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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
translate schinese strings:
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:89
old "Renderer"
new "渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:93
old "Automatically Choose"
new "自动选择"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:100
old "Force GL Renderer"
new "强制使用 GL 渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:105
old "Force ANGLE Renderer"
new "强制使用 ANGLE 渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:110
old "Force GLES Renderer"
new "强制使用 GLES 渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:116
old "Force GL2 Renderer"
new "强制使用 GL2 渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:121
old "Force ANGLE2 Renderer"
new "强制使用 ANGLE2 渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:126
old "Force GLES2 Renderer"
new "强制使用 GLES2 渲染器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:136
old "Enable (No Blocklist)"
new "启用(无阻止项)"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:159
old "Powersave"
new "省电模式"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:173
old "Framerate"
new "帧率"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:177
old "Screen"
new "基于显示器"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:181
old "60"
new "60"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:185
old "30"
new "30"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:191
old "Tearing"
new "允许画面撕裂"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:207
old "Changes will take effect the next time this program is run."
new "更改将在下次运行该程序时生效。"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:242
old "Performance Warning"
new "性能警告"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:247
old "This computer is using software rendering."
new "此计算机正在使用软件渲染。"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:249
old "This game requires use of GL2 that can't be initialised."
new "此游戏需要使用 GL2 渲染器,但其无法初始化。"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:251
old "This computer has a problem displaying graphics: [problem]."
new "此计算机显示图形时遇到问题:[problem]"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:255
old "Its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly. This can lead to slow or incorrect graphics display."
new "图形驱动程序可能已过期或未能正确运行。这会导致图形显示缓慢或者错误。"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:259
old "The {a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} file may contain information to help you determine what is wrong with your computer."
new "{a=edit:1:log.txt}log.txt{/a} 文件可能包含一些信息,这些信息可以帮助确定您的计算机出了什么问题。"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:264
old "More details on how to fix this can be found in the {a=[url]}documentation{/a}."
new "关于如何解决该问题的更多详情可以在{a=[url]}文档{/a}中找到。"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:269
old "Continue, Show this warning again"
new "继续,下次仍然显示该警告"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:273
old "Continue, Don't show warning again"
new "继续,不再显示该警告"
# renpy/common/00gltest.rpy:281
old "Change render options"
new "更改渲染选项"
# renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:32
old "Select Gamepad to Calibrate"
new "选择要校准的手柄"
# renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:35
old "No Gamepads Available"
new "无可用手柄"
# renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:54
old "Calibrating [name] ([i]/[total])"
new "正在校准 [name][i]/[total]"
# renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:58
old "Press or move the '[control!s]' [kind]."
new "按下或移动 '[control!s]' [kind]。"
# renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:68
old "Skip (A)"
new "跳过A"
# renpy/common/00gamepad.rpy:71
old "Back (B)"
new "返回B"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:553
old "Open"
new "打开"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:555
old "Opens the traceback.txt file in a text editor."
new "在文本编辑器中打开追溯报告traceback.txt。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:557
old "Copy BBCode"
new "复制 BBCode"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:559
old "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as BBcode for forums like"
new "复制追溯报告traceback.txt的内容到剪贴板并转换为 BBcode 以供诸如 等论坛使用。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:561
old "Copy Markdown"
new "复制 Markdown"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:563
old "Copies the traceback.txt file to the clipboard as Markdown for Discord."
new "复制追溯报告traceback.txt的内容到剪贴板并转换为 Markdown 以供 Discord 使用。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:592
old "An exception has occurred."
new "发生异常。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:615
old "Rollback"
new "回滚"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:617
old "Attempts a roll back to a prior time, allowing you to save or choose a different choice."
new "尝试回滚到先前的状态,使您可以存档或者选择不同选项。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:620
old "Ignore"
new "忽略"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:624
old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue."
new "忽略异常,让您可以继续。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:626
old "Ignores the exception, allowing you to continue. This often leads to additional errors."
new "忽略异常,让您可以继续。但这通常会引起更多错误。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:630
old "Reload"
new "重新加载"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:632
old "Reloads the game from disk, saving and restoring game state if possible."
new "从硬盘重新加载游戏,尝试保存和恢复游戏状态。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:635
old "Console"
new "控制台"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:637
old "Opens a console to allow debugging the problem."
new "打开控制台,允许您对问题进行调试。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:650
old "Quits the game."
new "退出游戏。"
# renpy/common/_errorhandling.rpym:671
old "Parsing the script failed."
new "解析脚本失败。"