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# Lektor i18n plugin
This plugin enables a smarter way to translate a [Lektor](http://getlektor.com) static website using old-good PO files. So you can use your beloved translation processes and tools.
## Principles
The idea of this plugin is to capture the **sentences** or **paragraphs** from your **content** and **templates**, and populate a standard *Gettext* [PO file](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html). Using usual tools, user can translate these files, very easily. Then the plugin will merge the translations into new [_alternative_](https://www.getlektor.com/docs/content/alts/) content files, providing a translated website.
## Configuration
### Configuration file
#### `configs/i18n.ini`
content = en
translations = fr,es,it
i18npath = i18n
translate_paragraphwise = False
Where :
* `content` is the language used to write `contents.lr` files (default is `en`)
* `translations` is the list of target languages (you want to translate into).
* `i18npath` is the directory where translation files will be produced/stored (default is `i18n`). This directory needs to be relative to root path.
* `translate_paragraphwise` specifies whether translation strings are created per line or per paragraph. The latter is helpful for documents wrapping texts at 80 character boundaries. It is set to `False` by default.
#### `babel.cfg`
If you plan to localise your templates as well, you can use
`{{ _("some string") }}` in your templates. To make this work, pybabel should be installed (pip install pybabel; maybe pip3). A `babel.cfg` also has to exist in your project root with this content:
[jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
encoding = utf-8
### Translatable fields
In order for a field to be marked as translatable, an option has to be set in the field definition. Both blocks and flowblocks fields are subjects to translations.
in `flowblocks/*.ini` and/or `models/*.ini`, mark a field as translatable with :
name = Page
label = {{ this.title }}
label = Title
type = string
translate = True
label = Body
type = markdown
translate = True
Both `title` and `body` are now translatable. It means that during the parsing phase, all sentences from `title` or `body` fields from the `contents.lr` files with `Page` model will populate the collected PO file.
Another flowblock example:
name = Section Block
button_label = Section
label = Title
type = string
translate = True
label = Body
type = markdown
translate = True
label = Image
type = select
source = record.attachments.images
label = Image Position
type = select
choices = left, right
choice_labels = Left, Right
default = right
Here again, `body` and `title` will be translated. But `image` and `image_position` won't.
### Non-english content
Thanx to a limitation of msginit it's not so easy to translate a website with default language set to anything but english.
So if your default content language is not english, you will have to edit the first `contents-en.po` file and remove the translations (by hand ?)...
## Installation
### Prerequisites
#### Lektor
This plugin has been tested with `Lektor 3..0.x`.
#### GetText
Both Gettext and Pybabel are required. For a Debian/Ubuntu system, this means a simple :
sudo apt-get install gettext python3-babel
On macOS, use a decent package manager, like MacPorts or Homebrew. With Homebrew:
brew install gettext
and then pip to fetch pybabel:
pip install babel
### Installation
Very straightforward :
$ lektor plugins add lektor-i18n
Verify installation with a simple :
$ lektor plugins list
lektor-i18n (version 0.1)
## Usage
The translation mechanism is hooked into the build system. So translating a website just means building the website.
$ lektor build
On first call, a new `i18n` directory (can be changed in configuration file) will be created on top the lektor tree.
This directory will be populated with a single `contents.pot` file, compiling all the sentences found by the plugin. The list of fields eligible to translation is configured in the models/flows definition with `translate=True` added to each field.
For each translation language (still from the configuration file), a `content-<language>.po` file will be created/updated. These are the files that need to be translated with your prefered tool (like [POEdit](http://poedit.net) or [Transifex](http://transifex.com)).
All translation files (`contents-*.po`) are then compiled and merged with the original `contents.lr` files to produce all the `contents-<language>.lr` files in their respective directories.
Due to the way Lektor building system is designed, all these steps happen on every build. This means that sometime, after translating the `contents-*.po` files, it might be required to run the build system twice to see the translation appear in the final HTML files.
### Project file
It's still the user responsability to modify the project file in order to include the expected languages :
name = English
primary = yes
locale = en_US
name = French
url_prefix = /fr/
locale = fr
See [Lektor Documentation](https://www.getlektor.com/docs/content/alts/) for more information.
## Support
This plugin is provided as-is by [NumeriCube](http://numericube.com) a human-sized Paris-based company prodiving tailored services to smart customers.
We will be happy to try to help you with this plugin if need. Just file an issue on our [GitHub account](https://gihub.com/numericube/lektor-i18n-plugin/).