!!!!{/big}" msgstr "{big=16}TIDAK!!!! {w=0.2}DIAM!!!!!{/big}" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:213 -msgid "...We can watch an educational nature documentary, then. Like Planet Earth." -msgstr "...Kalau begitu kita bisa nonton dokumenter pendidikan alam. Kayak Planet Earth." +msgid "" +"...We can watch an educational nature documentary, then. Like Planet Earth." +msgstr "" +"...Kalau begitu kita bisa nonton dokumenter pendidikan alam. Kayak Planet " +"Earth." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:217 -msgid "I don't like the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the wrong way." -msgstr "Aku enggak suka bagian bayi gajahnya ngikutin ibunya ke arah yang salah." +msgid "" +"I don't like the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the " +"wrong way." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak suka bagian bayi gajahnya ngikutin ibunya ke arah yang salah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:219 -msgid "We can skip the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the wrong way." -msgstr "Kita bisa lewati bagian bayi gajahnya mengikuti ibunya ke arah yang salah." +msgid "" +"We can skip the part where the baby elephant follows its mom's tracks the " +"wrong way." +msgstr "" +"Kita bisa lewati bagian bayi gajahnya mengikuti ibunya ke arah yang salah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:222 msgid "Suddenly, Diya starts climbing off the playground structure." @@ -18939,7 +10990,9 @@ msgstr "Baru ingat." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:224 msgid "Actually, Diya had been preparing to say this for the past 15 minutes." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, Diya sudah bersiap untuk membicarakannya selama 15 menit terakhir." +msgstr "" +"Sebenarnya, Diya sudah bersiap untuk membicarakannya selama 15 menit " +"terakhir." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:226 msgid "Want you to meet someone." @@ -19001,7 +11054,8 @@ msgstr "Ngasih aku rumput laut." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:254 msgid "I've never seen you this excited over someone before." -msgstr "Aku tidak pernah lihat kamu sesemangat ini karena seseorang sebelumnya." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak pernah lihat kamu sesemangat ini karena seseorang sebelumnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:255 msgid "They must really be something." @@ -19021,8 +11075,11 @@ msgid ".............." msgstr "..............." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:272 -msgid "Instead of introducing them, Diya is just happily standing there in silence." -msgstr "Alih-alih mengenalkan mereka, Diya hanya berdiri tenang dengan senang di sana." +msgid "" +"Instead of introducing them, Diya is just happily standing there in silence." +msgstr "" +"Alih-alih mengenalkan mereka, Diya hanya berdiri tenang dengan senang di " +"sana." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:274 msgctxt "wakeUp_a5a151e8" @@ -19129,8 +11186,12 @@ msgid "Look at this article." msgstr "Lihat artikel ini." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:331 -msgid "This boy was accepted into every single Ivy League college. He lives in Pleasanton." -msgstr "Anak laki-laki ini diterima di setiap perguruan tinggi Liga Ivy. Dia hidup di Pleasanton." +msgid "" +"This boy was accepted into every single Ivy League college. He lives in " +"Pleasanton." +msgstr "" +"Anak laki-laki ini diterima di setiap perguruan tinggi Liga Ivy. Dia hidup " +"di Pleasanton." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:332 msgctxt "wakeUp_2ee13495" @@ -19143,8 +11204,12 @@ msgid "I'm putting this on your wall. To inspire you." msgstr "Akan aku tempel di dindingmu. Untuk menginspirasimu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:334 -msgid "She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to a poem her dad printed out, \"There is no Success without Hardship\"." -msgstr "Dia berdiri dan merekatkannya di kamar tidur Noelle di sebelah puisi yang ayahnya cetak, \"Tidak ada Keberhasilan tanpa Penderitaan\"." +msgid "" +"She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to a poem her dad " +"printed out, \"There is no Success without Hardship\"." +msgstr "" +"Dia berdiri dan merekatkannya di kamar tidur Noelle di sebelah puisi yang " +"ayahnya cetak, \"Tidak ada Keberhasilan tanpa Penderitaan\"." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:336 msgid "Can I go to the park with Diya this Saturday?" @@ -19159,7 +11224,8 @@ msgid "We're taking a walk around the lake." msgstr "Kita mau jalan-jalan di sekitar danau." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:341 -msgid "There's also a Petco nearby. She wants to look at the fish and hamsters." +msgid "" +"There's also a Petco nearby. She wants to look at the fish and hamsters." msgstr "Ada Petco juga dekat sana. Dia ingin lihat ikan dan hamster." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:343 @@ -19175,12 +11241,18 @@ msgid "Then there's no point." msgstr "Kalau begitu tidak ada gunanya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:348 -msgid "Now that you've already established your friendship, you should be expending the minimum amount of energy to maintain it." -msgstr "Karena sekarang kamu sudah berteman, kamu harus mengeluarkan tenaga sesedikit mungkin untuk menjaganya." +msgid "" +"Now that you've already established your friendship, you should be expending " +"the minimum amount of energy to maintain it." +msgstr "" +"Karena sekarang kamu sudah berteman, kamu harus mengeluarkan tenaga " +"sesedikit mungkin untuk menjaganya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:349 msgid "Otherwise you're just wasting your limited time. Fun is an illusion." -msgstr "Kalau tidak kamu hanya membuang-buang waktumu yang terbatas. Kesenangan hanya ilusi." +msgstr "" +"Kalau tidak kamu hanya membuang-buang waktumu yang terbatas. Kesenangan " +"hanya ilusi." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:350 msgid "Don't be controlled by your emotions." @@ -19224,7 +11296,8 @@ msgstr "Tidak ada lagi yang bisa aku lakukan!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:370 msgid "I'll buy next year's textbooks so you can get started on those, then." -msgstr "Kalau begitu, aku akan beli buku cetak tahun depan agar kamu bisa mulai." +msgstr "" +"Kalau begitu, aku akan beli buku cetak tahun depan agar kamu bisa mulai." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:377 msgctxt "wakeUp_7146bd51" @@ -19234,7 +11307,13 @@ msgstr "..................." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:379 msgctxt "wakeUp_653359cb" msgid "Upset, Noelle curls up in bed angrily hugging her giant snake plushie." -msgstr "Kesal, Noelle meringkuk di tempat tidurnya dengan marah sambil memeluk boneka ularnya yang besar." +msgstr "" +"Kesal, Noelle meringkuk di tempat tidurnya dengan marah sambil memeluk " +"boneka ularnya yang besar." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:380 +msgid "Read next year's textbook" +msgstr "Baca buku pelajaran tahun depan" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:382 msgid "— The Fox and the Grapes —" @@ -19245,20 +11324,29 @@ msgid "A hungry Fox saw a fine bunch of Grapes hanging from a vine." msgstr "Seekor Rubah melihat sekumpulan Anggur yang menggantung dari pokoknya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:384 -msgid "He did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air." -msgstr "Dia berusaha untuk menggapainya dengan melompat setinggi yang Ia bisa di udara." +msgid "" +"He did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air." +msgstr "" +"Dia berusaha untuk menggapainya dengan melompat setinggi yang Ia bisa di " +"udara." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:385 msgid "But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach." msgstr "Tapi semuanya nihil, karena Anggur tersebut tidak dapat digapai." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:386 -msgid "So he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking," -msgstr "Maka dia menyerah, dan berjalan pergi dengan gengsi dan tidak peduli, sambil berkata," +msgid "" +"So he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, " +"remarking," +msgstr "" +"Maka dia menyerah, dan berjalan pergi dengan gengsi dan tidak peduli, sambil " +"berkata," #: game/2_noelle.rpy:387 -msgid "\"I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.\"" -msgstr "\"Aku kira Anggur itu matang, tapi setelah aku lihat ternyata cukup asam.\"" +msgid "" +"\"I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.\"" +msgstr "" +"\"Aku kira Anggur itu matang, tapi setelah aku lihat ternyata cukup asam.\"" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:388 msgid "Reading Comprehension Questions:" @@ -19268,9 +11356,33 @@ msgstr "Soal Pemahaman Membaca:" msgid "1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?" msgstr "1) Mengapa rubah tersebut tidak memakan anggurnya?" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "{cps=0}1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}1) Mengapa rubah itu tidak makan anggurnya?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "They were sour" +msgstr "Anggurnya asam" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "He couldn't reach them" +msgstr "Dia tidak bisa menggapainya" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 +msgid "He wasn't hungry" +msgstr "Dia tidak lapar" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:400 +msgid "Kid playing outside" +msgstr "Anak di luar" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:403 -msgid "Through the window, Noelle can hear someone whiffing a badminton racket outside." -msgstr "Dari jendela, Noelle bisa mendengar seseorang mengayunkan raket badminton di luar." +msgid "" +"Through the window, Noelle can hear someone whiffing a badminton racket " +"outside." +msgstr "" +"Dari jendela, Noelle bisa mendengar seseorang mengayunkan raket badminton di " +"luar." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:405 msgid "Sorry!" @@ -19292,6 +11404,22 @@ msgstr "Mereka mungkin ada di kelas murid yang bodoh." msgid "2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?" msgstr "2) Apa maksud dari \"Semuanya nihil\"?" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "{cps=0}2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}2) Apa arti dari \"Semuanya nihil\"?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was useless" +msgstr "Sia-sia" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was very close" +msgstr "Hampir" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 +msgid "It was a great success" +msgstr "Sukses besar" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:425 msgid "Noooo!!!" msgstr "Tidaaaak!!!" @@ -19310,7 +11438,8 @@ msgstr "Berandalan bodoh yang buang-buang waktu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:432 msgid "Having fun?? HA! I'm above such petty unnecessities." -msgstr "Bersenang-senang?? HA! Aku tidak butuh hal remeh tidak penting seperti itu." +msgstr "" +"Bersenang-senang?? HA! Aku tidak butuh hal remeh tidak penting seperti itu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:433 msgid "They'll regret it when they're working at McDonald's someday." @@ -19324,6 +11453,22 @@ msgstr "Toh, aku benci olahraga. Aku pemenang sebenarnya disini." msgid "3) What's the message of the story?" msgstr "3) Apa pesan dari cerita tersebut?" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "{cps=0}3) What's the message of the story?{/cps}" +msgstr "{cps=0}3) Apa makna dari cerita tersebut?{/cps}" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "Appearances are deceptive" +msgstr "Penampilan bisa menipu" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "Look before you leap" +msgstr "Lihatlah sebelum kamu melompat" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 +msgid "It's easy to despise what you cannot have" +msgstr "Mudah untuk membenci apa yang kamu tidak punya." + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:462 msgctxt "atMeeting_e7bfb3b0" msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" @@ -19339,7 +11484,8 @@ msgstr "Aku benci olahraga!! Kenapa aku disini?!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:473 msgid "Akarsha is pitching. She raises her eyebrows at Noelle as she winds up." -msgstr "Akarsha yang melempar. Dia menaikkan alisnya pada Noelle saat dia bersiap." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha yang melempar. Dia menaikkan alisnya pada Noelle saat dia bersiap." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:474 msgctxt "atMeeting_bdb2098a" @@ -19363,13 +11509,21 @@ msgstr "TIDAK. KAMU MAU BUAT AKU BINGUNG, DAN KAMU GAGAL." msgid "Akarsha pitches the ball!" msgstr "Akarsha melempar bolanya!" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:490 +msgid "Swing at the ball" +msgstr "Ayunkan pada bolanya" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:492 msgid "Through sheer luck, Noelle manages to hit the ball!" msgstr "Melalui keberuntungan semata, Noelle berhasil memukul bolanya!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:496 -msgid "It pops straight up! Noelle runs for first base with the agility of an old man with two broken legs." -msgstr "Bolanya meluncur ke atas! Noelle berlari ke base pertama dengan kecepatan seorang pria tua dengan dua kaki yang patah." +msgid "" +"It pops straight up! Noelle runs for first base with the agility of an old " +"man with two broken legs." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya meluncur ke atas! Noelle berlari ke base pertama dengan kecepatan " +"seorang pria tua dengan dua kaki yang patah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:499 msgctxt "atMeeting_fafbead7" @@ -19381,8 +11535,12 @@ msgid "Chryssa catches it in her mitt." msgstr "Chryssa menangkapnya dengan sarung tangannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:502 -msgid "The runner already on first base gives Noelle a strange look when she runs up to it." -msgstr "Si pelari di base pertama melihat Noelle dengan aneh saat dia berlari ke sana." +msgid "" +"The runner already on first base gives Noelle a strange look when she runs " +"up to it." +msgstr "" +"Si pelari di base pertama melihat Noelle dengan aneh saat dia berlari ke " +"sana." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:505 msgid "Noelle, you're out!" @@ -19402,7 +11560,9 @@ msgstr "Dia nangkep bolanya, pinter." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:517 msgid "But...so? Why can't I run? How come the runner on first isn't out??" -msgstr "Tapi...terus? Kenapa aku tidak boleh lari? Kenapa pelari di yang pertama tidak keluar??" +msgstr "" +"Tapi...terus? Kenapa aku tidak boleh lari? Kenapa pelari di yang pertama " +"tidak keluar??" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:519 msgid "The rules of this game are really incomprehensible." @@ -19418,23 +11578,38 @@ msgstr "Aku tidak butuh pujian karena gagal. Aku tidak bodoh." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:532 msgid "Noelle grabs a mitt and joins Diya and the others on the field." -msgstr "Noelle mengambil sarung tangan dan mengikuti Diya dan yang lainnya ke lapangan." +msgstr "" +"Noelle mengambil sarung tangan dan mengikuti Diya dan yang lainnya ke " +"lapangan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:534 -msgid "We're taking turns batting. Everyone who isn't a batter or runner is defending on the field." -msgstr "Kami memukul bergiliran. Setiap orang yang bukan batter atau runner bertahan di lapangan." +msgid "" +"We're taking turns batting. Everyone who isn't a batter or runner is " +"defending on the field." +msgstr "" +"Kami memukul bergiliran. Setiap orang yang bukan batter atau runner bertahan " +"di lapangan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:535 -msgid "It feels so odd to be doing this. I keep half-expecting someone to holler at me to get off." -msgstr "Rasanya aneh melakukan ini. Aku terus berpikir seseorang akan berteriak padaku untuk pergi." +msgid "" +"It feels so odd to be doing this. I keep half-expecting someone to holler at " +"me to get off." +msgstr "" +"Rasanya aneh melakukan ini. Aku terus berpikir seseorang akan berteriak " +"padaku untuk pergi." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:537 msgid "Suddenly, Diya swerves back to avoid a bee flying at her face." -msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Diya mengelak untuk menghindari seekor lebah yang terbang di wajahnya." +msgstr "" +"Tiba-tiba, Diya mengelak untuk menghindari seekor lebah yang terbang di " +"wajahnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:539 -msgid "Did that bee just try to sting you?! COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH BEE COWARD I’M GONNA FUCK YOU UP!!!" -msgstr "Lebah itu mau nyengat kamu?! BALIK KESINI BANGSAT CUPU GUE HANCURIN LO!!!" +msgid "" +"Did that bee just try to sting you?! COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH BEE COWARD I’M " +"GONNA FUCK YOU UP!!!" +msgstr "" +"Lebah itu mau nyengat kamu?! BALIK KESINI BANGSAT CUPU GUE HANCURIN LO!!!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:541 msgid "Min moves indignantly between Diya and the bee." @@ -19454,8 +11629,12 @@ msgid "Min throws a punch at the offending bee." msgstr "Min melontarkan tinju ke lebah itu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:548 -msgid "After silently watching a few fruitless swings, Diya takes off her hat and strikes the bee in mid-air with the bill of her cap." -msgstr "Setelah menonton beberapa ayunan dengan diam, Diya melepaskan topinya dan memukul lebah itu di udara dengan paruh topinya." +msgid "" +"After silently watching a few fruitless swings, Diya takes off her hat and " +"strikes the bee in mid-air with the bill of her cap." +msgstr "" +"Setelah menonton beberapa ayunan dengan diam, Diya melepaskan topinya dan " +"memukul lebah itu di udara dengan paruh topinya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:550 msgid "It falls to the ground, dead." @@ -19530,7 +11709,9 @@ msgid "Are white people that bad?" msgstr "Apa orang kulit putih separah itu?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:589 -msgid "They do shit like pull their eyes into slits and go \"Ching chong ting tong!\"" +msgid "" +"They do shit like pull their eyes into slits and go \"Ching chong ting tong!" +"\"" msgstr "Mereka nyipitin mata mereka terung ngomong \"Ching chong ting tong!\"" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:590 @@ -19554,8 +11735,12 @@ msgid "Me too!" msgstr "Aku juga!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:599 -msgid "But they showed us that cartoon every year in class. Where they time travel to when there's segregation." -msgstr "Tapi mereka nunjukin kartun itu tiap tahun di kelas. Pas mereka ngelakuin perjalanan waktu ada segregasi." +msgid "" +"But they showed us that cartoon every year in class. Where they time travel " +"to when there's segregation." +msgstr "" +"Tapi mereka nunjukin kartun itu tiap tahun di kelas. Pas mereka ngelakuin " +"perjalanan waktu ada segregasi." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:600 msgid "What happened?" @@ -19572,11 +11757,16 @@ msgstr "Batter berikutnya strike out." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:607 msgid "Liz, who's acting as the catcher, returns the ball to Akarsha." -msgstr "Liz, yang berperan sebagai penangkap, mengembalikan bolanya ke Akarsha." +msgstr "" +"Liz, yang berperan sebagai penangkap, mengembalikan bolanya ke Akarsha." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:609 -msgid "Akarsha fumbles it and drops it on the mound. Everyone watches disapprovingly as she scrambles to pick it back up." -msgstr "Akarsha gagal menangkapnya dan menjatuhkannya di undakan. Semua orang menonton dengan tidak setuju saat dia berusaha untuk mengambilnya kembali." +msgid "" +"Akarsha fumbles it and drops it on the mound. Everyone watches " +"disapprovingly as she scrambles to pick it back up." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha gagal menangkapnya dan menjatuhkannya di undakan. Semua orang " +"menonton dengan tidak setuju saat dia berusaha untuk mengambilnya kembali." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:611 msgid "...That was an illusion." @@ -19599,8 +11789,12 @@ msgid "Diya hits the pitch with a downright scary amount of force." msgstr "Diya memukul lemparannya dengan kekuatan yang menakutkan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:627 -msgid "The ball shoots over everyone's heads and lands in a tree in the distance, causing several startled crows to flap out. " -msgstr "Bolanya melayang di atas kepala semua orang dan mendarat di pohon di kejauhan, menyebabkan beberapa ekor gagak terbang. " +msgid "" +"The ball shoots over everyone's heads and lands in a tree in the distance, " +"causing several startled crows to flap out. " +msgstr "" +"Bolanya melayang di atas kepala semua orang dan mendarat di pohon di " +"kejauhan, menyebabkan beberapa ekor gagak terbang. " #: game/2_noelle.rpy:631 msgid "YEAH!!!!!!" @@ -19632,8 +11826,12 @@ msgid "She immediately grabs the heaviest bat they have." msgstr "Dia langsung mengambil tongkat pemukul paling berat yang ada." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:650 -msgid "Min-seo, are you sure you want to use that?\n We have other bats that are closer to your—" -msgstr "Min-seo, kamu yakin mau pakai itu?\n Kita punya tongkat lain yang lebih pas-" +msgid "" +"Min-seo, are you sure you want to use that?\n" +" We have other bats that are closer to your—" +msgstr "" +"Min-seo, kamu yakin mau pakai itu?\n" +" Kita punya tongkat lain yang lebih pas-" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:652 msgid "This one is fine." @@ -19652,8 +11850,12 @@ msgid "No!!! I'm not some weakling!!" msgstr "Gak!!! Gue gak lemah!!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:665 -msgid "On the mound, Akarsha paces back and forth as Min squares up in the batter's box." -msgstr "Di undakan, Akarsha berjalan maju mundur saat Min menyesuaikan diri di tempat pemukul." +msgid "" +"On the mound, Akarsha paces back and forth as Min squares up in the batter's " +"box." +msgstr "" +"Di undakan, Akarsha berjalan maju mundur saat Min menyesuaikan diri di " +"tempat pemukul." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:669 msgid "Are you trying to psyche me out?" @@ -19672,8 +11874,12 @@ msgid "No eating crayons while the club is in session, please..." msgstr "Jangan ada yang makan krayon waktu lagi klub, plis... " #: game/2_noelle.rpy:684 -msgid "Actually, Noelle, how about you try pitching now? It's been a while since we switched." -msgstr "Sebenarnya, Noelle, gimana kalau kamu coba lempar sekarang? Udah lama kita enggak tukaran." +msgid "" +"Actually, Noelle, how about you try pitching now? It's been a while since we " +"switched." +msgstr "" +"Sebenarnya, Noelle, gimana kalau kamu coba lempar sekarang? Udah lama kita " +"enggak tukaran." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:687 msgctxt "atMeeting_219543a9" @@ -19713,12 +11919,20 @@ msgid "Everyone is shooting Noelle appalled looks..." msgstr "Semuanya melihat Noelle dengan terkejut..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:715 -msgid "No, you pitch against the enemy. It's the pitcher's goal not to let the batter get on base." -msgstr "Nggak, kamu ngelempar lawan musuh. Tujuan pitcher tuh biar batter enggak masuk base." +msgid "" +"No, you pitch against the enemy. It's the pitcher's goal not to let the " +"batter get on base." +msgstr "" +"Nggak, kamu ngelempar lawan musuh. Tujuan pitcher tuh biar batter enggak " +"masuk base." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:718 -msgid "Oh, I see. So that's why they pitch at such high velocity— so it's harder for the batter to hit a touchdown." -msgstr "Oh, ngerti. Jadi itu sebabnya mereka melempar dengan kecepatan tinggi— jadi lebih susah bagi batter untuk touchdown." +msgid "" +"Oh, I see. So that's why they pitch at such high velocity— so it's harder " +"for the batter to hit a touchdown." +msgstr "" +"Oh, ngerti. Jadi itu sebabnya mereka melempar dengan kecepatan tinggi— jadi " +"lebih susah bagi batter untuk touchdown." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:722 msgid "Noelle, have you never watched a baseball game before?" @@ -19728,6 +11942,18 @@ msgstr "Noelle, kamu enggak pernah nonton pertandingan baseball?" msgid "Can you even name a single baseball team?" msgstr "Kamu bisa sebut satu tim baseball?" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The San Jose Sharks" +msgstr "The San Jose Sharks" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The San Francisco 49ers" +msgstr "The San Fransisco 49ers" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 +msgid "The Oakland A's" +msgstr "The Oakland A's" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:728 msgid "The Sharks." msgstr "The Sharks." @@ -19800,6 +12026,10 @@ msgstr "Bravo. Kalau kamu gagal, aku mungkin bakalan nangis." msgid "Min squares up in the batter's box." msgstr "Min bersiap di tempat pemukul." +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:772 +msgid "Throw the ball" +msgstr "Lempar bolanya" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:775 msgid "Noelle throws the ball with all her might!" msgstr "Noelle melempar bolanya dengan sekuat tenaga!" @@ -19831,19 +12061,28 @@ msgstr "Apa?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:796 msgid "You didn't throw it through the strike zone. If you miss, it's a ball. " -msgstr "Kamu enggak lempar lewatin strike zone. Kalau kamu meleset, namanya ball." +msgstr "" +"Kamu enggak lempar lewatin strike zone. Kalau kamu meleset, namanya ball." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:797 -msgid "If you throw 4 balls before the batter strikes out, the batter goes to first base for free." -msgstr "Kalau kamu lempar 4 ball sebelum batternya strike, batternya bebas pergi ke base pertama." +msgid "" +"If you throw 4 balls before the batter strikes out, the batter goes to first " +"base for free." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu lempar 4 ball sebelum batternya strike, batternya bebas pergi ke " +"base pertama." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:801 msgid "Where is the strike zone, exactly?" msgstr "Di mana strike zone, tepatnya?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:806 -msgid "It starts at the midpoint between the top of the batter's shoulders and the top of their pants." -msgstr "Mulai di titik tengah di antara bagian atas bahu batter sama bagian atas celana mereka." +msgid "" +"It starts at the midpoint between the top of the batter's shoulders and the " +"top of their pants." +msgstr "" +"Mulai di titik tengah di antara bagian atas bahu batter sama bagian atas " +"celana mereka." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:807 msgid "The bottom is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap." @@ -19866,8 +12105,12 @@ msgid "There's rules about that." msgstr "Ada aturan tentang itu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:815 -msgid "If we wanna throw the game but in a subtle way, all we have to do is pull our pants up really high." -msgstr "Kalau kita pingin ngancurin permainannya diem-diem, kita tinggal narik celana kita ke atas." +msgid "" +"If we wanna throw the game but in a subtle way, all we have to do is pull " +"our pants up really high." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kita pingin ngancurin permainannya diem-diem, kita tinggal narik " +"celana kita ke atas." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:816 msgid "Like, up to our armpits." @@ -19878,8 +12121,12 @@ msgid "THAT'S NOT SUBTLE AT ALL." msgstr "ITU DIAM-DIAM SAMA SEKALI." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:822 -msgid "Assuming we play this the regular way, don't short people just naturally have smaller batting zones?" -msgstr "Asumsi kita main biasa, bukannya orang yang pendek pada dasarnya punya zona pukul yang lebih kecil?" +msgid "" +"Assuming we play this the regular way, don't short people just naturally " +"have smaller batting zones?" +msgstr "" +"Asumsi kita main biasa, bukannya orang yang pendek pada dasarnya punya zona " +"pukul yang lebih kecil?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:823 msgid "Since their bodies are smaller." @@ -19890,32 +12137,51 @@ msgid "Yeah, it takes more precision to strike them out." msgstr "Ya, harus lebih teliti buat ngestrike mereka." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:826 -msgid "By the way, the measurements are based on the batter's stance, not while they're standing straight up." -msgstr "Oh ya, diukurnya berdasarkan cara berdiri batter, bukan pas mereka berdiri tegak." +msgid "" +"By the way, the measurements are based on the batter's stance, not while " +"they're standing straight up." +msgstr "" +"Oh ya, diukurnya berdasarkan cara berdiri batter, bukan pas mereka berdiri " +"tegak." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:829 -msgid "Knowing that, can't we just reduce the batting zone's volume to zero by squatting down?" -msgstr "Kalau gitu, kita tidak bisa mengurangi volume zona batting jadi nol dengan berjongkok kah?" +msgid "" +"Knowing that, can't we just reduce the batting zone's volume to zero by " +"squatting down?" +msgstr "" +"Kalau gitu, kita tidak bisa mengurangi volume zona batting jadi nol dengan " +"berjongkok kah?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:830 msgid "That way any pitch they throw becomes a ball." msgstr "Dengan cara itu setiap lemparan yang mereka lempar jadi ball." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:833 -msgid "I dunno if there's a rule against that, but if you do anything too weird, it'll be considered poor sportsmanship." -msgstr "Aku enggak tahu kalau ada peraturan tentang itu, tapi kalau kamu ngelakuin sesuatu yang aneh, itu enggak sportif." +msgid "" +"I dunno if there's a rule against that, but if you do anything too weird, " +"it'll be considered poor sportsmanship." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak tahu kalau ada peraturan tentang itu, tapi kalau kamu ngelakuin " +"sesuatu yang aneh, itu enggak sportif." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:834 -msgid "If it feels like the other people aren't playing fair, it won't be fun anymore." -msgstr "Kalau rasanya orang lain mainnya enggak adil, itu enggak bakalan menyenangkan lagi." +msgid "" +"If it feels like the other people aren't playing fair, it won't be fun " +"anymore." +msgstr "" +"Kalau rasanya orang lain mainnya enggak adil, itu enggak bakalan " +"menyenangkan lagi." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:837 msgid "The umpire will probably stop you, too." msgstr "Wasitnya mungkin berhentiin kamu juga." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:838 -msgid "Whenever something's not explicitly outlined in the rules, it's his call." -msgstr "Tiap kali ada sesuatu yang enggak secara eksplisit dibilang di peraturan, itu panggilannya." +msgid "" +"Whenever something's not explicitly outlined in the rules, it's his call." +msgstr "" +"Tiap kali ada sesuatu yang enggak secara eksplisit dibilang di peraturan, " +"itu panggilannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:843 msgid "Okay, are we done explaining now? Can we play baseball? " @@ -19933,6 +12199,14 @@ msgstr "Ngerti??" msgid "Urgh!" msgstr "Urgh!" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 +msgid "Laugh politely" +msgstr "Tertawa dengan sopan" + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 +msgid "Don't laugh" +msgstr "Jangan tertawa" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:859 msgid "Ha...ha..." msgstr "Ha...ha.." @@ -19955,7 +12229,8 @@ msgstr "Itu buruk." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:870 msgid "Chryssa looks disappointed by Noelle's cold reception to her joke!" -msgstr "Chryssa terlihat kecewa saat Noelle menanggapi leluconnya dengan dingin!" +msgstr "" +"Chryssa terlihat kecewa saat Noelle menanggapi leluconnya dengan dingin!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:873 msgid "My joke was a...swing and a miss." @@ -19971,11 +12246,16 @@ msgstr "Noelle melempar bolanya sekuat tenaga!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:884 msgid "...It plops down in the grass in the exact same spot as last time." -msgstr "...Bolanya jatuh di rumput di tempat yang persis sama seperti sebelumnya." +msgstr "" +"...Bolanya jatuh di rumput di tempat yang persis sama seperti sebelumnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:886 -msgid "Diya raises her hand and looks at Chryssa expectantly, like she's waiting to be called on." -msgstr "Diya mengangkat tangannya dan melihat Chryssa dengan penuh ekspektasi, seperti sedang menunggu dipanggil." +msgid "" +"Diya raises her hand and looks at Chryssa expectantly, like she's waiting to " +"be called on." +msgstr "" +"Diya mengangkat tangannya dan melihat Chryssa dengan penuh ekspektasi, " +"seperti sedang menunggu dipanggil." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:889 msgid "Yes? You can just talk, you don't have to do that." @@ -19983,11 +12263,17 @@ msgstr "Ya? Kamu bisa langsung ngomong, ga harus gitu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:892 msgid "Noelle doesn't have enough upper body strength to throw it that far." -msgstr "Noelle enggak punya kekuatan tubuh bagian atas yang cukup buat lempar sejauh itu." +msgstr "" +"Noelle enggak punya kekuatan tubuh bagian atas yang cukup buat lempar sejauh " +"itu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:895 -msgid "That's a problem...No matter what position she plays, she's gonna have to throw it that far at some point." -msgstr "Itu masalah...Enggak peduli dia main posisi apa, dia bakalan harus lempar sejauh itu." +msgid "" +"That's a problem...No matter what position she plays, she's gonna have to " +"throw it that far at some point." +msgstr "" +"Itu masalah...Enggak peduli dia main posisi apa, dia bakalan harus lempar " +"sejauh itu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:898 msgid "Well, good thing I'm not joining this stupid club then." @@ -20002,12 +12288,20 @@ msgid "Alright, whatever. I'll pitch for now." msgstr "Oke, terserah. Aku lempar buat sekarang." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:910 -msgid "Noelle hands the ball over to Chryssa and joins Akarsha and Diya back on the field." -msgstr "Noelle menyerahkan bolanya ke Chryssa dan bergabung dengan Akarsha dan Diya kembali ke lapangan." +msgid "" +"Noelle hands the ball over to Chryssa and joins Akarsha and Diya back on the " +"field." +msgstr "" +"Noelle menyerahkan bolanya ke Chryssa dan bergabung dengan Akarsha dan Diya " +"kembali ke lapangan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:911 -msgid "As Noelle jogs up to them, Akarsha plucks a dandelion from the grass and presents it to her." -msgstr "Saat Noelle berlari pelan ke arah mereka, Akarsha memetik sebuah dandelion dari rumput dan menunjukkan dandelion itu padanya." +msgid "" +"As Noelle jogs up to them, Akarsha plucks a dandelion from the grass and " +"presents it to her." +msgstr "" +"Saat Noelle berlari pelan ke arah mereka, Akarsha memetik sebuah dandelion " +"dari rumput dan menunjukkan dandelion itu padanya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:913 msgid "If you were a flower, you'd be a DAMNdelion." @@ -20031,16 +12325,24 @@ msgid "Min smacks Chryssa's pitch into the ground and takes off running." msgstr "Min membanting lemparan Chryssa ke tanah dan berlari." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:928 -msgid "Diya tears after it with the look of a dog chasing a squirrel. She scoops it up and throws it to Akarsha, who's manning first base now." -msgstr "Diya mengejarnya seperti seekor anjing mengejar tupai. Dia menangkapnya dan melemparkannya ke Akarsha, yang menjaga di base pertama sekarang." +msgid "" +"Diya tears after it with the look of a dog chasing a squirrel. She scoops it " +"up and throws it to Akarsha, who's manning first base now." +msgstr "" +"Diya mengejarnya seperti seekor anjing mengejar tupai. Dia menangkapnya dan " +"melemparkannya ke Akarsha, yang menjaga di base pertama sekarang." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:930 msgid "I got it! I got it!" msgstr "Dapet! Dapet!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:931 -msgid "Akarsha tries to catch it, but ends up knocking the ball away with the tip of her glove." -msgstr "Akarsha mencoba menangkapnya, tapi malahan memukul bolanya pergi dengan ujung sarung tangannya." +msgid "" +"Akarsha tries to catch it, but ends up knocking the ball away with the tip " +"of her glove." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha mencoba menangkapnya, tapi malahan memukul bolanya pergi dengan " +"ujung sarung tangannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:933 msgid "Akarsha, you need to work on your catches." @@ -20067,7 +12369,8 @@ msgid "Incredible. That must be...my lookalike from another dimension." msgstr "Hebat. Itu pasti...kembaran gua dari dimensi lain." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:946 -msgid "You briefly glimpsed a parallel universe when Akarsha didn't catch the ball." +msgid "" +"You briefly glimpsed a parallel universe when Akarsha didn't catch the ball." msgstr "Lu sekilas ngeliat dunia paralel waktu Akarsha ga nangkep bolanya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:947 @@ -20088,7 +12391,8 @@ msgstr "ATAU, KAMU MENGACAU DAN TIDAK MAU MENGAKUINYA." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:956 msgid "Min manages to round the bases and score thanks to Akarsha's mistake." -msgstr "Min berhasil mengitari base dan mendapatkan poin berkat kesalahan Akarsha." +msgstr "" +"Min berhasil mengitari base dan mendapatkan poin berkat kesalahan Akarsha." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:960 msgid "Akarsha! You're up to bat!" @@ -20099,8 +12403,13 @@ msgid "I'm ready!!" msgstr "Gua siap!!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:967 -msgid "Akarsha twirls the bat behind her back, squats down for no reason, and hops several times like a frog before springing back up in a dramatic pose." -msgstr "Akarsha memutar tongkat pemukul kebelakang punggungnya, berjongkok tanpa alasan, dan melompat beberapa kali seperti seekor katak sebelum melompat berdiri kembali dalam pose yang dramatis." +msgid "" +"Akarsha twirls the bat behind her back, squats down for no reason, and hops " +"several times like a frog before springing back up in a dramatic pose." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha memutar tongkat pemukul kebelakang punggungnya, berjongkok tanpa " +"alasan, dan melompat beberapa kali seperti seekor katak sebelum melompat " +"berdiri kembali dalam pose yang dramatis." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:969 msgid "Is she going to do that every single time she goes up to bat?" @@ -20140,8 +12449,12 @@ msgid "She misses it!" msgstr "Dia gagal!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1011 -msgid "Chryssa does nothing. She's still sulking because Noelle didn't laugh at her joke." -msgstr "Chryssa tidak melakukan apa-apa. Dia masih bersungut-sungut karena Noelle tidak menertawai candaannya." +msgid "" +"Chryssa does nothing. She's still sulking because Noelle didn't laugh at her " +"joke." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa tidak melakukan apa-apa. Dia masih bersungut-sungut karena Noelle " +"tidak menertawai candaannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1024 msgid "OW!!!" @@ -20188,28 +12501,40 @@ msgid "Whenever you're ready!" msgstr "Kapanpun kamu siap!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1070 -msgid "The fielders are all backing up. Chryssa's even taller than Diya, so she looks like she could hit it pretty far." -msgstr "Para fielder semuanya mundur. Chryssa jauh lebih tinggi dari Diya, jadi sepertinya dia bisa memukulnya cukup jauh." +msgid "" +"The fielders are all backing up. Chryssa's even taller than Diya, so she " +"looks like she could hit it pretty far." +msgstr "" +"Para fielder semuanya mundur. Chryssa jauh lebih tinggi dari Diya, jadi " +"sepertinya dia bisa memukulnya cukup jauh." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1075 msgid "Min clutches the ball in a claw-like grip." msgstr "Min menggenggam bolanya seperti cakar." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1076 -msgid "She brings her arm back and then forward, hard, over the top, and lets go." -msgstr "Dia menarik lengannya ke belakang lalu maju, keras, ke atas, lalu melepaskannya." +msgid "" +"She brings her arm back and then forward, hard, over the top, and lets go." +msgstr "" +"Dia menarik lengannya ke belakang lalu maju, keras, ke atas, lalu " +"melepaskannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1079 msgid "As the ball approaches the plate it does a little hop, like a hiccup. " -msgstr "Saat bolanya mendekat ke plate, bolanya melompat kecil, seperti cegukan." +msgstr "" +"Saat bolanya mendekat ke plate, bolanya melompat kecil, seperti cegukan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1080 msgid "Chryssa looks weirded out. She doesn't swing." msgstr "Chryssa terlihat bingung. Dia tidak memukul." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1081 -msgid "The flutter is just enough to throw Liz off— the ball glances off the side of her glove and bounces off her kneecap." -msgstr "Kepakannya cukup untuk mengganggu Liz— bolanya meleset ke sisi sarung tangannya dan memantul dari lututnya." +msgid "" +"The flutter is just enough to throw Liz off— the ball glances off the side " +"of her glove and bounces off her kneecap." +msgstr "" +"Kepakannya cukup untuk mengganggu Liz— bolanya meleset ke sisi sarung " +"tangannya dan memantul dari lututnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1087 msgctxt "minPitching_99297e8a" @@ -20217,7 +12542,9 @@ msgid "What the..." msgstr "Apaan..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1089 -msgid "It's kind of creepy, isn't it? Seeing the ball coming at you without spinning." +msgid "" +"It's kind of creepy, isn't it? Seeing the ball coming at you without " +"spinning." msgstr "Agak serem ga sih? Lihat bolanya datang ke araah kamu tanpa mutar." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1091 @@ -20237,16 +12564,25 @@ msgid "Liz returns the ball to Min." msgstr "Liz mengembalikan bolanya pada Min." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1102 -msgid "Min clutches it in the same messed up looking grip, rears up, and lets another pitch go." -msgstr "Min mencengkeramnya dalam cengkeraman yang sama, mengangkatnya, lalu melepaskan lemparan lainnya." +msgid "" +"Min clutches it in the same messed up looking grip, rears up, and lets " +"another pitch go." +msgstr "" +"Min mencengkeramnya dalam cengkeraman yang sama, mengangkatnya, lalu " +"melepaskan lemparan lainnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1110 -msgid "Chryssa misses it by a foot. It's a pitch you couldn't hit with a tennis racket. " -msgstr "Chryssa meleset satu kaki. Itu lemparan yang tidak bisa kamu pukul dengan raket tenis." +msgid "" +"Chryssa misses it by a foot. It's a pitch you couldn't hit with a tennis " +"racket. " +msgstr "" +"Chryssa meleset satu kaki. Itu lemparan yang tidak bisa kamu pukul dengan " +"raket tenis." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1111 msgid "Liz has to twist into a weird angle to stop the ball in the dirt." -msgstr "Liz harus berputar ke arah yang aneh untuk menghentikan bolanya di tanah." +msgstr "" +"Liz harus berputar ke arah yang aneh untuk menghentikan bolanya di tanah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1113 msgid "A knuckleball, huh!" @@ -20257,8 +12593,11 @@ msgid "What's that?" msgstr "Apa itu?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1117 -msgid "It's a rare pitch thrown with nearly no spin, so its path is unpredictable." -msgstr "Itu lemparan langka yang dilemparin hampir tanpa putaran, jadi jalannya gak bisa diprediksi." +msgid "" +"It's a rare pitch thrown with nearly no spin, so its path is unpredictable." +msgstr "" +"Itu lemparan langka yang dilemparin hampir tanpa putaran, jadi jalannya gak " +"bisa diprediksi." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1120 msgid "Oh. I get it! You're making this up as an excuse for why you missed." @@ -20281,55 +12620,85 @@ msgid "Uh, no. I don't know either of those." msgstr "Uh, tidak. Aku tidak tahu keduanya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1131 -msgid "Okay, so when you pitch a ball normally, it spins like crazy — somewhere around 10 times on the way to the plate. " -msgstr "Oke, jadi waktu kamu lempar bolanya normal, itu mutarnya gila banget — sekitar 10 kali ke plate." +msgid "" +"Okay, so when you pitch a ball normally, it spins like crazy — somewhere " +"around 10 times on the way to the plate. " +msgstr "" +"Oke, jadi waktu kamu lempar bolanya normal, itu mutarnya gila banget — " +"sekitar 10 kali ke plate." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1132 msgid "Spin is what gives a ball stability as it moves." msgstr "Putarannya itu yang kasih bolanya stabilitas buat gerak." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1133 -msgid "If you can learn to throw a ball with minimal spin, its instability will give it an unpredictable trajectory." -msgstr "Kalau kamu bisa belajar ngelempar bola dengan putaran minimal, kegakstabilannya bakal kasih boalnya lintasan yang gak bisa ditebak." +msgid "" +"If you can learn to throw a ball with minimal spin, its instability will " +"give it an unpredictable trajectory." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu bisa belajar ngelempar bola dengan putaran minimal, " +"kegakstabilannya bakal kasih boalnya lintasan yang gak bisa ditebak." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1134 msgid "It starts behaving like a chaotic system, like the weather." msgstr "Itu mulai jadi kayak sistem yang kacau, kayak cuaca." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1135 -msgid "And that's great, because a lot of sports mastery is just recognizing situations." -msgstr "Dan itu bagus, soalnya banyak penguasaan olahraga cuman ngenalin situasi aja." +msgid "" +"And that's great, because a lot of sports mastery is just recognizing " +"situations." +msgstr "" +"Dan itu bagus, soalnya banyak penguasaan olahraga cuman ngenalin situasi aja." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1136 -msgid "Everyone says to \"keep your eye on the ball\", but it's actually impossible to do that due to the limitations of human reaction. " -msgstr "Semuanya bilang buat \"awasin bolanya\", tapi sebenarnya ga mungkin gara-gara keterbatasan reaksi manusia." +msgid "" +"Everyone says to \"keep your eye on the ball\", but it's actually impossible " +"to do that due to the limitations of human reaction. " +msgstr "" +"Semuanya bilang buat \"awasin bolanya\", tapi sebenarnya ga mungkin gara-" +"gara keterbatasan reaksi manusia." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1137 -msgid "What good hitters actually do is anticipate the ball's flight path based on cues they recognize, from being in similar situations before in the past." -msgstr "Apa yang sebenarnya dilakuin batter yang bagus tuh ngantisipasi jalur bolanya dari isyarat yang mereka tau, dari pengalaman yang agak mirip." +msgid "" +"What good hitters actually do is anticipate the ball's flight path based on " +"cues they recognize, from being in similar situations before in the past." +msgstr "" +"Apa yang sebenarnya dilakuin batter yang bagus tuh ngantisipasi jalur " +"bolanya dari isyarat yang mereka tau, dari pengalaman yang agak mirip." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1138 -msgid "In other words, they don't see the ball. They just guess its trajectory." -msgstr "Dengan kata lain, mereka nggak lihat bolanya. Mereka cuman tebak alurnya." +msgid "" +"In other words, they don't see the ball. They just guess its trajectory." +msgstr "" +"Dengan kata lain, mereka nggak lihat bolanya. Mereka cuman tebak alurnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1140 msgid "Ah. But they can't do that against a knuckleball. " msgstr "Ah. Tapi mereka tidak bisa seperti itu lawan knuckleball." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1143 -msgid "That's right. A knuckler's trajectory is drastically different each time it's pitched." +msgid "" +"That's right. A knuckler's trajectory is drastically different each time " +"it's pitched." msgstr "Betul. Lintasan knuckler beda secara drastis tiap kali dilempar." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1144 msgid "So no matter how good you are, there's no way to reliably hit it." -msgstr "Jadi ga peduli kamu sebagus apa, ga ada cara buat mukul yang bisa diandalin." +msgstr "" +"Jadi ga peduli kamu sebagus apa, ga ada cara buat mukul yang bisa diandalin." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1145 -msgid "Thrown correctly, it moves so erratically that it's impossible to hit except through sheer luck." -msgstr "Dilempar yang bener, itu geraknya ga begitu menentu jadi enggak mungkin buat mukul kecuali hoki." +msgid "" +"Thrown correctly, it moves so erratically that it's impossible to hit except " +"through sheer luck." +msgstr "" +"Dilempar yang bener, itu geraknya ga begitu menentu jadi enggak mungkin buat " +"mukul kecuali hoki." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1148 -msgid "...I still can't tell if you're making this all up as an excuse for why you suck." +msgid "" +"...I still can't tell if you're making this all up as an excuse for why you " +"suck." msgstr "...Aku masih enggak tau kalau kamu buat alasan doang atau apa." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1151 @@ -20341,56 +12710,90 @@ msgid "But you couldn't catch it, so it's also a convenient excuse for you." msgstr "Tapi lu gak bisa nangkep, jadi itu juga alasan buat lu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1157 -msgid "And if it IS real, then why doesn't everyone use it? It sounds practically game-breaking. " -msgstr "Dan kalau MEMANG asli, kenapa tidak semuanya pakai? Itu terdengar seperti sebuah terobosan." +msgid "" +"And if it IS real, then why doesn't everyone use it? It sounds practically " +"game-breaking. " +msgstr "" +"Dan kalau MEMANG asli, kenapa tidak semuanya pakai? Itu terdengar seperti " +"sebuah terobosan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1160 msgid "Well, for one..." msgstr "Yah, pertama..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1161 -msgid "Knuckleball's one of the hardest pitches to throw in baseball. If not {i}the{/i} hardest." -msgstr "Knuckleball itu salah satu lemparan paling susah di baseball. Kalau bukan yang {i}paling{/i} susah." +msgid "" +"Knuckleball's one of the hardest pitches to throw in baseball. If not {i}" +"the{/i} hardest." +msgstr "" +"Knuckleball itu salah satu lemparan paling susah di baseball. Kalau bukan " +"yang {i}paling{/i} susah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1162 -msgid "Put a little too much spin on the ball or throw it just a little too fast, and you're basically serving up a meaty practice pitch that'll get hit out of the park." -msgstr "Taruh terlalu banyak putaran ke bolanya atau lempar kecepetan dikit, dan pada dasarnya kamu kasih lemparan latihan yang bakalan dipukul keluar dari lapangan." +msgid "" +"Put a little too much spin on the ball or throw it just a little too fast, " +"and you're basically serving up a meaty practice pitch that'll get hit out " +"of the park." +msgstr "" +"Taruh terlalu banyak putaran ke bolanya atau lempar kecepetan dikit, dan " +"pada dasarnya kamu kasih lemparan latihan yang bakalan dipukul keluar dari " +"lapangan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1163 msgid "And even at its best, a knuckler is a double-edged sword." msgstr "Bahkan di waktu yang terbaik, knuckler itu pedang bermata dua." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1165 -msgid "Batters can't hit it, but that also means pitchers can't control it, and catchers can't catch it." -msgstr "Batter enggak bisa pukul, tapi itu juga berarti pitcher ga bisa kontrol, dan catcher ga bisa nangkap." +msgid "" +"Batters can't hit it, but that also means pitchers can't control it, and " +"catchers can't catch it." +msgstr "" +"Batter enggak bisa pukul, tapi itu juga berarti pitcher ga bisa kontrol, dan " +"catcher ga bisa nangkap." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1166 msgid "When thrown right, even Min has no idea where it's going." msgstr "Kalau lemparnya bener, bahkan Min nggak tau bakal kemana bolanya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1168 -msgid "They say throwing a knuckleball for a strike is like throwing a butterfly into a mailbox across the street." -msgstr "Mereka bilang knuckleball buat strike itu kayak lemparin kupu-kupu ke kotak pos di seberang jalan." +msgid "" +"They say throwing a knuckleball for a strike is like throwing a butterfly " +"into a mailbox across the street." +msgstr "" +"Mereka bilang knuckleball buat strike itu kayak lemparin kupu-kupu ke kotak " +"pos di seberang jalan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1170 msgid "Even in the big leagues, catchers hate it." msgstr "Bahkan dalam liga besar, catcher benci." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1171 -msgid "And if I let it get past me, it could lead to the batter or a runner on base advancing." -msgstr "Dan kalau aku biarin bolanya ngelewatin aku, itu bisa buat batter atau runnernya ke base maju terus." +msgid "" +"And if I let it get past me, it could lead to the batter or a runner on base " +"advancing." +msgstr "" +"Dan kalau aku biarin bolanya ngelewatin aku, itu bisa buat batter atau " +"runnernya ke base maju terus." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1172 -msgid "With a knuckleballer pitching, the catcher has to focus so hard on stopping it that runners on base will have an easier time stealing." -msgstr "Dengan lemparan knuckleballer, catcher harus fokus banget buat berhentiin biar runner di base bakal lebih gampang nyuri." +msgid "" +"With a knuckleballer pitching, the catcher has to focus so hard on stopping " +"it that runners on base will have an easier time stealing." +msgstr "" +"Dengan lemparan knuckleballer, catcher harus fokus banget buat berhentiin " +"biar runner di base bakal lebih gampang nyuri." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1173 msgid "It's a big pain." msgstr "Nyebelin banget." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1175 -msgid "So basically...it's hard to throw right, it's hard to control even when you do throw it right, and it's punishing if you miss." -msgstr "Jadi pada dasarnya...susah dilempar dengan benar, susah dikontrol bahkan kalau kamu lempar dengan benar, dan menyiksa kalau kamu meleset." +msgid "" +"So basically...it's hard to throw right, it's hard to control even when you " +"do throw it right, and it's punishing if you miss." +msgstr "" +"Jadi pada dasarnya...susah dilempar dengan benar, susah dikontrol bahkan " +"kalau kamu lempar dengan benar, dan menyiksa kalau kamu meleset." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1178 msgid "Pretty much! No one trusts it." @@ -20405,8 +12808,12 @@ msgid "And that's us." msgstr "Dan itu kita." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1186 -msgid "We can try things that no coach in their right mind would ever risk. Because no one expects anything from us." -msgstr "Kita bisa coba sesuatu yang nggak ada satu pelatih pun yang berani coba. Soalnya ga ada yang berekspektasi ke kita." +msgid "" +"We can try things that no coach in their right mind would ever risk. Because " +"no one expects anything from us." +msgstr "" +"Kita bisa coba sesuatu yang nggak ada satu pelatih pun yang berani coba. " +"Soalnya ga ada yang berekspektasi ke kita." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1188 msgid "So we might as well take advantage of that, right?" @@ -20414,7 +12821,9 @@ msgstr "Jadi bagusnya kita manfaatin aja kan?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1189 msgid "Even if we don't win a single game, at least we'll have fun." -msgstr "Bahkan kalau kita enggak menang satu pertandingan, seenggaknya kita bakal seneng-seneng." +msgstr "" +"Bahkan kalau kita enggak menang satu pertandingan, seenggaknya kita bakal " +"seneng-seneng." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1191 msgid "Fun?? What kind of nonsense is this???" @@ -20425,8 +12834,12 @@ msgid "Chryssa strikes out!" msgstr "Chryssa strike out!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1203 -msgid "The ball ricochets off Liz's mitt and catches her bare hand, striking her thumb at a painful looking angle." -msgstr "Bolanya memantul dari sarung tangan Liz dan mengenai tangan yang satunya, menyerang ibu jarinya dari sudut yang kelihatan menyakitkan." +msgid "" +"The ball ricochets off Liz's mitt and catches her bare hand, striking her " +"thumb at a painful looking angle." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya memantul dari sarung tangan Liz dan mengenai tangan yang satunya, " +"menyerang ibu jarinya dari sudut yang kelihatan menyakitkan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1205 msgid "Ow!!" @@ -20465,16 +12878,24 @@ msgid "So knuckleball is kind of my specialty." msgstr "Jadi knuckleball itu kayak spesialisasi gue." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1227 -msgid "I used to watch video tapes of Tim Wakefield pitching on TV over and over again, and copied that." -msgstr "Gue dulu nonton rekaman video Tim Wakefield ngelempar di TV diulang-ulang, terus gue coba." +msgid "" +"I used to watch video tapes of Tim Wakefield pitching on TV over and over " +"again, and copied that." +msgstr "" +"Gue dulu nonton rekaman video Tim Wakefield ngelempar di TV diulang-ulang, " +"terus gue coba." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1228 msgid "It's the only pitch I really practiced." msgstr "Cuman itu aja lemparan yang gua latih." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1230 -msgid "That's so smart! Honing all your skill on an off-speed pitch, knowing that you don't have the muscle to throw fast." -msgstr "Itu pintar banget! Ngasah semua keterampilan kamu di lemparan off-speed, soalnya tahu kalau kamu nggak punya otot buat ngelempar dengan cepat." +msgid "" +"That's so smart! Honing all your skill on an off-speed pitch, knowing that " +"you don't have the muscle to throw fast." +msgstr "" +"Itu pintar banget! Ngasah semua keterampilan kamu di lemparan off-speed, " +"soalnya tahu kalau kamu nggak punya otot buat ngelempar dengan cepat." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1231 msgid "Did your coach suggest it?" @@ -20521,8 +12942,12 @@ msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works..." msgstr "Aku yakin bukan itu cara kerjanya..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1255 -msgid "Diya has been standing by hopefully for 5 minutes now, looking like she wants to say something." -msgstr "Diya sudah berdiri selama 5 menit, kelihatan seperti ingin mengatakan sesuatu." +msgid "" +"Diya has been standing by hopefully for 5 minutes now, looking like she " +"wants to say something." +msgstr "" +"Diya sudah berdiri selama 5 menit, kelihatan seperti ingin mengatakan " +"sesuatu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1257 msgid "Diya, would you like to try catching in my place?" @@ -20555,7 +12980,8 @@ msgstr "Hah!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1291 msgid "She sounds like Fox falling off the stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee." -msgstr "Dia terdengar seperti Fox yang jatuh dari stage di Super Smash Bros. Melee." +msgstr "" +"Dia terdengar seperti Fox yang jatuh dari stage di Super Smash Bros. Melee." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1293 msgid "I knew it. Chryssa WAS making it up." @@ -20590,8 +13016,12 @@ msgid "They've managed to relieve another hitter together. Akarsha is up next." msgstr "Mereka berhasil melewati hitter lain bersama. Akarsha selanjutnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1325 -msgid "On her way to the plate, she tries to do the splits, fails, and sheepishly crawls back to her feet." -msgstr "Dalam perjalanannya ke plate, dia mencoba untuk split, gagal, dan dengan malu-malu merangkak dengan kakinya." +msgid "" +"On her way to the plate, she tries to do the splits, fails, and sheepishly " +"crawls back to her feet." +msgstr "" +"Dalam perjalanannya ke plate, dia mencoba untuk split, gagal, dan dengan " +"malu-malu merangkak dengan kakinya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1327 msgid "That was my plan all along. I'm playing 4 dimensional chess." @@ -20614,8 +13044,11 @@ msgid "Min winds up and throws another knuckler." msgstr "Min bersiap dan melempar knuckler lagi." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1344 -msgid "It veers wildly up to the sky. Without hesitation, Diya rises out of her crouch and gloves it." -msgstr "Bola itu mengarah ke langit. Tanpa keraguan, Diya berdiri dan menangkapnya." +msgid "" +"It veers wildly up to the sky. Without hesitation, Diya rises out of her " +"crouch and gloves it." +msgstr "" +"Bola itu mengarah ke langit. Tanpa keraguan, Diya berdiri dan menangkapnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1349 msgid "WHAT!!!" @@ -20634,7 +13067,8 @@ msgid "I'd be more shocked if she failed." msgstr "Aku bakal lebih kaget kalau dia gagal." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1357 -msgid "No, but you don't understand! This goes beyond being \"good at sports\"!" +msgid "" +"No, but you don't understand! This goes beyond being \"good at sports\"!" msgstr "Tidak, kamu enggak ngerti! Ini jauh dari \"jago olahraga\"!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1358 @@ -20658,8 +13092,12 @@ msgid "YOU CAN'T MAKE THESE EXCUSES EVERY TIME YOU MESS UP." msgstr "KAMU TIDAK BISA MEMBUAT ALASAN SETIAP MENGACAU." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1379 -msgid "Once Diya and Min have relieved the entire roster, Liz claps her hands together to get their attention." -msgstr "Setelah Diya dan Min telah menyelesaikan daftarnya, Liz menepukkan tangannya untuk mendapatkan perhatian mereka." +msgid "" +"Once Diya and Min have relieved the entire roster, Liz claps her hands " +"together to get their attention." +msgstr "" +"Setelah Diya dan Min telah menyelesaikan daftarnya, Liz menepukkan tangannya " +"untuk mendapatkan perhatian mereka." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1381 msgid "Alright, everyone! Let's end the meeting for today." @@ -20687,8 +13125,10 @@ msgid "But I wasn't having fun!" msgstr "Tapi aku tidak bersenang-senang!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1393 -msgid "I...I must've been so miserable that my mind wiped parts of my memory out." -msgstr "Aku...Aku pasti sangat tidak senang sampai pikiranku menghapus ingatanku." +msgid "" +"I...I must've been so miserable that my mind wiped parts of my memory out." +msgstr "" +"Aku...Aku pasti sangat tidak senang sampai pikiranku menghapus ingatanku." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1396 msgid "Let's head back inside." @@ -20708,16 +13148,28 @@ msgid "Diya and Min tear off at top speed!!!" msgstr "Diya dan Min berlari dengan kecepatan tinggi!!!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1405 -msgid "After a beat, the others begin heading uphill as well, at a deliberately more reasonable pace." -msgstr "Setelah beberapa saat, yang lain mulai pergi ke atas bukit juga, dengan kecepatan yang lebih masuk akal." +msgid "" +"After a beat, the others begin heading uphill as well, at a deliberately " +"more reasonable pace." +msgstr "" +"Setelah beberapa saat, yang lain mulai pergi ke atas bukit juga, dengan " +"kecepatan yang lebih masuk akal." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1411 -msgid "I haven't seen Diya this happy since the time the vending machine malfunctioned and gave her two Kit Kat bars instead of one." -msgstr "Aku tidak pernah lihat Diya sebahagia ini sejak mesin penjual otomatis mengalami malfungsi dan memberikan dia dua Kit Kat bukannya satu." +msgid "" +"I haven't seen Diya this happy since the time the vending machine " +"malfunctioned and gave her two Kit Kat bars instead of one." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak pernah lihat Diya sebahagia ini sejak mesin penjual otomatis " +"mengalami malfungsi dan memberikan dia dua Kit Kat bukannya satu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1413 -msgid "Noelle subtly tries to regulate her breathing rate so no one knows she's getting winded walking uphill." -msgstr "Noelle diam-diam mencoba untuk mengatur pernafasannya agar tidak ada yang tahu dia kecapekan berjalan ke atas bukit." +msgid "" +"Noelle subtly tries to regulate her breathing rate so no one knows she's " +"getting winded walking uphill." +msgstr "" +"Noelle diam-diam mencoba untuk mengatur pernafasannya agar tidak ada yang " +"tahu dia kecapekan berjalan ke atas bukit." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1416 msgid "Hey, Noelle." @@ -20733,7 +13185,8 @@ msgstr "Maaf kita agak maksa kamu main." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1422 msgid ".....It wasn't the worst. I may find it in me to forgive you someday." -msgstr ".....Ini bukan yang paling parah. Aku mungkin bisa memaafkanmu suatu hari." +msgstr "" +".....Ini bukan yang paling parah. Aku mungkin bisa memaafkanmu suatu hari." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1426 msgid "Yeah! You did good." @@ -20789,7 +13242,9 @@ msgstr "Noelle berusaha kabur!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1454 msgid "She takes one step, slips on the muddy grass, and falls on her butt." -msgstr "Dia mengambil satu langkah, terpeleset rumput berlumpur, dan jatuh di pantatnya." +msgstr "" +"Dia mengambil satu langkah, terpeleset rumput berlumpur, dan jatuh di " +"pantatnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1456 msgctxt "noelle2_3a434404" @@ -20817,8 +13272,12 @@ msgid "No!!" msgstr "Tidak!!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1472 -msgid "Noelle scrambles to her feet and follows the others up the bank as quickly as she can. (Not very quick)" -msgstr "Noelle cepat-cepat berdiri dan mengikuti yang lain ke tepi secepat yang dia bisa. (Tidak terlalu cepat)" +msgid "" +"Noelle scrambles to her feet and follows the others up the bank as quickly " +"as she can. (Not very quick)" +msgstr "" +"Noelle cepat-cepat berdiri dan mengikuti yang lain ke tepi secepat yang dia " +"bisa. (Tidak terlalu cepat)" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1475 msgid "Hey! Wait!" @@ -20834,8 +13293,11 @@ msgid "They're being nice to me to trick me into joining the club!" msgstr "Mereka baik padaku untuk menipuku agar ikut klubnya!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1481 -msgid "I won't fall for it. Unlike some people, I have control over my emotions!" -msgstr "Aku tidak akan tertipu. Tidak seperti orang lain, aku punya kontrol terhadap emosiku!" +msgid "" +"I won't fall for it. Unlike some people, I have control over my emotions!" +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak akan tertipu. Tidak seperti orang lain, aku punya kontrol terhadap " +"emosiku!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1482 msgid "I'll just ignore her." @@ -20850,8 +13312,12 @@ msgid "What was that..." msgstr "Itu apa..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1497 -msgid "Min is picking herself off the ground. There a Min-shaped dust imprint on the door now." -msgstr "Min sedang mengangkat dirinya dari tanah. Ada debu berbentuk Min di pintu sekarang." +msgid "" +"Min is picking herself off the ground. There a Min-shaped dust imprint on " +"the door now." +msgstr "" +"Min sedang mengangkat dirinya dari tanah. Ada debu berbentuk Min di pintu " +"sekarang." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1499 msgid "...Are you okay?" @@ -20875,7 +13341,8 @@ msgstr "Kayaknya kita harus tunggu Chryssa dan Liz buat bukain." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1512 msgid "Min pulls a lighter out of her pocket and lights a cigarette." -msgstr "Min mengeluarkan pemantik dari kantongnya dan menyalakan sebatang rokok." +msgstr "" +"Min mengeluarkan pemantik dari kantongnya dan menyalakan sebatang rokok." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1514 msgid "Are you serious??!" @@ -20970,6 +13437,10 @@ msgstr "Rokoknya mendarat di sekumpulan jarum pinus kering dan terbakar!" msgid "....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" msgstr "....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1571 +msgid "Min, Akarsha, & Noelle" +msgstr "Min, Akarsha, & Noelle." + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1578 msgid "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" msgstr "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" @@ -21023,11 +13494,16 @@ msgid "THIS ISN'T HELPING." msgstr "INI TIDAK MEMBANTU." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1610 -msgid "Silence falls over the group as they hear approaching footsteps on the other side of the wood divider." -msgstr "Kesunyian menimpa grup itu saat mereka mendengar langkah kaki di sisi lain pembatas kayu." +msgid "" +"Silence falls over the group as they hear approaching footsteps on the other " +"side of the wood divider." +msgstr "" +"Kesunyian menimpa grup itu saat mereka mendengar langkah kaki di sisi lain " +"pembatas kayu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1611 -msgid "It sounds like Chryssa and Liz are slowly getting closer to the locker room." +msgid "" +"It sounds like Chryssa and Liz are slowly getting closer to the locker room." msgstr "Kedengarannya seperti Chryssa dan Liz perlahan mendekati ruang loker." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1613 @@ -21047,8 +13523,12 @@ msgid "EVERYTHING IS FINE...Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?" msgstr "SEMUANYA TIDAK APA-APA...Dimana pemadam kebakaran yang paling dekat?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1624 -msgid "The footsteps pause for a brief stunned moment before resuming with dramatically increased speed and urgency." -msgstr "Langkah kakinya berhenti untuk beberapa saat sebelum berlanjut dengan kecepatan dan urgensi yang meningkat drastis." +msgid "" +"The footsteps pause for a brief stunned moment before resuming with " +"dramatically increased speed and urgency." +msgstr "" +"Langkah kakinya berhenti untuk beberapa saat sebelum berlanjut dengan " +"kecepatan dan urgensi yang meningkat drastis." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1626 msgid "CRAP. We need to fix this." @@ -21079,8 +13559,12 @@ msgid "Me." msgstr "Aku." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1641 -msgid "Diya strips off her hoodie. Min watches with extreme interest, but looks incredibly disappointed when she sees Diya is wearing a shirt underneath." -msgstr "Diya melepaskan hoodienya. Min memperhatikan dengan sangat tertarik, tapi terlihat sangat kecewa ketika melihat Diya sedang memakai kaos dibawahnya." +msgid "" +"Diya strips off her hoodie. Min watches with extreme interest, but looks " +"incredibly disappointed when she sees Diya is wearing a shirt underneath." +msgstr "" +"Diya melepaskan hoodienya. Min memperhatikan dengan sangat tertarik, tapi " +"terlihat sangat kecewa ketika melihat Diya sedang memakai kaos dibawahnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1643 msgid "Akarsha throws the jacket over the fire and stomps on it." @@ -21099,8 +13583,10 @@ msgid "Diya picks her jacket up and shakes it out." msgstr "Diya mengambil jaketnya dan mengibasnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1649 -msgid "Other than mud prints from Akarsha flip-flops, it looks no worse for wear. " -msgstr "Selain bekas lumpur dari sandal Akarsha, itu kelihatan masih bisa dipakai." +msgid "" +"Other than mud prints from Akarsha flip-flops, it looks no worse for wear. " +msgstr "" +"Selain bekas lumpur dari sandal Akarsha, itu kelihatan masih bisa dipakai." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1651 msgid "I can't believe Frenchman snapped and tried to commit arson." @@ -21185,8 +13671,12 @@ msgid "What a day..." msgstr "Hari yang melelahkan..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1712 -msgid "I somehow ended up playing baseball, got patted by some random upperclassman, and was interrogated over arson..." -msgstr "Entah bagaimana aku pada akhirnya main baseball, dielus kakak kelas, dan diinterogasi karena pembakaran..." +msgid "" +"I somehow ended up playing baseball, got patted by some random " +"upperclassman, and was interrogated over arson..." +msgstr "" +"Entah bagaimana aku pada akhirnya main baseball, dielus kakak kelas, dan " +"diinterogasi karena pembakaran..." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1713 msgid "They questioned us all separately and our accounts of Jerry fell apart." @@ -21229,8 +13719,12 @@ msgid "Look at this article." msgstr "Lihat artikel ini." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1728 -msgid "A CEO sold his company for over a billion dollars and donated $200 million to UC Berkeley." -msgstr "Seorang CEO menjual perusahaannya sebesar satu miliar dollar dan mendonasikan $200 juta untuk UC Berkeley." +msgid "" +"A CEO sold his company for over a billion dollars and donated $200 million " +"to UC Berkeley." +msgstr "" +"Seorang CEO menjual perusahaannya sebesar satu miliar dollar dan " +"mendonasikan $200 juta untuk UC Berkeley." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1729 msgid "There's a building at Berkeley named after him now." @@ -21256,8 +13750,12 @@ msgid ".................." msgstr ".................." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1736 -msgid "She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to the shelf gleaming with Noelle's math competition trophies." -msgstr "Dia berdiri dan merekatkannya di kamar tidur Noelle di sebelah rak yang bersinar dengan piala-piala kompetisi Matematika Noelle." +msgid "" +"She gets up and tapes it up in Noelle's bedroom next to the shelf gleaming " +"with Noelle's math competition trophies." +msgstr "" +"Dia berdiri dan merekatkannya di kamar tidur Noelle di sebelah rak yang " +"bersinar dengan piala-piala kompetisi Matematika Noelle." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1748 msgctxt "nemesis_8e0ddc15" @@ -21281,8 +13779,10 @@ msgid "AND diya's ex??" msgstr "TERUS mantannya diya??" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1753 -msgid "The archnemesis part is accurate, but she's not Diya's ex. That's ridiculous." -msgstr "Bagian musuh bebuyutan itu benar, tapi dia bukan mantannya Diya. Itu konyol." +msgid "" +"The archnemesis part is accurate, but she's not Diya's ex. That's ridiculous." +msgstr "" +"Bagian musuh bebuyutan itu benar, tapi dia bukan mantannya Diya. Itu konyol." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1754 msgid "ok she didnt use those exact words but pretty much?" @@ -21301,8 +13801,12 @@ msgid "What do you mean, \"so??\"?" msgstr "Apa maksudmu, \"terus??\"?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1758 -msgid "i cant believe u have an archnemesis?? i didnt even know ppl had those in real life" -msgstr "w g percaya lw punya musuh bebuyutan?? w bahkan ga tau org punya gtan di dunia nyata." +msgid "" +"i cant believe u have an archnemesis?? i didnt even know ppl had those in " +"real life" +msgstr "" +"w g percaya lw punya musuh bebuyutan?? w bahkan ga tau org punya gtan di " +"dunia nyata." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1760 msgid "how is this going to work?? o_0" @@ -21321,16 +13825,24 @@ msgid "Nothing. She doesn't pose me any threat." msgstr "Tidak ada. Dia bukan ancaman buatku." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1764 -msgid "Diya made her promise not to hurt me before, so she's strictly limited to insulting and threatening me." -msgstr "Diya membuatnya berjanji untuk tidak menyakitiku, jadi dia hanya bisa mengejek dan mengancamku." +msgid "" +"Diya made her promise not to hurt me before, so she's strictly limited to " +"insulting and threatening me." +msgstr "" +"Diya membuatnya berjanji untuk tidak menyakitiku, jadi dia hanya bisa " +"mengejek dan mengancamku." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1765 msgid "All bark and no bite, so to speak." msgstr "Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya, boleh dikatakan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1766 -msgid "I'm probably actually the safest person in the school, as the only one with this kind of immunity." -msgstr "Sebenernya aku kemungkinan orang paling aman di sekolah, sebagai satu-satunya yang punya imunitas macam ini." +msgid "" +"I'm probably actually the safest person in the school, as the only one with " +"this kind of immunity." +msgstr "" +"Sebenernya aku kemungkinan orang paling aman di sekolah, sebagai satu-" +"satunya yang punya imunitas macam ini." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1767 msgid "I'll just try my best to avoid her." @@ -21349,7 +13861,9 @@ msgid "u gotta figure out how to deal with her sooner or later" msgstr "lw harus cari tau giman caranya buat ngadepin dia" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1771 -msgid "No, I don't. My strategy has worked flawlessly all the way through elementary school." +msgid "" +"No, I don't. My strategy has worked flawlessly all the way through " +"elementary school." msgstr "Tidak. Strategiku bekerja dengan sempurna semenjak SD." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1772 @@ -21377,8 +13891,12 @@ msgid "She's dumb for {i}real.{/i}" msgstr "Dia {i}benar-benar{/i} bodoh." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1778 -msgid "She once carved her name into a desk and couldn't figure out how they caught her." -msgstr "Dia pernah mengukir namanya di meja dan tidak mengerti bagaimana mereka menangkapnya." +msgid "" +"She once carved her name into a desk and couldn't figure out how they caught " +"her." +msgstr "" +"Dia pernah mengukir namanya di meja dan tidak mengerti bagaimana mereka " +"menangkapnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1779 msgid "o_o" @@ -21426,14 +13944,16 @@ msgstr "mereka keluar2 jadi bff" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1790 msgid "More realistically, they'd go from enemies to worse enemies." -msgstr "Lebih realistis, mereka pergi dari musuh menjadi musuh yang lebih parah." +msgstr "" +"Lebih realistis, mereka pergi dari musuh menjadi musuh yang lebih parah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1791 msgid "no im calling it right now" msgstr "ga gw bilangin sekarang" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1792 -msgid "we're going to miraculously set our differences aside and work as a team" +msgid "" +"we're going to miraculously set our differences aside and work as a team" msgstr "kita bakalan nyampingin perbedaan2 kita terus kerja jadi satu tim" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1793 @@ -21520,6 +14040,10 @@ msgstr "....................." msgid "I'll just take a quick look, and then quit. That's it." msgstr "Aku hanya akan melihat sedikit, lalu keluar. Itu saja." +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1819 +msgid "Join the chat" +msgstr "Ikut obrolan" + #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1825 msgctxt "loophole_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" @@ -21552,7 +14076,8 @@ msgid "why are yu o here" msgstr "kenapa l o disini" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1833 -msgid "whatre you gonna do, use a peraberla to calculate how to throw the ball?" +msgid "" +"whatre you gonna do, use a peraberla to calculate how to throw the ball?" msgstr "mo ngapain, pake peraberla buat ngehitung cara ngelempar bola?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1834 @@ -21584,8 +14109,12 @@ msgid "*overachieving" msgstr "*ambisius" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1841 -msgid "Big words for someone who'll be attending community college and working at McDonald's." -msgstr "Kata-kata yang besar untuk seseorang yang akan masuk sekolah vokasi dan bekerja di McDonald's." +msgid "" +"Big words for someone who'll be attending community college and working at " +"McDonald's." +msgstr "" +"Kata-kata yang besar untuk seseorang yang akan masuk sekolah vokasi dan " +"bekerja di McDonald's." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1842 msgid "guys cmon" @@ -21737,8 +14266,16 @@ msgid "CHANGE IT BACK." msgstr "GANTI." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1885 -msgid "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only truth." -msgstr "Manusia tidak bisa mendapatkan sesuatu tanpa memberikan sesuatu terlebih dahulu. Untuk mendapatkan suatu hal, sesuatu yang nilainya setara harus diserahkan. Itu adalah hukum Pertukaran Setara. Pada saat itu, kita benar-benar mempercayai itu sebagai satu-satunya kebenaran di dunia." +msgid "" +"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To " +"obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law " +"of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the " +"world's one, and only truth." +msgstr "" +"Manusia tidak bisa mendapatkan sesuatu tanpa memberikan sesuatu terlebih " +"dahulu. Untuk mendapatkan suatu hal, sesuatu yang nilainya setara harus " +"diserahkan. Itu adalah hukum Pertukaran Setara. Pada saat itu, kita benar-" +"benar mempercayai itu sebagai satu-satunya kebenaran di dunia." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1886 msgid "I HATE YOU." @@ -21753,8 +14290,12 @@ msgid "i;m crying,,,,,u made me CRY" msgstr "aq; nangis,,,,,km bikin aq NANGIS" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1889 -msgid "IF YOU DON'T CHANGE IT, I'M NOT GOING TO BE YOUR PARTNER FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS ANYMORE." -msgstr "KALAU KAMU TIDAK GANTI, AKU TIDAK AKAN MENJADI PASANGANMU UNTUK PROYEK SEKOLAH LAGI." +msgid "" +"IF YOU DON'T CHANGE IT, I'M NOT GOING TO BE YOUR PARTNER FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS " +"ANYMORE." +msgstr "" +"KALAU KAMU TIDAK GANTI, AKU TIDAK AKAN MENJADI PASANGANMU UNTUK PROYEK " +"SEKOLAH LAGI." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1890 msgid ";_;" @@ -21783,7 +14324,9 @@ msgstr "yg org lain blm" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1897 msgid "Like other strategies that'd make us statisticaly more likely to win?" -msgstr "Seperti strategi lain yang secara statistik bisa membuat kita lebih mungkin untuk menang?" +msgstr "" +"Seperti strategi lain yang secara statistik bisa membuat kita lebih mungkin " +"untuk menang?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1898 msgid "or weird other loopholes" @@ -21815,7 +14358,8 @@ msgstr "sana google" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1905 msgid "In any case, they have rules about what kinds of bats you can use" -msgstr "Gimana juga, mereka punya peraturan tentang tongkat pukul yang bisa dipakai." +msgstr "" +"Gimana juga, mereka punya peraturan tentang tongkat pukul yang bisa dipakai." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1906 msgctxt "loophole_218d473d" @@ -21857,7 +14401,9 @@ msgstr "itu cuman hadiah jadi jenius" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1919 msgid "what if u break a bat in half and dual wield one half in each hand" -msgstr "gimana kalau lw matahin tongkat pukul jadi setengah terus pegang setengah tiap tangan." +msgstr "" +"gimana kalau lw matahin tongkat pukul jadi setengah terus pegang setengah " +"tiap tangan." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1920 msgid "I don't think there would be any advantage doing this." @@ -21981,8 +14527,12 @@ msgid "The technology is already used to treat muscle-wasting disorders." msgstr "Teknologinya sudah dipakai untuk mengobati kelainan otot berlebih." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1952 -msgid "We could use it to change Diya's gene expression, and increase production of proteins to make her stronger." -msgstr "Kita bisa pakai untuk mengubah ekspresi gen Diya, dan meningkatkan produksi protein untuk buat dia lebih kuat." +msgid "" +"We could use it to change Diya's gene expression, and increase production of " +"proteins to make her stronger." +msgstr "" +"Kita bisa pakai untuk mengubah ekspresi gen Diya, dan meningkatkan produksi " +"protein untuk buat dia lebih kuat." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1953 msgid "It would be totally undetectable by drug tests." @@ -22034,7 +14584,8 @@ msgid "u could be a gene doping pioneer" msgstr "u bisa jd pionir pengobatan gen" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1965 -msgid "u havent even been here 10 minutes yet and ur already destroying baseball" +msgid "" +"u havent even been here 10 minutes yet and ur already destroying baseball" msgstr "u blm disini 10 menit dan udah ancurin baseball aja" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1966 @@ -22072,8 +14623,14 @@ msgid "wtf" msgstr "wtf" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1975 -msgid "\"Since 2004, British artist Neil Harbisson, has a cyborg antenna implanted in his head that allows him to extend his perception of colors beyond the human visual spectrum through vibrations in his skull.\"" -msgstr "\"Sejak 2004, seniman Inggris Neil Harbisson, punya antenna cyborg ditanam di kepalanya yang membuatnya bisa memperpanjang persepsinya terhadap warna jauh lebih dari spektrum visual manusia dari geta di tengkoraknya.\"" +msgid "" +"\"Since 2004, British artist Neil Harbisson, has a cyborg antenna implanted " +"in his head that allows him to extend his perception of colors beyond the " +"human visual spectrum through vibrations in his skull.\"" +msgstr "" +"\"Sejak 2004, seniman Inggris Neil Harbisson, punya antenna cyborg ditanam " +"di kepalanya yang membuatnya bisa memperpanjang persepsinya terhadap warna " +"jauh lebih dari spektrum visual manusia dari geta di tengkoraknya.\"" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1976 msgid "????????" @@ -22085,16 +14642,24 @@ msgid "LMAO" msgstr "WKWKWKWK" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1978 -msgid "\"His antenna was included within his 2004 passport photograph which has been claimed to confirm his cyborg status.\"" -msgstr "\"Antenanya termasuk kedalam foto paspor 2004 miliknya yang telah diklaim untuk mengkonfirmasi statusnya sebagai cyborg.\"" +msgid "" +"\"His antenna was included within his 2004 passport photograph which has " +"been claimed to confirm his cyborg status.\"" +msgstr "" +"\"Antenanya termasuk kedalam foto paspor 2004 miliknya yang telah diklaim " +"untuk mengkonfirmasi statusnya sebagai cyborg.\"" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1979 msgid "This is great." msgstr "Ini bagus." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1980 -msgid "The \"claimed to confirm his cyborg status\" bit makes him sound so desperate." -msgstr "Bagian \"diklaim untuk mengkonfirmasi statusnya sebagai cyborg\" membuat dia terdengar putus asa." +msgid "" +"The \"claimed to confirm his cyborg status\" bit makes him sound so " +"desperate." +msgstr "" +"Bagian \"diklaim untuk mengkonfirmasi statusnya sebagai cyborg\" membuat dia " +"terdengar putus asa." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1981 msgid "right????" @@ -22143,7 +14708,8 @@ msgid "but its actually just some weirdo with a rly lame haircut" msgstr "tp aslinya cuman orang aneh yg rambutnya culun bgt" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1992 -msgid "He looks like he's planning to dangle a carrot on a string from the front" +msgid "" +"He looks like he's planning to dangle a carrot on a string from the front" msgstr "Dia kelihatan kayak mau ngejuntaiin wortel di benang dari depan" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1993 @@ -22155,12 +14721,20 @@ msgid "sssSHUT UP IM LOSING IT" msgstr "dddDIEEEEM GUA NGAKAK" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1995 -msgid "It's only been four years. Not only is he still alive, but his current appearance is probably relatively unchanged." -msgstr "Baru empat tahun. Tidak hanya dia masih hidup, tapi penampilannya sekarang mungkin relatif tidak berubah." +msgid "" +"It's only been four years. Not only is he still alive, but his current " +"appearance is probably relatively unchanged." +msgstr "" +"Baru empat tahun. Tidak hanya dia masih hidup, tapi penampilannya sekarang " +"mungkin relatif tidak berubah." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1996 -msgid "This man is still out there, existing in the same world we do, looking like this as we speak." -msgstr "Pria itu di luar sana, hidup di dunia yang sama dengan kita, terlihat seperti ini saat kita berbicara sekarang." +msgid "" +"This man is still out there, existing in the same world we do, looking like " +"this as we speak." +msgstr "" +"Pria itu di luar sana, hidup di dunia yang sama dengan kita, terlihat " +"seperti ini saat kita berbicara sekarang." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:1997 msgid "Good" @@ -22204,8 +14778,12 @@ msgid "I didn't hear her come in!" msgstr "Aku tidak dengar dia masuk!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2014 -msgid "Noelle switches to a more academic tab she kept open, but not before her mom sees." -msgstr "Noelle menggantinya ke tab yang lebih akademis yang dia biarkan buka, tapi tidak sebelum ibunya melihat." +msgid "" +"Noelle switches to a more academic tab she kept open, but not before her mom " +"sees." +msgstr "" +"Noelle menggantinya ke tab yang lebih akademis yang dia biarkan buka, tapi " +"tidak sebelum ibunya melihat." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2015 msgid "You always change the screen when I come in!" @@ -22224,8 +14802,12 @@ msgid "You're wasting time! Do your homework!" msgstr "Kamu buang-buang waktu! Kerjakan PRmu!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2020 -msgid "Her mother scans the names on the screen and jabs a finger at \"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" -msgstr "Ibunya mengamati nama-nama yang ada di layar dan menunjukkan jarinya pada \"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" +msgid "" +"Her mother scans the names on the screen and jabs a finger at " +"\"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" +msgstr "" +"Ibunya mengamati nama-nama yang ada di layar dan menunjukkan jarinya pada " +"\"[akarshaChatName3!t].\"" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2021 msgid "Who's that?" @@ -22245,12 +14827,19 @@ msgid "Yes." msgstr "Iya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2029 -msgid "Don't forget that everyone is your competition. She's tricking you into thinking she doesn't study, when really, she does." -msgstr "Jangan lupa kalau semua orang itu lawanmu. Dia menipumu untuk berpikir dia tidak belajar, padahal aslinya, dia belajar." +msgid "" +"Don't forget that everyone is your competition. She's tricking you into " +"thinking she doesn't study, when really, she does." +msgstr "" +"Jangan lupa kalau semua orang itu lawanmu. Dia menipumu untuk berpikir dia " +"tidak belajar, padahal aslinya, dia belajar." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2030 -msgid "Every minute you spend doing useless things is a minute she's beating you." -msgstr "Setiap menit kamu melakukan sesuatu yang tidak berguna itu setiap menit dia mengalahkanmu." +msgid "" +"Every minute you spend doing useless things is a minute she's beating you." +msgstr "" +"Setiap menit kamu melakukan sesuatu yang tidak berguna itu setiap menit dia " +"mengalahkanmu." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2032 msgid "She's not tricking me. We're friends." @@ -22265,8 +14854,11 @@ msgid "When she gets into MIT and you don't, you think she'll care?" msgstr "Ketika dia masuk MIT dan kamu tidak, kamu pikir dia akan peduli?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2036 -msgid "If you were really in trouble, would she do anything to help you? Of course not." -msgstr "Kalau kamu dalam masalah, memangnya dia bakal membantumu? Tentu saja tidak." +msgid "" +"If you were really in trouble, would she do anything to help you? Of course " +"not." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu dalam masalah, memangnya dia bakal membantumu? Tentu saja tidak." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2037 msgid "When it comes down to it, nobody will look out for you." @@ -22285,20 +14877,32 @@ msgid "Don't talk about my friends like they mean nothing." msgstr "Jangan bicara tentang teman-temanku seperti tidak ada artinya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2045 -msgid "Do you know {i}anything{/i} about me? What's my worst fear? What's my favorite documentary series?" -msgstr "Memangnya kamu tahu {i}apa{/i} tentang aku? Apa ketakutan terbesarku? Apa serial dokumenter favoritku?" +msgid "" +"Do you know {i}anything{/i} about me? What's my worst fear? What's my " +"favorite documentary series?" +msgstr "" +"Memangnya kamu tahu {i}apa{/i} tentang aku? Apa ketakutan terbesarku? Apa " +"serial dokumenter favoritku?" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2046 -msgid "You would know these things if you had any care for me beyond how good I make you look to our relatives." -msgstr "Kamu akan tahu hal ini kalau kamu peduli tentang aku lebih dari bagaimana aku membuatmu terlihat bagus di depan saudara kita." +msgid "" +"You would know these things if you had any care for me beyond how good I " +"make you look to our relatives." +msgstr "" +"Kamu akan tahu hal ini kalau kamu peduli tentang aku lebih dari bagaimana " +"aku membuatmu terlihat bagus di depan saudara kita." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2049 msgid "You ungrateful child!" msgstr "Anak tidak tahu diri!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2050 -msgid "The whole reason we came to America is so you could live a better life. We made so many sacrifices for you!" -msgstr "Alasan kita pergi ke Amerika itu agar kamu bisa hidup lebih baik. Kita banyak berkorban untuk kamu!" +msgid "" +"The whole reason we came to America is so you could live a better life. We " +"made so many sacrifices for you!" +msgstr "" +"Alasan kita pergi ke Amerika itu agar kamu bisa hidup lebih baik. Kita " +"banyak berkorban untuk kamu!" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2051 msgid "How dare you say we don't care about you?!" @@ -22321,8 +14925,12 @@ msgid "Noelle's mom closes the tab." msgstr "Ibu Noelle menutup tabnya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2057 -msgid "She hovers over her shoulder for a few more minutes to verify that Noelle is doing work." -msgstr "Dia mengamatinya dari atas bahunya untuk memastikan Noelle sedang mengerjakan pekerjaannya." +msgid "" +"She hovers over her shoulder for a few more minutes to verify that Noelle is " +"doing work." +msgstr "" +"Dia mengamatinya dari atas bahunya untuk memastikan Noelle sedang " +"mengerjakan pekerjaannya." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2059 msgid "Don't you have anything better to do??" @@ -22348,7 +14956,13 @@ msgstr "................." #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2073 msgctxt "loophole_653359cb" msgid "Upset, Noelle curls up in bed angrily hugging her giant snake plushie." -msgstr "Kesal, Noelle meringkuk di tempat tidurnya dengan marah sambil memeluk boneka ular raksasanya." +msgstr "" +"Kesal, Noelle meringkuk di tempat tidurnya dengan marah sambil memeluk " +"boneka ular raksasanya." + +#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2076 +msgid "Open the chatroom again" +msgstr "Buka ruang obrolan lagi" #: game/2_noelle.rpy:2081 msgctxt "baseballClubChatroom_8e0ddc15" @@ -22385,125 +14999,11233 @@ msgstr "Tidak, aku sudah memutuskan." msgid "I'm in." msgstr "Aku ikut." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 -msgid "{cps=0}Problem 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}Soal 1) ³¹¿˘‰◊ℓ₫₅—₎⁷393<3?{/cps}" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:39 +msgid "Diya's house" +msgstr "Rumah Diya" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 -msgid "12" -msgstr "12" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:51 +msgctxt "akarsha1_66517db0" +msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." +msgstr "Ayyyy! Gua disini." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 -msgid "-3" -msgstr "-3" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:53 +msgctxt "akarsha1_e3e731e4" +msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" +msgstr "Halo? Diya? Bro??" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 -msgid "3565" -msgstr "3565" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:55 +msgid "Diya is crawling on her hands and knees in the bushes." +msgstr "Diya sedang merangkak di semak-semak." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:43 -msgid "Infinity" -msgstr "Tak terhingga" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:57 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3a3d3b85" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Lu lagi ngapain?" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:190 -msgid "Noelle, watching a \nmovie in class\nlast week" -msgstr "Noelle, menonton sebuah \nfilm di kelas\nminggu lalu" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:60 +msgid "Caught him." +msgstr "Nangkep ini." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:380 -msgid "Read next year's textbook" -msgstr "Baca buku pelajaran tahun depan" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:63 +msgid "Diya emerges from the brush with a caterpillar in her hands." +msgstr "Diya muncul dari semak-semak dengan seekor ulat di tangannya." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 -msgid "{cps=0}1) Why doesn't the fox eat the grapes?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}1) Mengapa rubah itu tidak makan anggurnya?{/cps}" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:64 +msgid "It's fat and striped." +msgstr "Ulat itu gendut dan bergaris." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 -msgid "They were sour" -msgstr "Anggurnya asam" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:66 +msgid "Ew!!!" +msgstr "Ih!!" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 -msgid "He couldn't reach them" -msgstr "Dia tidak bisa menggapainya" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:69 +msgid "Diya turns to face her." +msgstr "Diya berputar untuk menghadapnya." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:390 -msgid "He wasn't hungry" -msgstr "Dia tidak lapar" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:70 +msgid "" +"Because she's deaf in one ear, when she stands up \"straight\" she actually " +"faces slightly to the right." +msgstr "" +"Karena dia tuli di satu telinga, ketika dia berdiri \"tegak\" dia sebenarnya " +"menghadap sedikit ke kanan." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:400 -msgid "Kid playing outside" -msgstr "Anak di luar" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:72 +msgid "Don't be rude." +msgstr "Jangan kasar." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 -msgid "{cps=0}2) What does \"It was all in vain\" mean?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}2) Apa arti dari \"Semuanya nihil\"?{/cps}" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:73 +msgid "We should give him a name." +msgstr "Ayo kita kasih dia nama." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 -msgid "It was useless" -msgstr "Sia-sia" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Yaoi Kurashiki" +msgstr "Yaoi Kurashiki" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 -msgid "It was very close" -msgstr "Hampir" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Yoite" +msgstr "Yoite" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:414 -msgid "It was a great success" -msgstr "Sukses besar" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:75 +msgid "Miles \"Tails\" Edgeworth" +msgstr "Miles \"Tails\" Edgeworth" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 -msgid "{cps=0}3) What's the message of the story?{/cps}" -msgstr "{cps=0}3) Apa makna dari cerita tersebut?{/cps}" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:80 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 -msgid "Appearances are deceptive" -msgstr "Penampilan bisa menipu" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:83 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "...Nama apaan tuh?" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 -msgid "Look before you leap" -msgstr "Lihatlah sebelum kamu melompat" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:85 +msgid "It's a joke about a character from the Zero Escape games." +msgstr "Lawakan tentang karakter dari game Zero Escape." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:437 -msgid "It's easy to despise what you cannot have" -msgstr "Mudah untuk membenci apa yang kamu tidak punya." +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:86 +msgid "" +"Someone asked the director if he could be paired with a girl character, and " +"he responded, \"Does Aoi even like girls? I have to start considering from " +"that.\"" +msgstr "" +"Ada yang tanya direkturnya kalau dia bisa gak dipasangin sama karakter " +"cewek, terus dia jawab, \"Emang Aoi suka cewek? Aku harus pertimbangin itu.\"" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:490 -msgid "Swing at the ball" -msgstr "Ayunkan pada bolanya" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:87 +msgid "Like, that wasn't even the question! He could've just answered no." +msgstr "Kayak, itu bahkan bukan pertanyaannya! Dia bisa aja jawab enggak." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 -msgid "The San Jose Sharks" -msgstr "The San Jose Sharks" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:88 +msgid "" +"It's awesome that he went out of his way to say you can't assume that " +"character's straight." +msgstr "Keren dia susah-susah bilang lu gak bisa nganggep karakter tuh lurus." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 -msgid "The San Francisco 49ers" -msgstr "The San Fransisco 49ers" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:94 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_1" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:725 -msgid "The Oakland A's" -msgstr "The Oakland A's" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:97 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_1" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "...Nama apaan tuh?" -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:772 -msgid "Throw the ball" -msgstr "Lempar bolanya" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:99 +msgid "It's a character from the manga Nabari no Ou." +msgstr "Itu karakter dari manga Nabari no Ou." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 -msgid "Laugh politely" -msgstr "Tertawa dengan sopan" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:100 +msgid "It's hella gay, you should read it." +msgstr "Gay banget, lu harus baca." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:855 -msgid "Don't laugh" -msgstr "Jangan tertawa" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:102 +msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad" +msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." +msgstr "...Kamu bilangnya kayak aku bakal tertarik cuman karena itu gay." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1571 -msgid "Min, Akarsha, & Noelle" -msgstr "Min, Akarsha, & Noelle." +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:104 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78" +msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." +msgstr "Lu enggak? Barang gay yang bagus susah nyarinya lho." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:1819 -msgid "Join the chat" -msgstr "Ikut obrolan" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:110 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9afbe552_2" +msgid "[caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t]." -#: game/2_noelle.rpy:2076 -msgid "Open the chatroom again" -msgstr "Buka ruang obrolan lagi" +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:113 +msgctxt "akarsha1_289738fa_2" +msgid "...What kind of name is that?" +msgstr "...Nama apaan tuh?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:115 +msgid "It's a character from the Ace Attorney games." +msgstr "Itu karakter dari game Ace Attorney." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:116 +msgid "It's hella gay, you should play it." +msgstr "Gay banget, lu harus main." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:118 +msgctxt "akarsha1_17c92aad_1" +msgid "...You say that like I'd be interested just because it's gay." +msgstr "...Kamu bilangnya kaya aku bakal tertarik cuman karena itu gay." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:120 +msgctxt "akarsha1_3ff54c78_1" +msgid "You're not? Good gay stuff is hard to come by." +msgstr "Lu enggak? Barang gay yang bagus susah nyarinya lho." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:123 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:124 +msgid "Diya scrutinizes [caterpillar!t] as he inches across her palm." +msgstr "" +"Diya menatap [caterpillar!t] saat ulat itu merayap di telapak tangannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:127 +msgid "You're so invested in these kinds of things. Video games and stuff." +msgstr "Kamu suka banget sama yang kayak gitu. Video game begituan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:130 +msgid "" +"They're a form of escapism. I need obsessions to distract me from the " +"crushing emptiness and hopelessness of life." +msgstr "" +"Bentuk pelarian dari kenyataan. Gua butuh obsesi buat ngalihin gua dari " +"kehidupan yang hampa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:132 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_1" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "................" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:134 +msgid "...Just kidding. Haha!" +msgstr "...Canda. Hehe!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:137 +msgid "Diya scoops the caterpillar into her other hand." +msgstr "Diya memindahkan ulat itu ke tangannya yang lain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:139 +msgid "Did you hear the news? Obama won." +msgstr "Kamu dengar beritanya? Obama menang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:141 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4" +msgid "Yes we can." +msgstr "Ya kita bisa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:144 +msgid "Yeah, but they outlawed gay marriage." +msgstr "Iya, tapi mereka ngelarang pernikahan sesama jenis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:147 +msgid "They did?" +msgstr "Oh ya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:149 +msgid "Prop 8 passed." +msgstr "Prop 8 sah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:150 +msgid "I thought we were better than that." +msgstr "Gua kira kita lebih bagus dari itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:153 +msgid "You shoudn't be surprised. There were a lot of yellow wearing guys." +msgstr "Kamu jangan kaget. Ada banyak orang yang pake kuning." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:154 +msgid "Don't even have to ask my parents what they voted. I know." +msgstr "Gak usah tanya orangtua aku apa yang mereka pilih. Aku tahu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:156 +msgid "But the thing is, it used to be legal. We USED to be better." +msgstr "Masalahnya, tadinya legal. Kita TADINYA lebih bagus." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:157 +msgid "" +"It's not just that the world sucks. The world sucks, and it's getting worse." +msgstr "Bukan cuman dunia tuh nyebelin. Dunia nyebelin, terus makin parah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:160 +msgid "...Obama, though." +msgstr "...Tapi Obama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:162 +msgctxt "akarsha1_9ed98cf4_1" +msgid "Yes we can." +msgstr "Ya kita bisa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:164 +msgid "Yes we can..." +msgstr "Ya kita bisa..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:166 +msgid "[caterpillar!t] is crawling up Diya's arm now. " +msgstr "[caterpillar!t] sedang merayapi lengan Diya sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:168 +msgid "Gross." +msgstr "Jijik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:170 +msgid "That's so shallow. He has a good heart." +msgstr "Jahat banget. Dia baik tau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:172 +msgid "Don't yellow and black stripes normally mean it's poisonous?" +msgstr "Bukannya loreng kuning hitam biasanya artinya beracun ya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:175 +msgid "Caterpillars are only poisonous if you eat them." +msgstr "Ulat hanya beracun kalau kamu makan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:176 +msgid "Not dangerous if you're nice." +msgstr "Gak berbahaya kalau kamu baik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:179 +msgid "Diya carefully returns the caterpillar to a tree branch." +msgstr "Diya dengan hati-hati mengembalikan ulat itu ke dahan pohon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:181 +msgid "Ready to go?" +msgstr "Udah siap?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:183 +msgid "Diya nods." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:194 +msgctxt "akarsha1_da7667f7" +msgid "Akarsha." +msgstr "Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:197 +msgctxt "akarsha1_ea9e118e" +msgid "Ya?" +msgstr "Ya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:201 +msgctxt "akarsha1_1612cdcc_2" +msgid "..............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:202 +msgid "...Never mind." +msgstr "...Enggak jadi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:205 +msgctxt "akarsha1_efb5ed1c" +msgid "What the..." +msgstr "Apaan..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:219 +msgid "" +"We went ahead and got changed. It feels like we're a real team now, wearing " +"the same uniform!" +msgstr "" +"Kita pergi terus ganti baju. Berasa kayak tim beneran sekarang, pake seragam " +"yang sama!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:220 +msgid "We've still got some time to kill before the meeting starts." +msgstr "Kita masih punya waktu sebelum pertemuannya mulai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:237 +msgid "Talk to Diya" +msgstr "Bicara dengan Diya" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:242 +msgid "Diya is on the bench, resting her head on Min's shoulder." +msgstr "Diya ada di bangku, menyenderkan kepalanya di pundak Min." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:243 +msgid "" +"She's showing Min a picture of a seagull her cellphone. One side of the " +"photo is blurry brown from Diya's thumb partially obscuring the camera lens." +msgstr "" +"Dia menunjukkan Min sebuah foto burung camar di ponselnya. Satu sisi dari " +"foto itu buram karena ibu jari Diya setengah menutupi lensa kamera." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:245 +msgid "Look how close I got to this seagull." +msgstr "Liat aku sedeket apa sama burung camarnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:247 +msgid "That's pretty close." +msgstr "Itu lumayan deket." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:253 +msgid "Life is so hard..." +msgstr "Hidup susah banget..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:254 +msgid "Any words of wisdom, Diya?" +msgstr "Ada kata-kata bijak, Diya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:257 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:259 +msgid "Snowflakes are actually really, really small." +msgstr "Kepingan salju sebenarnya sangat, sangat kecil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:260 +msgid "Not like you would think from Christmas decorations." +msgstr "Enggak kayak yang kamu bakal pikir dari hiasan Natal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:262 +msgid "Uh...How big did you think they were??" +msgstr "Uh...Lu pikir sebesar apa??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:264 +msgid "Like the size of a plate." +msgstr "Sebesar piring." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:266 +msgid "" +"Wow...you must've been crazy disappointed when you discovered the truth." +msgstr "Wow...lu pasti kecewa banget pas tahu kebenarannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:268 +msgid "Any other advice?" +msgstr "Ada nasehat lain?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:271 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:273 +msgid "You can make nutella sandwiches and eat them." +msgstr "Kamu bisa buat dan makan roti lapis nutella." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:274 +msgid "" +"If you do this three times a day you'll have three meals for like $1.50." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu lakuin ini tiga kali sehari kamu bakal punya tiga makanan dengan " +"$1.50." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:276 +msgid "Thanks..." +msgstr "Makasih..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:282 +msgid "I come seeking more knowledge, wise one." +msgstr "Aku datang untuk mencari ilmu, yang bijak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:285 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_93212e9d_2" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:287 +msgid "Putting whipped cream on rice is a bad idea." +msgstr "Pake krim kocok di nasi itu ide buruk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:289 +msgid "...Are you speaking from personal experience?" +msgstr "...Lu bicara dari pengalaman pribadi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:291 +msgid "Tried it once." +msgstr "Pernah coba sekali." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:293 +msgid "Why?!" +msgstr "Kenapa?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:295 +msgid "Thought it'd taste like sticky rice." +msgstr "Aku kira rasanya bakal kayak sticky rice." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:296 +msgid "But it was bad." +msgstr "Tapi enggak enak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:298 +msgid "Amazing..." +msgstr "Keren..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:308 +msgid "" +"Min has a textbook in her lap. She's flipping it to a chapter review page." +msgstr "" +"Ada buku cetak di pangkuan Min. Dia sedang membalikkannya ke halaman ulasan " +"bab." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:310 +msgid "Are you doing your homework?!" +msgstr "Lu ngerjain PR?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:311 +msgid "That's weirdly studious of you." +msgstr "Tumben banget lu belajar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:314 +msgid "I told my parents I joined a tutoring club." +msgstr "Gue bilang ke ortu gue ikut klub les." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:316 +msgid "Oh. Lol." +msgstr "Oh. Lol." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:319 +msgid "Funny, so did I." +msgstr "Lucu, aku juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:321 +msgid "Wha? What do you need tutoring for?" +msgstr "Hah? Lu ngapain butuh les?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:323 +msgid "I told them I was the tutor." +msgstr "Aku beri tahu mereka kalau aku jadi guru lesnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:325 +msgid "That's perfect! You can tutor Min, then." +msgstr "Bagus! Kamu bisa ngajarin Min." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:326 +msgid "Match made in heaven." +msgstr "Pasangan dari surga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:329 +msgid "MATCH MADE IN HELL. I don't want her help." +msgstr "PASANGAN DARI JAHANAM. Gue kagak perlu bantuan dia." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:332 +msgid "" +"As she says it, though, she's staring down at the page with a desolate " +"expression." +msgstr "" +"Tapi, saat dia mengatakannya, dia mengamati halamannya dengan ekspresi muram." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:334 +msgid "Math should just...die." +msgstr "Mat mending...mati aja" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:336 +msgid "Why? It's a discipline full of beautiful and complex patterns." +msgstr "Kenapa? Itu disiplin ilmu penuh pola yang cantik dan kompleks." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:337 +msgid "" +"There's absolutely nothing inherently bad or oppressive about it, yet people " +"treat it like it's evil and malicious." +msgstr "" +"Tidak ada yang benar-benar buruk atau menekan tentang itu, tapi orang-orang " +"memperlakukannya seperti itu jahat dan kejam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:338 +msgid "" +"A lot of pure math lacks any kind of practical application, and merely " +"exists for the sake of stimulating people's minds and pushing the limits of " +"the medium as far as is possible." +msgstr "" +"Banyak matematika murni tidak punya aplikasi praktis, dan hanya ada untuk " +"menstimulasi pikiran orang-orang dan mendorong batas mediumnya sejauh " +"mungkin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:339 +msgid "It's much like a form of art." +msgstr "Itu seperti sebuah bentuk seni." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:341 +msgid "Can't relate. Shut the fuck up." +msgstr "Ga ngerti. Bacot." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:343 +msgid "Dude, let me see it. I'll help you." +msgstr "Bro, coba lihat. Gua bantu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:344 +msgid "" +"Problem 1: Bill can paint a house in five hours, and Mary can paint a house " +"in three hours. How long will it take for them to paint a house together?" +msgstr "" +"Soal 1: Bill bisa mengecat sebuah rumah dalam lima jam, dan Mary bisa " +"mengecat sebuah rumah dalam tiga jam. Berapa waktu yang dibutuhkan mereka " +"untuk mengecat sebuah rumah bersama?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:347 +msgid "8 hours. 5 + 3 is 8." +msgstr "8 jam. 5 + 3 kan 8." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:349 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_2df16a64" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:352 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:354 +msgctxt "cubeHelpMenu_46e87e05" +msgid ".............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:357 +msgid "...Are you gonna be okay at this school?" +msgstr "...Lu bakal gapapa di sekolah ini?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:364 +msgid "Would you kiss a girl for 1 million dollars?" +msgstr "Mau gak lu cium cewek buat 1 juta dollar?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:368 +msgid "I guess? I don't have that kind of money, though." +msgstr "Mungkin? Tapi, gue gak punya duit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:371 +msgid "Wha....?" +msgstr "Hah....?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:373 +msgid "No, I'm saying you get PAID." +msgstr "Enggak, gua bilang lu DIBAYAR." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:377 +msgid "Huh??" +msgstr "Hah??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:380 +msgid "Never mind." +msgstr "Gak jadi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:391 +msgid "" +"Noelle is solving a Professor's Cube. Unlike a regular Rubik's Cube, it's " +"5x5x5 instead of 3x3x3." +msgstr "" +"Noelle sedang menyelesaikan sebuah Kubus Professor. Tidak seperti Kubus " +"Rubik biasa, ini 5x5x5 bukan 3x3x3." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:393 +msgid "Diya's face lights up when she spots it." +msgstr "Wajah Diya berseri-seri saat melihatnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:394 +msgid "I solved one side for you already." +msgstr "Aku udah kerjain satu sisi buat kamu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:395 +msgid "Took me 2 hours." +msgstr "Butuh 2 jam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:396 +msgid "Diya proudly points to the cube." +msgstr "Diya menunjuk kubusnya dengan bangga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:397 +msgid "Indeed, one face is solid red." +msgstr "Dan benar, satu bagiannya merah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:399 +msgid "...I see." +msgstr "...Oh iya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:401 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that doesn't help at all." +msgstr "Gua yakin itu sama sekali enggak membantu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:403 +msgid "" +"Sure enough, Noelle completely obliterates Diya's work in order to solve the " +"cube correctly." +msgstr "" +"Tentunya, Noelle benar-benar menghancurkan usaha Diya untuk memecahkan kubus " +"itu dengan benar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:405 +msgid "Wow. You make it look easy." +msgstr "Wow. Lu buat itu kelihatan gampang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:408 +msgid "Did I help?" +msgstr "Aku bantu enggak?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:410 +msgid "...Of course. I appreciate it." +msgstr "...Ya. Aku menghargainya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:414 +msgid "Noelle peels a banana and takes a bite out of it." +msgstr "Noelle mengupas sebuah pisang dan menggigitnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:416 +msgid "What the hell are you doing? Aren't you taking the banana sticker off?" +msgstr "Lo ngapain dah? Lo gak ambil stikernya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:418 +msgid "Why would I? It comes off with the peel anyway. " +msgstr "Kenapa? Itu kan langsung ikut terkupas juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:419 +msgid "Taking the sticker off first would be completely pointless." +msgstr "Mencopot stikernya dulu tidak ada gunanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:421 +msgid "So you just eat it with the sticker still on??" +msgstr "Jadi lo makan waktu stikernya masih nempel??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:423 +msgid "Yes? It doesn't have any effect on the inside of the banana." +msgstr "Iya? Tidak berpengaruh dengan isi pisangnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:425 +msgid "The fuck's wrong with you?" +msgstr "Lo kenapa sih anjir?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:426 +msgid "You...you're not human." +msgstr "Lo...lo bukan orang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:428 +msgid "HOW AM I NOT HUMAN?!" +msgstr "GIMANA AKU BUKAN ORANG?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:444 +msgid "The locker room door creaks open." +msgstr "Pintu ruang loker berderit terbuka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:445 +msgid "" +"When Noelle sees Chryssa and Liz come through, she lifts her hand to wave " +"but aborts halfway through the motion." +msgstr "" +"Ketika Noelle melihat Cryssa dan Liz keluar, dia mengangkat tangannya untuk " +"melambai tapi berhenti setengah jalan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:446 +msgid "" +"Scowling, she jerks the offending appendage back down, like her hand had " +"gone and betrayed the rest of her body." +msgstr "" +"Merengut, dia menariknya kembali, tangannya seperti telah mengkhianati " +"seluruh tubuhnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:449 +msgctxt "meetingStart_e47d28aa" +msgid "........." +msgstr "........." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:452 +msgctxt "meetingStart_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:454 +msgid "Nothing." +msgstr "Enggak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:461 +msgid "Hey guys! We have a few announcements to make." +msgstr "Hei guys! Kita ada beberapa pengumuman." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:462 +msgid "First of all, Min-seo..." +msgstr "Pertama, Min-seo..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:464 +msgid "You need to resubmit your parental permission form for the club." +msgstr "Kamu harus kirim ulang form izin orangtua buat klub." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:466 +msgid "And this time, please have a real parental guardian sign it." +msgstr "Dan kali ini, tolong wali orang tua asli yang tanda tanganin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:468 +msgid "I don't know what you're talking about." +msgstr "Gue gak ngerti lo ngomong apa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:470 +msgid "She forged it? How can you tell?" +msgstr "Dia palsuin? Gimana kamu tau?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:472 +msgid "The signature...was just the word \"Mom\" in cursive." +msgstr "Tanda tangannya...cuman \"Mama\" dalam tulisan sambung." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:474 +msgid "...Fuck." +msgstr "...Anjrit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:477 +msgid "Min is running away!" +msgstr "Min melarikan diri!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:479 +msgid "Chryssa gets up and chases after her!" +msgstr "Chryssa berdiri dan mengejarnya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:481 +msgid "There's nowhere to run!" +msgstr "Gak ada tempat buat lari!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:482 +msgid "You dumb kid!" +msgstr "Dasar bocah tolol!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:488 +msgid "...It sounds an awful lot like Min ran into the door again." +msgstr "....Sepertinya Min menabrak pintu lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:490 +msgid "Everyone else's forms look fine, though!" +msgstr "Tapi, formulir yang lain gak ada masalah!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:491 +msgid "So good job, guys. If you forged it too, I couldn't tell." +msgstr "" +"Jadi kerja bagus, guys. Kalau kalian palsuin juga, aku gak bisa bedain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:493 +msgid "Phew." +msgstr "Fuh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:496 +msgid "Chryssa has returned, dragging a defeated Min behind her." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa telah kembali, sambil menyeret Min yang terkalahkan dibelakangnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:498 +msgid "Next up..." +msgstr "Setelah itu..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:499 +msgid "We're playing against an actual team today!" +msgstr "Hari ini kita main lawan tim beneran!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:501 +msgid "What?! Who?" +msgstr "Apa?! Siapa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:503 +msgid "We invited the team at Niles over." +msgstr "Kita ngundang tim dari Niles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:504 +msgid "They should be here soon." +msgstr "Mereka sebentar lagi sampai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:508 +msgid "" +"Are we going to be okay? Our team is made up of 4 baseball players, 2 nerds, " +"and 3 weebs." +msgstr "" +"Kita bakalan gapapa? Tim kita tuh terdiri dari 4 pemain baseball, 2 kutu " +"buku, sama 3 wibu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:510 +msgid "Wait, did you count me as a nerd? I'm a hybrid, I'm a weeb too." +msgstr "Tunggu, lu hitung gua kutu buku? Gua campuran, gua juga wibu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:513 +msgid "Guys, we'll be fine." +msgstr "Semuanya, kita bakalan gapapa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:514 +msgid "...Maybe." +msgstr "...Mungkin" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:516 +msgid "The \"maybe\" was too honest." +msgstr "\"Mungkin\"nya terlalu jujur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:519 +msgid "Don't worry, it's seriously super casual." +msgstr "Jangan khawatir, ini beneran santai banget." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:520 +msgid "" +"They aren't bringing their coaches or anything. It's just nine of them " +"driving over in their cars." +msgstr "" +"Mereka gak bawa pelatih atau apapun. Cuman mereka bersembilan naik mobil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:521 +msgid "Just relax and have fun." +msgstr "Rileks saja terus bersenang-senanglah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:523 +msgid "" +"This isn't really important, but they have a cool mascot. It's Killer Whales." +msgstr "" +"Ini enggak terlalu penting, tapi mereka punya maskot keren. Killer Whales." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:525 +msgid "What's our team name? Do we get a mascot too?" +msgstr "Apa nama tim kita? Kita dapat maskot juga?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:527 +msgid "Read your damn shirt. It's Monarchs." +msgstr "Baca itu kaosmu. Namanya Monarchs." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:529 +msgid "That's so bland..." +msgstr "Itu biasa banget..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:532 +msgid "" +"But we're not really an official school team. So we can make a name up " +"ourselves." +msgstr "Tapi kita bukan klub resmi sekolah. Jadi kita bisa buat nama sendiri." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:534 +msgid "Ooooh!!" +msgstr "Ooooh!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:537 +msgid "Any suggestions?" +msgstr "Ada usulan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:539 +msgid "Bagels." +msgstr "Bagels" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:542 +msgid "The way you think is so damn cute." +msgstr "Cara mikir kamu imut banget." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:544 +msgid "Chicken Nuggets." +msgstr "Nugget Ayam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:546 +msgid "Bagels is so simple, I kind of like it." +msgstr "Bagels sederhana banget, aku lumayan suka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:548 +msgid "Yeah, I'd honestly be okay if it ended up like that." +msgstr "Iya, sejujurnya aku enggak keberatan kalau hasilnya itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:550 +msgid "Any other suggestions?" +msgstr "Ada usul lainnya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:552 +msgid "" +"We should be something stronger than killer whales to assert our dominance." +msgstr "" +"Kita harus jadi sesuatu yang lebih kuat dari paus pembunuh buat nyatain " +"kekuasaan kita." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:554 +msgid "Monarchs are already more powerful than killer whales, though." +msgstr "Tapi, kupu-kupu monarch lebih kuat dari paus pembunuh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:555 +msgid "Humans keep killer whales in captivity." +msgstr "Manusia menyimpan paus pembunuh dalam kurungan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:557 +msgid "But if it was, like, 1 v 1, a killer whale would tear a guy to shreds." +msgstr "Tapi kalau, kayak, 1 v 1, paus pembunuh bakal nyabik orang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:558 +msgid "We should be something bigger and more dangerous." +msgstr "Kita harus lebih besar dan lebih berbahaya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:560 +msgid "Like what? Global warming?" +msgstr "Seperti apa? Pemanasan global?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:562 +msgid "Oh my god?? That's actually a hilarious name." +msgstr "Oh my god?? Itu sebenarnya nama yang kocak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:563 +msgid "" +"No matter who we're up against, they'll pretty much just automatically lose." +msgstr "Siapa aja yang kita lawan, mereka otomatis kalah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:565 +msgid "Like, Tigers vs. Global Warming. Who do you think's gonna win?" +msgstr "Kayak, Harimau vs. Global Warming. Kata lu siapa yang bakal menang?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:568 +msgid "Our motto can be \"Underestimate us and the world will be destroyed.\"" +msgstr "Motto kita bisa jadi \"Remehkan kita dan dunia akan hancur.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:570 +msgid "That's not a very positive motto..." +msgstr "Itu bukan motto yang sangat positif..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:572 +msgid "I'm still kind of impressed Noelle came up that." +msgstr "Gua masih kagum Noelle bisa kepikiran." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:575 +msgid "What kind of name did you think I'd come up with?" +msgstr "Nama macam apa yang kamu pikir akan aku pikirkan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:577 +msgid "I dunno..." +msgstr "Gak tau..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:579 +msgid "" +"Something nerdy that you thought sounded cool, but was actually really " +"cringy." +msgstr "Sesuatu yang culun yang kata lu keren, tapi sebenernya cringe banget." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:580 +msgid "Like \"The Algorithms\"." +msgstr "Kayak \"The Algorithms\"." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:583 +msgid "Yuck!" +msgstr "Ih!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:585 +msgid "I feel like throwing up..." +msgstr "Aku ingin muntah..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:587 +msgid "SHUT UP!! I NEVER SUGGESTED THAT!" +msgstr "DIAM!! AKU TIDAK PERNAH MENGUSULKAN ITU!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:589 +msgid "And I don't like \"Global Warming.\" It's not threatening enough." +msgstr "Dan gue gak suka \"Pemanasan Global.\" Kurang mengancam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:591 +msgid "" +"How is it not threatening enough? It's irreversible and will devastate " +"generations to come." +msgstr "" +"Kurang mengancam gimana? Itu tidak bisa diubah dan akan menghancurkan " +"generasi selanjutnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:593 +msgid "But it's not a...thing! Like a real thing!" +msgstr "Tapi itu bukan...sesuatu! Kayak sesuatu yang nyata!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:595 +msgid "Are you saying you don't believe in global warming?!" +msgstr "Maksudnya kamu tidak percaya pemanasan global?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:597 +msgid "She means it's like an abstract concept." +msgstr "Maksud dia itu kayak konsep abstrak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:599 +msgctxt "meetingStart_b29651b9" +msgid "Yeah!" +msgstr "Iya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:600 +msgid "" +"We should be something that sounds like it could rip our enemies from limb " +"to limb." +msgstr "" +"Kita harus jadi sesuatu yang kedengeran kayak yang bisa ngerobek-robek musuh " +"kita." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:602 +msgid "Like...Death Machine." +msgstr "Kayak...Death Machine." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:604 +msgid "Are we forming a heavy metal band?" +msgstr "Kita mau jadi band heavy metal?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:607 +msgid "Death Bagels." +msgstr "Death Bagels." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:609 +msgid "That's...better? I think?" +msgstr "Itu...lebih bagus? Mungkin?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:610 +msgid "" +"Death Bagels is dramatically cuter, but Min is too pleased that Diya " +"combined their suggestions to complain." +msgstr "" +"Death Bagels terdengar jauh lebih imut, tapi Min terlalu senang bahwa Diya " +"menggabungkan usulan mereka berdua untuk mengeluh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:614 +msgid "Wait! I just thought of a name too." +msgstr "Tunggu! Aku baru kepikiran nama juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:616 +msgid "\"Semes\"." +msgstr "\"Semes\"." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:619 +msgctxt "meetingStart_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "TIDAK." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:621 +msgid "Wh...what is that?" +msgstr "It...Itu apa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:623 +msgid "In yaoi, the seme is the dominant guy in the couple." +msgstr "Di yaoi, seme itu cowok yang dominan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:625 +msgid "What is \"yaoi\"?" +msgstr "Apa itu \"yaoi\"?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:627 +msgid "You don't want to know!" +msgstr "Kamu nggak bakal mau tahu!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:631 +msgid "" +"Usually only teen girls who like anime know what it means, so maybe that's " +"good?" +msgstr "" +"Biasanya hanya cewek yang suka anime yang mengerti, jadi mungkin itu bagus?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:632 +msgid "Most normal people will be totally oblivious." +msgstr "Kebanyakan orang biasa gak akan ngerti." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:634 +msgid "Yeah. The only reason Noelle knows is because I corrupted her." +msgstr "Iya. Satu-satunya alasan Noelle tahu soalnya gua ngotorin dia." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:637 +msgid "Let me reiterate that this is a bad idea." +msgstr "Izinkan aku mengulangi kalau ini ide yang buruk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:638 +msgid "" +"We're going to have to make up a fake definition when our parents ask what " +"it means." +msgstr "Kita harus buat definisi palsu saat orang tua kita tanya apa artinya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:640 +msgid "Worth." +msgstr "Sepadan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:642 +msgid "How is that worth it?" +msgstr "Bagaimana itu sepadan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:644 +msgid "Okay, we'll settle this the fair way, which is a vote." +msgstr "Oke, kita selesaikan dengan cara yang adil, yaitu lewat voting." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:645 +msgid "Everyone, write your vote down on a piece of paper." +msgstr "Semuanya, tulis pilihan kalian di kertas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:649 +msgid "Akarsha votes for..." +msgstr "Akarsha memilih..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Bagels" +msgstr "Bagels" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Chicken Nuggets" +msgstr "Nugget Ayam" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Global Warming" +msgstr "Global Warming" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Death Bagels" +msgstr "Death Bagels" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:650 +msgid "Semes" +msgstr "Semes" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:668 +msgid "Chryssa tallies up all the votes." +msgstr "Chryssa menghitung seluruh suara." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:671 +msgid "The winner is..." +msgstr "Pemenangnya..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:673 +msgid "[teamName!t]!" +msgstr "[teamName!t]" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:676 +msgctxt "meetingStart_79a02449" +msgid "Yeah!!" +msgstr "Yaaa!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:678 +msgid "Name status: Sick!!!" +msgstr "Status nama: Keren!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:683 +msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:685 +msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about bagels?" +msgstr "Aku gak ngerti. Apa yang bagus dari bagel?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:686 +msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e" +msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." +msgstr "Diya memberinya tatapan yang sangat menghakimi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:688 +msgid "It's bread in a circle." +msgstr "Itu roti dalam lingkaran." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:690 +msgid "That...didn't explain anything." +msgstr "Itu...gak menjelaskan apapun." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:693 +msgid "Diya would probably eat an entire bakery if she had the chance." +msgstr "Diya mungkin saja makan satu toko roti kalau dapat kesempatannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:697 +msgctxt "meetingStart_55f97255_1" +msgid "!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:699 +msgid "I don't get it. What's so great about chicken nuggets?" +msgstr "Aku gak ngerti. Apa yang bagus dari nugget ayam?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:700 +msgctxt "meetingStart_6ac7aa5e_1" +msgid "Diya is giving her a very judgmental look." +msgstr "Diya menatapnya dengan sangat menghakimi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:702 +msgid "They're on sale at McDonald's. You can buy 20 for $4.99." +msgstr "Itu lagi diskon di McDonald's. Kamu bisa beli 20 dengan $4.99." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:704 +msgid "What are you, a walking McDonald's advertisement?" +msgstr "Kamu itu apa, iklan McDonald's berjalan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:708 +msgid "Nice." +msgstr "Bagus" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:711 +msgid "" +"I guess the one downside is, we only sound threatening to people who believe " +"in it." +msgstr "" +"Sepertinya kelemahannya itu, kita hanya kedengaran mengancam buat orang yang " +"percaya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:713 +msgid "That's fine." +msgstr "Tidak apa-apa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:714 +msgid "" +"Even if they're too ignorant to accept scientific fact, that doesn't erase " +"the reality that we'll annihilate them." +msgstr "" +"Kalaupun mereka terlalu bodoh untuk menerima fakta ilmiahnya, itu tidak " +"menghapus kenyataan kalau kita akan menghancurkan mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:716 +msgid "" +"Big words for someone who couldn't catch a ball if it had Elmer's glue on it." +msgstr "" +"Banyak bacot buat orang yang gak bisa nangkep bola meski ada lem Elmer'snya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:718 +msgid "You shut up." +msgstr "Kamu diam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:720 +msgid "Alright guys, be nice..." +msgstr "Oke guys, yang rukun..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:724 +msgctxt "meetingStart_27c49944" +msgid "No!" +msgstr "Tidak!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:726 +msgid "Yes!" +msgstr "Ya!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:729 +msgid "Have you guys no shame at all?!" +msgstr "Kalian enggak punya malu?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:731 +msgid "Come on. Don't pretend you didn't vote for it." +msgstr "Ayolah. Kamu jangan pura-pura enggak milih." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:733 +msgid "I didn't vote for it!" +msgstr "Aku gak milih!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:748 +msgid "The [teamName!t] head out to the field." +msgstr "[teamName!t]pergi ke lapangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:751 +msgid "The other team is on their way. They're parking right now." +msgstr "Tim yang lain sedang di perjalanan. Mereka lagi parkir sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:752 +msgid "Let's stretch and warm up first." +msgstr "Ayo peregangan dan pemanasan dulu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:754 +msgid "They arrange in a huge circle and begin stretching like usual." +msgstr "Mereka membentuk lingkaran besar dan mulai peregangan seperti biasa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:758 +msgid "Focus on your breathing and calm your mind." +msgstr "Fokus dengan pernafasanmu dan tenangkan pikiranmu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:760 +msgid "Suddenly, Noelle whirls around, looking frantic. " +msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Noelle berputar, terlihat panik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:762 +msgid "Noelle, get with the program. Be a Zen master." +msgstr "Noelle, ikutin programnya. Jadi ahli Zen." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:764 +msgid "Where's Diya?" +msgstr "Diya mana?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:766 +msgid "Huh? She didn't follow us out?" +msgstr "Hah? Dia enggak ikut kita keluar?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:768 +msgid "Indeed, Diya is nowhere in sight..." +msgstr "Betul, Diya tidak terlihat..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:770 +msgid "Holy shit. She's so quiet I didn't even notice she was gone." +msgstr "Wah anjir. Dia diem banget sampe aku gak sadar dia hilang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:772 +msgid "Min-seo is missing, too." +msgstr "Min-seo juga tidak ada." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:774 +msgid "OH MY GOD..." +msgstr "OH MY GOD..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:775 +msgid "THEY'RE DOING IT..." +msgstr "MEREKA NGELAKUIN ITU..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:778 +msgid "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE." +msgstr "TIDAK MUNGKIN." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:780 +msgid "Min told me she was going to the bathroom on the way out." +msgstr "Min bilang dia mau ke kamar mandi saat keluar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:782 +msgid "But that was, like, 15 minutes ago. She should be back by now." +msgstr "Tapi itu, kayak, 15 menit yang lalu. Harusnya sudah balik sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:784 +msgid "Maybe they got left behind in the locker room." +msgstr "Mungkin mereka ketinggalan di ruang loker." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:793 +msgid "AUGGGHHH!!!" +msgstr "AUGGGHHH!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:797 +msgctxt "diyaMissing_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Apa?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:799 +msgid "Nothing. I was just randomly screaming." +msgstr "Enggak. Aku hanya teriak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:804 +msgid "Looks like Diya and Min aren't here." +msgstr "Sepertinya Diya dan Min tidak disini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:805 +msgid "And the girls' bathroom is empty." +msgstr "Dan toilet cewek juga kosong." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:807 +msgid "We should split up and search for them." +msgstr "Sebaiknya kita berpencar dan mencari mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:809 +msgid "No. I've watched enough TV to know where this is going." +msgstr "" +"Tidak. Aku sudah nontoh cukup banyak TV buat tahu ini bakal mengarah kemana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:810 +msgid "We'll get picked off one by one." +msgstr "Kita bakal dihabisin satu-satu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:812 +msgid "What is this, a horror movie?" +msgstr "Apa ini, film horror?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:814 +msgid "" +"The Killer Whales will be here any minute. We don't have time to comb the " +"school slowly together." +msgstr "" +"The Killer Whales sebentar lagi sampai. Kita enggak punya waktu buat pelan-" +"pelan keliling sekolah bareng." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:815 +msgid "" +"Besides, we already lost the main problem children. The rest of them aren't " +"the type to just randomly wander off like this." +msgstr "" +"Legian, kita udah ngilangin anak-anak yang bermasalah. Yang lainnya bukan " +"tipe yang tiba-tiba ngilang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:817 +msgid "That's true." +msgstr "Itu benar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:818 +msgid "Fine. Disperse, [teamName!t]!" +msgstr "Yaudah. Menyebar, [teamName!t]" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:819 +msgid "Meet back at the field in 10 minutes, whether you find them or not." +msgstr "Kumpul lagi di lapangan dalam 10 menit, ketemu atau enggak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:821 +msgid "Roger that!" +msgstr "Roger!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:825 +msgid "Semes..." +msgstr "Semes..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:827 +msgid "I still don't want to be called that!" +msgstr "Aku masih tidak mau dipanggil itu!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:829 +msgid "Don't be a sore loser." +msgstr "Jangan jadi pecundang, ah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:846 +msgid "" +"Noelle is holding the door open for people as they exit the locker room." +msgstr "Noelle menahan pintunya terbuka saat mereka pergi keluar ruang loker." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:847 +msgid "She smiles as Akarsha comes closer." +msgstr "Dia tersenyum ketika Akarsha semakin dekat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:849 +msgid "I can't stand here all day, you're cut off." +msgstr "Aku tidak bisa berdiri disini sepanjang hari, kamu dipisah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:852 +msgid "Noelle lets the door close in Akarsha's face." +msgstr "Noelle membiarkan pintunya tertutup di wajah Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:854 +msgid "Oh my god????" +msgstr "Oh my god????" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:863 +msgid "Noelle is waiting for Akarsha outside." +msgstr "Noelle sedang menunggu Akarsha di luar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:865 +msgid "Meanie." +msgstr "Jahat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:866 +msgid "Where should we look?" +msgstr "Kita harus cari di mana?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:869 +msgctxt "diyaMissing_88bdc1aa" +msgid "I don't know." +msgstr "Aku tidak tahu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:870 +msgid "" +"If it was just Diya, I'd have guesses, but it's likely Min-seo forced her to " +"go somewhere." +msgstr "" +"Kalau hanya Diya, aku bisa menebak, tapi bisa saja Min-seo memaksa dia pergi " +"ke suatu tempat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:872 +msgid "" +"...You realize Diya is like, a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than Min, " +"right?" +msgstr "" +"...Lu nyadar kan kalau Diya tuh, kayak, sekaki lebih tinggi dan 100 pon " +"lebih berat dari Min?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:873 +msgid "" +"Min can't \"force\" Diya to do anything. If she took her somewhere, it's " +"because Diya let her." +msgstr "" +"Min enggak bisa \"maksa\" Diya buat ngapa-ngapain. Kalau dia bawa dia " +"kemana, itu soalnya Diya biarin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:876 +msgid "Fine, forced was too strong of a word. Coerced." +msgstr "Yasudah, terpaksa terlalu kuat. Dipaksa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:883 +msgid "Dude, chill. You're so neurotic when it comes to Diya." +msgstr "Bro, santuy. Lu khawatir banget kalau urusan Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:884 +msgid "Can't you just trust her judgment?" +msgstr "Kamu gak bisa percaya keputusannya dia?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:889 +msgid "" +"In kindergarten, I asked Diya what she wanted to be when she grew up and she " +"answered \"A police dog.\"" +msgstr "" +"Waktu TK, aku tanya Diya mau jadi apa dia waktu sudah besar dan dia menjawab " +"\"Anjing polisi.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:891 +msgid "Well, it WAS kindergarten." +msgstr "Ya, itu KAN TK." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:893 +msgid "" +"Even in kindergarten I understood that becoming another species wasn't an " +"option..." +msgstr "" +"Bahkan saat TK aku mengerti kalau jadi spesies lain itu bukan pilihan..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:927 +msgid "Search the locker room" +msgstr "Cari ruang loker" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:935 +msgid "Go to the locker room" +msgstr "Pergi ke ruang loker" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:943 +msgid "Search the bathroom" +msgstr "Pergi ke kamar mandi" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:950 +msgid "Search the courtyard" +msgstr "Pergi ke halaman" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:959 +msgid "Go to the school library" +msgstr "Pergi ke perpustakaan" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:967 +msgid "" +"Akarsha looks inside the girls' bathroom. Just as Chryssa said, it's empty." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha melihat kedalam kamar mandi perempuan. Seperti yang Chryssa katakan, " +"kosong." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:969 +msgid "" +"Darn. I thought Min might be having a diarrhea catastrophe or something." +msgstr "Yah. Gua kira Min bisa aja lagi diare atau apalah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:972 +msgid "Are you trying to make me throw up?" +msgstr "Kamu mau buat aku muntah?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:975 +msgid "Ya. It's my hobby." +msgstr "Iye. Itu hobi gua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:978 +msgid "You know, sometimes I wonder why I bother with you." +msgstr "Kamu tahu, terkadang aku berpikir kenapa aku bersamamu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:981 +msgid "Because you love me." +msgstr "Soalnya lu sayang gua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:984 +msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e" +msgid "No, I don't." +msgstr "Tidak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:987 +msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd" +msgid "Yes, you do." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:990 +msgctxt "bathroom_e161cc8e_1" +msgid "No, I don't." +msgstr "Tidak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:993 +msgctxt "bathroom_168310cd_1" +msgid "Yes, you do." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:996 +msgid "This is stupid. Knock it off." +msgstr "Ini bodoh. Hentikan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:999 +msgid "You didn't deny it that time! CONFIRMED." +msgstr "Lu gak nolak kali ini! TERBUKTI." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1002 +msgid "NOT CONFIRMED. That's not how it works." +msgstr "TIDAK TERBUKTI. Itu bukan cara kerjanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1028 +msgid "Search the field" +msgstr "Cari di lapangan" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1036 +msgid "Search outside the locker room" +msgstr "Cari di luar ruang loker" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1044 +msgid "Meet up at the field" +msgstr "Berkumpul di lapangan" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1052 +msgid "Go outside the locker room" +msgstr "Pergi ke luar ruang loker" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1080 +msgid "Search the track" +msgstr "Cari di lintasan" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1088 +msgid "Return to locker room" +msgstr "Kembali ke ruang loker" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1114 +msgid "Return to the baseball diamond" +msgstr "Kembali ke diamond baseball" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1123 +msgid "Hey, that's...!" +msgstr "Hei, itu...!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1127 +msgid "Diya is sprinting around the track at top speed!" +msgstr "Diya sedang berlari dengan cepat di lintasan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1129 +msgid "Yo! Diya!" +msgstr "Yo! Diya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1132 +msgid "She can't hear us from here." +msgstr "Dia tidak bisa mendengar kita dari sini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1135 +msgid "Once Diya rounds a bend, Noelle and Akarsha flag her down." +msgstr "" +"Saat Diya mengitari sebuah tikungan, Noelle dan Akarsha mengisyaratkannya " +"untuk berhenti." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1137 +msgid "She's completely drenched in sweat." +msgstr "Dia bermandikan keringat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1141 +msgctxt "track_b4f18a79" +msgid "What are you doing?" +msgstr "Kamu ngapain?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1145 +msgid "I got nervous, so I ran 3 miles." +msgstr "Aku gugup, jadi aku lari 3 mil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1146 +msgid "Feel better now." +msgstr "Baikan sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1148 +msgid "Uh...Okay?" +msgstr "Uh...Oke?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1149 +msgid "Why didn't you say anything?" +msgstr "Lu kenapa enggak bilang apa-apa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1153 +msgid "Diya looks at her as though she's crazy." +msgstr "Diya melihatnya seolah dia gila." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1154 +msgid "Stressful. I don't like to bother people." +msgstr "Bikin stres. Aku enggak suka gangguin orang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1156 +msgid "" +"Dude, you know that not communicating just makes most situations even MORE " +"stressful, right??" +msgstr "" +"Bro, lu tau kan ga ngomong malah buat situasinya JAUH LEBIH bikin stres??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1161 +msgid "Where's Min?" +msgstr "Min dimana?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1164 +msgctxt "track_9fa2cfca" +msgid "...?" +msgstr "...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1165 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "What do you mean?" +msgctxt "track_b08fe291" +msgid "What do you mean?" +msgstr "Maksud kamu apa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1167 +msgid "Huh. I guess you went missing separately." +msgstr "Hoh. Berarti kalian ilangnya misah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1168 +msgid "Never mind. Just go back to the diamond then." +msgstr "Ga jadi. Balik aja ke diamond kalau gitu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1170 +msgid "You should go back to the diamond." +msgstr "Kamu balik ke diamond sana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1171 +msgid "That way Chryssa and Liz will know where you are." +msgstr "Biar Chryssa sama Liz bakal tau kamu dimana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1175 +msgid "Diya nods and trots off." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk dan berlari pergi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1180 +msgctxt "track_2336aed8" +msgid "We found both of them." +msgstr "Kita nemuin mereka berdua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1183 +msgctxt "track_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Ya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1185 +msgctxt "track_4bb6904f" +msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" +msgstr "Sekali lagi, gua pahlawan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1188 +msgctxt "track_5a0fec90" +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." +msgstr "KAMU BUKAN PAHLAWAN." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1190 +msgctxt "track_a0fce640" +msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." +msgstr "Ayo balik ke lapangan juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1219 +msgid "Look at poster" +msgstr "Lihat poster" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1228 +msgid "Go to classrooms" +msgstr "Pergi ke ruang kelas" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1237 +msgid "Look at bush" +msgstr "Lihat semak-semak" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1245 +msgid "Go to locker room entrance" +msgstr "Pergi ke pintu masuk ruang loker" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1254 +msgid "Bad memories looking at this now." +msgstr "Ingatan buruk liat ini sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1256 +msgid "I was an idiot." +msgstr "Aku tolol." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1259 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1262 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1265 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_a5a151e8_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1268 +msgctxt "lookAlarm2_79c251c2_1" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1271 +msgid "If you're waiting for me to disagree, we're going to be here all day." +msgstr "Kalau kamu tunggu aku tidak setuju, kita akan disini seharian." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1280 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_656a56ba" +msgid "The poster says \"Reduce stress!\"" +msgstr "Posternya berkata \"Kurangi stress!\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1284 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_655a1055" +msgid "HahaHAH!!" +msgstr "HahaHAH!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1285 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_0aceba5d" +msgid "How exactly do they expect us to do that?" +msgstr "Gimana mereka harap kita bisa kayak gitu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1286 +msgctxt "lookPoster2_81cbde51" +msgid "Not go to school?{w=0.26} Get rid of our parents?" +msgstr "Gak ke sekolah?{w=0.26} Nyingkirin orang tua kita?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1296 +msgctxt "lookBush2_bbb27231" +msgid "OH MY GOD!!!! I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!" +msgstr "OH MY GOD!!!! GUA GAK PERCAYA!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1299 +msgctxt "lookBush2_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1302 +msgctxt "lookBush2_2a42d072" +msgid "THIS IS...THIS IS A BUSH!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "INI...INI SEMAK-SEMAK!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1303 +msgctxt "lookBush2_588540e7" +msgid "I never would've guessed!" +msgstr "Gua enggak akan bisa nebak!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1308 +msgctxt "lookBush2_f5a3cd1f" +msgid "FASCINATING!!!" +msgstr "MENGAGUMKAN!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1309 +msgctxt "lookBush2_beb8360c" +msgid "Let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful!" +msgstr "" +"Ayo kita lihat ini terus daripada ngelakuin sesuatu yang lebih berguna!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1320 +msgid "Noelle looks incredibly amused." +msgstr "Noelle terlihat sangat senang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1322 +msgid "Why the library?" +msgstr "Kenapa perpustakaan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1324 +msgid "You think Min-seo is going to read a book?" +msgstr "Kamu pikir Min-seo bakal membaca buku?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1327 +msgid "Doesn't hurt to be thorough, right?" +msgstr "Ga sakit kan kalau teliti?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1331 +msgid "Akarsha squeaks the door open." +msgstr "Akarsha membuka pintunya terbuka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1334 +msgid "The book scanner alarms go off!" +msgstr "Alarm pemindai buku berbunyi!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1335 +msgid "Everyone in the library turns to look at her!" +msgstr "Semua orang di perpustakaan melihat ke arahnya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1338 +msgid "OH SHIT???!!!!" +msgstr "WEH ANJIR???!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1339 +msgid "*weird shriek*" +msgstr "*menjerit aneh*" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1341 +msgid "Akarsha panics and bolts back out the door!" +msgstr "Akarsha panik dan melarikan diri!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1356 +msgid "Hoo!!! Good thing no one chased after us." +msgstr "Hoo!!! Baguslah tidak ada yang mengejar kita." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1357 +msgid "What even just happened?" +msgstr "Barusan apaan dah?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1360 +msgid "I don't know. How odd." +msgstr "Tidak tahu. Sangat aneh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1362 +msgid "I don't even have any books in my backpack. Why did it go off???" +msgstr "Aku bahkan enggak punya buku apapun di tasku. Kenapa bunyi???" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1364 +msgid "Maybe it was a fluke. You should try again." +msgstr "Mungkin kebetulan. Kamu harus mencobanya lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1366 +msgid "No thanks..." +msgstr "Enggak makasih..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1393 +msgid "Look at your reflection" +msgstr "Lihat pantulan diri" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1400 +msgid "Return to the courtyard" +msgstr "Kembali ke halaman" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1409 +msgid "Search the auditorium" +msgstr "Cari di aula" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1426 +msgid "Akarsha admires her own reflection in the window." +msgstr "Akarsha mengagumi pantulan dirinya sendiri di jendela." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1429 +msgid "I hate myself, but in a fun way where I'll still check myself out." +msgstr "" +"Gua benci diri gua sendiri, tapi dalam cara yang menyenangkan dimana gua " +"masih perhatiin diri gua sendiri." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1432 +msgid "Dat me." +msgstr "Ituw aku." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1436 +msgid "It's the 21st century. Why is acne still a thing?" +msgstr "Sekarang abad ke-21. Kenapa jerawat masih ada?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1439 +msgid "" +"Technology has literally advanced to the point where we can shoot LASER " +"BEAMS at your eyes to improve your vision. " +msgstr "" +"Teknologi udah maju sampe lu bisa nembakin SINAR LASER ke mata lu buat " +"ningkatin penglihatan lu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1440 +msgid "You'd think we would've found a cure for bad skin by now." +msgstr "Lu bakal mikir kita bakal udah nemu obat buat kulit jelek sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1441 +msgid "" +"Like, dude, I don't even want to be pretty. I just want to look average, and " +"not gross all the time." +msgstr "" +"Kayak, bro, gue bahkan enggak pengen cantik. Gue cuman pengen kelihatan " +"standar, dan enggak menjijikan terus." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1442 +msgid "It's hard being a weird goblin that no one has a crush on." +msgstr "Susah jadi jin aneh yang gak disukain orang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1446 +msgid "I wonder what it's like to be attractive." +msgstr "Gua penasaran rasanya jadi menarik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1449 +msgid "" +"Like, Diya could be wearing a garbage bag and still look better than I ever " +"will in my entire life." +msgstr "" +"Kayak, Diya bisa pake kantong sampah dan masih kelihatan lebih bagus dari " +"gua sepanjang hidup gua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1451 +msgid "" +"I asked her what she washes her face with, and she said she just splashes " +"water on it. Can you imagine being blessed with genes that good?" +msgstr "" +"Gua tanya dia cuci muka pakai apa, terus dia bilang dia cuman pake air. Bisa " +"bayangin ga sih diberkatin gen sebagus itu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1454 +msgid "It's okay, though. I'm over it." +msgstr "Gapapa, sih. Gua biasa aja." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1455 +msgid "Being ugly builds character." +msgstr "Jelek membangun karakter." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1469 +msgid "It's dead quiet in here." +msgstr "Sunyi banget disini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1471 +msgid "If I farted, you could hear it from a mile away." +msgstr "Kalau gua kentut, lu bisa dengar dari jauh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1474 +msgid "Please don't." +msgstr "Tolong jangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1479 +msgid "Yell something" +msgstr "Teriak sesuatu" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1484 +msgid "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" +msgstr "YAMEROooOoooo!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1486 +msgid "Akarsha's shrieking echoes in the empty hall for several seconds." +msgstr "Jeritan Akarsha bergema di aula kosong selama beberapa detik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1488 +msgid "...Wow, the acoustics in here are great." +msgstr "...Wow, akustik di sini bagus." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1490 +msgid "" +"I realize there's nothing I can do to prevent you from doing this, so I will " +"wait outside and pretend not to know you." +msgstr "" +"Aku sadar tidak ada yang bisa aku lakukan untuk mencegahmu melakukan ini, " +"jadi aku akan tunggu di luar dan pura-pura tidak mengenalmu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1492 +msgid "Noelle leaves the auditorium." +msgstr "Noelle meninggalkan aula." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1497 +msgid "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" +msgstr "SASsssssUKEeeeEEEE!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1506 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stressed out!" +msgstr "*beatboxing* Stres!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1507 +msgid "*beatboxing* Stop asking about college!" +msgstr "*beatboxing* Berhenti nanya tentang kuliah!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1508 +msgid "" +"*beatboxing* Stop asking about majors and my career! Stop asking about my " +"future!" +msgstr "" +"*beatboxing* Berhenti nanya jurusan dan karir gua! Berhenti nanya tentang " +"masa depan gua!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1511 +msgid "I DON'T KNOW OKAY!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!" +msgstr "GUA GAK TAHU OKE!! GUA GAK TAHU!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1512 +msgid "I'M NOT GOOD AT ANYTHING!" +msgstr "GUA GAK JAGO APA-APA!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1513 +msgid "I'M A FRAUD! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! I'M NOT THAT SMART!" +msgstr "GUA PENIPU! GUA GAK TAHU GUA NGAPAIN! GUA GAK SEPINTAR ITU!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1514 +msgid "" +"I'M SO AFRAID OF FAILURE THAT EVERYTHING I DO HAS TO BE FUNNY! BECAUSE IF " +"I'M NOT SERIOUS, IT'S NOT LIKE I WAS REALLY TRYING!" +msgstr "" +"GUA TAKUT BANGET GAGAL SAMPE SEMUA YANG GUA LAKUIN HARUS LUCU! SOALNYA KALAU " +"GA SERIUS, ITU KAYAK GUA ENGGAK BERUSAHA!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1515 +msgid "" +"I'M SO UNHAPPY!! GOOD THING I DISGUISE IT AS A SERIES OF JOKES SO NO ONE " +"NOTICES THE GAPING CHASM OF DARKNESS I LIVE ON THE EDGE OF!!!" +msgstr "" +"GUA BENER-BENER GA BAHAGIA!. BAGUSLAH GUA NUTUPIN JADI CANDAAN BIAR GA ADA " +"YANG SADAR JURANG GELAP YANG GUA TINGGALIN!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1516 +msgid "I WANNA DIE!!! KILL ME!!!!!" +msgstr "GUA PENGEN MATI!!! BUNUH GUA!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1521 +msgid "What're you doing?" +msgstr "Lo ngapain?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1524 +msgid "WaauUGHH!!!!" +msgstr "WaauUGHH!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1525 +msgid "Why're you here?! Weren't you supposed to be going to the bathroom?" +msgstr "Lu ngapain di sini?! Bukannya lu mau ke kamar mandi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1528 +msgid "I was. There's a family bathroom over there." +msgstr "Tadi. Ada kamar mandi bersama di sana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1529 +msgid "She points to a door at the far end of the auditorium." +msgstr "Dia menunjuk pintu di ujung aula." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1531 +msgid "Okay...?" +msgstr "Oke...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1534 +msgid "Anyone can use it. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl." +msgstr "Semuanya bisa pake. Gak ada yang peduli lo cowok atau cewek." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1536 +msgctxt "beatbox_7db5b18b" +msgid "...Right." +msgstr "...Ya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1538 +msgctxt "beatbox_dc547d3a" +msgid "Right." +msgstr "Ya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1540 +msgctxt "beatbox_79c251c2" +msgid "............." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1543 +msgid "Min looks relieved that Akarsha let the topic drop." +msgstr "Min terlihat lega Akarsha membiarkan topiknya berhenti." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1546 +msgid "So where's Diya?" +msgstr "Jadi mana Diya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1549 +msgid "How should I know? Isn't she with the rest of you guys?" +msgstr "Gimana gue tau? Bukannya dia sama kalian?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1551 +msgid "Huh. Never mind, then." +msgstr "Oh. Lupain, kalau gitu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1555 +msgid "Were you serious about that dying stuff?" +msgstr "Lo serius tentang pengen mati itu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1557 +msgid "Naw man, I'd never actively try to off myself." +msgstr "Enggaklah, gua gak bakal coba langsung." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1558 +msgid "" +"It's more like...if I was crossing the street and a car came barreling " +"toward me, I'm not sure I'd get out of the way." +msgstr "" +"Lebih kayak...kalau gua lagi nyebrang terus ada mobil yang dateng, gua gak " +"yakin bakal nyingkir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1561 +msgid "Then I'll hit the car out of the way." +msgstr "Kalau gitu gue bakal tabrak mobilnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1563 +msgid "You'll...hit it? What?" +msgstr "Lu bakal...tabrak? Hah?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1566 +msgid "With my own car. I'll ram into the one driving toward you." +msgstr "Pake mobil gue sendiri. Gue bakal hantam yang dateng ke arah lo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1568 +msgid "Your car'll get crushed." +msgstr "Mobil lu bakalan hancur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1571 +msgid "No, it won't. My car will be stronger." +msgstr "Enggak bakal. Mobil gue bakal lebih kuat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1573 +msgid "You think I'm gonna own some weak shrimpy-ass car?" +msgstr "Lo pikir gue bakal punya mobil letoy?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1575 +msgid "That other car is as good as dead." +msgstr "Mobil yang lainnya mati." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1578 +msgid "kKKhfffft??!!" +msgstr "kKKhfffft??!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1579 +msgid "" +"She's serious! She'd deadass try to save me by crashing into another car!" +msgstr "" +"Dia serius! Dia beneran bakalan coba nyelamatin gua dengan nabrakin mobil " +"lain!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1581 +msgid "Min looks relieved that she made Akarsha laugh." +msgstr "Min terlihat lega dia membuat Akarsha tertawa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1582 +msgid "She's holding an emo Linkin Park skateboard under one arm." +msgstr "Dia memegang sebuah skateboard Linkin Park emo dengan satu tangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1584 +msgid "Wanna learn how to skateboard?" +msgstr "Mau belajar naik skateboard?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1586 +msgid "Those aren't allowed at school, you know." +msgstr "Itu gak boleh di sekolah, tau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1589 +msgid "Rules are made to be broken." +msgstr "Peraturan dibuat buat dilanggar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1590 +msgid "Are you a square or a triangle?" +msgstr "Lo kotak atau segitiga?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1592 +msgid "I'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes." +msgstr "Gua yakin ngomongnya bukan kayak gitu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1595 +msgid "Min places her skateboard on the floor." +msgstr "Min menaruh skaterboardnya di lantai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1597 +msgid "Here, I'll show you something cool." +msgstr "Sini, gue tunjukkin sesuatu yang keren." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1611 +msgid "Hold on to me." +msgstr "Pegang gue." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1615 +msgid "I got you." +msgstr "Gue pegangin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1616 +msgid "But don't make this weird." +msgstr "Tapi jangan aneh-aneh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1617 +msgid "Don't make this weird." +msgstr "Jangan aneh-aneh." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1621 +msgid "*weird shriek* AAAAUGH!!! YAA!" +msgstr "*pekikan aneh* AAAAUGH!!! YAA!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1625 +msgid "WHAT DID I JUST SAY YOU USELESS HOE?!" +msgstr "TADI GUE BILANG APA BANGSAT?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1628 +msgid "Min manages to stand on the skateboard with Akarsha on her shoulders!" +msgstr "Min berhasil berdiri di atas skateboard dengan Akarsha di pundaknya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1631 +msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1632 +msgid "Something something...breaking free..." +msgstr "Sesuatu sesuatu...breaking free..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1633 +msgid "" +"I haven't watched High School Musical. I don't know the rest of the lyrics." +msgstr "Gue belum nonton High School Musical. Gue kagak tahu sisanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1634 +msgid "It's okay. Let's just keep repeating that one line." +msgstr "Gapapa. Ayo ulang aja lirik yang itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1635 +msgctxt "beatbox_a8bf3625_1" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1636 +msgctxt "beatbox_21e01727" +msgid "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." +msgstr "WE'RE SOARIN...FLYIN..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1645 +msgid "Feel better now?" +msgstr "Baikan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1649 +msgid "Yeah, I'm fine." +msgstr "Iya, gua baikan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1650 +msgid "I needed that." +msgstr "Gua butuh itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1652 +msgid "Akarsha's eyes are filling up with tears." +msgstr "Mata Akarsha mulai berkaca-kaca." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1654 +msgid "Time to make a joke." +msgstr "Waktunya bercanda." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1656 +msgid "You know what the economy needs?" +msgstr "Lu tahu apa yang ekonomi butuhin?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1658 +msgid "$3 bills. They should put my face on it." +msgstr "Uang kertas $3. Mereka harus taruh muka gua disana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1669 +msgid "Min ribs her in the arm." +msgstr "Min menyikutinya di lengan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1671 +msgid "You suck." +msgstr "Lo payah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1675 +msgid "Mean!" +msgstr "Jahat!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1683 +msgid "Akarsha ribs her back." +msgstr "Akarsha menyikutinya balik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1685 +msgctxt "beatbox_9bdd17ec" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Woi!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1687 +msgid "Oops, that was a bit harder than I expected." +msgstr "Waduh, itu lebih keras dari yang gua kira." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1697 +msgid "Min hits her back, harder!" +msgstr "Min memukulnya balik, lebih keras!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1698 +msgid "Akarsha retaliates by spitting on her own knuckles!" +msgstr "Akarsha membalasnya dengan meludahi kepalan tangannya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1700 +msgid "My punches inflict poison damage now!!!" +msgstr "Tinju gua sekarang beracun!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1710 +msgid "It turned into a fist fight!" +msgstr "Keadaan berubah menjadi baku hantam!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1711 +msgid "Hearing signs of violence, Noelle has run back into the auditorium." +msgstr "Mendengar tanda-tanda kekerasan, Noelle berlari kembali ke aula." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1714 +msgid "Chryssa! Look what they're doing!!!" +msgstr "Chryssa! Lihat mereka sedang apa!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1718 +msgid "Min, come back to the field with me." +msgstr "Min, balik ke lapangan denganku." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1721 +msgid "Chryssa drags Min off, leaving Akarsha and Noelle behind." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa menyeret Min pergi, meninggalkan Akarsha dan Noelle dibelakang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1731 +msgctxt "beatbox_2336aed8" +msgid "We found both of them." +msgstr "Kita nemuin mereka berdua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1734 +msgctxt "beatbox_be8d0937" +msgid "Yes." +msgstr "Ya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1736 +msgctxt "beatbox_4bb6904f" +msgid "Once again, I'm a hero!" +msgstr "Sekali lagi, gua pahlawan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1739 +msgctxt "beatbox_5a0fec90" +msgid "YOU'RE NOT A HERO." +msgstr "KAMU BUKAN PAHLAWAN." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1741 +msgctxt "beatbox_a0fce640" +msgid "Let's head back to the field, too." +msgstr "Ayo kembali ke lapangan juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1763 +msgid "Leave the auditorium" +msgstr "Keluar dari aula" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1772 +msgid "Look at fire alarm" +msgstr "Lihat alarm kebakaran" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1780 +msgid "Check out family bathroom" +msgstr "Periksa kamar mandi bersama" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1788 +msgid "Akarsha goes into the family bathroom." +msgstr "Akarsha pergi ke kamar mandi bersama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1789 +msgid "Unlike the regular ones, there's only one stall." +msgstr "Tidak seperti yang biasa, yang ini hanya punya satu toilet." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1791 +msgid "It's so clean?!" +msgstr "Bersih banget?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1793 +msgid "" +"Where's the pee on the toilet seat?? Where's the poo and blood stains like " +"in the girls bathroom?" +msgstr "" +"Mana pipis di dudukan toilet?? Mana kotoran sama noda darah kayak di kamar " +"mandi cewek?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1794 +msgid "It must be this pristine because no one else knows about it." +msgstr "Ini pasti bersih banget soalnya enggak ada yang tahu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1795 +msgid "This is heaven! No wonder Min uses it." +msgstr "Ini surga! Pantes aja Min pake." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1805 +msgid "Finally! Everyone's here." +msgstr "Akhirnya! Semuanya disini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1808 +msgid "And no one fell victim to a serial killer...what a relief." +msgstr "Dan enggak ada yang jadi korban pembunuh berantai...syukurlah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1809 +msgid "[teamName!t], assemble!" +msgstr "[teamName!t], kumpul!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1811 +msgid "The other team is warming up on the field." +msgstr "Tim lainnya sedang pemanasan di lapangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1813 +msgid "Killer Whale player" +msgstr "Pemain Killer Whale" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1816 +msgid "Two of them break from the rest of the group and rush up to Diya." +msgstr "Dua orang berpisah dari kelompok itu dan berlari ke arah Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1817 +msgid "" +"Diya rears back in fear and hides behind Noelle for a moment before she " +"appears to recognize them." +msgstr "" +"Diya mundur ketakutan dan bersembunyi di belakang Noelle untuk sesaat " +"sebelum dia mengenali mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1819 +msgid " Diya! It's us!" +msgstr "Diya! Ini kita!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1821 +msgctxt "akarsha2_8356b4b2" +msgid "......!!!" +msgstr "......!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1829 +msgid "" +"Diya high fives him with a brutally excessive amount of force. Their palms " +"meet with a deafening clap." +msgstr "" +"Diya bertos dengannya dengan kekuatan yang sangat besar. Telapak tangan " +"mereka bertemu dengan tepukan yang memekakkan telinga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1831 +msgid "" +"The victim swears and flaps the affected hand, as if to shake off the " +"stinging." +msgstr "" +"Korbannya mengumpat dan mengepakkan tangannya yang sakit, seolah ingin " +"menghilangkan sengatannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1832 +msgid "" +"He's trying valiantly to smile, but there are tears of pain in his eyes." +msgstr "Dia berusaha tersenyum dengan berani, tapi ada air mata di matanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1834 +msgid "We made our team accept the match when we heard you were here." +msgstr "Kita buat tim kita terima pertandingannya pas kita denger kamu disini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1836 +msgid "You look different from Min now. Can't believe this." +msgstr "Kamu beda banget sama Min sekarang. Aku enggak percaya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1838 +msgid "" +"Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if we still looked the same after all this " +"time?" +msgstr "" +"Bukannya bakal lebih ga bisa dipercaya kalau kita masih kelihatan sama?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1839 +msgid "Diya raises her hand for another high five." +msgstr "Diya menaikkan tangannya untuk tos lain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1841 +msgid "No! No no I don't want it!" +msgstr "Nggak! Nggak nggak ga mau!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1843 +msgid "Diya, you know them?" +msgstr "Diya, kamu kenal?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1846 +msgid "Hayden" +msgstr "Hayden" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1847 +msgid "We know Hayden from elementary school, and Jun's my twin." +msgstr "Kita kenal Hayden dari SD, dan Jun kembaran gue." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1848 +msgid "Jun jolts at the sound of Min's voice, visibly shocked." +msgstr "Jun tersentak saat mendengar suara Min, jelas-jelas terkejut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1851 +msgid "Min?!" +msgstr "Min?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1852 +msgid "What're you doing here??" +msgstr "Lu ngapain disini??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1854 +msgid "Same thing as you. Baseball." +msgstr "Sama kayak lu. Baseball." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1856 +msgid "Do Mom and Dad know you're doing this?" +msgstr "Papa Mama tahu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1858 +msgid "Do you even need to ask?" +msgstr "Lu harus nanya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1860 +msgid "Jun sighs. He seems really used to this." +msgstr "Jun menghela nafas. Dia kelihatan terbiasa dengan ini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1864 +msgid "Now that everyone's here, let's get started." +msgstr "Karena semuanya disini, ayo kita mulai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1882 +msgid "Since we're the home team, we're defending first." +msgstr "Karena kita tim tuan rumah, kita yang bertahan dulu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1886 +msgid "Liz hands Min what looks like a tiny white pouch filled with powder." +msgstr "" +"Liz menyerahkan Min apa yang seperti sebuah kantung putih kecil yang penuh " +"bubuk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1887 +msgid "A cloud of dust puffs out when she grabs it." +msgstr "Awan debu mengepul ketika dia mengambilnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1889 +msgid "We have rosin! To help improve your grip." +msgstr "Kita punya rosin! Buat bantu genggaman kamu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1891 +msgid "Wow! Real rosin!!" +msgstr "Wah! Rosin asli!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1892 +msgid "Min is so excited that she accidentally inhales a bunch of the powder." +msgstr "Min sangat bersemangat sampai tidak sengaja menghirup bubuk tersebut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1894 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ad56e609" +msgid "*cough!!!*{w=0.26} *hack!!!*{w=0.26} *wheeze!!!*" +msgstr "*uhuk!!!*{w=0.26} *huek!!!*{w=0.26} *huing!!!*" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1896 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1386c66b" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1899 +msgctxt "akarsha2_c006af61" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1901 +msgctxt "akarsha2_849468c3" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1907 +msgid "Hayden is the lead-off hitter." +msgstr "Hayden pemukul pertama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1908 +msgid "Min spits on the ground for dramatic effect." +msgstr "Min meludah di tanah untuk efek dramatis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1910 +msgid "Ew!" +msgstr "Ih!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1912 +msgid "Min, that's gross. Don't do that again." +msgstr "Min, itu menjijikan. Jangan gitu lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1916 +msgid "Diya crouches into position." +msgstr "Diya meringkuk ke posisi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1917 +msgid "" +"As an afterthought, she points her index finger down at the ground. Min " +"smugly nods back and straightens up on the mound." +msgstr "" +"Sebagai renungan, dia menunjukkan telunjuknya ke tanah. Min mengangguk " +"dengan angkuh dan berdiri tegak di undakan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1919 +msgid "Since when do you two have signs?" +msgstr "Sejak kapan kalian punya sinyal?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1921 +msgid "Oh, they don't mean anything." +msgstr "Oh, itu enggak ada artinya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1923 +msgid "We're just doing it because it looks cool." +msgstr "Kita lakuin soalnya keren doang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1930 +msgid "Min winds up and throws." +msgstr "Min bersiap dan melempar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1931 +msgid "" +"The ball comes in chest high, perfectly spinless. If someone had written a " +"message on it, you could read it." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya datang setinggi dada, tanpa putaran. Kalau seseorang menulis sebuah " +"pesan di situ, kamu bisa membacanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1934 +msgid "" +"Then it does what looks like a double dip and and drops into Diya's glove." +msgstr "" +"Lalu bolanya melakukan apa yang kelihatan seperti tukikan ganda dan jatuh ke " +"sarung tangan Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1935 +msgid "Hayden swings at it, but he's way off." +msgstr "Hayden mengayun pada bolanya, tapi dia meleset." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1940 +msgid "Gyaaah!" +msgstr "Gyaaah!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1942 +msgid "Was the scream really necessary?" +msgstr "Harus banget teriak?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1950 +msgid "" +"Hayden manages to skim the next pitch. It bounces up about an inch above the " +"bat and plops down in front of the plate." +msgstr "" +"Hayden berhasil melewati lemparan berikutnya. Bolanya memantul sekitar satu " +"inci di atas pemukulnya dan jatuh di depan plate." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1951 +msgid "Diya pounces on it and throws him out." +msgstr "Diya menyambarnya dan membuat dia keluar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1953 +msgid "Nooooo...What was that?" +msgstr "Yaaaaaah...Itu apaan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1955 +msgid "A knuckleball. It's like a trick pitch." +msgstr "Knuckleball. Itu kayak lemparan tipuan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1957 +msgid "I don't trust it." +msgstr "Gua enggak percaya itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1958 +msgid "Cursed." +msgstr "Terkutuk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1960 +msgid "It's not cursed. It's like that because of physics." +msgstr "Nggak terkutuk. Kayak gitu gara-gara fisika." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1962 +msgid "...Cursed." +msgstr "...Terkutuk" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1966 +msgid "Chryssa yells out to [teamName!t] triumphantly." +msgstr "Chryssa meneriakan [teamName!t] dengan penuh kemenangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1968 +msgid "Chryssa yells out to the [teamName!t] triumphantly." +msgstr "Chryssa meneriakan [teamName!t] dengan penuh kemenangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1970 +msgid "See! I told you I wasn't making it up!" +msgstr "Tuh! Aku bilangin aku ga bohong!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1971 +msgid "" +"Sakura and Yuki exchange a look, then turn to Chryssa with skeptical faces." +msgstr "" +"Sakura dan Yuki bertukar pandangan, dan menghadap Chryssa dengan wajah " +"skeptis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1973 +msgid "Come on!" +msgstr "Ayolah!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1976 +msgid "The next batter swings helplessly at three knucklers and sits down." +msgstr "Batter selanjutnya mengayun tanpa daya pada tiga knuckler lalu duduk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1980 +msgid "Jun-seo is up against his twin now." +msgstr "Jun-seo melawan kembarannya sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1985 +msgid "Min winds up and lets another knuckler go." +msgstr "Min bersiap dan melemparkan knuckler lain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1988 +msgid "He hit a line drive straight at Akarsha." +msgstr "Dia memukul line drive langsung ke Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1995 +msgid "It's coming toward me!" +msgstr "Bolanya dateng ke gua!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:1996 +msgid "I can't reach it with my hand!" +msgstr "Gua ga bisa nangkep pakai tangan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2001 +msgid "Kick it" +msgstr "Tendang" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2011 +msgid "Akarsha kicked the ball!" +msgstr "Akarsha menendang bolanya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2013 +msgid "She's now hopping around on one foot in pain." +msgstr "Dia sekarang melompat-lompat dengan satu kaki dalam kesakitan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2015 +msgid "Ow!! Ow!! " +msgstr "Ow!! Ow!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2018 +msgid "You fucking dumbass!! Why didn't you just catch it?!" +msgstr "Lo tolol anjing!! Kenapa gak tangkep aja?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2020 +msgid "Don't mind!" +msgstr "Don't mind!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2022 +msgctxt "akarsha2_3bc705ee" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Hah?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2024 +msgid "Don't mind. They say that in sport anime when someone screws up." +msgstr "" +"Don't mind. Mereka ngomong itu di anime olahraga waktu ada yang ngacau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2026 +msgid "" +"I'm literally going to throw up. You even said it with a fake Japanese " +"accent." +msgstr "" +"Aku beneran mau muntah. Kamu bahkan ngomongnya pake aksen Jepang palsu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2028 +msgid "Wait, I think it's a good idea, though. It helps boost morale." +msgstr "Tunggu, tapi aku pikir itu ide yang bagus. Bantu nambah moral." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2031 +msgid "" +"We're already called Semes! How much more are we gonna embarrass ourselves?!" +msgstr "Kita udah dipanggil Semes! Mau nambah malu-maluin gimana lagi?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2033 +msgid "Don't be rude. We should support our teammates' interests." +msgstr "Jangan kayak itu. Kita harus ngedukung kegemaran anggota tim kita." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2035 +msgid "At what cost?!" +msgstr "Buat apa?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2039 +msgid "" +"The ball bounces back toward home plate. Diya scoops up the ball and hurls " +"it to first." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya memantul kembali ke home plate. Diya mengambil bolanya dan " +"melemparnya ke base pertama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2041 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "Out!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2043 +msgid "What the! That actually worked!" +msgstr "Apa! Beneran bisa!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2045 +msgid "Yes!! I'm a certified genius!" +msgstr "Ya!! Gua jenius!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2046 +msgid "My Nobel Prize..." +msgstr "Hadiah Nobelku..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2049 +msgid "" +"You're not getting a Nobel Prize for kicking a ball instead of catching it " +"the right way." +msgstr "" +"Kamu tidak akan mendapat Hadiah Nobel karena menendang bola bukannya " +"menangkapnya dengan benar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2062 +msgid "" +"Aw, we don't have real dugouts? There's just a little bench for each side." +msgstr "" +"Aw, kita nggak punya tempat istirahat beneran? Hanya ada bangku kecil di " +"tiap sisi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2064 +msgid "" +"What were you expecting? The school doesn't have an official baseball team, " +"so we're lucky to even have this." +msgstr "" +"Apa yang kamu harapin? Sekolah nggak punya tim baseball resmi, jadi kita " +"punya ini aja sudah beruntung." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2066 +msgid "I never got why dugouts need to be half underground like that." +msgstr "" +"Aku gak pernah ngerti kenapa dugout harus setengah di bawah tanah kayak gitu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2067 +msgid "Like, it's not a freakin' bomb shelter. Stop being so dramatic." +msgstr "Kayak, itu bukan shelter bom. Enggak usah dramatis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2070 +msgid "" +"The team takes a seat on the bench except Diya, who's still taking off the " +"catcher's gear." +msgstr "" +"Seluruh tim duduk di bangku kecuali Diya, yang masih melepas perlengkapan " +"catcher." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2072 +msgid "" +"The [teamName!t] take their seats on the bench except Diya, who's still " +"taking off the catcher's gear." +msgstr "" +"[teamName!t] duduh di bangku kecuali Diya, yang masih mencopot perlengkapan " +"catcher." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2075 +msgid "There's not quite enough space for everyone." +msgstr "Tidak ada cukup tempat untuk semuanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2077 +msgid "Left standing, Diya hovers uncertainly beside them." +msgstr "Dibiarkan berdiri, Diya berdiri di samping mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2078 +msgid "There's not enough room." +msgstr "Tempatnya enggak cukup." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2080 +msgid "Then you can sit in my lap." +msgstr "Kalau gitu aku pangku kamu aja." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2082 +msgctxt "akarsha2_6276c5a5" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2085 +msgid "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" +msgstr "Bukannya kebalik ya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2088 +msgid "Why the hell would it be the other way around?" +msgstr "Kenapa kebalik anjir?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2090 +msgid "You're the smaller one??" +msgstr "Lu lebih kecil??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2098 +msgid "OW??!" +msgstr "OW??!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2100 +msgid "Min kicked Akarsha really hard under the bench!" +msgstr "Min menendang Akarsha dengan sangat keras di bawah bangku." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2101 +msgid "" +"Diya and Noelle both startle at Akarsha's yelp. Neither of them saw the kick." +msgstr "" +"Diya dan Noelle terkaget saat mendengar teriakan Akarsha. Tidak ada yang " +"melihat tendangan itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2103 +msgid "......?" +msgstr ".......?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2105 +msgid "What's wrong with you?" +msgstr "Kamu kenapa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2107 +msgctxt "akarsha2_cd2045ac" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2109 +msgid "She's glaring at me with a murderous look in her eyes..." +msgstr "Dia ngeliatin gua pake tatapan yang membunuh..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2111 +msgid "I, uh...farted." +msgstr "Gua, anu...kentut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2112 +msgid "I was trying to cover up the sound." +msgstr "Gua berusaha nutupin suaranya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2115 +msgctxt "akarsha2_bb188d77" +msgid "What...?" +msgstr "Apa...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2117 +msgid "Crap. I don't think she buys it." +msgstr "Anjir. Kayaknya dia enggak percaya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2119 +msgid "That's inconsistent with your past behavior." +msgstr "Itu tidak sesuai dengan perilaku masa lalumu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2120 +msgid "" +"Last week you told me the disgusting and unwanted fact that you had three " +"consecutive farts that formed a D major triad." +msgstr "" +"Minggu lalu kamu memberi tahu aku fakta menjijikan dan tidak diinginkan " +"kalau kamu kentut tiga kali berturut-turut yang membentuk rangkaian D major." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2121 +msgid "Why go through such lengths to mask a single fart now?" +msgstr "Kenapa susah-susah coba menutupi sebuah kentut sekarang?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2122 +msgid "You're hiding something." +msgstr "Kamu menyembunyikan sesuatu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2124 +msgid "I should scream now, as a distraction." +msgstr "Gua harus teriak sekarang, sebagai distraksi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2127 +msgid "*bloodcurdling scream*" +msgstr "*teriakan mengerikan*" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2131 +msgid "SHUT UP!!! STOP SCREAMING!!!" +msgstr "DIAM!! BERHENTI BERTERIAK!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2133 +msgid "You're screaming too." +msgstr "Lo teriak juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2135 +msgid "The bench creaks a bit as Diya nervously lowers herself in Min's lap." +msgstr "" +"Bangku sedikit berderit ketika Diya dengan gugup duduk di pangkuan Min." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2136 +msgid "Min immediately wraps an arm around Diya's waist." +msgstr "Min dengan sigap merangkul pinggang Diya dengan satu tangan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2138 +msgctxt "akarsha2_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2140 +msgid "I have to do this so we don't lose our balance!" +msgstr "Aku harus ngelakuin ini biar kita enggak kehilangan keseimbangan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2141 +msgid "Yeah!!!!!!" +msgstr "Yaaa!!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2144 +msgid "" +"Better watch out, Diya. Min's probably thinking about doing bad things to " +"you." +msgstr "Awas, Diya. Min kayaknya mau ngapa-ngapain lu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2147 +msgid "I wanna do bad things to you, Akarsha." +msgstr "Gue pengen ngapa-ngapain lo, Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2149 +msgid "Really?? Like what?" +msgstr "Bener?? Kayak gimana?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2152 +msgid "Like snap your fucking neck." +msgstr "Kayak matahin leher lo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2154 +msgid "How mean!!!" +msgstr "Jahat banget!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2162 +msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against [teamName!t]." +msgstr "Jun-seo melempar melawan [teamName!t]" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2164 +msgid "Jun-seo is pitching against the [teamName!t]." +msgstr "Jun-seo melempar melawan [teamName!t]" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2165 +msgid "" +"His throws look a lot faster than Min's. He strikes Ester out with ease." +msgstr "" +"Lemparannya terlihat jauh lebih cepat dari Min. Dia memukul bola Ester " +"dengan mudah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2167 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_1" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "Out!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2170 +msgid "" +"Liz is keeping score with a pencil and paper. She dutifully marks the " +"strikeout with a \"K.\"" +msgstr "" +"Liz mencatat skor dengan sebuah pensil dan kertas. Dia menandai strikeoutnya " +"dengan sebuah \"K.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2172 +msgid "Why isn't a strikeout S or SO? Why K?" +msgstr "Kenapa strikeout bukan S atau SO? Kenapa K?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2174 +msgid "K is for Killed." +msgstr "K buat Killed." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2176 +msgid "That can't be it." +msgstr "Itu tidak mungkin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2178 +msgid "It's because S is already used for sacrifice." +msgstr "Soalnya S udah dipakai buat sacrifice." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2179 +msgid "The K from the the last letter of \"struck.\"" +msgstr "K dari huruf terakhir \"struck.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2181 +msgid "That's a lame reason." +msgstr "Payah banget alasannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2183 +msgid "Agreed. I like Min's reason better." +msgstr "Setuju. Gua lebih suka alasannya Min." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2189 +msgid "\"Sakura\" is up to bat now." +msgstr "\"Sakura\" yang memukul sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2193 +msgid "She whiffs the first pitch, but pops the second one up." +msgstr "Dia melewati lemparan pertama, tapi berhasil memukul yang kedua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2195 +msgid " I got it!" +msgstr "Gua dapet!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2197 +msgid "He chases the ball into foul territory and dives for it." +msgstr "Dia mengejar bolanya ke daerah pelanggaran dan menangkapnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2200 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_2" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "Out!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2202 +msgid "" +"This situation sucks. If we were even able to get to first base, we could " +"steal or do some weird shit, but nope..." +msgstr "" +"Situasinya jelek. Kalau kita bahkan bisa sampe ke base pertama, kita bisa " +"nyuri atau ngelakuin yang aneh-aneh, tetapi enggak..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2205 +msgid "" +"Actually, I did some research on that. In most cases, attempting to steal " +"has a much higher chance of having a negative result than a positive one." +msgstr "" +"Sebenarnya, aku melakukan riset tentang itu. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, mencoba " +"untuk mencuri punya kesempatan lebih tinggi untuk punya hasil negatif " +"daripada hasil positif." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2206 +msgid "" +"Since most of us aren't that confident in our stealing skills, it would be " +"better for us not to try it." +msgstr "" +"Karena kebanyakan dari kita tidak seyakin itu dengan kemampuan mencuri kita, " +"akan lebih baik untuk kita untuk tidak mencobanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2208 +msgid "What the hell are you saying? Stealing is important." +msgstr "Lo ngomong apaan sih? Nyuri tuh penting." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2210 +msgid "No, it objectively has little value and is often actually detrimental." +msgstr "" +"Tidak, itu secara obyektif punya nilai yang kecil dan seringkali justru " +"merugikan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2211 +msgid "" +"For steal attempts to be NOT detrimental, you have to succeed around 70 " +"percent of the time. That's the point where you break even." +msgstr "" +"Agar usaha mencuri TIDAK merugikan, kamu harus berhasil sekitar 70 persen " +"tiap waktu. Itu titik di mana kamu mencapai titik impas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2212 +msgid "" +"The exact number depends on the situation, but it's always around that range." +msgstr "Angka pastinya tergantung dari situasi, tapi selalu di sekitar itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2213 +msgid "" +"For instance, for a runner on first with no outs, getting caught stealing " +"will lose a team two-thirds of a run, on average, and a successful steal " +"gains a third of a run." +msgstr "" +"Contohnya, untuk pelari pertama tanpa out, ketahuan mencuri akan membuat tim " +"kehilangan dua pertiga dari sebuah run, rata-rata, dan pencurian yang sukses " +"mendapat sepertiga dari run." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2214 +msgid "" +"So for every three steal attempts, you need to convert at least two, or the " +"only thing you're stealing is runs from your team." +msgstr "" +"Jadi untuk setiap tiga usaha mencuri, kamu harus mengubah setidaknya dua, " +"atau satu-satunya hal yang kamu curi adalah giliran tim kamu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2215 +msgid "" +"Do you succeed that often? If not, you are actually hurting the team's " +"chances." +msgstr "" +"Apakah kamu sering sukses? Kalau tidak, kamu sebenarnya melukai kesempatan " +"tim." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2217 +msgid "Min looks like she understood none of that." +msgstr "Min terlihat tidak mengerti apapun." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2219 +msgid "Shut your hell up, you...lamp post!" +msgstr "Bacot, dasar...tiang lampu!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2221 +msgid "Shut your hell up..." +msgstr "Bacot..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2224 +msgid "Lamp post..." +msgstr "Tiang lampu..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2226 +msgid "You can't reduce things down to numbers." +msgstr "Lu enggak bisa jadiin semuanya jadi angka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2228 +msgid "Yes, I can." +msgstr "Aku bisa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2229 +msgid "" +"She uses a stick to scratch a formula into the dirt:\n" +"SBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" +msgstr "" +"Dia menggunakan sebuah batang untuk menulis sebuah formula di tanah:\n" +"SBP = SB(SB+CS) x 100%%" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2232 +msgid "Min quickly stomps out the formula." +msgstr "Min dengan cepat menginjak-injak formula tersebut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2233 +msgid "The evil is defeated." +msgstr "Kejahatan dikalahkan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2235 +msgid "Those equations are just a bunch of word games. They're not real." +msgstr "Persamaan itu cuman permainan kata doang. Ga nyata." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2237 +msgid "Look, this isn't even a matter of opinion. I'm right." +msgstr "Begini, ini bukan masalah pendapat. Aku benar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2238 +msgid "Numbers don't lie." +msgstr "Angka tidak berbohong." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2240 +msgid "There are things you can't see!" +msgstr "Ada hal yang enggak bisa lo lihat!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2242 +msgid "Like what? Your feelings? The power of friendship?" +msgstr "Seperti apa? Perasaanmu? Kekuatan pertemanan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2243 +msgid "" +"Does it not occur to you that perhaps your enemies have those things too?" +msgstr "" +"Apakah tidak terpikir olehmu kalau mungkin musuh kamu juga punya hal-hal itu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2244 +msgid "They're on both sides of the equation, so they cancel each other out." +msgstr "Mereka ada di kedua sisi persamaan, jadi mereka saling membatalkan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2246 +msgid "Oh my god! This is baseball, not rocket science." +msgstr "Ih! Ini baseball, bukan ilmu roket." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2248 +msgid "But this isn't rocket science. This is basic algebra." +msgstr "Tapi ini bukan ilmu roket. Ini aljabar dasar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2250 +msgid "Bro, give it up. Noelle hates being wrong." +msgstr "Bro, nyerah aja. Noelle benci banget salah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2253 +msgid "Actually, I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation." +msgstr "Sebenarnya, aku tidak tahu. Aku tidak familiar dengan sensasinya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2255 +msgid "Liz comes up and taps Akarsha on the shoulder." +msgstr "Liz datang dan menepuk pundak Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2257 +msgid "Hey! You're up to bat now." +msgstr "Hei! Kamu yang pukul sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2259 +msgid "Akarsha lets out a prolonged croaking sound that lasts for 30 seconds." +msgstr "Akarsha mengeluarkan suara parau yang berlangsung selama 30 detik." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2261 +msgid "We're down two outs, so I better not screw this up." +msgstr "Kita kalah dua out, jadi gua lebih baik enggak ngacauin." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2264 +msgid "Akarsha picks a bat and heads to the plate." +msgstr "Akarsha mengambil sebuah tongkat pemukul dan pergi ke plate." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 +msgid "Intimidate the enemy with an impressive entrance" +msgstr "Intimidasi musuh dengan jalan masuk yang mengagumkan" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2272 +msgid "Use psychological warfare" +msgstr "Gunakan perang psikologis" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2274 +msgid "" +"Akarsha slowly does a taichi pose while maintaining eye contact with Jun-seo." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha perlahan-lahan melakukan gerakan taichi sambil mempertahankan kontak " +"mata dengan Jun-Seo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2276 +msgid "This is the form, \"Grasp the bird's tail.\"" +msgstr "Ini gaya, \"Ambil ekor burung.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2278 +msgid "" +"Akarsha lies on her back and tries to jump onto her feet without using her " +"hands." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha berbaring telentang dan mencoba melompat tanpa menggunakan tangannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2280 +msgid "There's not enough momentum. She just flops back down." +msgstr "Tidak ada cukup momentum. Dia hanya jatuh kembali." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2282 +msgid "Wait for it. I got this." +msgstr "Tunggu. Gua bisa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2285 +msgid "" +"She tries it again. This time she manages to land on the balls of her feet, " +"but doesn't have muscle to pull herself up." +msgstr "" +"Dia mencoba lagi. Kali ini dia berhasil mendarat di tumitnya, tapi tidak " +"punya kekuatan untuk berdiri." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2287 +msgid "Defeated, she lands back on her butt." +msgstr "Terkalahkan, dia mendarat di pantatnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2289 +msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d" +msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." +msgstr "Akasha, cukup." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2291 +msgid "" +"Jun-seo doesn't look intimidated at all. He winds up and throws the ball." +msgstr "" +"Jun-seo tidak terlihat terintimidasi sama sekali. Dia bersiap dan melempar " +"bolanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2297 +msgid "You're not invited to my birthday party anymore." +msgstr "Lu gak diundang ke pesta ulang tahun gua lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2300 +msgctxt "akarsha2_433a0f52" +msgid "...What...?" +msgstr "...Hah...?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2303 +msgid "This is my special technique: Verbal Smoke Bomb." +msgstr "Ini teknik spesial gua: Bom Asap Verbal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2304 +msgid "" +"My remark brought up so many questions that he's been thrown into confusion." +msgstr "Kata-kata gua bikin bingung sampe dia morat-marit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2307 +msgctxt "akarsha2_41647c3d_1" +msgid "Akarsha, cut it out." +msgstr "Akarsha, cukup." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2310 +msgid "Still looking perplexed, Jun-seo pitches the ball." +msgstr "Masih terlihat bingung, Jun-seo melempar bola." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2312 +msgid "" +"Akarsha isn't experienced enough to distinguish balls from strikes, so she " +"randomly decides whether or not to swing." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha tidak cukup berpengalaman untuk membedakan ball dengan strike, jadi " +"dia secara acak memutuskan untuk mengayun atau tidak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2313 +msgid "Unsurprisingly, she racks up three strikes in an instant." +msgstr "Tidak mengagetkan, dia mengumpulkan tiga strike dalam sekejap." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2315 +msgid "No...my special technique..." +msgstr "Yahh...teknik spesial gua..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2318 +msgid "How about you practice more instead of using your special technique?" +msgstr "Gimana kalau kamu latihan lagi daripada pakai teknik spesialmu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2320 +msgid "It's time to switch sides now." +msgstr "Sekarang waktunya untuk bertukar sisi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2330 +msgid "The batter hits the ball towards Akarsha again." +msgstr "Batter memukul bola ke arah Akarsha lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2331 +msgid "Akarsha fumbles the ball, allowing the runner to safely reach the bag." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha memainkannya bolanya, yang memungkinkan runner mencapai base dengan " +"aman." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2333 +msgid "Thanks for screwing up." +msgstr "Makasih udah ngacau." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2335 +msgid "I didn't screw up. That was on purpose." +msgstr "Gua ga ngacau. Sengaja itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2336 +msgid "The truth is, I'm a double agent." +msgstr "Sebenarnya, gua agen ganda." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2339 +msgid "JUST ADMIT YOU MESSED UP ALREADY." +msgstr "MENGAKU SAJA KALAU KAMU MENGACAU." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2345 +msgid "" +"The Killer Whales have one out and a runner on first. The runner takes off " +"as Jun-seo bunts the ball." +msgstr "" +"The Killer Whales punya satu out dan seorang runner di base pertama. " +"Runnernya mulai berlari saat Jun-seo memukul bolanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2347 +msgid "" +"It rolls slowly all the way down the left foul line; Diya follows it " +"closely, hovering over it like a hawk." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya menggelinding secara perlahan sampai ke garis pelanggaran kiri; Diya " +"mengikutinya dengan cermat, mengawasinya seperti seekor elang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2349 +msgid "What's she doing?" +msgstr "Dia ngapain?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2352 +msgid "" +"If Diya can grab it when it's on the left side of the line, it'll count as " +"foul." +msgstr "" +"Kalau Diya bisa ambil pas bolanya di sebelah kiri garisnya, itu bakal " +"termasuk foul." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2353 +msgid "" +"You can't run on foul balls, so the runner will have to return to first." +msgstr "" +"Kamu enggak bisa lari gara-gara bola foul, jadi runnernya harus balik ke " +"base pertama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2355 +msgid "The ball is still rolling almost exactly down the line." +msgstr "Bolanya masih menggelinding hampir tepat di garis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2357 +msgid "" +"Akarsha runs ahead of the ball and drags her foot in the dirt to make a path " +"curving to the right." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha berlari mendahului bolanya dan menyeret kakinya di tanah untuk " +"membuat jalan yang melengkung ke kanan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2359 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ceb307ab" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Woi!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2361 +msgid "The ball hits the path and rolls foul! Diya quickly grabs it." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya menyentuh jalannya dan menjadi foul! Diya dengan cepat menangkapnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2363 +msgid "I'm a triple agent." +msgstr "Gua agen rangkap tiga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2366 +msgid "" +"You can't just change allegiances to match whether or not you messed up." +msgstr "" +"Kamu tidak bisa ganti kesetiaan begitu saja untuk mencocokan kamu ngacau " +"atau tidak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2374 +msgid "Min throws the next pitch for a strike." +msgstr "Min melempar lemparan berikutnya untuk strike." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2377 +msgid "Nice work! Time to switch sides again." +msgstr "Kerja bagus! Waktunya tukaran sisi lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2379 +msgid "That was fast." +msgstr "Cepet juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2382 +msgid "That's good. It means Min's knuckleball is working." +msgstr "Itu bagus. Berarti knuckleball Min berguna." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2385 +msgid "We should give it a special name." +msgstr "Kita harus kasih nama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2386 +msgid "Like...Knuckles." +msgstr "Kayak...Knuckles." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2389 +msgid "I'm not calling it a damn Sonic character." +msgstr "Gua enggak akan namain itu karakter Sonic." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2391 +msgid "It can be butterfly related, since they flutter." +msgstr "Bisa berhubungan sama kupu-kupu, soalnya mengepak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2393 +msgid "Butterfly...butterfly thingy." +msgstr "Kupu-kupu...kupu-kupu sesuatu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2394 +msgid "Butterfly from Hell's Anus." +msgstr "Kupu-kupu dari Anus Jahanam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2397 +msgid "The \"anus\" part wasn't necessary." +msgstr "Bagian \"anus\"nya tidak perlu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2411 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e7bfb3b0" +msgid "Noelle, you're up to bat!" +msgstr "Noelle, kamu yang pukul!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2415 +msgid "Akarsha catcalls Noelle as she walks up to the plate." +msgstr "Akarsha mengejek Noelle saat dia berjalan ke plate." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2417 +msgid "WAOWW!! IT'S NOELLE!! YOW-WEE-MAMA!!!" +msgstr "WAOWW!! ITU NOELLE!! YOW-WEE-MAMA!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2420 +msgid "SHUT UP!!!!!" +msgstr "DIAM!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2422 +msgid "How mean!" +msgstr "Jahat banget!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2429 +msgid "A swing and a miss." +msgstr "Sebuah ayunan dan meleset." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2432 +msgid "I wonder if Noelle enjoys this?" +msgstr "Gua penasaran kalau Noelle senang?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2435 +msgid "She's having fun." +msgstr "Dia bersenang-senang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2437 +msgid "She's scowling as she swings the bat." +msgstr "Dia merengut pas ngayunin tongkatnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2440 +msgid "" +"That's just her personality. If she disliked it, she would've quit by now." +msgstr "" +"Itu sifatnya aja. Kalu dia enggak suka, dia harusnya udah keluar dari tadi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2446 +msgid "Noelle strikes out." +msgstr "Noelle strike out." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2450 +msgid "Diya, you're next." +msgstr "Diya, kamu selanjutnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2458 +msgid "The catcher gets up and stands far off to the side, away from Diya." +msgstr "Catchernya berdiri dan berdiri di samping, jauh dari Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2459 +msgid "Jun throws it into his mitt." +msgstr "Jun melemparnya ke sarung tangannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2463 +msgid "It's an intentional walk." +msgstr "Itu disengaja." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2465 +msgid "Right off the bat? They haven't even seen her hit yet." +msgstr "Langsung? Mereka bahkan belum lihat dia mukul." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2467 +msgid "" +"They're scared of her. Hayden knows how strong she is, from when we were " +"little." +msgstr "Mereka takut dia. Hayden tahu dia sekuat apa, dari kita kecil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2468 +msgid "" +"They probably figure it's fine to let her have first since no one else on " +"the team can get a hit." +msgstr "" +"Mereka mungkin mikir gapapa buat ngebiarin dia dapet yang pertama soalnya " +"enggak ada orang lain di tim yang bisa mukul." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2471 +msgid "That's smart. It'll be hard for us to score without her." +msgstr "Itu pintar. Susah buat kita buat ngeskor tanpa dia." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2476 +msgid "" +"Once they've thrown four balls, Diya throws the bat to the side and trots to " +"first." +msgstr "" +"Ketika mereka telah melempar empat bola, Diya melempar tongkat pemukul ke " +"samping dan berlari." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2479 +msgid "" +"It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the team " +"accumulates two more outs in an instant." +msgstr "" +"Sepertinya dia melakukan hal yang benar, karena setelah Diya berjalan, tim " +"mendapat dua out lagi dalam sekejap." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2482 +msgid "" +"It looks like he made the right call, because after Diya's walk, the " +"[teamName!t] accumulate two more outs in an instant." +msgstr "" +"Sepertinya dia melakukan hal yang benar, karena setelah Diya berjalan, " +"[teamName!t] mendapat dua out lagi dalam sekejap." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2483 +msgid "Diya is stranded there until they switch sides." +msgstr "Diya terjebak disana sampai mereka berganti sisi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2491 +msgid "Neither team manages to score for the next few innings." +msgstr "" +"Tidak ada tim yang berhasil mencetak gol untuk beberapa babak berikutnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2493 +msgid "" +"Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the others aren't skilled " +"enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." +msgstr "" +"Diya masih dilewati di tiap at-bat, dan yang lainnya tidak cukup terampil " +"untuk memukul lemparan musuh dengan handal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2495 +msgid "" +"Diya is still getting walked at each at-bat, and the other [teamName!t] " +"aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches." +msgstr "" +"Diya masih dilewati di tiap at-bat, dan [teamName!t] yang lainnya tidak " +"cukup terampil untuk memukul lemparan musuh dengan handal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2497 +msgid "" +"A few people manage to get hits off Min's knuckleball by chance, but no " +"one's made it home yet." +msgstr "" +"Beberapa orang kebetulan dapat memukul knuckleball Min, tapi belum ada yang " +"bisa pergi ke home." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2498 +msgid "By the 7th inning, though, some of Min's luck starts to run out." +msgstr "Namun, pada saat inning ke 7, keberuntungan Min mulai habis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2503 +msgid "" +"Min's next pitch comes in high and inside, but instead of dropping, it soars " +"up into the air." +msgstr "" +"Lemparan Min yang selanjutnya datang dengan tinggi, tapi bukannya jatuh, " +"bolanya melambung ke udara." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2506 +msgid "Diya has to jump to catch it." +msgstr "Diya harus melompat untuk menangkapnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2510 +msgid "" +"That's the fourth ball; the batter throws his bat aside and jogs to first " +"base. The bases are loaded with no outs." +msgstr "" +"Itu ball keempat, batternya melemparkan pemukulnya dan berlari ke base " +"pertama. Basenya sekarang penuh tanpa out." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2513 +msgid "This is terrible. They're probably going to score at least one goal." +msgstr "Ini buruk. Mereka mungkin akan mencetak setidaknya satu gol." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2515 +msgid "Did you just say \"goal\"??" +msgstr "Lu baru bilang \"gol\"??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2519 +msgid "The next batter is a buff looking fellow." +msgstr "Pemukul selanjutnya adalah seseorang yang terlihat berotot." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2524 +msgid "He smashes the pitch straight into right field, where Noelle is." +msgstr "Dia memukulnya lurus ke lapangan kanan, tempat Noelle berada." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2526 +msgid "No! That's the worst possible person he could've hit it to!" +msgstr "Jangan! Itu orang paling parah yang dia bisa pukul bolanya!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2529 +msgid "It's so far out that the ball is like a speck in the clouds." +msgstr "" +"Bolanya sangat jauh sampai bolanya terlihat seperti sebuah titik di awan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2530 +msgid "" +"Noelle is apprehensively backing up with her glove out, squinting up at sky." +msgstr "" +"Noelle dengan khawatir mundur dengan sarung tangannya keluar, menyipitkan " +"matanya untuk melihat langit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2531 +msgid "" +"She plants her feet firmly shoulders' width apart, reaches up, and claps her " +"free hand decisively over the glove." +msgstr "" +"Dia menanamkan kedua kakinya dengan kuat, selebar bahu, meraih ke atas, dan " +"menepukkan tangan yang satunya di atas sarung tangannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2535 +msgid "She caught it?!" +msgstr "Dia nangkep?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2538 +msgid "She caught it!" +msgstr "Dia nangkep!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2541 +msgid "How is that possible?!" +msgstr "Gimana caranya?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2543 +msgid "" +"The runners all skid and scramble to reverse direction. They all need to tag " +"up on their former bases now or they're out." +msgstr "" +"Para runner semuanya cepat-cepat berlari ke arah sebaliknya. Mereka perlu " +"menandai base mereka sebelumnya sekarang atau mereka out." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2545 +msgid "No one thought she would catch it! Here's our chance!" +msgstr "Gak ada yang pikir dia bisa nangkep! Ini kesempatan kita!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2548 +msgid "Noelle throws to Liz at second base." +msgstr "Noelle melempar ke Liz di base kedua." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2552 +msgid "" +"There's a loud slap noise as Liz covers her glove with her hand, preventing " +"the ball from bouncing out." +msgstr "" +"Ada suara tamparan keras saat Liz menutupi sarung tangannya dengan tangan " +"yang satunya, mencegah bola memantul keluar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2553 +msgid "She easily tags the bag before Hayden can return to it." +msgstr "Dia dengan mudah menandai base sebelum Hayden bisa kembali ke sana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2555 +msgid "That's two outs! Just one more!" +msgstr "Dua out! Satu lagi!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2557 +msgid "Liz rears up and throws to Akarsha, who's manning first base." +msgstr "Liz bangkit dan melempar ke Akarsha, yang menjaga base pertama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2559 +msgid "...What the hell?" +msgstr "...Apaan?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2561 +msgid "There's nothing in Liz's hand. She's throwing nothing at Akarsha." +msgstr "" +"Tidak ada apapun di tangan Liz. Dia tidak melemparkan apa-apa pada Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2563 +msgid "" +"Akarsha pretends to catch it in her glove and tags first base before Jun " +"reaches it." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha berpura-pura menangkapnya dan menandai base pertama sebelum Jun " +"sampai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2564 +msgctxt "akarsha2_1d3f7afe_3" +msgid "Out!" +msgstr "Out!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2566 +msgid "The runners are dejectedly returning to their defensive positions." +msgstr "Para runner dengan sedih kembali ke posisi bertahan mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2567 +msgid " A triple play?!" +msgstr "Triple play?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2569 +msgid "Jun is looking at Akarsha suspiciously." +msgstr "Jun melihat Akarsha dengan curiga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2571 +msgid "Wait a minute! She's not holding anything." +msgstr "Tunggu! Dia enggak pegang apa-apa!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2573 +msgid "He saw!" +msgstr "Dia liat!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2576 +msgid " What?? Where's the ball, then?" +msgstr "Apa? Bolanya dimana dong?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2578 +msgid "Heck if I know." +msgstr "Mana gua tahu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2581 +msgid "How do you guys not know??" +msgstr "Gimana ga tahu??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2585 +msgid "I got it." +msgstr "Aku dapat!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2586 +msgid "" +"Chryssa plucks the missing ball from the grass in right field, where it's " +"been this entire time." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa memungut bolanya dari rumput di lapangan kanan, tempatnya selama ini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2587 +msgid "Noelle didn't even catch it in the first place." +msgstr "Noelle enggak nangkep dari awal." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2589 +msgid "I knew it!" +msgstr "Tuh kan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2592 +msgid " So we're not out after all!" +msgstr "Jadi kita gak out sama sekali!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2594 +msgid "No, you're all still out." +msgstr "Tidak, kalian semua masih out." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2595 +msgid "" +"The rulebook states that if a runner abandons his effort to run the bases, " +"he's out." +msgstr "" +"Buku peraturannya bilang kalau ada pelari yang meninggalkan usahanya untuk " +"menjaga base, dia out." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2596 +msgid "You all clearly gave up." +msgstr "Kalian semua dengan jelas menyerah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2597 +msgid "So it's still a triple play." +msgstr "Jadi masih triple play." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2599 +msgid "You son of a bitch..." +msgstr "Bangsat..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2601 +msgctxt "akarsha2_7626e124" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Hei!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2603 +msgid "That was actually a compliment. I think." +msgstr "Itu pujian. Sepertinya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2605 +msgid "It was a compliment." +msgstr "Itu pujian." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2607 +msgid "This feels kind of like an asshole move, though." +msgstr "Tapi ini rasanya kayak sesuatu yang brengsek." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2609 +msgid "On what planet do you guys live on where Noelle isn't an asshole?" +msgstr "Kalian tinggal di planet apa dah dimana Noelle gak ngeselin?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2612 +msgid "Is it okay to trick them like that? Isn't it cheating?" +msgstr "Gapapa buat nipu mereka kayak gitu? Enggak curang?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2614 +msgid "" +"It's not cheating. You guys deserve a freakin' Academy Award for that " +"performance just now." +msgstr "" +"Enggak curang. Kalian pantas ngedapetin Academy Award buat pertunjukan " +"barusan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2615 +msgid "Especially Noelle. Good job!" +msgstr "Terutama Noelle. Kerja yang bagus!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2617 +msgid "Shut up. Don't praise me like I'm a little kid." +msgstr "Diam. Jangan puji aku seperti anak kecil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2619 +msgid "Are you crying?!" +msgstr "Kamu nangis?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2622 +msgid "Ib nob cryig!" +msgstr "Ag didak menangi!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2625 +msgid "" +"By the way, when you act like the ball is somewhere it's not, that's called " +"a deke— short for \"decoy.\"" +msgstr "" +"Oh ya, saat kamu akting kayak bolanya ada di tempat yang tidak seharusnya," +"itu disebut deke- kependekan dari \"decoy.\"" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2626 +msgid "Dekes an important part of infield play, like a feint." +msgstr "" +"Deke bagian penting dari permainan tengah lapangan, kayak gerakan palsu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2627 +msgid "" +"They're rarely as elaborate as the three-way deke we just pulled off, but " +"it's the same idea." +msgstr "" +"Itu jarang rumit kayak deke tiga arah yang baru saja kita lakuin, tapi sama " +"aja." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2629 +msgid "WE THE DEKE SQUAD." +msgstr "KITA DEKE SQUAD." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2630 +msgid "Get it?" +msgstr "Ngerti?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2633 +msgid "Oh my god. It's like Dick Squad, but Deke." +msgstr "Oh my god. Kayak Dick Squad, tapi Deke." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2635 +msgctxt "akarsha2_75840b17" +msgid "Deke Squad." +msgstr "Deke Squad." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2637 +msgctxt "akarsha2_003e0e2a" +msgid "Deke Squad." +msgstr "Deke Squad." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2640 +msgid "*chanting* DEKE SQUAD! DEKE SQUAD!" +msgstr "*bernyanyi* DEKE SQUAD! DEKE SQUAD!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2643 +msgid "I bet the teachers always separate you two in class." +msgstr "Taruhan guru-guru selalu misahin kalian berdua di kelas." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2645 +msgid "You bring out the worst in each other." +msgstr "Kamu ngeluarin yang terburuk dari satu sama lain." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2655 +msgid "" +"It's Akarsha's turn to bat again. There's already two outs and no one on " +"base." +msgstr "" +"Giliran Akarsha untuk memukul lagi. Sudah ada dua out dan tidak ada siapapun " +"di base." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2658 +msgid "The Killer Whales are still winning, [enemyScore!t] to [teamScore!t]." +msgstr "Killer Whales masih unggul, [enemyScore!t] [teamScore!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2661 +msgid "The game is still tied, 0 - 0." +msgstr "Gamenya masih seri, 0 - 0" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2663 +msgid "Suddenly, Jun cries out from the mound." +msgstr "Tiba-tiba, Jun berteriak dari gundukan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2665 +msgid "Wait, time out! My contact hurts!" +msgstr "Tunggu, time out! Lensa kontak gua sakit!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2666 +msgid "Everyone pauses." +msgstr "Semuanya berhenti." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2668 +msgid " What's wrong with it?" +msgstr "Ada yang salah?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2670 +msgid "I think I got dust under the lens." +msgstr "Kayanya ada debu masuk ke bawah lensa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2672 +msgid "" +"Face screwed up in pain, he takes out what appears to be a tiny plunger." +msgstr "" +"Sambil merengut kesakitan, dia mengeluarkan apa yang seperti penyedot kecil." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2674 +msgid " What is that??" +msgstr "Itu apaan??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2676 +msgid "It's for taking out contact lens." +msgstr "Buat ngeluarin lensa kontak." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2679 +msgid " You're going to play without it on?? You can't pitch like that." +msgstr " Lu bakal main ga pake itu?? Lu ga bisa ngelempar kaya gitu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2681 +msgid "Hayden, didn't you say you wanted to try pitching?" +msgstr "Hayden, bukannya lu bilang mau coba ngelempar?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2683 +msgid " Right now?? I've literally never pitched a ball in my life." +msgstr " Sekarang?? Gua bener-bener belom pernah ngelempar bola." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2685 +msgid "Why not? There's a first time for everything." +msgstr "Kenapa enggak? Selalu ada pertama kali buat semuanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2687 +msgid "" +"Jun-seo takes out the offending contact. He's now effectively blind in one " +"eye." +msgstr "Jun-seo mengeluarkan lensa kontaknya. Sekarang dia buta di satu mata." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2689 +msgid " Okay. Here goes nothing!" +msgstr " Oke. Gua coba!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 +msgid "Intimidate him with your baseball expertise" +msgstr "Intimidasi dia dengan keahlian baseballmu" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2692 +msgid "Act weak so he goes easy on you" +msgstr "Pura-pura lemah agar dia santai padamu" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2695 +msgid "I go to baseball games." +msgstr "Gua ke pertandingan baseball." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2696 +msgid "I eat the baseballs." +msgstr "Gua makan bola baseballnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2699 +msgctxt "akarsha2_99bf1f31" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2702 +msgid "" +"Akarsha takes one step forward and collapses dramatically across the plate." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha mengambil satu langkah ke depan dan jatuh secara dramatis di " +"seberang plate." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2705 +msgid "My ankle!" +msgstr "Pergelangan kaki gua!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2707 +msgid "Everyone is so used to her antics by now that no one reacts." +msgstr "" +"Semuanya sudah terbiasa dengan perilakunya sehingga tidak ada yang bereaksi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2709 +msgid "Akarsha, stop screwing around and get up." +msgstr "Akarsha, berhenti ngacau dan bangun." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2711 +msgid "Akarsha clutches her heart and gasps for breath." +msgstr "Akarsha mencengkram jantungnya dan terengah-engah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2713 +msgid "That's so mean! The shock put me into cardiac arrest!" +msgstr "Jahat banget! Syoknya bikin gua sakit jantung!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2717 +msgid "AKARSHA!" +msgstr "AKARSHA!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2719 +msgid "Akarsha winces and puts a hand on her stomach." +msgstr "Akarsha menggerenyet dan menaruh tangan di perutnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2721 +msgid "My appendix burst from the pressure!" +msgstr "Usus buntu gua meledak!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2725 +msgid "Fine. Die then." +msgstr "Yasudah. Mati sana." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2730 +msgid "" +"Hayden pitches the ball. Akarsha gets up just in time to take a wild swing " +"at it." +msgstr "" +"Hayden melempar bolanya. Akarsha berdiri tepat waktu untuk mengayunkan pada " +"bolanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2732 +msgid "I somehow hit it!" +msgstr "Entah gimana gua berhasil mukul!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2737 +msgid "" +"Through sheer luck, it's heading toward Jun, who's squinting up at it with " +"his good eye." +msgstr "" +"Melalui keberuntungan semata, bolanya mengarah ke Jun, yang menyipitkan mata " +"yang berfungsi pada bolanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2739 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e449a898" +msgid "I got it!" +msgstr "Dapet!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2747 +msgid "The ball hits him in the face!" +msgstr "Bolanya mengenainya di wajah!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2750 +msgid "Akarsha makes it to second base in the confusion." +msgstr "Akarsha sampai di base kedua dengan bingung." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2753 +msgid "Nice batting!" +msgstr "Batting yang bagus!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2758 +msgid "" +"Finally...for the first time this entire game, someone's on already on base " +"when Diya is up." +msgstr "" +"Akhirnya...buat pertama kalinya di seluruh permainan, ada yang udah di base " +"waktu giliran Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2765 +msgid "" +"Even though Hayden is just walking Diya, he looks really scared to be " +"pitching against her." +msgstr "" +"Walaupun Hayden hanya berjalan melewati Diya, dia terlihat sangat ketakutan " +"untuk melempar melawannya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2767 +msgid "He throws the next pitch." +msgstr "Dia melempar lemparan berikutnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2770 +msgid "" +"Everyone watches as the ball soars almost straight up into the sky in a high " +"arc." +msgstr "" +"Semuanya menonton ketika bolanya terbang hampir lurus ke atas ke arah langit " +"dalam lengkungan tinggi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2771 +msgid "It drops back down about halfway to the plate." +msgstr "Bolanya jatuh hampir setengah jalan ke plate." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2774 +msgid "HE DID A NOELLE..." +msgstr "DIA NGENOELLE..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2777 +msgid "Don't name errors after me!" +msgstr "Jangan namakan kesalahan dengan namaku!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2779 +msgid "HAYDEN WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!" +msgstr "HAYDEN LU NGAPAIN??!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2782 +msgid " SHUT UP! IT SLIPPED OUT OF MY HAND!" +msgstr " DIEM! KEPELESET DARI TANGAN GUA!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2786 +msgid "Hayden picks up the ball and tries again." +msgstr "Hayden mengambil bolanya dan mencoba lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2788 +msgid "He accidentally throws it straight at Diya's head." +msgstr "Dia tidak sengaja melemparnya ke arah kepala Diya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2791 +msgid "Diya ducks." +msgstr " Diya menunduk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2793 +msgid " Ack! Sorry!" +msgstr " Ack! Maaf!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2795 +msgid "What the fuck is your problem?!" +msgstr "Masalah lu apa sih bangsat?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2797 +msgid "How dare you! Diya could've been killed!" +msgstr "Beraninya! Diya bisa mati!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2801 +msgid "" +"Min and Noelle have stormed to the mound and are now bashing Hayden together." +msgstr "Min dan Noelle berlari dari undakan dan sedang memukul Hayden bersama." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2803 +msgid "I'm calling the police." +msgstr "Aku akan telpon polisi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2805 +msgid " What? No one got hurt." +msgstr "Apa? Gak ada yang luka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2807 +msgid "It doesn't matter. That was criminal negligence." +msgstr "Tidak penting, Itu kejahatan kelalaian." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2809 +msgid "I will personally make sure your entire life is ruined." +msgstr "Aku akan memastikan seluruh hidupmu hancur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2811 +msgid "He should be executed." +msgstr "Dia harus dieksekusi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2813 +msgid "Executed?!" +msgstr "Dieksekusi?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2815 +msgid "Hey! Get back on the bench!" +msgstr "Hei! Balik ke bangku!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2817 +msgid "Noelle, put the phone down! No one's getting arrested!" +msgstr "Noelle, taruh HPmu! Enggak ada yang bakalan ditahan!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2818 +msgid "MIN, WHERE DID YOU GET MORE KNIVES?" +msgstr "MIN, DARIMANA KAMU DAPAT PISAU LAGI?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2829 +msgid "" +"Diya steps back up to the plate as Min and Noelle are dragged back to the " +"bench." +msgstr "Diya kembali ke plate saat Min dan Noelle diseret kembali ke bangku." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2830 +msgid "" +"They're both glowering in the corner, darkly muttering to one another..." +msgstr "Mereka berdua memelototi dari ujung, bergumam pada satu sama lain..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2832 +msgid "There is no justice in the world." +msgstr "Tidak ada keadilan di dunia." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2834 +msgid "Both of you, knock it off!" +msgstr "Kalian berdua, udah!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2838 +msgid "Hayden winds up and throws the ball." +msgstr "Hayden bersiap dan melempar bolanya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2843 +msgid "It's not far enough outside! Diya lunged out at it and made contact. " +msgstr "" +"Bolanya tidak cukup jauh ke luar! Diya menerjangnya dan melakukan kontak. " + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2846 +msgid "She got a hit off the intentional walk attempt!" +msgstr "Dia dapet pukulan dari usaha jalan yang disengaja!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2850 +msgid "She hammers it straight into right field, right at Jun-seo again." +msgstr "" +"Dia melemparkannya langsung ke lapangan kanan, langsung ke Jun-seo lagi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2852 +msgid "I got this! I got this!" +msgstr "Gua dapet! Gua dapet!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2854 +msgid "The ball rolls through his legs." +msgstr "Bolanya menggelinding melewati kakinya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2858 +msgid "Diya and Akarsha cross home plate to win the game." +msgstr "Diya dan Akarsha melewati home plate untuk memenangkan pertandingan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2861 +msgid "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!" +msgstr "YEEEEAHHH!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2865 +msgid "I can't believe it! We won!" +msgstr "Aku gak percaya! Kita menang!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2867 +msgid "You don't have to look so blatantly shocked." +msgstr "Kamu enggak harus kelihatan kaget banget." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2874 +msgid "The Niles team is departing." +msgstr "Tim Niles sedang bersiap pergi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2875 +msgid "Min and Noelle glare at Hayden as he goes into the van they arrived in." +msgstr "" +"Min dan Noelle memelototi Hayden saat dia masuk ke dalam van yang mereka " +"kendarai." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2878 +msgid "Are you guys still plotting revenge?" +msgstr "Kalian mau balas dendam?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2879 +msgid "I'll help. I love drama." +msgstr "Gua ikut. Gua suka tubir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2882 +msgid "Are you still on your period?" +msgstr "Lo masih mens?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2883 +msgid "Maybe you can touch him with your cursed period blood hand again." +msgstr "" +"Mungkin lo bisa pegang dia pake tangan darah mens lo yang terkutuk itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2885 +msgid "Too late, man. The blood's brown now. They might think it's mud. " +msgstr "Telat. Darahnya coklat sekarang. Mereka bisa kira itu lumpur." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2887 +msgid "" +"There's 9 of us, though, so there's probably 2.25 other girls on their " +"periods." +msgstr "Kita ada 9 orang, jadi mungkin ada 2.25 cewek lain yang lagi mens." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2888 +msgid "" +"What if we got all of them to run at the boys' team from different " +"directions? That'd be like a nightmare." +msgstr "" +"Gimana kalau kita lari ke tim cowok dari arah yang beda-beda? Itu bakal " +"kayak mimpi buruk." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2891 +msgid "I doubt anyone but you would agree to that plan." +msgstr "Aku ragu ada yang lain selain kamu yang setuju dengan rencana itu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2892 +msgid "" +"Honestly, the guys would probably freak out even if you just threw a clean " +"pad at them." +msgstr "" +"Sejujurnya, mereka sepertinya akan panik bahkan kalau kamu melempar pembalut " +"bersih pada mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2896 +msgid "Oh my gosh...You're right!" +msgstr "Oh my gosh...Lu bener!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2897 +msgid "Thanks for the idea." +msgstr "Makasih idenya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2900 +msgid "No. No!" +msgstr "Tidak. Tidak!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2901 +msgid "Don't do this. I refuse to be involved in this." +msgstr "Jangan lakukan ini. Aku menolak untuk terlibat dengan ini." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2904 +msgid "" +"This is friendship goals, Frenchman. If we go down, we all go down together." +msgstr "Ini tujuan pertemanan, Frenchman. Kalau kita turun, kita turun bareng." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2907 +msgid "" +"THAT'S JUST A ROUNDABOUT WAY OF SAYING YOU'RE DRAGGING ME DOWN WITH YOU." +msgstr "" +"ITU HANYA CARA TIDAK LANGSUNG UNTUK MENGATAKAN KAMU MENYERETKU DENGANMU." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2909 +msgid "" +"Akarsha pulls a pad from her backpack and rips the wrapper open with a loud " +"crinkle." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha mengambil pembalut dari tasnya dan membuka bungkusnya dengan suara " +"yang keras." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2911 +msgid "I don't get why they make the sound so conspicuous." +msgstr "Aku tidak mengerti kenapa mereka membuat suaranya begitu kentara." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2915 +msgid "" +"I know, right? The only way they could make it more obvious is if they added " +"firecrackers." +msgstr "" +"Ya kan? Satu-satunya cara mereka buat lebih jelas ya kalau mereka tambah " +"mercon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2917 +msgid "" +"Chryssa is power walking over to them. She has developed a sixth sense when " +"some stupid shit is about to go down." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa berjalan dengan ke arah mereka. Dia telah mengembangkan indra keenam " +"ketika suatu kebodohan akan terjadi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2920 +msgid "Who's opening a pad out here?" +msgstr "Siapa yang buka pembalut disini?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2923 +msgctxt "akarsha2_57537cff" +msgid "....!" +msgstr "....!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2924 +msgid "Noelle quickly moves about 15 feet away and pretends not to know them." +msgstr "" +"Noelle dengan cepat menghindar sekitar 15 kaki dan pura-pura tidak mengenal " +"mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2926 +msgid "We gotta make this quick!" +msgstr "Kita harus gercep!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2929 +msgid "We should soak it with something to make it more unknown." +msgstr "Kita harus rendam pake sesuatu biar gak ketahuan ini apaan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2931 +msgid "I have Gatorade." +msgstr "Aku punya Gatorade." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2933 +msgid "What flavor?" +msgstr "Rasa apa?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2935 +msgid "Yellow one. Yellow flavor." +msgstr "Yang kuning. Rasa kuning." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2937 +msgid "YES..." +msgstr "YAA..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2940 +msgid "" +"I hate that I know you well enough to discern that you want it to look like " +"pee." +msgstr "" +"Aku benci bahwa aku cukup mengenalmu untuk paham kalau kamu ingin itu " +"terlihat seperti pipis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2943 +msgid "Pee girl." +msgstr "Cewek pipis." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2944 +msgid "Akarsha pours a splash of the Gatorade on it." +msgstr "Akarsha menuangkan Gatorade di pembalut tersebut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2946 +msgid "" +"I feel like I'm doing one of those absorbency demonstrations in commercials." +msgstr "Gua ngerasa kaya lagi iklan demonstrasi penyerapan." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2949 +msgid "Our liquid is the wrong color, though. It's always blue." +msgstr "Cairan kita salah warna. Biasanya biru." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2951 +msgid "Those cowards. They should use red like blood." +msgstr "Cemen. Mereka harusnya pake merah kayak darah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2952 +msgid "Akarsha holds up their finished creation." +msgstr "Akarsha memegang ciptaan mereka." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2954 +msgid "I'm gonna throw it now." +msgstr "Gua bakal lempar sekarang." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2955 +msgid "Should I?" +msgstr "Sekarang?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2958 +msgctxt "akarsha2_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "TIDAK." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2961 +msgctxt "akarsha2_2f93b5b4" +msgid "Do it!" +msgstr "Ayo!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2964 +msgid "Akarsha flings the pad like a frisbee into the van!" +msgstr "Akarsha melempar pembalut itu seperti frisbee ke dalam van!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2972 +msgid "It hits Jun-seo in the shoulder." +msgstr "Pembalut itu mengenai Jun-seo di bahu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2975 +msgid " WHAT IS THAT??!" +msgstr " ITU APAAN??!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2978 +msgid "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" +msgstr "AAAAaaaAAAAaAAAA!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2980 +msgid "Jun goes down!" +msgstr "Jun merunduk!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2981 +msgid "Screams fill the van as though a grenade was thrown in." +msgstr "Teriakan memenuhi van seperti sebuah granat dilempar kedalam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2982 +msgid "The team desperately scatters away from the deadly object." +msgstr "Tim itu mati-matian berhamburan kabur dari objek mematikan tersebut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2983 +msgid "Someone is climbing out of the window." +msgstr "Seseorang sedang memanjat keluar jendela." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2985 +msgid "Akarsha and Min" +msgstr "Akarsha dan Min" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2988 +msgid "HAHAHAHA!!!!" +msgstr "HAHAHAHA!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2993 +msgid "WHAT DID YOU BRATS DO THIS TIME?!" +msgstr "KALIAN BOCAH-BOCAH NGAPAIN SEKARANG?!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2995 +msgctxt "akarsha2_56bfc018" +msgid "...!" +msgstr "...!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:2997 +msgid "Run. Run!" +msgstr "Kabur. Kabur!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3001 +msgid "GET BACK HERE!" +msgstr "BALIK SINI!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3008 +msgid "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "GYyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAa!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3024 +msgctxt "akarsha2_66517db0" +msgid "Ayyyy! I'm here." +msgstr "Ayyyy! Gua dateng." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3026 +msgctxt "akarsha2_e3e731e4" +msgid "Hello? Diya? Homie??" +msgstr "Halo?? Diya?? Bro??" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3029 +msgid "Diya is examining something on a tree branch." +msgstr "Diya sedang memeriksa sesuatu di dahan pohon." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3030 +msgid "[caterpillar!t] made a cocoon." +msgstr "[caterpillar!t] bikin kepompong." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3031 +msgid "She points at the chrysalis." +msgstr "Dia menunjuk pada kepompong tersebut." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3032 +msgid "He's soup now, inside." +msgstr "Dia sup sekarang, didalam." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3034 +msgid "Isn't it crazy? Their whole body liquifies and has to rebuild itself." +msgstr "Gila enggak? Badannya mencair terus dia harus buat lagi sendiri." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3035 +msgid "Imagine if growing up was that bad for us." +msgstr "Bayangin kalau bertumbuh tuh separah itu buat kita." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3038 +msgid "It must be a complicated process." +msgstr "Pasti prosesnya rumit." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3039 +msgid "" +"I always worry something will go wrong in there, and they won't ever wake up." +msgstr "" +"Aku selalu khawatir bakal ada yang sesuatu di dalam sana, dan mereka enggak " +"bisa bangun." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3040 +msgid "What if someone shakes it really hard? It'll stir the soup." +msgstr "Gimana kalau ada yang guncangin keras banget? Itu bakal ngaduk supnya." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3042 +msgid "Naw man, they're pretty resilient." +msgstr "Nggak lah, mereka lumayan kuat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3043 +msgid "Did you know its memory survives that?" +msgstr "Lu tahu nggak kalau ingatannya selamat dari itu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3044 +msgid "" +"If you teach a caterpillar something, like to fear a certain smell or " +"whatever, after it comes out of its cocoon as a butterfly it'll still " +"remember." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu ngajarin ulat sesuatu, kayak buat takut bau tertentu atau apalah, " +"dia bakal keluar dari kepompongnya jadi kupu-kupu dan masih ingat." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3046 +msgid "" +"Even though the outside's different, it's still the same Caterpilly on the " +"inside, from beginning to end." +msgstr "" +"Walaupun luarnya beda, dia masih Ulat yang sama di dalamnya, dari awal " +"sampai akhir." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3050 +msgid "Will he remember me?" +msgstr "Dia bakal ingat aku?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3052 +msgid "Sure, as much as an eating machine can." +msgstr "Iyalah, sebanyak yang mesin pemakan bisa." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3053 +msgid "Believe in [caterpillar!t]." +msgstr "Percaya sama [caterpillar!t]." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3063 +msgctxt "akarsha2_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3066 +msgctxt "akarsha2_da7667f7" +msgid "Akarsha." +msgstr "Akarsha." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3069 +msgctxt "akarsha2_ea9e118e" +msgid "Ya?" +msgstr "Ya?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3072 +msgid "I need to tell you something. Noelle wouldn't understand." +msgstr "Aku harus kasih tahu kamu sesuatu. Noelle enggak bakal ngerti." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3074 +msgctxt "akarsha2_caf4954b" +msgid "I..." +msgstr "Aku..." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3076 +msgid "....................less......." +msgstr ".....................less......." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3077 +msgid ".............bean. " +msgstr "..............bean." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3079 +msgid "I like a girl. " +msgstr "Aku suka satu cewek." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3081 +msgid "Oh. Nice." +msgstr "Oh. Bagus." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3084 +msgid "........You're not surprised." +msgstr ".........Kamu enggak kaget." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3086 +msgid "I mean, I can tell. " +msgstr "Maksud gua, gua sadar." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3087 +msgid "I'm bi." +msgstr "Gua bi." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3090 +msgid "??????????????????" +msgstr "???????????????????" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3092 +msgid "It's not a secret? I've literally hit on girls in front of you?" +msgstr "Itu bukan rahasia? Gua pernah gombalin cewek depan lu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3093 +msgid "I've literally hit on you? " +msgstr "Gua pernah gombalin lu?" + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3095 +msgid "You...What. " +msgstr "Kamu...Hah." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3096 +msgid "But those were all jokes. I thought you were kidding. " +msgstr "Tapi itu kan bercanda. Aku kira kamu bercanda." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3098 +msgid "The kinds of jokes you decide to tell are indicative of your character." +msgstr "Candaan yang lu putusin buat kasih tahu tuh nunjukin karakter lu." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3100 +msgid "I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke." +msgstr "Gua kasih tahu lawakan homo soalnya gua emang lawakan homo." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3102 +msgid "Also, you should tell Min. She likes you back. " +msgstr "Dan, lu harus kasih tahu Min. Dia suka lu juga." + +#: game/3_akarsha.rpy:3104 +msgid "I'll help you. " +msgstr "Gua bantu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:44 +msgid "2nd grade" +msgstr "Kelas 2" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:64 +msgid "Min, are you ready to go?" +msgstr "Min, udah siap berangkat?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:66 +msgctxt "min1_a17a3158" +msgid "Heck no." +msgstr "Belom lah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:67 +msgid "I still gotta do my hair." +msgstr "Aku masih harus ngerapihin rambut." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:70 +msgid "Slowpoke." +msgstr "Lelet." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:72 +msgid "Not my fault." +msgstr "Bukan salah aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:73 +msgid "Do you have any idea how long this takes to dry?" +msgstr "Kamu tahu butuh berapa lama buat ngeringin ini?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:76 +msgid "Oh, come on. It's like 5 minutes." +msgstr "Ayolah. Kayak 5 menit." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:78 +msgid "But it builds up! Combined over my lifetime, it adds up to..." +msgstr "Tapi numpuk! Kalau digabungin, jadi..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:79 +msgid "Uh.........." +msgstr "Uh..........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:80 +msgid "Infinity." +msgstr "Tak terhingga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:83 +msgid "If you don't know the answer, just admit it." +msgstr "Kalau enggak tahu jawabannya, bilang aja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:93 +msgid "I read something interesting in the news this morning." +msgstr "Aku baca sesuatu yang menarik di berita tadi pagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:95 +msgid "Wait, what?" +msgstr "Tunggu, apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:96 +msgid "I thought you have that thing where you can't read. Dystopia." +msgstr "Aku kira kamu punya itu yang kamu enggak bisa baca. Dystopia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:99 +msgctxt "america_00c7e6ca" +msgid "Dyslexia." +msgstr "Dyslexia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:101 +msgctxt "america_42f5162f" +msgid "Dyslexia." +msgstr "Dyslexia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:104 +msgid "And I CAN read. It just takes me longer." +msgstr "Dan aku BISA baca. Cuman lebih lama." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:106 +msgid "So what's the thing you read?" +msgstr "Jadi kamu baca apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:108 +msgid "What percent of America do you think is Asian-American?" +msgstr "Berapa persen dari Amerika yang menurut kamu orang Asia-Amerika?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "50%%" +msgid "50%" +msgstr "50%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "80%%" +msgid "80%" +msgstr "80%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:109 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "100%%" +msgid "100%" +msgstr "100%%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:112 +msgid "Maybe like half?" +msgstr "Kayaknya setengah?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:115 +msgid "Probably more. Like 80%%." +msgstr "Mungkin lebih. Kayak 80%%." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:118 +msgid "Maybe like 80%%?" +msgstr "Kayaknya 80%%?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:123 +msgid "100%%." +msgstr "100%%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:127 +msgid "What am I, then?!" +msgstr "Lah, aku apa dong?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:128 +msgid "Your imaginary friend??" +msgstr "Temen khayalan kamu??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:130 +msgid "Oh. I forgot about you." +msgstr "Oh. Aku lupa kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:133 +msgid "That's even worse! I'm standing right in front of you!" +msgstr "Itu lebih parah! Aku berdiri depan kamu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:136 +msgid "What's the actual answer?" +msgstr "Jawabannya apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:138 +msgid "4%%." +msgstr "4%%" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:141 +msgid "4%%?!" +msgstr "4%%?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:143 +msgid "I knew it. He can't read." +msgstr "Tuh kan. Dia enggak bisa baca." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:146 +msgid "I can read! That's what it really said!" +msgstr "Aku bisa baca! Itu yang ditulis!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:148 +msgid "Yeah, right. That's impossible." +msgstr "Cih. Enggak mungkin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:151 +msgid "Are you sure you read it correctly?" +msgstr "Kamu yakin kamu bener bacanya?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:152 +msgid "Sometimes you read things wrong." +msgstr "Kadang kamu salah baca." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:154 +msgid "I didn't read it wrong. It said right there, 4%%." +msgstr "Aku enggak salah baca. Itu ditulis disana, 4%%." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:156 +msgid "Then it must've been a misprint." +msgstr "Kalau gitu pasti salah cetak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:157 +msgid "Like, they forgot the zero." +msgstr "Kayak, mereka lupa nolnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:158 +msgid "And thought the 9 was a 4, so it's really 90%%." +msgstr "Dan kira 9 itu 4, jadi sebenarnya 90%%." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:160 +msgid "Oh, wait, I know! They forgot to include the Indians." +msgstr "Oh tunggu, aku tahu! Mereka lupa tambah orang Indian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:163 +msgid "It was including Indians." +msgstr "Itu sudah termasuk orang Indian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:165 +msgid "Why don't you guys believe me? It's really 4%%!" +msgstr "Kenapa kalian nggak percaya aku? Itu beneran 4%%!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:167 +msgid "Because it's not. Hayden, look around you." +msgstr "Soalnya enggak. Hayden, lihat sekitar kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:168 +msgid "Do you see any white people?" +msgstr "Kamu lihat orang kulit putih?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:170 +msgid "" +"Min gestures at all the other kids on the playground. Indeed, everyone is " +"Asian." +msgstr "" +"Min menunjuk pada semua anak-anak lain di taman bermain. Benar, semuanya " +"orang Asia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:172 +msgid "You're like an endangered species." +msgstr "Kamu kayak spesies terancam punah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:175 +msgid "But that's just here. The rest of the country isn't like this." +msgstr "Tapi itu cuman disini. Di daerah lain enggak kayak gini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:176 +msgid "Don't you wonder why everyone is white on TV?" +msgstr "Kalian enggak penasaran kenapa semuanya kulitnya putih di TV?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:178 +msgid "That's easy. Because their parents won't let them become actors." +msgstr "Gampang. Soalnya orang tua mereka enggak bolehin mereka jadi aktor." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:179 +msgid "It's too risky. Only white parents are that dumb." +msgstr "Terlalu beresiko. Cuman orang tua kulit putih yang sebodoh itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:181 +msgid "Okay, but what about sports? There aren't Asians there, either." +msgstr "Oke, tapi gimana dengan olahraga? Enggak ada orang Asia juga disana." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:183 +msgid "" +"That's the same thing. Being an athlete is too risky for Asian parents to " +"approve of it." +msgstr "" +"Sama aja. Jadi atlet terlalu beresiko buat orang tua Asia buat setujuin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:185 +msgid "" +"The difference can't be that big! I'm going to cut out the newspaper article " +"and show it to you guys." +msgstr "" +"Perbedaannya ga mungkin sebesar itu! Aku bakal gunting artikelnya terus aku " +"tunjukin ke kalian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:187 +msgctxt "america_59f12888" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:189 +msgctxt "america_cc159e1e" +msgid "............" +msgstr "............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:192 +msgid "Stop looking at me all concerned like that!" +msgstr "Berhenti lihat aku kayak yang khawatir gitu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:194 +msgid "I can't believe it. Hayden's gone mad..." +msgstr "Aku enggak percaya. Hayden sudah gila..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:196 +msgid "I'm not mad!" +msgstr "Aku enggak gila!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:198 +msgctxt "america_4b625d1c" +msgid "Gone mad..." +msgstr "Sudah gila..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:201 +msgid "Hayden, are you feeling lonely or something?" +msgstr "Hayden, kamu kesepian atau gimana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:202 +msgid "It's okay. We still like you even though you're different." +msgstr "Gapapa. Kita masih suka kamu walaupun kamu beda." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:204 +msgid "" +"Yeah. Every year they show us that video where they go back in time to " +"racism!" +msgstr "" +"Iya. Setiap tahun mereka nunjukkin kita video pas mereka balik ke waktu " +"rasisme!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:205 +msgid "Racism is over." +msgstr "Rasisme sudah selesai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:208 +msgid "I give up........forget it................" +msgstr "Aku menyerah........lupakan................" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:211 +msgid "Boy" +msgstr "Anak laki-laki" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:212 +msgid "Another boy" +msgstr "Anak laki-laki lain" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:213 +msgid "The playground structure rattles as a bunch of boys climb aboard." +msgstr "" +"Struktur taman bermain bergetar ketika sekelompok anak laki-laki memanjatnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:214 +msgid "Hey, Hayden! Jun!" +msgstr "Hei, Hayden! Jun!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:215 +msgid "Wanna play baseball?" +msgstr "Mau main baseball?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:218 +msgid "Oh. Uh........" +msgstr "Oh. Uh........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:219 +msgid "He looks like he really doesn't want to." +msgstr "Dia terlihat sangat tidak ingin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:222 +msgid "Uneasily, he turns to Hayden, who just shrugs." +msgstr "Dengan gelisah, dia berpaling pada Hayden, yang hanya mengangkat bahu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:223 +msgid "Aren't you both in Little League?" +msgstr "Bukannya kalian ada di Liga Kecil?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:225 +msgid "Yeah...but..." +msgstr "Iya...tapi..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:227 +msgid "What about me?" +msgstr "Kalau aku?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:228 +msgid "Can I play?" +msgstr "Boleh main?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:230 +msgid "You??" +msgstr "Kamu??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:232 +msgid "Yeah, why not?" +msgstr "Iya, kenapa enggak?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:235 +msgid "There's an uncomfortable silence." +msgstr "Ada keheningan yang tidak mengenakkan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:236 +msgid "" +"The group is nervously exchanging glances amongst themselves. This is " +"clearly the first time a girl has asked to join their ranks." +msgstr "" +"Kelompok itu dengan gugup saling bertukar pandangan. Ini pertama kalinya " +"seorang perempuan meminta untuk bergabung dengan mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:238 +msgid "I'm not like other girls. I'm way, way worse." +msgstr "Aku enggak kayak cewek yang lain. Aku jauh lebih parah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:242 +msgid "The others look at Min skeptically." +msgstr "Yang lain melihat Min dengan skeptis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:244 +msgid "What, are you scared you'll lose to a girl?" +msgstr "Apa, kamu takut kalah sama cewek?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:245 +msgctxt "america_61eb2473" +msgid "What?! No!" +msgstr "Apa?! Enggak!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:247 +msgid "Wow, you ARE scared." +msgstr "Wow, kamu JELAS takut." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:248 +msgid "You little bitch." +msgstr "Dasar anjing." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:251 +msgid "A hush falls over the group." +msgstr "Keheningan menyelimuti kelompok itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:252 +msgid "She said the b-word..." +msgstr "Dia ngomong itu..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:254 +msgid "She plays video games, too." +msgstr "Dia main video game juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:255 +msgid "Oh yeah? Like what?" +msgstr "Oh ya? Kayak apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:257 +msgid "Like Sonic Adventure 2." +msgstr "Kayak Sonic Adventures 2." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:259 +msgid "This instantly wins everyone over!" +msgstr "Ini secara instan membuat semua orang menyetujuinya!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:278 +msgid "The group has made their way to the field." +msgstr "Kelompok itu pergi ke lapangan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:279 +msgid "Jun, your shirt's so girly." +msgstr "Jun, kaos kamu kayak punya cewek." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:281 +msgid "How's it girly? It's Arthur." +msgstr "Kayak punya cewek? Ini Arthur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:282 +msgid "Everyone is scrutinizing Jun's shirt now." +msgstr "Semuanya menatap kaos Jun sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:283 +msgid "Wearing Arthur on your shirt looks gay." +msgstr "Pake Arthur di kaos kamu kelihatan gay." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:285 +msgid "I'm not gay!" +msgstr "Aku enggak gay!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:286 +msgid "Then why're you wearing that shirt? Haha!" +msgstr "Kalau gitu kenapa kamu pake kaos itu? Haha!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:288 +msgid "Min takes out a box cutter!" +msgstr "Min mengeluarkan sebuah pemotong kardus!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:291 +msgctxt "america_6b041b89" +msgid "Hey!" +msgstr "Hei!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:292 +msgid "What's so funny? You wanna go?" +msgstr "Apa yang lucu? Mau berantem?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:294 +msgid "" +"The blade glints in the sunlight as she stabs the air in front of the " +"jeering boys." +msgstr "" +"Mata pisaunya berkilau dibawah sinar matahari saat dia menusuk udara di " +"depan anak-anak yang mengolok." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:295 +msgid "Frightened, everyone abruptly stops laughing." +msgstr "Ketakutan, semuanya tiba-tiba berhenti tertawa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:296 +msgid "...You...you can't do that!" +msgstr "...Kamu...kamu enggak bisa gitu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:298 +msgid "Says who? You? Fight me." +msgstr "Kata siapa? Kamu? Lawan aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:300 +msgid "The boy shrinks back on the bench as she nears him." +msgstr "Anak laki-laki itu mundur di bangku saat dia mendekatinya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:302 +msgid "That's what I thought." +msgstr "Tuh kan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:304 +msgid "Min successfully asserted dominance over the leader of the group!" +msgstr "Min berhasil menunjukkan dominasi atas pemimpin kelompok itu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:305 +msgid "She clicks the blade back in and sits down." +msgstr "Dia mengklik kembali pisau itu lalu duduk." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:306 +msgid "...Thanks..." +msgstr "...Makasih..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:308 +msgid "Anytime. It's your noona's job to protect you." +msgstr "Kapanpun. Sudah tugas noona buat ngelindungin kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:314 +msgid "It's Min's turn at bat now." +msgstr "Giliran Min untuk memukul sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:317 +msgid "She swings ferociously at the incoming pitch!" +msgstr "Dia mengayunkan pemukulnya dengan garang pada lemparan yang datang!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:319 +msgid "DIEEEE!!!!!!" +msgstr "MATI!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:323 +msgid "Min hits the ball toward the mound!" +msgstr "Min memukul bolanya ke arah gundukan!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:325 +msgid "" +"The pitcher ducks to avoid getting beaned. Min reaches the bag with time to " +"spare." +msgstr "" +"Pitchernya menunduk untuk menghindar. Min mencapai base dengan waktu sisa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:328 +msgid "I made it to first." +msgstr "Aku sampe ke base pertama." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:330 +msgid "It's Jun's turn at bat." +msgstr "Giliran Jun untuk memukul." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:333 +msgid "Jun bunted it into the dirt!" +msgstr "Jun memukulnya ke tanah!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:335 +msgid "He's sacrificing himself so I can make it to second." +msgstr "Dia ngorbanin dirinya sendiri biar aku bisa ke base kedua." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:338 +msgid "Min dashes for second base. She slides feet first into the bag." +msgstr "Min berlari ke base kedua. Dia meluncurkan kakinya ke base." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:340 +msgid "Boys" +msgstr "Anak laki-laki" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:341 +msgid "Hahaha!!!" +msgstr "Hahaha!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:342 +msgid "Suddenly, everyone's laughing at her." +msgstr "Tiba-tiba, semuanya menertawainya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:344 +msgid "Huh?" +msgstr "Hah?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:349 +msgid "Min, your skirt..." +msgstr "Min, rokmu..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:351 +msgid "He's pointing down at it." +msgstr "Dia menunjuk ke bawahnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:352 +msgid "Min's skirt has flipped up so everyone can see her underwear." +msgstr "" +"Rok Min terlipat ke atas sehingga semua orang bisa melihat celana dalamnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:364 +msgid "I hate skirts!" +msgstr "Aku benci rok!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:365 +msgid "They're stupid." +msgstr "Rok tuh bodoh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:367 +msgid "What?? Don't be silly." +msgstr "Apa?? Jangan konyol." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:368 +msgid "You look so cute in them." +msgstr "Kamu kelihatan lucu pakai rok." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:370 +msgid "I don't wanna look cute!" +msgstr "Aku enggak mau kelihatan lucu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:371 +msgid "I wanna look cool!" +msgstr "Aku mau kelihatan keren!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:373 +msgid "Well, we already bought them. So you have to wear them." +msgstr "Yah, kita sudah beli. Jadi kamu harus pakai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:375 +msgid "I always say I don't like them but you keep buying them anyway!" +msgstr "Aku selalu bilang kalau aku gak suka tapi Mama selalu beli terus!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:376 +msgid "I'd rather die than wear one." +msgstr "Aku mending mati daripada pake satu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:377 +msgid "It's embarrassing." +msgstr "Malu-maluin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:378 +msgid "How come I have to when Jun doesn't?" +msgstr "Kenapa aku harus tapi Jun enggak?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:380 +msgid "That'd be crazy! Jun's a boy." +msgstr "Itu gila! Jun laki-laki." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:381 +msgid "Boys don't wear skirts." +msgstr "Laki-laki tidak pakai rok." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:383 +msgid "That's not fair! Then I won't wear skirts either, then." +msgstr "Itu enggak adil! Kalau gitu aku gak akan pake rok lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:389 +msgid "Also, Mom..." +msgstr "Oh ya, Ma..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:390 +msgid "I don't like this shirt anymore." +msgstr "Aku enggak suka kaos ini lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:392 +msgid "What're you talking about? That's your favorite shirt." +msgstr "Kamu ngomong apa? Itu kaos favoritmu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:394 +msgid "I changed my mind." +msgstr "Aku berubah pikiran." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:396 +msgid "Why? It's a perfectly good shirt." +msgstr "Kenapa? Itu kaos yang bagus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:398 +msgid "I just did, alright?" +msgstr "Aku baru bilang kan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:399 +msgid "I'm not allowed to not like a shirt?" +msgstr "Aku enggak boleh ga suka kaos kah?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:401 +msgid "" +"Both of you are being ridiculous. You're wearing the clothes we bought you, " +"and that's final." +msgstr "" +"Kalian berdua konyol. Kalian pakai baju yang kita belikan kalian, dan itu " +"final." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:402 +msgid "So spoiled. What kind of kids are you?" +msgstr "Manja banget. Anak macam apa kalian?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:404 +msgctxt "gameboy_6e6159b3" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:407 +msgctxt "gameboy_8eabd16d" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "...................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:409 +msgid "The car glides up the ramp to the freeway." +msgstr "Mobil itu menanjak ke jalan bebas hambatan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:411 +msgid "" +"Jun-seo is mashing the buttons on his Game Boy Advance like his life depends " +"on it." +msgstr "" +"Jun-seo menekan-nekan tombol di Game Boy Advancenya seperti kehidupannya " +"bergantung padanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:413 +msgid "You've been playing that the entire day." +msgstr "Kamu udah main itu seharian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:414 +msgid "It's my turn." +msgstr "Giliran aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:417 +msgid "Wait. Just 5 more minutes." +msgstr "Tunggu. Lima menit lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:420 +msgid "You said that 20 minutes ago." +msgstr "Kamu bilang itu 20 menit yang lalu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:423 +msgid "I have to beat this level." +msgstr "Aku harus ngalahin level ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:426 +msgid "" +"Mom! Jun won't let me play on the Game Boy even though he said he would!" +msgstr "" +"Ma! Jun enggak bolehin aku main di Game Boy padahal dia udah bilang bakal!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:429 +msgid "Why don't you look outside at all the trees?" +msgstr "Kenapa kamu enggak lihat ke luar lihat pohon?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:432 +msgid "Why do I have to do that when Jun gets to play Sonic? That's not fair!" +msgstr "" +"Kenapa aku harus kayak gitu tapi Jun boleh main Sonic? Itu enggak adil!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:435 +msgid "It's not normal for a girl to like video games that much." +msgstr "Enggak normal untuk perempuan untuk sesuka itu dengan video game." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:436 +msgid "None of our friends' daughters play games." +msgstr "Anak perempuan teman-temannya Papa Mama enggak ada yang main game." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:437 +msgid "" +"There must be something wrong with your hormones. We should go see a doctor." +msgstr "Pasti ada yang salah dengan hormon kamu. Kita harus ke dokter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:440 +msgid "I don't need to see a doctor! There's nothing wrong with liking games!" +msgstr "Aku enggak butuh dokter! Enggak ada yang salah kalau suka game!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:443 +msgid "Yes, there is. It's not natural for a girl. " +msgstr "Ada. Enggak natural buat perempuan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:445 +msgid "It's called a Game Boy, not a Game Girl!" +msgstr "Itu kan Game Boy, bukan Game Girl!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:446 +msgid "Hahaha!" +msgstr "Hahaha!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:448 +msgid "Haha! Good one!" +msgstr "Haha! Bagus!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:451 +msgid "That's not funny. This isn't fair!" +msgstr "Itu enggak lucu. Ini enggak adil!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:454 +msgid "It's just a game. Take it easy." +msgstr "Hanya game kok. Santai saja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:457 +msgid "Min wrenches the Game Boy out of Jun's hands!" +msgstr "Min merebut Game Boynya dari tangan Jun!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:458 +msgid "" +"Before he can stop her, she rolls down the window and chucks it as hard as " +"she can onto the freeway." +msgstr "" +"Sebelum dia bisa menghentikannya, dia menurunkan jendela dan melemparkannya " +"sekeras mungkin ke jalan bebas hambatan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:461 +msgid "MOM!!!!!!" +msgstr "MAMA!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:462 +msgid "LOOK WHAT MIN DID!!!!" +msgstr "LIHAT MIN NGAPAIN!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:474 +msgid "You did WHAT?!" +msgstr "Kamu NGAPAIN?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:475 +msgid "Did you get the Game Boy back?" +msgstr "Kamu ambil Game Boynya balik?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:477 +msgid "We turned around and got it. The screen was busted, though." +msgstr "Kita putar balik terus ambil. Layarnya rusak sih." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:478 +msgid "" +"Once you turned it on, it'd show all this rainbow shit. You couldn't use it " +"at all." +msgstr "" +"Pas kamu nyalain, itu bakal nunjukkin yang pelangi-pelangi itu. Kamu bener-" +"bener enggak bisa pake." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:481 +msgid "Nooo.........." +msgstr "Yaaah........." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:482 +msgid "Why're you so angry all the time? Always breaking stuff..." +msgstr "Kenapa kamu marah-marah terus sih? Ngerusakin barang terus..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:484 +msgid "Because people are stupid all the time!" +msgstr "Soalnya orang-orang bego terus!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:486 +msgid "Just, like, calm down. Try not getting angry." +msgstr "Udah, kayak, tenang aja. Coba jangan marah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:488 +msgid "I AM trying!" +msgstr "Aku BERUSAHA!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:491 +msgid "Try harder. You didn't have to do that! Now neither of you can play it." +msgstr "Usaha lagi. Kamu enggak harus gitu! Sekarang kalian enggak bisa main." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:493 +msgid "Exactly! Now it's fair." +msgstr "Benar! Sekarang adil." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:494 +msgid "Why should he get to be happy when I can't?" +msgstr "Kenapa dia harus seneng kalau aku enggak bisa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:497 +msgid "That's...one way to think about it..." +msgstr "Itu...satu cara buat mikirin..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:499 +msgid "Jun returns to the table with their Happy Meals." +msgstr "Jun kembali ke meja dengan Happy Meal mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:501 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_35df4f98" +msgid "Thanks!" +msgstr "Makasih!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:502 +msgid "Hayden digs into his box and pulls out his plastic-wrapped toy." +msgstr "" +"Hayden membuka kotaknya dan mengeluarkan sebuah mainan berbungkus plastik." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:503 +msgid "Ooh! Look what I got!" +msgstr "Ooh! Lihat aku dapet apa!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:504 +msgid "" +"It's a futuristic looking Hot Wheels car sporting translucent ice blue " +"windows." +msgstr "" +"Sebuah mobil Hot Wheels yang terlihat futuristik dengan jendela biru tembus " +"pandang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:506 +msgid "Whoa!" +msgstr "Wah!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:509 +msgid "Jun unwraps his toy, too. His is a monster truck." +msgstr "Jun membuka mainannya juga. Dia dapat truk monster." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:511 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_a541b6b5" +msgid "Whoa!!!" +msgstr "Wah!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:512 +msgid "That's not bad, either!" +msgstr "Itu bagus juga!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:515 +msgid "Uh...I guess?" +msgstr "Uh...mungkin?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:516 +msgid "I don't really get why these things are popular." +msgstr "Aku enggak terlalu ngerti kenapa ini populer." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:519 +msgid "Hayden, are you up to trading for yours?" +msgstr "Hayden, kamu mau tukaran?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:522 +msgid "Depends. Whatchu got?" +msgstr "Tergantung. Kamu dapet apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:524 +msgid "Min takes her toy out of her Happy Meal." +msgstr "Min mengambil bonekanya dari Happy Meal miliknya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:525 +msgid "It's a...Barbie doll." +msgstr "Dia dapat...boneka Barbie." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:527 +msgctxt "mcDonalds_cd2045ac" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:529 +msgid "I don't want this." +msgstr "Aku enggak mau ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:530 +msgid "I'm gonna ask for a replacement." +msgstr "Aku mau minta ganti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:558 +msgid "Look at TV" +msgstr "Lihat TV" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:568 +msgid "Talk to Hayden" +msgstr "Bicara pada Hayden" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:584 +msgid "Approach the counter" +msgstr "Pergi ke konter" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:590 +msgid "T.V." +msgstr "T.V." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:593 +msgid "Imagine a world where love is ILLEGAL..." +msgstr "Bayangkan dunia dimana cinta itu ILLEGAL..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:595 +msgid "" +"The screen shows a man and woman bumping into each other and making eye " +"contact." +msgstr "" +"Layarnya menunjukkan seorang pria dan wanita saling bersinggungan dan " +"membuat kontak mata." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:596 +msgid "Breathtakingly original..." +msgstr "Sangat orisinal..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:597 +msgid "The man and woman are passionately making out." +msgstr "Pria dan wanita tersebut sedang bercumbu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:599 +msgctxt "lookAtTV_3e52293c" +msgid "Yuck." +msgstr "Ih." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:601 +msgid "A forbidden romance like you've NEVER seen before..." +msgstr "Romansa terlarang seperti yang BELUM PERNAH kau lihat sebelumnya..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:602 +msgid "" +"For some reason, the entire cast is comprised of brown haired white people. " +"They look similar enough that they could be siblings." +msgstr "" +"Entah kenapa, seluruh pemainnya terdiri dari orang kulit putih berambut " +"coklat. Mereka terlihat cukup mirip sampai-sampai mereka bisa adi saudara " +"kandung." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:604 +msgid "What the heck..." +msgstr "Apaan..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:607 +msgid "See? It's all white people on TV." +msgstr "Lihat? Semuanya orang kulit putih di TV." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:611 +msgid "We've already gone over this." +msgstr "Kita udah pernah bahas ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:612 +msgid "It's because Asian people's parents don't let them become actors." +msgstr "Itu soalnya orang tua orang Asia enggak biarin mereka jadi aktor." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:615 +msgid "That's can't be it. The difference is way too extreme." +msgstr "Pasti bukan itu. Perbedaannya terlalu ekstrim." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:617 +msgid "Min sadly shakes her head at him." +msgstr "Min dengan sedih menggelengkan kepalanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:619 +msgctxt "lookAtTV_4b625d1c" +msgid "Gone mad..." +msgstr "Sudah gila..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:622 +msgid "I haven't gone mad!" +msgstr "Aku belum gila!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:634 +msgid "Hayden is trying to cheer Jun up." +msgstr "Hayden mencoba menyemangati Jun." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:637 +msgid "I just came up with a great joke! Wanna hear it?" +msgstr "Aku baru aja bikin lawakan! Mau denger?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:638 +msgid "" +"If Sherlock Holmes owned all the houses in a neighborhood, what would the " +"neighborhood be called? " +msgstr "" +"Kalau Sherlock Holmes punya semua rumah di lingkungan, apa nama lingkungan " +"itu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:641 +msgid "A small, patient smile forms on Jun's face." +msgstr "Sebuah senyuman kecil terbentuk di wajah Jun." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:642 +msgid "Sherlock Homes." +msgstr "Sherlock Homes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:644 +msgid "What! How did you know?" +msgstr "Hah! Gimana kamu tau?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:646 +msgid "You've already told me this joke before." +msgstr "Kamu udah kasih tau yang ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:648 +msgid "No way? I came up with it just now!" +msgstr "Ga mungkin? Aku baru bikin sekarang!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:650 +msgid "" +"But also you told it to me last year. You forgot your own joke and came up " +"with it all over again." +msgstr "" +"Tapi kamu udah kasih tahu tahun lalu. Kamu lupa lawakan kamu sendiri terus " +"bikin lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:652 +msgid "What...I seriously don't remember, though?" +msgstr "Apa...Aku beneran enggak inget, lho?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:654 +msgid "Jun covers his face when he laughs." +msgstr "Jun menutup wajahnya dan tertawa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:656 +msgid "But you did! It was exactly the same!" +msgstr "Tapi iya! Persis sama!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:657 +msgid "It's not even that funny, but you were so proud of it both times!" +msgstr "Itu bahkan enggak benar-benar lucu, tapi kamu bangga banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:658 +msgid "" +"Exhaling, he appears to regain his composure, but it's only a moment before " +"he doubles over again. " +msgstr "" +"Menghela nafas, dia terlihat sudah tenang, tapi hanya untuk beberapa saat " +"sebelum dia tertawa lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:659 +msgid "Why were you so proud?" +msgstr "Kenapa kamu bangga banget?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:661 +msgid "Hey, it's a great joke, okay?" +msgstr "Hei, lawakannya bagus, oke?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:666 +msgid "Hey, wanna hear another joke?" +msgstr "Hei, mau dengar yang lain?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:669 +msgid "Sure!" +msgstr "Boleh!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:671 +msgid "Why couldn't Cinderella play baseball?" +msgstr "Kenapa Cinderella enggak bisa main baseball?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:673 +msgid "Why?" +msgstr "Kenapa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:675 +msgid "Because her s, stepmother—" +msgstr "Soalnya ib, ibu tirinya-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:676 +msgid "" +"Hayden can't keep a straight face! He's stifling his laugh so it sounds like " +"a garbage disposal." +msgstr "" +"Hayden tidak bisa menahan wajahnya! Dia menahan tawanya sehingga " +"kedengarannya seperti tempat pembuangan sampah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:678 +msgid "—kkkkkKK......kggghh!!!!" +msgstr "—kkkkkKK......kggghh!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:679 +msgid "" +"Jun waits patiently as he takes deep, calming breaths to recollect himself." +msgstr "" +"Jun menunggu dengan sabar sambil menarik nafas yang tenang dan dalam untuk " +"menenangkan dirinya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:680 +msgid "Because her stepmother wouldn't let her go to the....go to the— " +msgstr "Soalnya ibu tirinya enggak biarin dia pergi ke....pergi ke-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:681 +msgid "" +"Hayden is laughing so hard at his own joke that he can't even finish it!" +msgstr "" +"Hayden tertawa sangat keras karena lawakannya sendiri sampai-sampai dia " +"tidak bisa menyelesaikannya!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:683 +msgid "You're hopeless..." +msgstr "Kamu enggak ada harapan..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:693 +msgid "Looking aghast, Jun pulls a wrapped burger out of his Happy Meal." +msgstr "Terlihat kaget, Jun mengeluarkan burger dari Happy Meal-nya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:696 +msgid "What's wrong?" +msgstr "Kenapa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:699 +msgid "They gave me a cheeseburger instead of chicken nuggets." +msgstr "Mereka kasih aku burger keju bukannya nugget ayam." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:701 +msgid "Then go complain." +msgstr "Kalau gitu protes." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:703 +msgid "No, it's okay!" +msgstr "Enggak, gapapa!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:704 +msgid "I don't wanna bother the workers." +msgstr "Aku enggak mau ganggu karyawannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:706 +msgid "Suit yourself..." +msgstr "Ya sudah..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:709 +msgid "Jun-seo is sadly eating the burger he doesn't want." +msgstr "Jun-seo dengan sedih memakan burger yang dia tidak inginkan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:734 +msgid "Ask for a different toy" +msgstr "Minta mainan lain" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:742 +msgid "Walk back to seat" +msgstr "Kembali ke tempat duduk" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:758 +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "Kasir" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:759 +msgid "Min approaches the counter." +msgstr "Min mendatangi konter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:762 +msgid "Hey, you!" +msgstr "Hei, kamu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:763 +msgid "I want a different toy." +msgstr "Aku mau mainan lain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:765 +msgid "Sorry, we can't do that." +msgstr "Maaf, kita tidak bisa melakukan itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:767 +msgid "" +"No, I don't mean I'm trying to get a specific one. I want a boy one, but " +"they gave me a girl toy by mistake." +msgstr "" +"Enggak, maksudnya aku bukan coba ngedapetin yang spesifik. Aku mau yang " +"cowok, tapi mereka malah kasih aku mainan cewek." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:769 +msgid "But you're such a pretty girl! You don't want Hot Wheels." +msgstr "Tapi kamu anak perempuan yang cantik! Kamu tidak mau Hot Wheels." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:771 +msgid "Yeah, I do!" +msgstr "Iya, aku mau!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:772 +msgid "Hand it over or you're getting it." +msgstr "Serahin atau aku hajar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:774 +msgid "Haha! You're a funny little girl." +msgstr "Haha! Kamu anak perempuan yang lucu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:784 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:786 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_1" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:787 +msgctxt "mirror_bda8889e_2" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:798 +msgid "What were you thinking?! Why did you ruin your hair like that?!" +msgstr "Apa yang kamu pikirkan?! Kenapa kamu hancurkan rambutmu seperti itu?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:800 +msgid "That's what you get!" +msgstr "Itu yang Mama dapet!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:801 +msgid "And it's not ruined! It's better like this!" +msgstr "Dan enggak hancur! Lebih bagus kayak gini!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:804 +msgid "What's gotten into you?!" +msgstr "Kamu kesurupan apa?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:805 +msgid "If you continue like this, no man is ever going to marry you!" +msgstr "Kalau kamu begini terus, tidak akan ada yang mau menikahi kamu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:807 +msgctxt "mirror_8bac71d0" +msgid "Who cares!" +msgstr "Siapa yang peduli!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:808 +msgid "If I have to have long hair to get married, I don't wanna get married!" +msgstr "" +"Kalau aku harus punya rambut panjang buat nikah, aku enggak mau menikah!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:809 +msgid "I don't ever want kids!" +msgstr "Aku enggak mau punya anak!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:811 +msgid "Her parents furrow their brows in concern." +msgstr "Orangtuanya mengerutkan alis mereka dalam kekhawatiran." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:812 +msgid "You have to have at least two or three." +msgstr "Kamu harus punya setidaknya dua atau tiga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:814 +msgid "" +"I don't think I'd make a good parent. I don't want my kids to end up hating " +"me." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak bakalan jadi orang tua yang baik. Aku enggak pingin anak-anak aku " +"akhirnya benci aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:817 +msgid "You won't be happy if you don't have kids." +msgstr "Kamu tidak akan bahagia kalau tidak punya anak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:818 +msgid "You'll get it when you grow up." +msgstr "Kamu bakal ngerti nanti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:820 +msgid "What's there to get?" +msgstr "Buat apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:821 +msgid "" +"I'll never wanna kiss a guy anyway. They're smelly and have gross skin like " +"Dad." +msgstr "" +"Aku enggak mau cium cowok juga. Mereka bau dan kulitnya menjijikan kayak " +"Papa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:823 +msgid "Well, nobody's perfect." +msgstr "Yah, tidak ada yang sempurna." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:824 +msgid "You have to have realistic expectations." +msgstr "Kamu harus punya ekspektasi realistis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:826 +msgid "I am being realistic!" +msgstr "Aku realistis!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:827 +msgid "I don't want someone who's nothing special." +msgstr "Aku enggak mau sama orang yang enggak spesial." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:828 +msgid "I'm pretty awesome, so I should get someone who's awesome, too." +msgstr "Aku lumayan keren, jadi aku harus sama orang yang keren juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:830 +msgid "Prince Charming doesn't exist in real life." +msgstr "Pangeran Tampan tidak ada di dunia nyata." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:831 +msgid "If you think like that, you'll never find anyone." +msgstr "Kalau kamu mikirnya seperti itu, kamu enggak akan menemukan siapapun." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:833 +msgid "Then I'll just stay alone!" +msgstr "Kalau gitu aku sendiri aja!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:835 +msgid "You can't do that!" +msgstr "Kamu enggak bisa seperti itu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:837 +msgid "Why do you get to decide what happens to me?!" +msgstr "Kenapa Mama yang ngatur aku harus ngapain?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:839 +msgid "We're your parents! You have to do what we say!" +msgstr "Kita orangtua kamu! Kamu harus nurut!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:841 +msgid "No! It's my life, not yours!" +msgstr "Enggak! Ini hidup aku, bukan Mama!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:843 +msgid "What's wrong with you?!" +msgstr "Kamu kenapa sih?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:844 +msgid "What did we ever deserve to get a horrible child like this?!" +msgstr "Kita ngapain sampai kita dapat anak yang mengerikan seperti ini?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:846 +msgid "There's something wrong with her brain. She's so disobedient." +msgstr "Ada yang salah dengan otaknya. Dia nakal banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:847 +msgid "She's still playing baseball with all those boys." +msgstr "Dia masih main baseball dengan anak laki-laki lainnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:849 +msgid "What's wrong with that?!" +msgstr "Memang salah?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:851 +msgid "Do you see any other girls doing that?" +msgstr "Kamu lihat perempuan yang lain seperti itu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:852 +msgid "Do you want to be some kind of weirdo?" +msgstr "Kamu mau jadi orang aneh?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:854 +msgid "But Jun gets to! How come I don't get to?!" +msgstr "Tapi Jun boleh! Kenapa aku enggak boleh?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:856 +msgid "Jun is a boy! You're a girl!" +msgstr "Jun laki-laki! Kamu perempuan!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:859 +msgid "What part of that don't you understand?! Are you brain damaged?" +msgstr "Bagian mana yang kamu tidak ngerti?! Kamu goblok?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:862 +msgid "THAT'S STUPID! IT'S NOT FAIR!!" +msgstr "ITU BODOH! ENGGAK ADIL!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:864 +msgid "That's reality! The world's not fair!" +msgstr "Itu kenyataan! Dunia memang tidak adil!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:865 +msgid "This isn't some fairy tale! You have to accept it, or you're stupid!" +msgstr "Ini bukan cerita! Kamu harus terima, atau tidak kamu goblok!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:869 +msgid "I WON'T ACCEPT IT!" +msgstr "AKU ENGGAK AKAN TERIMA!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:870 +msgid "I WON'T EVER ACCEPT IT!!" +msgstr "AKU ENGGAK AKAN PERNAH TERIMA!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:874 +msgid "{big=20}SO STUPID! WE REALLY DO HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO A DOCTOR NOW!{/big}" +msgstr "" +"{big=20}GOBLOK! KITA BENAR-BENAR HARUS BAWA KAMU KE DOKTER SEKARANG!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:875 +msgid "{big=20}YOU HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS! BRAIN DAMAGED!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}KAMU PUNYA MASALAH MENTAL! OTAKNYA RUSAK!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:876 +msgid "{big=20}RETARDED!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}GOBLOK!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:880 +msgid "{big=20}YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S RETARDED!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}PAPA YANG GOBLOK!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:881 +msgid "{big=20}I HATE YOU! GO TO HELL!!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=20}AKU BENCI KAMU! PERGI KE NERAKA!!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:884 +msgid "There is a small statue sitting on the living room shelf." +msgstr "Ada patung kecil di lemari ruang keluarga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:885 +msgid "Min's dad picks it up and hurls it at her." +msgstr "Ayah Min mengambilnya dan melemparkan itu padanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:889 +msgctxt "mirror_11d2098a" +msgid "Min!" +msgstr "Min!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:892 +msgid "" +"Min dodges. The statue strikes the glass coffee table behind her, shattering " +"the glass into a thousand pieces on the floor." +msgstr "" +"Min mengelak. Patung itu mengenai kaca meja kopi dibelakangnya, " +"menghancurkannya menjadi berkeping-keping di lantai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:893 +msgid "" +"Min was expecting the shards to be all sharp and jagged, but instead, they " +"look like Icee slush." +msgstr "" +"Min mengira pecahannya akan tajam dan bergerigi, tapi, pecahannya terlihat " +"seperti Icee." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:898 +msgid "You were asking for it." +msgstr "Kamu yang minta." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:900 +msgid "Jun-seo has started crying." +msgstr "Jun-seo mulai menangis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:902 +msgid "Stop it! She's sorry!" +msgstr "Berhenti! Dia menyesal!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:903 +msgid "She's sorry, stop!" +msgstr "Dia menyesal! Berhenti!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:905 +msgctxt "mirror_51f3578d" +msgid "Shut up!" +msgstr "Diam!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:906 +msgid "He grabs Jun's arm." +msgstr "Dia memegang lengan Jun dengan kasar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:909 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:912 +msgid "Min lunges at her dad and bites down on his wrist." +msgstr "Min menerkam ayahnya dan menggigitnya di lengan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:913 +msgid "AUGH!!!" +msgstr "AUGH!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:914 +msgid "He lets go of Jun!" +msgstr "Dia melepaskan Jun!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:920 +msgid "Min throws a punch, but he catches it with his hand." +msgstr "Min mencoba memukulnya, tapi dia menangkapnya dengan tangannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:922 +msgid "He's so strong!" +msgstr "Dia kuat banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:923 +msgid "I hate this! I hate this!" +msgstr "Aku benci ini! Aku benci ini!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:924 +msgid "I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do!" +msgstr "Aku bunuh dia kalau harus!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:936 +msgid "I'll kill him. I'll save all of us." +msgstr "Aku bakal bunuh dia. Aku bakal nyelamatin kita semua." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:938 +msgid "I'll wait until he's asleep and slit his throat." +msgstr "Aku bakal tunggu sampe dia tidur dan gorok lehernya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:939 +msgid "You can't. You'll go to jail." +msgstr "Kamu enggak bisa. Kamu bakal dipenjara." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:940 +msgid "I don't have a choice." +msgstr "Aku gak punya pilihan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:941 +msgid "I don't want to hurt anyone, but I want to be happy, too." +msgstr "Aku gak mau ngelukain orang, tapi aku juga pengen bahagia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:942 +msgid "If Dad dies, we won't have enough money to live." +msgstr "Kalau Papa mati, kita enggak akan punya uang buat hidup." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:943 +msgid "Then Mom'll get a new husband." +msgstr "Kalau gitu Mama cari suami baru." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:944 +msgid "" +"Maybe this time, we'll get a normal one who doesn't go crazy and break " +"everything." +msgstr "" +"Mungkin kali ini, kita bakalan dapet yang normal yang ga jadi gila dan " +"ngancurin semuanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:945 +msgid "" +"Dad only does that when he's mad. You knew he'd lose his temper if you kept " +"saying things like that." +msgstr "" +"Papa cuman begitu kalau marah. Kamu tau dia bakalan kehilangan kesabaran " +"kalau kamu terus ngomong kayak gitu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:946 +msgid "You should've just apologized and said you were wrong." +msgstr "Kamu harusnya minta maaf aja dan ngaku salah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:947 +msgid "But I wasn't wrong." +msgstr "Tapi aku enggak salah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:948 +msgid "It doesn't matter." +msgstr "Enggak penting." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:949 +msgid "Yeah it does! I'm not gonna say I was wrong when I wasn't." +msgstr "" +"Iyalah! Aku gak bakal bilang kalau aku salah kalau aku emang gak salah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:950 +msgid "You're so stubborn!" +msgstr "Kamu batu banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:951 +msgid "Don't you get it? There's no way to win against him." +msgstr "Kamu enggak ngerti? Ga mungkin bisa menang lawan Papa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:952 +msgid "The more you argue, the worse you're making things." +msgstr "Semakin kamu nantang, kamu malah bikin semakin parah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:953 +msgid "You have to learn how to pick your battles like me and Mom." +msgstr "Kamu harus belajar cara pilih pertempuran kayak aku sama Mama." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:954 +msgid "Why do I have to be the one who has to be mature?" +msgstr "Kenapa harus aku yang dewasa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:955 +msgid "That's not fair! I'm a kid! He's supposed to be the adult!" +msgstr "Itu ga adil! Aku anak kecil! Dia harusnya yang dewasa!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:956 +msgid "I don't deserve to be treated like that!" +msgstr "Aku enggak pantes digituin!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:957 +msgid "If he can't control himself, he shouldn't be allowed to have kids." +msgstr "" +"Kalau dia gak bisa kontrol diri dia sendiri, dia harusnya gak boleh punya " +"anak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:958 +msgid "You can think about some other time when he's not about to blow up!" +msgstr "Kamu bisa mikirin waktu lain pas dia enggak akan marah!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:959 +msgid "Just act like you're sorry." +msgstr "Pura-pura nyesal aja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:960 +msgid "I'd rather die!" +msgstr "Aku mending mati!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:961 +msgid "Look, this is just common sense! Why don't you get it?" +msgstr "Gini, ini cuman akal sehat! Kamu kenapa gak ngerti sih?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:962 +msgid "" +"Just keep your head down and act normal until we're old enough to get out." +msgstr "Nurut aja terus pura-pura normal sampai kita udah bisa pindah keluar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:963 +msgid "Screw that!" +msgstr "Bodo amat!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:964 +msgid "I shouldn't have to worry about any of this in the first place!" +msgstr "Aku harusnya enggak usah khawatir tentang ini dari awal!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:965 +msgid "I'm not letting him treat me that way, like some wimpy sissy." +msgstr "Aku enggak akan biarin dia perlakuin aku kayak gitu, kayak yang lemah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:967 +msgid "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity." +msgstr "Ada garis tipis antara keberanian sama kebodohan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:968 +msgid "I'll walk that line." +msgstr "Aku lewatin garis itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:969 +msgid "No! You have to learn!" +msgstr "Enggak! Kamu harus belajar!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:970 +msgid "{i}I{/i} have to learn?" +msgstr "{i}Aku{/i} harus belajar?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:971 +msgid "I didn't do anything wrong! He's the one who should learn!" +msgstr "Aku gak ngapa-ngapain! Dia yang harusnya belajar!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:972 +msgid "We already went over this." +msgstr "Kita udah pernah bahas ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:973 +msgid "You're a coward." +msgstr "Kamu penakut." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:974 +msgid "You're an idiot." +msgstr "Kamu idiot." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:975 +msgid "I don't understand you." +msgstr "Aku nggak ngerti kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:976 +msgid "Good. I don't understand you either." +msgstr "Bagus. Aku nggak ngerti kamu juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:988 +msgid "Min sulks on the bleachers as Jun and Hayden's team goes on defense." +msgstr "Min merajuk di bangku saat tim Jun dan Hayden bertahan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:990 +msgid "I hate everyone." +msgstr "Aku benci semua orang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:991 +msgid "How can they stand how unfair everything is? It's so obvious." +msgstr "" +"Kenapa mereka bisa tahan kalau semuanya enggak adil? Padahal jelas banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:992 +msgid "Are they just dumb? There's something wrong with the world." +msgstr "Mereka bodoh apa? Ada yang salah sama dunia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:993 +msgid "God! I'm so mad." +msgstr "Dih! Aku kesel banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:995 +msgid "" +"She takes out a pack of seaweed sheets and aggressively chomps on them as " +"she thinks edgy, rebellious thoughts." +msgstr "" +"Dia mengeluarkan satu pak rumput laut dan mengunyahnya dengan agresif sambil " +"berpikir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:997 +msgid "I don't need anyone. I'll do everything all by myself." +msgstr "Aku enggak butuh siapapun. Aku lakuin semuanya sendiri aja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:998 +msgid "I'll never fall in love. I'll be like a lone wolf." +msgstr "Aku ga bakal jatuh cinta. Aku bakal jadi kayak serigala penyendiri." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:999 +msgid "" +"I'll become so happy and successful that everyone who was ever bad to me has " +"to beg on their hands and knees for me to forgive them." +msgstr "" +"Aku bakal jadi bahagia dan sukses banget sampe semua orang yang pernah jahat " +"ke aku harus minta-minta sambil berlutut buat ngemaafin mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1001 +msgid "" +"That'll show them. They'll regret being so stupid and wrong, while I was " +"right." +msgstr "" +"Itu bakal tunjukkin ke mereka. Mereka bakal nyesal gara-gara bodoh dan " +"salah, dan aku benar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1005 +msgid "An enemy batter comes up to the plate." +msgstr "Seorang batter lawan pergi ke plate." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1011 +msgid "OH MY GOD???????? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "OH MY GOD???????? ANJIR!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1014 +msgid "It's a girl with eyes the color of desert camouflage." +msgstr "Seorang gadis dengan mata berwarna kamuflase gurun muncul." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1015 +msgid "The boys seated next to Min are murmuring and pointing at the batter." +msgstr "" +"Anak laki-laki yang duduk di sebelah Min berbisik dan menunjuk pada si " +"batter." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1018 +msgid "Pretty girl" +msgstr "Gadis cantik" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1019 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_ce41ef83" +msgid "Hey, look! It's a girl batting!" +msgstr "Hei, lihat! Yang mukul cewek!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1020 +msgid "Yes! Our team got lucky!" +msgstr "Bagus! Tim kita lagi hoki!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1024 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_74edb3c7" +msgid "..................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1025 +msgid "" +"The pretty girl is shaking like a leaf as she settles into her batting " +"stance. She looks terrified." +msgstr "" +"Gadis cantik itu gemetaran seperti daun saat dia berada dalam posisi " +"memukul. Dia terlihat ketakutan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1029 +msgid "DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "JANGAN MENYERAH!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1030 +msgid "YOU'RE COOL!!!" +msgstr "KAMU KEREN!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1031 +msgid "DO YOU HEAR ME? DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "KAMU DENGAR? JANGAN MENYERAH!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1032 +msgid "I WON'T GIVE UP IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP!" +msgstr "AKU ENGGAK AKAN MENYERAH KALAU KAMU ENGGAK MENYERAH!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1036 +msgid "................!" +msgstr "................!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1037 +msgid "" +"At the sound of Min's voice, the batter whirls around to face the stands, " +"her eyes searching the crowd." +msgstr "" +"Mendengar suara Min, batter itu berputar untuk menghadapi tribun, matanya " +"mencari-cari di kerumunan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1042 +msgid "" +"For some reason, she can't seem to discern what direction it came from. " +"Eventually she gives up and turns back to the diamond." +msgstr "" +"Untuk suatu hal, dia terlihat seperti tidak bisa membedakan dari arah mana " +"asalnya. Akhirnya dia menyerah dan kembali ke diamond." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1044 +msgid "The pitcher winds up and sends a fastball straight down the middle." +msgstr "Pitchernya bersiap dan melempar sebuah fastball tepat ke tengah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1049 +msgid "The batter swings at it with terrifying power." +msgstr "Batter itu mengayun pada bolanya dengan kekuatan yang menakutkan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1050 +msgid "" +"The ball rockets off the bat and flies over the fence on the far end of the " +"field." +msgstr "" +"Bola meluncur dari tongkat pemukul dan terbang melewati pagar di ujung " +"lapangan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1055 +msgid "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "ANJIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1056 +msgid "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1057 +msgid "A NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!" +msgstr "HARTA KARUN NASIONAL!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1060 +msgid "The batter hit a walk-off. The game is over because she scored." +msgstr "" +"Batter melakukan walk-off. Permainan berakhir karena dia mencetak skor." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1061 +msgid "" +"Everyone comes in from the field. Her teammates have come bounding over, " +"giddy off their victory." +msgstr "" +"Semua orang datang dari lapangan. Rekan setimnya telah datang, senang karena " +"kemenangan mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1062 +msgid "They're laughing and chatting amongst themselves." +msgstr "Mereka tertawa dan saling mengobrol satu sama lain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1064 +msgid "The girl is nervously nodding at them instead of speaking." +msgstr "Gadis itu dengan gugup mengangguk pada mereka daripada berbicara." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1066 +msgid "She's so shy! That's so cute!" +msgstr "Dia pemalu banget! Gemes banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1067 +msgid "I wonder what her voice sounds like." +msgstr "Aku penasaran suaranya gimana." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1068 +msgid "Maybe she can't talk? Like Ariel in the Little Mermaid." +msgstr "Mungkin dia enggak bisa bicara? Kayak Ariel di Little Mermaid." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1070 +msgid "Min's heart is pounding so fast!" +msgstr "Hati Min berdetak dengan cepat!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1073 +msgid "Holy shit...Okay...okay!!" +msgstr "Anjir...Oke...oke!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1074 +msgid "Min, calm down." +msgstr "Min, tenang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1075 +msgid "Play it cool. Be smooth." +msgstr "Tenang aja. Santai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1079 +msgid "Panic flashes in the girl's eyes when Min runs up to her." +msgstr "Rasa panik muncul di mata gadis itu ketika Min berlari mendekatinya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1081 +msgid "Hey! Um, you're really cool." +msgstr "Hei! Anu, kamu keren banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1082 +msgid "What's your name? I'm Min." +msgstr "Nama kamu siapa? Aku Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1085 +msgid "The girl's face lights up when she recognizes Min's voice." +msgstr "Wajah gadis itu berseri-seri ketika dia mengenali suara Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1086 +msgid "It was you, earlier." +msgstr "Itu kamu, tadi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1087 +msgid "You cheered for me." +msgstr "Kamu menyoraki aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1089 +msgid "Of course I did. You were badass." +msgstr "Iyalah. Kamu keren banget anjir tadi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1093 +msgid "The girl startles. Min said a swear word!" +msgstr "Gadis itu terkejut. Min mengatakan kata kasar!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1095 +msgid "I mean, you were awesome! " +msgstr "Maksud aku, kamu keren banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1099 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_cafd7987" +msgid "I'm Diya." +msgstr "Aku Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1102 +msgid "That's so pretty! It sounds like you." +msgstr "Cantik banget! Kayak kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1105 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_aba95152" +msgid "......................" +msgstr "......................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1107 +msgid "I have seaweed. Do you want some?" +msgstr "Aku punya rumput laut. Mau?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1110 +msgid "Diya looks at Min all wide-eyed, like she can't believe her luck." +msgstr "" +"Diya terbelalak melihat Min, seperti tidak memercayai keberuntungannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1111 +msgid "" +"Min actually spends a fraction of a second trying to think of a way she can " +"casually give her the seaweed and somehow touch her hand in the process." +msgstr "" +"Min sebenarnya menghabiskan sepersekian detik untuk memikirkan cara dia bisa " +"memberikan dia rumput laut dan entah bagaimana menyentuh tangannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1112 +msgid "In the end, she just holds the sheet out normally." +msgstr "Pada akhirnya, dia hanya memberikannya dengan normal." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1113 +msgid "Diya's fingertips brush Min's as she takes it." +msgstr "Ujung jari Diya menyentuh Min saat ia mengambilnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1114 +msgid "" +"A bizzare tingling feeling, impossible to identify, prickles across Min's " +"palms. It feels like being tickled with soda bubbles." +msgstr "" +"Sebuah perasaan geli yang aneh, sulit dikenali, menusuk telapak tangan Min. " +"Rasanya seperti digelitik dengan gelembung soda." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1116 +msgctxt "meetingDiya_46384388" +msgid "Thanks." +msgstr "Makasih." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1118 +msgid "You're welcome!!!" +msgstr "Sama-sama!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1120 +msgid "Min stands there with an idiotic smile on her face as Diya eats it." +msgstr "" +"Min berdiri di sana dengan senyuman bodoh di wajahnya saat Diya memakannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1122 +msgid "Do you wanna be friends?" +msgstr "Mau temenan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1145 +msgctxt "min2_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1146 +msgctxt "min2_fa529f12" +msgid "Min" +msgstr "Min" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1147 +msgid "Help me" +msgstr "Tolong aku" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1148 +msgid ";;" +msgstr ";;" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1149 +msgid "whats wrong??? WHO HURT YOU" +msgstr "kenapa??? SIAPA YANG NYAKITIN KAMU" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1150 +msgid "ill kill them! ill smash their heads in" +msgstr "bakal aku bunuh! bakal aku hancurin kepala mereka" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1151 +msgid "I don't know how to talk to the baseball team" +msgstr "Aku enggak tahu cara ngobrol sama tim baseball" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1152 +msgid "They're being" +msgstr "Mereka" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1153 +msgid ".......weird" +msgstr ".......aneh" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1159 +msgid "Check the baseball club chat" +msgstr "Cek obrolan klub baseball" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1167 +msgctxt "furry_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1169 +msgid "*pets you*" +msgstr "*ngelus*" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1170 +msgid "nya :3" +msgstr "nya :3" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1171 +msgid "*purrs and rolls over*" +msgstr "*mendengkur dan berguling*" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1172 +msgctxt "furry_f1a4dee5" +msgid "WTF" +msgstr "WTF" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1173 +msgid "ohayou gozaimorning" +msgstr "ohayou gozaimorning" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1174 +msgid "join our rp group" +msgstr "ayo join grup rp kita" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1175 +msgid "*rubs againt min*" +msgstr "*mengusap pd min*" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1176 +msgid "KICKS YOU OVER A FENCE" +msgstr "TENDANG LEWATIN PAGAR" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1177 +msgid "BE A FURRY FREAK HO SOMEWHERE ELSE" +msgstr "JADI FURRY ANEH DI TEMPAT LAIN BGSAT" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1178 +msgid "SAD NYA" +msgstr "SEDIH NYA" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1179 +msgid "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" +msgstr "hgfHJFDSKFJAD" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1181 +msgid "Chryssa has entered the chatroom." +msgstr "Chryssa masuk ke ruang obrolan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1182 +msgid "Hey Chryssa!" +msgstr "Hei Chyrssa!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1183 +msgid "yo" +msgstr "yo" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1184 +msgid "We should do something to celebrate our win" +msgstr "Kita sebaiknya ngelakuin sesuatu buat merayakan kemenangan kita." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1185 +msgid "how about going out for lunch?" +msgstr "gimana kalau makan-makan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1186 +msgid "!!!! :D! !! " +msgstr "!!!! :D! !!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1187 +msgid "That sounds good" +msgstr "Terdengar bagus" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1188 +msgid "Any suggestions for where?" +msgstr "Ada usul dimana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1189 +msgid "Buffet" +msgstr "Prasmanan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1190 +msgid "Perfect, I have a coupon for Bombay Garden" +msgstr "Bagus, aku punya kupon Bombay Garden" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1191 +msgid "It's an Indian buffet in the mall" +msgstr "Itu prasmanan India di mall" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1192 +msgid "if we're really being frugal" +msgstr "kalau kita mau irit" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1193 +msgid "I bet Min could pass off as under 12 for the Kids price" +msgstr "" +"Aku yakin Min bisa lolos jadi bocah dibawah 12 tahun buat harga Anak-Anak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1196 +msgid "Why stop there?" +msgstr "Kenapa berhenti disana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1197 +msgid "Infants eat for free." +msgstr "Bayi makan gratis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1198 +msgid "DAMN" +msgstr "ANJIR" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1199 +msgid "HEY" +msgstr "WOI" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1200 +msgid "more realistically, Min could actually fit in our equipment bag" +msgstr "lebih realistis, Min bisa muat di tas perlengkapan kita" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1201 +msgid "the giant 3 ft long one" +msgstr "yang 3 kaki itu" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1202 +msgid "we can straight up smuggle her inside and not pay for her at all" +msgstr "kita bisa nyelundupin dia kedalam dan gak bayar buat dia sama sekali" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1206 +msgid "" +"Won't the waiters find it odd that a tiny Asian kid suddenly materialized at " +"our table?" +msgstr "" +"Bukannya pelayannya bakalan ngerasa aneh kalau ada bocah Asia tiba-tiba " +"muncul di meja kita?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1207 +msgid "No, they won't see her" +msgstr "Enggak, mereka enggak akan lihat dia" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1208 +msgid "She'll stay in the bag" +msgstr "Dia tinggal di tas" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1209 +msgid "When no one's looking, we can quickly slip the food inside." +msgstr "" +"Pas gak ada yang lihat, kita bisa cepat-cepat masukkin makanan kedalamnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1210 +msgid "what kind of demented fantasy even is this" +msgstr "khayalan gila macam apa ini" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1211 +msgid "I'm getting scared for your future children, you weirdo" +msgstr "Aku jadi takut dengan anak kamu di masa depan, dasar aneh" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1212 +msgid "that sounds kinda fun actually" +msgstr "kayaknya menyenangkan sih" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1213 +msgid "ill do it" +msgstr "gue ikut" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1214 +msgctxt "furry_e7c6863a" +msgid "WHAT" +msgstr "APA" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1215 +msgid "ill be like" +msgstr "gw bakalan ky" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1216 +msgid "illegal" +msgstr "ilegal" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1217 +msgid "Alright, let's meet up there at noon tomorrow" +msgstr "Oke, kita ketemu disana besok siang" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1218 +msgid "Be there or be square :)" +msgstr "Pergi atau kamu gak keren :)" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1220 +msgid "Tomorrow? I won't be able to go. " +msgstr "Besok? Aku tidak bisa ikut." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1221 +msgid ":c" +msgstr ":c" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1222 +msgid "Why not? " +msgstr "Kenapa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1223 +msgid "I just had fun 3 months ago. My parents will complain I'm wasting time." +msgstr "" +"Aku baru bersenang-senang 3 bulan yang lalu. Orangtuaku akan mengeluh kalau " +"aku membuang-buang waktu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1224 +msgid "i cant go either" +msgstr "gue jg ga bisa pergi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1225 +msgid "im still grounded for getting ecxpelled from niles" +msgstr "masih dihukum grgr diklarn dr niles" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1226 +msgid "How are you coming to practice, then?" +msgstr "Kalau gitu gimana caranya kamu datang latihan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1227 +msgid "i told them i'm going to a tutering group" +msgstr "gue bilang mereka gue ikut grup les" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1228 +msgid "can't u say ur going to a special additional session?" +msgstr "lw g bisa bilang lu ke sesi tambahan khusus?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1229 +msgid "bc ur extra dumb and need the help" +msgstr "soalnya u tolol g kentara n hrs dibantuin" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1230 +msgid "fuck yuo" +msgstr "bangsat lo" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1231 +msgid "and thats not gonna work" +msgstr "dan itu ga bakal guna" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1232 +msgid "they wont be convinced that easily" +msgstr "mereka ga bakal segampang itu percaya" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1233 +msgid "Wait, listen. " +msgstr "Tunggu, dengar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1234 +msgid "I have an idea." +msgstr "Aku punya ide." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1247 +msgid "Min's mom accompanies her to the library." +msgstr "Ibu Min menemaninya ke perpustakaan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1249 +msgid "Noelle is seated inside with her mom." +msgstr "Noelle sedang duduk di dalam dengan ibunya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1250 +msgid "Min gestures at her, wrinkling her nose with disgust. " +msgstr "Min menunjuk padanya, merengut dengan jijik." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1252 +msgid "This is my private tutor or whatever." +msgstr "Ini guru lesku atau apalah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1255 +msgid "Yes. I am receiving extra credit for this." +msgstr "Ya. Aku mendapatkan nilai tambahan untuk ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1256 +msgid "Min's mom eyes the clearly nerdy girl Min would never be friends with. " +msgstr "" +"Ibu Min melihat gadis kutu buku yang Min jelas-jelas tak akan jadikan teman." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1257 +msgid "" +"Noelle's mom eyes the clearly stupid girl Noelle would never be friends with." +msgstr "" +"Ibu Noelle melihat gadis bodoh yang Noelle jelas-jelas tak akan jadikan " +"teman." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1259 +msgid "Show us your latest math test." +msgstr "Tunjukkan ulangan matematika terakhir kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1260 +msgid "" +"Min takes a crumpled ball of paper out of her pocket. When she smoothes it " +"out, it's marked all over, red with failure." +msgstr "" +"Min mengeluarkan sebuah bola kertas dari kantungnya. Ketika dia " +"merapikannya, semuanya ditandai, merah dengan kegagalan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1262 +msgid "WHAT HAPPENED??" +msgstr "APA YANG TERJADI??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1264 +msgid "" +"I got unlucky. There were so many where I narrowed it down to 2 choices, and " +"guessed wrong." +msgstr "" +"Gue ga hoki. Ada banyak jadi gue persempit jadi 2 pilihan, terus salah tebak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1267 +msgid "" +"THERE'S ONLY 4 CHOICES. EVEN IF YOU CHOSE EVERY SINGLE ANSWER AT RANDOM, ON " +"AVERAGE YOU WOULD'VE SCORED HIGHER THAN THIS!" +msgstr "" +"HANYA ADA 4 PILIHAN. BAHKAN KALAU KAMU PILIH SATU JAWABAN SECARA ACAK, RATA-" +"RATA KAMU BAKAL DAPAT NILAI LEBIH TINGGI DARI INI!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1269 +msgid "Yeah?? Says who?" +msgstr "Iya?? Kata siapa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1272 +msgid "...What? Says probability. " +msgstr "...Apa? Menurut kemungkinan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1273 +msgid "Noelle teaches Min the concept of probability..." +msgstr "Noelle mengajari Min konsep kemungkinan..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1275 +msgid "Sounds fake." +msgstr "Kayaknya palsu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1278 +msgid "IT'S NOT FAKE." +msgstr "TIDAK PALSU." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1279 +msgid "Do you at least understand it now?" +msgstr "Kamu ngerti sekarang?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1281 +msgctxt "furry_b61fd423" +msgid "I guess." +msgstr "Kayaknya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1283 +msgid "" +"Finally convinced that Noelle is legitimately tutoring Min, their moms head " +"home." +msgstr "" +"Akhirnya yakin Noelle sedang benar-benar mengajari Min, ibu mereka pulang ke " +"rumah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1285 +msgid "We fooled them!" +msgstr "Kita menipu mereka!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1288 +msgid "" +"All we need to do now is walk to the buffet, and remember to come back here " +"later to get picked up." +msgstr "" +"Sekarang yang kita tinggal lakukan hanya jalan ke prasmanan, dan kembali " +"kesini nanti untuk dijemput." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1294 +msgid "" +"It's so messed up that we even have to do this, just for really basic " +"things. We're not even doing anything bad." +msgstr "" +"Kacau banget buat kita bahkan harus ngelakuin ini, cuman buat hal-hal yang " +"dasar banget. Kita bahkan ga ngelakuin yang aneh-aneh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1297 +msgid "" +"I can't comprehend a situation where you don't have to hide most of your " +"life from your parents." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak dapat paham situasi di mana kamu tidak harus menyembunyikan " +"sebagian besar hidup kamu dari orang tua kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1300 +msgid "Right? A healthy relationship with your parents? What's that?" +msgstr "Ya kan? Hubungan yang sehat sama ortu? Apaan tuh?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1303 +msgid "" +"It sucks that due to societal pressures, practically everyone has kids, " +"whether they're well suited for parenting or not." +msgstr "" +"Menyebalkan hanya karena tekanan masyarakat, hampir setiap orang punya anak, " +"entah mereka cocok untuk jadi orangtua atau tidak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1304 +msgid "" +"It took me a long time to accept that my mom and dad are decent people who " +"just happen to make horrible parents." +msgstr "" +"Aku butuh waktu yang lama untuk menerima kalau ayah dan bundaku adalah orang " +"baik yang kebetulan menjadi orang tua yang parah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1307 +msgid "I bet mine are worse." +msgstr "Gue yakin yang gue lebih parah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1310 +msgid "" +"My dad taped the times table up to 12x12 to the wall at eye level, and made " +"me stand facing it until I memorized the whole thing in one go." +msgstr "" +"Ayahku merekatkan tabel perkalian sampai 12x12 setinggi mata di dinding, dan " +"membuatku mengahadapnya sampai aku ingat semuanya dalam satu kali cobaan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1311 +msgid "" +"I was only 5, but I remember it clearly because I was there for hours and " +"hours." +msgstr "" +"Aku hanya 5 tahun, tapi aku ingat dengan jelas karena aku disana selama " +"berjam-jam." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1314 +msgid "...I still don't know the 11 and 12 ones." +msgstr "...Gue masih ga tau yang 11 sama 12." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1316 +msgid "Oh yeah? My dad once threw a porcelain toilet seat at me from upstairs." +msgstr "" +"Oh ya? Bapak gue pernah lemparin gue dudukan toilet porselen dari lantai " +"atas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1319 +msgid "Why a toilet seat?" +msgstr "Kenapa dudukan toilet?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1322 +msgid "" +"My dad went to pee in the middle of an argument and suddenly remembered how " +"mad he was at me." +msgstr "" +"Bapak gue kencing di tengah argumen terus tiba-tiba inget dia marah ke gue." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1323 +msgid "" +"So he stormed out of the bathroom with the thing in hand and hurled it at me " +"on sight." +msgstr "" +"Jadi dia cepat-cepat keluar dari kamar mandi sambil pegang itu terus " +"dilemparin ke gue." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1326 +msgid "Wow. That explains a lot about you." +msgstr "Wow. Menjelaskan dirimu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1329 +msgid "Parents should be required to take a test before they can have kids." +msgstr "Orangtua harusnya wajib ikut test sebelum boleh punya anak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1332 +msgid "" +"I wish that were viable. Maybe in an ideal world, where all vehicle turn " +"signals sync up and blink the same speed." +msgstr "" +"Aku berharap itu bisa. Mungkin di dunia yang ideal, dimana semua kendaraan " +"disinkronkan dan berkedip dengan kecepatan yang sama." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1333 +msgid "" +"I'd want the test to ask them to explain their motivation for being a " +"parent. Do you want a kid just to elevate your own status?" +msgstr "" +"Aku ingin tes untuk minta mereka menjelaskan motivasi mereka jadi orang tua. " +"Apa kamu pingin anak hanya untuk meningkatkan status kamu sendiri?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1334 +msgid "What if your kids don't turn out the way you expected?" +msgstr "Gimana kalau anakmu tidak jadi sesuai yang kamu harapkan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1339 +msgid "A bunch of white guys holler at them as they pass by the intersection." +msgstr "" +"Beberapa pria kulit putih meneriaki mereka saat mereka melewati persimpangan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1340 +msgid "White guy" +msgstr "Pria kulit putih" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1341 +msgid "Konnichiwa!" +msgstr "Konnichiwa!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1342 +msgid "Min makes an obscene hand gesture at him." +msgstr "Min membuat gerakan tangan tidak senonoh padanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1345 +msgid "This is America! SPEAK ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" +msgstr "Ini Amerika! NGOMONG INGGRIS, BANGSAT!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1348 +msgid "That's...not the correct way to think of it." +msgstr "Itu...bukan cara yang benar untuk memikirkannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1352 +msgid "" +"It's kinda funny, he had two chances to get it right and got it wrong for " +"both of us." +msgstr "" +"Agak kocak, dia punya dua kesempatan buat benar dan dia salah dua-duanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1355 +msgid "Like you and your math test." +msgstr "Seperti kamu dan ulangan matematikamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1358 +msgid "Oh, shut up." +msgstr "Ah, bacot." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1367 +msgid "We're here!" +msgstr "Kita sampai!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1369 +msgid "Diya and Akarsha are already waiting by the fountain." +msgstr "Diya dan Akarsha sudah menunggu di dekat air mancur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1374 +msgctxt "furry_e2b62e10" +msgid "Diya!" +msgstr "Diya!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1377 +msgid "........!" +msgstr ".........!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1380 +msgctxt "furry_a293139f" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}வணக்கம்.{/font}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1383 +msgctxt "furry_0dc258b4" +msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் குசு விரும்புகிறேன்.{/font}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1386 +msgctxt "furry_ae21a3c4" +msgid "......!!!" +msgstr ".......!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1387 +msgid "I love you." +msgstr "Aku cintai kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1389 +msgctxt "furry_3a2190bc" +msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" +msgstr "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1393 +msgid "This just added 5 years to my lifespan!!!" +msgstr "Ini nambah 5 tahun jangka hidup gue!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1399 +msgid "" +"Diya has moved so that she's standing directly beneath the air conditioning " +"vent. She closes her eyes contentedly as the cool draft blows over her face." +msgstr "" +"Diya berpindah agar dia berdiri langsung dibawah ventilasi pendingin udara. " +"Dia menutup matanya dengan puas sembari aliran udara dingin bertiup di " +"wajahnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1401 +msgid "You're sweating buckets. Were you exercising or something?" +msgstr "Kamu mandi keringat. Kamu olahraga atau bagaimana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1403 +msgid "Ran 5 miles to here from my house." +msgstr "Lari 5 mil ke sini dari rumah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1405 +msgid "But your house is only 1 mile away." +msgstr "Tapi rumah kamu hanya 1 mil." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1407 +msgid "I know. I just can't read maps." +msgstr "Aku tau. Aku enggak bisa baca peta." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1409 +msgid "You should cool off in the fountain." +msgstr "Lu ngedinginin diri lu di pancuran sana." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1411 +msgctxt "furry_a2dbca39" +msgid "No." +msgstr "Enggak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1413 +msgid "" +"It doesn't matter that you're not wearing a swimsuit. If you take off your " +"clothes, your bra and underwear will basically be like a bikini." +msgstr "" +"Ga ngaruh kalau lo ga pakai baju renang. Kalau lo copot baju, pada dasarnya " +"BH sama CD lo jadi bikini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1416 +msgid "You think the swimsuit is the only issue here??" +msgstr "Kamu pikir baju renang satu-satunya masalah disini??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1418 +msgid "It's called having fun, Frenchman. You should try it sometime." +msgstr "Namanya bersenang-senang, Frenchman. Lu harus coba kapan-kapan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1420 +msgid "Really? Then why don't YOU jump into the fountain?" +msgstr "Iya? Kalau begitu kenapa KAMU tidak lompat ke air mancur?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1422 +msgid "........Great question!" +msgstr "........Pertanyaan bagus!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1424 +msgctxt "furry_9d73f57c" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1426 +msgid "" +"It's filled with money people threw in there. It's like a swimming pool but " +"better." +msgstr "" +"Penuh uang yang orang lempar kedalem sana. Kayak kolam renang tapi lebih " +"bagus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1430 +msgid "She's right! There's nothing stopping us from taking it." +msgstr "Dia bener! Enggak ada yang berhentiin kita buat ambil." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1433 +msgid "You can't be serious. Stop. Stop!" +msgstr "Kamu pasti bercanda. Berhenti. Berhenti!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1441 +msgid "How much money have you got so far?" +msgstr "Udah dapet berapa lu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1443 +msgid "Min examines the fistful of dirty coins in her hand." +msgstr "Min memperhatikan tangannya yang penuh uang logam kotor." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1445 +msgid "Uh......." +msgstr "Uh........" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1446 +msgid "A lot." +msgstr "Banyak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1448 +msgid "Min holds it out for Akarsha to see." +msgstr "Min mengulurkannya agar Akarsha melihatnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1450 +msgid "You've got like $1.88." +msgstr "Lu dapet sekitar $1.88" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1451 +msgid "If we find 392 more cents, we can buy Mario Party at GameStop." +msgstr "Kalau kita dapet 392 sen lagi, kita bisa beli Mario Party di GameStop." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1457 +msgid "Hey! What're you doing in there?? Get out!" +msgstr "Woi! Kalian ngapain di sana?? Keluar!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1459 +msgid "Chryssa is powerwalking toward them." +msgstr "Chryssa berjalan dengan cepat ke arah mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1461 +msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c" +msgid "Shit." +msgstr "Anjing." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1468 +msgid "Akarsha and Min reluctantly climb out of the mall fountain." +msgstr "Akarsha dan Min keluar dari air mancur mall dengan enggan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1470 +msgid "Why are you two like this???" +msgstr "Kalian berdua kenapa kayak gini sih???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1471 +msgid "Have you never gone outside before??" +msgstr "Kalian enggak pernah pergi keluar??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1473 +msgid "How dare you. Just last week, I went to Safeway with my mom." +msgstr "Enak aja. Minggu lalu, aku ke Safeway sama Ibu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1475 +msgid "" +"Chryssa points at Noelle, who's smugly watching them get scolded from a safe " +"distance." +msgstr "" +"Chryssa menunjuk Noelle, yang tersenyum angkuh melihat mereka dimarahi dari " +"jarak yang aman." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1477 +msgid "And you!" +msgstr "Kamu juga!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1479 +msgid "What! I didn't do anything." +msgstr "Apa! Aku tidak melakukan apa-apa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1481 +msgid "Exactly. You should've stopped them." +msgstr "Tepat. Kamu harusnya berhentikan mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1482 +msgid "Are you the responsible one or not??" +msgstr "Kamu yang bertanggung jawab atau bukan??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1484 +msgid "Alright, I think they get it. Let's just go into the restaurant now." +msgstr "Okeah, kayaknya mereka ngerti. Ayo kita pergi ke restoran sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1489 +msgid "Get in the bag, Min!" +msgstr "Masuk ke tas, Min!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1492 +msgid "Liz places the empty equipment bag on the floor and unzips it." +msgstr "" +"Liz menaruh tas perlengkapan kosong di lantai dan membuka resletingnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1493 +msgid "" +"Min climbs in and lies on her side in fetal position. There's actually some " +"room to spare." +msgstr "" +"Min memanjat masuk dan berbaring miring. Sebenarnya masih ada ruang kosong." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1497 +msgid "You okay in there?" +msgstr "Kamu gapapa disana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1499 +msgid "It's kinda like being in sleeping bag, except not padded and shitty." +msgstr "Kayak pake kantong tidur, tapi gak empuk dan gak enak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1503 +msgid "" +"I'm doing a crime. If I stay undercover like this, I'll basically be " +"stealing from the restaurant." +msgstr "" +"Gue ngelakuin kejahatan. Kalau gue tetep nyamar kayak gini, pada dasarnya " +"gue bakalan nyuri dari restoran." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1506 +msgid "That's right, homie. Fight the system." +msgstr "Bener, bro. Lawan sistemnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1509 +msgid "We need to zip this up now, so no one sees you." +msgstr "Kita harus resleting ini sekarang, biar ga ada yang lihat kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1511 +msgid "Everyone wave goodbye to Min." +msgstr "Semuanya bilang dadah ke Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1513 +msgid "Bye, Min!" +msgstr "Bye, Min!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1519 +msgid "I can't see a thing now that it's zipped shut." +msgstr "Gue gak bisa lihat apa-apa sekarang soalnya diresleting." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1521 +msgid "Min feels a tug on the top of the bag." +msgstr "Min merasakan tarikan di bagian atas tas" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1522 +msgid "Ugh, I didn't think about carrying the bag in." +msgstr "Ugh, kayaknya aku gak bisa bawa tasnya kedalam." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1523 +msgid "It's like, a hundred pounds." +msgstr "Ini kayak, seratus pon." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1524 +msgid "Diya can lift it. She's the strongest." +msgstr "Diya bisa angkat. Dia paling kuat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1525 +msgid "No, Diya won't work." +msgstr "Tidak, Diya tidak bisa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1526 +msgid "She'd look too guilty. You can see it on her face." +msgstr "Dia akan terlihat terlalu bersalah. Kamu bisa lihat di mukanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1527 +msgid "See, Mom! She's already uncomfortable." +msgstr "Tuh, Bun! Dia sudah tidak nyaman." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1528 +msgid "...Did you just call me Mom?" +msgstr "...Kamu baru panggil aku Bunda?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1529 +msgid "What?! I did not." +msgstr "Apa?! Aku tidak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1530 +msgid "You totally did." +msgstr "Lu beneran iya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1532 +msgid "I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT." +msgstr "AKU TIDAK SAMA SEKALI." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1533 +msgid "Alright, I'll carry the bag." +msgstr "Yasudah, aku yang akan bawa tasnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1535 +msgid "Whoa. She's lifting the bag off the ground." +msgstr "Woh. Dia ngangkat tasnya dari lantai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1536 +msgid "I'm suddenly really worried about being dropped." +msgstr "Tiba-tiba gue takut dijatohin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1537 +msgid "If you drop me, I'll kill you." +msgstr "Kalau lo jatuhin, gue bunuh lo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1541 +msgid "They've halted inside the restaurant." +msgstr "Mereka berhenti di dalam restoran." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1542 +msgid "Waiter" +msgstr "Pelayan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1543 +msgid "How many?" +msgstr "Berapa orang?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1544 +msgid "Nine. I mean, eight." +msgstr "Sembilan. Maksudku, delapan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1545 +msgid "We don't have any large tables left. Is two separate ones fine?" +msgstr "" +"Kami tidak punya meja besar lagi. Apakah dua meja terpisah tidak apa-apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1546 +msgctxt "furry_3ff12095" +msgid "Sure." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1547 +msgid "Come this way." +msgstr "Lewat sini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1548 +msgid "The bag shifts with Chryssa's movements as she follows the waiter." +msgstr "" +"Tas itu bergeser dengan gerakan Chryssa saat dia mengikuti pelayan itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1550 +msgid "These tables are pretty tall." +msgstr "Mejanya lumayan tinggi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1551 +msgid "If Min were sitting at it, she'd need a booster seat." +msgstr "Kalau Min duduk, harus pake kursi bayi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1553 +msgid "{big=+20}I'M NOT THAT SHORT, YOU BITCH!{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}GUE ENGGAK SEPENDEK ITU, JINGAN!{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1557 +msgctxt "furry_63981d3d" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1558 +msgctxt "furry_8e650fe7" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1559 +msgctxt "furry_fcca59f3" +msgid "...................." +msgstr "....................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1560 +msgctxt "furry_fbd0a49c_1" +msgid "Shit." +msgstr "Njir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1566 +msgid "Min's life as a fugitive has ended." +msgstr "Kehidupan Min sebagai pelarian telah selesai." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1568 +msgid "" +"At least now that you've blown your cover, you can eat normally with us." +msgstr "" +"Seenggaknya sekarang setelah lu ngancurin kedok lu, lu bisa makan normal " +"bareng kita." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1570 +msgctxt "furry_1fb00b78" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1572 +msgid "" +"Min crawls out of the bag and takes a seat with Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya." +msgstr "Min keluar dari tas dan duduk dengan Akarsha, Noelle, dan Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1574 +msgid "We can get our drinks and food now." +msgstr "Kita bisa ambil minum dan makan sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1576 +msgid "As Akarsha reaches for her empty glass, Noelle grabs her arm." +msgstr "Saat Akarsha meraih gelas kosongnya, Noelle memegang lengannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1578 +msgid "Wait. I'll get your water along with mine." +msgstr "Tunggu. Aku sekalian ambil minum kamu dengan punyaku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1579 +msgid "You go ahead and get your food." +msgstr "Kamu duluan dan ambil makananmu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1581 +msgid "Thanks...?" +msgstr "Makasih...?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1583 +msgid "Don't mention it." +msgstr "Sama-sama." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1585 +msgid "Do you have a fever or something?" +msgstr "Lu sakit atau gimana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1586 +msgid "You're really docile all of a sudden." +msgstr "Lu tiba-tiba jinak banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1588 +msgid "" +"I don't have the energy to deal with both you and Min-seo at the same time. " +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak punya energi untuk berurusan denganmu dan Min-seo di waktu yang " +"sama." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1589 +msgid "I'll get you back for this later." +msgstr "Aku balas kamu nanti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1591 +msgid "I like how getting her water is something you have to get her back for." +msgstr "Gue suka gimana ngambilin dia air tuh sesuatu yang harus lo bales." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1594 +msgid "" +"Diya pauses, then turns to look at Min. The restaurant is noisy enough that " +"she likely didn't catch what Min said, but she heard her tone of approval." +msgstr "" +"Diya berhenti, lalu menengok untuk melihat Min. Restorannya cukup ramai " +"sehingga dia mungkin tidak menangkap apa yang dikatakan Min, tapi dia " +"mendengar nada persetujuannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1596 +msgid "You like Noelle now?" +msgstr "Kamu suka Noelle sekarang?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1597 +msgid "" +"Her face is shining with hope. Min is struck with the conviction that saying " +"no would be a crime punishable by death." +msgstr "" +"Wajahnya berseri dengan harapan. Min diserang dengan keyakinan bahwa " +"mengatakan tidak akan menjadi kejahatan yang pantas mendapat hukuman mati." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1599 +msgid "...She's okay, I guess." +msgstr "...Dia gapapa, kayaknya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1601 +msgid "" +"Diya beams at her. The blinding exposure temporarily lowers Min's IQ by 50 " +"points." +msgstr "" +"Diya tersenyum senang padanya. Eksposur yang menyilaukan itu untuk sementara " +"menurunkan IQ Min sebesar 50 poin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1603 +msgid "Yeah!! That was so worth it!" +msgstr "Yeah!! Tadi setimpal banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1612 +msgid "I don't know what anything is." +msgstr "Gue gak tahu apa-apa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1615 +msgid "Surely you at least recognize Tandoori chicken." +msgstr "Tentunya kamu tahu ayam Tandoori." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1617 +msgid "You're saying it wrong." +msgstr "Kamu salah cara ngomongnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1620 +msgid "Wait, really? Tandoori?" +msgstr "Tunggu, iya? Tandoori?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1623 +msgid "Tan-due-ri." +msgstr "Tan-due-ri." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1624 +msgid "The \"doo\" isn't like in \"door\". It's like..doo-doo head." +msgstr "\"Doo\"nya bukan kayak \"door\". Lebih kayak..doo-doo head. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1626 +msgid "" +"Are you 5 years old? You could've just said, like the \"due\" in \"due date." +"\"" +msgstr "Kamu balita? Kamu bisa aja bilang, seperti \"due\" di \"due date.\"" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1629 +msgctxt "furry_1080092c" +msgid "Tan-due-ri..." +msgstr "Tan-due-ri..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1632 +msgctxt "furry_46fd130d" +msgid "Tan-due-ri..." +msgstr "Tan-due-ri..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1639 +msgid "I ended up taking a bit of everything." +msgstr "Ujung-ujungnya gue ambil semuanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1641 +msgid "Maybe this will make Diya think I'm cool for trying all of it." +msgstr "Mungkin ini bakal bikin Diya mikir kalau gue keren buat coba semuanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1644 +msgid "The Tando...Tan-due-ri chicken is too salty." +msgstr "Tando-...Ayam tan-due-rinya terlalu asin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1645 +msgid "" +"Noelle dumps it on Diya's plate. Diya eagerly stuffs the extra food into her " +"mouth." +msgstr "" +"Nuelle membuangnya ke piring Diya. Diya dengan semangat memasukkan makanan " +"ekstra itu ke mulutnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1647 +msgid "What is she, your garbage disposal?" +msgstr "Dia apaan, tong sampah lu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1649 +msgid "" +"Min jitters her leg so the table is rattling like there's a small earthquake." +msgstr "" +"Min menggerakkan kakinya sehingga mejanya bergetar seperti ada gempa kecil." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1651 +msgctxt "furry_e603c6b2" +msgid "Stop that." +msgstr "Berhenti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1652 +msgid "Akarsha joins in at the same frequency, so it resonates." +msgstr "Akarsha ikut di frekuensi yang sama, jadi beresonansi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1654 +msgid "Knowledge is power." +msgstr "Pengetahuan adalah kekuatan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1656 +msgid "Akarsha sips her water. She's downed about half the glass now." +msgstr "Akarsha meminum airnya. Dia sudah menenggak sekitar setengah gelasnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1657 +msgid "" +"Clearly waiting for this moment to arrive, Noelle smugly flips open her cell " +"phone and shows it to her." +msgstr "" +"Jelas menunggu saat ini tiba, Noelle membuka ponselnya dan menunjukkannya " +"pada dia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1659 +msgid "Akarsha, look at this photo." +msgstr "Akarsha, coba lihat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1660 +msgid "" +"It's a picture of the restaurant's bathroom stall. In the center of the " +"frame, Noelle is holding a water glass to the toilet." +msgstr "" +"Sebuah foto kamar mandi restoran. Di tengah foto, Noelle sedang memegang " +"gelas ke arah toilet." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1665 +msgid "Is that...You filled my cup with toilet water?!" +msgstr "Itu...Lu isi gelas gua pakai air toilet?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1667 +msgid "What do you think?" +msgstr "Menurut kamu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1669 +msgid "Seriously?!" +msgstr "Seriusan?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1670 +msgid "" +"Akarsha stands. Noelle has a perversely happy look on her face, like a child " +"burning ants with a magnifying glass." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha berdiri. Noelle seperti seorang anak kecil yang membakar semut " +"dengan kaca pembesar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1672 +msgid "" +"Seriously now, are you serious? Come on man, seriously now really are you " +"serious come on man." +msgstr "Beneran, kamu beneran? Ayolah, beneran seriusan ayolah woi ayolah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1674 +msgid "Now we're even." +msgstr "Sekarang kita setara." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1677 +msgid "Ew!! Ew!!!" +msgstr "Ih!! Ih!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1678 +msgid "I can't believe you! You meanie!!" +msgstr "Gua ga percaya lu! Lu jahat!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1679 +msgid "My stomach hurts now!" +msgstr "Perut gua sakit sekarang!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1681 +msgid "You're being overdramatic. The bacteria wouldn't affect it that fast." +msgstr "" +"Kamu terlalu dramatis. Bakterinya tidak akan menimbulkan efek secepat itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1683 +msgid "I'm gonna wash my mouth out!" +msgstr "Gua mau cuci mulut!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1686 +msgid "Akarsha disappears into the bathroom." +msgstr "Akarsha menghilang ke kamar mandi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1689 +msgid "Jesus Christ..." +msgstr "Tuhan..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1693 +msgctxt "furry_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1697 +msgid "" +"Worried, Diya goes after Akarsha, leaving Min alone with Noelle at the table." +msgstr "" +"Khawatir, Diya mengikuti Akarsha, meninggalkan Min dengan Noelle di meja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1700 +msgid "Noelle is in a particularly good mood now." +msgstr "Noelle sedang dalam suasana hati yang baik sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1727 +msgid "Check on Diya and Akarsha" +msgstr "Cek Diya dan Akarsha" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1744 +msgid "Min gets up and hovers awkwardly outside the women's restroom." +msgstr "Min berdiri dan pergi dengan canggung ke luar kamar mandi perempuan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1745 +msgid "" +"Peering through the open door from the hallway, she can see Akarsha and Diya " +"at the sink." +msgstr "" +"Mengintip lewat pintu terbuka dari lorong, dia bisa melihat Akarsha dan Diya " +"di wastafel." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1746 +msgid "" +"Akarsha cups her hand under the running faucet, gargles the tap water, and " +"spits it back out." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha menangkupkan tangannya dibawah keran yang mengalir, berkumur dengan " +"air keran, dan meludahkannya kembali." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1748 +msgid "Oh my god! People pooped in the toilet water! And I drank it!" +msgstr "Oh my god! Orang boker di air toilet! Dan gua minum!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1750 +msgctxt "check_9cbab985" +msgid "Yeah." +msgstr "Iya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1752 +msgid "This WOULD happen to me. Classic." +msgstr "Ini BAKALAN terjadi pada gua. Klasik." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1753 +msgid "What did I ever do to deserve this?" +msgstr "Gua ngapain sampe pantes ngedapetin ini?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1755 +msgid "You tied Noelle's braid to a tree." +msgstr "Kamu ngikat kepangannya Noelle ke pohon." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1757 +msgid "Besides that. That's so minor!" +msgstr "Selain itu. Itu remeh banget!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1759 +msgid "And \"accidentally\" dropped a worm we were dissecting down her shirt." +msgstr "" +"Dan \"enggak sengaja\" jatuhin cacing yang lagi kita bedah ke kemejanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1761 +msgid "Besides that. That was weeks ago!" +msgstr "Selain itu. Itu berminggu-minggu yang lalu!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1763 +msgid "" +"Yesterday you picked her up, replied \"Okay!\" when she demanded you put her " +"down, and threw her into the school swimming pool." +msgstr "" +"Kemarin kamu angkat dia, jawab \"Oke!\" pas dia minta kamu buat turunin dia, " +"dan lempar dia ke kolam renang sekolah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1764 +msgid "" +"And when she screeched, \"Now I'm all wet,\" you yelled, \"That's what she " +"said.\"" +msgstr "" +"Dan pas dia teriak, \"Sekarang aku basah,\" kamu teriak, \"Itu yang dia " +"bilang.\"" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1766 +msgid "Besides that! None of these count!" +msgstr "Selain itu! Nggak ada yang termasuk!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1768 +msgctxt "check_c47e75c1" +msgid ".............." +msgstr "..............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1770 +msgid "Such a cruel world we live in." +msgstr "Dunia ini jahat banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1772 +msgctxt "check_195e0304" +msgid "...Right." +msgstr "...Ya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1774 +msgid "Diya clearly has no idea what to say." +msgstr "Diya jelas-jelas tidak tahu harus mengatakan apa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1775 +msgid "" +"Even though she's mostly just standing there listening, though, Akarsha " +"seems to appreciate her presence." +msgstr "" +"Meskipun dia hanya berdiri di sana sambil mendengarkan, Akarsha tampaknya " +"menghargai kehadirannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1777 +msgid "It looks like they're doing okay." +msgstr "Kayanya mereka gapapa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1783 +msgid "Min returns to the table." +msgstr "Min kembali ke meja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1785 +msgid "They're taking a long time in there." +msgstr "Mereka butuh waktu yang lama disana." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1786 +msgid "She's not crying, is she?" +msgstr "Dia tidak nangis, kan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1788 +msgid "No, she's just being a drama queen like usual." +msgstr "Enggak, cuman alay kayak biasanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1789 +msgid "What, are you worried?" +msgstr "Kenapa, khawatir?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1792 +msgid "What?? No." +msgstr "Apa?? Tidak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1793 +msgid "I was just curious." +msgstr "Penasaran saja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1795 +msgid "Whatever you say, Satan." +msgstr "Terserah, Setan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1803 +msgid "Was it really toilet water?" +msgstr "Beneran air toilet?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1806 +msgid "What? Of course not. That would've been unsanitary." +msgstr "Apa? Tidak. Itu tidak higienis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1807 +msgid "What kind of person do you think I am?" +msgstr "Kamu kira aku orang macam apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1809 +msgid "What the fuck...That somehow makes it even worse." +msgstr "Apaan anjir...Itu lebih parah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1810 +msgid "You lied to her." +msgstr "Lo bo'ong ke dia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1813 +msgid "I never lied." +msgstr "Aku tidak pernah bohong." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1814 +msgid "I purposefully led her to the wrong conclusion, that's all." +msgstr "Aku dengan sengaja menuntun dia pada kesimpulan yang salah, itu saja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1819 +msgid "" +"Um...It pisses me off to admit it, but you're less boring than I originally " +"thought." +msgstr "" +"Uh...Ini bikin gue kesel buat ngakuin, tapi lo kurang ngebosenin dari yang " +"gue pikir awalnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1820 +msgid "I used to think you were the bland goody-two-shoes type." +msgstr "Gue tadinya mikir lo tuh tipe yang alim ngebosenin gitu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1821 +msgid "But you're actually this sadistic, manipulative weirdo." +msgstr "Tapi lo sebenernya orang aneh sadis manipulatif gitu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1822 +msgid "I can respect that." +msgstr "Gue bisa ngehormatin itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1825 +msgid "...Thanks...?" +msgstr "...Terima kasih...?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1827 +msgid "Sorry I've been a jerk to you." +msgstr "Sori pernah nyebelin ke lo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1828 +msgid "If I'd given you a chance, we might've gotten along." +msgstr "Kalau gue kasih lo kesempatan, kita mungkin bakal akrab." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1831 +msgctxt "talkNoelle_6084cb07" +msgid "What?!" +msgstr "Apa?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1833 +msgid "J-just kidding! I hate you." +msgstr "B-Bercanda! Gua benci lo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1836 +msgid "Noelle nods with relief." +msgstr "Noelle mengangguk dengan lega." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1838 +msgid "Good. I hate you, too." +msgstr "Bagus. Aku benci kamu, juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1840 +msgid "None of this Disney shit." +msgstr "Gak ada yang kaya gini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1842 +msgctxt "talkNoelle_4d256c73" +msgid "Right." +msgstr "Ya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1849 +msgid "The workers are refilling the iced tea keg now." +msgstr "Para karyawan sedang mengisi ulang tong es teh sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1851 +msgid "That looks good." +msgstr "Itu kayaknya enak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1854 +msgid "Min fetches a glass of iced tea and returns to the table." +msgstr "Min mengambil segelas es teh dan kembali ke meja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1856 +msgid "What is that?" +msgstr "Itu apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1858 +msgid "Iced tea." +msgstr "Es teh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1861 +msgid "What? Where was it?" +msgstr "Apa? Darimana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1862 +msgid "Min points at the glass keg in the corner of the buffet." +msgstr "Min menunjuk tong kaca di ujung prasmanan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1864 +msgid "Why is it all by itself, away from the other beverages?" +msgstr "Kenapa itu sendiri, jauh dari minuman yang lain?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1866 +msgid "Uh...Maybe they didn't have room by the soda machine?" +msgstr "Uh...Mungkin enggak ada tempat dekat mesin soda?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1868 +msgid "Now that she looks, though, there is room by the soda machine." +msgstr "Namun saat dia melihat sekarang, ada ruang di dekat mesin soda." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1870 +msgid "Shit. You're right." +msgstr "Njir. Lo bener." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1871 +msgid "What the hell is this then?" +msgstr "Terus ini apaan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1874 +msgid "How should I know?" +msgstr "Gimana aku tahu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1875 +msgid "Min sniffs it." +msgstr "Min mengendusnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1877 +msgid "I can't tell what it is." +msgstr "Gue gak tahu ini apa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1878 +msgid "You try." +msgstr "Lo coba." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1880 +msgid "Noelle brings the bowl to her face and inhales." +msgstr "Noelle mendekatkan mangkuk tersebut ke mukanya dan menarik nafas." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1881 +msgid "I don't know. It doesn't smell like a tea." +msgstr "Aku tidak tahu. Baunya tidak seperti teh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1882 +msgid "Min pours half of it into another glass and slides it over to Noelle." +msgstr "" +"Min menuangkan setengahnya ke gelas lain dan memberikannya pada Noelle." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1884 +msgid "I don't want this!" +msgstr "Aku tidak mau!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1886 +msgid "It's a symbol of our not being enemies anymore." +msgstr "Ini simbol kita enggak musuhan lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1889 +msgid "I don't even know what it is!" +msgstr "Aku bahkan tidak tahu ini apa!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1891 +msgid "Then try it." +msgstr "Kalau gitu coba." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1894 +msgid "YOU try it." +msgstr "KAMU coba." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1896 +msgid "What, are you scared it'll taste bad?" +msgstr "Apaan, lo takut rasanya enggak enak?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1899 +msgid "What if it's a condiment? Or a sauce? " +msgstr "Gimana kalau itu bumbu? Atau saus?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1900 +msgid "It would be like eating mustard." +msgstr "Itu bakal seperti makan mustar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1901 +msgid "We should just wait for Diya and Akarsha to come back and ask them. " +msgstr "Kita sebaiknya tunggu Diya dan Akarsha kembali dan tanya mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1903 +msgid "I don't want to be sitting here with matching cups with you!" +msgstr "Gue gak mau duduk disini dengan gelas serasi sama lo!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1904 +msgid "It'll look stupid!" +msgstr "Kayak yang blo'on!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1907 +msgid "" +"You should've thought about that before taking a glass of mystery liquid! " +msgstr "Kamu seharusnya memikirkan itu sebelum mengambil segelas cairan aneh!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1909 +msgid "I thought I knew what it was!" +msgstr "Gue kira gue tau itu apaan!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1912 +msgid "" +"Noelle glares down at her glass of orangey-yellow liquid. After a long " +"moment, takes a sip of it." +msgstr "" +"Noelle memeloti gelas berisi cairan oranye-kuning miliknya. Setelah beberapa " +"saat, meminumnya sedikit." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1914 +msgid "Well? What is it?" +msgstr "Terus? Itu apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1917 +msgid "It's spicy, not sweet." +msgstr "Pedas, tidak manis." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1919 +msgid "It's...weird for a beverage. I don't like it." +msgstr "Ini...aneh untuk sebuah minuman. Aku tidak suka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1921 +msgid "What're you, racist?" +msgstr "Lo apaan, rasis?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1924 +msgid "I'm not racist!" +msgstr "Aku tidak rasis!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1926 +msgid "You're like one of those wimps who're afraid of durian." +msgstr "Lo kayak orang cemen yang takut durian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1927 +msgid "Closed-minded." +msgstr "Pikirannya sempit." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1930 +msgid "I'm not! Look, I'll finish it!" +msgstr "Aku tidak! Lihat, akan aku habiskan!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1932 +msgid "It's probably an acquired taste, like durian." +msgstr "Mungkin itu rasa yang didapat, seperti durian." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1934 +msgid "Min begins drinking her glass of the liquid too." +msgstr "Min mulai meminum gelas berisi cairan miliknya juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1936 +msgid "...It does taste weird for a drink." +msgstr "...Rasanya aneh buat minuman." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1937 +msgid "I don't like it. But I'm better than her! I'll never admit it!" +msgstr "Gue gak suka. Tapi gue lebih baik dari dia! Gue ga bakal terima!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1941 +msgid "Grimacing, they continue drinking the mystery liquid in silence." +msgstr "Meringis, mereka lanjut meminum cairan misterius itu dalam diam." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1943 +msgid "...Hey, you're like a Diya expert, right?" +msgstr "...Hei, lo kayak pakar Diya, kan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1946 +msgid "More or less." +msgstr "Kurang lebih." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1948 +msgid "Can I ask for your opinion on something, then?" +msgstr "Gue boleh tanya pendapat lo tentang sesuatu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1950 +msgid "Yes?" +msgstr "Ya?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1952 +msgid "Where would be the best possible place to take Diya on a date?" +msgstr "Paling bagus ajak Diya kemana buat kencan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1956 +msgid "A dog park." +msgstr "Taman anjing." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1958 +msgid "I already-" +msgstr "Gue udah-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1959 +msgid "I mean, besides a dog park." +msgstr "Maksud gue, selain taman anjing." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1961 +msgid "Then the Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios." +msgstr "Kalau begitu taman hiburan Harry Potter di Universal Studios." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1963 +msgid "But I don't have the money to-" +msgstr "Tapi gue enggak punya duit buat-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1964 +msgid "I mean, the budget in this situation is small." +msgstr "Maksud gue, situasi ini budgetnya kecil." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1967 +msgid "...In this hypothetical situation." +msgstr "...Dalam situasi hipotesa ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1969 +msgid "Right. In this hypothetical situation." +msgstr "Ya. Dalam situasi hipotesa ini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1970 +msgid "I'm testing your Diya knowledge." +msgstr "Gue lagi nguji pengetahuan Diya lu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1974 +msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1976 +msgctxt "dessert_c38327a8" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1980 +msgid "She also likes eating." +msgstr "Dia juga suka makan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1981 +msgid "Why don't you take her to a dessert place instead?" +msgstr "Kenapa kamu tidak ajak dia ke tempat makanan penutup saja?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1982 +msgid "" +"There's one she wants to try called Snowcastle. They have shaved ice and " +"boba." +msgstr "" +"Ada satu yang ingin dia coba bernama Snowcastle. Mereka punya es serut dan " +"boba." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1983 +msgid "" +"It's within walking distance from school. Students often visit it during the " +"lunch hour." +msgstr "Jaraknya dekat sekolah. Anak-anak sering datang saat jam makan siang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1985 +msgid "Perfect! Thanks." +msgstr "Bagus! Makasih." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1987 +msgid "...I mean, you pass." +msgstr "...Maksud gue, lo lulus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1989 +msgid "Because I was testing you." +msgstr "Soalnya gue lagi nguji lo." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1992 +msgctxt "dessert_b1a1420d_1" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1994 +msgid "Just as a reminder, I hate you." +msgstr "Sebagai pengingat, aku benci kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1995 +msgid "I'm only helping you to make sure Diya doesn't have a terrible time." +msgstr "" +"Aku hanya membantumu untuk memastikan Diya tidak mengalami waktu yang buruk." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:1997 +msgid "Yeah, of course. I hate you, too." +msgstr "Ya. Gue benci lo juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2000 +msgid "Akarsha and Diya have returned from the bathroom." +msgstr "Akarsha dan Diya kembali dari kamar mandi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2001 +msgid "" +"Akarsha's eyes widen as she sees Min gulp another mouthful of the mystery " +"liquid." +msgstr "Akarsha terbelalak melihat Min meneguk cairan misterius itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2003 +msgid "Are you guys drinking pani?!" +msgstr "Kalian minum pani?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2005 +msgid "Diya, look! Look, they're drinking pani!!" +msgstr "Diya, lihat! Lihat, mereka minum pani!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2008 +msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2010 +msgid "What?? What's pani?" +msgstr "Apa? Pani itu apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2012 +msgid "You're supposed to use it to fill puri, the fried dough ball things." +msgstr "Kamu harusnya pake buat isi puri, bola adonan gorengan yang itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2013 +msgid "You don't drink it all by itself." +msgstr "Kamu enggak minum itu sendiri." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2015 +msgid "Noelle glares at Min." +msgstr "Noelle menatap tajam pada Min." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2016 +msgid "I told you it wasn't a beverage! I was right!" +msgstr "Aku bilang itu bukan minuman! Aku benar!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2018 +msgid "Don't pin it on me!" +msgstr "Jangan salahin gue!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2019 +msgid "You drank it all on your own!" +msgstr "Lo minum semuanya sendiri!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2022 +msgid "Do you guys squirt ketchup directly into your mouths too??" +msgstr "Kalian nyemprotin saos langsung ke mulut kalian juga??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2024 +msgctxt "dessert_bfcfdeac" +msgid "Shut up." +msgstr "Diam." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2026 +msgid "Ketchup Man..." +msgstr "Manusia Saos..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2027 +msgid "Both Diya and Akarsha are gleefully taking out their phones." +msgstr "Baik Diya dan Akarsha dengan senang mengeluarkan ponsel mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2033 +msgid "DON'T TAKE PHOTOS!" +msgstr "JANGAN AMBIL FOTO!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2035 +msgid "Look what I got!!!" +msgstr "Lihat apa yang gue dapet!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2036 +msgid "" +"It's a photo of a blurred, scowling Noelle trying to shove the shameful cup " +"away from her." +msgstr "" +"Sebuah foto Noelle yang cemberut dan buram, berusaha mendorong cangkir " +"memalukan itu darinya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2039 +msgctxt "dessert_10ef475f_1" +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2040 +msgid "Send it to me." +msgstr "Kirim ke aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2042 +msgid "You're never gonna let us live this down, are you?" +msgstr "Lo gak bakalan pernah ngebiarin ini, kan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2045 +msgid "You guessed it, Ketchup Man 2." +msgstr "Tuh tau, Manusia Saos 2." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2047 +msgid "Whatever, Pee Girl." +msgstr "Terserah, Cewek Kencing." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2051 +msgid "Noelle storms off to the buffet area to escape Akarsha's photos." +msgstr "" +"Noelle pergi ke area prasmanan untuk melarikan diri dari foto-foto Akarsha." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2052 +msgid "Akarsha gets up and chases after her." +msgstr "Akarsha berdiri dan mengejarnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2054 +msgid "" +"...Noelle's making things even worse. There's gonna be action shots of her " +"running around the salad bar now." +msgstr "" +"...Noelle malah bikin lebih parah. Bakal ada foto dia lari keliling kedai " +"salad sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2057 +msgid "And of her tripping." +msgstr "Dan dia kesandung." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2059 +msgid "Huh? But she hasn't tripped." +msgstr "Hah? Tapi dia belom kesandung." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2066 +msgid "As if on cue, Noelle stumbles over nothing and trips." +msgstr "Seolah sudah diatur, Noelle tidak terantuk apapun dan tersandung." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2068 +msgid "Hey! This isn't a jungle gym!" +msgstr "Woi! Ini bukan taman bermain!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2071 +msgctxt "dessert_136db9e2" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2073 +msgid "Wow, you're good." +msgstr "Wow, kamu hebat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2077 +msgid "We're alone at the table now..." +msgstr "Kita sendiri di meja sekarang..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2078 +msgid "Here's my chance to ask her out!!!" +msgstr "Kesempatan buat ngajak!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2082 +msgid "We should go out and eat sometime." +msgstr "Kita harus keluar dan makan bareng kapan-kapan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2085 +msgid "We're...already eating right now." +msgstr "Kita...lagi makan sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2087 +msgid "I mean, some other time. Just the two of us." +msgstr "Maksud aku, lain kali. Kita berdua." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2099 +msgid "The next day" +msgstr "Esoknya" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2102 +msgid "Snowcastle" +msgstr "Snowcastle" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2110 +msgid "We're here!!! On a date!!!" +msgstr "Kita disini!!! Kencan!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2112 +msgid "" +"It's lunchtime at school right now. We ate really fast and sprinted here." +msgstr "" +"Sekarang waktu makan siang di sekolah. Kita cepet-cepet makan dan lari " +"kesini. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2115 +msgid "How much time do we have?" +msgstr "Kita masih ada berapa menit?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2117 +msgid "About 30 minutes before we gotta run back to campus." +msgstr "Sekitar 30 menit sebelum kita harus lari balik ke kampus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2121 +msgid "Thanks for bringing me here." +msgstr "Makasih sudah ajak aku kesini" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2122 +msgid "I've always wanted to try their shaved ice." +msgstr "Aku selalu pingin coba es serut mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2124 +msgid "I'm the one who should be thankful! Don't mention it!!" +msgstr "Aku yang harusnya yang makasih! Gak usah disebutin!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2128 +msgid "Min receives a chat message. She quickly checks her phone." +msgstr "" +"Min mendapatkan suatu pesan obrolan. Dia dengan cepat memeriksa ponselnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2130 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2131 +msgid "I have prepared a Diya cheat sheet for your reference." +msgstr "Aku sudah siapkan contekan Diya untuk referensimu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2133 +msgid "" +"Top desserts/drinks Diya likes:\n" +" - Any food artificially colored to look blue. The flavor is irrelevant (e." +"g. Blue Raspberry, Baja Blast, etc.). Diya cannot tell the difference and " +"will refer to it as \"blue flavor\". \n" +"- Peanut butter. She is neutral toward actual peanuts. \n" +"- Mango. \n" +"- Food with a circle in the center (e.g. bagels, bundt cakes, peach gummy " +"rings)." +msgstr "" +"Makanan penutup/minuman top yang Diya suka:\n" +" - Makanan apapun yang diwarnai dengan pewarna buatan agar terlihat biru. " +"Rasanya tidak relevan (e.g. Raspberi Biru, Baja Blast, etc.). Diya tidak " +"bisa membedakannya dan akan selalu menyebutnya sebagai \"rasa biru\". \n" +"- Selai kacang. Dia neutral terhadap kacang asli. \n" +"- Mangga. \n" +"- Makanan dengan lingkaran di tengahnya (e.g. bagel, kue bundt, cincin jeli " +"persik)." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2138 +msgid "" +"If you are in a situation where multiple food items have these features (e." +"g. both a blue colored cake and a mango mousse cake are available), the " +"hierarchy is as follows: \n" +"\"Blue flavor\" > Peanut butter > Mango > Circle in the center" +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu ada di situasi dimana di mana beberapa makanan punya ini ini (e." +"g. ada kue warna biru dan kue mousse mangga), hirarkinya seperti ini: \n" +"\"Rasa biru\" > Selai kacang > Mangga > Lingkaran di tengah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2140 +msgid "" +"Suggested conversation topics\n" +" - Owl City \n" +"- Dogs who have different colored fur above their eyes so it looks like they " +"have eyebrows \n" +"- The Most Extreme (Animal Planet series)" +msgstr "" +"Saran topik percakapan\n" +" - Owl City \n" +"- Anjing yang punya warna bulu campuran di atas matanya sehingga terlihat " +"seperti punya alis \n" +"- The Most Extreme (serial Animal Planet)" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2144 +msgid "k" +msgstr "k" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2145 +msgid "ill text you if i run into trouble" +msgstr "gw chat kl ada masalah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2146 +msgid "Understood." +msgstr "Dimengerti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2150 +msgid "Min and Diya take their place in line and gaze up at the menu." +msgstr "Min dan Diya ikut mengantre dan melihat ke menu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2153 +msgid "These shaved ice desserts look massive." +msgstr "Es serutnya kayaknya gede banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2154 +msgid "Maybe we can share one." +msgstr "Mungkin kita bisa bagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2157 +msgctxt "date_9ee5e3fd" +msgid "Diya nods eagerly." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk dengan penuh semangat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2158 +msgid "It's on purpose. They're made for couples to eat togeth-" +msgstr "Disengaja. Itu dibuat untuk pasangan buat dimakan bareng- " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2161 +msgid "{big=+20}WE'RE SHARING ONE.{/big}" +msgstr "{big=+20}KITA BAGI SATU.{/big}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2164 +msgid "It's Diya and Min's turn in line now. " +msgstr "Sekarang giliran Diya dan Min di barisan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2166 +msgid "Welcome to Snowcastle. Can I take your order?" +msgstr "Selamat datang di Snowcastle. Mau pesan apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2167 +msgid "" +"Diya looks anxiously at Min. Min's heart skips a beat seeing the " +"helplessness in her eyes." +msgstr "" +"Diya melihat Min dengan cemas. Jantung Min berdetak kencang melihat " +"ketidakberdayaan di matanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2169 +msgid "She's relying on me!" +msgstr "Dia ngandelin gua!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2170 +msgid "I've got you!" +msgstr "Tenang aja!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2172 +msgid "We'll have the Mt. Fuji." +msgstr "Kita pesen Mt. Fuji." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2173 +msgid "That one is blue." +msgstr "Yang itu biru." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2175 +msgid "One Mt. Fuji, coming right up!" +msgstr "Satu Mt. Fuji, siap segera!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2178 +msgid "Diya and Min find a table and wait for their order." +msgstr "Diya dan Min mencari meja dan menunggu pesanannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2180 +msgid "I'll pay you back." +msgstr "Aku bayar kamu nanti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2182 +msgid "No, it's on me! Don't worry about it." +msgstr "Nggak, aku traktir! Nggak usah khawatir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2183 +msgid "I still have the money from the mall fountain." +msgstr "Gua masih punya uang dari air mancur mall." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2186 +msgid "...Thanks." +msgstr "...Makasih." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2188 +msgid "You're welcome. I'd kill someone if you asked me to." +msgstr "Sama-sama. Aku bakalan bunuh orang kalau kamu minta." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2191 +msgid "I'm pretty sure you'd kill someone even if I didn't ask you to." +msgstr "Aku yakin kamu bakal bunuh orang bahkan kalau aku enggak minta." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2192 +msgid "" +"The orders are being prepared on the counter. An employee is drizzling syrup " +"atop another customer's mountain of shaved ice." +msgstr "" +"Pesanan-pesanan sedang disiapkan di konter. Seorang karyawan sedang menuang " +"sirup di atas es serut pelanggan lain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2194 +msgid "Hey, we can watch them making it." +msgstr "Hei, kita bisa liat mereka bikin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2197 +msgid "Don't wanna see." +msgstr "Enggak mau lihat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2198 +msgid "Food tastes better if you don't know what's in it." +msgstr "Makanan rasanya lebih enak kalau kamu enggak tahu isinya apa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2199 +msgid "That way it's like magic." +msgstr "Jadinya kayak sihir." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2201 +msgid "Huh. Never thought of it like that." +msgstr "Hoh. Ga pernah kepikiran kayak gitu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2203 +msgid "Do you know how to cook?" +msgstr "Kamu bisa masak?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2205 +msgid "I can make microwaved popcorn." +msgstr "Bisa bikin popcorn microwave." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2207 +msgid "That's not cooking." +msgstr "Itu bukan masak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2209 +msgid "What, can {i}you{/i} cook?" +msgstr "Apa, emang {i}kamu{/i} bisa masak?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2212 +msgid "...Not really." +msgstr "...Enggak juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2213 +msgid "Once, I tried to make a pancake. When I was nine." +msgstr "Aku pernah coba buat pancake. Pas 9 tahun." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2214 +msgid "But it burned to a total crisp. Like a rock." +msgstr "Tapi gosong banget. Kayak batu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2215 +msgid "Couldn't even scrape it out of the pan." +msgstr "Bahkan enggak bisa dikorek dari wajan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2216 +msgid "" +"I was so embarrassed that I dug a big hole in the backyard and buried it." +msgstr "" +"Aku malu banget jadi aku gali lubang di kebun balakang terus aku kubur." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2218 +msgid "Including the pan?!" +msgstr "Termasuk pancinya?!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2221 +msgid "I was desperate. Didn't know what else to do." +msgstr "Aku putus asa. Enggak tahu harus ngapain lagi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2223 +msgid "That's so cute. Like a little puppy." +msgstr "Gemes banget. Kayak anak anjing." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2226 +msgid "Are you making fun of me?" +msgstr "Kamu ngejek aku?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2228 +msgid "No! It's a good thing." +msgstr "Enggak! Itu bagus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2230 +msgid "You're so cute sometimes that I almost can't stand it." +msgstr "Kamu tuh imut banget sampe aku enggak tahan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2233 +msgctxt "date_d52b05c9" +msgid "................." +msgstr ".................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2234 +msgid "I-I have to go to the bathroom." +msgstr "A-Aku harus ke kamar mandi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2236 +msgid "Diya staggers to her feet and makes for the restroom." +msgstr "Diya terhuyung berdiri dan pergi ke kamar mandi." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2238 +msgid "She misses the door and slams straight into the wall." +msgstr "Dia melewati pintunya dan menabrak dinding dengan keras." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2240 +msgctxt "date_4962ac78" +msgid "Diya!" +msgstr "Diya!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2242 +msgid "" +"Min rushes to her side as she staggers back and grabs ahold of her, worried " +"she might fall." +msgstr "" +"Min bergegas ke sisinya saat dia terhuyung mundur dan meraihnya, khawatir " +"dia akan jatuh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2244 +msgid "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" +msgstr "Kenapa? Sakit?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2247 +msgid "" +"Diya just shakes her head, face red. She seems to be struggling with the " +"limits of spoken language." +msgstr "" +"Diya hanya menggelengkan kepalanya, wajahnya merah. Dia tampaknya berjuang " +"untuk berbicara." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2249 +msgid "You sure?" +msgstr "Kamu yakin?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2251 +msgid "Diya nods frantically." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk cepat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2253 +msgid "" +"Min tentatively lets her go. She watches Diya scramble into the restroom " +"(correctly this time)." +msgstr "" +"Min dengan ragu melepaskannya. Dia melihat Diya cepat-cepat ke kamar kecil " +"(kali ini dengan benar)." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2256 +msgid "As Min returns to the table, her phone screen lights up with a message." +msgstr "" +"Saat Min kembali ke mejanya, layar ponselnya menyala dengan sebuah pesan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2257 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_1" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2259 +msgid "IM GDSO FDUCKING DFONE" +msgstr "GW GEDEG ANJRIT" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2260 +msgid "" +"THE WAY U GRABED HER I THOIUGHT U WERE GONNNA START DRY HUMPGIN HER IN THE " +"MIDDLE OF THE RESTAURNAT" +msgstr "CARA U PEGANG DIA W KIRA U MAU NGENTOT DI TENGAH RESTROAN." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2261 +msgid "" +"Akarsha, I'm convinced those sunglasses are actually impeding your mental " +"processes." +msgstr "" +"Akarsha, aku yakin kacamata itu sebenarnya menggganggu proses mentalmu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2262 +msgid "I am embarrassed to be seen with you." +msgstr "Aku malu kelihatan denganmu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2263 +msgid "well i cant take them off" +msgstr "ya gw g bisa copot" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2264 +msgid "my coverll be blown" +msgstr "samaran gw bakal ketauan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2265 +msgid "YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN A BETTER DISGUISE IN THE FIRST PLACE, THEN." +msgstr "" +"KAMU SEHARUSNYA PILIH SAMARAN YANG LEBIH BAGUS DARI AWAL, KALAU BEGITU." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2268 +msgid "what" +msgstr "hah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2269 +msgid "turn around" +msgstr "balik badan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2279 +msgctxt "date_bda8889e" +msgid ".................." +msgstr "..................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2282 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_2" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2283 +msgctxt "date_f1a4dee5" +msgid "WTF" +msgstr "WTF" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2284 +msgid "diya's been texting me for advice on u" +msgstr "diya mintain ke gua saran tentang u" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2285 +msgid "thats why she went to the bathroom" +msgstr "makanya dia ke kamar mandi" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2286 +msgctxt "date_47de0e2b" +msgid "WHAT" +msgstr "HAH" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2287 +msgid "Honestly, I'm annoyed she goes to you and not me." +msgstr "Sebenarnya, aku kesal dia pergi ke kamu dan bukan aku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2288 +msgid "why would she go to u? u never talk about feelings and gay stuff" +msgstr "" +"kenapa dia pergi ke u? u ga pernah cerita tentang perasaan ato gay gituan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2289 +msgid "and i also have master seduction skills" +msgstr "dan gua juga punya kemampuan gombal yang mastah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2290 +msgid "What master seduction skills?" +msgstr "Kemampuan gombal apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2291 +msgid "my Tactics" +msgstr "Taktik w" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2292 +msgid "If you're so knowledgable on these matters, why are you single?" +msgstr "Kalau kamu sangat berpengetahuan dalam hal ini, kenapa kamu lajang?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2293 +msgid "excuse u im single bc i want to be??" +msgstr "permisi w jomblo soalnya w pengen??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2294 +msgid "some people like being sad and alone" +msgstr "bbrp orang suka sedih dan ngejomblo" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2295 +msgid "on purpose" +msgstr "dengan sengaja" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2296 +msgid "On purpose." +msgstr "Dengan sengaja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2297 +msgid "rigHT, ON PURPOSE" +msgstr "yhA, DENGAN SENGAJA" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2298 +msgid "not bc no one ever likes me back or anything" +msgstr "buka gr2 ga ada yang suka gua balik atau apa" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2299 +msgid "dont attack me like this wtf???" +msgstr "jangan nyerang w kaya gini wtf???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2300 +msgid "wait guys hold on" +msgstr "tunggu gais bentar" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2301 +msgid "how long has this been going on????" +msgstr "ini udah berapa lama????" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2302 +msgid "" +"was the whole thing at the buffet a setup?? when yuo two left the table??" +msgstr "" +"ini semuanya yang di prasmanan tuh diatur?? pas kailan berdua ninggalin " +"meja ??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2303 +msgid "Take a wild guess, Sherlock." +msgstr "Tebak, Sherlock." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2304 +msgid "you know nolle im starting to realize you do have a sense of humor" +msgstr "lo tau nolle w mulai mikir lo punya selera humor" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2305 +msgid "" +"but your so emotionally constipated that youre style of humor is just being " +"extremely mean" +msgstr "tapi perasaan lo numpuk banget sampe humor lo cuman jadi jahat parah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2306 +msgid "omg wait??" +msgstr "omg bentar??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2307 +msgid "do u and noelle get along now??" +msgstr "lu sm noelle akrab sekarang??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2308 +msgid "We don't get along." +msgstr "Kita tidak akrab." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2309 +msgid "but we used to not get along much worse" +msgstr "tapi kita tadinya lebih parah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2314 +msgid "Diya returns to the table." +msgstr "Diya kembali ke meja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2316 +msgid "Are you feeling better?" +msgstr "Kamu udah baikan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2319 +msgid "" +"Diya nods sheepishly, and then stiffens up in fear as a waitress approaches " +"with their dessert on a tray." +msgstr "" +"Diya mengangguk malu, dan kembali kaku saat seorang pramusaji datang dengan " +"pencuci mulut mereka di atas nampan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2320 +msgid "Waitress" +msgstr "Pelayan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2321 +msgid "One Mt. Fuji?" +msgstr "Satu Mt. Fuji?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2322 +msgid "" +"Diya responds with frenzied nodding as the waitress slides the dessert onto " +"the table." +msgstr "" +"Diya membalasnya dengan anggukan bersemangat saat pramusaji tersebut menaruh " +"pencuci mulut itu di meja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2326 +msgid "" +"It's a mound of shaved ice, sculpted and saturated with blue raspberry syrup " +"and condensed milk to look like a mountain." +msgstr "" +"Pencuci mulut itu berupa gundukan es serut, dibentuk dan dipenuhi dengan " +"sirop raspberi biru dan susu kental manis agar menyerupai sebuah gunung." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2328 +msgid "...!!!!!!!" +msgstr "...!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2329 +msgid "The blue flavor looks good." +msgstr "Rasa biru kayaknya enak." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2332 +msgid "Noelle was spot on!" +msgstr "Noelle bener!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2335 +msgid "What're the pink things?" +msgstr "Yang pink itu apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2338 +msgid "It's mochi. They're supposed to look like cherry blossoms." +msgstr "Itu mochi. Harusnya kelihatan kayak bunga sakura." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2340 +msgid "Min stabs her spoon into the shaved ice and shovels it into her mouth." +msgstr "" +"Min menusukkan sendoknya ke es serut itu dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulutnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2341 +msgid "The shaved ice is so cold that her gums are growing numb." +msgstr "Es serutnya sangat dingin sampai-sampai gusinya mati rasa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2346 +msgid "I think I'm getting brainfreeze." +msgstr "Kayanya otak aku beku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2349 +msgctxt "date_4047d783" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "Aku juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2350 +msgid "" +"A drop of cream is trickling down Diya's finger. She quickly licks it clean " +"before it can reach her palm." +msgstr "" +"Setetes krim menetes di jari Diya. Dia dengan cepat menjilatnya sampai " +"bersih sebelum bisa sampai ke lengannya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2351 +msgid "" +"Min is so focused watching, she doesn't realize her own mouth is hanging " +"open until she feels a trail of spit about to drop down from it." +msgstr "" +"Min sangat fokus menonton, dia tidak menyadari bahwa mulutnya terbuka sampai " +"dia merasakan setetes air liur mau jatuh dari mulutnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2352 +msgid "Min accidentally drooled onto the table." +msgstr "Min tidak sengaja meneteskan air liurnya ke meja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2354 +msgid "FUCK!! SHIT!!!!" +msgstr "FAK!! ANJING!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2358 +msgctxt "date_5db23ed9" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2360 +msgctxt "date_6a61dc07" +msgid "................" +msgstr "................." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2363 +msgid "" +"Diya is staring determinedly into the Mt. Fuji. She's probably pretending " +"not to have seen. " +msgstr "Diya menatapi Mt. Fujinya. Dia mungkin pura-pura tidak melihat. " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2367 +msgctxt "date_8e0ddc15_3" +msgid "{nw}" +msgstr "{nw}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2369 +msgid "HELP ME" +msgstr "BANTUIN" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2370 +msgid "pretend to drown so she has to give you mouth-to-mouth" +msgstr "pura2 tenggelem jadi dia harus kasih lu pernafasan mulut ke mulut." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2371 +msgid "wtf kind of plan is that" +msgstr "rencana macem apa tu njir" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2372 +msgid "what would i even be drowning on??" +msgstr "gw tenggelam apaan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2374 +msgid "the shaved ice" +msgstr "es serutnya" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2375 +msgid "no" +msgstr "g" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2377 +msgid "the toilet" +msgstr "toilet" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2378 +msgid "NO" +msgstr "GA" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2380 +msgid "trust me im a love expert" +msgstr "percaya aja w ahli perbucinan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2381 +msgid "there's no way this could possibly go wrong" +msgstr "g mungkin ini bisa salah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2382 +msgid "" +"Rather than potentially causing confusion like that, why don't you be open " +"and tell her how you feel?" +msgstr "" +"Daripada berpotensi menimbulkan kebingungan seperti gitu, kenapa kamu tidak " +"terbuka dan bilang perasaan kamu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2383 +msgid "your the LAST person on the planet qualified to tell me to be open" +msgstr "lo org TERAKHIR yg pantes nyuruh gw buka2an" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2384 +msgid "" +"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly open about my feelings." +msgstr "" +"Aku tidak tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan. Aku sangat terbuka terhadap " +"perasaanku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2385 +msgid "SINCE WHEN XD" +msgstr "SEJAK KAPAN XD" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2386 +msgid "hey frenchman u enjoy our company right?" +msgstr "woi frenchman u suka ada kita kan?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2387 +msgid "I'm not sure how you deluded yourself into believing that." +msgstr "Aku tidak yakin gimana kamu menipu diri sendiri untuk percaya itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2388 +msgid "SEE" +msgstr "TUH KAN" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2389 +msgctxt "date_754eade2" +msgid "LMAO" +msgstr "LMAO" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2390 +msgid "proved us right" +msgstr "bener berarti" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2391 +msgid "you cant even argue it" +msgstr "lo g bisa debat" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2392 +msgctxt "date_95272ec7" +msgid "..........." +msgstr "............" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2393 +msgid "SHES TRAPPED" +msgstr "DIA KEJEBAK" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2394 +msgid "SHE HATES BEING WRONG BUT CANT ADMIT SHE LIKES US" +msgstr "DIA BENCI SALAH TAPI GA BISA NGAKU DIA SUKA KITA" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2395 +msgid "I like you." +msgstr "Aku suka kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2396 +msgid "O__O" +msgstr "O__O" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2397 +msgid "" +"HOWEVER, you're immature and relentlessly annoying. Everything about you " +"fills me with indescribable rage. From the way you wear a windbreaker with " +"flip-flops, to your idiotic looking hairstyle, to how you're smart yet do " +"things like call forks \"food rakes\", etc." +msgstr "" +"TAPI, kamu tidak dewasa dan selalu menyebalkan. Semua hal tentang kamu " +"membuatku penuh amarah yang tidak bisa kujelaskan. Dari cara kamu memakai " +"windbreaker dengan sandal, sampai gaya rambutmu yang bodoh, sampai bagaimana " +"kamu pintar tapi kamu melakukan sesuatu seperti menyebut garpu \"garu makanan" +"\", etc" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2398 +msgid "" +"And Min, you're volatile and stupid. I already hardly tolerate you, so if " +"you hurt Diya in any way, I won't hesitate to destroy you." +msgstr "" +"Dan Min, kamu temperamental dan bodoh. Aku sudah susah menoleransi kamu, " +"jadi kalau kamu melukai Diya dengan cara apapun, aku tidak akan ragu untuk " +"menghancurkanmu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2399 +msgid "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO IMMEDIATLY DRAG US TO DEFUSE THE SITUATION??" +msgstr "KENAPA LO HARUS LANGSUNG MALU MALUIN KITA BUAT NENANGIN SITUASI??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2400 +msgid "baby steps, frenchman! very good" +msgstr "pelan-pelan, frenchman! bagus" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2401 +msgid "SHUT UP." +msgstr "DIAM." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2402 +msgid "" +"Now that I'm right, as always, about being open, Min has no valid excuse." +msgstr "" +"Sekarang karena aku benar, seperti biasa, tentang bersikap terbuka, Min " +"tidak punya alasan yang valid." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2403 +msgid "what if diya rejects me??" +msgstr "gimana kalau diya nolak??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2404 +msgid "then that's her own personal problem for having bad taste" +msgstr "kalau gitu itu masalah dia sendiri" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2405 +msgid "her loss not urs" +msgstr "kesalahan dia bukan lu" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2406 +msgid "what should i say??" +msgstr "gw harus bilang apa??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2407 +msgid "lemme think" +msgstr "bentar mikir dulu" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2408 +msgid "shit bitch u iz fine" +msgstr "shit bitch u iz fine" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2409 +msgid "WTH NO" +msgstr "G BGSAT" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2410 +msgid "hey girl rat piss" +msgstr "hey girl rat piss" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2411 +msgid "What??" +msgstr "Hah??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2412 +msgid "{image=ratpiss.png}" +msgstr "{image=ratpiss.png}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2413 +msgid "WHO TF WOULD SAY THAT" +msgstr "SIAPA YG BAKAL NGOMONG GT ANJG" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2414 +msgid "DO IT" +msgstr "AYO" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2415 +msgid "HEY GIRL RAT PISS" +msgstr "HY CEWEK RAT PISS" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2416 +msgid "N O" +msgstr "G A" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2417 +msgid "IF U DONT MAKE A MOVE WITHIN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES" +msgstr "KALAU LU GA NGAPA-NGAPAIN DLM 5 MENIT" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2418 +msgid "IMMA BELT THE CRAZY FROG SONG AND RUIN UR WHOLE DATE!!" +msgstr "GUA BAKALAN NYANYI LAGU CRAZY FROG DAN HANCURIN KENCAN LU!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2419 +msgid "IVE PRACTICED" +msgstr "GUA UDAH LATIHAN" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2420 +msgid "Unfortunately, I can confirm that she's practiced." +msgstr "Sayangnya, aku dapat mengkonfirmasi kalau dia sudah latihan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2425 +msgid "Okay. I can do this." +msgstr "Oke. Gue bisa." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2428 +msgid "My mouth is so cold." +msgstr "Mulut aku dingin banget." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2430 +msgid "Want me to warm it up for you?" +msgstr "Mau aku hangatin?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2433 +msgid "Diya freezes." +msgstr "Diya membeku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2435 +msgid "OH MY GOD?? I FUCKED UP!!! I FUCKED UP!!" +msgstr "OH MY GOD?? AMBYAR!!! AMBYAR!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2438 +msgid "Diya gives her a nervous, very small nod." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk kecil dengan gugup." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2440 +msgid "WHAT???????!" +msgstr "HAH????????!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2443 +msgid "Kiss her" +msgstr "Cium dia" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2447 +msgid "Min crawls onto the table on all fours with a loud clatter." +msgstr "Min merangkak ke atas meja dengan berisik." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2448 +msgid "" +"Diya gasps as Min cups her face in her palms and catches her lips with hers." +msgstr "" +"Diya terengah ketika Min menangkupkan wajahnya di telapak tangannya dan " +"mencium bibirnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2449 +msgid "Her mouth is cold, as advertised, and blue flavor." +msgstr "Mulutnya dingin, seperti yang ia bilang, dan rasanya biru." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2450 +msgid "" +"Diya doesn't push her away, but she doesn't kiss back, either. Min can feel " +"her trembling in her arms like a frightened rabbit." +msgstr "" +"Diya tidak mendorongnya untuk menjauh, tapi dia tidak menciumnya kembali " +"juga. Min bisa merasakannya gemetaran di tangannya seperti seekor kelinci " +"yang ketakutan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2451 +msgid "" +"Anxious, Min pulls back over the sounds of Akarsha's whooping and yodeling " +"in the background." +msgstr "" +"Gelisah, Min mundur karena suara Akarsha berteriak dan bernyayi yodel di " +"belakang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2454 +msgid "" +"Diya is clinging desperately to Min's jacket sleeves, a vivid blush coloring " +"her cheeks." +msgstr "" +"Diya berpegangan erat pada lengan jaket Min, rona merah mewarnai pipinya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2455 +msgid "Is this good?" +msgstr "Ini bagus?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2457 +msgid "Diya frantically nods in response, looking embarrassed." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk panik sebagai jawaban, terlihat malu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2458 +msgid "I don't know what to do." +msgstr "Aku gak tahu harus ngapain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2459 +msgid "I've never done this before." +msgstr "Aku enggak pernah kayak gini." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2461 +msgid "Me neither, but don't worry. I looked it up on Yahoo Answers." +msgstr "Aku juga, tapi enggak usah khawatir. Aku nyari di Yahoo Answers." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2462 +msgid "Unless you wanna start smaller?" +msgstr "Kecuali mau mulai dari yang kecil dulu?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2464 +msgctxt "date_caf4954b" +msgid "I..." +msgstr "Aku..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2465 +msgid "I want to hold hands with you and cuddle." +msgstr "Aku pingin pegangan tangan dan pelukan sama kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2467 +msgid "We can do that." +msgstr "Kita bisa gitu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2471 +msgid "Min takes Diya's hand." +msgstr "Min memegang tangan Diya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2473 +msgid "I'm happy you kissed me." +msgstr "Aku senang kamu menciumku." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2474 +msgid "I like you a lot." +msgstr "Aku suka banget sama kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2476 +msgctxt "date_510b0bc2" +msgid "Me too." +msgstr "Aku juga." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2478 +msgid "" +"Min lightly brushes Diya's lips with her thumb; Diya shivers at the touch as " +"Min gently pulls her closer." +msgstr "" +"Min dengan lembut menyentuh bibir Diya dengan ibu jarinya; Diya menggigil " +"saat disentuh saat Min dengan lembut menariknya lebih dekat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2479 +msgid "Do you like this?" +msgstr "Kamu suka?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2481 +msgid "Diya nods, then closes her eyes and leans in." +msgstr "Diya mengangguk, lalu menutup matanya dan bersandar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2482 +msgid "She nuzzles against Min, peppering her cheek with soft, little kisses." +msgstr "" +"Dia merapatkan dirinya pada Min, memberi pipinya ciuman kecil yang lembut." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2483 +msgid "OH MY GOD!!! DIYA IS KISSING ME!!!" +msgstr "OH MY GOD!!! DIYA NYIUM GUA!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2488 +msgid "The table. It's-" +msgstr "Mejanya. Itu-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2490 +msgid "Noelle stands up and is approaching them." +msgstr "Noelle berdiri dan mendekati mereka." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2491 +msgid "What the fuck?! Go away Noelle!" +msgstr "Apaan sih bangsat?! Pergi Noelle!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2494 +msgid "You think I {i}want{/i} to be here watching this disgusting display?" +msgstr "Kamu pikir aku {i}mau{/i} disini menonton pertunjukan menjijikan ini?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2495 +msgid "The table is-" +msgstr "Mejanya-" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2497 +msgid "A leg of the table gives way under Min's weight!" +msgstr "Salah satu kaki meja runtuh karena berat Min!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2509 +msgid "I can't believe we're banned from Snowcastle now." +msgstr "Aku enggak percaya kita dilarang dari Snowcastle sekarang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2511 +msgid "I can't believe Min BROKE THEIR TABLE." +msgstr "Aku tidak percaya Min MERUSAK MEJANYA." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2514 +msgid "No choice." +msgstr "Ga ada pilihan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2517 +msgid "" +"You could have held off on making out for 10 seconds and walked around it." +msgstr "Kamu bisa saja tahan ciuman 10 detik dan jalan memutari mejanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2519 +msgid "Like I said, no choice." +msgstr "Kaya gue bilang, ga ada pilihan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2522 +msgid "That was even better than you guys drinking pani at the buffet." +msgstr "Tadi jauh lebih bagus daripada pas kalian minum pani di prasmanan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2524 +msgctxt "lastChat_bfcfdeac" +msgid "Shut up." +msgstr "Diam." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2526 +msgid "Yeah, shut your fuck up." +msgstr "Ya, bacot." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2529 +msgid "Shut your fuck up..." +msgstr "Bacot..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2532 +msgid "I hate you all. I'm going home." +msgstr "Aku benci kalian semua. Aku mau pulang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2534 +msgid "Okay. See you at practice tomorrow." +msgstr "Oke. Sampai besok di latihan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2537 +msgid "No wait! Stay!!!" +msgstr "Tunggu! Tinggal!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2539 +msgid "Change my mind, then." +msgstr "Tidak jadi deh." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2540 +msgid "You have approximately 10 seconds." +msgstr "Kalian punya sekitar 10 detik." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2542 +msgid "Friendship is like peeing on yourself." +msgstr "Pertemanan itu kayak ngompolin diri lu sendiri." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2543 +msgid "Everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings." +msgstr "" +"Semuanya bisa lihat tapi cuman lu yang bisa ngerasain perasaan hangatnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2545 +msgid "What the fuck..." +msgstr "Apaan sih anjir..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2548 +msgctxt "lastChat_93212e9d" +msgid "............." +msgstr ".............." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2551 +msgid "Goodbye." +msgstr "Selamat tinggal." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2554 +msgid "NO!!!" +msgstr "JANGAN!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2557 +msgid "WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING AFTER THAT YOU NASTY FREAK HO???" +msgstr "APA YANG LO HARAPIN ABIS ITU KONTOL???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2558 +msgid "PEE GIRL AGAIN??" +msgstr "SI CEWEK PIPIS LAGI??" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2562 +msgid "!!!!!!!!!!" +msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2565 +msgid "MEANIE!!!" +msgstr "JAHAAD!!!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2566 +msgid "You...YOU DUNG ELF." +msgstr "Lu...KAMPRET LU." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2568 +msgid "WHAT???" +msgstr "APAAN???" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2581 +msgid "" +"You know how during metamorphosis, inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar " +"turns to soup?" +msgstr "Kamu tahu pas metamoforsa, di dalam kepompong, ulat berubah jadi sup?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2582 +msgid "It melts into this disgusting muddled goo slushie." +msgstr "Ulatnya meleleh jadi lumpur pekat yang menjijikan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2583 +msgid "" +"Everyone is a mess when they're growing up. Some people are just better at " +"hiding it than others." +msgstr "" +"Semua orang jadi berantakan pas bertumbuh. Beberapa orang cuman lebih bisa " +"nutupinnya daripada yang lain." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2584 +msgid "It's okay to be a flaming dumpster fire." +msgstr "Gapapa jadi api tempat sampah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2585 +msgid "It's okay if you're not what your parents wanted you to be." +msgstr "Tidak apa-apa kalau kamu bukan menjadi apa yang orangtuamu inginkan." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2586 +msgid "It's okay to change your mind." +msgstr "Enggak apa-apa buat berubah pikiran." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2587 +msgid "If you want to be a butterfly, you have to be butterfly soup first." +msgstr "Kalau mau jadi kupu-kupu, kamu harus jadi sup kupu-kupu dulu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2588 +msgid "" +"If you think about it like that, we're all doing pretty good right now. We " +"just don't know it yet." +msgstr "" +"Kalau kamu pikirnya kayak gitu, kita semua baik-baik aja sekarang. Kita " +"cuman belum tahu itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2589 +msgid "Just keep going." +msgstr "Maju terus." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2590 +msgid "" +"Keep trying and eventually, you'll find people who like you for the weird " +"fuck-up that you are." +msgstr "" +"Terus coba dan nantinya, lu bakal ketemu orang-orang yang suka lu apa adanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2591 +msgid "You deserve to be happy." +msgstr "Lo pantes bahagia." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2592 +msgctxt "lastChat_3ae0dff5" +msgid "So don't give up." +msgstr "Jadi jangan menyerah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2593 +msgctxt "lastChat_7b63ab9f" +msgid "I won't give up if you don't give up." +msgstr "Gua ga bakal nyerah kalau lu ga nyerah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2594 +msgid "...And if an alligator attacks you, go for the eyes." +msgstr "...Dan kalau ada buaya menyerangmu, serang matanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2595 +msgctxt "lastChat_cce84401" +msgid "What?" +msgstr "Apa?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2596 +msgid "That's what I told Min last time she said that line. The not giving up." +msgstr "" +"Itu apa yang aku kasih tahu Min terakhir kali dia ngomong itu. Bagian jangan " +"menyerah." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2597 +msgid "I have trivia like that, too!" +msgstr "Gua punya trivia gitu juga!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2598 +msgid "If you're walking on the sidewalk and see a car coming toward you..." +msgstr "Kalau lu jalan di trotoar dan lihat mobil datang ke arah lu..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2599 +msgid "" +"Instead of moving forward or backwards, go directly left or right toward the " +"nearest obstacle you see." +msgstr "" +"Daripada maju atau mundur, langsung pergi ke kanan atau kiri ke arah " +"halangan paling dekat yang lu lihat." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2600 +msgid "Why left or right? I don't get it." +msgstr "Kenapa kanan atau kiri? Gue gak ngerti." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2601 +msgid "" +"There's normally too little time to judge the car's direction. Moving " +"directly perpendicular to how you're facing is your best bet." +msgstr "" +"Biasanya waktunya terlalu sedikit buat nebak arah mobil. Gerak langsung " +"tegak lurus ke arah yang lu hadapin tuh taruhan terbaik lu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2602 +msgid "" +"I was looking up how to survive if a car drives into you as a pedestrian." +msgstr "" +"Gua nyari cara selamat kalau ada mobil datang ke arah lu kalau jadi pejalan " +"kaki." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2603 +msgid "I already told you, I'll just hit the car out of the way." +msgstr "Udah gue bilang, gue bakal hantam mobilnya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2604 +msgid "This turned into a random advice session." +msgstr "Ini berubah jadi sesi nasihat tidak disengaja." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2605 +msgid "End this conversation. Otherwise we'll be standing here forever." +msgstr "Sudahi ini. Kalau tidak kita akan berdiri disini selamanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2606 +msgid "Okay, I'm ending it now. Bye." +msgstr "Oke, gue selesain sekarang. Bye." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2618 +msgid "" +"Created by\n" +"{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" +msgstr "" +"Dibuat oleh\n" +"{blue}Brianna{/blue}{pink} Lei{/pink}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2622 +msgid "" +"{white}Music by{/white}\n" +"miltata {white}and{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" +msgstr "" +"{white}Musik oleh{/white}\n" +"miltata {white}dan{/white} {blue}Ketsa{/blue}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2626 +msgid "" +"{white}Additional songs{/white}\n" +"{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\n" +"YOSHI\n" +"{blue}.que{/blue}\n" +"Matt Mulholland\n" +"{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" +msgstr "" +"{white}Lagu tambahan{/white}\n" +"{blue}Bloodgod{/blue}\n" +"YOSHI\n" +"{blue}.que{/blue}\n" +"Matt Mulholland\n" +"{blue}Tatsuya Kato{/blue}" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2629 +msgid "" +"{white}Sounds{/white}\n" +"{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\n" +"LittleRobotSoundFactory\n" +"{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\n" +"Peacewaves" +msgstr "" +"{white}Suara{/white}\n" +"{blue}Cutie Keys{/blue}\n" +"LittleRobotSoundFactory\n" +"{blue}CGEffex{/blue}\n" +"Peacewaves" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2633 +msgid "" +"{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\n" +"K Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\n" +"Anita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\n" +"Jiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}gently\n" +"Aino{space=55}{blue}Infiniton{/blue}{space=55}emu\n" +"Lyla Lee " +msgstr "" +"{white}{size=+25}Penguji beta{/size}{/white}\n" +"K Turner{space=55}{blue}Keelin{/blue}{space=55}Jun\n" +"Anita{space=55}{blue}Luke_SuperNova{/blue}{space=55}Rin\n" +"Jiedi Chen{space=55}{blue}Jocelyn Kim{/blue}{space=55}gently\n" +"Aino{space=55}{blue}Infiniton{/blue}{space=55}emu\n" +"Lyla Lee" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2637 +msgid "" +"{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\n" +"AJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\n" +"Karen Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\n" +"steph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\n" +"juliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\n" +"Sirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\n" +"Max{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" +msgstr "" +"{white}{size=+25}Penguji beta{/size}{/white}\n" +"AJ Sohrabi{space=55}{blue}ynri{/blue}{space=55}Kiuu\n" +"Karen Steele{space=55}{blue}paintmemelons{/blue}{space=55}eurdude974\n" +"steph{space=55}{blue}ghost!{/blue}{space=55}Bagnarsi\n" +"juliet & sam{space=55}{blue}Elsie{/blue}{space=55}Brigita Kuimet\n" +"Sirius Machelton{space=55}{blue}Cen U{/blue}{space=55}tatertonks\n" +"Max{space=55}{blue}sanix the edgehogg{/blue}{space=55}Savannah" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2642 +msgid "" +"{white}{size=+25}Beta testers{/size}{/white}\n" +"jjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\n" +"Taki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\n" +"chip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\n" +"combopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\n" +"Jae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\n" +"mar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" +msgstr "" +"{white}{size=+25}Penguji beta{/size}{/white}\n" +"jjunebug{space=55}{blue}Monty{/blue}{space=55}Li\n" +"Taki{space=55}{blue}Wren King{/blue}{space=55}capefurry\n" +"chip undertale{space=55}{blue}yeller{/blue}{space=55}radicalslime\n" +"combopoints{space=55}{blue}DevilDallas63{/blue}{space=55}asliceofcolor\n" +"Jae W. {space=55}{blue}c fuenzalida{/blue}{space=55}eris\n" +"mar{space=55}{blue}Melo{/blue}{space=55}Ripley" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2646 +msgid "" +"{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n" +"{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\n" +"Japanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n" +"{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}" +"(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\n" +"Brazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n" +"{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\n" +"Korean localization: KyleHeren\n" +"{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\n" +"Farsi localization: Kasbarg\n" +"{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2651 +msgid "" +"{white}{size=+25}Special Thanks{/size}{/white}\n" +"{blue}Additional scripting: Arazati{/blue}\n" +"Japanese localization: KINSHA Co., Ltd\n" +"{blue}Chinese localization: {font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}" +"(KINUKUROletsplay){/blue}\n" +"Brazilian Portuguese localization: Jean Araujo\n" +"{blue}Czech localization: scie{/blue}\n" +"Korean localization: KyleHeren\n" +"{blue}Polish localization: ymzu{/blue}\n" +"Farsi localization: Kasbarg\n" +"{blue}Indonesian localization: Konberrii{/blue}\n" +"And You" +msgstr "" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2655 +msgid "I really miss high school" +msgstr "Aku sangat merindukan SMA" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2656 +msgid " " +msgstr " " + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2674 +msgid "The future" +msgstr "Masa depan" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2680 +msgid "So which one do you want?" +msgstr "Jadi mau yang mana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2682 +msgid "Don't know." +msgstr "Ga tahu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2683 +msgid "Which dog friend do you want, Shibe." +msgstr "Mau anjing yang mana, Shibe." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2685 +msgid "Hearing his name, Shibe turns brightly to Diya, tongue lolling out." +msgstr "" +"Mendengar namanya, Shibe menengok dengan girang pada Diya, lidahnya menjulur " +"keluar." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2686 +msgid "" +"His frog raincoat makes a crinkling sound against Min's arms as he wags his " +"tail." +msgstr "" +"Jas hujan kataknya membuat suara kerutan di lengan Min saat dia mengibas-" +"ngibaskan ekornya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2687 +msgid "He's too nice. He likes all of them." +msgstr "Dia terlalu baik. Dia suka semuanya." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2688 +msgid "Diya peers down at a pomeranian in the enclosure." +msgstr "Diya melihat ke seekor pomeranian di kandang." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2689 +msgctxt "epilogue_57537cff" +msgid "....!" +msgstr "....!" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2690 +msgid "This one. Reminds me of you." +msgstr "Yang ini. Mirip kamu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2692 +msgid "How?" +msgstr "Gimana?" + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2693 +msgid "Small, but thinks she's invincible." +msgstr "Kecil, tapi dia pikir dia gak bisa dikalahin." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2694 +msgid "Hey..." +msgstr "Woi..." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2695 +msgid "It's a charm point. I love you for it." +msgstr "Aku sayang kamu gara-gara itu." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2700 +msgid "" +"Diya picks the little pomeranian up and gazes into her black, soulless eyes." +msgstr "" +"Diya mengangkat seekor pomeranian kecil dan menatap matanya yang hitam dan " +"kosong." + +#: game/4_min.rpy:2701 +msgid "Your name is Pom." +msgstr "Nama kamu Pom." + +#: game/options.rpy:15 +msgid "Butterfly Soup" +msgstr "Butterfly Soup" + +#: game/screens.rpy:645 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Simpan" + +#: game/screens.rpy:647 +msgid "Skip" +msgstr "Lewati" + +#: game/screens.rpy:649 +msgid "Prefs" +msgstr "Preferensi" + +#: game/screens.rpy:716 +msgid "New Game" +msgstr "Game baru" + +#: game/screens.rpy:721 +msgid "History" +msgstr "Riwayat" + +#: game/screens.rpy:729 +msgid "Load Game" +msgstr "Memuat Game" + +#: game/screens.rpy:733 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Pengaturan" + +#: game/screens.rpy:737 +msgid "About" +msgstr "Tentang" + +#: game/screens.rpy:742 +msgid "End Replay" +msgstr "Akhiri Pengulangan" + +#: game/screens.rpy:748 +msgid "Main Menu" +msgstr "Menu Utama" + +#: game/screens.rpy:758 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Keluar" + +#: game/screens.rpy:987 +msgid "Return" +msgstr "Kembali" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1108 +msgid "[config.name!t] Version [config.version!t]\n" +msgstr "[config.name!t] Versi [config.version!t]\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1115 +msgid "" +"Game by {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n" +"\n" +"Made with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" +msgstr "" +"Game oleh {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n" +"\n" +"Dibuat dengan {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1117 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Music:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Musik:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1118 +msgid "" +"Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, and Thoughts of You by {a=http://" +"ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\n" +"are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" +msgstr "" +"Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, dan Thoughts of You oleh {a=http://" +"ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\n" +"dilisensikan di bawah CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1119 +msgid "" +"Romaras, Blooming, and Side by Side by Miltata are licensed\n" +"under CC BY-NC 3.0" +msgstr "" +"Romaras, Blooming, dan Side by Side oleh Miltata dilisensikan\n" +"di bawah CC BY-NC 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1120 +msgid "" +"{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}This artist has songs available for " +"purchase! Please support him here!{/a}\n" +msgstr "" +"{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}Musisi ini punya lagu yang dapat dibeli! " +"Tolong dukung dia disini!{/a}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1121 +msgid "" +"{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/" +"a} by {b}Bloodgod{/b} is licensed under\n" +"CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" +msgstr "" +"{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/" +"a} oleh {b}Bloodgod{/b} dilisensikan di bawah\n" +"CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1122 +msgid "" +"{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} " +"by {b}YOSHI{/b} is licensed under CC\n" +msgstr "" +"{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} " +"oleh {b}YOSHI{/b} dilisensikan di bawah CC\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1123 +msgid "Overflowing by {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" +msgstr "Overflowing oleh {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1124 +msgid "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" +msgstr "" +"My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight oleh {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1125 +msgid "" +"{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}" +"This song is available for purchase! Please support the artist!{/a}\n" +msgstr "" +"{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}" +"Lagu ini dapat dibeli! Tolong dukung musisinya!{/a}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1127 +msgid "Title song: Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) by {b}Miltata{/b}" +msgstr "Lagu utama: Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) oleh {b}Miltata{/b}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1128 +msgid "" +"Credits song: Calling Project 2 by {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" +msgstr "" +"Lagu kredit: Calling Project 2 by {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1131 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Sound:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Bunyi:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1132 +msgid "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1133 +msgid "" +"{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric " +"Sound Effects Library{/a} by LittleRobotSoundFactory is licensed\n" +"under CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "" +"{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric " +"Sound Effects Library{/a} oleh LittleRobotSoundFactory dilisensikan\n" +"di bawah CC BY 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1134 +msgid "" +"{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/" +"a} by CGEffex is licensed\n" +"under CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "" +"{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/" +"a} oleh CGEffex dilisensikan\n" +"di bawah CC BY 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1135 +msgid "" +"{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} by " +"Peacewaves is licensed under CC BY 3.0" +msgstr "" +"{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} " +"oleh Peacewaves dilisensikan dibawah CC BY 3.0" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1137 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Additional scripting help:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Bantuan scripting tambahan:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1138 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1140 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Chinese localization by:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"]nLokalisasi bahasa Cina oleh:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1141 +msgid "" +"{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}" +"{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" +msgstr "" +"{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}" +"{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1143 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Japanese localization by:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Lokalisasi bahasa Jepang oleh:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1144 +msgid "KINSHA Co., Ltd." +msgstr "KINSHA Co., Ltd." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1146 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Brazilian Portuguese localization by:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Lokalisasi bahasa Portugis Brazil oleh:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1147 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1149 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Korean localization by:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Lokalisasi bahasa Korea oleh:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1150 +msgid "KyleHeren" +msgstr "KyleHeren" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1152 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Czech localization by:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Lokalisasi bahasa Ceko oleh:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1153 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1155 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Polish localization by:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Lokalisasi bahasa Polandia oleh:" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1156 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" +msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1158 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Farsi localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1159 +msgid "Kasbarg" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1161 +msgid "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Indonesian localization by:" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1162 +msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/strawberiisodaa}Konberrii{/a}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1240 +msgid "Page {}" +msgstr "Halaman {}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1240 +msgid "Automatic saves" +msgstr "Simpanan otomatis" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1240 +msgid "Quick saves" +msgstr "Simpanan cepat" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1286 +msgid "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" +msgstr "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1286 +msgid "empty slot" +msgstr "slot kosong" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1303 +msgid "<" +msgstr "<" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1306 +msgid "{#auto_page}A" +msgstr "{#auto_page}A" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1309 +msgid "{#quick_page}Q" +msgstr "{#auto_page}Q" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1315 +msgid ">" +msgstr ">" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1429 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Display" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1430 +msgid "Window" +msgstr "Jendela" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1431 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Layar penuh" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1437 +msgid "Unseen Text" +msgstr "Teks Tak Terlihat" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1438 +msgid "After Choices" +msgstr "Pilihan Setelahnya" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1443 +msgid "Screen Motion" +msgstr "Gerakan Layar" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1444 +msgid "Background Pan" +msgstr "Pan Latar Belakang" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1445 +msgid "Screenshake" +msgstr "Guncangan Layar" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1457 +msgid "Music Volume" +msgstr "Volume Musik" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1464 +msgid "Sound Volume" +msgstr "Volume Bunyi" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1470 +msgid "Test" +msgstr "Test" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1474 +msgid "Voice Volume" +msgstr "Volume Suara" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1485 +msgid "Mute All" +msgstr "Bisukan semua" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1489 +msgid "Text Speed" +msgstr "Kecepatan Teks" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1498 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Bahasa" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1500 +msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1501 +msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=30}日本語{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=30}日本語{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1502 +msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=30}한국어{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=30}한국어{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1503 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1504 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Česky{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Česky{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1505 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Polski{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Polski{/size}{/font}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1506 +msgid "{font=times.ttf}{size=30}فارسی{/size}{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1507 +msgid "bahasa Indonesia" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1654 +msgid "The dialogue history is empty." +msgstr "Sejarah dialog kosong." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1766 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Help me" +msgid "Help" +msgstr "Tolong aku" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1775 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1776 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "My house" +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Rumahku" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1779 +msgid "Gamepad" +msgstr "Gamepad" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1792 +msgid "Enter" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1793 +msgid "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1796 +msgid "Space" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1797 +msgid "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1800 +msgid "Arrow Keys" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1801 +msgid "Navigate the interface." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1804 +msgid "Escape" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1805 +msgid "Accesses the game menu." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1808 +msgid "Ctrl" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1809 +msgid "Skips dialogue while held down." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1812 +msgid "Tab" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1813 +msgid "Toggles dialogue skipping." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1816 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Page {}" +msgid "Page Up" +msgstr "Halaman {}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1817 +msgid "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1820 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Page {}" +msgid "Page Down" +msgstr "Halaman {}" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1821 +msgid "Rolls forward to later dialogue." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1829 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Saved screenshot as %s." +msgid "Takes a screenshot." +msgstr "Menyimpan tangkapan layar sebagai %s." + +#: game/screens.rpy:1833 +msgid "Toggles assistive {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}self-voicing{/a}." +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1839 +msgid "Left Click" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1843 +msgid "Middle Click" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1844 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "(Use the mouse to interact!)" +msgid "Hides the user interface." +msgstr "(Gunakan mouse untuk berinteraksi!)" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1847 +msgid "Right Click" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1851 +msgid "" +"Mouse Wheel Up\n" +"Click Rollback Side" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1855 +msgid "Mouse Wheel Down" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1862 +msgid "" +"Right Trigger\n" +"A/Bottom Button" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1866 +msgid "" +"Left Trigger\n" +"Left Shoulder" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1870 +msgid "Right Shoulder" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1874 +msgid "D-Pad, Sticks" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1878 +msgid "Start, Guide" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1882 +msgid "Y/Top Button" +msgstr "" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1885 +msgid "Calibrate" +msgstr "Kalibrasi" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1950 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ya" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1951 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Tidak" + +#: game/screens.rpy:1997 +msgid "Skipping. To stop skipping, press the CTRL key on your keyboard!" +msgstr "Melewati. Untuk menghentikan, tekan CTRL di papan ketik!" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2396 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Kembali" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2398 +msgid "Auto" +msgstr "Otomatis" + +#: game/screens.rpy:2399 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menu" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "English" +msgstr "English" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" +msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" +msgstr "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" +msgstr "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" +msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=times.ttf}فارسی{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2790 +msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}bahasa Indonesia{/font}" +msgstr "" + +#: game/script.rpy:2820 +msgid "Diya" +msgstr "Diya" + +#: game/script.rpy:2821 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "min2_fa529f12" +#| msgid "Min" +msgctxt "game/script.rpy:2821" +msgid "Min" +msgstr "Min" + +#: game/script.rpy:2822 +msgid "Noelle" +msgstr "Noelle" + +#: game/script.rpy:2823 +msgid "YAOI SEME" +msgstr "YAOI SEME" + +#: game/script.rpy:2824 +msgid "NOELLEFUCKER69" +msgstr "NOELLEFUCKER69" + +#: game/script.rpy:2825 +msgid "albret einstong" +msgstr "albret einstong" + +#: game/script.rpy:2826 +msgid "Yuki" +msgstr "Yuki" + +#: game/script.rpy:2827 +msgid "Sakura" +msgstr "Sakura" + +#: game/script.rpy:2828 +msgid "Chryssa" +msgstr "Chryssa" + +#: game/script.rpy:2829 +msgid "Liz" +msgstr "Liz" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:9 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Hey guys! We have a few announcements to make." +msgid "Greetings. We have a special announcement." +msgstr "Hei guys! Kita ada beberapa pengumuman." + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:10 +msgid "The official Butterfly Soup online shop is open for business." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:19 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "What the fuck..." +msgid "What the fuck are these..." +msgstr "Apaan sih anjir..." + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:22 +msgid "These are double-sided acrylic charms." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:29 +msgid "And not the cheap sort from China." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:30 +msgid "" +"Ours are professionally crafted, will never scratch off or fade, and are " +"even waterproof." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:33 +msgid "Seriously, they're legit!" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:35 +msgid "" +"If you hold it in your hand and compare it with the Vograce-made one I got " +"at Yaoi Con, you can actually feel the difference." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Diya +#: game/trailer.rpy:38 +msgid "That was slightly too much information." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:45 +msgid "Also, these are pretty decently sized. They're not tiny 1.5 inch ones!" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Diya +#: game/trailer.rpy:48 +msgid "Min's are the same size as mine. I bet she's happy with that." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:51 +msgid "" +"Wouldn't it be funny if all our charms were normal sized, except only Min's " +"was the dinky 1.5 inch size?" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Min +#: game/trailer.rpy:54 +msgid "" +"Wouldn't it be funny if mine had a blade that came out and stabbed yours?" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:57 +msgid "" +"Just to clarify to our viewers, all the charms are the same size and none of " +"them have blades that come out and stab the others." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:59 +msgid "There's also a discount if you buy all four as a set." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:62 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "What the heck. That sounds like a cartoon." +msgid "That sounds like a scam." +msgstr "Apaan. Kayak kartun." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:66 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "How is that possible?!" +msgid "How is it a scam?!" +msgstr "Gimana caranya?!" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:95 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Diya signs the paper!" +msgid "Diya, is the camera on?" +msgstr "Diya menandatangani kertasnya!" + +# Speaker: Diya +#: game/trailer.rpy:97 +msgid "Camera's on." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Diya +#: game/trailer.rpy:99 +msgid "Take 27.{w=0.35} Action." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:103 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Butterfly Soup" +msgid "The game Butterfly Soup—" +msgstr "Butterfly Soup" + +# Speaker: Min +#: game/trailer.rpy:108 +msgid "Sucks." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:112 +msgid "Sucks?!" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:114 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You don't know anything!" +msgid "You can't kill anyone!" +msgstr "Kamu tidak tahu apa-apa!" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:118 +msgid "How about we kill YOU?! Stop interrupting me!" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:120 +msgid "" +"We could have been finished an HOUR ago!{w=0.35} Just follow the script!" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:122 +msgid "Your script is boring.{w=0.35} No one's gonna play the game." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:124 +msgid "We gotta appeal to the Gamers to sell our Good Content." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:127 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "What do you mean?" +msgctxt "trailer_3e5b3b3a" +msgid "What do you mean?" +msgstr "Maksud kamu apa?" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:130 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "dont b like this" +msgid "Like this:" +msgstr "jangan ky gini" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:133 +msgid "HEWWO???!!?" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:135 +msgid "WHAT'S UP GAMERS, WELCOME TO MY MINECRAFT VIDEO." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:137 +msgid "\"This game is like Overwatch meets Undertale.\" —Yoko Taro." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:140 +msgid "THAT'S JUST FALSE ADVERTISING." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:144 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You bought this for me?" +msgid "How about this?" +msgstr "Kamu beli ini untuk aku?" + +# Speaker: Min +#: game/trailer.rpy:146 +msgid "" +"Hey, gamers.{w=0.35} Play this game or else I'll kill your entire family!!" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:148 +msgid "DON'T THREATEN THE AUDIENCE!" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Min +#: game/trailer.rpy:151 +msgid "" +"One of the game's main selling points is that it's gay.{w=0.35} How about I " +"kiss Diya on camera?" +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:153 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Don't wanna see." +msgid "Don't wanna go on camera." +msgstr "Enggak mau lihat." + +#: game/trailer.rpy:155 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "I'll pay you back." +msgid "I'll kiss you later." +msgstr "Aku bayar kamu nanti." + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:159 +msgid "We're left with no choice, then.{w=0.35} Noelle, we gotta kiss." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:161 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "meetingStart_9a53d3f8" +#| msgid "NO." +msgctxt "trailer_9a53d3f8" +msgid "NO." +msgstr "TIDAK." + +# Speaker: Akarsha +#: game/trailer.rpy:164 +msgid "Playing hard to get, are we?" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:166 +msgid "I'M NOT PLAYING HARD TO GET." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:170 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "This is Akarsha." +msgid "This is biphobia!" +msgstr "Ini Akarsha." + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:173 +msgid "How—{w=0.35} What—{w=0.35} HOW IS THIS BIPHOBIA??" +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:177 +msgid "You know what?!{w=0.35} Forget this!{w=0.35} I give up." +msgstr "" + +# Speaker: Noelle +#: game/trailer.rpy:178 +msgid "We're done!{w=0.35} Turn off the camera, Diya." +msgstr "" + +#: game/trailer.rpy:180 +#, fuzzy +#| msgctxt "confession_fd841d5d" +#| msgid "Okay." +msgctxt "trailer_fd841d5d" +msgid "Okay." +msgstr "Oke!" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:28 msgid "Self-voicing disabled." @@ -22553,60 +26275,77 @@ msgstr "" msgid "decrease" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:128 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:138 msgid "Font Override" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:132 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:142 msgid "Default" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:136 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146 msgid "DejaVu Sans" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:140 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:150 msgid "Opendyslexic" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:156 msgid "Text Size Scaling" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:152 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:162 msgid "Reset" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:158 +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:168 msgid "Line Spacing Scaling" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:171 -msgid "Self-Voicing" +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:180 +msgid "High Contrast Text" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:175 -msgid "Off" +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:182 +msgid "Enable" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:179 -msgid "Text-to-speech" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:183 -msgid "Clipboard" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:187 -msgid "Debug" +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:186 +msgid "Disable" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:193 +msgid "Self-Voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:197 +msgid "Off" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:201 +msgid "Text-to-speech" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:205 +msgid "Clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:209 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:215 msgid "Self-Voicing Volume Drop" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:202 -msgid "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was." +#: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:224 +msgid "" +"The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not " +"work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game " +"unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best " +"results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it " +"originally was." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 @@ -22765,54 +26504,58 @@ msgstr "{#month_short}Des" msgid "%b %d, %H:%M" msgstr "%b %d, %H:%M" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:363 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:364 msgid "Save slot %s: [text]" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:444 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:445 msgid "Load slot %s: [text]" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:497 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:498 msgid "Delete slot [text]" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:576 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:577 msgid "File page auto" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:578 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:579 msgid "File page quick" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:580 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:581 msgid "File page [text]" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:779 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:780 msgid "Next file page." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:851 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:852 msgid "Previous file page." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:912 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:913 msgid "Quick save complete." msgstr "Simpan cepat selesai." -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:930 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:931 msgid "Quick save." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:949 +#: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:950 msgid "Quick load." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:375 +#: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:381 msgid "Language [text]" msgstr "" +#: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:703 +msgid "Open [text] directory." +msgstr "" + #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:708 msgid "The interactive director is not enabled here." msgstr "" @@ -22905,358 +26648,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Audio Filename:" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:384 -msgid "Are you sure?" -msgstr "Yakin?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:385 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" -msgstr "Yakin mau menghapus simpanan ini?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:386 -msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" -msgstr "Yakin mau menulis ulang simpanan?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:387 -msgid "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" -msgstr "Memuat akan menghilangkan kemajuan tidak tersimpan. \nYakin mau melakukan ini?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:388 -msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?" -msgstr "Yakin mau keluar?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:389 -msgid "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." -msgstr "Yakin mau kembali ke menu utama?\nIni akan menghilangkan kemajuan yang belum tersimpan." - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:390 -msgid "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" -msgstr "Yakin mau mengakhiri pengulangan ulang?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:391 -msgid "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" -msgstr "Yakin mau melewati?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:392 -msgid "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" -msgstr "Yakin mau melewati sampai pilihan berikutnya?" - -#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:393 -msgid "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" -msgstr "Yakin mau melewati dialog yang belum dilihat ke pilihan selanjutnya?" - -#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:306 -msgid "Failed to save screenshot as %s." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:318 -msgid "Saved screenshot as %s." -msgstr "Menyimpan tangkapan layar sebagai %s." - -#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:195 -msgid "Skip Mode" -msgstr "Mode Lewati" - -#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:281 -msgid "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}." -msgstr "Program ini berisi perangkat lunak gratis di bawah sejumlah lisensi, termasuk lisensi MIT dan GNU Lesser General Public License. Daftar lengkap software, termasuk tautan ke kode sumber lengkap, bisa ditemukan {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}di sini{/a}." - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:247 -msgid "display" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:259 -msgid "transitions" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:268 -msgid "skip transitions" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:270 -msgid "video sprites" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:279 -msgid "show empty window" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:288 -msgid "text speed" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:296 -msgid "joystick" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:296 -msgid "joystick..." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:303 -msgid "skip" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:306 -msgid "skip unseen [text]" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:311 -msgid "skip unseen text" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:313 -msgid "begin skipping" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:317 -msgid "after choices" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:324 -msgid "skip after choices" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:326 -msgid "auto-forward time" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:340 -msgid "auto-forward" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:347 -msgid "Auto forward" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:350 -msgid "auto-forward after click" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:359 -msgid "automatic move" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:368 -msgid "wait for voice" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:377 -msgid "voice sustain" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:386 -msgid "self voicing" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:395 -msgid "self voicing volume drop" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:403 -msgid "clipboard voicing" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:412 -msgid "debug voicing" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:421 -msgid "emphasize audio" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:430 -msgid "rollback side" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:440 -msgid "gl powersave" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:446 -msgid "gl framerate" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:449 -msgid "gl tearing" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:452 -msgid "font transform" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:455 -msgid "font size" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:463 -msgid "font line spacing" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:471 -msgid "system cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:480 -msgid "renderer menu" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:483 -msgid "accessibility menu" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:496 -msgid "music volume" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:497 -msgid "sound volume" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:498 -msgid "voice volume" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:499 -msgid "mute music" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:500 -msgid "mute sound" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:501 -msgid "mute voice" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:502 -msgid "mute all" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:583 -msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." -msgstr "Penyuaraan clipboard diaktifkan. Tekan 'shift+C' untuk menonaktifkan." - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:585 -msgid "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable." -msgstr "Penyuaraan diri akan berkata \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Tekan 'alt+shift+V' untuk menonaktifkan." - -#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:587 -msgid "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." -msgstr "Penyuaraan diri diaktifkan. Tekan 'v' untuk menonaktifkan." - -#: renpy/common/00iap.rpy:219 -msgid "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:374 -msgid "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:496 -msgid "An error is being simulated." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:680 -msgid "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:694 -msgid "This account does not have permission to perform an update." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:697 -msgid "This account does not have permission to write the update log." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:724 -msgid "Could not verify update signature." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:995 -msgid "The update file was not downloaded." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1013 -msgid "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1067 -msgid "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1433 -msgid "Updater" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1440 -msgid "An error has occured:" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1442 -msgid "Checking for updates." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1444 -msgid "This program is up to date." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1446 -msgid "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1448 -msgid "Preparing to download the updates." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1450 -msgid "Downloading the updates." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1452 -msgid "Unpacking the updates." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1454 -msgid "Finishing up." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1456 -msgid "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1458 -msgid "The updates have been installed." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1460 -msgid "The updates were cancelled." -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1475 -msgid "Proceed" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:590 +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:627 msgid "Image [index] of [count] locked." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:610 +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:647 msgid "prev" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:611 +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:648 msgid "next" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:612 +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:649 msgid "slideshow" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:613 +#: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:650 msgid "return" msgstr "" +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32 +msgid "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35 +msgid "No Gamepads Available" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54 +msgid "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58 +msgid "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68 +msgid "Skip (A)" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71 +msgid "Back (B)" +msgstr "" + #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:89 msgid "Renderer" msgstr "" @@ -23289,26 +26724,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Force GLES2 Renderer" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:132 -msgid "Gamepad" -msgstr "Gamepad" - #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:136 msgid "Enable (No Blocklist)" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:140 -msgid "Enable" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:144 -msgid "Disable" -msgstr "" - -#: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:150 -msgid "Calibrate" -msgstr "Kalibrasi" - #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:159 msgid "Powersave" msgstr "" @@ -23354,15 +26773,21 @@ msgid "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:255 -msgid "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." +msgid "" +"Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can " +"lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:259 -msgid "The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you determine what is wrong with your computer." +msgid "" +"The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you " +"determine what is wrong with your computer." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:264 -msgid "More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/a}." +msgid "" +"More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/" +"a}." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:269 @@ -23377,556 +26802,473 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Change render options" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32 -msgid "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:435 +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "Yakin?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:436 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" +msgstr "Yakin mau menghapus simpanan ini?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:437 +msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" +msgstr "Yakin mau menulis ulang simpanan?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:438 +msgid "" +"Loading will lose unsaved progress.\n" +"Are you sure you want to do this?" +msgstr "" +"Memuat akan menghilangkan kemajuan tidak tersimpan. \n" +"Yakin mau melakukan ini?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:439 +msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?" +msgstr "Yakin mau keluar?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:440 +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\n" +"This will lose unsaved progress." +msgstr "" +"Yakin mau kembali ke menu utama?\n" +"Ini akan menghilangkan kemajuan yang belum tersimpan." + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:441 +msgid "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" +msgstr "Yakin mau mengakhiri pengulangan ulang?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:442 +msgid "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" +msgstr "Yakin mau melewati?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:443 +msgid "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" +msgstr "Yakin mau melewati sampai pilihan berikutnya?" + +#: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:444 +msgid "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" +msgstr "Yakin mau melewati dialog yang belum dilihat ke pilihan selanjutnya?" + +#: renpy/common/00iap.rpy:219 +msgid "" +"Contacting App Store\n" +"Please Wait..." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35 -msgid "No Gamepads Available" +#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:310 +msgid "Failed to save screenshot as %s." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54 -msgid "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" +#: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:322 +msgid "Saved screenshot as %s." +msgstr "Menyimpan tangkapan layar sebagai %s." + +#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:230 +msgid "Skip Mode" +msgstr "Mode Lewati" + +#: renpy/common/00library.rpy:316 +msgid "" +"This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including " +"the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of " +"software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www." +"renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}." +msgstr "" +"Program ini berisi perangkat lunak gratis di bawah sejumlah lisensi, " +"termasuk lisensi MIT dan GNU Lesser General Public License. Daftar lengkap " +"software, termasuk tautan ke kode sumber lengkap, bisa ditemukan {a=https://" +"www.renpy.org/l/license}di sini{/a}." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:259 +msgid "display" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58 -msgid "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]." +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:271 +msgid "transitions" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68 -msgid "Skip (A)" +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:280 +msgid "skip transitions" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71 -msgid "Back (B)" +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:282 +msgid "video sprites" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:542 +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:291 +msgid "show empty window" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:300 +msgid "text speed" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:308 +msgid "joystick" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:308 +msgid "joystick..." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:315 +msgid "skip" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:318 +msgid "skip unseen [text]" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:323 +msgid "skip unseen text" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:325 +msgid "begin skipping" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:329 +msgid "after choices" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:336 +msgid "skip after choices" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:338 +msgid "auto-forward time" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:352 +msgid "auto-forward" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:359 +msgid "Auto forward" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:362 +msgid "auto-forward after click" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:371 +msgid "automatic move" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:380 +msgid "wait for voice" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:389 +msgid "voice sustain" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:398 +msgid "self voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:407 +msgid "self voicing volume drop" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:415 +msgid "clipboard voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:424 +msgid "debug voicing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:433 +msgid "emphasize audio" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:442 +msgid "rollback side" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:452 +msgid "gl powersave" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:458 +msgid "gl framerate" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:461 +msgid "gl tearing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:464 +msgid "font transform" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:467 +msgid "font size" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:475 +msgid "font line spacing" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:483 +msgid "system cursor" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:492 +msgid "renderer menu" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:495 +msgid "accessibility menu" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:498 +msgid "high contrast text" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:507 +msgid "audio when minimized" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:527 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Music Volume" +msgid "main volume" +msgstr "Volume Musik" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:528 +msgid "music volume" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:529 +msgid "sound volume" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:530 +msgid "voice volume" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:531 +msgid "mute main" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:532 +msgid "mute music" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:533 +msgid "mute sound" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:534 +msgid "mute voice" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:535 +msgid "mute all" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:616 +msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." +msgstr "Penyuaraan clipboard diaktifkan. Tekan 'shift+C' untuk menonaktifkan." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:618 +msgid "" +"Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to " +"disable." +msgstr "" +"Penyuaraan diri akan berkata \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Tekan 'alt+shift" +"+V' untuk menonaktifkan." + +#: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:620 +msgid "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." +msgstr "Penyuaraan diri diaktifkan. Tekan 'v' untuk menonaktifkan." + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:419 +msgid "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:548 +msgid "An error is being simulated." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:738 +msgid "" +"Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was " +"deleted." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:752 +msgid "This account does not have permission to perform an update." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:755 +msgid "This account does not have permission to write the update log." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:783 +msgid "Could not verify update signature." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1084 +msgid "The update file was not downloaded." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1102 +msgid "" +"The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been " +"corrupted." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1252 +msgid "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1624 +msgid "Updater" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1631 +msgid "An error has occured:" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1633 +msgid "Checking for updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1635 +msgid "This program is up to date." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1637 +msgid "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1639 +msgid "Preparing to download the updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1641 +msgid "Downloading the updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1643 +msgid "Unpacking the updates." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1645 +msgid "Finishing up." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1647 +msgid "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1649 +msgid "The updates have been installed." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1651 +msgid "The updates were cancelled." +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1666 +msgid "Proceed" +msgstr "" + +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:555 msgid "Open" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:544 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:557 msgid "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:546 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:559 msgid "Copy BBCode" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:548 -msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:561 +msgid "" +"Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like " +"https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:550 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:563 msgid "Copy Markdown" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:552 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:565 msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:581 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:594 msgid "An exception has occurred." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:604 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:617 msgid "Rollback" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:606 -msgid "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice." +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:619 +msgid "" +"Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a " +"different choice." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:609 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:622 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:613 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:626 msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:615 -msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors." +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:628 +msgid "" +"Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to " +"additional errors." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:619 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:632 msgid "Reload" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:621 -msgid "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:634 +msgid "" +"Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:624 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:637 msgid "Console" msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:626 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:639 msgid "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:639 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:652 msgid "Quits the game." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:660 +#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:673 msgid "Parsing the script failed." msgstr "" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:686 -msgid "Opens the errors.txt file in a text editor." -msgstr "" +#~ msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2437" +#~ msgid "Is there something going on with Min?" +#~ msgstr "Ada sesuatu dengan Min?" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:690 -msgid "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like https://lemmasoft.renai.us/." -msgstr "" +#~ msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:2526" +#~ msgid "???" +#~ msgstr "???" -#: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:694 -msgid "Copies the errors.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:647 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Simpan" - -#: game/screens.rpy:649 -msgid "Skip" -msgstr "Lewati" - -#: game/screens.rpy:651 -msgid "Prefs" -msgstr "Preferensi" - -#: game/screens.rpy:718 -msgid "New Game" -msgstr "Game baru" - -#: game/screens.rpy:723 -msgid "History" -msgstr "Riwayat" - -#: game/screens.rpy:731 -msgid "Load Game" -msgstr "Memuat Game" - -#: game/screens.rpy:735 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Pengaturan" - -#: game/screens.rpy:739 -msgid "About" -msgstr "Tentang" - -#: game/screens.rpy:744 -msgid "End Replay" -msgstr "Akhiri Pengulangan" - -#: game/screens.rpy:750 -msgid "Main Menu" -msgstr "Menu Utama" - -#: game/screens.rpy:757 -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Keluar" - -#: game/screens.rpy:991 -msgid "Return" -msgstr "Kembali" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1112 -msgid "[config.name!t] Version [config.version!t]\n" -msgstr "[config.name!t] Versi [config.version!t]\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1119 -msgid "Game by {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n\nMade with {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" -msgstr "Game oleh {a=http://me-patra.tumblr.com/}Brianna Lei{/a}\n\nDibuat dengan {a=https://www.renpy.org/}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1121 -msgid "\n\nMusic:" -msgstr "\n\nMusik:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1122 -msgid "Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, and Thoughts of You by {a=http://ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\nare licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" -msgstr "Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath, dan Thoughts of You oleh {a=http://ketsamusic.com/}Ketsa{/a}\ndilisensikan di bawah CC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1123 -msgid "Romaras, Blooming, and Side by Side by Miltata are licensed\nunder CC BY-NC 3.0" -msgstr "Romaras, Blooming, dan Side by Side oleh Miltata dilisensikan\ndi bawah CC BY-NC 3.0" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1124 -msgid "{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}This artist has songs available for purchase! Please support him here!{/a}\n" -msgstr "{a=https://miltata.bandcamp.com/}Musisi ini punya lagu yang dapat dibeli! Tolong dukung dia disini!{/a}\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1125 -msgid "{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/a} by {b}Bloodgod{/b} is licensed under\nCC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" -msgstr "{a=http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bloodgod/Catharsis/}Valar Morghulis{/a} oleh {b}Bloodgod{/b} dilisensikan di bawah\nCC BY-NC-ND 4.0\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1126 -msgid "{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} by {b}YOSHI{/b} is licensed under CC\n" -msgstr "{a=http://www.hurtrecord.com/bgm/24/the-flame-of-love.html}Flame of Love{/a} oleh {b}YOSHI{/b} dilisensikan di bawah CC\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1127 -msgid "Overflowing by {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" -msgstr "Overflowing oleh {b}Tatsuya Kato{/b}\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1128 -msgid "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" -msgstr "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight oleh {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1129 -msgid "{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}This song is available for purchase! Please support the artist!{/a}\n" -msgstr "{a=https://mattmulholland.bandcamp.com/album/matt-mulholland-sings-covers}Lagu ini dapat dibeli! Tolong dukung musisinya!{/a}\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1131 -msgid "Title song: Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) by {b}Miltata{/b}" -msgstr "Lagu utama: Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) oleh {b}Miltata{/b}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1132 -msgid "Credits song: Calling Project 2 by {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" -msgstr "Lagu kredit: Calling Project 2 by {b}{a=http://que-music.net/}.que{/a}{/b}\n" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1135 -msgid "\n\nSound:" -msgstr "\n\nBunyi:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1136 -msgid "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" -msgstr "{a=https://github.com/NormalVR/CutieKeys}Cutie Keys{/a}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1137 -msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric Sound Effects Library{/a} by LittleRobotSoundFactory is licensed\nunder CC BY 3.0" -msgstr "{a=http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/16881/}Electric Sound Effects Library{/a} oleh LittleRobotSoundFactory dilisensikan\ndi bawah CC BY 3.0" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1138 -msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/a} by CGEffex is licensed\nunder CC BY 3.0" -msgstr "{a=http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/92634/}Clipping with Scissors{/a} oleh CGEffex dilisensikan\ndi bawah CC BY 3.0" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1139 -msgid "{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} by Peacewaves is licensed under CC BY 3.0" -msgstr "{a=http://freesound.org/people/Peacewaves/sounds/317334/}Metal Locker{/a} oleh Peacewaves dilisensikan dibawah CC BY 3.0" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1141 -msgid "\n\nAdditional scripting help:" -msgstr "\n\nBantuan scripting tambahan:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1142 -msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" -msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/ArazatiTea}Arazati{/a}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1144 -msgid "\n\nChinese localization by:" -msgstr "\n]nLokalisasi bahasa Cina oleh:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1145 -msgid "{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" -msgstr "{a=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-An_9qMz_Q6IeIht_pRUw?}{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay){/a}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1147 -msgid "\n\nJapanese localization by:" -msgstr "\n\nLokalisasi bahasa Jepang oleh:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1148 -msgid "KINSHA Co., Ltd." -msgstr "KINSHA Co., Ltd." - -#: game/screens.rpy:1150 -msgid "\n\nBrazilian Portuguese localization by:" -msgstr "\n\nLokalisasi bahasa Portugis Brazil oleh:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1151 -msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" -msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/_jaraujo_}Jean Araujo{/a}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1153 -msgid "\n\nKorean localization by:" -msgstr "\n\nLokalisasi bahasa Korea oleh:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1154 -msgid "KyleHeren" -msgstr "KyleHeren" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1156 -msgid "\n\nCzech localization by:" -msgstr "\n\nLokalisasi bahasa Ceko oleh:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1157 -msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" -msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/reapersofficial}scie{/a}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1159 -msgid "\n\nPolish localization by:" -msgstr "\n\nLokalisasi bahasa Polandia oleh:" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1160 -msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" -msgstr "{a=https://twitter.com/ymzuu}ymzu{/a}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1162 -msgid "\n\nFarsi localization by:" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1163 -msgid "Kasbarg" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1165 -msgid "\n\nIndonesian localization by:" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1166 -msgid "{a=https://twitter.com/strawberiisodaa}Konberrii{/a}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1168 -msgid "\n\nFrench localization by : " -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1169 -msgid "Queerscriptors from {a=https://nextgaymer.com/}Next Gaymer{/a}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1170 -msgid "(Phoross, L'Unix Benoit, Ven, Brom, Seb_Ash, Torli, MandyLane, Tashousse\nDestryl, Giovanni, Batwoman, NinaDelPepito, Blaxis & IannaFOX)" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1248 -msgid "Page {}" -msgstr "Halaman {}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1248 -msgid "Automatic saves" -msgstr "Simpanan otomatis" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1248 -msgid "Quick saves" -msgstr "Simpanan cepat" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1294 -msgid "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" -msgstr "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1294 -msgid "empty slot" -msgstr "slot kosong" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1311 -msgid "<" -msgstr "<" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1314 -msgid "{#auto_page}A" -msgstr "{#auto_page}A" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1317 -msgid "{#quick_page}Q" -msgstr "{#auto_page}Q" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1323 -msgid ">" -msgstr ">" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1437 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Display" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1438 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Jendela" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1439 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Layar penuh" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1445 -msgid "Unseen Text" -msgstr "Teks Tak Terlihat" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1446 -msgid "After Choices" -msgstr "Pilihan Setelahnya" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1451 -msgid "Screen Motion" -msgstr "Gerakan Layar" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1452 -msgid "Background Pan" -msgstr "Pan Latar Belakang" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1453 -msgid "Screenshake" -msgstr "Guncangan Layar" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1465 -msgid "Music Volume" -msgstr "Volume Musik" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1472 -msgid "Sound Volume" -msgstr "Volume Bunyi" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1478 -msgid "Test" -msgstr "Test" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1482 -msgid "Voice Volume" -msgstr "Volume Suara" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1493 -msgid "Mute All" -msgstr "Bisukan semua" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1497 -msgid "Text Speed" -msgstr "Kecepatan Teks" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1506 -msgid "Language" -msgstr "Bahasa" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1508 -msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1509 -msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=30}日本語{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "{font=japanese.ttc}{size=30}日本語{/size}{/font}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1510 -msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=30}한국어{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "{font=Binggrae.otf}{size=30}한국어{/size}{/font}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1511 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1512 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Česky{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Česky{/size}{/font}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1513 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Polski{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Polski{/size}{/font}" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1514 -msgid "{font=times.ttf}{size=30}فارسی{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1515 -msgid "bahasa Indonesia" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1516 -msgid "{font=YunusH.ttf}Français{/font}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1665 -msgid "The dialogue history is empty." -msgstr "Sejarah dialog kosong." - -#: game/screens.rpy:1803 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ya" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1804 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Tidak" - -#: game/screens.rpy:1850 -msgid "Skipping. To stop skipping, press the CTRL key on your keyboard!" -msgstr "Melewati. Untuk menghentikan, tekan CTRL di papan ketik!" - -#: game/screens.rpy:2249 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Kembali" - -#: game/screens.rpy:2251 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Otomatis" - -#: game/screens.rpy:2252 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "Menu" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "English" -msgstr "English" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" -msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" -msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" -msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" -msgstr "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" -msgstr "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" -msgstr "{font=myriad.OTF}Polski{/font}" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=times.ttf}فارسی{/font}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}bahasa Indonesia{/font}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/script.rpy:2790 -msgid "{font=YunusH.ttf}{size=36}Français{/size}{/font}" -msgstr "" - -#: game/script.rpy:2822 -msgid "Diya" -msgstr "Diya" - -#: game/script.rpy:2823 -msgctxt "game/script.rpy:2823" -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: game/script.rpy:2824 -msgid "Noelle" -msgstr "Noelle" - -#: game/script.rpy:2825 -msgid "YAOI SEME" -msgstr "YAOI SEME" - -#: game/script.rpy:2826 -msgid "NOELLEFUCKER69" -msgstr "NOELLEFUCKER69" - -#: game/script.rpy:2827 -msgid "albret einstong" -msgstr "albret einstong" - -#: game/script.rpy:2828 -msgid "Yuki" -msgstr "Yuki" - -#: game/script.rpy:2829 -msgid "Sakura" -msgstr "Sakura" - -#: game/script.rpy:2830 -msgid "Chryssa" -msgstr "Chryssa" - -#: game/script.rpy:2831 -msgid "Liz" -msgstr "Liz" +#~ msgctxt "game/1_diya.rpy:4257" +#~ msgid "How long do we have until class starts?" +#~ msgstr "Berapa lama sampai kelas mulai?" +#~ msgctxt "game/script.rpy:2823" +#~ msgid "Min" +#~ msgstr "Min"