2023-01-18 23:13:55 +01:00

65 lines
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example translate_font:
translate japanese python:
gui.text_font = "MTLc3m.ttf"
gui.name_text_font = "MTLc3m.ttf"
gui.interface_text_font = "MTLc3m.ttf"
translate japanese style default:
language "japanese-strict"
label translations:
e "Ren'Py includes support for translating your game into languages other than the one it was originally written in."
e "This includes the translation of every string in the game, including dialogue, menu choice, and interface strings, and of images and other assets."
e "While Ren'Py can find dialogue and menu choice strings for you, you'll have to indicate which other strings need translation."
show example characters
e "For example, here is how we define a character and her name."
show example characters showtrans
e "To mark Lucy's name as translatable, we surround it by parentheses preceded by a single underscore."
e "Notice how we don't translate the reddish color that we use for her name. That stays the same for all languages."
hide example
show launcher translate at launcher_place
with moveinleft
e "Once that's done, you can generate the translation files. That's done by going to the launcher, and clicking translate."
e "After you type in the name of the language you'll be translating to, choosing Generate Translations will scan your game and create translation files."
e "The files will be generated in game/tl/language, where language is the name of the language you typed in."
e "You'll need to edit those files to include translations for everything in your game."
e "If you want to localize image files, you can also place them in game/tl/language."
hide launcher
with moveoutleft
show example translate_font large
e "If the default fonts used by the game do not support the language you are translating to, you will have to change them."
e "The translate python statement can be used to set the values of gui variables to change the font."
e "The translate style statement sets style properties more directly."
e "If you need to add new files, such as font files, you can place them into the game/tl/language directory where Ren'Py will find them."
show example language_picker large
e "Finally, you'll have to add support for picking the language of the game. That usually goes into the preferences screen, found in screens.rpy."
e "Here's an excerpt of the preferences screen of this tutorial. The Language action tells Ren'Py to change the language. It takes a string giving a language name, or None."
e "The None language is special, as it's the default language that the visual novel was written in. Since this tutorial was written in English, Language(None) selects English."