label min3: $save_name = _("Min") hide screen quick_menu3 play sound "sound/jackpot.ogg" $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=True) hide bg show card roll show circle circle1 show film strip1 at Pan((0, 0), (0, 868), 10, repeat=True) $ renpy.pause(2.65, hard=True) show card cardMin show circle circleFlash $ renpy.pause(3.2, hard=True) hide circle hide card hide film show bg black stop sound play music "music/romaras.ogg" show screen quick_menu3 $ chTitle =_("Min") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) $ chTitle =_("4th grade") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens $ chTitle =_("Florida") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens show bg bayou $npcName=_("Teacher") NPC "Don't get too close to the water!" show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "Oh, c'mon! What's the point of a field trip to a bayou if we don't even get to splash around in it a little?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunUh Jun "I mean, there might be alligators in there...It's probably dangerous." hide sprite with dissolve "Min sullenly trudges along the edge of the bayou with the rest of her classmates." show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyedAway MinT "I miss California..." MinT "We just moved here a couple months ago." MinT "Before, the only white people I knew were Hayden and my teachers." MinT "But now, everyone single kid in our class is white except me and Jun." MinT "I can't believe Hayden was right! Our school in California really {i}wasn't{/i} anything like the rest of America." hide sideSprite1 NPC "This bayou has a lot of biodiversity. Does anyone know what that means?" "Jun-seo raises his hand. Their teacher pauses awkwardly before nodding to him." NPC "Er, sorry, how do you pronounce your name again?" show sprite yJunNeutral Jun "Jun-seo." NPC "Can you repeat that?" Jun "Yeah, Jun-seo." "She nods with her brows furrowed, still looking lost." # "The people here have trouble pronouncing any name that has a red line under it in Microsoft Word." NPC "Uh...Is it okay if I call you John instead?" show sprite yJunWorried Jun "...Okay..." show sideSprite1 yMinSurprised Min "Okay??!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Looking embarrassed, Jun ignores her and answers the question like nothing happened." show sprite yJunUh Jun "Biodiversity is when there's a lot of different kinds of plants and animals living somewhere." hide sprite with dissolve NPC "That's right, John!" NPC "A variety of animals thrive in this habitat...Let's see which ones we can spot from here." NPC "Yes, Sarah?" $npcName2=_("Classmate") NPC2 "I see a fish in the water!" "Min hisses to her twin under her breath as the lesson continues." show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "What was that?! Now the teacher's gonna think it's ok to call me Minnie or something!" with sshake Min "If people start calling me Minnie Mouse, that'll be the absolute worst!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunWorried with dissolve Jun "I don't think that's gonna happen..." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "It better not, I hate Minnie Mouse! She's weak and wimpy looking." with sshake Min "I bet if someone punched her in the gut, she'd just DIE." show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyedAway Min "I'll go make the teacher call you the right name." hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunNervous Jun "No, don't! I don't wanna make a huge deal out of it." show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "But you SHOULD make a huge deal out of it! It's your name!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunWorried Jun "It's fine, John's close enough..." NPC "It looks like the Ant Walk is ready for us now. Everyone, follow me!" play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" hide sprite with dissolve "Their class continues down the trail, passing a group from another school. Many of the kids gawk at her and Jun with unabashed curiosity as they pass by." "One boy pulls his eyes into slits with his fingers as his friends giggle." $npcName2=_("Random Boy") NPC2 "Herro!" NPC2 "Me no speak Engrish..." show sideSprite1 yMinSurprised MinT "WHAT THE..." play music "music/Bloodgod.ogg" # "As a few of his classmates giggle, Min gives him the middle finger." show sideSprite1 yMinShocked play sound "sound/What!.ogg" Min "You wanna go, dickhead!? FIGHT ME!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 NPC2 "Oh, he's mad! Me no rikey!" play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "I DON'T SOUND LIKE THAT! BITCH!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show bg white onlayer screens play sound "sound/smack.ogg" pause 0.1 hide bg white onlayer screens with sshake "Enraged, Min punches the kid in the face!" "He topples backward! There's a huge splash as he lands on his butt in the shallows of the bayou." NPC2 "Oof!" with sshake "Min seizes his head before he can get up and dunks it into the muddy water." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "Get him, gators!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunNervous Jun "Min, stop it!" NPC "Hey, get off him!" hide sprite label minDadCarRide: #car bg, dad stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black $ chTitle =_("Half an hour later") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens show bg carBackseat "Min sits seething in the backseat as her dad drives her and Jun home." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" #show sideSprite2 dad Dad "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? ARE YOU BRAIN DAMAGED??" with sshake Dad "Now look, I have to pick you up in the middle of work because you couldn't behave yourself!" show sideSprite2 yJunUh Jun "I was good...I don't see why {i}I{/i} have to be punished, too." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "I didn't do anything wrong either!" hide sideSprite1 # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "Your teacher said you tried to drown a boy!" hide sideSprite2 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "HUH?? THAT'S A LIE!!!" with sshake Min "I was only holding him underwater so the alligators would bite him!" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 yJunWorried Jun "That's not any better..." hide sideSprite2 "Their dad curses and lays down the horn as a Honda changes into their lane." play music "music/kurayami.mp3" play sound "sound/carHornLong.mp3" $subtitle=_("{font=korean.ttf}개새끼{/font} = Son of a bitch") # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼!{/font} HE CUT ME OFF!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 $subtitle="" play sound "sound/tireSqueal.ogg" "The car lurches forward with squealing tires. Her dad is racing to catch up to the offending Honda, his eyes wild." show sideSprite1 yMinSurprised MinT "What's he doing?! He's gone nuts!" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/carHornLong.mp3" "A horrible cold wash runs down Min's spine as her dad maintains his breakneck speed beside the Honda and lays down the horn." # MinT "Is it more dangerous if I open the door and jump out? Or stay?" play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite2 yJunNervous Jun "AaaAAAH!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 play sound "sound/tireSqueal.ogg" play sound2 "sound/carHornLong.mp3" "Jun screams as their dad violently swerves into the Honda, threatening to collide with them. The other driver is forced to veer off the road to avoid crashing." stop music fadeout 2.0 #Dad "Stop crying! What are you, a girl?" with sshake show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "What's wrong with you?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 stop sound2 # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "He was at fault! I wasn't going to let him get away with it!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "What're you, crazy?! You could've crashed!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" #show sideSprite2 dad Dad "IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR MAKING ME SO MAD IN THE FIRST PLACE!" with sshake # Dad "You're so disrespectful. You don't get to criticize me, I'm your parent!" with sshake Dad "IT'S BULLSHIT! HOW COME NO ONE ELSE HAS KIDS AS BRAIN DAMAGED AS YOU?!" with sshake Dad "Disrespect me again and I'll really make you regret it!" hide sideSprite2 "Min remembers the time her dad threw a three pound paperweight at her head because she cut her hair short, and goes quiet." "Fuming, her dad pulls over on the side of the road so he can focus on yelling at them." # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "Tomorrow at school, you say sorry to your teacher for causing so much trouble!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" with sshake Min "That jerk was asking for it! He was being racist and saying we didn't know English!" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" #show sideSprite2 dad Dad "It doesn't matter what he said! What's gonna happen, you'll lose an arm if you don't hit him?!" with sshake Dad "Don't go crazy when things like that happen!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyedAway MinT "What about what YOU just did?! You just went ballistic five minutes ago!" hide sideSprite1 # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "Can't you be more like your brother?" Dad "Jun is so well-behaved." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "You don't understand! You weren't there!" hide sideSprite1 # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "You think you're the only one who's had a hard time in the world?!" with sshake Dad "People wouldn't even hire me because of my accent! Who wants a manager who's an immigrant?" Dad "When I got rejected from job after job, what was I gonna do? Complain? Cry like a baby?" show sideSprite2 yJunUh Jun "Why do I have to sit through this lecture, too? I didn't even do anything..." hide sideSprite2 # show sideSprite2 dad Dad "Be quiet, it's an important life lesson. Just listen." Dad "If I got mad like Min-seo and beat up all the people who rejected me, you know what would've happened?" Dad "I would've landed in jail and you'd all starve to death!" Dad "But that's not what happened. Instead I just worked harder." Dad "I got certifications, studied day and night, and got rid of my accent." Dad "And then I was so much more qualified than all the white guys, companies were forced to see how skilled I was." Dad "See? You have to be smart." Dad "Wasting time whining about it is never going to solve anything." Dad "This is you, whining!" hide sideSprite2 "Min's dad imitates her in a high-pitched voice." #show sideSprite2 dad Dad "\"Wah, so unfair! No fair!\"" Dad "\"Wah! Wahhh! Crybaby!\"" with sshake hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyedAway MinT "Someday I'm going to kill you...{w=0.35}Someday I'm going to kill you..." hide sideSprite1 label iHateDadClub: show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 show bg twinBedroom with diamond play music "music/miltata - pas a pas.mp3" #go back and add Min's scraped knee to this! "At home, Min and Jun hold an emergency meeting in their room." show sprite yJunWorried Jun "This is an emergency meeting of the \"I Hate Dad\" Club." Jun "Club President and Strike Force Commander Min will read out our agenda today." show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "Our agenda today is, COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW MUCH DAD SUCKS!!!!!" with sshake play sound "sound/What!.ogg" Min "If he's so good at not getting mad at work, how come he gets mad at {i}us{/i} all the time?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunUh Jun "I mean...I feel like it's all connected." show sideSprite1 yMinSurprised Min "Whaddya mean?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunWorried Jun "Maybe he bottles up all his bad feelings at work, so when we do anything, he blows up on us." Jun "In his head, maybe it's okay for him to yell at us because he's our dad." # Jun "my dad took out all the anger and frustration he felt about his job out on us because nothing bad will happen if he yells at us" show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "Well, he's not allowed to yell at me for getting mad when he's not any better!" with sshake #Min "How can he yell at me for getting mad when {i}he{/i} gets just as mad for no reason?!" Min "I can't believe he sided with the teacher instead of me! Coward!!" Min "I hate racists! They should all die!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunUh Jun "I feel like he had a point about the fight you got into, though..." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "WHAT?!! You're demoted!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunWorried Jun "You can't demote me! I'm the Chief Demoter, remember?" show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "Screw that! You're my own twin and you're betraying me?!" Min "You were there too! You of all people should get how I feel!" hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite yJunNervous Jun "It's your fault I got in trouble!" with sshake show sprite yJunUh Jun "Dad's right that we shouldn't react like that to bullies. We should try to be the bigger person." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 yMinShocked Min "NO!!! THEY HAVE TO DIE!!!" with sshake Min "If other people are bad, we should get to be just as bad." hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunWorried Jun "Didn't you learn anything today?! We don't {i}get{/i} to be bad!" Jun "It'll just get us in trouble!" Jun "And when you talk back to Dad, it just makes him go crazy! When're you gonna learn?" show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyedAway MinT "He's just like Mom. How come no one will stand up against him except me?" show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyed Min "What's your idea then, genius? Be a wimpy loser like him??" hide sideSprite1 show sprite yJunUh Jun "I dunno..." Jun "Maybe if we just laugh along, the other kids will wanna be our friends." show sideSprite1 yMinAnnoyedAway Min "..........." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite label forum: stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) $ chTitle =_("5 years later") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens play music "music/Blooming.ogg" $ chTitle =_("California") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens show bg lunch show sideSprite2 diyaNeutral Diya "Min. Can you act?" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "I guess. Why?" hide sideSprite1 Diya "Can you be in a video we're making? For English." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Sure, what's the video?" hide sideSprite1 "Diya reties her ponytail, but most of her short hair immediately falls out of the elastic and ends up framing her face." "Min gently tucks a curly lock behind Diya's ear, making her girlfriend blush as her fingertips brush her skin." # "Min tucks a curly lock behind Diya's ear, letting her fingertips brush her skin just to watch her get flustered at her touch." #"Min idly tucks a curly lock of Diya's hair behind her ear and watches the way Diya's pupils dialate and feeling how her skin heats up under Min's fingertips." # "Diya rolls up a forkful of de-meatballed leftover spaghetti that Noelle didn't want." show sideSprite2 diyaEmbarrassed Diya "We have to make a video about current events." Diya "So we chose saving the gray wolves." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Who's \"we\"?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 akarshaHappy Akarsha "Us and Noelle." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "How come you guys keep getting these three person group projects?" Min "My teachers usually do groups of four." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 noelleNeutral Noelle "They {i}are{/i} four person projects. It's just that usually, no one else wants to be in our group." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Oh." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaWorriedAway Diya "That's why we need more people to act out the skit we wrote." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "Actually, if we just made a few simple cuts to the script, three people would be more than enough." Noelle "Your feelings on the subject matter are distorting your judgement." show sideSprite2 diyaAnnoyed Diya "No. We need three people for the wolf family alone." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleAnnoyed Noelle "There's no point in showing an entire family of wolves! Just a single wolf will suffice!" with sshake show sideSprite2 diyaAnnoyed Diya "No. It's more sad if there's also a mommy and daddy." show sideSprite2 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Yeah, stop censoring our artistic vision!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "I've never seen you two gang up on Noelle like this before." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaAnnoyed Diya "It's because she's wrong about this." show sideSprite2 akarshaHappy Akarsha "If we're gonna make a video, it's our chance to create a masterpiece!" Akarsha "We can make it so funny!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minNeutral MinT "...Funny? That doesn't sound like the same thing Diya's going for." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 akarshaHm Akarsha "I want it to be like How to be Ninja." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "What's that?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "You haven't seen it?" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "No?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "You have to watch it!" with sshake Akarsha "It's the funniest video I've ever seen! I found it on this website called YouTube yesterday." Akarsha "I even converted it to mp4 online so I could watch it on my iPod!" hide sideSprite2 $npcName=_("Narrator") $npcName2=_("Second boy in video") show bg howToBeNinja1 with dissolve # NPC "Everybody was kung-fu fighting..." "Min puts in one of Akarsha's earbuds so she can hear the video. Akarsha takes the other." "In a living room, two teenage boys do cartwheels and kip ups to the song \"Kung Fu Fighting\"." show sideSprite1 minNeutral MinT "Oh, they're both Asian? They look about our age." hide sideSprite1 NPC "Hey you! Wanna learn how to defend yourself?" NPC "Aren't you tired of bullies picking on you all the time?" NPC "Well, then...How To Be Ninja is the DVD for you." $npcName=_("Boy in video") "A boy in the video bows." NPC "Herro everyone....My name is Hanete wakuso shiseo tadashite teriyaki suzuki honda civic." NPC2 "Herro...My name is Bob." show sideSprite1 minHuh MinT "I dunno if I've ever seen two Asian kids like me starring in anything before." MinT "And they're being funny and everything!" hide sideSprite1 show bg howToBeNinja2 with dissolve NPC "The first {i}resson{/i} in being a ninja..." "Already, Akarsha is cracking up so hard at the kid's line delivery, the iPod is quaking in her hands." NPC "Is to make loud, unnecessary sounds when you hit things." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" NPC "Hoo! Kikiki YAH! Wah! Hooooo!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy MinT "I've never seen a video like this my whole life! It's hilarious!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 NPC2 "You must be able to transform into anything." NPC2 "An animal...a tree...a fag...You must be able to imitate ANYONE!" "After a kung-fu battle that culminates in one of the kids resorting to using fake gun, the bloopers play." NPC "And we will be teaching {i}youuuuuuu...{/i}" "The boys repeatedly dissolve into laughter over the accent they're doing." show bg lunch with dissolve show sideSprite1 minHappy Min "They look like they had so much fun making this." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Right? It's so inspirational!" Akarsha "They're, like, our age, and they made such an awesome video." show sideSprite2 akarshaHappy Akarsha "If they can create something that iconic, so can we!" show sideSprite2 noelleTsun Noelle "Must I remind you that this is a school assignment? That we're being GRADED on?" show sideSprite2 diyaNeutral Diya "We're still following the grading rubric." show sideSprite2 noelleUh Noelle "Are you? I didn't see \"gun for an Academy Award\" on there." Noelle "The script you two have written is wildly overambitious." show sideSprite2 akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Nyeh!" hide sideSprite2 "Under the table, Akarsha immobilizes one of Noelle's feet by sandwiching it between two of her own feet like tongs." show sideSprite2 akarshaShrug Akarsha "Gotchu. Captured." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleAnnoyed Noelle "I'm not captured!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 "Noelle wriggles her foot free. When Akarsha tries to trap it again, Noelle retaliates by pinning one of Akarsha's feet against the leg of the table." show sideSprite2 akarshaNeutral Akarsha "No fair, I'm wearing flip-flops while you have real shoes. You gotta go easy on me." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite2 noelleShocked Noelle "YOU CHOSE THE BATTLEGROUND! YOU DON'T GET TO COMPLAIN!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 #"By now, they're having full-on kicking each other control under the table and full-on kicking each other." show sideSprite1 minUnamused MinT "What the hell? They always act so demented around each other." Min "When you're done playing footsies, can we talk about what you guys actually need from me?" hide sideSprite1 "Akarsha and Noelle freeze, looking embarrassed." show sideSprite2 noelleWorried Noelle "What?" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minUh Min "Hello? Because I'm acting in your project?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaNeutral Diya "Can you meet us at the park this weekend?" show sideSprite2 akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "Ya, that's where we're filming. There's a kinda woodsy lookin' spot at the edge of it." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "Do I need to bring anything?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaHappy Diya "No, just you." Diya "We're still working on the script, so we'll give it to you there." show sideSprite2 akarshaShrug Akarsha "We'll take care of the costumes, too." Akarsha "\"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" have a ton of stuff we can use, so they're gonna bring it all." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHappy Min "Cool, I'll be there." hide sideSprite1 label arriveAtPark: stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black pause 1.0 $ chTitle =_("The park") show chTitle [chTitle] onlayer screens $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide chTitle onlayer screens play music "music/Night Tourist.ogg" show bg park # show sprite akarshaAway with dissolve "When Min gets there, she spots Akarsha waiting in the shade under a tree." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Where is everyone?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaNeutral with dissolve Akarsha "Noelle said Diya's mom just picked her up." show sideSprite1 minUnamused MinT "It's so annoying how Diya's mom has always been fine with Noelle but not me." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaHm Akarsha "And \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" are running late 'cuz they couldn't find a hat they wanted to bring." Akarsha "We don't need Chryssa and Liz til the fourth scene or so, so I told them they could show up whenever." show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "Wait, they're acting in it, too?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaHappy Akarsha "Ya, we pretty much ended up summoning the entire baseball club to help." "Min joins Akarsha under the shade." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "So any progress on your crush?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "Didn't I already tell you I got rejected?" show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "You told me you half-assed a confession through fucking TEXT before chickening out and passing it off as a joke." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaUh Akarsha "Well, I was flirting pretty hard before that happened. So either way, they should've gotten the message, at least subliminally." show sideSprite1 minUh Min "Subliminally?!" with sshake Min "Have you been listening to a thing I've been saying?! Go big or go home!" with sshake Min "I literally can't even tell who it was you were flirting with." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaAnnoyedAway Akarsha "Okay, I know, I know..." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "What's next? Confessing to them on April Fool's Day?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaAway Akarsha "Actually, that's not a bad idea..." show sideSprite1 minDisgusted Min "You've got to be kidding me..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "When Diya and Noelle show up, Min runs over and presses a kiss to Diya's cheek." show sprite diyaBlush Diya "...!" $subtitle=_("I love you.") show sprite diyaHappy Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" $subtitle="" show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmile MinT "I told Diya that phrase meant \"Hi\" a really long time ago." MinT "Maybe I should come clean about it now that we're actually dating." MinT "I don't want her to stop saying, it, though..." hide sideSprite1 "Noelle wearily hands Min her script." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "While we're waiting for the others, you can at least familiarize yourself with your lines." hide sprite with dissolve "It's unseasonally hot out, so Min fans Diya with the script." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Who am I playing?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "The Evil Hunter." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "Whoa, sick!" with sshake Min "So what do I do?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "Are you illiterate? Just read the script." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "I will, just gimme the SparkNotes version first." hide sideSprite1 #Akarsha "C'mon, it doesn't hurt to summarize." #MinT "Something terrible happened here..." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "To summarize, gray wolves are set to be removed from the Endangered species list." # Noelle "This will lift protections they had from hunting, and the state of Idaho is planning to kill hundreds of wolves this winter." Noelle "I'll be playing a reporter. First, I'll interview an environmentalist, Diya." Noelle "Next, I'll interview you, an Evil Hunter." show sprite noelleAnnoyedSmile Noelle "Lastly, I'll interview of wolves on their opinion." Noelle "During this last interview, the Evil Hunter kills the Wolf Pup, played by Akarsha." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "You {i}really{/i} don't like this script, huh?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUh Noelle "It's clearly biased." Noelle "It doesn't make sense to extend special treatment to wolves just because they're \"cute\" and \"fuzzy\"." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "It makes sense in my heart." # Noelle "Well, emotion is the antithesis of thought." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "From an objective, numerical standpoint, their populations have recovered enough that these protections are no longer needed." show sprite akarshaAway Akarsha "Humans have a thriving population, too. Does that mean aliens are allowed to hunt us for sport?" hide sprite with dissolve "Min reads the script as they argue. It's physically battered and marked with edits." show sideSprite1 minHm MinT "They must've been fighting over this for hours." hide sideSprite1 # "When she's finished, Diya rewards her with a kiss on the cheek." # # "Min buries her face in Diya's neck, breathing in her heady, familiar scent." # "Min presses kiss after kiss to Diya's neck, breathing in her heady, familiar scent." # MinT "Diya smells so nice...I can't even describe it. It's just what she smells like." # MinT "I feel like there's not good enough words for smells." show sprite akarshaHappy Akarsha "Guys, wait, I have another idea." show sprite akarshaBigSmile Akarsha "I just saw a video of a guy setting a pile of leaves on fire, and it exploded." Akarsha "Can we try to work that into the video too?" show sprite noelleFacepalm Noelle "NO." hide sprite with dissolve "Diya slips her hand into Min's as Akarsha and Noelle argue." show sprite diyaAwayHappy with dissolve Diya "........." show sideSprite1 minSmirk MinT "Looks like we have some time to kill before everyone else arrives." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Min looks around the park..." $lookedAtTable=False $foundMinRock=False $foundDiyaRock=False $holdingBothRocks=False $lookedAtTreeStump=False $lookingForRocks=False $lookedAtDog=False $lookedAtPlayground=0 label backToPark: window hide hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with None $newSpeaker=True hide sprite hide prop show bg park with dissolve with dissolve1 $renpy.call_screen("park",_layer="farBack") screen park: if holdingBothRocks: vbox xalign 0.68 yalign 0.38: imagebutton: idle "gui/action_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Throw rocks at dead tree stump"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("throwRocks")] at qte_move else: vbox xalign 0.68 yalign 0.38: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at dead tree stump"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookTreeStump")] at qte_move if lookingForRocks: if foundMinRock==False: vbox xalign 0.78 yalign 0.58: imagebutton: idle "gui/action_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Search for rocks"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookTable")] at qte_move vbox xalign 0.43 yalign 0.30: imagebutton: idle "gui/action_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Search for rocks"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookDog")] at qte_move vbox xalign 0.90 yalign 0.18: imagebutton: idle "gui/action_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Search for rocks"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookPlayground")] at qte_move else: vbox xalign 0.78 yalign 0.58: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at picnic table"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookTable")] at qte_move if lookedAtDog<2: vbox xalign 0.43 yalign 0.30: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at the dog"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookDog")] at qte_move if lookedAtPlayground<1: vbox xalign 0.90 yalign 0.18: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at playground"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("lookPlayground")] at qte_move label lookPlayground: if lookingForRocks: show sideSprite1 minNeutral MinT "There's just sand here. No rocks." hide sideSprite1 if lookedAtPlayground==0: show sprite diyaWorried with dissolve Diya "I'm sad we're too big for playgrounds now. They should make playgrounds for teens and adults." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "Yeah, all the scenarios we'd come up with while playing pretend were so fun!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "My favorite was the one where we pretended we were runaways starting our own clan." Diya "That one was so popular, some of the kids joining in weren't even our friends." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Sucks that the teachers made us stop because everyone was digging huge holes in the ground and making stuff out of mud." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "Was that why? I thought it was because it got too big." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "I remember like, thirty of us were doing it." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Maybe it was a combination of both? I dunno." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAnnoyed Diya "I didn't even dig anything. My house was just a bunch of pine needles I arranged in a circle shape." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "You mean OUR house? We were married." Min "In the pretend world, I mean." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprisedBlush Diya "?????" Diya "We were?" show sideSprite1 minBlush Min "I saved you from being kidnapped by bandits and I made you marry me as a reward." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaEmbarrassed Diya "You did the exact same thing as the bandits then." with sshake show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "No, I didn't! The bandits wanted you for bad reasons, but I wanted you for nice reasons ONLY." with sshake Min "And didn't you say this game was your favorite? You must've liked it." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaBlush Diya "..............." "Realizing that Min's right, Diya is so embarrassed that she doesn't respond." $lookedAtPlayground+=1 jump backToPark label lookDog: $npcName=_("Dog Owner") if lookedAtDog==0: if lookingForRocks: #if this is first time looking at dog, you must not have found Diya's rock yet "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya is almost in tears watching a dog run in circles round the park." else: "Diya is almost in tears watching the dog run in circles round the park." show sprite diyaDelighted Diya "He looks like a banana dipped in chocolate and he doesn't even know it." show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "God, the way you think is so fucking cute..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "The dog catches a frisbee with its mouth and brings it to its owner." NPC "Bucket! Good boy!" show sprite diyaDelighted Diya "Bucket..." show sideSprite1 minSmirk Min "Want me to ask if we can pet it?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "No, I think I can do it. Thanks." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Oh, sure. Go for it!" show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "Don't worry, I'll take over if they don't let you pet it." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Diya nods and hesitantly approaches the dog's owner." "She stands about a foot behind him, unnoticed." show sprite diyaWorriedAway Diya "...." Diya "........." show sideSprite1 minHm MinT "She must be psyching herself up to do it." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorried Diya "............" Diya "....................." Diya "Can I pet your dog?" hide sprite NPC "Wugh!" with sshake NPC "You scared me!" NPC "Sure, you can pet him." play sound2 "sound/Shibe_bark.ogg" "Bucket happily rolls over on his back, exposing his belly." show sprite diyaDelighted Diya "!!!!!" with sshake "Diya gives the dog a hearty belly rub as he blissfully writhes around in the grass." $subtitle=_("Sweetheart/darling; used between lovers") show sprite diyaHappy Diya "{font=korean.ttf}자기야.{/font} " $subtitle="" Diya "Do you wanna pet it too." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmile MinT "She's talking to me!" hide sideSprite1 menu: "Pet the dog": "Min rubs the dog's belly with both hands. His rough fur is a little smelly." "When she stops, the dog looks up at her expectantly." show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "He's asking for more." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "You're still petting him, too! He really wants a whole crew massaging him at once?" "Don't pet the dog": show sideSprite1 minSmirk Min "It's okay. I'm happy just watching you." hide sideSprite1 "Diya keeps rubbing Bucket's belly with both hands, but he keeps looking up at Min expectantly." show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "He's asking you to join." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "You're already petting him! He really wants a whole crew massaging him at once?" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite "After a solid five minutes, Bucket still hasn't had enough pets." NPC "It's okay, you can stop...I don't wanna keep you guys all day..." show sprite diyaAway Diya "Oh, okay. Thanks." if lookingForRocks: show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Wait, have you seen any huge rocks around here?" hide sideSprite1 NPC "Uh...How about the one over there?" "He points at a slab of rock lying in the dirt." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "Yeah, perfect!" with sshake if foundMinRock==False: Min "Now we just need to find a rock for me, too." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "This one's for me?" show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "This one's for you." else: $holdingBothRocks=True $lookingForRocks=False $foundDiyaRock=True hide sideSprite1 "Min squeezes Diya's hand as the guy walks off with his dog." show sideSprite1 minHappy Min "You did good talking to that guy!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy # Diya "Thanks for helping." # show sideSprite1 minSmirk # Min "Nah, that was all you." # hide sideSprite1 # show sprite diyaAwayHappy # Diya "But I knew you'd come to the rescue if he was mean. So I was braver than normal." Diya "I'm trying to get better at it." show sprite diyaAway Diya "Used to think I was just awkward because of my ear, but I think I partially picked it up from my mom." Diya "She's old and still scared of answering the phone and talking to strangers." Diya "I wanna be different." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Oh, I get that feeling. I don't want to be like my dad, no matter what." Min "That's why I'll never have kids. I'd never wanna do the things he did to me, to someone else." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorried Diya "You wouldn't be like him. You're not a bad person." show sideSprite1 minSad MinT "But I'm worried it's easy to do it by accident..." hide sideSprite1 else: if lookingForRocks: "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya watches the dog running around." if foundDiyaRock: show sideSprite1 minHm MinT "I don't see any more rocks around here." MinT "We should look somewhere else." hide sideSprite1 if lookedAtDog==1: show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "If I were in charge of naming that dog, I'd name him \"Banana Dipped in Chocolate\"." show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "That's way too long!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "His first name can be Banana. Middle name Diptin, last name Chocolate." show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "That's still the exact same length!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 if lookingForRocks==True and foundDiyaRock==False: $foundDiyaRock=True hide sprite with dissolve "There's a decently big slab lying in the dirt." if foundMinRock: show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "We both have rocks now!" Min "Let's go throw them at the tree stump!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Okay." $holdingBothRocks=True $lookingForRocks=False else: show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "This rock'll work!" with sshake Min "Now we just need to find one for me, too." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "This one's for me?" show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "This one's for you." $lookedAtDog+=1 jump backToPark label lookTreeStump: if lookedAtTreeStump==False: #first time looking at tree stump "It's a dead husk of a tree stump." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "Diya! Let's throw rocks at this tree stump!!!" with sshake Min "I bet we can knock the bark off of it!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Okay." with sshake "They survey the ground for rocks to throw, but there's only dirt and twigs." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "We should look around for big rocks." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "Good idea." $lookedAtTreeStump=True $lookingForRocks=True elif lookingForRocks: #looked at tree stump before but didn't throw rocks at it yet "It's a dead husk of a tree stump." show sideSprite1 minAway if foundDiyaRock or foundMinRock: MinT "We don't have enough rocks to throw at this yet." MinT "Diya and I each need one, otherwise it's not fair." else: MinT "We still need to find some big rocks to throw at it." hide sideSprite1 # else: //this never actually triggers # Min "That was so fun." # Diya "Yeah." jump backToPark label lookTable: if lookedAtTable==False: #first time seeing Ester on bench show sprite esterNeutralBraids with dissolve "Ester is seated at the bench, fiddling with a camcorder." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Oh, you're here too?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "Yeah, I'm being the cameraman." Ester "Akarsha kept insisting I'd be good at it 'cause I'm \"artsy\", so..." # Ester "Apparently I'm good at taking pictures, so..." show sideSprite1 minHuh MinT "Did she do something to her hair? It looks way different than usual." Min "Wow, your hair's so flat today." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "........Thanks...???" hide sprite with dissolve "Ester gives her a weird look." if lookingForRocks: "Meanwhile, Diya searches the ground for big rocks." else: if lookingForRocks: "Ester raises her eyebrows as Diya and Min search the ground for big rocks." else: show sideSprite1 minNeutral MinT "Ester's playing with the camcorder settings." hide sideSprite1 if lookingForRocks: $foundMinRock=True show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "What're you doing?" show sprite diyaAway Diya "Looking for rocks." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Have you seen any." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "There's a pretty big one over there." "Ester points to a large stone on the ground." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "!!!" show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Thanks." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "This one's as big as my fist!!!" with sshake Min "Yeah, this'll work!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "Work for what...??" if foundDiyaRock: # Min "We both have rocks now! Let's go!!!" with sshake # show sprite diyaHappy # Diya "Okay." $holdingBothRocks=True $lookingForRocks=False # else: # Min "We just need one more rock now, so we both have one to throw." # show sprite diyaHappy # Diya "Yeah." # show sprite esterSurprised # Ester "...???????" $lookedAtTable+=1 jump backToPark label throwRocks: play music "music/Bloodgod.ogg" show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Min hurls a rock at the dead stump!" show bg white onlayer screens play sound "sound/smack.ogg" pause 0.1 hide bg white onlayer screens with sshake "It hits it with a {i}thwack{/i}, causing a small piece of dry bark to fly off." show sprite diyaDelighted Diya "!!" with sshake show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Cool." show sideSprite1 minSmug MinT "Yeah...She's so impressed by me!" MinT "I bet she wants to kiss me so bad." hide sideSprite1 "Diya follows Min's lead and fires a rock at the stump!" show bg white onlayer screens play sound "sound/smack.ogg" pause 0.1 hide bg white onlayer screens with sshake "It slams into the stump so hard, its top half explodes in a shower of bark shards." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "WHOA!!!!!" with sshake Min "THAT WAS SO BADASS!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "Thanks." stop music fadeout 2.0 show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmile MinT "She's the most perfect girl in the world!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play music "music/Ketsa_-_08_-_Holding_Your_Breath.ogg" "Min has to hold herself back from grabbing Diya and kissing her senseless." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmile Min "I wish we didn't have to hide that we're dating." Min "I get why we have to. But I wish I could just shout it from the mountaintops, that you're my girlfriend." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "It's still true even if you can't say it." show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "But it'd be nice to say it so everyone knows." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "Yeah...I know what you mean." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "I wish we could go on more dates. I want to go everywhere with you." Diya "The aquarium, PetSmart...Home Depot lights section...Airplane..." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Airplane?? Why, do you like flying?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "Not really. I like looking out the window and eating the pretzel packet." Diya "And Southwest gives you a little stirrer with your drink that's shaped like a heart. But that's it." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "We haven't done it together before though, so I think it'd be fun." Diya "I wanna see how you react to it." show sideSprite1 minSmirk Min "Me, too. I want to see your face when they give you the heart-shaped stirrer thing." hide sideSprite1 Diya "We should each ask for a different free beverage and share, so I get to try two drinks instead of just one." #"Imagining it makes Min deliriously happy." "Imagining it makes Min's heart feel like it's going to explode." "Forgetting her surroundings, Min surges forward to kiss her just as Diya does the same, causing their mouths to crash together unexpectedly hard." show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "Ough!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "Sorry. Got too excited." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "That was the worst kiss ever." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Let's redo it." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Wait, won't people see us?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAway Diya "Oops. I forgot." Diya "Maybe we should lie down in the grass." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Huh? Why?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "That way, it'll look like we're just wrestling." hide sprite with dissolve show bg onGround with dissolve #"Somehow, they end up making out on the ground." play sound2 "sound/short grass noise.ogg" "Diya lies down, and Min gets on top of her and starts making out with her. It doesn't look anything like wrestling." #"They make out on the ground. It doesn't look anything like wrestling." # "The \"redo\" goes so much better that they end up rolling around on the ground while making out." # "Diya clutches at Min's back as Min presses kiss after kiss to her neck, breathing in her heady, familiar scent." "Diya clutches at Min's back as Min presses kiss after kiss to her lips." show sideSprite2 diyaBlush Diya ".........." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minBlush Min "You're so cute. Do you know that?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaBlush Diya "Maybe a little..." hide sideSprite2 # show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmile # Min "Wow, there's so many things in life to look forward that I didn't even think of before." # hide sideSprite1 # # Diya "What're the things you're looking forward to?" # "Diya clutches at Min's back as Min presses kiss after kiss to her lips." "Diya goes still underneath her, suddenly looking uncomfortable." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "What's wrong?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaWorriedAway Diya "A bug crawled under my shirt." hide sideSprite2 # "Still lying on her back, Diya hikes her hoodie all the way up over her bra, exposing her bare torso." # "Every neuron in Min's brain misfires as Diya tries to feel around for the bug." "Diya sits up and unsuccessfully gropes around under her hoodie for the bug." play sound2 "sound/cloth.ogg" # "Every neuron in Min's brain misfires as Diya strips it off. She's not wearing anything underneath but her bra." "Every neuron in Min's brain misfires as Diya hikes her hoodie all the way up over her bra, exposing her bare torso." #"Every neuron in Min's brain misfires as Diya lifts her hoodie up from the bottom, exposing her bare skin and bra." show sideSprite1 minCute MinT "Oohhhhhh........" MinT "I'm looking respectfully...I'm looking respectfully..." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaWorriedAwayB Diya "Don't know where it went..." hide sideSprite2 # MinT "I'm not gonna do anything to her...I'm looking respectfully...I'm looking respectfully..." "Min is so distracted that it takes her a few seconds to notice the bug crawling on Diya's chest." # "Min is extremely disappointed when she spots the bug crawling on her chest right away." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmile Min "Oh, it's just a beetle. I got it." hide sideSprite1 play sound2 "sound/Running_On_Grass.ogg" "She grabs hold of it just as Akarsha and Noelle come jogging up to them." stop sound2 show bg park with dissolve # "To her dismay, at that exact moment, Akarsha and Noelle come jogging up to them." # Akarsha "Yo! Everyone's arrived, you guys can get in costume now." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "Everyone has arrived. We should get in costume now." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sprite noelleBlush show sideSprite2 diyaShockedB Diya "...!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 play sound2 "sound/cloth.ogg" "Diya frantically pulls her hoodie back on." with sshake show sprite akarshaBlushSurprised Akarsha "Uh...Whoa..." # show sprite noelleBlush # Noelle "............" show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "I was just helping her, a bug crawled up her shirt." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "...Where was it gonna crawl next? Down her pants??" #Akarsha "Yeah, sure you were..." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 minUh Min "What the fuck? That's not what was happening!" with sshake # Min "What the fuck?? Get your mind out of the gutter!" with sshake # Akarsha "Sure..." Min "Look, the bug's right here!" hide sideSprite1 "Min raises her hand to show it to them, but it's gone." show sprite noelleWorried Noelle "............" show sprite diyaWorriedAway Diya "It must've flown off." show sprite akarshaAnnoyed Akarsha "I mean, I'm not judging. If I had a ticket to Boobs City I know what I'd be doing too..." Akarsha "But literally HERE, in broad daylight? Really??" # Akarsha "Okay, I'm happy for you...Gay rights..." # Akarsha "But maybe you should have the \"bug crawl up your shirt\" somewhere less public next time..." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "Oh, for fuck's sake! We literally weren't doing anything!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" hide sprite with dissolve "Diya's face is still flushed pink as they walk over to the others, hand in hand." show sprite diyaBlush Diya ".........." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Hey, was she making you uncomfortable?" Min "I can make her stop." hide sideSprite1 #"To Min's surprise, Diya shakes her head." Diya "...No, it's okay." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Thanks for asking. I feel pampered with you." show sideSprite1 minSmirk Min "Good, 'cause you deserve to be pampered." hide sideSprite1 # Min "I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't wanna do that kind of stuff with you, either." # Min "Because I do." # Diya "...................." # Min "N-not right this second, obviously!" with sshake # Min "I just mean in the future, of course I'd want to, because you're so pretty and you're my girlfriend, but only if you wanted it too, and were ready for it, otherwise that would be really messed up..." # Min "I'm just going to stop talking now." # Diya "It's okay. I get what you mean." # Min "Oh, okay. Good." play sound "sound/backpack-zipping.ogg" "The group gathers around \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" as they haul a pile of clothes and props out of a duffel bag." show sprite sayeedaNeutral with dissolve Sayeeda "Sorry we're late, I was turning my closet upside down trying to find everything." Sayeeda "Any objections if I play music from my phone?" show sprite chryssaNeutral Chryssa "Are you gonna play anime openings?" show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda ".........Maybe........." show sprite chryssaAnnoyedSmile Chryssa "Then yes." show sprite graceNeutral Grace "How about K-Pop?" Grace "I just discovered this amazing group called Super Junior." show sprite chryssaNeutral Chryssa "I don't know what that is. You can play ONE song." show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Yosh!" hide sprite with dissolve "She plays a song from her phone speakers and tries to untangle a Nerf gun from a coat belt." $npcName=_("K-Pop song") $subtitle=_("The people around me tell me...") NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}주변 사람들은 말해{/font} {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" $subtitle=_("I’m too aggressive...") NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}내가 너무 적극적{/font} {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" $subtitle="" show sideSprite1 minAway Min "............" hide sideSprite1 show sprite lizNeutral Liz "Oh, this isn't so bad." show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Isn't it great? Korean guys are so much better than American guys." show sprite chryssaNeutral Chryssa "How so?" show sprite graceKya Grace "They're all so beautiful and kind-hearted. Not smelly pervs like the guys here." Grace "I need to find myself an Oppa..." show sideSprite1 minUh MinT "This is weird...Should I say something?" show sideSprite1 minAway MinT "I guess she doesn't mean any harm by it...She's trying to appreciate the culture." hide sideSprite1 # MinT "Yeah, it's not like a white person mocking Asians. She's trying to appreciate the culture." # MinT "Yeah, there's nothing wrong with enjoying other cultures. I'm being too sensitive about it." # MinT "I'm being too sensitive about it." # MinT "There's no point in ruining the whole afternoon over something this minor." show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "Here, Min, this trenchcoat's yours." Sayeeda "It's my brother's Yoite costume. It's supposed to have a hat too, but I think he lost it." # Sayeeda "I didn't really have anything that looked hunter-like, so I borrowed my brother's Yoite costume." show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "Yo-eeteh...? The fuck is that?" hide sideSprite1 Sayeeda "From the amazing series Nabari no Ou, duh." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "Wait a minute...Is this all anime stuff?!" with sshake show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "I believe the correct term is \"cosplay\"." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleSurprised Noelle "WHAT?!" with sshake show sprite noelleFacepalm Noelle "Akarsha! I thought you meant normal costumes! Like Halloween costumes!!" with sshake show sprite akarshaAwayC Akarsha "You didn't ask, so..." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShocked Min "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING?" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaShrugC Akarsha "My baby wolf costume." # Diya "Aren't those cat ears?" # Akarsha "Shh! For today, they're wolf ears." show sprite lizBigSmileC Liz "How do I look?" show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "Like someone wearing cat ears. Is this really gonna come across as \"wolf\"?" show sprite akarshaAwayC Akarsha "Yuki, this would've been more convincing if you had fursuits." show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Fursuits are so expensive, though. I might become a doctor just to be able to afford them someday." Grace "Also, you guys don't have to call me Yuki anymore." Grace "I realized a few days ago that going by a Japanese name in real life is kinda weird if you're not actually Japanese." show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "Me too, actually. Even if we love anime, it's a bit much." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "It took you all the way til now to realize that...?" show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "Well, better late than never. Thank god." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "So what {i}are{/i} your names?" hide sideSprite1 $graceName=_("Grace") $sayeedaName=_("Sayeeda") show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Grace." show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "Grace?! What the..." with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "And my real name is Sayeeda." show sprite akarshaAwayC Akarsha "At least that one sounds {i}kinda{/i} like Sakura." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "Akarsha, what does your outfit have to do with being a wolf?" #Noelle "Akarsha, what does the maid dress have to do with being a wolf?" Noelle "You only need the ears and paws to get the point across." show sprite akarshaShockerC Akarsha "So you're saying I should be naked?" play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "NO, I'M NOT!" with sshake # Noelle "HGFWFf -- WHAT?!" with sshake # Akarsha "But, like...y'know, nyah." # Noelle "...What?" # Akarsha "Nyah." # Noelle "Stop." with sshake hide sprite with dissolve "Diya holds up her \"environmentalist\" costume." show sprite diyaNeutral with dissolve Diya "Where do I change?" show sprite akarshaHmC Akarsha "I used the restroom over there. It's just the one family room, so you'll all have to take turns getting changed." show sprite akarshaAnnoyedC Akarsha "Unless, y'know, you want Min to \"get more bugs off you\"..." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShocked # Min "I MEANT THAT IT'S CONVENIENT 'CAUSE IT'S UNISEX, YOU FREAK!!" with sshake # play sound "sound/What!.ogg" Min "YOU FREAK WHORE!!! YOU'RE DERANGED IF YOU THINK I'M FUCKING HER IN A PARK BATHROOM!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaHmC Akarsha "One way ticket to Boobs City..." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minDisgusted Min "WHA— STOP CALLING MY GIRLFRIEND \"BOOBS CITY\"??!" with sshake Min "WHY'RE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH THAT PHRASE NOW?" hide sideSprite1 #show sprite akarshaShrugC # Akarsha "Doesn't it have a cool ring to it?" show sprite diyaBlush Diya "...I'll go now..." label tentSetup: show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "In the meantime, Min, can you help me pitch this tent? It's going to be the setting of your first scene." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "Ugh, fine." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "I can help, too. Since I don't need to get in costume." hide sprite show bg tentSpot with dissolve "Min helps Ester and Noelle carry the box with the tent in it." show sprite noelleUh with dissolve Noelle "I don't understand why Akarsha keeps making those crass jokes about you two." Noelle "It's not as if two girls can actually have sexual relations." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "...What the hell are you talking about? Yes they can?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "Are you dense? Humans weren't evolved for that." Noelle "The anatomy makes it impossible." show sideSprite1 minUh Min "How's it impossible? You can use other body parts, like your fingers." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleShocked Noelle "Fingers?! You must be mistaken." with sshake show sideSprite1 minDisgusted MinT "Are we really having this conversation right now?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "No, it's true. I mean, girls' love manga is a thing..." show sprite noelleWorried Noelle "...What...?" show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "Did you think lesbians gave up sex for life???" # Min "Did you think I gave up sex for life when I started dating Diya???" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleWorriedAway Noelle "...................." show sideSprite1 minSurprised MinT "Is she serious?! How sheltered is she??" hide sideSprite1 "Noelle is so shocked that she doesn't speak for a while." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids "Ester wipes sweat off her brow and points at a clearing in the dry grass." # "Ester takes refuge from the sweltering heat under a tree." # Ester "This spot's nice and shaded. What if we set the tent up here?" Ester "That spot over there might look nice on film." show sprite noelleNeutral Noelle "Isn't it a bit close to the ravine, though? There's a steep downhill slope right behind it." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "So? It's not like the tent's gonna teleport backwards after we've nailed it down." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Yeah, unless a typhoon blows us over I think it'll be fine." show sprite noelleUh Noelle "Alright, I see that I'm outnumbered." Noelle "But don't say I didn't warn you." hide sprite with dissolve "Min hears rustling behind her. She turns around and sees Akarsha making a leaf pile." show sprite akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "Heheheh..." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Wait, is she trying the exploding leaf thing?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyed Noelle "AKARSHA!!! THAT'S NOT ALLOWED!!!" with sshake hide sprite with dissolve "As Noelle chases after Akarsha, Min and Ester lay out their tent in the spot they picked." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "She's so friggin' anal. She's probably sexually attracted to laws." hide sideSprite1 # "Ester snorts as she fishes the tent's instructions from the box." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "I bet she loses her mind whenever she sees jaywalkers." show sideSprite1 minHappy Min "She DOES!" show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "It's like she thinks someone's gonna go \"Good job Noelle, you're the best at following the rules!\" and give her a gold star for it." # Min "God, she pisses me off. I feel like she wastes all her time caring about rules and being organized instead of things that matter for real." hide sideSprite1 # MinT "Ester seems pretty alright. She's definitely more on my wavelength than Noelle is." "Min squints in confusion at the steps to set up the tent." show sideSprite1 minAway Min "I can't picture this shit...Where do the poles go?" hide sideSprite1 Ester "They criss-cross in the middle, see?" Ester "Here, just hold that end and stick it through the metal ring." hide sprite with dissolve play sound "sound/tentnylonishsound.ogg" show bg tentSpotSetup with dissolve "Like magic, the tent pops out into the third dimension." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Holy shit. You're like a camping progidy." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids with dissolve Ester "I mean, all I did was follow the instructions..." Ester "Now we just have to drive the stakes into the ground." hide sprite show bg white onlayer screens play sound "sound/smack.ogg" pause 0.1 hide bg white onlayer screens with sshake "Min pounds each stake into the dirt with a large stone, enthralled that hitting something is actually constructive for once." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "Fuck yeah!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids with dissolve "Meanwhile, Ester takes her sketchbook out of her backpack and starts writing in it." show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "What're you doing?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterSurprisedBraids "Ester stops, looking embarrassed." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "I'm writing down what you said earlier as inspiration for my webcomic. Like, for character dialogue." Ester "I've started doing this whenever something interesting happens so I can remember later." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Huh? What'd I say that was interesting?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "You said I was a camping \"progidy.\" Y'know, instead of a \"prodigy.\"" show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "What's so special about that? They're pretty much the same anyway." hide sideSprite1 Ester "I dunno, I just thought it was a neat detail." show sprite esterSurprisedBraids Ester "Obviously I'll only use it if you're okay with it, though!" show sideSprite1 minHm Min "I mean, sure, I don't really care." Min "What's it for, again? A comic?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Yep." show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "What, like Garfield?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "Huh?? No, it's nothing like that." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "It's still a work in progress, but's about a bunch of teenagers who have the power to shift into alternate dimensions." Ester "It's kinda sci-fi-y, I guess." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Oh, so like a superhero comic?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "No, there's no supervillains or anything. All their problems come from the way they use their own powers." Ester "Like, while you're in the parallel universe, you're gone from your original universe, right?" Ester "But what if you get tied up with something while there, and can't come back?" show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "That'd suck ass." Min "I wouldn't get to see Diya or my friends anymore." hide sideSprite1 Ester "Exactly! No one from the world you left behind would know why you disappeared, and you'd become a missing person there." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "I always get so stressed out about that when reading Narnia and time travel stories." show sideSprite1 minAway MinT "I've never heard her talk this much before." MinT "She must really be hyped about her webcomic." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids # Ester "...Anyway, something like that happens to the main character, and it causes a big misunderstanding between him and his best friend." Ester "...Anyway, a lot of miscommunication happens between the characters because of issues like that." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "No offense, but I can't stand stories that revolve around misunderstandings." Min "It's so frustrating when the whole problem is literally just people being bad at talking." Min "If you hurt someone, it should be on purpose." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "But those kinds of problems are the most realistic." Ester "In real life, people hurt each other by accident all the time." show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "Like how?" hide sideSprite1 Ester "You know how before our school became 93%% Asian, it used to have a football team?" show sideSprite1 minHm Min "They died 'cause Asians don't care about football, right? Same as the real baseball team." hide sideSprite1 Ester "Yeah. No one would go to the games." Ester "As a last-ditch effort to help them last year, my math teacher offered us two points of extra credit for coming to a football game." Ester "So I went, to help my grade." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "But as soon as I got home, my dad yelled at me for going to a game instead of studying." Ester "He didn't get that we had the exact same goal, me getting good grades." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Wait, what ethnicity are you?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterSurprisedBraids Ester "Huh? I'm Black and Chinese." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "And your dad's the Black one?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "Uh...Yeah, he is?" stop music play sound "sound/Alert!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "I didn't know Black people cared about grades." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterShockedBraids Ester ".......That's like...pretty racist of you to say..." # hide sprite with dissolve "Bewildered, Min completely misses the tent stake she was trying to hit." play sound "sound/shock.ogg" show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "Huh?! How is it racist??" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAngryBraids Ester "Why would you assume Black people don't care about their grades?" show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "I didn't mean it as a diss or anything." Min "{i}I{/i} don't care about grades either, it's not like I was looking down on them." hide sideSprite1 # Ester "But you're basically still saying you think Black people are uneducated." # Min "No I didn't! I said I THOUGHT , and " show sprite esterShockedBraids Ester "But...but why even bring my race into it like that??" # Ester "That was just weird as hell!" # Ester "The fact that I was just talking about my life and you had to make it about my race is weird as hell?" # Ester "Why even bring it up??" show sideSprite1 minUh Min "I was just asking a question!" Min "Didn't {i}you{/i} bring up race first? You were talking about Asians!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "I'm Asian so I'm allowed to say that!" show sideSprite1 minUh Min "Sure, whatever. If I knew you'd be so fucking sensitive about it, I wouldn't have asked in the first place." hide sideSprite1 #show sprite esterSurprisedBraids Ester "Wow...So instead of saying sorry, you're insulting me?" # play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShocked Min "Wh—Why the hell should I apologize?" #with sshake Min "I wasn't even trying to be offensive! It's not like I purposefully called you the N word or something." hide sideSprite1 # Ester "It doesn't matter what you were trying to do!" # Min "Jesus Christ! It's not like I purposefully called you the N word or anything." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sprite esterAngryBraids Ester "WOW, THANKS FOR NOT CALLING ME THE N WORD????" with sshake show sideSprite1 minUh Min "I'm just saying you're overreacting!" play sound "sound/What!.ogg" Min "There's REAL racist people out there who hate minorities, and you're calling ME racist just because I accidentally made one little mistake?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "It's not just one little mistake! You say weird, ignorant stuff like this all the time!" show sideSprite1 minUh Min "No, I don't! Like what?" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAngryBraids Ester "Like when you randomly told me my hair was flat!" Ester "What was I even supposed to say to that?? \"Yours too\"???" play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShocked Min "GET A GRIP! THAT'S NOT EVEN REAL RACISM!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "You're seriously trying to explain what racism is to ME? A Black and Chinese person???" show sideSprite1 minUh Min "Look, I'm a minority too! Us even fighting is so dumb!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAngryBraids Ester "You being Asian doesn't mean you're not racist!" Ester "The worst racism I've EVER seen was when I went to China!" Ester "God, you're being so stupid!" #Figure it out yourself!" # Ester "God, it's not my job to educate you on this! Figure it out yourself!!!" play music "music/Ketsa_-_06_-_Thought_projection.ogg" play sound2 "sound/short grass noise.ogg" hide sprite "Ester throws her stake down and storms off!" "Dumbfounded, Min just stands there with her heart racing a mile a minute." #"She wipes her shaky, sweaty palms on her pants, but it has little effect." #MinT "FUCK!!! THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!" show sideSprite1 minWorried MinT "How did it blow up like this?! I wasn't even trying to start something!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minFlustered MinT "Shit! Did anyone else hear us fighting?" hide sideSprite1 "Min nervously looks around, paranoid that her friends heard what happened." show sideSprite1 minFlustered MinT "It's hard to tell if they did..." hide sideSprite1 "Min frantically hammers the last stake in place, her stomach churning with a mixture of shame and panic." play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" "She hears footsteps behind her, and nearly has a heart attack when she turns to see Chryssa walking over." show sprite chryssaNeutralC with dissolve play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minSurprised MinT "OH FUCK!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minWorried MinT "What if Ester told Chryssa I'm racist against Black people? She's Black too!" with sshake MinT "I don't want her to hate me! She might even kick me off the team!" hide sideSprite1 Chryssa "Need any help with the tent?" show sideSprite1 minWorried Min "Nah, I'm good." hide sideSprite1 show sprite chryssaHappyC Chryssa "I guess you could say it's...not tent to be." play sound2 "sound/rimshot.ogg" show sideSprite1 minDisgusted MinT "I should be extra careful not to offend her..." Min "Ha...ha...Great joke..." hide sideSprite1 Chryssa "Thank you! I feel like not enough people appreciate my puns." show sprite noelleTsunC "Having donned her \"reporter\" costume, Noelle returns to place a sleeping bag inside the tent." show sprite noelleNeutralC Noelle "Min, it's your turn to get changed." Noelle "Where did Ester go? We're about to start shooting." show sideSprite1 minWorried MinT "I can't tell her Ester left because she thinks I'm racist!" with sshake Min "Uh......She just randomly walked off." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleWorriedC Noelle "What? How come?" show sideSprite1 minFlustered Min "Who knows? She's so weird." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite show bg black with diamond "In the park's restroom, Min quickly changes into her \"Evil Hunter\" get-up." show bg parkWithTent with diamond show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC MinT "I'm going to be sweating buckets wearing all this in this weather." MinT "Thank god they couldn't find the hat, or it would've been even worse." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaDelightedC "Diya perks up when Min rejoins the group." show sprite diyaHappyC Diya "You look cool." Diya "You should get a coat like that for real." "Normally, this would send Min over the moon, but she feels so sick to her stomach, she can't properly appreciate it." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "Thanks..." MinT "It's me, your racist girlfriend..." MinT "Diya definitely wouldn't want to be with me anymore if she found out I was racist..." #MinT "I don't want her to think I don't respect her because we're different races..." hide sideSprite1 # Diya "Do I look okay? I feel like it's so tight." show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya "Do I look okay?" show sideSprite1 minSmirkC Min "You look so cute in glasses." # hide sideSprite1 # show sprite diyaBlushC # Diya "......" # # Min "Is this a character from something? It does kinda give off \"professional hippie\" energy." Min "Is this a character from something? It does kinda give off \"nerdy animal lover\" energy." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutralC Diya "No idea." show sprite akarshaHmC Akarsha "Ester, I like your hair." show sprite esterSurprisedBraids Ester "Oh yeah? Thanks." show sprite akarshaShrugC Akarsha "Bun buddies." show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "Bun buddies..." hide sprite with dissolve # "Noelle and Ester are shooting the first scene in front of some trees." # Ester "Take three! Action!" "They begin shooting the first scene in front of some trees." $noelleName=_("Reporter") show sprite noelleNeutralMic Noelle "This is the Channel 2 News, reporting from Boise, Idaho." Noelle "Environmentalists have been in an uproar ever since the Obama Administration approved the delisting of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list..." # Noelle "This is the Channel 2 News." hide sprite with dissolve "Even replaying the conversation in her mind is getting Min worked up again." show sideSprite1 minUhC MinT "I can't believe Ester had the nerve to call me racist!" MinT "When we were in Florida, kids used to call me and my brother Chinks, and tried to beat us up!" MinT "Why would I be racist when I hate racists more than anyone?! It doesn't make sense!" MinT "I wasn't even trying to insult her!" # MinT "{i}I{/i} don't blow up every single time people say Asians eat dogs or make small dick jokes." MinT "Like, good luck going through life getting offended by every tiny thing you see." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC MinT "Right?! Are my standards just totally messed up or something?" hide sideSprite1 "Min stomps on a random twig and crushes it into tiny pieces beneath her combat boots." show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "............." Diya "What's wrong?" show sideSprite1 minAwayC Min "Ugh. I'm just having a weird day..." Min "Do you think I'm racist?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprisedC Diya "...??" Diya "No...?" show sideSprite1 minNeutralC Min "How come?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutralC Diya "You're good to me, and curious about other cultures." Diya "Why?" # Diya "And you know lots of things some adults don't even know." # Min "Like what?" # hide sideSprite1 # Diya "Even when you were little you never mixed up Indians with Persians." # Diya "Or \"Hindi\" with \"Hindu\", or Hindus with Sikhs or Muslims. You always knew the difference." # # Diya "And you never said Indians smelled bad or were terrorists." # Min "So I'm not racist?" # Diya "No. Why?" show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "No reason. Just checking..." hide sideSprite1 # MinT "Why do I still feel so weird and guilty about this, though?" label sceneFilming: show sprite akarshaHmC Akarsha "Okay, we got it. Let's move on to the next shot." show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC "Diya goes over to stand in front of the camera." show sprite noelleNeutralMic Noelle "Ma'am, can you introduce yourself?" $diyaName=_("Environmentalist") show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya "{small}I'm an environmentalist with a degree in wildlife ecology. My research has led me to believe that...{/small}" show sideSprite2 akarshaNeutralC Akarsha "Bro, can you speak up a little?" hide sideSprite2 hide sprite with dissolve "After a few takes, they manage to capture a halfway audible clip of Diya talking. They move on to the next scene..." $diyaName=_("Diya") # MinT "Maybe it helps that it's just in front of us, not classmates she doesn't know well." show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 show bg tentSpotSetup with diamond "Soon, it's time for the Evil Hunter's interview. Min reviews her lines before getting into place." show sideSprite2 esterNeutralBraids Ester "Okay, I'm set up. Action." hide sideSprite2 show sprite noelleNeutralMic Noelle "Next, I'm interviewing a hunter who's camped out in the Idaho wilderness." # Noelle "Agh!" with sshake # Min "Oops. I thought you were a {i}gray wolf{/i}, which was recently taken off the Endangered Species list." Noelle "Hello there. How do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list?" # "Noelle holds the microphone up to Min." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC MinT "Ester could straight up ruin my whole life if she said something right now..." #MinT "But she wouldn't do that, right?" $minName=_("Evil Hunter") Min "I...Uh..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHmMic Noelle "...Yes?" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Gimme a minute, I just woke up." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhMic Noelle "...It's the afternoon." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "The sleeping bag I was sleeping on was full of rocks." with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyedMic Noelle "......." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "Anyway, I feel ecstatic about the delisting!" with sshake Min "I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaNeutralC Akarsha "Hold up, cut!" Akarsha "Ya skipped a line." $minName=_("Min-seo") show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "What line?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaAnnoyedC Akarsha "The part about how the delisting removed protections for wolves from hunters." show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "Oh, right." hide sideSprite1 $minName=_("Evil Hunter") show sprite noelleUhMic Noelle "Hello there. How do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list?" show sideSprite1 minNeutralC Min "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and...and..." hide sideSprite1 "Sweating profusely, Min tries to focus and remember her line..." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "............." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHmMic Noelle "...Ma'am? Hello?" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Don't call me ma'am." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyedMic Noelle "Wha...Why not?!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "I don't like it. I'm not a woman or something." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleFacepalmC Noelle "Are we talking about your character, or in real life?!" show sideSprite2 akarshaAnnoyedC Akarsha "Cut! C'mon, don't break the fourth wall." hide sideSprite2 "After Min botches their tenth try, Noelle looks about ready to explode." $noelleName=_("Noelle") $minName=_("Min-seo") play sound "sound.smack.ogg" show sprite noelleShockedC Noelle "Are you even trying right now? We're going to be stuck here all day because of you!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Shut up! I am too trying!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite lizHappyC Liz "Why don't we take a little break? It'll probably help us all reset." show sprite chryssaAnnoyedC Chryssa "Yeah, let's go stare at the lake or something." Chryssa "We can hide all our backpacks and stuff in the tent." show sprite akarshaAwayC Akarsha "I guess it can't hurt..." hide sprite stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 play sound2 "sound/calm walk.ogg" show bg lake with dissolve play music "music/romaras.ogg" $waitCounter=0 $stareLake=0 $studyLines=0 $esterLake=0 "The group trudges over to the lake. Diya sits down with Min by the water's edge..." #this whole loop needs to be smoothed out somehow. Either it's just noninteractive, or presented differently... label lakeLoop: hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with None hide sprite with Dissolve (0.2) $newSpeaker=True if waitCounter>3: jump filmingResumes else: menu: "Look at the lake" if stareLake<2: if stareLake==0: show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "Ugh...I hate nature-y lakes like this." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprisedC Diya "Why?" Diya "It's nice here." show sideSprite1 minAwayC Min "It just reminds me of shit that happened to me in Florida." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "What happened?" show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "I mean, it's pretty much the same as the other stories I told you." Min "I was just on a field trip that got ruined by racists." #Min "I dunno, I've just had bad experiences in places like this." Min "So now places like this are cursed." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya ".........." show sprite diyaNeutralC Diya "What did you mean earlier? About not being a woman." Diya "Do you mean age-wise?" show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "Oh...It's hard to explain." Min "I've never really told this to anyone before. It's probably going to be confusing." hide sideSprite1 Diya "That's okay." #Min "I'm only kind of a girl." show sideSprite1 minAwayC Min "I don't really like being thought of as a girl." Min "But I'm not 100%% removed from it, if that makes sense?" show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "Being called a woman or a lady is way worse. Like, disgusting." Min "I definitely don't want strangers seeing me to think \"Oh, that's a woman.\"" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaSurprisedC Diya "...What do you want them to think?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "...I dunno..." #Min "I feel like there's not good enough words." Min "I'm still figuring that part out." # Min "I feel like the more I think about it, the more confused I get." # Min "I feel like for most lesbians, figuring out your into girls is the hard part, but that was easy for me. I always knew." # Min "It's what the fuck {i}I{/i} am that I don't get." # Min "I've always known I liked girls, that was easy. It's my own gender I fight for my life over." # Min "That I'm a threat." # hide sideSprite1 # # Min "But I mostly wish I didn't have to choose anything." # Diya "...Can't a woman be a threat?" # Min "I mean, yeah, women can be badass and all." # Min "But I don't really want them to think I'm a badass woman. Or a badass guy, either. Just the badass part." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayC "Diya tilts her head, perplexed." Diya "............" show sideSprite1 minSurprisedC Min "Don't get me wrong, \"girl\" is my favorite gender! Like, you're a girl, and you're the best thing that ever happened to me." show sideSprite1 minHmC #Min "Don't get me wrong, \"girl\" is my favorite gender! Like, you're a girl, and you're the most beautiful and amazing person who ever lived." Min "I just only feel any connection to {i}being{/i} a girl in really specific situations." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutralC Diya "No, I know." Diya "Sorry. Just trying to wrap my head around it." Diya "...Can I still call you my girlfriend?" show sideSprite1 minSmirkC Min "Yeah! I like being your girlfriend." # show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "And I like being lesbian. I'm not that into the \"being a girl\" part, but I relate super hard with the \"no interest in men\" part." show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "It's more stuff like being called \"ma'am\" or \"Mrs.\" that really skeeves me out." Min "I know it doesn't make that much sense. Like, gender's not real in the first place, so..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappyC Diya "No, it makes sense." Diya "Feel like I already knew that before you said it." show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "You're okay with it?" hide sideSprite1 "To Min's relief, Diya nods." show sprite diyaHappyC Diya "It's very you." Diya "It's kind of cool. You're like a gender outlaw." show sideSprite1 minSmirkC Min "Yeah! That's me." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredSmileC MinT "I'm so lucky to have the sweetest, kindest, purest girlfriend in the world who has to be protected at all costs..." MinT "I definitely can't let her find out about the racist thing..." else: "Min continues watching the clear, rippling water." "All of a sudden, Noelle yelps and turns indignantly to Akarsha." show sprite noelleAnnoyedC Noelle "Did you just throw a rock at me?!" with sshake show sprite akarshaAwayC Akarsha "Nope? Maybe it was the water." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleShockedC Noelle "The WATER threw a rock at me??" with sshake show sprite akarshaShrugC Akarsha "It was just a lil pebble, right? I bet the waves could've picked it up." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC MinT "She definitely threw the rock at her." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Chryssa sighs from the bench she and Liz are sitting on." show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "Why is it that wherever we go, we end up babysitting people?" Chryssa "Do you think it's firstborn child syndrome?" show sprite lizSurprisedC Liz "You might be onto something." show sprite lizHappyC Liz "My siblings are pretty immature, so it's usually up to me to make sure the house doesn't burn down." show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "What if we started acting really immature too? Then someone else'll be forced to pick up the slack." show sprite lizNeutralC Liz "How do you propose we do that?" show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "I dunno...Maybe we should just start talking with no filter." Chryssa "Instead of thinking about what we say, we just say whatever pops into our minds first." show sprite lizNeutralC Liz "Very interesting..." # Liz "Ah, lakes are so relaxing." # Chryssa "Besides when there's small boulders flying into them, you mean?" # Liz "Yes, besides that." $stareLake+=1 "Study your lines again" if studyLines<1: "Min rereads the script." "When she reaches the end of the packet, she flips it over to make sure there's nothing on the back." "To her horror, the backside is covered with a dense array of numbers and numerical operations." show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "The heck is this?! It looks like a serial killer wrote on it." with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmileC Noelle "Oh, it's just a puzzle I made up." #show sprite noelleBigSmileC Noelle "Using the digits 1, 2, 5, and 7 only once each, you create expressions using any operations that result in each integer from 0 to 100." show sideSprite1 minDisgustedC Min "What in the actual hell would possess you to do that?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "It's called curiosity." show sprite noelleHappyC Noelle "When I look at a clock, I like to make the numbers do this." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "When I look at a clock, it's 'cause I wanna know what time it is." Min "God, you're fucked in the head." $studyLines+=1 "Glance over at Ester" if esterLake<1: "Ester is sitting with Grace and Sayeeda on a nearby log." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC MinT "Should I try to talk to her?" MinT "That might piss her off even worse. I probably shouldn't." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceNeutral Grace "I wish my hair would go prematurely grey. Having white hair would be so cool." show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "Me too..." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Even though no one else would see it?" show sprite sayeedaSurprised Sayeeda "That's not true, I can show my hair to my family and other girls." show sprite graceNeutral Grace "It's true, she used to charge other girls $20 to see her hair in the girls bathroom." show sprite esterSurprisedBraids Ester "How'd you know? Did you pay to see it?" show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Yup." show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "If you're interested, Ester, I'll let you see it for a special discount of $10." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "I'll pass." show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "You sure? Limited time offer." show sprite graceSurprised Grace "Why's it limited time? Your hair's always gonna be there." show sprite sayeedaNeutral Sayeeda "For all you know, I could be dyeing it a crazy new color every day." Sayeeda "It could be blue, purple, pink...And you'll never know unless you check!" show sprite graceWorried Grace "Oh, crap. Maybe I should pay to see it again..." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "You're seriously falling for that?!" with sshake $esterLake+=1 hide sideSprite2 hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve $waitCounter+=1 jump lakeLoop label filmingResumes: "After the brief break, the group gets back to filming." show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 show bg tentSpotSetup with diamond show sideSprite2 esterNeutralBraids Ester "Take 11. Action." hide sideSprite2 show sprite noelleNeutralMic Noelle "Hello, how do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list?" show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana." Min "Now it's legal for me to hunt them. I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite show bg parkWithTent with dissolve "When they finally get through the whole scene, Diya rewards Min with a quick peck on the cheek." show sprite diyaHappyC Diya "Good job." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "I'm all sweaty and nasty right now, you don't have to do that." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAwayHappyC Diya "You're not nasty. I don't mind it." hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle grumbles as she sits next to Akarsha at the picnic table and takes a sip of water." # "Noelle grumbles as she sinks into the bench beside Akarsha." show sprite noelleTsunC Noelle "I still can't believe you threw a rock at my face." show sprite akarshaShockerC Akarsha "Hey, that is a GROSS exaggeration." show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "Wait, so you admit it was you who threw it now?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaShrugC Akarsha "First of all, I LOBBED it. Second of all, I lobbed it at her neck, not her face." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleFacepalmC Noelle "WELL, IT HIT MY FACE!!!" with sshake show sprite akarshaAnnoyedC Akarsha "Intent matters here! You're makin' it sound way worse than it really was!" show sideSprite1 minUhC MinT "Yeah, intent does matter! I didn't mean to hurt Ester's feelings either!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Min uneasily glances over at Ester. She's reviewing the footage on the camcorder." show sprite esterNeutralBraids with dissolve Ester ".........." #MinT "It sucks when you make someone really upset without expecting to." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC MinT "I wish the whole thing never happened..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "Okay, we're good to start the wolf family interview." show sprite akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "Yiss!!!" with sshake show sprite lizBigSmileC Liz "I call being the Wolf Mom!" show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "Wait, I wanted to be the mommy, too." show sprite lizHmC Liz "Well, I definitely don't want to be the dad." show sprite diyaNeutralC Diya "It can be two moms. Adopted." Diya "Wolf Mom and Wolf Mom #2." show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "Wolf Mom #2 definitely sounds like the inferior one, though." show sprite akarshaAwayC Akarsha "There's gotta be a way to make them sound equal." Akarsha "Like how there's always two versions of Pokemon, like Diamond and Pearl." show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "Does this really matter??" show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "Hey, this is the scene where I kill Akarsha, right?" Min "Aren't I supposed to have a gun?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite sayeedaHappy Sayeeda "Oh, I brought a Nerf gun you can use." Sayeeda "It's in the tent with the other stuff." show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "Okay, I'll go get it." hide sideSprite1 label tentDisaster: hide sprite show bg insideTent with dissolve "Min rummages through the duffel bag of costumes in search of the Nerf gun." show sideSprite2 noelleHmC Noelle "Wait, Min-seo, is the microphone in there too?" hide sideSprite2 # Min "Huh?" # hide sideSprite1 # Noelle "It's a prop." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "I dunno, look for it yourself." hide sideSprite1 "Noelle sneezes as she steps into the dusty tent." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sprite noelleSleepingAnnoyedC Noelle "Achoo!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Shut up." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleAnnoyedC Noelle "Shut up???" with sshake hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle joins Min by the duffel bag." # "Noelle searches the tent, lifting up every backpack and looking under the sleeping bag." "Suddenly, Noelle frowns at her." show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "........." show sideSprite1 minWorriedC Min "What? You got a problem or something?" hide sideSprite1 "For one heart-stopping moment, Min's sure she's been exposed as racist somehow, but she soon realizes Noelle is just glaring at the dirt that she tracked into the tent." #Noelle "You wore your boots inside?! Take them off before you step inside!!" show sprite noelleAnnoyedC Noelle "You wore your boots inside?! You're getting dirt everywhere!" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Oh, that's it?" Min "It's barely anything!" hide sideSprite1 #Min "Give me a break. It's a tent, it's not like I'm wearing them into a house!" show sprite noelleTsunC Noelle "You got a leaf on the sleeping bag already. See?" show sideSprite1 minAnnoyedC Min "So brush it off! Who cares?!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "I care! You were the one responsible, so {i}you{/i} should be the one to brush it off!" play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "It's just one fucking leaf! Stop splitting hairs over nothing!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleFacepalmC Noelle "You're the one being difficult here! Just apologize and get the leaf off!" with sshake # Noelle "You're the one escalating the situation! Just get the leaf off!" with sshake play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" play music "music/Bloodgod.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "YOU REALLY WANT ME TO GET THAT LEAF OFF!? TAKE THIS!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Min grabs one end of the sleeping bag and swings it at Noelle!" show bg white onlayer screens play sound "sound/smack.ogg" pause 0.1 hide bg white onlayer screens with sshake show sprite noelleShockedC "It whaps Noelle in the torso!" play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" Noelle "HEY! I'M TELLING ON YOU!!!" with sshake play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "{big=+20}GO AHEAD AND TRY IT, TURBONERD!!!!{/big}" hide sideSprite1 "Noelle seizes a handful of the sleeping bag as Min tries to land another blow!" with sshake show sprite noelleAnnoyedC Noelle "YOU GORMLESS BRUTE!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "THE FUCK YOU MEAN I'M WORMLESS??? TAKE THAT BACK!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Min yanks on the sleeping bag, hard! It slips from Noelle's grasp, sending Min hurtling backwards." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minSurprisedC Min "WHOA!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/thud.ogg" "Min loses her balance completely and falls backwards into the wall of the tent." "She hits the ground butt-first, pinning the fabric of the tent down with her weight." play sound2 "sound/tentnylonishsound.ogg" show bg black with sshake "The tent collapses, blanketing its occupants in nylon. Min feels herself sliding backwards down a slope..." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" Noelle "THE TENT'S ROLLING DOWN THE HILL!" with sshake #Min "SHIT! THE STAKES GOT RIPPED OUT!" with sshake # hide sideSprite1 "Min and Noelle blindly tumble down the hill with their limbs wrapped in tent, screaming all the way." $ npcName=_("Min and Noelle") play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" NPC "AAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 play sound2 "sound/thud.ogg" stop music fadeout 2.0 "Eventually, they crash into a large bush at the bottom of the ravine." show bg lake with dissolve play music "music/romaras.ogg" "Min crawls out of the tangled mess, spitting dirt and twigs out of her mouth." show sideSprite1 minDisgustedC Min "Pwah! Pwah!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleFacepalmC Noelle "Oh, how I despise you..." "Noelle gathers the tent into her arms and tries to trudge back up to the park in her socks." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "What happened to your shoes?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "I took them off before coming into the tent, like a civilized person." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "See, this is why keeping them on is better." Min "I win." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleFacepalmC Noelle "No, you don't! This situation would never arise under normal circumstances." with sshake show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Look how much faster I'm walking than you." Min "See? Loser." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Min looks back and sees how far behind Noelle is." # "Noelle looks pretty pitiful dragging the tent through the dirt, so Min reluctantly takes it from her." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC MinT "She looks pretty pathetic dragging the tent through the dirt..." Min "..........." hide sideSprite1 "Min reluctantly goes back and yanks the tent away from her." #Min "I don't think Diya would like it if I made you " show sprite noelleTsunC Noelle "..........." show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "What's the matter with you today?" show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "What?" hide sideSprite1 Noelle "Generally speaking, you strike me as someone who can't take criticism." # Noelle "But you've been acting like a today." Noelle "But you haven't blown up on me like this for months." # Noelle "But you've been exceptionally high-strung all day, even for you." # Noelle "You've been acting so strange." Noelle "Did something happen between you and Ester?" show sideSprite1 minWorriedC Min "WHAT?" with sshake Min "NO, WHY?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutralC Noelle "During our scene, you kept eyeing her like she was going to bite you." # Min "WHAT? NO, WHY?" # Noelle "Because that was a strange reaction to being told we'd be getting {i}less{/i} help setting up the tent." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC MinT "Oh, hell. If even fucking NOELLE can tell, I might as well be wearing a neon sign around saying what happened." Min "We sorta got in a fight." #Noelle "About what?" Min "She got all offended by something I said." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHmC Noelle "What did you say?" show sideSprite1 minWorriedC MinT "...I don't even wanna say it...It's so fucking embarrassing..." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "I kinda was like...I didn't know Black people cared about grades..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleShockedC Noelle "What?! Why???" with sshake #Min "I don't know...It's so Asian around here that I never really got to talk to a lot of Black people..." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "I don't know...None of my classes ever had Black people in them..." Min "So I felt like I was learning something new from the story she was telling me. I was just trying to express that." hide sideSprite1 play sound "sound/smack.ogg" show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "So you decided to TELL HER you held a bigoted belief that only changed after a random anecdote she shared???" with sshake # Noelle "You could've just processed that internally! Why expose her to that?!" play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "I wasn't thinking, okay?! It's easy to pick apart now in hindsight, but the whole thing happened in like five seconds!" with sshake # Min "I just blurted it out, I wasn't trying to offend her on purpose!" Min "I didn't even have anything against her! Or Black people in general!" Min "C'mon, you know me. When I hate someone, I let them know!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "Yes, I'm well aware of that." show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "So it should've been obvious I didn't mean anything bad by it!" Min "When people do Asian accents or say weird stuff about Koreans, {i}I{/i} don't flip out!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHmC Noelle "You don't...?" Noelle "That time we were walking around and got Konnichiwa'd, you were furious." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "That was coming from a white creep, and it was clearly hateful." Min "But if it's just a joke, or something worded insensitively, it doesn't always mean the person ACTUALLY hates Asians." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "I'm not sure I follow your logic here..." Noelle "Are you saying that as long as something's not {i}intentionally{/i} hateful racism, it doesn't bother you?" show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC Min "Yeah, it doesn't. 'Cause I'm not a sensitive crybaby." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleNeutralC Noelle "But if you had a choice, wouldn't you rather they not say those things?" show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "Well, duh. If you could press a button and magically no one ever said that stuff again, that'd be cool." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle"...Then it {i}does{/i|} bother you?" show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "Okay, yeah, maybe it would bother me a little, but I wouldn't make a huge stink about it." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleUhC Noelle "If it bothers you, doesn't it make sense to complain about it?" show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "If I were some weakass sissy, sure. But I'm not, so I don't sweat that kinda small stuff." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleHmC Noelle "But we just established that you {i}are{/i} bothered by it." Noelle "You just deny it because in your eyes, it's weakness to admit you're hurt. Because of the tough guy act you have going on." hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle's got this insufferably smug expression on her face, like she's discovered a misprint in an exam that no one else has found yet." show sprite noelleBigSmileC Noelle "I think I understand now." show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Understand what?? You weren't even there." hide sideSprite1 # Noelle "You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am." show sprite noelleHappyC Noelle "You think Ester is overreacting because in similar situations, you do nothing." Noelle "When she told you your response was racist, you became enraged by her audacity to complain about things you suffered through in silence." #Noelle "If you decide she's being oversensitive, then you don't need to rethink any of your actions. This is the easy route." Noelle "Admitting that you genuinely hurt her feelings would require the admission that you've been hurt before, too." Noelle "And your fragile ego cannot allow that." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "..................." MinT "Shit...Maybe she's onto something..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite noelleBigSmileC Noelle "In conclusion, Ester's right, you're wrong, and you're racist." show sideSprite1 minSadC MinT "This sucks so bad....." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite label falseSpring: stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 play music "music/comatoseDreams.ogg" show bg tentSpot with diamond "Covered in dirt and twigs, Min struggles to put the tent back up." #"Diya spots her and runs over to help." show sprite diyaSurprisedC Diya "?!" Diya "Are you okay." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "Not really. I feel like absolute dogshit." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "Oh no." show sideSprite1 minSadC MinT "I just wanna hide what I did." MinT "I wanna dig a hole and bury the terrible truth where no one will ever find it." hide sideSprite1 # MinT "Why is she with me? She's so pretty and kind and amazing, and I'm such a fuck-up..." Diya "What happened?" show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "I don't really wanna talk about it." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya "............" play sound "sound/tentnylonishsound.ogg" hide sprite with dissolve "At a loss for how to handle the situation, Diya quietly helps her pitch the tent." # show sideSprite1 minSadC # MinT "The only responses I ever learned to being hurt were to suck it up, or hurt them back worse." # MinT "But I guess normal people also learned a secret third option, which is to talk about it, and that's what Ester was trying to do..." # MinT "That must be why she hasn't ruined my life as revenge yet, even though she could." # MinT "I guess I'm the only one who thinks like that. I'm such a fuck-up..." show bg tentSpotSetup with dissolve show sprite diyaSurprisedC Diya "...?" show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "Oh no..." show sideSprite1 minSurprisedC Min "Huh?" hide sideSprite1 Diya "Look." hide sprite show bg butterfly with dissolve "Diya points to a malformed looking butterfly clinging to the tent fabric." show sideSprite1 minDisgustedC Min "Oh, ew." Min "What's wrong with its wing? It's all crinkled." hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaWorriedC Diya "Think it's stuck like that...That's so sad." Diya "Maybe it's because of the false spring." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "False spring?" hide sideSprite1 show sideSprite2 diyaAwayC Diya "It's when it's super warm, but it's still winter." Diya "It messes up a lot of animals because they think it's spring when it's not." Diya "Maybe the weird environment messed it up while it was forming." hide sideSprite2 "Diya tries to get the deformed butterfly to crawl onto a twig. It's hard to watch." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "Is that what I'm like? Because I grew up with racists and got taught the worst lessons ever?" Min "I feel like I went through hell and came out the other side in the most monumentally fucked shape." hide sideSprite1 # Min "\"Just be yourself\" is such a stupid moral. What if the person you are fucking sucks?" show bg tentSpotSetup with dissolve show sprite diyaSurprisedC with dissolve Diya "?" Diya "What do you mean?" show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "Diya...You wouldn't ever break up with me, right?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "? No." show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "What if I did something bad?" Min "I mean like, really bad." hide sideSprite1 Diya "What did you do?" show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min "Are you SURE you wouldn't break up with me, though?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAnnoyedC Diya "What. Did. You. Do." "Min tells Diya what happened, bracing herself for the worst..." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "...And that's why Ester is mad at me..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "............" Diya "That wasn't very nice of you." show sprite diyaAnnoyedC Diya "Sounds like something racist my mom would say." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "Yeah, I know..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya "Poor Ester. Her comic sounds cool, too." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "Do you hate me now?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "I mean...It was bad. But at least you realize it." Diya "Everyone makes mistakes." # Diya "No? Everyone makes mistakes." # show sprite diyaWorriedC # Diya "Why would I hate you?" # show sideSprite1 minWorriedC # Min "Because I tricked you into thinking I'm not racist when I actually am." # hide sideSprite1 # Diya "Don't think you were trying to trick me. Everyone makes mistakes." show sideSprite1 minHuhC Min "Not everyone makes RACIST mistakes." hide sideSprite1 Diya "But it's not like people are born knowing things, either?" Diya "Everyone has blind spots." show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "How come you've never offended someone like I did, then?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya "I don't talk to people very much..." Diya "So most of the mistakes just happen in my mind." show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "Well...then how come Noelle doesn't offend people??" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "I mean...she was pretty ignorant about gay people before we started dating." # Diya "Don't think she even knew they existed until the anti-gay marriage stuff started." Diya "When people said the narrator of {i}The Great Gatsby{/i} was gay in our English class, she got all scandalized and argued against it." Diya "She kept insisting there had to be another explanation. But I think she just was grossed out by the thought of it." # "Diya looks furtively around to make sure no one else is around, then whispers in Min's ear." # show sprite diyaWorriedC # Diya "Don't tell her I told you this." # Diya "One time in elementary school, Noelle brought in canned Vienna sausages for a school project." # Diya "Don't remember what the project was, but it was related somehow." # Diya "But she didn't think to check if it had pork or beef in it." # Diya "So almost no one could eat it, including me, because she didn't know. She was so embarrassed." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "That's not as bad as insulting someone's entire race, though." hide sideSprite1 # show sideSprite1 minHuhC # Min "That's not as bad as insulting someone's entire race, though. She just forgot a bunch of religions existed." # hide sideSprite1 # #Min "I mean, forgetting's not good either, but thinking bad stereotypes is worse." show sprite diyaNeutralC Diya "Not trying to say she messed up worse." Diya "My point is she got better about it. She wouldn't do that anymore." Diya "So I don't hold it against her. Just because you were ignorant about something doesn't mean you're bad forever." # Diya "Everyone learns the cultures they grew up around first and gradually fixes their blind spots later." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "I dunno...It doesn't undo the fact that I was racist to Ester already, and now she hates me." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "Did you say sorry?" show sideSprite1 minFlusteredC Min ".........No....." hide sideSprite1 Diya "She might not forgive you. But you should at least tell her." #"Min feels such an overwhelming wave of anguish at her suggestion that it takes her a moment to sputter out a response." "Min feels such anguish upon hearing Diya's suggestion that it takes her a moment to sputter something out." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "But...But...No one ever apologized to ME!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "To Min's horror, her eyes fill up with tears." show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "So many people did way worse things to me, and THEY never said sorry!" Min "None of my racist bullies ever said sorry. My dad never said sorry." Min "Why is it only ME who has to say sorry, when what I did wasn't even as bad?" Min "It's not fair!" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Diya pulls her into her arms and hugs her very tightly, as if trying to squeeze all the grief out of her body." # "Min loves hugging Diya because she gets a faceful of boobs and can hear her heartbeat. She leans into her warmth, letting the steady rhythm calm her down." #"Mollified slightly by getting a faceful of boobs, Min lets the steady rhythm of Diya's heartbeat calm her down." "Min leans into her warmth, letting her familiar touch and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat calm her down." #"Diya pulls her into a tight hug, as if trying to physically squeeze all of the sadness out of her body." #"Min leans into her warmth, trying to let the steady rhythm of her heartbeat and the familiar scent of her body calm her down." #"All of a sudden, Diya hugs her, and Min holds onto her like a lifeline." show sprite diyaAwayC Diya "What happened to you wasn't fair." Diya "But that doesn't mean you should be unfair, too. Or you'll just continue the cycle." # Diya "But if there's no good way to make it fair, the next best thing to do is put it behind you." # Diya "But you can still try to be fair to other people." # Diya "I know it's not fair." # Diya "But you can still try to be fair to other people." Diya "You can apologize even if they don't." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "But it's not fair..." show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "I want them to suffer. I want them to die." Min "If I just forget about them, that means they got away with everything." Min "That means they won, and I lost." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaWorriedAwayC Diya "........" show sprite diyaWorriedC Diya "But isn't it losing {i}worse{/i} to let people you hate keep controlling your life?" Diya "It's like that saying. If you seek revenge, dig two graves." # Min "Why would it be two? It'd just be one, for them." # Diya "It's two because you're " Diya "Is it worth it? To hurt yourself in the name of fairness." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "...................." MinT "Is that what I'm doing?" MinT "Crashing the car just to get back at them?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaAnnoyedC Diya "...The two graves are you and the person you got revenge on, by the way." Diya "Not two different people you killed." show sideSprite1 minSmirkC Min "No, I got that." Min "You're right..." show sideSprite1 minAnnoyedC Min "Why should I let those pieces of shit keep controlling me even years later?!" with sshake Min "If nothing they did mattered, that'll show them!!" with sshake show sprite diyaHappyC Diya "Yeah." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "Yeah!!!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 label apology: hide sprite show bg parkWithTent with dissolve "Min dashes off and finds Ester setting up the next scene." show sprite esterNeutralBraids with dissolve Ester "What took you so long?" Ester "Everyone's ready to do the wolf death scene." # Min "I was just putting the tent back up." show sideSprite1 minNeutralC Min "Can we talk first?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids "Ester gives her a guarded look." Ester "That depends..." show sideSprite1 minSadC Min "Sorry I was an asshole earlier." Min "I shouldn't have said that racist stuff about Black people, and the weird stuff about your hair." hide sideSprite1 Ester "Yeah, you shouldn't have." show sideSprite1 minWorriedC Min "You're right, I should've known better." Min "I know how much it sucks looking different from everyone else." hide sideSprite1 "Ester lets out a sigh, looking exhausted." #Ester "It's just hard...I feel like for my whole life, I've been fighting to be seen as something other than my race." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "You'd think people would know, but they don't..." Ester "It's like being kicked on both sides. I go through all the same stuff as everyone else at this school, but no one sees me as one of them." Ester "Everyone thinks because I'm not \"pure\" Asian, I'm not as smart or I don't study as much." show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "Don't worry, I don't think that." Min "I learned my lesson. I'm not racist anymore." hide sideSprite1 # Min "I learned my lesson. I'll never be racist again." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "Uh...Yeah, you are?" # Ester "That...doesn't sound realistic??" show sideSprite1 minSurprisedC Min "Huh......??????" with sshake hide sideSprite1 Ester "You're literally still racist, all you did was apologize for one specific thing." # Ester "You can't just decide you're not racist anymore." #Ester "You're making a promise you can't keep." #Ester "No one's asking you to be perfect, 'cause that's impossible." # Ester "At most, you can try harder, and say sorry the next time you're racist instead of being all rude and defensive." # Ester "All you can actually do is try harder, and say sorry the next time you're racist instead of being all rude and defensive." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "But...What else am I supposed to do then?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAngryBraids Ester "Try to educate yourself and not say random crap about other ethnicities?" Ester "And say sorry the next time you're racist instead of being all rude and defensive." show sideSprite1 minUhC Min "Next time?! That makes it sound like this is gonna happen again." with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Honestly, it probably will." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "'re saying I'll ALWAYS be racist no matter what I do?!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Min looks so horrified that Ester gives her a pitying look." show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "I mean, literally everyone on earth is ignorant to some degree about SOMETHING." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "For my webcomic, I tried to research albinos and double amputees the best I could, but I'm still not sure I portrayed everything right." show sideSprite1 minSurprisedC MinT "Double amputee...? What the fuck is going on in her comic?" hide sideSprite1 Ester "No one's perfect. You just gotta do your best and learn from your mistakes." show sideSprite1 minWorriedC Min "Oh...okay..." show sideSprite1 minDisgustedC Min "But I hate thinking I'm gonna make a DIFFERENT mistake at some point and have to apologize again." Min "It's fucking mortifying." hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "I mean, it shouldn't be mortifying to admit you were wrong about something." show sideSprite1 minAwayC Min "...I guess it shouldn't be..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "Ay! Are we ready to party?" with sshake show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "Yeah, let's do it." show sideSprite1 minNeutralC Min "So are we good for now?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "I guess." # Ester "Anyway, you can't grow if you're constantly terrified of saying the wrong thing or looking ignorant." # Ester "I used to have that fear about my webcomic." # Ester "I tried researching Japanese names the best I could, but I'm still not sure they sound real." # Ester "That'd be like if I waited to release my webcomic until I made sure it was absolutely perfect." # Ester "But if I had to make sure my comic was absolutely perfect before releasing it, I'd never end up posting it at all, because all art is flawed in some way." # Ester "If only the people who care are scared to make art, the only art that'd exist in the world would be by overconfident people who're so ignorant they don't even know it." #Ester "You just gotta do your best and learn from your mistakes." #Min "That makes sense..." # Min "So when IS your webcomic coming out?" # Ester "Uhhhhh, not for a while...I'm still figuring some of the plot out." # Min "Oh, sure." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Can I still use the \"progidy\" thing you said earlier?" show sideSprite1 minHmC Min "Huh? Yeah, knock yourself out." hide sideSprite1 label wolfDeathScene: $noelleName=_("Reporter") $akarshaName=_("Wolf Pup") $chryssaName=_("Wolf Mom LeafGreen") $lizName=_("Wolf Mom FireRed") stop music fadeout 2.0 hide sprite show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 show bg tentSpotSetup with diamond play music "music/Ketsa - Bubbles.ogg" #play music "Little Circle.ogg" "Min hides behind a tree with her Nerf gun, waiting for her cue." # Noelle "How long have the grey wolves lived here?" # Chryssa "Historically, our ancestors lived in this forest until hunters wiped them out." # Chryssa "That caused the ecosystem to become unbalanced, and many biologists were worried about eroding land and dying plants." # Liz "In 1995, we were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. Our pack wandered over to Idaho, where we are now." show sprite noelleNeutralMic Noelle "How has your pack helped balance the ecosystem here?" show sprite chryssaNeutralC Chryssa "We prevent the elk population from exploding and overgrazing." show sprite lizWorriedC Liz "Before we were reintroduced, many biologists were concerned about eroding and plants dying off." Liz "Unfortunately, many ranchers and hunters don't understand this." show sprite chryssaHappyC Chryssa "In fact, the state of Idaho is planning to kill hundreds of wolves this winter." show sideSprite1 minUnamusedC MinT "This is where we always screw up and have to start over." MinT "Every time Akarsha makes eye contact with Chryssa, she starts laughing." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaNeutralC Akarsha "Mom LeafGreen, I'm scared...Are we gonna die?" show sideSprite1 minSurprisedC MinT "Holy shit. She finally did it!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaShrugC Akarsha "Goo goo ga ga..." "Noelle's eye twitches as she recites her next line." show sprite noelleUhMic Noelle "Who is this...adorable little thing?" show sprite chryssaHappyC Chryssa "This is our wolf puppy! Normally mated pairs produce a litter per year, but we adopted her!" show sprite lizBigSmileC Liz "We love her soooooooo much!" show sprite akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "I'm only four months old!" $minName=_("Evil Hunter") play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minShockedC Min "DIEEEEEEEE!!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Min leaps out from behind the tree and shoots a flurry of Nerf pellets at Akarsha!" show sprite akarshaShockerC Akarsha "No!!! I only kill a very small number of cattle per year!!!" with sshake Akarsha "Urk!" hide sprite with sshake "Akarsha goes down, and Min continues shooting her ass with the Nerf gun." show sprite chryssaSurprisedC Chryssa "Nooooo! Our innocent puppy!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minStupidHappyC Min "MUAHAHA!" with sshake Min "I'll be back to kill the rest of you!!" with sshake hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve "Min runs off-screen, leaving Chryssa and Liz crying very unconvincingly over Akarsha's body." show sprite lizSurprisedC Liz "How could this happen? If only we were still on the Endangered Species list!" show sprite noelleNeutralMic "Noelle turns solemnly to the camera." Noelle "Today, I learned that delisting of grey wolves from the Endangered Species list would have devastating consequences." $noelleName=_("Noelle") $akarshaName=_("Akarsha") $chryssaName=_("Chryssa") $lizName=_("Liz") $minName=_("Min-seo") show sideSprite2 esterHappyBraids Ester "...And that's a wrap!" hide sideSprite2 play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" show sprite noelleShockedC Noelle "FINALLY!!! WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR SIX HOURS!!!" with sshake show sideSprite1 minAwayC MinT "And we may have just produced the worst video ever..." hide sideSprite1 hide sprite show bg black with diamond pause 0.5 # "Someone's using the tent to change, so Min goes to the bathroom again." show bg parkWithTent with diamond "Relieved to be back in her regular clothes, Min looks around." show sideSprite1 minHuh MinT "Seems like people are packing up." hide sideSprite1 $seenBraidPrank=False $graceApologized=False $chryssaLizResolution=False label backToMinResolution: window hide hide sideSprite1 hide sideSprite2 with None $newSpeaker=True hide sprite hide prop $renpy.call_screen("resolution",_layer="farBack") screen resolution: if seenBraidPrank==False: vbox xalign 0.34 yalign 0.38: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look in the tent"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("braidPrank")] at qte_move if graceApologized==False: vbox xalign 0.78 yalign 0.58: imagebutton: idle "gui/action_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Sit at the picnic table"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("graceCallout")] at qte_move if chryssaLizResolution==False: vbox xalign 0.68 yalign 0.38: imagebutton: idle "gui/look_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Look at tree stump"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("thatWasExhausting")] at qte_move if graceApologized and seenBraidPrank and chryssaLizResolution: vbox xalign 0.90 yalign 0.40: imagebutton: idle "gui/walk_icon_hover.png" hovered [Show("gui_tooltip", tt=_("Walk to the lake"))] unhovered [Hide("gui_tooltip")] action [ Hide("gui_tooltip"),Jump("uncurse")] at qte_move label braidPrank: show bg insideTent with dissolve "The tent flap's already open." "Min climbs inside. To her surprise, Akarsha's already there." show sprite akarshaNeutralC Akarsha "Shhhh, look!" "She points to Noelle, who's sound asleep on the sleeping bag." show sideSprite2 noelleSleepingC Noelle "Zzzzzzzz..." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Damn, she must've been pretty tired to just conk out like this." hide sideSprite1 show sprite akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "Listen, I have the biggest brain in the world..." hide sprite with dissolve "Akarsha gleefully lies down on the ground next to Noelle." show sideSprite2 akarshaShrugC Akarsha "Help me braid our hair together." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "I have short hair, dipshit. Do I look like I know how to braid hair?" hide sideSprite1 #Min "Do it yourself." show sideSprite2 akarshaNeutralC Akarsha "I can't do it myself, it's too hard when I'm lyin' down like this." show sideSprite2 akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "C'mon, pwetty pwease..." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minDisgusted Min "God, when you talk like that I just wanna smash your head with a rock." with sshake hide sideSprite1 "Min crawls over and grabs a lock of Akarsha and Noelle's hair in each hand." show sideSprite2 akarshaShrugC Akarsha "It's easy, ya just gotta split it into three strands and alternate which one goes on top." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Like this??" hide sideSprite1 "Confused, Min just randomly twists their hair together." "The instant she lets go, the \"braid\" loosens and unravels." show sideSprite1 minUh MinT "Shit!" hide sideSprite1 "Noelle scowls in her sleep as Min tries again." # Noelle "I want the ocean floor to be fully mapped out." show sideSprite2 noelleSleepingAnnoyedC Noelle "Akarsha!" with sshake hide sideSprite2 # Noelle "Your tampering will completely throw off the results." "Akarsha and Min freeze, but Noelle just turns on her side, mumbling to herself." show sideSprite2 noelleSleepingC Noelle "Zzz...Just because it's \"suitable for all large primates\"...doesn't mean you should eat it..." hide sideSprite2 # Noelle "Don't text me with spelling maggot...Zzzz..." show sideSprite1 minUhC MinT "What is she dreaming about??" hide sideSprite1 "Ester sticks her head in the tent." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Can you hand me my backpack?" show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "...Wait, what're you guys doing?" show sideSprite2 akarshaHmC Akarsha "Psst! Halp..." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Ester, do you know how to braid hair?" hide sideSprite1 "Ester assesses the situation for a moment before shrugging." show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester "Okay, why not?" show sideSprite2 akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "Thank you!!!" hide sideSprite2 hide sprite with dissolve "After a few minutes, Ester manages to weave Akarsha and Noelle's hair into one giant, messy braid." Min "You did it!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "I wonder when she's gonna realize." hide sprite with dissolve "Noelle stirs on the sleeping bag. Her head gets jerked back by her hair, which is now bound to Akarsha's." show sideSprite2 noelleSleepingAnnoyedC Noelle "Mrph..." hide sideSprite2 "She blearily rubs her eyes." show sideSprite2 akarshaBigSmileC Akarsha "Bonjour..." hide sideSprite2 play music "music/flameOfLoveBeginning.ogg" noloop queue music "music/flameOfLoveLoop.ogg" loop show bg braid with dissolve "Noelle bolts upright, screaming." play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" Noelle "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake Akarsha "What's wrong, Frenchman? Bad hair day?" Noelle "AKARSHAaaaAAAA!!!" Noelle "WHY?! GET ME OUT OF HEREEEE!!!!" with sshake Akarsha "Whoa, calm down." play sound "sound/smack.ogg" Noelle "CALM DOWN?! YOU LITERALLY ATTACKED ME IN MY SLEEP!!!" with sshake show sideSprite2 esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "I mean, you can just unbraid it. It's not that bad." hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minStupidHappy Min "Yeah, tons of people in the world have it way worse than you." hide sideSprite1 Noelle "SHUT UP! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!" with sshake "She surges toward Ester and Min with an aura that can only be described as murderous." "Akarsha calmly lies back down, dragging Noelle down with her." play sound "sound/What!.ogg" Noelle "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!" with sshake show sideSprite2 akarshaShrugC Akarsha "I'll hold her back! Run!!" show sideSprite2 esterSurprisedBraids Ester "Nice knowing you, bye!" hide sideSprite2 show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "Bro, I will never forget your sacrifice." hide sideSprite1 show bg tentSpotSetup with dissolve "Ester and Min make their escape." play sound "sound/thud.ogg" "Inside the tent, there's a muffled scream followed by a crash." stop music fadeout 2.0 "The tent stakes pop out of the ground as the tent rolls over and goes tumbling down the hill again." $npcName=_("Noelle and Akarsha") play sound "sound/YES!.ogg" NPC "AAAUGHHHH!!!!!!!" with sshake show bg tentSpot with dissolve play music "music/Little Circle.ogg" show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "Again?!" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterSurprisedBraids Ester "There it goes..." hide sprite with dissolve "Min and Ester peer down at the bottom of the hill, where Noelle, Akarsha, and the tent have landed in a tangled heap." # "Min and Ester peer down at the ravine, but it's hard to see anything through the vegetation." show sideSprite2 noelleFacepalmC Noelle ".........." show sideSprite2 akarshaAnnoyedC Akarsha ".........." hide sideSprite2 show sprite esterNeutralBraids Ester ".........." show sprite esterSurprisedBraids "Suddenly, something dawns on Ester and she straightens up, her eyes shining." Ester "I can use this!" show sprite esterHappyBraids Ester "In my comic! It totally fixes the part I was stuck on!" show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "The hell kind of story are you writing where you can even use this?" Min "Some kind of camping disaster?" hide sideSprite1 Ester "You don't understand, it's perfect! I gotta write this down!" show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Isn't your sketchbook and everything down there though? Inside your backpack?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite esterAnnoyedBraids Ester "...Crap, you're right." Ester "I guess I'll go grab it." hide sprite with dissolve "Ester sighs and heads down the hill to retrieve her things." show sideSprite1 minNeutral MinT "I don't really get it, but good for her." hide sideSprite1 show bg park with dissolve $seenBraidPrank=True jump backToMinResolution label graceCallout: "Grace is trying to squeeze the costumes back into her bag." show sprite graceSurprised Grace "Hey Min!" Grace "Do you know if your brother's single?" show sideSprite1 minUnamused MinT "Oh, great." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Do you think you could introduce us?" show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "I mean, I'm not sure he even likes girls." hide sideSprite1 #Min "It's kinda sad, I think both our lives would've been easier in some ways if we'd switched bodies." show sprite graceWorried Grace "Oh...Darn." show sideSprite1 minNeutral Min "What exactly do you like about him?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceKya Grace "He's so cute. He looks kinda like G-Dragon." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "......." Min "Do you like my brother just because he's Korean?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceSurprised Grace "W-what?" show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Can you chill out a bit with the whole Korea thing?" hide sideSprite1 Grace "Sorry!! I just get so excited about K-Pop..." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "Liking K-Pop is fine, but normal about it." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceWorried Grace "...Sorry..." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "You don't have to keep apologizing, it's annoying." Min "As long as you get it." hide sideSprite1 show sprite graceNeutral Grace "Okay, yeah. I'll be normal now." $graceApologized=True jump backToMinResolution label thatWasExhausting: "Chryssa and Liz are staring at the decimated tree stump." show sprite lizSurprised Liz "What happened to this? It looks like a cannonball hit it." show sprite chryssaNeutral Chryssa "Beats me." show sideSprite1 minAway MinT "I should probably keep my mouth shut." hide sideSprite1 show sprite lizWorried Liz "Well, I suppose it's not our problem." show sprite chryssaNeutral Chryssa "Speaking of problems...What'd you think of your afternoon as an irresponsible person?" show sprite lizHm Liz "That was even more tiring than being responsible." if seenBraidPrank: Liz "Did you see them knock the tent down the hill? Twice?" else: Liz "Did you see them knock the tent down the hill?" show sprite chryssaAnnoyed Chryssa "Yeah, I just ignored it." show sprite lizHm Liz "Me, too." Liz "We probably could've finished a couple hours ago if we'd just wrangled them like we normally do." show sprite chryssaAnnoyedSmile Chryssa "Yep...Man, I thought I was really onto something." hide sprite with dissolve play sound2 "sound/short grass noise.ogg" "Min turns to walk away, but to her surprise, she hears footsteps running up behind her." show sprite lizSurprised Liz "Wait, Min!" with sshake "Min stops to let her catch up." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "What?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite lizHm Liz "I couldn't help but overhear some of what you were saying to Diya. At the lake." #Min "What were you, spying on me?" # Liz "I'm not sure if you're aware, but your voice is pretty loud...It would have been difficult {i}not{/i} to hear." # Min "Oh. Okay, whatever." # Liz "I don't mean to assume anything, but I've been meaning to ask you for a while now..." "Liz scribbles something on a scrap of paper and hands it to Min like a doctor giving a prescription." show sprite lizNeutral Liz "You need to go on the internet." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "The internet...?" hide sideSprite1 "Min scrutinizes the scrap of paper. It says \"\"." #Min "What is that?" show sprite lizHappy Liz "It's a blog you might like." #Liz "It's a blog where people talk about gender . You can do it anonymously." show sideSprite1 minUnamused Min "How the hell would you know what I like?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite lizNeutral Liz "I'm trans." # "This is news to Min." # play sound "sound/What!.ogg" show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "HUH?" with sshake hide sideSprite1 show sprite lizHm Liz "I mean, not that being genderqueer is necessarily the same as being trans..." show sprite lizBigSmile Liz "But I'm here if you'd ever like to talk." Liz "Have fun!" hide sprite with dissolve "Liz pats Min on the head and leaves her standing there clutching the little scrap of paper in absolute shock." #"Liz pats Min on the head like you would a pet dog. Normally Min would not stand for this, but she's too stunned to react." # "Liz leaves her standing there clutching the little scrap of paper in absolute shock." # "Liz pats Min on the shoulder and leaves her standing there clutching the little scrap of paper in absolute shock." # Min "Whoa. Your parents actually let you, like, uh..." # MinT "Shit, what's the right way to say this? \"Be a girl\"??" # "Min awkwardly trails off and gestures vaguely at Liz's entire body." # Liz "Oh, they were against it at first." # Liz "But once puberty hit, I......uh, started to really freak out." # Liz "So they caved." # MinT "I've never met a real transgender person before..." # MinT "I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity or something." show sideSprite1 minHm MinT "I guess I should look that up when I get home..." $chryssaLizResolution=True jump backToMinResolution label uncurse: show bg lake with dissolve # "Min walks to the waterfront, where Diya is watching the lapping waves." "Diya is watching the water." "When Min joins her, Diya tilts her head at her." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "You said this place was cursed, right?" # Min "Yeah, it brings up bad memories." # Min "It got ruined when I was in Florida." "Min sighs and wraps her arms around Diya's waist." show sideSprite1 minSad Min "Yeah..." hide sideSprite1 #Min "It just reminds me of a part of my life I'd rather forget." "Diya rests her forehead against Min's, her long lashes tickling Min's skin as she blinks." show sprite diyaAway Diya "What if we uncursed it?" show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Huh? How?" show sprite diyaHappy Diya "By making new memories. Together." "Diya hugs her tighter, squishing Min's face directly into her chest." show sideSprite1 minCute MinT "Oooh..........." MinT "It's so soft............." hide sideSprite1 $subtitle=_("I love you...") show sprite diyaBlush Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}" $subtitle="" "Min's mind is in such a state of disarray that it takes her a second to process what Diya is saying." "In a herculean feat of self-control, she manages to stop rubbing her face against Diya's chest and meet her gaze." # "She manages to tear her gaze from Diya's chest to study her face instead." show sideSprite1 minBlushSurprised Min "Wait...You know what that means?" hide sideSprite1 "Diya nods, her cheeks tinged pink." show sprite diyaHappyBlush Diya "It was in a lot of the K-pop songs that Yuki...I mean, Grace played." Diya "So I asked her." Diya "And found out what it really meant." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Sorry I lied to you..." hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaEmbarrassed Diya "No, it makes me happy you wanted me to say that." Diya "Because I do. Love you." #Min "Thanks for sticking with me." show sideSprite1 minSurprised Min "Even now...Now that you know what an asshole I am?" hide sideSprite1 # Min "I can be a real asshole sometimes." show sprite diyaSurprised Diya "...You think I didn't know that before?" # Diya "You were always hitting and threatening people." # Diya "I still remember how you used to threaten Noelle all the time, and say you'd get rid of her." # Diya "You even used to threaten Noelle all the time, and say you'd get rid of her." show sideSprite1 minAway MinT "I guess I {i}was{/i} always hitting and threatening people." show sideSprite1 minHuh Min "Then why do you still like me?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaHappy Diya "Because you're also really brave and resilient, and cool." # Diya "Because the same thing that made you that way also made you really brave and resilient, and cool." # Diya "You never gave up. Not on yourself, and not on me either." # Diya "I always admired that about you." show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "I feel like...The world tries to make people into certain shapes." Diya "But you fight it on purpose. You try as hard as you can." Diya "And I think that's amazing." show sprite diyaWorriedAway Diya "And subconsciously, I think I understood." show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Understood what?" hide sideSprite1 show sprite diyaNeutral Diya "You're always telling me you'll protect me and kill the people who hurt me. Because you wish someone did that for you." "Min is stunned speechless. It feels like a curtain was suddenly pulled back on something shameful and hidden, exposing it to the blazing sun." "But Diya doesn't flinch away, just gazes into her eyes." #Diya "It's despite everything that you are the way you are." # Diya "That's why I love you." #But diya doesn't flinch away, sees her for who she is, and is able to gaze into her eyes with love in her heart # "But Diya doesn't look away, only gazes upon her with adoration in her eyes." show sprite diyaHappy Diya "I love you." "Blinking hard, Min smiles back at her." # "Blinking back tears, Min smiles." show sideSprite1 minSmirk Min "I love you, too." #Diya "I know." Min "Teach me how to say it?" $subtitle=_("I love you.") show sprite diyaAwayHappy Diya "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}" $subtitle="" show sideSprite1 minHm Min "Man, that's a mouthful." Min "Nan unnai katalikkiren...?" $subtitle=_("I love you.") show sprite diyaHappy Diya "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}" $subtitle=_("I love you.") show sideSprite1 minSmug Min "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்!{/font}" $subtitle="" hide sideSprite1 hide sprite with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 show bg black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) jump noelle4