2023-02-05 15:44:04 +01:00

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11brave_darkness_00You cannot brave the Darkness.
22brave_darkness_01Despite everything, you still can't brave the Darkness.
33ui_skip_textHOLD Menu to skip
44ui_loadingL O A D I N G
55title_lucahL U C A H
66title_subtitleb o r n o f a d r e a m
77menu_save_overwriteThis save file will be overwritten. Continue?
88menu_loadLoad Game
99menu_newNew Game
1313menu_start— Start Game —
1515menu_creditsA game by melessthanthree\n[Colin, Kevin, Nicolo,\nBrianna, and Ryan]
1616menu_quit_caps— QUIT —
1717menu_options— Options —
1818menu_back— Back —
2020menu_any_buttonPress Any Button
2121menu_any_keyPress Any Key
2727ui_bonus_damageNo Damage +{S}
2828ui_bonus_timeTime Bonus +{S}
3030ui_condition_failCONDITION [FAILED]
3131ui_condition_passCONDITION SUCCESS
3232ui_condition_timeComplete combat within {TIME} seconds.
3333ui_condition_damageComplete combat without taking damage.
3434ui_condition_comboComplete combat without breaking your combo.
3838ui_menu_paradigm_iParadigm I
3939ui_menu_paradigm_iiParadigm II
4242ui_menu_paradigm_i_descCustomize Paradigm I
4343ui_menu_paradigm_ii_descCustomize Paradigm II
4444ui_menu_virtue_descEquip Virtues
4545ui_menu_tech_descEnable/Disable Tech
4949tech_player_ui_namePlayer UI
5050tech_player_ui_descPlayer UI: Display player Health, Stamina, Charge, and La (experience).
5151tech_enemy_ui_nameEnemy UI
5252tech_enemy_ui_descEnemy UI: Display damage numbers and boss health values.
5353tech_item_ui_nameItem UI
5454tech_item_ui_descItem UI: Display number of Rewinds/Health Essences, as well as unused key items.
5555tech_verse_ui_nameVerse UI
5656tech_verse_ui_descVerse UI: Display Verse number and title.
5757tech_hold_action_nameHold Action
5858tech_hold_action_descHold Action: Hold the light or heavy attack button to execute a powerful magic action at the cost of some Charge.
6060tech_parry_descParry: dodge toward an attacking enemy with perfect timing to counter the enemy attack.
6262tech_transform_descTransform: Hold and release the Transform button to enter a super-powered state. Dramatically increases Corruption during use.
6464tech_taunt_descTaunt: press the Taunt button to enrage all nearby enemies, making them stronger but more vulnerable to attacks.
6565mod_health_nameExtra Health
6666mod_health_descExtra Health: Massively increase player health.
6767mod_infinite_health_nameInfinite Stamina
6868mod_infinite_health_descInfinite Stamina: Actions that normally reduce Stamina no longer reduce Stamina.
6969mod_infinite_charge_nameInfinite Charge:
7070mod_infinite_charge_descInfinite Charge: Actions that normally drain Charge no longer drain Charge.
7171mod_infinite_items_nameUnlimited Items
7272mod_infinite_items_descUnlimited Items: Using Rewinds or Health Essences does not reduce the number of uses available for each.
7373mod_weaker_enemies_nameWeak Enemies
7474mod_weaker_enemies_descWeak Enemies: Massively reduces enemy health and attack power.
7575ui_map_missingNo Map Data
7676mantra_00_nameLUNA: Mid-damage, mid-range. Increased charge absorption.
7777mantra_00_descHold Action: CHARGE EXPLOSION
7878mantra_01_nameSOL: Mid-range, fast. Ignores defense but cannot BREAK.
7979mantra_01_descHold Action: CHARGE EXPLOSION
8080mantra_02_nameAERO: Low-damage, high-range. Increases attack range.
8181mantra_02_descHold Action: LINEAR BURST
8282mantra_03_namePYRA: Mid-damage, high-range. Lowers stamina use.
8383mantra_03_descHold Action: FIERY PUNISHMENT
8484mantra_04_nameANIMA: High-damage, low-range. Increases attack speed.
8585mantra_04_descHold Action: HEEL STOMP
8686mantra_05_nameAQUA: Short-range, multi-attack. Increases BREAK time.
8787mantra_05_descHold Action: RAINING STRIKE
8888mantra_06_nameGAEA: Mid-damage, mixed-range. Higher BREAK chance.
8989mantra_06_descHold Action: CHARGE PULSE
9090mantra_07_nameEREBOS: Low-damage, mid-range. Increases BREAK damage.
9191mantra_07_descHold Action: BACKSTAB
9292mantra_08_nameBIOS: Low-damage, multi-attack. Increases finisher power.
9393mantra_08_descHold Action: LIFE SURGE
9494mantra_09_nameFOS: Technical. Hold Actions do not drain stamina.
9595mantra_09_descHold Action: SUMMON CHARGE
9696mantra_10_nameTHANATOS: High-damage, mid-range. Increases strength.
9797mantra_10_descHold Action: TRIPLE BURST
9898mantra_11_nameAETHER: the final Mantra. Adds a shockwave to all attacks.
9999mantra_11_descHold Action: REALITY TEAR
100100mantra_12_nameKTISIS: the entirety of creation flows through you.
101101mantra_12_descHold Actions do not drain charge.
102102familiar_00Burst: Fires long-range projectile on command.
103103familiar_01Impulse: Shoots mid-range spread on command.
104104familiar_02Shock: Shoots powerful mid-range burst on command.
105105familiar_03Pierce: Fires piercing projectile with a high BREAK chance on command.
106106familiar_04Rapid: Fires a stream of small projectiles on command.
107107familiar_05Aura: Fires a damaging aura on command.
108108familiar_06Heal: Heals player at cost of full charge.
109109familiar_07Laser: Shoots a powerful laser that bypasses enemy defense on command.
110110virtue_00Unstoppable (Cost: 2) [Once per combat, lethal damage does not kill player. Resets at full health or on REWIND]
111111virtue_01Determined (Cost: 5) [Charge Attacks and combo finishers have a higher chance of auto-killing weakened enemies.]
112112virtue_02Empowered [Cost: 4] (greatly reduces attack stamina use at max health)
113113virtue_03Paranoid [Cost: 4] (attack damage increases slightly for each successive attack in a combo)
114114virtue_04Adaptive [Cost: 4] (Paradigm Shift right at the end of an attack or a dodge to recover Stamina)
115115virtue_05Perceptive (Cost: 3) [Turns on enemy health indicators]
116116virtue_06Driven [Cost: 4] (charge fully replenishes on an enemy guard break)
117117virtue_07Repellant [Cost: 2] (Well-timed Mantra attacks reflect enemy projectiles)
118118virtue_08Trusting [Cost: 5] (Familiar attacks are more powerful.)
119119virtue_09Agile [Cost: 5] (dodge an enemy attack with perfect timing to replenish Stamina)
120120virtue_10Anxious [Cost: 3] (Constant small charge regeneration during combat.)
121121virtue_11Condemned [Cost: 2] (Survive for a short time after health reaches 0)
122122virtue_12Parasitic [Cost: 6] (For a brief time after taking damage, deal damage to recover lost health)
123123virtue_13Hated [Cost: 6] (Increases damage player gives and receives)
124124virtue_14Loved [Cost: 4] (enemy attacks deal less damage)
125125virtue_15Marked [Cost: 0] (Face the corruption with courage and grace; Cannot be unequipped)
126126virtue_16Cautious [Cost: 5] (Slower enemy attacks and projectiles)
127127virtue_17Untethered [Cost: 6] (perfect dodges slow time briefly)
128128virtue_18Disconnected [Cost: 4] (double-tap the dodge button to teleport to target enemy at the cost of some Charge)
129129virtue_19Incensed [Cost: 2] (reduces Dodge and Sprint stamina costs and increases power of Dash and Counter Attacks)
130130virtue_20Enraged [Cost: 3] (Perfect Dodges and Parries increase player strength for a short time)
131131virtue_21Scorned [Cost: 2] (reduces all stats, but increases max VP by 20)
132132virtue_22Ascended [Cost: 2] (drastically reduces Corruption rate)
133133ui_tech_locked— LOCKED —
134134ui_game_checkpointReturn to the last checkpoint visited?
135135ui_game_returnExit game and return to the main menu?
136136ui_game_option_00Return to Game
137137ui_game_option_01Return to Last Checkpoint
139139ui_game_option_03Exit to menu
140140options_header_game// GAME
141141options_header_controlCustomize Controls >>
142142options_header_speedgame speed
143143options_header_difficulty// DIFFICULTY
150150options_header_audio// AUDIO
151151options_header_musicmusic volume
152152options_header_soundsfx volume
153153options_header_visual// VISUAL
159159options_header_postPost Processing
163163ui_menu_paused— P A U S E D —
164164options_control_instructionSelect the action for which you want to customize control.
165165options_control_typecontrol type
167167options_control_keyboardKeyboard (No Mouse)
168168options_control_mouseKeyboard & Mouse
169169options_control_ps4Gamepad (PS4)
170170options_control_l_attackLight Attack
171171options_control_h_attackHeavy Attack/Exit Menu
172172options_control_f_attackFamiliar Attack
173173options_control_replacePress the button you wish to use for the selected action.
176176options_control_shiftParadigm Shift
177177options_control_itemUse Item
178178options_control_switchSwitch Item
181181options_control_equipEquip Menu
182182options_control_gameGame Menu
183183options_control_defaultRestore Defaults
184184menu_level_upLevel up
186186menu_level_revert† Revert †
187187travel_checkpoint_00Forest - Camp
188188travel_checkpoint_01Forest - Reprieve
189189travel_checkpoint_02Forest - Cliff
190190travel_checkpoint_03Sanctum - Confessional
191191travel_checkpoint_04Metro - Brooksvale Station
192192travel_checkpoint_04aMetro - Maintenance
193193travel_checkpoint_05Metro - Southvale
194194travel_checkpoint_06Metro - End Station
195195travel_checkpoint_07Suburbs - 110 Crescent St
196196travel_checkpoint_08Arena - Fighters' Quarters
197197travel_checkpoint_09Highways - The Harbor
198198travel_checkpoint_10Highways - Control
199199travel_checkpoint_11Linear Trail
200200travel_checkpoint_12Lethean - Gate II
201201travel_checkpoint_13Radio Tower - Exterior
202202travel_checkpoint_14Radio Tower - Final Rest
203203travel_checkpoint_15The Descent
204204travel_checkpoint_16Familiar Garden
205205travel_descent_exitExit the Descent?\nProgress will be lost.
209209revert_track_00Sacrament I.
210210revert_track_01Lost In The World
211211revert_track_02Flesh Without Blood
213213revert_track_04When The Sun Hits
214214revert_track_05Stay Here
215215revert_track_06No Stars
217217revert_track_08One Last Time
218218revert_track_09Run Away With Me
219219travel_descent_endEnd Descent
220220revert_track_09_checkHigh Rise
221221menu_load_checkLast Checkpoint
222222menu_load_timeTotal Playtime
223223revert_track_00_checkAbandoned Faith
224224revert_track_01_checkThe Shore
225225revert_track_02_checkSanctum - Atrium
226226revert_track_03_checkMetro - Brooksvale Station
227227revert_track_07_checkThe Shore?
228228menu_revert_confirmProgress in current Track will be lost.\nContinue?
229229menu_revert_instructSelect a track to revert progress
232232warning_stamina_low— Stamina LOW —
233233warning_stamina_out! ! STAMINA OUT ! !
234234warning_charge_low— Charge LOW —
235235warning_charge_out! CHARGE OUT !
236236warning_health_low! ! HEALTH LOW ! !
237237warning_rewinds_low— REWINDs LOW —
238238warning_rewinds_out! REWINDS OUT !
239239menu_retry_restartRestart Scene
240240menu_retry_loadLoad from Checkpoint
241241ui_cant_skipCannot skip scene!!
242242dream_00_00A dream.
243243dream_00_07You feel like screaming./n/nYou feel like crying./n/nBut you can't.
244244dream_00_08So, you breathe./n/nIn...out...
245245dream_00_09You muster the courage /nto open your eyes.
246246dream_00_10A vast expanse,/nit threatens to consume.
247247dream_00_11You can't help but feel /nyou've been here before./n/nYou can't help but feel/nthey only want to hurt you.
248248dream_00_12But you know you must move forward./n/nYou must fight.
249249dream_00_13It's all you know...
251251colin_intro_00. . .
252252colin_intro_01. . . . .
253253colin_intro_02. . . . . . .
254254colin_intro_03Oh, hi there...are you finally awake?
255255colin_intro_04Okay then, let's see...
256256colin_intro_05Before we begin, I need...uh...
257257colin_intro_06Oh, that's right, I need to know what your name is.
258258colin_intro_07So, what's your name?
259259colin_intro_08Thank you PLAYERNAME; my name is Colin. It's so nice to finally meet you.
260260colin_intro_09Now, I need you to promise me, that no matter what happens, you will have faith in both me and in yourself
261261colin_intro_10and know that everything will be okay in the end.
262262colin_intro_11I know it won't be easy, trust me, right?
263263colin_intro_12Anyways, are you ready, PLAYERNAME? Let's get started.
264264colin_intro_13I want to go back to where it began...
265265chapter_text_n1Track -1 ~ Cradle
266266checkpoint_message_00Health restored. Progress saved.
267267checkpoint_message_01Health restored. Progress saved.\nREWINDs restored.
269269examine_label_ex: Examine
270270examine_label_rest: Rest
271271examine_label_jump: Jump
272272warning_charge_insufficient— INSUFFICIENT Charge —
273273memo_introA voice echoes in your ear:
275275tutorial_light_attack_00Light attacks are weak, but fast and consume little stamina.
276276tutorial_light_attack_01Chain light attacks together to form combos that end in a powerful Finishing Attack.
278278tutorial_heavy_attack_00Heavy attacks are strong and can break an enemy's guard, but consume more stamina.
279279tutorial_heavy_attack_01Chain a heavy attack to light attacks to perform more powerful Finishing Attacks.
280280door_mother_lockedA statue of a shrouded woman. She seems to be reaching for something.
281281door_mother_unlockedPlaced Mother's Sword.
282282door_brokenIt won't open.
285285maria_basement_01You're doing the right thing.
286286maria_basement_02I hope you can believe me...
288288lvl_item_hp_nameHP Up
289289lvl_item_hp_descIncrease max Health.
291291lvl_item_st_nameST Up
292292lvl_item_st_descIncrease max Stamina.
294294lvl_item_ch_nameCH Up
295295lvl_item_ch_descIncrease max Charge.
297297lvl_item_ab_nameAB Up
298298lvl_item_ab_descIncrease Charge Absorbtion per successful attack.
300300lvl_item_rc_nameRC Up
301301lvl_item_rc_descIncrease Stamina Recover rate.
303303lvl_item_pw_namePW Up
304304lvl_item_pw_descIncrease Attack Power.
305305chapter_text_01Track 1 ~ Lost in the World
306306chapter_text_02Track 2 ~ Flesh Without Blood
307307chapter_text_03Track 3 ~ Inside
308308chapter_text_04Track 4 ~ When the Sun Hits
309309chapter_text_05Track 5 ~ Stay Here
310310chapter_text_06Track 6 ~ No Stars
311311chapter_text_07Track 7 ~ Lethean
312312chapter_text_08Track 8 ~ One Last Time
313313chapter_text_09Track 9 ~ Run Away With Me
315315lvl_virtue_perceptive_descGrants Virtue: PERCEPTIVE (turns on enemy health indicators) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU].
317317lvl_virtue_adaptive_descGrants Virtue: ADAPTIVE (Paradigm Shift right at the end of an attack or a dodge to recover Stamina) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU].
319319lvl_virtue_driven_descGrants Virtue: DRIVEN (charge fully replenishes on enemy BREAK) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU].
321321lvl_virtue_agile_descGrants Virtue: AGILE (dodge an enemy attack with Perfect timing to replenish Stamina) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU].
323323lvl_virtue_loved_descGrants Virtue: LOVED (enemy attacks deal less damage) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU].
325325lvl_virtue_empowered_descGrants Virtue: EMPOWERED (greatly reduces Stamina use when at full health) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU].
326326dream_01_00It wants you/n/nit needs you/n/n/nIt Hates You.
328328dream_01_02Rejoice, for we are reborn.
329329dream_01_03Rejoice; we will be cleansed.
330330dream_02_00eyes to the ground/n/nA Hand/n/n presses your forehead.
331331dream_02_01cool to the Touch/n/nOiLy/nand/nBrITtLe
332332dream_02_02your hair parts and you feel
334334dream_02_04One, then a thousand at once.
335335dream_02_05let THE SPIRIT come in
336336dream_02_06you are dirty
337337dream_02_07let THE SPIRIT come
338338dream_02_08but your heart begins to scream
339339dream_02_09i dont want
340340dream_02_10i don't want
341341dream_02_11I Don't Want This-
342342tape_dream_00The Dream.
343343tape_future_00The Future.
344344tape_past_00The Past.
345345dream_03_00A Vision.
346346dream_03_01an ever-present space collapses/nand the air fills with dust/ntiny grains scouring her skin
347347dream_03_02a stare that pierces through time and only sees oblivion/n her heart is swallowed whole
348348dream_03_03everything turns to nought, a reflection of the self
349349dream_03_04on the edge of the world/n staring into the beasts eye
350350dream_03_05i let myself fall
351351dream_03_06. /n. /n.
352352dream_03_07oh brother, brother/nwhy did they take you away
353353dream_arcade_00i am not a machine.
354354dream_arcade_01i cannot run
355355dream_arcade_02from the ghosts inside my head
357357dream_04_00What are you doing?
358358dream_04_01What are you doing here?
359359dream_04_02Something is wrong...
360360dream_05_00Lilli looks away, hiding her eyes/nBut you can still feel the guilt,/nthe disappointment
361361dream_05_01pulling you apart
362362dream_05_02Your skin starts to crawl,/nas Lilli shrinks down /nand you see the tears /nand your head wants to burst
363363dream_05_03the heat/n/n.../n/n the pain
364364dream_05_04YOU DESERVE THIS/n/n YOU DID THIS
365365dream_05_05It looks at you/n and you feel DEATH
366366dream_05_06ALL IS PAIN/n BURN IN HELLFIRE
369369dream_05_09your chest tightens/nas if breathing your last…
370370dream_05_10your mind clears/nyou cant control it anymore/nthen you give in
371371dream_05_11the corruption calls to you…
372372ending_b_00Theyre gone…
373373ending_b_01Theyre finally gone…
374374ending_b_02so why do I still feel this way?
375375ending_b_03I thought the pain would go away/n but instead its…nothing
376376ending_b_04its nothing
377377ending_b_05Im nothing
378378ending_b_06THERES NOTHING!!!!
380380ending_b_08Why have you forsaken me?
381381ending_c_00I hope I get to see you again.
382382ending_c_01Good bye, PLAYERNAME...
383383ending_c_02I love you.
384384dream_06_00She awakens.
385385dream_06_01As the cultist speaks,/nyou begin to drift away
386386dream_06_02Floating up,/naway from your body,/naway from yourself
387387dream_06_03Rising like vapors,/npurple, blue and black,/nyour skin begins to fade
388388dream_06_04As the hole inside your chest grows,/nand grows,/nAnd swallows all
389389dream_07_00The priest lays a hand on your forehead.
390390dream_07_01Under his sway, you kneel/n/nand he prays...
391391dream_07_02The murmurs start, soft,/n/nthen grow,/n/nand grow
392392dream_07_03as if the whole Enclave is joining in BUT/nthere's No One
393393dream_07_04But you/n/nand your Heart
394394dream_07_05and the Darkness
395395dream_07_06And then you cant breathe
396396dream_07_07You gasp and gasp and try to get the air in,/nbut nothing works
397397dream_07_08Its empty, stale, bloody
398398dream_07_09And your head pounds and pounds/n You feel Him, squeezing and squeezing/n Your Heart
399399dream_07_10Until you cant anymore/n/n And it stops
400400dream_07_11And as if they were never there, the voices settle/n Soft, distant…
401401dream_07_12You dont feel the pain, or anger, or sadness
402402dream_07_13You dont feel anything.
403403dream_qq_00A Memory.
404404dream_qq_01Theres this…bridge/nyou pass everyday...
405405dream_qq_02And as you stand there,/nyou see the cars go by
406406dream_qq_03Lights twinkling into the distance/n Swallowed by/nthe mountains and buildings and clouds/nahead
407407disable_transformTech: TRANSFORM has been disabled.
408408sin_desc_easy[SIN]: Dictates Nightmare Strength.
409409punish_desc_easy[PUNISHMENT]: Dictates Player Vulnerability.
410410difficulty_select_desc( Difficulty can be changed at any time from the OPTIONS menu )
411411marked_message_00A trauma reveals itself/nat the center of the world.
412412marked_message_01You have been MARKED.
413413marked_message_02Others may see you differently,/nand the world will reject you.
414414marked_message_03But maybe, we can finally awaken.
416416ng_message_00Like a whisper at the end of the world.../n/nit calls to you...
417417ng_message_01This story is done,/nbut there are many still unheard.
418418ng_message_02Load your save file marked with the †/nto see the world anew.
419419ng_message_03And find a way out of this nightmare
420420ng_message_04so we may never wake again...
421421corruption_message_00REVERT is now available from/nCheckpoints.
422422corruption_message_01If the Corruption becomes/ntoo great, REVERT to/na previous Track to/ntry and fight it back.
423423transform_message_00Tech: TRANSFORM has been awakened.
424424transform_message_01Fear the darkness within/none's heart.
425425ending_a_rewardUnlocked Mantra: SOL.
426426ending_b_rewardUnlocked Mantra: AETHER.
427427ending_c_reward_00Unlocked Virtue: ASCENDED.
428428ending_c_reward_01Unlocked Difficulty: CHALLENGE.
429429darkness_revive_00Oh, this isn't good...
430430darkness_revive_01Please, I don't want you to give in.
431431darkness_revive_02We can't let Maria have her way.
432432darkness_revive_03Maria? Oh, I think you've met her...
433433darkness_revive_04Agh, never mind.
434434darkness_revive_05My powers are so weak now, but I think I can help you a bit.
435435darkness_revive_06Just this once...
436436darkness_revive_07I can push back the creeping darkness, but it's up to you to do the rest.
437437darkness_revive_08I love you PLAYERNAME, so please...
438438darkness_revive_09Don't give in...
439439darkness_complete_00PLAYERNAME! No...
440440darkness_complete_01I'm sorry I can't do more...that I couldn't do more...
441441darkness_complete_02I feel so far away from you.
444444darkness_complete_05Maybe this is for the best.
445445darkness_complete_06I mean, this there any other way?
446446darkness_complete_07Just, I didn't want you to lose yourself.
447447darkness_complete_08I love you PLAYERNAME, but things are going to be so different over there.
448448darkness_complete_09I don't know what I'll say, or how you'll end up.
449449darkness_complete_10Please, be strong for me, even if I couldn't be strong for you.
451451darkness_complete_12. . . . .
452452darkness_complete_13Good bye, PLAYERNAME.
453453natalie_room_bedMy bed. I haven't been able to sleep.
454454natalie_room_tvAn old TV. Nothing is playing.
455455natalie_room_tvonA beautiful figure, tall and assured, dances across the screen. She's so strong, the demons can't even touch her.
456456natalie_room_gameA game console. I don't really play this anymore...
457457natalie_room_gameoffIt's broken.
458458examine_label_exit: Exit
459459examine_label_fall: Fall
460460examine_label_advance: Advance
461461post_colin_00A message from the developer:
462462post_colin_01Dear PLAYERNAME,
463463post_colin_02This is probably the last time youll hear from me for a while, and for that, Im sorry.
464464post_colin_03Watching you grow and fight and overcome it all has brought me so much joy in the time weve been together,\n\nmore than you may ever know.
465465post_colin_04Think of how far youve come since your first steps on the sand:\nthe waves lapping behind you, a whole unknown world ahead.
466466post_colin_05You moved forward, even when you were hunted at every turn, even when tragedy struck - when there was nothing you could do\nand even your heart was working against you.
467467post_colin_06Because you knew, there had to be something more;\nthere HAD to be a way out.
468468post_colin_07The thing is, I really dont know if there can be. Your journey in this world may be no more, but as long as theres more out there, our doubts and fears will never relent.
469469post_colin_08But, seeing you complete this journey, if ANYTHING, has shown me there is a place for hope in our world.
470470post_colin_09The world here, your world, with its challenges and triumphs, will be here if you need it, when you need it. If thats tomorrow, or next week, or 10 years from now, thats okay, because itll still be here;\n\nbecause what you accomplished - how much you grew - will never leave you.
471471post_colin_10I promise.
472472post_colin_11I promise its okay to feel alone, to feel unwanted, to be hurt, because Ive been there, and youve been there, and yet youre still here,\n\nand I love you for that.
473473post_colin_12While youre here, theres hope.\n\nIf nothing else…
475475post_colin_14Thank you PLAYERNAME. Thank you for seeing this through. I hope someday I can find the strength to do the same.
477477post_colin_16Until next time,\n\n- colin. <3
479479post_credits_01I'm surprised you made it this far.
480480post_credits_02Remember how I promised, it'd all be okay in the end?
481481post_credits_03I'm sorry, I was just trying to help...
482482post_credits_04I really don't know if there is a happy ending to this.
483483post_credits_05It feels like we've been trapped here for so long, fighting and fighting, night after night.
484484post_credits_06And then it all sort of drifts away, like a bad dream.
485485post_credits_07Only to start again.
486486post_credits_08Maybe this time, something can be different?
487487post_credits_09Do you really want to see what's happening here?
488488post_credits_10I can't even take it, but maybe...
489489post_credits_11Maybe you can be the one to finally break free.
490490post_credits_12Paradise...what a joke...
491491post_credits_13Will we be okay, PLAYERNAME? I don't even know.
492492post_credits_14I, I hope...that you can be the one to show us the way.
494494item_rewind_00Found REWIND (x3).
495495item_rewind_01Found REWIND.
496496item_heal_00Found HEALTH ESSENCE.
497497found_mantra_animaFound Mantra: ANIMA\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].ESENCIA DE SALUD Recogida.
498498found_cross_insigniaFound KEY ITEM: CROSS Insignia.
499499found_virtue_enragedFound Virtue: ENRAGED.
500500found_mantra_pyraFound Mantra: PYRA\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
501501found_familiar_impulseFound Familiar: Impulse\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
502502found_tech_parryFound Tech: PARRY\n[Dodge towards an attacking enemy with perfect timing to Counter the enemy attack].
503503found_rotting_seedFound KEY ITEM: Rotting Seed.
504504found_virtue_scornedFound Virtue: SCORNED.
505505found_mantra_thanatosFound Mantra: THANATOS\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
506506found_travel_passFound KEY ITEM: TravelPass.
507507found_virtue_determinedFound Virtue: DETERMINED.
508508found_mantra_gaeaFound Mantra: GAEA\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
509509found_key_delimiterFound Delimiter.
510510memory_maria_00Found Memory of Maria:
511511memory_maria_01"I pray for the downtrodden; I pray for the weak. I pray for all in need.
512512memory_maria_02I pray for those I left behind, and those I can no longer remember.
513513memory_maria_03With each passing day, more seem to vanish, as if they were never there.
514514memory_maria_04What is happening to me?"
515515found_virtue_paranoidFound Virtue: PARANOID.
516516found_rail_leverFound Rail Lever.
517517found_speed_passFound KEY ITEM: Speed Pass.
518518found_virtue_untetheredFound Virtue: UNTETHERED.
519519memory_colin_00Found Memory of Colin:
520520memory_colin_01I used to have this dream.\nI would be in an empty room with no doors and no windows. As I stood there, Id start to become lighter and lighter until I was weightless.
521521memory_colin_02Id float into the air, and my eyelids would drop. Slowly, pieces of me would start to disappear. My legs, my arms, my torso, then my head - all drifting into nothingness, leaving only my shadow behind.
522522memory_colin_03I didn't exist, and it made me so, so, happy.
523523memory_colin_04I dont have that dream anymore.
524524found_virtue_incensedFound Virtue: INCENSED.
525525found_virtue_parasiticFound Virtue: PARASITIC [for a brief time after taking damage, deal damage to recover lost health].
526526found_tape_dreamFound Videotape: "Dream". Maybe there's somewhere I can play this...
527527found_tape_pastFound Videotape: "Past". Maybe there's somewhere I can play this...
528528found_tape_futureFound Videotape: "Future". Maybe there's somewhere I can play this...
529529found_prayer_beadFound Prayer Bead; max VP increased by 5.\n(VP dictates the number of Virtues that can be equipped)
530530found_mantra_biosFound Mantra: BIOS\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
531531found_crane_keyFound KEY ITEM: Crane Key.
532532memory_father_00Found Memory of Father:
533533memory_father_01"My name, I don't even remember my name.
534534memory_father_02I remember those eyes, those lips, the beating of my heart,
535535memory_father_03but not my name.
536536memory_father_04That faded when I took this creed, and I was promised salvation.
537537memory_father_05If I could go back, I'd do it all so differently..."
538538found_control_keyFound KEY ITEM: Control Key.
539539found_virtue_repellantFound Virtue: REPELLANT.
540540memory_julia_00Found Memory of Julia:
541541memory_julia_01"There was water here once. It's gone now.
542542memory_julia_02There was life and green and birds and sky.
543543memory_julia_03As the days rolled on, the nights got longer, my scars got deeper.
544544memory_julia_04And the sun became a husk of what it once was.
545545memory_julia_05Only our truths remain."
546546found_mantra_aquaFound Mantra: AQUA\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
547547found_mantra_fosFound Mantra: FOS\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
548548found_mantra_aeroFound Mantra: AERO.
549549found_tech_chargeFound Tech: HOLD ACTION\n [hold attack button: costs Charge to use].
550550found_crescent_keyFound Crescent Key.
551551found_mothers_swordFound KEY ITEM: Mother's Sword.
552552found_la_250Found 250 la [use la to level up at checkpoints].
553553track_00_verse_00Verse 1 - Hostility
554554track_00_verse_01Verse 2 - Chance
555555track_00_verse_02Verse 3 - Avoidance
556556track_00_verse_03Verse 4 - Distance
557557track_00_verse_04Verse 5 - All-Out
558558track_00_verse_05Verse 6 - Resolve
559559track_00_verse_06Verse 7 - Conflict
560560track_00_refrain_00Refrain I - Harbinger
561561track_01_verse_00Verse 1 - Intro
562562track_01_verse_01Verse 2 - Ignorance
563563track_01_verse_02Verse 3 - Danger
564564track_01_verse_03Verse 4 - Hope
565565track_01_verse_04Verse 5 - Ambush
566566track_01_bridge_00Bridge - Unknown
567567track_01_verse_05Verse 6 - Pursuit
568568track_01_verse_06Verse 7 - Trial
569569track_01_verse_07Verse 8 - Vision
570570track_01_verse_08Verse 9 - Clash I
571571track_01_verse_09Verse 10 - Clash II
572572track_01_refrain_00Refrain II - The Hive
573573track_02_verse_00Verse 1 - Option
574574track_02_verse_01Verse 2 - Sacrament
575575track_02_verse_02Verse 3 - Sin
576576track_02_verse_03Verse 4 - Punishment
577577track_02_refrain_00Refrain III - Messiah
578578track_02_verse_04Verse 5 - Descend
579579track_03_verse_00Verse 1 - Secrets
580580track_03_verse_01Verse 2 - Turn Back
581581track_03_verse_02Verse 3 - Stalker
582582track_03_verse_03Verse 4 - Interim
583583track_03_verse_04Verse 5 - Dropped
584584track_03_verse_05Verse 6 - Overextended
585585track_03_verse_06Verse 7 - Guardian
586586track_03_bridge_00Bridge - Paranoid
587587track_03_bridge_01Bridge - Upwards
588588track_03_verse_07Verse 8 - Defenders
589589track_03_bridge_02Bridge - Sloth
590590track_03_refrain_00Refrain IV - The Forsaken
591591track_03_refrain_01Refrain V - Christian
592592track_03_verse_08Verse 9 - Falling Down
593593track_03_verse_09Verse 10 - Guardians
594594track_03_verse_10Verse 11 - Lair
595595track_03_verse_11Verse 12 - Shortcuts
596596track_03_bridge_03Bridge - Collapsing
597597track_03_hidden_00Hidden Verse 1 - Post
598598track_03_bridge_04Bridge - The Tape
599599track_03_bridge_05Bridge - Rites
600600track_03_verse_12Verse 13 - Amass
601601track_04_bridge_00Bridge - Prototype
602602track_04_verse_00Verse 1 - Delay
603603track_04_verse_01Verse 2 - Ebb
604604track_04_verse_02Verse 3 - Flow
605605track_04_verse_03Verse 4 - Bloodflow
606606track_04_verse_04Verse 5 - Awareness
607607track_04_verse_brokenU#HDS*( _ SHDA*
610610track_04_verse_05Verse 6 - Shiver
611611track_04_verse_06Verse 7 - Guarded
612612track_04_verse_07Verse 8 - Contained
613613track_04_verse_08Verse 9 - Stress
614614track_04_verse_09Verse 10 - Blinded
615615track_04_verse_10Verse 11 - Resistance
616616track_04_verse_11Verse 12 - Remembrance
617617track_04_verse_12Verse 13 - Revenge
618618track_04_verse_13Verse 14 - Fulfillment
619619track_04_verse_14Verse 15 - Fantasy
620620track_04_refrain_00Refrain VI - The Hollow
621621track_05_verse_00Verse 1 - Purge
622622track_05_verse_01Verse 2 - Empty Threats
623623track_05_verse_02Verse 3 - Brawl
624624track_05_verse_03Verse 4 - Encounter
625625track_05_verse_04Verse 5 - Melee
626626track_05_verse_05Verse 6 - Duel
627627track_05_verse_06Verse 7 - Champion
628628track_05_verse_07Verse 8 - Promise
629629track_05_verse_08Verse 9 - Destruction
630630track_05_refrain_00Refrain VII - Serah
631631track_05_training_00Training 1 - Untouched
632632track_05_training_01Training 2 - Unphased
633633track_05_training_02Training 3 - Unbroken
634634track_05_verse_09Verse 10 - Hated
635635track_05_verse_10Verse 11 - Scorned
636636track_05_verse_11Verse 12 - Disconnected
637637track_05_verse_12Verse 13 - Marked
638638track_06_refrain_00Refrain IX - ???
639639track_06_refrain_01Refrain IX - The Depths
640640track_06_refrain_02Refrain XIII - Christian
641641track_06_verse_00Verse 1 - Wayward
642642track_06_verse_01Verse 2 - Control
643643track_06_verse_02Verse 3 - Seeking
644644track_06_verse_03Verse 4 - Communicate
645645track_06_bridge_00Bridge - Insight
646646track_06_verse_04Verse 5 - Wrong
647647track_06_verse_05Verse 6 - So
648648track_06_verse_06Verse 7 - Tired
649649track_06_hidden_00Hidden Verse 2 - Reflect
650650track_07_verse_00Verse 1 - Support
651651track_07_verse_01Verse 2 - Trial
652652track_07_verse_02Verse 3 - Precursor
653653track_07_verse_03Verse 4 - Insidious
654654track_07_verse_04Verse 5 - Tribulation
655655track_07_verse_05Verse 6 - Run-Up
656656track_07_verse_06Verse 7 - Pride
657657track_07_refrain_00Refrain X - Harbinger
658658track_07_verse_07Verse 8 - Lone
659659track_08_verse_00Verse 1 - Climb
660660track_08_verse_01Verse 2 - Trapped
661661track_08_verse_02Verse 3 - Determination
662662track_08_verse_03Verse 4 - Damnation
663663track_08_refrain_00Refrain XI - Christian
664664track_08_refrain_01Final Refrain - PLAYERNAME
665665track_08_refrain_02Final Refrain - Messiah
666666track_08_refrain_03Hidden Refrain - Thomas
667667track_08_refrain_04Final Refrain - Maria
669669boss_name_01THE HIVE
671671boss_name_03THE FORSAKEN
674674boss_name_06THE HOLLOW
677677boss_name_09THE DEPTHS
683683tutorial_rewind_00REWINDs give you a second chance at any encounter.
684684tutorial_rewind_01When you use a REWIND, your health and charge are restored to the state they were in when the fight began.
685685tutorial_rewind_02Use REWINDs to erase a battle that is going poorly. REWINDs are restored at checkpoints.
687687tutorial_familiar_00Familiars can attack with long-range magic at the cost of Charge.
688688tutorial_familiar_01Recover Charge by hitting enemies with Light and Heavy Attacks.
689689tutorial_familiar_02Use Familiar Attacks to keep up your offensive while recovering Stamina.
693693tutorial_dodge_00Dodges provide brief invulnerability to enemy attacks.
694694tutorial_dodge_01Hold the Dodge button to Sprint at great speed.
695695examine_label_descend: Descend
696696checkpoint_name_00Abandoned Faith - Basement
697697examine_label_paradigmSwitch Mantra
698698tutorial_mantra_00Mantras represent different attack styles you can utilize.
699699tutorial_mantra_01Each has different attack properties and combos of Light and Heavy attacks.
700700tutorial_mantra_02Switch between two equipped "Paradigms" of Mantras at any time to create new combos and play styles.
701701memory_david_00Found Memory of David:
702702memory_david_01"Twelve boys lined all in a row. Paraded to the cellar, we sit on musty yellow chairs. 'Today, you will learn of strength and faith.
703703memory_david_02"A screen swivels around and we stare. Animated figures dance in stilted motion.
704704memory_david_03"They fear a monster of great stature, coming to destroy all they hold dear. No hope remains; the colors are distracting.
705705memory_david_04“The monster is upon them. He crushes bones and swallows them whole. A comedic sound makes the boys laugh.
706706memory_david_05"A hero appears. We know he is the hero for he radiates gold. Sling in hand, he attacks the monster. The monsters face crumples into a bloody heap.
707707memory_david_06"My first taste of the nightmare."
708708tutorial_charge_00Hold the Light or Heavy Attack button to execute a powerful Hold Action.
709709tutorial_charge_01Hold Actions use both stamina and charge, but they tear through nightmares.
710710tutorial_charge_02Use a Hold Action on a vulnerable enemy to take it out quickly.
711711examine_label_ascend: Ascend
712712intro_cutscene_00Fear not child, for there is salvation to be found,\neven of your kind.
713713intro_cutscene_01The Mark...has claimed another.
714714intro_cutscene_02Does it always have to be like this?
715715intro_cutscene_03Oh dear fallen, another has given in to this wretched\nplace.
716716intro_cutscene_04May the Null Sun have mercy.
717717examine_label_equipOpen \nEquip Menu
718718dead_npc_00...he's dead.
719719examine_label_talk: Talk
720720forest_serah_00Are you lost like me?
721721forest_serah_01I had someone here, but they went off to try and save us.
722722forest_serah_02I don't think they're coming back...
723723forest_serah_03We're incomplete. We can't survive like this.
724724forest_serah_04Please, bring them back to me.
725725forest_serah_05Help me, please...
726726forest_serah_06beFoRe the DaRk CoMeS
727727memory_michael_00Found Memory of Michael:
728728memory_michael_01"Acceptance is key. Acceptance is life.
729729memory_michael_02"Work hard for acceptance and all will be forgiven.
730730memory_michael_03"The thoughts, the hair, the clothes...
731731memory_michael_04"Cut it all away and you will be normal. You will be loved. You will be happy."
732732examine_label_itemSwitch Item
733733tutorial_parry_00Press the Dodge button while moving towards an attacking enemy to Parry.
734734tutorial_parry_01A Parry will cancel the enemy attack and break their guard, opening them up for massive damage.
735735tutorial_parry_02Parry enemy attacks and follow up with powerful Counter Attacks!
736736examine_label_climb: Climb
737737forest_descend_exIt's too dark to descend.
738738door_vine_lockedA snarl of vines obscures the way forward. If only there was a way to clear them...
739739door_vine_unlockedPlaced Rotting Seed.
741741door_sanctum_unlockedShowed INSIGNIA.
742742sanctum_worshipper_00Another has come! Rejoice, rejoice!
743743sanctum_worshipper_01Father be kind, Father have mercy!
745745sanctum_worshipper_03The cleansings are always my favorite.
746746sanctum_worshipper_04Water, blood, darkness; they flow so beautifully!
747747sanctum_worshipper_05Father be kind, Father have mercy!
748748sanctum_worshipper_06Don't look at me.
749749sanctum_worshipper_07Don't look at me!
750750sanctum_worshipper_08STOP LOOKING AT ME!!
752752sanctum_worshipper_10!! !!
753753sanctum_worshipper_11Rapture! Rapture!!
755755sanctum_christian_00...why are you back?
756756sanctum_cutscene_00Master, quick!
757757sanctum_cutscene_01Ah, child, you have arrived!
758758sanctum_cutscene_02Out in the garden - it's happening!
759759sanctum_cutscene_03Come over to the font, your Cleansing is nigh.
761761sanctum_cutscene_05How exciting!
762762sanctum_cutscene_06Come, little one. Our salvation is at hand!
763763sanctum_cutscene_07Father, wait!!
764764sanctum_cutscene_08Please, stop. I have a bad feeling about this.
765765sanctum_cutscene_09SHUT UP, CHILD!
766766sanctum_cutscene_10This is what we've been praying for! Now, COME!!
767767sanctum_cutscene_11But, Dad...
769769sanctum_father_00"Close your eyes; let's begin..."
770770memory_christian_00Found Memory of Christian:
771771memory_christian_01"I loved you. I trusted you.
772772memory_christian_02I did all you told me to and I was good.
773773memory_christian_03You asked me to confess and I came up with blanks.
774774memory_christian_04There was a god who died for us, but it wasn't enough. As we forsake them, the sun forsakes us.
775775memory_christian_05Now we have to come up with the sins no one will forgive.
776776memory_christian_06Forgive me, for I have sinned."
777777sanctum_worshipper_13The danger in The Below is exquisite.
778778sanctum_worshipper_14Every time I go in the darkness grows. Some time I might be lucky enough to not return!
779779sanctum_worshipper_15Father said we weren't to enter The Below, but I can't help it.
780780sanctum_worshipper_16Sometimes only the pain can absolve my guilt...
781781sanctum_worshipper_17If Father discovers I've gone in again, the darkness might overcome me.
783783found_la_1500Found 1500 la [use la to level up at checkpoints].
784784door_metro_locked"Insert payment"
785785door_metro_unlockedInserted TravelPass.
786786metro_directory— Station Directory —\nBROOKSVALE <-> AVON <-> HIGHLAND <-> SOUTHVALE <- ...\n[The rest of the line is faded]
787787memory_nikki_00Found Memory of Nikki:
788788memory_nikki_01"Those late summer nights were always the worst.
789789memory_nikki_02After you were gone, the place felt so empty, and the walls got so dark.
790790memory_nikki_03The figures that moved in the edge of my vision became real, and I would run for my life.
791791memory_nikki_04Around and around in my head, until I couldn't take it any longer.
792792memory_nikki_05I just had to take the edge, and drive through. Crash...
793793memory_nikki_06I looked up, and saw you again. I had never been happier."
794794metro_sign_brooksvale— BROOKSVALE STATION —\nAvon Station ->
795795merchant_00_00I hope this helps, friend. Is there anything else?
796796merchant_00_01Take care and safe travels. I will see you again.
797797merchant_00_02Two more times if you do good, three more times if you do not.
798798merchant_00_03Hello friend. What can I do for you?
799799merchant_00_04Do you feel it as well? The creeping dread inside you?
800800merchant_00_05They say it can be stopped, but I was raised to just accept it.
801801merchant_00_06Is this what we have to look forward to?
802802merchant_item_00Virtue: TRUSTING
803803merchant_item_00_descGrants Virtue: TRUSTING (Familar attacks are more powerful).
804804merchant_item_01Virtue: CONDEMNED
805805merchant_item_01_descGrants Virtue: CONDEMNED (Survive for a short time after health reaches 0).
806806merchant_item_02Prayer Bead
807807merchant_item_02_descIncreases max VP by 5 (VP dictates the number of Virtues that can be equipped).
808808merchant_item_03Tiny Bell
809809merchant_item_03_descAllows access to the Familiar Garden from the Travel Menu.
810810door_level_lockedA mechanism. It appears to be missing something.
811811door_level_unlockedPlaced Rail Lever.
812812metro_sign_avon— AVON STATION —\n<- Brooksvale Station\nHighland Station ->
813813examine_label_lever: Pull Lever
814814lever_pull_00Train now runs EAST.
815815lever_pull_01Train now runs WEST.
816816examine_label_train: Board Train
817817metro_sign_highland— HIGHLAND STATION —\n<- Avon Station\nSouthvale Station ->
818818found_la_2000Found 2000 la [use la to level up at checkpoints].
819819metro_sign_southvale— SOUTHVALE STATION —\n<- Highland Station\n=+ZxX-)&% ->\n[the letters have been scratched out]
820820metro_sign_endThe writing is too faded to read.
821821examine_label_train_leave: Leave Train
822822train_text_00Brooksvale Station.
823823train_text_01Avon Station.
824824train_text_02Highland Station.
825825train_text_03Southvale Station.
826826train_text_04$%&?&^ Station.
827827train_text_05Next Stop: !(#()#(@*&EUSHADJKAHWI!
830830train_text_08Why are you doing this? Why do you resist?
831831train_text_09You Will Die. Why don't you seek such destruction?
832832train_text_10We can save you. You can save you.
833833train_text_11YoU Can SAve YOU
834834train_text_12YOU CAN SAVE YOU CAN SAVE
835835train_text_13embrace Him
836836train_text_14for You Will Die
837837train_text_15Please step back. Doors are closing...
838838train_text_16Next stop:
839839train_text_17Now arriving:
840840metro_sign_avon_up[NW] : TickETiNg\n[NE] : reSPite (under ConsTRucTion)
841841examine_label_pipe: Enter Pipe
842842metro_worshipper_00You're probably wondering why you're here.
843843metro_worshipper_01We all do. We all feel it.
844844metro_worshipper_02Why can't you let it go?
845845metro_worshipper_03Let the dread consume you - it's a most delicious fate.
846846metro_worshipper_04the monsters...the monsters...the monsters....
847847examine_label_pipe_leave: Exit Pipe
848848metro_christian_00So, you made it out again?
849849metro_christian_01So, you made it out too?
850850metro_christian_02God DAMN you!
851851metro_christian_03I'm not letting you stop me here...
852852metro_christian_04Not before you feel the shame I feel.
853853metro_christian_05You should have died back there, you know.
854854metro_christian_06I wish I had.
855855metro_christian_07Father…the acolytes…all of them, they were my family.
856856metro_christian_08My home, my family; they're all gone now.
857857metro_christian_09Murdered right in front of my eyes.
858858metro_christian_10My home, my family; they're all gone.
859859metro_christian_11I thought I had them all back, but that's the cruel joke of this "Paradise".
860860metro_christian_12Murdered right in front of my eyes, no matter what I do.
861861metro_christian_13But you get to keep going, oblivious to it all.
862862metro_christian_14Or, do you think you know better?
863863metro_christian_15Trust me, you don't get it.
864864metro_christian_16Its all your fault!
865865metro_christian_17Why did you have to come here? Why did you have to come NOW!??
866866metro_christian_18Why did you have to come here? How can you even EXIST!??
867867metro_christian_19I couldnt keep hiding what I was, but Father was so kind and patient.
868868metro_christian_20He forgave me for my sin. He said I was almost ready to ascend.
869869metro_christian_21To become whole again…To finally have peace...
870870metro_christian_22This Damnation.
871871metro_christian_23Father was the only one to ever show me kindness. I didn't deserve any of it!
872872metro_christian_24He could forgive me of my sin! I thought this time, I could ascend.
873873metro_christian_25And you TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME!
874874metro_christian_26EVERY! SINGLE! TIME!
878878metro_sign_southvale_up[NE] : eLecTRONICS\n[WW] : aCCident Preventio-
879879metro_sign_southvale_down[NORTH] : Maintenance Passage\n[SOUTH] : Edge of the world.
880880door_speed_locked"Premium access required."
881881door_speed_unlockedTapped Speed Pass.
882882door_limiter_lockedLIMITER ENGAGED. DO NOT UNLOCK.
883883door_limiter_unlockedDANGER !! LIMITER DISENGAGED !! DANGER !!
884884dead_npc_01They're dead.
885885found_familiar_laserFound Familiar: Laser\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
886886found_familiar_pierceFound Familiar: Pierce\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
887887found_familiar_rapidFound Familiar: Rapid\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
888888found_familiar_shockFound Familiar: Shock\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu].
889889suburbs_stranger_00Are you lost like me?
890890suburbs_stranger_01I had someone here, but they didn't like who I became.
891891suburbs_stranger_02Why are we all so alone?
892892suburbs_stranger_03Do you know? Do you know? must see.
894894suburbs_stranger_05I deluded myself into thinking I was something I was not.
895895suburbs_stranger_06That I could be special somehow, not like the others.
896896suburbs_stranger_07It was just a dream.
897897suburbs_stranger_08Do you ever have those nightmares where you feel like a different person?
898898suburbs_stranger_09Your clothes don't fit right, so you try to take them off...
899899suburbs_stranger_10but they Won't Let Go.
900900suburbs_stranger_11Trapped in yourself...
901901suburbs_stranger_12I wish I didn't try so hard...
902902suburbs_house_00The lock is broken. It won't open.
903903suburbs_house_01The door won't open.
904904suburbs_house_02You can hear faint murmurs inside. You don't feel like going in.
905905examine_label_house: Enter House
906906examine_label_building: Enter Building
907907examine_label_build_exit: Exit Building
908908examine_label_trailer: Enter Trailer
909909examine_label_house_exit: Exit House
910910door_keypad_lockedThe door is locked. A keypad awaits input.
911911door_keypad_unlockedINPUT ACCEPTED.
912912door_keypad_errorERROR !! INPUT DENIED !! ERROR !! the day breaks...
914914school_cross_01...wanting to be Free.
915915school_cross_02...the defiled still scream...
916916school_cross_03We couldn't have known...
917917school_cross_04...until it was too late...
918918school_cross_05I'm so sorry...
919919school_cross_06...for what I've done...
920920school_cross_07...and what it's made me into...
921921school_cross_08How long has it been like this?
922922examine_label_unknown: ???
923923suburbs_marked_00I told you, I know what I need to do.
924924suburbs_marked_01Why did they bother sending you anyway?
925925suburbs_marked_02Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.
926926suburbs_marked_03How sweet, you're still so small...
927927suburbs_marked_04My path is not the way forward. If you turn back, your path will be open.
929929suburbs_marked_06If you want to follow me, I won't stop you.
930930suburbs_marked_07People like us all end up the same way anyways.
931931suburbs_marked_08Goodbye, friend.
932932examine_label_watch: Watch
933933suburbs_tv_00Images flicker on the screen. It draws you in...
934934suburbs_tv_01It's broken.
935935suburbs_tv_02An old TV. Nothing is playing.
936936suburbs_tv_03The TV is on. The numbers "[TVNUM]" flicker on the screen.
937937arcade_machine_00This game has controllers that look like guns. You're not allowed to play it. don't want to look at this.
939939arcade_machine_02Air Hockey. You like this game, but you can't play it by yourself.
940940arcade_machine_03The cabinet is decorated with cute characters. You want to play but it won't turn on.
941941arcade_machine_04The TV shows a movie you don't recognize. A man shoots at uniformed soldiers with a laser gun while dramatic music plays.
942942arcade_machine_05A crane machine filled with prizes. You've never won one of these.
943943arcade_machine_06The cabinet reads "i am not a machine." Play?\n[Warning: Contains flashing lights.]
944944examine_label_arcade_exit: Leave Arcade
945945lake_00A hole extends into the ground. You can't see the bottom. Do you wish to descend?
946946door_crane_lockedThe door is locked.
947947door_crane_unlockedUsed Crane Key.
948948merchant_01_00Hello friend. What can I do for you?
949949merchant_01_01The end is near, but the struggle continues.
950950merchant_01_02Multiple paths await you, but which is your truth?
951951merchant_01_03Do not let others dictate that answer for you.
952952merchant_01_04I hope this helps, friend. Is there anything else?
953953merchant_01_05Take care and safe travels. I will see you again.
954954merchant_01_06Only once more if you do good, but twice if you do not.
955955merchant_item_04Mantra: EREBOS
956956merchant_item_04_descGrants Mantra: EREBOS (Mid-range, low-damage, high crit.).
957957merchant_item_05Familiar: Heal
958958merchant_item_05_descGrants Familiar: Heal.
959959merchant_item_06Virtue: ANXIOUS
960960merchant_item_06_descGrants Virtue: ANXIOUS (Constant small Charge regeneration during combat).
961961merchant_item_07Virtue: CAUTIOUS
962962merchant_item_07_descGrants Virtue: CAUTIOUS (Slower enemy attacks and projectiles).
963963merchant_item_08Shuffle Charm
964964merchant_item_08_descUnlocks option in Level Up menu to refresh new Upgrade choices.
965965examine_label_enter: Enter
966966depths_lilli_00LOOK OUT!
967967depths_lilli_01We have to stop this thing before it swallows everything...
968968depths_lilli_02Do you see that rig over there?
969969depths_lilli_03If we can get to it, we should be able to destroy that thing.
970970depths_lilli_04Now come on, go!! I can't hold it off forever!
971971depths_lilli_05What are you waiting for!? MOVE!
972972christian_01_00WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!?
974974christian_01_02ILL ERASE YOU…ILL ERASE ALL OF THIS!
975975christian_01_03I can see it…the end, our way out.
976976christian_01_04Its so close, I just want to jump.
977977christian_01_05But you and I both know that wont work.'re here.
979979christian_01_07We dont have to rush this. Please...sit with me?
980980christian_01_08You still dream, right?
981981christian_01_09 Mine are fading, night by night.
982982christian_01_10I know theyre going away soon.
983983christian_01_11Like everything else.
984984christian_01_12Im scared, PLAYERNAME.
985985christian_01_13Theres nothing left for me, but I still dont want to let it all go.
986986christian_01_14This world is just ghosts and echoes, and i think thats all it was supposed to be.
987987christian_01_15You dont think that though, right? Is that why you fight?
988988christian_01_16I hate you, PLAYERNAME.
989989christian_01_17Or...I think I do. Its getting harder for me to feel anything.
990990christian_01_18. . .
992992christian_01_20do you think, if we knew each other, you know, before all this…
993993christian_01_21Do you think we could have been friends?
995995christian_01_23The worst part is, I think we were.
996996christian_01_24I dont want to see you anymore. I can't-
997997christian_01_25I need you to leave this world, forever.
998998christian_01_26Im sorry, PLAYERNAME.
999999christian_01_27This is the only way I know.
10001000examine_label_sit: Sit
10011001examine_label_flip: Flip Switch
10021002highways_control_00You hear the sounds of machines and metal clanging.
10031003highways_control_01The switch is stuck.
10041004highways_control_02Machinery starts to whir.
10051005found_la_3000Found 3000 la [use la to level up at checkpoints].
10061006found_la_7500Found 7500 la [use la to level up at checkpoints].
10071007suburbs_house_03You can hear faint shouting inside. You don't feel like going in.
10081008suburbs_cross_00The people passed as ghosts; looking with haunted eyes.
10091009door_control_unlockedUsed Control Key.
10101010highways_control_03You hear the sounds of machines and metal clanging. Something rumbles outside.
10111011depths_lilli_06Come on, go!
10121012depths_lilli_07We need to break through!
10131013depths_lilli_08What are you waiting for!? GO! The ladder!!
10141014depths_lilli_09Almost there!
10151015depths_lilli_10You'll need to climb the ladder up ahead!!
10161016examine_label_busA Button: Wait for Bus
10171017arena_guard_00No way, kid. Only those who fight for Cardinal's blessing can pass.
10181018arena_band_00Flower petals dancing in the ocean breeze /
10191019arena_band_01Begging on my hands and knees /
10201020arena_band_02Standing before one whose soul's so delicate /
10211021arena_band_03An hour's waking before I take.
10221022arena_band_04As a petal drops on sand and dust /
10231023arena_band_05In my mouth the taste of blood and rust.
10241024arena_band_06Oh mother oh mother, who art thou /
10251025arena_band_07I can feel myself tiptoeing over fragile bough /
10261026arena_band_08Taking a step too far and too thin /
10271027arena_band_09You make me count every meter, every sin.
10281028arena_band_10Everything I had done and lost /
10291029arena_band_11Every little thing and every little cost.
10301030arena_band_12Why can't you see me /
10311031arena_band_13why can't you see me /
10321032arena_band_14cut through my veil and /
10331033arena_band_15set us free.
10341034arena_worshipper_00Terrible. All terrible.
10361036arena_worshipper_02Why does that name sound so familiar?
10371037arena_worshipper_03Cardinal's love of music and art is an admirable one.
10381038arena_worshipper_04It shows in his services, I believe!
10391039arena_worshipper_05Are you here to fight for Cardinal's blessing?
10401040arena_worshipper_06Another has come! Rejoice, rejoice!
10411041arena_worshipper_07Ay! Ayayaya!
10421042arena_worshipper_08I'm so...tired...
10431043arena_worshipper_09When will it be my turn to see?
10441044arena_worshipper_10It must have been a bad dream...
10451045arena_worshipper_11Just staying here, tracking the coming and going.
10461046arena_worshipper_12...wait, have I seen you before?
10471047arena_worshipper_13Make sure to not get hit, if you can.
10481048arena_worshipper_14Cardinal's fighters are vicious, but not perfect.
10491049arena_worshipper_15The shows here are so thrilling!
10501050arena_worshipper_16Water, blood, darkness; they flow so beautifully!
10511051arena_worshipper_17Be sure to attend the Champions' Service, if you can.
10521052arena_worshipper_18You can almost TASTE the transcendence.
10531053arena_worshipper_19There's sin in these words.
10541054arena_worshipper_20Hahahyayaayaya ya!
10611061arena_combat_05Current Rank:
10621062arena_combat_06Required Rank:
10631063arena_giver_00Welcome little one...are you here to fight for Cardinal's blessing?
10641064arena_giver_01In this arena, those of your stature have a chance to be saved.
10651065arena_giver_02Blessed Cardinal, in all His Grace, gives you a chance to be redeemed through the blood of others.
10661066arena_giver_03It's quite marvelous, really...transcendence through spectacle!
10671067arena_giver_04Really, it would be the greatest honor for you to fight and die here.
10681068arena_giver_05Earn a high enough rank so you can fight with the Champions; show Cardinal what you deserve!
10691069arena_giver_06Excellent - the Gate now opens for you.
10701070arena_giver_07Good luck, and put on a fantastic showing!
10711071arena_giver_08The only hope for you is here in the Arena.
10721072arena_giver_09I know your path will only bring you back, so I await your return.
10731073arena_giver_10Head through the gate and embrace your destiny.
10741074arena_giver_11You will be rewarded for your sacrifice.
10751075arena_trainer_00Hey. You look lost. Do you need some help?
10761076arena_trainer_01Let me teach you how to be beautiful.
10771077arena_trainer_02To survive in this place, you can't hesitate.
10781078arena_trainer_03Any sign of fear and they will tear you from the inside out.
10791079arena_trainer_04Be brave; be beautiful - even if you don't feel it.
10801080arena_trainer_05Okay, head through the hatch and the challenge will come.
10811081arena_trainer_06Whatever happens, don't die, okay?
10821082arena_trainer_07Fine...go ahead if you think you're ready.
10831083arena_trainer_08I'll just be here if you ever want to come back.
10841084arena_trainer_09Why are you still here? Go.
10851085arena_trainer_10You won't get anywhere if you don't even try.
10861086arena_trainer_11Hey, uh, I just wanted to say...
10871087arena_trainer_12Good job there. I honestly didn't expect you to complete my training.
10881088arena_trainer_13You should have something for your efforts.
10891089arena_trainer_14(She hands you a HEALTH ESSENCE)
10901090arena_trainer_15Do good with that, alright?
10911091arena_trainer_16I hope a brighter future is ahead of us.
10921092arena_trainer_17Hey, did you want to retry a challenge?
10931093arena_trainer_18Feel free to train as much as you want.
10941094arena_trainer_19Come back here if you ever crave the challenge.
10951095arena_trainer_20Just don't get too caught up...there's a lot out there beyond these walls.
10961096arena_trainer_21Terrible things are happening out there, but that's not gonna stop me.
10971097arena_trainer_22Let me teach you how to be beautiful.
10981098arena_trainer_23No matter what happens, we must pull ourselves up and get stronger.
10991099arena_trainer_24I'm staying here to train, and you're free to train with me whenever you'd like.
11001100arena_trainer_25Complete combat without taking damage.
11011101arena_trainer_26Complete combat within a time limit.
11021102arena_trainer_27Finish combat without breaking combo.
11041104arena_marked_00I wonder what my friends are doing back home...
11051105arena_marked_01I haven't heard from them in a while.
11061106arena_marked_02My magic makes me feel so strong, but it hollows me out the more I use it.
11071107arena_marked_03I love my friends, but sometimes their voices are so loud.
11081108arena_marked_04They make me want to shout and drown them all out, even though I hate it.
11091109arena_marked_05Do you like the fighting? Sometimes I think it really helps me...
11101110arena_marked_06Is that bad?
11111111arena_marked_07Oh, you...
11121112arena_marked_08...thanks again for helping us out back in the forest.
11131113arena_marked_09Hit, jab, slash, one- two- one- two.
11141114arena_marked_10They took us away, but I'm gonna get myself back home!
11151115arena_marked_11Whatever it takes!!
11161116arena_marked_12The fights are numbing; my head hurts so bad.
11171117arena_marked_13No matter how many times we fade, there's no escape.
11181118arena_marked_14I used to love fighting...I didn't even mind being here.
11191119arena_marked_15I don't know what's wrong with me.
11201120arena_marked_16I've been training for the big event, but you have to be really good to get in there.
11221122arena_marked_18I don't really want to talk. Please leave me alone.
11231123arena_marked_19Am I going to be okay?
11241124arena_marked_20You have to hit them hard before they even have the chance.
11251125arena_marked_21That's the key to winning - and the crowd loves it too.
11261126arena_marked_22I can't even dream anymore...
11271127arena_marked_23Soon, I'm not even sure there will be any of me left.
11281128arena_marked_24I hope they invite me back. I really miss them.
11291129arena_marked_25Am I a bad person?
11301130arena_marked_26Everything is my fault, and then they leave.
11311131arena_marked_27I don't even blame them.
11321132arena_marked_28I just have to fight. I have to fight.
11331133arena_marked_29I have to get Michael back...
11341134arena_marked_30Seriously, can you leave me alone?
11351135arena_marked_31I really don't like you being around.
11361136examine_label_finish: Finish
11381138arena_main_01Hahaha, salvation, salvation!
11391139arena_main_02Isn't this splendid!?
11401140arena_main_03Cardinal, please! I gave everything...
11411141arena_main_04Please let us go!!
11421142arena_main_05Welcome all to the Champion's Service!!
11431143arena_main_06Yes, yes!!
11441144arena_main_07Oh, but it's so fun...
11461146arena_main_09Fair enough little one. I shall grant its freedom!
11471147arena_main_10I've had it Cardinal! You promised!!
11481148arena_main_11Give my brother back!
11491149arena_main_12Feel the motion; feel the violence!
11501150arena_main_13It tears through you, as blood litters the sand.
11511151arena_main_14Elation is freedom!
11521152arena_main_15Ohoho child, you haven't earned your freedom yet.
11531153arena_main_16But, how exciting it could be to show you your prize...
11541154arena_main_17I'm so sorry child...
11551155arena_main_18We feel! We feel!
11561156arena_main_19All, behold! The prey!!
11571157arena_main_20We taste! We taste!
11581158arena_main_21And we love, we love.
11591159arena_main_22We cannot forget love...
11601160arena_main_23It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This.
11611161arena_main_24Now the real show begins...
11641164arena_main_27I, Cardinal, have brought you a tremendous offering tonight!
11651165arena_main_28Behold, our strongest little ones, for whom the Darkness hungers!!
11661166arena_main_29Hah; tingles, tingles.
11671167arena_main_30Though, I must say something feels wrong. I do not feel the Darkness hunger.
11681168arena_main_31More, then! More I say! The Beasts will consume us all!
11691169arena_main_32More blood must be shed before the prisoner can be freed!
11701170arena_main_33Come, my most vicious of nightmares!
11711171arena_main_34NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ! !
11731173arena_main_36EcstaSY! EcStAsY ExIsTeNt!
11741174arena_main_37E - X - I - S - T - E - N - T !
11761176arena_main_39...I don't feel okay-
11771177arena_main_40As the Order teaches, only through attrition can we be cleansed.
11781178arena_main_41So tonight, these impure ones will spill their blood, so that their pain may be our ecstasy!
11791179arena_main_42Praise be, praise be to me...
11801180arena_main_43Let the Nightmares roam!
11811181examine_label_arcade: Enter Arcade
11821182found_virtue_hatedFound Virtue: HATED [increases power of both player and enemy attacks].
11831183trail_lilli_00Hey, it's time to wake up.
11841184trail_lilli_01You okay? You were acting weird back there.
11851185trail_lilli_02Youre looking for Lethean, right?
11861186trail_lilli_03Dont worry, Ive seen a lot like you coming through here recently.
11871187trail_lilli_04You're not the first, and you won't be the last.
11881188trail_lilli_05Does that make you feel any better?
11891189trail_lilli_06We don't have much more to go.
11901190trail_lilli_07Come on, I'll meet you up ahead.
11911191trail_lilli_08Go on already; I'll meet you up ahead.
11921192trail_lilli_09So, Natalie…
11931193trail_lilli_10Oh, err...sorry.
11941194trail_lilli_11What are you calling yourself now? PLAYERNAME?
11951195trail_lilli_12Youre ready for this to end, right?
11961196trail_lilli_13Youre sure you want to do this?
11971197trail_lilli_14Theres no going back once its done.
11981198trail_lilli_15Alright, just let me handle this then.
11991199trail_lilli_16The quicker I have you off my hands, the better.
12001200trail_lilli_17Alright, fine. I dont like this any more than you.
12011201trail_lilli_18Thats normal. It kinda reeks here.
12021202trail_lilli_19I dont even know how I keep doing this.
12031203trail_lilli_20Yeah, you say that now…
12041204trail_lilli_21(Whats wrong with all of you…why do you always look away?)
12051205lilli_response_00I'm okay.
12061206lilli_response_01I feel sick.
12071207lilli_response_02Just take\n me there.
12081208trail_lilli_22We're still a ways away...make sure you're ready for whatever's ahead.
12101210trail_lilli_24Good, you're back. Can we get going now?
12111211trail_lilli_25This is the first gate. It's up to you to clear this.
12121212lilli_response_03It doesn't \nfeel right.
12131213lilli_response_04It's all I've\n ever known.
12141214lilli_response_05I'm not \nsure.
12151215trail_lilli_26Yeah, you say that now…
12161216trail_lilli_27(Whats wrong with all of you…why do you always look away?)
12171217trail_lilli_28Damn, I guess I see where you're coming from.
12181218trail_lilli_29Well, you'll get what you want soon.
12191219trail_lilli_30But like, why though? Have you thought about that?
12201220trail_lilli_31They were just trying to help...
12211221trail_lilli_32You're not very talkative, huh?
12221222trail_lilli_33That's fine I guess...a bit weird...
12231223trail_lilli_34(Why do I always get the weirdos?)
12241224trail_lilli_35Hey PLAYERNAME.
12251225trail_lilli_36There's something I don't get...
12261226trail_lilli_37Like, it's supposed to be so much easier this way, right?
12271227trail_lilli_38But these monsters...they seem pretty bad for you.
12281228trail_lilli_39Worse than lots of the ones I've seen recently.
12291229trail_lilli_40What keeps you going?
12301230trail_lilli_41Um, anyway...let's keep moving.
12311231trail_lilli_42Are you still doing ok?
12321232trail_lilli_43Actually, nevermind. I don't really care.
12331233trail_lilli_44Okay PLAYERNAME.
12341234trail_lilli_45Two ways we can go from here.
12351235trail_lilli_46Now, which way was it...
12361236trail_lilli_47...shoot, I don't remember.
12371237trail_lilli_48What feels right to you...
12381238trail_lilli_49Wait, scratch that, we're going left.
12391239trail_lilli_50See? Easy.
12401240trail_lilli_51Come on, hurry up.
12421242depths_fight_01why do you want to hurt?
12431243trail_lilli_52Ha! Knew it!!
12441244trail_lilli_53I mean, I always knew...
12451245trail_lilli_54Shut up.
12461246trail_lilli_55The next gate is there, see?
12471247trail_lilli_56I knew, I knew...
12481248trail_lilli_57Hurry up, PLAYERNAME!
12491249trail_lilli_58Stop thinking so much.
12511251trail_lilli_60You did it. Yay. Can we go now?
12521252trail_lilli_61Next one. Come on, you should have the hang of it by now.
12531253trail_lilli_62Are you ready for this?
12541254trail_lilli_63The final gate is up ahead, and then there's no stopping it.
12561256trail_lilli_65PLAYERNAME, you know what this means, right?
12571257trail_lilli_66You won't be the same after this.
12581258trail_lilli_67I can't promise it'll be okay.
12591259lilli_response_06I'm not \nokay now.
12601260lilli_response_07I don't have \na choice.
12611261lilli_response_08I know.
12621262trail_lilli_68I wish I didn't hear that so much.
12631263trail_lilli_69Is it better you're not making excuses anymore?
12641264trail_lilli_70Yeah, I don't think you'd be here otherwise.
12651265trail_lilli_71"Paradiso",'s such a joke.
12661266trail_lilli_72I hope you find your way out.
12671267trail_lilli_73That's what I was afraid of.
12681268trail_lilli_74Maybe this really is the best way.
12691269trail_lilli_75Is nonexistence really so bad? It didn't bother us before...
12701270trail_lilli_76...and it doesn't bother us now.
12711271trail_lilli_77God, why do I feel so sick?
12721272trail_lilli_78Please, just end this soon. For everyone's sake.
12731273trail_lilli_79Congrats PLAYERNAME, you did it.
12741274trail_lilli_80I'm supposed to say something silly now, like...
12751275trail_lilli_81"EMBRACE NONEXISTENCE"
12771277trail_lilli_83"IN OBLIVION, REBIRTH"
12781278trail_lilli_84but we don't really deserve even that, right?
12791279trail_lilli_85She's gone...
12811281trail_lilli_86I'm sorry PLAYERNAME.
12821282trail_lilli_87I tried, but...I can't do it anymore.
12831283trail_lilli_88I just don't get you.
12841284trail_lilli_89Please, try to stay strong.
12851285trail_lilli_90I'm sorry.
12861286merchant_02_00Hello friend. What can I do for you?
12871287merchant_02_01I'm not sure what purpose lies beyond here.
12881288merchant_02_02One day I came upon the end of the world, but I couldn't let myself fall.
12891289merchant_02_03I wish I could say it was courage that stopped me, but that's just another lie I tell myself.
12901290merchant_02_04Are we really so broken?
12911291merchant_02_05I hope this helps, friend. Is there anything else?
12921292merchant_02_06Good luck, friend.
12931293merchant_02_07I'm not really sure what else there is to say.
12941294merchant_item_09Plenary Indulgence
12951295merchant_item_09_descDo you beckon Death?
12961296merchant_item_10Familiar: Aura
12971297merchant_item_10_descEntrega Familiar: Aura
12981298merchant_item_11Virtue: DISCONNECTED
12991299merchant_item_11_descGrants Virtue: DISCONNECTED (Double-tap Dodge to Teleport to target enemy).
13001300merchant_item_12HEALTH ESSENCE
13011301merchant_item_12_descGives a HEALTH ESSENCE.
13021302merchant_item_13Revert Charm
13031303merchant_item_13_descUnlocks option in Level Up menu to revert previous Upgrade choices.
13041304elevator_00Going up.
13071307examine_label_leave: Leave
13081308elevator_03There is no turning back beyond this point. Do you still wish to continue?
13091309elevator_04To pass beyond this point means accepting the consequences of your actions and whatever else may come. Do you still wish to continue?
13101310elevator_05Your fate will be sealed and there will be no one but yourself to blame. Do you still wish to continue?
13121312examine_label_end: End
13131313examine_label_embrace: Embrace
13141314christian_02_00GOD DAMMIT!!
13151315christian_02_01IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!
13161316christian_02_02I'M THE STRONG ONE, ME! IT'S ME!!
13171317christian_02_03But I know your tricks, PLAYERNAME...I've figured you out...
13191319christian_02_05WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!?
13201320christian_02_06I HATE YOU PLAYERNAME!!
13231323christian_02_09I'm so scared.
13241324christian_02_10I don't want to feel like this...
13251325christian_02_11I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS!!
13271327christian_02_13BURN IN HELL!!
13281328christian_02_14YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!
13291329christian_02_15Its all so horrible, so hot, enveloping…
13301330christian_02_16…but its comforting, in a way.
13311331christian_02_17We fight and fight and fight, but the nightmares never stop.
13321332christian_02_18Have you ever thought about why?
13331333christian_02_19Its us!..I mean, it's gotta be, right?
13341334christian_02_20We bring it on ourselves.
13351335christian_02_21I mean, look, theres nothing!
13361336christian_02_22Weve arrived, this is our “cleansing”, and look!
13371337christian_02_23Its just dusty relics, emptiness, a sun that doesnt shine.
13391339christian_02_25Im tired of it. Im tired of these empty promises, Im tired of lying to myself.
13401340christian_02_26I want to fight! I want TO DIE!!
13411341christian_02_27This is the end, PLAYERNAME!! This is all we have left!!
13421342christian_02_28Show me youre better than me! Show me you deserve to go on!
13431343christian_02_29SHOW ME!!
13451345messiah_00IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN
13471347messiah_02...I did everything I could.
13481348messiah_03I'm sorry it had to be like this.
13491349thomas_00Oh, hey...I didn't think you'd be here.
13511351thomas_02...thank you, PLAYERNAME...
13521352thomas_03It's...sort of beautiful, isn't it?
13531353thomas_04I must have been here too long, because this world...'s horrid, it's dark, and it hurts, but it feels more perfect than the one before.
13551355thomas_06It's so messed up, what we do to ourselves...but why can't we stop?
13561356thomas_07Is this all there is?
13571357thomas_08...I've started to think as much, and there's no way out.
13581358thomas_09It's sad, I guess. I've been here a lot longer than you.
13591359thomas_10The sun used to shine, and there was life...or, it felt that way.
13601360thomas_11But slowly, it all hollowed out, to match us - the way we saw it all.
13611361thomas_12It became -our- paradise.
13621362thomas_13I don't know what I feel anymore...IF I feel anymore...
13631363thomas_14...but I feel...the end...
13641364thomas_15I guess I'll see you...around...
13651365thomas_16Goodbye, PLAYERNAME...
13661366thomas_17I've been waiting for so long to see more, to see someone with HOPE.
13671367thomas_18Is that why you fight, PLAYERNAME? Is that why you seek DEATH??
13681368thomas_19Or are they just the same to you!?
13701370thomas_21MAYBE...FINALLY...I CAN BE FREE!!
13711371radio_cultist_00Marked one...I can see the struggle under your eyes. Do you want to give in?
13721372radio_cultist_01They teach us it's no way out, but there's a freedom in acceptance. Do you agree?
13731373radio_cultist_02Then, will you let me help you? Help you reject their teaching?
13741374radio_cultist_03There's no going back. Say so now, and you will be free.
13761376radio_cultist_05Not many of us get this far.
13771377radio_cultist_06Even I can feel my limit.
13781378radio_cultist_07You've...come back? really want this, huh.
13801380radio_cultist_09You're not afraid of what you might find? Ascension wasn't enough?
13811381radio_cultist_10Fine, the Descent awaits.
13821382radio_cultist_11You're...not gone?
13831383radio_cultist_12Below us is the Descent.
13841384radio_cultist_13They say it goes to the center of the world,
13851385radio_cultist_14and those who reach it can find...well, we're not sure.
13861386radio_cultist_15Fulfillment? Happiness? An End?
13871387radio_cultist_16Legends and stories, I'm sure...
13891389radio_cultist_18I like what Priest is saying, but I don't know.
13901390radio_cultist_19I'm so scared.
13921392radio_cultist_21If my heart is not ready, then neither is yours.
13931393radio_cultist_22Maybe someday, but not now.
13941394radio_cultist_23It's safe here.
13951395radio_cultist_24I don't think it will last, but for now it's safe.
13961396radio_cultist_25I feel lucky I'm here, but I don't think I can go on.
13971397radio_cultist_26My luck has to run out, right?
13981398radio_cultist_27I don't feel so good.
13991399radio_cultist_28I'm always so scared.
14001400radio_cultist_29Maybe I should just give in?
14011401radio_cultist_30We've shut away the Descent for fear of the true Darkness within.
14021402radio_cultist_31We lost too many, with stronger hearts than mine.
14031403radio_cultist_32But I won't stop you, if that's what you want.
14041404radio_cultist_33There's a scar, deep in the heart of this place...what will you do when you find it?
14051405radio_cultist_34I can't stop turning at night. It's like someone's there, pushing and clawing.
14061406radio_cultist_35Squeezing my heart so tight, I can barely breathe.
14071407radio_cultist_36And then we have to do it all over again.
14081408radio_cultist_37I used to think the fear comforted me.
14091409radio_cultist_38I'm not so sure anymore.
14101410radio_cultist_39...I'm not sure where else we can go.
14111411radio_cultist_40i just want to wither away...Alone
14121412radio_cultist_41please go aWay
14141414radio_cultist_43I don't feel so good.
14151415radio_worshipper_00Oh, little one, the Corruption is so strong in you...would you like me to help?
14161416radio_worshipper_01I cannot cleanse you fully, but I can stem the Corruption's influence. There's no undoing this, understood?
14171417radio_worshipper_02You will be sacrificing much, so I ask again, is this what your heart desires?
14181418radio_worshipper_03Very well. I shall start if you give me one final word.
14191419radio_worshipper_04We feel Father's loss, but celebrate nonetheless.
14201420radio_worshipper_05Priest promised us freedom, and I eagerly await the day it comes.
14211421radio_worshipper_06Welcome, little one.
14221422radio_worshipper_07Even though you are unclean, we can make you better.
14231423radio_worshipper_08Talk to Priest up ahead and be blessed.
14241424radio_worshipper_09Did you hear what happened to Cardinal!
14251425radio_worshipper_10Such light! Such ecstasy!!
14261426radio_worshipper_11How I wish that were me!
14271427radio_worshipper_12There is salvation to be found, even of your kind.
14281428radio_worshipper_13If you're willing to sacrifice, that is...
14291429radio_worshipper_14I will wait patiently, but until then...
14301430radio_worshipper_15Rejoice! Rejoice!!
14311431radio_worshipper_16Even when the world weighs on me, I give in, because I know what's to come.
14321432radio_worshipper_17Why can't you see the world this way?
14331433radio_worshipper_18That's what sets us apart.
14341434radio_worshipper_19There is salvation to be found, even of your kind!
14351435radio_worshipper_20Rejoice! How merciful is He!
14361436radio_worshipper_21I'd feel sorry for you, little one, but it's what He decrees.
14371437radio_worshipper_22Accept it, you'll be so much happier.
14381438radio_worshipper_23I see the ritual worked. I'm...sorry.
14391439maria_00Ha, you're funny.
14401440maria_01I was trying to be quick, but if you want to fight, then we'll fight.
14411441maria_02I've HAD IT!
14421442maria_03No more games, no more mercy!
14431443maria_04I'm...not surprised you're here.
14441444maria_05You remind me of someone I knew, long ago...
14451445maria_06So free...
14461446maria_07So Naive.
14471447maria_08That innocence...that's what led me here. That's what led me to create all this.
14481448maria_09This Paradise, doomed from the start.
14491449maria_10I'm so sorry...PLAYERNAME...
14501450maria_11I'm so sorry for what I've become.
14511451maria_12Please...please forgive me!,
14541454maria_15Naomi...I remember...
14551455maria_16I am...Anna...
14561456maria_17Oh my god...what have I done...
14571457maria_18Oh my god...Naomi...NAOMI!!
14581458maria_19You wouldn't even BE HERE without me!
14591459maria_20Do you really think you can escape!?
14601460maria_21There's no way out!! None!!
14611461maria_22Accept it and DIE!
14621462maria_23LAY DOWN AND DIE!!
14631463maria_24Meant to everything.
14641464maria_25I don't have that hope anymore.
14651465maria_26I accepted it, and begged for mercy that never came.
14661466maria_27So now we're alone.
14671467maria_28No sun, no God...only an empty Faith.
14681468maria_29And it's all I have...
14691469maria_30There's no point in hiding it now.
14701470maria_31Come, let me show you...the real me...what our Paradise really is.
14711471maria_32Do you see, Natalie? Our hearts are one and the same.
14721472maria_33But you don't fight the corruption; you embrace it.
14731473maria_34You let PLAYERNAME into your heart, where they have no right to be.
14741474maria_35And it's changed you, made you...impure.
14751475maria_36I've given you so many chances Natalie, but it's obvious you're not meant for my world.
14761476maria_37So, I'll remove you, just like the others.
14771477maria_38No more chances, PLAYERNAME. This time, you die.
14781478christian_final_00Youre going to be okay…
14791479christian_final_01Just a little more…
14811481christian_final_03Its okay, Ive got you…
14821482christian_final_04I get it now, PLAYERNAME.
14831483christian_final_05I finally get it.
14841484christian_final_06Were not what they told us we were. Were not who they want us to be.
14851485christian_final_07Your strength showed me, that its okay now. We can be okay.
14861486christian_final_08We are us, and thats okay.
14871487christian_final_09I couldnt accept it before, and it tore our hearts apart.
14881488christian_final_10But now, I can accept it. I can accept me.
14891489christian_final_11I wasnt okay, and I dont think Im okay, but I dont have to be this way. WE dont have to be this way. Not anymore.
14901490christian_final_12Because I know I dont have to be alone. That were not doomed to be like this forever. You showed me that.
14911491christian_final_13Were almost there, PLAYERNAME.
14921492christian_final_14This world is coming apart, but we dont need it anymore.
14931493christian_final_15We can finally be free, we can finally wake up,
14941494christian_final_16if we just make it a bit farther.
14951495christian_final_17There…you got it…you got it…
14961496christian_final_18You can do it…you can do it…
14971497pre_maria_00Not this time.
14981498pre_maria_01My bed. I don't need to sleep anymore.
14991499pre_maria_02An old TV. Nothing is playing.
15001500pre_maria_03I like this game, but I don't need to play it now.
15011501pre_maria_04A game console. I'll play another time.
15021502pre_maria_05It's broken.
15031503pre_maria_06Born of a Dream
15041504sacrament_i_titlesacrament i
15051505sacrament_i_00In the Sanctum, they do not allow us to dream.
15061506sacrament_i_01"What is your name?"
15071507sacrament_i_02So at night, Naomi and I go to our secret place,
15081508sacrament_i_03and I dream for the two of us.
15091509sacrament_i_04After Mother has done the rounds, Naomi waits for the footsteps to fade, and climbs to my bed.
15101510sacrament_i_05“All clear” she whispers, harsh and dramatic like one of the old stars. I stifle a laugh, and she breaks with a giggle.
15111511sacrament_i_06The hairs on my neck prickle at her voice, the air rushing over my ear. I smile, open my eyes, and we go.
15151515sacrament_i_10I should pluck your feathers for this!"
15161516sacrament_i_11I try to stay strong, but my eyes are burning.
15171517sacrament_i_12I have to pull through. Naomi would pull through; shes strong like that.
15181518sacrament_i_13I dont want Naomi to see me like this.
15191519sacrament_i_14What is my name?
15201520sacrament_i_15I hold back tears as the title leaves my lips.
15211521sacrament_i_16“There. You should have said that first.”
15221522sacrament_i_17“Maria, if you continue down this path, there will be nothing I can do to help you.
15231523sacrament_i_18"You will be damned, and you know what the worst part will be?
15241524sacrament_i_19“Itll be only your fault. God cannot save those who dont want to be saved.”
15251525sacrament_i_20“You want to be saved, right Maria?”
15261526sacrament_i_21As much as I want to speak, my lips stay sealed.
15271527sacrament_i_22Mother wont approve either way.
15281528sacrament_i_23As Mother Olivia stares at me, Im overcome with a crushing gravity,
15291529sacrament_i_24Black as the pupils of her eyes.
15301530sacrament_i_25“Good, child. We have no need for such foolish games.
15311531sacrament_i_26“The corruption might be stopped yet.”
15321532sacrament_i_27Mother stands and I flinch. No shout comes, but I catch a smirk on her face.
15331533sacrament_i_28“The world is not made for people like you and I. We are different; we are special.
15341534sacrament_i_29"We must take what makes us special -- our blessings, our wings! -- and transcend.”
15351535sacrament_i_30“We are more than what we are made of, and for that we must feel pain.
15361536sacrament_i_31“We forsake ourselves. We must obey. We must show thanks.
15371537sacrament_i_32Only then can we be joyous
15381538sacrament_i_33“You are thankful for this joy, right Maria?”
15391539sacrament_i_34Mother Olivia turns. I cant help but notice the bruise on her left cheek.
15401540sacrament_i_35In that moment, time freezes.
15411541sacrament_i_36Im unable to avert my gaze before Mother strikes.
15421542sacrament_i_37My mind blanks, and my chest is hollow.
15441544sacrament_i_39I only feel a fear and sadness for where weve been, and whats to come.
15461546sacrament_i_41Mother Olivia's voice cracks like a switch.
15471547sacrament_i_42"Again, what is your Name!?"
15521552sacrament_i_47Yes Mother, I am thankful
15531553sacrament_i_48sharp and fragile
15541554sacrament_i_49sinewy and tense
15551555sacrament_i_50formless and unknowing
15561556sacrament_i_51Are you okay
15591559sacrament_i_54The Sanctums walls are tall and metallic.
15601560sacrament_i_55On sunny days, the reflections are so blinding everything becomes a haze.
15611561sacrament_i_56Massive and lumbering.
15621562sacrament_i_57Its okay - the haze is all weve ever known.
15631563sacrament_i_58The walls mark the edges of our lives. Nothing in, nothing out.
15641564sacrament_i_59Mother says we need the walls to keep the Nightmares out.
15651565sacrament_i_60Even though we cant dream, they can still hurt us.
15661566sacrament_i_61At night, you can hear them walking.
15671567sacrament_i_62Ive never seen one, but their faces seem etched in my mind.
15681568sacrament_i_63Just the thought terrifies me...
15691569sacrament_i_64So effortless. So assured.
15701570sacrament_i_65“Its ok, its ok, Mother should be in bed by now.”
15711571sacrament_i_66. . .
15721572sacrament_i_67Not that she has to, but I...I dont want to stop her.
15731573sacrament_i_68And when Im with her, I feel a bit of that warmth.
15741574sacrament_i_69“Are you ok? Im sorry I bumped-”
15751575sacrament_i_70"Naomi! Are you okay?"
15761576sacrament_i_71Any bit of worry that was in Naomis face vanishes.
15771577sacrament_i_72I hate when Im like this - instant regret, so afraid Naomi wont understand
15781578sacrament_i_73As we get up, Naomi puts her arm around me, and my fear vanishes.
15791579sacrament_i_74As we get up, Naomi puts her arm around me, and my pain disappears.
15811581sacrament_i_76Naomi looks at me with her off-center grin and laughs.
15821582sacrament_i_77Im the only one Naomi apologizes to, but she does it so much when shes around me.
15831583sacrament_i_78I snap, afraid well be caught.
15851585sacrament_i_80Naomi looks up with her crooked grin. Her eyes shine like green marble, beaming right at me.
15861586sacrament_i_81She still understands. Good.
15871587sacrament_i_82“Besides, if we get caught, I can protect you!”
15881588sacrament_i_83Naomi never lets anything like this phase her.
15891589sacrament_i_84“No, its okay, really!”
15901590sacrament_i_85Afraid shell push me away.
15911591sacrament_i_86She makes me feel-
15921592sacrament_i_87And my sigh turns to a smile.
15931593sacrament_i_88I sigh.
15941594sacrament_i_89“Yeah, Im good.”
15961596sacrament_i_91Living as nothing.
15971597sacrament_i_92“Anna, right here!”
15981598sacrament_i_93"Now, can you tell me another dream?"
16001600sacrament_i_95Before I realize whats happening, I crash into Naomi.
16021602sacrament_i_97We fall.
16031603sacrament_i_98In our space, nothing can hurt us.
16041604sacrament_i_99I sit Naomi down before taking my place across from her.
16051605sacrament_i_100We lock eyes and breathe.
16061606sacrament_i_101. . .
16081608sacrament_i_103“Let the water consume…”
16091609sacrament_i_104The pen reaches my name. Ive rehearsed this a thousand times, but my lips still falter.
16101610sacrament_i_105The Pain gets subtler every time. Maybe thats the point.
16111611sacrament_i_106Though somehow, I trust itll all be okay...
16121612sacrament_i_107Whichever unlucky sister Father has his sights on goes down the list, marking off as we regurgitate our given names and creeds.
16131613sacrament_i_108I feel that sting again. Shes so much better at this than me.
16141614sacrament_i_109"Na-o-...I mean-"
16151615sacrament_i_110Or maybe I'm just paranoid...
16161616sacrament_i_111The pen reaches Naomis title. Per usual, shes stumbling into line, failing to hide her tardiness.
16171617sacrament_i_112She stands erect, patting her shirt to flatten the wrinkles. She's trying so hard to appear -together-.
16181618sacrament_i_113in the end.
16191619sacrament_i_114until there's nothing left...
16201620sacrament_i_115But, Mother knows what she did.
16221622sacrament_i_117She catches herself.
16231623sacrament_i_118From her podium, Mother Olivia flashes a stare that sears into my brain.
16241624sacrament_i_119Shell call Naomi to one of her “private meetings” - show how dark her feathers have become and berate her about purity, even if punishment only adds to the guilt.
16251625sacrament_i_120"Davi. Here"
16261626sacrament_i_121That...that sounds like something Naomi would say.
16291629sacrament_i_124The days pass in and out like ghosts through the halls.
16301630sacrament_i_125We meander along, aimless and scared. Only knowing the course set for us.
16311631sacrament_i_126Father says were destined for greatness. Mother keeps us in line.
16321632sacrament_i_127At morning roll-call, I see my classmates file up.
16331633sacrament_i_128I make sure to get there early, not because I enjoy Catechism,
16341634sacrament_i_129but because I dont want to be singled out more than I already am.
16431643sacrament_i_138Erase and Erase
16481648sacrament_i_143Dream Together
16501650sacrament_i_145Swim in the water
16511651sacrament_i_146Smell the flowers
16521652sacrament_i_147Gaze at the sky
16531653sacrament_i_148Climb the Trees
16561656sacrament_i_151We are dreaming.
16571657sacrament_i_152I grab her hand and we land, gently. One foot, then the other. The surface is wet and shimmering, on top an endless ocean that glints in the void.
16581658sacrament_i_153Floating, weightless…
16591659sacrament_i_154Slowly, stars appear in the sky, one here, another there. They are faint and flickering, but that theyre shining gives us hope and warmth. One day, we will fly.
16601660sacrament_i_155I open my eyes, and Naomi is drifting with me.
16611661sacrament_i_156One day, we will see stars.
16621662sacrament_i_157Down, down into the darkness...
16631663sacrament_i_158Naomis eyes twinkle at the sight, her mouth agape in wonder. She reaches to the heavens, hoping to catch a star as it falls.
16651665sacrament_i_160I smile and exclaim,
16661666sacrament_i_161I take it, grasp it, bring it to my chest, then sprinkle it onto the light. Glittering dust turns to grains of sand, the sand gathers into a mass, and soon were standing on the shore of a magnificent island.
16671667sacrament_i_162"And we'll..."
16681668sacrament_i_163"Yes! And we'll..."
16691669sacrament_i_164A gasp escapes our lips. Naomi looks at me.
16701670sacrament_i_165“I want to go here. Will you take me someday?”
16711671sacrament_i_166The birds we planted in the sky sway in the wind. Their feathers drop as they fly. Drifting, floating, falling - they envelop us.
16721672sacrament_i_167Sweet and soft, dotting the land. Poking from the grass to say hello.
16731673sacrament_i_168No more haze, no more grey. White clouds rolling in the breeze, protecting us and granting shade. A sun so brilliant and warm, so you dont need your robes, but never overbearing.
16741674sacrament_i_169Cool, blue, lovely and clear. The fish are our guide, wondrous and free.
16751675sacrament_i_170Trees of all different kinds, springing from the ground. Some tall, some leafy, all green and beautiful.
16761676sacrament_i_171Letting our wings out to shine, letting us soar with the birds.
16771677sacrament_i_172Gentle as snow.
16781678sacrament_i_173Dancing as if in space, nothing tying us to our mortal flesh.
16791679sacrament_i_174Picked and nestled into dazzling bouquets; crowns for you and me.
16801680sacrament_i_175Like the ones we only know from the picture book, fronds sway and rustle. We climb, we see, we gather the fruits and roll in the leaves.
16811681sacrament_i_176Every color we can imagine, even the ones weve never seen.
16821682sacrament_i_177A dream of our own; no one to stop us.
16831683sacrament_i_178All sound erased. No more lectures or punishment. No more sin.
16841684sacrament_i_179We can
16851685sacrament_i_180I narrate the feelings going through my body; thousands of senses both real and imaginary, that I breathe life into with my words.
16861686sacrament_i_181A small light shows beneath the surface. As I whisper, it grows, until it envelopes all the ocean we see. The light rises, the water breaks, and though the waves are tall, they pass over us like a gentle breeze.
16871687sacrament_i_182The excitement is
16881688sacrament_i_183Tears roll, but no voice comes.
16891689sacrament_i_184“Breathe Naomi! Naomi!!”
16901690sacrament_i_185Naomi releases her hand. She's breathing heavily.
16911691sacrament_i_186“Naomi! Naomi!! Breathe!”
16921692sacrament_i_187Gasping for air, she grabs at her chest, eyes wide in terror.
16931693sacrament_i_188She doubles over, and I cry at her side-
16941694sacrament_i_189Because Mother takes it out on us.
16951695sacrament_i_190Naomi comes back that night, crying like Ive never seen. She hides her wings as she slinks into bed.
16961696sacrament_i_191The presence of Father is always felt, even if hes never seen.
16971697sacrament_i_192She only does that when something is really wrong.
16981698sacrament_i_193The sisters scramble, a dark cloud covers the children, and our feathers wilt - even Mother Olivia is on edge.
16991699sacrament_i_194I want to help, but Naomi just shakes and murmurs.
17001700sacrament_i_195The shouting never seems to end, and when it does, theres no relief to come.
17011701sacrament_i_196I dont know whats wrong.
17021702sacrament_i_197I cant reach her.
17031703sacrament_i_198She didnt have to say more, but-
17041704sacrament_i_199I can only smile when she says
17051705sacrament_i_200“I want to have a dream of our own”
17061706sacrament_i_201“Anna, I found a way out, but I need your help.
17071707sacrament_i_202Please, help me.
17081708sacrament_i_203I need to get out of here.”
17091709sacrament_i_204I seat Naomi down, and take my place across from her.
17101710sacrament_i_205Naomi listens for the rounds to end, then crawls to my bed.
17111711sacrament_i_206The cracks come together to form a picture in my head - a gap, an emptiness, forming through my will.
17121712sacrament_i_207A lone shadow on a sunny day.
17131713sacrament_i_208As we enter our sleep, I take us outwards instead of in, to the Sanctums hazy walls.
17141714sacrament_i_209Taking hold, wrapping our bodies.
17151715sacrament_i_210So I push, I strain, forcing myself harder than I ever have, to drag Naomi and I towards the darkness.
17161716sacrament_i_211“Come on-”
17171717sacrament_i_212I picture them, tall and chrome, with our figures lurking beneath. I search the ground for the tiniest of imperfections, gathering them in my head like doubts and memories.
17181718sacrament_i_213Were off, back to our secret place.
17191719sacrament_i_214I scream a silent scream that cracks the world around us.
17201720sacrament_i_215Were looking back on the other side of the wall.
17211721sacrament_i_216It all shatters, vision by vision, leaving only Naomi, the world, and me.
17221722sacrament_i_217Weve escaped.
17231723sacrament_i_218A weight lifts and we can open our
17241724sacrament_i_219I wake to Naomis eyes staring at mine. They pierce the darkness, even as theyre hazy with tears.
17251725sacrament_i_220She grabs me, and struggles to squeeze out her words:
17261726sacrament_i_221"I found a way out."
17321732sacrament_i_227There are trees and flowers and stones and rivers.
17331733sacrament_i_228We run, jumping around; the grass is so inviting.
17341734sacrament_i_229Everything was so immediate.
17351735sacrament_i_230Dirt and sand holding us to the heavens.
17361736sacrament_i_231Light bounces off every surface, the lunar glow wrapping around us.
17371737sacrament_i_232Everything was so real.
17381738sacrament_i_233Our feathers shine, and in our hearts, we can feel the cage being lifted.
17391739sacrament_i_234As soon as the air hit our face, it was like Naomi transformed, back to who I knew.
17401740sacrament_i_235I turn to Naomi and look her in the eyes,
17411741sacrament_i_236“Im ready to dream.”
17421742sacrament_i_237And we let ourselves get lost in each other.
17441744sacrament_i_239Too innocent.
17461746sacrament_i_241Too naive.
17481748sacrament_i_243“Anna, wake up!
17511751sacrament_i_246She pulls me up and points.
17541754sacrament_i_249THEY FOUND US!!"
17551755sacrament_i_250In the distance, three figures.
17641764sacrament_i_259Her wings more brilliant than any I've ever seen.
17651765sacrament_i_260Shining in the darkness, Naomi brings hope.
17661766sacrament_i_261She looks back to me, and time freezes.
17671767examine_label_listen: Listen
17731773sacrament_i_267Have you ever seen an angel die?
17741774sacrament_i_268Over the hill.
17751775sacrament_i_269She sows discord among the Nightmares. They recoil in pain as Naomis light hits, blood leaking from every crack, smoke rising from every wound.
17771777sacrament_i_271And Naomis light only grows stronger, and stro…
17781778sacrament_i_272My legs hurt
17791779sacrament_i_273I want to say something, but a force pushes me back,
17801780sacrament_i_274So happy...
17811781sacrament_i_275but i cannot falter
17821782sacrament_i_276So I
17841784sacrament_i_278My insides turn to stone as Naomi snaps,
17851785sacrament_i_279Naomi's words make my heart jump, but I don't want to go.
17861786sacrament_i_280“Go Anna! Ive got this!
17871787sacrament_i_281And beside them.
17881788sacrament_i_282Among them.
17891789sacrament_i_283She motions and points, sealing our doom.
17901790sacrament_i_284I have to be strong for...
17911791sacrament_i_285A flash of light bathes the forest in white.
17931793sacrament_i_287I look behind me, and there...
17941794sacrament_i_288I don't want to leave her.
17951795sacrament_i_289Within them.
17971797sacrament_i_291"I said Id protect you, didnt I?”
17981798sacrament_i_292The Nightmare is upon us.
17991799sacrament_i_293...she did. She promised.
18001800sacrament_i_294Controlling them.
18011801sacrament_i_295IT DOESN'T HELP\n\nIT DOESN'T HELP\n\nIT DOESN'T HELP
18021802sacrament_i_296They dont stop they dont stop they dont stop
18031803sacrament_i_297It doesn't help.
18041804sacrament_i_298A slash across her cheek.
18051805sacrament_i_299Tearing the flesh from her wrists
18061806sacrament_i_300Smashing her bones into Nothingness.
18071807sacrament_i_301She pushes me down further. The ground sinks at my weight.
18081808sacrament_i_302the ground takes me
18091809sacrament_i_303Kill me.
18101810sacrament_i_304They crumble to dust as I shred their brittle bodies.
18111811sacrament_i_305I dont want to live anymore.
18131813sacrament_i_307It Doesn't Help.
18141814sacrament_i_308A palm on my face, Mother is upon me.
18151815sacrament_i_309Kill me!
18161816sacrament_i_310I dont want to live anymore.
18171817sacrament_i_311only the Darkness remains
18191819sacrament_i_313Her final cry, pathetic and meek, floats into the air. Scattered white and black dust.
18211821sacrament_i_315The earth is retaking me, returning to ash.
18221822sacrament_i_316I'll kill everyone!!!!!-
18261826sacrament_i_320I accept this.
18271827sacrament_i_321KILL ME!!
18291829sacrament_i_323Crashing into the ground. My head pounds, my ears ring. I feel blood trickle down my neck. Mother must die.
18301830sacrament_i_324But not before Mother
18311831sacrament_i_325Mother Must Die.
18341834sacrament_i_328i Deserve this
18361836sacrament_i_330Let the water consume...
18371837sacrament_i_331As I sink, I feel cold.
18381838sacrament_i_332Deep in my body; deep in my self.
18391839sacrament_i_333Floating, falling.
18401840sacrament_i_334Is it...Naomi?
18411841sacrament_i_335My vision starts to return.
18421842sacrament_i_336Naomi, Ive finally done it. For you.
18431843sacrament_i_337I am here, standing on an endless ocean.
18441844sacrament_i_338A dream of our own.
18451845sacrament_i_339I can see the shore ahead of me, and the ethereal sun, half-remembered.
18461846sacrament_i_340I made it...
18471847sacrament_i_341But you are here, in my arms.
18481848sacrament_i_342come back
18491849sacrament_i_343As she takes shape in my mind,
18501850sacrament_i_344I focus as hard as I can, picturing her: her eyes, her smile,
18521852sacrament_i_346It made her so insecure, but she never showed it…
18531853sacrament_i_347In my arms
18541854sacrament_i_348please, come back
18551855sacrament_i_349So fearless, self-assured
18561856sacrament_i_350That awkward way she walked, legs too long for her body
18571857sacrament_i_351and shoulders slightly too broad-
18581858sacrament_i_352A weight brings me down, further...
18591859sacrament_i_353come back to me
18601860sacrament_i_354If only on the outside
18611861sacrament_i_355-so perfect to me
18621862sacrament_i_356and further...
18631863upgrade_revertRevert Upgrade
18641864upgrade_revert_descReverts last stat Upgrade and replenishes spent La.
18651865upgrade_shuffleShuffle Upgrade
18661866upgrade_shuffle_descRefresh Upgrade options at a small cost.
18671867school_cross_09It's the spaces between where the visions thrive.
18681868vcr_00Inserted Videotape "The Dream". The TV begins to hum.
18691869vcr_01Inserted Videotape "The Future". The TV begins to hum.
18701870vcr_02Inserted Videotape "The Past". The TV begins to hum.
18711871vcr_03A tape is inserted. The TV seems to be waiting for you.
18721872vcr_04An old VCR. It can play videotapes.
18731873vcr_05The tape ends, but the TV still flickers.
18751875sacrament_v_01You see the clouds, the stars, the smoke, the expanse
18761876sacrament_v_02And lift yourself up
18771877sacrament_v_03Closer, \n closer!
18781878sacrament_v_04A twinge in your back
18791879sacrament_v_05Painful, piercing
18801880sacrament_v_06a wish for
18811881sacrament_v_07So you lift your spirit,
18821882sacrament_v_08and you let
18851885sacrament_v_11And the cars below screech
18861886sacrament_v_12A reflection of the polluted sky
18871887sacrament_v_13Twinkling, streaking, dreaming...
18881888sacrament_v_14As the wind whips your hair and kisses your face
18891889sacrament_v_15You hope you can hit the water
18901890sacrament_v_16And be purified
18911891sacrament_v_17Find salvation
18921892sacrament_v_18Or, at least you think...
18931893sacrament_v_19you thought...
18941894sacrament_v_20So that this may be the end.
18951895sacrament_v_21Is this what you wanted?
18961896sacrament_v_22For we will be cleansed
18971897sacrament_v_23We fall so he may rise
18991899sacrament_v_25that we may never wake again
19001900sacrament_v_26At the end of the world
19011901sacrament_v_27Where you will no longer exist
19021902sacrament_v_28Feathers to tear your skin, bursting forth
19031903sacrament_v_29The pain, the blood, pulling you to a place
19041904sacrament_v_30Promised in your early days
19101910sacrament_v_36sacrament V
19131913sacrament_iii_00In the distance, you see a small glimmer\nand you
19141914sacrament_iii_01A lamp post, then two, then the whole street
19151915sacrament_iii_02Cobblestone shifts beneath your feet
19161916sacrament_iii_03You…know this place, where you know youve never been
19171917sacrament_iii_04Only the vaguest memory of an old dream
19181918sacrament_iii_05nil recurring\nbut still, it beckons you
19191919sacrament_iii_06She beckons
19201920sacrament_iii_07it sounds warm and inviting\nand all you have to do is walk
19211921sacrament_iii_08but again, something draws you away
19221922sacrament_iii_09away from the lamps, ascending the stone walls\nup the stairwell
19231923sacrament_iii_10the glow and din of the old city fades
19241924sacrament_iii_11as the path comes upon a freeway, paved but\nneglected
19251925sacrament_iii_12wearing years of cracks and decay
19261926sacrament_iii_13and ahead, a row of high rises\neach the same as the last
19271927sacrament_iii_14wilted and pale, but with a memory of shimmering\nblue
19281928sacrament_iii_15of an ocean that once was, beyond the horizon
19291929sacrament_iii_16one door is unlocked, and opens as you pass
19301930sacrament_iii_17the hum of electricity comforts you\nit reminds you of a home you never had
19311931sacrament_iii_18and you feel less
19331933sacrament_iii_20the number, repeating
19341934sacrament_iii_21as you ride the elevator, up, and up, and up
19351935sacrament_iii_22the cable creaking, shaking
19361936sacrament_iii_23and yet, youre peaceful
19371937sacrament_iii_24shaking, up, and
19381938sacrament_iii_25you find the apartment, same as the others
19391939sacrament_iii_26at the end of the hall
19401940sacrament_iii_27you know, because no one was there\nin any of the other rooms
19411941sacrament_iii_28you know, because no one was there\nyou can feel that they left, years ago
19421942sacrament_iii_29leaving everything behind
19431943sacrament_iii_30they only had so much time
19441944sacrament_iii_31but here, here…
19451945sacrament_iii_32You Are Here.
19461946sacrament_iii_33It All Comes Back
19471947sacrament_iii_34The Feeling
19481948sacrament_iii_35ThE FeELInG
19491949sacrament_iii_36THE FEELING
19521952sacrament_iii_39As you walk down the street, you see the buildings\nalong your side
19531953sacrament_iii_40With a separate path, twisting over the slope of the hill
19541954sacrament_iii_41You hear laughter, excitement, togetherness - people in the darkness ahead
19641964sacrament_iii_51sacrament iii
19651965sacrament_vii_00I can see the edges, and im afraid
19661966sacrament_vii_01Like the ones you made for me.
19681968sacrament_vii_03Afraid well be
19691969sacrament_vii_04Its time for me to go.
19701970sacrament_vii_05I love you, \nbut this world is not for me anymore.
19731973sacrament_vii_08thousands and thousands in the sky,
19741974sacrament_vii_09extending to infinity,
19751975sacrament_vii_10I stole that feeling, alone with you
19761976sacrament_vii_11pristine, gentle,
19781978sacrament_vii_13Your face, soft and peaceful,
19791979sacrament_vii_14When your breath slowed, I took my chance.
19801980sacrament_vii_15Slid into the shadows and opened the door.
19811981sacrament_vii_16a warmth in our hearts
19821982sacrament_vii_17a petal on the breeze kisses my cheek
19831983sacrament_vii_18showed the most pleasant
19851985sacrament_vii_20dancing at our touch
19861986sacrament_vii_21shooting stars
19871987sacrament_vii_22fields of flowers
19881988sacrament_vii_23mountains of snow
19891989sacrament_vii_24One Last Time
19901990sacrament_vii_25sacrament vii
19931993sacrament_vii_28I grip the feather
19941994sacrament_vii_29With the memory of your touch on my skin
19951995sacrament_vii_30Im such a coward
19961996sacrament_vii_31every nerve screams
19971997sacrament_vii_32How you hid your wings even once we reached paradise
19981998sacrament_vii_33I grip the feather
19991999sacrament_vii_34every nerve screams
20002000sacrament_vii_35Your face pulling from mine, eyes cast downward
20012001sacrament_vii_36Because i was happy and now theres nothing
20022002sacrament_vii_37To climb the trees and knit crowns of leaves
20032003sacrament_vii_38Did you construct each to grate against my skin?
20042004sacrament_vii_39How wed entwine our fingers as you held my hand
20052005sacrament_vii_40How soft your skin felt
20062006sacrament_vii_41How youd whisper in my ear all the things
20072007sacrament_vii_42I dont know anymore
20082008sacrament_vii_43No matter how rough, how much we toiled or fought.
20092009sacrament_vii_44But as the days went on you began to feel safe
20102010sacrament_vii_45Even as you sang, lullabies in the air to create these beautiful escapes
20112011sacrament_vii_46because i couldn't stand to see you cry
20122012sacrament_vii_47And that we were so trapped
20132013sacrament_vii_48AND THE NIGHTMARES CAME BACK
20142014sacrament_vii_49every nerve screams
20152015sacrament_vii_50Your lips, how they spoke to me
20162016sacrament_vii_51I grip the feather
20172017sacrament_vii_52The light becoming so dark against your radiance
20182018sacrament_vii_53i want to go back
20192019sacrament_vii_54And slowly, you let them
20202020sacrament_vii_55Though theres no hope to go back to, no home beckons
20212021sacrament_vii_56and that i was really here
20222022sacrament_vii_57With the countless stars and waves
20232023sacrament_vii_58Waking in your arms, feeling the water and the grass
20242024sacrament_vii_59Beautiful and bright, a sparkle in my eye
20252025sacrament_vii_60But each thereafter, could only be echoes
20262026sacrament_vii_61I grip the feather
20272027sacrament_vii_62I love you but the words are failing me
20282028sacrament_vii_63All melt, wash, sink into the ocean
20292029sacrament_vii_64I let my wings unfurl
20302030sacrament_vii_65The spark in your eye became the birds and the snow and the drops of rain
20312031sacrament_vii_66At least back then
20322032sacrament_vii_67How id run my fingers through your hair.
20332033sacrament_vii_68And make you feel warm and safe
20342034sacrament_vii_69At least, not any longer
20352035sacrament_vii_70Only memories but real in your heart
20362036sacrament_vii_71Id be there to comfort you and tell you it was okay
20372037sacrament_vii_72Youve kept them to yourself as i hid
20382038sacrament_vii_73As I held you
20392039sacrament_vii_74I grip the feather
20402040sacrament_vii_75every nerve screams
20412041sacrament_vii_76with all feeling in my heart
20422042sacrament_vii_77every nerve screams
20432043sacrament_vii_78The color of your eyes turning pale; i can no longer remember their shade
20442044sacrament_vii_79Like it knows.
20452045sacrament_vii_80I'm sorry I couldn't protect you then.
20462046sacrament_vii_81On the shore, the waves grew so large
20482048sacrament_vii_83On the nights where the nightmares roamed
20492049sacrament_vii_84the connection
20502050sacrament_vii_85The connection
20512051sacrament_vii_86and with these thoughts of you, i pull
20522052sacrament_vii_87something is wrong, something is wrong
20532053sacrament_vii_88but i don't know how to make it
20542054sacrament_vii_89well never get to do.
20552055sacrament_vii_90but I'm afraid of how this
20562056sacrament_vii_91but i don't know how to make it
20572057sacrament_vii_92I place my hand on the next feather
20582058sacrament_vii_93Because the feeling fades, and i know thats supposed to be okay
20592059sacrament_vii_94But i have to go on
20602060sacrament_vii_95But an empty shell and a million grains of sand
20612061sacrament_vii_96I cant remember who you are or what i am
20622062sacrament_vii_97as i failed
20632063sacrament_vii_98The darkness no longer haunting
20642064sacrament_vii_99Scared of what might become, and what i might never have
20652065sacrament_vii_100it's impossible to go
20662066sacrament_vii_101That come more and more each day
20672067sacrament_vii_102To remind me that what we have is fleeting?
20682068sacrament_vii_103your words, my only comfort
20692069sacrament_vii_104Under a sky where the sun is fading
20702070sacrament_vii_105As you pulled me close to kiss my shaking head
20712071sacrament_vii_106Because you felt they werent beautiful enough
20722072sacrament_vii_107As i place my hand on the first feather
20732073sacrament_vii_108Gripping and pulling me along
20742074sacrament_vii_109That the nightmares couldnt catch you
20752075sacrament_vii_110I place my hand on the next feather
20762076sacrament_vii_111With a finger on my cheek
20772077sacrament_vii_112How theyd make you toss and turn and scream
20782078sacrament_vii_113To splash in the waves and pick at the flowers
20792079sacrament_vii_114How it was so thick itd hide your horns that pressed gently against my skin.