Translated using Weblate (Japanese)

Currently translated at 80.8% (4690 of 5800 strings)
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Itsuki Horiuchi 2023-02-20 16:11:54 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 842121f1d6
commit 0d589427c5

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-21 13:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Reilly Westende <>\n"
"Last-Translator: Itsuki Horiuchi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -9879,40 +9879,42 @@ msgstr "どうでもいいわ。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1275
msgid "Min is so cool. But I hope she stops smoking..."
msgstr "ミンはカッコいいね。吸いやめるといいけど…。"
msgstr "(ミンは最高にクール。けどタバコは止めてほしい……。)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1276
msgid "They say people don't change, but I hope that's not true."
msgstr "人が変わらないとされているけど、そうじゃないといい。"
msgstr "人は変われないっていうけど、そうじゃないって思いたい。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1277
msgid "It's too sad if it is."
msgstr "そうだったら悲しすぎる。"
msgstr "じゃなきゃ悲しいもん。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1280
msgid ""
"As another group starts presenting at the front of the class, Diya wipes her "
"clammy palms on her hoodie."
msgstr "他の組が教室の前に発表するところで、ディーヤはパーカーに汗みずくてを拭く。"
msgstr "教室の1番前で、別のグループが発表を始めると、ディーヤは汗で湿った手のひらを"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1282
msgid "We're gonna get called up any minute now..."
msgstr "そろそろ呼ばれる…。"
msgstr "(今にも指されそう……。)"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1285
msgid "Diya, please try not to panic."
msgstr "ディーヤ、パニックにならないでください。"
msgstr "ディーヤ、お願いだからパニクらないでね。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1286
msgid ""
"When you're not speaking, you can hide behind me if you have to. Just don't "
"bolt off."
msgstr "話さない時わたしの後ろに隠れてもいいわ。だから逃げ出さないで。"
msgstr "喋ってない時、あたしの後ろに隠れてていいから。ただ、完全にシャットアウトしな"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1288
@ -9922,9 +9924,8 @@ msgstr "わかった。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1291
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can I hide behind you too?"
msgstr "うちも隠れてええ?"
msgstr "うちもあんたの後ろに隠れてええ?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1293
@ -9935,153 +9936,161 @@ msgstr "ダメ。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1295
msgid "No fair! How come Diya gets to, but not me?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんでや! どうしてディーヤはよくてうちはダメなん?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1297
msgid ""
"There's no reason for you to! We'll look like we're doing those dances where "
"everyone's standing behind one person and waving their arms!"
msgstr "隠れる理由がないよ!踊り子が一人の後ろに立って腕を振る踊りのように見える!"
msgstr "そんな必要ないでしょ! "
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1299
msgid "And you'd better not do that horrendous British accent."
msgstr "それにその最悪のイギリスアクセントで話すな。"
msgstr "それに、そのろくでもないイギリスなまりはやめた方がいいわ。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1303
msgid "Why not? It'll be a hit."
msgstr "どうして?ヒットになるで。"
msgstr "なんで? ウケるで。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1305
msgid ""
"More like a hit on our grade. Accents aren't a proper example of divergent "
msgstr "だって成績へのヒットになるわ。アクセントは適当な分岐進化の一例じゃない。"
msgstr "あたしたちの成績が影響を受けるの。発音のなまりは分岐進化の適例じゃないから。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1307
msgid ""
"But we need stuff to spice our presentation up. It's drier than the Sahara "
msgstr ""
msgstr "けど、スパイスになるようなもんが要るで。サハラ砂漠よりドライなプレゼンなんや"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1309
msgid "So? This is a Biology project, not a circus performance."
msgstr "で?サーカス公演じゃなくて、生物学のプレゼンだ。"
msgstr "だから? サーカス公演じゃなくて、生物学のプレゼンなのよ。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1311
msgid ""
"Before Noelle can press Akarsha any further, the first group finishes their "
"presentation to scattered applause."
msgstr "ノエルはアカーシャを押し続ける前に、最初の組が散らばった拍手で終わる。"
msgstr "ノエルがさらにアカーシャに詰め寄る前に、最初のグループが発表を終え、まばらな"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1313
msgid "Alright, it's our turn."
msgstr "よし、出番だ。"
msgstr "よし、あたしたちの番ね。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1314
msgid "Come on, Diya, let's do this."
msgstr "さあディーヤ、頑張ろう。"
msgstr "さあ、ディーヤ、やるわよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1317
msgid "!!!!!!!!!!!"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!"
msgstr ""
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1320
msgid ""
"Diya feels like she's having an out-of-body experience as she follows Noelle "
"and Akarsha to the front of the class."
msgstr "ディーヤはノエルとアカーシャと教室の前に行くと体外離脱してるように感じる。"
msgstr "ノエルとアカーシャに続いて教室の前に行くと、自分が幽体離脱したように感じるデ"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1321
msgid ""
"As Noelle brings up their PowerPoint on the computer, Diya hides behind her "
"and nervously looks out at the class sitting before them..."
msgstr "ノエルはコンピューターにパワーポイントを立ち上げると、ディーヤは後に隠れて"
msgstr "ノエルがコンピュータでパワーポイントを立ち上げると、ディーヤは彼女の背後に隠"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1323
msgid ""
"I should've worn clothes that blended in with the classroom better so no one "
"can see me!"
msgstr "誰もが見えないようにもっと教室に溶け込む服を着ればよかった!"
msgstr "(もっと教室に溶け込むような、目立たない色の服を着てくれば良かった!)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1324
msgid "Like beige colored! I should've thought of that earlier!"
msgstr "ベージュとか!前に考えばよかった!"
msgstr "(ベージュとか! もっと早く考えておくべきだった!)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1325
msgid "It's over...It's curtains for me..."
msgstr "終わった… カーテンを引いて…。"
msgstr "(ダメだ……一巻の終わり……。)"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1328
msgid ""
"Hello, everyone. We've been tasked with reviewing the patterns of "
msgstr "皆さん、こんにちは。今日は大進化の模様を調べる任務を負っています。"
msgstr "こんにちは、みなさん。私たちはマクロ進化のパターンを再検討することを課題とし"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1329
msgid ""
"The audience begins to nod off as soon as Noelle flicks to a slide with an "
"essay crammed onto it in ten point font."
msgstr "観客はエルが10 "
msgstr "エルが10ポイントのフォントで書いたエッセイ付きスライドに進むと、途端に居眠"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1331
msgid ""
"Let's begin with the obvious question...What is macroevolution? To "
"understand this, we must first consider..."
msgstr "まずはちょっと当たり前の質問ですけど… "
msgstr "まず当たり前の質問ですけど……マクロ進化とは何でしょう? "
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1333
msgid ""
"By the time Noelle is done droning through her last tome of a slide, half "
"the classroom is asleep."
msgstr "ノエルが最後のスライドにペラペラ終わったところで、クラスの半分は寝てた。"
msgstr "ノエルが一本調子にスライドの最後の概要を読み終えると、クラスの半分は寝てしま"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1335
msgid ""
"Akarsha shakes her head and sighs as she clicks to her first slide. It opens "
"with an illustration of a finch's head."
msgstr "アカーシャが彼女の最初のスライドに進むと頭を横に振ってため息をつく。フィンチ"
msgstr "アカーシャは頭を振ってため息をつきながら、最初のスライドをクリックした。それ"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1337
msgid "Aight. So, divergent evolution..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ほい。そいでは、分岐進化……。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1341
msgid ""
"An explosion sound effect plays as five more finches with different beak "
"shapes blast onto the screen, jolting their classmates back awake."
msgstr ""
msgstr "爆発音とともに、くちばしの形が異なる5羽のフィンチ鳥がスクリーンに登場し、同"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1343
msgid ""
"It's when populations from a common ancestor adapt to different pressures "
"and become more different over time."
msgstr ""
msgstr "おんなし祖先から生まれた集団が、べつの圧力に適応して、時間経つにつれて違うも"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1345
msgid ""
"Just like how yer average New Yawker tawks like dis! Different from ova heah!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "いわゆるニューヨーカーみたいですねえ! こことは違いますわ!"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1348