2023-09-13 00:16:10 +02:00

980 lines
28 KiB

translate italian strings:
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Monday"
new "{#weekday}Lunedì"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Tuesday"
new "{#weekday}Martedì"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Wednesday"
new "{#weekday}Mercoledì"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Thursday"
new "{#weekday}Giovedì"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Friday"
new "{#weekday}Venerdì"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Saturday"
new "{#weekday}Sabato"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Sunday"
new "{#weekday}Domenica"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Mon"
new "{#weekday_short}Lun"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Tue"
new "{#weekday_short}Mar"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Wed"
new "{#weekday_short}Mer"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Thu"
new "{#weekday_short}Gio"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Fri"
new "{#weekday_short}Ven"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Sat"
new "{#weekday_short}Sab"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Sun"
new "{#weekday_short}Dom"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}January"
new "{#month}Gennaio"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}February"
new "{#month}Febbraio"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}March"
new "{#month}Marzo"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}April"
new "{#month}Aprile"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}May"
new "{#month}Maggio"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}June"
new "{#month}Giugno"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}July"
new "{#month}Luglio"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}August"
new "{#month}Agosto"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}September"
new "{#month}Settembre"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}October"
new "{#month}Ottobre"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}November"
new "{#month}Novembre"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}December"
new "{#month}Dicembre"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jan"
new "{#month_short}Gen"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Feb"
new "{#month_short}Feb"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Mar"
new "{#month_short}Mar"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Apr"
new "{#month_short}Apr"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}May"
new "{#month_short}Mag"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jun"
new "{#month_short}Giu"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jul"
new "{#month_short}Lug"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Aug"
new "{#month_short}Ago"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Sep"
new "{#month_short}Set"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Oct"
new "{#month_short}Ott"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Nov"
new "{#month_short}Nov"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Dec"
new "{#month_short}Dic"
# 00action_file.rpy:235
old "%b %d, %H:%M"
new "%d %b, %H:%M"
# 00action_file.rpy:820
old "Quick save complete."
new "Salvataggio rapido completato."
# 00gui.rpy:227
old "Are you sure?"
new "Confermi?"
# 00gui.rpy:228
old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?"
new "Confermi di voler cancellare questo salvataggio?"
# 00gui.rpy:229
old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?"
new "Confermi di voler sovrascrivere questo salvataggio?"
# 00gui.rpy:230
old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"
new "Caricare causerà la perdita di progressi non salvati.\nConfermi?"
# 00gui.rpy:231
old "Are you sure you want to quit?"
new "Confermi di voler uscire?"
# 00gui.rpy:232
old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress."
new "Confermi di voler tornare al menù principale?\nQuesto causerà la perdita di progressi non salvati."
# 00gui.rpy:233
old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?"
new "Confermi di voler terminare il replay?"
# 00gui.rpy:234
old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?"
new "Confermi di voler iniziare a saltare?"
# 00gui.rpy:235
old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?"
new "Confermi di voler saltare alla prossima scelta?"
# 00gui.rpy:236
old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?"
new "Confermi di voler saltare il testo non letto fino alla prossima scelta?"
# 00keymap.rpy:250
old "Saved screenshot as %s."
new "Screenshot salvato come %s."
# 00library.rpy:142
old "Self-voicing disabled."
new "Assistente Vocale disabilitato."
# 00library.rpy:143
old "Clipboard voicing enabled. "
new "Vocalizza Appunti abilitato. "
# 00library.rpy:144
old "Self-voicing enabled. "
new "Assistente Vocale abilitato. "
# 00library.rpy:179
old "Skip Mode"
new "Modalità Salto"
# 00library.rpy:262
old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=}here{/a}."
new "Questo programma contiene software libero rilasciato sotto una quantità di licenze, che includono la MIT License e la GNU Lesser General Public License. Una lista completa dei software, inclusi link al codice sorgente completo, si può trovare {a=}qui{/a}."
# 00preferences.rpy:422
old "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable."
new "Vocalizza Appunti abilitato. Premi 'shift+C' per disabilitarlo."
# 00preferences.rpy:424
old "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable."
new "L'Assistente Vocale tenta di dire \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Premi 'alt+shift+V' per disabilitare."
# 00preferences.rpy:426
old "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable."
new "Assistente Vocale abilitato. Premi 'v' per disabilitarlo."
# 00iap.rpy:217
old "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..."
new "Contatto App Store\nAttendere prego..."
# 00updater.rpy:367
old "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices."
new "L'aggiornamento di Ren'Py non è supportato nei dispositivi mobili."
# 00updater.rpy:486
old "An error is being simulated."
new "Viene simulato un errore."
# 00updater.rpy:662
old "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted."
new "O questo progetto non supporta l'aggiornamento, o è stato cancellato il file col suo stato."
# 00updater.rpy:676
old "This account does not have permission to perform an update."
new "Questo account non ha i permessi per effettuare un aggiornamento."
# 00updater.rpy:679
old "This account does not have permission to write the update log."
new "Questo account non ha i permessi per scrivere il log degli aggiornamenti."
# 00updater.rpy:704
old "Could not verify update signature."
new "La firma per l'aggiornamento non può essere verificata."
# 00updater.rpy:975
old "The update file was not downloaded."
new "Il file di aggiornamento non è stato scaricato."
# 00updater.rpy:993
old "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted."
new "Il file di aggiornamento non ha il digest corretto - potrebbe essere corrotto."
# 00updater.rpy:1049
old "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}."
new "Durante lo spacchettamento di {}, tipo sconosciuto {}."
# 00updater.rpy:1393
old "Updater"
new "Aggiornamenti"
# 00updater.rpy:1404
old "This program is up to date."
new "Questo programma è aggiornato."
# 00updater.rpy:1406
old "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?"
new "[u.version] è disponibile. Vuoi installarla?"
# 00updater.rpy:1408
old "Preparing to download the updates."
new "Preparazione allo scaricamento degli aggiornamenti."
# 00updater.rpy:1410
old "Downloading the updates."
new "Scaricamento degli aggiornamenti."
# 00updater.rpy:1412
old "Unpacking the updates."
new "Estrazione degli aggiornamenti."
# 00updater.rpy:1416
old "The updates have been installed. The program will restart."
new "L'aggiornamento è stato installato. Il programma verrà riavviato."
# 00updater.rpy:1418
old "The updates have been installed."
new "L'aggiornamento è stato installato."
# 00updater.rpy:1420
old "The updates were cancelled."
new "L'aggiornamento è stato annullato."
# 00gallery.rpy:563
old "Image [index] of [count] locked."
new "Immagine [index] di [count] bloccata."
# 00gallery.rpy:583
old "prev"
new "prec"
# 00gallery.rpy:584
old "next"
new "succ"
# 00gallery.rpy:585
old "slideshow"
new "presentazione"
# 00gallery.rpy:586
old "return"
new "chiudi"
translate italian strings:
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:32
old "bar"
new "bar"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:33
old "selected"
# Automatic translation.
new "selezionato"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:34
old "viewport"
new "viewport"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:35
old "horizontal scroll"
# Automatic translation.
new "scorrimento orizzontale"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:36
old "vertical scroll"
# Automatic translation.
new "scorrimento verticale"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:37
old "activate"
# Automatic translation.
new "attivare"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:38
old "deactivate"
# Automatic translation.
new "disattivare"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:39
old "increase"
# Automatic translation.
new "aumento"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:40
old "decrease"
# Automatic translation.
new "diminuzione"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:138
old "Font Override"
# Automatic translation.
new "Sovrascrittura dei caratteri"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:142
old "Default"
# Automatic translation.
new "Predefinito"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:146
old "DejaVu Sans"
new "DejaVu Sans"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:150
old "Opendyslexic"
new "Opendyslexic"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:156
old "Text Size Scaling"
# Automatic translation.
new "Dimensione del testo in scala"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:162
old "Reset"
new "Reset"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:168
old "Line Spacing Scaling"
# Automatic translation.
new "Interlinea Scala"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:180
old "High Contrast Text"
# Automatic translation.
new "Testo ad alto contrasto"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:193
old "Self-Voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "Autocelebrazione"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:197
old "Off"
# Automatic translation.
new "Spento"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:201
old "Text-to-speech"
new "Text-to-speech"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:205
old "Clipboard"
# Automatic translation.
new "Appunti"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:209
old "Debug"
new "Debug"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:223
old "Self-Voicing Volume Drop"
# Automatic translation.
new "Caduta di volume autoavvertita"
# renpy/common/00accessibility.rpy:234
old "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was."
# Automatic translation.
new "Le opzioni di questo menu hanno lo scopo di migliorare l'accessibilità. Potrebbero non funzionare con tutti i giochi e alcune combinazioni di opzioni potrebbero rendere il gioco ingiocabile. Non si tratta di un problema del gioco o del motore. Per ottenere i migliori risultati quando si cambiano i caratteri, cercare di mantenere le dimensioni del testo uguali a quelle originarie."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:378
old "Save slot %s: [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Salva lo slot %s: [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:461
old "Load slot %s: [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Caricare lo slot %s: [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:514
old "Delete slot [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Elimina slot [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:593
old "File page auto"
# Automatic translation.
new "Pagina di file automatica"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:595
old "File page quick"
# Automatic translation.
new "Pagina di file veloce"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:597
old "File page [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Pagina di file [text]"
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:796
old "Next file page."
# Automatic translation.
new "Pagina successiva."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:868
old "Previous file page."
# Automatic translation.
new "Pagina precedente."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:944
old "Quick save."
# Automatic translation.
new "Salvataggio rapido."
# renpy/common/00action_file.rpy:963
old "Quick load."
# Automatic translation.
new "Carico rapido."
# renpy/common/00action_other.rpy:381
old "Language [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "Lingua [text]"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:705
old "The interactive director is not enabled here."
# Automatic translation.
new "Il direttore interattivo non è abilitato in questo caso."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1504
old "⬆"
new "⬆"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1510
old "⬇"
new "⬇"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1574
old "Done"
# Automatic translation.
new "Fatto"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1584
old "(statement)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(dichiarazione)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1585
old "(tag)"
new "(tag)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1586
old "(attributes)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(attributi)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1587
old "(transform)"
new "(transform)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1612
old "(transition)"
new "(transition)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1624
old "(channel)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(canale)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1625
old "(filename)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(nome del file)"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1654
old "Change"
# Automatic translation.
new "Cambiamento"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1656
old "Add"
# Automatic translation.
new "Aggiungi"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1662
old "Remove"
# Automatic translation.
new "Rimuovere"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1697
old "Statement:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Dichiarazione:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1718
old "Tag:"
new "Tag:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1734
old "Attributes:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Attributi:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1745
old "Click to toggle attribute, right click to toggle negative attribute."
# Automatic translation.
new "Fare clic per attivare l'attributo, fare clic con il tasto destro per attivare l'attributo negativo."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1757
old "Transforms:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Trasformazioni:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1768
old "Click to set transform, right click to add to transform list."
# Automatic translation.
new "Fare clic per impostare la trasformazione, fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per aggiungere all'elenco delle trasformazioni."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1780
old "Behind:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Dietro:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1789
old "Click to set, right click to add to behind list."
# Automatic translation.
new "Fare clic per impostare, fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per aggiungere all'elenco retrostante."
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1801
old "Transition:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Transizione:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1819
old "Channel:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Canale:"
# renpy/common/00director.rpy:1837
old "Audio Filename:"
# Automatic translation.
new "Nome del file audio:"
# renpy/common/00gui.rpy:456
old "This save was created on a different device. Maliciously constructed save files can harm your computer. Do you trust this save's creator and everyone who could have changed the file?"
# Automatic translation.
new "Questo salvataggio è stato creato su un dispositivo diverso. I file di salvataggio creati male possono danneggiare il computer. Vi fidate del creatore di questo salvataggio e di tutti coloro che potrebbero aver modificato il file?"
# renpy/common/00gui.rpy:457
old "Do you trust the device the save was created on? You should only choose yes if you are the device's sole user."
# Automatic translation.
new "Vi fidate del dispositivo su cui è stato creato il salvataggio? Scegliere sì solo se si è l'unico utente del dispositivo."
# renpy/common/00keymap.rpy:322
old "Failed to save screenshot as %s."
# Automatic translation.
new "Impossibile salvare l'immagine come %s."
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:271
old "display"
new "display"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:283
old "transitions"
# Automatic translation.
new "transizioni"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:292
old "skip transitions"
# Automatic translation.
new "saltare le transizioni"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:294
old "video sprites"
# Automatic translation.
new "sprite video"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:303
old "show empty window"
# Automatic translation.
new "mostra la finestra vuota"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:312
old "text speed"
# Automatic translation.
new "velocità del testo"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:320
old "joystick"
new "joystick"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:320
old "joystick..."
new "joystick..."
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:327
old "skip"
# Automatic translation.
new "saltare"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:330
old "skip unseen [text]"
# Automatic translation.
new "saltare non visto [text]"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:335
old "skip unseen text"
# Automatic translation.
new "saltare il testo non visto"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:337
old "begin skipping"
# Automatic translation.
new "iniziare a saltare"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:341
old "after choices"
# Automatic translation.
new "dopo le scelte"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:348
old "skip after choices"
# Automatic translation.
new "saltare dopo le scelte"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:350
old "auto-forward time"
# Automatic translation.
new "tempo di inoltro automatico"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:364
old "auto-forward"
# Automatic translation.
new "Inoltro automatico"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:371
old "Auto forward"
# Automatic translation.
new "Avanzamento automatico"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:374
old "auto-forward after click"
# Automatic translation.
new "Inoltro automatico dopo il clic"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:383
old "automatic move"
# Automatic translation.
new "spostamento automatico"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:392
old "wait for voice"
# Automatic translation.
new "attendere la voce"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:401
old "voice sustain"
# Automatic translation.
new "sostegno della voce"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:410
old "self voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "autocelebrazione"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:419
old "self voicing volume drop"
# Automatic translation.
new "caduta di volume dell'autocelebrazione"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:427
old "clipboard voicing"
# Automatic translation.
new "Votazione degli appunti"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:436
old "debug voicing"
new "debug voicing"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:445
old "emphasize audio"
# Automatic translation.
new "enfatizzare l'audio"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:454
old "rollback side"
# Automatic translation.
new "lato rollback"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:464
old "gl powersave"
new "gl powersave"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:470
old "gl framerate"
# Automatic translation.
new "framerate gl"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:473
old "gl tearing"
new "gl tearing"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:476
old "font transform"
# Automatic translation.
new "trasformazione dei caratteri"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:479
old "font size"
# Automatic translation.
new "dimensione del carattere"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:487
old "font line spacing"
# Automatic translation.
new "interlinea del carattere"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:495
old "system cursor"
# Automatic translation.
new "cursore di sistema"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:504
old "renderer menu"
# Automatic translation.
new "menu del renderer"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:507
old "accessibility menu"
# Automatic translation.
new "menu accessibilità"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:510
old "high contrast text"
# Automatic translation.
new "testo ad alto contrasto"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:519
old "audio when minimized"
# Automatic translation.
new "audio quando è ridotto a icona"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:528
old "audio when unfocused"
# Automatic translation.
new "audio quando non viene messo a fuoco"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:537
old "web cache preload"
# Automatic translation.
new "precaricamento della cache web"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:552
old "voice after game menu"
# Automatic translation.
new "voce dopo il menu di gioco"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:571
old "main volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume principale"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:572
old "music volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume della musica"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:573
old "sound volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume del suono"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:574
old "voice volume"
# Automatic translation.
new "volume della voce"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:575
old "mute main"
# Automatic translation.
new "silenziamento principale"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:576
old "mute music"
# Automatic translation.
new "disattivare la musica"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:577
old "mute sound"
# Automatic translation.
new "Disattivare l'audio"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:578
old "mute voice"
# Automatic translation.
new "voce muta"
# renpy/common/00preferences.rpy:579
old "mute all"
# Automatic translation.
new "disattivare tutti"
# renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:344
old "Speech Bubble Editor"
# Automatic translation.
new "Editor di bolle vocali"
# renpy/common/00speechbubble.rpy:349
old "(hide)"
# Automatic translation.
new "(Nascondi)"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:70
old "Sync downloaded."
# Automatic translation.
new "Sincronizzazione scaricata."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:190
old "Could not connect to the Ren'Py Sync server."
# Automatic translation.
new "Impossibile connettersi al server Ren'Py Sync."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:192
old "The Ren'Py Sync server timed out."
# Automatic translation.
new "Il server Ren'Py Sync è scaduto."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:194
old "An unknown error occurred while connecting to the Ren'Py Sync server."
# Automatic translation.
new "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto durante la connessione al server Ren'Py Sync."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:267
old "The Ren'Py Sync server does not have a copy of this sync. The sync ID may be invalid, or it may have timed out."
# Automatic translation.
new "Il server Ren'Py Sync non dispone di una copia di questa sincronizzazione. L'ID della sincronizzazione potrebbe non essere valido o potrebbe essere scaduto."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:409
old "Please enter the sync ID you generated.\nNever enter a sync ID you didn't create yourself."
# Automatic translation.
new "Inserire l'ID di sincronizzazione generato.\nNon inserite mai un ID di sincronizzazione che non avete creato voi stessi."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:428
old "The sync ID is not in the correct format."
# Automatic translation.
new "L'ID di sincronizzazione non è nel formato corretto."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:448
old "The sync could not be decrypted."
# Automatic translation.
new "Non è stato possibile decifrare la sincronizzazione."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:471
old "The sync belongs to a different game."
# Automatic translation.
new "La sincronizzazione appartiene a un gioco diverso."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:476
old "The sync contains a file with an invalid name."
# Automatic translation.
new "La sincronizzazione contiene un file con un nome non valido."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:529
old "This will upload your saves to the {a=}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}.\nDo you want to continue?"
# Automatic translation.
new "Questo caricherà i salvataggi sul server di sincronizzazione {a=}Ren'Py{/a}.\nVuoi continuare?"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:558
old "Enter Sync ID"
# Automatic translation.
new "Immettere l'ID di sincronizzazione"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:569
old "This will contact the {a=}Ren'Py Sync Server{/a}."
# Automatic translation.
new "Questo contatterà il server di sincronizzazione {a=}Ren'Py{/a}."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:596
old "Sync Success"
# Automatic translation.
new "Successo della sincronizzazione"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:599
old "The Sync ID is:"
# Automatic translation.
new "L'ID di sincronizzazione è:"
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:605
old "You can use this ID to download your save on another device.\nThis sync will expire in an hour.\nRen'Py Sync is supported by {a=}Ren'Py's Sponsors{/a}."
# Automatic translation.
new "È possibile utilizzare questo ID per scaricare il salvataggio su un altro dispositivo.\nQuesta sincronizzazione scadrà tra un'ora.\nRen'Py Sync è supportato da {a=}Gli sponsor di Ren'Py{/a}."
# renpy/common/00sync.rpy:631
old "Sync Error"
# Automatic translation.
new "Errore di sincronizzazione"