msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-29 01:12+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Ayman Hanandeh \n" "Language-Team: Arabic \n" "Language: ar\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 " "&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:4 msgid "Min-seo" msgstr "مين-سيو" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:6 msgid "Akarsha" msgstr "أكارشا" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:9 msgid "Ester" msgstr "إستر" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:10 msgid "\"Yuki\"" msgstr "\"يوكي\"" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:11 msgid "\"Sakura\"" msgstr "\"ساكورا\"" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:12 msgid "Dad" msgstr "بابا" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:14 msgid "Pratik" msgstr "براتيك" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:15 msgid "Amma" msgstr "أمّا" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:17 msgid "Chun-hua" msgstr "تشون-هوا" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:18 msgid "Ah-gong" msgstr "آه-غونغ" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:19 msgctxt "game/1_akarsha.rpy:19" msgid "???" msgstr "؟؟؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:22 msgid "Jun-seo" msgstr "جون-سيو" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:23 msgid "Hayden" msgstr "هايدن" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:25 msgid "npc" msgstr "كومبارس" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:26 msgid "npc2" msgstr "كومبارس2" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:28 msgid "Global Warming" msgstr "الاحتباس الحراري" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:83 msgid "9th grade" msgstr "الصف التاسع" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:95 msgid "Get up bitch! It's ready!" msgstr "انهضي يا وضيعة! لقد جهزَت!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:97 msgid "Finally! Outta the way, you'll get burned." msgstr "وأخيرًا! ابتعدي عن الطريق، سوف تصابين بحرق." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:103 msgid "Akarsha gingerly pulls the molten chocolate cake from the oven." msgstr "أخرجت أكارشا كعكة الشوكولاتة السائحة برفق من الفرن." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:105 msgid "Thank god...It looks edible this time." msgstr "الحمد لله...تبدو قابلة للأكل هذه المرة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:106 msgid "" "This is our second try. Diya ruined the first one by forgetting to add flour." msgstr "هذه محاولتنا الثانية. أفسدت ديا الأولى لأنها نسيت إضافة الطحين." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:109 msgid "" "What're all those specks on it? It's like the batter wasn't properly mixed." msgstr "ما كل هذه البقع فيها؟ وكأننا لم نخلط العجينة بشكل جيد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:112 msgid "We worked so hard mixing it though?" msgstr "لكننا بذلنا الكثير من الجهد في خلطها؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:113 msgid "It's probably fine." msgstr "لا بأس على الأغلب." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:114 msgid "" "Yeah, whatever. We don't have enough time to redo it at this point, anyway." msgstr "أجل، لا يهم. ليس لدينا وقت كافٍ لنعيد الآن على كل حال." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:118 msgid "All we gotta do now is write \"Happy Birthday Noelle\" on it." msgstr "كل ما علينا فعله هو كتابة \"عيد ميلاد سعيد يا نويل\" عليها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:121 msgid "Yeah, yeah, naturally." msgstr "ٱجل، أجل، بالتأكيد." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:123 msgid "Akarsha pipes icing letters onto the cake as Min checks her phone." msgstr "عصرت أكارشا كريمة الزينة على شكل حروف بينما تفقدت مين هاتفها." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:125 msgid "Hurry up, Diya says they'll be here any second." msgstr "أسرعي، قالت ديا أنهما ستكونان هنا في أي لحظة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:128 msgid "Easy. I'm done icing the first word already." msgstr "هذا سهل. لقد انتهيت من كتابة الكلمة الأولى." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:134 msgid "Why the fuck did you write \"Noelle\" first!?" msgstr "لمَ كتبتِ \"نويل\" في البداية بحق الجحيم!؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:137 msgid "Aw shit, I got ahead of myself." msgstr "اللعنة، يبدو أنني تسرعت." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:141 msgid "I'm going to fucking kill you!" msgstr "تبًا لكِ سوف أقتلك!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:144 msgid "Akarsha frantically adds 'BIRTHDAY' to the cake." msgstr "أضافت أكارشا بهلع كلمة '{b}سعيد{/b}' على الكعكة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:146 msgid "Wait, what're you doing?" msgstr "مهلًا، ما الذي تفعلينه؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:147 msgid "" "If you hadn't done that, we could've salvaged this with \"Noelle Happy " "Birthday\"!" msgstr "" "لو لم تفعلي ذلك، لكان بإمكاننا إنقاذ الموقف بكتابة \"نويل عيد ميلاد سعيد\"!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:151 msgid "DON'T ASK ME! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR RUSHING ME!!!" msgstr "{b}لا تسأليني! هذا ما يحصل عندما تستعجليني!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:154 msgid "What do we write now?! \"Noelle Birthday Happy\"???" msgstr "ماذا سنكتب الآن؟! \"نويل سعيد عيد ميلاد\"؟؟؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:155 msgid "It's gonna look like we had a goddamn stroke icing this!" msgstr "ستظن أننا أصابتنا جلطة دماغية في أثناء تزييننا للكعكة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:158 msgid "The doorbell rings. Min and Akarsha freeze." msgstr "رن جرس الباب. تجمدت أكارشا ومين." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:160 msgid "It's them!" msgstr "لقد وصلتا!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:163 msgid "Gimme the icing bag! You're not allowed to have it anymore!!" msgstr "أعطيني كيس الكريمة! لم يعد مسموح لك استخدامها!!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:166 msgid "Okay, fair. I don't trust myself anymore, either." msgstr "حسنًا، منطقي. أنا أيضًا لم أعد أثق بنفسي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:168 msgid "I'll go stall them instead." msgstr "سأذهب لأؤخرهم بدلًا من ذلك." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:171 msgid "" "Yeah, keep Noelle outside. I just need like, five minutes to figure out how " "to fix this." msgstr "" "أجل، أبقي نويل خارجًا. أحتاج فقط إلى خمس دقائق تقريبًا لكي أجد طريقة لأصلح هذا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:175 msgid "Akarsha sprints to the front door and throws it open." msgstr "ركضت أكارشا إلى الباب الأمامي وفتحته بعنف." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:177 msgid "Brought her." msgstr "جلبتُها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:179 msgid "" "Well well well, if it isn’t fancy meeting what the cat finally decided to " "show up." msgstr "إذن إذن إذن، أليس ذلك جميلًا، لقد قررت الهرة الحضور أخيرًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:182 msgid "...What on earth are you saying..." msgstr "...ما الذي تقولينه حتى..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:183 msgid "" "Noelle narrows her eyes suspiciously at Akarsha, then tries to peer past her " "into the house." msgstr "" "حدقت نويل إلى أكارشا بنظرة شك مضيّقةً عينيها، ثم حاولت إلقاء نظرة خلفها داخل " "المنزل." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:185 msgid "Is this your house? Diya wouldn't explain why we were walking here." msgstr "أهذا منزلك؟ رفضت ديا تفسير سبب مجيئنا إلى هنا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:187 msgid "Sure is. To be honest, Frenchman, we're here because... uh..." msgstr "هذا بالفعل هو. بصراحة يا فرنسية، نحن هنا من أجل... ااا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:189 msgid "" "We're not ready to reveal the birthday cake yet. I gotta do something to " "distract her!" msgstr "ما زلنا غير جاهزين لنريها الكعكة. عليّ فعل شيء لإلهائها!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:192 msgid "Fake your own death" msgstr "التظاهر بالموت" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:192 msgid "Propose to her" msgstr "طلب يدها في الزواج" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:196 msgid "Ough! I've been poisoned!" msgstr "أعع! لقد تم تسميمي!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:198 msgid "Akarsha theatrically collapses and lies facedown on the floor." msgstr "انهارت أكارشا بشكل درامي واستلقت أرضًا ووجهها للأسفل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:200 msgctxt "beginning_cf977472" msgid "???" msgstr "؟؟؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:202 msgctxt "beginning_320efa19" msgid "........" msgstr "........" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:203 msgid "" "Used to Akarsha's antics, Diya and Noelle step over her motionless body " "without comment." msgstr "" "لأنهما معتادتان على تصرفاتها، تخطت ديا ونويا جسدها الساكن دون أي تعليق." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:205 msgid "W-wait a minute!" msgstr "لـ-لحظة واحدة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:207 msgid "" "Akarsha crawls to Noelle on all fours and seizes her leg with shaking hands." msgstr "زحفت أكارشا على أربع نحو نويل وتمسكت برجلها بيديها المرتجفتين." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:210 msgid "LET GO OF MY LEG." msgstr "{b}إليكِ عن رجلي.{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:212 msgid "Wait. I seriously just threw up all over the floor in the kitchen." msgstr "مهلًا. بجدية، تقيأتُ للتو في كل الأرجاء على أرضية المطبخ." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:215 msgid "What?? Why?!" msgstr "ماذا؟؟ لماذا؟!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:217 msgid "That's what I gotta do to get your attention?" msgstr "هل هذا ما علي فعله حقًا لجلب انتباهك؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:218 msgid "I didn't even throw up." msgstr "لم أتقيأ حتى." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:221 msgctxt "beginning_a41d9ab0" msgid "........." msgstr "........." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:222 msgid "" "Noelle wrenches Akarsha off her leg, then wipes her hands on her shirt like " "she just touched a slug." msgstr "" "انتزعت نويل أكارشا من على رجلها، ثم مسحت يدها على قميصها وكأنها لمست لتوها " "بزاقة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:224 msgid "You're gonna just ignore me?" msgstr "ستظلين تتجاهليني؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:226 msgid "I'm throwing up again!" msgstr "سأتقيأ من جديد!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:230 msgid "Akarsha gets down on one knee. Noelle looks warily down at her." msgstr "جلست أكارشا على ركبة واحدة. نظرت إليها نويل مرتابةً." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:233 msgid "Noelle, will you marry me?!" msgstr "نويل، أتتزوجينني؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:236 msgid "....??!" msgstr "....؟؟!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:238 msgctxt "beginning_22b0498e" msgid "What's wrong with you?!" msgstr "ما مشكلتك أنتِ؟!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:239 msgid "" "Akarsha grabs Noelle's hand and tries to force a rubber band onto her finger." msgstr "أمسكت أكارشل يد نويل وحاولت وضع رباط مطاطي حول إصبعها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:242 msgid "WHAT IS THAT?!?!" msgstr "{b}ما هذا؟!؟!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:244 msgid "Your engagement ring!" msgstr "خاتم زفافك!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:247 msgid "I DIDN’T AGREE TO THIS! WE’RE NOT ENGAGED!" msgstr "{b}لَم أوافق على هذا! لن نتزوج!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:249 msgid "You didn’t say no!" msgstr "السكوت علامة الرضا!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:252 msgid "NO!" msgstr "{b}كلا!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:254 msgid "Too late! You didn’t say it right after I asked you!" msgstr "فات الأوان! لم تقوليها بعد سؤالي لك مباشرة!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:257 msgid "THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS, YOU DOLT!" msgstr "{b}الأمر لا يعمل بهذه الطريقة أيتها الخرقاء!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:259 msgid "Is that any way to address your future wife?" msgstr "هل هذه طريقة لائقة للحديث إلى زوجتك المستقبلية؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:262 msgid "Noelle flings the offending rubber band into the bushes." msgstr "رمت نويل الرباط المطاطي المشؤوم جانبًا في الشجيرات." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:265 msgctxt "beginning_d11361e6" msgid "........." msgstr "........." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:266 msgid "" "Diya just stands there in confusion. Noelle suspiciously looks from her to " "Akarsha." msgstr "وقفت ديا مكانها محتارة. ألقيت نويل إليها وأكارشا نظرات الشك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:268 msgid "What's really going on?" msgstr "ما الذي يحدث هنا حقًا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:269 msgid "" "There's no way you made me walk for an hour just to act out this inane skit." msgstr "" "مستحيل أنكما جعلتماني أمشي لمدة ساعة كاملة فقط لكي أرر هذا المشهد التمثيلي " "التافه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:271 msgid "It only took that long because you wouldn't run." msgstr "السبب الوحيد لاستغراقنا كل ذلك الوقت هو أنك رفضتِ الركض." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:272 msgid "" "Once you run at least three miles without walking, you'll see how fun it is." msgstr "" "عندما تركضين ثلاثة كيلومترات على الأقل دون أن تمشي، سترين مدى المتعة التي " "فيه." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:274 msgid "I'm sorry, Diya, but that's never happening." msgstr "أنا آسفة يا ديا، ولكن ذلك لن يحدث أبدًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:277 msgid "SURPRISE!!!" msgstr "{b}مفاجأة!!!{/b}" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:279 msgid "Oh, we're doing this? The cake must be ready now!" msgstr "سنفعل هذا الآن؟ لا شك أن الكعكة جاهزة إذن!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:281 msgid "Surprise! Happy Birthday Frenchman!" msgstr "مفاجأة! عيد ميلاد سعيد يا فرنسية!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:284 msgid "Surprise." msgstr "مفاجأة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:285 msgid "We put together a party for you." msgstr "أقمنا حفلة من أجلك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:287 msgid "Oh. You...{w=0.35}what?" msgstr "ااا. أنتم...{w=0.35}ماذا؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:288 msgid "Noelle is lost for words." msgstr "لا تدري نويل ما تقول." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:290 msgid "You shouldn't have..." msgstr "ما كان عليكم فعل هذا..." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:292 msgid "Shut the fuck up! You're not the boss of me!" msgstr "أغلقي فمك اللعين! أنت لست المسؤولة عني!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:294 msgid "It...{w=0.35}it's MY birthday, so shouldn't I have some say here?!" msgstr "" "إنه...{w=0.35}إنه عيد ميلادي {b}أنا{/b}، أليس عليكم أخذ كلمتي بعين الاعتبار؟!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:295 msgid "Anyway, I haven't said anything about not liking it." msgstr "على كلٍ، لم أقل أن المفاجأة لم تعجبني." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:297 msgid "She grimaces like there's something disgusting in her mouth." msgstr "تجهمَت وكأن في فمها شيئًا مقززًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:299 msgid "I sincerely....{w=1.0}appreciate....{w=1.0}you all doing this." msgstr "أنا حقًا....{w=1.0}أقدّر....{w=1.0}فعلكم لهذا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:302 msgid "Oooh, I like this! Go on." msgstr "جمييل، يعجبني ما يحصل هنا! استمري." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:305 msgid "There's nothing more to \"go on\" to. That was all." msgstr "ليس هنالك أي شيء لـ\"أستمر\" في فعله. انتهيت." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:307 msgid "It was nice while it lasted." msgstr "كان ذلك جميلًا قبل أن ينتهي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:316 msgid "Come inside. We baked you a cake!" msgstr "ادخلي. خبزنا لك كعكة!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:319 msgid "You did?" msgstr "حقًا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:325 msgid "Wha...{w=0.35}what kind of save was this..." msgstr "ما...{w=0.35}أي نوع من التصليح هو هذا..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:328 msgid "What's that red squiggly under it? A heart monitor?" msgstr "ما هذا الخط الأحمر المتعرج تحتها؟ مؤشر لنبض قلب؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:331 msgid "Why does it look like it's flatlining toward the end?" msgstr "ولماذا يبدو وكأنه يتوقف في النهاية؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:333 msgid "It's hard to control the icing, okay?!" msgstr "من الصعب التحكم بالكريمة، حسنًا؟!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:335 msgid "And this was all Akarsha's fault in the first place." msgstr "كما أن كل هذا خطأ أكارشا من الأساس." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:338 msgid "" "MY fault? All I did was drive the train off the rails. You were the one who " "crashed it!" msgstr "" "خطئي {b}أنا{/b}؟ كا ما فعلته هو إخراج القطار عن سكته. أنتِ التي سببت اصطدامه!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:341 msgid "Driving off the rails still sounds like a pretty big mistake..." msgstr "ما زال الخروج عن السكة يبدو وكأنه خطأ فادح..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:344 msgid "" "Oh yeah?? Well, ultimately, this is Noelle's fault for being born. Who's the " "real culprit now???" msgstr "" "أتظنين ذلك؟؟ حسنًا، في النهاية، هذا خطأ نويل لأنها وُلدت. من المذنب الحقيقي " "الآن؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:347 msgid "Huh, good point. Okay, let's go with that." msgstr "همم، نقطة جيدة. حسنًا، لنعتمد هذا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:349 msgid "Good point?!" msgstr "نقطة جيدة؟!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:351 msgid "We've won. Two against one." msgstr "لقد فزنا. اثنين لواحد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:354 msgid "Democracy! U.S.A!" msgstr "الديموقراطية! تعيش الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:358 msgid "" "Once everyone's had a slice of cake, Akarsha brings everyone to the living " "room." msgstr "بعدما حصل الجميع على قطعة من الكعك، جلبتهم أكارشا إلى غرفة المعيشة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:360 msgid "" "This was originally gonna be a sleepover, but I think some of your parents " "would've said no." msgstr "" "كان من المفترض أن تكون هذه حفلة مبيت، لكن أعتقد أن بعض آبائكم قد يرفضون ذلك." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:362 msgctxt "golf_5b580689" msgid "Diya nods." msgstr "هزت ديا رأسها متفقة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:364 msgid "" "My mom's never let me go to one before. She's worried it'll turn me lesbian." msgstr "لم تسمح لي أمي أبدًا بالذهاب إلى واحدة. تخشى من أن يحّوني ذلك إلى مثلية." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:366 msgid "Too bad for her, I already did." msgstr "من المؤسف لها أنني حوّلتك إلى واحدة بالفعل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:368 msgctxt "golf_8050f8f8" msgid "Yeah..." msgstr "أجل..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:370 msgid "" "Akarsha, I'm surprised your parents let us come over unsupervised at all." msgstr "أكارشا، يفاجئني أن والداك سمحا لنا بالقدوم إلى هنا دون أي رقابة منهما." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:372 msgid "Eh, they trust me. They should be back any minute now, anyway." msgstr "إنهما يثقان بي. سيعودان في أي لحظة على أي حال." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:373 msgid "" "They're in San Ramon watching my bro's red belt test for Taekwondo. It must " "be taking longer than they thought." msgstr "" "إنهما في سان رامون ليشاهدا اختبار الحزام الأحمر لأخي في التايكوندو. لا شك أن " "الأمر استغرق مدة أطول مما توقعا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:376 msgid "" "Test? I didn't realize you had to pass formal examinations to advance in " "Taekwondo." msgstr "اختبار؟ لم أدرك أن عليك اجتياز امتحانات رسمية للتقدم في التايكوندو." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:378 msgid "" "Ya, you gotta memorize forms and stuff. I've never seen them fail anyone, " "though." msgstr "أجل، عليكِ حفظ الوضعيات وما شابه. لكني لم أرَ أحدًا يفشل من قبل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:380 msgid "" "Anyway, us being home alone means we can go BUCK WILD. We're about to throw " "the party of a LIFETIME, Frenchman!" msgstr "" "على كل حال، بما أننا وحدنا في المنزل بإمكاننا التصرف {b}بجنون{/b}. سوف تكون " "حفلة لن تنسينها في {b}حياتك{/b} يا فرنسية!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:382 msgid "Akarsha crouches at the foot of the TV and turns the GameCube on." msgstr "قرفصت أكارشا بجانب التلفاز وشغلت جهاز الـ\"غيم-كيوب\"." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:384 msgid "Mario Golf, baby." msgstr "\"ماريو غولف\" يا أعزائي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:387 msgid "Golf? Are you sure Noelle will like that?" msgstr "غولف؟ أمتأكدة من أن هذا سيعجب نويل؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:389 msgid "" "I don't know what you're talking about. Mario Golf is the best game in the " "world." msgstr "لا أعرف عن ماذا تتحدثين. \"ماريو غولف\" هي أفضل لعبة في الحياة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:391 msgid "" "I only have two controllers, though. I usually just play against my bro." msgstr "لكن ليس لدي سوى جهازَي تحكم. لا ألعبها عادة إلا مع أخي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:394 msgid "Noelle should get to play first because it's her birthday." msgstr "علينا أن ندع نويل تلعب أولًا بما أنه عيد ميلادها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:396 msgid "Yeah, and the rest of us should take turns playing against her." msgstr "أجل، وبإمكان البقية أخذ أدوار في اللعب ضدها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:399 msgid "Won't that feel like everyone ganging up against me?" msgstr "ألن يجعلني ذلك أشعر وكأن الجميع يتعاون لهزيمتي؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:401 msgid "Nonsense! You're getting the maximal amount of fun here, Frenchman." msgstr "هراء! ستحظين بأكبر مقدار من المتعة هنا يا فرنسية." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:404 msgid "" "Akarsha hands Noelle one of the controllers. Min grabs the other one and " "curls up on the couch with Diya." msgstr "" "أعطت أكارسا نويل أحد أجهزة التحكم. أخذت مين الآخر وتكوّرت على الأريكة مع ديا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:406 msgid "Akarsha, this better not be like your copy of Melee." msgstr "أكارشا، يستحسن ألا تكون هذه مثل شريط لعبة \"ميلي\" خاصتك." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:407 msgid "You didn't even have any of the characters unlocked except Marth." msgstr "لم تفتحي عليه أي من الشخصيات سوى \"مارث\"." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:409 msgid "" "Who needs \"Falcon\" or whatever when Captain Falcon is right there? Same " "thing, really..." msgstr "" "من يحتاج إلى \"فالكون\" أو أيًا كان اسمه إذا كان \"الكابتن فالكون\" موجودًا " "عندك؟ نفس الشيء بصراحة..." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:413 msgid "You mean {i}Falco{/i}?! There's no fucking character called Falcon!" msgstr "أتقصدين {i}\"فالكو\"{/i}؟! ليس هنالك شخصية باسم \"فالكون\"!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:421 msgid "Jeez, calm yourself! I unlocked everything this time. See?" msgstr "يا إلهي، هدئي أعصابك! فتحتُ كل شيء هذه المرة. أترين؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:423 msgid "Min, choose Wario. We're team Wario." msgstr "مين، اختاري \"واريو\". نحن فريق \"واريو\"." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:426 msgid "Why should I?" msgstr "ولمَ عليّ فعل ذلك؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:429 msgid "Don't you trust me?" msgstr "ألا تثقين بي؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:432 msgid "I guess, whatever..." msgstr "على ما أعتقد، لا يهم..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:434 msgid "I suppose I'll be this pink princess." msgstr "أعتقد أنني سأكون هذه الأميرة الوردية." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:438 msgid "" "Akarsha glances over at Noelle. She's placed her controller flat on the sofa " "and is pressing down on the buttons like she's playing piano." msgstr "" "نظرت أكارشا إلى نويل. لقد وضعت جهاز تحكمها على الأريكة أمامها وبدأت تضغط " "الأزرار برفق وكأنها تعزف البيانو." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:440 msgid "What're you doing???" msgstr "ماذا تفعلين؟؟؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:443 msgid "" "Shut up! I can adjust the control stick with greater precision like this!" msgstr "اصمتي! بإمكاني تحريك عصا التحكم بدقة أكبر هكذا!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:446 msgid "" "Noelle pinches the control stick between her thumb and index finger like a " "crab with a pebble between its pincers." msgstr "" "أمسكت نويل عصا التحكم بين سبابتها وإبهامها وكأنها سلطعون يحمل حجرًا بمخلبه." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:448 msgid "" "Ohhhh my godddd! Why are you like a grandma who's never seen a video game " "before?!" msgstr "ياااااا إلهييييي! لماذا وكأنك جدة لك ترَ لعبة فيديو من قبل؟!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:452 msgid "" "Min selects a dark, lava-ridden course. An animation panning to the stage's " "first hole plays onscreen." msgstr "" "اختارت مين مضمارًا مظلمًا مليئًا بالحمم. بدأ مشهد يُظهر حفرة المرحلة الأول على " "الشاشة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:454 msgid "Wait, that looks difficult. I don't even know how to play this yet!" msgstr "مهلًا، هذا يبدو صعبًا. ما زلت لا أعرف كيف ألعب اللعبة حتى!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:457 msgid "Sink or sizzle, Frenchman." msgstr "حاولي الفوز أو اغرقي في الحمم، الأمر عائد إليك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:460 msgid "" "That doesn't sound like something you should be saying to someone on her " "birthday." msgstr "هذا لا يبدو كشيء يفترض قوله لشخص يوم عيد ميلاده." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:463 msgid "" "Noelle hastily mashes buttons at random on her controller. Her character " "manages to hit the golf ball safely across a lava pit." msgstr "" "تضغط نويل الأزرار بسرعة وعشوائية بالغة على جهاز تحكمها. استطاعت شخصيتها ضرب " "كرة الغولف بأمان من فوق بركة من الحمم." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:465 msgid "Oh, so it's just luck." msgstr "آها، إذن ليس في الأمر إلا حظ." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:468 msgid "It's not luck. It's physics." msgstr "ليس حظًا. إنها الفيزياء." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:470 msgid "" "Big words from someone who was protesting she didn't know how play ten " "seconds ago." msgstr "" "كلام كبير بالنسبة لفتاة كانت تتذمر قبل عشر ثوانٍ لأنها لا تعرف كيف تلعب." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:472 msgid "" "After a few swings, Min successfully putts her golf ball into the first " "hole. The words \"BOGEY\" appear onscreen." msgstr "" "بعد بضع محاولان، نجحت مين في ضرب كرتها إلى داخل الحفرة الأولى. ظهرت كلمة {b}" "بوغي{/b} على الشاشة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:474 msgid "The fuck is a \"bogey\"?" msgstr "ما هو الـ\"بوغي\" بحق الجحيم؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:476 msgid "How should I know? Aren't you and Diya the sports enthusiasts here?" msgstr "كيف لي أن أعرف؟ ألستِ أنت وديا هاويتا الرياضة هنا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:478 msgid "I like real sports, not fake old people sports like golf." msgstr "أحب الرياضات الحقيقية، وليس رياضيات العجزة المزيفة مثل الغولف." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:480 msgid "Me too." msgstr "وأنا أيضًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:483 msgid "" "Noelle finishes the hole with a triple bogey. Onscreen, Princess Peach " "collapses and shakes her head, devastated." msgstr "" "وصلت نويل الحفرة الأولى بنتيجة \"بوغي ثلاثي\". على الشاشة، انهارت الأميرة " "\"بيتش\" وهزت رأسها متحطمة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:486 msgid "HAHAH! LOSER!!!" msgstr "{b}هاهاه! فاشلة!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:490 msgid "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" msgstr "{b}أغلقي فمك أنتِ!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:492 msgid "" "Min hands Diya the controller for the next hole, kissing her adoringly on " "the cheek as she does." msgstr "" "أعطت مين ديا جهاز التحكم إذ حان وقت الحفرة التالية وهي تقبّلها بعشق على خدها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:493 msgid "Diya furrows her brows, considering her options..." msgstr "قربت ديا حاجبيها من بعضهما وهي تفكر في ما لديها من خيارات..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:495 msgctxt "golf_7c22ccaa" msgid "......." msgstr "......." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:499 msgid "Diya launches her ball straight into the lava." msgstr "قذفت ديا كرتها مباشرة نحو الحمم." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:501 msgid "At last! My chance to make a comeback." msgstr "وأخيرًا! فرصتي لأعيد التقدم." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:503 msgid "I'm weaker today because I'm not Luigi." msgstr "أنا أضعف اليوم لأنني لست \"لويجي\"." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:505 msgid "If you insist." msgstr "إن كنت مصرّة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:507 msgid "Noelle immediately hits her ball into the lava, too." msgstr "ضربت نويل كرتها مباشرة نحو الحمم أيضًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:509 msgid "NGOOOHHGHH!!!" msgstr "{b}لاااااااعععع!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:512 msgid "I can't wait to see your face when we play Monopoly later." msgstr "لا يسعني الانتظار لأرى وجهك عندما نلعب المونوبولي لاحقًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:515 msgid "We're playing {i}Monopoly?{/i} Why?" msgstr "سنلعب {i}المونوبولي؟{/i} لماذا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:517 msgid "What, you don't like it?" msgstr "ماذا، ألا تحبينها؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:519 msgid "There's no skill involved! It's pure luck!" msgstr "لا تحتاج أي مهارة! كلها حظ بحت!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:522 msgid "Silence, demon! It's fun to fantasize about owning property someday!" msgstr "سكوت أيتها الشيطانة! من الممتع تخيل أنك ستمتلكين عقارات يومًا ما!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:525 msgid "The game was not even designed to be fun!" msgstr "لم تُصمم اللعبة لتكون ممتعة حتى." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:526 msgid "It was created to educate people on the dangers of capitalism!" msgstr "صنعوها لتعليم الناس عن مخاطر الرأسمالية!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:528 msgid "But I like collecting the deed cards...They're such nice colors." msgstr "ولكني أحب جمع بطاقات الملكية...ألوانها جميلة جدًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:531 msgid "" "Noelle, let's make a deal. If you win the next hole against me, we won't " "play Monopoly." msgstr "نويل، لنعقد صفقة. إن فزتِ عليّ في الحفرة التالية د، لن نلعي المونوبولي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:534 msgid "How is that fair? You've played Mario Golf countless times before." msgstr "وكيف لذلك أن يكون عدلًا؟ لعبتِ \"ماريو غولف\" مرات عديدة من قبل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:537 msgid "Hey, I've only tried this course once or twice! Honest!" msgstr "لا، لم أجبر هذا الملعب إلا مرة أو مرتين! حقًا!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:539 msgid "" "Noelle ponders this as Diya hits her golf ball straight into the lava for " "the third time." msgstr "فكرت نويل في هذا وديا تضرب كرتها مباشرة نحو الحمم للمرة الثالثة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:541 msgid "...Fine. Deal." msgstr "...حسنًا. اتفقنا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:543 msgid "Oh, no. I roasted my golf ball again." msgstr "لااا. تحمصت كرتي من جديد." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:545 msgid "After countless attempts, Noelle manages to complete the hole first." msgstr "بعد محاولات عديدة، استطاعت نويل الوصول إلى الحفرة أولًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:547 msgid "Yay. You win." msgstr "مرحى. فزتِ." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:549 msgid "" "It's a good thing your athleticism doesn't translate to skill at sports " "games." msgstr "من الجيد أن مهارتك في الرياضة لا تشكل ألعاب الرياضة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:552 msgid "" "Diya putts the ball into the hole with her next swing. She passes the " "controller to Akarsha." msgstr "" "ضربت ديا الكرة إلى داخل الحفرة في دورها التالي، ثم مررت جهاز التحكم إلى " "أكارشا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:554 msgid "Your turn." msgstr "دورك." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:556 msgid "Diya totally just let Noelle win." msgstr "سمحت ديا لنويل بالفوز للتو بلا شك." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:558 msgid "" "Unfortunately for Frenchman, {i}I{/i} don't believe in going easy on the " "birthday girl." msgstr "لكن لسوء حظ الفرنسية، {i}أنا{/i} لا أؤمن بالتساهل مع فتاة عيد الميلاد." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:559 msgid "I'm pulling out all the stops!" msgstr "سوف أستعمل كل ما لدي من مهارة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:564 msgid "" "The words \"Press A to skip\" appear as the animation showing the next hole " "begins to play..." msgstr "" "ظهرت جملة \"اضغط زر A للتخطي\" فوق مشهد يبيّن موقع الحفرة التالية بدأ للتو." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:566 msgid "\"Accidentally\" press A as you take the controller" msgstr "ضغط زر A \"بالخطأ\" لحظة إمساكك لجهاز التحكم" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:568 msgid "" "Akarsha presses A to skip the animation before it can reveal the hole's " "location." msgstr "ضغطت أكارشا زر A لتخطي المشهد قبل أن يظهر موقع الحفرة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:570 msgid "You cut it off early..." msgstr "لم تدعيه يكمل..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:573 msgid "Whoopsie daisy! I got too impatient." msgstr "أوبسي! لم أستطع الانتظار." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:577 msgid "AKARSHA!!! WHERE'S THE HOLE!!" msgstr "{b}أكارشا!!! أين الحفرة!!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:580 msgid "I wonder..." msgstr "أتساءل..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:584 msgid "YOU WORTHLESS SCAMMER!!!" msgstr "{b}محتالة عديمة القيمة!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:587 msgid "Akarsha smugly putts her ball, but it rolls smoothly into the lava." msgstr "ضربت أكارشا الكرة بتعجرف، ولكنها انطلقت بسلاسة إلى داخل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:590 msgid "NOO!!! NOOOO!! AAUAAGGH!!!" msgstr "{b}لاا!!! لااااا!! ااااااااعع!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:593 msgid "Serves you right." msgstr "هذا ما تستحقينه." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:595 msgid "Noelle tries to set up a trick shot against a wall." msgstr "حاولت نويل أداء حيلة لجعل الكرة ترتد عن حائط." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:597 msgid "Whoa! Geometry!" msgstr "يااه! هندسة!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:600 msgid "Be quiet. I'm concentrating." msgstr "اهدئي. أحاول التركيز." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:602 msgid "Noelle hits the ball with a measured swing." msgstr "أرجحت نويل المضرب بطريقة محسوبة وضربت الكرة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:603 msgid "" "Instead of glancing off the wall at the intended angle, it just ricochets " "back the way it came." msgstr "بدلًا من الارتداد عن الحائط بالزاوية المطلوبة، عادت من حيث أتت." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:605 msgid "Well done, Noelle! You're back where you started!" msgstr "عمل جيد يا نويل! عدتِ من حيث بدأتِ." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:609 msgid "I HATE YOU! YOU SCUMBAG!!!" msgstr "{b}أكرهك! حقيرة!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:610 msgid "I STILL DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE HOLE IS!!!" msgstr "{b}لا زلت لا أعرف موقع الحفرة حتى!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:613 msgid "Watch and learn, my friend." msgstr "شاهدي وتعلمي يا صديقتي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:615 msgid "" "Akarsha expertly angles her shot so the golf ball rolls up a hill, then " "drops straight into the hole." msgstr "" "جهّزت زاوية ضربتها باحترافية، فتحركت الكرة إلى أعلى تلة، ومن ثم سقطت في " "الحفرة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:617 msgid "That's how it's done." msgstr "هكذا نفعل الأمور." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:618 msgid "My days playing this stage against my bro have finally paid off!" msgstr "كل تلك الأيام التي قضيتها في لعب هذه المرحلة ضد أخي جاءت بنتيجة أخيرًا!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:621 msgid "Days?! You said you only played this stage once or twice!" msgstr "أيام؟! قلتِ أنك لم تلعبيها سوى مرة أو مرتين!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:623 msgid "" "Noelle scowls, but Akarsha can tell from the way the corners of her mouth " "crinkle that she's fighting back a grin." msgstr "" "تنهدت نويل مستنكرةً وأشاحت بوجهها، ولمن أكارشا تعرف من طريقة انثناء حافتَي " "فمها من أنها تمنع نفسها من الابتسام." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:625 msgid "You liar! What do you have to say for yourself?!" msgstr "أيتها الكاذبة! ماذا بوسعك قوله لتدافعي عن نفسك؟!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:628 msgid "Huh? Suddenly, I can't hear...My ears are failing!" msgstr "ماذا؟ فجأة، لا أستطيع السماع...أذناي تتعطلان!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:629 msgid "Hawwo? Hawwo?" msgstr "مَوحبا؟ مَوحبا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:633 msgid "AKARSHAAAAA!!!!!!" msgstr "{b}أكارشااااا!!!!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:636 msgid "Wario slaps his butt as the words \"PAR\" appear onscreen." msgstr "صفع \"واريو\" مؤخرته وظهرت على الشاشة كلمة \"پار\"." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:638 msgid "See? This is why Mario Golf is the best game in the world." msgstr "أترين؟ لهذا السبب \"ماريو غولف\" أفضل لعبة في الحياة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:640 msgid "" "Noelle turns away so Akarsha can't see her face, but by now she's shaking " "with barely suppressed laughter." msgstr "" "استدارت نويل كي لا نترى أكارشا وجهها، ولكنها الآن ترتجف من كل الضحك التي " "بالكاد تمنع نفسها من إظهاره." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:642 msgid "I win! I broke her!" msgstr "أنا فزتُ! جعلتُها تنهار!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:647 msgid "I'M GOING TO BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!!!" msgstr "{b}سوف أبرحك ضربًا إلى أن أدمرك!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:654 msgid "Akarsha yelps as Noelle pelts her with slaps." msgstr "صرخت أكارشا إذ بدأت نويل ت" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:656 msgid "Halp! Murder! Murder!" msgstr "النجدااة! قاتلة! قاتلة!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:659 msgid "So, Monopoly?" msgstr "إذن، مونوبولي؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:661 msgid "You got it." msgstr "أكيد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:670 msgid "Ya HA! I got Boardwalk!" msgstr "أجل {b}ها{/b}! حصلتُ على \"بوردواك\"!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:672 msgid "" "Welcome to my Santa Cruz of Death. I'm using my entire savings to pile four " "houses on it." msgstr "" "أهلًا بكم إلى منطقة \"سانتا كروز الموت\" خاصتي. سأنفق كل مدّخرات حياتي لأُراكم " "أربعة منازل فيها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:675 msgid "Oh, no. If I land on it right now, I'll go broke." msgstr "تبًا. إن وجدت نفسي فيها الآن، سوف أصبح مفلسة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:677 msgid "Well, chances are, you won't." msgstr "لكن من المحتمل ألا يحدث ذلك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:678 msgid "" "Unloading all your money on a single property is pure folly this early in " "the game." msgstr "" "استهلاك كل مالك على واحدة من ممتلكاتك وحسب في بداية اللعبة هكذا جنون بالكامل." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:680 msgid "" "Diya rolls the dice and breathes a sigh of relief when she safely passes " "Akarsha's killer Boardwalk tile." msgstr "" "رمت ديا حجارة النرد وتنفست الصعداء عندما عبرت بأمان مربع \"بوردواك\" أكارشا " "القاتل." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:681 msgid "" "After a few spaces, her dog token lands on Min's property. She begins to " "shell out the rent, but Min stops her." msgstr "" "بعد بضعة مربعات, وصل مجسم لعبها الذي على شكل كلب إلى منطقة ملكية مين. بدأت " "تخرج الإيجار لتدفع لكن مين أوقفتها." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:683 msgid "You don't have to pay me." msgstr "ليس عليكِ الدفع لي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:685 msgctxt "monopoly_a014ade9" msgid "?!" msgstr "؟!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:686 msgid "I don't?" msgstr "لا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:688 msgid "It's my house, so I'm in charge. You can stay there for free." msgstr "إنه منزلي, لذا أنا المسؤولة. بإمكانك البقاء هنا مجانًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:691 msgctxt "monopoly_74a1a48c" msgid "...." msgstr "...." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:693 msgid "Not so fast. That's not allowed!" msgstr "ليس بتلك السرعة. هذا غير مسموح!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:694 msgid "" "When you land on property owned by another player, the owner has to collect " "rent from you." msgstr "عندما تقف على ملكية لاعب آخر, على المالك جمع الإيجار منك." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:697 msgid "" "Akarsha flips open the rulebook and pretends to adjust an imaginary pair of " "glasses on her face." msgstr "فتحت أكارشا كتاب القواعد وتظاهرت بضبط نظاراتها الخيالية على وجهها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:699 msgid "Actually, it says here..." msgstr "في الحقيقة, مكتوب هنا..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:700 msgid "" "\"The owner may not collect the rent if he/she fails to ask for it before " "the second player following throws the dice.\"" msgstr "" "\"من الممكن عدم جمع المالكـ(ـة) الإيجار إن فشلـ(ـت) في طلبه قبل أن يرمي " "اللاعب التالي حجارة النرد.\"" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:703 msgid "That's so confusingly worded." msgstr "كان ذلك مُصاغًا بطريقة معقدة للغاية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:705 msgid "" "Basically, it's sayin' if the owner doesn't ask for rent, the renter doesn't " "have to pay it!" msgstr "باختصار, يقول إن لم يطلب المالك الإيجار, ليس على المستأجر الدفع!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:708 msgid "Ha! So Diya CAN sleep at my house!" msgstr "ها! لذا {b}بإمكان{/b} ديا النوم في منزلي!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:710 msgid "" "What kind of buffoon penned these rules?! If the renter and owner are in " "cahoots, the other players are at a disadvantage!" msgstr "" "أي نوع من المغفلين كتب هذه القوانين؟! إذا كان المالك والمستأجر متعاونَين, " "سيضع ذلك بقية اللاعبين في وضعية أسوأ!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:712 msgid "Unless the odd ones out form an alliance to counter it, too." msgstr "إلا إن قرر البقية إقامة صلح أيضًا لمقاومتهما." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:714 msgid "HmmMMMMM...Wanna be in {i}cahoots{/i} with me, Frenchman?" msgstr "همم{b}ممممم{/b}أتودين {i}التعاون{/i} معي يا فرنسية؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:717 msgid "Not a chance." msgstr "لا تحلمي بذلك حتى." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:719 msgid "Don't say I didn't ask ya." msgstr "لا تقولي أنني لم أطلب." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:721 msgid "" "You'll be singing a different tune once you land on my Killer Boardwalk." msgstr "سنرى ماذا ستقولين عندما تجدين نفسك على الـ\"بوردواك\" القاتل خاصتي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:732 msgid "Noelle's phone buzzes, and her face pales when she checks it." msgstr "ارتجّ هاتف نويل, وشحب وجهها عندما تفقدته." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:735 msgctxt "monopoly_03e3ab03" msgid "Oh, great." msgstr "ممتاز." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:737 msgctxt "monopoly_a7740241" msgid "What's wrong?" msgstr "ما الخطب؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:739 msgid "I told my mom I'd text her when I got to Akarsha's house." msgstr "أخبرت أمي أني سأرسل إليها رسالة عندما أصل إلى بيت أكارشا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:746 msgid "But I was having so much fun, it completely slipped my mind." msgstr "ولكنني كنت مستمتعة جدًا بوقتي لدرجة أني نسيت الأمر تمامًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:748 msgid "" "Akarsha catches a glimpse of Noelle's phone screen. It's filled with " "panicked texts from her mom..." msgstr "" "لمحت أكارشا شاشة هاتف نويل للحظة. إنها مليئة برسائل مذعورة من والدتها..." # Speaker: cFirstLine #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:757 msgctxt "momTexts_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" msgstr "{nw}" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:758 msgid "12:29 PM" msgstr "12:29 م" # Speaker: cMom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:759 msgid "Are you having fun" msgstr "أتستمتعين بوقتك" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:760 msgid "Hello" msgstr "مرحبًا" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:761 msgid "1:00 PM" msgstr "1:00 م" # Speaker: cMom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:762 msgid "Hello Noelle how are you doting" msgstr "نويل مرحبًا كيف حابك" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:763 msgid "I meant not doing not doting :)" msgstr "قصدت ليس حابك ليس حالك :)" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:764 msgid "2:30 PM" msgstr "2:30 م" # Speaker: cMom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:765 msgid "You may consider to call us when you can" msgstr "يمكنك التفكير بالاتصال بنا عندما تستطيعين" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:766 msgid "2:51 PM" msgstr "2:51 م" # Speaker: cMom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:767 msgid "Is everything okay ?" msgstr "أكل شيء على ما يرام ؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:768 msgid "Where are you? You said you would text us, It's been almost two hours" msgstr "أين أنت؟ قلت أنك ستراسليننا, وقد مرت ساعتان" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:769 msgid "2:55 PM" msgstr "2:55 م" # Speaker: cMom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:770 msgid "How come you're not picking up your phone?" msgstr "لماذا لا تجيبين على هاتفك؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:771 msgid "We're about to call the police" msgstr "نحن على وشك الاتصال بالشرطة" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:777 msgid "Jesus..." msgstr "بحق السماء..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:779 msgid "" "There's four missed calls, too. I think we were all shouting so much, I " "didn't hear any of them." msgstr "" "هنالك أربع مكالمات لم يرد عليها أيضًا. أعتقد أننا كنا نصرخ كثيرًا لدرحة أني لم " "أسمع أيًا منها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:782 msgid "Diya jumps in surprise as her cell phone starts ringing." msgstr "قفزت ديا متفاجئةً عندما بدأ هاتفها بالرنين." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:783 msgid "" "She stares at it with trepidation before fearfully pressing it to her good " "ear." msgstr "حدقت إليه مذعورةً قبل أن تضعه بخوف على أذنها جيدة السمع." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:785 msgctxt "momTexts_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "........" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:787 msgid "Diya frantically hands Noelle the phone like it's a hot potato." msgstr "مررت ديا الهاتف بسرعة وهلع إلى نويل وكأنه حبة بطاطس ساخنة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:789 msgid "Alright. I'll deal with it." msgstr "حسنًا. سأتدبر الأمر." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:791 msgid "" "Noelle answers the phone and leaves the room with a sigh. Akarsha can " "faintly hear her side of a frustrating conversation..." msgstr "" "أجابت نويل الهاتف وغادرت الغرفة متنهدةً. بإمكان أكارشا سماع جانبها من " "المحادثة المرهقة بشكل خافت..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:792 msgid "A few minutes later, she returns to the group, her face sour." msgstr "بعد بضع دقائق, عادت إلى المجموعة عابسة الوجه." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:794 msgid "" "We've cleared up the misunderstanding. I let them know I'll be here for a " "few more hours." msgstr "أوضحنا سوء الفهم. أخبرتهم بأنني سأبقى هنا لبضع ساعات أخرى." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:795 msgid "I'm sorry my mom called you, Diya. That was humiliating." msgstr "آسفة أن أمي اتصلت بكِ يا ديا. كان ذلك مهينًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:797 msgid "It's okay. Good thing she didn't report you missing yet." msgstr "لا بأس. من الجيد أنها لم تبلّغ عن فقدانك إلى الشرطة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:799 msgid "" "I know she means well, but it's honestly irritating how often she wildly " "overreacts to perfectly harmless situations." msgstr "" "أعلم أن نيتها حسنة, ولكن بصراحة الأمر مثير للغضب إلى أي مدى تبالغ في رد " "الفعل في مواقف بريئة وطبيعية جدًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:800 msgid "" "She has no friends or hobbies, so all her brain power is spent on obsessing " "over me." msgstr "ليس لديها أي أصدقاء أو هوايات, لذا تصب كل طاقتها الذهنية في هوسها بي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:802 msgid "Sorry we got you in trouble..." msgstr "آسفة أنّا سببنا لك المشاكل..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:806 msgid "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known." msgstr "هذه ليست غلطتك. لما كان لكِ أن تعرفي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:807 msgid "I should've remembered to text her once I arrived at your house." msgstr "كان عليّ التذكر بأن أرسل إليها رسالة عندما وصلت إلى منزلك." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:815 msgid "" "Noelle's joints crick as she sits back down at the Monopoly board between " "Diya and Akarsha." msgstr "" "أصدرت مفاصل نويل صوت طقطقة عندما أعادت الجلوس عند لوح المونوبولي بين ديا " "وأكارشا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:817 msgid "" "Is it just me, or are all the \"cool\" kids at our school just the ones " "whose parents let them do the most stuff?" msgstr "" "أيتهيأ لي وحدي أم ان كل الطلاب \"الرائعين\" في مدرستنا هم أولئك الذين يعطيهم " "آباؤهم أكبر قدر ممكن من الحرية؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:819 msgid "" "Yeah, it's the girls who're allowed to wear make-up and hang out with their " "friends all the time." msgstr "" "أجل, الفتيات اللواتي يسمح لهنّ آباؤهن بوضع المكياج والتسكع مع أصدقائهن طوال " "الوقت." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:821 msgid "" "That's not always true. My parents are pretty chill, but I'm still uncool." msgstr "" "ذلك ليس دائمًا صحيحًا. والداي متساهلان جدًا معي, ولكن الطلاب ما زالوا لا " "يعتبرونني رائعة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:823 msgid "I'm just unpopular cuz I'm weird." msgstr "أنا غير محبوبة لأنني غريبة أطوار فحسب." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:826 msgid "Don't forget perverted and annoying." msgstr "دون أن ننسى أنك منحرفة ومزعجة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:828 msgid "I would like to add that you're a compulsive liar." msgstr "أود إضافة أنكِ مدمنة على الكذب." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:830 msgid "" "Geez, wow! I didn't realize everyone had their own theories for why I'm not " "popular..." msgstr "" "بحقكم, واو! لم أدرك أن الجميع لديهم نظرياتهم الخاصة عن سبب كوني غير محبوبة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:838 msgid "" "A few turns of Monopoly later, Akarsha moves her top hat token to the " "Reading Railroad." msgstr "" "بعد بضعة أدوار أخرى من المونوبولي, حركت أكارشا مجسم لعبها بشكل قبعة طويلة " "إلى منطقة \"سكة القراءة\"." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:840 msgid "Whose is this?" msgstr "لمن هذه؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:843 msgid "Mine." msgstr "لي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:846 msgid "" "Diya, bromie, please...I have a starving family and eight children at home..." msgstr "" "ديا, يا صديقتي, أرجوكِ...عائلتي تموت جوعًا ولدي ثمانية أطفال في المنزل..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:849 msgid "$25. Hand it over." msgstr "25 دولارًا. هاتيها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:852 msgid "" "You're murdering the babes, Diya! How about $24? Just one dollar can save a " "life..." msgstr "" "إنك تقتلين الأطفال يا ديا! ماذا عن 24 دولارًا؟ دولار واحد قد ينقذ حياتًا..." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:855 msgid "" "I like how since we found out it's possible to not pay rent, this turned " "into Akarsha begging and haggling with everyone to not charge her." msgstr "" "أحب كيف أننا منذ اكتشفنا أنه من الممكن ألا تدفعي الإيجار, تحولت اللعبة إلى " "جلسة من ترجّي ومساومة أكارشا البقية بألا تدفع لهم." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:858 msgid "Wait, Diya, I'll roll you for it. Double or nothing." msgstr "مهلًا يا ديا, سأراهنك. إما أن أدفع الضعفين وإمّا لا شيء." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:861 msgid "So now this is a casino?" msgstr "إذن أصبحنا في كازينو الآن؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:863 msgid "" "Diya assesses the thick stack of Monopoly money she's accumulated from not " "having to pay rent on Min's properties." msgstr "" "تفحصت ديا الكومة السميكة من نقود المونوبولي التي تجمعت عندها من عدم احتياجها " "إلى دفع الإيجار فوق ممتلكات مين." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:865 msgid "Okay. I'll try my luck." msgstr "حسنًا. سأجرب حظي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:868 msgid "" "Diya shakes the dice in her hands and drops them onto the board with a " "clatter. She got..." msgstr "" "نفضت ديا حجارة النرد في يديها وأفلتتها على اللوح مصدرةً صوت بعثرة. حصلت على..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:872 msgctxt "momTexts_1e120294" msgid "[diyaRandomNum]." msgstr "[diyaRandomNum]." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:875 msgid "[diyaRandomNum]...There's no way I'll lose to that!" msgstr "[diyaRandomNum]...من المستحيل أن أخسر مقابل ذلك!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:879 msgctxt "momTexts_1e120294_1" msgid "[diyaRandomNum]." msgstr "[diyaRandomNum]." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:882 msgid "[diyaRandomNum]?! That's gonna be tough to beat..." msgstr "[diyaRandomNum]؟! سيكون من الصعب هزيمة ذلك..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:885 msgctxt "momTexts_1e120294_2" msgid "[diyaRandomNum]." msgstr "[diyaRandomNum]." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:888 msgid "Yee, [diyaRandomNum]'s not too bad. I got this!" msgstr "حسنًا, [diyaRandomNum] ليس بذلك السوء. بإمكاني فعلها!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:890 msgid "Roll the dice" msgstr "رمي النرد" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:898 msgid "Holding her breath, Akarsha rolls the dice..." msgstr "حبست أكارشا أنفاسها ورمت النرد..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:901 msgid "[akarshaRandomNum]! WINNER!!!!" msgstr "[akarshaRandomNum]! {b}فزتُ!!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:904 msgctxt "momTexts_17cf63b0" msgid "..." msgstr "..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:907 msgid "I live another day!" msgstr "سأعيش يومًا آخر!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:912 msgid "[akarshaRandomNum]...Alas......." msgstr "[akarshaRandomNum]...وا أسفاه......" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:915 msgctxt "momTexts_7b89031a" msgid "!!" msgstr "!!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:917 msgid "$50. Fork it over." msgstr "50 دولارًا. هيا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:920 msgid "" "I'll have you know little Timmy died of starvation last night 'cause of you." msgstr "أريدكِ أن تعرفي أن حمودة الصغير مات من الجوع ليلة أمس بسببكِ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:922 msgid "His ghost is now haunting you..." msgstr "سيطاردك الآن شبحه..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:925 msgid "Okay. Sure." msgstr "حسنًا. أجل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:928 msgid "OooOOooOoO...Why did you kill me when I'm only a small child?" msgstr "" "أوو{b}وو{/b}وو{b}وو{/b}وو{b}و{/b}و{b}و{/b}...لماذا قتلتِني ولم أكن سوى طفلًا " "صغيرًا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:933 msgid "You're so annoying. I hope your next turn kills you." msgstr "كم أنتِ مزعجة. أتمنى أن يقتلكِ دورك التالي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:936 msgid "If I'm so annoying, why do you keep hanging out with me?" msgstr "إن كنت مزعجة لتلك الدرجة, لماذا لا تتوقفين عن التسكع معي؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:939 msgid "Because I love to watch you fail." msgstr "لأنني أحب مشاهدتكِ تخفقين." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:941 msgid "It's Noelle's turn. She rolls a 12." msgstr "حان الآن دور نويل. حصلت على 12." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:942 msgid "" "Noelle only moves her iron token a couple spaces before she starts to lose " "it. That's how Akarsha knows she's landed on Boardwalk." msgstr "" "لم تحرك نويل مجسم لعبها الحديدي إلا بضع تحركات قبل أن بدأت بفقدان صوابها. " "هكذا عرفت أكارشا أنها وقفت على \"بوردواك\"." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:944 msgid "Uh oh...Spaghetti-O's..." msgstr "يا للخسارة...انفجرت المرارة..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:948 msgid "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T NEED TO RUB IT IN!!!!" msgstr "{b}اصمتي! ليس عليكِ زيادة الطين بلة!!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:950 msgid "" "She nearly knocks over all the houses Akarsha's piled up on the space as she " "slams her token down." msgstr "" "كادت أن تسقط كل منازل أكارشا المتراكمة على المربع عندما وضعت مجسم لعبها بعنف " "عليه." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:952 msgid "How much is it?" msgstr "كم المبلغ؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:955 msgid "Oh, only $1700." msgstr "1700 دولارًا فقط." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:957 msgid "" "To Akarsha's amazement, Noelle dissolves into laughter on the couch — " "actual, honest-to-god laughter." msgstr "لدهشة أكارشا, انهارت نويل ضاحكةً على الأريكة. ضحك حقيقي ومن القلب." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:959 msgid "Dang! I gotta figure out how to do that again!" msgstr "جميل! عليّ أن أجد طريقة لفعل هذا من جديد!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:975 msgid "As Min rolls next, Akarsha hears the sound of the front door opening." msgstr "عندما حان دور مين لرمي النرد, سمعت أكارشا صوت الباب الأمامي يفتح." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:977 msgid "Oh, they're finally back from Taekwondo!" msgstr "لقد عادوا أخيرًا من التايكوندو!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:981 msgid "" "Her little brother runs into the living room, wildly swinging his new red " "belt in the air like a whip." msgstr "" "ركض أخوها الصغير إلى داخل غرفة المعيشة وهو يلوح بحزامه الأحمر الجديد في " "الهواء وكأنه سوط." # Speaker: Pratik #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:983 msgid "HOWL, ZABIMARU!" msgstr "{b}اصرخ يا زابيمارو!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:984 msgid "" "He flails his red belt, whapping the floor, couch, and everything else " "within a three foot radius of him." msgstr "" "أرجح حزامه الأحمر ضاربًا به الأرض والأريكة وكل شيء آخر ضمن محيط متر حوله " "تقريبًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:987 msgid "OW! OW!!!" msgstr "{b}آي! آي!!!{/b}" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:989 msgid "This is my bro Pratik. He's basically me but a guy." msgstr "هذا أخي براتيك. إنه مثلي تمامًا ولكنه صبي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:992 msgid "I see you passed your \"test\"..." msgstr "أرى أنك اجتزت \"اختبارك\"..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:994 msgid "A voice booms through the house from the garage." msgstr "دوى صوت في المنزل من الكراج." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:995 msgid "{i}BETI!!!{/i} HELP CARRY GROCERIES IN!!!" msgstr "{b}{i}بيتي!!!{/i} ساعدينا في حمل المشتريات إلى الداخل!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:996 msgid "WE STOPPED BY COSTCO AND BOUGHT NACHOS FOR THE PARTY!!" msgstr "{b}مررنا على متجر \"كوستكو\" واشترينا بعض الناتشوز من أجل الحفلة!!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:998 msgid "YEH!!!!" msgstr "{b}أجل!!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1002 msgid "Should we help?" msgstr "هل علينا المساعدة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1004 msgid "Nah, he's talkin' to me. Be my guest!! Relax!!!" msgstr "لا, إنه يتحدث إليّ. أنتم ضيوفي!! استرخوا!!!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1007 msgid "No, I insist. It is my birthday you're going through the trouble for." msgstr "لا, أنا أصرّ. إنكم تقومون بكل هذا العناء من أجل حفلة عيد ميلادي أنا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1009 msgid "Fine, hard to argue with that...Frenchman, let's go!" msgstr "حسنًا, من الصعب مجادلة ذلك... هيا بنا يا فرنسية!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1013 msgid "" "Akarsha hastily stuffs her socked feet into her mom's sandals and waddles " "into the garage with Noelle in tow." msgstr "" "وضعت أكارشا قدميها المغطاتين بالجوارب في صندل أمها ومشت مثل البطة إلى الكراج " "ونويل تتبعها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1015 msgid "Is Pratik your only sibling?" msgstr "هل براتيك أخوكِ الوحيد؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1017 msgid "Naw, I have a big sis too." msgstr "لا, لدي أخت كبرى أيضًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1019 msgid "But she's like, way, way older. She's in medical school already." msgstr "ولكنها أكبر مني بكثير. حتى أنها تدرس الطب في الجامعة حاليًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1022 msgid "That {i}is{/i} a lot older." msgstr "إنها {i}بالفعل{/i} أكبر بكثير." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1024 msgid "" "I was definitely an accident. But I think I was so awesome that it reminded " "my parents how cool kids are, and then they made my bro on purpose." msgstr "" "كان مجيئي بلا شك حادثًا. ولكن أعتقد أنه من الجميل أنّي ذكّرت والدَي بمدى روعة " "الأطفال وأن ذلك ما دفعهما إلى إنجاب أخي بعدي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1027 msgid "That. Is FAR too much information." msgstr "تلك. معلومات زائدة {b}بكثير{/b} عن اللزوم." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1029 msgid "So your sister intends to become a doctor?" msgstr "إذن تنوي أختك أن تصبح طبيبة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1031 msgid "A {i}neurosurgeon{/i}." msgstr "تريد أن تصبح {i}جراحة أعصاب{/i}." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1032 msgid "" "Like, good for her, but it's almost kinda frustrating how perfect she turned " "out. She's just as bad as you." msgstr "" "أعني, أنا مسرورة من أجلها, ولكن الأمر يكاد يكون محبطًا أحيانًا مدى مثاليتها. " "إنها بنفس مدى فظاعتكِ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1033 msgid "" "I can't even say my parents have unrealistic expectations 'cause my sister " "actually met them." msgstr "ليس بإمكاني حتى قول أن توقعات والدَي غير واقعية لأنها قد حققَتها بالفعل." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1036 msgid "" "Akarsha's dad walks over from the trunk of the minivan with an armful of " "groceries." msgstr "" "أتى والد أكارشا من عند صندوق الحافلة الصغيرة وذراعاه مليئتان بالمشتريات." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1038 msgid "Oh god, what is he wearing?!" msgstr "يا إلهي, ما الذي يرتديه؟!" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1041 msgid "Hoo hoo! So this is the birthday girl." msgstr "هوو هوو! هذه هي فتاة عيد الميلاد إذن." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1042 msgid "Thanks god you are here." msgstr "الحمد للإله أنكِ هنا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1044 msgid "" "My dad always says \"Thanks god\" instead of \"Thank god\". I dunno why..." msgstr "" "والدي دائمًا يقوم \"الحمد للإله\" بدلًا من \"الحمد لله\". لا أعرف لماذا..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1047 msgid "" "Well...It's my surprise party, so I don't have much choice in the matter." msgstr "حسنًا...إنها حفلة فجائية, لذا لم يكن لدي خيار في الموضوع." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1049 msgid "Akarsha said you don't like surprises, so you might go home already." msgstr "" "قالت أكارشا أنك لا تحبين المفاجآت, لذا من المحتمل أن تعودي إلى منزلكِ بسرعة." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1050 msgid "" "Like my co-worker Carrot last week. When we threw her a retirement party, " "she only stayed for half an hour." msgstr "" "مثل زميلتي في العمل \"كورال\" الأسبوع الماضي. عندما أقمنا لها حفلة لتقاعدها, " "لم تبقَ سوى نصف ساعة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1052 msgid "Your co-worker is called \"Carrot\"...?" msgstr "اسم زميلتك في العمل \"كورال\"...؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1054 msgid "" "Dad, her name is {i}Karen.{/i} I really hope you weren't calling her that at " "the office." msgstr "" "أبي, اسمها {i}\"كارين\".{/i} آمل حقًا أنك لم تكن تناديها \"كورال\" في المكتب." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1057 msgid "" "Akarsha's dad tries to clear a path through the heap of shoes by the garage " "door. Meanwhile, Akarsha and Noelle each grab a couple grocery bags from the " "trunk." msgstr "" "حاول والد أكارشا إفساح طريق للعبور من خلال كومة الأحذية أمام باب الكراج. في " "تلك الأثناء, أخذت كل من أكارشا ونويل بضع حقائب من المشتريات من الصندوق." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1059 msgid "Your dad looks very...patriotic." msgstr "يبدو والدك شديد الـ...وطنية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1061 msgid "" "Yeah, he thinks being American is really cool so he likes to buy stuff with " "eagles and flags on it sometimes." msgstr "" "أجل, يعتقد أن كونه أمريكي أمر رائع للغاية لذا يجب شراء أشياء عليها صور نسور " "وأعلام أحيانًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1063 msgid "I see...Is he really into politics?" msgstr "آها...هل هو مهتم بالسياسة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1065 msgid "No, my parents don't know anything about politics." msgstr "لا, لا يعرف والداي أي شيء عن السياسة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1066 msgid "" "Every election they have one of them vote for the Republican candidate while " "the other votes for the Democrat, so they cancel each other out." msgstr "" "في كل يوم انتخابات يصوت أحدهما لمرشح الجمهوريين والآخر لمرشح الديموقراطيين, " "لكي يلغي كل منهما تصويت الآن." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1069 msgid "Why do they bother voting if they don't care who wins?" msgstr "لماذا يذهبون إلى كل ذلك العناء إن كانوا لا يهتمون من الفائز؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1071 msgid "They just wanna feel included, I guess? It's pretty silly." msgstr "" "أعتقد أنهما يريدان فقط أن يشعرا وكأنهما جزء من كل ذلك؟ الأمر ساذج للغاية." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1074 msgid "" "Akarsha's mom smiles at Noelle as she steps out from the passenger seat." msgstr "ابتسمت والدة أكارشا لنويل عندما خرجت من كرسي الراكب." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1076 msgid "" "Oh my god. She was sitting in the car the whole time fixing her hair and " "reapplying her lipstick..." msgstr "" "يا إلهي. لقد كانت جالسة طوال ذلك الوقت في السيارة لتصفف شعرها وتعيد وضع أحمر " "شفاهها..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1077 msgid "No one cares, Mom!" msgstr "لا أحد يهتم يا أمي!" # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1079 msgid "I'm sorry we're late. We thought we'd be back before everyone came." msgstr "آسفة على تأخرنا. ظننا أننا سنعود قبل أن يأتي الجميع." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1082 msgid "" "It's that stupid GPS's fault. It wanted us to go on all these strange routes." msgstr "" "هذا خطأ جهاز تحديد المواقع الغبي ذاك. أرادنا أن نمر من كل تلك الطرق الغريبة." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1084 msgid "" "If you'd just followed its directions all the way, it probably would've been " "faster." msgstr "لو تبعت إرشاداته بأكملها, لكان ذلك أسرع بكثير على الأغلب." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1086 msgid "" "No, I could predict there would be traffic on the 680. I would know, I've " "lived here for twenty years." msgstr "" "لا, كنت أعرف أن هنالك أزمة سير كبيرة في شارع 680. أنا أعلم, إذ عشت فيه لمدة " "عشرين سنة." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1087 msgid "Speaking of driving, I have a great idea for an invention." msgstr "بالحديث عن القيادة, لدي فكرة رائعة لاختراع." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1088 msgid "Cars should zap bad drivers." msgstr "على السيارات كهربة السائقين السيئين." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1090 msgid ".......Zap? As in, with electricity?" msgstr "........كهربة؟ بتيار كهربائي حقيقي؟" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1092 msgid "" "Just through the steering wheel. Not enough to kill them, but enough to hurt." msgstr "فقط من عجلة القيادة. ليس بما يكفي لقتلهم, ولكن بما يكفي ليتأذوا." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1095 msgid "Steal my parking spot...\"EeeeYAHHH!!!\"" msgstr "إن سرقتَ البقعة التي أريد الاصطفاف بها...\"آاااا{b}ييااااع!!!{/b}\"" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1096 msgid "Akarsha's dad mimes being shocked with electricity." msgstr "مثّل والد أكارشا وكأن تيارًا كهربائيًا مرّ فيه." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1098 msgctxt "momDad_e5b5e819" msgid ".........." msgstr "........." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1100 msgid "Dad, oh my god! Stop it!" msgstr "أبي, يا إلهي! توقف!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1103 msgid "With all due respect, that sounds like a terrible idea." msgstr "مع كل احترامي, هذه تبدو فكرة فظيعة." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1105 msgid "But everyone would learn so fast." msgstr "ولكن هكذا سيتعلم الجميع بسرعة كبيرة." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1106 msgid "Hasn't Akarsha told you I'm a genius? Her smarts run in the family." msgstr "ألم تخبركِ أكارشا بأنني عبقري؟ ذكاؤها يسري في العائلة." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1107 msgid "I should patent my car zapper along with my telephone idea." msgstr "" "عليها الحصول على براءة اختراع لمكهرب السيارات بالإضافة إلى فكرة الهاتف خاصتي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1109 msgid "Telephone idea?" msgstr "فكرة الهاتف؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1111 msgid "It's the same thing except the telephone shocks telemarketers." msgstr "إنها نفس الفكرة ولكن الهاتف يكهرب من يقومون بالتسويق عبر الهاتف." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1114 msgid "I'm dubious the patent office will approve either of those." msgstr "أشك في أن مكتب براءات الاختراع سيوافق على أيّ منهما." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1116 msgid "What, don't you think it's a great idea?" msgstr "ماذا, ألا تعتقدين أنها فكرة ممتازة؟" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1118 msgid "\"Hello, will you buy our product? OOoouughh!!!\"" msgstr "\"مرحبًا, أتريد شراء منتجنا؟ {b}آاا{/b}اااايي!!!\"" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1120 msgid "" "Akarsha's dad shakes his arm as if being shocked again as he walks into the " "house." msgstr "هزّ والد أكارشا ذراعه وكأنه يتكهرب من جديد وهو يمشي إلى داخل المنزل." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1122 msgid "What's wrong with you..." msgstr "ما مشكلتك..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1125 msgid "" "Akarsha's mom follows him inside with an exasperated expression on her face." msgstr "تبعته والدة أكارشا إلى الداخل بنظرة مستاءة على وجهها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1127 msgid "Finally they're gone! I thought I was gonna die of embarassment..." msgstr "وأخيرًا ذهبا! اعتقدتُ أنّي سأموت من الإحراج..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1130 msgid "Noelle is still staring after Akarsha's dad, fascinated." msgstr "ما زالت نويل تحدق إلى والد أكارشا مندهشةً." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1132 msgid "Your dad is such a character. He's so outgoing." msgstr "شخصية والدكِ مثيرة للاهتمام. إنه اجتماعي للغاية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1134 msgid "Oh yeah, he loves talking SO much. He never shuts up." msgstr "نعم بالفعل, يحب الحديث {b}كثيرًا{/b}. لا يصمت أبدًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1138 msgid "I feel like this explains a lot about you..." msgstr "أشعر وكأن هذا يفسر الكثير عنكِ..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1140 msgid "Really? Like what?" msgstr "حقًا؟ مثل ماذا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1143 msgid "I see where you get your sense of humor from now." msgstr "أرى من أين حصلتِ على حس فكاهتك الآن." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1145 msgid "Huh? No, my jokes are TOTALLY different!" msgstr "هاه؟ لا, نكاتي مختلفة {b}تمامًا{/b}!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1148 msgid "You can't deny there are some similarities." msgstr "لا يمكنك إنكار أن هنالك أوجه شبه." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1149 msgid "" "From my observation, parents have a lot of influence on their kids' " "personalities." msgstr "حسبما رأيتُ, للآباء تأثير كبير على شخصيات أبنائهم." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1151 msgid "No way, I'm way funnier than my dad!" msgstr "كلا على الإطلاق, أنا أكثير إضحاكًا بكثير من والدي!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1153 msgid "I'm an enigma. You'll never figure me out." msgstr "أنا لغز غامض. لن تحلّيني أبدًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1156 msgid "Actually, I think I already have." msgstr "في الحقيقة, أعتقد أنني حللتكِ." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1157 msgid "" "For instance, your worst fear is earnestly trying at something and failing." msgstr "على سبيل المثال, أكبر مخاوفكِ أن تحاولي شيئًا بصدق وتفشلي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1158 msgid "" "So even though you're perfectly intelligent, you use your goofy disposition " "to premptively make a fool of yourself on purpose." msgstr "" "لذا على الرغم من أنك ذكية جدًا, تستعملين تصرفاتك الساذجة لتجعلين نفسك تبدين " "غبيةً عن قصد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1160 msgid "I do not?? Give me an example." msgstr "كلا؟؟ أعطيني مثالًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1163 msgid "" "When we play Monopoly you sink all your funds into Boardwalk. When we play " "poker you eat your cards." msgstr "" "عندما نلعب المونوبولي تضعين كل رأس مالك في \"بوردواك\". عندما نلعب البوكر " "تأكلين بطاقاتك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1164 msgid "" "When we play baseball you clutch your head and claim you're having a " "\"psychic brain attack\"." msgstr "" "عندما نلعب كرة السلة تتشبثين برأسك وتدّعين أن \"صدمة عقلية دماغية\" أصابتكِ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1166 msgid "Hey, I just like providing fun for the whole family." msgstr "كل ما في الأمر أني أحب توفير المرح لكل العائلة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1169 msgid "" "I doubt that's it. This extends to every facet of how you present yourself " "to the world." msgstr "" "أشك في أن هذا كل شيء. هذا يشمل كل جوانب طريقة إظهارك لنفسك أمام العالم." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1170 msgid "" "You're insecure about your appearance, so you go out in this outlandish " "hairdo with this windbreaker and flip-flops outfit." msgstr "" "ليس لديكِ ثقة في مظهرك, لذا تخرجين بقصة الشعر العجيبة تلك مرتديةً هذه السترة " "وذلك الشبشب." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1171 msgid "You're worried people won't like you, so you act like a circus clown." msgstr "تخشين أن الناس لن يحبونكِ, لذا تتصرفين مثل مهرج من السيرك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1172 msgid "" "Rather than risk rejection, you set yourself up for failure to feel in " "control of the situation." msgstr "" "بدلًا من أن تعرضي نفسك لاحتمالية ألا يتقبلك الناس, توجّهين نفسك نحو الإخفاق " "لتشعري وكأنكِ مسيطرة على الموقف." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1174 msgid "What the...I feel weirdly exposed??" msgstr "ما هذا...غريب, أشعر وكأني تم كشفي؟؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1176 msgid "" "You're one to talk about fear of failure, Miss \"I Argue With the Teacher " "That My Multiple Choice Answer Was Technically ALSO Right\"." msgstr "" "أتحددثين إليّ حقًا عن الفشل, أيتها السيدة \"أنا أجادل المعلم لأن إجابتي في " "سؤال الاختيار من متعدد كانت فعليًا {b}أيضًا{/b} صحيحة\"." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1179 msgid "" "I would contend that makes me more adept at sensing that trait in others." msgstr "" "بإمكاني القول أن ذلك يجعلني أكثر قابلية على استشعار هذه الصفة في الآخرين." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1180 msgid "Sweating profusely, Akarsha lets out a nervous laugh..." msgstr "تعرّقت أكارشا بغزارة وأصدرت ضحكة متوترة..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1182 msgid "" "Her read on me is scarily accurate?! No one's ever seen through me like this " "before!" msgstr "قراءتها لي دقيقة بشكل مخيف؟! لم يرَ أحد ما بداخلي هكذا من قبل!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1183 msgid "How much attention is she paying to me??" msgstr "إلى أي مدى تعطيني انتباهها؟؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1184 msgid "Usually you don't watch someone that closely unless you like them." msgstr "عادةً لا تشاهد أي أحد بعناء هكذا إلا إن كنت معجبًا به." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1186 msgid "Unless...???" msgstr "إلا إذا...؟؟؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1189 msgid "Akarsha watches Noelle closely as they haul the food inside." msgstr "راقبت أكارشا نويل عن قرب وهما تجلبان الطعام إلى الداخل." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1190 msgid "" "She can't help but grin as Noelle ascends the garage's concrete steps with " "the grace of a vacuum cleaner." msgstr "" "لم تتمكن من منع نفسها من الابتسام عندما رأت نويل تنزل سلالم الكراج الإسمنتية " "بكل ما لدى مكنسة كهربائية من أناقة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1191 msgid "Suddenly, Noelle turns to her and gives her an unreadable look." msgstr "فجأة, استدارت نويل نحوها وأعطتها نظرة مبهمة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1193 msgctxt "momDad_d61ce29e" msgid "......" msgstr "......" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1195 msgctxt "momDad_cce84401" msgid "What?" msgstr "ماذا؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1197 msgid "" "Akarsha's heart skips a beat as Noelle reaches out to her windbreaker sleeve " "and plucks something from the fabric." msgstr "" "توقف نبض قلب أكارشا للحظة عندما مدّت نويل يدها إلى كمّ سترتها ونزعت شيئًا من " "على القماش." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1199 msgid "There was a grain of rice stuck to your jacket. It was bothering me." msgstr "كان هنالك حبة أرز عالقة على سترتك. أزعجَتني." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1200 msgid "Noelle holds up the offending grain of rice between her fingers." msgstr "حملت نويل حبة الأرز المشؤومة بين إصبعيها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1202 msgid "Oh, that's an accessory. Put it back." msgstr "لا, هذه زينة. أعيديها مكانها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1206 msgid "" "Akarsha feels a jolt of euphoria as Noelle rolls her eyes and lets the " "corner of her mouth quirk up for the briefest moment." msgstr "" "شعرت أكارشا بنوبة من الابتهاج عندما رأيت نويل تشيح بوجهها عنها وطرف فمها " "ينثني للأعلى لوهلة قصيرة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1208 msgid "Ah, shit...No..." msgstr "تبًا...لا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1209 msgid "Not this shit again...Nooooo......." msgstr "ليس هذا الهراء من جديد...لاااااا......." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1219 msgid "Monday, before school" msgstr "الإثنين, قبل المدرسة" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1225 msgid "" "Akarsha daydreams about Noelle as she uses one of the library's computers." msgstr "حلمت أكارشا في يقظتها بنويل وهي تستعمل أجهزة حاسوب المكتبة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1227 msgid "I'm so fucked. I can't stop thinking about her..." msgstr "انتهى حقًا أمري. لا أستطيع التوقف عن التفكير فيها..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1229 msgid "" "We haven't even known each other for a whole year yet, but she already knows " "so much about me..." msgstr "لَم نعرف بعضنا لسنة حتى, ولكنها أصبحت تعرف الكثير عني..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1230 msgid "I bet we're closer than a lot of couples who really {i}are{/i} dating!" msgstr "أراهن أننا أقرب إلى بعضنا من بعض الأشخاص الذين في علاقات {i}حقًا{/i}!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1231 msgid "" "She can tell when I'm about to say something annoying before I even open my " "mouth." msgstr "بإمكانها معرفة إن كنت سأقول شيئًا مزعجًا قبل أن أفتح فمي حتى." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1232 msgid "" "She knows I have a big sister, which is like a rare Akarsha fact cuz she's " "so much older than me." msgstr "" "تعرف أن لديّ أختًا كبرى, مع أن تلك معلومة نادرة عن أكارشا إذ أنها أكبر مني " "بكثير." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1233 msgid "Heck, she's met my parents already...That's a couple-y thing, right??" msgstr "حتى أنها قد قابلت والداي...هذا شيء يفعله من في علاقات, لا؟؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1236 msgid "The heck are you doing?" msgstr "ما هذا الذي تفعلينه؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1238 msgid "Gyah!" msgstr "اااااا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1240 msgctxt "reportCard_8f4abf06" msgid "You scared me!" msgstr "أخفتِني!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1243 msgid "I said hi like, twice. You must really be out of it." msgstr "قلت مرحبًا مرتين. يبدو أنكِ فاقدة تركيزكِ بالكامل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1245 msgid "I-I was just focused on the computer!" msgstr "كـ-كنت فقط مركزة على الحاسوب!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1247 msgid "Akarsha points to the screen to try to sell her point." msgstr "أشارت أكارشا إلى الشاشة محاولةً إقناعها بما تقوله." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1249 msgid "" "I'm editing my report card in MS Paint. I intercepted it before my parents " "checked the mail yesterday." msgstr "" "إني أعدّل بطاقة علاماتي في برنامج \"الرسام\". انتشلتها أمس قبل أن يتمكن " "والداي من تفقد البريد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1251 msgid "Watch this!" msgstr "شاهدي هذا!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1253 msgid "On the computer, Akarsha photoshops her B+ in English into an A-." msgstr "على الحاسوب, عدّلت أكارشا علامة ب+ إلى أ-." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1255 msgid "A-? Why not just change it to an A+?" msgstr "أ-؟ لمَ لا تجعليها إلى أ+ ببساطة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1257 msgid "Naw, A- is more realistic." msgstr "لا, أ- واقعية أكثر." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1258 msgid "Now I just gotta print this out." msgstr "الآن كل ما علي فعله هو طباعتها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1260 msgid "Don't tell anyone I did this, okay?" msgstr "لا تخبري أحدًا بهذا, حسنًا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1263 msgid "Who do you think I am? Noelle?" msgstr "من تعتقدينني؟ نويل؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1264 msgid "" "You're not even changing your actual grades, so you're not REALLY cheating." msgstr "لم تغيري حتى علاماتكِ الحقيقية, لذا لا يُعد هذا {b}حقًا{/b} غشًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1266 msgid "You're right...I'm just cheating my parents' brains! Mind hack..." msgstr "أنتِ محقة...أنا أغش دماغَي والدَي فحسب! خدعة ذهنية..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1271 msgid "" "Akarsha pulls her new and improved report card from the tray. It's still " "warm from the machinery, like fresh laundry." msgstr "" "أخرجت أكارشا بطاقة علاماتها الجديدة والمحسّنة من الطابعة. ما زالت دافئة من " "الآلة, وكأنها ملابس مغسولة للتو." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1273 msgid "I'll do your report card too if you give me $20." msgstr "بإمكاني تعديل بطاقتك أيضًا إن أعطيتِني 20 دولارًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1276 msgid "Nah, can't be bothered. I don't care what my parents think." msgstr "لا, لستُ مهتمة. لا يهمني ما يظنه والداي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1278 msgid "Wow. You're not worried about disappointing them?" msgstr "واو. ألا تخشين تخييب ظنهما؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1281 msgid "Why should I be? They don't seem that worried about disappointing ME." msgstr "ولمَ عليّ القلق بشأن ذلك؟ لا يبدوان وكأنهما يخشان تخييب ظني {b}أنا{/b}." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1283 msgid "Dude, that's deep..." msgstr "يا صاح, كلامكِ حكم..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1288 msgid "" "Even though Min gets horrifying grades, she's pretty smart in some other " "ways." msgstr "على الرغم من أن علامات مين مريعة, إلا أنها ذكية للغاية من نواحي أخرى." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1289 msgid "" "She DID manage to get together with Diya, after all. Maybe she has tips for " "this kinda thing." msgstr "" "ها قد تمكنت {b}بالفعل{/b} من أن تصبح في علاقة مع ديا. ربما لديها بعض النصائح " "حيال هذه الأشياء." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1290 msgid "Actually...Can I ask you a question?" msgstr "في الحقيقة...أيمكنني أن أسألك سؤالًا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1293 msgid "Yeah, what?" msgstr "أجل, ماذا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1295 msgid "Hypothetically...if you had a crush on a friend, what would you do?" msgstr "لنقل فرضًا...أنكِ كنت معجبة بأحد أصدقائك, ماذا ستفعلين؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1298 msgid "You have a crush?! Who is it?" msgstr "أنتِ معجبة بأحد؟! مَن؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1300 msgid "I can't tell you, it's embarrassing!" msgstr "لا يمكنني إخبارك, الأمر محرج!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1302 msgid "Is it someone I know?" msgstr "هل هو شخص أعرفه؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1304 msgid "Seriously, I'm not tellin' you! NO ONE can know." msgstr "بجدية, لن أخبرك! {b}لا أحد{/b} يمكنه أن يعرف." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1307 msgid "Is it Diya??????" msgstr "أهي ديا؟؟؟؟؟؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1309 msgid "WHAT???? No, I'm not trying to get my throat slit by you." msgstr "{b}ماذا؟؟؟؟{/b} لا, لست أحاول جعلكِ تشقين حنجرتي." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1312 msgid "Is it me???" msgstr "أهي أنا؟؟؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1314 msgid "No, but no more questions! I'm not exposing myself!" msgstr "لا, لكن لا مزيد من الأسئلة! لن أفضح نفسي!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1317 msgid "" "What happened to being a \"love expert\" or whatever when I was trying to " "kiss Diya?" msgstr "ماذا حصل لكونك \"خبيرة في الحب\" أو أيًا كان عندما كنت أحاول تقبيل ديا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1318 msgid "Why don't you just follow your own shitty advice?" msgstr "لمَ لا تتبعين نصائحك الفظيعة الخاصة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1320 msgid "Admitedly, it's easier said than done..." msgstr "أعترف, القول أسهل من الفعل..." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1323 msgid "" "Look, it's exactly like what you guys said when I was on that date. Don't " "overthink it." msgstr "" "اسمعي, الأمر تمامًا كما أخبرتماني عندما كنتُ في ذلك الموعد. لا تبالغي في " "التفكير." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1324 msgid "Just be straightforward and tell them how you feel." msgstr "كونب صريحة فحسب وقولي للشخص ما تشعرين به." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1326 msgid "" "You sure?? They don't feel the same way, this could end up destroying our " "friendship." msgstr "متأكدة؟؟ المشاعر ليست متبادلة, قد يؤدي هذا إلى تدمير صداقتنا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1328 msgid "Yeah, just do it." msgstr "أجل, افعليها وحسب." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1329 msgid "" "You can even try one of the stupid fucking pickup lines you keep \"practicing" "\" on my girlfriend." msgstr "" "يمكنكِ حتى تجربة إحدى مغازلاتك الغبية التي لن تتوقفي عن \"التمرّن عليها\" مع " "حبيبتي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1331 msgid "Okay, okay, I promise I'll stop doing that for real!" msgstr "حسنًا, حسنًا, أعدك بأني سأتوقف عن فعل ذلك, حقًا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1333 msgid "" "I just feel like hitting on my crush directly is a massive risk though..." msgstr "لكنني أشعر وكأن مغازلة شخصًا أنا معجَبة به بشكل مباشر مخاطرة كبيرة..." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1336 msgid "Well, it worked out for me. You'll never know unless you go for it." msgstr "نجح ذلك معي. لن تعرفي أبدًا طالما تم تجربي." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1342 msgid "What's the worst thing that could happen? They reject you?" msgstr "ما أسوأ شيء قد يحدث؟ أن يرفض الخروج معك؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1344 msgid "Getting rejected is a huge deal! It'll make everything so awkward!" msgstr "" "سيكون من الفظيع إلى أبعد الحدود لو رفض! سيجعل كل شيء بيننا محرجًا وغريبًا!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1347 msgid "I mean, yeah, but that's just a risk you gotta take." msgstr "أعني, أجل, ولكن عليكِ المخاطرة في ذلك." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1351 msgid "" "You don't get it, this isn't just me being paranoid. This has literally " "happened to me before." msgstr "أنتِ لا تفهمين, أنا لست متوترة فحسب هنا. لقد حصل لي هذا حرفيًا من قبل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1352 msgid "None of you went to the same middle school as me, so you don't know." msgstr "لَم يكن أي منكم في نفس المدرسة المتوسطة خاصتي, لذلك لا أحد يعلم." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1353 msgid "" "Not only did my crush start avoiding me, but she told the rest of our friend " "group and they stopped talking to me, too." msgstr "" "لم تبدأ تلك التي كنت معجبة بها بتجنّبي فحسب, بل بالإضافة إلى ذلك أخبرت بقية " "أصدقائنا وتوقفوا هم بدورهم عن التحدث إليّ أيضًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1360 msgid "What the? That sucks." msgstr "بحق الـ؟ هذا فظيع." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1362 msgid "Yeah, no kidding. I try not to think about it much." msgstr "أجل, بالفعل. أحاول ألا أفكر بالموضوع كثيرًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1365 msgid "Well, that wouldn't happen this time." msgstr "حسنًا, لن يحدث هذا هذه المرة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1366 msgid "" "Even if it blows up in your face, you'd still have me, Diya, and Noelle." msgstr "حتى لو لم تسر الأمور كما ينبغي, ما زال لديكِ أنا وديا ونويل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1368 msgid "Haha, right, obviously..." msgstr "هاها, أجل, بالطبع..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1380 msgid "The bell rings." msgstr "رنّ الجرس." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1382 msgid "Nah, being direct about it still feels too risky..." msgstr "لا, ما زلت أشعر بأن الاعتراف بشكل مباشر خطر كثيرًا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1384 msgid "I'm not even sure Noelle likes girls." msgstr "لستُ متأكدة حتى من إذا كانت نويل تحب الفتيات." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1387 msgid "" "Heck, I've never seen her express any kind of attraction to anyone at all. " "Is she just hella repressed?" msgstr "" "في الحقيقة, لم أرها تعبر عن أي انجذاب إلى أي أحد أبدًا. أيمكن أنها فقط محرومة " "لهذه الدرجة فتكتم كل ما فيها؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1390 msgid "In any case, I don't wanna embarrass myself..." msgstr "على كل حال, لا أريد إحراج نفسي..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1392 msgid "" "The only safe way to do this is to seduce Noelle so hard, she's compelled to " "confess to me first!" msgstr "الطريقة الوحيدة هي بأن أغري نويل لدرجة أنها ستبادر بالاعتراف لي أولًا!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1393 msgid "" "That way, if it doesn't work, I can write off all the flirting as a joke." msgstr "" "بهذه الطريقة, إن لم ينجح الأمر, بإمكاني التظاهر وكأن كل المغازلة كانت مزحة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1394 msgid "There's no way this can go wrong." msgstr "مستحيل أن يسير هذا بشكل خاطئ." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1397 msgid "(Use the mouse to interact!)" msgstr "(استعمال الفأرة للتفاعل!)" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1432 msgid "Examine bookshelves" msgstr "تفحّص رفوف الكتب" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1441 msgid "Look at desk" msgstr "النظر إلى الدُرج" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1449 msgid "Leave library" msgstr "مغادرة المكتبة" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1457 msgid "Min crosses her arms as Akarsha browses through the shelves." msgstr "كتفت مين ذراعيها وأكارشا تتصفح الرفوف." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1459 msgid "I fucking hate libraries." msgstr "كم أكره المكتبات." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1461 msgid "Wh.......Wha?? What's there to hate about libraries?" msgstr "ما......ماذا؟؟ لمَ قد تكرهين المكتبات؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1462 msgid "It's free books?" msgstr "أهو بسبب الكتب المجانية؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1465 msgid "Well, I guess the books are okay, but librarians are the worst." msgstr "همم, لا بأس بالكتب أعتقد, ولكن أمناء المكتبات هم الأسوأ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1467 msgctxt "lookShelves_21776c72" msgid "Why?" msgstr "لماذا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1470 msgid "" "This one time when I was like seven, I looked up a bunch of bad words on the " "school library's computer." msgstr "" "مرة كان عمري سبع سنوات, وبحثت عن بضع كلمات بذيئات على حاسوب مكتبة المدرسة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1471 msgid "" "The librarian saw my search history and got me banned from there for a month!" msgstr "رأى أمين المكتبة تاريخ البحث ومنعني من دخولها لمدة شهر!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1473 msgid "What words did you look up??" msgstr "عن أي كلمات بحثتِ؟؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1476 msgid "" "It was just a bunch of swears I was curious about! Like \"damn\" and \"fuck" "\"." msgstr "" "كانت فقط بعض الشتائم التي كان عندي فضول لمعرفة معناها! مثل \"اللعنة\" و\"تبًا" "\"." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1477 msgid "I remember I searched \"middle finger\" too." msgstr "أذكر أني بحثت عن \"إصبح الوسطى\" حتى." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1479 msgid "I love that you thought \"middle finger\" was a bad word." msgstr "أحب كيف أنكِ اعتقدتِ أن \"إصبع وسطى\" كلمة بذيئة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1482 msgid "Yeah, I was so innocent as a kid." msgstr "أجل, كنت طفلة بريئة جدًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1484 msgid "Hrm...I'm not sure \"innocent\" is the right word." msgstr "همم...لستُ متأكدة إن كانت \"بريئة\" هي الكلمة الصحيحة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1490 msgid "" "Is Noelle still fake-tutoring you to trick your parents into letting you out " "of the house?" msgstr "أما زالت نويل تتظاهر بتدريسك لخداع والدَيك للسماح لك بالخروج من المنزل؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1493 msgid "She actually tutors me for real sometimes." msgstr "في الحقيقة, أحيانًا تدرّسني بالفعل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1495 msgid "Wow, really?" msgstr "واو, حقًا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1498 msgid "I haven't failed a single test since we started!" msgstr "لم أفشل في أي امتحان منذ أن بدأنا!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1500 msgid "She looks so proud, but not getting an F is a super low hurdle..." msgstr "تبدو فخورة للغاية, ولكن عدم الرسوب ليس إنجازًا عظيمًا..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1506 msgid "Alright, protect your hearing." msgstr "حسنًا, احمي أذنَيكِ." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1508 msgid "" "Min nods and covers her ears as Akarsha walks through the library scanners " "by the door." msgstr "" "أومأت إليها مين وغطت أذنيها في أثناء مشي أكارشا خلال الجهاز الفاحص في " "المكتبة أمام الباب." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1510 msgctxt "leaveLibrary_77784f5f" msgid "The book scanner alarms go off!" msgstr "انطلق جهاز الإنذار!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1511 msgid "" "The librarian looks up, sees that it's Akarsha, and impatiently waves her " "through." msgstr "" "رفع أمين المكتبة رأسه ورأى أنها أكارشا, فأشار إليها بالمرور بفارغ الصبر." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1516 msgid "That seriously happens every single time you walk through the scanners?" msgstr "أيحدث ذلك حقًا في كل مرة تمشين عبر الفاحص؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1518 msgid "Are you {i}sure{/i} you don't have any library books on you?" msgstr "هل أنتِ {b}متأكدة{/b} من أنكِ لا تحملين أي كتب من المكتبة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1520 msgid "" "Of course. There's even a photo of me taped by the door now because after " "the first few times they searched me, they confirmed I don't have any." msgstr "" "بالطبع. حتى أن هنالك صورة لي ملصقة بجانب الباب الآن بعد البضع مرات الأولى " "التي فتشوني فيها وأكدوا أني لا أحمل شيئًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1521 msgid "" "It almost feels like my backpack is haunted by the ghost of a library book." msgstr "الأمر وكأن حقيبتي مسكونة من قِبل شبح لكتاب من المكتبة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1524 msgid "How would that happen? Pissed off any books lately?" msgstr "كيف لذلك أن يحدث؟ هل أثرتِ غضب أي كتب في الفترة الأخيرة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1526 msgid "No...Unless maybe Noelle counts as a book...?" msgstr "لا...إلا إذا كانت نويل تُحتسب ككتاب...؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1527 msgid "And because I annoy her daily the books are...mad at me...?" msgstr "ولأنني أزعجها بشكل يوم ربما الكتب...غاضبة مني...؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1529 msgid "Are you hearing how crazy you sound right now?" msgstr "أتسمعين مدى جنون ما تقولينه؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1531 msgid "Yeah, I'm embarrassed I even said that out loud." msgstr "أجل, أنا محرجة من أنّي قلت ذلك بصوت مرتفع حتى." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1532 msgid "It's probably just one of those things. Like my magic rosin." msgstr "هذه فقط إحدى ميزاتي الغريبة على الأغلب. مثل قلفونيتي السحرية." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1535 msgid "Your what??" msgstr "قلفو- ماذا؟؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1537 msgid "Never mind, forget I mentioned it." msgstr "لا يهم, انسي أني ذكرتها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1540 msgid "" "The librarian gives Akarsha a death glare from behind the counter as the " "alarms go off again." msgstr "" "نظر أمين المكتبة إلى أكارشا بنظرة قاتلة من خلف المنضدة عندما انطلق جهاز " "الإنذار مجددًا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1542 msgid "Is that really necessary? It's not like I can help it!" msgstr "أكان ذلك حقًا ضروريًا؟ ليس وكأني بإمكاني التحكم بالأمر!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1550 msgid "Here goes nothing! Sorry, librarian lady!" msgstr "ها نحن ذا! آسفة يا سيدة المكتبة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1553 msgctxt "leaveLibrary_77784f5f_1" msgid "The book scanner alarms go off!" msgstr "انطلق جهاز إنذار الكتب!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1554 msgid "" "The librarian leaves the counter and begins powerwalking at Min and Akarsha!" msgstr "تركت أمينة المكتبة المنضدة وبدأت تمشي مندفعةً نحو مين وأكارشا!" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1556 msgid "Oh crap!" msgstr "يااا للهول!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1559 msgid "We are SPEED!!! RUN!!!" msgstr "نحن {b}ركض!!! سريع!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1564 msgid "Akarsha and Min sprint out of the library in a panic." msgstr "ركضت أكارشا ومين إلى خارج المكتبة بهلع." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1566 msgid "As they escape, Akarsha trips over her own flip-flops." msgstr "وهما تهربان, تعثرت أكارشا بشبشبها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1569 msgid "AAUUGH!!" msgstr "{b}آااااع!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1572 msgid "" "Akarsha throws her hands forward to break her fall onto the hard concrete." msgstr "وضعت أكارشا يديها أمامها لتخفف السقطة على الإسمنت الصلب." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1574 msgid "MAMA MIA!! OW!!" msgstr "{b}ماما ميا!! آي!!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1575 msgid "This is SO typical! Why do these things always happen to me?" msgstr "{b}كم{/b} هذا أمر اعتيادي! لمَ تحدث لي هذه الأشياء دومًا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1578 msgid "Shit, dude. You okay?" msgstr "تبًا يا صاح. هل أنتِ بخير؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1579 msgid "Akarsha stops sobbing for a second to assess the damage." msgstr "توقفت أكارشا عن البكاء للحظة لتتفحص الأضرار." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1581 msgid "Oh. Actually, I'm fine." msgstr "مهلًا. في الحقيقة, أنا بخير." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1602 msgid "Look at the locker room" msgstr "النظر إلى غرفة تغيير الملابس" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1611 msgid "Go to the bathroom" msgstr "الذهاب إلى الحمام" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1619 msgid "Walk to the courtyard" msgstr "المشي إلى الساحة" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1627 msgid "Return to the school library" msgstr "العودة إلى مكتبة المدرسة" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1636 msgid "" "I don't have gym until later in the day. And the baseball club doesn't meet " "til after school." msgstr "" "حصة رياضتي لم يحن وقتها بعد. كما أن لقاء نادي كرة القاعدة لا يبدأ قبل انتهاء " "الحصص." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1638 msgid "By the way, our baseball team is called..." msgstr "بالمناسبة, فريقنا لكرة القاعدة اسمه..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639 msgid "The Bagels" msgstr "الكعك" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639 msgid "The Chicken Nuggets" msgstr "قطع الدجاج" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639 msgid "The Death Bagels" msgstr "كعك الموت" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639 msgid "Semes" msgstr "السيمي" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1640 msgid "{cps=0}By the way, our baseball team is called...{/cps}" msgstr "{cps=0}بالمناسبة, فريقنا لكرة القاعدة اسمه...{/cps}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1642 msgid "Bagels" msgstr "الكعك" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1645 msgctxt "lookLockerRoom_7af4c5fb" msgid "That name was Diya's idea. We sound so friendly and tasty." msgstr "كان ذلك الاسم فكرة ديا. يجعلنا نبدو ودودين ولذيذين." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1647 msgid "Chicken Nuggets" msgstr "قطع الدجاج" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1650 msgctxt "lookLockerRoom_7af4c5fb_1" msgid "That name was Diya's idea. We sound so friendly and tasty." msgstr "كان ذلك الاسم فكرة ديا. يجعلنا نبدو ودودين ولذيذين." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1655 msgid "" "That name was Noelle's idea. I bet the more time passes, the scarier our " "team name will be." msgstr "" "كان ذلك الاسم فكرة نويل. أراهن بأن مع تقدم الوقت, سيصبح اسم فريقنا أكثر " "وأكثر إخافة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1657 msgid "Death Bagels" msgstr "كعك الموت" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1659 msgid "" "That name was Diya and Min's idea. Personally, I think it sounds pretty " "corny." msgstr "كان ذلك الاسم فكرة ديا وممين. بالنسبة لي, أعتقد أنه اسم ساذج." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1664 msgid "That name was my idea. I'm glad our team is so cultured." msgstr "كان ذلك الاسم فكرتي. يسرني أن فريقنا متحضّر لهذه الدرجة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1669 msgid "Right now, I need to go to first period and terrorize Noelle." msgstr "الآن, علي الذهاب إلى الحصة الأولى وإرهاب نويل." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1677 msgid "" "Ah, the public school girls restroom. Possibly the most disgusting place on " "earth." msgstr "" "ها هو, حمام فتيات المدرسة العمومية. أقرف مكان على الكرة الأرضية على الأغلب." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1684 msgid "You're going back to the library? The alarms will go off again." msgstr "ستعودين إلى المكتبة؟ سيصدر صوت الإنذار مجددًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1686 msgid "So? I'm nothing if not an agent of chaos." msgstr "طيب؟ إن لم أكن وكيلة للفوضى, فمن أنا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1687 msgid "Ready or not, here I come!" msgstr "إن كنتم جاهزين أم لا, ها أنا قادمة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1692 msgid "The book scanner alarms sound as Akarsha and Min reenter the libary." msgstr "انطلق جهاز الإنذار عندما أعادت أكارشا ومين دخول المكتبة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1694 msgid "Sounds like the library ghosts haunting me are alive and well." msgstr "يبدو أن أشباح المكتبة التي تطاردني ما زالت حية ترزق." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1699 msgid "Again? You're kidding." msgstr "مجددًا؟ تمزحين." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1701 msgid "I've never been more serious in my life." msgstr "لم أكن جادة أكثر من هذا بحياتي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1707 msgid "" "The blare of the book scanner alarm announces Akarsha and Min's return to " "the library." msgstr "أفصحت صفارات الإنذار عن عودة أكارشا ومين إلى المكتبة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1708 msgid "" "The librarian looks up, sees that it's Akarsha yet again, and slams her fist " "onto the countertop with surprising force." msgstr "" "رفعت أمينة المكتبة رأسها ورأت أنها أكارشا مجددًا فضربت بقبضتها المنضدة بقوة " "مفاجئة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1710 msgid "Oh, that librarian is definitely pissed now." msgstr "أمينة المكتبة تلك غاضبة حتمًا الآن." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1715 msgid "My life will probably be in danger if I go back again." msgstr "سأعرض حياتي للخطر بلا شك لو عدتُ الآن." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1716 msgid "Maybe tomorrow." msgstr "ربما غدًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1736 msgid "Look outside the locker room" msgstr "النظر خارج غرفة تغيير الملابس" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1744 msgid "Go to class" msgstr "الذهاب إلى الصف" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1752 msgid "Aight, imma head to class now." msgstr "حسنًا, سأتجه إلى الصف الآن." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1755 msgid "Adios, bitch." msgstr "أديوس يا ساقطة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1758 msgid "She's probably gonna go find Diya now." msgstr "ستذهب غالبًا لتجد ديا الآن." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1760 msgid "I feel like she's chilled out a lot since they started dating." msgstr "أشعر وكأنها هدأت كثيرًا منذ أن بدأت علاقتهما." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1761 msgid "I guess knifing people is less exciting than kissing your girlfriend." msgstr "يبدو أن طعن الناس أقل إثارة من تقبيل حبيبتك." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1786 msgid "Look at your reflection" msgstr "النظر إلى انعكاسك" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1794 msgid "Eavesdrop on classmates" msgstr "التنصّت على زملائك في الصف" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1802 msgid "Enter classroom" msgstr "الدخول إلى الصف" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1810 msgid "" "How is it that everyone else has bomb-ass hair while mine's all sad and thin?" msgstr "كيف يمكن للجميع أن يملكوا شعرًا مذهلًا وأنا شعري كئيب ورقيق هكذا؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1811 msgid "What happened??? Gene catastrophe..." msgstr "ماذا حدث؟؟ كارثة جينية..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1814 msgid "The other day I saw my side profile in a photo and was like, \"wugh!\"" msgstr "قبل يومين رأيت صورة لرأسي من الجانب وكانت ردة فعلي \"أععع!\"" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1815 msgid "I really go around looking like that all day?" msgstr "أسير حقًا بشكلي هذا طوال اليوم؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1816 msgid "Wish I could get plastic surgery..." msgstr "أتمنى لو كان بإمكاني الحصول على عملية تجميلية..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1819 msgid "Dat me." msgstr "هذه أنا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1824 msgid "Male student" msgstr "طالب" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1825 msgid "Female student" msgstr "طالبة" # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1826 msgid "I hate how my parents yell at me for studying late at night." msgstr "أكره كيف يصرخ فيّ والداي عندما أسهر في الليل لأدرس." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1827 msgid "" "If I slept early instead of cramming, I'd probably fail! And then I'd get " "yelled at for not studying." msgstr "" "لو نمت باكرًا بدلًا من أن أدرس, سأفشل على الأغلب! ومن ثم سيصرخان فيّ لأني لم " "أدرس." # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1828 msgid "Ugh! That's so gay." msgstr "آخخ! هذا شاذ جدًا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1830 msgid "" "At our school, it's really popular to say \"gay\" when you mean \"stupid\" " "or \"uncool\"." msgstr "في مدرستنا, من الشائع جدًا أن تقول \"شاذ\" لتعني \"غبي\" أو \"سيء\"." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1831 msgid "" "So you hear it all the time. Whenever people don't like something, they go " "\"that's so gay.\"" msgstr "" "لذا تسمعها طوال الوقت. عندما لا يعجب الناس شيئًا, يقولون \"هذا شاذ جدًا.\"" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1839 msgid "Noelle and Diya aren't here yet." msgstr "ما زالت نويل وديا لم تصلا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1840 msgid "" "I managed to set up a special surprise the other day. Hopefully everything's " "still in place." msgstr "تمكنت البارحة من تجهيز مفاجأة مميزة. آمل أن كل شيء ما زال في مكانه." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1843 msgid "" "A few minutes later, Akarsha looks through the window. Outside, Noelle and " "Diya are approaching the classroom." msgstr "" "بعد بضع دقائق, نظرت أكارشا خلال النافذة. في الخارج, تقترب نويل وديا من " "الغرفة الصفية." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1845 msgid "Yes...Come, my here, my sweet..." msgstr "أجل...تعالي إلى هنا يا عزيزتي..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1850 msgid "" "Suddenly, a water bottle whizzes through the open door and hits the floor " "with a loud smack!" msgstr "" "فجأة, اندفعت قنينة ماء خلال الباب المفتوح واصطدمت بالأرض بصوت ارتطام مرتفع!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1851 msgid "It rolls across the classroom until it hits the wall." msgstr "تدحرجت على أرضية الصف إلى أن وصلت الحائط." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1853 msgid "Uh?!" msgstr "هااه؟!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1856 msgid "So it's not saran wrap today..." msgstr "إذن لم تستعملي التغليف البلاستيكي اليوم..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1857 msgid "" "Noelle peers suspiciously into the classroom from the doorway. She " "experimentally reaches one hand inside and feels along the doorframe, " "apparently searching for abnormalities." msgstr "" "حدقت نويل في الصف بشكٍّ من الممر. مدت يدها تجريبيًا إلى الداخل وبدأت تلمس إطار " "الباب لتتفحصه لوجود أي شيء غير طبيعي على الأغلب." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1859 msgid "What's wrong, Frenchman? Afraid to come in?" msgstr "ما الخطب يا فرنسية؟ أخائفة من الدخول؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1862 msgid "What did you do this time?" msgstr "ماذا فعلتِ هذه المرة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1864 msgid "What makes you think I did anything?" msgstr "لماذا تعتقدين أني فعلتُ شيئًا؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1867 msgid "Maybe the fact that you've done something every morning this month." msgstr "ربما لأنكِ فعلتِ شيئًا في كل صباح من هذه الشهر." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1869 msgid "Two against one! Cheater! Cheater!!" msgstr "إثنتان ضد واحدة! غشاشة! غشاشة!!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1872 msgid "That's what you get! You worthless pest!" msgstr "هذا ما تحصلين عليه! أيتها الحشرة عديمة القيمة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1874 msgid "Diya retrieves the sacrificial water bottle." msgstr "استعادت ديا قنينة الماء المُضحّى بها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1875 msgid "" "Meanwhile, Noelle haltingly walks to her desk with an arm outstretched ahead " "of her, bracing for all manner of assault, whether it be liquid, solid, " "gaseous, or psychological in form." msgstr "" "في الأثناء, مشت نويل بحذر إلى دُرجها وذراعها ممدودة أمامها لتستعد لمواجهة أي " "اعتداء, سواء كان سائلًا أم صلبًا أم غازيًا أم نفسيًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1876 msgid "After thoroughly inspecting her desk, she apprehensively sits." msgstr "بعد تفحص درجها بتمعّن, جلست عليه بتردد." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1878 msgctxt "enterClass_7cb501c7" msgid "....." msgstr "....." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1880 msgctxt "enterClass_079b08de" msgid "....." msgstr "....." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1883 msgid "" "After a few tense seconds, Noelle seems satisfied that the act of sitting " "down didn't trigger anything." msgstr "" "بعد بضع لحظات عصيبة, تبدو نويل مطمئنة من أن جلوسها على الدُرج لم يفعّل شيئًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1885 msgid "" "Breathing a sigh a relief, she hefts a bulky laptop from her messenger bag." msgstr "تنفست الصعداء, وأخرجت جهاز حاسوب محمول ضخم من حقيبتها الكتفية." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1887 msgid "" "Yes! She didn't notice the extra wireless mouse USB I plugged into her " "computer last Friday." msgstr "" "أجل! لم تنتبه لوصلة الفأرة اللاسلكية الإضافية التي أوصلتها في حاسوبها يوم " "الجمعة الماضي." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1888 msgid "I have the mouse hidden in my pocket." msgstr "الفأرة مخبأة في جيبي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1890 msgid "" "Diya takes a thin plastic folder from her backpack and flops it back and " "forth so it makes a wopwopwopwop sound." msgstr "" "أخرجت ديا ملفًا بلاستيكيًا رفيعًا من حقيبتها وبدأت تحركه في الهواء لتصدر صوت " "\"وُبوُبوُبوُب\"." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1892 msgctxt "enterClass_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "............." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1894 msgid "Did you work on the PowerPoint?" msgstr "هل عملتِ على عرض الـ\"باورباونت\"؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1896 msgid "" "I added a slide on sharks and dolphins as another example of convergent " "evolution." msgstr "أضفتُ شريحة عن القروش والدلافين بصفتهم مثالًا آخر على التطور التقاربي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1898 msgid "" "Noelle scrolls to the slide in question. It's a solid wall of text with no " "images." msgstr "انتقلت نويل إلى الشريحة المعنية. إنها كومة كاملة من النص دون أي صور." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1900 msgid "This is gonna put everyone to sleep!" msgstr "سيجعل هذا الجميع يغطون في النوم!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1902 msgid "" "Noelle's so confident that she's good at public speaking, but she has zero " "charisma or self-awareness." msgstr "" "نويل واثقة جدًا من كونها تجيد التحدث أمام الآخرين, ولكن ليس لديها أي كاريزما " "أو إدراك لكيف يراها الناس." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1903 msgid "" "She just drones on and on forever, oblivious that she lost the audience ten " "minutes ago." msgstr "" "تستمر وتستمر بالحديث وهي تجهل تمامًا أن المستمعين قد فقدوا تركيزهم قبل عشر " "دقائق." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1904 msgid "I love her..." msgstr "أحبها..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1907 msgid "Wait. I already made a slide about that. Swimming." msgstr "مهلًا. صنعتُ شريحة عن ذلك. السباحة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1908 msgid "Diya scrolls to the previous slide." msgstr "عادت ديا إلى الشريحة السابقة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1909 msgid "" "It features a photo of dozens of fish and dolphins swimming in the ocean, " "cryptically captioned \"Good shape\"." msgstr "" "تتضمن مجموعة صور لأسماك ودلافين تسبح في المحيط, ومكتوب عليها بكل غموض \"هيئة " "جيدة\"." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1911 msgid "Good shape..." msgstr "هيئة جيدة..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1914 msgid "" "I hate to break this to you, Diya, but literally no one but you is going to " "understand this." msgstr "أكره إعلامكِ بذلك يا ديا, ولكن لن يفهم أي أحد غيرك ما يعنيه هذا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1916 msgid "Neither of them are paying attention to me right now. Time to shine." msgstr "كلتاهما ليستا منتبهتان إليّ الآن. وقتي لأتألق." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1919 msgid "Jiggle the cursor" msgstr "هزّ مؤشر الفأرة" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1919 msgid "Close the PowerPoint presentation" msgstr "إغلاق برنامج \"باوربوينت\"" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1921 msgid "" "Akarsha jiggles the mouse in her pocket as Noelle tries to edit the slide." msgstr "هزت أكارشا الفأرة في جيبها ونويل تحاول تعديل الشريحة" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1923 msgctxt "enterClass_320efa19" msgid "........" msgstr "........" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1925 msgctxt "enterClass_9ca460a6" msgid "What was that?" msgstr "ماذا كان ذلك؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1927 msgid "What was what?" msgstr "ماذا كان ماذا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1930 msgid "Didn't you see it? The cursor just jerked on its own." msgstr "ألم ترين؟ تحرك المؤشر لوحده." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1932 msgid "Maybe it's lag?" msgstr "ربما كانت الشاشة عالقة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1934 msgid "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide." msgstr "أراهن أن ذلك بسبب كتابتك للكثير من الكلمات على شريحة واحدة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1935 msgctxt "enterClass_de12e604" msgid "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming." msgstr "حتى \"بِل غايتس\" لم يتوقع فعلكِ لهذا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1938 msgctxt "enterClass_bfc3fcab" msgid "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before." msgstr "مستحيل. كتبتُ كلمات أكثر من هذا على شريحة واحدة من قبل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1940 msgctxt "enterClass_b87430c1" msgid "...You have?" msgstr "...حقًا؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1942 msgid "Noelle moves the mouse again. This time Akarsha does nothing." msgstr "حركت نويل الفأرة مجددًا. هذه المرة لم تفعل أكارشا شيئًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1944 msgid "Looks fine to me." msgstr "يبدو طبيعيًا بالنسبة لي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1947 msgid "How strange..." msgstr "غريب..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1949 msgid "" "While Noelle is busy typing an essay-length caption, Akarsha clicks another " "textbox so she's editing the wrong part of the slide." msgstr "" "في أثناء انشغال نويل بكتابة فقرة بطول مقالة, ضغطت أكارشا على صندوق نص آخر " "لتعدل الجزء الخاطئ من الشريحة" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1952 msgid "" "Akarsha swiftly moves the cursor to the X button and closes the document." msgstr "حركت أكارشا المؤشر بسلاسة نحو زر × وأغلقت المستند." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1954 msgctxt "enterClass_a41d9ab0" msgid "........." msgstr "........" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1956 msgctxt "enterClass_e88d1310" msgid "What was that?" msgstr "ماذا كان ذلك؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1958 msgid "Think it crashed." msgstr "أعتقد أنه تعطل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1960 msgid "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide, Noelle." msgstr "أراهن أن ذلك حدث لأنك كتبتِ كلمات كثيرة على شريحة واحدة يا نويل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1961 msgctxt "enterClass_de12e604_1" msgid "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming." msgstr "حتى \"بِل غايتس\" لم يتوقع فعلكِ لهذا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1964 msgid "" "Noelle re-opens PowerPoint and squints suspiciously at the slide in question." msgstr "أعادت نويل فتح الـ\"باوربوينت\" ونظرت بارتياب إلى الشريحة المعنية." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1966 msgctxt "enterClass_bfc3fcab_1" msgid "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before." msgstr "مستحيل. كتبتُ كلمات أكثر من هذه على شريحة واحدة من قبل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1968 msgctxt "enterClass_b87430c1_1" msgid "...You have?" msgstr "...حقًا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1970 msgid "Good thing we just saved. We didn't lose any significant progress." msgstr "من الجيد أننا حفظنا التغييرات قبل قليل. لم نخسر أي محتوى مهم." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1971 msgid "" "While Noelle is busy typing an essay-length caption, Akarsha quickly closes " "the program again." msgstr "" "في أثناء انشغال نويل بكتابة فقرة بطول مقالة, أغلقت أكارشا البرنامج مجددًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1974 msgctxt "enterClass_4a0e45f0" msgid "??!" msgstr "؟؟!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1977 msgid "SEE, THERE IT IS AGAIN! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" msgstr "{b}أتريان, لقد حدث مجددًا! ما الذي يحصل؟!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1979 msgid "You've been hacked, Noelle!" msgstr "تم اختراق جهازك يا نويل!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1980 msgid "" "Don't tell me...You fell for those pop-ups advertising hot single ladies in " "your area?!" msgstr "لا تقولي...أنهم خدعوكِ بتلك الإعلانات عن نساء عزباوات في منطقتك؟!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1983 msgid "As if! Look, it's moving on its own again!" msgstr "أبدًا! انظري, إنه يتحرك بمفرده من جديد!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1984 msgid "" "Noelle clenches her mouse harder, as if that'll help her regain control of " "the rogue cursor." msgstr "" "تمسكت نويل بفأرتها بقوة أكبر, وكأن ذلك سيساعدها على التحكم بالمؤشر المتمرد." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1985 msgid "Akarsha makes it drift toward the Control Panel..." msgstr "حركته نويل نحو لوحة التحكم..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1987 msgctxt "enterClass_231e821a" msgid "Heheheh..." msgstr "هيهيهيه..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1990 msgid "" "Akarsha wiggles the mouse in her pocket. Diya's eyes flicker to the movement " "of fabric on Akarsha's windbreaker." msgstr "حركت أكارشا الفأرة في جيبها. وقعت أنظار ديا على حركة قماش سترة أكارشا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1992 msgctxt "enterClass_58f85320" msgid "......" msgstr "......" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1994 msgid "Oh shit! Oh no!!!" msgstr "تبًا! لا!!!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1996 msgid "" "Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist and yanks it out of the pocket, revealing the " "wireless mouse in her hand." msgstr "أمسكت ديا رسغ أكارشا وأخرجت يدها من جيبها مظهرةً الفأرة اللاسلكية فيها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:1999 msgid "It was yoOOOUU!!!" msgstr "كانت أنـ{b}نننتتتتتِ!!!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2001 msgid "" "Wait, I just happened to have a mouse in my pocket! There's no proof this is " "connected at all!" msgstr "مهلًا, صدف أني أحمل فأرة في جيبي! لا يوجد دليل يربط هذا بما يحصل هنا!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2004 msgid "" "Diya wrenches the mouse from Akarsha's hand, but not before Akarsha uses her " "precious final moments to click on the Control Panel and change the mouse " "speed to the slowest setting." msgstr "" "انتزعت أكارشا الفأرة من يد أكارشا, ولكن ليس قبل أن تستعمل لحظاتها الأخيرة " "الثمينة للضغط على لوحة التحكم وتغييؤ سرعة الفأرة إلى أبطأ الخيارات." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2006 msgid "Pathetic. I can revert your changes within moments." msgstr "مثير للشفقة. بإمكاني إلغاء تعديلاتك خلال لحظات." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2008 msgid "You sure about that? Why don't you go ahead and try it?" msgstr "أمتأكدة من ذلك؟ لمَ لا تحاولي إذن؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2011 msgid "" "Noelle tries to navigate back to the Control Panel. The cursor inches across " "the screen so slowly, the movement is barely perceptible..." msgstr "" "حاولت نويل العودة إلى لوحة التحكم. يتحرك المؤشر على الشاشة ببطئ شديد لدرجة " "أنه الحركة بالكاد مرئية." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2014 msgid "AKARSHAAAAAAAA!!!" msgstr "{b}أكارشااااااااااا!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2018 msgid "" "The bell rings! This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream " "fest." msgstr "" "رنّ الجرس! وهكذا وصلنا إلى نهاية مهرجان صراخ نويل وأكارشا الصباحي اليومي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2019 msgid "" "Once everyone is seated, the morning announcements play over the intercom." msgstr "عندما جلس الجميع, بدأت الإعلانات الصباحية بالصدور من المذياع." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2021 msgid "Morning announcements" msgstr "الإعلانات الصباحية" # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2022 msgid "" "The first practice session for Senior Bhangra is today after school in the " "gym. Don't forget your t-shirt order forms." msgstr "" "جلسة التدرب على الـ\"بهانغرا\" للطلاب الخريجين اليوم بعد انتهاء الدوام " "المدرسي في الصالة الرياضية. لا تنسوا استمارات طلب القمصان خاصتكم." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2024 msgid "" "Our school has this tradition where the seniors do a bhangra dance at the " "end of Multicultural Week." msgstr "" "من تقاليد مدرستنا أن يؤدي الطلاب الخريجون رقصة \"بهانغرا\" في نهاية أسبوع " "تعدد الثقافات." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2025 msgid "Guess that means we'll get to see Chryssa and Liz dance." msgstr "أعتقد أن هذا يعني أننا سنرى كريسا وليز ترقصان." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2031 msgid "The Japan Club's first meeting is today after school in N6." msgstr "اللقاء الأول لنادي اليابان اليوم بعد المدرسة في قاعة N6." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2032 msgid "" "Unlike the Anime Club, besides discussing anime, we ALSO eat Japanese snacks " "and learn Japanese manners and language." msgstr "" "على عكس نادي الأتمي، لا نشاهد فقط الأنمي، بل نقوم {b} أيضًا{/b} بأكل " "المأكولات اليابانية وتعلم اللغة والعادات اليابانية." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2034 msgid "That doesn't sound like that significant of a difference..." msgstr "لا يبدو ذلك بالفارق الكبير." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2035 msgid "" "Our school may not have a football or baseball team anymore, but it does " "have hella new clubs popping up all the time." msgstr "" "قد تكون مدرستنا لم يعد لديها فريق كرة قدم أو قاعدة، لكن هنالك الكثير من " "الأندية الجديدة المتشكّلة طوال الوقت." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2036 msgid "" "It's 'cause everyone wants to be able to put \"founder and president\" on " "their college apps." msgstr "" "هذا لأن الجميع يريد أن يتمكن من إضافة \"منشئ ورئيس نادي\" إلى طلبات التحاقهم " "بالجامعة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2038 msgid "" "Come to think of it...Didn't Chryssa and Liz start the baseball club during " "application season?" msgstr "" "في الحقيقة...ألم تبدأ كريسا وليز نادي كرة القاعدة خلال موسم تقديم الطلبات؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2040 msgctxt "enterClass_22e2f25c" msgid "No way..." msgstr "مستحيل..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2042 msgid "Well, good for them. Even if they had ulterior motives, it's been fun." msgstr "" "حسنًا، أنا مسرورة من أجلها. حتى لو كان لديهما دوافع أخرى، استمتعنا كثيرًا." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2044 msgid "" "This Valentine's Day, the Muslim Student Association is kicking off their " "annual rose fundraiser." msgstr "" "في عيد الحب هذا، ستتولى رابطة الطلبة المسلمين فعالية تدبير جمع التبرعات " "بالورود السنوية." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2045 msgid "" "For $5, we'll deliver a rose to your special someone with a message of your " "choice." msgstr "مقابل 5 دولارات، سنوصل وردة إلى الشخص المميز عندك مع رسالة من اختيارك." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2046 msgid "" "You can even make it a bouquet for $20. Order forms will be distributed in " "3rd period today." msgstr "" "بإمكانك حتى إرسال باقة ورد مقابل 20 دولارًا. ستُوزّع استمارات الطلب اليوم في " "الحصة الثالثة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2048 msgid "Hah, like anybody's getting me one of those..." msgstr "ها! وكأن أي أحد سيهديني واحدة..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2050 msgid "Akarsha surreptiously glances at Noelle, who's sitting beside her." msgstr "ألقت أكارشا بحذر نظرة إلى نويل وهي تجلس بجانبها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2052 msgid "" "To her surprise, Noelle is listening to the intercom as intently as if she " "were being graded on it." msgstr "تفاجأت بأن نويل تنصت إلى الإعلان وكأنه جزء من منهاجها المدرسي." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2054 msgid "Wait, maybe this is my chance!" msgstr "مهلًا، قد تكون هذه فرصتي!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2055 msgid "" "I should act {i}really{/i} pitifully down about being single and drop hints " "that getting a rose would make me happy." msgstr "" "عليّ أن أثير شفقتها عليّ {i}وبشدة{/i} لكوني لست في علاقة وأن أعطيها تلميحات " "بأن تلقي وردة سيجعلني سعيدة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2056 msgid "" "After seeing the love of her life (me) in such a miserable state, Noelle " "will feel guilty that she hasn’t gotten me one!" msgstr "" "بعد أن ترى حب حياتها (أنا) مستاءة لهذه الدرجة، ستشعر نويل بالذنب لأنها لم " "تهدِني واحدة!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2058 msgid "Akarsha sighs heavily and slumps in her desk." msgstr "أخذت أكارشا مفسًا عميقًا وتنهّدت ثم انرمت فوق دُرجها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2061 msgctxt "enterClass_9abcface" msgid "What's the matter with you?" msgstr "ما خطبك؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2063 msgid "" "I always feel the the worst about being single on holidays where I have no " "one to celebrate with." msgstr "" "شعوري دائمًا فظيع حيال عدم كوني في علاقة في الأعياد التي لا أملك أحدًا " "للاحتفال بها معه." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2064 msgid "" "Like, Valentine's Day is supposed to be the happiest, most romantic time of " "the year, but it just reminds me of how no one's ever loved me..." msgstr "" "أعني، يفترض أن يكون عيد الحب أسعد وأكثر أوقات السنة رومانسية، ولكنه يذكرني " "فحسب بأنه لا أحب يحبني..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2065 msgid "I bet Diya's getting roses this year. Must be nice..." msgstr "أراهن أن ديا ستحصل على الورود هذه السنة. شعور جميل بلا شك..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2068 msgid "What is there to envy? Flowers serve no practical purpose." msgstr "ولماذا قد تحسدينها؟ ليس للأزهار أي منفعة عملية." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2069 msgid "" "They wither up within days and wind up in the garbage. What a waste of money." msgstr "" "يوف تذبل خلال أيام وسينتهي بها الأمر في القمامة. يا لها من مضيعة للمال." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2071 msgid "Of course you would think so, you uptight spoilsport..." msgstr "بالطبع ستعتقدين ذلك يا متزمتة قاتلة للمتعة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2073 msgid "It's the thought that counts, though." msgstr "لكن الفكرة هي الأهم." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2074 msgid "I, personally, wish someone would send me a rose..." msgstr "أنا، شخصيًا، أتمنى لو أهداني أحدهم وردة..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2077 msgid "Heh..." msgstr "هيه..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2079 msgid "What? Did I say something funny?" msgstr "ماذا؟ أقلتُ شيئًا مضحكًا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2083 msgid "Not at all." msgstr "على الإطلاق لا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2085 msgid "Noelle goes back to reading her metamathematics puzzle book." msgstr "عادت نويل إلى قراءة كتاب الأحجيات الرياضية خاصتها." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2087 msgid "Hm. So that didn't go as expected..." msgstr "همم. لم يسر ذلك حقًا كالمتوقع..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2090 msgid "Time to revisit my tactics. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome." msgstr "حان وقت إعادة النظر في تكتيكاتي. ارتجال. تأقلُم. تفوُّق." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2093 msgid "" "After the day's usual math lesson, the teacher brings out a stack of test " "papers." msgstr "" "بعد انتهاء حصة الرياضيات الاعتيادية لليوم، أخرج المعلم كومة من أوراق " "الامتحان." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2094 msgid "Teacher" msgstr "معلم" # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2095 msgid "Alright everyone, clear your desks." msgstr "حسنًا جميعًا، لا شيء على الدرج." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2097 msgctxt "enterClass_3b71d0de" msgid "!" msgstr "!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2100 msgid "Aw, what, a pop quiz?" msgstr "بحقك، ماذا، اختبار مفاجئ؟" # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2102 msgid "You know, I should've done that. But no, it's just a CAML today." msgstr "أتعرفين، كان يجدر بي فعل ذلك. لكن لا، إنه مجرد اختبار CAML اليوم." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2104 msgid "Oh, thank god." msgstr "الحمد لله." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2105 msgid "The CAMLs are these Math League contests we do every few months." msgstr "اختبارات الـCAML هي مسابقات رياضية نقوم بها كل بضعة شهور." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2106 msgid "" "They're 30-minute tests consisting of weird problems that don't have much to " "do with our current course material." msgstr "مدتها 30 دقيقة وتتضمن مسائل غريبة ليس لها علاقة حقًا بمنهاجنا الحالي." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2107 msgid "It's just for fun, so they don't affect our grades or anything." msgstr "إنها فقط للمتعة، لذا لا تؤثر على علاماتنا أو أي شيء." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2110 msgid "Akarsha scans the 6 problems on her test." msgstr "تفحّصت أكارشا المسائل الستة في اختبارها." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2112 msgid "" "Usually three of the problems are freebies you'll get right if you have a " "brain." msgstr "تكون عادة ثلاثة منها مضمونة ستجيب عليها إن كان لديك دماغ." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2113 msgid "And then there's two you have to think about, and one hella tough one." msgstr "ومن ثم هنالك اثنتان عليك التفكير فيهما، وواحدة صعبة للغاية." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2114 msgid "Better get to work..." msgstr "يستحسن بي البدء..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2125 msgid "" "On the way to lunch, Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya check notes on their answers." msgstr "في طريقهن إلى تناول الغداء، ناقشت أكارشا ونويل وديا أجوبتهن." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2128 msgid "What did you all get on the last question?" msgstr "على ماذا حصلتما في المسألة الأخيرة؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2129 msgid "The one about the diagonal passing through the 2012 x 2015 unit grid." msgstr "تلك عن الضلع القطري المارّ خلال شبكة ‎المربعات المتشابكة من 2012 × 2015." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2131 msgid "I drew the whole grid the best I could. Guessed 3800 based on that." msgstr "حاولتُ رسمت الشبكة بقدر المستطاع. حزرت أن الإجابة 3800 بناءً على ذلك." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2134 msgid "" "Aghast, Noelle drops her lunchbox as she pulls it from her locker, but Diya " "manages to catch it before it hits the ground." msgstr "" "منبهرةً، أسقطَت نويل صندوق غدائها وهي تخرجه من الخزانة، ولكن ديا تمكنت من " "الإمساك به قبل أن يلمس الأرض." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2137 msgid "You DREW the grid?! There were thousands of units on each side!" msgstr "{b}رسمتِ{/b} الشبكة؟! كان فيها آلاف الخلايا على كل جانب!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2139 msgid "Only roughly. I was running out of time." msgstr "رسمًا تقريبيًا فحسب. لم يتبقَّ لدي أي وقت." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2141 msgid "Had one minute left and didn't know where to start." msgstr "تبقّت دقيقة واحدة ولم أعرف من أين أبدأ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2143 msgid "The answer was 4026, right?" msgstr "كانت الإجابة 4026، أليس كذلك؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2144 msgid "" "The diagonal goes through the first square at (0,0), and then another 2014 " "squares horizontally and 2011 squares vertically." msgstr "" "يمر الضلع من الخلية الأولى (0,0)، ومن ثم 2014 خلية أفقيًا و 2011 خلية عموديًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2147 msgid "That's what I got too!" msgstr "هذا ما حصلتُ عليه أيضًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2149 msgid "Yes! If {i}you{/i} got that, it's gotta be right." msgstr "أجل! إن كانت تلك {b}إجابتكِ{/b} أيضًا، فلا بد من أنها صحيحة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2152 msgid "Min gives them a weird look as she joins them." msgstr "أعطتهن مين نظرة غريبة عندما انضمت إليهم." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2154 msgid "" "The fuck's wrong with you...How excited can you get over a math problem?" msgstr "ما مشكلتكم أنتم...إلى أي مدى يمكن لأحد التحمّس لمسألة رياضيات؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2156 msgid "" "Clearly you've never known the high of finding out you got the same answer " "as the smartest kid in the class." msgstr "" "من الواضح أنكِ لم تختبري نشوة اكتشاف أنكِ حصلت على نفس إجابة أذكى طالبة في " "الصف." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2159 msgid "Noelle preens a little at the compliment." msgstr "وقفت نويل بافتخار عند سماعها المدح." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2160 msgid "That's an exaggeration." msgstr "تلك مبالغة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2162 msgctxt "lunch_6505de42" msgid "No, it's not." msgstr "كلا، إنها محقة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2163 msgid "No one else in our class got all six right last time." msgstr "لم يحصل غيركِ من صفنا على ست إجابات صحيحة في الآن ذاته." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2165 msgid "Wait, you got all six?!" msgstr "لحظة، حصلتِ على ستة؟!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2166 msgid "" "Don't they publish your name on a list or something online when that happens?" msgstr "ألا ينشرون اسمك ضمن لائحة أو ما شابه عندما يحدث ذلك؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2169 msgid "They do." msgstr "بلى." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2171 msgid "Dude, that's so impressive. The most I've ever managed was five." msgstr "يا صاح، هذا مثير حقًا للإعجاب. أكبر عدد تمكنتُ منه هو خمسة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2174 msgid "Five is still perfectly respectable, though." msgstr "ما زالت خمس مسائل مدعاة للاحترام." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2175 msgid "" "It means you're better at math than the vast majority of high schoolers. And " "that's including all the way up to grade twelve, not just our grade." msgstr "" "ذلك يعني أنك أفضل من معظم طلاب الثانوية. وهذا يشمل الجميع حتى الصف الثاني " "عشر، وليس فقط صفنا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2177 msgid "Yeah, I guess so..." msgstr "أجل، هذا صحيح..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2179 msgid "" "It's seriously amazing that she's basically one of the smartest kids in the " "whole state." msgstr "الأمر بجدية مدهش أنها فعليًا من أذكى الطلاب في الولاية بأكملها." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2180 msgid "" "We're so different, but at the same time there's so many ways we're alike??" msgstr "" "كم أننا مختلفات عن بعضنا، ولكن في الوقت نفسه هنالك نواحٕ عديدة نتشابه فيها؟؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2181 msgid "" "We're so compatible with each other...We're so perfect for each other..." msgstr "كم أننا ملائمتان لبعضنا...كم أننا مثاليتان لبعضنا..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2185 msgid "Min holds a door open for Diya as they walk over to their usual table." msgstr "أمسكَت مين بابًا مفتوحًا لديا في أثناء مسيرهما نحو طاولتهما المعتادة." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2189 msgid "After you, princess." msgstr "من بعدكِ، أميرتي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2191 msgctxt "lunch_35d02abf" msgid "Thanks..." msgstr "شكرًا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2194 msgid "" "Hmm...Min always treats Diya like this even though Diya's strong enough to " "just smash a hole through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man." msgstr "" "همم...تعامل مين ديا دائمًا هكذا على الرغم من أن ديا قوية بما فيه الكفاية " "لتُحدث ثقبًا في الحائط مثل رجل الكوليد." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2197 msgid "I guess Diya finds it romantic that Min is protective of her and stuff?" msgstr "يبدو أن ديا تجد الأمر رومانسيًا أن مين تحاول حمايتها وكل ذلك؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2201 msgid "Maybe if I try a move like that, Noelle'll fall for me!" msgstr "ربما لو حاولتُ حركة مشابهة، ستقع نويل في حبي!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2205 msgid "Once they've sat down, Noelle struggles to open her water bottle." msgstr "بعدما جلسن، حاولت نويل فتح قنينة مياهها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2207 msgid "Ugh!" msgstr "أعع!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2210 msgid "" "Diya must not have opened it for her like usual this morning! This is my " "chance!" msgstr "لا بد من أن ديا لم تفتحها لها كالعادة هذا الصباح! هذه فرصتي!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2213 msgid "Here, I got this babe." msgstr "هاتي، سأتولى الأمر يا عزيزتي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2215 msgid "Akarsha snatches the bottle away from Noelle and tries to open it." msgstr "انتزعت أكارشا القنينة من يد نويل وحاولت فتحها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2218 msgid "*grunts* Nrg! Shit!" msgstr "*نخير* أعع! تبًا!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2220 msgid "Urk! This is surprisingly hard!" msgstr "آخ! لم أتوقع أن يكون صعبًا هكذا!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2223 msgid "And they say chivalry is dead." msgstr "ويقولون أن الشهامة ماتت." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2226 msgid "You disgust me." msgstr "أنتِ تثيرين اشمئزازي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2229 msgid "Whuh?! I was just tryin' to help!" msgstr "ماذا؟! كنت أحاول المساعدة فحسب!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2232 msgid "You were smirking condescendingly as you took the bottle from me!" msgstr "كنتِ مبتسمة بتعجرف عندما أخذت القنينة مني!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2235 msgid "Was not!" msgstr "كلا!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2238 msgid "Was too. You were smiling weird." msgstr "بلى. كنتِ مبتسمة بغرابة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2241 msgid "Wha...was I?!" msgstr "ما...حقًا؟!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2243 msgid "Noelle hands the water bottle to Diya with a huff." msgstr "تنهّدت نويل وأعطت القنينة لديا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2245 msgid "Okay, that could've gone better." msgstr "حسنًا، كان من الممكن أن يسير ذلك بشكل أفضل." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2247 msgid "Luckily, I've got one last trick up my sleeve." msgstr "لحسن الحظ، لدي حيلة أخيرة في حوزتي." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2252 msgid "Before fifth period begins, Akarsha schemes at her desk." msgstr "قبل بدء الحصة الخامسة، خططت أكارشا على دُرجها." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2254 msgid "" "Acting sad 'cause no one was into me didn't work, so I should try the " "opposite tactic." msgstr "" "التظاهر بالحزن لأن أحدًا لا يحبني لم ينجح، لذا علي تجربة التكتيك المعاكس." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2256 msgid "I'll make Noelle think dudes are falling for me left and right." msgstr "سأجعل نويل تظن أن الشبّان مغرمون بي في كل مكان." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2257 msgid "" "So if she likes me, she'll feel pressured to take action or else I'll be " "stolen from right under her nose!" msgstr "" "بضغلذا إذا كانت معجبة بي، ستشعر وكأن عليها التحرّك بسرعة وإلا سيسرقني أحدهم " "من أمامها!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2258 msgid "I won't be on the market for long. I'm a limited time offer!" msgstr "لن أكون متوفّرة إلى الأبد. أنا عرض محدود!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2260 msgid "" "Akarsha goes over to annoy Noelle at her desk. Noelle puts down the thick " "tome she's reading to give Akarsha her undivided attention." msgstr "" "ذهبت أكارشا لتزعج نويل على درجها. وضعت نويل الكتاب الضخم الذي تقرؤه أمامها " "لتعطي أكارشا انتباهها الكامل." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2262 msgid "Yes?" msgstr "نعم؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2264 msgid "Can I tell you something?" msgstr "أبإمكاني إخبارك شيئًا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2267 msgid "...I'll allow it." msgstr "...سأسمح بذلك." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2269 msgid "\"I'll allow it\"?? Who talks like that? What are you, a judge?" msgstr "\"سأسمح بذلك\"؟؟ من يتحدث هكذا؟ من أنتِ، قاضٍ؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2270 msgctxt "earthquake_e6dd7ed8" msgid "I love you..." msgstr "أحبكِ..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2272 msgid "" "So yesterday, I was RPing with one of my online pals, Xx_ChibiAzn_xX, on " " And he asked me to be his forum GF!" msgstr "" "حسنًا، البارحة، كنت ألعب الأدوار مع أحد أصدقائي من على الإنترنت، " "Xx_ChibiAzn_xX، على موقع سألني إن كنت أريد أن أكون حبيبته " "على المنتدى!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2273 msgid "I turned him down, of course." msgstr "قلتُ لا، بالطبع." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2274 msgid "But I'm so popular, this happens all the time!" msgstr "ولكنني محبوبة للغاية، وهذا يحدث طوال الوقت!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2277 msgid "...Never mind. Forget I asked." msgstr "...لا عليكِ. انسي أنني سألت." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2279 msgid "Huh?! She doesn't sound remotely interested!" msgstr "هاه؟! لا تبدو مهتمة على الإطلاق!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2286 msgid "Suddenly, a sharp tremor rattles Noelle's desk." msgstr "فجأة، أصابت درج نويل هزة حادة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2288 msgid "Quit shaking my desk." msgstr "توقفي عن هز درجي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2290 msgid "But I'm NOT shaking it?" msgstr "ولكنني {b}لستُ{/b} أهزه؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2293 msgid "" "Noelle and Akarsha look at one another, then at their violently shaking " "surroundings." msgstr "نظرت نويل وأكارشا إلى بعضهما، ومن ثم إلى كل ما حولهما يهتز بعنف." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2296 msgid "{big=+20}THERE'S A GHOST?!?{/big}" msgstr "{big=+20}{b}هنالك شبح؟!؟{/b}{/big}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2300 msgid "YOU MEAN {big=+20}{i}EARTHQUAKE???{/i}{/big}" msgstr "{b}تقصدين {big=+20}{i}هزة أرضية؟؟؟{/i}{/big}{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2302 msgid "Oh, yeah, earthquake!" msgstr "أجل، صح، هزة أرضية!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2305 msgid "" "There's a commotion as Diya and the others crawl under their desks for cover " "as taught by years of earthquake drills." msgstr "" "عمت الجلبة الصف وديا والبقية يزحفون أسفل دروجهم للاحتماء كما تعلموا من سنين " "من تمارين الهزات الأرضية." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2306 msgid "" "Without thinking, Akarsha dives under Noelle's desk, leaving Noelle sitting " "dumbly in her chair." msgstr "" "دون تفكير، اندفعت أكارشا أسفل درج نويل، مما ترك نويل جالسةً ببلاهة في كرسيها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2309 msgid "AKARSHA!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE UNDER NOW??!" msgstr "{b}أكارشا!!! أين يفترض بي الاختباء الآن؟؟!{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2311 msgid "Oops! Why don't you squeeze under here, too?" msgstr "أوبس! لمَ لا تنزلي إلى هنا أيضًا؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2316 msgid "" "Akarsha tries to make room for Noelle as she stiffly crawls under the desk." msgstr "حاولت أكارشا إفساح مجال لنويل وهي تزحف ببرود أسفل الدرج." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2317 msgid "" "Every single one of Noelle's joints pop as she crouches into place. They're " "so close, Akarsha can feel the heat radiating off Noelle's skin." msgstr "" "تفرقعت كل مفاصل نويل وهي تجلس في موضع مناسب. إنهما قريبتان جدًا من بعضهما، " "واستطاعت أكارشا الإحساس بالحرارة تنبعث من جلد نويل." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2318 msgid "Is it just me, or is this like, really romantic??" msgstr "أيتهيأ لي، أم أن هذا الأمر حقًا رومانسي؟؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2319 msgid "Nah, I'm just overthinking it...I gotta look at this objectively..." msgstr "لا، أبالغ وحسب في التفكير...علي النظر إلى هذا بشكل موضوعي..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2320 msgid "" "Scowling, Noelle readjusts herself and brushes her hand against Akarsha's." msgstr "متجهّمةً، غيرت نويل وضعيتها ولمس رأسها رأس أكارشا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2321 msgid "No way...Does this mean what I think it means?!" msgstr "مستحيل... أيعني هذا ما أعتقد أنه يعنيه؟!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2322 msgid "She must've done that because she secretly likes me! Confirmed!!" msgstr "لا بد أنها فعلت ذلك لأنها تحبني سرًا! تم الإثبات!!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2327 msgctxt "earthquake_1478c377" msgid "......." msgstr "......." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2328 msgctxt "earthquake_117be23f" msgid "......." msgstr "......." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2329 msgid "I think it's stopped." msgstr "أعتقد أنها توقفت." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2335 msgid "Noelle clambers back to her feet in a hurry." msgstr "نهضت نويل بسرعة على رجليها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2336 msgid "I can't believe you!" msgstr "لا أستطيع تصديقك!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2337 msgid "I could have perished because of your selfishness!" msgstr "كان من الممكن أن أهلك بسبب أنانيتك!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2339 msgid "But you didn't! Talk about a win-win situation." msgstr "لكن ذلك لم يحدث! منفعة حقًا متبادلة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2341 msgid "" "What're the odds of an earthquake happening right as we were talking to each " "other?" msgstr "ما احتمالية أن تحصل هزة أرضية لحظة تكلّمنا مع بعضنا؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2342 msgid "Maybe it's a sign from the universe that we're soul mates!" msgstr "قد تكون إشارة من الكون أننا رفيقات روح!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2344 msgid "" "I mean, think about it. What's more likely, that this was a coincidence? Or " "that the world revolves around me, and it's trying to tell me something?" msgstr "" "أعني، فكروا في الأمر. ما المحتمل أكثر، أنها مجرد صدفة؟ أم أن الكون يتمحور " "حولي ويحاول قدإخباري شيئًا ما؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2345 msgid "It's obviously the second one!" msgstr "من الواضح أنه الخيار الثاني!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2356 msgid "" "Akarsha comes home giddy with the private conviction that Noelle likes her " "back." msgstr "عادت أكارشا إلى البيت مبتهجة وعلى أتم قناعة بأن نويل تبادلها مشاعرها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2357 msgid "" "In spurt of reckless courage, she boots up the family desktop in the " "computer room after dinner." msgstr "" "في نوبة من الجرأة المتهورة، شغلت حاسوب العائلة في غرفة الحاسوب بعد تناولها " "العشاء." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2359 msgid "Okay...I'm gonna confess my love to her!" msgstr "حسنًا...سوف أعترف لها بحبي!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2360 msgid "I have a really good feeling about this!" msgstr "ينتابني شعور جيد حقًا حيال هذا!" # Speaker: cFirstLine #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2364 msgctxt "failedConfession_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" msgstr "{nw}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2365 msgid "hey" msgstr "مرحبا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2366 msgid "do u have a minute" msgstr "هل عندك دقيقة" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2367 msgid "Why is your display name \"Certified Brain Genius\"?" msgstr "لماذا معنى اسمك \"عبقرية ذهنية معتمدة\"؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2368 msgid "uh becuase i am one? duh" msgstr "ااا لانني كذلك؟ من الواضح" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2369 msgid "WHAT DIFFERENCE IS THERE BETWEEN A GENIUS AND A \"BRAIN GENIUS\"??" msgstr "{b}ما الفرق بين \"عبقري\" و\"عبقري ذهني\"؟؟{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2370 msgid "IT'S A POINTLESS DISTINCTION!" msgstr "{b}لا هدف من تفريقك بينهما!{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2371 msgid "no no they're obviously different" msgstr "لا لا من الواضح انهما مختلفتان" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2372 msgid "Did you change it to this just to annoy me?!" msgstr "هل غيرته إلى هذا فقط لإزعاجي؟!" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2373 msgid "" "idk what ur talking about and i dont appreciate u questioning my " "certification -_-" msgstr "لا اعرف عن ماذا تتحدثين ولا احب تشكيكك في شهادتي -_-" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2374 msgid "we ladies need to uplift each other!!" msgstr "علينا كسيدات دعم ومساندة بعضنا البعض!!" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2375 msgid "no point in having 2 queens fight" msgstr "لا هدف من شجار ملكتين" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2376 msgid "QUEENS??" msgstr "{b}ملكتين؟؟{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2377 msgid "RIGHT NOW I SEE YOU AS NOTHING BUT AN ENEMY TO BE OBLITERATED." msgstr "{b}لا أراكِ في هذه اللحظة كأي شيء إلا كعدوة علي تدميرها.{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2378 msgid "ok can we circle back to this later?" msgstr "طيب هل من الممكن ان نعود الى هذا لاحقا؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2379 msgid "thats not why messaged you" msgstr "هذا ليس سبب مراسلتي لك" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2380 msgid "Why did you message me, then?" msgstr "لمَ راسلتني إذن؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2381 msgid "i have to tell yuo something" msgstr "علي اخبارك شئيا" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2382 msgctxt "failedConfession_4d722a60" msgid "What is it?" msgstr "ماذا؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2383 msgid "i" msgstr "انا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2384 msgctxt "failedConfession_a82300be" msgid "uh" msgstr "ااا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2385 msgid "man this is hard to say" msgstr "يصعب حقا قول هذا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2386 msgid "^__^;;;;;;" msgstr ";;;;;;^__^" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2387 msgid "i kinda have a crush on you" msgstr "انا معجبة قليلا بك" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2388 msgid "Er..." msgstr "آامم..." # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2389 msgctxt "failedConfession_16eac652" msgid "What?" msgstr "ماذا؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2390 msgid "You're joking, right?" msgstr "إنك تمزحين، صحيح؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2394 msgid "" "Akarsha's stomach drops as Noelle's flat response flashes on the screen." msgstr "شعرت أكارشا بثقلٍ في معدتها عندما رأت رد نويل البليد يظهر على الشاشة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2396 msgid "Crap. That's not what I was expecting..." msgstr "تبًا. هذا ليس ما توقعتُه..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2397 msgid "" "If she really liked me, she would've jumped at the chance to say she felt " "the same way!" msgstr "لو كانت معجبة بي حقًا، لانتهزت الفرصة مباشرة لقول أنها تبادلني المشاعر!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2398 msgid "I know {i}I{/i} would've..." msgstr "أعرف أني {i}أنا{/i} كنت لأفعل ذلك..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2400 msgid "Which means...I was overthinking all our interactions after all..." msgstr "" "مما يعني...أني كنت أبالغ في التفكير في الحقيقة وأخطأت تفسير كل ما يجري " "بيننا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2401 msgid "I'm not a certified brain genius anymore. I've made a grave mistake!!" msgstr "لك أعد عبقرية ذهنية معتمدة. اقترفتُ خطأً فظيعًا!!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2404 msgid "Abort mission! Abort!!" msgstr "إلغاء المهمة! إلغاء!!" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2408 msgctxt "failedConfession_6c898b58" msgid "uh" msgstr "ااا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2409 msgid "just kidding!!!" msgstr "مجرد مزحة!!!" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2410 msgid "that was my brother xD" msgstr "كان ذلك أخي xD" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2411 msgid "Your brother...?" msgstr "أخوك...؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2412 msgid "ya he took the keyboard and typed that as a joke" msgstr "اجل اخذ لوحة المفاتيح وكتب ذلك كمزحة" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2413 msgid "i cant believe he did that o.O" msgstr "لا اصدق انه فعل ذلك o.O" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2414 msgid "like id ever say anything that crazeh! e_e" msgstr "وكاني قد اقول حقا شيئا بهذا الجنون e_e" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2415 msgctxt "failedConfession_3779265e" msgid "I see..." msgstr "حسنًا..." # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2416 msgid "just forget this ever happened ok? my bros so random lolll" msgstr "انسي ان هذا حصل من الاساس طيب؟ تصرفات اخي عشوائية جدا ههههههه" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2417 msgid "i gtg now bye!!" msgstr "علي الذهاب الان وداعا!!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2423 msgid "" "Akarsha powers the family desktop off, her heart pounding a mile a minute." msgstr "أطفأت أكارشا حاسوب العائلة وقلبها ينبض بسرعة كيلومتر في الدقيقة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2425 msgid "That was a close one...I somehow salvaged that and escaped unscathed..." msgstr "كان ذلك وشيكًا...تمكنتُ بطريقة ما من إصلاح الأمور والنجاة دون أي ضرر." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2426 msgid "Apart from my heart being broken into a thousand smithereens, I mean..." msgstr "باستثناء قلبي المتحطم إلى آلاف الشظايا، أعني..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2432 msgid "Akarsha dramatically throws herself onto the sofa in the living room." msgstr "انرمت أكارشا بشكل درامي فوق أريكة غرفة المعيشة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2434 msgid "Used to this, her brother offers her a piece of candy." msgstr "لأنه معتاد على هذه، قدم لها أخوها قطعة سكاكر." # Speaker: Pratik #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2436 msgid "Want a Hi-Chew?" msgstr "تريدين قطعة \"هاي-تشو\"؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2438 msgid "No, thanks." msgstr "لا، شكرًا." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2441 msgid "Don't eat too many of those. They have dangerous oils in them." msgstr "لا تأكل الكثير من تلك. تحتوي على زيوت ضارة داخلها." # Speaker: Pratik #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2443 msgid "Okay, Dad..." msgstr "حسنًا يا أبي..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2447 msgid "Her mom goes into the room Akarsha just left to switch off the light." msgstr "ذهبت أمها إلى الغرفة التي خرجت أكارشا منها للتو لتطفئ الضوء." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2449 msgid "What is this — Diwali?!" msgstr "ما هذا — \"ديوالي\"؟!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2451 msgid "Oops. Sorry, I was having a meltdown and forgot..." msgstr "أوبس. آسفة، كنت منهارة نفسيًا فنسيت..." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2454 msgid "Want to watch a funny movie with us? It'll make you feel better." msgstr "أتريدين مشاهدة فيلم مضحك معنا؟ سيُشعرك بتحسن." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2456 msgid "What's the movie?" msgstr "أي فيلم؟" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2458 msgid "" "She's the Man. We just need to wait two minutes, it starts on TV at seven." msgstr "" "\"شيز ذا مان\". علينا الانتظار دقيقتين فقط، سيُعرض على التلفاز في الساعة " "السابعة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2460 msgid "" "The movie kicks off with the teenage heroine making out with her boyfriend." msgstr "بدأ الفيلم ببطلة الفيلم المراهقة وهي تقبل حبيبها." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2462 msgid "Ew. Gross." msgstr "يع. مقرف." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2465 msgid "I dunno...{w=0.35}Wish that were me..." msgstr "لا أعرف...{w=0.35} أتمنى لو كنتُ أنا هكذا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2466 msgid "We would've been so cute together......" msgstr "لكنّا ظريفتين جدًا مع بعضنا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2467 msgid "We belong together! We should be dating!" msgstr "نحن ننتمي مع بعضنا البعض! يجب أن نكون في علاقة!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2468 msgid "I was hoping so bad Noelle could see that, too." msgstr "كنت آمل بشدة أن نويل بإمكانها رؤية ذلك أيضًا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2469 msgid "It just really hurts to know she doesn't feel the same way." msgstr "لكن من المؤلم حقًا معرفة أنها لا تشعر بالمثل." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2472 msgid "Oh! This actress makes a very handsome boy." msgstr "انظروا! هذه الممثلة تبدو وكأنها صبي وسيم جدًا." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2473 msgid "She would've tricked me." msgstr "لكان بإماكنها خداعي." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2475 msgid "She would've tricked you?!" msgstr "لكان بإمكانها خداعك؟!" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2477 msgid "Beti, do you know how to do this?" msgstr "\"بيتي\", أتعرفين كيف تفعلي هذا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2479 msgid "Do what? Disguise myself as a guy?" msgstr "أفعل ماذا؟ أتنكر بزي فتى؟" # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2482 msgid "What kind of question is that? You're so weird." msgstr "أي نوع من الأسئلة هذا؟ كم أنك غريب." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2484 msgid "" "It's a fun movie, but watching all the characters happily pair up after " "their wacky teen hijinks just makes Akarsha's chest ache even more." msgstr "" "إنه فيلم ممتع، ولكن رؤية كل أولئك الشخصيات في علاقات بعد انتهاء كل هراء " "المراهقين الذي يمرون فيه جعل صدر أكارشا يؤلم أكثر حتى." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2485 msgid "" "Seeing the forlorn expression on her face, her dad pats her on the shoulder." msgstr "عند رؤيته تعابير وجهها البائسة، ربّت والدها على كتفها." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2487 msgid "Cheer up." msgstr "ابتهجي." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2488 msgid "" "If you really don't want to be a doctor, you can become a movie star instead." msgstr "" "إن كنتِ لا تريدين حقًا أن تصبحي طبيبة، بإمكانك أن تصبحي نجمة سينمائية بدلًا من " "ذلك." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2490 msgid "What are you saying?!" msgstr "ما الذي تقوله؟!" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2492 msgid "" "I think it will be cool if Akarsha becomes a famous movie star. If she's " "rich, we can live in the mountains." msgstr "" "أعتقد أن الأمر سيكون رائعًا لو صارت أكارشا نجمة سينمائية مشهورة. إن كنت غنية، " "بإمكاننا العيش في الجبال." # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2493 msgid "We can be like, in the wild." msgstr "بإمكاننا أن نكون في الخلاء." # Speaker: Mom #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2496 msgid "Why would we want that???" msgstr "ولمَ قد تريد ذلك؟؟؟" # Speaker: Dad #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2498 msgid "You can do it, beti. I believe." msgstr "بإمكانكِ فعلها، \"بيتي\". أنا أؤمن." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2501 msgid "" "My parents have such high hopes for me, but all I do is waste the " "opportunities they worked so hard to give me." msgstr "" "لدى والدَي آمال كبيرة جدًا لي، ولكن كل ما أفعله هو تضييع الفرص التي عملوا بجهد " "لإعطائي إياها." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2503 msgid "" "I have literally nothing going for me...I'm legitimately such a waste of " "time and resources." msgstr "ليس لدي حرفيًا أي شيء يسير لصالحي...أنا حقًا مجرد مضيعة للوقت والموارد." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2508 msgid "" "How do people manage to have their first kiss in kindergarten and stuff?" msgstr "كيف يستطيع الناس الحصول على قبلاتهم الأولى في الروضة وكل ذلك؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2509 msgid "Why doesn't anyone wanna kiss {i}me{/i}?? Am I that unlikeable?" msgstr "لمَ لا يريد أحدًا تقبيلي {i}أنا{/i}؟؟ هل أنا غير محبوبة لهذه الدرجة؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2510 msgid "" "It feels like such a remote thing that I can't imagine it {i}ever{/i} " "happening to me." msgstr "" "يبدو لي الأمر غريبًا جدًا لدرجة أني لا يمكنني {i}أبدًا{/i} حتى تخيل حدوثه لي." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2511 msgid "" "I've never even held someone's hand or been in any kind of relationship." msgstr "لم أمسك يد أحدٍ حتى من قبل ولم أكن أبدًا في أي نوع من العلاقات." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2512 msgid "" "At this rate I'm gonna go through my entire life without ever getting kissed." msgstr "على هذه الحال ستمر حياتي بأكملها دون أن يقبّلني أحد أبدًا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2513 msgid "" "What's even the point of me staying alive? There's nothing for me to look " "forward to." msgstr "ما الهدف حتى من أن أبقى على قيد الحياة؟ لا شيء عندي لأتطلّع إليه." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2514 msgid "Everything just feels so unattainable." msgstr "كل شيء يبدو خارج المنال كليًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2524 msgid "Once the end credits roll, she dejectedly texts Min on her phone." msgstr "بعدما انتهت شارة النهاية، بدأت تراسل مين باكتئاب على هاتفها." # Speaker: cFirstLine #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2526 msgctxt "minChat_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" msgstr "{nw}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2528 msgid "i read online that its healthy to wallow in sadness" msgstr "قرات على الانترنت ان من الصحي الانغمار في الحزن" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2529 msgid "for up to 1 hour a day" msgstr "لمدة ساعة في اليوم" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2530 msgid "" "and that hour begins nOW YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\n" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" msgstr "" "وهذه الساعة بدات ال{b}ان هيااااااااااااااااا\n" "اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا{/b}" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2531 msgid "WTF" msgstr "{b}ما خطبك{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2532 msgid "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" msgstr "{b}ااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا{/b}" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2533 msgid "SHUT UP" msgstr "{b}اصمتي{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2535 msgid "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" msgstr "" "{b}" "اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا{/" "b}" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2536 msgid "what happened???????" msgstr "ماذا حدث؟؟؟؟؟؟؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2537 msgid "I CONFESSED AND IT DIDNT GO WELL TT_____TT" msgstr "{b}اعترفت ولم يسر الامر بشكل جيد {/b}TT_____TT" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2538 msgid "o shit" msgstr "ااا تبا" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2539 msgid "luckily the second i saw things were going south" msgstr "لحسن الحظ عندما لاحظت ان العملية تفشل" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2540 msgid "i was able to backtrack n play it off as a joke" msgstr "استطعت التراجع والتظاهر بانها كانت مزحة" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2541 msgid "i said it was my brother pranking me" msgstr "قلت انه كان مقلبا من اخي" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2542 msgctxt "minChat_c5123885" msgid "wait" msgstr "لحظة" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2543 msgid "hold on" msgstr "مهلا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2544 msgid "you did it thru TEXT???" msgstr "قلتيها عبر رسالة {b}نصية{/b}؟؟؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2545 msgid "ya" msgstr "اجل" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2546 msgid "why???" msgstr "لماذا؟؟؟" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2547 msgid "idk it seemed like a good idea at the time :(" msgstr "لا اعرف شعرت وكانها فكرة جيدة وقتها :(" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2548 msgid "and that way I could say it wasnt me if i chickened out" msgstr "وبهذه الطريقة بامكاني قول انه لم يكن انا لو تراجعت" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2549 msgid "wtf" msgstr "بحق السماء" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2550 msgid "DO IT PROPERLY" msgstr "{b}افعليها بشكل صحيح{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2551 msgid "IN PERSON" msgstr "{b}وجها لوجه{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2552 msgid "and deal with the consequences of my actions??" msgstr "واتعامل مع عواقب افعالي؟؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2553 msgid "no thank u" msgstr "لا شكرا" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2554 msgid "" "well if your not sinsere about it, then what you get back isnt going to be " "real either" msgstr "لكن ان لم تكوني صريحة حيال الامر، لن تحصلي على اي شيء حقيقي بالمقابل" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2555 msgid "" "your like someone who went to vegas, spent 1 penny and got spooked and left" msgstr "وكانك شخص هذب الى فيجاس وانفق سنتا واحدا ثم شعر بالارتعاب وهرب" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2556 msgid "You need to take risks if you wanna win anything" msgstr "عليك المخاطرة ان اردتي الفوز باي شيء" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2557 msgid "too scawwy :(" msgstr "لكن..... مخيف :(" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2558 msgid "coward" msgstr "جبانة" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2559 msgid "whats the point? i know theyre not interested in me anyway" msgstr "ما الهدف؟ اعلم ان هذا الشخص لا يبادلني الشعور على كل حال" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2560 msgid "weaksauce move" msgstr "حركة ضعفاء" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2561 msgid "and i cant even blame them" msgstr "وليس وكان بامكاني لومه" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2562 msgid "who'd wanna waste time with a loser like me ;___;" msgstr "من قد يريد تضييع وقته مع فاشلة مثلي ;___;" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2563 msgid "what am i then motherfuker?? chopped liver?" msgstr "وماذا عني انا يا معتوهة؟؟ كبد مقلي؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2564 msgid "IM wasting time with yuo right now" msgstr "{b}انا{/b} اضبع وقتي معك الان" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2565 msgid "but u like wasting time with diya MORE" msgstr "ولكنك تضيعين وقتك مع ديا {b}اكثر{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2566 msgid "see??" msgstr "اترين؟؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2567 msgid "*is die*" msgstr "*تموت*" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2568 msgid "well its not a contest" msgstr "الامر ليس مسابقة" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2569 msgid "ok but it kinda is??" msgstr "لكن بلى هو بالفعل مسابقة؟؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2570 msgid "" "idk like...having 1 person in the world think im worth loving would be nice" msgstr "" "لا اعرف اعني...فكرة جميلة ان يكون هناك شخص واحد في العالم يعتقد اني استحق " "الحب" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2571 msgid "" "i feel like i've spent my entire life wanting people and being rejected " "while nobodys ever felt anything for me" msgstr "" "اشعر وكاني امضيت حياتي كلها وانا اريد الناس وهم يرفضونني بينما لا احد شعر " "باي شيء تجاهي ابدا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2572 msgid "" "like am i really that ugly and boring that no one would ever fall in love " "with me" msgstr "هل انا حقا قبيحة ومملة لدرجة ان لا احد قد يغرم بي ابدا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2573 msgid "im just a waste of space" msgstr "لا فائدة من وجودي" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2574 msgid "seriosly stop saying shit like that" msgstr "حقا توقفي عن قول هراء كهاذا" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2575 msgid "i was just kidding XD im so random" msgstr "كنت امزح فقط XD كم انا عشوائية" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2576 msgid "its not funny" msgstr "الامر ليس مضحكا" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2577 msgid "xD" msgstr "xD" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2578 msgid "dont xD me you son of a bitch" msgstr "لا اريد الxD خاصتك تلك يا ابن العاهرة" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2579 msgid "i just wanna do normal high school things" msgstr "اريد فقط ان اكون طالبة ثانوية طبيعية" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2580 msgid "like date and go to parties n stuff...." msgstr "وان اواعد الناس واذهب الى الحفلات وما شابه..." # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2581 msgid "" "i feel like im missing out on this whole fun exp everyone else is having" msgstr "اشعر وكان تلك التجربة المرحة التي يمر بها الجميع تفوتني" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2583 msgid "look dumbass" msgstr "انظري يا حمقاء" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2584 msgid "" "theres probably like 3 couples in our entire grade including me and diya" msgstr "لا احد في علاقة من صفنا الا 3 ازواج بما فيهم انا وديا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2585 msgid "bunch of socially stunted fob nerds" msgstr "مجموعة من الخرقى المجتهدين عديمو المهارات الاجتماعية" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2586 msgid "most of us arent even allowed to date until college anyways" msgstr "معظمنا ممنوع من المواعدة إلى ان يدخل الجامعة حتى" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2587 msgid "great" msgstr "ممتاز" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2588 msgid "so not only am i an undesirable weirdo but im not even special" msgstr "اذن لست فقط غريبة اطوار لا احد يرغبها ولكنني لست مميزة حتى" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2589 msgid "not special is good sometimes" msgstr "ان لا تكوني مميزة امر جيد احيانا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2590 msgid "if your not special it means your not alone" msgstr "ان كنت لست مميزة هذا يعني انك لست لوحدك" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2591 msgid "ok yeah yeah i get it" msgstr "اجل اجل فهمت" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2592 msgid "u right" msgstr "انت محقة" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2593 msgid "did you wanna play maplestory tonight?" msgstr "هل اردت لعب maplestory الليلة؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2594 msgid "i need a distraction to stop thinking about my epic fail OTL" msgstr "احتاج شيئا للتوقف عن التفكير في خسارتي الفادحة العظيمة" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2596 msgid "sry i cant" msgstr "اسفة لا اقدر" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2597 msgid "juns using the computer right now" msgstr "جون على الحاسوب الان" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2598 msgid ":/" msgstr ":/" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2600 msgid "how about we play through text then?" msgstr "ماذا لو لعبنا عبر النص اذن؟" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2601 msgid "what do you mean through text" msgstr "ماذا تعنين عبر النص" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2606 msgid "" " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ " "\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ‘-‘_@_" msgstr "" " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ " "\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ‘-‘_@_" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2607 msgid "its a snail" msgstr "انه حلزون" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2608 msgid " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ‘-‘_@_" msgstr " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ‘-‘_@_" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2609 msgctxt "minChat_99c72437" msgid "oh ok" msgstr "اها حسنا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2610 msgid "attack" msgstr "هجوم" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2611 msgid "ninja star" msgstr "نجمة نينجا" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2612 msgid "it's hitting you!!!!" msgstr "انه يضربك!!!!" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2613 msgid "-5 HP" msgstr "-5 نقاط حياة" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2614 msgid "HUH" msgstr "{b}ماذا{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2615 msgid "WHY" msgstr "{b}لماذا{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2616 msgid "use emoticons like me" msgstr "استعملي الوجوه الضاحكة مثلي" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2617 msgid "oh" msgstr "اوه" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2618 msgctxt "minChat_a82300be" msgid "uh" msgstr "ااا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2619 msgctxt "minChat_4dcd8658" msgid "*" msgstr "*" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2620 msgid "wuts that supposed to be" msgstr "ماذا يفترض بهذا ان يكون" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2621 msgid "your butthole??" msgstr "فتحة شرجك؟؟" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2622 msgid "WHY WOULD IT BE MNY BUTTHOLE?????" msgstr "{b}لما قد تكون فتحة شرججي؟؟؟؟؟{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2624 msgid "ITS THE NINJA STAR" msgstr "{b}انها نجمة النينجا{/b}" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2625 msgid "SICKO" msgstr "{b}سافلة{/b}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2626 msgctxt "minChat_dc69304d" msgid "oh ok" msgstr "اها حسنا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2627 msgid "22 damage" msgstr "ضرر 22" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2628 msgctxt "minChat_66dcd7f3" msgid "*" msgstr "*" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2629 msgid "25 damage" msgstr "ضرر 25" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2630 msgid " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ‘-‘_@_" msgstr " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ‘-‘_@_" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2631 msgid "ITS COMIG CLOSER AND CLOSER AGAIN" msgstr "{b}انه يقترب اكثر واكثر من جديد{/b}" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2632 msgctxt "minChat_9910eb26" msgid "=O" msgstr "=O" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2633 msgid "thats my fist punching" msgstr "تلك قبضتي وهي تلكم" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2634 msgid "2 damage" msgstr "ضرر 2" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2635 msgctxt "minChat_9910eb26_1" msgid "=O" msgstr "=O" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2636 msgid "4 damage" msgstr "ضرر 4" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2637 msgid "-3 HP" msgstr "-3 نقاط حياة" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2638 msgid "what the..the snail should be dead by now" msgstr "ماذا...يفترض بالحلزون ان يكون ميتا الان" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2639 msgid "they dont have that much hp" msgstr "ليس لديهم نقاط حياة كثيرة هكذا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2640 msgid "F9" msgstr "F9" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2641 msgid "fine ur not damaged" msgstr "حسنا لم تتضرري اذن" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2642 msgid "($)" msgstr "($)" # Speaker: cMin #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2643 msgid "ok great" msgstr "جميل" # Speaker: cSame #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2644 msgid "im gonna try doing the kerning city pq" msgstr "حسنا ساحاول تأدية مهمة مدينة كيرننغ" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2646 msgid "yee good choice" msgstr "اجل خيار جيد" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2653 msgid "" "Akarsha feels a bit better after talking to Min, but once she's logged off, " "the heartache in her chest returns." msgstr "" "شعرَت أكارشا بالتحسن قليلًا بعد أن تحدث إلى مين، ولكن عندما سجلت الخروج، عاد " "الألم في قلبها يملأ صدرها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2654 msgid "" "That night, Akarsha reads the entirety of Azumanga Daioh for the first time " "on an illegal manga scanlation site in an effort to forget about everything." msgstr "" "تلك الليلة، قرأت أكارشا العدد من مجلة \"أزومانجدغا دايوه\" بأكمله لأول مرة " "على موقع رفع مانغا غير قانون محاولةً نسيان كل شيء." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2655 msgid "It doesn't work." msgstr "لم ينجح ذلك." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2659 msgid "The next morning" msgstr "الصباح التالي" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2662 msgid "Diya's house" msgstr "منزل ديا" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2669 msgid "Akarsha cracks a weak smile as Diya answers the door." msgstr "ظهر على وجه ديا ابتسامة خفيفة عندما فتحت ديا الباب." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2671 msgid "Ayyy...Ready to walk to school together?" msgstr "مرحباًاا...مستعدة للمشي إلى المدرسة معًا؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2674 msgid "Diya gives her an odd look as they start heading down the sidewalk." msgstr "نظرت إليها ديا بغرابة عندما بدأتا بالمشي معًا على الرصيف." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2675 msgid "Are you okay?" msgstr "أكل شيء بخير؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2677 msgid "Y-yeah?? Why do you ask??" msgstr "أ-أجل؟؟ لماذا تسألين؟؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2680 msgid "You didn't send me a weird message this morning like usual." msgstr "لم ترسلي إليّ رسالة غريبة كالمعتاد هذا الصباح." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2681 msgid "Also, your eyes are red." msgstr "كما أن عيناكِ حمراوتان." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2683 msgid "Oh, that's nothing! I got shampoo in them while showering." msgstr "لا، لا داعي للقلق! دخل فيهما الشامبو وحسب بينما كنت أستحم." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2686 msgid "You should get L’Oréal Kids. No tears." msgstr "عليكِ شراء شامبو \"لوريل\" للأطفال. لا دموع بعد اليوم." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2688 msgid "Are you making fun of me??" msgstr "أتسخرين مني؟؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2691 msgctxt "classNextDay_9cbab985" msgid "Yeah." msgstr "أجل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2693 msgid "Oh. All your jokes are so deadpan it's hard to tell sometimes..." msgstr "حقًا؟ نبرتك في المزاح دائمًا باردة لدرجة أنه يصعب التمييز أحيانًا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2694 msgid "" "It must be nice to be pretty. I wish I didn't have to be funny all the time " "to get people to like me." msgstr "" "لا شك أنه من الجميل أن تكوني جميلة لهذه الدرجة. أتمنى لو لم يكن عليّ أن أكون " "مضحكة طوال الوقت لكي يحبني الناس." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2700 msgid "" "It sucks being so pathetic that you fall hopelessly in love with anyone who " "pays even the slightest bit of attention to you." msgstr "" "أكره كوني مثيرة للشفقة لدرجة أنك تقعين في حب أي شخص يعيرك ولو قليلًا من " "الاهتمام." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2701 msgid "Especially unattainable straight girls. God, I'm stupid..." msgstr "خصوصًا الفتيات المغايرات صعبات المنال. اللعنة، أنا غبية..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2702 msgid "" "I can't believe I was so desperate that I convinced myself she liked me " "back. Literally delusional..." msgstr "" "لا أصدق أني كنت يائسة لدرجة أني أقنعت نفسي بأنها معجبة بي أيضًا. حرفيًا " "متوهّمة..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2703 msgid "Sigh..." msgstr "تنهُّد..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2708 msgid "" "At school, Akarsha nervously waits in the first period classroom before " "Noelle and Diya arrive." msgstr "" "في المدرسة، انتظرت أكارشا متوترة في صف الحصة الأولى قبل أن نصل نويل وديا." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2710 msgid "I wonder how facing Noelle again will go..." msgstr "أتساءل كيف ستسير مواجهة نويل من جديد..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2713 msgid "A water bottle flies through the doorway and ricochets off the floor." msgstr "اندفعت قنينة مياه من الباب وارتدت من على الأرض." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2715 msgid "Coast is clear." msgstr "الطريق سالك." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2717 msgid "" "You don't need to keep doing that, y'know. I wouldn't reuse the same set-up " "twice." msgstr "أتعرفين، ليس عليك الاستمرار بفعل ذلك. لن أعيد استخدام نفس المقلب مرتين." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2720 msgid "" "Noelle cautiously sticks a long twig through the doorframe, her eyes " "narrowed at Akarsha." msgstr "أدخلت نويل غصنًا طويلًا بحذر من الباب وعيناها تنظران بشك إلى أكارشا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2722 msgid "Then what is it this time, you putrid worm?" msgstr "ماذا فعلتِ هذه المرة إذن أيتها الدودة الفاسدة؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2724 msgid "Wouldn't you like to know?" msgstr "تريدين حقًا أن تعرفي، أليس كذلك؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2726 msgid "Phew...She's acting like nothing happened last night!" msgstr "ممتاز... تتصرف وكأن شيئًا لم يحدث ليلة أمس!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2727 msgid "" "She must've believed what I said about my little brother sending the message." msgstr "لا شك من أنها صدّقت ما قلته عن أن أخي هو من أرسل الرسالة." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2729 msgid "Thank god. Sorry, Pratik." msgstr "الحمد لله. آسفة يا براتيك." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2730 msgid "Now I just gotta ignore my feelings until they eventually die out." msgstr "كل ما عليّ فعله الآن هو تجاهل مشاعري إلى أن تموت في النهاية لوحدها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2732 msgid "I have a special present for you, Frenchman. Come closer..." msgstr "معي هدية مميزة من أجلك يا فرنسية. اقتربي..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2735 msgid "What? No, keep it to yourself." msgstr "ماذا؟ لا، احتفظي بها لنفسك." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2737 msgid "Don't be shy! I know you want your very special present!" msgstr "لا تخجلي! أعرف أنك تريدين هديتك المميزة جدًا!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2741 msgid "I DON'T WANT THIS \"PRESENT\"! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" msgstr "{b}لا أريد \"هديتك\" هذه\"! لا تقتربي مني!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2742 msgid "" "As Noelle enters the classroom suspiciously, she tries to give Akarsha a " "wide berth. Akarsha discreetly pulls her secret weapon out of her pocket..." msgstr "" "في أثناء دخول نويل غرفة الصف مرتابةً، حاولت إبقاء مسافة بينها وبين أكارشا. " "أخرجت أكارشا سلاحها السري سرًا من جيبها..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2744 msgid "HERE YOU GO!!!!" msgstr "{b}تفضلي!!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2751 msgid "" "It's a spinning light toy Akarsha got from Disneyland in elementary school." msgstr "" "إنها لعبة مضيئة دوّارة حصلت عليها أكارشا من مدينة ملاهي \"ديزني لاند\" وهي " "في المدرسة الابتدائية." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2754 msgid "Noelle recoils as its rubber arms repeatedly whack her face." msgstr "تراجعت نويل عندما بدأت يداها المطاطيتان تضربان وجهها مرارًا وتكرارًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2755 msgid "GYAHHHH!!!!!!!" msgstr "أعععععع!!!!!!!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2757 msgid "THOUSAND ENERGY BEAMS ATTACK!!!" msgstr "{b}هجوم قذائف الطاقة الألفي!!!{/b}" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2758 msgid "I used to annoy my brother like this all the time." msgstr "كنت معتادة على إزعاج أخي هكذا طوال الوقت." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2760 msgid "AKARSHAAAAAA!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" msgstr "{b}أكارشاااااا!!! أكرهكِ!!!!{/b}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2762 msgid "Akarsha gulps as Diya approaches the crime scene and towers over her." msgstr "" "بلعت أكارشا ريقها عندما اقتربت ديا من مسرح الجريمة ووقفت بقامتها العالية " "أمامها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2764 msgctxt "classNextDay_1b803a12" msgid "....." msgstr "....." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2766 msgid "C'maaahn, this isn't fair!" msgstr "هيااااا، هذا ليس عدلًا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2767 msgid "Just look! I'm so small, look how small I am compared to you!" msgstr "انظري! كم أنا صغيرة، انظري إلى مدى صغري مقارنةً بكِ!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2769 msgid "Noooo, it's also my birthday, you can't be mean on my birthday!" msgstr "لاااا، كما أنه عيد ميلادي، لا يمكنك التصرف بلؤم معي في عيد ميلادي!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2771 msgctxt "classNextDay_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "............" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2773 msgid "Is that true?" msgstr "أهذا صحيح؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2775 msgid "She's lying. Her birthday isn't until April." msgstr "إنها تكذب. عيد ميلادها في شهر ابريل." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2777 msgid "Akarsha yelps as Diya snatches the spinny toy out of her grasp." msgstr "صرخت أكارشا عندما أخذت ديا اللعبة الدوّارة من يديها." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2779 msgid "" "Seeing that Akarsha's unarmed, Noelle menacingly starts walking toward her." msgstr "عندما رأت أن أكارشا عزلاء، بدأت نويل تمشي بتهديد نحوها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2781 msgid "Hey, calm down!" msgstr "نويل، هدّئي من روعك!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2782 msgid "" "I was doin' you a favor, testing your reflexes for you! Like at the doctor!" msgstr "كنت أقدم لك خدمة، كنت أختبر ردود أفعالك لك! مثل الطبيب!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2784 msgctxt "classNextDay_320efa19" msgid "........" msgstr "........" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2786 msgid "F-free! Free reflex test!" msgstr "مـ-مجانًا! اختبار مجاني!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2788 msgid "Akarsha breaks into a run as Noelle chases after her." msgstr "ركضت أكارشا هاربةً فبدأت نويل تطاردها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2790 msgid "COME BACK HERE!! YOU CRETIN!!!" msgstr "{b}عودي إلى هنا!! أيتها المعتوهة!!!{/b}" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2792 msgid "Oh shit, baseball practice actually made her faster!" msgstr "تبًا، تمارين كرة القاعدة جعلتها أسرع حقًا!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2794 msgid "Oh shit, she's catching up to me. Oh shit!!!" msgstr "تبًا، ستلحق بي حقًت. تبًا!!!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2805 msgid "" "When Akarsha comes to baseball practice, she hears whispering in the locker " "room." msgstr "" "عندما وصلت أكارشا إلى تمرين كرة القاعدة، سمعَت صوت همسات في غرفة تغيير " "الملابس." # Speaker: Liz #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2807 msgid "{i}(...So the plan is, we all pitch in?){/i}" msgstr "{i}(...الخطة إذن، بأن نتشارك جميعنا؟){/i}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2809 msgid "{i}(If we split it up eight ways, it's only $1.50 per person.){/i}" msgstr "" "{i}(لو قسّمنا الدفع على ثمانية أشخاص، سيكون على كل شخص دفع 1.50 دولار.){/i}" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2811 msgid "{big=+20}But I don't see why I should have to pay.{/big}" msgstr "{big=+20}لكن لا أرى لم عليّ أنا أن أدفع.{/big}" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2813 msgid "{i}Shhh!{/i}" msgstr "{i}صصصه!{/i}" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2815 msgid "" "{i}(You have to pay because it'll be hilarious. She'll never guess who it " "is.){/i}" msgstr "{i}(عليكِ الدفع لأن الأمر سيكون هستيريًا. لن تحزر أبدًا الفاعل.){/i}" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2817 msgid "{i}(And here I thought we were trying to do a good deed.){/i}" msgstr "{i}(ظننتُ حقًا أننا سنفعل عملًا حسنًا.){/i}" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2818 msgid "" "{i}(Do you ALWAYS have to be engaging in some kind of psychic mind battle " "with her?){/i}" msgstr "{i}(أعليكِ {b}دائمًا{/b} الخوض في حرب عقلية ذهنية معها؟){/i}" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2822 msgid "What're they scheming about? I want in." msgstr "ما الذي يخططونه؟ أريد مشاركتهم." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2824 msgid "" "Akarsha walks over to where the others are furtively huddled together. A " "hush falls over the team..." msgstr "ذهبت أكارشا إلى موقع اجتماعهم خلسةً. عم المجموعة الصمت." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2826 msgctxt "lockerRoom_d11361e6" msgid "........." msgstr "........." # Speaker: Liz #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2828 msgid "Why, hello there, Akarsha!" msgstr "أهلًا وسهلًا ومرحبًا يا أكارشا!" # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2830 msgid "We were just talking about..." msgstr "كنا نتحدث فقط عن..." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2832 msgid " Vampire Knight is getting an anime." msgstr "...كيف أن \"ڤامباير نايت\" سيحصل على أنمي." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2834 msgctxt "lockerRoom_d3d1d5c1" msgid ".............." msgstr "............." # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2836 msgid "We're acting so natural right now." msgstr "إننا نتصرف بشكل طبيعي جدًا الآن." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2838 msgid "Okay, clearly they're up to something..." msgstr "حسنًا، من الواضح أنهم يخططون شيئًا..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2840 msgid "The question is, what?" msgstr "السؤال هو، ماذا؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2850 msgid "" "After jogging around the track and stretching, [teamName!t] runs fielding " "drills." msgstr "" "بعد الهرولة حول المضمار وأداء تمارين الإطالة، أدّى فريق [teamName!t] تمارين " "الدفاع لكرة القاعدة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2852 msgid "" "After jogging around the track and stretching, the [teamName!t] run fielding " "drills." msgstr "" "بعد الهرولة حول المضمار وأداء تمارين الإطالة، أدّى فريق [teamName!t] تمارين " "الدفاع لكرة القاعدة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2855 msgid "" "While Akarsha takes a breather in the dugout, she watches Noelle haplessly " "flail about on the field." msgstr "" "في أثناء استراحة أكارشا في الدكة، شاهدت نويل تركض متمايلة بشكل غير واعد في " "الملعب." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2856 msgid "" "Within moments, the object of her affection misjudges the trajectory of a " "fly ball and gets bonked on the head." msgstr "خلال لحظات، أخطأت محبوبتها في تقدير مسار الكرة فسقطت على رأسها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2859 msgid "Ow!!" msgstr "آي!!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2862 msgid "Baseball champion..." msgstr "بطلة كرة القاعدة..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2864 msgid "I would do anything for you...If only you'd let me..." msgstr "سأفعل أي شيء من أجلك...فقط لو أنك تدعيني..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2866 msgid "" "Akarsha lets out a wistful sigh as Noelle performs her signature move, " "throwing the ball almost directly into the ground." msgstr "" "تنهّدَت أكارشا بحزن ونويل تؤدي حركتها المميزة، ألا وهي رمي الكرة مباشرة " "تقريبًا على الأرض." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2869 msgid "It sucks having a sad hopeless crush...I just want gorlfriend..." msgstr "شعور سيء أن تكوني معجبة بأحد ميؤوس من أن يبادلك المشاعر...أريد حبيبة..." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2872 msgid "So dramatic. Konnichiwhat's up?" msgstr "ما هذه الدراما. أوهايو غوزاي-ما الخطب؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2874 msgid "I'm just bummed 'cause I've never experienced love." msgstr "أنا مستاءة فحسب لأني لم أجرب الحب من قبل." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2875 msgid "No one ever likes me back. I feel like I'm missing out on so much..." msgstr "لا أحد يبادلني المشاعر أبدًا. أشعر وكأني فوتُّ الكثير..." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2879 msgid "It's okay, being rejected is a part of life." msgstr "لا بأس، أن يتم رفضك هو جزء من الحياة." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2880 msgid "" "You should learn to love yourself. It's a lie that people can only be happy " "when they're in a relationship." msgstr "" "عليكِ أن تتعلمي أن تحبي نفسك. فكرة أن الناس لا يمكنهم أن يكونوا سعداء إلا لو " "كانوا في علاقة مجرد كذبة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2884 msgid "Ester glances up from the drawing she's scribbling on her sketchbook." msgstr "رفعت إستر نظرها ممّا ترسمه على كراستها." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2885 msgid "" "Those are surprisingly wise words coming from someone with zero love " "experience." msgstr "كلام حكيم مفاجئ من شخص ليس لديه أي تجارب مع الحب." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2887 msgid "I learned that life lesson from Card Captor Sakura." msgstr "تعلمتُ درس الحياة ذاك من \"كارد كابتور ساكورا\"." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2888 msgid "" "The main character experiences unrequited love even though she's a great " "person. That means it can happen to anyone." msgstr "" "تمر الشخصية الرئيسية بتجربة الحب غير المتبادل على من أنها شخص رائع. هذا يعني " "أن ذلك قد يحدث لأي أحد." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2889 msgid "Even our sugoi Akarsha-chan." msgstr "حتى لِسوغوي أكارشا-تشان." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2891 msgid "That does make me feel less alone. Thanks, senpai..." msgstr "هذا يجعلني أشعر بالفعل بأقل وحدة. شكرًا، سينباي." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2894 msgid "Ugh." msgstr "أخخ." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2895 msgid "" "Ester vigorously erases something on her page, making countless grey eraser " "shavings rain down on the dirt beneath the bench." msgstr "" "محت إستر منفعلةً شيئًا من على الصفحة، تاركةً بقايا ممحاة رمادية عديدة " "لتتساقط على التربة تحت المقعد." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2897 msgid "Ester, what're you drawing?" msgstr "إستر، ماذا ترسمين؟" # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2899 msgid "A chapter title page for a webcomic I'm starting." msgstr "صفحة عنوان لأحد الفصول لقصة مصورة إلكترونية سأنشرها." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2901 msgid "A webcomic? Like on SmackJeeves?" msgstr "قصة مصورة إلكترونية؟ كما على موقع \"سماك-جيڤز\"؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2902 msgid "" "Akarsha peers over at Ester's sketchbook, but she recoils, looking bashful." msgstr "ألقت أكارشا نظرة إلى كراسة رسم إستر، لكنها تراجعت وبدت خجلة." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2904 msgid "Don't look, I'm not done yet!" msgstr "لا تنظري، لم أنتهِ بعد!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2905 msgid "" "Akarsha manages to glimpse a spiky-haired character on the page before Ester " "angles her sketchbook away from prying eyes." msgstr "" "تمكنت أكارشا من أن تلمح شخصية مدببة الشعر قبل أن تحني كراسة رسمها بعيدًا عن " "الأنظار." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2907 msgid "" "She's pretty good though...If she posted that on DeviantArt I bet she'd get " "like, two hundred views." msgstr "" "لكنها ماهرة للغاية...لو نشرت رسوماتها على موقع \"ديڤيانت-آرت\" أراهن على " "أنها ستحصل على مئتَي مشاهدة ربما." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2908 msgid "Is that from an anime?" msgstr "هل هذا من أنمي؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2910 msgid "Ester frowns, aghast." msgstr "عبست إستر مذعورة." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2912 msgid "No, it's just a regular guy." msgstr "لا، إنه مجرد شاب طبيعي." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2913 msgid "" "It's like those iPod ads, see? He's wearing white earbuds, and I colored his " "silhouette in black." msgstr "" "إنه مثل إعلانات الآيبود تلك، أترين؟ إنه يرتدي سماعات بيضاء، لوّنت ظله " "بالأسود." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2915 msgid "" "Ester is the type of weeaboo who tries to hide the fact that she likes anime " "because she's embarrassed by it, but it's still super obvious." msgstr "" "إستر من أولئك الأوتاكو الذين يحاولون إخفاء أنهم يحبون الأنمي لأنهم يخجلون " "منه، ولكن يظلّ الأمر واضحًا جدًا." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2918 msgid "" "I hate to break it to you, but even from his silhouette you can tell it's an " "anime guy." msgstr "يؤسفني إخبارك بذلك، ولكن حتى من ظله يبدو واضح أنه شخصية أنمي." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2920 msgid "" "It's probably his hairdo. No real guys have bangs that go down to their chin." msgstr "على الأغلب بسبب قصة شعره. لا شاب حقيقي لديه غرّة تصل إلى ذقنه." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2922 msgid "They should, though. Life would be way less boring." msgstr "لكن عليهم فعل ذلك. لكانت الحياة أقل مللًا بكثير." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2925 msgid "Ugh. Guys with short hair are so hard to draw..." msgstr "أخخ. الشبان قصيرو الشعر رسمهم صعب جدًا..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2927 msgid "" "Akarsha turns her attention back to the field, where Diya and Min are " "passionately kissing." msgstr "عادت أكارشا بانتباهها إلى الملعب حيث تقبّل ديا ومين بعضهما بشغف." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2929 msgid "" "I think they're trying to keep their relationship a secret, but they keep " "forgetting." msgstr "أعتقد أنهما تحاولان إبقاء علاقتهما سرية، ولكنهما تستمران في النسيان." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2934 msgid "Do you have to do that in front of us?" msgstr "أعليكما فعل ذلك أمامنا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2936 msgid "Just you watch. I'm gonna rub my gay hands all over her." msgstr "شاهدي وحسب. سوف أضع يدَي المثليتين على جسدها بأكمله." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2938 msgctxt "sakuraUnrequitedLove_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2941 msgid "I'm so jealous...I wanna be in love too..." msgstr "كم أغار منهما...أريد أن أقع في الحب أيضًا..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2942 msgid "" "Someday everyone else is gonna get married except me, and I'll be the one " "sad single friend." msgstr "يومًا ما سيتزوج الجميع باستثنائي، وسأكون الصديقة الوحيدة الحزينة." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2945 msgctxt "sakuraUnrequitedLove_142358ac" msgid "Me too..." msgstr "وأنا أيضًا..." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2947 msgid "Me three..." msgstr "وأنا..." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2949 msgid "" "If that happens, we should all pitch in to buy a mansion and live as otaku " "together." msgstr "" "لو حصل ذلك، علينا أن نجتمع جميعّا وأن نشتري قصرًا لنعيش فيه كأوتاكو معًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2951 msgid "" "That definitely doesn't sound like the kind of life my parents were " "envisioning for me when they immigrated here...." msgstr "" "هذه لا تبدو على الإطلاق كالحياة التي تخيلاها والداي لي عندما هاجرا إلى هنا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2952 msgid "But that sounds incredible." msgstr "لكن ذلك يبدو مذهلًا." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2955 msgid "" "Doesn't it? We could put up all our anime prints and display our figurines " "with no shame." msgstr "" "أليس كذلك؟ بإمكاننا تلصيق كل ملصطقات الأنمي خاصتنا وعرض كل مجسماتنا دون أي " "خجل." # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2957 msgid "Speak for yourself. I don't have any of that stuff, my room is normal." msgstr "تحدثي عن نفسد. ليس لدي أي من تلك، غرفتي طبيعية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2959 msgid "" "You don't have anything?? You've never been to an anime convention before?" msgstr "ليس لديك أي شيء؟؟ ألك تذهبي إلى ملتقى للأنمي من قبل؟" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2962 msgid "Fanime is like, right there in San Jose..." msgstr "\"فانمي\" قريب جدًا، في سان هوزي..." # Speaker: Grace #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2964 msgid "" "Ooh, we should all go together this year! We can all cosplay the same series!" msgstr "" "أووه، علينا الذهاب سويًا هذه السنة! بإمكاننا ارتداء أزياء لشخصيات من نفس " "المسلسل!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2966 msgid "Yeah!! Maybe like, Soul Eater or Haruhi Suzumiya!" msgstr "أجل!! ربما \"سول إيتر\" أو \"هاروهي سوزوميا\"!" # Speaker: Ester #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2969 msgid "What, at Fanime? Admission is probably too expensive anyway." msgstr "ماذا، في \"فانمي\"؟ لا شك من أن رسوم الدخول باهظة كثيرًا على كل حال." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2971 msgid "" "Ester scoffs like she's not interested before furtively writing something " "tiny on the side of her sketchbook page." msgstr "" "تنهّدت إستر باستنكار وكأنها غير مهتمة قبل أن تكتب شيئًا بخط صغير خلسةً على " "جانب الصفحة في كراستها." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2973 msgid "She didn't write small enough...It says \"Fanime\"..." msgstr "لم تكتب بحجم صغير بما فيه الكفاية...كتبت \"فانمي\"..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2974 msgid "She's probably gonna Google it later." msgstr "ستبحث عنه على جوجل لاحقًا على الأغلب." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2977 msgid "" "Hey, all you slackers sitting down doing nothing! Get over here and practice!" msgstr "أنتم، أيها المستهترون الجالسين دون فعل أي شيء! تعالوا إلى هنا وتمرنوا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2980 msgid "Ya!!" msgstr "طيب!!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2984 msgid "Upperclassman" msgstr "طالب أكبر" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2987 msgid "Valentine's Day" msgstr "عيد الحب" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2992 msgid "" "Akarsha scoffs as a few upperclassmen come in to deliver the goodies people " "ordered." msgstr "تنهّدت أكارشا مستنكرةً عندما دخل بضعة طلاب أكبر الصف لتوصيل الطلبات." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2994 msgid "" "We should have a reverse Valentine's Day where we give annoying, terrible " "gifts to our enemies on purpose." msgstr "" "يجب أن يكون هنالك عيد معاكس لعيد الحب نعطي فيه أعداؤما هدايا مزعجة وفظيعة عن " "قصد." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2997 msgid "You mean, {i}what you already do to me every single day of my life?{/i}" msgstr "أتعنين، {i}ما تقومين به بالفعل بي كل يوم في حياتي؟{/i}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:2999 msgid "Oh, true..." msgstr "صحيح..." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3002 msgid "" "A few of their classmates receive ribboned roses, but someone comes in " "holding an entire bouquet..." msgstr "حصل البعض من صفهم على ورود بشبرات، ولكن دخل أحدهم حاملًا باقة كاملة..." # Speaker: NPC #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3003 msgid "Are you Akarsha? This is yours." msgstr "هل أنتِ أكارشا. هذه لكِ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3006 msgid "Huh????" msgstr "هاه؟؟؟؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3007 msgid "" "Bewildered, Akarsha accepts the bouquet and notices there's a note tied to " "it with a ribbon." msgstr "مندهشةً، قبِلت أكارشا الباقة ولاحظت أن هنالك رسالة مربوطة بها بشبرة." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3008 msgid "It reads:" msgstr "مكتوب عليها:" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3009 msgid "" "{i}Roses are red\n" "Violets are blue{/i}" msgstr "" "{i}الورود حمراء\n" "ال‮بنفسج بنفسجي{/i}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3010 msgid "" "{i}Love never crossed my mind\n" "Until the day I met you{/i}" msgstr "{i}wip lol{/i}" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3011 msgid "{i}-Your secret admirer{/i}" msgstr "{i}-معجبكِ السري{/i}" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3012 msgid "Secret admirer? Who???" msgstr "معجب سري؟ من؟؟؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3013 msgid "I can't believe it...Is this some kinda joke??" msgstr "أنا لا أصدق...هل هذه نكتة من نوع ما؟؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3015 msgid "" "Akarsha looks wildly around the room in case her paramour is watching her " "reaction from afar." msgstr "" "نظرت أكارشا حولها في كل مكان في الغرفة بترى إن كان عاشقها يشاهد ردة فعلها من " "بعيد." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3016 msgid "" "But no one seems to be acting out of the ordinary except Diya and Noelle, " "who are beside themselves with amusement." msgstr "" "ولكن لا يبدو أن أحدًا يتصرف بشكل خارج عن الطبيعي باستثناء ديا ونويل التين " "تبدوان مستمتعتان أشد الاستمتاع بالمشاهدة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3018 msgid "Someone sent {i}you{/i} flowers?" msgstr "أرسل أحدهم {i}إليكِ{/i} الأزهار؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3020 msgid "" "I told you I was a hot commodity! I charmed the pants off someone without " "even knowing it!" msgstr "أخبرتكِ أن الطلب علي كثير! أوقعتُ أحدًا في حبي دون أن أدرك ذلك حتى!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3024 msgid "What's the note say? Let me read it." msgstr "ماذا مكتوب على الرسالة؟ دعيني أقرأها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3026 msgid "Wh-why do you care? You jealous?" msgstr "لمـ-لماذا أنت مهتمة؟ أتغارين؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3029 msgid "In your dreams." msgstr "في أحلامك." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3031 msgid "" "I bet she won't show us because they misspelled her name as \"Arkasha\"." msgstr "أراهن أنها لن تدعنا نرى لأن المعجب أخطأ في كتابة اسمها وكتب \"أركاشا\"." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3034 msgid "" "Why're you so mean today?! I'm gonna tell the teacher you're bullying me!" msgstr "لماذا أنتِ لئيمة هكذا اليوم؟! سوف أخبر المعلم بأنك تتنمرين عليّ." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3036 msgid "Maybe I can deduce who the sender is like a detective!" msgstr "ربما بإمكاني استنتاج هوية المرسل مثل المحققين!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3037 msgid "The poem is one hint. There's gotta be others." msgstr "الشعر إحدى التلميحات. لا بد أن هنالك غيره." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3040 msgid "" "Akarsha flips the note over. It's blank...except for a small dark smudge on " "the back." msgstr "" "قلبت أكارشا الورقة. إنها فارغة...باستثناء بقعة داكنة اللون صغيرة على الخلفية." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3042 msgid "Clue??" msgstr "دليل؟؟" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3043 msgid "Maybe it's from food? Like blackberries?" msgstr "قد تكون من طعام؟ مثل التوت الأسود؟" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3045 msgid "" "Akarsha sniffs the note, but it's hard to single out any scent over the " "fragrance of the roses." msgstr "شمت أكارشا الرسالة، ولكن من الصعب تمييز أي رائحة غير رائحة الورود." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3047 msgid "What're you doing." msgstr "ماذا تفعلين." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3049 msgid "Quiet, meanie!! I'm trying to crack the code!" msgstr "سكوت يا لئيمة!! أحاول فك الشيفرة!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3050 msgid "You're interrupting my mind palace technique!!!" msgstr "إنكِ تقاطعين تقنية القصر الذهني خاصتي!!!" # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3052 msgid "" "There's only two possibilities here. Either someone is secretly in love with " "me..." msgstr "ليس هنالك إلا احتمالين هنا. إما أن أحدهم مغرم بي..." # Speaker: AkarshaT #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3053 msgid "Or it's a prank. But it's kinda a lot of money to spend on a prank...?" msgstr "وإما أنه مقلب. ولكن يبدو ذلك الكثير من المال من أجل مجرد مقلب...؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3055 msgid "It's either fake or real." msgstr "إما أن يكون حقيقيًا وإما أن يكون زائفًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3058 msgid "You don't say? Thanks for narrowing it down for us." msgstr "حقًا؟ شكرًا على مساعدتنا في التحديد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3060 msgid "B-be quiet!" msgstr "ا-اصمتي!" #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3062 msgid "Flustered, Akarsha scans the room one more time for good measure." msgstr "مرتبكةً، تفحصت أكارشا الغرفة مرة أخرى احتياطًا." #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3063 msgid "She catches Diya looking away a beat too late, smiling to herself." msgstr "لمحت ديا وهي تنظر إليها مبتسمةً قبل أن تنظر بعيدًا بسرعة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3065 msgctxt "secretAdmirer_17cf63b0" msgid "..." msgstr "..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3067 msgid "What're you smiling about?" msgstr "لماذا تبتسمين؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/1_akarsha.rpy:3070 msgid "Nothing. Just happy for you." msgstr "لا سبب. مسرورة لأجلك فحسب." #: game/2_diya.rpy:30 msgid "3rd grade" msgstr "الصف الثالث" #: game/2_diya.rpy:37 msgid "" "Diya, Min, and Jun wait at the horseshoe for their parents to pick them up " "from school." msgstr "" "تنتظر ديا ومين وجون عند لعبة حذوة الحصان إلى أن يصل آباؤهم ليوصلوهم إلى " "البيت." # Speaker: Jun #: game/2_diya.rpy:39 msgid "Why does it always take Mom so long to get here?" msgstr "لماذا يستغرق أمي دائمًا كل هذا الوقت لتصل إلى هنا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:41 msgid "I'm so hungry I would even eat a pizza with pineapple!" msgstr "أنا جائعة لدرجة أني قد آكل حتى بيتزا عليها أناناس!" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:42 msgid "Mom should just let us walk home ourselves! It'd be way faster." msgstr "على أمّنا السماح لنا بالمشي إلى المنزل لوحدنا! لكان الأمر أسرع بكثير." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:44 msgid "Especially if she buys us Heelys!" msgstr "خصوصًا لو اشترت لنا الأحذية بالعجلات!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:46 msgid "" "But if you did that, I'd have to wait for my mom alone. It'd be so boring." msgstr "ولكن لو فعلتما ذلك، سأضطر إلى انتظار أمي لوحدي. لكان الأمر مملًا جدًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:49 msgid "" "Oh, I thought of that already. We can chat on walkie-talkies while I'm " "rolling away on my Heelys." msgstr "" "فكرت بالفعل في ذلك. بإمكاننا التحدث بواسطة اللاسلكي وأنا في طريقي على أحذية " "عجلاتي." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:51 msgid "That sounds fun..." msgstr "يبدو ذلك ممتعًا..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:54 msgid "" "The three of them peer down the horseshoe at the long line of cars, hoping " "to catch sight of their rides." msgstr "نظر ثلاثتهما إلى صف السيارات الطويل أسفلهما محاولين رؤية سيارات آبائهم." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:56 msgid "My mom's car is tan colored." msgstr "سيارة أمي بنية فاتحة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:58 msgid "They should make cars in better colors like sky blue or pink." msgstr "عليهم صناعة سيارات بألوان أفضل مثل الأزرق السماوي والوردي." # Speaker: Jun #: game/2_diya.rpy:61 msgid "Yeah...I bet if they did, they'd sell a lot more." msgstr "أجل...أراهن أنهم لو فعلوا، لاشتراها أناس أكثر بكثير." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:63 msgid "It's 'cause adults are boring and have bad taste." msgstr "السبب أن البالغين مملون وعديمو الذوق." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:65 msgid "" "They should sell cars with pictures of dolphins on them. Everyone would want " "one." msgstr "عليهم بيع سياران بصور دلافين عليها. سيريد الجميع شراء واحدة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:68 msgid "" "Diya perks up as a beige Toyota drives into the horseshoe, but it's the " "wrong model." msgstr "" "رفعت ديا رأسها متحمسة عندما مرت سيارة \"تويوتا\" بجانبهم، ولكنها ليست من نفس " "الطراز." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:70 msgctxt "diya2_7c22ccaa" msgid "......." msgstr "......." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:73 msgid "" "Did you hear about Barry Bonds? He's in trouble because he did steroids!" msgstr "" "أسمعتما عمّا حصل مع \"باري بوندز\"؟ يواجه مشاكل قانونية لأنه استعمل المنشطات." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:75 msgid "What're \"steroids\"?" msgstr "ما هي \"المنشطات\"؟" # Speaker: Jun #: game/2_diya.rpy:78 msgid "They're drugs that make you really buff. It's cheating." msgstr "إنها أدوية تجعل عضلاتك أكبر. إنها غش." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:80 msgid "" "I don't see why they don't let you use them. If they're so good, everyone " "should use steroids." msgstr "" "لا أرى لمَ لا يسمحون للناس باستعمالها. إن كانت جيدة لتلك الدرجة، على الجميع " "أخذ المنشطات." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:81 msgid "Baseball would be more fun if everyone was super strong and super fast." msgstr "لكانت كرة القاعدة ممتعة أكثر لو كان الجميع قويًا جدًا وسريعًا جدًا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:82 msgid "" "Suddenly, Min jolts upright and shouts as a silver sedan pulls up to the " "curb." msgstr "فجأة، قفزت مين وصرخت عندما اصطفت سيارة \"سيدان\" فضية بجانبهم." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:84 msgid "I see our car! Bye Diya!" msgstr "أرى سيارتنا! وداعًا ديا!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:86 msgid "Heat rushes to Diya's face as Min hugs her tightly before dashing off." msgstr "" "سرعان ما امتلأ وجه ديا بالحرارة عندما عانقتها مين بقوة قبل أن تنطلق بعيدًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:88 msgid "Bye..." msgstr "وداعًا..." # Speaker: Jun #: game/2_diya.rpy:91 msgid "Wait, that car has a side thingy under the door that ours doesn't have!" msgstr "مهلًا، لدى السيارة شيء على جانبها ليس على سيارتنا!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:93 msgid "" "Min flings the car's passenger seat door open, revealing a stranger inside." msgstr "فتحت مين باب راكب السيارة مظهرةً شخصًا مجهولًا في الداخل." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:96 msgid "{big=+20}WHO'RE YOU??!!{/big}" msgstr "{b}{big=+20}من أنت؟؟!!{/big}{/b}" #: game/2_diya.rpy:97 msgid "" "Min hastily slams the car door shut and stomps back to Diya and Jun, who are " "both wheezing with laughter." msgstr "" "أغلقت مين الباب بسرعة وبعنف ثم عادت بخطوات كبيرة إلى ديا وجون وهما يفقدان " "أنفاسهما من الضحك." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:100 msgid "THAT WAS THE WRONG CAR!" msgstr "{b}كانت تلك السيارة الخاطئة!{/b}" # Speaker: Jun #: game/2_diya.rpy:102 msgid "I told you!" msgstr "أخبرتكِ!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:104 msgctxt "diya2_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "........" # Speaker: Jun #: game/2_diya.rpy:107 msgid "Diya, I think your car is over there, though." msgstr "يا ديا، أعتقد أن سيارتك هناك، في الحقيقة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:109 msgctxt "diya2_3b71d0de" msgid "!" msgstr "!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:111 msgid "Thanks. Bye for real this time." msgstr "شكرًا. وداعًا حقًا هذه المرة." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:114 msgid "See you tomorrow!!!" msgstr "سأراكِ غدًا!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:119 msgid "" "As Diya buckles up in her mom's sedan, she peers out the window, smiling a " "little when she sees Min waving frenetically at her outside." msgstr "" "في أثناء وضع ديا حزام أمانها في سيارة أمها، نظرت خارج النافذة وابتسمت قليلًا " "عندما رأت مين تلوح إليها بجنون خارجًا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:121 msgctxt "momFindsOut_c0d265fa" msgid "How was your day at school?" msgstr "كيف كان يومك في المدرسة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:124 msgctxt "momFindsOut_fd841d5d" msgid "Okay." msgstr "جيد." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:125 msgid "We had to write about an invention we'd make in class today." msgstr "طلبوا منا أن نكتب عن اختراع قد نخترعه اليوم في الصف." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:128 msgid "What did you invent?" msgstr "ماذا اخترعتِ؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:131 msgid "" "A better bed that makes it so your stuffed animals can never accidentally " "roll off it." msgstr "سرير أفضل يضمن ألا تقسط الدمى المحشوة بالخطأ عنه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:132 msgid "" "I thought of it because last night while I was sleeping, Horny fell on the " "floor." msgstr "فكرت في ذلك لأن هورني سقط على الأرض ليلة أمس وأنا نائمة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:135 msgid "H-horny?? Who's that?" msgstr "هـ-هورني؟؟ من هذا؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:138 msgid "My cow plushie. He's one of Snakey's older brothers." msgstr "دمية البقرة خاصتي. إنه أحد الإخوة الأكبر لسنايكي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:140 msgid "He was all cold and alone for hours and I didn't know." msgstr "شعر بالبرد والوحدة لساعات دون أن أدرك ذلك حتى." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:143 msgid "Maybe you should give \"Horny\" a different name, like Moo Moo." msgstr "ربما عليكِ إعطاء \"هورني\" اسمًا آخر, \"مو مو\" مثلًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:147 msgid "Why? It'll be hard for him to get used to it." msgstr "لماذا؟ سيكون من الصعب عليه الاعتياد عليه." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:150 msgid "You must have the most loved stuffed animals in the entire world." msgstr "لا شك من أن لديك أكثر دمى محبوبة في العالم بأكمله." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:154 msgid "What else did you do at school?" msgstr "ماذا فعلتِ غير ذلك في المدرسة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:157 msgid "" "I tried to take an Accelerated Reader quiz on the Boxcar Children book I " "read." msgstr "حاولت أخذ اختبار قراءة مسرّعة في كتاب \"بوكسكار تشيلدرن\" قرأءته." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:158 msgid "" "But I accidentally clicked the wrong book. So it made me take the quiz of a " "book I never read before." msgstr "" "ولكنني اخترت الكتاب الخاطئ بالخطأ. لذا اضطررتُ إلى اخذ اختبار عن كتاب لم " "أقرأه من قبل." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:161 msgid "It didn't let you quit out? What bad design." msgstr "لم تتمكني من الخروج منه؟ يا له من تصميم سيء." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:164 msgid "Yeah. My classmates all tried to help me, though." msgstr "أجل. لكن زملائي حاولوا جميعًا مساعدتي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:165 msgid "Hayden read the book a year ago, but he could barely remember anything." msgstr "قرأ هايدن الكتاب قبل سنة, ولكنه بالكاد تمكن من تذكر أي شيء." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:167 msgid "So even with everyone's help I got a 2/10." msgstr "لذا حتى مع مساعدة الجميع حصلتُ على 2/10." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:170 msgctxt "momFindsOut_1c2e11e0" msgid "Oh no!" msgstr "لاا!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:173 msgid "Mr. Armstrong said he wouldn't count it for my grade, though." msgstr "لكن السيد آرمسترونغ قال أنه لن يحسبه ضمن معدّلي." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:176 msgid "That's a relief." msgstr "يا للارتياح." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:177 msgid "" "The boy waving at you earlier — was that Hayden? The classmate who helped " "you?" msgstr "الصبي الذي كان يلوّح لكِ, أكان ذلك هايدن؟ زميلكِ الذي ساعدك؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:181 msgid "You mean Min? She's not a boy." msgstr "أتعنين مين؟ تلك ليست صبيًا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:184 msgid "Huh? The one wearing a hoodie?" msgstr "ماذا؟ تلك المرتدية السترة مع قبعة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:187 msgid "Yeah. She's a girl." msgstr "أجل. إنها فتاة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:191 msgid "To Diya's surprise, her mom wrinkles her nose in disgust." msgstr "لمفاجأة ديا, تجعد أنف أمها مشمئزةً." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:193 msgid "That was a girl?! She's a freak." msgstr "كانت تلك فتاة؟! إنها شاذة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:194 msgid "You should make friends with more normal girls." msgstr "عليكِ مصادقة فتيات طبيعيات أكثر." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:197 msgid "Huh??" msgstr "ماذا؟؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:199 msgid "That's not very nice." msgstr "ليس من اللطيف قولك ذلك." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:202 msgid "" "But it's true, she looks like a boy. Stay away from her or you'll catch it, " "too." msgstr "" "ولكنها الحقيقة, تبدو مثل الصبيان. ابتعدي عنها وإلا ستنقل إليكِ العدوى أيضًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:205 msgid "Catch what? It's not like she has a disease." msgstr "أي عدوى؟ ليس وكأن لديها مرض." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:208 msgid "You're too young to understand. Only freaks look like that." msgstr "أنتِ أصغر من أن تفهمي. فقط الشواذ يبدون هكذا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:211 msgid "It's bad to judge people by what they look like." msgstr "من السيء الحكم على الناس من مظاهرهم." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:212 msgid "You don't even know her. She's really nice to me." msgstr "أنتِ لا تعرفينها حتى. إنها لطيفة جدًا معي." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:216 msgid "I don't need to know her, there's clearly something wrong with her." msgstr "لا أحتاج إلى أن أعرفها, من الواضح أن هناك خطبًا ما فيها." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:217 msgid "She's only acting nice because she has impure thoughts toward you." msgstr "لا تتصرف بلطف معكِ إلا لأن لديها أفكار قذرة تجاهكِ." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:220 msgid "What's that supposed to mean?" msgstr "ما الذي تعنينه بالضبط؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:221 msgid "Even if she has problems, I can tell her and she'll fix them." msgstr "حتى لو كان لديها مشاكل, بإمكاني إخبارها وستصلحها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:222 msgid "We're friends, so she'll listen to me." msgstr "نحن أصدقاء, لذا ستنصت إليّ." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:225 msgid "You can't change people. Especially not weirdos like that." msgstr "لا يمكنك تغيير الناس. بالذات غريبي الأطوار أمثالها." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:226 msgid "If they're bad, they're bad. It's a waste of time to try." msgstr "إن كانوا سيئين, سيبقوا سيئين. المحاولة مضيعة للوقت." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:229 msgid "" "If you can't change people, then how can she change me into looking like a " "boy?" msgstr "" "إن كان ليس بإمكانك تغيير الناس, كيف إذن بإمكانها تغييري لأصبح مثل الصبيان؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:230 msgid "You can't have it both ways." msgstr "لا يمكنكِ مناقضة نفسك هكذا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:233 msgid "You're normal, so you have to stay away from weirdos like that." msgstr "أنتِ طبيعية, لذا ستبتعدين عن غرباء الأطوار مثلها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:237 msgid "I don't care. She's my friend." msgstr "لا يهمني. إنها صديقتي." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:240 msgid "No, you can't be friends with her anymore." msgstr "لا, ليس بإمكانك مصادقتها بعد اليوم." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:241 msgid "If I see you talking to her again, you're in big trouble." msgstr "إن رأيتكِ تتحدثين معها من جديد, اعتبري نفسكِ في ورطة كبيرة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:244 msgctxt "momFindsOut_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "........" #: game/2_diya.rpy:252 msgid "6 years later" msgstr "بعد 6 سنوات" #: game/2_diya.rpy:255 msgid "After baseball practice" msgstr "بعد تمرين كرة القاعدة" #: game/2_diya.rpy:261 msgid "" "Min pushes Diya back against the locker room wall, kissing her again and " "again." msgstr "دفعت مين ديا نحو حائط غرفة تغيير الملابس, وقبلتها مرارًا وتكرارًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:264 msgid "JSFDAKJJJK??!! DFJSKJHFJ!!!!!" msgstr "{b}يسبالاايتلاي؟؟!!دفكجكفجكجسكه!!!!!{/b}" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:265 msgid "Wow!!! This is great!!!!!" msgstr "واو!!! هذا مذهل!!!!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:266 msgid "They break apart, both panting for air." msgstr "انفصلتا عن بعضهما ملتقطتَين أنفاسهما." #: game/2_diya.rpy:267 msgid "A pleasant shiver runs down Diya's spine as Min grins sharply at her." msgstr "" "شعرت ديا برعشة لطيفة على طول عمودها الفقري ومين تنظر إليها بابتسامة كبيرة." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:268 msgid "Oh, you like this, don't you?" msgstr "تحبين ذلك, أليس كذلك؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:269 msgid "......................." msgstr ".........................." #: game/2_diya.rpy:270 msgid "" "Diya is too embarrassed to admit it, so she just nods, her cheeks blazing." msgstr "ديا محرجة أكثر من أن تعترف, لذا أومأت إليها ببساطة وخداها مشتعلان." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:271 msgid "You don't need to be shy." msgstr "ليس عليكِ أن تشعري بالخجل." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:272 msgid "It's just me." msgstr "أنا وحدي هنا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:273 msgid "I feel like I absolutely can't say it aloud though." msgstr "أشعر وكأني ليس بإمكاني قولها بصوت مرتفع على الإطلاق." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:274 msgid "Sorry..." msgstr "آسفة..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:275 msgid "" "Min presses a kiss to her cheek and whispers in her ear, voice low. Diya can " "feel her smiling, her breath warm on her cheek." msgstr "" "وضعت مين قبلة على خدها وهمست في أذنها بصوت منخفض. شعرَت ديا بابتسامتها وبدفئ " "أنفاسها على خدها." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:276 msgid "" "It's okay, you're so cute when you're like this. I almost can't stand it." msgstr "لا بأس, أنتِ ظريفة عندما تكونين هكذا. أكاد لا أطيق ذلك." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:277 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_6276c5a5" msgid "................" msgstr "..............." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:278 msgid "It's so surreal dating a friend you've had a crush on forever." msgstr "شعور غريب أن تواعدي صديقةً كنتِ معجبة فيها طوال حياتك." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:279 msgid "" "Sometimes I get scared that us getting together was just a dream, and when I " "wake up we'll just be friends again." msgstr "" "أحيانًا أخاف من أن علاقتنا ليست مجرد حلم, وأنني سأستيقظ وسنعود أصدقاء " "كالسابق." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:280 msgid "But it's real! Somehow a miracle happened and now I'm her girlfriend!" msgstr "ولكنها حقيقية! حدثت المعجزة بطريقة ما والآن أنا حبيبتها!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:284 msgid "Min holds Diya's hand as they wait for their rides home." msgstr "أمسكت مين يد ديا وهما تنتظران وصول آبائهما لتوصيلها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:286 msgid "" "No one knows about us except the baseball club. And maybe the workers at the " "dessert place we had our first date at." msgstr "" "لا أحد يعرف عنّا باستثناء نادي كرة القاعدة. وربما العمّا في مطعم الحلويات " "الذي ذهبنا إليه في أول موعد لنا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:287 msgid "" "So we end up kissing in the locker room a lot because the lockers block the " "view, and you can hear if other people walk in." msgstr "" "لذلك نجد أنفسنا نقبّل بعضنا في غرفة تغيير الملابس لأن الخزانات تغطينا عن " "الأنظار, وبإمكانك السماع لو دخلها أي أحد آخر." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:289 msgid "But it's still fun. I love spending time with Min..." msgstr "لكن ما زال الأمر ممتعًا. أحب تقضية الوقت مع مين..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:292 msgid "" "She can almost even make me forget I have a presentation tomorrow in Biology." msgstr "توشك حتى على جعلي أنسى أن عليّ تقديم عرض في حصة الأحياء غدًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:294 msgid "" "Assignments that make you talk in front of the class should be outlawed." msgstr "" "يجب على الواجبات التي تجبركِ على الحديث أمام الصف أن تكون ممنوعة قانونًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:297 msgid "What's wrong? You look worried about something." msgstr "ما الخطب؟ تبدين قلقة بشأن شيء ما." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:299 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_a014ade9" msgid "?!" msgstr "؟!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:300 msgid "You can tell?" msgstr "الأمر ملحوظ؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:304 msgid "" "Of course I can. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I couldn't even tell " "if something was bothering you?" msgstr "" "بالطبع لاحظتُ. أي نوع من الحبيبات سأكون لو لم أتمكن من ملاحظة أن هناك شيئًا " "ما يزعجكِ." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:306 msgid "You're like a mind reader. Psychic." msgstr "وكأنكِ قارئة أفكار. عرّافة." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:309 msgid "Nah, I just know you. You got all tense and quiet." msgstr "لا, أنا أعرفكِ وحسب. فجأةً تبدين متوترة وأصبحتِ هادئة." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:312 msgid "So what's up?" msgstr "ما الأمر إذن؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:314 msgid "If someone's bothering you, I'll kill them, no questions asked." msgstr "إن كان هناك أحدهم يزعجك, سأقتله دون أي أسئلة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:316 msgid "You probably should at least ask one or two questions." msgstr "قد يكون عليكِ طرح سؤال أو اثنين على الأقل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:317 msgid "Killing people is wrong." msgstr "قتل الناس خطأ." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:320 msgid "Okay. Then if someone's bothering you, I' really mean to them." msgstr "حسنًا. إذن أن كان هناك أحدهم يزعجك, سوف... أكون لئيمة جدًا معه." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:321 msgid "So who is it?" msgstr "من هو إذن؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:323 msgid "It isn't anyone." msgstr "لا أحد." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:324 msgid "It's just that my group presentation is tomorrow. In Biology." msgstr "كل ما في الأمر أن تقديم عرضي الجماعي غدًا. للأحياء." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:327 msgid "Oh, that PowerPoint you've been working on with Akarsha and Noelle?" msgstr "صحيح, عرض الـ\"باوربينت\" الذي تعملين عليه مع أكارشا ونويل؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:328 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_5b580689" msgid "Diya nods." msgstr "هزت ديا رأسها موافقةً." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:330 msgid "We're supposed to elaborate on what we put on our slides." msgstr "يفترض أن نوضّح ما وضعناه في شرائحنا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:331 msgid "But I get so nervous in front of everyone that I blank out." msgstr "ولكنّي أتوتر كثيرًا أمام الجميع لدرجة أني أفقد تركيزي." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:334 msgid "What's there to be nervous about? You know all the stuff, don't you?" msgstr "لماذا كل التوتر؟ تعرفين كل تلك الأشياء, أليس كذلك؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:336 msgid "Even if I know all the facts in my head, I can't improvise at all." msgstr "حتى لو عرفتُ كل المعلومات في ذهني, ليس بإمكاني الارتجال على الإطلاق." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:337 msgid "It's hard to string words together on the spot." msgstr "من الصعب صياغة الجمل في لحظتها هكذا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:338 msgid "" "I always have to write out everything I'm going to say word-for-word " "beforehand, and memorize it." msgstr "عليّ دائمًا كتابة كل شيء سأقوله كلمة كلمة وحفظها قبل التقديم." #: game/2_diya.rpy:341 msgid "" "Their conversation is abruptly cut short when a beige sedan turns the corner " "into the school." msgstr "" "قوطعت المحادثة فجأة عندما التفت سيارة \"سيدان\" بنية فاتحة إلى داخل المدرسة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:346 msgid "My mom's here!" msgstr "أمي هنا!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:347 msgid "" "She picks me up after the baseball club if it ends late enough for her to be " "done with work." msgstr "" "توصلني إلى المنزل بعد نادي كرة القاعدة عندما ينتهي متأخرًا بما فيه الكفاية " "لتكون قد انتهت من العمل." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:350 msgid "I'll hide!" msgstr "سأختبئ!" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:352 msgid "Bye!!!" msgstr "وداعًا!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:356 msgid "" "Min roughly pulls Diya close for one last kiss before dashing out of sight." msgstr "سحبت مين ديا بعنف لتقبلها قبلة أخيرة قبل اندفاعها بعيدًا عن الأنظار." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:358 msgid "!!!!!!!!" msgstr "!!!!!!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:360 msgid "Diya tries to slow her shaky breathing to a normal pace." msgstr "حاولت ديا تهدئة أنفاسها المرتجفة إلى سرعتها الطبيعية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:362 msgid "I'm calm...I need to look normal..." msgstr "أنا هادئة...عليّ أن أبدو طبيعية..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:364 msgid "" "Diya gets uncharacteristically clumsy after making out with Min, like a dog " "who's still woozy after surgery." msgstr "" "تصبح تصرفات ديا خرقاء على غير عادتها بعد تقبيل مين, وكأنها كلب مشوش الذهن " "بعد عملية جراحية." #: game/2_diya.rpy:365 msgid "She staggers over to her mom's car as it pulls up to the curb." msgstr "تلعثمت في طريقها إلى سيارة أمها عندما اقتربت من الرصيف." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:367 msgid "" "I'm scared of how my mom will react if she finds out I'm talking to Min " "again. Let alone that I'm dating her..." msgstr "" "أنا خائفة من ردة فعل أمي إن اكتشفت أني أتحدث إلى مين مجددًا. دون أن نذكر حتى " "أني في علاقة معها..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:368 msgid "So it's a secret for now." msgstr "لذا الأمر سر في الوقت الحالي." #: game/2_diya.rpy:372 msgid "Pop song" msgstr "أغنية بوب" #: game/2_diya.rpy:376 msgid "" "Diya reaches for the door handle, misses, and slams her hand directly into " "the side of the car." msgstr "" "وجّهت ديا يدها نحو يد الباب, ولكنها أخطأت في إمساكها واصطدمت يدها مباشرة " "بجانب السيارة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:378 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_1c63452a" msgid "!!!" msgstr "!!!" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:381 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_1fa56419" msgid "What's the matter with you?" msgstr "ما خطبك؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:384 msgid "Nothing." msgstr "لا شيء." #: game/2_diya.rpy:386 msgid "" "Diya hastily pulls the door open and gets into the passenger seat, trying to " "look natural." msgstr "" "فتحت ديا باب السيارة بسرعة ودخلت إلى مقعد الراكب الأمامي محاولةً الظهور بشكل " "طبيعي." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:388 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_c5df2f04" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:391 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:394 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_c0d265fa" msgid "How was your day at school?" msgstr "كيف كان يومكِ في المدرسة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:397 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_fd841d5d" msgid "Okay." msgstr "جيد." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:400 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_c5df2f04_1" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:403 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_a9db357b_1" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." #: game/2_diya.rpy:406 msgid "On the radio, a woman sings to a catchy beat." msgstr "على الراديو, تغني امرأة تغني مع إيقاع جذاب." # Speaker: NPC #: game/2_diya.rpy:407 msgid "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I'm curious for you...Caught my attention... " "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" msgstr "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} أنا فضولية بشأنكِ...جلبتِ انتباهي... {font=times." "ttf}♫{/font}" # Speaker: NPC #: game/2_diya.rpy:409 msgid "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I kissed a girl and I liked it! {font=times.ttf}♫{/" "font}" msgstr "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} قبّلتُ فتاة وأعجبني ذلك! {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:411 msgid "What the...?? Did she really just say that?" msgstr "ماذا...؟؟ أقالت ذلك حقًا للتو؟" # Speaker: NPC #: game/2_diya.rpy:413 msgid "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} The taste of her cherry chapstick... {font=times." "ttf}♫{/font}" msgstr "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} مذاق الكرز لمرطب شفاهها... {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # Speaker: NPC #: game/2_diya.rpy:414 msgid "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} I kissed a girl just to try it! {font=times.ttf}♫{/" "font}" msgstr "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} قبّلتُ فتاة فقط لأجرب! {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:416 msgid "Is she allowed to say that on the radio? It doesn't break any laws?" msgstr "أمسموح لها قول ذلك على الراديو؟ ألا يخالف ذلك أي قوانين؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:419 msgid "Diya shifts uncomfortably in her seat as her mom frowns at the lyrics." msgstr "عدّلت ديا جلستها متضايقةً وأمها عابسة من الكلمات." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:421 msgid "\"I kissed a girl...?\" What kind of terrible song is this?" msgstr "\"قبّلتُ فتاة...؟\" ما هذه الأغنية الفظيعة؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:423 msgid "Disgusted, Diya's mom changes the station." msgstr "مشمئزةً, غيرت أم ديا المحطة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:425 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_0a338741" msgid "............" msgstr "..........." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:428 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_136db9e2" msgid "..........." msgstr "..........." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:429 msgid "" "You know how in the movies, superheroes have to hide their identity to their " "families?" msgstr "أتعرفون كيف في الأفلام, على الأبطال الخارقين إخفاء هوياتهم عن أهاليهم؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:430 msgid "I'm doing that in real life, all the time." msgstr "أنا أفعل ذلك في الحياة الواقعية, طوال الوقت." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:433 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_0a338741_1" msgid "............" msgstr "..........." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:436 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "..........." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:439 msgid "The other day, I saw Akarsha and her mom at Safeway." msgstr "قبل يومين, رأيتُ أكارشا وأمها في الـ\"سيفوي\"." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:440 msgid "" "She was so outgoing! She even told me about the Biology project you're " "working on together." msgstr "" "كانت اجتماعية للغاية! أخبرتني حتى عن مشروع الأحياء الذي تعملان عليه معًا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:442 msgid "I didn't even know you were doing a project until Akarsha said so." msgstr "لم أعرف حتى أن لديك مشروعًا إلى أن أخبرتني أكارشا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:443 msgid "Why can't you be more like her? I like knowing things about you." msgstr "لمَ لا يمكنكِ أن تكوني مثلها؟ أحب معرفة المزيد عنك." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:447 msgid "" "If Akarsha was her daughter, she'd disown her for being bi. Not that she'd " "know that." msgstr "" "لو كانت أكارشا ابنتها, لتبرأت منها لكونها باي. لما كانت لتعرف ذلك على أي حال." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:450 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_0a338741_2" msgid "............" msgstr "..........." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:453 msgctxt "diyaminMakeout_6e8840cd_1" msgid "............" msgstr "..........." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:454 msgid "I never really know how to fill the silence when I'm with my mom." msgstr "لا أعرف أبدًا كيف أكسر الصمت عندما أكون مع أمي." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:455 msgid "I don't know what I can talk about with her." msgstr "لا اعرف عن ماذا بإمكاني الحديث معها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:456 msgid "" "She really loves me, but she comes from such a different time and culture " "that talking to her feels kind of unpredictable." msgstr "" "هي تحبني حقًا, ولكنها من ثقافة وزمن مختلفين بما فيه الكفاية ليجعله من الصعب " "تنبؤ إلى ماذا سيؤدي الحديث إليها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:457 msgid "" "Sometimes, she'll surprise me by getting upset over something I didn't " "expect would cause problems at all." msgstr "" "أحيانًا, تفاجئني بالغضب بسبب شيء لم أتوقع أنه سيسبب أي مشكلة على الإطلاق." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:458 msgid "So my safest bet most of the time is just to stay quiet." msgstr "لذا أكثر الخيارات أمانًا معظم الوقت أن أبقى صامتة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:459 msgid "" "It's annoying how she's raised me to be afraid of talking, yet expects me to " "magically turn out like a child who was raised normally." msgstr "" "من المزعج أنها ربّتني لأخاف من الحديث, ولكن رغم ذلك تتوقع أن أصبح بمعجزة " "وكأنني طفلة تربت بشكل طبيعي." #: game/2_diya.rpy:470 msgid "" "That night, Diya tosses and turns in bed, anxious about her presentation the " "next day." msgstr "تلك الليلة, تقلبت ديا في سريرها, متوترةً بسبب عرضها في اليوم التالي." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:472 msgid "" "I wish I could time travel to this time tomorrow, after the Biology " "presentation is already over." msgstr "" "أتمنى لو أمكنني السفر عبر الزمن إلى هذه الساعة غدًا, بعد انتهاء عرض الأحياء." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:474 msgctxt "cantSleep_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "........" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:475 msgid "" "I need to stop thinking about this. It's making my mind race. I can't relax " "enough to sleep." msgstr "" "أحتاج إلى التوقف عن التفكير في هذا. إنه يجعل أفكاري تدور. لا أستطيع " "الاسترخاء والنوم." #: game/2_diya.rpy:477 msgid "Diya checks her alarm clock." msgstr "تفقدت ديا ساعة منبهها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:479 msgid "It's midnight already. And I need to wake up at seven tomorrow!" msgstr "إنه منتصف الليل. وأحتاج إلى الاستيقاظ في السابعة صباحًا غدًا!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:480 msgid "" "I need to fall asleep right now! Or else I'll get less than seven hours of " "sleep." msgstr "عليّ النوم حالًا! وإلا سأحظى بأقل من سبع ساعات من النوم." #: game/2_diya.rpy:482 msgid "Count sheep" msgstr "عدّ الخراف" #: game/2_diya.rpy:482 msgid "Take deep, calming breaths" msgstr "التنفس بهدوء وبعمق" #: game/2_diya.rpy:482 msgid "Imagine being hugged by Min" msgstr "تخيّل أن مين تعانقك" #: game/2_diya.rpy:485 msgid "Diya squeezes her eyes shut and starts counting." msgstr "أغلقت ديا عينيها بإحكام وبدأت بالعد." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:486 msgid "One...two...three..." msgstr "واحد...اثنين...ثلاثة..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:487 msgctxt "cantSleep_eb27997a" msgid "Four...five...six..." msgstr "أربعة...خمسة...ستة..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:488 msgctxt "cantSleep_7f5f05d9" msgid "Six...Giant pandas have six fingers..." msgstr "ستة...لدى الباندا العملاقة ستة أصابع..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:489 msgid "" "And their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These similar features " "are called analogous structures." msgstr "" "ولديها أصابع إبهام مثل فصيلة الرئيسيات. هذه الصفات المتشابهة تدعى هياكل " "متشابهة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:490 msgid "...Shoot, I was supposed to be counting sheep." msgstr "...تبًا, كان يفترض بي عدّ الخراف." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:491 msgid "What number was I on again?" msgstr "إلى أي رقم وصلت؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:492 msgctxt "cantSleep_6a15702b" msgid "Let's start over." msgstr "لنعِد من البداية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:493 msgctxt "cantSleep_41606471" msgid "One...two..." msgstr "واحد...اثنين..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:494 msgctxt "cantSleep_5ebeb388" msgid "" "Two...Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently..." msgstr "" "اثنين...الطيور والخفافيش مجموعتان اثنتان تطوّرا ليطيرا بشكل منفصل عن " "بعضهما..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:496 msgid "" "Diya keeps trying to count without getting sidetracked, but after an hour, " "she's more awake and frustrated than ever." msgstr "" "استمرت ديا بمحاولة العدّ دون أن تتشتت أفكارها, ولكن بعد ساعة, باتت يقظة " "ومحبطة أكثر من السابق." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:500 msgid "" "I looked up some breathing exercises that're supposed to make you sleepier." msgstr "" "بحثتُ عن بعض التمارين التنفسية التي يفترض أن تساعد في جعلك تشعر بالنعاس." #: game/2_diya.rpy:503 msgid "Diya squeezes her eyes shut, inhaling slowly and steadily..." msgstr "أغمضت ديا عينيها بإحكام, واستنشقت ببطئ وبثبات..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:504 msgid "Now I'll breathe out on a count of one...two...three..." msgstr "والآن سوف أزفر بعد العد إلى واحد...اثنين...ثلاثة..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:505 msgctxt "cantSleep_eb27997a_1" msgid "Four...five...six..." msgstr "أربعة...خمسة...ستة..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:506 msgctxt "cantSleep_7f5f05d9_1" msgid "Six...Giant pandas have six fingers..." msgstr "ستة...لدى الباندا العملاقة ستة أصابع..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:507 msgid "" "And their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These similar features " "are called analogous structures..." msgstr "" "ولديها أصابع إبهام مثل فصيلة الرئيسيات. هذه الصفات المتشابهة تدعى هياكل " "متشابهة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:508 msgctxt "cantSleep_2238904f" msgid "Shoot, I started thinking about the presentation again." msgstr "تبًا, بدأتُ بالتفكير في التقديم من جديد." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:509 msgctxt "cantSleep_6a15702b_1" msgid "Let's start over." msgstr "لنُعد من البداية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:510 msgctxt "cantSleep_41606471_1" msgid "One...two..." msgstr "واحد...اثنين..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:511 msgctxt "cantSleep_5ebeb388_1" msgid "" "Two...Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently..." msgstr "اثنين...الطيور والخفافيش مجموعتان تطوّرتا لتطيرا بشكل منفصل عن بعضهما." #: game/2_diya.rpy:513 msgid "" "Diya keeps trying to breathe without getting sidetracked, but after an hour, " "she's more awake and frustrated than ever." msgstr "" "استمرت ديا بمحاولة التنفس دون أن تشتت أفكارها, ولكن بعد ساعة, إنها يقظة " "ومحبطة أكثر بكثير من السابق." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:517 msgid "" "Sometimes when I can't sleep, I fantasize that Min is hugging me and saying " "nice things to me." msgstr "" "أحيانًا عندما لا أتمكن من النوم, أتخيل أن مين تعانقني وتقول لي أشياء جميلة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:518 msgid "Usually this works." msgstr "عادةً ما ينجح ذلك." #: game/2_diya.rpy:521 msgid "Diya hugs herself with one arm and squeezes her eyes shut." msgstr "عانقت ديا نفسها بإحدى ذراعيها وأغمضت عينيها بإحكام." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:522 msgid "" "Min is holding me really close, and telling me I'm going to fall asleep in " "her arms..." msgstr "إن مين تحضنني بكلّ قوة, وتخبرني بأنني سوف أغط في النوم في حضنها..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:523 msgid "And she's stroking my side with her hand..." msgstr "كما أنها تربّت على جانبي بيدها..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:524 msgid "Hands...Primates have hands, too..." msgstr "يدها...لدى الرئيسيات أيدٍ أيضًا..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:525 msgid "" "And their thumbs are opposable like pandas' thumbs. These similar features " "are called analogous structures..." msgstr "" "ولديها أصابع إبهام مثل الباندا. هذه الصفات المتشابهة تدعى هياكل مماثلة..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:526 msgctxt "cantSleep_2238904f_1" msgid "Shoot, I started thinking about the presentation again." msgstr "تبًا, بدأت بالتفكير في التقديم من جديد." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:527 msgid "Forget the presentation! Just think about Min." msgstr "انسي أمر التقديم! فكري فقط في مين." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:528 msgid "Min is holding me really tight and saying nice things to me..." msgstr "مين تحتضنني بقوة وتقول أشياء جميلة لي..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:529 msgid "And we're all alone together...It's just the two of us..." msgstr "ونحن وحدنا معًا...لا أحد هنا سوانا الاثنتان..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:530 msgctxt "cantSleep_5ebeb388_2" msgid "" "Two...Birds and bats are two groups that evolved flight independently..." msgstr "" "اثنتان...الطيور والخفافيش مجموعتان اثنتان تطوّرتا لتطيرا بشكل منفصل عن " "بعضهما..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:532 msgid "" "Diya keeps trying to imagine Min comforting her without getting sidetracked, " "but after an hour, she's more awake and frustrated than ever." msgstr "" "ظلّت ديا تحاول تخيّل مين وهي تطمئنها دون أن تتشتت أفكارها, ولكن بعد ساعة, " "باتت يقظة ومحبطة أكثر بكثير من السابق." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:535 msgid "" "There's so much anxious energy pent up in my body, I feel like running a " "marathon." msgstr "" "في جسدي الكثير من الطاقة المتوترة لدرجة أني أشعر وكأني بإمكاني ركض ماراثون " "كامل." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:536 msgid "Maybe if I release all that energy, I can finally doze off." msgstr "ربما لو أطلقت كل تلك الطاقة, سأتمكن من النوم أخيرًا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:538 msgid "Diya frantically starts doing sit-ups in bed." msgstr "بدأت ديا بأداء تمارين المعدة بجنون في سريرها." #: game/2_diya.rpy:539 msgid "" "After a few sets, she switches to doing jumping jacks in the middle of her " "room." msgstr "بعد إكمال بضع مجموعات, نهضت وحوّلت إلى تمارين القفز في منتصف غرفتها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:541 msgid "Yeah! Become tired!!" msgstr "أجل! أجهدي نفسكِ!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:543 msgid "" "After several minutes of frenzied exercise, Diya lies back down in bed, her " "heart pounding..." msgstr "" "بعض بضع دقائق من التمارين المستميتة, استلقت ديا مجددًا في فراشها بقلبٍ " "يخفق..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:545 msgid "Phew. Hopefully that didn't just make me even more awake." msgstr "آه. آمل أن ذلك لم يجعلني أكثر يقظة فحسب." #: game/2_diya.rpy:547 msgid "Diya wearily checks her clock again." msgstr "تفقدت ديا ساعتها بضجر." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:550 msgid "" "It's two in the morning! I need to fall asleep right now so I can at least " "get five hours of sleep!!!" msgstr "" "إنها الثانية صباحًا! علي النوم حالًا لأتمكن من الحصول على خمس ساعات من النوم " "على الأقل!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:552 msgid "Diya ends up lying awake for a few more hours..." msgstr "ظلّت ديا مستيقظة لبضع ساعاتٍ أخرى..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:554 msgid "" "Just as the sun begins coming up, she loses consciousness from sheer " "exhaustion..." msgstr "عندما بدأت الشمس تشرق, بدأت تفقد وعيها من الإرهاق..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:560 msgid "After what feels like a few minutes of sleep, Diya's alarms go off." msgstr "بعد ما شعرَت وكأنه بضع دقائق من النوم, رنّ منبّه ديا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:562 msgctxt "walkToSchool_b15a9f05" msgid "...................." msgstr "..................." #: game/2_diya.rpy:568 msgid "Diya hits all her alarms without even bothering to open her eyes." msgstr "تطفئ ديا كل منبهاتها دون أن تفتح عينيها حتى." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:569 msgid "I don't feel rested at all...Barely got any sleep." msgstr "لا أشعر مرتاحة على الإطلاق...بالكاد نمتُ." #: game/2_diya.rpy:570 msgid "" "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for ten minutes thinking about how " "tired she is. " msgstr "" "يتضمن روتينها الصباحي الاستلقاء في السرير لعشر دقائق وهي تفكر بمدى تعبها. " #: game/2_diya.rpy:572 msgid "" "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for ten minutes thinking " "about how tired she is. {/cps}" msgstr "" "{cps=0}يتضمن روتينها الصباحي الاستلقاء في السرير لعشر دقائق وهي تفكر بمدى " "تعبها. {/cps}" #: game/2_diya.rpy:572 msgid "Do it" msgstr "فعلُها" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:575 msgid "Nnnnnooooooooo..." msgstr "لللللاااااااااااا..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:576 msgid "I'm so anxious I feel like I'm gonna explode..." msgstr "أنا مرتبكة لدرجة أني أشعر وكأني سأنفجر..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:577 msgid "" "I don't have Biology till fifth period. So I'm going to be stewing in this " "dread for hours..." msgstr "" "وقت الأحياء في الحصة الخامسة. سأظل مغموسة في كل هذه الرهبة لساعات إذن..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:578 msgctxt "walkToSchool_f28d8787" msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." msgstr "آخخخخهههههخخخخهخخهههخهه...خخخخخهه..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:579 msgid "Ten minutes pass like this." msgstr "مرّت عشر دقائق هكذا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:580 msgid "" "Finally, Diya drags herself out of bed and steels herself for the terrifying " "day ahead." msgstr "وأخيرًا, جرّت ديا نفسها خارج السرير وحصّنت نفسها لليوم المرعب القادم." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:585 msgid "Akarsha messaged me. That normally means she's on her way to my house." msgstr "بعثت إليّ أكارشا رسالة. يعني هذا عادةً أنها في طريقها إلى منزلي." #: game/2_diya.rpy:591 msgid "Check your computer" msgstr "تفقُّد حاسوبك" # Speaker: cFirstLine #: game/2_diya.rpy:597 msgctxt "ay_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" msgstr "{nw}" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:598 msgid "ay diya" msgstr "مرحبا ديا" # Speaker: cSame #: game/2_diya.rpy:599 msgid ":^)" msgstr ":^)" # Speaker: cSame #: game/2_diya.rpy:600 msgid "{image=diyaTheHedgehog.png}" msgstr "{image=diyaTheHedgehog.png}" # Speaker: cDiya #: game/2_diya.rpy:601 msgid "????" msgstr "؟؟؟؟" # Speaker: cSame #: game/2_diya.rpy:602 msgid "What is that" msgstr "ما هذا" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:603 msgid "i googled Diya the Hedgehog and thats what came up" msgstr "بحثت على جوجل عن ديا القنفذة وهذا ما وجدته" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/2_diya.rpy:604 msgid "Diya has gone offline." msgstr "Diya غير متصل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:608 msgctxt "ay_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:610 msgid "How can she act so normal on a day like this?" msgstr "كيف لها أن تتصرف بشكل طبيعي في يوم كهذا؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:611 msgid "I wish I was all outgoing and good at talking like her..." msgstr "أتمنى لو كنت اجتماعية وجيدة في الكلام مثلها..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:619 msgid "Diya goes outside." msgstr "خرجَت ديا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:622 msgid "" "Yo! Ready to blow everyone outta the water with our amazing group " "presentation?" msgstr "أهلاًاا! مستعدة لإبهار الجميع بعرضنا الجماعي المذهل؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:624 msgid "No......" msgstr "لا..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:627 msgid "Diya nervously strides off, forcing Akarsha to jog to keep up with her." msgstr "سارت ديا مبتعدةً بتوتر, مما أجبر أكارشا على الهرولة للحاق بها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:629 msgid "Hey, hold your horses!" msgstr "ديا, تمهلي قليلًا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:635 msgid "Slow down! Some of us have average-length legs, yanno!" msgstr "أبطئي سرعتكِ! تعرفين أن بعضنا لديهم سيقان متوسطة الطول!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:637 msgctxt "ay_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "........" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:640 msgid "Miss long legs..." msgstr "السيدة طويلة السيقان..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:642 msgid "Or should I say Daddy Long Legs..." msgstr "أو ربما بإمكاني القول السيدة طويلة الأصابع..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:644 msgid "Don't call me that." msgstr "لا تناديني هكذا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:647 msgid "You're so cold to me, bro. I'm dyin' here..." msgstr "كم أنتِ باردة معي يا أخي. سوف تميتينني..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:650 msgid "Why would you die if you can't call me Daddy Long Legs. Weirdo." msgstr "لمَ قد تموتين لو لم تناديني \"السيدة طويلة الأصابع\". غريبة أطوار." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:655 msgid "So dark and cloudy today. Think it's gonna rain..." msgstr "الجو معتم وغائم جدًا اليوم. أعتقد أنها ستمطر..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:658 msgid "Ay Diya..." msgstr "يا ديا..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:659 msgid "What do you think {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "ماذا تعتقدين {incoherent}( ؟ ؟ ؟ ){/incoherent}" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:662 msgid "" "I wish real life had captions like on TV. No clue what anyone's ever saying " "to me." msgstr "" "أتمنى لو كان في الحياة الحقيقية سطرجة كما في التلفاز. ليس عندي أدنى فكرة عمّ" "ا يقوله الناس طوال الوقت." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:664 msgctxt "ay_f2fff244" msgid "What?" msgstr "ماذا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:667 msgid "What do {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "ماذا {incoherent}( ؟ ؟ ؟ ){/incoherent}" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:670 msgctxt "ay_f2fff244_1" msgid "What?" msgstr "ماذا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:673 msgid "What do you think happens {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "ماذا تعتقدين أنه يحصل {incoherent}( ؟ ؟ ؟ ){/incoherent}" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:676 msgctxt "ay_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "..........." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:679 msgid "Oh wait, sorry. I forgot about your ear..." msgstr "لحظة لحظة, آسفة. نسيت أمر أذنكِ..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:681 msgid "" "Akarsha switches to Diya's other side so she can hear her over the sound of " "traffic." msgstr "التفت أكارشا إلى جانب ديا الآخر لتتمكن من سماعها رغم أصوات السيارات." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:683 msgid "" "What do you think happens to a Teletubby when its screen gets destroyed?" msgstr "ماذا سيحصل برأيك لـ\"تيليتابي\" إذا تحطمت شاشته؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:685 msgid "Nothing" msgstr "لا شيء" #: game/2_diya.rpy:685 msgid "It dies" msgstr "سيموت" #: game/2_diya.rpy:685 msgid "Why..." msgstr "لماذا..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:686 msgid "" "{cps=0}What do you think happens to a Teletubby when its screen gets " "destroyed?{/cps}" msgstr "{cps=0}ماذا سيحصل برأيك لـ\"تيليتابي\" إذا تحطمت شاشته؟{/cps}" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:691 msgid "Why would anything happen?" msgstr "لمَ قد يحصل أي شيء؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:692 msgid "It's not like it needs the screen to live." msgstr "ليس وكأنه يحتاج إلى الشاشة للعيش." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:695 msgid "" "But the fact that it's called a Teletubby implies the television is part of " "its body, doesn't it?" msgstr "ولكن اسمه \"تيليتابي\" مما يدل على أن التلفاز جزء من جسده, أليس كذلك؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:698 msgid "That doesn't mean it needs it to live." msgstr "لا يعني ذلك أنه يحتاجه ليعيش." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:699 msgid "" "You could dye a bluebird pink and it'd still survive. It'd just be a " "pinkbird." msgstr "" "بإمكانك صبغ عصفور أزرق ليكون ورديًا وسيظل على قيد الحياة. سيصبح فقط عصفورًا " "ورديًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:700 msgid "If you get rid of a Teletubby's screen it just becomes a Tubby." msgstr "لو تخلصتِ من شاشة \"تيليتابي\" سيصبح \"تابي\" وحسب." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:703 msgid "" "Destroying the screen is a way bigger change than changing something's " "color, though. It's like, built into its stomach." msgstr "" "لكن تحطيم الشاشة تغيير أكبر بكثير من تغيير لون شيءٍ ما. أعني, إنها جزء من " "بطنه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:706 msgid "" "So? TV's not a living part with cells and stuff. More like hair or " "fingernails." msgstr "" "حسنًا؟ التلفاز ليس جزءًا حيًا مصنوعًا من خلايا وكل ذلك. إنه أشبه بالشعر أو " "الأظافر." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:707 msgid "It's not painful to get haircuts." msgstr "قص الشعر غير مؤلم." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:710 msgid "" "Speak for yourself. I've gotten some extremely catastrophic ones before." msgstr "تحدثي عن نفسكِ. حصلتُ على قصّات شعر كارثية من قبل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:713 msgid "Okay...But you can't die from it." msgstr "حسنًا...لكن لا يمكنك الموت بسببها." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:716 msgid "...Or can I? Challenge accepted." msgstr "...أو ربما بإمكاني؟ التحدي مقبول." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:719 msgid "That wasn't a challenge." msgstr "لم يكن ذلك تحديًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:726 msgid "It'd be like punching it in the heart or something." msgstr "سيكون وكأنكِ لكمتِ قلبه أو ما شابه." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:729 msgid "Damn, that's dark." msgstr "يا إلهي, هذا كئيب." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:732 msgid "You asked." msgstr "أنتِ سألتِ." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:735 msgid "I dunno...Screens are so fragile, though." msgstr "لا أعلم...لكن الشاشات هشة للغاية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:736 msgid "" "If it's that important, you'd think the Teletubbies would've evolved a " "ribcage over it or something to protect it." msgstr "" "لو كانت بتلك الأهمية, ألا يفترض أن يكون الـ\"تيليتابي\" تطوّر بحيث أن يكون " "حولها قفص صدري أو شيء لحمايتها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:739 msgid "" "But they can't. They couldn't see what's on the screens if they were covered." msgstr "لكن لا يمكنهم. لن يتمكنوا من رؤية ما عليها لو تغطّت." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:740 msgid "" "Must be like why our eyes don't have bones over them even though they're " "delicate." msgstr "لا شك من أن ذلك أشبه بأن عيوننا لا تغطيها أي عظام رغم أنها حساسة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:741 msgid "We wouldn't be able to see." msgstr "لما تمكننا من الرؤية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:744 msgid "Whoa, you might be onto something." msgstr "يااه, قد تكون لديكِ فكرة هنا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:746 msgid "You should become a scientist. A Teletubby scientist." msgstr "عليكِ أن تصبحي عالمة. عالمة \"تيليتابيز\"." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:749 msgid "I doubt the world really needs Teletubby scientists..." msgstr "أشك أن العالم يحتاج حقًا أي علماء \"تيليتابيز\"..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:755 msgid "Where is this even coming from." msgstr "من أين جلبتِ كل ذلك حتى." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:756 msgid "Have you been watching Teletubbies lately or something?" msgstr "أشاهدتِ الـ\"تيليتابيز\" مؤخرًا أم ماذا؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:759 msgid "What? No!" msgstr "ماذا؟ لا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:761 msgid "" "It's called having a healthy curiosity about the world around us, my friend." msgstr "هذا يسمى امتلاك فضول صحي حيال العالم من حولنا يا صديقتي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:764 msgid "" "Doesn't sound healthy to me. What kind of person thinks of destroying " "Teletubbies." msgstr "لا يبدو ذلك صحيًا لي. أي نوع من الأشخاص يفكر في تدمير الـ\"تيليتابيز\"." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:765 msgid "They're so colorful and friendly. Messed up." msgstr "كم أنهم ملونون وودودون. فظيعة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:768 msgid "" "Wow, geez! I see you're not ready for my cutting-edge Dragon Tales theories, " "either." msgstr "" "يا إلهي, بحقك! أرى أنكِ لستِ مستعدة لنظرياتي المتقدمة عن حكايات جزيرة " "التنانين, إذن." #: game/2_diya.rpy:781 msgid "" "As Diya and Akarsha arrive at school, Diya feels something cold and wet drop " "onto her shoulder." msgstr "" "عندما وصلت ديا وأكارشا إلى المدرسة, شعرت ديا بشيء بارد ومبلل يسقط على كتفها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:784 msgid "It's raining!" msgstr "إنها تمطر!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:787 msgid "Gah! I'm heading inside." msgstr "ااا! أنا ذاهبة إلى الداخل." #: game/2_diya.rpy:793 msgid "" "Akarsha scurries off as the rain picks up. Soon, torrents of water are " "pelting the ground." msgstr "" "اندفعت أكارشا مبتعدةً والمطر يزداد شدةً, وسرعان أن بدأت الأمطار ترشق الأرض " "بغزارة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:795 msgid "I still need to get my things from my locker." msgstr "ما زلتُ أحتاج إلى أخذ أغراضي من خزانتي." #: game/2_diya.rpy:820 msgid "Use locker" msgstr "استعمال الخزانة" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:846 msgctxt "cantGoRain_930e7787" msgid "I need to get my stuff from the locker first." msgstr "أحتاج إلى جلب أغراضي من الخزانة أولًا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:865 msgid "" "Noelle is hunched over in front of their shared locker and frowning at its " "contents." msgstr "" "تقف نويل حانيةً ظهرها أمام خزانتهما المشتركة وهي تنظر عابسةً إلى محتوياتها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:867 msgid "Good morning." msgstr "صباح الخير." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:868 msgid "" "We need to remove our books from the locker or they'll get soaked in the " "rain." msgstr "نحتاج إلى إزالة كتبنا من الخزانة وإلا سيبللها المطر." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:871 msgid "Oh, no." msgstr "لا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:872 msgid "Won't the roof overhang block it?" msgstr "لكن ألن يحميها السقف؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:875 msgid "No, look at it. The wind's blowing the rain inward." msgstr "كلا, انظري إليها. الرياح تدفع الأمطار إلى الداخل." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:878 msgid "Yeah...We're even getting damp standing here right now." msgstr "أجل...كما أننا نتبلل ونحن واقفتان هنا حتى." #: game/2_diya.rpy:881 msgid "Diya takes a mini travel umbrella from her backpack and opens it." msgstr "أخذت ديا مظلة ترحال صغيرة من حقيبتها وفتحتها." #: game/2_diya.rpy:882 msgid "" "As Diya diligently holds it over the two of them, Noelle holds her daily " "water bottle out to her without looking." msgstr "" "في أثناء حمل ديا لها بجدٍ فوقهما, مررت نويل قنينة مياهها إليها دون أن تنظر " "نحوها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:884 msgid "Also, can you open this water bottle?" msgstr "بالمناسبة, أيمكنك فتح قنينة المياه هذه؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:886 msgid "Take the water bottle" msgstr "أخذ قنينة المياه" #: game/2_diya.rpy:888 msgid "" "Diya holds the umbrella with one hand and grabs the water bottle with the " "other." msgstr "أمسكت ديا المظلة بيد وأمسكت القنينة بالأخرى." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:890 msgid "Don't have enough hands to open it..." msgstr "ليس لديّ أيدي كافية لفتحها." #: game/2_diya.rpy:892 msgid "" "Diya carefully balances the water bottle on top of Noelle's head as she " "continues pulling her library books from their locker." msgstr "" "ثبّتت ديا القنينة بحذر فوق رأس نويل وهي ما زالت تخرج كتب المكتبة خاصتها من " "خزانتهما." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:894 msgctxt "useLockerRain_d61ce29e" msgid "......" msgstr "......" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:897 msgctxt "useLockerRain_58f85320" msgid "......" msgstr "......" #: game/2_diya.rpy:899 msgid "" "Diya grips the bottle's cap with her index finger and thumb while pressing " "the bottle down on Noelle's head with the rest of her hand." msgstr "" "أمسكت ديا غطاء القنينة بإصبع سبابتها وإبهامها وهي تضغط القنينة على رأس نويل " "بباقي يدها." #: game/2_diya.rpy:900 msgid "She manages to twist it open without spilling any of the water." msgstr "تمكنت من لفّه وفتح القنينة دون سكب أي من المياه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:902 msgctxt "useLockerRain_57537cff" msgid "....!" msgstr "....!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:904 msgid "I'm pretty proud of myself for pulling that off." msgstr "أنا فخورة جدًا بنفسي لتمكّني من فعل ذلك." #: game/2_diya.rpy:906 msgid "" "She closes the cap and gives it back to Noelle as she slots the last of her " "novels into her bookbag." msgstr "أعادت إغلاق الغطاء وأعطتها إلى نويل وهو تضع آخر رواياتها في حقيبتها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:908 msgid "Thank you." msgstr "شكرًا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:909 msgid "I've finished rescuing all my water-sensitive items. It's your turn." msgstr "انتهيت من إنقاذ كل أغراضي الحساسة للمياه. حان دورك." #: game/2_diya.rpy:911 msgid "Diya peers into her and Noelle's shared locker." msgstr "نظرت ديا داخل خزانتها هي ونويل المشتركة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:914 msgid "Diya opens her and Noelle's shared locker." msgstr "فتحت ديا خزانتها هي ونويل المشتركة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:939 msgid "Get your school stuff" msgstr "أخذ أغراضك الدراسية" #: game/2_diya.rpy:949 msgid "Look in Noelle's lunchbox" msgstr "النظر داخل صندوق غداء نويل" #: game/2_diya.rpy:958 msgid "Take Valentine's Day card" msgstr "أخذ بطاقة عيد الحب" #: game/2_diya.rpy:967 msgid "Look at rosin" msgstr "النظر إلى القلنسوة" #: game/2_diya.rpy:976 msgid "Close locker door" msgstr "إغلاق باب الخزانة" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:987 msgid "I'm ready to head to class when you are." msgstr "أنا جاهزة للذهاب إلى الصف عندما تجهزين." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:989 msgid "Wish I could just head home and go to bed..." msgstr "أتمنى لو أمكنني العودة إلى المنزل والنوم..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:996 msgid "Diya slips her books and binders into her backpack." msgstr "وضعت ديا كتبها وملفاتها في حقيبتها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1004 msgctxt "rosin_d147eb49" msgid "This is rosin for string instruments." msgstr "هذه قلنسوة للآلات الموسيقية الوترية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1006 msgid "The first time Noelle showed it to me,{w=0.10} I tried to eat it." msgstr "أول مرةٍ أرتني نويل إياها,{w=0.10} حاولتُ أكلها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1008 msgid "Why do you have this, anyway?" msgstr "لمَ عندكِ هذه على أي حال؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1009 msgid "You only play piano." msgstr "لا تلعبين سوى البيانو." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1012 msgid "" "It's the same kind Akarsha uses. She plays the cello in her orchestra class." msgstr "" "إنه نفس النوع الذي تستعمله أكارشا. هي تلعب التشيلو في حصصها في الموسيقى." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1014 msgid "" "Whenever she drops and cracks the one she's using, she leaves it in her " "locker, and I secretly replace it with an identical copy." msgstr "" "كلما تُسقط وتسكر التي بحوزتها, تتركها في خزانتها, ومن ثم أبدلها بسريّة بنسخة " "مطابقة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1017 msgid ".....?" msgstr ".....؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1018 msgid "How do you get it in her locker?" msgstr "كيف تستطيعين وضعها في خزانتها؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1021 msgid "I figured out her locker combination." msgstr "اكتشفتُ رقم خزانتها السري." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1024 msgid "Can't she tell it's just new rosin?" msgstr "ألا يمكنها ملاحظة أنها قلنسوة جديدة؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1027 msgid "" "No, I always scratch up the top and make it look worn, so it looks identical " "to the one she dropped." msgstr "" "كلا, أخدش الجزء العلوي دائمًا لأجعلها تبدو مستعملة, ومطابقة لتلك التي " "أسقطتها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1028 msgid "This is the third one." msgstr "هذه الثالثة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1029 msgid "By now, she's convinced her rosin has self-healing abilities." msgstr "الآن, باتت مقتنعةً أن قلنسوتها لها قدرات علاج ذاتية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1032 msgid "Noelle goes to such lengths just to mess with Akarsha sometimes..." msgstr "تبذل نويل مقدارًا هائلًا من الجهد فقط لتعبث مع أكارشا أحيانًا..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1033 msgid "I don't really know what to make of it." msgstr "لا أعرف حقًا ما يفترض أن يعنيه ذلك." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1038 msgctxt "rosin_d147eb49_1" msgid "This is rosin for string instruments." msgstr "هذه قلنسوة للآلات الموسيقية الوترية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1041 msgid "It looks like you can eat it,{w=0.10} but you can't." msgstr "تبدو وكأنها قابلة للأكل,{w=0.10} ولكنها ليست قابلة للأكل." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1048 msgid "Out of curiosity, Diya checks what Noelle has for lunch today." msgstr "من باب الفضول, تفقدت ديا ما أحضرت نويل للغداء اليوم." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1050 msgid "Rice porridge. Noelle really likes this." msgstr "عصيدة رزّ. تحبها نويل كثيرًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1052 msgid "I shouldn't eat it. I don't have much of an appetite today, anyway." msgstr "عليّ ألّا آكلها. شهيتي ليست مفتوحة كثيرًا اليوم على كل حال." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1054 msgid "" "Deeper in the lunchbox, there's also a Ziploc bag of neatly peeled apple " "slices." msgstr "" "في أعماق صندوق الغداء, يوجد كيس بلاستيكي من شرائح التفاح المقشّرة بأناقة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1056 msgid "Thoughtful of your mom to do that." msgstr "لطيف من أمكِ أن تفعل ذلك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1059 msgid "Do what?" msgstr "تفعل ماذا؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1062 msgid "Peel the apple and slice it." msgstr "تقشير التفاح وتقطيعه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1063 msgid "Most people just eat them whole." msgstr "يأكله معظم الناس مباشرةً بأكمله." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1067 msgid "I guess she has to show me she loves me somehow." msgstr "أعتقد أنها عليها إظهار حبها لي بطريقة ما." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1068 msgid "" "Since she lacks the emotional maturity to communicate it through words, " "she's left to express it through actions." msgstr "" "وبما أنها ينقصها النضج العاطفي المطلوب للتعبير عن ذلك بالكلمات, لم يتبقَ لها " "سوى الأفعال." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1071 msgid "Funny, that sounds like someone else I know." msgstr "مضحك, هذا يذكرني بشخص أعرفه." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1074 msgid "Are you insinuating I'm the same as her?" msgstr "أتحاولين قول أنّي أشبهها؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1077 msgid "Maybe." msgstr "ربما." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1080 msgid "I wish I could deny it..." msgstr "أتمنى لو كان بإمكاني الإنكار..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1082 msgid "" "Does your mother do the thing too, where after you have an argument, instead " "of apologizing, she just silently leaves you a plate of fruit to eat?" msgstr "" "أتفعل أمكِ ذاك الشيء أيضًا, عندما تدخلان في شجار, وبدلًا من أن تعتذر تترك " "عندكِ صحنًا من الفواكه بصمت لتأكليه؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1085 msgctxt "lunchbox_3b71d0de" msgid "!" msgstr "!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1086 msgid "I thought it was just my mom who did that." msgstr "ظننتُ أن أمي الوحيدة التي تفعل ذلك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1089 msgid "It must be an immigrant mother thing." msgstr "لا بد من أن هذه من خواص الأمهات المهاجرات." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1092 msgid "This is waterproof, right?" msgstr "هذا مضاد للماء, صح؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1095 msgid "If not waterproof, at least water-resistant." msgstr "ليس مضادًا للماء, بل مقاوم للماء." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1098 msgid "Okay. Just checking." msgstr "حسنًا. أردتُ التأكد فقط." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1106 msgid "It's the Valentine's Day card Min made for me this year." msgstr "إنها بطاقة عيد الحب التي صنعتها مين لي هذه السنة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1107 msgid "Every time I see it, I feel happy." msgstr "كلما أراها, أشعر بالسعادة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1110 msgid "You still haven't taken that home?" msgstr "ما زلتِ لما تأخذيها إلى المنزل؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1113 msgid "I'm paranoid my parents will find it if I do." msgstr "أخاف من أن يراها والداي لو أخذتُها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1115 msgid "" "Min said a lot of stuff in it...Even if she were a boy, I don't think they'd " "be okay with it." msgstr "" "قالَت مين أشياء كثيرة فيها...لا أعتقد أنهما كانا سيتقبلا الأمر لو كانت من " "صبي حتى." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1118 msgctxt "valentinesDayCard_4755412e" msgid "I see..." msgstr "فهمتُ قصدك..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1121 msgid "" "Guess I have to move it out of the locker or it'll get soaked and wrinkly, " "though..." msgstr "لكن يبدو أني سأضطر إلى وضعها في مكان غير الخزانة, وإلا ستتبلل وتتجعد..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1124 msgid "Diya carefully slips it into her binder's inside pocket." msgstr "وضعتها ديا بحذر في الجيب الداخلي لملفها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1126 msgid "" "Speaking of Valentine's Day. How's Akarsha's investigation of her secret " "admirer going." msgstr "بالحديث عن عيد الحب. ما أخبار بحث أكارشا عن معجبها السري." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1129 msgid "Awful. And by that, I mean wonderful." msgstr "إنه يسري بفظاعة. وبذلك أعني بكل روعة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1130 msgid "She's utterly lost." msgstr "إنها حائرة بالكامل." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1132 msgid "" "Her list of suspects includes a random guy in our History class, a sophomore " "she's never uttered a word to before..." msgstr "" "تتضمن لائحة المشتبه بهم شابًا عشوائيًا من حصة تاريخنا, وطالب في الصف العاشر " "لم تتفوه إليه بكلمة من قبل..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1133 msgid "" "...And even the lunch lady who once gave her two slices of pizza that were " "stuck together instead of one." msgstr "" "...وحتى سيدة الكافيتيريا التي أعطتها مرة شريحتين من البيتزا بدلًا من واحدة " "لأنهما كانتا ملتصقتان ببعضهما." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1136 msgid "Wow." msgstr "واو." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1137 msgid "" "We really can keep this up every Valentine's Day without her realizing it's " "us." msgstr "بإمكاننا حقًا الاستمرار بهذا كل عيد حيب دون أن تدرك أننا المرسلون." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1140 msgid "Yes, as long as we don't accidentally let it slip at some point." msgstr "أجل, وإن تمكنّا من عدم الكشف عن ذلك بالخطأ." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1148 msgid "" "Diya loves the sound of rain when she's indoors, especially the drum of " "water on metal." msgstr "تحب ديا صوت المطر وهي في الداخل, خصوصًا صوت ارتطام المياه بالمعدن." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1150 msgid "" "Unfortunately, today she's so consumed with dread over her presentation that " "she's totally unable to enjoy it." msgstr "" "لكن لسوء حظها, يملؤها الخوف اليوم بسبب عرضها مما يجعلها غير قادرة على " "الاستمتاع به." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1151 msgid "Her next few hours pass in a sleep-deprived haze..." msgstr "مرت البضع ساعات التالية في غشاوة من نقص النوم..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1155 msgid "" "Diya's stomach churns with dread as she finally walks into her Biology class." msgstr "يتقلب الذعر في معدة ديا وهي تسير أخيرًا داخلةً حصة الأحياء." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1157 msgid "It's here...The period of doom..." msgstr "إنها هنا...حصة الهلاك..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1160 msgid "" "To her surprise, she finds Min leaning against her desk, waiting for her." msgstr "لمفاجأتها, وجدَت مين مستندةً إلى درجها في انتظارها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1162 msgctxt "groupPresentation_a16d98d6" msgid "?" msgstr "؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1163 msgid "Why're you here?" msgstr "لماذا أنتِ هنا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1166 msgid "You're about to do your presentation, right?" msgstr "توشكين على تقديم عرضك, صح؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1167 msgid "I thought I'd swing by and try to pump you up for it." msgstr "قررتُ المرور لرؤيتك ولأحاول رفع معنوياتك." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1169 msgid "Oh. Thanks." msgstr "آها. شكرًا." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1172 msgid "How do you feel?" msgstr "كيف تشعرين؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1174 msgid "I'm so nervous, my stomach hurts." msgstr "أنا متوترة جدًا, ومعدتي تؤلمني." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1175 msgid "I even forgot to eat my gummy vitamins this morning." msgstr "نسيتُ حتى أكل حلوى فيتاميناتي هذا الصباح." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1177 msgid "Each day, Diya looks forward to eating two gummy vitamins." msgstr "كل يوم, تتشوق ديا إلى أكل اثنتين من حلوى الفيتامينات." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1178 msgid "Min gives her hand a reassuring squeeze." msgstr "ضغطت مين على يدها لطمأنتها." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1180 msgid "It'll be okay! You're gonna kill it." msgstr "ستكونين على ما يرام! سوف تسحقين الشرح." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1182 msgid "You're so cute, there's no way the teacher can give you a bad grade." msgstr "كم أنتِ ظريفة, مستحيل أن يعطيك المعلم علامة سيئة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1184 msgid "If the teacher really graded like that he'd be in jail." msgstr "لو كانت تلك حقًا طريقة تقييم المعلم للطلاب لكان في السجن." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1187 msgid "Well, if I were in charge, I'd give you an A." msgstr "حسنًا, لو كنتُ أنا المسؤولة, لأعطيتكِ علامة أ." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1188 msgid "Anything I can do to help?" msgstr "أهنالك أي شيء بإمكاني فعله للمساعدة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1190 msgid "Can I have a hug? And a kiss." msgstr "أيمكنكِ عناقي؟ وتقبيلي." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1193 msgid "Yeah! Of course!!!" msgstr "أجل! بالطبع!!!" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1195 msgid "Won't people see, though?" msgstr "لكن ألن يرانا الناس؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1197 msgid "It's an emergency." msgstr "إنها حالة طارئة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1202 msgid "" "Min's face lights up, and she eagerly envelopes Diya in a tight, warm hug." msgstr "أنارت تعابير وجه ديا, وغطت جسد ديا بشوقٍ بحضن كبير دافئ." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1204 msgctxt "groupPresentation_dbf4ab57" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1207 msgctxt "groupPresentation_2d39e9ce" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1209 msgid "" "Min pulls her in for a kiss, but Diya rears back when she smells cigarette " "smoke on her breath." msgstr "" "سحبتها مين لتقبيلها, ولكن ديا تراجعت عندما شمت رائحة دخان السجائر في أنفاسها." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1213 msgid "" "Because Diya's so tall, when she doesn't want Min to kiss her, all she has " "to do is stand up straight." msgstr "" "لأن ديا طويلة جدًا, عندما لا تريد أن تقبّلها مين, كل ما عليها فعله هو الوقوف " "باستقامة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1215 msgid "Yuck. Were you smoking again?" msgstr "يع. أكنتِ تدخنين مجددًا؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1218 msgid "Huh? Yeah..." msgstr "هاه؟ أجل..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1221 msgid "You should stop." msgstr "عليكِ أن تتوقفي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1222 msgid "" "It's bad for you. Didn't you ever see a D.A.R.E. presentation in elementary " "school?" msgstr "التدخين مضر بالصحة. ألم ترَي تلك النشرة التوعوية في المدرسة الابتدائية؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1223 msgid "" "They came to my class, and it was so scary I pledged not to do drugs or peer " "pressure forever." msgstr "" "قدّموها في صفي, وكانت مخيفة لدرجة أني تعهّدتُ بألا أتعاطى المخادرات أو أتأثر " "بالضغط الاجتماعي من جديد." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1227 msgid "You don't think it looks badass?" msgstr "ألا تعتقدين أنه يجعلكِ تبدين رائعة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1229 msgid "No. Dare to resist drugs and violence." msgstr "لا. قاوموا المخدرات والعنف." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1230 msgid "How'd you even start doing it?" msgstr "كيف بدأتِ حتى بالتدخين؟" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1233 msgid "Back in Florida, I mostly hung out with a group of guys who smoked." msgstr "" "عندما كنتُ في فلوريدا, تسكّعت في الغالب مع مجموعة من الشبان كانوا يدخنون." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1234 msgid "And we'd set things on fire and do other dangerous stuff." msgstr "وكنا نشب الحرائق في مختلف الأشياء ونقوم بأشياء خطيرة أخرى." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1236 msgctxt "groupPresentation_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr ".........." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1237 msgid "I'm really glad she's over here with me now..." msgstr "من الجيد حقًا أنها هنا معي الآن..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1239 msgid "But those guys aren't here anymore. So why keep doing it." msgstr "ولكن أولئك الشبان لم يعودوا هنا. لماذا تستمرين إذن." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1242 msgid "" "It was a pain to get the cigarettes in the first place, since stores won't " "sell them to people under 18." msgstr "" "كان الحصول على السجائر عناءً من الأصل، لأن المتاجر لا تبيعها لمن تحت سن " "الثامنة عشر." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1243 msgid "So it feels like a waste not to use them." msgstr "لذا أشعر وكأن عدم استعمالها خسارة." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1244 msgid "And I thought it'd make me look hot." msgstr "كما أنني ظننتها تجعلني أبدو مثيرة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1246 msgid "You look hot when your hair's all messed up from kissing me." msgstr "تبدين مثيرة عندما تفسد تسريحة شعرك من تقبيلي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1247 msgid "Not when your mouth tastes bad and I can't even kiss you." msgstr "وليس عندما يكون طعم فمكِ سيئًا ولا أتمكن حتى من تقبيلك." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1250 msgid "Noelle scowls as she sits down at her desk." msgstr "تجهّمت نويل وهي تجلس في درجها." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1252 msgid "You're seriously still smoking?! You need to get your life in order." msgstr "ما زلتِ حقًا تدخنين؟! عليكِ بدء التحكم بحياتك." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1255 msgid "I don't need to hear it from you, too!" msgstr "لا أريد سماع رأيكِ أنت أيضًا!" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1256 msgid "I don't even do it that often!" msgstr "لا أدخن إلا نادرًا أصلًا!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1258 msgid "" "Aren't you going to be tardy for your class? The bell's going to ring in " "about a minute." msgstr "ألن تكوني متأخرة عن حصتك؟ سيرن الجرس بعد دقيقة تقريباً." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1260 msgid "Oh, shit! I better run." msgstr "تبًا! عليّ الذهاب." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1262 msgid "Go, I'll live. Probably." msgstr "اذهبي، سأعيش. على الأغلب." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1265 msgid "Tell me how it goes later!" msgstr "أخبريني كيف تسير الأمور." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1267 msgid "Min sprints off!" msgstr "انطلقَت مين بعيدًا!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1269 msgid "Seconds later, the bell rings." msgstr "بعد لحظات، رن الجرس." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1271 msgid "D'you think she made it?" msgstr "أتعتقدان أنها وصلت؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1273 msgid "I couldn't care less." msgstr "أنا حقًا لا أهتم." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1275 msgid "Min is so cool. But I hope she stops smoking..." msgstr "مين رائعة للغاية. لكن آمل أن تتوقف عن التدخين..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1276 msgid "They say people don't change, but I hope that's not true." msgstr "يقولون أن الناس لا يتغيرون، لكني آمل أن ذلك ليس صحيحًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1277 msgid "It's too sad if it is." msgstr "سيكون الأمر محزنًا جدًا لو كان صحيحًا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1280 msgid "" "As another group starts presenting at the front of the class, Diya wipes her " "clammy palms on her hoodie." msgstr "" "مع بدء مجموعة أخرى تقديم عرضها أمام الطلاب، مسحت ديا كفيها المتعرقين بسترتها." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1282 msgid "We're gonna get called up any minute now..." msgstr "سوف يأتي دورنا في أي لحظة الآن..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1285 msgid "Diya, please try not to panic." msgstr "ديا، حاولي ألا تهلعي، أرجوك." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1286 msgid "" "When you're not speaking, you can hide behind me if you have to. Just don't " "bolt off." msgstr "" "عندما تكونين لا تتحدثين، بإمكانك الاختباء خلفي إن اضطررتِ إلى ذلك. لكن لا " "تهربي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1288 msgctxt "groupPresentation_fd841d5d" msgid "Okay." msgstr "حسنًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1291 msgid "Can I hide behind you too?" msgstr "أيمكنني الاختباء خلفكِ أيضًا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1293 msgctxt "groupPresentation_6432009a" msgid "NO." msgstr "{b}لا.{/b}" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1295 msgid "No fair! How come Diya gets to, but not me?" msgstr "ليس عدلًا! لماذا ديا يمكنها وأنا لا؟" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1297 msgid "" "There's no reason for you to! We'll look like we're doing those dances where " "everyone's standing behind one person and waving their arms!" msgstr "" "لأن لا سبب يدفعك إلى ذلك! سنبدو وكأننا نؤدي إحدى تلك الرقصات حيث يقف الجميع " "خلف شخص واحد ويموّجون أذرعهم!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1299 msgid "And you'd better not do that horrendous British accent." msgstr "ويستحسن بكِ عدم تأدية تلك اللكنة البريطانية الشنيعة." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1303 msgid "Why not? It'll be a hit." msgstr "لمَ لا؟ ستكون سفاحة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1305 msgid "" "More like a hit on our grade. Accents aren't a proper example of divergent " "evolution." msgstr "" "سفاحة لعلاماتنا بالأحرى. اللكنات ليست مثالًا صحيحًا على التطور المتباين." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1307 msgid "" "But we need stuff to spice our presentation up. It's drier than the Sahara " "Desert." msgstr "" "ولكننا نحتاج شيئًا لنضفي على عرضنا نكهة مميزة. إنه أجف من الصحراء الكبرى في " "وضعه الحالي." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1309 msgid "So? This is a Biology project, not a circus performance." msgstr "حسنًا؟ هذا مشروع أحياء، وليس أداء سيرك." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1311 msgid "" "Before Noelle can press Akarsha any further, the first group finishes their " "presentation to scattered applause." msgstr "" "قبل أن تتمكن نويل من الإصرار أكثر على أكارشا، أنهت المجموعة الأولى تقديمها " "فعمّ تصفيق متفرّق الغرفة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1313 msgid "Alright, it's our turn." msgstr "حسنًا، حان دورنا." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1314 msgid "Come on, Diya, let's do this." msgstr "هيا يا ديا، فلنفعلها." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1317 msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!" msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1320 msgid "" "Diya feels like she's having an out-of-body experience as she follows Noelle " "and Akarsha to the front of the class." msgstr "شعرَت ديا وكأن روحها خارج جسدها وهي تلحق نويل وأكارشا إلى مقدمة الصف." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1321 msgid "" "As Noelle brings up their PowerPoint on the computer, Diya hides behind her " "and nervously looks out at the class sitting before them..." msgstr "" "في أثناء فتح نويل لشرائحهن على الحاسوب، اختبأت ديا خلفها ونظرت متوترةً إلى " "الطلاب الجالسين أمامهن..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1323 msgid "" "I should've worn clothes that blended in with the classroom better so no one " "can see me!" msgstr "" "كان يفترض بي أن ألبس ملابس تنسجم مع الغرفة الصفية أكثر لكي لا يتمكن أحد من " "رؤيتي!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1324 msgid "Like beige colored! I should've thought of that earlier!" msgstr "بلون بني فاتح! كان عليّ التفكير في ذلك من قبل!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1325 msgid "It's over...It's curtains for me..." msgstr "هذه النهاية...انتهى أمري..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1328 msgid "" "Hello, everyone. We've been tasked with reviewing the patterns of " "macroevolution." msgstr "مرحبًا بالجميع. لقد طُلب منا أن نستعرض أنماط التطور الكبروي." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1329 msgid "" "The audience begins to nod off as soon as Noelle flicks to a slide with an " "essay crammed onto it in ten point font." msgstr "" "بدأ المشاهدون يغطون في النوم سرعان ما انتقلت نويل إلى شريحة عليها مقالة " "مزدحمة مكتوبة بخط بحجم عشرة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1331 msgid "" "Let's begin with the obvious question...What is macroevolution? To " "understand this, we must first consider..." msgstr "" "لنبدأ بالسؤال الواضح...ما هو التطور الكبروي؟ لنفهم ذلك، علينا أولًا التفكير " "في..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1333 msgid "" "By the time Noelle is done droning through her last tome of a slide, half " "the classroom is asleep." msgstr "" "عندما انتهت نويل من قراءة آخر شريحة وكأنها قرأت رواية، كان نصف من في الصف " "نائمًا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1335 msgid "" "Akarsha shakes her head and sighs as she clicks to her first slide. It opens " "with an illustration of a finch's head." msgstr "" "هزت أكارشا برأيها مستنكرةً وتنهدت وهي تنقر لتفتح شريحتها الأولى. أول ما ظهر " "كان رسمة لرأس طائر شرشوري." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1337 msgid "Aight. So, divergent evolution..." msgstr "طيب. إذن، التطور المتباين..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1341 msgid "" "An explosion sound effect plays as five more finches with different beak " "shapes blast onto the screen, jolting their classmates back awake." msgstr "" "صدر صوت انفجار مع اندفاع خمس صور لخمس طيور أخرى بمناقير مختلفة الشكل على " "الشاشة، فقفز زملاؤهن يقظين." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1343 msgid "" "It's when populations from a common ancestor adapt to different pressures " "and become more different over time." msgstr "" "هو ما يحدث عندما تتكيف جماعات لها أجداد مشتركة مع ضغوط مختلفة فتصبح مختلفة " "مع الوقت." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1345 msgid "" "Just like how yer average New Yawker tawks like dis! Different from ova heah!" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1348 msgid "She just switched it from a British accent to a New York one..." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1350 msgid "Oh, well. Maybe the teacher will think it's funny." msgstr "لا بأس. ربما ستجدها المعلمة مضحكة." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1353 msgctxt "groupPresentation_f14a5a8a" msgid "..................." msgstr ".................." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1356 msgid "" "You can let this slide, Noelle. Just hold it in until after the " "presentation's over." msgstr "بإمكانكِ التغاضي عن هذا نويل. فقط أمسكي نفسك إلى أن ننتهي من التقديم." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1360 #, fuzzy msgid "" "ACTUALLY, accents don't count as divergent evolution. New Yorkers aren't " "another species from us!" msgstr "" "{b}في الواقع{/b}، اللكنات لا تُعتبر تطورًا متباينًا. الناس من نيو يورك ليسو " "من نوع مختلف عنّا!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1361 msgid "" "They're not so different they can't produce fertile offspring with other " "humans!" msgstr "" "ليسوا مختلفين بما فيه الكفاية لألّا يتمكنوا من إنجاب أبناء بإمكانهم الإنجاب " "بدورهم!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1363 msgid "But if dey keep tings up at dis rate, dat might change." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1364 msgid "" "Dink about it. Would {i}you{/i} reproduce wit someone who tawks like dis??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1367 msgid "Wh...what?! I don't see how that's relevant!" msgstr "ما...ماذا؟! لا أرى كيف لذلك أي علاقة!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1368 msgid "Just admit your example is invalid already!" msgstr "اعترفي بأن مثالك مغلوط وحسب!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1371 msgid "Oh, yeah?" msgstr "هل أنت متأكدة؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1374 msgid "" "Akarsha clicks the mouse. A stock photo of a gravestone appears on the slide " "with the pinwheel transition." msgstr "نقرت أكارشا بالفأرة. ظهرت صورة لقبر بتأثير انتقال لولبي." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1376 msgid "What if dat was your gravestone? What then?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1379 msgid "DID YOU ADD THIS TO THE POWERPOINT JUST TO USE AS A COMEBACK?!" msgstr "{b}هل أضفتِ هذه الصورة فقط لتردي عليّ بهذه الطريقة؟{/b}" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1382 msgid "" "The class giggles as Akarsha clowns through her slides, but Diya's stomach " "churns as they stare at the front of the room with renewed interest..." msgstr "" "قهقه الطلاب وأكارشا تتصرف كالمهرجة وهي تقرأ شرائحها، ولكن معدة ديا تتقلب " "رهبةً من نظراتهم نحوهنّ وقد عاد إليهم الاهتمام." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1384 msgid "" "I don't wanna be here...I wish I could time travel to 30 minutes from now..." msgstr "" "لا أريد أن أكون هنا...أتمنى لو أمكنني السفر عبر الزمان إلى ما بعد ثلاثين " "دقيقة من الآن..." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1387 msgid "And wit dat, I pass tings ova to my buddy Diya." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1390 msgid ".........!!!!" msgstr "..........!!!!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1392 msgid "" "When Diya doesn't move from her hiding spot behind Noelle, Noelle steps to " "the side, exposing her to the audience's view." msgstr "" "لم تتحرك ديا من مخبئها خلف نويل، لذا تنحّت نويل جانبًا فكشفتها لأنظار " "المشاهدين." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1393 msgid "" "Diya takes a deep shaky breath before quickly rattling off the speech she's " "mentally rehearsed hundreds of times over the past 24 hours." msgstr "" "أخذت ديا نفسًا عميقًا مرتجفًا، وسردت الخطاب الذي أعدته وتدربت عليه في ذهنها " "مئات المرات في الأربع وعشرون ساعة الماضية." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1395 msgid "" "{small}Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar traits " "in species that are only distantly related. For example, giant pandas have " "six fingers and their thumbs are opposable like primates' thumbs. These " "similar features are called analogous structures.{/small}" msgstr "" "{small}التطور المتقارب هو التطور المستقل لصفات متشابهة في أنواع ليس لها صلة " "قرابة. على سبيل المثيل، لدى الباندا الضخمة ستة أصابع، ولها إبهام مثل " "الرئيسيات. هذه الصفات المتشابهة تسمى هياكل مماثلة.{/small}" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1397 msgid "" "After barrelling through the slide in a matter of seconds, Diya quickly " "flips to the next one, her hands shaking from nerves." msgstr "" "بعد الإسراع في قراءة الشريحة خلال ثوانٍ، انتقلت ديا بعجلةٍ إلى التي تليها " "ويداها تهتزان من الارتباك." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1399 msgid "" "{small}Another example of convergent evolution are birds and bats. Birds and " "bats are two groups that evolved flight independently...{/small}" msgstr "" "{small}مثال آخر على التطور المتماثل الطيور والخفافيش. الطيور والخفافيش " "مجموعتان تطورتا لتطيرا بشكل منفصل عن...{/small}" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1401 msgid "" "She manages to zoom through the rest of the presentation in about a minute " "flat." msgstr "استطاعت إلقاء ما تبقى مما عليها تقديمه خلال ما يقارب الدقيقة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1402 msgid "" "After their classmates give them a tepid round of applause, Diya follows " "Noelle and Akarsha back to her seat in a daze..." msgstr "" "بعد أن أعطاهن زملاؤهم تصفيقًا ضعيفًا، تبعت ديا نويل وأكارشا عائدةً إلى " "مقعدها وذهنها متشتت وكأنها في حلم..." # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1404 msgid "Well, at least that's over with..." msgstr "حسنًا، انتهى ذلك على الأقل..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1406 msgid "It's over!!! I'm free!!!!" msgstr "انتهينا!!! أنا حرة!!!!" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:1409 msgid "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" msgstr "أترين؟ لم يكن ذلك سيئًا للغاية، صحيح؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1411 msgid "Actually, it was." msgstr "في الحقيقة، بلى." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1412 msgid "Think I'll be quiet for the rest of the day to recover from that..." msgstr "أعتقد أني سأظل هادئة لباقي اليوم لأتعافى من ذلك..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1421 msgid "After school" msgstr "بعد المدرسة" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1429 msgid "" "To Diya's relief, the weather clears up just in time for the baseball club " "meeting." msgstr "" "اطمأنّ قلب ديا عندما رأت الجو يصفو في الوقت المناسب للقاء نادي كرة القاعدة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1431 msgid "" "\"Sakura\" goes up to bat, and Diya readies herself to catch Min's next " "pitch." msgstr "الآن دور \"ساكورا\" لتضرب، فهيأت ديا نفسها لتلتقط رمية مين التالية." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1433 msgid "" "Besides Min's signature knuckler, the only pitch she knows is a fastball." msgstr "غير رمية \"ناكلبول\" المميزة لمين، لا تجيد أي رمية سوى الرمية السريعة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1434 msgid "" "It's pretty mediocre compared to her knuckleball, so she rarely uses it " "except during practice like this." msgstr "" "إنها رمية متواضعة مقارنة بالـ\"ناكلبول\"، لذا لا تستعملها إلا نادرًا خارج " "التدريبات مثل هذه." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1440 msgid "Min hurls one of those fastballs to \"Sakura\"..." msgstr "أرسلت مين إحدى تلك الرميات السريعة نحو \"ساكورا\"..." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1443 msgctxt "lockerRoomCrisis_3b71d0de" msgid "!" msgstr "!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1445 msgid "" "\"Sakura\" flinches as she gets drilled on the shoulder by the baseball." msgstr "جفلت \"ساكورا\" عندما أصابتها الكرة في كتفها." # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/2_diya.rpy:1452 msgctxt "lockerRoomCrisis_ef0da7a0" msgid "Ow!" msgstr "آي!" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1454 msgid "Shit, oops..." msgstr "اللعنة، أوبس..." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1456 msgid "You okay over there?" msgstr "هل أنتِ بخير؟" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/2_diya.rpy:1459 msgid "Yeah, I'm good. I don't think that broke anything." msgstr "أجل، أنا على ما يرام. لا أعتقد أني كسرتُ شيئًا." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1461 msgid "Walk it off!" msgstr "استراحة مشي!" # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1462 msgid "" "At least if this were a game, you'd get to head over to first base as a " "consolation prize." msgstr "لو كانت هذه مباراة، لتمكنتِ من التوجه إلى القاعدة الأولى كجائزة ترضية." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1464 msgid "Wait...So getting hit is like a free pass to first base?" msgstr "لحظة...إذن إذا ضربتكِ كرة سيُسمح لك بالمرور إلى القاعدة الأولى مجانًا؟" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/2_diya.rpy:1466 msgid "It's not free. It hurts!" msgstr "ليس مجانًا. إنها مؤلمة!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1468 msgid "" "\"Sakura\" walks off, rubbing her shoulder. Akarsha eagerly takes her place " "at the plate." msgstr "" "بدأت \"ساكورا\" بالمشي وهي تدلك كتفها. أخذت أكارشا موقعها على القاعدة بحماس." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1472 msgid "Min throws a pitch her way..." msgstr "أرسلت مين الكرة نحوها..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1475 msgid "" "But instead of swinging the bat, Akarsha purposefully leans in toward the " "ball!" msgstr "ولكن بدلًا من تلويح مضربها، حنت أكارشا جسدها عن قصد نحو الكرة!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1477 msgctxt "lockerRoomCrisis_7af3c61f" msgid "?!" msgstr "؟!" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1480 msgid "" "It narrowly misses her, and Diya manages to recover from her surprise in " "time to catch it." msgstr "" "كادت أن تصيبها ولكنها مرت من جانبها، وتمكنت ديا من استعادة انتباهها بعد " "تفاجؤها في الوقت المناسب لالتقاطها." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1483 msgid "The fuck's wrong with you?!" msgstr "بحق الجحيم ما مشكلتكِ؟!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1485 msgid "I'm becoming a hit-by-pitch specialist." msgstr "سأصبح خبيرة إصابة-من-الإرسال." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1486 msgid "" "If I can master getting beaned as much as possible, it'll guarantee I always " "make it to first base." msgstr "" "لو تمكنت من احتراف جعل الناس يضربوني قدر الإمكان، سيضمن ذلك لي دائمّا الوصول " "إلى القاعدة الأولى." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1488 msgid "Why would you do that instead of just hitting the ball?" msgstr "لمَ قد تفعلين ذلك بدلًا من ضرب الكرة بكل بساطة؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1489 msgid "Hitting the ball is so fun." msgstr "ضرب الكرة ممتع جدًا." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1492 msgid "Hit me! I know you wanna!" msgstr "أصيبيني! أعرف أنكِ تريدين ذلك!" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1494 msgid "Stop making this weird!" msgstr "توقفي عن جعل هذا غريبًا!" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1496 msgid "Homophobic hate crime..." msgstr "جريمة كراهية هوموفوبية..." # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1498 msgid "What???" msgstr "ماذا؟؟؟" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1500 msgid "The B in LGBT stands for Baseball. Just sayin'..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:1503 msgid "Yeah??! WELL I THINK THE B IS FOR BITCH!!!" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1504 msgid "Having lost her patience, Min beans Akarsha on purpose." msgstr "لأنها نفد صبرها، أصابت مين أكارشا عن قصد." # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1511 msgid "Owie!!!" msgstr "واوا!!!" # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1513 msgctxt "lockerRoomCrisis_2be40045" msgid "........." msgstr "........." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1515 msgid "If you keep this up, the B in LGBT is gonna stand for Broken Bones..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1524 msgid "" "After practice, Diya slings a big equipment bag over each of her shoulders " "and hauls them to the locker room." msgstr "" "بعد التمرين، حملت ديا حقيبة معدات ضخمة فوق كل من كتفَيها ونقلتهما إلى غرفة " "تغيير الملابس." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1526 msgid "I'm being so helpful." msgstr "كم أنّي مفيدة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1527 msgid "I hope someone notices how many bags I'm carrying." msgstr "آمل أن يلاحظ أحد عدد الحقائب التي أحملها." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1530 msgid "Wow, Diya, you're carrying two bags at once!" msgstr "يااه يا ديا، إنك تحملين حقيبتين في الآن ذاته!" # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1532 msgid "Thank you for helping!" msgstr "شكرًا على المساعدة!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1534 msgctxt "lockerRoomCrisis_d11361e6" msgid "........." msgstr "........." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1537 msgid "Diya happily heads up the hill with a spring in her step." msgstr "توجهت ديا بسرور إلى أعلى التلة بوثبٍ في خطاها." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1539 msgid "Say, Diya, do you watch The Bachelor?" msgstr "بالمناسبة يا ديا، أتشاهدين \"ذا باتشلور\"؟" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1540 msgid "Bewildered, Diya shakes her head." msgstr "مندهشةً، هزت ديا رأسها نفيًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1542 msgid "What is that? A show?" msgstr "ما هذا؟ مسلسل؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1543 msgid "" "I don't watch much TV except sports, Animal Planet, and the Discovery " "Channel." msgstr "" "لا أشاهد التلفاز عادةً إلا للرياضة ولبرنامج كوكب الحيوانات ولقناة \"ديسكوفري" "\"." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1544 msgid "" "So when people talk about movies and shows, I usually don't know any of them." msgstr "لذا عندما يتحدث الناس عن الأفلام والمسلسلات، لا أعرف عادة أيًا منها." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1547 msgid "You should try it, we need more people to talk about it with!" msgstr "عليكِ تجربة مشاهدته، نحتاج المزيد من الناس للحديث عنه معهم!" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1549 msgid "My mom and I started watching it this season and we're obsessed." msgstr "بدأنا أنا وأمي مشاهدة هذا الموسم ونحن مهووستان." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1552 msgid "What's it about?" msgstr "عن ماذا؟" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1554 msgid "Basically, thirty women try to date the same guy at the same time." msgstr "باختصار، ثلاثون امرأة يحاولن مواعدة الرجل نفسه في الوقت نفسه." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1555 msgid "" "Each week, the guy eliminates some of them until finally, he proposes to the " "last one standing." msgstr "في كل أسبوع، يستبعد الرجل بعضهن، وفي النهاية، يتقدم لخطبة آخر واحدة." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1557 msgid "" "My mom would definitely never watch that with me. She'd be so scandalized." msgstr "مستحيل أبدًا أن تشاهده أمي معي. لوجدته مشينًا وعيبًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1559 msgid "Your mom likes watching shows like this?" msgstr "تحب أمك مشاهدة البرامج مثل هذا؟" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1562 msgid "Yeah, she's the one who got into it first." msgstr "أجل، هي التي بدأت تحبه أولًا." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1563 msgid "She spread it to us like a virus and now we're infected too." msgstr "ونقلته إلينا كالفيروس والآن أصابتنا العدوى نحن أيضًا." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1565 msgid "The way you put that makes it sound like a zombie apocalypse..." msgstr "الطريقة التي تتحدثين فيها عنه تجعله يبدو وكأنه كارثة \"زومبيز\"." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1567 msgid "Wish I had something like that with my parents." msgstr "ليت عندي شيء كهذا مع والدَي." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1568 msgid "I feel like I have nothing in common with them." msgstr "أشعر وكأن لا شيء مشترك بيننا." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1571 msgid "They don't try to get you into the things they like?" msgstr "ألا يحاولان جعلك تحبين الأشياء التي يحبانها؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1573 msgid "Not really." msgstr "كلا في الواقع." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1576 msgid "For instance, I initially got into baseball 'cause my dad is...well..." msgstr "على سبيل المثال، بدأتُ أحب كرة القاعدة لأن أبي...لنقل..." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1578 msgid "Alright, there's no nice way to put this. My dad's really weird." msgstr "حسنًا، لا طريقة لطيفة لقولها. أبي غريب جدًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1580 msgid "There definitely could've been a nicer way to put that." msgstr "حتمًا هنالك طريقة ألطف لقولها." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1583 msgid "" "Whenever he drives, he makes us listen to radio broadcasts of Mariners games." msgstr "كلما قاد السيارة جعلنا مستمع إلى إذاعات حية لمباريات الـ\"مارينرز\"." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1585 msgid "The Mariners? You're not even from Seattle." msgstr "الـ\"مارينرز\"؟ لكنكم لستم حتى من سياتل." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1587 msgid "Ichiro is an incredible player, though." msgstr "لكن \"إتشيرو\" لاعب مذهل، في الحقيقة." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1590 msgid "" "But he's a weirdo...The guy only decided to stay in Seattle because his dog " "told him to." msgstr "ولكنه غريب الأطوار...قرر أن يعيش في سياتل فقط لأنه كلبه طلب ذلك منه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1592 msgid "So? I would stay in Seattle if my dog told me to, too." msgstr "وماذا في الأمر؟ لعشتُ أنا أيضًا في سياتل لو طلب كلبي مني ذلك." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1595 msgid "He does grow on you. They're all such strange lil' guys." msgstr "لكن يسهل حبه مع الوقت. جميعهم رجال غريبون ساذجون." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1602 msgid "I think that's just your Stockholm Syndrome speaking." msgstr "أعتقد أن هذا تأثير متلازمة ستوكهولم عليكِ." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1604 msgid "Who knows, maybe it is." msgstr "من يعلم، ربما." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1607 msgid "" "As for my mom, her thing is Madonna CDs. I could sing every word of True " "Blue since kindergarten." msgstr "" "بالنسبة لأمي، الشيء المفضل عندها أقراص \"مادونا\". بإمكاني غناء كل كلمة من " "ألبوم \"ترو بلو\" منذ الروضة." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1609 msgid "" "Isn't the first song about a teenage girl not wanting to get an abortion?!" msgstr "أليست الأغنية الأولى عن مراهقة لا تريد إجهاض جنينها؟!" # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1611 msgid "I didn't say I {i}understood{/i} every word." msgstr "لم أقل أني {i}فهمتُ{/i} كل كلمة." # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1613 msgid "" "Maybe listening to all that Madonna did something to you as a little kid." msgstr "ربما الاستماع إلى \"مادونا\" كل تلك الفترة أثر على دماغكِ وأنت طفلة." # Speaker: Liz #: game/2_diya.rpy:1615 msgid "Excuse me? What was that?" msgstr "عفوًا؟ ماذا قلتِ؟" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/2_diya.rpy:1617 msgid "I take it back! I take it back!" msgstr "أسحبها! أسحبها!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1622 msgid "" "I have no clue what kind of music my mom likes. All I know are which songs " "she hates on the radio." msgstr "" "ليس عندي أدنى فكرة عن نوع الموسيقى التي تحبها أمي. كل ما أعرفه هو أي الأغاني " "تكره على الراديو." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1623 msgid "" "And she doesn't know what kind of music I like, either. Or my favorite " "movie, or favorite color, anything like that." msgstr "" "كما أنها لا تعرف هي الأخرى الموسيقى التي أحبها أنا. ولا فيلمي المفضل، ولا " "لوني المفضل، لا شيء كهذا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1624 msgid "" "I've known her my whole life and we still don't even know basic facts about " "each other." msgstr "عرفتُها طوال حياتي وما زلنا لا نعرف حتى حقائق أساسية عن بعضنا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1626 msgid "That's so sad. I wanna have a good relationship with my parents, too..." msgstr "هذا محزن جدًا. أريد أن يكون لي أيضًا علاقة صحية مع والدَي..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1630 msgid "" "Diya listens to her teammates chat as she changes out of her baseball " "uniform." msgstr "" "أصغت ديا إلى رفيقاتها يدردشن وهي تغير إلى ملابس غير زي كرة القاعدة الخاص بها." # Speaker: Grace #: game/2_diya.rpy:1632 msgid "Kyaaa! Don't look at my hairy legs!" msgstr "لاااا! لا تنظروا إلى رجلَي الشعوريتين!" # Speaker: Grace #: game/2_diya.rpy:1633 msgid "I haven't shaved for like, two days." msgstr "لم أحلق منذ، تقريبًا، يومين." # Speaker: Ester #: game/2_diya.rpy:1635 msgid "You shave that often? I just do it when it starts looking gnarly." msgstr "تحلقين رجليك بهذه السرعة؟ لا أحلق رجلَي إلا عندما يصبح شكلهما مقرفًا." # Speaker: Grace #: game/2_diya.rpy:1637 msgid "Your hair's not all coarse and gross like mine." msgstr "شعركِ ليس خشنًا ومشمئزًا هكذا مثل شعري." # Speaker: Grace #: game/2_diya.rpy:1638 msgid "I have to do it every other day or I start looking like a gorilla." msgstr "عليّ فعلها كل يومين وإلا سأبدو مثل الغوريلا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1640 msgid "Girls are supposed to shave...??!" msgstr "على الفتيات الحلاقة...؟؟!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1641 msgid "????????????????????" msgstr "؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1643 msgid "" "I've always wondered why no one's leg hair is really obvious except for mine." msgstr "لطالما تساءلت لماذا شعر أرجل الجميع غير ملحوظ باستثنائي أنا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1644 msgid "That must be the secret..." msgstr "لا بد أن هذا هو السر..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1645 msgid "Good thing I'm wearing long pants that cover up my legs." msgstr "من الجيد أني أرتدي سروالًا طويلًا يغطي رجلَي." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1648 msgid "Suddenly self-conscious, Diya inspects her arm hair..." msgstr "شعرت ديا فجأة بالخجل، وتفقدت شعر ذراعيها..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1650 msgid "" "Even my arm hair is pretty obvious. My hair's just all really thick and " "dark..." msgstr "حتى شعر ذراعَي سهل الملاحظة. شعري كله كثيف وداكن جدًا..." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1651 msgid "There's even hair on my fingers...Is that normal?!" msgstr "حتى أن هنالك شعرًا على أصابعي...أهذا طبيعي؟!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1652 msgid "Maybe everyone's secretly judging me when they see it..." msgstr "ربما ينتقدني الجميع سرًا عندما يرونه..." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1661 msgid "" "After the club meeting, Diya gets into her mom's car with renewed " "determination." msgstr "بعد لقاء النادي، دخلت ديا سيارة أمها وقد استعادت تصميمها." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1663 msgctxt "razorDenial_c0d265fa" msgid "How was your day at school?" msgstr "كيف كان يومك في المدرسة؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1666 msgctxt "razorDenial_fd841d5d" msgid "Okay." msgstr "جيد." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1669 msgid "Did the presentation go well?" msgstr "هل كان التقديم جيدًا؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1672 msgid "Think so. Just glad it's over." msgstr "أعتقد ذلك. مسرورة فحسب لأنه مرّ على خير." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1673 msgid "" "When I grow up I'm going to find a job where I never have to talk to people." msgstr "عندما أكبر سأجد وظيفة لن أضطر الحديث إلى الناس فيها." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1675 msgid "Diya's mom smiles knowingly and shakes her head." msgstr "ابتسمت أم ديا متفهّمةً وهزت رأسها." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1677 msgid "" "I'm the same way. I'm embarrassed of my accent, and it makes phone calls so " "scary." msgstr "أنا نفس الشيء. تحرجني لكنتي، وهذا يجعل المكالمات الهاتفية مخيفة جدًا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1678 msgid "Talking to workers in stores makes me so nervous, too." msgstr "الحديث إلى العمال في المتاجر يربكني أيضًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1681 msgid "" "Me, too. I wish we could write questions on a piece of paper and they have " "to write their answer back, too." msgstr "" "أنا أيضًا. أتمنى لو كان بإمكاننا كتابة الأسئلة على ورقة صغيرة، وهم أيضًا " "عليهم كتابة الأجوبة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1684 msgid "" "Yes! It'd be the best if you could slip the paper through an opening in the " "wall, so they don't even know what you look like." msgstr "" "أجل! لكان الأمر رائعًا لو تمكنتِ من تمرير الورقة خلال فتحة في الحائط لكي لا " "يعرفوا حتى شكلك." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1687 msgid "Wow...I'm enjoying talking to my mom!" msgstr "عجيب...إني مستمتعة في الحديث إلى أمي!" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1690 msgid "" "I guess it's only natural that we have some things in common. I forget that " "sometimes." msgstr "" "في الحقيقة، من الطبيعي أن يكون بيننا أشياء مشتركة. يسهل نسيان ذلك أحيانًا." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1691 msgid "" "She used to do long-distance running in India, and she always encouraged me " "to play sports because it was good for my health." msgstr "" "كانت تشارك في مسابقات ركض المسافات الطويلة في الهند، ولطالما شجعتني على " "الرياضة لأنها جيدة لصحتي." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1693 msgid "Maybe I can ask her about something else that's been bothering me." msgstr "ربما بإمكاني سؤلها عن شيء آخر يزعجني منذ وهلة." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1695 msgid "Emboldened by her success, Diya speaks up as they sit at a red light." msgstr "متشجعةً بسبب نجاحها، تحدثت ديا عندما توقفوا للإشارة الحمراء." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1697 msgid "Can you get razors next time you go shopping?" msgstr "أيمكنك شراء شفرات حلاقة عندما تذهبين للتسوق؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1700 msgid "Razors?! What for?" msgstr "شفرات؟! لماذا؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1703 msgid "To shave. My leg hair is really long." msgstr "للحلاقة. شعر رجلَي طويل جدًا." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1705 msgid "Diya's heart sinks as her mom wrinkles her nose with distaste." msgstr "شعرت ديا بقلبها يسقط عندما رأت أنف أمها يتجعّد من الاشمئزاز." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1707 msgid "Don't do it. Shaving will make the hair grow back thicker and darker." msgstr "لا تحلقي. سيجعل ذلك الشعر ينمو ليكون أكثر كثافة وبلون أدكن." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1710 msgid "That doesn't sound true. Pretty sure that's a myth." msgstr "لا يبدو ذلك صحيحًا. أنا شبه متأكدة أن تلك مجرد خرافة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1713 msgid "No, it's true. Shaving is a terrible idea." msgstr "لا, إنها حقيقة. الحلاقة فكرة فظيعة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1716 msgid "But all the other girls at school are doing it." msgstr "لكن كل الفتيات الأخريات في المدرسة يحلقن." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1719 msgid "" "That's because it's Christian culture. Our family doesn't follow those rules." msgstr "هذا لأن ذلك من الثقافة المسيحية. عائلتنا لا تتبع تلك القواعد." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1722 msgid "Why do you want to shave so bad, anyway?" msgstr "لمَ تريدين الحلاقة لتلك الدرجة على كل حال؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1723 msgid "Are you trying to show yourself off to boys?" msgstr "أتحاولين إظهار نفسك للصبيان؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1726 msgid "??? No..." msgstr "؟؟؟ لا..." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1729 msgid "You're too young. Who is it for?" msgstr "أنتِ صغيرة كثيرًا على ذلك. من هو هذا الصبي؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1731 msgid "Do you have a boyfriend?!" msgstr "ألديكِ حبيب؟!" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1734 msgctxt "razorDenial_a2dbca39" msgid "No." msgstr "لا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1737 msgid "Are you sure?? Look at me." msgstr "أمتأكدة؟؟ انظري إلي." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1740 msgid "Good thing I can actually answer this honestly." msgstr "من الجيد أني بإمكاني الإجابة بكل صراحة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1742 msgid "I'm not lying. I don't have a boyfriend." msgstr "لست أكذب. ليس عندي حبيب." #: game/2_diya.rpy:1744 msgid "" "Her mom scrutinizes Diya's face for a moment before turning away, seemingly " "satisfied." msgstr "" "تفحصت أم ديا وجهها للحظة قبل أن تلتفت للأمام, ويبدو عليها الرضا من إجابتها." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1746 msgid "" "Good, because you need to focus on school. The right time to date is in " "college." msgstr "جيد, لأن عليكِ التركيز على دراستك. الوقت المناسب للمواعدة في الجامعة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1747 msgid "" "That's when you'll be able to find a nice boy who meets all the requirements." msgstr "حينها ستتمكنين من إيجاد شاب لطيف سيتوافق مع كل الشروط." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1750 msgid "...Requirements? What requirements." msgstr "...شروط؟ أي شروط." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1753 msgid "You know, just the regular ones." msgstr "تعرفين, الأمور الأساسية." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1754 msgid "Someone who's Hindu like us, doesn't smoke, and has high income." msgstr "شخص هندوسي مثلنا, ولا يدخن, وراتبه مرتفع." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1757 msgid "...Yeah, I definitely can't tell her about Min." msgstr "...أجل, لا يمكنني أبدًا إخبارها عن مين." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1758 msgid "What if I wanted to date someone different? Like a non-Indian person?" msgstr "ماذا لو أردتُ مواعدة شخص مختلف؟ مثلًا لو كان غير هندي؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1761 msgid "No, a white person wouldn't understand our culture." msgstr "كلا, لن يفهم أي شخص أبيض ثقافتنا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1762 msgid "Plus, whites do drugs and don't know how to save money." msgstr "كما أن البيض يتعاطون المخدرات ولا يجيدون توفير المال." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1765 msgid "Just remember no BMWs. No Blacks, Muslims, or Whites." msgstr "تذكري القاعدة, \"لا س.م.ب\". لا سود, ولا مسلمين, ولا بيض." # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1768 msgid "" "That's so racist...I don't even wanna know what she thinks of Korean people." msgstr "هذه عنصرية بالغة...لا أريد أن أعرف حتى ما تعتقده حيال الكوريين." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1769 msgid "What you want is unrealistic." msgstr "ما تريدينه ليس واقعيًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1770 msgid "" "How can you immigrate to a country where we're less than 1%% of the " "population and then expect me to marry the way you did in India?" msgstr "" "كيف لكِ أن تهاجري إلى دولة نشكّل فيها أقل من 1%% من إجمالي السكان, ومن ثم أن " "تتوقعيني ان أتزوج بنفس طريقتك في الهند؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1773 msgid "It's not unrealistic, my friend Himaja's daughter did it." msgstr "بلى الأمر واقعي, هذا ما فعلَته ابنة صديقتي \"هيماجا\"." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1775 msgid "" "You're not any less pretty or smart than she is! You can find a way too." msgstr "لستِ أقل جمالًا ولا ذكاءً منها! بإمكانكِ إيجاد طريقة أيضًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1778 msgid "It's not that easy. I can't control who I fall in love with." msgstr "الأمر ليس بتلك السهولة. لا يمكنني التحكم بالشخص الذي سأقع في حبه." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1779 msgid "" "If I fall in love with someone who doesn't match your criteria, I'm not " "going to turn them away just for you." msgstr "لو وقعت في حب شخص لا يتوافق مع شروطك, لن أرفضه فقط من أجلك." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1782 msgid "" "No, that's not right. If you marry a waste fellow, what will other people " "think?" msgstr "لا, هذا لا يصح. ماذا لو تزوجتِ رجلًا فارغًا, ماذا سيظن الناس؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1785 msgid "Wh...Why does it matter what \"other people\" think?" msgstr "لمـ...لماذا يهمك ما يظنه \"الناس\"؟" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1786 msgid "My opinion should be the most important one." msgstr "يجب أن يكون رأيي هو الأهم." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1789 msgid "" "No, this is bigger than just you. You have to consider how it affects " "everyone, like your parents." msgstr "" "لا, الأمر أكبر منكِ وحدك. عليكِ التفكير في تأثيره على الجميع, على أبوَيك " "مثلًا." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1790 msgid "" "If you marry a white man, everyone will think you're a self-hating Indian, " "and your parents didn't raise you with correct values." msgstr "" "إن تزوجتِ رجلًا أبيضًا, سيظن الجميع أنك هندية تكره نفسها, وأن والداك لم " "يربياكِ بالمبادئ الصحيحة." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1791 msgid "" "It already looks bad enough that we let you quit Carnatic music because you " "wanted to play baseball." msgstr "" "الأمر يبدو سيئًا بما فيه الكفاية أنا سمحنا لك بترك الموسيقى الكارناتيكية " "لأنكِ أردتِ لعب كرة القاعدة." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1794 msgid "" "So you're asking me to give up my whole life in exchange for ten seconds of " "approval from some aunties??" msgstr "" "إذن أنتِ تريدين أن أتخلى عن حياتي بأكملها مقابل عشر ثوانٍ من القبول من بضع " "عجزة؟؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1797 msgid "I had to marry within my parents' requirements too." msgstr "كان عليّ الزواج ضمن شروط والدَي أيضًا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1800 msgid "" "Just because you put up with mistreatment from them doesn't mean I should " "put up with the same thing from you." msgstr "فقط لأنكِ تحملتِ إيذاءهما لا يعني أن عليّ تحمل الشيء نفسه منكِ." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1803 msgid "" "{i}Mistreatment?{/i} I turned out perfectly fine, how can it be mistreatment?" msgstr "{i}إيذاء؟{/i} ها أنا حالي ممتازة, كيف لتلك أن تكون إساءة؟" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1806 msgid "I don't think you turned out fine at all..." msgstr "لا أعتقد أن حالتك ممتازة على الإطلاق..." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1809 msgid "" "Your way of thinking about this, that's the way of thinking from Christian " "countries." msgstr "طريقة تفكيرك في هذذا, هذه طريقة تفكير الدول المسيحية." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1810 msgid "Indians aren't like that. They're not so selfish." msgstr "الهنود ليسوا هكذا. لسنا أنانيين هكذا." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1813 msgid "Well, this isn't India. I'm American." msgstr "حسنًا, نحن لسنا في الهند. أنا أمريكية." # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1816 msgid "What, you think you're white?" msgstr "ماذا, أتعتقدين أنكِ بيضاء؟" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1817 msgid "" "It doesn't matter where you are, you're still Indian. You have to honor your " "culture." msgstr "لا يهم أين أنتِ, ما زلت هندية. عليكِ إكرام ثقافتك." # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1821 msgid "" "Why do I have to follow the rules of a country I've never lived in before?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1824 msgid "" "As long as you're under our roof, you will. This is an Indian household." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1827 msgctxt "razorDenial_1612cdcc" msgid "..............." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1828 msgid "" "Could it be that my mom thinks people don't change...because SHE doesn't " "change?" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1829 msgid "" "It's like her opinions are frozen in time, from twenty years ago when she " "left India." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1830 msgid "" "And they never shifted to match the world around her. They're just stuck." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1832 msgid "They spend the rest of the drive home in stony silence." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1838 msgid "The next day" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1845 msgid ".......!!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1848 msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops back in bed." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1851 msgid "" "Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how " "tired she is. " msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1853 msgid "" "{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking " "about how tired she is. {/cps}" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1856 msgctxt "morning2_f28d8787" msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1858 msgid "Suddenly, her bedroom door squeaks open." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1861 msgid "I need to head out early today." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1862 msgid "Here, I'll put your lunch into your backpack." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1864 msgid "Diya's blood runs cold as her mom unzips her backpack." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1867 msgctxt "morning2_1d74dd58" msgid "!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1868 msgid "She'll see the Valentine's Day card!" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1871 msgid "Diya bolts upright and snatches the backpack from her mom's grasp." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1873 msgid "I'll put it in myself." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1876 msgid "Why are you being so secretive?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1877 msgid "I can't even look in my own child's backpack anymore?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1879 msgid "I'm not a baby. I should get to have privacy, too." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1881 msgid "Diya's mom sighs as Diya puts her bagged lunch into her backpack." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1883 msgid "You know, it's really hurtful that you hide everything from me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1884 msgid "" "You're so quiet. I wish you would talk to me like my friends’ kids talk to " "them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1885 msgid "" "My friend’s son even tells them about the girls he likes. He tells them " "everything!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1886 msgid "It makes me sad. I wish we had that kind of relationship." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1888 msgid "You think I wanted it to be like this?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1889 msgid "I didn't just decide not to talk to you all on my own." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1892 msgid "What're you going on about?" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1894 msgid "How are you not able to put two and two together??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1895 msgid "I want to be able to talk to you, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1896 msgid "But I don’t feel like I can. Every time I open up to you, I regret it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1897 msgid "You always have some bad reaction to something I say." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1900 msgid "Huh? Like what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1902 msgid "" " the time I told you about my friend, and you said I wasn't " "allowed to talk to her anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1905 msgid "What are you talking about? That never happened." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1907 msgid "Yes, it did. After school, when I was in third grade." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1910 msgid "" "Third grade?! You really go through life collecting pointless grudges from " "years ago?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1911 msgid "How can you use something I don't even remember to argue against me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1913 msgid "How can two people perceive the same conversation so differently?" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1915 msgid "" "To me, it was one of the worst memories of my life, one that still affects " "how I act around her every day." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1916 msgid "But to her, it was an uneventful car ride." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1917 msgid "I need to give a different example." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1919 msgid "You didn't only make mistakes in the past, you never changed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1920 msgid "" "Like yesterday, I asked you to buy razors for me and you lectured me about " "dating." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1923 msgid "" "I'm your mom, I'm supposed to say no when you want something that's bad for " "you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1924 msgid "" "If your own parents won't tell you when you're doing something wrong, who " "will?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1926 msgid "Of course you're supposed to stop me from doing really bad things." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1927 msgid "" "But I feel like you think your only job as a parent is to lecture me every " "chance you see." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1928 msgid "Sometimes I just want to have a normal, not-negative conversation." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1932 msgid "" "What do you want me to do, just keep my opinion to myself and agree with " "everything you say?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1933 msgid "If I were your friend, sure, I could do that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1934 msgid "But that's not my role. I'm your mother, I'm supposed to help you." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1935 msgid "Tears well up in Diya's eyes from frustration." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1937 msgid "Oh, great. Not now!" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1938 msgid "I hate how I can't argue with anyone without crying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1939 msgid "You think you're helping me, but all you do is give me anxiety." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1941 msgid "I feel like every time I speak to you honestly, I'm punished for it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1943 msgid "So me speaking my mind is \"punishing\" you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:1944 msgid "" "How can you not allow me to say what I think? How do you think that makes {i}" "me{/i} feel?" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1946 msgid "Both of them freeze as the doorbell rings." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1948 msgid "It's Akarsha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:1949 msgid "I can't let her see me like this!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1955 msgid "Yo..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1958 msgid "Diya flings open the door and darts past Akarsha." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1960 msgid "Whoa!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1961 msgid "Homie, wait up!" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1968 msgid "Diya ignores her and sprints down the sidewalk." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1969 msgid "" "The frenetic slap of flip-flops on concrete behind her gets louder and " "louder until suddenly, a hand grabs her forearm!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1972 msgid "*Wheeze* Gotcha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1975 msgctxt "morning2_40731160" msgid "!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1977 msgid "Diya reluctantly slows to a stop and lets Akarsha catch her breath." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1979 msgid "*Gasp* *Wheeze*" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1980 msgid "....HA....HAH....." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1982 msgctxt "morning2_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:1985 msgid "What's with you today? Usain Bolt..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1988 msgid "Got in a fight with my mom..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1992 msgid "Diya wipes her tear-streaked face with a sniffle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1994 msgid "" "She gave up her whole life for me. I'm the person she loves the most in the " "world." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1995 msgid "" "But we can't even have a normal conversation without hurting each other." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:1996 msgid "It's just sad." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:1998 msgid "" "It takes a few seconds for Akarsha to recover enough to choke out a response." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2000 msgid "Bro...that sucks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2002 msgid "........................" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2003 msgid "Do your parents know you're bi?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2006 msgid "Sorta?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2007 msgid "" "We haven't really had that conversation yet, but they definitely know I'm a " "lil funky." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2009 msgid "How do you think they'll react when you tell them?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2012 msgid "" "I dunno...But they're pretty open-minded, so I think they'll get over it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2020 msgid "Lucky..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2021 msgid "My parents will freak out if I come out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2022 msgid "But I feel like a bad gay person for hiding it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2025 msgctxt "morning2_21776c72" msgid "Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2027 msgid "Instead of trying to educate them, I'm living a lie." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2030 msgid "" "Dude, it's not your job to educate your parents if it'll ruin your life." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2031 msgid "The gays aren't gonna come arrest you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2032 msgid "It's not bad to, like, worry about surviving first." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2034 msgctxt "morning2_6276c5a5" msgid "................" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2035 msgid "" "Sooner or later we're gonna get caught, though. We're so bad at keeping " "things secret." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2036 msgid "" "And if I wanna live with Min someday, that's going to be impossible to hide." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2037 msgid "Especially since we're gonna move really far away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2040 msgid "Huh? Where are you going?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2042 msgid "" "Don't know yet. But somewhere far from her parents, so she doesn't have to " "see them unless she wants to." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2044 msgid "When we do that, my parents will notice I'm gone, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2047 msgid "" "Ya, but by then you'll be an adult. They won't be able to stop you from " "doing anything." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2049 msgid "But they'll still be really upset, and I don't want that either." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2052 msgid "They'll get over it eventually." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2053 msgid "" "Dealing with desi parents is like the five stages of grief. Denial, anger, " "bargaining, depression, and acceptance." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2056 msgid "You don't know that. My parents aren't like yours." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2059 msgid "Do your parents really love you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2061 msgctxt "morning2_40f5853e" msgid "Yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2064 msgid "" "Then it's still the same. It might take ages, but they'll get over it " "eventually." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2067 msgid "" " baseball speak, you're not tryin' to hit a home run off a single " "pitch. It's more like a nine inning baseball game." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2068 msgid "You gotta be in it for the long haul and wear them down over time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2070 msgctxt "morning2_6276c5a5_1" msgid "................" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2071 msgid "Is that the best I can hope for, though?" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2072 msgid "I wish I were closer to my mom." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2073 msgid "But it's hard to feel loved by someone who doesn't really know you." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2076 msgid "" "It's like our relationship was built on air. There's nothing there, because " "she's always loved a version of me that doesn't exist." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2079 msgid "" "When they're waiting at a crosswalk, Diya takes the chance to dig a tissue " "out of her pocket and blow her nose." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2083 msgid "It's not even like my parents are as bad as Min's." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2084 msgid "They're not violent or abusive, and they try to support my interests." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2085 msgid "My mom was never trying to hurt me. She just doesn't know any better." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2087 msgid "" "In the grand scheme of things, I'm spoiled. I live in a nice house and my " "mom cooks me delicious food every day." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2088 msgid "But it still hurts to think about the kind of parents I COULD have had." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2091 msgid "Akarsha smacks Diya on the back as they near the school." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2093 msgid "C'mon, dude, cheer up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2095 msgid "10,000 gay people are born every second." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2096 msgid "" "In the time since we left your house, three million gay people drew their " "first breath." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2098 msgid "That can't be right..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2099 msgid "" "If people were born that fast, the population would grow by billions every " "month." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2101 msgid "Where'd you get those numbers from." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2104 msgid "I made them up for dramatic effect." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2106 msgctxt "morning2_93212e9d" msgid "............." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2113 msgid "Hey, Diya..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2115 msgid "" "Do you think it's possible for a baseball player to mold her hair into a " "huge bowl shape, and use it to catch the ball?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2118 msgid "" "{cps=0}Do you think it's possible for a baseball player to mold her hair " "into a huge bowl shape, and use it to catch the ball?{/cps}" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2122 msgid "Diya nods!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2124 msgid "Why not." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2127 msgid "Right??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2129 msgid "" "It'd make fielding grounders way easier. We'd just have to lie facedown on " "the dirt and wait for the ball to roll in." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2130 msgid "Maybe our whole team should grow our hair out and try this." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2133 msgid "" "I feel like between this, the gene doping, and Min's steroids idea, the " "sport of baseball isn't ready for us." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2138 msgid "Diya shakes her head." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2140 msgid "Why not?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2143 msgid "What do you mean why not. It'd look so dumb." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2146 msgid "But it'd be convenient!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2149 msgid "How would they fit the batting helmet over it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2152 msgid "" "They can mold their hair into the batting helmet shape when they're on " "offense." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2155 msgid "What kind of weirdo would do that." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2160 msgid "Akarsha grimaces as they reach the school campus." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2162 msgid "I have this huge cramp from chasin' you earlier..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2163 msgid "I'm all sweaty now too..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2165 msgid "Not my fault. Get in shape." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2168 msgid "I'm gonna go wash up and take a tinkle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2170 msgid "...Can you not say it like that........" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/2_diya.rpy:2173 msgid "Not say it like what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2175 msgid "The \"tinkle\" thing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2176 msgid "Too descriptive." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2180 msgid "" "Unfortunately, Akarsha is already out of earshot and saunters off without " "answering." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2217 msgctxt "cantGo_930e7787" msgid "I need to get my stuff from the locker first." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2223 msgid "As she opens her locker, Min comes up behind her." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2226 msgid "Good morning!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2228 msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}காலை வணக்கம்!{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2232 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_3236f926" msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2235 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_aa8e1491" msgid "........" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2238 msgid "Min taught me that phrase a long time ago. It means \"hi\" in Korean." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2240 msgid "Maybe she's touched that I still remember it?" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2242 msgid "Diya laces their hands together." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2244 msgid "I like teaching each other all these phrases." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2245 msgid "It's like a secret code." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2248 msgid "Yeah! We can even say romantic stuff without other people knowing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2249 msgid "Like spies." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2250 msgid "Min brings Diya's hand to her lips and presses a kiss to her knuckles." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2252 msgid "KGHSFDH?? FGFJH!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2256 msgid "Min is so romantic...She's like a prince..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2258 msgid "Suddenly, Diya realizes how close of a view Min is getting of her hand." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2260 msgid "I have hair on my hands and fingers! She's going to see it!" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2262 msgid "Diya frantically wrenches her hand out of Min's grip." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2264 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_3a27df9b" msgid "Huh???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2265 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_68f8e2f6" msgid "What's wrong?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2267 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_136db9e2" msgid "..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2268 msgid "I guess Min likes me so much, nothing bad's gonna happen if I tell her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2269 msgid "There's hair on my hands...I didn't want you to see..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2271 msgid "Min looks utterly dumbfounded." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2273 msgid "...What???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2275 msgid "" "They're hairy. My arms, too. When I wear short sleeves, you can even see it " "from far away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2278 msgid "Really? I never noticed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2280 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_4a0e45f0" msgid "??!" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2281 msgid "" "I thought Min of all people would've noticed. She spends so much time " "staring at me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2283 msgid "I'll show you, my leg hair is even worse." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2285 msgid "Diya nervously rolls up one of her leggings to reveal her hairy legs." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2287 msgid "I mean, yeah, I see it now...But it's just hair." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2290 msgid "I'm glad you're not grossed out by it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2291 msgid "But it still might make me feel better to shave it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2294 msgid "I won't stop you, but you really don't have to..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2296 msgid "You're drop-dead gorgeous with or without it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2298 msgid "Like, think about those poodles you like. The ones with curly hair." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2300 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_1c63452a" msgid "!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2302 msgid "Carpet dogs." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2305 msgid "Yeah, whatever you wanna call them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2306 msgid "They have fur all over their legs, don't they?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2307 msgid "Doesn't it look so bad and weird when people shave their legs bare?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2309 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_8050f8f8" msgid "Yeah..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2312 msgid "" "How's your leg hair any different? It's just a normal part of you, it " "doesn't make you any less cute." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2314 msgid "I guess that kinda makes sense." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2317 msgid "" "It makes total sense! It's the other way around that doesn't make sense!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2318 msgid "" "It really pisses me off when I notice all the crap the world tries to force " "on girls." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2320 msgid "Min gets really fired up when she talks about this stuff." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2323 msgid "" "Like this leg and armpit shaving shit, and making them think they have to " "like pink and have long hair." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2324 msgid "If you have a brother like I do, the difference is really obvious." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2325 msgid "It's all fake." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2327 msgid "Min is so smart..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2329 msgid "Thanks. I feel a little better now." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2332 msgid "Good." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2333 msgid "" "If anyone makes fun of you for it, I'll kill...I mean, be really, really " "mean to them." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2335 msgid "No one's around right now...I really wanna kiss her..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2337 msgid "Diya leans in, and Min catches her lips in a fierce kiss." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2338 msgid "When they break apart, Min looks very proud of herself." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2340 msgid "Notice anything different?" msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2342 msgid "" "That was a really nice kiss? But I have no idea what she's talking about..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2345 msgid "I got rid of the rest of my cigarettes!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2347 msgid "You threw them away?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2350 msgid "No way, I sold them to some junior for fifteen bucks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2352 msgid "That's not good..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2355 msgid "Well, at least it's not me smoking them anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2357 msgid "That's true...Was it hard to quit?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2360 msgid "I mean, it's not like I was addicted, so it wasn't that bad." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2362 msgid "" "I was a little worried she wouldn't listen, but now that she did, I almost " "feel guilty." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2364 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_35d02abf" msgid "Thanks..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2365 msgid "...But I feel a bit bad I made you change just for me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2368 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_64f35087" msgid "Huh?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2369 msgid "" "You didn't make me do anything. I decided to quit 'cause I figured it'd make " "me happier if I got to kiss you more." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2372 msgid "" "Noelle kept sending me these annoying as fuck studies gloating that she was " "gonna live longer than me, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2373 msgid "Honestly, it was worth it just to make her shut up about it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2375 msgid "But still...If you weren't dating me, you wouldn't have quit." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2378 msgid "I guess not?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2379 msgid "" "But isn't that what people mean when they say a couple's good for each other?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2380 msgid "Like, they bring out the best in each other." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2382 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_b3ac2b8b" msgid "Oh." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2383 msgid "I guess people do say that too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2385 msgid "" "I'm happy you quit. Think I'm just not used to being listened to like this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2388 msgid "" "I mean, I'd be a pretty shitty girlfriend if I didn't care when something " "was bothering you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2390 msgid "I know you'd do the same for me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2392 msgid "That's true." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2393 msgid "I can't believe that worked. I'm glad I said something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2395 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2396 msgid "But isn't it common sense? That you can't change people." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2399 msgid "Huh? That sounds so cynical." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2401 msgid "" "But sometimes it does happen. Sometimes you want someone to change, and they " "won't." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2404 msgid "I mean, I guess it's TECHNICALLY true. You can't change people." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2405 msgid "" "All you can do is tell them how they make you feel, and then it's up to them " "to change." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2406 msgid "Some people will make that leap for you, but others won't." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2408 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_8050f8f8_1" msgid "Yeah..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2409 msgid "I think I just need to make my peace with that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2412 msgid "I'll always make that leap for you!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2413 msgid "" "Even if it was from a car to a truck while they're still driving really " "fast, like in The Matrix." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2415 msgid "...That sounds scary. I hope that never happens." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2418 msgid "But I wouldn't get hurt at all, and I'd look really badass doing it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2421 msgid "You already look badass doing normal stuff like pitching. Why this." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2423 msgid "" "Diya's heartrate quickens with excitement as Min pulls her into another kiss." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2429 msgid "" "Diya shudders as Min slips a hand up her shirt, sliding her warm palm across " "the small of her back." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2431 msgid "GFKJGJK;LKK????????" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2434 msgid "Is this okay?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2436 msgctxt "diyaMinEndConvo_6276c5a5" msgid "................" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2438 msgid "Min's hand is hot against her bare skin." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2440 msgid "Once you get over the initial shock of it, it feels nice..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2444 msgid "Want me to stop?" msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2445 msgid "" "Diya shakes her head, hiding her burning face in the crook of Min's neck." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2446 msgid "Min withdraws her hand, looking uncertain." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2448 msgid "I'm not gonna do it unless you say you want me to." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2450 msgid "" "I just need to spit it out...It's not fair to always make her guess whether " "I'm having fun or not." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2451 msgid "Even if she's good at it, I need to help her out sometimes..." msgstr "" # Speaker: DiyaT #: game/2_diya.rpy:2452 msgid "It's just Min, nothing bad's gonna happen..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2454 msgid "...Please don't stop..." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2456 msgid "" "A wicked grin crosses Min's face, sending a rush of heat through Diya's body." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/2_diya.rpy:2458 msgid "Good. Then I won't." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:2461 msgid "May I PLEASE get my textbooks?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/2_diya.rpy:2462 msgid "You're blocking the locker." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2464 msgid "!!! Sorry." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2473 msgid "That evening, Diya is doing her homework when her bedroom door opens." msgstr "" # Speaker: Amma #: game/2_diya.rpy:2476 msgctxt "momApology_04647dcf" msgid "............." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2478 msgctxt "momApology_93212e9d" msgid "............." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2481 msgid "" "Her mom silently places a bowl of sliced mango on Diya's desk and leaves the " "room." msgstr "" #: game/2_diya.rpy:2482 msgid "Diya nibbles on the fruit and continues working on her assignment." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/2_diya.rpy:2484 msgctxt "momApology_93212e9d_1" msgid "............." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:28 msgid "4th grade" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:33 msgid "Florida" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:40 msgid "Don't get too close to the water!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:42 msgid "" "Oh, c'mon! What's the point of a field trip to a bayou if we don't even get " "to splash around in it a little?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:45 msgid "I mean, there might be alligators in there...It's probably dangerous." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:47 msgid "" "Min sullenly trudges along the edge of the bayou with the rest of her " "classmates." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:49 msgid "I miss California..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:50 msgid "We just moved here a couple months ago." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:51 msgid "Before, the only white people I knew were Hayden and my teachers." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:52 msgid "But now, everyone single kid in our class is white except me and Jun." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:53 msgid "" "I can't believe Hayden was right! Our school in California really {i}wasn't{/" "i} anything like the rest of America." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:55 msgid "This bayou has a lot of biodiversity. Does anyone know what that means?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:56 msgid "" "Jun-seo raises his hand. Their teacher pauses awkwardly before nodding to " "him." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:57 msgid "Er, sorry, how do you pronounce your name again?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:59 msgid "Jun-seo." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:60 msgid "Can you repeat that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:61 msgid "Yeah, Jun-seo." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:62 msgid "She nods with her brows furrowed, still looking lost." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:64 msgid "Uh...Is it okay if I call you John instead?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:66 msgid "...Okay..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:68 msgid "Okay??!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:70 msgid "" "Looking embarrassed, Jun ignores her and answers the question like nothing " "happened." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:72 msgid "" "Biodiversity is when there's a lot of different kinds of plants and animals " "living somewhere." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:74 msgid "That's right, John!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:75 msgid "" "A variety of animals thrive in this habitat...Let's see which ones we can " "spot from here." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:76 msgid "Yes, Sarah?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:77 msgid "Classmate" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:78 msgid "I see a fish in the water!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:79 msgid "Min hisses to her twin under her breath as the lesson continues." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:81 msgid "" "What was that?! Now the teacher's gonna think it's ok to call me Minnie or " "something!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:82 msgid "If people start calling me Minnie Mouse, that'll be the absolute worst!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:85 msgid "I don't think that's gonna happen..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:88 msgid "It better not, I hate Minnie Mouse! She's weak and wimpy looking." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:89 msgid "I bet if someone punched her in the gut, she'd just DIE." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:91 msgid "I'll go make the teacher call you the right name." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:94 msgid "No, don't! I don't wanna make a huge deal out of it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:96 msgid "But you SHOULD make a huge deal out of it! It's your name!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:99 msgid "It's fine, John's close enough..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:100 msgid "It looks like the Ant Walk is ready for us now. Everyone, follow me!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:103 msgid "" "Their class continues down the trail, passing a group from another school. " "Many of the kids gawk at her and Jun with unabashed curiosity as they pass " "by." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:104 msgid "" "One boy pulls his eyes into slits with his fingers as his friends giggle." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:105 msgid "Random Boy" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:106 msgid "Herro!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:107 msgid "Me no speak Engrish..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:109 msgid "WHAT THE..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:114 msgid "You wanna go, dickhead!? FIGHT ME!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:116 msgid "Oh, he's mad! Me no rikey!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:119 msgid "I DON'T SOUND LIKE THAT! BITCH!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:126 msgid "Enraged, Min punches the kid in the face!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:127 msgid "" "He topples backward! There's a huge splash as he lands on his butt in the " "shallows of the bayou." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:128 msgctxt "min3_d83b58ed" msgid "Oof!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:129 msgid "" "Min seizes his head before he can get up and dunks it into the muddy water." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:132 msgid "Get him, gators!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:135 msgid "Min, stop it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:136 msgid "Hey, get off him!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:144 msgid "Half an hour later" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:149 msgid "Min sits seething in the backseat as her dad drives her and Jun home." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:152 msgid "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? ARE YOU BRAIN DAMAGED??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:153 msgid "" "Now look, I have to pick you up in the middle of work because you couldn't " "behave yourself!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:155 msgid "I was good...I don't see why {i}I{/i} have to be punished, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:158 msgid "I didn't do anything wrong either!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:161 msgid "Your teacher said you tried to drown a boy!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:165 msgid "HUH?? THAT'S A LIE!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:166 msgid "I was only holding him underwater so the alligators would bite him!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:169 msgid "That's not any better..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:171 msgid "" "Their dad curses and lays down the horn as a Honda changes into their lane." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:174 msgid "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼{/font} = Son of a bitch" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:176 msgid "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼!{/font} HE CUT ME OFF!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:180 msgid "" "The car lurches forward with squealing tires. Her dad is racing to catch up " "to the offending Honda, his eyes wild." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:182 msgid "What's he doing?! He's gone nuts!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:185 msgid "" "A horrible cold wash runs down Min's spine as her dad maintains his " "breakneck speed beside the Honda and lays down the horn." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:189 msgid "AaaAAAH!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:193 msgid "" "Jun screams as their dad violently swerves into the Honda, threatening to " "collide with them. The other driver is forced to veer off the road to avoid " "crashing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:197 msgctxt "minDadCarRide_da52f95f" msgid "What's wrong with you?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:201 msgid "He was at fault! I wasn't going to let him get away with it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:204 msgid "What're you, crazy?! You could've crashed!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:208 msgid "IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR MAKING ME SO MAD IN THE FIRST PLACE!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:210 msgid "IT'S BULLSHIT! HOW COME NO ONE ELSE HAS KIDS AS BRAIN DAMAGED AS YOU?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:211 msgid "Disrespect me again and I'll really make you regret it!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:213 msgid "" "Min remembers the time her dad threw a three pound paperweight at her head " "because she cut her hair short, and goes quiet." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:215 msgid "" "Fuming, her dad pulls over on the side of the road so he can focus on " "yelling at them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:217 msgid "" "Tomorrow at school, you say sorry to your teacher for causing so much " "trouble!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:221 msgid "WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:222 msgid "" "That jerk was asking for it! He was being racist and saying we didn't know " "English!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:226 msgid "" "It doesn't matter what he said! What's gonna happen, you'll lose an arm if " "you don't hit him?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:227 msgid "Don't go crazy when things like that happen!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:230 msgid "" "What about what YOU just did?! You just went ballistic five minutes ago!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:233 msgid "Can't you be more like your brother?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:234 msgid "Jun is so well-behaved." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:237 msgid "You don't understand! You weren't there!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:240 msgid "You think you're the only one who's had a hard time in the world?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:241 msgid "" "People wouldn't even hire me because of my accent! Who wants a manager who's " "an immigrant?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:242 msgid "" "When I got rejected from job after job, what was I gonna do? Complain? Cry " "like a baby?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:244 msgid "" "Why do I have to sit through this lecture, too? I didn't even do anything..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:247 msgid "Be quiet, it's an important life lesson. Just listen." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:248 msgid "" "If I got mad like Min-seo and beat up all the people who rejected me, you " "know what would've happened?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:249 msgid "I would've landed in jail and you'd all starve to death!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:250 msgid "But that's not what happened. Instead I just worked harder." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:251 msgid "I got certifications, studied day and night, and got rid of my accent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:252 msgid "" "And then I was so much more qualified than all the white guys, companies " "were forced to see how skilled I was." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:253 msgid "See? You have to be smart." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:254 msgid "Wasting time whining about it is never going to solve anything." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:255 msgid "This is you, whining!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:257 msgid "Min's dad imitates her in a high-pitched voice." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:259 msgid "\"Wah, so unfair! No fair!\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/3_min.rpy:260 msgid "\"Wah! Wahhh! Crybaby!\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:263 msgid "" "Someday I'm going to kill you...{w=0.35}Someday I'm going to kill you..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:272 msgid "At home, Min and Jun hold an emergency meeting in their room." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:274 msgid "This is an emergency meeting of the \"I Hate Dad\" Club." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:275 msgid "" "Club President and Strike Force Commander Min will read out our agenda today." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:277 msgid "Our agenda today is, COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW MUCH DAD SUCKS!!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:279 msgid "" "If he's so good at not getting mad at work, how come he gets mad at {i}us{/" "i} all the time?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:282 msgid "I mean...I feel like it's all connected." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:284 msgid "Whaddya mean?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:287 msgid "" "Maybe he bottles up all his bad feelings at work, so when we do anything, he " "blows up on us." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:288 msgid "" "In his head, maybe it's okay for him to yell at us because he's our dad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:291 msgid "" "Well, he's not allowed to yell at me for getting mad when he's not any " "better!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:293 msgid "I can't believe he sided with the teacher instead of me! Coward!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:294 msgid "I hate racists! They should all die!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:297 msgid "I feel like he had a point about the fight you got into, though..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:300 msgid "WHAT?!! You're demoted!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:303 msgid "You can't demote me! I'm the Chief Demoter, remember?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:305 msgid "Screw that! You're my own twin and you're betraying me?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:306 msgid "You were there too! You of all people should get how I feel!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:310 msgid "It's your fault I got in trouble!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:312 msgid "" "Dad's right that we shouldn't react like that to bullies. We should try to " "be the bigger person." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:315 msgid "NO!!! THEY HAVE TO DIE!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:316 msgid "If other people are bad, we should get to be just as bad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:319 msgid "Didn't you learn anything today?! We don't {i}get{/i} to be bad!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:320 msgid "It'll just get us in trouble!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:321 msgid "" "And when you talk back to Dad, it just makes him go crazy! When're you gonna " "learn?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:323 msgid "" "He's just like Mom. How come no one will stand up against him except me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:325 msgid "What's your idea then, genius? Be a wimpy loser like him??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:328 msgid "I dunno..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/3_min.rpy:329 msgid "Maybe if we just laugh along, the other kids will wanna be our friends." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:331 msgctxt "iHateDadClub_8683854e" msgid "..........." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:339 msgid "5 years later" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:344 msgid "California" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:351 msgid "Min. Can you act?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:354 msgid "I guess. Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:356 msgid "Can you be in a video we're making? For English." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:358 msgid "Sure, what's the video?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:360 msgid "" "Diya reties her ponytail, but most of her short hair immediately falls out " "of the elastic and ends up framing her face." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:361 msgid "" "Min gently tucks a curly lock behind Diya's ear, making her girlfriend blush " "as her fingertips brush her skin." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:366 msgid "We have to make a video about current events." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:367 msgid "So we chose saving the gray wolves." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:370 msgid "Who's \"we\"?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:373 msgid "Us and Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:376 msgid "How come you guys keep getting these three person group projects?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:377 msgid "My teachers usually do groups of four." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:380 msgid "" "They {i}are{/i} four person projects. It's just that usually, no one else " "wants to be in our group." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:383 msgctxt "forum_23d29ba9" msgid "Oh." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:386 msgid "That's why we need more people to act out the skit we wrote." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:388 msgid "" "Actually, if we just made a few simple cuts to the script, three people " "would be more than enough." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:389 msgid "Your feelings on the subject matter are distorting your judgement." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:391 msgid "No. We need three people for the wolf family alone." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:394 msgid "" "There's no point in showing an entire family of wolves! Just a single wolf " "will suffice!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:396 msgid "No. It's more sad if there's also a mommy and daddy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:398 msgid "Yeah, stop censoring our artistic vision!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:401 msgid "I've never seen you two gang up on Noelle like this before." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:404 msgid "It's because she's wrong about this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:406 msgid "If we're gonna make a video, it's our chance to create a masterpiece!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:407 msgid "We can make it so funny!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:410 msgid "...Funny? That doesn't sound like the same thing Diya's going for." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:413 msgid "I want it to be like How to be Ninja." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:416 msgid "What's that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:419 msgid "You haven't seen it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:422 msgctxt "forum_2f341b42" msgid "No?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:425 msgid "You have to watch it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:426 msgid "" "It's the funniest video I've ever seen! I found it on this website called " "YouTube yesterday." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:427 msgid "I even converted it to mp4 online so I could watch it on my iPod!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:429 msgid "Narrator" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:430 msgid "Second boy in video" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:434 msgid "" "Min puts in one of Akarsha's earbuds so she can hear the video. Akarsha " "takes the other." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:435 msgid "" "In a living room, two teenage boys do cartwheels and kip ups to the song " "\"Kung Fu Fighting\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:437 msgid "Oh, they're both Asian? They look about our age." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:439 msgid "Hey you! Wanna learn how to defend yourself?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:440 msgid "Aren't you tired of bullies picking on you all the time?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:441 msgid "Well, then...How To Be Ninja is the DVD for you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:442 msgid "Boy in video" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:443 msgid "A boy in the video bows." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:444 msgid "" "Herro everyone....My name is Hanete wakuso shiseo tadashite teriyaki suzuki " "honda civic." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:445 msgid "Herro...My name is Bob." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:447 msgid "" "I dunno if I've ever seen two Asian kids like me starring in anything before." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:448 msgid "And they're being funny and everything!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:452 msgid "The first {i}resson{/i} in being a ninja..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:453 msgid "" "Already, Akarsha is cracking up so hard at the kid's line delivery, the iPod " "is quaking in her hands." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:454 msgid "Is to make loud, unnecessary sounds when you hit things." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:456 msgid "Hoo! Kikiki YAH! Wah! Hooooo!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:458 msgid "I've never seen a video like this my whole life! It's hilarious!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:460 msgid "You must be able to transform into anything." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/3_min.rpy:461 msgid "An animal...a tree...a fag...You must be able to imitate ANYONE!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:462 msgid "" "After a kung-fu battle that culminates in one of the kids resorting to using " "fake gun, the bloopers play." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:463 msgid "And we will be teaching {i}youuuuuuu...{/i}" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:464 msgid "" "The boys repeatedly dissolve into laughter over the accent they're doing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:467 msgid "They look like they had so much fun making this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:470 msgid "Right? It's so inspirational!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:471 msgid "They're, like, our age, and they made such an awesome video." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:473 msgid "If they can create something that iconic, so can we!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:475 msgid "" "Must I remind you that this is a school assignment? That we're being GRADED " "on?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:477 msgid "We're still following the grading rubric." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:479 msgid "Are you? I didn't see \"gun for an Academy Award\" on there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:480 msgid "The script you two have written is wildly overambitious." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:482 msgid "Nyeh!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:484 msgid "" "Under the table, Akarsha immobilizes one of Noelle's feet by sandwiching it " "between two of her own feet like tongs." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:486 msgid "Gotchu. Captured." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:489 msgid "I'm not captured!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:491 msgid "" "Noelle wriggles her foot free. When Akarsha tries to trap it again, Noelle " "retaliates by pinning one of Akarsha's feet against the leg of the table." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:493 msgid "" "No fair, I'm wearing flip-flops while you have real shoes. You gotta go easy " "on me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:496 msgid "YOU CHOSE THE BATTLEGROUND! YOU DON'T GET TO COMPLAIN!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:500 msgid "What the hell? They always act so demented around each other." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:501 msgid "" "When you're done playing footsies, can we talk about what you guys actually " "need from me?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:503 msgid "Akarsha and Noelle freeze, looking embarrassed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:505 msgctxt "forum_9d73f57c" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:508 msgid "Hello? Because I'm acting in your project?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:511 msgid "Can you meet us at the park this weekend?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:513 msgid "" "Ya, that's where we're filming. There's a kinda woodsy lookin' spot at the " "edge of it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:516 msgid "Do I need to bring anything?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:519 msgid "No, just you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:520 msgid "We're still working on the script, so we'll give it to you there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:522 msgid "We'll take care of the costumes, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:523 msgid "" "\"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" have a ton of stuff we can use, so they're gonna " "bring it all." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:526 msgid "Cool, I'll be there." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:533 msgid "The park" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:540 msgid "" "When Min gets there, she spots Akarsha waiting in the shade under a tree." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:542 msgid "Where is everyone?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:545 msgid "Noelle said Diya's mom just picked her up." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:547 msgid "" "It's so annoying how Diya's mom has always been fine with Noelle but not me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:550 msgid "" "And \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" are running late 'cuz they couldn't find a hat " "they wanted to bring." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:551 msgid "" "We don't need Chryssa and Liz til the fourth scene or so, so I told them " "they could show up whenever." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:553 msgid "Wait, they're acting in it, too?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:556 msgid "Ya, we pretty much ended up summoning the entire baseball club to help." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:557 msgid "Min joins Akarsha under the shade." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:559 msgid "So any progress on your crush?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:562 msgid "Didn't I already tell you I got rejected?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:564 msgid "" "You told me you half-assed a confession through fucking TEXT before " "chickening out and passing it off as a joke." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:567 msgid "" "Well, I was flirting pretty hard before that happened. So either way, they " "should've gotten the message, at least subliminally." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:569 msgid "Subliminally?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:570 msgid "" "Have you been listening to a thing I've been saying?! Go big or go home!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:571 msgid "I literally can't even tell who it was you were flirting with." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:574 msgid "Okay, I know, I know..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:576 msgid "What's next? Confessing to them on April Fool's Day?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:579 msgid "Actually, that's not a bad idea..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:581 msgid "You've got to be kidding me..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:584 msgid "" "When Diya and Noelle show up, Min runs over and presses a kiss to Diya's " "cheek." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:586 msgctxt "arriveAtPark_56bfc018" msgid "...!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:587 msgctxt "game/3_min.rpy:587" msgid "I love you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:589 msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:592 msgid "I told Diya that phrase meant \"Hi\" a really long time ago." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:593 msgid "Maybe I should come clean about it now that we're actually dating." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:594 msgid "I don't want her to stop saying, it, though..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:596 msgid "Noelle wearily hands Min her script." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:598 msgid "" "While we're waiting for the others, you can at least familiarize yourself " "with your lines." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:600 msgid "It's unseasonally hot out, so Min fans Diya with the script." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:602 msgid "Who am I playing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:605 msgid "The Evil Hunter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:607 msgid "Whoa, sick!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:608 msgid "So what do I do?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:611 msgid "Are you illiterate? Just read the script." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:613 msgid "I will, just gimme the SparkNotes version first." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:618 msgid "" "To summarize, gray wolves are set to be removed from the Endangered species " "list." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:620 msgid "" "I'll be playing a reporter. First, I'll interview an environmentalist, Diya." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:621 msgid "Next, I'll interview you, an Evil Hunter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:623 msgid "Lastly, I'll interview of wolves on their opinion." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:624 msgid "" "During this last interview, the Evil Hunter kills the Wolf Pup, played by " "Akarsha." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:626 msgid "You {i}really{/i} don't like this script, huh?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:629 msgid "It's clearly biased." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:630 msgid "" "It doesn't make sense to extend special treatment to wolves just because " "they're \"cute\" and \"fuzzy\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:632 msgid "It makes sense in my heart." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:635 msgid "" "From an objective, numerical standpoint, their populations have recovered " "enough that these protections are no longer needed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:637 msgid "" "Humans have a thriving population, too. Does that mean aliens are allowed to " "hunt us for sport?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:639 msgid "" "Min reads the script as they argue. It's physically battered and marked with " "edits." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:641 msgid "They must've been fighting over this for hours." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:649 msgid "Guys, wait, I have another idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:651 msgid "" "I just saw a video of a guy setting a pile of leaves on fire, and it " "exploded." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:652 msgid "Can we try to work that into the video too?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:654 msgctxt "arriveAtPark_9a53d3f8" msgid "NO." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:656 msgid "Diya slips her hand into Min's as Akarsha and Noelle argue." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:658 msgctxt "arriveAtPark_d11361e6" msgid "........." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:660 msgid "Looks like we have some time to kill before everyone else arrives." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:663 msgid "Min looks around the park..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:695 msgid "Throw rocks at dead tree stump" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:704 msgid "Look at dead tree stump" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:715 msgid "Search for rocks" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:738 msgid "Look at picnic table" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:747 msgid "Look at the dog" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:755 msgid "Look at playground" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:763 msgid "There's just sand here. No rocks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:768 msgid "" "I'm sad we're too big for playgrounds now. They should make playgrounds for " "teens and adults." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:770 msgid "" "Yeah, all the scenarios we'd come up with while playing pretend were so fun!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:773 msgid "" "My favorite was the one where we pretended we were runaways starting our own " "clan." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:774 msgid "" "That one was so popular, some of the kids joining in weren't even our " "friends." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:776 msgid "" "Sucks that the teachers made us stop because everyone was digging huge holes " "in the ground and making stuff out of mud." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:779 msgid "Was that why? I thought it was because it got too big." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:781 msgid "I remember like, thirty of us were doing it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:783 msgid "Maybe it was a combination of both? I dunno." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:786 msgid "" "I didn't even dig anything. My house was just a bunch of pine needles I " "arranged in a circle shape." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:788 msgid "You mean OUR house? We were married." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:789 msgid "In the pretend world, I mean." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:792 msgid "?????" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:793 msgid "We were?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:795 msgid "" "I saved you from being kidnapped by bandits and I made you marry me as a " "reward." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:798 msgid "You did the exact same thing as the bandits then." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:800 msgid "" "No, I didn't! The bandits wanted you for bad reasons, but I wanted you for " "nice reasons ONLY." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:801 msgid "And didn't you say this game was your favorite? You must've liked it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:804 msgctxt "lookPlayground_1612cdcc" msgid "..............." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:805 msgid "" "Realizing that Min's right, Diya is so embarrassed that she doesn't respond." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:811 msgid "Dog Owner" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:814 msgid "" "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya is almost in tears watching " "a dog run in circles round the park." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:816 msgid "Diya is almost in tears watching the dog run in circles round the park." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:818 msgid "He looks like a banana dipped in chocolate and he doesn't even know it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:820 msgid "God, the way you think is so fucking cute..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:823 msgid "The dog catches a frisbee with its mouth and brings it to its owner." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:824 msgid "Bucket! Good boy!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:826 msgid "Bucket..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:828 msgid "Want me to ask if we can pet it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:831 msgid "No, I think I can do it. Thanks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:833 msgid "Oh, sure. Go for it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:835 msgid "Don't worry, I'll take over if they don't let you pet it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:838 msgid "Diya nods and hesitantly approaches the dog's owner." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:839 msgid "She stands about a foot behind him, unnoticed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:841 msgctxt "lookDog_74a1a48c" msgid "...." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:842 msgctxt "lookDog_d11361e6" msgid "........." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:844 msgid "She must be psyching herself up to do it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:847 msgctxt "lookDog_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:848 msgid "....................." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:849 msgid "Can I pet your dog?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:851 msgid "Wugh!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:852 msgctxt "lookDog_e934c1c9" msgid "You scared me!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:853 msgid "Sure, you can pet him." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:855 msgid "Bucket happily rolls over on his back, exposing his belly." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:857 msgid "!!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:858 msgid "" "Diya gives the dog a hearty belly rub as he blissfully writhes around in the " "grass." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:859 msgid "Sweetheart/darling; used between lovers" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:861 msgid "{font=korean.ttf}자기야.{/font} " msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:863 msgid "Do you wanna pet it too." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:865 msgid "She's talking to me!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:867 msgid "Pet the dog" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:867 msgid "Don't pet the dog" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:869 msgid "" "Min rubs the dog's belly with both hands. His rough fur is a little smelly." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:870 msgid "When she stops, the dog looks up at her expectantly." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:872 msgid "He's asking for more." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:874 msgid "" "You're still petting him, too! He really wants a whole crew massaging him at " "once?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:878 msgid "It's okay. I'm happy just watching you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:880 msgid "" "Diya keeps rubbing Bucket's belly with both hands, but he keeps looking up " "at Min expectantly." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:882 msgid "He's asking you to join." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:884 msgid "" "You're already petting him! He really wants a whole crew massaging him at " "once?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:888 msgid "After a solid five minutes, Bucket still hasn't had enough pets." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:889 msgid "It's okay, you can stop...I don't wanna keep you guys all day..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:891 msgid "Oh, okay. Thanks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:894 msgid "Wait, have you seen any huge rocks around here?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:896 msgid "Uh...How about the one over there?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:897 msgid "He points at a slab of rock lying in the dirt." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:899 msgid "Yeah, perfect!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:901 msgid "Now we just need to find a rock for me, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:904 msgctxt "lookDog_13b767b1" msgid "This one's for me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:906 msgctxt "lookDog_c98a4a9b" msgid "This one's for you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:912 msgid "Min squeezes Diya's hand as the guy walks off with his dog." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:914 msgid "You did good talking to that guy!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:923 msgid "I'm trying to get better at it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:925 msgid "" "Used to think I was just awkward because of my ear, but I think I partially " "picked it up from my mom." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:926 msgid "" "She's old and still scared of answering the phone and talking to strangers." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:927 msgid "I wanna be different." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:929 msgid "Oh, I get that feeling. I don't want to be like my dad, no matter what." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:930 msgid "" "That's why I'll never have kids. I'd never wanna do the things he did to me, " "to someone else." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:933 msgid "You wouldn't be like him. You're not a bad person." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:935 msgid "But I'm worried it's easy to do it by accident..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:940 msgid "" "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya watches the dog running " "around." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:943 msgid "I don't see any more rocks around here." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:944 msgid "We should look somewhere else." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:948 msgid "" "If I were in charge of naming that dog, I'd name him \"Banana Dipped in " "Chocolate\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:950 msgid "That's way too long!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:953 msgid "His first name can be Banana. Middle name Diptin, last name Chocolate." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:955 msgid "That's still the exact same length!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:960 msgid "There's a decently big slab lying in the dirt." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:963 msgid "We both have rocks now!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:964 msgid "Let's go throw them at the tree stump!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:967 msgctxt "lookDog_fd841d5d" msgid "Okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:972 msgid "This rock'll work!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:973 msgid "Now we just need to find one for me, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:976 msgctxt "lookDog_13b767b1_1" msgid "This one's for me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:978 msgctxt "lookDog_c98a4a9b_1" msgid "This one's for you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:984 msgctxt "lookTreeStump_69d82d93" msgid "It's a dead husk of a tree stump." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:987 msgid "Diya! Let's throw rocks at this tree stump!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:988 msgid "I bet we can knock the bark off of it!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:991 msgctxt "lookTreeStump_712cbc7c" msgid "Okay." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:992 msgid "" "They survey the ground for rocks to throw, but there's only dirt and twigs." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:994 msgid "We should look around for big rocks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:997 msgid "Good idea." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1001 msgctxt "lookTreeStump_69d82d93_1" msgid "It's a dead husk of a tree stump." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1004 msgid "We don't have enough rocks to throw at this yet." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1005 msgid "Diya and I each need one, otherwise it's not fair." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1007 msgid "We still need to find some big rocks to throw at it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1018 msgid "Ester is seated at the bench, fiddling with a camcorder." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1020 msgid "Oh, you're here too?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1023 msgid "Yeah, I'm being the cameraman." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1024 msgid "Akarsha kept insisting I'd be good at it 'cause I'm \"artsy\", so..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1027 msgid "Did she do something to her hair? It looks way different than usual." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1028 msgid "Wow, your hair's so flat today." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1031 msgid "........Thanks...???" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1033 msgid "Ester gives her a weird look." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1035 msgid "Meanwhile, Diya searches the ground for big rocks." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1039 msgid "" "Ester raises her eyebrows as Diya and Min search the ground for big rocks." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1042 msgid "Ester's playing with the camcorder settings." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1048 msgctxt "lookTable_a5bd083b" msgid "What're you doing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1050 msgid "Looking for rocks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1052 msgid "Have you seen any." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1054 msgid "There's a pretty big one over there." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1055 msgid "Ester points to a large stone on the ground." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1057 msgctxt "lookTable_1c63452a" msgid "!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1059 msgctxt "lookTable_46384388" msgid "Thanks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1062 msgid "This one's as big as my fist!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1063 msgid "Yeah, this'll work!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1066 msgid "Work for what...??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1088 msgid "YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1090 msgid "Min hurls a rock at the dead stump!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1096 msgid "" "It hits it with a {i}thwack{/i}, causing a small piece of dry bark to fly " "off." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1098 msgctxt "throwRocks_17e6d0f5" msgid "!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1100 msgid "Cool." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1102 msgid "Yeah...She's so impressed by me!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1103 msgid "I bet she wants to kiss me so bad." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1105 msgid "Diya follows Min's lead and fires a rock at the stump!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1111 msgid "" "It slams into the stump so hard, its top half explodes in a shower of bark " "shards." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1114 msgid "WHOA!!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1115 msgid "THAT WAS SO BADASS!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1118 msgctxt "throwRocks_46384388" msgid "Thanks." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1121 msgid "She's the most perfect girl in the world!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1124 msgid "" "Min has to hold herself back from grabbing Diya and kissing her senseless." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1126 msgid "I wish we didn't have to hide that we're dating." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1127 msgid "" "I get why we have to. But I wish I could just shout it from the " "mountaintops, that you're my girlfriend." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1130 msgid "It's still true even if you can't say it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1132 msgid "But it'd be nice to say it so everyone knows." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1135 msgid "Yeah...I know what you mean." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1137 msgid "I wish we could go on more dates. I want to go everywhere with you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1138 msgid "The aquarium, PetSmart...Home Depot lights section...Airplane..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1140 msgid "Airplane?? Why, do you like flying?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1143 msgid "" "Not really. I like looking out the window and eating the pretzel packet." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1144 msgid "" "And Southwest gives you a little stirrer with your drink that's shaped like " "a heart. But that's it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1146 msgid "We haven't done it together before though, so I think it'd be fun." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1147 msgid "I wanna see how you react to it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1149 msgid "" "Me, too. I want to see your face when they give you the heart-shaped stirrer " "thing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1151 msgid "" "We should each ask for a different free beverage and share, so I get to try " "two drinks instead of just one." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1153 msgid "Imagining it makes Min's heart feel like it's going to explode." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1154 msgid "" "Forgetting her surroundings, Min surges forward to kiss her just as Diya " "does the same, causing their mouths to crash together unexpectedly hard." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1156 msgid "Ough!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1159 msgid "Sorry. Got too excited." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1161 msgid "That was the worst kiss ever." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1164 msgid "Let's redo it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1166 msgid "Wait, won't people see us?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1169 msgid "Oops. I forgot." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1170 msgid "Maybe we should lie down in the grass." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1172 msgid "Huh? Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1175 msgid "That way, it'll look like we're just wrestling." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1180 msgid "" "Diya lies down, and Min gets on top of her and starts making out with her. " "It doesn't look anything like wrestling." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1184 msgid "Diya clutches at Min's back as Min presses kiss after kiss to her lips." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1186 msgctxt "throwRocks_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1189 msgid "You're so cute. Do you know that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1192 msgid "Maybe a little..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1199 msgid "Diya goes still underneath her, suddenly looking uncomfortable." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1201 msgctxt "throwRocks_68f8e2f6" msgid "What's wrong?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1204 msgid "A bug crawled under my shirt." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1208 msgid "" "Diya sits up and unsuccessfully gropes around under her hoodie for the bug." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1211 msgid "" "Every neuron in Min's brain misfires as Diya hikes her hoodie all the way up " "over her bra, exposing her bare torso." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1214 msgid "Oohhhhhh........" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1215 msgid "I'm looking respectfully...I'm looking respectfully..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1218 msgid "Don't know where it went..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1221 msgid "" "Min is so distracted that it takes her a few seconds to notice the bug " "crawling on Diya's chest." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1224 msgid "Oh, it's just a beetle. I got it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1227 msgid "" "She grabs hold of it just as Akarsha and Noelle come jogging up to them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1233 msgid "Everyone has arrived. We should get in costume now." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1237 msgid "...!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1240 msgid "Diya frantically pulls her hoodie back on." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1242 msgid "Uh...Whoa..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1246 msgid "I was just helping her, a bug crawled up her shirt." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1249 msgid "...Where was it gonna crawl next? Down her pants??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1253 msgid "What the fuck? That's not what was happening!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1256 msgid "Look, the bug's right here!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1258 msgid "Min raises her hand to show it to them, but it's gone." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1260 msgctxt "throwRocks_93192951" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1262 msgid "It must've flown off." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1264 msgid "" "I mean, I'm not judging. If I had a ticket to Boobs City I know what I'd be " "doing too..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1265 msgid "But literally HERE, in broad daylight? Really??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1270 msgid "Oh, for fuck's sake! We literally weren't doing anything!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1274 msgid "" "Diya's face is still flushed pink as they walk over to the others, hand in " "hand." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1276 msgctxt "throwRocks_a9db357b_1" msgid ".........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1278 msgid "Hey, was she making you uncomfortable?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1279 msgid "I can make her stop." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1282 msgid "...No, it's okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1284 msgid "Thanks for asking. I feel pampered with you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1286 msgid "Good, 'cause you deserve to be pampered." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1297 msgid "" "The group gathers around \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" as they haul a pile of " "clothes and props out of a duffel bag." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1299 msgid "" "Sorry we're late, I was turning my closet upside down trying to find " "everything." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1300 msgid "Any objections if I play music from my phone?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1302 msgid "Are you gonna play anime openings?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1304 msgid ".........Maybe........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1306 msgid "Then yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1308 msgid "How about K-Pop?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1309 msgid "I just discovered this amazing group called Super Junior." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1311 msgid "I don't know what that is. You can play ONE song." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1313 msgid "Yosh!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1315 msgid "" "She plays a song from her phone speakers and tries to untangle a Nerf gun " "from a coat belt." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1316 msgid "K-Pop song" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1317 msgid "The people around me tell me..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:1318 msgid "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}주변 사람들은 말해{/font} " "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1319 msgid "I’m too aggressive..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:1320 msgid "" "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}내가 너무 적극적{/font} " "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1323 msgctxt "throwRocks_cc159e1e" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:1326 msgid "Oh, this isn't so bad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1328 msgid "Isn't it great? Korean guys are so much better than American guys." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1330 msgctxt "throwRocks_5d8c72f6" msgid "How so?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1332 msgid "" "They're all so beautiful and kind-hearted. Not smelly pervs like the guys " "here." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1333 msgid "I need to find myself an Oppa..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1335 msgid "This is weird...Should I say something?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1337 msgid "" "I guess she doesn't mean any harm by it...She's trying to appreciate the " "culture." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1344 msgid "Here, Min, this trenchcoat's yours." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1345 msgid "" "It's my brother's Yoite costume. It's supposed to have a hat too, but I " "think he lost it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1348 msgid "Yo-eeteh...? The fuck is that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1350 msgid "From the amazing series Nabari no Ou, duh." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1352 msgid "Wait a minute...Is this all anime stuff?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1354 msgid "I believe the correct term is \"cosplay\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1357 msgid "WHAT?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1359 msgid "Akarsha! I thought you meant normal costumes! Like Halloween costumes!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1361 msgid "You didn't ask, so..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1364 msgid "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1367 msgid "My baby wolf costume." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:1371 msgid "How do I look?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1373 msgid "" "Like someone wearing cat ears. Is this really gonna come across as \"wolf\"?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1375 msgid "Yuki, this would've been more convincing if you had fursuits." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1377 msgid "" "Fursuits are so expensive, though. I might become a doctor just to be able " "to afford them someday." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1378 msgid "Also, you guys don't have to call me Yuki anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1379 msgid "" "I realized a few days ago that going by a Japanese name in real life is " "kinda weird if you're not actually Japanese." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1381 msgid "Me too, actually. Even if we love anime, it's a bit much." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1383 msgid "It took you all the way til now to realize that...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1385 msgid "Well, better late than never. Thank god." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1387 msgid "So what {i}are{/i} your names?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1389 msgid "Grace" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1390 msgid "Sayeeda" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:1392 msgid "Grace." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1394 msgid "Grace?! What the..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:1397 msgid "And my real name is Sayeeda." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1399 msgid "At least that one sounds {i}kinda{/i} like Sakura." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1401 msgid "Akarsha, what does your outfit have to do with being a wolf?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1403 msgid "You only need the ears and paws to get the point across." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1405 msgid "So you're saying I should be naked?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1408 msgid "NO, I'M NOT!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1415 msgid "Diya holds up her \"environmentalist\" costume." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1417 msgid "Where do I change?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1419 msgid "" "I used the restroom over there. It's just the one family room, so you'll all " "have to take turns getting changed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1421 msgid "Unless, y'know, you want Min to \"get more bugs off you\"..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1426 msgid "" "YOU FREAK WHORE!!! YOU'RE DERANGED IF YOU THINK I'M FUCKING HER IN A PARK " "BATHROOM!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1429 msgid "One way ticket to Boobs City..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1432 msgid "WHA— STOP CALLING MY GIRLFRIEND \"BOOBS CITY\"??!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1433 msgid "WHY'RE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH THAT PHRASE NOW?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1438 msgid "...I'll go now..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1442 msgid "" "In the meantime, Min, can you help me pitch this tent? It's going to be the " "setting of your first scene." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1444 msgid "Ugh, fine." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1447 msgid "I can help, too. Since I don't need to get in costume." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1452 msgid "Min helps Ester and Noelle carry the box with the tent in it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1454 msgid "" "I don't understand why Akarsha keeps making those crass jokes about you two." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1455 msgid "It's not as if two girls can actually have sexual relations." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1457 msgid "...What the hell are you talking about? Yes they can?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1460 msgid "Are you dense? Humans weren't evolved for that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1461 msgid "The anatomy makes it impossible." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1463 msgid "How's it impossible? You can use other body parts, like your fingers." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1466 msgid "Fingers?! You must be mistaken." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1468 msgid "Are we really having this conversation right now?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1471 msgid "No, it's true. I mean, girls' love manga is a thing..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1473 msgid "...What...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1475 msgid "Did you think lesbians gave up sex for life???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1479 msgctxt "tentSetup_9ec3f8f5" msgid "...................." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1481 msgid "Is she serious?! How sheltered is she??" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1483 msgid "Noelle is so shocked that she doesn't speak for a while." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1485 msgid "" "Ester wipes sweat off her brow and points at a clearing in the dry grass." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1488 msgid "That spot over there might look nice on film." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1490 msgid "" "Isn't it a bit close to the ravine, though? There's a steep downhill slope " "right behind it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1492 msgid "" "So? It's not like the tent's gonna teleport backwards after we've nailed it " "down." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1495 msgid "Yeah, unless a typhoon blows us over I think it'll be fine." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1497 msgid "Alright, I see that I'm outnumbered." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1498 msgid "But don't say I didn't warn you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1500 msgid "" "Min hears rustling behind her. She turns around and sees Akarsha making a " "leaf pile." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1502 msgctxt "tentSetup_c19b46b4" msgid "Heheheh..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1504 msgid "Wait, is she trying the exploding leaf thing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1507 msgid "AKARSHA!!! THAT'S NOT ALLOWED!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1509 msgid "" "As Noelle chases after Akarsha, Min and Ester lay out their tent in the spot " "they picked." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1511 msgid "She's so friggin' anal. She's probably sexually attracted to laws." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1515 msgid "I bet she loses her mind whenever she sees jaywalkers." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1517 msgid "She DOES!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1519 msgid "" "It's like she thinks someone's gonna go \"Good job Noelle, you're the best " "at following the rules!\" and give her a gold star for it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1523 msgid "Min squints in confusion at the steps to set up the tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1525 msgid "I can't picture this shit...Where do the poles go?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1527 msgid "They criss-cross in the middle, see?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1528 msgid "Here, just hold that end and stick it through the metal ring." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1532 msgid "Like magic, the tent pops out into the third dimension." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1534 msgid "Holy shit. You're like a camping progidy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1537 msgid "I mean, all I did was follow the instructions..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1538 msgid "Now we just have to drive the stakes into the ground." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1545 msgid "" "Min pounds each stake into the dirt with a large stone, enthralled that " "hitting something is actually constructive for once." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1547 msgid "Fuck yeah!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1550 msgid "" "Meanwhile, Ester takes her sketchbook out of her backpack and starts writing " "in it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1552 msgctxt "tentSetup_8071f618" msgid "What're you doing?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1555 msgid "Ester stops, looking embarrassed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1557 msgid "" "I'm writing down what you said earlier as inspiration for my webcomic. Like, " "for character dialogue." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1558 msgid "" "I've started doing this whenever something interesting happens so I can " "remember later." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1560 msgid "Huh? What'd I say that was interesting?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1563 msgid "You said I was a camping \"progidy.\" Y'know, instead of a \"prodigy.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1565 msgid "What's so special about that? They're pretty much the same anyway." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1567 msgid "I dunno, I just thought it was a neat detail." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1569 msgid "Obviously I'll only use it if you're okay with it, though!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1571 msgid "I mean, sure, I don't really care." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1572 msgid "What's it for, again? A comic?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1575 msgid "Yep." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1577 msgid "What, like Garfield?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1580 msgid "Huh?? No, it's nothing like that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1582 msgid "" "It's still a work in progress, but's about a bunch of " "teenagers who have the power to shift into alternate dimensions." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1583 msgid "It's kinda sci-fi-y, I guess." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1585 msgid "Oh, so like a superhero comic?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1588 msgid "" "No, there's no supervillains or anything. All their problems come from the " "way they use their own powers." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1589 msgid "" "Like, while you're in the parallel universe, you're gone from your original " "universe, right?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1590 msgid "" "But what if you get tied up with something while there, and can't come back?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1592 msgid "That'd suck ass." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1593 msgid "I wouldn't get to see Diya or my friends anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1595 msgid "" "Exactly! No one from the world you left behind would know why you " "disappeared, and you'd become a missing person there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1597 msgid "" "I always get so stressed out about that when reading Narnia and time travel " "stories." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1599 msgid "I've never heard her talk this much before." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1600 msgid "She must really be hyped about her webcomic." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1604 msgid "" "...Anyway, a lot of miscommunication happens between the characters because " "of issues like that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1606 msgid "" "No offense, but I can't stand stories that revolve around misunderstandings." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1607 msgid "" "It's so frustrating when the whole problem is literally just people being " "bad at talking." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1608 msgid "If you hurt someone, it should be on purpose." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1611 msgid "But those kinds of problems are the most realistic." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1612 msgid "In real life, people hurt each other by accident all the time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1614 msgid "Like how?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1616 msgid "" "You know how before our school became 93%% Asian, it used to have a football " "team?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1618 msgid "" "They died 'cause Asians don't care about football, right? Same as the real " "baseball team." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1620 msgid "Yeah. No one would go to the games." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1621 msgid "" "As a last-ditch effort to help them last year, my math teacher offered us " "two points of extra credit for coming to a football game." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1622 msgid "So I went, to help my grade." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1624 msgid "" "But as soon as I got home, my dad yelled at me for going to a game instead " "of studying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1625 msgid "He didn't get that we had the exact same goal, me getting good grades." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1627 msgid "Wait, what ethnicity are you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1630 msgid "Huh? I'm Black and Chinese." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1632 msgid "And your dad's the Black one?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1635 msgid "Uh...Yeah, he is?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1639 msgid "I didn't know Black people cared about grades." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1642 msgid ".......That's like...pretty racist of you to say..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1644 msgid "Bewildered, Min completely misses the tent stake she was trying to hit." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1647 msgid "Huh?! How is it racist??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1650 msgid "Why would you assume Black people don't care about their grades?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1652 msgid "I didn't mean it as a diss or anything." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1653 msgid "" "{i}I{/i} don't care about grades either, it's not like I was looking down on " "them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1658 msgid "But...but why even bring my race into it like that??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1663 msgid "I was just asking a question!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1664 msgid "Didn't {i}you{/i} bring up race first? You were talking about Asians!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1667 msgid "I'm Asian so I'm allowed to say that!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1669 msgid "" "Sure, whatever. If I knew you'd be so fucking sensitive about it, I wouldn't " "have asked in the first place." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1672 msgid "Wow...So instead of saying sorry, you're insulting me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1675 msgid "Wh—Why the hell should I apologize?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1676 msgid "" "I wasn't even trying to be offensive! It's not like I purposefully called " "you the N word or something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1682 msgid "WOW, THANKS FOR NOT CALLING ME THE N WORD????" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1684 msgid "I'm just saying you're overreacting!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1686 msgid "" "There's REAL racist people out there who hate minorities, and you're calling " "ME racist just because I accidentally made one little mistake?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1689 msgid "" "It's not just one little mistake! You say weird, ignorant stuff like this " "all the time!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1691 msgid "No, I don't! Like what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1694 msgid "Like when you randomly told me my hair was flat!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1695 msgid "What was I even supposed to say to that?? \"Yours too\"???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1698 msgid "GET A GRIP! THAT'S NOT EVEN REAL RACISM!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1701 msgid "" "You're seriously trying to explain what racism is to ME? A Black and Chinese " "person???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1703 msgid "Look, I'm a minority too! Us even fighting is so dumb!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1706 msgid "You being Asian doesn't mean you're not racist!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1707 msgid "The worst racism I've EVER seen was when I went to China!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1708 msgid "God, you're being so stupid!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1714 msgid "Ester throws her stake down and storms off!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1715 msgid "" "Dumbfounded, Min just stands there with her heart racing a mile a minute." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1719 msgid "How did it blow up like this?! I wasn't even trying to start something!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1721 msgid "Shit! Did anyone else hear us fighting?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1723 msgid "" "Min nervously looks around, paranoid that her friends heard what happened." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1725 msgid "It's hard to tell if they did..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1727 msgid "" "Min frantically hammers the last stake in place, her stomach churning with a " "mixture of shame and panic." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1729 msgid "" "She hears footsteps behind her, and nearly has a heart attack when she turns " "to see Chryssa walking over." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1733 msgid "OH FUCK!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1735 msgid "" "What if Ester told Chryssa I'm racist against Black people? She's Black too!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1736 msgid "I don't want her to hate me! She might even kick me off the team!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1738 msgid "Need any help with the tent?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1740 msgid "Nah, I'm good." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1743 msgid "I guess you could say it's...not tent to be." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1746 msgid "I should be extra careful not to offend her..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1747 msgid "Ha...ha...Great joke..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1749 msgid "Thank you! I feel like not enough people appreciate my puns." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1751 msgid "" "Having donned her \"reporter\" costume, Noelle returns to place a sleeping " "bag inside the tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1753 msgid "Min, it's your turn to get changed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1754 msgid "Where did Ester go? We're about to start shooting." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1756 msgid "I can't tell her Ester left because she thinks I'm racist!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1757 msgid "Uh......She just randomly walked off." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1760 msgid "What? How come?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1762 msgid "Who knows? She's so weird." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1766 msgid "" "In the park's restroom, Min quickly changes into her \"Evil Hunter\" get-up." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1770 msgid "I'm going to be sweating buckets wearing all this in this weather." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1771 msgid "Thank god they couldn't find the hat, or it would've been even worse." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1774 msgid "Diya perks up when Min rejoins the group." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1776 msgid "You look cool." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1777 msgid "You should get a coat like that for real." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1778 msgid "" "Normally, this would send Min over the moon, but she feels so sick to her " "stomach, she can't properly appreciate it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1780 msgctxt "tentSetup_ada8bd3f" msgid "Thanks..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1781 msgid "It's me, your racist girlfriend..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1782 msgid "" "Diya definitely wouldn't want to be with me anymore if she found out I was " "racist..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1787 msgid "Do I look okay?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1789 msgid "You look so cute in glasses." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1794 msgid "" "Is this a character from something? It does kinda give off \"nerdy animal " "lover\" energy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1797 msgid "No idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1799 msgid "Ester, I like your hair." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1801 msgid "Oh yeah? Thanks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1803 msgid "Bun buddies." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1805 msgid "Bun buddies..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1809 msgid "They begin shooting the first scene in front of some trees." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1810 msgid "Reporter" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1812 msgid "This is the Channel 2 News, reporting from Boise, Idaho." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1813 msgid "" "Environmentalists have been in an uproar ever since the Obama Administration " "approved the delisting of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1816 msgid "" "Even replaying the conversation in her mind is getting Min worked up again." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1818 msgid "I can't believe Ester had the nerve to call me racist!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1819 msgid "" "When we were in Florida, kids used to call me and my brother Chinks, and " "tried to beat us up!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1820 msgid "" "Why would I be racist when I hate racists more than anyone?! It doesn't make " "sense!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1821 msgid "I wasn't even trying to insult her!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1823 msgid "" "Like, good luck going through life getting offended by every tiny thing you " "see." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1825 msgid "Right?! Are my standards just totally messed up or something?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1827 msgid "" "Min stomps on a random twig and crushes it into tiny pieces beneath her " "combat boots." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1829 msgctxt "tentSetup_93212e9d" msgid "............." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1830 msgctxt "tentSetup_a7740241" msgid "What's wrong?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1832 msgid "Ugh. I'm just having a weird day..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1833 msgid "Do you think I'm racist?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1836 msgid "...??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1837 msgid "No...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1839 msgid "How come?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1842 msgid "You're good to me, and curious about other cultures." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1843 msgctxt "tentSetup_da6af4d3" msgid "Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1853 msgid "No reason. Just checking..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1859 msgid "Okay, we got it. Let's move on to the next shot." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1861 msgid "Diya goes over to stand in front of the camera." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1863 msgid "Ma'am, can you introduce yourself?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1864 msgid "Environmentalist" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1866 msgid "" "{small}I'm an environmentalist with a degree in wildlife ecology. My " "research has led me to believe that...{/small}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1868 msgid "Bro, can you speak up a little?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1871 msgid "" "After a few takes, they manage to capture a halfway audible clip of Diya " "talking. They move on to the next scene..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1878 msgid "" "Soon, it's time for the Evil Hunter's interview. Min reviews her lines " "before getting into place." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:1880 msgid "Okay, I'm set up. Action." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1883 msgid "" "Next, I'm interviewing a hunter who's camped out in the Idaho wilderness." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1886 msgctxt "sceneFilming_0d8ed4b7" msgid "" "Hello there. How do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the " "Endangered Species list?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:1889 msgid "" "Ester could straight up ruin my whole life if she said something right now..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1891 msgid "Evil Hunter" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1892 msgid "I...Uh..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1895 msgid "...Yes?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1897 msgid "Gimme a minute, I just woke up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1900 msgid "...It's the afternoon." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1903 msgid "The sleeping bag I was sleeping on was full of rocks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1906 msgctxt "sceneFilming_1478c377" msgid "......." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1908 msgid "Anyway, I feel ecstatic about the delisting!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1909 msgid "I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1912 msgid "Hold up, cut!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1913 msgid "Ya skipped a line." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1916 msgid "What line?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1919 msgid "" "The part about how the delisting removed protections for wolves from hunters." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1921 msgid "Oh, right." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1925 msgctxt "sceneFilming_0d8ed4b7_1" msgid "" "Hello there. How do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the " "Endangered Species list?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1927 msgid "" "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and..." "and..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1929 msgid "Sweating profusely, Min tries to focus and remember her line..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1931 msgctxt "sceneFilming_cd2045ac" msgid "............." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1934 msgid "...Ma'am? Hello?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1936 msgid "Don't call me ma'am." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1939 msgid "Wha...Why not?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1941 msgid "I don't like it. I'm not a woman or something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1944 msgid "Are we talking about your character, or in real life?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1946 msgid "Cut! C'mon, don't break the fourth wall." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1948 msgid "After Min botches their tenth try, Noelle looks about ready to explode." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:1953 msgid "" "Are you even trying right now? We're going to be stuck here all day because " "of you!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1955 msgid "Shut up! I am too trying!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:1958 msgid "Why don't we take a little break? It'll probably help us all reset." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1960 msgid "Yeah, let's go stare at the lake or something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:1961 msgid "We can hide all our backpacks and stuff in the tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:1963 msgid "I guess it can't hurt..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1975 msgid "" "The group trudges over to the lake. Diya sits down with Min by the water's " "edge..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1990 msgid "Look at the lake" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1990 msgid "Study your lines again" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:1990 msgid "Glance over at Ester" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:1995 msgid "Ugh...I hate nature-y lakes like this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1998 msgctxt "lakeLoop_da6af4d3" msgid "Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:1999 msgid "It's nice here." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2001 msgid "It just reminds me of shit that happened to me in Florida." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2004 msgctxt "lakeLoop_25f1bee1" msgid "What happened?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2006 msgid "I mean, it's pretty much the same as the other stories I told you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2007 msgid "I was just on a field trip that got ruined by racists." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2009 msgid "So now places like this are cursed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2012 msgctxt "lakeLoop_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2014 msgid "What did you mean earlier? About not being a woman." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2015 msgid "Do you mean age-wise?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2017 msgid "Oh...It's hard to explain." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2018 msgid "" "I've never really told this to anyone before. It's probably going to be " "confusing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2020 msgid "That's okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2023 msgid "I don't really like being thought of as a girl." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2024 msgid "But I'm not 100%% removed from it, if that makes sense?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2026 msgid "Being called a woman or a lady is way worse. Like, disgusting." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2027 msgid "" "I definitely don't want strangers seeing me to think \"Oh, that's a woman.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2030 msgid "...What do you want them to think?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2033 msgid "...I dunno..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2035 msgid "I'm still figuring that part out." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2048 msgid "Diya tilts her head, perplexed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2049 msgctxt "lakeLoop_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2051 msgid "" "Don't get me wrong, \"girl\" is my favorite gender! Like, you're a girl, and " "you're the best thing that ever happened to me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2054 msgid "" "I just only feel any connection to {i}being{/i} a girl in really specific " "situations." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2057 msgid "No, I know." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2058 msgid "Sorry. Just trying to wrap my head around it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2059 msgid "...Can I still call you my girlfriend?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2061 msgid "Yeah! I like being your girlfriend." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2063 msgid "" "And I like being lesbian. I'm not that into the \"being a girl\" part, but I " "relate super hard with the \"no interest in men\" part." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2065 msgid "" "It's more stuff like being called \"ma'am\" or \"Mrs.\" that really skeeves " "me out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2066 msgid "" "I know it doesn't make that much sense. Like, gender's not real in the first " "place, so..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2069 msgid "No, it makes sense." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2070 msgid "Feel like I already knew that before you said it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2072 msgid "You're okay with it?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2074 msgid "To Min's relief, Diya nods." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2076 msgid "It's very you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2077 msgid "It's kind of cool. You're like a gender outlaw." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2079 msgid "Yeah! That's me." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2081 msgid "" "I'm so lucky to have the sweetest, kindest, purest girlfriend in the world " "who has to be protected at all costs..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2082 msgid "I definitely can't let her find out about the racist thing..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2085 msgid "Min continues watching the clear, rippling water." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2086 msgid "All of a sudden, Noelle yelps and turns indignantly to Akarsha." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2088 msgid "Did you just throw a rock at me?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2090 msgid "Nope? Maybe it was the water." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2093 msgid "The WATER threw a rock at me??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2095 msgid "It was just a lil pebble, right? I bet the waves could've picked it up." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2097 msgid "She definitely threw the rock at her." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2100 msgid "Chryssa sighs from the bench she and Liz are sitting on." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2102 msgid "Why is it that wherever we go, we end up babysitting people?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2103 msgid "Do you think it's firstborn child syndrome?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2105 msgid "You might be onto something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2107 msgid "" "My siblings are pretty immature, so it's usually up to me to make sure the " "house doesn't burn down." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2109 msgid "" "What if we started acting really immature too? Then someone else'll be " "forced to pick up the slack." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2111 msgid "How do you propose we do that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2113 msgid "I dunno...Maybe we should just start talking with no filter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2114 msgid "" "Instead of thinking about what we say, we just say whatever pops into our " "minds first." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2116 msgid "Very interesting..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2123 msgid "Min rereads the script." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2124 msgid "" "When she reaches the end of the packet, she flips it over to make sure " "there's nothing on the back." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2125 msgid "" "To her horror, the backside is covered with a dense array of numbers and " "numerical operations." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2127 msgid "The heck is this?! It looks like a serial killer wrote on it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2130 msgid "Oh, it's just a puzzle I made up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2132 msgid "" "Using the digits 1, 2, 5, and 7 only once each, you create expressions using " "any operations that result in each integer from 0 to 100." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2134 msgid "What in the actual hell would possess you to do that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2137 msgid "It's called curiosity." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2139 msgid "When I look at a clock, I like to make the numbers do this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2141 msgid "When I look at a clock, it's 'cause I wanna know what time it is." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2142 msgid "God, you're fucked in the head." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2146 msgid "Ester is sitting with Grace and Sayeeda on a nearby log." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2148 msgid "Should I try to talk to her?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2149 msgid "That might piss her off even worse. I probably shouldn't." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:2152 msgid "" "I wish my hair would go prematurely grey. Having white hair would be so cool." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2154 msgctxt "lakeLoop_45dabef1" msgid "Me too..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2156 msgid "Even though no one else would see it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2158 msgid "That's not true, I can show my hair to my family and other girls." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:2160 msgid "" "It's true, she used to charge other girls $20 to see her hair in the girls " "bathroom." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2162 msgid "How'd you know? Did you pay to see it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:2164 msgctxt "lakeLoop_79d69818" msgid "Yup." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2166 msgid "" "If you're interested, Ester, I'll let you see it for a special discount of " "$10." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2168 msgid "I'll pass." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2170 msgid "You sure? Limited time offer." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:2172 msgid "Why's it limited time? Your hair's always gonna be there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2174 msgid "For all you know, I could be dyeing it a crazy new color every day." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2175 msgid "" "It could be blue, purple, pink...And you'll never know unless you check!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:2177 msgid "Oh, crap. Maybe I should pay to see it again..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2179 msgid "You're seriously falling for that?!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2189 msgid "After the brief break, the group gets back to filming." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2194 msgid "Take 11. Action." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2197 msgid "" "Hello, how do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered " "Species list?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2199 msgid "" "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and " "Montana." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2200 msgid "" "Now it's legal for me to hunt them. I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2204 msgid "" "When they finally get through the whole scene, Diya rewards Min with a quick " "peck on the cheek." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2206 msgid "Good job." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2208 msgid "I'm all sweaty and nasty right now, you don't have to do that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2211 msgid "You're not nasty. I don't mind it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2213 msgid "" "Noelle grumbles as she sits next to Akarsha at the picnic table and takes a " "sip of water." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2216 msgid "I still can't believe you threw a rock at my face." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2218 msgid "Hey, that is a GROSS exaggeration." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2220 msgid "Wait, so you admit it was you who threw it now?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2223 msgid "" "First of all, I LOBBED it. Second of all, I lobbed it at her neck, not her " "face." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2226 msgid "WELL, IT HIT MY FACE!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2228 msgid "" "Intent matters here! You're makin' it sound way worse than it really was!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2230 msgid "" "Yeah, intent does matter! I didn't mean to hurt Ester's feelings either!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2233 msgid "" "Min uneasily glances over at Ester. She's reviewing the footage on the " "camcorder." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2235 msgctxt "filmingResumes_f9569271" msgid ".........." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2238 msgid "I wish the whole thing never happened..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2241 msgid "Okay, we're good to start the wolf family interview." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2243 msgid "Yiss!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2245 msgid "I call being the Wolf Mom!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2247 msgid "Wait, I wanted to be the mommy, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2249 msgid "Well, I definitely don't want to be the dad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2251 msgid "It can be two moms. Adopted." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2252 msgid "Wolf Mom and Wolf Mom #2." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2254 msgid "Wolf Mom #2 definitely sounds like the inferior one, though." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2256 msgid "There's gotta be a way to make them sound equal." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2257 msgid "" "Like how there's always two versions of Pokemon, like Diamond and Pearl." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2259 msgid "Does this really matter??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2261 msgid "Hey, this is the scene where I kill Akarsha, right?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2262 msgid "Aren't I supposed to have a gun?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2265 msgid "Oh, I brought a Nerf gun you can use." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/3_min.rpy:2266 msgid "It's in the tent with the other stuff." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2268 msgid "Okay, I'll go get it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2275 msgid "" "Min rummages through the duffel bag of costumes in search of the Nerf gun." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2277 msgid "Wait, Min-seo, is the microphone in there too?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2283 msgid "I dunno, look for it yourself." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2285 msgid "Noelle sneezes as she steps into the dusty tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2288 msgid "Achoo!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2290 msgid "Shut up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2293 msgid "Shut up???" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2295 msgid "Noelle joins Min by the duffel bag." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2297 msgid "Suddenly, Noelle frowns at her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2299 msgctxt "tentDisaster_a41d9ab0" msgid "........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2301 msgid "What? You got a problem or something?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2303 msgid "" "For one heart-stopping moment, Min's sure she's been exposed as racist " "somehow, but she soon realizes Noelle is just glaring at the dirt that she " "tracked into the tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2306 msgid "You wore your boots inside?! You're getting dirt everywhere!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2308 msgid "Oh, that's it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2309 msgid "It's barely anything!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2313 msgid "You got a leaf on the sleeping bag already. See?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2315 msgid "So brush it off! Who cares?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2318 msgid "" "I care! You were the one responsible, so {i}you{/i} should be the one to " "brush it off!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2321 msgid "It's just one fucking leaf! Stop splitting hairs over nothing!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2324 msgid "" "You're the one being difficult here! Just apologize and get the leaf off!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2329 msgid "YOU REALLY WANT ME TO GET THAT LEAF OFF!? TAKE THIS!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2331 msgid "Min grabs one end of the sleeping bag and swings it at Noelle!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2338 msgid "It whaps Noelle in the torso!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2340 msgid "HEY! I'M TELLING ON YOU!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2343 msgid "{big=+20}GO AHEAD AND TRY IT, TURBONERD!!!!{/big}" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2345 msgid "" "Noelle seizes a handful of the sleeping bag as Min tries to land another " "blow!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2347 msgid "YOU GORMLESS BRUTE!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2349 msgid "THE FUCK YOU MEAN I'M WORMLESS??? TAKE THAT BACK!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2352 msgid "" "Min yanks on the sleeping bag, hard! It slips from Noelle's grasp, sending " "Min hurtling backwards." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2355 msgid "WHOA!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2358 msgid "" "Min loses her balance completely and falls backwards into the wall of the " "tent." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2359 msgid "" "She hits the ground butt-first, pinning the fabric of the tent down with her " "weight." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2363 msgid "" "The tent collapses, blanketing its occupants in nylon. Min feels herself " "sliding backwards down a slope..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2365 msgid "THE TENT'S ROLLING DOWN THE HILL!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2368 msgid "" "Min and Noelle blindly tumble down the hill with their limbs wrapped in " "tent, screaming all the way." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2369 msgid "Min and Noelle" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:2371 msgid "AAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2375 msgid "Eventually, they crash into a large bush at the bottom of the ravine." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2380 msgid "" "Min crawls out of the tangled mess, spitting dirt and twigs out of her mouth." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2382 msgid "Pwah! Pwah!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2385 msgid "Oh, how I despise you..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2386 msgid "" "Noelle gathers the tent into her arms and tries to trudge back up to the " "park in her socks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2388 msgid "What happened to your shoes?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2391 msgid "I took them off before coming into the tent, like a civilized person." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2393 msgid "See, this is why keeping them on is better." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2394 msgid "I win." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2397 msgid "" "No, you don't! This situation would never arise under normal circumstances." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2399 msgid "Look how much faster I'm walking than you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2400 msgid "See? Loser." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2403 msgid "Min looks back and sees how far behind Noelle is." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2406 msgid "She looks pretty pathetic dragging the tent through the dirt..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2407 msgctxt "tentDisaster_8683854e" msgid "..........." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2409 msgid "Min reluctantly goes back and yanks the tent away from her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2412 msgctxt "tentDisaster_390a1bfb" msgid "..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2414 msgid "What's the matter with you today?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2416 msgctxt "tentDisaster_3bc705ee" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2418 msgid "Generally speaking, you strike me as someone who can't take criticism." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2420 msgid "But you haven't blown up on me like this for months." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2423 msgid "Did something happen between you and Ester?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2425 msgctxt "tentDisaster_379c085f" msgid "WHAT?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2426 msgid "NO, WHY?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2429 msgid "During our scene, you kept eyeing her like she was going to bite you." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2433 msgid "" "Oh, hell. If even fucking NOELLE can tell, I might as well be wearing a neon " "sign around saying what happened." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2434 msgid "We sorta got in a fight." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2436 msgid "She got all offended by something I said." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2439 msgid "What did you say?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2441 msgid "...I don't even wanna say it...It's so fucking embarrassing..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2443 msgid "I kinda was like...I didn't know Black people cared about grades..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2446 msgid "What?! Why???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2449 msgid "I don't know...None of my classes ever had Black people in them..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2450 msgid "" "So I felt like I was learning something new from the story she was telling " "me. I was just trying to express that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2454 msgid "" "So you decided to TELL HER you held a bigoted belief that only changed after " "a random anecdote she shared???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2458 msgid "" "I wasn't thinking, okay?! It's easy to pick apart now in hindsight, but the " "whole thing happened in like five seconds!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2460 msgid "I didn't even have anything against her! Or Black people in general!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2461 msgid "C'mon, you know me. When I hate someone, I let them know!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2464 msgid "Yes, I'm well aware of that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2466 msgid "So it should've been obvious I didn't mean anything bad by it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2467 msgid "" "When people do Asian accents or say weird stuff about Koreans, {i}I{/i} " "don't flip out!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2470 msgid "You don't...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2471 msgid "" "That time we were walking around and got Konnichiwa'd, you were furious." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2473 msgid "That was coming from a white creep, and it was clearly hateful." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2474 msgid "" "But if it's just a joke, or something worded insensitively, it doesn't " "always mean the person ACTUALLY hates Asians." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2477 msgid "I'm not sure I follow your logic here..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2478 msgid "" "Are you saying that as long as something's not {i}intentionally{/i} hateful " "racism, it doesn't bother you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2480 msgid "Yeah, it doesn't. 'Cause I'm not a sensitive crybaby." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2483 msgid "But if you had a choice, wouldn't you rather they not say those things?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2485 msgid "" "Well, duh. If you could press a button and magically no one ever said that " "stuff again, that'd be cool." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2488 msgid "...Then it {i}does{/i|} bother you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2490 msgid "" "Okay, yeah, maybe it would bother me a little, but I wouldn't make a huge " "stink about it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2493 msgid "If it bothers you, doesn't it make sense to complain about it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2495 msgid "" "If I were some weakass sissy, sure. But I'm not, so I don't sweat that kinda " "small stuff." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2498 msgid "But we just established that you {i}are{/i} bothered by it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2499 msgid "" "You just deny it because in your eyes, it's weakness to admit you're hurt. " "Because of the tough guy act you have going on." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2501 msgid "" "Noelle's got this insufferably smug expression on her face, like she's " "discovered a misprint in an exam that no one else has found yet." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2503 msgid "I think I understand now." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2505 msgid "Understand what?? You weren't even there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2509 msgid "" "You think Ester is overreacting because in similar situations, you do " "nothing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2510 msgid "" "When she told you your response was racist, you became enraged by her " "audacity to complain about things you suffered through in silence." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2512 msgid "" "Admitting that you genuinely hurt her feelings would require the admission " "that you've been hurt before, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2513 msgid "And your fragile ego cannot allow that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2515 msgctxt "tentDisaster_8eabd16d" msgid "..................." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2516 msgid "Shit...Maybe she's onto something..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2519 msgid "In conclusion, Ester's right, you're wrong, and you're racist." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2521 msgid "This sucks so bad....." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2531 msgid "Covered in dirt and twigs, Min struggles to put the tent back up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2534 msgctxt "falseSpring_a014ade9" msgid "?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2535 msgid "Are you okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2537 msgid "Not really. I feel like absolute dogshit." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2540 msgid "Oh no." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2542 msgid "I just wanna hide what I did." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2543 msgid "" "I wanna dig a hole and bury the terrible truth where no one will ever find " "it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2547 msgctxt "falseSpring_25f1bee1" msgid "What happened?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2549 msgid "I don't really wanna talk about it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2552 msgctxt "falseSpring_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2555 msgid "" "At a loss for how to handle the situation, Diya quietly helps her pitch the " "tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2563 msgid "...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2565 msgid "Oh no..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2567 msgctxt "falseSpring_64f35087" msgid "Huh?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2569 msgid "Look." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2572 msgid "" "Diya points to a malformed looking butterfly clinging to the tent fabric." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2574 msgid "Oh, ew." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2575 msgid "What's wrong with its wing? It's all crinkled." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2578 msgid "Think it's stuck like that...That's so sad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2579 msgid "Maybe it's because of the false spring." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2582 msgid "False spring?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2585 msgid "It's when it's super warm, but it's still winter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2586 msgid "" "It messes up a lot of animals because they think it's spring when it's not." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2587 msgid "Maybe the weird environment messed it up while it was forming." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2589 msgid "" "Diya tries to get the deformed butterfly to crawl onto a twig. It's hard to " "watch." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2591 msgid "" "Is that what I'm like? Because I grew up with racists and got taught the " "worst lessons ever?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2592 msgid "" "I feel like I went through hell and came out the other side in the most " "monumentally fucked shape." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2597 msgctxt "falseSpring_a16d98d6" msgid "?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2598 msgid "What do you mean?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2600 msgid "Diya...You wouldn't ever break up with me, right?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2603 msgid "? No." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2605 msgid "What if I did something bad?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2606 msgid "I mean like, really bad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2608 msgid "What did you do?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2610 msgid "Are you SURE you wouldn't break up with me, though?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2613 msgid "What. Did. You. Do." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2614 msgid "Min tells Diya what happened, bracing herself for the worst..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2616 msgid "...And that's why Ester is mad at me..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2619 msgctxt "falseSpring_6e8840cd_1" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2620 msgid "That wasn't very nice of you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2622 msgid "Sounds like something racist my mom would say." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2624 msgid "Yeah, I know..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2627 msgid "Poor Ester. Her comic sounds cool, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2629 msgid "Do you hate me now?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2632 msgid "I mean...It was bad. But at least you realize it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2633 msgid "Everyone makes mistakes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2642 msgid "Not everyone makes RACIST mistakes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2644 msgid "But it's not like people are born knowing things, either?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2645 msgid "Everyone has blind spots." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2647 msgid "How come you've never offended someone like I did, then?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2650 msgid "I don't talk to people very much..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2651 msgid "So most of the mistakes just happen in my mind." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2653 msgid "Well...then how come Noelle doesn't offend people??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2656 msgid "" "I mean...she was pretty ignorant about gay people before we started dating." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2658 msgid "" "When people said the narrator of {i}The Great Gatsby{/i} was gay in our " "English class, she got all scandalized and argued against it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2659 msgid "" "She kept insisting there had to be another explanation. But I think she just " "was grossed out by the thought of it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2668 msgid "That's not as bad as insulting someone's entire race, though." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2675 msgid "Not trying to say she messed up worse." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2676 msgid "My point is she got better about it. She wouldn't do that anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2677 msgid "" "So I don't hold it against her. Just because you were ignorant about " "something doesn't mean you're bad forever." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2680 msgid "" "I dunno...It doesn't undo the fact that I was racist to Ester already, and " "now she hates me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2683 msgid "Did you say sorry?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2685 msgid ".........No....." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2687 msgid "She might not forgive you. But you should at least tell her." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2689 msgid "" "Min feels such anguish upon hearing Diya's suggestion that it takes her a " "moment to sputter something out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2692 msgid "But...But...No one ever apologized to ME!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2694 msgid "To Min's horror, her eyes fill up with tears." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2696 msgid "So many people did way worse things to me, and THEY never said sorry!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2697 msgid "None of my racist bullies ever said sorry. My dad never said sorry." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2698 msgid "" "Why is it only ME who has to say sorry, when what I did wasn't even as bad?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2699 msgid "It's not fair!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2702 msgid "" "Diya pulls her into her arms and hugs her very tightly, as if trying to " "squeeze all the grief out of her body." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2705 msgid "" "Min leans into her warmth, letting her familiar touch and the steady rhythm " "of her heartbeat calm her down." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2710 msgid "What happened to you wasn't fair." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2711 msgid "" "But that doesn't mean you should be unfair, too. Or you'll just continue the " "cycle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2716 msgid "You can apologize even if they don't." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2718 msgid "But it's not fair..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2720 msgid "I want them to suffer. I want them to die." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2721 msgid "If I just forget about them, that means they got away with everything." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2722 msgid "That means they won, and I lost." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2725 msgctxt "falseSpring_e629b0d2" msgid "........" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2727 msgid "" "But isn't it losing {i}worse{/i} to let people you hate keep controlling " "your life?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2728 msgid "It's like that saying. If you seek revenge, dig two graves." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2731 msgid "Is it worth it? To hurt yourself in the name of fairness." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2733 msgctxt "falseSpring_ad5b37f0" msgid "...................." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2734 msgid "Is that what I'm doing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2735 msgid "Crashing the car just to get back at them?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2738 msgid "" "...The two graves are you and the person you got revenge on, by the way." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2739 msgid "Not two different people you killed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2741 msgid "No, I got that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2742 msgid "You're right..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2744 msgid "" "Why should I let those pieces of shit keep controlling me even years later?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2745 msgid "If nothing they did mattered, that'll show them!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:2747 msgctxt "falseSpring_9cbab985" msgid "Yeah." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2749 msgid "Yeah!!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2755 msgid "Min dashes off and finds Ester setting up the next scene." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2757 msgid "What took you so long?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2758 msgid "Everyone's ready to do the wolf death scene." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2761 msgid "Can we talk first?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2764 msgid "Ester gives her a guarded look." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2765 msgid "That depends..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2767 msgid "Sorry I was an asshole earlier." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2768 msgid "" "I shouldn't have said that racist stuff about Black people, and the weird " "stuff about your hair." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2770 msgid "Yeah, you shouldn't have." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2772 msgid "You're right, I should've known better." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2773 msgid "I know how much it sucks looking different from everyone else." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2775 msgid "Ester lets out a sigh, looking exhausted." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2778 msgid "You'd think people would know, but they don't..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2779 msgid "" "It's like being kicked on both sides. I go through all the same stuff as " "everyone else at this school, but no one sees me as one of them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2780 msgid "" "Everyone thinks because I'm not \"pure\" Asian, I'm not as smart or I don't " "study as much." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2782 msgid "Don't worry, I don't think that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2783 msgid "I learned my lesson. I'm not racist anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2787 msgid "Uh...Yeah, you are?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2790 msgid "Huh......??????" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2792 msgid "" "You're literally still racist, all you did was apologize for one specific " "thing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2800 msgid "But...What else am I supposed to do then?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2803 msgid "" "Try to educate yourself and not say random crap about other ethnicities?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2804 msgid "" "And say sorry the next time you're racist instead of being all rude and " "defensive." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2806 msgid "Next time?! That makes it sound like this is gonna happen again." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2809 msgid "Honestly, it probably will." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2812 msgid "'re saying I'll ALWAYS be racist no matter what I do?!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2814 msgid "Min looks so horrified that Ester gives her a pitying look." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2816 msgid "" "I mean, literally everyone on earth is ignorant to some degree about " "SOMETHING." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2818 msgid "" "For my webcomic, I tried to research albinos and double amputees the best I " "could, but I'm still not sure I portrayed everything right." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2820 msgid "Double amputee...? What the fuck is going on in her comic?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2822 msgid "" "No one's perfect. You just gotta do your best and learn from your mistakes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2824 msgid "Oh...okay..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2826 msgid "" "But I hate thinking I'm gonna make a DIFFERENT mistake at some point and " "have to apologize again." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2827 msgid "It's fucking mortifying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2830 msgid "" "I mean, it shouldn't be mortifying to admit you were wrong about something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2832 msgid "...I guess it shouldn't be..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2835 msgid "Ay! Are we ready to party?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2837 msgid "Yeah, let's do it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2839 msgid "So are we good for now?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2842 msgid "I guess." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2855 msgid "Can I still use the \"progidy\" thing you said earlier?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2857 msgid "Huh? Yeah, knock yourself out." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2863 msgid "Wolf Pup" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2864 msgid "Wolf Mom LeafGreen" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2865 msgid "Wolf Mom FireRed" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2874 msgid "Min hides behind a tree with her Nerf gun, waiting for her cue." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2881 msgid "How has your pack helped balance the ecosystem here?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2883 msgid "We prevent the elk population from exploding and overgrazing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2885 msgid "" "Before we were reintroduced, many biologists were concerned about eroding " "and plants dying off." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2886 msgid "Unfortunately, many ranchers and hunters don't understand this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2888 msgid "" "In fact, the state of Idaho is planning to kill hundreds of wolves this " "winter." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2890 msgid "This is where we always screw up and have to start over." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2891 msgid "Every time Akarsha makes eye contact with Chryssa, she starts laughing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2894 msgid "Mom LeafGreen, I'm scared...Are we gonna die?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2896 msgid "Holy shit. She finally did it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2899 msgid "Goo goo ga ga..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2900 msgid "Noelle's eye twitches as she recites her next line." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2902 msgid "Who is this...adorable little thing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2904 msgid "" "This is our wolf puppy! Normally mated pairs produce a litter per year, but " "we adopted her!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2906 msgid "We love her soooooooo much!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2908 msgid "I'm only four months old!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2912 msgid "DIEEEEEEEE!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2914 msgid "" "Min leaps out from behind the tree and shoots a flurry of Nerf pellets at " "Akarsha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2916 msgid "No!!! I only kill a very small number of cattle per year!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:2917 msgid "Urk!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2919 msgid "" "Akarsha goes down, and Min continues shooting her ass with the Nerf gun." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:2921 msgid "Nooooo! Our innocent puppy!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2923 msgid "MUAHAHA!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:2924 msgid "I'll be back to kill the rest of you!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2927 msgid "" "Min runs off-screen, leaving Chryssa and Liz crying very unconvincingly over " "Akarsha's body." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:2929 msgid "" "How could this happen? If only we were still on the Endangered Species list!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2931 msgid "Noelle turns solemnly to the camera." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2932 msgid "" "Today, I learned that delisting of grey wolves from the Endangered Species " "list would have devastating consequences." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:2941 msgid "...And that's a wrap!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:2945 msgid "FINALLY!!! WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR SIX HOURS!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2947 msgid "And we may have just produced the worst video ever..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2954 msgid "Relieved to be back in her regular clothes, Min looks around." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:2956 msgid "Seems like people are packing up." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2977 msgid "Look in the tent" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2987 msgid "Sit at the picnic table" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:2995 msgid "Look at tree stump" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3003 msgid "Walk to the lake" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3013 msgid "The tent flap's already open." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3014 msgid "Min climbs inside. To her surprise, Akarsha's already there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3016 msgid "Shhhh, look!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3017 msgid "She points to Noelle, who's sound asleep on the sleeping bag." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3019 msgid "Zzzzzzzz..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3022 msgid "Damn, she must've been pretty tired to just conk out like this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3025 msgid "Listen, I have the biggest brain in the world..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3027 msgid "Akarsha gleefully lies down on the ground next to Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3029 msgid "Help me braid our hair together." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3032 msgid "I have short hair, dipshit. Do I look like I know how to braid hair?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3036 msgid "I can't do it myself, it's too hard when I'm lyin' down like this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3038 msgid "C'mon, pwetty pwease..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3041 msgid "God, when you talk like that I just wanna smash your head with a rock." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3043 msgid "" "Min crawls over and grabs a lock of Akarsha and Noelle's hair in each hand." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3045 msgid "" "It's easy, ya just gotta split it into three strands and alternate which one " "goes on top." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3048 msgid "Like this??" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3050 msgid "Confused, Min just randomly twists their hair together." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3051 msgid "The instant she lets go, the \"braid\" loosens and unravels." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3053 msgctxt "braidPrank_d1645b00" msgid "Shit!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3055 msgid "Noelle scowls in her sleep as Min tries again." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3058 msgctxt "braidPrank_3dd98bff" msgid "Akarsha!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3061 msgid "" "Akarsha and Min freeze, but Noelle just turns on her side, mumbling to " "herself." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3063 msgid "" "Zzz...Just because it's \"suitable for all large primates\"...doesn't mean " "you should eat it..." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3067 msgid "What is she dreaming about??" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3069 msgid "Ester sticks her head in the tent." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3071 msgid "Can you hand me my backpack?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3073 msgid "...Wait, what're you guys doing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3075 msgid "Psst! Halp..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3078 msgid "Ester, do you know how to braid hair?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3080 msgid "Ester assesses the situation for a moment before shrugging." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3082 msgid "Okay, why not?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3084 msgid "Thank you!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3087 msgid "" "After a few minutes, Ester manages to weave Akarsha and Noelle's hair into " "one giant, messy braid." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3088 msgid "You did it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3091 msgid "I wonder when she's gonna realize." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3093 msgid "" "Noelle stirs on the sleeping bag. Her head gets jerked back by her hair, " "which is now bound to Akarsha's." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3095 msgid "Mrph..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3097 msgid "She blearily rubs her eyes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3099 msgid "Bonjour..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3105 msgid "Noelle bolts upright, screaming." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3107 msgid "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3108 msgid "What's wrong, Frenchman? Bad hair day?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3109 msgid "AKARSHAaaaAAAA!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3110 msgid "WHY?! GET ME OUT OF HEREEEE!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3111 msgid "Whoa, calm down." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3113 msgid "CALM DOWN?! YOU LITERALLY ATTACKED ME IN MY SLEEP!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3115 msgid "I mean, you can just unbraid it. It's not that bad." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3118 msgid "Yeah, tons of people in the world have it way worse than you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3120 msgid "SHUT UP! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3121 msgid "" "She surges toward Ester and Min with an aura that can only be described as " "murderous." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3122 msgid "Akarsha calmly lies back down, dragging Noelle down with her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3124 msgid "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3126 msgid "I'll hold her back! Run!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3128 msgid "Nice knowing you, bye!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3131 msgid "Bro, I will never forget your sacrifice." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3135 msgid "Ester and Min make their escape." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3137 msgid "Inside the tent, there's a muffled scream followed by a crash." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3139 msgid "" "The tent stakes pop out of the ground as the tent rolls over and goes " "tumbling down the hill again." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3141 msgid "Noelle and Akarsha" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/3_min.rpy:3143 msgid "AAAUGHHHH!!!!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3148 msgid "Again?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3151 msgid "There it goes..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3153 msgid "" "Min and Ester peer down at the bottom of the hill, where Noelle, Akarsha, " "and the tent have landed in a tangled heap." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/3_min.rpy:3156 msgctxt "braidPrank_9899a6c1" msgid ".........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/3_min.rpy:3158 msgctxt "braidPrank_d1531631" msgid ".........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3161 msgctxt "braidPrank_f9569271" msgid ".........." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3163 msgid "" "Suddenly, something dawns on Ester and she straightens up, her eyes shining." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3164 msgid "I can use this!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3166 msgid "In my comic! It totally fixes the part I was stuck on!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3168 msgid "The hell kind of story are you writing where you can even use this?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3169 msgid "Some kind of camping disaster?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3171 msgid "You don't understand, it's perfect! I gotta write this down!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3173 msgid "" "Isn't your sketchbook and everything down there though? Inside your backpack?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3176 msgid "...Crap, you're right." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/3_min.rpy:3177 msgid "I guess I'll go grab it." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3179 msgid "Ester sighs and heads down the hill to retrieve her things." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3181 msgid "I don't really get it, but good for her." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3188 msgid "Grace is trying to squeeze the costumes back into her bag." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3190 msgid "Hey Min!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3191 msgid "Do you know if your brother's single?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3193 msgctxt "graceCallout_2dcd6bb5" msgid "Oh, great." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3196 msgid "Do you think you could introduce us?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3198 msgid "I mean, I'm not sure he even likes girls." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3202 msgid "Oh...Darn." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3204 msgid "What exactly do you like about him?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3207 msgid "He's so cute. He looks kinda like G-Dragon." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3209 msgctxt "graceCallout_3cd1a8cb" msgid "......." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3210 msgid "Do you like my brother just because he's Korean?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3213 msgid "W-what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3215 msgid "Can you chill out a bit with the whole Korea thing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3217 msgid "Sorry!! I just get so excited about K-Pop..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3219 msgid "Liking K-Pop is fine, but normal about it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3222 msgid "...Sorry..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3224 msgid "You don't have to keep apologizing, it's annoying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3225 msgid "As long as you get it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/3_min.rpy:3228 msgid "Okay, yeah. I'll be normal now." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3234 msgid "Chryssa and Liz are staring at the decimated tree stump." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3236 msgid "What happened to this? It looks like a cannonball hit it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:3238 msgid "Beats me." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3240 msgid "I should probably keep my mouth shut." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3243 msgid "Well, I suppose it's not our problem." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:3245 msgid "" "Speaking of problems...What'd you think of your afternoon as an " "irresponsible person?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3247 msgid "That was even more tiring than being responsible." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3249 msgid "Did you see them knock the tent down the hill? Twice?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3251 msgid "Did you see them knock the tent down the hill?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:3253 msgid "Yeah, I just ignored it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3255 msgid "Me, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3256 msgid "" "We probably could've finished a couple hours ago if we'd just wrangled them " "like we normally do." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/3_min.rpy:3258 msgid "Yep...Man, I thought I was really onto something." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3261 msgid "" "Min turns to walk away, but to her surprise, she hears footsteps running up " "behind her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3263 msgid "Wait, Min!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3264 msgid "Min stops to let her catch up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3266 msgctxt "thatWasExhausting_3bc705ee" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3269 msgid "" "I couldn't help but overhear some of what you were saying to Diya. At the " "lake." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3274 msgid "" "Liz scribbles something on a scrap of paper and hands it to Min like a " "doctor giving a prescription." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3276 msgid "You need to go on the internet." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3278 msgid "The internet...?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3280 msgid "Min scrutinizes the scrap of paper. It says \"\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3283 msgid "It's a blog you might like." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3286 msgid "How the hell would you know what I like?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3289 msgid "I'm trans." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3293 msgctxt "thatWasExhausting_638cadaa" msgid "HUH?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3296 msgid "" "I mean, not that being genderqueer is necessarily the same as being trans..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3298 msgid "But I'm here if you'd ever like to talk." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/3_min.rpy:3299 msgid "Have fun!" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3301 msgid "" "Liz pats Min on the head and leaves her standing there clutching the little " "scrap of paper in absolute shock." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3314 msgid "I guess I should look that up when I get home..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3321 msgid "Diya is watching the water." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3322 msgid "When Min joins her, Diya tilts her head at her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3324 msgid "You said this place was cursed, right?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3327 msgid "Min sighs and wraps her arms around Diya's waist." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3329 msgctxt "uncurse_5bd4174a" msgid "Yeah..." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3332 msgid "" "Diya rests her forehead against Min's, her long lashes tickling Min's skin " "as she blinks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3334 msgid "What if we uncursed it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3336 msgid "Huh? How?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3338 msgid "By making new memories. Together." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3339 msgid "Diya hugs her tighter, squishing Min's face directly into her chest." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3341 msgid "Oooh..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3342 msgid "It's so soft............." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3344 msgctxt "game/3_min.rpy:3344" msgid "I love you..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3346 msgctxt "uncurse_3236f926" msgid "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3348 msgid "" "Min's mind is in such a state of disarray that it takes her a second to " "process what Diya is saying." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3349 msgid "" "In a herculean feat of self-control, she manages to stop rubbing her face " "against Diya's chest and meet her gaze." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3352 msgid "Wait...You know what that means?" msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3354 msgid "Diya nods, her cheeks tinged pink." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3356 msgid "It was in a lot of the K-pop songs that Yuki...I mean, Grace played." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3357 msgid "So I asked her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3358 msgid "And found out what it really meant." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3360 msgid "Sorry I lied to you..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3363 msgid "No, it makes me happy you wanted me to say that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3364 msgid "Because I do. Love you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3367 msgid "Even now...Now that you know what an asshole I am?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3371 msgid "...You think I didn't know that before?" msgstr "" # Speaker: MinT #: game/3_min.rpy:3376 msgid "I guess I {i}was{/i} always hitting and threatening people." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3378 msgid "Then why do you still like me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3381 msgid "Because you're also really brave and resilient, and cool." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3386 msgid "I feel like...The world tries to make people into certain shapes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3387 msgid "But you fight it on purpose. You try as hard as you can." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3388 msgid "And I think that's amazing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3390 msgid "And subconsciously, I think I understood." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3392 msgid "Understood what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3395 msgid "" "You're always telling me you'll protect me and kill the people who hurt me. " "Because you wish someone did that for you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3396 msgid "" "Min is stunned speechless. It feels like a curtain was suddenly pulled back " "on something shameful and hidden, exposing it to the blazing sun." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3397 msgid "But Diya doesn't flinch away, just gazes into her eyes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3403 msgctxt "uncurse_cf441d0e" msgid "I love you." msgstr "" #: game/3_min.rpy:3404 msgid "Blinking hard, Min smiles back at her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3407 msgid "I love you, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3409 msgid "Teach me how to say it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3412 msgctxt "uncurse_996c8c4c" msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3415 msgid "Man, that's a mouthful." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3416 msgid "Nan unnai katalikkiren...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/3_min.rpy:3419 msgctxt "uncurse_996c8c4c_1" msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/3_min.rpy:3422 msgid "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்!{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:26 msgid "5th grade" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:29 msgid "Saturday Chinese School" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:39 msgid "The first phrase is \"mirror.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:40 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}第一個詞是:「鏡子」。{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:44 msgid "" "Noelle copies down the unfamiliar characters on the board stroke by stroke." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:46 msgid "What did it look like again?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:48 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鍺子{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:48 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}錢子{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:48 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡子{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:57 msgid "Noelle writes it down, then checks it against the writing on the board." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:59 msgid "I got it wrong..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:63 msgid "Noelle writes it down, then checks it against the words on the board." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:65 msgid "I got it right! Now for the next one..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:70 msgid "The next phrase is \"admit.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:71 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}第二個詞是:「承認」。{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:72 msgid "You should already know \"recognize.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:73 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}「認」你們應該已經會了。{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:74 msgid "" "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}承{/font}'s meaning is \"to bear\" or \"to " "carry\"..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:75 msgid "" "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}「承」的意思是「to bear」or 「to carry」……{/" "font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:78 msgid "" "This would be easier if Chinese words used an alphabet like most languages." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:79 msgid "" "It infuriates me how you can't tell how a Chinese character is pronounced by " "the way it looks." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:80 msgid "" "You're forced to learn every single word twice — how it sounds, AND what it " "looks like. It's wildly inefficient." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:82 msgid "" "A couple hours into the lesson, a kid toward the back of the room raises his " "hand." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:83 msgid "Teacher, how many Chinese characters are there?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:84 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}老師,中文字總共有幾個?{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:85 msgid "At least 80,000." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:86 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}至少八萬個。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:89 msgid "80,000?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:91 msgid "Don't worry, most educated people only know about 8,000." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:92 msgid "" "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}別擔心,有上過學的人平均也只認得八千個字左右。" "{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:95 msgid "8,000 is still a mindboggling number..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:103 msgid "" "After school, Noelle does her weekly packet of Chinese homework at the " "kitchen table." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:105 msgid "" "I've spent every Saturday since kindergarten tediously memorizing a few " "characters at a time, but it's barely even made a dent." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:106 msgid "After all these years, I still can't even read a book or the newspaper." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:107 msgid "At this pace, it's hard to imagine I'll ever be able to." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:111 msgid "Noelle! What is this?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:112 msgid "" "Noelle looks up to see her Mom holding the sample packet of pads and tampons " "she got from school." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:114 msgid "" "Oh, that's from the Sex Ed talk we had in class. The girls received a " "presentation about menstruation." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:117 msgid "The school gave you this?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:119 msgid "Using a tampon is the same as having sex!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:121 msgid "That's not what the teacher giving the talk said..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:122 msgid "It's just a tool for absorbing blood." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:125 msgid "No! You'll be able to feel it the whole time, and it goes into..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:126 msgid "Her mom can't even bear to say it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:128 msgid "It's the same as having sex with a man." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:130 msgid "The woman giving the talk said plenty of girls use it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:133 msgid "" "American girls get their periods so early because they're thinking sexual " "thoughts at a young age." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:134 msgid "" "It's not natural. You shouldn't be thinking about these things until you're " "married." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:136 msgid "" "After throwing away the immoral tampons, her mom goes off to the living room " "to watch a Chinese variety show." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:142 msgid "It's hard growing up trusting very little of your parents' judgment." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:143 msgid "" "My mom doesn't believe in mental illness, yet genuinely believes in " "superstitions like auspicious dates. And no amount of proof or argument can " "sway her." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:144 msgid "" "Is Chinese society just decades behind the West? I've yet to meet a white " "person whose mind works this way." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:150 msgid "Noelle glances over at the show her mom is watching." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:154 msgid "" "Colorful words and cartoons fly across the screen as cheesy sound effects " "play." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:156 msgid "So tacky..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:157 msgid "" "It's one of those shows where they interview a panel of foreigners who can " "barely speak Mandarin." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:159 msgid "" "Noelle cringes as silly \"boing\" noises are overlaid over the host's jokes." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:161 msgid "" "They're just laughing at the foreigners for not understanding the questions " "they've been asked..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:162 msgid "Why is this popular? It's so juvenile and embarrassing." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:163 msgid "I feel like I'm losing brain cells as I listen to this." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:165 msgid "" "Disgusted, Noelle returns to scrutinizing the impenetrable paragraph of " "Chinese she's supposed to be analyzing for homework." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:167 msgid "What am I even going to use Chinese for? Watching drivel like that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:168 msgid "" "I have no interest in the backwards culture that produced my pathetic, " "narrow-minded parents." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:173 msgid "When a commercial break comes on, she throws down her pencil." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:175 msgid "I want to quit Chinese school." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:177 msgid "Her mom whirls around from the couch, alarmed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:180 msgid "What?! Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:182 msgid "I hate it! It always takes up my entire Saturday!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:183 msgid "" "They assign so much homework every week on top of the regular homework I get " "from school." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:185 msgid "Noelle's dad looks up disapprovingly from the newspaper he's reading." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:187 msgid "" "Well, you can't quit. What kind of Chinese person can't even speak Chinese?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:189 msgid "We'll lose face if you don't learn!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:190 msgid "Other people will think we're bad parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:193 msgid "Why does it matter what other people think?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:194 msgid "" "{i}I'm{/i} the one whose limited time is being sucked away by it! My opinion " "should be the one that matters the most!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:197 msgid "No, you have to listen to your parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:198 msgid "It's for your own good. You're too young to understand." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:199 msgid "" "Almost nothing drives Noelle up a wall more than being told she's not old " "enough to understand something." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:201 msgid "" "Stop treating me like a some feeble-minded little kid. I read at college-" "level already!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:204 msgid "It doesn't matter, you don't have the life experience yet." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:205 msgid "Some things you can only know from being as old as your parents are." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:207 msgid "" "What, so just because you're older than me you're automatically smarter than " "I am?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:209 msgctxt "quittingChineseSchool_12339536" msgid "Yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:211 msgid "I don't accept that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:214 msgid "It's your culture. You can't just throw it away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:216 msgid "Yes, I can. It's a poorly constructed, archaic language." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:225 msgid "" "That's not true. If it's so bad, how come it's worked for thousands of years?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:226 msgid "You should take more pride in your culture." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:228 msgid "What is there to be proud of?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:229 msgid "" "I'm stuck learning the worst, most pointlessly complicated language in the " "world." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:232 msgid "Exasperated, Noelle's parents exchange a look." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:234 msgid "" "You're still going to Chinese school. We already paid for your classes this " "year." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:236 msgid "Can I quit at the end of the year then?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:239 msgid "If you still feel this way by the end of the year, fine. You can quit." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:241 msgid "I can?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:245 msgid "Huh?! No, she can't!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:247 msgid "" "Think about it. If she goes to Chinese school with that kind of attitude, " "she won't learn anything anyway." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:248 msgid "" "It's impossible to teach someone who doesn't want to be educated. We might " "as well at least save money." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:250 msgid "" "Yes! The end of the year is pretty far away, but at least the end is in " "sight now!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:251 msgid "" "Quitting Chinese school will significantly free up my schedule. I can " "probably read a few more books every week!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:253 msgid "It'll be so worth it. When I'm older, I'll be so thankful that I quit." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:261 msgid "" "Noelle is so elated that she doesn't even mind being dragged along to 99 " "Ranch with her mom, a trip she normally gripes is a waste of time." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:262 msgid "" "As they browse the fishball aisle, her mom's Nokia rings. She quickly brings " "it to her ear." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:263 msgid "Hello?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:265 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}喂?{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:268 msgid "There's a pause. Her mom's face falls." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:270 msgctxt "ranch99_ee89588e" msgid "What is it?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:272 msgid "Ah-ma = Taiwanese term for grandma" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:273 msgid "Ah-ma passed away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:276 msgctxt "ranch99_11a48459" msgid "Oh." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:278 msgid "I know I should be sad...but I haven't seen my grandmother for years." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:279 msgid "" "I've never had a real conversation with her before. It's like being told a " "stranger died." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:290 msgid "Spring Break" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:296 msgid "" "Noelle isn't allowed to close her bedroom door, so she's on high alert as " "she uses the computer." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:298 msgid "" "It sounds like my mother's busy washing vegetables in the kitchen. Here's my " "chance!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:300 msgid "Noelle quickly searches \"Homosexuality\" on Wikipedia." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:303 msgid "" "I skimmed this page once as research, after Akarsha started insisting Diya " "and Min-seo were romantically involved." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:304 msgid "" "But I'm POSITIVE there was no mention of it being possible for two women to " "have sexual relations!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:305 msgid "I would have remembered it!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:309 msgid "Wikipedia page" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:318 msgid "Re-read the Wikipedia article" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:318 msgid "Click the \"sexual intercourse\" hyperlink" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:318 msgid "Click the \"lesbian\" hyperlink" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:330 msgid "" "Much of the page is devoted to the historic and modern-day oppression of gay " "men." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:331 msgid "" "There's mentions of sodomy being criminalized, along with an image of " "Ancient Greek pottery depicting of two nude men embracing that Noelle " "scrolls past very quickly." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:333 msgid "Wait, this might be something." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:335 msgid "" "Anthropologists Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe reported that women in " "Lesotho engaged in socially sanctioned \"long term, erotic relationships\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:337 msgid "" "What exactly do they mean by \"erotic\"? They need to be more descriptive!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:339 msgid "" "She clicks on the citation, but the source is a book called \"Boy Wives and " "Female Husbands: Studies of African Homosexualities\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:341 msgid "There's no way the library carries this book..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:343 msgid "Click the \"Lesotho\" hyperlink" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:346 msgid "" "Noelle scrolls through the page, but there's no mention of the \"erotic " "relationships\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:348 msgid "This is a dead end." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:349 msgid "I could try googling it, but it might bring up obscene results." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:354 msgid "" "The link leads to a more general page called \"Human sexual intercourse\"." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:355 msgid "" "To Noelle's disgust, it features a painting of a man and woman copulating." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:357 msgid "This is repulsive. I'd really rather not stay on this page for long." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:359 msgid "" "Sexual intercourse commonly refers to the act in which the male reproductive " "organ enters the female reproductive tract.[[1][[2]" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:360 msgid "" "In recent years penetration of non-sexual organs or by non-sexual organs " "(fingering, fisting) are also sometimes included in this definition." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:362 msgid "" "What on earth is \"fingering\"? Is this the finger thing Min-seo was " "referring to?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:365 msgid "Click the \"fingering\" hyperlink" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:367 msgid "" "The page opens. At the top, there's a simple illustration of a naked woman " "stroking the genitals of another woman." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:371 msgid "Noelle scrolls through the page." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:373 msgid "Most this page just details historical lesbian relationships." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:374 msgid "" "They lived such tragic, tortured lives. I hope Diya knows what she's signed " "up for..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:376 msgid "" "Before the late 19th century, the word \"Lesbian\" referred to any " "derivative or aspect of Lesbos, including a type of wine." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:377 msgid "" "In 1890, however, the term was used in a medical dictionary as an adjective " "to describe tribadism (as \"Lesbian love\"): sexual gratification of two " "women by simulating intercourse." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:379 msgid "" "What on earth is \"tribadism\"? Is this the finger thing Min-seo was " "referring to?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:381 msgid "Click the \"tribadism\" hyperlink" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:383 msgid "" "The page opens. At the top, there's a simple illustration of two naked women " "scissoring." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:391 msgid "WHAT IS THIS???!?!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:392 msgid "This is...this is so risqué!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:394 msgid "" "Noelle breaks into a feverish sweat as she reads the page as quickly as " "possible." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:395 msgid "" "Then, in a panic, Noelle closes the tab, erases her web history, and shuts " "the computer down." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:397 msgid "Min-seo was right...I can't believe it..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:402 msgid "" "Should such erotic content be allowed on Wikipedia?! Anyone can read it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:404 msgid "I must destroy all evidence that I've visited that page!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:406 msgid "" "Should I uninstall the browser? Delete my user profile? Perhaps set the " "computer on fire for good measure?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:407 msgid "This better not awaken anything in me..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:411 msgid "Noelle jumps in her chair when she receives a text." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:412 msgid "Check your phone" msgstr "" # Speaker: cFirstLine #: game/4_noelle.rpy:418 msgctxt "kingDedede_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:419 msgid "is it just me or does king dedede look kinda sexy in this drawing" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:420 msgid "{image=DeviantArt.png}" msgstr "" # Speaker: cDiya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:421 msgid "??????" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:422 msgid "anyone else?? hello???" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:423 msgid "anyone care to raise a hand" msgstr "" # Speaker: cMin #: game/4_noelle.rpy:424 msgid "YOURE INSANE" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:425 msgid "WOULD ANYONE ELSE HIT IT??? HELOLO?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:426 msgid "noelle???" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:427 msgid "(banging on your door)" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:428 msgid "if u would fuck king dedede (a penguin?)" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:429 msgid "ur braver than the U.S. marines" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/4_noelle.rpy:430 msgid "Diya has left the chatroom." msgstr "" # Speaker: cNarrator #: game/4_noelle.rpy:431 msgid "Min has left the chatroom." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:432 msgid "welp" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:433 msgid "Why are you like this??" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:435 msgid "im so bored TT_TT" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:436 msgid "ive been stuck at home all day" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:437 msgid "Unfortunately for you, I can't entertain you for long either." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:438 msgid "I have to leave for the airport soon." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:439 msgid "oh yeah ur visiting taiwan right?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:440 msgid "how long ru gonna be there again?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:441 msgid "" "I'll be there for the entire week. My mom and I will return Sunday afternoon." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:442 msgid "My dad is staying for an additional week there for business purposes." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:443 msgid "can i still message u when ur there?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:444 msgid "do u have to use a vpn or something?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:445 msgid "" "No, as long as I have internet access, we should be able to chat like usual." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:446 msgid "rly? but isnt there like hella censorship o_0" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:447 msgid "" "No, there's nothing like that in Taiwan. It's not as if I'm going to China." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:449 msgid "right right" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:450 msgid "uhhh also" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:451 msgid "whats the difference between china and taiwan again ^_^;;" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:452 msgid "/shot" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:453 msgid "i mean i know taiwans an island" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:454 msgid "but is it like" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:455 msgid "You said you were shot, yet you're still talking like nothing happened?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:456 msgid "its own country?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:457 msgid "i have high pain tolerance" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:458 msgid "No, you don't." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:459 msgid "" "anyway i tried to ask in geography class once and everyone started arguing" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:460 msgid "Everyone started arguing because it's a political question." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:461 msgid "" "Whether Taiwan is a part of China or a separate country is an extremely " "controversial issue." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:462 msgid "y tho?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:463 msgid "To be honest, I'm not clear on the details." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:464 msgid "" "As I understand it, the dispute is the result of a civil war that was never " "properly resolved." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:465 msgid "huh...." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:466 msgid "so ru taiwanese? or chinese?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:467 msgid "or both?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:468 msgid "Well," msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:469 msgid "I went to Chinese school as a child." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:470 msgid "And my parents told me Chinese folktales." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:471 msgid "is that how it works?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:472 msgid "just bc i speak english doesnt mean im english" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:473 msgid "To be frank, I'm floundering because I've never given it any thought." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:474 msgid "lol oops" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:475 msgid "i didnt mean to give u an identity criss" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:476 msgid "*crisis" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:477 msgid "" "Even if I say I'm Taiwanese, hardly anyone knows what that means, even other " "East Asians." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:478 msgid "hm" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:479 msgid "that kinda sounds like how most americans dont rly get desi identities" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:480 msgctxt "kingDedede_9c8b23ad" msgid "How so?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:481 msgid "like, they think about it based on country" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:482 msgid "like ur pakistani, or indian, etc" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:483 msgid "but the countries werent split on racial lines" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:485 msgid "like an indian punjabi isnt rly the same ethnicity as an indian guju" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:486 msgid "" "but its all the same to nondesis bc they dont know the difference lol xD" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:487 msgid "Oh...You're right, I don't know the difference." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:488 msgctxt "kingDedede_d68d4d27" msgid "wait" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:489 msgid "WAIT I KNOW" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:490 msgid "the answer to what u are" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:491 msgctxt "kingDedede_4d722a60" msgid "What is it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:492 msgid "ur french" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:493 msgid "bc ur frenchman <3" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:494 msgid "THAT DOESN'T HELP ME AT ALL." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:495 msgid "no?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:496 msgctxt "kingDedede_09cf6bc4" msgid "NO." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:511 msgid "" "Later that day, Noelle sits in the backseat as her dad drives them to the " "airport." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:512 msgid "" "She feels a flash of rage when she sees a passing car sporting a \"Proud " "Parent of an Honor Roll Student\" bumper sticker." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:514 msgid "" "Why would you brag about such an unremarkable accomplishment on your car?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:515 msgid "" "You're {i}supposed{/i} to be on the Honor Roll. It's like buying a bumper " "sticker that says, \"My child breathes air.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:516 msgid "My parents would never even bother mentioning such a banal thing." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:518 msgid "Noelle's mom squints at the airport signage as it passes them by." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:520 msgid "Noelle, watch the signs for us." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:523 msgid "Why me? I don't even know how to drive." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:526 msgid "You were born here, you read faster than us." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:529 msgid "Alright..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:530 msgid "" "How is it that after living here for twenty years, they still haven't " "mastered English?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:531 msgid "" "My mom can't even speak English well enough to carry a conversation with a " "stranger." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:532 msgid "What have they been doing this whole time?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:536 msgid "Which way is parking? Which lane?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:539 msgid "Just follow the arrows. Turn right." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:542 msgid "" "See? Even though I have a Ph.D, ever since you were in second grade, you " "could read highway signs faster than me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:544 msgid "Good thing we have Noelle with us. The signs go by so fast." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:546 msgid "" "Noelle's dad scratches his head as she directs him through the airport's " "labyrinthian roads." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:548 msgid "Where is it? It feels like we're just going in circles." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:551 msgid "We're not, see that sign there? The parking's past the cargo area." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:554 msgid "Do I turn here?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:556 msgid "" "Noelle's heart stops as her dad starts to turn into a street labeled with " "\"Do Not Enter.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:559 msgid "IT SAYS \"DO NOT ENTER\"! KEEP STRAIGHT!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:562 msgctxt "airport_a8a0105f" msgid "Oh!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:564 msgid "" "Her dad swerves sharply to stay in his lane. Noelle massages her temples, " "her heart pounding." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:566 msgid "I'm surrounded by illiterate idiots!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:567 msgid "" "Why does it rest on me, a literal child, to ensure we don't drive into " "oncoming traffic??" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:568 msgid "" "They have endless energy when it comes to obsessing over my studies. Why " "can't they work on their own English instead?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:572 msgid "As the car rolls into a parking lot, Noelle jolts up in her seat." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:574 msgid "Wait, this isn't the correct garage! Turn around!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:577 msgid "Huh? How do you know?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:580 msgid "That sign says \"Premium Parking!\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:581 msgid "\"Premium\" means something of exceptional quality; superior." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:584 msgid "So? Isn't that good?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:587 msgid "" "Not right now when we are looking for the regular, run-of-the-mill parking " "lot." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:588 msgid "" "In this context, premium parking means special parking that's more expensive." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:593 msgctxt "airport_a8a0105f_1" msgid "Oh!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:597 msgid "Make a U-turn! We're going to miss our flight!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:599 msgid "Noelle's mom sighs as the car makes a series of turns." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:601 msgid "This would've been easier if you could talk to us in Chinese." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:604 msgid "This would've been easier if your English was better, too." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:606 msgid "Noelle crosses her arms in the backseat, fuming." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:608 msgid "" "Why am I the one responsible for making sure we're not separated by a " "language barrier?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:609 msgid "You were the ones who chose to move here in the first place." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:616 msgid "Sixteen hours later" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:619 msgid "Taipei" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:627 msgid "" "Noelle and her parents take a taxi from the airport to an alley lined with " "parked scooters." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:632 msgid "Ah-gong = grandpa" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:634 msgid "This must be Ah-gong's apartment. We're staying there for the week." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:638 msgid "Her mom presses the buzzer." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:639 msgid "We're here!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:641 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我們到了!{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:642 msgid "Come in, come in!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:643 msgid "快進來、快進來!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:658 msgid "" "After huffing and puffing up four stories of stairs, Noelle is drenched in " "sweat." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:662 msgid "Da Ah-yi" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:670 msgid "Hey!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:671 msgid "哈嘍!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:673 msgid "Yay!! You're finally here!" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:674 msgid "耶!! 你們總算來了!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:675 msgid "Chun-hua, you've grown so big!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:677 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}春花,你長大了!{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:678 msgid "Yeah, I must've been in elementary school the last time you saw me!" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:680 msgid "對啊!你上次見到我的時候,我還在念小學呢!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:683 msgid "This must be one of my cousins." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:686 msgid "Noelle, don't be rude. Introduce yourself in Chinese." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:688 msgid "Hi marryone...I four Le-ying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:692 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}大嫁好……我四樂映。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:694 msgid "" "My pronunciation is so atrocious, I don't know if they can even understand " "me." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:696 msgid "What'd you say?" msgstr "" # Speaker: AhGong #: game/4_noelle.rpy:698 msgid "妳說什麼?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:700 msgid "Lair am Le-ying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:702 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}窩是樂映。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:705 msgid "Can I just talk in English?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:708 msgid "" "Ah-gong doesn't speak English. He only knows Japanese, Taiwanese, and " "Mandarin." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:709 msgid "Even the Mandarin, he's nearly forgotten." msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:711 msgid "他連國語都快要不會講了。" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:713 msgid "" "Da Ah-yi gestures at her daughter. She's wearing thick glasses and carrying " "a huge brick of a book." msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:715 msgid "Noelle, you speak English with Chun-hua." msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:717 msgid "She want go college in America, so she very happy practice speaking." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:720 msgid "Yes! You can call me Literature!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:722 msgid "" "Is that a name she chose herself...? Chinese people have such odd taste in " "English names." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:723 msgid "That's alright, Chun-hua is fine." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:725 msgid "We are the same ages, right? Who do you think is more tall?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:726 msgid "" "Chun-hua eagerly stands back-to-back with Noelle so the others can judge." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:729 msgid "Wait, you're standing on your tip-toes! That's cheating!" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:732 msgid "Huh? No, I am not." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:734 msgid "Wow, you two are the exact same height!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:736 msgid "They're both skin and bones. They really are cousins." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:738 msgid "" "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}兩個怎麼都瘦得跟竹竿一樣。果然是表姐妹。{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:739 msgid "One U.S. version, one Taiwan version." msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:741 msgid "一個美版,一個台版。" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:744 msgid "Noelle glances at Chun-hua and realizes with a start that she's right." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:746 msgid "" "It's like meeting a version of myself from a universe where my parents never " "went to America." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:747 msgid "A stranger with my face." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:750 msgid "You're SURE I'm not taller?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:752 msgid "Yes, we sure." msgstr "" # Speaker: AhGong #: game/4_noelle.rpy:754 msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0" msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:756 msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_76d7bbb4" msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:758 msgid "That must be Taiwanese..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:760 msgid "" "Chun-hua gives him an affectionate hug as Noelle awkwardly watches from the " "sidelines." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:761 msgid "" "Meanwhile, the adults launch into an animated conversation in Taiwanese." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:763 msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_445a1fe5" msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "" # Speaker: AhGong #: game/4_noelle.rpy:765 msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0_1" msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:768 msgid "I wonder what they're talking about." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:769 msgid "" "My Taiwanese is even worse than my Mandarin. I don't know a single word." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:771 msgid "...Actually, wait, isn't \"Ah-gong\" Taiwanese?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:772 msgid "" "They didn't cover it in Chinese school. Could it be a term exclusively used " "in Taiwan?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:773 msgid "" "It's really a special sort of confusion, not knowing what language you're " "speaking." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:775 msgid "" "Da Ah-yi leads Noelle's parents to the spare bedroom so they can put their " "luggage away." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:777 msgid "" "This reminds me how I used to assume Japanese curry was a Chinese dish " "because my mom made it regularly." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:778 msgid "" "If you have a distant relationship with your parents, your culture becomes a " "nebulous cloud." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:779 msgid "" "Is it Chinese to believe pseudoscience? Is it Chinese to have an outdated " "and sexist worldview?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:780 msgid "Or is that just my parents, in my particular?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:781 msgid "" "How do I distinguish between things peculiar to my life and Chinese culture?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:783 msgid "Chun-hua brightly takes a seat next to Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:785 msgid "Anything you have questions about, you can ask me!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:794 msgid "Ask about the area" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:794 msgid "Ask about her book" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:794 msgid "Ask about the photos on the wall" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:798 msgid "Tell me about the surrounding area." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:800 msgid "Let's look outside!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:803 msgid "" "Chun-hua goes over to the window and points as Noelle peers outside at the " "street below." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:805 msgid "That way is my house. Me and my mom, we walk over all the time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:808 msgid "You must live pretty close by if you're able to come on foot." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:811 msgid "Yes, we are only a few streets away from Ah-gong." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:812 msgid "Every weekend, me and my cousins spend here." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:815 msgid "That's so different from my experience..." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:818 msgid "When you are all settled, the 7-Eleven, we go and grab breakfast." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:821 msgid "Breakfast...from 7-Eleven?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:824 msgid "What, you've never had it? It's good!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:827 msgid "It is...? It won't be all greasy?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:830 msgid "" "No? They have fresh tea eggs, hot yams, oden...If you want a prepackaged " "breakfast, they'll heat it for you, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:841 msgid "In America is it not like that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:844 msgid "No, American 7-Elevens are just junk food stores." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:850 msgid "Chun-hua points at the train as it rushes by." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:852 msgid "There's a train station near to us. We take it a lot." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:855 msgid "You don't use the car to get around?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:858 msgid "Not much. When we can't use the train, we ride our scooter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:865 msgid "What are you reading?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:867 msgid "It's a Chinese translation of a Russian novel." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:869 msgid "What it's called in English, I don't know." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:870 msgid "「卡拉馬助夫兄弟們」。" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:872 msgid "Something something brothers." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:873 msgid "There's brothers, and it's Russian..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:875 msgid "The Brothers Karamazov?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:878 msgid "Yes! That sounds correct." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:880 msgid "I've read it before, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:881 msgid "This is exciting! I've never met anyone else my age who's read it." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:883 msgid "Did you like it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:885 msgid "" "The religious themes were of little interest to me, but I found some of its " "other ideas thought-provoking." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:886 msgid "" "For example, it argues that humans are so deeply shaped by others that " "everyone bears some responsibility for the sins of everyone else." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:887 msgid "" "Everything we do is the result of a huge, interwoven chain reaction of human " "interactions, and as a result, a crime is never truly one person's fault." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:888 msgid "It's a societal failure." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:891 msgid "To Noelle's disappointment, Chun-hua nods, looking lost." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:893 msgid ".....I see....." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:895 msgid "" "I guess what I said was beyond her English level. I need to scale back to a " "simpler topic." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:897 msgid "Do you like reading?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:900 msgid "I like reading." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:901 msgid "Are you nerdy?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:902 msgid "The sudden question baffles Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:904 msgid "...Er...? Yes, I suppose so." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:906 msgid "Good, me too!" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:907 msgid "On the wall, there's even a photo of me that..." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:908 msgctxt "chunHuaChoice_4c8a1b46" msgid "..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:910 msgid "That...? That what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:913 msgid "Actually, I change my mind!" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:915 msgid "Don't look too much at the photos on the wall, they're embarrassing." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:920 msgid "Are you SURE? There's really nothing else you would rather know?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:921 msgid "Ask about something else" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:921 msgid "Tell me about the photos" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:922 msgid "" "{cps=0}Are you SURE? There's really nothing else you would rather know?{/cps}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:925 msgid "On second thought, there is something else I'm curious about." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:933 msgid "What else do you want to know?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:939 msgid "Tell me about these photos." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:942 msgid "Okay...If you're sure..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:944 msgid "" "They go over to look at the pictures on the wall. The first one's of Ah-gong " "and Chun-hua at the park." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:945 msgid "There's a small chestnut-colored warbler sitting on Chun-hua's arm." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:947 msgid "That bird, at the park we found him abandoned." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:948 msgid "It was because he fell out of his nest and broke his wing." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:949 msgid "" "After it got better, we taught him to fly so he could go back to the wild." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:951 msgid "I see. That's very noble of you." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:954 msgid "It was Ah-gong's idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:955 msgid "He's quiet, but he is so nice actually." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:957 msgid "You seem very close to your grandpa." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:960 msgid "\"Your\" grandpa? He's your grandpa, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:962 msgid "Oh......that's right." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:965 msgid "To hide her embarrassment, Noelle quickly moves on to the next photo." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:966 msgid "" "It looks old. A swarm of children are building a sand castle as smiling " "adults look on in the background." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:968 msgid "This is me, Wan-ping, and Wan-zhong." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:970 msgid "" "Wan-ping and Wan-zhong are my older cousins. They're my uncle's children." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:972 msgid "Wan-zhong's working right now." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:974 msgid "" "Too bad Wan-ping is travelling right now. Or else we could have hung out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:976 msgid "Where is he visiting?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:979 msgid "Japan. It's his honeymoon." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:981 msgid "Honeymoon? Did he get married?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:984 msgid "Yes? A month ago." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:986 msgid "Oh. I had no idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:989 msgid "In the picture, the people behind us is Jiu Jiu, Ah-gong, and Ah-ma." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:991 msgid "We didn't knew it, but that weekend was our last one with Ah-ma." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:993 msgid "I can't help but feel jealous they had {i}any{/i} weekends together." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:995 msgid "" "While she was spending every Saturday with her cousins and grandparents, I " "was at school struggling to learn an entire language so I could even begin " "to communicate with them." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:998 msgid "" "Chun-hua reluctantly gestures at the last photo, which she was clearly " "saving for last." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1000 msgid "And this one is of me with all my anime figures." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1001 msgid "H-haha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1003 msgid "Oh, so this is what she meant by nerdy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1004 msgid "" "It's alright, I have a good friend who's interested in this sort of thing, " "too." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1007 msgid "Really? And she's American?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1009 msgctxt "lookPhotos_be8d0937" msgid "Yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1012 msgid "She sounds cool. I want to meet her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1014 msgid "Y-you do?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1016 msgid "" "Once Noelle turns away from the photos, Chun-hua points to a framed " "certificate hanging on the wall behind her." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1017 msgid "You should look at this award, too. It's your mom's." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1019 msgid "What? Really?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1021 msgid "" "Yeah, in college she win a bunch of poetry contest. She was even in the " "newspaper." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1023 msgid "I had no idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1024 msgid "" "This is going to sound extremely mean, but I never suspected my mom had any " "sort of creative talent." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1025 msgid "All I've ever known her as a strict, close-minded housewife." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1027 msgid "Here, you should read her things! She's very skilled." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1028 msgid "" "Chun-hua pulls a magazine out from a cabinet and flips it open to a page of " "poetry." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1030 msgctxt "lookPhotos_46e87e05" msgid ".............." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1032 msgid "See what I mean? Some people just have a way with words." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1034 msgid "" "It's a big waste she quit. I guess there wasn't enough reason to keep doing " "it over in America." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1036 msgid "Noelle stares blankly at her mom's poem." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1038 msgid "I can't read any of it..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1049 msgid "That evening, Noelle and her parents walk to the subway." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1051 msgid "Here's our train. We should reach the night market in a few stops." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1053 msgid "" "Ugh, I hate taking public transit. The trains are always filthy and poorly " "maintained." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1059 msgid "" "As they board the MRT carriage, Noelle steels herself for the stench of " "vomit, urine, and cigarettes she's grown to expect from American subways." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1060 msgid "" "But to her amazement, the car's shiny floors and seats look so squeaky-clean " "you could eat off of them." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1062 msgid "It's absolutely spotless..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1064 msgid "" "Pleasantly surprised, she sits beside her parents in a gleaming plastic seat." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1065 msgid "Intercom" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1066 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}石牌...{/font}Shipai Station." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1068 msgid "" "You can actually clearly hear what they're saying! It's not indistinct " "mumbling like on BART!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1070 msgid "" "An LCD screen right across from her neatly displays the names of the " "previous, current, and next stations." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1072 msgid "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1075 msgid "Her phone buzzes. Her heart leaps when she sees that it's Akarsha." msgstr "" # Speaker: cFirstLine #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1077 msgctxt "subway_8e0ddc15" msgid "{nw}" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1079 msgid "{image=frysSmall.png}" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1080 msgid "...Why did you send this?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1081 msgid ":(" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1082 msgid "I thought you liked me" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1083 msgid "" "Even if I hypothetically did like you why would I want to see this awful " "picture of you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1084 msgid "" "personally i think it's very hot and sexy of me to play video games against " "little kids at Frys Electronics and lose" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1085 msgid "Is that what you're doing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1086 msgid "nah im back home now playing the game i bought" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1087 msgid "its called Portal" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1088 msgid "dude youd love it" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1089 msgid "I don't play computer games." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1090 msgid "NO YOUD LOVE IT TRUST ME" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1091 msgid "its not like other games where ur some guy shooting stuff" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1092 msgid "ur a girl and its a puzzle game" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1093 msgid "ITS IN A SCIENCE RESEARCH FACILITY" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1094 msgid "Oh?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1095 msgid "ill give u the CD" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1096 msgid "just play it" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1097 msgid "I'll consider it after I return from my trip." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1098 msgid "o yeah youre in taiwan" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1099 msgid "whatre u up to rn?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1100 msgid "I'm riding the subway with my parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1101 msgid "how is that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1102 msgid "i hope they arent giving you a hard time" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1103 msgid "" "Actually, ever since we've arrived in Taipei they've been in good spirits." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1104 msgid "I've never seen my mother so relaxed before." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1105 msgid "She must be happy to be back home to see her family." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1106 msgid "oh dang!" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1107 msgid "thats good" msgstr "" # Speaker: cNoelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1108 msgid "We're on the way to the night market right now." msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1109 msgid "I feel paranoid that everyone can tell I'm a foreigner." msgstr "" # Speaker: cAkarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1110 msgid "LOL i get what u mean" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1111 msgid "when im in india they can tell im american before i even open my mouth" msgstr "" # Speaker: cSame #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1112 msgid "just from the way I carry myself" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1115 msgid "Her mom sighs as Noelle taps out her response on her phone." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1118 msgid "There you are, addicted to your phone." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1120 msgid "...How am I addicted? Compared to other teenagers, I barely use it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1123 msgid "You spend so much time talking to your friends." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1124 msgid "" "But friendships are only temporary. As soon as it's inconvenient, they'll " "all disappear." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1125 msgid "" "After I moved to America for your future, not a single one kept in touch " "with me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1127 msgid "" "The only people you can trust is your family. And I was so far away from all " "of mine..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1128 msgid "The life of an immigrant is a lonely one." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1130 msgctxt "subway_a41d9ab0" msgid "........." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1131 msgid "" "Is she hoping I'm going to console her? Or thank her for making such a " "brutal sacrifice for my sake?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1132 msgid "" "It was her own decision as a full grown adult to move here. It wasn't up to " "ME." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1135 msgid "Her mom sighs heavily and stares out the window." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1137 msgid "" "There's a message she's always trying to impart on me: I'm lonely because of " "you." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1143 msgid "Noelle watches the scenery fly by." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1144 msgid "" "After half an hour, the train arrives at their destination precisely on time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1150 msgid "Let's look for clothes. You need new ones." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1152 msgid "But I have plenty of clothes already." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1154 msgid "They all have holes in them! You should just throw them away already!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1156 msgid "Noelle browses through a sea of clothing racks with her parents." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1157 msgid "A hideous pair of beige pants catches her eye." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1159 msgid "This would compliment many items in my wardrobe." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1161 msgid "" "She turns it over in her hands, searching for its price tag, but it's " "missing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1163 msgid "I'm going to ask how much these trousers are." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1166 msgid "Do you know how?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1168 msgid "Are you serious? Of course I know how." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1171 msgid "Miffed, she marches up to the stall's cashier and shows her the pants." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1172 msgid "Stall Worker" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1173 msgid "Light I ask how much are these pants?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1175 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}輕問這條褲子多少錢?{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1177 msgid "Two hundred NTD." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1178 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}兩百塊。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1181 msgid "That's only about seven dollars! What a bargain." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1182 msgid "I waist buy this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1183 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}我腰買這個。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1186 msgid "{font=traditional_chinese.otf}你說什麼?{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1189 msgid "Urk! I stumbled over the pronunciation!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1190 msgid "This...I want to buy this." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1192 msgid "OK." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1193 msgid "" "Ashamed, Noelle doesn't dare speak another word as the cashier bags her " "purchase." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1195 msgid "" "Excellent. Simply superb. After six years of Chinese school I still can't " "speak, read, or write Mandarin." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1197 msgid "" "She finds her way back to her parents, who are just finishing up their " "purchase at the neighboring stall." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1199 msgid "I'm hungry. Let's get dinner at the food court." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1201 msgid "What for? There's food stalls all over the place." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1202 msgid "We can just eat as we shop." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1204 msgid "No, I wanna properly sit down somewhere and have a meal." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1209 msgid "" "Noelle follows her parents down the flight of stairs to the underground food " "court. It's a bizarre space that reminds Noelle of a mirror maze." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1210 msgid "" "They sit down at a stall and Noelle scans the menu, which is conveniently " "printed directly on the surface of the table." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1212 msgid "Something chicken...Something something soup..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1217 msgid "" "Noelle has to pick her dish based on the pictures, like a toddler would." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1221 msgid "Do you know what you're getting?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1223 msgid "I will order the oyster omelette." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1224 msgid "" "It's seldom seen in America, so I should take the chance to eat it here." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1227 msgid "" "As the stall worker comes over and takes her parents' orders, Noelle " "mentally recites hers, determined not to be rendered an inarticulate child " "again." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1229 msgid "I know this. This is kindergarten level vocabulary." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1230 msgid "I want oyster omelette." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1231 msgctxt "subway_01710f84" msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我要蚵仔煎。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1233 msgid "" "That sounds a tad crude, though. In English, I'd normally say something more " "like, \"I'd like to have the oyster omelette.\"" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1236 msgid "What do you want to order?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1237 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}你要點什麼?{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1240 msgctxt "subway_f49ad139" msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我要蚵仔煎。{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1243 msgid "The woman jots her order down on a pad of paper, nodding." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1247 msgid "Are you American-born Chinese?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1248 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}妳是ABC嗎?{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1251 msgid "...Huh?? My Chinese was THAT bad?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1252 msgid "I am." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1253 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我是。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1256 msgid "I could tell! I guessed from your accent, so heavy!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1257 msgid "Noelle's mom sighs as the woman walks off to prepare their meals." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1259 msgid "All those years of Chinese school, wasted." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1261 msgctxt "subway_a5a151e8" msgid "............." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1265 msgid "Their food arrives within minutes." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1266 msgid "Noelle tries a gooey spoonful of her oyster omelette." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1268 msgid "It's delicious. You would never guess this only cost three dollars." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1271 msgid "Really? Let me try." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1274 msgid "" "Her parents each taste a spoonful of the oyster omelette and shrug, " "unimpressed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1276 msgid "This is below average. I've had way better ones around here before." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1278 msgid "Yeah, this isn't really what it's supposed to taste like." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1280 msgid "Well, I'm never here, so I couldn't have known that." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1283 msgid "Annoyed now, Noelle takes another bite of the oyster omelette." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1285 msgid "This is the best thing I've ever eaten." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1286 msgid "I should find out what this place is called so I can find it again." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1288 msgid "She looks up at the name of the stall, but it's in Chinese." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1290 msgid "I can't read it." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1292 msgid "" "I'd better savor it while it lasts. This omelette I can only taste once." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1294 msgid "" "All too soon, it's over. Noelle sighs as they get up to continue shopping." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1296 msgid "You should've tried harder to convince me to learn Chinese." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1299 msgid "Are you serious? We told you not to quit so many times." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1301 msgid "But you never properly explained {i}why{/i} it was so important not to." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1302 msgid "" "All you did was give me condescending lectures about how I was too young to " "understand why it mattered, and how I'd be an embarrassment if I didn't " "learn." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1305 msgid "English is our second language. It's hard to explain things to to you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1306 msgid "And it's true, you ARE an embarrassment." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1307 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}阿姨好{/font} = Hello Auntie." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1308 msgid "" "Last week I saw our neighbor's son Michael moving the lawn, and he greeted " "me in Chinese! {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}阿姨好。{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1310 msgid "See, that's what happens when you listen to your parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1312 msgid "" "Michael goes to Taiwan with his family every summer! THAT'S the reason he's " "more fluent, not because he was a superior child to me!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1313 msgid "" "Why didn't we just visit Taiwan more often when I was younger? That alone " "would've made me more interested in learning." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1315 msgid "" "I feel like I've been trying to understand Chinese culture by looking at it " "through a soda straw until now." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1318 msgid "You think {i}we{/i} didn't want to visit Taiwan more too?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1319 msgid "" "The airplane tickets are expensive. We have to save up for years just for " "one trip." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1322 msgctxt "subway_11a48459" msgid "Oh." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1325 msgid "" "But...Even so, you should have done more to show me that speaking Mandarin " "could be a positive experience." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1326 msgid "" "Why do you always speak to me in English even though you can't fully express " "yourselves in that language?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1327 msgid "" "If you'd conversed with me in Chinese from a young age, I would have " "naturally picked it up from daily use." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1330 msgid "We thought you'd have an accent if we did that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1331 msgid "We were worried you wouldn't fit in at school." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1333 msgid "But that's ridiculous!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1334 msgid "" "There's no way I would have developed an accent when everyone else I " "interacted with spoke English." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1336 msgid "I would have grown up bilingual without any ill effects." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1338 msgid "Resigned, her dad shrugs." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1340 msgid "Well, too late now. What can you do?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1347 msgid "The last day of the trip" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1354 msgid "Noelle and her relatives visit the columbarium housing Ah-ma's ashes." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1356 msgid "My mom visits this place every time she's in Taiwan." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1359 msgid "Noelle follows her grandpa into the worship hall." msgstr "" # Speaker: AhGong #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1361 msgctxt "trueDragon_36871061" msgid "..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1363 msgid "" "We crossed an ocean to see my grandpa and I've barely spoken a word to him." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1364 msgid "" "It's not out of lack of interest. He must have lived a fascinating life." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1365 msgid "He's the only grandparent I have left." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1366 msgid "" "But how do you gain access to the heart of a stranger? Where do you even " "begin?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1367 msgid "\"Tell me about yourself?\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1369 msgid "" "Who says that to their own grandfather? It would sound like a job interview." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1370 msgid "" "Even if I knew what I wanted to say, what am I capable of saying in Chinese?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1371 msgid "Today is Sunday? I'm a student?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1373 msgid "" "She watches Chun-hua take a lotus petal from a glass bowl and offer it to " "the giant Buddhas." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1375 msgctxt "trueDragon_470886df" msgid "............." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1377 msgid "" "Noelle, we're going to pray for Ah-ma. Take a flower petal from that bowl " "over there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1380 msgid "Can I pray in English?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1383 msgid "If you have to." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1385 msgid "" "Unsure what she's supposed to do, Noelle does her best to imitate her " "parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1387 msgid "Hello, Buddha...I seriously doubt that you exist." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1388 msgid "But I'm sure Ah-ma was a wonderful woman." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1390 msgid "" "Chun-hua deposits her lotus petal in the bowl before the Buddhas, her eyes " "shining with tears." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1391 msgid "I miss Ah-ma..." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1393 msgid "我想阿媽了..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1396 msgctxt "trueDragon_09bb74f1" msgid "........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1398 msgid "" "To Noelle's surprise, her aunt embraces Chun-hua like it's the most natural " "thing in the world." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1400 msgid "They're so comfortable with each other." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1402 msgid "Is that how mothers and daughters are supposed to be?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1403 msgid "When I look at my mother, the first emotion I feel is stress." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1405 msgid "" "Noelle deposits her lotus petal in the bowl and joins Ah-gong, who's waiting " "to the side." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1406 msgid "He smiles awkwardly at her as they stand together in silence." msgstr "" # Speaker: AhGong #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1408 msgctxt "trueDragon_6a7ed93c" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1410 msgctxt "trueDragon_93192951" msgid "............" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1412 msgid "What should I do?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1413 msgid "" "Try to build a relationship in broken Mandarin? Tell him \"I like reading\" " "and \"My favorite color is green\"?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1414 msgid "Or do I let the moment pass me by? Say nothing and remain strangers?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1415 msgid "Am I a terrible person if that's what I do?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1418 msgid "Come on, we're going upstairs." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1425 msgid "" "After an elevator ride, they arrive at the floor housing her grandma’s ashes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1427 msgid "Ah-ma's over here." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1428 msgid "Noelle follows everyone down the hall to a one of the niches." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1430 msgid "" "The only thing distinguishing it from the others is the tiny nametag on the " "door." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1432 msgid "" "Not that I can read it...Even if I could, I don't know the names of any of " "my relatives." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1433 msgid "And at this point, I'm too embarrased to ask." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1434 msgid "" "Even Chun-hua's name I only know by sound. I have no idea what it looks like." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1436 msgid "Noelle's dad points to the units beside Ah-ma's." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1438 msgid "Your mom and I bought our spots, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1440 msgid "Already? You're only in your fifties." msgstr "" # Speaker: Dad #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1442 msgid "" "There's a limited number, so we made sure to reserve them before they were " "all gone." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1445 msgid "" "I suppose my parents {i}are{/i} fairly old. They didn't manage to have me " "until their forties." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1446 msgid "" "Going off of the average American life expectancy, they probably have around " "twenty-five years left." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1449 msgid "*sniff*..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1450 msgid "" "Noelle's mom wipes her eyes as they open the little door of Ah-ma's unit." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1452 msgid "Will {i}I{/i} cry when my mother dies someday?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1453 msgid "" "I'm starting to seriously worry that I won't. What kind of monster does that " "make me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1454 msgid "" "What kind of cold, heartless person cares so little about her own parents?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1456 msgid "" "Is there something wrong with me? Do I just not form emotional bonds as " "deeply as ordinary people do?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1469 msgid "" "When they get back to Ah-gong's apartment, Noelle and her mom begin packing " "to leave." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1471 msgid "Are you all flying back tonight?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1473 msgid "" "Actually, my dad will be in Taiwan for another week attending to business " "matters." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1474 msgid "So my mother and I are flying back alone." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1477 msgid "Aw, one week was too short." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1492 msgid "" "As Noelle fits the last of her clothes into the roller bag, Chun-hua takes a " "seat, pulling a thick tome out of her backpack." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1495 msgid "" "Noelle feels a twinge of sadness as she watches her cousin read her huge, " "academic looking book." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1497 msgid "If I'd grown up in Taiwan, we probably would've become close." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1499 msgid "Suddenly, a strange thought occurs to Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1501 msgid "" "If I'd grown up here, would my personality been shaped into something more " "similar to Chun-hua's?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1502 msgid "" "How much of my personality is just a product of being raised by an immigrant " "helicopter mother with no friends or family around to balance her out?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1503 msgid "Would my mother and I have gotten along?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1505 msgid "" "The magazine Chun-hua showed Noelle earlier is still out on the coffee " "table, taunting her." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1507 msgid "" "I'm finished packing, so I have some time to kill before we leave for the " "airport." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1508 msgid "Maybe I can translate the poem my mother wrote." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1512 msgid "" "Noelle digs her emergency Chinese-to-English dictionary out of her backpack." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1515 msgid "I was being a petulant baby in elementary school." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1516 msgid "" "All I have to do is persevere and power through learning the language " "properly this time." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1517 msgid "" "I'll simply look up each word I don't know, and burn its pronunciation and " "meaning into my memory." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1519 msgid "Unfortunately, she doesn't know a single word in the poem's first line." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1520 msgid "" "After spending 15 minutes pounding seven words into her memory, her " "enthusiasm evaporates." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1522 msgid "This actually is incredibly difficult..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1523 msgid "" "I'm not surprised that I have nothing to show for my six years of Chinese " "school. It feels like the knowledge is just washing over my brain like water " "over plastic." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1524 msgid "Is my brain just not wired for this?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1525 msgid "" "Could it be genetic? Even after living the majority of their lives in " "America, my parents haven't mastered English, either." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1527 msgid "" "It takes another 15 minutes for her to finally overcome the first line of " "the poem." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1529 msgid "At last! Onto the second line!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1531 msgid "And I already know all these words." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1532 msgctxt "learningChinese_3449a5ce" msgid "Mirror flower water moon." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1533 msgctxt "learningChinese_390a1bfb" msgid "..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1535 msgid "" "It's total gibberish. Is it supposed to sound poetic mushed together like " "that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1536 msgctxt "learningChinese_3449a5ce_1" msgid "Mirror flower water moon." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1539 msgid "Noelle feels the urge to tear the magazine to shreds." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1540 msgid "" "Perhaps noticing her hands quaking with barely surpressed rage, Chun-hua " "peers over Noelle's shoulder to see what she's reading." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1542 msgctxt "learningChinese_eb45f514" msgid "What's wrong?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1544 msgid "Nothing. I'm just translating one of my mom's poems." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1547 msgid "Why don't you ask your mom for help?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1549 msgid "I'd rather die." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1552 msgid "Oh. Okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1554 msgid "Maybe I can help instead?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1555 msgid "Where are you stuck?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1557 msgid "" "What's this supposed to mean? {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡花水月?{/font}" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1560 msgid "Oh, that's a...How do you call it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1561 msgid "A saying. Like the lesson of a story." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1562 msgid "Flower in the mirror, moon in the water" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1564 msgid "It's short for 鏡子裡的花,水面上的月亮." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1566 msgid "Pretty much, it means something that you can see but never grasp." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1568 msgid "" "Like a flower reflected in a mirror, or the moon shining on the water's " "surface?" msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1570 msgid "" "Yes. You can't reach your hand through the mirror and take the flower out, " "it's impossible." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1571 msgid "You can only look, never have it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1573 msgid "I see." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1574 msgid "" "So \"Mirror Flower, Water Moon\" is shorthand for something beautiful but " "unattainable." msgstr "" # Speaker: ChunHua #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1576 msgid "Pretty much." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1578 msgid "" "Da Ah-yi cheers as Noelle's mom manages to zip her bulging suitcase closed." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1579 msgid "Ready to go to the airport?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Aunt #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1581 msgid "準備好去機場了嗎?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1582 msgid "Let's go." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1584 msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我們走吧。{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1587 msgid "" "Noelle gives the half-translated poem one last despairing look before " "flipping the magazine shut." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1589 msgid "" "Is that what I've been chasing after this whole time? A flower in the mirror?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1591 msgid "" "If only I get straight As, I'll have a normal relationship with my parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1592 msgid "" "If only I land a summer internship, I'll have a normal relationship with my " "parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1593 msgid "" "If only I become fluent in Chinese, I'll have a normal relationship with my " "parents." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1594 msgid "What if it was never possible from the start, no matter what I did?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1608 msgid "Stranger" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1611 msgid "That evening, Noelle and her mom make landfall in California." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1614 msgid "Instead of driving home from the airport, they take the BART back." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1615 msgid "" "Noelle wrinkles her nose as she inhales the stench of vomit, urine, and " "cigarettes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1617 msgid "Dad's car is parked at the airport garage. Why not just drive it home?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1620 msgid "We wouldn't be able to get gas." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1621 msgid "" "It's not safe for women to pump gas. It's so easy for a criminal to grab you " "and drive away." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1624 msgid "We live in one of the safest suburbs in the entire U.S...." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1625 msgid "Is that why she always has my dad pump the gas...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1628 msgid "Besides, I can't read fast enough." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1629 msgid "When you're driving on the freeway the signs pass by so quickly." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1631 msgid "" "Noelle reluctantly sits down on a filthy, worn seat with a suspicious brown " "stain on it." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1632 msgid "" "The conductor mumbles something unintelligible over the intercom as the " "train stops at a station." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1634 msgid "" "Six{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} Miss{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/" "incoherent}..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1635 msgid "" "A breathless man enters the train car just in time before the doors shut. " "His eyes frantically scour its interior." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1636 msgid "Man" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1637 msgid "Does this train go to Berkeley?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1639 msgid "It does not. This is the Fremont train." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1641 msgid "Shit! I need to get off at the next station!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1642 msgid "" "As the train continues onward, Noelle notices a puddle of liquid travelling " "down the floor." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1644 msgid "What is that? Did someone spill their drink?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1647 msgid "Passenger" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1648 msgid "AAAAAAHH!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1650 msgid "FUCKING NASTY! THAT BITCH PEED IN HER SEAT!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1652 msgid "What?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1654 msgid "" "Disgusted, Noelle recoils and keeps her feet as far as possible from the pee " "spreading down the floor." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1655 msgid "SO FUCKING GROSS!!! FUCKING BITCH!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1656 msgid "" "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} biohazard {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/" "incoherent}...Please evacuate {incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent} at the next " "station." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1658 msgid "What's he saying?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1660 msgid "" "The urine is a biohazard. We need to get off the train at the next station." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1670 msgid "" "Once the doors open, Noelle and her mom hastily drag their luggage off the " "train and onto the concrete platform." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1672 msgid "Maybe we should've driven after all. I didn't know BART was like this." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1675 msgid "We're still several stops from our destination." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1679 msgid "Noelle and her mom wait on a bench for the next train home." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1697 msgid "Nine car train to Fremont in six minutes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1699 msgid "Our next train will arrive in six minutes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1702 msgctxt "bart_bae2ca27" msgid "Okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1703 msgid "" "Good thing I was here with you, or else I wouldn't know what train to take." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1705 msgid "" "Exhausted, Noelle stares at the dark line of trees ahead of them. It's cold." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1707 msgid "Why are we here?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1710 msgid "Because the hobo lady peed on the floor?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1712 msgid "That's not what I mean — Why did you move from Taiwan to America?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1714 msgid "To give you more opportunities." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1716 msgid "That doesn't make any sense." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1717 msgid "" "Taiwan is superior to the U.S. by every conceivable metric. And it's not " "even close." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1718 msgid "" "Taiwan has socialized healthcare, more robust public infrastructure, and one " "of the lowest poverty rates in the world." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1719 msgid "" "Americans live shorter lives. Even worse, they're not as good at math and " "science." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1722 msgid "" "Taiwan was different in the past. All you see is Taiwan now, but it didn't " "used to be this way." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1724 msgid "" "And America was strong. We were scared China was going to invade Taiwan." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1726 msgid "But they didn't." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1727 msgid "In all this time that we've lived in America, nothing's happened." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1730 msgid "That's true, but it COULD'VE happened." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1732 msgid "But the plain truth is that it didn't..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1734 msgid "" "You could have just stayed put. I could have grown up in Taiwan like Chun-" "hua and the rest of my cousins, and everything would have been fine." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1737 msgid "But we didn't know that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1738 msgid "You think we had a crystal ball telling us the future?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1741 msgid "Noelle's mom perks up as a train screeches to a stop at the platform." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1742 msgid "Fruitvale...Dublin-Pleasanton train." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1743 msgid "Is this our train?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1745 msgctxt "bart_b5cf82d9" msgid "No, it's not." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1748 msgid "Noelle's mom settles glumly back on the bench." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1749 msgid "You know how Chun-hua wants to study in America?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1751 msgctxt "bart_be8d0937" msgid "Yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1753 msgid "I told her not to do it. It's not worth it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1754 msgid "I didn't realize how hard it would be." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1755 msgid "You'll be far from everyone you know." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1756 msgid "" "And your kids won't understand what you're talking about. You can't " "communicate with them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1757 msgid "" "I didn't know that if you have kids in America, your kids will be American." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1759 msgid "That wasn't obvious to you...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Mom #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1761 msgctxt "bart_00d55ada" msgid "No." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1763 msgctxt "bart_390a1bfb" msgid "..........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1783 msgid "Noelle waits with her friends for the baseball club meeting to begin." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1785 msgid "How was Taiwan?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1787 msgid "It was amazing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1789 msgid "" "The subway system — it was so punctual and efficient! And the signage was so " "clear." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1790 msgid "" "If you ever visit, Diya, you don't have to be afraid of getting lost or not " "hearing the announcements like you do on BART." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1791 msgid "Everyone there meticulously organizes their recyclables, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1792 msgid "" "If people fail to sort their materials properly, the government will fine " "them up to $200!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1795 msgid "Wait, they do that in Korea, too!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1797 msgid "Interesting. Perhaps Korea is more similar to Taiwan than I thought." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1800 msgid "I bet Korea did it first, and then Taiwan just stole it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1802 msgid "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1805 msgid "" "Diya listens with a small smile as Noelle continues extolling the virtues of " "Taipei's trash-collecting system instead of describing any of the landmarks " "she visited." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1807 msgid "You must've liked it there." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1809 msgid "You're right, I did..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1811 msgctxt "noelleAndDiyaTalk_390a1bfb" msgid "..........." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1812 msgid "" "What do you call it when you're grateful for the things your parents have " "done for you, but at the same time, you feel like they made critical " "mistakes that'll probably affect you forever?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1815 msgid "Isn't that just life?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1817 msgid "Oh...I suppose it is." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1820 msgid "Dammit, my shoelaces keep coming undone..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1822 msgid "" "Noelle glances to her left, where Akarsha is crouched over tying her sneaker " "laces." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1825 msgid "WHY HAVE YOU TIED YOUR SHOELACES LIKE THAT?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1828 msgid "This is the Silicon Valley, Frenchman. The land of innovation." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1834 msgid "Didja get me any souvenirs on your trip?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1836 msgctxt "noelleAndDiyaTalk_7f042003" msgid "No." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1839 msgid "Huh?! Meanie!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1841 msgid "I didn't get anyone anything. We had limited luggage space." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1842 msgid "" "All we brought back were snacks that can't be found here, and dubious beauty " "products my mom wanted." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1845 msgid "Dubious beauty products? Like what? Nail clippers with bombs in them?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1847 msgid "Wh...Why would there be nail clippers with bombs with them?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1848 msgid "" "All I meant was products with questionable value like skin whitening cream." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1851 msgid "Wait, skin whitening cream? Like, to make your skin lighter?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1853 msgid "Yes. Chinese beauty standards are all kinds of messed up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1854 msgid "" "It's been ingrained very deeply into people's minds that the lighter your " "skin is, the better." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1857 msgid "That's just like in India." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1859 msgid "Yeah, oh my god! I thought it was just a brown thing!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1860 msgid "You guys have colorism, too?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1862 msgid "Oh, is it similar in your culture?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1865 msgid "It's a whole thing! You have NO idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1867 msgid "I would argue I do have an idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1868 msgid "" "My mother even tells me not to spend time outside to avoid getting a tan." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1871 msgid "" "Oh, my mom does that too. They have those dumb as fuck skin creams in Korea, " "too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1873 msgid "It's the same." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1875 msgid "It's the same..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1876 msgid "Yellow and brown parents...They match just like pee and poo." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1878 msgid "What the fuck man..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1880 msgctxt "noelleAndDiyaTalk_7c22ccaa" msgid "......." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1882 msgid "Akarsha, have you ever considered not speaking?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1885 msgid "How mean! The second I open my mouth, you all jump to slap my balls..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1888 msgid "DO YOU HAVE TO WORD IT LIKE THAT?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1891 msgid "" "I'm tryin' to use more phrases with the word \"balls\" in it in my normal " "conversations." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1893 msgid "WHY?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1895 msgid "I dunno, I just think it'll add more flavor." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1900 msgid "[teamName!t], assemble!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1904 msgid "" "Team Global Warming gathers around Chryssa and Liz as they begin the meeting." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1906 msgid "" "The [teamName!t] gather around Chryssa and Liz as they begin the meeting." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1908 msgid "So we've got good news and bad news." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1910 msgid "Good news, we have a game today!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1912 msgid "Bad news...It's just the Niles baseball team again." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1914 msgid "They're the only ones who would play us again." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1916 msgid "Ah...That's not surprising." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1917 msgid "" "We either win by pulling some weird shenanigans, or lose so badly we get " "mercied. There's no in between." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1918 msgid "So most teams we play aren't exactly eager for a rematch." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1921 msgid "We had to swear up and down you guys would be normal this time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1929 msgid "So y'all better not be weird." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1931 msgid "Alright, we yakusoku..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1933 msgid "What?????" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1935 msgid "That's how you say \"promise\" in Nihongo...a.k.a Japanese." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1937 msgctxt "noelleAndDiyaTalk_d3d1d5c1" msgid ".............." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1939 msgid "Is everyone ready to go? The other team got here early." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1946 msgid "" "Team Global Warming walks over to the field, where the Killer Whales are " "already warming up." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1948 msgid "" "The [teamName!t] walk over to the field, where the Killer Whales are already " "warming up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1951 msgid "Thanks for being willing to play us again, guys." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1953 msgid "No problem. Time for our revenge!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1955 msgid "Yeah, right. We destroyed you guys last time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1957 msgid "Well, that was before our secret weapon joined the team." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1959 msgid "Secret weapon?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1962 msgid "We got a new guy who's pretty good." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1964 msgid "Oh yeah? Where is he?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1966 msgid "" "Jun-seo and Hayden look around amongst their teammates, but as the seconds " "pass, their faces grow more and more alarmed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1968 msgid "...I'm actually not sure..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1970 msgid "Maybe he got lost on his way driving here?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1972 msgid "Yeah, that seems typical of him." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1974 msgid "It's fine, we can wait a few minutes for him to show up." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1979 msgid "20 minutes later" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1986 msgid "No one came..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1987 msgid "He's decidedly late at this point." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1990 msgid "I can't believe this. Where the heck could he be??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1992 msgid "Did you try calling him?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1994 msgid "He didn't pick up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1996 msgid "Well, it's not like he can answer the phone if he's driving." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1998 msgid "You guys are pathetic. Making up some guy to blame your loss on..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2001 msgid "We're not making him up! He's real!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2003 msgid "And we didn't lose yet?? Stop jumping to conclusions..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2005 msgid "" "Is it okay if we start playing without him? If he turns up later, he can " "join the game then." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2007 msgid "Yeah, sure..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2009 msgid "Umpire" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2011 msgid "" "As the Killer Whales file into the dugout, Noelle starts trekking to her " "spot in right field." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2012 msgid "She scowls disdainfully at a barren patch of grass as she passes it." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2014 msgid "" "Chryssa likes pointing to that tiny patch and going, \"I'll defend that " "area, so you cover the rest of the field, okay?\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2015 msgid "" "I hope that grass grows back soon so I don't have to keep hearing that joke." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2018 msgid "Hey, wait!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2019 msgid "Noelle, you're playing second base today." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2021 msgid "I am? Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2024 msgid "Yeah, why?! She ducks and covers whenever the ball comes her way." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2026 msgid "That's exactly why she needs to do it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2028 msgid "" "I'm taking AP Psych and I found out there's something called exposure " "therapy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2029 msgid "" "It's where you make someone do something they're afraid of until they stop " "whining and get used to it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2031 msgid "That doesn't sound like the textbook definition to me..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2034 msgid "" "Chryssa, then how come when we went on that Demon ride at Great America, you " "had your eyes closed the whole time?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2037 msgid "That was before I knew what exposure therapy was." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2039 msgid "Uh huh." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2047 msgid "Wait, but I was second base. What happens to me then?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2049 msgid "You're playing left field now because you run fast." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2051 msgid "We're moving a whole bunch of people around, not just you two." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2053 msgid "Chryssa thinks she's a mega mind master now because of AP Psychology." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2055 msgid "Hey, I never said that!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2065 msgid "Noelle begins trekking to second base." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2067 msgid "" "I do feel a bit better equipped to man second base now than I did when I was " "first roped into this club." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2068 msgid "" "I don't like to appear under-informed, so a bit after our first game, I read " "the baseball rulebook from cover to cover." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2070 msgid "Still, I really hope no one hits the ball my way..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2072 msgid "To her surprise, Akarsha is already standing by second base." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2074 msgid "Bonjour!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2076 msgid "Why are you here?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2078 msgid "I'm the shortstop? I'm supposed to be here." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2080 msgid "What...? Aren't you supposed to be closer to third base?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2083 msgid "Says who?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2085 msgid "The diagram in the baseball rulebook." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2088 msgid "Nah, the shortstop's position mirrors the second baseman's." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2089 msgid "" "You're supposed to work together and vary your positioning to anticipate " "what the batters and runner do, you know." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2092 msgid "See?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2094 msgid "R-right, I knew that..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2095 msgid "" "So we're both covering the same base? Won't that make things unnecessarily " "confusing?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2098 msgid "You're like a duo! It's a good thing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2100 msgid "Yah, we should negotiate who does what in different situations." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2102 msgctxt "baseballGame_318273e6" msgid "Alright, fine." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2105 msgid "How about you cover second when there's a runner on first?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2106 msgid "And field the ground balls close to us?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2107 msgid "And also take care of the fly balls?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2110 msgid "You're just trying to get out of doing as much work as possible!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2113 msgid "" "The game kicks off and to her relief, Min quickly strikes out the first " "batter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2115 msgid "Good! Just do that two more times and we get to bat!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2118 msgid "Hayden digs into the batter's box next." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2121 msgid "" "Min throws a floater that curves up toward his head for a moment before " "dropping back toward the strike zone." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2125 msgctxt "baseballGame_3f0e0dd9" msgid "Agh!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2126 msgid "Instead of swinging, Hayden flinches backward out of the way." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2128 msgid "Strike!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2130 msgid "What's with you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2132 msgid "Nothing! I'm just making sure I don't get hit in the mouth." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2133 msgid "I had a dream last night that my teeth were falling out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2135 msgid "THAT'S what you wasted your dream on?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2138 msgid "It's not like I can control what I dream about!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2142 msgid "" "Min hurls another pitch his way, but instead of dancing like usual, it " "pretty much just sails straight down the middle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2145 msgid "Rragh!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2148 msgid "Hayden manages to make contact and drives the ball into grass!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2150 msgid "" "It bounces into the air and for one singularly terrifying moment, Noelle " "sees it coming straight at her!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2153 msgid "Egad!!! I hate ground balls!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2155 msgid "" "Noelle covers her face with one arm and half-heartedly attempts to catch the " "ball with the other." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2156 msgid "She braces for impact, but nothing hits her." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2159 msgid "" "On the mound, Min managed to intercept the ball by catching it behind her " "back without looking at it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2161 msgctxt "baseballGame_3b71d0de" msgid "!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2163 msgid "Whoa!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2164 msgid "Even Min herself looks shocked that she caught it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2166 msgid "Just because it's cool doesn't mean he's out!! Throw it to first!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2172 msgid "" "Min hastily lobs the ball to Liz. It just barely beats Hayden to first base." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2173 msgid "Out!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2175 msgid "Aw man..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2177 msgid "That was close!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2181 msgid "As Hayden heads back to the dugout in defeat, there's a distant shout." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2184 msgid "Sorry I'm late!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2186 msgid "Some guy is sprinting down the hill to the Killer Whales at top speed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2187 msgid "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2189 msgid "Subhaan!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2192 msgid "WHERE WERE YOU???" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2193 msgid "Subhaan" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2194 msgid "The Killer Whale player sighs despondently as he joins his teammates." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2196 msgid "I was driving over when all of a sudden a spider crawled up my leg..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2197 msgid "So obviously I crashed the car." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2200 msgid "\"Obviously\"?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2202 msgid "Are you okay...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2204 msgid "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just knocked a street sign over." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2206 msgid "Isn't that a crime...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2209 msgid "How big was the spider?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2211 msgid "Like this big." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2212 msgid "He pinches his thumb and index finger together to demonstrate." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2214 msgid "So small." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2216 msgid "" "But it was all hairy! So practically speaking, it was equivalent to a spider " "twice as big." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2218 msgid "Even if it WAS twice as big, isn't crashing kinda an overreaction?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2220 msgctxt "baseballGame_9ba0838f" msgid "No?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2222 msgid "Whatever...Just get up to bat already, it's your turn." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2224 msgid "This guy seems like a coward." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2225 msgid "I wonder what makes him their secret weapon." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2229 msgid "Subhaan digs in behind home plate." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2235 msgid "He's standing on the other side of the plate. He must be left-handed." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2240 msgid "" "Min hurls her next pitch, and the batter shifts into a bunting stance at the " "last second." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2242 msgid "He's not even going to try to hit it?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2249 msgid "" "He starts to run toward first base as the ball glances off his bat, sending " "the baseball bouncing toward Liz!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2250 msgid "She's forced to rush forward to field it, leaving first base unmanned." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2252 msgid "I got it!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2255 msgid "" "By the time she's scooped the ball up, Subhaan is well on his way to first " "base." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2257 msgid "He's fast!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2261 msgid "FRANCE!! Frenchman!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2263 msgid "Oh, I need to cover first base since Liz isn't there!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2267 msgid "" "Noelle belatedly runs toward the base so Liz can throw the ball to her, but " "Subhaan beats her there." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2268 msgid "The Killer Whales cheer as Subhaan overruns the base." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2270 msgid "Yeah!! Sub-Zero!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2272 msgid "...Sub-Zero??" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2274 msgid "\"Sub-Zero\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2276 msgid "That's me. They call me Sub-Zero 'cause I'm so cool." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2278 msgid "Huh?? No fair, I want a badass nickname, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2280 msgid "Oh, please. Like what?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2283 msgid "Like...Sub-Zero." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2286 msgid "You're just going to copy him?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2289 msgid "Sayeeda shakes her head as Sub-Zero basks under his teammates' praise." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2291 msgid "Tch. Who the heck bunts to get on base?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2293 msgid "I mean, if you're fast, it's doable." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2294 msgid "" "Lefties have a huge advantage when bunting, too, because they’re already two " "steps ahead of where righty batters are when they lay down the bunt." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2296 msgid "That's so cheap!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2298 msgid "Well, that's the essence of baseball, no? Cheating and being cheap." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2300 msgid "I thought the essence of baseball was friendship and teamwork." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2302 msgid "Oh, yes, that too." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2306 msgid "Jun-seo is up to bat next." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2308 msgid "" "He swings at the pitch! The knuckleball suddenly swerves outward as if " "sensing the bat, dodging it entirely." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2310 msgid "Uogh??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2312 msgctxt "baseballGame_7af3c61f" msgid "?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2314 msgid "" "Diya misses the ball by a mile, too. She rips her mask off and chases after " "it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2318 msgid "Yaaaa!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2320 msgid "Subzero takes off running toward second base!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2322 msgid "He's taking the chance to steal! I need to tag him out!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2325 msgid "Diya secures the ball and throws it to Akarsha." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2327 msgctxt "baseballGame_45dd1e99" msgid "Got it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2329 msgid "...Never mind, looks like Akarsha's supposed to cover second base here." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2332 msgid "Sub-Zero skids to a halt halfway between the bases." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2333 msgctxt "baseballGame_43c2b153" msgid "Oh no!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2335 msgid "" "Because it was his choice to run, we need to actually tag him with the ball!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2339 msgid "" "Akarsha charges toward him, and Sub-Zero turns around and flees back toward " "first base." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2341 msgid "Throw it to me!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2343 msgid "Hrah!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2345 msgid "Akarsha lobs the ball over, and Liz tags him out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2347 msgid "Noooo..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2349 msgid "Nice one, Akarsha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2351 msgid "...Akarsha? Who's that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2353 msgid "You???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2355 msgid "I dunno what you're talking about." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2357 msgid "My Sub-Zero." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2359 msgid "NO, IT'S NOT." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2364 msgctxt "baseballGame_3e0f5d3a" msgid "The teams switch sides." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2366 msgid "" "As Noelle crosses the field, she's struck with a peculiar awareness of where " "she is." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2369 msgid "Barely a day ago, I was on the opposite side of the planet." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2370 msgid "" "I was in Taiwan, where the garbage trucks sing Beethoven's Fur Elise while " "collecting the trash." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2371 msgid "" "And now I'm here, playing baseball. I'm wearing a little cap, sweating, and " "running on grass." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2372 msgid "Why am I here? It's a mistake that I'm here." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2375 msgid "Hello? Earth to Frenchman?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2377 msgctxt "baseballGame_9d73f57c" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2380 msgid "You didn't hear a thing I said, huh?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2382 msgid "My apologies. What was it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2385 msgid "I said, it's hot as balls out here!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2388 msgid "Not this again!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2397 msgid "So what were you so lost in thought about?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2399 msgid "Nothing really..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2401 msgid "" "It's just strange knowing I would've led a completely different life if my " "parents had stayed in Taiwan." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2402 msgid "" "I would've been someone who was close to her family. Someone who wasn't " "ignorant of her own culture." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2403 msgid "Maybe I would have been a better person." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2406 msgid "Aw, I like you the way you are, though." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2407 msgid "And if your parents didn't move, we would never have met." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2409 msgid "Of course, because obviously that makes up for everything." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2412 msgid "Akarsha grins, and the inside of Noelle's palm prickles." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2414 msgid "This is so peculiar..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2417 msgid "" "Is this what extreme anger feels like? But right now I'm only pretending to " "be annoyed for comedic effect." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2420 msgid "" "The sensation is so unbearable, she wants to scratch at it until it goes " "away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2422 msgid "" "I mean, you went there on vacation. You're probably looking at it through " "rose-colored glasses." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2423 msgid "" "They probably have tons of struggles over there that you're clueless about." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2426 msgid "" "Even so, the standard of living there is on an entirely different level." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2427 msgid "This is backed up by actual statistics, not just my personal opinions." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2430 msgid "I dunno, man. It's not good to wallow too long in self-pity." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2431 msgid "Or else you'll get lost in the sauce." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2433 msgid "...The sauce? What sauce?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2436 msgid "It's a metaphor for being out of touch with reality." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2437 msgid "But I like to imagine barbeque sauce." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2442 msgctxt "baseballGame_ed0b524b" msgid "!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2445 msgid "" "The rest of Team Global Warming erupts in cheers as Diya bats Chryssa in." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2447 msgid "The rest of the [teamName!t] cheer as Diya bats Chryssa in." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2449 msgid "Oh, they're not just walking Diya like last game?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2452 msgid "" "I told Jun I'd shave his hair off in his sleep if he did that again, cuz " "it's not fun for Diya." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2454 msgid "Who's up next?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2456 msgid "Me! Time to unveil my special technique!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2462 msgid "" "Wait, she better not be trying that \"getting hit on purpose\" thing again!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2471 msgid "Oblivious, Junseo throws a fastball to Akarsha." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2478 msgid "" "Akarsha leans in to the pitch, causing the ball bounce off her elbow guard." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2480 msgid "Hahah! Free walk to first base!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2482 msgid "Huh?! You can't do that on purpose!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2485 msgid "" "The guy on the Niles team who's serving as their umpire pages through his " "rulebook, lost." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2486 msgid "Uh...Does it say that in the rules?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2488 msgid "" "Actually, it's not relevant whether Akarsha caused the ball to hit her or " "not." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2489 msgid "" "Per rule 2, section 40 of the NFHS rulebook:\n" "There is no distinction between the act of touching or by being touched." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2493 msgid "Seriously?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2495 msgid "Thank you, baseball lawyer! Muah!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2497 msgid "" "Actually, just last summer Rule 7-3-4 was added, stating that the batter " "shall not permit a pitched ball to touch him." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2499 msgid "But it's not really my job to remind them to update their rulebook." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2502 msgid "But...but still, that's not fair!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2504 msgid "You may not like it, but this is what peak baseball looks like." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2505 msgid "Even the Major League Baseball logo is a guy getting hit by the pitch." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2507 msgid "Wha...what're you talking about?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2508 msgid "It's a guy swinging at the ball." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2513 msgid "No, really picture it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2514 msgid "The ball is too high up, and look how close to him it is." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2515 msgid "It's too late, there's no way he's gonna be able to hit it in time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2516 msgid "It's a guy who's about to get beaned." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2518 msgctxt "baseballGame_4399bdb8" msgid "No way..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2520 msgid "She's right...It really is a guy about to get hit..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2522 msgid "I rest my case." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2527 msgid "Akarsha jogs to first base, victorious." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2530 msgid "Alright. I'm up next." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2532 msgid "There's already two outs. I'd better not strike out." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2534 msgid "" "But on the bright side, Diya and Akarsha are both on-base. If I can somehow " "hit this, we could end this inning with a massive lead." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2538 msgid "Noelle swiftly strikes out, missing by a mile with each swing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2540 msgid "Drat! I blew it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2543 msgid "There, there..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2547 msgid "Did you try? Yes. But did you fail? Also yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2549 msgid "Wait, I think I said those in the wrong order." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2552 msgid "Forget the order! Why mention me failing at all?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2563 msgctxt "defendingAgain_3e0f5d3a" msgid "The teams switch sides." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2565 msgid "" "As Noelle trods to second base, she crosses paths with Diya on her way to " "the catcher's box." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2567 msgid "Diya, do you have any tips for hitting the ball?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2569 msgid "Diya considers it for a moment." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2571 msgid "It's easier to hit the top of the ball than the bottom." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2572 msgid "Bad for hitting home runs but you'll strike out less." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2574 msgid "" "Diya, at this point I'd be thrilled to hit ANY of the ball. You think I can " "differentiate between the top and bottom halves??" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2577 msgid "Diya appears not to have heard Noelle's response and has walked away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2579 msgid "Thanks, I guess..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2583 msgid "" "The Killer Whales cheer as a batter hits a grand slam off one of Min's " "pitches." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2585 msgid "Woohoo! We're tied now!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2588 msgid "EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2594 msgid "" "Min strikes the next two batters out in quick succession, but the third gets " "a solid hit!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2598 msgid "Maybe I can catch this!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2601 msgid "" "Noelle leaps for the ball, but it flies over her head and bounces into " "center field." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2603 msgctxt "defendingAgain_357bc0b5" msgid "Got it!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2605 msgid "Chryssa fields the ball, then tosses it back to Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2607 msgid "I need to throw this to first base!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2611 msgid "" "Noelle throws the ball with all her might! It plops almost straight into the " "ground and begins rolling away..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2613 msgctxt "defendingAgain_95009986" msgid ".........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2614 msgid "" "Liz leaves first base to grab the ball. By this point, the runner is " "approaching second base." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2616 msgid "It's another pickle! Liz and Akarsha need to box him in again." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2619 msgctxt "defendingAgain_d6483e85" msgid "Akarsha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2621 msgid "Who?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2623 msgid "She's not cooperating because she wants to be called Sub-Zero!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2627 msgid "Call her Sub-Zero" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2627 msgid "Don't call her Sub-Zero" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2631 msgid "...Sub-Zero..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2634 msgid "Oh hey, that's me!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2637 msgid "" "Akarsha catches the ball Liz throws her, and quickly tags the Jun-seo out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2639 msgid "Nooooo..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2641 msgid "Heh! Another win for Sub-Zero." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2643 msgid "YOU'RE DISGUSTING." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2649 msgid "" "Thanks to Noelle's noble sacrifice, Global Warming maintains their deadlock " "with the Killer Whales for the next few innings." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2651 msgid "" "Thanks to Noelle's noble sacrifice, the [teamName!t] maintain their deadlock " "with the Killer Whales for the next few innings." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2658 msgid "" "It's the bottom of the last inning. We just need one run to cinch our " "victory." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2662 msgid "AKARSHA!!!! YOU VILE CREATURE!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2665 msgid "Hmmm? I wonder who this \"Akarsha\" you keep referring to is." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2668 msgid "" "Liz throws the ball to Akarsha, but she pretends not to see it and lets it " "land on the ground." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2671 msgid "REALLY???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2674 msgctxt "defendingAgain_963b5e21" msgid "Shit!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2675 msgid "I mean — shoot!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2677 msgid "" "Noelle rushes to grab the ball instead, but the runner is already long gone." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2678 msgid "She shrieks at Akarsha as he crosses home plate." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2681 msgid "THEY SCORED BECAUSE OF YOU!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2684 msgid "" "Because of me? Or because you were a big meanie and didn't compromise like a " "good teammate?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2686 msgid "Really makes you think..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2689 msgid "NO, IT DOESN'T." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2699 msgid "" "Thanks to Akarsha's antics, Global Warming enters the bottom of the final " "inning one run behind the Killer Whales." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2701 msgid "" "Thanks to Akarsha's antics, the [teamName!t] enter the bottom of the final " "inning one run behind the Killer Whales." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2703 msgid "We need to get at least one more run, or we'll lose." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2707 msgid "Unfortunately, Sayeeda and Chryssa rack up two outs right off the bat." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2709 msgid "Gomenasorry Diya-sama, you're our only hope!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2713 msgid "After letting two balls go, Diya swings at a fastball." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2716 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_57537cff" msgid "....!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2718 msgid "" "She drives the ball into right field, and everyone holds their breath as it " "rockets toward the fence." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2721 msgid "" "It smashes into the middle of the fence, just a couple feet too low to clear " "it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2724 msgid "Too bad it wasn't a home run." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2726 msgid "Too bad I'm about to beat the shit out of you!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2728 msgid "Kidding! Kidding!! Diya did great!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2732 msgid "" "Diya sprints round the diamond and slides into second base, just barely " "beating the throw." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2733 msgid "Safe!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2734 msgid "Akarsha cracks her knuckles as she gets up from the bench." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2736 msgid "Time to use my special technique." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2738 msgid "Wait. Are you going to get yourself hit by the pitch again?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2740 msgid "Ya." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2742 msgid "" "Back when I was in Little League, I saw a batter get beaned in the face." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2743 msgid "Chryssa, do you remember? He was on your team." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2745 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_c914a997" msgid "Huh?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2747 msgid "...Oh, yeah! That was so scary." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2748 msgid "He collapsed and was just lying motionless on the ground for a while." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2749 msgid "" "He looked like he was dead. Poor kid had to be carried off in a stretcher." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2751 msgid "I think it knocked out one of his teeth, right?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2753 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_622335a1" msgid "Yup." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2754 msgid "Actually, maybe he even have died for real later." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2756 msgid "\"Maybe\"??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2759 msgid "Anyway, you trying to get hit on purpose just reminded me of that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2761 msgid "O-oh...Okay..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2763 msgid "This must be a new scare tactic they're trying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2766 msgid "" "Plus, this is our only real chance to bring Diya home. We have two outs, and " "Noelle will probably strike out at her at-bat." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2768 msgid "No offense, Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2770 msgid "None taken..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2773 msgid "" "So getting walked here would just delay the inevitable. You should try to " "create an opportunity for Diya to run." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2776 msgid "So I gotta actually hit the ball? Aw, man..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2778 msgid "No pressure if you can't manage it! But do your best!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2780 msgid "Say no more. I'm goin' serious mode." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2786 msgid "" "As Akarsha walks up to the plate, she tosses her bat in the air, spins " "around, and tries to catch it behind her back." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2788 msgid "" "She doesn't spin around fast enough, so the bat just clatters to the ground." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2790 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_ea5c5756" msgid "..........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2791 msgid "Akarsha picks the bat back up and points it at Jun-seo." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2793 msgid "Your pants can't wait for my pee." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2795 msgid "Wha...what is that even supposed to mean?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2797 msgid "She's trying to confuse you! Don't let it get to you!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2800 msgid "Disturbed, Jun-seo quickly pitches to Akarsha." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2802 msgid "Akarsha whiffs it for a strike." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2804 msgid "Whoopsie!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2807 msgid "" "We're all going to be haunted by that pee comment now and it didn't even " "work???" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2812 msgid "" "The team holds their collective breath as Jun-seo lets his next pitch fly." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2815 msgid "Akarsha smacks it into foul territory." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2817 msgid "Strike two..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2821 msgid "If you waste Diya's double, I'll hit you!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2824 msgid "Chryssa taps the sign she and Liz taped to the dugout's fence." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2826 msgid "No hitting allowed." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2829 msgid "Ha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2831 msgid "Then...then I'll scream really loud in your ear!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2833 msgid "So it destroys your eardrum!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2835 msgid "Liz taps the second sign they taped to the fence." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2837 msgid "No screaming allowed either." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2839 msgid "Goddammit..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2843 msgid "" "Jun-seo winds up again. In the meantime, Akarsha has gone suspiciously quiet." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2845 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_e47d28aa" msgid "........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2855 msgid "Akarsha leans in so she gets hit by the pitch again!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2858 msgid "Not again!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2860 msgid "Great going, you just lost us the game!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2864 msgid "YAAAaaaaaAAAAA!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2868 msgid "Akarsha races toward first base like her life depends on it!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2870 msgid "G-guys? Why's she's running?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2872 msgid "Tag her if she tries to steal second!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2874 msgid "" "Hayden quickly throws the ball to Subhaan, the first baseman. Akarsha " "hastily stops in her tracks." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2876 msgid "Uh-oh!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2878 msgid "Come back here!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2879 msgid "" "Akarsha turns and scrambles back the way she came with Subhaan at her heels." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2881 msgid "" "What is she doing?! There's no benefit to her retreating all the way back " "home!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2884 msgid "" "As Akarsha nears home, Subhaan hurls the ball back to Hayden, who lunges " "forward to tag her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2888 msgid "They've panicked and forgotten the basic rules of baseball!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2889 msgid "All they have to do is tag first base for a force out!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2892 msgid "" "{i}Can{/i} they do that? She was hit by the pitch — she's entitled to first " "base." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2895 msgid "...Good point..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2900 msgid "GUYS, DON'T FORGET DIYA'S RUNNING TOO!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2902 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_d1ebda1b" msgid "HUH?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2907 msgid "Diya slides home in the confusion!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2911 msgid "YEAHHHHHH!!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2914 msgid "...!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2917 msgid "" "Min runs over to home base and starts furiously kissing Diya as Hayden " "chases Akarsha back toward first." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2921 msgid "GET OFF THE PLAYING FIELD!! THE GAME'S NOT OVER YET!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2923 msgid "It's not? I thought we won?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2925 msgid "" "The run won't count if Akarsha is the third out before making it to first " "base!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2926 msgid "Er, if they even can tag her out? I don't know anymore." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2930 msgid "GET OFF THE PLAYING FIELD!! YOU CAN CELEBRATE LATER!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2932 msgid "" "The run won't even count if Akarsha is the third out before making it to " "first base!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2933 msgid "Er, if they even can tag her out? I'm not sure anymore." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2938 msgid "" "As she's trying to weasel past Subhaan, Akarsha trips on her own shoelaces " "and collides with him!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2942 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_4d81e02d" msgid "Agh!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2949 msgid "Akarsha bangs her head on Subhaan's knee on her way down!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2951 msgid "Oh my god!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2953 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_3dd98bff" msgid "Akarsha!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2958 msgid "" "Without thinking, she runs over to where Akarsha is lying motionless on the " "ground." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2961 msgid "Akarsha! Are you alright?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2963 msgid "Akarsha doesn't respond." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2964 msgid "" "Coming from Akarsha, the silence is a thousand times scarier than if she'd " "been screaming." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2966 msgid "Please be alright..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2969 msgid "" "Her voice comes out all choked and funny, and Noelle realizes with horror " "that she's crying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2975 msgid "The world would be an awful place without you..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2981 msgid "Owww..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2986 msgid "Dazed, Akarsha slowly begins to sit up." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2987 msgid "" "Noelle is so relieved that she tearfully pulls Akarsha into a hug for a " "moment before a mixture of other emotions catch up with her." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2990 msgid "Wait, what am I doing?!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2993 msgid "" "Her heart pounding, Noelle hastily shoves Akarsha away, sending her crashing " "back to the ground." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2995 msgid "Whuh?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:2999 msgid "YOU ABSOLUTE ARSE!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3000 msgid "YOU SCARED ME! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3002 msgid "" "Noelle frantically wipes her tears away as Akarsha wobbles back to her feet." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3003 msgid "Soon, the others have gathered around her in concern." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3005 msgid "You okay?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3007 msgid "Yeah, just woozy..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3009 msgid "What year is it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3011 msgid "1834...?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3013 msgid "Just kidding, 2009." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3016 msgid "HOW CAN YOU BE CRACKING JOKES RIGHT NOW?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3019 msgid "Can you tell me what happened?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3021 msgid "I got myself into a pickle, tripped, and ate shit." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3023 msgid "Okay, good..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3026 msgid "Ask her if she feels nauseous." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3028 msgid "Do you feel nauseous?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3030 msgid "Naw." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3031 msgid "" "As they run through a series of tests for concussion, Chryssa and Liz relax " "a bit." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3033 msgid "You seem fine...It's good that you can remember what happened and walk." msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3035 msgid "It looked like you lost consciousness for a second there, though." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3037 msgid "I wasn't knocked out, I was thinking the whole time." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3039 msgid "Huh?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3042 msgid "I was just stunned 'cause it really hurt." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3044 msgid " remember what I said to you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3047 msgid "Yeah, that I'm an arse?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3049 msgid "What about before that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3052 msgid "Um...Before that, everyone was screaming that I fell." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3053 msgid "It was so chaotic, it all kinda blurred together." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3056 msgid "Why, did you finally call me Sub-Zero?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3058 msgid "I most certainly did not." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3060 msgid "" "What a relief! It would have been mortifying if she'd heard me falling to " "pieces over her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3064 msgid "We should still get you checked out by an adult." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3066 msgid "Aren't you and Liz technically adults now?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3068 msgid "You know what I mean. {i}Real{/i} adults, like the school nurse." msgstr "" # Speaker: Hayden #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3071 msgid "Does that mean the game's over?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3073 msgid "Yeah, sorry...We'll have to rematch you guys some other time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3076 msgid "Wait, so did we win? Did Diya's run count?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3078 msgid "Wait, so did we tie? Did Diya's run count?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3080 msgid "Unfortunately, no." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3081 msgid "" "My understanding is that Akarsha ultimately violated Section 4 of Rule 8 — " "She made a travesty of the game." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3084 msgid "A {i}travesty?{/i} That's such a dramatic way to put it, I love it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3091 msgid "I'm so sorry! You can hit my head super hard too as payback!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Subzero #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3092 msgid "Like with the bat or something!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Jun #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3094 msgid "Why?! It wouldn't help at all!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3096 msgid "I'll do it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3098 msgid "NO ONE'S HITTING ANYBODY IN THE HEAD WITH THE BAT!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3108 msgid "Noelle, could you escort Akarsha to the nurse's office?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3111 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_318273e6" msgid "Alright, fine." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3116 msgid "Noelle and Akarsha trudge back up the hill toward the school." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3117 msgid "Suddenly Akarsha touches her own cheek, confused." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3119 msgid "Why is my face wet?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3121 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_9d73f57c" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3124 msgid "There's something wet on my cheek. Like water." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3126 msgid "It's from when I was crying over her!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3128 msgid "That...that must've been someone's spit that fell on you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3131 msgid "Huh?! Ew!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3135 msgid "Man...If only I hadn't tripped, I totally would've saved the day." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3137 msgid "You should thank me for tryin' to save you from making us lose." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3142 msgid "" "Now that she mentions it, I do feel a bit bad that she got hurt trying to " "help me..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3144 msgid "" "I actually am a bit impressed you wrangled such an improbable outcome out of " "a walk." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3145 msgid "I truly marvel at your creativity sometimes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3150 msgid "Whuh??" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3152 msgid "Who are you, and what did you do with Noelle?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3154 msgid "Contrary to common belief, I am, in fact, capable of being nice." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3157 msgid "" "I know, but you usually look like you're passing a really hard poo while " "you're doing it." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3158 msgid "Akarsha grabs Noelle's hand and vigorously shakes it up and down." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3160 msgid "Congratulations! You've learned basic human decency!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3161 msgid "You should try it more often." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3162 msgid "" "To Noelle's dismay, she feels a strange, almost electric undercurrent of " "something running between their palms." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3164 msgid "" "Why am I so sensitive to her touch all of a sudden? It didn't used to be " "like this." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3166 msgid "Noelle thrashes her hand free and seizes Akarsha's wrist!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3168 msgctxt "bigBrainMove_ce00232f" msgid "Wah!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3170 msgid "Could it be that I'm still excited from the game?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3171 msgid "There's probably still adrenaline in my system." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3174 msgid "Lemme go!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3177 msgid "War crime! War crime!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3180 msgid "IT'S NOT A WAR CRIME TO GRAB SOMEONE'S ARM!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3185 msgid "Oh, the humanity!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3186 msgid "" "To be captivated by a court jester — a circus clown juggling five bowling " "pins!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3194 msgid "One week later" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3202 msgid "" "Diya blearily looks up from her textbook as Akarsha takes her usual seat in " "front of Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3204 msgid "How's your head." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3206 msgid "Oh, I'm all good now!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3207 msgid "The nurse just told me to rest up for a few days." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3208 msgid "" "My parents made me see a doctor over the weekend, too, and he said the same " "thing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3210 msgid "That's good to hear." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3217 msgid "" "I wish I could've used this as an excuse to get outta the Bio test today, " "though." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3219 msgid "At least we have the Multicultural Week Assembly in third period." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3220 msgid "You can use it as extra time to cram." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3223 msgid "" "I wanna watch at least some of it, though. I heard there was gonna be a K-" "pop part." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3225 msgid "" "Noelle's heart does a nervous little stutter as Akarsha turns all the way " "round in her seat to face her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3227 msgid "Do you remember the poster that was in the nurse's office?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3229 msgid "No. What poster?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3232 msgid "It said if your hand is bigger than your face, you have cancer." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3234 msgid "That doesn't sound right." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3236 msgid "Why would that be the case? Swelling?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3238 msgid "" "Just to check, Noelle puts her hand over her face to compare their sizes." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3245 msgid "Akarsha slaps Noelle's hand so Noelle smacks herself in the face." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3248 msgid "AKARSHAAAAA!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3251 msgid "Akarsha bolts, and Noelle chases after her!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3254 msgid "" "The bell rings!{w=0.26} This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning " "scream fest." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3255 msgid "" "Once they're back in their desks, Noelle glowers at the back of Akarsha's " "head." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3258 msgid "" "I can't keep my eyes off of her. It must be my body's natural defense " "mechanism in response to threats." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3259 msgid "" "If I hold her hand, it'll prevent her from doing the \"Why are you hitting " "yourself?\" move." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3260 msgid "And if I embrace her, she will be completely immobilized." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3261 msgid "" "Yes. There are perfectly reasonable explanations for all of these strange " "urges I'm feeling." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3267 msgid "" "In third period, Noelle's teacher leads the class to the gym to watch the " "Multicultural assembly." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3268 msgid "" "Most of her classmates have their heads buried in their Biology textbooks as " "they walk, desperately cramming for the impending test." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3270 msgid "Pistil." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3272 msgid "The ovule producing part of the flower. Next." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3275 msgid "Xylem." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3277 msgid "Plant tissue that moves water 'n stuff around. Next." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3279 msgid "What's \"stuff\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3281 msgid "Like, stuff. Y'know...Stuff." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3283 msgid "" "You know, Akarsha, I've never actually seen you study for something in " "earnest before." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3286 msgid "Ya, well, I decided to actually try normally for once." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3287 msgid "" "I think I have too many lies and weird plots goin' on at the same time, and " "it's tiring me out." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3300 msgid "You fool...You nuisance...You liar..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3301 msgid "I want to know everything about you..." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3302 msgid "I want you to tell me every thought that's ever crossed your mind..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3305 msgid "Sepal." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3307 msgid "The outer part of the flower, the green leafy part." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3309 msgid "Why am I so infatuated with her?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3310 msgid "It can't possibly be that I fancy her." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3312 msgid "No...Surely not!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3313 msgid "" "I may have grown used to the concept of Diya dating Min, but I have no " "intention of being in a relationship like that myself." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3314 msgid "" "Even now that I'm aware it's possible for two women to...copulate...that " "changes nothing!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3315 msgid "" "Homosexuals can't even legally get married anymore. It seems unwise to " "pursue a lifestyle reliant on the mercy of a government as unreliable as our " "own." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3318 msgid "Akarsha gives her an odd look." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3319 msgid "...Why're you glaring at me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3321 msgid "Oh...Is that how my face looked?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3324 msgid "I haven't even done anything yet." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3326 msgid "YET?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3329 msgctxt "preassembly_2fc393e2" msgid "Oof!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3332 msgid "Noelle walks straight into someone in the class walking ahead of them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3334 msgid "Kyaaaa!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3336 msgid "Oh hai, it's you guys!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3338 msgid "Oh hey! What's up?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3340 msgid "I posted the first chapter of my webcomic." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3342 msgid "I saw! Every page has like, four comments!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3345 msgid "Is that good...? I have no idea how to gauge webcomic success." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3348 msgid "Ester, you're like, you're a celebrity now!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3350 msgid "Ooh, I wanna see!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3352 msgid "Here, I scanned all these comic pages from my sketchbook." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3353 msgid "" "She holds her sketchbook out so Noelle, Diya, and Akarsha can read it as " "they walk." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3357 msgid "This is not scientifically accurate..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3358 msgid "" "But at least it's easier to follow than that accursed English video we made." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3361 msgid "" "Hey, were you really in high school if you didn't act in a completely " "incomprehensible movie with your friends?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3363 msgctxt "preassembly_a16d98d6" msgid "?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3364 msgid "Is that Noelle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3366 msgid "Huh? Where?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3369 msgid "Diya points at a panel showing a character crumpled on the ground." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3371 msgid "Wait a this traced from a photo of me?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3374 msgid "Er, yeah...But don't worry, I made sure to tweak some things!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3375 msgid "" "Her personality is completely different from yours. And I changed her hair " "color to white." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3377 msgid "Why white...? Is she old?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3380 msgid "No, it's because she's albino. She has red eyes, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3382 msgid "Okay...But what if people still realize this is based on my likeness?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3385 msgid "Looks like someone already did." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3387 msgid "" "Sure enough, Min has left a comment on the page where albino Noelle is " "getting her ass kicked." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3388 msgid "God_Of_Halo" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3389 msgid "LMAO GET REKT NERD" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3391 msgid "That's the price of knowing an Artiste." msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3393 msgid "Sorry, next time I'll ask for permission first..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3395 msgid "Ester, you're coming to Fanime with us, right?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3397 msgid "Yeah, I begged my parents to let me go." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3399 msgid "We should cosplay as your characters to help promote the comic!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3402 msgid "What?! No!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3403 msgid "" "The anatomy's so bad. And I made a bunch of mistakes on everyone's outfits..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3406 msgid "You're famous and you're still saying that BS?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3407 msgid "" "You created this with your bare hands! So what if it's not perfect? You're " "god!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Ester #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3409 msgid "Okay whatever, do what you want, but I'm wearing normal clothes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3411 msgid "" "You're seriously gonna be too cool for anime while ATTENDING an anime " "convention? It's not like you can wander in by accident." msgstr "" # Speaker: Sayeeda #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3413 msgid "I call dibs on Stellaluna!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Grace #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3415 msgid "Then I get Kagami Izuna!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3417 msgid "Wait, I wanted to be Kagami Izuna!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3419 msgid "" "Noelle hangs back with Diya as the others argue, trying to process a " "confusing tangle of feelings about not being the center of Akarsha's " "attention." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3421 msgid "" "She watches Akarsha's ridiculous gait as she walks, the one that apparently " "marks her as an American in India." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3423 msgid "Question: Do you ever feel like love is a choice?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3426 msgctxt "preassembly_a16d98d6_1" msgid "?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3428 msgid "Like you could {i}potentially{/i} fall in love with someone?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3429 msgid "" "You're {i}not{/i} in love with them, but if you wanted to feel that way, you " "{i}could.{/i}" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3430 msgid "But if you ignore it, it'll pass, eventually." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3433 msgid "Isn't that just regular love?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3435 msgid "" "No, I'm not talking about regular love, like what you and Min experience." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3436 msgid "" "There was no preventing that. The two of you were drawn together with the " "force of a freight train." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3437 msgid "" "But this isn't like that. This is more comparable to someone reaching a fork " "in a road." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3439 msgid "" "Because I can obviously control my emotions, especially ones that aren't " "useful to me. I'm not a wild animal." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3442 msgid "" "...Even if you could control your emotions. Why don't you think they're " "useful?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3444 msgid "Because they would derail my entire life." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3446 msgid "" "There's insufficient evidence to suggest the subject in question would " "reciprocate my feelings, so perhaps this is putting the cart before the " "horse..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3447 msgid "" "But in the unlikely event that things actually did work out between us, it " "would be extremely inconvenient for my plans." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3450 msgid "What plans?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3452 msgid "You know, just the default ones." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3453 msgid "" "Essentially, to secure a respectable job, marry a similarly successful man, " "and spawn two well-behaved children in the suburbs before I'm thirty." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3454 msgid "" "I'd be throwing away my prospects of leading a normal life just for the " "pleasure of being tormented by a silly little clown every day." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3458 msgctxt "preassembly_6e8840cd" msgid "............" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3459 msgid "" "Diya gives her an odd look. She looks like she's struggling to piece " "together a very complicated puzzle." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3461 msgctxt "preassembly_9d73f57c" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3463 msgid "Nothing..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3465 msgid "If the...person...doesn't fit your goal, shouldn't you update the goal?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3467 msgid "I can't. It's the only outcome my parents see as acceptable." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3468 msgid "" "If I don't adhere to it, they'll badger me day and night. They'll never let " "me hear the end of it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3471 msgid "Don't they already do that anyway?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3473 msgid "...Oh...Yes, they do." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3476 msgid "" "You're right, no matter what I do, they'll always find some new issue to " "latch onto." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3478 msgid "" "Why am I so desperate for the approval of two people whose opinions I don't " "even respect?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3480 msgid "" "I wish I could rewire my brain to only crave approval from people I hold in " "high esteem." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3483 msgid "Like me?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3485 msgid "You would be included, yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3488 msgid "Then I'd want you to adopt a thousand dogs and start exercising." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3490 msgid "A thousand?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3493 msgid "But you can read some books too, as a treat." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3495 msgid "Your manner of discussing this makes me sound like your pet hamster." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3523 msgid "Noelle follows her class into the rafters." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3525 msgid "Diya! Over here!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3527 msgctxt "assembly_001c343a" msgid "!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3529 msgid "Min worms her way over to them through the crowd." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3531 msgid "I escaped from my class." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3533 msgid "Escaped? Are they gonna come looking for you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3535 msgid "Nah, I lost them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3538 msgid "You'd better have. I'd rather not get caught harboring a fugitive." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3541 msgid "Did it hurt? When you were born with that huge stick up your ass?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3544 msgid "I'm not even going to dignify that with a response." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3547 msgid "What the hell is this, anyway?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3549 msgid "Multicultural Week?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3551 msgid "Yeah, that. None of the other schools I went to did this." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3553 msgid "At lunch, there's samosas. And Coldstone cupcakes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3555 msgid "What? For free?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3557 msgid "No. You buy them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3558 msgid "All the clubs sell something to fundraise." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3560 msgid "I heard there's also musubis." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3562 msgid "What's the baseball club selling?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3565 msgid "Curry pizza, I think." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3569 msgid "" "Akarsha takes a seat at the end of the row against the wall. Min begins to " "sit down next to her..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3572 msgctxt "assembly_1d74dd58" msgid "!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3574 msgid "" "Suddenly, Diya grabs Min by the shoulders, turns her round to face her, and " "kisses her full on the mouth." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3576 msgid "Mmmph?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3579 msgid "...What brought this on???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3582 msgid "Hot damn! Get a room!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3584 msgid "" "Baffled, Noelle squeezes past them and sits in the spot Min was about to " "take next to Akarsha." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3586 msgid "Wha...What was that for?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3587 msgid "Not that I'm complaining..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3589 msgctxt "assembly_7c22ccaa" msgid "......." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3591 msgid "Diya whispers something into Min's ear that Noelle can't catch." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3593 msgctxt "assembly_379c085f" msgid "WHAT?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3594 msgid "That doesn't make sense. Are you sure?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3596 msgid "Maybe half." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3603 msgid "Class president" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3604 msgid "" "Tinikling is one of the most popular folk dances in the Philippines. This " "dance originated on an island in central Philippines..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3605 msgid "" "Noelle and Akarsha continue to cram as their fellow students showcase a " "variety of cultural performances." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3606 msgid "Diya lets out a huge yawn and rests her head on Min's shoulder." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3608 msgid "You tired?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3610 msgid "Stayed up late studying." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3612 msgid "I'll wake you up if anything cool happens." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3614 msgid "Man, I wish I stayed up late cramming too. I'm so dead..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3617 msgid "" "We have the entire assembly to study. If you want to live, stop whining and " "start reviewing." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3622 msgid "Yes, ma'am..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3624 msgid "What part of the flower will turn into a fruit?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3626 msgid "Petal" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3626 msgid "Ovary" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3629 msgid "The petal." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3632 msgid "Huh?? You really think that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3633 msgid "" "When you see flowers with like, a billion petals, are you like \"Wowie! " "Can't wait to eat a billion fruits!\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3637 msgid "SHUT UP!!!! I DON'T THINK THAT!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3640 msgid "Then why'd you say it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3641 msgid "It's obviously the ovary." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3643 msgid "Wait, is it cuz you're too much of a prude to say ovary?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3645 msgid "" "All along, instead of debating whether you're straight or gay, we should've " "been asking whether you get turned on by flower private parts." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3649 msgid "SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3652 msgid "If you wanna shut me up so bad, why don't you just kiss me?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3655 msgid "Noelle smacks her in the arm!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3657 msgctxt "assembly_dfc14508" msgid "Ow!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3662 msgid "The ovary." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3665 msgid "Ding ding ding!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3668 msgid "" "You didn't by any chance ask that question just to make me say \"ovary\", " "did you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3671 msgid "No way! How immature do you think I am?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3674 msgid "" "Last period, you asked me to guess what number you were thinking of, and it " "was 69." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3677 msgid "Well, you're the immature one for guessing it right." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3681 msgid "" "HOW AM {i}I{/i} THE IMMATURE ONE?? I GUESSED IT BECAUSE I KNEW YOU'RE ALWAYS " "LIKE THIS!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3688 msgid "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! DIYA'S SLEEPING!!!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3690 msgid "Not anymore, she isn't..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3695 msgid "The Tinikling dancers bow and run off the stage." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3696 msgid "" "Now that they've reached a lull in the conversation, Noelle is hyperaware of " "the way the side of Akarsha's thigh is pressed up against hers." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3698 msgid "Why did I have to meet you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3699 msgid "Why do you have to be so funny and make me so happy?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3700 msgid "You've ruined everything." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3703 msgid "" "Next up is Chinese dance. Chinese dance has thousands of years of history..." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3704 msgid "" "A troupe of student dancers wave colorful fans to an idyllic sounding " "Chinese song." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3707 msgid "Do you know what the song's about?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3710 msgid "I wish I could tell you. I haven't the faintest idea." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3711 msgid "" "When I was younger, I was so eager to cast the Chinese part of me aside " "because it was difficult. And now I regret it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3714 msgid "Hey, no judgment. I'm whitewashed, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3717 msgid "Does it ever bother you that you can't speak any Indian languages?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3720 msgid "Maybe a little? It would be cool to know." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3723 msgid "That's all? You don't feel guilty for being uncultured?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3727 msgid "Excuse you?? I'm plenty cultured!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3729 msgid "" "Today I'm gonna eat curry pizza, destroy the sport of baseball, and even " "enjoy the company of a Frenchman." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3734 msgid "" "You know what I mean. It's not the traditional culture your ancestors " "experienced." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3737 msgid "" "Is that such a bad thing? It's different, but it's pretty cool in its own " "way, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3741 msgid "And if I really want, I can always pick up Hindi or something someday." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3749 msgid "" "But you've already missed the window of time when children pick up languages " "the most readily." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3752 msgid "Don't plenty of people learn languages later in life though?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3753 msgid "" "I feel like Diya and Min've learned a ton just from teaching each other." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3756 msgid "That may be possible, but it's not optimal." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3760 msgid "Dude, whose life is optimal? You're not a robot." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3761 msgid "Just take what you can get, and be happy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3764 msgid "Easier said than done, but duly noted." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3767 msgid "Speaking of robots! Did you try playing Portal?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3770 msgid "I did." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3773 msgid "What did you think?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3776 msgid "" "It made me motion sick. I kept having to pause because I was on the verge of " "throwing up." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3779 msgid "Oops. Sorry..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3782 msgid "But I did enjoy the witty dialogue. And the song at the end." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3785 msgid "...So you still played all of it?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3788 msgctxt "assembly_be8d0937" msgid "Yes." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3791 msgid "Even though it almost made you hurl?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3794 msgid "What choice did I have? You told me to play it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3798 msgid "Oh...yeah, I guess that's friends do." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3800 msgid "Isn't GLaDOS so hot?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3803 msgid "The sadistic artificial intelligence who's trying to kill you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3806 msgid "That's the whole appeal! She's scary in a seductive way!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3807 msgid "Like, her voice gets all low and sexy when she's insulting you!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3811 msgid "Did you hit your head again? Something's definitely not right in there." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3832 msgid "Girls in the crowd" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3833 msgid "K-Pop as we know it would not exist without the—" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC2 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3835 msgid "WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3836 msgid "" "The K-Pop dance troupe's introduction is completely drowned out by a chorus " "of high-pitched screams." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3838 msgid "Aw, that's cute." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3841 msgid "" "I'm not sure I would characterize those banshee-like screams as \"cute\"." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3844 msgid "No, not them! Next to you." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3846 msgid "" "Noelle turns to see Diya sound asleep in Min's arms. Min's gazing at her " "like she's an angel that just fell down from heaven." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3847 msgid "It makes Noelle's skin crawl, so she quickly looks away." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3849 msgid "They're so disgustingly in love, I can barely bear to look at them." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3853 msgid "Right? It's like staring directly at the sun." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3856 msgid "All obvious." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3858 msgid "Sometimes I kinda wish that were more my style." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3861 msgid "Do you really?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3862 msgid "It's not exactly my style, either." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3865 msgid "Yeah, I guess not..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3866 msgctxt "assembly_d1531631" msgid ".........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3869 msgid "" "Noelle carefully maintains a mildly disgusted expression as she watches " "Akarsha read, just in case she's caught staring." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3877 msgid "" "If I cast this part of myself aside because it's difficult too, will I come " "to regret it later?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3884 msgid "Hey...." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3885 msgid "" "Do you remember that time my brother hijacked my computer and typed all this " "crazy stuff to you?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3888 msgctxt "assembly_9d73f57c" msgid "What?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3891 msgid "It was a few months ago, after school. Remember?" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3894 msgid "Oh, I forgot about that." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3895 msgid "That was odd." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3897 msgid "Yes, I remember now. Why?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3900 msgid "I lied." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3901 msgid "That wasn't my brother, that was me." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3904 msgid "O...kay?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3907 msgctxt "assembly_e47d28aa" msgid "........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3909 msgid "" "Akarsha goes back to reading her Biology textbook, though her leg's now " "jittering up and down." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3911 msgid "" "I feel like I was just told a joke whose punchline flew straight over my " "head." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3912 msgid "" "Why would it matter that it was her and not her brother...? What exactly did " "she say?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3915 msgid "As she wracks her brain, a dozen costumed seniors take the floor." msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3919 msgid "Thank you, K-Pop! Up next, we have Senior Bhangra!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NPC #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3920 msgid "Bhangra was originally a folk dance from farmers in Punjab..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3923 msgid "There's Chryssa and Liz!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3925 msgid "{font=korean.ttf}공주님!{/font} Wake up!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3927 msgctxt "assembly_56bfc018" msgid "...!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Chryssa #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3929 msgid "Seniors, c'mon down!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Liz #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3931 msgid "It's okay if you don't know the moves! Follow our lead!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3934 msgid "...How is it okay if people don't know the moves?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3937 msgid "I guess they all try to copy the group that's learned the dance." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3940 msgid "Won't that look hopelessly unsynchronized, though?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3941 msgid "They can't possibly dance in proper unison on the fly." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3944 msgid "Why don't we see for ourselves?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3946 msgid "Let's dance!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3948 msgid "Akarsha stands, yanking Noelle up with her by the arm." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3950 msgid "What?! We're not seniors!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3955 msgid "C'mon, no one's gonna notice. I can't focus, anyway!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3962 msgid "" "Noelle balks as her friends weave their way into the crowd of amateur " "dancers." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3964 msgid "I don't dance!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3968 msgid "C'mon, you don't need to be good at something to do it." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3969 msgid "" "They all try to copy the others, clapping and raising their arms a beat late " "each time." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3971 msgid "This looks like shit!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3975 msgid "Oh balls! This is harder than I thought!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3978 msgid "I told you! We look like fools!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3981 msgid "T-that's okay! So does everyone else!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3985 msgid "" "Already out of breath, Noelle looks around at the chaotic blur of Asian " "nerds flailing their limbs around them." msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3987 msgid "" "It's true...This must be a group of some of the worst dancers in the world!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3993 msgid "" "With renewed confidence, Noelle spins in what turns out to be the completely " "wrong direction. Diya rears back to avoid crashing into her." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3995 msgctxt "assembly_a9db357b" msgid ".........." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3996 msgid "" "To Noelle's surprise, Diya belatedly bumps into her, sending her flying into " "Akarsha!" msgstr "" # Speaker: NoelleT #: game/4_noelle.rpy:3998 msgid "That almost seemed deliberate?!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4001 msgctxt "assembly_ce00232f" msgid "Wah!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4003 msgid "Pardon!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4005 msgid "" "Akarsha tries to pull back, only for Min to smack the back of her head in " "retaliation." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4012 msgid "OW!! What was that for?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4014 msgid "This...This air is mine!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4016 msgctxt "assembly_761a13f3" msgid "Huh???" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4018 msgid "Noelle grabs Akarsha's hand for balance as they collide again." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4020 msgid "Isn't this fun?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4022 msgid "This is a hellhole!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4025 msgid "This is paradise!" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4032 msgid "" "Akarsha laces their fingers together, and Noelle can feel it — a hairline " "crack racing through something foundational within her." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4033 msgid "" "It's an utterly terrifying yet exhilarating sensation, but she doesn't let " "go." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4035 msgid "I have feelings for you." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4037 msgid "" "She whispers it, as an experiment, so that it's impossible to hear over the " "roar of the crowd and the music." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4038 msgid "" "But it feels like a small, daring victory, like the first step on the moon." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4040 msgid "" "Like a butterfly breaking out of its chrysalis all soft, naive, and crinkled." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4042 msgid "" "Maybe with two left feet and a few days late to the party, but alive, so " "alive, trying to process the blinding, beautiful, wild world she's broken " "her way into." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4045 msgid "...What'd you say?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4047 msgid "" "Akarsha twirls her, and Noelle gives up on suppressing the giddy smile on " "her face." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4049 msgid "Nothing. Maybe I'll tell you later." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4052 msgid "Be that way. Burger King." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4054 msgid "That's not even the slogan." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4055 msgid "They dance and dance, all stupid and struggling and happy." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4057 msgid "There's so much pain and misery in this school." msgstr "" # Speaker: Min #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4058 msgid "" "It's twisted us all into strange and flawed shapes, like butterflies born in " "a fool's spring." msgstr "" # Speaker: Diya #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4059 msgid "" "But it's the circumstances that gave us you and me, right here, right now." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4060 msgid "" "Kant wrote, \"Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was " "ever made.\"" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4061 msgid "" "And how we long to be straight — Forgetting there's beauty in the crooked " "things, too." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4064 msgid "We'll never live the lives our parents wanted us to lead." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4067 msgid "And that's okay." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4068 msgid "Because we'll forge something brave and new instead." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4070 msgid "It won't be the same." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4071 msgid "But it'll be ours." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4072 msgid "And I won't ever let that go." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4115 msgid "The future" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4120 msgid "Well? Were they open?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4121 msgid "What do you think? It's 1 in the morning." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4122 msgid "Of course Home Depot wasn't open." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4123 msgid "There's gotta be somewhere else you can buy bolt cutters." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4124 msgid "At this hour? I'm not optimistic." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4125 msgid "Guess I'll die then?? How else are we gonna get them off?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4126 msgid "I'm afraid we need to go to the fire station for help." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4128 msgid "Stop laughing, this isn't funny!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4129 msgid "This isn't funny???" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4130 msgid "" "We're goin' to the fire station with me half naked and handcuffed, and it's " "not funny?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4132 msgid "You really can't get more dressed than that?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4133 msgid "I mean, my arms can't go through the sleeves." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4135 msgid "Hold still." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4138 msgid "I give up. Good enough." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4140 msgid "Go—good enough?!?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4142 msgid "If only I had a humiliation kink, this would've been perfect." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4144 msgid "Doesn't Min have a katana?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4145 msgid "They do?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4146 msgid "" "Or at least some kinda sword. Maybe we could use it to slice the handcuffs " "off." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4147 msgid "What, you want a surprise amputation tonight? No." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4148 msgid "And you're SURE the key didn't fall behind the dresser?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4151 msgid "I looked everywhere; it's gone." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4153 msgid "" "I'm convinced that in these scenarios, small objects stop obeying the laws " "of physics." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4154 msgid "This never happened any of the times I handcuffed YOU." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4155 msgid "That, my dear, is called luck." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4160 msgid "Whatever you say, Skunky..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4162 msgid "STOP CALLING ME THAT." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4163 msgid "Fine, Skunko Pop...D.Gray-Man..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4164 msgid "AND DON'T BRAINSTORM HORRID NEW NICKNAMES FOR ME!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4165 msgid "But you're basically begging for it with your hair like that." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4166 msgid "It's not as if I grew gray hairs on purpose!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4167 msgid "Then how come I don't have any?" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4168 msgid "You're intolerable." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4171 msgid "" "Noelle seizes the front of Akarsha's shirt and yanks her forward, crushing " "their lips together." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4173 msgid "" "Akarsha makes a small noise of surprise, then grins as she deepens the kiss, " "coaxing her lips open so her tongue can slide inside." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4177 msgid "" "At the start of the night, she tasted like watermelon lip gloss, but that's " "long been kissed and smeared away into oblivion." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4178 msgid "Noelle can't help but think, why bother? When will you learn?" msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4179 msgid "" "I'll always kiss through every layer of crap you put between us until it's " "just you and me." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4183 msgid "" "When they part, their breaths ragged, neither of them can come up with " "anything witty to say." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4187 msgctxt "epilogue_5452d866" msgid "I love you." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4188 msgid "I love you more." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4189 msgid "That's impossible." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4190 msgctxt "epilogue_6413f5df" msgid "No, it's not." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4191 msgid "I love you times infinity. There, I win." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4192 msgid "You can't multiply infinity." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4193 msgid "Infinity is a concept, not a number. So is \"love\", for that matter." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4194 msgid "Well too bad, I did it." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4195 msgid "Love you times infinity." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4197 msgid "" "Noelle sighs, but she doesn't bother hiding the half-smile tugging at her " "mouth." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4199 msgid "" "If you're going to speak nonsense, then I love you times infinity, plus one." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4202 msgid "Now get in the car. I have work tomorrow morning." msgstr "" #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4203 msgid "" "Akarsha tries to respond as Noelle opens the door for her, but she's " "laughing so hard, it takes her several attempts to get it out." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4204 msgid "The firefighters! They're gonna look outside and see..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4205 msgid "Prius driver dressed like Frog & Toad...and me..." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4206 msgid "What's wrong with driving a Prius? Just get in already!" msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4207 msgid "I love you times infinity, minus one." msgstr "" # Speaker: Noelle #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4208 msgid "I love you times infinity, minus two." msgstr "" # Speaker: Akarsha #: game/4_noelle.rpy:4209 msgid "Okay, okay! How mean!" msgstr "" #: game/options.rpy:15 msgid "Butterfly Soup 2" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:645 msgid "Save" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:647 msgid "Skip" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:649 msgid "Prefs" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:716 msgid "New Game" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:721 msgid "History" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:729 msgid "Load Game" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:733 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:737 msgid "About" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:742 msgid "End Replay" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:748 msgid "Main Menu" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:758 msgid "Quit" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:977 msgid "Return" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1098 msgid "[!t] Version [config.version!t]\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1105 msgid "" "Game by Brianna Lei\n" "\n" "Made with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1107 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "Music:" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1108 msgid "" "Bubbles, guiding light, Thought Projection, Holding Your Breath,\n" "Illicit Activities, and Jello by {a=}Ketsa{/a}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1109 msgid "" "Romaras, Blooming, pas a pas, side by side, and Campagne_sound363\n" "by Miltata (CC BY-NC 3.0)" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1110 msgid "" "{a=}This artist has songs available for " "purchase! Please support him here!{/a}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1111 msgid "" "{a=}Valar Morghulis{/" "a} by {b}Bloodgod{/b} (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1112 msgid "" "{a=}Flame of Love{/a} " "by {b}YOSHI{/b}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1113 msgid "" "{a=}Toys House{/a} by {b}" "Teada{/b}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1114 msgid "" "{a=}{font=japanese.ttc}クラヤ" "ミ{/font}{/a} by {b}{font=japanese.ttc}カモキング{/font}{/b}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1115 msgid "" "{a=}Fell{/a} by {b}" "Studio Meow Meow{/b} (CC BY 4.0)\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1116 msgid "" "{a=}Comatose Dreams{/a} by {b}VOiD1Gaming{/b}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1117 msgid "My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by {b}Matt Mulholland{/b}" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1118 msgid "" "{a=}" "This song is available for purchase! Please support the artist!{/a}\n" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1120 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "Sound:" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1121 msgid "{a=}Cutie Keys{/a}" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1122 msgid "" "{a=}Electric " "Sound Effects Library{/a} by LittleRobotSoundFactory (CC BY 3.0)" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1123 msgid "" "{a=}Metal Locker{/a} by " "Peacewaves (CC BY 3.0)" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1125 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "Translation producer:" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1126 msgid "{a=}Queerscriptors{/a}" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1128 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "Russian Translation:" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1129 msgid "Mikhail \"KornyPony\" Burov-Kosolapin" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1205 msgid "Page {}" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1205 msgid "Automatic saves" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1205 msgid "Quick saves" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1251 msgid "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1251 msgid "empty slot" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1268 msgid "<" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1271 msgid "{#auto_page}A" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1274 msgid "{#quick_page}Q" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1280 msgid ">" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1393 msgid "Display" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1394 msgid "Window" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1395 msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1401 msgid "Unseen Text" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1402 msgid "After Choices" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1407 msgid "Screen Motion" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1408 msgid "Background Pan" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1409 msgid "Screenshake" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1421 msgid "Music Volume" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1428 msgid "Sound Volume" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1434 msgid "Test" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1438 msgid "Voice Volume" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1449 msgid "Mute All" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1453 msgid "Text Speed" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1461 msgid "Language" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1605 msgid "The dialogue history is empty." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1717 msgid "Help" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1726 msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1727 msgid "Mouse" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1730 msgid "Gamepad" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1743 msgid "Enter" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1744 msgid "Advances dialogue and activates the interface." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1747 msgid "Space" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1748 msgid "Advances dialogue without selecting choices." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1751 msgid "Arrow Keys" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1752 msgid "Navigate the interface." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1755 msgid "Escape" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1756 msgid "Accesses the game menu." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1759 msgid "Ctrl" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1760 msgid "Skips dialogue while held down." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1763 msgid "Tab" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1764 msgid "Toggles dialogue skipping." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1767 msgid "Page Up" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1768 msgid "Rolls back to earlier dialogue." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1771 msgid "Page Down" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1772 msgid "Rolls forward to later dialogue." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1780 msgid "Takes a screenshot." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1784 msgid "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1790 msgid "Left Click" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1794 msgid "Middle Click" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1795 msgid "Hides the user interface." msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1798 msgid "Right Click" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1802 msgid "" "Mouse Wheel Up\n" "Click Rollback Side" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1806 msgid "Mouse Wheel Down" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1813 msgid "" "Right Trigger\n" "A/Bottom Button" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1817 msgid "" "Left Trigger\n" "Left Shoulder" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1821 msgid "Right Shoulder" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1825 msgid "D-Pad, Sticks" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1829 msgid "Start, Guide" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1833 msgid "Y/Top Button" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1836 msgid "Calibrate" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1901 msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1902 msgid "No" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:1948 msgid "Skipping. To stop skipping, click anywhere on the screen!" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:2346 msgid "Back" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:2348 msgid "Auto" msgstr "" #: game/screens.rpy:2349 msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:679 msgid "" "{font=YunusH.ttf}{white}{size=+25}Thank you\n" "for playing!{/size}{/white}{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3292 msgid "English" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3292 msgid "{font=myriad.OTF}{size=30}Русский{/size}{/font}" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3376 msgid "Diya" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3377 msgid "Min" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3378 msgid "Noelle" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3379 msgid "certified brain genius" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3380 msgid "depressed elf nightmare man" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3381 msgid "albret einstong" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3382 msgid "Yuki" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3383 msgid "Sakura" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3384 msgid "Chryssa" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3385 msgid "Liz" msgstr "" #: game/script.rpy:3386 msgid "Mom" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:28 msgid "Self-voicing disabled." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:29 msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. " msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:30 msgid "Self-voicing enabled. " msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:32 msgid "bar" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:33 msgid "selected" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:34 msgid "viewport" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:35 msgid "horizontal scroll" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:36 msgid "vertical scroll" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:37 msgid "activate" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:38 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:39 msgid "increase" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:40 msgid "decrease" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:138 msgid "Font Override" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:142 msgid "Default" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146 msgid "DejaVu Sans" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:150 msgid "Opendyslexic" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:156 msgid "Text Size Scaling" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:162 msgid "Reset" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:168 msgid "Line Spacing Scaling" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:180 msgid "High Contrast Text" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:182 msgid "Enable" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:186 msgid "Disable" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:193 msgid "Self-Voicing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:197 msgid "Off" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:201 msgid "Text-to-speech" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:205 msgid "Clipboard" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:209 msgid "Debug" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:215 msgid "Self-Voicing Volume Drop" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:224 msgid "" "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not " "work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game " "unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best " "results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it " "originally was." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Monday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Tuesday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Wednesday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Thursday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Friday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Saturday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:26 msgid "{#weekday}Sunday" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Mon" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Tue" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Wed" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Thu" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Fri" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Sat" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:37 msgid "{#weekday_short}Sun" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}January" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}February" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}March" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}April" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}May" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}June" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}July" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}August" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}September" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}October" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}November" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:47 msgid "{#month}December" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Jan" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Feb" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Mar" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Apr" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}May" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Jun" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Jul" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Aug" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Sep" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Oct" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Nov" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:63 msgid "{#month_short}Dec" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:250 msgid "%b %d, %H:%M" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:364 msgid "Save slot %s: [text]" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:445 msgid "Load slot %s: [text]" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:498 msgid "Delete slot [text]" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:577 msgid "File page auto" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:579 msgid "File page quick" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:581 msgid "File page [text]" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:780 msgid "Next file page." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:852 msgid "Previous file page." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:913 msgid "Quick save complete." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:931 msgid "Quick save." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:950 msgid "Quick load." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:381 msgid "Language [text]" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:703 msgid "Open [text] directory." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:708 msgid "The interactive director is not enabled here." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1481 msgid "⬆" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1487 msgid "⬇" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1551 msgid "Done" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1561 msgid "(statement)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1562 msgid "(tag)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1563 msgid "(attributes)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1564 msgid "(transform)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1589 msgid "(transition)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1601 msgid "(channel)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1602 msgid "(filename)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1631 msgid "Change" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1633 msgid "Add" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1636 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1639 msgid "Remove" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1674 msgid "Statement:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1695 msgid "Tag:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1711 msgid "Attributes:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1729 msgid "Transforms:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1748 msgid "Behind:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1767 msgid "Transition:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1785 msgid "Channel:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00director.rpy:1803 msgid "Audio Filename:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:627 msgid "Image [index] of [count] locked." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:647 msgid "prev" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:648 msgid "next" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:649 msgid "slideshow" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gallery.rpy:650 msgid "return" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32 msgid "Select Gamepad to Calibrate" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35 msgid "No Gamepads Available" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54 msgid "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58 msgid "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68 msgid "Skip (A)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71 msgid "Back (B)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:89 msgid "Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:93 msgid "Automatically Choose" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:100 msgid "Force GL Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:105 msgid "Force ANGLE Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:110 msgid "Force GLES Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:116 msgid "Force GL2 Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:121 msgid "Force ANGLE2 Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:126 msgid "Force GLES2 Renderer" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:136 msgid "Enable (No Blocklist)" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:159 msgid "Powersave" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:173 msgid "Framerate" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:177 msgid "Screen" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:181 msgid "60" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:185 msgid "30" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:191 msgid "Tearing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:207 msgid "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:242 msgid "Performance Warning" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:247 msgid "This computer is using software rendering." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:249 msgid "This game requires use of GL2 that can't be initialised." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:251 msgid "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:255 msgid "" "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can " "lead to slow or incorrect graphics display." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:259 msgid "" "The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you " "determine what is wrong with your computer." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:264 msgid "" "More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/" "a}." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:269 msgid "Continue, Show this warning again" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:273 msgid "Continue, Don't show warning again" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:281 msgid "Change render options" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:445 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:446 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this save?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:447 msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:448 msgid "" "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\n" "Are you sure you want to do this?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:449 msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:450 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\n" "This will lose unsaved progress." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:451 msgid "Are you sure you want to end the replay?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:452 msgid "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:453 msgid "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00gui.rpy:454 msgid "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00iap.rpy:219 msgid "" "Contacting App Store\n" "Please Wait..." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:310 msgid "Failed to save screenshot as %s." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:322 msgid "Saved screenshot as %s." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00library.rpy:230 msgid "Skip Mode" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00library.rpy:316 msgid "" "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including " "the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of " "software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=https://www." "}here{/a}." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:259 msgid "display" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:271 msgid "transitions" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:280 msgid "skip transitions" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:282 msgid "video sprites" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:291 msgid "show empty window" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:300 msgid "text speed" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:308 msgid "joystick" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:308 msgid "joystick..." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:315 msgid "skip" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:318 msgid "skip unseen [text]" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:323 msgid "skip unseen text" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:325 msgid "begin skipping" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:329 msgid "after choices" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:336 msgid "skip after choices" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:338 msgid "auto-forward time" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:352 msgid "auto-forward" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:359 msgid "Auto forward" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:362 msgid "auto-forward after click" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:371 msgid "automatic move" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:380 msgid "wait for voice" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:389 msgid "voice sustain" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:398 msgid "self voicing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:407 msgid "self voicing volume drop" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:415 msgid "clipboard voicing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:424 msgid "debug voicing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:433 msgid "emphasize audio" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:442 msgid "rollback side" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:452 msgid "gl powersave" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:458 msgid "gl framerate" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:461 msgid "gl tearing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:464 msgid "font transform" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:467 msgid "font size" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:475 msgid "font line spacing" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:483 msgid "system cursor" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:492 msgid "renderer menu" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:495 msgid "accessibility menu" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:498 msgid "high contrast text" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:507 msgid "audio when minimized" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:527 msgid "main volume" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:528 msgid "music volume" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:529 msgid "sound volume" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:530 msgid "voice volume" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:531 msgid "mute main" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:532 msgid "mute music" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:533 msgid "mute sound" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:534 msgid "mute voice" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:535 msgid "mute all" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:616 msgid "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:618 msgid "" "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to " "disable." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:620 msgid "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:419 msgid "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:548 msgid "An error is being simulated." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:738 msgid "" "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was " "deleted." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:752 msgid "This account does not have permission to perform an update." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:755 msgid "This account does not have permission to write the update log." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:783 msgid "Could not verify update signature." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1084 msgid "The update file was not downloaded." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1102 msgid "" "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been " "corrupted." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1252 msgid "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1624 msgid "Updater" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1631 msgid "An error has occured:" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1633 msgid "Checking for updates." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1635 msgid "This program is up to date." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1637 msgid "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1639 msgid "Preparing to download the updates." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1641 msgid "Downloading the updates." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1643 msgid "Unpacking the updates." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1645 msgid "Finishing up." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1647 msgid "The updates have been installed. The program will restart." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1649 msgid "The updates have been installed." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1651 msgid "The updates were cancelled." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/00updater.rpy:1666 msgid "Proceed" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:555 msgid "Open" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:557 msgid "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:559 msgid "Copy BBCode" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:561 msgid "" "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like " "" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:563 msgid "Copy Markdown" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:565 msgid "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:594 msgid "An exception has occurred." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:617 msgid "Rollback" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:619 msgid "" "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a " "different choice." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:622 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:626 msgid "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:628 msgid "" "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to " "additional errors." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:632 msgid "Reload" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:634 msgid "" "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:637 msgid "Console" msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:639 msgid "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:652 msgid "Quits the game." msgstr "" #: renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:673 msgid "Parsing the script failed." msgstr ""