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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00

# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:3
translate schinese distribute_7db9b042:
# e "One thing Ren'Py makes easy is building distributions of your visual novel so you can give it to players."
e "Ren'Py让构建你的视觉小说的发行版变得简单你可以轻松地发给玩家。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:5
translate schinese distribute_d373903b:
# e "Before you build distributions, you should use the Lint command to check your game for problems."
e "在生成分发版之前你应该使用“检查脚本并分析统计Lint”来检查游戏是否存在问题。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:7
translate schinese distribute_2f970565:
# e "While not every potential problem lint reports is a real issue, they generally are, and you should try to understand what might be wrong."
e "虽然并非每个lint报告的潜在问题都是真正的问题但通常是您应该尝试了解可能出了什么问题。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:12
translate schinese distribute_29aea017:
# e "After lint has finished, you can choose Build Distributions to build the Windows, Linux, and Mac distributions of your game."
e "lint完成后您可以选择生成分发版来构建游戏的Windows、Linux和Mac发行版。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:14
translate schinese distribute_821be97b:
# e "This can be as simple as clicking the Build button, when you're not on a Mac."
e "简单到只要点击生成按钮即使你不在用Mac。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:16
translate schinese distribute_638f964a:
# e "If you are on a Macintosh, you can have Ren'Py sign the Mac application, which makes it easier for players to run. To enable this, you need to set build.mac_identity in options.rpy."
e "如果你在用麦金塔译者注这里指苹果的个人电脑你可以让Ren'Py给Mac应用签名这使玩家更容易运行游戏。要启用此功能您需要在在 options.rpy 中设置 build.mac_identity 。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:21
translate schinese distribute_dd1af4dd:
# e "Ren'Py supports the mobile platforms, Android and iOS. We also support ChromeOS, through its ability to run Android apps."
e "Ren'Py支持移动平台安卓和iOS。我们还支持ChromeOS借助它运行Android应用的能力。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:23
translate schinese distribute_0b547b7b:
# e "These mobile platforms can be a bit more complicated. While Android apps can be built everywhere, iOS requires a Mac."
e "这些移动平台可能更复杂一些。Android应用可以在任何地方构建但是iOS需要Mac。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:25
translate schinese distribute_50a57bcf:
# e "Mobile platforms might also require you to change your visual novel a little, due to the smaller limited devices. For example, buttons need to be made large enough for a person to touch."
e "鉴于小型设备的限制,你可能也需要稍微改变你的视觉小说以适应移动平台。例如,按钮需要做得足够大,让人可以触摸。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:27
translate schinese distribute_a9a2149f:
# e "Rather than cover mobile here, I'll point you to the {a=}Android{/a} and {a=}iOS{/a} documentation, where you can read more."
e "与其在这里讲移动版,我会给你指出{a=}Android{/a}和{a=}iOS{/a}文档,您可以在这里阅读更多。({a=}Android{/a}和{a=}iOS{/a}中文文档)"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:29
translate schinese distribute_f1cbc9d0:
# e "Thanks to the distribution tools Ren'Py ships with, there are thousands of visual novels available."
e "Ren'Py附带的发行工具产生了成千上万的视觉小说。"
# game/tutorial_distribute.rpy:33
translate schinese distribute_500b3e7f:
# e "I hope that soon, yours will be one of them!"
e "我希望不久,你的游戏也会成为其中一员!"