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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00
# game/script.rpy:19
translate malay start_915cb944:
# "It's only when I hear the sounds of shuffling feet and supplies being put away that I realize that the lecture's over."
"Bila ku dengar bunyi kaki menyeret dan bahan-bahan mula disimpan, baru ku sedar kelas dah habis."
# game/script.rpy:21
translate malay start_d48fb984:
# "Professor Eileen's lectures are usually interesting, but today I just couldn't concentrate on it."
"Kelas Profesor Eileen memang menarik, tapi harini aku tak boleh bagi tumpuan langung."
# game/script.rpy:23
translate malay start_622654e3:
# "I've had a lot of other thoughts on my mind...thoughts that culminate in a question."
"Banyak benda berlegar dalam kepalaku ini... macam-macam benda sampai timbulnya soalan."
# game/script.rpy:25
translate malay start_5aee3489:
# "It's a question that I've been meaning to ask a certain someone."
"Soalan yang dah lama aku nak tanya kat seseorang tu."
# game/script.rpy:30
translate malay start_66c6d238:
# "When we come out of the university, I spot her right away."
"Bila kami keluar dari universiti, aku terus nampak si dia."
# game/script.rpy:35
translate malay start_1d44d9d7:
# "I've known Sylvie since we were kids. She's got a big heart and she's always been a good friend to me."
"Aku kenal Sylvie sejak kecil lagi. Dia ni memang baik hati, selalu kawan baik dengan aku."
# game/script.rpy:37
translate malay start_1c8af99f:
# "But recently... I've felt that I want something more."
"Tapi baru-baru ni... Aku rasa aku nak lebih lagi."
# game/script.rpy:39
translate malay start_17a1771f:
# "More than just talking, more than just walking home together when our classes end."
"Lebih dari sekadar bersembang, lebih dari sekadar berjalan balik bersama selepas habis kelas."
# game/script.rpy:58
translate malay rightaway_cf214f74:
# s "Hi there! How was class?"
s "Hai! Macam mana kelas tadi?"
# game/script.rpy:60
translate malay rightaway_f5f51c33:
# m "Good..."
m "Baik..."
# game/script.rpy:62
translate malay rightaway_027fd9f0:
# "I can't bring myself to admit that it all went in one ear and out the other."
"Aku tak boleh la mengaku yang semuanya masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan."
# game/script.rpy:64
translate malay rightaway_1e626e6b:
# m "Are you going home now? Wanna walk back with me?"
m "Dah nak balik sekarang ke? Nak balik sekali dengan saya?"
# game/script.rpy:66
translate malay rightaway_ed1dfb9d:
# s "Sure!"
s "Ok!"
# game/script.rpy:71
translate malay rightaway_03faae39:
# "After a short while, we reach the meadows just outside the neighborhood where we both live."
"Selepas beberapa minit, kami sampai ke tanah pamah di luar kejiranan di mana kami tinggal."
# game/script.rpy:73
translate malay rightaway_b3b54d3c:
# "It's a scenic view I've grown used to. Autumn is especially beautiful here."
"Ianya pemandangan yang dah biasa. Tambah pula waktu musim luruh, memang cantik sini."
# game/script.rpy:75
translate malay rightaway_8f173bb5:
# "When we were children, we played in these meadows a lot, so they're full of memories."
"Masa kami kecil dulu, kami selalu main kat tanah pamah ni, jadi memang banyak kenangan."
# game/script.rpy:77
translate malay rightaway_aa84c954:
# m "Hey... Umm..."
m "Awak... Emm..."
# game/script.rpy:82
translate malay rightaway_79becbf8:
# "She turns to me and smiles. She looks so welcoming that I feel my nervousness melt away."
"Dia toleh kat aku dan senyum. Dia nampak sangat ramah sampai aku rasa kegemuruhan aku cair habis."
# game/script.rpy:84
translate malay rightaway_6a5d032c:
# "I'll ask her...!"
"Aku akan tanya dia...!"
# game/script.rpy:86
translate malay rightaway_29e68260:
# m "Ummm... Will you..."
m "Emmm... Sudi tak..."
# game/script.rpy:88
translate malay rightaway_6c267868:
# m "Will you be my artist for a visual novel?"
m "Sudi tak awak jadi artis saya untuk novel visual?"
# game/script.rpy:92
translate malay rightaway_16b8cb94:
# "Silence."
# game/script.rpy:94
translate malay rightaway_289664f3:
# "She looks so shocked that I begin to fear the worst. But then..."
"Dia nampak terkejut sangat sampai aku rasa teruk gila. Tapi lepas tu..."
# game/script.rpy:98
translate malay rightaway_8cb5deeb:
# s "Sure, but what's a \"visual novel?\"" nointeract
s "Boleh, tapi \"novel visual\" tu apa?" nointeract
# game/script.rpy:111
translate malay game_65cca574:
# m "It's a kind of videogame you can play on your computer or a console."
m "Ianya sejenis permainan video yang awak boleh main dekat komputer atau konsol."
# game/script.rpy:113
translate malay game_da120cd2:
# m "Visual novels tell a story with pictures and music."
m "Novel visual bercerita melalui gambar dan muzik."
# game/script.rpy:115
translate malay game_0157c4d2:
# m "Sometimes, you also get to make choices that affect the outcome of the story."
m "Kadang kala, awak pun boleh buat pilihan yang bagi kesan dekat jalan cerita."
# game/script.rpy:117
translate malay game_68b33461:
# s "So it's like those choose-your-adventure books?"
s "Jadi dia macam buku pilih-kembara-anda tu ke?"
# game/script.rpy:119
translate malay game_fa834128:
# m "Exactly! I've got lots of different ideas that I think would work."
m "Betul tu! Saya ada banyak idea yang saya rasa sesuai."
# game/script.rpy:121
translate malay game_d9b28ade:
# m "And I thought maybe you could help me...since I know how you like to draw."
m "Dan saya ingat awak boleh tolong saya... sebab saya tahu awak suka melukis."
# game/script.rpy:123
translate malay game_eaa56bc9:
# m "It'd be hard for me to make a visual novel alone."
m "Susahlah kalau saya nak buat novel visual seorang diri."
# game/script.rpy:127
translate malay game_9befd1bf:
# s "Well, sure! I can try. I just hope I don't disappoint you."
s "Oh, boleh ja! Saya boleh cuba. Saya cuma harap saya tak kecewakan awak."
# game/script.rpy:129
translate malay game_c788ae90:
# m "You know you could never disappoint me, Sylvie."
m "Awak pun tahu awak takkan pernah kecewakan saya, Sylvie."
# game/script.rpy:138
translate malay book_4221b3bd:
# m "It's like an interactive book that you can read on a computer or a console."
m "Ianya macam buku interaktif yang awak boleh baca dekat komputer atau konsol."
# game/script.rpy:142
translate malay book_4cfd8044:
# s "Interactive?"
s "Interaktif?"
# game/script.rpy:144
translate malay book_b9c732c8:
# m "You can make choices that lead to different events and endings in the story."
m "Awak boleh buat pilihan yang membawa ke pelbagai acara dan kesudahan yang berbeza dalam cerita."
# game/script.rpy:146
translate malay book_1c7ac61a:
# s "So where does the \"visual\" part come in?"
s "Jadi dekat mana bahagian \"visual\"nya?"
# game/script.rpy:148
translate malay book_763f25a8:
# m "Visual novels have pictures and even music, sound effects, and sometimes voice acting to go along with the text."
m "Novel visual ada gambar, malah ada muzik, kesan bunyi, dan kadang-kadang ada lakonan suara sekali. Bukan setakat baca saja!"
# game/script.rpy:152
translate malay book_2277f2aa:
# s "I see! That certainly sounds like fun. I actually used to make webcomics way back when, so I've got lots of story ideas."
s "Oh! Dengar macam benda seronok ja. Sebenarnya saya pernah buat komik web dulu, jadi saya ada banyak juga idea cerita."
# game/script.rpy:154
translate malay book_ccd3e9b0:
# m "That's great! So...would you be interested in working with me as an artist?"
m "Baguslah! Jadi... awak berminat tak nak jadi artis untuk saya?"
# game/script.rpy:156
translate malay book_e325967b:
# s "I'd love to!"
s "Sudah tentulah!"
# game/script.rpy:165
translate malay marry_4509e340:
# "And so, we become a visual novel creating duo."
"Dengan itu, kami menjadi pasangan pencipta novel visual."
# game/script.rpy:170
translate malay marry_0f82ff7f:
# "Over the years, we make lots of games and have a lot of fun making them."
"Selepas beberapa tahun, kami membuat macam-macam permainan dan kami seronok membuatnya."
# game/script.rpy:174
translate malay marry_08e24a18:
# "Our first game is based on one of Sylvie's ideas, but afterwards I get to come up with stories of my own, too."
"Permainan pertama kami berasaskan salah satu idea Sylvie, tetapi selepas itu aku pun dapat fikirkan cerita aku sendiri."
# game/script.rpy:176
translate malay marry_285256a1:
# "We take turns coming up with stories and characters and support each other to make some great games!"
"Kami gilir-gilir buat cerita dan watak dan tolong satu sama lain untuk buat permainan yang hebat!"
# game/script.rpy:178
translate malay marry_27260f18:
# "And one day..."
"Dan satu hari..."
# game/script.rpy:183
translate malay marry_bf690666:
# s "Hey..."
s "Awak..."
# game/script.rpy:185
translate malay marry_7a5c1899:
# m "Yes?"
m "Ya?"
# game/script.rpy:189
translate malay marry_3c154e68:
# s "Will you marry me?"
s "Awak... nak kahwin saya tak?"
# game/script.rpy:191
translate malay marry_8bcbc4b9:
# m "What? Where did this come from?"
m "Ha? Apasal tiba-tiba ja tanya ni?"
# game/script.rpy:195
translate malay marry_f913278c:
# s "Come on, how long have we been dating?"
s "Alah, dah berapa lama kita berdating?"
# game/script.rpy:197
translate malay marry_4ba892a0:
# m "A while..."
m "Lama juga..."
# game/script.rpy:201
translate malay marry_39d7f0df:
# s "These last few years we've been making visual novels together, spending time together, helping each other..."
s "Dah beberapa tahun kita buat novel visual sama-sama, luang masa sama-sama, tolong satu sama lain..."
# game/script.rpy:203
translate malay marry_1516df50:
# s "I've gotten to know you and care about you better than anyone else. And I think the same goes for you, right?"
s "Saya dapat kenal awak dan ambil berat pasal awak lebih dari sesiapa pun. Dan saya rasa awak pun fikir macam tu, kan?"
# game/script.rpy:205
translate malay marry_3234b0ab:
# m "Sylvie..."
m "Sylvie..."
# game/script.rpy:209
translate malay marry_8179b35b:
# s "But I know you're the indecisive type. If I held back, who knows when you'd propose?"
s "Tapi saya tau awak jenis yang tak boleh buat keputusan. Kalau saya diamkan ja, entah bila baru awak nak lamar saya?"
# game/script.rpy:213
translate malay marry_373937d9:
# s "So will you marry me?"
s "Jadi, sudi tak awak kahwin saya?"
# game/script.rpy:215
translate malay marry_857958dc:
# m "Of course I will! I've actually been meaning to propose, honest!"
m "Sudah tentulah! Saya sebenarnya dah lama nak lamar awak, jujur!"
# game/script.rpy:217
translate malay marry_81ed468b:
# s "I know, I know."
s "Tahu, tahu."
# game/script.rpy:219
translate malay marry_1c4ae954:
# m "I guess... I was too worried about timing. I wanted to ask the right question at the right time."
m "Rasanya... Saya terlalu risau pasal masa. Saya nak tanya soalan yang betul pada masa yang betul."
# game/script.rpy:223
translate malay marry_0db38565:
# s "You worry too much. If only this were a visual novel and I could pick an option to give you more courage!"
s "Awak risau banyak sangat. Kalaulah ni cuma novel visual bolehlah saya pilih pilihan untuk buatkan awak lebih berani!"
# game/script.rpy:228
translate malay marry_ca27786f:
# "We get married shortly after that."
"Kami berkahwin tidak lama selepas itu."
# game/script.rpy:230
translate malay marry_621ed4fc:
# "Our visual novel duo lives on even after we're married...and I try my best to be more decisive."
"Kerja-kerja novel visual kami diteruskan walaupun selepas kami berkahwin... dan saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk menjadi lebih tegas."
# game/script.rpy:232
translate malay marry_3c7f0bf0:
# "Together, we live happily ever after even now."
"Bersama, kami hidup bahagia selepas itu, termasuklah sekarang."
# game/script.rpy:234
translate malay marry_2ad49007:
# "{b}Good Ending{/b}."
"{b}Penamat Gembira{/b}."
# game/script.rpy:240
translate malay later_3c679c17:
# "I can't get up the nerve to ask right now. With a gulp, I decide to ask her later."
"Aku tak berani nak tanya sekarang ni. Aku telan air liur, aku buat keputusan, nantilah baru tanya dia."
# game/script.rpy:245
translate malay later_a77741b6:
# "But I'm an indecisive person."
"Tapi, aku ni jenis yang tak boleh buat keputusan."
# game/script.rpy:247
translate malay later_982e14b6:
# "I couldn't ask her that day and I end up never being able to ask her."
"Aku tak boleh tanya dia hari itu, dan akhirnya aku tak dapat tanya dia langsung."
# game/script.rpy:249
translate malay later_f0f9a061:
# "I guess I'll never know the answer to my question now..."
"Rasanya sekarang ni, aku takkan tahu jawapan untuk soalan aku dah..."
# game/script.rpy:251
translate malay later_f5219ac2:
# "{b}Bad Ending{/b}."
"{b}Penamat Sedih{/b}."
translate malay strings:
# script.rpy:2
old "Sylvie"
new "Sylvie"
# script.rpy:3
old "Me"
new "Aku"
# script.rpy:41
old "As soon as she catches my eye, I decide..."
new "Bila dia nampak ja mataku, aku membuat keputusan..."
# script.rpy:41
old "To ask her right away."
new "Untuk terus tanya ja dia."
# script.rpy:41
old "To ask her later."
new "Untuk tanya dia lain kali."
# script.rpy:98
old "It's a videogame."
new "Ianya permainan video."
# script.rpy:98
old "It's an interactive book."
new "Ianya buku interaktif."