# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-02-03 01:34 # game/2_diya.rpy:37 translate spanish diya2_5614e719: # "Diya, Min, and Jun wait at the horseshoe for their parents to pick them up from school." "Diya, Min, y Jun esperan en la rotonda a que sus padres los vengan a recoger de la escuela." # game/2_diya.rpy:39 translate spanish diya2_3761fe1d: # Jun "Why does it always take Mom so long to get here?" Jun "¿Por qué siempre se demora mamá en llegar aquí?" # game/2_diya.rpy:41 translate spanish diya2_e65c74ea: # Min "I'm so hungry I would even eat a pizza with pineapple!" with sshake Min "¡Tengo tanta hambre que me comería hasta una pizza con piña!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:42 translate spanish diya2_593a8c0d: # Min "Mom should just let us walk home ourselves! It'd be way faster." Min "¡Mamá simplemente nos debería dejar caminar a casa a solas! Sería mucho más rápido." # game/2_diya.rpy:44 translate spanish diya2_a084d18a: # Min "Especially if she buys us Heelys!" Min "¡Especialmente si nos compra Heelys!" # game/2_diya.rpy:46 translate spanish diya2_953c7098: # Diya "But if you did that, I'd have to wait for my mom alone. It'd be so boring." Diya "Pero si hacen eso, tendría que esperar a mi mamá sola. Sería muy aburrido." # game/2_diya.rpy:49 translate spanish diya2_55fff62d: # Min "Oh, I thought of that already. We can chat on walkie-talkies while I'm rolling away on my Heelys." Min "Oh, ya pensé en eso. Podemos hablar por walkie-talkies mientras ruedo en mis Heelys." # game/2_diya.rpy:51 translate spanish diya2_b6c9c63e: # DiyaT "That sounds fun..." DiyaT "Eso suena divertido..." # game/2_diya.rpy:54 translate spanish diya2_3aa6dd71: # "The three of them peer down the horseshoe at the long line of cars, hoping to catch sight of their rides." "Los tres miran a la larga fila de autos por la rotonda, con la esperanza de ver a sus autos." # game/2_diya.rpy:56 translate spanish diya2_05cb2594: # DiyaT "My mom's car is tan colored." DiyaT "El auto de mi mamá es de color canela." # game/2_diya.rpy:58 translate spanish diya2_b6439225: # Diya "They should make cars in better colors like sky blue or pink." Diya "Deberían hacer autos en mejores colores como azul cielo o rosado." # game/2_diya.rpy:61 translate spanish diya2_202a8646: # Jun "Yeah...I bet if they did, they'd sell a lot more." Jun "Sí...Apuesto que si lo hicieran, venderían muchos más." # game/2_diya.rpy:63 translate spanish diya2_d771036b: # Min "It's 'cause adults are boring and have bad taste." Min "Es porque los adultos son aburridos y tienen mal gusto." # game/2_diya.rpy:65 translate spanish diya2_bdf3c4ba: # Diya "They should sell cars with pictures of dolphins on them. Everyone would want one." Diya "Deberían vender autos con imágenes de delfines en ellos. Todos querrían uno." # game/2_diya.rpy:68 translate spanish diya2_556c0bac: # "Diya perks up as a beige Toyota drives into the horseshoe, but it's the wrong model." "Diya se levanta al ver un Toyota beige manejar por la rotonda, pero es el modelo equivocado." # game/2_diya.rpy:70 translate spanish diya2_7c22ccaa: # Diya "......." Diya "......." # game/2_diya.rpy:73 translate spanish diya2_7f54c815: # Min "Did you hear about Barry Bonds? He's in trouble because he did steroids!" Min "¿Escuchaste acerca de Barry Bonds? ¡Está en problemas por usar esteroides!" # game/2_diya.rpy:75 translate spanish diya2_7f1c9c11: # Diya "What're \"steroids\"?" Diya "¿Qué son los \"esteroides\"?" # game/2_diya.rpy:78 translate spanish diya2_1f0ca8bc: # Jun "They're drugs that make you really buff. It's cheating." Jun "Son drogas que te hacen muy fuerte. Es hacer trampa." # game/2_diya.rpy:80 translate spanish diya2_5cd5782f: # Min "I don't see why they don't let you use them. If they're so good, everyone should use steroids." Min "No entiendo por qué no te dejarían usarlos. Si son tan buenos, todos deberían usar esteroides." # game/2_diya.rpy:81 translate spanish diya2_166168fb: # Min "Baseball would be more fun if everyone was super strong and super fast." Min "El béisbol sería mucho más divertido si todos fueran super fuertes y super veloces." # game/2_diya.rpy:82 translate spanish diya2_10229788: # "Suddenly, Min jolts upright and shouts as a silver sedan pulls up to the curb." "De repente, Min se levanta sobresaltada y grita al ver a un sedán plateado acercase a la curva." # game/2_diya.rpy:84 translate spanish diya2_71949a57: # Min "I see our car! Bye Diya!" Min "¡Veo nuestro auto! ¡Chao Diya!" # game/2_diya.rpy:86 translate spanish diya2_01cd9713: # "Heat rushes to Diya's face as Min hugs her tightly before dashing off." "El calor se apodera de la cara de Diya mientras Min la abraza con fuerza antes de salir corriendo." # game/2_diya.rpy:88 translate spanish diya2_e4772281: # Diya "Bye..." Diya "Adiós..." # game/2_diya.rpy:91 translate spanish diya2_4407c343: # Jun "Wait, that car has a side thingy under the door that ours doesn't have!" Jun "Espera, ¡ese auto tiene algo a un lado bajo la puerta que el nuestro no tiene!" # game/2_diya.rpy:93 translate spanish diya2_dd1a57e0: # "Min flings the car's passenger seat door open, revealing a stranger inside." "Min abre de un tirón la puerta del asiento del copiloto, revelando a un extraño adentro." # game/2_diya.rpy:96 translate spanish diya2_c9085bac: # Min "{big=+20}WHO'RE YOU??!!{/big}" with sshake Min "{big=+20}¡¡¿¿QUIÉN ERES TÚ??!!{/big}" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:97 translate spanish diya2_f4939c01: # "Min hastily slams the car door shut and stomps back to Diya and Jun, who are both wheezing with laughter." "Min se apresura a cerrar la puerta y pisotea devuelta hacia Diya y Jun, quienes se están riendo a carcajadas." # game/2_diya.rpy:100 translate spanish diya2_ff384520: # Min "THAT WAS THE WRONG CAR!" with sshake Min "¡ESE ERA EL AUTO EQUIVOCADO!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:102 translate spanish diya2_5c47aeaf: # Jun "I told you!" Jun "¡Te dije!" # game/2_diya.rpy:104 translate spanish diya2_e629b0d2: # Diya "........" Diya "........" # game/2_diya.rpy:107 translate spanish diya2_42861aae: # Jun "Diya, I think your car is over there, though." Jun "Diya, creo que tu auto está ahí, eso sí." # game/2_diya.rpy:109 translate spanish diya2_3b71d0de: # Diya "!" Diya "¡!" # game/2_diya.rpy:111 translate spanish diya2_100ad9fc: # Diya "Thanks. Bye for real this time." Diya "Gracias. Adiós de verdad esta vez." # game/2_diya.rpy:114 translate spanish diya2_79b16fed: # Min "See you tomorrow!!!" Min "¡¡¡Te veo mañana!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:119 translate spanish momFindsOut_d8018892: # "As Diya buckles up in her mom's sedan, she peers out the window, smiling a little when she sees Min waving frenetically at her outside." "Mientras Diya se abrocha el cinturón en el sedán de su madre, ella mira por la ventana, sonriendo un poco al ver a Min despidiéndose frenéticamente afuera." # game/2_diya.rpy:121 translate spanish momFindsOut_c0d265fa: # Amma "How was your day at school?" Amma "¿Cómo estuvo tu día en la escuela?" # game/2_diya.rpy:124 translate spanish momFindsOut_fd841d5d: # Diya "Okay." Diya "Bien." # game/2_diya.rpy:125 translate spanish momFindsOut_16ea65b3: # Diya "We had to write about an invention we'd make in class today." Diya "Tuvimos que escribir sobre una invención que haríamos en clase hoy." # game/2_diya.rpy:128 translate spanish momFindsOut_db05797a: # Amma "What did you invent?" Amma "¿Y qué inventaste tú?" # game/2_diya.rpy:131 translate spanish momFindsOut_25e28d97: # Diya "A better bed that makes it so your stuffed animals can never accidentally roll off it." Diya "Una cama mejor que hace que tus peluches nunca puedan rodar fuera de ella accidentalmente." # game/2_diya.rpy:132 translate spanish momFindsOut_64a03780: # Diya "I thought of it because last night while I was sleeping, Horny fell on the floor." Diya "Pensé en ello por que anoche mientras dormía, Conchudo se cayó al piso." # game/2_diya.rpy:135 translate spanish momFindsOut_dfab704e: # Amma "H-horny?? Who's that?" Amma "¿¿C-Conchudo?? ¿Quién es ese?" # game/2_diya.rpy:138 translate spanish momFindsOut_c572ca6d: # Diya "My cow plushie. He's one of Snakey's older brothers." Diya "Mi peluche de ostra. Es uno de los hermanos mayores de Serpientina." # game/2_diya.rpy:140 translate spanish momFindsOut_08ebad6d: # Diya "He was all cold and alone for hours and I didn't know." Diya "Estuvo frío y solo por horas y no sabía." # game/2_diya.rpy:143 translate spanish momFindsOut_2fd5caf5: # Amma "Maybe you should give \"Horny\" a different name, like Moo Moo." Amma "Quizás le deberías dar un nombre distinto a \"Conchudo\", como Almejín." # game/2_diya.rpy:147 translate spanish momFindsOut_97cd2629: # Diya "Why? It'll be hard for him to get used to it." Diya "¿Por qué? Se le haría difícil acostumbrarse." # game/2_diya.rpy:150 translate spanish momFindsOut_71175cbd: # Amma "You must have the most loved stuffed animals in the entire world." Amma "Debes ser la persona que más ama a los peluches en todo el mundo." # game/2_diya.rpy:154 translate spanish momFindsOut_96c5885e: # Amma "What else did you do at school?" Amma "¿Qué más hiciste en la escuela?" # game/2_diya.rpy:157 translate spanish momFindsOut_e7f06594: # Diya "I tried to take an Accelerated Reader quiz on the Boxcar Children book I read." Diya "Intenté tomar un quiz de comprensión lectora sobre el libro de Boxcar Children que leí." # game/2_diya.rpy:158 translate spanish momFindsOut_75dd8763: # Diya "But I accidentally clicked the wrong book. So it made me take the quiz of a book I never read before." Diya "Pero accidentalmente hice clic en el libro equivocado. Así que me hizo tomar un quiz de un libro que nunca leí antes." # game/2_diya.rpy:161 translate spanish momFindsOut_c16fccd2: # Amma "It didn't let you quit out? What bad design." Amma "¿Y no te dejó salir? Que diseño más malo." # game/2_diya.rpy:164 translate spanish momFindsOut_94a7fa72: # Diya "Yeah. My classmates all tried to help me, though." Diya "Sí. Todos mis compañeros intentaron ayudarme, eso sí." # game/2_diya.rpy:165 translate spanish momFindsOut_4cb9f449: # Diya "Hayden read the book a year ago, but he could barely remember anything." Diya "Hayden leyó ese libro hace un año, pero apenas pudo recordar algo." # game/2_diya.rpy:167 translate spanish momFindsOut_6ce3e682: # Diya "So even with everyone's help I got a 2/10." Diya "Así que incluso con la ayuda de todos saqué un 2/10." # game/2_diya.rpy:170 translate spanish momFindsOut_1c2e11e0: # Amma "Oh no!" Amma "¡Oh no!" # game/2_diya.rpy:173 translate spanish momFindsOut_dbfeaf23: # Diya "Mr. Armstrong said he wouldn't count it for my grade, though." Diya "Mr. Armstrong dijo que no iba a contar en mis calificaciones, por lo menos." # game/2_diya.rpy:176 translate spanish momFindsOut_0f1f30bd: # Amma "That's a relief." Amma "Eso es un alivio." # game/2_diya.rpy:177 translate spanish momFindsOut_995c76b2: # Amma "The boy waving at you earlier — was that Hayden? The classmate who helped you?" Amma "El chico despidiéndose de ti antes — ¿ese era Hayden? ¿El compañero que te ayudó?" # game/2_diya.rpy:181 translate spanish momFindsOut_f102a355: # Diya "You mean Min? She's not a boy." Diya "¿Te refieres a Min? Ella no es un chico." # game/2_diya.rpy:184 translate spanish momFindsOut_e384fdca: # Amma "Huh? The one wearing a hoodie?" Amma "¿Ah? ¿Él que llevaba una sudadera?" # game/2_diya.rpy:187 translate spanish momFindsOut_14524745: # Diya "Yeah. She's a girl." Diya "Sí. Es una chica." # game/2_diya.rpy:191 translate spanish momFindsOut_cf17036b: # "To Diya's surprise, her mom wrinkles her nose in disgust." "Para la sorpresa de Diya, su madre arruga la nariz con disgusto." # game/2_diya.rpy:193 translate spanish momFindsOut_ce01c86e: # Amma "That was a girl?! She's a freak." with sshake Amma "¡¿Esa era una chica?! Es un bicho raro." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:194 translate spanish momFindsOut_d52e79b5: # Amma "You should make friends with more normal girls." Amma "Deberías hacerte amiga de chicas más normales." # game/2_diya.rpy:197 translate spanish momFindsOut_c9e926bc: # DiyaT "Huh??" with sshake DiyaT "¿¿Eh??" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:199 translate spanish momFindsOut_f9ab01e4: # Diya "That's not very nice." Diya "Eso no es muy amable." # game/2_diya.rpy:202 translate spanish momFindsOut_ee8c71bf: # Amma "But it's true, she looks like a boy. Stay away from her or you'll catch it, too." Amma "Pero es verdad, si parece un chico. Aléjate de ella, o te vas a contagiar también." # game/2_diya.rpy:205 translate spanish momFindsOut_3c4bb630: # Diya "Catch what? It's not like she has a disease." Diya "¿Contagiarme de qué? No es como ella tuviera una enfermedad." # game/2_diya.rpy:208 translate spanish momFindsOut_bdadfb1e: # Amma "You're too young to understand. Only freaks look like that." Amma "Eres muy joven para entenderlo. Solo los bichos raros hacen eso." # game/2_diya.rpy:211 translate spanish momFindsOut_0b9bec5d: # Diya "It's bad to judge people by what they look like." Diya "Es malo juzgar a las personas por su apariencia." # game/2_diya.rpy:212 translate spanish momFindsOut_dd9b892a: # Diya "You don't even know her. She's really nice to me." Diya "Ni siquiera la conoces. Ella es muy amigable conmigo." # game/2_diya.rpy:216 translate spanish momFindsOut_2aa42d3d: # Amma "I don't need to know her, there's clearly something wrong with her." Amma "No tengo que conocerla, claramente algo malo le pasa a ella." # game/2_diya.rpy:217 translate spanish momFindsOut_6a7fafb9: # Amma "She's only acting nice because she has impure thoughts toward you." Amma "Solo actúa amigable contigo porque tiene pensamientos impuros hacia ti." # game/2_diya.rpy:220 translate spanish momFindsOut_a4e80611: # DiyaT "What's that supposed to mean?" DiyaT "¿Qué se supone que significa eso?" # game/2_diya.rpy:221 translate spanish momFindsOut_e33e598b: # Diya "Even if she has problems, I can tell her and she'll fix them." Diya "Incluso si tiene problemas, yo se los puedo decir y ella los arreglará." # game/2_diya.rpy:222 translate spanish momFindsOut_1887cee7: # Diya "We're friends, so she'll listen to me." Diya "Somos amigas, así que ella me escuchará." # game/2_diya.rpy:225 translate spanish momFindsOut_f39fd010: # Amma "You can't change people. Especially not weirdos like that." Amma "No puedes cambiar a las personas. Especialmente a bichos raros como ella." # game/2_diya.rpy:226 translate spanish momFindsOut_29e6916a: # Amma "If they're bad, they're bad. It's a waste of time to try." Amma "Si son malas, son malas. Es una pérdida de tiempo intentarlo." # game/2_diya.rpy:229 translate spanish momFindsOut_94246a28: # DiyaT "If you can't change people, then how can she change me into looking like a boy?" DiyaT "Si no puedes cambiar a las personas, ¿cómo me podrá cambiar a que parezca un chico?" # game/2_diya.rpy:230 translate spanish momFindsOut_8f3aea0c: # DiyaT "You can't have it both ways." DiyaT "No puedes tener las cosas de dos formas." # game/2_diya.rpy:233 translate spanish momFindsOut_e073ab30: # Amma "You're normal, so you have to stay away from weirdos like that." Amma "Eres normal, así que te tienes que alejar de raritos como ella." # game/2_diya.rpy:237 translate spanish momFindsOut_4a26d649: # Diya "I don't care. She's my friend." Diya "No me importa. Ella es mi amiga." # game/2_diya.rpy:240 translate spanish momFindsOut_d32f9fe3: # Amma "No, you can't be friends with her anymore." Amma "No, ya no puedes ser amiga de ella." # game/2_diya.rpy:241 translate spanish momFindsOut_4416ae00: # Amma "If I see you talking to her again, you're in big trouble." Amma "Si te veo hablando con ella de nuevo, estarás en grandes problemas." # game/2_diya.rpy:244 translate spanish momFindsOut_e629b0d2: # Diya "........" Diya "........" # game/2_diya.rpy:261 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_98ad2140: # "Min pushes Diya back against the locker room wall, kissing her again and again." with sshake "Min empuja a Diya en contra de la pared del vestuario, besándola una y otra vez." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:264 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_9a441086: # DiyaT "JSFDAKJJJK??!! DFJSKJHFJ!!!!!" with sshake DiyaT "¡¡¿¿JSFDAKJJJK??!! ¡¡¡¡¡DFJSKJHFJ!!!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:265 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_083b6375: # DiyaT "Wow!!! This is great!!!!!" DiyaT "¡¡¡Wow!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡Esto es genial!!!!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:266 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_aad687cd: # "They break apart, both panting for air." "Las dos se separan, jadeando por aire." # game/2_diya.rpy:267 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_61f9f6f8: # "A pleasant shiver runs down Diya's spine as Min grins sharply at her." "Un agradable escalofrío recorre la espalda de Diya mientras Min le sonríe secamente." # game/2_diya.rpy:268 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_8320e2d5: # Min "Oh, you like this, don't you?" Min "Oh, te gusta esto, ¿a que no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:269 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_20408dbb: # Diya "......................." Diya "......................." # game/2_diya.rpy:270 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_a340acd9: # "Diya is too embarrassed to admit it, so she just nods, her cheeks blazing." "Diya está demasiado avergonzada para admitirlo, así que ella solo asiente, con las mejillas ardiendo." # game/2_diya.rpy:271 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_4ade39cb: # Min "You don't need to be shy." Min "No tienes que ser tan tímida." # game/2_diya.rpy:272 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_105b42a5: # Min "It's just me." Min "Solo soy yo." # game/2_diya.rpy:273 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_a8cd2a98: # Diya "I feel like I absolutely can't say it aloud though." Diya "Pero siento que no puedo decirlo en voz alta del todo." # game/2_diya.rpy:274 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_bdfc509b: # Diya "Sorry..." Diya "Lo siento..." # game/2_diya.rpy:275 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_748f867e: # "Min presses a kiss to her cheek and whispers in her ear, voice low. Diya can feel her smiling, her breath warm on her cheek." "Min le coloca un beso en la mejilla y le susurra al oído, en voz baja. Diya puede sentirla sonreír, su cálido aliento en su mejilla." # game/2_diya.rpy:276 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_db9dddf7: # Min "It's okay, you're so cute when you're like this. I almost can't stand it." Min "Está bien, eres tan tierna cuando estás así. Que casi no puedo soportarlo." # game/2_diya.rpy:277 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_6276c5a5: # Diya "................" Diya "................" # game/2_diya.rpy:278 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_f532acd0: # DiyaT "It's so surreal dating a friend you've had a crush on forever." DiyaT "Es tán irreal salir con una amiga de la que siempre has estado enamorada." # game/2_diya.rpy:279 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_ff1558fa: # DiyaT "Sometimes I get scared that us getting together was just a dream, and when I wake up we'll just be friends again." DiyaT "A veces me da miedo de que nosotras estando juntas solo haya sido un sueño, y que amaneceré con nosotras solo siendo amigas devuelta." # game/2_diya.rpy:280 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_fad63573: # DiyaT "But it's real! Somehow a miracle happened and now I'm her girlfriend!" DiyaT "¡Pero es real! ¡De alguna manera un milagro ocurrió y ahora soy su novia!" # game/2_diya.rpy:284 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_2f7f9b90: # "Min holds Diya's hand as they wait for their rides home." "Min le toma la mano a Diya mientras esperan a que las lleven a casa." # game/2_diya.rpy:286 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_6b288e75: # DiyaT "No one knows about us except the baseball club. And maybe the workers at the dessert place we had our first date at." DiyaT "Nadie sabe sobre lo de nosotras excepto el club de béisbol. Y quizás los trabajadores del lugar de postre donde tuvimos nuestra primera cita." # game/2_diya.rpy:287 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_f43e8973: # DiyaT "So we end up kissing in the locker room a lot because the lockers block the view, and you can hear if other people walk in." DiyaT "Así que nos terminamos besando en el vestuario bastante por que los casilleros bloquean la vista, y puedes escuchar si es que entra gente." # game/2_diya.rpy:289 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_ccf84402: # DiyaT "But it's still fun. I love spending time with Min..." DiyaT "Pero aún es divertido. Amo pasar el tiempo con Min..." # game/2_diya.rpy:292 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_dfcef687: # DiyaT "She can almost even make me forget I have a presentation tomorrow in Biology." DiyaT "Ella casi puede hacer que me olvide de la presentación que tengo mañana en Biología." # game/2_diya.rpy:294 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_20ad44a0: # DiyaT "Assignments that make you talk in front of the class should be outlawed." DiyaT "Los trabajos que te obligan a hablar en frente de toda la clase deberían estar prohibidos." # game/2_diya.rpy:297 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_4bba70e5: # Min "What's wrong? You look worried about something." Min "¿Qué pasa? Te ves preocupada por algo." # game/2_diya.rpy:299 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_a014ade9: # Diya "?!" Diya "¡¿?!" # game/2_diya.rpy:300 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_b40f519a: # Diya "You can tell?" Diya "¿Puedes notarlo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:304 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_168abe59: # Min "Of course I can. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I couldn't even tell if something was bothering you?" Min "Por supuesto que puedo. ¿Qué tipo de novia sería si ni siquiera pudiera notar si algo te estaba molestando?" # game/2_diya.rpy:306 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_f3255287: # Diya "You're like a mind reader. Psychic." Diya "Eres como una adivina. Psíquica." # game/2_diya.rpy:309 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_85b224ec: # Min "Nah, I just know you. You got all tense and quiet." Min "Nah, solo te conozco. Te pusiste toda tensa y callada." # game/2_diya.rpy:312 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_47f5a33a: # Min "So what's up?" Min "Entonces, ¿qué pasa?" # game/2_diya.rpy:314 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_19316019: # Min "If someone's bothering you, I'll kill them, no questions asked." Min "Si alguien te está fastidiando, lo mataré, sin hacer preguntas." # game/2_diya.rpy:316 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_cc77507c: # Diya "You probably should at least ask one or two questions." Diya "Probablemente deberías hacer al menos una o dos preguntas." # game/2_diya.rpy:317 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_49ea05a4: # Diya "Killing people is wrong." Diya "Matar gente está mal." # game/2_diya.rpy:320 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_7908dc24: # Min "Okay. Then if someone's bothering you, I'll...be really mean to them." Min "Bueno. Si alguien te está fastidiado, seré...muy pesada con ellos." # game/2_diya.rpy:321 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_8db767f4: # Min "So who is it?" Min "¿Así que quien es?" # game/2_diya.rpy:323 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_27ce6f11: # Diya "It isn't anyone." Diya "No es nadie." # game/2_diya.rpy:324 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_2daf28cd: # Diya "It's just that my group presentation is tomorrow. In Biology." Diya "Es solo que mi presentación grupal es mañana. En Biología." # game/2_diya.rpy:327 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_32d480d4: # Min "Oh, that PowerPoint you've been working on with Akarsha and Noelle?" Min "Oh, ¿ese PowerPoint en el que has estado trabajando con Akarsha y Noelle?" # game/2_diya.rpy:328 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_5b580689: # "Diya nods." "Diya asiente." # game/2_diya.rpy:330 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_43bb64cd: # Diya "We're supposed to elaborate on what we put on our slides." Diya "Se supone que debemos explicar lo que ponemos en nuestras diapositivas." # game/2_diya.rpy:331 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_def8c7aa: # Diya "But I get so nervous in front of everyone that I blank out." Diya "Pero me pongo tan nerviosa en frente de todos que me quedo en blanco." # game/2_diya.rpy:334 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0ab0e34b: # Min "What's there to be nervous about? You know all the stuff, don't you?" Min "¿Por qué habría que estar nerviosa? Te lo sabes todo, ¿o no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:336 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_e6baae6d: # Diya "Even if I know all the facts in my head, I can't improvise at all." Diya "Incluso si conociera todos los datos de memoria, no puedo improvisar del todo." # game/2_diya.rpy:337 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_8ee030b0: # Diya "It's hard to string words together on the spot." Diya "Es difícil encadenar las palabras en el acto." # game/2_diya.rpy:338 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_3ae639a7: # Diya "I always have to write out everything I'm going to say word-for-word beforehand, and memorize it." Diya "Siempre tengo que escribir todo lo que voy a decir letra por letra de antemano, y memorizarlo." # game/2_diya.rpy:341 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_e9710239: # "Their conversation is abruptly cut short when a beige sedan turns the corner into the school." "Su conversación es interrumpida abruptamente cuando un sedán beige dobla la esquina hacia la escuela." # game/2_diya.rpy:346 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_33c42458: # Diya "My mom's here!" with sshake Diya "¡Mi madre está aquí!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:347 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_ce7c944e: # DiyaT "She picks me up after the baseball club if it ends late enough for her to be done with work." DiyaT "Ella me recoge después del club de béisbol si finaliza lo suficientemente tarde como para que ella este lista con su trabajo." # game/2_diya.rpy:350 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_3e38cf32: # Min "I'll hide!" with sshake Min "¡Me esconderé!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:352 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_946776b5: # Min "Bye!!!" Min "¡¡¡Adiós!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:356 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_5cc8501a: # "Min roughly pulls Diya close for one last kiss before dashing out of sight." "Min acerca a Diya bruscamente para darle un último beso antes de perderse de vista." # game/2_diya.rpy:358 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_017df041: # Diya "!!!!!!!!" with sshake Diya "¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:360 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_de9bf50f: # "Diya tries to slow her shaky breathing to a normal pace." "Diya intenta ralentizar su agitada respiración a un ritmo normal." # game/2_diya.rpy:362 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_dbf55227: # DiyaT "I'm calm...I need to look normal..." DiyaT "Estoy calmada...Tengo que verme normal..." # game/2_diya.rpy:364 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_407abcf5: # "Diya gets uncharacteristically clumsy after making out with Min, like a dog who's still woozy after surgery." "Diya se vuelve inusualmente torpe después de besarse con Min, como un perro que sigue mareado después de una cirugía." # game/2_diya.rpy:365 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_798b1d57: # "She staggers over to her mom's car as it pulls up to the curb." "Ella se tambalea hacia el auto de su madre cuando este se detiene por la curva." # game/2_diya.rpy:367 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_4c0a9333: # DiyaT "I'm scared of how my mom will react if she finds out I'm talking to Min again. Let alone that I'm dating her..." DiyaT "Tengo miedo de saber como reaccionaría mi mamá si es que se entera de que estoy hablando con Min de nuevo. Y mucho menos de que estoy saliendo con ella..." # game/2_diya.rpy:368 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_4385005a: # DiyaT "So it's a secret for now." DiyaT "Así que es un secreto por ahora." # game/2_diya.rpy:376 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_ffd59bb1: # "Diya reaches for the door handle, misses, and slams her hand directly into the side of the car." with sshake "Diya intenta alcanzar la manilla de la puerta, falla, y golpea la mano directamente a un lado del auto." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:378 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_1c63452a: # Diya "!!!" Diya "¡¡¡!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:381 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_1fa56419: # Amma "What's the matter with you?" Amma "¿Qué pasa contigo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:384 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_2292f35a: # Diya "Nothing." Diya "Nada." # game/2_diya.rpy:386 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_864367a9: # "Diya hastily pulls the door open and gets into the passenger seat, trying to look natural." "Diya se apresura en abrir la puerta y entra al asiento del copiloto, tratando parecer natural." # game/2_diya.rpy:388 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_c5df2f04: # Amma ".........." Amma ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:391 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_a9db357b: # Diya ".........." Diya ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:394 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_c0d265fa: # Amma "How was your day at school?" Amma "¿Cómo estuvo tu día en la escuela?" # game/2_diya.rpy:397 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_fd841d5d: # Diya "Okay." Diya "Bien." # game/2_diya.rpy:400 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_c5df2f04_1: # Amma ".........." Amma ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:403 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_a9db357b_1: # Diya ".........." Diya ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:406 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_2ec24062: # "On the radio, a woman sings to a catchy beat." "En la radio, una mujer canta a un ritmo pegadizo." # game/2_diya.rpy:407 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_709c4c46: # NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I'm curious for you...Caught my attention... {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I'm curious for you...Caught my attention... {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # game/2_diya.rpy:409 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_21f461b8: # NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I kissed a girl and I liked it! {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I kissed a girl and I liked it! {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # game/2_diya.rpy:411 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_fac6057a: # DiyaT "What the...?? Did she really just say that?" with sshake DiyaT "¿¿Pero qué...?? ¿De verdad ella acaba de decir eso?" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:413 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_38b7b305: # NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} The taste of her cherry chapstick... {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} The taste of her cherry chapstick... {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # game/2_diya.rpy:414 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_df8cff63: # NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I kissed a girl just to try it! {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I kissed a girl just to try it! {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # game/2_diya.rpy:416 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_d8d58d7d: # DiyaT "Is she allowed to say that on the radio? It doesn't break any laws?" DiyaT "¿Tiene permitido decir eso en la radio? ¿No rompe ninguna ley?" # game/2_diya.rpy:419 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_93676a39: # "Diya shifts uncomfortably in her seat as her mom frowns at the lyrics." "Diya se mueve incómoda en su asiento mientras su madre frunce el ceño escuchando la letra." # game/2_diya.rpy:421 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0496c141: # Amma "\"I kissed a girl...?\" What kind of terrible song is this?" Amma "\"Besé a una chica...?\" ¿Qué tipo de canción más terrible es esta?" # game/2_diya.rpy:423 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_ed7b6b6e: # "Disgusted, Diya's mom changes the station." "Disgustada, la madre de Diya cambia la estación." # game/2_diya.rpy:425 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0a338741: # Amma "............" Amma "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:428 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_136db9e2: # Diya "..........." Diya "..........." # game/2_diya.rpy:429 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_564fbf6c: # DiyaT "You know how in the movies, superheroes have to hide their identity to their families?" DiyaT "Sabes como en las películas, ¿los super héroes tienen que esconder su identidad de sus familias?" # game/2_diya.rpy:430 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_12490488: # DiyaT "I'm doing that in real life, all the time." DiyaT "Estoy haciendo eso en la vida real, todo el tiempo." # game/2_diya.rpy:433 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0a338741_1: # Amma "............" Amma "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:436 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_6e8840cd: # Diya "............" Diya "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:439 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_574adbd7: # Amma "The other day, I saw Akarsha and her mom at Safeway." Amma "El otro día, vi a Akarsha y su madre en el Safeway." # game/2_diya.rpy:440 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0d05c55c: # Amma "She was so outgoing! She even told me about the Biology project you're working on together." Amma "¡Era tan extrovertida! Incluso me contó sobre el proyecto de Biología en el que están trabajando juntas." # game/2_diya.rpy:442 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_763acd1c: # Amma "I didn't even know you were doing a project until Akarsha said so." Amma "Ni siquiera sabía que estabas haciendo un proyecto hasta que Akarsha me lo dijo." # game/2_diya.rpy:443 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_66924745: # Amma "Why can't you be more like her? I like knowing things about you." Amma "¿Por qué no puedes ser más como ella? Me gusta saber cosas sobre ti." # game/2_diya.rpy:447 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_f51c4191: # DiyaT "If Akarsha was her daughter, she'd disown her for being bi. Not that she'd know that." DiyaT "Si Akarsha fuera su hija, la repudiaría por ser bisexual. No es que ella lo supiera." # game/2_diya.rpy:450 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0a338741_2: # Amma "............" Amma "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:453 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_6e8840cd_1: # Diya "............" Diya "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:454 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_8c2f566c: # DiyaT "I never really know how to fill the silence when I'm with my mom." DiyaT "Nunca se cómo llenar el silencio cuando estoy con mi mamá." # game/2_diya.rpy:455 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_3221dc43: # DiyaT "I don't know what I can talk about with her." DiyaT "No se de qué puedo hablar cuando estoy con ella." # game/2_diya.rpy:456 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_937040d2: # DiyaT "She really loves me, but she comes from such a different time and culture that talking to her feels kind of unpredictable." DiyaT "Ella me quiere mucho, pero viene de una época y cultura tan distinta que hablar con ella se siente algo impredecible." # game/2_diya.rpy:457 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_42caec75: # DiyaT "Sometimes, she'll surprise me by getting upset over something I didn't expect would cause problems at all." DiyaT "A veces, ella me sorprenderá enojándose con algo que no esperaba que causara algún tipo de problema." # game/2_diya.rpy:458 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_0c6a9cce: # DiyaT "So my safest bet most of the time is just to stay quiet." DiyaT "Así que mi apuesta más segura la mayoría de las veces es solo quedarme callada." # game/2_diya.rpy:459 translate spanish diyaminMakeout_62218652: # DiyaT "It's annoying how she's raised me to be afraid of talking, yet expects me to magically turn out like a child who was raised normally." DiyaT "Es molesto como me educó para tener el miedo de hablar, pero espera que mágicamente me convierta en una niña educada normalmente." # game/2_diya.rpy:470 translate spanish cantSleep_6ebcb658: # "That night, Diya tosses and turns in bed, anxious about her presentation the next day." "Esa noche, Diya da vueltas en cama, inquieta por su presentación de mañana." # game/2_diya.rpy:472 translate spanish cantSleep_75b1b4cf: # DiyaT "I wish I could time travel to this time tomorrow, after the Biology presentation is already over." DiyaT "Ojalá pudiera viajar en el tiempo hacia mañana, cuando ya se haya terminado la presentación de Biología." # game/2_diya.rpy:474 translate spanish cantSleep_e629b0d2: # Diya "........" Diya "........" # game/2_diya.rpy:475 translate spanish cantSleep_59110b5a: # DiyaT "I need to stop thinking about this. It's making my mind race. I can't relax enough to sleep." DiyaT "Tengo que dejar de pensar en esto. Me está acelerando la mente. No puedo relajarme lo suficiente para dormir." # game/2_diya.rpy:477 translate spanish cantSleep_d55ec1c4: # "Diya checks her alarm clock." "Diya revisa el reloj de su alarma." # game/2_diya.rpy:479 translate spanish cantSleep_3dfbec86: # DiyaT "It's midnight already. And I need to wake up at seven tomorrow!" DiyaT "Ya es medianoche. ¡Y tengo que levantarme a las siete mañana!" # game/2_diya.rpy:480 translate spanish cantSleep_5e1bc799: # DiyaT "I need to fall asleep right now! Or else I'll get less than seven hours of sleep." DiyaT "¡Tengo que dormirme ahora! Si no, dormiré por menos de siete horas." # game/2_diya.rpy:485 translate spanish cantSleep_93cccaa1: # "Diya squeezes her eyes shut and starts counting." "Diya cierra los ojos con fuerza y comienza a contar." # game/2_diya.rpy:486 translate spanish cantSleep_76824bf3: # DiyaT "One...two...three..." DiyaT "Uno...dos...tres..." # game/2_diya.rpy:487 translate spanish cantSleep_eb27997a: # DiyaT "Four...five...six..." DiyaT "Cuatro...cinco...seis..." # game/2_diya.rpy:488 translate spanish cantSleep_7f5f05d9: # DiyaT "Six...Giant pandas have six fingers..." DiyaT "Seis...Los pandas gigantes tienen seis dedos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:489 translate spanish cantSleep_fd90cf8b: # DiyaT "And their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These similar features are called analogous structures." DiyaT "Y sus pulgares son oponibles como los de los primates. Estas características similares se denominan estructuras análogas." # game/2_diya.rpy:490 translate spanish cantSleep_f81ccd64: # DiyaT "...Shoot, I was supposed to be counting sheep." DiyaT "...Rayos, se supone que debía estar contando ovejas." # game/2_diya.rpy:491 translate spanish cantSleep_ef5ede6c: # DiyaT "What number was I on again?" DiyaT "¿En qué número estaba otra vez?" # game/2_diya.rpy:492 translate spanish cantSleep_6a15702b: # DiyaT "Let's start over." DiyaT "Volvamos a empezar." # game/2_diya.rpy:493 translate spanish cantSleep_41606471: # DiyaT "One...two..." DiyaT "Uno...dos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:494 translate spanish cantSleep_5ebeb388: # DiyaT "Two...Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently..." DiyaT "Dos..Los pájaros y los murciélagos son dos grupos que evolucionaron el vuelo de forma independiente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:496 translate spanish cantSleep_7f9fc011: # "Diya keeps trying to count without getting sidetracked, but after an hour, she's more awake and frustrated than ever." "Diya sigue intentado contar sin despistarse, pero al cabo de una hora, ella está más despierta y frustrada que nunca." # game/2_diya.rpy:500 translate spanish cantSleep_931923aa: # DiyaT "I looked up some breathing exercises that're supposed to make you sleepier." DiyaT "Busqué algunos ejercicios de respiración que supuestamente te darán más sueño." # game/2_diya.rpy:503 translate spanish cantSleep_05c23eaf: # "Diya squeezes her eyes shut, inhaling slowly and steadily..." "Diya cierra los ojos con fuerza, inhalando lenta y constantemente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:504 translate spanish cantSleep_e160f932: # DiyaT "Now I'll breathe out on a count of one...two...three..." DiyaT "Ahora exhalaré a la cuenta de uno...dos...tres..." # game/2_diya.rpy:505 translate spanish cantSleep_eb27997a_1: # DiyaT "Four...five...six..." DiyaT "Cuatro...cinco...seis..." # game/2_diya.rpy:506 translate spanish cantSleep_7f5f05d9_1: # DiyaT "Six...Giant pandas have six fingers..." DiyaT "Seis...Los pandas gigantes tienen seis dedos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:507 translate spanish cantSleep_69a0994f: # DiyaT "And their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These similar features are called analogous structures..." DiyaT "Y sus pulgares son oponibles como los de los primates. Estas características similares se denominan estructuras análogas." # game/2_diya.rpy:508 translate spanish cantSleep_2238904f: # DiyaT "Shoot, I started thinking about the presentation again." DiyaT "Rayos, comencé a pensar en la presentación de nuevo." # game/2_diya.rpy:509 translate spanish cantSleep_6a15702b_1: # DiyaT "Let's start over." DiyaT "Volvamos a empezar." # game/2_diya.rpy:510 translate spanish cantSleep_41606471_1: # DiyaT "One...two..." DiyaT "Uno...dos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:511 translate spanish cantSleep_5ebeb388_1: # DiyaT "Two...Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently..." DiyaT "Dos..Los pájaros y los murciélagos son dos grupos que evolucionaron el vuelo de forma independiente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:513 translate spanish cantSleep_c0e290ab: # "Diya keeps trying to breathe without getting sidetracked, but after an hour, she's more awake and frustrated than ever." "Diya sigue intentado contar sin despistarse, pero al cabo de una hora, ella está más despierta y frustrada que nunca." # game/2_diya.rpy:517 translate spanish cantSleep_41b15885: # DiyaT "Sometimes when I can't sleep, I fantasize that Min is hugging me and saying nice things to me." DiyaT "A veces cuando no puedo dormir, me imagino a Min abrazándome y diciéndome cosas bonitas." # game/2_diya.rpy:518 translate spanish cantSleep_c465dc33: # DiyaT "Usually this works." DiyaT "Usualmente esto funciona." # game/2_diya.rpy:521 translate spanish cantSleep_2c997994: # "Diya hugs herself with one arm and squeezes her eyes shut." "Diya se abraza a ella misma con un brazo y cierra los ojos con fuerza." # game/2_diya.rpy:522 translate spanish cantSleep_60da6008: # DiyaT "Min is holding me really close, and telling me I'm going to fall asleep in her arms..." DiyaT "Min me abraza muy apretada, y me dice que me voy a dormir en sus brazos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:523 translate spanish cantSleep_454b4cad: # DiyaT "And she's stroking my side with her hand..." DiyaT "Y me acaricia a un costado con la mano..." # game/2_diya.rpy:524 translate spanish cantSleep_cd554f01: # DiyaT "Hands...Primates have hands, too..." DiyaT "Manos...Los primates tienen manos, también..." # game/2_diya.rpy:525 translate spanish cantSleep_bd342a52: # DiyaT "And their thumbs are opposable like pandas' thumbs. These similar features are called analogous structures..." DiyaT "Y sus pulgares son oponibles como los de los pandas gigantes. Estas características similares se denominan estructuras análogas." # game/2_diya.rpy:526 translate spanish cantSleep_2238904f_1: # DiyaT "Shoot, I started thinking about the presentation again." DiyaT "Rayos, comencé a pensar en la presentación de nuevo." # game/2_diya.rpy:527 translate spanish cantSleep_9d0b4e2c: # DiyaT "Forget the presentation! Just think about Min." DiyaT "¡Olvidate de la presentación! Solo piensa en Min." # game/2_diya.rpy:528 translate spanish cantSleep_31c3235b: # DiyaT "Min is holding me really tight and saying nice things to me..." DiyaT "Min me abraza muy apretada y me dice cosas bonitas..." # game/2_diya.rpy:529 translate spanish cantSleep_f1d9c561: # DiyaT "And we're all alone together...It's just the two of us..." DiyaT "Y estamos solas juntas...Sólo nosotras dos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:530 translate spanish cantSleep_5ebeb388_2: # DiyaT "Two...Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently..." DiyaT "Dos..Los pájaros y los murciélagos son dos grupos que evolucionaron el vuelo de forma independiente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:532 translate spanish cantSleep_6b6e27a0: # "Diya keeps trying to imagine Min comforting her without getting sidetracked, but after an hour, she's more awake and frustrated than ever." "Diya sigue intentando imaginar a Min reconfortándola sin despistarse, pero al cabo de una hora, ella está más despierta y frustrada que nunca." # game/2_diya.rpy:535 translate spanish cantSleep_683e4a28: # DiyaT "There's so much anxious energy pent up in my body, I feel like running a marathon." DiyaT "Tengo tanta energía ansiosa acumulada en mi cuerpo, me siento como para correr una maratón." # game/2_diya.rpy:536 translate spanish cantSleep_36545e38: # DiyaT "Maybe if I release all that energy, I can finally doze off." DiyaT "Quizás si libero toda esa energía, por fin pueda dormir." # game/2_diya.rpy:538 translate spanish cantSleep_1fe83fc1: # "Diya frantically starts doing sit-ups in bed." "Diya frenéticamente empieza a hacer abdominales en la cama." # game/2_diya.rpy:539 translate spanish cantSleep_c8e75ce4: # "After a few sets, she switches to doing jumping jacks in the middle of her room." "Después de unas cuantas repeticiones, pasa a hacer saltos de tijera en medio de su habitación." # game/2_diya.rpy:541 translate spanish cantSleep_17c8d0d8: # DiyaT "Yeah! Become tired!!" with sshake DiyaT "¡Sí! ¡Cansate!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:543 translate spanish cantSleep_1e7c91f9: # "After several minutes of frenzied exercise, Diya lies back down in bed, her heart pounding..." "Tras varios minutos de ejercicio desenfrenado, Diya vuelve a tumbarse en la cama, con el corazón latiéndole con fuerza..." # game/2_diya.rpy:545 translate spanish cantSleep_82c9b998: # DiyaT "Phew. Hopefully that didn't just make me even more awake." DiyaT "Uff. Espero que eso no me haya desvelado aún más." # game/2_diya.rpy:547 translate spanish cantSleep_6a5492a9: # "Diya wearily checks her clock again." "Diya vuelve a mirar su reloj con cansancio." # game/2_diya.rpy:550 translate spanish cantSleep_79ebbaf5: # DiyaT "It's two in the morning! I need to fall asleep right now so I can at least get five hours of sleep!!!" with sshake DiyaT "¡Son las dos de la mañana! ¡¡¡Necesito dormirme ya para por lo menos dormir cinco horas!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:552 translate spanish cantSleep_50ca3195: # "Diya ends up lying awake for a few more hours..." "Diya acaba despierta unas horas más..." # game/2_diya.rpy:554 translate spanish cantSleep_adeb99a8: # "Just as the sun begins coming up, she loses consciousness from sheer exhaustion..." "Justo cuando empieza a salir el sol, pierde el conocimiento de puro agotamiento..." # game/2_diya.rpy:560 translate spanish walkToSchool_8411a72f: # "After what feels like a few minutes of sleep, Diya's alarms go off." "Después de lo que parecieron ser unos minutos de sueño, suena la alarma de Diya." # game/2_diya.rpy:562 translate spanish walkToSchool_b15a9f05: # Diya "...................." Diya "...................." # game/2_diya.rpy:568 translate spanish walkToSchool_7a62121c: # "Diya hits all her alarms without even bothering to open her eyes." "Diya pulsa todas sus alarmas sin molestarse siquiera de abrir los ojos." # game/2_diya.rpy:569 translate spanish walkToSchool_c8e9f276: # DiyaT "I don't feel rested at all...Barely got any sleep." DiyaT "No me siento descansada del todo...Apenas pude dormir." # game/2_diya.rpy:570 translate spanish walkToSchool_d59b9df3: # "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for ten minutes thinking about how tired she is. " "Su rutina de las mañanas incluye tumbarse en la cama durante diez minutos pensando en lo cansada que está. " # game/2_diya.rpy:575 translate spanish walkToSchool_f3981de6: # DiyaT "Nnnnnooooooooo..." DiyaT "Nnnnnooooooooo..." # game/2_diya.rpy:576 translate spanish walkToSchool_1256ede9: # DiyaT "I'm so anxious I feel like I'm gonna explode..." DiyaT "Estoy tan nerviosa que siento que voy a explotar..." # game/2_diya.rpy:577 translate spanish walkToSchool_97f55faf: # DiyaT "I don't have Biology till fifth period. So I'm going to be stewing in this dread for hours..." DiyaT "No tengo Biología hasta la quinta hora. Así que voy a estar revolcándome en este pavor por horas..." # game/2_diya.rpy:578 translate spanish walkToSchool_f28d8787: # DiyaT "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." DiyaT "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." # game/2_diya.rpy:579 translate spanish walkToSchool_97ac099b: # "Ten minutes pass like this." "Diez minutos pasan así." # game/2_diya.rpy:580 translate spanish walkToSchool_5dcf543b: # "Finally, Diya drags herself out of bed and steels herself for the terrifying day ahead." "Finalmente, Diya se arrastra fuera de la cama y se prepara para el aterrador día que le espera." # game/2_diya.rpy:585 translate spanish walkToSchool_7fb840fd: # DiyaT "Akarsha messaged me. That normally means she's on her way to my house." DiyaT "Akarsha me mandó un mensaje. Eso usualmente significa que está en camino a mi casa." # game/2_diya.rpy:597 translate spanish ay_8e0ddc15: # cFirstLine "{nw}" cFirstLine "{nw}" # game/2_diya.rpy:598 translate spanish ay_6ffc76d4: # cAkarsha "ay diya" cAkarsha "ey diya" # game/2_diya.rpy:599 translate spanish ay_81ffa3a4: # cSame ":^)" cSame ":^)" # game/2_diya.rpy:600 translate spanish ay_e169e266: # cSame "{image=diyaTheHedgehog.png}" cSame "{image=diyaTheHedgehog.png}" # game/2_diya.rpy:601 translate spanish ay_1ad5fa81: # cDiya "????" cDiya "????" # game/2_diya.rpy:602 translate spanish ay_95ee6139: # cSame "What is that" cSame "Qué es eso" # game/2_diya.rpy:603 translate spanish ay_01dfaa00: # cAkarsha "i googled Diya the Hedgehog and thats what came up" cAkarsha "busqué Diya the Hedgehog en google y eso es lo que salió" # game/2_diya.rpy:604 translate spanish ay_3a028725: # cNarrator "Diya has gone offline." cNarrator "Diya se ha desconectado." # game/2_diya.rpy:606 translate spanish ay_76b2fe88: # nvl clear nvl clear # game/2_diya.rpy:608 translate spanish ay_a9db357b: # Diya ".........." Diya ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:610 translate spanish ay_c39e5151: # DiyaT "How can she act so normal on a day like this?" DiyaT "¿Cómo es que ella puede actuar tan normal en un día como este?" # game/2_diya.rpy:611 translate spanish ay_06f35054: # DiyaT "I wish I was all outgoing and good at talking like her..." DiyaT "Ojalá pudiera ser tan extrovertida y bien hablada como ella..." # game/2_diya.rpy:619 translate spanish ay_fdd5289a: # "Diya goes outside." "Diya sale de casa." # game/2_diya.rpy:622 translate spanish ay_8758287b: # Akarsha "Yo! Ready to blow everyone outta the water with our amazing group presentation?" Akarsha "¡Ey! ¿Lista para dejar a todos boquiabiertos con nuestra increíble presentación de grupo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:624 translate spanish ay_32295165: # DiyaT "No......" DiyaT "No......" # game/2_diya.rpy:627 translate spanish ay_9d3fca05: # "Diya nervously strides off, forcing Akarsha to jog to keep up with her." "Diya se aleja nerviosa, forzando a Akarsha a trotar para seguirle el paso." # game/2_diya.rpy:629 translate spanish ay_e5262ecf: # Akarsha "Hey, hold your horses!" Akarsha "¡Hey, alto ahí!" # game/2_diya.rpy:635 translate spanish ay_defb4d52: # Akarsha "Slow down! Some of us have average-length legs, yanno!" Akarsha "¡Más despacio! ¡Algunas personas tenemos piernas de longitud promedio, sabes!" # game/2_diya.rpy:637 translate spanish ay_e629b0d2: # Diya "........" Diya "........" # game/2_diya.rpy:640 translate spanish ay_39068577: # Akarsha "Miss long legs..." Akarsha "Señorita piernas largas..." # game/2_diya.rpy:642 translate spanish ay_3bc934a7: # Akarsha "Or should I say Daddy Long Legs..." Akarsha "O debería decir Daddy Long Legs..." # game/2_diya.rpy:644 translate spanish ay_4ed38bca: # Diya "Don't call me that." Diya "No me llames así." # game/2_diya.rpy:647 translate spanish ay_489657f7: # Akarsha "You're so cold to me, bro. I'm dyin' here..." Akarsha "Eres tan fría conmigo, bro. Me estoy muriendo aquí..." # game/2_diya.rpy:650 translate spanish ay_56549d98: # Diya "Why would you die if you can't call me Daddy Long Legs. Weirdo." with sshake Diya "¿Por qué te morirías por no poder llamarme Daddy Long Legs. Rarita." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:655 translate spanish ay_06ad00e4: # DiyaT "So dark and cloudy today. Think it's gonna rain..." DiyaT "Tan oscuro y nublado hoy. Creo que va a llover..." # game/2_diya.rpy:658 translate spanish ay_2ae13b79: # Akarsha "Ay Diya..." Akarsha "Ey Diya..." # game/2_diya.rpy:659 translate spanish ay_b090fe88: # Akarsha "What do you think {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" Akarsha "Qué crees que {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/2_diya.rpy:662 translate spanish ay_3c7f4aa8: # DiyaT "I wish real life had captions like on TV. No clue what anyone's ever saying to me." DiyaT "Ojalá la vida tuviera subtítulos como en la tele. No tengo ni idea de lo que la gente me dice." # game/2_diya.rpy:664 translate spanish ay_f2fff244: # Diya "What?" Diya "¿Qué?" # game/2_diya.rpy:667 translate spanish ay_20dd4491: # Akarsha "What do {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" Akarsha "Qué {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/2_diya.rpy:670 translate spanish ay_f2fff244_1: # Diya "What?" Diya "¿Qué?" # game/2_diya.rpy:673 translate spanish ay_a77cb5f0: # Akarsha "What do you think happens {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" Akarsha "Qué crees que pasa {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" # game/2_diya.rpy:676 translate spanish ay_6e8840cd: # Diya "............" Diya "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:679 translate spanish ay_9c3d5435: # Akarsha "Oh wait, sorry. I forgot about your ear..." Akarsha "Ah espera, perdón. Se me olvidó lo de tu oído..." # game/2_diya.rpy:681 translate spanish ay_0f456459: # "Akarsha switches to Diya's other side so she can hear her over the sound of traffic." "Akarsha se cambia al otro lado de Diya para que ella pueda oírla por encima del ruido del tráfico." # game/2_diya.rpy:683 translate spanish ay_541d5e56: # Akarsha "What do you think happens to a Teletubby when its screen gets destroyed?" Akarsha "¿Qué crees que le pasa a un Teletubbie cuando se le rompe su pantalla?" # game/2_diya.rpy:686 translate spanish ay_2a4f8191: # Akarsha "{cps=0}What do you think happens to a Teletubby when its screen gets destroyed?{/cps}" nointeract Akarsha "{cps=0}¿Qué crees que le pasa a un Teletubbie cuando se le rompe su pantalla? {/cps}" nointeract # game/2_diya.rpy:691 translate spanish ay_d2ea1eeb: # Diya "Why would anything happen?" Diya "¿Por qué pasaría algo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:692 translate spanish ay_37bf183b: # Diya "It's not like it needs the screen to live." Diya "No es como que necesiten la pantalla para sobrevivir." # game/2_diya.rpy:695 translate spanish ay_25f50ab4: # Akarsha "But the fact that it's called a Teletubby implies the television is part of its body, doesn't it?" Akarsha "El hecho de que se llame Teletubbie implica que la televisión es parte de su cuerpo, ¿no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:698 translate spanish ay_01d57425: # Diya "That doesn't mean it needs it to live." Diya "Eso no significa que lo necesita para vivir." # game/2_diya.rpy:699 translate spanish ay_8058be95: # Diya "You could dye a bluebird pink and it'd still survive. It'd just be a pinkbird." Diya "Podrías teñir a un azulejo de rosado y aún sobreviviría. Solo que sería un rosalejo." # game/2_diya.rpy:700 translate spanish ay_ee74818f: # Diya "If you get rid of a Teletubby's screen it just becomes a Tubby." Diya "Si le quitas la pantalla a un Teletubbie solo se convertiría en un Tubbie." # game/2_diya.rpy:703 translate spanish ay_dc5557bf: # Akarsha "Destroying the screen is a way bigger change than changing something's color, though. It's like, built into its stomach." Akarsha "Destruir la pantalla es un cambio mucho más grande que cambiarle el color a algo, eso sí. Está como, construida a su estómago." # game/2_diya.rpy:706 translate spanish ay_a6591d1e: # Diya "So? TV's not a living part with cells and stuff. More like hair or fingernails." Diya "¿Y? La tele no es una parte viviente con células y todo eso. Es más como el pelo o las uñas." # game/2_diya.rpy:707 translate spanish ay_d843fed1: # Diya "It's not painful to get haircuts." Diya "No duele que te corten el pelo." # game/2_diya.rpy:710 translate spanish ay_8eec4652: # Akarsha "Speak for yourself. I've gotten some extremely catastrophic ones before." Akarsha "Habla por ti misma. He tenido algunos extremadamente catastróficos antes." # game/2_diya.rpy:713 translate spanish ay_33c3415a: # Diya "Okay...But you can't die from it." Diya "Ya...Pero no puedes morir de ello." # game/2_diya.rpy:716 translate spanish ay_5a2e6abd: # Akarsha "...Or can I? Challenge accepted." Akarsha "...¿O sí? Reto aceptado." # game/2_diya.rpy:719 translate spanish ay_cd9457b4: # Diya "That wasn't a challenge." with sshake Diya "Eso no era un reto." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:726 translate spanish ay_c28c6006: # Diya "It'd be like punching it in the heart or something." Diya "Sería como darle un puñetazo en el corazón o algo." # game/2_diya.rpy:729 translate spanish ay_89a1f811: # Akarsha "Damn, that's dark." Akarsha "Joder, eso es tétrico." # game/2_diya.rpy:732 translate spanish ay_4be652f2: # Diya "You asked." Diya "Tu preguntaste." # game/2_diya.rpy:735 translate spanish ay_68d032d6: # Akarsha "I dunno...Screens are so fragile, though." Akarsha "No sé...Las pantallas son tan frágiles, eso sí." # game/2_diya.rpy:736 translate spanish ay_837f83a6: # Akarsha "If it's that important, you'd think the Teletubbies would've evolved a ribcage over it or something to protect it." Akarsha "Si es tan importante, pensarías que los Teletubbies hubieran evolucionado una caja torácica alrededor o algo para protegerla." # game/2_diya.rpy:739 translate spanish ay_c1f53a19: # Diya "But they can't. They couldn't see what's on the screens if they were covered." Diya "Pero no pueden. No podrían ver lo que está en las pantallas si estuvieran cubiertas." # game/2_diya.rpy:740 translate spanish ay_c786b2a2: # Diya "Must be like why our eyes don't have bones over them even though they're delicate." Diya "Debe ser como el por qué nuestros ojos no tienen huesos sobre ellos a pesar de ser delicados." # game/2_diya.rpy:741 translate spanish ay_6840a761: # Diya "We wouldn't be able to see." Diya "No podríamos ver." # game/2_diya.rpy:744 translate spanish ay_ca778994: # Akarsha "Whoa, you might be onto something." Akarsha "Vaya, parece que estás en lo cierto." # game/2_diya.rpy:746 translate spanish ay_776d297d: # Akarsha "You should become a scientist. A Teletubby scientist." Akarsha "Deberías convertirte en científica. Una científica de Teletubbies." # game/2_diya.rpy:749 translate spanish ay_78219d12: # DiyaT "I doubt the world really needs Teletubby scientists..." DiyaT "Dudo que el mundo de verdad necesite científicos de Teletubbies..." # game/2_diya.rpy:755 translate spanish ay_ac67eed5: # Diya "Where is this even coming from." Diya "De dónde viene esto siquiera." # game/2_diya.rpy:756 translate spanish ay_e1a639c2: # Diya "Have you been watching Teletubbies lately or something?" Diya "¿Has estado viendo Teletubbies últimamente o algo así?" # game/2_diya.rpy:759 translate spanish ay_e5f92918: # Akarsha "What? No!" Akarsha "¿Qué? ¡No!" # game/2_diya.rpy:761 translate spanish ay_1007674f: # Akarsha "It's called having a healthy curiosity about the world around us, my friend." Akarsha "Se llama tener una curiosidad sana por el mundo que nos rodea, amiga mía." # game/2_diya.rpy:764 translate spanish ay_2b6532d0: # Diya "Doesn't sound healthy to me. What kind of person thinks of destroying Teletubbies." Diya "No me suena sano a mí. Qué tipo de persona piensa en destruir Teletubbies." # game/2_diya.rpy:765 translate spanish ay_0160ef68: # Diya "They're so colorful and friendly. Messed up." Diya "Son tan coloridos y amigables. Qué desastre." # game/2_diya.rpy:768 translate spanish ay_2e63c206: # Akarsha "Wow, geez! I see you're not ready for my cutting-edge Dragon Tales theories, either." Akarsha "¡Wow, vaya! Veo que tampoco estás preparada para mis teorías vanguardistas sobre Dragon Tales." # game/2_diya.rpy:781 translate spanish courtyardArrive_e929e2da: # "As Diya and Akarsha arrive at school, Diya feels something cold and wet drop onto her shoulder." "Mientras Diya y Akarsha llegan a la escuela, Diya siente algo frío y mojado caerle en el hombro." # game/2_diya.rpy:784 translate spanish courtyardArrive_17a03cd6: # DiyaT "It's raining!" with sshake DiyaT "¡Está lloviendo!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:787 translate spanish courtyardArrive_b67dd80a: # Akarsha "Gah! I'm heading inside." Akarsha "¡Gah! Me voy adentro." # game/2_diya.rpy:793 translate spanish courtyardArrive_d68491ce: # "Akarsha scurries off as the rain picks up. Soon, torrents of water are pelting the ground." "Akarsha se escabulle mientras la lluvia aumenta. Pronto, torrentes de agua caen sobre el suelo." # game/2_diya.rpy:795 translate spanish courtyardArrive_7b89a5fd: # DiyaT "I still need to get my things from my locker." DiyaT "Todavía tengo que sacar mis cosas de mi casillero." # game/2_diya.rpy:846 translate spanish cantGoRain_930e7787: # DiyaT "I need to get my stuff from the locker first." DiyaT "Primero tengo que sacar mis cosas de mi casillero." # game/2_diya.rpy:865 translate spanish useLockerRain_29aa0f49: # "Noelle is hunched over in front of their shared locker and frowning at its contents." "Noelle está encorvada frente al casillero que comparten y frunce el ceño ante su contenido." # game/2_diya.rpy:867 translate spanish useLockerRain_cfab172b: # Noelle "Good morning." Noelle "Buenos días." # game/2_diya.rpy:868 translate spanish useLockerRain_a536cdaf: # Noelle "We need to remove our books from the locker or they'll get soaked in the rain." Noelle "Tenemos que sacar nuestros libros del casillero o se van a empapar con la lluvia." # game/2_diya.rpy:871 translate spanish useLockerRain_1f767bb1: # Diya "Oh, no." Diya "Oh, no." # game/2_diya.rpy:872 translate spanish useLockerRain_cd87ecd6: # Diya "Won't the roof overhang block it?" Diya "¿No lo bloqueará el saliente del tejado?" # game/2_diya.rpy:875 translate spanish useLockerRain_63801ce4: # Noelle "No, look at it. The wind's blowing the rain inward." Noelle "No, mira. El viento está soplando la lluvia hacia adentro." # game/2_diya.rpy:878 translate spanish useLockerRain_e53a30d8: # DiyaT "Yeah...We're even getting damp standing here right now." DiyaT "Sí...Incluso nos estamos mojando aquí de pie ahora mismo." # game/2_diya.rpy:881 translate spanish useLockerRain_24435af4: # "Diya takes a mini travel umbrella from her backpack and opens it." "Diya saca un mini paraguas de viaje desde su mochila y lo abre." # game/2_diya.rpy:882 translate spanish useLockerRain_a99a0d46: # "As Diya diligently holds it over the two of them, Noelle holds her daily water bottle out to her without looking." "Mientras Diya lo sostiene diligentemente sobre las dos, Noelle le tiende su botella de agua diaria sin mirar." # game/2_diya.rpy:884 translate spanish useLockerRain_bf3184e4: # Noelle "Also, can you open this water bottle?" Noelle "También, ¿puedes abrir esta botella de agua?" # game/2_diya.rpy:888 translate spanish useLockerRain_86b9d457: # "Diya holds the umbrella with one hand and grabs the water bottle with the other." "Diya sostiene el paraguas con una mano y toma la botella de agua con la otra." # game/2_diya.rpy:890 translate spanish useLockerRain_db5d3b58: # DiyaT "Don't have enough hands to open it..." DiyaT "No tengo las suficientes manos para abrirla..." # game/2_diya.rpy:892 translate spanish useLockerRain_b5595463: # "Diya carefully balances the water bottle on top of Noelle's head as she continues pulling her library books from their locker." "Diya equilibra la botella de agua cuidadosamente sobre la cabeza de Noelle mientras ella sigue sacando sus libros de la biblioteca de su casillero." # game/2_diya.rpy:894 translate spanish useLockerRain_d61ce29e: # Noelle "......" Noelle "......" # game/2_diya.rpy:897 translate spanish useLockerRain_58f85320: # Diya "......" Diya "......" # game/2_diya.rpy:899 translate spanish useLockerRain_edc4d25a: # "Diya grips the bottle's cap with her index finger and thumb while pressing the bottle down on Noelle's head with the rest of her hand." "Diya agarra la tapa de la botella con el dedo índice y pulgar mientras presiona la botella contra la cabeza de Noelle con el resto de su mano." # game/2_diya.rpy:900 translate spanish useLockerRain_7f3b02dd: # "She manages to twist it open without spilling any of the water." "Ella logra abrirla sin derramar el agua." # game/2_diya.rpy:902 translate spanish useLockerRain_57537cff: # Diya "....!" Diya "¡....!" # game/2_diya.rpy:904 translate spanish useLockerRain_a747211b: # DiyaT "I'm pretty proud of myself for pulling that off." DiyaT "Estoy bastante orgullosa de mi misma por haber conseguido eso." # game/2_diya.rpy:906 translate spanish useLockerRain_55e67ecc: # "She closes the cap and gives it back to Noelle as she slots the last of her novels into her bookbag." "Ella cierra la tapa y se la devuelve a Noelle mientras ella mete la última de sus novelas en su mochila." # game/2_diya.rpy:908 translate spanish useLockerRain_c728b2c9: # Noelle "Thank you." Noelle "Gracias." # game/2_diya.rpy:909 translate spanish useLockerRain_97c1d6b5: # Noelle "I've finished rescuing all my water-sensitive items. It's your turn." Noelle "He terminado de rescatar todos mis objetos sensibles al agua. Es tu turno." # game/2_diya.rpy:911 translate spanish useLockerRain_e6cc2f6a: # "Diya peers into her and Noelle's shared locker." "Diya se asoma al casillero que comparten ella y Noelle." # game/2_diya.rpy:914 translate spanish useLockerRain_9953c53a: # "Diya opens her and Noelle's shared locker." "Diya abre el casillero compartido de ella y Noelle." # game/2_diya.rpy:987 translate spanish closeLocker_4f5b729c: # Noelle "I'm ready to head to class when you are." Noelle "Estoy lista para ir a clase cuando tú lo estés." # game/2_diya.rpy:989 translate spanish closeLocker_d98abe15: # DiyaT "Wish I could just head home and go to bed..." DiyaT "Ojalá pudiera solo irme a casa y acostarme en mi cama..." # game/2_diya.rpy:996 translate spanish getStuff_039fc582: # "Diya slips her books and binders into her backpack." "Diya mete sus libros y carpetas en su mochila." # game/2_diya.rpy:1004 translate spanish rosin_d147eb49: # DiyaT "This is rosin for string instruments." DiyaT "Esto es resina para instrumentos de cuerda." # game/2_diya.rpy:1006 translate spanish rosin_8212b0ee: # DiyaT "The first time Noelle showed it to me,{w=0.10} I tried to eat it." DiyaT "La primera vez que Noelle me la mostro,{w=0.10} me la intenté comer." # game/2_diya.rpy:1008 translate spanish rosin_204a6640: # Diya "Why do you have this, anyway?" Diya "¿Por qué tienes esto, de igual manera?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1009 translate spanish rosin_74b66178: # Diya "You only play piano." Diya "Tú solo tocas el piano." # game/2_diya.rpy:1012 translate spanish rosin_1798290a: # Noelle "It's the same kind Akarsha uses. She plays the cello in her orchestra class." Noelle "Es el mismo tipo que usa Akarsha. Ella toca el violonchelo en su clase de orquestra." # game/2_diya.rpy:1014 translate spanish rosin_f212fb94: # Noelle "Whenever she drops and cracks the one she's using, she leaves it in her locker, and I secretly replace it with an identical copy." Noelle "Cada vez que se le cae y rompe la que está usando, la deja en su casillero, y yo secretamente la sustituyo por una copia idéntica." # game/2_diya.rpy:1017 translate spanish rosin_7928b0c2: # Diya ".....?" Diya "¿.....?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1018 translate spanish rosin_bfe81bfe: # Diya "How do you get it in her locker?" Diya "¿Cómo puedes entrar a su casillero?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1021 translate spanish rosin_043b3598: # Noelle "I figured out her locker combination." Noelle "Averigüé la combinación de su casillero." # game/2_diya.rpy:1024 translate spanish rosin_88602f9d: # Diya "Can't she tell it's just new rosin?" Diya "¿No se da cuenta de que solo es colofonia nueva?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1027 translate spanish rosin_5809549c: # Noelle "No, I always scratch up the top and make it look worn, so it looks identical to the one she dropped." Noelle "No, siempre la rayo por encima y la hago parecer usada, así que parece idéntica a la que acababa de romper." # game/2_diya.rpy:1028 translate spanish rosin_331962a5: # Noelle "This is the third one." Noelle "Esta es la tercera." # game/2_diya.rpy:1029 translate spanish rosin_3c49d11c: # Noelle "By now, she's convinced her rosin has self-healing abilities." Noelle "A estas alturas, está convencida de que su resina tiene habilidades autocurativas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1032 translate spanish rosin_78e8a409: # DiyaT "Noelle goes to such lengths just to mess with Akarsha sometimes..." DiyaT "Noelle llega tan lejos solo para molestar a Akarsha a veces..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1033 translate spanish rosin_766ac751: # DiyaT "I don't really know what to make of it." DiyaT "No sé muy bien que pensar de ello." # game/2_diya.rpy:1038 translate spanish rosin_d147eb49_1: # DiyaT "This is rosin for string instruments." DiyaT "Esto es resina para instrumentos de cuerda." # game/2_diya.rpy:1041 translate spanish rosin_3b5af64f: # DiyaT "It looks like you can eat it,{w=0.10} but you can't." DiyaT "Parece como que te la puedes comer,{w=0.10} pero no puedes." # game/2_diya.rpy:1048 translate spanish lunchbox_1b3baa2a: # "Out of curiosity, Diya checks what Noelle has for lunch today." "Por curiosidad, Diya revisa qué trajo Noelle para comer hoy." # game/2_diya.rpy:1050 translate spanish lunchbox_6609ae50: # DiyaT "Rice porridge. Noelle really likes this." DiyaT "Gachas de arroz. A Noelle de verdad le gusta esto." # game/2_diya.rpy:1052 translate spanish lunchbox_8696af9c: # DiyaT "I shouldn't eat it. I don't have much of an appetite today, anyway." DiyaT "No me lo debería comer. No tengo mucho apetito hoy, igualmente." # game/2_diya.rpy:1054 translate spanish lunchbox_af1cb536: # "Deeper in the lunchbox, there's also a Ziploc bag of neatly peeled apple slices." "Más al fondo de la lonchera, también hay una bolsa Ziploc con rodajas de manzana bien peladas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1056 translate spanish lunchbox_6c242f84: # Diya "Thoughtful of your mom to do that." Diya "Muy considerado por parte de tu madre." # game/2_diya.rpy:1059 translate spanish lunchbox_4a7dec73: # Noelle "Do what?" Noelle "¿Qué cosa?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1062 translate spanish lunchbox_d3824bb4: # Diya "Peel the apple and slice it." Diya "Pelarte una manzana y cortarla." # game/2_diya.rpy:1063 translate spanish lunchbox_e7e8ca00: # Diya "Most people just eat them whole." Diya "La mayoría de las personas se las comen enteras." # game/2_diya.rpy:1067 translate spanish lunchbox_c7d771eb: # Noelle "I guess she has to show me she loves me somehow." Noelle "Supongo que tiene que demostrar que me quiere de alguna manera." # game/2_diya.rpy:1068 translate spanish lunchbox_376a63fe: # Noelle "Since she lacks the emotional maturity to communicate it through words, she's left to express it through actions." Noelle "Como carece de madurez emocional para comunicarlo por palabras, sólo le queda hacerlo mediante acciones." # game/2_diya.rpy:1071 translate spanish lunchbox_39e04216: # Diya "Funny, that sounds like someone else I know." Diya "Gracioso, eso suena a alguien que conozco." # game/2_diya.rpy:1074 translate spanish lunchbox_ac4215eb: # Noelle "Are you insinuating I'm the same as her?" Noelle "¿Estás insinuando de que soy igual a ella?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1077 translate spanish lunchbox_9449eb74: # Diya "Maybe." Diya "Quizás." # game/2_diya.rpy:1080 translate spanish lunchbox_c16ac829: # Noelle "I wish I could deny it..." Noelle "Ojalá te lo pudiera negar..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1082 translate spanish lunchbox_0699384c: # Noelle "Does your mother do the thing too, where after you have an argument, instead of apologizing, she just silently leaves you a plate of fruit to eat?" Noelle "Tu madre también hace eso de que, después de discutir, en lugar de disculparse, ¿solo te deja silenciosamente un plato de fruta para que comas?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1085 translate spanish lunchbox_3b71d0de: # Diya "!" Diya "¡!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1086 translate spanish lunchbox_6b59f3cd: # Diya "I thought it was just my mom who did that." Diya "Pensé que solo mi mamá hacía eso." # game/2_diya.rpy:1089 translate spanish lunchbox_8483185b: # Noelle "It must be an immigrant mother thing." Noelle "Debe ser una cosa de madres inmigrantes." # game/2_diya.rpy:1092 translate spanish lunchbox_eaf0852c: # Diya "This is waterproof, right?" Diya "Esto es aprueba de agua, ¿cierto?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1095 translate spanish lunchbox_a4430859: # Noelle "If not waterproof, at least water-resistant." Noelle "Si no es aprueba de agua, al menos es resistente al agua." # game/2_diya.rpy:1098 translate spanish lunchbox_5ca7d674: # Diya "Okay. Just checking." Diya "Ok. Solo comprobaba." # game/2_diya.rpy:1106 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_ea3a0a07: # DiyaT "It's the Valentine's Day card Min made for me this year." DiyaT "Es la carta de San Valentín que Min me hizo este año." # game/2_diya.rpy:1107 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_d87997d9: # DiyaT "Every time I see it, I feel happy." DiyaT "Cada vez que la veo, me siento feliz." # game/2_diya.rpy:1110 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_9d52754a: # Noelle "You still haven't taken that home?" Noelle "¿Todavía no te has llevado eso a casa?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1113 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_2dbe76f5: # Diya "I'm paranoid my parents will find it if I do." Diya "Tengo paranoia de que mis papás la encuentren." # game/2_diya.rpy:1115 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_d7481b0f: # Diya "Min said a lot of stuff in it...Even if she were a boy, I don't think they'd be okay with it." Diya "Min dijo un montón de cosas en ella...Incluso si ella fuera un chico, no creo que les parezca bien." # game/2_diya.rpy:1118 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_4755412e: # Noelle "I see..." Noelle "Ya veo..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1121 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_21fa634c: # Diya "Guess I have to move it out of the locker or it'll get soaked and wrinkly, though..." Diya "Aunque supongo que tendré que sacarla del casillero o quedará empapada y arrugada..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1124 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_29509ad1: # "Diya carefully slips it into her binder's inside pocket." "Diya la mete con cuidado al bolsillo interior de su carpeta." # game/2_diya.rpy:1126 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_79c49cd2: # Diya "Speaking of Valentine's Day. How's Akarsha's investigation of her secret admirer going." Diya "Hablando de San Valentín. Cómo va la investigación de Akarsha sobre su admirador secreto." # game/2_diya.rpy:1129 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_4e369802: # Noelle "Awful. And by that, I mean wonderful." Noelle "Horrible. Y con eso, quiero decir maravilloso." # game/2_diya.rpy:1130 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_9e3e17f1: # Noelle "She's utterly lost." Noelle "Está totalmente perdida." # game/2_diya.rpy:1132 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_0c3973ce: # Noelle "Her list of suspects includes a random guy in our History class, a sophomore she's never uttered a word to before..." Noelle "Su lista de sospechosos incluyen a un chico cualquiera de nuestra clase de Historia, un estudiante de segundo al que nunca le ha dirigido la palabra..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1133 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_b8352cb1: # Noelle "...And even the lunch lady who once gave her two slices of pizza that were stuck together instead of one." Noelle "...E incluso la señora del almuerzo que una vez le dio dos rebanadas de pizza que estaban pegadas en vez de una." # game/2_diya.rpy:1136 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_91a0726b: # Diya "Wow." Diya "Wow." # game/2_diya.rpy:1137 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_95ad896e: # Diya "We really can keep this up every Valentine's Day without her realizing it's us." Diya "Podemos seguir así cada día de San Valentín sin que se de cuenta de que somos nosotras." # game/2_diya.rpy:1140 translate spanish valentinesDayCard_a96af3d3: # Noelle "Yes, as long as we don't accidentally let it slip at some point." Noelle "Sí, siempre que no se nos escape accidentalmente en algún momento." # game/2_diya.rpy:1148 translate spanish groupPresentation_0e5a5750: # "Diya loves the sound of rain when she's indoors, especially the drum of water on metal." "Diya ama el sonido de la lluvia cuando está en espacio cerrado, sobre todo el tambor del agua con el metal." # game/2_diya.rpy:1150 translate spanish groupPresentation_f0231efa: # "Unfortunately, today she's so consumed with dread over her presentation that she's totally unable to enjoy it." "Desafortunadamente, hoy está tan consumida por el miedo a su presentación que es totalmente incapaz de disfrutarlo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1151 translate spanish groupPresentation_2497ed9b: # "Her next few hours pass in a sleep-deprived haze..." "Las siguientes horas transcurren en una neblina de somnolencia..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1155 translate spanish groupPresentation_4ce93a06: # "Diya's stomach churns with dread as she finally walks into her Biology class." "El estómago de Diya se revuelve del miedo cuando por fin entra a su clase de Biología." # game/2_diya.rpy:1157 translate spanish groupPresentation_53ded5ef: # DiyaT "It's here...The period of doom..." DiyaT "Ya está aquí...La hora de la desgracia..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1160 translate spanish groupPresentation_b636eaf4: # "To her surprise, she finds Min leaning against her desk, waiting for her." "Para su sorpresa, ella encuentra a Min apoyada en su escritorio, esperándola." # game/2_diya.rpy:1162 translate spanish groupPresentation_a16d98d6: # Diya "?" Diya "¿?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1163 translate spanish groupPresentation_c1ebecb7: # Diya "Why're you here?" Diya "¿Por qué estás aquí?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1166 translate spanish groupPresentation_fe88a18e: # Min "You're about to do your presentation, right?" Min "Estás a punto de hacer tu presentación, ¿cierto?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1167 translate spanish groupPresentation_df2a23f6: # Min "I thought I'd swing by and try to pump you up for it." Min "Pensé en pasarme por aquí e intentar animarte." # game/2_diya.rpy:1169 translate spanish groupPresentation_ee47853e: # Diya "Oh. Thanks." Diya "Oh. Gracias." # game/2_diya.rpy:1172 translate spanish groupPresentation_222b2d2f: # Min "How do you feel?" Min "¿Cómo te sientes?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1174 translate spanish groupPresentation_9f0a3026: # Diya "I'm so nervous, my stomach hurts." Diya "Estoy tan nerviosa, me duele el estómago." # game/2_diya.rpy:1175 translate spanish groupPresentation_eac54f3a: # Diya "I even forgot to eat my gummy vitamins this morning." Diya "Hasta se me olvido comerme mis gomitas de vitaminas esta mañana." # game/2_diya.rpy:1177 translate spanish groupPresentation_96574918: # "Each day, Diya looks forward to eating two gummy vitamins." "Cada día, Diya espera con impaciencia comer dos gomitas de vitaminas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1178 translate spanish groupPresentation_19c8b611: # "Min gives her hand a reassuring squeeze." "Min le da a ella un apretón reconfortante en su mano." # game/2_diya.rpy:1180 translate spanish groupPresentation_3fcf3d50: # Min "It'll be okay! You're gonna kill it." Min "¡Va a estar bien! Vas a arrasar." # game/2_diya.rpy:1182 translate spanish groupPresentation_6f45b738: # Min "You're so cute, there's no way the teacher can give you a bad grade." Min "Eres tan tierna, no hay manera de que el profesor te de una mala calificación." # game/2_diya.rpy:1184 translate spanish groupPresentation_8d4276d1: # Diya "If the teacher really graded like that he'd be in jail." with sshake Diya "Si el profesor calificara de esa manera él estaría en la cárcel." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1187 translate spanish groupPresentation_c3e17c8f: # Min "Well, if I were in charge, I'd give you an A." Min "Bueno, si yo estuviera a cargo, te daría un 100." # game/2_diya.rpy:1188 translate spanish groupPresentation_cd55756a: # Min "Anything I can do to help?" Min "¿Hay algo que pueda hacer para ayudar?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1190 translate spanish groupPresentation_bc465d24: # Diya "Can I have a hug? And a kiss." Diya "¿Puedo tener un abrazo? Y un beso." # game/2_diya.rpy:1193 translate spanish groupPresentation_d2cd0d1a: # Min "Yeah! Of course!!!" Min "¡Claro! ¡¡¡Por supuesto!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1195 translate spanish groupPresentation_49103a38: # Min "Won't people see, though?" Min "¿Pero, no lo verá la gente?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1197 translate spanish groupPresentation_a31b7f14: # Diya "It's an emergency." Diya "Es una emergencia." # game/2_diya.rpy:1202 translate spanish groupPresentation_80aea148: # "Min's face lights up, and she eagerly envelopes Diya in a tight, warm hug." "La cara de Min se ilumina, y enseguida envuelve a Diya en un fuerte y cálido abrazo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1204 translate spanish groupPresentation_dbf4ab57: # Min ".........." Min ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:1207 translate spanish groupPresentation_2d39e9ce: # DiyaT ".........." DiyaT ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:1209 translate spanish groupPresentation_e52c9a00: # "Min pulls her in for a kiss, but Diya rears back when she smells cigarette smoke on her breath." "Min la acerca para darle un beso, pero Diya se echa para atrás al oler el humo de tabaco en su aliento." # game/2_diya.rpy:1213 translate spanish groupPresentation_f6f78fca: # "Because Diya's so tall, when she doesn't want Min to kiss her, all she has to do is stand up straight." "Como Diya es tan alta, cuando no quiere que Min la bese, lo único que tiene que hacer es ponerse derecha." # game/2_diya.rpy:1215 translate spanish groupPresentation_293ce648: # Diya "Yuck. Were you smoking again?" Diya "Puaj. ¿Estuviste fumando de nuevo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1218 translate spanish groupPresentation_3b94c336: # Min "Huh? Yeah..." Min "¿Ah? Sí..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1221 translate spanish groupPresentation_f9a77a42: # Diya "You should stop." Diya "Deberías parar." # game/2_diya.rpy:1222 translate spanish groupPresentation_85e31259: # Diya "It's bad for you. Didn't you ever see a D.A.R.E. presentation in elementary school?" Diya "Es malo para tí. ¿Nunca viste una presentación de D.A.R.E. en la primaria?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1223 translate spanish groupPresentation_4b145e8f: # Diya "They came to my class, and it was so scary I pledged not to do drugs or peer pressure forever." Diya "Vinieron a mi clase, y me dio tanto miedo que me comprometí a nunca consumir drogas ni ser presionada a hacerlo jamás." # game/2_diya.rpy:1227 translate spanish groupPresentation_79b7b8ca: # Min "You don't think it looks badass?" Min "¿No crees que se ve espectacular?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1229 translate spanish groupPresentation_ae978c88: # Diya "No. Dare to resist drugs and violence." Diya "No. Atrévete a oponerte a las drogas y a la violencia." # game/2_diya.rpy:1230 translate spanish groupPresentation_b2722daa: # Diya "How'd you even start doing it?" Diya "¿Cómo es que empezaste a hacerlo en primer lugar?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1233 translate spanish groupPresentation_c2acf22c: # Min "Back in Florida, I mostly hung out with a group of guys who smoked." Min "En Florida, me juntaba con un grupo de chicos que fumaban." # game/2_diya.rpy:1234 translate spanish groupPresentation_58253c4c: # Min "And we'd set things on fire and do other dangerous stuff." Min "Y prendíamos fuego a cosas y otras tonterías peligrosas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1236 translate spanish groupPresentation_a9db357b: # Diya ".........." Diya ".........." # game/2_diya.rpy:1237 translate spanish groupPresentation_3b525454: # DiyaT "I'm really glad she's over here with me now..." DiyaT "Estoy muy agradecida de que está aquí conmigo ahora..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1239 translate spanish groupPresentation_48739928: # Diya "But those guys aren't here anymore. So why keep doing it." Diya "Pero esos chicos ya no están aquí. Así que por qué seguir haciéndolo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1242 translate spanish groupPresentation_d66fbbc3: # Min "It was a pain to get the cigarettes in the first place, since stores won't sell them to people under 18." Min "Primero que todo fue un fastidio conseguir los cigarrillos, ya que las tiendas no los venden a menores de 18." # game/2_diya.rpy:1243 translate spanish groupPresentation_839bef83: # Min "So it feels like a waste not to use them." Min "Así que se siente como un desperdicio el no usarlos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1244 translate spanish groupPresentation_15787a4a: # Min "And I thought it'd make me look hot." Min "Y pensé que me harían ver atractiva." # game/2_diya.rpy:1246 translate spanish groupPresentation_35adc5c0: # Diya "You look hot when your hair's all messed up from kissing me." Diya "Te ves atractiva cuando tu pelo está todo desordenado por estar besándome." # game/2_diya.rpy:1247 translate spanish groupPresentation_c22b0b6b: # Diya "Not when your mouth tastes bad and I can't even kiss you." Diya "No cuando tu boca sabe mal y ni siquiera te puedo besar." # game/2_diya.rpy:1250 translate spanish groupPresentation_031de3e0: # "Noelle scowls as she sits down at her desk." "Noelle frunce el ceño mientras se sienta en su mesa." # game/2_diya.rpy:1252 translate spanish groupPresentation_e7b4f3c9: # Noelle "You're seriously still smoking?! You need to get your life in order." with sshake Noelle "¡¿De verdad aún estás fumando?! Necesitas poner tu vida en orden." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1255 translate spanish groupPresentation_4de9623a: # Min "I don't need to hear it from you, too!" with sshake Min "¡No necesito que me lo digas tú, también!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1256 translate spanish groupPresentation_8339edc1: # Min "I don't even do it that often!" Min "¡Ni siquiera lo hago tan seguido!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1258 translate spanish groupPresentation_16b8d15e: # Noelle "Aren't you going to be tardy for your class? The bell's going to ring in about a minute." Noelle "¿No vas a llegar tarde a clase? La campana va a sonar en como un minuto." # game/2_diya.rpy:1260 translate spanish groupPresentation_98b3c9df: # Min "Oh, shit! I better run." Min "¡Oh, mierda! Mejor corro." # game/2_diya.rpy:1262 translate spanish groupPresentation_08aba0eb: # Diya "Go, I'll live. Probably." Diya "Ve, sobreviviré. Probablemente." # game/2_diya.rpy:1265 translate spanish groupPresentation_7ed99984: # Min "Tell me how it goes later!" Min "¡Dime cómo te fue más tarde!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1267 translate spanish groupPresentation_85f6845f: # "Min sprints off!" "¡Min sale a toda velocidad!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1269 translate spanish groupPresentation_3f96d67c: # "Seconds later, the bell rings." "Unos segundos después, la campana suena." # game/2_diya.rpy:1271 translate spanish groupPresentation_d818c884: # Akarsha "D'you think she made it?" Akarsha "¿Crees que alcanzó a llegar?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1273 translate spanish groupPresentation_6ffc2435: # Noelle "I couldn't care less." Noelle "No me podría importar menos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1275 translate spanish groupPresentation_229266ff: # DiyaT "Min is so cool. But I hope she stops smoking..." DiyaT "Min es tan genial. Pero espero que deje de fumar..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1276 translate spanish groupPresentation_3152ad47: # DiyaT "They say people don't change, but I hope that's not true." DiyaT "Dicen que la gente no cambia, espero que eso no sea verdad." # game/2_diya.rpy:1277 translate spanish groupPresentation_bfc3a2d4: # DiyaT "It's too sad if it is." DiyaT "Sería muy triste si lo fuera." # game/2_diya.rpy:1280 translate spanish groupPresentation_b8ab9ed8: # "As another group starts presenting at the front of the class, Diya wipes her clammy palms on her hoodie." "Mientras otro grupo comienza a presentar en frente de la clase, Diya se limpia las palmas húmedas en su sudadera." # game/2_diya.rpy:1282 translate spanish groupPresentation_1bdb8412: # DiyaT "We're gonna get called up any minute now..." DiyaT "Nos harán presentar en cualquier minuto ahora..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1285 translate spanish groupPresentation_7a852c06: # Noelle "Diya, please try not to panic." Noelle "Diya, por favor intenta no entrar en pánico." # game/2_diya.rpy:1286 translate spanish groupPresentation_d45211ae: # Noelle "When you're not speaking, you can hide behind me if you have to. Just don't bolt off." Noelle "Cuando no estés hablando, te puedes esconder detrás de mí si quieres. Solo no salgas corriendo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1288 translate spanish groupPresentation_fd841d5d: # Diya "Okay." Diya "Ok." # game/2_diya.rpy:1291 translate spanish groupPresentation_dabe388c: # Akarsha "Can I hide behind you too?" Akarsha "¿Puedo esconderme detrás tuyo también?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1293 translate spanish groupPresentation_6432009a: # Noelle "NO." with sshake Noelle "NO." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1295 translate spanish groupPresentation_9e2da100: # Akarsha "No fair! How come Diya gets to, but not me?" Akarsha "¡No es justo! ¿Por que Diya si, pero yo no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1297 translate spanish groupPresentation_8f827f52: # Noelle "There's no reason for you to! We'll look like we're doing those dances where everyone's standing behind one person and waving their arms!" with sshake Noelle "¡No hay razón para que tú lo hagas! ¡Parecerá que estamos haciendo esos bailes en los que todos están detrás de una persona agitando los brazos!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1299 translate spanish groupPresentation_2d4f495d: # Noelle "And you'd better not do that horrendous British accent." Noelle "Y más te vale no hacer ese horrendo acento Mexicano." # game/2_diya.rpy:1303 translate spanish groupPresentation_bcc6b05e: # Akarsha "Why not? It'll be a hit." Akarsha "¿Por qué no? Va a ser un bombazo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1305 translate spanish groupPresentation_3663e674: # Noelle "More like a hit on our grade. Accents aren't a proper example of divergent evolution." Noelle "Más como un bombazo en nuestra calificación. Los acentos no son un buen ejemplo de evolución divergente." # game/2_diya.rpy:1307 translate spanish groupPresentation_b48a4da0: # Akarsha "But we need stuff to spice our presentation up. It's drier than the Sahara Desert." Akarsha "Pero necesitamos cosas para animar nuestra presentación. Está más seca que el Desierto del Sahara." # game/2_diya.rpy:1309 translate spanish groupPresentation_efd81981: # Noelle "So? This is a Biology project, not a circus performance." Noelle "¿Y? Esto es un proyecto de Biología, no un espectáculo de circo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1311 translate spanish groupPresentation_7fee5448: # "Before Noelle can press Akarsha any further, the first group finishes their presentation to scattered applause." "Antes de que Noelle pueda presionar más a Akarsha, el primer grupo finaliza su presentación entre aplausos dispersos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1313 translate spanish groupPresentation_66f79292: # Noelle "Alright, it's our turn." Noelle "Ok, es nuestro turno." # game/2_diya.rpy:1314 translate spanish groupPresentation_38aabfa7: # Noelle "Come on, Diya, let's do this." Noelle "Vamos, Diya, hagamos esto." # game/2_diya.rpy:1317 translate spanish groupPresentation_54bd219f: # Diya "!!!!!!!!!!!" with sshake Diya "¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1320 translate spanish groupPresentation_36048212: # "Diya feels like she's having an out-of-body experience as she follows Noelle and Akarsha to the front of the class." "Diya siente como si tuviera una experiencia extracorporal mientras sigue a Noelle y a Akarsha al frente de la clase." # game/2_diya.rpy:1321 translate spanish groupPresentation_fda9ee0e: # "As Noelle brings up their PowerPoint on the computer, Diya hides behind her and nervously looks out at the class sitting before them..." "Mientras Noelle abre su PowerPoint en el computador, Diya se esconde detrás de ella y observa nerviosamente a la clase que tienen delante..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1323 translate spanish groupPresentation_24fc417d: # DiyaT "I should've worn clothes that blended in with the classroom better so no one can see me!" DiyaT "¡Debería haberme puesto ropa que se mezclara mejor con el aula para que nadie me pueda ver!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1324 translate spanish groupPresentation_ea31da1e: # DiyaT "Like beige colored! I should've thought of that earlier!" DiyaT "¡Como de color beige! ¡Debí haber pensado en eso antes!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1325 translate spanish groupPresentation_e24f73a7: # DiyaT "It's over...It's curtains for me..." DiyaT "Se acabó...Este es el telón para mí..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1328 translate spanish groupPresentation_b636f965: # Noelle "Hello, everyone. We've been tasked with reviewing the patterns of macroevolution." Noelle "Hola a todos. Nos han encargado con revisar los patrones de la macroevolución." # game/2_diya.rpy:1329 translate spanish groupPresentation_20a3c2c3: # "The audience begins to nod off as soon as Noelle flicks to a slide with an essay crammed onto it in ten point font." "El público comienza a dormirse en cuanto Noelle pasa a una diapositiva con un artículo entero metido en letra de tamaño diez." # game/2_diya.rpy:1331 translate spanish groupPresentation_d7d697e8: # Noelle "Let's begin with the obvious question...What is macroevolution? To understand this, we must first consider..." Noelle "Comencemos con la pregunta más obvia...¿Qué es la macroevolución? Para entender esto, tenemos que considerar..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1333 translate spanish groupPresentation_8ffbed84: # "By the time Noelle is done droning through her last tome of a slide, half the classroom is asleep." "Para cuando Noelle termina de zumbar con su último tomo de diapositivas, la mitad de la clase está dormida." # game/2_diya.rpy:1335 translate spanish groupPresentation_e10fc324: # "Akarsha shakes her head and sighs as she clicks to her first slide. It opens with an illustration of a finch's head." "Akarsha sacude la cabeza y suspira mientras hace clic en su primera diapositiva. Esta abre con la ilustración de la cabeza de un pinzón." # game/2_diya.rpy:1337 translate spanish groupPresentation_3574f4f7: # Akarsha "Aight. So, divergent evolution..." Akarsha "Haber. Entonces, evolución divergente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1341 translate spanish groupPresentation_8c4a4b0b: # "An explosion sound effect plays as five more finches with different beak shapes blast onto the screen, jolting their classmates back awake." "Un efecto de sonido de explosión suena mientras cinco pinzones más con formas de pico distintas aparecen en pantalla, despertando a sus compañeros." # game/2_diya.rpy:1343 translate spanish groupPresentation_b3b3c33d: # Akarsha "It's when populations from a common ancestor adapt to different pressures and become more different over time." Akarsha "Es cuando las poblaciones de un ancestro común se adaptan a diferentes presiones y se vuelven más diferentes con el tiempo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1345 translate spanish groupPresentation_def2987c: # Akarsha "Just like how yer average New Yawker tawks like dis! Different from ova heah!" Akarsha "¡Jushto cómo tu Eshpañol promedioh habla asthi! ¡Dishtintoh de cómo esth acá!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1348 translate spanish groupPresentation_cbf894ed: # DiyaT "She just switched it from a British accent to a New York one..." DiyaT "Ella solo cambió el acento Mexicano por uno Español Castellano..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1350 translate spanish groupPresentation_b8e2796a: # DiyaT "Oh, well. Maybe the teacher will think it's funny." DiyaT "Ah, bueno. Quizás al profesor le parezca gracioso." # game/2_diya.rpy:1353 translate spanish groupPresentation_f14a5a8a: # Noelle "..................." Noelle "..................." # game/2_diya.rpy:1356 translate spanish groupPresentation_1cb4edbd: # DiyaT "You can let this slide, Noelle. Just hold it in until after the presentation's over." DiyaT "Puedes dejar esto pasar, Noelle. Solo mantenlo hasta que se termine la presentación." # game/2_diya.rpy:1360 translate spanish groupPresentation_039ba0f0: # Noelle "ACTUALLY, accents don't count as divergent evolution. New Yorkers aren't another species from us!" Noelle "EN REALIDAD, los acentos no cuentan como evolución divergente. ¡Los Españoles no son otra especie que nosotros!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1361 translate spanish groupPresentation_99f77a2c: # Noelle "They're not so different they can't produce fertile offspring with other humans!" Noelle "¡No son diferentes hasta el punto que no puedan tener descendencia fértil con otros humanos!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1363 translate spanish groupPresentation_f054465a: # Akarsha "But if dey keep tings up at dis rate, dat might change." Akarsha "Pero shi sthe mantienen ah esthe punto, quizthás eso cambie." # game/2_diya.rpy:1364 translate spanish groupPresentation_8b322e41: # Akarsha "Dink about it. Would {i}you{/i} reproduce wit someone who tawks like dis??" Akarsha "Pienshalo. ¿Acasho {i}tú{/i} querríash reproduthir con alguien que habla athi?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1367 translate spanish groupPresentation_1f0fed32: # Noelle "Wh...what?! I don't see how that's relevant!" with sshake Noelle "¡¿Q...qué?! ¡No veo como eso es algo relevante!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1368 translate spanish groupPresentation_e4863b9f: # Noelle "Just admit your example is invalid already!" Noelle "¡Solo admite que tu ejemplo es inválido ya!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1371 translate spanish groupPresentation_f32506b4: # Akarsha "Oh, yeah?" Akarsha "¿Ah, sí?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1374 translate spanish groupPresentation_6dedcee7: # "Akarsha clicks the mouse. A stock photo of a gravestone appears on the slide with the pinwheel transition." "Akarsha hace clic con el mouse. Aparece una imagen de stock de una lápida en la diapositiva con una transición de molinillo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1376 translate spanish groupPresentation_43799d67: # Akarsha "What if dat was your gravestone? What then?" Akarsha "¿Y thi eshta fuera túh lápida? ¿Qué pasharia entonthesh?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1379 translate spanish groupPresentation_3ec20868: # Noelle "DID YOU ADD THIS TO THE POWERPOINT JUST TO USE AS A COMEBACK?!" with sshake Noelle "¡¿ACASO AÑADISTE ESTO AL POWERPOINT SOLO PARA USARLO COMO RESPUESTA?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1382 translate spanish groupPresentation_3f82b796: # "The class giggles as Akarsha clowns through her slides, but Diya's stomach churns as they stare at the front of the room with renewed interest..." "La clase se ríe mientras Akarsha hace el payaso por sus diapositivas, pero a Diya se le revuelve el estómago mientras todos miran al frente de la sala con renovado interés..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1384 translate spanish groupPresentation_7ed879af: # DiyaT "I don't wanna be here...I wish I could time travel to 30 minutes from now..." DiyaT "No quiero estar aquí...Ojalá pudiera viajar en el tiempo a 30 minutos desde ahora..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1387 translate spanish groupPresentation_a3652e0c: # Akarsha "And wit dat, I pass tings ova to my buddy Diya." Akarsha "Y con esho, sthe lo pasho a mi colega Diya." # game/2_diya.rpy:1390 translate spanish groupPresentation_480f82d9: # Diya ".........!!!!" with sshake Diya "¡¡¡¡.........!!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1392 translate spanish groupPresentation_58285619: # "When Diya doesn't move from her hiding spot behind Noelle, Noelle steps to the side, exposing her to the audience's view." "Cuando Diya no se mueve de su escondite detrás de Noelle, Noelle se echa a un lado, exponiéndola a la vista de la audiencia." # game/2_diya.rpy:1393 translate spanish groupPresentation_5baefc79: # "Diya takes a deep shaky breath before quickly rattling off the speech she's mentally rehearsed hundreds of times over the past 24 hours." "Diya respira entrecortadamente antes de rápidamente pronunciar el discurso que ha ensayado mentalmente cientos de veces en las últimas 24 horas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1395 translate spanish groupPresentation_b204fa04: # Diya "{small}Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar traits in species that are only distantly related. For example, giant pandas have six fingers and their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These similar features are called analogous structures.{/small}" Diya "{small}La evolución convergente es la evolución independiente de aspectos similares en especies que solo están relacionadas distantemente. Por ejemplo, los pandas gigantes tienen seis dedos y sus pulgares son oponibles como los pulgares de los primates. Estas características similares se denominan estructuras análogas.{/small}" # game/2_diya.rpy:1397 translate spanish groupPresentation_a99f0cde: # "After barrelling through the slide in a matter of seconds, Diya quickly flips to the next one, her hands shaking from nerves." "Tras pasar por la diapositiva en cosa de segundos, Diya pasa rápidamente a la siguiente, con las manos temblando de los nervios." # game/2_diya.rpy:1399 translate spanish groupPresentation_c815b6b0: # Diya "{small}Another example of convergent evolution are birds and bats. Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently...{/small}" Diya "{small}Otro ejemplo de evolución convergente son los pájaros y los murciélagos. Los pájaros y los murciélagos son dos grupos que evolucionaron el vuelo independientemente...{/small}" # game/2_diya.rpy:1401 translate spanish groupPresentation_6fac2152: # "She manages to zoom through the rest of the presentation in about a minute flat." "Ella se las arregla para pasar por el resto de toda la presentación en cosa de un minuto." # game/2_diya.rpy:1402 translate spanish groupPresentation_a60512ef: # "After their classmates give them a tepid round of applause, Diya follows Noelle and Akarsha back to her seat in a daze..." "Después de que sus compañeros les den un caluroso aplauso, Diya aturdida sigue a Noelle y Akarsha devuelta a sus asientos..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1404 translate spanish groupPresentation_48a0c270: # Noelle "Well, at least that's over with..." Noelle "Bueno, al menos eso se acabó..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1406 translate spanish groupPresentation_42bd8044: # DiyaT "It's over!!! I'm free!!!!" DiyaT "¡¡¡Se acabó!!! ¡¡¡¡Soy libre!!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1409 translate spanish groupPresentation_2b530b42: # Noelle "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Noelle "¿Ves? No fue tan malo, ¿no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1411 translate spanish groupPresentation_df6988ce: # Diya "Actually, it was." Diya "De hecho, si lo fue." # game/2_diya.rpy:1412 translate spanish groupPresentation_6f328515: # Diya "Think I'll be quiet for the rest of the day to recover from that..." Diya "Creo que estaré callada por el resto del dia para recuperarme de eso..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1429 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_4ed721a6: # "To Diya's relief, the weather clears up just in time for the baseball club meeting." "Para el alivio de Diya, el clima mejora justo a tiempo para la reunión del club de béisbol." # game/2_diya.rpy:1431 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2a7ab66f: # "\"Sakura\" goes up to bat, and Diya readies herself to catch Min's next pitch." "\"Sakura\" sube a batear, y Diya se prepara para atrapar el próximo tiro de Min." # game/2_diya.rpy:1433 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_6c8376ee: # DiyaT "Besides Min's signature knuckler, the only pitch she knows is a fastball." DiyaT "Aparte de la knuckleball característica de Min, el único lanzamiento que conoce es una fastball." # game/2_diya.rpy:1434 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_0183c039: # DiyaT "It's pretty mediocre compared to her knuckleball, so she rarely uses it except during practice like this." DiyaT "Es bastante mediocre en comparación a su knuckleball, así que raramente la usa excepto en entrenamientos como este." # game/2_diya.rpy:1440 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_923bc197: # "Min hurls one of those fastballs to \"Sakura\"..." "Min arroja una de esas fastballs a \"Sakura\"..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1443 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_3b71d0de: # Diya "!" Diya "¡!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1445 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_318de709: # "\"Sakura\" flinches as she gets drilled on the shoulder by the baseball." "\"Sakura\" se sobresalta al ser golpeada en el hombro por la pelota de béisbol." # game/2_diya.rpy:1452 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_ef0da7a0: # Sayeeda "Ow!" with sshake Sayeeda "¡Auch!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1454 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_10a2af6a: # Min "Shit, oops..." Min "Mierda, ups..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1456 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b4bf2395: # Chryssa "You okay over there?" Chryssa "¿Estás bien allá?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1459 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b9e19109: # Sayeeda "Yeah, I'm good. I don't think that broke anything." Sayeeda "Si, estoy bien. No creo que eso haya roto algo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1461 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_9352b73b: # Liz "Walk it off!" Liz "¡Camínala!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1462 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_f587210a: # Liz "At least if this were a game, you'd get to head over to first base as a consolation prize." Liz "Por lo menos si esto fuera un juego, tendrías que ir a primera base como premio de consuelo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1464 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8d0e5a86: # Akarsha "Wait...So getting hit is like a free pass to first base?" Akarsha "Espera...¿Entonces que te golpeen es un pase gratis a primera base?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1466 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_d3784eb3: # Sayeeda "It's not free. It hurts!" Sayeeda "No es gratis. ¡Duele!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1468 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_46a6642c: # "\"Sakura\" walks off, rubbing her shoulder. Akarsha eagerly takes her place at the plate." "\"Sakura\" se va caminando, frotándose el hombro. Akarsha toma su lugar en la caja de bateo con entusiasmo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1472 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8d4fdef9: # "Min throws a pitch her way..." "Min hace un lanzamiento hacia ella..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1475 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_e7305c84: # "But instead of swinging the bat, Akarsha purposefully leans in toward the ball!" "Pero en lugar de batear, ¡Akarsha se inclina hacia la pelota a propósito!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1477 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_7af3c61f: # Diya "?!" with sshake Diya "¡¿?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1480 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_faad2885: # "It narrowly misses her, and Diya manages to recover from her surprise in time to catch it." "No le da por poco, y Diya logra recuperarse de la sorpresa a tiempo para atraparla." # game/2_diya.rpy:1483 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_cd92da81: # Min "The fuck's wrong with you?!" with sshake Min "¡¿Qué mierda te pasa?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1485 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_c4dfd038: # Akarsha "I'm becoming a hit-by-pitch specialist." Akarsha "Me estoy convirtiendo en una especialista en golpearse con los tiros." # game/2_diya.rpy:1486 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b0852beb: # Akarsha "If I can master getting beaned as much as possible, it'll guarantee I always make it to first base." Akarsha "Si consigo dominar el que me golpeen lo más posible, garantizaré que siempre llegaré a primera base." # game/2_diya.rpy:1488 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_6449d48b: # DiyaT "Why would you do that instead of just hitting the ball?" DiyaT "¿Por qué harías eso en vez de solo darle a la pelota?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1489 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_bc103205: # DiyaT "Hitting the ball is so fun." DiyaT "Golpear la pelota es tan divertido." # game/2_diya.rpy:1492 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_a2140c13: # Akarsha "Hit me! I know you wanna!" with sshake Akarsha "¡Golpéame! ¡Sé que quieres!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1494 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_33f8f61d: # Min "Stop making this weird!" with sshake Min "¡Deja de hacer esto raro!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1496 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b960e07c: # Akarsha "Homophobic hate crime..." Akarsha "Crimen de odio homofóbico..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1498 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8f615655: # Min "What???" with sshake Min "¿¿Qué??" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1500 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_df2011f3: # Akarsha "The B in LGBT stands for Baseball. Just sayin'..." Akarsha "La B en LGBT significa Béisbol. Solo digo..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1503 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_ab01a9c0: # Min "Yeah??! WELL I THINK THE B IS FOR BITCH!!!" with sshake Min "¡¿¿Ah sí??! ¡¡¡BUENO YO CREO QUE LA B SIGNIFICA BOLUDA!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1504 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_38e92cf9: # "Having lost her patience, Min beans Akarsha on purpose." "Habiendo perdido la paciencia, Min golpea a Akarsha a propósito." # game/2_diya.rpy:1511 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_917053dc: # Akarsha "Owie!!!" with sshake Akarsha "¡¡¡Auchi!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1513 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2be40045: # Liz "........." Liz "........." # game/2_diya.rpy:1515 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_a07535f2: # Chryssa "If you keep this up, the B in LGBT is gonna stand for Broken Bones..." Chryssa "Si sigues así, la B en LGBT va a significar Baticor..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1524 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_1babdd01: # "After practice, Diya slings a big equipment bag over each of her shoulders and hauls them to the locker room." "Después de practica, Diya se lleva una gran bolsa de equipamiento al hombro y la lleva a los vestuarios." # game/2_diya.rpy:1526 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_355acbd0: # DiyaT "I'm being so helpful." DiyaT "Estoy siendo muy útil." # game/2_diya.rpy:1527 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_4261b028: # DiyaT "I hope someone notices how many bags I'm carrying." DiyaT "Espero que alguien note cuantas bolsas estoy llevando." # game/2_diya.rpy:1530 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_faf7a587: # Chryssa "Wow, Diya, you're carrying two bags at once!" Chryssa "Wow, Diya, ¡estás llevando dos bolsas a la vez!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1532 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_f38463dc: # Liz "Thank you for helping!" Liz "¡Gracias por tu ayuda!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1534 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_d11361e6: # Diya "........." Diya "........." # game/2_diya.rpy:1537 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_80d8d5cf: # "Diya happily heads up the hill with a spring in her step." "Diya sube alegremente por la colina." # game/2_diya.rpy:1539 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_dce242f5: # Chryssa "Say, Diya, do you watch The Bachelor?" Chryssa "Dime, Diya, ¿ves The Bachelor?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1540 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b8901342: # "Bewildered, Diya shakes her head." "Perpleja, Diya niega con la cabeza." # game/2_diya.rpy:1542 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_ae139415: # DiyaT "What is that? A show?" DiyaT "¿Qué es eso? ¿Un show?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1543 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2122e203: # DiyaT "I don't watch much TV except sports, Animal Planet, and the Discovery Channel." DiyaT "No veo mucha tele excepto deportes, Animal Planet, y el Discovery Channel." # game/2_diya.rpy:1544 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_6196b5ee: # DiyaT "So when people talk about movies and shows, I usually don't know any of them." DiyaT "Así que cuando la gente habla de películas y shows, usualmente no conozco ninguno." # game/2_diya.rpy:1547 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_cdc09c36: # Liz "You should try it, we need more people to talk about it with!" Liz "Deberías verla, ¡necesitamos más gente con la que hablar de ella!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1549 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8634402b: # Chryssa "My mom and I started watching it this season and we're obsessed." Chryssa "Mi mamá y yo la comenzamos a ver esta temporada y estamos obsesionadas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1552 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_e8264793: # Diya "What's it about?" Diya "¿De qué trata?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1554 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8fb8178f: # Chryssa "Basically, thirty women try to date the same guy at the same time." Chryssa "Básicamente, treinta mujeres intentan salir con el mismo tipo a la vez." # game/2_diya.rpy:1555 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8e4bf7d9: # Chryssa "Each week, the guy eliminates some of them until finally, he proposes to the last one standing." Chryssa "Cada semana, el chico elimina a algunas hasta que finalmente, se declara a la última que quede en pie." # game/2_diya.rpy:1557 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_5ec90c72: # DiyaT "My mom would definitely never watch that with me. She'd be so scandalized." DiyaT "Mi madre definitivamente nunca vería eso conmigo. Ella estaría tan escandalizada." # game/2_diya.rpy:1559 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_70eb6dee: # Diya "Your mom likes watching shows like this?" Diya "¿A tu mamá le gustan ver shows de ese tipo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1562 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_09409dc2: # Chryssa "Yeah, she's the one who got into it first." Chryssa "Sí, ella es la que se metió primero en esto." # game/2_diya.rpy:1563 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_26cb60bd: # Chryssa "She spread it to us like a virus and now we're infected too." Chryssa "Y luego nos lo contagió como un virus y ahora estamos infectados también." # game/2_diya.rpy:1565 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_14c0bd57: # Liz "The way you put that makes it sound like a zombie apocalypse..." Liz "La forma en la que lo dices lo hace sonar como un apocalipsis zombie..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1567 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_68fbed01: # Diya "Wish I had something like that with my parents." Diya "Ojalá tuviera algo así con mis papás." # game/2_diya.rpy:1568 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_ab880946: # Diya "I feel like I have nothing in common with them." Diya "Siento que no tengo nada en común con ellos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1571 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_10a270ae: # Liz "They don't try to get you into the things they like?" Liz "¿No intentan meterte en lo que les gusta?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1573 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_ee8acb85: # Diya "Not really." Diya "No realmente." # game/2_diya.rpy:1576 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2372a043: # Liz "For instance, I initially got into baseball 'cause my dad is...well..." Liz "Por ejemplo, al principio me aficioné del béisbol porque mi papá es...bueno..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1578 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_cfc0cf1d: # Liz "Alright, there's no nice way to put this. My dad's really weird." Liz "Bueno, no hay manera amable de poner esto. Mi papá es muy raro." # game/2_diya.rpy:1580 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_33b52e97: # DiyaT "There definitely could've been a nicer way to put that." with sshake DiyaT "Definitivamente pudo haber una forma más amable de decir eso." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1583 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_94aaa5a6: # Liz "Whenever he drives, he makes us listen to radio broadcasts of Mariners games." Liz "Siempre que conduce, nos hace escuchar las emisiones de radio de los partidos de los Mariners." # game/2_diya.rpy:1585 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b1cfa060: # Chryssa "The Mariners? You're not even from Seattle." Chryssa "¿Los Mariners? Ni siquiera eres de Seattle." # game/2_diya.rpy:1587 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_07b3cfe9: # Diya "Ichiro is an incredible player, though." Diya "Ichiro es un jugador increíble, eso sí." # game/2_diya.rpy:1590 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_d6dda255: # Chryssa "But he's a weirdo...The guy only decided to stay in Seattle because his dog told him to." Chryssa "Pero un rarito...Él decidió quedarse en Seattle solo porque su perro le dijo que lo hiciera." # game/2_diya.rpy:1592 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_eb952597: # Diya "So? I would stay in Seattle if my dog told me to, too." Diya "¿Y qué? Yo me quedaría en Seattle si mi perro me lo pidiera, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:1595 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8ee946df: # Liz "He does grow on you. They're all such strange lil' guys." Liz "Él si que crece en ti. Son todos unos chicos tan extraños." # game/2_diya.rpy:1602 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_c0dd266c: # Chryssa "I think that's just your Stockholm Syndrome speaking." Chryssa "Creo que ese es tu Síndrome de Estocolmo hablando." # game/2_diya.rpy:1604 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_88511d46: # Liz "Who knows, maybe it is." Liz "Quién sabe, quizás lo es." # game/2_diya.rpy:1607 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2d409519: # Liz "As for my mom, her thing is Madonna CDs. I could sing every word of True Blue since kindergarten." Liz "En cuanto a mi mamá, lo suyo son los CDs de Madonna. Podía cantar cada palabra de True Blue desde preescolar." # game/2_diya.rpy:1609 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_afdc401d: # Chryssa "Isn't the first song about a teenage girl not wanting to get an abortion?!" with sshake Chryssa "¡¿No es la primera canción sobre una chica adolescente que no quiere hacerse un aborto?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1611 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2d22ca6b: # Liz "I didn't say I {i}understood{/i} every word." Liz "No dije que yo {i}entendía{/i} cada palabra." # game/2_diya.rpy:1613 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_fe6d4469: # Chryssa "Maybe listening to all that Madonna did something to you as a little kid." Chryssa "Quizás escuchar a tanta Madonna te hizo algo de pequeña." # game/2_diya.rpy:1615 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_7a379e5e: # Liz "Excuse me? What was that?" Liz "¿Perdón? ¿Qué fue eso?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1617 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_6993ff52: # Chryssa "I take it back! I take it back!" with sshake Chryssa "¡Lo retiro! ¡Lo retiro!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1622 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_d8ccb53e: # DiyaT "I have no clue what kind of music my mom likes. All I know are which songs she hates on the radio." DiyaT "No tengo ni idea de que tipo de música le gusta a mi mamá. Lo único que se son las canciones que odia en la radio." # game/2_diya.rpy:1623 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_4670263c: # DiyaT "And she doesn't know what kind of music I like, either. Or my favorite movie, or favorite color, anything like that." DiyaT "Y ella tampoco sabe que tipo de música me gusta a mí. O mi película favorita, o color favorito, nada de eso." # game/2_diya.rpy:1624 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_2a04f44e: # DiyaT "I've known her my whole life and we still don't even know basic facts about each other." DiyaT "La conozco de toda la vida y aún no sabemos ni lo más basico la una de la otra." # game/2_diya.rpy:1626 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_288b9b62: # DiyaT "That's so sad. I wanna have a good relationship with my parents, too..." DiyaT "Que triste. Yo también quiero tener una buena relación con mis padres..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1630 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8ec61c43: # "Diya listens to her teammates chat as she changes out of her baseball uniform." "Diya escucha la charla entre sus compañeras mientras se quita el uniforme de béisbol." # game/2_diya.rpy:1632 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_cc5cb972: # Grace "Kyaaa! Don't look at my hairy legs!" with sshake Grace "¡Kyaaa! ¡No me mires las piernas peludas!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1633 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_56a8eb20: # Grace "I haven't shaved for like, two days." Grace "No me he depilado en como, dos días." # game/2_diya.rpy:1635 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_9abb0b84: # Ester "You shave that often? I just do it when it starts looking gnarly." Ester "¿Te depilas tan a menudo? Yo solo lo hago cuando se comienza a ver feo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1637 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_e8ebda14: # Grace "Your hair's not all coarse and gross like mine." Grace "Tu pelo no es tan grueso y asqueroso como el mio." # game/2_diya.rpy:1638 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_17576898: # Grace "I have to do it every other day or I start looking like a gorilla." Grace "Tengo que hacerlo dos días o empiezo a verme como un gorila." # game/2_diya.rpy:1640 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_b4b334ae: # DiyaT "Girls are supposed to shave...??!" DiyaT "¡¿¿Se supone que las chicas deben depilarse...??!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1641 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_0d60492f: # Diya "????????????????????" with sshake Diya "¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿????????????????????" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1643 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_dd0c9cb9: # DiyaT "I've always wondered why no one's leg hair is really obvious except for mine." DiyaT "Siempre me he preguntado por qué el pelo de las piernas de nadie es tan obvio como el mio." # game/2_diya.rpy:1644 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_13b1017a: # DiyaT "That must be the secret..." DiyaT "Ese debe ser el secreto..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1645 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_1654c1d7: # DiyaT "Good thing I'm wearing long pants that cover up my legs." DiyaT "Menos mal llevo pantalones que me cubren las piernas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1648 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_1e71fbf8: # "Suddenly self-conscious, Diya inspects her arm hair..." "Súbitamente cohibida, Diya inspecciona el pelo de su brazo..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1650 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_8e2bd4b8: # DiyaT "Even my arm hair is pretty obvious. My hair's just all really thick and dark..." DiyaT "Incluso el pelo de mis brazos es bastante obvio. Mi pelo es muy grueso y oscuro." # game/2_diya.rpy:1651 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_7791b6a8: # DiyaT "There's even hair on my fingers...Is that normal?!" DiyaT "Tengo hasta pelo en los dedos...¡¿Es eso normal?!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1652 translate spanish lockerRoomCrisis_237a1797: # DiyaT "Maybe everyone's secretly judging me when they see it..." DiyaT "Quizás todos están juzgándome en secreto cuando lo ven..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1661 translate spanish razorDenial_4ca85b0c: # "After the club meeting, Diya gets into her mom's car with renewed determination." "Después de la reunión del club, Diya se sube al auto de su madre con renovada determinación." # game/2_diya.rpy:1663 translate spanish razorDenial_c0d265fa: # Amma "How was your day at school?" Amma "¿Cómo estuvo tu día en la escuela?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1666 translate spanish razorDenial_fd841d5d: # Diya "Okay." Diya "Bien." # game/2_diya.rpy:1669 translate spanish razorDenial_1b22f6e5: # Amma "Did the presentation go well?" Amma "¿Te fue bien en la presentación?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1672 translate spanish razorDenial_bb645261: # Diya "Think so. Just glad it's over." Diya "Creo. Solo me alegro de que haya terminado." # game/2_diya.rpy:1673 translate spanish razorDenial_eb82292f: # Diya "When I grow up I'm going to find a job where I never have to talk to people." Diya "Cuando sea mayor voy a buscar un trabajo en el que nunca le tenga que hablar a las personas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1675 translate spanish razorDenial_2c2e707e: # "Diya's mom smiles knowingly and shakes her head." "La madre de Diya sonríe con complicidad y sacude la cabeza." # game/2_diya.rpy:1677 translate spanish razorDenial_ab92acf8: # Amma "I'm the same way. I'm embarrassed of my accent, and it makes phone calls so scary." Amma "Me pasa lo mismo. Me da vergüenza mi acento, y hace que las llamadas por teléfono me den mucho miedo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1678 translate spanish razorDenial_40dda33b: # Amma "Talking to workers in stores makes me so nervous, too." Amma "Hablar con los trabajadores de las tiendas me pone nerviosa, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:1681 translate spanish razorDenial_d2f454fd: # Diya "Me, too. I wish we could write questions on a piece of paper and they have to write their answer back, too." Diya "Yo, también. Desearía que tan solo pudiéramos escribir las preguntas en un papel y que ellos escriban las respuestas devuelta, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:1684 translate spanish razorDenial_9d184c3a: # Amma "Yes! It'd be the best if you could slip the paper through an opening in the wall, so they don't even know what you look like." Amma "¡Sí! Sería mejor si pudieras pasar el papel por una apertura en la pared, para que ni siquiera sepan cuál es tu apariencia." # game/2_diya.rpy:1687 translate spanish razorDenial_58a4d576: # DiyaT "Wow...I'm enjoying talking to my mom!" DiyaT "Vaya...¡Estoy disfrutando el hablar con mi mamá!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1690 translate spanish razorDenial_3f8b18b1: # DiyaT "I guess it's only natural that we have some things in common. I forget that sometimes." DiyaT "Supongo que solo es natural que tengamos algunas cosas en común. Eso se me olvida a veces." # game/2_diya.rpy:1691 translate spanish razorDenial_d6b4ec76: # DiyaT "She used to do long-distance running in India, and she always encouraged me to play sports because it was good for my health." DiyaT "Ella solía hacer carreras de larga distancia en India, y siempre me animaba a hacer deporte porque era bueno para mi salud." # game/2_diya.rpy:1693 translate spanish razorDenial_125c3066: # DiyaT "Maybe I can ask her about something else that's been bothering me." DiyaT "Quizás le pueda preguntar sobre otra cosa que me ha estado molestando." # game/2_diya.rpy:1695 translate spanish razorDenial_20611021: # "Emboldened by her success, Diya speaks up as they sit at a red light." "Envalentonada por su éxito, Diya toma la palabra en un semáforo en rojo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1697 translate spanish razorDenial_ea2de6ce: # Diya "Can you get razors next time you go shopping?" Diya "¿Puedes conseguir cuchillas de afeitar la próxima vez que vayas de compras?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1700 translate spanish razorDenial_aa66fff6: # Amma "Razors?! What for?" with sshake Amma "¡¿Cuchillas de afeitar?! ¿Para qué?" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1703 translate spanish razorDenial_3124ce29: # Diya "To shave. My leg hair is really long." Diya "Para depilarme. El pelo de mis piernas está muy largo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1705 translate spanish razorDenial_dade00ab: # "Diya's heart sinks as her mom wrinkles her nose with distaste." "A Diya se le encoge el corazón cuando su madre arruga la nariz con desagrado." # game/2_diya.rpy:1707 translate spanish razorDenial_935a4dcd: # Amma "Don't do it. Shaving will make the hair grow back thicker and darker." Amma "No lo hagas. Depilarte solo hará que el pelo crezca más grueso y oscuro." # game/2_diya.rpy:1710 translate spanish razorDenial_ba0650e5: # Diya "That doesn't sound true. Pretty sure that's a myth." Diya "Eso no suena verdadero. Estoy bastante segura que es un mito." # game/2_diya.rpy:1713 translate spanish razorDenial_ddce5355: # Amma "No, it's true. Shaving is a terrible idea." Amma "No, es verdad. Depilarse es una idea terrible." # game/2_diya.rpy:1716 translate spanish razorDenial_81d3a090: # Diya "But all the other girls at school are doing it." Diya "Pero todas las demás chicas en la escuela lo hacen." # game/2_diya.rpy:1719 translate spanish razorDenial_23ce2598: # Amma "That's because it's Christian culture. Our family doesn't follow those rules." Amma "Eso es porque es cultura Cristiana. Nuestra familia no sigue esas reglas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1722 translate spanish razorDenial_3ee406d1: # Amma "Why do you want to shave so bad, anyway?" Amma "¿Por qué te quieres depilar tanto, de todas formas?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1723 translate spanish razorDenial_5ef72085: # Amma "Are you trying to show yourself off to boys?" Amma "¿Acaso quieres lucirte ante los chicos?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1726 translate spanish razorDenial_66ab7694: # Diya "??? No..." Diya "¿¿¿??? No..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1729 translate spanish razorDenial_cafbf4fb: # Amma "You're too young. Who is it for?" Amma "Eres demasiado joven. ¿Para quién es?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1731 translate spanish razorDenial_43edf060: # Amma "Do you have a boyfriend?!" with sshake Amma "¡¿Acaso tienes novio?!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1734 translate spanish razorDenial_a2dbca39: # Diya "No." Diya "No." # game/2_diya.rpy:1737 translate spanish razorDenial_ac30e7a8: # Amma "Are you sure?? Look at me." Amma "¿¿Estás segura?? Mírame a la cara." # game/2_diya.rpy:1740 translate spanish razorDenial_9d2f8c56: # DiyaT "Good thing I can actually answer this honestly." DiyaT "Que bueno que puedo contestar esto honestamente." # game/2_diya.rpy:1742 translate spanish razorDenial_b6667e4f: # Diya "I'm not lying. I don't have a boyfriend." Diya "No estoy mintiendo. No tengo novio." # game/2_diya.rpy:1744 translate spanish razorDenial_0401ce28: # "Her mom scrutinizes Diya's face for a moment before turning away, seemingly satisfied." "Su madre escruta el rostro de Diya por un momento antes de darse la vuelta, pareciendo satisfecha." # game/2_diya.rpy:1746 translate spanish razorDenial_d0c4a349: # Amma "Good, because you need to focus on school. The right time to date is in college." Amma "Bien, por que te tienes que concentrar en la escuela. El momento adecuado para encontrar pareja es la universidad." # game/2_diya.rpy:1747 translate spanish razorDenial_a05c034a: # Amma "That's when you'll be able to find a nice boy who meets all the requirements." Amma "Ahí es cuando podrás encontrar a un buen chico que cumpla todos los requisitos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1750 translate spanish razorDenial_855ec182: # Diya "...Requirements? What requirements." Diya "...¿Requisitos? Qué requisitos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1753 translate spanish razorDenial_aec1bdb7: # Amma "You know, just the regular ones." Amma "Tu sabes, solo los regulares." # game/2_diya.rpy:1754 translate spanish razorDenial_32c5bd5a: # Amma "Someone who's Hindu like us, doesn't smoke, and has high income." Amma "Alguien que es Hindú como nosotros, no fuma, y tenga ingresos altos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1757 translate spanish razorDenial_dffe6691: # DiyaT "...Yeah, I definitely can't tell her about Min." DiyaT "...Sí, definitivamente no le puedo contar acerca de Min." # game/2_diya.rpy:1758 translate spanish razorDenial_a713cefd: # Diya "What if I wanted to date someone different? Like a non-Indian person?" Diya "¿Y si quisiera salir con alguien diferente? ¿Como una persona no India?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1761 translate spanish razorDenial_440c347e: # Amma "No, a white person wouldn't understand our culture." Amma "No, alguien blanco no entendería nuestra cultura." # game/2_diya.rpy:1762 translate spanish razorDenial_c87954ad: # Amma "Plus, whites do drugs and don't know how to save money." Amma "Además, los blancos toman drogas y no saben ahorrar dinero." # game/2_diya.rpy:1765 translate spanish razorDenial_2b1e46c5: # Amma "Just remember no BMWs. No Blacks, Muslims, or Whites." Amma "Solo recuerda nada de BMWes. Ni negros, Musulmanes, o Blancos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1768 translate spanish razorDenial_e0ba593e: # DiyaT "That's so racist...I don't even wanna know what she thinks of Korean people." DiyaT "Qué racista...Ni siquiera quiero saber que piensa de la gente coreana." # game/2_diya.rpy:1769 translate spanish razorDenial_da49636f: # Diya "What you want is unrealistic." Diya "Lo que quieres es poco realista." # game/2_diya.rpy:1770 translate spanish razorDenial_5bd7c65e: # Diya "How can you immigrate to a country where we're less than 1%% of the population and then expect me to marry the way you did in India?" Diya "¿Cómo puedes inmigrar a un país donde somos menos del 1%% de la población y esperar a que me case de la manera en la que lo hiciste en India?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1773 translate spanish razorDenial_ab1a2ca6: # Amma "It's not unrealistic, my friend Himaja's daughter did it." Amma "No es poco realista, la hija de mi amiga Himaja lo hizo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1775 translate spanish razorDenial_0d190fd9: # Amma "You're not any less pretty or smart than she is! You can find a way too." Amma "¡No eres ni menos guapa ni menos lista que ella! Tú también puedes encontrar la manera." # game/2_diya.rpy:1778 translate spanish razorDenial_621fdd1f: # Diya "It's not that easy. I can't control who I fall in love with." Diya "No es tan fácil. No puedo controlar de quien me enamoro." # game/2_diya.rpy:1779 translate spanish razorDenial_d2c4bab7: # Diya "If I fall in love with someone who doesn't match your criteria, I'm not going to turn them away just for you." Diya "Si me enamoro de alguien que no se ajusta a tu criterio, no lo voy a rechazar solo por ti." # game/2_diya.rpy:1782 translate spanish razorDenial_7413e04a: # Amma "No, that's not right. If you marry a waste fellow, what will other people think?" Amma "No, eso no es correcto. Si te casas con un desecho, ¿qué pensarán los demás?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1785 translate spanish razorDenial_fcb26bc7: # Diya "Wh...Why does it matter what \"other people\" think?" Diya "Po...¿Por qué importa lo que \"los demás\" piensen?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1786 translate spanish razorDenial_cd5bfb84: # Diya "My opinion should be the most important one." Diya "Mi opinión debería ser la más importante." # game/2_diya.rpy:1789 translate spanish razorDenial_49056b20: # Amma "No, this is bigger than just you. You have to consider how it affects everyone, like your parents." Amma "No, esto va más allá de ti. Tienes que considerar cómo esto afecta a todos, como a tus padres." # game/2_diya.rpy:1790 translate spanish razorDenial_c2a6869a: # Amma "If you marry a white man, everyone will think you're a self-hating Indian, and your parents didn't raise you with correct values." Amma "Si te casas con un hombre blanco, todos van a pensar que eres una india que se odia a si misma, y que tus padres no te educaron con los valores correctos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1791 translate spanish razorDenial_7756c6fd: # Amma "It already looks bad enough that we let you quit Carnatic music because you wanted to play baseball." Amma "Ya parece bastante malo que te dejamos abandonar la música Carnática porque querías jugar béisbol." # game/2_diya.rpy:1794 translate spanish razorDenial_40a037a5: # Diya "So you're asking me to give up my whole life in exchange for ten seconds of approval from some aunties??" Diya "¿¿Así que me estás pidiendo que renuncie a mi vida entera a cambio de diez segundos de aprobación de algunas tías??" # game/2_diya.rpy:1797 translate spanish razorDenial_e8a08e0f: # Amma "I had to marry within my parents' requirements too." Amma "Yo me tuve que casar dentro de los requisitos de mis padres, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:1800 translate spanish razorDenial_3eb4e69d: # Diya "Just because you put up with mistreatment from them doesn't mean I should put up with the same thing from you." Diya "Solo que tú te hayas aguantado el maltrato de ellos no significa que yo debería aguantar lo mismo de ti." # game/2_diya.rpy:1803 translate spanish razorDenial_c69eb7ee: # Amma "{i}Mistreatment?{/i} I turned out perfectly fine, how can it be mistreatment?" Amma "{i}¿Maltrato?{/i} Salí perfectamente bien, ¿cómo puede ser maltrato?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1806 translate spanish razorDenial_bf17619a: # DiyaT "I don't think you turned out fine at all..." DiyaT "No creo que hayas salido bien del todo..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1809 translate spanish razorDenial_e27e14c2: # Amma "Your way of thinking about this, that's the way of thinking from Christian countries." Amma "Tu forma de pensar sobre esto, es la forma de pensar de los países Cristianos." # game/2_diya.rpy:1810 translate spanish razorDenial_ffe842cf: # Amma "Indians aren't like that. They're not so selfish." Amma "Los Indios no son así. No son tan egoístas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1813 translate spanish razorDenial_fa1e713b: # Diya "Well, this isn't India. I'm American." Diya "Bueno, esto no es India. Soy Estadounidense." # game/2_diya.rpy:1816 translate spanish razorDenial_858a07d9: # Amma "What, you think you're white?" Amma "Y qué, ¿crees que eres blanca?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1817 translate spanish razorDenial_13a9699d: # Amma "It doesn't matter where you are, you're still Indian. You have to honor your culture." Amma "No importa donde estés, aún eres India. Tienes que honrar a tu cultura." # game/2_diya.rpy:1821 translate spanish razorDenial_38015576: # Diya "Why do I have to follow the rules of a country I've never lived in before?" Diya "¿Por qué tengo que seguir las reglas de un país en el que nunca he vivido antes?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1824 translate spanish razorDenial_e09c2052: # Amma "As long as you're under our roof, you will. This is an Indian household." Amma "Mientras estés bajo nuestro techo, lo harás. Este es un hogar indio." # game/2_diya.rpy:1827 translate spanish razorDenial_1612cdcc: # Diya "..............." Diya "..............." # game/2_diya.rpy:1828 translate spanish razorDenial_d167e98f: # DiyaT "Could it be that my mom thinks people don't change...because SHE doesn't change?" DiyaT "¿Será que mi mamá piensa que la gente no cambia...porque ELLA no cambia?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1829 translate spanish razorDenial_1a2c15ae: # DiyaT "It's like her opinions are frozen in time, from twenty years ago when she left India." DiyaT "Es como si sus opiniones estuvieran congeladas en el tiempo, desde hace viente años cuando dejó la India." # game/2_diya.rpy:1830 translate spanish razorDenial_25fdea9f: # DiyaT "And they never shifted to match the world around her. They're just stuck." DiyaT "Y nunca cambiaron para adaptarse al mundo que la rodea. Simplemente están atascadas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1832 translate spanish razorDenial_e1979c96: # "They spend the rest of the drive home in stony silence." "Las dos pasan el resto del trayecto a casa en un silencio sepulcral." # game/2_diya.rpy:1845 translate spanish morning2_195f9520: # Diya ".......!!!!!" with sshake Diya "¡¡¡¡¡.......!!!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1848 translate spanish morning2_8ff00029: # "Diya hits her alarms and flops back in bed." "Diya apaga sus alarmas y se tira devuelta a la cama." # game/2_diya.rpy:1851 translate spanish morning2_5b07bfc9: # "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. " "Su rutina de las mañanas incluye tumbarse en la cama por 10 minutos pensando en lo cansada que está. " # game/2_diya.rpy:1856 translate spanish morning2_f28d8787: # DiyaT "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." DiyaT "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1858 translate spanish morning2_bcf60a61: # "Suddenly, her bedroom door squeaks open." "De repente, la puerta de su habitación se abre con un chirrido." # game/2_diya.rpy:1861 translate spanish morning2_5efb28ac: # Amma "I need to head out early today." Amma "Tengo que salir temprano hoy." # game/2_diya.rpy:1862 translate spanish morning2_cb9f6102: # Amma "Here, I'll put your lunch into your backpack." Amma "Toma, te pondré el almuerzo en tu mochila." # game/2_diya.rpy:1864 translate spanish morning2_419561ce: # "Diya's blood runs cold as her mom unzips her backpack." "A Diya se le hiela la sangre al ver a su madre abrir su mochila." # game/2_diya.rpy:1867 translate spanish morning2_1d74dd58: # Diya "!!!" with sshake Diya "¡¡¡!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1868 translate spanish morning2_eb3ddbae: # DiyaT "She'll see the Valentine's Day card!" DiyaT "¡Va a ver la carta de San Valentín!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1871 translate spanish morning2_ded431da: # "Diya bolts upright and snatches the backpack from her mom's grasp." with sshake "Diya se levanta de golpe y arrebata la mochila de las manos de su madre." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1873 translate spanish morning2_bbaaf8c3: # Diya "I'll put it in myself." Diya "La pondré yo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1876 translate spanish morning2_726b88f7: # Amma "Why are you being so secretive?" Amma "¿Por qué estás siendo tan reservada?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1877 translate spanish morning2_4986f4f2: # Amma "I can't even look in my own child's backpack anymore?" Amma "¿Acaso ya ni siquiera puedo ver en la mochila de mi propia hija?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1879 translate spanish morning2_744ddc6e: # Diya "I'm not a baby. I should get to have privacy, too." Diya "No soy una bebé. Yo también debería tener privacidad." # game/2_diya.rpy:1881 translate spanish morning2_39c2d9ab: # "Diya's mom sighs as Diya puts her bagged lunch into her backpack." "La madre de Diya suspira mientras Diya mete su almuerzo en su mochila." # game/2_diya.rpy:1883 translate spanish morning2_817881f9: # Amma "You know, it's really hurtful that you hide everything from me." Amma "Sabes, es realmente hiriente que tengas que ocultar todo de mí." # game/2_diya.rpy:1884 translate spanish morning2_9e8c7367: # Amma "You're so quiet. I wish you would talk to me like my friends’ kids talk to them." Amma "Eres tan callada. Ojalá me hablaras como los hijos de mis amigas les hablan a ellas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1885 translate spanish morning2_5cc27bd8: # Amma "My friend’s son even tells them about the girls he likes. He tells them everything!" Amma "El hijo de mi amiga le dice hasta de las chicas que le gustan. ¡Le cuenta todo!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1886 translate spanish morning2_4cf0336e: # Amma "It makes me sad. I wish we had that kind of relationship." Amma "Me pone triste. Desearía que pudiéramos tener ese tipo de relación." # game/2_diya.rpy:1888 translate spanish morning2_ccdcd50b: # Diya "You think I wanted it to be like this?" Diya "¿Crees que yo quiero que sea así?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1889 translate spanish morning2_b6e3e0d1: # Diya "I didn't just decide not to talk to you all on my own." Diya "No decidí totalmente por mi cuenta no hablar contigo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1892 translate spanish morning2_c1008079: # Amma "What're you going on about?" Amma "¿A qué viene eso?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1894 translate spanish morning2_6efe99b5: # DiyaT "How are you not able to put two and two together??" with sshake DiyaT "¿¿Cómo no puedes ser capaz de sumar dos y dos??" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1895 translate spanish morning2_48c03458: # Diya "I want to be able to talk to you, too." Diya "Quiero ser capaz de hablar contigo, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:1896 translate spanish morning2_63d5fdd8: # Diya "But I don’t feel like I can. Every time I open up to you, I regret it." Diya "Pero no siento como que pueda. Cada vez que me abro a ti, me arrepiento." # game/2_diya.rpy:1897 translate spanish morning2_c07ac0d7: # Diya "You always have some bad reaction to something I say." Diya "Siempre tienes una mala reacción a lo que digo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1900 translate spanish morning2_243fab25: # Amma "Huh? Like what?" Amma "¿Ah? ¿Cómo qué?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1902 translate spanish morning2_4ff9821d: # Diya "Like...like the time I told you about my friend, and you said I wasn't allowed to talk to her anymore." Diya "Como...como la vez en la que te conté sobre mi amiga, y me dijiste que no podía hablar más con ella." # game/2_diya.rpy:1905 translate spanish morning2_a240112e: # Amma "What are you talking about? That never happened." Amma "¿De qué estás hablando? Eso nunca pasó." # game/2_diya.rpy:1907 translate spanish morning2_22b7d099: # Diya "Yes, it did. After school, when I was in third grade." Diya "Si, si pasó. Después de la escuela, cuando estaba en tercer grado." # game/2_diya.rpy:1910 translate spanish morning2_1ce7c407: # Amma "Third grade?! You really go through life collecting pointless grudges from years ago?" with sshake Amma "¡¿Tercer grado?! ¿De verdad vas por la vida acumulando rencores sin sentido de hace años?" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1911 translate spanish morning2_11bdff59: # Amma "How can you use something I don't even remember to argue against me?" Amma "¿Cómo puedes usar algo que ni siquiera recuerdo para argumentar en mi contra?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1913 translate spanish morning2_9b8a76b1: # DiyaT "How can two people perceive the same conversation so differently?" DiyaT "¿Cómo pueden dos personas percibir la misma conversación de forma tan diferente?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1915 translate spanish morning2_6cacd7ee: # DiyaT "To me, it was one of the worst memories of my life, one that still affects how I act around her every day." DiyaT "Para mí, fue uno de los peores recuerdos de mi vida, uno que todavía afecta como actúo con ella cada día." # game/2_diya.rpy:1916 translate spanish morning2_bc323872: # DiyaT "But to her, it was an uneventful car ride." DiyaT "Pero para ella, fue un viaje en auto sin problemas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1917 translate spanish morning2_6c9c3336: # DiyaT "I need to give a different example." DiyaT "Tengo que poner otro ejemplo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1919 translate spanish morning2_b997e9c5: # Diya "You didn't only make mistakes in the past, you never changed." Diya "No solo cometiste errores en el pasado, tú nunca cambiaste." # game/2_diya.rpy:1920 translate spanish morning2_f11207e7: # Diya "Like yesterday, I asked you to buy razors for me and you lectured me about dating." Diya "Como ayer, te pedí que compraras cuchillas de afeitar para mí y me sermoneaste sobre tener pareja." # game/2_diya.rpy:1923 translate spanish morning2_20cd0151: # Amma "I'm your mom, I'm supposed to say no when you want something that's bad for you." Amma "Soy tu madre, se supone que tengo que decir que no cuando quieres algo que es malo para ti." # game/2_diya.rpy:1924 translate spanish morning2_fae0e674: # Amma "If your own parents won't tell you when you're doing something wrong, who will?" Amma "Si tus propios padres no te dicen cuándo estás haciendo algo mal, ¿quién lo hará?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1926 translate spanish morning2_8527eed5: # Diya "Of course you're supposed to stop me from doing really bad things." Diya "Por supuesto que debes impedir que haga cosas realmente malas." # game/2_diya.rpy:1927 translate spanish morning2_25896080: # Diya "But I feel like you think your only job as a parent is to lecture me every chance you see." Diya "Pero siento que tu único trabajo como madre es sermonearme cada ves que puedes." # game/2_diya.rpy:1928 translate spanish morning2_8746128a: # Diya "Sometimes I just want to have a normal, not-negative conversation." Diya "A veces solo quiero tener una conversación normal, no negativa." # game/2_diya.rpy:1932 translate spanish morning2_6db5145a: # Amma "What do you want me to do, just keep my opinion to myself and agree with everything you say?" Amma "Qué quieres que haga, ¿que me guarde mi opinión y solo esté de acuerdo con todo lo que dices?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1933 translate spanish morning2_2810a305: # Amma "If I were your friend, sure, I could do that." Amma "Si fuera tu amiga, claro, podría hacer eso." # game/2_diya.rpy:1934 translate spanish morning2_ad96a3a5: # Amma "But that's not my role. I'm your mother, I'm supposed to help you." Amma "Pero ese no es mi papel. Soy tu madre, se supone que debo ayudarte." # game/2_diya.rpy:1935 translate spanish morning2_49a50f8f: # "Tears well up in Diya's eyes from frustration." "Los ojos de Diya se llenan de lágrimas de frustración." # game/2_diya.rpy:1937 translate spanish morning2_0dd3655c: # DiyaT "Oh, great. Not now!" DiyaT "Oh, genial. ¡Ahora no!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1938 translate spanish morning2_7cbc61ec: # DiyaT "I hate how I can't argue with anyone without crying." DiyaT "Odio como no puedo discutir con nadie sin llorar." # game/2_diya.rpy:1939 translate spanish morning2_cc7df293: # Diya "You think you're helping me, but all you do is give me anxiety." Diya "Crees que me estás ayudando, pero lo único que haces es darme ansiedad." # game/2_diya.rpy:1941 translate spanish morning2_e8808ecf: # Diya "I feel like every time I speak to you honestly, I'm punished for it." Diya "Siento que cada vez que te hablo con honestidad, me castigas por ello." # game/2_diya.rpy:1943 translate spanish morning2_f9055843: # Amma "So me speaking my mind is \"punishing\" you?" Amma "¿Así que yo diciendo lo que pienso es \"castigarte\"?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1944 translate spanish morning2_29bf7500: # Amma "How can you not allow me to say what I think? How do you think that makes {i}me{/i} feel?" Amma "¿Cómo no me puedes permitir decir lo que pienso? ¿Cómo crees que eso me hace sentir a {i}mí{/i}?" # game/2_diya.rpy:1946 translate spanish morning2_a3767029: # "Both of them freeze as the doorbell rings." "Ambas quedan paralizadas cuando suena el timbre." # game/2_diya.rpy:1948 translate spanish morning2_e2a967e6: # DiyaT "It's Akarsha!" DiyaT "¡Es Akarsha!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1949 translate spanish morning2_c59dfe4f: # DiyaT "I can't let her see me like this!" DiyaT "¡No puedo dejar que ella me vea así!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1955 translate spanish morning2_c7acf589: # Akarsha "Yo..." Akarsha "Ey..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1958 translate spanish morning2_ccf0c64d: # "Diya flings open the door and darts past Akarsha." "Diya abre la puerta de un tirón y sale corriendo pasando a Akarsha." # game/2_diya.rpy:1960 translate spanish morning2_18cba65b: # Akarsha "Whoa!" with sshake Akarsha "¡Hey!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1961 translate spanish morning2_17601718: # Akarsha "Homie, wait up!" Akarsha "¡Homie, espera!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1968 translate spanish morning2_bd34c969: # "Diya ignores her and sprints down the sidewalk." "Diya la ignora y se echa a correr por la vereda." # game/2_diya.rpy:1969 translate spanish morning2_92e48d77: # "The frenetic slap of flip-flops on concrete behind her gets louder and louder until suddenly, a hand grabs her forearm!" with sshake "El frenético golpe de sandalias en concreto detrás de ella se vuelve más y más fuerte hasta que de repente, ¡una mano la agarra del antebrazo!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1972 translate spanish morning2_97c1055c: # Akarsha "*Wheeze* Gotcha!" with sshake Akarsha "*Jadeo* ¡Te pille!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1975 translate spanish morning2_40731160: # Diya "!!!!" Diya "¡¡¡¡!!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:1977 translate spanish morning2_618ca7c2: # "Diya reluctantly slows to a stop and lets Akarsha catch her breath." "Diya se detiene de mala gana y deja que Akarsha recupere el aliento." # game/2_diya.rpy:1979 translate spanish morning2_f8a6ffa1: # Akarsha "*Gasp* *Wheeze*" with sshake Akarsha "*Suspiro* *Jadeo*" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1980 translate spanish morning2_d08845de: # Akarsha "....HA....HAH....." with sshake Akarsha "...JA....JAH....." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:1982 translate spanish morning2_6e8840cd: # Diya "............" Diya "............" # game/2_diya.rpy:1985 translate spanish morning2_44f3ca1b: # Akarsha "What's with you today? Usain Bolt..." Akarsha "¿Qué te sucede hoy? Usain Bolt..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1988 translate spanish morning2_4fb91a37: # Diya "Got in a fight with my mom..." Diya "Tuve una pelea con mi mamá..." # game/2_diya.rpy:1992 translate spanish morning2_17afcca6: # "Diya wipes her tear-streaked face with a sniffle." "Diya se limpia la cara llena de lágrimas con un resoplido." # game/2_diya.rpy:1994 translate spanish morning2_ebbedf19: # Diya "She gave up her whole life for me. I'm the person she loves the most in the world." Diya "Renunció a su vida entera por mí. Soy la persona que más ama en el mundo." # game/2_diya.rpy:1995 translate spanish morning2_dd47607d: # Diya "But we can't even have a normal conversation without hurting each other." Diya "Pero ni siquiera podemos tener una conversación normal sin herirnos la una a la otra." # game/2_diya.rpy:1996 translate spanish morning2_cbc6f92b: # Diya "It's just sad." Diya "Es simplemente triste." # game/2_diya.rpy:1998 translate spanish morning2_b10d69e1: # "It takes a few seconds for Akarsha to recover enough to choke out a response." "Le toma unos segundos a Akarsha para recuperarse lo suficiente como para atragantar una respuesta." # game/2_diya.rpy:2000 translate spanish morning2_69d71949: # Akarsha "Bro...that sucks." Akarsha "Hombre...qué horrible." # game/2_diya.rpy:2002 translate spanish morning2_780dcc17: # Diya "........................" Diya "........................" # game/2_diya.rpy:2003 translate spanish morning2_98d5971c: # Diya "Do your parents know you're bi?" Diya "¿Tus padres saben que eres bi?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2006 translate spanish morning2_e207eff5: # Akarsha "Sorta?" Akarsha "¿Un poco?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2007 translate spanish morning2_eba0acdb: # Akarsha "We haven't really had that conversation yet, but they definitely know I'm a lil funky." Akarsha "Aún no hemos tenido esa conversación, pero definitivamente saben que soy un poquito peculiar." # game/2_diya.rpy:2009 translate spanish morning2_5acd4f7f: # Diya "How do you think they'll react when you tell them?" Diya "¿Cómo crees que reaccionarán cuando les digas?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2012 translate spanish morning2_79e9c48a: # Akarsha "I dunno...But they're pretty open-minded, so I think they'll get over it." Akarsha "No lo sé...Pero son bastante abiertos de mente, así que creo que lo acabarán superando." # game/2_diya.rpy:2020 translate spanish morning2_8d7fc1b8: # Diya "Lucky..." Diya "Afortunada..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2021 translate spanish morning2_fca0006d: # Diya "My parents will freak out if I come out." Diya "Mis padres se volverán locos si salgo del closet." # game/2_diya.rpy:2022 translate spanish morning2_d3c3d0ad: # Diya "But I feel like a bad gay person for hiding it." Diya "Pero me siento como una mala persona gay por ocultarlo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2025 translate spanish morning2_21776c72: # Akarsha "Why?" Akarsha "¿Por qué?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2027 translate spanish morning2_8ad87c32: # Diya "Instead of trying to educate them, I'm living a lie." Diya "En vez de intentar educarlos, estoy viviendo una mentira." # game/2_diya.rpy:2030 translate spanish morning2_f79cfa2d: # Akarsha "Dude, it's not your job to educate your parents if it'll ruin your life." Akarsha "Hombre, no es tu trabajo educar a tus padres si eso va a arruinar tu vida." # game/2_diya.rpy:2031 translate spanish morning2_16e2f399: # Akarsha "The gays aren't gonna come arrest you." Akarsha "Los gays no van a venir a arrestarte." # game/2_diya.rpy:2032 translate spanish morning2_043a2c73: # Akarsha "It's not bad to, like, worry about surviving first." Akarsha "No es malo, onda, preocuparse de sobrevivir primero." # game/2_diya.rpy:2034 translate spanish morning2_6276c5a5: # Diya "................" Diya "................" # game/2_diya.rpy:2035 translate spanish morning2_5e0ba626: # Diya "Sooner or later we're gonna get caught, though. We're so bad at keeping things secret." Diya "Pero, tarde o temprano nos van a atrapar. Somos tan malas manteniendo las cosas en secreto." # game/2_diya.rpy:2036 translate spanish morning2_5e185822: # Diya "And if I wanna live with Min someday, that's going to be impossible to hide." Diya "Y si quiero vivir con Min algún dia, eso va a ser imposible de esconder." # game/2_diya.rpy:2037 translate spanish morning2_14b8415d: # Diya "Especially since we're gonna move really far away." Diya "Sobre todo porque nos iremos a vivir muy lejos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2040 translate spanish morning2_7c7d3c9b: # Akarsha "Huh? Where are you going?" Akarsha "¿Ah? ¿A dónde van a ir?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2042 translate spanish morning2_454efe4c: # Diya "Don't know yet. But somewhere far from her parents, so she doesn't have to see them unless she wants to." Diya "No lo sé todavía. Pero en algún lugar lejos de sus padres, para que no los tenga que ver a menos que ella quiera." # game/2_diya.rpy:2044 translate spanish morning2_f351a809: # Diya "When we do that, my parents will notice I'm gone, too." Diya "Cuando hagamos eso, mis padres notarán que me fui, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:2047 translate spanish morning2_ea8bb694: # Akarsha "Ya, but by then you'll be an adult. They won't be able to stop you from doing anything." Akarsha "Seh, pero para cuando seas adulta. No podrán detenerte de hacer cualquier cosa." # game/2_diya.rpy:2049 translate spanish morning2_b3f57d8f: # Diya "But they'll still be really upset, and I don't want that either." Diya "Pero van a estar muy enojados, y no quiero eso tampoco." # game/2_diya.rpy:2052 translate spanish morning2_72138b33: # Akarsha "They'll get over it eventually." Akarsha "Al final se les pasará." # game/2_diya.rpy:2053 translate spanish morning2_d913c44e: # Akarsha "Dealing with desi parents is like the five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance." Akarsha "Lidiar con padres desi es como las cinco etapas del duelo. Negación, ira, negociación, depresión, y aceptación." # game/2_diya.rpy:2056 translate spanish morning2_cd4c4d7c: # Diya "You don't know that. My parents aren't like yours." Diya "Eso no lo sabes. Mis papás no son como los tuyos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2059 translate spanish morning2_c28eaf06: # Akarsha "Do your parents really love you?" Akarsha "¿Tus padres te quieren de verdad?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2061 translate spanish morning2_40f5853e: # Diya "Yes." Diya "Sí." # game/2_diya.rpy:2064 translate spanish morning2_35c1c515: # Akarsha "Then it's still the same. It might take ages, but they'll get over it eventually." Akarsha "Entonces sigue siendo lo mismo. Puede que tarde años, pero al final lo superarán." # game/2_diya.rpy:2067 translate spanish morning2_78923e16: # Akarsha "Like...in baseball speak, you're not tryin' to hit a home run off a single pitch. It's more like a nine inning baseball game." Akarsha "Como...en términos de béisbol, no intentas hacer un home run de un solo lanzamiento. Es más como un partido de béisbol de nueve entradas." # game/2_diya.rpy:2068 translate spanish morning2_8f0769f5: # Akarsha "You gotta be in it for the long haul and wear them down over time." Akarsha "Tienes que estar en ello a largo plazo y desgastarlos con el tiempo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2070 translate spanish morning2_6276c5a5_1: # Diya "................" Diya "................" # game/2_diya.rpy:2071 translate spanish morning2_db4b106d: # DiyaT "Is that the best I can hope for, though?" DiyaT "¿Pero, es eso lo mejor que puedo esperar?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2072 translate spanish morning2_4cb6147c: # DiyaT "I wish I were closer to my mom." DiyaT "Ojalá pudiera ser más cercana a mi madre." # game/2_diya.rpy:2073 translate spanish morning2_82b6e284: # DiyaT "But it's hard to feel loved by someone who doesn't really know you." DiyaT "Pero es difícil sentirte querido por alguien que no te conoce realmente." # game/2_diya.rpy:2076 translate spanish morning2_0b1354b2: # DiyaT "It's like our relationship was built on air. There's nothing there, because she's always loved a version of me that doesn't exist." DiyaT "Es como si nuestra relación se hubiera construido en el aire. No hay nada ahí, porque ella siempre amó una version de mí que no existe." # game/2_diya.rpy:2079 translate spanish morning2_f121bd9c: # "When they're waiting at a crosswalk, Diya takes the chance to dig a tissue out of her pocket and blow her nose." "Cuando esperan en un paso de peatones, Diya aprovecha la oportunidad para sacar un pañuelo de su bolsillo y sonarse la nariz." # game/2_diya.rpy:2083 translate spanish morning2_90165af1: # DiyaT "It's not even like my parents are as bad as Min's." DiyaT "Ni siquiera es como si mis padres fueran tan malos como los de Min." # game/2_diya.rpy:2084 translate spanish morning2_f41ce934: # DiyaT "They're not violent or abusive, and they try to support my interests." DiyaT "No son violentos ni abusivos, e intentan apoyar mis intereses." # game/2_diya.rpy:2085 translate spanish morning2_c2b3a7ed: # DiyaT "My mom was never trying to hurt me. She just doesn't know any better." DiyaT "Mi madre nunca intentó dañarme. Ella simplemente no sabe nada mejor." # game/2_diya.rpy:2087 translate spanish morning2_cad8b546: # DiyaT "In the grand scheme of things, I'm spoiled. I live in a nice house and my mom cooks me delicious food every day." DiyaT "En el gran esquema de las cosas, soy una mimada. Vivo en una casa bonita y mi mamá me prepara comida deliciosa todos los días." # game/2_diya.rpy:2088 translate spanish morning2_5049e58e: # DiyaT "But it still hurts to think about the kind of parents I COULD have had." DiyaT "Pero aún me duele pensar sobre el tipo de padres que PUDE haber tenido." # game/2_diya.rpy:2091 translate spanish morning2_017b80cc: # "Akarsha smacks Diya on the back as they near the school." "Akarsha le da una palmada a Diya en la espalda mientras se van acercando a la escuela." # game/2_diya.rpy:2093 translate spanish morning2_37979b52: # Akarsha "C'mon, dude, cheer up." Akarsha "Vamos, hombre, anímate." # game/2_diya.rpy:2095 translate spanish morning2_306eac5d: # Akarsha "10,000 gay people are born every second." Akarsha "Cada segundo nacen 10,000 homosexuales." # game/2_diya.rpy:2096 translate spanish morning2_fbf160e5: # Akarsha "In the time since we left your house, three million gay people drew their first breath." Akarsha "Desde que salimos de tu casa, tres millones de gays han respirado por primera vez." # game/2_diya.rpy:2098 translate spanish morning2_e6a54fae: # DiyaT "That can't be right..." DiyaT "Eso no puede ser correcto..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2099 translate spanish morning2_0525775b: # Diya "If people were born that fast, the population would grow by billions every month." Diya "Si la gente naciera así de rápido, la población crecería por billones cada mes." # game/2_diya.rpy:2101 translate spanish morning2_738a369e: # Diya "Where'd you get those numbers from." Diya "De dónde sacaste esas cifras." # game/2_diya.rpy:2104 translate spanish morning2_7e23263e: # Akarsha "I made them up for dramatic effect." Akarsha "Me las inventé para un efecto dramático." # game/2_diya.rpy:2106 translate spanish morning2_93212e9d: # Diya "............." Diya "............." # game/2_diya.rpy:2113 translate spanish morning2_df3f6405: # Akarsha "Hey, Diya..." Akarsha "Oye, Diya..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2115 translate spanish morning2_056a1b0b: # Akarsha "Do you think it's possible for a baseball player to mold her hair into a huge bowl shape, and use it to catch the ball?" Akarsha "¿Crees que sería posible que una jugadora de béisbol moldee su pelo en forma de un tazón enorme y lo utilize para atrapar la pelota?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2118 translate spanish morning2_a3253ca8: # Akarsha "{cps=0}Do you think it's possible for a baseball player to mold her hair into a huge bowl shape, and use it to catch the ball?{/cps}" nointeract Akarsha "{cps=0}¿Crees que sería posible que una jugadora de béisbol moldee su pelo en forma de un tazón enorme y lo utilize para atrapar la pelota?{/cps}" nointeract # game/2_diya.rpy:2122 translate spanish morning2_2bd7d207: # "Diya nods!" "¡Diya asiente!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2124 translate spanish morning2_0bf0a4e6: # Diya "Why not." Diya "Por qué no." # game/2_diya.rpy:2127 translate spanish morning2_0ada1528: # Akarsha "Right??" Akarsha "¿¿Cierto??" # game/2_diya.rpy:2129 translate spanish morning2_09f8fdd3: # Akarsha "It'd make fielding grounders way easier. We'd just have to lie facedown on the dirt and wait for the ball to roll in." Akarsha "Sería mucho más fácil recibir una pelota por el piso del campo. Simplemente tendríamos que echarnos boca abajo en la tierra y esperar a que la pelota ruede adentro." # game/2_diya.rpy:2130 translate spanish morning2_ec077bb7: # Akarsha "Maybe our whole team should grow our hair out and try this." Akarsha "Quizás nuestro equipo entero debería dejarse crecer el pelo para que intentemos esto." # game/2_diya.rpy:2133 translate spanish morning2_c1180ee6: # DiyaT "I feel like between this, the gene doping, and Min's steroids idea, the sport of baseball isn't ready for us." DiyaT "Siento que entre esto, el dopaje de genes, y la idea de Min con los esteroides, el deporte del béisbol no está listo para nosotras." # game/2_diya.rpy:2138 translate spanish morning2_57e599f4: # "Diya shakes her head." "Diya niega con la cabeza." # game/2_diya.rpy:2140 translate spanish morning2_f35afa93: # Akarsha "Why not?" Akarsha "¿Por qué no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2143 translate spanish morning2_14891c6b: # Diya "What do you mean why not. It'd look so dumb." Diya "Cómo que por qué no. Se vería tan tonto." # game/2_diya.rpy:2146 translate spanish morning2_657662e5: # Akarsha "But it'd be convenient!" Akarsha "¡Pero sería conveniente!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2149 translate spanish morning2_ada1fd00: # Diya "How would they fit the batting helmet over it?" Diya "¿Cómo se colocarían el caso de bateo encima?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2152 translate spanish morning2_c4f4767d: # Akarsha "They can mold their hair into the batting helmet shape when they're on offense." Akarsha "Pueden moldear su pelo en forma de casco de bateo cuando estén en ofensiva." # game/2_diya.rpy:2155 translate spanish morning2_da87f06c: # Diya "What kind of weirdo would do that." with sshake Diya "Qué tipo de rarito haría eso." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2160 translate spanish morning2_a3f474cb: # "Akarsha grimaces as they reach the school campus." "Akarsha hace una mueca mientras llegan recinto escolar." # game/2_diya.rpy:2162 translate spanish morning2_4216c318: # Akarsha "I have this huge cramp from chasin' you earlier..." Akarsha "Tengo un calambre enorme por haberte perseguido antes..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2163 translate spanish morning2_b0c5b8c7: # Akarsha "I'm all sweaty now too..." Akarsha "Estoy toda sudada ahora también..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2165 translate spanish morning2_3dfcdbab: # Diya "Not my fault. Get in shape." Diya "No es mi culpa. Ponte en forma." # game/2_diya.rpy:2168 translate spanish morning2_95ec98ba: # Akarsha "I'm gonna go wash up and take a tinkle." Akarsha "Me ire a lavar y echar una meadita." # game/2_diya.rpy:2170 translate spanish morning2_6afaa131: # Diya "...Can you not say it like that........" Diya "...Puedes no decirlo así........" # game/2_diya.rpy:2173 translate spanish morning2_fa6bd99f: # Akarsha "Not say it like what?" Akarsha "¿No decirlo como qué?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2175 translate spanish morning2_330fd07c: # Diya "The \"tinkle\" thing." Diya "Lo de \"echar una meadita.\"" # game/2_diya.rpy:2176 translate spanish morning2_119767d7: # Diya "Too descriptive." Diya "Muy descriptivo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2180 translate spanish morning2_f62cdffe: # "Unfortunately, Akarsha is already out of earshot and saunters off without answering." "Desgraciadamente, Akarsha ya está fuera de alcance y se marcha sin contestar." # game/2_diya.rpy:2217 translate spanish cantGo_930e7787: # DiyaT "I need to get my stuff from the locker first." DiyaT "Primero tengo que sacar mis cosas de mi casillero." # game/2_diya.rpy:2223 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_81de1661: # "As she opens her locker, Min comes up behind her." "Cuando ella abre su casillero, Min se le acerca por detrás." # game/2_diya.rpy:2228 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_c2f5255a: # Min "{font=tamil.ttf}காலை வணக்கம்!{/font}" Min "{font=tamil.ttf}காலை வணக்கம்!{/font}" # game/2_diya.rpy:2232 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_3236f926: # Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}" Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}" # game/2_diya.rpy:2235 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_aa8e1491: # Min "........" Min "........" # game/2_diya.rpy:2238 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_177631e3: # DiyaT "Min taught me that phrase a long time ago. It means \"hi\" in Korean." DiyaT "Min me enseñó esa frase hace mucho tiempo. Significa \"hola\" en coreano." # game/2_diya.rpy:2240 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8a7b82de: # DiyaT "Maybe she's touched that I still remember it?" DiyaT "¿Quizás le conmueve que aún lo recuerde?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2242 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f622d2be: # "Diya laces their hands together." "Diya junta las manos de las dos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2244 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_1774640e: # Diya "I like teaching each other all these phrases." Diya "Me gusta enseñarnos todas estas frases." # game/2_diya.rpy:2245 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_33812e5e: # Diya "It's like a secret code." Diya "Es como un código secreto." # game/2_diya.rpy:2248 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_5d8354ad: # Min "Yeah! We can even say romantic stuff without other people knowing." Min "¡Sí! Incluso podemos decir cosas románticas sin los demás se den cuenta." # game/2_diya.rpy:2249 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f8d07367: # Min "Like spies." Min "Como espías." # game/2_diya.rpy:2250 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_a48e2ae6: # "Min brings Diya's hand to her lips and presses a kiss to her knuckles." "Min se lleva la mano de Diya a los labios y le coloca un beso en los nudillos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2252 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_6b0d3a7e: # DiyaT "KGHSFDH?? FGFJH!!!" with sshake DiyaT "¿¿KGHSFDH?? ¡¡¡FGFJH!!!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2256 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_aaef5a5c: # DiyaT "Min is so romantic...She's like a prince..." DiyaT "Min es tan romántica...Ella es como un príncipe..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2258 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_fcdd1960: # "Suddenly, Diya realizes how close of a view Min is getting of her hand." "De repente, Diya se da cuenta de lo cerca que Min está viendo su mano." # game/2_diya.rpy:2260 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_95028567: # DiyaT "I have hair on my hands and fingers! She's going to see it!" with sshake DiyaT "¡Tengo pelo en mis manos y dedos! ¡Lo va a ver!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2262 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_07860534: # "Diya frantically wrenches her hand out of Min's grip." "Diya arranca bruscamente su mano del agarre de Min." # game/2_diya.rpy:2264 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_3a27df9b: # Min "Huh???" Min "¿¿¿Ah???" # game/2_diya.rpy:2265 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_68f8e2f6: # Min "What's wrong?" Min "¿Qué pasa?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2267 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_136db9e2: # Diya "..........." Diya "..........." # game/2_diya.rpy:2268 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_39d4dc30: # DiyaT "I guess Min likes me so much, nothing bad's gonna happen if I tell her." DiyaT "Supongo que le gusto tanto a Min, que no pasará nada malo si le digo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2269 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d5af1292: # Diya "There's hair on my hands...I didn't want you to see..." Diya "Hay pelo en mis manos...No quería que lo vieras..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2271 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f2a6dcdb: # "Min looks utterly dumbfounded." "Min parece totalmente estupefacta." # game/2_diya.rpy:2273 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d3c8dde3: # Min "...What???" Min "...¿¿¿Qué???" # game/2_diya.rpy:2275 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_2117a5f7: # Diya "They're hairy. My arms, too. When I wear short sleeves, you can even see it from far away." Diya "Son peludas. Mis brazos, también. Cuando uso mangas cortas, lo puedes ver hasta de lejos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2278 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_c22a7d92: # Min "Really? I never noticed." Min "¿De veras? Nunca lo noté." # game/2_diya.rpy:2280 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_4a0e45f0: # Diya "??!" with sshake Diya "¡¿¿??!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2281 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_1b0e7336: # DiyaT "I thought Min of all people would've noticed. She spends so much time staring at me." DiyaT "Pensé que Min más que nadie lo habría notado. Ella pasa mucho tiempo mirándome." # game/2_diya.rpy:2283 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_e3564add: # Diya "I'll show you, my leg hair is even worse." Diya "Te mostraré, el pelo de mis piernas es aún peor." # game/2_diya.rpy:2285 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_fd795ef3: # "Diya nervously rolls up one of her leggings to reveal her hairy legs." "Diya nerviosamente se arremanga uno de sus leggings para revelar sus piernas peludas." # game/2_diya.rpy:2287 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_a84b46bd: # Min "I mean, yeah, I see it now...But it's just hair." Min "Osea, si, ahora lo veo...Pero solo es pelo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2290 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_80c2f505: # Diya "I'm glad you're not grossed out by it." Diya "Me alegro de que no te dé asco." # game/2_diya.rpy:2291 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_9d298a00: # Diya "But it still might make me feel better to shave it." Diya "Pero igual me haría sentir mejor depilarlo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2294 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_646de515: # Min "I won't stop you, but you really don't have to..." Min "No te detendré, pero no es necesario hacerlo..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2296 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_277b6091: # Min "You're drop-dead gorgeous with or without it." Min "Eres totalmente preciosa con o sin pelo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2298 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f1ad4b49: # Min "Like, think about those poodles you like. The ones with curly hair." Min "Onda, piensa en esos perros que a ti te gustan. Los con pelo enrulado." # game/2_diya.rpy:2300 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_1c63452a: # Diya "!!!" Diya "¡¡¡!!!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2302 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_267f14ed: # Diya "Carpet dogs." Diya "Perros alfombra." # game/2_diya.rpy:2305 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_816d6628: # Min "Yeah, whatever you wanna call them." Min "Sí, como sea que quieras llamarlos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2306 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_bea95af9: # Min "They have fur all over their legs, don't they?" Min "Tienen pelo por todas las patas, ¿o no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2307 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_0b0c9d5d: # Min "Doesn't it look so bad and weird when people shave their legs bare?" Min "¿No es que se ve tan mal y extraño cuando la gente se depila las piernas por completo?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2309 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8050f8f8: # Diya "Yeah..." Diya "Cierto..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2312 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_11f63d2c: # Min "How's your leg hair any different? It's just a normal part of you, it doesn't make you any less cute." Min "¿Qué diferencia tiene el pelo de tus piernas? Es solo una parte normal de ti, no te hace menos guapa del todo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2314 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8f357b7c: # Diya "I guess that kinda makes sense." Diya "Supongo que eso tiene sentido." # game/2_diya.rpy:2317 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d16ff837: # Min "It makes total sense! It's the other way around that doesn't make sense!" with sshake Min "¡Tiene todo el sentido! ¡Es al revés lo que no tiene sentido!" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2318 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_6c65873c: # Min "It really pisses me off when I notice all the crap the world tries to force on girls." Min "De verdad me enfurece ver toda la porquería que el mundo intenta imponer en las chicas." # game/2_diya.rpy:2320 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_4d50b6bc: # DiyaT "Min gets really fired up when she talks about this stuff." DiyaT "Min se enardece mucho hablando de este tipo de cosas." # game/2_diya.rpy:2323 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_3e066eff: # Min "Like this leg and armpit shaving shit, and making them think they have to like pink and have long hair." Min "Cómo la mierda de depilarse las piernas y axilas, y hacerlas creer que les tiene que gustar el rosado y tener pelo largo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2324 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_c681f2e0: # Min "If you have a brother like I do, the difference is really obvious." Min "Si tienes un hermano como yo, la diferencia es realmente obvia." # game/2_diya.rpy:2325 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_78d225e3: # Min "It's all fake." Min "Es todo una mentira." # game/2_diya.rpy:2327 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_ce39401c: # DiyaT "Min is so smart..." DiyaT "Min es tan inteligente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2329 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_6b6719e3: # Diya "Thanks. I feel a little better now." Diya "Gracias. Me siento un poco mejor ahora." # game/2_diya.rpy:2332 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8db41a79: # Min "Good." Min "Qué bueno." # game/2_diya.rpy:2333 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d50af330: # Min "If anyone makes fun of you for it, I'll kill...I mean, be really, really mean to them." Min "Si alguien se burla de ti por ello, los mata...digo, seré muy, muy cruel con ellos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2335 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_b27556f2: # DiyaT "No one's around right now...I really wanna kiss her..." DiyaT "No hay nadie alrededor ahora mismo...Realmente quiero besarla..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2337 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_83d366a4: # "Diya leans in, and Min catches her lips in a fierce kiss." "Diya se inclina, y Min atrapa sus labios con un feroz beso." # game/2_diya.rpy:2338 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_ea12b625: # "When they break apart, Min looks very proud of herself." "Cuando se separan, Min parece muy orgullosa de sí misma." # game/2_diya.rpy:2340 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_5c6d234f: # Min "Notice anything different?" Min "¿Notas algo distinto?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2342 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d4a222d8: # DiyaT "That was a really nice kiss? But I have no idea what she's talking about..." DiyaT "¿Ese fue un beso muy bonito? Pero no tengo idea de qué está hablando..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2345 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_10cd38a3: # Min "I got rid of the rest of my cigarettes!" Min "¡Me deshice del resto de mis cigarrillos!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2347 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_74181b05: # Diya "You threw them away?" Diya "¿Los tiraste a la basura?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2350 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_a4e68f4a: # Min "No way, I sold them to some junior for fifteen bucks." with sshake Min "De ninguna manera, se los vendí a un tipo de tercer año por 15 pavos." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2352 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_804d9770: # Diya "That's not good..." Diya "Eso no es bueno..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2355 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_4254a4c1: # Min "Well, at least it's not me smoking them anymore." Min "Bueno, al menos ya no soy yo quien los fuma." # game/2_diya.rpy:2357 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_1fcb1ecd: # Diya "That's true...Was it hard to quit?" Diya "Eso es cierto...¿Fue difícil dejarlos?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2360 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_0867727d: # Min "I mean, it's not like I was addicted, so it wasn't that bad." Min "Osea, no es como que estuviera adicta, así que no fue tan terrible." # game/2_diya.rpy:2362 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_88d433a4: # DiyaT "I was a little worried she wouldn't listen, but now that she did, I almost feel guilty." DiyaT "Estaba un poco preocupada de que no me escuchara, pero ahora que lo hizo, me siento hasta culpable." # game/2_diya.rpy:2364 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_35d02abf: # Diya "Thanks..." Diya "Gracias..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2365 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f67c5f87: # Diya "...But I feel a bit bad I made you change just for me." Diya "...Pero me siento un poco mal de que hiciste el cambio solo por mí." # game/2_diya.rpy:2368 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_64f35087: # Min "Huh?" Min "¿Ah?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2369 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_13b366e4: # Min "You didn't make me do anything. I decided to quit 'cause I figured it'd make me happier if I got to kiss you more." Min "No me hiciste hacer nada. Decidí dejarlos porque supuse que me haría más feliz si conseguía besarte más." # game/2_diya.rpy:2372 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_42201239: # Min "Noelle kept sending me these annoying as fuck studies gloating that she was gonna live longer than me, too." Min "Noelle no paraba de enviarme esos estudios molestos de mierda regodeando de que ella iba a vivir más que yo, también." # game/2_diya.rpy:2373 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_cfd780dc: # Min "Honestly, it was worth it just to make her shut up about it." Min "Honestamente, el solo hecho de hacer que se calle ya valió la pena." # game/2_diya.rpy:2375 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_29783615: # Diya "But still...If you weren't dating me, you wouldn't have quit." Diya "Pero aún así...Si no estuvieras saliendo conmigo, no los habrías dejado." # game/2_diya.rpy:2378 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_1bc44a26: # Min "I guess not?" Min "¿Supongo que no?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2379 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_a61fe60c: # Min "But isn't that what people mean when they say a couple's good for each other?" Min "¿Pero no es eso a lo que se refiere la gente con que una pareja es buena el uno para el otro?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2380 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_36c72f10: # Min "Like, they bring out the best in each other." Min "Onda, sacan lo mejor de sí mismos." # game/2_diya.rpy:2382 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_b3ac2b8b: # Diya "Oh." Diya "Oh." # game/2_diya.rpy:2383 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_78a18d97: # Diya "I guess people do say that too." Diya "Supongo que la gente dice eso también." # game/2_diya.rpy:2385 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_66235dac: # Diya "I'm happy you quit. Think I'm just not used to being listened to like this." Diya "Me alegro de que los hayas dejado. Solo creo que no estoy acostumbrada a que escuchen así." # game/2_diya.rpy:2388 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_ba6140bb: # Min "I mean, I'd be a pretty shitty girlfriend if I didn't care when something was bothering you." Min "Osea, sería una novia bastante de mierda si no me preocupara cuando algo te está molestando." # game/2_diya.rpy:2390 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f4f40a1d: # Min "I know you'd do the same for me." Min "Sé que harías lo mismo por mí." # game/2_diya.rpy:2392 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_053f6060: # Diya "That's true." Diya "Eso es verdad." # game/2_diya.rpy:2393 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_adcb5031: # Diya "I can't believe that worked. I'm glad I said something." Diya "No puedo creer que funcionó. Menos mal que dije algo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2395 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_e629b0d2: # Diya "........" Diya "........" # game/2_diya.rpy:2396 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_4ded6921: # Diya "But isn't it common sense? That you can't change people." Diya "¿Pero no es sentido común? De que no puedes cambiar a las personas." # game/2_diya.rpy:2399 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d9cf79f9: # Min "Huh? That sounds so cynical." Min "¿Ah? Eso suena tan cínico." # game/2_diya.rpy:2401 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_37476970: # Diya "But sometimes it does happen. Sometimes you want someone to change, and they won't." Diya "Pero a veces si que pasa. Cuando quieres que alguien cambie, y no lo hace." # game/2_diya.rpy:2404 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_c6b3b7a1: # Min "I mean, I guess it's TECHNICALLY true. You can't change people." Min "Osea, supongo que TÉCNICAMENTE es verdad. No puedes cambiar a las personas." # game/2_diya.rpy:2405 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_566bc3e4: # Min "All you can do is tell them how they make you feel, and then it's up to them to change." Min "Todo lo que puedes hacer es decirles como te sientes, y luego ya depende de ellos cambiar." # game/2_diya.rpy:2406 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_538c9a32: # Min "Some people will make that leap for you, but others won't." Min "Algunas personas harán ese salto por ti, pero otras no." # game/2_diya.rpy:2408 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8050f8f8_1: # Diya "Yeah..." Diya "Básicamente..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2409 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_88c2bed4: # Diya "I think I just need to make my peace with that." Diya "Creo que tengo que hacer las paces con eso." # game/2_diya.rpy:2412 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_d1f2d431: # Min "I'll always make that leap for you!" Min "¡Yo siempre haré ese salto por ti!" # game/2_diya.rpy:2413 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_7b76a3c2: # Min "Even if it was from a car to a truck while they're still driving really fast, like in The Matrix." Min "Incluso si tiene que ser de un auto a un camión mientras manejan muy rápido, como en Matrix." # game/2_diya.rpy:2415 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_a96e8bcc: # Diya "...That sounds scary. I hope that never happens." Diya "...Eso suena aterrador. Espero que eso nunca ocurra." # game/2_diya.rpy:2418 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_9d68a281: # Min "But I wouldn't get hurt at all, and I'd look really badass doing it." Min "Pero no me lastimaré en absoluto, y me vería muy genial haciéndolo." # game/2_diya.rpy:2421 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_2803168a: # Diya "You already look badass doing normal stuff like pitching. Why this." Diya "Ya te ves genial haciendo cosas normales como lanzar pelotas de béisbol. Por qué esto." # game/2_diya.rpy:2423 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_78ed2cb2: # "Diya's heartrate quickens with excitement as Min pulls her into another kiss." "El ritmo cardíaco de Diya se acelera con emoción cuando Min tira de ella para darle otro beso." # game/2_diya.rpy:2429 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_7ddf12d7: # "Diya shudders as Min slips a hand up her shirt, sliding her warm palm across the small of her back." "Diya se estremece cuando Min mete una mano por su camisa, deslizando su cálida palma por la parte baja de su espalda." # game/2_diya.rpy:2431 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_f6505d80: # DiyaT "GFKJGJK;LKK????????" with sshake DiyaT "¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿GFKJGJK;LKK????????" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2434 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_9f7b91ba: # Min "Is this okay?" Min "¿Está bien esto?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2436 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_6276c5a5: # Diya "................" Diya "................" # game/2_diya.rpy:2438 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_136847bb: # "Min's hand is hot against her bare skin." "La mano de Min está caliente contra su piel desnuda." # game/2_diya.rpy:2440 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_56f36eec: # DiyaT "Once you get over the initial shock of it, it feels nice..." DiyaT "Una vez superas el shock inicial, se siente bien..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2444 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_0f19fde4: # Min "Want me to stop?" Min "¿Quieres que me detenga?" # game/2_diya.rpy:2445 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_aabc4abc: # "Diya shakes her head, hiding her burning face in the crook of Min's neck." "Diya niega con la cabeza, ocultando su rostro ardiente en el cuello de Min." # game/2_diya.rpy:2446 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8b539179: # "Min withdraws her hand, looking uncertain." "Min retira la mano, con aire inseguro." # game/2_diya.rpy:2448 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_31dc688e: # Min "I'm not gonna do it unless you say you want me to." Min "No voy a hacerlo a menos que digas que quieres que lo haga." # game/2_diya.rpy:2450 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_03c3af3b: # DiyaT "I just need to spit it out...It's not fair to always make her guess whether I'm having fun or not." DiyaT "Solo necesito decirlo...No es justo que siempre la haga adivinar si me estoy divirtiendo o no." # game/2_diya.rpy:2451 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_0fa9844c: # DiyaT "Even if she's good at it, I need to help her out sometimes..." DiyaT "Aunque se le dé bien, a veces tengo que ayudarla..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2452 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_8a11162c: # DiyaT "It's just Min, nothing bad's gonna happen..." DiyaT "Solo es Min, nada malo va a pasar..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2454 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_574bf6ef: # Diya "...Please don't stop..." Diya "...Por favor no pares..." # game/2_diya.rpy:2456 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_7972356c: # "A wicked grin crosses Min's face, sending a rush of heat through Diya's body." "Una sonrisa perversa se dibuja en el rostro de Min, provocando una ráfaga de calor en el cuerpo de Diya." # game/2_diya.rpy:2458 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_12ac997d: # Min "Good. Then I won't." Min "Bien. Entonces no lo haré." # game/2_diya.rpy:2461 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_749b6429: # Noelle "May I PLEASE get my textbooks?" with sshake Noelle "¿Puedo POR FAVOR sacar mis libros de texto?" with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2462 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_716fff95: # Noelle "You're blocking the locker." Noelle "Están bloqueando el casillero." # game/2_diya.rpy:2464 translate spanish diyaMinEndConvo_e3900d78: # Diya "!!! Sorry." with sshake Diya "¡¡¡!!! Lo siento." with sshake # game/2_diya.rpy:2473 translate spanish momApology_c01cb1b7: # "That evening, Diya is doing her homework when her bedroom door opens." "Esa tarde, Diya está haciendo su tarea cuando se abre la puerta de su habitación." # game/2_diya.rpy:2476 translate spanish momApology_04647dcf: # Amma "............." Amma "............." # game/2_diya.rpy:2478 translate spanish momApology_93212e9d: # Diya "............." Diya "............." # game/2_diya.rpy:2481 translate spanish momApology_112eeabc: # "Her mom silently places a bowl of sliced mango on Diya's desk and leaves the room." "Su madre silenciosamente coloca un tazón de rodajas de mango sobre el escritorio de Diya y sale de la habitación." # game/2_diya.rpy:2482 translate spanish momApology_a0fc5322: # "Diya nibbles on the fruit and continues working on her assignment." "Diya mordisquea la fruta y sigue trabajando en su tarea." # game/2_diya.rpy:2484 translate spanish momApology_93212e9d_1: # Diya "............." Diya "............." translate spanish strings: # game/2_diya.rpy:30 old "3rd grade" new "Tercer grado" # game/2_diya.rpy:252 old "6 years later" new "6 años después" # game/2_diya.rpy:255 old "After baseball practice" new "Después de la práctica de béisbol" # game/2_diya.rpy:372 old "Pop song" new "Canción de pop" # game/2_diya.rpy:482 old "Count sheep" new "Contar ovejas" # game/2_diya.rpy:482 old "Take deep, calming breaths" new "Respirar profunda y calmadamente" # game/2_diya.rpy:482 old "Imagine being hugged by Min" new "Imaginar ser abrazada por Min" # game/2_diya.rpy:572 old "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for ten minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" new "{cps=0}Su rutina de las mañanas incluye tumbarse en la cama durante diez minutos pensando en lo cansada que está. {/cps}" # game/2_diya.rpy:572 old "Do it" new "Hazlo" # game/2_diya.rpy:591 old "Check your computer" new "Revisar tu computador" # game/2_diya.rpy:685 old "Nothing" new "Nada" # game/2_diya.rpy:685 old "It dies" new "Se muere" # game/2_diya.rpy:685 old "Why..." new "Por qué..." # game/2_diya.rpy:820 old "Use locker" new "Usar casillero" # game/2_diya.rpy:886 old "Take the water bottle" new "Tomar la botella" # game/2_diya.rpy:939 old "Get your school stuff" new "Recoger tu material escolar" # game/2_diya.rpy:949 old "Look in Noelle's lunchbox" new "Ver dentro de la lonchera de Noelle" # game/2_diya.rpy:958 old "Take Valentine's Day card" new "Tomar la carta de San Valentín" # game/2_diya.rpy:967 old "Look at rosin" new "Ver la resina" # game/2_diya.rpy:976 old "Close locker door" new "Cerrar la puerta del casillero" # game/2_diya.rpy:1421 old "After school" new "Después de clase" # game/2_diya.rpy:1838 old "The next day" new "El día siguiente" # game/2_diya.rpy:1853 old "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is. {/cps}" new "{cps=0}Su rutina de las mañanas incluye tumbarse en la cama por 10 minutos pensando en lo cansada que está. {/cps}" # game/2_diya.rpy:2226 old "Good morning!" new "¡Buenos días!"