diff --git a/game/1_akarsha.rpyc b/game/1_akarsha.rpyc index 29f46ad..5d32e2c 100644 Binary files a/game/1_akarsha.rpyc and b/game/1_akarsha.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/2_diya.rpyc b/game/2_diya.rpyc index e6f4ac7..cb226e9 100644 Binary files a/game/2_diya.rpyc and b/game/2_diya.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/3_min.rpyc b/game/3_min.rpyc index 6b02938..47e8011 100644 Binary files a/game/3_min.rpyc and b/game/3_min.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/4_noelle.rpyc b/game/4_noelle.rpyc index 63c4f28..95462cf 100644 Binary files a/game/4_noelle.rpyc and b/game/4_noelle.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/Cocoonase_v1.LICENSE b/game/Cocoonase_v1.LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 4362b49..0000000 --- a/game/Cocoonase_v1.LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,502 +0,0 @@ - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2.1, February 1999 - - Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - -[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts - as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence - the version number 2.1.] - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change -free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. - - This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some -specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the -Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You -can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether -this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better -strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, -not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that -you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge -for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get -it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of -it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do -these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these -rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for -you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis -or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave -you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source -code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide -complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them -with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling -it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. - - We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the -library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal -permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. - - To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that -there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is -modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know -that what they have is not the original version, so that the original -author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be -introduced by others. - - Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of -any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot -effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a -restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that -any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be -consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. - - Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the -ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser -General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and -is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use -this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those -libraries into non-free programs. - - When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using -a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a -combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary -General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the -entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General -Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with -the library. - - We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it -does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General -Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less -of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages -are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many -libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain -special circumstances. - - For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to -encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes -a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be -allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free -library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this -case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free -software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. - - In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free -programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of -free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in -non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU -operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating -system. - - Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the -users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is -linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run -that program using a modified version of the Library. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a -"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The -former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must -be combined with the library in order to run. - - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other -program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or -other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of -this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). -Each licensee is addressed as "you". - - A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data -prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs -(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. - - The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work -which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the -Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under -copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a -portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated -straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is -included without limitation in the term "modification".) - - "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means -all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated -interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation -and installation of the library. - - Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from -such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based -on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for -writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does -and what the program that uses the Library does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's -complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that -you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an -appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact -all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any -warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the -Library. - - You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, -and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a -fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) The modified work must itself be a software library. - - b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no - charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. - - d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a - table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses - the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility - is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, - in the event an application does not supply such function or - table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of - its purpose remains meaningful. - - (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has - a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the - application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any - application-supplied function or table used by this function must - be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square - root function must still compute square roots.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote -it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Library. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library -with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public -License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do -this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so -that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, -instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the -ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify -that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in -these notices. - - Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for -that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all -subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. - - This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of -the Library into a program that is not a library. - - 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or -derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form -under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany -it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which -must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a -medium customarily used for software interchange. - - If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy -from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the -source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to -distribute the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the -Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or -linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a -work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and -therefore falls outside the scope of this License. - - However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library -creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it -contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the -library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. -Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. - - When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file -that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a -derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. -Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be -linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The -threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. - - If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data -structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline -functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object -file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative -work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the -Library will still fall under Section 6.) - - Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may -distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. -Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, -whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. - - 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or -link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a -work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work -under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit -modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse -engineering for debugging such modifications. - - You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the -Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by -this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work -during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the -copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference -directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one -of these things: - - a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding - machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever - changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under - Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked - with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that - uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the - user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified - executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood - that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the - Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application - to use the modified definitions.) - - b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the - Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a - copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, - rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) - will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if - the user installs one, as long as the modified version is - interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. - - c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at - least three years, to give the same user the materials - specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more - than the cost of performing this distribution. - - d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy - from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above - specified materials from the same place. - - e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these - materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. - - For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the -Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for -reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, -the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is -normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major -components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on -which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies -the executable. - - It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license -restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally -accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot -use both them and the Library together in an executable that you -distribute. - - 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the -Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library -facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined -library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on -the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise -permitted, and provided that you do these two things: - - a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work - based on the Library, uncombined with any other library - facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the - Sections above. - - b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact - that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining - where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. - - 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute -the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any -attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or -distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your -rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, -or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses -terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. - - 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the -Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Library or works based on it. - - 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the -Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library -subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with -this License. - - 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any -particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, -and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add -an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, -so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus -excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if -written in the body of this License. - - 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new -versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. -Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, -but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and -"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and -conditions either of that version or of any later version published by -the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a -license version number, you may choose any version ever published by -the Free Software Foundation. - - 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, -write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is -copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free -Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our -decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status -of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing -and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO -WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. -EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR -OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY -KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE -LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME -THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN -WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY -AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU -FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR -CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE -LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING -RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A -FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF -SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries - - If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that -everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting -redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the -ordinary General Public License). - - To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is -safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the -"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either - version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Lesser General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the - library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. - - , 1 April 1990 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -That's all there is to it! diff --git a/game/cache/bytecode.rpyb b/game/cache/bytecode.rpyb index 481a699..ce2ace2 100644 Binary files a/game/cache/bytecode.rpyb and b/game/cache/bytecode.rpyb differ diff --git a/game/cache/pyanalysis.rpyb b/game/cache/pyanalysis.rpyb index 321d67e..0df0ab0 100644 Binary files a/game/cache/pyanalysis.rpyb and b/game/cache/pyanalysis.rpyb differ diff --git a/game/cache/screens.rpyb b/game/cache/screens.rpyb index 6f1de20..a152851 100644 Binary files a/game/cache/screens.rpyb and b/game/cache/screens.rpyb differ diff --git a/game/cache/shaders.txt b/game/cache/shaders.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 41a9c5a..0000000 --- a/game/cache/shaders.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -renpy.alpha renpy.texture -renpy.geometry renpy.solid -renpy.alpha renpy.geometry renpy.texture -renpy.geometry renpy.texture -renpy.texture -renpy.ftl -renpy.dissolve renpy.dissolve -renpy.dissolve renpy.geometry -renpy.solid diff --git a/game/gui.rpy b/game/gui.rpy index 6aeb204..2890b40 100644 --- a/game/gui.rpy +++ b/game/gui.rpy @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ define gui.quick_button_text_selected_color = gui.accent_color define gui.choice_button_width = 950 define gui.choice_button_height = 80 define gui.choice_button_tile = False -define gui.choice_button_text_align = (0.5,0.5) +define gui.choice_button_text_align = 0.5 #define gui.choice_button_borders = Borders(100, 10, 100, 10) define gui.choice_button_text_font = gui.text_font define gui.choice_button_text_size = gui.text_size diff --git a/game/gui.rpyc b/game/gui.rpyc index ef67e8f..77bfff0 100644 Binary files a/game/gui.rpyc and b/game/gui.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/images/bg/auditorium.png b/game/images/bg/auditorium.png deleted file mode 100644 index 9d6cb07..0000000 Binary files a/game/images/bg/auditorium.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/images/bg/catch1.png b/game/images/bg/catch1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1a28680..0000000 Binary files a/game/images/bg/catch1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/images/bg/track.png b/game/images/bg/track.png deleted file mode 100644 index 06d0860..0000000 Binary files a/game/images/bg/track.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/images/confetti.png b/game/images/confetti.png deleted file mode 100644 index 0b117c5..0000000 Binary files a/game/images/confetti.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/images/sprite/diyaCostume.png b/game/images/sprite/diyaCostume.png index 5031b87..6622f11 100644 Binary files a/game/images/sprite/diyaCostume.png and b/game/images/sprite/diyaCostume.png differ diff --git a/game/images/sprite/diyaCrying1.png b/game/images/sprite/diyaCrying1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 75d657b..0000000 Binary files a/game/images/sprite/diyaCrying1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/images/sprite/subzeroGlasses.png b/game/images/sprite/subzeroGlasses.png deleted file mode 100644 index 073e294..0000000 Binary files a/game/images/sprite/subzeroGlasses.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/options.rpy b/game/options.rpy index fbe626e..5c56ec4 100644 --- a/game/options.rpy +++ b/game/options.rpy @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ define gui.show_name = True ## The version of the game. -#LATEST: Polish translation secret test build -define config.version = "1.05" +#LATEST: Traditional Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish release build +define config.version = "1.10" define config.debug = False define config.debug_sound = False diff --git a/game/options.rpyc b/game/options.rpyc index 1fb330a..9ebe77e 100644 Binary files a/game/options.rpyc and b/game/options.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/saves/1-1-LT1.save b/game/saves/1-1-LT1.save deleted file mode 100644 index 0823f3c..0000000 Binary files a/game/saves/1-1-LT1.save and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/saves/1-2-LT1.save b/game/saves/1-2-LT1.save deleted file mode 100644 index dd9ad4e..0000000 Binary files a/game/saves/1-2-LT1.save and /dev/null differ diff --git a/game/saves/navigation.json b/game/saves/navigation.json deleted file mode 100644 index fff1495..0000000 --- a/game/saves/navigation.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"name": "Butterfly Soup 2", "version": "1.05", "location": {"callable": {"Shaker.__call__": ["game/script.rpy", 3243], "showSubtitle": ["game/script.rpy", 3198], "gChat": ["game/script.rpy", 190], "slow_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 108], "MouseParallax.parallax": ["game/script.rpy", 243], "bgm_play": ["game/script.rpy", 158], "incoherent_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 39], "blue_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 76], "small_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 135], "white_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 55], "pink_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 87], "slower_tag": ["game/script.rpy", 117], "my_empty_window": ["game/script.rpy", 3216], "clicks": ["game/script.rpy", 182], "nvlHide": 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scene black + menu: + "English": + $renpy.change_language (None) + "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Русский{/size}{/font}": + $renpy.change_language ("russian") + "Polski": + $renpy.change_language ("polish") + "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}": + $renpy.change_language ("traditional_chinese") + "Español": + $renpy.change_language ("spanish") + "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}": + $renpy.change_language ("brazilian_portuguese") + # "{font=myriad.OTF}Česky{/font}": + # $renpy.change_language ("czech") + # "{font=japanese.ttc}日本語{/font}": + # $renpy.change_language ("japanese") + # "{font=Binggrae.otf}한국어{/font}": + # $renpy.change_language ("korean") + # "{font=times.ttf}فارسی{/font}": + # $renpy.change_language ("farsi") + # "{font=myriad.OTF}bahasa Indonesia{/font}": + # $renpy.change_language ("indonesian") + $ persistent.language_selected = True $menuStyle="normal" #$renpy.config.rtl = True diff --git a/game/script.rpyc b/game/script.rpyc index 0ddba32..6a5d78b 100644 Binary files a/game/script.rpyc and b/game/script.rpyc differ diff --git a/game/script_version.txt b/game/script_version.txt index 81b97bc..d8ccc33 100644 --- a/game/script_version.txt +++ b/game/script_version.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -(7, 5, 3) \ No newline at end of file +(7, 3, 5) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/game/tl/None/common.rpymc b/game/tl/None/common.rpymc index e36864a..a98fd52 100644 Binary files a/game/tl/None/common.rpymc and b/game/tl/None/common.rpymc differ diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/1_akarsha.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/1_akarsha.rpy index 8cd7e08..7437546 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/1_akarsha.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/1_akarsha.rpy @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_ffd2b268: translate traditional_chinese beginning_af8c89e9: # Akarsha "Aw shit, I got ahead of myself." - Akarsha "啊。我想太快了。。" + Akarsha "啊。我想太快了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:141 translate traditional_chinese beginning_e68f3b44: @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_b12ebb44: translate traditional_chinese beginning_92dd7fb1: # "Noelle narrows her eyes suspiciously at Akarsha, then tries to peer past her into the house." - "小諾狐疑地瞇起眼睛,打量著阿卡莎和自己面前的屋子。" + "小諾狐疑地瞇起眼睛,打量著阿卡莎和自己面前的房子。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:185 translate traditional_chinese beginning_ef60cfc5: @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_296ac2fe: translate traditional_chinese beginning_187b8e25: # Akarsha "Wait. I seriously just threw up all over the floor in the kitchen." - Akarsha "我說真的。我剛剛吐到廚房裡滿地都是。" + Akarsha "我說真的。廚房現在都是我的吐。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:215 translate traditional_chinese beginning_68a6ae5f: @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_68a6ae5f: translate traditional_chinese beginning_e0b89308: # Akarsha "That's what I gotta do to get your attention?" - Akarsha "因為我必須吸引妳的注意力?" + Akarsha "因為……我必須吸引妳的注意力?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:218 translate traditional_chinese beginning_aaa93c12: @@ -364,19 +364,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_477d621b: translate traditional_chinese beginning_96495b44: # Noelle "I DIDN’T AGREE TO THIS! WE’RE NOT ENGAGED!" with sshake - Noelle "我沒有答應!" with sshake + Noelle "我沒說要嫁給妳!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:249 translate traditional_chinese beginning_727701c6: # Akarsha "You didn’t say no!" - Akarsha "妳也沒有不答應!" + Akarsha "妳也沒有說不要啊!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:252 translate traditional_chinese beginning_be4ce923: # Noelle "NO!" with sshake - Noelle "我不答應!" with sshake + Noelle "我不要!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:254 translate traditional_chinese beginning_8d8d6214: @@ -388,13 +388,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_8d8d6214: translate traditional_chinese beginning_7b2c574b: # Noelle "THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS, YOU DOLT!" - Noelle "妳是笨蛋嗎?婚姻不是這樣運作的!" + Noelle "白癡!妳不要亂決定!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:259 translate traditional_chinese beginning_3003138a: # Akarsha "Is that any way to address your future wife?" - Akarsha "這是對未來的妻子應有的態度嗎?" + Akarsha "這是對未來的妻子該有的態度嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:262 translate traditional_chinese beginning_056d79f3: @@ -430,13 +430,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_e3f333fa: translate traditional_chinese beginning_b9c4cb33: # Diya "It only took that long because you wouldn't run." - Diya "因為妳都用走的,所以才要一個多小時。" + Diya "因為妳都用走的,所以才要那麼久。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:272 translate traditional_chinese beginning_eeefa518: # Diya "Once you run at least three miles without walking, you'll see how fun it is." - Diya "如果妳能跑至少三英里,就會發現有多好玩了。" + Diya "跑超過三英里後,妳就會發現有多好玩了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:274 translate traditional_chinese beginning_f619f45c: @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_bf6d61e5: translate traditional_chinese beginning_c5c285cc: # AkarshaT "Oh, we're doing this? The cake must be ready now!" - AkarshaT "開始了嗎?那蛋糕應該做好了!" + AkarshaT "開始了嗎?蛋糕復活了嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:281 translate traditional_chinese beginning_508fee99: @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_12b31b91: translate traditional_chinese beginning_0266098e: # Diya "We put together a party for you." - Diya "這是妳的生日派對。" + Diya "這是妳的生日派對喔。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:287 translate traditional_chinese beginning_f20455fd: @@ -514,13 +514,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_d72d0136: translate traditional_chinese beginning_47d7e7e3: # "She grimaces like there's something disgusting in her mouth." - "諾奧露出一副在吃中藥的表情。" + "小諾齜牙咧嘴的說。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:299 translate traditional_chinese beginning_0a52a1a2: # Noelle "I sincerely....{w=1.0}appreciate....{w=1.0}you all doing this." - Noelle "非常……感謝……妳們的用心。" + Noelle "非常……{w=1.0}感謝{w=1.0}……妳們的用心。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:302 translate traditional_chinese beginning_aa075c42: @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese beginning_aee70a57: translate traditional_chinese golf_9957d660: # Akarsha "Come inside. We baked you a cake!" - Akarsha "我們幫妳做了蛋糕喔!" + Akarsha "來吃蛋糕吧!我們自己做的喔!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:319 translate traditional_chinese golf_64c6c74b: @@ -580,25 +580,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_e18bf0f4: translate traditional_chinese golf_44e270a6: # Min "And this was all Akarsha's fault in the first place." - Min "而且是阿卡莎先寫錯的。" + Min "而且又不是我先寫錯的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:338 translate traditional_chinese golf_6c2729b3: # Akarsha "MY fault? All I did was drive the train off the rails. You were the one who crashed it!" - Akarsha "怪我囉?我頂多把車開到脫軌,妳這是去撞樹了好嗎!" + Akarsha "怪我囉?我頂多把車開上懸崖,妳直接跳海了好嗎!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:341 translate traditional_chinese golf_b0ecb98d: # Diya "Driving off the rails still sounds like a pretty big mistake..." - Diya "把車開到脫軌也不對啊……" + Diya "把車開上懸崖也……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:344 translate traditional_chinese golf_926804eb: # Akarsha "Oh yeah?? Well, ultimately, this is Noelle's fault for being born. Who's the real culprit now???" - Akarsha "噢,是嗎?說到底,難道不是小諾的錯嗎?誰叫她今天要生日。" + Akarsha "喔?是嗎?說到底,難道不是小諾的錯嗎?誰叫她今天要生日。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:347 translate traditional_chinese golf_2e6917a4: @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_56d9ca31: translate traditional_chinese golf_a3379bea: # Akarsha "This was originally gonna be a sleepover, but I think some of your parents would've said no." - Akarsha "原定計畫是妳們在我家過夜,不過我猜某些人的爸媽不會同意。" + Akarsha "原定計畫是妳們在我家過夜,不過我猜某些人的爸媽會有意見。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:362 translate traditional_chinese golf_5b580689: @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_46485015: translate traditional_chinese golf_e707ffc3: # Akarsha "They're in San Ramon watching my bro's red belt test for Taekwondo. It must be taking longer than they thought." - Akarsha "我弟今天在聖拉蒙考紅帶晉級。我猜可能時間拖到了吧。" + Akarsha "我弟今天在聖拉蒙考紅帶晉級。我猜可能拖到了吧。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:376 translate traditional_chinese golf_6e1aca7f: @@ -688,13 +688,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_6e1aca7f: translate traditional_chinese golf_fe63911f: # Akarsha "Ya, you gotta memorize forms and stuff. I've never seen them fail anyone, though." - Akarsha "要欸。需要背招式之類的……不過他們好像都會讓你過。" + Akarsha "要欸。需要背招式什麼的……不過他們好像都會讓你過。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:380 translate traditional_chinese golf_ef3f5855: # Akarsha "Anyway, us being home alone means we can go BUCK WILD. We're about to throw the party of a LIFETIME, Frenchman!" - Akarsha "重點是:現在只有我們在家。來吧!嗨爆!給法國佬一生一世的轟趴體驗!" + Akarsha "來吧!趁爸媽還沒回來,嗨爆!給法國佬一生一世的轟趴體驗!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:382 translate traditional_chinese golf_7c0ec78b: @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_72f94c71: translate traditional_chinese golf_cd1c6b02: # Akarsha "Nonsense! You're getting the maximal amount of fun here, Frenchman." - Akarsha "怎麼可能!我們只是想讓妳得到更多快樂。" + Akarsha "怎麼可能!我們只是想讓妳得到更多的快樂。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:404 translate traditional_chinese golf_43e479ca: @@ -765,26 +765,24 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_0394b79a: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:407 translate traditional_chinese golf_73e9ae60: + $subtitle= "*「聖火降魔錄」系列主角之一" # Min "You didn't even have any of the characters unlocked except Marth." Min "妳的大亂鬥除了瑪爾斯*以外都沒解鎖。" -$subtitle= "*「聖火降魔錄」系列主角之一" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:409 translate traditional_chinese golf_b4470573: - + $subtitle= "*Captain Falcon,「F-Zero」系列主角" # Akarsha "Who needs \"Falcon\" or whatever when Captain Falcon is right there? Same thing, really..." - Akarsha "拜託!有了\獵鷹隊長\*,誰還會解鎖獵鷹(Falcon)啊?都差不多好嗎……" + Akarsha "妳是說「獵鷹(Falcon)」之類的嗎?拜託!都有獵鷹隊長*了,他還來攪什麼局啊……" -$subtitle= "*Captain Falcon,「F-Zero」系列主角" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:413 translate traditional_chinese golf_836b5f41: - + $subtitle= "*「星際火狐」系列配角" # Min "You mean {i}Falco{/i}?! There's no fucking character called Falcon!" with sshake - Min "什麼「獵鷹」?!他叫{i}法爾科{i}*啦!" with sshake - -$subtitle= "*Falco,「星際火狐」系列配角" + Min "獵鷹妳個頭!人家叫法爾科(Falco)*啦!" with sshake + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:421 translate traditional_chinese golf_e6352d0d: @@ -792,8 +790,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_e6352d0d: # Akarsha "Jeez, calm yourself! I unlocked everything this time. See?" Akarsha "不要激動好嗎?我都解鎖就是了嘛!" -$subtitle= "" - # game/1_akarsha.rpy:423 translate traditional_chinese golf_899c1cc4: @@ -846,7 +842,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_44dec906: translate traditional_chinese golf_04c4046f: # "Noelle pinches the control stick between her thumb and index finger like a crab with a pebble between its pincers." - "小諾用拇指和食指夾著操控桿,像一隻鉗子裡卡了石頭的螃蟹。" + "小諾用拇指和食指夾著操控桿,艱難的控制着方向。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:448 translate traditional_chinese golf_ed537d52: @@ -858,19 +854,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_ed537d52: translate traditional_chinese golf_c6ff27c7: # "Min selects a dark, lava-ridden course. An animation panning to the stage's first hole plays onscreen." - "小旼選了一個充滿岩漿的黑色系關卡,螢幕上開始播放動畫,顯示出第一個球洞的位置。" + "小旼選了一個充滿岩漿的黑色系關卡。螢幕上開始播放動畫,顯示出第一個球洞的位置。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:454 translate traditional_chinese golf_6873e283: # Noelle "Wait, that looks difficult. I don't even know how to play this yet!" - Noelle "我第一次玩欸!這關看起來怎麽這麼難!" + Noelle "這關看起來怎麼這麼難!我第一次玩欸!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:457 translate traditional_chinese golf_1e5db9a1: # Akarsha "Sink or sizzle, Frenchman." - Akarsha "痛苦吧……掙扎吧……" + Akarsha "哭喊吧……掙扎吧……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:460 translate traditional_chinese golf_704731a8: @@ -905,18 +901,17 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_00927965: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:472 translate traditional_chinese golf_b34a7526: + $subtitle= "*總杆數高於標準桿數一桿稱為BOGEY=柏忌" # "After a few swings, Min successfully putts her golf ball into the first hole. The words \"BOGEY\" appear onscreen." "幾桿過後,小旼成功進洞。螢幕上浮現出一行大字:「BOGEY*」。" - -$subtitle= "*總杆數高於標準桿數一桿稱為BOGEY=柏忌" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:474 translate traditional_chinese golf_16e8bcb2: # Min "The fuck is a \"bogey\"?" - Min "\「BOGEY」\到底是什麽鬼?" + Min "\「BOGEY」\到底是什麼鬼?" -$subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:476 translate traditional_chinese golf_80242aaf: @@ -928,13 +923,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_80242aaf: translate traditional_chinese golf_63561eda: # Min "I like real sports, not fake old people sports like golf." - Min "不好意思,我喜歡的是真正的運動,不是老人團康賽。" + Min "不好意思,我喜歡的是真正的運動,不是老人大會。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:480 translate traditional_chinese golf_4047d783: # Diya "Me too." - Diya "同意。" + Diya "對。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:483 translate traditional_chinese golf_3b405576: @@ -994,7 +989,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_599f64fd: translate traditional_chinese golf_740798c0: # Noelle "If you insist." - Noelle "隨妳怎麼說。" + Noelle "隨便妳說。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:507 translate traditional_chinese golf_febe2f20: @@ -1024,7 +1019,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_468e0adb: translate traditional_chinese golf_94d3efb5: # Min "What, you don't like it?" - Min "怎樣,有意見嗎??" + Min "怎樣,有意見嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:519 translate traditional_chinese golf_c244c5bd: @@ -1036,7 +1031,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_c244c5bd: translate traditional_chinese golf_d747778c: # Akarsha "Silence, demon! It's fun to fantasize about owning property someday!" - Akarsha "妳很無趣欸!體驗擁有房產的感覺嘛!超好玩的!" + Akarsha "妳很無趣欸!搶先體驗擁有房產的感覺,也很好玩啊。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:525 translate traditional_chinese golf_a8eec78d: @@ -1048,7 +1043,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_a8eec78d: translate traditional_chinese golf_02071b31: # Noelle "It was created to educate people on the dangers of capitalism!" - Noelle "它是為了讓大家看清資本主義的黑暗面,才被製造出來的!" + Noelle "它是為了揭露資本主義的陰暗面,才被製造出來的!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:528 translate traditional_chinese golf_9a94eccf: @@ -1060,7 +1055,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_9a94eccf: translate traditional_chinese golf_2a9b6ca0: # Akarsha "Noelle, let's make a deal. If you win the next hole against me, we won't play Monopoly." - Akarsha "不然這樣好了:如果妳下一局贏我,待會就不玩地產大亨。" + Akarsha "不然這樣好了。如果妳下一局贏我,待會就不玩地產大亨。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:534 translate traditional_chinese golf_e4045c5f: @@ -1084,25 +1079,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_472b0d90: translate traditional_chinese golf_0401264f: # Noelle "...Fine. Deal." - Noelle "……好,我接受妳的提案。" + Noelle "……好,我接受妳的提議。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:543 translate traditional_chinese golf_d4eb33ee: # Diya "Oh, no. I roasted my golf ball again." - Diya "唉呀,球又焦掉了。" + Diya "糟糕,我又打偏了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:545 translate traditional_chinese golf_6a1a39f7: # "After countless attempts, Noelle manages to complete the hole first." - "在無數次嘗試後,小諾終於成功進洞了。" + "在無數次嘗試後,小諾終於成功進洞。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:547 translate traditional_chinese golf_e6455780: # Diya "Yay. You win." - Diya "妳贏了耶。" + Diya "妳好厲害喔。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:549 translate traditional_chinese golf_1110528a: @@ -1138,7 +1133,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_4fd55d6f: translate traditional_chinese golf_c990a6fd: # AkarshaT "I'm pulling out all the stops!" - AkarshaT "看招,壽星!" + AkarshaT "覺悟吧,壽星!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:564 translate traditional_chinese golf_bd1727b8: @@ -1150,7 +1145,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_bd1727b8: translate traditional_chinese golf_dcb7a844: # "Akarsha presses A to skip the animation before it can reveal the hole's location." - "阿卡莎按下「跳過」鍵,動畫在展示出球洞之前就被中斷了。" + "阿卡莎按下「跳過」鍵,動畫在展示出球洞之前就中斷了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:570 translate traditional_chinese golf_fd66f18f: @@ -1168,7 +1163,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_e59bc4ef: translate traditional_chinese golf_fd53a2e6: # Noelle "AKARSHA!!! WHERE'S THE HOLE!!" with sshake - Noelle "洞在哪裡?!" with sshake + Noelle "洞呢?!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:580 translate traditional_chinese golf_c600e07c: @@ -1311,10 +1306,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_1fe2a9a0: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:636 translate traditional_chinese golf_ecf447ed: + $subtitle= "*總杆數等於標準桿數,稱為Par=平標準桿" # "Wario slaps his butt as the words \"PAR\" appear onscreen." "螢幕上浮現出「PAR*」字樣,瓦利歐開始對鏡頭拍屁股。" - -$subtitle= "*總杆數等於標準桿數,稱為Par=平標準桿" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:638 translate traditional_chinese golf_ce0a0505: @@ -1322,8 +1317,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese golf_ce0a0505: # Akarsha "See? This is why Mario Golf is the best game in the world." Akarsha "看,多美妙啊。" -$subtitle= "" - # game/1_akarsha.rpy:640 translate traditional_chinese golf_f26aaf40: @@ -1388,13 +1381,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese monopoly_d10e2beb: translate traditional_chinese monopoly_7b6b0913: # Noelle "Well, chances are, you won't." - Noelle "不一定會踩到。" + Noelle "妳不一定會踩到。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:678 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_0a2e2da3: # Noelle "Unloading all your money on a single property is pure folly this early in the game." - Noelle "而且,在遊戲初期把所有資金壓在一塊地上,並不是很聰明的選擇。" + Noelle "而且,在遊戲初期把所有資金壓在一塊地上,並不是明智的選擇。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:680 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_0a598aa2: @@ -1430,7 +1423,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese monopoly_df9c6175: translate traditional_chinese monopoly_1446773c: # Min "It's my house, so I'm in charge. You can stay there for free." - Min "這裡是我家,妳住是免費的。" + Min "這裡是我家,妳不用付錢。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:691 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_74a1a48c: @@ -1478,7 +1471,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese monopoly_1ce8853c: translate traditional_chinese monopoly_60c7cd5a: # Akarsha "Basically, it's sayin' if the owner doesn't ask for rent, the renter doesn't have to pay it!" - Akarsha "簡單的說:如果地主沒有要求,承租人可以不用付租金!" + Akarsha "簡單的說就是:如果地主沒有要求,承租人可以不用付租金!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:708 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_d02e98d1: @@ -1490,7 +1483,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese monopoly_d02e98d1: translate traditional_chinese monopoly_827d11db: # Noelle "What kind of buffoon penned these rules?! If the renter and owner are in cahoots, the other players are at a disadvantage!" - Noelle "這是什麽亂七八糟的規則?!地主如果可以和承租人結盟,其他玩家還怎麽玩啊!" + Noelle "這是什麼亂七八糟的規則?!地主如果可以和承租人結盟,其他玩家還怎麼玩啊!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:712 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_e05eeead: @@ -1502,7 +1495,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese monopoly_e05eeead: translate traditional_chinese monopoly_0225d87d: # Akarsha "HmmMMMMM...Wanna be in {i}cahoots{/i} with me, Frenchman?" - Akarsha "嗯…………法國來的,我們勾結一下?" + Akarsha "嗯……法國來的,我們勾結一下?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:717 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_fe36a26e: @@ -1520,7 +1513,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese monopoly_d6069b41: translate traditional_chinese monopoly_e67206c4: # Akarsha "You'll be singing a different tune once you land on my Killer Boardwalk." - Akarsha "等妳踏上我的奪命大道,一定會後悔的。" + Akarsha "等妳踏上我的奪命大道,一定會哭着來求我。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:732 translate traditional_chinese monopoly_92d0810f: @@ -1640,7 +1633,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_f1e7d743: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_d7963a1f: # cMom "How come you're not picking up your phone?" - cMom "妳為什麼不回電話?" + cMom "妳為什麼不接電話?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:771 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_8d29f11e: @@ -1688,7 +1681,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_e629b0d2: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_ed179152: # "Diya frantically hands Noelle the phone like it's a hot potato." - "迪亞像是被燙到一樣的把手機扔給小諾。" + "迪亞像是被燙到一樣,把手機扔給小諾。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:789 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_59359e51: @@ -1718,19 +1711,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_e9b8be9a: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_46998f1c: # Noelle "I'm sorry my mom called you, Diya. That was humiliating." - Noelle "對不起,迪亞,我媽忽然打給妳。好丟臉喔。" + Noelle "對不起,迪亞,我媽忽然打給妳。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:797 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_c66af205: # Diya "It's okay. Good thing she didn't report you missing yet." - Diya "幸好她還沒有報警。" + Diya "還好她沒報警。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:799 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_fb03f223: # Noelle "I know she means well, but it's honestly irritating how often she wildly overreacts to perfectly harmless situations." - Noelle "我知道她是擔心我,可是好像不管我去哪裡,她反應都一樣大……老實說,很煩。" + Noelle "我知道她擔心我,可是不管我去哪裡,她反應都這麼大……老實說,很煩。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:800 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_61810662: @@ -1778,7 +1771,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_ff3779b2: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_bbc973a6: # Akarsha "That's not always true. My parents are pretty chill, but I'm still uncool." - Akarsha "不一定喔。我爸媽也不太管我,但並沒有改變我是邊緣的事實," + Akarsha "不一定喔。我爸媽也不太管我,但並沒有改變我邊緣的事實," # game/1_akarsha.rpy:823 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_16bc08cb: @@ -1796,13 +1789,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_98390768: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_3199f6ce: # Noelle "I would like to add that you're a compulsive liar." - Noelle "我再追加一條:「撒謊慣犯」。" + Noelle "我要再追加一條:「說謊慣犯」。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:830 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_4c8b9749: # Akarsha "Geez, wow! I didn't realize everyone had their own theories for why I'm not popular..." - Akarsha "沒想到大家覺得我邊緣的理由如此多采多姿!在下受寵若驚……" + Akarsha "沒想到大家覺得我邊緣的理由居然如此多采多姿!在下受寵若驚……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:838 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_6b84746d: @@ -1838,7 +1831,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_87204c2f: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_41f9d7a5: # Akarsha "You're murdering the babes, Diya! How about $24? Just one dollar can save a life..." - Akarsha "不,我的孩子會死的!算我二十四怎麼樣?捐錢一塊,救人一命……" + Akarsha "不,孩子們會死的!算我二十四怎麼樣?捐錢一塊,救人一命……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:855 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_61bf8e26: @@ -1850,7 +1843,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_61bf8e26: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_97182f87: # Akarsha "Wait, Diya, I'll roll you for it. Double or nothing." - Akarsha "不然這樣好了:我們來比大小。如果妳贏了,我付妳兩倍。如果妳輸了,就算我免費。" + Akarsha "不然這樣好了,我們來比大小。如果妳贏了,我付妳兩倍。可是如果妳輸了,就不能收我錢。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:861 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_dd445e50: @@ -1958,7 +1951,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_b18b84e4: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_43dd7f7e: # Akarsha "I'll have you know little Timmy died of starvation last night 'cause of you." - Akarsha "小提米昨天晚上餓死了。都是妳害的。" + Akarsha "小提米餓死了。都是妳害的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:922 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_db5ded8b: @@ -1988,13 +1981,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_140ada33: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_7f5d0445: # Akarsha "If I'm so annoying, why do you keep hanging out with me?" - Akarsha "我這麼煩,妳為什麼還要跟我玩呢?" + Akarsha "既然我這麼煩,妳為什麼還要跟我玩呢?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:939 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_cbc6f5e6: # Noelle "Because I love to watch you fail." - Noelle "因為失敗的妳很賞心悅目呀。" + Noelle "因為妳失敗的樣子很賞心悅目呀。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:941 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_2402d5ed: @@ -2006,7 +1999,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_2402d5ed: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_61d2da08: # "Noelle only moves her iron token a couple spaces before she starts to lose it. That's how Akarsha knows she's landed on Boardwalk." - "小諾開始移動指示物,臉色也變得越來越難看──她正在一步一步的走向阿卡莎的奪命大道。" + "小諾開始移動指示物,臉色變得越來越難看──她正一步一步的走向阿卡莎的奪命大道。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:944 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_7e9409bf: @@ -2042,7 +2035,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momTexts_7e06a8ca: translate traditional_chinese momTexts_98e4afbe: # "To Akarsha's amazement, Noelle dissolves into laughter on the couch — actual, honest-to-god laughter." - "小諾爆笑出聲──毫無壓抑、掩飾的大笑。阿卡莎欣喜的看著小諾整個人倒進沙發裡。" + "小諾爆笑出聲──毫無防備、不加掩飾的大笑。阿卡莎欣喜的看著小諾整個人倒進沙發裡。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:959 translate traditional_chinese momTexts_84d659ea: @@ -2071,18 +2064,16 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_d1df7e00: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:983 translate traditional_chinese momDad_4e00bc81: + $subtitle= "*漫畫「死神」裡的武器" # Pratik "HOWL, ZABIMARU!" with sshake Pratik "看我的蛇尾丸*!" with sshake - -$subtitle= "*漫畫「死神」裡的武器" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:984 translate traditional_chinese momDad_3dc2671d: # "He flails his red belt, whapping the floor, couch, and everything else within a three foot radius of him." - "帕提克不斷揮動著紅帶,攻擊著他身體九十公分半徑以內的所有東西。" - -$subtitle= "" + "帕提克不斷揮動紅帶,攻擊著他身體九十公分半徑以內的所有東西。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:987 translate traditional_chinese momDad_57e1f106: @@ -2111,10 +2102,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_8d5277a5: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:995 translate traditional_chinese momDad_691a2479: + $subtitle= "*印地語「女兒」" # Dad "{i}BETI!!!{/i} HELP CARRY GROCERIES IN!!!" with sshake Dad "BETI*!!!過來幫忙!!" with sshake - -$subtitle= "*印地語「女兒」" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:996 translate traditional_chinese momDad_5967b40b: @@ -2122,7 +2113,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_5967b40b: # Dad "WE STOPPED BY COSTCO AND BOUGHT NACHOS FOR THE PARTY!!" Dad "幫妳們買了好市多的墨西哥玉米片!" -$subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:998 translate traditional_chinese momDad_003c941f: @@ -2188,7 +2178,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_f845f88e: translate traditional_chinese momDad_d12b703c: # Akarsha "I was definitely an accident. But I think I was so awesome that it reminded my parents how cool kids are, and then they made my bro on purpose." - Akarsha "他們本來絕對沒有要生我。但是因為我太過優秀,讓他們重溫生孩子的美好,所以又生了我弟。" + Akarsha "他們本來絕對沒有要生我。但是因為我天資聰穎,重新點燃了他們生孩子的慾望,所以又出現了我弟。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1027 translate traditional_chinese momDad_640ede9a: @@ -2212,7 +2202,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_8ed35b73: translate traditional_chinese momDad_b60ad5bb: # Akarsha "Like, good for her, but it's almost kinda frustrating how perfect she turned out. She's just as bad as you." - Akarsha "我是覺得很棒啦。不過她有點厲害過頭了,跟妳差不多。" + Akarsha "很棒是很棒啦。不過有點太OP了,跟妳差不多。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1033 translate traditional_chinese momDad_f82158cb: @@ -2224,13 +2214,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_f82158cb: translate traditional_chinese momDad_f3cb4622: # "Akarsha's dad walks over from the trunk of the minivan with an armful of groceries." - "阿卡莎的爸爸從休旅車中拎出一堆購物袋,朝她們走了過來。" + "阿卡莎的爸爸從休旅車後面拎出一堆購物袋,朝她們走了過來。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1038 translate traditional_chinese momDad_45d4fd65: # AkarshaT "Oh god, what is he wearing?!" - AkarshaT "囧!這是什麽奇怪的T恤?!" + AkarshaT "囧!這是什麼奇怪的T恤?!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1041 translate traditional_chinese momDad_6805d516: @@ -2254,7 +2244,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_6b51bc1b: translate traditional_chinese momDad_5bbe5c6e: # Noelle "Well...It's my surprise party, so I don't have much choice in the matter." - Noelle "嗯……該怎麽說,我沒辦法決定我要不要來,因為這是驚喜。" + Noelle "嗯……該怎麼說,我沒辦法決定自己要不要來,因為這是驚喜。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1049 translate traditional_chinese momDad_f3bbb5fd: @@ -2266,23 +2256,24 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_f3bbb5fd: translate traditional_chinese momDad_c2b8a584: # Dad "Like my co-worker Carrot last week. When we threw her a retirement party, she only stayed for half an hour." - Dad "跟我的同事胡蘿蔔好像喔;我們幫她辦退休派對,她只去半個鐘頭。" + Dad "跟我的同事胡蘿蔔好像喔,我們幫她辦退休派對,她只去半個鐘頭。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1052 translate traditional_chinese momDad_23b34a46: + $subtitle= "*Carrot" # Noelle "Your co-worker is called \"Carrot\"...?" - Noelle "您的同事叫「胡蘿蔔*」……?" + Noelle "「胡蘿蔔*」……?" -$subtitle= "*Carrot" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1054 translate traditional_chinese momDad_1c898c49: + $subtitle= "*Karen" # Akarsha "Dad, her name is {i}Karen.{/i} I really hope you weren't calling her that at the office." Akarsha "爸,人家叫凱倫*啦!你平常應該有叫對她名字吧?" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle= "*Karen" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1057 translate traditional_chinese momDad_a2dade56: @@ -2290,7 +2281,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_a2dade56: # "Akarsha's dad tries to clear a path through the heap of shoes by the garage door. Meanwhile, Akarsha and Noelle each grab a couple grocery bags from the trunk." "阿卡莎爸爸一邊踢開堆在車庫門口的鞋子,一邊努力往前走。阿卡莎和小諾則到後車廂去拿剩下的東西。" -$subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1059 translate traditional_chinese momDad_1e015eac: @@ -2314,7 +2304,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_59fd0c45: translate traditional_chinese momDad_1e703323: # Akarsha "No, my parents don't know anything about politics." - Akarsha "沒。我爸媽不太管政治。" + Akarsha "沒。我爸媽都不管政治。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1066 translate traditional_chinese momDad_0d2d11ae: @@ -2356,7 +2346,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_519660ed: translate traditional_chinese momDad_e667a573: # Mom "I'm sorry we're late. We thought we'd be back before everyone came." - Mom "對不起,我們遲到了。本來以為可以早點回來的。" + Mom "對不起,我們遲到了。本來以為可以早一點回來的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1082 translate traditional_chinese momDad_3c9388df: @@ -2368,7 +2358,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_3c9388df: translate traditional_chinese momDad_871a9493: # Mom "If you'd just followed its directions all the way, it probably would've been faster." - Mom "如果你「全程」按照GPS說的走,可能會稍微快一點。" + Mom "如果你「全程」按照GPS說的走,可能就不會繞遠路了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1086 translate traditional_chinese momDad_6a3b92b6: @@ -2428,7 +2418,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_a6c851d3: translate traditional_chinese momDad_bf0f974f: # Noelle "With all due respect, that sounds like a terrible idea." - Noelle "沒有冒犯的意思,但是這個發明聽起來不太可行。" + Noelle "沒有冒犯的意思,但是這個發明聽起來很難實現。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1105 translate traditional_chinese momDad_08d79703: @@ -2530,19 +2520,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_29279d14: translate traditional_chinese momDad_f835a73a: # Akarsha "Really? Like what?" - Akarsha "什麼意思?" + Akarsha "懂什麼?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1143 translate traditional_chinese momDad_9fd139a4: # Noelle "I see where you get your sense of humor from now." - Noelle "我終於知道妳的幽默感是從哪裡來的了。" + Noelle "我懂妳的幽默感是從哪裡來的了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1145 translate traditional_chinese momDad_3a714793: # Akarsha "Huh? No, my jokes are TOTALLY different!" - Akarsha "嗄?才沒有!我們是兩種不一樣的好笑!" + Akarsha "嗄?才沒有!我們完全不一樣,好嗎!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1148 translate traditional_chinese momDad_f53a8846: @@ -2578,19 +2568,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_a9f82919: translate traditional_chinese momDad_804e4ece: # Noelle "For instance, your worst fear is earnestly trying at something and failing." - Noelle "比方說,妳的心魔是:明明努力過了,卻還是達不到要求。" + Noelle "比如說:妳的心魔是「我明明那麼努力,卻還是沒有成功」。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1158 translate traditional_chinese momDad_a66baa74: # Noelle "So even though you're perfectly intelligent, you use your goofy disposition to premptively make a fool of yourself on purpose." - Noelle "所以,妳選擇用耍笨來掩蓋自己真正的實力,因為妳最怕失敗。" + Noelle "妳太害怕失敗了,所以選擇用耍笨來掩蓋自己真正的實力。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1160 translate traditional_chinese momDad_a22bcd4e: # Akarsha "I do not?? Give me an example." - Akarsha "我哪有?妳說話要有證據。" + Akarsha "我哪有?拿出證據來。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1163 translate traditional_chinese momDad_356a7452: @@ -2614,13 +2604,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_e0fdbf90: translate traditional_chinese momDad_ccda6724: # Noelle "I doubt that's it. This extends to every facet of how you present yourself to the world." - Noelle "我持懷疑態度。因為這點也可以從其他方面觀察出來。" + Noelle "我不這麼認為。因為這點也反映在妳生活的多個層面上。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1170 translate traditional_chinese momDad_d6f50466: # Noelle "You're insecure about your appearance, so you go out in this outlandish hairdo with this windbreaker and flip-flops outfit." - Noelle "妳選擇誇張的打扮──包包頭、風衣和夾腳拖,是因為對自己的外表沒有自信。" + Noelle "妳選擇誇張的打扮:包包頭、風衣和夾腳拖,是因為對自己的外表沒有自信。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1171 translate traditional_chinese momDad_a7897c02: @@ -2638,7 +2628,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_8ad66713: translate traditional_chinese momDad_4e186cf3: # AkarshaT "What the...I feel weirdly exposed??" with sshake - AkarshaT "發生了什麼?我被看穿了嗎?!" with sshake + AkarshaT "挖哈噴?我被看穿了嗎?!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1176 translate traditional_chinese momDad_739ec9d8: @@ -2662,7 +2652,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_4a59f5da: translate traditional_chinese momDad_830a26ea: # AkarshaT "Her read on me is scarily accurate?! No one's ever seen through me like this before!" - AkarshaT "她真的看穿我了?!從來沒有人看穿過我!" + AkarshaT "怎麼會這樣?!以前從來沒有人看穿過我!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1183 translate traditional_chinese momDad_ce7f34c2: @@ -2674,7 +2664,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_ce7f34c2: translate traditional_chinese momDad_fb017e75: # AkarshaT "Usually you don't watch someone that closely unless you like them." - AkarshaT "沒事幹嘛觀察我?難道她暗戀我?" + AkarshaT "沒事幹嘛觀察我?她暗戀我嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1186 translate traditional_chinese momDad_99b5f327: @@ -2698,7 +2688,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_8717b294: translate traditional_chinese momDad_693acef7: # "Suddenly, Noelle turns to her and gives her an unreadable look." - "忽然,小諾轉過身來,神情微妙的打量著阿卡莎。" + "突然間,小諾轉過身來,面無表情的打量著阿卡莎。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1193 translate traditional_chinese momDad_d61ce29e: @@ -2746,13 +2736,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese momDad_fdecab62: translate traditional_chinese momDad_1a48b0f6: # AkarshaT "Ah, shit...No..." with sshake - AkarshaT "不行,不可以……" with sshake + AkarshaT "不行,不行……" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1209 translate traditional_chinese momDad_5a7891ea: # AkarshaT "Not this shit again...Nooooo......." with sshake - AkarshaT "我絕對不能心動……!!" with sshake + AkarshaT "不要這樣對我……!!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1225 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_d394a6b6: @@ -2770,25 +2760,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_8a8e0515: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_089ebc99: # AkarshaT "We haven't even known each other for a whole year yet, but she already knows so much about me..." - AkarshaT "我們才認識不到一年而已,她卻已經這麼了解我了……" + AkarshaT "我們才認識幾個月而已,她竟然這麼了解我……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1230 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_186ed528: # AkarshaT "I bet we're closer than a lot of couples who really {i}are{/i} dating!" - AkarshaT "情侶都不一定這麼了解對方!" + AkarshaT "這已經勝過很多情侶了吧?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1231 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_d235ec27: # AkarshaT "She can tell when I'm about to say something annoying before I even open my mouth." - AkarshaT "她能完美預測我要耍笨的時機。" + AkarshaT "每次我要耍笨,她都知道。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1232 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_6b93952b: # AkarshaT "She knows I have a big sister, which is like a rare Akarsha fact cuz she's so much older than me." - AkarshaT "她知道我有姊姊──這算是稀有情報了。" + AkarshaT "她還知道我有姊姊──這可是稀有情報喔!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1233 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_3915db1b: @@ -2800,7 +2790,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_3915db1b: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_1ab0bdd0: # Min "The heck are you doing?" - Min "妳在幹嘛?" + Min "妳是怎樣?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1238 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_092378f2: @@ -2818,7 +2808,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_8f4abf06: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_126b0236: # Min "I said hi like, twice. You must really be out of it." - Min "我「嗨」兩次了,妳都沒聽到。" + Min "我都「嗨」兩次了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1245 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_fe2d32ae: @@ -2860,7 +2850,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_1a72b921: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_75533aa2: # Akarsha "Naw, A- is more realistic." - Akarsha "這樣更有真實感。" + Akarsha "這樣比較真實。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1258 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_f3146869: @@ -2884,13 +2874,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_9acc7390: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_6488e183: # Min "You're not even changing your actual grades, so you're not REALLY cheating." - Min "而且妳只改了成績單,真正的成績又沒變。" + Min "而且妳只是改成績單而已,真正的成績又沒變。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1266 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_6c2de530: # Akarsha "You're right...I'm just cheating my parents' brains! Mind hack..." - Akarsha "沒錯,我只是竄改了他們的記憶而已!" + Akarsha "沒錯,我只是竄改了他們的記憶!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1271 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_9eccf2de: @@ -2902,13 +2892,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_9eccf2de: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_3d882072: # Akarsha "I'll do your report card too if you give me $20." - Akarsha "要改嗎?改一次二十。" + Akarsha "要改嗎?一次二十。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1276 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_efea0c1d: # Min "Nah, can't be bothered. I don't care what my parents think." - Min "沒差啦,我又不管他們怎麽想。" + Min "沒差啦,我又不管他們怎麼想。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1278 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_eb254ac7: @@ -2938,7 +2928,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_d5472351: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_8f7794b6: # AkarshaT "She DID manage to get together with Diya, after all. Maybe she has tips for this kinda thing." - AkarshaT "她和迪亞也順利交往了。我可能可以請教她。" + AkarshaT "她和迪亞也順利交往了。說不定可以給我一點建議。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1290 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_7f27ae5d: @@ -2956,19 +2946,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_f4f403e1: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_08c826f1: # Akarsha "Hypothetically...if you had a crush on a friend, what would you do?" - Akarsha "假如……妳喜歡上了自己的朋友,該怎麼辦?" + Akarsha "如果……喜歡上自己的朋友,該怎麼辦?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1298 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_532ac4e9: # Min "You have a crush?! Who is it?" - Min "妳喜歡上誰了?" + Min "誰?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1300 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_b5df3a9d: # Akarsha "I can't tell you, it's embarrassing!" - Akarsha "我不能說!太羞恥了!" + Akarsha "我不能講!太羞恥了!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1302 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_e9437091: @@ -2980,49 +2970,49 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_e9437091: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_17131380: # Akarsha "Seriously, I'm not tellin' you! NO ONE can know." - Akarsha "我真的不能說!" + Akarsha "不告訴妳。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1307 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_ec50de6c: # Min "Is it Diya??????" - Min "是迪亞嗎?????" + Min "是迪亞嗎?!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1309 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_2d96b0b3: # Akarsha "WHAT???? No, I'm not trying to get my throat slit by you." with sshake - Akarsha "嗄?!不是啦!我還想活下去,好嗎?" with sshake + Akarsha "嗄?!怎麼可能!我還想活下去,好嗎?" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1312 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_cdd46e9b: # Min "Is it me???" - Min "是我嗎???" + Min "不會是我吧?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1314 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_c42306dc: # Akarsha "No, but no more questions! I'm not exposing myself!" - Akarsha "不是!不要再問了!" + Akarsha "不是啦!不要再問了!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1317 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_81492b54: # Min "What happened to being a \"love expert\" or whatever when I was trying to kiss Diya?" - Min "我想和迪亞告白的時候,妳不是很厲害的樣子嗎?" + Min "我想親迪亞的時候,妳不是給了一堆建議嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1318 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_096d9044: # Min "Why don't you just follow your own shitty advice?" - Min "妳不是「求愛專家」嗎?自己想辦法不就好了。" + Min "自己想辦法不就好了?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1320 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_06ef2d91: # Akarsha "Admitedly, it's easier said than done..." - Akarsha "說真的比做簡單……" + Akarsha "好吧,「說」真的比「做」簡單……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1323 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_43bf9372: @@ -3052,7 +3042,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_e6ddad4a: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_2b0cf7a0: # Min "You can even try one of the stupid fucking pickup lines you keep \"practicing\" on my girlfriend." - Min "用妳找我女朋友「練習」過的那些搭訕台詞也可以喔。" + Min "用妳找我女朋友「練習」過的那些狗屁開場白也可以。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1331 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_43f1ecd7: @@ -3070,43 +3060,43 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_29a4d8a8: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_61dfb67e: # Min "Well, it worked out for me. You'll never know unless you go for it." - Min "如果妳不行動,就永遠不知道結果。我就成功了。" + Min "妳要試試看才知道吧。我直接告白,不就成功了嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1342 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_e890ab93: # Min "What's the worst thing that could happen? They reject you?" - Min "頂多被拒絕而已。" + Min "頂多被拒絕而已,又不會怎樣。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1344 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_18aa897e: # Akarsha "Getting rejected is a huge deal! It'll make everything so awkward!" - Akarsha "被拒絕很嚴重好嗎!以後見面超尷尬的!" + Akarsha "被拒絕很嚴重好不好!以後見面超尷尬的!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1347 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_7f1f59e0: # Min "I mean, yeah, but that's just a risk you gotta take." - Min "對啊。妳要承擔風險。" + Min "對啊。妳要承擔風險啊。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1351 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_75bd8113: # Akarsha "You don't get it, this isn't just me being paranoid. This has literally happened to me before." - Akarsha "妳不懂!我真的經歷過!" + Akarsha "不是!我真的經歷過!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1352 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_3619ca6b: # Akarsha "None of you went to the same middle school as me, so you don't know." - Akarsha "妳們和我不同一所中學,所以才不知道發生了什麼。" + Akarsha "我中學的時候和朋友告白,然後她就不理我了。還把這件事情告訴我們的其他朋友,最後所有人都不理我了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1353 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_e501540a: # Akarsha "Not only did my crush start avoiding me, but she told the rest of our friend group and they stopped talking to me, too." - Akarsha "我告白的對象再也不理我了,她還到處宣傳,然後我的朋友都不理我了。" + Akarsha "如果妳們跟我同一所中學,絕對會聽說這件事。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1360 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_952c5f37: @@ -3160,7 +3150,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_7488d994: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_0bfeb704: # AkarshaT "Heck, I've never seen her express any kind of attraction to anyone at all. Is she just hella repressed?" - AkarshaT "我好像從來沒有看過她表現出喜歡誰的樣子。可能她太壓抑了?" + AkarshaT "我好像從來沒有看過她表現出喜歡誰的樣子。可能她藏得很好。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1390 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_cd6a50e6: @@ -3184,7 +3174,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reportCard_28dcccec: translate traditional_chinese reportCard_80744984: # AkarshaT "There's no way this can go wrong." - AkarshaT "就這麼辦。" + AkarshaT "我真是個天才啊。。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1397 translate traditional_chinese reportCard_623a92a3: @@ -3214,7 +3204,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookShelves_38ca9eee: translate traditional_chinese lookShelves_7b3ef5f3: # Akarsha "It's free books?" - Akarsha "書免費讀欸?" + Akarsha "書都免費欸?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1465 translate traditional_chinese lookShelves_a154e3a5: @@ -3262,7 +3252,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookShelves_65095dca: translate traditional_chinese lookShelves_39518c50: # Akarsha "I love that you thought \"middle finger\" was a bad word." - Akarsha "妳竟然以為「中指」是髒話。" + Akarsha "哈哈,妳以為「中指」是髒話嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1482 translate traditional_chinese lookShelves_10bac246: @@ -3286,7 +3276,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDesk_0999fc0d: translate traditional_chinese lookDesk_450270ef: # Min "She actually tutors me for real sometimes." - Min "她真的幫我上過幾次課。" + Min "我們有時候會真的上課。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1495 translate traditional_chinese lookDesk_eda4d60e: @@ -3358,7 +3348,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_b2d9da48: translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_09e19479: # Min "How would that happen? Pissed off any books lately?" - Min "怎麼可能?妳惹到書了?" + Min "怎麼可能,妳連書都可以拉仇恨?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1526 translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_930e6940: @@ -3382,7 +3372,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_3ea5cd03: translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_9f824791: # Akarsha "Yeah, I'm embarrassed I even said that out loud." - Akarsha "我已經覺得很恥了,謝謝。" + Akarsha "我已經後悔了,謝謝。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1532 translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_e087bd8f: @@ -3400,7 +3390,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_e45b1a32: translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_c3fee831: # Akarsha "Never mind, forget I mentioned it." - Akarsha "沒事!" + Akarsha "沒有!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1540 translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_25dfe662: @@ -3412,7 +3402,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_25dfe662: translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_d2728151: # AkarshaT "Is that really necessary? It's not like I can help it!" - AkarshaT "有需要嗎?又不是我願意的!" + AkarshaT "有需要嗎?我也不想這樣啊!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1550 translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_9b3ac1d0: @@ -3466,7 +3456,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_106db544: translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_1c7c7458: # "Akarsha throws her hands forward to break her fall onto the hard concrete." - "阿卡莎兩手撐地,以防直接摔在水泥鋪成的路面上。" + "阿卡莎兩手撐地,防止自己的臉和水泥親密接觸。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1574 translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_fbb805ca: @@ -3478,7 +3468,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_fbb805ca: translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_a9d9620e: # Akarsha "This is SO typical! Why do these things always happen to me?" - Akarsha "太經典了!為什麼我老是遇到這種事!" + Akarsha "為什麼我連跌倒都這麼老梗?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1578 translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_1018543f: @@ -3502,7 +3492,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese leaveLibrary_a5203a50: translate traditional_chinese lookLockerRoom_0e73fed3: # AkarshaT "I don't have gym until later in the day. And the baseball club doesn't meet til after school." - AkarshaT "下一節不是體育課。社團活動是放學以後。" + AkarshaT "體育課或社團活動才會用到更衣室。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1638 translate traditional_chinese lookLockerRoom_85eb36d5: @@ -3532,7 +3522,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookLockerRoom_7af4c5fb_1: translate traditional_chinese lookLockerRoom_e796b9a4: # AkarshaT "That name was Noelle's idea. I bet the more time passes, the scarier our team name will be." - AkarshaT "這是小諾取的。它是一個會隨著時間增加戰力的神奇隊名。" + AkarshaT "這是小諾取的。它是一個會隨著時間疊加戰力的神奇隊名。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1659 translate traditional_chinese lookLockerRoom_cb10e227: @@ -3568,7 +3558,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noLibrary_1b907331: translate traditional_chinese noLibrary_6a027f72: # Akarsha "So? I'm nothing if not an agent of chaos." - Akarsha "我正是渾沌之神派來的使者。" + Akarsha "我乃渾沌的使者。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1687 translate traditional_chinese noLibrary_73a39d98: @@ -3633,10 +3623,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese noLibrary_f530d61a: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1752 translate traditional_chinese minLeaves_b82cc7bd: + $subtitle= "*日文「現在」,發音為ima" # Akarsha "Aight, imma head to class now." Akarsha "我易瑪*要去上課了。" - -$subtitle= "*日文「現在」,發音為ima" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1755 translate traditional_chinese minLeaves_7efdbfd4: @@ -3644,7 +3634,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese minLeaves_7efdbfd4: # Min "Adios, bitch." Min "掰啦bitch。" -$subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1758 translate traditional_chinese minLeaves_ef146a68: @@ -3674,13 +3663,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese reflection_449d8bf0: translate traditional_chinese reflection_3e5b6e66: # AkarshaT "What happened??? Gene catastrophe..." - AkarshaT "這就是遺傳災難嗎……" + AkarshaT "這就是傳說中的遺傳災難嗎……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1814 translate traditional_chinese reflection_8383e575: # AkarshaT "The other day I saw my side profile in a photo and was like, \"wugh!\"" - AkarshaT "有一次,我看到自己側臉的照片,當下的感想是:「?!」。" + AkarshaT "前幾天,我看到一張我側臉的照片,當下的反應是:「?!」。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1815 translate traditional_chinese reflection_66b48fe9: @@ -3692,7 +3681,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese reflection_66b48fe9: translate traditional_chinese reflection_d0d5949c: # AkarshaT "Wish I could get plastic surgery..." - AkarshaT "好想整形喔……" + AkarshaT "我想整形……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1819 translate traditional_chinese reflection_8c3b4e81: @@ -3758,7 +3747,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_2ca93b2b: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_4aac2b36: # "Suddenly, a water bottle whizzes through the open door and hits the floor with a loud smack!" - "一個東西忽然穿過門框飛進了教室,在地板上發出「磅」的一聲!" + "一個東西忽然穿過門框飛進了教室,在地板上發出「磅」一聲!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1851 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_f33054b2: @@ -3782,7 +3771,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_ff0c9ffd: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_f6aae711: # "Noelle peers suspiciously into the classroom from the doorway. She experimentally reaches one hand inside and feels along the doorframe, apparently searching for abnormalities." - "小諾戒備的在門口張望著,她謹慎地在門框上摸了一圈,想找出任何不自然的地方。" + "小諾戒備的站在門口,謹慎地在門框上摸了一圈,想找出任何不自然的地方。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1859 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_28da2846: @@ -3818,7 +3807,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b9979491: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_8516b24b: # Noelle "That's what you get! You worthless pest!" - Noelle "是妳自己動機不純!活該!" + Noelle "妳還有臉說這種話?是妳自己動機不純!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1874 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_3192a8d1: @@ -3830,13 +3819,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_3192a8d1: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_a286302e: # "Meanwhile, Noelle haltingly walks to her desk with an arm outstretched ahead of her, bracing for all manner of assault, whether it be liquid, solid, gaseous, or psychological in form." - "同一時間,小諾警惕的走向座位,她把手伸的直直的,嘗試抵禦任何可能出現的攻擊──無論是液態的、固態的、氣態的、或心理狀態上的。" + "同一時間,小諾警惕的走向座位。她把手伸的直直的,嘗試抵禦任何可能出現的攻擊──無論是液態的、固態的、氣態的、或心理狀態上的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1876 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_5b0540bc: # "After thoroughly inspecting her desk, she apprehensively sits." - "在把書桌裡裡外外檢查過一遍之後,小諾總算坐下了。" + "在把書桌裡裡外外檢查過一遍之後,小諾嘗試慢慢坐到椅子上。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1878 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_7cb501c7: @@ -3890,7 +3879,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_6e8840cd: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_1d1e4040: # Diya "Did you work on the PowerPoint?" - Diya "妳有更新PPT嗎?" + Diya "妳有改過PPT嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1896 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_8fef91cb: @@ -3902,25 +3891,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_8fef91cb: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_a701e9b0: # "Noelle scrolls to the slide in question. It's a solid wall of text with no images." - "小諾把PPT往下滾,露出一頁像論文的東西。" + "小諾把PPT往下滾,露出一頁像古代碑文的東西。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1900 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_433298f9: # AkarshaT "This is gonna put everyone to sleep!" with sshake - AkarshaT "這是什麼催眠術!" with sshake + AkarshaT "這是什麼催眠大法!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1902 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_05d11a96: # AkarshaT "Noelle's so confident that she's good at public speaking, but she has zero charisma or self-awareness." - AkarshaT "為什麼一個毫無吸引力──而且沒有自覺的人,會覺得自己適合上台報告呢?" + AkarshaT "小諾覺得自己超會報告。其實根本沒有人想聽她講話。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1903 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_0c42e2b0: # AkarshaT "She just drones on and on forever, oblivious that she lost the audience ten minutes ago." - AkarshaT "她只會照著稿子從頭唸到尾,完全不會發現台下已經開始自由活動了。" + AkarshaT "可是在她唸完稿子之前,都不會發現台下已經睡成一片了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1904 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_aa8d9e0a: @@ -3956,7 +3945,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_3910690d: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_7ff6debf: # Noelle "I hate to break this to you, Diya, but literally no one but you is going to understand this." - Noelle "我不想潑妳冷水,但是除了妳之外,沒有人看得懂這張簡報想表達什麼。" + Noelle "我不想潑妳冷水,但是除了妳以外,沒有人看得懂這張簡報想表達什麼。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1916 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_38127587: @@ -3998,31 +3987,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_7fcafa01: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_43192074: # Akarsha "Maybe it's lag?" - Akarsha "可能是延遲?" + Akarsha "可能有延遲?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1934 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_1b37d396: # Akarsha "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide." - Akarsha "因為妳一頁寫太多字了。" + Akarsha "因為妳一頁打太多字了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1935 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_de12e604: # Akarsha "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming." - Akarsha "超過比爾‧蓋茲的預想範圍。" + Akarsha "遠超比爾‧蓋茲的預想範圍。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1938 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_bfc3fcab: # Noelle "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before." - Noelle "不可能。我以前打過更多字。" + Noelle "不可能。我以前打得比這個更多。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1940 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b87430c1: # Diya "...You have?" - Diya "……真的?" + Diya "……比這個更多?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1942 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_9d9cb269: @@ -4166,7 +4155,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_231e821a: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_96b04fa2: # "Akarsha wiggles the mouse in her pocket. Diya's eyes flicker to the movement of fabric on Akarsha's windbreaker." - "阿卡莎又動了動滑鼠,但這一次,風衣口袋的詭異起伏吸引了迪亞的目光。" + "阿卡莎又動了動滑鼠,但這一次,她口袋裡的詭異起伏吸引了迪亞的目光。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1992 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_58f85320: @@ -4178,7 +4167,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_58f85320: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b60fd453: # AkarshaT "Oh shit! Oh no!!!" with sshake - AkarshaT "死了!被發現了!!!" with sshake + AkarshaT "被發現了!!!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1996 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_6a90bbf3: @@ -4196,19 +4185,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_8f687294: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_5192cf78: # Akarsha "Wait, I just happened to have a mouse in my pocket! There's no proof this is connected at all!" - Akarsha "我只是剛好握著滑鼠而已!妳憑什麼確定那就是干擾妳電腦的滑鼠?" + Akarsha "我只是剛好拿着滑鼠而已,妳怎麼可以血口噴人!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2004 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_4943807b: # "Diya wrenches the mouse from Akarsha's hand, but not before Akarsha uses her precious final moments to click on the Control Panel and change the mouse speed to the slowest setting." - "迪亞搖了搖阿卡莎的手臂。但說時遲,那時快;阿卡莎在最後關頭成功點到了控制台,並且把滑鼠的速度調到最慢。" + "迪亞想要搶走滑鼠,但阿卡莎在最後關頭成功點到了控制台,並且把滑鼠的速度調到最慢。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2006 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b8780fd8: # Noelle "Pathetic. I can revert your changes within moments." - Noelle "太可悲了;妳準備的這麼充分,我重置卻只要幾秒鐘。" + Noelle "太可惜了,妳精心策畫的惡作劇,我重置卻只要幾秒鐘。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2008 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_c21059a2: @@ -4220,7 +4209,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_c21059a2: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_26c68486: # "Noelle tries to navigate back to the Control Panel. The cursor inches across the screen so slowly, the movement is barely perceptible..." - "小諾嘗試操作控制台,但游標移動得實在太慢,彷彿根本沒在動……" + "小諾嘗試操作控制台,過了一會,游標開始用超級超級超級超級緩慢的速度移動……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2014 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_323c9b15: @@ -4243,18 +4232,16 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_8ebf669b: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2022 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_88d9b479: + $subtitle= "*印度民俗舞蹈的一種" # NPC "The first practice session for Senior Bhangra is today after school in the gym. Don't forget your t-shirt order forms." NPC "今天是高年級生的第一次班恩格拉舞*練習,請帶著T恤團購單,在放學後到體育館集合。" - -$subtitle= "*印度民俗舞蹈的一種" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2024 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b7ebec79: # AkarshaT "Our school has this tradition where the seniors do a bhangra dance at the end of Multicultural Week." - AkarshaT "在多元文化週的最後一天,高年級生會表演班恩格拉舞──這是我們學校的傳統。" - -$subtitle= "" + AkarshaT "我們學校有一個活動,叫做多元文化週。依照慣例,高年級生都要在最後一天表演班恩格拉舞。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2025 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_7f35a1fa: @@ -4284,13 +4271,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_ef132c1f: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_ff45d2e0: # AkarshaT "Our school may not have a football or baseball team anymore, but it does have hella new clubs popping up all the time." - AkarshaT "雖然足球社和棒球社已經沒了,但是新的社團會一直冒出來。" + AkarshaT "雖然足球社和棒球社已經沒了,我們學校從來不缺新的社團。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2036 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_e0115e41: # AkarshaT "It's 'cause everyone wants to be able to put \"founder and president\" on their college apps." - AkarshaT "因為每個人都想在大學申請表上增加「社團創辦人」這一項。" + AkarshaT "因為如果當過「社團創辦人」,大學申請表會好看一點。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2038 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_4b84d250: @@ -4308,13 +4295,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_22e2f25c: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b9915e92: # AkarshaT "Well, good for them. Even if they had ulterior motives, it's been fun." - AkarshaT "算了。就算真的是那樣,至少我們玩得滿開心的。" + AkarshaT "算了,反正對彼此都沒壞處。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2044 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_c71f63e3: # NPC "This Valentine's Day, the Muslim Student Association is kicking off their annual rose fundraiser." - NPC "由穆斯林學生會舉辦的情人節玫瑰募款活動開始了。" + NPC "穆斯林學生會的情人節募款活動開始了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2045 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_f59fb956: @@ -4326,25 +4313,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_f59fb956: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_c84dc711: # NPC "You can even make it a bouquet for $20. Order forms will be distributed in 3rd period today." - NPC "一朵五塊,一束二十塊。訂購表會在第三節課發放。" + NPC "一朵五塊,一束二十塊。有興趣的同學請在第三節課找老師領取訂購單。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2048 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_7bef3f84: # AkarshaT "Hah, like anybody's getting me one of those..." - AkarshaT "哈哈,最好是有人會送我。" + AkarshaT "哈哈哈,最好是有人會送我。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2050 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_cafc5abf: # "Akarsha surreptiously glances at Noelle, who's sitting beside her." - "阿卡莎偷偷看向坐在旁邊的小諾。" + "阿卡莎偷偷看了坐在她身後的小諾一眼。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2052 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_c6fccc94: # "To her surprise, Noelle is listening to the intercom as intently as if she were being graded on it." - "沒想到,小諾竟然聽得非常專心,彷彿聽完了可以加十分。" + "沒想到,小諾竟然聽得非常專心。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2054 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_18bb8955: @@ -4356,13 +4343,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_18bb8955: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_ef09f05a: # AkarshaT "I should act {i}really{/i} pitifully down about being single and drop hints that getting a rose would make me happy." - AkarshaT "我要假裝因為單身太久所以超級沮喪,這樣小諾就會買花給我了!" + AkarshaT "那我要假裝因為單身太久所以超級沮喪,這樣小諾就會買花給我了!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2056 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_78478c8e: # AkarshaT "After seeing the love of her life (me) in such a miserable state, Noelle will feel guilty that she hasn’t gotten me one!" - AkarshaT "她一定捨不得看到此生摯愛(我)受到如此折磨!" + AkarshaT "她一定不忍心看到此生摯愛(也就是我)這麼痛苦的樣子!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2058 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b98b5e2e: @@ -4380,31 +4367,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_9abcface: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_464d72c6: # Akarsha "I always feel the the worst about being single on holidays where I have no one to celebrate with." - Akarsha "沒有人一起過情人節真的很痛苦。" + Akarsha "我只能跟自己過節。都沒有人陪我過節。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2064 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_b48fabaa: # Akarsha "Like, Valentine's Day is supposed to be the happiest, most romantic time of the year, but it just reminds me of how no one's ever loved me..." - Akarsha "它明明應該是一年中最開心、最浪漫的日子,但是對我來說,它只會凸顯出沒有人愛我……" + Akarsha "對其他人來說,情人節是一年中最浪漫的日子;但對我而言,只是另一個冷清的早晨……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2065 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_9095d2b2: # Akarsha "I bet Diya's getting roses this year. Must be nice..." - Akarsha "迪亞今年一定會收到吧?好好喔……" + Akarsha "迪亞今年絕對會收到花。好羨慕喔……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2068 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_e6e396e4: # Noelle "What is there to envy? Flowers serve no practical purpose." - Noelle "有很好嗎?花又沒什麼用。" + Noelle "有什麼好羨慕的?花又沒有用。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2069 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_9062dddf: # Noelle "They wither up within days and wind up in the garbage. What a waste of money." - Noelle "很快就枯死了,只是浪費錢而已。" + Noelle "一下就枯死了,只是浪費錢而已。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2071 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_453b6b38: @@ -4422,7 +4409,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_c67395a6: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_a74f23fa: # Akarsha "I, personally, wish someone would send me a rose..." - Akarsha "我就很希望能可以收到……" + Akarsha "像我就很想收到。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2077 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_317f7c2b: @@ -4434,7 +4421,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_317f7c2b: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_2d688340: # Akarsha "What? Did I say something funny?" - Akarsha "怎麼了?有意見喔?" + Akarsha "怎麼了?有意見嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2083 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_d2ea13d6: @@ -4482,7 +4469,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese enterClass_3b71d0de: translate traditional_chinese enterClass_8d8f54a7: # Akarsha "Aw, what, a pop quiz?" - Akarsha "嗄,要突擊考喔?" + Akarsha "嗄──突擊考喔?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2102 translate traditional_chinese enterClass_9b119156: @@ -4566,13 +4553,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_072b652f: translate traditional_chinese lunch_e2e1a16d: # "Aghast, Noelle drops her lunchbox as she pulls it from her locker, but Diya manages to catch it before it hits the ground." - "小諾被迪亞的回答嚇到便當盒都掉了,幸好在在落地之前被迪亞即時接住。" + "小諾嚇到便當盒都掉了,幸好在落地之前被迪亞即時接住。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2137 translate traditional_chinese lunch_f2411a7e: # Noelle "You DREW the grid?! There were thousands of units on each side!" with sshake - Noelle "用畫的?!有好幾千格欸!" with sshake + Noelle "有好幾千格欸?!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2139 translate traditional_chinese lunch_478831a3: @@ -4584,7 +4571,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_478831a3: translate traditional_chinese lunch_4401decd: # Diya "Had one minute left and didn't know where to start." - Diya "後來只剩一分鐘了,所以用猜的。" + Diya "最後只剩一分鐘了,所以用猜的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2143 translate traditional_chinese lunch_8c92c322: @@ -4608,13 +4595,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_cae22d3a: translate traditional_chinese lunch_ee3280f5: # Akarsha "Yes! If {i}you{/i} got that, it's gotta be right." - Akarsha "耶!那我一定寫對了!" + Akarsha "耶!那我沒寫錯!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2152 translate traditional_chinese lunch_1716c340: # "Min gives them a weird look as she joins them." - "小旼跟了過來,對她們的討論露出奇怪的表情。" + "小旼走了過來,對她們的討論露出奇怪的表情。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2154 translate traditional_chinese lunch_2cadbb36: @@ -4626,7 +4613,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_2cadbb36: translate traditional_chinese lunch_f6750dcd: # Akarsha "Clearly you've never known the high of finding out you got the same answer as the smartest kid in the class." - Akarsha "和班上的資優生算出同一個答案,是很有滿足感的。" + Akarsha "妳無法理解和全班第一名算出同一個答案的爽感。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2159 translate traditional_chinese lunch_c4416f5a: @@ -4686,7 +4673,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_46a539b6: translate traditional_chinese lunch_34642e66: # Noelle "It means you're better at math than the vast majority of high schoolers. And that's including all the way up to grade twelve, not just our grade." - Noelle "題型涵蓋九到十二年級,代表妳的數學水平比大多數高中生還要好。" + Noelle "代表妳的數學程度比大多數高中生還要好。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2177 translate traditional_chinese lunch_a76d6fad: @@ -4698,19 +4685,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_a76d6fad: translate traditional_chinese lunch_bcbac494: # AkarshaT "It's seriously amazing that she's basically one of the smartest kids in the whole state." - AkarshaT "她是全美最聰明的高中生之一耶!" + AkarshaT "這個人是全美最聰明的小孩之一欸!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2180 translate traditional_chinese lunch_020e483d: # AkarshaT "We're so different, but at the same time there's so many ways we're alike??" - AkarshaT "我們為什麼如此不同,卻又如此相似呢?" + AkarshaT "我跟她完全不像,可是有時候又好像……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2181 translate traditional_chinese lunch_3ceeef09: # AkarshaT "We're so compatible with each other...We're so perfect for each other..." - AkarshaT "我們好互補喔……跟我在一起吧……" + AkarshaT "我們怎麼可以這麼互補……在一起、在一起……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2185 translate traditional_chinese lunch_38ac0506: @@ -4733,10 +4720,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_35d02abf: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2194 translate traditional_chinese lunch_f4ec5db7: + $subtitle= "*Kool-Aid Man,美國飲料品牌的吉祥物" # AkarshaT "Hmm...Min always treats Diya like this even though Diya's strong enough to just smash a hole through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man." - AkarshaT "雖然迪亞和酷愛人*一樣可以在牆上打出一個洞,小旼還是把她當成柔弱的少女。" + AkarshaT "小旼一直把迪亞當成嬌弱的少女,雖然她和酷愛人*一樣超壯,可以直接打穿牆壁。" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle= "*Kool-Aid Man,美國飲料品牌的吉祥物" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2197 translate traditional_chinese lunch_94039918: @@ -4744,7 +4732,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_94039918: # AkarshaT "I guess Diya finds it romantic that Min is protective of her and stuff?" AkarshaT "可能迪亞覺得這樣很浪漫吧?有被保護的感覺。" -$subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2201 translate traditional_chinese lunch_29c28bd5: @@ -4774,13 +4761,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_e3cd6245: translate traditional_chinese lunch_c84f1211: # Akarsha "Here, I got this babe." - Akarsha "交給我吧,寶貝。" + Akarsha "我來吧,寶貝。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2215 translate traditional_chinese lunch_6b20a26c: # "Akarsha snatches the bottle away from Noelle and tries to open it." - "阿卡莎把寶特瓶從小諾手中抽走,嘗試扭開瓶蓋。" + "阿卡莎把寶特瓶從小諾手中抽走,並嘗試扭開瓶蓋。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2218 translate traditional_chinese lunch_8df7ba92: @@ -4798,7 +4785,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_ad16aeec: translate traditional_chinese lunch_f81e7602: # Noelle "And they say chivalry is dead." - Noelle "有人說騎士精神已死,看來不然。" + Noelle "真有騎士風範。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2226 translate traditional_chinese lunch_61fd0b77: @@ -4816,7 +4803,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_b8b94652: translate traditional_chinese lunch_288bdbe9: # Noelle "You were smirking condescendingly as you took the bottle from me!" - Noelle "那妳把瓶子拿走的時候,為什麼笑得那麼噁心?!" + Noelle "那妳拿走瓶子的時候,為什麼要笑得那麼噁心?!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2235 translate traditional_chinese lunch_2e1e23c6: @@ -4828,7 +4815,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunch_2e1e23c6: translate traditional_chinese lunch_8cfa65ca: # Diya "Was too. You were smiling weird." - Diya "有。妳表情很奇怪。" + Diya "有。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2241 translate traditional_chinese lunch_56a8d058: @@ -4864,13 +4851,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_3a869810: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_77b3c7e3: # AkarshaT "Acting sad 'cause no one was into me didn't work, so I should try the opposite tactic." - AkarshaT "賣慘沒有用,我必須反其道而行。" + AkarshaT "賣慘沒用,我必須反其道而行。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2256 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_11f810d9: # AkarshaT "I'll make Noelle think dudes are falling for me left and right." - AkarshaT "我要假裝成一個萬人迷!" + AkarshaT "我要假裝自己超受歡迎!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2257 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_c675a3f9: @@ -4900,7 +4887,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_f4a86317: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_af835787: # Akarsha "Can I tell you something?" - Akarsha "我可以跟妳說一件事情嗎?" + Akarsha "我可以跟妳講一件事情嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2267 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_7d9228ae: @@ -4912,13 +4899,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_7d9228ae: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_6f7a4ad5: # AkarshaT "\"I'll allow it\"?? Who talks like that? What are you, a judge?" - AkarshaT "「允許發言」?誰會這樣講話啊?法官嗎?" + AkarshaT "「允許發言」?妳是法官嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2270 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_e6dd7ed8: # AkarshaT "I love you..." - AkarshaT "我愛妳……" + AkarshaT "我愛妳,法官……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2272 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_bff47ae5: @@ -4942,7 +4929,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_6aa88510: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_723df941: # Noelle "...Never mind. Forget I asked." - Noelle "……我收回我的話,妳不用再發言了。" + Noelle "……妳不用再發言了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2279 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_08756f27: @@ -4954,7 +4941,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_08756f27: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_e133cd0d: # "Suddenly, a sharp tremor rattles Noelle's desk." - "忽然間,小諾的桌子開始劇烈晃動。" + "突然間,小諾的桌子開始劇烈晃動。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2288 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_161b5f64: @@ -5002,7 +4989,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_ec81b4bf: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_e281d936: # "Without thinking, Akarsha dives under Noelle's desk, leaving Noelle sitting dumbly in her chair." - "阿卡莎想都沒想就爬進了眼前的桌子,留下小諾呆呆的坐在椅子上。" + "阿卡莎想都沒想,就鑽進了眼前的桌子下面。搖晃的教室裡,只剩下小諾呆呆的坐在位子上。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2309 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_35112c36: @@ -5020,13 +5007,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_2995ef0c: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_4d5645d6: # "Akarsha tries to make room for Noelle as she stiffly crawls under the desk." - "小諾也爬進桌子底下,阿卡莎努力為她騰出空間。" + "小諾僵硬的爬了進來,阿卡莎努力為她騰出空間。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2317 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_d619d7bb: # "Every single one of Noelle's joints pop as she crouches into place. They're so close, Akarsha can feel the heat radiating off Noelle's skin." - "小諾擠了進來,關節劈啪作響。她們的距離非常近,阿卡莎甚至能感覺到對方的體溫。" + "小諾擠越爬越近,關節因為缺乏運動劈啪作響。阿卡莎甚至能感覺到對方身體散發出來的熱量。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2318 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_48035f81: @@ -5038,7 +5025,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_48035f81: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_2c17bfd3: # AkarshaT "Nah, I'm just overthinking it...I gotta look at this objectively..." - AkarshaT "不,一定是我想太多了。我要客觀一點……" + AkarshaT "不對,我想太多了。我們只是在避難……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2320 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_e35dbd6b: @@ -5074,7 +5061,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_117be23f: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_cd62d3b0: # Noelle "I think it's stopped." - Noelle "好像停了。" + Noelle "停了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2335 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_8e7e717f: @@ -5086,7 +5073,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_8e7e717f: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_3b7b1b5c: # Noelle "I can't believe you!" - Noelle "妳怎麽可以這麼自私!" + Noelle "妳怎麼可以這麼自私!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2337 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_a7edef31: @@ -5098,7 +5085,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_a7edef31: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_8b07ae0f: # Akarsha "But you didn't! Talk about a win-win situation." - Akarsha "但是妳還活著!這就是所謂的雙贏。" + Akarsha "可是妳還活著!這就是所謂的雙贏。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2341 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_b7a60ec3: @@ -5116,25 +5103,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese earthquake_2037cd4d: translate traditional_chinese earthquake_397d0fad: # AkarshaT "I mean, think about it. What's more likely, that this was a coincidence? Or that the world revolves around me, and it's trying to tell me something?" - AkarshaT "讓我們冷靜的分析一下:這可能是大宇宙想要傳達給我某種訊息,或是單純的巧合。" + AkarshaT "讓我們冷靜的分析一下:這可能是大宇宙想要傳達給我某種訊息,或著單純的巧合。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2345 translate traditional_chinese earthquake_3bf97989: # AkarshaT "It's obviously the second one!" - AkarshaT "怎麼可能會是巧合!" + AkarshaT "怎麼可能是巧合!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2356 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_5ada2de0: # "Akarsha comes home giddy with the private conviction that Noelle likes her back." - "單方面的認定小諾與她兩情相悅之後,阿卡莎興高采烈地回到了家。" + "單方面認定小諾與她兩情相悅之後,阿卡莎興高采烈地回到了家。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2357 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_b5391cc2: # "In spurt of reckless courage, she boots up the family desktop in the computer room after dinner." - "在衝動的驅使下,她在晚餐後打開了家裡的公用電腦。" + "晚餐後,在衝動的驅使下,她打開了公用電腦。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2359 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_a8c4d599: @@ -5146,7 +5133,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_a8c4d599: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_d589feac: # AkarshaT "I have a really good feeling about this!" - AkarshaT "我有預感!一定會成功!" + AkarshaT "我有預感!這次一定會成功!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2364 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_8e0ddc15: @@ -5170,7 +5157,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_52b966ff: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_4530ee73: # cNoelle "Why is your display name \"Certified Brain Genius\"?" - cNoelle "妳的暱稱為什麼叫做「公認腦天才」?" + cNoelle "妳的暱稱為什麼叫做「公認大腦天才」?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2368 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_2bebd93c: @@ -5182,7 +5169,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_2bebd93c: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_915918f1: # cNoelle "WHAT DIFFERENCE IS THERE BETWEEN A GENIUS AND A \"BRAIN GENIUS\"??" - cNoelle "「天才」和「腦天才」不是一樣嗎?" + cNoelle "「天才」和「大腦天才」不是一樣嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2370 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_8a8d4a43: @@ -5200,7 +5187,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_8a0b245d: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_0355095c: # cNoelle "Did you change it to this just to annoy me?!" - cNoelle "妳是來惹我生氣的嗎?" + cNoelle "妳是想惹我生氣嗎?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2373 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_e1b4617c: @@ -5218,7 +5205,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_12824d77: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_a659f2fc: # cSame "no point in having 2 queens fight" - cSame "我們同類不要大驚小怪好嗎" + cSame "同類不要大驚小怪好嗎" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2376 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_6f670f39: @@ -5230,7 +5217,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_6f670f39: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_28bbe7c8: # cSame "RIGHT NOW I SEE YOU AS NOTHING BUT AN ENEMY TO BE OBLITERATED." - cSame "我跟妳不是同類,妳是我的敵人。" + cSame "我消滅妳都來不及。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2378 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_966a93ca: @@ -5326,7 +5313,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_9bdb57eb: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_d7779c0a: # AkarshaT "If she really liked me, she would've jumped at the chance to say she felt the same way!" - AkarshaT "如果她也喜歡我,應該會跟著告白才對!" + AkarshaT "如果她也喜歡我,應該也會跟我告白才對!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2398 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_1152899f: @@ -5344,7 +5331,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_2b0fa1e5: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_771d952f: # AkarshaT "I'm not a certified brain genius anymore. I've made a grave mistake!!" - AkarshaT "我再也不是腦天才了。我是智障!" + AkarshaT "我再也不是大腦天才了。我是無腦智障!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2404 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_bef5eee4: @@ -5392,7 +5379,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_0f8056f0: translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_ba10194c: # cSame "like id ever say anything that crazeh! e_e" - cSame "我怎麼會說這種話啦e_e" + cSame "我怎麼會說這種話@_@" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2415 translate traditional_chinese failedConfession_3779265e: @@ -5428,13 +5415,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_d1ee50bf: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_c5600f8a: # AkarshaT "That was a close one...I somehow salvaged that and escaped unscathed..." - AkarshaT "……我竟然毫髮無傷的回來了……" + AkarshaT "……我竟然毫髮無傷的歸來了……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2426 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_f455912c: # AkarshaT "Apart from my heart being broken into a thousand smithereens, I mean..." - AkarshaT "雖然我的心內傷得很嚴重……" + AkarshaT "雖然我的心傷得很重……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2432 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_066ee45b: @@ -5481,10 +5468,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_c432da8e: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2449 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_72012e2a: + $subtitle= "*耆那教、印度教與錫克教慶祝「以光明驅走黑暗,以善良戰勝邪惡」的節日" # Mom "What is this — Diwali?!" - Mom "有人在過排燈節*嗎?!" + Mom "誰還在過排燈節*?" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle= "*耆那教、印度教與錫克教慶祝「以光明驅走黑暗,以善良戰勝邪惡」的節日" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2451 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_5f9074e2: @@ -5492,7 +5480,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_5f9074e2: # Akarsha "Oops. Sorry, I was having a meltdown and forgot..." Akarsha "對不起,我心情不太好,所以忘記關燈了……" -$subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2454 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_5e684a65: @@ -5528,7 +5515,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_54605496: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_eabf9a22: # Akarsha "I dunno...{w=0.35}Wish that were me..." - Akarsha "會嗎……{w=0.35}我還滿嚮往的……" + Akarsha "會嗎……{w=0.35}我還滿羨慕的……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2466 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_aa9127ac: @@ -5540,7 +5527,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_aa9127ac: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_8c6abdb4: # AkarshaT "We belong together! We should be dating!" - AkarshaT "為什麼我們不能在一起!" + AkarshaT "為什麼我們不能在一起?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2468 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_2d918274: @@ -5552,7 +5539,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_2d918274: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_212f9084: # AkarshaT "It just really hurts to know she doesn't feel the same way." - AkarshaT "我好痛苦。" + AkarshaT "結果她其實一點也不喜歡我。好想哭喔。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2472 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_660e1415: @@ -5588,7 +5575,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_6798b12e: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_819ac32d: # Mom "What kind of question is that? You're so weird." - Mom "你怎麼問她這種問題?怪人一個。" + Mom "你問她這個幹嘛?奇奇怪怪的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2484 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_fa7e6773: @@ -5618,7 +5605,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_ca9bee84: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_bab2621b: # Mom "What are you saying?!" - Mom "你又在發什麼神經!" + Mom "你又在發什麼神經?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2492 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_3a244893: @@ -5630,13 +5617,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_3a244893: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_676955c7: # Dad "We can be like, in the wild." - Dad "我們可以野外求生。" + Dad "野外求生。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2496 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_5188f404: # Mom "Why would we want that???" with sshake - Mom "你問過我們的意見嗎?!" with sshake + Mom "我們同意了嗎?!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2498 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_59d75ac0: @@ -5648,19 +5635,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_59d75ac0: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_6e91f369: # AkarshaT "My parents have such high hopes for me, but all I do is waste the opportunities they worked so hard to give me." - AkarshaT "我的生活是爸媽辛苦工作換來的。他們對我期望很高,我卻沒辦法滿足他們。" + AkarshaT "我的生活是爸媽辛苦工作換來的。他們對我期望很高,我卻沒辦法回報他們。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2503 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_e935c49c: # AkarshaT "I have literally nothing going for me...I'm legitimately such a waste of time and resources." - AkarshaT "我的存在只是占空間而已……" + AkarshaT "我什麼都做不好……活著只是占空間而已。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2508 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_803db465: # AkarshaT "How do people manage to have their first kiss in kindergarten and stuff?" - AkarshaT "那些在幼稚園就得到初吻的人,是怎麼做到的?" + AkarshaT "為什麼有些人可以在幼稚園就得到初吻?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2509 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_c9c8d844: @@ -5678,25 +5665,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_541c1f9b: translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_97f655d7: # AkarshaT "I've never even held someone's hand or been in any kind of relationship." - AkarshaT "我從來沒有牽過手,也沒有談過戀愛。" + AkarshaT "我沒有跟誰牽過手,也沒有談過戀愛。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2512 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_fc963cdb: # AkarshaT "At this rate I'm gonna go through my entire life without ever getting kissed." - AkarshaT "再這樣下去,我就要渡過沒有接吻的人生了。" + AkarshaT "然後我的一生就這麼結束了。根本沒有什麼好期待的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2513 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_e8918134: # AkarshaT "What's even the point of me staying alive? There's nothing for me to look forward to." - AkarshaT "我到底為什麼要活著呢?生命根本沒什麼好期待的。" + AkarshaT "如果是這樣,我為什麼還要活著呢?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2514 translate traditional_chinese shesTheMan_e8e3d7eb: # AkarshaT "Everything just feels so unattainable." - AkarshaT "這個世界不需要我。" + AkarshaT "這個世界又不需要我。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2524 translate traditional_chinese minChat_c034540d: @@ -5822,7 +5809,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_bd81765c: translate traditional_chinese minChat_87c2ccd5: # cAkarsha "idk it seemed like a good idea at the time :(" - cAkarsha "不知道當時我覺得會成功QQ" + cAkarsha "不知道當時我覺得可以QQ" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2548 translate traditional_chinese minChat_b9f08306: @@ -5864,19 +5851,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_ec07712c: translate traditional_chinese minChat_3b27b2c2: # cMin "well if your not sinsere about it, then what you get back isnt going to be real either" - cMin "如果你不夠真心 你得到的的回報也不會是真心的" + cMin "如果你不真心 你得到的的回應也不會是真心的" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2555 translate traditional_chinese minChat_672019b9: # cSame "your like someone who went to vegas, spent 1 penny and got spooked and left" - cSame "你就像去拉斯維加斯的人 不想花錢錢又怕被騙" + cSame "你就像去拉斯維加斯的人 不想花錢 又怕被騙" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2556 translate traditional_chinese minChat_9a1586da: # cSame "You need to take risks if you wanna win anything" - cSame "回報有風險" + cSame "本來就有風險" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2557 translate traditional_chinese minChat_94319816: @@ -5900,7 +5887,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_5de190f3: translate traditional_chinese minChat_c1c3d86e: # cMin "weaksauce move" - cMin "膽小鬼 好好講 " + cMin "去好好講遜砲" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2561 translate traditional_chinese minChat_42390620: @@ -5918,7 +5905,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_25b3ce3a: translate traditional_chinese minChat_107fd2e5: # cMin "what am i then motherfuker?? chopped liver?" - cMin "幹那我是什麽 肉屑嗎" + cMin "幹那我是什麼 廢人嗎" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2564 translate traditional_chinese minChat_a6f65b94: @@ -5960,13 +5947,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_6c8e4583: translate traditional_chinese minChat_cb1e4453: # cSame "idk like...having 1 person in the world think im worth loving would be nice" - cSame "我只是希望有人喜歡我" + cSame "我只是想要有人喜歡我" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2571 translate traditional_chinese minChat_3c0f13f4: # cSame "i feel like i've spent my entire life wanting people and being rejected while nobodys ever felt anything for me" - cSame "我覺得我一直在渴望別人的愛 可是大家都不要我" + cSame "我告白過的人都不喜歡我 都是我單方面在喜歡別人" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2572 translate traditional_chinese minChat_c7ed8e59: @@ -5978,13 +5965,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_c7ed8e59: translate traditional_chinese minChat_b5e1753d: # cSame "im just a waste of space" - cSame "我在浪費地球資源" + cSame "這個世界不需要我" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2574 translate traditional_chinese minChat_66444cea: # cMin "seriosly stop saying shit like that" - cMin "你再講試試看" + cMin "你再繼續講試試看" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2575 translate traditional_chinese minChat_29f87937: @@ -6014,13 +6001,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_aee2d5a6: translate traditional_chinese minChat_83c89496: # cAkarsha "i just wanna do normal high school things" - cAkarsha "我只是想和大家一樣" + cAkarsha "我只是想跟大家一樣" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2580 translate traditional_chinese minChat_9df2dc8f: # cSame "like date and go to parties n stuff...." - cSame "跟喜歡的人約會 或著出去玩" + cSame "跟喜歡的人約會或著出去玩" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2581 translate traditional_chinese minChat_0a77cc85: @@ -6062,7 +6049,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_acaf7d6b: translate traditional_chinese minChat_20ce56ba: # cSame "so not only am i an undesirable weirdo but im not even special" - cSame "我不但怪 沒人愛 而且還不特別" + cSame "我一點也不特別呢" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2589 translate traditional_chinese minChat_336630ff: @@ -6080,13 +6067,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_153175b8: translate traditional_chinese minChat_04c0c377: # cAkarsha "ok yeah yeah i get it" - cAkarsha "我懂了拉" + cAkarsha "我知道拉" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2592 translate traditional_chinese minChat_f94b0df6: # cSame "u right" - cSame "有道理" + cSame "恩恩" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2593 translate traditional_chinese minChat_898f94f8: @@ -6098,7 +6085,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_898f94f8: translate traditional_chinese minChat_9c1e4858: # cSame "i need a distraction to stop thinking about my epic fail OTL" - cSame "我需要分心OTL" + cSame "我想逃避這個世界OTL" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2596 translate traditional_chinese minChat_fa1cc125: @@ -6134,7 +6121,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_6a2d52ff: translate traditional_chinese minChat_35d239d6: # cAkarsha " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" - cAkarsha " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {font=myriad.otf}‘-‘_@_{/font}" + cAkarsha " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2607 translate traditional_chinese minChat_652cb31f: @@ -6146,7 +6133,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_652cb31f: translate traditional_chinese minChat_266a1334: # cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" - cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {font=myriad.otf}‘-‘_@_{/font}" + cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2609 translate traditional_chinese minChat_99c72437: @@ -6242,7 +6229,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_559b5944: translate traditional_chinese minChat_74563b79: # cSame "SICKO" - cSame "死變態" + cSame "有病" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2626 translate traditional_chinese minChat_dc69304d: @@ -6272,7 +6259,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_09c9146a: translate traditional_chinese minChat_50676960: # cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" - cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {font=myriad.otf}‘-‘_@_{/font}" + cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2631 translate traditional_chinese minChat_c653de34: @@ -6320,7 +6307,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minChat_207bc430: translate traditional_chinese minChat_62fa7222: # cMin "what the..the snail should be dead by now" - cMin "怎麼可能 他應該死了" + cMin "怎麼可能" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2639 translate traditional_chinese minChat_89c3be2a: @@ -6380,17 +6367,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_7fcce648: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_8f89a031: # "That night, Akarsha reads the entirety of Azumanga Daioh for the first time on an illegal manga scanlation site in an effort to forget about everything." - "那天夜裡,阿卡莎在某個盜版漫畫網站上第一次看了校園漫畫大王*,希望可以忘記今天發生過的所有事情。" - -$subtitle= "*日本搞笑四格漫畫" + "那天夜裡,阿卡莎在某個盜版漫畫網站上第一次看了「校園漫畫大王*」,希望可以忘記今天發生過的所有事情。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2655 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_3df640b9: # "It doesn't work." - "完全沒用。" - -$subtitle= "" + "但是沒有用。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2669 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_7494a18f: @@ -6432,13 +6415,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_5fac5ccc: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_346c4e17: # Diya "Also, your eyes are red." - Diya "而且妳眼睛好紅。" + Diya "然後妳眼睛好紅。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2683 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_e0c8f799: # Akarsha "Oh, that's nothing! I got shampoo in them while showering." - Akarsha "喔,沒事啦!我沖澡的時候洗髮精跑到眼睛裡了。" + Akarsha "喔,沒有啦!我沖澡的時候洗髮精跑到眼睛裡了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2686 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_c60e0424: @@ -6486,7 +6469,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_d5687377: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_e431b19f: # AkarshaT "I can't believe I was so desperate that I convinced myself she liked me back. Literally delusional..." - AkarshaT "我竟然還催眠自己她喜歡我。愛情果然是盲目的……" + AkarshaT "我竟然以為她喜歡我。愛情果然是盲目的……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2703 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_ddca5d96: @@ -6540,7 +6523,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_ca34614f: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_7fbb76ee: # Akarsha "Wouldn't you like to know?" - Akarsha "妳想知道嗎?" + Akarsha "這麼好奇啊?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2726 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_5b5f864f: @@ -6564,19 +6547,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_413c3127: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_1cb1d653: # AkarshaT "Now I just gotta ignore my feelings until they eventually die out." - AkarshaT "現在我只要等心痛的感覺消失就好了。" + AkarshaT "現在我只要等心痛的感覺過去就好了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2732 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_8dd5a8f1: # Akarsha "I have a special present for you, Frenchman. Come closer..." - Akarsha "法國佬,我有禮物要送妳。過來、過來……" + Akarsha "法國佬,我有禮物要送妳。來來來……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2735 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_352d97e8: # Noelle "What? No, keep it to yourself." - Noelle "不用了,妳留著吧。" + Noelle "我心領了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2737 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_156f7308: @@ -6666,7 +6649,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_8587b638: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_1512a0cb: # Akarsha "Noooo, it's also my birthday, you can't be mean on my birthday!" - Akarsha "而且今天是我生日!妳不可以傷害壽星!" + Akarsha "然後今天是我生日!妳不可以傷害壽星!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2771 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_6e8840cd: @@ -6684,7 +6667,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_b119ea2d: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_86a9817f: # Noelle "She's lying. Her birthday isn't until April." - Noelle "假的。她生日是四月。" + Noelle "假的。她四月才生日。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2777 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_676c4073: @@ -6720,13 +6703,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_320efa19: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_c5ebffdc: # Akarsha "F-free! Free reflex test!" with sshake - Akarsha "還、還免費喔!看醫生不用錢!很棒對不對!" with sshake + Akarsha "免費幫妳診斷耶!很棒對不對!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2788 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_e126f388: # "Akarsha breaks into a run as Noelle chases after her." - "小諾開始追阿卡莎。" + "小諾開始追著阿卡莎跑。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2790 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_d6b89395: @@ -6738,7 +6721,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_d6b89395: translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_5c96f3a2: # AkarshaT "Oh shit, baseball practice actually made her faster!" - AkarshaT "要命喔,打棒球讓她跑步變快了!" + AkarshaT "要命喔,她怎麽跑那麼快!不該讓她打棒球的!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2794 translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_7cb5f942: @@ -6750,19 +6733,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese classNextDay_7cb5f942: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_3dd85446: # "When Akarsha comes to baseball practice, she hears whispering in the locker room." - "現在是棒球社的練習時間。阿卡莎走進更衣室,就聽到有幾個人正在竊竊私語。" + "社團活動時間,阿卡莎走進更衣室,就聽到有幾個人正在竊竊私語。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2807 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_93db2795: # Liz "{i}(...So the plan is, we all pitch in?){/i}" - Liz "……我們要合買嗎?" + Liz "{i}(……我們要合買嗎?){/i}" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2809 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_fa748ae6: # Noelle "{i}(If we split it up eight ways, it's only $1.50 per person.){/i}" - Noelle "這樣一個人只要一塊五。" + Noelle "{i}(這樣一個人只要一塊五。){/i}" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2811 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_8d9eff1b: @@ -6780,13 +6763,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_2ef57e72: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_ce1ccb9c: # Noelle "{i}(You have to pay because it'll be hilarious. She'll never guess who it is.){/i}" - Noelle "{i}(因為好笑啊。她永遠猜不到是誰。){/i}" + Noelle "{i}(因為好笑啊。她一定猜不到是誰。){/i}" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2817 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_8b97f375: # Chryssa "{i}(And here I thought we were trying to do a good deed.){/i}" - Chryssa "{i}(我還以為要給她驚喜。){/i}" + Chryssa "{i}(我還以為是要給她驚喜。){/i}" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2818 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_bf5a3598: @@ -6798,7 +6781,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_bf5a3598: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_09e1595e: # AkarshaT "What're they scheming about? I want in." - AkarshaT "雖然不知道在幹嘛,不過我也要參加。" + AkarshaT "雖然不知道在幹嘛,不過好像很好玩的樣子。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2824 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_c0f9b9cb: @@ -6822,15 +6805,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_9256b846: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_f5f717ec: # Ester "We were just talking about..." - Ester "我們正在說……" + Ester "我們剛好在聊……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2832 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_1f0ed54e: # Grace "...how Vampire Knight is getting an anime." - Grace "……吸血鬼騎士*要出動畫了。" - -$subtitle= "*日本少女漫畫" + Grace "……「吸血鬼騎士」要出動畫了。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2834 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_d3d1d5c1: @@ -6838,8 +6819,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_d3d1d5c1: # Chryssa ".............." Chryssa "…………" -$subtitle= "" - # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2836 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoom_3238a880: @@ -6880,7 +6859,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_16ca5deb: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_7025b00d: # "Within moments, the object of her affection misjudges the trajectory of a fly ball and gets bonked on the head." - "下一個瞬間,小諾誤判了球的來向,被打到了頭。" + "很快的,小諾誤判球的來向,被打到了頭。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2859 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_644a0f1c: @@ -6898,7 +6877,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_edb63d00: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c86eca2d: # AkarshaT "I would do anything for you...If only you'd let me..." - AkarshaT "為了妳,我什麼都願意,只要妳給我回應……" + AkarshaT "只要妳愛我,我什麼都願意做……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2866 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_52a656e2: @@ -6910,7 +6889,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_52a656e2: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_bdaef4c6: # Akarsha "It sucks having a sad hopeless crush...I just want gorlfriend..." - Akarsha "我想談戀愛……單戀去死……" + Akarsha "我喜歡的人都不喜歡我……可是我想交女朋友……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2872 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8e9a9e3c: @@ -6922,13 +6901,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8e9a9e3c: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_9ef3948b: # Akarsha "I'm just bummed 'cause I've never experienced love." - Akarsha "我只是很絕望,因為我不知道愛是什麼。" + Akarsha "我只是很絕望。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2875 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_a97f4283: # Akarsha "No one ever likes me back. I feel like I'm missing out on so much..." - Akarsha "沒有人喜歡我。一切都與我無關。" + Akarsha "沒有人喜歡我。我不知道愛是什麼。一切都與我無關。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2879 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_4b801579: @@ -6957,10 +6936,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_30756baa: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2887 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_38901edd: + $subtitle= "*日本少女漫畫" # Sayeeda "I learned that life lesson from Card Captor Sakura." Sayeeda "因為我有看庫洛魔法使*呀。" - -$subtitle= "*日本少女漫畫" + $subtitle= "" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2888 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_b54308dc: @@ -6968,8 +6947,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_b54308dc: # Sayeeda "The main character experiences unrequited love even though she's a great person. That means it can happen to anyone." Sayeeda "連主角都被拒絕了。我們這些路人就更不用說了。" -$subtitle= "" - # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2889 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c2036789: @@ -6980,13 +6957,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c2036789: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_ee7a144d: # Akarsha "That does make me feel less alone. Thanks, senpai..." - Akarsha "我覺得好多了,謝謝仙派……" + Akarsha "謝謝仙派,有被安慰到……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2894 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_ac71f100: # Ester "Ugh." - Ester "討厭……" + Ester "吼唷……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2895 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_391c1f0a: @@ -7009,10 +6986,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_023b03db: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2901 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_3a7943d9: + $subtitle= "*最早的線上原創漫畫平台之一,於2020年關閉" # Grace "A webcomic? Like on SmackJeeves?" Grace "是像在SmackJeeves*上那種嗎?" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle= "*最早的線上原創漫畫平台之一,於2020年關閉" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2902 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_44c078ec: @@ -7020,8 +6998,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_44c078ec: # "Akarsha peers over at Ester's sketchbook, but she recoils, looking bashful." "阿卡莎也湊過去看,但艾思特靦腆的退開了。" -$subtitle= "" - # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2904 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_b9ad10bc: @@ -7074,25 +7050,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c7b44ff7: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8e2f7084: # Grace "I hate to break it to you, but even from his silhouette you can tell it's an anime guy." - Grace "其實,只看剪影也知道這是日漫風格。" + Grace "其實,只看剪影也知道是日漫風格。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2920 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f7376a2c: # Sayeeda "It's probably his hairdo. No real guys have bangs that go down to their chin." - Sayeeda "一般男生的瀏海怎麼會到下巴那麼長。" + Sayeeda "一般男生的瀏海哪會那麼長。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2922 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e67219a8: # Akarsha "They should, though. Life would be way less boring." - Akarsha "我還滿希望他們試試看欸。一切會變得有趣一點。" + Akarsha "我還滿希望他們試試看欸。所有人把瀏海留到下巴。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2925 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e9ac9bd5: # Ester "Ugh. Guys with short hair are so hard to draw..." - Ester "短髮男很難畫……" + Ester "短髮男超難畫的……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2927 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_91531e7b: @@ -7128,7 +7104,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_a9db357b: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_587864aa: # Akarsha "I'm so jealous...I wanna be in love too..." - Akarsha "好好喔……我也想談戀愛……" + Akarsha "好好喔……超羨慕的……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2942 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_625ecf42: @@ -7164,7 +7140,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_7bc3fc64: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f6cbe096: # Akarsha "But that sounds incredible." - Akarsha "這個點子太棒了。" + Akarsha "可是感覺超讚的。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2955 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f42f7889: @@ -7194,13 +7170,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e474ea94: translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f9ecda1e: # Grace "Ooh, we should all go together this year! We can all cosplay the same series!" - Grace "那今年我們一起去吧!還可以組Cos團!" + Grace "今年我們一起去吧!還可以組Cos團!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2966 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_2e045ee4: # Akarsha "Yeah!! Maybe like, Soul Eater or Haruhi Suzumiya!" with sshake - Akarsha "好啊!像噬魂者或著涼宮春日之類的!" with sshake + Akarsha "好啊!像「噬魂者」或著「涼宮春日」之類的!" with sshake # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2969 translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8766d806: @@ -7242,13 +7218,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese sakuraUnrequitedLove_9718ed1f: translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_becd0fa6: # "Akarsha scoffs as a few upperclassmen come in to deliver the goodies people ordered." - "阿卡莎哀怨地看著同學們收下由學長姐代送的禮物──幾個同學收到了用緞帶裝飾的玫瑰花。" + "阿卡莎哀怨地看著同學們收下由學長姐代送的玫瑰花,上面還綁了緞帶。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2994 translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_90e6531c: # Akarsha "We should have a reverse Valentine's Day where we give annoying, terrible gifts to our enemies on purpose." - Akarsha "如果有仇人節就好了。當天必須送非常糟糕的禮物給你討厭的人。" + Akarsha "如果有仇人節就好了。當天必須送超爛的禮物給你討厭的人。" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:2997 translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_4610cf63: @@ -7356,7 +7332,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_6ab4ab5e: translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_3a9108b9: # Akarsha "Wh-why do you care? You jealous?" - Akarsha "為、為什麼?妳吃醋了?" + Akarsha "為、為什麼?妳吃醋喔?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:3029 translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_794cdb6c: @@ -7380,7 +7356,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_e715eb06: translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_10cbb649: # AkarshaT "Maybe I can deduce who the sender is like a detective!" - AkarshaT "我要推理出是誰送的!" + AkarshaT "我要推理出來是誰送的!" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:3037 translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_029021ff: @@ -7434,13 +7410,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_0db32d7c: translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_6b9ec6df: # AkarshaT "There's only two possibilities here. Either someone is secretly in love with me..." - AkarshaT "這件事情只有兩種可能性:要不是真的有人喜歡我……" + AkarshaT "這件事情只有兩種可能性:有人喜歡我……" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:3053 translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_4666bb8f: # AkarshaT "Or it's a prank. But it's kinda a lot of money to spend on a prank...?" - AkarshaT "就是有人在整我。不過這個整人也太花錢了吧……?" + AkarshaT "或著有人在整我。不過這個整人也太花錢了吧……?" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:3055 translate traditional_chinese secretAdmirer_407b602e: @@ -7666,7 +7642,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1919 old "Jiggle the cursor" - new "移動鼠標" + new "移動游標" # game/1_akarsha.rpy:1919 old "Close the PowerPoint presentation" diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/2_diya.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/2_diya.rpy index eb878ed..8cd06cb 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/2_diya.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/2_diya.rpy @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diya2_5614e719: translate traditional_chinese diya2_3761fe1d: # Jun "Why does it always take Mom so long to get here?" - Jun "媽媽為什麼每次都那麼慢?" + Jun "媽媽為什麼每次都這麼慢?" # game/2_diya.rpy:41 translate traditional_chinese diya2_e65c74ea: # Min "I'm so hungry I would even eat a pizza with pineapple!" with sshake - Min "我快餓死了!就算披薩上有鳳梨我也吃!" with sshake + Min "我快餓死了!現在給我鳳梨披薩我也吃!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:42 translate traditional_chinese diya2_593a8c0d: @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diya2_a084d18a: translate traditional_chinese diya2_953c7098: # Diya "But if you did that, I'd have to wait for my mom alone. It'd be so boring." - Diya "可是如果你們先走,我就要一個人等車了。" + Diya "可是如果你們先走,我會很無聊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:49 translate traditional_chinese diya2_55fff62d: @@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diya2_b6c9c63e: translate traditional_chinese diya2_3aa6dd71: # "The three of them peer down the horseshoe at the long line of cars, hoping to catch sight of their rides." - "他們齊齊望向路口,尋找著熟悉的車影。" + "他們齊齊望向路口,尋找熟悉的車影。" # game/2_diya.rpy:56 translate traditional_chinese diya2_05cb2594: # DiyaT "My mom's car is tan colored." - DiyaT "我媽媽的車是黃褐色系的。" + DiyaT "媽媽的車是黃褐色系的。" # game/2_diya.rpy:58 translate traditional_chinese diya2_b6439225: @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diya2_b6439225: translate traditional_chinese diya2_202a8646: # Jun "Yeah...I bet if they did, they'd sell a lot more." - Jun "我也覺得。那樣一定會有很多人買。" + Jun "我也覺得。那樣一定很多人買。" # game/2_diya.rpy:63 translate traditional_chinese diya2_d771036b: @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diya2_d771036b: translate traditional_chinese diya2_bdf3c4ba: # Diya "They should sell cars with pictures of dolphins on them. Everyone would want one." - Diya "如果有海豚圖案的車子,大家都會想買吧。" + Diya "如果有海豚圖案的車子,大家一定會想買。" # game/2_diya.rpy:68 translate traditional_chinese diya2_556c0bac: @@ -99,20 +99,24 @@ translate traditional_chinese diya2_7c22ccaa: # game/2_diya.rpy:73 translate traditional_chinese diya2_7f54c815: + $subtitle= "*前美國職棒球員" # Min "Did you hear about Barry Bonds? He's in trouble because he did steroids!" - Min "妳知道貝瑞‧邦茲被告了嗎?他偷用類固醇!" + Min "妳知道貝瑞‧邦茲*被告了嗎?他偷用類固醇!" + $subtitle= "" + # game/2_diya.rpy:75 translate traditional_chinese diya2_7f1c9c11: # Diya "What're \"steroids\"?" - Diya "「類固醇」是什麽?" + Diya "「類固醇」是什麼?" + # game/2_diya.rpy:78 translate traditional_chinese diya2_1f0ca8bc: # Jun "They're drugs that make you really buff. It's cheating." - Jun "一種可以讓你力氣變大的藥。比賽不能用的。" + Jun "一種可以讓你力氣變大的藥。比賽不能用。" # game/2_diya.rpy:80 translate traditional_chinese diya2_5cd5782f: @@ -225,10 +229,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_d8018892: # game/2_diya.rpy:121 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_c0d265fa: + $subtitle= "*上方人名框中的「阿瑪」為泰米爾語「媽媽」的音譯,之後將不再多作說明" # Amma "How was your day at school?" Amma "學校還好嗎?" - -$subtitle= "*上方人名框中的「阿瑪」為印地語「媽媽」的音譯,之後將不再多作說明" + $subtitle= "" # game/2_diya.rpy:124 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_fd841d5d: @@ -236,7 +240,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_fd841d5d: # Diya "Okay." Diya "嗯。" -$subtitle= "" # game/2_diya.rpy:125 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_16ea65b3: @@ -260,7 +263,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_25e28d97: translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_64a03780: # Diya "I thought of it because last night while I was sleeping, Horny fell on the floor." - Diya "犄犄*昨天摔下去了。所以我才想到的。" + Diya "犄犄昨天摔下去了。所以我才想到的。" # game/2_diya.rpy:135 @@ -322,7 +325,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_75dd8763: translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_c16fccd2: # Amma "It didn't let you quit out? What bad design." - Amma "不能重選嗎?怎麽設計成這樣。" + Amma "不能重選嗎?怎麼設計成這樣。" # game/2_diya.rpy:164 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_94a7fa72: @@ -334,7 +337,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_94a7fa72: translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_4cb9f449: # Diya "Hayden read the book a year ago, but he could barely remember anything." - Diya "海登一年前看過那本書,可是他幾乎都忘光光了。" + Diya "海登一年前看過那本書,可是他也不太記得在講什麼。" # game/2_diya.rpy:167 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_6ce3e682: @@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_bdadfb1e: translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_0b9bec5d: # Diya "It's bad to judge people by what they look like." - Diya "只看外表去評斷別人是不對的。小旼對我很好。" + Diya "只看外表是不對的。小旼對我很好。" # game/2_diya.rpy:212 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_dd9b892a: @@ -472,7 +475,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_e33e598b: translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_1887cee7: # Diya "We're friends, so she'll listen to me." - Diya "她應該會聽我的。" + Diya "她應該會聽我的話。" # game/2_diya.rpy:225 translate traditional_chinese momFindsOut_f39fd010: @@ -562,7 +565,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_61f9f6f8: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_8320e2d5: # Min "Oh, you like this, don't you?" - Min "爽不爽?" + Min "喜歡嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:269 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_20408dbb: @@ -610,7 +613,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_748f867e: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_db9dddf7: # Min "It's okay, you're so cute when you're like this. I almost can't stand it." - Min "沒關係,妳害羞的樣子真的好可愛。我快要受不了了。" + Min "沒關係,妳害羞的樣子也好可愛。我快要受不了了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:277 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_6276c5a5: @@ -646,13 +649,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_2f7f9b90: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_6b288e75: # DiyaT "No one knows about us except the baseball club. And maybe the workers at the dessert place we had our first date at." - DiyaT "除了棒球社和雪堡的店員,沒有人知道我們在一起。" + DiyaT "目前只有棒球社和雪堡的店員知道我們在交往。" # game/2_diya.rpy:287 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_f43e8973: # DiyaT "So we end up kissing in the locker room a lot because the lockers block the view, and you can hear if other people walk in." - DiyaT "所以我們只能在更衣室接吻,因為有遮擋,而且很容易聽到有沒有人走進來。" + DiyaT "所以我們都在更衣室接吻──因為有遮擋,而且很容易聽到有沒有人走進來。" # game/2_diya.rpy:289 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_ccf84402: @@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_dfcef687: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_20ad44a0: # DiyaT "Assignments that make you talk in front of the class should be outlawed." - DiyaT "法律應該加上一條:禁止學生上台講話。" + DiyaT "法律應該要加一條「報告罪」,禁止大家上台報告。" # game/2_diya.rpy:297 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_4bba70e5: @@ -700,7 +703,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_168abe59: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_f3255287: # Diya "You're like a mind reader. Psychic." - Diya "好神奇喔。" + Diya "妳好厲害喔。" # game/2_diya.rpy:309 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_85b224ec: @@ -724,7 +727,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_19316019: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_cc77507c: # Diya "You probably should at least ask one or two questions." - Diya "妳殺之前還是跟對方確認一下吧。" + Diya "妳殺之前還是跟我確認一下吧。" # game/2_diya.rpy:317 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_49ea05a4: @@ -778,7 +781,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_43bb64cd: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_def8c7aa: # Diya "But I get so nervous in front of everyone that I blank out." - Diya "可是我一定會緊張到什麼都念不出來。" + Diya "可是我一定會緊張到什麼都說不出來。" # game/2_diya.rpy:334 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_0ab0e34b: @@ -820,13 +823,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_33c42458: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_ce7c944e: # DiyaT "She picks me up after the baseball club if it ends late enough for her to be done with work." - DiyaT "如果社團活動結束得比較晚,媽媽下班後就能順便來接我。" + DiyaT "如果社團活動結束得比較晚,媽媽下班後就會順便來接我。" # game/2_diya.rpy:350 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_3e38cf32: # Min "I'll hide!" with sshake - Min "我走了!" with sshake + Min "那我走了!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:352 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_946776b5: @@ -970,7 +973,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_21f461b8: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_fac6057a: # DiyaT "What the...?? Did she really just say that?" with sshake - DiyaT "什麼……?我沒聽錯吧?" with sshake + DiyaT "什麼……?我沒有聽錯吧?" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:413 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_38b7b305: @@ -988,7 +991,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_df8cff63: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_d8d58d7d: # DiyaT "Is she allowed to say that on the radio? It doesn't break any laws?" - DiyaT "這種鴿可以在收音機上播嗎?沒有違法嗎?" + DiyaT "這種歌可以在收音機上播嗎?沒有違法嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:419 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_93676a39: @@ -1047,18 +1050,17 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_6e8840cd: # game/2_diya.rpy:439 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_574adbd7: + $subtitle= "*超級市場名稱" # Amma "The other day, I saw Akarsha and her mom at Safeway." Amma "前幾天,我在Safeway*遇到阿卡莎和她的媽媽。" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle= "*超級市場名稱" # game/2_diya.rpy:440 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_0d05c55c: # Amma "She was so outgoing! She even told me about the Biology project you're working on together." - Amma "阿卡莎一直找我聊天耶!她還告訴我妳們在做生物課用的簡報。" - -$subtitle= "" + Amma "阿卡莎一直找我聊天耶!她還告訴我:妳們生物課要一起報告。" # game/2_diya.rpy:442 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_763acd1c: @@ -1106,25 +1108,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_3221dc43: translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_937040d2: # DiyaT "She really loves me, but she comes from such a different time and culture that talking to her feels kind of unpredictable." - DiyaT "媽媽很愛我,但是她的背景跟我差太多了,導致我很多時候沒辦法預測她的反應。" + DiyaT "媽媽很愛我,可是她的背景和我差太多了,所以我會沒辦法預測她的反應。" # game/2_diya.rpy:457 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_42caec75: # DiyaT "Sometimes, she'll surprise me by getting upset over something I didn't expect would cause problems at all." - DiyaT "有些我認為很正常的事情,反而會惹她生氣。我已經被嚇到好多次了。" + DiyaT "有些我認為很正常的事情,反而會惹她生氣。我已經被嚇到好幾次了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:458 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_0c6a9cce: # DiyaT "So my safest bet most of the time is just to stay quiet." - DiyaT "所以最安全的方法就是不要講話。" + DiyaT "所以最安全的辦法就是不要講話。" # game/2_diya.rpy:459 translate traditional_chinese diyaminMakeout_62218652: # DiyaT "It's annoying how she's raised me to be afraid of talking, yet expects me to magically turn out like a child who was raised normally." - DiyaT "是她先讓我「學會」不去溝通,但現在卻又希望我能和其他小孩一樣嘻嘻哈哈的。" + DiyaT "媽媽真的很矛盾。她先把我養成一個不愛講話的小孩,然後又怪我不愛講話。" # game/2_diya.rpy:470 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_6ebcb658: @@ -1160,7 +1162,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_d55ec1c4: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_3dfbec86: # DiyaT "It's midnight already. And I need to wake up at seven tomorrow!" - DiyaT "已經十二點了!我明天早上七點要起床!" + DiyaT "十二點了!我明天早上七點要起床!" # game/2_diya.rpy:480 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_5e1bc799: @@ -1202,7 +1204,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_fd90cf8b: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_f81ccd64: # DiyaT "...Shoot, I was supposed to be counting sheep." - DiyaT "……不行,我要數羊。" + DiyaT "……不對,要數羊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:491 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_ef5ede6c: @@ -1232,7 +1234,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_5ebeb388: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_7f9fc011: # "Diya keeps trying to count without getting sidetracked, but after an hour, she's more awake and frustrated than ever." - "迪亞在不斷分心的同時努力數著羊。一個小時過後,她只覺得更加清醒,也更加疲憊了。" + "迪亞在不斷分心的同時努力數羊。一個小時過後,她只覺得更加清醒,也更加疲憊了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:500 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_931923aa: @@ -1358,13 +1360,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_9d0b4e2c: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_31c3235b: # DiyaT "Min is holding me really tight and saying nice things to me..." - DiyaT "小旼緊緊的抱著我,在我耳邊說話……" + DiyaT "小旼緊緊的抱著我,說了好多開心的事情……" # game/2_diya.rpy:529 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_f1d9c561: # DiyaT "And we're all alone together...It's just the two of us..." - DiyaT "只有我們兩個,沒有其他人……" + DiyaT "我們在一個很棒的地方……只有我們兩個……" # game/2_diya.rpy:530 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_5ebeb388_2: @@ -1382,7 +1384,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_6b6e27a0: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_683e4a28: # DiyaT "There's so much anxious energy pent up in my body, I feel like running a marathon." - DiyaT "我快要爆炸了。我好想出去狂奔。" + DiyaT "我快要爆炸了。好想出去狂奔。" # game/2_diya.rpy:536 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_36545e38: @@ -1394,25 +1396,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_36545e38: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_1fe83fc1: # "Diya frantically starts doing sit-ups in bed." - "迪亞開始仰臥起坐。" + "迪亞開始在床上仰臥起坐。" # game/2_diya.rpy:539 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_c8e75ce4: # "After a few sets, she switches to doing jumping jacks in the middle of her room." - "做完幾組後,她又開始開合跳。" + "接著,她爬下床,做了幾個開合跳。" # game/2_diya.rpy:541 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_17c8d0d8: # DiyaT "Yeah! Become tired!!" with sshake - DiyaT "好耶!有累的感覺了!" with sshake + DiyaT "好像開始累了!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:543 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_1e7c91f9: # "After several minutes of frenzied exercise, Diya lies back down in bed, her heart pounding..." - "好幾分鐘後,迪亞躺回床上,心臟「咚咚咚」的跳。" + "好幾分鐘後,迪亞回到床上,心臟「咚咚咚」的跳。" # game/2_diya.rpy:545 translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_82c9b998: @@ -1442,7 +1444,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_50ca3195: translate traditional_chinese cantSleep_adeb99a8: # "Just as the sun begins coming up, she loses consciousness from sheer exhaustion..." - "等到天色濛濛亮的時候,她才終於昏睡過去……" + "直到天色濛濛亮的時候,她才終於昏睡過去……" # game/2_diya.rpy:560 translate traditional_chinese walkToSchool_8411a72f: @@ -1472,7 +1474,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese walkToSchool_c8e9f276: translate traditional_chinese walkToSchool_d59b9df3: # "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for ten minutes thinking about how tired she is. " - "她依循往例躺在床上,用十分鐘來思考自己有多麼疲憊。" + "每天早上,迪亞都都會賴床十分鐘,同時思考自己有多麼疲憊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:575 translate traditional_chinese walkToSchool_f3981de6: @@ -1586,7 +1588,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_c39e5151: translate traditional_chinese ay_06f35054: # DiyaT "I wish I was all outgoing and good at talking like her..." - DiyaT "真希望我和她一樣健談、一樣活潑……" + DiyaT "真希望我能和她一樣健談、一樣活潑……" # game/2_diya.rpy:619 translate traditional_chinese ay_fdd5289a: @@ -1622,7 +1624,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_e5262ecf: translate traditional_chinese ay_defb4d52: # Akarsha "Slow down! Some of us have average-length legs, yanno!" - Akarsha "幹嘛走那麼快!可憐一下不是模特的人,好嗎?" + Akarsha "幹嘛走那麼快!可憐一下腿短的人,好嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:637 translate traditional_chinese ay_e629b0d2: @@ -1634,13 +1636,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_e629b0d2: translate traditional_chinese ay_39068577: # Akarsha "Miss long legs..." - Akarsha "長腿女……" + Akarsha "長頸鹿……" # game/2_diya.rpy:642 translate traditional_chinese ay_3bc934a7: # Akarsha "Or should I say Daddy Long Legs..." - Akarsha "長腿嬸嬸……" + Akarsha "大蜘蛛……" # game/2_diya.rpy:644 translate traditional_chinese ay_4ed38bca: @@ -1652,7 +1654,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_4ed38bca: translate traditional_chinese ay_489657f7: # Akarsha "You're so cold to me, bro. I'm dyin' here..." - Akarsha "好冷淡喔。這個世界沒有一絲溫暖,我要死了……" + Akarsha "妳太冷淡了。這個世界沒有一絲溫暖,我要死了……" # game/2_diya.rpy:650 translate traditional_chinese ay_56549d98: @@ -1754,37 +1756,37 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_37bf183b: translate traditional_chinese ay_25f50ab4: # Akarsha "But the fact that it's called a Teletubby implies the television is part of its body, doesn't it?" - Akarsha "可是他們叫「天線寶寶」,不是應該和機器有關係嗎?螢幕可能是他們身體的一部分?" + Akarsha "可是「天線寶寶」不是應該和機器有關係嗎?螢幕可能是他們身體的一部分?" # game/2_diya.rpy:698 translate traditional_chinese ay_01d57425: # Diya "That doesn't mean it needs it to live." - Diya "就算是,破了也不一定會死。" + Diya "破了也不一定會死啊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:699 translate traditional_chinese ay_8058be95: # Diya "You could dye a bluebird pink and it'd still survive. It'd just be a pinkbird." - Diya "就像你把一隻藍色的鳥染成粉紅色,牠也能活。只是變成粉紅色而已。" + Diya "就像妳把山藍鴝染成粉紅色,牠也不會死。只是變成山粉鴝而已。" # game/2_diya.rpy:700 translate traditional_chinese ay_ee74818f: # Diya "If you get rid of a Teletubby's screen it just becomes a Tubby." - Diya "如果妳打爆天線寶寶的螢幕,他們只會變成普通寶寶。" + Diya "如果打爆天線寶寶的螢幕,就會變成普通寶寶。" # game/2_diya.rpy:703 translate traditional_chinese ay_dc5557bf: # Akarsha "Destroying the screen is a way bigger change than changing something's color, though. It's like, built into its stomach." - Akarsha "打爆螢幕比染色嚴重吧?螢幕長在他們肚子上欸。" + Akarsha "可是螢幕長在他們肚子上欸。" # game/2_diya.rpy:706 translate traditional_chinese ay_a6591d1e: # Diya "So? TV's not a living part with cells and stuff. More like hair or fingernails." - Diya "那又怎樣?螢幕又不是細胞組成的。應該比較接近頭髮或著指甲吧。" + Diya "然後呢?螢幕又不是細胞組成的。應該比較接近頭髮或著指甲吧。" # game/2_diya.rpy:707 translate traditional_chinese ay_d843fed1: @@ -1796,7 +1798,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_d843fed1: translate traditional_chinese ay_8eec4652: # Akarsha "Speak for yourself. I've gotten some extremely catastrophic ones before." - Akarsha "妳確定嗎?我有好幾次剪完頭髮都很想死。" + Akarsha "妳確定嗎?我好幾次剪完頭髮都想自殺。" # game/2_diya.rpy:713 translate traditional_chinese ay_33c3415a: @@ -1820,13 +1822,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_cd9457b4: translate traditional_chinese ay_c28c6006: # Diya "It'd be like punching it in the heart or something." - Diya "大概就像心臟被打爆一樣吧。" + Diya "感覺像直接被打到心臟。" # game/2_diya.rpy:729 translate traditional_chinese ay_89a1f811: # Akarsha "Damn, that's dark." - Akarsha "好黑暗喔。" + Akarsha "妳好黑暗喔。" # game/2_diya.rpy:732 translate traditional_chinese ay_4be652f2: @@ -1838,7 +1840,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_4be652f2: translate traditional_chinese ay_68d032d6: # Akarsha "I dunno...Screens are so fragile, though." - Akarsha "可是……螢幕很容易破。" + Akarsha "可是不對啊,螢幕本來就很容易破。" # game/2_diya.rpy:736 translate traditional_chinese ay_837f83a6: @@ -1856,13 +1858,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_c1f53a19: translate traditional_chinese ay_c786b2a2: # Diya "Must be like why our eyes don't have bones over them even though they're delicate." - Diya "就像我們的眼睛前面沒有骨頭一樣。" + Diya "就像我們的眼睛," # game/2_diya.rpy:741 translate traditional_chinese ay_6840a761: # Diya "We wouldn't be able to see." - Diya "因為那樣我們就看不到了。" + Diya "如果有骨頭,我們就看不到了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:744 translate traditional_chinese ay_ca778994: @@ -1910,27 +1912,28 @@ translate traditional_chinese ay_1007674f: translate traditional_chinese ay_2b6532d0: # Diya "Doesn't sound healthy to me. What kind of person thinks of destroying Teletubbies." - Diya "哪個天真無邪的人會想打爆天線寶寶的螢幕啊。" + Diya "哪個天真無邪的少女會想打爆天線寶寶的螢幕啊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:765 translate traditional_chinese ay_0160ef68: # Diya "They're so colorful and friendly. Messed up." - Diya "不要這樣嘛。他們又沒有惡意,還有很多顏色。" + Diya "不要這樣嘛。他們又沒有做壞事,還有很多顏色。" # game/2_diya.rpy:768 translate traditional_chinese ay_2e63c206: + $subtitle="*Dragon Tales,童書名稱" # Akarsha "Wow, geez! I see you're not ready for my cutting-edge Dragon Tales theories, either." - Akarsha "好吧!看來妳是無福消受我對「胖恐龍傳奇*」的超次元腦洞了。" + Akarsha "好吧!看來妳無福消受我對「胖恐龍傳奇*」的超次元腦洞了。" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle="*Dragon Tales,童書名稱" # game/2_diya.rpy:781 translate traditional_chinese courtyardArrive_e929e2da: # "As Diya and Akarsha arrive at school, Diya feels something cold and wet drop onto her shoulder." - "兩人走進校區時,某種濕冷的東西打在迪亞的肩膀。" + "兩人剛走進校門口,一滴冰冷的雨水就打在迪亞的肩膀上。" # game/2_diya.rpy:784 translate traditional_chinese courtyardArrive_17a03cd6: @@ -1942,13 +1945,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese courtyardArrive_17a03cd6: translate traditional_chinese courtyardArrive_b67dd80a: # Akarsha "Gah! I'm heading inside." - Akarsha "哇!先走一步!" + Akarsha "哇!下雨了!" # game/2_diya.rpy:793 translate traditional_chinese courtyardArrive_d68491ce: # "Akarsha scurries off as the rain picks up. Soon, torrents of water are pelting the ground." - "隨著阿卡莎的離去,天空立刻下起傾盆大雨。" + "隨著阿卡莎離去,天空立刻下起了傾盆大雨。" # game/2_diya.rpy:795 translate traditional_chinese courtyardArrive_7b89a5fd: @@ -1966,7 +1969,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese cantGoRain_930e7787: translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_29aa0f49: # "Noelle is hunched over in front of their shared locker and frowning at its contents." - "小諾護在與迪亞共用的櫃子前面,苦惱地看著裡面的東西。" + "小諾護在與迪亞共用的櫃子前面,苦惱的看著裡面的東西。" # game/2_diya.rpy:867 translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_cfab172b: @@ -2002,7 +2005,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_63801ce4: translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_e53a30d8: # DiyaT "Yeah...We're even getting damp standing here right now." - DiyaT "真的耶……我也被淋到了。" + DiyaT "真的耶……" # game/2_diya.rpy:881 translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_24435af4: @@ -2014,7 +2017,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_24435af4: translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_a99a0d46: # "As Diya diligently holds it over the two of them, Noelle holds her daily water bottle out to her without looking." - "她將傘撐開,擋住自己和小諾。小諾朝身後遞出一瓶饋泉水,依然苦惱地看著櫃子。" + "她將傘撐開,擋住自己和小諾。小諾朝身後遞出一瓶礦泉水,依然苦惱的看著櫃子。" # game/2_diya.rpy:884 translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_bf3184e4: @@ -2038,7 +2041,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_db5d3b58: translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_b5595463: # "Diya carefully balances the water bottle on top of Noelle's head as she continues pulling her library books from their locker." - "迪亞小心地把礦泉水平衡在小諾頭上,小諾頂著礦泉水繼續搶救櫃子裡的書。" + "迪亞小心地把礦泉水平衡在小諾頭上,小諾頂著礦泉水,繼續搶救櫃子裡的東西。" # game/2_diya.rpy:894 translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_d61ce29e: @@ -2056,7 +2059,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_58f85320: translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_edc4d25a: # "Diya grips the bottle's cap with her index finger and thumb while pressing the bottle down on Noelle's head with the rest of her hand." - "迪亞用拇指和食指捏緊瓶蓋,同時用手掌的力量將寶特瓶按在小諾頭上,使勁一扭。" + "迪亞捏緊瓶蓋,同時用掌心的力量將寶特瓶固定在小諾頭上,使勁一扭。" # game/2_diya.rpy:900 translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_7f3b02dd: @@ -2080,7 +2083,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_a747211b: translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_55e67ecc: # "She closes the cap and gives it back to Noelle as she slots the last of her novels into her bookbag." - "迪亞將瓶蓋轉緊,還給還在把更多小說塞進包包裡的小諾。" + "迪亞將瓶蓋轉緊,還給正在把最後幾本小說塞進包包裡的小諾。" # game/2_diya.rpy:908 translate traditional_chinese useLockerRain_c728b2c9: @@ -2170,7 +2173,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese rosin_7928b0c2: translate traditional_chinese rosin_bfe81bfe: # Diya "How do you get it in her locker?" - Diya "妳怎麽知道她櫃子的密碼?" + Diya "妳怎麼知道她櫃子的密碼?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1021 translate traditional_chinese rosin_043b3598: @@ -2188,7 +2191,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese rosin_88602f9d: translate traditional_chinese rosin_5809549c: # Noelle "No, I always scratch up the top and make it look worn, so it looks identical to the one she dropped." - Noelle "看不出來。因為我會把表面磨成舊舊的樣子,和她摔碎之前幾乎一模一樣。" + Noelle "看不出來。我會把表面磨成舊舊的樣子,和她摔碎之前幾乎一模一樣。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1028 translate traditional_chinese rosin_331962a5: @@ -2200,7 +2203,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese rosin_331962a5: translate traditional_chinese rosin_3c49d11c: # Noelle "By now, she's convinced her rosin has self-healing abilities." - Noelle "我已經成功讓她相信:那塊松香有自我修復的功能。" + Noelle "現在她覺得那塊松香有自我修復功能。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1032 translate traditional_chinese rosin_78e8a409: @@ -2296,7 +2299,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_39e04216: translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_ac4215eb: # Noelle "Are you insinuating I'm the same as her?" - Noelle "妳覺得我像她嗎?" + Noelle "妳覺得我像她?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1077 translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_9449eb74: @@ -2314,7 +2317,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_c16ac829: translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_0699384c: # Noelle "Does your mother do the thing too, where after you have an argument, instead of apologizing, she just silently leaves you a plate of fruit to eat?" - Noelle "妳媽媽也會這樣嗎?就是吵完架以後,什麼都不說,然後給妳吃水果。" + Noelle "妳媽媽也會這樣嗎?就是吵完架以後,什麼都不說,然後給妳一盤水果。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1085 translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_3b71d0de: @@ -2332,7 +2335,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_6b59f3cd: translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_8483185b: # Noelle "It must be an immigrant mother thing." - Noelle "可能媽媽都是這樣吧。" + Noelle "可能移民過來的媽媽都是這樣吧。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1092 translate traditional_chinese lunchbox_eaf0852c: @@ -2380,7 +2383,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_2dbe76f5: translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_d7481b0f: # Diya "Min said a lot of stuff in it...Even if she were a boy, I don't think they'd be okay with it." - Diya "小旼寫了很多……就算男生來寫,我家人也可能不會喜歡的東西。" + Diya "小旼寫了很多……就算男生來寫,我家人也不會喜歡的東西。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1118 translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_4755412e: @@ -2398,7 +2401,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_21fa634c: translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_29509ad1: # "Diya carefully slips it into her binder's inside pocket." - "迪亞將卡片小心地放進資料夾的內層。" + "迪亞小心翼翼的把卡片收進活頁夾裡。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1126 translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_79c49cd2: @@ -2416,7 +2419,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_4e369802: translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_9e3e17f1: # Noelle "She's utterly lost." - Noelle "她真的一點頭緒也沒有。" + Noelle "她一點頭緒也沒有。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1132 translate traditional_chinese valentinesDayCard_0c3973ce: @@ -2470,7 +2473,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_2497ed9b: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_4ce93a06: # "Diya's stomach churns with dread as she finally walks into her Biology class." - "走進生物教室的時候,迪亞已經快要胃扭轉了。" + "迪亞走進生物教室,只覺得胃裡翻江倒海。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1157 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_53ded5ef: @@ -2506,7 +2509,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_fe88a18e: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_df2a23f6: # Min "I thought I'd swing by and try to pump you up for it." - Min "我是來幫妳加油的。" + Min "我來幫妳加油啊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1169 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_ee47853e: @@ -2548,13 +2551,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_19c8b611: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3fcf3d50: # Min "It'll be okay! You're gonna kill it." - Min "不要緊張!妳一定會報告得很順利!" + Min "不要緊張!妳可以的!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1182 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_6f45b738: # Min "You're so cute, there's no way the teacher can give you a bad grade." - Min "妳這麼可愛,老師絕對捨不得扣妳分。" + Min "妳這麼可愛,老師不會扣妳分啦。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1184 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_8d4276d1: @@ -2566,13 +2569,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_8d4276d1: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_c3e17c8f: # Min "Well, if I were in charge, I'd give you an A." - Min "好吧。總之,如果我是老師,一定給妳一百分。" + Min "好吧。總之,如果我是老師,一定給妳滿分。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1188 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_cd55756a: # Min "Anything I can do to help?" - Min "需要我幫什麼忙嗎?" + Min "我能幫什麼忙嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1190 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_bc465d24: @@ -2584,7 +2587,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_bc465d24: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_d2cd0d1a: # Min "Yeah! Of course!!!" - Min "可以啊!!!" + Min "那還用說!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1195 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_49103a38: @@ -2650,19 +2653,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_f9a77a42: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_85e31259: # Diya "It's bad for you. Didn't you ever see a D.A.R.E. presentation in elementary school?" - Diya "抽菸對身體不好。妳小學的時候沒有聽過菸酒、藥物濫用防制的講座嗎?" + Diya "抽菸對身體不好。妳小學的時候沒有人來演講嗎?獎菸酒、藥物濫用的壞處?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1223 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_4b145e8f: # Diya "They came to my class, and it was so scary I pledged not to do drugs or peer pressure forever." - Diya "我聽了。超可怕的。當時我就下定決心要和毒品和同才壓力說不。" + Diya "超可怕的。當時我就下定決心,要和毒品和同才壓力說不。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1227 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_79b7b8ca: # Min "You don't think it looks badass?" - Min "妳不覺得抽菸很帥嗎?" + Min "妳不覺得抽菸很帥喔?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1229 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_ae978c88: @@ -2674,7 +2677,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_ae978c88: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_b2722daa: # Diya "How'd you even start doing it?" - Diya "妳為什麼要抽菸?" + Diya "妳到底為什麼要抽菸?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1233 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_c2acf22c: @@ -2704,13 +2707,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3b525454: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_48739928: # Diya "But those guys aren't here anymore. So why keep doing it." - Diya "那現在為什麼還要抽呢?" + Diya "那為什麼現在還要抽呢?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1242 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_d66fbbc3: # Min "It was a pain to get the cigarettes in the first place, since stores won't sell them to people under 18." - Min "因為菸很珍貴。對未成年的人來說,每根菸都是不容易才得到的。" + Min "因為妳好不容易才能拿到一根菸。店裡又不賣給未成年人。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1243 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_839bef83: @@ -2722,7 +2725,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_839bef83: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_15787a4a: # Min "And I thought it'd make me look hot." - Min "而且抽菸很性感。" + Min "妳不覺得抽菸的人很性感嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1246 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_35adc5c0: @@ -2806,7 +2809,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_d818c884: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_6ffc2435: # Noelle "I couldn't care less." - Noelle "不關我的事。" + Noelle "關我什麼事。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1275 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_229266ff: @@ -2854,7 +2857,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_d45211ae: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_fd841d5d: # Diya "Okay." - Diya "好。" + Diya "嗯。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1291 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_dabe388c: @@ -2866,7 +2869,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_dabe388c: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_6432009a: # Noelle "NO." with sshake - Noelle "不行。" with sshake + Noelle "妳不行。" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1295 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_9e2da100: @@ -2902,7 +2905,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3663e674: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_b48a4da0: # Akarsha "But we need stuff to spice our presentation up. It's drier than the Sahara Desert." - Akarsha "我只是想讓報告變得有趣一點。沒有一點調劑的話,風沙會淹沒整間教室的。" + Akarsha "我只是想增加一點趣味性嘛。不然教室會被風沙淹沒的。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1309 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_efd81981: @@ -2914,7 +2917,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_efd81981: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_7fee5448: # "Before Noelle can press Akarsha any further, the first group finishes their presentation to scattered applause." - "阿卡莎來沒來的及接話,第一組同學的報告在掌聲中結束了。" + "阿卡莎還沒來得及接話,第一組同學的報告在掌聲中結束了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1313 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_66f79292: @@ -2938,7 +2941,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_54bd219f: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_36048212: # "Diya feels like she's having an out-of-body experience as she follows Noelle and Akarsha to the front of the class." - "迪亞魂不附體的隨著小諾和阿卡莎走到教室前面。" + "迪亞魂不附體的跟著小諾和阿卡莎走到教室前面。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1321 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_fda9ee0e: @@ -2950,13 +2953,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_fda9ee0e: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_24fc417d: # DiyaT "I should've worn clothes that blended in with the classroom better so no one can see me!" - DiyaT "應該穿和教室一樣的顏色來的!這樣大家就看不到我了!" + DiyaT "我應該穿教室的顏色來的!米色之類的!這樣大家就看不到我了!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1324 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_ea31da1e: # DiyaT "Like beige colored! I should've thought of that earlier!" - DiyaT "米色之類的!我為什麼現在才想到!" + DiyaT "我為什麼現在才想到!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1325 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_e24f73a7: @@ -2974,13 +2977,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_b636f965: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_20a3c2c3: # "The audience begins to nod off as soon as Noelle flicks to a slide with an essay crammed onto it in ten point font." - "小諾打開一張沒有圖片,還且字體超小的PPT,台下的同學開始以肉眼可見的速度陷入昏睡。" + "小諾打開一張沒有圖片,而且字體超小的PPT,台下的同學開始以肉眼可見的速度陷入昏睡。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1331 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_d7d697e8: # Noelle "Let's begin with the obvious question...What is macroevolution? To understand this, we must first consider..." - Noelle "首先,我們應該釐清的是:何謂微演化?為了充分理解微演化的意義,我們可以從以下幾點……" + Noelle "首先,我們應該釐清的是:何謂微演化?為了充分理解微演化的定義,我們可以從以下幾點……" # game/2_diya.rpy:1333 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_8ffbed84: @@ -3004,7 +3007,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3574f4f7: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_8c4a4b0b: # "An explosion sound effect plays as five more finches with different beak shapes blast onto the screen, jolting their classmates back awake." - "五張鳥頭圖隨著爆炸音效四散出現在螢幕上,喙部型態各異。睡著的同學都被嚇醒了。" + "另外五張鳥頭圖隨著爆炸音效出現在螢幕上,喙部型態各異。睡著的同學都被嚇醒了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1343 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_b3b3c33d: @@ -3064,13 +3067,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_f054465a: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_8b322e41: # Akarsha "Dink about it. Would {i}you{/i} reproduce wit someone who tawks like dis??" - Akarsha "(紐約腔)妳真的想跟這樣講話的人互相繁衍嗎?" + Akarsha "(紐約腔)妳真的想跟這樣講話的人繁衍嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1367 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_1f0fed32: # Noelle "Wh...what?! I don't see how that's relevant!" with sshake - Noelle "這……這和我的個人想法沒有關係!" with sshake + Noelle "這……這跟我的個人想法沒有關係!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1368 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_e4863b9f: @@ -3094,7 +3097,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_6dedcee7: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_43799d67: # Akarsha "What if dat was your gravestone? What then?" - Akarsha "(紐約腔)那萬一妳來不及繁衍呢?" + Akarsha "(紐約腔)那萬一妳死掉了呢?就不能繁衍了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1379 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3ec20868: @@ -3106,13 +3109,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3ec20868: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_3f82b796: # "The class giggles as Akarsha clowns through her slides, but Diya's stomach churns as they stare at the front of the room with renewed interest..." - "阿卡莎的簡報讓同學們重新燃起了興趣,教室裡笑聲不斷。迪亞只覺得更加緊張了。" + "阿卡莎幽默的簡報讓同學們笑聲不斷,隨著大家的注意力逐漸回升,迪亞的胃翻攪得更厲害了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1384 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_7ed879af: # DiyaT "I don't wanna be here...I wish I could time travel to 30 minutes from now..." - DiyaT "我想回家……我想穿越到三十分鐘後……" + DiyaT "我想回家……我想穿越到下課……" # game/2_diya.rpy:1387 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_a3652e0c: @@ -3141,10 +3144,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_5baefc79: # game/2_diya.rpy:1395 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_b204fa04: + $subtitle="*局部翻譯引用自維基百科" # Diya "{small}Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar traits in species that are only distantly related. For example, giant pandas have six fingers and their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These similar features are called analogous structures.{/small}" - Diya "趨同演化是指兩類在親緣關係上很遠的生物,因為長期處於相似的生活環境而演化出相似的特徵*。舉例來說:大貓熊有六隻指頭,而且拇指生長方向與其他指頭相對,和靈長類動物一樣。這種構造被稱為同工構造。" - -$subtitle="*局部翻譯引用自維基百科" + Diya "{small}趨同演化是指兩類在親緣關係上很遠的生物,因為長期處於相似的生活環境而演化出相似的特徵*。舉例來說:大貓熊有六隻指頭,而且拇指生長方向與其他指頭相對,和靈長類動物一樣。這種構造被稱為同工構造。{/small}" + $subtitle="" # game/2_diya.rpy:1397 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_a99f0cde: @@ -3152,13 +3155,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_a99f0cde: # "After barrelling through the slide in a matter of seconds, Diya quickly flips to the next one, her hands shaking from nerves." "迪亞飆速念完後,立刻用顫抖的手翻到下一頁。" -$subtitle="" - # game/2_diya.rpy:1399 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_c815b6b0: # Diya "{small}Another example of convergent evolution are birds and bats. Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently...{/small}" - Diya "再舉例來說:鳥和蝙蝠是兩個分別演化出飛行能力的物種……" + Diya "{small}再舉例來說:鳥和蝙蝠是兩個分別演化出飛行能力的物種……{/small}" # game/2_diya.rpy:1401 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_6fac2152: @@ -3170,13 +3171,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_6fac2152: translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_a60512ef: # "After their classmates give them a tepid round of applause, Diya follows Noelle and Akarsha back to her seat in a daze..." - "台下給出了零星的掌聲。迪亞和其他組員回到座位,只覺得腦中一片空白。" + "台下給出了零星的掌聲。迪亞和其他組員回到座位,只覺得大腦一片空白。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1404 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_48a0c270: # Noelle "Well, at least that's over with..." - Noelle "先不管清不清楚,至少妳都有念到啦……" + Noelle "先不管夠不夠清楚,至少妳都有念到啦……" # game/2_diya.rpy:1406 translate traditional_chinese groupPresentation_42bd8044: @@ -3242,7 +3243,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_3b71d0de: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_318de709: # "\"Sakura\" flinches as she gets drilled on the shoulder by the baseball." - "球打到了「小櫻」的肩膀,她痛的瑟縮了一下。" + "球打到了「小櫻」的肩膀,她痛得瑟縮了一下。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1452 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_ef0da7a0: @@ -3284,7 +3285,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_f587210a: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_8d0e5a86: # Akarsha "Wait...So getting hit is like a free pass to first base?" - Akarsha "等等……所以只要願意被打,就可以免費上一壘?" + Akarsha "什麼……?!被打就可以免費上一壘嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1466 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_d3784eb3: @@ -3308,7 +3309,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_8d4fdef9: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_e7305c84: # "But instead of swinging the bat, Akarsha purposefully leans in toward the ball!" - "而阿卡莎不但不揮棒,還故意探出身體等球來打她!" + "……可是阿卡莎不但沒有揮棒,還故意探出身體等球來打她!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1477 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_7af3c61f: @@ -3440,7 +3441,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_faf7a587: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_f38463dc: # Liz "Thank you for helping!" - Liz "妳好厲害喔!" + Liz "好厲害喔!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1534 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_d11361e6: @@ -3482,7 +3483,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_2122e203: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_6196b5ee: # DiyaT "So when people talk about movies and shows, I usually don't know any of them." - DiyaT "所以大家在聊電視或電影的時候,我都跟不上話題。" + DiyaT "所以我常常跟不上大家的話題。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1547 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_cdc09c36: @@ -3572,7 +3573,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_ee8acb85: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_2372a043: # Liz "For instance, I initially got into baseball 'cause my dad is...well..." - Liz "像我對棒球的興趣就是我爸啟蒙的。因為他很……很……" + Liz "像我對棒球的興趣就是源自我爸。因為他很……很……" # game/2_diya.rpy:1578 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_cfc0cf1d: @@ -3584,13 +3585,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_cfc0cf1d: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_33b52e97: # DiyaT "There definitely could've been a nicer way to put that." with sshake - DiyaT "比「奇怪」正面的詞還滿多的啊。" with sshake + DiyaT "比「奇怪」正面的詞還滿多的吧。" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1583 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_94aaa5a6: # Liz "Whenever he drives, he makes us listen to radio broadcasts of Mariners games." - Liz "他開車的時候,都逼我們聽西雅圖水手的轉播。" + Liz "他開車的時候都在聽「西雅圖水手」的轉播。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1585 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_b1cfa060: @@ -3601,10 +3602,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_b1cfa060: # game/2_diya.rpy:1587 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_07b3cfe9: + $subtitle="*鈴木一朗,守備位置為外野手" # Diya "Ichiro is an incredible player, though." Diya "一朗*很厲害。" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle="*鈴木一朗,守備位置為外野手" # game/2_diya.rpy:1590 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_d6dda255: @@ -3640,7 +3642,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_88511d46: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_2d409519: # Liz "As for my mom, her thing is Madonna CDs. I could sing every word of True Blue since kindergarten." - Liz "然後我媽超喜歡瑪丹娜,所以我幼稚園就會唱整首True Blue。" + Liz "然後我媽超愛瑪丹娜,所以我幼稚園就會唱整首True Blue。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1609 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_afdc401d: @@ -3670,7 +3672,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_7a379e5e: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_6993ff52: # Chryssa "I take it back! I take it back!" with sshake - Chryssa "沒什麼!" with sshake + Chryssa "我什麼都沒說!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1622 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_d8ccb53e: @@ -3682,7 +3684,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_d8ccb53e: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_4670263c: # DiyaT "And she doesn't know what kind of music I like, either. Or my favorite movie, or favorite color, anything like that." - DiyaT "她也不知道我喜歡聽什麼歌。還有我喜歡的電影、顏色……" + DiyaT "她也不知道我喜歡聽什麼歌。她根本不知道我喜歡什麼。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1624 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_2a04f44e: @@ -3730,13 +3732,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_e8ebda14: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_17576898: # Grace "I have to do it every other day or I start looking like a gorilla." - Grace "如果我不刮,動物園就要來抓我了。" + Grace "如果我不刮,動物園就要來抓我回去了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1640 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_b4b334ae: # DiyaT "Girls are supposed to shave...??!" - DiyaT "毛要刮嗎……?!" + DiyaT "毛……要刮……?!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1641 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_0d60492f: @@ -3772,7 +3774,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_1e71fbf8: translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_8e2bd4b8: # DiyaT "Even my arm hair is pretty obvious. My hair's just all really thick and dark..." - DiyaT "我的毛好多,而且好黑……" + DiyaT "我手毛也太多了吧……而且超黑的……" # game/2_diya.rpy:1651 translate traditional_chinese lockerRoomCrisis_7791b6a8: @@ -3826,13 +3828,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_eb82292f: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_2c2e707e: # "Diya's mom smiles knowingly and shakes her head." - "迪亞的媽媽了然的笑著,搖了搖頭。" + "迪亞媽媽了然的笑著,搖了搖頭。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1677 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_ab92acf8: # Amma "I'm the same way. I'm embarrassed of my accent, and it makes phone calls so scary." - Amma "我懂妳的意思。因為我的口音,每次講電話我都好緊張。" + Amma "我也不喜歡講話。每次打電話我都好緊張,怕他們聽不懂我的口音。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1678 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_40dda33b: @@ -3862,13 +3864,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_58a4d576: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_3f8b18b1: # DiyaT "I guess it's only natural that we have some things in common. I forget that sometimes." - DiyaT "有時候我會忘記媽媽和我有點像。" + DiyaT "有時候我會忘記媽媽和我其實很像。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1691 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_d6b4ec76: # DiyaT "She used to do long-distance running in India, and she always encouraged me to play sports because it was good for my health." - DiyaT "她在印度的時候也會跑步。鼓勵我運動的也是她,因為對我身體好。" + DiyaT "她在印度的時候也會跑步。鼓勵我運動的也是她,因為這樣比較不容易生病。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1693 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_125c3066: @@ -3952,13 +3954,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_5ef72085: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_66ab7694: # Diya "??? No..." - Diya "???我沒有……" + Diya "我沒有……???" # game/2_diya.rpy:1729 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_cafbf4fb: # Amma "You're too young. Who is it for?" - Amma "妳還這麼小,想給誰看啊?" + Amma "妳還這麼小,想給誰看啊……" # game/2_diya.rpy:1731 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_43edf060: @@ -4006,7 +4008,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_d0c4a349: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_a05c034a: # Amma "That's when you'll be able to find a nice boy who meets all the requirements." - Amma "到時候妳也比較知道誰的條件比較符合。" + Amma "到時候妳也比較知道誰的條件比較適合。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1750 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_855ec182: @@ -4054,7 +4056,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_c87954ad: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_2b1e46c5: # Amma "Just remember no BMWs. No Blacks, Muslims, or Whites." - Amma "妳只要記得:不嫁BMW。黑人、穆斯林、白人都不是好丈夫。" + Amma "跟我念一遍:不嫁BMW。黑人、穆斯林、白人都不是好丈夫。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1768 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_e0ba593e: @@ -4066,13 +4068,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_e0ba593e: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_da49636f: # Diya "What you want is unrealistic." - Diya "妳太不切實際了。" + Diya "妳這樣太不切實際了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1770 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_5bd7c65e: # Diya "How can you immigrate to a country where we're less than 1%% of the population and then expect me to marry the way you did in India?" - Diya "妳怎麼可以在印度人口不到百分之一的地方,用印度的擇偶標準要求我?" + Diya "妳知道這裡的印度人口比例有多小嗎?妳不能用妳那一輩的擇偶標準來要求我。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1773 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_ab1a2ca6: @@ -4114,7 +4116,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_fcb26bc7: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_cd5bfb84: # Diya "My opinion should be the most important one." - Diya "重點不是我想嫁給誰嗎?" + Diya "重點不是「我」想嫁給誰嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1789 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_49056b20: @@ -4126,13 +4128,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_49056b20: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_c2a6869a: # Amma "If you marry a white man, everyone will think you're a self-hating Indian, and your parents didn't raise you with correct values." - Amma "如果妳嫁給白人,大家就會覺得妳對印度血統有意見──覺得我們沒有把妳教好。" + Amma "如果妳嫁給白人,大家就會覺得妳是不是不想當印度人──覺得我們沒有把妳教好。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1791 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_7756c6fd: # Amma "It already looks bad enough that we let you quit Carnatic music because you wanted to play baseball." - Amma "讓妳退掉傳統音樂課去打棒球,已經讓很多人不開心了。" + Amma "之前妳退掉傳統音樂課,跑去打棒球,已經有很多人不開心了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1794 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_40a037a5: @@ -4150,13 +4152,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_e8a08e0f: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_3eb4e69d: # Diya "Just because you put up with mistreatment from them doesn't mean I should put up with the same thing from you." - Diya "那是妳那一代的教育有問題,我沒有義務承受這些。" + Diya "那是妳那一輩的教育有問題,我沒有義務承受這些。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1803 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_c69eb7ee: # Amma "{i}Mistreatment?{/i} I turned out perfectly fine, how can it be mistreatment?" - Amma "{i}教育有問題?{/i}哪裡有問題?我被教得很好!" + Amma "{i}教育有問題?{/i}哪裡有問題?我這不是好好的嗎!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1806 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_bf17619a: @@ -4168,7 +4170,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_bf17619a: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_e27e14c2: # Amma "Your way of thinking about this, that's the way of thinking from Christian countries." - Amma "妳現在的想法,就非常基督教。" + Amma "妳現在的想法就很基督教。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1810 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_ffe842cf: @@ -4192,7 +4194,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_858a07d9: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_13a9699d: # Amma "It doesn't matter where you are, you're still Indian. You have to honor your culture." - Amma "不管生在哪裡,妳都是印度人。" + Amma "不管生在哪裡,印度人就是印度人。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1821 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_38015576: @@ -4204,7 +4206,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_38015576: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_e09c2052: # Amma "As long as you're under our roof, you will. This is an Indian household." - Amma "妳是印度家庭的一份子,就要遵從我們的文化傳統。" + Amma "妳是印度人家的女兒,就要過印度人該過的日子。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1827 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_1612cdcc: @@ -4222,7 +4224,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_d167e98f: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_1a2c15ae: # DiyaT "It's like her opinions are frozen in time, from twenty years ago when she left India." - DiyaT "她對世界的看法還停留在二十年前,離開印度的那一天。" + DiyaT "她的觀念還卡在二十年前,離開印度的那一天。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1830 translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_25fdea9f: @@ -4234,7 +4236,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_25fdea9f: translate traditional_chinese razorDenial_e1979c96: # "They spend the rest of the drive home in stony silence." - "之後的車程中,母女倆沒有再說過一句話。" + "之後的車程中,母女倆沒有再多說一句話。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1845 translate traditional_chinese morning2_195f9520: @@ -4342,19 +4344,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_817881f9: translate traditional_chinese morning2_9e8c7367: # Amma "You're so quiet. I wish you would talk to me like my friends’ kids talk to them." - Amma "妳為什麼會變成這樣?什麼都不願意跟媽媽說?" + Amma "妳為什麼這麼冷漠?為什麼什麼都不願意跟媽媽說?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1885 translate traditional_chinese morning2_5cc27bd8: # Amma "My friend’s son even tells them about the girls he likes. He tells them everything!" - Amma "像我朋友的小孩,他就跟媽媽感情很好。還會和她討論喜歡的女生。" + Amma "像我朋友的小孩,連喜歡哪個女生都會找爸爸媽媽討論。這樣不好嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1886 translate traditional_chinese morning2_4cf0336e: # Amma "It makes me sad. I wish we had that kind of relationship." - Amma "為什麼妳這麼冷淡?這樣媽媽很傷心。" + Amma "媽媽也想了解妳。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1888 translate traditional_chinese morning2_ccdcd50b: @@ -4378,7 +4380,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_c1008079: translate traditional_chinese morning2_6efe99b5: # DiyaT "How are you not able to put two and two together??" with sshake - DiyaT "這樣妳還聽不懂嗎?!" with sshake + DiyaT "這樣妳還聽不懂?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1895 translate traditional_chinese morning2_48c03458: @@ -4390,7 +4392,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_48c03458: translate traditional_chinese morning2_63d5fdd8: # Diya "But I don’t feel like I can. Every time I open up to you, I regret it." - Diya "可是我不能。因為每次我都很後悔。" + Diya "可是每次跟妳聊完天,我都很後悔。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1897 translate traditional_chinese morning2_c07ac0d7: @@ -4426,37 +4428,37 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_22b7d099: translate traditional_chinese morning2_1ce7c407: # Amma "Third grade?! You really go through life collecting pointless grudges from years ago?" with sshake - Amma "三年級的事情,妳現在拿出來罵我?!" with sshake + Amma "都幾百年前的事情了,妳現在拿出來說?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1911 translate traditional_chinese morning2_11bdff59: # Amma "How can you use something I don't even remember to argue against me?" - Amma "妳翻舊帳也翻得太細了吧!我根本不記得了!" + Amma "妳翻舊帳也翻太細了吧!連我不記得的事情也敢拿出來教訓我?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1913 translate traditional_chinese morning2_9b8a76b1: # DiyaT "How can two people perceive the same conversation so differently?" - DiyaT "為什麼兩個人對一件事情的感覺會差這麼多呢?" + DiyaT "為什麼兩個人對一件事情可以產生完全不同的反應呢?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1915 translate traditional_chinese morning2_6cacd7ee: # DiyaT "To me, it was one of the worst memories of my life, one that still affects how I act around her every day." - DiyaT "對我而言,它影響了我對妳的態度,算是我最嚴重的童年陰影之一。" + DiyaT "對我而言,它是影響我到今天的童年陰影。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1916 translate traditional_chinese morning2_bc323872: # DiyaT "But to her, it was an uneventful car ride." - DiyaT "但是對妳而言,那只是非常普通的一天。" + DiyaT "但對妳而言,那只是非常普通的一天。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1917 translate traditional_chinese morning2_6c9c3336: # DiyaT "I need to give a different example." - DiyaT "我得想想別的例子。" + DiyaT "我還是想想別的例子吧。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1919 translate traditional_chinese morning2_b997e9c5: @@ -4474,13 +4476,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_f11207e7: translate traditional_chinese morning2_20cd0151: # Amma "I'm your mom, I'm supposed to say no when you want something that's bad for you." - Amma "因為我是妳媽,我有責任保護妳的安全。" + Amma "因為保護妳是我的責任。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1924 translate traditional_chinese morning2_fae0e674: # Amma "If your own parents won't tell you when you're doing something wrong, who will?" - Amma "我必須提醒妳:妳所作的決定可能是錯的。" + Amma "所以我需要適時的點醒妳,以免妳走上歪路。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1926 translate traditional_chinese morning2_8527eed5: @@ -4528,13 +4530,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_49a50f8f: translate traditional_chinese morning2_0dd3655c: # DiyaT "Oh, great. Not now!" - DiyaT "非常好!" + DiyaT "非常好!我又哭了!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1938 translate traditional_chinese morning2_7cbc61ec: # DiyaT "I hate how I can't argue with anyone without crying." - DiyaT "為什麼我跟別人吵架都會哭?" + DiyaT "為什麼每次我跟別人吵架都會哭?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1939 translate traditional_chinese morning2_cc7df293: @@ -4653,10 +4655,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_6e8840cd: # game/2_diya.rpy:1985 translate traditional_chinese morning2_44f3ca1b: + $subtitle="*牙買加前男子短跑運動員,被稱作世界上跑得最快的男人" # Akarsha "What's with you today? Usain Bolt..." Akarsha "妳是尤塞恩·博爾特*嗎……?" - -$subtitle="*牙買加前男子短跑運動員,被稱作世界上跑得最快的男人" + $subtitle= "" # game/2_diya.rpy:1988 translate traditional_chinese morning2_4fb91a37: @@ -4680,13 +4682,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_ebbedf19: translate traditional_chinese morning2_dd47607d: # Diya "But we can't even have a normal conversation without hurting each other." - Diya "可是我們連聊天都會變成吵架。" + Diya "可是我們連好好聊天都做不到。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1996 translate traditional_chinese morning2_cbc6f92b: # Diya "It's just sad." - Diya "我覺得很難過。" + Diya "就。很難過。" # game/2_diya.rpy:1998 translate traditional_chinese morning2_b10d69e1: @@ -4710,31 +4712,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_780dcc17: translate traditional_chinese morning2_98d5971c: # Diya "Do your parents know you're bi?" - Diya "妳家裡知道妳是雙性戀嗎?" + Diya "家人知道妳是雙性戀嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2006 translate traditional_chinese morning2_e207eff5: # Akarsha "Sorta?" - Akarsha "可能吧?" + Akarsha "應該?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2007 translate traditional_chinese morning2_eba0acdb: # Akarsha "We haven't really had that conversation yet, but they definitely know I'm a lil funky." - Akarsha "應該冥冥之中有感覺到啦,只是還沒問。" + Akarsha "他們應該有感覺到啦,只是還沒問。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2009 translate traditional_chinese morning2_5acd4f7f: # Diya "How do you think they'll react when you tell them?" - Diya "妳覺得他們會有什麼反應?" + Diya "妳覺得他們會說什麼?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2012 translate traditional_chinese morning2_79e9c48a: # Akarsha "I dunno...But they're pretty open-minded, so I think they'll get over it." - Akarsha "不曉得欸……他們還滿開放的,應該沒問題吧。" + Akarsha "不曉得欸……他們還滿開放的,應該OK吧。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2020 translate traditional_chinese morning2_8d7fc1b8: @@ -4764,7 +4766,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_21776c72: translate traditional_chinese morning2_8ad87c32: # Diya "Instead of trying to educate them, I'm living a lie." - Diya "因為我沒有努力讓他們理解同性戀族群,反而選擇說謊。" + Diya "因為我沒有努力讓他們理解這個群體。還說謊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2030 translate traditional_chinese morning2_f79cfa2d: @@ -4818,7 +4820,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_7c7d3c9b: translate traditional_chinese morning2_454efe4c: # Diya "Don't know yet. But somewhere far from her parents, so she doesn't have to see them unless she wants to." - Diya "還不確定,只要離小旼家夠遠就可以。這樣她就不用一天到晚被他們騷擾。" + Diya "不知道,只要離小旼家夠遠就可以。這樣她就不用一天到晚被他們騷擾。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2044 translate traditional_chinese morning2_f351a809: @@ -4830,13 +4832,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_f351a809: translate traditional_chinese morning2_ea8bb694: # Akarsha "Ya, but by then you'll be an adult. They won't be able to stop you from doing anything." - Akarsha "是沒錯,可是到時候他們應該已經沒有權力阻止妳了。" + Akarsha "是沒錯,可是到時候,他們應該已經沒有權力阻止妳了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2049 translate traditional_chinese morning2_b3f57d8f: # Diya "But they'll still be really upset, and I don't want that either." - Diya "我不想傷他們的心。" + Diya "我不想讓他們傷心。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2052 translate traditional_chinese morning2_72138b33: @@ -4847,10 +4849,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_72138b33: # game/2_diya.rpy:2053 translate traditional_chinese morning2_d913c44e: + $subtitle="*南亞族裔人士使用及稱呼自己的一個名詞,意為「祖國」或「民族」" # Akarsha "Dealing with desi parents is like the five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance." Akarsha "和德西*家長相處就像悲傷五階段:拒絕承認、亂發脾氣、討價還價、陷入沮喪和終於接受。" + $subtitle= "" -$subtitle="*南亞族裔人士使用及稱呼自己的一個名詞,意為「祖國」或「民族」" # game/2_diya.rpy:2056 translate traditional_chinese morning2_cd4c4d7c: @@ -4880,7 +4883,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_35c1c515: translate traditional_chinese morning2_78923e16: # Akarsha "Like...in baseball speak, you're not tryin' to hit a home run off a single pitch. It's more like a nine inning baseball game." - Akarsha "就像……打棒球一樣。我們的終極目標不是打出全壘打,而是在九局之內得分。" + Akarsha "就跟……打棒球差不多。我們的終極目標是在九局內得分,不是打出全壘打。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2068 translate traditional_chinese morning2_8f0769f5: @@ -4904,7 +4907,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_db4b106d: translate traditional_chinese morning2_4cb6147c: # DiyaT "I wish I were closer to my mom." - DiyaT "我希望能和媽媽感情好一點。" + DiyaT "我也想和媽媽想聊什麼,就聊什麼。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2073 translate traditional_chinese morning2_82b6e284: @@ -4940,7 +4943,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_f41ce934: translate traditional_chinese morning2_c2b3a7ed: # DiyaT "My mom was never trying to hurt me. She just doesn't know any better." - DiyaT "媽媽也不是故意的,她只是不知道還能怎麽辦而已。" + DiyaT "媽媽也不是故意的,她只是不知道還能怎麼辦。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2087 translate traditional_chinese morning2_cad8b546: @@ -5000,7 +5003,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_738a369e: translate traditional_chinese morning2_7e23263e: # Akarsha "I made them up for dramatic effect." - Akarsha "我編的。這樣比較有效果。" + Akarsha "我編的。這樣比較有感覺。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2106 translate traditional_chinese morning2_93212e9d: @@ -5018,13 +5021,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese morning2_df3f6405: translate traditional_chinese morning2_056a1b0b: # Akarsha "Do you think it's possible for a baseball player to mold her hair into a huge bowl shape, and use it to catch the ball?" - Akarsha "打棒球的時候,如果選手把頭髮編成一個碗,妳覺得可以用來接球嗎?" + Akarsha "妳覺得啊:打棒球的時候,如果選手把頭髮編成一個碗,可以用來接球嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2117 translate traditional_chinese morning2_a3253ca8: # Akarsha "{cps=0}Do you think it's possible for a baseball player to mold her hair into a huge bowl shape, and use it to catch the ball?{/cps}" nointeract - Akarsha "{cps=0}打棒球的時候,如果選手把頭髮編成一個碗,妳覺得可以用來接球嗎?{/cps}" nointeract + Akarsha "{cps=0}妳覺得啊:打棒球的時候,如果選手把頭髮編成一個碗,可以用來接球嗎?{/cps}" nointeract # game/2_diya.rpy:2122 translate traditional_chinese morning2_2bd7d207: @@ -5206,7 +5209,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_177631e3: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_8a7b82de: # DiyaT "Maybe she's touched that I still remember it?" - DiyaT "她臉好紅喔,大概是因為我還記得,所以很感動吧?" + DiyaT "她臉好紅喔。大概是因為我還記得,所以很感動吧?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2242 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_f622d2be: @@ -5236,7 +5239,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_5d8354ad: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_f8d07367: # Min "Like spies." - Min "和間諜一樣。" + Min "諜報片!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2250 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_a48e2ae6: @@ -5266,13 +5269,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_fcdd1960: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_95028567: # DiyaT "I have hair on my hands and fingers! She's going to see it!" with sshake - DiyaT "我的手毛!" with sshake + DiyaT "手毛會被看到!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2262 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_07860534: # "Diya frantically wrenches her hand out of Min's grip." - "迪亞猛然將手抽了回來。" + "迪亞猛地將手抽了回來。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2264 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_3a27df9b: @@ -5320,7 +5323,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_d3c8dde3: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_2117a5f7: # Diya "They're hairy. My arms, too. When I wear short sleeves, you can even see it from far away." - Diya "我的手毛很多。穿短袖的話,很遠就看得到。" + Diya "我手毛很多。穿短袖的時候更明顯。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2278 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_c22a7d92: @@ -5356,7 +5359,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_fd795ef3: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_a84b46bd: # Min "I mean, yeah, I see it now...But it's just hair." - Min "嗯,好喔。怎麼了嗎?" + Min "嗯,好喔。就毛啊。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2290 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_80c2f505: @@ -5386,7 +5389,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_277b6091: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_f1ad4b49: # Min "Like, think about those poodles you like. The ones with curly hair." - Min "貴賓狗不是也有毛嗎?也捲捲的。" + Min "貴賓狗不是也有毛嗎?還卷卷的。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2300 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_1c63452a: @@ -5404,7 +5407,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_267f14ed: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_816d6628: # Min "Yeah, whatever you wanna call them." - Min "都可以啦。" + Min "對對對。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2306 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_bea95af9: @@ -5482,7 +5485,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_ce39401c: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_6b6719e3: # Diya "Thanks. I feel a little better now." - Diya "謝謝,我覺得好一點了。" + Diya "謝謝,我覺得沒那麼在意了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2332 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_8db41a79: @@ -5494,13 +5497,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_8db41a79: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_d50af330: # Min "If anyone makes fun of you for it, I'll kill...I mean, be really, really mean to them." - Min "如果有人笑妳,我就殺……我就對他們很壞。比很壞還壞。" + Min "如果有人笑妳,我就殺……我就對他們很壞。很壞的很壞。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2335 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_b27556f2: # DiyaT "No one's around right now...I really wanna kiss her..." - DiyaT "現在剛好沒人……我好想親她……" + DiyaT "怎麼辦……我好想親她……現在剛好沒人……" # game/2_diya.rpy:2337 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_83d366a4: @@ -5518,7 +5521,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_ea12b625: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_5c6d234f: # Min "Notice anything different?" - Min "妳發現了嗎?" + Min "有發現嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2342 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_d4a222d8: @@ -5530,7 +5533,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_d4a222d8: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_10cd38a3: # Min "I got rid of the rest of my cigarettes!" - Min "我戒菸了!" + Min "我不抽菸了!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2347 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_74181b05: @@ -5572,7 +5575,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_0867727d: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_88d433a4: # DiyaT "I was a little worried she wouldn't listen, but now that she did, I almost feel guilty." - DiyaT "我本來怕她不願意戒,現在我反而覺得有點不好意思。" + DiyaT "我本來怕她不願意戒,現在我反而有點不好意思。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2364 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_35d02abf: @@ -5596,13 +5599,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_64f35087: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_13b366e4: # Min "You didn't make me do anything. I decided to quit 'cause I figured it'd make me happier if I got to kiss you more." - Min "是我自己要戒的。我想跟妳親親。" + Min "是我自己要戒的。我想要隨時都可以親妳。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2372 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_42201239: # Min "Noelle kept sending me these annoying as fuck studies gloating that she was gonna live longer than me, too." - Min "而且小諾現在動不動就傳有關抽菸的論文給我,還一直強調她會活得比我久。我快瘋了。" + Min "而且小諾現在動不動就傳抽菸的論文給我,還一直強調她會活得比我久。我快瘋了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2373 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_cfd780dc: @@ -5614,7 +5617,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_cfd780dc: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_29783615: # Diya "But still...If you weren't dating me, you wouldn't have quit." - Diya "可是……如果妳沒有跟我交往,說不定就不用戒菸了。" + Diya "可是……如果妳沒有跟我交往,說不定就不用戒了。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2378 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_1bc44a26: @@ -5626,7 +5629,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_1bc44a26: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_a61fe60c: # Min "But isn't that what people mean when they say a couple's good for each other?" - Min "不過人家不是都說:談戀愛可以使人進步嗎?" + Min "不過人家不是都說:談戀愛可以讓人進步嗎?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2380 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_36c72f10: @@ -5692,7 +5695,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_4ded6921: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_d9cf79f9: # Min "Huh? That sounds so cynical." - Min "這種說法太極端了吧。" + Min "太極端了吧。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2401 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_37476970: @@ -5716,7 +5719,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_566bc3e4: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_538c9a32: # Min "Some people will make that leap for you, but others won't." - Min "有些人願意跨出那一步,有些不會。" + Min "有些人願意跨出那一步,有些人不會。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2408 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_8050f8f8_1: @@ -5739,10 +5742,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_d1f2d431: # game/2_diya.rpy:2413 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_7b76a3c2: + $subtitle="「駭客任務」男主角" # Min "Even if it was from a car to a truck while they're still driving really fast, like in The Matrix." - Min "就算要像尼歐*一樣,從車子跨到卡車上,我也不怕!" + Min "就算要像尼歐*一樣從車子跨到卡車上,我也在辭不所!" + $subtitle=" " -$subtitle="「駭客任務」男主角。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2415 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_a96e8bcc: @@ -5750,7 +5754,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_a96e8bcc: # Diya "...That sounds scary. I hope that never happens." Diya "希望不要有這種情況。" -$subtitle=" " # game/2_diya.rpy:2418 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_9d68a281: @@ -5840,7 +5843,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_03c3af3b: translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_0fa9844c: # DiyaT "Even if she's good at it, I need to help her out sometimes..." - DiyaT "雖然她一直都很會,我也需要表達我的意見……" + DiyaT "雖然她一直都很會,可是我也要學著表達意見……" # game/2_diya.rpy:2452 translate traditional_chinese diyaMinEndConvo_8a11162c: @@ -5906,7 +5909,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese momApology_93212e9d: translate traditional_chinese momApology_112eeabc: # "Her mom silently places a bowl of sliced mango on Diya's desk and leaves the room." - "迪亞媽媽將一盤切好的芒果放在桌上後,安靜地離開了房間。" + "迪亞媽媽將一盤切好的芒果放在桌上,之後安靜地離開了房間。" # game/2_diya.rpy:2482 translate traditional_chinese momApology_a0fc5322: @@ -6012,7 +6015,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/2_diya.rpy:1853 old "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" - new "{cps=0}每天早上,迪亞都會花十分鐘躺在床上,思考自己有多麼疲憊。 {/cps}" + new "{cps=0}每天早上,迪亞都都會賴床十分鐘,同時思考自己有多麼疲憊。 {/cps}" # game/2_diya.rpy:2226 old "Good morning!" diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/3_min.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/3_min.rpy index b76b1d5..194bd20 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/3_min.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/3_min.rpy @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese min3_190a7661: translate traditional_chinese min3_6279ba71: # Min "Oh, c'mon! What's the point of a field trip to a bayou if we don't even get to splash around in it a little?" - Min "拜託!我們不是來「觀察」濕地的嗎?不下去要怎麽觀察?" + Min "拜託!我們不是來「觀察」濕地的嗎?不下去要怎麼觀察?" # game/3_min.rpy:45 translate traditional_chinese min3_65177aed: # Jun "I mean, there might be alligators in there...It's probably dangerous." - Jun "裡面可能有鱷魚。" + Jun "可能有鱷魚。" # game/3_min.rpy:47 translate traditional_chinese min3_71b45864: @@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese min3_3e86b676: translate traditional_chinese min3_192cdb2a: # "Jun-seo raises his hand. Their teacher pauses awkwardly before nodding to him." - "阿俊舉起手。老師明顯遲疑了一下,才對他點點頭。" + "阿俊舉起手。老師明顯遲疑了一下,才對他點點頭。" # game/3_min.rpy:57 translate traditional_chinese min3_0c0d22fe: # NPC "Er, sorry, how do you pronounce your name again?" - NPC "呃、抱歉,同學你的名字怎麽念?" + NPC "呃、抱歉,同學你的名字怎麼念?" # game/3_min.rpy:59 translate traditional_chinese min3_f354d953: @@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese min3_9d85e579: translate traditional_chinese min3_7579ce34: # Min "Okay??!" with sshake - Min "可以?!" with sshake + Min "可以嗎?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:70 translate traditional_chinese min3_b5abe017: # "Looking embarrassed, Jun ignores her and answers the question like nothing happened." - "阿俊只是一臉尷尬地繼續回答老師的問題。" + "阿俊只是一臉尷尬的繼續回答老師的問題。" # game/3_min.rpy:72 translate traditional_chinese min3_d870e57c: @@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese min3_51ebcca6: translate traditional_chinese min3_59a5e928: # NPC2 "I see a fish in the water!" - NPC2 "裡面有魚!" + NPC2 "水裡有魚!" # game/3_min.rpy:79 translate traditional_chinese min3_23a9106b: # "Min hisses to her twin under her breath as the lesson continues." - "趁著其他同學正在說話,小旼對阿俊低聲發難:" + "趁著其他同學正在講話,小旼對阿俊低聲發難:" # game/3_min.rpy:81 translate traditional_chinese min3_fc4d73eb: @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese min3_fec36688: translate traditional_chinese min3_3c6d7def: # Jun "I don't think that's gonna happen..." - Jun "我覺得是不會啦……" + Jun "我是覺得不會啦……" # game/3_min.rpy:88 translate traditional_chinese min3_6d6e0c9a: @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese min3_cfaa2157: translate traditional_chinese min3_3c260918: # "Their class continues down the trail, passing a group from another school. Many of the kids gawk at her and Jun with unabashed curiosity as they pass by." - "小旼和阿俊跟著隊伍走啊走,與一群其他學校的小朋友擦肩而過。其中幾個人豪不掩飾地盯著他們看,眼中充滿了好奇。" + "小旼和阿俊跟著隊伍走啊走,與一群其他學校的小朋友擦肩而過。幾個人豪不掩飾地盯著他們看,眼中充滿了好奇。" # game/3_min.rpy:104 translate traditional_chinese min3_75e549b6: @@ -364,13 +364,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_0cae7255: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_f0829b9a: # "Their dad curses and lays down the horn as a Honda changes into their lane." - "一輛本田超入他們的車道,小旼爸爸立刻按下喇叭,同時大聲咒罵:" + "一輛本田切入他們的車道,小旼爸爸立刻按下喇叭,同時大聲咒罵:" # game/3_min.rpy:176 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_29e0b6b4: # Dad "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼!{/font} HE CUT ME OFF!" with sshake - Dad "개새끼*!他超我車!" with sshake + Dad "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼{/font}*!他超我車!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:180 @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_091bb1b3: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_f9c0566c: # "A horrible cold wash runs down Min's spine as her dad maintains his breakneck speed beside the Honda and lays down the horn." - "看著爸爸不斷加速,對著已經追平的本田狂按喇吧。小旼心中不好的預感逐漸升級。" + "看著爸爸不斷加速,對著已經追平的本田狂按喇吧,小旼心中不好的預感也逐漸升級。" # game/3_min.rpy:189 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_0e4c2645: @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_d8f3ae3f: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_a39afe31: # Dad "IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR MAKING ME SO MAD IN THE FIRST PLACE!" with sshake - Dad "是你們先惹我的!" with sshake + Dad "是妳先惹我的!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:210 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_06d6aa68: @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_06d6aa68: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_3ceb223f: # Dad "Disrespect me again and I'll really make you regret it!" - Dad "再跟我頂嘴,看我回家怎麼教訓妳!" + Dad "再跟我頂嘴,回家看我怎麼教訓妳!" # game/3_min.rpy:213 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_1c85a2e3: @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_5d59fcfb: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_58eba440: # Min "WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" with sshake - Min "我為什麼要道歉?!我又沒做錯事!" with sshake + Min "為什麼?!我又沒做錯事!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:222 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_8ae02113: @@ -474,13 +474,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_8ae02113: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_22656979: # Dad "It doesn't matter what he said! What's gonna happen, you'll lose an arm if you don't hit him?!" with sshake - Dad "他笑妳又怎樣?妳不打他會少快肉嗎?!" with sshake + Dad "他笑妳又怎樣?妳不打他,會少快肉嗎?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:227 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_22449170: # Dad "Don't go crazy when things like that happen!" - Dad "不要這麼大驚小怪!" + Dad "穩重一點,會不會?!" # game/3_min.rpy:230 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_75b5737c: @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_32a1e6fc: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_3bf5b6dc: # Min "You don't understand! You weren't there!" - Min "你不懂!你當時又不在!" + Min "你不懂!你又不在!" # game/3_min.rpy:240 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_34185c04: @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_34185c04: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_3c36f258: # Dad "People wouldn't even hire me because of my accent! Who wants a manager who's an immigrant?" - Dad "我剛移民過來的時候,沒有公司願意用我!因為我有口音!他們不屑要一個移民當老闆!" + Dad "我剛來美國的時候,沒有公司願意用我!因為我有口音!他們不屑要一個移民當老闆!" # game/3_min.rpy:242 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_c31fcda9: @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_7003c942: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_e7a6ff1f: # Dad "But that's not what happened. Instead I just worked harder." - Dad "可是我沒有!因為我肯努力!" + Dad "可是我沒有!因為我肯吃苦、肯上進!" # game/3_min.rpy:251 translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_71282329: @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_6df898cf: translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_1b734232: # MinT "Someday I'm going to kill you...{w=0.35}Someday I'm going to kill you..." - MinT "我要殺了你……{w=0.35}我絕對要殺了你……" + MinT "總有一天……{w=0.35}我絕對要殺了你……" # game/3_min.rpy:272 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_75aa012c: @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_d3f0ea0a: translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_0a691eb4: # Jun "I mean...I feel like it's all connected." - Jun "我覺得……整件事其實是連在一起的。" + Jun "我覺得……其實是連在一起的。" # game/3_min.rpy:284 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2c14fd61: @@ -666,13 +666,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_3f17948c: translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_ddafc9e1: # Min "Well, he's not allowed to yell at me for getting mad when he's not any better!" with sshake - Min "他哪有資格罵我亂發脾氣!" with sshake + Min "他哪有資格罵我?他自己還不是亂發脾氣!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:293 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_dbe900e1: # Min "I can't believe he sided with the teacher instead of me! Coward!!" - Min "而且他竟然還站在老師那邊!孬種……" + Min "而且他竟然站在老師那邊!孬種……" # game/3_min.rpy:294 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_109c98fd: @@ -702,13 +702,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_38f5b644: translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_ec600dc2: # Min "Screw that! You're my own twin and you're betraying me?!" - Min "誰鳥你!你怎麼可以背叛我?!你不是站我這邊的嗎?!" + Min "誰鳥你!你怎麼可以背叛我?!你不是應該站我這邊嗎?!" # game/3_min.rpy:306 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2081c598: # Min "You were there too! You of all people should get how I feel!" - Min "你不是應該最能體會我的感受嗎?" + Min "你不是應該最懂我才對嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:310 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2f9b3cf7: @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_584dd09f: translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_6fb1d509: # Min "If other people are bad, we should get to be just as bad." - Min "他們對我們很壞,我們就要變得一樣壞,才可以打回去。" + Min "他們對我們壞,我們就要變得一樣壞,才可以打回去。" # game/3_min.rpy:319 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_9337c469: @@ -756,13 +756,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_60b5f091: translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_333d174a: # MinT "He's just like Mom. How come no one will stand up against him except me?" - MinT "為什麼你要和媽說一樣的話?為什麼只有我覺得他有病?" + MinT "為什麼你要和媽說一樣的話?只有我覺得他有病嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:325 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_4b85dc60: # Min "What's your idea then, genius? Be a wimpy loser like him??" - Min "那不然你想怎樣?隨便人家欺負你嗎?" + Min "要不然你想怎樣?隨便人家欺負你嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:328 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_35b09fd3: @@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_35b09fd3: translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_4fb7e02a: # Jun "Maybe if we just laugh along, the other kids will wanna be our friends." - Jun "如果我們一起打哈哈,可能就會有人跟我們做朋友了。" + Jun "如果我們一起打哈哈,說不定就可以跟他們玩了。" # game/3_min.rpy:331 translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_8683854e: @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_c187c340: translate traditional_chinese forum_d26232e9: # Min "How come you guys keep getting these three person group projects?" - Min "怎麽每次都是妳們三個。" + Min "怎麼每次都是妳們三個?" # game/3_min.rpy:377 translate traditional_chinese forum_a6efced4: @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_12a19419: translate traditional_chinese forum_21db1bee: # Diya "No. We need three people for the wolf family alone." - Diya "灰狼家庭就需要三個人。" + Diya "灰狼家庭就需要三個人,我們人不夠。" # game/3_min.rpy:394 translate traditional_chinese forum_69c09f0e: @@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_69c09f0e: translate traditional_chinese forum_7b455e87: # Diya "No. It's more sad if there's also a mommy and daddy." - Diya "一隻不夠難過。" + Diya "一隻不夠悲傷。" # game/3_min.rpy:398 translate traditional_chinese forum_ffde6a64: @@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_2f341b42: translate traditional_chinese forum_cf8db200: # Akarsha "You have to watch it!" with sshake - Akarsha "妳一定要看!" with sshake + Akarsha "快去看!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:426 translate traditional_chinese forum_9cd98d5b: @@ -1122,13 +1122,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_e549b7f9: translate traditional_chinese forum_86563519: # Akarsha "They're, like, our age, and they made such an awesome video." - Akarsha "既然他們能拍出這麼棒的影片……" + Akarsha "他們年紀應該跟我們差不多。" # game/3_min.rpy:473 translate traditional_chinese forum_9d137c46: # Akarsha "If they can create something that iconic, so can we!" - Akarsha "我們一定也可以!因為我們年紀差不多!" + Akarsha "他們能拍出曠世巨作,我們也可以!" # game/3_min.rpy:475 translate traditional_chinese forum_9fe61e3a: @@ -1146,13 +1146,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_537201f1: translate traditional_chinese forum_70dbacca: # Noelle "Are you? I didn't see \"gun for an Academy Award\" on there." - Noelle "噢,是嗎?評分標準有「角逐葛萊美獎」這一項嗎?" + Noelle "喔?是嗎?評分標準裡有「角逐葛萊美獎」這一項嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:480 translate traditional_chinese forum_96cb62f9: # Noelle "The script you two have written is wildly overambitious." - Noelle "妳們也想得太美了吧。" + Noelle "妳們也想得太簡單了吧。" # game/3_min.rpy:482 translate traditional_chinese forum_e7631105: @@ -1170,13 +1170,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_d74f5b0e: translate traditional_chinese forum_29a86697: # Akarsha "Gotchu. Captured." - Akarsha "抓到妳惹。妳被捕了。" + Akarsha "抓到惹。我要逮捕妳。" # game/3_min.rpy:489 translate traditional_chinese forum_ed734dd9: # Noelle "I'm not captured!" with sshake - Noelle "我沒有!" with sshake + Noelle "走開啦!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:491 translate traditional_chinese forum_86a51b78: @@ -1188,13 +1188,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_86a51b78: translate traditional_chinese forum_1d82f671: # Akarsha "No fair, I'm wearing flip-flops while you have real shoes. You gotta go easy on me." - Akarsha "妳怎麼可以用全力,我穿的是拖鞋欸。" + Akarsha "我穿拖鞋欸,妳怎麼可以用全力。" # game/3_min.rpy:496 translate traditional_chinese forum_6d0ff943: # Noelle "YOU CHOSE THE BATTLEGROUND! YOU DON'T GET TO COMPLAIN!" with sshake - Noelle "妳自找的!!!" with sshake + Noelle "妳活該!是妳先開始的!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:500 translate traditional_chinese forum_95425805: @@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_9ec63d39: translate traditional_chinese forum_278e2756: # "Akarsha and Noelle freeze, looking embarrassed." - "小諾和阿卡莎彷彿現在才發現自己在做什麼一樣,雙雙露出困窘的表情。" + "小諾和阿卡莎彷彿現在才發現自己在做什麼,雙雙露出困窘的表情。" # game/3_min.rpy:505 translate traditional_chinese forum_9d73f57c: @@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_fbb8b2ba: translate traditional_chinese forum_2f27ad6f: # Min "Do I need to bring anything?" - Min "我需要帶什麼東西嗎?" + Min "我需要帶什麼嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:519 translate traditional_chinese forum_5aa51999: @@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_5aa51999: translate traditional_chinese forum_8c4f3265: # Diya "We're still working on the script, so we'll give it to you there." - Diya "劇本還沒完成,所以當天才能給妳。" + Diya "劇本還沒寫好,所以當天才能給妳。" # game/3_min.rpy:522 translate traditional_chinese forum_e8777567: @@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese forum_e8777567: translate traditional_chinese forum_9ef61b99: # Akarsha "\"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" have a ton of stuff we can use, so they're gonna bring it all." - Akarsha "「小櫻」和「小雪」有很多衣服可以借我們穿。" + Akarsha "「小櫻」和「小雪」有很多衣服可以借我們。" # game/3_min.rpy:526 translate traditional_chinese forum_c6816527: @@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_5304c5f6: translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_b3040db2: # Akarsha "Noelle said Diya's mom just picked her up." - Akarsha "小諾說她剛剛上迪亞的車。" + Akarsha "小諾說她剛上迪亞的車。" # game/3_min.rpy:547 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_16812407: @@ -1344,13 +1344,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d5734261: translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_1a493960: # Min "You told me you half-assed a confession through fucking TEXT before chickening out and passing it off as a joke." - Min "對,可是據我所知:妳她媽是用網路告白,而且還寫得不清不楚,最後還想用開玩笑乎巄過去。" + Min "對,可是據我所知:妳他媽是用網路告白,而且還寫得不清不楚,最後還想用玩笑糊弄過去。" # game/3_min.rpy:567 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_3ed3fdac: # Akarsha "Well, I was flirting pretty hard before that happened. So either way, they should've gotten the message, at least subliminally." - Akarsha "是沒錯啦。可是在那之前,我也有暗示過啊。對方應該知道了啦……至少冥冥之中應該知道吧。" + Akarsha "是沒錯啦。可是在那之前,我也有暗示過啊?他應該知道了啦……至少冥冥之中應該知道吧。" # game/3_min.rpy:569 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_11cb613f: @@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_4d7f0bc2: translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_453e74b0: # Min "I will, just gimme the SparkNotes version first." - Min "我會看啦。只是想先知道一下劇情。" + Min "我會看啦。想先知道一下劇情嘛。" # game/3_min.rpy:618 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_fa39483c: @@ -1500,19 +1500,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_e327324a: translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_ef894fe8: # Noelle "Next, I'll interview you, an Evil Hunter." - Noelle "接下來去採訪妳演的壞獵人。" + Noelle "接下來,去採訪妳演的壞獵人。" # game/3_min.rpy:623 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d1a75455: # Noelle "Lastly, I'll interview a...family of wolves on their opinion." - Noelle "最後我會去採訪……一個由灰狼組成的家庭。" + Noelle "最後,我會去採訪……一個由灰狼組成的家庭。" # game/3_min.rpy:624 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_c6ec21a4: # Noelle "During this last interview, the Evil Hunter kills the Wolf Pup, played by Akarsha." - Noelle "然後在訪問到一半的時候,阿卡莎演的狼寶寶就被妳給打死了。" + Noelle "然後在訪問到一半的時候,阿卡莎演的狼寶寶就被壞獵人打死了。" # game/3_min.rpy:626 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_8899ba10: @@ -1524,13 +1524,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_8899ba10: translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_9af66b9d: # Noelle "It's clearly biased." - Noelle "因為很偏頗。" + Noelle "劇情太偏頗了。" # game/3_min.rpy:630 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_003234df: # Noelle "It doesn't make sense to extend special treatment to wolves just because they're \"cute\" and \"fuzzy\"." - Noelle "妳不能因為某種動物「很可愛」,就認為政府應該保護牠。" + Noelle "妳不能因為狼「毛毛的」、「很可愛」,就覺得政府應該保護牠。" # game/3_min.rpy:632 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_5c101b57: @@ -1566,19 +1566,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_cacc47e0: translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_bda37ffe: # Akarsha "Guys, wait, I have another idea." - Akarsha "各位,我知道了。" + Akarsha "各位、各位,我知道了。" # game/3_min.rpy:651 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_7c22f177: # Akarsha "I just saw a video of a guy setting a pile of leaves on fire, and it exploded." - Akarsha "我之前看過有人在一堆樹葉上點火的影片,然後樹葉就爆炸了。" + Akarsha "我剛剛找到一個把樹葉點火的影片,然後樹葉就爆炸了。" # game/3_min.rpy:652 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_e2e69b6c: # Akarsha "Can we try to work that into the video too?" - Akarsha "可以用在影片裡嗎?" + Akarsha "可以加進劇本裡嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:654 translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_9a53d3f8: @@ -1614,37 +1614,37 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_a5170143: translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_2eec2a30: # MinT "There's just sand here. No rocks." - MinT "只有沙子,沒有石頭。" + MinT "遊樂場裡只有沙子。" # game/3_min.rpy:768 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_cdd5d3f5: # Diya "I'm sad we're too big for playgrounds now. They should make playgrounds for teens and adults." - Diya "我們現在都不能玩了。如果有可以給大人玩的遊樂場就好了。" + Diya "我們現在已經不能玩了。如果有放大版的遊樂場就好了。" # game/3_min.rpy:770 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_12c9a2b4: # Min "Yeah, all the scenarios we'd come up with while playing pretend were so fun!" - Min "對啊!我們想的故事都超精彩的!" + Min "對啊!我們以前想的故事都超精彩的!" # game/3_min.rpy:773 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_2f9e580d: # Diya "My favorite was the one where we pretended we were runaways starting our own clan." - Diya "我最喜歡「我們都是流浪者,要一起建立自己的門派」那個。" + Diya "我最喜歡「我們都是流浪者,要一起建立自己的門派」。" # game/3_min.rpy:774 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_01d5d020: # Diya "That one was so popular, some of the kids joining in weren't even our friends." - Diya "那個真的很受歡迎,有好多不是我們朋友的人都想加進來玩。" + Diya "那個真的很受歡迎,有好多不認識的人都想加進來玩。" # game/3_min.rpy:776 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_968bdc9b: # Min "Sucks that the teachers made us stop because everyone was digging huge holes in the ground and making stuff out of mud." - Min "可惜後來老師不准我們玩這個故事了。因為我們在地上挖洞,又把挖出來的泥巴拿來蓋東西。" + Min "對啊,可惜後來老師不准我們玩了。因為所有東西都是用泥巴做的,結果地上被挖了一堆洞。" # game/3_min.rpy:779 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_cbad1927: @@ -1710,13 +1710,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_5c0ccd0e: translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_9edbec9c: # Min "No, I didn't! The bandits wanted you for bad reasons, but I wanted you for nice reasons ONLY." with sshake - Min "不一樣啦!他們是壞人才抓妳,我是好人,可是我抓妳。" with sshake + Min "不一樣啦!他們是壞人,所以才抓妳;我是好人,可是我抓妳。" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:801 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_dc82f841: # Min "And didn't you say this game was your favorite? You must've liked it." - Min "而且這不是妳最喜歡的故事嗎?" + Min "而且,妳剛才不是說:這是妳最喜歡的故事嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:804 translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_1612cdcc: @@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_1612cdcc: translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_f7d32d48: # "Realizing that Min's right, Diya is so embarrassed that she doesn't respond." - "迪亞尷尬到不知道該怎麽回答。" + "迪亞尷尬到不知道該怎麼回答。" # game/3_min.rpy:814 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_90231585: @@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c8c0970c: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_68141d62: # Diya "He looks like a banana dipped in chocolate and he doesn't even know it." - Diya "牠好像香蕉巧克力喔!" + Diya "牠好像香蕉巧克力喔。" # game/3_min.rpy:820 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_51cc5aef: @@ -1800,13 +1800,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_129a989a: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_22539d23: # "Diya nods and hesitantly approaches the dog's owner." - "迪亞點點頭,遲疑的向狗主人走去。" + "迪亞點點頭,遲疑地向狗主人走去。" # game/3_min.rpy:839 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_5d787a52: # "She stands about a foot behind him, unnoticed." - "然後靜靜的站在他的身後。" + "然後靜靜的停在他身後不遠的地方。" # game/3_min.rpy:841 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_74a1a48c: @@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_d11361e6: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_142cedcc: # MinT "She must be psyching herself up to do it." - MinT "她在演練。" + MinT "醞釀中。" # game/3_min.rpy:847 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_6e8840cd: @@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_18e2faae: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_71c831ed: # NPC "Wugh!" with sshake - NPC "哇!" with sshake + NPC "哇啊啊!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:852 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_e934c1c9: @@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_e934c1c9: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_af9990e7: # NPC "Sure, you can pet him." - NPC "可以啊。" + NPC "可以摸。" # game/3_min.rpy:855 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c94a2d0d: @@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_2b73b2b5: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_f6e76337: # "Min rubs the dog's belly with both hands. His rough fur is a little smelly." - "小旼在水桶的肚子上一陣狂揉。狗狗毛粗粗的,有一點狗狗的味道。" + "小旼在水桶的肚子上一陣狂揉。狗狗的毛粗粗的,有一點狗狗的味道。" # game/3_min.rpy:870 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_f9baa254: @@ -1940,7 +1940,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_7ef784a5: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c28f951a: # Diya "He's asking you to join." - Diya "牠要妳摸他。" + Diya "牠要妳摸牠。" # game/3_min.rpy:884 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_493641b9: @@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c98a4a9b: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c7e26434: # "Min squeezes Diya's hand as the guy walks off with his dog." - "看著狗主人和水桶逐漸走遠,小旼親暱的擠擠迪亞的手。" + "狗主人帶著水桶離開了,小旼親暱的擠擠迪亞的手。" # game/3_min.rpy:914 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_8b4db3d2: @@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_8b4db3d2: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_e90f77f4: # Diya "I'm trying to get better at it." - Diya "我有努力。" + Diya "對啊。" # game/3_min.rpy:925 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_a48cf38f: @@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_a48cf38f: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_8397f695: # Diya "She's old and still scared of answering the phone and talking to strangers." - Diya "我媽媽到現在都很怕接電話,或著跟不熟的人說話。" + Diya "我媽媽到現在都很怕接電話,或著跟不熟的人聊天。" # game/3_min.rpy:927 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_fabb8b25: @@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_0f877d1f: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_d67389fe: # "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya watches the dog running around." - "小旼仔細觀察著地面,迪亞則看著正在盡情奔跑的寵物狗。" + "小旼仔細觀察著地面,迪亞看著狗狗跑來跑去。" # game/3_min.rpy:943 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_dd0251b7: @@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookDog_423c1cc3: translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c67fded3: # Diya "If I were in charge of naming that dog, I'd name him \"Banana Dipped in Chocolate\"." - Diya "如果我可以幫牠取名字,我要叫牠「香蕉沾了巧克力」。" + Diya "如果可以幫牠取名字,我要叫牠「香蕉沾了巧克力」。" # game/3_min.rpy:950 translate traditional_chinese lookDog_b29da34a: @@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_130f41b7: translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_712cbc7c: # Diya "Okay." with sshake - Diya "好。" with sshake + Diya "好啊。" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:992 translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_f2fc0b3b: @@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_f2fc0b3b: translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_5ded775b: # Min "We should look around for big rocks." - Min "我們來找石頭吧。" + Min "先找石頭吧。" # game/3_min.rpy:997 translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_9f9f901b: @@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookTable_aabb031a: translate traditional_chinese lookTable_001fa505: # MinT "Did she do something to her hair? It looks way different than usual." - MinT "她的頭髮怎麽和平常差這麼多?" + MinT "她的頭髮怎麼跟平常差這麼多?" # game/3_min.rpy:1028 translate traditional_chinese lookTable_34cefbad: @@ -2318,7 +2318,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookTable_238a6418: translate traditional_chinese lookTable_efe28e22: # "Ester points to a large stone on the ground." - "伊思特指向地上的一塊大石頭。" + "艾思特指向地上的一塊大石頭。" # game/3_min.rpy:1057 translate traditional_chinese lookTable_1c63452a: @@ -2384,13 +2384,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_fce94912: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_94e6279b: # MinT "Yeah...She's so impressed by me!" - MinT "她覺得我很酷……!" + MinT "她說我很酷……!" # game/3_min.rpy:1103 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7442e1da: # MinT "I bet she wants to kiss me so bad." - MinT "她一定很想獻吻給我。" + MinT "她一定很想親我。" # game/3_min.rpy:1105 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8aa1189f: @@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8aa1189f: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8e170b09: # "It slams into the stump so hard, its top half explodes in a shower of bark shards." - "石頭重重的嵌進了上半截樹樁,噴出一團由木屑組成的煙霧。" + "石頭直接嵌進了上半截樹樁,噴出一團由木屑組成的煙霧。" # game/3_min.rpy:1114 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_60adc3e5: @@ -2426,7 +2426,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_46384388: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6eee7108: # MinT "She's the most perfect girl in the world!" with sshake - MinT "我女朋友怎麽那麼棒!" with sshake + MinT "我女朋友怎麼那麼棒!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1124 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_99546783: @@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_55cd44bb: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_aa0ff165: # Min "I get why we have to. But I wish I could just shout it from the mountaintops, that you're my girlfriend." - Min "我知道現在不公開比較好,可是我真的好想讓全世界知道妳是我的女朋友。" + Min "我知道現在不公開比較好,可是我真的好想讓全世界知道:妳是我的女朋友。" # game/3_min.rpy:1130 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_79927a97: @@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_79927a97: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0155f964: # Min "But it'd be nice to say it so everyone knows." - Min "我還是想讓大家知道。" + Min "我就是很想講嘛。" # game/3_min.rpy:1135 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_46b53d09: @@ -2468,7 +2468,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_46b53d09: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3166228c: # Diya "I wish we could go on more dates. I want to go everywhere with you." - Diya "我還想跟妳約會。我想跟妳去各種地方玩。" + Diya "我也想多跟妳出去玩。" # game/3_min.rpy:1138 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_716cdb21: @@ -2486,7 +2486,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_74888653: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3d67dcd5: # Diya "Not really. I like looking out the window and eating the pretzel packet." - Diya "還好。可是我喜歡一邊吃蝴蝶脆餅一邊看雲飛過去。" + Diya "還好。可是我喜歡一邊吃蝴蝶脆餅,一邊看雲飛過去。" # game/3_min.rpy:1144 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_00a8bda1: @@ -2528,7 +2528,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_61fe04ac: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_1bff94ee: # "Forgetting her surroundings, Min surges forward to kiss her just as Diya does the same, causing their mouths to crash together unexpectedly hard." - "彷彿忘了她們身在何處,小旼猛的側過頭去親吻迪亞,沒想到對方也做了一樣的動作,導致兩人的嘴唇撞在一起。" + "彷彿忘了她們身在何處,小旼猛地側過頭去親吻迪亞,沒想到對方也做了一樣的動作,導致兩人的嘴唇撞在一起。" # game/3_min.rpy:1156 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c2ed57d6: @@ -2546,7 +2546,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_e5ea3ecd: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_096b1014: # Min "That was the worst kiss ever." - Min "這個吻也太失敗了。" + Min "這個吻不及格。" # game/3_min.rpy:1164 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_878addcb: @@ -2558,19 +2558,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_878addcb: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d64bbec5: # Min "Wait, won't people see us?" - Min "其他人會看到喔?" + Min "會被看到喔?" # game/3_min.rpy:1169 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_4dec9333: # Diya "Oops. I forgot." - Diya "對喔。" + Diya "對喔……" # game/3_min.rpy:1170 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_337a739e: # Diya "Maybe we should lie down in the grass." - Diya "不然我們躺下來好了?" + Diya "不然……我們躺下來?" # game/3_min.rpy:1172 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_27016a3a: @@ -2594,7 +2594,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_74c55366: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_95df8240: # "Diya clutches at Min's back as Min presses kiss after kiss to her lips." - "小旼不斷的吻著迪亞,迪亞緊緊抓住小旼背後的衣服。" + "小旼不斷吻著迪亞,迪亞緊緊抓住小旼背後的衣服。" # game/3_min.rpy:1186 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a9db357b: @@ -2612,7 +2612,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_aebb3501: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d9fba49c: # Diya "Maybe a little..." - Diya "一點點……" + Diya "大概吧……" # game/3_min.rpy:1199 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_91a04faf: @@ -2630,7 +2630,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_68f8e2f6: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_758cad04: # Diya "A bug crawled under my shirt." - Diya "有蟲在我衣服裡。" + Diya "有蟲。" # game/3_min.rpy:1208 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_12adc847: @@ -2648,7 +2648,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_397554da: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ae66778d: # MinT "Oohhhhhh........" - MinT "哇………………" + MinT "哇……!" # game/3_min.rpy:1215 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ea3cad4b: @@ -2666,19 +2666,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_caa5d9ae: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_360bbf83: # "Min is so distracted that it takes her a few seconds to notice the bug crawling on Diya's chest." - "小旼的心思已經飛到十萬八千里外,過了好幾秒鐘後,她才發現蟲子就攀在迪亞的胸口。" + "小旼的心思早已飛到了十萬八千里外,好幾秒鐘後,她才發現蟲子就攀在迪亞的胸口。" # game/3_min.rpy:1224 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_2f0a03e1: # Min "Oh, it's just a beetle. I got it." - Min "找到了。" + Min "妳不要動,我幫妳抓。" # game/3_min.rpy:1227 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_4a22cc1c: # "She grabs hold of it just as Akarsha and Noelle come jogging up to them." - "小旼正嘗試抓住甲蟲,阿卡莎和小諾就朝她們跑了過來。" + "小旼正要嘗試抓住甲蟲,阿卡莎和小諾就朝她們跑了過來。" # game/3_min.rpy:1233 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_df9c5e37: @@ -2756,13 +2756,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_511a36bc: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_eeb683cf: # Akarsha "But literally HERE, in broad daylight? Really??" - Akarsha "可是現在是大白天欸?還是外面欸?" + Akarsha "可是光天化日之下……大庭廣眾之中……" # game/3_min.rpy:1270 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5714678a: # Min "Oh, for fuck's sake! We literally weren't doing anything!" with sshake - Min "幹,妳夠了沒?我們真的沒做什麼!" with sshake + Min "幹!妳夠了沒?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1274 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6e69f18c: @@ -2792,7 +2792,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ae579e84: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7be70874: # Diya "...No, it's okay." - Diya "……沒關係。" + Diya "……不用啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:1284 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8a8a550e: @@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c8eb346b: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d7e84fd6: # "The group gathers around \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" as they haul a pile of clothes and props out of a duffel bag." - "其他人正站在「小櫻」和「小雪」身邊,看著她們從行李袋挖出一大堆衣服。" + "其他人正站在「小櫻」和「小雪」身邊,看著她們從行李袋裡挖出一大堆衣服。" # game/3_min.rpy:1299 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_fcd3bdb4: @@ -2840,7 +2840,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_b008e4fc: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_4e7dee9f: # Chryssa "Then yes." - Chryssa "那不可以。" + Chryssa "那不行。" # game/3_min.rpy:1308 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7c2e9979: @@ -2852,21 +2852,21 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7c2e9979: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_9c66af13: # Grace "I just discovered this amazing group called Super Junior." - Grace "我最近找到一個叫Super Junior的團,很好聽喔。" + Grace "我最近找到一個叫Super Junior的團,不錯聽。" # game/3_min.rpy:1311 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_76279548: # Chryssa "I don't know what that is. You can play ONE song." - Chryssa "妳可以放一首。" + Chryssa "讓妳放一首。" # game/3_min.rpy:1313 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5b85eb31: + $subtitle=" *日文「好耶!」" # Grace "Yosh!" Grace "唷喜*!" - -$subtitle=" *日文「好耶!」" + $subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:1315 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_9705e1fb: @@ -2874,7 +2874,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_9705e1fb: # "She plays a song from her phone speakers and tries to untangle a Nerf gun from a coat belt." "「小雪」按下音樂播放鍵,繼續和一條皮帶上的模型槍搏鬥。" -$subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:1318 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_60243f2b: @@ -2904,19 +2903,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_26a47e53: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5daf043b: # Grace "Isn't it great? Korean guys are so much better than American guys." - Grace "不錯吧?我跟妳講,韓國男生比美國男生好太多了。" + Grace "對吧?我跟妳講,韓國男生比美國男生好太多了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1330 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5d8c72f6: # Chryssa "How so?" - Chryssa "怎麽說?" + Chryssa "怎麼說?" # game/3_min.rpy:1332 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c3287312: # Grace "They're all so beautiful and kind-hearted. Not smelly pervs like the guys here." - Grace "就很美,然後很溫柔。不像美國,都是臭變態。" + Grace "就很美,然後很溫柔。不像美國,都是死變態。" # game/3_min.rpy:1333 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_57afc8c0: @@ -2934,7 +2933,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3f1e9fa1: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8718e251: # MinT "I guess she doesn't mean any harm by it...She's trying to appreciate the culture." - MinT "她應該只是哈韓而已吧……" + MinT "她只是哈韓而已,應該沒有別的意思……" # game/3_min.rpy:1344 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ac4224b2: @@ -2946,7 +2945,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ac4224b2: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_948a2913: # Sayeeda "It's my brother's Yoite costume. It's supposed to have a hat too, but I think he lost it." - Sayeeda "這是我哥哥Cos宵風用的,本來還有帽子,可是我找不到。" + Sayeeda "這是我哥Cos宵風用的,本來還有帽子,可是我找不到。" # game/3_min.rpy:1348 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6dd5c849: @@ -2957,10 +2956,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6dd5c849: # game/3_min.rpy:1350 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d8f230a4: + $subtitle="*日本漫畫" # Sayeeda "From the amazing series Nabari no Ou, duh." Sayeeda "隱王*的角色啊。" - -$subtitle="*日本漫畫" + $subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:1352 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_81b885ba: @@ -2968,8 +2967,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_81b885ba: # Ester "Wait a minute...Is this all anime stuff?!" with sshake Ester "這些該不會都是日漫服吧?!" with sshake -$subtitle="" - # game/3_min.rpy:1354 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6caf358d: @@ -2986,13 +2983,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6f5040a8: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0f0c6e1f: # Noelle "Akarsha! I thought you meant normal costumes! Like Halloween costumes!!" with sshake - Noelle "阿卡莎!我以為妳說的戲服是正常的那種!萬聖節那種!" with sshake + Noelle "阿卡莎!通常我們說「戲服」,是在說萬聖節那種!不是這種!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1361 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_be0fa6d3: # Akarsha "You didn't ask, so..." - Akarsha "妳又沒問我……" + Akarsha "好吧……" # game/3_min.rpy:1364 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_53ad4253: @@ -3016,7 +3013,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3804130e: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_1a8c451a: # Chryssa "Like someone wearing cat ears. Is this really gonna come across as \"wolf\"?" - Chryssa "就一個戴貓耳的人。這樣觀眾真的看得出來是狼嗎?" + Chryssa "就一個戴貓耳的人。這樣真的看得出來是狼嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1375 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_bf56bd9b: @@ -3028,7 +3025,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_bf56bd9b: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c72a3300: # Grace "Fursuits are so expensive, though. I might become a doctor just to be able to afford them someday." - Grace "獸裝好貴喔。為了擁有獸裝,以後我還是當醫生吧。" + Grace "買不起啦。為了擁有獸裝,以後我還是當醫生好了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1378 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c6bfc638: @@ -3040,13 +3037,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c6bfc638: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_dfe6a1ea: # Grace "I realized a few days ago that going by a Japanese name in real life is kinda weird if you're not actually Japanese." - Grace "我前幾天終於發現如果不是日本人,用日本名字會很奇怪。" + Grace "我前幾天終於發現:如果不是日本人,用日本名字會很奇怪。" # game/3_min.rpy:1381 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ef94a58f: # Sayeeda "Me too, actually. Even if we love anime, it's a bit much." - Sayeeda "我也是。用日本名字好像有點太超過了。" + Sayeeda "我也是。雖然我們很宅,可是這樣好像太超過了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1383 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_642e3850: @@ -3088,7 +3085,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_b9cdd7f0: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a7f24050: # Akarsha "At least that one sounds {i}kinda{/i} like Sakura." - Akarsha "聽起來有點像小櫻(Sakura)啦。" + Akarsha "聽起來是有點像小櫻(Sakura)啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:1401 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_886bb1d2: @@ -3100,7 +3097,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_886bb1d2: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_34ad825b: # Noelle "You only need the ears and paws to get the point across." - Noelle "爪子和耳朵不就夠了嗎?" + Noelle "爪子和耳朵就夠了吧?" # game/3_min.rpy:1405 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a77489b5: @@ -3118,31 +3115,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_08326d3f: translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8c9e3d3b: # "Diya holds up her \"environmentalist\" costume." - "迪亞拿起她的「環保人士」戲服。" + "迪亞晃晃手中的「環保人士」戲服。" # game/3_min.rpy:1417 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ad29a7d4: # Diya "Where do I change?" - Diya "哪裡可以換?" + Diya "要在哪裡換?" # game/3_min.rpy:1419 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_bc175177: # Akarsha "I used the restroom over there. It's just the one family room, so you'll all have to take turns getting changed." - Akarsha "那邊有廁所。裡面只有一間是家庭用的,所以妳們要輪流。" + Akarsha "那邊有家庭式廁所。只有一間,所以要輪流。" # game/3_min.rpy:1421 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_224ebcca: # Akarsha "Unless, y'know, you want Min to \"get more bugs off you\"..." - Akarsha "除非妳身上還有小旼才看得見的神祕蟲蟲……" + Akarsha "除非妳身上還有小旼才看得見的「神奇蟲蟲」……" # game/3_min.rpy:1426 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_07b08dec: # Min "YOU FREAK WHORE!!! YOU'RE DERANGED IF YOU THINK I'M FUCKING HER IN A PARK BATHROOM!!!" with sshake - Min "臭婊子,妳活膩了是不是!!!我才不會在這種地方上她!!!" with sshake + Min "臭婊子,妳活膩了是不是!!!我才不會在公園的廁所上她!!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1429 translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_461440e7: @@ -3172,7 +3169,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_78a34330: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4a8d0550: # Noelle "In the meantime, Min, can you help me pitch this tent? It's going to be the setting of your first scene." - Noelle "小旼,可以來幫我組帳篷嗎?妳的場景需要用。" + Noelle "小旼,妳可以幫忙組帳篷嗎?獵人的場景需要用。" # game/3_min.rpy:1444 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_40eb1b47: @@ -3196,7 +3193,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f4085432: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cfdc74a3: # Noelle "I don't understand why Akarsha keeps making those crass jokes about you two." - Noelle "阿卡莎為什麼一直開妳們兩個的玩笑?" + Noelle "我真的不懂。阿卡莎幹嘛開那種低級的玩笑?" # game/3_min.rpy:1455 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f70e41fc: @@ -3214,7 +3211,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f51af07c: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_42a5c4ee: # Noelle "Are you dense? Humans weren't evolved for that." - Noelle "妳是都沒在上課嗎?" + Noelle "妳的腦子裡裝漿糊嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1461 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b2467397: @@ -3238,7 +3235,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_36077f63: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9a824c2d: # MinT "Are we really having this conversation right now?!" with sshake - MinT "為什麼要討論這個?!" with sshake + MinT "妳確定現在要跟我討論這個嗎?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1471 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9e2b4a86: @@ -3256,7 +3253,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f0dcbbb0: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_13424b19: # Min "Did you think lesbians gave up sex for life???" - Min "妳難道以為女同志都不做愛嗎?" + Min "妳以為女同志都不做愛嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1479 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9ec3f8f5: @@ -3268,7 +3265,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9ec3f8f5: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a771c146: # MinT "Is she serious?! How sheltered is she??" - MinT "不會吧?!她真的不知道?!" + MinT "不會吧?!她真的不知道嗎?!" # game/3_min.rpy:1483 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_808918e2: @@ -3280,7 +3277,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_808918e2: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f633f2bb: # "Ester wipes sweat off her brow and points at a clearing in the dry grass." - "艾思特抹掉額上的汗珠,指向一塊空闊的草地。" + "艾思特抹掉額上的汗珠,指向一塊空曠的草地。" # game/3_min.rpy:1488 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_544920f4: @@ -3340,7 +3337,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_82b1e7e4: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_fb98b2ef: # Noelle "AKARSHA!!! THAT'S NOT ALLOWED!!!" with sshake - Noelle "阿卡莎!!!!!!" with sshake + Noelle "阿卡莎!!!不可以!!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1509 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_1695b964: @@ -3352,7 +3349,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_1695b964: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8d68842b: # Min "She's so friggin' anal. She's probably sexually attracted to laws." - Min "她是哪個年代的人啊?這麼愛守法,跟法典在一起算了。" + Min "怎麼會有這麼古板的人啊。和法律交往算了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1515 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_71fde46a: @@ -3370,7 +3367,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f661a447: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ecbbf2dc: # Min "It's like she thinks someone's gonna go \"Good job Noelle, you're the best at following the rules!\" and give her a gold star for it." - Min "她可能覺得會有人跟她說:「恭喜妳,妳是全世界上最守法的人」,然後給她一個獎盃。" + Min "她可能覺得會有人跟她說:「恭喜妳,妳是全世界最守法的人」,然後給她一個獎盃。" # game/3_min.rpy:1523 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b1ff732e: @@ -3418,13 +3415,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_64818bfe: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_836584e0: # Ester "Now we just have to drive the stakes into the ground." - Ester "現在只要把它固定住就可以了。" + Ester "現在只要把它固定住,就可以了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1545 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d3f91bdb: # "Min pounds each stake into the dirt with a large stone, enthralled that hitting something is actually constructive for once." - "小旼用石頭把樁釘打進土裡,驚嘆於毆打某樣東西竟然可以產生實質性的幫助。" + "小旼用石頭把樁釘打進土裡,驚嘆於毆打某樣東西竟然也有幫上忙的一天。" # game/3_min.rpy:1547 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_5207af29: @@ -3454,13 +3451,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4bf12a9a: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_df55a730: # Ester "I'm writing down what you said earlier as inspiration for my webcomic. Like, for character dialogue." - Ester "我在把妳跟我說的話寫下來,當成網路漫畫的靈感。" + Ester "我在把妳跟我說的話記錄下來,當成網路漫畫的靈感。" # game/3_min.rpy:1558 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9305989f: # Ester "I've started doing this whenever something interesting happens so I can remember later." - Ester "這是我最近的習慣──把有趣的事情記下來,以免忘記。" + Ester "我習慣把有趣的事情都記下來,以免要用的時候忘記。" # game/3_min.rpy:1560 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_105f727a: @@ -3478,7 +3475,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f8c54461: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9c36f691: # Min "What's so special about that? They're pretty much the same anyway." - Min "這有很特別嗎?兩個差不多啊。" + Min "這有很特別嗎?意思差不多啊。" # game/3_min.rpy:1567 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_0682b348: @@ -3514,7 +3511,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d5569e27: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_158a47c2: # Min "What, like Garfield?" - Min "加菲貓那種嗎?" + Min "是怎麼樣的?加菲貓那種嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1580 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b19809b9: @@ -3538,7 +3535,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d2828dba: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2bdf49e9: # Min "Oh, so like a superhero comic?" - Min "喔,像超級英雄那種?" + Min "喔,超級英雄那種嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1588 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9d39fd8e: @@ -3556,7 +3553,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_478f9a7f: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b609438b: # Ester "But what if you get tied up with something while there, and can't come back?" - Ester "但是,如果妳因為某些原因回不來了,怎麼辦?" + Ester "可是,如果妳因為某些原因回不來了,怎麼辦?" # game/3_min.rpy:1592 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b2777b84: @@ -3579,18 +3576,17 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_99996007: # game/3_min.rpy:1597 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_67782cae: + $subtitle="*英國奇幻小說" # Ester "I always get so stressed out about that when reading Narnia and time travel stories." Ester "我最怕這種劇情了。像是納尼亞傳奇*或著類似的穿越故事。" - -$subtitle="*英國奇幻小說" + $subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:1599 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8824f780: # MinT "I've never heard her talk this much before." - MinT "我從來沒有和她講這麼多話。" + MinT "她忽然變得超級健談的。" -$subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:1600 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_efe2d9c4: @@ -3638,31 +3634,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6f085abb: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_98ede5fe: # Min "Like how?" - Min "比如說?" + Min "比如?" # game/3_min.rpy:1616 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_50827634: # Ester "You know how before our school became 93%% Asian, it used to have a football team?" - Ester "妳知道以前我們學校是有足球社的嗎?" + Ester "妳知道以前亞裔還沒有那麼多的時候,我們學校是有足球隊的嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1618 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_23a0f71a: # Min "They died 'cause Asians don't care about football, right? Same as the real baseball team." - Min "嗯。足球社和棒球社都是因為亞裔學生變多才不見的。因為亞洲家庭不重視體育。" + Min "知道。後來沒了,棒球隊也是,因為亞洲人不重視體育。" # game/3_min.rpy:1620 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_fce7622d: # Ester "Yeah. No one would go to the games." - Ester "對。全校百分之九十三的人都是亞裔,沒有人想看比賽。" + Ester "對。全校百分之九十三的人都是亞裔,沒有人想看他們比賽。" # game/3_min.rpy:1621 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_bcef91e3: # Ester "As a last-ditch effort to help them last year, my math teacher offered us two points of extra credit for coming to a football game." - Ester "去年──也就是最後一年,我們的數學老師為了讓足球社能夠活下去,答應我們只要去看比賽,總成績就能加兩分。" + Ester "去年──也就是最後一年,我的數學老師為了讓足球隊活下去,說我們只要去看比賽,總成績直接加兩分。" # game/3_min.rpy:1622 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2834b316: @@ -3674,13 +3670,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2834b316: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d5565b46: # Ester "But as soon as I got home, my dad yelled at me for going to a game instead of studying." - Ester "結果反而被我爸罵了一頓。因為他覺得我偷懶、不念書。" + Ester "結果反而被我爸罵了一頓。說我不好好念書,成績下滑了怎麼辦。" # game/3_min.rpy:1625 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_17062820: # Ester "He didn't get that we had the exact same goal, me getting good grades." - Ester "可是我就是因為想讓成績變好,才去看比賽的。" + Ester "可是我就是想讓成績變好才去的。" # game/3_min.rpy:1627 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a4d68e38: @@ -3704,7 +3700,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_56b73bb0: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_0c32ea41: # Ester "Uh...Yeah, he is?" - Ester "……是?" + Ester "……是。請問怎麼了嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1639 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_5b084916: @@ -3734,7 +3730,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b6166736: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ec27cf6b: # Ester "Why would you assume Black people don't care about their grades?" - Ester "妳為什麼覺得黑人不在乎成績?" + Ester "妳覺得黑人不在乎成績。" # game/3_min.rpy:1652 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_285d2fb2: @@ -3764,31 +3760,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_05ad1e2a: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4918ead3: # Min "Didn't {i}you{/i} bring up race first? You were talking about Asians!" - Min "而且是妳先扯到種族的吧?妳說學校有亞裔什麼的!" + Min "而且是{i}妳{/i}先扯到種族的吧!妳說學校有亞裔什麼的!" # game/3_min.rpy:1667 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_7158a414: # Ester "I'm Asian so I'm allowed to say that!" - Ester "我當然可以說,因為我就是亞裔!" + Ester "我是亞裔,我當然可以說!" # game/3_min.rpy:1669 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cf437258: # Min "Sure, whatever. If I knew you'd be so fucking sensitive about it, I wouldn't have asked in the first place." - Min "隨便啦。早知道就不問了,省得妳心靈脆弱。" + Min "隨便啦。早知道就不問了,免得妳心靈脆弱。" # game/3_min.rpy:1672 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a6d85178: # Ester "Wow...So instead of saying sorry, you're insulting me?" - Ester "哇……妳還罵我?妳不道歉嗎?" + Ester "哇。妳還罵我?妳不道歉嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1675 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ad760c80: # Min "Wh—Why the hell should I apologize?" - Min "我──我幹嘛要道歉?" + Min "我、我幹嘛要道歉?!" # game/3_min.rpy:1676 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_34aa301b: @@ -3812,7 +3808,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8a1fa158: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_960e5227: # Min "There's REAL racist people out there who hate minorities, and you're calling ME racist just because I accidentally made one little mistake?!" with sshake - Min "妳不去怪那些真正歧視的人,反而來怪我?!我只是不小心說錯話而已!" with sshake + Min "世界上歧視的人那麼多!我只是不小心說錯話而已!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1689 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cf299bd6: @@ -3872,7 +3868,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_71203f4b: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3f6dd090: # Ester "God, you're being so stupid!" - Ester "我們吵架蠢?妳才蠢!" + Ester "說我蠢?妳才蠢!" # game/3_min.rpy:1714 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_263574d4: @@ -3896,7 +3892,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_70207210: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_13f66042: # MinT "Shit! Did anyone else hear us fighting?" - MinT "幹!其他人都聽到了嗎?" + MinT "幹!沒被聽到吧?" # game/3_min.rpy:1723 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_66de9dbf: @@ -3920,7 +3916,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9ff588d1: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b7a91e98: # "She hears footsteps behind her, and nearly has a heart attack when she turns to see Chryssa walking over." - "一陣腳步聲朝她走來,小旼轉頭看見是克莉莎,差點嚇出心臟病。" + "一陣腳步聲朝她走來,小旼看見是克莉莎,差點直接嚇出心臟病。" # game/3_min.rpy:1733 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a665fcbc: @@ -3932,13 +3928,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a665fcbc: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d2975cf8: # MinT "What if Ester told Chryssa I'm racist against Black people? She's Black too!" with sshake - MinT "艾思特跟她講了嗎?她知道我歧視黑人了嗎?" with sshake + MinT "艾思特跟她講了嗎?!她也覺得我歧視黑人嗎?" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1736 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_610a4580: # MinT "I don't want her to hate me! She might even kick me off the team!" - MinT "我不想要她討厭我!她可能會把我踢出社團!" + MinT "我不希望她討厭我!她可能會把我踢出社團!" # game/3_min.rpy:1738 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cfb0ae50: @@ -3962,19 +3958,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_310b769d: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6b4e2716: # MinT "I should be extra careful not to offend her..." - MinT "我要小心一點……" + MinT "我得小心一點……" # game/3_min.rpy:1747 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8d9d7544: # Min "Ha...ha...Great joke..." - Min "哈哈哈……很好笑。" + Min "哈哈……哈……好好笑……" # game/3_min.rpy:1749 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3856dab5: # Chryssa "Thank you! I feel like not enough people appreciate my puns." - Chryssa "真的嗎?我還以為大家都覺得不好笑。" + Chryssa "妳是少數能get到我笑點的人欸!" # game/3_min.rpy:1751 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6d240c86: @@ -3986,7 +3982,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6d240c86: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ba27bc3a: # Noelle "Min, it's your turn to get changed." - Noelle "該妳換衣服了,小旼。" + Noelle "小旼,輪到妳換衣服了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1754 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_42e4a361: @@ -4022,7 +4018,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_dbb27c2d: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_864e18ee: # "In the park's restroom, Min quickly changes into her \"Evil Hunter\" get-up." - "小旼在洗手間裡飛快地換上「壞心的獵人」戲服。" + "小旼走進洗手間,飛快地換上「壞心的獵人」戲服。" # game/3_min.rpy:1770 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_db896ab2: @@ -4070,7 +4066,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ada8bd3f: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_de100dce: # MinT "It's me, your racist girlfriend..." - MinT "我竟然歧視別人……?" + MinT "我竟然被說歧視……?" # game/3_min.rpy:1782 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a72e8425: @@ -4082,7 +4078,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a72e8425: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3f9f3825: # Diya "Do I look okay?" - Diya "我看起來可以嗎?" + Diya "我看起來怎麼樣?" # game/3_min.rpy:1789 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_7cbee8e1: @@ -4130,7 +4126,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8940ef8e: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_44e5944d: # "They begin shooting the first scene in front of some trees." - "眾人選定一個有幾棵樹的地方,開始拍攝第一幕。" + "眾人以幾棵大樹為背景,開始拍攝第一幕。" # game/3_min.rpy:1812 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_e4c63115: @@ -4148,7 +4144,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9143a6a2: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d1c3c888: # "Even replaying the conversation in her mind is getting Min worked up again." - "小旼反芻著剛才的對話,只覺得越想越氣。" + "小旼反芻著剛才的對話,只覺得越想越生氣。" # game/3_min.rpy:1818 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_e07fdc0c: @@ -4166,7 +4162,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_264b310c: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_691850bc: # MinT "Why would I be racist when I hate racists more than anyone?! It doesn't make sense!" - MinT "我這麼反對歧視,怎麼可能會歧視別人?" + MinT "我這麼反對歧視,怎麼可能會歧視別人?!" # game/3_min.rpy:1821 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_92e40bc8: @@ -4178,7 +4174,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_92e40bc8: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_415f7d9a: # MinT "Like, good luck going through life getting offended by every tiny thing you see." - MinT "一點小事就在意成這樣,妳以後還怎麽活啊?" + MinT "一點小事就在意成這樣,她以後還怎麼活啊?" # game/3_min.rpy:1825 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f51c66bc: @@ -4202,19 +4198,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_93212e9d: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a7740241: # Diya "What's wrong?" - Diya "怎麼了?" + Diya "妳還好嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1832 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_46482b0f: # Min "Ugh. I'm just having a weird day..." - Min "沒……" + Min "嗯……" # game/3_min.rpy:1833 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_30ac089c: # Min "Do you think I'm racist?" - Min "我很歧視嗎?" + Min "妳覺得我歧視嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:1836 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8832a7e5: @@ -4232,13 +4228,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d97ca938: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cbb26eb1: # Min "How come?" - Min "怎麽看出來沒有?" + Min "為什麼?" # game/3_min.rpy:1842 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a48f9d8d: # Diya "You're good to me, and curious about other cultures." - Diya "妳對我很好,也沒有排斥其他文化。" + Diya "妳對我很好。而且妳也不排斥其他文化。" # game/3_min.rpy:1843 translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_da6af4d3: @@ -4250,13 +4246,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_da6af4d3: translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3d72744b: # Min "No reason. Just checking..." - Min "問一下而已……" + Min "沒。問一下而已……" # game/3_min.rpy:1859 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_4edca091: # Akarsha "Okay, we got it. Let's move on to the next shot." - Akarsha "可以了!下一幕。" + Akarsha "可以了!前進下一幕。" # game/3_min.rpy:1861 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0a718e0d: @@ -4274,7 +4270,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_240f4ebe: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_e5ddf59d: # Diya "{small}I'm an environmentalist with a degree in wildlife ecology. My research has led me to believe that...{/small}" - Diya "我是一個擁有野外生態學博士學位的環境保育專家。我的研究顯示……" + Diya "{small}我是一位環境保育專家,也是一位野外生態學博士。我的研究顯示出……{/small}" # game/3_min.rpy:1868 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3ef92d85: @@ -4292,7 +4288,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3b5ceff8: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_76d54d49: # "Soon, it's time for the Evil Hunter's interview. Min reviews her lines before getting into place." - "拍攝進行的十分順利,很快就輪到了「訪問壞獵人」的橋段。小旼又默背了一次台詞。" + "拍攝進行的十分順利,很快就到了「訪問壞獵人」的橋段。小旼又默背了一次台詞。" # game/3_min.rpy:1880 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_99b8bb76: @@ -4304,7 +4300,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_99b8bb76: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_6d71d9bc: # Noelle "Next, I'm interviewing a hunter who's camped out in the Idaho wilderness." - Noelle "接下來,我們要採訪的對象是一位正在愛達荷州郊區紮營的獵戶。" + Noelle "接下來,我們要採訪的對象是一位在愛達荷郊區紮營的獵戶。" # game/3_min.rpy:1886 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0d8ed4b7: @@ -4334,19 +4330,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_a598523f: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_67680bca: # Min "Gimme a minute, I just woke up." - Min "我才剛起床,腦子不太清楚。" + Min "我剛起床,腦子不太清楚。" # game/3_min.rpy:1900 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0b7c5d3a: # Noelle "...It's the afternoon." - Noelle "……現在是下午。" + Noelle "……已經下午了。" # game/3_min.rpy:1903 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_93a52a1b: # Min "The sleeping bag I was sleeping on was full of rocks." with sshake - Min "我的睡袋裡都是石頭,很難睡!" with sshake + Min "我的睡袋很難睡!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1906 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1478c377: @@ -4358,13 +4354,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1478c377: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_a1234fbf: # Min "Anyway, I feel ecstatic about the delisting!" with sshake - Min "不管怎樣,灰狼被移出名單真是太棒了!這樣我就可以打獵了!" with sshake + Min "總之,灰狼被移出名單真是太棒了!我終於可以打獵了!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1909 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_03b5b8ef: # Min "I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!!!" with sshake - Min "我已經等不及了!!!" with sshake + Min "我已經等不及啦!!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1912 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_38b31407: @@ -4388,7 +4384,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_5686f4c7: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_18eb65a3: # Akarsha "The part about how the delisting removed protections for wolves from hunters." - Akarsha "「灰狼被移出名單後,就會失去保護,讓獵人得以恣意捕殺」那句。" + Akarsha "「灰狼被移出名單後,就會失去保護」那句。" # game/3_min.rpy:1921 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1ccea26c: @@ -4412,7 +4408,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_e6b505bd: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3bc58057: # "Sweating profusely, Min tries to focus and remember her line..." - "小旼想把注意力放在表演上,但她完全沒有辦法專心……" + "小旼想把注意力集中在表演上,但她完全沒有辦法專心……" # game/3_min.rpy:1931 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_cd2045ac: @@ -4430,25 +4426,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3c20f783: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_6c40db0f: # Min "Don't call me ma'am." - Min "不要叫我女士。" + Min "不要這樣叫我。" # game/3_min.rpy:1939 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_f1d86983: # Noelle "Wha...Why not?!" with sshake - Noelle "為、為什麼?!" with sshake + Noelle "咦……為什麼?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1941 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_523bcb09: # Min "I don't like it. I'm not a woman or something." - Min "我又不是。" + Min "我不喜歡。我又不是女人。" # game/3_min.rpy:1944 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1f1ab4b5: # Noelle "Are we talking about your character, or in real life?!" - Noelle "妳是說妳的角色不是,還是妳本人不是?!" + Noelle "妳在說誰不是女人?妳的角色,還是妳本人?!" # game/3_min.rpy:1946 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_376c2e6f: @@ -4460,7 +4456,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_376c2e6f: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_79de35c5: # "After Min botches their tenth try, Noelle looks about ready to explode." - "當小旼NG到第十次的時候,小諾已經瀕臨崩潰邊緣。" + "小旼NG到第十次的時候,小諾已經瀕臨崩潰邊緣。" # game/3_min.rpy:1953 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_63474c3a: @@ -4472,25 +4468,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_63474c3a: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_a0b665c3: # Min "Shut up! I am too trying!" with sshake - Min "吵死了!我在努力了好嗎!" with sshake + Min "我在努力了好嗎?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:1958 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_f4949d32: # Liz "Why don't we take a little break? It'll probably help us all reset." - Liz "不然……我們休息一下好了?沉澱、沉澱心情。" + Liz "不然……我們休息一下好了?沉澱一下心情。" # game/3_min.rpy:1960 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_073a2994: # Chryssa "Yeah, let's go stare at the lake or something." - Chryssa "好啊。去湖邊發呆。" + Chryssa "好啊。我需要去湖邊發個呆。" # game/3_min.rpy:1961 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_776e566a: # Chryssa "We can hide all our backpacks and stuff in the tent." - Chryssa "行李可以放帳篷裡。" + Chryssa "不想帶包包的人,可以放在帳棚裡。" # game/3_min.rpy:1963 translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_10b6ec15: @@ -4502,13 +4498,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_10b6ec15: translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_d3a91f14: # "The group trudges over to the lake. Diya sits down with Min by the water's edge..." - "一行人走向湖邊。小旼和迪亞在岸邊坐了下來。" + "一行人來到湖邊。小旼和迪亞在岸邊坐了下來。" # game/3_min.rpy:1995 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_314b2446: # Min "Ugh...I hate nature-y lakes like this." - Min "我超討厭這種……很自然的湖。" + Min "我討厭這種……很自然的湖。" # game/3_min.rpy:1998 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_da6af4d3: @@ -4520,7 +4516,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_da6af4d3: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_6c271a6a: # Diya "It's nice here." - Diya "湖邊很舒服啊?" + Diya "這裡很舒服啊?" # game/3_min.rpy:2001 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_79ad1f16: @@ -4550,7 +4546,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_31029108: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b7bded3c: # Min "So now places like this are cursed." - Min "所以我不喜歡這種地方。感覺被詛咒了。" + Min "然後湖就被詛咒了。" # game/3_min.rpy:2012 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a9db357b: @@ -4562,19 +4558,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a9db357b: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_8dd20494: # Diya "What did you mean earlier? About not being a woman." - Diya "妳之前說「不要叫妳女士」,是什麼意思?" + Diya "妳剛才說「妳不是女人」,是什麼意思?" # game/3_min.rpy:2015 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_bb7acf7e: # Diya "Do you mean age-wise?" - Diya "「小姐」比較好嗎?" + Diya "是因為還沒有成年嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:2017 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_de568074: # Min "Oh...It's hard to explain." - Min "有點難解釋……" + Min "嗯……有點難解釋。" # game/3_min.rpy:2018 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_05eb95f0: @@ -4604,19 +4600,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_e07d885e: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_fea033c8: # Min "Being called a woman or a lady is way worse. Like, disgusting." - Min "可是如果有人叫我「女士」或「小姐」,會讓我很不舒服。" + Min "被叫「小姐」或著「女人」,會讓我很不舒服。" # game/3_min.rpy:2027 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_496bc85b: # Min "I definitely don't want strangers seeing me to think \"Oh, that's a woman.\"" - Min "我不喜歡理所當然的被認為是女的。" + Min "我不想要「很自然的」被認為是女的。" # game/3_min.rpy:2030 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_70290ed7: # Diya "...What do you want them to think?" - Diya "……所以妳希望……?" + Diya "所以妳想……?" # game/3_min.rpy:2033 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f9ded5f9: @@ -4670,67 +4666,67 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_38466dfc: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_889c2b33: # Diya "...Can I still call you my girlfriend?" - Diya "……我還能說你是我的「女朋友」嗎?" + Diya "……我還可以說你是我的「女朋友」嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:2061 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_c0cf9d94: # Min "Yeah! I like being your girlfriend." - Min "當然可以!我喜歡當妳的女朋友。" + Min "可以啊!當妳的女朋友很棒。" # game/3_min.rpy:2063 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1f4de348: # Min "And I like being lesbian. I'm not that into the \"being a girl\" part, but I relate super hard with the \"no interest in men\" part." - Min "我也喜歡當女同志,因為我不喜歡男生。" + Min "當女同志也不錯。我不喜歡男生,可是也沒有很想當女生。" # game/3_min.rpy:2065 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1232ee2d: # Min "It's more stuff like being called \"ma'am\" or \"Mrs.\" that really skeeves me out." - Min "不過被人家叫「這位女士」,真的會讓我起雞皮疙瘩。" + Min "我說真的,如果妳叫我「可愛的小姐」,我直接吐給妳看。" # game/3_min.rpy:2066 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_ee75efa9: # Min "I know it doesn't make that much sense. Like, gender's not real in the first place, so..." - Min "我知道聽起來很亂。畢竟用性別來決定一個人應該要怎樣,本來就沒什麼道理……" + Min "反正很亂啦。因為「性別」這個概念從一開始就是假的,所以我也說不清楚……" # game/3_min.rpy:2069 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_5176ce00: # Diya "No, it makes sense." - Diya "不會很亂啦。" + Diya "不會啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:2070 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f07eb67a: # Diya "Feel like I already knew that before you said it." - Diya "我覺得我早就知道了。" + Diya "我其實不怎麼驚訝。" # game/3_min.rpy:2072 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_ae02b5e4: # Min "You're okay with it?" - Min "這樣妳能接受嗎?" + Min "妳能接受嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:2074 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_601b50f1: # "To Min's relief, Diya nods." - "迪亞點點頭,小旼鬆了一口氣。" + "迪亞點點頭。小旼鬆了一口氣。" # game/3_min.rpy:2076 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f213d466: # Diya "It's very you." - Diya "很像你。" + Diya "很有你的風格。" # game/3_min.rpy:2077 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_53270d4a: # Diya "It's kind of cool. You're like a gender outlaw." - Diya "你突破了性別。好酷喔。" + Diya "性別沒辦法控制你。" # game/3_min.rpy:2079 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_86c8bf7b: @@ -4742,13 +4738,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_86c8bf7b: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_bf6b7fe0: # MinT "I'm so lucky to have the sweetest, kindest, purest girlfriend in the world who has to be protected at all costs..." - MinT "我的女朋友怎麼可以這麼純真、可愛又體貼……誰敢傷害她,我就跟他拚了……" + MinT "我的女朋友怎麼可以這麼純真、可愛又體貼……誰敢動她一根寒毛,我就跟他拚了……" # game/3_min.rpy:2082 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a50f12be: # MinT "I definitely can't let her find out about the racist thing..." - MinT "可是如果她發現我歧視別人……" + MinT "絕對不能讓她知道艾思特跟我吵架了……" # game/3_min.rpy:2085 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a50c620d: @@ -4778,7 +4774,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_4501046c: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_cbe2b99b: # Noelle "The WATER threw a rock at me??" with sshake - Noelle "「是水丟的」?!" with sshake + Noelle "水怎麼可能拿石頭丟我?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2095 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_9bda3de1: @@ -4796,19 +4792,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_828b6b52: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_0fa7cb77: # "Chryssa sighs from the bench she and Liz are sitting on." - "克莉莎和麗姿坐在長椅上,前者嘆了一口氣。" + "兩位學姊坐在長椅上,克莉莎嘆了一口氣。" # game/3_min.rpy:2102 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_472cc6ba: # Chryssa "Why is it that wherever we go, we end up babysitting people?" - Chryssa "為什麼我們在哪裡都要當保母?" + Chryssa "為什麼我們好像永遠都在當保母?" # game/3_min.rpy:2103 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_7db3111c: # Chryssa "Do you think it's firstborn child syndrome?" - Chryssa "可能因為我們都是老大?" + Chryssa "是因為都是老大嗎?習慣性地去照顧弟弟妹妹。" # game/3_min.rpy:2105 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2a57457d: @@ -4832,13 +4828,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f23ab330: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_097f8a44: # Liz "How do you propose we do that?" - Liz "怎麽個擺爛法?" + Liz "怎麼個擺爛法?" # game/3_min.rpy:2113 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b855525f: # Chryssa "I dunno...Maybe we should just start talking with no filter." - Chryssa "不知道……開始說話不用大腦?" + Chryssa "不知道欸……開始說話不用大腦?" # game/3_min.rpy:2114 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a4c38da8: @@ -4868,7 +4864,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1ab368de: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_23bdc032: # "To her horror, the backside is covered with a dense array of numbers and numerical operations." - "小旼驚恐的發現:劇本背後寫滿了密密麻麻的數字。" + "劇本背後寫滿了密密麻麻的數字。" # game/3_min.rpy:2127 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_7ceb05a2: @@ -4880,13 +4876,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_7ceb05a2: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b911c4a7: # Noelle "Oh, it's just a puzzle I made up." - Noelle "是我設計的益智數學題。" + Noelle "那是我設計的題目啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:2132 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f6a35bb5: # Noelle "Using the digits 1, 2, 5, and 7 only once each, you create expressions using any operations that result in each integer from 0 to 100." - Noelle "在排列與計算方式不限的情況下,使用一、二、五、七這四個數字各一次,可以得出零到一百之間的任何一個數。" + Noelle "在排列與計算方式不限的情況下,使用一、二、五、七這四個數字各一次,就可以得出零到一百之間的任何一個數。" # game/3_min.rpy:2134 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2b56e591: @@ -4904,13 +4900,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1aa10e98: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_0971eb51: # Noelle "When I look at a clock, I like to make the numbers do this." - Noelle "我看鐘的時候,都會思考這些數字問題。" + Noelle "我看鐘的時候,都會忍不住把數字排成各種算式。" # game/3_min.rpy:2141 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_5df7a18e: # Min "When I look at a clock, it's 'cause I wanna know what time it is." - Min "我看鐘的時候,只是在看時間而已。" + Min "我看鐘的時候,就只是在看時間而已。" # game/3_min.rpy:2142 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_377d7fc3: @@ -4928,49 +4924,49 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f0f40ff7: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_998f9f03: # MinT "Should I try to talk to her?" - MinT "我要去找她談嗎?" + MinT "我是不是應該再解釋一下?" # game/3_min.rpy:2149 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f8bdfd54: # MinT "That might piss her off even worse. I probably shouldn't." - MinT "還是不要好了。她可能會更生氣。" + MinT "可是萬一她更生氣……還是不要好了。" # game/3_min.rpy:2152 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_97672c96: # Grace "I wish my hair would go prematurely grey. Having white hair would be so cool." - Grace "我好想要白髮喔。白髮超帥的。" + Grace "我希望頭髮趕快變全白。白髮超酷的。" # game/3_min.rpy:2154 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_45dabef1: # Sayeeda "Me too..." - Sayeeda "我也是……" + Sayeeda "對啊……" # game/3_min.rpy:2156 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2569a124: # Ester "Even though no one else would see it?" - Ester "又沒有人看的見。" + Ester "妳的頭髮又看不見。" # game/3_min.rpy:2158 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_00318957: # Sayeeda "That's not true, I can show my hair to my family and other girls." - Sayeeda "哪有,只有陌生男性不能看而已。" + Sayeeda "我家人看得見啊。女生也可以看。" # game/3_min.rpy:2160 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_612a59dd: # Grace "It's true, she used to charge other girls $20 to see her hair in the girls bathroom." - Grace "嗯。之前她在廁所給看過,一次二十塊。" + Grace "她之前在廁所給看過,一次二十塊。" # game/3_min.rpy:2162 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_63458db0: # Ester "How'd you know? Did you pay to see it?" - Ester "妳該不會也看了吧?" + Ester "妳怎麽知道?等等,妳該不會看了吧?" # game/3_min.rpy:2164 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_79d69818: @@ -4982,19 +4978,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_79d69818: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_dd32070e: # Sayeeda "If you're interested, Ester, I'll let you see it for a special discount of $10." - Sayeeda "給妳打五折。" + Sayeeda "我算妳十塊就好。" # game/3_min.rpy:2168 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_12445d15: # Ester "I'll pass." - Ester "不用謝謝。" + Ester "不用,謝謝。" # game/3_min.rpy:2170 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_013d972f: # Sayeeda "You sure? Limited time offer." - Sayeeda "確定嗎?限時大放送喔。" + Sayeeda "妳確定?限時大放送喔。" # game/3_min.rpy:2172 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_28580dc6: @@ -5012,7 +5008,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_31b43c53: translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_02864182: # Sayeeda "It could be blue, purple, pink...And you'll never know unless you check!" - Sayeeda "每天顏色都不一樣……錯過就看不到囉。" + Sayeeda "天天有驚喜喔。" # game/3_min.rpy:2177 translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a86bdb76: @@ -5048,13 +5044,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_3ff26b17: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_37788c36: # Min "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana." - Min "我超開心的!失去了名單的保護,我就可以隨便獵殺愛達荷州和蒙大拿州的灰狼了!" + Min "我超開心的!失去了名單的保護,我就可以隨意捕殺愛達荷州和蒙大拿州的灰狼了!" # game/3_min.rpy:2200 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_f6106cae: # Min "Now it's legal for me to hunt them. I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!" with sshake - Min "不管殺了幾隻,都是合法的!" with sshake + Min "想殺幾隻,就殺幾隻!法律再也管不到我啦!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2204 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_0b686f9f: @@ -5072,13 +5068,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6b9db326: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_debabce1: # Min "I'm all sweaty and nasty right now, you don't have to do that." - Min "都是汗,不要親我啦。" + Min "都是汗,很噁心,不要親我啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:2211 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_74ec8a65: # Diya "You're not nasty. I don't mind it." - Diya "沒關係。" + Diya "不會啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:2213 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6b387699: @@ -5090,7 +5086,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6b387699: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_a7685040: # Noelle "I still can't believe you threw a rock at my face." - Noelle "妳竟然拿石頭丟我,我真是看錯妳了。" + Noelle "妳竟然拿石頭丟我的臉,我真是看錯妳了。" # game/3_min.rpy:2218 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_ce7101eb: @@ -5108,7 +5104,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_113daa53: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_73163802: # Akarsha "First of all, I LOBBED it. Second of all, I lobbed it at her neck, not her face." - Akarsha "首先,我是用「拋」的。再來,我要打的不是她的臉,是脖子。" + Akarsha "當然不是。首先,我是用「拋」的。再來,我要打的不是臉,是脖子。" # game/3_min.rpy:2226 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_b88a5000: @@ -5132,7 +5128,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_67698186: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_cdfbe147: # "Min uneasily glances over at Ester. She's reviewing the footage on the camcorder." - "小旼不安的瞟向艾思特。她正在檢查錄好的影片。" + "小旼不安的瞟向艾思特,她正在檢查錄好的影片。" # game/3_min.rpy:2235 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_f9569271: @@ -5144,7 +5140,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_f9569271: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_be40f201: # MinT "I wish the whole thing never happened..." - MinT "我希望這一切都沒有發生過……" + MinT "如果有時光機就好了……" # game/3_min.rpy:2241 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_9bfd8423: @@ -5186,13 +5182,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_e88c995b: translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_1fb10ca7: # Diya "Wolf Mom and Wolf Mom #2." - Diya "狼媽媽和狼媽媽二。" + Diya "狼媽媽一和狼媽媽二。" # game/3_min.rpy:2254 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_308d0e26: # Chryssa "Wolf Mom #2 definitely sounds like the inferior one, though." - Chryssa "狼媽媽二感覺比較弱。" + Chryssa "狼媽媽一感覺比較厲害。" # game/3_min.rpy:2256 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_e4383a9a: @@ -5203,10 +5199,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_e4383a9a: # game/3_min.rpy:2257 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_4aeeae82: + $subtitle="精靈寶可夢,此處採用當時的譯名" # Akarsha "Like how there's always two versions of Pokemon, like Diamond and Pearl." Akarsha "和神奇寶貝*一樣:鑽石、珍珠之類的。" + $subtitle="" -$subtitle="精靈寶可夢,此處採用當時的譯名" # game/3_min.rpy:2259 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_cd78833b: @@ -5214,13 +5211,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_cd78833b: # Noelle "Does this really matter??" Noelle "這很重要嗎?" -$subtitle=" " - # game/3_min.rpy:2261 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_96f9f0cd: # Min "Hey, this is the scene where I kill Akarsha, right?" - Min "我不是要殺阿卡莎嗎?" + Min "這一幕是不是要用槍?" # game/3_min.rpy:2262 translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6856df53: @@ -5274,7 +5269,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_efbd1af8: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_beb2f639: # Noelle "Achoo!" with sshake - Noelle "啊啾!" with sshake + Noelle "哈啾!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2290 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_dedb7b45: @@ -5316,7 +5311,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_a73fb87d: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c68c7897: # "For one heart-stopping moment, Min's sure she's been exposed as racist somehow, but she soon realizes Noelle is just glaring at the dirt that she tracked into the tent." - "有那麼一瞬間,小旼深信她歧視艾思特的事情被發現了。但她很快意識到:小諾是對她帶進帳篷內的沙土有意見。" + "有那麼一瞬間,小旼深信她和艾思特吵架的事情被發現了。但她很快意識到:小諾是對她帶進帳篷內的沙土有意見。" # game/3_min.rpy:2306 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6eb7dd12: @@ -5346,25 +5341,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_4f3da13c: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_89b9ec81: # Min "So brush it off! Who cares?!" - Min "那妳就拿掉啊!又沒有礙到誰。" + Min "那妳拿掉啊!管那麼多。" # game/3_min.rpy:2318 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0d49c77b: # Noelle "I care! You were the one responsible, so {i}you{/i} should be the one to brush it off!" - Noelle "礙到我了!是妳把樹葉帶進來的,妳應該負責拿掉!" + Noelle "我當然要管!是妳把樹葉帶進來的,妳應該負責拿掉!" # game/3_min.rpy:2321 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c747d100: # Min "It's just one fucking leaf! Stop splitting hairs over nothing!" with sshake - Min "一片樹葉妳就可以罵這麼久!" with sshake + Min "一片樹葉而已,妳是要罵多久啊!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2324 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6cbf6d9c: # Noelle "You're the one being difficult here! Just apologize and get the leaf off!" with sshake - Noelle "還不是因為妳!趕快道歉,然後清理乾淨不就好了嘛!" with sshake + Noelle "還不是因為妳!快點道歉,然後清理乾淨不就好了嗎!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2329 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_fed3828e: @@ -5418,7 +5413,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_aadb1b6d: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_45c888f1: # "Min yanks on the sleeping bag, hard! It slips from Noelle's grasp, sending Min hurtling backwards." - "小旼用力扯回睡袋,睡袋脫離了小諾的手,後座力讓小旼不斷往後退。" + "小旼用力一扯,睡袋脫離了小諾的手,後座力讓小旼不斷往後退。" # game/3_min.rpy:2355 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2c42cdae: @@ -5430,13 +5425,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2c42cdae: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_9d5c1487: # "Min loses her balance completely and falls backwards into the wall of the tent." - "小旼失去了平衡,往後倒向帳篷的牆壁。" + "小旼失去了平衡,整個人向後摔在帳篷上。" # game/3_min.rpy:2359 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8377ab94: # "She hits the ground butt-first, pinning the fabric of the tent down with her weight." - "她整個人的重量都壓在帳篷的其中一面牆上。" + "隨著屁股著地,她又把作為牆壁的一部份布料拉到了地上。" # game/3_min.rpy:2363 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_578ded9f: @@ -5454,7 +5449,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_a0d09d63: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_803c7f9f: # "Min and Noelle blindly tumble down the hill with their limbs wrapped in tent, screaming all the way." - "小旼和小諾被帳篷牢牢包住,一路尖叫著滾下了斜坡。" + "小旼和小諾被帳篷牢牢捆住,一路尖叫著滾下了斜坡。" # game/3_min.rpy:2371 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_f3bd64bf: @@ -5466,7 +5461,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_f3bd64bf: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_496e736b: # "Eventually, they crash into a large bush at the bottom of the ravine." - "帳篷被一個樹叢擋了下來。" + "帳篷滾了一陣,直到被樹叢擋住才停下來。" # game/3_min.rpy:2380 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6c776508: @@ -5484,19 +5479,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_74b5f213: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_b33bcd82: # Noelle "Oh, how I despise you..." - Noelle "……簡直無藥可救……" + Noelle "……無藥可救、不可理喻……" # game/3_min.rpy:2386 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_cc9c0b01: # "Noelle gathers the tent into her arms and tries to trudge back up to the park in her socks." - "小諾撿起分屍的帳篷,開始努力爬上斜坡。" + "小諾撿起分屍的帳篷,努力的爬上斜坡。" # game/3_min.rpy:2388 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_bcd47c97: # Min "What happened to your shoes?" - Min "妳怎麽沒穿鞋?" + Min "妳幹嘛不穿鞋?" # game/3_min.rpy:2391 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_374bf04c: @@ -5508,7 +5503,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_374bf04c: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1008dd36: # Min "See, this is why keeping them on is better." - Min "妳看吧?不脫比較好。" + Min "現在知道不脫比較好了吧?" # game/3_min.rpy:2394 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_7b46c031: @@ -5520,7 +5515,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_7b46c031: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_3c6158d0: # Noelle "No, you don't! This situation would never arise under normal circumstances." with sshake - Noelle "妳沒有「贏」!這是特殊狀況!" with sshake + Noelle "妳沒有「贏」!一般情況下是需要脫鞋的!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2399 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_545057e4: @@ -5532,19 +5527,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_545057e4: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_40ec08ce: # Min "See? Loser." - Min "我贏了。" + Min "我又贏了。" # game/3_min.rpy:2403 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_85f2e307: # "Min looks back and sees how far behind Noelle is." - "小旼回過頭,想看小諾落後了多少。" + "小旼回過頭,想看看小諾落後了多少。" # game/3_min.rpy:2406 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_52988518: # MinT "She looks pretty pathetic dragging the tent through the dirt..." - MinT "她看起來有點可憐。" + MinT "呵!她還在慢慢爬。" # game/3_min.rpy:2407 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8683854e: @@ -5598,7 +5593,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_70625001: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_379c085f: # Min "WHAT?" with sshake - Min "什麼?!" with sshake + Min "嗄?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2426 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_9153c0a6: @@ -5634,13 +5629,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_9814a440: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_645c6f64: # Noelle "What did you say?" - Noelle "怎麽說?" + Noelle "怎麼說?" # game/3_min.rpy:2441 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5d962d29: # MinT "...I don't even wanna say it...It's so fucking embarrassing..." - MinT "……太她媽丟臉了……我不想說……" + MinT "……太他媽丟臉了……我不想說……" # game/3_min.rpy:2443 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2a7fd8d4: @@ -5676,7 +5671,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5cbb5c31: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_edc7ecab: # Min "I wasn't thinking, okay?! It's easy to pick apart now in hindsight, but the whole thing happened in like five seconds!" with sshake - Min "我哪有時間想那麼多?!現在想起來好像很不應該,可是當時整個事情是瞬間發生的!" with sshake + Min "我哪有時間想那麼多?!整個事情是瞬間發生的!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2460 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c6759fcf: @@ -5688,7 +5683,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c6759fcf: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_cc23f6d8: # Min "C'mon, you know me. When I hate someone, I let them know!!!" with sshake - Min "妳難道不了解我嗎?我如果討厭誰,才不會偷偷摸摸的!!!" with sshake + Min "我討厭誰,一向都是直接講的!妳又不是不知道!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2464 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_029d9011: @@ -5700,31 +5695,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_029d9011: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5b0b80a1: # Min "So it should've been obvious I didn't mean anything bad by it!" - Min "所以她應該知道我沒有那個意思!" + Min "那她應該也知道我沒有那個意思!" # game/3_min.rpy:2467 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_fca5098e: # Min "When people do Asian accents or say weird stuff about Koreans, {i}I{/i} don't flip out!" - Min "別人說話有亞洲腔,或著對韓國人有偏見的時候,我有生氣嗎?" + Min "別人講話故意裝亞洲腔,或著對韓國人有偏見的時候,我有生氣嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:2470 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_ea4e012c: # Noelle "You don't...?" - Noelle "妳沒有嗎……?" + Noelle "有啊……?" # game/3_min.rpy:2471 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e0cffa02: # Noelle "That time we were walking around and got Konnichiwa'd, you were furious." - Noelle "之前我們被人家講「口泥七挖」的時候,妳明明就很生氣。" + Noelle "之前我們被人家說「口泥七挖」的時候,妳明明就很生氣。" # game/3_min.rpy:2473 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1c5df442: # Min "That was coming from a white creep, and it was clearly hateful." - Min "因為那是白人講的。他們就是在罵人。" + Min "因為那些是白人。他們就是在罵人。" # game/3_min.rpy:2474 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_52c194b8: @@ -5736,7 +5731,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_52c194b8: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_27e8bd0d: # Noelle "I'm not sure I follow your logic here..." - Noelle "我不太確定妳的邏輯在哪裡……" + Noelle "我不太懂妳的邏輯在哪裡……" # game/3_min.rpy:2478 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_32801cdb: @@ -5754,7 +5749,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_b25774cf: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2340a302: # Noelle "But if you had a choice, wouldn't you rather they not say those things?" - Noelle "那麼,如果有可能,妳會希望他們不要說那些話嗎?" + Noelle "如果有可能,妳會希望對方不要說那些話嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:2485 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8144d905: @@ -5772,7 +5767,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1166d28a: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e70f5c9f: # Min "Okay, yeah, maybe it would bother me a little, but I wouldn't make a huge stink about it." - Min "好吧,對啦。我是有點在意,但是我不會搞得好像天要坍下來了一樣。" + Min "好吧,對啦。我是有點在意,可是我不會搞得好像天要坍下來了一樣。" # game/3_min.rpy:2493 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0081474e: @@ -5790,13 +5785,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_97e27b9f: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_217e0c81: # Noelle "But we just established that you {i}are{/i} bothered by it." - Noelle "可是妳會在意。" + Noelle "可是妳會在意。妳只是不願意承認罷了。" # game/3_min.rpy:2499 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e7f754cc: # Noelle "You just deny it because in your eyes, it's weakness to admit you're hurt. Because of the tough guy act you have going on." - Noelle "妳只是不願意承認罷了。因為在妳眼中,承認受傷是弱者的表現,和妳平常強悍的形象不符。" + Noelle "因為在妳眼中,承認受傷是弱者的表現,和妳平常強悍的形象不符。" # game/3_min.rpy:2501 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_23b38576: @@ -5820,13 +5815,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_b877806e: translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0b3ec737: # Noelle "You think Ester is overreacting because in similar situations, you do nothing." - Noelle "妳之所以覺得其他人都反應過度,是因為妳選擇忍耐。" + Noelle "妳之所以覺得其他人都反應過度,是因為妳總是選擇忍耐。" # game/3_min.rpy:2510 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e368ff3b: # Noelle "When she told you your response was racist, you became enraged by her audacity to complain about things you suffered through in silence." - Noelle "當艾思特指責妳歧視的時候,妳覺得很生氣。因為妳在類似的時刻都只能保持沉默。" + Noelle "當艾思特指責妳歧視的時候,妳覺得很生氣,因為妳在類似的情況中都只能保持沉默。" # game/3_min.rpy:2512 translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5f836ad4: @@ -5904,7 +5899,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_50905784: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_bcfc82e3: # MinT "I wanna dig a hole and bury the terrible truth where no one will ever find it." - MinT "我想挖一個洞,把剛剛那一段埋進去,這樣就永遠不會有人發現了。" + MinT "我不想讓任何人知道。" # game/3_min.rpy:2547 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_25f1bee1: @@ -5928,7 +5923,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_6e8840cd: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f8873d7c: # "At a loss for how to handle the situation, Diya quietly helps her pitch the tent." - "迪亞不知道該怎麽處理這種情況,只好靜靜地幫小旼一起搭帳棚。" + "迪亞不知道該怎麼處理這種情況,只好靜靜地幫小旼一起搭帳棚。" # game/3_min.rpy:2563 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_9fa2cfca: @@ -5970,7 +5965,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_5680d7da: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c66da466: # Min "What's wrong with its wing? It's all crinkled." - Min "牠翅膀怎麽這樣?" + Min "牠翅膀怎麼這樣?" # game/3_min.rpy:2578 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_15737f72: @@ -5994,7 +5989,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_e217d98c: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_62dbb656: # Diya "It's when it's super warm, but it's still winter." - Diya "就是天氣很暖和,但其實還是冬天。對動物很不好。" + Diya "就是天氣很暖和,可是還是冬天。對動物很不好。" # game/3_min.rpy:2586 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_be59f257: @@ -6006,7 +6001,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_be59f257: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_194424bd: # Diya "Maybe the weird environment messed it up while it was forming." - Diya "蝴蝶可能還沒有變完,但是環境讓牠以為可以出來了。" + Diya "蝴蝶可能還沒有變完,但是周圍的環境讓牠以為可以出來了。" # game/3_min.rpy:2589 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_aae5bc73: @@ -6138,7 +6133,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_5ab80e4d: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_abd8f820: # Diya "Everyone makes mistakes." - Diya "人都會犯錯。" + Diya "我們都會犯錯。" # game/3_min.rpy:2642 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_87b8f861: @@ -6198,7 +6193,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_46ab9331: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c279a5e4: # Diya "She kept insisting there had to be another explanation. But I think she just was grossed out by the thought of it." - Diya "她一直堅持有其他解釋,個人認為她只是不想接受這個可能性。" + Diya "她當下堅持一定有其他解釋。不過我覺得那只是禮貌說法,她心裡是很排斥的。" # game/3_min.rpy:2668 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f36c9ea0: @@ -6246,13 +6241,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c312fd0d: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_43dc424b: # Diya "She might not forgive you. But you should at least tell her." - Diya "就算她不原諒你,你也應該去道歉。" + Diya "就算她不原諒你,你也應該道歉。" # game/3_min.rpy:2689 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b40b916d: # "Min feels such anguish upon hearing Diya's suggestion that it takes her a moment to sputter something out." - "聽到迪亞說出這句話的瞬間,劇烈的痛苦席捲了小旼的全身。過了一會,他才勉強擠出話來:" + "聽到迪亞說出這句話的瞬間,劇烈的痛苦席捲了小旼全身。過了一會,他才勉強擠出話來:" # game/3_min.rpy:2692 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_946ae2da: @@ -6276,13 +6271,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_1cf3e1dd: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_81b5fa6b: # Min "None of my racist bullies ever said sorry. My dad never said sorry." - Min "霸凌我們的人沒道歉,我爸也沒道歉!" + Min "霸凌我們的人沒道歉!我爸沒道歉!他們都沒道歉!" # game/3_min.rpy:2698 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a8ce1bf6: # Min "Why is it only ME who has to say sorry, when what I did wasn't even as bad?" - Min "為什麼我反而要道歉?我難道不如他們嗎?" + Min "為什麼我反而要道歉?我又沒有他們過份!" # game/3_min.rpy:2699 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_8d60165b: @@ -6360,9 +6355,8 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f9b439c9: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_736cb521: # Diya "It's like that saying. If you seek revenge, dig two graves." - Diya "「復仇之前,先挖兩個墓穴*。」" + Diya "「復仇之前,先挖兩個墓穴(出自日本平安時代說法:人を呪わば穴二つ,表陰陽師詛咒人時可能會害死自己)。」" -$subtitle="*出自日本平安時代說法:人を呪わば穴二つ,表陰陽師詛咒人時可能會害死自己" # game/3_min.rpy:2731 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_36ca9e81: @@ -6370,8 +6364,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_36ca9e81: # Diya "Is it worth it? To hurt yourself in the name of fairness." Diya "用公平換來更多的傷害,真的值得嗎?" -$subtitle="" - # game/3_min.rpy:2733 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_ad5b37f0: @@ -6424,7 +6416,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a0cabc67: translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_89bd3933: # Min "If nothing they did mattered, that'll show them!!" with sshake - Min "我幹嘛那麼在意!" with sshake + Min "我那麼在意幹嘛!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2747 translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_9cbab985: @@ -6562,7 +6554,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese apology_71ea1396: translate traditional_chinese apology_5c7db639: # Min "But...What else am I supposed to do then?!" with sshake - Min "那……那不然我該怎麼辦嘛!" with sshake + Min "那……那不然我要怎麼辦嘛!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:2803 translate traditional_chinese apology_6c5ae857: @@ -6610,7 +6602,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese apology_cf4bf3cd: translate traditional_chinese apology_3c389bd2: # Ester "For my webcomic, I tried to research albinos and double amputees the best I could, but I'm still not sure I portrayed everything right." - Ester "我的漫畫裡有白化症和截肢的角色。我雖然查了一堆資料,可是我還是不放心。" + Ester "我的漫畫裡有白化症和截肢的角色。我雖然查了一堆資料,可是我還是覺得不夠,怕冒犯到他們。" # game/3_min.rpy:2820 translate traditional_chinese apology_eed6dd1a: @@ -6700,7 +6692,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_cf2105cd: translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_2e5faefe: # Noelle "How has your pack helped balance the ecosystem here?" - Noelle "您的族群對黃石公園的環境有什麼幫助嗎?" + Noelle "您的族群對黃石公園的環境有什麼幫助呢?" # game/3_min.rpy:2883 translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_65a84993: @@ -6994,7 +6986,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_f249ef82: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_ee1acbd4: # "The instant she lets go, the \"braid\" loosens and unravels." - "而她一放手,「辮子」就散開了。" + "但她一放手,「辮子」就散開了。" # game/3_min.rpy:3053 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_d1645b00: @@ -7018,7 +7010,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_3dd98bff: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_43d0573e: # "Akarsha and Min freeze, but Noelle just turns on her side, mumbling to herself." - "小旼和阿卡莎以為小諾醒了,但她只是翻過身,嘴裡還念念有詞。" + "小旼和阿卡莎被嚇到直接僵在原地,但小諾只是翻過身,嘴裡還念念有詞。" # game/3_min.rpy:3063 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_384bd8b5: @@ -7119,10 +7111,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_dcc48234: # game/3_min.rpy:3099 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_8edad73c: + $subtitle="法文,意為「早安」" # Akarsha "Bonjour..." Akarsha "蹦糾*……" - -$subtitle="法文,意為「早安」" + $subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:3105 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0afede51: @@ -7130,7 +7122,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0afede51: # "Noelle bolts upright, screaming." "小諾尖叫著彈了起來。" -$subtitle="" # game/3_min.rpy:3107 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_bf2d84f5: @@ -7142,7 +7133,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_bf2d84f5: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_1d85cb4c: # Akarsha "What's wrong, Frenchman? Bad hair day?" - Akarsha "怎麽啦?頭髮還在賴床嗎?" + Akarsha "怎麼啦?頭髮還在賴床嗎?" # game/3_min.rpy:3109 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_9cff7395: @@ -7154,25 +7145,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_9cff7395: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_dea6bfc7: # Noelle "WHY?! GET ME OUT OF HEREEEE!!!!" with sshake - Noelle "為什麼我們的頭髮會綁在一起!!" with sshake + Noelle "放開我!!放開我!!!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:3111 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_961e77cb: # Akarsha "Whoa, calm down." - Akarsha "妳也太激動了吧。" + Akarsha "不要激動!" # game/3_min.rpy:3113 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_5944eafd: # Noelle "CALM DOWN?! YOU LITERALLY ATTACKED ME IN MY SLEEP!!!" with sshake - Noelle "我太激動?!我睡覺的時候被偷襲了,妳還說我太激動!!!" with sshake + Noelle "「不要激動」?!我睡覺的時候被偷襲了,妳叫我不要激動?!" with sshake # game/3_min.rpy:3115 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_67319dc6: # Ester "I mean, you can just unbraid it. It's not that bad." - Ester "解開就好啦,又沒多嚴重。" + Ester "解開就好啦。" # game/3_min.rpy:3118 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_10f67d54: @@ -7214,13 +7205,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_8cf9dc1d: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e3d04963: # Ester "Nice knowing you, bye!" - Ester "很高興認識妳!" + Ester "認識妳,我此生無憾!" # game/3_min.rpy:3131 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_adea659b: # Min "Bro, I will never forget your sacrifice." - Min "妳不會白白犧牲!" + Min "妳絕對不會白白犧牲!" # game/3_min.rpy:3135 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_307b8bba: @@ -7262,7 +7253,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0315bc8a: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0f50f2e5: # "Min and Ester peer down at the bottom of the hill, where Noelle, Akarsha, and the tent have landed in a tangled heap." - "小旼和艾思特往下看,小諾、阿卡莎和帳篷已經摔成了一團。" + "小旼和艾思特就著斜坡往下看,小諾和阿卡莎已經摔成了一團。" # game/3_min.rpy:3156 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_9899a6c1: @@ -7286,7 +7277,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_f9569271: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_393bd77d: # "Suddenly, something dawns on Ester and she straightens up, her eyes shining." - "突然間,艾思特挺直身子,眼睛閃閃發光。" + "突然間,艾思特挺直身子,雙眼閃閃發光。" # game/3_min.rpy:3164 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_72eb325a: @@ -7316,7 +7307,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c57eb156: translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_66f922b5: # Ester "You don't understand, it's perfect! I gotta write this down!" - Ester "妳不懂啦!可是真的可以用!我要記下來!" + Ester "妳不懂啦!我要記下來!" # game/3_min.rpy:3173 translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_6e4a61c0: @@ -7430,13 +7421,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_4b32822a: translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_98239f21: # Grace "Sorry!! I just get so excited about K-Pop..." - Grace "對不起!我很喜歡韓國的音樂,所以……" + Grace "對不起!我很喜歡韓團,所以……" # game/3_min.rpy:3219 translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_e7310a5f: # Min "Liking K-Pop is fine, but just...be normal about it." - Min "喜歡音樂可以,可是……不要這樣。" + Min "喜歡韓團可以,可是……不要這樣。" # game/3_min.rpy:3222 translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_74dde5e0: @@ -7472,7 +7463,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_e6943e7f: translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_6e8fa6f1: # Liz "What happened to this? It looks like a cannonball hit it." - Liz "這個樹樁怎麽看起來像被炸過一樣?" + Liz "這個樹樁怎麼看起來像被炸過一樣?" # game/3_min.rpy:3238 translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_bfde02f0: @@ -7604,7 +7595,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_dcd1123a: translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_732b7f1e: # Min "How the hell would you know what I like?" - Min "妳怎麽知道我會喜歡?" + Min "妳怎麼知道我會喜歡?" # game/3_min.rpy:3289 translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_08640ea6: @@ -7640,13 +7631,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_21b4eeca: translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_7815eb42: # "Liz pats Min on the head and leaves her standing there clutching the little scrap of paper in absolute shock." - "麗姿拍拍小旼的頭,小旼捏緊紙條,無比驚訝地望著她離去的背影。" + "麗姿拍拍小旼的頭。小旼捏緊紙條,無比驚訝地望著她離去的背影。" # game/3_min.rpy:3314 translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_81b91826: # MinT "I guess I should look that up when I get home..." - MinT "還是去看一下好了……" + MinT "回家查一下好了……" # game/3_min.rpy:3321 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_947aa79b: @@ -7664,7 +7655,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_8c3f2e37: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_453defd7: # Diya "You said this place was cursed, right?" - Diya "你還是覺得這裡被詛咒了嗎?" + Diya "湖被詛咒了。" # game/3_min.rpy:3327 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_24e43a8c: @@ -7682,7 +7673,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_5bd4174a: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_06e52471: # "Diya rests her forehead against Min's, her long lashes tickling Min's skin as she blinks." - "迪亞將她們的額頭碰在一起,纖長的睫毛搔刮著小旼的皮膚。" + "迪亞將她們的額頭靠在一起,纖長的睫毛搔刮著小旼的眼皮。" # game/3_min.rpy:3334 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_c0af69ce: @@ -7694,13 +7685,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_c0af69ce: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_8a23f309: # Min "Huh? How?" - Min "怎麽解除?" + Min "怎麼解除?" # game/3_min.rpy:3338 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_79ea3b2e: # Diya "By making new memories. Together." - Diya "創造新的回憶。" + Diya "把你的記憶換掉。" # game/3_min.rpy:3339 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_18951b47: @@ -7730,7 +7721,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_3236f926: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_e9161552: # "Min's mind is in such a state of disarray that it takes her a second to process what Diya is saying." - "小旼的心思明顯被其他東西所佔據,過了好幾秒,她才反應過來迪亞說了什麼。" + "小旼的心思明顯被其他東西所佔據,過了一會,她才反應過來迪亞說了什麼。" # game/3_min.rpy:3349 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_7f2b68a9: @@ -7766,7 +7757,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_7c4a2544: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_f5ba232a: # Diya "And found out what it really meant." - Diya "然後我就知道意思了。" + Diya "然後我就知道了。" # game/3_min.rpy:3360 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_89b2f576: @@ -7808,13 +7799,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_6b391eaa: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_ff225181: # Min "Then why do you still like me?" - Min "妳為什麼還愛我?" + Min "那妳為什麼還愛我?" # game/3_min.rpy:3381 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_694f76be: # Diya "Because you're also really brave and resilient, and cool." - Diya "因為你也是一個勇敢、堅強又超酷的人啊。" + Diya "因為你很勇敢、很堅強,又超酷的啊。" # game/3_min.rpy:3386 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_4322d84a: @@ -7850,13 +7841,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_3c775dce: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_17829299: # Diya "You're always telling me you'll protect me and kill the people who hurt me. Because you wish someone did that for you." - Diya "你一直說會保護我、會殺掉欺負我的人;因為當時的你也在等這樣的人出現。" + Diya "你一直說會保護我、會殺掉欺負我的人;是因為當時你就是在等這樣的人。" # game/3_min.rpy:3396 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_d683e7fe: # "Min is stunned speechless. It feels like a curtain was suddenly pulled back on something shameful and hidden, exposing it to the blazing sun." - "這席話彷彿一股無形的力量,揭開塵封的簾幕,讓被極力掩埋的秘密暴露在陽光下。這種感覺衝擊著小旼,讓她久久不能言語。" + "這席話彷彿一股無形的力量,揭開塵封的帷幕,讓被極力掩埋的秘密暴露在陽光下。這種感覺衝擊著小旼,讓她久久不能言語。" # game/3_min.rpy:3397 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_d711c1f9: @@ -7898,7 +7889,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese uncurse_996c8c4c: translate traditional_chinese uncurse_0001f330: # Min "Man, that's a mouthful." - Min "怎麽那麼長。" + Min "好長。" # game/3_min.rpy:3416 translate traditional_chinese uncurse_fc2469c3: @@ -7938,7 +7929,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/3_min.rpy:144 old "Half an hour later" - new "半年後" + new "半小時後" # game/3_min.rpy:174 old "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼{/font} = Son of a bitch" @@ -8095,4 +8086,3 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/3_min.rpy:3344 old "I love you..." new "我愛你……" - diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/4_noelle.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/4_noelle.rpy index 058c25c..a4afec9 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/4_noelle.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/4_noelle.rpy @@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_fa7ffe50: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_71871670: # NoelleT "I've spent every Saturday since kindergarten tediously memorizing a few characters at a time, but it's barely even made a dent." - NoelleT "我從幼稚園就開始學中文了,可是我覺得一點效果也沒有。光是學一、兩個字,就要花好幾個小時。" + NoelleT "我從幼稚園就開始學中文了,可是完全沒有效果。光是學一、兩個字,就要花好幾個小時。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:106 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_391ce961: # NoelleT "After all these years, I still can't even read a book or the newspaper." - NoelleT "我現在連報紙都看不懂。" + NoelleT "現在我都上小學了,還是連報紙都看不懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:107 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_9bebeecd: @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_1fc1149b: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e268e56f: # "After throwing away the immoral tampons, her mom goes off to the living room to watch a Chinese variety show." - "小諾媽媽把褻瀆的棉條扔進垃圾桶,然後走進客廳,開始看電視。" + "小諾媽媽把褻瀆的棉條丟進垃圾桶,然後走到客廳,開始看電視。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:142 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_2ef4a68f: @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_2ef4a68f: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_63cfded1: # NoelleT "My mom doesn't believe in mental illness, yet genuinely believes in superstitions like auspicious dates. And no amount of proof or argument can sway her." - NoelleT "我媽媽覺得精神病是騙人的,卻相信如果不在「黃道吉日」做某些事情,她一定會倒楣。" + NoelleT "我媽媽覺得心理疾病是醫生編來騙人的,卻相信如果不在「黃道吉日」做某些事情,她一定會倒楣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:144 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_7a4f4542: @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_4168d407: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_a6e72de9: # "When a commercial break comes on, she throws down her pencil." - "廣告時間終於到來,小諾把手裡的鉛筆摔在桌上。" + "節目進廣告的時候,小諾把手裡的鉛筆一摔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:175 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_0d84afa1: @@ -334,13 +334,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_923b2d5b: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_9d357b73: # Noelle "I hate it! It always takes up my entire Saturday!" with sshake - Noelle "因為很討厭!放假還要上課,而且上那麼久!" with sshake + Noelle "因為很討厭!放假要上課,還上那麼久!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:183 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_6ae43bcf: # Noelle "They assign so much homework every week on top of the regular homework I get from school." - Noelle "然後一堂課的功課比我學校一個星期的功課還多。" + Noelle "然後功課超級多。比我學校一個星期的作業還多。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:185 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_11940e6a: @@ -364,13 +364,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e7c4f9c4: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_175ca01f: # Mom "Other people will think we're bad parents." - Mom "人家會覺得:我們這個父母怎麽當的。" + Mom "人家會覺得:我們這個父母怎麼當的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:193 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_df6fd973: # Noelle "Why does it matter what other people think?!" with sshake - Noelle "為什麼要管人家怎麽想?" with sshake + Noelle "為什麼要管人家怎麼想?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:194 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_1cb9c187: @@ -388,19 +388,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_50e0e208: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_fb3695d8: # Dad "It's for your own good. You're too young to understand." - Dad "妳現在還不懂,等妳長大了,就會知道我們是為妳好。" + Dad "妳現在還不懂。等妳長大了,就會知道我們是為妳好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:199 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_cf4354fc: # "Almost nothing drives Noelle up a wall more than being told she's not old enough to understand something." - "論惹小諾生氣的方法,「妳還不懂」一定位居前三名。" + "論惹小諾生氣的方法,「妳還不懂」一定穩坐前三名。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:201 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_15ef46cf: # Noelle "Stop treating me like a some feeble-minded little kid. I read at college-level already!" - Noelle "別把我當小孩子!我已經可以讀大學程度的東西了!" + Noelle "不要把我當小孩子!我已經可以讀大學程度的東西了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:204 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_56979a78: @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e5a6fc03: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_7cc4344e: # Mom "It's your culture. You can't just throw it away." - Mom "妳一定要學。中文是妳文化的一部分。" + Mom "不可以不學。中文是妳文化的一部分。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:216 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_f058a4fe: @@ -448,13 +448,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_f058a4fe: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_cceffd42: # Dad "That's not true. If it's so bad, how come it's worked for thousands of years?" - Dad "一門傳承了幾千年的語言,怎麽能說是過時呢?" + Dad "一門傳承了幾千年的語言,怎麼能說是過時呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:226 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_0a185075: # Dad "You should take more pride in your culture." - Dad "這是非常值得誇耀的文化。" + Dad "這是非常值得誇耀的事情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:228 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_4b18cc59: @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_00518be6: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_79c39c4a: # Dad "If you still feel this way by the end of the year, fine. You can quit." - Dad "如果到年底妳還是不想學,那可以。" + Dad "如果到年底妳還是不想學,那就退吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:241 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_88530dcb: @@ -502,13 +502,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_88530dcb: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_fbf5cbe0: # Mom "Huh?! No, she can't!" with sshake - Mom "當然不可以!!" with sshake + Mom "不行!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:247 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_8b77488c: # Dad "Think about it. If she goes to Chinese school with that kind of attitude, she won't learn anything anyway." - Dad "妳想想看嘛。她現在這種態度,能學到東西嗎?" + Dad "妳想想看嘛。她現在這種態度,學得到東西嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:248 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_13667244: @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_f057711d: translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_60d45089: # NoelleT "It'll be so worth it. When I'm older, I'll be so thankful that I quit." - NoelleT "等我長大了,一定會非常感謝我自己!" + NoelleT "等我長大了,一定會覺得:幸好我有退掉!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:261 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_19db2f05: @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_ad269b95: translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_9e5a1af6: # NoelleT "But I'm POSITIVE there was no mention of it being possible for two women to have sexual relations!" - NoelleT "可是我確定上面沒有說兩個女人可以性交!" + NoelleT "可是我確定上面沒有說兩個女人可以進行性交!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:305 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_858868d6: @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_7371fe69: translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_ae5cf295: # "There's mentions of sodomy being criminalized, along with an image of Ancient Greek pottery depicting of two nude men embracing that Noelle scrolls past very quickly." - "還有反自然性行為被視為犯罪等內容,包含一張古希臘陶器的照片,上面描繪著兩個赤裸的男性正在互相擁抱──小諾飛快地滑過了頁面。" + "還有反自然性行為被視為犯罪等內容;包含一張古希臘陶器的照片,上面描繪著兩個赤裸的男性正在互相擁抱──小諾飛快地滑過了頁面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:333 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_15be6c82: @@ -645,18 +645,17 @@ translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_15be6c82: # game/4_noelle.rpy:335 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_5a2d6a23: + $subtitle="*位於非洲南部的國中國" # NPC "Anthropologists Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe reported that women in Lesotho engaged in socially sanctioned \"long term, erotic relationships\"." NPC "據人類學家Stephen Murray和Will Roscoe所稱,在社會批准下,賴索托*的女性可建立「長期且充滿情慾」的關係。" - -$subtitle="*位於非洲南部的國中國" + $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:337 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_ab1b0d2d: # NoelleT "What exactly do they mean by \"erotic\"? They need to be more descriptive!" - NoelleT "怎麽個「充滿情慾」法?可以講清楚一點嗎?" + NoelleT "怎麼個「充滿情慾」法?可以講清楚一點嗎?" -$subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:339 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_dc68ec25: @@ -686,7 +685,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_84884ff1: translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_e2550952: # NoelleT "I could try googling it, but it might bring up obscene results." - NoelleT "如果用谷歌,可能會跑出色情照片。" + NoelleT "如果用谷歌,我怕會跑出色情照片。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:354 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_84c9e81e: @@ -764,7 +763,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lesbian_4ed2f711: translate traditional_chinese lesbian_77fff428: # NoelleT "What on earth is \"tribadism\"? Is this the finger thing Min-seo was referring to?" - NoelleT "「女陰摩擦」是什麽?旼瑞說的就是這個嗎?" + NoelleT "「女陰摩擦」是什麼?旼瑞說的就是這個嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:383 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_d6e2e3dd: @@ -782,7 +781,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_d184cd61: translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_1b9fb95d: # NoelleT "This is...this is so risqué!" - NoelleT "這也……太淫穢了吧!" + NoelleT "這也太……太清楚了吧!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:394 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_552fee87: @@ -794,7 +793,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_552fee87: translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_07f5e7df: # "Then, in a panic, Noelle closes the tab, erases her web history, and shuts the computer down." - "然後,小諾用迅雷不及掩耳的速度關上分頁、清除歷史資料,然後關機。" + "看完後,小諾用迅雷不及掩耳的速度關上分頁、清除歷史資料,然後關機。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:397 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_dea05296: @@ -806,7 +805,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_dea05296: translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_6ad19c61: # NoelleT "Should such erotic content be allowed on Wikipedia?! Anyone can read it!" with sshake - NoelleT "維基百科上可以寫這種內容嗎?!" with sshake + NoelleT "維基百科上真的可以寫這種東西嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:404 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_c4137aea: @@ -830,7 +829,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_ebc33afb: translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_c6882aae: # "Noelle jumps in her chair when she receives a text." - "訊息提示音響起,小諾嚇到從椅子上彈了起來。" + "訊息提示音響起,小諾嚇到整個人彈了起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:418 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_8e0ddc15: @@ -860,7 +859,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_f0700d8e: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_6e0c3bbd: # cAkarsha "anyone else?? hello???" - cAkarsha "只有我嗎?!" + cAkarsha "不會吧" # game/4_noelle.rpy:423 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9ee59181: @@ -872,7 +871,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9ee59181: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_8c323251: # cMin "YOURE INSANE" - cMin "妳瘋了嗎" + cMin "瘋子" # game/4_noelle.rpy:425 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_32e13f02: @@ -926,7 +925,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_25211ee5: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b1ef3526: # cNoelle "Why are you like this??" - cNoelle "妳在發什麼神經?" + cNoelle "妳又哪根筋不對了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:435 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_5532262f: @@ -968,7 +967,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c4017f90: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_67ba7799: # cNoelle "I'll be there for the entire week. My mom and I will return Sunday afternoon." - cNoelle "一個星期。我和媽媽會在星期天下午回來。" + cNoelle "一個星期。星期天下午回來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:442 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_984c520b: @@ -1022,7 +1021,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b4fc6054: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9683a8bf: # cSame "whats the difference between china and taiwan again ^_^;;" - cSame "可以再說一次中國和台灣的差別嗎(狂汗)" + cSame "可以再說一次中國和台灣有甚麼不一樣嗎(狂汗)" # game/4_noelle.rpy:452 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_40a9a9aa: @@ -1046,7 +1045,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_55b15a95: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_a0d5080a: # cNoelle "You said you were shot, yet you're still talking like nothing happened?" - cNoelle "妳被槍打中了,說話還能這麼流暢?" + cNoelle "妳被槍打中了,還能說話?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:456 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_2cfc79dd: @@ -1070,7 +1069,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_24639579: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c5f3cef2: # cAkarsha "anyway i tried to ask in geography class once and everyone started arguing" - cAkarsha "我在地理課上問過 然後班上就吵起來了" + cAkarsha "我地理課問過 然後班上就吵起來了" # game/4_noelle.rpy:460 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b9479785: @@ -1082,7 +1081,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b9479785: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_726cdcad: # cSame "Whether Taiwan is a part of China or a separate country is an extremely controversial issue." - cSame "台灣的定位是敏感議題。一部分人認為它屬於中國,一部份人認為它是獨立的國家。" + cSame "台灣的定位是敏感議題。一部分的人認為它屬於中國,一部份的人認為它是獨立的國家。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:462 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_a401d0ef: @@ -1118,7 +1117,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_6ac1ea57: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_2f3e553f: # cSame "or both?" - cSame "還是都是" + cSame "還是兩個" # game/4_noelle.rpy:468 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_da673016: @@ -1178,7 +1177,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_641fcd74: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_4a9102e9: # cNoelle "Even if I say I'm Taiwanese, hardly anyone knows what that means, even other East Asians." - cNoelle "連東亞國家的人都不一定知道「台灣人」所代表的意義。" + cNoelle "如果妳問「台灣人」所代表的意義,連東亞國家的人都不一定回答得出來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:478 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_720952a6: @@ -1214,25 +1213,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c3dd1e83: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_015099fb: # cSame "but the countries werent split on racial lines" - cSame "可是裡面還分成好幾種人" + cSame "可是裡面其實還分成好幾種人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:485 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_4da7203c: # cSame "like an indian punjabi isnt rly the same ethnicity as an indian guju" - cSame "比如印度旁遮普人 和 印度古茶拉底人" + cSame "像印度旁遮普人 和 印度古茶拉底人 就是不同的人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:486 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9f957323: # cSame "but its all the same to nondesis bc they dont know the difference lol xD" - cSame "可是對局外人來說 根本沒差因為他們分不出來" + cSame "可是對美國人來說根本沒差 因為他們分不出來" # game/4_noelle.rpy:487 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_8af7d354: # cNoelle "Oh...You're right, I don't know the difference." - cNoelle "有道理……我的確分不出來。" + cNoelle "有道理……我也分不出來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:488 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_d68d4d27: @@ -1268,13 +1267,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_0b556f6c: translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_45915650: # cSame "bc ur frenchman <3" - cSame "我們的法國佬<3" + cSame "法國佬<3" # game/4_noelle.rpy:494 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_e6646cec: # cNoelle "THAT DOESN'T HELP ME AT ALL." - cNoelle "一點幫助也沒有。" + cNoelle "妳覺得有用嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:495 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_90e94a77: @@ -1304,13 +1303,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese airport_8b3b40f5: translate traditional_chinese airport_a5909f7f: # "She feels a flash of rage when she sees a passing car sporting a \"Proud Parent of an Honor Roll Student\" bumper sticker." - "一輛保險桿上貼著「恭喜我家寶貝上榮譽榜」貼紙的車從窗前經過,小諾的火氣瞬間就上來了。" + "一輛車從窗前經過,保險桿上貼著「恭喜我家寶貝上榮譽榜」的貼紙。小諾的火氣瞬間就上來了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:514 translate traditional_chinese airport_ec916959: # NoelleT "Why would you brag about such an unremarkable accomplishment on your car?" - NoelleT "這種小事有什麼好炫耀的?" + NoelleT "這種小事有什麼好炫耀的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:515 translate traditional_chinese airport_7bdafd7a: @@ -1322,7 +1321,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese airport_7bdafd7a: translate traditional_chinese airport_beb1d77d: # NoelleT "My parents would never even bother mentioning such a banal thing." - NoelleT "這種事情在我家根本不值一提。" + NoelleT "會呼吸有什麼了不起的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:518 translate traditional_chinese airport_ff663382: @@ -1364,7 +1363,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese airport_34dd065f: translate traditional_chinese airport_b57b9c07: # NoelleT "My mom can't even speak English well enough to carry a conversation with a stranger." - NoelleT "我媽連基礎會話都有問題。" + NoelleT "我媽現在連基本溝通都不會。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:532 translate traditional_chinese airport_165bb090: @@ -1460,7 +1459,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese airport_0b56a1b4: translate traditional_chinese airport_b42c99c3: # NoelleT "They have endless energy when it comes to obsessing over my studies. Why can't they work on their own English instead?!" - NoelleT "既然你們有那麼多時間挑我毛病,為什麼不去去學英文?!" + NoelleT "既然你們有那麼多時間挑我毛病,為什麼不去學英文呢?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:572 translate traditional_chinese airport_32a5a98b: @@ -1550,13 +1549,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese airport_5f29fc3e: translate traditional_chinese airport_1cebe3f6: # NoelleT "Why am I the one responsible for making sure we're not separated by a language barrier?" - NoelleT "為什麼是我的錯?" + NoelleT "憑什麼要我當翻譯?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:609 translate traditional_chinese airport_9fdf010b: # NoelleT "You were the ones who chose to move here in the first place." - NoelleT "要移民的又不是我。" + NoelleT "移民美國的又不是我。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:627 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3788105e: @@ -1592,7 +1591,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_02774806: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_d9da2055: # "After huffing and puffing up four stories of stairs, Noelle is drenched in sweat." - "在爬了一堆樓梯之後,小諾早已滿身大汗。" + "在爬了一堆樓梯後,小諾早已滿身大汗。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:671 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_16364efc: @@ -1628,7 +1627,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_66c9e09e: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3c7b9919: # Mom "Noelle, don't be rude. Introduce yourself in Chinese." - Mom "(英文)諾奧,快點打招呼。怎麽這麼沒禮貌。" + Mom "諾奧,快點打招呼。怎麼這麼沒禮貌。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:692 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_c5b5094c: @@ -1652,19 +1651,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_b22c4a45: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6187e6ae: # Noelle "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}窩是樂映。{/font}" - Noelle "窩是樂映。" + Noelle "我四樂映。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:705 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3bae36d2: # Noelle "Can I just talk in English?" - Noelle "(英文)你會說英文嗎?" + Noelle "你會說英文嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:708 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_2e947f23: # Mom "Ah-gong doesn't speak English. He only knows Japanese, Taiwanese, and Mandarin." - Mom "(英文)阿公只會講日文、台語和中文。" + Mom "阿公只會講日文、台語和中文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:711 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_535140d4: @@ -1682,21 +1681,22 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3976cbee: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_93127be2: # Aunt "Noelle, you speak English with Chun-hua." - Aunt "(英文)諾奧,跟春花講英文。" + Aunt "諾奧,跟春花講英文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:717 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_963fe0a9: # Aunt "She want go college in America, so she very happy practice speaking." - Aunt "(英文)她想美國念大學,會開心有人練習說。" + Aunt "她想美國念大學,會開心有人練習說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:720 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6f9c2bb7: + $subtitle="Literature,音意同英文「文學」" # ChunHua "Yes! You can call me Literature!" with sshake - ChunHua "(英文)妳好!我的英文名字叫做麗特蕾徹*!" with sshake + ChunHua "妳好!我的英文名字叫做麗特蕾徹*!" with sshake + $subtitle="" -$subtitle="Literature,音意同英文「文學」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:722 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_be438745: @@ -1704,43 +1704,41 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_be438745: # NoelleT "Is that a name she chose herself...? Chinese people have such odd taste in English names." NoelleT "這是她自己取的嗎……?華人的品味也太詭異了。" -$subtitle="" - # game/4_noelle.rpy:723 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1c746eb7: # Noelle "That's alright, Chun-hua is fine." - Noelle "(英文)沒關係,我叫妳Chun-hua就好。" + Noelle "沒關係,我叫妳Chun-hua就好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:725 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1405ce1c: # ChunHua "We are the same ages, right? Who do you think is more tall?" - ChunHua "(英文)我跟妳同年,對嗎?妳覺得誰高更多?" + ChunHua "我跟妳同年,對嗎?妳覺得誰高更多?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:726 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_78564b8f: # "Chun-hua eagerly stands back-to-back with Noelle so the others can judge." - "春花期待的與小諾背對背站好,讓其他人可以比較她們的身高。" + "春花興奮的與小諾背對背站好,讓其他人可以比較她們的身高。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:729 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6e0c4691: # Noelle "Wait, you're standing on your tip-toes! That's cheating!" - Noelle "(英文)妳墊腳!" + Noelle "妳墊腳!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:732 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6a1b337d: # ChunHua "Huh? No, I am not." - ChunHua "(英文)我沒有?" + ChunHua "沒有啊?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:734 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_a4855936: # Dad "Wow, you two are the exact same height!" - Dad "(英文)哇!妳們一樣高耶!" + Dad "哇!妳們一樣高耶!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:738 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_01291631: @@ -1752,7 +1750,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_01291631: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_e9740f3b: # Aunt "一個美版,一個台版。" - Aunt "(英文)一個美版,一個台版。" + Aunt "一個美版,一個台版。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:744 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_259b536b: @@ -1770,19 +1768,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_20644726: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_48037c57: # NoelleT "A stranger with my face." - NoelleT "就像來自不同的平行世界。" + NoelleT "就像遇到了另一個世界的自己。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:750 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1e413014: # ChunHua "You're SURE I'm not taller?" - ChunHua "(英文)你們確定我沒有比較高嗎?" + ChunHua "你們確定我沒有比較高?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:752 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_ac48d66a: # Aunt "Yes, we sure." - Aunt "(英文)我們確定。" + Aunt "對,我們確定。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:754 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0: @@ -1860,13 +1858,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_22b2693b: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6f0e1813: # "Da Ah-yi leads Noelle's parents to the spare bedroom so they can put their luggage away." - "大阿姨將小諾父母領到客房放行李。" + "大阿姨領小諾父母到客房放行李。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:777 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_28101f36: # NoelleT "This reminds me how I used to assume Japanese curry was a Chinese dish because my mom made it regularly." - NoelleT "這讓我想起:以前我一直以為日式咖哩是中國菜,因為媽媽常常做給我吃。" + NoelleT "這讓我想到:以前我一直以為日式咖哩是中國菜,因為媽媽常常做給我吃。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:778 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_038edd65: @@ -1896,7 +1894,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_8f9eedbd: translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_8c441870: # "Chun-hua brightly takes a seat next to Noelle." - "春花坐到小諾身邊,開朗的用英文和她聊天:" + "春花坐到小諾身邊,開朗的用英文和她搭話:" # game/4_noelle.rpy:785 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_0fba9566: @@ -2040,7 +2038,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_ffe61095: translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_240c64e0: # ChunHua "「卡拉馬助夫兄弟們」。" - ChunHua "「卡拉馬助夫兄弟們」" + ChunHua "「卡拉馬助夫兄弟們」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:872 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_e9cb4634: @@ -2154,7 +2152,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_6b50358f: translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_00e74655: # Noelle "...Er...? Yes, I suppose so." - Noelle "……呃……應該?" + Noelle "應該……吧……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:906 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_dc844ae1: @@ -2237,10 +2235,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cd748fe6: # game/4_noelle.rpy:945 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_5696a191: + $subtitle="*應為斑鳩" # "There's a small chestnut-colored warbler sitting on Chun-hua's arm." "春花手裡捧著一隻栗子色的小鳥*。" - -$subtitle="*應為斑鳩" + $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:947 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_51ffd170: @@ -2248,8 +2246,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_51ffd170: # ChunHua "That bird, at the park we found him abandoned." ChunHua "我們在公園找到的,鳥媽媽不要牠了。" -$subtitle="" - # game/4_noelle.rpy:948 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_d607ebea: @@ -2386,7 +2382,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_4012b0fe: translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_0b746a36: # NoelleT "While she was spending every Saturday with her cousins and grandparents, I was at school struggling to learn an entire language so I could even begin to communicate with them." - NoelleT "春花與堂表親們到祖父母家玩的時候,我正在痛苦的學中文。" + NoelleT "春花和親戚小孩到阿公阿媽家玩的時候,我正在痛苦的學中文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:998 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_41350e1d: @@ -2518,7 +2514,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_88e3047c: translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_daa199cb: # "Noelle stares blankly at her mom's poem." - "小諾呆呆的瞪著紙上的詩句。" + "小諾只是呆呆的望著紙上的詩句。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1038 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cb3143a5: @@ -2554,7 +2550,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_a88b28bc: translate traditional_chinese subway_3a01b9d6: # "But to her amazement, the car's shiny floors and seats look so squeaky-clean you could eat off of them." - "但她驚喜的發現:車廂內的座位和地板都被擦得亮晶晶的,看起來一塵不染。" + "但她驚喜的發現,車廂內的座位和地板都被擦得亮晶晶的,看起來一塵不染。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1062 translate traditional_chinese subway_65b6c929: @@ -2577,10 +2573,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_50d2471a: # game/4_noelle.rpy:1068 translate traditional_chinese subway_27401a62: + $subtitle="*舊金山灣區捷運系統" # NoelleT "You can actually clearly hear what they're saying! It's not indistinct mumbling like on BART!" NoelleT "廣播聽得好清楚!和BART*完全不一樣!" + $subtitle="" -$subtitle="*舊金山灣區捷運系統" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1070 translate traditional_chinese subway_ea1c79b0: @@ -2588,8 +2585,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_ea1c79b0: # "An LCD screen right across from her neatly displays the names of the previous, current, and next stations." "小諾對面牆上的LCD螢幕清楚的顯示出前一站、本站與下一站的站名。" -$subtitle="" - # game/4_noelle.rpy:1072 translate traditional_chinese subway_34edbfd2: @@ -2666,7 +2661,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_f1bcd48a: translate traditional_chinese subway_c228cb09: # cSame "dude youd love it" - cSame "我覺得妳會喜歡" + cSame "你絕對會喜歡" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1089 translate traditional_chinese subway_ed3097d1: @@ -2804,7 +2799,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_9f462cbd: translate traditional_chinese subway_dfad9045: # cSame "when im in india they can tell im american before i even open my mouth" - cSame "我在印度的時候也是 他們一看就知道我是美國人" + cSame "我去印度的時候也是 他們一看就知道我是美國人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1112 translate traditional_chinese subway_25007ce4: @@ -2842,7 +2837,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_32810ee9: translate traditional_chinese subway_a3c53bc7: # Mom "But friendships are only temporary. As soon as it's inconvenient, they'll all disappear." - Mom "等到你們不能常常聚在一起,就會知道我的意思了。" + Mom "等你們不能常常聚在一起,就會知道我的意思了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1125 translate traditional_chinese subway_ab08a027: @@ -2878,7 +2873,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_e082e371: translate traditional_chinese subway_ebb963de: # NoelleT "It was her own decision as a full grown adult to move here. It wasn't up to ME." - NoelleT "是妳決定要移民的。" + NoelleT "是妳自己要移民的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1135 translate traditional_chinese subway_87c1fac4: @@ -2956,7 +2951,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_d46ab3e2: translate traditional_chinese subway_b43dcc04: # Mom "Do you know how?" - Mom "妳知道怎麽問嗎?" + Mom "妳知道怎麼問嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1168 translate traditional_chinese subway_f97a9c0b: @@ -3154,7 +3149,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_16c59ad9: translate traditional_chinese subway_ef3792bb: # NoelleT "...Huh?? My Chinese was THAT bad?" - NoelleT "……我的中文有這麼爛嗎?!" + NoelleT "……我的中文那麼爛嗎?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1253 translate traditional_chinese subway_ad81d3e8: @@ -3214,7 +3209,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_4917e052: translate traditional_chinese subway_0e06a2e1: # "Her parents each taste a spoonful of the oyster omelette and shrug, unimpressed." - "小諾的父母吃了一口蚵仔煎後,露出不置可否的表情。" + "小諾的父母各自吃了一口蚵仔煎後,露出不置可否的表情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1276 translate traditional_chinese subway_ca4f491e: @@ -3292,7 +3287,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_33345b59: translate traditional_chinese subway_a585685b: # Noelle "But you never properly explained {i}why{/i} it was so important not to." - Noelle "你們從來沒有解釋過「為什麼要學」。" + Noelle "對,可是你們從來沒有解釋過「為什麼要學」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1302 translate traditional_chinese subway_73b9ac11: @@ -3310,7 +3305,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_1c532366: translate traditional_chinese subway_52d89fe9: # Mom "And it's true, you ARE an embarrassment." - Mom "我跟妳說,上個星期我碰到隔壁家的賣口,他跟我說「阿姨好」欸!。" + Mom "我跟妳說,上個星期我碰到隔壁家的賣口,他用中文跟我打招呼欸!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1308 translate traditional_chinese subway_47fdd72d: @@ -3322,19 +3317,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_47fdd72d: translate traditional_chinese subway_873ab5e1: # Mom "See, that's what happens when you listen to your parents." - Mom "妳真的把我們的面子都丟光了。" + Mom "把我們的面子都丟光了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1312 translate traditional_chinese subway_1fd49953: # Noelle "Michael goes to Taiwan with his family every summer! THAT'S the reason he's more fluent, not because he was a superior child to me!" - Noelle "麥克每個暑假都回台灣,中文比我好是理所當然的!跟他聽不聽話沒有關係!" + Noelle "麥克每個暑假都回台灣,中文比我好不很正常嗎?跟他聽不聽話沒有關係!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1313 translate traditional_chinese subway_d7018205: # Noelle "Why didn't we just visit Taiwan more often when I was younger? That alone would've made me more interested in learning." - Noelle "如果我們也可以常常回來就好了。學中文可能就不會這麼痛苦了。" + Noelle "如果我們也常常回來,學中文可能就不會那麼痛苦了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1315 translate traditional_chinese subway_9ebdcd8b: @@ -3352,7 +3347,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_b3ba7b9b: translate traditional_chinese subway_3ddbdce3: # Dad "The airplane tickets are expensive. We have to save up for years just for one trip." - Dad "因為機票很貴。所以我們幾年才能回來一次。" + Dad "機票很貴。所以我們幾年才能回來一次。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1322 translate traditional_chinese subway_11a48459: @@ -3400,7 +3395,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese subway_cf87efa9: translate traditional_chinese subway_cce942f5: # Noelle "There's no way I would have developed an accent when everyone else I interacted with spoke English." - Noelle "除了你們,我身邊的人全都是講英文的。這樣還有口音,也太奇怪了吧?" + Noelle "除了你們,我身邊的人全都是說英文的。這樣還有口音,也太奇怪了吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1336 translate traditional_chinese subway_63a5f8c1: @@ -3490,7 +3485,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_90b0f8f5: translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_06de0548: # NoelleT "Today is Sunday? I'm a student?" - NoelleT "今天是星期天?我是高中生?" + NoelleT "「今天是星期天」?「我是高中生」?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1373 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_41cbf3b0: @@ -3580,7 +3575,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_f33a1cf5: translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_7b5e355a: # NoelleT "When I look at my mother, the first emotion I feel is stress." - NoelleT "媽媽給我的感覺從來不是關心,只有壓力。" + NoelleT "媽媽給我的感覺從來都不是關心,只有壓力。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1405 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_3f64916d: @@ -3628,7 +3623,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_6fdedea1: translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_cfeaa64f: # NoelleT "Am I a terrible person if that's what I do?" - NoelleT "如果我這樣做了,是不是代表不孝順?" + NoelleT "如果我這樣做了,是不是代表我不孝順?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1418 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_13293faa: @@ -3676,7 +3671,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_898af30d: translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_d50c1ca2: # NoelleT "Even Chun-hua's name I only know by sound. I have no idea what it looks like." - NoelleT "連Chun-hua的名字我都只會念而已,完全不知道怎麽寫。" + NoelleT "連Chun-hua的名字我都只會念而已,完全不知道怎麼寫。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1436 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_856fb3b7: @@ -3772,7 +3767,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_9b55aa0e: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_032c3e55: # Noelle "So my mother and I are flying back alone." - Noelle "我和媽媽先回去。" + Noelle "我和媽媽先走。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1477 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_4c30bfcc: @@ -3814,7 +3809,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_71938155: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_be6f949d: # NoelleT "How much of my personality is just a product of being raised by an immigrant helicopter mother with no friends or family around to balance her out?" - NoelleT "現在的「我」,難道只是一個偏執、孤獨又強勢的移民母親所製造的副產品嗎?" + NoelleT "現在的「我」,難道只是一個偏執、孤獨又強勢的移民母親製造出來的副產品嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1503 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8ceb0553: @@ -3856,7 +3851,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_decbf95f: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_396d0fdf: # NoelleT "All I have to do is persevere and power through learning the language properly this time." - NoelleT "這一次我一定要把中文學起來。" + NoelleT "這一次,我一定要把中文學起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1517 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_99e69cec: @@ -3874,7 +3869,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_774cf87a: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3fc61c57: # "After spending 15 minutes pounding seven words into her memory, her enthusiasm evaporates." - "小諾花了十五分鐘硬背下七個生字,只覺得心力交瘁。" + "十五分鐘後,小諾才背下七個生字,只覺得身心俱疲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1522 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_1dade527: @@ -3910,7 +3905,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_a825da78: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f5b76ee5: # NoelleT "At last! Onto the second line!" - NoelleT "太好了!前進第二行!" + NoelleT "好!前進第二行!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1531 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_b44bc93b: @@ -3976,7 +3971,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f66e5b3e: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_d3283f8d: # Noelle "I'd rather die." - Noelle "那不如讓我死了算了。" + Noelle "那我不如死了算了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1552 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_536b2f90: @@ -3988,7 +3983,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_536b2f90: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_cbe2f577: # ChunHua "Maybe I can help instead?" - ChunHua "我可以幫忙嗎??" + ChunHua "我可以幫忙嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1555 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f8e4f243: @@ -4084,7 +4079,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8019f05e: translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_e0b7f342: # "Noelle gives the half-translated poem one last despairing look before flipping the magazine shut." - "小諾看著翻譯到一半的詩,難過的闔上了雜誌。" + "小諾看著翻譯到一半的詩,難過的合上了雜誌。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1589 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_614326db: @@ -4120,13 +4115,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_c7fb61a9: translate traditional_chinese bart_47c3656f: # "That evening, Noelle and her mom make landfall in California." - "當天晚上,小諾與媽媽回到了加州。" + "當天晚上,小諾和媽媽回到了加州。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1614 translate traditional_chinese bart_7f8988fc: # "Instead of driving home from the airport, they take the BART back." - "她們將車留在停車場,改搭地鐵回家。" + "她們把車留在停車場,改搭地鐵回家。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1615 translate traditional_chinese bart_b9355f2a: @@ -4186,7 +4181,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_2a2a7e1a: translate traditional_chinese bart_a7c4ed34: # "The conductor mumbles something unintelligible over the intercom as the train stops at a station." - "列車到站時,廣播中傳來一陣模糊不清的聲音。" + "列車到站時,廣播中傳來一陣模糊不清的語音。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1634 translate traditional_chinese bart_86b4f690: @@ -4336,13 +4331,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_ba019912: translate traditional_chinese bart_bc00590b: # Noelle "Why are we here?" - Noelle "我們為什麼要來?" + Noelle "我們為什麼要來這裡?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1710 translate traditional_chinese bart_7eaf2811: # Mom "Because the hobo lady peed on the floor?" - Mom "因為有流浪漢在車上撒尿?" + Mom "因為有人在車上撒尿?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1712 translate traditional_chinese bart_d4b9f511: @@ -4372,13 +4367,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_7800f1f0: translate traditional_chinese bart_85f0eac8: # Noelle "Taiwan has socialized healthcare, more robust public infrastructure, and one of the lowest poverty rates in the world." - Noelle "他們有完善的公共設施、全民健康保險,連貧窮指數都是全球數一數二低的。" + Noelle "他們的公共設施、健康保險都很完善,連貧窮指數都是全球數一數二低的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1719 translate traditional_chinese bart_abc39ab5: # Noelle "Americans live shorter lives. Even worse, they're not as good at math and science." - Noelle "美國人平均只能活七十多歲,而且數學和科學的造詣也比台灣人低。" + Noelle "美國人平均只能活七十多歲,而且數學和科學的造詣也比台灣人差。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1722 translate traditional_chinese bart_f783a11c: @@ -4390,7 +4385,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_f783a11c: translate traditional_chinese bart_f0d3f5df: # Mom "And America was strong. We were scared China was going to invade Taiwan." - Mom "我們當時很怕中國會打過來,所以才決定移民美國──美國以前也沒這麼爛。" + Mom "我們當時怕中國會打過來,所以才決定移民美國──美國以前也沒這麼爛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1726 translate traditional_chinese bart_c13b0395: @@ -4444,7 +4439,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_8200a3db: translate traditional_chinese bart_e206e660: # NPC "Fruitvale...Dublin-Pleasanton train." - NPC "Fruitvale……Dublin-Pleasanton train。" + NPC "水果谷……都柏林到普萊森頓。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1743 translate traditional_chinese bart_29881684: @@ -4468,7 +4463,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_becd65ed: translate traditional_chinese bart_75a72200: # Mom "You know how Chun-hua wants to study in America?" - Mom "妳知道春花想來這裡念大學嗎?" + Mom "妳知道春花想來念大學嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1751 translate traditional_chinese bart_be8d0937: @@ -4528,7 +4523,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bart_390a1bfb: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2101a8c3: # "Noelle waits with her friends for the baseball club meeting to begin." - "小諾與朋友們在更衣室等社團活動開始。" + "小諾與朋友們在更衣室等待社團活動開始。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1785 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_e47df87c: @@ -4546,7 +4541,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_9469f980: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_87b3f0f4: # Noelle "The subway system — it was so punctual and efficient! And the signage was so clear." - Noelle "台灣的地鐵時間是準的!而且廣播也不會糊糊的。" + Noelle "地鐵的到站時間是準的!廣播也不會糊糊的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1790 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_14c6b728: @@ -4618,7 +4613,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_390a1bfb: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_f75b4bb0: # Noelle "What do you call it when you're grateful for the things your parents have done for you, but at the same time, you feel like they made critical mistakes that'll probably affect you forever?" - Noelle "有沒有這樣一個詞……就是……妳雖然很感謝家人對妳的付出,但同時又覺得他們做錯了很多事,甚至耽誤到妳的一生?" + Noelle "有沒有這樣一個詞……就是……妳雖然很感謝家人對妳的付出,但同時又覺得他們做錯了很多事,甚至耽誤了妳的一生?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1815 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_636dbbe3: @@ -4648,7 +4643,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_6b469819: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_7e50042b: # Noelle "WHY HAVE YOU TIED YOUR SHOELACES LIKE THAT?" with sshake - Noelle "妳鞋帶為什麼綁成這樣!" with sshake + Noelle "妳鞋帶為什麼要綁成這樣!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1828 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_1a994118: @@ -4672,7 +4667,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_7f042003: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b96e0bb6: # Akarsha "Huh?! Meanie!" with sshake - Akarsha "過分!" with sshake + Akarsha "小氣鬼!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1841 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b496dff3: @@ -4690,7 +4685,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2955761d: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_e219e1bf: # Min "Dubious beauty products? Like what? Nail clippers with bombs in them?" - Min "可疑美容產品是什麽?會爆炸的指甲刀嗎?" + Min "可疑美容產品是什麼?會爆炸的指甲刀嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1847 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_70353ee6: @@ -4810,7 +4805,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_94911985: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_356cad7f: # Akarsha "How mean! The second I open my mouth, you all jump to slap my balls..." - Akarsha "為什麼我只是表達一下,就要被妳們踢蛋……" + Akarsha "為什麼我只是表達一下,就要被妳們蛋蛋裡挑骨頭……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1888 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_9b40da2d: @@ -4852,7 +4847,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_95ebc84f: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_ab589fe8: # "The [teamName!t] gather around Chryssa and Liz as they begin the meeting." - "[teamName!t]聚集在克莉莎與麗姿身邊,社團活動開始了。" + "[teamName!t]聚集到克莉莎和麗姿身邊,社團活動開始了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1908 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_518b0760: @@ -4876,7 +4871,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_a21e8394: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_d440792d: # Chryssa "They're the only ones who would play us again." - Chryssa "只有他們還願意跟我們打。" + Chryssa "因為願意跟我們打的只剩下他們了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1916 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_99b6b4de: @@ -4936,7 +4931,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_d3d1d5c1: translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_ce0e5f8a: # Liz "Is everyone ready to go? The other team got here early." - Liz "大家準備好了嗎?對方已經在等了。" + Liz "大家準備好了嗎?他們已經到了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1946 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d717f479: @@ -4984,7 +4979,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_01bb9964: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5d69a820: # Hayden "We got a new guy who's pretty good." - Hayden "一個超強的新人。" + Hayden "一個超級新人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1964 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b0c5aa2a: @@ -5008,7 +5003,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c74c16da: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b6869956: # Hayden "Maybe he got lost on his way driving here?" - Hayden "他該不會迷路了吧?" + Hayden "他不會迷路了吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1972 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c08369eb: @@ -5170,7 +5165,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_808b02f3: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e309a70b: # Chryssa "That was before I knew what exposure therapy was." - Chryssa "因為當時的我還不知道暴露療法。" + Chryssa "因為當時的我還不知道有這個療法。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2039 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_0de36037: @@ -5224,7 +5219,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_89bdce0a: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_78a78b8d: # NoelleT "I don't like to appear under-informed, so a bit after our first game, I read the baseball rulebook from cover to cover." - NoelleT "在第一場比賽結束後,我把棒球規則書好好看了一遍。現在我至少知道棒球到底在做什麼了。雖然如此……" + NoelleT "在第一場比賽結束後,我把棒球規則書完整讀了一遍。現在我至少知道棒球到底在做什麼了。雖然如此……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2070 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_06e1bd2b: @@ -5254,7 +5249,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fb84412c: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8602d225: # Akarsha "I'm the shortstop? I'm supposed to be here." - Akarsha "我是游擊手啊?" + Akarsha "游擊手本來就站在這裡啊?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2080 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7ccd3524: @@ -5284,7 +5279,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e3f00d7d: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e31389ce: # Chryssa "You're supposed to work together and vary your positioning to anticipate what the batters and runner do, you know." - Chryssa "妳們要通力合作,預測並配合打者和跑者的行為,並且改變彼此的位置。" + Chryssa "妳們要通力合作,預測並配合打者和跑者的行為,調整彼此的位置。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2092 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a030c214: @@ -5422,7 +5417,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ce4a859d: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6e010d6c: # "Min hurls another pitch his way, but instead of dancing like usual, it pretty much just sails straight down the middle." - "小旼再度投出一球,但這一球沒有亂飄,反而朝好球帶中央飛去。" + "小旼再度投出一球,但是這一球沒有亂飄,反而朝好球帶中央飛去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2145 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fa268a64: @@ -5440,7 +5435,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8b70a650: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_20995010: # "It bounces into the air and for one singularly terrifying moment, Noelle sees it coming straight at her!" - "地面的彈力將球帶起,小諾驚恐的發現:球朝自己的方向飛過來了!" + "地面的彈力將球帶起,小諾驚恐的發現,球朝自己的方向飛過來了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2153 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_88ebf947: @@ -5626,7 +5621,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_512daaa1: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5513c55e: # Akarsha "Even if it WAS twice as big, isn't crashing kinda an overreaction?" - Akarsha "就算是好了。這樣就出車禍,不會有點誇張嗎?" + Akarsha "可是這樣就出車禍,不會有點誇張嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2220 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9ba0838f: @@ -5926,7 +5921,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_714d0a93: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d854464e: # "Akarsha lobs the ball over, and Liz tags him out." - "阿卡莎將球丟給麗姿,薩布漢被成功觸殺。" + "阿卡莎將球投給麗姿,薩布漢被成功觸殺。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2347 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d13424fc: @@ -5962,7 +5957,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7947b875: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fa2e7398: # Akarsha "My name.........is Sub-Zero." - Akarsha "我的名諱……是零度旋風。" + Akarsha "我乃……零度旋風。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2359 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f482f82c: @@ -5998,7 +5993,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d3a50ce6: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6fd10809: # NoelleT "And now I'm here, playing baseball. I'm wearing a little cap, sweating, and running on grass." - NoelleT "而現在我在美國打棒球。我戴著帽子、滿身大汗、在草地上狂奔。" + NoelleT "幾個小時候,我在美國打棒球。我戴著帽子、滿身大汗、在草地上狂奔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2372 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f31d8a15: @@ -6094,7 +6089,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a6c74c14: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_74df4f6a: # "Akarsha grins, and the inside of Noelle's palm prickles." - "阿卡莎得意的笑了笑,小諾忽然感到手心發癢。" + "阿卡莎得意的笑了笑,小諾忽然感到掌心發癢。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2414 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9fc2ed2b: @@ -6142,7 +6137,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_46f03f1f: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_77d09199: # Akarsha "I dunno, man. It's not good to wallow too long in self-pity." - Akarsha "這個嘛。該怎麽說,不要想太多比較好。" + Akarsha "這個嘛。該怎麼說,不要想太多比較好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2431 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_324f2e1a: @@ -6340,7 +6335,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_02d478a7: translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_67117a2f: # Akarsha "It's a guy who's about to get beaned." - Akarsha "所以這是一個即將被球打到的人。" + Akarsha "所以這是一個要被球打到的人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2518 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4399bdb8: @@ -6610,13 +6605,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_2fd8f2a0: translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_a7956b03: # "Thanks to Noelle's noble sacrifice, Global Warming maintains their deadlock with the Killer Whales for the next few innings." - "在小諾的犧牲加持下,直到最後一局下半,「溫室效應」和殺人鯨依然處於持平狀態。" + "在小諾的犧牲加持下,直到比賽結束前,「溫室效應」和殺人鯨依然處於持平狀態。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2651 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5d2337da: # "Thanks to Noelle's noble sacrifice, the [teamName!t] maintain their deadlock with the Killer Whales for the next few innings." - "在小諾的犧牲加持下,直到最後一局下半,[teamName!t]和殺人鯨依然處於持平狀態。" + "在小諾的犧牲加持下,直到比賽結束前,[teamName!t]和殺人鯨依然處於持平狀態。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2658 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_6d69895f: @@ -6670,7 +6665,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_df3b8b6c: translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_0a97e49f: # "She shrieks at Akarsha as he crosses home plate." - "小諾對阿卡莎大叫:" + "小諾氣的尖聲大叫。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2681 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_d0d9d20f: @@ -6694,7 +6689,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c6a5709c: translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_30a70c0b: # Noelle "NO, IT DOESN'T." with sshake - Noelle "一點也部發人深省!" with sshake + Noelle "一點也不發人深省!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2699 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c62ac16d: @@ -6706,7 +6701,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c62ac16d: translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_f1ca8257: # "Thanks to Akarsha's antics, the [teamName!t] enter the bottom of the final inning one run behind the Killer Whales." - "在阿卡莎的逆向加持之下,在比賽即將結束前,[teamName!t]依然落後殺人鯨一分。" + "在阿卡莎的逆向加持下,直到比賽結束前,[teamName!t]依然落後殺人鯨一分。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2703 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5b5d1dc8: @@ -6730,7 +6725,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_4a4e6fc6: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d88c65fc: # "After letting two balls go, Diya swings at a fastball." - "兩壞後,迪亞朝一顆高速球打擊出去。" + "兩壞後,迪亞將一顆高速球打擊出去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2716 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_57537cff: @@ -6784,7 +6779,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_66140097: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_dcaf54ce: # "Akarsha cracks her knuckles as she gets up from the bench." - "阿卡莎從椅子上站起來,把關節弄得喀喀作響。" + "阿卡莎站起身,把關節弄得喀喀作響。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2736 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_22be31c9: @@ -6808,13 +6803,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_603e0a30: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9742936c: # Liz "Back when I was in Little League, I saw a batter get beaned in the face." - Liz "我親眼看過一個人被球打到臉。" + Liz "以前啊,我親眼看過一個人被球打到臉。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2743 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0be82bc7: # Liz "Chryssa, do you remember? He was on your team." - Liz "妳還記得吧,克莉莎?他在妳的隊上。" + Liz "克莉莎,妳還記得吧?他在妳的隊上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2745 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c914a997: @@ -6826,7 +6821,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c914a997: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_465cfa50: # Chryssa "...Oh, yeah! That was so scary." - Chryssa "……喔!對!我想起來了!超慘的。" + Chryssa "……喔!對!我想起來了!超可怕的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2748 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_7ec0ab17: @@ -6934,7 +6929,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_cd826492: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f2b95886: # "She doesn't spin around fast enough, so the bat just clatters to the ground." - "而她轉身的速度不夠快,球棒直接掉在了地上。" + "然而她轉身的速度不夠快,球棒直接掉在了地上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2790 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ea5c5756: @@ -6946,7 +6941,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ea5c5756: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_86b89ab2: # "Akarsha picks the bat back up and points it at Jun-seo." - "阿卡莎撿起球棒,將它指向阿俊。" + "阿卡莎用球棒指著阿俊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2793 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_51edd74a: @@ -6988,7 +6983,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_8aa670f4: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_49f95f89: # Ester "We're all going to be haunted by that pee comment now and it didn't even work???" with sshake - Ester "妳不但逼我們聽屎尿梗,而且還打不到球?!" with sshake + Ester "我們白聽妳一個屎尿爛梗,妳現在怎麼賠?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2812 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_09c7bb0b: @@ -7030,7 +7025,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_5a72aed7: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_63086545: # Akarsha "Ha!" - Akarsha "哈!" + Akarsha "哼哼哼!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2831 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_62b5c2db: @@ -7078,13 +7073,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e47d28aa: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2c3d18f7: # "Akarsha leans in so she gets hit by the pitch again!" - "阿卡莎又去被球打了!" + "阿卡莎又湊了上去!球打到了她的身體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2858 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_db151346: # Chryssa "Not again!" with sshake - Chryssa "妳怎麽講不聽啊!" with sshake + Chryssa "妳怎麼講不聽啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2860 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_970a3359: @@ -7168,13 +7163,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_18bbd27b: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_96cb30a2: # Noelle "{i}Can{/i} they do that? She was hit by the pitch — she's entitled to first base." - Noelle "{i}可以嗎?{/i}既然阿卡莎被球打到了,她不是可以直接上壘嗎?" + Noelle "{i}可以嗎?{/i}阿卡莎已經被球打到了,她不是可以直接上壘嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2895 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f446d04c: # Liz "...Good point..." - Liz "……有道理……" + Liz "……好像是欸……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2900 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a89a9dcf: @@ -7246,13 +7241,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e494c7e6: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_50492c9c: # Liz "The run won't even count if Akarsha is the third out before making it to first base!" - Liz "如果阿卡莎在上本壘前被觸殺,這一分就不算了!" + Liz "如果阿卡莎在上本壘之前被觸殺,這一分就不算了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2933 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_27c41b70: # Liz "Er, if they even can tag her out? I'm not sure anymore." - Liz "呃、前提是他們觸殺不算犯規?我不確定。" + Liz "呃、前提是他們觸殺不犯規?我不確定。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2938 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9ee5f848: @@ -7342,7 +7337,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_636a9174: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b020f6bd: # "Noelle is so relieved that she tearfully pulls Akarsha into a hug for a moment before a mixture of other emotions catch up with her." - "安心感淹沒了小諾,她淚眼汪汪的抱住阿卡莎,直到發現自己做了什麼。" + "安心感淹沒了小諾,她淚眼汪汪的抱住阿卡莎,直到理智重歸大腦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2990 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b3724e90: @@ -7354,7 +7349,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b3724e90: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_657cadba: # "Her heart pounding, Noelle hastily shoves Akarsha away, sending her crashing back to the ground." with sshake - "小諾忽然感到心跳加速。她慌亂的推開阿卡莎,導致她又摔在了地上。" with sshake + "小諾忽然感到心跳加速。她慌亂的推開阿卡莎,導致她又躺回地上。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2995 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_43cf8fe3: @@ -7450,7 +7445,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_bd2953ee: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d0b96afa: # Chryssa "Do you feel nauseous?" - Chryssa "妳想吐嗎?" + Chryssa "妳想不想吐?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3030 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f66300ff: @@ -7462,13 +7457,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f66300ff: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1b8b43fb: # "As they run through a series of tests for concussion, Chryssa and Liz relax a bit." - "在問了更多問題、做了更多檢查之後,克莉莎和麗姿終於放下心來。" + "在問了更多問題、做了更多檢查之後,克莉莎和麗姿總算放心了一點。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3033 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_113327f1: # Chryssa "You seem fine...It's good that you can remember what happened and walk." - Chryssa "既然妳記得發生了什麼,而且還能走……那情況應該不嚴重。" + Chryssa "既然妳還記得發生了什麼,而且能自己走路……那情況應該不嚴重。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3035 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1f217852: @@ -7480,7 +7475,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1f217852: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1f5fa0be: # Akarsha "I wasn't knocked out, I was thinking the whole time." - Akarsha "我沒有昏倒,我只是在想事情。" + Akarsha "我沒有昏倒,只是在想事情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3039 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9eb7f0d7: @@ -7660,7 +7655,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2183defb: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2a7c77d2: # Akarsha "Why is my face wet?" - Akarsha "我的臉怎麽是濕的?" + Akarsha "我的臉怎麼是濕的?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3121 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9d73f57c: @@ -7696,25 +7691,25 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_45ba45f8: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_213221d9: # Akarsha "Man...If only I hadn't tripped, I totally would've saved the day." - Akarsha "如果我沒有跌倒,一定可以成功上壘的……" + Akarsha "如果我沒有跌倒,一定可以得分的……太可惜了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3137 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b9b57f0b: # Akarsha "You should thank me for tryin' to save you from making us lose." - Akarsha "我為了彌補妳的失誤那麼努力,妳要怎麽感謝我?" + Akarsha "我那麼努力,妳要怎麼感謝我?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3142 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_233f9f3d: # NoelleT "Now that she mentions it, I do feel a bit bad that she got hurt trying to help me..." - NoelleT "經她這麼一提,我還滿對不起她的……" + NoelleT "這麼說起來,她的確是為了彌補我的失誤才受傷的……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3144 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f1819922: # Noelle "I actually am a bit impressed you wrangled such an improbable outcome out of a walk." - Noelle "我對妳利用跑壘製造混亂的策略印象深刻。" + Noelle "我對妳利用跑壘製造混亂的策略感到印象深刻。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3145 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2811afff: @@ -7738,13 +7733,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b0bb2628: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_6bf989ce: # Noelle "Contrary to common belief, I am, in fact, capable of being nice." - Noelle "雖然大家好像都不相信,但是我也是會誇獎人的。" + Noelle "雖然大家好像都不相信,其實我是會誇獎別人的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3157 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_705e27de: # Akarsha "I know, but you usually look like you're passing a really hard poo while you're doing it." - Akarsha "我知道妳會,可是妳之前誇獎別人的表情都很像在便祕。" + Akarsha "我知道,只是妳之前誇獎別人的時候都很像在便祕。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3158 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0156f8db: @@ -7756,7 +7751,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0156f8db: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_fe791955: # Akarsha "Congratulations! You've learned basic human decency!" - Akarsha "恭喜老爺!賀喜夫人!您終於知道怎麽社交了!" + Akarsha "恭喜老爺!賀喜夫人!您終於知道怎麼社交了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3161 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1dbe5445: @@ -7768,13 +7763,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1dbe5445: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_049c3d77: # "To Noelle's dismay, she feels a strange, almost electric undercurrent of something running between their palms." - "觸電般的感覺在兩人交握的掌心之間流竄,讓小諾感到困惑不已。" + "觸電般的感覺在兩人交握的掌心之間流竄,令小諾感到困惑不已。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3164 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a3816e57: # NoelleT "Why am I so sensitive to her touch all of a sudden? It didn't used to be like this." - NoelleT "為什麼她一碰我,我就覺得渾身不對勁?之前不會這樣的。" + NoelleT "為什麼她一碰我,我就覺得全身不對勁?之前不會這樣的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3166 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0bbf6fac: @@ -7822,7 +7817,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d906b2b4: translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a68b07cf: # NoelleT "Oh, the humanity!" - NoelleT "啊!人性!為何你甘心成為弄臣的俘虜!" + NoelleT "噢!人性!為何你甘心成為弄臣的俘虜!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3186 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e27607e2: @@ -7834,7 +7829,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e27607e2: translate traditional_chinese math_d537ffe3: # "Diya blearily looks up from her textbook as Akarsha takes her usual seat in front of Noelle." - "迪亞睡眼惺忪地看著阿卡莎走進教室,坐在小諾前面。" + "迪亞睡眼惺忪地看著阿卡莎走進教室,坐到小諾前面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3204 translate traditional_chinese math_6aa4145a: @@ -7852,13 +7847,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese math_a357ea1c: translate traditional_chinese math_91e9a66f: # Akarsha "The nurse just told me to rest up for a few days." - Akarsha "保健室阿姨說多休息就可以了。" + Akarsha "保健室阿姨說:只要多休息就可以了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3208 translate traditional_chinese math_18fbaa1e: # Akarsha "My parents made me see a doctor over the weekend, too, and he said the same thing." - Akarsha "我周末去看的醫生也這麼說。" + Akarsha "我週末去看的醫生也這麼說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3210 translate traditional_chinese math_8240dffc: @@ -7870,7 +7865,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese math_8240dffc: translate traditional_chinese math_7377b735: # Akarsha "I wish I could've used this as an excuse to get outta the Bio test today, though." - Akarsha "但是我今天依然要考生物。" + Akarsha "可是我今天依然要考生物,真是太殘酷了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3219 translate traditional_chinese math_eac9c3f0: @@ -7882,7 +7877,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese math_eac9c3f0: translate traditional_chinese math_c88ed751: # Noelle "You can use it as extra time to cram." - Noelle "妳可以利用那段時間念書。" + Noelle "妳可以利用那段時間補念。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3223 translate traditional_chinese math_c2dcc281: @@ -7912,7 +7907,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese math_b45fca87: translate traditional_chinese math_f01a342c: # Akarsha "It said if your hand is bigger than your face, you have cancer." - Akarsha "上面寫如果妳的手比臉大,就可能是癌症。" + Akarsha "上面寫:如果妳的手比臉大,就可能是癌症。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3234 translate traditional_chinese math_e5e62b50: @@ -7948,7 +7943,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese math_bcce352f: translate traditional_chinese math_1e152ebb: # "Akarsha bolts, and Noelle chases after her!" - "阿卡莎從座位上彈起來,小諾追了上去!" + "阿卡莎逃走了!小諾追了上去!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3254 translate traditional_chinese math_07037f16: @@ -7966,7 +7961,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese math_990a6068: translate traditional_chinese math_41858061: # NoelleT "I can't keep my eyes off of her. It must be my body's natural defense mechanism in response to threats." - NoelleT "我為什麼一直盯著她看?我知道了!因為我把她當成威脅,所以我的身體產生了防衛機制。" + NoelleT "我為什麼一直盯著她看?我知道了!因為我把她當成威脅,所以我的身體產生了防禦機制。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3259 translate traditional_chinese math_41ee4675: @@ -8020,7 +8015,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_46375001: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ab8ac9a8: # Akarsha "Plant tissue that moves water 'n stuff around. Next." - Akarsha "植物中負責運送水和那個什麼東西的組織。下一題。" + Akarsha "植物裡負責運送水和那個什麼東西的組織。下一題。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3279 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_f2494aff: @@ -8104,19 +8099,19 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d0dbf088: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_06402f11: # NoelleT "I may have grown used to the concept of Diya dating Min, but I have no intention of being in a relationship like that myself." - NoelleT "就算我已經知道兩個女人可以建立浪漫關係,但是我並不想談戀愛。" + NoelleT "我知道兩個女人也可以建立浪漫關係,但是我並不想談戀愛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3314 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d5a380c8: # NoelleT "Even now that I'm aware it's possible for two women to...copulate...that changes nothing!" - NoelleT "就算兩個女人真的可以……可以……交媾……可是……!" + NoelleT "就算兩個女人也可以……可以……交媾……這關我什麼事……!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3315 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2f634706: # NoelleT "Homosexuals can't even legally get married anymore. It seems unwise to pursue a lifestyle reliant on the mercy of a government as unreliable as our own." - NoelleT "而且現在同性戀已經不能結婚了。選擇這條路,無疑是非常不明智的。" + NoelleT "而且同性戀已經不能結婚了。現在選擇這條路,無疑是非常不明智的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3318 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4b2f5825: @@ -8128,7 +8123,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4b2f5825: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_7abb8768: # Akarsha "...Why're you glaring at me?" - Akarsha "……妳瞪我幹嘛?" + Akarsha "……妳幹嘛瞪我?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3321 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0e94a64a: @@ -8146,7 +8141,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a9fda0c9: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_eb52153f: # Noelle "YET?" with sshake - Noelle "「還沒」?" with sshake + Noelle "「還沒」是什麼意思?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3329 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2fc393e2: @@ -8188,7 +8183,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_6041e317: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_9b829dd7: # Sayeeda "I saw! Every page has like, four comments!!" with sshake - Sayeeda "我有看!每一頁都有三、四個留言耶!" with sshake + Sayeeda "我看了!每一頁都有三、四個留言耶!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3345 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a013bc8f: @@ -8236,7 +8231,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ecc3e14d: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_38261de3: # Akarsha "Hey, were you really in high school if you didn't act in a completely incomprehensible movie with your friends?" - Akarsha "拜託!高中就是做蠢事的地方啊!" + Akarsha "拜託!高中就是用來做蠢事的啊!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3363 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a16d98d6: @@ -8278,13 +8273,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d20afd20: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2db147c1: # Ester "Her personality is completely different from yours. And I changed her hair color to white." - Ester "她跟妳的個性完全不一樣,而且是白髮。" + Ester "她的個性跟妳完全不一樣,而且是白色頭髮。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3377 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_61c3e5cd: # Noelle "Why white...? Is she old?" - Noelle "為什麼?她是老年人嗎?" + Noelle "為什麼?她很老嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3380 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3fae3b21: @@ -8296,7 +8291,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3fae3b21: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_15b4fd51: # Noelle "Okay...But what if people still realize this is based on my likeness?" - Noelle "……萬一還是有人認出來是我,怎麼辦?" + Noelle "喔……可是……萬一還是有人看出來是我呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3385 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_199ca5fd: @@ -8326,7 +8321,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_689551c7: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4d757d72: # Ester "Sorry, next time I'll ask for permission first..." - Ester "對不起,我以後要用之前會先徵求妳的同意……" + Ester "對不起,我以後要用之前,會先徵求妳的同意……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3395 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_17fe07f8: @@ -8368,7 +8363,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_8d34ad4c: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_fef7756a: # Grace "You created this with your bare hands! So what if it's not perfect? You're god!" - Grace "這是妳畫的耶!妳就是新世界的神!不完美也是完美的一種!" + Grace "這是妳畫的耶!妳就是新世界的神!不完美就是完美的藍圖!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3409 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_157c2458: @@ -8404,7 +8399,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_68076149: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_cc3dac19: # "Noelle hangs back with Diya as the others argue, trying to process a confusing tangle of feelings about not being the center of Akarsha's attention." - "同人女們吵了起來。小諾退回迪亞身邊,看著聊得起勁的阿卡莎,嘗試消化心中突如其來的醋意。" + "同人女們吵了起來。小諾默默退回迪亞身邊,她看著正聊得起勁的阿卡莎,嘗試消化心中突如其來的醋意。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3421 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_c39b681a: @@ -8440,7 +8435,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_786bda3d: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_43c8cf32: # Noelle "But if you ignore it, it'll pass, eventually." - Noelle "但如果妳不想,這種感覺也會慢慢消失。" + Noelle "如果妳不想,這種感覺也會慢慢消失。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3433 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a858b2db: @@ -8464,31 +8459,31 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_74f8d7fb: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_64fb7a15: # Noelle "But this isn't like that. This is more comparable to someone reaching a fork in a road." - Noelle "我說的更類似於生命的轉捩點;一個無法逆轉、需要深似熟慮的抉擇。" + Noelle "我說的更類似於生命的轉捩點;一個無法被逆轉、需要深似熟慮的抉擇。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3439 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_45816fb1: # Noelle "Because I can obviously control my emotions, especially ones that aren't useful to me. I'm not a wild animal." - Noelle "我有理性,我不是野獸。我可以完美控制自己的感情,就算那些感情對我來說是多餘的。" + Noelle "我有理性,我不是野獸。我可以完美控制自己的感情,就算那些感情對我來說毫無意義。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3442 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a4282591: # Diya "...Even if you could control your emotions. Why don't you think they're useful?" - Diya "……既然妳能控制、能使用,不就代表不是多餘的嗎?" + Diya "……既然妳能控制、能使用,不就代表不是毫無意義嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3444 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3565fd36: # Noelle "Because they would derail my entire life." - Noelle "是多餘的。因為它們會毀掉我的一生。" + Noelle "是。因為它們會毀了我的一生。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3446 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_7d8a71ed: # Noelle "There's insufficient evidence to suggest the subject in question would reciprocate my feelings, so perhaps this is putting the cart before the horse..." - Noelle "但我並不握有對方願意回應我感情的證據。可能我擔心這些還太早了……" + Noelle "但我並不握有對方願意回應我感情的證據。擔心這些可能還太早了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3447 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2afbad4f: @@ -8530,7 +8525,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_6e8840cd: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_79bc58ca: # "Diya gives her an odd look. She looks like she's struggling to piece together a very complicated puzzle." - "迪亞聽著、聽著,聽到表情扭曲。彷彿腦中出現了一個非常困藍的問題,正等待她的解答。" + "迪亞聽著、聽著,聽到表情扭曲。彷彿腦中出現了一個非常困難的問題,正等待她的解答。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3461 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_9d73f57c: @@ -8548,7 +8543,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0b6e9b3f: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d0f68b99: # Diya "If the...person...doesn't fit your goal, shouldn't you update the goal?" - Diya "如果……這個……人……不符合妳的條件,那把條件改一下,可以嗎?" + Diya "如果……這個……人……不符合妳的條件,那可以把條件改一下嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3467 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_58cc2dec: @@ -8572,7 +8567,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_7c4556a7: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_e16e16a7: # Noelle "...Oh...Yes, they do." - Noelle "…………對。" + Noelle "……妳說的對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3476 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4219c577: @@ -8584,13 +8579,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4219c577: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2b294025: # Noelle "Why am I so desperate for the approval of two people whose opinions I don't even respect?" - Noelle "我知道自己不應該在乎他們怎麼想,因為我自己都覺得他們的為人有問題。但是我就是沒辦法不在乎。" + Noelle "我知道自己不應該在乎他們怎麼想,因為我自己都覺得他們的為人處事有問題。但是我就是沒辦法不在乎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3480 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_5f73bb68: # Noelle "I wish I could rewire my brain to only crave approval from people I hold in high esteem." - Noelle "希望我的大腦可以重新開機,去聽聽我尊敬的人都怎麽說。" + Noelle "希望我的大腦可以聽聽我尊敬的人都怎麼說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3483 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_58b4fb68: @@ -8620,7 +8615,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3ccf91d9: translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0c2c1d96: # Diya "But you can read some books too, as a treat." - Diya "我會給你書當獎勵。" + Diya "如股表現好的話,就可以看書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3495 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_080dc16c: @@ -8632,7 +8627,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese preassembly_080dc16c: translate traditional_chinese assembly_56f23636: # "Noelle follows her class into the rafters." - "小諾與班上的同學一起走進體育館。" + "小諾一行人走進體育館。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3525 translate traditional_chinese assembly_cb4c7fcc: @@ -8710,7 +8705,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_8251d02e: translate traditional_chinese assembly_421a4e16: # Diya "At lunch, there's samosas. And Coldstone cupcakes." - Diya "今天午餐有咖哩餃和酷石杯子蛋糕。" + Diya "今天的午餐有咖哩餃和酷石杯子蛋糕。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3555 translate traditional_chinese assembly_06f0a1c8: @@ -8728,7 +8723,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_a6ea98d6: translate traditional_chinese assembly_fcfc3464: # Diya "All the clubs sell something to fundraise." - Diya "每個社團都會賣東西,金額會捐給慈善機構。" + Diya "每個社團都會賣東西,收入會捐給慈善機構。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3560 translate traditional_chinese assembly_15163088: @@ -8752,7 +8747,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_5882d563: translate traditional_chinese assembly_f563281c: # "Akarsha takes a seat at the end of the row against the wall. Min begins to sit down next to her..." - "阿卡莎坐進最後一排牆邊的位置,小旼正要坐在她的旁邊──" + "阿卡莎坐進最後一排靠牆的位置,小旼正要坐在她的旁邊──" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3572 translate traditional_chinese assembly_1d74dd58: @@ -8788,7 +8783,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_47d6476c: translate traditional_chinese assembly_b4eccf9e: # "Baffled, Noelle squeezes past them and sits in the spot Min was about to take next to Akarsha." - "小諾連忙擠過熱吻中的兩人,坐到了阿卡莎身邊。" + "小諾連忙擠過熱吻中的兩人,坐到了阿卡莎旁邊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3586 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0b97355e: @@ -8854,7 +8849,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_281f0470: translate traditional_chinese assembly_d285220f: # Min "You tired?" - Min "妳累了?" + Min "想睡覺?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3610 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b0f3c103: @@ -8872,7 +8867,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_e993ad7a: translate traditional_chinese assembly_9129fe1f: # Akarsha "Man, I wish I stayed up late cramming too. I'm so dead..." - Akarsha "我昨天為什麼要睡呢?我完蛋了……" + Akarsha "我昨天到底為什麼要睡呢?死定了啦……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3617 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9b2064f5: @@ -8896,7 +8891,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_9bbe12f4: translate traditional_chinese assembly_2bbc74dd: # Noelle "The petal." - Noelle "花瓣" + Noelle "花瓣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3632 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2c565bf2: @@ -8938,7 +8933,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_dd465693: translate traditional_chinese assembly_a241f632: # Akarsha "All along, instead of debating whether you're straight or gay, we should've been asking whether you get turned on by flower private parts." - Akarsha "問人家性取向已經落伍了。從今天開始,逢人就問:請問您聽到「子房」會有感覺嗎?" + Akarsha "問人家性取向已經落伍了。從今天開始,逢人就問:請問您聽到「子房」會有性慾嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3649 translate traditional_chinese assembly_25d24af5: @@ -9118,7 +9113,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_06ee3041: translate traditional_chinese assembly_2d183d26: # Noelle "You know what I mean. It's not the traditional culture your ancestors experienced." - Noelle "妳知道我不是那個意思。" + Noelle "我不是那個意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3737 translate traditional_chinese assembly_fb53a1ae: @@ -9172,7 +9167,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_0262355f: translate traditional_chinese assembly_b2257355: # Noelle "Easier said than done, but duly noted." - Noelle "妳說的簡單。但是我記住了。" + Noelle "妳說得簡單。但是我記住了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3767 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6cb7d62a: @@ -9220,7 +9215,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_0e58246f: translate traditional_chinese assembly_be8d0937: # Noelle "Yes." - Noelle "對。" + Noelle "對啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3791 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6fa0a32c: @@ -9370,13 +9365,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_d1531631: translate traditional_chinese assembly_267a6b6e: # "Noelle carefully maintains a mildly disgusted expression as she watches Akarsha read, just in case she's caught staring." - "小諾凝視著阿卡莎的側臉,小心翼翼地保持著「有點反感」的表情。" + "小諾小心翼翼的維持著「有點反感」的表情,以防阿卡莎發現自己正在偷看她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3877 translate traditional_chinese assembly_4d52acdc: # NoelleT "If I cast this part of myself aside because it's difficult too, will I come to regret it later?" - NoelleT "如果我和從前一樣,因為覺得「很難」就選擇放棄,我也會後悔嗎?" + NoelleT "如果我和以前一樣,因為覺得「很難」就選擇放棄,我也會後悔嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3884 translate traditional_chinese assembly_77a61c5c: @@ -9436,7 +9431,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_aecc28ac: translate traditional_chinese assembly_ec7115bd: # Noelle "O...kay?" - Noelle "……好?" + Noelle "…………喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3907 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e47d28aa: @@ -9489,10 +9484,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_df7698cd: # game/4_noelle.rpy:3925 translate traditional_chinese assembly_cd50a06d: + $subtitle="*公主殿下" # Min "{font=korean.ttf}공주님!{/font} Wake up!" with sshake - Min "{font=korean.ttf}공주님!{/font}!起床了!" with sshake + Min "{font=korean.ttf}공주님*!{/font}!起床了!" with sshake + $subtitle="" -$subtitle="*公主殿下" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3927 translate traditional_chinese assembly_56bfc018: @@ -9500,8 +9496,6 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_56bfc018: # Diya "...!" Diya "……!" -$subtitle="" - # game/4_noelle.rpy:3929 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6d4fc6d8: @@ -9620,13 +9614,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_a07b4e19: translate traditional_chinese assembly_d67b7253: # "Already out of breath, Noelle looks around at the chaotic blur of Asian nerds flailing their limbs around them." - "小諾早已氣喘吁吁,無數的亞洲書呆子在她周身胡亂舞動著身體。" + "小諾早已氣喘吁吁,無數個亞洲書呆子在她周圍胡亂舞動著身體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3987 translate traditional_chinese assembly_fea6b3e8: # NoelleT "It's true...This must be a group of some of the worst dancers in the world!" - NoelleT "真的欸。我們簡直就是全世界最爛的舞群。" + NoelleT "真的欸。我們簡直就是全世界最糟糕的舞群。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3993 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7dbc27f0: @@ -9716,7 +9710,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_9f30cbe2: translate traditional_chinese assembly_feba0b10: # "Akarsha laces their fingers together, and Noelle can feel it — a hairline crack racing through something foundational within her." - "阿卡莎與小諾五指交扣,那一瞬間,某種小而有力的東西爆裂開來,紋路爬滿了曾經造就小諾的一切。" + "小諾與阿卡莎十指交扣的瞬間,某種小而有力的東西爆裂開來,紋路爬滿了曾經造就小諾的一切。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4033 translate traditional_chinese assembly_88354afd: @@ -9734,7 +9728,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_7132114a: translate traditional_chinese assembly_dde4c5b0: # "She whispers it, as an experiment, so that it's impossible to hear over the roar of the crowd and the music." - "她輕輕地說,像一個脆弱的實驗。聲音淹沒在噪音之中。" + "她輕輕地說,像一個脆弱的實驗。話語淹沒在噪音之中。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4038 translate traditional_chinese assembly_00490a09: @@ -9794,7 +9788,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese assembly_b3e0fbdd: translate traditional_chinese assembly_5e3ebaff: # Min "There's so much pain and misery in this school." - Min "這所學校帶來了太多傷心的回憶。" + Min "學校帶來了太多傷心的回憶。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4058 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b796941a: @@ -9920,13 +9914,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_f375367d: translate traditional_chinese epilogue_84707d51: # Noelle "You really can't get more dressed than that?" - Noelle "妳真的沒辦法穿上衣嗎?" + Noelle "妳真的沒辦法穿衣服嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4133 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_d33f2201: # Akarsha "I mean, my arms can't go through the sleeves." - Akarsha "我的手進不去袖子。" + Akarsha "袖子進不去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4135 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_06021fad: @@ -10022,17 +10016,15 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_b543dfe4: translate traditional_chinese epilogue_a05f8c47: # Akarsha "Fine, Skunko Pop...D.Gray-Man..." - Akarsha "好啦、好啦。致命鼬惑……驅魔少年*……" + Akarsha "好啦、好啦。致命鼬惑……驅魔少年……" -$subtitle="*日本漫畫" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4164 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_afc97b80: # Noelle "AND DON'T BRAINSTORM HORRID NEW NICKNAMES FOR ME!" with sshake - Noelle "不要開始發想新綽號!" with sshake + Noelle "不要開始想新綽號!" with sshake -$subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4165 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_35cdf9d6: @@ -10044,7 +10036,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_35cdf9d6: translate traditional_chinese epilogue_df4f1e9c: # Noelle "It's not as if I grew gray hairs on purpose!" with sshake - Noelle "白頭髮又不是我故意要長的!" with sshake + Noelle "白頭髮又不是我自己要長的!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4167 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_94c40ed1: @@ -10062,13 +10054,13 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_70d229f1: translate traditional_chinese epilogue_5a46e6f9: # "Noelle seizes the front of Akarsha's shirt and yanks her forward, crushing their lips together." - "小諾抓住阿卡莎的衣服前襟,用力吻住了她。" + "小諾拉過阿卡莎身上的外衣,用力吻住了她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4173 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_71453617: # "Akarsha makes a small noise of surprise, then grins as she deepens the kiss, coaxing her lips open so her tongue can slide inside." - "阿卡莎驚訝的「唔」了一聲,在小諾將舌頭滑入她口中時露出了笑容,加深了這個吻。" + "阿卡莎驚訝的「唔」了一聲,隨即笑著加深了這個吻,她輕啟雙唇,讓小諾的舌頭長驅直入。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4177 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_52bdb945: @@ -10181,10 +10173,10 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_c91e8edc: # game/4_noelle.rpy:4205 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_cd232eb4: + $subtitle="*美國童書" # Akarsha "Prius driver dressed like Frog & Toad...and me..." Akarsha "是一台普瑞斯……裡面有一個穿得像「青蛙與蟾蜍*」的人,還有我……" - -$subtitle="*美國童書" + $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4206 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_00a6d618: @@ -10192,6 +10184,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_00a6d618: # Noelle "What's wrong with driving a Prius? Just get in already!" with sshake Noelle "普瑞斯怎麼了嗎?上車!" with sshake + # game/4_noelle.rpy:4207 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_472fe40d: @@ -10208,7 +10201,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese epilogue_50005043: translate traditional_chinese epilogue_9e322ae2: # Akarsha "Okay, okay! How mean!" with sshake - Akarsha "好嘛、好嘛!妳很殘忍欸!" with sshake + Akarsha "好嘛、好嘛!我上車就是了嘛!" with sshake translate traditional_chinese strings: @@ -10378,7 +10371,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/4_noelle.rpy:794 old "Ask about the photos on the wall" - new "問牆上的照片" + new "照片牆?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:921 old "Ask about something else" @@ -10386,7 +10379,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/4_noelle.rpy:921 old "Tell me about the photos" - new "問牆上的照片" + new "繼續問照片牆" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1065 old "Intercom" diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/common.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/common.rpy index 5052727..13d8325 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/common.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/common.rpy @@ -400,27 +400,27 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:374 old "Are you sure?" - new "Are you sure?" + new "您確定嗎?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:375 old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" - new "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" + new "您確定要刪除此存檔嗎?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:376 old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" - new "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" + new "您確定要覆蓋此存檔嗎?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:377 old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" - new "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?" + new "現在讀檔將覆蓋未儲存的內容。\n是否確定讀檔?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:378 old "Are you sure you want to quit?" - new "Are you sure you want to quit?" + new "是否離開遊戲?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:379 old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." - new "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress." + new "您確定要直接回到主畫面嗎?\n未儲存的內容將會消失。" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:380 old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" @@ -428,27 +428,27 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:381 old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" - new "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" + new "您確定要跳過嗎?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:382 old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" - new "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" + new "您確定要跳轉至下一個選項嗎?" # renpy/common/00gui.rpy:383 old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" - new "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" + new "您確定要跳過未遊玩的內容至下一個選項嗎?" # renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:267 old "Failed to save screenshot as %s." - new "Failed to save screenshot as %s." + new "截圖失敗 %s." # renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:279 old "Saved screenshot as %s." - new "Saved screenshot as %s." + new "截圖成功 %s." # renpy/common/00library.rpy:195 old "Skip Mode" - new "Skip Mode" + new "快轉模式" # renpy/common/00library.rpy:281 old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/license}here{/a}." diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/screens.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/screens.rpy index 3eeb6e6..0702f69 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/screens.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/screens.rpy @@ -380,11 +380,11 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/screens.rpy:1901 old "Yes" - new "Yes" + new "是" # game/screens.rpy:1902 old "No" - new "No" + new "否" # game/screens.rpy:1948 old "Skipping. To stop skipping, click anywhere on the screen!" @@ -401,55 +401,3 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/screens.rpy:2349 old "Menu" new "Menu" - -# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-02-03 16:15 - -translate traditional_chinese strings: - - # game/screens.rpy:1162 - old "Rain loop by {a=https://www.freesoundslibrary.com/}Free Sounds Library{/a} (CC BY 4.0)" - new "Rain loop by {a=https://www.freesoundslibrary.com/}Free Sounds Library{/a} (CC BY 4.0)" - - # game/screens.rpy:1170 - old "\n\nPolish Translation:" - new "\n\nPolish Translation:" - - # game/screens.rpy:1171 - old "Max \"Toasty\" and _adoracja with the help of panini_bredd" - new "Max \"Toasty\" and _adoracja with the help of panini_bredd" - - # game/screens.rpy:1173 - old "\n\nTraditional Chinese Translation:" - new "\n\nTraditional Chinese Translation:" - - # game/screens.rpy:1174 - old "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay)" - new "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}鬼怒川{/font}(KINUKUROletsplay)" - - # game/screens.rpy:1176 - old "\n\nSpanish Translation:" - new "\n\nSpanish Translation:" - - # game/screens.rpy:1177 - old "{font=myriad.otf}{size=24}Martín \"SevenFalcons\" Eyheralde{/size}{/font}" - new "{font=myriad.otf}Martín \"SevenFalcons\" Eyheralde{/font}" - - # game/screens.rpy:1179 - old "\n\nBrazilian Portuguese Translation:" - new "\n\nBrazilian Portuguese Translation:" - - # game/screens.rpy:1180 - old "Maria \"Maaz\" Laura " - new "Maria \"Maaz\" Laura " - - # game/screens.rpy:1526 - old "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" - new "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}{size=30}中文{/size}{/font}" - - # game/screens.rpy:1527 - old "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Español{/size}{/font}" - new "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Español{/size}{/font}" - - # game/screens.rpy:1528 - old "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" - new "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Português{/size}{/font}" diff --git a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/script.rpy b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/script.rpy index bd91acd..f6b7aa9 100644 --- a/game/tl/traditional_chinese/script.rpy +++ b/game/tl/traditional_chinese/script.rpy @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/script.rpy:3292 old "English" - new "English" + new "英文" # game/script.rpy:3292 old "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Русский{/size}{/font}" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/script.rpy:3377 old "Min" - new "旼" + new "小旼" # game/script.rpy:3378 old "Noelle" @@ -57,22 +57,3 @@ translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/script.rpy:3386 old "Mom" new "媽媽" -# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-02-03 16:15 - -translate traditional_chinese strings: - - # game/script.rpy:3287 - old "Polski" - new "Polski" - - # game/script.rpy:3287 - old "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" - new "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}中文{/font}" - - # game/script.rpy:3287 - old "Español" - new "Español" - - # game/script.rpy:3287 - old "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" - new "{font=myriad.OTF}Português{/font}" diff --git a/game/trailer.rpy b/game/trailer.rpy deleted file mode 100644 index 82865e9..0000000 --- a/game/trailer.rpy +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ - -label trailer: - show bg black - window auto -# hide screen quick_menu3 -# $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) - - # show chTitle "The year is 2009" onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) - # hide chTitle onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) - # show chTitle "Play baseball" onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) - # hide chTitle onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) - # show chTitle "Cringe" onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) - # hide chTitle onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) - # show chTitle "And fall in love" onlayer screens - # $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) - # hide chTitle onlayer screens - $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) - show chTitle "A word from our main cast" onlayer screens - $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) - hide chTitle onlayer screens - - - show bg field - show special camera onlayer screens - show sprite minNeutral with dissolve - show sideSprite1 diyaWorried - Diya "Battery's low." - hide sideSprite1 - show sprite minHuh - Min "Huh?" - show sideSprite1 diyaWorried - Diya "For the camera.{w=0.35} Warning sign's flashing." - hide sideSprite1 - show sprite akarshaNervous - Akarsha "It's okay, we got this!{w=0.35} All we gotta do is nail it this take!" - show sideSprite1 diyaNeutral - Diya "Take 21.{w=0.35} Action." - hide sideSprite1 - show sprite noelleNeutral - Noelle "The visual novel Butterfly Soup 2 is—" - show sprite akarshaShrug - Akarsha "Gay girls playing baseball and falling in love, again!" with sshake - Akarsha "The end." - show sprite noelleUh - play sound "sound/What!.ogg" - Noelle "That's not enough information!" with sshake - show sprite minUnamused - Min "I mean, it's a sequel.{w=0.35} It's just gonna be like the first game." - show sprite noelleUh - Noelle "But what if the viewers don't know anything about the first game?" - show sprite minUh - Min "Who would click on a video called \"Butterfly Soup 2 Trailer\" without even knowing what Butterfly Soup 1 is?" - Min "If you're watching this right now and that's you, honestly, what the fuck?" - show sprite noelleShocked - play sound "sound/shock.ogg" - Noelle "Don't insult the viewers!" with sshake - show sprite akarshaBigSmile - Akarsha "No, keep insulting them!" - Akarsha "We should use this video to cause controversy on purpose, to drive up the view count." - show sideSprite1 diyaWorried - Diya "...Why don't we just do something nice? {w=0.35}Like those ASMR videos showing relaxing stuff." - hide sideSprite1 - show sprite minSurprised - Min "Maybe to get attention, we should make the opposite of that.{w=0.35}\nLike, a torture video." - play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" - show sprite noelleFacepalm - Noelle "WHY WOULD WE MAKE A \"TORTURE VIDEO\" AS A GAME TRAILER????" with sshake - show sprite minStupidHappy - Min "Instead of ASMR, we can call it PAIN." - show sideSprite1 diyaSurprised - Diya "But what would the letters stand for?" - hide sideSprite1 - show sprite akarshaAway - Akarsha "Poo...{w=0.35}Ass...{w=0.35}Idiot...{w=0.35}Noelle." - play sound "sound/What!.ogg" - show sprite noelleShocked - Noelle "WHY WAS MY NAME USED?" with sshake - show sprite akarshaShrug - Akarsha "It was the first thing starting with \"N\" I could think of.{w=0.35} You should be flattered!" - show sprite akarshaBigSmile - Akarsha "This is giving me ideas.{w=0.35} Diya, gimme the camera." - show sprite noelleFacepalm - Noelle "No!{w=0.35} Don't give it to her!" with sshake - show sprite diyaNeutral - Diya "Too late." - show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy - Akarsha "Gracias!" - hide sideSprite1 - play sound "sound/What!.ogg" - show sprite noelleShocked - Noelle "Relinquish the camera!" with sshake - $newSpeaker=True - play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" - show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker - Akarsha "Let go!" with sshake - play sound "sound/What!.ogg" - show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous - Akarsha "Wait, you're gonna make me drop it!" with sshake - hide sideSprite1 - hide window - $newSpeaker=True - show bg white onlayer screens - play sound "sound/smack.ogg" - pause 0.1 - hide bg white onlayer screens - with sshake - hide sprite - play sound "sound/short grass noise.ogg" - scene bg grass with sshake - play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" - Akarsha "WAAUGH!" with sshake - hide window - $ renpy.pause(0.1, hard=True) - hide special camera onlayer screens - scene bg black - play sound "sound/cameraBleep.wav" - show special changeBattery onlayer screens - pause 2.5 - hide special changeBattery onlayer screens - pause 0.1 - return diff --git a/game/trailer.rpyc b/game/trailer.rpyc deleted file mode 100644 index 490893e..0000000 Binary files a/game/trailer.rpyc and /dev/null differ