label start: #initialize all names $diyaName=_("Diya") $minName=_("Min-seo") $noelleName=_("Noelle") $akarshaName=_("Akarsha") $lizName=_("Liz") $chryssaName=_("Chryssa") $esterName=_("Ester") $graceName=_("\"Yuki\"") $sayeedaName=_("\"Sakura\"") $dadName=_("Dad") $momName=_("Mom") $broName=_("Pratik") $ammaName=_("Amma") $chunHuaName=_("Chun-hua") $ahGongName=_("Ah-gong") $auntName=_("???") $subzeroName=_("???") $junName=_("Jun-seo") $haydenName=_("Hayden") $ npcName=_("npc") $ npcName2=_("npc2") $teamName=_("Global Warming") $ mp.teamName= _("Global Warming") #initialize variables $ save_name = _("Akarsha") $ bgTransition=True stop music show bg black #FOR CHINESE PROOFREADING # jump noelle4 #FOR TRAILER # jump trailer # menu: # # "Chat test": # # jump momTexts # "Start from beginning": # jump beginning # "Start from Diya's part": # jump diya2 # "Start from Min's part": # jump min3 # "Start from Noelle's part": # jump noelle4 # label beginning: play sound "sound/jackpot.ogg" $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=True) hide bg show card roll show circle circle1 show film strip1 at Pan((0, 0), (0, 868), 10, repeat=True) $ renpy.pause(2.65, hard=True) show card cardAkarsha show circle circleFlash $ renpy.pause(3.2, hard=True) hide circle hide card hide film play music "music/romaras.ogg" show screen quick_menu3 show bg black $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) stop sound $ chTitle =_("Akarsha") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens pause 2.4 $ chTitle =_("9th grade") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens pause 2.4 hide chTitle onlayer screens stop sound2 play sound2 "sound/oven.mp3" show bg black pause 0.9 show bg akarshaKitchen show sprite minStupidHappy Min "Get up bitch! It's ready!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Finally! Outta the way, you'll get burned." hide sideSprite1 stop sound2 hide sprite show bg cake0 with dissolve "Akarsha gingerly pulls the molten chocolate cake from the oven." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "Thank god...It looks edible this time." AkarshaT "This is our second try. Diya ruined the first one by forgetting to add flour." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minHuh Min "What're all those specks on it? It's like the batter wasn't properly mixed." hide sideSprite2 show bg mixing with dissolve Akarsha "We worked so hard mixing it though?" Akarsha "It's probably fine." Min "Yeah, whatever. We don't have enough time to redo it at this point, anyway." show bg cake1 with dissolve show sideSprite2 minHappy Min "All we gotta do now is write \"Happy Birthday Noelle\" on it." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Yeah, yeah, naturally." hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha pipes icing letters onto the cake as Min checks her phone." show sideSprite2 minNeutral Min "Hurry up, Diya says they'll be here any second." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Easy. I'm done icing the first word already." hide sideSprite1 show bg cake2 pause 0.5 play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite2 minUh Min "Why the fuck did you write \"Noelle\" first!?" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "Aw shit, I got ahead of myself." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite2 minShocked Min "I'm going to fucking kill you!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show bg cake3 "Akarsha frantically adds 'BIRTHDAY' to the cake." show sideSprite2 minSurprised Min "Wait, what're you doing?" Min "If you hadn't done that, we could've salvaged this with \"Noelle Happy Birthday\"!" hide sideSprite2 play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "DON'T ASK ME! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR RUSHING ME!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minUh Min "What do we write now?! \"Noelle Birthday Happy\"???" Min "It's gonna look like we had a goddamn stroke icing this!" hide sideSprite2 play sound "sound/doorbell.mp3" "The doorbell rings. Min and Akarsha freeze." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "It's them!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minAnnoyed Min "Gimme the icing bag! You're not allowed to have it anymore!!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "Okay, fair. I don't trust myself anymore, either." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "I'll go stall them instead." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minUnamused Min "Yeah, keep Noelle outside. I just need like, five minutes to figure out how to fix this." hide sideSprite2 show bg akarshaFrontDoor with dissolve "Akarsha sprints to the front door and throws it open." show sprite diyaAwayHappy with dissolve Diya "Brought her." show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Well well well, if it isn’t fancy meeting what the cat finally decided to show up." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "...What on earth are you saying..." "Noelle narrows her eyes suspiciously at Akarsha, then tries to peer past her into the house." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "Is this your house? Diya wouldn't explain why we were walking here." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Sure is. To be honest, Frenchman, we're here because... uh..." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "We're not ready to reveal the birthday cake yet. I gotta do something to distract her!" hide sideSprite1 menu: "Fake your own death": play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Ough! I've been poisoned!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha theatrically collapses and lies facedown on the floor." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "???" show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "........" "Used to Akarsha's antics, Diya and Noelle step over her motionless body without comment." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "W-wait a minute!" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha crawls to Noelle on all fours and seizes her leg with shaking hands." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleUh Noelle "LET GO OF MY LEG." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "Wait. I seriously just threw up all over the floor in the kitchen." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "What?? Why?!" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "That's what I gotta do to get your attention?" Akarsha "I didn't even throw up." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "........." "Noelle wrenches Akarsha off her leg, then wipes her hands on her shirt like she just touched a slug." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "You're gonna just ignore me?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "I'm throwing up again!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Propose to her": "Akarsha gets down on one knee. Noelle looks warily down at her." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Noelle, will you marry me?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "....??!" show sprite noelleUh Noelle "What's wrong with you?!" with sshake "Akarsha grabs Noelle's hand and tries to force a rubber band onto her finger." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "WHAT IS THAT?!?!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Your engagement ring!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "I DIDN’T AGREE TO THIS! WE’RE NOT ENGAGED!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "You didn’t say no!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "NO!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Too late! You didn’t say it right after I asked you!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleFacepalm Noelle "THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS, YOU DOLT!" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Is that any way to address your future wife?" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle flings the offending rubber band into the bushes." show sprite diyaSurprised with dissolve Diya "........." "Diya just stands there in confusion. Noelle suspiciously looks from her to Akarsha." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "What's really going on?" Noelle "There's no way you made me walk for an hour just to act out this inane skit." show sprite diyaAnnoyed Diya "It only took that long because you wouldn't run." Diya "Once you run at least three miles without walking, you'll see how fun it is." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "I'm sorry, Diya, but that's never happening." # Noelle "You're delusional ." show sprite minHappy Min "SURPRISE!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral AkarshaT "Oh, we're doing this? The cake must be ready now!" show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Surprise! Happy Birthday Frenchman!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Surprise." Diya "We put together a party for you." show sprite noelleSurprised Noelle "Oh. You...{w=0.35}what?" "Noelle is lost for words." show sprite noelleWorriedAway Noelle "You shouldn't have..." show sprite minUh Min "Shut the fuck up! You're not the boss of me!" with sshake show sprite noelleUh Noelle "It...{w=0.35}it's MY birthday, so shouldn't I have some say here?!" with sshake Noelle "Anyway, I haven't said anything about not liking it." # "She grimaces like she's about to hack up a " "She grimaces like there's something disgusting in her mouth." show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "I sincerely....{w=1.0}appreciate....{w=1.0}you all doing this." #Noelle "I am...{w=1.0}grateful...{w=1.0}to have.................{w=1.0}friends like you." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Oooh, I like this! Go on." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "There's nothing more to \"go on\" to. That was all." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "It was nice while it lasted." label golf: # play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" hide sprite show bg akarshaKitchen with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Come inside. We baked you a cake!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "You did?" hide sprite show bg cake4 with dissolve pause 0.5 show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Wha...{w=0.35}what kind of save was this..." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaWorriedAway Diya "What's that red squiggly under it? A heart monitor?" play sound "sound/shock.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleShocked Noelle "Why does it look like it's flatlining toward the end?" with sshake show sideSprite2 minAnnoyed Min "It's hard to control the icing, okay?!" # show sideSprite2 minUnamused Min "And this was all Akarsha's fault in the first place." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "MY fault? All I did was drive the train off the rails. You were the one who crashed it!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaAnnoyed Diya "Driving off the rails still sounds like a pretty big mistake..." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Oh yeah?? Well, ultimately, this is Noelle's fault for being born. Who's the real culprit now???" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minNeutral Min "Huh, good point. Okay, let's go with that." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "Good point?!" with sshake show sideSprite2 minStupidHappy Min "We've won. Two against one." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Democracy! U.S.A!" hide sideSprite1 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "Once everyone's had a slice of cake, Akarsha brings everyone to the living room." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "This was originally gonna be a sleepover, but I think some of your parents would've said no." hide sideSprite1 "Diya nods." show sprite diyaNeutral with dissolve Diya "My mom's never let me go to one before. She's worried it'll turn me lesbian." show sprite minSmug Min "Too bad for her, I already did." show sprite diyaBlush Diya "Yeah..." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Akarsha, I'm surprised your parents let us come over unsupervised at all." show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Eh, they trust me. They should be back any minute now, anyway." Akarsha "They're in San Ramon watching my bro's red belt test for Taekwondo. It must be taking longer than they thought." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Test? I didn't realize you had to pass formal examinations to advance in Taekwondo." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Ya, you gotta memorize forms and stuff. I've never seen them fail anyone, though." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Anyway, us being home alone means we can go BUCK WILD. We're about to throw the party of a LIFETIME, Frenchman!" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha crouches at the foot of the TV and turns the GameCube on." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Mario Golf, baby." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Golf? Are you sure Noelle will like that?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I don't know what you're talking about. Mario Golf is the best game in the world." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "I only have two controllers, though. I usually just play against my bro." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Noelle should get to play first because it's her birthday." show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Yeah, and the rest of us should take turns playing against her." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleWorried Noelle "Won't that feel like everyone ganging up against me?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Nonsense! You're getting the maximal amount of fun here, Frenchman." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite dissolve "Akarsha hands Noelle one of the controllers. Min grabs the other one and curls up on the couch with Diya." show sprite minUnamused Min "Akarsha, this better not be like your copy of Melee." Min "You didn't even have any of the characters unlocked except Marth." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Who needs \"Falcon\" or whatever when Captain Falcon is right there? Same thing, really..." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite minAnnoyed Min "You mean {i}Falco{/i}?! There's no fucking character called Falcon!" with sshake stop music fadeout 2.0 play music "music/toys-house.ogg" fadein 2.0 hide sprite show bg marioGolf1 with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Jeez, calm yourself! I unlocked everything this time. See?" show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Min, choose Wario. We're team Wario." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minUnamused Min "Why should I?" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Don't you trust me?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minHuh Min "I guess, whatever..." show sideSprite2 noelleAway Noelle "I suppose I'll be this pink princess." hide sideSprite2 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve show sprite noelleAway with dissolve "Akarsha glances over at Noelle. She's placed her controller flat on the sofa and is pressing down on the buttons like she's playing piano." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "What're you doing???" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "Shut up! I can adjust the control stick with greater precision like this!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle pinches the control stick between her thumb and index finger like a crab with a pebble between its pincers." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile AkarshaT "Ohhhh my godddd! Why are you like a grandma who's never seen a video game before?!" hide sideSprite1 show bg marioGolf2 with dissolve "Min selects a dark, lava-ridden course. An animation panning to the stage's first hole plays onscreen." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "Wait, that looks difficult. I don't even know how to play this yet!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Sink or sizzle, Frenchman." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleAnnoyed Noelle "That doesn't sound like something you should be saying to someone on her birthday." hide sideSprite2 show bg marioGolf3 with dissolve "Noelle hastily mashes buttons at random on her controller. Her character manages to hit the golf ball safely across a lava pit." show sideSprite2 minNeutral Min "Oh, so it's just luck." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite2 noelleBigSmile Noelle "It's not luck. It's physics." show sideSprite2 diyaAwayHappy Diya "Big words from someone who was protesting she didn't know how play ten seconds ago." hide sideSprite2 "After a few swings, Min successfully putts her golf ball into the first hole. The words \"BOGEY\" appear onscreen." show sideSprite2 minHuh Min "The fuck is a \"bogey\"?" show sideSprite2 noelleHm Noelle "How should I know? Aren't you and Diya the sports enthusiasts here?" show sideSprite2 minNeutral Min "I like real sports, not fake old people sports like golf." show sideSprite2 diyaNeutral Diya "Me too." hide sideSprite2 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "Noelle finishes the hole with a triple bogey. Onscreen, Princess Peach collapses and shakes her head, devastated." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "HAHAH! LOSER!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" with sshake hide sprite with dissolve "Min hands Diya the controller for the next hole, kissing her adoringly on the cheek as she does." "Diya furrows her brows, considering her options..." show sprite diyaAway Diya "......." hide sprite show bg marioGolf3 with dissolve "Diya launches her ball straight into the lava." show sideSprite2 noelleBigSmile Noelle "At last! My chance to make a comeback." show sideSprite2 diyaHappy Diya "I'm weaker today because I'm not Luigi." show sideSprite2 noelleHappy Noelle "If you insist." hide sideSprite2 "Noelle immediately hits her ball into the lava, too." show sideSprite2 noelleShocked Noelle "NGOOOHHGHH!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "I can't wait to see your face when we play Monopoly later." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "We're playing {i}Monopoly?{/i} Why?" show sideSprite2 minUnamused Min "What, you don't like it?" show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "There's no skill involved! It's pure luck!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Silence, demon! It's fun to fantasize about owning property someday!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleTsun Noelle "The game was not even designed to be fun!" Noelle "It was created to educate people on the dangers of capitalism!" show sideSprite2 diyaAway Diya "But I like collecting the deed cards...They're such nice colors." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Noelle, let's make a deal. If you win the next hole against me, we won't play Monopoly." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "How is that fair? You've played Mario Golf countless times before." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "Hey, I've only tried this course once or twice! Honest!" hide sideSprite1 "Noelle ponders this as Diya hits her golf ball straight into the lava for the third time." show sideSprite2 noelleAway Noelle "...Fine. Deal." show sideSprite2 diyaAwayHappy Diya "Oh, no. I roasted my golf ball again." hide sideSprite2 "After countless attempts, Noelle manages to complete the hole first." show sideSprite2 diyaHappy Diya "Yay. You win." show sideSprite2 noelleBigSmile Noelle "It's a good thing your athleticism doesn't translate to skill at sports games." hide sideSprite2 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "Diya putts the ball into the hole with her next swing. She passes the controller to Akarsha." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Your turn." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Diya totally just let Noelle win." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Unfortunately for Frenchman, {i}I{/i} don't believe in going easy on the birthday girl." AkarshaT "I'm pulling out all the stops!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite show bg marioGolf2 with dissolve "The words \"Press A to skip\" appear as the animation showing the next hole begins to play..." menu: "\"Accidentally\" press A as you take the controller": "Akarsha presses A to skip the animation before it can reveal the hole's location." show sideSprite2 diyaWorried Diya "You cut it off early..." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Whoopsie daisy! I got too impatient." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleShocked Noelle "AKARSHA!!! WHERE'S THE HOLE!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I wonder..." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleShocked Noelle "YOU WORTHLESS SCAMMER!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show bg marioGolf3 with dissolve "Akarsha smugly putts her ball, but it rolls smoothly into the lava." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "NOO!!! NOOOO!! AAUAAGGH!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleBigSmile Noelle "Serves you right." hide sideSprite2 "Noelle tries to set up a trick shot against a wall." show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Whoa! Geometry!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleTsun Noelle "Be quiet. I'm concentrating." hide sideSprite2 "Noelle hits the ball with a measured swing." "Instead of glancing off the wall at the intended angle, it just ricochets back the way it came." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Well done, Noelle! You're back where you started!" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleFacepalm Noelle "I HATE YOU! YOU SCUMBAG!!!" with sshake Noelle "I STILL DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE HOLE IS!!!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Watch and learn, my friend." hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha expertly angles her shot so the golf ball rolls up a hill, then drops straight into the hole." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "That's how it's done." Akarsha "My days playing this stage against my bro have finally paid off!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleAnnoyed Noelle "Days?! You said you only played this stage once or twice!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 "Noelle scowls, but Akarsha can tell from the way the corners of her mouth crinkle that she's fighting back a grin." show sideSprite2 noelleTsun Noelle "You liar! What do you have to say for yourself?!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Huh? Suddenly, I can't hear...My ears are failing!" Akarsha "Hawwo? Hawwo?" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleShocked Noelle "AKARSHAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "Wario slaps his butt as the words \"PAR\" appear onscreen." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "See? This is why Mario Golf is the best game in the world." hide sideSprite1 "Noelle turns away so Akarsha can't see her face, but by now she's shaking with barely suppressed laughter." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile AkarshaT "I win! I broke her!" hide sideSprite1 # "Noelle tries to throttle Akarsha with her bare hands." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked with dissolve Noelle "I'M GOING TO BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!!!" with sshake show bg white onlayer screens play sound "sound/smack.ogg" queue sound "sound/smack.ogg" pause 0.1 hide bg white onlayer screens with sshake "Akarsha yelps as Noelle pelts her with slaps." show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Halp! Murder! Murder!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "So, Monopoly?" show sprite minSmug Min "You got it." hide sprite # stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with diamond $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) label monopoly: show bg monopoly with diamond show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Ya HA! I got Boardwalk!" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Welcome to my Santa Cruz of Death. I'm using my entire savings to pile four houses on it." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaWorriedAway Diya "Oh, no. If I land on it right now, I'll go broke." show sideSprite2 noelleNeutral Noelle "Well, chances are, you won't." Noelle "Unloading all your money on a single property is pure folly this early in the game." hide sideSprite2 "Diya rolls the dice and breathes a sigh of relief when she safely passes Akarsha's killer Boardwalk tile." "After a few spaces, her dog token lands on Min's property. She begins to shell out the rent, but Min stops her." show sideSprite2 minSmirk Min "You don't have to pay me." show sideSprite2 diyaSurprised Diya "?!" Diya "I don't?" show sideSprite2 minBlush Min "It's my house, so I'm in charge. You can stay there for free." # "Diya looks away, smiling shyly..." show sideSprite2 diyaBlush Diya "...." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "Not so fast. That's not allowed!" Noelle "When you land on property owned by another player, the owner has to collect rent from you." hide sideSprite2 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "Akarsha flips open the rulebook and pretends to adjust an imaginary pair of glasses on her face." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Actually, it says here..." Akarsha "\"The owner may not collect the rent if he/she fails to ask for it before the second player following throws the dice.\"" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorried Diya "That's so confusingly worded." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Basically, it's sayin' if the owner doesn't ask for rent, the renter doesn't have to pay it!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minStupidHappy Min "Ha! So Diya CAN sleep at my house!" show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "What kind of buffoon penned these rules?! If the renter and owner are in cahoots, the other players are at a disadvantage!" show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Unless the odd ones out form an alliance to counter it, too." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "HmmMMMMM...Wanna be in {i}cahoots{/i} with me, Frenchman?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "Not a chance." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Don't say I didn't ask ya." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "You'll be singing a different tune once you land on my Killer Boardwalk." # show sideSprite1 akarshaHm # Akarsha "Be that way. Burger King." # hide sideSprite1 # Diya "That's not even the slogan." # show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug # Akarsha "Anyway, you've just signed your own death sentence. You'll be singing a different tune once you've landed on my Killer Boardwalk." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve stop music play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" "Noelle's phone buzzes, and her face pales when she checks it." show sprite noelleWorriedAway with dissolve Noelle "Oh, great." show sprite diyaWorried Diya "What's wrong?" show sprite noelleWorried Noelle "I told my mom I'd text her when I got to Akarsha's house." label momTexts: $diyaName=_("Diya") $minName=_("Min-seo") $noelleName=_("Noelle") $akarshaName=_("Akarsha") Noelle "But I was having so much fun, it completely slipped my mind." hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha catches a glimpse of Noelle's phone screen. It's filled with panicked texts from her mom..." window hide #hide sideSprite1 $newSpeaker=True $nvlHeader="" $blockBar=True $nvlShow() cFirstLine "{nw}" cNarrator "12:29 PM" cMom "Are you having fun" cSame "Hello" cNarrator "1:00 PM" cMom "Hello Noelle how are you doting" cSame "I meant not doing not doting :)" cNarrator "2:30 PM" cMom "You may consider to call us when you can" cNarrator "2:51 PM" cMom "Is everything okay ?" cSame "Where are you? You said you would text us, It's been almost two hours" cNarrator "2:55 PM" cMom "How come you're not picking up your phone?" cSame "We're about to call the police" $nvlHide() nvl clear play music "music/Ketsa_-_06_-_Thought_projection.ogg" fadein 2.0 show sprite minSurprised Min "Jesus..." show sprite noelleWorriedAway Noelle "There's four missed calls, too. I think we were all shouting so much, I didn't hear any of them." #cellphone ringing (Fireflies ringtone) hide sprite with dissolve "Diya jumps in surprise as her cell phone starts ringing." "She stares at it with trepidation before fearfully pressing it to her good ear." show sprite diyaScared Diya "........" hide sprite with dissolve "Diya frantically hands Noelle the phone like it's a hot potato." show sprite noelleWorriedAway Noelle "Alright. I'll deal with it." hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle answers the phone and leaves the room with a sigh. Akarsha can faintly hear her side of a frustrating conversation..." "A few minutes later, she returns to the group, her face sour." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "We've cleared up the misunderstanding. I let them know I'll be here for a few more hours." Noelle "I'm sorry my mom called you, Diya. That was humiliating." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "It's okay. Good thing she didn't report you missing yet." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "I know she means well, but it's honestly irritating how often she wildly overreacts to perfectly harmless situations." Noelle "She has no friends or hobbies, so all her brain power is spent on obsessing over me." show sideSprite1 akarshaSad Akarsha "Sorry we got you in trouble..." hide sideSprite1 # Akarsha "I feel kinda bad that our surprise party backfired on you." show sprite noelleSadSmile Noelle "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known." Noelle "I should've remembered to text her once I arrived at your house." # show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral # Akarsha "Do you need to go home early?" # hide sideSprite1 # show sprite noelleHm # Noelle "No, it's fine. I let them know I'll be here for a few more hours." # Noelle "They might just drive by the house periodically and try to look through the windows to make sure there's no funny business going on." hide sprite dissolve "Noelle's joints crick as she sits back down at the Monopoly board between Diya and Akarsha." show sprite minHm Min "Is it just me, or are all the \"cool\" kids at our school just the ones whose parents let them do the most stuff?" show sprite diyaAway Diya "Yeah, it's the girls who're allowed to wear make-up and hang out with their friends all the time." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "That's not always true. My parents are pretty chill, but I'm still uncool." show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "I'm just unpopular cuz I'm weird." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minUnamused Min "Don't forget perverted and annoying." show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "I would like to add that you're a compulsive liar." show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Geez, wow! I didn't realize everyone had their own theories for why I'm not popular..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with diamond $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) play music "music/blooming.ogg" show bg monopoly with diamond "A few turns of Monopoly later, Akarsha moves her top hat token to the Reading Railroad." show sideSprite1 akarshaTrueNeutral Akarsha "Whose is this?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaAwayHappy Diya "Mine." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Diya, bromie, please...I have a starving family and eight children at home..." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaAnnoyed Diya "$25. Hand it over." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "You're murdering the babes, Diya! How about $24? Just one dollar can save a life..." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 minNeutral Min "I like how since we found out it's possible to not pay rent, this turned into Akarsha begging and haggling with everyone to not charge her." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Wait, Diya, I'll roll you for it. Double or nothing." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "So now this is a casino?" hide sideSprite2 "Diya assesses the thick stack of Monopoly money she's accumulated from not having to pay rent on Min's properties." show sideSprite2 diyaAwayHappy Diya "Okay. I'll try my luck." hide sideSprite2 $ diyaRandomNum = renpy.random.randint(2,12) # (randomize between 2 and 12) "Diya shakes the dice in her hands and drops them onto the board with a clatter. She got..." if diyaRandomNum<4: show sideSprite2 diyaAway Diya "[diyaRandomNum]." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile AkarshaT "[diyaRandomNum]...There's no way I'll lose to that!" elif diyaRandomNum>9: show sideSprite2 diyaAwayHappy Diya "[diyaRandomNum]." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "[diyaRandomNum]?! That's gonna be tough to beat..." else: show sideSprite2 diyaAway Diya "[diyaRandomNum]." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy AkarshaT "Yee, [diyaRandomNum]'s not too bad. I got this!" hide sideSprite1 menu: "Roll the dice": $ akarshaRandomNum = renpy.random.randint(2,12) # (randomize between 2 and 12) #prevent tie while diyaRandomNum==akarshaRandomNum: $ akarshaRandomNum = renpy.random.randint(2,12) # (randomize between 2 and 12) "Holding her breath, Akarsha rolls the dice..." if akarshaRandomNum>diyaRandomNum: #Akarsha wins show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "[akarshaRandomNum]! WINNER!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaAnnoyed Diya "..." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "I live another day!" hide sideSprite1 else: show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "[akarshaRandomNum]...Alas......." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaSurprised Diya "!!" show sideSprite2 diyaHappy Diya "$50. Fork it over." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "I'll have you know little Timmy died of starvation last night 'cause of you." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "His ghost is now haunting you..." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaNeutral Diya "Okay. Sure." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "OooOOooOoO...Why did you kill me when I'm only a small child?" hide sideSprite1 # show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway # AkarshaT "It really might. I only have, like $10 left..." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "You're so annoying. I hope your next turn kills you." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "If I'm so annoying, why do you keep hanging out with me?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleBigSmile Noelle "Because I love to watch you fail." hide sideSprite2 "It's Noelle's turn. She rolls a 12." "Noelle only moves her iron token a couple spaces before she starts to lose it. That's how Akarsha knows she's landed on Boardwalk." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Uh oh...Spaghetti-O's..." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleFacepalm Noelle "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T NEED TO RUB IT IN!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 "She nearly knocks over all the houses Akarsha's piled up on the space as she slams her token down." show sideSprite2 noelleTsun Noelle "How much is it?" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Oh, only $1700." hide sideSprite1 "To Akarsha's amazement, Noelle dissolves into laughter on the couch — actual, honest-to-god laughter." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlushAway AkarshaT "Dang! I gotta figure out how to do that again!" hide sideSprite1 # "Noelle throws the rent at Akarsha so it flies all over her." # show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker # Akarsha "What was that for??" with sshake # Akarsha "If you want me to strip, it'll be extra." # hide sideSprite1 # Noelle " can crawl on the ground on all fours to pick it up like the disgusting little rat that you are!" with sshake # Akarsha "Wha...huh???" with sshake #"And just like that, Noelle dissolves into laughter on the couch -- actual, honest laughter, and Akarsha " #Akarsha "Pure folly, huh?" # "Noelle turns away so Akarsha can't see her face, but by now she's shaking with barely suppressed laughter." # AkarshaT "I win! I broke her!" label momDad: show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "As Min rolls next, Akarsha hears the sound of the front door opening." show sideSprite1 akarshaTrueNeutral Akarsha "Oh, they're finally back from Taekwondo!" hide sideSprite1 # play music "music/flameOfLoveBeginning.ogg" noloop # queue music "music/flameOfLoveLoop.ogg" loop "Her little brother runs into the living room, wildly swinging his new red belt in the air like a whip." show sprite pratikSwinging with dissolve Pratik "HOWL, ZABIMARU!" with sshake "He flails his red belt, whapping the floor, couch, and everything else within a three foot radius of him." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "OW! OW!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy AkarshaT "This is my bro Pratik. He's basically me but a guy." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "I see you passed your \"test\"..." hide sprite with dissolve "A voice booms through the house from the garage." Dad "{i}BETI!!!{/i} HELP CARRY GROCERIES IN!!!" with sshake Dad "WE STOPPED BY COSTCO AND BOUGHT NACHOS FOR THE PARTY!!" show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "YEH!!!!" hide sideSprite1 #"Akarsha leaps to her feet. Noelle, still seated, cranes her head up inquisitively at her." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Should we help?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Nah, he's talkin' to me. Be my guest!! Relax!!!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "No, I insist. It is my birthday you're going through the trouble for." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Fine, hard to argue with that...Frenchman, let's go!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite show bg garage with dissolve "Akarsha hastily stuffs her socked feet into her mom's sandals and waddles into the garage with Noelle in tow." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "Is Pratik your only sibling?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Naw, I have a big sis too." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "But she's like, way, way older. She's in medical school already." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "That {i}is{/i} a lot older." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I was definitely an accident. But I think I was so awesome that it reminded my parents how cool kids are, and then they made my bro on purpose." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "That. Is FAR too much information." with sshake show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "So your sister intends to become a doctor?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "A {i}neurosurgeon{/i}." Akarsha "Like, good for her, but it's almost kinda frustrating how perfect she turned out. She's just as bad as you." Akarsha "I can't even say my parents have unrealistic expectations 'cause my sister actually met them." hide sideSprite1 show sprite dadAkarshaNeutral with dissolve "Akarsha's dad walks over from the trunk of the minivan with an armful of groceries." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised AkarshaT "Oh god, what is he wearing?!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "Hoo hoo! So this is the birthday girl." Dad "Thanks god you are here." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "My dad always says \"Thanks god\" instead of \"Thank god\". I dunno why..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "Well...It's my surprise party, so I don't have much choice in the matter." show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "Akarsha said you don't like surprises, so you might go home already." Dad "Like my co-worker Carrot last week. When we threw her a retirement party, she only stayed for half an hour." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Your co-worker is called \"Carrot\"...?" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Dad, her name is {i}Karen.{/i} I really hope you weren't calling her that at the office." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha's dad tries to clear a path through the heap of shoes by the garage door. Meanwhile, Akarsha and Noelle each grab a couple grocery bags from the trunk." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Your dad looks very...patriotic." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Yeah, he thinks being American is really cool so he likes to buy stuff with eagles and flags on it sometimes." hide sideSprite1 Noelle "I see...Is he really into politics?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "No, my parents don't know anything about politics." Akarsha "Every election they have one of them vote for the Republican candidate while the other votes for the Democrat, so they cancel each other out." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "Why do they bother voting if they don't care who wins?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "They just wanna feel included, I guess? It's pretty silly." hide sideSprite1 show sprite momAkarshaNeutral "Akarsha's mom smiles at Noelle as she steps out from the passenger seat." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "Oh my god. She was sitting in the car the whole time fixing her hair and reapplying her lipstick..." AkarshaT "No one cares, Mom!" hide sideSprite1 Mom "I'm sorry we're late. We thought we'd be back before everyone came." # "Akarsha's mom smiles amicably at Noelle, but as soon as Akarsha's dad walks by, she shoots him a withering glare." show sprite dadAkarshaNeutral Dad "It's that stupid GPS's fault. It wanted us to go on all these strange routes." show sprite momAkarshaNeutral Mom "If you'd just followed its directions all the way, it probably would've been faster." show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "No, I could predict there would be traffic on the 680. I would know, I've lived here for twenty years." Dad "Speaking of driving, I have a great idea for an invention." Dad "Cars should zap bad drivers." show sprite noelleHm Noelle ".......Zap? As in, with electricity?" show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "Just through the steering wheel. Not enough to kill them, but enough to hurt." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite dadAkarshaSurprised Dad "Steal my parking spot...\"EeeeYAHHH!!!\"" with sshake "Akarsha's dad mimes being shocked with electricity." show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom ".........." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Dad, oh my god! Stop it!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "With all due respect, that sounds like a terrible idea." show sprite dadAkarshaSurprised Dad "But everyone would learn so fast." Dad "Hasn't Akarsha told you I'm a genius? Her smarts run in the family." Dad "I should patent my car zapper along with my telephone idea." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Telephone idea?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "It's the same thing except the telephone shocks telemarketers." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "I'm dubious the patent office will approve either of those." show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "What, don't you think it's a great idea?" show sprite dadAkarshaSurprised Dad "\"Hello, will you buy our product? OOoouughh!!!\"" with sshake hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha's dad shakes his arm as if being shocked again as he walks into the house." show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom "What's wrong with you..." # stop music fadeout 2.0 hide sprite dissolve "Akarsha's mom follows him inside with an exasperated expression on her face." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Finally they're gone! I thought I was gonna die of embarassment..." hide sideSprite1 # play music "music/side by side.ogg" "Noelle is still staring after Akarsha's dad, fascinated." show sprite noelleAway Noelle "Your dad is such a character. He's so outgoing." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Oh yeah, he loves talking SO much. He never shuts up." # Akarsha "Last time I went clothes shopping with him, he asked a random stranger if he thought a shirt looked good on him." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "I feel like this explains a lot about you..." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "Really? Like what?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "I see where you get your sense of humor from now." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Huh? No, my jokes are TOTALLY different!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "You can't deny there are some similarities." Noelle "From my observation, parents have a lot of influence on their kids' personalities." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "No way, I'm way funnier than my dad!" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I'm an enigma. You'll never figure me out." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "Actually, I think I already have." Noelle "For instance, your worst fear is earnestly trying at something and failing." Noelle "So even though you're perfectly intelligent, you use your goofy disposition to premptively make a fool of yourself on purpose." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "I do not?? Give me an example." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "When we play Monopoly you sink all your funds into Boardwalk. When we play poker you eat your cards." Noelle "When we play baseball you clutch your head and claim you're having a \"psychic brain attack\"." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Hey, I just like providing fun for the whole family." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "I doubt that's it. This extends to every facet of how you present yourself to the world." Noelle "You're insecure about your appearance, so you go out in this outlandish hairdo with this windbreaker and flip-flops outfit." Noelle "You're worried people won't like you, so you act like a circus clown." Noelle "Rather than risk rejection, you set yourself up for failure to feel in control of the situation." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "What the...I feel weirdly exposed??" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "You're one to talk about fear of failure, Miss \"I Argue With the Teacher That My Multiple Choice Answer Was Technically ALSO Right\"." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "I would contend that makes me more adept at sensing that trait in others." "Sweating profusely, Akarsha lets out a nervous laugh..." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Her read on me is scarily accurate?! No one's ever seen through me like this before!" AkarshaT "How much attention is she paying to me??" AkarshaT "Usually you don't watch someone that closely unless you like them." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlush AkarshaT "Unless...???" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha watches Noelle closely as they haul the food inside." "She can't help but grin as Noelle ascends the garage's concrete steps with the grace of a vacuum cleaner." "Suddenly, Noelle turns to her and gives her an unreadable look." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "......" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "What?" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha's heart skips a beat as Noelle reaches out to her windbreaker sleeve and plucks something from the fabric." show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "There was a grain of rice stuck to your jacket. It was bothering me." "Noelle holds up the offending grain of rice between her fingers." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Oh, that's an accessory. Put it back." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve # "A jolt of euphoria courses through Akarsha as Noelle rolls her eyes and lets the corner of her mouth quirk up for the briefest moment." "Akarsha feels a jolt of euphoria as Noelle rolls her eyes and lets the corner of her mouth quirk up for the briefest moment." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlush AkarshaT "Ah, shit...No..." with sshake AkarshaT "Not this shit again...Nooooo......." with sshake hide sideSprite1 #AkarshaT "Not this shit...Notto Disu Shitto Agen..." with sshake label reportCard: show bg black stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black pause 1.0 $ chTitle =_("Monday, before school") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens pause 2.4 play music "music/romaras.ogg" hide chTitle onlayer screens show bg library2 "Akarsha daydreams about Noelle as she uses one of the library's computers." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "I'm so fucked. I can't stop thinking about her..." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlushAway AkarshaT "We haven't even known each other for a whole year yet, but she already knows so much about me..." AkarshaT "I bet we're closer than a lot of couples who really {i}are{/i} dating!" AkarshaT "She can tell when I'm about to say something annoying before I even open my mouth." AkarshaT "She knows I have a big sister, which is like a rare Akarsha fact cuz she's so much older than me." AkarshaT "Heck, she's met my parents already...That's a couple-y thing, right??" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHuh Min "The heck are you doing?" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "Gyah!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "You scared me!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHm Min "I said hi like, twice. You must really be out of it." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "I-I was just focused on the computer!" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha points to the screen to try to sell her point." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "I'm editing my report card in MS Paint. I intercepted it before my parents checked the mail yesterday." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Watch this!" hide sideSprite1 "On the computer, Akarsha photoshops her B+ in English into an A-." show sprite minNeutral Min "A-? Why not just change it to an A+?" show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Naw, A- is more realistic." Akarsha "Now I just gotta print this out." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Don't tell anyone I did this, okay?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHuh Min "Who do you think I am? Noelle?" Min "You're not even changing your actual grades, so you're not REALLY cheating." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "You're right...I'm just cheating my parents' brains! Mind hack..." hide sideSprite1 # Akarsha "You're a terrible influence, you know that? You encourage all my bad impulses." # Min "That's what friends are for." hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha pulls her new and improved report card from the tray. It's still warm from the machinery, like fresh laundry." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "I'll do your report card too if you give me $20." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHm with dissolve Min "Nah, can't be bothered. I don't care what my parents think." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "Wow. You're not worried about disappointing them?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHuh Min "Why should I be? They don't seem that worried about disappointing ME." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Dude, that's deep..." # Min "Sometimes I feel like everyone at this school is nuts." #Min "There's plenty of careers out there where doing good in school doesn't even matter." # Min "10 years from now, you're not gonna remember your SAT score." #Min "If you're too nice, you'll end up in situations that you could've avoided if you'd just been an asshole." AkarshaT "Even though Min gets horrifying grades, she's pretty smart in some other ways." AkarshaT "She DID manage to get together with Diya, after all. Maybe she has tips for this kinda thing." Akarsha "Actually...Can I ask you a question?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHm Min "Yeah, what?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Hypothetically...if you had a crush on a friend, what would you do?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minSurprised Min "You have a crush?! Who is it?" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "I can't tell you, it's embarrassing!" hide sideSprite1 Min "Is it someone I know?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Seriously, I'm not tellin' you! NO ONE can know." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minShocked Min "Is it Diya??????" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "WHAT???? No, I'm not trying to get my throat slit by you." with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite minDisgusted Min "Is it me???" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "No, but no more questions! I'm not exposing myself!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minUh Min "What happened to being a \"love expert\" or whatever when I was trying to kiss Diya?" Min "Why don't you just follow your own shitty advice?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Admitedly, it's easier said than done..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minUnamused Min "Look, it's exactly like what you guys said when I was on that date. Don't overthink it." Min "Just be straightforward and tell them how you feel." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "You sure?? They don't feel the same way, this could end up destroying our friendship." hide sideSprite1 Min "Yeah, just do it." Min "You can even try one of the stupid fucking pickup lines you keep \"practicing\" on my girlfriend." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "Okay, okay, I promise I'll stop doing that for real!" # Min "Why don't you just stop right now?! The fuck's wrong with you..." Akarsha "I just feel like hitting on my crush directly is a massive risk though..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHuh Min "Well, it worked out for me. You'll never know unless you go for it." # show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed # Akarsha "You only think that because it worked in your case!" # hide sideSprite1 # show sprite minHuh # Min "It's your only choice, though." Min "What's the worst thing that could happen? They reject you?" show sideSprite1 akarshaTrueNeutral Akarsha "Getting rejected is a huge deal! It'll make everything so awkward!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minNeutral Min "I mean, yeah, but that's just a risk you gotta take." #Min "I mean, yeah, it probably would be awkward for a bit..." #Min "But that's just a risk you gotta take." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "You don't get it, this isn't just me being paranoid. This has literally happened to me before." Akarsha "None of you went to the same middle school as me, so you don't know." Akarsha "Not only did my crush start avoiding me, but she told the rest of our friend group and they stopped talking to me, too." # Akarsha "Not only did my crush start avoiding me, but she told the rest of our friend group I was \"lesbo\"." # hide sideSprite1 # show sprite minHm # Min "What the? That's not even true, you're bi?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHm Min "What the? That sucks." show sideSprite1 akarshaSad Akarsha "Yeah, no kidding. I try not to think about it much." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minStupidHappy Min "Well, that wouldn't happen this time." Min "Even if it blows up in your face, you'd still have me, Diya, and Noelle." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Haha, right, obviously..." hide sideSprite1 # hide sideSprite1 # show sprite minNeutral # Min "I mean, yeah, it probably would be awkward for a bit..." # Min "But that's just a risk you gotta take." #Min "And if you don't, it just wasn't meant to be." hide sprite with dissolve play sound "sound/school bell.ogg" stop music fadeout 1.0 "The bell rings." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Nah, being direct about it still feels too risky..." # AkarshaT "I haven't gathered enough Evidence that she likes me yet." AkarshaT "I'm not even sure Noelle likes girls." # show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway #AkarshaT "I asked her point-blank once, and she claimed she was straight and just has high standards. Which could be true..." AkarshaT "Heck, I've never seen her express any kind of attraction to anyone at all. Is she just hella repressed?" # AkarshaT "Heck, I've never seen her express any kind of attraction to anyone at all. Is she just hella repressed?" # AkarshaT "Back when Diya first figured out she was lesbian, she told me first instead of Noelle, and I totally get why." AkarshaT "In any case, I don't wanna embarrass myself..." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug AkarshaT "The only safe way to do this is to seduce Noelle so hard, she's compelled to confess to me first!" AkarshaT "That way, if it doesn't work, I can write off all the flirting as a joke." AkarshaT "There's no way this can go wrong." hide sideSprite1 #AkarshaT "The only guaranteed safe way to do this is seduce Noelle so well, she's compelled to make the first move!" "(Use the mouse to interact!)" play music "music/Ketsa_-_08_-_Holding_Your_Breath.ogg" $lookShelves=0 $lookDesk=0 $useBathroom=0 $lookLockerRoom=0 $returnLibrary=0 $scrapedKnee=False $seenCourtyard=False $lookReflection=0 $eavesdropped=0 $bgTransition=False label backToLibrary: window hide hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with None hide sprite with dissolve $newSpeaker=True # if bgTransition==True: # show bg library2 # with diamond # else: # $ bgTransition=True $renpy.call_screen("library",_layer="farBack") screen library: if lookShelves<1: vbox xalign 0.1 yalign 0.25: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Examine bookshelves"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookShelves")] at qte_move if lookDesk<1: vbox xalign 0.41 yalign 0.54: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at desk"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookDesk")] at qte_move vbox xalign 0.5 yalign 0.95: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Leave library"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("leaveLibrary")] at qte_move label lookShelves: hide sideSprite1 $lookShelves+=1 "Min crosses her arms as Akarsha browses through the shelves." show sprite minUh Min "I fucking hate libraries." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "Wh.......Wha?? What's there to hate about libraries?" Akarsha "It's free books?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minNeutral Min "Well, I guess the books are okay, but librarians are the worst." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "Why?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minUh Min "This one time when I was like seven, I looked up a bunch of bad words on the school library's computer." Min "The librarian saw my search history and got me banned from there for a month!" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "What words did you look up??" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minNeutralOpen Min "It was just a bunch of swears I was curious about! Like \"damn\" and \"fuck\"." Min "I remember I searched \"middle finger\" too." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "I love that you thought \"middle finger\" was a bad word." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minStupidHappy Min "Yeah, I was so innocent as a kid." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "Hrm...I'm not sure \"innocent\" is the right word." jump backToLibrary label lookDesk: $lookDesk+=1 show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Is Noelle still fake-tutoring you to trick your parents into letting you out of the house?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minNeutral Min "She actually tutors me for real sometimes." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Wow, really?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minStupidHappy Min "I haven't failed a single test since we started!" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "She looks so proud, but not getting an F is a super low hurdle..." jump backToLibrary label leaveLibrary: if returnLibrary==0: show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Alright, protect your hearing." hide sideSprite1 "Min nods and covers her ears as Akarsha walks through the library scanners by the door." play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" "The book scanner alarms go off!" with sshake "The librarian looks up, sees that it's Akarsha, and impatiently waves her through." hide sprite play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg library with dissolve show sprite minSurprised Min "That seriously happens every single time you walk through the scanners?" show sprite minHm Min "Are you {i}sure{/i} you don't have any library books on you?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Of course. There's even a photo of me taped by the door now because after the first few times they searched me, they confirmed I don't have any." Akarsha "It almost feels like my backpack is haunted by the ghost of a library book." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minUnamused Min "How would that happen? Pissed off any books lately?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "No...Unless maybe Noelle counts as a book...?" Akarsha "And because I annoy her daily the books are...mad at me...?" hide sideSprite1 Min "Are you hearing how crazy you sound right now?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Yeah, I'm embarrassed I even said that out loud." Akarsha "It's probably just one of those things. Like my magic rosin." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHuh Min "Your what??" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Never mind, forget I mentioned it." elif returnLibrary==1: play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" "The librarian gives Akarsha a death glare from behind the counter as the alarms go off again." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "Is that really necessary? It's not like I can help it!" hide sideSprite1 play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg library with dissolve play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" else: show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "Here goes nothing! Sorry, librarian lady!" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" "The book scanner alarms go off!" with sshake "The librarian leaves the counter and begins powerwalking at Min and Akarsha!" show sprite minHuh Min "Oh crap!" with sshake play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "We are SPEED!!! RUN!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite play sound "running-concrete.ogg" show bg library with dissolve "Akarsha and Min sprint out of the library in a panic." show bg outsideLockerRoom1 with diamond "As they escape, Akarsha trips over her own flip-flops." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "AAUUGH!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/thud.ogg" "Akarsha throws her hands forward to break her fall onto the hard concrete." show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "MAMA MIA!! OW!!" with sshake Akarsha "This is SO typical! Why do these things always happen to me?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHuh with dissolve Min "Shit, dude. You okay?" "Akarsha stops sobbing for a second to assess the damage." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "Oh. Actually, I'm fine." $scrapedKnee=True hide sprite hide sideSprite1 show bg outsideLockerRoom1 with diamond jump lockerRoomEntrance label lockerRoomEntrance: window hide hide sprite hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with Dissolve (0.2) $newSpeaker=True $renpy.call_screen("qte_lockerRoomEntrance",_layer="farBack") screen qte_lockerRoomEntrance: if lookLockerRoom<2: vbox xalign 0.62 yalign 0.40: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at the locker room"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookLockerRoom")] at qte_move if useBathroom<1: vbox xalign 0.34 yalign 0.40: imagebutton: idle "gui/action_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Go to the bathroom"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("bathroom")] at qte_move if lookLockerRoom>0: vbox xalign 0.94 yalign 0.65: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Walk to the courtyard"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("moveCourtyard")] at qte_move if returnLibrary<4: vbox xalign 0.15 yalign 0.32: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Return to the school library"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("noLibrary")] at qte_move label lookLockerRoom: if lookLockerRoom==0: show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "I don't have gym until later in the day. And the baseball club doesn't meet til after school." # if not persistent.teamName_selected: AkarshaT "By the way, our baseball team is called..." menu: AkarshaT "{cps=0}By the way, our baseball team is called...{/cps}" "The Bagels": $teamName=_("Bagels") $ mp.teamName= _("Bagels") show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "That name was Diya's idea. We sound so friendly and tasty." "The Chicken Nuggets": $teamName=_("Chicken Nuggets") $ mp.teamName= _("Chicken Nuggets") show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "That name was Diya's idea. We sound so friendly and tasty." "Global Warming": $teamName=_("Global Warming") $ mp.teamName= _("Global Warming") show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "That name was Noelle's idea. I bet the more time passes, the scarier our team name will be." "The Death Bagels": $teamName=_("Death Bagels") $ mp.teamName= _("Death Bagels") AkarshaT "That name was Diya and Min's idea. Personally, I think it sounds pretty corny." "Semes": $teamName=_("Semes") $ mp.teamName= _("Semes") show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "That name was my idea. I'm glad our team is so cultured." $ # $ persistent.teamName_selected = True else: show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Right now, I need to go to first period and terrorize Noelle." $lookLockerRoom+=1 jump lockerRoomEntrance label bathroom: $useBathroom+=1 show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Ah, the public school girls restroom. Possibly the most disgusting place on earth." jump lockerRoomEntrance label noLibrary: $returnLibrary+=1 if returnLibrary==1: show sprite minHuh with dissolve Min "You're going back to the library? The alarms will go off again." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "So? I'm nothing if not an agent of chaos." Akarsha "Ready or not, here I come!" hide sprite hide sideSprite1 show bg library2 with diamond play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" "The book scanner alarms sound as Akarsha and Min reenter the libary." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Sounds like the library ghosts haunting me are alive and well." jump backToLibrary elif returnLibrary==2: show sprite minHuh Min "Again? You're kidding." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I've never been more serious in my life." hide sprite hide sideSprite1 #Min "You madman. This is why we're friends." show bg library2 with diamond play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" "The blare of the book scanner alarm announces Akarsha and Min's return to the library." "The librarian looks up, sees that it's Akarsha yet again, and slams her fist onto the countertop with surprising force." show sprite minHm Min "Oh, that librarian is definitely pissed now." # Akarsha "*chuckles* I'm in danger." jump backToLibrary else: show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "My life will probably be in danger if I go back again." AkarshaT "Maybe tomorrow." jump lockerRoomEntrance label moveCourtyard: play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg courtyard with dissolve label backToCourtyardAkarsha: hide sprite hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with None with Dissolve (0.2) $renpy.call_screen("qte_courtyardAkarsha",_layer="farBack") screen qte_courtyardAkarsha: vbox xalign 0.5 yalign 0.86: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look outside the locker room"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lockerRoomEntrance")] at qte_move vbox xalign 0.5 yalign 0.86: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Go to class"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("minLeaves")] at qte_move label minLeaves: show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Aight, imma head to class now." hide sideSprite1 show sprite minHappy Min "Adios, bitch." hide sprite with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "She's probably gonna go find Diya now." # AkarshaT "I hope we get some classes together next year. With our powers combined, the teachers would probably go on strike." AkarshaT "I feel like she's chilled out a lot since they started dating." AkarshaT "I guess knifing people is less exciting than kissing your girlfriend." $bgTransition=True label p1: window hide hide sprite hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with None $newSpeaker=True if bgTransition==True: play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg crowd with diamond $bgTransition=False # else: # $ bgTransition=True $renpy.call_screen("qte_p1",_layer="farBack") screen qte_p1: if lookReflection<3: vbox xalign 0.76 yalign 0.3: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at your reflection"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("reflection")] at qte_move if eavesdropped==False: vbox xalign 0.15 yalign 0.4: imagebutton: idle "gui/talk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Eavesdrop on classmates"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("eavesdrop")] at qte_move vbox xalign 0.63 yalign 0.28: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Enter classroom"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("enterClass")] at qte_move label reflection: if lookReflection==0: show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "How is it that everyone else has bomb-ass hair while mine's all sad and thin?" AkarshaT "What happened??? Gene catastrophe..." elif lookReflection==1: show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "The other day I saw my side profile in a photo and was like, \"wugh!\"" AkarshaT "I really go around looking like that all day?" AkarshaT "Wish I could get plastic surgery..." else: show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug AkarshaT "Dat me." $lookReflection+=1 jump p1 label eavesdrop: $npcName=_("Male student") $npcName2=_("Female student") NPC "I hate how my parents yell at me for studying late at night." NPC "If I slept early instead of cramming, I'd probably fail! And then I'd get yelled at for not studying." NPC2 "Ugh! That's so gay." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "At our school, it's really popular to say \"gay\" when you mean \"stupid\" or \"uncool\"." AkarshaT "So you hear it all the time. Whenever people don't like something, they go \"that's so gay.\"" $eavesdropped=True jump p1 label enterClass: play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg classroom with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Noelle and Diya aren't here yet." AkarshaT "I managed to set up a special surprise the other day. Hopefully everything's still in place." hide sideSprite1 #clock wipe "A few minutes later, Akarsha looks through the window. Outside, Noelle and Diya are approaching the classroom." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile AkarshaT "Yes...Come, my here, my sweet..." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/thud.ogg" play music "music/flameOfLoveBeginning.ogg" noloop queue music "music/flameOfLoveLoop.ogg" loop "Suddenly, a water bottle whizzes through the open door and hits the floor with a loud smack!" "It rolls across the classroom until it hits the wall." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "Uh?!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAway with dissolve Noelle "So it's not saran wrap today..." "Noelle peers suspiciously into the classroom from the doorway. She experimentally reaches one hand inside and feels along the doorframe, apparently searching for abnormalities." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "What's wrong, Frenchman? Afraid to come in?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "What did you do this time?" show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "What makes you think I did anything?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAnnoyed Diya "Maybe the fact that you've done something every morning this month." show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Two against one! Cheater! Cheater!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "That's what you get! You worthless pest!" hide sprite with dissolve "Diya retrieves the sacrificial water bottle." "Meanwhile, Noelle haltingly walks to her desk with an arm outstretched ahead of her, bracing for all manner of assault, whether it be liquid, solid, gaseous, or psychological in form." "After thoroughly inspecting her desk, she apprehensively sits." show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "....." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "....." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite dissolve "After a few tense seconds, Noelle seems satisfied that the act of sitting down didn't trigger anything." play sound2 "sound/backpack-zipping.ogg" "Breathing a sigh a relief, she hefts a bulky laptop from her messenger bag." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Yes! She didn't notice the extra wireless mouse USB I plugged into her computer last Friday." AkarshaT "I have the mouse hidden in my pocket." hide sideSprite1 "Diya takes a thin plastic folder from her backpack and flops it back and forth so it makes a wopwopwopwop sound." show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "............" show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Did you work on the PowerPoint?" show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "I added a slide on sharks and dolphins as another example of convergent evolution." hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle scrolls to the slide in question. It's a solid wall of text with no images." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised AkarshaT "This is gonna put everyone to sleep!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Noelle's so confident that she's good at public speaking, but she has zero charisma or self-awareness." AkarshaT "She just drones on and on forever, oblivious that she lost the audience ten minutes ago." AkarshaT "I love her..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAway Diya "Wait. I already made a slide about that. Swimming." "Diya scrolls to the previous slide." "It features a photo of dozens of fish and dolphins swimming in the ocean, cryptically captioned \"Good shape\"." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "Good shape..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "I hate to break this to you, Diya, but literally no one but you is going to understand this." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile AkarshaT "Neither of them are paying attention to me right now. Time to shine." hide sideSprite1 menu: "Jiggle the cursor": "Akarsha jiggles the mouse in her pocket as Noelle tries to edit the slide." show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "........" show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "What was that?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "What was what?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "Didn't you see it? The cursor just jerked on its own." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Maybe it's lag?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide." Akarsha "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "...You have?" hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle moves the mouse again. This time Akarsha does nothing." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Looks fine to me." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "How strange..." hide sprite with dissolve "While Noelle is busy typing an essay-length caption, Akarsha clicks another textbox so she's editing the wrong part of the slide." "Close the PowerPoint presentation": "Akarsha swiftly moves the cursor to the X button and closes the document." show sprite noelleTsun Noelle "........." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "What was that?" show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Think it crashed." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide, Noelle." Akarsha "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAway "Noelle re-opens PowerPoint and squints suspiciously at the slide in question." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "...You have?" show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Good thing we just saved. We didn't lose any significant progress." "While Noelle is busy typing an essay-length caption, Akarsha quickly closes the program again." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "??!" with sshake play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "SEE, THERE IT IS AGAIN! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "You've been hacked, Noelle!" Akarsha "Don't tell me...You fell for those pop-ups advertising hot single ladies in your area?!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "As if! Look, it's moving on its own again!" "Noelle clenches her mouse harder, as if that'll help her regain control of the rogue cursor." "Akarsha makes it drift toward the Control Panel..." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile AkarshaT "Heheheh..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha wiggles the mouse in her pocket. Diya's eyes flicker to the movement of fabric on Akarsha's windbreaker." show sprite diyaAnnoyed Diya "......" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised AkarshaT "Oh shit! Oh no!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist and yanks it out of the pocket, revealing the wireless mouse in her hand." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "It was yoOOOUU!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Wait, I just happened to have a mouse in my pocket! There's no proof this is connected at all!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Diya wrenches the mouse from Akarsha's hand, but not before Akarsha uses her precious final moments to click on the Control Panel and change the mouse speed to the slowest setting." show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "Pathetic. I can revert your changes within moments." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "You sure about that? Why don't you go ahead and try it?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleTsun "Noelle tries to navigate back to the Control Panel. The cursor inches across the screen so slowly, the movement is barely perceptible..." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "AKARSHAAAAAAAA!!!" with sshake hide sprite with dissolve play sound "sound/school bell.ogg" stop music fadeout 1.0 "The bell rings! This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream fest." "Once everyone is seated, the morning announcements play over the intercom." play music "music/Sound413_Images(short) - miltata.ogg" $npcName=_("Morning announcements") NPC "The first practice session for Senior Bhangra is today after school in the gym. Don't forget your t-shirt order forms." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Our school has this tradition where the seniors do a bhangra dance at the end of Multicultural Week." AkarshaT "Guess that means we'll get to see Chryssa and Liz dance." hide sideSprite1 # NPC "The Baseball Club would like to remind everyone that they're still accepting new members." # NPC "\"We meet every Tuesday and Thursday after school. NO EXPERIENCE necessary.\"" # AkarshaT "We still have the bare minimum 9 members..." # AkarshaT "So if one of us doesn't show, someone gets the ultra-rare \"center-right field\" position." NPC "The Japan Club's first meeting is today after school in N6." NPC "Unlike the Anime Club, besides discussing anime, we ALSO eat Japanese snacks and learn Japanese manners and language." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "That doesn't sound like that significant of a difference..." AkarshaT "Our school may not have a football or baseball team anymore, but it does have hella new clubs popping up all the time." AkarshaT "It's 'cause everyone wants to be able to put \"founder and president\" on their college apps." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Come to think of it...Didn't Chryssa and Liz start the baseball club during application season?" show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral AkarshaT "No way..." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Well, good for them. Even if they had ulterior motives, it's been fun." hide sideSprite1 NPC "This Valentine's Day, the Muslim Student Association is kicking off their annual rose fundraiser." NPC "For $5, we'll deliver a rose to your special someone with a message of your choice." NPC "You can even make it a bouquet for $20. Order forms will be distributed in 3rd period today." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "Hah, like anybody's getting me one of those..." hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha surreptiously glances at Noelle, who's sitting beside her." show sprite noelleAway with dissolve "To her surprise, Noelle is listening to the intercom as intently as if she were being graded on it." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Wait, maybe this is my chance!" AkarshaT "I should act {i}really{/i} pitifully down about being single and drop hints that getting a rose would make me happy." AkarshaT "After seeing the love of her life (me) in such a miserable state, Noelle will feel guilty that she hasn’t gotten me one!" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha sighs heavily and slumps in her desk." # "Akarsha sighs heavily and slumps in her desk. Noelle regards her with the air of an exasperated cat owner looking at her horrible, disobedient pet." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "What's the matter with you?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "I always feel the the worst about being single on holidays where I have no one to celebrate with." Akarsha "Like, Valentine's Day is supposed to be the happiest, most romantic time of the year, but it just reminds me of how no one's ever loved me..." Akarsha "I bet Diya's getting roses this year. Must be nice..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "What is there to envy? Flowers serve no practical purpose." Noelle "They wither up within days and wind up in the garbage. What a waste of money." show sideSprite1 akarshaHappy AkarshaT "Of course you would think so, you uptight spoilsport..." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "It's the thought that counts, though." Akarsha "I, personally, wish someone would send me a rose..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "Heh..." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "What? Did I say something funny?" hide sideSprite1 # Noelle "Oh darling, you have no idea." show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "Not at all." hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle goes back to reading her metamathematics puzzle book." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Hm. So that didn't go as expected..." # AkarshaT "She did call me \"darling\", which is good? But I think it was in a mean, mocking way, which is bad?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug AkarshaT "Time to revisit my tactics. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome." hide sideSprite1 "After the day's usual math lesson, the teacher brings out a stack of test papers." $npcName=_("Teacher") NPC "Alright everyone, clear your desks." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "!" hide sprite with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Aw, what, a pop quiz?" hide sideSprite1 NPC "You know, I should've done that. But no, it's just a CAML today." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Oh, thank god." AkarshaT "The CAMLs are these Math League contests we do every few months." AkarshaT "They're 30-minute tests consisting of weird problems that don't have much to do with our current course material." AkarshaT "It's just for fun, so they don't affect our grades or anything." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/pageTurn.ogg" "Akarsha scans the 6 problems on her test." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Usually three of the problems are freebies you'll get right if you have a brain." AkarshaT "And then there's two you have to think about, and one hella tough one." AkarshaT "Better get to work..." hide sideSprite1 label lunch: show bg black with diamond # play music "music/Ketsa_-_06_-_Thought_projection.ogg" pause 0.5 #walking to another class play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg courtyard with diamond "On the way to lunch, Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya check notes on their answers." # Diya "I only got three of them right for sure." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "What did you all get on the last question?" Noelle "The one about the diagonal passing through the 2012 x 2015 unit grid." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "I drew the whole grid the best I could. Guessed 3800 based on that." play sound "sound/locker open.ogg" hide sprite with dissolve "Aghast, Noelle drops her lunchbox as she pulls it from her locker, but Diya manages to catch it before it hits the ground." # "Aghast, Noelle drops a meatball that she was picking out of her spaghetti on the ground." show sprite noelleSurprised Noelle "You DREW the grid?! There were thousands of units on each side!" with sshake show sprite diyaWorriedAway Diya "Only roughly. I was running out of time." show sprite diyaWorried Diya "Had one minute left and didn't know where to start." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "The answer was 4026, right?" Akarsha "The diagonal goes through the first square at (0,0), and then another 2014 squares horizontally and 2011 squares vertically." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "That's what I got too!" show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Yes! If {i}you{/i} got that, it's gotta be right." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Min gives them a weird look as she joins them." show sprite minUnamused with dissolve Min "The fuck's wrong with you...How excited can you get over a math problem?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Clearly you've never known the high of finding out you got the same answer as the smartest kid in the class." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile "Noelle preens a little at the compliment." Noelle "That's an exaggeration." show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "No, it's not." Diya "No one else in our class got all six right last time." show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "Wait, you got all six?!" Akarsha "Don't they publish your name on a list or something online when that happens?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "They do." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway Akarsha "Dude, that's so impressive. The most I've ever managed was five." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Five is still perfectly respectable, though." Noelle "It means you're better at math than the vast majority of high schoolers. And that's including all the way up to grade twelve, not just our grade." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Yeah, I guess so..." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlush AkarshaT "It's seriously amazing that she's basically one of the smartest kids in the whole state." AkarshaT "We're so different, but at the same time there's so many ways we're alike??" AkarshaT "We're so compatible with each other...We're so perfect for each other..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve play sound "sound/calm walk.ogg" "Min holds a door open for Diya as they walk over to their usual table." #"As she eats, Akarsha formulates the next phase of her master plan." # Add Akarsha struggling to open Noelle's water bottle after watching how Min treats Diya and assuming it'll work on Noelle too show sprite minSmirk Min "After you, princess." show sprite diyaBlush Diya "Thanks..." hide sprite with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Hmm...Min always treats Diya like this even though Diya's strong enough to just smash a hole through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man." # AkarshaT "Hmm...Min is hella, like, chivalrous to Diya, even though Diya's the last person who needs it." # AkarshaT "Diya's so buff, she could probably just smash a hole through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man if she wanted to." AkarshaT "I guess Diya finds it romantic that Min is protective of her and stuff?" # AkarshaT "But Min still does it 'cause it's smooth." # AkarshaT "But Min does it to show that she cares about her. That's pretty smooth..." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug AkarshaT "Maybe if I try a move like that, Noelle'll fall for me!" hide sideSprite1 show bg lunch with dissolve # play sound "sound/backpack-zipping.ogg" "Once they've sat down, Noelle struggles to open her water bottle." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "Ugh!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Diya must not have opened it for her like usual this morning! This is my chance!" #AkarshaT "Maybe they decided not to 'cause they were going to throw it through the door." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Here, I got this babe." hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha snatches the bottle away from Noelle and tries to open it." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "*grunts* Nrg! Shit!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Urk! This is surprisingly hard!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "And they say chivalry is dead." #show sideSprite2 noelleAnnoyed #Noelle "What was that for?!" with sshake Noelle "You disgust me." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Whuh?! I was just tryin' to help!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleAnnoyed Noelle "You were smirking condescendingly as you took the bottle from me!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "Was not!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaNeutral Diya "Was too. You were smiling weird." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Wha...was I?!" hide sideSprite1 "Noelle hands the water bottle to Diya with a huff." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway AkarshaT "Okay, that could've gone better." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug AkarshaT "Luckily, I've got one last trick up my sleeve." hide sideSprite1 label earthquake: show bg classroom with dissolve "Before fifth period begins, Akarsha schemes at her desk." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "Acting sad 'cause no one was into me didn't work, so I should try the opposite tactic." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug AkarshaT "I'll make Noelle think dudes are falling for me left and right." AkarshaT "So if she likes me, she'll feel pressured to take action or else I'll be stolen from right under her nose!" AkarshaT "I won't be on the market for long. I'm a limited time offer!" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha goes over to annoy Noelle at her desk. Noelle puts down the thick tome she's reading to give Akarsha her undivided attention." show sprite noelleHm Noelle "Yes?" show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Can I tell you something?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "...I'll allow it." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlush AkarshaT "\"I'll allow it\"?? Who talks like that? What are you, a judge?" AkarshaT "I love you..." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "So yesterday, I was RPing with one of my online pals, Xx_ChibiAzn_xX, on And he asked me to be his forum GF!" Akarsha "I turned him down, of course." Akarsha "But I'm so popular, this happens all the time!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "...Never mind. Forget I asked." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Huh?! She doesn't sound remotely interested!" hide sideSprite1 stop music play music "sound/earthquake.ogg" show bg classroom at earthquake "Suddenly, a sharp tremor rattles Noelle's desk." show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "Quit shaking my desk." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "But I'm NOT shaking it?" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle and Akarsha look at one another, then at their violently shaking surroundings." play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised Akarsha "{big=+20}THERE'S A GHOST?!?{/big}" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "YOU MEAN {big=+20}{i}EARTHQUAKE???{/i}{/big}" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Oh, yeah, earthquake!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite "There's a commotion as Diya and the others crawl under their desks for cover as taught by years of earthquake drills." "Without thinking, Akarsha dives under Noelle's desk, leaving Noelle sitting dumbly in her chair." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "AKARSHA!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE UNDER NOW??!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Oops! Why don't you squeeze under here, too?" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite show bg earthquake at earthquake "Akarsha tries to make room for Noelle as she stiffly crawls under the desk." "Every single one of Noelle's joints pop as she crouches into place. They're so close, Akarsha can feel the heat radiating off Noelle's skin." AkarshaT "Is it just me, or is this like, really romantic??" AkarshaT "Nah, I'm just overthinking it...I gotta look at this objectively..." "Scowling, Noelle readjusts herself and brushes her hand against Akarsha's." AkarshaT "No way...Does this mean what I think it means?!" AkarshaT "She must've done that because she secretly likes me! Confirmed!!" with sshake stop music #stop shaking show bg earthquake with dissolve Noelle "......." Akarsha "......." Noelle "I think it's stopped." #AkarshaT "She must be thoroughly seduced by my feminine wiles now!" #AkarshaT "I'm a master of manipulation! Love master!!!" #AkarshaT "I'm the smartest girl alive!!!" show bg classroom with dissolve show sprite noelleBlushTsun with dissolve "Noelle clambers back to her feet in a hurry." Noelle "I can't believe you!" Noelle "I could have perished because of your selfishness!" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "But you didn't! Talk about a win-win situation." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlushAway AkarshaT "What're the odds of an earthquake happening right as we were talking to each other?" AkarshaT "Maybe it's a sign from the universe that we're soul mates!" #AkarshaT "Maybe it's a cosmic sign that we're destined to be together!" AkarshaT "I mean, think about it. What's more likely, that this was a coincidence? Or that the world revolves around me, and it's trying to tell me something?" AkarshaT "It's obviously the second one!" # AkarshaT "She must be thoroughly seduced by my feminine wiles now!" # AkarshaT "I'm a master of manipulation! Love master!!!" # AkarshaT "I'm the smartest girl alive!!!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite label failedConfession: show bg black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) show bg akarshaComputerRoom with diamond "Akarsha comes home giddy with the private conviction that Noelle likes her back." "In spurt of reckless courage, she boots up the family desktop in the computer room after dinner." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Okay...I'm gonna confess my love to her!" AkarshaT "I have a really good feeling about this!" hide sideSprite1 $nvlShow() cFirstLine "{nw}" cAkarsha "hey" cSame "do u have a minute" cNoelle "Why is your display name \"Certified Brain Genius\"?" cAkarsha "uh becuase i am one? duh" cNoelle "WHAT DIFFERENCE IS THERE BETWEEN A GENIUS AND A \"BRAIN GENIUS\"??" cSame "IT'S A POINTLESS DISTINCTION!" cAkarsha "no no they're obviously different" cNoelle "Did you change it to this just to annoy me?!" cAkarsha "idk what ur talking about and i dont appreciate u questioning my certification -_-" cSame "we ladies need to uplift each other!!" cSame "no point in having 2 queens fight" cNoelle "QUEENS??" cSame "RIGHT NOW I SEE YOU AS NOTHING BUT AN ENEMY TO BE OBLITERATED." cAkarsha "ok can we circle back to this later?" cSame "thats not why messaged you" cNoelle "Why did you message me, then?" cAkarsha "i have to tell yuo something" cNoelle "What is it?" cAkarsha "i" cSame "uh" cSame "man this is hard to say" cSame "^__^;;;;;;" cSame "i kinda have a crush on you" cNoelle "Er..." cSame "What?" cSame "You're joking, right?" $nvlHide() "Akarsha's stomach drops as Noelle's flat response flashes on the screen." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Crap. That's not what I was expecting..." AkarshaT "If she really liked me, she would've jumped at the chance to say she felt the same way!" AkarshaT "I know {i}I{/i} would've..." show sideSprite1 akarshaSad AkarshaT "Which means...I was overthinking all our interactions after all..." AkarshaT "I'm not a certified brain genius anymore. I've made a grave mistake!!" play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Abort mission! Abort!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 $nvlShow() cAkarsha "uh" cSame "just kidding!!!" cSame "that was my brother xD" cNoelle "Your brother...?" cAkarsha "ya he took the keyboard and typed that as a joke" cSame "i cant believe he did that o.O" cSame "like id ever say anything that crazeh! e_e" cNoelle "I see..." cAkarsha "just forget this ever happened ok? my bros so random lolll" cSame "i gtg now bye!!" $nvlHide() nvl clear label shesTheMan: play music "music/miltata - pas a pas.mp3" "Akarsha powers the family desktop off, her heart pounding a mile a minute." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "That was a close one...I somehow salvaged that and escaped unscathed..." AkarshaT "Apart from my heart being broken into a thousand smithereens, I mean..." # AkarshaT "GOD!! I'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!" with sshake # AkarshaT "She must think I'm so weird now!" hide sideSprite1 show bg akarshaLivingRoom with dissolve "Akarsha dramatically throws herself onto the sofa in the living room." # "Used to this, her brother offers her an Oreo." "Used to this, her brother offers her a piece of candy." show sprite pratikNeutral with dissolve Pratik "Want a Hi-Chew?" show sideSprite1 akarshaSad Akarsha "No, thanks." hide sideSprite1 show sprite dadAkarshaNeutral Dad "Don't eat too many of those. They have dangerous oils in them." show sprite pratikNeutral Pratik "Okay, Dad..." hide sprite with dissolve # AkarshaT "My dad thinks he's a nutritional expert." # AkarshaT "He eats salad completely plain with no dressing." "Her mom goes into the room Akarsha just left to switch off the light." show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom "What is this — Diwali?!" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "Oops. Sorry, I was having a meltdown and forgot..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite dadAkarshaNeutral Dad "Want to watch a funny movie with us? It'll make you feel better." show sideSprite1 akarshaSad Akarsha "What's the movie?" hide sideSprite1 Dad "She's the Man. We just need to wait two minutes, it starts on TV at seven." hide sprite with dissolve "The movie kicks off with the teenage heroine making out with her boyfriend." show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed with dissolve Mom "Ew. Gross." hide sprite with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaSadAway Akarsha "I dunno...{w=0.35}Wish that were me..." AkarshaT "We would've been so cute together......" AkarshaT "We belong together! We should be dating!" AkarshaT "I was hoping so bad Noelle could see that, too." AkarshaT "It just really hurts to know she doesn't feel the same way." hide sideSprite1 show sprite dadAkarshaSurprised Dad "Oh! This actress makes a very handsome boy." Dad "She would've tricked me." show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom "She would've tricked you?!" show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "Beti, do you know how to do this?" show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Do what? Disguise myself as a guy?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom "What kind of question is that? You're so weird." hide sprite with dissolve "It's a fun movie, but watching all the characters happily pair up after their wacky teen hijinks just makes Akarsha's chest ache even more." "Seeing the forlorn expression on her face, her dad pats her on the shoulder." show sprite dadAkarshaNeutral Dad "Cheer up." Dad "If you really don't want to be a doctor, you can become a movie star instead." show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom "What are you saying?!" show sprite dadAkarshaHappy Dad "I think it will be cool if Akarsha becomes a famous movie star. If she's rich, we can live in the mountains." Dad "We can be like, in the wild." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite momAkarshaAnnoyed Mom "Why would we want that???" with sshake show sprite dadAkarshaNeutral Dad "You can do it, beti. I believe." hide sprite with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaSad AkarshaT "My parents have such high hopes for me, but all I do is waste the opportunities they worked so hard to give me." show sideSprite1 akarshaSadAway AkarshaT "I have literally nothing going for me...I'm legitimately such a waste of time and resources." # AkarshaT "I can't get a girlfriend OR a boyfriend..." #AkarshaT "Why am I so unlikeable? Why do I look so weird??" #AkarshaT "Wish I could get plastic surgery..." # AkarshaT "I wonder what it's like to be kissed..." AkarshaT "How do people manage to have their first kiss in kindergarten and stuff?" AkarshaT "Why doesn't anyone wanna kiss {i}me{/i}?? Am I that unlikeable?" AkarshaT "It feels like such a remote thing that I can't imagine it {i}ever{/i} happening to me." AkarshaT "I've never even held someone's hand or been in any kind of relationship." AkarshaT "At this rate I'm gonna go through my entire life without ever getting kissed." AkarshaT "What's even the point of me staying alive? There's nothing for me to look forward to." AkarshaT "Everything just feels so unattainable." hide sideSprite1 # Akarsha "It's so much pressure to know they've sunk so much money into my education. And that's not even talking about how they broke their backs to move here." # Akarsha "What if I {i}don't{/i} succeed, and waste all the opportunities they worked so hard to give me?" # Akarsha "I couldn't live with myself..." label minChat: # "Tears well up in Akarsha's eyes, making her feel even more ridiculous." #show bg akarshaComputerRoom with dissolve # "Once the end credits roll, she dejectedly returns to the computer room and messages Min." "Once the end credits roll, she dejectedly texts Min on her phone." $nvlShow() cFirstLine "{nw}" # cNarrator "Certified Brain Genius has changed her name to\ndepressed elf nightmare man." cAkarsha "i read online that its healthy to wallow in sadness" cSame "for up to 1 hour a day" cSame "and that hour begins nOW YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" cMin "WTF" cAkarsha "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" cMin "SHUT UP" # cSame "just Fuck Of!!!" cAkarsha "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" cMin "what happened???????" cAkarsha "I CONFESSED AND IT DIDNT GO WELL TT_____TT" cMin "o shit" cAkarsha "luckily the second i saw things were going south" cSame "i was able to backtrack n play it off as a joke" cSame "i said it was my brother pranking me" cMin "wait" cSame "hold on" cSame "you did it thru TEXT???" cAkarsha "ya" cMin "why???" cAkarsha "idk it seemed like a good idea at the time :(" cSame "and that way I could say it wasnt me if i chickened out" cMin "wtf" cSame "DO IT PROPERLY" cSame "IN PERSON" cAkarsha "and deal with the consequences of my actions??" cSame "no thank u" cMin "well if your not sinsere about it, then what you get back isnt going to be real either" cSame "your like someone who went to vegas, spent 1 penny and got spooked and left" cSame "You need to take risks if you wanna win anything" cAkarsha "too scawwy :(" cMin "coward" cAkarsha "whats the point? i know theyre not interested in me anyway" cMin "weaksauce move" cAkarsha "and i cant even blame them" cSame "who'd wanna waste time with a loser like me ;___;" cMin "what am i then motherfuker?? chopped liver?" cSame "IM wasting time with yuo right now" cAkarsha "but u like wasting time with diya MORE" cSame "see??" cSame "*is die*" cMin "well its not a contest" cAkarsha "ok but it kinda is??" cSame "idk like...having 1 person in the world think im worth loving would be nice" cSame "i feel like i've spent my entire life wanting people and being rejected while nobodys ever felt anything for me" cSame "like am i really that ugly and boring that no one would ever fall in love with me" cSame "im just a waste of space" cMin "seriosly stop saying shit like that" cAkarsha "i was just kidding XD im so random" cMin "its not funny" cAkarsha "xD" cMin "dont xD me you son of a bitch" cAkarsha "i just wanna do normal high school things" cSame "like date and go to parties n stuff...." cSame "i feel like im missing out on this whole fun exp everyone else is having" # cMin "look you stupid piece of shit" cMin "look dumbass" cSame "theres probably like 3 couples in our entire grade including me and diya" cSame "bunch of socially stunted fob nerds" cSame "most of us arent even allowed to date until college anyways" cAkarsha "great" cSame "so not only am i an undesirable weirdo but im not even special" cMin "not special is good sometimes" cSame "if your not special it means your not alone" cAkarsha "ok yeah yeah i get it" cSame "u right" cSame "did you wanna play maplestory tonight?" cSame "i need a distraction to stop thinking about my epic fail OTL" stop music fadeout 1.0 cMin "sry i cant" cSame "juns using the computer right now" cAkarsha ":/" play music "music/myHeartWillGoOnClimax.ogg" cSame "how about we play through text then?" cMin "what do you mean through text" #maplestory music here # play music "music/Ellinia.ogg" cAkarsha "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" cSame "its a snail" cSame "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \‘-‘_@_" cMin "oh ok" cSame "attack" cSame "ninja star" cAkarsha "it's hitting you!!!!" cSame "-5 HP" cMin "HUH" cSame "WHY" cAkarsha "use emoticons like me" cMin "oh" cSame "uh" cSame "*" cAkarsha "wuts that supposed to be" cSame "your butthole??" cMin "WHY WOULD IT BE MNY BUTTHOLE?????" #cSame "WHY WOULD I USE BUTTHOLE" cSame "ITS THE NINJA STAR" cSame "SICKO" cAkarsha "oh ok" cSame "22 damage" cMin "*" cAkarsha "25 damage" cSame "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘-‘_@_" cSame "ITS COMIG CLOSER AND CLOSER AGAIN" cMin "=O" cSame "thats my fist punching" cAkarsha "2 damage" cMin "=O" cAkarsha "4 damage" cSame "-3 HP" cMin "what the..the snail should be dead by now" cSame "they dont have that much hp" cSame "F9" cAkarsha "fine ur not damaged" cSame "($)" cMin "ok great" cSame "im gonna try doing the kerning city pq" stop music fadeout 4.0 cAkarsha "yee good choice" $nvlHide() nvl clear label classNextDay: play music "sound/crickets.ogg" show bg black with dissolve "Akarsha feels a bit better after talking to Min, but once she's logged off, the heartache in her chest returns." "That night, Akarsha reads the entirety of Azumanga Daioh for the first time on an illegal manga scanlation site in an effort to forget about everything." "It doesn't work." stop music fadeout 2.0 $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) $ chTitle =_("The next morning") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) $ chTitle =_("Diya's house") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens play music "music/blooming.ogg" # play sound "sound/doorbell.mp3" show bg diyaHouse with dissolve "Akarsha cracks a weak smile as Diya answers the door." show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Ayyy...Ready to walk to school together?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorried with dissolve "Diya gives her an odd look as they start heading down the sidewalk." Diya "Are you okay?" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Y-yeah?? Why do you ask??" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "You didn't send me a weird message this morning like usual." Diya "Also, your eyes are red." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "Oh, that's nothing! I got shampoo in them while showering." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAway Diya "You should get L’Oréal Kids. No tears." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Are you making fun of me??" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "Yeah." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "Oh. All your jokes are so deadpan it's hard to tell sometimes..." AkarshaT "It must be nice to be pretty. I wish I didn't have to be funny all the time to get people to like me." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg nearSchool with dissolve show sideSprite1 akarshaSad AkarshaT "It sucks being so pathetic that you fall hopelessly in love with anyone who pays even the slightest bit of attention to you." AkarshaT "Especially unattainable straight girls. God, I'm stupid..." AkarshaT "I can't believe I was so desperate that I convinced myself she liked me back. Literally delusional..." AkarshaT "Sigh..." hide sideSprite1 play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg classroom with dissolve "At school, Akarsha nervously waits in the first period classroom before Noelle and Diya arrive." show sideSprite1 akarshaSad AkarshaT "I wonder how facing Noelle again will go..." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" "A water bottle flies through the doorway and ricochets off the floor." with sshake show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Coast is clear." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "You don't need to keep doing that, y'know. I wouldn't reuse the same set-up twice." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleTsun "Noelle cautiously sticks a long twig through the doorframe, her eyes narrowed at Akarsha." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "Then what is it this time, you putrid worm?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Wouldn't you like to know?" show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Phew...She's acting like nothing happened last night!" AkarshaT "She must've believed what I said about my little brother sending the message." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed AkarshaT "Thank god. Sorry, Pratik." AkarshaT "Now I just gotta ignore my feelings until they eventually die out." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "I have a special present for you, Frenchman. Come closer..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "What? No, keep it to yourself." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Don't be shy! I know you want your very special present!" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "I DON'T WANT THIS \"PRESENT\"! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" with sshake "As Noelle enters the classroom suspiciously, she tries to give Akarsha a wide berth. Akarsha discreetly pulls her secret weapon out of her pocket..." show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "HERE YOU GO!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite play sound "sound/scareChord.ogg" stop music #inverted colors show bg disneylandToy with sshake "It's a spinning light toy Akarsha got from Disneyland in elementary school." play music "music/flameOfLoveBeginning.ogg" noloop queue music "music/flameOfLoveLoop.ogg" loop "Noelle recoils as its rubber arms repeatedly whack her face." Noelle "GYAHHHH!!!!!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "THOUSAND ENERGY BEAMS ATTACK!!!" with sshake AkarshaT "I used to annoy my brother like this all the time." hide sideSprite1 Noelle "AKARSHAAAAAA!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" with sshake show bg classroom with dissolve "Akarsha gulps as Diya approaches the crime scene and towers over her." show sprite diyaAnnoyed with dissolve Diya "....." show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "C'maaahn, this isn't fair!" Akarsha "Just look! I'm so small, look how small I am compared to you!" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Noooo, it's also my birthday, you can't be mean on my birthday!" hide sideSprite1 Diya "............" show sprite diyaAway Diya "Is that true?" show sprite noelleUh Noelle "She's lying. Her birthday isn't until April." show sprite diyaAnnoyed "Akarsha yelps as Diya snatches the spinny toy out of her grasp." show sprite noelleEvil "Seeing that Akarsha's unarmed, Noelle menacingly starts walking toward her." show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Hey, calm down!" Akarsha "I was doin' you a favor, testing your reflexes for you! Like at the doctor!" hide sideSprite1 Noelle "........" show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous Akarsha "F-free! Free reflex test!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha breaks into a run as Noelle chases after her." show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "COME BACK HERE!! YOU CRETIN!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaNervous AkarshaT "Oh shit, baseball practice actually made her faster!" show sideSprite1 akarshaSurprised AkarshaT "Oh shit, she's catching up to me. Oh shit!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite label lockerRoom: stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with diamond pause 1.0 play music "music/Daydream.ogg" show bg lockers with diamond "When Akarsha comes to baseball practice, she hears whispering in the locker room." show sideSprite2 lizHmB Liz "{i}(...So the plan is, we all pitch in?){/i}" show sideSprite2 noelleNeutralB Noelle "{i}(If we split it up eight ways, it's only $1.50 per person.){/i}" show sideSprite2 minNeutralB Min "{big=+20}But I don't see why I should have to pay.{/big}" show sideSprite2 sayeedaNeutralB Sayeeda "{i}Shhh!{/i}" with sshake show sideSprite2 noelleBigSmileB Noelle "{i}(You have to pay because it'll be hilarious. She'll never guess who it is.){/i}" show sideSprite2 chryssaNeutralB Chryssa "{i}(And here I thought we were trying to do a good deed.){/i}" Chryssa "{i}(Do you ALWAYS have to be engaging in some kind of psychic mind battle with her?){/i}" hide sideSprite2 # Noelle "{i}...Yes? What kind of question is that?{/i}" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "What're they scheming about? I want in." hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha walks over to where the others are furtively huddled together. A hush falls over the team..." show sprite diyaSurprisedB with dissolve Diya "........." show sprite lizHappyB Liz "Why, hello there, Akarsha!" show sprite esterSurprisedB Ester "We were just talking about..." show sprite graceSurprisedB Grace " Vampire Knight is getting an anime." show sprite chryssaAnnoyedSmileB Chryssa ".............." show sprite minHappyB Min "We're acting so natural right now." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral AkarshaT "Okay, clearly they're up to something..." show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "The question is, what?" hide sprite hide sideSprite1 label sakuraUnrequitedLove: show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 show bg field with diamond if teamName==_("Global Warming"): "After jogging around the track and stretching, [teamName!t] runs fielding drills." else: "After jogging around the track and stretching, the [teamName!t] run fielding drills." show bg bench with dissolve "While Akarsha takes a breather in the dugout, she watches Noelle haplessly flail about on the field." "Within moments, the object of her affection misjudges the trajectory of a fly ball and gets bonked on the head." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleFacepalmB Noelle "Ow!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaSadB AkarshaT "Baseball champion..." show sideSprite1 akarshaSadAwayB AkarshaT "I would do anything for you...If only you'd let me..." hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha lets out a wistful sigh as Noelle performs her signature move, throwing the ball almost directly into the ground." show sideSprite1 akarshaSadAwayB # Akarsha "Man...Falling in love is really different from being loved." Akarsha "It sucks having a sad hopeless crush...I just want gorlfriend..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceNeutralB Grace "So dramatic. Konnichiwhat's up?" show sideSprite1 akarshaSadB Akarsha "I'm just bummed 'cause I've never experienced love." Akarsha "No one ever likes me back. I feel like I'm missing out on so much..." hide sideSprite1 # Grace "Oh no! I'm gomenasorry." show sprite sayeedaNeutralB Sayeeda "It's okay, being rejected is a part of life." Sayeeda "You should learn to love yourself. It's a lie that people can only be happy when they're in a relationship." # Sayeeda "It happens to most people at some point. At least you built up the courage to ask them at all." # AkarshaT "I kinda only half-asked her...but I guess it still counts" show sprite esterNeutralB "Ester glances up from the drawing she's scribbling on her sketchbook." Ester "Those are surprisingly wise words coming from someone with zero love experience." show sprite sayeedaHappyB Sayeeda "I learned that life lesson from Card Captor Sakura." Sayeeda "The main character experiences unrequited love even though she's a great person. That means it can happen to anyone." Sayeeda "Even our sugoi Akarsha-chan." show sideSprite1 akarshaAwayB Akarsha "That does make me feel less alone. Thanks, senpai..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedB Ester "Ugh." "Ester vigorously erases something on her page, making countless grey eraser shavings rain down on the dirt beneath the bench." show sprite graceSurprisedB Grace "Ester, what're you drawing?" show sprite esterNeutralB Ester "A chapter title page for a webcomic I'm starting." show sprite graceNeutralB Grace "A webcomic? Like on SmackJeeves?" "Akarsha peers over at Ester's sketchbook, but she recoils, looking bashful." show sprite esterSurprisedB Ester "Don't look, I'm not done yet!" "Akarsha manages to glimpse a spiky-haired character on the page before Ester angles her sketchbook away from prying eyes." show sideSprite1 akarshaAwayB AkarshaT "She's pretty good though...If she posted that on DeviantArt I bet she'd get like, two hundred views." Akarsha "Is that from an anime?" hide sideSprite1 "Ester frowns, aghast." show sprite esterAnnoyedB Ester "No, it's just a regular guy." Ester "It's like those iPod ads, see? He's wearing white earbuds, and I colored his silhouette in black." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedB AkarshaT "Ester is the type of weeaboo who tries to hide the fact that she likes anime because she's embarrassed by it, but it's still super obvious." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceNeutralB Grace "I hate to break it to you, but even from his silhouette you can tell it's an anime guy." show sprite sayeedaNeutralB Sayeeda "It's probably his hairdo. No real guys have bangs that go down to their chin." show sideSprite1 akarshaAwayB Akarsha "They should, though. Life would be way less boring." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedB Ester "Ugh. Guys with short hair are so hard to draw..." hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha turns her attention back to the field, where Diya and Min are passionately kissing." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyedB AkarshaT "I think they're trying to keep their relationship a secret, but they keep forgetting." hide sideSprite1 #AkarshaT "I'm pretty sure they're trying to keep their relationship a secret, but every five seconds they forget..." #AkarshaT "Over the past few months we've been subjected to seeing the most insane PDA in the world." show sideSprite2 noelleUhB Noelle "Do you have to do that in front of us?" show sideSprite2 minUhB Min "Just you watch. I'm gonna rub my gay hands all over her." show sideSprite2 diyaBlushB Diya ".........." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaSadAwayB Akarsha "I'm so jealous...I wanna be in love too..." Akarsha "Someday everyone else is gonna get married except me, and I'll be the one sad single friend." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedB Ester "Me too..." show sprite sayeedaNeutralB Sayeeda "Me three..." show sprite graceNeutralB Grace "If that happens, we should all pitch in to buy a mansion and live as otaku together." show sideSprite1 akarshaHmB Akarsha "That definitely doesn't sound like the kind of life my parents were envisioning for me when they immigrated here...." Akarsha "But that sounds incredible." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceNeutralB Grace "Doesn't it? We could put up all our anime prints and display our figurines with no shame." show sprite esterAnnoyedB Ester "Speak for yourself. I don't have any of that stuff, my room is normal." show sideSprite1 akarshaShockerB Akarsha "You don't have anything?? You've never been to an anime convention before?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite sayeedaSurprisedB Sayeeda "Fanime is like, right there in San Jose..." show sprite graceSurprisedB Grace "Ooh, we should all go together this year! We can all cosplay the same series!" show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmileB Akarsha "Yeah!! Maybe like, Soul Eater or Haruhi Suzumiya!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterSurprisedB Ester "What, at Fanime? Admission is probably too expensive anyway." hide sprite with dissolve "Ester scoffs like she's not interested before furtively writing something tiny on the side of her sketchbook page." show sideSprite1 akarshaHmB AkarshaT "She didn't write small enough...It says \"Fanime\"..." AkarshaT "She's probably gonna Google it later." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 chryssaAnnoyedB Chryssa "Hey, all you slackers sitting down doing nothing! Get over here and practice!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 akarshaBigSmileB Akarsha "Ya!!" hide sideSprite1 label secretAdmirer: $npcName=_("Upperclassman") show bg black pause 1.0 $ chTitle =_("Valentine's Day") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens pause 3.0 hide chTitle onlayer screens show bg classroom "Akarsha scoffs as a few upperclassmen come in to deliver the goodies people ordered." show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "We should have a reverse Valentine's Day where we give annoying, terrible gifts to our enemies on purpose." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed with dissolve Noelle "You mean, {i}what you already do to me every single day of my life?{/i}" show sideSprite1 akarshaHm Akarsha "Oh, true..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "A few of their classmates receive ribboned roses, but someone comes in holding an entire bouquet..." NPC "Are you Akarsha? This is yours." show bg roses with dissolve Akarsha "Huh????" with sshake "Bewildered, Akarsha accepts the bouquet and notices there's a note tied to it with a ribbon." "It reads:" "{i}Roses are red\nViolets are blue{/i}" "{i}Love never crossed my mind\nUntil the day I met you{/i}" "{i}-Your secret admirer{/i}" AkarshaT "Secret admirer? Who???" with sshake AkarshaT "I can't believe it...Is this some kinda joke??" show bg classroom with dissolve "Akarsha looks wildly around the room in case her paramour is watching her reaction from afar." "But no one seems to be acting out of the ordinary except Diya and Noelle, who are beside themselves with amusement." show sprite noelleHappy Noelle "Someone sent {i}you{/i} flowers?" show sideSprite1 akarshaShrug Akarsha "I told you I was a hot commodity! I charmed the pants off someone without even knowing it!" hide sideSprite1 # Noelle "You mean tricked someone into not seeing what a sorry little rat you are?" show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "What's the note say? Let me read it." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlush Akarsha "Wh-why do you care? You jealous?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "In your dreams." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "I bet she won't show us because they misspelled her name as \"Arkasha\"." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 akarshaShocker Akarsha "Why're you so mean today?! I'm gonna tell the teacher you're bullying me!" with sshake show sideSprite1 akarshaHm AkarshaT "Maybe I can deduce who the sender is like a detective!" AkarshaT "The poem is one hint. There's gotta be others." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha flips the note over. It's blank...except for a small dark smudge on the back." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral AkarshaT "Clue??" AkarshaT "Maybe it's from food? Like blackberries?" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha sniffs the note, but it's hard to single out any scent over the fragrance of the roses." show sprite diyaDelighted with dissolve Diya "What're you doing." show sideSprite1 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Quiet, meanie!! I'm trying to crack the code!" with sshake Akarsha "You're interrupting my mind palace technique!!!" show sideSprite1 akarshaAway AkarshaT "There's only two possibilities here. Either someone is secretly in love with me..." AkarshaT "Or it's a prank. But it's kinda a lot of money to spend on a prank...?" show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "It's either fake or real." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmile Noelle "You don't say? Thanks for narrowing it down for us." show sideSprite1 akarshaBlush Akarsha "B-be quiet!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Flustered, Akarsha scans the room one more time for good measure." "She catches Diya looking away a beat too late, smiling to herself." show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "..." show sideSprite1 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "What're you smiling about?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Nothing. Just happy for you." hide sprite with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) jump diya2