# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-11-19 22:40 # game/4_noelle.rpy:40 translate traditional_chinese noelle4_402aeba0: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}第一個詞是:「鏡子」。{/font}" NPC "第一個詞是:「鏡子」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:44 translate traditional_chinese noelle4_d068ac81: # "Noelle copies down the unfamiliar characters on the board stroke by stroke." "小諾嘗試寫出黑板上的漢字。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:46 translate traditional_chinese noelle4_4b93a704: # NoelleT "What did it look like again?" NoelleT "這樣對嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:57 translate traditional_chinese wrongAnswer_93b7ee0f: # "Noelle writes it down, then checks it against the writing on the board." "小諾看看黑板,又看看自己寫下的字。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:59 translate traditional_chinese wrongAnswer_c03b97fe: # NoelleT "I got it wrong..." NoelleT "我寫錯了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:63 translate traditional_chinese rightAnswer_a467c77d: # "Noelle writes it down, then checks it against the words on the board." "小諾看看黑板,又看看自己寫下的字。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:65 translate traditional_chinese rightAnswer_2917c5c1: # NoelleT "I got it right! Now for the next one..." NoelleT "我寫對了!下一個詞是……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:71 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_6d8dd5e2: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}第二個詞是:「承認」。{/font}" NPC "第二個詞是:「承認」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:73 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_19480a01: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}「認」應該要會寫喔,之前教過了。{/font}" NPC "「認」應該要會寫喔,之前教過了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:75 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_05b15754: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}「承」的意思是「to bear」或「to carry」……{/font}" NPC "「承」的意思是「to bear」或「to carry」……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:78 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_c73852a8: # NoelleT "This would be easier if Chinese words used an alphabet like most languages." NoelleT "如果中文也是字母語言就好了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:79 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_de808ae2: # NoelleT "It infuriates me how you can't tell how a Chinese character is pronounced by the way it looks." NoelleT "我討厭念不出字的感覺。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:80 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_06fd9642: # NoelleT "You're forced to learn every single word twice — how it sounds, AND what it looks like. It's wildly inefficient." NoelleT "而且中文的念法和寫法還是分開的!一個字要學兩次!超級沒有效率的!。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:82 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_5f551e84: # "A couple hours into the lesson, a kid toward the back of the room raises his hand." "幾個小時後,一個坐在教室後方的同學舉起了手。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:84 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_22865170: # NPC2 "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}老師,中文字總共有幾個?{/font}" NPC2 "老師,中文字總共有幾個?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:86 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_7a43c459: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}至少八萬個。{/font}" NPC "至少八萬個。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:89 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_bbf60c54: # Noelle "80,000?!" with sshake Noelle "八萬個?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:92 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_559a1fce: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}別擔心,一般人平均也只認得八千個字左右。{/font}" NPC "別擔心,一般人平均也只認得八千個字左右。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:95 translate traditional_chinese vocab2_07b8fe02: # NoelleT "8,000 is still a mindboggling number..." NoelleT "還是很多啊……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:103 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_fa7ffe50: # "After school, Noelle does her weekly packet of Chinese homework at the kitchen table." "放學後,小諾在廚房餐桌上做中文作業。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:105 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_71871670: # NoelleT "I've spent every Saturday since kindergarten tediously memorizing a few characters at a time, but it's barely even made a dent." NoelleT "我從幼稚園就開始學中文了,可是完全沒有效果。光是學一、兩個字,就要花好幾個小時。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:106 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_391ce961: # NoelleT "After all these years, I still can't even read a book or the newspaper." NoelleT "現在我都上小學了,還是連報紙都看不懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:107 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_9bebeecd: # NoelleT "At this pace, it's hard to imagine I'll ever be able to." NoelleT "我真的有學會的一天嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:111 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_f238f67a: # Mom "Noelle! What is this?!" with sshake Mom "諾奧!這些是什麼?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:112 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_aecc8b53: # "Noelle looks up to see her Mom holding the sample packet of pads and tampons she got from school." "小諾媽媽手裡抓著幾包生理用品,棉片和棉條都有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:114 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_24dc16ca: # Noelle "Oh, that's from the Sex Ed talk we had in class. The girls received a presentation about menstruation." Noelle "今天健康教育課上發的。女生學的是有關經期的知識。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:117 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_49197f77: # Mom "The school gave you this?!" with sshake Mom "學校教妳們用棉條?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:119 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_20b3aafe: # Mom "Using a tampon is the same as having sex!" with sshake Mom "這是在鼓勵性交!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:121 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_025e0341: # Noelle "That's not what the teacher giving the talk said..." Noelle "不是。演講的人說……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:122 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_94ed728c: # Noelle "It's just a tool for absorbing blood." Noelle "棉條是用來吸血的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:125 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_b0e8a9c3: # Mom "No! You'll be able to feel it the whole time, and it goes into..." Mom "不可以!妳會一直感覺到有東西!因為棉條是要放在……放在……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:126 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_79877ce3: # "Her mom can't even bear to say it." "小諾媽媽連那個詞都不敢說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:128 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_810b11b4: # Mom "It's the same as having sex with a man." Mom "……等於在教妳們和男人做那種事!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:130 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_1eb265dd: # Noelle "The woman giving the talk said plenty of girls use it." Noelle "演講的人說很多女生都有用。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:133 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e76dc2e0: # Mom "American girls get their periods so early because they're thinking sexual thoughts at a young age." with sshake Mom "那是因為她們思想放蕩!美國小孩都這樣,所以她們才幾歲就開始流血了。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:134 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_1fc1149b: # Mom "It's not natural. You shouldn't be thinking about these things until you're married." Mom "結婚之前不可以想這些。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:136 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e268e56f: # "After throwing away the immoral tampons, her mom goes off to the living room to watch a Chinese variety show." "小諾媽媽把褻瀆的棉條丟進垃圾桶,然後走到客廳,開始看電視。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:142 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_2ef4a68f: # NoelleT "It's hard growing up trusting very little of your parents' judgment." NoelleT "當我爸媽的小孩真的很累,因為他們說的話我都不太相信。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:143 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_63cfded1: # NoelleT "My mom doesn't believe in mental illness, yet genuinely believes in superstitions like auspicious dates. And no amount of proof or argument can sway her." NoelleT "我媽媽覺得心理疾病是醫生編來騙人的,卻相信如果不在「黃道吉日」做某些事情,她一定會倒楣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:144 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_7a4f4542: # NoelleT "Is Chinese society just decades behind the West? I've yet to meet a white person whose mind works this way." NoelleT "我認識的白人都不會這樣。華人社會落後我們這麼多嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:150 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_2415f932: # "Noelle glances over at the show her mom is watching." "小諾瞥了電視一眼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:154 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_970f07cb: # "Colorful words and cartoons fly across the screen as cheesy sound effects play." "五顏六色的大字報和粗糙的動畫在畫面上飛來飛去,時不時穿插一些敲鑼、打鼓還有莫名其妙的聲音。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:156 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_ce9e0b29: # NoelleT "So tacky..." NoelleT "好土喔……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:157 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_705ae7e9: # NoelleT "It's one of those shows where they interview a panel of foreigners who can barely speak Mandarin." NoelleT "這個節目專門訪問一些中文不太好的外國人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:159 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_192ab582: # "Noelle cringes as silly \"boing\" noises are overlaid over the host's jokes." "主持人講了一個笑話,但他的聲音馬上被類似「啵噰噰」的恐怖音效蓋過。小諾快要受不了了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:161 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_c1c80572: # NoelleT "They're just laughing at the foreigners for not understanding the questions they've been asked..." NoelleT "來賓聽不懂問題就算了,還要被笑……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:162 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_240dfc60: # NoelleT "Why is this popular? It's so juvenile and embarrassing." NoelleT "這種不尊重人的節目到底在紅什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:163 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_ee686840: # NoelleT "I feel like I'm losing brain cells as I listen to this." NoelleT "我的智力都要減退了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:165 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_2d0852d0: # "Disgusted, Noelle returns to scrutinizing the impenetrable paragraph of Chinese she's supposed to be analyzing for homework." "承受著變笨的風險,小諾重新審視著她宛如天書般的中文閱讀測驗。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:167 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_64318b69: # NoelleT "What am I even going to use Chinese for? Watching drivel like that?" NoelleT "我到底為什麼要學中文?為了看懂這個無腦的節目嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:168 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_4168d407: # NoelleT "I have no interest in the backwards culture that produced my pathetic, narrow-minded parents." NoelleT "根據我爸媽的表現,我真的對他們的文化一點興趣也沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:173 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_a6e72de9: # "When a commercial break comes on, she throws down her pencil." "節目進廣告的時候,小諾把手裡的鉛筆一摔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:175 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_0d84afa1: # Noelle "I want to quit Chinese school." Noelle "我不想學中文了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:177 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_7c7030e4: # "Her mom whirls around from the couch, alarmed." "小諾媽媽猛得轉過頭來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:180 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_923b2d5b: # Mom "What?! Why?" with sshake Mom "為什麼?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:182 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_9d357b73: # Noelle "I hate it! It always takes up my entire Saturday!" with sshake Noelle "因為很討厭!放假要上課,還上那麼久!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:183 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_6ae43bcf: # Noelle "They assign so much homework every week on top of the regular homework I get from school." Noelle "然後功課超級多。比我學校一個星期的作業還多。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:185 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_11940e6a: # "Noelle's dad looks up disapprovingly from the newspaper he's reading." "小諾爸爸放下報紙,滿臉不贊同的看著女兒。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:187 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_5d4c2936: # Dad "Well, you can't quit. What kind of Chinese person can't even speak Chinese?" Dad "不行。這是妳的母語。哪有中國人不會說中文的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:189 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e7c4f9c4: # Mom "We'll lose face if you don't learn!" Mom "妳想讓我們丟臉嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:190 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_175ca01f: # Mom "Other people will think we're bad parents." Mom "人家會覺得:我們這個父母怎麼當的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:193 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_df6fd973: # Noelle "Why does it matter what other people think?!" with sshake Noelle "為什麼要管人家怎麼想?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:194 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_1cb9c187: # Noelle "{i}I'm{/i} the one whose limited time is being sucked away by it! My opinion should be the one that matters the most!" Noelle "被浪費掉的是{i}我{/i}的時間欸!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:197 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_50e0e208: # Dad "No, you have to listen to your parents." Dad "妳要聽爸爸媽媽的話。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:198 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_fb3695d8: # Dad "It's for your own good. You're too young to understand." Dad "妳現在還不懂。等妳長大了,就會知道我們是為妳好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:199 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_cf4354fc: # "Almost nothing drives Noelle up a wall more than being told she's not old enough to understand something." "論惹小諾生氣的方法,「妳還不懂」一定穩坐前三名。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:201 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_15ef46cf: # Noelle "Stop treating me like a some feeble-minded little kid. I read at college-level already!" Noelle "不要把我當小孩子!我已經可以讀大學程度的東西了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:204 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_56979a78: # Dad "It doesn't matter, you don't have the life experience yet." Dad "跟讀書沒關係,妳閱歷還不夠。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:205 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_769f21bd: # Dad "Some things you can only know from being as old as your parents are." Dad "有些事情要長大了才會懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:207 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_49a9ddab: # Noelle "What, so just because you're older than me you're automatically smarter than I am?" Noelle "你的意思是說:因為你比我大,所以你一定比我聰明嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:209 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_12339536: # Dad "Yes." Dad "對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:211 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_e5a6fc03: # Noelle "I don't accept that." Noelle "不合理。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:214 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_7cc4344e: # Mom "It's your culture. You can't just throw it away." Mom "不可以不學。中文是妳文化的一部分。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:216 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_f058a4fe: # Noelle "Yes, I can. It's a poorly constructed, archaic language." Noelle "不要。中文已經過時了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:225 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_cceffd42: # Dad "That's not true. If it's so bad, how come it's worked for thousands of years?" Dad "一門傳承了幾千年的語言,怎麼能說是過時呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:226 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_0a185075: # Dad "You should take more pride in your culture." Dad "這是非常值得誇耀的事情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:228 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_4b18cc59: # Noelle "What is there to be proud of?" Noelle "有什麼好值得誇耀的?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:229 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_2a1fae47: # Noelle "I'm stuck learning the worst, most pointlessly complicated language in the world." Noelle "又複雜、有沒意義、又難學。還浪費我時間。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:232 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_30afc93d: # "Exasperated, Noelle's parents exchange a look." "小諾的雙親生氣的交換了一個眼神。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:234 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_3f6ea1fa: # Mom "You're still going to Chinese school. We already paid for your classes this year." Mom "今年的學費已經付了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:236 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_00518be6: # Noelle "Can I quit at the end of the year then?" Noelle "那我年底可以退嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:239 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_79c39c4a: # Dad "If you still feel this way by the end of the year, fine. You can quit." Dad "如果到年底妳還是不想學,那就退吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:241 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_88530dcb: # Noelle "I can?" Noelle "真的嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:245 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_fbf5cbe0: # Mom "Huh?! No, she can't!" with sshake Mom "不行!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:247 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_8b77488c: # Dad "Think about it. If she goes to Chinese school with that kind of attitude, she won't learn anything anyway." Dad "妳想想看嘛。她現在這種態度,學得到東西嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:248 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_13667244: # Dad "It's impossible to teach someone who doesn't want to be educated. We might as well at least save money." Dad "如果她不是發自內心想學,去上課也沒有用;那這筆錢就白花了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:250 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_167e3102: # NoelleT "Yes! The end of the year is pretty far away, but at least the end is in sight now!" NoelleT "耶!雖然年底還很久,至少可以不用學了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:251 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_f057711d: # NoelleT "Quitting Chinese school will significantly free up my schedule. I can probably read a few more books every week!" NoelleT "這樣我就會有很多時間可以看書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:253 translate traditional_chinese quittingChineseSchool_60d45089: # NoelleT "It'll be so worth it. When I'm older, I'll be so thankful that I quit." NoelleT "等我長大了,一定會覺得:幸好我有退掉!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:261 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_19db2f05: # "Noelle is so elated that she doesn't even mind being dragged along to 99 Ranch with her mom, a trip she normally gripes is a waste of time." "小諾開心到連被媽媽抓去進行她認為非常浪費時間的活動:「逛大華超市」時,都沒有半句怨言。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:262 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_f7640335: # "As they browse the fishball aisle, her mom's Nokia rings. She quickly brings it to her ear." "逛到魚丸區時,小諾媽媽的諾基亞響了,她立刻接了起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:265 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_2a62f33a: # Mom "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}喂?{/font}" Mom "喂?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:268 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_64fb7708: # "There's a pause. Her mom's face falls." "小諾媽媽聽了一陣,神情逐漸變得憂傷。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:270 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_ee89588e: # Noelle "What is it?" Noelle "怎麼了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:273 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_ee25db42: # Mom "Ah-ma passed away." Mom "阿媽過世了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:276 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_11a48459: # Noelle "Oh." Noelle "喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:278 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_738ac199: # NoelleT "I know I should be sad...but I haven't seen my grandmother for years." NoelleT "我沒什麼感覺……因為我已經很久沒有見到她了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:279 translate traditional_chinese ranch99_4b57cfdb: # NoelleT "I've never had a real conversation with her before. It's like being told a stranger died." NoelleT "我也沒有跟她聊過天。我根本不認識她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:296 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_57a332ed: # "Noelle isn't allowed to close her bedroom door, so she's on high alert as she uses the computer." "小諾家裡不准關房門,所以她用電腦的時候都非常小心。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:298 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_6687ecfd: # NoelleT "It sounds like my mother's busy washing vegetables in the kitchen. Here's my chance!" NoelleT "媽媽在洗菜!我現在可以用電腦!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:300 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_9c8bd4d6: # "Noelle quickly searches \"Homosexuality\" on Wikipedia." "小諾打開維基百科,飛快的輸入「同性戀」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:303 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_ad269b95: # NoelleT "I skimmed this page once as research, after Akarsha started insisting Diya and Min-seo were romantically involved." NoelleT "迪亞和小旼交往之前,阿卡莎一直堅持她們「來電」的時候,我有概略的看過一次。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:304 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_9e5a1af6: # NoelleT "But I'm POSITIVE there was no mention of it being possible for two women to have sexual relations!" NoelleT "可是我確定上面沒有說兩個女人可以進行性交!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:305 translate traditional_chinese wikipedia_858868d6: # NoelleT "I would have remembered it!" NoelleT "因為如果有,我現在就不會查了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:330 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_7371fe69: # "Much of the page is devoted to the historic and modern-day oppression of gay men." "「同性戀」頁面大部分的內容都在描述古今中外的男同性戀受到的種種壓迫。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:331 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_ae5cf295: # "There's mentions of sodomy being criminalized, along with an image of Ancient Greek pottery depicting of two nude men embracing that Noelle scrolls past very quickly." "還有反自然性行為被視為犯罪等內容;包含一張古希臘陶器的照片,上面描繪著兩個赤裸的男性正在互相擁抱──小諾飛快地滑過了頁面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:333 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_15be6c82: # NoelleT "Wait, this might be something." NoelleT "這一段好像是我要的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:335 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_5a2d6a23: $subtitle="*位於非洲南部的國中國" # NPC "Anthropologists Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe reported that women in Lesotho engaged in socially sanctioned \"long term, erotic relationships\"." NPC "據人類學家Stephen Murray和Will Roscoe所稱,在社會批准下,賴索托*的女性可建立「長期且充滿情慾」的關係。" $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:337 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_ab1b0d2d: # NoelleT "What exactly do they mean by \"erotic\"? They need to be more descriptive!" NoelleT "怎麼個「充滿情慾」法?可以講清楚一點嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:339 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_dc68ec25: # "She clicks on the citation, but the source is a book called \"Boy Wives and Female Husbands: Studies of African Homosexualities\"." "小諾點擊索引連結,發現該段落出自一本叫做「非洲同性戀研究:男妻與女夫」的書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:341 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_a4ce051a: # NoelleT "There's no way the library carries this book..." NoelleT "圖書館絕對沒有……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:346 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_b5083046: # "Noelle scrolls through the page, but there's no mention of the \"erotic relationships\"." "小諾瀏覽了整個頁面,但並沒有對「充滿情慾」的部分做更多解釋。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:348 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_84884ff1: # NoelleT "This is a dead end." NoelleT "查不到東西。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:349 translate traditional_chinese rereadArticle_e2550952: # NoelleT "I could try googling it, but it might bring up obscene results." NoelleT "如果用谷歌,我怕會跑出色情照片。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:354 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_84c9e81e: # "The link leads to a more general page called \"Human sexual intercourse\"." "網頁跳轉到「人類性行為」頁面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:355 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_fd91fd61: # "To Noelle's disgust, it features a painting of a man and woman copulating." "男女交媾的圖片讓小諾感到很不舒服。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:357 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_ade5cab1: # NoelleT "This is repulsive. I'd really rather not stay on this page for long." NoelleT "好噁心。趕快看完吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:359 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_28092e9c: # NPC "Sexual intercourse commonly refers to the act in which the male reproductive organ enters the female reproductive tract.[[1][[2]" NPC "性交指的是將男性陰莖與女性陰道互相接合的行為。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:360 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_b37784c8: # NPC "In recent years penetration of non-sexual organs or by non-sexual organs (fingering, fisting) are also sometimes included in this definition." NPC "他類插入式性行為包括插入式指交(以手指插入陰戶或肛門),有時也被稱為性交。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:362 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_f69f1ae0: # NoelleT "What on earth is \"fingering\"? Is this the finger thing Min-seo was referring to?" NoelleT "「指交」是什麼?旼瑞說的就是這個嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:367 translate traditional_chinese sexualBehavior_d54e51f5: # "The page opens. At the top, there's a simple illustration of a naked woman stroking the genitals of another woman." "頁面打開後,最上面有一張圖片:一個裸體女人正在撫摸另一個裸體女人的陰部。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:371 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_2ebef16c: # "Noelle scrolls through the page." "小諾瀏覽著頁面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:373 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_84713aca: # NoelleT "Most this page just details historical lesbian relationships." NoelleT "整篇文章幾乎都在描寫女同性戀的歷史。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:374 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_f5c69fce: # NoelleT "They lived such tragic, tortured lives. I hope Diya knows what she's signed up for..." NoelleT "她們活得好艱難,希望迪亞有想清楚……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:376 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_f50f09b7: # NPC "Before the late 19th century, the word \"Lesbian\" referred to any derivative or aspect of Lesbos, including a type of wine." NPC "在十九世紀晚期之前,「蕾絲邊」一詞意指所有與蕾絲博絲島相關的事物,例如「蕾絲邊酒」意為「蕾絲博絲島的酒」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:377 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_4ed2f711: # NPC "In 1890, however, the term was used in a medical dictionary as an adjective to describe tribadism (as \"Lesbian love\"): sexual gratification of two women by simulating intercourse." NPC "直到1890年,醫學辭典開始使用該詞語,以「蕾絲邊之愛」等字詞形容女陰摩擦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:379 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_77fff428: # NoelleT "What on earth is \"tribadism\"? Is this the finger thing Min-seo was referring to?" NoelleT "「女陰摩擦」是什麼?旼瑞說的就是這個嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:383 translate traditional_chinese lesbian_d6e2e3dd: # "The page opens. At the top, there's a simple illustration of two naked women scissoring." "頁面打開後,最上面有一張圖片:兩個裸體女人正在用陰部互相摩擦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:391 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_d184cd61: # NoelleT "WHAT IS THIS???!?!!" with sshake NoelleT "?!?!?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:392 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_1b9fb95d: # NoelleT "This is...this is so risqué!" NoelleT "這也太……太清楚了吧!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:394 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_552fee87: # "Noelle breaks into a feverish sweat as she reads the page as quickly as possible." "小諾盡可能快速的閱讀起來,隨著資訊進入腦海,她只覺得渾身發熱,冷汗直流。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:395 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_07f5e7df: # "Then, in a panic, Noelle closes the tab, erases her web history, and shuts the computer down." "看完後,小諾用迅雷不及掩耳的速度關上分頁、清除歷史資料,然後關機。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:397 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_dea05296: # NoelleT "Min-seo was right...I can't believe it..." NoelleT "天啊……旼瑞說的是真的……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:402 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_6ad19c61: # NoelleT "Should such erotic content be allowed on Wikipedia?! Anyone can read it!" with sshake NoelleT "維基百科上真的可以寫這種東西嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:404 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_c4137aea: # NoelleT "I must destroy all evidence that I've visited that page!" with sshake NoelleT "不過我得先銷毀證據才行!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:406 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_5bfc49ea: # NoelleT "Should I uninstall the browser? Delete my user profile? Perhaps set the computer on fire for good measure?" NoelleT "該怎麼辦?重灌嗎?刪帳號?還是乾脆把電腦燒了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:407 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_ebc33afb: # NoelleT "This better not awaken anything in me..." NoelleT "希望這些奇怪的知識不要影響到我……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:411 translate traditional_chinese gayPanic_c6882aae: # "Noelle jumps in her chair when she receives a text." "訊息提示音響起,小諾嚇到整個人彈了起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:418 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_8e0ddc15: # cFirstLine "{nw}" cFirstLine "{nw}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:419 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_72a93ac3: # cAkarsha "is it just me or does king dedede look kinda sexy in this drawing" cAkarsha "只有我覺得這張圖裡面的帝帝帝大王很性感嗎" # game/4_noelle.rpy:420 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b9156edf: # cSame "{image=DeviantArt.png}" cSame "{image=DeviantArt.png}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:421 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_f0700d8e: # cDiya "??????" cDiya "??????" # game/4_noelle.rpy:422 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_6e0c3bbd: # cAkarsha "anyone else?? hello???" cAkarsha "不會吧" # game/4_noelle.rpy:423 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9ee59181: # cSame "anyone care to raise a hand" cSame "覺得性感請舉手" # game/4_noelle.rpy:424 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_8c323251: # cMin "YOURE INSANE" cMin "瘋子" # game/4_noelle.rpy:425 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_32e13f02: # cAkarsha "WOULD ANYONE ELSE HIT IT??? HELOLO?" cAkarsha "我是唯一能體會性感的人嗎???" # game/4_noelle.rpy:426 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_86977d7c: # cSame "noelle???" cSame "小諾?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:427 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_6292d955: # cSame "(banging on your door)" cSame "(瘋狂敲門)" # game/4_noelle.rpy:428 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_f0ac090f: # cSame "if u would fuck king dedede (a penguin?)" cSame "如果妳願意與帝帝帝(應該算企鵝吧)共度春宵" # game/4_noelle.rpy:429 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_370027cb: # cSame "ur braver than the U.S. marines" cSame "連海軍總部都會讓妳三分" # game/4_noelle.rpy:430 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_08cc511e: # cNarrator "Diya has left the chatroom." cNarrator "迪亞 離開聊天室" # game/4_noelle.rpy:431 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_4440dd7c: # cNarrator "Min has left the chatroom." cNarrator "旼 離開聊天室" # game/4_noelle.rpy:432 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_25211ee5: # cAkarsha "welp" cAkarsha "好ㄅ" # game/4_noelle.rpy:433 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b1ef3526: # cNoelle "Why are you like this??" cNoelle "妳又哪根筋不對了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:435 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_5532262f: # cAkarsha "im so bored TT_TT" cAkarsha "我好無聊嘛TT_TT" # game/4_noelle.rpy:436 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_368e20d4: # cSame "ive been stuck at home all day" cSame "我已經一整天沒出門了" # game/4_noelle.rpy:437 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_eb4544d1: # cNoelle "Unfortunately for you, I can't entertain you for long either." cNoelle "很遺憾,我沒辦法陪妳太久。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:438 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_af03dc10: # cSame "I have to leave for the airport soon." cSame "我快要去機場了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:439 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_f012b181: # cAkarsha "oh yeah ur visiting taiwan right?" cAkarsha "喔對妳要去台灣" # game/4_noelle.rpy:440 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c4017f90: # cSame "how long ru gonna be there again?" cSame "妳要去多久我忘了" # game/4_noelle.rpy:441 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_67ba7799: # cNoelle "I'll be there for the entire week. My mom and I will return Sunday afternoon." cNoelle "一個星期。星期天下午回來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:442 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_984c520b: # cSame "My dad is staying for an additional week there for business purposes." cSame "我爸爸會因公多留一個星期。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:443 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_60e34dab: # cAkarsha "can i still message u when ur there?" cAkarsha "那邊收得到訊息嗎" # game/4_noelle.rpy:444 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_12e098f2: # cSame "do u have to use a vpn or something?" cSame "要用VPN嗎" # game/4_noelle.rpy:445 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_eae8b07e: # cNoelle "No, as long as I have internet access, we should be able to chat like usual." cNoelle "不用,只要有網路就可以。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:446 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c31ebeb5: # cAkarsha "rly? but isnt there like hella censorship o_0" cAkarsha "是喔 我以為審查很嚴格" # game/4_noelle.rpy:447 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_e030cf2a: # cNoelle "No, there's nothing like that in Taiwan. It's not as if I'm going to China." cNoelle "那是中國。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:449 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_ac46bd27: # cAkarsha "right right" cAkarsha "喔喔喔" # game/4_noelle.rpy:450 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b4fc6054: # cSame "uhhh also" cSame "恩然後" # game/4_noelle.rpy:451 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9683a8bf: # cSame "whats the difference between china and taiwan again ^_^;;" cSame "可以再說一次中國和台灣有甚麼不一樣嗎(狂汗)" # game/4_noelle.rpy:452 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_40a9a9aa: # cSame "/shot" cSame "(被槍打中)" # game/4_noelle.rpy:453 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_5195fddb: # cSame "i mean i know taiwans an island" cSame "我知道台灣是島" # game/4_noelle.rpy:454 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_55b15a95: # cSame "but is it like" cSame "可是" # game/4_noelle.rpy:455 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_a0d5080a: # cNoelle "You said you were shot, yet you're still talking like nothing happened?" cNoelle "妳被槍打中了,還能說話?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:456 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_2cfc79dd: # cAkarsha "its own country?" cAkarsha "也是國家 嗎" # game/4_noelle.rpy:457 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c583399f: # cSame "i have high pain tolerance" cSame "我忍住劇痛" # game/4_noelle.rpy:458 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_24639579: # cNoelle "No, you don't." cNoelle "最好是。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:459 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c5f3cef2: # cAkarsha "anyway i tried to ask in geography class once and everyone started arguing" cAkarsha "我地理課問過 然後班上就吵起來了" # game/4_noelle.rpy:460 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b9479785: # cNoelle "Everyone started arguing because it's a political question." cNoelle "因為牽涉到政治。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:461 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_726cdcad: # cSame "Whether Taiwan is a part of China or a separate country is an extremely controversial issue." cSame "台灣的定位是敏感議題。一部分的人認為它屬於中國,一部份的人認為它是獨立的國家。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:462 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_a401d0ef: # cAkarsha "y tho?" cAkarsha "妳覺得呢" # game/4_noelle.rpy:463 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9f276d79: # cNoelle "To be honest, I'm not clear on the details." cNoelle "老實說,我不太清楚。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:464 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_086b534d: # cSame "As I understand it, the dispute is the result of a civil war that was never properly resolved." cSame "據我所知,爭議是在某次內戰之後才產生的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:465 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_e910bcf1: # cAkarsha "huh...." cAkarsha "歐" # game/4_noelle.rpy:466 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_6ac1ea57: # cSame "so ru taiwanese? or chinese?" cSame "所以妳是台灣人還是中國人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:467 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_2f3e553f: # cSame "or both?" cSame "還是兩個" # game/4_noelle.rpy:468 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_da673016: # cNoelle "Well," cNoelle "這個嘛," # game/4_noelle.rpy:469 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_516e479b: # cSame "I went to Chinese school as a child." cSame "我小時候學過中文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:470 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_fe1f0c93: # cSame "And my parents told me Chinese folktales." cSame "我父母會講中國民間故事給我聽。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:471 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_b34ad0bd: # cAkarsha "is that how it works?" cAkarsha "是這樣分的嗎" # game/4_noelle.rpy:472 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_6c6e046b: # cSame "just bc i speak english doesnt mean im english" cSame "我講英文又不代表我是英國人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:473 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_948847e8: # cNoelle "To be frank, I'm floundering because I've never given it any thought." cNoelle "說老實話,我從來沒有想過這個問題,所以我現在有點混亂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:474 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_cadebc83: # cAkarsha "lol oops" cAkarsha "抱歉哈哈哈" # game/4_noelle.rpy:475 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_ed7f6251: # cSame "i didnt mean to give u an identity criss" cSame "讓妳陷入認同維基" # game/4_noelle.rpy:476 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_641fcd74: # cSame "*crisis" cSame "危機" # game/4_noelle.rpy:477 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_4a9102e9: # cNoelle "Even if I say I'm Taiwanese, hardly anyone knows what that means, even other East Asians." cNoelle "如果妳問「台灣人」所代表的意義,連東亞國家的人都不一定回答得出來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:478 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_720952a6: # cAkarsha "hm" cAkarsha "嗯" # game/4_noelle.rpy:479 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_ca53de22: # cSame "that kinda sounds like how most americans dont rly get desi identities" cSame "聽起來和美國人對德西身份的理解有點像" # game/4_noelle.rpy:480 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9c8b23ad: # cNoelle "How so?" cNoelle "怎麼說?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:481 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_21954fa2: # cAkarsha "like, they think about it based on country" cAkarsha "他們以為是用國籍來分的" # game/4_noelle.rpy:482 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_c3dd1e83: # cSame "like ur pakistani, or indian, etc" cSame "巴基斯坦人 印度人之類的" # game/4_noelle.rpy:483 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_015099fb: # cSame "but the countries werent split on racial lines" cSame "可是裡面其實還分成好幾種人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:485 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_4da7203c: # cSame "like an indian punjabi isnt rly the same ethnicity as an indian guju" cSame "像印度旁遮普人 和 印度古茶拉底人 就是不同的人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:486 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_9f957323: # cSame "but its all the same to nondesis bc they dont know the difference lol xD" cSame "可是對美國人來說根本沒差 因為他們分不出來" # game/4_noelle.rpy:487 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_8af7d354: # cNoelle "Oh...You're right, I don't know the difference." cNoelle "有道理……我也分不出來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:488 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_d68d4d27: # cAkarsha "wait" cAkarsha "等" # game/4_noelle.rpy:489 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_78fe1b86: # cSame "WAIT I KNOW" cSame "等等等我知道了" # game/4_noelle.rpy:490 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_a920e4f2: # cSame "the answer to what u are" cSame "我知道你是誰了" # game/4_noelle.rpy:491 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_4d722a60: # cNoelle "What is it?" cNoelle "請說?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:492 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_0b556f6c: # cAkarsha "ur french" cAkarsha "你是法國人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:493 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_45915650: # cSame "bc ur frenchman <3" cSame "法國佬<3" # game/4_noelle.rpy:494 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_e6646cec: # cNoelle "THAT DOESN'T HELP ME AT ALL." cNoelle "妳覺得有用嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:495 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_90e94a77: # cAkarsha "no?" cAkarsha "沒有ㄇ" # game/4_noelle.rpy:496 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_09cf6bc4: # cNoelle "NO." cNoelle "沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:497 translate traditional_chinese kingDedede_76b2fe88: # nvl clear nvl clear # game/4_noelle.rpy:511 translate traditional_chinese airport_8b3b40f5: # "Later that day, Noelle sits in the backseat as her dad drives them to the airport." "當天稍晚,小諾爸爸載全家人去機場。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:512 translate traditional_chinese airport_a5909f7f: # "She feels a flash of rage when she sees a passing car sporting a \"Proud Parent of an Honor Roll Student\" bumper sticker." "一輛車從窗前經過,保險桿上貼著「恭喜我家寶貝上榮譽榜」的貼紙。小諾的火氣瞬間就上來了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:514 translate traditional_chinese airport_ec916959: # NoelleT "Why would you brag about such an unremarkable accomplishment on your car?" NoelleT "這種小事有什麼好炫耀的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:515 translate traditional_chinese airport_7bdafd7a: # NoelleT "You're {i}supposed{/i} to be on the Honor Roll. It's like buying a bumper sticker that says, \"My child breathes air.\"" NoelleT "上榮譽榜不是很正常嗎?不如改成:「恭喜我家寶貝終於會呼吸了」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:516 translate traditional_chinese airport_beb1d77d: # NoelleT "My parents would never even bother mentioning such a banal thing." NoelleT "會呼吸有什麼了不起的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:518 translate traditional_chinese airport_ff663382: # "Noelle's mom squints at the airport signage as it passes them by." "車子經過一塊指示牌,小諾媽媽瞇著眼睛看了半天。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:520 translate traditional_chinese airport_69f1c3dc: # Mom "Noelle, watch the signs for us." Mom "諾奧,來幫忙看路。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:523 translate traditional_chinese airport_62c0baee: # Noelle "Why me? I don't even know how to drive." Noelle "為什麼?又不是我開車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:526 translate traditional_chinese airport_80abf07c: # Mom "You were born here, you read faster than us." Mom "妳看得比較快。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:529 translate traditional_chinese airport_0e7c95de: # Noelle "Alright..." Noelle "好吧……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:530 translate traditional_chinese airport_34dd065f: # NoelleT "How is it that after living here for twenty years, they still haven't mastered English?" NoelleT "有沒有搞錯啊?你們都來美國二十年了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:531 translate traditional_chinese airport_b57b9c07: # NoelleT "My mom can't even speak English well enough to carry a conversation with a stranger." NoelleT "我媽現在連基本溝通都不會。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:532 translate traditional_chinese airport_165bb090: # NoelleT "What have they been doing this whole time?" NoelleT "你們這些年是白住了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:536 translate traditional_chinese airport_63be571e: # Dad "Which way is parking? Which lane?" Dad "停車場是哪一條?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:539 translate traditional_chinese airport_9db8deb6: # Noelle "Just follow the arrows. Turn right." Noelle "跟著箭頭走。右轉。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:542 translate traditional_chinese airport_66647865: # Dad "See? Even though I have a Ph.D, ever since you were in second grade, you could read highway signs faster than me." Dad "妳二年級就讀得比我這個博士生快了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:544 translate traditional_chinese airport_fab3f434: # Mom "Good thing we have Noelle with us. The signs go by so fast." Mom "幸好有諾奧在。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:546 translate traditional_chinese airport_853f62c4: # "Noelle's dad scratches his head as she directs him through the airport's labyrinthian roads." "小諾帶著爸爸在迷宮般的馬路中穿行。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:548 translate traditional_chinese airport_edb46e79: # Dad "Where is it? It feels like we're just going in circles." Dad "我們是不是在繞?停車場呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:551 translate traditional_chinese airport_da55faca: # Noelle "We're not, see that sign there? The parking's past the cargo area." Noelle "沒有繞。那邊的牌子寫:停車場在貨櫃區後面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:554 translate traditional_chinese airport_f8fabc16: # Dad "Do I turn here?" Dad "這裡要轉嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:556 translate traditional_chinese airport_46fb6cd7: # "Noelle's heart stops as her dad starts to turn into a street labeled with \"Do Not Enter.\"" "小諾爸爸開始轉彎,當看到路口插著「禁止進入」的牌子時,小諾都快嚇死了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:559 translate traditional_chinese airport_226a579e: # Noelle "IT SAYS \"DO NOT ENTER\"! KEEP STRAIGHT!" with sshake Noelle "直走!!!上面寫「禁止進入」!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:562 translate traditional_chinese airport_a8a0105f: # Dad "Oh!" with sshake Dad "喔!好!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:564 translate traditional_chinese airport_1d41a6be: # "Her dad swerves sharply to stay in his lane. Noelle massages her temples, her heart pounding." "小諾爸爸一個急轉彎,勉強回到了大路上。小諾痛苦地揉著太陽穴,皮膚下的脈搏發出劇烈的抗議。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:566 translate traditional_chinese airport_955546fc: # NoelleT "I'm surrounded by illiterate idiots!" with sshake NoelleT "我是這裡唯一的人類嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:567 translate traditional_chinese airport_0b56a1b4: # NoelleT "Why does it rest on me, a literal child, to ensure we don't drive into oncoming traffic??" NoelleT "為什麼我要負責看路?為什麼我要承擔可能出車禍的責任?我是小孩欸!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:568 translate traditional_chinese airport_b42c99c3: # NoelleT "They have endless energy when it comes to obsessing over my studies. Why can't they work on their own English instead?!" NoelleT "既然你們有那麼多時間挑我毛病,為什麼不去學英文呢?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:572 translate traditional_chinese airport_32a5a98b: # "As the car rolls into a parking lot, Noelle jolts up in her seat." "車輛駛入停車場時,小諾又從座位上彈了起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:574 translate traditional_chinese airport_31355c70: # Noelle "Wait, this isn't the correct garage! Turn around!" Noelle "掉頭!我們走錯了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:577 translate traditional_chinese airport_e44a1494: # Dad "Huh? How do you know?" Dad "有嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:580 translate traditional_chinese airport_f66a1eea: # Noelle "That sign says \"Premium Parking!\"" Noelle "牌子上寫「Premium Parking」!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:581 translate traditional_chinese airport_0aa4fa00: # Noelle "\"Premium\" means something of exceptional quality; superior." Noelle "「Premium」的意思是「比較高級的」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:584 translate traditional_chinese airport_622b9a4d: # Mom "So? Isn't that good?" Mom "那很好啊?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:587 translate traditional_chinese airport_044a1a9a: # Noelle "Not right now when we are looking for the regular, run-of-the-mill parking lot." Noelle "我們要找的是普通的停車場。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:588 translate traditional_chinese airport_b610f5c8: # Noelle "In this context, premium parking means special parking that's more expensive." Noelle "「比較高級」就是比較貴的意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:593 translate traditional_chinese airport_a8a0105f_1: # Dad "Oh!" with sshake Dad "喔!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:597 translate traditional_chinese airport_68cb6d62: # Noelle "Make a U-turn! We're going to miss our flight!" Noelle "掉頭!我們要遲到了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:599 translate traditional_chinese airport_74793e96: # "Noelle's mom sighs as the car makes a series of turns." "車子又轉了好幾個彎,小諾媽媽嘆了一口氣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:601 translate traditional_chinese airport_768d0418: # Mom "This would've been easier if you could talk to us in Chinese." Mom "如果妳會講中文就好了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:604 translate traditional_chinese airport_e337bab4: # Noelle "This would've been easier if your English was better, too." Noelle "如果妳會講英文就好了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:606 translate traditional_chinese airport_5f29fc3e: # "Noelle crosses her arms in the backseat, fuming." "小諾把手交叉在胸前。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:608 translate traditional_chinese airport_1cebe3f6: # NoelleT "Why am I the one responsible for making sure we're not separated by a language barrier?" NoelleT "憑什麼要我當翻譯?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:609 translate traditional_chinese airport_9fdf010b: # NoelleT "You were the ones who chose to move here in the first place." NoelleT "移民美國的又不是我。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:627 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3788105e: # "Noelle and her parents take a taxi from the airport to an alley lined with parked scooters." "計程車開進一條停滿摩托車的巷子裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:634 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_7f92f794: # NoelleT "This must be Ah-gong's apartment. We're staying there for the week." NoelleT "這裡一定是阿公家。也是我們接下來一個星期的住處。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:638 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_93edc944: # "Her mom presses the buzzer." "小諾媽媽按下門鈴。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:641 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_af220856: # Mom "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我們到了!{/font}" Mom "我們到了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:643 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_02774806: # Aunt "快進來、快進來!" Aunt "快進來、快進來!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:658 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_d9da2055: # "After huffing and puffing up four stories of stairs, Noelle is drenched in sweat." "在爬了一堆樓梯後,小諾早已滿身大汗。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:671 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_16364efc: # Aunt "哈嘍!" Aunt "哈嘍!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:674 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_a68d3516: # ChunHua "耶!! 等你們好久了!" ChunHua "耶!! 等你們好久了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:677 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_dc706e00: # Dad "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}春花,你長大了!{/font}" Dad "春花,你長大了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:680 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_98543dbf: # ChunHua "舅舅好!從小學開始就沒見過了!" ChunHua "舅舅好!從小學開始就沒見過了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:683 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_66c9e09e: # NoelleT "This must be one of my cousins." NoelleT "她一定是我的表親之一。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:686 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3c7b9919: # Mom "Noelle, don't be rude. Introduce yourself in Chinese." Mom "諾奧,快點打招呼。怎麼這麼沒禮貌。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:692 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_c5b5094c: # Noelle "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}大嫁好……我四樂映。{/font}" Noelle "大嫁好……我四樂映。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:694 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_ed639dc1: # NoelleT "My pronunciation is so atrocious, I don't know if they can even understand me." NoelleT "我的發音好不標準……他們真的聽得懂嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:698 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_b22c4a45: # AhGong "妳說什麼?" AhGong "妳說什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:702 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6187e6ae: # Noelle "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}窩是樂映。{/font}" Noelle "我四樂映。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:705 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3bae36d2: # Noelle "Can I just talk in English?" Noelle "你會說英文嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:708 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_2e947f23: # Mom "Ah-gong doesn't speak English. He only knows Japanese, Taiwanese, and Mandarin." Mom "阿公只會講日文、台語和中文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:711 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_535140d4: # Aunt "他連國語都快要不會講了。" Aunt "他連國語都快要不會講了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:713 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3976cbee: # "Da Ah-yi gestures at her daughter. She's wearing thick glasses and carrying a huge brick of a book." "大阿姨忽然指了指春花──她戴著厚厚的眼鏡,手上抱了一本大書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:715 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_93127be2: # Aunt "Noelle, you speak English with Chun-hua." Aunt "諾奧,跟春花講英文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:717 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_963fe0a9: # Aunt "She want go college in America, so she very happy practice speaking." Aunt "她想美國念大學,會開心有人練習說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:720 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6f9c2bb7: $subtitle="Literature,音意同英文「文學」" # ChunHua "Yes! You can call me Literature!" with sshake ChunHua "妳好!我的英文名字叫做麗特蕾徹*!" with sshake $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:722 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_be438745: # NoelleT "Is that a name she chose herself...? Chinese people have such odd taste in English names." NoelleT "這是她自己取的嗎……?華人的品味也太詭異了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:723 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1c746eb7: # Noelle "That's alright, Chun-hua is fine." Noelle "沒關係,我叫妳Chun-hua就好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:725 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1405ce1c: # ChunHua "We are the same ages, right? Who do you think is more tall?" ChunHua "我跟妳同年,對嗎?妳覺得誰高更多?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:726 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_78564b8f: # "Chun-hua eagerly stands back-to-back with Noelle so the others can judge." "春花興奮的與小諾背對背站好,讓其他人可以比較她們的身高。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:729 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6e0c4691: # Noelle "Wait, you're standing on your tip-toes! That's cheating!" Noelle "妳墊腳!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:732 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6a1b337d: # ChunHua "Huh? No, I am not." ChunHua "沒有啊?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:734 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_a4855936: # Dad "Wow, you two are the exact same height!" Dad "哇!妳們一樣高耶!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:738 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_01291631: # Mom "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}兩個怎麼都瘦得跟竹竿一樣。果然是表姐妹。{/font}" Mom "兩個怎麼都瘦得跟竹竿一樣。果然是表姐妹。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:741 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_e9740f3b: # Aunt "一個美版,一個台版。" Aunt "一個美版,一個台版。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:744 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_259b536b: # "Noelle glances at Chun-hua and realizes with a start that she's right." "小諾端詳著春花,發現大阿姨說的沒錯。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:746 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_20644726: # NoelleT "It's like meeting a version of myself from a universe where my parents never went to America." NoelleT "如果我沒有出生在美國,應該就會變成她現在的樣子。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:747 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_48037c57: # NoelleT "A stranger with my face." NoelleT "就像遇到了另一個世界的自己。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:750 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1e413014: # ChunHua "You're SURE I'm not taller?" ChunHua "你們確定我沒有比較高?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:752 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_ac48d66a: # Aunt "Yes, we sure." Aunt "對,我們確定。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:754 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0: # AhGong "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" AhGong "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:756 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_76d7bbb4: # ChunHua "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" ChunHua "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:758 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_a096e023: # NoelleT "That must be Taiwanese..." NoelleT "他們在講台語嗎……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:760 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_a0d94870: # "Chun-hua gives him an affectionate hug as Noelle awkwardly watches from the sidelines." "春花給了阿公一個大大的擁抱,小諾莫名覺得自己有點多餘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:761 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_3239fb4e: # "Meanwhile, the adults launch into an animated conversation in Taiwanese." "大人們已經用台語聊起了天。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:763 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_445a1fe5: # Mom "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" Mom "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:765 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0_1: # AhGong "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" AhGong "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:768 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_0ca6e7ab: # NoelleT "I wonder what they're talking about." NoelleT "他們在聊什麼?。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:769 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_4e796d47: # NoelleT "My Taiwanese is even worse than my Mandarin. I don't know a single word." NoelleT "台語我連一個字都聽不懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:771 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_1e910eb7: # NoelleT "...Actually, wait, isn't \"Ah-gong\" Taiwanese?" NoelleT "等一下。「阿公」是台語嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:772 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_fee606a4: # NoelleT "They didn't cover it in Chinese school. Could it be a term exclusively used in Taiwan?" NoelleT "中文課沒有教過這個字……這是台灣特有的用法嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:773 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_22b2693b: # NoelleT "It's really a special sort of confusion, not knowing what language you're speaking." NoelleT "我叫了那麼多年「阿公」,卻不知道它是中文還是台語,還是什麼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:775 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_6f0e1813: # "Da Ah-yi leads Noelle's parents to the spare bedroom so they can put their luggage away." "大阿姨領小諾父母到客房放行李。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:777 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_28101f36: # NoelleT "This reminds me how I used to assume Japanese curry was a Chinese dish because my mom made it regularly." NoelleT "這讓我想到:以前我一直以為日式咖哩是中國菜,因為媽媽常常做給我吃。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:778 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_038edd65: # NoelleT "If you have a distant relationship with your parents, your culture becomes a nebulous cloud." NoelleT "我對中華文化一點都不了解,因為我的父母沒有給我動力去學習。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:779 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_fc687714: # NoelleT "Is it Chinese to believe pseudoscience? Is it Chinese to have an outdated and sexist worldview?" NoelleT "華人都相信「黃道吉日」嗎?他們都重男輕女嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:780 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_cca0f5b6: # NoelleT "Or is that just my parents, in my particular?" NoelleT "還是只有我的父母是這樣呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:781 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_8f9eedbd: # NoelleT "How do I distinguish between things peculiar to my life and Chinese culture?" NoelleT "我要如何從這一團亂麻中區分「特殊案例」和「中華文化」呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:783 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_8c441870: # "Chun-hua brightly takes a seat next to Noelle." "春花坐到小諾身邊,開朗的用英文和她搭話:" # game/4_noelle.rpy:785 translate traditional_chinese arriveTaiwan_0fba9566: # ChunHua "Anything you have questions about, you can ask me!" ChunHua "如果有問題,問我!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:798 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_6c35f304: # Noelle "Tell me about the surrounding area." Noelle "可以幫我介紹一下環境嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:800 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_026ab708: # ChunHua "Let's look outside!" ChunHua "那我們看外面!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:803 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_c0ea12d5: # "Chun-hua goes over to the window and points as Noelle peers outside at the street below." "春花走到窗前,指著外面的街區。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:805 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_75d5683b: # ChunHua "That way is my house. Me and my mom, we walk over all the time." ChunHua "我家在那邊方向。我和媽媽都用走的過來這裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:808 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_2e9c5e07: # Noelle "You must live pretty close by if you're able to come on foot." Noelle "所以妳們就住在附近囉?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:811 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_596be6a4: # ChunHua "Yes, we are only a few streets away from Ah-gong." ChunHua "對!只隔了幾條街而已。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:812 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_579fa9db: # ChunHua "Every weekend, me and my cousins spend here." ChunHua "我和哥哥姊姊每個週末都會來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:815 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_a142a286: # NoelleT "That's so different from my experience..." NoelleT "她的生活和我完全不一樣……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:818 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_9adef006: # ChunHua "When you are all settled, the 7-Eleven, we go and grab breakfast." ChunHua "等妳整理好,我們去小七買早餐。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:821 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_84d28ceb: # Noelle "Breakfast...from 7-Eleven?" Noelle "去7-11……買早餐?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:824 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_e099553e: # ChunHua "What, you've never had it? It's good!" ChunHua "妳沒吃過小七嗎?很好吃喔!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:827 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_e2a2d0f5: # Noelle "It is...? It won't be all greasy?" Noelle "有嗎……?不是都很油嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:830 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_6a4e980d: # ChunHua "No? They have fresh tea eggs, hot yams, oden...If you want a prepackaged breakfast, they'll heat it for you, too." ChunHua "會嗎?茶葉蛋、地瓜、關東煮……這些都不油啊?如果妳買三明治,還可以加熱。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:841 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_c60bf59b: # ChunHua "In America is it not like that?" ChunHua "美國的小七不是這樣嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:844 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_f6e68fa8: # Noelle "No, American 7-Elevens are just junk food stores." Noelle "美國的7-11只有垃圾食物。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:850 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_64c20d50: # "Chun-hua points at the train as it rushes by." "一輛列車從軌道上疾馳而過,春花指著它說:" # game/4_noelle.rpy:852 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_811322f6: # ChunHua "There's a train station near to us. We take it a lot." ChunHua "那是附近的捷運,我們常常坐。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:855 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_8f4e8861: # Noelle "You don't use the car to get around?" Noelle "不開車嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:858 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_761ed600: # ChunHua "Not much. When we can't use the train, we ride our scooter." ChunHua "不太開。如果不能捷運,騎摩托車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:865 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_4cb48c0f: # Noelle "What are you reading?" Noelle "妳在讀什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:867 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_9c1571ce: # ChunHua "It's a Chinese translation of a Russian novel." ChunHua "一本俄國小說的中文版。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:869 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_ffe61095: # ChunHua "What it's called in English, I don't know." ChunHua "英文叫什麼,我不知道。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:870 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_240c64e0: # ChunHua "「卡拉馬助夫兄弟們」。" ChunHua "「卡拉馬助夫兄弟們」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:872 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_e9cb4634: # NoelleT "Something something brothers." NoelleT "什麼什麼兄弟們。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:873 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_da05335c: # NoelleT "There's brothers, and it's Russian..." NoelleT "有兄弟的俄國小說……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:875 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_fe3b41f7: # Noelle "The Brothers Karamazov?" Noelle "The Brothers Karamazov?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:878 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_be01fd17: # ChunHua "Yes! That sounds correct." ChunHua "對!應該是!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:880 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_21f5471c: # Noelle "I've read it before, too." Noelle "我也看過。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:881 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_652b031e: # NoelleT "This is exciting! I've never met anyone else my age who's read it." NoelleT "沒想到她也看過!我第一次遇到同年紀的讀者耶!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:883 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_a4665f53: # ChunHua "Did you like it?" ChunHua "妳喜歡嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:885 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_4f55a943: # Noelle "The religious themes were of little interest to me, but I found some of its other ideas thought-provoking." Noelle "我對其中涵蓋的宗教議題不是很感興趣,但作者的一些想法還滿發人深省的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:886 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_730bc9e6: # Noelle "For example, it argues that humans are so deeply shaped by others that everyone bears some responsibility for the sins of everyone else." Noelle "比如:我們都活在旁人加諸的負罪感之下,直到被折磨得不成人形。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:887 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_54949192: # Noelle "Everything we do is the result of a huge, interwoven chain reaction of human interactions, and as a result, a crime is never truly one person's fault." Noelle "一個人的行為,不過是眾多人行為連鎖反應中的一環罷了。同理,當一個人有罪,所有人都不是無辜的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:888 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_7eb28c52: # Noelle "It's a societal failure." Noelle "他之所以犯罪,是源於失敗的社會。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:891 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_641b4b3d: # "To Noelle's disappointment, Chun-hua nods, looking lost." "小諾失望的發現,春花只是一臉茫然的點著頭。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:893 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_7855e891: # ChunHua ".....I see....." ChunHua "……喔……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:895 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_0a32d946: # NoelleT "I guess what I said was beyond her English level. I need to scale back to a simpler topic." NoelleT "她聽不懂。還是換一個比較好聊的話題吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:897 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_6638271c: # Noelle "Do you like reading?" Noelle "妳喜歡看書嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:900 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_15f3827f: # ChunHua "I like reading." ChunHua "我喜歡看書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:901 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_d5c2382b: # ChunHua "Are you nerdy?" ChunHua "妳是宅嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:902 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_6b50358f: # "The sudden question baffles Noelle." "小諾不太確定她是什麼意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:904 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_00e74655: # Noelle "...Er...? Yes, I suppose so." Noelle "應該……吧……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:906 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_dc844ae1: # ChunHua "Good, me too!" ChunHua "耶!我也是!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:907 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_d8fa1c18: # ChunHua "On the wall, there's even a photo of me that..." ChunHua "照片牆還有我在……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:908 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_4c8a1b46: # ChunHua "..........." ChunHua "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:910 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_44d599cf: # NoelleT "That...? That what?" NoelleT "……在?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:913 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_219a9780: # ChunHua "Actually, I change my mind!" with sshake ChunHua "其實,算了!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:915 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_a6d54322: # ChunHua "Don't look too much at the photos on the wall, they're embarrassing." ChunHua "不要看照片牆,很丟臉。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:920 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_fd538d86: # ChunHua "Are you SURE? There's really nothing else you would rather know?" ChunHua "妳確定?真的沒有其他想問的嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:921 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_f505b5eb: # ChunHua "{cps=0}Are you SURE? There's really nothing else you would rather know?{/cps}" nointeract ChunHua "{cps=0}妳確定?真的沒有其他想問的嗎?{/cps}" nointeract # game/4_noelle.rpy:925 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_74c6f80c: # Noelle "On second thought, there is something else I'm curious about." Noelle "我想改問其他的事情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:933 translate traditional_chinese chunHuaChoice_6513b184: # ChunHua "What else do you want to know?" ChunHua "妳想知道什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:939 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_c9eb63d2: # Noelle "Tell me about these photos." Noelle "我想看照片牆。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:942 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_696c7f46: # ChunHua "Okay...If you're sure..." ChunHua "……好吧……如果一定要的話……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:944 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cd748fe6: # "They go over to look at the pictures on the wall. The first one's of Ah-gong and Chun-hua at the park." "小諾和春花走到照片牆前,第一張是阿公和春花在公園的合影。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:945 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_5696a191: $subtitle="*應為斑鳩" # "There's a small chestnut-colored warbler sitting on Chun-hua's arm." "春花手裡捧著一隻栗子色的小鳥*。" $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:947 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_51ffd170: # ChunHua "That bird, at the park we found him abandoned." ChunHua "我們在公園找到的,鳥媽媽不要牠了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:948 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_d607ebea: # ChunHua "It was because he fell out of his nest and broke his wing." ChunHua "牠從樹上摔下來,翅膀斷了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:949 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_f65b6dc9: # ChunHua "After it got better, we taught him to fly so he could go back to the wild." ChunHua "我們治好牠,教牠飛,這樣牠就可以回歸大自然。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:951 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_102acdf0: # Noelle "I see. That's very noble of you." Noelle "妳真善良。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:954 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_5c59e916: # ChunHua "It was Ah-gong's idea." ChunHua "是阿公教我的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:955 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_7f31ae29: # ChunHua "He's quiet, but he is so nice actually." ChunHua "阿公不太講話,可是他真的很好喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:957 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_c3581e84: # Noelle "You seem very close to your grandpa." Noelle "妳和妳阿公感情真好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:960 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_98a811b2: # ChunHua "\"Your\" grandpa? He's your grandpa, too." ChunHua "「妳阿公」?他也是妳阿公啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:962 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cb69ca4b: # Noelle "Oh......that's right." Noelle "呃……對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:965 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_59192abb: # "To hide her embarrassment, Noelle quickly moves on to the next photo." "小諾覺得很丟臉,於是飛快的走向下一張照片。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:966 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_091c93b7: # "It looks old. A swarm of children are building a sand castle as smiling adults look on in the background." "這是一張老照片。大人們面露微笑,看著前景的一群孩子堆沙堡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:968 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_ce689198: # ChunHua "This is me, Wan-ping, and Wan-zhong." ChunHua "這是我。這是宛平,這是宛宗。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:970 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_770a2b47: # NoelleT "Wan-ping and Wan-zhong are my older cousins. They're my uncle's children." NoelleT "他們是我舅舅的小孩,都比我大。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:972 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cfe4eb0f: # ChunHua "Wan-zhong's working right now." ChunHua "宛宗要上班。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:974 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_95c911f8: # ChunHua "Too bad Wan-ping is travelling right now. Or else we could have hung out." ChunHua "宛平出國了,不然我們可以一起玩。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:976 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_fb3a7b10: # Noelle "Where is he visiting?" Noelle "他去哪裡了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:979 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_bc0502c8: # ChunHua "Japan. It's his honeymoon." ChunHua "日本,渡蜜月。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:981 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_ff24c17c: # Noelle "Honeymoon? Did he get married?" Noelle "他結婚了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:984 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_c91b0ed2: # ChunHua "Yes? A month ago." ChunHua "對,一個月前。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:986 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_86fd128c: # Noelle "Oh. I had no idea." Noelle "我不知道他結婚了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:989 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_d6d52ee8: # ChunHua "In the picture, the people behind us is Jiu Jiu, Ah-gong, and Ah-ma." ChunHua "後面的大人是舅舅、阿公和阿媽。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:991 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_0b713959: # ChunHua "We didn't knew it, but that weekend was our last one with Ah-ma." ChunHua "這是我們跟阿媽的最後一個週末。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:993 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_4012b0fe: # NoelleT "I can't help but feel jealous they had {i}any{/i} weekends together." NoelleT "我好羨慕她。我和祖母連一次週末都沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:995 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_0b746a36: # NoelleT "While she was spending every Saturday with her cousins and grandparents, I was at school struggling to learn an entire language so I could even begin to communicate with them." NoelleT "春花和親戚小孩到阿公阿媽家玩的時候,我正在痛苦的學中文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:998 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_41350e1d: # "Chun-hua reluctantly gestures at the last photo, which she was clearly saving for last." "春花指向一張她明顯故意留到最後的照片。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1000 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_bb02859e: # ChunHua "And this one is of me with all my anime figures." ChunHua "這張是我和模型拍的照片。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1001 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_08817fc4: # ChunHua "H-haha!" with sshake ChunHua "哈、哈哈哈!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1003 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_50b54d88: # NoelleT "Oh, so this is what she meant by nerdy." NoelleT "原來她說的「宅」是這個意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1004 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cf5bf9c8: # Noelle "It's alright, I have a good friend who's interested in this sort of thing, too." Noelle "我有一個好朋友也喜歡這些。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1007 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_21f48e35: # ChunHua "Really? And she's American?" ChunHua "真的?她是美國人嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1009 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_be8d0937: # Noelle "Yes." Noelle "對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1012 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_2cab8d2e: # ChunHua "She sounds cool. I want to meet her." ChunHua "好酷喔。我想認識她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1014 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_c99b3ab7: # Noelle "Y-you do?" Noelle "真、真的嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1016 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_f9b85e33: # "Once Noelle turns away from the photos, Chun-hua points to a framed certificate hanging on the wall behind her." "看完照片後,春花指向她身後牆上的一個相框。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1017 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_75860b10: # ChunHua "You should look at this award, too. It's your mom's." ChunHua "這個妳也該看。是妳媽媽的獎狀。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1019 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_772044ce: # Noelle "What? Really?" Noelle "她得過獎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1021 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_3b41da7b: # ChunHua "Yeah, in college she win a bunch of poetry contest. She was even in the newspaper." ChunHua "對!她大學的時候贏了很多詩歌比賽。還有上報紙!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1023 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_5b3abd0c: # Noelle "I had no idea." Noelle "我第一次知道。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1024 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_748c06d9: # NoelleT "This is going to sound extremely mean, but I never suspected my mom had any sort of creative talent." NoelleT "恕我直言,媽媽有才華讓我非常驚訝。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1025 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_58514dfe: # NoelleT "All I've ever known her as a strict, close-minded housewife." NoelleT "在我眼中,她只是一個恐怖的家庭主婦而已。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1027 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_ed7dd935: # ChunHua "Here, you should read her things! She's very skilled." ChunHua "我給妳看她寫的!很厲害!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1028 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_854e62e9: # "Chun-hua pulls a magazine out from a cabinet and flips it open to a page of poetry." "春花從櫃子裡抽出一本雜誌,翻到其中一頁。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1030 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_46e87e05: # Noelle ".............." Noelle "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1032 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_6f5d9b0c: # ChunHua "See what I mean? Some people just have a way with words." ChunHua "厲不厲害?文采真的是天賦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1034 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_88e3047c: # ChunHua "It's a big waste she quit. I guess there wasn't enough reason to keep doing it over in America." ChunHua "很可惜她後來不寫了。美國大概沒有這種環境。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1036 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_daa199cb: # "Noelle stares blankly at her mom's poem." "小諾只是呆呆的望著紙上的詩句。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1038 translate traditional_chinese lookPhotos_cb3143a5: # NoelleT "I can't read any of it..." NoelleT "我看不懂……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1049 translate traditional_chinese subway_5a7892d9: # "That evening, Noelle and her parents walk to the subway." "當天晚上,小諾和父母來到捷運站。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1051 translate traditional_chinese subway_b6dd8cff: # Dad "Here's our train. We should reach the night market in a few stops." Dad "去夜市要搭這一班。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1053 translate traditional_chinese subway_1c40917d: # Noelle "Ugh, I hate taking public transit. The trains are always filthy and poorly maintained." Noelle "我討厭大眾運輸。管理不好,又髒兮兮的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1059 translate traditional_chinese subway_a88b28bc: # "As they board the MRT carriage, Noelle steels herself for the stench of vomit, urine, and cigarettes she's grown to expect from American subways." "踏進車廂的那一刻,小諾嚴陣以待,準備迎接她在美國地鐵領教過的煙味、尿味,還有嘔吐物味。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1060 translate traditional_chinese subway_3a01b9d6: # "But to her amazement, the car's shiny floors and seats look so squeaky-clean you could eat off of them." "但她驚喜的發現,車廂內的座位和地板都被擦得亮晶晶的,看起來一塵不染。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1062 translate traditional_chinese subway_65b6c929: # NoelleT "It's absolutely spotless..." NoelleT "好乾淨……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1064 translate traditional_chinese subway_8cd48072: # "Pleasantly surprised, she sits beside her parents in a gleaming plastic seat." "小諾開心的坐上一張光潔的塑膠椅。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1066 translate traditional_chinese subway_50d2471a: # NPC "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}石牌...{/font}Shipai Station." NPC "石牌……Shipai Station。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1068 translate traditional_chinese subway_27401a62: $subtitle="*舊金山灣區捷運系統" # NoelleT "You can actually clearly hear what they're saying! It's not indistinct mumbling like on BART!" NoelleT "廣播聽得好清楚!和BART*完全不一樣!" $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1070 translate traditional_chinese subway_ea1c79b0: # "An LCD screen right across from her neatly displays the names of the previous, current, and next stations." "小諾對面牆上的LCD螢幕清楚的顯示出前一站、本站與下一站的站名。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1072 translate traditional_chinese subway_34edbfd2: # NoelleT "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." NoelleT "這就是幸福的感覺嗎……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1075 translate traditional_chinese subway_bdaf2be9: # "Her phone buzzes. Her heart leaps when she sees that it's Akarsha." "小諾的電話嗡嗡作響。她看見是阿卡莎發來的訊息,不禁感到心跳加速。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1077 translate traditional_chinese subway_8e0ddc15: # cFirstLine "{nw}" cFirstLine "{nw}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1079 translate traditional_chinese subway_e59ca3f4: # cAkarsha "{image=frysSmall.png}" cAkarsha "{image=frysSmall.png}" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1080 translate traditional_chinese subway_8fbc3d10: # cNoelle "...Why did you send this?" cNoelle "……妳傳這種照片給我做什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1081 translate traditional_chinese subway_cdac8d9e: # cAkarsha ":(" cAkarsha "ˊˋ" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1082 translate traditional_chinese subway_14ead407: # cSame "I thought you liked me" cSame "妳還說喜歡我" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1083 translate traditional_chinese subway_d7e5af5a: # cNoelle "Even if I hypothetically did like you why would I want to see this awful picture of you?" cNoelle "就算我喜歡妳好了。我為什麼會想看妳這麼醜的照片?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1084 translate traditional_chinese subway_e7c81323: # cAkarsha "personally i think it's very hot and sexy of me to play video games against little kids at Frys Electronics and lose" cAkarsha "個人認為在Fry’s電器城和小朋友打遊戲還慘輸的我還是有點性感的" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1085 translate traditional_chinese subway_a7f1cdc9: # cNoelle "Is that what you're doing?" cNoelle "妳在跟小朋友玩遊戲?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1086 translate traditional_chinese subway_64dfba50: # cAkarsha "nah im back home now playing the game i bought" cAkarsha "沒啦我已經回家了 在玩我新買的遊戲" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1087 translate traditional_chinese subway_f1bcd48a: # cSame "its called Portal" cSame "傳送門" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1088 translate traditional_chinese subway_c228cb09: # cSame "dude youd love it" cSame "你絕對會喜歡" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1089 translate traditional_chinese subway_ed3097d1: # cNoelle "I don't play computer games." cNoelle "我不玩遊戲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1090 translate traditional_chinese subway_c7ea26a0: # cAkarsha "NO YOUD LOVE IT TRUST ME" cAkarsha "不是不是妳真的會喜歡相信我" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1091 translate traditional_chinese subway_390f9750: # cSame "its not like other games where ur some guy shooting stuff" cSame "不是那種拿槍掃射的遊戲" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1092 translate traditional_chinese subway_e4c2fa72: # cSame "ur a girl and its a puzzle game" cSame "主角是女的 然後是解謎遊戲" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1093 translate traditional_chinese subway_f2714142: # cSame "ITS IN A SCIENCE RESEARCH FACILITY" cSame "而且是為了科學" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1094 translate traditional_chinese subway_234d6856: # cNoelle "Oh?" cNoelle "真的嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1095 translate traditional_chinese subway_c336dea8: # cAkarsha "ill give u the CD" cAkarsha "我借妳" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1096 translate traditional_chinese subway_fcac8d85: # cSame "just play it" cSame "要玩喔" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1097 translate traditional_chinese subway_0203a4b8: # cNoelle "I'll consider it after I return from my trip." cNoelle "我回去以後會考慮看看。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1098 translate traditional_chinese subway_7a787822: # cAkarsha "o yeah youre in taiwan" cAkarsha "啊對妳還在台灣" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1099 translate traditional_chinese subway_1d7e816d: # cSame "whatre u up to rn?" cSame "妳在幹嘛" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1100 translate traditional_chinese subway_13e9e1bb: # cNoelle "I'm riding the subway with my parents." cNoelle "我和家人在地鐵上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1101 translate traditional_chinese subway_5a7d358a: # cAkarsha "how is that?" cAkarsha "都好嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1102 translate traditional_chinese subway_0d0c8ca5: # cSame "i hope they arent giving you a hard time" cSame "他們有沒有很煩" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1103 translate traditional_chinese subway_e537e53b: # cNoelle "Actually, ever since we've arrived in Taipei they've been in good spirits." cNoelle "沒有。他們回來以後心情都很好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1104 translate traditional_chinese subway_fc5ed09a: # cSame "I've never seen my mother so relaxed before." cSame "媽媽看起來很放鬆。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1105 translate traditional_chinese subway_6c419a91: # cSame "She must be happy to be back home to see her family." cSame "她應該很高興可以回來一趟。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1106 translate traditional_chinese subway_4b8ff4af: # cAkarsha "oh dang!" cAkarsha "哇" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1107 translate traditional_chinese subway_bb403297: # cSame "thats good" cSame "那很好啊" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1108 translate traditional_chinese subway_556bdf14: # cNoelle "We're on the way to the night market right now." cNoelle "我們正要去夜市" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1109 translate traditional_chinese subway_613d4df3: # cSame "I feel paranoid that everyone can tell I'm a foreigner." cSame "這裡好像大家都看得出來我是外國人,我覺得有點恐怖。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1110 translate traditional_chinese subway_9f462cbd: # cAkarsha "LOL i get what u mean" cAkarsha "哈哈哈哈我懂" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1111 translate traditional_chinese subway_dfad9045: # cSame "when im in india they can tell im american before i even open my mouth" cSame "我去印度的時候也是 他們一看就知道我是美國人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1112 translate traditional_chinese subway_25007ce4: # cSame "just from the way I carry myself" cSame "我散發出了美國的氣場" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1115 translate traditional_chinese subway_34420583: # nvl clear # "Her mom sighs as Noelle taps out her response on her phone." nvl clear "小諾媽媽嘆了一口氣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1118 translate traditional_chinese subway_acd09cfc: # Mom "There you are, addicted to your phone." Mom "妳看妳,又在玩手機。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1120 translate traditional_chinese subway_40ed9a41: # Noelle "...How am I addicted? Compared to other teenagers, I barely use it." Noelle "……和其他人比起來,我已經很少用手機了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1123 translate traditional_chinese subway_32810ee9: # Mom "You spend so much time talking to your friends." Mom "妳花太多時間交朋友了,友情是很脆弱的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1124 translate traditional_chinese subway_a3c53bc7: # Mom "But friendships are only temporary. As soon as it's inconvenient, they'll all disappear." Mom "等你們不能常常聚在一起,就會知道我的意思了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1125 translate traditional_chinese subway_ab08a027: # Mom "After I moved to America for your future, not a single one kept in touch with me." Mom "我為了妳搬到美國以後,一個朋友都沒了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1127 translate traditional_chinese subway_195dd5fd: # Mom "The only people you can trust is your family. And I was so far away from all of mine..." Mom "家人又離我這麼遠……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1128 translate traditional_chinese subway_3346dc85: # Mom "The life of an immigrant is a lonely one." Mom "唉,真的很寂寞。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1130 translate traditional_chinese subway_a41d9ab0: # Noelle "........." Noelle "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1131 translate traditional_chinese subway_e082e371: # NoelleT "Is she hoping I'm going to console her? Or thank her for making such a brutal sacrifice for my sake?" NoelleT "她在等我安慰她嗎?還是等我感謝她?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1132 translate traditional_chinese subway_ebb963de: # NoelleT "It was her own decision as a full grown adult to move here. It wasn't up to ME." NoelleT "是妳自己要移民的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1135 translate traditional_chinese subway_87c1fac4: # "Her mom sighs heavily and stares out the window." "小諾媽媽望著窗外,又嘆了一口氣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1137 translate traditional_chinese subway_64492247: # NoelleT "There's a message she's always trying to impart on me: I'm lonely because of you." NoelleT "我媽媽一直在灌輸我一個概念:她的寂寞是我造成的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1143 translate traditional_chinese subway_2d386ba0: # "Noelle watches the scenery fly by." "小諾也望向窗外飛馳的風景。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1144 translate traditional_chinese subway_e7c96cd2: # "After half an hour, the train arrives at their destination precisely on time." "約半個小時過後,列車準時抵達了目的地。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1150 translate traditional_chinese subway_8ad0ac8c: # Mom "Let's look for clothes. You need new ones." Mom "先找衣服店。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1152 translate traditional_chinese subway_034468c5: # Dad "But I have plenty of clothes already." Dad "我衣服很多啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1154 translate traditional_chinese subway_86263feb: # Mom "They all have holes in them! You should just throw them away already!" Mom "都破洞了!你又不讓我丟!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1156 translate traditional_chinese subway_8ab37b86: # "Noelle browses through a sea of clothing racks with her parents." "小諾一家瀏覽著服飾店的貨架。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1157 translate traditional_chinese subway_847c6f1d: # "A hideous pair of beige pants catches her eye." "一條被時尚唾棄的米色長褲吸引了小諾的目光。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1159 translate traditional_chinese subway_ffd047f5: # NoelleT "This would compliment many items in my wardrobe." NoelleT "這條褲子不錯欸。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1161 translate traditional_chinese subway_d1c79f4b: # "She turns it over in her hands, searching for its price tag, but it's missing." "小諾把褲子拿下來,但她找不到標價。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1163 translate traditional_chinese subway_d46ab3e2: # Noelle "I'm going to ask how much these trousers are." Noelle "我去問一下這條褲子多少錢。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1166 translate traditional_chinese subway_b43dcc04: # Mom "Do you know how?" Mom "妳知道怎麼問嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1168 translate traditional_chinese subway_f97a9c0b: # Noelle "Are you serious? Of course I know how." Noelle "我當然知道!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1171 translate traditional_chinese subway_aad22fc5: # "Miffed, she marches up to the stall's cashier and shows her the pants." "小諾忿忿地走向櫃台,秀出手上的褲子。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1175 translate traditional_chinese subway_5dbfa43b: # Noelle "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}輕問者條褲子朵稍錢?{/font}" Noelle "輕問者條褲子朵稍錢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1178 translate traditional_chinese subway_adfc97fd: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}兩百塊。{/font}" NPC "兩百塊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1181 translate traditional_chinese subway_65e436a9: # NoelleT "That's only about seven dollars! What a bargain." NoelleT "也就是七美金。超級便宜。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1183 translate traditional_chinese subway_a60cd717: # Noelle "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}我腰買這個。{/font}" Noelle "我腰買這個。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1186 translate traditional_chinese subway_6743e45e: # NPC "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}妳說什麼?{/font}" NPC "妳說什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1189 translate traditional_chinese subway_8b901c98: # NoelleT "Urk! I stumbled over the pronunciation!" NoelleT "討厭!我發音不標準!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1190 translate traditional_chinese subway_56d9361e: # Noelle "This...I want to buy this." Noelle "This...I want to buy this." # game/4_noelle.rpy:1192 translate traditional_chinese subway_4d863779: # NPC "OK." NPC "OK。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1193 translate traditional_chinese subway_974bc789: # "Ashamed, Noelle doesn't dare speak another word as the cashier bags her purchase." "在結帳期間,小諾都不敢再講任何一句話。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1195 translate traditional_chinese subway_40e418cc: # NoelleT "Excellent. Simply superb. After six years of Chinese school I still can't speak, read, or write Mandarin." NoelleT "非常好。太棒了。學了六年中文,全部都還給老師了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1197 translate traditional_chinese subway_14cbfc24: # "She finds her way back to her parents, who are just finishing up their purchase at the neighboring stall." "她走向正在隔壁櫃台結帳的父母。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1199 translate traditional_chinese subway_f1fdd9d8: # Dad "I'm hungry. Let's get dinner at the food court." Dad "我們去美食廣場吃吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1201 translate traditional_chinese subway_3c616a5a: # Mom "What for? There's food stalls all over the place." Mom "為什麼?這裡攤子這麼多。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1202 translate traditional_chinese subway_8d281b0b: # Mom "We can just eat as we shop." Mom "邊買邊吃不好嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1204 translate traditional_chinese subway_9c63c226: # Dad "No, I wanna properly sit down somewhere and have a meal." Dad "我喜歡坐下來吃。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1209 translate traditional_chinese subway_e7118c68: # "Noelle follows her parents down the flight of stairs to the underground food court. It's a bizarre space that reminds Noelle of a mirror maze." "小諾隨著父母走下台階,來到一個地下美食廣場。各色攤位密集的排列著,讓小諾想起遊樂園的鏡子迷宮。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1210 translate traditional_chinese subway_8142655a: # "They sit down at a stall and Noelle scans the menu, which is conveniently printed directly on the surface of the table." "入座後,小諾研究起印在桌子上的菜單。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1212 translate traditional_chinese subway_b9a530d8: # NoelleT "Something chicken...Something something soup..." NoelleT "什麼雞……什麼什麼湯……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1217 translate traditional_chinese subway_edad1221: # "Noelle has to pick her dish based on the pictures, like a toddler would." "因為無法辨識完整菜名,小諾只能看圖說故事。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1221 translate traditional_chinese subway_0b9e9134: # Mom "Do you know what you're getting?" Mom "妳決定好了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1223 translate traditional_chinese subway_a155f0e3: # Noelle "I will order the oyster omelette." Noelle "我要點蚵仔煎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1224 translate traditional_chinese subway_d19f1ef5: # Noelle "It's seldom seen in America, so I should take the chance to eat it here." Noelle "美國很難吃到這個。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1227 translate traditional_chinese subway_0635035d: # "As the stall worker comes over and takes her parents' orders, Noelle mentally recites hers, determined not to be rendered an inarticulate child again." "攤位老闆走上前,替小諾的父母點菜。小諾在心裡不斷重複著「蚵仔煎」三個字,希望店員可以對自己一視同仁。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1229 translate traditional_chinese subway_07c0dbd9: # NoelleT "I know this. This is kindergarten level vocabulary." NoelleT "這些字都很簡單。我一定會念。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1231 translate traditional_chinese subway_01710f84: # NoelleT "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我要蚵仔煎。{/font}" NoelleT "我要蚵仔煎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1233 translate traditional_chinese subway_ce0b37d4: # NoelleT "That sounds a tad crude, though. In English, I'd normally say something more like, \"I'd like to have the oyster omelette.\"" NoelleT "聽起來不會有點沒禮貌嗎?如果是英文,通常會說:「請給我一份蚵仔煎。」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1237 translate traditional_chinese subway_b9b9ad83: # NPC "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}美女要什麼?{/font}" NPC "美女要什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1240 translate traditional_chinese subway_f49ad139: # Noelle "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我要蚵仔煎。{/font}" Noelle "我要蚵仔煎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1243 translate traditional_chinese subway_ba0cb003: # "The woman jots her order down on a pad of paper, nodding." "女老闆將小諾點的菜記在一小疊紙上,點了點頭。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1248 translate traditional_chinese subway_16c59ad9: # NPC "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}妳是ABC嗎?{/font}" NPC "妳是ABC嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1251 translate traditional_chinese subway_ef3792bb: # NoelleT "...Huh?? My Chinese was THAT bad?" NoelleT "……我的中文那麼爛嗎?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1253 translate traditional_chinese subway_ad81d3e8: # Noelle "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我是。{/font}" Noelle "我是。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1256 translate traditional_chinese subway_591b566f: # NPC "I could tell! I guessed from your accent, so heavy!" NPC "那我猜對了耶!因為妳有那個音。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1257 translate traditional_chinese subway_8b52c586: # "Noelle's mom sighs as the woman walks off to prepare their meals." "女老闆走開後,小諾媽媽嘆了口氣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1259 translate traditional_chinese subway_36861ffc: # Mom "All those years of Chinese school, wasted." Mom "中文課的錢白花了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1261 translate traditional_chinese subway_a5a151e8: # Noelle "............." Noelle "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1265 translate traditional_chinese subway_486e76d5: # "Their food arrives within minutes." "食物很快就送上來了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1266 translate traditional_chinese subway_47352d0d: # "Noelle tries a gooey spoonful of her oyster omelette." "小諾把一大勺裹著蚵仔的煎蛋送進嘴裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1268 translate traditional_chinese subway_da1a5953: # Noelle "It's delicious. You would never guess this only cost three dollars." Noelle "好好吃。而且超便宜,只要三美金。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1271 translate traditional_chinese subway_4917e052: # Dad "Really? Let me try." Dad "好吃嗎?借我吃一口。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1274 translate traditional_chinese subway_0e06a2e1: # "Her parents each taste a spoonful of the oyster omelette and shrug, unimpressed." "小諾的父母各自吃了一口蚵仔煎後,露出不置可否的表情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1276 translate traditional_chinese subway_ca4f491e: # Dad "This is below average. I've had way better ones around here before." Dad "這個不及格。我以前在這邊吃過更好吃的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1278 translate traditional_chinese subway_bba3cba9: # Mom "Yeah, this isn't really what it's supposed to taste like." Mom "對啊,味道不太正統。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1280 translate traditional_chinese subway_1847e962: # Noelle "Well, I'm never here, so I couldn't have known that." Noelle "我第一次來,怎麼可能知道哪家比較好吃。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1283 translate traditional_chinese subway_62c7e77a: # "Annoyed now, Noelle takes another bite of the oyster omelette." "小諾憤怒的又吃了一口蚵仔煎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1285 translate traditional_chinese subway_dd0cee28: # NoelleT "This is the best thing I've ever eaten." NoelleT "我真的覺得很好吃。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1286 translate traditional_chinese subway_983ea267: # NoelleT "I should find out what this place is called so I can find it again." NoelleT "我得把這家店的名字記下來,這樣下次才找得到。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1288 translate traditional_chinese subway_d27cafa7: # "She looks up at the name of the stall, but it's in Chinese." "攤位的名字是用中文寫的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1290 translate traditional_chinese subway_02370bd9: # NoelleT "I can't read it." NoelleT "我看不懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1292 translate traditional_chinese subway_9165943a: # NoelleT "I'd better savor it while it lasts. This omelette I can only taste once." NoelleT "我還是吃慢一點好了,可能短時間只能吃這一次了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1294 translate traditional_chinese subway_55a154cc: # "All too soon, it's over. Noelle sighs as they get up to continue shopping." "蚵仔煎兩三口就吃完了。小諾嘆了口氣,站起來和父母繼續逛夜市。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1296 translate traditional_chinese subway_85c2f816: # Noelle "You should've tried harder to convince me to learn Chinese." Noelle "如果你們能鼓勵我繼續學中文就好了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1299 translate traditional_chinese subway_33345b59: # Mom "Are you serious? We told you not to quit so many times." Mom "我們都跟妳講多少次了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1301 translate traditional_chinese subway_a585685b: # Noelle "But you never properly explained {i}why{/i} it was so important not to." Noelle "對,可是你們從來沒有解釋過「為什麼要學」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1302 translate traditional_chinese subway_73b9ac11: # Noelle "All you did was give me condescending lectures about how I was too young to understand why it mattered, and how I'd be an embarrassment if I didn't learn." Noelle "你們只會說我「太小」、「不懂」;如果我不想學,就是給你們丟臉。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1305 translate traditional_chinese subway_1c532366: # Mom "English is our second language. It's hard to explain things to to you." Mom "我們用英文沒辦法表達得很好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1306 translate traditional_chinese subway_52d89fe9: # Mom "And it's true, you ARE an embarrassment." Mom "我跟妳說,上個星期我碰到隔壁家的賣口,他用中文跟我打招呼欸!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1308 translate traditional_chinese subway_47fdd72d: # Mom "Last week I saw our neighbor's son Michael moving the lawn, and he greeted me in Chinese! {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}阿姨好。{/font}" Mom "如果妳小時候也乖乖聽話,現在也不會連一句話都說不好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1310 translate traditional_chinese subway_873ab5e1: # Mom "See, that's what happens when you listen to your parents." Mom "把我們的面子都丟光了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1312 translate traditional_chinese subway_1fd49953: # Noelle "Michael goes to Taiwan with his family every summer! THAT'S the reason he's more fluent, not because he was a superior child to me!" Noelle "麥克每個暑假都回台灣,中文比我好不很正常嗎?跟他聽不聽話沒有關係!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1313 translate traditional_chinese subway_d7018205: # Noelle "Why didn't we just visit Taiwan more often when I was younger? That alone would've made me more interested in learning." Noelle "如果我們也常常回來,學中文可能就不會那麼痛苦了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1315 translate traditional_chinese subway_9ebdcd8b: # Noelle "I feel like I've been trying to understand Chinese culture by looking at it through a soda straw until now." Noelle "我在台灣的這幾天,學到的「中華文化」比在美國的十幾年還要多。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1318 translate traditional_chinese subway_b3ba7b9b: # Dad "You think {i}we{/i} didn't want to visit Taiwan more too?" Dad "妳以為我們不想嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1319 translate traditional_chinese subway_3ddbdce3: # Dad "The airplane tickets are expensive. We have to save up for years just for one trip." Dad "機票很貴。所以我們幾年才能回來一次。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1322 translate traditional_chinese subway_11a48459: # Noelle "Oh." Noelle "喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1325 translate traditional_chinese subway_2c27215f: # Noelle "But...Even so, you should have done more to show me that speaking Mandarin could be a positive experience." Noelle "可是……你們至少可以給我更多動力吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1326 translate traditional_chinese subway_6318262c: # Noelle "Why do you always speak to me in English even though you can't fully express yourselves in that language?" Noelle "既然沒辦法用英文表達得很好,為什麼不跟我說中文呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1327 translate traditional_chinese subway_d06d0b97: # Noelle "If you'd conversed with me in Chinese from a young age, I would have naturally picked it up from daily use." Noelle "如果我從小就對中文耳濡目染,甚至連課都不用上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1330 translate traditional_chinese subway_471d9563: # Mom "We thought you'd have an accent if we did that." Mom "我們怕妳會有口音。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1331 translate traditional_chinese subway_e78dadd7: # Mom "We were worried you wouldn't fit in at school." Mom "有口音在學校會被排擠。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1333 translate traditional_chinese subway_cf87efa9: # Noelle "But that's ridiculous!" Noelle "怎麼可能!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1334 translate traditional_chinese subway_cce942f5: # Noelle "There's no way I would have developed an accent when everyone else I interacted with spoke English." Noelle "除了你們,我身邊的人全都是說英文的。這樣還有口音,也太奇怪了吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1336 translate traditional_chinese subway_63a5f8c1: # Noelle "I would have grown up bilingual without any ill effects." Noelle "我本來有機會同時掌握兩種語言的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1338 translate traditional_chinese subway_3ec9b368: # "Resigned, her dad shrugs." "小諾爸爸挫敗的聳了聳肩。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1340 translate traditional_chinese subway_215b3f50: # Dad "Well, too late now. What can you do?" Dad "不然現在還能怎麼辦嘛?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1354 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_26f48aad: # "Noelle and her relatives visit the columbarium housing Ah-ma's ashes." "小諾與親戚們來到存放阿媽骨灰的墓園。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1356 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_6d3a89e7: # NoelleT "My mom visits this place every time she's in Taiwan." NoelleT "每次回台灣,媽媽都會來這裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1359 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_585c52b2: # "Noelle follows her grandpa into the worship hall." "一行人走進大殿。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1361 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_36871061: # AhGong "..........." AhGong "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1363 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_18e58919: # NoelleT "We crossed an ocean to see my grandpa and I've barely spoken a word to him." NoelleT "我們特地回來看阿公,可是我完全沒有跟他聊到天。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1364 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_e261e2f0: # NoelleT "It's not out of lack of interest. He must have lived a fascinating life." NoelleT "我很想多認識阿公。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1365 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_34001346: # NoelleT "He's the only grandparent I have left." NoelleT "我來不及認識阿媽,至少……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1366 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_99174670: # NoelleT "But how do you gain access to the heart of a stranger? Where do you even begin?" NoelleT "可是對他而言,我是個陌生人!我到底該怎麼辦才好?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1367 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_683f8189: # NoelleT "\"Tell me about yourself?\"" NoelleT "「可以介紹一下你自己嗎?」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1369 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_0b7c5159: # NoelleT "Who says that to their own grandfather? It would sound like a job interview." NoelleT "哪有孫女這樣跟阿公說話的?又不是在面試。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1370 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_90b0f8f5: # NoelleT "Even if I knew what I wanted to say, what am I capable of saying in Chinese?" NoelleT "就算我有很多話想說,但我又「能」說什麼呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1371 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_06de0548: # NoelleT "Today is Sunday? I'm a student?" NoelleT "「今天是星期天」?「我是高中生」?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1373 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_41cbf3b0: # "She watches Chun-hua take a lotus petal from a glass bowl and offer it to the giant Buddhas." "春花從玻璃碗中揀起一片蓮花瓣,放在佛像座前。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1375 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_470886df: # ChunHua "............." ChunHua "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1377 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_708c4f5f: # Mom "Noelle, we're going to pray for Ah-ma. Take a flower petal from that bowl over there." Mom "我們要開始拜了。去拿一片花瓣獻給佛祖。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1380 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_cb7f8d5f: # Noelle "Can I pray in English?" Noelle "我可以用英文拜嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1383 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_f33da280: # Dad "If you have to." Dad "……好吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1385 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_12c70026: # "Unsure what she's supposed to do, Noelle does her best to imitate her parents." "小諾盡可能的模仿了父母祭拜的動作。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1387 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_33a30115: # NoelleT "Hello, Buddha...I seriously doubt that you exist." NoelleT "佛祖好……雖然我不太相信您的存在。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1388 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_862b966c: # NoelleT "But I'm sure Ah-ma was a wonderful woman." NoelleT "但我相信阿媽是一位很棒的人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1390 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_35ddf120: # "Chun-hua deposits her lotus petal in the bowl before the Buddhas, her eyes shining with tears." "春花將蓮花瓣放在佛祖座前的碗中,眼中滿是淚水。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1393 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_86a3067b: # ChunHua "我想阿媽了..." ChunHua "我想阿媽了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1396 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_09bb74f1: # Aunt "........." Aunt "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1398 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_331e563d: # "To Noelle's surprise, her aunt embraces Chun-hua like it's the most natural thing in the world." "小諾驚訝的看著大阿姨自然地把春花拉進自己的懷裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1400 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_6977cabd: # NoelleT "They're so comfortable with each other." NoelleT "她們感情好好喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1402 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_f33a1cf5: # NoelleT "Is that how mothers and daughters are supposed to be?" NoelleT "這就是母女該有的樣子嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1403 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_7b5e355a: # NoelleT "When I look at my mother, the first emotion I feel is stress." NoelleT "媽媽給我的感覺從來都不是關心,只有壓力。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1405 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_3f64916d: # "Noelle deposits her lotus petal in the bowl and joins Ah-gong, who's waiting to the side." "小諾將蓮花瓣放入碗中,走到等在一旁的阿公身邊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1406 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_771d426c: # "He smiles awkwardly at her as they stand together in silence." "他們就這樣靜靜的站著。阿公尷尬對她笑了笑。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1408 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_6a7ed93c: # AhGong "............" AhGong "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1410 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_93192951: # Noelle "............" Noelle "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1412 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_fd3a95f8: # NoelleT "What should I do?" NoelleT "怎麼辦?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1413 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_75dd77bd: # NoelleT "Try to build a relationship in broken Mandarin? Tell him \"I like reading\" and \"My favorite color is green\"?" NoelleT "我要用我的破中文跟他聊天嗎?「我喜歡看書」?「我喜歡綠色」?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1414 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_6fdedea1: # NoelleT "Or do I let the moment pass me by? Say nothing and remain strangers?" NoelleT "還是我要就這樣呆站下去?讓我們繼續疏遠下去?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1415 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_cfeaa64f: # NoelleT "Am I a terrible person if that's what I do?" NoelleT "如果我這樣做了,是不是代表我不孝順?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1418 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_13293faa: # Mom "Come on, we're going upstairs." Mom "我們要上樓了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1425 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_2b6da9f0: # "After an elevator ride, they arrive at the floor housing her grandma’s ashes." "一行人乘坐電梯來到存放骨灰的樓層。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1427 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_f7fc5ea9: # Aunt "Ah-ma's over here." Aunt "阿媽在這裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1428 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_c4524698: # "Noelle follows everyone down the hall to a one of the niches." "小諾跟著大家走到一個櫃位前。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1430 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_5f2871c6: # NoelleT "The only thing distinguishing it from the others is the tiny nametag on the door." NoelleT "櫃子的造型千篇一律,除了名牌。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1432 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_19994f36: # NoelleT "Not that I can read it...Even if I could, I don't know the names of any of my relatives." NoelleT "說得好像我看得懂阿媽的名字一樣……我連其他親戚的名字都背不出來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1433 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_898af30d: # NoelleT "And at this point, I'm too embarrased to ask." NoelleT "而且拖到現在才問,只會讓我更加無地自容。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1434 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_d50c1ca2: # NoelleT "Even Chun-hua's name I only know by sound. I have no idea what it looks like." NoelleT "連Chun-hua的名字我都只會念而已,完全不知道怎麼寫。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1436 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_856fb3b7: # "Noelle's dad points to the units beside Ah-ma's." "小諾爸爸指向隔壁的櫃位。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1438 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_9e904d27: # Dad "Your mom and I bought our spots, too." Dad "這是我和妳媽媽的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1440 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_62037248: # Noelle "Already? You're only in your fifties." Noelle "你們已經買好了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1442 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_2b713d89: # Dad "There's a limited number, so we made sure to reserve them before they were all gone." Dad "數量有限,早買早安心。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1445 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_8448b36c: # NoelleT "I suppose my parents {i}are{/i} fairly old. They didn't manage to have me until their forties." NoelleT "我的父母四十多歲才生我,和其他同學比起來,是比較老沒錯。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1446 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_e176d7ae: # NoelleT "Going off of the average American life expectancy, they probably have around twenty-five years left." NoelleT "如果以美國人的平均壽命來算,他們大概還可以活二十五年。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1449 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_67aab27c: # Mom "*sniff*..." Mom "……(哽咽)" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1450 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_1dbc9024: # "Noelle's mom wipes her eyes as they open the little door of Ah-ma's unit." "小諾媽媽一邊打開櫃位上的小門,一邊抹去眼中的淚水。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1452 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_9430ff96: # NoelleT "Will {i}I{/i} cry when my mother dies someday?" NoelleT "其實我認真覺得:我也許不會在媽媽的葬禮上掉眼淚。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1453 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_92eef0a7: # NoelleT "I'm starting to seriously worry that I won't. What kind of monster does that make me?" NoelleT "如果我沒哭,是不是代表我很不孝?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1454 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_b029724c: # NoelleT "What kind of cold, heartless person cares so little about her own parents?" NoelleT "世界上怎麼會有這麼冷酷無情的女兒?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1456 translate traditional_chinese trueDragon_ced1cebc: # NoelleT "Is there something wrong with me? Do I just not form emotional bonds as deeply as ordinary people do?" NoelleT "是我的問題嗎?是我欠缺了產生感情的能力嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1469 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_b77e538c: # "When they get back to Ah-gong's apartment, Noelle and her mom begin packing to leave." "一行人回到阿公的住處後,小諾和媽媽開始收拾行李。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1471 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_086de7f4: # ChunHua "Are you all flying back tonight?" ChunHua "你們要走了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1473 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_9b55aa0e: # Noelle "Actually, my dad will be in Taiwan for another week attending to business matters." Noelle "我爸爸會再留一個星期。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1474 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_032c3e55: # Noelle "So my mother and I are flying back alone." Noelle "我和媽媽先走。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1477 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_4c30bfcc: # ChunHua "Aw, one week was too short." ChunHua "一個星期太短了啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1492 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f5a56a20: # "As Noelle fits the last of her clothes into the roller bag, Chun-hua takes a seat, pulling a thick tome out of her backpack." "小諾把最後幾件衣服塞進行李箱。春花在她身邊坐下來,從背包裡抽出一本看起來很艱深的磚頭書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1495 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_64cbadfc: # "Noelle feels a twinge of sadness as she watches her cousin read her huge, academic looking book." "看著春花認真閱讀的側臉,小諾不禁悲從中來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1497 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_6630f7e8: # NoelleT "If I'd grown up in Taiwan, we probably would've become close." NoelleT "如果我能和妳一起長大,應該會是很要好的朋友吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1499 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_59a8ed2b: # "Suddenly, a strange thought occurs to Noelle." "一個奇怪的念頭忽然擊中了小諾。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1501 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_71938155: # NoelleT "If I'd grown up here, would my personality been shaped into something more similar to Chun-hua's?" NoelleT "如果我生在台灣,會變得和春花一樣活潑嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1502 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_be6f949d: # NoelleT "How much of my personality is just a product of being raised by an immigrant helicopter mother with no friends or family around to balance her out?" NoelleT "現在的「我」,難道只是一個偏執、孤獨又強勢的移民母親製造出來的副產品嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1503 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8ceb0553: # NoelleT "Would my mother and I have gotten along?" NoelleT "如果我們沒有移民,我會比較喜歡媽媽嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1505 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_d5b53069: # "The magazine Chun-hua showed Noelle earlier is still out on the coffee table, taunting her." "那本刊載詩歌的雜誌依然放在咖啡桌上,時刻提醒著小諾。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1507 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_770c4797: # NoelleT "I'm finished packing, so I have some time to kill before we leave for the airport." NoelleT "我打包完了,現在是我的空閒時間。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1508 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_c2d1fa85: # NoelleT "Maybe I can translate the poem my mother wrote." NoelleT "也許我可以把那首詩翻譯成英文。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1512 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_d59fc578: # "Noelle digs her emergency Chinese-to-English dictionary out of her backpack." "小諾從背包裡翻出她的英漢辭典。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1515 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_decbf95f: # NoelleT "I was being a petulant baby in elementary school." NoelleT "以前是我年輕不懂事。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1516 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_396d0fdf: # NoelleT "All I have to do is persevere and power through learning the language properly this time." NoelleT "這一次,我一定要把中文學起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1517 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_99e69cec: # NoelleT "I'll simply look up each word I don't know, and burn its pronunciation and meaning into my memory." NoelleT "看不懂我就查字典,發音就靠死背囉。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1519 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_774cf87a: # "Unfortunately, she doesn't know a single word in the poem's first line." "很不幸的是,小諾連這首詩的第一行都看不懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1520 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3fc61c57: # "After spending 15 minutes pounding seven words into her memory, her enthusiasm evaporates." "十五分鐘後,小諾才背下七個生字,只覺得身心俱疲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1522 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_1dade527: # NoelleT "This actually is incredibly difficult..." NoelleT "太難了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1523 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_20c8c095: # NoelleT "I'm not surprised that I have nothing to show for my six years of Chinese school. It feels like the knowledge is just washing over my brain like water over plastic." NoelleT "之前學的那六年彷彿沒發生過一樣。這些東西我根本看不進去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1524 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8f0b110f: # NoelleT "Is my brain just not wired for this?" NoelleT "難道我沒有語言天賦嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1525 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3bb1c8c2: # NoelleT "Could it be genetic? Even after living the majority of their lives in America, my parents haven't mastered English, either." NoelleT "該不會是遺傳吧?我爸媽在美國住了這麼久,英文也沒有變好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1527 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_a825da78: # "It takes another 15 minutes for her to finally overcome the first line of the poem." "半個小時後,小諾終於查完了第一行。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1529 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f5b76ee5: # NoelleT "At last! Onto the second line!" NoelleT "好!前進第二行!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1531 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_b44bc93b: # NoelleT "And I already know all these words." NoelleT "這一行的字我都會念。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1532 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3449a5ce: # NoelleT "Mirror flower water moon." NoelleT "Mirror flower water moon。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1533 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_390a1bfb: # Noelle "..........." Noelle "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1535 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_6e6887d3: # NoelleT "It's total gibberish. Is it supposed to sound poetic mushed together like that?" NoelleT "這哪裡好聽了?組合起來不是應該要很有韻律嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1536 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3449a5ce_1: # NoelleT "Mirror flower water moon." NoelleT "Mirror flower water moon。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1539 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_46bc2c05: # "Noelle feels the urge to tear the magazine to shreds." "小諾忽然很想把雜誌撕個稀巴爛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1540 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_61edcf67: # "Perhaps noticing her hands quaking with barely surpressed rage, Chun-hua peers over Noelle's shoulder to see what she's reading." "春花似乎從小諾顫抖的指節感受到了她的怒火,於是湊過來表示關心。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1542 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_eb45f514: # ChunHua "What's wrong?" ChunHua "妳怎麼了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1544 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_fb2dd47f: # Noelle "Nothing. I'm just translating one of my mom's poems." Noelle "我在翻譯媽媽的詩。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1547 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f66e5b3e: # ChunHua "Why don't you ask your mom for help?" ChunHua "妳為什麼不直接問她?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1549 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_d3283f8d: # Noelle "I'd rather die." Noelle "那我不如死了算了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1552 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_536b2f90: # ChunHua "Oh. Okay." ChunHua "好、好吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1554 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_cbe2f577: # ChunHua "Maybe I can help instead?" ChunHua "我可以幫忙嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1555 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f8e4f243: # ChunHua "Where are you stuck?" ChunHua "妳哪裡不懂?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1557 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_2cff1149: # Noelle "What's this supposed to mean? {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡花水月?{/font}" Noelle "「鏡花水月」是什麼意思?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1560 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_4eec09b5: # ChunHua "Oh, that's a...How do you call it?" ChunHua "喔!這是那個……那個什麼……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1561 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_bcad8a53: # ChunHua "A saying. Like the lesson of a story." ChunHua "一個諺語。有點像寓言故事。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1564 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_79f030de: # ChunHua "It's short for 鏡子裡的花,水面上的月亮." ChunHua "是「鏡子裡的花,水面上的月亮」的省略句。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1566 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3654b857: # ChunHua "Pretty much, it means something that you can see but never grasp." ChunHua "意思是看得見,但摸不著的東西。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1568 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_7abb5dba: # Noelle "Like a flower reflected in a mirror, or the moon shining on the water's surface?" Noelle "像是花朵在鏡子裡的倒影,和月亮在水面上的倒影一樣?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1570 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_69a711bd: # ChunHua "Yes. You can't reach your hand through the mirror and take the flower out, it's impossible." ChunHua "對。妳永遠無法把手伸進鏡子裡,把花拿出來。就是這個意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1571 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_27dbd02b: # ChunHua "You can only look, never have it." ChunHua "只能看,不能拿。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1573 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_e0a1d431: # Noelle "I see." Noelle "我懂了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1574 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8053cbfc: # Noelle "So \"Mirror Flower, Water Moon\" is shorthand for something beautiful but unattainable." Noelle "所以,「鏡花水月」是表達「無法觸及的美麗事物」的短語。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1576 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8a48ae39: # ChunHua "Pretty much." ChunHua "差不多。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1578 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_3506ef92: # "Da Ah-yi cheers as Noelle's mom manages to zip her bulging suitcase closed." "小諾媽媽成功拉上快要爆炸的行李箱,大阿姨在旁邊歡呼著。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1581 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_dfc29f43: # Aunt "準備好去機場了嗎?" Aunt "準備好去機場了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1584 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_8019f05e: # Mom "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}走吧。{/font}" Mom "走吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1587 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_e0b7f342: # "Noelle gives the half-translated poem one last despairing look before flipping the magazine shut." "小諾看著翻譯到一半的詩,難過的合上了雜誌。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1589 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_614326db: # NoelleT "Is that what I've been chasing after this whole time? A flower in the mirror?" NoelleT "我想要的生活,也是花朵在鏡中的倒影嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1591 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_7717eb97: # NoelleT "If only I get straight As, I'll have a normal relationship with my parents." NoelleT "「如果我考試都考一百分,爸爸媽媽就會喜歡我了。」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1592 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_c5a2ef04: # NoelleT "If only I land a summer internship, I'll have a normal relationship with my parents." NoelleT "「如果我乖乖補習,爸爸媽媽就會喜歡我了。」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1593 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_f0ab0fe3: # NoelleT "If only I become fluent in Chinese, I'll have a normal relationship with my parents." NoelleT "「如果我會說中文,爸爸媽媽就會喜歡我了。」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1594 translate traditional_chinese learningChinese_c7fb61a9: # NoelleT "What if it was never possible from the start, no matter what I did?" NoelleT "但萬一其實不可能呢?萬一我達到了所有要求,他們還是不滿意呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1611 translate traditional_chinese bart_47c3656f: # "That evening, Noelle and her mom make landfall in California." "當天晚上,小諾和媽媽回到了加州。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1614 translate traditional_chinese bart_7f8988fc: # "Instead of driving home from the airport, they take the BART back." "她們把車留在停車場,改搭地鐵回家。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1615 translate traditional_chinese bart_b9355f2a: # "Noelle wrinkles her nose as she inhales the stench of vomit, urine, and cigarettes." "小諾在煙味、尿味和嘔吐物味中艱難的呼吸著。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1617 translate traditional_chinese bart_892512d9: # Noelle "Dad's car is parked at the airport garage. Why not just drive it home?" Noelle "為什麼不開車?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1620 translate traditional_chinese bart_7b858fcc: # Mom "We wouldn't be able to get gas." Mom "油不夠。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1621 translate traditional_chinese bart_10208fff: # Mom "It's not safe for women to pump gas. It's so easy for a criminal to grab you and drive away." Mom "女生晚上加油不安全。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1624 translate traditional_chinese bart_2d19e873: # NoelleT "We live in one of the safest suburbs in the entire U.S...." NoelleT "我們住的地方已經算是非常安全了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1625 translate traditional_chinese bart_1570e66e: # NoelleT "Is that why she always has my dad pump the gas...?" NoelleT "這就是每次都是我爸下車加油的原因嗎……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1628 translate traditional_chinese bart_9e2d8bae: # Mom "Besides, I can't read fast enough." Mom "而且我看路不夠快。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1629 translate traditional_chinese bart_8fb40da0: # Mom "When you're driving on the freeway the signs pass by so quickly." Mom "尤其是上高速的時候,路牌一下就過了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1631 translate traditional_chinese bart_2a2a7e1a: # "Noelle reluctantly sits down on a filthy, worn seat with a suspicious brown stain on it." "小諾忿忿的坐在一張又髒又破,表面還有一塊可疑咖啡色污漬的椅子上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1632 translate traditional_chinese bart_a7c4ed34: # "The conductor mumbles something unintelligible over the intercom as the train stops at a station." "列車到站時,廣播中傳來一陣模糊不清的語音。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1634 translate traditional_chinese bart_86b4f690: # NPC "Six{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} Miss{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}..." NPC "六{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} 小姐{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1635 translate traditional_chinese bart_94b594f8: # "A breathless man enters the train car just in time before the doors shut. His eyes frantically scour its interior." "一個上氣不接下氣的男人在最後一秒衝進了車廂,眼神狂亂的掃視著車內。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1637 translate traditional_chinese bart_e9183b39: # NPC2 "Does this train go to Berkeley?" NPC2 "有到柏克萊嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1639 translate traditional_chinese bart_76390e67: # Noelle "It does not. This is the Fremont train." Noelle "沒有。這是去佛利蒙的車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1641 translate traditional_chinese bart_81635d70: # NPC2 "Shit! I need to get off at the next station!" with sshake NPC2 "該死!我搭錯了!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1642 translate traditional_chinese bart_18ca3991: # "As the train continues onward, Noelle notices a puddle of liquid travelling down the floor." "列車繼續行駛後不久,小諾注意到地上出現了一灘液體,正在隨著車子的擺盪四處流動。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1644 translate traditional_chinese bart_62ca97c1: # NoelleT "What is that? Did someone spill their drink?" NoelleT "是誰的飲料灑了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1648 translate traditional_chinese bart_b61bfe7f: # NPC2 "AAAAAAHH!!!" with sshake NPC2 "噁!!!!!髒死了!!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1650 translate traditional_chinese bart_61caff0d: # NPC2 "FUCKING NASTY! THAT BITCH PEED IN HER SEAT!" with sshake NPC2 "有個婊子在座位上撒尿!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1652 translate traditional_chinese bart_6084cb07: # Noelle "What?!" with sshake Noelle "?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1654 translate traditional_chinese bart_cb6eb07a: # "Disgusted, Noelle recoils and keeps her feet as far as possible from the pee spreading down the floor." "小諾盡可能的縮在座位上,讓自己的雙腳遠離在地板上肆虐的尿液。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1655 translate traditional_chinese bart_536e9b92: # NPC2 "SO FUCKING GROSS!!! FUCKING BITCH!!" with sshake NPC2 "臭婊子!有沒有公德心啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1656 translate traditional_chinese bart_68828a95: # NPC "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} biohazard {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}...Please evacuate {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} at the next station." NPC "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} 生物性 {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}……請在 {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}站下車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1658 translate traditional_chinese bart_132d433f: # Mom "What's he saying?" Mom "他說什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1660 translate traditional_chinese bart_9f4d8e17: # Noelle "The urine is a biohazard. We need to get off the train at the next station." Noelle "有人在車上小便,算是生物性危害。所有乘客請在下一站下車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1670 translate traditional_chinese bart_240351b0: # "Once the doors open, Noelle and her mom hastily drag their luggage off the train and onto the concrete platform." "車門一打開,小諾與媽媽便拖著行李箱衝了下去,踏上水泥建造的月台。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1672 translate traditional_chinese bart_b9bcbe91: # Mom "Maybe we should've driven after all. I didn't know BART was like this." Mom "早知道地鐵這麼髒,我就開車了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1675 translate traditional_chinese bart_363c0ac0: # NoelleT "We're still several stops from our destination." NoelleT "我們離目的地還有好幾站。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1679 translate traditional_chinese bart_a3a8057e: # "Noelle and her mom wait on a bench for the next train home." "小諾與媽媽坐在長椅上,等待下一班列車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1697 translate traditional_chinese bart_3ace1577: # NPC "Nine car train to Fremont in six minutes." NPC "九號車,往佛利蒙。將在六分鐘後抵達。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1699 translate traditional_chinese bart_48d4dc33: # Noelle "Our next train will arrive in six minutes." Noelle "下一班車六分鐘後到。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1702 translate traditional_chinese bart_bae2ca27: # Mom "Okay." Mom "好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1703 translate traditional_chinese bart_49de6cfa: # Mom "Good thing I was here with you, or else I wouldn't know what train to take." Mom "幸好有妳在。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1705 translate traditional_chinese bart_ba019912: # "Exhausted, Noelle stares at the dark line of trees ahead of them. It's cold." "小諾瞪著黑暗中的樹影,只覺得又累又冷。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1707 translate traditional_chinese bart_bc00590b: # Noelle "Why are we here?" Noelle "我們為什麼要來這裡?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1710 translate traditional_chinese bart_7eaf2811: # Mom "Because the hobo lady peed on the floor?" Mom "因為有人在車上撒尿?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1712 translate traditional_chinese bart_d4b9f511: # Noelle "That's not what I mean — Why did you move from Taiwan to America?" Noelle "我不是那個意思。我們為什麼要來美國?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1714 translate traditional_chinese bart_b339999d: # Mom "To give you more opportunities." Mom "為了給妳更好的生活。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1716 translate traditional_chinese bart_4688b4b6: # Noelle "That doesn't make any sense." Noelle "哪裡好?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1717 translate traditional_chinese bart_7800f1f0: # Noelle "Taiwan is superior to the U.S. by every conceivable metric. And it's not even close." Noelle "台灣比美國好太多了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1718 translate traditional_chinese bart_85f0eac8: # Noelle "Taiwan has socialized healthcare, more robust public infrastructure, and one of the lowest poverty rates in the world." Noelle "他們的公共設施、健康保險都很完善,連貧窮指數都是全球數一數二低的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1719 translate traditional_chinese bart_abc39ab5: # Noelle "Americans live shorter lives. Even worse, they're not as good at math and science." Noelle "美國人平均只能活七十多歲,而且數學和科學的造詣也比台灣人差。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1722 translate traditional_chinese bart_f783a11c: # Mom "Taiwan was different in the past. All you see is Taiwan now, but it didn't used to be this way." Mom "妳只看到了一部分而已。台灣以前沒有這麼好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1724 translate traditional_chinese bart_f0d3f5df: # Mom "And America was strong. We were scared China was going to invade Taiwan." Mom "我們當時怕中國會打過來,所以才決定移民美國──美國以前也沒這麼爛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1726 translate traditional_chinese bart_c13b0395: # Noelle "But they didn't." Noelle "可是沒有打。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1727 translate traditional_chinese bart_a9fc7a2b: # Noelle "In all this time that we've lived in America, nothing's happened." Noelle "都好幾年了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1730 translate traditional_chinese bart_a3fe62f9: # Mom "That's true, but it COULD'VE happened." Mom "對。當時大家都以為會打。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1732 translate traditional_chinese bart_82e2b0da: # Noelle "But the plain truth is that it didn't..." Noelle "可是就是沒打啊……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1734 translate traditional_chinese bart_65c77406: # Noelle "You could have just stayed put. I could have grown up in Taiwan like Chun-hua and the rest of my cousins, and everything would have been fine." Noelle "妳不移民,不就沒事了嗎?我還可以多認識春花他們。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1737 translate traditional_chinese bart_eb3cdcbe: # Mom "But we didn't know that." Mom "當時沒有人知道會發生什麼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1738 translate traditional_chinese bart_6029451c: # Mom "You think we had a crystal ball telling us the future?" Mom "妳以為我們是誰?算命仙嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1741 translate traditional_chinese bart_8200a3db: # "Noelle's mom perks up as a train screeches to a stop at the platform." "一輛列車駛進月台,小諾媽媽坐直了身體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1742 translate traditional_chinese bart_e206e660: # NPC "Fruitvale...Dublin-Pleasanton train." NPC "水果谷……都柏林到普萊森頓。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1743 translate traditional_chinese bart_29881684: # Mom "Is this our train?" Mom "是這輛嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1745 translate traditional_chinese bart_b5cf82d9: # Noelle "No, it's not." Noelle "不是。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1748 translate traditional_chinese bart_becd65ed: # "Noelle's mom settles glumly back on the bench." "小諾媽媽又倒回椅子裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1749 translate traditional_chinese bart_75a72200: # Mom "You know how Chun-hua wants to study in America?" Mom "妳知道春花想來念大學嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1751 translate traditional_chinese bart_be8d0937: # Noelle "Yes." Noelle "知道。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1753 translate traditional_chinese bart_2caa2d28: # Mom "I told her not to do it. It's not worth it." Mom "我跟她說不要。不值得。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1754 translate traditional_chinese bart_aeaea803: # Mom "I didn't realize how hard it would be." Mom "太煎熬了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1755 translate traditional_chinese bart_d08b3b97: # Mom "You'll be far from everyone you know." Mom "離家人和朋友那麼遠。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1756 translate traditional_chinese bart_023e68f0: # Mom "And your kids won't understand what you're talking about. You can't communicate with them." Mom "妳的小孩聽不懂妳在說什麼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1757 translate traditional_chinese bart_40556bc9: # Mom "I didn't know that if you have kids in America, your kids will be American." Mom "我不知道妳會變成美國人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1759 translate traditional_chinese bart_c69f2a37: # Noelle "That wasn't obvious to you...?" Noelle "妳不知道……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1761 translate traditional_chinese bart_00d55ada: # Mom "No." Mom "不知道。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1763 translate traditional_chinese bart_390a1bfb: # Noelle "..........." Noelle "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1783 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2101a8c3: # "Noelle waits with her friends for the baseball club meeting to begin." "小諾與朋友們在更衣室等待社團活動開始。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1785 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_e47df87c: # Diya "How was Taiwan?" Diya "台灣好玩嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1787 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_9469f980: # Noelle "It was amazing." Noelle "非常好玩。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1789 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_87b3f0f4: # Noelle "The subway system — it was so punctual and efficient! And the signage was so clear." Noelle "地鐵的到站時間是準的!廣播也不會糊糊的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1790 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_14c6b728: # Noelle "If you ever visit, Diya, you don't have to be afraid of getting lost or not hearing the announcements like you do on BART." Noelle "妳在台灣絕對不會迷路,也不用擔心聽不清楚現在是哪一站。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1791 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_1a5cbf52: # Noelle "Everyone there meticulously organizes their recyclables, too." Noelle "連垃圾分類都超仔細喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1792 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_e79f09cd: # Noelle "If people fail to sort their materials properly, the government will fine them up to $200!" Noelle "如果不做好垃圾分類,最高可處以六千元罰鍰!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1795 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_c256e528: # Min "Wait, they do that in Korea, too!" Min "韓國也要啊!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1797 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_979b22c2: # Noelle "Interesting. Perhaps Korea is more similar to Taiwan than I thought." Noelle "沒想到韓國和台灣竟然這麼像。受教了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1800 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_018c2f88: # Min "I bet Korea did it first, and then Taiwan just stole it." Min "台灣一定是抄我們的啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1802 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_9c5d4812: # Noelle "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT?!" with sshake Noelle "什麼意思?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1805 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_ce3735d5: # "Diya listens with a small smile as Noelle continues extolling the virtues of Taipei's trash-collecting system instead of describing any of the landmarks she visited." "小諾繼續滔滔不絕的讚頌台北的垃圾分類制度,對造訪過的景點隻字未提。迪亞安靜地聽著,嘴角勾起一個小小的微笑。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1807 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2908e156: # Diya "You must've liked it there." Diya "妳很喜歡台灣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1809 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b150e417: # Noelle "You're right, I did..." Noelle "嗯。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1811 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_390a1bfb: # Noelle "..........." Noelle "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1812 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_f75b4bb0: # Noelle "What do you call it when you're grateful for the things your parents have done for you, but at the same time, you feel like they made critical mistakes that'll probably affect you forever?" Noelle "有沒有這樣一個詞……就是……妳雖然很感謝家人對妳的付出,但同時又覺得他們做錯了很多事,甚至耽誤了妳的一生?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1815 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_636dbbe3: # Diya "Isn't that just life?" Diya "這就是人生吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1817 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_a2b1037c: # Noelle "Oh...I suppose it is." Noelle "……好像是欸。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1820 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_425ad0b4: # Akarsha "Dammit, my shoelaces keep coming undone..." Akarsha "討厭,鞋帶一直綁不好……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1822 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_6b469819: # "Noelle glances to her left, where Akarsha is crouched over tying her sneaker laces." "阿卡莎坐在小諾左邊,正彎著腰和鞋帶糾纏不清。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1825 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_7e50042b: # Noelle "WHY HAVE YOU TIED YOUR SHOELACES LIKE THAT?" with sshake Noelle "妳鞋帶為什麼要綁成這樣!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1828 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_1a994118: # Akarsha "This is the Silicon Valley, Frenchman. The land of innovation." Akarsha "矽谷的居民無時無刻追求著突破與創新。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1834 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_ca731640: # Akarsha "Didja get me any souvenirs on your trip?" Akarsha "我的禮物呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1836 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_7f042003: # Noelle "No." Noelle "沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1839 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b96e0bb6: # Akarsha "Huh?! Meanie!" with sshake Akarsha "小氣鬼!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1841 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b496dff3: # Noelle "I didn't get anyone anything. We had limited luggage space." Noelle "行李箱空間有限,我沒辦法買禮物給妳們。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1842 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2955761d: # Noelle "All we brought back were snacks that can't be found here, and dubious beauty products my mom wanted." Noelle "我們只買了這裡沒有的糖果餅乾,還有我媽堅持要買的可疑美容產品。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1845 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_e219e1bf: # Min "Dubious beauty products? Like what? Nail clippers with bombs in them?" Min "可疑美容產品是什麼?會爆炸的指甲刀嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1847 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_70353ee6: # Noelle "Wh...Why would there be nail clippers with bombs with them?" Noelle "為什麼指甲刀會爆炸……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1848 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_3717df20: # Noelle "All I meant was products with questionable value like skin whitening cream." Noelle "我是說美白乳液之類的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1851 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2539354d: # Akarsha "Wait, skin whitening cream? Like, to make your skin lighter?" Akarsha "那種塗了以後,皮膚好像會變亮一點的東西嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1853 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_6436fef6: # Noelle "Yes. Chinese beauty standards are all kinds of messed up." Noelle "對。華人的審美非常詭異。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1854 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b887bd0a: # Noelle "It's been ingrained very deeply into people's minds that the lighter your skin is, the better." Noelle "他們覺得皮膚越白越好看。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1857 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_cd4be691: # Diya "That's just like in India." Diya "跟印度一樣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1859 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_c0456c87: # Akarsha "Yeah, oh my god! I thought it was just a brown thing!" with sshake Akarsha "真的欸!歐買尬,我以為只有我們這樣!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1860 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_099795bd: # Akarsha "You guys have colorism, too?!" Akarsha "原來你們也有膚色歧視!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1862 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_eefe6323: # Noelle "Oh, is it similar in your culture?" Noelle "你們也有嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1865 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_1e150d20: # Akarsha "It's a whole thing! You have NO idea." Akarsha "何止是「有」!妳不懂啦!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1867 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_35c7ba53: # Noelle "I would argue I do have an idea." Noelle "我沒有「不懂」。我的家人就是這樣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1868 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_2a0989b3: # Noelle "My mother even tells me not to spend time outside to avoid getting a tan." Noelle "我媽媽不喜歡我曬太陽。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1871 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_be5aa5cd: # Min "Oh, my mom does that too. They have those dumb as fuck skin creams in Korea, too." Min "我媽也是。韓國也有美白霜。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1873 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_5c13b8a9: # Diya "It's the same." Diya "都差不多。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1875 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_89aed3b3: # Akarsha "It's the same..." Akarsha "真的欸……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1876 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_58c878ae: # Akarsha "Yellow and brown parents...They match just like pee and poo." Akarsha "黃色與棕色人種……卻是半斤八兩……就像糞尿合鳴,相得益髒……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1878 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_6087a304: # Min "What the fuck man..." Min "妳是怎樣……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1880 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_7c22ccaa: # Diya "......." Diya "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1882 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_94911985: # Noelle "Akarsha, have you ever considered not speaking?" Noelle "有時候,不說話也是一種選擇。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1885 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_356cad7f: # Akarsha "How mean! The second I open my mouth, you all jump to slap my balls..." Akarsha "為什麼我只是表達一下,就要被妳們蛋蛋裡挑骨頭……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1888 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_9b40da2d: # Noelle "DO YOU HAVE TO WORD IT LIKE THAT?" with sshake Noelle "妳一定要這樣講話嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1891 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_7ff91a31: # Akarsha "I'm tryin' to use more phrases with the word \"balls\" in it in my normal conversations." Akarsha "我只是想在對話裡加入「蛋」這個字。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1893 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_353387f1: # Noelle "WHY?" with sshake Noelle "為什麼?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1895 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_c1876825: # Akarsha "I dunno, I just think it'll add more flavor." Akarsha "滋味更濃郁。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1900 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_b7583191: # Chryssa "[teamName!t], assemble!" Chryssa "[teamName!t],集合!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1904 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_95ebc84f: # "Team Global Warming gathers around Chryssa and Liz as they begin the meeting." "「溫室效應」聚集在克莉莎與麗姿身邊,社團活動開始了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1906 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_ab589fe8: # "The [teamName!t] gather around Chryssa and Liz as they begin the meeting." "[teamName!t]聚集到克莉莎和麗姿身邊,社團活動開始了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1908 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_518b0760: # Liz "So we've got good news and bad news." Liz "我們有一個好消息,一個壞消息。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1910 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_58320184: # Liz "Good news, we have a game today!" Liz "好消息是:今天有比賽可以打!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1912 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_a21e8394: # Chryssa "Bad news...It's just the Niles baseball team again." Chryssa "壞消息是:對手又是Niles高中。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1914 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_d440792d: # Chryssa "They're the only ones who would play us again." Chryssa "因為願意跟我們打的只剩下他們了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1916 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_99b6b4de: # NoelleT "Ah...That's not surprising." NoelleT "我想也是……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1917 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_c9181b58: # NoelleT "We either win by pulling some weird shenanigans, or lose so badly we get mercied. There's no in between." NoelleT "我們的比賽只有兩種結果:使用奇怪的方法獲勝,或著因為輸得太慘,反而被對方放水。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1918 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_02131438: # NoelleT "So most teams we play aren't exactly eager for a rematch." NoelleT "大多數球隊都不想再碰到我們。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1921 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_a4cc652f: # Chryssa "We had to swear up and down you guys would be normal this time." Chryssa "我和麗姿已經跟對方保證過:這次絕對會好好打。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1929 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_af531837: # Chryssa "So y'all better not be weird." Chryssa "請各位正常一點,謝謝。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1931 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_9f4e11a3: # Sayeeda "Alright, we yakusoku..." Sayeeda "好啦,我們跟妳雅哭縮哭……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1933 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_246d4373: # Chryssa "What?????" with sshake Chryssa "嗄?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:1935 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_c2d4ae68: # Sayeeda "That's how you say \"promise\" in Nihongo...a.k.a Japanese." Sayeeda "那是「約定」的泥鬨枸……也就是日文啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1937 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_d3d1d5c1: # Chryssa ".............." Chryssa "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1939 translate traditional_chinese noelleAndDiyaTalk_ce0e5f8a: # Liz "Is everyone ready to go? The other team got here early." Liz "大家準備好了嗎?他們已經到了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1946 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d717f479: # "Team Global Warming walks over to the field, where the Killer Whales are already warming up." "「溫室效應」走向球場,殺人鯨正在熱身。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1948 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6c126f71: # "The [teamName!t] walk over to the field, where the Killer Whales are already warming up." "[teamName!t]走向球場,殺人鯨正在熱身。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1951 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_af623903: # Liz "Thanks for being willing to play us again, guys." Liz "謝謝你們來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1953 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_bb8be621: # Jun "No problem. Time for our revenge!" Jun "不用客氣,因為我們是來報仇的!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1955 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_accbd671: # Min "Yeah, right. We destroyed you guys last time." Min "好啊,試試看啊。上次被打趴下的不知道是誰。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1957 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d0c0c25b: # Hayden "Well, that was before our secret weapon joined the team." Hayden "這次我們有秘密武器!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1959 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_01bb9964: # Noelle "Secret weapon?" Noelle "秘密武器?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1962 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5d69a820: # Hayden "We got a new guy who's pretty good." Hayden "一個超級新人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1964 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b0c5aa2a: # Min "Oh yeah? Where is he?" Min "在哪?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1966 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8ddc8232: # "Jun-seo and Hayden look around amongst their teammates, but as the seconds pass, their faces grow more and more alarmed." "俊瑞和海登四下張望了一會,臉色越來越難看。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1968 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c74c16da: # Jun "...I'm actually not sure..." Jun "……我不太確定欸……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1970 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b6869956: # Hayden "Maybe he got lost on his way driving here?" Hayden "他不會迷路了吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1972 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c08369eb: # Jun "Yeah, that seems typical of him." Jun "很像他會做的事。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1974 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_db4934b1: # Chryssa "It's fine, we can wait a few minutes for him to show up." Chryssa "沒關係,我們可以等他一下。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1986 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_233dc295: # NoelleT "No one came..." NoelleT "還是沒有人來……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1987 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a6fc3213: # NoelleT "He's decidedly late at this point." NoelleT "他是真的遲到了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1990 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_bfba6850: # Hayden "I can't believe this. Where the heck could he be??" Hayden "怎麼會這樣!他跑到哪裡去了?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1992 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5ed7a60f: # Jun "Did you try calling him?" Jun "你打過他手機了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1994 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_319f79e5: # Hayden "He didn't pick up." Hayden "沒接。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1996 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_be28f624: # Akarsha "Well, it's not like he can answer the phone if he's driving." Akarsha "如果他在開車,是不能接。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1998 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_75b6c662: # Min "You guys are pathetic. Making up some guy to blame your loss on..." Min "不認輸就算了,還把錯推到一個瞎掰出來的人身上。真可悲……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2001 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_af493ae0: # Hayden "We're not making him up! He's real!" with sshake Hayden "我們沒有瞎掰!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2003 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_07dcb557: # Jun "And we didn't lose yet?? Stop jumping to conclusions..." Jun "我們也還沒有輸。不要妄下結論好不好……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2005 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_56dd154b: # Liz "Is it okay if we start playing without him? If he turns up later, he can join the game then." Liz "我們可以先開始嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2007 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_619812bb: # Hayden "Yeah, sure..." Hayden "可以……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2011 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ea5f4cce: # "As the Killer Whales file into the dugout, Noelle starts trekking to her spot in right field." "殺人鯨回到選手席,小諾往自己的位置──右外野走去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2012 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_45e8a907: # "She scowls disdainfully at a barren patch of grass as she passes it." "經過一小塊枯萎的草皮時,她不屑的嗤了一聲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2014 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_59a51932: # NoelleT "Chryssa likes pointing to that tiny patch and going, \"I'll defend that area, so you cover the rest of the field, okay?\"" NoelleT "克莉莎喜歡指著那塊草皮說:「我守這一塊,其他的就交給妳了!」" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2015 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_15466dc4: # NoelleT "I hope that grass grows back soon so I don't have to keep hearing that joke." NoelleT "希望草快點長出來,我就可以從這個笑話中解脫了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2018 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_affc8881: # Chryssa "Hey, wait!" Chryssa "等一下!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2019 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_2ec9bbef: # Chryssa "Noelle, you're playing second base today." Chryssa "小諾,妳守二壘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2021 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8b4b9de4: # Noelle "I am? Why?" Noelle "為什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2024 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6037e5ac: # Min "Yeah, why?! She ducks and covers whenever the ball comes her way." Min "對啊,為什麼?她都不接球,只會躲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2026 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ab22d8a9: # Chryssa "That's exactly why she needs to do it." Chryssa "這就是原因。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2028 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9cc6f159: # Chryssa "I'm taking AP Psych and I found out there's something called exposure therapy." Chryssa "我最近在上AP心理學的課,發現有個叫暴露療法的東西。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2029 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_2d491124: # Chryssa "It's where you make someone do something they're afraid of until they stop whining and get used to it." Chryssa "就是把某人丟到他討厭的環境裡,直到他被嚇習慣為止。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2031 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_430e7e94: # Noelle "That doesn't sound like the textbook definition to me..." Noelle "我查到的意思好像不太一樣……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2034 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_808b02f3: # Liz "Chryssa, then how come when we went on that Demon ride at Great America, you had your eyes closed the whole time?" Liz "那為什麼我們去大美洲主題公園的時候,妳在雲霄飛車上都閉著眼睛呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2037 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e309a70b: # Chryssa "That was before I knew what exposure therapy was." Chryssa "因為當時的我還不知道有這個療法。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2039 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_0de36037: # Liz "Uh huh." Liz "好喔─" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2047 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_318872da: # Ester "Wait, but I was second base. What happens to me then?" Ester "那我怎麼辦?我以前是二壘的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2049 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_499298bd: # Chryssa "You're playing left field now because you run fast." Chryssa "妳跑得很快,去左外野吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2051 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8879edc0: # Liz "We're moving a whole bunch of people around, not just you two." Liz "我們把大部分的人都換了位置。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2053 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9dd64b36: # Liz "Chryssa thinks she's a mega mind master now because of AP Psychology." Liz "因為克莉莎想要展現她在AP心理學上驚人的造詣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2055 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3d1a1697: # Chryssa "Hey, I never said that!" with sshake Chryssa "我哪有!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2065 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d7daed7e: # "Noelle begins trekking to second base." "小諾往二壘走去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2067 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_89bdce0a: # NoelleT "I do feel a bit better equipped to man second base now than I did when I was first roped into this club." NoelleT "比起剛加入的時候,至少現在我比較有自信能守住二壘了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2068 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_78a78b8d: # NoelleT "I don't like to appear under-informed, so a bit after our first game, I read the baseball rulebook from cover to cover." NoelleT "在第一場比賽結束後,我把棒球規則書完整讀了一遍。現在我至少知道棒球到底在做什麼了。雖然如此……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2070 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_06e1bd2b: # NoelleT "Still, I really hope no one hits the ball my way..." NoelleT "希望球不要來我這裡……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2072 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c88df796: # "To her surprise, Akarsha is already standing by second base." "小諾發現阿卡莎竟然也站在二壘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2074 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1ada6983: # Akarsha "Bonjour!" Akarsha "繃糾!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2076 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fb84412c: # Noelle "Why are you here?" Noelle "妳在這裡幹嘛?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2078 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8602d225: # Akarsha "I'm the shortstop? I'm supposed to be here." Akarsha "游擊手本來就站在這裡啊?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2080 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7ccd3524: # Noelle "What...? Aren't you supposed to be closer to third base?" Noelle "游擊手不是應該站在三壘附近嗎……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2083 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d776b926: # Akarsha "Says who?" Akarsha "誰說的?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2085 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fb73bc02: # Noelle "The diagram in the baseball rulebook." Noelle "規則書的示意圖說的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2088 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e3f00d7d: # Chryssa "Nah, the shortstop's position mirrors the second baseman's." Chryssa "規則書是死的啦。游擊手和二野手的位置是相對的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2089 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e31389ce: # Chryssa "You're supposed to work together and vary your positioning to anticipate what the batters and runner do, you know." Chryssa "妳們要通力合作,預測並配合打者和跑者的行為,調整彼此的位置。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2092 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a030c214: # Akarsha "See?" Akarsha "妳看吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2094 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_04355e42: # Noelle "R-right, I knew that..." Noelle "這、這些我知道……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2095 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_eaf3f793: # Noelle "So we're both covering the same base? Won't that make things unnecessarily confusing?" Noelle "我們一定要合守一個壘包嗎?這樣不會很亂嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2098 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_23875752: # Liz "You're like a duo! It's a good thing." Liz "不會啦!妳們可以的!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2100 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_58295497: # Akarsha "Yah, we should negotiate who does what in different situations." Akarsha "我們可以先討論一下戰略。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2102 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_318273e6: # Noelle "Alright, fine." Noelle "好吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2105 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c65a3874: # Akarsha "How about you cover second when there's a runner on first?" Akarsha "如果跑者在一壘,妳就守二壘怎麼樣?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2106 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b9228b88: # Akarsha "And field the ground balls close to us?" Akarsha "同時撿個球?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2107 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_204043b1: # Akarsha "And also take care of the fly balls?" Akarsha "再順便接個球?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2110 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_98314622: # Noelle "You're just trying to get out of doing as much work as possible!" with sshake Noelle "妳只是不想做事而已吧!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2113 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ff24f9d6: # "The game kicks off and to her relief, Min quickly strikes out the first batter." "比賽開始了。看見小旼瞬間三振了第一位打者後,小諾鬆了一口氣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2115 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_bf54468a: # Chryssa "Good! Just do that two more times and we get to bat!" Chryssa "很好!再保持兩次,我們就可以打球了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2118 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_871dbd15: # "Hayden digs into the batter's box next." "海登走上打擊區。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2121 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8a46e771: # "Min throws a floater that curves up toward his head for a moment before dropping back toward the strike zone." "小旼投出一計蝴蝶球,球旋轉著朝海登的頭飛去,然後往好球帶下墜。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2125 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3f0e0dd9: # Hayden "Agh!" with sshake Hayden "哇啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2126 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c8e93728: # "Instead of swinging, Hayden flinches backward out of the way." "海登向後躲開,失去了打擊的機會。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2128 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ae3a7ccb: # NPC "Strike!" NPC "好球!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2130 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d5e2bd38: # Min "What's with you?" Min "你吃錯藥啦?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2132 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_40801853: # Hayden "Nothing! I'm just making sure I don't get hit in the mouth." Hayden "沒有!我只是不想被打到嘴吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2133 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ca571f51: # Hayden "I had a dream last night that my teeth were falling out." Hayden "我昨天做了一個牙齒掉光的夢。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2135 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_2018ae71: # Min "THAT'S what you wasted your dream on?" Min "不要亂做夢好嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2138 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ce4a859d: # Hayden "It's not like I can control what I dream about!" with sshake Hayden "我又不是故意的!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2142 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6e010d6c: # "Min hurls another pitch his way, but instead of dancing like usual, it pretty much just sails straight down the middle." "小旼再度投出一球,但是這一球沒有亂飄,反而朝好球帶中央飛去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2145 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fa268a64: # Hayden "Rragh!" with sshake Hayden "喝啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2148 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8b70a650: # "Hayden manages to make contact and drives the ball into grass!" "海登的球棒觸到了球,球落在了草皮上!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2150 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_20995010: # "It bounces into the air and for one singularly terrifying moment, Noelle sees it coming straight at her!" "地面的彈力將球帶起,小諾驚恐的發現,球朝自己的方向飛過來了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2153 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_88ebf947: # NoelleT "Egad!!! I hate ground balls!" with sshake NoelleT "我最討厭滾地球了!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2155 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3e486a7f: # "Noelle covers her face with one arm and half-heartedly attempts to catch the ball with the other." "小諾用一隻手護住臉,另一隻手要接不接的伸向球的方向。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2156 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_194669ac: # "She braces for impact, but nothing hits her." "她做好了要被打到的準備,但球卻遲遲沒有來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2159 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f32a8e76: # "On the mound, Min managed to intercept the ball by catching it behind her back without looking at it." "投手丘上的小旼將手伸到背後,攔截了這顆球。她甚至沒有看球一眼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2161 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3b71d0de: # Diya "!" Diya "!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2163 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c58a5349: # Min "Whoa!!" with sshake Min "哇!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2164 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8695b3f5: # "Even Min herself looks shocked that she caught it." "小旼似乎也很驚訝自己接到了球。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2166 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1fa088a2: # Liz "Just because it's cool doesn't mean he's out!! Throw it to first!" with sshake Liz "對!很帥!可是他還沒出局啊!球給我!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2172 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d1e1c629: # "Min hastily lobs the ball to Liz. It just barely beats Hayden to first base." "小旼連忙將球投給麗姿──海登差一點就得逞了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2173 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1d3f7afe: # NPC "Out!" NPC "出局!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2175 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_923d57ad: # Hayden "Aw man..." Hayden "不要啦……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2177 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8f15fc3e: # NoelleT "That was close!" NoelleT "太驚險了吧!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2181 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7ee8108a: # "As Hayden heads back to the dugout in defeat, there's a distant shout." "當海登垂頭喪氣的走回選手席的時候,遠方傳來了一聲叫喊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2184 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a220ac6a: # Subzero "Sorry I'm late!" with sshake Subzero "對不起,我遲到了!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2186 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f87f174a: # "Some guy is sprinting down the hill to the Killer Whales at top speed." "一個男生從草坡上跑下來,全速衝向殺人鯨的隊伍。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2187 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_cf07a77e: # Subzero "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Subzero "抱歉!抱歉!抱歉!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2189 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_48100882: # Jun "Subhaan!" Jun "薩布漢!!!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2192 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6efc6afe: # Hayden "WHERE WERE YOU???" with sshake Hayden "你跑到哪裡去了?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2194 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_0307e00b: # "The Killer Whale player sighs despondently as he joins his teammates." "殺人鯨隊員紛紛發出抱怨。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2196 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f349de2e: # Subzero "I was driving over when all of a sudden a spider crawled up my leg..." Subzero "我開車過來的途中,發現腿上有一隻蜘蛛……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2197 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3f0d10a4: # Subzero "So obviously I crashed the car." Subzero "所以只能車禍了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2200 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a08948c4: # Hayden "\"Obviously\"?!" with sshake Hayden "「只能」車禍?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2202 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9e1ad3d2: # Jun "Are you okay...?" Jun "你沒怎麼樣吧……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2204 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f3cc40a7: # Subzero "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just knocked a street sign over." Subzero "沒事啦。我撞倒了一個路標。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2206 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_392170eb: # Noelle "Isn't that a crime...?" Noelle "你犯法了喔……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2209 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_aafba3c2: # Chryssa "How big was the spider?" Chryssa "多大的蜘蛛?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2211 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1e42c6f6: # Subzero "Like this big." Subzero "這麼大。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2212 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_81031611: # "He pinches his thumb and index finger together to demonstrate." "薩布漢用食指和拇指模擬蜘蛛的大小。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2214 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1d7cfe36: # Diya "So small." Diya "這麼小。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2216 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_512daaa1: # Subzero "But it was all hairy! So practically speaking, it was equivalent to a spider twice as big." Subzero "可是牠有毛!有毛要乘以二!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2218 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5513c55e: # Akarsha "Even if it WAS twice as big, isn't crashing kinda an overreaction?" Akarsha "可是這樣就出車禍,不會有點誇張嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2220 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9ba0838f: # Subzero "No?" Subzero "哪有?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2222 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5709f834: # Hayden "Whatever...Just get up to bat already, it's your turn." Hayden "隨便啦……該你了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2224 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1afe3449: # NoelleT "This guy seems like a coward." NoelleT "他給人的感覺很膽小。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2225 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_78cdbf7d: # NoelleT "I wonder what makes him their secret weapon." NoelleT "殺人鯨為什麼會把他當作秘密武器呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2229 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_acb102f3: # "Subhaan digs in behind home plate." "薩布漢走上本壘後方。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2235 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1d5abcf2: # NoelleT "He's standing on the other side of the plate. He must be left-handed." NoelleT "他站在另一側,代表他是左撇子。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2240 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5ea71c07: # "Min hurls her next pitch, and the batter shifts into a bunting stance at the last second." "小旼投出一球,薩布漢看著球飛向他,在最後一秒使用了觸擊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2242 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_186cc111: # NoelleT "He's not even going to try to hit it?" NoelleT "他不打嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2249 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1ddb3377: # "He starts to run toward first base as the ball glances off his bat, sending the baseball bouncing toward Liz!" "球觸到球棒,輕輕往麗姿的方向彈去。薩布漢衝向一壘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2250 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a1528611: # "She's forced to rush forward to field it, leaving first base unmanned." "麗姿只能被迫放棄一壘的守備,跑上前接球。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2252 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5841df64: # Liz "I got it!" Liz "我接到了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2255 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7db9cca2: # "By the time she's scooped the ball up, Subhaan is well on his way to first base." "但此時薩布漢已經快要抵達一壘了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2257 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b64fe06d: # NoelleT "He's fast!" NoelleT "他跑得好快!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2261 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_14c3565a: # Akarsha "FRANCE!! Frenchman!" with sshake Akarsha "地球呼叫法國!法國佬!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2263 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_08df816b: # Noelle "Oh, I need to cover first base since Liz isn't there!" Noelle "麗姿被支開了,我必須守住一壘!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2267 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e04a6425: # "Noelle belatedly runs toward the base so Liz can throw the ball to her, but Subhaan beats her there." "小諾慢了好幾拍才起跑,讓麗姿能把球投給她──但是已經來不及了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2268 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3eee0d07: # "The Killer Whales cheer as Subhaan overruns the base." "薩布漢衝過一壘,殺人鯨隊員興奮的叫喊著。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2270 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d60dd4fe: # Hayden "Yeah!! Sub-Zero!!" Hayden "好耶!!零度旋風!!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2272 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f97c1bf1: # Noelle "...Sub-Zero??" Noelle "……零度旋風?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2276 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_30bcda89: # Subzero "That's me. They call me Sub-Zero 'cause I'm so cool." Subzero "我的稱號。因為我超酷。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2278 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4af270d1: # Akarsha "Huh?? No fair, I want a badass nickname, too." Akarsha "嗄──人家也想要酷酷的稱號。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2280 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_85c5bf2f: # Noelle "Oh, please. Like what?" Noelle "饒了我吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2283 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_342b192b: # Akarsha "Like...Sub-Zero." Akarsha "零度旋風之類的……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2286 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4cc0e5a7: # Noelle "You're just going to copy him?!" with sshake Noelle "妳還直接抄別人的?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2289 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3e3404df: # "Sayeeda shakes her head as Sub-Zero basks under his teammates' praise." "薩依達看著沐浴在讚嘆聲中的零度旋風,搖了搖頭。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2291 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_5ce3ecd5: # Sayeeda "Tch. Who the heck bunts to get on base?" Sayeeda "嘖嘖嘖。竟然為了上壘就不好好打球。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2293 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c129fd27: # Chryssa "I mean, if you're fast, it's doable." Chryssa "如果跑得夠快,也不是不行啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2294 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7e7957a9: # Chryssa "Lefties have a huge advantage when bunting, too, because they’re already two steps ahead of where righty batters are when they lay down the bunt." Chryssa "更何況,左撇子打者還有站位優勢。他們的站位比右撇子打者超前兩步,觸擊之後可以大大領先。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2296 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c9c818ee: # Grace "That's so cheap!" Grace "太卑鄙了吧!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2298 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_da2f86f8: # Liz "Well, that's the essence of baseball, no? Cheating and being cheap." Liz "這就是棒球的醍醐味啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2300 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_0dbe6aac: # Grace "I thought the essence of baseball was friendship and teamwork." Grace "我以為是友情還有團隊合作之類的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2302 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1f8a4079: # Liz "Oh, yes, that too." Liz "嗯、啊,對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2306 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_96e6e585: # "Jun-seo is up to bat next." "輪到俊瑞打擊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2308 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e40e6439: # "He swings at the pitch! The knuckleball suddenly swerves outward as if sensing the bat, dodging it entirely." "俊瑞揮出一棒!但蝴蝶球卻像預知了他的動作,完美的飄開了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2310 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fe50a586: # Jun "Uogh??" with sshake Jun "嗚喔?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2312 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7af3c61f: # Diya "?!" with sshake Diya "?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2314 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_42eb9ec6: # "Diya misses the ball by a mile, too. She rips her mask off and chases after it." "迪亞也沒有接到。她摘下面罩,追了上去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2318 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_706587fa: # Subzero "Yaaaa!!!" with sshake Subzero "呀呀呀呀!!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2320 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b6f0a8ce: # "Subzero takes off running toward second base!" "零度旋風衝向二壘!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2322 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8f9833f9: # NoelleT "He's taking the chance to steal! I need to tag him out!" NoelleT "他要盜壘了!我得想辦法阻止他!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2325 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9251d623: # "Diya secures the ball and throws it to Akarsha." "迪亞撿到了球,投給阿卡沙。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2327 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_45dd1e99: # Akarsha "Got it!" Akarsha "我接到了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2329 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1cb03fa0: # NoelleT "...Never mind, looks like Akarsha's supposed to cover second base here." NoelleT "……當我沒說。阿卡莎已經在處理了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2332 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b19bd583: # "Sub-Zero skids to a halt halfway between the bases." "零度旋風在兩個壘包之間緊急煞車。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2333 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_43c2b153: # Subzero "Oh no!" Subzero "糟!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2335 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_cd73d370: # NoelleT "Because it was his choice to run, we need to actually tag him with the ball!" NoelleT "他已經開始跑壘,我們得用持球手或手套觸殺他才行!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2339 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_2d2ad222: # "Akarsha charges toward him, and Sub-Zero turns around and flees back toward first base." "阿卡莎朝薩布漢跑去,後者轉身逃向一壘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2341 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_bc762fda: # Liz "Throw it to me!" with sshake Liz "球給我!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2343 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_714d0a93: # Akarsha "Hrah!" with sshake Akarsha "喝啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2345 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d854464e: # "Akarsha lobs the ball over, and Liz tags him out." "阿卡莎將球投給麗姿,薩布漢被成功觸殺。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2347 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d13424fc: # Subzero "Noooo..." Subzero "不──!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2349 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_391ce888: # Chryssa "Nice one, Akarsha!" Chryssa "丟得好,阿卡莎!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2351 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e0803930: # Akarsha "...Akarsha? Who's that?" Akarsha "……阿卡莎是誰?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2353 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6fbdb0e1: # Min "You???" Min "妳啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2355 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_7947b875: # Akarsha "I dunno what you're talking about." Akarsha "我不知道妳在說什麼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2357 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fa2e7398: # Akarsha "My name.........is Sub-Zero." Akarsha "我乃……零度旋風。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2359 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f482f82c: # Noelle "NO, IT'S NOT." Noelle "並不是。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2364 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3e0f5d3a: # "The teams switch sides." "兩隊交換位置。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2366 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e4097cc1: # "As Noelle crosses the field, she's struck with a peculiar awareness of where she is." "小諾穿過球場時,一股奇異的感受忽然席捲了她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2369 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_2052ad61: # NoelleT "Barely a day ago, I was on the opposite side of the planet." NoelleT "幾個小時之前,我還在地球的另一端。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2370 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d3a50ce6: # NoelleT "I was in Taiwan, where the garbage trucks sing Beethoven's Fur Elise while collecting the trash." NoelleT "我在一個叫做台灣的地方。那裡的垃圾車會唱貝多芬的「給愛麗絲」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2371 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_6fd10809: # NoelleT "And now I'm here, playing baseball. I'm wearing a little cap, sweating, and running on grass." NoelleT "幾個小時候,我在美國打棒球。我戴著帽子、滿身大汗、在草地上狂奔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2372 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f31d8a15: # NoelleT "Why am I here? It's a mistake that I'm here." NoelleT "我為什麼會在這裡?這一切都錯了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2375 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_263d6aac: # Akarsha "Hello? Earth to Frenchman?" Akarsha "地球呼叫法國佬?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2377 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9d73f57c: # Noelle "What?" Noelle "什麼事?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2380 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f8755736: # Akarsha "You didn't hear a thing I said, huh?" Akarsha "我剛剛講話妳都沒在聽,對不對?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2382 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1819900f: # Noelle "My apologies. What was it?" Noelle "我很抱歉,請再說一遍,好嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2385 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_325fbebf: # Akarsha "I said, it's hot as balls out here!" Akarsha "我說:今天真的好熱,我的蛋黃都要凝固了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2388 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_94c398d4: # NoelleT "Not this again!" with sshake NoelleT "又來了!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2397 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e7d358d8: # Akarsha "So what were you so lost in thought about?" Akarsha "妳在想什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2399 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e4bd9845: # Noelle "Nothing really..." Noelle "沒什麼……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2401 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fe31d49c: # Noelle "It's just strange knowing I would've led a completely different life if my parents had stayed in Taiwan." Noelle "我只是覺得:如果當初我的父母決定留在台灣,我會擁有截然不同的人生。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2402 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_575cb57f: # Noelle "I would've been someone who was close to her family. Someone who wasn't ignorant of her own culture." Noelle "我可以認識所有的親戚。我可以更了解自己的文化。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2403 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_660b8b31: # Noelle "Maybe I would have been a better person." Noelle "我可能可以成為更好的人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2406 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_bdf77e96: # Akarsha "Aw, I like you the way you are, though." Akarsha "是喔……我覺得妳現在就很好啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2407 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_06231839: # Akarsha "And if your parents didn't move, we would never have met." Akarsha "而且那樣我就見不到妳了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2409 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a6c74c14: # Noelle "Of course, because obviously that makes up for everything." Noelle "是啊,怎麼可以見不到偉大的妳呢。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2412 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_74df4f6a: # "Akarsha grins, and the inside of Noelle's palm prickles." "阿卡莎得意的笑了笑,小諾忽然感到掌心發癢。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2414 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_9fc2ed2b: # NoelleT "This is so peculiar..." NoelleT "好奇怪的感覺……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2417 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_80920e3f: # NoelleT "Is this what extreme anger feels like? But right now I'm only pretending to be annoyed for comedic effect." NoelleT "我太生氣了嗎?可是我沒有生氣啊……我只是假裝生氣而已。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2420 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a12a6390: # "The sensation is so unbearable, she wants to scratch at it until it goes away." "癢癢的感覺揮之不去,小諾好想把手伸到皮膚底下去抓。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2422 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_b929d730: # Akarsha "I mean, you went there on vacation. You're probably looking at it through rose-colored glasses." Akarsha "妳是以觀光客的身分去的,可能只看到了它最美好的一面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2423 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4a3ed1dc: # Akarsha "They probably have tons of struggles over there that you're clueless about." Akarsha "他們私底下可能也是有苦說不出。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2426 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a4d36cb3: # Noelle "Even so, the standard of living there is on an entirely different level." Noelle "可是那裡的生活水平真的很高。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2427 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_46f03f1f: # Noelle "This is backed up by actual statistics, not just my personal opinions." Noelle "這是有資料佐證的,不是我自己覺得而已。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2430 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_77d09199: # Akarsha "I dunno, man. It's not good to wallow too long in self-pity." Akarsha "這個嘛。該怎麼說,不要想太多比較好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2431 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_324f2e1a: # Akarsha "Or else you'll get lost in the sauce." Akarsha "不然妳會被淹沒。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2433 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ba99b620: # Noelle "...The sauce? What sauce?" Noelle "……淹沒?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2436 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_44d441bb: # Akarsha "It's a metaphor for being out of touch with reality." Akarsha "這是一種比喻啦。形容因為想太多,所以思考逐漸脫離了現實。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2437 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_306d22bf: # Akarsha "But I like to imagine barbeque sauce." Akarsha "個人是滿想要被烤肉醬淹沒。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2442 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ed0b524b: # Diya "!" with sshake Diya "!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2445 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8a49b694: # "The rest of Team Global Warming erupts in cheers as Diya bats Chryssa in." "迪亞打擊出去,克莉莎得以上場。「溫室效應」發出歡聲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2447 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_98a4313f: # "The rest of the [teamName!t] cheer as Diya bats Chryssa in." "迪亞打擊出去,克莉莎得以上場。[teamName!t]發出歡聲。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2449 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_195068aa: # Noelle "Oh, they're not just walking Diya like last game?" Noelle "他們不故意四壞了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2452 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4283262a: # Min "I told Jun I'd shave his hair off in his sleep if he did that again, cuz it's not fun for Diya." Min "迪亞覺得要打球才好玩,所以我跟阿俊說:如果這次再故意四壞,我就趁他睡覺的時候把他剃成光頭。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2454 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fb15307d: # Liz "Who's up next?" Liz "下一棒是誰?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2456 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_8286a549: # Akarsha "Me! Time to unveil my special technique!" Akarsha "我要發動我的技能!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2462 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_69a29daf: # Chryssa "Wait, she better not be trying that \"getting hit on purpose\" thing again!" Chryssa "等等等,妳該不會又要用「故意被球打到」那招吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2471 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_29506556: # "Oblivious, Junseo throws a fastball to Akarsha." "阿俊投出一個高速球,顯然已經忘了阿卡莎的程度在哪裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2478 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_c2dff6d7: # "Akarsha leans in to the pitch, causing the ball bounce off her elbow guard." with sshake "阿卡莎迎球而上,球打到了她的手肘護具。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2480 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_e2d7c03b: # Akarsha "Hahah! Free walk to first base!" Akarsha "哇哈哈!免費上一壘囉!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2482 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_79496d3b: # Hayden "Huh?! You can't do that on purpose!" with sshake Hayden "故意的不算!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2485 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d6d33357: # "The guy on the Niles team who's serving as their umpire pages through his rulebook, lost." "殺人鯨隊的裁判茫然的翻著規則書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2486 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4f3b7e35: # NPC "Uh...Does it say that in the rules?" NPC "裡面有寫嗎……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2488 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_47c12eef: # Noelle "Actually, it's not relevant whether Akarsha caused the ball to hit her or not." Noelle "其實,是不是故意的都無所謂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2489 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_40c7a0ca: # Noelle "Per rule 2, section 40 of the NFHS rulebook:\nThere is no distinction between the act of touching or by being touched." Noelle "全美洲立高中協會規則書:規則二‧第四十章:無須判定球是否在刻意情況下接觸到打者。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2493 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_138f4e6f: # Jun "Seriously?!" Jun "真的假的?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2495 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_da366057: # Akarsha "Thank you, baseball lawyer! Muah!!" Akarsha "讚嘆規則律師!愛妳喔!!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2497 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_d6b7f939: # NoelleT "Actually, just last summer Rule 7-3-4 was added, stating that the batter shall not permit a pitched ball to touch him." NoelleT "其實,去年夏天新增了規則7-3-4,明文規定打者不能故意讓投出的球觸碰到自己。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2499 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_dee76808: # NoelleT "But it's not really my job to remind them to update their rulebook." NoelleT "可是我沒有義務提醒對方這一點。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2502 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_98f9c23d: # Hayden "But...but still, that's not fair!" Hayden "可是……可是這樣不公平!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2504 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_83e52db9: # Akarsha "You may not like it, but this is what peak baseball looks like." Akarsha "那些都不重要,直面棒球最真實的姿態吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2505 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1a5a2166: # Akarsha "Even the Major League Baseball logo is a guy getting hit by the pitch." Akarsha "你沒發現嗎?大聯盟的LOGO就是一個快要被球打到的人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2507 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3c03b931: # Jun "Wha...what're you talking about?" Jun "妳……妳說什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2508 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4fe9f404: # Jun "It's a guy swinging at the ball." Jun "那不是一個要揮棒的人嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2513 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_2f970d5d: # Akarsha "No, really picture it." Akarsha "你們看嘛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2514 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_3ec6b31c: # Akarsha "The ball is too high up, and look how close to him it is." Akarsha "這個球位置太高了,而且還離他那麼近。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2515 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_02d478a7: # Akarsha "It's too late, there's no way he's gonna be able to hit it in time." Akarsha "現在揮棒已經來不及了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2516 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_67117a2f: # Akarsha "It's a guy who's about to get beaned." Akarsha "所以這是一個要被球打到的人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2518 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4399bdb8: # Hayden "No way..." Hayden "不會吧……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2520 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_fa30c941: # Min "She's right...It really is a guy about to get hit..." Min "真的欸……是一個要被球打到的人……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2522 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_ac464593: # Akarsha "I rest my case." Akarsha "大勢已定。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2527 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_0f5b5118: # "Akarsha jogs to first base, victorious." "阿卡莎邁著勝利的步伐跑遠了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2530 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_082463b5: # NoelleT "Alright. I'm up next." NoelleT "下一棒是我。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2532 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_a32ee002: # NoelleT "There's already two outs. I'd better not strike out." NoelleT "已經有兩個人出局了,我得好好表現才行。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2534 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_33df877c: # NoelleT "But on the bright side, Diya and Akarsha are both on-base. If I can somehow hit this, we could end this inning with a massive lead." NoelleT "以樂觀的角度來看:現在迪亞和阿卡莎都在壘,如果我能打到這一球,我們就大幅領先了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2538 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_913fd05a: # "Noelle swiftly strikes out, missing by a mile with each swing." "小諾一棒接一棒的打擊,一棒接一棒的落空。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2540 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_bc97374c: # Noelle "Drat! I blew it." Noelle "討厭!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2543 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_4977758a: # Liz "There, there..." Liz "不要難過唷。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2547 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_967db250: # Chryssa "Did you try? Yes. But did you fail? Also yes." Chryssa "妳努力了過了,也失敗過了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2549 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_f8a84a82: # Chryssa "Wait, I think I said those in the wrong order." Chryssa "我好像講反了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2552 translate traditional_chinese baseballGame_1f09e3b2: # Noelle "Forget the order! Why mention me failing at all?!" with sshake Noelle "有什麼區別嗎?還不都是在強調我失敗了?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2563 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_3e0f5d3a: # "The teams switch sides." "兩隊交換位置。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2565 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_7c486282: # "As Noelle trods to second base, she crosses paths with Diya on her way to the catcher's box." "小諾走向二壘時,剛好碰到前往捕手區的迪亞。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2567 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_cbe9f6ba: # Noelle "Diya, do you have any tips for hitting the ball?" Noelle "迪亞,妳可以給我一點打擊的訣竅嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2569 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_14ab4ad1: # "Diya considers it for a moment." "迪亞想了想。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2571 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_46088e6b: # Diya "It's easier to hit the top of the ball than the bottom." Diya "球的上半部比較容易打到。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2572 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_551067fe: # Diya "Bad for hitting home runs but you'll strike out less." Diya "雖然下半部比較容易打出全壘打,但是至少可以防止妳被三振。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2574 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_0670e43f: # Noelle "Diya, at this point I'd be thrilled to hit ANY of the ball. You think I can differentiate between the top and bottom halves??" Noelle "妳真的覺得我分得出球的上半部和下半部嗎?我能打到就謝天謝地了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2577 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c5958f88: # "Diya appears not to have heard Noelle's response and has walked away." "迪亞好像沒有聽見小諾的回答,兀自走掉了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2579 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_0c990bd7: # Noelle "Thanks, I guess..." Noelle "好吧,感謝建議……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2583 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_cbb9625d: # "The Killer Whales cheer as a batter hits a grand slam off one of Min's pitches." "殺人鯨的打者擊飛了小旼的球,隊員們歡聲雷動。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2585 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_936ee4ce: # Subzero "Woohoo! We're tied now!" Subzero "呀呼!平手了!耶!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2588 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_81f8383c: # Min "EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!" with sshake Min "去吃大便!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2594 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_522aaa29: # "Min strikes the next two batters out in quick succession, but the third gets a solid hit!" "小旼又秒掉了接下來的兩個打者,但第三個狠狠的將她的球打擊出去!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2598 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_a291d6e1: # NoelleT "Maybe I can catch this!" NoelleT "我可能接得到!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2601 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_bf35bce4: # "Noelle leaps for the ball, but it flies over her head and bounces into center field." "小諾跳起來接球,但球飛過了她的頭頂,掉進了場中央。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2603 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_357bc0b5: # Chryssa "Got it!" Chryssa "我接到了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2605 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_a69e2333: # "Chryssa fields the ball, then tosses it back to Noelle." "克莉莎撿起球,丟還給小諾。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2607 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_eaeaa64a: # NoelleT "I need to throw this to first base!" with sshake NoelleT "我要把球投回一壘!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2611 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_a2e28642: # "Noelle throws the ball with all her might! It plops almost straight into the ground and begins rolling away..." "小諾用全力投出一球!球劃出一條短短的弧線後掉在了地上,慢慢的滾著……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2613 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_95009986: # Liz ".........." Liz "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2614 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_090d218c: # "Liz leaves first base to grab the ball. By this point, the runner is approaching second base." "麗姿離開一壘去撿球,殺人鯨跑者向二壘奔去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2616 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_e858add6: # NoelleT "It's another pickle! Liz and Akarsha need to box him in again." NoelleT "又是夾殺!麗姿和阿卡莎必須想辦法攔住他。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2619 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_d6483e85: # Liz "Akarsha!" with sshake Liz "阿卡莎!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2621 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_a8131263: # Akarsha "Who?" Akarsha "誰?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2623 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_076ace65: # NoelleT "She's not cooperating because she wants to be called Sub-Zero!" with sshake NoelleT "我的媽呀!她想要很酷的稱號,所以現在別人叫她名字她都不回答了!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2631 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_04945de4: # Noelle "...Sub-Zero..." Noelle "……零度旋風……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2634 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_918ac72b: # Akarsha "Oh hey, that's me!" Akarsha "叫我嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2637 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_ca5641d1: # "Akarsha catches the ball Liz throws her, and quickly tags the Jun-seo out." "阿卡莎接住麗姿投出的球,並且迅速的觸殺了阿俊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2639 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_4a630f8d: # Jun "Nooooo..." Jun "不……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2641 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c42e3d03: # Akarsha "Heh! Another win for Sub-Zero." Akarsha "哈哈!零度旋風再度拯救了世界。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2643 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_2fd8f2a0: # Noelle "YOU'RE DISGUSTING." with sshake Noelle "噁心死了。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2649 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_a7956b03: # "Thanks to Noelle's noble sacrifice, Global Warming maintains their deadlock with the Killer Whales for the next few innings." "在小諾的犧牲加持下,直到比賽結束前,「溫室效應」和殺人鯨依然處於持平狀態。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2651 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5d2337da: # "Thanks to Noelle's noble sacrifice, the [teamName!t] maintain their deadlock with the Killer Whales for the next few innings." "在小諾的犧牲加持下,直到比賽結束前,[teamName!t]和殺人鯨依然處於持平狀態。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2658 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_6d69895f: # NoelleT "It's the bottom of the last inning. We just need one run to cinch our victory." NoelleT "只要再得一分,我們就贏了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2662 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_336a4716: # Noelle "AKARSHA!!!! YOU VILE CREATURE!!!!" with sshake Noelle "阿卡莎!!!!妳可以不要這麼無聊嗎!!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2665 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5d6d7f88: # Akarsha "Hmmm? I wonder who this \"Akarsha\" you keep referring to is." Akarsha "嗄……?我不認識什麼「阿卡莎」。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2668 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5226a991: # "Liz throws the ball to Akarsha, but she pretends not to see it and lets it land on the ground." "麗姿將球投向阿卡莎,但阿卡莎裝作沒看到──球落在了地上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2671 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_b5921685: # Noelle "REALLY???" with sshake Noelle "喂!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2674 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_963b5e21: # Liz "Shit!" with sshake Liz "該死!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2675 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5a24f2b7: # Liz "I mean — shoot!" Liz "對不起,罵髒話了……要命!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2677 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_df3b8b6c: # "Noelle rushes to grab the ball instead, but the runner is already long gone." "小諾衝上去撿球,但跑者已經拉開距離,並且越過了本壘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2678 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_0a97e49f: # "She shrieks at Akarsha as he crosses home plate." "小諾氣的尖聲大叫。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2681 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_d0d9d20f: # Noelle "THEY SCORED BECAUSE OF YOU!" with sshake Noelle "都是妳害的!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2684 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_64219e6e: # Akarsha "Because of me? Or because you were a big meanie and didn't compromise like a good teammate?" Akarsha "我害的?難道不是拒絕「合作」的某人害的嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2686 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c6a5709c: # Akarsha "Really makes you think..." Akarsha "多麼發人深省的一課……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2689 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_30a70c0b: # Noelle "NO, IT DOESN'T." with sshake Noelle "一點也不發人深省!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2699 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_c62ac16d: # "Thanks to Akarsha's antics, Global Warming enters the bottom of the final inning one run behind the Killer Whales." "在阿卡莎的逆向加持之下,在比賽即將結束前,「溫室效應」依然落後殺人鯨一分。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2701 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_f1ca8257: # "Thanks to Akarsha's antics, the [teamName!t] enter the bottom of the final inning one run behind the Killer Whales." "在阿卡莎的逆向加持下,直到比賽結束前,[teamName!t]依然落後殺人鯨一分。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2703 translate traditional_chinese defendingAgain_5b5d1dc8: # NoelleT "We need to get at least one more run, or we'll lose." NoelleT "我們至少要再得一分才行。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2707 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_04316a17: # "Unfortunately, Sayeeda and Chryssa rack up two outs right off the bat." "很不幸的,薩伊達和克莉莎被雙雙出局。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2709 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_4a4e6fc6: # Sayeeda "Gomenasorry Diya-sama, you're our only hope!" Sayeeda "狗咩拿SORRY。迪亞大大,妳是我們唯一的希望了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2713 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d88c65fc: # "After letting two balls go, Diya swings at a fastball." "兩壞後,迪亞將一顆高速球打擊出去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2716 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_57537cff: # Diya "....!" Diya "……!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2718 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_91417dc5: # "She drives the ball into right field, and everyone holds their breath as it rockets toward the fence." "球被打進了右外野,快速的朝圍欄飛去,所有人都摒住了呼吸。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2721 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d350ff98: # "It smashes into the middle of the fence, just a couple feet too low to clear it." "球以幾呎之差打在了圍欄上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2724 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_6b3dac62: # Akarsha "Too bad it wasn't a home run." Akarsha "好可惜喔,不是全壘打。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2726 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_4711d018: # Min "Too bad I'm about to beat the shit out of you!!" with sshake Min "好可惜喔,妳活不過今天了!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2728 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_64bf752e: # Akarsha "Kidding! Kidding!! Diya did great!" Akarsha "開玩笑的啦!迪亞很棒!迪亞最棒了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2732 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_21a8e336: # "Diya sprints round the diamond and slides into second base, just barely beating the throw." "迪亞繞著球場奔跑,以驚險的差距滑向二壘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2733 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_66140097: # NPC "Safe!" NPC "安全上壘!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2734 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_dcaf54ce: # "Akarsha cracks her knuckles as she gets up from the bench." "阿卡莎站起身,把關節弄得喀喀作響。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2736 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_22be31c9: # Akarsha "Time to use my special technique." Akarsha "我要發動我的技能。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2738 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_836d3fb7: # Liz "Wait. Are you going to get yourself hit by the pitch again?" Liz "妳又要故意被球打了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2740 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_603e0a30: # Akarsha "Ya." Akarsha "對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2742 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9742936c: # Liz "Back when I was in Little League, I saw a batter get beaned in the face." Liz "以前啊,我親眼看過一個人被球打到臉。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2743 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0be82bc7: # Liz "Chryssa, do you remember? He was on your team." Liz "克莉莎,妳還記得吧?他在妳的隊上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2745 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c914a997: # Chryssa "Huh?" Chryssa "嗄?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2747 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_465cfa50: # Chryssa "...Oh, yeah! That was so scary." Chryssa "……喔!對!我想起來了!超可怕的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2748 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_7ec0ab17: # Chryssa "He collapsed and was just lying motionless on the ground for a while." Chryssa "他躺在地上好久,一動也不動。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2749 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ea703d69: # Chryssa "He looked like he was dead. Poor kid had to be carried off in a stretcher." Chryssa "我們都以為他死掉了。後來他是被擔架抬走的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2751 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_237efc56: # Liz "I think it knocked out one of his teeth, right?" Liz "他的牙齒好像也被打掉了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2753 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_622335a1: # Chryssa "Yup." Chryssa "沒錯。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2754 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0856c509: # Chryssa "Actually, maybe he even have died for real later." Chryssa "而且我覺得他後來真的死掉了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2756 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9129da4f: # Noelle "\"Maybe\"??" Noelle "「覺得」?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2759 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_21c08017: # Liz "Anyway, you trying to get hit on purpose just reminded me of that." Liz "總而言之,妳的特殊技能讓我想到了這件事情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2761 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_102937f4: # Akarsha "O-oh...Okay..." Akarsha "好、好喔……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2763 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_430f5c7e: # NoelleT "This must be a new scare tactic they're trying." NoelleT "這一定是她們新研發出來的恐嚇戰術。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2766 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_5355380c: # Chryssa "Plus, this is our only real chance to bring Diya home. We have two outs, and Noelle will probably strike out at her at-bat." Chryssa "而且,這是我們可以送迪亞上本壘的最後機會。現在已經有兩個人出局,小諾在打者席上大概就會被三振了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2768 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1435965c: # Chryssa "No offense, Noelle." Chryssa "沒有不好的意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2770 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ed3f1f55: # Noelle "None taken..." Noelle "我知道……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2773 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_579bacd2: # Chryssa "So getting walked here would just delay the inevitable. You should try to create an opportunity for Diya to run." Chryssa "所以我們要置死地而後生。既然被三振是必然的,妳們要在下場之前盡量製造讓迪亞跑壘的機會。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2776 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_8ff5fd13: # Akarsha "So I gotta actually hit the ball? Aw, man..." Akarsha "那不就代表我必須打到球嗎?天啊……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2778 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a1c683e5: # Liz "No pressure if you can't manage it! But do your best!" Liz "真的沒辦法也沒關係!可是要盡力喔!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2780 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1a4dfd3b: # Akarsha "Say no more. I'm goin' serious mode." Akarsha "無須多言,認真模式已經開啟。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2786 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_cd826492: # "As Akarsha walks up to the plate, she tosses her bat in the air, spins around, and tries to catch it behind her back." "阿卡莎走上壘包,將球棒拋向空中,接著她原地轉了一圈,嘗試在球棒落地之前接住它。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2788 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f2b95886: # "She doesn't spin around fast enough, so the bat just clatters to the ground." "然而她轉身的速度不夠快,球棒直接掉在了地上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2790 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ea5c5756: # Jun "..........." Jun "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2791 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_86b89ab2: # "Akarsha picks the bat back up and points it at Jun-seo." "阿卡莎用球棒指著阿俊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2793 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_51edd74a: # Akarsha "Your pants can't wait for my pee." Akarsha "等著被我尿溼褲子吧!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2795 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_69b4d9d8: # Jun "Wha...what is that even supposed to mean?" Jun "什……什麼意思啊?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2797 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b62b6ec7: # Hayden "She's trying to confuse you! Don't let it get to you!" Hayden "不要被她影響!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2800 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_120a4839: # "Disturbed, Jun-seo quickly pitches to Akarsha." "阿俊懊惱的投出一球。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2802 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_05698b8f: # "Akarsha whiffs it for a strike." "阿卡莎揮空了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2804 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_8aa670f4: # Akarsha "Whoopsie!" Akarsha "唉呀!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2807 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_49f95f89: # Ester "We're all going to be haunted by that pee comment now and it didn't even work???" with sshake Ester "我們白聽妳一個屎尿爛梗,妳現在怎麼賠?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2812 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_09c7bb0b: # "The team holds their collective breath as Jun-seo lets his next pitch fly." "阿俊投出第二球,所有人又摒住了呼吸。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2815 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_6b0e60ca: # "Akarsha smacks it into foul territory." "阿卡莎打出了界外。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2817 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2820a2b8: # NoelleT "Strike two..." NoelleT "兩好球……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2821 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0a46aecb: # Min "If you waste Diya's double, I'll hit you!!!" with sshake Min "妳敢浪費迪亞的二壘安打,我就揍妳!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2824 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c55e1e2a: # "Chryssa taps the sign she and Liz taped to the dugout's fence." "克莉莎指指她和麗姿貼在選手席欄杆上的紙。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2826 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_5a72aed7: # Chryssa "No hitting allowed." Chryssa "社團活動不准打人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2829 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_63086545: # Akarsha "Ha!" Akarsha "哼哼哼!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2831 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_62b5c2db: # Min "Then...then I'll scream really loud in your ear!" Min "那……那我就在妳耳朵旁邊尖叫!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2833 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d382ad57: # Min "So it destroys your eardrum!!" Min "讓妳耳朵直接爆炸!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2835 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e03120b9: # "Liz taps the second sign they taped to the fence." "麗姿指指貼在欄杆上的第二張紙。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2837 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b789aebf: # Liz "No screaming allowed either." Liz "社團活動不准尖叫。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2839 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_32a44a05: # Min "Goddammit..." Min "靠……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2843 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_cea4aec0: # "Jun-seo winds up again. In the meantime, Akarsha has gone suspiciously quiet." "俊瑞投出最後一球。同一時間,阿卡莎陷入了某種詭異的沉默。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2845 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e47d28aa: # Akarsha "........." Akarsha "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2855 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2c3d18f7: # "Akarsha leans in so she gets hit by the pitch again!" "阿卡莎又湊了上去!球打到了她的身體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2858 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_db151346: # Chryssa "Not again!" with sshake Chryssa "妳怎麼講不聽啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2860 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_970a3359: # Min "Great going, you just lost us the game!" with sshake Min "我們輸了!現在妳滿意了嗎?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2864 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d5c13635: # Akarsha "YAAAaaaaaAAAAA!!" with sshake Akarsha "呀啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2868 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_70079749: # "Akarsha races toward first base like her life depends on it!" with sshake "阿卡莎忽然不顧一切的衝向一壘!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2870 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c9d676fc: # Subzero "G-guys? Why's she's running?" Subzero "她、她為什麼要跑?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2872 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c26944d8: # Hayden "Tag her if she tries to steal second!" Hayden "她可能要盜壘!觸殺她!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2874 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_aaf993d0: # "Hayden quickly throws the ball to Subhaan, the first baseman. Akarsha hastily stops in her tracks." "海登立刻將球投給守在一壘的薩布漢,阿卡莎停了下來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2876 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_23aafea6: # Akarsha "Uh-oh!" Akarsha "唉呀!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2878 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_df9a83e3: # Subzero "Come back here!" with sshake Subzero "別跑!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2879 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_239adbe6: # "Akarsha turns and scrambles back the way she came with Subhaan at her heels." "阿卡莎掉頭就跑,薩布漢緊隨其後。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2881 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_5f5c2082: # NoelleT "What is she doing?! There's no benefit to her retreating all the way back home!" with sshake NoelleT "她在幹嘛?!就算她跑回本壘,也沒有任何意義!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2884 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_31c1cb79: # "As Akarsha nears home, Subhaan hurls the ball back to Hayden, who lunges forward to tag her." "阿卡莎接近本壘時,海登用薩布漢丟還給他的球觸殺了她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2888 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_589d589e: # Liz "They've panicked and forgotten the basic rules of baseball!" with sshake Liz "他們忘記規則了!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2889 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_18bbd27b: # Liz "All they have to do is tag first base for a force out!" Liz "其實他們只要觸殺本壘,然後強制進壘就好了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2892 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_96cb30a2: # Noelle "{i}Can{/i} they do that? She was hit by the pitch — she's entitled to first base." Noelle "{i}可以嗎?{/i}阿卡莎已經被球打到了,她不是可以直接上壘嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2895 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f446d04c: # Liz "...Good point..." Liz "……好像是欸……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2900 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a89a9dcf: # Jun "GUYS, DON'T FORGET DIYA'S RUNNING TOO!" with sshake Jun "快阻止迪亞!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2902 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d1ebda1b: # Hayden "HUH?" Hayden "嗄?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2907 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d053de48: # "Diya slides home in the confusion!" with sshake "迪亞在一片混亂中滑向本壘!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2911 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d8d48025: # Min "YEAHHHHHH!!!!!" with sshake Min "好耶!!!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2914 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_baf54a41: # Diya "...!!" Diya "……!!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2917 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a3277a29: # "Min runs over to home base and starts furiously kissing Diya as Hayden chases Akarsha back toward first." "小旼跑向迪亞,把她拉進一個狂野的吻。海登則追著正在往本壘跑的阿卡莎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2921 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_6b19e37f: # Chryssa "GET OFF THE PLAYING FIELD!! THE GAME'S NOT OVER YET!" with sshake Chryssa "閒雜人等走開!比賽還沒結束!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2923 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_4d953afa: # Ester "It's not? I thought we won?" Ester "還沒嗎?我們不是贏了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2925 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_eb825cab: # Chryssa "The run won't count if Akarsha is the third out before making it to first base!" Chryssa "如果阿卡莎在上本壘之前被觸殺,這一分就不算了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2926 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_3010664c: # Chryssa "Er, if they even can tag her out? I don't know anymore." Chryssa "呃、前提是他們觸殺不算犯規?我已經不知道了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2930 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e494c7e6: # Chryssa "GET OFF THE PLAYING FIELD!! YOU CAN CELEBRATE LATER!!" with sshake Chryssa "閒雜人等走開!要慶祝等一下再慶祝!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2932 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_50492c9c: # Liz "The run won't even count if Akarsha is the third out before making it to first base!" Liz "如果阿卡莎在上本壘之前被觸殺,這一分就不算了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2933 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_27c41b70: # Liz "Er, if they even can tag her out? I'm not sure anymore." Liz "呃、前提是他們觸殺不犯規?我不確定。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2938 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9ee5f848: # "As she's trying to weasel past Subhaan, Akarsha trips on her own shoelaces and collides with him!" "就在阿卡莎穿過薩布漢身邊時,她踩到了自己的鞋帶,兩人立刻撞成一團!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2942 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_4d81e02d: # Akarsha "Agh!" with sshake Akarsha "啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2949 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0c9acc72: # "Akarsha bangs her head on Subhaan's knee on her way down!" "阿卡莎猛的往前栽去,額頭重重敲在薩布漢的膝蓋上!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2951 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ba4d3d6a: # Subzero "Oh my god!" with sshake Subzero "哇!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2953 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_3dd98bff: # Noelle "Akarsha!" with sshake Noelle "阿卡莎!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2958 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a7daa756: # "Without thinking, she runs over to where Akarsha is lying motionless on the ground." "小諾還來不及思考,就已經跑到了阿卡莎身邊。阿卡莎躺在地上,一動也不動。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2961 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c09edd9a: # Noelle "Akarsha! Are you alright?" with sshake Noelle "阿卡莎!妳還好嗎?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2963 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_499ab866: # "Akarsha doesn't respond." "阿卡莎沒有回答。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2964 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_dcf7be39: # "Coming from Akarsha, the silence is a thousand times scarier than if she'd been screaming." "一個沒有聲音的阿卡莎比一個亂喊亂叫的阿卡莎恐怖一千萬倍。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2966 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_fbcfde90: # Noelle "Please be alright..." Noelle "妳不可以這樣……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2969 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a509a304: # "Her voice comes out all choked and funny, and Noelle realizes with horror that she's crying." "小諾的嗓音奇怪又沙啞,她驚恐的發現自己正在哭泣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2975 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_fa0dbe14: # Noelle "The world would be an awful place without you..." Noelle "妳不可以這樣就走掉……如果沒有妳……會很無聊的……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2981 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_dfb591c1: # Akarsha "Owww..." Akarsha "唉唷……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2986 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_636a9174: # "Dazed, Akarsha slowly begins to sit up." "阿卡莎昏昏沉沉的坐了起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2987 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b020f6bd: # "Noelle is so relieved that she tearfully pulls Akarsha into a hug for a moment before a mixture of other emotions catch up with her." "安心感淹沒了小諾,她淚眼汪汪的抱住阿卡莎,直到理智重歸大腦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2990 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b3724e90: # NoelleT "Wait, what am I doing?!" with sshake NoelleT "我在幹嘛?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2993 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_657cadba: # "Her heart pounding, Noelle hastily shoves Akarsha away, sending her crashing back to the ground." with sshake "小諾忽然感到心跳加速。她慌亂的推開阿卡莎,導致她又躺回地上。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2995 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_43cf8fe3: # Akarsha "Whuh?!" with sshake Akarsha "哇!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:2999 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_cc7821ae: # Noelle "YOU ABSOLUTE ARSE!" with sshake Noelle "白癡!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3000 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b5f44421: # Noelle "YOU SCARED ME! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" with sshake Noelle "不准再這樣嚇我,知不知道!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3002 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_8c81ba06: # "Noelle frantically wipes her tears away as Akarsha wobbles back to her feet." "阿卡莎再次嘗試爬起來,小諾趕忙抹去臉上的淚水。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3003 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_22f64fbd: # "Soon, the others have gathered around her in concern." "很快的,其他人都圍了過來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3005 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2f24b8d4: # Chryssa "You okay?" Chryssa "妳還好嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3007 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_68d2ec72: # Akarsha "Yeah, just woozy..." Akarsha "頭昏……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3009 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f0d57662: # Chryssa "What year is it?" Chryssa "今年是哪一年?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3011 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9bd5166f: # Akarsha "1834...?" Akarsha "一八三四年……?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3013 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_43bac1bf: # Akarsha "Just kidding, 2009." Akarsha "開玩笑的啦。二零零九年。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3016 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ce9fbc41: # Noelle "HOW CAN YOU BE CRACKING JOKES RIGHT NOW?!" with sshake Noelle "妳還有心情開玩笑?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3019 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_00c2b521: # Chryssa "Can you tell me what happened?" Chryssa "妳記得剛剛發生了什麼嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3021 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_20068413: # Akarsha "I got myself into a pickle, tripped, and ate shit." Akarsha "我被夾殺,然後跌倒了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3023 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_947cd472: # Chryssa "Okay, good..." Chryssa "呼……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3026 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_bd2953ee: # Liz "Ask her if she feels nauseous." Liz "問她想不想吐。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3028 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d0b96afa: # Chryssa "Do you feel nauseous?" Chryssa "妳想不想吐?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3030 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f66300ff: # Akarsha "Naw." Akarsha "不想。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3031 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1b8b43fb: # "As they run through a series of tests for concussion, Chryssa and Liz relax a bit." "在問了更多問題、做了更多檢查之後,克莉莎和麗姿總算放心了一點。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3033 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_113327f1: # Chryssa "You seem fine...It's good that you can remember what happened and walk." Chryssa "既然妳還記得發生了什麼,而且能自己走路……那情況應該不嚴重。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3035 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1f217852: # Liz "It looked like you lost consciousness for a second there, though." Liz "不過妳好像昏倒了幾秒鐘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3037 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1f5fa0be: # Akarsha "I wasn't knocked out, I was thinking the whole time." Akarsha "我沒有昏倒,只是在想事情。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3039 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9eb7f0d7: # NoelleT "Huh?!" with sshake NoelleT "嗄?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3042 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1e8aecdd: # Akarsha "I was just stunned 'cause it really hurt." Akarsha "我只是很驚訝,竟然這麼痛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3044 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ebb92397: # Noelle "So...you remember what I said to you?" Noelle "所以……妳聽到我說的話了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3047 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1291e76a: # Akarsha "Yeah, that I'm an arse?" Akarsha "對啊。妳說我是白癡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3049 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a866d33d: # Noelle "What about before that?" Noelle "那之前呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3052 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_38e7355a: # Akarsha "Um...Before that, everyone was screaming that I fell." Akarsha "之前……大家都在說我跌倒了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3053 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_5810b156: # Akarsha "It was so chaotic, it all kinda blurred together." Akarsha "後來……我不記得了。太多人同時講話了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3056 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b736bd39: # Akarsha "Why, did you finally call me Sub-Zero?" Akarsha "難道妳終於願意稱我為零度旋風了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3058 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_40b1e8db: # Noelle "I most certainly did not." with sshake Noelle "怎麼可能。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3060 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_3bc3f304: # NoelleT "What a relief! It would have been mortifying if she'd heard me falling to pieces over her." NoelleT "好險!不然我真的要找個洞鑽進去了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3064 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_4e33a983: # Chryssa "We should still get you checked out by an adult." Chryssa "還是要讓大人幫妳檢查一下。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3066 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_930a273d: # Min "Aren't you and Liz technically adults now?" Min "妳和麗姿不是大人嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3068 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_6b42c7d3: # Chryssa "You know what I mean. {i}Real{/i} adults, like the school nurse." Chryssa "我的意思是像保健室阿姨那種大人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3071 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f82469a9: # Hayden "Does that mean the game's over?" Hayden "是不是沒辦法繼續比了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3073 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e9d95cd0: # Chryssa "Yeah, sorry...We'll have to rematch you guys some other time." Chryssa "嗯。抱歉啦……下次再一決勝負吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3076 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b549ff4f: # Min "Wait, so did we win? Did Diya's run count?" Min "那一分算嗎?我們贏了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3078 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9969eaec: # Min "Wait, so did we tie? Did Diya's run count?" Min "那一分算嗎?平手?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3080 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_406d5263: # Noelle "Unfortunately, no." Noelle "不算。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3081 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_fd849569: # Noelle "My understanding is that Akarsha ultimately violated Section 4 of Rule 8 — She made a travesty of the game." Noelle "據我理解,阿卡莎最後違反了規則八的第四章──欺詐。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3084 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9b7fcd20: # Akarsha "A {i}travesty?{/i} That's such a dramatic way to put it, I love it." Akarsha "我喜歡這個字眼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3091 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ae115657: # Subzero "I'm so sorry! You can hit my head super hard too as payback!" Subzero "對不起!我的頭給妳打!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3092 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_67350271: # Subzero "Like with the bat or something!" Subzero "隨便打!用球棒也可以!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3094 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_df68f8f4: # Jun "Why?! It wouldn't help at all!" Jun "也不用這樣吧?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3096 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0d142d7a: # Min "I'll do it." Min "你說的喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3098 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e9537988: # Chryssa "NO ONE'S HITTING ANYBODY IN THE HEAD WITH THE BAT!" with sshake Chryssa "不准用球棒打人!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3108 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_c108e4ea: # Liz "Noelle, could you escort Akarsha to the nurse's office?" Liz "小諾,妳能送阿卡莎去保健室嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3111 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_318273e6: # Noelle "Alright, fine." Noelle "好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3116 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_20cba5c0: # "Noelle and Akarsha trudge back up the hill toward the school." "小諾和阿卡莎爬上草坡,往學校的方向前進。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3117 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2183defb: # "Suddenly Akarsha touches her own cheek, confused." "阿卡莎忽然摸上自己的臉,看起來不明所以。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3119 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2a7c77d2: # Akarsha "Why is my face wet?" Akarsha "我的臉怎麼是濕的?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3121 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_9d73f57c: # Noelle "What?" Noelle "什麼意思?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3124 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_427f7cb7: # Akarsha "There's something wet on my cheek. Like water." Akarsha "我臉上有水。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3126 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d61d17b7: # NoelleT "It's from when I was crying over her!" with sshake NoelleT "是我的眼淚!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3128 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_63c4925d: # Noelle "That...that must've been someone's spit that fell on you." Noelle "大……大概是剛才妳摔倒的時候,有人激動到噴口水了吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3131 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_45ba45f8: # Akarsha "Huh?! Ew!" with sshake Akarsha "噁!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3135 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_213221d9: # Akarsha "Man...If only I hadn't tripped, I totally would've saved the day." Akarsha "如果我沒有跌倒,一定可以得分的……太可惜了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3137 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b9b57f0b: # Akarsha "You should thank me for tryin' to save you from making us lose." Akarsha "我那麼努力,妳要怎麼感謝我?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3142 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_233f9f3d: # NoelleT "Now that she mentions it, I do feel a bit bad that she got hurt trying to help me..." NoelleT "這麼說起來,她的確是為了彌補我的失誤才受傷的……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3144 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_f1819922: # Noelle "I actually am a bit impressed you wrangled such an improbable outcome out of a walk." Noelle "我對妳利用跑壘製造混亂的策略感到印象深刻。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3145 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_2811afff: # Noelle "I truly marvel at your creativity sometimes." Noelle "妳真的是一個很有創意的人。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3150 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0bcb7d02: # Akarsha "Whuh??" Akarsha "嗄?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3152 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_b0bb2628: # Akarsha "Who are you, and what did you do with Noelle?" Akarsha "妳是誰?妳把小諾怎麼了?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3154 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_6bf989ce: # Noelle "Contrary to common belief, I am, in fact, capable of being nice." Noelle "雖然大家好像都不相信,其實我是會誇獎別人的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3157 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_705e27de: # Akarsha "I know, but you usually look like you're passing a really hard poo while you're doing it." Akarsha "我知道,只是妳之前誇獎別人的時候都很像在便祕。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3158 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0156f8db: # "Akarsha grabs Noelle's hand and vigorously shakes it up and down." "阿卡莎開始激烈的和小諾握手。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3160 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_fe791955: # Akarsha "Congratulations! You've learned basic human decency!" Akarsha "恭喜老爺!賀喜夫人!您終於知道怎麼社交了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3161 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_1dbe5445: # Akarsha "You should try it more often." Akarsha "繼續保持。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3162 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_049c3d77: # "To Noelle's dismay, she feels a strange, almost electric undercurrent of something running between their palms." "觸電般的感覺在兩人交握的掌心之間流竄,令小諾感到困惑不已。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3164 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a3816e57: # NoelleT "Why am I so sensitive to her touch all of a sudden? It didn't used to be like this." NoelleT "為什麼她一碰我,我就覺得全身不對勁?之前不會這樣的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3166 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_0bbf6fac: # "Noelle thrashes her hand free and seizes Akarsha's wrist!" with sshake "小諾甩開手,轉而抓住了阿卡莎的手臂!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3168 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ce00232f: # Akarsha "Wah!" with sshake Akarsha "哇!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3170 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_7cbb33f8: # NoelleT "Could it be that I'm still excited from the game?" NoelleT "是因為剛剛比賽完嗎?我太興奮了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3171 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_66fd0597: # NoelleT "There's probably still adrenaline in my system." NoelleT "可能是腎上腺素的關係。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3174 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_583330e0: # Akarsha "Lemme go!" with sshake Akarsha "妳幹嘛啦!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3177 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_ecf050ab: # Akarsha "War crime! War crime!!" with sshake Akarsha "戰爭罪啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3180 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_d906b2b4: # Noelle "IT'S NOT A WAR CRIME TO GRAB SOMEONE'S ARM!" with sshake Noelle "我只是抓妳的手而已!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3185 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_a68b07cf: # NoelleT "Oh, the humanity!" NoelleT "噢!人性!為何你甘心成為弄臣的俘虜!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3186 translate traditional_chinese bigBrainMove_e27607e2: # NoelleT "To be captivated by a court jester — a circus clown juggling five bowling pins!" NoelleT "被囚於保齡球瓶之中,被戲於十指之上!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3202 translate traditional_chinese math_d537ffe3: # "Diya blearily looks up from her textbook as Akarsha takes her usual seat in front of Noelle." "迪亞睡眼惺忪地看著阿卡莎走進教室,坐到小諾前面。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3204 translate traditional_chinese math_6aa4145a: # Diya "How's your head." Diya "妳都好嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3206 translate traditional_chinese math_a357ea1c: # Akarsha "Oh, I'm all good now!" Akarsha "超好!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3207 translate traditional_chinese math_91e9a66f: # Akarsha "The nurse just told me to rest up for a few days." Akarsha "保健室阿姨說:只要多休息就可以了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3208 translate traditional_chinese math_18fbaa1e: # Akarsha "My parents made me see a doctor over the weekend, too, and he said the same thing." Akarsha "我週末去看的醫生也這麼說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3210 translate traditional_chinese math_8240dffc: # Noelle "That's good to hear." Noelle "那就好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3217 translate traditional_chinese math_7377b735: # Akarsha "I wish I could've used this as an excuse to get outta the Bio test today, though." Akarsha "可是我今天依然要考生物,真是太殘酷了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3219 translate traditional_chinese math_eac9c3f0: # Noelle "At least we have the Multicultural Week Assembly in third period." Noelle "第三節課是多元文化表演。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3220 translate traditional_chinese math_c88ed751: # Noelle "You can use it as extra time to cram." Noelle "妳可以利用那段時間補念。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3223 translate traditional_chinese math_c2dcc281: # Akarsha "I wanna watch at least some of it, though. I heard there was gonna be a K-pop part." Akarsha "可是我有點想看耶。聽說有韓團舞。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3225 translate traditional_chinese math_f6b93611: # "Noelle's heart does a nervous little stutter as Akarsha turns all the way round in her seat to face her." "阿卡莎從椅子上轉過來,直勾勾的盯著小諾。小諾感覺到自己的心開始亂跳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3227 translate traditional_chinese math_aceeda25: # Akarsha "Do you remember the poster that was in the nurse's office?" Akarsha "妳記得保健室裡有一張海報嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3229 translate traditional_chinese math_b45fca87: # Noelle "No. What poster?" Noelle "不記得。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3232 translate traditional_chinese math_f01a342c: # Akarsha "It said if your hand is bigger than your face, you have cancer." Akarsha "上面寫:如果妳的手比臉大,就可能是癌症。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3234 translate traditional_chinese math_e5e62b50: # Diya "That doesn't sound right." Diya "不對吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3236 translate traditional_chinese math_a9c6b441: # Noelle "Why would that be the case? Swelling?" Noelle "為什麼?會腫起來嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3238 translate traditional_chinese math_841496af: # "Just to check, Noelle puts her hand over her face to compare their sizes." "小諾將手放在面前,想比較一下大小。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3245 translate traditional_chinese math_8e07980a: # "Akarsha slaps Noelle's hand so Noelle smacks herself in the face." "阿卡莎拍了一下小諾的手,讓小諾自己打自己!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3248 translate traditional_chinese math_bcce352f: # Noelle "AKARSHAAAAA!!!!" with sshake Noelle "阿卡莎!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3251 translate traditional_chinese math_1e152ebb: # "Akarsha bolts, and Noelle chases after her!" "阿卡莎逃走了!小諾追了上去!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3254 translate traditional_chinese math_07037f16: # "The bell rings!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream fest." "上課鈴響!為小諾和阿卡莎的戰鬥早點名畫下句點。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3255 translate traditional_chinese math_990a6068: # "Once they're back in their desks, Noelle glowers at the back of Akarsha's head." "兩人回到座位上,小諾忿忿地瞪著阿卡莎的後腦杓。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3258 translate traditional_chinese math_41858061: # NoelleT "I can't keep my eyes off of her. It must be my body's natural defense mechanism in response to threats." NoelleT "我為什麼一直盯著她看?我知道了!因為我把她當成威脅,所以我的身體產生了防禦機制。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3259 translate traditional_chinese math_41ee4675: # NoelleT "If I hold her hand, it'll prevent her from doing the \"Why are you hitting yourself?\" move." NoelleT "如果我能握住她的手,她就不能讓我自己打自己了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3260 translate traditional_chinese math_b682534e: # NoelleT "And if I embrace her, she will be completely immobilized." NoelleT "如果我能抱住她,她就沒辦法繼續捉弄我了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3261 translate traditional_chinese math_bf37e464: # NoelleT "Yes. There are perfectly reasonable explanations for all of these strange urges I'm feeling." NoelleT "沒錯。以上這些莫名其妙的衝動都是有理由的,絕對不是因為我瘋了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3267 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_da3f6079: # "In third period, Noelle's teacher leads the class to the gym to watch the Multicultural assembly." "第三節課,小諾的班級來到體育館欣賞多元文化表演。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3268 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_6e6bebef: # "Most of her classmates have their heads buried in their Biology textbooks as they walk, desperately cramming for the impending test." "大多數同學都帶著生物課本,死命抱緊這最後的佛腳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3270 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_6d685766: # Diya "Pistil." Diya "雌蕊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3272 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ef61b670: # Noelle "The ovule producing part of the flower. Next." Noelle "花朵的構造之一,子房裡有胚珠。下一題。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3275 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_46375001: # Diya "Xylem." Diya "木質部。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3277 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ab8ac9a8: # Akarsha "Plant tissue that moves water 'n stuff around. Next." Akarsha "植物裡負責運送水和那個什麼東西的組織。下一題。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3279 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_f2494aff: # Diya "What's \"stuff\"." Diya "「那個什麼東西」是什麼東西?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3281 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_1da18b3a: # Akarsha "Like, stuff. Y'know...Stuff." Akarsha "就那些東西啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3283 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_df0ef030: # Noelle "You know, Akarsha, I've never actually seen you study for something in earnest before." Noelle "這好像是我第一次看到妳在念書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3286 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_bc861cce: # Akarsha "Ya, well, I decided to actually try normally for once." Akarsha "嗯。我想體驗一下普通人的生活方式。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3287 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_f1a8e819: # Akarsha "I think I have too many lies and weird plots goin' on at the same time, and it's tiring me out." Akarsha "之前給自己加太多亂七八糟的設定,我有點累了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3300 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_04df5a63: # NoelleT "You fool...You nuisance...You liar..." NoelleT "對……妳就是一個說謊精……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3301 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_9a8505ee: # NoelleT "I want to know everything about you..." NoelleT "我好想了解妳……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3302 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_1a336e0e: # NoelleT "I want you to tell me every thought that's ever crossed your mind..." NoelleT "我想知道妳到底在想什麼……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3305 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_131ef4d6: # Diya "Sepal." Diya "萼片。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3307 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4df55757: # Akarsha "The outer part of the flower, the green leafy part." Akarsha "花外面的那一圈。綠綠硬硬的那個。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3309 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_bba1beb2: # NoelleT "Why am I so infatuated with her?" NoelleT "我怎麼會變成這樣?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3310 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a654af1e: # NoelleT "It can't possibly be that I fancy her." NoelleT "我又不喜歡她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3312 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d0dbf088: # NoelleT "No...Surely not!" with sshake NoelleT "我才沒有喜歡她!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3313 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_06402f11: # NoelleT "I may have grown used to the concept of Diya dating Min, but I have no intention of being in a relationship like that myself." NoelleT "我知道兩個女人也可以建立浪漫關係,但是我並不想談戀愛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3314 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d5a380c8: # NoelleT "Even now that I'm aware it's possible for two women to...copulate...that changes nothing!" NoelleT "就算兩個女人也可以……可以……交媾……這關我什麼事……!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3315 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2f634706: # NoelleT "Homosexuals can't even legally get married anymore. It seems unwise to pursue a lifestyle reliant on the mercy of a government as unreliable as our own." NoelleT "而且同性戀已經不能結婚了。現在選擇這條路,無疑是非常不明智的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3318 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4b2f5825: # "Akarsha gives her an odd look." "阿卡莎奇怪的望著她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3319 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_7abb8768: # Akarsha "...Why're you glaring at me?" Akarsha "……妳幹嘛瞪我?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3321 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0e94a64a: # NoelleT "Oh...Is that how my face looked?" NoelleT "我在瞪她嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3324 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a9fda0c9: # Akarsha "I haven't even done anything yet." Akarsha "我什麼都還沒做喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3326 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_eb52153f: # Noelle "YET?" with sshake Noelle "「還沒」是什麼意思?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3329 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2fc393e2: # Noelle "Oof!" with sshake Noelle "唉唷!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3332 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_206ff125: # "Noelle walks straight into someone in the class walking ahead of them." "小諾撞到了走在前面的同學。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3334 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2955703d: # Grace "Kyaaaa!" with sshake Grace "呀啊啊啊!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3336 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_fcbd3e54: # Sayeeda "Oh hai, it's you guys!" Sayeeda "嗨嗨,妳們來啦!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3338 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a7351239: # Akarsha "Oh hey! What's up?" Akarsha "諸君!近來可好?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3340 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_6041e317: # Ester "I posted the first chapter of my webcomic." Ester "我把第一回漫畫上傳了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3342 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_9b829dd7: # Sayeeda "I saw! Every page has like, four comments!!" with sshake Sayeeda "我看了!每一頁都有三、四個留言耶!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3345 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a013bc8f: # NoelleT "Is that good...? I have no idea how to gauge webcomic success." NoelleT "這是好還是不好……?網路漫畫我不熟。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3348 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_c6dc8947: # Grace "Ester, you're like, you're a celebrity now!" Grace "艾思特大大!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3350 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_c3861884: # Akarsha "Ooh, I wanna see!" Akarsha "喔喔喔!我也要看!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3352 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_472f0748: # Ester "Here, I scanned all these comic pages from my sketchbook." Ester "妳直接看原稿吧。網路上是掃描的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3353 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_121d97a1: # "She holds her sketchbook out so Noelle, Diya, and Akarsha can read it as they walk." "艾思特將素描本遞給阿卡莎,小諾和迪亞也看了起來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3357 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_fba92daf: # Noelle "This is not scientifically accurate..." Noelle "不合理……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3358 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ecc3e14d: # Noelle "But at least it's easier to follow than that accursed English video we made." Noelle "可是比我們恐怖的英文影片作業好太多了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3361 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_38261de3: # Akarsha "Hey, were you really in high school if you didn't act in a completely incomprehensible movie with your friends?" Akarsha "拜託!高中就是用來做蠢事的啊!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3363 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a16d98d6: # Diya "?" Diya "?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3364 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_423c85df: # Diya "Is that Noelle." Diya "這是小諾嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3366 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ac17d7e7: # Noelle "Huh? Where?" Noelle "我?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3369 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3bc5571e: # "Diya points at a panel showing a character crumpled on the ground." "迪亞指向漫畫上一個蜷縮在地的角色。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3371 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_1cd3fcb1: # Noelle "Wait a minute...is this traced from a photo of me?!" with sshake Noelle "……妳描了我的照片嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3374 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d20afd20: # Ester "Er, yeah...But don't worry, I made sure to tweak some things!" Ester "呃、對啊……可是我有改過了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3375 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2db147c1: # Ester "Her personality is completely different from yours. And I changed her hair color to white." Ester "她的個性跟妳完全不一樣,而且是白色頭髮。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3377 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_61c3e5cd: # Noelle "Why white...? Is she old?" Noelle "為什麼?她很老嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3380 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3fae3b21: # Ester "No, it's because she's albino. She has red eyes, too." Ester "她是白化症患者。白髮紅眼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3382 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_15b4fd51: # Noelle "Okay...But what if people still realize this is based on my likeness?" Noelle "喔……可是……萬一還是有人看出來是我呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3385 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_199ca5fd: # Diya "Looks like someone already did." Diya "有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3387 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_9450e4be: # "Sure enough, Min has left a comment on the page where albino Noelle is getting her ass kicked." "小旼在白化症小諾被打敗的格子上寫了一條評論。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3389 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3ced1b75: # NPC "LMAO GET REKT NERD" NPC "死吧弱雞哈哈哈" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3391 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_689551c7: # Akarsha "That's the price of knowing an Artiste." Akarsha "這就是認識藝術家的好處。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3393 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4d757d72: # Ester "Sorry, next time I'll ask for permission first..." Ester "對不起,我以後要用之前,會先徵求妳的同意……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3395 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_17fe07f8: # Grace "Ester, you're coming to Fanime with us, right?" Grace "艾思特大大,妳會去Fanime吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3397 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_84ad0f3f: # Ester "Yeah, I begged my parents to let me go." Ester "嗯。爸媽終於准我去了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3399 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d86650c2: # Grace "We should cosplay as your characters to help promote the comic!" Grace "我們可以出妳的角色!這麼好的漫畫不可以只有我看到!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3402 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_1774cecb: # Ester "What?! No!" with sshake Ester "拜託不要!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3403 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_5c30932c: # Ester "The anatomy's so bad. And I made a bunch of mistakes on everyone's outfits..." Ester "我骨架超爛,而且衣服畫得很奇怪……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3406 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_8d34ad4c: # Grace "You're famous and you're still saying that BS?!" with sshake Grace "妳瘋了嗎大大!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3407 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_fef7756a: # Grace "You created this with your bare hands! So what if it's not perfect? You're god!" Grace "這是妳畫的耶!妳就是新世界的神!不完美就是完美的藍圖!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3409 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_157c2458: # Ester "Okay whatever, do what you want, but I'm wearing normal clothes." Ester "好吧,隨便妳們。可是我不要出角。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3411 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_53fc78de: # Akarsha "You're seriously gonna be too cool for anime while ATTENDING an anime convention? It's not like you can wander in by accident." Akarsha "妳到底在矜持什麼?都要去漫展了,竟然不出角?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3413 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_f8d1ee02: # Sayeeda "I call dibs on Stellaluna!" Sayeeda "我出史黛拉露娜!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3415 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_b91e2b53: # Grace "Then I get Kagami Izuna!!" with sshake Grace "那我出鏡 泉奈!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3417 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_68076149: # Akarsha "Wait, I wanted to be Kagami Izuna!" Akarsha "我也想出鏡 泉奈!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3419 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_cc3dac19: # "Noelle hangs back with Diya as the others argue, trying to process a confusing tangle of feelings about not being the center of Akarsha's attention." "同人女們吵了起來。小諾默默退回迪亞身邊,她看著正聊得起勁的阿卡莎,嘗試消化心中突如其來的醋意。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3421 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_c39b681a: # "She watches Akarsha's ridiculous gait as she walks, the one that apparently marks her as an American in India." "阿卡莎的走路姿勢有點滑稽──這也許正是她在印度一秒被認出是外國人的原因。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3423 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0e9895ad: # Noelle "Question: Do you ever feel like love is a choice?" Noelle "提問:愛是一種選擇嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3426 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a16d98d6_1: # Diya "?" Diya "?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3428 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d87aa67f: # Noelle "Like you could {i}potentially{/i} fall in love with someone?" Noelle "妳能選擇自己是否愛一個人嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3429 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_786bda3d: # Noelle "You're {i}not{/i} in love with them, but if you wanted to feel that way, you {i}could.{/i}" Noelle "妳本來不愛某人,但只要妳想,妳就能愛上他。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3430 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_43c8cf32: # Noelle "But if you ignore it, it'll pass, eventually." Noelle "如果妳不想,這種感覺也會慢慢消失。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3433 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a858b2db: # Diya "Isn't that just regular love?" Diya "愛不就是這樣嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3435 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ac1dc359: # Noelle "No, I'm not talking about regular love, like what you and Min experience." Noelle "我說的不是妳跟小旼那種愛。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3436 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_74f8d7fb: # Noelle "There was no preventing that. The two of you were drawn together with the force of a freight train." Noelle "妳們就像被致命吸引力鎖住一樣,沒有人能將妳們分開。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3437 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_64fb7a15: # Noelle "But this isn't like that. This is more comparable to someone reaching a fork in a road." Noelle "我說的更類似於生命的轉捩點;一個無法被逆轉、需要深似熟慮的抉擇。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3439 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_45816fb1: # Noelle "Because I can obviously control my emotions, especially ones that aren't useful to me. I'm not a wild animal." Noelle "我有理性,我不是野獸。我可以完美控制自己的感情,就算那些感情對我來說毫無意義。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3442 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_a4282591: # Diya "...Even if you could control your emotions. Why don't you think they're useful?" Diya "……既然妳能控制、能使用,不就代表不是毫無意義嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3444 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3565fd36: # Noelle "Because they would derail my entire life." Noelle "是。因為它們會毀了我的一生。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3446 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_7d8a71ed: # Noelle "There's insufficient evidence to suggest the subject in question would reciprocate my feelings, so perhaps this is putting the cart before the horse..." Noelle "但我並不握有對方願意回應我感情的證據。擔心這些可能還太早了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3447 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2afbad4f: # Noelle "But in the unlikely event that things actually did work out between us, it would be extremely inconvenient for my plans." Noelle "就算在極其微渺的概率下,我們真的在一起了,也將嚴重影響我的人生規劃。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3450 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_23caf431: # Diya "What plans?" Diya "妳規劃了什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3452 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ebd2be97: # Noelle "You know, just the default ones." Noelle "就那些啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3453 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_f46ff697: # Noelle "Essentially, to secure a respectable job, marry a similarly successful man, and spawn two well-behaved children in the suburbs before I'm thirty." Noelle "找一份穩定的工作、和一個不錯的男人結婚、在三十歲之前生兩個健康的小孩。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3454 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_ceded1c4: # Noelle "I'd be throwing away my prospects of leading a normal life just for the pleasure of being tormented by a silly little clown every day." Noelle "但如果我選擇了弄臣,就等於背棄了自己的未來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3458 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_6e8840cd: # Diya "............" Diya "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3459 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_79bc58ca: # "Diya gives her an odd look. She looks like she's struggling to piece together a very complicated puzzle." "迪亞聽著、聽著,聽到表情扭曲。彷彿腦中出現了一個非常困難的問題,正等待她的解答。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3461 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_9d73f57c: # Noelle "What?" Noelle "妳怎麼了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3463 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0b6e9b3f: # Diya "Nothing..." Diya "沒有……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3465 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_d0f68b99: # Diya "If the...person...doesn't fit your goal, shouldn't you update the goal?" Diya "如果……這個……人……不符合妳的條件,那可以把條件改一下嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3467 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_58cc2dec: # Noelle "I can't. It's the only outcome my parents see as acceptable." Noelle "不可以。我爸媽只能接受我剛才說的那些。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3468 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_326409d9: # Noelle "If I don't adhere to it, they'll badger me day and night. They'll never let me hear the end of it." Noelle "如果我不照做,就要每天聽他們碎碎念。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3471 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_7c4556a7: # Diya "Don't they already do that anyway?" Diya "他們不是已經每天都在碎碎念了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3473 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_e16e16a7: # Noelle "...Oh...Yes, they do." Noelle "……妳說的對。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3476 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4219c577: # Noelle "You're right, no matter what I do, they'll always find some new issue to latch onto." Noelle "是啊。他們永遠都有別的理由可以嫌棄我。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3478 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_2b294025: # Noelle "Why am I so desperate for the approval of two people whose opinions I don't even respect?" Noelle "我知道自己不應該在乎他們怎麼想,因為我自己都覺得他們的為人處事有問題。但是我就是沒辦法不在乎。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3480 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_5f73bb68: # Noelle "I wish I could rewire my brain to only crave approval from people I hold in high esteem." Noelle "希望我的大腦可以聽聽我尊敬的人都怎麼說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3483 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_58b4fb68: # Diya "Like me?" Diya "我嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3485 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_00fc7298: # Noelle "You would be included, yes." Noelle "嗯。有妳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3488 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_4e2e962d: # Diya "Then I'd want you to adopt a thousand dogs and start exercising." Diya "那從現在開始,妳要天天運動,然後領養一千隻狗狗。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3490 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_3ccf91d9: # Noelle "A thousand?!" with sshake Noelle "一千隻?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3493 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_0c2c1d96: # Diya "But you can read some books too, as a treat." Diya "如股表現好的話,就可以看書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3495 translate traditional_chinese preassembly_080dc16c: # Noelle "Your manner of discussing this makes me sound like your pet hamster." with sshake Noelle "我是妳的寵物嗎?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3523 translate traditional_chinese assembly_56f23636: # "Noelle follows her class into the rafters." "小諾一行人走進體育館。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3525 translate traditional_chinese assembly_cb4c7fcc: # Min "Diya! Over here!" with sshake Min "迪亞!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3527 translate traditional_chinese assembly_001c343a: # Diya "!!!!" with sshake Diya "!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3529 translate traditional_chinese assembly_fc749dea: # "Min worms her way over to them through the crowd." "小旼穿越人群走了過來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3531 translate traditional_chinese assembly_4b5586e0: # Min "I escaped from my class." Min "我從班上逃出來了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3533 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ab284675: # Akarsha "Escaped? Are they gonna come looking for you?" Akarsha "沒有人來找妳嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3535 translate traditional_chinese assembly_111055ad: # Min "Nah, I lost them." Min "我甩掉他們了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3538 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f1fc4233: # Noelle "You'd better have. I'd rather not get caught harboring a fugitive." Noelle "希望如此。我不想窩藏逃犯。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3541 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c67b5faf: # Min "Did it hurt? When you were born with that huge stick up your ass?" Min "希望妳含著屎出生的時候,沒有人被臭死。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3544 translate traditional_chinese assembly_4ed51299: # NoelleT "I'm not even going to dignify that with a response." NoelleT "我不想花力氣回答。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3547 translate traditional_chinese assembly_33c4aa56: # Min "What the hell is this, anyway?" Min "所以,我們到底在搞什麼鬼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3549 translate traditional_chinese assembly_1eeb2ef6: # Diya "Multicultural Week?" Diya "……妳是指多元文化週嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3551 translate traditional_chinese assembly_8251d02e: # Min "Yeah, that. None of the other schools I went to did this." Min "對。其他學校都沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3553 translate traditional_chinese assembly_421a4e16: # Diya "At lunch, there's samosas. And Coldstone cupcakes." Diya "今天的午餐有咖哩餃和酷石杯子蛋糕。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3555 translate traditional_chinese assembly_06f0a1c8: # Min "What? For free?" Min "免費的嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3557 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a6ea98d6: # Diya "No. You buy them." Diya "要錢。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3558 translate traditional_chinese assembly_fcfc3464: # Diya "All the clubs sell something to fundraise." Diya "每個社團都會賣東西,收入會捐給慈善機構。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3560 translate traditional_chinese assembly_15163088: # Akarsha "I heard there's also musubis." Akarsha "聽說有飯糰。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3562 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d87afd71: # Min "What's the baseball club selling?" Min "棒球社賣什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3565 translate traditional_chinese assembly_5882d563: # Noelle "Curry pizza, I think." Noelle "咖哩披薩吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3569 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f563281c: # "Akarsha takes a seat at the end of the row against the wall. Min begins to sit down next to her..." "阿卡莎坐進最後一排靠牆的位置,小旼正要坐在她的旁邊──" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3572 translate traditional_chinese assembly_1d74dd58: # Diya "!!!" with sshake Diya "!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3574 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2a724f6a: # "Suddenly, Diya grabs Min by the shoulders, turns her round to face her, and kisses her full on the mouth." "迪亞忽然抓住小旼的肩膀,將她轉過來,然後吻住了她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3576 translate traditional_chinese assembly_61272d87: # Min "Mmmph?!" with sshake Min "嗯嗯?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3579 translate traditional_chinese assembly_911f8142: # NoelleT "...What brought this on???" NoelleT "……發生什麼事了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3582 translate traditional_chinese assembly_47d6476c: # Akarsha "Hot damn! Get a room!" Akarsha "救命啊!可憐一下別人,好嗎!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3584 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b4eccf9e: # "Baffled, Noelle squeezes past them and sits in the spot Min was about to take next to Akarsha." "小諾連忙擠過熱吻中的兩人,坐到了阿卡莎旁邊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3586 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0b97355e: # Min "Wha...What was that for?" Min "妳、妳怎麼了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3587 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0b6522ac: # Min "Not that I'm complaining..." Min "我是很開心啦……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3589 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7c22ccaa: # Diya "......." Diya "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3591 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6f652aca: # "Diya whispers something into Min's ear that Noelle can't catch." "迪亞在小旼耳邊小聲說了什麼。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3593 translate traditional_chinese assembly_379c085f: # Min "WHAT?" with sshake Min "嗄?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3594 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7380871d: # Min "That doesn't make sense. Are you sure?!" Min "不可能吧。妳確定嗎?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3596 translate traditional_chinese assembly_97f66899: # Diya "Maybe half." Diya "不完全確定。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3604 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7de0278c: # NPC "Tinikling is one of the most popular folk dances in the Philippines. This dance originated on an island in central Philippines..." NPC "Tinikling是非常有名的菲律賓民俗舞蹈,起源於一個島嶼……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3605 translate traditional_chinese assembly_35c07fb4: # "Noelle and Akarsha continue to cram as their fellow students showcase a variety of cultural performances." "體育館中的表演持續著,小諾和阿卡莎打開生物課本。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3606 translate traditional_chinese assembly_281f0470: # "Diya lets out a huge yawn and rests her head on Min's shoulder." "迪亞打了一個大呵欠,將頭枕在小旼肩上。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3608 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d285220f: # Min "You tired?" Min "想睡覺?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3610 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b0f3c103: # Diya "Stayed up late studying." Diya "熬夜。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3612 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e993ad7a: # Min "I'll wake you up if anything cool happens." Min "睡吧。有好看的我會叫妳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3614 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9129fe1f: # Akarsha "Man, I wish I stayed up late cramming too. I'm so dead..." Akarsha "我昨天到底為什麼要睡呢?死定了啦……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3617 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9b2064f5: # Noelle "We have the entire assembly to study. If you want to live, stop whining and start reviewing." Noelle "表演結束之前都有時間。如果想及格,就快點念。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3622 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c340402c: # Akarsha "Yes, ma'am..." Akarsha "遵命……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3624 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9bbe12f4: # Akarsha "What part of the flower will turn into a fruit?" Akarsha "花朵的哪個部分會變成果實?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3629 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2bbc74dd: # Noelle "The petal." Noelle "花瓣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3632 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2c565bf2: # Akarsha "Huh?? You really think that?" with sshake Akarsha "您是認真的嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3633 translate traditional_chinese assembly_71d61c3d: # Akarsha "When you see flowers with like, a billion petals, are you like \"Wowie! Can't wait to eat a billion fruits!\"" Akarsha "如果這朵花有一千片花瓣,那我們不就賺翻了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3637 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ebfe852d: # Noelle "SHUT UP!!!! I DON'T THINK THAT!!" with sshake Noelle "閉嘴!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3640 translate traditional_chinese assembly_5791a9ae: # Akarsha "Then why'd you say it?" Akarsha "那妳幹嘛說花瓣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3641 translate traditional_chinese assembly_3e8d273d: # Akarsha "It's obviously the ovary." Akarsha "答案是子房啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3643 translate traditional_chinese assembly_dd465693: # Akarsha "Wait, is it cuz you're too much of a prude to say ovary?" Akarsha "啊!難道妳不敢說子房(音同卵巢)?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3645 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a241f632: # Akarsha "All along, instead of debating whether you're straight or gay, we should've been asking whether you get turned on by flower private parts." Akarsha "問人家性取向已經落伍了。從今天開始,逢人就問:請問您聽到「子房」會有性慾嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3649 translate traditional_chinese assembly_25d24af5: # Noelle "SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!!" with sshake Noelle "閉嘴!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3652 translate traditional_chinese assembly_62e21898: # Akarsha "If you wanna shut me up so bad, why don't you just kiss me?" Akarsha "那妳吻我呀。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3655 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c6d8b62d: # "Noelle smacks her in the arm!" with sshake "小諾用力打了阿卡莎一下!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3657 translate traditional_chinese assembly_dfc14508: # Akarsha "Ow!" with sshake Akarsha "唉唷!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3662 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d2d24793: # Noelle "The ovary." Noelle "子房(音同卵巢)。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3665 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0e980481: # Akarsha "Ding ding ding!" Akarsha "叮咚叮咚!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3668 translate traditional_chinese assembly_35c6c4c2: # Noelle "You didn't by any chance ask that question just to make me say \"ovary\", did you?" Noelle "妳應該不是故意問我這個問題的吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3671 translate traditional_chinese assembly_93d2c9be: # Akarsha "No way! How immature do you think I am?" Akarsha "怎麼可能!那樣多不成熟呀。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3674 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c33b1858: # Noelle "Last period, you asked me to guess what number you were thinking of, and it was 69." with sshake Noelle "妳上一節課讓我猜數字,結果是六十九。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3677 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6e1bfcef: # Akarsha "Well, you're the immature one for guessing it right." Akarsha "是呀。猜中我心思的人是多麼的不成熟呀。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3681 translate traditional_chinese assembly_84a1be7e: # Noelle "HOW AM {i}I{/i} THE IMMATURE ONE?? I GUESSED IT BECAUSE I KNEW YOU'RE ALWAYS LIKE THIS!" with sshake Noelle "我很成熟好嗎?!我會猜中是因為妳只能想出這種答案!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3688 translate traditional_chinese assembly_20b0c277: # Min "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! DIYA'S SLEEPING!!!" with sshake Min "幹安靜啦!迪亞在睡覺!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3690 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b6c7f0e4: # Akarsha "Not anymore, she isn't..." Akarsha "她現在醒了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3695 translate traditional_chinese assembly_586354f0: # "The Tinikling dancers bow and run off the stage." "菲律賓舞蹈表演結束,學生舞者對觀眾鞠躬,跑離了舞台。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3696 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6ce64a0a: # "Now that they've reached a lull in the conversation, Noelle is hyperaware of the way the side of Akarsha's thigh is pressed up against hers." "一時之間,大家都不再說話。小諾忽然意識到:阿卡莎的大腿正緊緊貼著自己的身體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3698 translate traditional_chinese assembly_1a86c210: # NoelleT "Why did I have to meet you?" NoelleT "我為什麼要遇見妳呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3699 translate traditional_chinese assembly_785cae30: # NoelleT "Why do you have to be so funny and make me so happy?" NoelleT "妳為什麼讓我這麼開心呢?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3700 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f4edbe05: # NoelleT "You've ruined everything." NoelleT "妳把一切都毀了,妳知道嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3703 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e3161cfd: # NPC "Next up is Chinese dance. Chinese dance has thousands of years of history..." NPC "接下來為大家表演中國舞蹈。舞蹈在中國已經有幾千年的歷史了……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3704 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6d1d5caa: # "A troupe of student dancers wave colorful fans to an idyllic sounding Chinese song." "學生舞者們拿著色彩鮮豔的大扇子,跟著一首聽起來傻呼呼的中國歌曲翩翩起舞。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3707 translate traditional_chinese assembly_298191b2: # Akarsha "Do you know what the song's about?" Akarsha "妳聽得懂嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3710 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f28b9194: # Noelle "I wish I could tell you. I haven't the faintest idea." Noelle "完全聽不懂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3711 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2da7c476: # Noelle "When I was younger, I was so eager to cast the Chinese part of me aside because it was difficult. And now I regret it." Noelle "我小時候覺得中文很難,所以沒有好好學。現在我很後悔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3714 translate traditional_chinese assembly_52f77e0e: # Akarsha "Hey, no judgment. I'm whitewashed, too." Akarsha "彼此彼此啦。我也西化得很徹底啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3717 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9f1bafbc: # Noelle "Does it ever bother you that you can't speak any Indian languages?" Noelle "不會說母語,不會讓妳覺得困擾嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3720 translate traditional_chinese assembly_bc52e8e9: # Akarsha "Maybe a little? It would be cool to know." Akarsha "一點點?會講也不錯。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3723 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d7657ed4: # Noelle "That's all? You don't feel guilty for being uncultured?" Noelle "妳不會有罪惡感嗎?沒有好好學習自己的文化。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3727 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9b63ed6e: # Akarsha "Excuse you?? I'm plenty cultured!" Akarsha "我很有文化,好嗎!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3729 translate traditional_chinese assembly_06ee3041: # Akarsha "Today I'm gonna eat curry pizza, destroy the sport of baseball, and even enjoy the company of a Frenchman." Akarsha "我今天吃了咖哩波薩、改寫了棒球規則、還和法國佬談笑風生。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3734 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2d183d26: # Noelle "You know what I mean. It's not the traditional culture your ancestors experienced." Noelle "我不是那個意思。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3737 translate traditional_chinese assembly_fb53a1ae: # Akarsha "Is that such a bad thing? It's different, but it's pretty cool in its own way, too." Akarsha "有這麼嚴重嗎?我們這樣也很好啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3741 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a35c7c01: # Akarsha "And if I really want, I can always pick up Hindi or something someday." Akarsha "印地語再學就有了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3749 translate traditional_chinese assembly_07ea5e8a: # Noelle "But you've already missed the window of time when children pick up languages the most readily." Noelle "可是妳已經錯過黃金學習期了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3752 translate traditional_chinese assembly_8f12338c: # Akarsha "Don't plenty of people learn languages later in life though?" Akarsha "很多人都這樣啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3753 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b3880641: # Akarsha "I feel like Diya and Min've learned a ton just from teaching each other." Akarsha "像迪亞和小旼,她們也是互相學的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3756 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ac5e3ad9: # Noelle "That may be possible, but it's not optimal." Noelle "是沒錯。但不是最優解。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3760 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e1d42f3e: # Akarsha "Dude, whose life is optimal? You're not a robot." Akarsha "妳是機器人嗎?什麼都要最優解。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3761 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0262355f: # Akarsha "Just take what you can get, and be happy." Akarsha "知足常樂就好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3764 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b2257355: # Noelle "Easier said than done, but duly noted." Noelle "妳說得簡單。但是我記住了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3767 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6cb7d62a: # Akarsha "Speaking of robots! Did you try playing Portal?" Akarsha "說到機器人!妳玩過傳送門了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3770 translate traditional_chinese assembly_dd655fe6: # Noelle "I did." Noelle "玩了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3773 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e95ad4cb: # Akarsha "What did you think?" with sshake Akarsha "怎麼樣?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3776 translate traditional_chinese assembly_148ccd6a: # Noelle "It made me motion sick. I kept having to pause because I was on the verge of throwing up." Noelle "太暈了。我要一直暫停,不然會想吐。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3779 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f37daddf: # Akarsha "Oops. Sorry..." Akarsha "哇。對不起……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3782 translate traditional_chinese assembly_26f97cbc: # Noelle "But I did enjoy the witty dialogue. And the song at the end." Noelle "可是我覺得對話寫得很棒,後面的歌也很好聽。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3785 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0e58246f: # Akarsha "...So you still played all of it?" Akarsha "……妳玩完了?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3788 translate traditional_chinese assembly_be8d0937: # Noelle "Yes." Noelle "對啊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3791 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6fa0a32c: # Akarsha "Even though it almost made you hurl?!" Akarsha "妳不是會暈嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3794 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b037d653: # Noelle "What choice did I have? You told me to play it." Noelle "還能怎麼辦?是妳叫我玩的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3798 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2e6648a6: # Akarsha "Oh...yeah, I guess that's friends do." Akarsha "喔……嗯。夠朋友。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3800 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ad8cc50e: # Akarsha "Isn't GLaDOS so hot?" Akarsha "GLaDOS超性感的!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3803 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a07cb921: # Noelle "The sadistic artificial intelligence who's trying to kill you?" Noelle "喜歡虐待玩家的人工智慧……性感?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3806 translate traditional_chinese assembly_74410120: # Akarsha "That's the whole appeal! She's scary in a seductive way!" with sshake Akarsha "對啊!那種女王的感覺!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3807 translate traditional_chinese assembly_199172d9: # Akarsha "Like, her voice gets all low and sexy when she's insulting you!" Akarsha "她罵人的時候,聲音超低超誘人的!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3811 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9e8bd6e8: # Noelle "Did you hit your head again? Something's definitely not right in there." Noelle "我覺得妳怪怪的。該不會又撞到頭了吧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3833 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c09df00f: # NPC "K-Pop as we know it would not exist without the—" NPC "韓樂是源自──" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3835 translate traditional_chinese assembly_935ce889: # NPC2 "WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" with sshake NPC2 "呀啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3836 translate traditional_chinese assembly_416fa26f: # "The K-Pop dance troupe's introduction is completely drowned out by a chorus of high-pitched screams." "觀眾的尖叫聲完全壓過了主持人的介紹。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3838 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e0f20cf3: # Akarsha "Aw, that's cute." Akarsha "可愛捏。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3841 translate traditional_chinese assembly_70f79faf: # Noelle "I'm not sure I would characterize those banshee-like screams as \"cute\"." Noelle "可愛嗎?我覺得對耳朵不太好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3844 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7392abcd: # Akarsha "No, not them! Next to you." Akarsha "不是啦!妳旁邊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3846 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b78cfd62: # "Noelle turns to see Diya sound asleep in Min's arms. Min's gazing at her like she's an angel that just fell down from heaven." "迪亞安睡在小旼的臂彎中,小旼深情的凝視著她,像是在瞻仰落入凡間的天使。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3847 translate traditional_chinese assembly_678b7786: # "It makes Noelle's skin crawl, so she quickly looks away." "小諾起了一身雞皮疙瘩,她迅速的別開了視線。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3849 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6d172912: # Noelle "They're so disgustingly in love, I can barely bear to look at them." Noelle "她們可以不要這麼噁心嗎?我都快看不下去了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3853 translate traditional_chinese assembly_bc309e5e: # Akarsha "Right? It's like staring directly at the sun." Akarsha "太耀眼了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3856 translate traditional_chinese assembly_3e9eb65d: # Akarsha "All obvious." Akarsha "有眼睛的人都看得出來她們深愛著對方。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3858 translate traditional_chinese assembly_86187363: # Akarsha "Sometimes I kinda wish that were more my style." Akarsha "我還滿羨慕她們的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3861 translate traditional_chinese assembly_41eb6237: # Noelle "Do you really?" Noelle "是嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3862 translate traditional_chinese assembly_1ee6889d: # Noelle "It's not exactly my style, either." Noelle "我不太喜歡這麼明目張膽。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3865 translate traditional_chinese assembly_5ef784cc: # Akarsha "Yeah, I guess not..." Akarsha "我想也是……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3866 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d1531631: # Akarsha ".........." Akarsha "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3869 translate traditional_chinese assembly_267a6b6e: # "Noelle carefully maintains a mildly disgusted expression as she watches Akarsha read, just in case she's caught staring." "小諾小心翼翼的維持著「有點反感」的表情,以防阿卡莎發現自己正在偷看她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3877 translate traditional_chinese assembly_4d52acdc: # NoelleT "If I cast this part of myself aside because it's difficult too, will I come to regret it later?" NoelleT "如果我和以前一樣,因為覺得「很難」就選擇放棄,我也會後悔嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3884 translate traditional_chinese assembly_77a61c5c: # Akarsha "Hey...." Akarsha "那個啊……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3885 translate traditional_chinese assembly_13458b10: # Akarsha "Do you remember that time my brother hijacked my computer and typed all this crazy stuff to you?" Akarsha "妳記得之前我們用電腦聊天的時候,我弟有來搗蛋嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3888 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9d73f57c: # Noelle "What?" Noelle "搗蛋?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3891 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e4083290: # Akarsha "It was a few months ago, after school. Remember?" Akarsha "幾個月前吧。妳還記得嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3894 translate traditional_chinese assembly_983f74a2: # NoelleT "Oh, I forgot about that." NoelleT "我差點忘了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3895 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b68bc488: # NoelleT "That was odd." NoelleT "還滿尷尬的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3897 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b3b1f6bd: # Noelle "Yes, I remember now. Why?" Noelle "我現在想起來了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3900 translate traditional_chinese assembly_aa14ca82: # Akarsha "I lied." Akarsha "我騙妳的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3901 translate traditional_chinese assembly_aecc28ac: # Akarsha "That wasn't my brother, that was me." Akarsha "都是我寫的。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3904 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ec7115bd: # Noelle "O...kay?" Noelle "…………喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3907 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e47d28aa: # Akarsha "........." Akarsha "……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3909 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0fc9faa2: # "Akarsha goes back to reading her Biology textbook, though her leg's now jittering up and down." "阿卡莎繼續埋首於生物課本中,她的雙腿開始不安分的亂蹬。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3911 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6da29b74: # NoelleT "I feel like I was just told a joke whose punchline flew straight over my head." NoelleT "我是不是沒有抓到她的笑點?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3912 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7244eda7: # NoelleT "Why would it matter that it was her and not her brother...? What exactly did she say?" NoelleT "不是她弟弟……然後呢?我不記得當時的內容了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3915 translate traditional_chinese assembly_89d0f094: # "As she wracks her brain, a dozen costumed seniors take the floor." "小諾努力回想著。此時,一群穿著表演服的高年級生走了進來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3919 translate traditional_chinese assembly_4af2e26b: # NPC "Thank you, K-Pop! Up next, we have Senior Bhangra!" NPC "感謝韓樂舞者精彩的表演!接下來,讓我們歡迎高年級生!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3920 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0f76864a: # NPC "Bhangra was originally a folk dance from farmers in Punjab..." NPC "班恩格拉舞源自旁遮普農民的傳統舞蹈……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3923 translate traditional_chinese assembly_df7698cd: # Min "There's Chryssa and Liz!" Min "克莉莎和麗姿要跳舞了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3925 translate traditional_chinese assembly_cd50a06d: $subtitle="*公主殿下" # Min "{font=korean.ttf}공주님!{/font} Wake up!" with sshake Min "{font=korean.ttf}공주님*!{/font}!起床了!" with sshake $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3927 translate traditional_chinese assembly_56bfc018: # Diya "...!" Diya "……!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3929 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6d4fc6d8: # Chryssa "Seniors, c'mon down!" Chryssa "高年級生都給我下來!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3931 translate traditional_chinese assembly_dbafef2a: # Liz "It's okay if you don't know the moves! Follow our lead!" Liz "不會跳沒關係!我們教你!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3934 translate traditional_chinese assembly_99310173: # Noelle "...How is it okay if people don't know the moves?" Noelle "……不會跳不是應該不要跳嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3937 translate traditional_chinese assembly_6ddf31e1: # Akarsha "I guess they all try to copy the group that's learned the dance." Akarsha "就跟著會跳的人跳吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3940 translate traditional_chinese assembly_3e176350: # Noelle "Won't that look hopelessly unsynchronized, though?" Noelle "不會很亂嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3941 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9f49aa9c: # Noelle "They can't possibly dance in proper unison on the fly." Noelle "這樣跳舞真的好看嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3944 translate traditional_chinese assembly_4138202e: # Akarsha "Why don't we see for ourselves?" Akarsha "試試看嘛!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3946 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a63964ea: # Akarsha "Let's dance!" with sshake Akarsha "嗨起來!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3948 translate traditional_chinese assembly_3636c72a: # "Akarsha stands, yanking Noelle up with her by the arm." "阿卡莎站起來,拉住小諾的手。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3950 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c7e920ca: # Noelle "What?! We're not seniors!" with sshake Noelle "我們不是高年級生!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3955 translate traditional_chinese assembly_3fa93e89: # Akarsha "C'mon, no one's gonna notice. I can't focus, anyway!" Akarsha "沒有人會發現啦。而且這麼吵,我沒辦法念書。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3962 translate traditional_chinese assembly_77bc44c6: # "Noelle balks as her friends weave their way into the crowd of amateur dancers." "小諾半推半就地被拉進舞池裡。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3964 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f302e144: # Noelle "I don't dance!" Noelle "我不會跳舞!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3968 translate traditional_chinese assembly_43cf6b9a: # Akarsha "C'mon, you don't need to be good at something to do it." Akarsha "沒關係啊!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3969 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e94f735c: # "They all try to copy the others, clapping and raising their arms a beat late each time." "每個人都模仿著其他人的舞姿,場內充斥著慢半拍的拍手聲和各種不標準的動作。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3971 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7449f763: # Min "This looks like shit!" with sshake Min "太難了吧!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3975 translate traditional_chinese assembly_2ccf0007: # Akarsha "Oh balls! This is harder than I thought!" Akarsha "我不該信誓蛋蛋!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3978 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ef8bfc24: # Noelle "I told you! We look like fools!" with sshake Noelle "我就說吧!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3981 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a07b4e19: # Akarsha "T-that's okay! So does everyone else!" with sshake Akarsha "沒關係啦!大家都一樣爛!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3985 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d67b7253: # "Already out of breath, Noelle looks around at the chaotic blur of Asian nerds flailing their limbs around them." "小諾早已氣喘吁吁,無數個亞洲書呆子在她周圍胡亂舞動著身體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3987 translate traditional_chinese assembly_fea6b3e8: # NoelleT "It's true...This must be a group of some of the worst dancers in the world!" NoelleT "真的欸。我們簡直就是全世界最糟糕的舞群。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3993 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7dbc27f0: # "With renewed confidence, Noelle spins in what turns out to be the completely wrong direction. Diya rears back to avoid crashing into her." "重拾信心的小諾隨著音樂旋轉──然後轉錯了方向。迪亞作勢要躲開。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3995 translate traditional_chinese assembly_a9db357b: # Diya ".........." Diya "…………" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3996 translate traditional_chinese assembly_45b78d56: # "To Noelle's surprise, Diya belatedly bumps into her, sending her flying into Akarsha!" with sshake "但迪亞忽然撞了小諾一下,讓小諾摔向了阿卡莎!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:3998 translate traditional_chinese assembly_63de986b: # NoelleT "That almost seemed deliberate?!" NoelleT "她是不是故意撞我?!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4001 translate traditional_chinese assembly_ce00232f: # Akarsha "Wah!" with sshake Akarsha "哇!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4003 translate traditional_chinese assembly_11ba9fbb: # Noelle "Pardon!" with sshake Noelle "不好意思!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4005 translate traditional_chinese assembly_62404612: # "Akarsha tries to pull back, only for Min to smack the back of her head in retaliation." "阿卡莎想要躲開,卻被小旼狠狠巴了一下頭。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4012 translate traditional_chinese assembly_c8417efd: # Akarsha "OW!! What was that for?" with sshake Akarsha "唉唷!幹嘛啦!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4014 translate traditional_chinese assembly_26327517: # Min "This...This air is mine!" with sshake Min "呃、這、這塊空氣是我的!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4016 translate traditional_chinese assembly_761a13f3: # Akarsha "Huh???" with sshake Akarsha "嗄?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4018 translate traditional_chinese assembly_48751b62: # "Noelle grabs Akarsha's hand for balance as they collide again." "小諾抓住阿卡莎的手,以防自己摔倒。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4020 translate traditional_chinese assembly_84b90c7d: # Akarsha "Isn't this fun?" Akarsha "好好玩喔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4022 translate traditional_chinese assembly_783ff8f9: # Noelle "This is a hellhole!" Noelle "哪裡好玩了!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4025 translate traditional_chinese assembly_9f30cbe2: # Akarsha "This is paradise!" Akarsha "超好玩的!" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4032 translate traditional_chinese assembly_feba0b10: # "Akarsha laces their fingers together, and Noelle can feel it — a hairline crack racing through something foundational within her." "小諾與阿卡莎十指交扣的瞬間,某種小而有力的東西爆裂開來,紋路爬滿了曾經造就小諾的一切。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4033 translate traditional_chinese assembly_88354afd: # "It's an utterly terrifying yet exhilarating sensation, but she doesn't let go." "這種感覺既可怕又可喜,小諾緊緊的抓住了它。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4035 translate traditional_chinese assembly_7132114a: # Noelle "I have feelings for you." Noelle "我喜歡妳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4037 translate traditional_chinese assembly_dde4c5b0: # "She whispers it, as an experiment, so that it's impossible to hear over the roar of the crowd and the music." "她輕輕地說,像一個脆弱的實驗。話語淹沒在噪音之中。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4038 translate traditional_chinese assembly_00490a09: # "But it feels like a small, daring victory, like the first step on the moon." "她輕輕地說,像一個小小的勝利。在月球上印下一個腳印。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4040 translate traditional_chinese assembly_1e28a4d5: # "Like a butterfly breaking out of its chrysalis all soft, naive, and crinkled." "像一隻破蛹而出的蝴蝶:孱羸稚弱、毫無防備、不成形體。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4042 translate traditional_chinese assembly_21719d73: # "Maybe with two left feet and a few days late to the party, but alive, so alive, trying to process the blinding, beautiful, wild world she's broken her way into." "也許牠肢體不全、姍姍來遲,但牠是如此、如此鮮活。牠正拼命伸展著翅膀,讓自己能在這陌生、殘酷又美麗的世界裡恣意翱翔。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4045 translate traditional_chinese assembly_3f7ef669: # Akarsha "...What'd you say?" Akarsha "……妳說什麼?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4047 translate traditional_chinese assembly_baa53c48: # "Akarsha twirls her, and Noelle gives up on suppressing the giddy smile on her face." "阿卡莎帶小諾轉了一個圈,小諾終於笑了出來。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4049 translate traditional_chinese assembly_0b39b132: # Noelle "Nothing. Maybe I'll tell you later." Noelle "沒什麼。晚點再跟妳說。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4052 translate traditional_chinese assembly_8e533053: # Akarsha "Be that way. Burger King." Akarsha "就這樣吧!漢堡王。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4054 translate traditional_chinese assembly_8342240e: # Diya "That's not even the slogan." Diya "沒有這句標語啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4055 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b3e0fbdd: # "They dance and dance, all stupid and struggling and happy." "她們不斷舞動著,愚蠢、不堪,卻又是那麼快樂。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4057 translate traditional_chinese assembly_5e3ebaff: # Min "There's so much pain and misery in this school." Min "學校帶來了太多傷心的回憶。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4058 translate traditional_chinese assembly_b796941a: # Min "It's twisted us all into strange and flawed shapes, like butterflies born in a fool's spring." Min "它將我們變得奇形怪狀,像暖冬裡的蝴蝶。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4059 translate traditional_chinese assembly_8673a6fb: # Diya "But it's the circumstances that gave us you and me, right here, right now." Diya "但大環境也讓我們能夠聚在一起。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4060 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f0171bdf: # Noelle "Kant wrote, \"Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.\"" Noelle "康德說:在扭曲的人性催化下,世間不存在筆直之物。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4061 translate traditional_chinese assembly_8bed50da: # Noelle "And how we long to be straight — Forgetting there's beauty in the crooked things, too." Noelle "我們渴望成為筆直之物,卻忘了斜倚之美。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4064 translate traditional_chinese assembly_bfb7360b: # Akarsha "We'll never live the lives our parents wanted us to lead." Akarsha "我們終究不會活出長輩所期望的人生。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4067 translate traditional_chinese assembly_531f02a9: # Akarsha "And that's okay." Akarsha "放過自己吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4068 translate traditional_chinese assembly_f6fc31d7: # Akarsha "Because we'll forge something brave and new instead." Akarsha "勇敢的走出另一條路。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4070 translate traditional_chinese assembly_e4f5b225: # Noelle "It won't be the same." Noelle "一條與眾不同的路。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4071 translate traditional_chinese assembly_69905c02: # Noelle "But it'll be ours." Noelle "只屬於我們的路。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4072 translate traditional_chinese assembly_d5bb4ddc: # Noelle "And I won't ever let that go." Noelle "而我選擇走下去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4120 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_08b6611a: # Akarsha "Well? Were they open?" Akarsha "有開嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4121 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_d5e1e9df: # Noelle "What do you think? It's 1 in the morning." Noelle "現在是凌晨一點,妳覺得咧?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4122 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_1b9b1027: # Noelle "Of course Home Depot wasn't open." Noelle "家得寶怎麼可能有開。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4123 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_999e480d: # Akarsha "There's gotta be somewhere else you can buy bolt cutters." Akarsha "世界上應該還有可以買到破壞剪的地方吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4124 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_236af05c: # Noelle "At this hour? I'm not optimistic." Noelle "凌晨一點嗎?我不覺得。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4125 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_1b023958: # Akarsha "Guess I'll die then?? How else are we gonna get them off?" Akarsha "不然怎麼辦?我要死了嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4126 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_eadf4253: # Noelle "I'm afraid we need to go to the fire station for help." Noelle "我們可能要找消防隊。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4128 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_4f7cc2df: # Noelle "Stop laughing, this isn't funny!" with sshake Noelle "不要笑!一點也不好笑!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4129 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_8e052c54: # Akarsha "This isn't funny???" with sshake Akarsha "不好笑嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4130 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_f375367d: # Akarsha "We're goin' to the fire station with me half naked and handcuffed, and it's not funny?" with sshake Akarsha "一個半裸還戴著手銬的女人在凌晨一點跑去消防隊不好笑嗎?" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4132 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_84707d51: # Noelle "You really can't get more dressed than that?" Noelle "妳真的沒辦法穿衣服嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4133 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_d33f2201: # Akarsha "I mean, my arms can't go through the sleeves." Akarsha "袖子進不去。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4135 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_06021fad: # Noelle "Hold still." Noelle "站好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4138 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_40a68506: # Noelle "I give up. Good enough." Noelle "算了,就這樣吧。可以了啦。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4140 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_bcd4393f: # Akarsha "Go—good enough?!?" with sshake Akarsha "可以嗎?!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4142 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_e5a2f7e1: # Akarsha "If only I had a humiliation kink, this would've been perfect." Akarsha "如果我喜歡羞恥PLAY,應該會很開心吧。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4144 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_0ed12d7f: # Akarsha "Doesn't Min have a katana?" Akarsha "小旼是不是有武士刀?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4145 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_c6df964d: # Noelle "They do?" Noelle "有嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4146 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_0113a011: # Akarsha "Or at least some kinda sword. Maybe we could use it to slice the handcuffs off." Akarsha "或著什麼劍之類的。我們可以跟她借。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4147 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_e56c67f2: # Noelle "What, you want a surprise amputation tonight? No." Noelle "妳很想截肢,是不是?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4148 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_31f2320f: # Akarsha "And you're SURE the key didn't fall behind the dresser?" Akarsha "鑰匙真的沒有在櫃子後面嗎?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4151 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_02862b41: # Noelle "I looked everywhere; it's gone." Noelle "真的沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4153 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_76a5da86: # Noelle "I'm convinced that in these scenarios, small objects stop obeying the laws of physics." Noelle "多年的經驗告訴我:在這種情況下,小東西會直接消失在異空間裡。我被說服了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4154 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_364623ed: # Akarsha "This never happened any of the times I handcuffed YOU." Akarsha "妳被銬起來的時候就沒有。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4155 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_90bedb23: # Noelle "That, my dear, is called luck." Noelle "親愛的,那是因為我運氣好。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4160 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_a94801da: # Akarsha "Whatever you say, Skunky..." Akarsha "臭鼬說了算。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4162 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_b543dfe4: # Noelle "STOP CALLING ME THAT." Noelle "不要叫我臭鼬。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4163 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_a05f8c47: # Akarsha "Fine, Skunko Pop...D.Gray-Man..." Akarsha "好啦、好啦。致命鼬惑……驅魔少年……" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4164 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_afc97b80: # Noelle "AND DON'T BRAINSTORM HORRID NEW NICKNAMES FOR ME!" with sshake Noelle "不要開始想新綽號!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4165 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_35cdf9d6: # Akarsha "But you're basically begging for it with your hair like that." Akarsha "誰叫妳頭髮那樣。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4166 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_df4f1e9c: # Noelle "It's not as if I grew gray hairs on purpose!" with sshake Noelle "白頭髮又不是我自己要長的!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4167 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_94c40ed1: # Akarsha "Then how come I don't have any?" Akarsha "那我為什麼沒有?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4168 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_70d229f1: # Noelle "You're intolerable." with sshake Noelle "妳煩死了。" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4171 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_5a46e6f9: # "Noelle seizes the front of Akarsha's shirt and yanks her forward, crushing their lips together." "小諾拉過阿卡莎身上的外衣,用力吻住了她。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4173 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_71453617: # "Akarsha makes a small noise of surprise, then grins as she deepens the kiss, coaxing her lips open so her tongue can slide inside." "阿卡莎驚訝的「唔」了一聲,隨即笑著加深了這個吻,她輕啟雙唇,讓小諾的舌頭長驅直入。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4177 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_52bdb945: # "At the start of the night, she tasted like watermelon lip gloss, but that's long been kissed and smeared away into oblivion." "幾個小時之前,阿卡莎的嘴唇還是西瓜的味道;但在無數的親吻與摩擦之後,唇蜜早就沒了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4178 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_018fd7e0: # "Noelle can't help but think, why bother? When will you learn?" "「何必呢?」小諾不禁想道。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4179 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_7f2930a5: # "I'll always kiss through every layer of crap you put between us until it's just you and me." "不管妳戴了多少層面具,我都會一直吻妳,直到我找到妳為止。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4183 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_ff6750bb: # "When they part, their breaths ragged, neither of them can come up with anything witty to say." "良久,兩人終於分開。她們氣喘吁吁地凝視著對方,想不到任何「讓場面更火辣」的台詞。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4187 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_5452d866: # Noelle "I love you." Noelle "我愛妳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4188 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_b46d6722: # Akarsha "I love you more." Akarsha "我更愛妳。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4189 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_e3813e2c: # Noelle "That's impossible." Noelle "不可能。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4190 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_6413f5df: # Akarsha "No, it's not." Akarsha "可能。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4191 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_eaad6e48: # Akarsha "I love you times infinity. There, I win." Akarsha "我愛妳乘以永遠。我贏了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4192 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_b2cb471e: # Noelle "You can't multiply infinity." Noelle "永遠不能乘。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4193 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_f39d3359: # Noelle "Infinity is a concept, not a number. So is \"love\", for that matter." Noelle "永遠不是數字,是概念。愛也是。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4194 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_2935a871: # Akarsha "Well too bad, I did it." Akarsha "太可惜了,我已經成功了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4195 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_909aad01: # Akarsha "Love you times infinity." Akarsha "我愛妳乘以永遠。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4197 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_fff36486: # "Noelle sighs, but she doesn't bother hiding the half-smile tugging at her mouth." "小諾嘆了口氣,但她沒有藏起嘴角的笑。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4199 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_fc9921ee: # Noelle "If you're going to speak nonsense, then I love you times infinity, plus one." Noelle "如果妳要這樣無理取鬧的話,那:我愛妳乘以永遠加一。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4202 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_bfffb99f: # Noelle "Now get in the car. I have work tomorrow morning." Noelle "現在請滾上車。我明天還要上班。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4203 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_63d9bf00: # "Akarsha tries to respond as Noelle opens the door for her, but she's laughing so hard, it takes her several attempts to get it out." "小諾為阿卡莎打開車門,但後者已經笑到沒辦法好好說話了。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4204 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_c91e8edc: # Akarsha "The firefighters! They're gonna look outside and see..." with sshake Akarsha "消防隊員本來休息得好好的……咦?有人來了……" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4205 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_cd232eb4: $subtitle="*美國童書" # Akarsha "Prius driver dressed like Frog & Toad...and me..." Akarsha "是一台普瑞斯……裡面有一個穿得像「青蛙與蟾蜍*」的人,還有我……" $subtitle="" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4206 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_00a6d618: # Noelle "What's wrong with driving a Prius? Just get in already!" with sshake Noelle "普瑞斯怎麼了嗎?上車!" with sshake # game/4_noelle.rpy:4207 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_472fe40d: # Noelle "I love you times infinity, minus one." Noelle "我愛妳乘以永遠減一。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4208 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_50005043: # Noelle "I love you times infinity, minus two." Noelle "我愛妳乘以永遠減二。" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4209 translate traditional_chinese epilogue_9e322ae2: # Akarsha "Okay, okay! How mean!" with sshake Akarsha "好嘛、好嘛!我上車就是了嘛!" with sshake translate traditional_chinese strings: # game/4_noelle.rpy:26 old "5th grade" new "五年級" # game/4_noelle.rpy:29 old "Saturday Chinese School" new "星期六的中文課" # game/4_noelle.rpy:39 old "The first phrase is \"mirror.\"" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:48 old "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鍺子{/font}" new "鍺子" # game/4_noelle.rpy:48 old "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}錢子{/font}" new "錢子" # game/4_noelle.rpy:48 old "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡子{/font}" new "鏡子" # game/4_noelle.rpy:70 old "The next phrase is \"admit.\"" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:72 old "You should already know \"recognize.\"" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:74 old "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}承{/font}'s meaning is \"to bear\" or \"to carry\"..." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:83 old "Teacher, how many Chinese characters are there?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:85 old "At least 80,000." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:91 old "Don't worry, most educated people only know about 8,000." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:263 old "Hello?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:272 old "Ah-ma = Taiwanese term for grandma" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:290 old "Spring Break" new "春假" # game/4_noelle.rpy:309 old "Wikipedia page" new "維基百科" # game/4_noelle.rpy:318 old "Re-read the Wikipedia article" new "重讀一次文章" # game/4_noelle.rpy:318 old "Click the \"sexual intercourse\" hyperlink" new "點擊「性交」超連結" # game/4_noelle.rpy:318 old "Click the \"lesbian\" hyperlink" new "點擊「女同性戀」超連結" # game/4_noelle.rpy:343 old "Click the \"Lesotho\" hyperlink" new "點擊「賴索托」超連結" # game/4_noelle.rpy:365 old "Click the \"fingering\" hyperlink" new "點擊「指交」超連結" # game/4_noelle.rpy:381 old "Click the \"tribadism\" hyperlink" new "點擊「磨豆腐」超連結" # game/4_noelle.rpy:412 old "Check your phone" new "查看手機" # game/4_noelle.rpy:616 old "Sixteen hours later" new "十六小時後" # game/4_noelle.rpy:619 old "Taipei" new "台北" # game/4_noelle.rpy:632 old "Ah-gong = grandpa" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:639 old "We're here!" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:642 old "Come in, come in!" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:662 old "Da Ah-yi" new "大阿姨" # game/4_noelle.rpy:670 old "Hey!" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:673 old "Yay!! You're finally here!" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:675 old "Chun-hua, you've grown so big!" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:678 old "Yeah, I must've been in elementary school the last time you saw me!" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:688 old "Hi marryone...I four Le-ying." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:696 old "What'd you say?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:700 old "Lair am Le-ying." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:709 old "Even the Mandarin, he's nearly forgotten." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:736 old "They're both skin and bones. They really are cousins." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:739 old "One U.S. version, one Taiwan version." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:794 old "Ask about the area" new "問附近的環境" # game/4_noelle.rpy:794 old "Ask about her book" new "問她在讀什麼書" # game/4_noelle.rpy:794 old "Ask about the photos on the wall" new "照片牆?" # game/4_noelle.rpy:921 old "Ask about something else" new "問其他事情" # game/4_noelle.rpy:921 old "Tell me about the photos" new "繼續問照片牆" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1065 old "Intercom" new "廣播" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1172 old "Stall Worker" new "店員" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1173 old "Light I ask how much are these pants?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1177 old "Two hundred NTD." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1182 old "I waist buy this." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1230 old "I want oyster omelette." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1236 old "What do you want to order?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1247 old "Are you American-born Chinese?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1252 old "I am." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1307 old "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}阿姨好{/font} = Hello Auntie." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1347 old "The last day of the trip" new "在台北的最後一天" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1391 old "I miss Ah-ma..." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1562 old "Flower in the mirror, moon in the water" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1579 old "Ready to go to the airport?" new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1582 old "Let's go." new "" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1608 old "Stranger" new "陌生人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1636 old "Man" new "男人" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1647 old "Passenger" new "乘客" # game/4_noelle.rpy:1979 old "20 minutes later" new "二十分鐘後" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2009 old "Umpire" new "裁判" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2193 old "Subhaan" new "薩布漢" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2274 old "\"Sub-Zero\"" new "\"零度旋風\"" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2627 old "Call her Sub-Zero" new "稱她為零度旋風" # game/4_noelle.rpy:2627 old "Don't call her Sub-Zero" new "不稱她為零度旋風" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3194 old "One week later" new "一個星期後" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3388 old "God_Of_Halo" new "光圈之神" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3603 old "Class president" new "班長" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3626 old "Petal" new "花瓣" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3626 old "Ovary" new "子房" # game/4_noelle.rpy:3832 old "Girls in the crowd" new "觀眾席的女生們" # game/4_noelle.rpy:4115 old "The future" new "未來"