Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)

Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 5929 strings)

Translation: Butterfly Soup/translations
This commit is contained in:
Yiddishkeit Redwood 2023-02-14 05:18:25 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 57b10c7e8b
commit 0596289275

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-12 10:11+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-14 12:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Yiddishkeit Redwood <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hebrew <"
@ -10,21 +10,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n == 2) ? 1 : ((n > 10 && "
"n % 10 == 0) ? 2 : 3));\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.2\n"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min-seo"
msgstr "מין-סע"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Jun-seo"
msgstr "ג'ון-סה"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:11
#, fuzzy
msgid "Akarsha"
msgstr "אקרשה"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:16
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dog"
msgstr "כלב"
@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ msgid "npc2"
msgstr ""
#: game/1_diya.rpy:119
#, fuzzy
msgid "The summer between\n3rd and 4th grade"
msgstr ""
"קיץ בין\n"
@ -52,27 +57,33 @@ msgid "Once upon a time... "
msgstr ""
#: game/1_diya.rpy:136
#, fuzzy
msgid "There lived a princess called Min-seo. "
msgstr "היה נסיכה ששמה היה מין-סה. "
#: game/1_diya.rpy:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "She liked weapons. Everyone was terrified of her."
msgstr "היא אהבאה נשקים. כולם פחדו אותה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "She'd threaten you with knives and steal and break your things."
msgstr "היא היה איומה אותך בסכינים ושוברת וגונבת את הדברים שלך."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:144
#, fuzzy
msgid "She always got sent to the principal's office because she was bad."
msgstr "היא תמיד היה מכרחה ללכת למשרד המנהל כי היה רשע."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Still,{w=0.35} she was a lovely princess. {w=0.35}And tragically, {w=0.35}she was cursed to prick her finger on a spindle and die."
msgstr ""
"עדיין, היא היה נסיכה נהדרה. וטרגי, היא קוללה לדקר את האצבע שלה בסרן ולמות."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:150
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sure enough...One day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one."
msgstr "וממש כמו שהיה בקללה, יום אחד, כמו גולם, היא נגעה סרן."
@ -82,6 +93,7 @@ msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber."
msgstr ""
#: game/1_diya.rpy:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Or at least, she was supposed to.{w=0.35} \nInstead, the princess sat up abruptly and said:"
msgstr ""
"או לפחות, היא היה אמורה כמו זה.{w=0.35}\n"
@ -89,21 +101,25 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=16}THIS IS THE WORST STORY IN HISTORY!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=16}זה הסיפר הכי רע בכל היסטוריה!{/big}"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:162
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=20}I'M ESCAPING!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=20}אני בורחת!{/big}"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wait!"
msgstr "חכו!"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min, that's not how it goes!"
msgstr "מין, זה לא איך הולך!"
@ -114,36 +130,43 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "I killed you already!"
msgstr "כבר מתתי אותך!"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Haaaah?{w=0.35} With what?"
msgstr "חה...? {w=0.35} עם מה?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+20}A GUN!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+20}אקדח!{/big}"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "You don't have a gun!"
msgstr "אין לך אקדח!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:181
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+20}I MADE ONE OUT OF ROCKS!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+20}עשיתי אקדח מסלעים!{/big}"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:183
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_78aff33f"
msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "The hero has arrived!{w=0.35}\nAs Min-seo's twin, he's trying to reason with her!"
msgstr ""
"הגבור מגיע!{w=0.35}\n"
@ -151,70 +174,83 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:192
#, fuzzy
msgid "{cps=35}Min... {w=0.35}that's impossible... {/cps}"
msgstr "{cps=35}מין... {w=0.35}זה בלתי אפשרי... {/cps}"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:194
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_8bac71d0"
msgid "Who cares!"
msgstr "למי אכפת!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "If I have a gun,{w=0.35} I win!"
msgstr "עם אקדח, אני מנצחת!"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:198
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_9989372a"
msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}"
msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:200
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_fdb10e6c"
msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}"
msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:202
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_7bf1d8e9"
msgid "{slower}...... {/slower}"
msgstr "{slower}...... {/slower}"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "It's difficult to argue against Min's brand of logic."
msgstr "קשה הוא לטעון עם המותג הגיון של מין."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:207
#, fuzzy
msgid "Okay, you win... {w=0.35}Let's just start over... "
msgstr "בסדר, את מנצחת.{w=0.35} נתחיל מחדש... "
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:209
#, fuzzy
msgid "This time someone else be the princess!{w=0.35} Not me!"
msgstr "הפעם מישהיא אחר היי נסיכה! {w=0.35} לא אני!"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "I'm the only girl left, so I guess that's me..."
msgstr "אני הילגה האחרה, אז אני הניחה שזאת אני..."
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:214
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine. Diya does seem more like the princess type anyway."
msgstr "בסדר. דיה מראה יותר כמו ילדה נסיכתי, בכל מקרה."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "What's that supposed to mean."
msgstr "מה זה אמור להתכוון."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "You're really pretty."
msgstr "את יפה מאוד."
@ -230,6 +266,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "But whatever..."
msgstr "אבל שיהיה..."
@ -243,42 +280,51 @@ msgid "Once upon a time... "
msgstr ""
#: game/1_diya.rpy:255
#, fuzzy
msgid "There lived a girl named Diya."
msgstr "היה ילדה ששמה היה דיה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:257
#, fuzzy
msgid "She was really quiet. "
msgstr "היא היה שלווה מאוד. "
#: game/1_diya.rpy:258
#, fuzzy
msgid "It wasn't that she had nothing to say. {w=0.35}It was more like..."
msgstr "היה לה דברים לומר. {w=0.35} רק..."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:259
#, fuzzy
msgid "She was afraid if she opened her mouth,{w=0.35} something would come out that shouldn't."
msgstr "פחדה שעם היה פותחת את השפתים שלה, היה אצא משהו אסור."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:261
#, fuzzy
msgid "She once held onto an apple core for 45 minutes because she didn't want people to see her walk across the classroom to the trash can."
msgstr ""
"פעם אחד, היא שמרה ליבת תפוח ב45 דקות כי לא רצתה שאנשים יראו כשתחצה את הכיתה "
#: game/1_diya.rpy:262
#, fuzzy
msgid "It was that kind of quiet."
msgstr "היה כמו זה, שקט."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:263
#, fuzzy
msgid "She was also insanely athletic.{w=0.35} There were rumors that under her shirt, she had a six-pack."
msgstr "היא גם היה אתלטית מאוד.{w=0.35} היה שמועה שהיה קוביות מתחת לחולצה שלה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tragically,{w=0.35} despite how buff she was, {w=0.35} this princess was also cursed to touch a spindle and die."
msgstr ""
"טרגי, למרות כמה שרירי היה היא, {w=0.35} הנסיכה הזאת היא גם קוללה לנגע סרן "
#: game/1_diya.rpy:266
#, fuzzy
msgid "And one day, {w=0.2}like a total idiot,{w=0.2} she touched one."
msgstr "ויום אחד, כמו גולם, היא נגעה סרן."
@ -288,30 +334,36 @@ msgid "And she fell into a deep, death-like slumber."
msgstr ""
#: game/1_diya.rpy:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nothing could break the spell but her true love's kiss."
msgstr "רק נשיקה של אהבה האמיתי שלה לכולה לשבור את הקללה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "For many years, she —"
msgstr "בשנות רבות, היא —"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:284
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diya,{w=0.2} get up! {w=0.35}I'm here to rescue you!"
msgstr "דיה,{w=0.2} קומי! {w=0.35}הנני להציל אותך!"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hahah!!{w=0.35} Only the hero can wake her!"
msgstr "חחה!!{w=0.35} רק הגיבור יכול להעיר אותה!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:289
#, fuzzy
msgid "That's me! {w=0.35}I'm the hero!!"
msgstr "זאת אני! אז אני יכולה!"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:291
#, fuzzy
msgid "{cps=30}Wait,{w=0.35} no...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\nIt's supposed to be Jun-seo!"
msgstr ""
"{cps=30}רגע,{w=0.35} לא...?{/cps}{w=0.35}\n"
@ -319,25 +371,30 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+20}NO!{w=0.35} IT'S ME!!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+20}לא!{w=0.35} זאת אני!!{/big}"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Huh?{w=0.35} But if you're the hero, {w=0.35}then what am I?"
msgstr "הא?{w=0.35} אבל אם את הגיבורה, {w=0.35}מה אני?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:299
#, fuzzy
msgid "A{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}GUN!{/big}"
msgstr "{cps=20}... {/cps}{w=0.35}{big=+20}אקדח!{/big}"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gun(?)"
msgstr "אקדח(?)"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:302
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_8a88d73d"
msgid "What?!"
msgstr "מה?!"
@ -353,50 +410,61 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nice try! {w=0.35} But I deflected the bullet with my {i}own{/i} bullet!"
msgstr "ניסיון יפה! {w=0.35} אבל מסחתי את הקליע עם קליע שלי!"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:309
#, fuzzy
msgid "I have a gun too!"
msgstr "יש גם לי אקדח!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gun"
msgstr "אקדח"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:312
#, fuzzy
msgid "{i}Why?!{/i}{w=0.35} You're a dragon!"
msgstr "{i}למה?!{/i}{w=0.35} אתה דרקון!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:314
#, fuzzy
msgid "This is America! {w=0.35}Everyone has a gun!"
msgstr "זה בארצות הברית! לכולם יש אקדח!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diya rises to her feet."
msgstr "דיה מרימה."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:319
#, fuzzy
msgid "I also have a gun."
msgstr "יש לי גם אקדח."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:322
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shoot the dragon"
msgstr "ירי את הדרקון"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:322
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shoot Min"
msgstr "ירי את מין"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:322
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shoot Jun"
msgstr "ירי את ג'ון"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:322
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shoot the deflected bullet"
msgstr "ירי את הקליע המסוח"
@ -408,6 +476,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:327
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_19746dea"
msgid "Dead."
msgstr "מת."
@ -420,70 +489,84 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min's dead."
msgstr "מין מתה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:335
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min looks very hurt..."
msgstr "מין מראה שבורה מאוד..."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "Why? I'm here to rescue you."
msgstr "למה? אני כאן להציל אותך."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:339
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't want to be rescued."
msgstr "לא רוצה להיות מצלת."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "I can save myself."
msgstr "אני יכולה להציל את אצמי."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:343
#, fuzzy
msgid "But if we do it together, it'll be more fun."
msgstr "אבל עם נעשה אותו ביחד, יהיה יותר מהנה."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:345
#, fuzzy
msgid "We can ride off into the sunset on my horse."
msgstr "יכולות לנסוע בסוס שלי לתוך השקיעה."
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:347
#, fuzzy
msgid "What sunset..."
msgstr "איזה שקיעה..."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:349
#, fuzzy
msgid "What horse?"
msgstr "איזה סוס?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "You."
msgstr "אתה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:352
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gun Horse"
msgstr "סוס אקדח"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:354
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_8f5239f8"
msgid "Me?!"
msgstr "אני?!"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:356
#, fuzzy
msgid "That does sound pretty cool..."
msgstr "זה נוכן נשמע די מגניב..."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:358
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed my mind."
msgstr "שניתי את דעתי."
@ -500,21 +583,25 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Jun's dead."
msgstr "ג'ון מת."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:369
#, fuzzy
msgid "But I'm a gun..."
msgstr "אבל אני אקדח..."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:371
#, fuzzy
msgid "Then you broke in half."
msgstr "אז שברתה לשניים."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:373
#, fuzzy
msgid "In half?!"
msgstr "לשניים?!"
@ -525,53 +612,63 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:377
#, fuzzy
msgid "I used the last of Jun's energy to shoot you again!"
msgstr "בשארית של האנרגיה של ג'ון, אני יורה אותך עוד פעם!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:378
#, fuzzy
msgid "DEAD."
msgstr "מת."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:384
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deflected the deflected bullet with my own bullet."
msgstr "הסטתי את הקליע המוסט עם קליע שלי."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:386
#, fuzzy
msgid "So Min's original bullet is going toward him again."
msgstr "אז הקליע הראשי של מין הולךלו עוד פעם."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:389
#, fuzzy
msgid "That's...{w=0.35} unnecessarily complicated."
msgstr "זה...{w=0.35} מיותר מסובך."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:390
#, fuzzy
msgid "Why didn't you just shoot him directly...?"
msgstr "למה לא רק ירית אותו מיד...?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:392
#, fuzzy
msgid "This way is cooler!!!"
msgstr "זה יותר מגניב מאוד!!!"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:394
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "beginning_912b5935"
msgid "Yeah."
msgstr "כן."
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:399
#, fuzzy
msgid "{cps=20}Nice try... {/cps}{w=0.35}{i}but too bad!{/i} {w=0.35}The bullet bounces off me!"
msgstr ""
"{cps=20}ניסיון יפה...{/cps}{w=0.35} {i}אבל חבל מאוד! {w=0.35}הקליע קופץ מאני!"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:401
#, fuzzy
msgid "How is that possible."
msgstr "איך זה יכול."
@ -582,36 +679,43 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:405
#, fuzzy
msgid "Take that!"
msgstr "קחו את זה!"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:409
#, fuzzy
msgid "Maybe we can resolve this without fighting, then... "
msgstr "אולי אנחנו יכולים לפתור את זה ללא אלימות... "
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:410
#, fuzzy
msgid "Let's talk it ov—"
msgstr "נדבר על ז—"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:413
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+20}VIOLENCE SOLVES EVERYTHING!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+20}אלימות פותר את הכל!{/big}"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:414
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+20}I'M MAKING A NEW GUN WITH ROCKS!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+20}אני עושה אקדח חדש מסלעים!{/big}"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:416
#, fuzzy
msgid "Are you replacing me...?"
msgstr "את מחליפה אותי?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:418
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yeah! {w=0.35}Sorry!"
msgstr "כן! {w=0.35}סליחה!"
@ -627,59 +731,70 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:424
#, fuzzy
msgid "But my gun didn't shoot a bullet!"
msgstr "אבל האקדח שלי לא ירה קליע!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:429
#, fuzzy
msgid "My gun shot{cps=20}... {/cps}"
msgstr "האקדח שלי ירה{cps=20}... {/cps}"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:432
#, fuzzy
msgid "A SMALLER GUN!"
msgstr "אקדח יותר קטן!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:434
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+14}...WHICH SHOT A KNIFE!!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+14}...שירה סכין!{/big}"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:435
#, fuzzy
msgid "{big=+20}...WHICH EXPLODED!!!{/big}"
msgstr "{big=+20}...שפוצץ!!!{/big}"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:436
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "niceTry_78aff33f"
msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:437
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "niceTry_e088a0fe"
msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:438
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "niceTry_ab20ef84"
msgid "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
msgstr "{cps=25}...... {/cps}"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:439
#, fuzzy
msgid "What was the point of the smaller gun in the middle?"
msgstr "למה היה האקדח היותר קטן בינם?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:440
#, fuzzy
msgid "It's there to shoot the knife!"
msgstr "זה שם לירות את הסכין!"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:441
#, fuzzy
msgid "No, {w=0.2}but why couldn't the original gun shoot the knife?"
msgstr "לא, אבל למה האקדח הראשי לא יכול לירות את הסכין?"
@ -689,55 +804,66 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:443
#, fuzzy
msgid "Because it was shooting out the smaller gun."
msgstr ""
msgstr "כי ירה לחוץ את האקדח היותר קטן."
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:444
#, fuzzy
msgid "{cps=25}...never mind... {/cps}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{cps=25}...לא משנה... {/cps}"
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:450
#, fuzzy
msgid "Okay, so let's say my elbow is injured now."
msgstr ""
msgstr "בסדר, אז נאמור שהמרפק שלי שבור עכשיו."
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:451
#, fuzzy
msgid "So if you touch that, I lose."
msgstr ""
msgstr "אז אם תגעי אותו, אני מפסיד."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:454
#, fuzzy
msgid "RRRAUUGH!!!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ראאאאאווווווווג!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min lunges at him!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "מין מזונקת לו!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:458
#, fuzzy
msgid "He sidesteps and darts up the steps to the slide!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "הוא צועד לצד ועולה בריצה במדרגות למגלשה!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:459
#, fuzzy
msgid "When Min catches up, he spins so his back is to the wall."
msgstr ""
msgstr "מתי מין תופשת לו, הוא סובב אז שדהגב שלו פונה את הקיר."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:461
#, fuzzy
msgid "She looks like she's having trouble..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "היא מראה כמו שקשה לה..."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:462
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you need help?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "צריכה עזרה?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:465
#, fuzzy
msgid "What?!{w=0.2} No!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "מה?!{w=0.2} לא!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:468
msgid "The evil dragon feints to the right.{w=0.2} Min falls for it and he rushes past her,{w=0.2} back the way he came."
@ -745,17 +871,20 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:470
#, fuzzy
msgid "!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:473
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min trips and face plants on the bridge!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "מין מועדת ונופלת בפנים על הגשר!"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "...!!!!!!!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "...!!!!!!!!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:477
msgid "Before Min can see, Diya quickly picks the evil dragon up and hurls him off the playground structure like a sack of potatoes."
@ -763,80 +892,96 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Hayden
#: game/1_diya.rpy:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Waugh?!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ווהאאאהווג?!!"
# Speaker: Jun
#: game/1_diya.rpy:485
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wait, you're the princess! You can't just do that."
msgstr ""
msgstr "רגע, את הנסיכה! את לא יכולה רק לעסות את זה."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:487
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5"
msgid "................"
msgstr ""
msgstr "................"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diya throws him off the playground structure, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "דיה זורקת אותו גם ממבנת המשחקים."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:494
#, fuzzy
msgid "As he disappears over the edge, Min pulls herself back to her feet."
msgstr ""
msgstr "כשהוא נעלם לצלע, מין מרימה לרגלות."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:496
#, fuzzy
msgid "Where is everyone?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "איפה כולם?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "They.......balcony collapsed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "הם... המרפסת קרסה."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:500
#, fuzzy
msgid "Castle is under construction."
msgstr ""
msgstr "הטירה היא בתהליכי בנייה."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:503
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yeah!!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "כן!!!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:505
#, fuzzy
msgid "Heheheh!!!{w=0.35} I rescued you!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "האיהאיהאי!!! הצלתי אותך!"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:507
#, fuzzy
msgid "My hero."
msgstr ""
msgstr "הגיבור שלי."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:510
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yeah!{w=0.35} I'm your hero!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "כן!{w=0.35} אני הגיבור שלך!"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:520
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min is struggling to princess carry Diya down the slide with her."
msgstr ""
msgstr "מין מתאמצת לשאת את דיה הנסיכה בירידת המגלשה."
#: game/1_diya.rpy:521
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diya could destroy her in a single punch if she wanted to, but she's patiently going along with it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "דיה תוכל להרוס אותה בפגיעה אחת אם תרצה, אבל היא מאפשרת סבלנית."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:524
#, fuzzy
msgid "I owe you my life. How can I repay you."
msgstr ""
msgstr "אני חבה לך את חיי. איך יכולה להחזיר לך."
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:527
#, fuzzy
msgid "You can... {w=0.35}r-repay me with a ki—"
msgstr ""
msgstr "את יכולה... {w=0.35}ל-להחזיר לי עם נשי—"
#: game/1_diya.rpy:531
msgid "*THUD*"
@ -844,40 +989,47 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_diya.rpy:540
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "niceTry_f8a1f174"
msgid "................"
msgstr ""
msgstr "................"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_diya.rpy:541
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "niceTry_6276c5a5_1"
msgid "................"
msgstr ""
msgstr "................"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "My name is Diya."
msgstr ""
msgstr "שמי דיה."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:544
#, fuzzy
msgid "...I don't really know what else to say about myself. I'm pretty boring."
msgstr ""
msgstr "...אני באמת לא יודעת מה עוד לומר על עצמי. אני די משעממת."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:547
#, fuzzy
msgid "The other girl is Min-seo. Everyone calls her Min."
msgstr ""
msgstr "הילדה האחרת היא מין-סע. כולם קוראים לה כמין."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:548
#, fuzzy
msgid "She's so cool."
msgstr ""
msgstr "היא מגניבה מאוד."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:549
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you see that thing on her arm? {w=0.35} She drew a giant dagger on it with Sharpie,{w=0.35} like a tattoo."
msgstr ""
msgstr "רואה את הדבר ההוא ברגל שלה? צירה פגיון גדול עלו בטוש לא מחיק, כמו קעקע."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:559
@ -891,8 +1043,9 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:562
#, fuzzy
msgid "But she never throws them at me."
msgstr ""
msgstr "אבל לעולם היא לא מזרקת אותם לי."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:565
@ -906,8 +1059,9 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:567
#, fuzzy
msgid "I really like her."
msgstr ""
msgstr "אני אוהבת אותה מאוד."
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/1_diya.rpy:589